#so when O66 goes down...
valkeakuulas · 6 months
14, post-o66 echo/rex 👁👄👁
Y'know, I don't recall writing about this ship before. Especially when it comes to the Bad Batch timeline. 🤔 So here goes nothing! This also grew legs and skittered out of my hands, turning into a lot longer before I managed to pin it down and finish it. Whoops?
Mistletoe: Mutual Pining
Echo stood in the shadows of the repair shop's massive doors, watching the traffic going up and down the underworld portal. Behind him, he could hear the music flowing from the floating speakers as well as the low conversation between the freed troopers and the Martez sisters.
Sighing, Echo closed his eyes and listened.
Just like their mutations, the Batch sounded different compared to the rest of the troopers, and while Echo had grown used to them, hearing more than one vod speak with that same, familiar voice soothed something deep inside him. It reminded Echo of his life in the not-so-distant (depending on how one looked at it) past when he'd been wearing white and blue.
"I was wondering where you'd go," one of those voices spoke behind Echo, making him shiver involuntarily as it had so many times before, ever since that cold, desolate moon.
Maybe not that same after all, Echo corrected himself as he turned slightly. Natborns might mix them up but vod could always recognize another one vod from voice alone.
He saw the smile first, small but sincere, before meeting Rex's eyes.
"Just needed a moment, it's been a while since was surrounded by this many people," Echo replied with a small smile of his own.
Rex hummed, thoughtful as he came to stand next to Echo, their shoulders almost touching. He looked at the never-ending traffic as well and it took Echo everything not to lean against Rex as he waited for his Captain Rex to speak again.
"It's been a while for me too," Rex said eventually, "I was on my own quite a while before Rafa and Trace helped me to free more clones." His brows drew together, the smile turning into a mild frown. "Never crossed my mind that I'd end up in a situation where I wouldn't be surrounded by vode. We clones aren't really meant to be alone."
He glanced at Echo. "I'm glad you had the Batch, Echo" Rex said, serious.
"And Omega," Echo had to add, witnessing how Rex's lips twisted, fighting a smile.
"And Omega," Rex amended, "she's different, that's for sure, but very brave as well as smart."
They both couldn't stop their grins as they recalled how the tiny girl had clocked Rex's age with one glance, effectively calling him an old man.
They fell silent again and another piece dedicated to the Life Day started in the background, the velvet-like voice of the singer crooning about curling together with their loved one under the Life Tree.
Echo felt his face warm up a little as he recalled another memory or, more accurately, a dream from the past. One that he hadn't dared to speak to anyone besides Fives and even that had been when he'd been drunk off his ass. Both of them had been drunk offf their asses.
Just like the singer, Echo had once dreamed of closing the distance between him and the man standing next to him, to hold Rex close and whisper words of love into his ear.
But that had been before Lola Sayu, before Echo had been blown to bits. Before the galaxy Echo had known and trained to fight for had turned upside down.
"So what do you think of this whole Life Day thing?" Echo heard Rex ask, the question effectively stopping Echo's thoughts before they spiraled further.
Echo shrugged. "I faintly recall Commander Tano telling something about it but not much. At least nothing like this."
He used his thumb to point back inside the repair shop and the colored lights, the fake tree, and the sparkly decorations the sisters had pulled out from some crates. The repair shop was too large to decorate completely but one corner of it had turned into a glittering, colorful nook like Echo had never seen before.
Omega and Wrecker would love it, Echo mused with a grin.
He turned to Rex to say that, only to freeze when he found the other staring right at him. Those gold-brown eyes were intense, scanning Echo's face almost as if it was a map that Rex needed to memorize.
"You miss them? The Batch?" Rex asked suddenly, jarring Echo once again.
"I do? Kind of hard not to after what we've been through," he replied, slow, uncertain what Rex was aiming at.
Whatever it had been, Echo's answer made him turn away again, and Echo got the sense that Rex wasn't all that pleased with it.
"I miss you, too," Echo blurted, eyes widening when he realised his mistake. "The 501st, I mean," he hurried to add when Rex turned towards him again, "the General and Commander, Jesse and Kix, Axe and Denal. Fives. I miss all of you."
The look Rex gave him wasn't as intense as it had been before but it still had Echo holding back a shiver.
"I miss them, too, Echo," Rex admitted quietly, "and I miss you as well."
Something twinged in Echo's chest and it had nothing to do with the tech embedded in his body. He opened his mouth to say, well, Echo didn't know what he was going to say but before he could, a light movement in the corner of their eyes caught Echo and Rex's attention.
Both of them turned sharply towards the repair shop, only stopping when they saw a branch of something green floating in the air before them.
Except that it wasn't floating; a closer look revealed a cord wrapped around the plant that was slowly moving closer.
Confused, Echo followed the cord and blinked in surprise when he spotted Gregor standing on the stack of crates next to the repair shop doors and, as it happened, next to Echo and Rex as well.
"What the - ?" Echo started just as Rex groaned, suffering.
"Nuh-uh, you know the rules, Rex," Gregor informed with a grin as he angled the plant right above them, "if you find yourself under a mistletoe, you need to kiss, otherwise you'll be hit with bad luck."
Echo felt his face heat up at that, his heart twinging again at the idea of Rex kissing him. He didn't know what kind of expression he was wearing but Echo feared it looked too close to a hopeful one.
Trying his best to push it away, Echo glanced at Rex, finding him once again staring at him. And, as Echo watched Rex, his gaze flickered down to Echo's mouth and oh, the flash of teeth as Rex bit his bottom lip nearly had Echo losing control of his knees.
The mistletoe swayed as Gregor shook it. "C'mon, you two have been mooning over each other long enough."
"There's been no such thing," Rex informed Gregor sharply but he didn't look away from Echo, who felt his jaw drop when a light blush dusted Rex's face.
Clearing his throat, Echo gave another look at the mistletoe. "Bad luck, you say? Think it'll hit me double hard since I'm already part of the Bad Batch?" he drawled.
The surprised snort Rex let out eased some of the tension in the air. "Don't think it would be a good idea to find out," he said, aiming for nonchalance but, just like Fives once upon a time, Rex had no sabacc face and he failed rather miserably.
That, and the look Rex was giving at him felt very similar to the one Echo was giving to him.
"Echo...," Rex started, hesitant.
For a second Echo thought about all the times he had wanted to confess his feelings to his Captain, to tell Rex just how much he meant to him.
Echo had survived against all the odds that had been stacked against him since Kamino. Maybe it was time to test if this was just another odd he was meant to win.
Swallowing, Echo stepped forward, closing the distance between him and Rex. He saw Rex's eyes widen in surprise when their chests touched. But instead of moving away, Rex's hands came to rest on Echo's hips, warm and gentle.
"I don't know about you, Rex, but I'd rather kiss you than tempt fate," Echo murmured as he wrapped his arm around Rex's shoulders. "If that's alright with you?"
Breathing shakily, Rex closed his eyes for a second, visibly gathering himself, before opening them again. "I'm more than alright with that, Echo. More than you can ever imagine."
Echo didn't know which one of them moved first but it didn't matter because they were kissing. After so many years, Echo finally got to kiss his Captain.
Above them, Gregor let out a loud hoot, one was nothing but pure glee:
"I told you that it would work, Nemec! You owe me ten credits!"
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Got through the Order 66 flashback section of Fallen Order today and I kinda just wanted to cry the entire time.
Seeing all the yellow-painted troopers going from friendly and kind to lil Cal on his way to a training session aboard the Jedi cruiser over Bracca to... terrifying. Unflinchingly cold.
The Clones go from having unique characteristics, personality and agency in one moment, and the next, taken away by the damn inhibitor chips. Not a damn one of them deserves that.
And Cal... he's so young when it happens. And the men he's fought beside, made friends with, turn on him and he's suddenly being hunted down alongside his master. He doesn't understand why, at the time; and having not played Jedi Survivor I don't know (yet) how much deeper it goes into Cal's memories from the time of the Jedi Purge + Order 66's influence.
With Fallen Order taking place five years after the end of the Clone Wars, making Cal 18, he lost Master Tapal when he was just 13/14.
No wonder his connection with the Force is so injured after that, given how much of a wound O66 is on the galaxy as a whole...
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creativemessbyvd · 2 years
Fic Idea Vault #11: Another SW Fix-it Fanfic Idea - The Shadow´s Plan
S I G H who wants to hear another of my plot bunnies that I will probably never write?
I'm writing it down bc it's a plot bunny so big it actually came with little bunnies =.= And it is such a big idea I just have to write it down, you know before it consumes my soul more
Star Wars ofc bc I'm currently just on that hyper fixation
Not a complete fix it, definitely lots of angst but also found family, drama, misunderstandings and the disaster lineage being a disaster
TLDR; Qui Gon manages to reach out to his master after his death and prevents Dooku from falling; Dooku confines in Yaddle who is the head of the Jedi Shadows and they start trying to stop the Sith's plans but things still happen, namely O66 is given out and the Empire rises with Anakin as Vader, but secretly, he had the younglings saved and all Jedi's deaths are "staged", moving them all to a secret planet while he becomes the inside man with the Sith after Dooku dies. Obi Wan, Ahsoka, and others' stories remain the same as everyone keeps secrets, pretends to be bad or fallen, the twins are separated and Padmé lives to lead the rebellion, meanwhile in Palps perfect Empire, his second in command keeps the Jedi safe with his "inquisitors" and a bunch of bounty hunter Mandos who never take off their helmets (wink wink) who are very good at finding Jedi and "eliminating them". It will end with everyone reuniting at some point some 7 or 8 years into the empire and Anakin becoming the chosen one by taking off Palps head :). But things wouldn't be so easy, families have been torn apart and being able to trust again is not easy when you thought your loved ones had died and or had fallen to the dark and were out there commiting murder in the galaxy. But maybe with the help of the galaxy's cutest twins and anyone they rope into their shenanigans they might just be able to set their family back together. Will feature Anidala, Codywan, Kesett, and a bunch of other ships, people adopting just about every teen and child around, DinLuke in the future and also all your faves that "died" not actually dead :) and that's it basically, if you want a more detailed breakdown, keep reading ;)
- Galidraan happen differently and Jaster and Jango survived with a bunch of True mandalorians, leading Dooku to investigate more closely and keep in contact with Jango
- I am not making Komari to be in love with Dooku, but rather she has more problems with anger and is actually choosen to become a Shadow and fakes going crazy to get inside info on the illegal substance trade
- Dooku is busy with all his investigations so he does not meet Obi, but he sets Rael to watch over Qui Gon and this leads others to wack Qui Gon when he is being a dick, which leads to a better padawanship for Obi, also Tahl does not die here but she does lose her sight and leaves for the AgriCorps (Obi deserves a mom figure)
- The true mandos and the new mandos start working together to take down death watch and get help from the jedi after they find someone is helping DW aka Palps
- Everything about Padme being almost killed, finding Anakin and Qui Gon dying is the same, but Qui Gon, now one with the force gets glimpses of the future and makes more of an effort to reach out to his family to warn them
- Dooku feels that Qui Gon is around and is very concerned, so he reaches out to Yaddle thinking he is going crazy and together Qui Gon is able to sorta communicate
- Dooku "falls" to be an inside man with the sith and takes in Ventress (but he is actually nice and get help from Komari and Yaddle to help the girl fake being dark, Komari is used as the prize to help decide who should be the template for the clone army (Syfo Dyas goes to Dooku only after he was pushed to make the order to the Kaminoans and they figure out Palps manipulated him to do it, so he has to also “die”
- Jango is still chosen to be the template for the clone army after he choose to leave Komari alive, and he recognizes Dooku and is included in the plan to secretly take out the sith trying to take over the galaxy. He still asks for Boba (he thinks the clones will be souless but quickly changes his mind as the first batches show that they are all individuals so he makes sure to have many of his True Mandos train and teach their culture to the clones). Jaster dies later on trying to defend Mandalore but this time Jango is not against the Jedi and welcomes their help as everyonw is suspicious of this clone army that the Jedi def didn´t ask for
- Obi Wan still raises and trains Anakin (albeit has a lot more people helping him, namely his Padawan brother Feemor and others from afar, including Dooku, Komari, Rael, Tahl and the Council) Qui Gon comes to both of them through dreams and Anakin can sometimes see him, but Qui Gon prefers to save his energy in case Dooku or the Shadows need him in stopping the Sith and their plans
- The clones are not treated well by the Kaminoans but they are raised more Mandalorian and their chips are reprogrammed (they can´t take them out bc it would be too suspicious) so now Jango can be the only one to override the orders Palps gives
- Dooku knows that Palps has his eye on Anakin but they can't do much except make sure to keep an eye on him, Anakin and Obi have a better support network so they are much more open. Anakin misses his mom and Obi is able to talk to others about maybe getting her freed
- Komari is still pulling the strings on the spice trade and has a lot of pirates working for her that secretly free worlds.Tatooine is freed but many people remain there and to the wider galaxy they are still under the crime lords. Shmi marries and has Owen and when Anakin is 15 they go to visit and he gets to meet his brother. Shmi is also in on the secret Shadow mission that Dooku is part of when he figures out that Palps might do something to her to break Anakin, She promises to keep an eye out and given that the world is free, the Tusken riders are actually making deals and becoming friends with the general population so no chance they will kill her. Palps does not know this :)
- The war still begins, Shmi must fake her death and is also taken to live out with others who have “died” like Syfo Dyas, Yaddle, Komari and in the end Jango as well (he impaled himself on Mace Windu´s saber so that is how he is clued in finally that there are secrets the Shadows are keeping), Anakin gets there in time to send his mom off, and must fake that he lost her (she can´t tell him the full truth only that someone is trying to isolate him and that he should only trust the Jedi, this leaves him with more questions than answers and while Padme Is safe from suspicion, Palps isn´t and he is more weary of him from then on)
- Ahsoka still becomes his padawan and he loves being her master and teaching her, everyone bonds with the clones and there are a lot more losses on the Separatists side than on the Republic side. Anakin still is with Padme (they don´t marry yet but plan to after the war is over).
- Boba is taken care of and also becomes a player in the Shadow plan, pretending to hate Jedi and learning to be a bounty hunter. Any losses that the GAR has are actually instances in which the clones are placed as mandalorians that never take their armor off and help settle a secret planet full of refugees
- Lots of things still happen, Maul is someone that gets help after Dooku clues in his mother and the rest of the Nightsisters on their secret plans and she manages to get him to be less murdery. Ventress helps alot in that regard as she pretends to be bad. As the end of the war draws close, Anakin starts having visions and then Padme ends up pregnant and he is very scared, although this time he does go to Obi Wan, who promises to help him out but Palps won´t let them stay together for long and keeps pushing for Anakin to be alone. Anakin is given a message that Ahsoka is next to be targeted and he urges here to resign (although this time, the Council don´t want her to leave but rather to have her have a trial within the order) and leave the Jedi, telling her that she needs to be safe as something else is happening. She is angry he won´t talk to her but agrees to take her men and Rex and help out Mandalore (which is not actually under Maul´s control, rather DW is acting up and Satine also had to “die”, although Bo-Katan is not in on it and is putting her foot in her mouth by still using the DW to get Maul out) Ahsoka is almost told the truth of the secrets of the Shadow plan but Dooku “dies”, O66 is given out and suddenly Palps is saying all Jedi are traitors.
- The real changed Order 66 is to have all Jedi incapacitated and to fake their deaths and destroy all temples, moving the Jedi to their safe planet. Since no one was expecting this so soon, lots of Jedi think they have been betrayed, so Cal Kestis and Ahsoka and Rex are forced to flee. Yoda and the Council go for Palps and Anakin realizes that if he doesn´t step in, they will be killed. So he pretends to Fall and throws everyone out the windows where the Guard catch the dead and take them off planet. Then Anakin takes the 501st and has them all take the children and Jedi left at the temple to safety and burns the temple down to. Obi Wan thinks that his soldiers have turned and leaves the planet, Yoda escapes and mistakenly thinks Anakin has fallen and him and Obi make their plans.
- Padme thinks that Anakin has also fallen and her and Obi go to confront Anakin, and a fight breaks out. He is trying to make them understand but still has an anger issue and with Palps darkness around him he still tries to take down Obi Wan. He doesn´t hurt Padme but seeing her scared has him pretend to fall into the lava to have them escape. She gives birth in space and survives barely. They fake their deaths and Padme even has a whole funeral (Sabe and the others are in on her plan to die to start a rebellion), which Anakin believes so he stops trying to look for them and focuses on the plan that Dooku and the others had been constructing for years.
- Padme knows the twins will be in danger together and she wants to help the rebellion take back the Galaxy, so Leia still goes to the Organas and Luke is sent to Tatooine. (She knew that Shmi survived but has no way of knowing where she might be and trusts Obi Wan to try to get that info). When the news reach Tatooine, all communication Shmi might have with Owen is cut and he believes that Anakin killed her after he went dark. He was never told the full truth so he doesn´t know of the Shadow plan, but Beru wants to keep Luke and  agrees:
- Anakin dons the Vader suit while everyone thinks he died. Secretly they run their own rebellion faction apart from the one that Padme and Ahsoka have. Clones are choosen to be bounty hunters that get Jedi lost in the Galaxy. Some Jedi choose to be Inquisitors like Reva and Trilla who pretend to be dark now but actually are with Anakin in hopes of taking down Palps.
- 8 years pass, and Leia gets kidnapped by Palps orders, making Obi go after her with a little Luke who felt his sister´s distress along for the ride. Cue in everyone trying to find Obi and the twins, from real Inquisitors, to Anakin and his fake inquisitors pretending to be bad but secretly wanting to finally get Obi Wan back and in on the plan, to Padme and Ahsoka on the side of the Rebellion, to Cal and his crew thinking they will save some poor force sensitive children from the Empire. Its a whole adventure, filled with everyone finally coming together and truths being revealed.
- The twins meet various family members they didn´t know they had, everyone who is in love being an idiot (Padme and Anakin, Obi and Cody, Cal and Boba) while also families being idiots and not communicating (Obi and Anakin, Qui Gon and Obi, Shmi and Owen, Cal and Jaro Tapal, Ahsoka and Anakin and Obi, the disaster lineage in general). Funny enough, Boba and Jango are the best family around alongside Dooku and Ventress, so they end up running interference alongside the Twins.
- Also, Din is here and he was adopted by Jango so he is Boba´s little brother. Han is also here and helps out in the Twins shenanigans.
- in the end, Anakin and the adults go after Palps and Anakin can fulfill his destiny as the choosen one. He decides to leave the order and after some time, him and Padme get married. The galaxy is still shit, but there are a lot of people in better states that soon everyone is able to be better. With the Agricrops Jedi still here, they immediately set out to help the worst planets. The inquisitors are no match for Jedi and Clones and the Rebellion Padme and Ahsoka build is a better basis for a better republic. Lots of slavery and spice trade was erradicated thanks to the efforts of the Shadow´s work, and its all better for everyone.
Bonus, Cal and Boba push for Din and Luke and Leia and Han in the future when everyone is at least 20 and various parents and family get in the way. 
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. I figured I should stop being so scared and just post, even if no one sees/likes it.
Here’s my first OC fic for Bad Batch. It’s a full fic based on my 2nd part of my HC of the Batch finding/adopting a Jedi youngling, here. I even drew a quick sketch of one of the scenes here.
Her name is Maisy and she’s a 4 1/2yr Jedi youngling.
I’m hoping to make this a multi-chapter/part fic.
Warnings—contains talk of mental illness/trauma, spoilers for Clone Wars and Bad Batch, headcanons, OC character, mentions of Obi-wan Kenobi, O66 trauma, 3rd POV
*I put OWK cuz my OC’s backstory is almost identical to Reva’s though isn’t really mentioned in this chapter.
**Takes place during ep10 Common Ground and goes to finale
**I HC that S1 and S2 of BB are about a year apart w/ each ep being about 3 weeks apart aside from the last 2 eps (which are 2 parts)**
So ep 10 is about 8-9mo from O66 (ep1)
About my OC—Maisy is a 4 and a half year old jedi youngling who is found by Omega during ep10. Having being told to stay behind, Omega meets Maisy when the youngling sneaks food from Cid’s
Older Sister
Chapter 1
3rd POV
The Batch rescued Omega from Bane and Shand and are finally back on Ord Mantell. They had just stopped to get some Mantell Mix as per tradition (and because of the whole ordeal Omega went through) to cheer the young clone up. Omega sits perched on Wrecker’s left shoulder as the squad walks through the alleyways back to Cid’s bar.
“How’s the Mantell Mix kid?” Wrecker asks. Omega eats a few pieces as she grabs more and drops some in Wrecker’s mouth.
“Better than ever,” she tells him as he nods in agreement.
“Yeah it is!” Wrecker exclaims before laughing.
“So when’s our next mission?” Omega asks.
“With 2 bounty hunters after you, it’d be wise to keep a low profile,” Tech turns around to explain to the girl as Wrecker sets her down.
“Tech’s right,” Hunter agrees, “There’s too much heat on us right now.”
“Ha! That never stopped us before,” Wrecker says when Hunter suddenly pulls the larger clone to the side a bit.
“The kid’s been through enough. She needs a break,” Hunter tells the explosives expert quietly before they glance over and watch Omega offer Tech and Echo some of her food. Echo takes a few pieces and sniffs them curiously while Tech gives them a small smile.
“She seems fine to me,” Wrecker whispers to Hunter before the sergeant of the squad heads into the seedy bar they’ve been calling home. Wrecker, Tech, Omega and Echo all follow Hunter inside.
It’s mostly empty aside from the regulars and Cid.
“I’ve got a mission for you boys,” Cid informs the Batch as they walk in and take seats at the bar, “A simple extraction on Raxus.”
“Raxus?” Tech questions, “That is the former center of the Separatist government. It has since become an Imperial outpost—“
“I’m not interested in a history lesson, Goggles,” Cid shakes her head, “You’re being hired to locate and free Senator Avi Singh from his confinement,” Cid shows them a hologram of the senator.
“My client will meet you at the given coordinates to brief you. Details are on this. Now get going,” she tosses a datachip to Tech, but Hunter catches it midair. The squad looks at Hunter questioningly.
“Help a Separatist?” Hunter asks and pauses, as if briefly considering it, “Not gonna happen,” he tells Cid, tossing the chip back to the Trandoshan bar owner.
“Your debt’s still not paid, remember?” She says, “A job’s a job.” She argues. Hunter motions for them to talk away from the group and Cid follows. Once they are out of immediate earshot of the group, Hunter faces Cid.
“I am not bringing Omega to a planet swarming with Imperials,” Hunter says definitively.
“So leave her here with me. I’ll keep an eye on her,” Cid offers.
“I don’t exactly trust you either,” Hunter admits, crossing his arms and Cid smirks.
“Good. You shouldn’t,” she tells him before continuing, “But if keeping the kid safe means more money in my pocket, then it’s in my best interest to do so, isn’t it?” Cid asks, poking the sergeant’s chest plate with her clawed finger.
“If anything happens to her—“
“Yeah, yeah Bandana. Just get outta here, will you?” Cid waves Hunter off after shoving the chip at him. He looks at her and sighs. He doesn’t want to do this mission, but they still have a debt.
Hunter walks up as Omega readies her electrobow across her body.
“Ready when you are, Sergeant,” Omega salutes excitedly. Hunter kneels down to be eye-level with the girl.
“Not this time, Omega. You’re staying with Cid,” Hunter tells her.
“But th-the mission. I’m part of the squad too,” Omega insists.
“Then following orders shouldn’t be a problem,” Hunter argues gently, placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder.
“Stay close to Cid and don’t leave this parlor,” Hunter orders, “Got it, soldier?” He asks. Omega groans with a sigh as she rolls her eyes a bit.
“Yes sir,” she answers Hunter obediently. He nods and heads out with Tech and Echo following. Wrecker gives Omega a pat on the shoulder as if to say ‘don’t worry’ before following his brothers out to the Marauder while Omega looks on sadly.
“Hey, Tiny, I got a mission for you,” Cid says, waving the sponge she’s holding a bit, getting the girl’s attention. She tosses the scrubber to Omega, who catches it.
“Now get scrubbing,” Cid orders and Omega frowns before doing as she’s told, albeit with minimal/low effort.
2 of Cid’s regulars are arguing over a game of holochess as the Trandoshan bar owner walks past them. Omega’s sitting on a bar stool, her head resting on her hand (with her elbow propped on the table) slowly running the scrubber on her spot, clearly upset about being left behind. Cid approaches the blonde-haired girl.
“Enough with the moping around,” Cid snaps, “You’re bringing the mood down around here.” She motions around to the mostly empty parlor.
“Sorry,” Omega replies sarcastically before going back to looking sad.
“Alright, I’ll bite. What’s wrong with you?” Cid asks.
“I haven’t heard back from them yet. Do you think they’re ok?” Omega asks with a shrug.
“They better be for what this job’s paying,” Cid replies.
“I should’ve gone with them on the mission,” Omega says, angrily shoving the sponge away, “It’s not fair,” she crosses her arms angrily.
“I’ve got news for you, kid. Life ain’t fair,” Cid says, grabbing the sponge, “You don’t like it? Stop pouting and do something about it,” Cid says, receiving a look from the girl.
“Maybe if you weren’t so helpless, those 4 laser brains wouldn’t have left you here with me,” Cid tells the girl.
Having had enough of Cid’s talk, Omega frowns and slides off the stool before angrily walking away from the female Trandoshan. The 2 regulars, who have been paying attention to them, look at Cid and shake their heads.
“What’re you 2 looking at?!” Cid asks, throwing the scrubber at the Weequay before approaching Omega, who’s sitting on the edge of a booth seat, sitting with her arms crossed, facing away from them. Cid approaches the girl.
“I’m not helpless,” Omega says, clearly angry before turning away.
“Look, kid, I told dark and broody I’d keep an eye on you and keep you safe,” Cid explains.
“Hmm-for how much?” Omega asks. Cid scowls at the girl and scoffs.
“Not enough,” Cid grumbles before leaving the girl alone.
Cid decided to join her regulars, a Weequay and a Tall (Tahl? Idk), in a game of Dejarik. Omega decided to go back to scrubbing the bar table down, but is also listening in/paying attention to the game Cid’s playing.
“You’ve got her cornered!” the Tall exclaims triumphantly, causing Omega to look over. Cid is playing the 2 regulars.
“Oh, yeah, I’m real scared,” Cid mocks before thinking about her move.
“Delay all you want, you’re not getting out of this one,” the Weequay says. Cid is about to press the button.
“I wouldn’t do that,” Omega says, stopping Cid’s clawed finger. The bar owner looks at the young girl, who shakes her head.
“Hear that? We got an expert here,” Cid tells her opponents before going ahead with her move. She presses the upper button and the holographic figure chitters and whistles before getting taken down by one of the bigger figures. The Tall laughs.
“She’s done for!” The Tall says to the Weequay. Cid scowls lightly.
“I told you,” Omega warned.
“Well, expert, what should I do next?” Cid asks and Omega approaches, joining the game.
The young girl studies the holochess board a bit before pushing three buttons in a specific sequence and watching the board for her results. Cid’s largest figure takes out the last 2 dejarik figures her regulars had, causing the Tall to groan in frustration.
“You blew it!” He exclaims, shoving the Weequay a bit.
“Yeah, but you’re the one who said to bet it all!” The Weequay argues.
“You wanna take this outside?!” The Tall asks.
“Gladly!” The Weequay answers and they head outside to fight while Cid stares in disbelief.
“How’d you know to do that?” She asks the girl curiously. Omega smiles.
“It’s a strategy game. I’m good at strategy,” she says and Cid thinks for a moment.
“Hmm..how good? Enough to uh…win a few matches for some money?” Cid asks.
“Depends…what’s my cut?” Omega asks smartly.
“Hmm..30%,” Cid offers. Omega thinks on it briefly.
“60,” the girl counters. Cid thinks it over and nods.
At first, customers trickle in but once they start playing, and losing to Omega, a crowd starts to form and word of mouth spreads, bringing in all sorts of people. Despite the large, outstanding debt the Bad Batch owes, Omega’s able to win it back and then some with only 7 games. The girl just finishes off her latest opponent and the crowd cheers.
“Better luck next time,” Cid tells the male Nautolan, who pays Cid, who in turn, splits the credits with Omega.
“Can I use the refresher?” Omega asks and Cid nods.
“5 minute break everyone—refresh your drinks, and get your credits,” Cid tells the crowd that is gathered around the dejarik board. Omega hurries to the restroom at the back of the bar.
Once she’s done, Omega heads out to hear Cid grunting and calling out.
“Hey! Hey get back here you little thief!” Cid exclaims. Omega frowns and hurries into the parlor and spots Cid holding a small scrawny girl by her wrist. Omega sees the girl is wearing tattered looking robes and has thick, wild, shaggy blackish brown hair and bright dark eyes. The little girl can’t be older than 5, but because Omega grew up around clones, it’s a little hard for her to guess ages (since most clones have accelerated aging).
“Cid! What’s going on!?” Omega asks as the little girl wriggles and squirms, trying to free herself from Cid’s iron grip.
“I caught this little wamp rat stealing food from behind the bar-“ Cid explains before turning to her regulars.
“Should we call the police?” The Tall asks and the little girl gasps.
“Don’t-“ Cid tells them as the little girl manages to slip free from Cid’s grip.
“Grab her!” Cid exclaims. The girl manages to dodge the Weequay and Tall but Omega manages to catch the girl by her belt.
“Aah!” The little girl yelps and struggles in Omega’s grip.
“Good job kid,” Cid says.
“It’s ok-I’m not gonna hurt you-“ Omega assures the squirming, wriggling little girl, who practically radiates fear.
“Easy kid-easy-“ Cid says, approaching cautiously. The little girl’s breathing increases to a rapid pace and Omega notices.
“It’s ok-this is Cid, she’s a friend. This is her bar,” Omega explains. The little girl absorbs Omega’s words and sees the young clone give her an encouraging smile.
“It’s ok,” Omega assures her as the little girl stops squirming. She looks at Omega up and down before sensing the truth to the young clone’s words. The little girl is cautious but has stopped wriggling and Omega’s grip lightens up considerably.
“My name’s Omega, what’s your name?” Omega introduces. The mysterious little girl looks between Omega and Cid. At first the girl doesn’t answer, afraid of giving her identity away. Her stomach growls in hunger and she blushes.
“C’mon kid, I’ll let you have whatever we have to eat if you tell us your name,” Cid bribes. The girl nods and Omega takes the girl’s hand in her own and leads her over to the bar stools.
Omega takes the seat to the left of the girl as she climbs up into the bar stool that’s as tall as her. The little girl has to shift to her knees to reach the bar table. Cid offers the girl a cup of water and she takes it immediately.
“Thank you,” the little girl says before gulping down the whole glass. Cid smirks while Omega genuinely smiles.
“She talks,” Cid says and the little girl nods as she eyes the bowl of fries she got caught eating. Cid notices.
“You like those huh? I think we have more somewhere-“ Cid says and walks to the back to find more, leaving Omega alone with the girl.
“So, what’s your name?” Omega asks once they’re alone.
“Maisy…I’m Maisy,” the little girl introduces shyly. Omega smiles.
“Nice to meet you Maisy,” she says before her face falls.
“Are…you by yourself?” Omega asks. Maisy’s eyes widen and she tenses at Omega’s question before managing a small nod.
“I am…now,” Maisy replies sadly. Omega frowns worriedly.
“If you don’t have anyone else, you can come with me and my brothers-“ Omega tells Maisy. Before Maisy can ask, Cid walks back in holding a fresh basket of fries.
“So, did you find anything out, Tiny? Though I guess compared to her, you’re not so tiny,” Cid says and Omega smirks.
“She said her name’s Maisy and she’s by herself,” Omega explains.
“Where are your parents kid?” Cid asks the little girl, sliding the basket of food over to the small, scrawny girl who clearly hasn’t eaten in a while. Maisy looks up at Cid in confusion.
“Parents? What is parents?” Maisy asks.
“Parents, you know, the adults that take care of you-“ Cid explains. Maisy does remember one adult. An elderly man. There were other adults, but she remembers him the most. He was nice and kind.
“Gone…dead,” Maisy whimpers when she remembers what happened. Omega frowns sympathetically and places a comforting hand on the younger girl’s shoulder.
“It’s ok…you can stay with me,” Omega assures Maisy, who looks at her through teary eyes. Maisy gives a small watery sniff.
“Really?” She asks and Omega nods.
“I promise,” she says.
“Promise?” Maisy asks and Omega nods.
“It’s unbreakable, it’s what friends do,” Omega says.
“Friends,” Maisy repeats and Omega smiles. As she eats, Omega talks with Maisy, trying to find out any other information on the little girl.
“So how old are you Maisy?” Omega asks.
“I’m 4 and a half-“ Maisy answers before looking Omega up and down.
“How old are you?” Maisy asks her.
“I’m 11,” Omega tells her and the girl nods.
“There were a bunch of kids your age in the class above me,” Maisy tells Omega.
“Class?” Omega asks and Maisy nods.
“At the Temple,” she tells the young clone as she finishes up, licking her fingers. Omega thinks. Temple? She hasn’t seen any Temple on Ord Mantell since the Batch came to be in Cid’s service.
“Cid-what’s this Temple Maisy’s talking about?” Omega asks.
“Hmm, there’s nothing like that that I know of here. Could be the Jedi Temple on Coruscant…most everyone knows that one,” Cid tells Omega. Her eyes widen and she turns to Maisy.
“Are you…a Jedi?” Omega asks. Maisy blinks in shock at her.
“No-..No I’m not. Jedi carry lightsabers,” Maisy argues, remembering her master’s dying words. Omega frowns as if knowing the young girl isn’t telling her everything.
“She’s right kid, the Jedi I worked with carried those laser swords,” Cid tells Omega.
“Are you from here?” Omega asks and Maisy shakes her head.
“Have you been on Ord Mantell long? How did you get here?” Omega asks at once.
“I-I don’t know…m-my ship crashed here and…and I was taken. But I got away. I’m not sure how long it’s been, a few moons maybe,” Maisy tells Omega, who nods and thinks to herself. Maisy looks at Omega and while the young clone is deep in thought, Maisy’s eyes scan Omega’s face.
“A-Are you a clone?” Maisy asks Omega innocently. Omega looks at the young girl.
“I am…how did you know?” Omega answers honestly before asking.
“Your eyes. They look like Commander Fox’s…and he’s a clone. But..but I’ve never heard of a girl clone,” Maisy says, clearly confused. Omega nods.
“I’m different. I’m unaltered,” Omega tells the girl, surprising herself. She had just come to terms of who she is and yet, something about this little girl makes Omega want to tell her.
Flashes of Master Shaak Ti race by in Omega’s mind as she doesn’t have many of the Jedi Master. She knew the Jedi through the Togruta master in charge of the clones before Nala Se intervened. Omega wonders why this girl reminds her of the Jedi master…but the young clone suddenly wonders where Master Ti is and if she’s ok.
“Omega?” Maisy asks, getting Omega’s attention.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes, it’s just…you remind me of someone from my home,” Omega says. Seeing Maisy not make eye contact, Omega realizes the younger girl is a bit uncomfortable.
Looking for a distraction, Omega spots the Dejarik board behind her and smiles.
“Hey, have you ever played Dejarik?” Omega asks the girl. She blinks and shakes her head.
“C’mon, I’ll teach you,” Omega offers and Maisy smiles.
“Ok,” she says and follows Omega.
They take the adjacent spots as Omega turns the holochess board on and explaining the rules and object of the game. She goes through each piece and their corresponding buttons.
“Ok, ready?” Omega asks and when Maisy nods, the older girl motions for the younger to go first. Maisy nods and starts off with a basic move.
As the moves go on, Maisy managed to corner Omega and beat the older girl. Wanting a rematch, Maisy happily agreed and the girls are now on their 4th game with Omega only winning 1 game.
“Are you sure you’ve never played this before?” Omega asks. Maisy shakes her head. Truth be told, Maisy’s life consisted of studying and training at the Temple on Coruscant. The Jedi had no time for such games. Once Maisy’s had enough, Omega tells Cid to resume the betting.
“Can I watch?” Maisy asks Omega and the older girl nods.
“Of course,” she says and pulls a seat over to her side so Maisy can sit next to her. The young girl smiles and hurries over as the next challenger takes the seat across the board.
The rest of the Batch finally return from successfully retrieving Senator Avi Singh. Hunter notices the amount of people first.
“What’s all this?” Wrecker asks, wondering why there are so many people wanting to go to Cid’s.
“C’mon,” Hunter says and they follow the sergeant inside.
“Man! No one can stop these kids!” A patron exclaims. Hunter and Tech push past a few to get a look.
“Of course,” Hunter says. Everyone’s eyes widen when they see Omega make the winning move. The crowd cheers.
That’s when Omega spots Hunter and the others within the crowd and waves at him.
“Alright, that’s it, no more bets,” Cid says, walking up to the Batch. Omega hurries over to her brothers. Maisy watches curiously from her spot. The others haven’t seemed to notice her yet.
“Where’d you learn to do that?” Wrecker asks, picking the young girl up.
“She’s a natural. I’ve never seen anything like it,” Cid says, making Omega smile.
“I told you to keep a low profile. This is the opposite,” Hunter scolds lightly, making Omega’s smile turn into a frown.
“Ease up Bandana,” Cid says, shoving Hunter roughly to get him to face her.
“Omega made enough money to clear off the debt you boys owe me, so try showing a little more gratitude to my friend,” Cid says, pointing her clawed finger at the sergeant, who blinks in surprise. She walks up to Omega, who is still in Wrecker’s arms.
“You did good,” she says, placing her clawed hand on Omega’s shoulder in an approving/kind gesture, making the girl smile again.
“Senator, glad you made it. Let’s talk payment,” Cid says, showing the Senator and his droid to her office to talk business, leaving the Batch alone in the parlor, since everyone cleared out. Maisy stays silent to watch the interaction between Omega and the men wearing clone armor painted black and red.
“You really paid off our debt?” Hunter asks Omega.
“I wanted to be useful, even if I couldn’t go on the mission,” Omega tells him. She looks at the holochess board and that’s when she spots Maisy’s thick, wild, shaggy dark brown hair poking out from behind and she remembers her new friend. She hurries over and the boys watch.
“It’s ok, they’re my brothers,” Omega says, holding something. The boys wonder who she’s talking to until she manages to coax a little girl out from hiding.
The Batch stare in shock.
“Hunter…Hunter this is my new friend,” Omega introduces.
“Omega?” Hunter asks, clearly confused at seeing Omega with a much younger girl in what appears to be Jedi robes.
“Woah,” Wrecker comments.
“Who is that?” Tech asks.
“I don’t believe it,” Echo says in awe. When Maisy looks them over, she suddenly recognizes them as clones.
“C-Clones?” She asks. Hunter nods.
“This is Hunter, our squad leader,” Omega introduces.
“Omega, who is that?” Hunter asks, repeating Tech’s question.
“This is Maisy. She’s my new friend,” Omega tells the sergeant. He looks at the little girl and she looks back at him with large, owl-like eyes.
“How did you two meet?” Echo asks and Omega explains that Cid caught her sneaking food.
“Who are you?” Maisy asks, tired of answering questions.
“I’m Wrecker-“ the largest clone introduces first and Omega smiles at how readily and easily Wrecker is to get to know her new friend.
“My name’s Echo..that’s Tech,” Echo introduces. Despite his modifications, he looks the most like the clones Maisy is used to. Tech analyzes her with his visor.
“Young human child. Origins…Coruscant?” Tech says and they all look at Maisy.
“You’re from Coruscant?” Hunter asks and Maisy nods and the boys share a look but don’t say anything.
“Omega’s been teaching me about Dejarik. She taught me how to play,” Maisy tells them and Omega smiles.
“Oh yeah? Well let’s put those strategy skills to the test. One match. If you win, no more sitting out on missions,” Hunter says, exciting Omega. He turns the board on and motions with his head to it. She hurries over and motions for Maisy to come sit next to her.
“You ready for this?” Hunter asks.
“Are you?” Omega asks back and the 2 begin to play.
“So Maisy…do you have any family or someone we can contact for you?” Hunter asks, making his move. The little girl shakes her head sadly.
“I’m…alone,” she says and Omega quickly pulls the younger girl closer, knowing that feeling all too well.
“Not with me you’re not. We’re friends and as your friend, I’m here for you,” Omega tells her, making a move.
“Omega-“ Hunter tries.
“Hunter-she has no one,” Omega insists. He sighs, making another move.
“We can’t take her with us Omega,” Hunter says and Omega frowns, clearly upset. Maisy looks away, clearly uncomfortable being talked about right in front of.
“Why not? Helping people is what soldiers do-“ Omega argues, making a counter move.
“We don’t have the resources. Besides, Maisy is a lot younger than you and needs more attentive care,” Hunter argues.
“I can take care of myself. I don’t wanna be a burden-“ Maisy argues.
“You’re not a burden,” Omega argues almost immediately before turning back to Hunter.
“Please Hunter? She needs us,” Omega begs. Hunter sighs and looks at Omega’s new friend.
Whether its her large pleading eyes or Omega’s insisting look, Hunter breaks first and nods.
“Alright,” Hunter sighs causing the 2 girls to light up excitedly.
“But there will be rules that have to be followed, understand?” Hunter says and Omega and Maisy nod.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Maisy exclaims happily before jumping into Hunter, wrapping her small, scrawny arms as much as she can around the sergeant. Omega smiles at the gesture and Hunter allows himself a small smile as well before putting a hand on Maisy’s back.
“Sure thing kid,” Hunter replies, though inside, wondering how the kriff he’s gonna manage this as Omega beings to tell Maisy all the great things about being in the squad.
End of Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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mathmusic8 · 2 years
Kenobi episode 5 reaction
putting spoilers under the cut since it's still pretty early in the morning
Oh great, this episode has a trigger warning at the beginning. Not a good sign
Awwwwww the flashback!!
......this doesn't work. She can't be grand Inquisitor. Disney WHAT ARE YOU DOING
Uggggh this invasion is gonna get ugly
HAJA! yeeeeee!
YEEEE Obi-Wan's helping!
This is still gonna be ugly
There's another wall with signatures!!
awww, Obi-Wan felt comfy enough to leave Leia with Haja XD
More Anakin training flashback!! <3
Obi-Wan's giving a speech!! He's getting involved! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Death troopers... *cries*
(it's a popular fandom belief that Cody became a purge/death/dark trooper)
(Now that we know Cody will appear in the Bad Batch show, this is unlikely, but still.)
LEIA! "I'm gonna need a ladder."
Ohhh man, she's gonna find Lola's been compromised
Garel shout out!
The negotiator is requesting to negotiate (i.e. stalling)--classic :D
Yay we finally got the fact that she knew Vader is Skywalker thing called out!
Welp that's confirmed--she was a temple youngling
Oh is this O66 flashback the trigger warning? If so, I appreciate the warning
Oh, Inquisitor lady just doing this to kill Vader?
Obi-Wan... that dark trooper BETTER not have been Cody.
Nooooo! Tala! Nooo the loader droid!
(This was probably the trigger warning)
(I sense a million fix-it fics for this scene)
Ooof, that was Obi-Wan's first loss in a while
Noooo Obi-Wan don't give up!
Okay, he's not
About time Leia! 
Oh, that was a very quick fix for Lola.
Ohhhh no, Haja, stop dropping things!
Vader CANNNOT find that transmitter
YEEEEEE they used a decoy and it worked!!
Oh Inquisitor lady--you dead
Whoa those fancy lightsaber things come apart??
(I mean, someone had to teach Ahsoka how. We just never saw it)
Yup she dead. There she goes
Oh? Vader let her live as a youngling. On purpose. Huh. Why. When he killed the others. Maybe specifically to use as an Inquisitor. Eh.
THERE'S the real Grand Inquisitor--about freaking time, Disney. Good to know you aren't completely abandoning your own plotlines. Us superfans weren't fooled for a second. So not sure why you even tried.
Of course the Hyperdrive is down
Ahhhh, so this is not good. Inquisitor lady found out about Luke. She might not be on Vader's side, but she's certainly not on Kenobi's side, either. She also knows who Owen is--that's an interesting weird coincidence that would only be possible in Star Wars XD
and that's a wrap! So overall, pretty good episode. We're finally getting plotlines wrapped up and seeing some payoff. I'm still not a huge fan of the amount of people getting stabbed in the gut and surviving while other people are shot in the gut and go straight down.
I was glad to see Haja again, and I look forward to the chance to study that wall with the signatures to see if there's anyone we know
I would have appreciated the trigger warning more on earlier episodes--this one was relatively mild compared to episode 3, in my view. People dying in a firefight is different from Vader killing innocent children in a random village. We did have Order 66 flashbacks, but we had those earlier, too, with no warning. So ultimately, I appreciated the trigger warning, but they really should have had that on all the other episodes, too.
I'm really curious to see how this gets resolved because Obi-Wan is like, almost willing to help out again? But he's still on Tatooine in A New Hope, and the rest of the Rebellion (including Rex) doesn't know about him. So. Something big's gonna happen in the finale
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mercuriiarts · 2 years
Just found your Maulriah art on my dash and now I---I am---I need to know Everything about them. Not nearly enough OC/Maul content, and your art style is gorgeous. When you have a moment, do you mind telling me how they met? I looked through the Maulriah tag on your blog and I'm just in AWE with the Gazes, the way they LOOK AT EACH OTHER MY GOODNESS, I just love it
uhhh it would take at least a 19 page essay to describe the entirety of Maulriah but i’ll try and sum it up???
so Galriah is force sensitive, son of a Jedi who abandoned the Order, a woman called Kyahni, and is being trained by her old Padawan, a twilek called Ma’sawe who followed in her footsteps and took up the responsibility when she died. Galriah has a lot of difficulty with traditional Jedi training and often goes relic hunting and such to keep himself learning, particularly for remenants of the Jedi after O66. This leads him to find a holocron in the possession of some pirates and he goes after it. little does he know that an inquisitor is after the same holocron and a chase ensues. Galriah crashes his ship on Tattooine with the holocron and begins making his way to the nearest town in the hopes of getting off world. Little does he know there is another person on-planet who becomes aware of the strong force signature that arrives in his area, and Maul being Maul decides to investigate/fend off whatever ghost from the past that has come back to haunt him (he’s looking for Kenobi). Maul spots Galriah and the holocron and they duel for it with Maul both wanting the holocron and a potential apprentice, and Galriah defending his ass from this crazy man who jumped off a cliff to cleave him in half. THEN the inquisitor turns up and Maul and Riah and the Sister have a three way battle which ends up with Maulriah working together to keep the holocron from the Sister. Sister brings down a landslide and takes the boys prisoner. Maul is hurt pretty badly and his legs are mangled so he agrees with Riah to help each other get out of the Sister’s outpost. They both fuck it up a bit, still holding onto their original agendas of holocron/apprentice/kill each other, and the outpost gets destroyed in the process of their escape. Maul, being injured, gets hauled back to Galriah’s home ship where he lives with Ma’sawe and her wife and kid, and it’s very much a ‘prisoner but i’m not actively trying to escape because a) i’m hurt b) you’re actually a pretty good candidate for an apprentice and c) you’re not being mean to me’ situation.
Maul rests up and Riah drops him off at a space port so he can get back to the Crimson Dawn. They both expect that to be the end of it. It’s really not. they don’t like each other at all but now the Sister is hunting both an ex-sith lord and an unknown force sensitive not on any old jedi records in possession of a Jedi holocron who has clearly been trained to some degree. and being who they are, both Maul and Riah want to go after the Sister to get rid of that threat and they happen to cross paths again when tracking her down. they decide their alliance should continue for now and for the next few months it’s a lot of “Maul hangs out on an Jedi ship because it’s convenient for weeks on end looking for an Inquisitor/slowly trying to turn Riah into an apprentice but then going back to the Crimson Dawn periodically” and a friendship eventually begins to build up simply from living in each other’s space and Maul getting to experience normal life? plus Riah literally goes “oh cool lightsaber i want to do that” and makes Maul teach him (maul doesn’t complain). the Apprentice thing doesn’t really work out as Ma’sawe is very much still Riah’s master and doesn’t appreciate her Padawan being borrowed by Maul, but she decides to let him do his own thing (the only reason Riah is still a padawan at 25 is because he wasn’t trained at all in the 7 years between his mother dying and Ma finding him.
things kinda fall into place after that
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Happy birthday! 🎂 What do Knockout and Screech disagree about?
Who to hate more, Cody or Obi-Wan.
These bitches hate them and it's only through the fact that they can't agree one is the reason Cody and Obi-Wan are alive (along with the fact they don't want to deal with meeting and figuring out new commanders and generals)
Knockout hates Cody. He and Cody have a "terrible but effective therapist" relationship going on. Cody "helped" Knockout deal with the first batchmate death, Greasestain (Scrubbing Order on my AO3), Knockout turned a blind eye to whatever the fuck Cody and Obi-Wan were doing (hiding Cody's epilepsy (If Anyone Can on my AO3)). I haven't written for this part, but when Knockout figures out there's something weird about the meddroids, Cody lets him take a meddriod and see if he can figure out the root cause. Knockout does and he tells Cody the situation, resulting in him getting permission to accidentally make the largest collection of home remedies from different cultures in the galaxy and getting labeled as "the Paranoid One."
It really doesn't come into play until after o66, but Screech hates Obi-Wan. Screech's chip doesn't work so when o66 goes out, Screech has one chance to run before someone notices his chip wasn't working. So he volunteered to see if he could get confirmation that Obi-Wan was in fact dead. Instead he gets confirmation that Obi-Wan is a coward because he saw Obi-Wan run away. He saw the man who led him into countless hopeless battles- the man who had once mourn with them- the man who Screech had witness do the impossible-run away. And Screech is a smart man. He is a talented man. But he's a young man. He's young and lost and his entire world has just came crashing down around and the only person who he could think of help save it ran away. Screech hoped it was just a momentarily thing and that one day he would reach out in one of the many secretive ways the 212th did to say "I'm alive" and" I'm coming," but that never came.
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ferretrade · 2 years
wasn't that the whole point? Kanan went through trauma and his way of dealing with it was hardening himself, not caring about others, getting into fights, drinking and becoming that roughneck drifter he is in a new dawn. that's the tragedy of who he became after o66. it's then through his relationship with Hera who shows him there's another way to live that he grows as a character and becomes the person we see in rebels. that growth is important and a big part of who he is.
I agree that the growth is important and kanan in AND isn't supposed to be the same kanan. That's fine, I like that, I wanna read about characters dealing with grief and trauma! I actually like a lot of the snippets where kanan thinks directly about Jedi stuff and struggles with it. But my issues are basically:
1. The book from my memory doesn't do a good job of showing any growth or remorse in this case. I don't think at any point kanan goes "wow skelly was right maybe I shouldn't have been such a dick to him." Even when skelly dies, the book doesn't give kanan any time to look back on how he treated him or feel sorry or thankful that skelly helped.
2. You could still establish the same thing, keep every other part of kanans story, and water down the violence towards skelly specifically and it would do the same thing. Like sure give me a kanan who avoids caring about anything, who drinks to numb his pain, who picks fights, but leave the picking fights to against people equally trying to fight him. That's where skelly falls apart, I think. He's never trying to fight kanan, he's only ever trying to get his attention and kanan responds by punching him, hitting him, grabbing him by the throat, etc. because he finds him frustrating.
3. I don't like JJM's writing in a lot of ways so if sours the book for me and kanans character in specific in a lot of ways. I don't like kanan calling hera "sweetheart" as a near stranger (my years of being patronized too make me cringe at that if it's supposed to be endearing), I don't like the characterization initially as kanan being wise and worldly whereas hera is just a young naive revolutionary, I don't like the character development of skelly a lot of the time. Vidian feels a bit uncomfortable for some reason too. Maybe it has to do with the way disabilities are handled in here? All this is to say I acknowledge it's this specific writers adaptation I'm not into. I'm not trying to say kanan is a garbage character and no one can like him ever again. I love kanan. It's why I spend so much time thinking about different ways his past could have gone.
Okay thanks for listening to my stream of consciousness babble here. My final point is, bc I've already seen some backlash (if you'd call it that): if you like AND I am glad for you! I didn't really dig it and that's what I have fanfic and rambling tumblr posts for.
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can... can I know more about captain jag 👉👈
Definitely! You all are free to ask me about my OCs at any time! YES-- even my Clone OCs.
Captain Jag is a Clone Captain in the 165th Battalion, which is stationed on Vindell under the command of Jedi Commander Re'os Sann, a Jedi Knight who was knighted early in the war.
He was assigned to Re'os and their late Master's battalion early in the war when Re'os was actually still a Padawan. He considered himself something of a mentor to Sann, especially after the death of their Master, and eventually something like an older brother (despite Sann actually being older).
Jag tends to be level headed and rational. He's very much a "cool under fire" kind of person. He likes to think things through first; weigh all the options. A General like Anakin would have given him an aneurism.
He has lost a lot of brothers. And while he doesn't let it show, he's angry about that. He doesn't blame the Vindellians or his Commander. He thinks they do the best they can. The Vindellian people have shown him and his brothers lots of compassion while the planet itself seems merciless. He knows the locals have lost a lot too, with their casualties even higher. But he still harbors resentment for the war and a disillusionment with its "progress." He blames Republic leadership and, after all he's heard from Re'os, the Council too. He blames the senators, and especially the Chancellor. And overall, he blames the Seps.
Jag will fall to the effects of the chip in the first chapter of Reconciliation, but with much confusion and a lot of hurt. The chip would re-arrange the way his anger and resentment manifests so that he unconsciously takes it out on those he trusted and respected the most.
He's not the one who targets Sann, and somewhere in the back of his mind, he was glad for that. That's the same part of his mind that was screaming that something was very wrong when he turned his sights on an interesting target: Ina Velos.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Keep the Jedi Out of It
With input from @atagotiak (Tia), @gelpenss (Gel), and @thisarenotarealblog (Doc).
Standard initial premise: Clones take over the Republic after Fox kills Palpatine.
Fun AU Twist: in order to keep people from trying to fuck over the Jedi, and also as a backup because they trust the Jedi to at least try to save them after the initial hubbub goes down, and also as a bit of a vindication for those who don't like their Jedi... the clones arrest all the Jedi and just keep them in the brigs etc. until they figure out how to break the news to the galaxy that Palpatine was a bigger problem than previously anticipated.
"Why did the Jedi not stop you?" "Great question! We arrested them." "...all of them?" "Yes." "On what grounds?" "On 'they would have stopped us from killing the Chancellor' grounds."
"The Jedi couldn't stop you from arresting them?" "We just kind of told them 'here, hold this' and then put the force cuffs on. It was really easy, actually, they trust us way too much, it's kinda scary. A few of them passed out without the Force to keep them awake and the medics got pissed they hadn't been sleeping." "...you're saying you did this for their own good?" "No, we did it so we could kill the Chancellor."
Anakin would def be upset. What would the other jedi be like? Mostly exasperated? I imagine a few would be like “well I guess I’m stuck here. I’m gonna have a nap”
Obiwan finds a corner he likes and conks out in 5 minutes with the power of long experience
At least one or more of the Jedi is like. WEIRDLY zen about it. Like “yeah if he arrested me there’s DEFINITELY a good reason and they’ll all tell me eventually”
Like the reason O66 worked in large part was that the Jedi trusted the clones, which means that you could easily argue that without even murder-of-said-Jedi on the mind, it would be even easier to just. Trick them.
Rex was uncomfortable about arresting Anakin for "Palpatine's his friend and he'll hate me" reasons so Kix just arrested both of them himself. They don't tell Anakin what's going on even when he grills Rex in their shared cell. Anakin's under the impression this is a 'you haven't been taking care of yourself' medic arrest.
Ahsoka had to share a cell with Yularen and they played cards because Ahsoka wanted to work on her Sabacc-without-Force-Cheating skills.
Some of the arrested Jedi have tea parties with the clones who arrested them. Mostly I'm imagining this as being Mundi. Bacara is off handling Various Things and the shinies put in place to guard Ki-Adi while the Coruscant problem is handled just sit down and have some tea with him while he teaches them Jedi philosophy, because Mundi strikes me as very "grandpa tells you stories to try and relate to the youth and he's not great at it but he sure is trying to be a good grandpa, and he's a bit out of the loop but he's putting in the effort, he got you some of those Pokey-mans you like for the holidays and everything."
"It's been three days, are you going to tell me why this was all necessary?" "Chancellor's a Sith Lord." "WHAT?" "It's fine, Fox killed him, but we couldn't have the Jedi stopping us, or like... getting accused of organizing it. So we just arrested, uh... everyone over the age of three?"
Im just imagining Depa in a cell, sometime before the assassination is done: Grey: yeah so we’re killing Palpatine, for uh. Reasons. Depa: well I feel like I should disapprove, but….
Anakin is spinning conspiracies about mind control because why else would they do this and the clones are just like. 😬“well yes but actually no”
Cody: No hard feelings but we do need Fox to do the plan. Chancellor's evil. Obi-Wan, not at all convincingly, especially after the explanation: Oh no... the Chancellor... whatever shall I do... Cody: ...do I even need to put you in cuffs? Obi-Wan: For the sake of protocol, yes.
Ponds: we're going to kill the chancellor Mace, who got pressured to give the chancellor access to a 10-year old: legally, I cannot endorse this.
"We arrested the Jedi." "...and they LET you?" "Yeah, they assumed it was for a plan, which it was, but they assumed it was 'we're being watched by Separatists, play along' reasons and not, you know, killing the Chancellor."
Bly: General Secura, you're under arrest. Aayla: Wh--On what charges? Bly: Uh.... it's a sex thing? Aayla: ..............sure, why not.
Monnk: General Fisto, you're under arrest. Kit: Why? Monnk: ....reasons. Kit: ........yeah, okay.
Nobody even bothers to tell Shaak Ti, she's so far away that she can't do anything and really they just. Don't tell her she has a long-distance call coming in.
The only Jedi that don't just get arrested with zero fuss are the ones that are in active battle zones far enough away that it's not worth the deaths that would follow, Anakin, and 'I don't trust clones' types like Krell.
And the ones in-Temple, which is admittedly a lot, but we're going to ignore that and say the clones just triggered a reactive shut-down protocol that had metal going over windows and stuff.
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Misty the Tooka Post-O66
was talking with @certified-anakinfucker and I had a horrible thought.... the Perseverance doesn’t go down, but it definitely becomes an Empire ship right away and I doubt they like keeping tookas around. I cannot stomach the thought of anything bad happening to Misty, so I put my three remaining brain cells together and
Penchant grabs Misty on the way to the escape pod he and Quinlan take. Quinlan’s yelling at him the whole time, but he’s determined to get her. He makes a detour to the rec room and she’s there freaking out. He scoops her up and takes her with him.
Eventually, he brings her when he goes back to Sarah’s house. They keep her and she lives a long, happy life with Penchant and Sarah and their family.
She misses Faie, though. You know those videos of cats watching videos of their dead owners, like this one? Yeah that’s Misty with recordings and pictures of Faie.
One day shortly after O66, Penchant’s sitting on the floor of Sarah’s living room and going through the footage in his helmet. A holorecording of Faie, just something mundane, a report or a missed call or something, pops up and Misty comes running as soon as she hears Faie’s voice (she knows Faie’s voice from the rest I will die on this hill). She tries to rub up against the hologram or bat at him, but her paw goes right through.
Sarah comes home to Penchant still on the floor, crying silently and watching recordings of his vod with Misty curled up in his lap.
EDIT: @calamity-aims​ made some art of Misty and Faie and I need you all to be emotionally devastated by it like I was
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
so I am a bit of a sucker for the concept of Force-sensitive Sabine Wren. I just think it's sad that Tarre Vizsla (Viszla? I can never remember) is the only Jedilorian out there.
And I've done an Inquisitor!Sabine AU, and an AU where Sabine becomes a Jedi when she's in her 20s, but I've never done an AU where she was raised as a Jedi. Except now I have!
I can see this going one of two ways:
It follows the canon timeline
It begins right before the Siege of Mandalore main battle. Sabine is two-ish, and just starting to make things float.
Her parents know what this means. They also know that if they lose the coming battle, if Maul wins, there's a possibility he'll find Sabine.
They would rather send their daughter away than risk that.
Plus... Ursa can't help thinking about Tarre Vizsla.
So Ursa brings her daughter along when Bo-Katan and Ahsoka meet up with the Dream Team and gives her to Skywalker-and-Kenobi with instructions to bring her to the Jedi temple.
A few days later, when O66 goes down, Sabine is in the creche.
But Padawan Dume sprained his ankle just before the mission to Kaller. He had to stay behind. It's healed by the time the 501st marches on the temple.
That means that he's able to run away.
And if he happens to accidentally rescue a toddler on his way out, well, that's just a bonus.
When they're safe, hidden away, Caleb thinks to ask the kid for her name. She stops chewing on her hand long enough to say "Bean."
Thus Begin The Adventures Of Caleb And Bean
Since they meet a lot earlier, their dynamic is more like siblings instead of Space Dad and Space Daughter. Granted, siblings with a 12 year difference, but still siblings.
In this universe, Sabine has no idea she's Mandalorian. She just thinks she was a completely normal crecheling, not The Next Tarre Viszla. Somehow she still gets her hands on armor. Not beskar, but still armor.
She also dual wields. She's weaponizing both of her hands. Why have one invincible plasma sword when you can have TWO
They still join the Ghost crew. They always join the Ghost crew. my space family is destined to vibe together.
I can't decide if this change means ezra has no crush on her, or an even bigger crush on her. (I guess it depends on if you ship them or not.) Because they could either be like Sabine: kanan was MY jedi master FIRST, get your OWN Ezra: well he said he'd train ME, TOO, so YOU'RE just gonna have to DEAL WITH IT
OR they could be like sabine: *does some sort of super cool jedi thing with her two laser swords and a spin kick in the middle of a fight* ezra: she could step on me and i would thank her
actually yknow what
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Ahsoka gives her Jar'Kai lessons.
IDK how, but this turns into a fix-it eventually.
It's an Everything Is Happy timeline.
Palpatine dies offscreen somewhere.
I think it starts the same, with the send-Sabine-to-the-temple-for-safety. Except then nothing goes wrong!
Ursa insists Sabine learn about her heritage as well as get Jedi Lessons and the council is like, ok, fine, Mirialans get to do that, I guess Mandalorians can, too.
At age thirteen, she becomes Ahsoka's Padawan. With her penchant for large explosions, it's only right that she become part of the Disaster Lineage.
Anakin: you're my favorite grandpadawan Sabine: I'm your only grandpadawan
anakin is definitely the grandpa who spoils her rotten
Plus, Cool Uncle Rex.
She still gloms onto Caleb but it's more of a dadfriend thing. She's definitely Ahsoka's padawan, through and through.
Also, during her time in the creche, she absolutely corrupted all the other younglings. There was a petition to change the clan name to mythosaur clan. a couple of the younglings decide they want armor, too, when they grow up.
The clones all think she's the best baby sister.
A while into Sabine's padawanship, Master Tano gets sent on a mission with Master Dume. They bring their respective padawans.
(ezra was definitely part of loth-wolf clan in the creche)
mace: so how did my great-grandpadawan do on his first mission? caleb: good, except for when he got distracted by master tano's apprentice and walked face first into a doorframe ezra: yknow you really don't need to keep telling people about that
but then ezra sees caleb's reaction to that pilot lady from ryloth that they end up running into on a different mission and gets his sweet sweet revenge
ezra: HAHA you're in LOVE caleb: i am not. ezra: YOU'RE caleb: padawan. ezra: IN LOVE caleb: padawan. ezra: YOU'REINLOVE
(Ezra says this while Hera is, like, three feet away.)
Imagine the headache Mace Windu gets when he realizes that his great-grandpadawan is best friends with someone who is (a) Anakin "walking dumpster fire" Skywalker's grandpadawan, (b) Ahsoka "I tear out the innards of a droid with my teeth" Tano's padawan, and (c) a crazy dual-wielding Mandalorian Jedi.
Please. Please picture Sabine, wearing a mix of traditional Jedi robes and Mandalorian armor (jetpack included of course,) Jar'Kai-ing her way through a base full of holdout separatist droids that have captured her family (a la The Last Battle from rebels s3).
Meanwhile, that family, tied up somewhere, watching: Anakin: YES THAT IS MY GRANDDAUGHTER LOOK AT HER GO LOOK AT HER KICK BUTT Cody: HAHA I TAUGHT HER THAT SPIN KICK Ahsoka: TEAR EM TO PIECES, KID Rex: *unintelligible whooping* Obi-Wan, feeling a strange kinship to Mace Windu: you're all terrible influences
oh my gosh. sabine and padme friendship. yes. this is good.
I think at some point something happens and Ahsoka, Sabine, Caleb, and Ezra are all stuck on this planet with Hera and Chopper and a Lasat who they don't know but who pays them to give him a ride, and their only ship is the Ghost, but the hyperdrive broke and they have to go on the galactic equivalent of a cross-country road trip that takes several days and has a lot of shenanigans along the way. I might elaborate more on that later.
oh darn it now i wanna write a modern AU where the ghost is a big old station wagon and it's a road trip buddy comedy thing
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adiduck · 2 years
Oooookay here we go! What first...
...You know what? For you, Glimmer, I'mma talk about the one (1) nsfw fic I have partially planned. It's codywan, in case anyone's interested in that. Under a cut because. Well!
The war is over! How the war is over is unimportant (I know, and the canon divergence happens at Umbara, but that's a whole different fic we're not talking about right now). What's important is Palpatine is dead, the o66 went out but was only PARTIALLY successful, the clones are all currently dechipped, and in the Senate a bill for Clone Rights has made it to Committee. As far as the more conservative senators are concerned, it can die there.
Cody has been selected to be interviewed as the Marshal Commander of the Third Systems Army and therefore a natural representative for the clones of the GAR. He's been working on this Bill since its inception with a few allies in the Senate, including Chancellor Organa. The Jedi, due to a NUMBER of... shall we say obvious conflicts, are not involved (publicly, we'll get to that). He has his interview, and it goes, shall we say... about as poorly as they expected.
Cody's furious, full of all this pent-up frustration at this situation, at the people who refuse to look at him and see a person, at all the work he has put into this stupid bill and the fact that it may just lead to NOTHING, his brothers and himself stuck in a limbo where they aren't even PEOPLE under the law of the land, trapped in a contract with the Republic they didn't even sign, and who gets to DECIDE what makes a person anyway, why is it these old stuffy assholes who have never, ever had to question whether they would be considered ALIVE under the law, who have had the natural opportunities and experiences that denote their developmental age and meanwhile, MEANWHILE--
Cody goes to a bar. While he is at the bar, a random young man approaches him and shoots his shot.
It ends in the back of the bar with Cody getting the first handjob he has ever received.
It's... fine? Cody isn't really sure what the POINT is, honestly, some of his brothers go NUTS for sex but he's never really had time, though obviously he's been curious--
He goes back to the horrible little set of rooms in the GAR barracks he's been assigned as befitting his rank, and sees there's a call from Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan, of course, is off doing relief work off-world, since the Jedi are NOT SUPPOSED TO BE INVOLVED. Obi-Wan, of course, is using his off-hours to call Cody up and help anyway. Obi-Wan wants to know how the interview went.
Cody's out of sorts during the call, to the point Obi-Wan notices. Not wanting to tell Obi-Wan about this experience and not QUITE sure why, Cody blames his mood on the interview, and when they end the call, Cody's feeling restless, ill-fitting in his own skin and not sure why.
He keeps thinking about the hand job, which wasn't THAT bad he supposes. Maybe he just didn't really... control for the right variables? Maybe that guy just wasn't very good at this. Maybe Cody needs to try again, except maybe he can do a better job planning it out so he can actually... decide if he likes it...
Cody sits down and starts doing some research.
Cody makes a list.
Cody makes an action plan.
The story goes from there.
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
Do you have any star wars fic recommendations? You and your fics started my spiral into star wars hyperfixation hell and I C R A V E substance
I've been reading Star Wars fanfic literally for the past ten years, I think the Prequel section just all around contains the best fanfic on AO3 as a whole, and I almost basically do not. Every one of my favorites is still on ffn, and they would be such a pain to find. Check out the TvTropes SW fanfic rec page, they have The Real Old Timer Favorites.
I will say that the reason that the lead of the recent story is Fox is because of Our Guard and pretty much Our Guard exclusively. I need to finish it but it's deeply funny.
Similarly, a big part of the reason for The Cody Love is False Dichotomy , which influenced a lot of the way I see him. Another super good Cody (& Obi-Wan & Luke post O66) is the No Choir Series, first I Gathered You Here. My favorite Dad!Cody would definitely have to be Edges, which is just super good plotty casefic in general.
My Leia characterization can be slightly blamed on the best Original Trilogy fic on AO3 is "no one can stop me, not even gravity or nasa". The best fanfic summary of all time belongs to Ad Utrumque Paratus which is also great and has a good Leia and whatever but, more importantly, "black-cloaked psychic cyborg sorcerer dad with a severe breathing problem throwing an old man down the Death Star reactor shaft." Literally I've never read another synopsis that ever compared, I think about it every damn day of my life.
For some reason I used to read a lot of fics set around the Jedi Apprentice era (and boy oh boy is it hard to find somebody who writes a good Qui-Gon these days why are people so bad at it, just make him a good person who is so fucking annoying), which is likely the reason behind all my teen Obi-Wan fascinations. Guy's life is just HILARIOUSLY fucked. I read so much Melida/Daan stuff it's just so funny. The best and most influential fic for me right now in that aspect is also Edges, so go read it. Despite how many I read I can't think of too many, sorry! Most Teen!Obi-Wan stuff these days have takes I disliked so much that I ran off and wrote reel to reel about it. I feel like such an old man grumbling about how Jedi Apprentice era stuff used to be good but now it's all woobie Mandalorian blah blah blah.
More generally and mainstream, Vod'e An is really really fun and intricate timeline nonsense that goes into backstories. Obviously anything esama does, but we know that.
There's a ton of others I can think of but they tend to fall into the "Luke and Leia roleswap???" and "time travelling Obi-Wan??" category and I couldn't possibly dig them up right now jalksdf. It's pretty telling that usually when people ask me for fanfic recs of whatever I'm currently writing for my answer is "I don't read any of it because I hate all of it", but I can think of so much for SW I can't even name it. But those fics have been floating at the top of my mind because they were big inspo for the fic.
There would be fics that are #mandalorianinspo if it wasn't for the fact that 90% of fics about Mandalorians had so much random Mando vocab in them that they're almost undecipherable grumble grumble. And nobody recognizing how interesting Satine can be as a character for favor of #hotdunks grumble grumble more nuances on Jango outside of shipping context please grumble.
But thanks for reading, this isn't a lot but I recommend them all highly! And also ignore my old man grumbling, anybody who's been reading fic in a fandom for 10 years has a 'good old days'. The old days were not always good. So much Obikin.
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thefact0rygirl · 3 years
I'm baaaaack 😈
Ok so I'm watching The Deserter again and that scene where Rex and Cut are discussing children and Cut is all like "I see how you look at my family, our home" and "if you were to have children, but that would be against the rules, isn't that what someone programmed you to think" and later when Rex smiles at the kids and is like "you have wonderful children" my heart is v whole right now but I also can't help but think about what happens when Rex is back on Coruscant and tells you about the Lawquanes and you're completely shocked because you've never heard Rex speak in such a way about children and that starts the whole conversation of "after the war"
I just adore how soft Rex looks when the Lawquane kids are in the frame agghhh 🥺 but then he's not so soft when the war is over and it's *cracks knuckles* time to get to work :') *cue post-Order66/tbb era/dom Rex with a shameless breeding kink*
And then I think about how the Lawquanes made such a huge impact on Rex (though he may not have known just how huge at the time) that he immediately goes to them after O66. and. my heart 😩
Ahhhhh bestie!!!! Uncle Rex and the Lawquane family always make my heart warm and full. You are so right, they absolutely left a big impression on Rex that their farm was one of the first places he went after Order 66 to warn them about what happened. He is such a good man 😫
But now you’ve got me thinking about Rex and the Lawquane kids. What if while Rex was recovering on their farm, he and Shaeeah had a sweet moment together? Like Rex is recovering in the barn and Suu and Cut told the kids to let Rex rest because he was still “sick”, but Shaeeah doesn’t listen. She sneaks into the barn and lets Rex know she is going to read her favorite book to him while he recovers because that’s what Suu does when she is sick.
At first, Rex is uncomfortable because he has no idea how to act or function around a child, but then he sees the book that Shaeeah has is also your favorite children’s book (you keep a copy of it in your apartment) and just goes 🥺
So he stays quiet, listening to Shaeeah read to him and when she struggles with some words, he helps her out. And it’s in that moment that really opens him up to the idea of a life after the war. He starts imagining you reading to your kids when they’re sick and him helping them learn how to read.
Right? Okay so fast forward to after Order 66, and Rex manages to sneak back onto Coruscant to get you with help from the Martez twins. You guys don’t have a lot of time, maybe an hour tops, so you’re both shoving your basic necessities into a backpack before you’re both hauling ass back to meet the sisters. All of a sudden, Rex stops in the middle of the street and starts asking you if you packed the book. And you’re looking at him like “the fuck are you talking about?” And he tells you the book, your children’s book, and you tell him no because, you know, priorities.
Rex tells you to head to the hanger and that he would meet you there, but if he isn’t back in 15 minutes then for you and the Martez sisters to go. And it’s all very dramatic a la Jack and Rose on the Titanic because the minutes keep counting down and he still isn’t back and Rafa is pushing to leave and they’re just about to take off when Rex makes it back with the fucking book.
You guys make it the fuck out of Coruscant and the Core Worlds, but not without some rough quickies in the back of the Silver Angel. He eventually tells you once the sisters drop you guys off about why he needed to get the book and it just makes your heart soar because even after everything and how hard he is now, there is still that soft and sensitive part of him.
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nibeul · 3 years
Please I want to know more about your clones 🤔🤔
I am so late to responding to this but GLADLY!! I love gushing about them though I have so many (like 50 I think) so I will try to stick to my main group ahh :)
Cross (he/him): Cross was my first clone OC ever, so he holds a very special place in my heart even if I do not draw him often enough. He’s a commander (CC-0044) and was present on Geonosis, though later returned to Kamino to help Alpha with the CC training program.
He got his scar in 21BBY and it’s actually not from the battlefield (none of his scars are actually from the battlefield). The scar comes from being whipped by a lightsaber hilt, which sounds funny out of context, but it wasn’t an accident.
He’s batchmates with @katanrocksketches ‘s OC Asch! The two were pretty close when they were in training, and Cross got his name before leaving Kamino. It was given to him because of his kind of uhhh, “cross nature” or disposition pfft. He softens up a bit between 22BBY-20BBY though the walls go up again after that :’)
Coming off Kamino, he was a stickler for rules and was not a big fan of clones tattooing themselves/dying their hair and whatnot (he didn’t even like having a name at first though his batchmates used it enough that it begrudgingly stuck). After meeting Sunny though, he lets him do one tattoo and ends up getting his number underneath his left eye. It is like, staying to how he believes they should be while also accepting that it’s ok to be individual.
Cross’s favorite color is red because for him, red represents Ando (my Padawan OC) and they are very close (NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY. He sees Ando as his little brother or kih’vod to protect).
Cross actually does not know a lot of Mando’a because of his belief that they should not try to be seen as individuals. He distanced himself from anything that he considered “individualization”, and Mando’a was included in that. Sunny teaches him a little bit later down the line, and Ando also teaches him and Ten (another clone OC of mine) some Togruti, too
Part of Cross’s strict disposition comes from being subject to Priest’s death circles on more than one occasion (I might retcon that to Adral—a mando OC of mine—because I hate KT Ugh).
By the end of the war, he carries a lot of guilt. He loses a lot of the people he’s closest to because of his actions/orders, and he uh. Doesn’t live past O66 :’) he does get a very quick.. redemption.. arc.. kinda..
Sunny (he/him): Sunny was my second clone OC made around the same time as Cross, and he also holds a very special place in my heart :) I really love clone medics, there is just something about them that makes my brain go brrrr. I also think the irony of his name is great
Sunny’s name was originally Sers, but after writing him for a few weeks, I changed it because I thought Sunny fit better. His name was given to him by his batchmate, Aran, and while he vehemently protested against it, the name ended up sticking. He won’t admit that he actually likes it (though the tattoo and painting of his armor say otherwise anyway)
Sunny is the CMO of the 409th Corps (my OC military group basically). He’s a Lieutenant (or at a rank around there, definitely a CO at the least) and he does not back down. Ever. Even the people who outrank him will fall into line if he tells them to, Jedi included. He is not afraid to pull rank as a Medic, and his resting bitch face can be very scary
On the same line of thought as the rbf, he is basically perpetually scowling. He does not look approachable at all
Sunny loses the entirety of his batch on Geonosis, including Aran who he holds onto while he is dying. The Jedi leading Sunny’s company was.. not accustomed to war and failed to adapt when it was needed. Because of this, Sunny doesn’t necessarily harbor a dislike of Jedi, though he does not really trust many of them in leading positions. He also does not like that there are kids being put in the role of commander, he does see many Padawan deaths (he later comforts a dying Padawan that he was close to, I think I wrote part of that scene for myself and it was kinda upsetting oof) —> he gets his tattoo/paints his armor in order to honor his dead batchmates
Throughout the war, Sunny gets seriously injured only once after going down in an LAAT (where he nearly ends up dying too). Boost finds him, though he’s kinda accepted that he’s not gonna make it (I mean he does but it doesn’t look like he will for a bit). After Flip (younger clone OC) dies, he doesn’t really care if he kicks the bucket either :’)
Sunny is the only one out of my main gang to make it past O66. His chip doesn’t work at all, though he has to fight through his brothers (aha, the only ones who are still alive that he is close with) in order to save a Jedi youngling that was in the medbay at the time. After that, he goes on the run with the kid (clone dad clone dad) and offers his services as a doctor in the outer rim in order to keep them afloat
Boost (he/him) (she/her) [either or, there is no real preference]: Boost has gone through a lot of changes design wise. He started out as Dax, but then Dax became another OC, then she was Boost, though she had kinda short hair that was pushed back by a headband, then his hair was buzzed, and now we are finally at long hair Boost. Idk how to describe, but she is very shaped I think
Boost for his nickname from bear hugging his batchmates and lifting them off the ground when doing so. Also from fucking around in training where he threw another one of his batchmates in order to get from one ledge to another. All around just a name with silly origins that she liked and decided to keep
Boost and Sol are batchmates!
Boost is very tactically intelligent. She’s good at thinking on her feet, sees the bigger picture before focusing on details, good problem solver, etc. He is an ARC after all, there is good reason for his status and rank as a Lieutenant. That being said, he can also be very very stupid in the sense that off the battlefield, he’s oblivious. He does enjoy being the jokester of the group, and he sometimes plays up his dumbassery for jest, though yeah, a lot of people assume that he is not smart because of his demeanor which is very wrong
Boost is terrible. Terrible at braiding her hair. Sol is the best at braiding it, though she would never admit that even if everyone knows it. He started growing his hair out once they were off Kamino and hasn’t stopped since despite the fact that is technically not within regulations. Cross turns a blind eye and Ko (Jedi General) could not care less for inconsequential regulations like that
Boost is really good with kids, but good in the way a uhh.. chaotic uncle/auntie is. He’s a lot of fun to be around with, and being around kids makes him even more rambunctious than usual. He can be what is considered “childish”, pulling pranks and everything but like, he is very emotionally mature and knows when to be serious. Again, a lot of people kinda just boil her down to “dumb” which is really wrong, though it doesn’t bug him a lot.
Boost has a big sweet tooth!! He loves getting sweets when they’re on Coruscant, which they actually tend to visit frequently enough because of Ko’s status as a Sentinel (and also because Ko benefits what the Republic sees as the “propaganda machine” as a prominent General with a good track record).
Boost is romantically involved with @buttsalsa ‘s civilian OC Esta. I reblogged some art of them the other day, they are very cute :D
Boost doesn’t make it to Order 66 :’) I actually wrote out his death and cried after going back to read it LMAO It was rough
Sol (he/him): Sol was made as a package deal with Boost, and I feel bad because I think he gets overshadowed a lot but he is kinda like the rock for the group. When he dies, things really start to crumble but uh!! That is a sad thought for another time. Anyways, like I said, he is basically the rock and also a voice of reason for Boost’s shenanigans
Sol got his nickname after reading through some flimsi that their trainer had given him. He didn’t know if it had any meaning, but he liked the way it sounded and immediately began using it. Boost quickly picked up on it and the rest of their batch was very supportive
Sol loves reading. He specifically likes reading history, and Ando slips him what he can (fun fact, when Sol dies, Boost returns to their bunk to find a couple of holobooks that Ando had left and breaks down aha.. pain). Whenever he doesn’t feel like keeping Boost from causing trouble, he just sits in a quiet corner and reads his books while everything erupts in chaos around him
Sol’s favorite beverage is tea which Ko introduced him to. He has a few boxes he keeps with him when he can, and he shares them with Boost sometimes though he has to add a lot of sugar/honey in order to do that. If he could drink tea all the time, he could. On the flipside, he absolutely loathes coffee and doesn’t understand how Sunny can drink multiple cups on a day
Sol is kinda like the person that everyone is friends with even if they don’t realize it. He’s like.. the perfect emotional pillar, kinda the therapist friend in a group that desperately needs therapy. He’s more of a listener than a talker which is why it’s easy to overlook him, but he insists that he doesn’t mind much. That being said, it’s only once he’s gone that people start to realize just how much he did (aside from Boost who already thought the world of him)
Sol is also an ARC trooper, having gone through the training program together with Boost. He doesn’t have the same tactical knowledge that Boost does, but he’s good at mediating, long range combat, and also working through plans (he’s pretty meticulous). He and Boost balance each other out well, since he is like the “slow and steady” one out of them.
Sol is the first to go out of the main four (second out of my bigger group of six). He and his entire platoon are wiped out in a massacre as a result of false intel.. man :’)
Anyways, thank you for enabling to ramble about my ocs ToT I honestly just needed to infodump shdjf
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