#sodomizer my beloved
w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 4 months
Sodo (muse)
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Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Gender: genderless (uses he/him pronouns and masculine identifiers)
Species: Ghoul
Sodomizer, nicknamed Sodo, is a demon-like monster who was summoned into being decades ago with a cast of others to serve as a servant for an organization that called itself The Clergy. Some time after being summoned ritualistically, Sodo was brought into The Clergy's newest idea, something known as The Ghost Project with the goal to take down churches, recruit powerful individuals, infiltrate in the highest positions of society, and spread the message of Satan. This project however has been fairly unsuccessful so the leaders of the church decided to take on a new idea to spread their word: a metal band. He took up the position as a guitarist, always obscuring his face when performing. Though significantly smaller than the other ghouls, at first he was very showy and provocative, living up to the name he’d been given. In return for his and the other ghouls’ servitude, they’re allowed to eat the current frontman of the band when it comes to be the time to switch over the figurehead of The Clergy, live on stage in front of an audience at a concert.
Sodo is one of the most active ghouls in the group, interacting with the others and the general public often. He likes attention and does everything to make the others look at him and record him during concerts that The Clergy call rituals. He loves to annoy the other ghouls by upstaging them and behaving provocatively, often licking and simulating sex with the other male presenting ghouls. Despite this however, he’s incredibly respectful to the female presenting ghouls, giving them flowers that are thrown onto the stage, respecting their personal space, and making sure all eyes are on them during their solos. He and the other ghouls while not traveling to hold rituals across the world are tasked with up keeping the headquarters of The Clergy, a massive cathedral and mausoleum containing the entire bloodline of the family who founded the organization centuries ago, at least the ones that the ghouls haven’t been allowed to feast upon.
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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Sleepy ghoul lineup, part 1. Feat. Swiss, Aether, and Dewdrop!
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sageofthestarz · 1 year
Dew beats himself up for still wanting to be his emotional and affectionate water ghoul self. “Fire ghouls are stoic and strong, show no weakness.”
He feels like he’s failing at being a fire ghoul every time he lets his emotions get to him even though he genuinely craves more affection.
Him bottling everything up is what causes a lot of his anger outbursts, he doesn't know how to control his emotions anymore. Everything is different, and too much, and he's in constant pain for months during the healing process. Everything is too new and too much at once.
He’s aware he’s an asshole to a lot of people, and not just the sarcastic asshole when he's playing around, the true insults and fights.
It's a defense mechanism he can't help but do. He doesn’t want to be, and feels guilty about it after, he has a very hard time regulating his emotions and he's trying very hard to get better with it.
Since the ritual he hasn’t been able to express his emotions without feeling like he’s doing badly so it’s a constant cycle of bottling up everything and having outbursts that he then beats himself up over later. Because of that he feels like he doesn’t really deserve the kindness the others give him.
He tries to push them away and distance himself but always ends up going back. His pack is there for him, loves him. Tries their best to understand him.
They love him dearly so even with all his outbursts, and issues. They stay and care for him. Help in any way they can.
Aether helps with pain management in the first few months especially. When Dews too weak, too fragile a state to do much on his own.
Rain and him became friends unexpectedly. Aether bringing him in to see if his water could help quench the burning flames of Dews skin, it works.
They end up spending a lot of time together, they talk when Dew can manage, learning everything they can about each other during their sessions.
It goes from doctors ordered forced hangouts to Rain spending nights with him, bringing his laptop to the infirmary and they spend countless nights watching movies, TV, Dew watches Rain play games sometimes even.
Once Dew is healed enough to want physical touch, affection, love, Rains there. Surprised the first time Dew leans against him, head rested on his shoulder, but he's so happy and pleased.
They spend the night watching a TV marathon of some show with an obnoxious amount of seasons and episodes, Dew falling asleep halfway through cuddled up into Rains chest. How he got there Rain isn't sure- but he's more then pleased.
They wake the next morning tangled in each other's arms, Dew whining when Rain tries to untangle them, not wanting Dew to be uncomfortable. Thinking maybe he didn't actually want this.
Dew only cracks his eyes open and weakly pulls Rain back towards him, nuzzling into his chest with a small "stay..?" from his lips
Who's Rain to say no to that.
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the urge to make headcanons for nihils earth ghoul... i love him so much..........
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eikichi-supremacy · 5 months
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overheardghouls · 2 years
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i want to hold both of them in my hands gently like fragile antiques
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lemon-leviathan · 1 year
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Ghost BC Confession 2: I’m Very Tempted To Cover My Truck In Jesus Related Stickers So People Think A Christian Is Driving It, And Hide This Father Jim Sticker Amongst Them.
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corvusunnx · 1 year
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it looks like they're holding hands
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dr-lizortecho · 8 months
okay, so this is getting soooo long and I’m realizing that just addressing verses used against queerness creates an impression of weak scriptural legs- because it appears as hedging around the intentions of the passages to prop up sinful lusts/desires, meaning I have to make it even longer by grabbing out and weighing scriptural evidence in support of queerness which is a decidedly more difficult task
because there isn’t an inherent strength in “the Holy Spirit imparted to me that God loves me and thinks it’s chill if I snog a woman”
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saruman-the-silly · 1 year
Heyo just dropping in to ask, who do ya'll wanna see me write for? (posting another poll for the papas)
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bloodycopia · 11 months
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Sodomizer ghoul my beloved ;3
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angrybell · 7 months
An Israeli author was supposed to appear and give a talk about her books at the Pushkin House, part of the University of London. It was due to occur on . With the date approaching the people at Pushkin House sent the following to Ms. Rubina.
Good afternoon, Dina
The Pushkin House advertised our upcoming discussion on social media and immediately received critical messages regarding your position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. They would like to understand your position on this issue before reacting in any way.
Could you formulate your position and send it to me as soon as possible?”
Natalia! “
Ms. Rubina responded with the following open letter.
from Dina Rubina
“Dear Natalia!
You have written beautifully about my novels; I am very sorry for the time you have wasted. But it seems we’ll have to cancel our meeting. The University of Warsaw and the University of Torun have just cancelled lectures by the remarkable Israeli Russian-speaking writer Yakov Shechter on the life of Jews in Galicia in the 17th and 19th centuries – “to avoid aggravating the situation”. I suspected that this would also happen to me, because now the academic environment is the main nursery of the most disgusting and rabid anti-Semitism, hiding behind the so-called “criticism of Israel”. I was expecting something like this, and even sat down three times to write you a letter on the subject… but I decided to wait, and so I have waited.
That’s what I want to say to all those who expect from me a quick and obsequious account of my position on my beloved country, which now (and always) lives in a circle of ardent enemies who seek its destruction; on my country, which is now waging a just patriotic war against a violent, ruthless, deceitful and sophisticated enemy:
The last time in my life I apologised in the headmaster’s office, in the ninth grade. Since then, I have done what I think is right, listening only to my conscience and expressing only my understanding of the world order and human laws of justice.
And so on.
I’m really sorry, Natalia, for your efforts and the hope that you could “cook something with me” – something that everyone will like.
Therefore, I ask you personally to send my reply to all those who are interested:
On Saturday 7 October, the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, the ruthless, well-trained, carefully prepared and perfectly equipped with Iranian weapons Hamas terrorist regime ruling the Gaza enclave (which Israel left some 20 years ago) attacked dozens of peaceful kibbutzim and simultaneously pelted the territory of my country with tens of thousands of rockets. Atrocities that even the Bible cannot describe, atrocities and horrors that make the crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah pale in comparison (captured, by the way, by the frontal and chest cameras of the murderers themselves and boastfully sent by them in real time to the Internet), can shock any normal person. For several hours, thousands of gleeful, blood-drunk animals raped women, children and men, shot their victims in the crotch and in the head, cut off women’s breasts and played football with them, cut babies out of the bellies of pregnant women and immediately beheaded them, tied up small children and burned them. There were so many charred and completely burnt bodies that for many weeks the pathologists could not cope with the enormous burden of identifying individuals.
My friend, who worked in a New York hospital waiting room for 20 years and then spent another 15 years in Israel identifying remains, was one of the first to arrive in the burned and blood-soaked kibbutzim with a group of rescuers and medics… She still can’t sleep. A medic used to cutting up bodies – she fainted from what she saw and then vomited all the way back to the car. What these people have seen is beyond words.
Together with the Hamas fighters, the “civilian population” rushed into the holes in the fence, joined the pogroms on an unprecedented scale, robbed, killed and dragged whatever they could get their hands on into Gaza. Among these “peaceful Palestinians” were 450 members of the UN’s UNRWA scum. Everyone was there, and judging by the stormy total joy of the population (also captured in these inconvenient times by hundreds of mobile cameras) – there were a lot of people – Hamas supports and approves, at least before the real fighting starts, of almost the entire population of Gaza… The main problem: our residents were dragged into the beast’s lair, more than two hundred of them, including women, children, the elderly and non-essential foreign workers. About a hundred of them are now rotting and dying in the Hamas dungeons. Needless to say, these harassed victims are of little concern to the “academic community”.
But that’s not what I’m talking about. I am not writing this to make anyone sympathise with the tragedy of my people.
For all these years, when the world community has literally poured hundreds of millions of dollars into this piece of land (the Gaza Strip) – and the annual budget of the UNRWA organisation alone is a BILLION dollars! – All these years, Hamas has used this money to build an empire of the most complex underground tunnel system, to stockpile weapons, to teach primary school children how to dismantle and reassemble a Kalashnikov assault rifle, to print textbooks in which the hatred of Israel defies description, in which even the maths problems go like this: “There were ten Jews, Shahid killed four, how many are left?” – with every word calling for the murder of Jews.
And now that Israel, shocked at last by the monstrous crime of these bastards, is waging a war to destroy the Hamas terrorists, who have prepared this war so carefully, planting thousands of shells in all the hospitals, schools, kindergartens… – here the academic world of the whole world has risen up, worried about the “genocide of the Palestinian people”, based, of course, on data provided by… who? That’s right, by the same Hamas, by the same UNRWA… The academic community, which was not concerned about the massacres in Syria, the massacre in Somalia, the mockery of the Uighurs or the millions of Kurds persecuted for decades by the Turkish regime – this very concerned public, wearing “Arafat” around their necks, the trademark of the murderers, rallies under the banners “Free Palestine from the river to the sea! – which means the total destruction of Israel (yes, many of these “academics”, as surveys show, have no idea where this river is, what it is called, where some borders are…). – Now this very public asks me to “take a clear position on this issue”.
Are you serious?! Are you serious?!!
You see, I’m a writer by profession. All my life, for more than fifty years, I have been folding words. My novels have been translated into 40 languages, including Albanian, Turkish, Chinese, Esperanto… and many others.
Now, with great pleasure, without using too many expressions, I sincerely and with all the strength of my soul send all the brainless “intellectuals” interested in my position to the ASS. In fact, very soon you will all be there without me”.
Dina Rubina
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sageofthestarz · 1 year
That clip of Dews leg giving out during Year Zero is heavily making me want to write Rain taking care of Dew after the show
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eresia-catara · 12 days
Okay let's consider this sonnet once more
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Guido is listing a bunch of beautiful and pleasant things in the first eight lines, then in the last six he says that all of them are surpassed by his beloved who's even more beautiful to the point that in comparison they all look like vile things.
Now. Let's go straight to the point with line 6
"and white snow falling without wind"
this image is used by Dante in Inferno XIV, 30
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"Above the sand, with a slow fall,/ were raining large firey rocks,/ like snow on mountains with no wind."
We're in the company of the violent against God (blashphemous), Nature (sodomites) and Art (usurers). The rain of fire falls on top of everyone, but each has to do diffferent things. Sodomites, in particular, have to run costantly and if they stop they have to spend 100 years lying down under the rain without being able to shield themselves with their body.
The fire of course references the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, however Dante decides to add this new detail, this fact that the fire falls slowly...like snow without wind. It is a clear reference to this sonnet and even the footnotes in the book say so. You already see my premise: Dante had Guido in mind when he wrote about these sinners.
If we consider the image, however, the most obvious difference we can point out is that while Guido is talking of actual snow, Dante is talking about fire; and also while Guido is listing pleasant, beautiful things, Dante is describing anguish and bodies uglied by burn scars (let's remember he then describes Brunetto Latini's face as "abbrusciato", "burnt up", "roasted" lmao). It is a quote and a full reversal of it at the same time.
Now, this gets very interesting as soon as we realize the whole sonnet is reversed.
Let's start from the ambience. While Guido mentions serene skies at dawn, we know full well that Hell is dark and it surely isn't serene. While Guido talks about a nice river, Dante says there's a river of blood, the Phlegethon. While Guido talks about a field full of colourful flowers, Dante says that there's a desert, the only vegetation is the surrounding wood made of the souls of those who killed themselves (which is where he and Virgil are walking so as not to get burnt, and it's also where the canto begins), so it's a grotesque, twisted kind of nature. Guido talks about the song of birds, Dante talks about the laments of the damned but we can also mention the harpies in the woods that lacerate the trees/souls and that he must be hearing too.
Now the people. Guido talks the beauty of a woman and her wisdom, Dante describes ugly bodies and talks with the blasphemous who despise God due to their pride that makes them averse to the truth (so the opposite of wisdom). Guido writes "gold, silver, lazuli", Dante throws usurers in the circle. Guido writes about armed knights who are courteous, Dante throws amongst the sodomites people of high prestige and respect (politicians, knights, intellectuals, clergy). Also who are sodomites if not those who turned to sin the act of "reasoning of love" that Guido mentions?
Amongst the sodomites, Dante says in canto XV, there are mostly writers and members of the clergy, so we essentially have intellectuals, cultured people, towards whom Dante shows pity and reverence (he addresses them with formal you aka voi and even expresses the desire to hug them, if it weren't for the fire). But there's a dichotomy of morals: character-Dante shows pity, God's justice shows disapproval, so we could say those who in life were highly esteemed for their intellect are now shown for their vileness like....like the list of pleasant things that compared to Guido's beloved become vile. And yet Dante still doesn't have it in him to condemn them. God did, he did not. We already know that when Dante shows pity towards a soul's sin it's because he felt guilty too, remember? But again, God said: they operated violence against nature thus nature is sterile and twisted, they were noble now they are vile. They had "wisdom/ as much as the sky is greater than the earth" (Guido, lines 12-13)? Now they are buried in the earth.
Also another similarity that I found, though it's a little less solid, is the last line in the sonnet that goes "from such a creature no virtue ever stays away" where 'to stay away' is expressed through a word that literally means 'delay'. And delay is exactly what sodomites cannot do, they have to keep running even when they talk to Dante. When Brunetto Latini leaves Dante after they talk, he runs away and is described like a runner who's winning the race, his virtues are being displayed but because he's forced to do so, which feels like an ironic and bitter parody.
Dante constructed this circle of Hell as the exact opposite of this sonnet, by which on the one hand he distanced himself from its contents (through the point of view of God), on the other he welcomed them once more (through character-Dante). From this we can hypothesize that maybe Guido's sonnet actually talked about a man à la shepherd(ess) poem, making Dante see it fit to reference in this circle, or that Dante chose to reverse this sonnet simply because it was Guido's and Guido maybe (probably) was involved in sodomy, or that they were involved with each other and Dante is the addressee of the sonnet, or maybe I'm just seeing things and none of this was coherent! Who knows.
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copiasbabydaddy · 6 months
This is a reminder to use Dew/Dewdrop or Sodo/Sodomizer as you please and even interchangeably if you’d like. If you disagree, go ahead and unfollow/block me.
Disregard all of that. Following a series of events that happened after this post was made, I will no longer be associating a certain dickhead (derogatory) with my beloved dickhead (affectionate) ghoul.
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aziraphalesdiaries · 8 months
31 st. January 2024
Dear diary.
It has been a while now, since I departed to Heaven.
Since I left earth.
Since I left my bookshop.
Since I... left Crowley.
Crowley... He was so angry, when I offered him to come with me to Heaven. To be an angel again. To be my second in command. I was confused first, wondering, what was wrong with him. Why wasn't he happy? But I was confused by the entire situation. His words.. they didn't make any sense.
He ... confessed that we'd been a team for at least 6000 years, denying that we are. Then, he brought up the idea of running away again. But this time, he seemed so... desperate. He seid, that we 'could have been...us'.
Before I could get any of my thoughts together, he stepped towards me, grabbed me by the coat and ... kissed me.
Good heavens, I can't describe the feeling, can't describe what happened to me.
All these years of disguise, of performing a charade ... a charade of not liking that nasty, courageous and caring, brave, sneaky, charming, dashing, daring bastard... all this collapsed over me like a gigantic house of cards.
I didn't even have the chance to sort out the pieces, when he suddenly pulled away. His eyes, these wonderful yellow eyes, glared at me, awaiting what I had to say. And me? I stuttered, stumbled over my tongue and could onlz think of the sentence, I always said after we had a fight. The sentence that always made everything well again.
'I forgive you!'
Not this time.
I could see his eyes shadow, something broke within them.
'Don't bother!'
He went pale, turned on a heel and stormed out of the bookshop.
I stood there like back in Jericho again, when the walls came tumbling down. Or those poor humans of Sodom who were turned into pillars of salt.
My trembling hand touched my mouth... where his sweet lips had been moments ago. It already felt like eternity.
Before I could calm my thoughts and blink away my tears, The Metatron entered and urged me to leave.
It must have been a reflex. An escape reflex.
The next thing I remembered, was crossing the street at The Metatron's side, stepping towards the lift. Where he told me, what the ineffable plan really was.
The Second Coming.
All colour drained from my face. They're trying it again. And this time, it was, as Crowley had said 'The Big Thing'.
I was wrong.
He was right.
He'd been right all along.
I turned to my bookshop, where Muriel was about to close the door. But my eyes were on Crowley. My dear Crowley, as he stood next to the Bentley, waiting for me to turn away and run to him.
I could feel my heart breaking.
Because I didn't.
I had been tricked.
But if I wanted to save Humankind, if I wanted to save Crowley, my dear beloved Crowley, I had to go to Heaven. I had to be in charge and make a difference. It was the only way.
Heaven would never change.
So it had to be stopped from the inside.
I need some time to get used to my new title. Supreme Archangel Aziraphale is way too complicated, but Heaven insisted on that. So I go along with it as long as I can.
The first days and weeks were just a blurr, since there were so many things to be done. Michael and Uriel hadn't been very helpful. The Metatron kept a very close eye on me, but since I hadn't brought Crowley, his suspicion faded day by day.
I tried to feel at home, at least a bit, but every day without earth, the streets of London, Nina and Maggie and food and coffee and my 4 o' clock tea and - all over that- Crowley, was just bitter and empty. It drained all laughter from my face, made it a cold and stony mask.
I start to understand Gabriel, why he was, like he was. I even feel pity for him.
So I spend my days existing, listening to the orders given from above and give them to others
But today I miracled a small book, a pen and I allowed myself some time to process all those things that happened.
I have to be very cautious, listing all that happens up here in Heaven so that dear Crowley will know properly to make the right preparations.
Because I won't let them down.
Not after I gave away my flaming sword .
I won't let him down. Not again.
Sincerely yours
A. Z. Fell
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