#some dragons fit with their canon colors and some don't
flawseer · 1 month
#18 - "Fire"
Smaugust 2024
The last few submissions have been mostly visual, but today I want to do something more text-based. I'm always looking for opportunities to ramble ad nauseam about my headcanons and thoughts, but am usually hesitant if I don't think I can make a subject interesting or particularly insightful.
A few months back I was playing with the thought of publishing a speculative analysis on Pyrrhian dragon breath weapons, and how they might differ between tribes. I got up to the conceptualization stage, but then @sidyashchiy-na-plakhe came out with a better and more put-together version of what I was thinking about and touched on some similar points, so I filed those plans away to not step on any toes. If you're enjoying this type of deliberation, I recommend that you check out his take, as it is very thoughtfully put together with some cool visuals.
But, seeing as I have no other ideas for this prompt, and since it's been a while since then, I'm going to air out my scrapped draft here. I guess this is a mixture between canon information and headcanons, with a bias toward the latter.
General Information
Each of the seven Pyrrhian tribes is capable of using a kind of orally-discharged means of attack. For the purpose of this deliberation, I am going to refer to all of these as "breath weapons", even though not all of them are activated via exhalation. It will make things easier to talk about.
There are three general factors to each type of breath weapon, those being potency, range, and start-up time. In the case of fire breath--the most ubiquitous type of breath weapon on the continent--these would roughly correlate to the temperature of the flames, how far they can travel from the source while maintaining their shape and intensity, and for how long the fire must be stoked inside of the user before it can be expelled.
How developed these factors are differs for every dragon, but the two biggest determining modifiers are constitution and age. Being physically fit will make your breath weapon more efficient--and thus stronger--because you have better control over your breathing after exertion. As a dragon advances in age, the three factors all increase proportionally. A Mudwing hatchling can produce a puff of flame very quickly, but it will barely heat up the surrounding air. An elder meanwhile might take several minutes to get their fire going, but when they do, the result will be fearsome and devastating.
Fire is the most common element on the continent, with four of the seven tribes being able to command it. I will go through those first and then follow up with the other variants .
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Nightwing fire is a dark purple in color, due to a slight variation in the gas component that fuels the flames.
The flames have no particularly outstanding properties strength-wise, but they emit comparatively little light, meaning they don't stand out as much against the night sky. This makes them ideal for low-profile ambushing, but very unsuitable as signal flares.
If a Nightwing ignites an object, the flames will gradually lose this characteristic as they will begin to consume the air around them and turn into ordinary, orange fire.
Nightwing flames are sometimes colloquially referred to as "Moonfire".
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Sandwing fire is, on average, the least powerful among all the fire-breathing dragons. In terms of potency and range, flames emitted by a Sandwing of 20 years will be roughly equivalent to those of a twelve-year-old from the other fire-breathing tribes.
Their unique advantage is that Sandwings can produce these flames extremely quickly, usually within seconds. If readying fire takes a dragon 30 seconds, an equivalent Sandwing can do it in 5.
While for most other dragons the use of their breath weapon is a deliberate and calculated affair, the severely reduced start-up time allows Sandwings to "shoot from the hip" without having to commit to the action, making them less predictable in combat.
A popular Sandwing combat technique is to open a fight by blowing a quick plume of weak fire into an opponent's face and then using the resulting distraction to strike with their venomous tails.
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Skywings command the strongest and purest variation of fire among all tribes. Their flames come out very straight and can maintain their shape over vast distances.
They can "cook" their fire by holding it inside themselves for longer than necessary. While this becomes unpleasant or even painful if done for long, it will increase the temperature and purity of the resulting flames far beyond what any of the other tribes are capable of.
Flames emitted after doing this for long enough will come out with an intense blue color that can cut through stone.
For dragons afflicted with firescales, all of the fire they breathe will be like this, as their bodies are already channeling flames at all times to fuel the burning scales.
Because Skywing fire is so intense, it is at times difficult to control. Skywings who become emotional will often start smoking from their nostrils involuntarily.
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Mudwing fire, sometimes referred to as "moody fire", is very temperamental. Its strength will vary widely based on a number of different factors, not all of them fully understood, making it appear random at times.
The most commonly understood factor that influences a Mudwing's fire is the ambient temperature. Mudwings will struggle to produce flames in environments that are too cold (close to freezing weather, very cold water, etc.). This can be partially mitigated by ingesting hot stews, soups, or beverages before fire usage.
A factor that isn't as well documented is that the Mudwing's fire breath and their uncanny healing factor are fueled by the same source. This means a Mudwing's fire will be strongest when they are healthy, and begin to diminish if they become injured, as their body will divert resources away from the breath weapon to prioritize keeping itself alive, functioning, and mobile.
Mudwings hatched from blood eggs have a tendency to develop poor breath weapons, as their super-charged healing factor--while potent enough to outpace most damage sustained from fire--is even more resource-hungry than that of a regular Mudwing.
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Icewings don't breathe fire. Instead, they are able to exhale a stream of frost magic. There is nothing I can think of to scientifically explain all the properties of frostbreath as they are presented in canon, especially with regards to Queen Battlewinner. Ice that makes you lava-proof? Nah, this is straight-up magic. All Icewings are born with a small piece of magic and this is how it expresses itself.
Contrary to popular belief, frostbreath is not stronger than firebreath. In terms of general characteristics, Icewings and Nightwings are actually roughly equivalent.
What makes frostbreath more overtly lethal than fire breath is the magical component. When frostbreath comes in contact with living tissue, it will form ice crystals on and inside the surface. All flesh in contact with these crystals will gradually turn necrotic. This process is very painful.
The crystals are very persistent and it requires sustained exposure to intense heat to melt them. The best way to accomplish this is via prolonged bath in warm water (close to boiling). This method, if applied quickly after the injury, will usually result in recovery after a few hours of bathing.
Getting hit while in a situation with no access to warm water is very dangerous and potentially lethal. If treatment does not begin soon after, the crystals will begin to spread, killing more tissue and making recovery increasingly less likely, especially once the injury spreads to internal organs.
It is not uncommon for soldiers who get hit by frost breath and are caught out in the open with no treatment options to cut off the afflicted body part to minimize tissue loss.
Icewings are more resistant to frostbreath than other dragons, but not fully immune. They can succumb to the same injuries.
If an Icewing suffers an intense burn, particularly in and around the face, they become completely unable to exhale frost until the burn begins to heal.
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Rainwings do not have a breath weapon. Instead, they produce an acidic venom within their bodies, which can be administered through biting, or launched at targets through a pair of collapsible, hollow fangs.
The gland that produces this venom needs sunlight to develop properly. Once the Rainwing has been exposed to sufficient sunlight, venom production will begin, and may even continue without further exposure, but it is recommended to sunbathe for at least 5 hours a week to keep the gland healthy and the venom potent.
The venom is strongly corrosive and able to dissolve most organic materials like wood, plant matter, and flesh. It is potent enough that, if it enters another creature's blood stream directly (via bite, an open wound, or the eyes), that creature will die within seconds.
The venom's lethality will rapidly decrease once it separates from the user. If it hits surface tissue and has to burn through layers flesh, it will usually lose too much of its toxicity before it reaches the blood stream (though it will still function as acid and be excruciatingly painful).
Rainwings are immune to their own venom, but not the venom of other Rainwings. Mixing a sample of venom with the venom of a close blood relative will cancel out the destructive properties of both.
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Seawings are amphibious dragons who prefer to live in water, but can also go on land and exist there in relative comfort for a decent while. Their body contains an organ that stores water, from which it periodically draws to keep the Seawing's skin from drying out.
When under duress, a Seawing can forcefully expel the contents of this organ through their mouth as a pressurized jet of water. While this is not very destructive, it can momentarily stun aggressors and allow the Seawing to retreat to the safety of a nearby lake or river.
If the blast is held inside and charged up similar to the fire breath of other tribes, the Seawing is able to draw from their body heat to increase the water's temperature to scalding degrees.
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sideprince · 3 months
Hello hello, love your blog and all the meta! Do you have any thoughts or saved meta on Snape’s accent? I don’t remember us seeing any indications in book-canon about him having an accent that stands out in any way, but I’d imagine that a poor boy growing up in the midlands (or in the north, as we thought before Spinner’s End was revealed to be in Cokeworth), to have a strong regional accent. Since this is an obvious class marker would he have tried to tone it down or hide it as he got older in Hogwarts? Thoughts?
Hello! Thank you, I'm always surprised anyone reads my posts so that's such a nice thing to hear! I've actually been thinking about Snape's accent lately so I love this ask and also get out of my head.
The books seem to show Snape speaking the Queen's English (ie. the dialect spoken primarily in the South of England and considered by some to be "proper" English, those people being dismissive of regional dialects in ways I personally don't agree with). This can be deduced more from seeing how the dialogue of characters like Dobby and Hagrid are written than anything else. Hagrid is written as speaking with a thick West Country accent, with a lot of "yeh" instead of "you" and "ter" instead of "to" etc. You also see similar clearly denoted regional dialects with characters like Mundungus Fletcher (whose accent is Cockney):
“Blimey,” said Mundungus weakly ___ “Keep your ’airnet on!” said Mundungus
-Order of the Phoenix, Ch. 2
“Well, you’re a bunch of bleedin’ ‘eroes, then, aren’t you, but I never pretended I was up for killing meself -”
-Deathly Hallows, Ch. 11
Because we see these characters with their pronunciations clearly written into their dialogue, we're meant to assume the other characters speak the Queen's English, as no specific dialect is otherwise indicated. McGonagall is Scottish but it's never mentioned that her accent might be as well, and her dialogue doesn't indicate it is either. In fact, if you do a quick search on potter-search.com for the word "Scottish" the only instance that comes up in any of the HP books - which are set in the Scottish Highlands with McGonagall as a prominent Scottish character - is at the end of Deathly Hallows when the dragon the trio break out of Gringotts deposits them in the middle of a Scottish loch. It’s the only time the word Scottish is used in the whole series. I think that says a lot about JK Rowling as the writer and what her own biases are when it comes to writing representatively of the places her story - and its characters - inhabit.
I don't think Rowling put that much thought into Snape's accent and where he's from. The underlying message is that the Queen's English is the "default" accent and peppering her books with regional dialect in the dialogue of folksy characters like Hagrid gives them a bit of color, or that giving someone like Mundungus a Cockney accent denotes his being an untrustworthy criminal (and it's not exactly a revelation that she has unchecked internalized biases that show through her writing). But I also think that she wrote Snape with Alan Rickman in mind and that made her vision of him a bit conflicting, ie. she wrote his backstory as growing up in a Midlands slum and yet he speaks like the RADA trained actor she envisioned him as in her mind.
That won't stop me from coming up with meta about Snape's accent, though! I've been thinking about it lately, actually, because I see a lot of posts that talk about how he must have lost his accent at school to fit in with the other Slytherins, since there are, historically, many pure-bloods and Sacred 28 families in that house and he would have had a hard enough time fitting in as it was. I've always thought these theories made sense but lately I've been wondering if there could be an alternate reading of Snape's accent.
We don't really know much about Snape's mother but I've thought about how she might have come from a reasonably well-off wizarding family, or at the very least from a higher class background than she ended up raising her son in. Although most Brits grow up speaking with the accent of their region, some do grow up speaking how they're taught to at home if it diverges from other locals. The example that comes to mind is how John Lennon always had a scouse accent having grown up middle class in Liverpool, while Paul McCartney - also from Liverpool - spoke the Queen's English because his mother insisted on teaching him to speak it at home, despite their family being working class, in order to give him a leg up through the classist confines of British social classes.
So my own meta has lately been to play with the idea that Snape always spoke with the accent we see his adult self speaking with, because his mother wanted him to have a chance to do better in life than what she was able to give him (again, given how classist British society is, and was especially back in the 60s). It may also explain why he had so few friends as a child: if he was raised to speak the Queen's English in a working class slum, the other children may have ostracized him for it and he may have inadvertently alienated them.
The idea that Snape has always spoken with the accent he has as an adult is partly supported by the conversations we see between Snape and Lily as children, where Snape's accent isn't written in the regional dialects we see other characters having. There are a few minor moments where young Snape seems to have a Northern lilt, but it comes off more as something that slips into his speech than characterizes it, when compared to Mundungus or Hagrid (emphases mine):
‘We’re all right. We haven’t got wands yet. They let you off when you’re a kid and you can’t help it. But once you’re eleven,’ he nodded importantly, ‘and they start training you, then you’ve got to go careful.’ ______ ‘They wouldn’t give you to the Dementors for that! Dementors are for people who do really bad stuff. They guard the wizard prison, Azkaban. You’re not going to end up in Azkaban, you’re too -‘ He turned red again and shredded more leaves. Then a small rustling noise behind Harry made him turn: Petunia, hiding behind a tree, had lost her footing. ‘Tuney!’ said Lily, surprise and welcome in her voice, but Snape had jumped to his feet. ‘Who’s spying now?’ he shouted. ‘What d’you want?’
-Deathly Hallows, Ch. 33
There's a bit of Northern in how he says "you've got to go careful" and shortens "do you" into "d'you" but overall his speech is fairly standard Queen's English. It sounds more like a kid trying to sound cool, the way the Weasley twins and even Ron often do (Ron saying "geroff" to his mum, the twins shouting "oy" to each other or saying "blimey" even though they all grew up in Devon and their speech is generally also written following standard Queen's English).
Young Snape's accent may also have been something that caught Lily's attention or just put her at ease - seeing this skinny, twitchy kid wearing odd looking clothes and looking uncared for and poor but hearing him speak with a more familiar accent and vocabulary would have made it easier for her to connect with him. We see from Petunia's dialogue as an adult that she speaks the Queen's English, so we can assume the two girls grew up speaking it at home. There aren't really any colloquialisms in her speech, and what little (and it's really so, so little) we see of Lily seems to show the same.
Some people claim that Snape’s Northern accent comes out when he's triggered, but I can't find examples of it. At his most triggered in the Shrieking Shack in PoA, he still speaks as he always does:
'SILENCE! I WILL NOT BE SPOKEN TO LIKE THAT!’ Snape shrieked, looking madder than ever. ‘Like father, like son, Potter! I have just saved your neck, you should be thanking me on bended knee! You would have been well served if he’d killed you! You’d have died like your father, too arrogant to believe you might be mistaken in Black - now get out of the way, or I will make you. GET OUT OF THE WAY, POTTER!'
-Prisoner of Azkaban, Ch. 19
Even in HBP when he's fleeing and Harry triggers him, his speech is consistent with hiw it’s written through the rest of the series:
'No, Potter!’ screamed Snape. There was a loud BANG and Harry was soaring backwards, hitting the ground hard again, and this time his wand flew out of his hand. He could hear Hagrid yelling and Fang howling as Snape closed in and looked down on him where he lay, wandless and defenceless as Dumbledore had been. Snape’s pale face, illuminated by the flaming cabin, was suffused with hatred just as it had been before he had cursed Dumbledore. ‘You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? It was I who invented them - I, the Half-Blood Prince! And you’d turn my inventions on me, like your filthy father, would you? I don’t think so … no!’ Harry had dived for his wand; Snape shot a hex at it and it flew feet away into the darkness and out of sight. ‘Kill me, then,’ panted Harry, who felt no fear at all, but only rage and contempt. ‘Kill me like you killed him, you coward -‘ ‘DON’T -‘ screamed Snape, and his face was suddenly demented, inhuman, as though he was in as much pain as the yelping, howling dog stuck in the burning house behind them, ‘- CALL ME COWARD!'
-Half-Blood Prince, Ch. 28
There isn't really much in these moments to suggest a Northern accent coming out. So in a radical departure from the fandom, I've been mulling over the meta that Snape always had the accent we see him with. It's not as unlikely as people think, and certainly not impossible.
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zoomzooml · 1 year
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Concept doodles of The Nine Realms dragons because I fell into spiral with those lmao. I have no idea what to do with Feather so I'm ruling her out for now lmao.
I feel that one of the main problems with D:TNR is that this original dragons are done in one style, dragons from previous series are done in another style and dragons from yet another (Bubblehorn is from some series for really young kids from what I know) are done in yet another style and the creators lump it all together.
And the fact that I'm not fond of The Nine Realms artstyle at all is a private opinion. Mine doesn't rally fit HTTYD universe either but I think it's not hard to translate these design so I hope it works anyway lol
Most important text from pics under the cut:
I feel like two heads don't work for that dragon but I tried to roll with that.
I give them spinosaurous-like snouts bcuz I wanted to keep it round but non-deformed lookin' (lmao).
Catfish-like whiskers on both jaws and in front of eyes.
Knee bends forwards now (why do they bend backwards in canon design??? I don't understand)
More Zippleback-like legs and body.
I hate their colors and tried to improve it but my brain can't do colors either ಥ_ಥ I feel like it all crashes together...
Personal note: I don't like designs of animals who have colors 50/50 at all but I want them to be recognizable. Color pattern like this feel super unnatural unless it's mutation. Like those birds or butterflies who are half male, half female. It's also my personal headcanon for these two lol
I don't like pattern of their wings bit idk what to give them. I just don't want wings to be solid but different than body color, it just looks kinda awkward??
In my opinion, because only her wings are covered in armor they look out of place. Rumblehorns' armor looked more conected to it, because head also looked hard/armored. So I tried to connect her armor to her body a bit more
Horn is no longer made of crystal.
She doesn't grow crystals. Crystals grow on her because of her natural habitat
I give her a bit smaller head
Details of her unique wings. They are still made of skin and bones but folds in more bug-like style
Bodytype similiar to Terrible Terrors, maybe a bit shorter.
Horns like those of Deadly Nadder.
Eyes like parrots'. Idk why lol
Spikes and scales on legs and tail similiar to those of Night Fury
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its-gettin-weird · 6 months
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"People are creatures who cant live without loving someone. But since they're creatures who can't love something that's strange or revolting, then by process of elimination, they can't live without loving something they can love."
It's her. The meat woman.
tbh, I don't really know anything about her asides from the stuff that I read on her wiki / Birth of Authority from Wish document and stuff that people in the fandom have said about her, so idk how accurate this would be to her lol but I think I have a gist for what her deal is XD
For Capella, I was going for a kind of butcher aesthetic, but with some touches of demon / dragon elements because iirc she transforms into a dragon at some point (also I think she already has a demonic vibe to her + just... how she is in general), and she 'butchers' people's bodies into grotesque shit. That's also the reason why her weapons are meat cleavers, to go with the whole 'butcher' theme. I also wanted to have a sort of clashing of cutesy / risqué elements in her outfit to go with the contrast of her appearance versus her personality, hence the ruffles + bows in her outfit paired with the latex top, gloves, and pencil skirt. I had no idea what to do with her at first, because her outfit in canon is literally just. A bikini. And some other shit. Aside from a color scheme I had no real 'theme' to go off of, just scantily clad outfit. I was at first gonna go for something like a mad nurse / surgeon vibe cause of how she alters people, but being a butcher just fits so much better for her and goes with her vibes really well. Also I think she's been called 'meat woman' in the LN or WN before so it makes sense lol XD
The authority from a wish document basically says that she wants to be loved by everyone and believes that people only love someone's appearance / looks are all that matter, so she wants to make everyone else around her look disgusting so that they only love her, and says her 'wish' is to turn others into something revolting, so that's what she probably wished for, giving her the ability to transform herself and others into whatever she wants.
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The queen herself!
design notes under the cut
alright, let's get started with the outfit-
The thing is that Ravens outfit is really cool, but it is a PAIN to draw, at least for me. There are some small details that come from them having to fit doll molds that drive me crazy, like the fact that Ravens shoes don't have heels but she walks like they do
I also had gotten really, really bored of drawing skirts, so pants it is
Ravens look is majority black with purple and silver accents, but I tweaked it a bit so that purple is the primary color, just for fun
The feathers were cool, but I wanted to save them for fancier looks, so instead I went with dragon wing style clamps on her jacket. It always bugged me that she was the first character with a dragon and that she didn't have any draconic features on her
Alright, so this is my explanation for the way she dresses in this interpretation- she doesn't want to be seen as evil, but her wardrobe is literally cursed to make any and all clothes she tries on as much like her mother's as possible. So she has to try and mold it to her own style, like "ok what's the most normal thing in here" but she's going through Goth Skeletor's closet and this is what she's managed to put together. I'd say she did pretty good! Cravat is a little much though
Yes she only wears one glove, that's on purpose. It was gonna be that the gloved hand is her primary spellcasting hand, but I immediately ruined that, so now I guess that's just something Raven thinks looks cool
Ok now the more character lore stuff
That weird little skull nightmare next to her is Prince! I don't have and have never read the books, but I have spent a lot of time going over wiki pages to try and find details I can incorporate into these designs. Apparently when Raven was a little kid her dad got her a puppy which she called Prince. At some point her mom decided it was unfitting for an evil princess and transformed him into whatever the hell a bone rat is. Needless to say, traumatizing. I can't stand a single even vaguely negative thing happening to a dog, so I'm deciding that Prince is alive, kind of immortal since he's undead-ish, and maintains the same memory and personality. He lives with Raven's dad when she's at school and he's a very good boy, he's just really, really weird.
Yeah I don't know where I'm gonna fit Nevermore in, I think she's just gonna have to join the canon with the rest of them in Dragon Games, cause I like Prince way more conceptually tbh
Evil Raven cause why not. I actually have some ideas on how the queen lineage would work, especially because Raven seems to completely control every aspect of her powers after signing in Way Too Wonderland. I really like the idea that as the next queen grows they gain more magic, but because they siphon it from the previous generation. Raven had a natural affinity for basic spells her whole life, but after a certain age she started to take her mom's powers, which are the new ones she can't control. Plus, I like that angle on the whole jealousy thing. The Queen isn't just bitter that Snow White is more fair than her, it's the double whammy of knowing that no matter what she does, her power will be drained away and made pointless by both Snow and her own family. Usurping based angst
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yellow-computer-mouse · 3 months
⭐Intro Post⭐
ATTENTION: My DTIYS is up! Due date: October 5th!
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Hey, what's up? I'm yellow-computer-mouse, also known as Yellow! I have a lot more info on my carrd, but here's the important stuff:
I am a minor!
I am fictionkin (Snowfall WoF, Winter WoF, Aeolus EPIC) and a therian (Norwegian forest cat)!
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⭐Userboxes by @kthecritter and myself! and blinkies by @spectral-stuff & @dragonpride17⭐
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I use a lot of tone tags, and while you don't have to use them for me, it can help if the tone of a statement is unclear! Here are the main tags I use, along with their meaning! If you have any questions on other tone tags, ask away!
/gen - Genuine! I honestly mean what I said! There is no sarcasm or passive aggressiveness in my sentence.
/genq - Genuine question! I'm asking a question out of curiosity, not malice!
/silly - Silly! I'm just messing around for the memes.
/lh - Light-hearted! I'm not being too serious, so don't stress it! Normally used alongside /silly :)
/lyr or /ly - Lyric! I'm quoting song lyrics.
I am also always willing to add trigger warnings to a post! If you feel like it's needed, let me know! You can reblog, send an ask, or DM me, whatever is most comfortable for you!
This does not apply to the 🦃🪓 anon because that is still ongoing, but please don't start ARGs with me. It's super cool that people want to, but I am not a puzzle guy. Thank you! (And no hate to turkeyaxe ^^)
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I also use a lot of text colors! Here are the main ones and what they mean!
Red - Added emphasis. I'm drawing the eye to the important parts of a big text block.
Green - Links! I will never put anything incorrect behind a link, not even a rick roll.
Blue - Mostly just used on this post. I use blue whenever I type out a tag in the main part of a post.
Purple - Song lyrics!
Pink - Tagging a user!
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There's some more things that I want to add, so they're going here! Nothing too important, so you can ignore this part if you want. /gen
My favorite color is yellow! It took me a while to figure this out, so please don't be mean about it. No yellow hate on this blog! /hj
I also like orange and red!
I love getting asks! Even if it's just one word with no context, it makes me happy!
I love it so much, I made three ask blogs! All are WoF-centered: @ask-hs-jade-winglet and @wof-adoption-au are canon characters, and @wofsidequesters is for my OCs!
I also made a daily art blog called @daily-snowfall! go check it out if you're interested in having one (1) snowy on your dash every day
My favorite food is cheesecake!
My birthday is July 28th! I am a Leo (or a Cancer, going by the new chart! lmk which fits better if you want ^^)
My favorite animals are isopods, thresher sharks, and whale sharks!
My favorite UTMV characters are Nightmare, Red, and Dust!
My favorite WoF characters are Winter, Turtle, Blue, Sunny, and Starflight!
I have a pet cat named Azzy, a dog named Homer, and a leopard gecko named Honeydew!
I have an Artfight! My user is yellow-computer!
I take requests sometimes! Icons and headers, free to use as long as you credit me! I draw dragons, furries, cats, humans/humanoids... pretty much whatever! Requests are currently open!
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I don't have an extensive DNI, but there are still some things I'd like to keep out of my blog!
Anti-furries (from people who believe all furries are zoophiles to people who just think it's weird)
Basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes, right-wingers/centrists, racists, etc.)
Here are some people who I welcome here!
Alterhumans/Nonhumans! (therians, fictionkin, otherkin, otherhearted, etc! Voidpunk as well, but that's different from the others listed)
Selfshippers! (As long as it's not pro/comship, go right ahead!)
Those with commonly stigmatized disorders!
People who are "cringe"!
In general, anyone who isn't on my DNI!
I am a part of many fandoms, but here are some of my favorites!:
Will Wood
Bears in Trees
Slime Rancher
The Owl House
Epic: the Musical
The main fandoms I post about are WoF and UTMV.
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I am taking commissions for Palestine! More info on that in the post below, or DM me!
Also, if you are a Palestinian with a GoFundMe, feel free to send an ask or DM me for support! I can't donate, but I will promote your campaign however I can!
Remember to do your daily clicks for Palestine!
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Icon Masterpost
Furry Species (Aebe) Masterpost
UTMV/WoF Playlist Masterpost
Blog Masterpost
Thanks for reading my rambles, and have fun! ^-^
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Is each wand supposed to have its own distinctive look or is that just something the movies did?
“— OH NOT AGAIN!” She had picked up her wand from the table, and it had emitted a loud squeak and turned into a giant rubber mouse. “One of their fake wands again!” she shouted. “How many times have I told them not to leave them lying around?” - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Chapter 5
Harry thinking that’s Molly’s wand isn’t odd because it was right next to her and I doubt he has hers committed to memory but it’s weird that she is consistently getting her own confused with Fred & George’s fake ones. I’d assume some at least look demonstrably different from each other because some wood is lighter or darker than others but is that all? Harry recognizes his immediately when Winky has it in the same book and I think Draco recognizes his when Harry has it in DH but again those are their wands so maybe that’s why. Just curious if I’m missing something or if you have any ideas?
I mean, the wand woods are definitely different, and so are the length and flexibility, so it's not that all wands look the same even if they were all just colorful sticks. I mean, even if you have three of the most basically shaped sticks in different colors and lengths it would be noticeable.
Personally, I like to think wands are designed different from each other (I even redesigned a few here). I like to think the wands do have different designs that fit their personalities. The books do include some references to differences in wand designs:
“Shall I persuade him, Dumbledore?” called a gimlet-eyed witch, raising an unusually thick wand that looked not unlike a birch rod.
(OotP, 473)
The fact Harry mentions the wand is thicker and looking like a birch rod means most wands don't look like this, but some might. This suggests wands do look different from each other in design.
Victor Krum's wand is also mentioned to be thicker than usual:
“Yes . . . hornbeam and dragon heartstring?” he shot at Krum, who nodded. “Rather thicker than one usually sees . . . quite rigid . . . ten and a quarter inches . . . Avis!”
(GoF, 309)
It's also said that:
No two Ollivander wands are the same
(PS, 62)
And yes, it could refer to their magic and personality, which is the implication, and it likely refers to that too, but I'd like to think it refers to how they look as well. That no two wands actually look alike. The fact that Ollivander and others can easily enough recognize which wand is whose supports that this statement is also about their design itself.
Ollivanders also comments on his personal styling of wands and its difference from Gregorovitch:
“Hmm,” said Mr. Ollivander, “this is a Gregorovitch creation, unless I’m much mistaken? A fine wand-maker, though the styling is never quite what I . . . however . . .”
(GoF, 309)
Meaning different wand makers likely have their own stylistic flares and it's very recognizable to someone who's familiar with the wandmaker's style. It's like you can recognize an artist's art style, each wand is a unique piece of art. At least, that's how I always saw it.
We also never get a character mistaking someone else's wand for their own, even if the wood coloring is similar, so I always imagined them being different from each other in other ways besides the color and length — unique pieces.
If we consider official art on Pottermore canon, then there is the fact the page about Wand Woods has this picture:
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That clearly showcases wands designed differently from different woods.
Unlike the movies, though, I think the wands are only made from wood and colored like the wood they are made of. Although, I guess you could paint them or put handles on them, I don't think it's common (or at least, Ollivanders doesn't do it or it isn't fashionable in the UK).
As for the trick wands, it's possible Fred and Geroge purposefully made a trick wand shaped like Molly's to trick her. I mean, that is a very Fred and George thing to do — to make trick wands that look like all their family's wands to be little shits. They probably made multiple different designs of trick wands in general. Perhaps the trick wands are transfigurable to appear as anyone's wand. This would be harder to manage while keeping the trick wand's enchantment intact, but it's possible Fred and George could pull it off.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 1 month
Yay more Goofs with Snoots! | DoD bit my Versions part 02 + OC!
(Burn scar warnings)
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(Wanna see Part 1? Go to this link here)
Welp, part 2 is done now & I'm gonna tell you about it.
so from left to right we have: Starflight, Sunny, & a new goober named Sulfer!
Sulfer (The Skywing on the right) is a OC of mine who's apart of a AU these designs are apart of. If you wanna learn more about him, there's a link at the bottom here. VVV
Now here are the changes I made for the last 2 of the DoD:
Gave Starflight HUGE ears bcs I imagine Nightwings being based on bats more. (Also bcs he's blind now so now he need to use echo-location (idk how it's spelt sorry) which prob has been heightened due to him living in a frikin cave for so long-)
Sunny has some weird frill things near her neck, this is based on how some lizerds irl (I think) have some weird frills which puff up & make em bigger. However considering Sunny's is fluffy (bcs NiGhtWiNg DnA), it isn't as beneficial + she's a gremlin.
I kinda gave Sunny more colors (primarily on her belly which are faint but there) bcs teh sun does produce light & light produces colors which we can see. So just though that be neat.
Starflight has slightly bl00dshot eyes, mainly bcs you know what had happened between him & the volcano. (Which why he wears the blindfold now. (I know he isn't wearing it in here but JUST LET ME IMAGINE HIM GETTING HELP TO TAKE IT OFF FOR A BIT BCS SWEATY!)
Gave Sunny a 2 toned eye color bcs I weirdly imagine her mother being a misfit dragon (by that I mean the blue-grey eyes that my Sunny habs) also bcs blue fits well with any warm color imo.
Yes these designs are infact also in the same group as the designs I did for the 3 first DoD members. However these are NOT REDESIGNS! But AU designs bcs in my AU the tribes have more pizzazz & diversity. Also Sulfer is not in the Canon, he's a OC of mine apart of this AU I made which also changes bits of the lore.
Anyways enough rambling/yapping. Hope you enjoy this, or not. I'm necc is currently hurting rn & I just wanna end this so it's ending now.
Characters (the 2 dragons on the left) belong to Tui T. Sutherland but designed by me. The Red fella on the right belongs to me however.
Art is mine.
Program: IbisPaint
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
my final request……. kanaya x reader x terezi (auspicticeship, kanaya and terezi looking for a third (pale)) they are INFECTING MY BRAIN
Orderly Anon [💉]
This is actually really interesting... wiki doesn't show if they had much of a relationship with one another so I will do what I can! Doing pale/moirails for this. I actually had a lot of fun with this, too. Hope I got this right.
Yandere! Kanaya Maryam + Terezi Pyrope Concept
Pairing: Pale/Moirallegience♦️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Poly Moirails, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Clingy behavior, Dubious/Forced companionship.
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So we all know Terezi and Vriska are moirails.
A concept of them sharing a third palemate may make more sense.
However, here's an AU where things are different from canon.
Maybe in this AU Kanaya was originally an Auspistice to Terezi and Vriska.
Then some event happened that lead to Kanaya and Terezi becoming Moirails.
That would leave things open to the two looking for a third.
Maybe Terezi still feels incomplete even with Kanaya as her Moirail.
So they discuss a third with one another... eventually deciding on you to join them.
You could be a troll or human, the two don't really mind.
You're most likely already friends with at least one or both of them, just nothing in the pale quadrant.
You and Kanaya do fashion, the jade blood often making you outfits.
You and Terezi also often role-play, usually something law related.
When the two are Moirails I imagine their interests mix.
For example, Kanaya makes Terezi outfits to fit her love of dragons and law.
The two would also try to give subtle hints to you, their friend, that they want you are their third.
For example, you're also given outfits that mix fashion and dragons.
Said outfits often share jade and teal colors.
Sometimes it's things clearly designed by Kanaya with help from Terezi.
For example, stylistic outlines of dragons surrounding a dress or suit.
Then there's outfits that have hoods and fake dragon wings, ones Terezi came up with because they are cool.
It's like their way of claiming you before you know it.
You take their gifts, even wear them.
You think the designs are cool and wearing them makes your two friends happy.
You are completely aware of the two being Moirails.
What you don't know is them wanting to make you their third.
The gifts are a good hint though.
Why else would they cover you in their blood caste?
You care for them as your friends.
Sometimes you even meet with them for role-play.
Kanaya isn't really that into it but will make outfits for you and Terezi to conduct court scenes.
Honestly you feel you're just friends, especially if you are inexperienced in pale relationships.
It isn't until you realize they do pale actions towards you that you find out what they're doing.
They're essentially manipulating you into the role they want.
Stuff like the gifts and Kanaya/Terezi shoosh papping you at times disguised as just an affectionate gesture.
Terezi probably even uses her powers to try and predict outcomes of the relationship she and Kanaya want for you.
Every action they do is strangely planned.
Kanaya acts motherly to the both of you at times.
Meanwhile Terezi metaphorically "oversees" every action to take to have you as theirs.
Also Terezi seems like she remembers your smell and can tell when you lie to them.
The two are overprotective and surprisingly manipulative as they try to convince you of being their third Moirail.
You may even settle into the role if they can play their cards right.
Terezi reassures Kanaya that they will... she knows it...
You're meant to be theirs.
Once you're officially Moirails, willingly or not, the two never leave you be.
Every outfit is made by Kanaya and their colors/interests are incorporated into it.
You may not want to wear the jade/teal dragon outfits... but Terezi can just tell when you aren't.
The two love you and are actually quite protective/attentive to your needs.
Terezi can just smell when you're upset and is always there to comfort you with Kanaya.
If anyone tries to tell you this Moirallegience is unhealthy or you don't deserve them... both of them aren't happy.
Terezi is already planning out justice and Kanaya claims she'll play executioner.
No matter how long it takes... the two will have you be their Moirail...
It's fate... all according to Terezi.
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I've mentioned the Wings of Fire version of the X-Men Evolution 🖤Dark AU before, right? Well, I'm going to add a bit more to it, fledged it out a little:
Let's call this the 🖤Night AU for now, to set it apart from the 🖤Dark AU, but tie it into its multiverse, okay?
• The mutants and humans are all dragons from the ten tribes, but mutants are either A, hybrids, or B, a descendant of a hybrid. Due to the ancestry of two or more different tribes, they gain powers not found in any tribe, and even odd mixes of powers from two or more of the existing tribes
• Reader, Kurt, Kitty and Pietro are still the four who disappear/die, but they come back in the future (possibly due to one of their powers or an animus touched item)
• Not every hybrid or descendant has an obvious difference, but most appear different, not able to fit entirely into either tribe...
• Xavier is part NightWing/HiveWing, Logan and Victor are as well, and so is Laura, but have some older IceWing ancestry where Xavier doesn't; Magneto is part IceWing/SkyWing, with Wanda and Pietro having a mix of IceWing, SkyWing, and NightWing blood; Mystique is part RainWing/NightWing, and Kurt and Rogue are both part NightWing/SilkWing, with Rogue having HiveWing blood and Kurt having RainWing; Scott and Alex are part SkyWing/SeaWing; Jean is part NightWing/SkyWing; Ororo and Evan are part IceWing/SandWing; Todd and Fred are both part MudWing/SeaWing; Lance is part SandWing/LeafWing; Hank is part SilkWing/MudWing; Kitty is part RainWing/IceWing; Reader is, well, undecided as of now, but if any of y'all have ideas or want them to be one of the rare few who appears as onw tribe, I'll hear you out (doesn't mean it will become canon, but I'm open to talking about it)
• Some examples of hybrid powers are: fiery glowscales (Scott and Alex), faster than average flight and running (Pietro), mind control and stronger mind reading (Xavier and Jean), sharp, stinger-like claws (Logan, Laura, and Victor), animus-like powers (ex. Storm can summon different kinds of storms, sandstorm, dust storm, thunderstorm, snowstorm) (ex. 2 Rogue can gain any NightWing, HiveWing, or SilkWing powers from that specific dragon she touched in those tribes/those hybrids) (ex. 3 Wanda can control parts of reality, show dark visions/illusions, and can control inanimate objects), Evan can grow amd regrow lots of spikes and spines, Fred is impervious to most attacks due to harder scales and muscle mass, Hank has increased strength and fluff due to SilkWing and MudWing genetics, etc.
• Each tribe in this au has a few different or added on traits: HiveWings and SilkWings can have fuzz or fuzzy patches on their bodies; RainWings are a bit more snake-like, and their hybrids if they have venom can melt through inorganic and organic matter; NightWings can be dark greens, dark blues, dark purples, dark grays, and dark browns and reds, as well as black; SkyWing fire scales are mutants/hybrids, such as Amara and Roberto; MudWings can hold their breath up to an hour and have more alligator-like tails, hybrids can hold their breath for two to three hours; IceWings have sharp angles and freezing cold scales, while their hybrids can sometimes have frost touch (where they can make frost with their cold scales and even ice, so this is Bobby); LeafWings have horns and claws that are always dark brown and wood or branch-like, with wings shaped like different leaves; SandWings have more snake patterns amd more black spots or speckles near their eyes to help with the desert sun and heat, and don't dehydrate as fast as other tribes; SeaWings can have extra colors, like black, yellow, orange and white, and hybrids can look like tropical fish or other aquatic or semi-aquatic creatures (Scott and Alex in this case do not, but Todd and Fred do); most tribes have their basic powers, but more powerful canon powers and the mutant-like powers are only found in hybrids (this world's versions of mutants, can be called mutants in the au or hybrids)
• Tribes acted like SkyWings, being they tended to kill, ostracize, weaponize, or enslave dragons and draginets with these powers, but the mutants/hybrids fight to he seen equally or to take control themselves; these two hybrid factions end up joining forces in the end, though, because it's better to have everyone together in case things go wrong
• Angel in this case is a dragon with SilkWing/IceWing ancestry, and has six pairs of wings instead of four, and all six wings are beautiful and stunning white or opalescent; Roberto and Amara are firescale hybrids who sometimes can control how hot they burn, meaning they can sometimes hug others; Laura has sharp stinger-like claws on her back talons as well as the front talons; Forge is part NightWing/SandWing and can see into the future how to build working items and plans...
• Names for everyone include:
Charles Xavier: Chary
Ororo Munroe/Storm: Snowstorm
Logan Howlett/Wolverine: Wasp
Hank McCoy/Beast: Beauty
Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto: Elk
Raven Darkholme/Mystique: Majestic
Victor Creed/Sabretooth: Sawfly
Scott Summers/Cyclops: Scarp
Jean Grey/Phoenix: Gentle
Anne-Marie/Rogue: Roguethought
Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat: Snowfox
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler: Kurnia
Evan Daniels/Spyke: Horizon
Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver: Silver
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch: Scarlet
Lance Alvers/Avalanche: Lancehead
Fred Dukes/Blob: Fern
Todd Tolansky/Toad: Tadpole
Alex Summers/Havok: Alp
Laura Kinney/X-23: Yellowjacket
Forge: Foreseer
Bobby Drake/Iceman: Iceberg
Reader: ??? (if anyone wants to make a stand-in name for all Readers, we can try to work something out, or you can just leave it as Reader, and use your own)
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ishouldbedoinghw · 8 months
You Can't Erase Me
One Piece fanfic, part 6
Previous parts are in my pinned masterlist.
A woman enslaved by the celestial dragons is found by a man with red hair. Angst and comedy ensues.
A/N: This story will follow the canon loosely; some events will stay the same, others will be edited for the plot. The timing of events will also be slightly edited from canon so that certain characters are included. The main character is an OC of mine and in her mid-20s. Yes this is important. Character design will likely come soon.
TW: slavery, human trafficking, discussion of trauma, general angst, mention of nudity but it isn't sexual, alcohol consumption, Shanks
I'm not sure what color hair I have. At first I think it's pink, then red, then a purple. I can't help but feel as if I've seen the color somewhere, but I couldn't remember what it's called.
I lean in closer to the mirror, my nose almost brushing the cold surface. My skin is a dull shade of chestnut, and freckles are spattered over the bridge of my nose, which seemed a little too big for my face. My eyes are wide and sunken into my skull, the skin around them a dark purple. I couldn't decide whether or not I liked the color of my irises, the bright yellow-green reminding me of bugs.
I trace my fingers around my neck. It's paler than the rest of my skin, and rough to the touch. Every direction I twisted my head, it puckered and wrinkled, as if it was protesting against being stretched.
Seeing myself and knowing my name made me feel alive.
I was Jett. I was real.
Someone knocked on the door.
"Girlie, you done?" Hongo called.
I hurredly tugged on the blue shirt and baggy shorts Shanks had given me before pulling open the door. Hongo stood there with an older man with long gray hair pulled into a ponytail. Somehow he seemed taller than even Shanks, and he barely fit in the bathroom doorway.
"This is Benn Beckman, he'll bring you onto the deck if you want. Some jackass got himself stabbed in a bar, I'll change your bandage later." Hongo disappeared down the hallway, leaving me to hold onto Benn's outstretched arm.
"I'm assuming Shanks gave you that to wear," Benn remarked as he led me down the hall opposite the direction Hongo went.
"Um- yeah."
He chuckled. "I'll apologize for him, lass, because he probably won't."
I really hadn't thought about how the clothing looked, but when I peered down to study my shorts I grimaced - they were heinous.
"Don't sweat it, lass, we won't make you look like a Shanks clone for too long."
He paused in front of a door, turning to look down at me with his hand on the latch.
"Just a fair warning, some of the crew's back, and-"
The door was snatched open, and Benn moved his hand to grip the one I had curled around the crook of his elbow.
What was it with this crew and just barging in places?
A blonde, dark-skinned man wearing a headband that said 'YASOPP' was leaning against the now-open door. He didn't do much to block the sunlight pouring in, and I had to massage my temples and blink away the white spots dancing in my vision before I could even look outside.
"Damn, Benn got to the lovely gal first," the man, who presumably was the Yasopp Hongo often complained about, drawled. I almost laughed in his face, knowing damn well I looked like hell and not a touch "lovely."
"Don't be a nuisance, Yasopp," said Benn.
Yasopp clutched his chest dramatically and pretended to weep, throwing an arm over his face. "You wound me, Bennjamin. I'm nothing but kind and compassionate to you-"
"Shove that horseshit up someone else's ass," Benn grunted, "Preferably your own."
I couldn't help but giggle, catching the two men's attention. Benn sighed, rummaging for something in his coat pocket before leading me out the door.
The sea had to be the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
Benn led me over to the railing along the side of the ship, careful to keep me steady over any damp spots. Letting go of his arm, I leaned over the railing as far as my nerves would let me.
Light danced over the little chopping waves that pattered against the ship, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that almost hurt my eyes to look at. Bright turquoise faded into a deep sapphire as it stretched into the horizon. My vision blurred off into the distance, but the vast nothingness that laid before me was almost haunting. I wondered what it would be like to soar on wings above it, to feel lost in the sky surrounded by nothing but blue.
The gentle flick of a lighter drew my attention, and I turned to see Benn taking a long drag from a cigarette, the end burning a bright amber. He let out a heavy breath, smoke spilling from his lips. My eyes watered, a bit, and I struggled not to cough as I tried scooching away.
"Shit, sorry, lass," he says, his face turned in the opposite direction.
I faced the water again, squinting to see how far my vision could reach.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Benn grunts, a slight smile on his face. "It never seems to end."
"Has anyone seen all of it?"
If he's surprised by my question, he doesn't show it. "One man has, but that's a story Shanks knows more about than I do." He grimaces, then mutters, "Maybe you shouldn't ask him, he might gab on about the damn clown-"
"Benn, if you don't shut the fuck up right now, I'm going to shoot your kneecaps." Yasopp's voice was chilling compared to the easy tone he had earlier, and his expression was downright murderous.
"I guess Shanks is on his way back, then," said Benn, undisturbed. "Please never mention clowns or bugs around him, lass, you'd be signing us up for torture."
"A sick and unusual punishment, indeed," said Yasopp somberly.
Benn, having finished his cigarette, steps toward me. "Guess we'd better introduce you to some of the crew."
"Although I'm afraid you've already met the most handsome and awesome member," Yasopp cuts in, dramatically flexing his arms.
"Don't you have other shit to do?"
"Such a dirty mouth around a lady, Benn! I would never-" and he faded off, still babbling as he disappeared below deck.
Benn let out a sigh, rummaged in his pocket again, then paused before thinking better of it. "Alright, lass, in case no one's told you yet, welcome to the Red Force, ship of the Red-Haired pirates."
I almost pointed out that Shanks was the only one with red hair that I'd seen, but decided to keep my mouth shut.
More of the crew started appearing here and there, carrying various crates and bags of things, though I couldn't make my vision focus enough to see. I had to squint to make out some of the various crew members Benn started pointing out, but most of them seemed so happy to be introduced to me that I couldn't bring myself to say I couldn't see most of them from where we were.
What I was able to notice, however, was how odd some of their names were. Rockstar? Limejuice? Bonk Punch? Building Snake? What in the actual hell? Benn gave no indication that these were just nicknames, either, and didn't acknowledge how strange they sounded.
Another thing I noticed was how big everyone was. I thought Benn would be the tallest man I'd ever seen, but Building Snake - damn, it felt stupid to refer to anyone like that - was basically a giant. Despite everyone's daunting appearance, however, everyone seemed good-natured and cheerful - with the exception of Limejuice, who seemed more quiet and serious, though still polite.
Gab won me over almost immediately, with his sweet and bashful demeanor contrasting his fearsome appearance. As one of the few members I actually saw up close, I was able to see just how much he looked like a lion with his long, wild hair and sharp teeth. He didn't say much, but he did give me a timid smile before scurrying off, evidently not for conversation with strangers. I couldn't blame him. I was leaned over the railing again, watching the water as the sun started to dip when Hongo shouted for me.
"Jett! Let me change up your bandage before we eat." I didn't think I'd ever get tired of hearing other people say my name. It made me feel less like some poor, weak stray that had turned up and more like a person.
As soon as I was wrapped back up, my back stinging slightly, Hongo was pushing a cane in my hands, telling me I needed to start walking longer distances on my own. While it was exhausting, I had to admit it was liberating to be able to move around independently, with no grumpy pirate to lead me around.
I'd just made my way back out onto the deck when i heard a loud, sharp whoop. The men seemed unfazed by it, continuing to load up- whatever pirates loaded up. Food? Water? Weapons, maybe?
It wasn't until Shanks made it up onto the deck that I figured out who it was. I was right - Shanks was the only crew member with red hair, and I was able to decipher him from much farther away than the others. He was carrying something large and round on his shoulder, and as he drew closer, I could see the wide grin on his face.
"We're celebratin' tonight, boys, I got my hands on the good stuff!" he shouted, all but slamming down what looked to be a barrel from his shoulder to the floor.
"We've got a new crewmate to welcome!"
It was the first time since arriving that I had eaten with the crew. We were all out on the deck stuffing ourselves, and I was still buzzing from what Shanks had said earlier.
Did they like me that much? Everyone seemed so happy that I was here, it was unreal. They didn't even know who the hell I was- although I didn't exactly know that either.
All night, I'd received choruses of "Oi, lass," or "Aye, miss," or the occasional "Need more food, little lady?"
The last one tended to come from the ship's cook, Lucky Roux, who was about as wide as he was tall. He always seemed to be knawing on a meat rack, a wide smile across his face. Out of all the crewmates I'd met, he was the sweetest; though if he was a little more outgoing, Gab could certainly give him a run for his money. Roux also seemed hellbent on making my stomach explode; any time I finished something on my plate, we was shoveling me more.
Benn sat beside me, his manners probably as proper as any pirate's could be. Shanks sat opposite him, having finished eating a while ago and was continuously chugging a foul-smelling liquid that Hongo had forbidden from me. He'd said that it would react badly with the medicine I was on; he also looked like he'd murder everyone on the ship if I didn't listen to him.
It seemed like everyone was drinking the stuff - liquor, I thought, after watching Shanks's cheeks flush and and most of the crew get a little less precise with their movements. Benn and Hongo were the only ones aside from me staying sober, and I was grateful for it. Hongo was in and out, making sure I was eating the right things then disappearing back into the cabin.
"He's cleaning," Benn grunted, fiddling with an unlit cigarette.
"Honey?" Shanks piped in, "the man's obsessed, I swear."
"Someone's got to be clean on this ship, and I know it won't be you, Captain," Benn snapped.
"What's up your ass, Benn, you've been a dick all night," Shanks giggled, "oh my god, maybe it's dic-"
"He hasn't had his smokes today," Yasopp interrupted, swaying slightly with an arm around Lucky Roux's shoulders.
Benn just grunted, his hand twitching.
I thought back to earlier that day, when he'd looked so guilty at making me cough. Did he stop because of me?
"Um- Benn- if it's because of me," I hesitated before continuing, "I don't mind if you smoke."
Shanks gasped dramatically, saying, "She does speak-"
"Shut it, you arse. Don't be rude," Benn snapped. He turned to me, and in a gentler tone he said, "I'll be fine, lass, don't want to spoil your lungs."
"I'm not a child, Benn, I'll be fine if you go somewhere else to smoke," I blurted out before I could stop myself.
If I'd pissed him off, he didn't show it; he just squeezed my shoulder, muttered an "alright then," and walked off.
Shanks absolutely cackled at this interaction, having no shame in teasing his first mate. "Spooky, I wish you could see well enough to look at his face right now." Genuine tears rolled down his cheeks, and he sloppily wiped them away.
With the absence of Benn, Yasopp and Lucky Roux had fixed themselves around me, snickering at each other.
"So, Jett," Yasopp started, "how old are you, if you aren't a kid."
I had to think for a moment. In truth, I had no idea how I knew I wasn't a kid. How young did I think I kid was, anyway? Eighteen? Twenty? Was I older than that?
"I- I'm not sure," I admitted, and Yasopp stiffened a bit.
"Amnesia that bad, huh?" he jokes lamely.
"I WISH THAT I COULD WAKE UP WITH AMNESIA-" Shanks's singing was awful, and the crew seemed to share that opinion, Yasopp grimacing and Lucky Roux's smile faltering.
"Shanks-" someone started to say before I interrupted.
"You're going to make me more deaf than I already am." It was quiet, but Shanks caught it, and he guffawed before his face settled into a pout.
"I'll have you know I'm a terrific singer, Spooky, you lot just have no taste."
Yasopp scoffed, before covering it with a cough that made Roux chuckle.
"The lady's got a bit of a mouth on 'er, even if she is quiet," Yasopp slung an arm around me, his blonde dreads brushing my shoulder.
The night wore on, and although I was exhausted, and Benn had suggested more than once that I should probably be asleep, I found myself captivated by how the crew interacted with each other. They laughed and joked around each other, and everyone was happy to be there. A few of them seemed to have partied to hard - Shanks being one of them - and were either vomiting into the ocean or passed out.
Somehow, Shanks's head had ended up in my lap, and Yasopp and Roux were sitting across from us. Benn was constantly smoking a small ways from us, something that worried me until Yasopp assured me it was completely normal "Benn behavior".
"Ssssshhhpooookyyyyyy," Shanks slurred from my lap, and I awkwardly patted his head.
"Hm?" I'd gotten more confident in my voice as the night had worn on, saying a few more words at a time, and responding more often.
"Benn said - hic - Benn said the shorts I gave you were uglyyyy," he whined.
"Well- I- yeah," I said, looking at the bright purple stripes that adorned said shorts. "But thanks for letting me wear them."
The redhead shifted to face me, grinning. "Don' worry Shpook, we'll get you some woman clothes sometime."
I hummed a minute, looking away from him.
"Shanks," I finally said, gazing out over the dark where the ocean should be.
"Hrrngh," he grunted.
"Why are you letting me stay here?"
Shanks POV
I looked at her, but she wouldn't meet my eyes. I'd seen the look on her face countless times on countless faces. I tried moving to sit up, but glaring white spots danced over my vision, and my head spun. Fuck.
I was way too drunk for this.
The truth was that in the time she'd already been with us, no one had been able to find any record of her existence. No missing person reports, no recent kidnappings - nothing that suggested someone was looking for her. It was Benn that suggested she might've been gone long enough that people had stopped looking for her; and I had a terrible suspicion he was right. It wasn't uncommon for all records of a person who'd been sold as a slave to "mysteriously" disappear, but usually someone would get by with reporting them in the News Coo. Some of the crew, including myself and Benn, had looked through almost a year's worth of any news, reports, or even wanted posters.
Our girl was nowhere to be found. To make things worse, Hongo shared his fear that the amnesia she had could be permanent, even if her vision and hearing improve. So, she couldn't tell us herself.
Maybe I could get Mihawk to look at some Marine record or something.
I shoved those thoughts away. We'd keep looking, but at some point, we'd have to tell her. But for now, I'd do my best to keep her happy.
"Finder's keepers, Spooks," I said finally, pushing myself up and groaning.
She watched as I raised my bottle, and I could've sworn I saw her smile a little when I shouted, "A toast! To our newest crewmate and friend!"
Nothing but cheers erupted from the crew.
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raw-law · 2 months
I've been rewatching MLP G4 and I'm as obsessed as I was when I first watched it, but now I'm faced with the unfortunate/hj realization that, i can be considered a "brony"...
If you were in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, what type of pony would you be?
There are earth ponies, pegasus, unicorns and alicorns
In case of choosing a unicorn/alicorn, which color your magic would be?
And lastly, what would you like to have as a cutie mark?
ahh... well. bronies aren't that bad. not all of them, at least..?
to answer your question though, unicorn makes the most sense to me, but some random quiz i found suggested earth pony instead. so, who knows.
and for a cutie mark... most likely something to do with analysis. it's the only skill i particularly care about.
makes me wonder what your answers would've been, dragonon. especially with dragons having a canonical existence in the franchise. spike's a silly fellow.
I dunno, probably a unicorn as well? I don't really feel attracted to any one of the four types, so...and my colour would probably be red? It's a nice colour, and people've commented it fits me, especially Ryuzaki, for some reason.
Anyways, for the cutie mark...I've actually got no idea. I don't really enjoy doing anything.
And what about you, Dragon Anon? I'd like to hear your answers, too!
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onejellyfishplease · 11 months
So, I noticed that Tinker-the-dragon showed you storyboards of their own animatic (which looks great btw, can't wait to see it), and since you said you enjoyed seeing the process, I figured I'd do the same! After all, having people acknowledge and get excited for my WIPs gives me a sense of accountability to finish it, which makes it much more likely to actually get done.
So, behold my chaotic, colorful rough sketches!
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The process is slow-going, since I am simultaneously working on a couple other creative projects, some are tangentially related to this one (like how I'm finalizing my headcanon designs for all the turtles beyond just Donnie), and some aren't (like drawing long overdue art of my D&D party's characters).
I'm also making some guesses/taking some liberties when it comes to the timeline. Like, I'm assuming that this AU takes place post S2 finale, and thus will take place in the new lair, but I don't actually know. (If this has been addressed in asks before, I'm probably too new of a fan of SnapDonnie to have paid attention to those asks, and don't have the attention span to scroll through a ton of asks just to obtain a specific bit of information)
Similarly, I don't know exactly at what point Donnie starts attracting flies. It might not be as early as I'm depicting here. I can certainly move that part to a later section, but I don't know what I'd replace it with.
In general, if you have suggestions for things to be changed/switched around to better fit with the 'canon' of SnapDonnie, I'd love to hear it. It's better to make changes now while things are still very rough and flexible, than once I'm more committed and frames have taken quite a bit more effort to make.
Sorry for the super long 'ask,' this ended up being a bit of an info-dump lol.
thats so cool omg!! And im just gonna go a bit crazy over the frames if u dont mind me~ BUT THE ONE WITH THE SHADOW??? thats literally so creative im obsessed with it. I love cinematic shots like that, they just make my brain buzz <3
and the one where hes doing thumbs up to Raph absolutely cracked me up!
Also to answer your questions- SnapDonnie takes please after the movie, So Raph has a blind eye and hole in his shell/plastron, Mikey has his scars (though u cant drawing them in bandages to aviod drawing them if i want -i always forget to draw them lol) and Leo has a leg brace.
And as for the flies, Donnie starts to attract them basically immediately once the physical changes start, though he basically douses himself with insect repellent at first (while he still wants to repel them) So frames 24 and 25 would go after he really starts to change instead of before.
Hope that helps!! It looks amazing so far! <3
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synergysilhouette · 4 months
My Hogwarts Legacy OC
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I usually don't make posts about my MCs, but someone reblogged my work and I wanted to make one of my own. I'll actually put my MC posts on my intro page. I may make amendments to this later on, but I wanted to get into this headspace. Please forgive me if my character's biography points to any inconsistencies wish the Potterverse in general; I'm not aiming for 100% continuity with "Hogwarts Legacy" itself, so there's some canon divergence (ESPECIALLY with the side quests). Sadly I'm not an artist, so you'll have to use your imagination, but enjoy anyway!
Name: Idris Chrysanthus Mirren (called "Ris-Rys" by some cousins as a child and it stuck, much to his chagrin)
From: Wales
Blood Type: Pureblood
Hair Color: Blue-Green (result of colrvaria; naturally black)
Eye Color: Grey (natural)
Skin Color: Deep brown
House: Slytherin
Heritage: Afro-Eurorasian. Haven't entirely nailed it down, but this is what I'm feeling right now (60% Black, 30% white, 10% Asian).
Pet(s): Hywel, a Siamese who rarely meows. He only seems to take to Idris.
Patronus: Welsh dragon
Animagus form: Crested Porcupine or Sunset Moth (haven't decided which)
Wand: Soft spiral black cherrywood with grey and silver imperial handle and phoenix feather core (14 1/4 inches long; fairly bendy)
Favorite classes: Divination and Potions, though it is noted he has a gift with charms.
Summarized Biography (Had to cut this down so much)
The third and youngest child of Welsh-born aurologist Silas Mirren (of British and Southern European ancestry, the latter of which has a mer ancestor) and French-born writer Odile Ranaivason (possibly of Malagasy descent), Idris was born during an extended family gathering in Spain, believed to have no magical aptitude at all, as his two older siblings had shown magical potential within one month. Due to his pureblood status on both sides, this was met with much disappointment, until it was discovered that Idris had an affinity for memory charms, something he used to his advantage as a child when visiting muggle villages in order to get free things. This greatly excited his family, but while his skillful siblings (who had went to different wizarding schools due to his parents' habit of traveling) had went to school, he never received a letter, and instead traveled with his parents or stayed with his grandparents or one of his other many relatives, all of whom tried to import certain morals and habits upon him. As he grew, he developed "useful muggle attributes," particularly an athletic build and acrobatic capabilities. He learned a few spells and became a animagus at the age of twelve (earning praise and comparisons to his metamorphagus sister Aurora) as well as conjuring a dragon patronus shortly before his entrance to Hogwarts, but he was a somewhat reserved soul.
While his paternal family in the UK isn't as fanatic about blood purity as their contemporaries, they were still quite prideful and had an aversion to muggles. This viewpoint led them down twisted roads, and Idris himself developed a quiet but cunning personality. At Hogwarts, he quickly opened up, though was still a bit softspoken. Seeing how Professor Black gives him a bit more leeway due to his pureblood status and being a fellow Slytherin, he occasionally uses this to his advantage when he needs to walk around the rules. He has a habit of getting people to open up to him, and since neither his memory skills or his animagus status are public knowledge, he can learn and twist things as he sees fit.
Important decisions
Sebastian--Formed a friendship with Sebastian (and Ominis) long before his quest began, and Sebastian's relationship with Ominis and Anne reminds him of his older siblings, so he's personally invested in Sebastian's quest. Despite his clever side, Idris is quick to submit, and thus complies with Sebastian's desires at first, but when the matter of the relic occurs, he uses imperio to make Sebastian destroy the relic. Sebastian, taken by surprise, doesn't remember this, and Idris lies to him by telling him that the relic must have been found earlier and destroyed. Ominis knows the truth, but lets it slide since Idris used dark magic to prevent Sebastian from using it. However, Solomon and Anne still move away due to Sebastian's obsession with curing Anne.
Poppy--Due to his interest in healing and divination, Idris forms a less hostile relationship with a small number of centaurs, which is more than the average wizard can say. Idris briefly considers keeping the dragon egg, but reconsiders when he realizes that Herbidean dragons are much more aggressive than the Welsh greens he grew up with. Given how the room of requirement provides him with what could be endless space, he rescues a few species the poachers have kidnapped.
Amit--Given Amit's preference for the conventional and less adventurous side of Hogwarts, Idris mainly hangs out with him when trying to focus on academics and to relieve stress, plus their bond of writing given Amit's desire to be a historian and Idris' mother being a writer.
Natsai--Idris makes friends with Natsai after seeing her transform from a gazelle, and she's the only person outside of Professor Fig who knows his secret at Hogwarts, something he's very keen on keeping on the down-low since he's not registered with the Ministry (at his grandparents' behest).
Lemme know if there's anything else you'd like to know about him! And REALLY random note: I got into this game and then into BG3, so a part of me does believe in an alternate biography for Idris where he's my OC from BG3's son.
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lumiidragon · 1 year
Hey there! So while I myself am not fond (at all) of the canon light fury's design, I must confess that I've been falling in love with your take on the species. I'm really not sure. Maybe it's because of the possible explanations I come up with for all of their varying colors. I've sort of imagined light furies in your universe to be white with markings of hues all across the spectrum to help them blend against the dazzling colors and gleams of the crystal formations in the hidden world...and when you think about it, it makes their cloaking ability even more useful. The light fury we see in the movie finds use cloaking at night when her white coloration would make her stand out like a sore thumb, but I've always seen her ability to cloak against a blue sky with white clouds to be a bit redundant (not as redundant as night fury cloaking, though...). But when I see your light furies with markings of yellow, green, or even dark red (like the ruby gal) I think to myself, "Of course! This makes sense." I'm curious, was this something that you ever thought about in the process of creating your dragons?
It is, actually!
The biggest thing I wanted for my light fury OCs is to not all look like the Light Fury. I wanted my OCs to still look like they could fit in the universe and not be too "out there", but I still wanted some originality to them. When contemplating this, I decided that bright, colorful markings would very much suit a dragon that lives in a biome that looks like this:
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Something white with brilliant colors will fit in there just fine. Some light furies have much more pastel colors while others even have browns on them (such as Spear and Dash), and all of these fall down to color and marking mutations.
Even as the night light gen continues, the night lights themselves begin to show colors outside of their dulling black and whites.
So, nice catch! I love that people spot these things and I'm super glad that I can help you enjoy a dragon species you otherwise don't~
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patchwork-crow-writes · 7 months
(Resend because i got the order wrong aldjfakfj)
Hey there! So you know the official art of Ralsei titled "Floralsei" where he's surrounded by flowers? I've been interested in the possible symbolisms behind these flowers and wanted to share a bit of my analysis with you haha. (I know there's a chance that merch isn't canon, but we also get "Weird Route" foreshadowing through the Line Stickers, so who knows? ¯_(ツ)_/¯)
In the picture, I think we can identify several flowers such as 1. "Red Roses", 2. "Lily of the Valley", 3. "African Violet" , 4. "Hibiscus",5. "Snapdragons" and 6. "Forget-Me-Nots". (link to pic: https://imgur.com/a/NXAs1jv) I'll try to list the symbolism of each one here…
"Red Roses": These flowers are placed prominently in the center, forming Ralsei's scarf and adorning his hat. While they appear as dark pink in the artwork, I interpret them as representing red, especially considering Ralsei's default scarf is called the Red Scarf. Red roses are traditionally associated with romantic love, which aligns with Ralsei's one-sided affection towards Kris.
"Lily of the Valley": This flower symbolizes purity, happiness, and sweetness. It carries diverse symbolism and is often used in various settings, such as weddings and religious ceremonies, to convey messages of hope, purity, and the joy of new beginnings.
"African Violet": (I'm not entirely certain about this, but the shape seems to resemble the flower in the pic…) This flower signifies loyalty, devotion, and faithfulness. In addition to representing faithfulness and fidelity, African Violets can also convey admiration and respect, especially when given as a token of high esteem.
"Hibiscus": Often associated with beauty, femininity, and delicate charm, the hibiscus is known for its stunning appearance and vibrant colors. It symbolizes delicate beauty, youthfulness, and a sense of joy.
"Snapdragons": These flowers embody both deception and gracefulness. According to legends, their unique appearance with "dragon mouth" shapes can represent deception, while others view them as symbols of grace and openness. (Deception seems particularly fitting considering Ralsei's mysterious nature and the secrets he keeps from Kris and the others.)
"Forget-Me-Nots": These flowers serve as a clear reminder of the phrase "Don't Forget." (It reminds me of Ralsei's Line Sticker where he's depicted singing "Don't Forget.")
Let me know if I made any mistakes, and I would greatly appreciate any feedback you have!
Oh, I didn't actually know about this! Some Ralsei fan I am, lol :P It's very pretty though, I've just seen that it's a print on a T-shirt, which I'm now sorely tempted to purchase because of how good it looks! Thanks for bringing this to my attention, it's appreciated :)
Moving on to your analysis of the different types of flowers... there's not too much I can really add here I feel - flowers and their meanings are sadly not my forte. However, a lot of the meanings you transcribed here do definitely relate to Ralsei and his character. Of particular note is the Snapdragon and its allusion to "deception" - as you rightly state, our favourite fluffy boy is definitely withholding crucial information from everyone, both about the plot at large and his own character.
You know what else caught my eye, actually? I'm just checked because I wasn't sure if I was misremembering, but Lily of the Valley is actually poisonous, and can cause skin irritation if touched directly, and its berries can cause serious harm or even death if ingested. It's a stretch, but applying this to Floralsei (what a name, by the way!) you could perhaps posit that whatever secret he's keeping, it's so dangerous it might cause irreparable damage if it were to ever come out. Or perhaps it's a warning - he may be pretty, but get too close and you'll get hurt.
With that said, however, I don't actually think Ralsei is secretly malicious or anything like that. My current theory is that he's not telling us stuff for two reasons - one is that he's directly serving the narrative by revealing pieces of vital information at critical moments in the story, as evidenced by the dramatic reveal of the Roaring and the Titans JUST before Berdly creates a new dark fountain in the cyber world; and the other is that he is trying to protect his friends from information that they might find distressing, and/or won't be relevant to them unless the worst case scenario happens (which it's obviously gonna... but I digress).
I'm sorry I couldn't really add any more to this discussion, because it is quite fascinating! I'd be quite interested to see what others think, if any further insight can be provided on this topic!
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