#so yeah i'm. turning my queue down again
luveline · 2 years
𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
part five | chapter list
summary you’re a single mom living three trailers down. eddie thinks you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. queue sleepy kisses, baby kisses, cheesecake and cherry ice pops, and dinner with uncle wayne. [8k]
warnings teen mom!reader, fem!reader, r is junie’s birth mother, fluff, hurt/comfort, eddie being a girl dad (<3), tw for mentions of not having much money, new established relationship! idiots in love!! and junie being the sweetest baby ever
You don't think you've ever seen Eddie asleep before. You rack your brain for a memory, even the suggestion of one, and come up blank. Maybe I dreamt it, you think to yourself, hesitating with your hand held aloft above his peaceful face.
He looks like a dream. 
What he'd said last night — before the kiss, and after — echoes. You can feel his hands on your face if you close your eyes, the heat of each gentle palm, the scratch of a silver ring. He's missing his jewellery now, because he takes it off before bed. You can't believe you hadn't known that. All these details. His lashes kissing the delicate skin of his under eye, the way his lips thin in sleep from being pressed together. You reach toward him with a shy hand and brush a bundle of curls from his cheek, exposing the ridge of his cheekbone, begging to be kissed. 
You'd been tired, so tired, and then he'd come back, and he'd crashed hard. You understand it. It'd been the most exciting moment of your life, and on top of that, he'd taken care of Junie for most of the day beforehand. 
You've slept sparingly. The sun leeches in through the window one small ray at a time. Junie makes a small sound behind you, stirring in her toddler bed. You nibble your lip guiltily, wanting one more minute, just one, to look at Eddie uninterrupted. 
You turn around and your reluctance melts, Junie a picture of a good long sleep. Her hair is a mess, her lips still pouting, and her eyes are partly open. She sees you're awake too and smiles, and the guilt of wishing she'd sleep in intensifies. She climbs down from her bed and rushes up to yours.
"Hey, baby," you say softly, holding out your arm.
She grabs the sheets and you help her up, folding her into your chest with a contented sigh.
She's tired, and she lets you move her around with little protest. Which isn't to say she's despondent: her hands latch onto your t-shirt, and her tiny chin rises as she stares you straight in the eye. 
"How did you sleep, bubby?" you whisper-coo, hand spread over the breadth of her shoulders, the other crushed under your own weight. "My hand's going numb." 
You pull you arm out and hold her face. "That's better. Good sleep? Do you feel happy?"
"Good," she says. "Feel good?" 
You huff out a delighted sound and drop your nose to hers. "I feel super good, Junie baby. I'm so happy, because you're happy, and you're so smart." 
She smiles more. 
"Can you say that, baby? Say, 'I'm so smart."
Junie wiggles against your torso, hands at the neckline of your sleep shirt. "Smart," she says. 
"Yeah! Yes. 'I'm so smart.'" 
"I'm so 'mart." 
"Yay!" you cheer again, your inflection celebratory even though you're still speaking in hushed tones. You don't want to wake Eddie, but maybe you do — is this the kind of thing he's interested in being a part of? "You're so smart. So so smart, and pretty and kind and soft." 
You stroke her cheek with the back of your index finger, hoping to tickle her into giggles. "So soft," you murmur, "my lovely soft girl. You know why you're so soft? It's 'cause you're such a good girl, and you let me wipe your cheeks after dinner even though you hate it." You're speaking quietly enough that some of the words sound worn, syllables lost. 
Junie doesn't need to hear them to know they're dripping in love. She rests her cheek against your upper arm, chub against chub, and you sink down with her, closing her in for a cuddle.
Your fingertips brush over the nape of her neck. 
"Love you," you say, kissing her head absentmindedly. 
"Love you," she says back. 
She'd been a slow-learner, and she's still behind the majority of her age group, but none of it matters. Hearing her say anything at all is a gift. Hearing her says she loves you? 
You laugh. There's nowhere else for all the happy to go. 
Your hopes of sleeping again are dashed when she sits up and sees the lump of a body behind you. If she's confused she doesn't show it, hands pressed to your tender side as she climbs over you and onto Eddie's stomach. 
He doesn't rouse at first. He sighs, his arm lifting where it's trapped under the sheets, your faded cornflower blue quilt that he'd praised unnecessarily. It's pretty, he'd said, back flat to your mattress as you'd imagined him a hundred times before. 
You're pretty, you'd said. He'd opened his arms to draw you in for another hug. They'd felt endless all night.
Junie gets to his chest and her face fills with recognition. 
"Eddie," she says happily.
He hums but still doesn't wake. Junie pulls down the blankets, and he raises his arm. Eyes closed, he wraps it around her, pulling her to his chest with a contented sound. She giggles, tiny baby giggles, and starts to play with his hair. 
“June,” he mumbles. 
“Eddie,” you say, apprehensive, forcing a lightness, “we have company.”
“I can feel that,” he says. 
To your — your pleasure, your elation, he turns onto his back and his free hand finds you. His fingers curl around yours and he holds them, thumb pressed to the knuckle of your index finger. 
His eyes open slowly, his lashes parting, his face dipped down to take Junie in. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he says. 
“Good morning.”
“Good morning,” he repeats with a laugh. “Aw, Junie, your hair! I’ve never seen you before mommy gets you dressed. Uncle Wayne would say you look like me when I wake up, when I was a kid he,” —Eddie talks through a yawn, smoothing the baby hairs out of Junie’s eyes— “used to say I looked like Linus from the Peanuts strip.”
“That’s so mean,” you say. You're relieved. You should've known Eddie wouldn't care. He loves her. 
"You know who you look like?" he asks her. 
She shakes her head. His face lights up. 
"Animal! Grown up Animal, not the baby." 
Your stomach rumbles. Eddie looks at you with concern, though that concern is a mild, soft thing. He sees you properly for the first time since he woke up, Junie held to his chest, hair as messy as hers, as yours probably is, his t-shirt neckline rolled from wear, and he visibly melts.
"D'you wanna go out for breakfast?" you ask. 
He shakes his head. "Come here." 
"Just come here. Lie down." 
You ease off of your elbow and slide toward him. You rest your head very carefully beside his, and are immediately delighted when he kisses your cheek. 
"How are you feeling?" he asks, pulling his arm out of hiding to steer the side of your face to his. Your noses smush together, eyes closing on instinct. "Hey, how are you?" 
"How are you?" you ask back. He sounds super tired. 
"Y'always do that. You can't just answer me? You're–" He kisses you, then, softly but with a sluggish imprecision. "Impossible." 
"I'm impossible?" 
"You're impossible," he promises. 
You try not to squish Junie as you wrap your arm around her and bring a hand to his cheek. The tiniest rebirth of stubble scratches your fingertips as they rove up his cheek to the smoothest plane under his eye. You turn your finger until the nail is flat to his skin, stroking a fascinated back and forth. 
"I can't believe you're real." 
Can't believe you're real, and you chose me, and you're here now letting my baby pull at the sweat curls tight at your neck. 
"Do I look bad?" he asks. 
You roll your head back enough to see his smile. It makes your heart skip in the best way, how handsome he is, and you have to dive in again to kiss the line between his lips and his cheek. He's really warm. Before him, you'd forgotten how this could feel, the heat that another person can give you and how protected it leaves you. 
"You look really nice," you say, your finger rubbing up and down his cheek. A teardrop to his chin that falls and climb over and over. 
"Eddie," Junie says, weaselling under your arm.
"What, baby?" he asks. 
She tucks herself up under his chin and lifts her head. It's awkward, but babies are like that. Always wanting to be where they aren't. 
"Junie?" he asks. 
She looks up, dishevelled hair especially fierce. 
"You said my name, remember? Did you have something to ask me?" 
She giggles at his tone but doesn't answer. Your stomach makes some more aggressive sounds and Eddie shoots up like bamboo, baby held to his chest and hand behind your head. 
"Mom's dying." 
"Mom's super duper hungry," he says, stroking your forehead apologetically. "Now move, mom, so we may enter your kitchen and make super duper breakfast." 
"Oh, no, let me change her first," you say. "Poor girl, I slept through the entire night." 
He passes her over to you and you stand so he can slide out of bed. His smile grows. "Hair fairy got you both," he says. 
You glare. "You are not exempt." 
"Can I use the bathroom?" 
"Don't ask! Since when do you ask?"
"Do you want to go first?" 
His caring is sweet but unnecessary. "No. Please go, and spend like ten minutes in there? I promise we'll be much prettier when you get back." 
"You're beautiful now," he says, though he obeys your ask and treks out of the bedroom with a wanton groan and a stretch that shows a lot of back. It's more than likely on purpose. 
"I'm with my baby!" you yell, laughing. 
"Don't know what you mean."  
You strip Junie down to her smalls, change her diaper, and rub a nice lotion all over. She loves the skin to skin and stays still until you offer her today's options, two dresses, one blue and one a lighter green. She chooses the green, so you put green butterfly clips in her hair to match, and white socks with lace in black shoes. She looks awesome. 
"Girls?" Eddie shouts. "Can I come out now?" 
"I was kidding," you murmur to yourself, laughing.
You comb your fingers through your hair and meet him in the bathroom doorway with Junie's hand held in your own, glancing at each other through the gap. 
"I wasn't serious." 
"Sweetheart," he says, bending at the waist like he's been punched, "look at you. Juniper the Beautiful, holy sugar."  
She only smiles. 
"I can take her, yeah? I'll make breakfast. Do you want to get dressed?" he asks you, concern again softening the lines of his face. 
"Sorry," you say. 
"For what?" 
He takes your face into his hand, cupping your cheek. You meld into it like you're one and the same, two pieces of the same puzzle clicked back into place. Junie’s hand in yours makes three. 
"Alright, Junie, breakfast," he says, pulling apart and away with a humorous brevity, stealing her little hand from yours. 
They walk together down the hallway, hands swinging. 
"We'll go get breakfast!" you call. That's why you'd put her shoes on.
"I can make it," Eddie says, voice carrying in the quiet. He shoots a smug look over his shoulder. "I can make it, seriously. Just have a minute for yourself, why don't you?" 
You wonder if that's code words for you look like shit right now, but you firmly believe Eddie wouldn't tell you that even if you did. You wash up in the bathroom and then get changed into a new-old skirt that you sometimes wear to work though you're not supposed to and a nice shirt that doesn't go. You take it all off and try again. And again. 
You pull on a pair of tight sweatpants and the band t-shirt he'd bought you all those weeks ago. For a moment you stand there, face in your hands, and then a big hand presses to your shoulder blade and scares you into flinching. 
"Oh, shit," you say. 
Eddie laughs a storm and gets his hand under your armpit. That's worse, and you squirm, but he doesn't budge, pulling you toward him for a tight-boned hug. 
"You're taking for ages," he says, parroting one of Junie’s newer phrases. 
"Well." You shove your face into the top of his shoulder. "I think I'm nervous. Do I look stupid? Nothing fits me." 
He hears your embarrassment and your panic and hoists you backward, hands curled around the tops of your arms as he gets a good look. 
"You look pretty, and like you need something to eat." He presses his lips together, a funny picture of nervousness to mirror your own. "I know we should probably talk about it, but I don't really know how to do that. Just. Are you still– You don't regret it?" 
It sounds clunky in his mouth. 
"I don't regret any of it," you say sincerely. 
"Good," he says, recovering quickly from this show of vulnerability with a good heaping of bravado, "'cause I was really hoping to get to do this again." 
His hands climb your shoulders, settle neatly in the curves of your neck. He holds your face. You wait for him to kiss you. 
"What? I brushed my teeth." 
He presses his lips to yours all wonky with laughter. It's fleeting, not nearly as long as you want it to be, but Junie shouts something from the kitchen and draws both of your attention. 
"It wasn't about you brushing your teeth," he says, back of his hand rubbing yours as he overtakes. 
Junie stands in the kitchen with a spatula, a whisk, and the rolling pin, an array of items from the bottom drawer she's in the middle of relocating. 
"Sorry I left her, I just wanted to make sure you weren't, like, trying to think of ways to let me down easy. I put the TV on. Not that you can't let me down easy," he says, bending to face Junie.
You shake your head as he starts to help her take things out of the drawer. You don't keep anything sharp in it for this exact reason, Junie's enthusiastic upheaval. 
He catches your look. "I'll put them back! Promise." 
"It's fine, you know she does it all day anyways." 
And really, he should know you won't mind because whenever he's here he helps. Cleans, cooks, soothes her small tantrums and her bigger distresses, like when you won't let her eat laundry powder with the tiny shovel that comes in the box. 
He's even started playing the bad guy sometimes. It sounds crazy, but having someone who's willing to say no for you is a sharp relief. To get to be the comforter rather than the nag, and to share a smile over Junie’s distraught head. 
"This is positive reinforcement." 
"I know both of those words, and yet," Eddie says, closing the now emptied drawer with his foot. 
"You helping her take stuff out teaches her that those things should be taken out." You pull open the fridge. "But it doesn't really matter, I'm just saying. Do you want orange or apple juice? June?" 
You hold out the carton of apple juice and the gallon of orange. The orange juice is awful, a concentrate with too much sugar, and it's delicious, so Junie picks that one without hesitating. You give her half juice half water in a sippy cup. 
"Is mine watered down too?" Eddie asks, accepting the glass you press into his hand. 
"I even mixed in some pedialyte. You're welcome." 
He nods with more genuineness. "Thank you. Now sit down! I'm making breakfast. I'm gonna make it. What do you want?" 
You look at him, fresh but still sleep rumpled, and you think about how hungry you are, and you really like him so much and you get why he wants to do this, but. 
"Listen, let's go out. Let's get waffles and syrup and strawberries and nobody will have to do the dishes." 
He buckles way too fast. It feels like a big compliment, how quickly you can erode his resistance. 
"Alright. Fine, but not because I couldn't have made all of those things." 
"Of course not." 
"You look crazy pretty when you ask for things, you know? All this time I've been begging you to ask for things and now I'm a little worried. D'you always smile like that? I could be in trouble." 
You boo at him and he smiles all the way to the car. He's still smiling as he drops his hand onto your thigh, pulls out of the driveway, and starts down the street leading out of the trailer park. It takes you a minute, but eventually you realise you can touch him back, laying your hand on top of his experimentally. 
"Do I look stupid?" he asks. 
He's stolen one of your hoodies to hide his slept on shirt. His jeans look messed up from sleeping in, but they're baggy. 
"You don't… You could start leaving clothes at my house, you know? If you wanted to– stay again." You swallow a nervous giggle. "I mean." 
"Of course I want to stay again. I'd love to. I love being with you." 
He squeezes your thigh. If it weren't for his pinking ears, you'd assume him unaffected. 
"Okay. Good. You can stay the night whenever you like, handsome, 'cause I love being with you too." 
You wonder and worry if your declaration is too close to an I love you he doesn't want. You do love him, have loved him for a while, but you have no clue what you even are. Last night, you'd said best friend. He's more than that, he has to be. 
You're in sync, or he can read your mind. He says, "We'll talk about it. After you get some breakfast in you. Your stomach's so loud they just put a weather warning on the radio." 
"They did not." 
Wayne puts a beer down in front of his nephew and doesn't pull any punches. 
"If you get that poor girl pregnant, I will disown you. Not her, mind you. Just you." 
Eddie thinks this is a very weird thing to say, but he also knows that Wayne is mostly kidding. 
"I'm not going to get her pregnant." 
Satisfied, Wayne sits down next to Eddie on the couch, the two of them tired from a long day at work, the TV on quietly in the background. It's the same thing they do everyday, or everyday before Eddie met you and your baby. 
"I get to meet her, or we just gonna meet at the wedding?" 
"Funny," Eddie says. "You can meet her whenever you want to. I kind of didn't think you'd be interested." 
Wayne sighs, scrubs his jaw. 
"Son, I want to meet her. Her and the baby. I didn't know if it was gonna work, but…" He smiles at Eddie. Eddie thinks that it's a mix of pride and love, and it has a lump forming in his throat near instantly. "I should've known, huh?" 
Eddie makes himself scoff. 
"Yeah, you should've." 
"Only thing you ever half-assed was high school." 
"You had to get that one in there." 
Quick wit and nipping comments aside, Eddie knows Wayne truly does want to meet you and Junie, and that he should've a long time ago. It had been a cop out to say he didn't think Wayne wanted to meet you, because he knew his uncle had been curious and — he's family. Wayne is Eddie's family, and you and June have become the same. 
When he brings it up to you, he does it carefully. With flowers. 
You open the door and throw your arms around him, smashing the flowers unapologetically. He chuckles into your neck, pulls you tight to his chest. You smell like the diner.
"How come you never used to do this before?" he asks. 
"You never did either." 
You take his face into your hands and kiss him, before your usual shyness takes over and you pull away. He's having none of it, grabbing your wrist before you can escape to offer your flowers. 
"Here. You'll have to give me one back for Junie, though." 
You give him the biggest flower of the bunch, a huge pink carnation with perfect petals and a thick stalk. Your fingertips brush his as you do, and his eyes are drawn to them, your hands, the bump and bone of your knuckles. You still have a scratch from work down the length of your pinky, and they're scrubbed raw as usual from cleaning. He worries you're a little compulsive about cleaning, but he supposes you'd had to have been, all by yourself. He resolves to treat them kindly at the next possible opening. 
"Thank you." 
You don't blink at his bag from Bradley's. You try not to look at it; Eddie won't accept a thank you and you're trying to let him give you things, as per the arrangement. 
As in, you, with Junie in your lap and fresh cream on your cheek, had agreed to be his girlfriend three days ago in the booth of a diner that wasn't Benny's. He hadn't been as brave as he could've been. It felt unreal to him to be with you, to have kissed you more times than he could remember, and to have you smiling back. 
"Listen, I know you said we're best friends, and we are, you're my best friend, but I– we're more. I want to be your boyfriend." He rolled the word around so you'd know how strange he though it was. "But if you've… changed your mind–" 
You'd reached across the table, pads of your fingers stroking the back of his wrist. "Why would I change my mind?"
"You realise, if we're together, you have to let me take care of you all the time?" he'd asked, full of nervous energy and really, really pleased. Proud to have you. 
"I think I can deal with it." 
He'd rubbed the toe of his shoe against your ankle and finally told you about the cream on your face. 
"Junie?" he says now, eyes searching for your lovely daughter. 
"She's in the bedroom." 
"What for?" 
You squeeze your hand through the crook of his arm, press your cheek to the top of his shoulder, and laugh. "She's making Eddie's bed, apparently. I tried to explain that you won't be sleeping here all the time but I might have made it worse." 
Did you make it worse, or had your toddler misunderstood? He hates how even in the small things you'll blame yourself. This feels like a completely blameless situation, and, if anything, it's his fault, he's the one who stayed the night, and then another night, and another. He'd gone home between those days, had even gone to work, and really didn't mean to spend the night each time. It's addictive to get to sleep with you so close by. Getting to kiss you with your arm slung over his chest, your tired eyes staring up at him lovingly — he's a good person but he's weak, too. 
He knows it's a little improper to stay this close so soon. If he thought for a second you weren't okay with it he'd be out the door. 
"Eddie?" you ask. 
"You're staring straight through me," you say, sounding both amused and concerned. "What are you thinking about?" 
"You, mostly. You and June. You know, Wayne wants to meet you." 
You shake the bouquet at him, brows furrowed accusingly. "Is this a bribe?" 
"'Course not… Are they working?" 
"I don't need flowers. I want to meet him too. It's weird we haven't met before. You keeping us apart?" 
"I absolutely am. I was a gross kid, I don't need him to tell you all of that now I actually got you." 
Eddie draws away from you reluctantly to put his bag on the table, as well as June's flower. He pulls out the dinner he's brought for tonight and his most important purchase, a vase big enough for your flowers. It's simple clear glass with dainty enamel flowers around the circumference. 
"For you, my sweetheart, a vase for the flowers. You want me to cut the stems?" 
You beam at him, a shining smile that makes his chest feel fizzy, a can of soda on a rollercoaster as the sound of thumping comes from the bedroom, small footsteps racing to the door. 
"Think she heard you," you say. You smile, take the vase, and kiss his cheek in a silent thank you. 
Sure enough, Junie appears down the hall and Eddie's barely taken three steps when she's laughing and pawing at his legs, having raced all the way.
"Eddie," she cheers, arms up in the universal sign for 'grab me before I start screaming'.
He's more than happy to get his hands under her arms and pull her to his chest, your mini me breathing hard as she settles. Her hand presses into his collarbone, her lips puckered up for a kiss. He doesn't usually kiss her, doesn't really know where the line is, but denying her feels cruel. He kisses her cheek and feels her lips press to his cheek at the same time. 
"Thank you," he coos, "thank you for the kiss, baby, I'm happy to see you too." 
"See you," she says, patting his neck. 
"How do I look? Handsome?" 
She tangles her fingers in his hair. 
"So, Uncle Wayne, does he like me?" 
Eddie leans against the countertop you're facing so he can see your face. "He's never met you." 
"Duh, but does he like me?" 
"Probably. He has a bunch of reasons to like you and none not to like you." 
"Doesn't hate me for stealing his baby boy?" 
Eddie wonders if he's going red. "No, god, he'd thank you for it. Man hasn't had a quiet night in a decade and a half." You laugh softly, fingers weaving through flowers to arrange their leaves and stalks, and he catches a flash of uncertainty as it twists your mouth. "Seriously, he'll like you. I know everybody says it 'bout everyone, but Wayne's a good man." 
"I know he's a good man, just…" You frame the flowers with your hands and step back. You smile at him to unsuccessfully hide an insecurity he can spot a mile away. "I'm not the girl people would pick for their son, you know?" 
He raises his eyebrows, feels bad and drops them. Eddie lives in a trailer park, and has done for most of his life, it's not like the people around here are prudent about love and partners: Eddie's obviously not the first guy to ever date somebody who already has a kid. He doesn't wanna brush it under the rug, though. Your worrying worries him. 
"I think you're exactly who he'd pick." He smiles at you in warning. You asked for this, sweetheart, buckle in. "Gorgeous girl with a perfect body," —you snort— "'n' a heart of gold." He pats between Junie's shoulders where she's oh so quiet in his arms, an affectionate slump over his heart. "And her pretty baby, too. I'd choose you for my kid. You know, if I was old. And I had one."
You wrap Junie up with one hand, the other placed sweetly over his shoulder. Your thumb strokes into his skin. "Thanks, Shakespeare," you say, letting your head dip down until your lips are flat to his shirt. 
He drops his head into yours. 
"Do you think he should come over for dinner?" you ask quietly. 
"What, today?" 
"It's gonna make me nervous thinking about it otherwise. What did you bring? Or maybe I can get pizza?" 
He encourages your head back, palm to the side of your head. He strokes down until his hand covers your ear and curls around the curve of your neck. Insanely, he thinks it is a privilege to get to see you upset and to get to try and fix it. 
"I can ask him, and he's not fussy. You're sure you want to do this today? I could host, you know, or we could go out." 
You shake your head, looking grim. Dread clear in your eyes, you say, "I'll obsess over it. Can you call him before I lose my nerve, please? Do you think that would be alright?" 
You ask like he genuinely might say no. He hasn't had the power to say no to you for months. 
"Yeah, sweetheart, I can call 'im." 
You offer to take Junie and it's funny because she doesn't need to be held right now and yet neither of you want to put her down. She's relaxed and Eddie doesn't see why she should have to be anywhere else but in his arms, hiking her up his chest in one arm to use the phone. He slots the receiver between his shoulder and his head and types in Wayne's number without having to look. He's typed it hundreds of times, at friend's houses, at the school nurse when his Mom's didn't work anymore, at the Hideout. Just to say, I'll be home late, but don't worry. 
He extends the invitation with a teasing tone. "You wanna come around for dinner? Old lady's asking." 
"You can't call her your old lady, son, not yet. That's a privilege you gotta earn." 
Eddie laughs down the line. "What's wrong with old lady? I'm keeping it respectful, classy, aren't I? She's making burgers." 
"You better be helping her." 
"How can I help her? I'm on the phone to you." 
"What time am I expected?" 
"Let me ask." He pulls June back up where she's slipping, mouth lifted from the phone to grab your attention. "What time are you thinking, sweetheart?" 
"It can be done whenever he wants it," you say, elbow deep in ground beef. 
"Give us an hour, okay? Don't fill up on shit." 
"Yeah, boy, I won't. Better leave me alone to wash up, or I can come in my overalls–" 
"Alright, Wayne." He hopes it sounds like 'love you'. "See you in an hour. Don't forget." 
"Yeah, 'cause I'm that old," Wayne says, followed by the sound of the phone on the hook. 
Eddie passes it to Junie where she'd been dying to have a turn. He can't let her play too long, guilty already watching you chopping and dicing and washing. He sets her up on your couch with her army of teddies and a peach juice box from Bradley's. He'd picked them up thinking they were weird, and that he'd wanted Junie to try them if she hadn't before. She seems pleased with it, back and legs straight across the pillow, head bent in a way that would give a grown up a sore neck for the foreseeable future, socked feet wiggling along to the music playing on her show. 
He returns to find you washing your hands. Eddie wants to kiss your neck but doesn't have a clue in the world if he's allowed to do that now or ever, so he folds his arms over yours like a hug. 
"Can I get some of that?" 
You squirt dish soap into his palm. He's expecting grumbling and complaining at his weird position, but you say nothing, only laugh. You wash his hands for him, thumb rubbing down the small hills of his fingers until he has to wash off the suds, squishing you to the countertop edge with a feigned apology. 
You squeal with laughter. "Get off," you plead. 
"I'm so tired, suddenly, I don't know what it is." 
"Eddie," you moan, well and truly sandwiched under his weight. 
He pecks your neck and stands properly in search of a hand towel to dry off your dripping hands. He towels his, passes it to you, and uses his dry hands to cradle your face. He thinks you look beautiful but admittedly very tired, and lowers his voice to an adoring murmur.
"You can go sit down, if you want to." 
"Oh, no, there's too much to do," you say, and though you're denying him, your face lists heavily into one of his hands. You close your eyes for a moment before looking up at him through your lashes. "I can do it." 
"I know you can do it, I just don't want you to have to." 
He pulls you closer, his elbows pushed into your shoulders. 
"I'm really good at making burgers. S'like, my signature dish. That's why I got stuff for burgers, 'cause I wanted to cook tonight." 
You still don't budge. 
"Go on," he murmurs, "go get your cuddles." 
Junie, upon realising Eddie would be sleeping in your bed, has taken to climbing on top of him and insisting she get to stay in the big bed. She's hogging him, and it's clear you're not unaffected. Not jealous, not bitter, but missing your baby. 
You're in mild withdrawals, and it makes sense. After all, she gets her extreme need for affection from you. 
"You're sure?" you ask, frowning softly. 
"Yes," he says, laughing and pushing you away gently, "trust me, sweetheart, I can make dinner. You gotta take my flower for June, though." He picks it up off of the counter and twirls it under your chin. "I forgot all about it, you distracted me." 
You take the flower but hesitate in front of him. 
"Kiss?" you ask, eyebrows popped up. 
He bends backward, hand coming up to cover his mouth. "You have it bad, huh?"  
"Forget I asked," you faux-threaten, spinning on your heel to leave. 
Eddie follows, spins you right back around with a hushed, "Where do you think you're going?" and kisses you, hand sliding up your cheek. 
One kiss turns to two, your lips parting slightly under the pressure. He grins and goes in for a third. 
You don't sit down for long. You steal a Junebug cuddle, in which she insists on sharing her juice box with you and kisses you upwards of twenty times. You giggle giddily, the petals of the flower you've tucked behind her ear almost blinding you with each one. They're drooly and gross and lovely to begin with, less wet when you leave to find something for her to wear. 
The dress she wears now is dirty from daycare, and the applesauce, crackers, and peanut butter you'd given her earlier stain the neck. You pick out a simple matching set of not-quite pyjamas. You want Wayne to know you dress her well, but you'd feel bad if she had to suffer any longer in clothes with buttons and zips.
Once she's changed, she's somehow even happier than she was. Now she's settled into daycare and your routine, she's over the moon all the time. She's finally settled in, and you have Eddie to thank for a good chunk of it. He's a great part of her routine, another person who wants to love and dote on her. While you know you'd been doing a great job by yourself, any extra love at all is welcome. You could love him for how he loves her and nothing else, only there's a thousand other things about him to love. 
Like his singing. You can hear him humming, then riffing, spatula scratching the frying pan as he rocks out to a song you can't hear. You're playing with Junie's toes, as strange as it sounds, wiggling and tickling the sole of her feet. 
"Mommy?" she says breezily.
"What?" you ask, leaning to her eye level, fluffy bed socks in hand. 
"Special treats for dinner?"
You can't believe the improvements in her speech, though it's natural, and it would've happened eventually. And it blows your mind because you'd known she was in there, she's a great listener and she's so patient for a toddler, but knowing she's having these thoughts and then having her voicing them now is something else completely. It's amazing. 
You tuck the sock under her pant leg and beam at her. "Yeah, baby, we're having special treats after dinner. Eddie's making burgers with the cheese," you hum, offering your open hand for her to hold.  "And… his Uncle Wayne is coming by for dinner. So we're gonna meet him and say hi to him and be super nice, okay?" 
"Okay. What's for treats?" 
"I don't know, you'll have to ask Eddie. Should we go ask him?" 
She nods enthusiastically and slides off of the sofa, gand in yours. She walks with a wobbly confidence into the kitchen, where the smell of searing hamburgers and black pepper is cloying. 
Eddie turns with the spatula, slouched with one elbow on the counter. He perks up when he sees Junie in her fresh clothes. 
"Hey, bub, look at you!" 
"She has something to ask you." 
Eddie crouches down. "Anything. What do you want to ask me, Junie?" 
"What's for," —her voice is small, high-pitched and clumsy but sweet— "... have for…" 
"Dessert," you whisper. "For treats." 
"What's for treats?" she asks, smiling. 
You sigh with pride and Eddie mirrors your expression. "Well," he says, reaching out to readjust the flower peaking in front of her hair, "I brought two things, cherry ice pops and cheesecake." 
"Oh," Junie says, "my gosh." 
You leave them in their love bubble and change into your nice (bleach stained, agonisingly bleach stained) jeans, rather than meet Wayne in your waitressing skirt and blouse. Eddie wolf whistles as soon as you emerge, Junie now happily perched on his hip as he moves the burgers onto a plate to wait in the oven. Junie turns and drops the slice of cheese she was holding, startled at the noise. 
"Is this awful?" you ask, pointing to the thin line of bleach across your thigh. 
"'This' is killer," Eddie says. 
"No, but can you see the bleach?" 
"Not really. If you need new jeans, we can go get some."  
The I can't afford it begs to be said, though you know exactly what he'll say in response. 
"Not right now," he amends. "They look fine, okay? He won't notice. I had my first tattoo for three weeks before he saw it." 
You lean over the sink to open the window and let some clean air in. Eddie goes back to the plate, and Junie drops another slice of cheese. 
The knock at the door startles you. You're unprepared, terrified, and you haven't wiped down the dinner table yet. Eddie sees your panic and shakes his head at you. 
"It's fine. You want me to answer?" 
"We should both answer," you say, with a confidence you are not feeling. 
You hold your hands out for Junie. She's a safety blanket. 
Please like me, you think, letting Eddie pull you to the door. 
You have nice shoulders. Eddie feels like he's had this thought before. Often, he looks at you, and he finds something new to catch onto and to obsess about. This hasn't changed in the few days you've been together. It's gotten worse. 
He can see the top of Junie's head against your shoulder but not her sleeping face. You sway her from side to side and he can see you arms shaking with the effort it takes to have been holding her for this long, your quiet humming now a whisper of sounds. The gentle thudding of your hand against the bottom of her spine stops, and you turn to look at him, a question in your eyes. 
He nods. Looking good. 
You ease her down into her toddler bed and spend some time pulling the blankets over her legs, tucking her small army of teddies in beside her. 
Finger to your lips, you and Eddie creep out of the bedroom and back into the kitchen. There's nothing to clean. His Uncle Wayne is a stickler who couldn't not help clean up. 
Wayne had definitely liked you. You're still glowing with it. It had been a great time, not nearly as awkward as you'd feared, and Eddie's feeling pretty content right now. You waste no time collapsing on the couch. A sippy cup under your hip, cushions in disarray at your head. Eddie grabs the half of the cheesecake that's left and two spoons and sits right next to you, thigh to thigh, no need for friendly space anymore. He forces the spoon into your hand, slides the cheesecake onto your thigh, and moves the sippy cup out of the way. 
"My arms are too tired," you mumble, dropping back into the cushions. Junie had piled them all up behind Wayne's head. She was extra, extra nice. 
"Want me to feed you? I can baby bird you." 
"Ew. That image never gets any less disgusting, Eddie." 
It's been Eddie all day. What's a guy gotta do to get a 'handsome'? A 'baby'? 
He laughs around a spoonful of cheesecake and twists his foot behind your calf, linking your legs. You've managed to finally get cable, and an episode of Jeopardy plays on mute across the room. There are toys everywhere, the kind of mess that you'll spend three hours putting right, sorting and spritzing and wiping with Junie behind you pulling things back out. 
Eddie's already got the clothes here to stay, and Wayne had said, "See you tomorrow," when he left, but Eddie asks anyway. 
"Can I stay over?" 
You sit up to drop your face heavily into his shoulder.
"Please, handsome. Don't want you to go home." 
There's the pet name he'd been searching for. A warmth climbs all over, a twinge in his stomach. He heaps cheesecake onto your spoon and presses the handle into your fingers. You eat it slowly, tip of your tongue making an unexpected appearance when a crumb sticks to your lip. 
You make a sound that should probably be illegal and drop the spoon into the cheesecake casing, freeing your arm to wrap it around his chest. You nuzzle your nose into his skin, sniffing. 
He laughs from happiness and nothing else, making good work of the cheesecake while you doze. He's not an animal, leaving some for you and June if you want more tomorrow, but he isn't temperate, either. He's thinking this might be the perfect life, you and your baby, Uncle Wayne laughing at your kitchen table, Junie in the high chair beside him trying to make a babbling conversation. She'd managed a couple of proper words and an impressive sentence, much better at answering than asking but trying either way. 
"You're a ringer for your mom, kid, you look like twins," he'd said softly. 
"Ring-ring," she'd said happily, excited to have understood. She'd offered her hand to him, pinky and thumb stuck out. 
Wayne, grinning, had answered the phone. 
"June loved Wayne," Eddie says conversationally.
"Junie loves everybody," you say through a yawn, hand soothing up and down his side greedily. "Not like she loves me and you, but she does. She keeps hugging all the other babies at daycare and they don't know how to stop her." 
"What? You've never told me that." 
"I didn't know 'till this morning." Your fingers find and breach the hem of his shirt, pads tracing to the small of his back. 
"God, you're cuddly tonight. Here, let me–" He moves the cheesecake. "Come here." 
You groan, "No, this is fine." 
"Sit on my lap, loser." 
"I'm heavy." 
True or not, Eddie wants you in his lap, and he's selfish, pulling at you like a kid not getting his way. You end up flopping over his lap to stop him, curled into an uncomfortable but darling position. He gets his hand behind your ear and turns your face, wanting to see your eyes and your nose and your lips. 
Your eyes are bright in the lighting. 
"Wayne liked you," he says, stroking down the shell of your ear with his thumb. 
"I can see why you're so kind," you say. 
You smile at each other. 
"I don't know what I did." 
Eddie leans down, tilts his head to line up with yours, his eyes flicking between the lightness softening your gaze or the curve of your top lip, calling him in like a siren. "What did you do?" he murmurs. 
"To get so lucky," you say. "I don't know. I must have been a saint, in a past life." 
"A past life," he repeats. 
Your eyes find his and narrow. He knows where you're looking, that little dot of dark hiding beneath his eyelashes. You move over his lap carefully, hands behind his neck to anchor yourself. Your thighs against his thighs, ankles locking him in, your hands always so gentle where they play in his hair. 
He thinks there's a kind of melancholy to moments like this. He panics, in his way, in his head, because there are no guarantees. This perfect night with a perfect girl could be it. There are many bad things that could happen, unspeakable, and he gets this trip in his chest like a fuse shorting out. 
He should slow down and tell you what he feels. How you're his and he's the lucky one, goddamn, he's never had luck like this in his life. 
He smooths his thumb across your lips and stops at the corner, momentarily ashamed of his big, clumsy hand, and permanently in awe of your softness, your goodness, how it lines every feature on your brilliant face. 
You lean in for a kiss. 
Your lips are parted, and he thinks you might've read his mind, the hunger and the fear he'd felt, the heart-pounding reverence, that split second of wanting to say something he shouldn't yet. It feels like you read his mind; your lips kiss and kiss and your hands tremble minutely behind his head. The heat of your tongue shocks him like the first drag, has his hand bawling in the fabric of your shirt, a low sigh smothered by your attention. 
Your nose touches his. In the days since his confession you've endured a frankly overzealous amount of his kissing. He's had you in bed, in the kitchen, just outside the front door. Some heavy handed, some sweeter than sugar, none ever for anything but kisses. Your ardency surprises and excites him — his pulse is a freight train, pounding in his veins as you yield. Your head tips back slow, your gasping breaths a golden sound he endeavours to keep forever. 
When you lay back, it's quietly, hand at his front and encouraging you to lay with him. He props himself up on his side, one hand feeling for your upper arm, wishing you'd worn something with shorter sleeves so he could feel your skin. The other covers the column of your throat. He can feel your too-fast breathing in his palm, your shallow gasps. 
Your eyes close again as he ducks in. He rubs a line with the tip of his nose next to yours, the heat emanating off of your skin thickening the air. Or, that's what it feels like. 
"Kiss me," you say under your breath. This close, you might as well have shouted it. 
He kisses you until not one of you can breathe properly, and a little after that, too. His thumb ghosts under the curve of your breast and he can feel the tightness of the question between you, a string pulled taut by your hand and his. 
"Sweetheart," he says, trying to pour all of his affection and something deeper into the word, "do you want to…" 
"What?" you ask. 
He lifts his head off of yours and waits. You open your eyes in confusion, though that confusion quickly turns when you hear what he's hearing. 
Movement. Little feet. 
He pulls his weight off of you and helps you up, brushing down your hair, your hot cheeks. You move away from his hand without malice, and when he turns he's not at all surprised to see baby Junie in her pyjamas, the ear of a teddy clasped in a small fist. 
You press your arm to his. 
"Sorry," you whisper. 
He turns to you, blinks three times quick. "Baby, it doesn't matter." It's unfortunate, but not as unfortunate as your mortified expression. He holds his hand out to Junie where she's meandering toward you, exhausted steps unsafe but determined.
She reaches his knees, and Eddie helps her up to sit between you both, his arm behind her head. 
You stroke her hair. The look you give him is pensive and loving at once. You lift your chin, and he presses a saccharine, chaste kiss against your kiss bitten lips. 
Junie falls asleep again near immediately. Eddie finds your hand in the mess of limbs and gives it a good squeeze. 
"Bed?" he asks. 
You slouch down. "In a minute?" 
He slouches down with you, letting his temple drop against yours over Junie's sleeping figure. 
"Whatever you want." 
thank you for reading! im so happy they’re together this is my fave part of every fic, aimless adoration <3 im not sure what to write for part sis so I’d love to hear what you want to see there, thanks so much
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cordeliawhohung · 1 year
Hi!!! i absolutely loovveeddd your simon drabble - maybe u could write a drabble ab mean teasing ghost making u get off on his thighs😭 haven’t been able to get that off my mind in the last couple of days KENFNSKWK THANK YOU
hi!!!! thank you so much! <3 (yall are seriously too sweet) once again (not to beat a dead horse or anything) but i just wanna reiterate that i am very much out of my depth here, but i really hope it's to your liking!
minors dni, thigh riding (obvi), small use of pet names, simon's having too much fun teasing, he's a little mean but still praising, def still a dick tho, slight banter (not proofread very well...)
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Riding His Thigh
It starts on the couch in the living room. What was supposed to be a peaceful and quiet night in with a home cooked meal and a movie turned into wandering hands and needy mouths pressed together. You ended up in his lap like you normally do, legs spread apart to accommodate the wideness of his hips just to straddle him.
There was something different about this time, though. Simon's hands moved languid and soft along your sides, and you whined at the lack of want, the lack of force to his grip. You pull out of the kiss with a small pout, and your hands instantly slither down to the band of his jeans.
"Simon..." you whimper, the want evident in your voice as you tug at his zipper. "Fuck... need you so bad..."
That was supposed to be his queue, the green light, but instead he gently pushed your hands away before resting his own on your hips. Then he's pushing you back a little, forcing your leg to slip away from his hips and down towards his thighs where you're then stuck straddling one.
"Gonna need you to work a bit harder than that, sweetheart," he says, his voice laced with a dangerous promise that tells you that he means every word.
You want to argue, you want to pitch a fit and whine saying you can't wait, or that he's cruel for even suggesting such a thing, but then his grip on your hips tighten, and he slowly rocks you along his thigh. It sends a sharp jolting feeling up through your stomach that satisfies your insatiable need for him for only a moment before it washes away with a single breath. You know exactly what he's wanting, and though you're whining about it, you know you don't want to deny him.
Eventually you begin to move on your own, and despite the muted but delicious friction through the fabric of your shorts you stare at Simon with a look that tells him you're not happy about this one bit. He's too busy enjoying the show to mind, though. His hands stay firmly on your hips, refusing to aid you but feeling every single sway of your body.
"There we go," he coos as he relaxes further into the couch.
It's annoying how the baritone of his voice heats your core so hot it swelters. You want to call him names, let your frustrations be known, tell him you want him to fuck you properly. But it's like he can read your mind, and he bounces his leg over so slightly, ripping a sharp gasp from those pretty, pouting lips as the pressure increases and decreases on your clit all too suddenly.
You don't care anymore. You ride his thigh shamelessly, hands resting firmly against his shoulders as you do. Your own thighs tighten around him as you feel the wetness collect in the fabric of your underwear. A whiny moan erupts from you as you clench down around nothing, and despite your frustration you continue through it.
"C'mon," Simon urges gruffly. Suddenly he sits up straight, his grip on your flesh tightening as he now joins in helping you get off on his thigh. "Just once, yeah? Need you to cum for me and I'll give you what you want."
His lips are so close to yours you're nearly kissing but not quite. Every breath you breathe is pushed into his mouth, and you can feel the way his words feel on your skin.
"Just like that, c'mon love," he continues. "Cum for me and I'm all yours."
A few more desperate ruts and pathetic moans later and you're coming undone on his thigh. A small cry leaves your lips as your cunt pulses around absolutely nothing, and you bite into your lip as you slump forward, your forehead resting against his lips. The frustration builds in you again almost instantly as you know that orgasm would have felt ten times better had he stopped teasing and gave you his cock.
"Fuckin' perfect," Simon praises, but his hands don't stop moving. Your poor, overstimulated clit endures more of his teasing as his firm grip forces your body to rock against him once more. He chuckles when you whine. "What? Too much for you?" he teases.
"Fuck you," you bite, but your words quickly fall away as he bounces his knee once more.
"That's the point, isn't it?"
master list and tag lists can be found here!
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teyamsgrl · 1 year
Hi Jade! Do you think you'd be up to do Neteyam fic where he and the reader are sweet on each other but because she's younger than him and friends with Lo'ak he doesn't wanna go that route with her so he distances himself from her and he starts vetting available girls in the clan as a distraction and this makes the reader decide to put her needs first and she starts thinking about future mates since Neteyam isn’t seemingly worried about her. But then a rumor starts that either Lo'ak and reader are to be mates or someone else is courting her and this pushes Neteyam to stake his claim and make her his.
❗️MDNI ❗️
hi!!!! oh my goddddd this idea is amazing, everyone say THANK YOU ANON 🗣️ jealous and in love neteyam woowowowowo i'm dead already - also this gif is so fucking crisp and clear holy fuck he is so fine respectfully
p.s: sorry it took me forever to get this completed! had some writer's block along with uni starting again 🥲
just a distraction ✧ neteyam
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°˖➴ warnings: fem omatikaya reader, agedup!neteyam, dom!neteyam, jealous!teyam, younger!reader, sub!reader, friends to lovers, slow burn??, dirty talk, oral f & m receiving, missionary 😮‍💨 - paskalin: honey
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despite being lo'ak's age and his best friend, you and neteyam got along extremely well. this 'getting along' also included a lot of unsaid feelings and the romantic tension between you both was unbelievably visible yet neither of you ever said a word. your actions showed enough though; the extra long hugs, the touches as you pass each other, the undivided attention as you teach each other new skills, the looks you share throughout the day. you were so obviously in love with neteyam and you figured he maybe felt the same; that is until he started to avoid you a week ago. it hurt. it hurt so bad.
what made it even worse was that he was going around the village and chatting up all the girls, showing off and being touchy. it made your blood boil as you watched him because that should be you. as you watch him speak to kai'ra, a very skilled hunter, you start to snap out of it. clearly neteyam doesn't want you so why are you sitting here pining over him? what's the fucking point? sure, it sucked to accept that you would never be with neteyam like you had anticipated for a long time but there was no point in sulking about it. there were many other desirable men in the clan and you figured that you'd find the right one eventually.
"i heard that y/n is being courted, is that true, lo'ak?" neytiri questions as the sully family sits together in their hut eating an evening meal. neteyam almost chokes on the food in his mouth, eyes wide and jealousy rising in his chest. "yeah, by ät’uk and i think someone else too" lo'ak responds to his mother nonchalantly before continuing to eat. there are other men attempting to court y/n? what had he done? neteyam couldn't deny his feelings for you, they were almost overwhelming. it was hard for him to put distance between you both, but he felt that it was right due to the fact that you are younger and best friends with his little brother. this was clearly a mistake. the pit in his stomach was haunting, just knowing there were other men chasing after you had him anxious and on top of that, angry. neteyam set his bowl down and stood up abruptly, telling his family that he just needed some air and to walk by himself. he rushed out of the hut, turning left to head to where he knew you'd be; tree of voices.
you went to the tree of voices every night before eclipse to visit your late father, the visits always bringing you peace. just as you detach your queue from the tree, you hear someone approaching. you rarely saw others approach the tree of voices at this time of night, so you got a bit startled naturally. "it's just me", you hear that familiar voice you love so much. your heart swelled as he came into the light expelled by the tree, you had missed him despite his actions. "neteyam.." you say, nervously shifting to stand up and face him. "is ät’uk courting you?" he asks matter of factly, a glow of jealousy in his amber eyes. "uh... he has been trying, yes, so has tar'ete" you answer him, observing the way his nose scrunches at your words. "well, that's not gonna happen" he takes a step closer to you, now chest to chest. "and you get to decide that for me? that's funny, especially since you've been avoiding me" your tone is harsh, but it was true, what right did he have to state his opinion when he left you in the dust?
"look- i just thought that since you're younger and lo'ak's best friend it would be better to not initiate something with you, but" his hands move to grab your hips, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. "it was a mistake. i talked to all these other girls and i felt nothing, then i heard you were being courted and i just- you're mine and i won't let anyone else have you" he breathes out, pressing his forehead to yours and allowing his lips to ghost over yours. "i've always been yours, neteyam. it killed me to watch you with all those other girls.." you whisper softly, your own hands gripping his shoulders as though he could slip away any second. "i know, it was just a distraction. i'm sorry, paskalin.." the pet name effortlessly falls from his lips, said lips slowly inching closer to yours. you nod slightly, breath tickling his lips. before you can act first he presses his lips to yours, moving in sync with yours as though you had done this a million times before.
you hum into the kiss, hands running to weave into his braids as his tongue slips into your mouth, gliding along your own tongue. his hands on your hips pull them against his, bulge pressing against you and bringing more wetness between your legs. "neteyam" you whine out softly, grinding into his bulge and pulling out a moan from him. "y/n..." he sighs as he watches you sink to your knees, hands untying his loincloth from his tail that is swishing around in excitement. your eyes widen slightly as his cock bounces out of the confines of his loincloth, hard and leaking already. you lick the tip softly, his head falling back from the sensation. "wanna be yours..." you murmur, kissing along his shaft. "you are, i promise" he moans out as your mouth engulfs his tip, sucking and gradually taking in his entire length.
you start bobbing your head up and down, gagging slightly as his tip hits the back of your throat. "that's it, fuck..." neteyam's hands hold your head as he thrusts gently into your mouth, your mouth his to use. he moans as he continues, the whining and choking sounds turning him on even further. he pulls you off of him and you gasp for air, hand wrapping around his length to stroke him. "no- it's your turn, paskalin" he holds out his hands for you and you grab them, standing up and facing him once again. he is now the one to drop to his knees, hands swiftly removing your loincloth in seconds. he grabs your left leg, hoisting it over his shoulder so your glistening hole is on display. his arms keep you steady on one leg while he leans in, tip of his tongue gently flicking over your clit. you shudder at the touch and whine out his name softly, bringing a smirk to his lips. he leans in again and brings your clit into his mouth, suckling on it like there's no tomorrow.
neteyam moves downwards, tongue plunging into your hole and lapping at your wetness while he leaves marks on your thighs from how tight his grip is. "teyam-" you whine, hands holding his head not only for stability but out of pure pleasure. he hums against you, vibrations shooting through your body as his mouth continues it's assault on you. his one hand moves back to grab the plush of your ass, lightly spanking as he shoves his face further into you. "feels good" you squeak out, hips bucking into his mouth frantically. "yeah? wanna cum on my cock babygirl?" he mumbles between licks to your clit. "please yes" you gasp and lock eyes with him, allowing him to lie you flat on your back.
neteyam crawls over top of you, one hand beside your head as the other lines his cock up with your entrance. the pressure of his tip at your hole has you mewling already, hands reaching for his biceps as he begins to push in. the stretch is intense yet the most pleasurable thing you had ever felt, your back arching in an instant. his breath is shaky as he bottoms out, pulling away slightly to ram right back into you. he leans to press his forehead on yours as he settles on a rhythm, breath grazing your lips as your rock back and forth together. "shit-" he groans as your walls squeeze him on each thrust, his fingers pressing into the dirt below you. "oh eywa..." you whine, nails dragging down neteyam's toned back.
"so good.... you're mine, aren't you?" he hums, hips jerking continuously and causing squelching sounds to fill your ears. "yours, all yours" you moan, nails digging into his back further as your orgasm begins it's fast approach. "that's right- fuck, i'm close.. where do you-" "inside, please" you beg, legs tugging him in by the waist as you begin to quiver. "okay- oh babyyy.." he groans as he pumps you full, your own orgasm releasing simultaneously. both of your breathing is heavy as you come down, bodies pressed together.
"you're amazing" he whispers, hand stroking your cheek as he lies beside you now. "so are you" you whisper back, placing your much smaller hand on top of his, staring into his amber eyes. "be my mate?" he asks, other hand resting on your stomach. "yes, of course yes" you smile, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him close. he chuckles and wraps his arms around you as well, his strong arms keeping you as close as possible. "all we need is tsaheylu" he mumbles, smirk plastered on his face. "are you saying you want a round two?" you giggle, kissing along his jaw. "maybe..."
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wosoluver · 4 months
Hotter than hell
Patri Guijarro x reader
tw: smut, minors DNI
Patri Guijarro Masterlist
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"I'm obsessed with her." you said biting down on the straw in your drink. If stares could burn, Patri would be on fire.
You were on a get together. Patri invited the girls and you invited your friends. Trying the best you could to entertain the people you each invited, led you two to be separated for most of the night. You with your friends and she with hers. Casually meeting her eyes once in a while.
Having a high yearning for each other wasn't uncommon. But tonight you were struggling to keep it to yourself.
Draining down the drinks, trying to stay cool.
"You're allowed to. She's your girlfriend and she's hot as hell." your friend said, knowing not to feed into your desires, but doing it anyway, out of funsies.
You almost let out a whine. Turning your attention back, you could only agree with her.
"I know, this woman can have me for breakfast, lunch and dinner." you said mouth watering at the thought.
As if on queue Patri wrapped her arms around your waist from behind, leaving a wet kiss on your temple.
"Hey love, you look a bit agitated." she said with a smirk on her face. She knew exactly what she was doing, and how you were feeling.
"Yeah, I think I'm a little hot, look." you said putting her hand on your forehead, while letting out a pout.
"Agree. Think I need to take you home." She said, her eyes boring into yours.
"Yeah, let's go."
You bid your goodbyes, and left without any remorse. Using the excuse that you weren't doing too well. Which was completely unnecessary, your friends knew you.
Arriving home you almost didn't make it past the front door.
You kissed her with everything you had in you. Taking a brief pause.
"I'll get us some water, meet you in the bedroom?"
"Yes ma'am." you answered.
Walking there you took the opportunity to take your heesls off, moving to try and unzip the dress.
"I believe that's my job." she said letting the dress fall to the ground. Giving you goosebumps. Tracing kisses from your shoulder to your neck, as you bit down your lips, trying to stop a moan from coming out.
"I like to hear you, amor." you knew that. She always made it very clear, with a smug look plastered on her face. It turned her on, knowing she was the one causing those sounds to leave your lips.
By now you were so wet, closing your legs together to try and get some friction.
"I don't think so." she whispered, spreading them apart once again, reaching to your core. But only teasing by running her finger over it. Making you whine.
"There you go." praising you for the small noise.
She guided you to bed, walking behind you, her hands on your waist, pushing you gently down on the bed. As you turned to lay on your back, propping up on your elbows, to be able to look her in the eye.
No matter how horny you were, you always had to be looking at each other. It's how you communicated, how you connected.
She wasted no time, kneeling on the floor and burring her face in between your legs.
Knowing how to work you. Sucking gently on your clit. Your hands reaching to interlace on her hair, pulling slightly on it. She continued to suck, more aggressive by the minute, as you unfolded more and more on her lips.
When she looked up at you through her lashes you swore you had died and been sent to heaven. It was the only explanation possible for the way Patri made you feel.
"Patri-" you let out as she flickered her tongue side ways. "I'm- please."
"Go ahead, amor." reveling as your juices made a mess on her face.
She cleaned herself a bit, as she let you rest for a moment. Before reaching to kiss you again, eagerly.
"Fuck." you let out almost as a whisper.
"What? Can't handle a second round? Thought I could have you for breakfast, lunch and dinner." she said reciting word for word of the comment you had made earlier, when you thought she couldn't hear you.
Please send in requests! And critism too (constructive though) 🩷
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iid-smile · 1 month
censor , sakura haruka
x gn!reader ! sakura uses alternative naughty words, just playing with kids at the park, the reader is pretty good with kids, this is pretty short after the cut
author's note: this idea was originally for kaji but i wanted to write about sakura so... i think you can tell by the first sentence :P i cba to change it cuz its pretty much the same in sakura's case
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a lot of people are used to sakura's blunt and rather unfiltered ways of speaking within furin, but he does have to make a little change here and there when it comes to patrols. dealing with elders, adults and children on the daily, he does have to remove profanity for his vocabulary. for good manners, of course, and he wouldn't want to be responsible for the kids around makochi using inappropriate language.
but there's just one thing that does get on his nerves is when it's a weekend, or summer holidays. bofurin duties don't just cease when you're out of uniform, and more often times than not, he's out an about, removing graffiti or catching cats. his least favourite? looking after the kids at the park. why does this even count as something that he should look after? yeah, the parents may not be around, but what about older siblings, relatives, anyone?
anyone but him!
"i already told you, wait your turn!" once again, sakura's pulling a little boy by the collar, moving him to the back of the queue for the slide. "everybody else is waiting."
"sakura, be gentle." you lightly scold. while keeping an eye on the snacking children in front of you, you glance over at him, seeing him so desperately trying to keep the slide line in an orderly fashion.
"i'm trying, i'm not stupid! it's just—" he's struggling, and you make no effort to help. it's funny really, because for once he has to use his hands not for punching, but for grabbing. and he has to do it gently. judging by his face, he's not having fun. "oi, stop grabbing me you little shi— sugar!"
your head whips towards him, confusion, then amusement written on your face. sugar? sugar? was that a substitute for... you know what. "what?"
as expected, and as usual, his face burns to a pretty raspberry pink. "nothing!" now his hands are behind his back, his body writhing around as one of the little boys is attached to his jacket, grip surprisingly tight. "it's this guy that won't stop fudging crawling all over me!"
"fudging— sakura, what is up with you?" approaching his side, you effortlessly lift the boy off of him, keeping him scooped in your arms. "did you become family-friendly out of frustration?"
"shut up, okay! it's not fair you got the easier job. i'm trying my best.." the more he talks, the more his words turned to mumbles. with a groan, he sits down on the ground, more and more boys and girls surrounding him. he's not even good with kids, why are they all over him?
"i know, i know you are." for a moment, your gaze remains on the little sweet treats laid out for the kids behind, and it gives you the perfect opportunity to tease. "how about we get some fudge cake after this?" the words sound nearly genuine, but sakura knows you too well.
"shut. up. and frick you."
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jinnirev · 1 year
hii!! i love your writing skills !! could you maybe do jealous!ot8 x 9th member? you can make it any scenario youd like! im literally so inlove with how you wright your stories you're such a good wright!! you're fr one of my favs ‼️ (its okay if you dont wanna write about it, i understand)
HII TYSM FOR SUPPORTING MY WORK!! sorry I couldn't respond early I had no access to internet 💀 but omg skz would get so jealous and possessive so easily, I'm foaming at the mouth 🤤
☆ pairing: ot8!skz x 9thmem!reader
☆ t/w: mentions of soobin from txt, degradation kink (calling reader a slut), reader gets slapped :( (hyune kisses it all better dw <3), reader is kinda a brat, manhandling, spanking, pussy slapping, implied anal, implied gangbang, oral sex (m!receiving)
☆ note: I feel so bad for writing this after the incident 😭 wishing them a speedy recovery! I accidentally pressed queue on this draft so I had to quickly finish this up 😭😭
nsfw under the cut!
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jealous!skz who'd get so so mad when they see you chatting with soobin during musicbank. why are you talking to other men when they're right there? laughing and giggling like whatever he's saying is that funny. they all knew you were doing it on purpose to get them all riled up and it worked.
jealous!channie who would respectfully pull you away from soobin, smiling kindly at him as if he wasn't coming up with different ways to punish you when you get time alone.
jealous!leeknow who tells soobin that they have to go fix your outfit because there were "some wardrobe malfunctions." even though you could clearly tell that your outfit was perfectly intact.
jealous!changbin who would manhandle you into an empty dressing room with the boys even though you're squirming and throwing a tantrum because why can't you talk to other men?
jealous!seungmin who would degrade you instantly the moment your bratty side comes out. "are 8 cocks not enough for your slutty pussy?" he'd glare at you, slapping your ass harshly as changbin forces you down onto the couch, laying you on your tummy over his lap. "have we not been fucking you enough?" he'll be the first one flipping your miniskirt over, slapping your ass again as he watches the fat of your ass ripple.
jealous!hyunjin who'd grab you by your chin to pull you into an open-mouthed kiss, his tongue shoving its way into your mouth to claim you as his or theirs. he'd pull away from you, a string of saliva connecting your mouths before slapping you across your face. "don't do that again," he presses his lips all over the now reddened handprint on your cheek, covering your face in kisses.
jealous!hannie, who'd be pulling your panties down, scoffing when he sees how wet your cunt is. "fuckin' slut, getting all turned on by getting slapped huh? you like that?" his hand comes slamming down onto your wet cunt as you let out a loud yelp. "tell me, does your pussy even deserve our cum?"
jealous!felix who'd be pushing hyunjin away from your face, his pants already unzipped and cock already out as he presses his cock against your lips, "open up, slut. you need something in your mouth to keep you quiet," he growled as he watches your lips fall open obediently, pushing his cock down your throat in one go.
jealous!jeongin who'd press his fingers against your asshole, smiling at you, "I think we should just use this useless hole of yours, yeah? leave your pussy empty because sluts like you don't deserve anything in her pussy~"
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rosyheretic · 5 months
little bird (part 2) (steve rogers x fem!reader)
part 1
summary: steve rogers has been acting strangely around you for months, and now you know why: he found out about your crush on him and decided to tease you until you couldn't take it, as penance for your insubordination in the field. how much of steve's provocation can you take? and does he enjoy working you up? (part 2: oh yeah he does)
warnings: smut (18+), fingering, spanking, unprotected sex (bad), praise kink, size kink? ish? it's steve c'mon, witch reader, dirty talk, aftercare (fluff?)
notes: thank you guys for reading the first part! hopefully the grand finale lives up to your expectations. i plan to keep writing and hopefully improve, so let me know if you have any feedback or requests! up next on the queue is a sex pollen fic (with a twist!) because i'm a simple woman.
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steve grinned at you and wrapped his arms around your waist, hoisting you up to perch you on the counter.
his big hands fell on your knees and pushed them apart so that he could stand between your legs. his dominant hand then slipped under your chin, tilting your head so he could kiss you.
steve rogers was a passionate kisser. he was hungry, taking possession of your mouth and exploring you with his tongue. he found the back of your neck and stroked it as he pulled back to speak.
"if i didn't know any better, i'd say you like smoochin' me," steve teased, drinking in your kiss-swollen lips and dazed eyes.
"oh, quit gloating and get to work," you fired back. a splash of magic escaped you and pink wisps guided his fingers toward your heat.
"since when do i take orders from you, dove?" steve pulled his hand free of your power and tutted. "the whole point of this exercise is to teach you to respect my authority."
"is that so, captain?" you sang back. "i thought the point was to rail me."
"i'm a talented guy," steve said, planting a kiss on your cheek so his lips were right by your ear. "i can do two things at once."
"then i suggest you get on it, rogers, because right now i don't see a compelling reason to change my behavior."
steve chuckled and captured your lips in another intense kiss. when you parted your lips to let him in, he used the momentary distraction to pick you up and haul you over his shoulder. your dress flipped up, revealing your upper thighs and your ruined panties.
"wha—STEVE! put me down!" you screamed, pounding your fists on his back. with one quick slap to your thinly clothed ass, he shut you up.
"you want a reason?" he said, slapping your ass twice more. "i'll give you 20."
he carried you to the couch, hitting each side of your bottom one more time before he sat down. he bent you over his knee, holding you down with his free hand splayed across your back.
"i'll just slip these off so i can see you, babygirl," he cooed as he dragged your panties down your legs. when he saw the large wet spot on your underwear, he laughed in triumph. "look at that. nice and wet for your captain, hm?"
steve gave you no warning before he resumed his punishment, landing slaps on every inch of your backside quickly and randomly. after what felt like hours of this punishment, you were delirious and helpless in his arms. or so you both thought.
he turned you over on his lap, hiking your dress up your legs again for access. when he forced your legs apart and moved his hand toward your mound, you braced for relief. instead you watched in horror as he drew back his hand, winding up for a slap right to your pussy. you flinched hard and shut your eyes.
when the spank never came, you opened your eyes to find steve's hand hovering in midair, its path interrupted by the electric fog of your magic.
"still resisting me, little bird?" steve raised an eyebrow at you, unfazed. then he started to push against the energy barrier. your involuntary magical defenses disintegrated under the pressure of his hand. he wore a cocky grin as your power fell away, leaving you defenseless.
you wanted to keep up the bratty act because the dynamic was fun for both of you. but in failing to protect yourself from his punishing hand, you had shown your cards. he knew how much you needed this, how powerless you were against the craving for your superior.
"betrayed by your subconscious," steve found humor in the situation even while you trembled beneath him. mercifully, he gave up on spanking you in favor of teasing your folds. you mewled at the first swipe of his fingers through your heat. "don't worry, i know you could still kick my super ass if you wanted to. but you won't, will you?"
"no..." you whimpered as his fingers sought out your clit, hovering over it and stroking around it to work you up. "wanna be good, captain, please."
"that's all i ever wanted to hear," steve said with a giddy smile. satisfied that he'd corrected your attitude, he gave in and rubbed your clit in earnest. "there's my good girl. i always knew you were in there somewhere."
"oh my god, yes," you breathed as he buried a finger inside you. he explored your walls with gentle thrusts, almost too gentle. you wiggled impatiently in his lap, creating friction on his bulge which was pressing into your side.
"careful," steve hissed. "you may be a super scary witch, but my cock would still split you open without some prep. you gotta be patient. can you do that for me?"
you whined but agreed to his terms. as a reward, he added a second finger. you could feel yourself stretching to accommodate his thick digits. sensing the resistance, steve searched for something to distract you—literally. he probed along your walls like a man on a mission, grinning when you cried out.
"gotcha," he murmured, almost to himself. your pussy fluttered and clenched wildly around him. "that's it, sugar, keep squeezing my fingers just like that. can't wait to be inside you, sweets."
steve's next move was calculated; he was a strategist, after all. as he worked in a third finger, he traced his thumb up to your clit, rubbing it harshly in time with his thrusts. you were a goner as soon as you felt three huge fingers stretching you out and doting on your g-spot.
"oh, princess, i know it feels so good. it's okay, you're doing so good, yes, my good girl, coming on your captain's lap like this," steve coaxed you through your orgasm with sweet nothings.
before you even had time to recover, steve swept you up bridal-style and carried you to the bedroom. "what happened to being patient?" you quipped as he put you down on the bed and unbuckled his belt.
"i haven't wanted someone the way i want you in 70 years," he responded, practically jumping out of his clothes to get to you. now fully nude, steve's cock bobbed between his legs, twitching and weeping precum. "forgive me if i'm in a hurry now that i finally have you."
his words rolled over you like a warm blanket, shielding you from all fear and uncertainty. steve climbed on top of you and rid you of your dress, the last item of clothing hiding your body from his hungry eyes.
"so beautiful, baby bird," steve marveled at your tits as he kneaded them, groaning out loud at their softness. you writhed underneath him, desperate to feel all of him. "ready?"
at your affirmative nod, steve pushed his hips forward and notched his mushroom tip inside your entrance. you sucked in a breath through your teeth at the intrusion. "oh steve, you're so —" you held your breath as he fed you another inch, "big! too big..."
"i know, lovebug, i'm sorry. i'm right here with you." steve cooed. he kept his hips still and peppered featherlight kisses all over your face. "you can take it. just open up for me, let me in."
"o-okay..." you whispered, relaxing your body. steve continued. he captured your lips in a greedy kiss, swallowing every moan and whine and mmph! you had to give him. before long, he was seated fully inside you.
"i'm so proud of you," steve pulled away from the kiss to shoot you a lust(love?)-drunk smile. "can i move now? you deserve a reward for being so brave."
"yes, ple—ah!" your reply was cut off with a squeal as he thrust forward at an angle, hitting your sweet spot with ease. he picked up the pace, more at ease knowing you were enjoying yourself. the burn of his cock stretching your walls now felt pleasant, especially when he snuck his fingers down to your bundle of nerves.
"fuck, angel, i'm not gonna last," steve panted, his dick driving into you even faster. "you're so tight, chokin' me... come with me. let go for me, love."
as he spoke, his fingers went into overdrive on your clit. this, combined with the near-intolerable feeling of fullness, sent you over the edge. you felt yourself clench and spasm around him, triggering steve's release. he came with a shout, rope after rope of hot liquid coating your walls.
in your warm post-orgasmic haze, you felt like you were floating. then steve pried himself away from you and off the bed.
"where are you going?" you asked shyly.
"to get a washcloth. you don't have to be afraid, little bird. i'm gonna take care of you."
you smiled to yourself and closed your eyes again, knowing his words to be true.
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 7 months
Summary: You’ve had a crush on your best friend Emily for a while but see her flirting with JJ, or so you think…
Word Count: 2.1k
Fluff, self doubt? slight miscommunication
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x fem!reader
Reader POV:
Why does she have to sit like that?? Like it's so hot. Never thought I'd have a thing for man spreading but here we are. To be honest I never thought I had a thing for brunettes but then Miss Emily Prentiss waltzed into my life and now my perspective of everything has changed.
She's talking to JJ about something and I see Jayj brush over Emily arm, she's flirting, teasing. I'm suddenly grounded again and look down at the file I'm supposed to be working on. I can feel that godforsaken lump in my throat forming. Fuck sake, I can't cry at work. Especially over some stupid unrequited crush. I though Emily was just busy and that's why she's been blowing me off more lately but clearly not. She's found someone else.
I knew Emily would never like me, but damn did it have to hurt this bad? We're best friends which doesn't help the situation although I thought I made my feeling abundantly clear with my glances, touches, comments and flirting. Clearly not. I look up again at the sound of Emily laughing. I could listen to her laugh in repeat all day, it's the best sound in the world in my opinion. But, I soon realise the reason her head is thrown back and her cheeks have become flushed is because of JJ. She's laughing at some joke she made.
I take this as my queue to take my work and go sit with Garcia for a bit, she's like my sister we don't have secrets. I tell her everything, she tells me everything. That's how we work.
I'm walking down the corridor lost in my head and accidentally bump into Rossi.
"Hey, kiddo. Slow down, your gunna run someone over if you keep that speed up!" He said light heartedly with a warm smile. I look at him and mumble a sorry before I try continue my previous beeline to Pen's office. He obviously realised something is off as he grabs my bicep before I can run off again.
"Y/L/N, are you okay?" Those stupid three words, 'are you okay?'. I hate it when people ask because then the waterworks take that as their signal to turn on.
I turn and look him, teary eyed. "Yeah, I'm okay, ah uhm I was just going to see Garcia."
I say chocking back tears.
"Oh kid." He immediately brings me into his embrace, rubbing my back soothingly. This is his way of saying 'I'm here if you wanna talk but I won't press' and that's why I love Rossi. He's always there but never forces you to talk before you happy to. I pull away after a minute.
"Thanks Rossi. I needed that, but I should get to Penelope I have a couple things to run by her." He could tell I was lying and that I was only going to Pen because I needed to talk to her but he went with it anyway.
"Okay well, I'm around if you need okay?" I nod and continue walking to Garcia's office.
I knock the pattern that me and Pen made up my first day on the team so she'd know it was me knocking on the door. "Come in my love!" I hear her call out cheerfully from the other side. Her chair swivels round so she can see me and her once chirpy mood is instantaneously changed to one of extreme concern. "Oh honey what's wrong?" She says as she brings me into a hug.
"It's stupid, Pen." I say realising how childish I'm being right now.
"No," she says pulling away so I can look he in the eye "Your emotions are never stupid. Don't invalidate your feeling y/n/n. Ever." I smile gratefully at her and pull a chair from the corner and sit next to her at her desk. "Okay, so..." and off I went.
I told her about my massive crush on my best friend and how we have been flirting on and off, spending more time alone together, the glances the lingering touches. I told her everything. My cheeks were stained with tears by the time I finished.
"Honey, I don't understand why you're crying though that's all so amazing, what's got you down?" She says the confusion evident in her voice.
"She's been blowing me off so much recently and I didn't know why but I think I just figured it out." My skin around my nail is now bleeding slightly where I've been picking at it. A habit both Emily and me share.
"What is it?" Garcia says realising my hesitation.
"I don't wanna sound jealous or crazy or just downright mean but I think she likes JJ. I mean just now they were talking in the Bullpen and JJ was touching her arm and it wasn't just an innocent touch you know? I could just tell. Then when I tried to ignore it and finish my work I heard Emily laugh at one of her jokes and I looked up to see Em with her head back laughing and Jayj's hand on her shoulder." I choke back sobs while ranting to Pen when someone knocks on the door. "Shit." I mumble under my breath and Pen tells me not to worry and just face the computers and look busy. So I do just that.
"Hey Garcia I need a really quick favour from you if that's okay?" I hear the person say from the doorway. At this moment I think the universe must have it out for me at this point. The person who needs a favour from Garcia is the exact woman I've just spent the last 30 minutes crying over. Emily Fucking Prentiss.
"Oh hi y/n/n!" She says all too cheerfully to be the person who's been cancelling all her plans with me.
"Hi Emmy." After I say hi back I immediately regret it because you can hear the tears in my voice, it's gone all groggy and horrible.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" she rushes over to my side after she hears me speak and brings my head to her stomach as she's standing and i'm sitting. Even though she's the reason I'm in this state to begin with I can't help but wrap my arms around her waist and stuff my head into her shirt and take in her comforting presence.
"Uhm I'm gunna leave you two be for a minute." I hear Pen say before she leaves and I hear the door click shut.
Goddamnit Garcia. I think to myself.
"What's got you all worked up, huh?" She says in the most soft, loving voice I've ever heard which just makes me swoon even more.
"Okay, look Em, I'm gunna say a lot of things and I just need you to listen right now okay?" She grabs Garcia's chair and sits opposite me, our knees brushing as she takes my hands in hers to make me stop picking my nails.
"Okay, go for it. I'm all ears." she stares into my eyes and I gaze back into her honey brown eyes, god I could stare at them all day and never get bored.
"You're the reason I'm crying Emmy." she looks taken aback but keeps true to her word and let's me continue nonetheless.
"Emily, I am so scared to say this but there's truly no other way to explain why I'm so upset without telling you. I'm so helplessly in love with you it hurts Em. I thought I was dropping hints with the flirting and the touches and glances but clearly I wasn't obvious enough. You keep blowing me off and saying you're too busy to hang out but I realise now that's not the case. I saw you and JJ in the Bullpen today and the way she was looking at you and how her hand lingered on your arm, and the way she held your shoulder when you were laughing. Even just the way you laughed you threw your head back and everything. Emmy, if you're into JJ that's fine but I just wished you told so I could be let down gently and not feeling like I've been stabbed in the heart."
About halfway through my little rant I started crying again and she started to say my name to try get me to stop talking but I wouldn't listen because I needed to get my feelings out in the air.
"Are you done?" She asked as she brings my hands, that's she's still griping, into her lap, causing me to lean a little closer to her.
"Yes." I say quietly so only she could hear.
"Okay now I'm going to do something and you're not allowed to interrupt me, okay?" The only expression I could see on her face was love and admiration which confused me but I nodded anyway.
"Good. Now, what I want to say is, I love you too y/n/n." A smile is plastered across her face as she confesses to me, my face was quite the opposite. My jaw was on the floor and my eyes were slightly wide.
"What do you mea-" all of a sudden her finger on my lips silenced me.
"I'm not finished." She says with a smirk.
Her finger that was on my lips, now rests on the side of my face cupping my cheek. Her thumb is brushing over my skin as she pulls me in.
Our lips collide and I know it's super cliché but I felt sparks. It's like all the doubts I'd ever had had just dissipated within a millisecond of her lips being on mine. Her free hand moved to my waist as I deepened the kiss by weaving my hand into her raven curls and pulling her impossibly closer. Slowly she coaxes me off the chair and into her lap, and she rests her hand on my hip the other firmly planted on the back of my neck, making sure I don't pull away. Her lips glided across mine like we had done it a thousand times before. Her tongue grazed my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gave her.
After a few minutes of just making out her lips detached from mine and made their way to my neck. I leaned my head to the side to give her more access. She pulled down part of my shirt and sucked at the pale skin. She pulled away and kissed the now purple spot on my chest before covering it back up with my shirt and making her way back to my mouth.
This time the kisses were sweet and short, we broke apart to look at each other when I broke the silence.
"What does this mean Emmy?" I say, My voice full of hope.
"Well my tongue was just down your throat I hope it's clear what this means." She joked and I let out a laugh. "I want to be yours y/n/n, if you'll let me. Also, I never had nor will I ever have a thing for JJ, I promise sweetheart." The use of the nickname made me smile brightly and she noticed taking a mental note to keep using them. She kissed my forehead as I began to speak. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend Em."
At this she kissed me, but this one felt different. All the love and passion we had for one another was poured into this short interaction.
We pulled away as we heard the door click open again and watched Garcia walk in.
"Oh my god! You guys!!" She squealed delighted at the scene in front of her. I smiled and climbed off Emily's lap. "Are you two..?" Pen said, gesturing between me and Emily.
"We sure are!" Em said, looking at me lovingly. I just nodded and thanked Garcia for listening to me cry for nothing before making me way to the door.
Emily's hand found it's way into mine as we began to walk out of Pen's office both smiling and chatting quietly just to one another.
As we walked back into the Bullpen Rossi looked out his office window and gave me a thumbs up, I returned the gesture and sat down at my desk, filled with happiness and briming with excitement about what the future holds.
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caramelcleopatraa · 6 months
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word count: 509
x: finally got something out (excuse any errors you see) :( I have 3 other imagines in queue right now. I should be able to get another imagine out by Friday. this was inspired from the video of him signing his merch.... obviously. aaanyways, the usual college is whooping my black ass and i'm still horny as ever :p. Enjoy :)
content: Roman Reigns x Reader, 18+ MDNI, hands.... that's it.
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You love his hands. It’s not your fault that your eyes gravitated to his huge hands engulfing regularly sized objects. Or the way that the veins in his hands demanded your attention while he was busy signing away an endless mountain of merch. You could get lost for hours imagining those hands all over your body. Pressing, pulling, dragging, and tugging at you. How his hands would look soaked and swimming in your juices. How his hand would hold your wrists above your head while he fucks you passionately. You knew that those same hands would be on you an hour later, but that hour felt so far away. You felt like an impatient kid waiting for a kids meal. You wanted him. Unknown to you, Roman had already peeped your quietness and noticed your eyes glued to his hands. He smirked to himself knowing you were lost in your imagination, your still body and blank eyes told him so.
“You okay?” His voice brought you out of your mind and back to the present. You shifted in your seat and gave him a genuine smile. “Yeah. Just thinking.” 
“I know,” Roman says confidently. The look of his face told you that he knew exactly what you were thinking about. You weren't sure if you should be embarrassed that you are so easy to read, or turned on because he knew exactly what you wanted. He knew exactly how your mind worked and what switches to flip to get you right where he wanted you. Realistically, he didn't have to do much. His body straining his all black outfit already formed a pool between your legs.
“I can take a break,” Roman says, closing the shiny sharpie and laying it down on the table. He was already moving towards you before you could form a response. Your eyes twinkled with desire for Roman. If there weren’t staff members in the room, you would let him bend you over the table and have his way with you. It felt like heaven finally feeling his hands on your waist, holding you tight. Your mind was running wild with all sorts of ideas of what he could do to you. But they all circled back to his hands. How they flipped you into the next position, how they would restrict your movements, how they would explore every part of your body. “What are you thinking about right now?” 
“Your hands,” you said with no hesitation. He smiles and takes his hands off of your hips to look at them closely in a pretend state of confusion. “My hands. What about ‘em?” You took his right hand in yours and replied, “How they’ll hold me place while you fuck me.” Roman’s eyes darkened and his smug smirk returned once again. He yelled at the staff to exit the room, and they followed instruction, fastly filing out of the room. 
“Get on the table.” You looked at him in question. “Why?”
“Cause i’m ‘bout to make your daydream come true. Hands above your head.”
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🏷️ tags :) @reignsboy19 @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41
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mvrkieboo · 29 days
Old Bloodhounds
P3 | catch me outside, how bout that!?
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Your eyes met Mark's for a split second before he broke eye contact. Mark and you go way back, but shit happened and…and you remember him telling you that you were dead to him. As the queue shortened, one of Mark's friends practically bounced up and down when she got to the counter. Mark lingered behind his friend group, doing his obvious best to ignore your presence and make it seem like you were never really there in front of him.
“Oh my god, AERI! I've always wanted to meet you! I'm Ningning, and I'm from the MPA Faculty.”
“I'm honored! God, you're really pretty—and you're talented too. Wanna take a pic of just the both of us? The rest of you guys can have y/n take your orders first.” Aeri was practically gushing. She always had a soft spot for attractive people.
You watched as she and the girl go over to the back for a quick photo session.
You waved at the rest of the group, albeit a little awkwardly since Mark was a part of them. You picked up a cup and a sharpie, indicating you were ready to take their orders. The pretty girl with short brown hair ordered first.
“I'll have a hot latte with oat milk.”
“Iced americano with less sugar, please. Thank you. ”
“I’ll have a hot mocha with regular milk. You're really cute. Can you also throw in your number?” The guy got two blows at the back of his head while Mark sighed deeply at his annoying ass friend. You grinned awkwardly, trying to act like his friend didn't just hit on you.
Then your eyes met Mark's again.
“Uh, can I get…” When it was Mark's turn to order, his head kinda blanked, and all of his friend group—and you—were looking at him right now. Putting him on the spot.
“We actually have tea here. Do you still take it the way you did back in high school?” You asked carefully, knowing that speaking to him so casually would tick him off but he was holding up the line, and his friend that took a picture with Aeri had already returned.
“...yeah. I'll just have that then.”
Mark could see Haechan's eyebrows shot up, while Winter and Chenle just side-eyed him. Mark usually thanks his servers—always. They waited for the thanks to come out, but it never did—and he's even looking to the ground instead of facing you, jaw taut and fists closed. He looked genuinely pissed, for some inconceivable reason. All of his friends looked between you and him, bewildered.
What was his beef with you?
“Okayyyy, whatever that was…Um, can I have a hot latte with regular milk? And if Aeri can also make the latte art for it…” Ningning giggled, glancing at Aeri shyly from under her lashes.
“Sure thing! But no promises though, I kinda suck at it.” Aeri grinned and wrote down Ningning’s name on the cup.
That kinda brought down the tension between you and Mark, thankfully. You let out a deep sigh as you worked on their orders, going to the station and working beside Yangyang. He eyed you up and down before stealing a glance at Mark. You felt his lips near your ears as he whispered.
“Was the breakup that messy? Did you cheat on him with his worst enemy or something?”
You rolled your eyes to the side at his question.
“He’s not my ex, you nosy shit. Get back to work.”
Considering all of you were getting the hang of it, it didn't take up to 10 minutes to finish their orders. You gave them their drinks one by one as Yangs cleaned the station. You were about to hand off Mark's iced sweet tea when Yangyang stumbled and hit you from behind, causing the drink to splash against Mark's jacket. You gasped at the accident.
“Oh, no.” Yangyang muttered from behind you—but suspiciously, he didn't sound too remorseful.
Chenle was glaring daggers at the captain of NCU’s soccer team. Mark was brushing away the cold tea off of his jacket with a frustrated sigh.
“Damn it, this jacket can only be dry-cleaned.” Mark hissed, regretting buying a high maintenance jacket as a broke student.
“Oh my god, we're so sorry. We'll refund you and take it to the dry cleaners ourselves. We'll pay for it too.” Aeri bowed apprehensively.
Mark looked like he was about to reject the offer, but Chenle gripped his shoulder and started to take the jacket off of him.
“Just go with it, Mark. It's the least they can do for you.” Chenle huffed out, glaring at Yangyang who continued to clean their work station with a small smirk on his face.
You seriously wanted to recreate The Simpsons scene of Homer choking Bart right fucking now. You're Homer Simpson and Yangyang is Bart.
Chenle shoved the jacket into your hands and the rest of his group left, with Ningning looking a little upset that her moment with Aeri now ruined. You tilted your face up to the sky and sighed deeply, thanking god that the coffee was about to sell out anyway, even if you did plan to bring the leftovers home. Then you dropped your head to look at the tea scented jacket you were holding.
Fucking Yangyang.
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A/N : why is this story kinda gaining traction *twirls hair*...omg do you guys like me or something ahhhhhh that's so embarrassing hihihihihih
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periprose · 1 year
Okay I gotta request something JUST HEAR ME OUT
Black Cat!Reader trying to tell Tasm!Peter she's Black Cat while he tries to tell her that he's Spider-Man at the same time. Queue up Peter being baffled, while reader just doesn't believe him lol
Also I am loving Florence, it's so good and rich, I'm still only on chapter three but I want to kiss your Peter senseless- he's such a sweetheart🫶 Also I love youuu🥰
AHHH bby i love this idea and I love you!! (also thanks for the support on florence)
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Secrets are difficult to reveal.
They're especially terrible when you're telling something so tumultuous to your best friend, something that could either make him judge you severely or run away from you.
How do you confess that you're a thief? An villain turned anti-hero?
Even worse, Peter is someone you really love. Someone you know is too good for you- he would never feel the same way. But that's why you have Spider-Man, right?
You always knew it wasn't always going to be fun and games to be Black Cat. To be the very symbol of bad luck- it's a bad premonition.
You stare in the mirror. Peter will be here any second- he always climbs up the fire escape into your apartment's bedroom, and you told him you had something important to say.
There's a knock at your window, and you turn a little too abruptly.
Peter watches from the outside. He has a tentative smile, but he can see that you're worried, and you make the conscious effort to relax your face.
Peter himself is worried. He's about to confess something very important to someone very near and dear to him- he's Spider-Man, and not just that- he's having a sort-of affair with Black Cat.
He doesn't even know how it happened. First she was stealing wealth from banks, then a few months later she came with him with the notion to be good, and Peter always believes in someone redeeming themselves... but that doesn't mean she had to be so goddamn hot, all black leather and white fur, and Peter's just a horny dude who could not help but kiss back when she made a move on him yesterday.
And it was hot, it was good for him to take out some very human emotions by making out with her, but it wasn't everything. It wasn't you, and now he feels incredibly guilty. So he wants to come clean. Peter wants to let you know the whole truth, and even if that means you'll never like him again- Peter will never act on his unspoken feelings for you- he knows you deserve to know.
"Hey." You let Peter in, and he immediately walks in with an air of anxiety, hands already shaking as he paces around. "You good?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah." Peter shakes his head immediately. "No, not really. We need to talk."
"Oh." You give him a look as you sit on your bed. "You have something to say, too?"
Peter nods, and you think it can't be nearly as bad as what you're going to tell him.
"Okay. Let me go first- I've been hiding something from you." He starts, but you shake your head. "I haven't been around."
"I haven't been around, Peter." You tilt your head at him. "I... I haven't been telling you the truth."
"Just wait. I'm trying to tell you something important." Peter insists, wanting you to know the truth but you keep going.
"I'm a bad person, Peter." You murmur, and Peter stops, interest piqued. "I've been misusing our friendship- you wouldn't want to be friends if you knew my past."
"No. That's not true." Peter sits down next to you on your bed, feeling that he should comfort you before potentially breaking your heart. "I'll always be your friend. Tell me what's going on."
"Don't sound so sure." You grimace at him. "I... I'm Black Cat."
"I know, it's so terrible. I stopped with all the stealing and killing, but... I'm still not sure if my so-called good deeds are enough to forgive me." You lean over your legs. "I don't... I work with Spider-Man every now and then, too."
"But-" Peter tries to interject, and you keep going anyways. He's incredibly baffled- it's not that you don't match the size of Black Cat, it's just that he's sure he would've recognized your mouth under her mask. He's fantasized about your lips long enough.
"He kissed me yesterday." You admit, and for some reason it feels like a slap in the face to say, even if you know that Peter doesn't actually like you like that. "And I've always liked you, Peter, so I just have to get this off my chest, because I feel so terrible. I'm sorry."
Peter is snickering.
"What?" You shove him. "I'm trying to tell you about my actual, serious pain, Peter, and you're just laughing-"
He loves this. He can actually be with you, no questions asked, and you have to be Black Cat- who else would know that Spider-Man kissed you? Peter feels a little bad that you're clearly agonized about it still, and he is laughing, but he can't help it.
"I was trying to tell you the same thing." Peter shrugs, as you hang onto his every word. "Okay, not the same thing. But that I'm Spider-Man."
You raise your eyebrows. "Really?"
"What do you mean, really? What's so shocking?" Peter asks, somewhat affronted, still finding it funny. "Do I not look like I have Spider-Man's build?"
"No, no. It just... feels a little too convenient." You give him a pitiful glance. "Maybe you could prove it?"
"Wow." Peter shakes his head, stifling a small smile. "Why would I lie?"
"No, Peter, it's not that you would lie. It's just... it's too obvious of a happy ending for me, and I-" You wince. "I don't normally have those."
"Oh." Peter knows about your past, your unhappy origin story, and he doesn't want to say anything to negate that truth.
So he simply thwips out a web towards your desk, planting your water bottle against the wall, and you don't look too surprised, although you do inhale.
"So that means- I was working with- and you-" You try to make a coherent sentence. "We... we kissed?"
"Tell me if this feels the same." Peter murmurs, half jokingly, mostly serious, and he pulls your face up in the same way you remember he did yesterday.
Knowing that you were the one in that leather black suit with the white trimming stirs something more inside him- yeah, he loves you and he's so glad to have you here now- but it makes yesterday even hotter in hindsight.
No mask this time. Nothing to get in the way of you dragging your fingers through Peter's hair as he presses his lips against yours, not hesitant at all. His lips are firm, plying against yours, and he inhales in a way that screams that he's wanted to do this for a while- even if he kissed you a few days ago, it wasn't like this- and it has you understanding he doesn't want to be gentle. He wants to finish what he started.
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luvfy0dor · 10 months
“Let's Cool Down" ♡⁠˖” ; Seasonal Scenarios! ੈ✩‧₊˚ Chuuya Nakahara x GN!Reader
Warnings; None
Description; Vacation house activities with Chuuya!
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A/n; Lately I've been starting to utilize my queue. Also I think I'm flopping because I pick whack ass times to post. But anyways, there are some parts in this where I am just yapping away tbh
★ Chuuya likes sitting in a hot tub with his partner, a glass of wine sitting on the edge while he talks with you. He also likes late night ocean swims and teasing you.
The soft feeling of the hot tubs jets against your back almost made you shiver. It felt nicer than you remembered from the other day and gave you a bit of a pleasant surprise as you settled down on one of the built in seats, your lover sitting right across from you. He gave you a relaxed smile, which you returned as you let your feet float up into his lap. One of his hands rested on your ankle, the other holding onto the wine glass he brought with him. His lips became stained with the red liquid as he sipped on it, the soft glow cascading onto his skin from the fairy lights decorating the gazebo of the vacation home. He had rented it out in hopes of relaxing with you for a few days, relatively limited on vacation time because of the nature of his job.
"Is it comfortable?" He asks, his voice as soft as the sound of the bubbles coming from the hot tub's jets. You hum, nodding your head as you made yourself comfortable in the body of warm water. The ocean was visible from the homes porch, the soft waves crashing onto the shore with the moon reflecting onto them. It added to the comforting atmosphere the two of you had created with one another. He held out his glass before speaking and breaking the vocal silence. "Do you want a sip?" He asked. You shook your head in denial briefly. "I'm alright, thank you." You said with a small smile. His arm retracted and brought the drink to his lips. "You were starin' at me so I thought you might want some. Is something on your mind?" The way he cared for your well-being and simply tried to make you feel better even at the slightest signs of discomfort, real or imaginary, made your heart warm a little. "No, sorry, I just zoned out." You reassured him.
He smiled at you and reached out to hold your hand under the water. Your conversations over the next minutes were occupied by plans of the coming days and memories of similar activities. As you talked with one another, exchanging small laughs and giggles, you could feel your body heating up. That and the scent of the chlorine could make you light headed. You couldn't help but feel a bit dizzy and as though your body had become lighter and more buoyant in the water. Chuuya noticed this again and took your hand, gently pulling you upward. "You look like your heatin' up, darlin'.." he says, pulling you closer to his body and stroking your back gently. "Yeah, I definitely am" you say, taking a deep breath and laughing a bit.
"I know something that could cool ya' down." He says, looking over your shoulder at the dark ocean. Your gaze followed his as your turned your head and upper body. "Hmm...is that really the best idea? I mean, it's really dark- and you know, the winds already cooling me down pretty well." You say while turning back to him. He nods and grabs your hands gently, interlocking both of your fingers. "Well yeah, but it could be fun! Do you really think I'd ever let my darlin' get swept away by the ocean?" He asks, a small grin on his face. You playfully roll your eyes and step out of the hot tub, your boyfriend following suit. The both of you walk down to the start of the sandy beach, him grabbing your hand and running down towards the water. You stumbled at first, but eventually we're able to keep up with him, both of you eventually getting to the water and being forced to slow down. You went in to your knees before your initial running came to a halt.
"Do you feel any cooler?" Chuuya asks, his lips tugged into a loving grin as he scooped some water up in his hands and splashed it at you. You laughed and splashed him back, yours was a lot more forceful, making him back up a bit with a chuckle. "A lot cooler!" You say, talking over the loud sound of the waves. The deeper the two of you went out, the closer you stayed to him. The waves were now crashing against your waist, Chuuyas grip on you allowing his ability to keep you upright and from being toppled over. The wind blew through his long hair and the moon draped a beautiful glow over his pale skin. He looked so gorgeous. He rotated his body to face you, his wet and dripping hand emerging from the water to gently cup your cheek. His thumb caressed your cheek bone as his face got closer to yours. "You're so... indescribable." He mumbles, pulling you in for a gentle kiss on the lips. Your cheeks heated up as you kept him close with your hand on the back of his neck.
You only broke the kiss for a couple of seconds at a time, pulling each other right back in. You could feel Chuuyas smile plastered on his lips against yours while they moved together. He squeezed your hip through there swimwear before his hand slid over the curve of your ass before lifting you up. You gasped briefly in surprise but you quickly adjusted through breathy laughs. Your hands were on his cheeks as you both kept eachother close. He pulled away after a moment and started to let you down before dropping you completely. You fell into the water and could already hear his laughter while submerged. You quickly resurfaced, your hair and entire body soaked now in the cold liquid. You wiped the salt water from your eyes before playfully smacking him on the shoulder. "You can't just drop me like that, Chuuya!" You say through snickers and deep breaths. He rubs your back, while simultaneously guiding you back closer to the shore, both of you grinning from ear to ear.
"I'm real sorry, can you forgive me?" He asks, holding you close. You place your pointer finger on your chin, pretending to be deep in thought over the matter. "I guess." You tease, leaning into his side lovingly. He smiles and kisses your cheek. "Thanks my love, you know I would never intentionally do such a thing." He says with a smirk. You just roll your eyes and nod along. "Totally."
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onyourfifi · 10 months
december 3rd | park jisung
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❆ | pairing : crush!jisung x fem!reader
❆ | genre : fluff, shy jisung trying to give you his sweater
❆ | word count : 1027 (queue sticker by nct 127)
❆ | note : haechan and chenle are mentioned as friends
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december was quickly approaching. you and your friends were hanging out at a cafe. the frost was creeping at the edges of the window and you could see soft snowflakes fall from the clouds.
"are you guys excited for december 3rd?" haechan asks, giggling.
"wait whats going on?" jisung asks.
"oh he's talking about that one song... how does it go..." you start but you get interrupted by haechan's singing.
"i still remember the third of december, me in your sweater~"
"okay okay we get it, you know the song" chenle says, rolling his eyes.
you all laugh and continue to talk about something else, but jisung stays a little quieter than usual.
December 3
December 3 is national give your gf/bf/partner one of your sweaters day :)
jisung has had a crush on you ever since you met. haechan introduced you guys for the first time and he fell for you so hard. you were friendly and energetic all the time. jisung, on the other hand, was a lot more quiet than you. he had a hard time talking to you. he never thought you had the same feelings for him.
all of his friends could notice his huge crush on you. they always teased him about it when you weren't there. when you two were together, they would always try to push jisung towards you or hint at the idea. you never seemed to catch on.
"our baby jisungie gets so shy~" chenle teases.
"jisung you gotta tell her dude. i can't keep seeing you freeze up and panic every time you talk to her” haechan pleads.
"i can't do it, she’s nothing like me. how am i supposed to confess to her. you said it yourself, i can barely talk to her" jisung explains. he truly thinks he has no chance with you.
"don't say that. i'm sure you'll find the right moment, you just gotta be patient" chenle says.
december 3rd was that moment. he knew it.
that's what i should do, ill give her one of my sweaters, jisung thought. but how is he supposed pull that off. he can barely talk to you without blushing let alone give you his hoodie. he was gonna find a way. he was gonna make you his some way or another.
your friends meet up on the 3rd at a christmas market. you guys planned to walk around a bit and buy some gifts for your families. jisung had plans of his own.
"jisung, why do you have such a big bag, what do you have in there-?" chenle asks.
"o-oh it’s nothing, don't worry about it"
"imagine it's a sweater" haechan teases.
"what? how did you- i mean, i don't know what you're talking about"
haechan and chenle locked eyes. they knew exactly what he was talking about.
"heyyy jisung why don't you go see what y/n is up to" haechan pushes jisung towards you subtly.
"wait what no, what are you guys doing-"
as you were looking at the handmade ornaments, you felt a soft bump on your back. you look back to see panicked jisung and haechan and chenle running away laughing.
"oh hi jisung! there you are, i was just thinking about you."
"oh me...?"
"of course you, here wait, look at this pretty ornament, should i get this for my mom?"
"actually i wanted to talk to you about something, can we walk for a bit?"
"yeah of course!"
you start walking down the park. it’s snowing again. you looks over at jisung, his cheeks were flushed with a light shade of pink and small snowflakes were scattered across his hair. you could see him trembling, but you assumed it was because of the cold.
"so… it’s december 3rd," jisung was so nervous. his hands were trembling and his voice was shakey. i can’t believe i’m doing this.
"yeah it is! christmas is upon us!”
"yup." what kind of response was that?? c’mon park jisung, keep it together.
you could feel the tension in the air. he never comes and talks to you alone. he had something planned, didn't he?
you stop walking and turn towards him. you look up. he was avoiding eye contact. he couldn’t say anything. he could only stand there.
"so, what did you want to tell me"
"oh uh well, y'know how it's december 3rd and uhm, i searched about the date online and saw you had to give your sweater to your partner and well uhm..."
"sungie... are you about to give me a sweater?"
"how could you tell...?" jisung has never felt so warm in the winter air.
"well, you've been a lot more shy around me lately, the avoiding eye contact, your quiet voice, and how could i not notice all the teasing from haechan and chenle" you laugh. jisung tried to cover his face in embarrassment, but you pulled them away. "you're so cute jisung, how could i not like you"
jisung finally made eye contact with you. he couldn't believe what he heard. you loved him too, just like he loved you. he couldn't help but stare and smile.
"sungie, the sweater," you giggle.
"oh right, sorry"
he pulls out a soft black hoodie. you recognized it. it was his favourite sweater.
"it took me so long to pick a sweater for you. i didn't know what you liked"
"if it's from you, then it's perfect."
you take off your jacket and immediately pull the hoodie over your head to put it on. the hoodie dropped down past your waist and the sleeves hung past your hands. it smelled like him, his love.
"you look so pretty..." jisung says without any hesitation.
you laugh, "thank you jisung"
jisung pulls you into a hug, his hands wrapped around your waist. you can feel all his love for you that has been kept inside him drain from his body into yours. he pulls away from you a little and presses his forehead on yours.
"no, thank you."
in the back, you can hear faint cheering from chenle and haechan.
"wah our jisungie is no longer a baby~!"
"oh shut up!"
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a/n : first longer fic!! didnt think i would be able to do it but here i am lolz. also, im totally not wishing i get a sweater :D (someone give me one plz).
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lizaluvsthis · 7 months
SMG4: Trash Friends
Shit. Hello guys- I stole my phone and it is currently 4 am and I posted this (Because it's scheduled on queue)
I'm still not here but I managed to grab the phone out of the room, I can post for a bit. But then again, I wont be catching up to stuff while I'm at it.
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Okay so- this video is about SMG4 needing that usb where michael jordan is n stuff to become popular.
SMG3 is needing that one to become popular as well so that his shop would be flooded by customers.
And then where it comes to needing stuff, they'd do literally anything for their 'friends' to get it.
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SMG3 lied to him saying the business is running good, he just didnt want to face the problem in front of the protagonist that he's going downhill with running the business.
"I'm finally gonna get the attention I deserve, and prove to everyone YOU'RE THE WORST VERSION OF ME!"
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This? This was his thoughts. This is how it speaks for him that is why he was afraid to show that to him.
After SMG3 told Mario he needs that usb for Fame and Love because SMG4 has too much of that. He knew how much important it is to him. He wanted the same love like how SMG4 has, he'd never had all the attention like how SMG4 had too. He was lost of himself.
Mario being the gullible idiotic man he is, he never complained to three about his speak of truth, he had comforted his friends especially meggy. Mario figured that Three had exposed his inner emotions, the most that he can do is just vomit that sh-t out.
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Right after Three hid Mario from his hat, turns out he really does need shampoo. I mightve noticed that he'd been staying up late at night and doesn't shower because of his bad habits.
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Sometimes depressed people mostly forgot to shower and just cope sh-ts to themselves like curling up to the bed and wallow in sorrow. And mostly they just hide that feeling. And I guess you might've noticed SMG4 did. Thats the reason why he searched that up from the internet.
He was THIS obviously close to reveal he had been concerned about Three because he stinks.
When SMG4 told three what the matter was, since the only thing he knew from him is that his business is doing fine. SMG4 thought that three wanted that fame all to himself, being the selfish one he knew back then.
After four told him "you're being selfish! All you ever think about is yourself! JUST. LET. GO!" the soft spot where SMG3 got his by the heart because of it.
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He never wanted to go back to being how he wanted to be. He never wanted to show that whole destruction thing again from his ecil doings. This was the rrason why he ever wanted to change into a better person.
"OKAY!" "Okay...?" SMG4 noticed where Three easily surrendered himself, letting his guard down due to his anger.
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He opened up.
"YEAH! I dont know what I was thinking! I'm doing fine! My shop is ALWAYS flooded with customers, I'm SO successful. Nobody is EVER throwing my coupons in garbage.
HE said that to himself. When he thought he'd be the worst ever version of him, because he was supposed to be an antagonist. He was supposed to be SMG4's enemy, but he was also supposed to be partners with Four because they were both meme guardians.
SMG4 didn't knew. He always didnt know all of SMG3's antics because he thought Three also had everything to himself. But he didn't know he also felt like this, like Trash.
SO THIS GOES ON WITH THE MORAL. SMG4 noticing it just now is that he felt like TRASH. Because last time he'd ever notice is just Three wanting attention of how the golden child (aka SMG4) is when he gains that love and joy with everyone from meme warts.
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Yet Three is there saying that to himself. He was there being open to Four and to Mario that he is struggling as well. His whole life, his financial issues, everything that meant to him. He popped the balloon and spoke the truth.
Four picked up the coupon, he was sad about this when he had finally just realized the whole sh-t of things. Sure four has done alot of wrong things but this? This is sick to his guts feeling bad for three...
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Four looked at mario because he knows how valuable of a friend Mario is when dealing with emotions and open ups. And so- he got to the talk with three.
With all thats settled, SMG3 came back and fist bumbs Four to know that he's good now. What I also didn't expect is that three after using the usb, Four didn't even stop him. He looks at three with those softened eyes and just. Wow.
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Four really wanted to show three his kindness, he was soft on him so he gave him a chance. He wanted three to be happy too.
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d34dg1rl5 · 7 months
Corpse Bride
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It's icy in Mount Ormond. Quietly you make your way across the snowy paths and reach the ski lodge. The legions domain.
From inside the house you could hear chatter and music. Sounds like they're having a good time. Maybe you were just a nuisance to them? Yes, they were your friends and yes, they care about you. But maybe they don't always want to deal with your problems and fears.
Just as you turned around Susie spots you. "(Y/n!) What are you doing out here? Come join us!" She grabs your hand and pulls you inside. Julie waves at you and Joey greets you with a "'Sup." Frank quickly puts back on his mask crossing his arms. "You look like shit."
You sigh and sit down enjoying the warmth emerging from the furnace. "It's just been a rough trial... Nea kept stunning me with pallets and I think I'm gonna have a bruise.."
Susie looks at you with sympathy. "Aww, poor you... I know excactly what it feels like... Don't we all?" She looks at her friends and earns Julies agreement. "Yeah, some survivors really are a pain in the ass.. Especially Nea and Feng." She takes a piece of the pizza laying in front of her.
Joey agrees aswell and talks about his experiences with toxic survivors.
Something seems weird about Frank today... He isn't his usual cocky and snarky self. He gives you glances from time to time, even though you can't see his face you can feel his eyes on you.
You look at the others. "I think I'll head back to my realm... I feel ... Weird." Susie looks at you. "Aww, already? Alright then, do you want me to walk you back?" You shake your head. "Aw, no, you don't need to." Susie nods and gets up to hug you. "Alright then, see you!"
Youwalk out the lodge and sigh looking around walking back in your realm. Suddenly you get the feeling of someone following you. You turn around taking out your knife. "Who goes there!?"
"Jeez, calm down... Pussy." You hear a familiar voice say and a snarky chuckle. "You're a killer, you shouldn't be afraid of shit in here." Frank steps out from the darkness and looks at you. "What are you doing here?", tilting your head in confusion. "Walking you home I guess."
He takes out a cigarette of his pocket and lights it. Hiw does he even have that stuff in the realm? Maybe he asked the Entity for it.. He notices you eyeing the cigarette. "Want one?" Thinking about it for a second you nod.
"Yeah, gimme one." He hands you one and puts his lit cigarette to yours and lights it. "Heh." You blush slightly and try to avoid his gaze.
"You look brutal, by the way. Real sick." You look at him. "Huh?" "Your outfit. You know. Killer look. Real sick." You look down at yourself and sigh. You were some kind of zombie, just not just thinking about brains and intestines all the time. You actually were still human. To some extent at least. Your body however looks like a nightmare. Your skin was pale with deep wounds littered over your body. Your right eye was a milky white while the other eye was still intact. You hated how you looked.
"Maybe to you. I hate this body..." He sighs and puts a hand on your back. "I was always into zombies." He nudges you and you can't overhear a flirty tone in his voice.
Frank and you walk next to each ither for a few minutes in silence until you reach your realm - a church with a dark and old looking graveyard at the backside. The churchs roof is destroyed and crows circle the cross on top of it.
"I'll see you around, corpse bride~" He grins and turns to walk away, disappearing in the thick fog surrounding the church.
A/N: IM RLLY MAD CUZ YESTERDAY I WROTE HEADCANONS FOR DBD KILLERS REACTING TO A FEM!SURVIVOR WITH A PANIC ATTACK AND I UPLOADED IT AND IT WAS JUST GONE. Like i tried everything (log out and in again, refresh my page, look at queue, privacy settings, etc.). Its just gone and im so sad 😭😔
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rizzrack · 5 months
Do you feel it? Yes. I feel it.
He nodded to himself continually as his stream of affirmations carried him on. Rizzrack had been on this journey for days, restlessly driven by a force he fully submitted to. He traveled the roads both day and night. Sleep could not reach him as visions from the future buzzed in his mind. What lay ahead of him? New challenges? New adversaries? Would there be more trees? His longstanding fear of arboreal giants no longer gripped him like before, its foundation now shifted by a new understanding. Like himself, trees were nothing more than tools to be manipulated by greater forces. They were all passive creators of their own fates. No longer was his soul burdened by the need to fulfill his own selfish desires. It was no longer for himself. It was for a greater Being. A truly universal purpose!
And to fulfill that purpose, he needed to retrieve his bloodstone.
Gaining ever increasing clarity of the bigger picture, Rizzrack chuckled to himself, once again recognizing irony. His identity and purpose was once an inescapable prison. He was cursed with a self-imposed sentence that stretched ever longer the more he served his time. Only by accepting his place did he finally find freedom. He no longer looked out from behind bars. He looked in and down with contempt at a world corrupted against him by the very force that tried to destroy him.
Finally, one early morning, the landscape became familiar. Rizzrack paused for the first time since his journey began and surveyed the area. The moment he stood still, his legs and knees trembled uncontrollably and exhaustion was mistaken for excitement. He recognized the fields as well as the barn far off into the distance. He was close!
Although it was morning for those beyond the city limits, it was enough to be just outside the gates to see nothing but oncoming night. One would have to have to take a longer walk down the road if they wanted to leave the sphere of influence. That was what one of the guards did for his short break, conveniently extending it by a degree or two of time.
" 'Bout time you came back, Garner. Thought you got lost. Now's your turn to do the checks so I can get a stretch in." The queue became two traders shorter and the working guard took his chance to stand up while Garner took his place. He leaned and twisted as far as the thick leather armor he wore would allow, and when he was finished, he yawned and leaned back upon the wooden beam that was part of their makeshift 'office'.
The line dwindled away, and soon there was nothing to do but wait until the more travelers came (or their shift ended).
"Gods…" Garner groaned. He pushed his chair back and kicked his feet up onto the wooden table that served as their desk. "Tell me Cruis…" his head rolled back and mouth hung open as he stared boredly at his post buddy. "… Why haven't we got promoted yet?
Cruis was hardly faring better than Garner, practically slumping down the support as he tried to pretend he was keeping alert. "Huhm? Well…" He yawned and straightened up only to resume his lazy leaning. "We haven't cuz we're not kiss asses to the commander. Not like that bastard Marron."
Garner scoffed. "If I was in charge of watch I wouldn't be making my guys do this dumb shit. Increased vigilance for what? Why? Because of that secret lab shit? It's over, it's gone, what else is there to do but clean up the mess?"
"And why do we get the shittiest shift?"
"Yeah, why DO we get the shittiest shift?"
"Maybe it's 'cause of the bakery."
"Maybe they thought we were slacking off."
"If it's my goddamn break I have every right to grab a roll! That's not slacking off, brother!"
"I bet Marron saw and snitched on us. I hate that guy."
"If he ever becomes my boss I'm done with this place." Seeing a new wave of comers aproaching, Garner groaned and dropped his feet down. This shift couldn't be over fast enough.
Sigh. …. "Purpose of visit?" …. "And your length of stay?" …. "Have a good evening. As always."
The guard logged another entry down. As he was midway through, a noticeable murmuring began to rise from the queue. Intending to finish the last details, he couldn't resist looking up when the discontent became more apparent. It was only then that Cruis finally spoke up behind him.
"'Xcuse me, sir? Sir! There's a line! We don't expedite here!" Garner sat up, his look of confusion quickly changed to a brow-furrowed look of disapproval. He then leaned forward, having to lift slightly from his seat if he were to see what seemed to be a keen, a small-keen to be more precise, beyond just his eyes.
"Sir, you need to wait your turn. The line is back there."
"Turn? For?" Rizzrack glanced to the side and his eyes met with a line of displeasured glares. "Oh I'm not here for… whatever that is. I'm just here to get in."
Cruis stood more attentively now. Was this the end of boredom? Was he going to get his chance to bodyslam a beligerant shorty? He then saw Garner look back his way with a face that said 'you seeing this?'.
"Sir, that is The Line to Get In."
"Well that wasn't there before. Are you telling me I have to pay?"
"No, I'm telling you that-"
Suddenly a (small) handful of gold coins were dropped onto the table. "Here. This should cover my entry fee MANY times over." Rizzrack stood up on his toes and reached an arm over the table to sort the coins in a row. Nine pieces of gold. Both of the guards were momentarily stunned. Garner glanced up at the line knowing very well just how this looked to the disgruntled spectators.
"No. Bribes." He placed a hand on top of the coins and slid them halfway back across the table towards Rizzrack who proceeded to swipe them back towards the guard.
"Look! I just need to get in, okay?" Rizzrack barked. "Right now. I don't need to stand in a line!" Suddenly his eye brows lifted as he remembered something. "Do you know who I am? I know the Warden!"
Cruis frowned. That was quite a bold claim to make. If he was telling the truth and they gave him a hard time, well that would just mean they'll get a hard time too. "Just let him go through." He leaned in further towards Garner to add: "He can be someone else's problem. At worst he's just crazy. I mean look at him."
Garner glanced down at the jittering small-keen. It was more than apparent he hadn't sleep in days. "Okay. Go." He hissed through his teeth. Rizzrack's demeanor switched from irritation to sudden gleefulness.
"THANK you! Now wasn't that simple? I'll put in a good word for your cooperation!" The small-keen chirped as he practically skipped his way into the city.
The guard's eyes rolled . With his pen he quickly pretended to log an entry. This didn't stop a few of those waiting in light from voicing their anger. "Alright. Next." He didn't get paid enough to care.
A place like Weeping Rose should have served to be a constant reminder to Rizzrack of the suffering he's inflicted. It should have, but it didn't. It wasn't because Rizzrack forgot. He remembered, but those memories belonged to the old Rizzrack. He was a new Rizzrack. The Radiant's Rizzrack. A Hero. No looking back. Only forward. ONWARD!
Rizzrack traveled through the city that was once a maze to him. It still was, but now he knew exactly where he was going. He FELT it. Not even the crowds of the markets could stop him as he deftly weaved on through. He knew he was almost there, he just had to-
Rizzrack stopped, finding himself at an intersection. He knew where he was. He know where the lab was. He knew where his bloodstone was. Yet he was being told to go somewhere else? Not towards the shop?
He stood as motionless as he could. Everything within him pointed him to turn down another path. But his mind felt otherwise. Perhaps this urge had changed. Perhaps it was the old him within? The corrupted force. The FEAR. Yes, the fear of returning to the lab. No, he REFUSED to let it get the better of him! Resisting his urge to turn, he continued on down the alley.
Time had passed since the discovery of the lab, enough so that damaged structures could be secured and the rubble of the ground cleared away so that a proper baricade could be erected around the hole. Rizzrack stood nearby, glancing up at the front of the stall at a sign that brought attention to the hidden just within:
Cheap! Reposessed. Previously keen-owned workshop space for sale. Stipulation: Basement space under Quorum control. No Access.
An idea struck him. What if he could own the shop? He could make great use of it! Reeaaaaally put the bloodstone to use with a NEW. SAWSUIT. YES. He excitedly entered the stall and ran towards the back space. He reached for the door but found that it was unfortunately locked. Dammit. Who did he need to get ahold of? He stepped back out to glance back at the sign. There was no other information, save for that singular mention. "Whelp!" He clapped his hands together. "Time to find the Quorum!"
And he did just that, realizing now that feeling was right all along. His new inner guidance would never fail him!
The taps of heeled shoes echoed down the hall. She didn't like how she could be heard coming. Today was the wrong day for these heels. But how was she to know she'd have such an urgent message to deliver? The young woman was nervous but she refused to falter. She stepped with haste to the Warden's office. She hoped he was there. If not, she would have to wait. No notes could be left. No papers, no scrolls, not even a strip of parchment…
She abruptly stopped and took a few steps back. She nearly passed his door. She quietly sighed and straightened her skirt and brushed a loose strand of hair her face. She then gave to firm knocks. … She debated giving a second, louder knock. As she raised her hand she heard a response from within. There was some relief knowing that this would be a mercifully quick encounter. She never liked having to leave her desk duties.
"Good evening, Warden, sir." She began. "I'm Korierre from City Hall. I'm sending a message on behalf of the Quorum. Permission to enter?"
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