#so yes i guess they'll be friends. eventually. ...Very eventually
wovenstarlight · 2 years
Hello! I'm thinking about your cached AU again and I was wondering, what is Yoojin's relationship with Song Taewon with like? Because their relationship in canon (at least up to where I've read) is heavily influenced by the fact that Yoojin is an F rank who holds power over S Ranks, making him both a threat and someone to protect. Does Taewon just go red alert whenever Yoojin around now? Does Yoojin keep trying to be friends with him? Does Taewon find that terrifying?
HAHAHAHAHHA. OH BOY. THIS SURE IS A QUESTION THAT HAS AN ANSWER. a very long answer so i'm putting it under a cut. thanks for waiting and im sorry if its incoherent its like 6ish local time. or maybe not im not very concerned wth reading clocks rn
(on ao3)
Be careful.
Taewon had wondered, when he received that message from Sung Hyunjae, if it was some sort of joke. A sly way of telling him he’d made trouble somewhere and he’d better prepare for the incoming paperwork, perhaps. The fact that it had been encoded suggested some degree of seriousness to it, but it was vague enough that he’d dismissed it and gotten ready for this long-delayed meeting.
Taewon locks eyes with Han Yoojin and is immediately struck by the complete lack of fear he finds there. So much so that he barely notices when Sung Hyunjae crushes his car with the breezy efficiency of a compactor.
And even as Sung Hyunjae gets out of his own car, even as he turns that amused, glittering gaze onto Han Yoojin, no apprehension sparks to life. No nerves. Just a cool, faintly disappointed look that he turns on the Seseong Guild Leader.
It stops the man in his tracks. Song Taewon blinks at Sung Hyunjae, faint smile frozen on his face, and looks back at Han Yoojin, who’s gazing at him now with a welcoming smile on his face.
…So that was a real warning, then.
Surely it can’t be for what Taewon thinks it is.
Taewon was told Han Yoojin was an A-rank. While the Hunter Association staff had confirmed his stats were well within standard range, they’d also made no secret of gossiping about how even the A-rank he’d come in with had looked vaguely spooked. How Han Yoojin carried himself with that unthinking confidence and grace all S-ranks had. How, when Seok Gimyeong had gone to personally take him through the registration process, Han Yoojin’s expression had gone flat and stony, and while he’d cooperated, something in his demeanor had had everyone around him going quiet and hurrying through the steps as fast as possible.
What it boils down to, in the end, is a sense that he’s not what he seems.
What Taewon thinks it is, quite simply, is a high-rank fear-inducing skill. Han Yoojin has no reason to claim he’s lower-ranked than he actually is, not when being higher-ranked would mean getting fast-tracked to a much better lifestyle than what he had before.
What Taewon realizes upon meeting Han Yoojin is that either he was very, very wrong about the other man’s ambition (or lack thereof, as it happens), or that the fear induction skill is far more potent than anyone let on.
“Chief Song-nim?”
Taewon stares at Han Yoojin. He’s merely standing there with a bag of instant coffee in hand, gazing at Taewon over his shoulder, and yet, if Taewon’s phone was in his hand right now, he’d probably have crushed it. As it is, he realizes distantly, his nails are digging little crescents into his palms. “Han Yoojin-ssi,” he gets out, and then stalls immediately.
He’d come here with the assumption that Han Yoojin was an A-rank. Which means all his questions (I wanted to check, are you safe, are you being pressured, why did such a high-rank monster appear in a dungeon with only two S-ranks in it and how did you kill it anyway?) were tailored for an A-rank. For someone that needed protection.
Is something wrong, he’d wanted to ask.
Is something wrong with you? is what his mind supplies now.
“Are you—alright,” he manages eventually.
Han Yoojin stares back at him, fingers tensing faintly around the bag as Taewon speaks. “I… yes? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“…With… the Babar’s appearance in that last dungeon.” It gets easier to speak once he’s started. “And all the higher-ranks you’ve been around lately. I’d understand if you were feeling—stressed, or strained.”
“Ah.” Han Yoojin relaxes. “No, I’m alright. It’s been quite busy, but I’ve adjusted well enough, I think. Thank you for your concern.”
Truth, Taewon thinks. He seems too confident for it to be anything but. But how can that be? To face an SS-rank monster as a supposed A-rank—
“Are you sure?”
Han Yoojin glances at him out of the corner of his eye. The tension isn’t back, but there’s a frown tugging at his lips. Taewon forcibly uncurls the fists his hands have balled into, and continues. He needs a reference. He needs to know what Han Yoojin looks like when he’s lying. “The Babar alone was an SS-rank, and you may have had your brother and ward with you, but even then, facing such a monster as an A-rank—”
And there it is, the slightest creases around his eyes, how he looks down and to the side slightly before meeting Taewon’s gaze once more, lips thinning into a line. Taewon’s so busy thinking over their conversation so far, matching these markers against what’s been said, that he doesn’t realize what he’s saying—
“…seeing them fight… They may be your family, but they’re S-ranks before that. Which makes them dangerous, more than you know—”
Until it’s too late.
“What are you trying to say, Chief Song-nim?” Han Yoojin asks, letting go of the bag of coffee and turning to face him properly. His voice has taken on a sharp edge, and Taewon steps backwards before he even consciously acknowledges the sound. Han Yoojin just steps forward to match, bringing him dangerously close— “If there’s a point to this, I’d like if you could—”
Taewon has a hand around his throat.
Han Yoojin raises a hand (touching? grabbing?). Seize his wrist, twist his arm, shift the grip on his neck, until Han Yoojin is pinned face-down against the counter, cheek pressed against its surface.
Then Taewon realizes he’d moved to begin with.
“…What are you doing?”
Han Yoojin’s flat question kills Taewon’s hasty apology before it can even leave his mouth. His grip tightens instead of loosening. Some quiet part of his brain is counting out the handful of people and low-rank Hunters present in the building today. A much louder part of his mind says he’s testing the hold.
Han Yoojin flexes his hand again, shifting easily even in Taewon’s grip, and he—
He panics.
Looting flares, black not-smoke wreathing his fingers and Han Yoojin’s limbs. Vague surprise flickers over Han Yoojin’s face before his eyes rise to a point in the air before himself, likely checking his status window. Whatever he sees there has his eyes widening sharply.
And then, all at once, something closes off in his face, and he goes limp.
A different kind of alarm spikes through the white-out fear in Taewon’s mind and he tilts his head to get a better look at Han Yoojin’s face. There’s a tightness around his eyes, still, lips pressed together like he’s bracing for something. But when those eyes flick up to meet Taewon’s stare, there’s also a dull sort of… familiarity?
No, not familiarity.
Taewon feels sick. He all but rips his hands off Han Yoojin, backing away hastily. There’s already shadows on his skin where Taewon’s fingers had pressed against it. There’ll be bruises there by tonight. Earlier, even, because—how long had he had Looting active?
He can’t remember. He can’t remember the last time he lost control like that. His stomach twists. He feels sick.
Han Yoojin still hasn’t moved. Taewon tries to remember how tightly he was gripping his neck.
And then Han Yoojin slowly, slowly draws his arm to his side again, pushes off the counter with his other hand, and straightens back up. A pause. Then he turns, just a little, so he can look at Taewon.
They stare at each other in silence like that for a moment.
Then, in a thin voice: “Interesting skill you have there.”
Taewon’s breath catches. Han Yoojin doesn’t seem to notice as he tilts his head slightly and opens his mouth again.
“Why’d you stop?”
Taewon leaves, after that.
He doesn’t remember what he says. What he does. Han Yoojin has a knack for disabling his rational mind, it seems.
What he does know is this: that Han Yoojin’s voice, when he asked that question, was genuinely curious. Perhaps even a little pleading.
What he does know, looking back, is that Han Yoojin didn’t try to pull away. He shifted in Taewon’s hold, yes, and in his panic Taewon overreacted. But he never tried to break free.
(What Taewon doesn’t know if he wants to know is this:
How does a man like Han Yoojin end up feeling resignation?)
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
Hey there...
You got a second? Come chat with me.
After talking with a couple of other creators on here and seeing the reaction to a couple of my other posts, I thought it might be a good idea to chat about engagement and what that means, specifically here on Tumblr.
Engagement is the life blood of fandom. It is what keeps people enthusiastic, happy, and, well....engaged! I think there have been some misconceptions about what exactly it is content creators (fanfic writers, moodboard makers, gif makers, fan art makers, etc.) mean when they say they want meaningful engagement.
Meaningful is the operative word here. Yes, likes and reblogs do count as engagement with your favorite creators, but do they count as meaningful?
Imagine with me for a second that you are competing in a sporting event....lets say track and field. You've been preparing for this event for a while now, putting your all into it so that you can do your best. The time comes and your event goes really well!! Afterwards, you go to mingle with the crowds, your friends, your families, except...no one says a word to you. Sure, they give you thumbs up and applause, but nothing else.
You're starting to feel a little self conscious now. You thought you did really well, but no one is saying anything? So you ask them how they thought you did. Several of them just smile at you and nod their heads, giving you another thumbs up, and one of your friends even says "you did good!"
"Well, what did you all think about...?" You ask. Again, no one says anything. You look over and several other teammates are having the same thing happen to them. One or two have people gushing about their performance, and it's well deserved! They worked really hard, and they did amazing in their event! But you did too...right? You're not so sure now, and now you're starting to second guess yourself. Should you even be doing this at all? People gave you thumbs up and applause, but....
A few weeks later, you're not as engaged with track and field anymore. In fact, you've all but quit at this point, running in your free time, but you're not doing it competitively for others to see. You still enjoy the act, but you don't want to subject others to seeing you do it if they don't want to. One day, a friend comes up to you and says "You were so good at track and field! Why did you stop??"
"I didn't think anyone liked seeing me do it, so I stopped," you explain. Your friend looks at you confused.
"We all did?" They say. "We gave you thumbs up and applause. Why would you think we didn't like your events?"
"Because you never said you did. You never put forth the effort to tell me, so how was I supposed to know?" You reply.
Now, given reactions to other posts like this, I'm sure some of you are going to call me condescending or patronizing. I'm not trying to be. I'm trying to show you all why meaningful engagement is so vital to fandom experiences. Your favorite creators WILL stop creating if you don't talk to them about their work. They'll keep doing what they love, but eventually they will stop sharing it with you. You'll never know how your favorite fic ends. You'll never see your favorite characters in that style exactly again. You'll get fewer and fewer gifs.
Likes are okay, and reblogs are important for getting more eyes on your favorite things, but talking to your writers and engaging with them in the different events, their content, or fun things they try to do for you all is so important.
I joked, but the whole "ten likes and five comments for the next update" used to be a very real thing in fandom spaces. Your favorite content creators do not want to be on here constantly begging you all to talk to them. We are human beings who want to speak with other human beings, we don't want to be treated like mindless content machines for you all. Days of work go in to what we create, and a single sentence of "I really liked when X character said this! I can't wait to see what they'll do when Y happens!" on a fic takes you ten seconds. And I guarantee that the author will absolutely bombard you with their excitement to talk about their story. You're never bothering someone when you talk about their work. They share it because they WANT to talk to you about it.
Don't want to show your face? That's totally fine! That's what the anonymous feature is ACTUALLY for. Show love through anonymous messages if you don't want people to know it's you!
Show your favorite creators some more love. It's so easy.
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untilwedont · 2 years
A Certain Someone
In my head 24/7
Pairings: Ethan Landry x Male!Reader
Summary: In which Ethan falls for the brother of the Carpenter sisters but doesn't know how to express his feelings towards him.
Warnings: Shy Ethan, slightly obsessive Ethan, slight spoilers from movie.
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Everyone knew Ethan had a huge crush on you. Well- actually everyone you knew, knew about the crush Ethan had on you. This included both your sisters & your friends Mindy, Chad, Anika, & Quinn. Ethan didn't know he was gay until you came along, "Ooh~ so he's your gay awakening?" Quinn teased her brother, nudging him on his arm.
"I- I don't know. I mean.. I guess so? But- what if he isn't into guys?" Ethan paced around his dorm room, running his hands through his curly hair. "Just ask his sisters. I'm sure they'll tell if you he is or not, calm down." Quinn said, sitting on his bed trying to reassure her obviously very stressed brother, telling him there's plenty of other fish in the sea if you weren't.
"That's the problem. I don't-" He sighed, "There aren't any other fish in the sea. He's the only one I want." His tone became slightly more harsher. "Woah there buddy." Quinn got up from his bed and placed her hand on her brother's shoulder, "Just go ask his sisters, okay? The worst they can say is no." Quinn looked dead in her brother's eyes, "Okay?" She asked.
Ethan nodded, "Do you know where they are?" Quinn nodded, telling him they'd probably be in her dorm. As the two made their way closer to Quinn's dorm, his mind started throwing a bunch of bad thoughts into his head. What if you weren't gay? What if his sisters thought he was weird for liking you? What if you thought he was weird for liking you?
Those thoughts soon faded when they entered Quinn's dorm room. "Tara? Sam?" Quinn yelled out, walking into their living room to see the two sisters on the couch, along with Mindy & Anika. "Yeah, what's up?" Sam asked, looking from her phone to her roomie. "Ethan here has something to ask you both. Also where's M/N?" She questioned before pulling Ethan in front of her. "Oh, he's out for a walk with Chad. He'll be back later." She responded.
"Okay, well.." Quinn looked at Ethan, urging him to ask the question. Ethan gulped and took a deep breath. It was even worse since he didn't expect Mindy & Anika to be with them but there was no backing out now. If he did his sister would just ask the question. "Is uhm-.." He closed for a second, "fuck.." he whispered out. "What?" Tara questioned.
"Oh, you like M/N, don't you?" Mindy asked excitingly, already knowing the answer. "Wait What? No- I... Well- I mean..- i-" His words came fumbling out like a waterfall and his face began to get hot. "You totally do! I mean just look at you, you're like really blushing right now!" Sam smiled at the very embarrased Ethan, "Is it true Ethan? That you like my brother?" She felt like she knew the answer as well just by the look on Ethan's face. "Well- I- yes. I was originally gonna ask if he was gay.." Ethan stuttered, trying to properly get his words out.
"Well luckily for you Ethan, our brother is actually gay (or bi)." Tara spoke and Ethan's face lit up. "Wait, actually? So I actually have a chance with him?" He was hopeful but tried to not get his hopes too high in case they said no. "I mean.. sure. Since he's out with Chad, you can ask him when he gets back." Tara said before switching her focus back to the TV. "Well there's your answer. Now you'll just have to wait a few hours until he gets back." Quinn whispered before walking towards her room.
But those hours soon turned into a day, then days, then a week, and then another until Quinn & your friends finally got fed up with Ethan waiting to ask. He kept telling them he'd ask eventually, but that obviously never happened. "Alright, are you ever gonna ask him or are we gonna have to do it for you?" Mindy asked, barging into Ethan's room with no warning. He jumped and his phone fell out of his hand onto his face. "Jesus Min, don't you know how to knock? And why are you guys even here?" Ethan asked sitting up from his bed. "Because you've yet to ask M/N out! I mean it's literally almost been 3 weeks." Quinn yelled, annoyed that her brother was being such a wimp. "I'll ask him soon, alright? Just not now.." Ethan said, but Mindy nor' Quinn would allow that.
Quinn walked towards her brother and grabbed him, forcing him out of his bed. "Quinn, what're you doing?!" Ethan asked, annoyed that he couldn't be left alone. "We're going to see M/N right now. No buts and no ifs. If he says no then that's his loss. Now come on." Quinn said, dragging Ethan by his hand. He tried pulling away but Mindy just grabbed his other arm, making it harder for him to release their grasps.
Throughout the whole walk towards Quinn's dorm, Ethan tried protesting and pulling away, but to no avail. When they finally made it to her dorm, she called out your name. You opened your door, leaving your room to check what Quinn wanting. "Oh- Hey Ethan." You smiled at him. His heart almost exploded because of your charming smile that could make almost any man fall for you. "What'd you guys need?" You asked, leaning against the wall.
"Ethan here has something to ask you." Mindy said before forcing him to walk close to you. "Oh okay, what is it?" You asked Ethan who was clearly freaking out by being so close to you. He looked back at Quinn and Mindy, slightly swinging his head towards the front door to signal them to leave. They smiled and gave him a thumbs up before heading out.
Ethan looked back at you before taking a deep breath. "Is something wrong, Eth?" You asked him, the nickname making his breathing more unsteady. "Okay look.. I- fuck.. this was a lot harder then I thought." He whispered out. "What? Did I do something wrong?" You asked, worried that you hurt your friend. "What? No- no of course not! I-.. fuck, I like you okay?! I like you a lot! So much that I've had constant dreams about you M/N. You're on my mind, in my head 24/7. I planned on telling you earlier but- but I didn't know how to tell you. How to express my feelings towards you." Ethan completely blurted everything out before finally stopping, worrying that he said too much.
You froze for a second, still taking everything that he just said. He looked at you with hopeful eyes, hoping there was a chance you liked him back. For a second he became worried but that faded away when you smiled at him. "I like you too, Ethan. A lot more than you think." You spoke, a sense of happiness exploding inside your stomach. He smiled and without thinking, placed his lips onto yours. You were taken back for a second but you kissed back, cupping his cheeks with your hands. He placed his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"Oh my God, finally!" Mindy yelled, interrupting your small make-out session. You both jumped back, startled by her unexpected yelling. "Mindy? I- How long have you been standing there?" You asked, still completely startled. "I just got in here, but I may or may not have been by the door the whole time but that's not important. What's important is that you both are finally dating! Tara and Sam are gonna be so happy!" Mindy squealed before finally leaving. You and Ethan both looked at each other before smiling.
You kissed each other once more, finally happy to be in each other's arms.
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mamaestapa · 1 year
At a Loss for Words
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/n Hubbard, the younger sister of Cincinnati Bengals Defensive End Sam Hubbard, finds herself in a difficult situation after a steamy hookup with her brothers best friend, who just so happens to be the quarterback for the Bengals. In just nine months their lives will be changed forever. How will Y/n and Joe manage to to go through parenthood together? more so, how will Sam take the news he is going to be the uncle of his best friends baby?
•chapter summary: You and Joe break the news to Sam and your friends that you’re having a baby together. As you share the news with Sam, some past news comes to light and changes everything
•word count: 5.3k
•warnings: pregnancy, some fluff, mainly angst. mentions of sex, yelling, arguments, crying, get ready y’all this is a dramatic chapter
series masterlist
February 25, 2023
3 months pregnant
"And then you know what daddy did? He ran down the field, to the end zone, and before you knew it the crowd went wild!" Joe enthusiastically whispered to your growing belly.
You were laying on your couch in your apartment when Joe came over. In a couple hours, you have plans to hangout with Sam and some of the guys. Instead of getting ready like you should be, you were instead sitting on the couch and smiling down at Joe while he talked to the baby. He was telling his son or daughter about the first NFL touchdown he made as a Bengal. What an amazing moment it was for him, and all the Bengals fans. It finally gave the team hope for a good future in the league.
"Hopefully you'll get to come to all the home games once you're born," Joe whispered, "that is, if mommy lets you..." he finished, looking up at you with a teasing smile.
You narrowed your eyes at him and lightly smacked his head.
"Ouch," he kissed your bump and got up from his crouched position. "What was that for?" he asked, chuckling.
"Because," you crossed your arms, "of course this baby will be going to a few games once they're born. They'll even be going while they're still in here." you said, pointing to your stomach.
Your due date is September 26, so by then the regular season will have started and. You'll be heavily pregnant and miserable at that point. That is, until the baby is born. While you still had a long six months of pregnancy left, you couldn't wait for this baby to be born. You were ready for the morning sickness, thrown off sense of taste and smell, and the sore boobs to be over. Your doctor told you eventually the morning sickness will subside and your senses will go back to normal, but unfortunately the sore boobs will stick around for a bit. You'll get used to it eventually though, along with all of the other pregnancy milestones you have yet to achieve. As much as all of the hardships that come with pregnancy are tough, you know it will all be worth it in the end.
You and Joe stayed in silence for a moment, before he broke it. "What time did Sam say we needed to be there?"
You shook your head at him. You couldn't help but giggle at Joe's question. "I don't know, you tell me. You're the one who made the plans, Joseph." A light blush creeped up his neck, "I guess I did, didn't I?"
Yo nodded, "I think so? Although I think it could've been this guy named Boe Jurrow maybe?"
Joe chuckled as he sat down on the couch. "How could I forget about him. Yes, he sounds very familiar." Joe teased, giving you a small smile. You chuckled softly as you looked over at Joe. His eyes looked extremely blue as the sunlight from your living room window shown into his eyes. You gulped as you kept your gaze on Joe. He looked perfect. You could blame the hormones all you wanted, but it was hard to tear your gaze away from him as he sat next to you.
You and Joe haven't had the chance to talk much about your current relationship. You aren't together, but there's this unspoken understanding that you will definitely be co-parenting this baby together--unless things change during these next six months, of course. You and Joe have been good friends for more than a few years now, all thanks to your brother Sam. Your friendship has helped make the situation a tad bit less awkward. Along with all of that, there was no denying that you and Joe had chemistry. It's been like that between the two of you ever since you met at Ohio State University all those years ago. You and Joe had history. It wasn't something that lasted long, nor did it end well, but it still happened...
About 6 years ago...
You were sitting next to your brothers best friend, your legs on Joe's lap, as you listened to your brother drunkenly tell the story of his public speaking fiasco from earlier this week. You rolled your eyes as he dramatically re-told the story to all of his buddies. Joe kept his beautiful blues on you as a small smile made its way onto his face. The two of you had undeniable chemistry, both of you wanting nothing more than to be with each other. Joe knew he couldn’t make a move on you in public because of Sam. But in private? It was whole different story. Joe glanced at the guys that were sitting on the other side of the room, checking to make sure none of them were looking. When he noticed he was in the clear, he pushed your legs off his lap, instead moving so he could pull you into him. You hummed as you leaned back into his embrace. You took a risk cuddling with eachother in public, especially in front of Sam—who’s would kill Joe if he saw this. But being wrapped up in Joe’s arms was always so comforting. You never wanted to leave him or his embrace. You wished you could stay like this forever.
But your wishes were crushed.
*four days later*
"You're what?"
"I'm moving to Louisiana in a couple days," Joe sighed, "transferring to LSU. They want me to be starter."
Tears welled up in your eyes at his words. This was why Joe had been so distant from you these last couple days. He was making a life changing decision without you, the person he’s been in love with since his freshman year.
"I, I don't even know what to say right now ." you stuttered out, refusing to look up at Joe.
Because you knew as soon as you looked into those beautiful blues you loved so much, it would be the last time you'd see them.
Joe scoffed at your response. "Aren't you happy for me? I finally get a chance to prove myself, Y/n." His shoulders slumped slightly, "Nothing good has happened to me here. Career wise, that is. I've been benched my whole college football career. I won't make it in the NFL if I ride the bench my whole fucking life. LSU is giving me a chance to start. To prove myself, and show that I'm a great quarterback who can win championships and make it in the NFL."
You just stayed silent, unsure what to say. This was so much to process. The love of your life, or at least who you thought was the love of your life, was leaving you behind. Joe claims he just made the decision yesterday to transfer, but you knew it was lie. You knew as soon as LSU offered him a spot on that team that he had made his decision.
Joe sighed, "Y/n, I need you to say something."
You finally let yourself look up at Joe, a tear rolling down your cheek as you looked into his blue eyes for what you knew was the last time. There was no way to make this work.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" you asked, voice full of heartbreak. Joe rolled his eyes, "I didn't need your opinion. You would have told me to stay."
Your felt your heart break at his words. He didn't need your opinion? he didn't want to tell you his thoughts about transferring because he knew you'd convince him to stay? After everything you went through with him in these last two years, Joe didn't talk to you about this life changing decision because he "didn't need your opinion".
"Joe," you said, obviously taken aback by his harshness, "I never would have made you stay if I knew you were this unhappy. I would have supported whatever decision you wanted to make."
He shook his head, "No you wouldn't. You would have told me to stay because of you."
Your mouth dropped open in shock. You were heartbroken, but most of all, confused. You were about to speak when Joe cut you off.
"You know right now, my future career is more important than some stupid college fling." He scoffed, picking up his backpack from the floor of the dining hall. Ouch. You covered your mouth with your hands, choking out a sob as his harsh words hit you like a ton of bricks. He saw you as just a college fling. It meant the last two years were a complete waste. The two of you were never in a relationship. You never went on a single date. But you were attracted to one another, and boy did he love you. All of those walks to class together and those good morning texts. All of those sneaking kisses behind Sam’s back or cuddling in Joe’s room when Sam wasn’t home. Or those Friday night parties and losing your virginity to one another. Supporting him no matter what, even if he sat the bench every game. All meant absolutely nothing to Joe.
You know you shouldn’t be upset. He was never truly yours. To anyone else you were just friends. But to you and Joe it was always something more. At least, to you it was something more.
"You made the last two years fun," Joe said, looking down at you, "I'll always be thankful for you, Y/n." his voice lowered as he smiled sadly at you, "but I need to move on. There are better opportunities for me and my future, in Louisiana."
You just sat at the table as tears streamed down your face. You didn't even know how to react. Joe sighed sadly and reached out, grabbing your hand and squeezing it gently as he said, "if it's meant to be, we'll see each other again. I just need to focus on my future first." he brought your hand up to his lip, leaving a soft kiss to the top of your hand. "Goodbye, Y/n/n." he said sadly, dropping your hand walking away from you.
*present day*
That was the last time you spoke to Joe. Until he was drafted by the Bengals in 2020, that is.
It took a lot of time for you to come around, but you and Joe eventually spoke to each other again. Both of you apologizing for that moment back in 2018 before he left. You were still heartbroken over Joe, but over time, you got over it. You and Joe slowly started to become friends again. The two of you forgetting about about that day back in college where your friendship ended…
Both of you had grown up and moved on from the situation since then. Joe told you before he went to LSU, that if it was meant to be you'd see each other again. And here you are, nearly six years later. Both of you work for the Bengals, seeing each other almost everyday, just having two completely different roles. Here you are nearly six years after your nasty “breakup”, on speaking terms again, being close friends, and having a baby together.
It was almost as if this was the universes way of bringing the two of you back together again...
~time skip~
"Do you think I need to change my shirt? Maybe wear something a little baggier? I'm worried this shirt shows off the bump too much." you asked Joe, showing him your outfit. You were wearing a tight black t-shirt with a little tan cardigan, along with a pair of your favorite jeans and black boots.
Joe put his hand on his chin, "Hmm," he pondered, looking at your figure, "it doesn't look bad. When you're facing the front you can't tell that you've got a little belly."
You checked yourself out in the mirror, noticing what Joe was saying. You shrugged as you looked at your appearance, "Yeah, I guess you're right."
"Turn to the side,” he said, motioning for you to turn. You turned to the side, looking in the mirror and huffing out a sigh. As much as you loved that little baby bump, it was much more noticeable now than it was the last time you saw the guys. There was no way you could hide it with the outfit you had on at the moment.
You looked up at Joe through the mirror. He was watching you intently, a twinkle in his eye as he looked at the bump in your abdomen.
“Joe.” You said softly, causing him to snap his eyes up at you. You chuckled softly as he shook his head, a blush rising to his cheeks. "Sorry, I was just thinking about that time before the championship where we saw your bump for the first time."
You smiled warmly as you thought about the first time you noticed your baby was starting to make an appearance, in the bathroom of the Bengals practice facility. Joe walked out of the bathroom, leaving you to decided what to change into. Joe walked back into the bathroom, holding a loose tan sweater.
"Here,” he handed you the sweater, "I found this in the closet. Thought it would look good, plus it'll hide your tummy." he winked, making you smile softly. You took the sweater from him and set it on the counter. You slowly took your cardigan and black t-shirt off, Joe watching as you stripped. You momentarily made eye contact with him through the mirror, making him look away in embarrassment as he got caught. You shook your head in amusement and slipped the sweater on over your figure. You looked at yourself in the mirror, checking all the angles. Sure enough it hid your small baby bump perfectly.
"Wow,” you drew out in amusement, “who knew? Joe Burrow, full time Cincinnati Bengals quarterback, part time fashion designer."
He chuckled, “I like to think I have great fashion taste."
You shrugged, “Well besides the gray jeans and the ugg slippers, sure.” You giggled and went back to finishing up my hair and makeup. Joe rolled his eyes and walked out of the bathroom, leaving you laughing as you finished getting ready.
As you finished cleaning up your things in the bathroom, you went back out to the living room. Sneaking up behind Joe, who was sitting on your couch and reading through comments on his recent Instagram post. You placed your hand on his shoulder, making him crane his neck up at you. He smiled softly as he looked at you.
"Ready to go?" he asked. You nodded, letting out a nervous laugh, “I guess. I don’t really think I have a choice.”
Joe stood up from the couch, frowning. "It’ll be fine, Y/n. Sam might beat my ass, but that's only because I’m his best friend and I knocked you up. He can’t be upset at you for that.” You sighed in response, “Yeah, he might be a little pissed about that.”
"He might, yes.” Joe sighed, reaching out for your hand. He squeezed it gently as he said, “but, I do know he'll get over it, at some point. It took him sometime to get used to us dating years ago, remember?”
You smiled sadly as you thought about your past relationship with Joe when the two of you were just 20 years old. You’d never seen Sam so pissed at someone before. He hated that his best friend was dating his baby sister. However, when he saw how much Joe was in love with you, he finally started to come around. But it was short lived because as soon as your brother came around to you and Joe dating, Joe broke your heart unexpectedly and left for LSU.
"Y/n,” Joe said softly, pulling you out of your thoughts, “I promise everything will be fine.”
You wished you could say you believed Joe, but you knew deep down Sam wouldn’t take this news well at all. The two of you made your way out of your apartment and out to Joe’s car. You got into the car, and Joe’s eyes immediately fell over the ultrasound picture that was sitting on his dash. He leaned forward slightly, straightening the black and white photo of his baby, with a smile tugging at his lips as he did so.
You smiled as you watched his face full with joy and eyes light up with love. It made you so happy to see he still had the ultrasound photo on his dash.
~time skip~
Joe opened the doors of the bar for you, letting you go in first, “Thanks." you smiled softly. Joe followed behind you nodding.
The two of you walked into the bar, looking for the table with all of your friends. You pulled the sweater away from your belly, making sure the material was loose enough so that nobody could see the bump in your abdomen. Joe looked down at you and nodded, “You’re fine, can’t see it at all.” He said, low enough so only you could hear him.
"There they are. Y/n! Joe!” Sam called from the table in the corner of the bar, a wide smile on his face as he saw you walk in with the blonde. You took a deep breath, putting a fake, happy smile on your face as you and Joe walked m over to the U shaped booth he and the others were seated at. "Hey Sammy!"
Sam stood up and hugged you tightly before hugging Joe, and clapping his back like all men do when they greet eachother. Cooper sat down next to Logan and Morgan, Logan wife.
"You guys come together?" Sam joked, smirking up at his best friend. You glanced at Joe who smiled and shook his head no. Sam laughed as you and Joe sat down next to each other. Sam sat on the outside, with Logan and Morgan next to him. Ja’Marr and Tee were in the middle, with you and Joe on the end.
"No,” you sighed as you pulled your sweater away from your tummy again, “we just happened to get here at the same time." you said, laughing a little as you finished your sentence.
Sam nodded and went back to talking to some of the guys. You decided to chat with Morgan. The two of you have been good friends for a while. As you talked to Morgan for a few minutes, catching up with each other about your off-season plans, Ja'Marr stood from his spot.
"How about we get some more drinks?!" he yelled, causing the other guys to whoop and holler.
You gulped, nervously. You knew you would have to break the news about your pregnancy very soon since they were ordering drinks. Joe noticed you were beginning to get anxious, so he put his hand on your knee under the table. He gave it a gentle squeeze as you smiled at him. He smiled back at you before turning back to the guys.
"So, what does everyone want? Y/n, I think I already know what you want." Tee snickered as everyone broke into laughter. Everyone at the table knew what my go to drink or drinks were.
You giggled along with them, "I don't know, do you?"
"Margarita? A glass of wine? No wait-- tequila on the rocks?" Ja'Marr asked, a sly grin on his face.
You knew you had to break the news now. You breathed out a laugh, "All three would be great, but-."
Sam chuckled, "She'll take all three then."
"She can't..." Joe trailed off. The laughter and jokes came to an end as everyone looked at the quarterback and furrowed their eyebrows in confusion.
"Why? You love alcohol? Well, you certainly did at Taylor's party at least." Ja'Marr laughed. Tee chuckled in agreement, "Yeah. You pregnant or somethin'?"
You anxiously bit your lip. Here we go... You stayed silent. Your silence answering the question. The question that was supposed to just be a joke. Oh how you wished it was a joke right now...
"Oh my god, you're pregnant!" Morgan grinned excitedly, "congratulations, hun!"
Your breath hitched as you looked over at your older brother, whose jaw was clenched, "Surprise?"
"You're actually pregnant, Y/n!?" Tee asked, smiling happily. Ja'Marr and Logan had huge smiles on their faces too. You nodded, "Yeah, I am."
You looked over at Sam again. He had a shocked look on his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He clenched his jaw once again. Sam already wasn't taking this news well. You can only imagine how he'll react when he finds out who the father is. You glanced over at Joe, noticing how he gulped nervously.
"So," Logan chuckled taking a swig of his beer. "Who's the daddy?"
Sam gave you a stern look. "Yeah, Y/n. Who's the daddy?"
Your heart dropped to your stomach as you felt bile rise up the back of your throat. You couldn't tell him here, not like this. Especially with how he's reacting.
"I," you took a deep breath, "he um..." you stuttered, unsure of what to say.
"Its me." All eyes at the table snapped to Joe, "I'm the father." he stated. You let out a heavy sigh and looked over at the bar. Trying to avoid your friends shocked stares and your brothers eyes that were shooting daggers at you. Tee and Ja'Marr's mouth gaped open in shock.
"Pffft, Burrow shut up. You wish you were the daddy." Tee laughed, taking a drink of his beer.
"I'm not joking." Joe said in a serious tone. You smiled slightly as you made eye contact with him. You both looked across the table at Sam. HIs face was red, and he seemed to be fuming. Oh shit, this won't be good. Sam slammed his hands on the table of the booth. He shot up from the booth and reached across the table, his strong arms grabbing Joe by the collar.
"You fucker!" he roared, shaking Joe as he yelled, "YOU knocked my sister up?! How could you? C'mon man, you're my fucking best friend Joe!"
You gasped as you watched your brother try to throw a punch at Joe's jaw.
"Sam, let go of him!" Morgan cried, trying to pry Sam off of him. Logan joined in and helped her.
You grabbed onto Joe, trying to pull him out of your brothers grasp. However, your attempts were unsuccessful as Sam was much stronger than you. Sam looked pissed, and Joe looked like he was about to piss himself.
"You don't know how bad I want to fucking punch you right now." Sam seethed, tightening his grasp on Joe.
"Sam!" you cried, "Let go of him, calm down, please!" you exclaimed, tears brimming your eyes. Hearing the pain in your voice and tears in your eyes caused Sam to immediately soften. He let go of Joe's shirt collar and sat back down in the booth, chest heaving as he kept his angry gaze on Joe. Joe got out of the booth and took a deep breath, eyes shifting between all of his friends and you. Everyone at the booth was at a loss for words.
"Okay, everyone calm down." Tee said, putting his hands out in a gesture that told everyone to breathe. Ja'Marr nodded, "Well uh, Higgins and I are going to head out, let you guys talk this out."
The two receivers got up from the booth and stood at the front of the table, waving goodbye. Ja'Marr and Tee silently congratulated you before they both left. Logan and Morgan decided to leave too, both of them hugging and congratulating you and Joe. Morgan quietly told you good luck and that she would have Logan talk to Sam if things go south. After all of your friends left, it was just you, your brother, and your baby daddy in booth at the bar. The air was extremely tense, none of you dared to speak a word as you knew it would end in a screaming match. You knew it would be best to talk about this somewhere more private. After a few more minutes of tense silence, you declared that it would be best if you, Joe and Sam, went back to Joe's place to and talk it out and approach the situation.
~time skip~
"Why the HELL did you think it would be a good idea to screw my best friend, Y/n?" Sam yelled, pointing at Joe. You groaned and huffed out a breath of annoyance, "God Sam, we went over this! I was DRUNK! HE was drunk too! We didn't mean for this to happen."
Sam was standing in the middle of Joe's living room, pacing back and forth, while you and Joe sat on his couch.
Sam groaned. He rubbed his hands down his face. "I just...my sister?" he looked at Joe with a look of disbelief mixed with betrayal. "Do you know how fucked up that is? You don't go hookin' up with your best friends SISTER!"
Joe sighed and stood up from the couch, "Sam, look," he glanced at you as he spoke, "just like Y/n said, we were DRUNK. I mean shit, we were both almost black out drunk by the time we got back to my place!" his voice raised slightly as he tried to get his point across to Sam. He walked closer to Sam. "Listen, I get it. You're pissed at me, and if I were in your shoes, I would be pissed at me too. But Sam, I'm not leaving her. I'm staying around for this kid, and her." he said firmly. Sam just shook his head as he laughed in disbelief at his friends words.
Joe was fuming with anger as he saw Sam's reaction. Suddenly, Joe put his hands out in front of him and roughly pushed Sam's chest. "I'm not going to walk out and be some deadbeat dad, goddamnit!"
You looked between the two blondes, not daring to say a word to either of them. They were both of them upset with eachother, so you knew you needed to let them hash things out--without you interfering. You could talk to Sam about this later.
Sam scoffed and pushed him right back, "Bullshit!" he seethed at his best friend, "that's what they all say, Joe! You're going to walk out on her when she least expects it, and you're not going to look back, man. You have nothing tying you down to her."
You couldn't believe the words that were coming out of Sam's mouth. It was true though, there was nothing tying Joe down to you. You weren't together, you were just relying on his word that he wouldn't leave you or the baby.
Joe raised his voice, "You really think that low of me?" "YEAH!" Sam yelled, "yeah I do. You've left her behind before Joe."
Your heart dropped. You knew he was talking about Joe leaving you behind in Ohio when he left for LSU...
"Well this time, it's different. You know why?" Joe asked, getting up in Sam's face. "because I won't listen to you this time. I broke things off with Y/n because of you. I was going to ask her out. I was willing to make long distance work. But you Sam, you made me leave her behind."
You stood up from the couch, your mouth dropping open in disbelief. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Sam with a heartbroken expression.
"Sam?" you asked, voice quiet, "is that true?"
"Y/n, we'll talk later," he sighed, giving you a somber expression. You shook your head, "NO! No, I want an answer now. Is that true? You knew about us so you made him break things off with me?"
"Y/n/n I-." You cut him off. "Yes or no."
Same shoulders fell in defeat.
You shook your head in disbelief, "I can't believe you."
"Y/n, you have to understand. Joe is my best friend. you're my sister, I was looking out for both of you. I knew if he dated you and moved to LSU, I would have lost both of you."
You were at a loss for words.
Sam continued, “And Y/n, this isn’t all my fault.” Sam pointed at Joe accusingly, “he made the decision to leave you behind. What makes you think he wouldn’t do it again?”
Joe scoffed, “Don’t give me that crap. This is a completely different situation.”
“How is different? Huh? How the hell is this any different?” Sam asked, his voice raising.
“because I love her. That’s right, I LOVE HER!" Joe yelled, pointing at you as he said those three words.
You never thought you would hear those words come out of Joe’s mouth. The two of you have history, history that you now discovered was only harsh because of your brother. All those years ago you assumed Joe left you behind because he didn’t genuinely care about you. But you were so wrong…
You know you need to talk to Sam about the OSU situation sooner rather than later. But you knew it could wait. You had to focus on the pregnancy news first.
Joe continued, “I love her so goddamn much, and that baby? I haven't even met the kid yet, but I already love it more than life itself. You know why Sam?” Sam stayed silent as Joe poured his heart out.
“That baby was made out of love. I’m going to love him or her no matter what. No matter what you say to me, or what you do me Sam, I’m not going anywhere!"
A tear rolled down your cheek as you listened to Joe’s confession. He truly did love and care about you. Even back when you were just 20, he did truly love you.
The silence was deafening as none of you said anything. Emotions still high between the three of you. Sam sat down on the couch and rubbed a hand over his face. You looked up at Joe with tears threatening to fall. You swallowed the lump in your throat, letting the only words you could think of spill out.
“You love me?”
There was so much to talk about, but that was all you could say.
hey loves!
this chapter was a little fluffy, but it was pretty angsty lol
did you see that coming? sam being the one that made joe break things off with you?👀
that’ll be elaborated on more later on…
the next chapter is pretty fluffy though, we find out what the gender of the baby is!! so exciting!
what are your guesses? will it be a boy or girl?
i hope you’re all doing well. thank you so much for reading and always supporting me and my writing. i love you all😚🤍🤍
tags: @dandelionwrites8 @joeburreauxsworld @theflawedwriter @mrsshiesty @ann288 @ijustcrypretty @theoneandonlyfanz @wickedfun9 @venus-b @hummusxx @stainednailpolishremover @a-moment-captured @alternativemadchen @erinmartin1987 @sirlewisworld @kkrenae @unhingedfangirl @sublimemusic-rebel @meameagirl @ilovejoeburroww @hallecarey1 @j-worlds-blog @blinkloverx3 @jordyn14 @kristencochefski1125 @ryiamarie @emherb10
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empressmcblondie · 4 months
I have such a vivid vision of GIRLFAILURE™ Jackie Taylor (some deluded AU, I guess???) going to Rutgers while Shauna ends up in Brown, and wow Jackie would be upset about this for like 15 mins but then she'd meet her non-verbal goth roommate and do her utmost best to bring a little sunshine to her life because in Jackie's head she needs it and she'll be told off time and again because girlie this isn't high-school, and boundaries are a thing. Eventually they'll become comfortable enough with one another for her roommate to pretend to listen to Jackie's frivolous rants (mostly about Shauna, an unnamed ex best friend, or kinda still a friend but she never emails or calls so idk what we are anymore). Jackie will eventually climb the social ladder, as Jackie does, and even though she's awkward and a little out of touch, she still manages to weasel her way into the in crowd. She realizes very quickly that in Wiskayok she was a big fish in a small pond, and here she's just a mediocre fish in a huge lake and everyone's so much prettier and have so much more going to them and honestly, being the soccer captain isn't that much of a big flex anymore... Maybe her mom was right??? But she still waves it around like a badge of honor because fuck people who think it's lame! There's something seriously endearing and magnetic about how she stands there in the middle of the party, her clickity clackity knees touching in her summer shorts as she elegantly holds onto a red solo cup in one hand and a cigarette in the other (she only socially smokes like three puffs you guys stop) and goes on and on about that one game where they got to nationals because it was their best game ever!!!!! The excitement!! The candor!! The memory of Shauna's hands weaving around her so tightly... Anyways, she'd experiment because everyone does (just a little weed nothing too crazy she hates it honestly and like a kiss or two between female friends... Okay so maybe it was more than a kiss but it's totally not a big deal and that doesn't make her gay, does it?) So, she'd come back on holidays and she and Shauna would meet because when they're face to face it's like nothing else matters literally so what if you didn't answer the 64 emails I sent you over the semester it's not biggie you were probably busy charming everyone with your short stories, do you ever write about me Shauna? Shauna's eyes widen so big when Jackie tells her she slept with a girl that they might fall out of her head and it's hilarious. So what? Everyone does it, Jackie would say, and Shauna would shake her head... She didn't. She didn't dare. There was something much more painful about the thought of Jackie with another girl than any other slight that may or may not have lingered between them but she fucked Jeff and kept it a secret she'll take to the grave so she literally can't say anything. Anyways, they'd dance this dance of unspoken yearning for intimacy and eventually they'll put the capital L and B in the LGBT because lord knows Jackie Taylor came out a lesbian out of the womb and Shauna Shipman swings both ways but for Jackie she'd swing the full home run. Yes, they end up together and it's as beautiful and unstable as you'd imagine it to be... But boy would it be worth it.
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spacedustmantis · 3 months
egg jokes are the pillar of the trans community, sincerely a trans femme
ok so this is with high likelihood in reference to the post about finnster that i made a while ago, that has recently been going around again without the additions i made in various rbs, so there's quite a lot of context missing.
my intention was never to say "all egg jokes are bad" my intention was to say "telling a stranger on the internet that they must be trans simply because they wear a dress sometimes is bad".
i think there's something incredibly valuable about a friend being able to see how much more comfortable someone is while dressing opposite to what is expected of them and making lighthearted comments about it in the hopes that eventually they'll pick up on it. in that way egg jokes are a very important part of many trans people's journey.
but there is a fundamental difference between an egg joke between trusted friends, and a hoard of people jumping on a single person that they do not know in the slightest outside of highly performative twitch streams, and telling them "oh you have to be trans for sure". all because they crossdress.
in finn's case this all worked out great because as finn herself has said the egg jokes helped him get in touch with the trans community, helped her find herself. and i'm not saying that it can't ever work out, but i still don't think egg jokes at that level are appropriate. mostly bc as stated multiple times by now, you do not know them. it's at least a little presumptuous, and at worst incredibly invasive and potentially dangerous.
but also because as a bystander who lives outside of the gender binary, it is extremely uncomfortable to have to watch again and again as the people who claim to be by my side in dismantling gender stereotypes see a gnc or crossdressing person and immediately jump to them being secretly or unknowingly trans. because that is apparently the only way some people can rationalize seeing a guy in a dress or a woman with a beard.
i'm not saying that you are one of those people, but it's important for me to get across what i meant with my original post, and how frustrating it is to have gender norms and stereotypes enforced by trans people - my own fucking community - over and over again, and have it be called progressive.
so i guess my point is yes, egg jokes are incredibly important, they hold a very special role in many people's lives, but they have their place. namely between friends in a safe environment, not in a twitch chat or twitter quote retweets
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thursdayinspace · 2 months
20 questions for 20 writers
tagged by @thatfragilecapricorn30 @randomfoggytiger and @baronessblixen thank you!! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 21
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 70.063 -- this is my new AO3, so that's why it's still so low, haha.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Only X-Files now.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? spectacular (glasses sex!), it's the day the world didn't end, from this morning forward (that makes me so happy), got you covered, wild side
5. Do you respond to comments? yes. if I ever don't, I'm sorry, it's not because i didn't love your comment, but i just don't get around to it right away sometimes. but i try to reply to every single one because i love them all.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ohhh. i don't write super angsty endings . . . I guess mend into pieces bc it's season 2 and they know they're making a mistake, but we all know they'll figure it out eventually, so.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? they pretty much all end happily. i'm going to more or less randomly pick five ways to say i love you. because i loved writing that ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? so, okay. there are two stories here i want to tell from an old fandom. one is funny. one is kind of great, really?
the funny one: i got a looooong comment on a fic, like several paragraphs long, going into great detail about why the fic sucked and why i sucked and why i had personally offended them by writing fic at all. they obvs meant to comment anonymously but forgot to log out. by the time i got to my computer, they had deleted their entire account. of course i had their name in the ao3 email. i laughed so hard at that.
the kind of amazing one: i got a very rude anon on tumblr, and i responded by saying i'd be happy to discuss their criticism, but i wasn't going to have a conversation with a hockey puck with sunglasses, and asked them to come off anon so we could talk. and they did! they showed up in my dms a short while later. we solved nothing and did not part as friends, but i actually have mad respect for that. wherever they are today, i hope they have taken some anger management classes and are doing well!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yeah, i certainly do. idk what kind? the porny kind? lol no i mean it's kind of lame but fun.
10. Do you write crossovers? i wrote a stargate atlantis/firefly crossover centuries ago but that was it. or maybe start trek with sth else, i don't remember.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? i don't think so, no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? yes! it's so much fun and i would do it again.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? mulder and scully!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i plan to finish all of them.
16. What are your writing strengths? it used to be dialogue but i don't think it is anymore. idk? i think i can create an atmosphere?
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i tend to repeat myself a lot and then skip over other things completely. i'm not good with transitions between scenes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i haven't done it, but if it would make sense for a fic, i might do it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? stargate atlantis. i was very late to the fanfic party.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? it's called 'ellipsis' and is still with the beta. but of the ones i've already posted, either from this morning forward or yesterday's future.
Randomfoggytiger added additional questions:
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life? i mean it's a hobby but it's definitely also a way of life. there isn't ever a time when i don't think about writing and everything all the time connects in some way to a thing i'm writing and i can't imagine what i'd do without writing.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript? completed manuscript! or notes? uhh . . . both?
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration? everything. random things. i can't think of one specific thing, it can be literally anything.
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing? both thoughts are equally awful lol
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective? yeah, i think so. not in any big way, but about smaller stuff, just the way i look at certain things? yes.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN? ao3!!! my tinkerbell brain loves the comment section, haha. also it's just so much nicer to read on ao3 and there's the download option, so also as a reader, def ao3.
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it? 70.063 - no, i'm not satisfied with it. i used to write multi-chapters with more words. but it's a new account so yeah starting small again.
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably? jasper fforde's 'thursday next' series. it's where i stole my name from. literary detectives? oh man. it's the kind of story where you wish you'd had the idea first. go read it!!!!!
9. What's the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it? i am really really lucky to have been given so many amazing compliments and i appreciate every single one. i couldn't say what means the most to me . . . probably when it's personal to the commenter? when someone tells me sth i've written touched them in some way. bc that's what i want to achieve.
10. What defines your writing style? lol idek man pretentious purple prose? i think i live somewhere between overuse of metaphors and focus on the rhythm of a text. i love writing in english bc it flows so nicely. idk is trying to make it sound nice a style bc then that's at least what i'm going for.
who hasn't been tagged? no pressure tags for @backintimeforstuff @nachosncheezies @actual-changeling and everybody else who wants to!
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
Wife, girlfriend or Whatever: Chapter 1
-- I promised @ravensmadreads I would upload this during the weekend and it's Tuesday.... pls forgive me
Big thank you to @lgg5989 for editing this for me <3
As always, the picture has nothing to do with the fic...
Tw. I guess age gap? Reader is 25 and Beau is like 50? Also Beau is cute and I love him? This is wholesome
Taglist: @luckyladycreator2 @feedthemadness-sweetie @ravensmadreads @lgg5989 --
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"Aren't you grumpy this morning?" you said, walking into Cyclone’s office like he hadn’t just made a Lieutenant cry. You walked to his windows and opened the blinds, taking care to move them so the sun shone directly in his eyes, punishing him for treating an employee that way. 
He looked at you for a moment before bowing his head down with a sigh, "There's an uppity function in NYC on Monday," he said, sounding dejected.
"I know, I put it in your diary a month ago. Did you just remember?" you replied, turning around with your hands on your hips, about to launch into yet another lecture about checking his diary for important meetings.
"No," he said, too quickly, "Yes. Fleet Admiral Jameson reminded me this morning. Strongly implied it would look better if I brought a wife, girlfriend, whatever,..." he added, leaning back into his chair with a heavy sigh
"What's the problem with that?" you asked.
"I don't have a wife, girlfriend, or whatever,” he replied, looking at you like it was the most obvious thing in the world. It was. Even if you didn’t know him like the back of your hand -- and better, sometimes -- the fact that the corner of his mouth sported a smudge of dried toothpaste, that his tie was crooked and no one had brushed the cat hair off of the back of his uniform, or that he rarely ate anything other than microwave meals shamefully packed in brown paper bags gave him away as a single man.
 “I have a cat but I don't think they'll accept that…" he joked.
"Ah… No female friend?" You asked, he shook his head, "Acquaintance?" He shook his head again. You released a heavy exhale, "Cousin? Sister?" 
He scoffed, "I'm not bringing my sister," he said, outraged, "If being single isn't encouraged, chaperoned by his older sister is just going to be worse."
"Not chaperoned, accompanied," you corrected. He threw you a very pointed look, "Fine," you sighed.
"Do you think 'secretary' belongs in the 'whatever' category?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Absolutely not," you replied, catching onto what he meant before the words even left his mouth.
"Oh come on! You're leaving in a month, right? Why not enjoy yourself in NYC?" He said, trying to convince you with a smile but the edge of desperation gave him away.
"Sir, you described it as 'uppity', I don't think enjoyment will come into it much,"
"Please?" He begged
"This is the last favour I ever do for you," you replied
"Absolutely," he promised
"With all due respect, sir," you said, "you're a pain."
Admiral Simpson laughed, "Scale of 1 to 10?"
"17," you immediately replied with a straight face
He laughed a little harder, "Oh God, how can I help?"
"You're on lunch duty. I'll have whatever salad has mozzarella,"
He threw a look telling you not to push it. Deciding he couldn't fire you even if you did, you shrugged at him.
"What?" You asked, your tone flat and expressionless "I'm in agony."
He looked away to hide the curl of his lip in an amused smile.
"Fine," he eventually sighed, "drop of the money and I'll go at twelve."
"I thought bills for workplace injuries were covered by my employer?" you asked, clearly making it known he would be paying.
"You're lucky you're good at what you do. And that you're leaving. I would have fired anyone else for talking to me like that,"
You gasped in fake outrage, "What?! You wouldn't! But I'm your oldest 'whatever'!"
"Get out!" He laughed, pointing at the door of his office
"I'll have caramel macchiato as well!" You said as you walked back to your desk
"Don't push it!" He shouted after you
You said nothing but mimicked slamming your hand against a button before returning to your desk. You sank down on the uncomfortable chair and swiped the mouse against the pad a few times to wake up the computer. It sprang to life and after filling in your password you went through the emails to find the information for the navy function.
If the email itself was anything to go by, the event would be more than ‘uppity’. Black tie formal attire required and dinner at a three Michelin star restaurant where the menu counted more French words than you had ever learned, you would not have qualified it as ‘uppity”. Uppity was a word dedicated to boy moms who thought they owned the field at your godson’s football practice. Or the kind of people who looked at you like you were nothing more than shit on their shoe because you decided not to eat organic. Those were uppity. This was downright fancy. 
And fancy meant shopping. You changed tabs on your browser and opened the website to one of the only stores in town that sold ballgowns and looked through their selection. When none of them struck your fancy, you decided to gamble and looked through your favourite online retailer. 
“Find anything?” Cyclone asked, making you jump. Seeing your reaction, he smirked.
“Nothing for the function,” you replied, trying to hide the seven other tabs you had opened showcasing a cardigan, three new skirts, two work shirts and a lipstick. Ever so observant, he swatted your hand away from the mouse and clicked through the tabs. He tutted until he reached the lipstick.
“Red?” he asked, clearly surprised
“It’s a nice colour,” you said, not keen on discussing your lipstick colour choices with your boss, “Don’t you think?”
“No, no, it’s nice, you’re right. I’m just surprised,” he replied, trying to backtrack so hard it was actually kind of funny, “it’s just -- isn’t pink kind of your thing?” 
“I like pink,” you replied, “But there are other colours.”
“I know. You don’t usually wear other colours, though,” he said. You rolled your eyes and looked down, ready to disprove his point with a single glance at your ensemble, only to find that your pencil dress and shoes were both the same shade of baby pink. 
“What are you doing here?”
“I brought you lunch?” he said, putting the plastic salad container down on your desk, followed by the venti cup of coffee. You glanced down at the clock on the screen and were horrified to find you had wasted most of the morning online shopping, “They were out of caramel macchiato, but I know you like pumpkin spice, so I got that.”
“I don’t like that you know so much about me,” you told him, grabbing the coffee and taking a long sip, savouring the beverage and noting that not only had he picked the correct backup flavour, he had also asked for non dairy milk and sugar free syrup. 
“You know more than that about me,” he frowned
“I’m paid for it, sir. Being a hobby secretary is just creepy,” you replied
“I am paid,” he retorted
“Uh huh,” you said, twirling your drink around in its cup.
“With the pleasure of your company,” he said, slowly backing away towards his office
“Leave. Now.” you told him, trying hard to look stern and annoyed
“Your cheery disposition,” he added, grinning widely. He winked at you.
“I despise you,” you said
“And your friendliness,” he laughed
“Leave! You’re so cheesy you’re stinking up the place,” you shouted and he vanished back in his office, laughing loudly. You rolled your eyes and resumed your shopping, finally deciding on a dress. You added everything to your basket and paid for it, wondering if, because this was technically a work function, you couldn’t get reimbursed for the price of the dress.
Deciding to test your luck, you drafted an email explaining the situation and attached a picture of your bill and sent it, hoping Jenna from accounting would be the one opening it. You liked Jenna, she always approved anything you sent and only ever replied to your emails via emoji. Your computer chimed with a notification and you smiled.
You leaned back in your chair and grabbed the salad box, shaking it hard so the dressing mixed in with the veggies before popping the lid open and digging in, occasionally stopping to sip at the coffee. Too early for your tastes, you went back to work, calling to book flights and hotel rooms and confirm your attendance with the function’s organisational committee.  
Luckily the day came to an end eventually and you shut down the computer. The Admiral, always staying behind to finish whatever paperwork he hadn’t managed to work through the day, was still working hard, too concentrated to notice you pop your head through the door and say goodbye. 
You looked at him, hunched over his desk, a deep frown visible between his brows. His eyes were straining in the dim light of his office lamp, night having already fallen over San Diego. You left your bag by his door and walked to the recreation room where you made him a coffee. Taking the cup back to his desk, you stopped by yours to find his spare pair of reading glasses -- which you kept in the locked compartment of your file drawer so he couldn’t lose those too -- and a few biscoff biscuits, and brought everything over to him. 
“Thanks, just put it down wherever,”
“Put the glasses on,” 
“I will, just have to finish this,”
“Beau,” you said, startling him out of his concentration with the use of his first name, “Put the glasses on. You’ll get a headache,” 
“Okay,” he said softly, taking them from your hands and perching them on the bridge of his nose.
“Pain meds are in the top drawer of your desk,” you said in the same gentle tone of voice, “Don’t be long.”
You turned around and left, picking your bag up on your way out. You made it about halfway down the maid corridor when the Admiral’s upper body popped through the doorway.
“Y/n!” he called after you, “Err… Goodnight. Drive safe,” 
Involuntarily, your eyebrows shot up in surprise. He’d never said goodnight before. Though surprising, it wasn’t entirely unwelcome, as evidenced by the warm feeling quickly spreading through your chest and the rosy tint your cheeks had taken on.
“Right, yes. Thank you,” you replied, “I will.”
You turned around before he could see the smile spreading on your face and walked out of the building.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
S/o feels weird about sharing Blitzo with Stolas thinking they're getting between them or they would fight over him.
Okay! I'm not sure if your the same Anon who asked for this one
If your not, check this one out as it's pretty simalir to what your asking, If you are then hope you enjoyed it. I'm not sure if this ask is the clarification I asked for, or completely unrelated so I guess I'm doing another one to cover all my bases XP Time for for more Polycule stuff!
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Blitz's S/O being afraid Stolas will get between them, or just concerned that they'll fight over him.
You kinda uneasily agree to the whole thing, it is still very much a yes, just you've never had a partner, who also has another aside from you, so your unsure how it will go.
You have nothing against Stolas tho, you know he and Blitz have had their up and downs before getting together, but the few times you see them interact it's clear Stolas makes Blitz happy, and you want him to be happy so you don't have a problem with the prince.
While Blitz would love to be able to hang out with the both of you together, your two different people with different schedules and avaliability so the times that's possible are few and far between, and that's on top of Blitz's own schedule.
He's generally the one to handle it all, but the somewhat rigidness of some times you spend with him are a bit awkward at first, you of course make the most of it, in whatever ways you want to at time, dates at places, at home etc.
During this adjustment phase you barely ever interact with Stolas, most times it's just you or him seeing the other as they drop off Blitz or something, but you do chat when it feels appropiate, neither of you want to outright ignore eachother, might as well make decent friends with him, might make fights you expect less common, on top of Stolas just being pleasant to be around.
Eventually a night comes up where your all available, and Blitz of course wants to make the most of it, your still not sure about spending it all together so essentially Blitz plans to split his time, first with Stolas and then finish off the night with you.
But then you hear your door being unlocked, a good hour before Blitz is supposed to come over, but that doesn't stop him from rushing up to you, spinning you around in a hug and then kissing you when you come to see who it is
You barely are able to ask what he's doing here early before he gives you a big kiss, though even after he's not who answers you.
Your attention draws to Stolas leaning against the door frame that's barely tall enough for him, the owl explaining he didn't want Blitz to get too tuckered out with him, and wanted to make sure the Imp boss would be able to properly attend to you.
Blitz notes they could have at least gone another round in the car, making you notice Blitz's shirt is only half buttoned, Stolas just responds that even his stamina isn't endless, blushing as he does so before bidding you two farewell and a goodnight.
Your a little stunned to respond to him before he leaves, and then Blitz picking you up and taking you to the couch for some fun~
You play video games :P On the side~
The next day while Blitz is at work, you can't help but keep thinking about Stolas forfeiting a good hour of his alone time with Blitz for your sake, so you call him and plan to meet at a cafe to talk about it.
When you ask Stolas just raises a brow, pulling on his collar a bit, apoligizing, expecting you to be ok with it. You awkwardly correct him, saying you appreciate it greatly, your just confused as to why he did that.
Stolas just responds, that he felt that it wouldn't be right if he let Blitz get all tired with him, and that he knew Blitz would end up feeling bad if the two of you wouldn't be able to enjoy your time together properly, and he simply wanted to avoid that for all your sakes.
Your silent for a bit, unsure how to respond, making him ask if everything's okay, you then just saying your surprised he's being so kind about the whole thing, admitting to thinking you two might fight over Blitz which Stolas awkwardly chuckles at.
"Well I just want him to be happy, and you clearly make him happy, so why wouldn't I be okay with it?."
Taking a bit to respond, just stating with a chuckle maybe you had nothing to worry about, both of you having a good laugh over it.
After that your a lot more secure in the whole thing, even making sure to tell Blitz to tell Stolas hi for you when he sees him, and you and Stolas become really good friends over it, after all, what better way to scheme how to fluster Blitz so much he can't speak?~:P
There you go, personally I've never seen Stolas as the jealous type, and I just think he wants Blitz to be happy, so I write him as such, a lot more fun to me personally XP
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hello! I saw that your ask box is open and was wondering if you have some platonic headcanons or short general scenarios for the brothers with mc. like gardening with James for example.
Platonic headcanon's my beloved! Yes I do have some platonic headcanons for the boys with mc and I'll list as many as I can think of below!
~James and MC love to garden together, as you've pointed out! Just taking time to weed, prune, and water the garden. Whether they work in silence, put on some music, or chat about anything at all, they love taking the time to be in the garden together. It's also quite soothing for both of them, a stress reliever from the worriers of the world
~ If they do put on some music, they absolutely dance around the garden together and occasionally fall over and just have goofy silly fun and it's so cute and platonic. (I personally adore dancing with my friends, slow dancing or otherwise doesn't matter)
~They'll also go shopping for seeds and gardening tools and that is how they now have an inside joke about the gnome in the front garden. No one understands why James and MC crack up every time it's mentioned or even see the ugly thing
~James and MC also love to just read quietly in the library together. Sometimes they'll read the same book and have like a mini book club with snacks and drinks and it's great fun for them.
~Sometimes Damien joins them and they help teach him how to read better.
~Other times, if MC has college homework to do, they'll sit in the library to either both do work or they'll work while James reads. It's normally a quiet time. James also helps MC is they need it.
~Erik loves to play the piano, and MC enjoys listening to him play. Sometimes they'll sing, sometimes Erik will teach them how to play the piano.
~They also enjoy just putting on music and dancing, it's fun and goofy and they can just be themselves.
~Erik will also rope MC into fashion shows. Whether they raid the mall and find things they feel like modeling for each other, or Erik has a few designs he was opinions on and convinces MC to try, they absolutely have put on mini fashion shows and have an absolute blast
~From those mini fashion shows come hundreds of goofy pictures saved to both of their phones, and MC very often cycles through them as their lock screen. Erik has a photo album of them saved to his phone.
~I also think MC and Erik would love to watch fashion shows or shows like Eurovision and make fun of everything together. Just two best friends being absolutely petty and making fun of people who will never know and won't care anyway. (This is mostly when one of them has had a bad/stressful day)
~They have spas days planned weeks in advance, at least once a month. Just a day they take to hang out and treat themselves.
~100% one way they hang out and show they care is MC asks Sam to teach them self-defense (or better self-defense). Which Sam is only too happy to do, even if he pretends to grumble
~These also spend a lot of time on the roof, doesn't matter what they're doing. Listening to music? On the roof with the music coming from one of their phones speakers. Taking a lunch break? Yep they're on the roof. Truth or Dare? You guessed it roof top
~They both have fallen asleep on the roof before and worried the hell out of the James, and the boys at first. Now they're used to it and will either leave them there or fetch them if they have too.
~There are also a number of hilarious photos/videos of the absolutely stupid stunts Sam and MC will pull while on the roof. Mostly Sam because he's less likely to get hurt by being an idiot on the roof.
~If one of them has had a bad day, the other will drag them to just sit up on the roof and watch the clouds. Eventually whoever is having a bad day will open up about it.
~The roof is Sam and MC's space, everyone knows that. Like a club house for the two friends only.
~Matthew and MC love playing games together. Board games, video games, card games, doesn't matter, they love it.
~These two started a Youtube Channel where they play games together. Their videos of playing scary games are the most popular because both Matthew and MC get so freaked out and it's hysterical.
~They also have TikTok, and post the stupidest content ever. But it's always funny.
~MC and Matthew enjoy cooking together. They'll find a recipe they want to try and go shopping together. And when they do cook they often have music playing in the background. On more then one occasion a spoon has been used as a microphone as they sing and dance while cooking/baking together.
~Simon Tabby often makes an appearance when Matthew and MC play games together to mess with Matthew by stealing pieces pieces or jumping at poor Matthew during tense and or scary parts in games. Just anything to rile up Matthew and make MC almost bust a rib laughing.
~MC and Matthew also prank Matthew's brothers sometimes, never anything super mean but ya know. Water bucket over a doorway and other mundane pranks.
~MC absolutely teaches Damien how to read. Makes it their personal mission to give Damien something he was denied for so long as soon as Damien makes a comment about wanting to learn.
~They love making blanket fortes together with lots of pillows and cozy stuff and watching a movie marathon. Doesn't matter what movies, but they marathon them!
~They also both enjoy taking walks together during the warmer months.
~MC took Damien and his brothers apple picking for the first time and Damien thought it was really cool. He even put MC on his shoulders to help them pick apples really high up.
~When it snowed for the first time MC took Damien outside and told him all about snowball fights and making snowmen and snow angles. He was fascinated and found them to be a lot of fun. The Hot Chocolate MC made when they got inside afterward was really good too. They make it a tradition to have at least one day every winter where they go outside to play in the snow like they're 5 years old with no cares in the world.
~MC is the one to introduce Damien to a lot of music, due to playing music on their walks. He finds he's not really picky about what music he listens to but does enjoy when MC dances to it, and sometimes he'll join them in their dancing.
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
hi cas, 👋🤗
so i have a problem. its about my group of friends and im getting really worried at this point
ok so i have this group of friends me and four others ( i go to a school where all the classes have more then one grade) so two of these friends are a year younger. as of this year the two younger ones have started to fight
ok i got to back track a little, last year our group was me (i will give my friends nicnames to respect their privicy), M, S, E, & Z over the summer Z moved away and so this year their was a new kid who was a quick addition to our friend group (H) 🙂
now back to what i was saying S & E (who are the younger ones) so they have been fighting i guess, nothing physicle but still. S thinks that E & H are as they said "conspiring agenst me" and that seems true to them some of the time because E&H sometimes hang out without S
but i feel like there are TWO perspectives that i see this from: one is from S perspective which they think they are being left out of everything and that E doesnt really want to be in this friendship and the second point of view which is from E: E thinks that S is overreacting because "i hang out with you the same amount and somtimes you can be alot" 😶
from where i see it yes S can be a little much SOMETIMES (not alot) but i would too if i thought my friends didnt care me and E does tent to exclude S from some things they do with H 😕
honestly its getting to be a bit much for ME because im the one who has to sort out all this drama (M helps but its mostly me) and its really overwhelming because it hurts me to see to of my very close friends fight in a way that is really more emotional.
the first thing i think of when i think of these fights is one time at recess the two had fought over something and i had tried to sort it out but they were both mad. S was trying to fix it and asked if H & E wanted to silent read in the hallway (we had now just come back inside) and they both said they WOULD but they NEVER did instead they sat at my table (i had read in the hall yesterday and you cant two days in a row🙄(i would have sat with them)) and the whole time they were TRASH TALKING S and i tried buting in but they just said "its none of you business" 🤨(at this point it kinda is)
during that it made me think of that quote that is like "bruises and cuts fade eventually but the things you say never heal" 🥲
but i dont know. i just dont know how to fix it. i HAVE TO fix it. but its exausting.😮‍💨
i dont want to star yelling (which tends to happen when i get overwelmed) 😕but its been really damadging to my mental health, so bad to the point that i had a mental breakdown and i couldnt speak, the only things going through my head were "they need to stop fighting its to loud why cant everyone be quite" 😫i had to stay home from school that day because i COULD NOT talk (when i tried i would just start crying again) 😭
so what should i do PLEASE tell me if what is happing is normal and im just overreacting??? but if not how can i help them????
i will write again if that ok because their fights happen randomly 😅
(also sorry about all the emojis)
Hi hon!
Well, what's happening is pretty normal. Friends fight, especially when they can't quite figure out how to communicate their feelings.
But honestly, this is NOT your problem to fix. E and S need to work this out. And I truly think that if you stop being a part of it, that might force them to work it out on their own.
And here's the thing: this is becoming an issue for YOU. And that's not fair.
So when it happens again (because it will), just walk away. Tell both of them you can't be a part of it. Tell them you care about them, but you need some space. And maybe they'll realize they need to get their shit together.
You need to prioritize your mental health <3
I'm naming you emoji anon. Write back with updates!
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ambrossart · 1 year
I hope things are looking up from the week you’ve had!
I’m back with my incessant questions, and I’m still fixated on every detail from post prom. . .
Did Eddie drive her home after breakfast with Wayne? If so, what was that like? Did she change back into her dress? Did he know the way to her house or did she have to give him directions? Did he hold her hand or anything? Did he walk her to her door?
I know you’re writing for a totally different series right now, so please feel no pressure to answer this if you’re in a different headspace. Sending 💓💓💓!!
Oh, I'm a disaster right now 😂 but enough about me. Let's talk about Eddie!
He absolutely drove her home after breakfast because Eddie's a gentleman. As much as he might want to keep her around all day, he knows it's time for them to temporarily part ways. So while Wayne cleans up the kitchen and gets ready for bed (the man's tired from working all damn night), she and Eddie change--yes, she gets back into her prom dress--and hit the road.
They do not go to her house, and I'll tell you why:
She's not ready to be embarrassed by her parents quite yet. Her parents know about Eddie. They might not know all the details, but they definitely know about his existence. And if Eddie takes her home and walks her to the door, which he will inevitably want to do, she knows her parents are going to insist on an introduction at minimum. No thank you. She'll tackle that beast later.
It's Sunday! She always spends Sundays with Chrissy. It's part of their friendship ritual. And right now she's dying to exchange post prom stories with her best friend.
She will, of course, explain this to Eddie when he asks for directions to her house. Regardless of her feelings for Eddie, Chrissy is still the most important person in her life, so it's crucial that Eddie understands this as early as possible. Otherwise, it's going to create friction in their relationship.
"We're kinda like conjoined twins attached at the hip." "Okay, well, that... totally normal." 🤨
Luckily, Eddie has no problem with this. Sure it's a bit strange (and maybe a little unhealthy), but who is he to judge? He's a laidback guy and has no intention of getting between their friendship.
Anyway, Eddie takes the long way to Chrissy's house because he's not in any hurry to say goodbye. They'll drive in silence for the most part, exchanging little smiles and glances every now and then. It's a very comfortable silence, though. They don't feel the need to talk right now. They're enjoying each other's company and reflecting on everything that's happened. Sure, the occasional embarrassing thought might bubble to the surface (I mean, they did come dangerously close to having sex 😬), but it's something they can laugh off. And, for the record, they're both so glad they didn't have sex because the experience will be so much better and more meaningful after they've gotten to know each other better and have built up that emotional intimacy. There's no need to rush. They have plenty of time.
But Eddie will take note of the drugstore that he passes along the way and remind himself to double back and pick up some condoms. He's never gonna be caught unprepared again.
Eventually, he'll pull up in front of Chrissy's house and they'll say their long goodbyes. (He'll offer to walk her to the door, but she'll tell him not to because... let's face it, Mrs. Cunningham's a bitch and she'll probably say something mean to him.)
"So... what are you gonna do now?" "Uh, I dunno, actually. Don't really have any plans today... Maybe I'll finally clean out my van or something."
Then he'll flash that adorable, cheeky little smile that drives her crazy.
"Okay, well... I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." "Yeah... see you tomorrow."
And then things will get really awkward because she's expecting Eddie to kiss her, but he doesn't right away. We have to cut the boy some slack here because he's not exactly in his element. Plus it's... her, right? This girl makes Eddie act like a total doofus, so it kind of slipped his mind that THIS is the moment when he's supposed to lean in and kiss her. Thankfully, he recovers quickly and gives her a proper goodbye kiss.
Afterwards, she'll get out of the car and walk to the front door. Mrs. Cunningham will be there to answer it (in her Sunday best, of course 🙄) and probably look at her with utter disdain and disappointment. First she was too fat. Now the woman thinks she's a slut. There's no winning with her. The reader doesn't care. She goes inside and runs straight to Chrissy's room, eager to spill all the dirty details.
Eddie stays in the driveway for a while, watching as she disappears into the house... and then he becomes painfully aware of some of the looks he's getting from the neighbors. Chrissy lives in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, and his van kind of sticks out like a sore thumb.
"Relax, relax... I'm not here to rob you."
And he pulls out of the driveway and drives back home.
*Sighs* I love this man. I can't wait to start working on new stuff.
This wasn't my best work (sorry, it's been a while since I've thought about this series), but hopefully I answered your question well enough.
Anyway, thanks for the ask! I hope you're doing well ❤️
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gallavich-headcanon · 2 years
anon, dear, i hope you're doing good! i might be in the brain goo - still, bear with me on the being comprehensible part -, but a) you asked for headcanons and b) you're my favourite person to contemplate with, so you'll be my victim tonight-
so, i know you've said somewhere you're not a big fan of time pieces, BUT-
i've read a lot (like. A LOT.) of medieval-ish things the last couple days and spotify graced me with a shitton of ukrainian music today, and now all i can think about is this tradition they got in ukraine in july where they gather around a fire, take their loved ones by the hand, and if they stay locked while jumping over the fire they they'll have a long and happy relationship (bonus: you can do this with friends for health and good fortune, too). they have this other thing, too, where the unmarried women bind wildflowers to wreaths, then set them on a river or pond or whatever to see who'll get married soon (if your wreath flows without problems and moves a bit it's you), and their significant others try to guess which wreath is their girl's and they tryna fish it out-
and listen, listen, i KNOW it probably doesn't make much sense, and i have not thought this through 'till the end, but i need irish ian to somehow end up in ukraine and in the hands and care of mandy, who tries to teach him their ways and their language, because he's kind and sweet, too - and maybe she first hopes he's her wildcard out of her life until she gets to know he's gay? -, and somehow she gets mickey involved in her little social project and she tries very hard to make him be nice to ian, long story short, they all go to the festivities together, get a little drunk maybe and do their little traditions. while it's a rite for the women, i bet mandy'd force him to bind a wreath, still. and maybe she already knows there's something going on between him and her brother and she schemes some more to make mickey fish ian's out of the water, i don't know, my brain doesn't cooperate properly.
bonus lore- iirc they have this magic flower they set out to search at some point, too, as it's said to grant its finder some sort of power, so, just please, mickey and ian having an excuse to disappear in the woods for hours without anybody asking questions.
i only just now realised it's actually a full on au, but i'll send it over anyway, because it's juvenile and mostly lighthearted and i needed to bother someone with it. much love! thanksokaybye.
Hello my darling! My brain is also gooey possibly because it's late though. Perfect time to be your victim of choice!
Disclaimer- I don't really have anything about historical stories, it's just the homophobia of it all, you know? Like I enjoy some angst as much as the next person, but knowing they can't get married and will have to live partially in secret if not in the closet just... spoils it for me. I'm a comfort first, angst second kinda girl, but I also don't want it to be completely unrealistic. (also I need Mickey to be a southside shit talker) So I tend to skip those fics. now that that's out of the way, I'm ready for yours!
FIRST OF ALL I am a sucker for Mickey speaking Ukrainian. I really wish we got that in canon. AND IAN TRYING TO LEARN THAT FOR HIM 💔💔💔💔
they gather around a fire, take their loved ones by the hand, and if they stay locked while jumping over the fire they they'll have a long and happy relationship -> oh my god are you kidding me this sounds so fucking magical!
Okay what if Ian is like injured or something and Mandy finds him, and hides him until he can get better and Mickey is suspicious and follows her one day?
and maybe she already knows there's something going on between him and her brother and she schemes some more to make mickey fish ian's out of the water -> mmm how about yes yes and yes!!!
This is so fucking sweet. I want Ian in a flower crown Mandy made him! and maybe it's too small to his giant head and his looks funny and Mickey teases him and eventually that flower crown mysteriously finds it's way to Mickey's head. because that's what flower crowns do.
Them just walking in the forest and talking for hours. Maybe they find a job for Ian that gets them to hang out and Mickey teaches him Ukrainian?
NOSHO please send any and all AU / thoughts / headcanons always and forever!
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
And what a WHIRLWIND it was!!
I got so caught up in watching that I didn't really stop to do a reaction post, so I have soooo much to talk about now, but oh well, we are just gonna dive right in.
In order of events, because that seems easiest.
And the way EVERYONE was just in sync and backing each other up, and the way they all TRUSTED each other.
Stiles asked Scott to trust him and he did, because they're the best, and then they made it out of the illusion, and they were okay, but then Void Stiles attacked again, but Lydia kept holding Stiles up, and then the "But we can change you" "You forgot about the scroll", and the sudden fear that made its way onto Void Stiles's face, and then when Stiles said "You can't be a wolf and a fox" and Scott was RIGHT F*CKING THERE, and he BIT HIM, and Kira stabbed him, and then Isaac was RIGHT F*CKING THERE (which honestly surprised everyone in the best way and I loved it lol), and he captured him, and Void Stiles collapsed, and we WON!!
And then I was momentarily really scared when Stiles fell, but then he wound up getting up (Scott's smile (and Lydia dropping her head in relief) filled with so much f*cking glee and relief that his best friend was okay I CANNOT), and it was okay.
But then we lost Aiden, and that...that's definitely part of the "oh f*ck", because that f*cking sucks. Because that HURTS (though, as an aside, the way Lydia just turns into Stiles and he just embraces her…Stydia is still my OTP all the way <3 <3 <3). Because as many qualms as I had with Aiden, he was trying, and he and Ethan were so close, and he was always so sweet to Lydia, and he did not deserve to die.
But he killed the last Oni, and he fought until the end, and he really did become one of the good guys, and as heartbreaking as it is, it also honestly felt so justified, and it was a very sad, but very fitting way for him to go.
Like, Allison's death was heartbreaking, but also, it honestly felt kind of unnecessary and forced when I really think about it (I looked it up, and yeah, it really was, because I guess Crystal Reed wanted to leave the show, which is...kind of weird, since she's in the movie, but whatever I guess). That said, if they had to write her out of the show, I think they did it well, because the scene was still super heart-wrenching, and it's 100% going to leave a stain on the pack, and it brought a lot of really great emotion out of our other actors and characters, so I'll allow it, ultimately.
That said...
Poor Scott, man. He had been going and going and pushing and pushing and trying not to let himself dwell on any of the stuff going on because it wasn't over, but to see him finally just break down in his dining room in Melissa's arms...poor baby. I'm so sorry. :(
But then he gets that beautiful scene with Deaton, where he lifts him up just slightly by telling him that everything comes back to the middle eventually, which of course gives us that beautiful little banter, and wraps up Scott's Season 3 arc really nicely.
And then Isaac and Chris have that little moment, where you can see that shared grief and remembrance, but also the shared ideal that they'll both find a way to move on, and that, despite everything, they still won, and they can get past this, and their little Season 3 arcs end nicely.
And then there's Stiles and his dad, and Stiles just taking down everything with his unsolved cases and "clearing his head", and doing his best to move on from all of that trauma and hurt, in any little way he can.
And then there's Scott, Stiles, and Malia, with Scott teaching Malia how to control her abilities and more or less officially welcoming her to the pack (that was seriously so cute, though!). Add to that the fact that she's now gonna be going to school with them, and I think I figured out who they're replacing Allison with in the pack numbers.
And then there's Kira and Lydia, talking about what happened and how hard it will be for everyone to move on, but knowing that they'll still be there for their boys no matter what.
And then there's Danny and Ethan. Danny, who apparently knew THIS WHOLE FREAKING TIME that Ethan was a werewolf (does that mean he knows about Scott, too?? Or about Isaac?? Is any of this even a secret at this point? XD) and loved him anyways. Like, I understand why they're breaking up, and I understand why Ethan is leaving, but d*mn if that wasn't the sweetest, cutest, most wholesome little break-up and goodbye ever. I love them. I will miss that relationship.
But then, of course, to continue to add to the "oh fuck" of this title, while we got allll of these nice little wrap-ups, and nice little ways to end the trauma that was Season 3, and all these little moments where we see everyone working through their emotions and doing their best to move on and do what comes next, we also have to set up Season 4, which apparently means...
Are you KIDDING ME?!
Yeah I can guarantee you that was not on my Teen Wolf bingo card.
I've predicted a lot in this show, but that one? Yeah I definitely didn't see that one coming.
But wait...that also explains Chris's confusion over the bullet casing from the person that shot at the twins, because he must have recognized it as Kate's, which would explain the "that's not possible".
Oh goddddd, Season 4 is gonna be a RIDE, isn't it??
Oh boy.
I don't know if I'm ready for that.
It'll probably be a few days before I can really watch again, anyways, so that gives me time to cope and process and prepare. XD
All of that said...
That was a f*cking AMAZING season. I can 100% see why everyone says it's the best season--ESPECIALLY 3b--and I honestly am already inclined to agree. I'm sure 4-6 will also be wonderful, but right now, Season 3 is definitely at the top of my list, and I wouldn't be surprised if it stayed there.
Between ALL of the INCREDIBLE Sciles moments, the amazing cinematography, the storyline, the acting (HAVE I MENTIONED HOW F*CKING AWESOME DYLAN O'BRIEN IS?! Just wanna make sure I say it one more time.), the emotions, the Stiles-centricity, the ships, the one-liners, and, just for the record, one more time, ALL of the Sciles moments, because they were AMAZING, this season was seriously such a rollercoaster and I loved it so freaking much. I'm so glad I finally finished it, but I can already tell this is one I'm gonna keep coming back to, long after I've finished the show, and maybe even before I actually finish it. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.
It'll probably be a few days (and honestly, my heart and brain might need that XD), but Season 4 is definitely next on the docket. I honestly don't know how it could get any better than this (and maybe it doesn't and that's also okay, because I'm fine with this being it's peak, because it was BEAUTIFUL), but I know it'll at the very least stay just as good, and I'm so excited for what comes next.
What a season.
What a show.
I f*cking love this show so much.
See you next time. ;) <3
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(I couldn't find any of the gifs I wanted of the little ending scenes and character wrap-ups so here's a gif of Void!Stiles dying because WE WON GOSH DARNAT! And it cost us a lot, and it's gonna hurt, and it's gonna leave a mark, but we WON, and Stiles is ALIVE, and Sciles is BACK, and we DID IT, and that's what matters, because it means those sacrifices weren't in vain.)
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kibbits · 2 years
I have a few questions about your Theater AU
1) Are the boys separate or in the same body? If the same body, have they ever tried doing something like Jeckle and Hyde? Will management separate them?
2) Does Y/N have a sibling? If so, would they ask to be in the show somehow? Like a child actor? How would the boys treat them? Would the boys help with their acting?
3) If this is a comedy show for the boys, what sorts of plots will be in there?
4) Is Y/N going to double as both an actor and a caretaker in this AU?
Hi!!! Gotta admit I didn't develop it much in December so I don't have things 100% concrete, haha, but I love getting questions about it! Sorry for the delay, I was taking the time to think about the questions
Ah, so this turned out longer than I thought, so putting it under a readmore fljkgk
1) The boys are in the same body! They have absolutely done Jekyll and Hyde! In fact, I'd been thinking it might even be one of the last shows they did, so Moon sometimes gets stuck in that mentality (well, more like impulsive gremlin, but when you're a metal robot with little to no experience with how fragile humans can be, it also gets dangerous and scary)
I haven't decided yet if management is going to separate them, but for now I'm gonna go with no --Moon in this AU is in fact working as intended, and has Sunny's full support. It's probably easier to wrangle ONE animatronic (body) rather than two at the moment, so it wouldn't even be on the table until they're safer for the humans around them, but maybe in the far future!
2) I haven't fleshed out Y/N too much, so idk if they'd have a sibling yet, but once it's safer, it's a really cute idea to include either a kid from their family, or that they regularly babysit or something!
Probably not as a child actor? But maybe they can eventually grow to include volunteers in their shows --I remember getting picked to play a woodpecker from the crowd when i was a little kid gdjklg. And maybe that kid can work with them and Y/N behind the scenes to set up what that calling for a volunteer would look like
For now, only Sun really knows how to interact with kids? And that's by putting on his characters' persona, so it's akin to uuuh what's it called, a face character actor at disneyland? always in character, and a bit too posed and acted to feel natural (though the kids love it) but he doesn't know his own strength, or the kids', so it's a bad idea to have him interact with them directly and without supervision. Later, he learns to tone it down a little and he's delighted to interact with the kids, he just loves their energy and enthusiasm! Yes, even when they're having a tantrum --gotta admire the dedication to letting their feelings be known! fgjkldgk
As for Moon, for now it's a very, very bad idea to let him interact with kids. His roles are villain roles, and not always kids' stories villains, so it's a bit like if a haunted house actor was given carte blanche/told to go ham, was in character 24/7 and also didn't know about the no contact rule. And regularly breaks staff bots. Later though, he ALSO tones it down, and is more like that one older cousin or villain actor that loves to mess with or annoy you in a funny gremlin way, and pulls faces at you when the adults aren't looking to make you laugh
I think if they were asked directly, they'd help their acting! By the time they're safe enough to interact with kids, they've learned enough about how to go about it and also how not to comment/just play along unless the kid asks for pointers
3) I. Don't know yet fgjkldl I'm guessing you mean the shows and not their story? I haven't planned out anything concrete yet : O I'm still flip-flopping between wanting to make them 'fazbear and friends' type of knock-off retelling or original stories, or actual musicals. Maybe a few more classic ones? They definitely used to do more serious ones though, before the adults got bored of the novelty
4) Not entirely decided yet, but most probably they'll stay as a sort of talent agent/handler! They like acting with friends as in doing improv, dnd, LARPing, etc. but they're more of a stagehand than an on-stage kind of person. Sun and Moon probably trick them into doing a short guest appearance regularly though, haha, especially when it's a kids' show! (And Y/N can back out if they REALLY don't want to, it's all in good fun)
Thanks so much for the ask! Got me thinking more about it!!
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pharawee · 1 year
I finally had some time to go through my notes for the Art Adore En novel and now I'm even more glad we've got like, three different versions of this. Now all we need is a proper English translation (on wattpad or official sources - I'm not even choosy anymore).
Here's part 1, and there's probably going to be a third part, too. No way Hin & Phayu's story will end this smoothly. There's more drama coming, I just know it. This is from the same author that gave us Chains of Heart, after all (unless they kept all the drama for Ken & Din - which is always a real possibility).
This is going to be very spoilery so read at your own risk.
Phayu's (whose first name is Wayu) twin is Waranyu from เฮ้! ยูอย่ามาแหย็ม | Hey! Don't mess with my Heart, another of TJ Tommys' novels. He's the one who becomes a soul reaper (because he was in a coma for years and eventually struck a pact in the afterlife). I really, really hope they'll turn this novel into a series too (and also, it feels so familiar - maybe it's already been announced somewhere?).
Phayu keeps a diary.
As for how Hin knows (Waran)Yu: his neighbour back at his parents' house is Yu's grandmother. Hin spent a lot of time at her house as a child and considers her his own grandmother. They're very close and she often calls him. Yu sometimes came to visit when Hin was a child, but he always seemed sad and one day his visits suddenly stopped. Hin has been in love with him ever since, and there was a time when he was convinced that Phayu is Yu. Now he's not so sure anymore because he's fallen for Phayu and his heart is telling him that they're not the same person. Still, he's scared that his feelings for Yu will complicates matters.
Meanwhile, Phayu has promised to tell him a secret before they get together. I mean, you all know by now what the secret is lmao
Later that day, they're at the pub again. Hin is tipsy and drags Phayu outside towards a secluded smoking area where he proceeds to kiss him silly. Things are about to heat up until they're robbed by four thugs. Out of concern for Hin, Phayu is about to give in and hand over his phone and wallet, but Hin won't have any of it. Just as Pleng and Phrai arrive to help, Hin proceeds to absolutely destroy the thugs with some masterful Muay Thai moves. Phayu is shocked. Pleng just randomly comments on Hin's moves (Muay Thai moves all have names and Pleng calls them out as Hin delivers them). Apparently, he learned it all at grandma’s boxing camp and he’s especially fierce when he’s drunk. Phayu is now both scared and horny.
Uhm. When they’re both alone, Phayu alludes to a dark secret in Phrai’s life that concerns his stepfather. Phrai is scared that Pleng will be disgusted with him and hates him once he finds out. Ugh, please don’t be SA.
Oh. Seems like Ae will end up with Khao Mak (Phayu calls him Khao Ma – ma in this case means dog lmao), the older brother of one of Hin’s friends who’s (you guessed it) flirting with Hin too. Mystery solved. Every guy is now paired up.
Yuji and Phayu are really good friends. Apparently, he knows all about who Phayu is and how he knows Hin. He’s super supportive and sweet. I’m kind of sad now we didn’t see him in Chains of Heart.
Not only is Hin an expert Muay Thai fighter when he’s drunk, he’s also kind of kinky. Once they get home (and after a shower together) he handcuffs Phayu to his bed (he’d agreed to sleep over beforehand and Phayu agreed not to go too far... and yes, Phayu owns handcuffs) and promptly falls asleep. It takes a while for him to piece things together when he wakes up the following morning but it’s okay since that means he can sink his face into Phayu’s chest.
During exam time, Hin is approached by a Psychology student named Davin who openly confesses that he likes Hin. Hin is disinterested so he doesn’t even tell him not to bother. Unfortunately for him, Phayu witnesses the whole thing. He’s jealous and wants to know why Hin doesn’t just outright say that he’s seeing someone. At this point they’re not officially together yet so Hin replies that he hasn’t even considered it. Davin doesn’t give up and wants to visit the massage parlour where Hin works. Phayu demands that Hin quit. They argue and Phayu leaves, then ghosts him for two weeks, during which Hin is pretty much crying non-stop. It’s the end of the semester now and he’s already booked a coach ride back home to Uttaradit with Pleng. During the drive, he pretty much cries himself to sleep, but when he wakes up it’s Phayu beside him and no longer Pleng. They reconcile and confess their love to each other. Turns out EVERYONE has made the trip to Uttaradit – including Ken. This is how Ken and Din will meet.
With the heartbreak out of the way, Hin asks Phayu to sleep with him.
There’s a flashback to a few weeks prior when Ken, Yuji and Ae talked Phayu into ghosting Hin so he’d realise his feelings for Phayu. Ken, I’m shocked.
When Phayu calls his father to ask him to stay over at his grandmother’s house in Uttaradit, he’s super understanding and even encourages his son to pursue Hin. Turns out he’d been avoiding the place because it reminded him of his twin Yu, and ever since then he’s done everything to live his mother’s and Yu’s dreams instead of his own (apparently studying engineering wasn’t his choice, either – he’s far more into art than science). Yu is still in a coma at this point and Phayu’s dad basically tells him to be his own person and forgive himself for letting Yu go.
Turns out that Phayu’s family is really, really ridiculously rich.
Now for the 18+ scene. There’s a lot of prep. People who like prep in their spicy scenes – this is probably your holy grail. Phayu is incredibly gentle and patient, just teaching Hin all the steps one by one. But Hin never hesitates, he wants this as much as Phayu does. I think this scene would be incredibly strong if I didn’t read a wonky auto-translate version.
They also have the bestest friends ever. They are staying at the same house (it’s a villa) and while Phayu and Hin were busy, they bought all the snacks, food and aftercare products imaginable. It’s really sweet and no one is judging. I love these guys. Now wonder they show up in every series. I WANT them to show up in every series. Friendship is love.
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