#so yeah still would have changed to ivy
ivys-garden · 5 months
Oh I've got a story sorta like this
My freinds mum works with this women whose children are named Dana and Samantha, which she noticed since she liked Supernatural, but she didn't actually think that this women had named her children after Sam and Dean.
But then she remembered that this women's surname. Was Winchester.
So, curious, she asked and the women just went "What's Supernatural?" And her mum is still embarrassed about it to this day
But more importantly, by some Cosmic fluke these twin girls had the names Dana Winchester and Samantha Winchester. And I find that hilarious
Also, there was the time when I met the family of one of the children from the nursery I "work" at, the child's siblings we're called Mason and Mabel and the mum was wearing a mickey mouse t-shirt, so 90% sure she's a Gravity Falls fan, never was brave enough to ask her though (the third child had a normal name though)
And technically I had a fandom name, I was named after a director by my father, now that could lead to some normal names right? Steven, Alfred, Stanly, Tim.
But no.
I was given the directors SURNAME as my FIRSTNAME
Imagine walking down the street and meeting a Spielberg Jones or a Hitchcock Johnson.
That was me. I was Hitchcock Johnson. (well not actually but you get the idea)
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changetyre · 11 days
Big Sister Ⓢ
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SUMMARY: Max and y/n navigate through telling Lea she'll be a big sister and meeting Ivy. Part of Verstappen Family verse
WARNINGS: None? Pregnancy, Birth.
A/N: *Requested
"Lea baby can you come here a second?" You sat down with your husband on the couch in the living room where your daughter happily played on the carpet.  
"You start." Max quickly whispered. 
You both had been discussing for a while how you were going to tell Lea she was a big sister, it seemed like the news couldn't come at a worse time since Lea was having a faze of being extremely possessive of her parents, and even watching Max play with other drivers kids made her sob in anger. 
So the thought of telling Lea she would now have to permanently share her parents for the rest of her life didn't seem like the best news to tell her. 
"Mommy come play?" Lea whined instead of listening. 
"Lea please come here we can play in a second," Max repeated firmly. 
Lea knew this meant it was a last warning for her to listen and reluctantly got up to go to her parents. 
"Papa up." Lea tapped Max's lap. 
Max picked his daughter up before setting her down on his lap facing the both of them. 
"So Lea, Papa, and I have some news to share with you okay?" You watched as your daughter nodded fiddling with her dad's fingers obviously oblivious to what was to come. 
"Lea you know how much we love you right?" Max asked his daughter. 
"More than life!" Lea cheered happily used to hearing it from you both. 
"Exactly and you know nothing will ever change how much we love you right? Because you'll always be my baby Lea." You added. 
Lea nodded still keeping her gaze down to her fiddling hands. 
"Okay, you can tell us how you feel about it Lea but there's no need for you to throw a tantrum okay?" Max asked his daughter who nodded once again. 
"Okay Lea mommy is pregnant okay...which means you're gonna be a big sister soon." You laid it all out. 
Both you and Max held your breaths expecting a big reaction from your daughter...she continued fiddling with her dad's fingers and Max was about to ask if she had even heard before Lea shrugged. "Okay." she simply said. 
Both you and Max shared a look of uncertainty, she didn't look either angry or happy, she was just...indifferent.
"Lea, do you understand there will be some changes soon?" Max asked his daughter. 
"Yeah, uhm but Papa I want to keep my cars...I can share dolls but not cars." Lea casually chatted with her dad. 
"uh yeah okay." Max was unsure of how to reply. "That's okay I think baby won't be able to play until she's a little older but thank you for sharing your dolls." Max looked at you as if asking for some guidance to which you shrugged. 
You both had prepared for any big reaction but had no idea what to do with this calmness. 
"Okay...good job Mommy." Lea placed a kiss on your cheek before hopping down from her father's lap. "Can I go play now?" Lea asked to which you both nodded unsure of what else to say. 
"Max" You shook Max awake after spending the last hour walking around in pain and timing your contractions, figuring out if it was finally time or not but once it got too painful to move you knew it was time to wake up your husband. 
"y/n?" Max muttered sleepily. 
"Max it's time." You voiced the seriousness of the situation. 
"Mhm, it's time." Max readjusted his sleeping position before settling to sleep again. You looked at your husband confused before he jumped out of bed. "OMG IT'S TIME?!" He asked loudly now wide awake as he faced you and placed a hand on your stomach watching you groan in pain at another contraction. 
"Shush you're gonna wake Lea, Let's go...I texted the boys, Lando should be here any minute." You told Max as he rushed to get some sweats and a hoodie on. You had made a plan that once it was time you'd let Daniel and Lando know so that they could stay with Lea while you and Max headed to the hospital. 
Max ran to grab your hospital bags before rushing to grab the car keys and a other few things before helping you into some more comfortable clothes all while reminding you to do the breathing techniques you'd learnt. 
As if on queue Lando rushed in with his emergency keys. "Lea is asleep we're headed out now." Max kept his voice down. 
"Okay, good luck, text me." Lando hugged his friend and then placed a quick kiss on your cheek before you both headed out. 
Once at the hospital thankfully everything was quick and straightforward, unlike your first pregnancy where the birth took a little longer than you would've liked. It only took a few hours before you and Max were holding your newborn baby girl in your arms. 
"She's so perfect." you sniffled as you looked down at your baby girl who took hold of your finger with her tiny hand. 
"She really is." Max wiped his own tears, it always amazed Max how he felt like he physically had no more love to give between his wife and daughter but looking at his newborn it was like his love expanded a thousandfold. 
Max was distracted by the sound of his phone ringing looking down and seeing a FaceTime call from Lando. 
"Hey is everything okay?" Max answered worried about how his now older daughter might be coping now that she should be waking up. 
"Yeah, Lea wants to know her mommy is okay, I tried to distract her but she won't eat breakfast unless she knows her mom is fine," Lando explained as Max heard his daughter crying in the background. 
Max looked at you asking for your permission, you quickly nodded and Max brought the phone towards you being careful not to show your bare chest. "Hey." Lando gasped in awe seeing the newborn in your arms. 
He almost got too distracted before remembering he was meant to pass the phone to Lea. Walking towards her he pointed the screen to a crying Lea who quickly calmed at seeing her mom with her new baby sister. 
"Lea baby meet Ivy." You spoke softly to your daughter. 
Lea was entranced by the baby in your arms. "Hi Ivy...I'm Lea your big sister." Lea spoke softly matching your tone. 
Ivy cooed making your heart swell at your two daughters communicating. "I think she wants to meet you, baby." You smiled. "Are you okay my darling? We'll be home soon okay." You reassured Lea. 
"I'm okay mommy, Danny said he'd bring me doughnuts." Lea smiled brightly, Max couldn't help but laugh at his best friend's behavior knowing it was always a danger to leave Lea alone with her godfather. 
"Of course, he will..." you laughed too. "Lando?" 
"Yep." Lando popped back on the screen immediately smiling down at a now happy and calm Lea. 
"Max wants to ask you something." You winked before gesturing for Max to turn the phone back around. 
"Hey, man...uh." Max scratched the back of his neck nervously never really being good with sentiments. "I was wondering if maybe you'd want to be Ivy's godfather?" Max asked his friend a decision that seemed obvious to you when you first realized the connection Lando had with Lea and how easily you would trust him with her life just like Daniel.  
"Uh-" It was hard to gouge Lando's reaction without seeing his face. "Yeah, man...I'd love to." your heart swelled again at hearing Lando unable to hide his shaky voice as he began crying. 
"Unco Wando!" You heard Lea's concerned voice calling for him. 
"I'm okay baby, it's happy tears," Lando reassured her. 
"Papa bring momma and baby sis home soon!" Lea called for her dad. 
"I will Lea...I promise you I will." Max felt like his heart could burst surrounded by the people he loved the most.
"And this is Chals caw, and this is Danny's caw, OH OH this is Papa's caw!" You watched with pride as Lea showed her baby sister her toys despite the fact Ivy's eyes were shut and she was fast asleep in her baby rocking chair. 
"I love you." Your husband whispered in your ear as he walked behind you wrapping his arms around you being careful not to squeeze. 
"I love you more...and I love them like I never knew I could love before." You leaned your head back on his shoulder as you both just took in how gentle Lea was being with her sister. 
"She's going to be such a good big sister." Max smiled. 
"She already is." you acknowledged. 
"What are we gonna do about him?" Max asked as you both turned to a snoring Lando on the couch. 
"Give him a break my love he's barely slept a blink in 2 days worrying about us and looking after Lea." You felt bad for the young man. 
"hmm...he really does love us doesn't he?" Despite struggling with verbally expressing love Max knew Lando was indispensable in his life. 
"He's family." You watched as your husband laid a blanket over him. 
"Yep...he's family." he laughed before joining his two daughters in whatever game Lea had made up for them.
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stanlunter · 4 months
Bi erasure in the fandoms
There are many types of biphobia among people, but I wanna talk about the least noticable type of it, which is super common and barely gets called out. "Headcanoning" canon/implied bisexual characters (mostly female, for some reason) as lesbians.
Usually they don't even portay it as a "headcanon", but just state that they are and make everyone believe this. And when they done, people even start call you lesbophobic for calling bi erasure our, bc It's suddenly you're the one who "erase" lesbians. And the funny thing is that a lot of those who state so, haven't even watched these shows and just have "heard" that these characters are "lesbians" and the continue misinformate everyone else. And that's awful and very harmful for bi community
Let's take some examples
1. Asami and Korra
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Both are bisexual women who were in love with the same man and then broke up with him and started dating each other. Prolly the most heavily implied bisexuals ever. But what do people have problems with? Oh, they think that if a bi girl has broken up with a man, it means only that she realized she's lesbian. Not that her ex was a cheater, not that their relationship was toxic. No, they can break up only bc she had a comphet. There are no other options. And if a girl dates another girl, she's also 100% lesbian, bc bi girls are just "straights who wanna invade lgbt", right? Oh, yeah, also Korra is strong and muscle "lesbian stereotype" and Asami is "cold and lady-like" "lesbian stereotype" so yeah, It's absolutely makes them lesbians! — another example of why the stereotypes are actually harmful.
2. Poison Ivy (both in the show and in the comics)
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Absolutely the same thing as with Korra and Asami, but is also a "mean lesbian stereotype" which is basically the strongest stereotype, so yeah. Ivy dated Kite man and was actually attracted to him. She liked kissing me and enjoyed his company. The only thing that made her break up with Kite man is that he wasn't someone she saw her future with. He didn't fit her and she knew who did - Harley, her girlfriend. Even when Ivy knew she was attracted to Harley (bc she litterally cheated with her), she still knew she is attracted to Kite man and even so planned their wedding, but being attracted ≠ being soulmates, unfortunately. People also for some reason think that just bc Ivy hates men, it means she has to be lesbian. Ig they don't know there are bi or even straight girls who hate men. Like febfems (bi girls who refuse to date men for political reasons and their safety) don't exist. Like you can't be attracted to someone you hate.
And after all, Ivy dating Kite Man (and Dan Back) isn't even the main reason she's bisexual. Besides it, she was confirmed to be bisexual multipe times by many different authors. She's canon bi in almost every universe. And the way some new authors are trying to change her sexuality is a clearest bi erasure. And It's also funny, cuz if someone ever dared to turn a canon lesbian character into bisexual, everyone would immidiatly lose it. But when they do the same with bisexuals, It's suddenly being ignored. Wow.
3. Sasha Waybright
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Thankfully the last time I don't see this so often (mb bc the fandom is dying tho), but just when everyone's favourite "mean lesbian" was confirmed to be bisexual, everyone went wild... Yeah, their favourite stereotype was broken. Does it mean they started to understand that stereotypes don't define sexuality and that even mean girls can like men? Ofc not! They obviously started to say that she was confirmed as bi bc: 1. Disney didn't want to let her be lesbian 2. Mate did it only to make the fandom mad
Lmao. They really gonna believe anything but that a character can just be...bisexual. And even so, they keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian. I've even heard people who were saying she had a "comphet" and will realize she's lesbian in the future. That's not even funny, but it does make me laugh
4. Princess Bubblegum
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Oh, I love the way the whole tik tok fandom suddenly started to call Bubblegum "canon lesbian" just bc someone has said so and others have spread it up. Ig I should be thankful, that they at least recognize Marcelin being bisexual, huh?
Anyways, the thing is that Bubblegum, just as much as Marcelin was heavily implied to be bisexual. She litterally had an ex bf and for those who love calling every bi character with ex bfs lesbians with comphet, besides that Bubblegum was also in love with Finn in the episode when she turned 13. She litterally kissed him there and has said she wishes she could stay this way with him. It was directly shown throught the whole show that's the only reason why Finn's feelings are one sided is that Bubblegum is way older than him. And in the episode "Too young" it was directly confirmed. But people are still gonna call her lesbian just...bc? I don't even know why, she doesn't even fit stereotypes that much. Mb they decided to "ruin stereotypes" by it? Or mb they just decided that since6she rejected Finn (a litteral child) it means she can't be attracted to men at all? This logic is even worse. But God only knows what is in their heads
5. Yang Xiao long
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Oh, yeah, this one is usually super objectionable bc she was showing interest in men basically only in v1 and then started dating Blake. And if Blake being bi was so clear that there are basically no people denying it or bc she fits bi stereotypes, who knows, however we should remember that bisexuals don't have to have equal attraction to everyone (like Blake, who had 2 male and 2 female love interests) and they don't have to date all genders to prove their attraction.
But there are many evidences of Yang being attracted to men too.
In the whole Yellow Trailer Yang actively flirts with a man
In ep3v1 she happily gazas on shirtless men and then, when Ruby says "father wouldn't approve it" she answers (I know, I fo) – which already would be enought to confirm her attraction to men
But in the same volume, when the team decorates their room, when Yang hangs a poster with a male band of the artists she's attracted too, it was shown that she liked men as well.
Yeah, I got that both the fandom and Roosters really love to forget everything that was in v1-2, but It's a fact that Yang is bisexual as well as Blake. But wait, she's a "strong lesbian stereotype", right!!! So let's ignore a bi representation, sure!
6. Sunset shimmer
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Here's a girl, who canonically has dated a man and was officially confirmed to be bisexual by the author in Twitter. So why do people keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian? Oh, bc she's SUNSET and has flags of lesbian colors. Like "Sunset" was invented by lesbian flag, yeah. And what's the funniest thing in this perfect argument is that Sunset Shimmer was created even before the sunset lesbian flag designed!
And, yeah, I could take the "she has said that she didn't like Flash so it was a comphet/pretending" thing, but the problem is that it still litterally was confirmed by the author himself that Sunset is bisexual. And in the further show and even movie we can see clear signs of them still having a thing for each other. Like Sunset winks to him and many of their other interactions, but they can be read in a friends way as well ofc, which doesn't make her any less of canon bi!
7. Clawdeen Wolf
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Her situation is exactly like Yang's. Since not so long time ago Clawdeen was confirmed to be lgbt and there was announced a comic about her and Toralei's romantic relationship, everyone started yelling that she's "canon lesbian" now. However it was only confirmed that she's wlw, not lesbian. And wlw includes these little unknown people called bisexuals.
But why do I say she's bi, but not lesbian? Well, bc it was clearly shown in the show and the movies that she's attracted to men. Yeah, she's a bit less obsessed with them than others and doesn't have a bf, however her feelings for many of them were obvious. And it was no where near a comphet. No, she was exactly attracted to them, that's a fact. So for now, she's a heavily implied bi character who had feelings for boys and who is dating a girl, just like Yang. And calling her lesbian is kinda biphobic
8. Kagami Tsurugi
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A canon bisexual character, who's love to both Marinette and Adrian was confirmed in official synopsis for s5 and official show bible. She was shown to have a clearest attraction to Adrian and Felix, 2 men. Even if after she has broken up with Adrian (and no, not bc she realized she was lesbian, but bc he has fucking lied to her face and has broken up her heart) some people got an idea of her being a "lesbian with a comphet", this idea was destroyed again by her new attraction to Felix, another man.
However people are still gonna ignore her canon sexuality and call her a lesbian, by using "comphet" as a justification, or even by turning Felix and Adrian into transwomen, which isn't a justification to erase bi representation either anyways!
It's especially hurting since she's my favourite character I strongly relate to tho
9. Sayaka
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Omg, Madoka Magica is an anime that includes girls who like girls. Almost all of the main characters are implied to be lesbians. But you know who's being headcanoned as a lesbian the most?? That's right! The only girl that likes boys too! What an irony, yeah? Sayaka has a huge romantic tension with Kyoka and has a canon crush on her male childhood friend – Kyosuke. So we can have the only bi rep out of 5 wlw girls. Ofc this rep was taken from us, bc some people wanna headcanon (or even impose it as canon) that the only bisexual girl is a lesbian with a comphet! Sure, yeah. Again, my favourite excuse for bi erasure, nothing's new, lol
10. Utena and Anthy
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Another bisexual couple, who's coded sexuality is always getting erased. Uthena and Anthy love each other and even shared a kiss in one of the endings. The status of their relationship wasn't directly stated in anime, however everyone who has eyes can see their clear romantic and not only tension. Utena's another love interest is Touga, who was her childhood love who she was shown to have super clearest attraction throught the anime, and this attraction has no platonic explanation, so yeah, Utena ia attracted to both men and women and It's canon. The same goes for Anthy: she had strong feelings for Dios. Both characters are bi-coded and comphet was never there. People are just trying to use it as an excuse to bi erasure bc they want all wlw characters to be lesbians, that's all.
So, if someone is gonna say that I'm "denying comphet" or any other shit like that, no, I know it exists and I know a lot of lesbians go throught it and it deserves a representation too, but in such cases the difference between comphet and an actual attraction to men is so clear and you know that.
There are also examples of the characters who had or could have comphet:
Like Apple White, who thought she supposed to like Daring just bc he's "her destiny", but she never liked him (and even in her bio she says that just bc they have to marry, it doesn't mean they're dating) and her actual "true love", who's kiss made Apple wake up was Darling, his sister. And It's an actually good example of comphet bc of the society pressure. Or Yuzu (even tho for some reason some people still think she's bi) who was said to never be in love with anyone untill her step-sister, she even lied to her friends about having boyfriends bc she thought there was smth wrong with her since she isn't attracted to men. Also Velma and etc. Unfortunately there aren't that many examples, but even with these ones the difference between a lesbian with a comphet and a bisexual girl is obvious, so yeah, you just want an excuse to erase bisexuals and turn them into lesbians and it will never be okay
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blurredcolour · 7 months
III. "Trust Me, He's In Good Hands."
"Trust" Series Masterlist
John "Bucky" Egan x WAC!Female Reader
As the calendar flips to September, so arrives Autumn, the season of change. And change will always come, whether it is welcome or not.
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Warnings: Language, Grief, Minor Bucky Injury, Mention of Medical Treatments/Devices, Angst, Inevitable Historical and Military Inaccuracies, Mature/Explicit Themes [fingering, handjob, semi-public play] - 18+ ONLY.
Author’s Note: In case you missed it, there was a head cannon produced as a semi-interlude for just how Bucky 'took care of himself' after their moment on the bench. This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
Word Count: 6486
“Think you took a wrong turn back there, Bucky…” You raised an eyebrow, glancing over your shoulder as he continued driving further and further away from your quarters, navigating the jeep, instead, towards the control tower.
After nearly a week of chauffeuring you and your rapidly healing leg around Thorpe Abbotts, you were more than confident that he knew his way from your quarters to the mess to the control tower and back. This was most certainly a detour from the normal route.
When your comment was met with silence, you turned to look at him curiously, only to see the profile of his mischievous grin as he worked a fresh stick of gum between his molars, a pair of aviator sunglasses concealing his eyes even in the rapidly darkening twilight.
A plethora of fresh cuts and abrasions adorned his face from that day’s mission to Stuttgart – nearly 1,300 miles round trip. Flying in the second group of the day, the Luftwaffe and ground forces had been more than ready for them. Resistance had been heavy, though their drop was still considered a success, the first group’s had been a disaster. Bucky had been putting on his usual good humor since his return to the Operations Room, though his kisses in the custodial closet had been a little more frenetic than usual. His hold on you a little tighter than after previous missions.
For your part, you had wound yourself around him as tightly as a vine of ivy, the loss of your brother still terribly fresh and barely scabbed over. A scab that you had to fight the urge to pick at in the darkest hours of the night while your hut mates slept the sleep of the ungrieved. It was easier to set your hurts aside in the daylight, or in Bucky’s presence, as the man himself might as well have been the sun personified. Yet there was something changed about him today.
“Bucky?” You prompted softly as he reached the control tower and hung a right to begin driving out along the runway.
“Wanna show you the stars, doll.” He murmured quietly, sliding his sunglasses to the top of his head, his cap tossed carelessly on the seat between you, as darkness finally conquered the sky.
“Alright.” You whispered, setting your hand on his knee slowly while he drove to the very end of the asphalt before veering off into the tall vegetation that brushed against the sides of the vehicle.
As he cut the engine, the silence of the field settled in around the pair of you, so far removed from the crews diligently working on planes parked on their hardstands – there was another mission tomorrow, they would do their very best to get as many as possible back into service by dawn. But this far out, it felt like it you were perhaps the only two people in the entire world just then. Tilting your head back to look up at the sky, you pulled your cap from your head to watch the stars begin to wink into light against the deep blue velvet night, a smile tugging at your lips.
“They are beautiful.” You breathed reverently, rolling your head to the side to look at him fondly.
“Yeah.” He murmured in agreement, though your heart clenched as you found his eyes focused squarely on you rather than the constellations above.
His hand settled over yours where it still rested on his leg, fingers threading between yours, squeezing tightly, and you leaned in with the intention of pressing your lips to his. Bucky met you halfway, tilting his head to the left to slot his lips against yours firmly. The taste of spearmint flooded your mouth and your tongue darted forward the pilfer the still-supple piece of gum from its hiding place against his cheek, tucking it against your own as his body shook with laughter. Your responding grin made it difficult for either of you to continue the kiss and so Bucky dropped his mouth to your neck, fingers abandoning yours to begin tugging at your necktie and the buttons of your collar to reveal more of your skin to his greedy lips.
“Bucky…” You sighed, sliding your liberated hands into his hair, wantonly holding him to your throat.
Your eyes fell shut as you shivered eagerly, each exhale shaking as it left your mouth in response to the damp, open-mouthed kisses he painted across your skin. The brush of his moustache provided a wicked contrast in sensations. He hummed approvingly against you, arms snaking around your hips as he shuffled the pair of you further onto the passenger’s side of the bench seat, farther away from the interference of the steering wheel.
Bucky’s fingers tugged at the buttons on your uniform jacket, parting the offending fabric so his broad hand could slide beneath to cup one of your breasts, kneading at the tender flesh over the thinner fabric of your shirt. Arching with a needy whimper, you pulled gently on his dark locks until he tipped his head back, lips kiss-stung as he looked up at you, eyes barely focused. Lunging forward, you kissed him thoroughly as he continued his sweet torment, making your hips undulate against the seat needily, desperate for any friction you might find.
You mewled in protest when his hand left your chest, pressing your face against his cheek as he tutted teasingly.
“Easy doll, I won’t leave you hanging.”
His hand slid to your left knee, fingers cupping the back of it as he gently guided your leg to hook over his right, spreading your legs open to the rush of cool night air. Instinctively, you rolled your right leg inward to close the gap, but his hand slid between your inner thighs, keeping them apart.
“Wait.” He whispered, stroking his slightly calloused fingers against the soft skin he had found there, knuckles rasping against the opposite thigh. “Let me make you feel good.”
Sinking your teeth into your lower lip, you shuddered slightly before relaxing your right leg, letting your knee fall against the frame of the jeep as you shuffled your hips forward consentingly.
Sweeping ever higher along your inner thigh in slow, smooth circles, you still jumped slightly as Bucky’s palm came to rest over your underwear, breath hitching in your throat to feel the heat of his skin seeping through the thin material.
“Damn, you’re so warm.” His breath fanned across your cheek as he spoke, heel of his palm applying just the right amount of pressure to the place that had you seeing constellations of your own behind your eyelids.
“Bu…cky…” You keened his name, pronunciation disjointed and clumsy as his fingers worked at tracing your folds across the rapidly dampening fabric.
“I know, I know.” He rasped, sounding almost pained as he shifted his hips.
Forcing your eyes open, you recognized the same need in his movements that had, just moments before, laced your own. You swallowed roughly to gather your courage before allowing your hand to drop to his lap. The gasp that escaped you at the sheer pressure of him against his fly was drowned out by his harsh, half-swallowed moan. Pressed temple-to-temple, you inhaled sharply as his eyes flicked to yours, boring into them at close range as you began to work your palm along the shape of him through his trousers, applying what you could only hope was the right amount of friction.
“Goddamn you’re not going to be satisfied unless I cum, are you?” He huffed and tilted his jaw forward to nip at your lower lip.
Your brow furrowed in thought as the verbiage of that sentence did not quite compute, though it very well could have been as a result of his diligent attentions between your thighs.
As if sensing your confusion, Bucky began throwing out alternative words like a thesaurus while he gradually began to ease your underwear to one side. “Finish, climax, release, orgasm…what you did so prettily all over my thigh and what I’m going to make you do again right–”
“Fuck…” You squeaked as his fingers found the bare skin of your folds, hips jerking both towards his touch and away from the intensity of it all at once.
“Here.” He finished his thought, temple pressing against yours once more, fingertips rapidly growing slick with your desire before they delved to find your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Jesus Christ, Bucky!” You gasped out, bucking sharply and most definitely toward his hand this time.
“You talk to your Captain with that mouth, doll?” He teased with a broad grin, teeth flashing white in the darkness.
“Mmm fuck…” You whimpered, nearly incoherent as he expertly worked your body like he had known it longer than you.
“Spending far too much time around soldiers, doll.” He continued to tease you, making your nostrils flare stubbornly as you summoned the very last of your wits to attack his fly, wanting him to suffer equally under the exquisite torture of pleasure he was inflicting upon you. “Whoa there what a–” His words died on his lips as your persistent, delving hand worked its way into his trousers and then past the waistband of his boxers to wrap around the steely length of him.
A ragged groan cut through the night air before his mouth crashed into yours, a slight clacking of teeth before he recovered his usual finesse. There was a beguiling slickness gathered at the tip but otherwise the skin covering the swollen hardness of him was the softest you had ever felt. However, now that you had seized your prize, you were not entirely certain what to do with it. Bucky’s large left hand wrapped itself around yours, beginning to guide you through a pumping motion up and down the length of him that filled your mouth with his moans and sped the pace of his right hand against you.
Wrenching your lips back from his to gasp for breath, you pressed your forehead against his once more, your exhales becoming his inhales. Tugging the gusset of your underwear further from your body, he made more space for his hand, settling the heel of his palm against the apex of your pleasure as his index finger began to circle your entrance.
“Fuck you’re so wet…” He huffed, dipping the pad of his finger into your slick.
“Mnnph!” You vocalized nonsensically, swiping your thumb across the source of his own slickness, collecting fresh beads of moisture to ease the motion of your fist around him. “You, too.” You panted.
Hot breath cascading down the gaping collar of your shirt was his only response, and being a quick study, you were certain to repeat that motion at the top of each pull, despite how difficult it was becoming to think straight. Particularly as he sank his index finger into your eager body, the feeling foreign yet not unwelcome, especially when he began to thrust said finger at a pace that matched your own hand around him.
A fleeting concern passed through your mind, of what sort of vulgar display the pair of you were currently presenting to the very heavens that you had driven out here under the pretext to admire, but it could not compete for you attention as Bucky added a second finger to your wet heat. Your hips moved in time with his fingers, of their own volition, and you were so focused on driving the pair of you towards your own heaven that you were barely taking in enough oxygen.
“Doll I’m gonna…fuck…I’m gonna cum…” Bucky growled, though there was the distinct edge of a whine to it.
“Yes.” You exhaled enthusiastically as you fully understood the statement this time. “Yes, Bucky go on I want you to, please.” You babbled, no longer completely in control of your faculties.
His left hand quickly abandoned yours to yank his uniform jacket and shirt higher on his torso as his hips slammed into your fist several times before, with a hoarse shout, a tremendous amount of fluid was released across his lower abdomen, dripping onto your hand. You watched with a slack jaw, very much wishing you could see the intricacies of his pleasure more clearly than the dark of night would allow, but nevertheless mightily pleased to have brought it about.
As his right hand stilled inside your underwear, you mistakenly assumed he was utterly spent, would not have minded at all if that were the case, and began to straighten your uniform.
“Oh, hell no, I’m not finished with you.” His fingers lurched into motion, pace somehow doubled as they scissored and curled inside you.
Left hand, now freed, settled over your right breast as he turned fully to devour the noises his renewed attentions wrung from your trembling body. You could feel your walls beginning to clench around his fingers, your thighs pressing together as the tension within you rose to its crest before shattering in a rush of ecstasy that had you clawing at his uniform jacket as you writhed beneath him.
Pulling back only once you had stopped wailing down his throat, Bucky smirked a little as he licked his lips. “That’s better.” Settling back onto the seat beside you, he carefully pulled his fingers from your still-shaking body to lick them clean, closing his eyes slowly. “Next time, I’m going to eat you alive, doll…”
Slumping against his shoulder all you managed by way of reply was a weak, “Uh huh.”
Bucky pressed a tender kiss to the crown of your head before pulling a utilitarian handkerchief from his pocket, wiping your hand before roughly wiping himself clean. He brusquely restored order to his uniform before very tenderly doing the same with yours.
“Need a few more minutes?”
“Mmm we should get back.” You frowned, leaning in to peck his lips softly. “If my legs still aren’t working, I’ve got the crutches at least.”
A confident grin unfurled across his features as he slid back behind the wheel, arm wrapping around your waist to pull you snug into his side before he began the drive back to your quarters. Absent-mindedly, you retrieved the stolen piece of gum from the corner of your cheek and folded an air bubble into it before cracking it against your teeth, slowly feeling the capacity to control your limbs returning.
Pulling up in front of your hut, he turned to you with a smirk. “You stole my gum.”
You looked to him slowly before shooting him a wink. “Guess you’ll have to steal it back.” You would have kissed him goodnight, given him the chance to do so right then, if not for the crunch of footsteps on the gravel drive behind you. “Goodnight Major Egan.” You said as you straightened quickly, putting a great deal of distance between you as you slid to the other side of the jeep before climbing out.
Fetching your crutches from the back, you were slowly making your way inside when you heard him address the unknown individual.
“Captain Miller.”
“Major Egan, whatever has become of your cap, sir?” Her voice was cold and shrill as usual.
“Got it right here Ma’am.” You heard him reply, though her hum of disapproval, one that was all too familiar to the WACs, did not bode well for the state of it.
“It seems rather worse for wear, sir. Might want to try and remedy that before Colonel Harding gets a look at it. Goodnight.”
Risking a glance back over your shoulder you frowned to see how horribly crumpled the thing had become – surely a victim of your star-gazing trip gone astray. Bucky, for his part, only sent you a broad smile as Captain Miller continued on into the night and you waved to him before ducking inside to face the firing squad of your expectant-faced friends.
The early days of September continued to be busy with crews from the 100th flying the following morning, the 7th, and then receiving a day’s rest. There was no real rest for you on the 8th, however, as the field order for Operation Starkey, set for the 9th, arrived late in the day, sending the Operations Room into a frenzy. Bucky had appeared at the usual time to drive you to the mess for dinner and all you could spare was an apologetic look before he was snagged by Colonel Harding. Set to be the largest operation of the war to date, you were up quite late ensuring everything was in place, unsurprised that Harding had ordered Bucky to bed to rest up – that only meant one thing. He would be flying tomorrow.
The target was an airfield just outside Paris, mercifully not another foray deep into Germany, but the customary knot that settled into your stomach seemed to twist all the more acutely this time. Making your way down the stairs on your crutches, bearing a little more weight on your ankle now, on Doctor McLean’s instructions, you were surprised to find Captain Miller waiting for you at the door.
“Good evening, Lieutenant. I was hoping to catch you alone.”
“Ma’am.” You juggled your crutches awkwardly in order to salute her, doing your best to keep the confusion and concern from your voice.
She began the walk towards the barracks at a slow pace, allowing you make your way alongside her as she spoke. “I’ve received orders this afternoon from Pinetree that effective September 10th you will be transferring there as a member of their Operations staff.”
Your head whirled to look at her angular profile, her hair perfectly smooth beneath her cap, as she delivered this devastating news as though it had as much effect on your life as the fact that it might rain later. The bottom of your left crutch snagged into the gravel and dug awkwardly into your armpit, sending you stumbling forward. Somehow you managed not to fall flat upon your face, but all you could croak in response was a pathetic, “Ma’am?!”
Miller eyed you a moment, presumably ensuring your stability before she resumed both her speech and her progress towards your quarters. “Your work is impeccable, you should not be surprised that you have been given this opportunity, Lieutenant. I suggest you begin packing. I will see you to the station myself morning after next.”
Nodding, speechless, you continued to shuffle after her. Pinetree – code name for the Headquarters of the 8th Air Force, located in some village just north of London. Quite a ways away from Thorpe Abbotts. Away from Vi and Mary and Ruth – your constant companions through your entire time with the WAC. Away from Bucky. Your throat clenched painfully as you desperately tried to swallow, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
‘Christ, please not in front of the dragon-lady…hold it together girl.’ You chastised yourself and straightened your back, clenched your jaw, willfully keeping an iron grip on yourself.
By the grace of everything holy she kept silent for the rest of the walk, pausing in front of your hut. “This is a good thing, Lieutenant. Now rest up, big day tomorrow.” Miller nodded firmly and you shared a salute before she continued on her way.
Taking a shaking breath, you crept inside, leg aching from the walk, throat aching from smothered emotion. The rest of the occupants were all sleeping, oblivious to your plight, and you miraculously managed to keep it that way, sliding into your cot at last to allow silent tears to roll down your cheeks. You should have used those four hours to rest before waking early, knowing Bucky would still insist on driving you to the mess and then the Control Tower before his flight, but sleep was about as friendly with you as Captain Miller that night.
As your alarm clock went off, and Vi hurled a pillow at you for the insult of vicariously waking her with it as well, you were quite convinced you had not managed a minute of sleep. Running through your morning routine like some kind of robot, you began to make your way toward the mess, smiling weakly even as your heart wrenched beneath your ribs to hear his jeep pull up beside you.
“Morning, doll.”
“Morning, Bucky.” You sighed, turning to him, afraid to meet his eyes. Afraid he might be able to see right through you, and not wanting to burden him with this impending separation right before he went up. “You go on ahead, I know you’re busy…”
“Doll, please don’t hit me, but what time did you get to bed last night? Get in the jeep.”
Despite yourself, despite the yawning dread in your gut, you still felt a laugh bubble up your throat. Perhaps not to the usual brightness he would have earned, but Bucky was still able to earn it.
“Late.” You sighed, surrendering your crutches to the back of the jeep, sliding in beside him. “But clearly, I need to put on a better face. ‘A WAC should never appear tired or distressed.’” You quoted one of your instructors from Fort Des Moines.
He huffed with a playful roll of his eyes as he put the vehicle into motion. “As far as I’m concerned doll, you’ve more than done your duty for this mission.”
You looked to him curiously, brain sluggish without any food to fuel it yet.
“‘Release a man for combat.’” He glanced at you with a wicked grin as he quoted the former WAC slogan, the one that had been in use before your superiors had truly understood the connotations of such a statement, and your jaw dropped as you felt heat paint its way down your neck.
“John Clarence Egan.” You hissed in half-hearted admonishment, shaking your head as a grin snuck its way onto your features in spite of it all. Sighing deeply as, after mere moments with him, you already found your mood much improved. “I’m gonna m–” Quickly slapping your hand over your mouth lest you admit to more than you were prepared to at this time of day, you feigned a yawn which made him chuckle under his breath as he pulled up in front of the mess.
“Maybe need a nap?” He finished mischievously and you just nodded, leveraging yourself out of the jeep, still feeling sore after your long walk to bed last night. “I’ll see you after briefing.”
“You don’t have to, Bucky I can make it just fine, you’re busy.”
“That wince you just failed to hide says otherwise, doll. I’ll see you in an hour or so.” He eyed you sternly and you gulped painfully, already feeling quite lost at the idea of being separated from him.
“I’m going to start walking if you’re late.” You tried a small smile on for size, preparing yourself to enter the mess with a pleasant look on your face.
“I’ll find you!” He threatened as he pulled away slowly, careful not to kick up any gravel in your direction and all you could do was shake your head fondly.
You were doomed.
Breakfast was a quiet affair, the few already up this early only present for the sake of fuelling their bodies and not really seeking conversation. Burying your nose in a book that you could not even manage to read one sentence of, you lasted all of forty-five minutes before your nerves got the better of you and insisted on action rather than wasting time while you waited for Bucky to be ready. Gritting your teeth against the protest in your joints, you began making your way down the road toward the Control Tower, needing very much to be useful else you might simply drown in the complexity of your emotions.
Regardless, you would need to get used to being independent once more. Pinetree, or High Wycombe as it was properly known on a map, would not have a private chauffer awaiting you. It remained to be seen how much distance you would need to cover in your daily duties and there was no time like the present to start practicing. You were almost halfway there when Bucky pulled up alongside, dressed in his flight suit, eyebrow raised impatiently.
“Someone definitely needs a nap.” He narrowed his eyes, gesturing at the open bench seat beside him.
Sighing deeply, you pulled the crutches from beneath your armpits to slide into the back before climbing into the jeep next to him. “I was falling asleep at the table.” You muttered as he pulled out. “I didn’t mean to insult you…”
His only reply was a gently squeezing of your knee, a quick motion between his steering of the vehicle, but you could tell he was not pleased. Combined with the quiet thoughtfulness that overcame him on his way to a mission, it made for a silent drive to the Control Tower. As he pulled up in front of the building, you turned to press a warm kiss to his cheek, feeling him tense in surprise at your rather visible display of affection.
“See you in a few hours.” You smiled to him tenderly and he offered you a lopsided grin in reply.
“You bet, doll. No sleeping on your desk, now.” He winked as you slid out and you offered him a laugh over your shoulder as you made your way inside.
Organized chaos awaited you in the Operations Room. Now officially billed as a practice run for the invasion of France, the entire base seemed to be alert and involved in this mission, many appearing just as tired as you. Situating yourself at your desk, you dove in headfirst, grateful for the all-consuming work before you. It did not allow for any ponderance of what tomorrow would bring, nor for you to feel the depth of your fatigue. The morning fairly flew by in a flurry of paper and typewriter ribbon, with one of the other women in the office taking over the duties of delivering wireless transmissions and teletype tape to the brass given your still-healing injury.
Upon reports of the safe return of all twenty-one of the planes that the 100th had contributed to the mission, you finally allowed yourself to surface for a break, making a trip to the washroom. On your slow return journey, you were startled when Colonel Harding stepped into your path, sliding his trademark cigar from his lips to speak.
“I’ve just been informed we’re losing you tomorrow, Lieutenant.”
So, it seemed the news was beginning to make its way around the base, then.
“Yes, sir, it is true.” You nodded, trying your best to keep your facial expression neutral.
“If I had known what a pain it would be, I would never have sung your praises so loudly to General Eaker.” He chuckled though you found it very difficult to focus on the words he was speaking as Major Cleven stepped into the Operations Room.
‘Why is Buck here? If all the planes made it back, why is Buck here?’
Your heart began to thrash frantically against the cage of your ribs as though it intended to break free in its panic. If Bucky were to assign anyone with the grim duty of breaking some horrible news to you, it would surely be his best friend. Nodding vaguely in reply to Harding, who was still speaking about something – possible Eaker’s personality, the level of dread within you only increased as Cleven’s eyes sought you out in the crowded room. Your stomach dropped further and further with each step he took in your direction.
Despite Harding’s apparent obliviousness to your terror, Cleven’s sky blue eyes traced over your face as he came to stand just behind the Colonel, casually crossing his arms before giving you a discreet thumbs up and slight nod of reassurance. It was subtle yet incredibly effective, almost instantly restoring your ability to breathe and easing the racing of your heart.
“Well, on to bigger and greater things, right Lieutenant?” Harding grinned at you, and you nodded quickly as the words once again registered in your brain, the dull roar of terror receding to the darker corners of your mind.
“That’s right sir, but I will miss everyone here.”
“But not little East Anglia I bet.” He laughed before sliding his cigar back into his mouth and dismissing you with a nod, making his way over to confer with Major Bowman who had just returned from interrogation.
“My apologies, Lieutenant. I did not mean to frighten you.” Cleven frowned as he stepped closer to address you directly. “Bucky is fine, just getting some stitches in his forearm – bit of flak, nothing to worry about.”
Exhaling slowly, you nodded gratefully. “Thank you very much for delivering the message, Major. I’m sorry I panicked.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t think the Colonel noticed.” A tiny smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and you pressed your own together to prevent yourself from laughing at Harding’s expense. “But, unless I’m mistaken, it sounds like you’re leaving us.” He tilted his head and your mouth immediately pulled down at the corners into a frown before you could stop it.
“I haven’t told anyone yet, I…I just found out last night and…” You tugged at your fingers nervously, a somewhat dramatic wringing of your hands.
“It sounds an awful lot like a promotion.” He prompted in that soft-spoken way of his and you nodded quickly.
“Supposedly a ‘good thing’ but it’s nowhere near here and I’m worried.”
“Worried about the job or…”
You gulped roughly and took a long hard look at Bucky’s best friend, the man he had sent to tell you he was all right, just a bit delayed in the hospital. The man he would have surely entrusted to tell you he was not all right, if it had come to that.
“Leaving Bucky.” You admitted, eyes quickly darting down to your brown, low-heeled dress shoes.
“Don’t you worry about that idiot. Trust me, he’s in good hands.” You could hear the smile in Cleven’s voice as he spoke, and you risked a glance upwards to confirm that he was in fact shooting you a soft smile of reassurance. “I’ve kept him alive this long, haven’t I?”
You scoffed a laugh as it really was hard to tell in moments like these who had the bigger ego, Bucky or Buck. All the same, you deeply appreciated his reassurances.
“Thank you, Major. I will tell him just as soon as I see him.” You assured him in kind, knowing he would be looking out for his friend’s best interests as well.
“Hopefully he doesn’t run into Harding first.” He smirked and shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “The Colonel is right though, we will miss you.”
“Thank you Major, the feeling is mutual.” You nodded, swallowing thickly as he nodded warmly in reply before turning to make his way out of the rapidly calming room, the level of activity waning now that the mission had been accomplished.
Bucky himself did not make his appearance until the end of your shift as you made your way out of the building, fit to fall asleep on your feet but facing an evening of packing and goodbyes instead. Leaning against the side of his jeep, he grinned to see you appear and you could not help but smile in return, crutching over to him as he met you halfway.
“Your own set of stitches hmmm?” You tilted your head curiously and he huffed.
“It barely needed it, but Buck insisted and then once Doc McLean got his hands on me…” He grumbled, pressing his lips to your temple in greeting. “Buck said he scared the hell out of you, sorry about that. We’ll work out a better signal next time.”
Taking a shaky breath, you turned to look at him, deciding there was no time like the present. “A…about that Bucky.” Despite your intentions, you still struggled to string the words together. “I’m being transferred.”
His steps lurched to a halt and a look of pure bewilderment came over him. “Transferred?”
Nodding slowly, you reached out to cup his cheek, despite the way it made you wildly unstable on your crutches. “Yeah. Promotion it seems. Doing too good of a job…” You felt tears welling in your eyes and blinked rapidly to try and stave them off.
“Hell, are they sending you to Division?” He croaked.
“Bucky, you know I can’t–”
“Headquarters then…damn doll, I’m proud of you.” The smile he bestowed upon you was brilliant, but the effort that it took him to summon was just as evident, and you could only shake your head sadly as those cursed tears slipped out of the corners of your eyes.
Bucky’s broad palms were quickly cupping your cheeks as his thumbs swiped them away as fast as your tear ducts could produce them. “Got my very own dame in Pinetree.” He grinned cockily and pressed his lips between your brows as you sniffled hopelessly. “Well done.”
“Gonna miss you, though.” You insisted weakly.
“Don’t you go getting all General crazy now. Don’t forget about your poor little Major back in little old East Anglia.” His tone was light, playful, though the sentiment did not fully reach his eyes which seemed somewhat hollow, resembling the endless depths of the ocean more than ever just then.
“Never.” You replied vehemently, gasping as his lips were suddenly on yours in broad daylight, surrounded by all manner of humanity, earning a few whistles and catcalls from his fellow airmen.
“Good.” Bucky replied firmly and pulled back slowly. “Suppose we gotta get you packed hmmm?”
“Yeah…” You breathed softly and relished the feeling of his hand on your lower back as you covered the last of the distance to the jeep, sitting as close as possible to him while he drove to your quarters. “I’ll write you.” You promised as he parked, and he grinned.
“I’ll write back.” Bucky tapped your nose fondly and you reached out, gently pushing his sleeve up, frowning as you found no bandage on that arm before grabbing his other hand to repeat the process.
When your eyes fell on the white gauze wrapped around his forearm you bent your head to press a soft kiss there. “Heal quickly.”
“What time do you leave tomorrow?” His question was barely above a whisper.
“0530, to catch the first train.”
“I’ll see you at 0515, then?”
Furrowing your brows, you spoke with the rational side of your brain only. “You should sleep in, there’s no mission tomorrow.”
Bucky snorted and tugged you closer by the hand still holding onto his. “And let you leave without kissing you one last time?” He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to press his lips to yours as if to prove his point.
Melting against him with a sigh, you were sorely tempted to ask him to drive you to out to the end of the runway to look at the stars once more. To play fast and loose with more than just your need to pack. Unfortunately, Ruth’s warning cut through the swell of recklessness that was building within you.
“Miller alert. She’s less than two minutes out.” She said quickly as she passed by the jeep before darting into your quarters and you pulled back sharply.
“0515, then.” You conceded with a nod and peck his lips once more before sliding from the vehicle and following your friend into your hut to begin the process of breaking the news and filling your suitcases.
By the time you slid into bed, not much earlier than the night previous, you were convinced that the next person who offered you a bravely proud face would be met with your fist in their nose.
‘Why can they not be as devastated as I am?’ You wondered as you lay you head onto your pillow to begin another fruitless wrestling match with the elusive prize of sleep. ‘Or at least admit that they are, instead of putting on that mask of happiness on my behalf. I’m not happy.’
You alarm clock, shrill and earlier than everyone else’s, was not greeted with the usual affronted reactions, but groggy hugs before you forced your companions back into their cots, moving your pair of mismatched suitcases outside the door one-by-one once you were dressed and ready. Bucky was there, waiting against his jeep in the wan grey light, soft smile settling on his features as you appeared.
He rushed forward to grab your luggage, putting it into the back of his jeep automatically, making you laugh softly.
“Captain Miller is picking me up here shortly, we’re just waiting for her.”
He huffed and guided you to sit on the front seat of the jeep as you waited, taking the weight off your leg. “Don’t even get to drive you one last time.”
“Today. One last time, today.” You amended firmly, looking up to him as he leaned over you, braced against the frame of the vehicle.
“You’re right, not forever.”
“No. Just for now.” You swallowed as your throat clenched painfully.
“For now.” He echoed and bent his head to kiss you softly.
The sound of a jeep pulling up behind his, grinding on one of the gears before coming to an abrupt stop, signalled the arrival of Captain Miller.
“She’s early, doll.” Bucky griped against your lips, and you sighed.
“‘A punctual WAC is an effective WAC.’” You whispered and slid to your feet.
Bucky stepped back to grab your luggage, moving it into the rear of Miller’s vehicle as you crutched along behind him. Standing at the passenger’s side, you gave him a watery smile.
“See you soon, Bucky.”
“Take care near that big city, doll.” He rumbled back, hesitating a moment before lunging forward to slide his arms around your waist.
Hauling you close against him, your mouths collided in a thorough kiss as the brim of his cap clipped yours, sending it flying backward into the road.
“Major Egan!” Captain Miller barked shrilly, but neither of you paid her any mind, clinging to one another until only life-giving oxygen necessitated that you part.
“You…take care here Bucky.” Your eyes bore into his firmly and he nodded in understanding.
“Lieutenant, get in this vehicle at once.” Captain Miller barked again, and you tensed under the direct order, wheeling to obey.
Bucky retrieved your cap, dusting it off and exchanging it for your crutches which he stowed in the back beside your suitcases.
Your eyes never left him, even as Captain Miller ground her way through several gears, getting the jeep into motion. Mouthing a silent ‘bye,’ which he mimicked, you turned in your seat to watch him become smaller and smaller behind you until you could no longer distinguish him in the distance.
Read Part Four - "I Trust You Know What You're Doing?"
"Trust" Series Masterlist
Tag list: @gretagerwigsmuse, @precious-little-scoundrel, @rubyfruitjungle, @storysimp, @mads-weasley, @xxanaduwrites, @bcon24, @fxxiva, @slowsweetlove, @hockeyboysarehot
301 notes · View notes
lunarfleur · 1 year
SO INSANE ABT UR 42 MILES STUFF ,,,,,,,,,, EVERYTIME I SEE U POSTED I RUN N I GIGGLE N I KICK MY FEET N I ROLL AROUND ON THE FLOOR HOLDING MY COMPUTER 2 MY CHEST LIUGFIUWGBGWFBQEG UVE OT ME GOING APE SHIT OVER HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEE n e way do u mind working on a gn reader x 42 miles aquarium date one shot ? n then afterwards they just hang out at some restaurant n reader asks miles 2 sit next 2 them at the booth n he does reluctantly [its like ,, their 3rd date hes NERVOUS] n then its just very sweet n silly all around :3 OKI THANK UUUUUUUUU
Young Love, How Beautiful ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales
Summary: If anyone asked you, you would tell the you had been dating Miles for a little over 3 months. If they asked him, he’d say that you’ve been together for 3 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days. He was just about the best thing you could ask for. He always had your best interest at heart.
Tagging: @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @hiyaitssans @ivys-graveyard @kombuuuu
A/N:This isn’t exactly what you asked for…oops…I couldn’t find a way to properly add in the restaurant so…sorry. This is an autistic reader if you squint hard enough. I couldn’t help myself.
This is x gender neutral reader!
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“Miles, look!”
You bounced excitedly at the sight of the Zebra shark that swam around in the tank. You squealed, grabbing onto his arm to point at it.
If anyone asked you, you would tell the you had been dating Miles for a little over 3 months. If they asked him, he’d say that you’ve been together for 3 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days. He was just about the best thing you could ask for. He always had your best interest at heart.
“I know, baby, I see it,” Miles chuckled awkwardly. He let you yank him around, the Aquarium flier in his hand. It was crinkled from how hard he was gripping it.
In his other arm was a very large, very soft, stuffed shark. You two had passed the gift shop on the way in and he watched the way it immediately caught your eye.
“You want that?” He had asked.
“No, no it’s okay.”
“Yeah, you’re right. It is.”
But Miles still shuffled awkwardly next to you. In the midst of your bouncing and squealing, you hadn’t been able to notice the multiple attempts he had made to hold your hand.
“Which one’s your favorite?” He asked, nodding at the glass.
You stared at sharks swimming around. There were ones on the floor, ones higher up. There were browns ones, gray ones. There were smaller ones, there were bigger ones. Truthfully, you couldn’t answer.
Sucking in a breath, Miles carefully put his arm around your shoulder. His fingers sat loosely against the hoodie you were wearing. His hoodie.
“What’s that one?” He asked, pointing.
“That’s a zebra shark,” you told him, leaning into his touch.
“And that one?”
“That’s a bamboo shark.”
He nodded along, humming into your ear. Cautiously, he pressed a kiss to your temple. You could feel the pounding of his heart from where you stood against him. Reaching your hand up to the one that rested above your shoulder, you linked fingers with him. Miles inhaled sharply.
“You okay?” You asked, looking up at him. Your noses were almost touching.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “I’m chillin.”
“Are you really?”
“‘Course I am. I’m having fun, mama.”
You looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re sweating,” you noted.
“It hot in here.” You laughed, squeezing his hand and leading him forward. He followed.
The lighting changed once you walked into the next room. The lights were blue and purple. It was dark. Jellyfish floated in large tanks around the room.
You stopped suddenly, backing away from his hold. You grabbed his hand.
“What’s up?”
“Thank you for bringing me here,” you said, kissing him on the lips gentle. Miles looked at you, fighting off nervous giggles.
“Yeah, sure,” he shrugged, squeezing your hand and leading you forward. You laughed, pecking him on the cheek.
“Young love,” an old lady fawned from a few feet away. “How beautiful.”
531 notes · View notes
suzukiblu · 10 months
Day twenty-four of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon.
“I’d say maybe a picnic in the park or something but that seems incredibly dangerous unless I can pre-verify that Ivy’s in Arkham,” Tim muses, smacking a few more goons upside the skull. The others are already scattering to bolt, and there’s not much point in chasing them down; they broke up the deal and sent the suppliers running, and that was the main concern. Now they can track down their source and go from there. “And even then it’s kinda fifty-fifty.” 
“Yeah, you never know what she’s left out there,” Dick agrees. “Plus sometimes the things she’s left out there cross-pollinate, and then no one knows what’s out there, including her.” 
“Don’t remind me,” Tim says with a grimace, having unpleasant flashbacks to the skunkweed thorns and pitcher plant trees. Ivy’s creative enough without any accidental cross-pollination happening. 
“So what does planning a date have to do with that YJ-related op?” Dick inquires casually as the last of the grunts either hit the ground or flee. Tim does not freeze, because he's not fucking new here. 
“Nothing,” he lies. “I’m cycling through the projects I have scheduled to work on this week. Next there’s a stakeout uptown and some reoptimization of my utility belt organization.” 
“Planning dates is in the same category as ops and stakeouts and equipment maintenance, huh?” Dick asks with a laugh, holstering his sticks and then reaching over to ruffle his hair. “Never change, baby bird.” 
Tim is absolutely going to, but again, hopefully not before thirty and ideally while bringing Dick along for the ride. Dick would be a terrible supervillain and also probably pout if Tim put Superman in a kryptonite death trap to sit and think about what he’s done, but Tim loves him and wants him to be happy and also wants to make this awful fucking world a better place, and you don’t do that by just ditching all your friends and co-workers; you plan ahead and work with them, flaws and all. 
Anyway, Barbara would be good at being a supervillain, and she’d be a lot likelier to come along for the ride if Dick did. So that’s also another reason to recruit him. 
They’d both probably like to kill the Joker, anyway. Maybe they could make the rusty crowbar and shrapnel bomb plan a group activity? That’d be nice. 
Look, Batman doesn’t kill, obviously, but Tim isn’t Batman, Dick and Babs are also not Batman, and none of them ever intend to be. So “Batman doesn’t kill” is, in fact, only Bruce’s problem. 
“So I know you’re going to laugh at me for this, but you know the circus is in town next week, right?” Dick says, sparing him a smirk. Tim considers tripping him with his bo staff. “You know, for this totally theoretical and generic one-size-fits-all date that you definitely don’t have anyone in mind for.” 
“While I appreciate the suggestion, the person I don’t have anything in mind for has terrible self-esteem and I promised her someplace ‘nice’ for this totally theoretical and generic one-size-fits-all date,” Tim says, because he is definitely still in the closet here and he is not giving a Bat the clue of saying “they” to obfuscate Kon’s gender. Might as well light the Bat signal with a pride flag filter over it, for fuck’s sake. “She might take fifteen-dollar tickets and sawdust floors the wrong way.” 
“That just means she lacks taste, baby bird,” Dick hums easily, putting his hands on his hips and tapping a foot in consideration. “Hm. Well, Zatanna also happens to be in town next week.” 
Tim considers what it’d do to his self-esteem to watch Kon spend an hour-long show drooling over a gorgeous older woman in fishnets, spanks, and a sexy tuxedo jacket and decides not to go there. Also, there’s the issue of Zatanna potentially recognizing him, and also potentially recognizing Kon, who he doesn’t think she’s ever met but is both terrible at secret identities and a teen heartthrob superhero whose face is all over the place and also looks exactly like Superman’s on top of that. And Zatanna has definitely met Superman.
So yeah, that seems unlikely to end well either way. 
“Maybe,” he says, finally retracting his staff and putting it away. “I don’t know if she likes going to any kind of shows, honestly. Like–I just don’t know her that well yet. Theoretically, obviously.” 
“Obviously,” Dick agrees with a laugh, pulling out his grappling gun and wagging it at him. “Race you back to the Cave? Winner gets tips on how to charm a totally normal civilian who definitely doesn’t fight crime in a cheerleader skirt.” 
Tim has no idea how he feels about the fact Dick is so certain Cissie is the one he’s trying to plan a date for. Then again, Cissie is the one who yelled at half the Justice League. So maybe he sort of understands the assumption. 
Kon looks better in a crop top, though, Tim privately promises himself to never actually say out loud. Like, he definitely does look better, in Tim’s opinion, but a) Cissie would shoot him for said opinion and b) Kon would be unbearably smug about said opinion. And unfortunately, Tim finds Kon’s preening smugness increasingly charming, so he really can’t be doing that to himself. 
He was so damn proud of himself about the fucking crop top, the bastard. Tim should burn it. Or buy him twenty more. One or the other. 
The shorts he’s just not going to think about right now. Like. Ever again. 
He’s pretty sure they’d work better with a thong than boxer briefs, though. Or just going commando outright, maybe. Tactile telekinesis probably makes chafing less of a concern, Tim figures. 
Not that he’s thought about that. At all. In any way. Ever. 
Definitely not. 
Dick fires his grapple and takes off. Tim pretends to be extremely heterosexual about Cissie and not even slightly gay about Kon, though he has very little idea how to actually do that, and rushes after him. There’s basically no way he’s actually going to beat Dick unless criminal activity interferes or Dick just lets him beat him, of course, because Dick’s been flying all his life and flying in specifically Gotham since he was literally prepubescent, and Tim has just been sneaking around random rooftops and alleyways and only actually known how to do a basic somersault for a couple of years, much less any real acrobatics or aerial work. So like, there’s definitely a skill gap there. 
Might as well chuck a flying fish at a hummingbird and see who comes out ahead, really. 
Technically, though, Dick mostly works out of Bludhaven these days, so technically . . . 
Look, Tim just so happens to know about certain construction-related shortcuts that may or may not be currently relevant thanks to some surprise rogue attacks last week, and even if he weren’t pretending to be heterosexual about Cissie he’d be trying to beat Dick back to get first dibs on Alfred’s jaffa cakes, so . . . 
The jaffa cakes are delicious, though the dating advice is unfortunately irrelevant. 
Tim appreciates the thought, at least.
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Hmm, so far DC I can think of five more girls, 4 of which have no RWBYverse version of.
1. Vixen
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Lowkey though I think this version of vixen is way hotter then the one we got in the movie.
2. Powergirl & Supergirl
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I really don't even need to explain this one, plus there are two Tamaranians there so why not even it out with Kryptonians
3. Poison Ivy
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Still kinda on the fence with her, but yeah can't say I'd be against Poison Ivy even if only by the sheer sex appeal this villian has. And on Remnant with her powers converting to a semblance it would nerf her making her a hell of a less headache then on earth.
5. Cheetah
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So, this one I'm more intrigued by how I'd change her from every furries wet dream to a Faunus. Maybe making her spots tattoos similar to how Sienna is and giving her a yellowish more... Oriental skin tone.
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jq37 · 4 months
I'm like genuinely interested as someone who thinks a lot about the craft of critique and fandoms the ways in which the current Rat Grinders discourse shows why you can't really apply the same lens you use to critique a pre written story vs an improvised actual play show by a bunch of comedians who are first and foremost concerned with committing to the bit. Like Porter's a great example of this, he went from a nothingburher to secretly evil with a whole lore and backstory!
In the same vein the Rat Grinders probably could have turned out to be not as culpable in all of this had the Bad Kids really tried to bond with them, but instead they focused on other things with the way downtime was structured! And because they did that they could pass the Last Stand, and are safe from Porter's rage thing! Like legitimately I really liked the mechanics of downtime this season, it just also came at the cost of developing the Rat Grinders!
(Though to be entirely fair, the BKs did try to engage with Oisin, Ivy, and Ruben and then Oisin launched the house, Ivy was racist, and Ruben still attacked Wanda so)
I think it's really fascinating from a storytelling/game design perspective! The downside is the Discourse is so tiring
Yeah it's interesting. I covered some of this in other asks so I'm gonna hit on the stuff I haven't yet.
If you're telling a story that is based partially on user input, it's not entirely fair to be like, "This subplot was underdeveloped" if the reason for that was that the players didn't make choices to facilitate that development. When DM's push hard for the players to care about things they're not interested in, they get hit with railroading accusations.
And even outside of the player choices, there are also the rolls. A BIG part of D&D is the randomness of the dice. Even if the players care about something, it doesn't mean they'll get it. I'll mention again that Kristen tried to roll Insight on Buddy before the final fight and got a Nat 1. What is she supposed to do? Roll again until she gets a good read on him? That's not how that works. If the dice aren't cooperating, there's not much you can do. And you can make sure your big story beats don't rely on dice but at the end of the day they *will* shape your story in ways you can't control.
Another key thing about the medium, as you pointed out, is things can change on the fly. The confluence of high rolls and serious interest can change things that were behind the screen canon in an instant. In Burrow's End, Aabria planned for Bennet to have a family but as soon as Tula/Brennan expressed interest in romancing him, she Thanos snapped that family out of existence. I don't know how much Brennan wanted the Rat Grinders to be recruitable but even if he'd planned them all to just be foils and evil and nothing else, I can totally see him flipping one if they'd really wanted to and it would have made for a good story beat.
Anyway, yeah! Interesting stuff to think about. Even though D20 often feels like a TV show, it's important to remember that it's a different beast in many ways.
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ki-irke · 1 year
Julie and the phantoms
Reader x luke Patterson
Reader is Luke’s girlfriend in the 90’s and was with them when he past away and years later when he’s a ghost he goes to vist her and she can see him
Paring: Luke Patterson x reader
Summary: Luke goes to see his love for the first time after he past away, and it may be the last, but he doesn't expect them to stay together for much longer.
A/N: Ik it's not probably what you had in mind, it was a fun one and too cute to not make!
Words: 613
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"I'm going to see y/n," Luke said, looking at Alex.
"You sure? She could have family now, you know?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and carefully watching the brown-haired boy.
"Yeah. I just want to see her when I get the chance."
"Okay," Alex said, nodding his head. But Luke stayed for the next few hours. The thought of you being happy with someone else who wasn't him broke his heart. But he knows that this may be the last time he sees you.
So, while Julie was at school and Alex and Reggie were busy with each other, Luke teleported to where your house used to be.
The house still looked the same. The black fence was overgrown with some kind of ivy, which made it difficult to see the yard. Luke walked forward, putting his feet on the slices of wood that formed the path to the big, white house. He had always thought this place was magical, and seeing it still look the same after all these years made him believe it more. When he was about to walk into the house, the door opened. A tall, dark-haired man with a dog on a leash came out. Lukes' heart stopped for a second. Is this your boyfriend? Or even husband? After the man came a smiling woman. SHe leaned against the doorframe. The man turned around to send her a kiss and walked out of the yard. Before the woman could step back into the house, Luke invited himself inside.
Inside, there were small changes to a more modern one, but it still looked the same. The brown-haired boy eyed the woman carefully, who was now pulling a lighter out of a drawer. She was looking almost like the young you. He gave up looking around the house and simply followed the woman upstairs. The woman was like you. But something about her was different. Maybe it's the age, Luke thought. The women looked at white doors with pastel hearts on them. You didn't remove it after all these years? The woman took a deep breath and went inside.The first thing that caught Luke's attention was the large number of photos, candles, and flowers. What was happening?
"I'm sorry, y/n, that I couldn't save you," the woman said, tears streaming down her face. "All of this is my fault. Mum was right," she added, lighting every candle. Luke didn't know what was happening. You couldn't be dead. I mean, if you would, he could meet you. But who was the woman? Because it surely wasn't your mom. Maybe it's about your daughter?
And then the young girl walked slowly past him.
He didn't see her. But he immediately knew that it was you. You sat beside the woman, putting your head on her shoulder. But the woman continued crying.
"Y/N, if you're listening to me, I'm sorry." you blew out one of the candles near your family photo, which made the woman smile through her tears.
"It's okay, y/s/n. I wanted to protect you," you said, standing up but holding a hand on the woman's head. "She does this every time she's alone," you said softly, turning around to face Luke. It wasn't something funny, but it made him smile.
"Why are you smiling?" you laughed, moving closer to him.
"I thought you were still alive. That you have a new family," he said, but his smile soon dropped. "Did you–?" he asked, but you didn't let him finish.
"God, no. It was an accident, but it's a long story," Luke chuckled, hugging you.
"Well, we have plenty of time, love," he answered, lowering his head to kiss you slowly.
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hannahssimblr · 17 days
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“I do. You always look pretty. Every time I see you, I think that.”
With this, she bursts into a flood of fresh tears. “Oh God, you’re so nice.”
“Look, I know this isn’t helpful, probably, but if things were different, if I wasn’t leaving, then maybe… maybe things would have turned out another way. I know you don’t think much of yourself, but I think you’re a great person. You’re really sweet and sensitive and talented and you make me laugh, and from my point of view anyway, you light up every room you walk into. Whoever the next person is that gets to be with you is lucky.”
“But it won’t be you.” Her mouth is so down-turned at the edges that she looks almost cartoony. Those looks are one thing I will miss most about her. If I were lucky enough to know her for longer, I think I’d fill a hundred sketchbooks just drawing the expressive shapes of her face.
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I simply shake my head, and my arms are outstretched and ready to catch her as she falls into them for another round of sobs. There’s nothing I can do. I learned this a long time ago. Sometimes all you can do is hold someone until they’re ready to be let go again. I’ve spent whole nights holding Ivy like this, and I’ll spend hours with Evie if it’s what she needs.
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Into her hair, I murmur an admission I have never made to another person. “Leaving is going to be so horrible. Sometimes I can’t think too much about it. Like, I know I won’t be that far away, but it’s going to change everything. I have amazing friends here that will be so hard to leave behind. And my family, obviously. I have a sister who’s nine. Ivy. She’s in that stage where she’s obsessed with me. She wants to do everything I do… Jesus, it’s going to be rough. I’ve never lived away from home before. I don’t really know how to be a functioning adult who, like, pays electricity bills.”
“It will be hard at first, but then eventually it will be really good,” she sniffles. “You’ll meet all these cool new people and you’ll forget all about everyone here.”
“Is that your way of telling yourself that I’ll forget about you, too?”
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“You will.” 
“I won’t. We’ll still be friends. I’m not great at keeping up with people, and I don’t use Facebook that much…”
“So you’re saying we’ll be friends, like, on a symbolic level, but we’ll never actually talk to each other ever again.”
I laugh. “Shut up and let me finish before you start getting cross with me. I’ll email you. Old school, like.”
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“Hm. That will be nice, like sending letters.”
She squeezes me, and I squeeze her back, gazing down at her face, red nose and smudged makeup, and I still think she’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen in real life. “How are you doing?”
“Very badly.”
“Well, one day, you won’t care about me at all. And maybe when you go to college, in like a few months, a year, or after that, you’ll look back on this and think ‘oh, ew, I can’t believe that when I was seventeen, I liked that lanky guy with the weird accent. That was so embarrassing.’ And you’ll wonder why you ever cried over this at all.”
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Her face becomes fierce, like she wants to be serious, but it’s hard not to smile when she sticks her lip out like that. If I was being stupider, I might like to push my thumb into that crease between her eyebrows. “You don’t have a weird accent.” She insists. “Well, okay, you do, but I like it. And there’s nobody on earth that’d be embarrassed to have ever liked you.” 
“Okay, Evie.” I chuckle. “Lets see how you feel in a year.”
“A year?”
“Yeah, one year from now, I’ll email you, like I will every single week, mind, and you’ll roll your eyes and think, ‘oh God, him again?’ I’d be willing to bet on it.”
“You underestimate my feelings.”
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She overestimates them, more likely, because we’re young and stupid and that’s just what we do, but it’s fine. She’ll learn, like I did with Michelle and all the girls that came before her, that the things that feel raw and real in the moment, the people you swear you’ll spend your life loving and wanting and missing, you forget them in the end.  
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We lapse into silence as the grasshoppers chirp in the long grass. The cleaner comes by to pick some of the rubbish nearby and makes small talk with me about various happenings at the festival. Ignoring Evie, firmly locked in my arms with her damp cheek against my chest.
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When he finishes, and the rubbish is gone, and the music in the distance goes silent, it is just us and the insects and the blanket of dew, and the smell of lingering summer in the air. Evie shivers, and I draw back to look into her sad little face.
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“Are you cold?”
“I think you are.”
She smiles, and her teeth chatter. “If I say so, then you’ll make me go back to the tent.”
“We have to go back eventually, don’t we?” I take the opportunity to stretch out one of my legs, which is cramping. “What time is it?”
“Don’t care.”
“It’s got to be… I don’t know. You can see the sun rising a bit.”
“If we leave, then it’s over,” she whispers.
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I murmur, “It’s over, anyway.”
Green eyes skim my face in one last pursuit of a truth they won’t find. And then she sighs with resignation. “You’re leaving.”
“Yeah, I’m going away.”
“It’s just sad.”
“Of course. For me too.” And I’m not sure there’s much left to say. “Come on. Let’s just end this day.”
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She doesn’t protest. Climbing to our feet, we make our way back towards the campsite, hand in hand. Though she’s not my girlfriend and never will be, it feels good to pretend while I can.
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It’s lights out in our circle, embers smouldering in a campfire that we missed, and someone’s, Joe’s, Kasper’s, snores float from their tent. Evie’s is wet with morning dew as I unzip it for her with the same chivalry as any man opening a door for a lady. She shuffles inside, and the moonlight shows up the goosebumps on her arms and legs. Claire is not inside, her shoes stacked neatly outside Shane’s tent instead.
Evie grabs my wrist before I zip her inside. “Do you want to come and stay with me?” She whispers. “We won’t do anything. I just think it’d be nicer than being alone.”
We will do something. I’ve been a teenage boy for long enough to know the score, and tempting as it is to have one final, movie-magic experience with her to round off the summer, I know it is different for her than it is for me.
I shake my head. “Not a good idea, Evie. Sorry. Goodnight.”
The last thing I see is the dismay on her face before I zip her inside the tent, and head for my own.
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There is Jen, cocooned in her sleeping bag. She stirs as I fumble with my clothes.
“You’re back,” her voice cracks with sleep. I ignore her, as the anger I felt for her in the woods resurfaces with a vengeance. My heart thuds with the memory.
“What time is it?” she says, and again, I say nothing. I struggle into bed and turn my back to her.
“Talk to me in the morning.” I whisper sharply, and I shut my eyes, willing away the heaviness of the day, and all the things I know are still to come. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
Corresponding LG Chapter
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nobibiname · 8 months
Elain’s Soft Power🌸/ ✨different strength✨ and the Cauldron bond
I’ve said this elsewhere but wanted to have a complete post to drive this point home, HOFAS spoilers, you’ve been warned.
Back in CC1&2 we learned that thanks to the Asteri, there’s a lot of obsession about “breeding”, esp among the Fae, on Midgard. And then we learned why: to create the strongest food source for them.
Now in HOFAS, enter Bryce in Prythian, we find out these same Asteri corrupted the cauldron .
So at this point honestly, yeah I was surprised that the majority of the fandom didn’t call out the mating bonds in prythian, and start looking at them more critically. What is the meaning of a mating bond from a corrupted cauldron? What will be the ultimate point of them?
Remember when in ACOMAF Feyre asks Rhys “why not make them mates?” One of the things he says is “… probably to produce the strongest offspring” (paraphrasing)
Strongest for what? the point of the Cauldron mating bonds is breeding, the strongest food for the Asteri. That’s it.
The mating bond is not what the Fae believe it to be. It may have been sacred at some point, but now it’s just the outcome of a magical calculation resulting in highest calories for intergalactic parasites.
I think for this reason it was really important (thematically at least) for Feysand and Nessian to fall in love first. They just “happen” to also have a mating bond. If their relationships mainly hinge on the bond, the romance is diluted. And we have plenty of examples of failed relationships of mates, (Rhys’ parents, Tamlin’s parents). I also want to acknowledge that the Mother’s power is also still there to some extent (we see that when Nesta gives up her powers and gets to keep a bit from a “gentle hand”) , and could have guided those bonds, but it doesn’t change the fact that the main point of the cauldron now is still food for the Asteri.
Lastly this also shows courage in rejecting a Cauldron bond, it’s actually an act of defiance. Asserting your will over your own fate, a “fuck you” to the Asteri and their corrupted manipulation of a sacred object and institution of Fae culture.
And I wonder is this the “different strength” that Elain will exhibit? Rejecting her cauldron bond. I think we’ll find out exactly why she hasn’t yet, and I actually think whatever the reason, that takes strength too. She’s stuck between a lot of willful minds and stubborn powers. Sticking to her guns is probably not easy. But also is this a strength that maybe Feyre and Nesta don’t have? I’m definitely speculating here, but maybe resisting the cauldron’s will like this could be something beyond them?
Elain is heavily foreshadowed to be a Gardner of magic of sorts; cultivating and growing with her magic, rather than fighting. So maybe rather than yielding to the cauldron’s will for her, she might assert her will on the corrupted cauldron and heal it? The ivy around the gates of her mind growing so strong around the iron to be able to crush the iron itself….
It would be in line with both how she’s foreshadowed, and how Feyre sees her. She will still be the gentle dreamer, but strong in her soft power.
I might never have been the biggest fan of the mating bond, (though I acknowledge it’s a staple of the genre) but given what we now canonically know about the history of Prythian, I urge the fandom to view “who you want to be mates” through a different lens. Bc that word truly no longer means what we thought it meant.
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nicohischierz · 7 months
right where you left me: brandt clarke
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hisch you want to join the taglist let me know!!
warning: death, pregnancy
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when someone mentioned the name brandt clarke, people immediately think of the unique laugh he held.
the laugh gone unheard ever since that night.
february 14th.
the day of love. the day that was made to be celebrated with the one you love.
all of that didn’t matter to brandt anymore as he had nothing to live for.
he didn’t have anyone to make dinner reservations with or to buy chocolates, that he’d end up eating, for.
the one thing that didn’t change was that on the 14th of february, brandt clarke would always buy a bouquet of flowers for the girl that held his heart.
you and brandt met through his teammate alex. the older boy being a good friend to your brother and him keeping an eye on you.
alex’s intention of introducing the two of you was purely to help each other settle into being away from family. he never expected that would blossom into a wholesome relationship.
everyone remembers the smile on your face when you and brandt made it official. the pair of you walked into a kings event hand in hand with smiles spreading from ear to ear.
it was the happiest your brothers had seen you in a long time.
brandt fit into your family quite easily.
with your brothers in the league alongside him, brandt found conversation easy to carry out and his open personality made it hard not to be his friend.
moments spent with you were the happiest brandt could ever be. those moments topped the ones he made on the ice.
“this is my boyfriend brandt, he plays for the la king,” you introduced your boyfriend to your parents and brothers.
jack, quinn and luke shook the boys hand and welcomed him into their group. jack and luke already knew his brother so it was only quinn that didn’t know the boy at all.
but alas, after spending the summer together and visiting each other during games, the hughes brothers formed a strong bond with brandt.
a bond that continued after everything.
the brothers weren’t the only ones that loved brandt. your parents did too.
ellen and jim hughes were ecstatic to meet the boy that captured their little girls heart.
they met brandt when he surprised you with a bouquet of flowers after coming back from a road trip. the kings had only landed an hour ago but the boy drove to a flower shop before going home just because he missed you.
that was how your relationship with brandt was.
it felt like a dream that neither of you wanted to wake up from.
but brandt’s dream turned into a nightmare in a matter of minutes.
february 14th was planned to a t.
brandt had ensured that you were pampered throughout the day before meeting for dinner at one of your favourite restaurants.
sometimes, he felt like he was still there sitting in the corner before his phone rang.
“hey babe, i’m just heading to the restaurant now. i cant wait to see you, i love you!”.
“hey babe, it’s raining real bad so i might be a little late but i’m almost here, i love you,”
when his phone ring with an unknown number he answered.
“hello?” he answered.
“hi is this mr brandt clarke?” the nurse asked.
brandt gulped.
“yeah this is he,”
“sir i’ve got one y/n hughes who was rushed to the emergency room and you were listed as her emergency contact. would you be able to make it to los angeles general hospital?”
brandt agreed and slowly got up from the table. before entering his car, he called your brothers.
“she’s in the hospital and i’m going to see her now,” he told them, not explaining anymore.
jack sent alex to follow brandt in order to know more about his sisters situation.
“i’m here for y/n hughes,” brandt went up to the front desk. alex had met up with him at the hospital and promised to be by his side.
“mr clarke, i’m so sorry but miss hughes didn’t make it,” the nurse expressed solemnly.
brandt felt the room spinning as he grabbed onto alex. the older boy almost buckled under the defensemen weight as well as the shock he experienced.
“she experienced some complications during labour …”
the nurse was cut off by alex. “she was pregnant?” he whispered.
the nurse gave a sad smile. “we believe she had a cryptic pregnancy as she had no idea either,”
“is the baby okay?” brandt asked.
the nurse nodded. “we’ve got another doctor doing some check ups but she seems to be doing well.”
alex and brandt let out a breathe of relief.
the two boys went back to their own apartments and awaited the arrival of your family.
ellen was quick to pull brandt into a hug as she sobbed for her daughter.
quinn gave the boy a sad smile. he knew of the velvet box that would’ve sat inside brandt’s jacket. the way it felt heavier after the news.
“she was pregnant.” brandt announced.
“it was a cryptic pregnancy so neither of us knew but she named the baby callie before she passed,”
ellen sobbed even harder and grabbed brandt’s hands. “whatever you want to do, we are here for you,” she reminded him.
callie was a carbon copy of her mother.
they had the same features and personality but most did say she got her laugh from her father.
on your birthday, brandt took callie to visit your grave with ellen and jim. callie was only a couple months old but she knew inside that this person was important to her and her family.
ellen took callie off brandt’s hands for a couple of minutes, in order to allow him some time to talk to you.
“callie looks just like you. i figured out why you named her that too, callie for california, the place we met.” he paused, looking up to the sky.
“sometimes i think i’m still at the restaurant waiting for you to walk through the doors. i remember the corner i was sat in and the feeling of dread when i got the call,” his voice wavered slightly towards the end.
“i just miss you so much and sometimes i’m stuck right where you left me,” he sobbed.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Author Reader: I have published a new book, inspired by American McGee's Alice. Since it more fantasy horror, the rouges shouldn't be as interested in it as the others! Joker/Scarecrow: Have you ever met Hatter before? Reader: Excuse me, what?
Horror!Author!Reader: Finally, something that may get you deranged so-called fans of mine to give me some space; an Alice in Wonderland inspired horror-fantasy-thriller.
Yandere Joker/Scarecrow: Oh, boy….we wouldn’t do that if we were you. Like, we don’t doubt it’ll be absolutely amazing but Hatter is going to be all over this one and then we’ll have to deal with him trying to take part in book club back at Arkham.
Horror!Author!Reader: I’m sorry but who now?
Mad Hatter bursting through the door: DID SOMEONE SAY ALICE IN WONDERLAND?!?!?!?!?!??
If the Reader were to write something inspired by American McGee’s Alice, Mad Hatter would break into the Reader’s home just to tell them everything they got wrong with it. He is completely devoted to the original Alice in Wonderland story so even though it’s not based on that he still has gripes about it and will make them very known. At the very least he would compromise and tolerate the story better if the Reader changed Alice’s hair to the original’s look. But he would totally want the Reader to write another Alice in Wonderland story based on the original and he will give all his thoughts and ideas for, whether the Reader is willing to hear him out or not.
Horror!Author!Reader, on the phone: Hey, Batman? Um, yeah I kinda have a problem. The Mad Hatter’s in my house again and he won’t stop talking about his Alice in Wonderland horror fanfiction ideas. Would you please come get hi-Wait a minute. Something’s happening….
*camera pans over as Joker, Scarecrow, Harley, Poison Ivy, Deathstroke, Killer Croc, Talia, and Two Face all busting in with a variety of weapons*
Horror!Author!Reader, still on the phone: You still there, Batman? Yeah, I’m going to need you even more now. It looks like some of the other inmates have broken out of Arkham again and are here to kick Hatter’s ass…or worse.
Yandere Joker, getting ready to fuck Hatter’s shit up: It was just a one time story, Hatter~ First you weasel your way into our book club and now you’re trying to pathetically worm your way into making a series out of it, taking up all of Y/n’s time and attention for your Alice in Wonderland obsession?? Not on our watch, Hattsy!~
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ratgrinders · 5 months
I’m gonna say something controversial but we actually don’t know a lot about Lucy’s while divinity change but I will say this, with this Wednesday’s episode if anyone is changing her divinity with little care to how she might feel is now more in character for Oisin and Ivy NOT (at the very least pre rage god) Kipperlily.
Honestly yeah you may have a point! Although I will say there's still so much we don't know about how that all went down that I'm not sure I can make any sort of definitive statement one way or the other.
But yeah, Kipperlily and Lucy explicitly stated to be Close? Kipperlily seemingly respecting Lucy a great deal and thinking she's "the only one who gets it"? It would make a LOT of sense to me if Kipperlily wasn't actually the one to pressure Lucy beyond what she was comfortable with. Ivy's reaction to Fig disguised as Lucy at the party was especially weird too. Even if she clocked that it was Fig right away, I would expect a different reaction to seeing the face of your close, dead best friend.
We only have a small preview of their interactions though through the third-hand counselor report of them arguing over the name change. It's still entirely possible that since that entire account is from Kipperlily's biased perspective that she may not have even been aware she was pushing Lucy too far, or that this may have actually been a huge point of tension for them that got in the way of their once close friendship.
Hope we get to learn more about them next episode!
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
Requested by: the treacherous twin @harlowsbby 💖
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Liked by jackharlow, saweetie, urbanwyatt, jessicakelce, blancahood, estgee, champagnepapi, lolabrooke, and 3,962,051 others
y/ninsta: guess where we're on our way to? 👀
saweetie: the matching bracelets have me MELTING 😭
y/ninsta: saweetie hubby got them for all five of us
jackharlow: two of my favorite girls. daddy loves you both
y/ninsta: jackharlow lmao shut up
jackharlow: y/ninsta Ivy, Axel, and Autumn weren't the only ones calling me daddy last night, don't act brand new smh
quiiso: here they asses fucking go
urbanwyatt: quiiso same shit, different day lmao
y/ninsta: jackharlow can you be serious for once in your life please? smh
jackharlow: I can literally count on one hand how many times I've been serious, when I asked you to be my girlfriend, when I asked you to marry me, when we got married, and when you made me a father. other than that... nope.
y/ninsta: yall see what I have to deal with? smh
jessicakelce: and I can vouch for that, jackharlow been wild since high school and following y/ninsta around like a lost puppy
jackharlow: jessicakelce and?!? yall not going to get on me for simping over my wife
druski2funny: where yall goin?!?
y/ninsta: I'm going going back back to Cali Cali
allthingsy/n: aww to support her mans as he performs at coachella! we love a supportive couple
jackandy/naremyparents: can't wait until y/n starts performing again, we miss her!
jackharlowsource: jackandy/naremyparents agreed! and the only time we got a little performance was her diss track to dani and drama and that was months ago
allthingsy/n: oh I forgot about those lying ass bitches smh like she really cut them both off and doesn't mention anything about them which I get because I can imagine that it still hurts. her and dani were inseparable
jackandy/naremyparents: but moving on! still can't believe that their someone else's parents other than mine 😭😭😭
jackharlowsource: I wonder if Jack will bring her out on stage, he needs to do it for the Harlow stans because we are DESPERATE to see her
jackharlow: 👀
jackharlowsource: what those eyes mean sir? you planning something? SPILL IT!
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Liked by y/ninsta, jackharlow, urbanwyatt, blancahood, softtcurse, jackharlowsource, traviskelce, calumhood, privategarden, and 1,003,489 others
jessicakelce: she said I could say something about it so here goes! here supporting our baby at her first performance since becoming a momma to three beautiful angels. we are so so proud of you and can't wait to see you kill it on stage tomorrow 💕
jackandy/naremyparents: THEY'RE BOTH PERFORMING!?!?!?
allthingsy/n: I'm so excited that I'M ABOUT TO THROW UP
y/ninsta: thank yall for being here with me, just like in high school some things never change. been the realest since day one and I'm so happy we're reunited again.
blancahood: y/ninsta wouldn't have it any other way, you know we always got your back, but for now... SHOTS!
y/ninsta: blancahood jackharlow has the babies soooo pass them my way!
jackharlow: yall better not get my wife drunk
jessicakelce: jackharlow you worry too much! we'll bring her back in one piece! we know better because we cannot leave you in charge with three babies by yourself so I know privategarden is there at the hotel helping your ass. you would fall apart without your wife
jackharlow: jessicakelce I'm tired of you always calling me out
urbanwyatt: of course we're here and jackharlow is trying not to lose his mind without her. I'm getting flashbacks from when she went on that girls trip
yungskylark: urbanwyatt DO NOT BRING UP DARK TIMES
neelamthadhani: yeah because I thought we were all going to die
quiiso: and the fact that neelamthadhani bought jack a plane ticket and was like please go see your wife so you can stop getting on everyone else's nerves 😭
shloob_: oh shit and remember when y/ninsta spotted him at the beach house?!? jack was like 'hey babe! funny running into you here'
2forwoyne: lmaooo her ass was PISSED
normani: we were all thoroughly confused lmao and y/n was just looking at him in disbelief before he proceeded to take her upstairs and fuck her brains out.
theestallion: typical Harlow behavior
jackharlow: that was in the past and yall need to let it go smh
2forwoyne: jackharlow but how you're acting tonight isn't because once again we feel like we're about to die and she's only 20 minutes away
y/ninsta: aww do my babies miss me?
y/ninsta: jackharlow not you, the triplets!
jackharlow: jessicakelce no.
jessicakelce: 🙄
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, lolabrooke, champagnepapi, nlechoppa, estgee, geazy, privategarden, 2forwoyne, and 4,754,092 others
y/ninsta: yall ready for Harlowchella? Because me and hubby jackharlow ready to step on yall fucking necks
jackharlow: my favorite position to have you in to fuck that throat of yours
y/ninsta: JACKMAN, PLEASE 😭
jackharlow: y/ninsta what I say?!? wait until both of our sets are over so you can get this work
urbanwyatt: so that means I'll be on babysitting duty again tonight smh
jackharlow: urbanwyatt for just a few hours and then we'll come and get them
y/ninsta: jackharlow I literally cannot take your fucking ass anywhere because you don't know how to act
2forwoyne: I second this
urbanwyatt: he hasn't known how to act around her since we were fourteen
claybornharlow: y/ninsta little baby has arrived
jackharlow: claybornharlow good, we got another baby sitter so I can hit the back of her throat for a longer period of time
sza: jack please lmaoooooo
y/ninsta: claybornharlow hiiii little baby, Autumn was missing you. she saw your picture and all she kept trying to say for the rest of the day was your name. it came out as Tay, but I obviously knew what she meant lol
claybornharlow: y/ninsta my little babies miss me jackharlow how your kids love me more than you tho?
jackharlow: claybornharlow imma kick your ass but who is currently cuddled up on me? AUTUMN. she not thinking about you
claybornharlow: jackharlow once she sees me, you'll be an afterthought
jackharlow: y/ninsta get him before I do
y/ninsta: jackharlow claybornharlow will you two behave?!
druski2funny: this man doesn't let up but ummm y/ninsta I can take you off his hands any time
y/ninsta: druski2funny aren't yall life partners? at least you were convinced that you two were
jackharlow: no me and druski broke up, jaysontatum is my life partner now
druski2funny: jackharlow but you were the one out here cheating!
jackharlow: druski2funny with who?! my actual wife who has my last name? make it make sense
lilnasx: druski2funny give it up already
dualipa: come sit on my face please
jackharlow: dualipa only face she's sitting on is mine, you know better
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Liked by y/ninsta, urbanwyatt, claybornharlow, generationnow, champagnepapi, jaysontatum, quiiso, 2forwoyne, and 6,903,461 others
jackharlow: Harlowchella Part 1 with yours truly
y/ninsta: absolutely killed it baby, so proud of you! and so were our babies! they saw you and couldn't stop smiling. love you smush.
jackandy/naremyparents: WHO CUTTING ONIONS UP IN HERE?! 😭
saweetie: okay little brother, I see you
jackharlow: y/ninsta love you more than you know
y/ninsta: jackharlow but not more than I love you
y/ninsta: 2fo is just mad because I didn't get a chance to make him a pound cake last weekend
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta because jackharlow was too busy eating your cakes
urbandjack24: lmaoooo AYE YO!
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt and what about it?!
jackharlow: Bon Appetit 😏😏😏😏
softtcurse: y/ninsta you better watch it before he impregnates you again lmao
y/ninsta: softtcurse HE BETTER NOT
jackharlow: y/ninsta imma put 5 in you this time so we can get to 8 and then we're done
y/ninsta: jackharlow WHO THE FUCK IS CARRYING FIVE AT ONE TIME? I CARRIED THREE AND THAT WAS ENOUGH. GET SOMEBODY ELSE TO DO IT. (but if you get someone else pregnant imma hurt you)
jackharlow: you'll look so gorgeous though and you know I'm not getting anyone else pregnant but you
y/ninsta: jackharlow and won't be able to walk. absolutely not. I could barely get around with three. I'm good.
jackharlow: y/ninsta fine, how about twins this time?
y/ninsta: jackharlow NO MULTIPLES
normani: you said that last time and ended up having triplets, make it make sense
jackandy/naremyparents: she was a baddie pregnant though, not that she wasn't already but pregnant y/n will forever have me in a chokehold
dualipa: make me a step mommy again
jackharlow: outta pocket wifey and my head is not that big, I'll show you a big head
jessicakelce: y/ninsta but Ivy looks like you, Axel is a mix of both of you and Autumn looks like Jack but acts like you and I am definitely down to be an aunt again
blancahood: BRB planning the baby shower
y/ninsta: NO NO AND NO
Liked by jackharlow, generationnow, yungmiami, saweetie, jessicakelce, 2forwoyne, blancahood, and 10,869,114 others
y/ninsta: full circle moment and I just have to say how proud that I am of myself. the little girl from the southside of atlanta made it to coachella. I never thought in a milliion years that this would be my life, but here we are. fine ass husband, three adorable babies, the greatest parents on the face of this earth, and best friends who always want to see me win. to my beautiful fans, thank you, thank you, thank you, now let me finish before I start to cry 💖
Your girl has now officially returned
saweetie: not your ass having me up here getting teary eyed
saweetie: I love you so very much and it was only right for me to give you your flowers. I am always going to be here for you and I always want to see you win. my best friend is the SHIT!
y/ninsta: saweetie and here come the tears 😭😭😭
jackharlow: my baby girl, killing it like always. proud to be your husband.
y/ninsta: jackharlow proud to be your wife.
2forwoyne: our queen has OFFICIALLY returned!
lilnasx: my baby did that!
allthingsy/n: HARLOWCHELLA!!!!!!!!!!!
druski2funny: soooo you gonna twerk on me like that?
jackharlow: druski2funny you just had to say something outta pocket. cut the fucking shit now.
claybornharlow: so proud of you!!
saweetie: and for people who keep asking why some of her closest friends call her Latto or Big Latto is because she always talked about winning at everything in her life and her angel number is 777 which she has a tattoo of. it's short for lottery and she definitely hits the jackpot with everything that she does. like I still remember when we first met and me and jackharlow trying to convince her to release her music, and now look at her!
urbanwyatt: go best friend!! yall better put some respect on her name
2forwoyne: watched her prepare for this for awhile and still get blown away every time I see her perform
yungskylark: and to think that she only wanted to write music, and now look
y/ninsta: PG, my day ones, I love yall bad and yall can always make my heart go boom. so blessed to have yall in my life and don't want to have it any other way. all jokes aside, thank you for being amazing friends to me and always helping to see what's important in life and protecting me.
shloob_: damn, y/n is usually always the one to cry, but now it might be me
blancahood: you kill it every damn time
y/ninsta: saweetie I love you so much bestie and thank you for always being there for me even if I get on your nerves sometimes lmaoooo
saweetie: y/ninsta never leaving your side. we in this shit for life 😘
urbanwyatt: you know we're going to protect you until the end of time
quiiso: we have no hesitations to beat someone's ass over you lmao
y/ninsta: quiiso and that goes both ways lol
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Liked by y/ninsta, privategarden, theshaderoom, coachella, champagnepapi, blancahood, urbanwyatt, softtcurse and 9,204,761 others
jackharlow: so proud of my wife. you killed it baby 🥺
She was so nervous and didn't think she was ready, but I assured her that she was. I could tell how much she missed performing and I know how much it meant to her. so what better way for the queen to come back then on the coachella stage?
bottom line: my wife a baddie
Harlowchella was a success
y/ninsta: POOKIE, I LOVE YOU 😭
jackharlow: y/ninsta love you more than anything mamas
jackandy/naremyparents: we love a supportive husband. we stan, we stan, WE STAN
urbanwyatt: and she pushed herself harder than ever to prepare for it and it definitely paid off
jackharlow: she made everyone in the damn house go vegan for three months smh
2forwoyne: oh. what I was eating was vegan?
quiiso: 2forwoyne we know your dumbass don't care what it is as long as she makes it for you
saweetie: and jackharlow was calling me complaining about how he needed for me to sneak real food into the house because he was hungry smh and urbanwyatt too lmao
blancahood: saweetie LMAOOOO my mans was going through it!
jackharlow: saweetie your best friend was starving me smh
y/ninsta: jackharlow I was not! weren't you the one to say eating pussy every day keeps the doctor away? YOU GOT FED PLENTY
sza: well shit
normani: his dumbass would say some shit like that
jackharlow: I plead the fifth
dualipa: feed me next, please. but on a serious note, I'm very proud of you and all that you've accomplished in such a short time.
jackharlow: dualipa she's not feeding you a got damn thing smh
urbanwyatt: yeahhhh vegan isn't for me and I learned the hard way with being her test taster for everything smh
2forwoyne: urbanwyatt then stop being so damn greedy smh
jackharlow: 2forwoyne I KNOW FOR A FACT YOUR ASS ISN'T TALKING SMH you worse than my damn kids. you hear a package opening and your ass SPRINTS to the kitchen on some usain bolt type shit.
yungskylark: I was about to say the same thing lmao
2forwoyne: no 2fo slander will be tolerated smh
y/ninsta: jackharlow look now. I cannot have your big ass head on my chest along with two of your spawns while you hold the other one. YALL ARE HEAVY.
jackharlow: y/ninsta look they wanted you so I had to come through for my babies and we are NOT heavy!
normani: jackharlow I know you've seen how big your head is in the mirror, stop playing
jackharlow: normani CUT IT OUT
y/ninsta: jackharlow I know otherwise, but I vote you to be the one to wake them up so we can get ready for our flight later... at 3 am.
jackharlow: y/ninsta WHAT BY MYSELF?
y/ninsta: jackharlow urbanwyatt will help you. I carried them for 33 weeks, it's literally the least you can do. I'm sleepy.
urbanwyatt: now why am I in it?
jessicakelce: lmaoooo the definition of get somebody else to do it
jackharlow: y/ninsta imma get you back for that, just watch🙄
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arkhamabyssfiles · 2 months
Alfred finished securing the last button of the shirt back into place and slowly put the needle, thread, and scissors back into their rightful place in the Dutch Butter Cookies tin box. He looked up into the small pendulum clock high on the wall; it marked six minutes before five. Master Jason wouldn’t take long to make his appearance for tea time, a tradition that had formed quite quickly and naturally after a few weeks of the young man started living in the Manor. His interest in literature was akin to his own, thus easy companionship had been formed. Alfred smiled, everyone who’d lived in this Mansion while he was here would eventually come back here, into the now empty service wing, where he’d managed to build a small, yet tranquil place. Even though Master Bruce rarely came here, only after a rough night. Master Dick was even rarer now that he didn’t live anymore, and Miss Helena was spending many hours in university -and hospitals already- or chasing a boy around the house—
Alfred set the electric kettle at 76°, then reached for the metal tin box of white tea, a favourite of Master Jason this month. Just in time as the kettle reached its desired temperature, there was a knock on the door of his room’s parlour. He bided the young man to come in.
“Hey, Alfred,” The young man greeted as he closed the door behind him.
“Master Jason. This time you made it in time.” It wasn’t odd for him to get detained, either by something in the Cave or certain someone when she was around the Manor.
“Yeah… the Prin—Helena fell asleep in the library. You might want to check on her in a while.”
Alfred hummed shortly while taking out the tea from the kettle and moved the tray to the table between the chairs, where a plate filled with sugar cookies and Russian teacakes was already awaiting. And made sure to erase the small smile on his lips. The pursuit of the Wayne heir of the boy currently sitting in his parlour had become a matter of amused and knowing exchanged glances from him and Bruce. A small bet had been inexplicitly laid down at what would come first; Jason realizing Helena’s feelings, or Helena growing impatient and revealing it directly. Alfred, of course, knew that it’d be the latter, Master Jason was very clever at many things, but the understanding of women seemed to be still far off from his mind.
Master Bruce could enjoy his last days with The Evening Angel replica in his study.
“How’s your reading coming along?” Alfred asked while he poured tea in both teacups.
“Slow,” Jason grumbled and he sunk into the cushion of the chair.
“It tends to happen when life gets busier. You just have one year remaining of school– and do you still plan on holding off your admission to University?”
“Yes. I’m still not sure what I want—or could do. And there’s more time for me to do night-time work.”
“Ah, yes. Indeed. But I’d rather advise you to take that time to slow down and rest.”
“I will. Promise.”
“Let’s hope you will uphold your word, young man.”
Jason took a chocolate sugar cookie and nibbled at it, “I always do.”
“I’m afraid spending too much time around Master Bruce might pass on some of his bad habits.”
“Like forgetting what he said he’d do?” Jason huffed.
“Exactly so.”
“Was he always like that?”
“No. Not always. It rescinded when he married Miss Selina—” She’d always insisted on being called either Miss or just Selina, having an aversion to the Madam or Mistress title— “But after she passed away…I’m afraid his ‘memory’ chose to get worse.”
Jason humped and watched thoughtfully at the ivy surrounding the outside of the window. “I added four books more to my list to read.”
“Four? That’s quite an achievement in five days.”
“It just sort of happened…”
END OF MEMORY... OUTSURCE FOUND...ERROR...WRONG LOCATION... For more FILES check previous entries...
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