#softest leader
zarla-s · 12 days
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One advantage to having a superstar sports celebrity boyfriend is having some merch to keep you company while you're long distance.
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hueningkai · 10 months
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TXTGOTCHI SERIES: 5/5 Happy birthday Soobin! #ToEternityWithSoobin (Please view full-size! cr: x, x, x)
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ryllen · 2 years
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they caught u cheating with all of them event  |  [x]
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gothsuguru · 7 months
suguru at the end of the day is a sexy dramatic loser like that’s his charm
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 (𝐈𝐈)
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader
Summary: After you reveal the truth of what your relationship really was between you and Miguel, everyone's keen on learning more. So what better way to give a little more insight than a dinner at your shared home?
Warnings: None~ Just back again with silly shenanigans and the softest of fluff :3
A/N: Hello, everyone! After the first part of 'What's In Between' blew up (you can read it here, thank you so much by the way, you're all so sweet), many people have asked for a part two, so here it is! Enjoy <3
The moment you break the news to them, the volume of the table booms to a fever pitch as everyone begins talking at the same time.
“Married? No way,” Hobie says.
“How long have you been together?” Pavitr asks.
“I can’t say I saw this coming…” Miles says, eyes widening in surprise.
Miguel had been watching you the moment you snuck up on the group, but with the newfound panic from everyone he couldn’t help but make his way over to the commotion.
“You’re all being loud, what are you yelling about now?” Miguel asks, walking over and standing by your side.
“You never asked,” he blinks, “and also, it’s none of your business.”
“Miguel, as your best friend I am deeply offended that you haven’t told me after this long, does our friendship mean nothing to you?” Peter says, hand on his chest in pretend hurt.
“You are not my best friend,” Miguel deadpans.
“After I opened up to you no less, I mean, you were the first person I told about Mayday! All the details-” he continues, ignoring the comment.
“Not by choice,” he mutters.
“Does no one know about this?? At all???” Pavitr asks, “I mean, you two are married.”
“I mean, Jess knows about it,” you gesture, and she only grins.
“And now all of you do too,” Miguel sighs. “Vida mía, I thought we talked about this,” he admonishes.
“Oh, c’mon, it was cute how they were all trying to figure it out for so long. I was starting to feel bad,” you say, smoothing your hair back. He only stares at you for a moment before sighing.
“Fine,” he relents, “Can’t do anything about it now anyway.” He smiles softly at you, and the group watches in awe as their cold leader softens in your presence, but his gaze quickly grows dark as he turns back to the group.
“One word of this to anyone outside of this group,” he says with a pointed finger before trailing off, allowing everyone to fill in the blanks as to what he might do.
Everyone’s faces pale like a sheet at the unnamed threat (well, except for Hobie, he only watches with blatant amusement on his face), but you only laugh.
“Miguel, don’t threaten the kids,” you giggle. “Don’t worry, he’s all bark and no bite,” you whisper to them with a wink.
“Hey, that’s what I say!” Peter says.
“You are his best friend after all,” you grin.
“I have never said those words a day in my life,” he scoffs, but you ignore him, eyes lighting up with an idea.
“Oh! I have a lovely idea, how about you all swing by our place for dinner later? We never have guests,” you suggest.
Gwen gasps, “Really?”
“This…maybe doesn’t seem like the best idea,” Miles says as he shrinks down in his seat at Miguel’s glare towards you.
“I have plans tonight…though I don’t think they’d mind if I cancel,” Hobie says nonchalantly, but everyone knew there was no way in hell he’d miss something like this.
“What am I, cat litter?” Jess asks. She was the only person to have been at your shared home, having joined around the same time as you, and being one of the few people Miguel fully trusts.
“You know it's not like that, Jess,” you turn to her with a grin.
“Absolutely not, it's already a liability that they know querida, now you want them traipsing into our home?” Miguel argues, and you narrow your eyes at him, never one to back down from a fight. While it got on his nerves, it's what he loved about you too. He needed someone that wouldn’t take his shit.
“Miguel,” you say, giving him a look. “All our enemies are literally in alternate universes who, aside from those small tears, have no way to go cross-dimensional, let alone find us in the expanse of a universe. Besides, I think it would be nice,” you say, and Mayday seems to agree since she climbs right up into your arms, babbling happily.
“And don’t think I don’t know you have a soft spot for this lil ragtag team,” you smile, bouncing up and down as Mayday laughs.
He huffs, “I am anything but soft, especially for them. They never listen, don’t follow protocol, are immature, and the list goes on.”
“He’s lying,” you whisper, covering your mouth from his direction as though that would stop him from happening. Mayday grabs your hand though, playing with your fingers happily. “See how his ears are turning red?”
At that, his ears turn more red and the group tries to stifle their snickers to no avail.
“Querida,” he warns. “Do you feel the need to share anything else about me? Or have you had enough,” he asks, poking your shoulder. You place a hand on his bicep with a gentle smile, and his expression softens much to his dismay.
“Honey, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you grin. “Alright, it’s settled then! You’re all coming over tonight.”
You hummed softly to yourself as you moved around the kitchen, preparing the food for dinnertime when everyone would be coming over.
Then, you feel the hair rise on the back of your neck as a familiar presence makes himself known, strong arms wrapping around your waist as his head rests on top of yours.
“Vida mía, the food smells good,” he says softly before sighing. “But I’m not very happy with you today.”
You let out a sigh of your own as you turn off the stove before turning around in his arms to face him.
“Miguel, my love,” you say, smoothing out the collar of the pullover he wore before looking up at him. “I know you well, don’t I?”
“More than anyone,” he says, the corner of his mouth lifting the tiniest amount as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Then it’s safe to assume that you’ve been wanting to hang out with more people in the Society apart from work-related things?” you ask, placing your hand on his chest.
“I can’t afford anything like that in this line of work, you know that querida,” he sighs, that familiar hardened look in his eyes for a moment.
“Miguel, your only friends can’t be me, Lyla and Jess,” you pout.
“Vida mía, you are my wife,” he says.
“Yes, and it's miracle enough that I was able to grow close enough to you to get to that point,” you chuckle, “so my existence in your life is proof itself that you are capable of growing close to people. I’ve seen you, I think you’re ready and deep down I know you don’t always want to be perceived as the cold and unfeeling leader of the Society. Why not start with them?”
“That’s not a decision for you to make,” he says, glancing away from you.
“I know, and I’m sorry,” you apologize, feeling a bit guilty that you threw Miguel into this without warning. “I should have spoken to you about it first but who knows. Maybe this is a good thing, opening your heart a little more,” you explain. “Don’t think I realize you’re the hardest on them because you believe in them,” you smile.
He huffs before pausing to think for a moment. “Sometimes I wonder when you snuck your little way into my head, querida.”
“Admit it, you’re growing soft,” you giggle softly.
“Never,” he counters, tickling your side which makes you scrunch up your face as you laugh breathlessly.
“OKAY! Okay, you’re one soft fluffy teddy bear, happy?” you say which only makes him continue with even more fervour.
“That is the most ridiculous thing I think I have ever heard you say, querida,” he snorts but finally relents.
“Yeah….I can’t even say that with a serious face,” you chuckle. “But you do have your moments, tough guy,” you smile, leaning up on your tippy toes to press a kiss to his lips.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever,” he rolls his eyes. That’s when the doorbell rings, and immediately your eyes light up.
“Oh! They’re here!!” you say excitedly, escaping from his grasp as you move to open up the door.
“Here we go,” he murmurs to himself, and you turn to face him.
“What was that?” you ask.
“Nothing, vida mía,” he replies, and you narrow your eyes in disbelief.
“Behave, Miguel,” you tell him.
“Wouldn’t dream of anything else,” he replies, and you grin before opening up the front door.
There, you find Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, Peter (alongside Mayday of course), Hobie and Jess all standing outside, chatting amongst themselves before turning to you.
Miles almost looks like he’s in disbelief like he couldn’t really believe this was your home quite yet.
“Hi!” Gwen starts.
“Took you lot long enough,” Hobie says. “Was starting to think we'd have to build a fire and cook it ourselves.” Gwen punches his shoulder, to which he lets out a little “Ow!”
“Sorry about him,” Gwen apologizes.
You just find yourself laughing at it all though.
“No apologies needed, we were a little preoccupied. Come on in, make yourself at home,” you say, opening the door a little wider for them to make their way through.
“Not too at home though,” you hear Miguel say, leaning into the foyer from the living room, arms crossed over his chest.
“Ignore him,” you say, giving him a pointed look to which he just stares at you blankly. “Dinner will be ready soon, I just have to set the table and we can eat, alright?”
“It smells delicious,” Pavitr says, “I’m starving.”
Mayday seems to agree as she crawls up from the baby carrier onto Peter’s head, making grabby hands from the top.
“Someone’s hungry,” Peter chuckles. “Got anything she can eat?”
“I have a few things, don’t worry,” you smile.
“It really does smell really good though, but it always does,” Jess adds.
“It’s nothing special,” you say sheepishly. “Just some of Miguel’s favourites.”
You guide them all into the living room. “Settle in! I’ll be done in a snap,” you say.
As you make your way back to the kitchen (with Jess joining you to help out), back in the living room the squad of spiders settle in almost hesitantly, a watchful eye monitoring all of their reactions.
No one dares say anything, only sitting around nervously.
“So…nice weather we’re having,” Peter says, trying to lighten the mood but even Mayday gives him a deadpanned expression.
Miguel sighs. “You’re all acting like there’s a ticking time bomb waiting for you to speak before setting off,” he says, still leaning up against the doorway.
“We don’t know, mate. Is there?” Hobie jokes, but Miles’ face drops anyway.
“There isn’t, for the record. I can be harsh but I’m not evil,” Miguel scoffs before making eye contact with Pavitr who looks like he wanted to ask something but was holding back.
“One question,” he says simply with a nod.
“How long have you two been together?”
“…a little over 4 years now,” he replies.
“How did you meet?” Gwen asks.
“I said one question,” he says before your voice cuts in.
“My universe was one of the first he visited! He hated me back then, though,” you laugh as you walk back in. “Speaking of which!! I have some things you might all want to see after dinner,” you grin mischievously.
“I thought you said I was the one that had to behave, mi corazón,” Miguel says, a warning tone in his voice.
“And I am, aren’t I?” you say, poking his side playfully. “Anyway, dinner’s ready,” you say, leading them to the dining room. “I know it's not much but-”
“How in the hell is this not much??” Hobie exclaims, and you just shrug. “You should see dinner with my family, then you will think that it’s not much,” you say with a chuckle.
On the table sat a wide expanse of food, all of Miguel’s favourites from Mexico. Empanadas as the appetizer, alongside pozole, ceviche, enchiladas, and chicken with mole poblano all served with a side of rice, beans, or homemade corn tortillas depending on each person’s preference.
You can see Miguel’s eyes visibly brighten as he looks at the food, settling in at the head of the table with you by his side.
“Come eat!” As you say that, everyone sits down before beginning to eat, everyone heading straight to what appealed to them the most.
“This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted,” Miles says, eyes closed in bliss.
“Oye, don’t let your Mother hear that, kid,” Miguel says, but the corner of his lip was upturned in the tiniest of smiles. The most he would allow himself around this many people.
“Thank you, Miles,” you smile.
“This, uhh, how do you say it again? Poh-zuhl?” Gwen asks, and you laugh out loud as she turns pink, meanwhile both Miguel and Miles cringe slightly.
“I’m sorry for laughing, sweetheart. You’re almost there; it’s pronounced like ‘poh-zoh-lay’,” you say kindly.
“Ohh, okay gotcha. Pozole. It’s really good! Feels…comforting, almost,” she says.
“Yes,” you say, glancing at your husband with a soft smile, “it’s Miguel’s favourite. Says it ‘tastes like home’.” A chorus of ‘awws’ go around the table, while Miguel only holds the bridge of his nose with a sigh.
“Alright, alright. Enough with the cheesy stuff, let’s get back to eating, yeah?” Hobie says before shoving his fork back into his mouth.
Once dinner was finished (and after both Miles and Gwen insisted that they did the dishes despite much argument from you), everyone was settled again in the living room laughing and talking together, and while Miguel only said a few things here and there and sat by your side like a lost puppy, he did seem to be enjoying himself.
“Alright! Now, before everyone goes back home, I have one more thing I’d like to show you,” you say once it quiets down a bit. Standing up, you make your way over to a large bookshelf you and Miguel had built together when you first moved in together.
“I’ve gotten tired of having only myself to show these photos to, so this is the perfect opportunity,” you smile.
“Querida-” Miguel says, holding out a hand to block your way but you look at him with pleading eyes, and he can’t do anything but relent. He couldn’t say no when you looked at him like that.
With a triumphant ‘haha!’ you grab a photo album labelled with a date and a single word; ‘Ours’.
Everyone crowds around as you place it down on the coffee table, and you open it up to the first page.
Gwen is the one that gasps first, eyes wide with awe.
“You both look so beautiful,” she says softly.
There, front and centre was a photo of you and Miguel on your wedding day. You were smiling wide at the camera, a bouquet of your favourite flowers in hand while Miguel only looked at you with an expression so in awe it was as though you painted the stars in the sky.
“You clean up nicely, big man,” Hobie comments, and Pavitr nods.
“Weddings, my favourite,” Jess says, a fond expression on her face as she thinks back to her own husband.
“I had a bird fly into my face at my wedding…but they are nice,” Peter says, rocking Mayday gently as she naps away after the hearty dinner even despite the commotion.
You continue to flip through the photobook, pausing periodically for a little anecdote about each one. Miguel had long stood up to make room for everyone else, but he looked at you in the same way he did on your wedding day.
Like you were the light of his life, the one good thing he had amongst the millions of universes parallel to his own. Like you were his everything.
“Admit it, you like them,” you smile, the house finally quiet after everyone headed home. He only rolls his eyes before pulling you into his lap, his face going into the crook of your neck as he holds you close.
“There is a big difference between ‘liking’ and ‘tolerating’, sweetheart,” he says, rubbing circles into your hip soothingly.
“Yeah, yeah, tough guy. Whatever you say,” you reply, wrapping your arms around his neck and settling into his touch with a happy sigh.
You both sit there for a moment in silence, the two of you weren’t ones to fill silence with mindless chatter. If words needn’t be said then they weren’t.
“That was…nice, though,” he admits softly after a little while.
“I know,” you whisper.
“That won’t happen again for a long while though,” he says, pulling away to look at you, crimson eyes pleading with you wordlessly.
You can’t do anything but laugh.
Taglist (for those who requested a part two): @lotustv @mars-ifuknowmeirlplsgoaway @elliewilliamsactualgf @randomhumans-blog @iluvkonig @phillygraves @gothgirlziez
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fishnapple · 2 months
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(can also apply to long-term committed partner)
In this reading, we will find out about the person you will marry or commit long-term to, their personality, physical traits (note at the end of the reading), and how those will affect the marriage or the commitment.
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Your feedback is much appreciated. If you find the reading resonated with you, leave a comment, I’d love to know 🎐
About me | Masterpost
Book a reading with me - KO-FI (→ personal reading)
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At first glance, this person seems so intense and even aggressive. The way they deal with the world is not light-hearted and easy, their energy is heavy and serious. But this is not their default mode of being. Some events in the past have altered their perception of themselves and people in general. Could be mockery, betrayal, or competition that dealt a heavy blow to their core.
These events have left them jaded, their trust shattered. They've built walls, convinced that solitude is their only safe haven. These walls will still exist when you're together and even after you're married. It will be a delicate point that you need to touch gently and carefully.
There will be a moment when they are ready to open up to you. Somewhere within their guarded heart, they still hold a flicker of hope. At that moment, they will test you (maybe they will do it subconsciously), they will observe your reaction to their vulnerability and silently expect you to make a promise never to betray them. If you fail to appreciate their effort to open up and react harshly or coldly (by their standards), then they would clam up and build their walls even thicker.
For all their bravery and tough act, you would never have guessed how soft and sensitive they are inside. The moment they've decided that they can trust you, they'll give you their all – mind, body, and soul. Like opening a flood gate, a torrent of devotion held back for so long. If you can notice their walls and wounds early on, make sure to address those before getting into serious commitment with them. Being committed too early can result in hidden issues and resentment later in the marriage. And they probably won't be too eager to rush into anything too serious anyway.
You will like their ambitions and the desire to come out on top. They have a brilliant mind and a decisive nature that can naturally make them a great leader and a reliable person in crisis, this make them pretty popular with people, even when some people find them scary. Of course, that can also make them domineering, wanting to control your life and the marriage. It's one of their ways to feel safe in a relationship, to feel that they have control. Feeling lost is their biggest fear.
They will probably confide in you many secrets, theirs or other's, they're not a gossipy person but if they feel they can trust you enough, they will feel comfortable sharing. Expect many intimate moments, plenty of unplanned trips. Being together in the dark, quietly, talking to each other in a low, soft voice. You will be proud of yourself for being the only person that get to see their softest side, it's a special treatment, really, considering how the rest of the world only gets to see their harder exterior.
Some physical traits: tan skin, dark features, hooded eyes, strong physique, toned, dexterous hands, sharp or raspy voice, looks serious and harsh when not smiling but looks warm and comforting when smiling, sensual, give off the air of sexually experienced (whether true or not), could look older than their age.
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I think one of you will fall in love pretty much early on, maybe even from the moment one person laid their eyes on the other person. But it will be kept hidden for a while.
There's something unconventional about you guys being together. It's unexpected and not what you usually see around you. You or them or both of you might have a vision for the person you will marry and what marriage will look like. But this union will subvert that. It will steer you in the direction that you haven't thought of before, but it will be the right direction. You will even feel a fateful element about this. Something inescapable, the circumstances and your own thoughts. You will be on each other's mind, a constant, simmering presence that refuses to be ignored.
Oddly enough, I don't get much of their personality but more of the marriage itself. Maybe their personality will be shown the most clearly through the relationship with you. It will be like they have the opportunity to be their true self when they are with you. And you guys will mirror each other a lot.
If before, they struggled with self-esteem or staying confident. It could be about the material status or body image issue. Through the marriage, they will overcome those issues gradually and be more confident, maybe the marriage itself will bring a lot of new opportunities to improve their life or they will gain new strength through it. But they are not a passive person who will wait for something to come to improve their life. They will take an active stance, especially in their mindset. They are very self aware, they know their weakness and what they need to improve. They will catch themselves in time when the negative thoughts creep in and will adjust their thinking and take actions to address those thoughts. And they will do the same for you, sometimes it will be tough but you will see and feel clearly how much care and faith they have in you.
They are sexually private, faithful and passionate. This energy will be well hidden, being put on a tight leash that you won't be able to see at the beginning of the relationship. They may even appear pure and innocent, detached. They are very selective of whom they share themselves with. If they haven't met anyone compatible, they would rather stay single and celibate rather than jump in relationship after relationship recklessly.
They will feel like a soulmate to you, someone that you can share your soul with and grow together. This connection, it transcends what you thought love could be, steering you on a path you never dared to dream of, but deep down, know that it's exactly where you're meant to be.
Some physical traits: soft and gentle looking, melancholic, mysterious, quiet but still stands out, beautiful fingers, talk fast, twinkle in the eyes, small and delicate features, lanky or prominent bone structure, pointy bones, unique fashion style, uniformity, looks like a foreigner (even if they are not, they just look different from the people around them), strong legs.
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I don't know if you subscribe to the idea of past lives, but I feel like this person is someone whom you have shared a past with. This person might feel like a whisper from a past life, a familiar soul returning. Or at least, you will feel very familiar with them, they don't seem like a stranger to you, even if you've just met. Union with this person will touch upon many past issues of yours that can be triggering and require lots of patience from both sides. You might not even be aware of those issues until you've been in a relationship with them. Sometimes, relationships with certain people can have the effect of digging up hidden skeletons buried deep inside us, but it can also dig up treasures.
There's something quite hard to reach about this person. They can appear cold and inexpressive at first glance, especially in a more professional environment, the one who is independent and capable of calling the shot. They might hold a position of authority, or simply exude a distant, contemplative aura. It's not coldness, but a quiet intensity, a mind constantly whirring with purpose. Their furrowed brow and focused gaze could be mistaken for aloofness, they look like someone who always has something to worry about, very mentally focused energy.
They are a deep thinker who puts serious thoughts and considerations into everything around them. But you can feel that their way of being like this is not about wanting to dominate anyone, but they genuinely want better things for themselves and the people around them. They're thoughtful and they care about the future, the meaning and impact of their actions, they are the kind that can suddenly quit their high paying job if they feel that the job doesn't serve a meaningful purpose or doesn't align with their values. When you are actually talking with them instead of looking at them from a far or hearing about them through other people, you will find that many of the first impressions about them are quite not true. They are not that cold and detached like they seem to be. Their eagerness to connect, once you've earned their trust, is endearing. They're simply selective about who gets to see their depths.
In the previous sections, I did talk about how they don't want to dominate people, but they will want to take the lead in intimate matters. They're direct and straightforward. Physical intimacy will be at the focal point of your marriage. This is the area that needs lots of compromising and understanding from both parties. Passion can be accompanied by jealousy. Arguments and stress should be replaced by love and protection.
There is a tendency to release pent-up energies,be it mentally or emotionally, through physical actions. This person probably find it easier to show their love and appreciation through direct actions than words and overtly open romantic gestures. Not that they're incapable of romantic gestures, but theirs are more subdued and quiet.
Some physical traits: long, straight legs regardless of their height, broad shoulders or their shoulders look well structured and angular, looking like a professor or someone who does well academically, glasses, unique aura (they could wear something very casual but still stand out), light features, hypnotic stare, sleepy eyes, gives the feeling of being a good parent for their children (as in capable of disciplining and guiding), stern looking
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This person gives of the vibe of someone who is independent, who doesn't need anyone and is rebellious. But it's just a front, an image they project out to hide their deeper needs. I don't know if they will realise this about themselves, but they actually do better when they have someone by their side, a place they can call home, somewhere they can just lie down and relax.
They have a roundabout way of approaching things and people. They are whimsical and a little slow to act. There's a compulsion to mask their true intentions and motives. Maybe it's a playful defense mechanism, a hint of childlike excitement woven into their calculated moves. They might not be even aware of that themselves. There's a desire for fun and excitement, the thrill. They like playing little games, not for toying with your heart or wanting you to suffer to gain a sense of domination or superiority, but like a kid wanting to play with the other kid. They will probably make sure that romance never die out in your marriage. They may tease you from time to time, but it will be tasteful and charming that you can't help but go along with them. They could have some creative hobbies that they might invite you to do together. Expect plenty of handmade gifts and romantic prose, loving letters tucked here and there.
Don't mistake their playful spirit for irresponsibility. They are very hardworking and serious about building a strong, stable foundation. They want to provide and give to their loved ones and they understand what they need to do in order to achieve that. You won't have to worry about them being stingy or overspending, they have a nice balance between saving and spending. They wouldn't hesitate to splurge on something that brings comfort and happiness to you and your family, but their eyes are always set on the long game. This is a partner with vision, with dreams that stretch far into the future.
When they are feeling down or restless, they will suggest you guys go on a trip, to change the scenery. If physically it's not possible, then they will do it mentally. They will want to learn and expand their horizon, and they will take you with them there. It will be quite a sight and especially when you have a warm hand holding yours and a sweet smile melting your heart.
Some physical traits: stocky build, give the impression of sturdiness but not rigid, light eyes or sparkly eyes, eyes that talk, fashionable, alternative style, will act judgmental (playfully) when faced with stuff they deem ugly, colourful stuff, accommodating, fidgety when being in a crowd or public places, alien, could spoke at least one foreign language, smirking.
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You will fall in love with each other fast. At first, it will be a light-hearted connection, being flirty with each other. But then, as time goes on, you both will be able to see that there's a path for you together, and the more you keep thinking about it, the more that path will look promising . Then it will be a natural decision, to be together, to commit to each other.
The union will receive lots of attention. People will admire and watch your relationship closely. There will be blessings, but there will also be intrusive stares that have the potential to bring about unwanted issues from outside. Both of you will have to learn how to be more discerning with people and how to protect the relationship from prying eyes.
This person seems like an extrovert who can befriend people easily, people from many different backgrounds. They would be the kind of person that has many connections with the right people, those of higher ups, those with authority and power, but they can also share a coffee with the musicians they just met on the street and become best friends with them. They are not selective with the people they associate with. There is little to no ulterior motive behind their friendliness. They just like getting to know people's stories, sharing their stories, their more intimate ones, on the other hand, will be kept hidden. If you're someone who is more private and possessive, you could find this friendly trait of theirs a little worrisome. If they are so open and gregarious, would the chances for them to stray are higher? Maybe. This is where you are asked to have faith in them.
They have their own moral compass and ideals that they follow. If fidelity is in their code, they will not stray from it. As long as they see the relationship fitting their ideal, they are contented and have no intention to look elsewhere. The reason they choose to be together with you will probably be because you and the relationship match their ideals and their vision.
This is one of their admirable traits. But it can also be translated into stubbornness. You won't be able to sway them from their beliefs. And they find it hard to let go of the past. Whether the past was beautiful or painful, they kept it all in them. Hurt and pain will linger for a long time.
They have some unconventional habits that you will need to get used to or make a compromise. Getting your habits to align will be an important task that can influence your happiness and enjoyment of marital life.
They are drawn to the finer things in life, a comfortable existence is their ultimate goal, this isn't about having power over other people or making important changes to human history. Who knows, maybe in their pursuit of that life, they may inadvertently spark positive changes in the world, and you will be proud of them.
Some physical traits: dark clothes, beautiful neck, like wearing soft materials, round face, soft and round features overall, refined taste, graceful movements, warm and comforting voice, low tone, not too talkative but their words are on point and funny, dark humour, tall, friendly energy, quick reactions (don't take them to see horror movies), organised mess, minimalism, good eyesight
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Life with this person will be a constant adventure, one that is filled with many hectic movements, rushed kisses and foreign foods.
This person has a fear-of-missing-out mindset. They do everything in a rush, trying to savour as many things as possible, be in many place, know as many things as possible. Nothing ever feels enough for them.
They have a childlike quality to them that makes you forget all the frustration you have for them. You're mad at them? Not for long, they will stick themselves to you until you give in, smooth talking, caressing you emotionally, physically, luring you in with food or themselves, making promises that you can't turn away from. You don't want to go with them somewhere? Same tactics. You have an argument with each other? Same tactics. This person basically uses the same tactics over and over again. The maddening thing is, you will tolerate them, it's hard to say no to this person. They will have a sway over you. If you are someone who likes to have control in relationship, this could make you uncomfortable. Are they sly and sneaky? Not really, they just like to have their way. And they will let you have your way too, they are not fussy or controlling, just a little needy.
They will probably decide early on about pursuing you. They are a quick and decisive thinker. Partly because they fear that the longer they prolong the decision-making process, the more likely you will walk away. So they have to act fast.
This person can engross themselves in the stream of information. It will be hard for them to put down their phone. They want to know every current trendy thing, the opinions of people. I think you will be the one to gently guide them back to themselves instead of being too absorbed with everything around them. They will learn to develop a more stable and strong foundation, to know when to rest, to stand still, and be firm.
Even then, there will never be a lack of laughter and exciting, unexpected moments. The love you have for each other is visible and undeniable, it will be an inspiration for other people and even for you, when the day gets dark and doubts begin to creep in, you will be reminded of your love and have faith again.
Together, you can learn a lot about each other, yourselves, and the world. They might not be able to be the strong, stable figure that everyone dreams of, but they will be an excellent companion, the one to always be ready to hold your hands and walk (or run, much faster) along side with you, wherever the road is taking you to.
Some physical traits: young looking, smooth skin, translucent, expressive eyes, smooth and soothing voice, like to grab/squeeze things unconsciously, fast walking, not very tall but looks active and compact, sporty, dimple, broad smiles, fashionable, fascinated with other culture's attires, wavy hair.
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malereadermaniac · 8 months
Omega team manager x Random Guys
How Kuroo, Daichi, Bokuto, Atsumu, Ushijima, and Oikawa as alphas would interact with their Omega!manager word count: 3.4k Sfw and Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI
I'm fucking FEEDING u lot with this one it's SO LONGGG Also sorry if some of these guys are OOC I haven't watched Haikyuu in 3 years xoxo
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Kuroo sfw
He wasn't opposed to the idea of having an omega as his team manager, in fact Kuroo was quite keen on the idea
He liked the idea of the team leader being an alpha and their manager being an omega
But he didn't let on that he fucking loved it
Kuroo immediately became protective over you, but in a more detached way
He would hang out with you, scenting your stuff over time to reek of his pheromones
After a few months, the rest of the team, as well as every other alpha in the school had backed off from you
The two of you took forever to even start courting
But it wasn't bad that way, you received the same amount of attention from Kuroo that you would if he was to court you
Kuroo would give you his team jacket to wear when the team was running laps outside, his scent enveloping you
The built alpha would tell you to cheer extra loud for him before a game
Eventually, the alpha mustered up the courage to court you, and the two of you have been together for ages now
Dates every weekend, study dates if you have exams the next week
Sleepovers after dates were mandatory
And you two were insufferable at college, Kuroo loved to rub his relationship in everyone's face - you were a very popular and sought after omega, so Kuroo liked to make sure people knew you were claimed
"I fuckin' love it when you wear my volleyball tank, babe - can't have an omega as handsome as you walk around without even a trace of my scent"
Kuroo nsfw
What escalated your relationship from courting to dating was your heat
The two of you were at Kuroo's house, home alone studying for a quiz the following Monday
You knew your heat was due soon, but soon meant in a week, not THAT day
What set you off were Kuroo's pheromones, the strong smell of musk mixed with woody scents sent you over the edge
The alpha noticed your panting and blushed face immediately
He apologised, kept his distance and told you several times not to do something you two would regret
Fast forward to the two of you dating, Kuroo's rut
His carnal desires took over and you were willing to help
His chiseled body, gleaming with sweat stood naked in front of you, your alpha looking down at you with hazy eyes
Your knees buckled from his pheromones
An hour had gone by and Kuroo was still sloppily eating you out, not even putting a finger in you, his rut keeping his focus only on the addictive taste of your slick leaking ass
Once your alpha had finally had his fill, he moved on to fucking you
Kuroo's rut made him ruthless, fucking you with vigor, panting and grunting into your ear, biting your body and covering you in marks possessively
The room was hot and stuffy with the smell of sweat, alpha pheromones, omega pheromones, cum and slick - but Kuroo and you kept going until his rut finally started to let up
"My Omega- HAHH! FUCK! Go-oood Omega-! Love you- so fuckin' - GAHH- SO FUCKIN MUCH"
Daichi sfw
He knew you before you became Kurasuno's manager
Daichi was practically courting you by the time you became the teams manager - so Nishinoya and Tanaka were quickly put off of you once they smelled Daichi's pheromones all over you
Again, being one of the few male Omega's at your college made you highly sought after
Daichi always told you how lucky he was to have your love
He's the softest Alpha you've ever met, gentle touches juxtapose his rough hands
He likes that the two of you are relatively popular, people watch as the two of you walk together and think that you're the perfect couple
Daichi likes to cuddle you, scent you constantly and to always feel his hands on you or vice versa
The alpha has no clue about PDA, he kisses you in corridors - his Alpha then prolonging the kiss to a make-out session that lasts the whole of lunch - it's up to you to drag him away to a more private area
Daichi is completely head over heels for hid omega
"I'm so glad we're together, I'm so lucky to be with you, (y/n). I love you, darling~"
Daichi nsfw
Daichi is the complete opposite of himself when he's in a rut
He isn't violent, but his grip changes from soft to firm on you, he shows his possessive side a lot more - calling you "Mine" and "My Omega" instead of his usual nicknames for you
He fucks you hard and each of his rounds last ages - Daichi being a manager of a volleyball team being incredibly daunting once his stamina gets applied to sex
Once his ruts ends, Daichi has to care for you for at least 2 days, your lower half not working at all
On the other hand, during your heats Daichi becomes a fat tease
The alpha fucking loves when you get desperate for him, it awakens something carnal within him
He makes out with you for a while as you grind into him, calling you pet names and cooing at you mockingly while you try to get off
Then, Daichi will only finger you for a while until you start literally crying for his knot
Finally when he gives in and fucks you, Daichi goes mental - you'd think he was in a rut
He jerks you off while he fucks hard into your prostate, making you cum over and over again, desperate for his knot
Thank god that you're on contraceptives, because by the end of your heat, you get the best of your alpha at least once or twice, his knot locking him inside of you while your walls tighten and milk his dick
"Fuck baby~ So- tight! 'M sorry baby, cumin- CUMMING! Fu... fuck baby, soo good baby"
Bokuto sfw
This man was ALL over you the moment you became the manager
Bokuto would flirt with you on the daily, and you would flirt back - your confidence and charisma made the owl-haired alpha want you even more
He was always friendly towards you, seeing you as more than an object like most other alphas - he more wanted to be your friend than to mate you
Only once he was in a pre-rut and had to spend a few hours with you did Bokuto fall for you - you were such a caring Omega for him, doting on him and providing him with anything he needs
After that Bokuto was still all over you but now in aims to court you
Which you gladly let the strong, muscular, Alpha captain of your college volleyball team do
So once Bokuto marked you, the two of you became THE college couple
People envied you for dating Bokuto and others envied Bokuto for dating you
He always has an arm around your waist or shoulders, Bokuto has to let people know that he's your alpha
He likes that you're witty for an omega, you're not super soft spoken - you match his vibe, he fucking adores that shit
He tries to be the best alpha he can for you, so he always pays for your meals and other things no matter how much you protest - it inflates his ego (his chest literally puffs up)
He loves spending time with you more than anyone else, Bokuto has never felt the way he does with you with anyone else
"You're mine, cutie~ My fuckin' perfect Omega... You're my everything, (y/n)"
Bokuto nsfw
Bokuto's demeanor in bed depends on if your in heat or if he's in a rut or not - in the best ways possible
If you're in heat and Bokuto is helping you through it, he's caring and careful with you - taking care of each of your needs
He's happy to be a dildo for you to use, a scenting and biting machine that you use to feel better
He rubs your tummy while he fucks you hard, his dick makes your belly bulge slightly - the euphoric feeling making the burn in your stomach from your heat disappear
On the other hand, if Bokuto's in a rut he's an animal
Bokuto loves the sounds you make, they ground him while he pounds you to high heaven, pumping cum into your hole while you squirm and moan under him
He loves the scent you make when you're horny, your sweat and your pheromones keeping the ache in his gut at bay while he drills your hole with his swelling, veiny dick
But unlike most Alphas Bokuto can remain mainly conscious during his ruts
Due to that consciousness, Bokuto makes you blow him at some points, which eventually turns into him mouthfucking you
The alpha marks your whole body when in a rut, grunting and groaning your name into your ear with nothing but lust and love dripping off of his tongue
"Jeusus- fuck- (y/n)- CUMMING! FUCK- Fuck yeah! My fuckin' omega- take my- SHIT- Take my fuckin' pups babe~ I fucking love you- I need you!"
Atsumu sfw
He'd heard of you before you became the team manager
Atsuma had never gotten the hype over Omegas - that was until he had met you
The way you doted on every single team member, made sure they each had water or a towel or anything, the way you cheered him on at the side of the court - it made his inner Alpha jump with joy
Atsumu had never wanted someone as badly as he wanted you - and he was gonna get what he wanted
You noticed him talking to you more, Atsumu would purposefully show-off the height difference between you both while releasing his scent to envelop you
It flustered you at first, but as time went on you embraced the Alpha trying to subtly flirt with you
When the two of you finally started dating, Atsumu had never felt lighter, everything just felt right with you
You took care of him, keeping him in check and fully shouting at him when he gets too high and mighty
The alpha would always buy you gifts, take you out in expensive dates but most of all he liked to have sleepovers with you
You would go to his house and Atsumu would cook for you, really charm you with his looks and skills then cuddle you all night while breathing in your pheromones like air
"I'd give you the world if I could, (Y/n)... Anything for the handsome man who loves me the most"
Atsumu nsfw
Atsumu really understood the hype around Omegas when he first helped you through a heat
The alpha got lost in your scent, the lewd sounds you would make, the way you would beg for him like you needed him to live, and oh god the way you tasted and felt around him
Atsumu felt like he physically couldn't stop fucking you, his hips having a mind of their own as he pounded your loose, slicked up hole
Atsumu is also found that he's a really mean Alpha in bed, something about you brings that out of him
And he found out that you fucking live for his degradation and teasing
He loves the idea of teasing you and laughing at you while your heat is eating at you, your body writhing from the feeling in your stomach as your ass craves for his knot
Atsumu is so mean to you it turns you on so much
He teases your dick, going as far as calling it a pussy as he rubs your dick against his palm while he only just fingers at your prostate
You squirt more and more slick out of your ass until Atsumu finally gives in to your pleas and absolutely ravages your ass
Your walls tighten around your Alphas dick while he fucks up into your prostate with every thrust
Moans and grunts echo in the room, Atsumu's veiny hand wraps around your throat and he squeezes gently while your hands dart to his muscular back and scratch him like a scratching post
By the time you've came for a 3rd time, Atsumu has filled your hole up to the brim
Your alpha is 6 loads in and is still willing to push through till the end of your heat ♡
"You're so cute, Omega~ Such a pathetic excuse of a man, such a cute little dick, look at you squirting sterile cum all over yourself"
Ushijima sfw
Omegas avoided Ushijima like the plague, even for an alpha he was huge and scary
So when you showed none of that when interacting with Ushijima, you had caught his eye straight away
He liked how kind you were, caring and doting like any other Omega but in a natural way - not in an overly exaggerated way like he had seen other Omegas behave around his teammates
The rest of the team noticed how much Ushijima was head over heels doe you - and they supported it so so much
He liked the height difference between you two, Ushijima would focus on how small you were compared to him even for an Omega, your small waist which his veiny hands could easily wrap around were on his mind practically 24/7
Once the team started to push Ushijima to court you, it was funny to see how you, as an Omega, were pulling most of the weight - making all the first moves while Ushijima blushes away
You were his first everything- his first crush, his first courting, his first kiss, and first time - He was like a schoolgirl around you
But once he mustered up the courage to ask you to be his, you were ecstatic - and so was the rest of the team
Dating the massive alpha was incredible, he was rich so of course Ushijima spoiled you
He compliments you so, so much in a nonchalant way - saying shit like "You're the most gorgeous man I've ever laid my eyes on" like it isn't the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to you!
And you two go on so many romantic and heartfelt dates, many of which happen at your house
Ushijima absolutely loves it when you cook for him, he sits down at the table and watches you cook away while you talk to him about something random
The whole time your words going in one ear and out the other while your muscular Alpha fantasises about you doing this for him everyday of the rest of his life after marrying you - which he most definitely plans on doing
"(Y/n) Ushijima~ I like the sound of that. Would you like to marry me, my omega? I think we'd make beautiful pups, don't you?"
Ushijima nsfw
Again, you were his first everything - so of course you were the Alpha's first time, too
The first time you helped Ushijima through a rut was insane, the poor virgin Alpha could not stop for his life
His scent was extremely powerful from the pure excitement and lust he was feeling, Ushijima was fucking you at an animalistic pace while he grunted and moaned so loud that the entire Ushijima estate could probably hear
He'd already came 4 times, his hips not stopping once, your dick overstimulated as you moaned and cried - Ushijima apologising between moans, drunk and high off of his rut
He'd never felt such pleasure before, a pure and constant rush if dopamine flooding his brain as he fucks his pups into you, his knot now just pushing in and out of you - the pain and pleasure mixing like the smell of pheromones and sweat in the Alpha's room
By the time Ushijima had regained consciousness and control over his body, he was appalled at himself
His eyes glanced over your body, widening in horror at the state your body was in - bite marks on every little patch of skin, bruises all over your hips and neck and wrists, cum still leaking out of your loose hole and your body covered in dried, sticky cum
After being bombarded with apologise, you calmed Ushijima down and promised that you enjoyed yourself
A part of him also felt really guilty that when he saw your puffed out hole, filled with his cum - a part of him hoped you'd carry his pups, so much so that he'd already gotten a semi from the idea
On the other hand, the way that Ushijima helps you through heats is incredibly sweet
The alpha does his best to soothe your pain, fingering at your prostate until you cum on his fingers while breathing in your mates scent, the burn in your stomach already dissipating
The alpha had laid plenty of attention in health class, so his dick is in you almost instantly after your first orgasm, slow thrust directly against your prostate making you slick up even more, cumming once again from the way Ushijima pressed a hand against the bulge in your belly
By the end of your heat, Ushijima's back is torn to shreds along with some beautiful bite marks from you all over his broad shoulders and neck
Your body on the other hand is perfectly clean - apart from.your mating mark, which Ushijima ensured to make fresh once more
"You're so beautiful, Omega. Feel so good around me, such a good boy for me, all slicked and taking my big dick so deep, all the way - you feel good don't you,(y/n)?"
Oikawa sfw
The idea of having THE campus omega as his team manager made Oikawa's chest puff up
He was all over you immediately - which made you more flustered than uncomfortable
The whole team liked you, you were very attentive to their needs and would always be up to help them with whatever - but Oikawa liked you even more than the others
The Alpha could feel his heart rate jump when you would arrive at practice and could feel his mood perk up when he had a class with you
The whole team knew the captain liked you - even you weren't oblivious to that fact, so it didn't come as a surprise when Oikawa tried to court you
You made no complaints, you were used to Alpha's trying to court you but you had always turned them down - you decided to give your handsome team captain a chance
And holy crap did he quickly make you fall for him
The alpha would scent you every chance he would get, Oikawa would greet you with a hug and a gift and then spend the whole time you two were together following you around like a puppy and chatting to you non-stop
His masculine scent and his charisma made it hard not to fall for him
So once Oikawa had successfully courted you, the two of you started to date
Never had the Alpha's ego been as high as it is now that you two are dating
Everyone at college knows about you two, due to Oikawa's loud mouth and inflated ego
He's constantly touching, you're on his arm every hour of every day bur you have no complaints about it
The Alpha constantly compliments you and wants to spend time with you - his playboy ways being long forgotten since he started courting
Every time you two are together is good, even arguments with your alpha end in hugs and tears
"Gosh (n/n)-chan you're so cute! Ya know, you look so good on my arm, bet everyone's soooo jealous of me right now~"
Oikawa nsfw
A selfish lover is the only way to describe Oikawa during his ruts
Like any other alpha Oikawa can only focus on his needs - but trust me only after Oikawa has came at least 3 times to you cum for the first time
The alpha will be fucking into you, milking his dick empty of his fertile seed for hours on end and you only cum around twice per rut
Oikawa feels bad about this once he comes back around but he can't help himself, you just feel too good around him he can't even focus on you
Your heats are totally different though
Oikawa loves to make you feel as good as possible - almost a little too good
The alpha has you cumming on his tongue within minuets - minuets which turn into hours of your heat craving your alphas dick and him not giving it to you
He fucking loves it when you literally cry for him to fuck you, beg for his veiny dick and his thick knot
Once Oikawa gives in and finally fucks you, he's ruthless, fucking you with so much vigor that you're squirting cum all over yourself constantly
You're moans and your scent are enough to make Oikawa fill you with cum, his knot finally making that burn in your belly calm down
Bathing in the afterglow, Oikawa can't help but stay hard from the way you look
You're like an angel sent by God himself, his perfect omega, your face fucked out and tired, your body covered in cum and marks - and oh fuck your hole clenching on his dick, milking your alpha for his pups
"Aww do you need my dick, baby? Does my poor Omega fucking desperate for my knot - do you want my pups, darling?"
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Hope you guys enjoyed - very long for my kind of writing and I think it sucked in some parts but hope u liked xoxoxoxoxo
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lazywrites · 4 months
nsfw alphabet w/ Cyclops aka.Scott Summers
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Scott Summers x afab reader/ Minors please don't interact/ NSFW so please be aware
If tumblr blasts me for the art (which is made by me as well) i will repost it without the drawing
A= Aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
Scott’s aftercare is top notch, on the right occasion of course, Scott is a busy man but when he takes the proper time to be with you, his undivided attention is a gift within itself.
If this is a quickie kind of situation Scott will make sure you are okay first of all, get your clothes in order and wipe the mess he’s made on both you and the random couch he’s chosen for the occasion and make sure you both are inconspicuous enough when its time to leave the room, provided your legs are steady enough to leave, maybe he’ll keep you company until then.
If this is a warm spring night where you are both alone in your own space, oh boy, he’ll go all out with his aftercare, expect a cool glass of water and some pleasant conversation until you are ready to hit the showers with him, but if you’re not careful it might all lead to you needing some more aftercare.
B= Body part (their favorite body part and also their partner's)
It would be cliché to say ‘’your eyes’’ but to Scott it  is important to look others in the eye, he is a leader and his perception on every person he meets matters more than anything else, he can assess a threat to his Family just by looking it in the eye. And your eyes, so full of honesty and genuine love for him, he knows you and he can tell how you feel just by looking you right in the eyes even for a moment. But on another note, Scott’s eye is Always drawn to your cleavage, big or small, toned or soft, he’s gonna glance at it even if its just a sliver of skin exposed in the area and he’s instantly drawn to it when its exposed,laying his head on the softest parts of you, kissing and marking up your breasts with small hickeys, nothing too excessive, he doesn’t want anybody else to pay attention to you like that.
On himself, well, Scott is built like a God, he makes sure to keep up with a strict regime and stay in top shape always, it is important to his protection as well as your own. But i’d say he is very pleased with his shoulders, his intense training paid off, his shoulders are broad, Strong and dependable and you know it, and he knows that you know it, there is nothing better for him than having you on his lap, hands on his shoulders and nails lightly scratching them as you ride him. He enjoys being depended on enough but when you show your concern with him by rubbing the tension from his shoulders and back? He’ll be in cloud nine for a few moments, Scott has the weight of the world on his shoulders most of the time, but when you put your hands on him, he can’t bring himself to hate it at all.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
God, Scott can get messy with it, as clean and tidy as he wants to portray himself as, he is obsessed with your wetness and laps it up like his life depends on it, he’ll want to hear every wet noise he can produce from you before drinking it all up himself, as soon as he gets a chance he’ll dip his fingers into your underwear and drench his hand in your juices until its all damp enough that you’ll have to take it off for a while, that way you’ll just have to give him a taste.
Scott cums a lot on a normal day, if you haven’t done it more than once that day his orgasm is guaranteed to be long and satisfying, maybe it’ll help with the tension for a while until the next problem comes along. Takes a while to make Scott cum for the first time, but after that if you have enough time to tease him, he’ll be more sensitive to your touch and cum faster, but it all depends on you, quantity wise its plenty, thick and messy too, as messy as Scott will make it that is, he loves to get your body sticky with it, be it your chest, your face, or your underwear sticking to your thighs all day.
D= Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret or their's)
He’s very discreet with it, but you know him well enough to know, he’d love to have you at his mercy, cuffed or tied up so he can take as much pleasure as he wants from you for hours and hours, until your body is sticky and sore, eyes full of tears of pleasure. He never vocalizes his desires in an overt way but it is noticeable to you especially when he takes your wrists into his hand and pins them above your head, if you decide to allow it and just let it happen you’ll see the change, on his breathing, on his expression. Becoming just a little more desperate than it was before, on the way his hips smack forcefully into your own, harder and faster, and you know you got him, or maybe he’s got you.
Scott is sort of a voyeur, he loves to watch you and thinks about it constantly, to the point of riling himself up just thinking of it, the visage of you pleasuring yourself right in front of him, just for him to watch is burned into his mind and he goes back to that moment constantly. Scott is having a boring conversation? He’ll keep nodding and humming pretending that there is not a ghost of you right behind that person, looking right at him and teasing him like some hyper-realistic hallucination, he’ll do his best to contain it (or ‘’you’’) around any known telepaths though, he is trying to be discreet after all.
E= Experience ( how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
He does have plenty of experience, even while he was younger he’s been around, had a fair share of girls and some boys waiting for him, asking for dates and sending valentine presents, Scott is and has always been very popular, even with non mutants. But he won’t just get with anyone of course, he’s taken his time to intimately know every person he’s been with and they have friendly relationships to this very day, as messy as his relationships can get they have taught him a lot about intimacy and trust, and all his experience is put to good use between both of you.
F= Favorite position (No visuals this time, sorry, tumblr will probably kick me for the visual right above anyway)
Good old Missionary and we all expected it, might be cliché but its common for a reason, and as much as he loves to try all he can think of with you, Scott can get all the benefits from this position he could possibly want, he can plant both his hands on your knees and spread you as wide as you can go just to look at the mess you have both made, as well as go back and forth between watching your blissed out expression and his thick cum leaking out of you, and tease you for it with his little smirk, of course.
In second place is a mating press, the intimacy of it, being pressed up tight against your softness, face to face so he can know how much the pressure of his body on yours is affecting you and hearing your desperate hums and moans while he presses up against your soft spots, all the way inside almost balls deep from the weight, there’s just something special about it to Scott, and he always promises himself to do it more often.
G= Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Scott is not very goofy in general, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a sense of humor, he is more charming than goofy though, he’d rather leave the comedy for later, but in compensation he will tease you, he’s good at getting a reaction out of his partners and enjoys a bit of banter before things heat up too much, that is, before you become completely incoherent.
H= Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He is not very hairy in general, it would take him a lot of time to have a proper beard, Scott likes to keep himself clean and tidy all over, most of his body is either clean shaved or has very sparse hair, and that results in a light and dusty happy trail with very well trimmed hairs.
He likes to think it makes it easier to dress up in his spandex suit, slides easier or whatever.
I= Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Scott is a gentleman most of the time, he is very considerate of you and your needs and makes sure that he won’t be selfish, not like that is much of a worry though, your pleasure is his own and he could get off just watching you enjoying yourself and having your orgasm.
He might not be declaring himself over and over but things always get romantic between both of you, even with his glasses on the way Scott loves to press himself against you, your forehead on his own face to face during sex, he also loves to rest his head on your chest and just enjoys the feeling of your body on his own so much he can hold you tight against him for hours, his favorite thing after he cums is just holding you to his chest and feeling your warmth, he’ll rarely say but his in these moments his heart also feels warmer than before.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’d rather not be apart from you if the option is available, but as i’ve mentioned your ‘’ghost’’ is always haunting him throughout the day and making him feel all sorts of dirty, he can keep his urges under control pretty well most of the time unless you are there to ruin his composure and leave him hanging, he’ll try to will away his erection to be able to at least wait until you’re back, but at some point it becomes obvious you’ve got him unravelling completely and he needs to get his body under control, he’ll just have to give in and make himself cum without you, shame.
If its a long mission taking you away from him or him from you he’ll try to focus on his duties as team leader to keep the ghosts away, the harder he Works that day the bigger the urge to see you becomes until he has to fish out that old picture you gifted him as a ‘’reminder’’ not to stop thinking of you no matter where he is, he knows what you want him to do with it and he tries not to, checking around the blackbird for the thousandth time and trying to strike up some innocent convos with his team, but the picture, its just calling out to him, one peek won’t hurt, right?
K= Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Scott won’t outright tell you what his kinks are, even if you ask he’ll say he never really stopped to think about it, but its very well established he has a thing for bondage, not hardcore bondage, but Scott loves to be trusted and thrives with admiration, knowing that you trust him completely with your body does Wonders for his ego inside and outside the bedroom. He’ll be very pleased to receive a package only to check and see the beautiful red ropes and blindfold, your way to invite him for a night out, just the two of you.
Like all heroes Scott can appreciate a good spandex suit, spandex and leather are his go to if you asked him about it, the skimpier on you the better, and if you are creative enough to whip up a Cyclops cosplay borrowing one of his glasses and some blue and yellow lingerie you found on some themed sex shop he’ll be very very curious about it, and concerned, concerned enough to throughly check if your uniform is up to code...
You cannot convince me there aren’t superhero themed sex shops.
L= Location (favourite places to do the do)
Scott has a mostly pristine reputation, and he worries about it, as much as he loves to fantasize about fucking you in every place you are both together he knows its impossible with anyone else around and there are plenty of people around the manor most of the time, sadly the only place he can guarantee you are alone is the bedroom and a few sparse rooms here and there in specific times of the day, Scott takes all the precautions he can, locking the door every time things get heated between him and you, he would be absolutely mortified to be caught.
M= Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
For Scott, having sex is a good way to unwind and be close to you at the same time, one thing facilitating the other, you are his comfort most days when things get hard, you’re always there for him providing support and he will take you everywhere he goes if possible. And you know Scott Summers is a man ready to take responsibility all the time, he is a trusted leader and people look for him every time there is a problem and for mutants most days there are problems, he’s always in action, so every time you can both relax and take comfort is each other is very beneficial to him.
After a long day, he can feel the effect your body has on him, the good it does to him, and it makes him a little emotional that you always know how to support him and be there for him, sometimes even a bit of a heartache, he might feel as if he’s not doing the same for you, but of course you’ll be there by his side always to reassure him that your heart belongs to him just as much as his to you, you’ll both struggle together to pull each other up.
N= No (something they wouldn’t do)
He won’t take off his glasses or blindfold around you and refuses to degrade you, he’s seen enough degradation for a lifetime and doesn’t want it to be with you, never you.
Scott is fine with light spanking, but of course will never hurt you or bruise you, he’d be absolutely mortified if you got hurt enough to bleed in any way, he just wouldn’t enjoy sex in that kind of way and would be constantly worried.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Scott will eat you up like a man starved, he’s sloppy with it too as much as he denies it he likes to get messy with your pussy and you better be ready for it, every time he pulls the same old move of feeling you up under your underwear and getting his fingers coated in you he’s absolutely going to taste you on his own hands once he’s done, sticking out his tongue and licking his fingers like they’re a lollipop, putting on an unintentional show, and most of the time, of course its not enough and he needs more of you straight from the source, kneeling before you, on the bed or you sitting on his face, either way he’s getting what he wants without complaints, Scott’s tongue seems to have a life of its own in those times, he’ll move it like he’s truly thirsty for you, taking a few moments in between to kiss and lick at your clit, enjoying the softness and making out with you in a way you didn’t think it was previously possible.
You, of course, need to return the favor in kind, and as much as he likes to pretend to resist and say its not needed, his resistance is futile and he’ll fold almost immediately, laying back or sitting in bed or in a couch he’ll let you lick and suck at him as much as you want, depending on the ocasion you will see Scott Summers fully relaxed for a moment, and its beautiful, those are the times where he pretends there is nothing wrong in the world, nothing to worry about and simply enjoys the pleasure you give him, he’ll try to contain his groans and moans as much as he can but soon his focus will be pulled from that too. Scott’s inner thighs are surprisingly sensitive, you found, and of course you leave plenty of marks on his beautiful thighs, dangerously close to his balls, he won’t be in the state of mind to complain anyway.
He knows you can get shy, but he loves to see you take his cock in your throat or kissing and licking at his tip, he’ll sneakily stop throwing his head back to look at you when he thinks you’re distracted.
P= Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
Scott can keep it very steady during sex, impressively consistent too, but thats just his unwavering sense of discipline and with some effort his pace will change up depending on what you do or say, if you tease him and get him desperate his thrusts will be noticeably faster and more sloppy, but if he’s teasing you he’ll go slow and you and try to get you desperate for it, desperate enough to beg him and stroke his ego a little bit, just how he likes it.
But of course you can change things up and take him by surprise, he’ll be impressed if you decide to be on top and will take time to worship your body and just observe you, he’ll run his hands up and down all over you and when his hands are not enough to satiate his needs he’ll worship you with gentle kisses and licks all over your throat and chest. Some days when he’s pent up he might decide to take you a bit more forcefully than usual, holding you tight so you can barely move and moving his hips with a force that leaves you rattled by the end of it, he’ll try and apologize but there is nothing wrong with a little roughing up sometimes, you’ll say.
Q= Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often)
You’d think a man so busy would not have much time for quickies, but Scott is surprisingly easy to entice, and you know his ticks, its child’s play to you.
If you tease him a little bit through the morning, just a little, enough for the team not to say anything, even that will get him a little overwhelmed and you can take pride in knowing thoughts of you will be tormenting him throught the day, that familiar ghost is back to haunt him even when you’re not there. You can meet back with him on the afternoon and a just a little light quip from you will be enough to break his resolve, he’ll find an excuse for the others and call you to a room he knows is empty at the time just so he can say he’ll give you what you want (its what he wants really,we all know it) but he can play shy all he wants, you know what you did and you won’t regret it in the slightest.
R= Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks)
He’s not much for risk, i’m sorry to inform, his life is basically pure adrenaline and he likes to feel safe with you as much as possible, not to say he won’t try any kinks you suggest, he’s open to new things as long as they’re not dangerous or painful for either of you and will do his best to satisfy you while keeping you safe.
S= Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
Depends on what he’s been doing before honestly, Scott is always up and running its no wonder his energy is limited, but he’ll always have one or two rounds in for you, he would absolutely refuse to leave you unsatisfied, but these one or two rounds are pretty amazing and more than enough for you, of course. On better days where he’s rested he can go pretty much all night long with you, there is nothing else he’d rather do than spend the whole night worshipping and being worshipped by his love.
T= Toy (do they own toys? do they use them?)
Scott doesn’t own any toys himself, well you can gift him that rope and blindfold but they don’t really count as toys, Mr.Summers is too serious and important (embarrassed) to be seen in some downtown sex shop or ordering toys online, so i’m sorry, that task will fall to you and you don’t mind much, the sex shops are fun but he will make you keep your new toys hidden or locked up in a drawer, he’s scared of anyone finding them for some reason, honey its okay, no one’s looking.
He’s open to using them on you and watching you use the toys on yourself, perhaps you can even convince him to let you use them on himself, he’ll deny a bit but you already know you can easily convince him, just put on a little show and he won’t resist.
U= Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Scott doesn’t tease much, he’d rather see your blissed out face for as long as he can but that doesn’t mean he’ll never tease you, but those instances are rare and honestly that just turns you on ever more, you understand his innuendos pretty quickly and it’ll work even better with you if its in public, the fact that he went out of his way just to tease you in public, being who he is, is enough to have you ready to go.
He’ll do a bit of verbal play during sex, mostly just fishing for compliments, he might just stop halfway, cock still inside of you and fish for a few compliments before getting back to railing you into the matress, this time with renewed motivation.
V= Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
Scott is honestly not very loud, what he doesn’t have in volume he’ll unconsciously make up for in quantity, unless you’re not in an entirely safe place. He’ll groan and moan for you right in your ear, in the beginning he was embarrassed to do it, it was mostly involuntary at the time, but now? He knows you love it and he won’t deprive you from it unless you deprive him of your own pretty moans and goddamit does he sound good, raspy groans right from the back of his throat and light airy moans once in a while, its almost angelic to hear him like that, such a pretty song just for you.
W= Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Our mr.Summers is not very jealous, but he is pretty territorial over you, he’s not jealous in the classic sense and won’t think much of other people interacting with you, you two are a two in one deal and most people realize that, so if he realizes someone has a crush or is sweet on you he won’t do much about it nor say anything about it to you if you are not as observant as him, especially if your interactions with such a person are entirely innocent.
But if they’re not and such a person starts making more overt advances towards you, well, he just has to make himself known, he’ll be more affectionate in public, deliberately, sometimes even looking the person in the eye (not that they’d know, he’s always wearing glasses anyway ehh) which does not work, he won’t follow you like a puppy, but he will make it known for all others that he’s your guy, you get a bonus of more handholding, public affection and of course, more sex, he’s not doing it out in the open, but he’s noticeably more passionate with you, he’ll hold you tight against him and give you very noticeable hickeys that are somewhat difficult to hide, he’ll apologize a little after, so you won’t notice he’s doing it deliberately, so that person sees and knows he’s active with you, naughty naughty, but still is going to be embarrassed if anyone on his team comments or jokes about it, men are contradictory creatures.
X= X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Scott is a big man, as such i’d put him at a good 20 to almost 21 centimeters, about 7 inches in total, and that is pretty big in my book, it is the reason why he keeps a consistent pace and insists on being gentle with you, he’s bigger than average and knows that it can hurt if he's not careful.
But his cock is a thing of beauty in your eyes, circumsised , fairly thick and with an almost red rosy blush all around, soft balls that feel so good in your hand, almost like velvet really, it also leaks a fair bit of precum that you love to take in your mouth whenever you can, its heavy and always feels perfect for you, as you love to remind him once in a while.
Y= Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
The man yearns, he yearns for you when you are away, not even necessarily for sex, he just feels incomplete without his lover by his side where you belong, and of course you won’t leave him alone even in his thoughts, whenever he’s distracted there is a fair chance he’s thinking of you, of your beauty as well as your kindness and your pussy of course, but he yearns mostly for the connection you two share, he’s never bored with you, sex is more than just a stress relief it is a connection he shares with you and a way to feel the bond both of you share physically, thats what it is to him, the love you both share brings him bliss.
Z= ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Scott might be tired and a bit worn by the end of the day, but he can share a bit of conversation with you before sleep, if that is what you desire he’ll make an effort to keep his eyes open as long as he can and offer some semi coherent commentary once in a while, however, when you lay and cuddle up to him under the sheets, especially if you allow him to rest his head on the softness of your chest, he’s a goner, won’t last more than five minutes awake, but that’s okay because its cute.
i can't believe its over, took me about 15 hours of nonstop work for my first true writing post, depending on the feedback this might become a series, i have lots of ideas in mind especially for the art. So please let me know what you think, feedback is very important and i will remind everyone who reads requests are open with me, so yeah, thanks for reading!
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cleopheanne · 13 days
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Vedic/ Sidereal observations
- If you have any proeminent Jyestha placement please go buy an evil eye protection, it can be any jewelry with eye imagerie on it not only the classic cristal one that we often see but make sure that it is very visible on you.
The evil eye that is often projected on jyestha is basically a curse, people see your potential even though you crawl in dirt like a scorpio you see. They observe your resilience evolving in a state without resources and fear what you may become once you acquire this abundance, so they manifest your failure DON'T EVER TELL ANYONE YOUR PLANS even if they are family idc
- If you are one of those that went through rahu/ketu antardasha as an adolescent/young adult saturn mahadasa don't got nothing on you , I would say that first the energy of Saturn is difficult because it requires you to actually put in the work: you can not escape it, however when you finally submit and accept it you will often harvest the fruits of your efforts.
Ketu does not work like that at all, your current actions don't actually matter in a ketu ruled period it is your past karma that is resurging, Ketu will take away everything that you actually have not only material possessions but also intellectual ones: opinions, your self-image relationships, everything that makes you appreciate the material world, you cannot truly try to girlboss your way out of a ketu dasa the best thing that you can do is SURRENDER, meditate, be introspective, journal, practice yoga and pick a solitary sport and allow yourself to contemplate life
- Saturn in the 4th house, conjunct moon, or in cancer will destroy the health of the mother
- Mercurials and Martians shouldn't expect empathy from anybody sadly, I don't know why but society seems to agree on the fact that they do not deserve to be understood, taken with softness and respect one thing I think it is due to is the fact that they often appear as very stoic, they keep their emotions often to themselves conserving a very cold even bitchy appearance so people often treat them badly based on this impression, they are often met with the 'you think you are better than us ?' anyway
-I've seen many western astrology post saying how many celebrities have scorpio moons right and it make so much more sense when you see that most of them have their moon in sidereal libra rashi, since saturn is exalted in libra, and saturn is the one who grant tangible material abundance, libras have a natural understanding of how to manifest that abundance: they know how to manipulate the material world, using Māyā.
- Ketuvians how about stoping to hide under the guise of disgust and admit that all you really want is to be included and cared about ?
-Purva Ashada men will have the most long, luscious hair ever beyond that they are often stunning and they conserve a kind of androgynous appearance if often they physique is very masculine with hard features they will have the softest voices, most delicate manners ever, it would be so cool to see them take care of a pet. On a darker side this nakshatra is very recurrent in cult leaders even fictional ones lol
-Dhanista and Revati would do great in bellydancing since both of these nakshatras have instruments associated with them, rhythm is innate to their functioning.
- Rohini women are so funny to be around when they get over their insecurities, they are sometimes so insecure it's just hurtful for me to see that, they will break off their bonds with people especially other women over jealousy and not realize that they are the problem, acting like pick mes, making subtle diss and wonder why they are left alone at the end ! If everybody as a problem (as in you are in an argument ) with you and you are not nodal (ketuvian or rahuvian) you are probably the problem 🤷🏾‍♀️. A little introspection shouldn't scare you 😙 that's how you grow as a person
- I strongly admire Anuradha people, their resilience is unmatched like their bone structure, the most gorgeous faces like they were sculpted by Michael Angelo himself
- Mars and Jupiter are bestfriends so you will notice that in real life most bestfriends have this combination of placements or they can have Venus/Saturn too as these two planets are also best friends
- Purva Phalguni/ leo men are so vulgar lol, they scare the hell out of me, Venusian men in general they act like they will eat you alive 🥲
- Rahuvians deal with a lot of mental issues I've seen mostly chronic depression that can lead to suicide in some cases 😕 if you have proeminent rahu placement, try get more in touch with you ketu placement it has helped me a lot, for example ketu in the first house: self-care, protect your energy and your space do not allow anybody to enter it, take extra care of your body exercise, meditate. Ketu in the 6th house: put yourself at the service of other people, in the 11th house: force yourself to join a community, an organization etc
- I've recently saw an interview of Mia Khalifa and she talked about her childhood and her struggles with her weight and turns out she has a Virgo moon in hasta, it made realize how much Virgo women often struggles with their alimentation in general, they have many toxic behaviors regarding the consumption of food and many many of them have had ED or still have it. It's crazy to see that when the constellation of Virgo symbol is an ear of wheat so it associated with bread and eating in general and the natives of this sign have abnormal behaviors towards food.
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levi501ackerman · 5 months
She Looks Just Like a Dream | Levi x Reader Fluff
Summary: One day the scouts find out Levi has a wife. Everyone wants to meet her.
Word Count: 1.7k
Megan's Note: Hello! I just finished Attack on Titan for the first time last Thursday April 11th, 2024. I haven't been obsessed with something in a while. Obsessed in the way of reading fanfics and making another tumblr account. I wrote this for fun because AOT reignited the inner teenage fangirl I used to be for One Direction. I hope you enjoy my first AOT fanfic. posted: 4/16/24. Song correlated: "Something About You" by Eyedress & Dent May
Sasha walked past the section commanders and Erwin standing and talking amongst themselves. She could not help but stare as she walked by because you were conversing with Captain Levi. It looked like you were . . . enjoying the conversation. There was Erwin talking to some recognizable leaders then you two off to the side fully facing each other. Sasha has never seen you before. You would giggle and your smile lit up your face. Levi had his arms crossed and his face looked softer. He would nod and indistinctively say something back to you which would just cause you to laugh and smile bigger. He wouldn’t take his eyes off of you. What a new version of Levi. Sasha looked for her table of friends. They needed to see Captain Levi acting like this.
Jean, Connie, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa were looking at Sasha already as if they were waiting to see the expression on Sasha. As she approached the table. She lowered her voice and pointed with her thumb, “You guys seeing this?”
“It’s the Captain’s wife,” Eren said.
“He has a wife!?” Sasha exclaimed louder.
“We were surprised too, everyone’s been trying to eavesdrop on them,” Connie said.
Sasha looked over her shoulder and the rest of the table couldn’t help but glance because how the hell did Levi pull you? And not only that what could you two be talking about? Captain Levi never mentioned being married or even hinted that he had someone at all. Battle plans could not make the pretty girl so giggly so what the hell were they talking about?
“What’s her name?” Sasha asked.
“No one knows,” Mikasa said softly. “Eren thinks she could be a Jenny or a Catherine.”
“Who knew he was married.”
“Possibly to keep her a secret. He would not want the wrong people to know about her.” Armin said. 
“I want to meet her,” Eren stated and most of the table agreed. He blushed a little and hoped no one noticed. They all could not take their eyes off of you. “We’re the Levi Squad and we should know our Captain’s wife!”
“We could introduce ourselves as the Levi Squad too so it doesn’t come off as weird that we are all approaching her—them!” Connie added and he started standing up. The table still stayed in their seat. “Are we going?”
“I’m not,” Mikasa said.
“What if he makes us run laps?” Jean asked.
“Why would he make us run laps? Just don’t ask any weird questions and we’ll be fine.” Eren said standing up next.
“Let’s go,” Connie said and the table except for Mikasa stood up. They approached the section commanders who noticed the five of them going towards them. Levi gave them the side eye as they came closer. You turned from Levi, noticed the group, and offered them a smile. 
“Good morning, Captain Levi.” Eren started and everyone greeted him with their eyes and then turned to you. Your clothes were cute and styled nicely. Levi noticed every single one of them scanning you head to toe. It was the third? or fourth? group to approach him while talking to you. “Hi we are Levi’s squad, you’re his wife?” 
“Yes.” You said smiling at the staring eyes.
“Your shoes are really cute, miss!” Sasha added excitingly.
“This is my wife, Y/N,” Levi said in his low voice. “These scouts are some of the brats in my special operations squad.” You extended your hand to Connie first. He grasped your hand.
“Wow, you have the softest skin.” He said in awed and wide eyes. You furrowed your eyebrow and let out a soft giggle. Levi scolded him. 
“It’s very nice to meet you,” You said as you shook each of their hand looking at all of them in the eyes. 
“My name is Armin. You seem very nice as well.” Armin smiled.
“Thank you. Really though everyone is very polite here and is very kind.” You smiled and motioned with both hands to the room. Some soldiers Levi talked to maybe only once or twice would approach to talk to you. Some soldiers talked to you before ever even talking to the captain himself.
“We didn’t know Levi had a wife. How long have you two been together?” Sasha asked intensely. 
“About . . . “ You looked to Levi and back at the group, “ten years? Coming up on eleven.” You said with warmth on your cheeks. They thought you were not like Levi at all. They thought you were enthusiastic when speaking to others and were like the sun. It did not seem like you would be into Levi at all. Your eyes looked down at Jean and he started blushing because he thought you were glancing at his crotch. “Your pocket watch is so pretty!” You admired the watch nearly falling out of his pocket. Jean yanked it out and thrusted the watch towards you. 
“Y-You can have it.”
“Your grandmother gave that to you, Jean!” Connie said grabbing and pulling his wrist back. Eren laughed at Jeans’s blunt stupidity.
“I can get you a nice pocket watch next time I’m in the capital,” Levi said and you smiled. 
“You’re so funny. Keep that your grandmother wanted you to have it.” You assured and Jean silently nodded. His only thought currently was you called him funny. 
“We’d love to get to know you more Y/N! Are you in the military regiment at all?” Sasha asked, “Where do you live?”
“She’s not going to tell you where we live,” Levi furrowed his eyebrows and Eren burst out laughing. Sasha’s probably going to run laps. 
“I can’t be that interesting to you!” You lightly swatted your hand and though it wasn’t a joke, the group couldn’t help but slightly smile. You were interesting to them. Soldiers wanted to talk to you just because of your beauty. “We opened a tea shop years ago and I collect vintage tea sets to sell. I also write books.” You smiled back and their faces lit up.
“You written books?” Connie asked.
“Anything we might have read?” Eren asked enthusiastically.
“Do any of you actually read?” Levi asked. Let the record be known that the 104th Cadet Corps averaged the lowest academic grade. Most didn’t want to read the textbooks or take notes like they would have to in school.
“Hey be nice, your squad seems smart.” You wrapped an arm around Levi and everyone could not help but stare at the physical touch. You touched him and they never seen another woman touch their captain. “A few short stories for children have been published and distributed to the schools so they would not be interesting for adults to read.” 
“You’ve done so much . . . how old are you?” Sasha asked and Armin’s eyes went big.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to ask that!” Levi cut in. She’s going to be running laps until sunset again. 
“Y/N! I’m sorry I just mean you’re so accomplished and you’re so beautiful! Your hair is amazing. Levi, I can’t believe you kept her from us.” Sasha said. He rolled his eyes with a slightly softer face. You blushed.
“Thank you, you’re gorgeous as well.” Sasha was elated when you complimented her.
“You’re so beautiful . . .” She unknowingly repeated herself, “What made you drawn to Levi?”
“Sasha!” Connie and Eren pulled her back. Laps until the next morning.
“What?!” You smiled and wrapped your arm around Levi again, giving him a light shake and a squeeze. It was an odd site for the group to see. “Who wouldn’t be into this hilarious and kind gentleman? I feel like I have to fight for his attention sometimes whenever people come talk to us.” Truthfully most people approached you and Levi because of you. Guys would make up a stupid excuse to talk to Captain Levi with the intention of talking to you. Levi knew it too, but he couldn’t help that your energy makes people flock to you. He admired that you made friends where ever you went. Hated when guys would speak to you as if Levi wasn’t there. You blushed while looking at him and when Levi met your eyes his face got softer and he uncrossed his arms and nudged you. Levi looked away to hide his blushed cheeks. Who the fuck is she describing? the group thought. The Captain has never made a joke to them and they wondered what he does for you to call him a gentleman. “Levi! Are you being too hard on them?” You asked playfully and the five of them wanted to shout yes. Suddenly, a woman screaming your name excitedly from across the room could only be from one person.
“Hange! I was wondering when I would see you today!” You turned your attention to Hange running to embrace you in a big hug. You hugged and greeted Moblit with a warm hug afterward.
“Okay okay, you met Y/N run along,” Levi said. You instantly whipped back your attention to the group.
“Excuse me, it was very nice to meet you! Come over for dinner sometime so I can get to know you more! I can make my special braised short-rib beef.” Sasha was ready to duel Levi for you. Your white teeth sparkled to them and your smile radiated through the room. Connie, Sasha, and Jean enthusiastically agreed to your offer.
“If you keep inviting everyone to dinner how are we going to fit people into our house?” Levi asked you. 
They walked away in awe of the captain’s wife. Something about you emits a glow in a dull room.
“She’s not like Levi at all . . .” Armin said and Mikasa turned her head to the group heading back to the table. She noticed all of them seemed to be in a good mood. 
“He’s probably going to make you run laps for being pushy.” Jean joked to Sasha. 
“What did you say, Sasha?” Mikasa asked
“She was just being stupid.” Jean intervened.
“Jean you offered her your grandmother’s pocket watch,” Connie said and Mikasa raised her eyebrows. 
“I’d do it again.”
“What was she like? I could see her smiling a lot,” Mikasa said.
“She was positive and really supportive of Levi,” Eren said while reflecting on you. Everything you said was replaying in his head.
“She wrote children's books that are now in the schools,” Armin added.
“Damn it, I wanted to know the names of the books,” Eren said.
“Y/N seemed like someone that Levi needed in his life. She said he was a gentleman which I wasn’t expecting—” Connie started. 
“Well, he would treat her the best rather than anyone else,” Jean said. They turned to get another look at you but a few soldiers were blocking their view. Another round of people who wanted to meet you.
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envy-of-the-apple · 8 months
Dark!Geto Suguru x reader
happy (belated) birthday to my favorite cult leader <3
18+ content
(Warnings: implied kidnapping, dubcon, forced relationships)
You've always loved baths
Back when you used to work a dead-end job, bathtime was the one time of the day where you truly enjoyed life. You spared no expense. You always bought the sweetest-smelling soaps. You'd lavish your body with the softest loafahs. You'd stay under the shower for hours, letting the water soak into your skin until you got pruny.
Despite how different the two of you were, Suguru shared the same sentiment. 
You hear him before you see him. It's not like he tries to hide his presence. There'd be no point to it. 
The water was warm. You were dozing off, close to falling asleep when his fingers grazed your lips. When your eyes flutter open, Suguru smiles. 
"You're back early," you say.
"We finished up faster than anticipated," Suguru responds. You nod, not prying. Nowadays, you know better than to enquire. 
Instead, you watch as he disrobes himself, dropping his yukata to the pristine bathroom floor. He's beautiful, despite the hell he's put you through, you've never once denied that. His body is broad and well-sculpted. Sliver scars litter his milky skin. There's one on his shoulder, another across his stomach. 
Suguru sighs when he sinks into the water with you. You let him pull you into his lap, your back against his bare chest. It's always a habit for you to check if he's brought his creatures with him, even when you can't see them. Still, you peer over the bathtub, looking for shadows, and ripples through the air. 
"It's just us." He consoles, sinking his head forward, letting his breath tickle your neck. He could always be lying, but you chose not to care, letting him spread lazy kisses across your shoulders. 
His black hair spills over. He's untied it. Dried blood clings to his strands. It isn't his. You frown. 
He grunts but doesn't make any protest when you lift yourself, turning around to fully settle into his lap. The soapy water is now slightly below your chest, giving no coverage. You ignore his wandering eyes. After all, he's done worse than simply look. 
"Close your eyes," you say softly, "I'll wash your hair." 
He stares at you, searching. You don't know what he finds but it's enough for Suguru to listen, slinking down, eyes drifting shut. You think you like him better like this. When he isn't reaching into your soul, eager to claw you out. 
It's a slow process. You have nothing but your hands, but Suguru doesn't seem to mind. He's handled worse, he has the scars to prove it, but you're still gentle with his hair. The position is a little awkward, with you practically straddling him, but neither of you mind. He hums when you massage his scalp with trepid fingers. The white suds get bigger and bigger, coating your hands as you glide them down his locks. It smells like jasmine and roses. 
You're diligent, if nothing else. You act like the favor is your job, ignoring the brief touches of his hands. Rough, calloused, pressing into your skin, right at your thighs, going higher and higher with no indication of stopping. 
You pull back with a frown, but if he truly wanted to, he wouldn't have let you go so easily. These days, he's softer with you. Perhaps that's because you've mellowed out too. There's no more tears, no more screams. The fifth stage of grief: acceptance. 
"Suguru," you say, not quite a warning, but there's a hint of disapproval in your tone, "I'm working." 
He laughs, condescending, filled with meaningless affection. In the end, Suguru relents, moving his fingers away to hold your hips instead, squeezing the flesh every so often. You suppose that's a bit better. 
When you give the slightest of tugs, Suguru leans into your bare chest, eyes still closed. It's not sexual. He's just there, close to your damp skin, relishing in your warmth. You wonder if he can hear your heartbeat. 
"You know, when I first saw you, the first thing I noticed was your hair," you murmur, sloping his locks up from his shoulders, "it was beautiful." 
"Really?" he asks, just as quietly. 
You hum in response. It's hard to remember those days, back when you just thought of him as a priest, sitting lavishly on his throne. When you were just one of the temple's many visitors, unaware of the trap you found yourself in. You often wondered why you caught his eye. You know you weren't anything special.
Maybe it was your malleability that enticed him. Your humanness, able to adapt to anything once you're out of tears. You could be anything, maybe even his. 
"You should take better care of it." You don't chide him. Rather, it's a small request. You've never asked him for anything before. You wonder if he notices. 
"I will," his smile is gone now, there's just a hint of wonder in his tone. Out the corner of your eye, you spot him grasp a lock of his own hair, inspecting it. Like he's trying to see the beauty you can. 
The flakes of blood have long disappeared by the time you rinse his scalp off. His hair is back to its natural state, sleek and glossy. When it dries, it will shine in the sun. And in the night, after he's done with you, you can run your fingers through it, one of the few comforts you have in this life. 
Suguru's eyes open. You're still messing with his hair, tweaking it into place when he grasps at your chin, forcing you to look at him. 
His teeth are at your neck, grazing at the skin, barely threatening to puncture. You freeze anyway. You shouldn't have been so surprised. It was amazing he held himself back at all with how his strained cock slapped your thighs every so often.
"Suguru," you say, but you've lost the tone in your voice. It's less consequential. It's not like you can stop him, not right now when his kisses are starting to get more violent.
He hums in acknowledgment but doesn't pull back. Instead, Suguru grabs you by the hips. His fingers delve to your naked cunt. You suck in a gasp when he swipes at your clit.
"So sensitive," he chides but his smile is wider.
"We're in the bath," your voice comes out in a sigh as he leans forward to bite at your breasts, lavishing his tongue over your chest.
"We'll-we'll get dirty again."
He hushes your mild protests, focusing on your skin, tasting it. You frown, but you don't dare struggle when he angles your hips just right to deliciously grind on his cock.
At least he's nice, you deliriously think when it slowly starts to stretch you out. He could have been worse, taken to just pounding you without any regard for your body. His gentleness always felt like a worse punishment.
He goes down inch by excruciating inch. Your walls flutter around him. Already, you can feel yourself grow wetter and wetter.
"I was gone for a while," he simply says, "you're so much tighter now."
As if to respond, you spasm on his cock. He gives another affectionate laugh, kissing you on the corner of your mouth.
When he sits you down fully, he's gentle enough to give you a moment. He's right, it had been a while. The stretch was already starting to be foreign to you. You gasp, unconsciously tightening your grip on his shoulder when he starts to move.
The pace is slow, casual. Despite how violent he inherently is, you've never known him to be anything like that to you. He's always moderated, in that sense. Even now, when his cock is strained and pulsing inside you, with you slowly teetering out of control, he remains the same, looking up at you with the slightest hitch in his breath.
You can't say the same. Your pussy tries to suck him back in, already feeling yourself start to let go. It's wet, your noises and whimpers are barely covered by the sloshing of water. You shudder when his cock hits that spot deep inside you over and over again. It's cruel in that sense, you aren't allowed not to go crazy.
"You always take me so well." Suguru leans forward, burying his head into your neck. His teeth are sharp enough for you to feel it, timed with another intentional thrust. You arch your back at the sensation, feeling your thighs go taut with tension. Your legs are practically shaking now, close to breaking.
As if he can sense you holding back, his hand traces your chest, squeezing, before he moves to your pussy. His thumb is insistent, rubbing tight circles around your swollen clit as your hips jolt at the added sensation.
"You can do it," Suguru coos in your ear sounding both loving and condescending at the exact same time, "Let go, dear."
It doesn't take long after that. You fall, crumpling against him as your pussy gushes around his cock, squeezing, almost choking him. Your release gets a rise out of him. If you were less fucked out, you'd admire the slightest hint of struggle between his brows, the clenched jaw, the way his hips and hand get a bit too rough. It'd be one of the few times a being like him has lost composure like that.
His own release comes right after yours, filling you up until you're sure you're leaking.
You collapse, your head falling into the crook of his neck. A large hand falls against your back, rubbing slow circles.
"I missed you," he mutters into your damp hair. You can only hum, still gathering yourself when he lifts your face with both hands.
He kisses you. Warm, and kind, and gentle. To him, you are the exception. The only one of the unworthy that's worth something to him.
"I love you," Suguru says into your lips, earnestly. And you know he truly does think that. He truly thinks that baths and soaps and pretty hair are all it takes to wash away the feeling of fear you still feel every time he touches you. 
"I love you," he repeats. 
You don't say it back. 
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mettywiththenotes · 8 months
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I love this because Kudou's telling the others what to do, giving out orders like the rebel leader he was in life, and then he just turns to Yoichi with the softest look on his face. Then back into Serious Battle Mode
We know Kudou isn't good with feelings and stuff. Like he said, they didn't really have time for that when he was alive. So he just looks to Yoichi with this expression and says he's leaving it to him. It's not a teary emotional goodbye but it's his version of a goodbye and that means something to Yoichi
Also you could see this as like a reverse of how their roles began, in a way. Yoichi died and left Kudou with OFA. Now Kudou is going to let himself shatter and is leaving Yoichi with OFA
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alottiegoingon · 5 months
who's afraid of virginia woolf?
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jackie taylor x fem!reader
summary: the one where you and jackie secretly love each other while struggling with your sexuality.
warnings: jackie and reader are best friends, everyone is 21+, alcohol, heavy mentions of r and j dealing with their sexuality, homophobia mentions?, lesbians in denial, angst but fluff and happy ending, not proofread, slightly based on good luck, babe by chappell roan!!
making plans of going to college together became a regular thing when you and jackie entered high school. it was only natural that the two of you shared the typical teenager dream of living with your best friend and being roomates in uni, ditching classes and getting drunk instead of studying for exams.
"hey, don't worry." jackie tried to comfort you when you got a terrible score at your finals in senior year. she was fidgeting with the heart necklace she wore on her neck, gently spinning it around between her fingers.
regardless her impressive and actually sad capacity to pretend to be just a silly popular girl with pretty face and shiny hair, jackie was actually smart. you knew that all that effort to act all clueless and giggly around weird teenage boys in high school was fake. you never saw jackie studying during the weekends but, somehow, she would always get the perfect grade but would be the first one to hide it from boys. everyone knew that being too smart was bad. boys would easily get intimidated and that wasn't good for jackie taylor.
"we are gonna get through this together. i promise. i'll help you." jackie gives you that same old sweet looking smile that always get you freaking out inside while putting on your best show to act casual.
one more thing about jackie taylor; she had your heart in the palm of her hands since you two met. you weren't certain about how your friendship actually started, but you were sure that it was almost instantly.
jackie was actually quite popular by the age of eleven. she had the charisma of those late night show hosts you used to watch on tv with your parents, the prettiest and softest hair ever and a sweet perfume that would ling around for days.
jackie was also a natural leader. if any kid needed to complain about a classmate stealing their favorite glitter pen or their favorite sticker, jackie would be in charge of comforting them and helping them with whatever they needed. it wasn't rare for the teachers to have a talk with her after class to compliment her for being such a role model. everyone loved jackie.
you loved jackie, maybe too much.
it didn’t take long for you to realize that. you had the worst time of your life every single day while having lunch in the cafeteria with jackie and other girls from your class. you felt like ripping your ears off when all they could talk about was boys. they weren't even being discreet about it, you thought at yourself as you watched them stare at a couple of losers that were treated like gods with their weird stiff hair full of gel and a mustache that consisted on a tiny clump of facial hair.
while every girl at your table was so mesmerized by them, dreaming about how their lives would be so perfect if they ever liked them back, you were captivated by someone else; jackie.
you could watch her for hours, even if she was too busy looking at boys. you would think that her hazel eyes were even prettier that day, but that was a daily thing. you loved to hear her voice and to see her big beautiful smile adorning her face when she was excited about something and, with her, you didn't mind hearing about boys.
eventually, you and jackie got to live the dream. sharing a small bedroom with your best friend would sound like heaven to any girl but to you, it could be scary as well.
not only you were going to see her face every second at the day but it would also be hard to hear her constant speech about how you had to be more friendly and outgoing and stop studying so much. in another words, she wanted you to date guys.
that was a common debate between you two in high school. her persistent need to find the perfect boyfriend for you even though you were always ready to deny it. maybe she was trying to get rid of you?
"come onnn! all you do is study. remember last year when i had to drag you to mari's birthday party and you spent the whole night hidden in the corner?" jackie made fun of you during your first night together while doing her usual skin care routine.
even with her hair pulled back by a headband and with her face covered in cream, she looked fucking stunning.
"i wasn't hiding! i was just watching everyone from a safe distance..."
"that's actually worse." she giggled. you watch her leave the bathroom with a face mask and wearing nothing but a soft robe that had you on your knees.
“i’m not telling you to go crazy. all i’m saying is that you need to relax, okay?”
you weren’t exactly proud of it but you had to admit that is was too hard to focus on anything else besides her. it was impossible to deny her anything anyway but now? you were in tight shoes.
you could already feel your face heating up while you stood there like a coward with eyes growing wide and fighting for your life to not drool over your straight best friend.
“so? what do you think?” she insists, giving you an impatient glance.
“yes.” you immediately said the first thing that popped into your head.
“what?” you watch jackie’s eyebrows knitting.
“i-i mean, yes! i agree. i should relax more.” you trip over your own words but, thankfully, jackie didn’t seem to notice. maybe you were just stressed with the entire change of routine.
“great! we can start tomorrow!” she clapped her hands excitedly as her smile grew from one ear to another, probably surprised and relieved that you didn’t disagree this time.
the first weeks weren’t nearly as good as you thought they would be. you managed to make some friends and actually met nice people, but so did jackie.
every friday night was a new suffocating experience. after a long week, jackie would drag you to the closest bar that most of the students would go to and, for the first half of the night, her duty was to play the matchmaker.
ever since you had agreed with her that night, you would force yourself to look happy in front of jackie at every god damn time she introduced you to a guy.
“i think you have so much in common!” she would say to all of the men before giving you a wink and leaving you two alone in a noisy bar, disappearing into the drunk pool of people.
it was always awkward and uncomfortable, of course. some of the guys ended up being actually acceptable and some were even sweet. but no matter how hard you tried to focus on the conversation, you would eventually find yourself looking for jackie in the crowd just to get your heart shattered by the view of a drunk jackie taylor with her pretty dress, messy hair, and with one of her hands tightly wrapped around the heart shaped necklace, eagerly kissing a stranger.
seeing this at pretty much every friday night didn’t make your daily need to fight against your feelings the easiest. you were drowning so deeply into your own thoughts that, one day, you woke up decided to forget about it.
maybe all of that was just a phase. you didn’t have feelings for your best friend and you definitely didn’t feel like throwing up every time you saw a boy since you were a kid. and, obviously, you wouldn’t fail biology or calculus on purpose just to be tutored by jackie so you could spend even more time with her and listen to her voice.
and absolutely, without a doubt, you weren’t scared of the big bad wolf called truth banging on your door and calling you a wimpy liar.
everyone know that famous saying “you are what you eat”, but what about you are what you desire?
jackie stopped complaining about you being stuck on your dorm studying on a friday night or during the weekends cause you stopped doing it. now, she wasn’t the only one to frequently visit the closest bar.
most of the time, you were the one to invite her first and at that point, it became a tradition.
you and jackie had different classes during the day and would barely spend any time together until you two met again at night. you, too scared to even look at her, would find an excuse to sleep early or spend the night at some random guy’s dorm that you met the other night. spoiler alert; you didn’t even remember his name.
you noticed the visible disappointment in jackie’s eyes and how deeply hurt she seemed every time you left, too desperate to silence your own thoughts and numb your feelings with good old alcohol.
during the bar nights that you two shared, jackie wasn’t as energetic as before. sometimes, while feeling like you were kissing a fish as your lips awkwardly melded with some other guy’s, you would open your eyes right in the middle of it to find jackie on the other side of the bar, sitting by herself with a filled glass of something strong.
you felt sick to your stomach at the idea of being touched by anyone else except for her, especially a man. but it was worth it if it meant that you could forget her entire existence for the night and wake up at someone else’s bed in the morning (and probably be late for class).
the year was flying by and everything stayed the same, except that the two of you didn’t share a word for the past few months and you avoided each other at all costs.
“i was wondering that, maybe now that finals are over, we could-“
“sorry, i got plans with travis. i’ll see you later!” jackie said while rushing to the door of your shared dormitory. you were a liar but so was she. you knew that “later” was a synonym to “tomorrow if you’re lucky”.
and just like that, everyday was the day to hear a different name. kevin, josh, steve, randy, sam. you even thought about making a list with all those names. you tried to leave the dorm during that nights as well but you were too worried about her safety. it would be much better to just wait for her and pretend to be asleep when the door opens.
you couldn’t blame her, you were the one who started it.
in a typical night at the bar, you feel a stranger’s arm wrapped around your waist. you were already dizzy thanks to the couple of shots you took and could barely feel your mouth attached to his. however, you were kind of thankful for that.
jackie wasn’t in a very different situation but she knew how to be pettier than you. she knew you and how you were acting for the past months. how you would look for her with the corner of your eyes just to make sure that she was okay or not too drunk.
you weren’t the most cautious person, jackie perceived your multiple stares and she would make the best of it. while having your attention, she was hiding behind her best mask and flirting with the first man she saw. it was the performance of her life, consisting of a fake smile followed by a loud and high pitched giggle and an exaggerated hair twirling.
you, watching from across the room, felt your blood boil as your hands curl into fists. how dare jackie to do this right in front of you? didn’t she know how badly you wanted her?
retaliating her behavior, you would mimic her actions just to get under her skin. until it worked too well.
you carefully watched jackie leave the bar in quick steps and your first idea was to ignore her. she started the entire jealous thing and she was being childish. but so were you.
you immediately ditched the person who you were talking to and placed the shot glass on the wooden table so you could follow her.
you immediately stopped walking as soon as you put your feet outside, finding her sitting on the sidewalk. you would usually approach her in seconds, ready to go for a hug, but neither of you were in proper speaking terms now.
cautiously, you get closer. she doesn’t look up to meet you but you know that she can feel you there. you sit by her side and hug your legs. the silence gets so loud that you would be able to hear crickets if it wasn’t for the muffled noise coming from the bar.
“what happened to us?” jackie’s breathy and insecure voice finally breaks through the silence after a while.
you finally feel brave enough to look at her. not just look, to see her. to acknowledge her presence. to not ignore her.
“i don’t know.” you whisper. but you did.
“are we even friends?”
“we used to be best friends.” she looks at you and, for the first time in what felt like forever, you could see all of the details in her face again. of course, she was prettier than you could remember.
“you remember when you gave me this?” jackie grabs the shiny heart pendant, rubbing it between her fingertips. there was a small hint of a smile trying to make its way to her lips.
“yeah. you were scared to try for the soccer team.”
“scared? i was terrified.” she adds and you let a whispery chuckle out. “i couldn’t sleep for days, thinking if i would be good enough to even make it to the bench.”
“you gave me this before the first trial and said that if i was feeling too scared, i could squeeze it and it would be just like holding your hand.”
“i guess it worked, right?” you try to lighten the mood, lips curling up into a subtle smirk. jackie ended up being part of the team and, over time, the team captain.
she nods in silence.
“i didn’t even like soccer.”
“what? but you were so good. why did you join the team?” your eyes narrow as you speak and your heart starts to beat faster when jackie takes longer to say something.
“you were part of the team. i wanted to be around you.”
you find yourself looking away from her to hide the sudden heat and the pinkish tone of your cheeks. jackie went through a stressful week that year, practicing and learning the basics without actually liking it just because of you.
the sound of your voices is replaced by a loud nothing once again. the air was growing thicker and even the slightest touch of your shoulders accidentally brushing against each other was a reason to make you unconsciously hold your breath.
“i think i’m a lesbian.” your feel yourself getting struck by a sharp surge of disbelief and in a blink of an eye, she has your attention again. you feel the palm of your hands getting sweaty, going against the cold weather.
“what? why?” you manage to say a few words and, if it wasn’t for the delicate moment, jackie would have laughed at your frantic gaze.
“because.” jackie sighs, not being able to stop playing with the heart hanging on her neck. “i felt absolutely nothing when i had to pretend to care about boys in middle school but i felt the entire world when you were looking at me.”
not only she knew that you were always staring at her in the cafeteria but she liked it. she liked having your attention.
“you were never good at hiding it, by the way.” she snorts but you were sure that she was just as nervous as you.
“i thought i was pretty good…” you whisper, grinning. she was absolutely right, though.
“really? i found a biology test of yours hidden under your bed once. you were even better than me but you said that you were failing it and needed help.” the red color on your face gets more intense as you share a loud laugh. your hands momentarily cover your face.
“i think i just wanted to be around you.” you shrug, defending yourself by echoing her words.
“you still do?” jackie asks and, slowly, the lighthearted smile fades away from your face.
your gaze was lingering on her eyes and wouldn’t dare to leave. not even when you gently leaned closer and your fingers fixed her hair by carefully hiding a small section behind her ear. the entire world felt like it had stopped and you could hear a feather hitting the ground. it was quite adorable how jackie was the one to held her breath now just before swallowing the lump on her throat.
“i think i’ll always want to be around you.” you whisper. there was nothing but love and adoration inside your eyes as you felt completely hypnotized by her. you allowed your gaze to drift down to meet her lips and the hand that was hanging around her ear just a second ago found its way to her face. the palm of your hand fit perfectly on her cheek and you took the opportunity to guide her closer to you.
the first thing you feel the second after closing your eyes is jackie’s soft lips touching yours and how tenderly they were dancing together. it was almost like you and jackie were made of glass and you didn’t want to break each other.
jackie’s hand imitated yours but she used her thumb to caress your cheek. you feel her pulling away from your lips and you feel faint when your eyes open and she is smiling like she had just won the lottery.
“fuck. you are so pretty.” you groan in a dramatic way. with watery eyes and rosy cheeks, jackie nestle her face into your neck and gives your skin a small kiss, causing you to shiver and hug her body tightly, closer to you.
maybe the big bad wolf on your door wasn’t so scary now.
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cumtastiics · 9 months
Just found your blog & I'm in love with your writing 😍 If requests are open, may you please write about a yan!ceo & a worker y/n?
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this is so sweet 😭😭🙏🏼🙏🏼 i saw this and was kicking my feet in the air twirling my hair
this is also my like softest yandere oc so far HELP
tw: yandere, stalking, obsessive behavior
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"This one is probably the top employee of the month," his secretary told him, pointing to a picture of you on the papers he had spread across his desk. "They just came back from a break, so maybe they motivated themself to do better."
"(Y/N) (L/N)," he read your name, looking at your information. "I've never seen them before,"
"They're in the marketing team, you never paid much attention to the people in the team other than the leader, sir."
"Well, it's about time I get to know the top performers in my company, don't you think?"
His secretary nodded, "Absolutely, sir. (Y/N) has been consistently delivering exceptional results in marketing campaigns. The team has praised their creativity and dedication."
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he's so sweet to you!! but it scared you since you weren't used to the ceo exactly paying any attention to you :(
he sometimes sees you working for long hours, coming to you to tell you, you can leave now, but feels his heart almost jump out when you say it's okay, you can work for a bit longer.
at times you thought he hated you, maybe he was trying to tease you? or what if he was out to get you? you tried to steer away from him, but it made him almost cry.
he probably tried following you home, but was so shocked to see your living conditions! (you lived in a normal home, he was just too rich) all of a sudden your bills are paid! by who? your landlady says it was by a young gentleman, he was very handsome, according to her.
gets you your favorite drink (he overheard about him from some other employees) almost every day! but he can't deliver it directly to you, since he can't let his own employees know he has favorites.
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thenewblackcanvas · 8 months
I saw a video on twitter and now I can’t stop thinking about it with skz members:
Stroking his cock while you hold his head as he sucks your chest
Felix and Jisung would be the softest and most sensitive. You would run your fingers through his hair as you coo at him, the juxtaposition of your sweetness making him more sensitive to the feel of your hand on him. He would suck on your tits lost in the sensations and whine each time you teased his cock. He was a whimpering until he came while he grabbed your wrist tight to stop you from continuing. ‘Aww look at the mess my baby made’
Seungmin would love it but would be an asshole(affectionate) about it. He would love the comfort and the feeling but the minute he could get his bearings he would make it his mission to turn it around on you. He would suck harsh marks into your skin as he laughed and said lustful things to melt you but every now and then you would remind him who had control with a squeeze to his dick or speeding up to take his breath away. Right as he was about to cum you would pull your hand away and grab his wrists together so he couldn’t keep going. When his orgasm was gone he would look up at you with frustrated tears. ‘So cute, you thought you were in control, min.’
And of course Chan. I couldn’t leave out our leader. When he was stressed to his limit you would gesture for him to get comfortable with his head on your lap and let him clear his mind as you comforted him. You simply played with his hair or stroked his cheek until he started getting antsy. He probably didn’t even realize his arousal at first until you slid your hand into his pants. Gentle touches drove his brain further into retreat from all his stress. His whine at how hard he was made you fully grasp him. You stroked slowly at first building the euphoric feeling, leaning over to press kisses over his face. The more he moaned and whined you speed up, softly praising him in his ear. ‘You work so hard. You deserve to cum don’t you? Go ahead baby’
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gyuwoncheol · 11 months
Takes Two to Tango
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Pair: Scoups x f!reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Summary: Cheollie to the rescue on a bad day
Warnings: angst, mentions of Cheol’s torn ACL injury. There is, in fact, no tango happening at all.
WC: 1.7k
Author's Note: Wrote this a while back but have always waited for the right time to post it. I’ve had an exhausting week, probably the most tired I’ve been in a long while. I just want to be conforted by Cheol. Dedicating this also to all my carat friends going though a rough patch right now. You must remember our boys and our leader love us so much 🩵🩷
Author's Note 2.0: Written because I truly miss Cheol and I know he misses us just as much. I always feel slightly disoriented when I don’t see him in the promotions. I also just really miss having an ot13 comeback 😞
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“Babe?” It’s the first thing you hear when you enter the door and you’re already cursing at how Seungcheol just knows it’s you.
“Hmm,” You drop your keys and took off your shoes, taking a quick glance at the mirror by your main door, wiping the dried tears that marked your cheeks. Kkuma eventually got to you and pawed at your legs gently. You pick her up and cuddle into her a good few minutes, sighing heavily as you shut your eyes closed.
There wasn’t really any other way to put it. You had an absolute shit of a day. You got a flat tire on the way to the office, consequently making you late to a very important meeting. You were given a new workload that wasn’t even really part of your scope anymore but there was really no other person who could take it on, while another important project you’d been taking care of had to be delayed because of a manufacturing problem. Everyone in the office seemed to need to meet you that you ended up taking lunch 2 hours late, and just when you were about to take your 3rd cup of coffee for the day, the lid had popped open and spilled the brown liquid all over your very white top. By the time you left the office, you were cranky and hungry, like you wanted to scream and fight with anyone. It was only when you arrived at home and caught sight of the warm light that peeked through the windows that you were reminded about Cheol being home.
Your boyfriend who was nursing a torn ACL and evidently spent much of his day at home. Your boyfriend who was sweet and loving enough to check in on you throughout the day, but he barely got substantial replies. Your boyfriend who didn’t mind cause he knew you were busy. Your boyfriend who was now looking at you with the softest eyes as you approached him with a kiss on the cheek.
“Hi baby,” he greeted, arms open wide as he remained partially immobile on the couch.
You hesitated about going in front of the couch and receiving his embrace, your heart feeling like it was squeezed at the moment. To your better judgment, you hugged him with one arm from behind and a quick kiss on his lips instead.
“Can i just go clean up first? I.. i got coffee spilled all over me,” you excused yourself, averting his gaze.
Seungcheol nodded and watched you scurry away to your shared bedroom, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. He normally gets sulky when you avoid his hugs, but this time he had already sensed something was off with you. It was the way you wrongly messaged him “take care at rehab” at 1pm when he actually had his appointment at 10am. You’ve never forgotten any of his appointments. It was also in the way he had noticed you enter the house only 20 minutes after your car park at the garage. He obviously noticed how tired you looked and the little smudge of your mascara from tears. It broke his heart that you chose to keep this with yourself, you normally always ran to him for refuge when you needed it.
You stood idly in the shower for what felt like forever. If it were up to you, you would’ve never gotten out but alas, you could only hide forever and the water bill will spike up so you got out and got changed, drying your hair and pulling on one of your boyfriend’s large shirts, your favorite one.
“Oh my god!” You jumped at the sight of Seungcheol on the bed when you got to your bedroom, “you scared me. How’d you get all the way here?!”
“Babe, I can already walk you know? Just slowly, but I still get to places.”
“Right, yeah, sorry. I was just surprised,” you shook your head, “uhmm.. i’m gonna go get water…”
“There’s water here,” Seungcheol pointed out, gesturing towards the small table which indeed had drinking water
“Oh. Okay. Then i’ll just go and fix up the liv—“
“Y/n,” Seungcheol called out softly but still firm, freezing you on the spot by the door. You closed your eyes at the nickname, and you just knew he knew you were avoiding him. “Please look at me?”
You turned around slowly, eyes only peeking open after taking a deep breath. You glanced at him and immediately, tears already began pricking at your eyes, so you looked down at the floor instead, standing there like a child that just got scolded. Cheol waited to see if you’d get closer or if you’d at least bring your gaze back to him but when you didn’t he worried even more. Slowly, he swung his leg off the bed to make his way to you.
“What are you doing?” You panicked with his movements.
“Trying to get you to me.”
That seemed to do the trick, your feet padding towards him quickly and helping him raise his injured leg on the bed again, “just stay put. I’ll do it.”
Seungcheol grabbed your hand, squeezing it tightly for good measure, “Jagi, what’s wrong? Could you please tell me?”
You looked at him once more and Cheol had the warmest gaze fixed on you. You sat by his side, feeling bad you were worrying him. “I just had a bad day at work, that’s all.”
“Wanna tell me more?” He prodded, thumb rubbing soothing circles at the back of your hand.
“No, it’s okay. I’m okay.”
“You clearly aren’t,” Seungcheol retorted, “babe, you know I won’t pry if I didn’t think something else was wrong but you’re worrying me, you always run to me when you have bad days and problems, why are you shutting me out now?”
Your boyfriend sounded pained and you cursed yourself for making him feel that way. “Cheollie, i’m not shutting you out…” you whispered, “I just don’t think it matters to you is all.”
Cheol watched you shrug at your words, as if trying to convince yourself of what you just said. “It matters when it’s making my girl sad, why would you think it wouldn’t?”
“Becauseeee,” you whined, “you clearly have worse problems than I do. You’re uncomfortable, you have a hard time moving, rehab is painful, i know you’d really rather be with the boys doing work but instead you’re stuck at home. You have it much worse than I do. It’s just a bad day at work. I’ll be fine.” You said everything so fast you hadn’t even noticed a tear had rolled down your cheek but your boyfriend was quick to wipe it away before you pulling into his chest.
It crushed Cheol to see you like this. You weren’t one to hold off on your emotions to him. “Baby, just because im having a bad day doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to. My ‘bigger’ problems,” your boyfriend raised his fingers to gesture air quotes, “shouldn’t invalidate yours.”
“I know, but..”
“No but’s… your feelings are valid. Period. And I’m always here for you. We’re a team, remember?”
You looked at Seungcheol properly for the first time tonight, tears in your eyes as you studied his features intently, and then the dam broke loose. You hide your face on the crook of his neck and sobbed, little hiccups and squeaks coming out of you. Cheol could feel the rapid rise and fall of your chest as he embraced you in his arms, patting your hair with one hand whispering encouragements to just “let it all out”.
“I’m j-just… just so tired, Cheol,” you whispered softly in between cries, “I s-swear…. it’s nothing else… jus’ t-tired.” And it was true, there wasn’t anything else bothering you, you just simply felt tired from everything going on in your life, “I just didn’t w-want… t-to tell you and burden you. S-so I… i k-kept it in… I’m sorry.”
“Hey, shhhh, no need to be sorry. I believe you and i’m always here for you. Never a burden, jagi. Remember that.” Seungcheol squeezed you tighter, wanting to just take away all of the hurt and exhaustion you were feeling.
He continued to speak soothing words as he let you release more pent up feelings, his face scrunching up when you’d let out a strangled gasp. It hurt for Cheol to even think about how long you’ve felt this way, he has been injured for quite a while now.
You wipe away your tears after what felt like forever, the tip of your nose was positively red and your eyes were now swollen. Your boyfriend offered you a weak smile before planting a kiss on your forehead.
“I love you,” you say after clearing your throat, “thank you for listening.”
“Of course, jagi. I love you too. I’m sorry if all this,” Seungcheol gestures to his knee, “has disturbed our routine—“
“What? Cheollie, no,” you interrupted, “don’t be sorry. I’m not blaming your or your injury at all.”
“I know. I’m just saying I know things have been a little more difficult than usual for us, but I know we’ll get through it as long as we do it together, yeah? You don’t always have to give it your all, you know. I’m always going to be here to fill in the gap for you, the same way you do with me. You’ve been so good at taking care of me lately, I just hope you’d remember that I want to take care of you too, even with a bad knee.”
You giggled at his last words, knowing full well that even with his disability, Seungcheol would cross rivers and move mountains for you. That’s simply how he is as a person. It showed with how he flew to Japan to support his brothers and see their fans for their show. You witnessed it in the way he’d wake up early in the morning even when he didn’t have a schedule just so he could take breakfast with you and send you off for work. Saw it with how there was always dinner ready on the table when you got home. Sometimes they were cooked by him, sometimes just delivered, but it didn’t matter to you. You knew it was his way to make good on his promise of using all this time at home to make up for lost time with you.
Some people think it annoyingly stubborn— some people being his doctors— but to you, it meant that he was passionate, determined and most importantly, he loved fiercely.
He loves you fiercely.
You gently nodded at his words whilst cupping his face in your small hands. Seungcheol did the same, his thumb wiping your dried tears after placing a chaste kiss to your lips.
“Together?” You asked despite knowing the answer.
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