#some ppl i feel a safe connection w
bunnihearted · 7 months
#i just feel like i cant connect to anyone#i dont feel safe with anyone. ppl are so cold and callous#and in fact most ppl support and contribute to abuse & rape culture#and knowing that just makes me not feel safe or comfortable with them#thus i cant trust them w my experiences. i cant trust them at all tbh#+ i have a deeper connection w animals & nature and most ppl.. are so disconnected from those#i just dont feel.. ok with anyone#also the fact that i constantly have to mask. every interaction w ppl feels like a performance#everyone already has decided what they think others should be. and i dont fit into that. im none of it#so i feel sm like no one could understand me. and in turn i dont understand anyone either :/#it's making me feel so so so so fucking lonely#my world views and experiences and everything are things i just cannot ignore#i simply cant shut it off and be w ppl regardless#and i know i cant expect to meet ppl EXACTLY like me. but i just want some that are kinda similar#sigh all of this is so hard to even put into words. it feels like im not explaining this properly#i just look around me sometimes and feel so extremely alone bc i cant connect w anyone. i just dont understand ppl at all.#and i just wanna feel safe and comfortable#maybe what im saying is that someone world views and morals etc are important to me#i cant connect with someone who denies a genocide for example#bc that is so fundamentally against who i am and what i believe in#but it is so fkn rare i cant even come up w an example of me coming across someone similar to mtyself#idk.. just dont wanna be alone
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kindacreepy-kindaugly · 8 months
why is it so much worse knowing how many people out there want me (& everyone in this body) dead cause we don't feel empathy than knowing about the ones who want the same cause we're trans
#i mean i guess it's cause we live in a bubble where most people we know are trans#n the whole 'empathy makes us human' thing is a rly popular opinion in the more progressive circles#i guess it's. just another item in the long list of traits that might make us subhuman to others#we don't even have it as bad as people w/ like aspd n stuff. it's a lot easier to hide for us#usually will come off as social awkwardness instead#but every time there's a video going around the mainstream sm where someone w/ low/no empathy talks about how their mind works#the majority of the comments are just so. dehumanizing. like we're some rabid animals that need to be put down for public safety#n i guess causw it's so inherently linked to whatever it is about our wiring that makes us so. different from almost everyone else.#why we can't seem to connect w/ people n why we feel so fucking isolated all the time#like we just came out wrong n there's no fixing it#& the way we've lately come to understand more how much dmg our mother prevented w/ her parenting#but also how much of it that stuck coulda been prevented if she'd had the tools & safe environment#i don't even mean like. the trauma shit. but the things that needed to be noticed n steered into a different direction when we were small#instead of us wreaking havoc up to our late teens when we finally connected some dots that most people have connected from birth#though i think most of the usual ways of correcting it are more or less abusive. there's ones that aren't but idk how accessible that info#woulda been 20+ years ago#anyway it just really sucks how our fb feed tries to give us some light informative vids on people w/ similar experiences in some areas#n the comments are 80% ppl throwing around diagnoses they don't understand#n holding us responsible for everything their shitty abusive ex/parent/boss did#n literally sayin shit like 'people like this are better off dead'#not very good for my mental health#even though i don't give much more value to those people than they put on ones like me#spdrvent
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tirfpikachu · 3 months
here's the thing. and i'll use trans speak for this. afab ppl's connection to their afab-typical bodies, with bio breasts and bio vaginas, will never be the same connection as the one transfems have with their hrt breasts and surgical vaginas.
this is a neutral statement, one isn't better than the other to me. so hold on, i just wanna explain
people who grow up without seeing people like them, who have their body type, get breasts and be oppressed for it, and who in turn grow breasts in puberty, those afab people have a relationship w their bodies that amab people simply do not have. a transfem person is excited for breasts, even a trans teen told "omg kid you get to go on hormones and grow those too someday!!" does NOT have an afab experience w breasts (or vaginas, with bottom surgery). afab feelings about their growth of breasts are complex as fuck since childhood as a thing you just cannot escape, at times excitement but also usually involves fear, fear of men, fear of this random growth that "makes you a woman" (and you've been told since a young age by society that women are bad, weaker, dumber, and have gross or usable bodies) and the fear of having seen older people with breasts be treated like garbage all around you... it can make afab puberty traumatic, while transfem hormone puberty is a celebration and seen as a miracle, beside some nervousness. same with how transfems view their surgical vaginas vs how afab people do, it's radically different. this is why transfem ppl will never truly understand afab experiences. and the reverse, of course, is true as well.
the way afab ppl's eyes view breasts is simply different. for amab people growing up breasts are exotic, unusual, something their natural puberty will not include, and they're often encouraged to fetishize and sexualize them by fellow amabs, including creepy grown amab ppl (usually, but not always, cis men) making misogynistic jokes about afab bodies to young cis boys & young transfems. transfems were in the not-afab camp, and knew they were safe from that bullshit, even if they sympathized with or even wanted to join the afab camp or were bullied for being afab-like
even if they later transition to get boobs as well, and eventually normalize their view of it, it doesn't change that breasts will always be a foreign thing on an amab body, an addition, and i say this neutrally, not to say that amab breasts are lesser. that's just a totally different relationship than the one afab women and afab ppl as a whole have (or have had) with their breasts, and their vaginas too, with unique oppression linked to periods and potential impregnation and pregnancy and all these crazy things afab bodies do that amab ppl, transfem included, will never truly understand. most transfems also haven't had bottom surgery statistically speaking, and with that comes the ability to penetrate with genital pleasure (unlike afab ppl who can only penetrate w fingers and objects, and transmasc bottom surgery afaik isn't the same) and often ability to impregnate. those are risks! risks that afab ppl grew up fearing! most transfems aren't creeps, but they have abilities to do so that afab ppl simply do not have, we should keep that in mind!
and that is why amab people being in any afab spaces where nudity is involved, even partially such as bathrooms, will always be an uncomfortable situation for many if not most afab women, and often transmasc people too, and some post-op transfemmes as well who do not have a penis anymore and relate more to afab struggles. and even if turns out everybody can coexist in the end in nudity rooms, afab worries matter! afab ppl should not be shut down the way they are right now. it should be a nuanced issue
yet instead of respectful discussions talking about compromises afab people are all told to change our conditioning, to totally ignore amab conditioning, to act like transfems are exactly and have always been exactly like afab people and there's no particular risks or power imbalance. and we're threatened w the label of bigot and being shunned and lose all our friends if we still have concerns. not even outright refusal or hatred, just worries and questions and requests!! but nope, that's being bigoted terfy bitches, or naggy theyfabs, just bc we're not accepting right away (DESPITE GENDER NEUTRAL ROOMS BEING AN OPTION AFAB PPL HAVE ALWAYS BEEN OPEN TO) that is seen as just as bad as racism and ableism and afabmisogyny, if not worse. usually worse. bc transmisogyny is always seen as WAYYY worse than the kind only afab ppl face, to the point where afab ppl don't even need to be seen as a uniquely oppressed class nor allowed to have their own boundaries. it's ridiculous
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breadnauppercrust · 1 year
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some designs i came up with for the girls in miraculous. the idea was 'what if they could have multiple outfits like sailor moon, as told by ginger, or totally spies?' and 'what if their clothes reflected their story arc?' however, i kind of gave up on them because i no longer have time to work on it as much as i would like to, so below this are copy+paste from my wip instagram account. lowkey its fanfiction-y lol
Alya redesigns! tbh don’t know if they’re cohesive but 🤷‍♀️
S1: dresses for comfort & is geeky - think DrWho/Marvel/Tumblr. Obsessed w superheroes & has dedicated blog for each one, & that includes LB. Beginning of her & Maris friendship, starts to dates nino halfway s1.
S2: Mari influences her way of dress, still geeky but experimenting w clothes. Ladyblog becomes popular, interested in finding out her secret ID. Is also investigating akumas, HM, The Who/what/where/whys. Lowkey figures out who ladybug is but doesn’t say anything. Has been given fox miraculous at least a couple times.
S3: notices changes in Maris behavior & confronts her. Becomes fox miraculous holder full time, helps LB figure out who HM is & shares all the info she’s found. CN lowkey pushed to the side, causing friction, bc wrapped up w finding out who HM is ig. Constantly wears a Fanny pack now for trixx. Goes w comfortable but stylish clothes (ig lol idk) also at this point is BFF w Mari
S1: wears preppy designer brands to impress mom, despite living in diff countries. Basic mean girl, her only friends being Sabrina and Adrien - whose a childhood friend & lowkey helped him attend school. Both know how it feels to “lose” a parent & Adrien has seen a softer side of her. Probably has a crush on him ig. Maris bully, jealous of her talents at sewing & making friends easily, & prob her knit tight family.
S2: still preppy but w 60/70s inspo. Given bee miraculous a couple times, has resisted akumas - info she uses to help others later. Helping ppl & being somewhat nice makes her feel good & likes the appreciation from others+LB. Maybe Mom moves back to Paris w half sister, Zoe - might be significantly younger than Chloe idk. Didn’t like her at first but warms up to her as season goes on. Sees lil sister copying her & their mom, has an epiphany ig. Connects dots on akumas & feelings & tries to be better.
Should Zoe exist tho??? idk
S3: preppy but more casual. She’s nicer but still sarcastic, has made a few new friends, treating Sabrina better. Still trying to get moms approval tho & follows her around, even to fashion things w the Agreste. Notices Gabriel is acting strange, more distant towards Adrien, doesn’t notice what he’s doing or where he’s going. pt queen bee ig, probably given towards the very end of the season tbh by Adrien/CN after being ignored by LB bc of RR involvement w finding out HM id. AND noticing Chloe change significantly in the past several months (?) does Adrien reveal to her IDK he is still loyal to LB but eH
1st Mari is shy, her outfits are safe & she kind of disappears in a crowd. She just became 🐞 & isn’t 💯 with her role yet. She’s designed and made her own clothes but doesn’t wear them outside of the house bc Chloe, oof
2nd she’s now comfortable being 🐞 & that boosts her confidence as Mari, she’s wearing more bold colors & outfits that she may or may not have designed herself 👀
3rd 🐞 is now the guardian of the miraculous box, has bigger responsibilities & problems to deal with. Being 🐞 has creeped into her daily life. Doesn’t have time to design/make clothes so wears w/e, but tries to appear happy.
i like the idea of kagami being prim and proper looking all preppy at the beginning, but after making friends she starts to rebel by modifying her school clothes w accessories but eventually wears w/e she wants w a punkish vibe. lowkey worried about falling into a trope so idk
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lakesbian · 10 months
i think cherie has a weird psychological fixation on alec. btw. for reasons such as
cheries Deal is about being powerful and scary and manipulative so she can be the one who hurts others instead of the one who gets hurt due to shes fundamentally alienated from connection w/ herself and others and has no other way to cope with existing without feeling like dirt
also her powers are abt being stuck in this miserable cramped home w a bunch of other miserable violent people and having to learn how to emotionally read everyone so she can cater to the abuser to keep herself safe + understand how to manipulate the other victims (to make life easier for herself, to hurt them to satiate her abuser & feel like she's regained some control, etc)
alec was one of the siblings slightly closer 2 her in age + one of the siblings she tormented, someone she knew exceedingly well as a result of her power. theres a connection there. its a bad connection but theres a connection. forced him to do horrible shit alongside heartbreaker + WoG implies she contributed 2 the sexual abuse by fostering the hypersexual behavior. basically i bet she thinks she has him read for filth
he was a sad little sopping wet crybaby 4 most of the time she knew him absolutely the type that would make younger cherie be like "tch...hes not cut out for anything." and tell him to stop being a whiny baby (<- she thinks this counts as helpful life advice). i think she would tell him this even if he wasn't actually crying. like he would go ":(" in his head and she would be like Stop being a whiny baby. just unprompted. also on the one occasion she tried to cheer him up she did so by letting him watch liveleak videos of people exploding on her phone.
anyway my point is. sad sopping wet crybaby jean-paul grows up, toughens up, runs away successfully (first heartbroken to do so), and THEN becomes a threat of stabilizing his own power 2 the point where he could eventually become more successful/well-known than her while the cult back home is slowly dwindling in power. what if the sopping wet crybaby younger sibling you tortured as a coping mechanism was at risk of getting cooler than you would that be fucked up or what.
furthermore i think cherie is like. conscious about the fact that she sucks and the heartbroken home sucks and thinks she's being Honest about it + brave in the face of the inherent misery that the world wreaks upon her for sucking. and she also thinks that alec is, like, not just lying and obscuring the fact that he sucks from the undersiders, but successfully being treated like he Doesn't suck as a result. which pisses her off and is, aside from thinking it's funny when he's miserable, why she tries to ~reveal the truth~ about him 2 the undersiders over the phone. this is funny because alec also thinks he's being honest about the fact that he sucks and in fact considers it one of his strong points.
but anyway yeah i think shes fixated with being able to like. drag him back down to what she perceives as their shared level + reestablish control over him bc him being free and successful while genuinely improving himself as a person puts fundamental cracks in her worldview.
all of which is to say in the beautiful hypothetical world where she gets drudged up from the ocean and riley and amy awkwardly put her back together she finds out alec died doing smth good 4 aisha and she doesn't fucking like it. because he's beyond her reach in two ways forever now. first of all he's dead. second of all he died doing something uncomplicatedly caring and self-sacrificing for a friend which means the undersiders permanently remember him as a fucked up kid they knew back when they were all fucked up kids who ultimately Tried and went out being the best person he could be. which means she can't drag him back down to her level and reassert her worldview by making him miserable Or by changing ppls opinions of him. even insinuates that what She thought about him might have been wrong. and aisha laborn, the person he died for, who is now taking care of all of the heartbroken, who still remembers alec deeply fondly, is naturally where her Weird Psychological Fixation transfers next. also worth noting that THE FUCKING WORLD ENDED while she was down there and the s9 is Over so cherie is just. utterly irrelevant everybody forgor about her. she doesn't even get to feed off ppls hatred, no "negative attention is still attention" for her, she just gets drudged up and is expected 2 move on with her life. which is to say she immediately clings onto the one remnant of the world she knew, the one place where she can still claw for relevancy w/ ppl who would know her, and starts emailing aisha "can't make a banaisha split without a cherie on top" 200 times in a single evening. and aisha doesnt care at all cherie is going fucking nuts over this whole thing and aisha is just over there mentally writing this weeks grocery list in her head
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dearweirdme · 2 months
how do u guys not see that taehyung is using jk and tkk for attention? he has consistently claimed things that then don’t align w what jk has said/reality. if they were actually together i dont think he would want to be drawing attention to their relationship the way he does. like when he said he recorded his album at jk’s house and jk helped direct it, that was SUCH an exaggeration and he knew it. and ofc jk had to clear up the situation stating that taehyung just randomly called him up one day asking if he could record some guides at his apartment studio and jk only gave him some advice here and there abt how he should sing some lines. taehyung always find some way to mention jungkook and single out their relationship when jk doesn’t do the same. and the whole “to find you” thing…there’s no way that that’s the legitimate and whole truth. taehyung worded in a way that would catch ppls attention when in reality im sure jk would just sing that song a lot in general cuz it was stuck in his head or something, not directly to/for taehyung. bc if they were actually together and jk sang that song FOR him, taehyung would not be out here divulging all that information. he would want to keep that secret bc that is something that would directly give them away. and w the story he posted of him and jk on instagram before enlisting. that was completely on purpose for attention bc why would u not post something for jimin as well who was also enlisting the same day when u know ppl will notice that. he knew we would notice he only posted for jk and that would get attention for being just him and jk. just at least admit that taehyung mentions a lot of stuff abt jungkook on purpose bc he knows ppl like to hear it and it gets him attention while also satisfying the fans/shippers
Hi anon!
Ah, so you see… but it’s just a bit too close for comfort for you and therefore, even though Tae has been described as ‘honest’, ‘innocent’, ‘most down to earth’, etc by members.. you think he has to be lying and faking and scheming about his bond with Jk. All the while Jk (and all members) continue to speak well about Tae, showing their love and support for Tae, keep hanging out with Tae and just continue as though him ‘using’ Jk is okay? You’d rather believe all that than think that maybe Tae and Jk actually do have a special connection? Geezzz, must suck to be you.
Jk is humble, what felt like Jk directing to Tae might’ve felt as too much credit to Jk. Tae is likely to boast about Jk’s capabilities, while Jk is likely to play things like that down. Tae wanted to make him shine, Jk wanted to return some of that shine to where he felt it belonged.
Why would there be any other explanation for Jk singing ‘To find you’? Why is it inconceivable to you (we all know why…. you are either homophobic or a Tae anti.. or both)? Nothing about Tae’s demeanor in that live shows any form of faking. He was melancholic. He wanted/needed to share a piece of himself. You forget that as a part of Tkk it is his right to share pieces more than it is our right to judge. He is the one who actually knows Jk on a level that very little people do (even when you think they aren’t together). So his judgement on whether it’s alright to share something about him and Jk will always trump ours.
I can only imagine the conflicting feelings that come with having to hide a relationship. I imagine the struggle between wanting to share the thing you are proud of and that is most important to you while also wanting/needing to keep it safe and hidden is a hard one. To me that fully explains why at times we see something more real, and why at times it seems as though they keep things from us.
He absolutely posted Jk on purpose! I think you should think on that some more anon!
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hello!! Can i get a smut fic of lady lesso w whatever dynamics u think she'd be like while dealing out punishments, just anything u think she'd be like, I'm interested in seeing how ppl perceive strict domme Leo that doesn't tolerate any kind of misbehavior from her sub at all haha
Naughty girl| NSFW
*Authors note~ all I'm gonna say here is criminal mind fans will understand when I say prentiss inspired the title... yes that scene ikyk*
Trigger warnings~mistress kink, overstim, toys, restraints, edging, orgasm denial, bratty r dom l mentions of a third person ;)
Prompt~see ask^^^^
You all knew the punishments that Leonora Lesso, Dean of all things evil, could conjure up. Some of them seemingly barbaric but never unwarranted. She was extremely good at making sure the punishment fit the crime. Even with you being her secret girlfriend, that was the same for you, no special privileges or treatments were given to you. Just how you both wanted it. However, it gave her more room to be creative with you. And that was something she used to her advantage often especially because you liked to be a brat. Clearly today you choose to be a brat and do a perfect job of annoying Leonora. That's how you landed up in your shared quarters alone, vibrator strapped to your core as it forced you to the edge of climax again and again in a relentless pace.
"Have you lost your damn mind sweetheart?" She purred alerting you to her presence. You wanted to quip back with some bratty remark but the vibrations hitting your bundle of nerves were causing you to choke on your words. "Really, you're such a whore for me that you have to go and whore yourself out to her?!" Yeah you'd done an amazing job of riling her up and now you were being punished for it. Coming down from the pleasure you managed to rasp out, "if you won't fuck me she will. So keep me happy or I'll go else where." Oh If looks could kill, you'd be dead.
Leonora wasn't know for her patience in punishments, especially with you. And before you even knew it, she was up and on the bed removing the vibe from you and straddling your hips. You didn't struggle, you knew it would be pointless as Leonora could overpower your effortlessly. She made quick work of restraining your limbs. Once you had been secured she easily got up from your hips. You're eyes glued to her form as she purposefully swayed her hips feeling your intense gaze. "Oh but you've been a bad girl Y/n" she purred before covering your eyes with a tie she had been wearing that day, "and bad toys don't get to see mistress."
You were severely disadvantaged here, you couldn't move and you couldn't see which made you extremely vulnerable and when you heard another set of footsteps you were completely confused. "Nora?" You whimpered only to be shut up as her hand connected with your cheek, "you my whore, will address me by my title and our company likes to be called mommy. Be respectful slut your already in enough trouble." So your ears weren't wrong, "mommy? Who?" You mumbled confused only to be met with your girlfriends laugh, "you've forgotten already whore? You were throwing yourself at her just now" she taunted you. Ah fuck, so it was Clarissa.
"You remember your safe word and our system?" To which you responded, "red stop, yellow adjust or question, green good and my safe word is Raven." Seemingly pleased with that you noticed the two women started to strip off clothing just by hearing the sounds of them being dropped to the floor. The anticipation of them touching you was almost too much, you thought you were two steps ahead of your girlfriends plan. Oh how you were wrong.
Lesso and Dovey had a different plan in mind for you, and as soon as you heard the sound of your girlfriend slamming the other dean against the wall as moans fell freely, you couldn't help but feel your cunt throb. It was hot. Hotter than your mind could've ever imagined and that was without your sight. Soon enough things progressed with the older women and you soon felt someone straddling your hips. "Now sweetheart, mommy's gonna sit on that pretty face of yours and mistress is gonna lick that pretty cunt of yours. You please mommy fail that and you won't cum at all tonight" she warned before Dovey straddled your face.
Instantly, you began to work your tongue through Clarissa's core, her moans spurring you on, almost making you forget about your girlfriend between your legs. Leonora seemed to notice that and decided she wouldn't be left out of the fun, so she immediately took your clit between her teeth and nibbling gently. She wasn't know for sharing so it was unsurprising that she went absolutely feral on your needy cunt. Never giving enough to give you pleasure.
The pleasure was dizzying as you tried to focus your mind on the task at hand. You managed to bring Dovey over the edge lapping up everything she gave you like a good girl before both Clarissa and Lesso removed them selves from you. "Such a good toy, you made mommy feel so good sweetheart, believe me. Mistress is so proud of you. Now say bye to mommy" she commanded and you instantly complied. You then waited as the two women moved around the room, you could only assume your girlfriend was helping the other dean dress and leave the room.
With the door now shut and securely locked, Lesso now returned to the bed, untied your arms and legs to place you on your knees and binding your hands together. There you sat on your knees, hands bound behind your back as she shifted her body towards you. Leonora was well know with you to enchant her strap on, allowing her to feel everything, and one of her favourite things to do with this enchantment was to fuck your pretty mouth. That's exactly what she did, a makeshift ponytail in one hand as she guided your head to bob along her strap, not caring if you choked and spluttered around her. "Good whore, god yes! I love your mouth baby, fuck take it darling" she moaned happily thrusting into your mouth as your eyes rolled back your head, the top of her strap hitting the back of your throat with every single thrust. With a loud grunt she painted the back of your throat with her cum, you couldn't help but moan every time the taste hit your taste buds.
"Pretty whore you are for your mistress. Why are you crying baby? I thought you wanted mistress to give you attention? That's why you were being a whore right? Mistress even let you fuck Dovey, so why aren't you happy darling" she teased knowing just how desperate you were to cum for her. "Thank you mis-mistress need to cum please" you whined as you rubbed your legs together in an attempt to get something, anything just more than this. "Oh look at you doll, rubbing your thighs together like a bitch in heat" she purred before coming down and undoing the restraints and pushing you flat on your back.
She managed to line her strap up with your dripping hole before thrusting in without a care in the world. You both moaned at the heavenly feelings of being joined as one. Your brain was struggling to catch up as your girlfriend pounded into you mercilessly, "sweetheart, don't hold back cum" she demanded and you tumbled over the edge again, only she didn't stop pounding into you. She was forcing orgasm after orgasm from you're abused pussy. You couldn't think or move, you just laid there and took everything she was giving you. Only when Leonora had cum three times did she slip from your hole that gaped due to being so stretched out.
Immediately after care began, she made sure to toss the strap somewhere in the room before cleaning up your sticky thighs and core ever so gently while you lay there in your subspace. Brain deliciously fuzzy as you allowed her to do anything she pleased. Soon enough you were in her arms as she tried to help you sip bottled water and snack on some pieces of apple. After she was satisfied you'd eaten and drank something did she snuggle you into her arms tracing patterns into the bare skin of your back. "You did so good darling, I'm so proud of you. But let's not try and make me jealous okay love? If you want attention just say so. Now get some rest my gorgeous girl."
Word count| 1474
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genuinely not trying to dunk on molly but when ppl say will and molly were so compatible they loved dogs i just think of molly feeding them canned food from china and not even knowing it could harm the dogs, i feel like this is significant because this was what led to dolarhyde being undetected and her attack which led to her estrangement from will, even her common values w will she did not actually share at all there's a meta here
ngl this is pretty clearly dunking on molly. But let’s refute. I personally haven’t seen many metas/posts about the compatibility between will and molly, so I can’t really contest what they say. However, will and her were as compatible as will led her to believe, as much as he would let. He lied to her about his past, which made it so she couldn’t know all of him and couldn’t connect to parts she couldn’t see. Not a fault of molly’s at all
Having looked back on the script for that episode, no credible veterinarian would ever say “was it canned food from china”. It’s unprofessional and xenophobic. Also, a vet in an emergency situation isn’t going to use scare tactics. They just need to know what went in so they can take care of it. Yes, molly was feeding the dogs canned food because will was out of town so he couldn’t make them food. and I can guarantee will is rational enough to say “hey, these brands are okay” and molly isn’t stupid. And they are very well off, so they would need to buy “cheap dog food from china”. If we want to talk about the dialogue in that scene, we have to admit to ourselves fuller is a misogynist who can’t write women, so ofc he made her say “is it bad to be made in china”. It also neglects how SOME but not ALL food has shown problems, but dog food made in the US has also had toxicity issues! And (I can’t remember if this was in show or just in script) the vet says “pet food safety isn't regulated the same way as human food” which is just false. There is high regulation in pet food, and pet food is made to be human grade and safe for human consumption (and has been for decades). Dogs are more likely to be poisoned by xylitol or chocolate from your candy or get pancreatitis from your table scraps than die from “dog food from china”.
But let’s humor for a second it was the cheap dog food molly bought. The concern and toxic component is melamine, which is added to food to fraudulently increase the protein content. it’s nontoxic (ish) by itself and only becomes a problem when combined with cyanuric acid that forms a crystal and leads to renal toxicosis and failure. Some gi biomes have bacteria that can convert melamine to cyanuric acid, but not all, making it more toxic for these patients. It also wasn’t solely a dog food thing, it happened in human children, too. All that aside, most melamine toxicosis cases are chronic, aka molly would have had to feed the dogs for a while, building up these crystals, and slowly killing the kidneys. This wouldn’t happen suddenly to all the dogs at once. Early signs of toxicosis are very detectable symptoms (vomiting, polyuria, polydipsia, lethargy) and these are signs molly would have noticed and done something about. ALSO if it was melamine the veterinarian was worried about, she wouldn’t use activated charcoal as her treatment (as she states in script, again, don’t remember if this was said in the show). Activated charcoal only works for something currently in the stomach, and that isn’t the pathophysiology for melamine. To treat melamine toxicity, you need iv fluids and supportive care. So what we can take from the veterinarian interaction is 1) fuller doesn’t know how medical professional talk to clients and 2) he doesn’t even understand the toxin he mentioned so it feels xenophobic as fuck to even bring that up.
And no, her canon (fuck you fuller) ignorance to the danger of canned dog food isn’t the cause of dolarhyde being undetected and attacking her. Even if she was feeding them dog food with melamine, Will literally figures out and says that dolarhyde poisons the dogs in the family to get rid of the “alarm system”, so he can attack and not have the family alerted. It didn’t matter what dog food molly fed them, dolarhyde intentionally poisoned them. Even if she fed them food will handmade, dolarhyde would have still poisoned them. And she was a good owner who brought all 7 (probably) puking dogs to the vet as soon as she could. molly had nothing to do with dolarhyde attacking her. dolarhyde had something to do with dolarhyde attacking her (and hannibal ofc). At least give her some credit for, you know, surviving
And no, her getting attacked was not the cause of will estranging himself from her. He never really loved her and used her as a fill in for a man he outright rejected. He was having an emotional affair with Hannibal and not giving a shit about molly. That was nothing molly could control.
And we really can’t thoroughly discuss her values because we barely see her onscreen. Her screentime is a plot motivator, we aren’t privy to who she is as a person. She loves her son, lost her first husband, and loves will. That’s kind of it. Oh, yeah, she also takes her son fishing without Fisherman Husband because he chose to estrange himself.
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butch-reidentified · 3 months
if someone is on death row, they deserve whatever method is used to kill them. some prisoner is traumatized? i'm sure the family and friends of whoever he killed or raped are far more traumatized. stop giving sympathy to these losers.
ok fascist 🤷 let the state do whatever they want, there's a brilliant idea
my post you're butthurt about - which you clearly didn't actually read before sending this lmfao - actually included multiple quotes from the victim's family (who's also the perpetrator's family since the prisoner was paid by the dad to kill the mom), so you're real stupid for this in context. especially since the son said he found witnessing the execution traumatic. if you care so much about the victim's family being traumatized, that should concern you.
you're also real stupid for tryna come at me with this point as a survivor of multiple violent crimes, including some where people I personally knew were murdered. maybe I have a better grasp on this than you 🤷
the perpetrator of the most violent crime I survived (Pulse Nightclub mass shooting in 2016) died at Pulse. His death did not prevent me or anyone else from suffering the consequences of the trauma. I am connected with mass violence survivors all over North America. we have an annual gathering, during which we always end up discussing trauma healing and justice, and one thing we talk about both at in-person events and in the online group is the difference between the perpetrator being killed at the scene, being executed after the fact, or still being alive. while there are many nuanced issues with all of these scenarios, those of us whose perpetrators died on the scene feel a distinct lack of closure/justice. the only survivors I know who have issue with their perpetrator's imprisonment are the Thurston survivors, whose shooter, sentenced to 111 years w/ no possibility of parole, is constantly filing new appeals which obviously causes a lot of stress and anxiety for them.
But it's important to note the ocean of difference between a mass shooter and an impoverished man who accepted money to kill someone and regretted it forever, despite being forgiven by the victim's family. Plus, someone remorseful isn't constantly trying to evade any justice whatsoever.
you pro-state-managed-retaliatory-murder fascists love to act like anyone who objects is somehow anti-victim, but if you ever once listened to actual victims and victims' family/friends, they almost always despise ppl like you.
trusting the state to determine who should be violently murdered is literally a core tenet of fascism. every fascist government in history relied on state-managed executions to obtain and stay in power.
the USA "justice system" (what a joke) insists that it's about REHABILITATION, justice, keeping people safe. Which one of those was achieved with this execution? Let's take an honest look:
Rehabilitation had clearly been achieved beforehand, but executing a rehabilitated person and never letting them interact with society makes rehabilitation pretty meaningless.
Keeping people safe has a strong relationship with #1, rehabilitation. There are 2 ways to keep people safe from an individual: rehabilitate the individual (which, again, this person was) or remove them from society permanently. The 2nd is achieved with locking them up for life. Where is the necessity for execution? Especially in a situation where the person being executed never came up with the idea to kill or had any desire/urge to kill - it was only ever about money for him. This is still obviously inexcusable, but it's hard to see how he's as dangerous or twisted as someone who WANTS to kill or thinks of killing as a solution to a problem.
Justice is a synonym for "fairness," both of which are inherently subjective. When we talk about "justice" for victims/their loved ones, we often mean "revenge," but this is very rarely what those left behind want - and it's pure assumption to assume the victim would want this either. In a typical homicide case, this is assumed to mean the killer getting life in prison or put to death; kill-for-hire is and should be less black & white, and cases like this one where the hired party was not a "career assassin," but was convinced to commit an atrocity by someone else only to instantly regret it for the rest of their life, we must take a variety of factors into account. How have we as a society and our government failed someone so spectacularly that they've ended up so desperate to earn some money that they accept an offer to kill for it? Is someone in that position an inherently bad person? How much responsibility should the government take for allowing its people to live in extreme poverty? How much responsibility does the hired killer bear vs how much responsibility should be placed on the hirer who made the original decision to facilitate ending someone's life? What do the surviving loved ones think justice looks like? Do we even ask them before sentencing someone? Who gets to decide when justice has been served? Does achieving justice help the living people who have been affected by the crime in any measurable way?
EDIT: btw rape isn't a capital crime like p much anywhere. maybe nowhere, I'm not sure but I've never heard of a rapist being executed for it, only women who kill their rapists
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ARI FIRST THINGS FIRST I'M SORRY I DIDN'T TAG U I DIDN'T WANNA PRESSURE U OKAY I'M SORRY second of all how many of them can i ask about bc......... what if i wanna know about all of them? what then ari???? have u thought about that?????? okay okay no but i do NEEEED to know about sappy drunk!sugu bc helloo??? that sounds so good and also woLFY SUGU AND LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD????? you're crazy i'm so obsessed already and actually sick!satoru too bc he's gonna be such a baby i need to hear about it OK ONE MORE BECAUSE NOBARA??? OH MY GODD SKATERGIRL NOBARA PLEAAAAASEEE that's literally genius wow i can't wait to hear about all of them i'm so excited!!!!!!!
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY PLS DONT APOLOGIZE PHSJDHD i wasnt planning on doing it at first cause i didnt know if ppl would be interested 😭😭 BUT then i saw that u and everyone else was doing it so i immediately caved AND IM SO GLAD I DID u picked some of my personal faves !! ari/mickey connection going steady hehe
i’d apologize in advance for making this long but i feel safe w u this is just our average communication let’s go <33 here is some tea for u while u read !! 🍵
OKOK SOOOO first of all ; sappy drunk!sugu x reader….. yes. this one is sooooo special to me its been downright rotting in my drafts since the beginning of time and its literally all written out ?? but i need to delete some stuff n polish it overall….. </3
BUT yeah the plot is basically just: sugu goes out to a bar w satoshoko, gets drunk even though he literally never gets drunk, and so reader discovers that he is, in fact, the sappy kind. (shocker!) it’s just sooooo sickeningly fluffy and he’s so whipped. ☹️☹️ he’s like a puppy. all he can think of is reader and how much he wants to put a ring on their finger HE’S SOOOOO
here are a couple snippets hehe. literally just disgusting amounts of Fluff for my soul
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sho 🚬 : anyway he’s been asking me where u are for the past ten minutes pls come i can’t stand him sho 🚬: he’s crying. you: HUH???????? you: WHY??? 😭😭😭 sho 🚬: dude i dont know sho 🚬: pls come get him he’s being so sappy that satoru’s abt to throw up
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”— and i have you.” a stutter of your heartbeat, a jolt throughout your chest. his stare almost burns, but you can’t avert your gaze — suguru looks positively lovesick. admiring you with a dreamy gaze, as if he can’t believe you’re real. he reaches a hand out; cradling your face with one big palm, the rough pads of his fingers smoothing down your skin so very gently. smearing his fondness from your jaw to your cheekbone, so loving your breath hitches in the back of your throat. a soft, content sigh spills into the air, like a prayer that doesn’t need any words. his smile is serene.  ”my angel.” that peaceful smile changes shape, shifting into a big, giddy grin. it lights up his whole face. a chuckle leaves his lips, content and delighted. ”i’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
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”sugu,” you whine, dragging his name out childishly. ”we need to sleep…” ”sorry,” he only murmurs, muffled into your skin. he doesn’t stop, though, planting a wet smooch on your cheek, and then another. you squirm a little in his hold, and he emits a shaky breath. ”jus’ love you so much…”
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i just think sugu has so much love in his chest that he like Never lets out bc he knows it can feel overwhelming unless he shows it in small doses but then he gets drunk and everything just SPILLS out . idk but my knees would buckle
AND THEN ….. wolf/hunter!sugu x little red riding hood!reader OHHHH MICKEY IM SO HAPPY U ASKED…. this concept entered my brain and has Not left even once but its still just this vague idea in my head. im just so interested in fairy tale aus!! i figure its probably gonna end up kinda twisted? or maybe a mix between sweet/twisted if i can pull it off 😭😭 bUT the main idea is that sugu plays the part of both the wolf AND the hunter, reader doesnt know who to trust but sugu is their only option either way. at first i was thinking of making him like a whole Wolf Man but now im leaning towards it being more symbolic … the trustworthy hunter was the ”wolf” all along yk? IM SO FOND OF THIS ONE i cant wait to write it !!! ive been itching to write something a lil more gritty anyhow :33
AND AND SICK!TORU X DOTING!READER ….. our babyboyyyy he’s so :((( he’s just so sick and delirious and trying to convince reader that he’s Fine Actually but he’s just burning up :(((( and so he has no choice but to face the terrifying reality of Being Taken Care of By Someone He Trusts. horrifying. as soon as he’s slightly better he’s just throwing himself over u and begging for kisses though (he’s an opportunist <33)
this is another one that’s just veryyyy fluffy n sweet!! AND another one that i have written out i just need to delete a lot of stuff bc its like . over 10k i think I GOT CARRIED AWAY OK…… 😭😭
aaand here r some snippets from this one!! just overflowing w gojo love <333 he’s our sweetiepie our little baby angel i need him tucked into bed
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”really, baby,” he slurs, voice raspy and dry. attempting to get up, arms straining under his shivering body. ”there’s no need f’ —” unceremoniously, his limbs give out beneath him, and he tumbles back down. face falling back into the mattress, as he croaks out a meek little wince. (the sound makes your heart squeeze tightly in your chest.) ”ah,” he hums, muffled into the sheets. resisting the urge to close his eyes. ”that’s… annoying.”
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”baby, i think my fever’s going up again…” satoru pouts, looking up at you. ”can you check?” a raise of your eyebrow. you give him a smile. ”this is the fifth time you’ve asked me to check your temperature, toru.” ”just wanna make sure,” he whines. ”please?” an exaggerated sigh. then you’re leaning down, soft lips meeting his forehead, humming against his skin — and, just like last time, and the time before that, his temperature hasn’t gone up. ”you’re good.” ”oh, thank god,” satoru exhales. ”are you sure? like, a hundred percent sure? maybe you should check again. just in case.”
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”you’re cute,” satoru croons, still cradling your cheek. tenderly, soft fingertips against your heated skin. all you manage is a meek little furrow of your brows, but that only makes him chuckle again. after a silent moment, you part your lips. ”… you can.” he blinks. still smiling. ”stay forever, i mean.”
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yeahhhhhh. yeah. u know how it is. (i am consumed by love for this silly little 28 year old man)
AND FINALLY LAST BUT NOT LEAST … skatergirl!nobara x reader <333333 my most beloved ever. i only have a vague outline but im sooo in love w this concept mickey im overjoyed that it caught ur eye….. just . picture nobara being covered in hello kitty band aids bc she’s not very good at skating but she just thinks it’s SO fun and she goes to the skate park w maki while wearing acrylic nails and she’s just having such a blast :(( grinning and giggling!!! she’s literally my daughter i adore her ….
my idea for the fic is basically just that reader has this weird one-sided rivalry w nobara bc they’re a bit jealous of her + she’s so pretty it makes them angry LOL and they assume that she doesnt notice them at all… but in reality nobara is like HIGHKEY crushing on reader she does these complicated flips JUST to impress them she’s a lovergirl!!! so it’s basically just super duper fluffy n sweet hehe <33
TYSM FOR ASKING MICKEY i had to take my time w this one hehehe . i hope u’ll enjoy these fics when theyre posted although it’ll probably take a while… COVERING U IN KISSES WATCH OUT
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kurjakani · 5 months
☠ I feel like we enjoy a lot of the same things, so I'm afraid I'd get excited about a topic out of habit, only to realize that's where our interests diverge and you don't share my enthusiasm.
I rly rly RLY understand that, I FEEL you. It's tough. I'm a rly ass talker, so I'm not like the best person to experiment with being at peace w this stuff with. But! Honestly that diverge is what makes human communication lovely. Idk if im right or if like im talking out of my ass but i feel like. It can be made scary bc some people have curiosity smacked from their hands when they're kids, and getting enthusiastic about the enthusiasm of others becomes rly tough for us. I rly struggled w this connection for a long time bc the things I cared about felt like a shelter/safe place to me. But at some point my brain started to get really exited about life & people again, and ive made friends with people whose interests are. Profoundly different from mine. Yes tho its defi easier 2 talk w ppl whose interests overlap w yours, BUT. Like. If they overlap fully, and all your opinions and thoughts are the same, it can be kinda. Dull? So those small or even big differences make things spark. It's amazing 2 talk w a friend abt smth you both love, and they start 2 steer towards smth youre not as into, bc you get to see that thing through new eyes. The things ppl say abt the stuff they love say so much about the person themself too, and it's exhilirating. Idk this is rambly but i prommy talking w ppl even tho a lot of those ezperiences will be very difficult, is always worth it
If you find me to be INTIMIDATING in any way, anonymously send ☠ along with the reasons why.
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❤️🤍💔💘😊🤔👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 for any oc you want to yell about the most [:
THANK YOUUUU <3 i'm gonna talk abt toby bc i tell about him all the time and yelling about him brings me joy NFKKFKFKFBCCJXBXJ
details about ocs
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
Easygoing: Funny little guy who doesn't really have any kinds of serious goals and instead tends to live in the moment and enjoy it as much as he can.
Quick-thinking: Toby's flexibility, talkativity, rately ever making plans mindset and flexibility allow him to react quickly and change his actions, conversation and thoughts to whatever fits the situation better. Also comes up with very original ideas and interesting connections between things.
Actually a good person?: If Tobias does something, he always means something good. He doesn't really ever act on ideas that would negatively impact someone and tends to ignore anger-related feelings and the thoughts they bring. He always wants to do good, because making people happy makes him happy.
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
Talkative: Toby talks a lot and doesn't mind any kind of conversations, he's fine with both small talk and serious talk and some deep philosophical conversations and all. But boy does he talk a lot, chatty little guy (example). It tends to bring him positive results, but sometimes ppl get soooo annoyed w him. :(
Curious: man looooooves learning new things but also gets into situations(tm) because of it :/
Optimistic: Tobias rarely ever gets pessimistic about anything and usually is the last one to lose hope (if ever loses it), and mostly believes that things will become better. Which is Not a good thing when people need to discuss serious problems with him, and which also makes him somewhat naive.
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
People-pleaser: biggest flaw honestly, which is both seen in how many people he tends to help and how his fight or flight reaction tends to be fawn. Would definitely have a better time if he didn't spend so much energy on others, but oughhhhh Toby has so much love and help to give tbh. Also works in a way that Toby's rarely argumentative (unless he has a strong opinion on the subject) which also brings a lot of problems.
Hides his emotions all the time: Toby may look like a happy lil guy bc of all his optimism and all, but that's also bc he tends to hide how he actually feels, sometimes even from people close to him. He was taught not to show emotions as a child bc that is "a sign of weakness", and with all the competivetiness in his social environment during his childhood or how him showing his emotions was treated by others back then really made him always show up as a happy and content guy, even if he's having a really bad time. Of course, that doesn't always work and some people can also tell how he's doing (+ he may also tell them he's not doing well), but, well. If you could actually bottle emotions I'm sure you could fill a whole wine cellar with his emotions.
Disorganized: To-do lists and a calendar are probably the only organized things he does, and he sometime forgets about them, too. While he does not let his soace become physically messy, he still sometimes misplaces things or forgets about different things, and avoids routines because they make him anxious for some reason (which is funny bc he would really benefit from them).
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
KLARA <3 ough she is his everything let's be honest I don't think he would be here without her. They have been together for over a decade and he's always soooo happy to be with her. They definitely complete each other bc of their somewhat different personalities (for example, Klara's preference for planning vs Toby's tendency to improvise), and they just love being w each other and doing literally anything. Toby has never felt this safe, loved, appreciated and accepted with anyone else :')
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
Toby's general desire is to live the way he wants to live and to be happy about it <3
He doesn't really have career goals and tends to just go with the flow, and usually just ends up being chosen for the jobs he gets simply bc his coworkers have suggested that he should have the role. Sometimes he doesn't even want them but just accepts it bc hey, it's a fun new opportunity that gives his curious mind some enrichment.
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Toby tends to use his hands A Lot when talking, he starts gesturing even in the simplest conversation. He's tried to control it at some point bc some ppl in his childhool made fun of it but failed and then kinda accepted the whole thing. He kinda finds it fun, though, except for that one time when he hit his fingers into the wall bc he didn't notice how close he was standing to it JFJJFKCCKCK
He rarely ever manages to stand still, he's always shifting his weight from one leg or another, or just making little steps while standing in the same spot. He also gladly sits, if possible, bc his legs aren't doing well bc of figure skating :')) Tobias can't sit still either and often sits in the weirdest positions you have ever seen.
One of his "stress symptoms" is biting nails, which he has slowly learned not to do, but still ends up doing it if he's like, very stressed, and doesn't even notice it at first. There are several reasons why he keeps his nails short, but one of them is definitely bc it kinda stops him from biting them.
Tobias also tends to do some light stretches while working or talking or literally doing almost anything. He could literally sit on a meeting and just start tilting his head to the sides, or stretch his hands, for example.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
Toby counts Klara and their cat as his immidiate family only 😭 I MEAN, he does start to count Oliver as his dad once they meet again, but that happens when he's, like, 40? He hasn't seen the man since he was 6? Sure, Oliver is a very nice person and Toby trusts him a lot, but he's not really That Close, even some of his friends are closer to Tobias :(
He cut ties to his mother and stepfather when he was 17 and hasn't spoken with them ever since, and to be honest would never really want to talk to them again. He does miss his grandparents every now and then, and writes letters to them sometimesz
I'd say Toby is definitely more closer to his "found family"/friends than to his birth family :'))
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mariamlovesyou · 8 months
salam. i hope you are holding up ok w everything that is going on. i wanted to ask how you deal w being muslim and gay? i don't know anybody like me so it feels like i am a lonely unicorn. feel alienated by both my own community and the LGBT (i live in the west). i feel angry, lost etc. at both communities and i am often reluctant to practice my religion when i hear homophobic remarks etc. somehow i am too resigned to pray and then that feeling goes away and i go back to worshipping, esp when in crisis. i want to wear hijab as well but i realize that's only a response to my anger at westerners and one of the reasons i do not wear hijab is obv to avoid discrimination (i'm passing) in the professional field & also bc i think no gay woman will like me if i wear it. sorry if this question is too much, you don't have to answer, but if you have any experience or advice to share i would be grateful. thank you ❤️
hi angel .. im sorry for the late reply i had to run to an inspection when i got this i really hope u see it even though i dont know that i can offer much i just want to say im here for u.
i hope u are okay, the world is shaky and scary. im really happy u reached out to me and i think if u take anything from this it’s that reaching out is the first step. i wouldn’t say im at all entrenched in any community or fully at peace w who i am, that’s lifelong work, but it does get easier and sometimes u find little blessings in the people who show up. i feel the exact same way you do rn - alienated, angry, lost, at a crossroads. i often feel there’s no space for me anywhere and many lgbt muslims/religious gays in general feel the same especially when we’re young. i’ve also experienced periods where my faith slipped and i felt too defeated and betrayed to practice my religion fully or even in the smallest most private ways (until a few days ago i had not prayed for months since some very distressing things happened to me) but i always find myself coming back to it bc for me personally islam brings me immense comfort and grounds me, even or maybe especially after long periods of not being a “good muslim”. religion is a deeply personal thing no matter what everyone has told and will keep trying to tell u. the question is does it soothe you? does it bring you peace and comfort? away from everyone else’s eyes, do you feel connected to something higher when you take the time to do these designated rituals? i really think that’s the only thing that matters. and you might not have an answer for that rn or for a long time and that’s ok too, no one has everything figured out. stay away as much as you can from ppl u aren’t forced to be around who try to tell you how to be lgbt how to be muslim how you can’t be both etc. they’re just parroting what they think to be true and they don’t realise how draining it can be for others. protect yourself and listen to yourself. be careful what u share with whom. those r the biggest lessons i’ve learned and the only thing that’s helped make the burden feel lighter is finding other people like you and trust me when i tell u they exist!!! u just have to be a little braver and more intentional in seeking them out, if u can do so safely, bc like you they probably feel that they are alone and there’s no one else who will understand. (and when u find them, hear them out, share a little bit, but remember they are there for a sense of shared community, a delicate connection, not as a strict guide on how YOU need to be; only you decide that and that becomes easier w time)
now depending on where u are it may not be feasible to do so - i spent most of my life as an immigrant in qatar, a very small country w a death penalty or best case scenario deportation “solution” for people like us, where the idea of finding community was not only unthinkable but also seemed straight up ridiculous to me. i never tried looking, i wouldnt encourage doing so if ur in a western country that is similarly rigid unless u know what ur doing and have a support network. in this case all i can recommend is to reach out to organisations that sympathise if there are any, and hang on until ur in a safe space. BUT if there is no such threat to ur daily life, i really really urge u to seek out others like u.. and it’s likely you’ll have to look outside ur immediate circle. at first you won’t know where to look, i didn’t, i tried looking through uni, through apps, through meetups, groups specifically run by lgbt people of colour/marginalised lgbt ppl, and it will take time and a lot of trial and error and at times even ‘desperate’ or embarrassing attempts, at least it did for me. i got lucky by finding friends through friends and then friends of friends of friends etc who were like me and while i definitely wouldn’t say i connected w all of them or even liked all of them or that i have a stable network of other lgbt muslims (most of the ones i met live really far away and meetups are extremely rare but whenever i do talk to them it’s really healing) it really does help to know that somewhere not too far, u have someone who understands. so reach out. it’s hard and gruelling and isolating work but that’s the first and main thing to do to combat these unpleasant feelings of loneliness and anger. i wrestle w very complicated and conflicting things on a daily basis that most of my immediate circle couldn’t even begin to understand, so don’t do the mistake of sitting on it forever.
as for other people, gay women, muslims, whoever, i don’t have much experience here w the latter because im mostly focused on sorting myself out first before trying to fully integrate into like, being w other women in that capacity, and maybe im taking a little longer than i’d like but the good that comes out of this is im a lot less concerned about what other people have to say to me abt my identity. if gay women don’t like me bc of my hijab or my religion i really don’t gaf, they’re obviously not meant for me. don’t cater yourself to anyone but yourself, this goes for both sides. u don’t need to appease the gays by shutting down your religion and u don’t need to appease the muslims by believing u are wrong and an abomination. u were created this way, gay and it seems like u have a sort of tether to ur religion, how is that ur fault or something for u to adjust? the right people will come and the wrong ones will make it obvious (inshallah very quickly). and sometimes in our situation we find ourselves loving and deeply caring for people who just really don’t get it. that’s not ur fault either or something to resent! im starting to enjoy thinking of it as a variety. just do ur best to make sure these ppl are looking out for u and genuinely care for ur well-being even if they don’t really “get” you. and if u have no choice in the matter, hold on to the hope that people who DO get you are coming. islam is the connection between you and allah - that’s it. drown out everything else and don’t let noises distract you from that. i personally wear a hijab because it’s a part of who i am and makes me feel more protected (in a spiritual sense, i am of course very aware now that i live in australia that on a social level it can make me more of a target but i have not been threatened yet to the point of where im forced to remove it. u are not a bad muslim for choosing not to wear it, whatever ur reasoning is).
god gave us a tricky life, one can only theorise why, but what i do know is there are very few people on this earth who will understand u completely, even other lgbt muslims, and even fewer who will have ur best interest at heart. inshallah u find those few sooner rather than later, and remember the point is to let others lighten the load because this is a heavy thing to carry all by yourself. even online ppl in the same position will help. u have me 🧡 i am not experienced or developed enough to offer much more beyond this but i hope you can find some clarity and peace and i hope this helps in even a tiny way. i feel for you
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celestie0 · 1 month
you reading emily henry’s books makes so much sense to me bc that aspect of giving your characters that secondary plot line where they go through very real struggles is what made me drawn to your fics! i find that many stories tend to have characters that feel more like puppets rather than real people, but you manage to write characters that are not only entertaining, but also allow us as readers to empathize with them.
so excited for chapter 10 btw! i’m glad you chose to take your time with it until you felt proud enough to release it. your fics have been such a comfort for me, and it warms my heart that you put so much dedication and effort into them. wishing you well! <3
AW YES i absolutely ADORE what emily henry does w her romance novels!! i’ve seen some ppl (mostly on booktok 🙃) criticize her for how she spends a lot of her story characterizing her fmc’s separate from the romance but i think it actually has evn MORE weight/impact on the romance bc it adds a lot of stakes and sincerity (i <3 charlie from book lovers for how sweet he was to nora ab her trauma w her mom)
but also i love it when in romance books there’s time spent away from the main male character, bc then the next time they show up in the book i’m like oh there’s pookie! 🤣 i missed u! haha
thank uuuuuuuuuuu so so very much it means SO much to me that you resonate w that aspect of my fics :””) i think those secondary plot lines are where i put most of my true voice/vulnerability into the writing so i feel very connected n safe to hear that 🥹💕 sorry for yappin but i just had to share how much your words mean to me!!!
yess aaa i’m very excited to post ch10!! have a wonderful day/night my love <33
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fvkvrodani · 6 months
yk... dcmk is the only fandom ive been in that. doesnt have any weirdos in it... its just a bunch of ppl who love the animanga & the characters. thats it. even the ships make sense considering kaito shinichi heiji & hakuba all know each other & have even interacted w each other in some way shape or form—well. kinda. heiji & kaito are just now being introduced to each other (movie 27).
even the wlw ships make sense for that same reason. all of these characters are connected to each other bc of the main character & its just.
finally. a fandom i feel safe in yk???
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oscill4te · 3 months
My roommate is on vacation and the solace has been nice (bc i love to talk out loud to myself verbally and I just. Vibe and feel at 100% peace alone. Sometimes i just dont want to be percieved by anyone else but myself for a few hours yknow?)
But im realizing, when i dont live with someone, I lose track of the days very very easily. Its a bit scary. if just a few days feel this blurry and unreal, I have no idea how a few months or even a few years alone would look for me and my brain. Something similar happened when I was unemployed for a month when living at my parents in late 2020. I just lost it completely. I need both structure/routine and people i can have conversations with in order to not completely lose it.... i guess thats the case for most ppls haha.
even small talk w my friend about our days at work when we r brutally exhausted keeps me feeling real and connected with someone, it keeps my memories jogging when I engage in daily conversation with someone, even if its just some small talk
im grateful for my friend. im so glad we live together,even if it feels like we r crammed in a small shoebox of an apartment at times, im so grateful i get to live with a friend who i trust and feel safe around. I wanna express that to them even if its scary telling people that they mean a lot to me.
In general there are a lot of people in my life i wanna thank recently for impacting my life in some way and my roommate is one of those people.
That being said... still gonna enjoy this solace for the next couple of days hehehe. Bc shoebox apartment life. (2 bedroom apt or house is the dream for both of us -A-)
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