#some of your pronunciations really throw me
mysticfemme · 8 months
ok I've just found out that some americans pronounce Nietzsche as 'nee-chee' and not 'neet-shuh' ???
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azaleaniath · 2 years
Terrible liar
summary: Ao'nung loves to mess with your siblings, as they always get mad. Your reaction to his behavior though not only confuses but also frustrates him. Why are you always nice to him?
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includes: swearing, cuddles, bullying, injuries, soft and harsh psychical touch, denial, anger, falling in love
5.4k words
You lived in Awa'atlu with the people of the Metkayina clan for a while now.
Some of them were curious about you and your siblings. Others ran off as soon as you were near. Some of them even seemed to be disgusted by your presence.
Ronal did not want to have you here. She was certain that you would bring war and death above her folk.
Tonowari on the other hand had a kind heart and allowed you to stay here. If he would've been in Jake's position, he would've pleaded for Uturu as well, at least for his children.
The chief's daughter Tsireya proved to be a bubbly and lovely girl who had helped you voluntarily from the moment she saw you. She always helped wherever she could.
And then there was his son Ao'nung. He used every chance he got to bully you and your siblings. He found it absolutely amusing to see you fail, it entertained him to get especially Lo'ak all angry.
Seeing your brothers and sisters all pissed and annoyed was fuel to his fire. To him, is was only a game. A game he always won. Or so it seemed at first.
"Ooh, what have he here? A forest freak~" His friends laughed at his dramatic pronunciation. You sat on the dock all alone, carving an ilu out of a peace of wood you had found underwater.
You looked up to Ao'nung and his two friends with a genuine smile. "Hey guys, what are you doing?"
Your friendly voice already disgusted him, but he loved to mess with your family.
"Better question, what are you doing there?"
Reaching your carving out to him with a proud face, you watched his grin turn into a disgusted yet still amused expression.
"Can you see what it is? I'm as good as done! If you want to, you can keep it." Your smile did not seem to lessen, even when Ao'nung snatched the wooden figure out of your hand. He heard you wincing, but he did not really care.
For a tiny moment, his mask fell. The carving was very impressing, it really looked just like a mini ilu.
"Can't tell. You forest freaks don't have any other talents apart from swinging through trees."
His friends took a look at it as well, bragging about how 'awful' it looked.
"You could've just asked me to hand it to you, Ao'nung. It's supposed to be an ilu."
As you checked your hand, he also noticed the bloody cut across the palm of your hand. Now seeing that he had actually hurt you, he almost felt bad for it.
"Aw, did little (Y/N) get hurt? You're gonna run to you big brother now?" one of his friends teased before throwing the carved ilu into the reef.
"Whoops~" he flashed a wide grin, but you still smiled as friendly as before.
Instead of being angry, you thanked him, calling it a good idea.
The three boys watched in confusion as you sheathed your knife and jumped after the wooden ilu, retrieving it from the depths.
Once you came back to the water surface you held the carving out to them again. "I can practice diving like this! What a wonderful idea, thank you!"
Ao'nung looked into your eyes, trying to hide his grin and instead faked a mournful face.
"I should apologize for my behavior. I'm sorry for treating you like this. Boys", he turned to his friends, "apologize to her too."
They only looked at him in confusion. Ao'nung, saying sorry? There was no way.
"Seriously, guys. It's wrong to treat her like this."
For a moment you hoped there was an ounce of truth to his words, but before the thought could even blossom, his devilish smile returned to his visage.
"It seems that poor (Y/N) hurt her head, she probably fell face first off a tree. That's why she's so dumb."
His friends laughed together with him, so loud it also caught Tsireyas attention.
"That would explain everything!" They wheezed, slapping their knees while Ao'nung wiped his tears from all the laughter.
"What's going on?" Tsireya asked, as she rode closer on her ilu.
You showed her the carving you had worked on all day, and she immediately fell completely in love with it.
"That's so pretty! It looks just like mine. Here, look-"
She held the wooden ilu against hers, comparing them.
"And it's so small, it fits right into the palm of your hand!"
With that, she reached out to your wrist to place the ilu back into your hand, as she saw the fresh cut.
"Ow, you need to be careful while carving, (Y/N)."
When Ao'nung saw Tsireya inspecting your hand, he almost felt bad since the cut was his fault.
None of your siblings behaved like this. He loved how aggressive they got, his ego fed on that.
But you were so pure, so kind. It confused him. More accurately; it didn't even feel satisfying to mess with you. But why didn't it bother you?
You almost reminded him of his sister, even more as he saw you two next to each other.
"Let's just go, guys." He murmured with a shaking head and left.
The next morning you trained ilu riding with your siblings again.
Kiri and Tuk had already taken off as they had mastered these animals pretty easily.
Tsireya tried to teach it to Lo'ak, Neteyam watched closely.
Much to his displeasure, Ao'nung was designated to teach you.
"You're still doing it wrong, ugh! Get it together!" he hissed quietly, so that your brothers wouldn't hear him.
You shrugged lightly while he held his temples in annoyance.
"I'm sorry Ao'nung. But if you could teach me more precisely, maybe we can get through it quicker."
The young man sighed and grabbed one of your knees unpleasantly, pressing it against the ilu.
"Close your damn knees, skxawng. Now try again."
You gave a thanking smile. It worked better already, you noticed, as you took off for a quick round with the ilu before returning to Ao'nung.
"Finally. Took you long enough."
He turned to leave, but you stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "Wait!"
"What else do you want? Unlike you I have something actual to do."
You guided your ilu closer to him to pinch his cheek.
"I wanted to thank you. For taking your time-"
"Like I have a choice." He slapped your hand away. "I'd rather be hunting."
You huffed at his comment and nodded. "You're always so stressed and angry, how about you come over and we teach you some human ways to calm down through training. A smile yould suit you so much better." 
Instead of a proper answer, all he gave you was that confused and disgusted look again.
"You're wasting my time."
With that, he swam off to the shore again and you decided to join your brothers and Tsireya again.
"(Y/N)! You got it!"  the young woman happily cheered while your brothers high-fived you.
As you looked back to Ao'nung, you caught him looking back to you as well. Once he noticed he turned away quickly, and it almost looked as if his cheeks seemed darker than before. Was he blushing?
A few days passed. You sat at the docks again, simply enjoying the warmth of the sun, until you noticed a shadow over your face. You felt someone kicking your leg, which made you open your eyes soon after.
"You think you can live here, sitting around doing nothing?" Of course it was none other than Ao'nung again.
"I've been busy until half an hour ago. How was your day?"
Ah, there was it again, that friendly smile you carried on your face, no matter what he said to you.
As you watched him closer, you noticed his bruised face.
"Great mother, what happened to you? Are you okay?" you asked while getting up to take another close look at his bruises.
Backing up a bit, he turned his head slightly.
"You can tell me how it happened, i won't tell anyone. Why don't you come to my marui, I can treat your wounds there?" He visibly froze as you invited him over. Something inside of him screamed to agree and follow you, yet he knew if your brothers would be there, he wouldn't get out alive.
"I'm a man, I can handle myself. I don't need you."
Why did he felt like he just lied to himself? Something about the sentence felt wrong.
Not listening to him at all, you grabbed his hand and dragged him over to where you stayed. Even though he refused to go with you verbally, he almost automatically followed. It felt like he was losing control over his own body.
A relieved sigh escaped from his lips as he saw that there was nobody else in here but you.
"Sit down, I'll treat your wounds. Just hold still for me, will you?"
Ao'nung internally cursed himself for following the order so easily. What kind of magic was this?
He hated you to hell and back, wanted to have nothing to do with you at all.
All he did was mess around with you, and yet you sat here now, treating his swollen face.
"Did someone hit you? You know", you gathered all of the utensils you needed before kneeling down next to him to take care of him, "I thought my brother was a troublemaker, but you're an entirely different story."
The young man did not say a word. All he did was stare at the ground, wondering why his heartbeat was betraying him.
He jumped at the cold feeling of the paste on his skin.
Giggling quietly, you covered your mouth with one hand.
"It's not gonna burn. Trust me, it will help you."
You spread the paste over his cheek with gentle touches. Some of it you also smeared across his bruised chest. He prayed you wouldn't notice his pounding heart which he couldn't even explain to himself.
"This will help you. See, that's better."
The treatment pleasantly cooled him off right away.
Ao'nungs eyes followed yours in mental absence. "Why are you always so mean to my family? We don't want to harm you, we just want to survive."
Your blatant words hit him like another punch and pulled him back to reality.
How the hell should he anwer this? He just didn't like your family. You were strange, different and new. He hated it for some reason.
On top of that, messing with your siblings just entertained him. But messing with you was... frustrating. And yet so strangely addictive.
You shifted into a more comfortable position and mustered him carefully. These doe eyes of yours almost made him feel guilty again.
"You seem so frustrated. Usually, people mess with others if they are hurt. They mostly are unhappy with something about themself. So in case you need to talk, know I'm here, listening."
Before he could get any word out, your parents returned to the marui. Neytiri and  Jake stepped in, looking at the two of you sitting on the ground. The entire energy around shifted in an instant. Jake decided to speak up. In english.
"Looks like your mind games are working, huh?"
"I think so. You should see how mad he gets when I don't react."
Ao'nungs body nervously tensed up from not being able to understand your words.
Were you talking about him?
Jake was very happy and proud that at least one of his children didn't argue with this young man. Instead, your mind games actually seemed to have an influence on his behavior.
You got up, held a hand out to Ao'nung then. He ignored your help and got off the ground by himself.
By now, your treatment had already eased some of the pain of his bruises.
"What did your father say?" he asked rather quietly as you walked him out of the tent a bit later. You bit back a smile seeing him so suddenly humbled.
"Oh, not much."
This didn't really help him at all.
"What kind of language is that?"
He slowly walked besides you, his posture not as arrogant as usual.
"English. I can teach you if you want?"
"Demon language?", he huffed, "What am I supposed to do with that?"
His eyes landed on you. After watching you closely for a while, he gave in.
"Let's hear it."
A wide smile spread across your face, and you gave it your best shot to teach him some basics. If only he knew what they actually meant...
Soon you arrived at the marui he shared with his family. They all looked rather surprised seeing the two of you actually talk to each other.
Tonowari walked over to you and greeted you with a simple nod.
Ronal also came closer, inspecting her son's bruises. Her eyes widened in surprise as Ao'nung told her that you had treated him, and she found nothing to complain about.
"We're eating soon. Why don't you join us?" Tsireya offered kindly. Seeing the two of you next to each other without him pestering you was a nice change of scenery for her.
Ao'nung looked at his sister in confusion, and something inside of him was pretty relieved yet also sort of hurt as you thankfully rejected her kind offer.
"I'm sure my family is waiting for me. I'll better be going. Good night."
As you gently patted his back, his muscles immediately tensed up again. It burned anf tingled, wherever you hands layed on his skin.
After saying goodbye to his family, you turned and left, leaving the young man rather speechless. Something about you worked like magic on him, and he absolutely hated everything about this.
He felt weak around you. There was nothing he could do to get you out of your positivity.
As he sat down to eat with his family, Tonowari mustered his son silently. Since you had treated him, he was so unusually quiet and seemed like he wasn't present with his mind.
"My son, it is good to see you getting along with (Y/N). She seems to be a nice young woman."
He did not answer, but only stuffed his mouth with his food so he wasn't expected to talk. Tsireya listened to her father attentively.
"Maybe you should invite her to eat with us?"
While Ao'nung stopped chewing immediately, he looked up to his father unamused, unlike Tsireya, who giggled at her fathers words.
"What a great idea! She's such a sweet soul, and apparently a great healer too! You've been circling her a lot lately, Ao-"
"Over my dead body. I can't stand her."
His father took a deep breath.
"If Tsireyas words are true, and I've seen it myself, it is rather hard to believe."
"I said I cannot stand her! What would I like about her? Her baby tail, her weird yellow eyes? Or her skinny arms?"
His words immediately reprased in his head. That delicate, graceful tail of yours that he caught twitching whenever he picked on you.
These shiny, golden eyes, which seemed so full of love.
Your elegant, almost fragile looking wrists which he could just wrap his hands around so perfectly.
"She's beautiful, Ao'nung, stop saying mean things about her!" Tsireya defended you in your absence, before their father spoke again.
"She seems like a good person. Bring her over to eat with us tomorrow evening. She can be our guest."
The young man balled his fists, both at his fathers words and his thoughts.
You were an ugly freak. Nothing more than that. A four fingered freak.
"Father I-"
"It is the least thing you can do since she treated your wounds." Tonowari said rather loudly, to which Tsireya agreed nodding.
His guts were tossing and turning. He wanted to hate you, but how could he? You had done him no harm.
"Agh!" he hissed in annoyance before he got up again to take a walk on his own, to sort out his thoughts.
'She is a freak. A forest freak.' Internally repeating this over and over again, a recent memory started to crawl up in his mind.
As you had treated him, your touch on his chest had burned. It felt like his skin was on fire. Yet not in a bad way, rather like a warm, tingly embrace.
You treated him like a friend, still all he did was pick on you.
You never took any defense. You never got mad.
It made him feel awfully bored at first, but that boredom turned into frustration, confusion and in the end; guilt.
Usually his ego fed on your hot headed siblings getting annoyed and even aggressive through his behavior. It was fun. But the more he bothered you, the worse he felt about it.
He wanted, no, he needed to get rid of these disgusting thoughts about you.
Tsireya hopped over to you and your siblings with a wide smile. All of you greeted her with the same energy, especially Lo'ak who was head over heels falling for her.
"Good morning, guys. Should we start with breathing lessons?" She asked, still smiling happily.
"Sure!" Lo'ak answered right away. You and Neteyam exchanged amused looks at his reaction.
"Wonderful. I see, you guys are getting better and better at swimming as well. Unfortunately I'll be teaching you alone today."
The girl smiled at you especially, as if this had to do with you. Did you miss anything?
"How come? Your brother's throwing tantrums again?" Neteyam joked, making everyone huff.
"Not at all. He's hunting right now, we're having a guest tonight. At least, that is the plan."
"A-a guest?" Lo'aks eyebrows furrowed at her words. Was she probably seeing someone he didn't know about? But she just shook it off quickly, seeing how his heart was about to crumble.
"Let's get to training, shall we?"
After training you decided to sunbath and relax in the sunlight on the docks again. Getting better at swimming and holding your breath did not make it less exhausting in the end. While dozing off, your thoughts gathered around one thing only; Ao'nung.
You couldn't help but smile at the thought of him. He was a pain in the ass sometimes, but after all, something about him made you all warm around your heart. By now, him trying to annoy you was almost something you adored. He tried so hard to make you mad, there was something cute about it.
You were almost sure that he actively seeked you even if it was just for his own entertainment.
The intense smile on your face almost hurt your jaw and cheeks, which lead you to the decision to cool yourself off. Immediate regret hit you after sinking your hot body into the cool water beneath the docks.
Your head started spinning soon,
swimming was only hardly possible.
"(Y/N)!" you heard a voice call out.
Yet you did not react, thinking this was only fabricated by your brain.
With heavily lidded eyes you tried to hold yourself over the water surface until you felt a hand wrapping around your waist.
Someone supported your body and held you up so you could calm down from the shock. Your upper body fell forwards in dizziness, against the chest of the person that held you up.
"Brother...?" you mumbled, trying to figure out who was supporting you.
"Yeah, take another guess."
It was Ao'nungs voice which was pretty close to you. While resting against him, you dropped the weight of your head onto his shoulder.
"And here I thought you didn't like me?"
Your voice was still quiet, even if the spinning lessened slowly.
"Don't get any ideas, skxawng. You helped me yesterday, so we're quit."
While he talked to you, you got even more comfortable against him. Never before had he been so close to you, but you were thankful. Him being caring for once was also something you could get used to.
Even as the spinning in your head disappeared slowly, you decided to stay like this.
"Did I get promoted from 'freak' to 'skxawng'?"
Ao'nung still held you close. One arm hugged your waist completely while the other one supported your back. He had gently pressed one of his knees between yours for more support, so you got to sit on his thigh.
"You're both."
You couldn't help but silently giggle at his comment, but so did he.
Your hands grabbed onto his shoulders while he still held you in his arms safely. You could swear that his hands traced along your back the slightest bit.
"How do you stay over water so calmly without your arms?"
"Cause I don't have such a thin baby tail like you."
You wrapped your tail around his waist, hearing his breath hitch as you tickled him like this. His facial expression hardened.
"It has other benefits." you grinned against his shoulder.
Again. He made fun of you and you laughed about it.
Ao'nung bit his lip in anger.
"You're weird."
"The way you don't give up mocking me is adorable and fascinating. Maybe this is just your love language?"
Chaos raged inside of his racing heart.
How the hell did you turn his insults into something so lovely? That's not how it was supposed to be.
He pushed you off of him and dipped your face under the water surface.
"Is this how you show your affection?" you asked with an amused smile once you came back up.
Ao'nung simply groaned and swam back to the dock, getting himself out of the water. You followed him and held him by his shoulder.
"Thank you for helping me."
His blue eyes stared at you in confusion. He was confused through not just your words, but also his feelings.
"Should've let you drown." he cursed before pulling away from your grip.
"Where are you going?" you asked as he stomped off, following him for a few meters.
"Prepare food for tonight. Why else do you think I went hunting earlier?"
"Right, your sister mentioned that you are having guests tonight. Who's coming?"
Ao'nung sighed, he didn't even look at you but just left.
"You." he said while walking away.
You had spent the rest of the day with you siblings before going over to the chief's family marui.
"Dude I'd trade my ikran to be where you get to be tonight!" Lo'ak hissed at you.
"She isn't even trying to, bro", Neteyam laughed, "I guess she is the chosen one."
His exaggeration made Lo'ak turn his eyes. He would've done anything to get invited for dinner with Tsireya.
Kiri sat next to you and fumbled with her braided hair. "I don't think it was her choice, and I'm certain it wasn't Ao'nungs choice either."
You looked at her nodding, then back to Lo'ak who was still more than jealous.
"Is (Y/N) going on a date?" Tuk asked, she didn't fully understand what was happening.
"Yes." Neteyam grinned.
"No."  You corrected right away.
Tuk didn't understand. But in all honesty, neither did you.
Neteyam pulled his youngest sister into his lap and covered her ears before speaking again.
"He has to choose a mate soon, I'm sure Tonowari had this in mind when inviting you."
"As do you, dear brother. I'll better go, don't wanna be too late."
With that, you got up and left. It only took a few minutes until you arrived at the home of olo'ekytans family. Tsireya was the first to greet you, she got up as soon as her eyes landed on you.
"It's so good to see you!" she cheered happily while leading you inside.
You greeted their family with a humble gesture before sitting down at the place between Tsireya and her brother.
Ao'nung barely looked at you. Ronal and Tonowari on the other hand mustered you from head to toe.
"Our son's bruises healed in no time. May I ask what exactly you used?" Ronal asked with high interest.
"I've used yalna bark. I know you don't have that here, but I brought some from home."
Ronal nodded in approval.
She seemed to like you, so the first ice was broken.
Tsireya meanwhile got some of the grilled fish on a flat leaf that served as a plate and handed it to you.
"So, do you enjoy our customs and our way of living?" the chief asked, thrilled to get to know you better. He had no doubts about his son following his footsteps, but he needed a wife, and a worthy one at that. Some times already he had seen the two of you interact, Tonowari was sure that you would be able to handle Ao'nung well. On top of that, you were the daughter of another olo'ekytan and tsahik.
A few hours passed in no time. You sat with the chiefs family, ate, talked and laughed until it was late at night. It was getting so late that your father even came to check on you to make sure you were still with them.
Tsireya turned to yamn silently, it had been an exciting and exhausting day.
Most of the time you had talked to Tsireya and Tonowari, even Ronal had gotten comfortable to talk to you a bit more. Yet Ao'nung didn't say anything unless he was personally spoken to. He only watched his family and you interact.
Over the time, he caught himself staring a few times, and so did his sister. She found it rather amusing to see him like this while Ao'nung hated the fact that his heart wanted to jump out of his chest whenever his eyes landed on you.
He wanted to find negative aspects about you, but during his mission to find anything, he only ended up appreciating the smallest details about you more and more.
"I'm glad you joined us tonight. Know that you will always find a place here in the future. Feel free to visit us anytime."
Ao'nung clenched his jaw at his father's comment and took a deep breath. He hated how his father was trying to get the two of you together.
"I think I will go to sleep." Tsireya announced in a tired voice before she got up and went to her mat.
"As should we all." Ronal said, visibly tired as well. The chief hated to throw you out, he would've liked to see you and Ao'nung interact more.
You got up and wished a good night to the entire family, thanking them for the invitation and the meal before leaving  the marui.
As you did, you watched watched the stars burn bright above the horizon.
What a pretty sight, you thought, until your ears twitched at the sound of silent voices.
"Son, I'm not discussing that with you!"
"She's old enough to walk home alone, isn't she?"
"It's about courtesy and politeness!"
You sighed as you heard Ao'nung and his father arguing and hissing at each other.
"I can't stand her anyway! I hate her! She's an ugly forest freak, useless and stupid! It's annoying enough already to teach her our ways, I can't wait for her to get back to wherever the hell she came from! Disgusting demon halfblood!"
Even if you did like him, his words did not hurt. You knew that he had a weakness for you no matter how much he denied it.
You looked back to the marui as its curtains swung open, only for Ao'nung to step out in fury, he wanted to cool his head off, but as he saw you so close he was sure you had heard him.
Even if he said the same things to your face already, he was still shocked that you heard his words. But seeing you smile nonetheless was something he did not understand.
"You're a bad liar." You smiled while looking up into the stars again.
"There are some things in this world that we have to accept. Some things we cannot change. It's childish to think we could control them through denial."
You calling him childish only fed his fury. Ao'nung balled his fists in frustration.
He wanted you to leave and never come back. You made him weak, made him lose all focus whenever you were around him. The most embarrassing part for him was the fact that bobody believed him anymore. More than anything he denied his feelings for you but nobody seemed to believe it.
Was it so obvious?
He came a few steps closer only to drag you away with him. Nobody else was supposed to hear this conversation.
No matter how frustrated he was, his thoughts betrayed him again.
Ao'nungs curiosity about your wrists got confirmed; he could just wrap his entire hand around them. It fitted like they were made for his hands.
Shaking his head once, he got rid of the thought. At least, he tried to.
You looked around to where he was leading you. In no time he had guided you to a small bay, away from the village, where the two of you could be alone.
He turned towards you and pulled you closer by your wrist.
"Why?" was all he managed to get out, but all you did was look at him in confusion.
"What why?"
Aonung closed his eyes for a second, trying to remain focussed.
"Why are you so nice? I don't understand! I treat you like this, I pick on you every day and all you do is laugh! You never defend yourself! By Eywa, why are you so friendly? Why do you like me?"
You watched how he got completely mad, his eyes were filled with rage.
"Frustrating, isn't it?"
"You've been doing this on purpose?!"
His jaw dropped in anger while you simply smiled.
"You mocked me and my siblings on purpose too. It's fun to see them get mad, right?"
Ao'nung was completely speechless. It suddenly clicked in his head. All you had ever done was making him feel how he made your siblings feel.
And now that he thought about it, your behavior was only fair.
Something deep inside of his mind visibly changed. His anger turned into realization. He couldn't be mad at you, as much as he wanted to hate you.
"See, Ao'nung, I was never mad at you because that is what you wanted to achieve."
He swallowed the big lump in his throat. Nothing compared to the hatred he felt for admitting that you haven't done anything wrong. His tight grip around your wrist had loosened, his furious eyes seemed to calm down as well.
You came closer to him and took his hands instead, but he pulled away. Sighing, you engaged once more and placed both hands on his cheeks to hold him in place.
"Be honest to yourself; do you really hate me that much?"
At the question, his eyes darted right at yours, then softened at the sight of your gentle expression.
"... Maybe not that much..." he mumbled in shame, knowing this was definitely an understatement.
Your thumbs caressed his cheeks while your over four fingers softly traced over his neck.
"I forgive you, Ao'nung."
He almost overheard your voice since he was only paying attention to your soft touches and these golden eyes of yours which he secretly adored so much.
Once more he swallowed as he lost himself in your eyes.
As guilt took over his heart completely, he simply pulled you closer and held you pressed against himself. His arms fell around your neck, one hand buried in your hair, caressing your head carefully.
"What I said to my father about you-"
"No worries. Like i said, you're a terrible liar."
He swallowed heavily at your words again. Was he so transparent for you?
"I know you like me. But you've grown on me as well." you giggled into the crook of his neck.
"You're weird... but at least you have a good taste in boys..." You looked up to him, his face actually turned into a genuine smile.
"You're a skxawng , you know that, Ao'nung?"
You pinched his cheeks playfully until he pulled away, only to lift your head and look into your eyes once more.
"And you're a freak. My freak."
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luveline · 1 year
Could I request something from the kisses before dinner universe (if you’re taking requests that is!) just es to see the girls trying to do something nice for their parents. Or reader has the girls help her do something nice for Steve since he does so much for them (or vice versa bc mom does so much for them too)
thank you for your request! hope this is okay!! dad!steve x mom!reader, 4.5k
Avery pulls her hat over her ears and grits her teeth, eyes scrunching closed. All the new baby does is cry, cry, and cry. 
"She's loud," Bethie says.
"So loud," Avery say. 
Seconds after, Dove starts to cry, like a bomb being dropped, or a siren call. She wails and wails. The sounds are endless. Avery's hat won't block them out. She throws it across the room, agitated. 
"Stevie," Avery hears you say softly, super tired, "sorry, honey, you don't know where Dove's buppy is?" 
"No idea." 
Avery looks toward her socked feet at the end of the bed, where Dove's baby bottle lays dirty against the rumpled blankets. She grabs it quickly and slides out of bed, careful not to bash into Bethie where they'd been lying down together. Avery just got a brand new TV in her bedroom for her birthday, which means they can be 'lazy excuses for girls' if her dad is to be believed. Avery knows lazy is a bad word, but Steve says it like it's funny. She always laughs. 
"Mom," Avery says, running into Dove's room. 
"What, baby?" you ask absentmindedly, a crying Dove on your hip, hands yanking aside her blankets in search.
"I have her buppy." 
You turn, smiling, grateful and bubbly as you accept the bottle and ruffle her hair. "My life saver! Thank you. Did your movie finish? I'll come and change the tape."
"Not yet." 
"Okay. Tell me when it does, angel, I’ll come and do it straight away." You lean down. "Don't bother daddy, okay? Just come and ask me if you need something." 
"Can I have some juice?" she asks. 
"Yes, you can have some juice. Can you be patient? I have to make Dove a bottle. Five minutes?" you ask. 
Avery nods without a frown. She really wants juice, but she wants Dove to stop crying more. You give Avery's cheek a little squeeze and leave for downstairs, taking the steps very, very slowly. "It's okay, Dovey," you mumble. "It's okay. I know, you're tired, I'm tired too." 
Avery doesn't want to see the baby —she loves the baby, you and Steve love the baby, everyone loves the baby— 'cos she's ridiculously loud, and Avery needs her ears to work or she'll never be a famous violinist, and then what will she do with her life? She only just started music classes. But Avery misses her dad desperately, having seen him for a ten minute period when he picked her up from school and not a second longer. 
She creeps into the big bedroom. It's a disaster. Steve is sitting in bed with the baby in his arms, rocking her back and forth, hand patting her butt and lower spine steadily. He's shushing with every pat, eyes closed. He looks like he has an unhappy tummy. 
"Daddy?" she whispers. 
His hand flies to his mouth, finger over his lips in the universal sign for Please, be quiet. 
"Are you okay?" she whispers. 
He nods vehemently, finger still over his lip. Avery remembers your recent ask too late —Don't bother daddy. Her eyes flare wide and she tiptoes back to her room, flopping onto the sheets next to Bethie with a defeated sigh. 
"It's hopeless," she dramatises. 
"It's not hopeless, it's just bedtime," Bethie says, much more talkative when it's her and Avery alone. Her pronunciation isn't the best, she's nearly two years younger than Avery, but it's more than passable. "Don't worry, Ave." 
Avery drags her face up from the sheets and pouts at her younger sister. "Mom and dad are both busy and we'll never get ants on a log." 
Bethie tips her head to one side. "Baby's sleeping now." 
"But dad wouldn't speak to me!" 
"Heather's sensi‐stive." 
Heather isn't the baby's name, officially, but it's the one Bethie likes most. Avery liked Tiffany, but no one else liked Tiffany, which was dumb. Tiffany is the best name ever. Way better than Heather.
"Tiffany," she says pointedly, "isn't sensitive, she's just new." Or, that's what Steve says. "We didn't vacuum enough when she came home so now she's not used to big sounds." 
"I'm not used to big sounds," Bethie sighs, curling in on herself. Avery does as she's seen Steve do when Bethie sulks, draping herself over Bethie and hugging her gently. She kisses Bethie's hair. Bethie grumbles, "Avery." 
"What?" Avery asks, rolling off of her. 
Bethie doesn't answer. Avery sits there thinking, and after a while it's clear you're too busy to bring the juice upstairs. 
"Maybe we should try helping." 
Bethie lifts her head off of the pillow. She looks much more like you than the rest of her sisters, same hair, same eyes, same pretty smile. Avery looks the spitting image of her dad in comparison, pretty and in a different way. "What can we do?" Bethie asks. "We're only little." 
"No, dad says we're only little, but mommy says I'm a big girl, like, all of the time. And so does Grandpa." 
"Grandpa says we're too loud." 
"Dad says grandpa's… uhm, senior. It means crazy," Avery says. 
"So we should be little?" Bethie asks. 
"No!" Avery says, annoyed. 
She jumps off of the bed and grabs Bethie's hands, encouraging her sister onto her feet. Together, they cross the landing to peer into the master bedroom, where Steve is still swaying the baby in his arms, his rumpled t-shirt stained with spit up and milk. They're practised at sneaking and Steve is too distracted to see them, whispering soft things into the top of the baby's head. 
Avery is a bit jealous, but she has a plan.
"I don't think we should do that," Bethie says.
Avery's dragged her into the bathroom. It's hard to get inside because of the child lock, but luckily Avery is more than adept. Her dad says she can't ever, never show Bethie or Dove how to do them, the same way she can't show Dove how to unlock the gates at the top and bottom of the stairs yet. She made Bethie close her eyes on the way in. 
"Don't worry, Beth, I've seen daddy do it millions of times already," Avery says confidently. 
They've opened the washing machine and shoved all of Steve's dirty clothes inside. He won't have to do them before bed tonight, and that means more time for snuggles. Avery climbed up onto the side of the machine using a precariously stacked contraption of potties and an upside down laundry basket, and now she's eyeballing how much detergent needs to go in. 
"This is heavy," Bethie complains, her arms shaking from the weight of the Tide liquid. 
Avery really wasn't supposed to show her how to open that cabinet, but she felt it necessary. Bethie won't eat the detergent, anyways, Bethie barely likes eating normal food. Avery pulls the detergent up, having finally decided that they need more. She lets a thick splash of green drizzle down onto the clothes, nodding approvingly, and screws the lid back on. 
She drops the detergent down and a rogue towel muffles the thump, sliding off of the machine and closing the lid. 
You appear looking urgent in the doorway.
"Hey, what have I said about the bathroom? You can't use this one when no one is with you, okay? Do you know what I'm saying?" 
"Sorry, mommy," Bethie says tearfully. 
You soften. "It's for you to be safe, baby." Your softness doesn't quite extend to Avery, though it doesn't fully disappear either. She's most in trouble. "Ave, you know the rules. You can come in here, but you're not supposed to bring the girls with you. I'm not happy with you." 
"Mom, I'm sorry," Avery says, not taking it quite as hard as Beth, "but Bethie needed to pee super badly, we couldn't make it downstairs." 
You buy her lie. "Okay. Okay, but not again. Promise? I just don't want you girls getting into something you shouldn't." 
"Promise," Avery says.
You smile down at them both before looking over their heads. "Daddy must've forgot to turn on the machine. Press start for me, Ave. Big green button." 
Avery clicks the big green button on the washing machine smugly. They already helped. 
You lead them out of the bathroom and back into Avery's room, where cups of juice and an exorbitant amount of snacks wait on the nightstand. They sit on the floor while you make Avery's bed, a plate of ants on logs between their knees. 
"Dove's sleeping downstairs on the beanbag," you say. The baby monitor in your pyjama pocket doesn't make a peep. "So if you do need to pee, please be quiet. And up here, too, I think daddy finally got the baby to sleep as well." 
"Is it bedtime?" Bethie asks. 
You fold back the corner of Avery's comforter. With a sigh, you sit at the top of her freshly made bed and hold out your arms. "No, it's snuggle time. Come and keep me company." 
Bethie rockets into your arms. Avery doesn't rush, focused on eating as many logs as she can, washing it down with a huge swig of strawberry and raspberry juice. You hoist Bethie over one thigh and hold her to your stomach, groaning, "Oh, there she is, there's my girl. Daddy said you didn't eat any of your dinner when you got home, do you wanna tell me why? I won't tell anyone else." 
"I just wasn't hungry." 
"Really? Did you have a big lunch?" 
"No…" Bethie rubs her face against your neck. "Daddy wasn't happy because I didn't eat any lunch." 
"Oh, sweetheart," you say, "daddy worries about you. You don't have an appetite." 
"A what?"
"You don't get hungry enough," you explain.
"That's not like me, I eat lots and lots," Avery says proudly, smiling at you through Bethie's hair in your face. 
"You do! You eat lots and it makes you smart and strong. That's why I want you to eat lots, too," you say, moving your focus to Bethie again, finger poking her chest gently, "You're just as strong and smart as your sister, but you need to keep eating. Maybe I can make you something else, if you don't want the ants on logs, how does that sound? I can make you anything you want, Beth." 
"Can I have something too?" Avery asks, licking peanut butter off of her finger. 
"Of course you can. Maybe something not too big for you, though. I don't want you to feel sick." 
Avery considers that a win. You keep prodding at Bethie, wondering why she isn't hungry. You offer her soups and sandwiches and when that doesn't work you suggest ice cream and candied orange slices. Avery can't understand why her sister would say no to all of these things, but she doesn't have time to ask. Steve wanders into the room looking like he's been trampled by an elephant, hair sticking up and eyes sallow. There's a new baby monitor in his hand. 
"Hey," he says, yawning wide. His teeth snap together and he smacks his lips. "Holy macaroni, she's a toughie. Every time I tried to put her down she'd wake up again." 
Avery has been waiting for this moment all day. She abandons her ants, wiping sticky fingers in her nightie as she crowds Steve's legs. She wants to be picked up, but she's a little too long and Steve's too tired. He bends down to put his arms under her armpits and hug her to his chest, grabbing her up half-hearted and depositing her on the end of her bed. He sits down next to her, and he pats his lap. 
She squeals happily and complies. 
"Hello," he says fondly. 
"What have you even been doing all day?" she asks him. 
He sighs. "I really don't know, Ave. I don't. What have you been doing? Besides half a jar of peanut butter." 
She giggles as he wipes the peanut butter off of her cheeks and the corners of her mouth with the bottom of his t-shirt. "I've been with Beth." 
"We watched FernGully," Bethie supplies helpfully. 
Steve melts as you have, the two of you slouched against the walls bordering Avery's bed. You have matching dark circles. Avery thumbs at Steve's uselessly, wondering if he needs a good wash or a good sleep. He smells nice, she decides, if a bit milky, pressing her face into his neck as her arms lie flat to his shoulders. 
"Is your monitor working now?" you ask him. 
"It's really loud," he assures you. 
"Okay. I'm worried I'm gonna fall asleep while Dove's downstairs on the beanbag." 
"Did you lock the baby gate?" 
"Then don't worry. All our furniture is anchored properly. The worst she can do is murder the pot pourri again." 
"I don't want to fall asleep yet, I missed my girls so much," you say, kissing Bethie's cheek. "So, so much. Maybe I can call in sick tomorrow." 
"It won't hurt anyone," you say. 
"Later," Steve says, talking to you but smiling at Avery, chasing her gaze with his. "We'll talk about it later." 
"So mean to me," you joke in a murmur, sliding flat onto your back, Bethie against your chest. 
Avery can hear you whispering to Bethie, tiny snapshots of a conversation. Are you sure there's nothing wrong, bubby? and If dinner was yucky, it doesn't matter, you can tell me. 
Steve starts to brush Avery's hair out of her face, big fingers exceedingly gentle as he tucks silken strands behind her ears. She had it cut to her chin like Aunt Robin a few weeks ago, and the shorn locks fall to her shoulders now. Steve brushes through them slowly, methodically, tucking it all back with a familiar calmness in his warm brown eyes. 
Avery turns enough to watch TV, content to be held by the very best dad in the world, her hand screwed in the neckline of his shirt so he can't run away.
Having finished her hair, Steve moves on to Avery's face. He draws lines against her small eyebrows, flattening sticky up hair with care. He frets at the tiny mole taking form on her ear, the one he made her go see the doctor for. Just a beauty mark, the doctor said. 
"Well, she's beautiful everywhere," Steve had said. "How was I supposed to know the difference?" 
"Dad," she whispers. 
"What?" Steve whisper back. 
"Am I pretty?" 
Steve pushes her hair out of her face and frames it in two hands. "You're the prettiest girl in the world, Ave." 
She blushes and his face does this thing where he looks like he's going to cry, but Steve doesn't cry around them much. He cried when the baby came home, and again the next day with the baby in his arms. Avery was freaked out the first time, but Aunt Robin said he always does it. He cried way worse than that when you came home, Avey girl. He was like a waterfall, they had to put you in a new babygrow. Avery tried to picture it, her dad crying with a tiny baby Avery in his arms, there are enough pictures of them together, but Steve always looks happy. 
"You think that?" she asks. 
"I more than think it," he says. "Isn't my girl pretty?" 
You and Bethie crane your heads. "She's gorgeous," you say with a smile. Bethie nods her agreement. 
"Oh," Avery says. She'd wanted them to say that, it was why she asked, but now all the attention is on her she's not sure how to handle it.
Steve chuckles and drags her forward. "You're soooo pretty," he says into her hair, sandwiching her in the tightest hug ever. "You're beautiful. B-E-A-U-tiful." 
His niceness makes her really happy to have been nice back; he's being so gentle that Avery decides she's going to tell him about the laundry they put on for him, but he rubs her back some more and she starts to forget. It's not so far from bedtime… 
She falls asleep against his chest. 
"Can you hear that?" you ask.
Steve looks up from Avery's dozing face to you. "What?" 
You pull the baby monitor from your pocket and hold it to your ear. "I thought it was making a weird noise." 
Steve listens intently. Now that you mention it, he can hear something. "D'you put the laundry in?" 
"You forgot to put it on," you say.
"I was getting around to it. You wanted whites, right, for work?" 
"You didn't turn it on." 
"Honey, I haven't touched the machine today, not even to fill the drum. What is that noise?" he asks. 
You ease Bethie off of your lap and stand with a groan. "It's gonna break," you say decisively, "that sounds like a death rattle. Which is exactly what we need right now, more bills."
Steve lays Avery down. She can't have been sleeping for ten minutes but she's a heavy sleeper and doesn't rouse, only curls inward with her hand on her chin. Bethie holds out her hand and Steve takes it, the two of them joining you in the doorway of Avery's bedroom. 
"It won't break, don't worry," Steve placates. 
"What are we gonna do if it breaks?" you mumble, rubbing your tired face.
"We'll have to wear dirty clothes," Steve says. 
"That's not funny." 
Steve frowns. "It so is, you're just tired. And anyway, the washing machine isn't gonna break–" His eyebrows rise. 
"Holy fuck," Steve says, squeezing Bethie's hand. "Well, that's bad." 
A line of foamy bubbles are pushing out from under the bathroom door and darkening the carpeting. You rush to open the bathroom door, unleashing a wave of suds that cover your toes. "What the fuck," you say, "what the fuck? Steve, what the fuck." 
Bethie puts her hands over her ears before Steve can do it for her. 
He joins you in the bubbly bathroom, the two of you horrified and baffled at once. "What the fuck," you say again, this time sounding tearful. You click the off button on the washing machine, and while the sloshing, thick sound it was making ceases, bubbles continue to flood out. Together, you and Steve flattens your towels on top of the floor to smother the soap. You're most panicked about the carpet because it'll get damp and the wood underneath it might rot, and Steve's most concerned about the washing machine, because despite his reassurances, he's worried it really might be broken. 
Bethie, quiet, sweet Bethie, stands on a wet towel, her socks soaked, and bursts into guilty tears. "I'm sorry," she cries.
"Why are you sorry?" Steve asks.
You may be confused and irritated, but nothing ever stops you from scooping up your baby and comforting her within and inch of her life. "Beth," you say softly, "don't panic." 
She's crying pretty hard compared to her usual tears. Steve hasn't seen her this wound up since that washable pen burst in her mouth over a year ago, maybe even two. 
"Me and Ave tried to do the laundry," she admits, shaking, each word said through a staggering sob. "We wanted daddy to have less to do so we could have bedtime cu-cu-cuddles." 
"Oh, no," you say gently. 
Bethie sobs. You rub her little back. Steve doesn't like seeing Bethie cry, but he can't help smiling in the moment. It's sweet, and it's a tad silly, but the damage done wasn't nearly as bad as Bethie seems to think it is. You and Steve are worriers, is all. 
"It's okay," you say, laughing yourself as Bethie wraps her arms around your neck and nearly strangles you in an attempt to soak in your love. "Beth, nobody's mad at you, okay? It was just an accident, it didn't hurt anyone. That's really nice, trying to do things for daddy, but the washing machine is for grown ups, baby. It's hard." 
"Mommy?" Dove calls from the baby monitor.
You let out a tired groan. "No," you whine. 
"Want me to get her?" Steve asks. 
You look like you really want to say yes. "No, that's okay. It's fine." You kiss Bethie's cheek. "Daddy has to take over, my love. I'm not mad, okay? Don't feel sad." 
Bethie nods sadly. You hand her over, hovering, and press a loving kiss to her cheek as Dove begins to cry. 
Steve watches you take your socks off as you leave, throwing the wet bundle of them back haphazardly into the bathroom. Bethie smushes her face to Steve's chest and cries. He shifts her weight in his arms. They're burning from exertion, but he doesn't complain. 
"What did you and Avery do?" he asks. "You're not supposed to come in here without me or mom, you know that." 
"We just put the laundry in the washing machine," she says. 
"How did you even lift the lid?" Steve asks. 
"Avery climbed up," she says, words stringing together into one amorphous blob of sound. 
"Beth, why are you crying?" he asks, giving her back a quick pat. 
"I didn't mean to make the bathroom explode," she says tearily. 
"Ugh," Steve says. He puts the toilet seat down and sits, Bethie in his lap, his chin propped on her forehead. "Who cares? I don't even like this bathroom." 
"You're not mad?" she whispers. 
"Do I look mad?" 
Bethie leans backward to take in Steve's face. He smiles at her, brown eyes light in the glaring bathroom fluorescent, his usually even complexion pale. Bethie raises a hand to feel his dark shadow, cringing at the scratch of stubble against her fingers. 
"You don't like my beard, do you?" he asks. 
"What beard?" 
"Oh, ouch. I'll shave tonight, bub, don't worry. I know you don't like it. Mommy doesn't like it either, she says it makes kisses too annoying." 
Bethie giggles quietly. "Not too annoying," she says. 
"No?" Steve asks. He leans down to kiss her cheek and her nose and her eyebrows. "How were they? Scratchy?" 
"Really scratchy." 
"No," she says happily. Steve preens. 
Bethie actually helps him tidy up the huge mess of the bathroom. Steve opens the washing machine and grabs all the soapy clothes from the drum, dumping them among the sodden towels in the bath tub. He and Beth wash as much soap out of them as they can, until she's practically falling asleep standing up in soaked pyjamas. 
He gets her some new ones, helps her change, and tucks her into bed. She's asleep before he's said goodnight. 
Exhausted, Steve has no choice but to persevere. He squeezes the excess water out of the newly unsoaped clothes and puts them and the towels in the washing machine, too tired to bother with separating anything properly. He doesn't add detergent. 
When that's going, he mops and dries the bathroom floor so everyone's feet can stop making sticky sounds when they walk. He puts the last dry towel on the wet patch of carpet and steps on it. He should rub it, soak up all the excess moisture, but he does not have enough energy. 
You ascend the stairs with Dove, your arms shaking from the strain. She's sleeping, so at least there's that. You take her into her room and leave her baby monitor on the side. Dove definitely doesn't need a monitor anymore, it's only for when she's napping downstairs and everyone else is upstairs. Blanket over her legs, you tuck her in and kiss her smooth forehead. 
"You need to shower," you say to Steve as you close Dove's door. 
"All the towels are wet." 
You frown as you pass him by, rubbing his forearm with your finger briefly. "What about a robe? I know it's not ideal, but you're gonna catch a cold, your clothes are wet." 
"I'll get changed." 
"You deserve a warm shower," you insist. 
"Honey," Steve says softly. Your shoulders relax at that one simple word. "I'm fine. We both need to change, and then we need to sleep." If he showered now he'd pass out against the glass like a saran wrapped turkey. 
You and Steve change into fresh pyjamas in silence, worried about waking the baby who sleeps in her cot in the corner of the room.
"I'm gonna go get Avery," Steve says. 
You're not surprised. "Softie." 
"You're a softie," he says, pinching your hip. 
Avery's where Steve left her, sideways across her sheets. He knows Bethie wouldn't have masterminded the laundry plan by herself. He frowns at the thought that Avery might be missing him so much that before bedtime cuddles were on her mind. 
"Avery, honey," he says, stroking her cheek and her shoulder with either hand. 
She murmurs and wiggles away from his touch.
"Ave, come and get in with me and mom. Does that sound okay?" He really doesn't like the idea of his oldest feeling lonely. Sleeping with kids in the bed sucks most of the time due to their flailing and lack of blanket related etiquette, but Steve can deal with it tonight. Just like Bethie, he has a guilty conscious. "Ave?" 
Avery blinks sluggishly. "I can sleep in your bed?" she asks. 
"Please, would you? I want a cuddle. Does that sound cool?" 
Avery finally opens her eyes, her long lashes riddled with sleepies. "That sounds so cool," she says croakily. 
He can't carry her, he'd drop her at this point. They hold hands on the way to your room, finding you an inch from sleep on top of the blankets. He and Avery laugh as quietly as they can as they pull them from under you, and when they climb in together, you steal Avery from his side, awake enough to know one of your girls is close by. 
"Dad," Avery whines, reaching out her arms until he does what she wants. 
Steve throws his arms over you and Avery, snuggling in closely. She relaxes into your chest, her hand clinging to the front of Steve's shirt. 
Steve closes his eyes. 
"We didn't brush our teeth," Avery whispers.
"Go to sleep, sweetheart," you plead, also whispering. 
"We'll get cavities." 
"We'll brush double in the morning," Steve promises. "Please, Ave. Sleep now." 
Averys easily convinced by Steve's hand in her hair. "Okay," she says through a yawn. "Love you love you." 
"Love you, honey." 
Steve sighs. "What?" 
"Did you see? Me and Bethie did laundry." 
"I saw. Thanks, babe." 
"Sleep, Ave. Please go to sleep." 
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demonslayedher · 5 months
Nerdy cultural details about the Hashira
Some details can be hard to pick up without context or in translation. Here's a handful for fun:
Breath names:
The "Mushi" (蟲) of "Mushibashira" (蟲柱) does not necessarily mean "insect." It's also not the more commonly used "mushi" kanji (虫). Kanji is often formed with many components compounding together to make new meanings, and 蟲 is a crowd of three 虫. While it might be tempting to simply say that this is a whole bunch of 虫, I've also heard this described as 蟲 being the more abstract idea of the concrete 虫, or that 蟲 went through a resurgence in popularity shortly before the Taisho Period. 虫 is preferred nowadays for its simplicity.
In either case, it's not necessarily "insects." Rather than being limited to six-legged creatures, "mushi" is a catch-all term for many kinds of creepy-crawlies that simply do not fit in other categories of animals, so spiders and centipedes and worms are all part of it. Actually, the term was originally used for snakes!
Next, what are picturing when you hear "Stone Hashira"? Something in your hands that you can throw? A big stone to lay on for warmth after training in a waterfall?
You could think even bigger than that, because the "stone" kanji used is "iwa" 岩. This is usually something at least as big as the boulders Himejima pushes around to train with, but it could just as well be a whole cliff.
So then how about that issue raised about how you can never refer to "Flame Breath" as "Fire Breath"? This might be a review since it gets brought up a lot, but it's worth restating because it makes a lot of sense in context.
First, we have two kanji to work with: 炎 for flames, and 火 for fire. To make a long linguistic history short, Japan adopted written pictographic characters from China, smashed and smooshed them around to fit the spoken Japanese language, and eventually many kanji wound up with multiple pronunciations. Case in point, 炎 is "hono'o" in the context of Flame Breathing (Hono'o no Kokyuu), and "en" in the context of "Flame Hashira" (En-bashira).
火 likewise has multiple pronunciations, but a common one is "hi." Another simple kanji that can be read "hi" is 日, the sun.
Therefore, even if they are written differently, "Sun Breathing" and "Fire Breathing" would sound the same, as "Hi no Kokyuu." This also makes it easy for "Hinokami" to be construed as "Fire God" instead of "Sun God." But why stop there, really? If you want to get into older Japanese, sometimes phonetic "hi" was used in simple reference to the power of gods.
This is still somewhat linguistic rather than symbolic, but you know how Sound Breath is derived from Thunder Breath?
It's worth pointing out that "Kaminari" (雷) in "Kaminari no Kokyuu" is in reference to the sound, as opposed to something like "Ikazuchi no Kokyuu" for "Lightning Breath" in reference to the sight. We can get really, really nerdy about Japanese words for thunder and lightning and how they relate to Kimetsu no Yaiba, so I already did that here.
What's more interesting to me in regard to Sound Breath is that it takes the "sound" concept of thunder and pushes it--this time with a bit of a firework motif, again in a way that would stress the sound instead of the dazzling light. Both Uzui and Zenitsu have exceptional hearing and are exceptional users of their Breath techniques, so this is either curious that a discerning sense of hearing might help, or ironic that they use such loud styles with their sensitive ears.
Moving on to snakes! There's really no shortage of serpent symbolism, so we'll just focus on a handful of examples. I have already written extensively about the positive associations snakes have with riches, especially white snakes. This is ironic, given Iguro's distasteful paste driven by riches.
Some of the other positive associations with snakes are that they are a water element animal on the geomancy system borrowed from China. Makes sense that this Breath would be derived from Water Breathing! There are many shrines dedicated to snakes and their gifts of rain and clean water, however, water can also be dangerous. A common interpretation of a major legend about an eight-headed giant serpent, the Yamata-no-Orochi, is that it symbolizes the destructive power of a flooded river. But hey, at least snakes are often equated to dragons for having the same water association, so that's pretty cool.
Setting aside the water association, the serpent itself can likewise be considered in negative lights. In the centuries leading up to the Taisho Period, it became commonplace in Buddhist teachings and entertainment to compare jealous women to snakes. This association with woman also adds another layer of cruel irony to Iguro's past.
On a happier note, let's move on to cherry blossoms!
Well, not always happy, seeing as they are known to scatter tragically soon (I am shaking my fist at you, Gotouge). Cherry blossoms are also heavy with all the directions you can go in with symbolism, and I don't have any particular take on why they are part of the overall motif of the Love Hashira (see here for a little commentary on why it is "Koi" 恋 and not "Ai" 愛).
However! I do want to point out something very clever Gotouge did!
You know how Mitsuri's hand guard looks like four hearts that all meet at their pointy ends? This is actually a traditional cherry blossom motif!! Not a very common one, which is why I find it so sly.
Personal Names:
Bear with me, this section will get slightly more speculative, as names are always up to interpretation. I should know, I've done a lot of that for this series.
Remember how kanji can be read in multiple ways? Here's something simple you'd see right away in Japanese but that gets lost in translation to most other languages. Both Sanemi and Genya have 弥 as the second character in their personal name (as "mi" or "ya"). This was not the case for all their siblings, but it's cute that the two of them share it anyway.
So what does it mean? In modern kanji dictionaries, it's pretty bland: "increasingly." However, this kanji has more interesting use and associations that that. It was originally 彌, which carries more of an image of a stretched bow, or how something might go wide and disperse. As a child's name, this might include some hope that they might grow big and tall and go to great places. It is also commonly used in expressing the names of Buddhist deities in Japanese, but it is used only for the "mi" sound instead of the meaning in these cases. (Still, 弥 is one of the "Namu Amida Butsu" characters all over Himejima's haori, which also adds a little cuteness to his associations with Genya.)
So how about someone else with a name that closely matches his brother's? We get a pretty good explanation of Yuichiro (有一郎) and Muichiro (無一郎), with 有 and 無 being opposites (to exist/to not exist). While 有 might be more straightforward in wishing for Yuichiro to have all his needs met, the "mu" in "muichiro" is for "limitless/infinity/etc, etc."
But also!!
It bares distinct resemblance to a common Zen phrase, "Honraimuichimotsu" (本来無一物), with "muichimotsu" meaning "nothing exists" (and therefore, you have nothing to worry about, just be happy).
Speaking of resemblances, "Tomioka Giyuu" has two kanji in common with the name of the mangaka of Hunter x Hunter and I sometimes wonder if he was named in homage. But that is neither here nor there, and I'll just finish today by focusing on "Giyuu" (義勇).
This is pretty basic and straightforward: "loyalty/justice" and "bravery/courage." Pretty lofty. Put them back together and it's basically a set term for "heroism."
However, put it together with other terms for squads or armies, and this is the now the word for "volunteer soldier" or "volunteer army." Historically, it would continue to be used a few decades after Kimetsu no Yaiba takes place, but the decades prior, there were "Giyuutai" organized volunteer troops as well. Perhaps Giyuu had ancestors who fought as volunteer soldiers? Who knows.
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daengtokki · 5 days
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Kim Seungmin/gn!reader
wc: 710
rating: fluff
Day 1 of Seungmin's birthday oneshot countdown!
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It’s bitter cold tonight. This is the kind of cold that goes straight through you, right down to your bones, and makes you feel like you might never be warm again. That’s a little dramatic, but you really, truly hate winter. Most of all, you hate waiting for the bus in winter, because the sun has long since set set by the time you’re running for your stop.
Usually, you make it on time, but today you got held up by a classmate. You missed your usual bus, and froze for an extra twenty minutes until the next one came. Not only is this one unfamiliar, but the trip is a little longer, and it’s much, much busier. You always go for one of your two regular spots on your usual bus, but that’s not an option this time—you have no option at all, actually. Every single seat is taken; standing room only…just barely. You grab something to steady yourself as the bus starts to move again, and drop your gaze to the floor. You can start up your podcast, check out for a while, and you’ll be home in no time. It’ll be fine.
Before you get your earbud back in, you hear a soft voice…
You ignore it, pop your earbud in, and unlock your phone.
“Excuse me”
It’s muffled this time, but it gets your attention. You look up and forward, move your eyes left to right before committing to a more dedicated search, but nobody else within eyesight is moving, either. Everyone is very clearly into their music, or their books, or each other.
“I’m sorry, do you speak Korean?”
Finally, you look to your right and make eye contact with the soft voice. He smiles and waves, and it’s a little awkward—he’s a little awkward, but he’s too good-looking to be acting awkward.
“Byeollo johji anhda”
He laughs sweetly, and you see his mouthful of braces before he quickly closes his lips again. You’re not sure if he’s laughing at your awful pronunciation, or if he’s just glad you finally answered him. You wouldn’t blame him for laughing at you, though. Three months into classes, and you sound terrible.
“Would you like to sit? I don’t mind standing.”
“I’m fine, but thank you”
The stranger chews on his lip, obviously thinking of his next line, and you wonder if he’s just being nice, if he’s bored, or if he’s actually attempting to flirt. You’d rather not deal with flirting on a cramped city bus, usually.
He pushes some of his pretty hair away from his eyes and lets out a little sigh, sort of a laugh. Laughing at himself, maybe. “Can I stand with you?”
Suddenly, you’re warm enough to melt right through the floor. He is definitely flirting, and the best part about it…nobody around you is paying any attention. Still, you’re a little embarrassed. “Stand with me?”
He smiles again so you can see his braces, and you wonder how much younger he is. Not that he looks young, because he really doesn’t. But the braces and the carefree smile make him look a young, his big, warm coat makes him look young, and the blonde streaks running through his bangs do, too.
“Mhmm,” he nods. “You can tell me no, and I’ll leave you alone. I promise.”
You’re not sure if you want him to get up and attract attention, but you don’t exactly mind his flirting, either. Two of your younger classmates have already done this, tried to get a date, and it wasn’t nearly as affective. Maybe it is time for a new friend. You look out onto the street and attempt to orient yourself, and you do very easily—this is almost the same route as your other bus, and you know there’s a coffee shop a few blocks away.
He’s watching you very intently, so your nod lights him up…he throws his backpack over his shoulder, and he’s next to you a moment later.
“I’m getting off in two stops”
“Me too”
“Do you like coffee?”
“Yes, very much,” he grabs the pole, brushing his hand against yours as lightly as possible.
“Well, if it’s not too late—“
“No, not at all”
“What’s your name?”
“My name is Seungmin”
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munsonbrackets · 11 months
Tutor Astarion
https://href.li/?https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lHIfng6qd90 IDK why this makes me feel something, but I’m not mad about it.
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Like imagine being some shitstain of a student (on purpose lowkey) and Astarion having to tutor you because he’s the best in the class, which of course he is considering he is a fucking elf. Like why wouldn’t he understand Elvish and Espruar?
And at first, you were genuinely trying to appease him. Every teacher you have ever had has told you that your pronunciation is remarkable, no matter what script you spoke. Really, your accent might actually just be the only thing preventing you from failing this class. And you might also not be failing because Astarion, top of the class (fucking showoff), is tutoring you.
Truly, they could have given you anyone else, even Halsin tried to volunteer (but he was quickly shut down by the teacher). No. Your dear teacher decided to kill two birds with one stone in a very simple manner. By teaching them how to throw. Astarion seemed to severely dislike teaching others what he had so simply been raised with and you were going to probably fail this class.
And at first, you hated it as much as he did. The sneery remarks that he made, as though he was mad at your parents for not teaching you something as simple as Espruar, you would be quick to respond in an indifferent snide comment in infernal. A language that he was, funny enough, not familiar with. Which just seemed to frustrate him even further. 
But then he corrected you, he was right with his correction, but there was still something in that snappy tone and sneering face that made your heart skip a beat.
The assignment was simple, you thought. Send a letter designated to your teacher. The letters' contents could be a memory, a short trip or a fun story you had come up with. And while you were supposed to have said ‘aerister’, a teacher, instead you accidentally said ‘ageas’, a guard.
- - -
Astarion looked at you from underneath a quirked brow and a slightly open mouth as if to ponder if you had finally gone mad or maybe to silently say ‘are you stupid?’, which obviously weren’t the words that came out of his mouth. “You wish to send this letter to your guard?”
You looked back at him with the same sneer, but also intense confusion. Did ageas mean guard? You swore you remembered it meant teacher… Astarion made no effort to tell you what ‘teacher’ was, so you spoke up instead “Obviously not! I know that ageas means guard! What I meant to say was-” You furiously scrolled a couple pages in your dictionary, trying to remember what ‘teacher’ was in Elduran, “‘aethus’.”
Astarion’s face dropped into a plain old sneer, without the look of your stupidity in his mind, and you felt a shit eating grin spread across your face. You were right, you had definitely been right-
“The word you’re looking for is ‘aerister’.” He sneers out, obvious pronunciation when he says it, so that you might repeat it. But there isn’t a moment for you to speak before Astarion snickers and speaks in a playfully condescending tone- 
“Unless you wish to send this letter to a male harper, which I won’t shame you for, it just simply isn’t the assignment.”
And you feel your heart thump. One hard heartbeat that makes all of the air in your lungs metaphorically rip out of your body, makes a tingle shimmy itself up your spine to make all of your hairs stand on edge, makes your heart feel like it has beat its last.
You could feel the muscles around your eyes spasm in small, practically unnoticeable, twitches as you quickly blurt out- 
“Aerister! Anyways, are we done now?”
Before you allow Astarion to sneer something back, you start throwing your pens into their respective places and leave quicker than you ever have. You only feel the heat of embarrassment creep up your neck after you are fully out of view of his gaze. With an exit like that, he must be just feeling…something? You didn’t feel like worrying about it and you head down the hall, heading home to figure out your own thoughts before you worry about his.
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jmdbjk · 11 months
Kookie had a runny nose. He said when he's just hanging out with nothing to do he's fine but as soon as things start ramping up and getting hectic, the cold that won't go away comes back. Jimin was on to something when he said he was concerned about Jungkook staying healthy with such a busy schedule.
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As usual he has stayed true to himself and I admire that a person of his age can be so honest about himself.
He was trying to keep it real and said things to lower everyone's expectations: About writing songs, he said he can't really write songs. He said he just doesn't have it in him. He said when he tries it always ends up being about Army.
He wondered if it was because he was so simple. This is what makes me love him as just a human being: he says things about himself that WE might not agree with but that he feels about himself. He's just so honest and unpretentious, and he doesn't even try to be that, he just is himself.
He said he thinks he doesn't have the intellect and that he doesn't have anything to write about, and if he HAD things to write about, he couldn't say them prettily and that there are so many other talented creators that he would just fall short. He mentioned RM, Yoongi, Hobi... they are so talented.
It is understandable that Kookie, being last, he saw what the other members did, and truly, it had to be intimidating. He may never feel confident enough but I bet if he gives it a try he’ll do great.
All of what he said adds another nuance as to why he said “something amazing" is coming when he did that live back in March and Set Me Free Pt 2 was about to drop. He saw how hard Jimin worked through that process and the end result WAS amazing. Intimidating indeed.
Perhaps he still needs to live some life before he can have enough emotional baggage to pour out some lyrics (lol). Give it time, Kookie, life will throw some shit at you. Or maybe expressing whatever is inside of him will never come out in words to a song. And its ok. Not everyone is a songwriter or poet.
I can accept this album as "this is where he is in his life right now". He said they worked fast. That's a lot to accomplish in the amount of time from start to finish.
My thoughts on the songs...
The lyrics to several of these songs are a little ... meh..., sort of disconnected. THAT BEING SAID... I can see some lyrics that probably did resonate with him.
But I am not going to focus so much on the lyrics but more on JK's vocal work and think about how he was trying to sing and pronounce well. THAT is what he was trying to do. He said lyrics are lyrics and images are images... they are not meant to be autobiographical so the lyrics will be secondary to the vocal production for me.
Jungkook explained that the pronunciation was a challenge. The producers each had their own idea of how the lyrics should be delivered to achieve the color of the song. English not being JK's first language, he was coached on what to do in the studio. He said especially pronouncing the "EEE" sound was a challenge.
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I recognize some sounds that seem trendy. Some of the songs remind me of other songs I've heard in the past by other artists.
Closer has that flute and Afro beat that reminds me of another song but I just can't remember it right now.
Standing Next to You is giving me Michael Jackson Rock With You from his Off the Wall album or Remember the Time off his Dangerous album. A rockin' groove... "... when it's deep like DNA..." and "leave your body golden like the sun and the moon..." yes, those lyrics definitely resonate.
Yes or No, I can definitely hear the Ed Sheeran throughout that song. A nice song about that first thrill of love. Ed Sheeran is a great song writer. I've always liked his work.
Please Don't Change would probably be the song that comes closest to expressing how Jungkook feels about his fans. Though his life has been spent on camera, things might change and if he's no longer on camera, he'll still be the same but he hopes we please don't change. This song also has the same little flute sound as Closer.
Hate You. This is the Shawn Mendes song. It is one of those angsty relationship songs that are popular now like what Olivia Rodrigo and her ilk does. If Jungkook had not gotten this song, I could see it easily going to a female artist. It's quite painful. Kookie does a great job expressing the tragic drama of it all with his vocals.
Somebody is where he really lets loose with his range. Its a sad song. Like many, his opening lines had me doing a double take. I don't think we've ever heard Jungkook sing in this tone before? Very nice.
Too Sad To Dance. This is the kind of song I think Jungkook could write. It is simple and straightforward. The song is cute and poignant at the same time. He was able to keep his tone simple to match the vibe, he didn’t try to make it over the top… I love this song especially the very last line: "...you don't need no one to dance..." Stand on your own and be yourself, just like Kookie is doing.
Shot Glass Full of Tears is the best song on the album. There, I said it. He really reached down and brought JUST enough edge into his voice to pull it off. I could actually get emotional over this song. I will repeat, this is the best song on the album.
Well done, Jungkook.
Overall, Kookie is relieved the pressure is off. Now he can get out there and do what he’s knows he can do and that’s performing
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And then he said it again: BTS is the most important thing to him.
Kookie knew he had to do this album. And now he's done it and ready to move forward.
When he finally realized Tae had commented:
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The panic over his house not being clean hahahahahah!
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Because he wasn't sure what kind of chaos they were going to bring to his house, Kookie ended the live in a stress-clean panic.
My, what a turn of events... not long ago he was laying in bed naked causing mayhem trying to convince Jimin to let him come over and take a shower and now here they come to his house bringing trouble LMAO!
I hope they had a great evening together. I loved seeing Tae and Jimin out and about, it really hits a spot in my heart.
A little while ago, I picked up a copy of Golden at Target, I don't know which photo card is the Target exclusive but this is what I got:
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It's a nice package with a hard cover photo book and a case it slides into. The stickers are nice. Jungkook was wearing an earring with the that motif so I suppose it will show up as merch on the Weverse shop soon.
Anyway, that's my review of Golden.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
To all the poor anglophones who feel personally offended that my languages does not do well with words starting with X in this case neopronouns, I deeply apologize from the bottom of my heart that my language doesn't use English pronunciations. How dare we not cater to the English speaking world? Afterall, they did their best to make the entire world speak it, how mean of us. And that because of that you felt so deeply offended that we find the use of x-based pronouns in our language to be complete shit because they simply do not work with our spoken language.
Foolish was it of me to expect people to infer the fact that I was indeed not speaking of the English language when I mentioned the issues with the flow of the language, and how people actually affected have at large found their own pronouns, -none of which include the X-pronouns because they simply are not that well suited for our languages phonetics nor even the writing-, and the fact that I mentioned "My country" and "the flow of the language" which could have been a simple clue that I'm not speaking of an English speaking country. Nay instead you built a straw-man and got angry because you really don't like remembering that the rest of the world exists. For anyone who's not so super special and does realize humans exist outside the English speaking world. THANK YOU FOR NOTICING! Geez.
I honest to God should've expected to see some people with those bottom of the barrel arguments, because those are so similar to the arguments the dreaded "my countries wannabe "queer representatives"" use constantly, while ignoring how people using NEUTRAL PRONOUNS actually decide their pronouns. (Which you'd call neopronouns, because they're neither male nor female nor objectifying, so NEUTRAL)
As to how the pronouns like Xie/Xir sound, you would have to specifically pronounce the X like you would when reciting the alphabet, then leave a pause, and then you have a choice of about 4-5 sounds you can just throw on. There is basically literally no way to use any of the X-pronouns because the letter X isn't used like that in our language, and the combination would just lead to random sound thrown in at the end.
There is a reason why languages don't all share the universal same spelling for pronouns, because languages have their own rules on writing, pronunciation, phonetics and how to understand all that. Why would you ever assume this won't also apply to neopronouns/neutral pronouns anyway? Ok, then your neopronounsin the Anglosphere are X-based, do you really think those will work in every language and will be useable in every other language? Or are you just so used to everyone being anglophone you never considered that some languages will just not be able to use them? Do you also think everyone in this world uses the term "neopronouns"? Just asking while we're at it.
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heyybaejjk · 1 year
pairing. human!ao'nung x samoan!fem reader
summary. just Ao'nung with a Samoan girlfriend
warnings. swearing
a/n. for my polynesian babes wherever yall at ❤️
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masterlist. pt. 1 pt. 3
AAPI month and Samoan Independence day have passed and I think of this idea NOW 😭☠️ out of all times wtf
But idc 🧍‍♀️
Gotta do what I gotta do because I am not letting ts go
I love my culture, just like anyone else does, I'm still learning more about it so I researched and placed some of my own knowledge into this.
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Aiuli - Participants who dance and cheer around a solo performer as they dance. Participants are never allowed to dance and cheer in front of the performer, only from behind them.
Taualaga - A performance, importantly the last, to close off an event. Mainly done by a solo female performer. Some are allowed to have people in the back while they Aiuli, some just rather have a solo performance.
"WHAT?" he screams in the middle of class, causing everyone to glance at him.
It was supposed to be a surprise, really. But your ass accidentally slipped out the fact that you were going to perform a cultural dance on Multicultural Day that was coming in a few weeks.
He would definitely try to Aiuli when you dance.
No questions asked.
Although he doesn't know how to properly dance the traditional way, he'll look around and copy the actions of the other pupils.
You both are heavy on learning each other's culture, so when he forgets a certain thing, he goes to your cousins to ask for help
"Wait so- I can't ae-oo-lee in front of her?" Ao'nung poorly pronounces, a slight dark tint on his cheeks as he scratches the back of his neck.
"Never. Always stay behind her, or whoever is doing the solo," a boy says with his arms folded against his chest. "If you see people giving money during the dance, don't throw it at her while cheering. Be respectful and softly stick to her arms, they're gonna be covered with oil, anyway. If you can't do that, put it on the ground behind her.
"Right, right..." Ao'nung frantically jots down as the latter continues to speak.
On the day of your dance, he gets so confused when he sees people swarming around, especially in front of you. He will literally stand there like 🧍‍♀️???
But doesn't copy the others as he sees his friend from earlier who told him what not to do, cheering from behind. He smiles warmly before sticking noted bills onto your oiled arms. Kissing your cheek slyly before going back to his position.
"Alu ai gi ou kae."
Bro got slapped. Not too hard, but hard enough to know that he said something wrong.
"Ow! Baby, what was that for?" He holds his cheek, rubbing it softly. Slightly pouting while looking down at your shorter figure. Quite dramatically because you felt like all you did was tap his cheek.
"Why did you say that for?" You looked up at him with your nose scrunched.
"I asked Vika how to say "wanna kiss?" I asked him an hour ago so my pronunciation wasn't that horrible." He sulks. You roll your eyes before cupping his face, leaving kisses all over his cheeks, nose and forehead. "Yeah well, you just told me to go eat shit. Vika's Tongan, you idiot. He only knows the swear words."
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i wanted to write sm more but i rather keep this short LOLOL.
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shdo-xplosion · 1 year
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warnings: general warnings on the MASTERLIST! this chapter contains elements of fear, language barriers, and choking (not in a fun way) 1.4k
notes: this is just the beginning ( •⌄• ू )✧ plzplz tell me what you think!!!
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
“You sure you’re ready for this?”
Securing your helmet, you glance at Shinsou through the convex lense and laugh. “A little late to be asking that, don’t you think?”
“Just giving you the chance to hide under your blankies until this is all over,” he smirks.
“You mean hang out in the ship for the next two years? Think I’d die of boredom.”
When you’d first joined the crew you probably would have been able to entertain yourself for that long, exploring all the nooks and crannies of Hermes, but after years of learning all its secrets most of the mystery is gone.
“Just remember I gave you an out.”
“No outs allowed,” Kendou pipes up, voice distorted by her helmet speaker. “We’ve been preparing for this for years. We’re all ready.” She flexes both of her bionic hands, a subtle indication that she’s just as nervous as the rest of you.
The main door of the ship slides open in front of you, and Kendou leads the way out of the familiar territory and onto the shuttle platform, seven other crew mates following.
You’re all a very long way from home—light years away. The people you’ve left behind have all aged many years while you slept through the journey. Your entire home planet has changed drastically. And it’s only going to keep changing, keep degenerating. It’s why you’re here now.
Nobody knows exactly how to say this world’s name, but they sent a simple message that included something of an alphabet. Shinsou, your language expert, translated as best he could.
“The closest I can get as far as pronunciation is Destro, but they don’t really have vowels, so it’s more like dsst-ruh,” he tried to explain.
“Sounds a lot like ‘destroy’,” you had pointed out, trying to laugh off your unease.
Monoma snickered while throwing an arm around your shoulders. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you if anything spooky happens.”
It’s hard to get that out of your head as you make your way down the catwalk. Don’t look down, don’t look down, you repeat to yourself. The landing port and platform seem to be surrounded by nothing, a single lit up construct in the darkness. Though the station is in view, it looks very small.
Every step closer makes your stomach crawl higher in your throat, and by the time you make it to the massive doors that will grant you entry, you feel like throwing up.
“It’ll be fine,” Kendou’s voice sounds through her speaker. “We’re doing this for all of humanity.”
“You sound very brave,” Monoma snorts.
Shinsou, unwilling to wait apparently, steps forward and pounds on the door, unfazed when a large sphere drops out of nowhere, red light pointed in his face.
“Probably a camera,” he says.
“Or some kind of laser that’s about to melt your face off.”
“Helpful, Monoma. Very helpful,” you comment sarcastically.
Shinsou slowly holds up a gloved hand for the supposed camera to see, then speaks clearly: “Planet Earth. Humans.”
You don’t know what good it will do since they don’t speak your language, but whoever or whatever is on the other side of the doors must understand enough to know that you are not invaders but visitors.
The grind of the doors opening echoes in the abyss, a bone-chilling sound. You rest your hand on the gun at your hip, eyes widening as you’re finally able to see what lies ahead.
A handful of strangers are waiting for you, and you try to take in as much as you can in a short amount of time. Humanoid in stature aside from size, the same number of limbs, even their faces look similar to yours. But their eyes are different—sharp, the sclera (or what you assume to be), filled in red rather than white. What could be hair looks coarse and glitters in the light. There are markings on their cheeks and noses, different colors, and their skin, ranging in human hues, is smattered with scales.
Shinsou has his tablet ready, projecting a hologram of their alphabet so that he can point to the different letters that spell out ‘hello’ followed by ‘peace’.
The alien at the front of the group nods, grunts, then raises a hand and points at the device to spell something else out. Shinsou’s tablet collects each letter and translates them so that he can look at the rest of you and relay, “decontamination. I guess that’s the first thing we need to do.”
After a few more typed exchanges, the possible leader turns and motions your crew to follow his.
They’re taller than all of you, averaging anywhere between 7 and 8 feet, but the similarities are a little baffling to you. You suppose if their planet is anything like earth, the shared traits make sense. Maybe they’re taller because this world is richer in oxygen. Maybe their longer fingers have more webbing in between because they spend more time in water. Maybe the serrated teeth one of them flashes at you are for tearing apart tougher meat.
Or for ripping the throats from their prey.
You force a smile at the one looking down at you, hoping it isn’t an aggressive gesture. The way it puffs its chest out and shows more of its teeth makes you think it might be trying to smile back.
Despite your crew outnumbering theirs by three, you can’t help but feel watched, like there are many many more eyes on you that you can’t see. It makes your skin prickle, and you keep your hand close to your gun.
Another, smaller set of metal doors opens, and once inside the creature in charge points toward a room that looks to be made of glass. You can see through the walls, spot dozens of fixtures that resemble sprinkler spickets. Decontamination.
“Are we sure this is a good idea?” you ask Kendou. “We don’t know what they’re going to use on us. What if it’s acid or something?”
Her jaw is set, eyes trained on the room you’re being led to.
“It won’t be. If they wanted to hurt us, they wouldn’t have offered their help,” she reasons.
You’re not so sure about that.
“Suits off,” Shinsou says, holding up his tablet as if anyone else can read it. “There’s enough oxygen that we’ll be able to breathe.” He takes his helmet off to demonstrate, and you’re relieved when his head doesn’t explode on the spot. “It’s sort of like breathing at a high-altitude, though, so be ready for that.”
You have to fight every one of your instincts in order to strip yourself of your suit and helmet—your protection. It’s your life support when you’re traveling the stars. You feel completely vulnerable without it.
In nothing but underclothes, the 8 of you walk into the strange chamber. All you can think is that these might be the last few breaths that you ever take. This could all be a trap, no large step for mankind.
The door closes, and you stare through it, catching the red eyes of the alien who had been walking next to you. You think you see his mouth begin to pull up on one side just as a substance begins spraying from the spickets all around you.
It isn’t liquid nor is it gas—more like some kind of powder that coats your mouth and makes you cough. If it was hard to breathe before, it’s getting impossible now, this stuff clogging your throat and the throats of those around you.
The room is filled with violent hacking. Monoma vomits next to you, his watery eyes caked with whatever this is.
You wave a hand in front of your face in an attempt to dispel some of the flakes floating around you, searching for Kendou, for Shinsou, for an escape as you realize with terror that your gut instinct has been right. You never should have walked into this place, never should have taken one step off Hermes. This was a fruitless mission. This was arrogance, humans thinking you deserved to be helped.
Your vision is almost non-existent, and it feels like every inch of you is caked with whatever poison is pouring down on you. You bang on the wall with a desperation you’ve never felt before, screaming pleas you know the creatures don’t understand.
We’re dying. I’m dying. We came all this way to be killed.
The smiling alien watches you as you grow more and more light-headed. Whatever you’re inhaling burns your lungs, your mouth, the very inside of your skull.
The last thing you see before blacking out is the smiling alien’s split tongue running over its lips, a hungry beast waiting for its next meal.
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2023©️shidou-x. please do not plagiarize or repost my work to any other platforms.
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oozedninjas · 1 year
Submited by:  @macsimagines 
I did like it. Thank you for sending it in! 
I only have Raph ready and about half of Leo but I hope you like this! If not its totally cool! You don’t have to share it or anything if you don’t want to.
Talk about insecure this guy has no control over his feelings whatsoever. You’re his whole world, first and foremost. He thinks you put the damn sun in the sky. But it’s going to be a cold day in hell before he lets you know that.
He doesn’t treat you bad but he doesn’t treat you good. You’re always at arms length and he’s got this funny way of treating you like he doesn’t care about you. In his head the moment you realize he loves you more than life itself is that moment you’re going to walk out on him.
If he doesn’t let it on that you’re better, that you can do better, then you won’t go and he never has to be afraid, right? Wrong. Constant fear and insecurities consume him when he’s with you.
He’s so hot and cold it gives you whiplash. One moment he acts like he could care less if you’re actually with him or not and then the next he’s acting like he’s going to die if you try to go.
“Quit yer whinin’ Y/N. I’ll get to you when I got the time, alright? Get off my back I already got the shell.” and then when he hasn’t heard from you in two days its all; “The hell you got me worryin’ for? Can’t text back? Too good to come an’ see your man is that it? Got sick and tired of the fuckin’ circus?”
Ya this asshole has got some issues. Oh and his worst fear of you leaving for something better or wising up and realizing you deserve something better? He’s never gonna let it happen.
One day you two get into an argument, Raph isn’t exactly in control of his temper but he’s very good about not coming off as too aggressive with you. But then you hit him with that “If you don’t want me, I can just leave Raphael! You don’t have to put up with me and I can go be someone else’s problem!” and WOOF! Out goes any restraint.
“The hell you mean someone else?” at first its a quiet anger. A certain calmness in his tone that sends chills down your spine. He’s standing and you’re just now realizing he’s so much bigger than you as he’s slowly stalking towards you with this numb look on his face that you can’t read and that’s so much more terrifying than if he was just screaming like he usually does.
He’s got you backed into a wall when he asks again, a little firmer “Y/N, What do you mean ’someone else’?” perfect pronunciation, his distinct accent missing, so there is no confusion in his question because he really needs to hear your answer.
Your mouth feels very dry, you’ve never been afraid with him, never ever would you treat your man like he was some kind of monster, but right now with how he has you caged in his arms and stuck between him and that wall…
“I just- if you don’t want to deal w-with me-!” “Nuh-uh, you’re the one talkin’ about someone else,” he interrupts shaking his head and his voice finally reaching borderline hysterics, “You brought up somebody fuckin’ else so what is it Y/N!? Finally had enough? Think you can up an’ go!? Just like that!?”
His hands slam against the wall on either side of your head, and you can’t help the small scream that leaves you when you hear the cement of it crack under the strength of his palms.
“Gonna be a cold day in hell when someone takes you from me! They better be fuckin’ ready t'die, Y/N! CAUSE I’LL KILL ‘EM!” And Raph will remember the sound of the table crashing against the wall more than he remembers throwing it. The image of the pieces lying jagged and broken will be more vivid than the image of it flying across the room.
When he finally sees the tears pouring out of you his rage breaks, he’s all shaky breaths and numbness in his muscles. He’s just watching you sob and cry on the floor, too shocked to even believe he snapped at you like that. His Y/N.
“M'sorry, I’m so fuckin’ sorry,” he’s going to be repeating like it’s a prayer, nothing but apologies and shaky hands trying to hold you close. Raph would never ever hurt you, but he did just make it clear, you’re not going anywhere. 
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eco-lite · 6 months
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Volume 7 babyyy let’s go!
(But CW: sexual assault. I do include some quotes related to the assault here since I was recording my thoughts on it at the time.)
First of all, how gorgeous is this cover art?! They looks so good. This might be my favorite cover so far.
“Even now, twenty years later, I still haven’t found my ‘rightful place’” (6). Okay so we going Richard introspection hours. Love it!
* Blogger!Seigi omg.
* I guess “Iggy” is pretty close in pronunciation to “Seigi” but it seems wild to call him that lol. Also, who is reading this blog???
* Lotus is Seigi’s favorite flower. Got it.
* I wish the blog posts had a different format or typeface than the main text. That would be really fun and easier to distinguish.
* For fuck’s sake, just call him!
* For real though, it is really easy to sympathize with Seigi’s doubts right now. Being in such a foreign place, just waiting around for things to happen. That would make anyone anxious and doubtful of their choice. “When you had too much time on your hands, your anxieties loomed bigger, like shadow puppets hit by the light” (23). Fr fr.
* Jeffrey is ultra-dramatic and mysterious as usual. This is going to be quite an experience.
“Day 1”
* It’s so wild to me that Seigi thinks Richard would tell him to quit his internship if he’s not settling in well. That’s not how I see Richard at all. Shouldn’t Seigi know that Richard would tell him a long story with a message about perseverance, likely with illusions to Richard’s own life that would fly right over Seigi’s head? Because that’s pretty clearly the standard. As always, Seigi is way too in his head.
* Ah, so the mentorship wasn’t supposed to be like this after all. It’s really cute to see Richard getting so indignant and protective of Seigi like this.
* The rapid shift in Richard’s tone once he thinks Seigi is distracted/being disingenuous gave me fucking whiplash.
* NOT Seigi blocking Richard from view of the staff guy who’s giving interested glances at him. 🫢
* Bro this is crazy. Who is this mysterious other British man? What’s his past with Richard? It’s so bad that Richard is drinking alcohol?? Living for the drama.
“Day 2”
* Richard wearing sunglasses inside? Uh oh, he got fucked up last night.
* Seigi once again defending Richard from the male cruise staff. At least Richard seemed to appreciate it.
* “Richard chuckled when he saw the fraught look on my face. I always thought he sounded a bit like a pigeon when he laughed like that” (77). Wtf why is that adorable?
* Ooh a rare Richard swear!
* Okay so whatever Richard doesn’t want Seigi to see at the jewelry showcase has to do with the darker sides of the world of gemstones. What have you gotten yourself into, Richard?
* I actually feel physically ill. Now it’s very clear why Richard didn’t want Seigi to be here. I didn’t think the “dark” aspects were going to hit quite so close to home. Seigi is focusing only on Karlsbrook because he’s filled with rage, but I really need to get a check in Richard rn please. OKAY SHIT, Richard keeps brushing Karlsbrook’s arm off his waist but he is not getting the hint. What a CREEP.
* This is genuinely so hard to read. I am right there with Seigi, struggling to restrain myself from doing something rash to (metaphorically) destroy this man. And there are so many bystanders doing nothing. God, this is painful.
* “‘I love beautiful things. I want beautiful things. I don’t want anything but beautiful things. And in that respect, nothing could be more desirable to a collector like myself than you’” (98). I’m going to fucking throw up. This is explaining so much about Richard’s trauma around compliments of his beauty. This blatant objectification is vile.
* What the fuck is this Karlsbrook guy’s deal? He clearly would have harassed Richard even if Seigi wasn’t there, but he seemed to do it more gleefully because it was in front of Seigi. What does he know about Seigi and Richard’s relationship? He marveled at the fact that Seigi actually showed up earlier. How did he know that there was a possibility he would? And how does he even know who Seigi is in the first place? This is so fucked up!
* And they’re distantly related?! Bro…
* Okay so if Jeffrey didn’t send Seigi those emails, it was definitely Karlsbrook. Why does he want Seigi there so badly?
* Anddd now he’s being framed for stealing a priceless ring. Okie dokie then.
* “Kindly uncle” is not the vibe I’m getting, my guy. “Stupid, elderly baby doll” is a much more apt description.
* Vince is a great character. He just seems like a nice, chill dude you’d want to hang out with. And I love when a character’s appearance doesn’t match their personality. It gets me every time.
* After Vince goes on a lecture about anime and manga figure 3D modeling: “I cautiously asked Vince if he liked anime and manga, and he politely ignored me. Got it” (151). This guy. What a kuudere.
* This story was just tough. Looking forward to the conclusion tomorrow.
“Day 3”
* Ooh, detective Seigi!
* I’m loving Seigi’s absolute audacity in this one.
* Seigi is so adhd-coded.
* “‘…What happened with that creep?’ ‘Just shut up for a bit.’ ‘Okay’” (190). I love their rapport. 😂
* Richard showing up looking gorgeous to kick ass at poker while subtly roasting the VP is so !! He’s truly serving here.
* “The man presenting his merciless flush of hearts had such a beautiful yet indifferent look in his eyes as he stared intently at the man across from him. ‘Shall we continue?’ (193). So cunty!
* “Richard always had fire in his eyes when he got angry. The melanin in his irises gave their blue a sort of undulating wave pattern, and when I looked at him, I got goosebumps. It made me feel like I’d laid eyes on something no mortal should ever see” (193-194). Seigi is in so deep, bro.
* “‘Thank you, Ricky. Not even Raphael’s Madonna is a match for the beauty of your fingers manipulating those cards. I wish you would use those fingers to toy with me.’ ‘My apologies, I’ve been suffering from some temporary hearing loss and did not catch what you just said.’ After replying with the most refined ‘Like hell I will,’ in history, Richard stepped back and left the two men at the table” (199). 🤮🤮🤮 Karlsbrook is literally a mustache-twirling villain, this is crazy. Great clapback though, Richard. Also, is anybody else so uncomfortable when people call Richard “Ricky?” It feels infantalizing and like such a violation of the image Richard wants to present himself as.
* I just looked up what happened to the Colonel Sanders statue in Dotonbori. Wow… Seigi is not fucking around.
* Why are Vince and Richard having slightly hostile banter right now?? This is hilarious but I feel like I missed something behind the scenes.
* VINCE WAS HIS ASSISTANT????? This is blowing my mind omg.
* AND IT WAS VINCE IN THE BAR THAT FIRST NIGHT??? Wild. Can’t believe Seigi suspected that from hearing his purposefully bad english. Seigi actually is a good detective, and he’s more observant than I give him credit for. How rude to hold out on the readers like that though!
* “‘That was the first time I’d ever felt that strongly that I wasn’t needed somewhere… I’ve never felt such heartache like the moment I realized that I could offer nothing of value to this person who was such a huge presence in my life’” (231). Ouchies. Boy, do I know that feeling. Poor Vince. It’s unfortunate that Vince felt his relationship with Richard was so one-sided. I hope he won’t always be bitter about their relationship. Even if he had said something to Richard back then, I think Richard would have gotten very closed off and defensive, since they didn’t have a super close personal relationship. They’ve both improved in their communication skills since then. And it seems like things are going quite well for Vince now. I wish that funky little guy the best, and I hope he and Seigi end up staying in touch.
* “The beautiful man threw off his jacket about 30 percent more aggressively than normal, rolled up his sleeves, and stood in front of the punching bag. He gave it a fierce one-two punch. Sometimes, humans just get the urge to suddenly practice boxing, and this seemed to be one such time for Richard” (245). I love that we’re getting to see Richard like this. Seigi clearly has seen Richard be more casual around him since he knows how Richard normally takes off his jacket, but I doubt Richard has let Seigi see this side of him before. And I also really relate to getting the urge to “suddenly practice boxing.”
* And then he just leaves looking disheveled?! Bruh. At least stick around to cool off first. 😏
* Thank god the rest of the cruise was peaceful. I’m glad Seigi and Richard got to just hang out after all that drama.
* Ewww Seigi had to endure a hug from Karlsbrook. But I’m so glad that creep got exposed. Hopefully Gargantua actually does good after the investigation into their culture of sexual misconduct.
* “But as you might expect if a food for celebrations, it opened with ‘twenty-five eggs,’ so I think I’ll try scaling it down” (251). I just love cute little comments Seigi makes like this. Also very relatable to anybody who follows Pinterest recipes. Who needs to make that much food??
* Richard reads about “unfamiliar grammatical constructions” for fun. This man…
* “There were words that I wanted to say in Japanese and others that felt easier to express in English, but they were both becoming mine. For example, this was something that I wanted to say in Engish. I wish you were here. I wish you were here to eat the food I made. I don’t know if you’ll like it, but I’d be happy if you have it a try. And if I say something ridiculous again, I wouldn’t mind if you got frustrated and scolded me” (263). 😌😌😌 But for real, can we talk about the romance of wanting to tell someone you miss them in their native language?
* Richard being so giddy that he pulled off this prank of showing up unannounced is adorable.
* Seigi’s idea of heaven is sitting in a beautiful garden drinking royal milk tea and eating delicious snacks while talking to Richard. 😌😌😌
* Okayyy and right back into the drama. I guess we’re going to have a teenage girl nemesis now. Not at all what I was expecting. But as always, I’m excited to learn more about Richard’s past!
Although this volume had many tough moments, we actually got a lot of smiley Richard. He seems a lot more comfortable around Seigi than even at the end of the last volume. I’m really looking forward to seeing how their relationship progresses from here. Especially if they’re staying in Sri Lanka together like was suggested at the end of Vol 6!
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What I’ve Learned About Puerto Rican Spanish (so far)-Part 1 out of probably more
Some notes before we begin:
-I’ve been studying Spanish on a whole for 3 months. I’m not a native speaker, nor am I Puerto Rican. I will be running this post by my Puerto Rican boyfriend for accuracy’s sake and so I don’t throw around misinformation
-if you can’t tell by me saying “Puerto Rican boyfriend” up there, I’ll be giving this dialect and accent the praise it rightfully deserves as a diverse piece of this beautiful language but I might be a little bit biased 😂
This is the dialect and accent that I’m slowly trying to integrate into my studies naturally so I can eventually adopt it as my own.
Puerto Rico and its language is a prime example of the very thing my nerd brain loves to learn about instead of actually studying the language like I should: the ways that various influences can shape a language. Puerto Rico was one of the lucky ones that got colonized two whole times (fun fact: This Is Bad) and because of that it’s a fairly bilingual culture. Their Spanish is not only beautifully Latino and Caribbean, it’s also very English. Spanglish, if you will. Cursed by the Anglophones. But it’s really cool, admittedly.
All of this to say that Puerto Rican Spanish doesn’t have all that “c (the)” and “z (theta)” stuff from Spain, for starters, but there’s some other interesting aspects to the speech.
-Puerto Ricans speak fast. Maybe I’m just getting that impression as an A1 beginner but it seems like it’s true.
-Lots of times the “R” sound is replaced with an “L” (“hablar”=“hablal”)
-Like many other dialects they “eat the S” (“buscar”=“bucal”)
-but they’re still hungry so they also eat whole halves of words (“Estás”=“‘Ta”)
-if there’s a “D” in the middle of some vowels or at the end of a word it gets dropped (“cansado”=“cana’o”, “verdad”=“velda’”
-There’s this beautiful rhythm to their speech. It sounds a bit like maybe they put more emphasis on the vowels and I’ve heard it described as almost sing-song, but it’s hard to describe. It’s incredibly unique.
-in some areas the “R” can turn into a hard “H” sound, although I personally haven’t heard this yet
Unique words and phrases, there are more than these but these are the ones I understand enough to feel like I can teach ok vamos
“¿Qué es la que hay?”-“How’s it going?” (Sounds like “¿Qué la que hay?”)
Though most other ways to extend the same greeting can be used, this is a great one to get Puerto Ricans‘ attention and make anyone else go “where did you learn that, what, I’m so confused”
“Corillo”-“gang/group of friends”
This is equivalent to how we use “gang” in English casually to mean our friends, I don’t believe it means a literal gang with gang activity.
“Janguear”-“to hang out” (sounds like “jangueal”)
This is a verb that sounds exactly like what it means, since it comes from English. I have suspicions that there are multiple ways to spell it but this is what I was taught.
Self-explanatory. I like this one more than “cerveza” anyway.
“Parquear”-“to park” (sounds like “palqueal”)
Another self-explanatory one. It’s fun to say and makes me wish I could drive so I had an excuse to say it.
I lied about only picking words I understand. I’ll get back to you on this but from what I can tell if “ahora” means “now” then “ahorita” means “a little bit from now”(???). But I really don’t know, it’s not really that. But it is. Remind me to take this section out, alright cool.
“Puñeta”-lit. “jack off”, but a general curse word
Don’t use this one. Don’t tell anyone I told you about it. Take this to your grave. I’m a good influence. I’m a good influence. I’m a
This means gossip but not the idle kind, more like the kind you really shouldn’t be throwing around without really meaning it (like what I’m not doing with the words on this list). Slander, I guess. Don’t do this it’s mean 😡
This is in most Spanish dialects and usually means “hard” or “durable”, but Puerto Ricans use it in another way: to say someone’s good at something. Mi español no es duro, por ejemplo.
This isn’t like “brutal” in English, being a bad thing. It’s slang that’s saying that something’s really cool or great.
“Buscar” can also mean “to pick someone up (from something)” in Puerto Rico, so like if you were offering to drive your friend somewhere. And it still can sound like “bucal”
think that’s all I’ve got in me
I get most of my info from this subject from the YouTube channel Learn Spanish Faster. Specifically the videos on various Puerto Rican words and the accent, both with more information than I have here. Definitely worth checking out!
I asked my boyfriend if he had anything to say to anyone reading this who might be interested in learning more. This is what he had to say:
“hmmm. Puñeta is much more than a general curse word. It’s a way of life. we say it for excitement. we say it for anger. we say it for sadness. when something is extremely difficult: ‘esto esta puñetero’”
He was very excited when I learned that word so it’s no surprise he would share this with you all. It’s a very versatile one he uses a lot and likes a lot (I like it too). Just please be responsible with it.
I’ll definitely make a part 2 once I learn more but this is a good place to leave it, I think.
¡Buena suerte!
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
I know bandmate! y/n is british i think, but in my head i always imagine her as like a full on irish version of Louis, like she's got the most thick Dublin accent and is always swearing and always calls Niall a "Culchie" cause he's from Mullingar
I think i think it cause im irish but it fits so perfectly in my head
I think the best way to show the accent im talking about would be Saoirse Ronan's and a mix of other Northern Dublin accents
but when she's trying to act professional in interviews etc she'll slip into a South Dublin or even kind of American accent but once something funny happens or shes gotten comfortable she'll go back to how she normally talks and just comes off really loud and fun 😭
bc for me, yn's accent is like louis's: thick, sometimes hard to understand for americans, swearing, etc.
i love Saoirse's accent like it's pure music to me ngl. speaking of her and interviews though, that's something yn would do a lot: speak in a "clearer" accent for other people to understand her.
for her press interviews for Little Women, people would always compliment her on how good her american accent was:
"'Fank you!" YN beams from her seat in between Flo and Timothée. "S'quite funny because in the band, Niall and I would always try to mimic accents where ever we went for tour just to sort of entertain ourselves. So me dialect coach for the film was quite happy with how much pronunciation I knew 'cause some of it can be quite hard. And actually, tweaking me accent every now and then for interviews and things like that with the band was like a normal thing for me after a while."
"Whatever for?" Flo questions from her right.
"S'cause people wouldn't bloody understand meh," YN laughs and the room follows suit.
"Well I think your accent is beautiful, truly," Timothée compliments, making YN coo and briefly rest her head on his shoulder.
Or when she's on tour and she's trying to talk with a fan:
"'Ello! Wha's yeh name? Furn? That's a beautiful name—"
Fern! It's Fern!
No, Fern!
"Furn," YN retorts back with a furrow of her eyebrows. "Like the thingys Harry has tattooed." She tries to explain as she motions to her lower stomach.
"Well tha's what m'bloody saying innt?" YN laughs as she throws her hands up. "M'from north'rn England, babe. V'got an accent. Fern, right?" The crowd erupts into a fit of laughter and screams at the sound of her Vally Girl accent. "Fern. No, my name is Fern. Ferrrn. I don't think this bitch understands me." YN sassily teases, her pointer finger up and waving from side to side.
Later on in the show as YN covers Alive, she sings:
Went to a party just after the doctor talked to me I met Fern, I took her in up to the balcony
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hearts4robs · 8 months
Hii! Never done matchups before so sorry if I mess something up! 😭 Your writing is nice though so I wanted to try :)
Btw for fandom DC please! Pretty much the only one I'm more into from the ones you write about lol
I'm 18, gender is whatever to me but I prefer they/them pronouns and I'm okay with any gendered terms. I'm 5'2 and my hair is short and I usually dye it dark red. I'm asexual and kiss men (in theory). I'm pale and I have dark circles under my eyes that I just can't get rid off. Might be the bad sleeping schedule. Anyway. I'm slavic and English isn't my first language so I sometimes mess up pronunciation and grammar (this is both a trait and an apology for my English). Oh also my eyes are brown! I sometimes wear baggier clothes and sometimes switch to really feminine ones.
I've never been good at describing my personality, but I'll try my best. I love hanging out with people and socializing, but I also can't handle big loud events. I get anxious easily and feel like throwing up because of it. My friends have told me I'm funny because I often say stuff that makes no sense (it makes sense to me...). I don't like it when people help me with pretty much anything, I only ask for help if I REALLY need it. I love sending my friends silly images and stuff and talking about my interests. Oh, I draw! And I play guitar (I usually play an electric guitar, but I have an acoustic one too). I also play videogames if I have the time. As I mentioned before, I have a really bad sleeping schedule, but coffee makes me sleepy so I prefer tea. My love languages are quality time and words of affirmation. I usually enjoy physical touch, but it sometimes depends on the person and my mood. I consider myself an optimist. I think that's pretty much everything??
My perfect date would be a picnic in spring. I like warm (but not hot) weather and spring just makes me really happy. Me and the other person could bake something for each other and bring other snacks + drinks and then sit on a picnic blanket and talk for hours. Maybe play some music too if it's too quiet. It would be better if the picnic was at a park and not in a forest haha. Oh also for music I could also bring a guitar but there's a chance I would get too embarrassed to play in public. If there aren't any people around I won't be anxious, though.
My perfect type is someone smart and patient. Someone who can help me out when I'm struggling with something I don't understand but also won't get mad at me if it takes too much time. Also someone who can deal with my anxiety without just going "calm down". I would also like someone who would enjoy listening to me ramble about my interests and someone I can show my art to (without giving me unwanted criticism). Overall someone who supports me even when I'm being weird. It's not necessary, but it's definitely a bonus if the person is lowkey a nerd.
My favourite trope is pretty basic but I like friends to lovers. It's simple and cute. I'm a sucker for some mutual pining. That, combined with the "everyone knows but them"... perfect.
I feel like this is too short, sorry! I just really don't know what else to say.
Have a great day/night :)
𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐧𝐞: 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫
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“Wine or no?” Damian asks, picking up the wine glasses from the picnic basket.
There was no answer the first time, so, Damian turns his head, his brows tugging inward.
“Love.” Damian says, finally catching your attention. Your raise your head again, looking at him.
“Wine or no wine?”
“Uh, wine.” You say with a smile before your return your eyes to your phone that was propped on your knee. Your legs were bended in criss-cross apple sauce style, guitar in hand.
You let out a quiet, frustrated grunt. Your guitar wasn’t tuning probably. Damian pours up two glasses of wine, sending you a sideways glance.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, cocking his brow at your furrowed brows.
“It won’t tune.” You grumble.
“Give it here, then.” Damian says, not waiting for you to agree as he grabs the guitar. And that son of a bitch doesn’t need more than three tries before getting it tuned perfectly, by ear.
“Oh, fuck you.”
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Damian taught himself how to play your favourite song on guitar as soon as he found out you could play.
He has a habit of tapping his finger against your hand whenever you hold it. It’s not because he needs your attention, and he barely notices when he does it, but it’s just him checking you’re still beside him. (Even though he’s holding your fucking hand).
Damian is really bad at words so he tries to spend as much time with you as possible, even if it’s hard due to his job.
Damian knows how to handle your anxiety. Mostly due to his job as a vigilante, and because he sometimes deals with it himself, but also because he researched for hours after the first time it got bad around him. He’ll take care of you without a second of hesitation.
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I rlly hope you like this and I am so sorry that it’s this delayed ☹️ </3
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sunflowerabyss · 9 months
Charms of Fate: Chapter 5
Pairing: Professor!Remus Lupin x Fem!Professor!Reader
Series Masterlist
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Plot: Amidst the echoes of a bygone era, you return to Hogwarts years after parting ways. What begins as a journey fueled by nostalgia transforms into an unexpected reunion with Remus Lupin, now a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. As the past intertwines with the present, the two former classmates navigate the complexities of grief, the resurgence of friendship, and the unwritten chapters of their shared history in this tale of rediscovery and the magic that binds them together.
Warnings: none (if there are, please let me know)
A/N: Did I mention this was a slow burn?
It's been a few months since the hand incident in the Great Hall, and while you and Remus are almost inseparable, you make no moves to go past being really good friends. You feel like you were both seventeen again, dancing around each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. It's frustrating, you think. You want nothing more than to just do something. Anything. But you don't. You don't act on anything. You don't pull him by that crooked tie he wears to make his lips meet yours. You don't hold his hand while walking through Honeydukes together, watching as he throws countless chocolate bars in his basket. You don't bang on the door to his living quarters, panting, before expressing your undying love to him. Yeah, because that wouldn't be embarrassing.
You do, however, start to pick up on Remus' strange disappearances. You're not stupid; you know what it is. Everything clicked into place after he kept making excuses as to why he couldn't go to Hogsmeade with you, why he always looked so worn out after a full moon, and why Snape had to take over some of his lessons a few days out of the month. It also makes sense as to why he would skip classes when he was younger, and why the Marauders also disappeared.
You thought about how James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus always had those strange nicknames; however, you reckoned "Moony" fit Remus perfectly. You knew he was a werewolf. You felt dumb for not figuring it out sooner. However, Remus hasn't told you yet. This must have been the truth he has always wanted to tell you.
Though a small part of you yearned for him to confide in you and a little hurt that he hadn't yet, you also respected his wishes and wanted him to come to you when he was ready. You can't help but think about how lonely he must feel when he transforms once a month. He must miss the company of his friends. You thought about each one of them, even Peter, who, though you hardly ever interacted with, felt sad that he had also passed due to the hands of Sirius Black.
Peter always was the weird one out of the group, keeping to himself and disappearing every so often. Because of this--and though you are ashamed to admit it--you forgot he existed. The only reason you remembered him is because you stumbled upon an old picture of the four of them in an old Hogwarts yearbook you nicked in the staff's lounge. However, the more you thought about it, the less sense the whole situation made. You knew Sirius. It wasn't in his nature to become a cold-blooded killer. The idea of betraying Lily and James seemed foreign, and only finding Peter's finger? Yeah, there was no way.
The buzz of students filled the classroom as they walked in, and you took a deep breath, forcing the swirling thoughts into the recesses of your mind. Greeting each student with a warm smile, you started your lesson with an air of enthusiasm.
"Now, class, today we're going to dive into the fascinating world of counter curses. The spell you'll be practicing is 'Finite Incantatem,' commonly used to stop the effects of many spells. Handy, isn't it?"
You demonstrated the wand movement and pronunciation, emphasizing the importance of precision. The room hummed with anticipation as students eagerly brandished their wands, ready for practice.
Harry, sitting near the back, raised his hand, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Professor, is this the spell you use to stop other spells during a duel?"
You nodded, impressed with his insight. "Exactly, Harry. It's a versatile spell, useful in various situations. Now, give it a go."
As students practiced, you moved around the room, offering guidance and encouragement. Conversations flowed, and you found yourself engrossed in the magical discussions that blossomed. Harry, in particular, seemed keen on perfecting the spell, his determination shining through.
"Good job, Harry! Your wand movement is getting smoother," you praised, smiling as he beamed with pride. The class continued, a lively exchange of ideas and discoveries filling the air.
With the last lesson of the day concluded and the students filing out, you felt a sense of accomplishment. The last of your students finally left the room, and you took a moment to collect your materials.
As you closed the door behind you, a decision formed in your mind. You needed to see Remus. The corridor echoed with your hurried footsteps as you walked the familiar path to his classroom.
Upon reaching the door, you hesitated for a moment, considering whether to knock or just enter. Taking a deep breath, you gently knocked before pushing the door open.
"Remus?" you called, peering inside. The room was dimly lit, and you spotted him at his desk, grading papers. There was a small cup of half-drunken tea and an empty chocolate bar wrapper. The sight of him, surrounded by the soft glow of lamplight, had a comforting quality.
He looked up, a warm smile breaking across his face. "Ah, hello darling. Come in."
You stepped into the room, feeling the weight of the day lifting off your shoulders. Remus set aside his quill, giving you his full attention. "How was your day?" he inquired, a genuine interest in his eyes.
You took a seat, launching into a recount of your classes, the interactions with students, and the magical mishaps that added a touch of humor to your day. Remus listened attentively, his expressions ranging from amusement to empathy.
The room was filled with a comfortable silence as Remus listened to your stories, a soft smile playing on his lips. After a particularly amusing anecdote, he chuckled.
"You've got quite the knack for teaching," Remus remarked, his eyes reflecting a mix of admiration and warmth. "The students seem to adore you. Though, I hardly blame them."
Your cheeks warmed with bashfulness at Remus's kind words. The genuine admiration in his eyes made your heart flutter, and you couldn't help but offer a shy smile.
"Thank you, Remus," you replied, your voice betraying a mixture of humility and gratitude. "I appreciate that. Coming from you, it means a lot."
Remus doesn't say anything. His gaze bores into you and you do everything you can to not squirm in your seat. Instead, he reaches out.
Remus's touch was a feather-light caress against your cheek, leaving a trail of warmth that belied the depth of emotions within both of you. The room seemed to hum with an unspoken tension, a magnetic force drawing you closer. His eyes, those kind and knowing eyes, spoke volumes without uttering a single word. There was an intimacy in the silence, a shared language that transcended the need for verbal expression.
As his hand cupped your cheek, a subtle tremor ran through you. It was a gentle, hesitant touch, but the unspoken connection hung heavy in the air. Time seemed to stretch, and the world outside that small space ceased to exist. Remus's thumb traced a soft pattern against your skin, and you felt a powerful undercurrent of something unspoken, a dance of emotions waiting to be acknowledged.
Remus's breath caressed your ear as he whispered your name, the softness of his voice weaving through the air like a secret shared between just the two of you. Before either of you could savor the moment, a knock interrupted the quiet intimacy. Startled, you and Remus jumped apart, an unspoken acknowledgment passing between you.
Clearing his throat, Remus called out, "Come in," his tone more composed than the racing beat of your heart suggested. The door swung open to reveal Snape, his trademark sneer firmly in place. His eyes flicked between you and Remus, and you could almost taste the disdain in his gaze.
Snape, seemingly unsurprised to find you there, shot you a dirty look before addressing Remus. In his hands, he carried a cup, and the nature of its contents would have remained a mystery to you had you not figured out Remus' secret already. Still, you kept quiet.
Snape's entrance cast a sudden chill over the room, and the tension became palpable. Remus maintained his composure, but you could see the subtle clenching of his jaw, a silent response to Snape's presence.
"Evening, Snape," Remus greeted, his voice carrying an air of strained politeness.
Snape's eyes darted between you and Remus, and his sneer deepened as if he could taste the secrecy in the air. "I see I've interrupted an enlightening conversation."
You cleared your throat, attempting to dispel the awkwardness. "Not at all, Professor. I was just leaving."
Remus shot you an apologetic glance, but you offered him a reassuring smile before making your way to the door.
As you stepped into the hallway, Snape's voice trailed after you, carrying a subtle edge.
"Your monthly remedy, Lupin," Snape drawled, his words leaving a lingering bitterness in the air. You couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the challenges he faced every month. The atmosphere in the room shifted, and you were left with the weight of Remus' unspoken secret and the venomous presence of Snape, making for an uncomfortable tableau. "I trust you'll handle this matter discreetly."
Remus's response was curt but measured. "Always, Snape."
The door closed behind you, leaving you with a swirl of conflicting emotions. Remus's secret had drawn you to him even more, yet Snape's disdainful scrutiny hung in the air like a bitter aftertaste.
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