#someone in the discord asked if he was eating the sword
a1readygone · 5 months
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Painting of Jorge Rivera-Herrans I made in celebration of EPIC's Underworld Saga releasing <3
(yes i know the facial hair is wrong, sorry jay im not fixing it lol)
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faint-kitten · 10 months
Okay since no one else would Care on any other discord or media platform I'm on. I'm just going to go off on Changes in Apex again on my own Blog.
I can't stop Respawn or the Apex fandom. But I'm going to weigh in on this bobz video here about a possible "Ash Reborn" TLDW: He suggests Ash's sword being incorporated into her ult as a Melee, and giving her a movement based tactacle. keep in mind, he's speculating and asking what we'd like to see, there is no confirmation of any of this. But it's been something on my mind since Rev happened: The idea they're just going to start completely re-working anyone the main meta players don't like. Until they just aren't themselves anymore, playwise. To that end: I'd honestly hate this?
I already hate what they're doing to the maps. Like I get it. They were tighter, faster matches in the Halloween event. But people forget there are NEW people trying apex for the FIRST time. My friends got into apex when the maps swapped over and not only did they miss out on really cool locations like Rampart's ship on World's Edge, which, is just a huge POI that eats up time and spreads people out, I get that. But some of the battles are just more boring on that map without all the extra fluff. It's like they shrank it, and flattened it and made it all one dimensional. And that's not only boring, but they found the smaller, harsher rings, and the smaller maps really hard to learn on because they were just constantly getting pushed into fights. They're still in that "Looting" and "staying alive" phase. They haven't even learned the confidence to push fights yet. For them "Top 5" is a perfectly acceptable win condition. There's a lot of changes that feel like they're being made to support the bulk of hardcore players without really, taking into account...like Respawn, these youtubers, these players (and I've argued with some people like them I get their POV and they won't be swayed on this but,) They've been in the Apex ecosystem too long. They're so used to it, and so good at it, they can't conceive of like what joe schmo player who doesn't get 2k every game and might only ever get 2-3 kills a match wants or enjoys. And that's just a hard thing about trying to appeal to everoyne. Speaking personally: i've played so much I think my current Level is assuming I'm ready for skilled lobbies I 100% am not yet. I had a solid week with bangalore where I was crushing it and all of the sudden I hit a new bracket level wise fuck it was like I was playing for the first time in pubs all over again. But getting back to Ash Reborn Like…we have characters who are instrumentally different for different purposes, for a reason. And I fear it's something that's getting lost as Apex continues to try to evolve and re-define itself. Things can't stay the same forever, I get that. You're paying people to make changes, people get bored and want changes, it's cheaper I guess to re-work an existing character than add new ones maybe?
For myself: I want to play different playstyles when I switch to another character. I want to play what that character has to offer. Because I get bored playing the same way. Like why have a bunch of characters if they're all going to fundamentally function similar? That's kinda my fear about this "reborn" path and "reborn" thinking and focus on pushing more battles. You're kind of taking away variety and options. Maybe some people WANT a tacticle that makes people sit still for a minute? I love damage tacaticals I love when Someone's running thinks they're getting away, and I snare them, and like it cracks their sheild, or downs them, because that was the LAST 20 damage they needed to go down. I like to pick characters to fill those different roles when I get bored. Like Sometimes I want to be Lifeline calling in packages and picking people up. ANd honestly the care package can be a little underwhelming so I won't be too sad if that Ult Changes (they are heavily implying Lifeline reborn WILL be a thing.) But she's kind of a beginer character, and like those are fucking important? Let noobs get people shields and backpacks. Let them feel like they're helping. To talk about the Homogonization feaer a bit. Lifeline, Mirage, and Newcastle all have different advantages to picking people up. Lifeline doesn't have to stay there, but she doens't have a sheild. Mirrage can turn invisible and turn you invisible and give you a second to escape, but he's not invulnerable when he does it. Newcastle has a shield and can pick you up while protecting you both. Like, to slap a shield on Lifeline's revive, (which it had at one point) would buff her. But also like...it takes away a bit of what makes playing Newcastle special? And means Lifeline looses that challenge of knowing WHEN to pick up your team. Because just picking them up whenever seriously can fuck them over because you're completely vulnerable and if you're in the open you're just a sitting target for someone to shoot to death. I target Lifeline Rez's more than downed people with their knockdown shields out. Something I could see them doing, is like, Ying from Paladins, or Mercy's Ult/the Medic's ult from Gears 5 where Lifeline reborn just pumps health into people, or maybe revives the whole team at once. That'd be kind of cool. I'm not opposed to changes. But I don't want characters to ALL have a movement ability. Or all have Ults that are used for Pushing, or making them OP one man armies. Fuse and Horizon have fundamentally different playstyles. I wouldn't want Horizon to get a damage tactical, or to turn Fuse into a faster more movement based character. Fuse mains like to hang back, lob grenades and snipe, like don't give him an Ult that just spams grenades and recharges his knuckle cluster as he gets downs. Like let characters have individual playstyles. Sometimes I want to be wraith putting out portals.
Sometimes I want to be Crypto and like scouting around and respawining team mates, or hovering my drone so I can see through walls a bit as I'm fighting. Giving Revenant his jump SUCKED to me, because it took away a key part of his kit (the silence) that made him different. It took away one of the things that made him feel different. The thing I wanted when I switched to him, because I was in the mood for it. Vantage, already has a Jump, when i wanted to do BS leap movement I played Vantage. When I wanted to "Shut em up real good" and crawl and climb high walls to sneak around: I played revenant. Now Rev's new kit is cool, his personality is fine, I've even come around on the design seeing it interact in the Killcode series, but his abilities are kind of generic. It feels like a watered down Ballistic. Like, I wouldn't want Ballistics' smart pistol to be replaced with a sidestep or a fucking teleport, right? Because like that's it's part of him? Like I want characters who can change up the fight or push people out of holes without having to just run up to the team. I like Maggie's drill because it keeps people from taking cover when I have them at range. I like Fuse's Cluster because it can hold a door while I revive someone or heal, or punishes "locked down" characters like Caustic. Jump towers replacing Valk's Ult. We've got two characters that jump AND we have Jump Pads for Octane. And we have Horizon's lift. Do we really need another "movement" Tactical? We have the Drill for Maggie. Like thats why they're assault classes? Their tacticals damage people. Sometimes you want a class like that. If you want to be movement based or evasive thats why we have the skirmisher. Like imagine taking away rampart's walls and replacing them with like a double jump.
Like, play your character because you like their kit. I get they want to refresh things and people say certain characters are boring but like: Don't change the kit so that everyone's the fucking same. Maggie's Big Ball is stupid, IT COULD DEFINITELY be re-worked into something else. But it has it's uses it could be re-vamped. But like I play maggie to run with shot guns and fire my drill. I play Mirage because it's like playing Konkuro from Naurto: I'm puppeting my clones to trick people. These characters have different personalities and playstyles and like. I fucking love Titanfall 2. I Love Ash. People hate on her heirloom but I want it. I love that character. I fucking love her snare, I love the fact she says some Lowkey BDSM stuff like "Time to bind you." I like her passive, no one else in the game has one like it. ANd if they fucking change it to another "see's enemies when hurt" or "moves faster when X." It's like... Stop. Fucking Stop. Just make a new character you asshats. And if you don't like that character don't pick them. I have different "guns" for each character, did you know that? Bangalore is an RE-45 and a Hemlock, every time. Crypto is the only one I use a Triple Take with. Lifeline I use a Mastiff with (Idk why but all my best lifeline games I had a mastiff.) Vantage is a Sentinal and an Alternator. I crave different playstyles when bored. And I really, really, really don't want to see the game just become Homogonous. I don't want to see Ash's arc snare replaced with some generic hop or something. Like her ult is one of TWO that teleports people and it ties back to her fucking Phase Dash on her Ronin. Like don't. Stop it. Don't mess with that shit. Not every character has to be a "push" character. or a "Movement" character. Why have classes at all at that point? Not every person plays the way ultra competitive people in Ranked, or on youtube or the Apex League Plays. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you play this game everyday, and take it ultra serious: you need casual losers to fill your lobbies or who are you going to body every day. Let people have "fun" picks. Let people have fun. I like Ash's snare it's crazy useful sometimes. To take it away and give her like a jump seems like…why not just play someone else?
But what do I know? I'm mostly playing Apex at this point to Unlock Skins and because it's free and I'm broke. It keeps me occupied and it helps keep the voices from eating me alive when there's nothing else to do. I might not even enjoy this game anymore so maybe I don't have room to talk about it. Like, I eventually came around on the Redesign for Revenant and I'll play him, but like...it's not the same as when I'd be like: "You know what? I want to sling shot balls at people and scuttle around. I'm gonna switch to Revenant today." Idk. I know that Apex today is not the same as the Apex it was before I got involved. So it's always been changing and it always will be changing. And Autistic people: We're just a big fucking fan of change. Really, just really fires all the dopamine. So take it with a grain of salt. I'm just getting my opinion out on this. Like let Wraith mains and movement players play Wraith, don't try to turn everyone into wraith.
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mirrortouchedsea · 11 months
im back doing tarot card prompts, this time from discord.
cards: the moon, the page of cups, the page of swords
pairing: niki shiina/mayoi ayase
wc: 468
Mayoi curled into a ball under the desk. He’d messed up again with a job offer, freaking out one of the interviewers and he’d just been notified that the interview wouldn’t air. He was a failure and everyone knew it. He didn’t understand why he was still in Alkaloid if he couldn’t even do something as simple as an interview. 
He felt tears prickling at the corners of his eyes, hands pulling at his hair just to feel something as his brain turned to static. Everything was wrong and he needed to just sink into the floors. Maybe he could crawl away when he felt he could move again, hide out in the vents until the feeling passed. 
Maybe he could ask for some words of comfort from--no. He couldn’t do that. Someone as pure as him should never comfort someone as dirty and stained as Mayoi. 
He almost didn’t register the person shaking him from his spiraling thoughts until they called out his name. Or rather-- 
“Hey, Mayo-chan, are you okay?” Niki Shiina of Crazy:B asked him gently. Mayoi had conflicting emotions about the chef, who willingly hung around him despite Mayoi’s protests and talked to him as if he was just a normal person. 
Mayoi sniffled and curled further into himself as a response to Niki’s question. 
“Mayo-chan you can’t just lay under the desk like that! C’mon let's get you something to eat, that always makes me feel better nahaha!” Niki grabbed Mayoi’s shirt and pulled him out with a surprising amount of strength. Mayoi didn’t fight against it, rather he fell limp in the grasp of the other man. 
“Oh you look awful, Mayo-chan. Do you want some water?” Niki offered a bottle to Mayoi who carefully took it, as if the action would break Niki’s hand. He opened the bottle and took a tentative drink from it, the cool water helping to ground him a bit more, though his thoughts were still spinning. 
Niki sniffed the air. “You don’t smell like you normally do, Mayo-chan. I’ll make you something to eat in the cafeteria and maybe you’ll feel better?” It was phrased as a question, as if eating something would restore whatever scene Mayoi had to the chef’s nose. Mayoi just nodded, hoping that maybe some food and light conversation from the chef would get his mind off of everything. Niki’s face lit up as he stood up and pulled Mayoi with him, rambling on about what recipe he wanted to try today and that Mayoi could be his taste tester. 
The whole thing went over Mayoi’s head as Niki grabbed Mayoi’s hand with his own, the chef happily dragging him along to the communal kitchen. He still wanted to curl up and hide away but… it could wait until after lunch. 
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lost-in-horrorland · 2 years
I just need to get these ideas outta my head before I lose it (tagging @healterskeltergirl cause she is amazing and normally listens to my rambles in Discord DMs about ideas I hyper fixate on).
ATLA Prince Zuko/OC fic idea with Zuko turning good at the end of season 1...
OC if reborn from our world into ATLA, but isn't "aware" until she's 5 (it don't matter anyways, cause she "wakes up" when she's 5 in the ATLA world). Classified as an "Old Soul" by the Islanders that raise her.
Ends up as a waterbender. Why? Cause 1) why not? And 2) I want her to be a surfer from her first life.
Her first life as a surfer overlaps heavily with her new life that bits and pieces of the Avatar world gets lost, very few things stick. "Water Tribe? North Pole. Princess Yue. Moon... Koi fish? Fire Nation? Kuzon! Dragons dancing. Earth Kingdom? Bumi! Ba Sing Se... Someone with a name rhyming with Tough?"
Knows random shit and says it and no one really understands until later.
Chieftain of Kame Island.
Turtles everywhere... Yes, even turtle ducks. Very turtle friendly.
Magic Island. Only very few people can find it.
Firebenders, earthbenders and waterbenders live in harmony on Kame Island.
Very removed from the war.
OC is originally from Hawaii and a Lilo and Stitch fan.
Ends up Talk no Jutsu-ing Zuko during the North Pole raid.
Zuko actually stumbles upon Kame Island while searching for the Avatar before Kiyoshi island.
He and the crew stay there for a bit, and Zuko is befuddled by their culture and OC saying "Ohana".
Zuko finds out people from the three surviving nations are living in harmony on the island with the OC as their young leader and he's having a minor crisis.
Sees everyone work together to take down a large pirate ship that was dumping oil in Kame Island's waters (pirates did not make it... OC lives by the 3 strikes rule).
They end up saving a Sky Bison calf. It gets named Kiki.
OC travels with Zuko until the North Pole shit.
Ends up convincing Zuko that he's better than Ozai and cause he's still the Crown Prince, the navy is technically his to command when not on Fire Nation soil.
Lots of deprogramming brainwashed soldiers.
Zuko uses the painful memory of his father scarring him to win over his people, because Zuko fucking cares for them and he didn't want needless deaths before he got the scar, and he sure as hell doesn't want more now after watching the siege.
White Lotus spreads the story through the colonies and the poverty stricken areas of the Fire Nation that Prince Zuko is for the people and is Very Tired and wants Peace.
Iroh tells Zuko about Avatar Roku.
At one point Iroh introduces himself as Zuko's uncle to OC and she asks on which side. He says his father's side, and without missing a beat she tells Zuko he must've gotten his looks from his mom cause he has a very delicate look to him that is very attractive.
Zuko doesn't know what to do with this, and just points at his scar. The scar gives him a story and character, she says, but the ponytail is a no.
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Zuko ends up being a spy for Team Avatar cause he fakes the betrayal during Ba Sing Se... Azula has no idea.
Zuko @ Ozai during the Solar Eclipse: "Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. You've never been my Ohana, because you've always left me behind! Uncle and the Avatar are my Ohana!"
Zuko learns fire dances and fire eating (maybe sword swallowing) from OC.
OC is chaotic and Toph loves her.
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a-long-way-away · 2 years
A collection of roleplay starters is being built
Hellu, call me demiboi, because that’s what I am. any andro/masc pronouns. 28.5 and est. I don’t use discord, but email&gdocs are fair game.
I write queer content with a preference for androphilia, but I am really down to write anything that compels me. It is my preference to write romance or erotica, so I require anyone that writes with me to be 18+ and prefer my partners to be 21+. I support fading to black but will write explicit scenes.
as for the stories and lines I write: it is varied. My favorite settings are post modern social decay, apocalyptic, fantasy, sci-fi, and slice of life. I could literally write a group of people working at a fast food restaurant and that boredom and struggle and fun, and I would feel emotionally satisfied. I can also create stories of action and adventure, and have star crossed lovers surviving everything together and be inspired. I am not picky. I just need to like the premise.
some of the premises I’d like to write are:
zombie apocalypse but bubble font
wilderness survival Easy ModeTM
found family
vampire and thief
lycan and human
demons and angels and theirs wards
multi character lines
D/s powerplay
cliches and tropes and dynamics
and so much more. I wanna write and there is no end to the things I want to write. The exception may be horror because it’s just not always for me. But I do like dark and toxic romance and also am always in support of character death most of the time, so maybe I just need the right line. one example is immortal lovers that kill each other over and over again. They meet, they fight, they fall in love, they are compelled to kill each other. Things repeat. I also wanna play someone that is chronically ill and their best friend/lover that struggles with substance abuse. I love the idea of childhood friends/sweethearts and one is terminally and the other has mourned him for years. I love the concept of grief’s influence on love.
this is getting long but if you want to you can keep reading.
I recently wanted to write a vampire who is in love with a human. The vampire would be just old enough to be in control of his impulses, and the human would be an adult with a full time job he needs to eat and take care of himself and he still has friends and family. So he had to leave the night and his lover and live a double life. I wanna write friendships at work, concerned family members checking in, and maybe even new people coming into the human’s life as he tries to navigate both worlds, with the vampire taking him on various adventures into the nightlife.
I also wanna write a prince with his loyal knight. The knight on his knees before the prince, covered in the blood of the prince’s enemies, offering him his sword. Give me fealty, give me utter devotion, give me homosexual longing. Bonus points if the knight is a prince of another nation that came to court and changed course to this. but also I have a dark version of this
I suppose no time like the present to say it: if you want to write erotica with me, I require that you are 21+. It is my preference to write mlm or mlnb, and I prefer the concept of switches, but I am into the concept of powerplay, not power struggles. When I am writing a dominant top, I do best against a proper bottom. Otherwise, I tend to write brats that are good at brattingor switches that are kind of a tender top.
I’m pretty open to kink and enjoy a wide variety of things. My squicks are concise and I will clearly state them. I expect the same.
If you’re not sure about something, just ask. I only bite with consent.
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twillightteaparty · 3 years
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Best friend headcanon! part two!
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Friends who complain together are staying together. Y'all be keeping each other's secrets together, and taking them to your Graves.
You will get to know things that no one else will ever get to know not even his family knows this shit. Kalim could never know the things you do.
His love language is food, you will be well fed for the rest of your life for as long as you are friends. Truly a God's blessing for sure.
On the other side of this double edge sword you are like the only person Jamil accepts any amount of help from. Your also the only person that can give him constructive criticism that does cause him immense amounts of anger
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Y'all broke bastards out here. Guess we are being gay and doing crimes, presumably those crimes are mostly tax fraud but don't sweat the details
There is a lot of quoting memes, vines, tictoks and more but very out of context and if one of you starts it the other will finish the joke and it always ends in giggling fits.
On less hectic and more casual days I imagine there is a lot of sitting in silence and just spending time together. Considering you guys are probably over worked and exhausted it's nice to just vibe together.
You better be willing to pull pranks with this man, how else are you expecting this relationship to last? Well the other way is food. You give Ruggie a snack and he's wrapped around your pinkie finger
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You better be coming to tell him everything first, that said he also has all the latest tea to catch you up on. Y'all out here gossiping and day dreaming what can I say.
I imagine many nights are spent painting nails, pampering yourselves, all while eat popcorn and watching movie you both like.
I think it's safe to say that cater will be posting selfies of the two of you all over magicam. Tagged and hash tagged. He always is your number one supporter.
Honestly the best person to study with because it's easy to relax and focus, also his notes are always so easy to follow. Their colour coded and everything.
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You are one of very few people who get to get away with teasing him, do not abuse this power. To be fair I think that could be said for any friendship.
He's a very caring friend and will always go out of his way to always make accommodations for you. You have a headache? Have some appropriate pain killers and a nice cup of soothing tea <3
He'll of course he more than willing to help you study, or perhaps even come up with creative solutions to any problems you may be having. He's incredible to bounce ideas off of.
Unfortunately or fortunately being friends with Azul means being friends with or at least associated with the leech twins. For better and worse.
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You will always be up to date on the latest news, the latest events of whatever show Idia has been watching, the plot twists in his games, even on the latest trends in technology. There are few people he can get himself to talk to, though when he can talk to someone he talks a lot.
He's more than willing to help you study, he may be overconfident in what he knows though. mostly because he finds subjects in school easy and often gets homework done quickly because it doesn't interest him.
if you ever play any game with him it really do be him carrying through the game as he is level 80 + and then like helping you fight everything and helping you get places so you don't have to sprint everywhere or whatever. though no matter what it's always a lot of fun.
y'all have your own discord server or something where you guys trade news, memes, and joke around. it's perfect for streaming movies so you don't have to hike his dorm room every time. or hang out in VC as you guys do your own thing and listen to music together.
Part one / part two /
Me continuing my best friend's headcanon series no one asked for, more likely than you thought. to be fair, The first one probably wasn't all that great but whatever I don't care.
Regardless, I hope everyone enjoyed the post.
Signed, Admin Tea
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basedklee · 2 years
i read your infertility imagines. they were ok i guess (actually i didnt like them) but i believe your writing can be put to better use. can i request something? yandere genshin men reacting to just being mc's little side piece. like mc already has a committed, steady relationship, her men are just little boytoys she keeps around for when she gets bored.
it’s honestly truly terrifying how i can’t tell if this is a real ask or a joke ask sent by a friend, like i genuinely can’t remember if i’ve received a discord message informing me this would be sent and it shakes me to my core. regardless, i hope you enjoy these imagines anon! eat shit and die <3333333333
he’s very hurt, but he also feels like he should have known this was coming. throughout his upbringing, rhinedottir made it clear to him that if he could not perform at a level she was satisfied with she would abandon him, the implication that she would just start fresh with a better version of him always there.
it seems natural to him -- after years of being taught that it’s normal for your value as a person to be based on what you can do for the people around you -- that you would toss him aside as soon as you found someone better than him
but still. despite knowing he should just bow out as gracefully as he can, he tries to appeal to you until the very end.
during what he estimates to be the last few months of your relationship, he begins to study the new man in your life: your Snezhnayan Borzoi/Pug mix, Buttons, that you adopted a year after the two of you married. he follows the dog around the house with his sketchpad and pencil, jotting down notes and drawing sketches of the odd, gangly beast as he slept or ate or played
he takes careful note of everything about the creature you seem to find endearing -- the way he snorts and wheezes when he runs too fast/long, the way he scrabbles around on his spindly limbs and trips over his own paws as he runs, the way he often bonks his head on pieces of furniture and walls because of his night blindness -- everything so that he can make those traits his own and make you his once again
the “transformation” he has planned is almost complete after about four months, but you happen to go through his sketchbook while he’s in the shower and come across his plans, seeing the sketches of his multiple plans to replace Buttons (plan a was a fursuit, plan b was to change his physical form with alchemy, plan c was to fuse himself with Buttons... it went on through the alphabet to plan 20)
fear grips him when he walks out of the bathroom and sees you sitting on your shared bed with it in your lap, your beautiful face twisted up in an expression conveying an emotion even you yourself can’t name
Albedo... you say, shaking your head in disbelief as you lift up the sketchbook. What the hell is this?
the two of you stand there very, very awkwardly for about five minutes and 33 seconds as he tries to come up with an excuse. Any pretty lie that he can spit out that will save him from having to watch you walk out the door right at that moment.
he can’t come up with anything, though, and just starts crying. I had no choice. You were going to leave me for him, I just knew it.
My god. you say as you pull out your phone and schedule an appointment for him with the therapist you’ve been trying to get him to see, knowing he can’t weasel his way out of it by claiming he’s perfectly fine and normal any longer. I don’t know what exactly this is, but it must be the mommy issues again.
he snorts when you tell him he’s only your number two in a heated argument, not taking his gaze away from the sword he’s hammering. the rhythm of his strikes never breaking, he mutters just loud enough for you to hear, And did you think you were the only one for me?
you bite your tongue to keep from screaming at him, not wanting to disturb anyone. it’s dusk, the streetlights lining the roads around the smithy slowly blinking on and the people that are usually around, loitering the streets or tending to their own businesses, have turned in for the day. even schulz, who usually acts as an unwilling mediator between you two during fights like these, has left for the evening
it’s just you and wagner now, but even with it being just the two of you you still can’t seem to catch his eye. I did this for you! you mutter, stifling a sob. So you would look at me! So you would show me that you care.
Foolish. he grumbles, hammer still beating steadily against steel. If you want to go around, throwing yourself at any man that will take you, be my guest. I will never care.
you stagger back a half step as you struggle to swallow down another sob. maybe you brought this all on yourself. maybe this is all your fault for falling into swan’s arms in that single moment of weakness five months ago. maybe you should forget about wagner. finally give in and marry swan like he’s been asking you to for the past few weeks.
wouldn’t it be better for you to be loved by a man you only like than to love a man that can never even look at you? wouldn’t it be better for the baby to have a father that was willing to actually be there and attentive than a father that most likely wouldn’t even claim them if you told him the truth about your recent weight gain? wouldn’t it be better for wagner if you would just let him go? if you would just stop clinging to him uselessly and distracting him from his work? if you would stop deluding yourself into thinking you’re anything special to him
Did you ever love me? you whisper, unsure if he can hear over his hammering but deep in your hear knowing it doesn’t matter. you already know the answer
...Never. Not even for a second.
you swallow down one last sob and, shaking, turn to leave. I know it won’t mean anything, but I love you... Goodbye Wagner.
he waits until you’re streets away -- hurrying to Swan’s apartment where he awaits you with open arms -- to drop his hammer and brace himself against his worktable, a strangled sob wheezing out of him.
he hated hurting you and he detested allowing swan to have you (if any of you have forgotten this is a yandere post so he’s possessive and crazy but in a sexy way y’know?) but he just couldn’t be the man you deserved.
not after losing that drunken bet with cavalry captain kaeya six months ago that forced him to stand at his post in the workshop 24/7 for the next ten years
he tries to be strong when you tell him you’re dating not one, not two, but all three of the male members of his gang and that he’ll have to settle for fourth place after he casually asks you to be his one day
he tries to laugh it off, even. asking you if you’re joking or something because you must be, right? his boys -- his precious, precious boys. his buddies. his amigos -- would never keep such a big secret from him! especially when he had told them how he felt about you as soon as he fell in love at first sight seeing you totally wash the competition in the mochi eating competition you met at. they would never sneak around behind his back!
his heart sinks when the three of them peek their heads around the corner and start shuffling over to the two of you, each of them giving you a (tasteful!) slap on the butt as they walk up and take their positions around you. genta puts his arm around your waist while mamoru links arms with you and akira stands behind you with his hands on your shoulders
We’re sorry, Boss, we didn’t want you to find out like this... mamoru says, staring remorsefully at Itto (taking a quick pause to give you a tender kiss on the neck). It’s just... Y/N confessed to us and, well, you should know how irresistible they are since you wanted them first and all...
We... were definitely... going to... tell you... eventually... Boss... genta continues, giving you a kiss on the lips during each pause.
We really hope this doesn’t change things between us. We all still have nothing but the deepest respect for you, Boss, akira finishes as he massages your shoulders.
itto’s stomach twists, his heart severely conflicted.
on one hand, he was yandere for you. ever since he met you his body and soul has ached for you, the pain greater than the time he ate all that tofu and had the worst allergic reaction of his life. you were beautiful, powerful, dangerous, cold. you had a magic that couldn’t be controlled. stronger than one... stronger than ten... stronger than a hundred men you were perfect and he wanted so desperately to have you but.
on the other hand, he was yandere for his gang. for a large part of his life, they and granny oni were all he could call truly his. they were some of the only people that truly understood him, or at least, made the effort to understand. their loyalty (outside of this little slip up), kindness, and bravery that he’s become so intimately familiar with throughout the years has entranced him just as his own greatness has entranced them
he couldn’t tell who he was more jealous of and who, as a yandere, he should get rid of
I... Need time to think... he says before walking away, his heart dashed in many ways.
Oh dear... you say as he finally leaves from view breaking away from genta’s lips to stare after him. I hope he’s not too upset. We did our best to break it to him delicately.
the members of your harem nod.
He just needs time. they assure you as they lead you back to the hideout to cuddle.
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forrests-waterfall · 3 years
Little!Tommy and CG!SBI // RPF
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A/N : Okay so I apologize if this writing is just everywhere. I just really wanted to get this done because it was a self comfort fic aa. I’m hoping that if I do enough small writings, it’ll help me improve! (Because I took a long long break from writing before this blog pff) Hope you enjoy none the less. (Is that how you use that sentence? I dunno). Also the place I talk about Tommy wanting to see is not an actual build on the Origins SMP.
Also, not edited!! There may be misspells!! And this does not represent the entire “Tubbo replaced Tommy with Ranboo” thing at all. I don’t like those kinds of things, so please don’t relate it to that. And this is based off their Internet personalities if that makes sense??
TW/CW : Cursing, the nicknames kiddo and bubs
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It was a good stream with the bench trio so far, the three of them just hanging out and poking fun at one another from time to time. Basically just the normal for the three.
It had been just them talking for about an hour or so, but they ended up deciding they were going to hop on the Origins SMP. Tubbo and Ranboo needed to fix stuff around the server and Tommy would follow them around, probably making fun of little stuff that didn’t make sense.
It was fun for all of them, especially Tommy since he hadn’t been on the Origins SMP much. It was cool to see all the stuff everyone built.
“Burn bitch!” Tommy’s avatar hit Tubbo’s with a diamond sword, making the other’s health go down. “I didn’t even do anything that time!” Ranboo let out a laugh at the other two—he then attacked Tommy’s character with his own weapon. “Sorry, Tommy! I have to do it for the content”
Tommy let out a groan, “excuses! It just cause you two are fucking married so you have to be like ‘oh I’m Ranboo, and I love a man platonically who likes eating DIRT with bees. And I must protect him’” The teen raised his voice higher so it sounded like he was mocking the other.
“Bees don’t eat dirt”
They continued messing around on the server, Tommy proceeded to do the same thing he was doing.
Though, he noticed a building on the SMP that caught his eye. He hadn’t seen it before so he had to go to it.
“Hey, let’s-“
“Ranboo we have to go over there to get the right materials”
The blond raised an eyebrow, and then went to the other’s characters.
Deciding what he wanted to explore wasn’t that important anymore, he followed them.
The other two just needed smelted stone for—whatever reason. Tommy wasn’t listening, he was focused on something else.
While on the way back to where they were, they passed by the place again. Since it was on the way, it wouldn’t be too much of an interruption to what the other two were doing. And he didn’t want to go alone, plus he needed someone to tell him what the hell it was.
“Mr.Ranboob, I think we shoul-“ “that’s cobblestone Tubbo!” The brunet looked at what the other was holding, which was definitely not smooth stone. Tubbo let out an exaggerated gasp, “what??”
Letting out a soft sigh, he knew they’d be taking another trip. So he went along with it again.
It wasn’t that big of a deal, it’s just a building in a game. He could always see what it was another time.
This went on for another two hours.
Tommy continued to be interrupted due to the other two needing to do something. And he didn’t want to get in the middle of what they wanted to do.
The teen always shook it off as what he wanted to do was not that important, and it wouldn’t be entertaining for the viewers for Tommyinnit to look at a new build he hadn’t seen.
Though he’d be lying if he said it didn’t upset him.
He just wanted to see the colorful arrangement of blocks! Was that so much to ask? Plus it had some flowers around it, it was pretty!
“Alright let’s go over here” Tommy whined at another instruction, at this point he felt like an extra. Not because it was them two doing stuff together, but because he wasn’t helping. He wasn’t adding on to anything, except some commentary.
But he wanted to do more than that! But after he saw the thing he wanted to see, but that wasn’t happening. So he couldn’t help but get distracted by what his mind seemed to be fixated on. (Aka, the structure.)
Luckily for Tommy, he wasn’t streaming. So nobody could see that he had his knees up to his chest, and that his eyes were a bit glassier than normal.
And they definitely couldn’t see him chewing on his fingers with his non vacant hand.
He was tired, mentally and physically. He wanted to be listened to, not ignored whether it was intentional or not. (Of course he knows it’s not intentional, those are his best friends! But he’s still upset about it.)
The now mentally younger let out a small whine, this wasn’t fair! They were barley paying any attention to him at all. “Tommy?” The little perked his head up and looked towards Ranboo’s character. He hadn’t noticed he was spaced out for so long. “Yeah?” “You were quiet so I was just checking up on you”
Tommy let out a long exhale before speaking, “I was doing big man shit! Somethin’ you wouldn’t understand, Ran-boo”
The other two let out a fit of laughter while Tommy took his other hand away from the mouse.
Acting big wasn’t fun and just hurt him in a way he couldn’t describe. He hated it. He wanted Wilby, and Techie, and Ph-
“I gotta get off. Mum is asking me to do the dishes”
He waited for a response, hopefully they didn’t question why is was so random. “alright! Bye Tommy!” “Bye Tommy!! Say bye to Tommy, chat!”
The blond let out a few giggles before clicking his mouse and ending the call. He let out a sigh of relief and quickly opened the group chat with the other sleepy bois.
He pressed the call button, not thinking if his friends were busy or not. He just wanted his caregivers right now, that’s all that mattered to him.
He messed with his fingers nervously while listening to the call ring. Surely someone could answer, right?
His doubts were cut off rather quickly by a familiar voice speaking up, “Hey Toms! Is everything alright? It’s not usual for you to call out of nowhere”
The little let out a small whimper again, too shy to explain what was going on. Though, Wilbur caught on quickly. He immediately shifted into caregiver mode, “Bubs, what’s wrong? Did something happen during the stream, bud?” Tommy messed with his fingers some more before chewing on them once again.
“Ah ah, go get your pacifier, Toms. Then you can tell me about what happened”
The mentally (and physically) younger got up from his chair and walked over to a nearby dresser. He grabbed ahold of his red and black pacifier and went back to his desk. “Good job! Now can you tell me what’s up, bubs?” Tommy messed around with his pacifier, since he had something other than his hands to distract him.
“Tub an ‘Boo ignorin’ me” he raised the pacifier up to his mouth, “don’ think they meanin’ to though”
Wilbur nodded at the response, seeming to think for a moment. “Well, why don’t I tell Ranboo and Tubbo how it made you feel, yeah? I’ll let them know after the stream. I’m sure they didn’t mean it”
Tommy looked up at the camera, “no! Theys gon’ think I’m c’ybaby. An’ then theys gon’ be sad cause they made me sad” he curled into a ball on his chair and put his pacifier in his mouth. Wilbur let out a small “ah” to show he understood.
“They won’t call you a crybaby, Toms.” The older took a second to think, “They’ll be happy that you told them though. So then they’ll know what they were doing to make a little one like you, upset”
The little seemed to think for a moment and then nodded his head as an, “okay”.
Discord made a noise from Tommy’s computer, notifying the two that someone else had joined. The blond smiled as Technoblade’s icon lit up, almost immediately he made grabby hands at the camera.
The older let out a soft laugh, you could tell he was smiling from behind the screen. “Hey, bubs. Do we have a little kiddo today?” Tommy giggled and nodded his head. Technoblade turned on his camera, he knew when Tommy was regressed it tended to make him comfier if he could see everyone.
“I’m sure Phil will be here in just a second, I was just on the call with him” he stopped to take a breathe, “and I’m sure he’ll be very excited to see little Tom Toms”
The little let out another small fit of giggles before standing up from his chair and grabbing ahold of a raccoon stuffie. He brought it back to his desk and held it up to the camera. “Look!! His name Racco!!” Tommy excitedly announced, basically bouncing in his chair. “He’s adorable, bubs! Is that the one Phil got you?” The mentally younger nodded as he played with the Raccoon’s tail.
Tommy looked up at his screen as he heard someone join, it was Phil!!
“Phil look!! ‘S name is Racco!!”
“Oh! You already named him, huh?” Phil had ordered him a new plushie since he had been doing good. It was a small gift from the older. “Mhm!!”
“Heyyy! I thought we agreed I’d give him his next stuffed animal” Wilbur fake pouted as he crossed his arms, “you took too long” Phil replied, letting out a chuckle.
Wilbur was going to get him a new stuffie too?? Wait huh? Tommy’s eyes lit up, “new stuffie from Wilby??” Wilbur replied with a nod, “yep! We can talk about that tomorrow though, there’s someone who wants to talk to you” the younger tilted his head to the side confused. “Well, two people”
Wilbur added Ranboo and Tubbo to the call after the stream had ended (after asking them of course). Tubbo spoke up first, “I’m sorry Toms, I didn’t know we made you upset and we didn’t mean to.” Ranboo hummed in agreement, “yeah. We apologize, we didn’t mean to hurt your feelings”
The blond thought about what they said for a moment before having a fake little conversation with his stuffie. “Shoul we fo’give them? They seems sorry” he whispered to his stuffie as he made the plush pat him on the arm, basically saying yes.
The little looked back at the camera and made a thumbs up. “Is okay! I fo’give you.” He seemed to think for a moment, “I will super fo’give you if you buys me a new sweater!!” everyone in the call laughed, “will do, kiddo”
Tommy then rambled on and on about a new cartoon him and Techno watched together the other night. They all listened and asked questions about it, and Tommy eventually forgot about what happened earlier. Plus, it didn’t matter anymore. They said sorry and it was all better!!
Soon enough, Tommy let out a small yawn as his eyes threatened to close.
“Aw, is bubs tired from his long day today?” Wilbur’s voice softened as the little looked away, “no! Not tired!!”
“You sure, Toms? You can always talk to us tomorrow if you want.” Techno explained while adjusting his headphones.
“Nope! Don’ wanna”
“But Toms, you can play allllll day tomorrow if you do! Wouldn’t you want to spend more time with Racco?”
The little looked at his plush before looking back at the camera. He let out a sigh and nodded.
“Alright, go ahead and get changed into some comfier clothes.”
“Yeah! Me and Ranboo have to go but it was really nice talking to you, kiddo! Goodnight” Tubbo smiled at the camera before waving. Tommy waved back as the two left the call.
He then turned off his camera and changed into a blue onesie with a rocket ship pattern on it.
He turned his camera back on, “good job, bubs! Can you try and switch over to your phone for me?
Tommy grabbed ahold of his phone and pulled up the discord group chat, with a click of a button he joined the call on his phone.
He went over to his bed with the Raccoon plush and pulled the covers over himself.
Everyone had turned their camera’s off by now.
“Goodnight, little Tom Tom. Sweet Dreams. We’ll be here when you wake up”
“Ni Ni”
Tommy then closed his eyes and drifted into sleep. Today was a good day for little Tommy.
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eveningstar1516 · 3 years
Rise of the Demon King ~ Epilogue
Rise of the Demon King
Fic: Multi Chapter Paring: MC x Everyone (Mostly Lucifer) Type: Angst with a Happy Ending Total Word Count: 26,758 TW: Major Character Death, Reader gets stabbed with a sword through their chest so..., Abusive Parents, Past Child Abuse, Demon Hunters, Loss of Control Summary: You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve managed to anger the demon king. Now you hold your head high as he hands down your sentence. AO3 Portal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27065362 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: I gotta Discord server guys! It's primarily Obey Me but other fandoms are welcome as well. It's kinda baby and dead so me and the other members are looking to revive it and we'd love for you to come join us. A roleplay area is included :) https://discord.gg/F3YEmDZCPS Please remember to read and accept the rules once you join for access to all the channels. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously:
I spent that night cuddled close to Lucifer. After I bathed, he tended to my injuries and wrapped my upper back where my top set of wings once were. We layed in bed together, Lucifer holding me protectively against him as we fell asleep to the sound of our heartbeats, beating in sync. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 13 - Epilogue (3514 words)
“Mmm, Lu?” Gingerly, I opened my eyes. I had woken up to the feeling of someone nuzzling the side of my neck. Opening my eyes, I found that we had shifted into a spooning position in our sleep. His arms were wrapped around my waist and my hands were clasped over his. Lucifer was still asleep, holding on to me tightly. Carefully, I turned over to face him. His expression was relaxed. Sleep melted away any forehead creases making him look infinitely younger. His lips parted ever so slightly as his hair fell over his face, framing it just right. Carefully, as not to wake him, I lifted my hand to tuck some loose strands behind his ear and pecked him on the cheek. Being the notoriously light sleeper he is, Lu stirred at the movement. “Good morning Lu” “Mmm, good morning love” “Did you sleep well?” “Mhm.” Lucifer opened his eyes. The soft morning glow of the Devildom moon cast a soft light over him masking the demonic entity next to me in a celestial glow. His eyes were soft and docile, sleep still apparent. Not wanting to ruin the moment, but also not wanting to miss breakfast and see the rest of the brothers again, I started to shift away.
“Come on Lu, it’s time to get up.” “No. Just a little longer.” Lucifer immediately tightened his hold on me and buried his face into my chest. Letting out a small laugh, I brought my hand to his head and started stroking his hair. He sighed and leaned into my touch. “I’d love to stay in bed longer, but if we do that, Beel would eat everything.” Lucifer muttered something into my chest before pulling away and placing a kiss on my forehead. “We wouldn’t want that now would we? Come, let me change your dressings, then we’ll go.” It was then I remembered that I didn’t exactly have anything to wear. “Um, Lu? What am I supposed to wear?” Lucifer was already across the room getting the first aid supplies and a change of clothes out of the closet. He laid them out in front of me as I sat up. Spying the outfit, I realized it was my own, the one I would always wear when Lucifer and I spent our limited alone time. “Lu? Why do you have my clothes in your closet?” I asked with a raised eyebrow as he started removing my dressings and cleaning the wounds. A small blush appeared at my question. “It’ll be about 2 weeks before these fully heal.” “Lucifer, you’re avoiding my question.” “It will take you a little longer to learn how to fly with 2 pairs of wings instead of your usual 3.” I caught Lucifer’s hand in my own. He averted his gaze away from mine, his blush intensifying. “Lucifer.” “I-I couldn’t let you go. These reminded me of you, so I kept them. We still have most of your stuff in the catacombs. I just wanted these for myself.” When he finished, he was looking anywhere but my face. I held his hand and cupped a cheek with my other hand, gently turning him to face me. I leaned up and placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “You missed.” Lucifer looked at me with his signature smirk on his face. I put a finger on my cheek and tilted my head. “I did? Huh, that’s strange I never miss.” Leaning up, I placed a kiss on the opposite corner. “Now you’re just teasing me.” I giggled. “Yup. Now come on, we better get down there before Beel eats everything.” ~Dining Room~ Lucifer entered the room first, announcing that they had a visitor that would be staying with them. “Ooh, really? Yay! Another Spa mate!” Asmo clapped his hands excitedly. “Great, I don’t have time for another normie.” Levi went back to his switch not caring. Belphie was half awake and not really caring, giving the barest hint of acknowledgement. “Who are they?” Satan asked, putting his book down. “Well, we have met before. It would be quite awkward to have to introduce myself a second time.” I stepped around from behind Lucifer and looked to the brothers sitting at the dining table. Pin. Drop. Silence. A full second went by before I found myself under a pile of demons. “Y/N! You’re back!” “Y/N, I can’t believe this!” Asmo clung tightly to me, practically bawling his eyes out. Belphie was clinging to my other side with Beel wrapping his arms around both of us. Levi was hugging me from behind, pressing his cheek into my back. Satan waited by Lucifer for his turn while Mammon was still standing there in shock.
“G-guys! I missed you too but I still need to breathe!” “Alright everyone, Y/N is still sore from their fall. I know you’re all excited to have them back, but give them some room.” After Lucifer got his brothers off me, I went and gave Satan a tight hug. “Welcome home kitten.” “It’s good to be home.” After letting go of Satan, I made my way to Mammon. “It’s really you, ain’t it treasure?” “Come on Mammoney, who else would I be?” Mammon lowered himself to my level and tucked his head into the crook of my neck, holding on to me. “Ya dumb human.” “Not human anymore I’m afraid.” “That’s right! Darling, can we see your demon form please? I’m sure you look absolutely stunning!” “Not really much of a demonic form Asmo, but, well, you’ll see.” I stepped away from Mammon as the rest of the brothers backed up to give me some room. I rolled my shoulders feeling a swirl of magic surround me as I unfurled my wings and let my Nephalem form (A/N: That’s what I’m calling it. Don’t like it, too bad 🙃). I looked up at the shocked look on the brother's face. “You look stunning kitten.” “Your halo. It’s beautiful darling!” “You look just like him.” “I know Beel. I don’t know why my halo stayed. You guys can touch it, but Satan, I don’t know if you can yet.” “Y/N’s halo repels demons but doesn’t have an effect on beings that once held, or have traces of grace within them. Since you are born from me, you might have some trace, but we shouldn’t risk it. For now, just avoid touching it Satan.” “Will do, although I am curious. When the rest of you fell, your halo’s broke off and your uniforms changed completely, so why is it that Y/N’s outfit stayed Celestial, albeit with their colours, and they kept their halo, even if it is now a ring of black fire?” “I wish I knew Satan, although it might have something to do with my decision to willingly fall instead of being cast out by force.” Satan opened his mouth to say something but before he could, Beel’s stomach decided to make a guest appearance. “What, we stopped breakfast for this?” “Alright big boy, let’s eat, we can invite Dia and Barb and talk about this afterwards.” “Dad. What’s going on, and who's this?” I turned to the doorway where the voice came from. I looked as a young demon woman walked into the room. Her long black hair was braided down her shoulder. Serene coloured eyes looked me up and down. She wore a simple outfit consisting of dark blue denim tights with a white v-neck shirt, a black cropped jean jacket, and a pair of knee-high combat boots. “Who are you?” She asked again with her hands on her hip, eyes pinned on me.” I turned around to face the brothers. “Alright spill. Who’s the father?” I looked at the brothers with an equally pinning gaze as all eyes looked to Satan. “That would be me. Mezu, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my daughter Mezu.” “You had a kid and didn’t tell me?!” “When could I have done that? We literally found out you were alive not 3 minutes ago. Mezu, Y/N here is an old friend of ours. They were the one that brought our family together and sacrificed themselves for us.” “Nice to meet you Mezu.” I stuck my hand out for her to take. She didn’t. “Why do you don and angels garb and halo with demonic features?” Mezu looked at me with her arms crossed, distrust evident across her features. “Mezu, you can trust them.” Lucifer came and put a hand on my shoulder. Mezu looked unconvinced and took one more look at me before reluctantly letting the subject drop. “If you say so. Although I still want to know why.” “I’ll explain that all after breakfast when Diavolo and Barbatos get here. I look forward to learning more about you too Mezu.”
~After Breakfast in the Common Area~
“So, I guess I should start.” “What happened after the execution?” Mezu asked. “Mezu!” “It’s fine Satan. I figured that’s where I should start anyway. After the execution, I woke up in some sort of pocket dimension. Lilith was there, she says hi by the way. She explained this dimension that she called the “Void”. It’s a place where souls that have no destination but don’t return to oblivion go to. She presented me with two options. She didn’t have enough power to resurrect me the way she did before, so she told me that she could either make me into a demon and return to the Devildom, or make me a Seraph and take me to the Celestial realm. I wanted to return badly, and I almost did but I didn’t want to return as a demon serving under Abandon. I chose to go to the Celestial realm. I woke up in the House of Honors wearing, according to Michael, Lucifer’s old uniform. Needless to say, he was not happy about that. After he gave me something to eat, we headed to the palace to see your father. It was there where we struck a deal. Neither of us wanted me to be there, but I also didn’t want to return and serve under Abandon. No offence” “None taken.” “He took an interest toward my knowledge of Lucifer's old habits and position. He struck a deal with me, one I would have also struck if he had not suggested it. I was to serve as Lucifer’s replacement, as head of the council of 7, until such a time that King Abandon steps down and Diavolo rises to the throne. During my time as the Council leader, I was to fulfill my duties as Lucifer would have, not abuse my power, and make decisions based on the best interest of the realm. The period of the agreement ended yesterday when Diavolo was crowned. I-” “Y/N?” I turned to look at Lucifer. “Diavolo wasn’t crowned yesterday. He’s been king for almost half a century now.” My eyes widened. “You mean to tell me. That I could have returned HALF A CENTURY AGO?! I should have done more than sock that bastard while I had the chance.” At the last part, half the room doubled over laughing. “You-you actually punched him, in the face?!” Satan asked, clutching his stomach. “Yup. In Front of the entire council, right before I jumped. You should have seen their faces but I could only do so much within the element of surprise before I made my dramatic exit. I would have done it sooner if I knew Dia had been crowned. I just didn’t want to risk falling while his dad was still in reign.” “Darling, have I ever mentioned how much I love you?” “Only every day since we met Azzy. Anyway, back to the story.” ~A Few Hours Later~ “And that’s when I woke up in Diavolo’s garden yesterday.” “It seems like the past millennia had been eventful for everyone.” Mezu commented once I had finished. “How was everyone's time here? I really want to know the story behind Satan’s love life and what the rest of you were up too.” “Well, the first few decades or so were quite difficult. It was hard to forget that you weren’t with us. Eventually though, we all grew closer through grieving you. Your death opened a familial bond between us. Something we had a hard time admitting existed while you were here.” Lucifer explained. “Don’t worry, we still haven’t changed. Mammon still ends up hanging from the ceiling, Satan spends all day reading and coming up with ways to prank Lucifer with Belphie, Asmo is still as narcissistic as ever, Beel keeps cleaning out the fridge, and I still spend my days in my room.” “Although, I noticed you have been starting to come out of it more often Leviathan.” Diavolo stated “Well, yes. I’ve been visiting the catacombs whenever I get the chance to add something to Y/N’s collection by their casket.” “Uhh, if my dead body is still down there, could we, like, get rid of it? It’s a little creepy to live in a house knowing your dead body is in the basement.” “We’ll clean that out and bring your stuff to your old room.” Satan said. “Alright. Ok then. Your turn.” “Me?” “Yes you. Come on Satan, spill. What is this love story of yours? I want to know more about Mezu and her mother.” Satan scratched the back of
his neck, looking lost in thought, a longing look in his eyes. I looked around the room and noticed that the occupants avoided my eyes, some looking towards Satan with a pitying look. Only Mezu looked at me. “My mother died 50 years ago.” “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” “Of course you didn’t. You angels don’t care for any demon or their relations. You all think your so high and mighty yet-” “Mezu, that’s enough! Y/N is not an angel, not anymore. I assure you, they care more than you think.” Lucifer starred his granddaughter niece down as she sat back down. A scowl still present on her face. “I’m sorry Mezu, I truly am. I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. Please forgive me.” I smiled at her. She looked away, almost guiltily before Satan broke the silence. “Mezu was named after her mother. She was killed by an angel when Mezu was 25. She was beautiful and the only one who could cool my wrath after you passed.” “Were you happy with her? Like truly happy?” “Truly.” “That’s all I need to know.” I stood and hugged Satan. He returned it, resting his head above my heart.
~2 Years Later. At RAD~
It’s been 2 years since I returned. My wounds have healed and I found my place among the demons once again. Diavolo appointed me as an official member of the student council. I served as a secretary of sorts to Lucifer to allow for fewer sleepless nights and to make sure he didn’t bury himself in his work. Because of my status as a fallen, I was considered a noble and given the title “Avatar of Loyalty. The 8th of the 8” by Diavolo himself. I returned to RAD as a teacher on angel studies and a student in demonic politics. Lucifer and I became an official couple. During long night grading, I found myself chuckling at my students' interpretations of the Celestial Realm. I reminisced about my time with the council. Michael was probably glad to have finally gotten rid of me. Luke was promoted as Michael’s personal protegé. The rest of the angels were probably too busy to think about me though. Having finished marking, I went to go get Lucifer to turn in for the night.
~The next day~
“Dia, not to sound rude or anything, but why did you want us all to meet so early? RAD isn’t starting for another hour.” Diavolo sat in his head seat at the table as the rest of us sat in our usual spots. All of us displaying varying levels of consciousness. Belphegor having fallen back asleep as soon as he sat down. Diavolo had a beaming smile on his face as he spoke. Never a good sign... “We have some new exchange students joining us today. I want you to meet them all and show them around RAD. This is an opportunity for the rest of you to mend some old ties” “My Lord, what exactly are you getting at?” Lucifer asked tentatively. Diavolo’s smile only grew brighter, but before he could say anything, the doors to the council room burst open. “Y/N!” Looking up, I managed to catch a mop of reddish-orange hair before I was buried under a pile of bodies. After I finally wiggled my way out, I backed up towards Lucifer; his arm finding its way around my waist. Standing in the council room were the 7 Archangels, all donning RAD uniforms, all smiling sheepishly save for Michael who was standing off to the side with his arms crossed. Looking at the rest of the brothers, I found that Bell was now wide awake as the rest of them looked a tad bit uncomfortable. Lucifer had a displeased frown. “What are you guys doing here?” “It was Father's idea to have us participate in this program. He thought it best to-” “Don’t kid yourself Michael. We volunteered to come. We missed you Y/N. Especially Michael. He wouldn’t stop talking about you after you left. Things weren’t the same after you fell. He also really wanted to see Lucifer again.” Raphael cut Michael off mid-sentence. Looking around, the brothers each had a murderous look in their eyes. “Ok, first off, you volunteered, I got dragged into this. Second, I did not miss Y/N and I did not talk about them after they left. If anything, I was glad that they were gone, especially after that little stunt they pulled before they jumped. You didn’t think I’d forget that Y/N, did you?” I loosened myself from Lucifer's grip and made my way over to the angels, giving them each a hug in turn. “Aww, I missed you guys too. Mike. What did I say about your pride? Honestly, for someone who used to adore the Virtue of Humility and claims to hate the Avatar of Pride, you really seem to take after his sin. Besides, you didn’t deny wanting to see Lu again.” The occupants in the room started snickering as Michael’s face started turning a lovely shade of beet red. Lucifer looked taken aback at the revelation but lightly chuckled into his fist as well. “I’d be careful Mike. You wouldn’t want to lose that angelic status of yours for something as childish as misplaced pride.” Lucifer said with a smirk on his face. Michael started stuttering, trying to defend himself. “I-I didn’t! I-I don’t have any Pride I swear! Besides-” “Alright, alright. That’s enough.” Gabriel stepped in to save Michael from any more embarrassment. “It’s true, we did miss you and saw the exchange program as an opportunity to see you again. That’s why we volunteered to come.” Gabriel stopped in front of me and hugged me, much gentler than before. “We really did miss you Y/N. Things up there were too quiet without you.” “Oi! Hands off Y/N!” Mammon jumped up from his chair and pushed Gabriel away from me. Levi had shifted into his demonic form and wrapped his tail around my waist. “Y/N Belongs to us, not you normies.” “NORMIES?! I’m hurt that you think of us like that Leviachan. It is nice to know that you still kept your love for the Japanese animation even after you left.” Azrael said as he turned to look at Levi. A hand on his chest and a look of faux hurt in his eyes. This time, it was Levi’s turn to turn beet red. His self conscious not being able to take the attention. I was pulled away from Levi by Lucifer who placed a quick kiss on the top of my head. A prideful smirk on his face as he addressed the angels.
“Now then, there is no need to fight over this. Y/N belongs to me. Isn’t that right my love?” One cannot describe the look of utter hurt, shock, betrayal, and jealousy that overtook the features of everyone present in the room at Lucifer’s bold statement. My own expression being that of shock before all bloody hell broke loose. Everyone started arguing over who I belonged to and who I loved the most. I stood there trying to calm everyone down but alas, my voice was never heard over the shouting. “It seems the exchange program is becoming quite the success, isn’t it Barbatos?” “Indeed My Lord, although perhaps we should put a stop to this before someone loses control?” “No need Barb. Let them talk among themselves. I know, how about some tea while we wait?” “Of course My Lord.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And there we go. It's done! Thank you to everyone who stuck through reading this until the end. Thank you to everyone who left comments and Likes.
For those who are wondering about the candle and magical energy that surrounded Y/N, the energy is the magic used to take away their angelic status and made them into a Nephalem (Demon, Angel Hybrid). Their candle kept changing itself because it needed to form a new substance to match Y/N's new physiology.
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zacc-attacc · 3 years
Newsies As Shit Found In My Quote Book Pt. 2– feat. The Wormsie Discord Server & My irls
Albert, walking up to Jojo covered in red paint: We’re done with our satanic ritual Crutchie, from the other room: WE WERE JUST PAINTING SETS-
Jojo and Buttons, in the backseat of Davey’s Car: Fish with legs, fish with legs, fish with legs, FISH WITH-
Jack: If I haven’t seen someone in five years, I automatically assume they’re dead.
Davey, at 3 AM while wrapped in a quilt like a burrito: Campbells soup has made me very angry-
Race, ranting: I am a simple chaos gremlin. It doesn’t take much to please me.
Katherine: Writing is >:(( to write.
Jack: I’m going to use your human spine as a jump rope Crutchie: ❤️_❤️
Elmer, explaining Davey to the younger Newsies: He looks like he simultaneously knows the entire periodic table and like Wii music plays in his head all the time
Jack, climbing out his window: Hide ya wives, ya kids, and ya vertebrae
Race, throwing a binder at Spot: HAPPY METAMORPHOSIS BITCH
Elmer: i'm no longer a person i'm just meat and stress
Spot when he loses his contacts/glasses: This is harder to read then the fucking Declaration of Independence
Crutchie, watching Blink and Tommy Boy sword fight with wrapping paper tubes: Sometimes you just gotta eat your cornbread and accept the crazy.
Medda, waking up from a nap to see Race on top of the fridge with a ukulele, Davey curled in a corner, and Jack calmly crocheting: I’m sorry, what in the Kentucky fried fuck-
Race: Live ugly, die hot
Davey: I’m pretty sure my croissants are better then my personality
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katewaliss · 4 years
! write with me or fight with me!
you either die by my sword or the most painful head canons imaginable! *merida vc* choose yer fate
just kidding!
 hey there gaymers, i am crissy! i am 22, live in pst, go by she/her pronouns and honestly would very much like a distraction from life -- preferably in the form of 1x1 and rp in general. i am currently doing online school plus trying/failing at adulting, being a crazy pink haired college student living on microwave dimsum with my crazy fluffy demon cat, but that still leaves me with a lot of time and what better way to spend that time then crying and dying, am i right, boys? 
so without further ado ( adieu? idk gusundheit ) here are a list of discomboblulated plot things that have been floating around in my head that i might be fun to do ( plot fragments, ideas, ocs, fcs i like, settings, genres etc )! i’d prefer a message if u liked any of these in the inbox or dm form, my tumblr ims are open and my discord user is mr. worldwide#2918 ( pitbull supremacy ) but if ur shy i will message u and be annoying! 
lastly: i prefer hcing in the dms to replies, however i will do replies/ask memes slowly, i don’t really like making blogs and prefer google docs/discord and i ask ( gently and respectfully ) that minors do not interact.
thank u and happy hunger games! xx
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COLLEGE TOTALLY SPIES -- i was really obsessed with this picture right here and i thought that the picture would be a good premise for a little four person group based on totally spies. i was thinking that these three college students/young adults some friends maybe not some enemies or just on completely different ends of the social agenda get bonded together when they accidentally end up roped in a top secret spy organization that is fronted by a record store. the details and flesh of the plot i think would be cute to figure out all together maybe in a google doc or a big discord so we can make the rp to perfect world building specifications. right now i have two spots open! 
my friend lexi over at comradc has taken the cool goth asian girl and is using lyrica okano
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i am playing the freckly backwards hat lesbian in the red polo named aj mccallis and i think im using diana silvers ( not sure might switch to tati rodriguez )
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we also have the cute blond girl w the dyed hair who is giving me kind of like sydney sweeney energies, blonde girl maybe like lalisa manoban/jinsoul,
and we have the rad black girl with the bandids who i would only accept black fcs for for such as diamond white, ryan destiny, salem mitchell, 
i’d prefer if this stayed kind of sapphic and female and enby friendly. we can def make make npcs and characters but i’d prefer if the characters looked like they do in the picture ( minus the white girls who can be racebent as long as there are vibes ) mostly bc i want the poc people to stay the correct poc! but yeah! if u like this message me specifically!!!!! seperately and hit me w a role ud like maybe an fc an idea anything < 3 im working on a google doc and discord sever
- i really want to play a himbo skater boy evan mock like its my dream i know nothing abt him other than he probably goes by something like mouth or juice or tris or dex or dante but !!!! he has buzzed hair he buzzes designs into, does stick n pokes, hates cops, will kiss anyone, likes to mosh at house shows, smokes a lot and sounds like crush from finding nemo, probably ur parents worst nightmare if im honest rodrick heffley energy -- adopt him for any plot
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- i also really am obsessed with simay barlas who is my mascot rn -- i want to play her in some sort of dark academia setting with like gossip girl blair waldorf energies lu from elite and have her be really mean and cold and pretentious and play the cello and probably have secrets and be uptight idk the name mallory is resonating hard w me ( we could even do a gossip girl the secret history type group if people liked that ) 
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-ok i also really really want to play streak aka silas montgomery who is like very like sidekick best friend to the golden boy main character, does a kick ass goat impression, class clown, relentlessly hits on like the most difficult person in school, does crazy things for laughs and attention, just wants to make people happy, only wears hawaiian shirts, finger guns, is going nowhere in life, his dad is probably the dean at whatever prestigious school also he is very very depressed and drinks often! love u! a I Feel Like Im The Worst So I Always Act Like Im The Best electra heart baby PINTEREST
also yes his hair is pink reg verse he did it on a dare but hp verse he did a potion wrong and it never came out
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SOMEONE DO A LADY HANNIBAL WILL GRAHAM RP KILLING EVE RP W ME! i made this will graham adjacent gal for a genderbent hannigram rp her name is bisexual disaster enida johnson and sometimes goes by needy or will bc her middle name is willamena! has basically all the will things wears flannels is a mess but has a bunch of cats instead of dogs in her woods log cabin and im using crystal reed bc it fits perfect in my head idk if u like her hmu hit me w a lady hannibal PINTEREST
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other stuff
ok i really want to do a princess and knight plot but with knight zendaya and princess anya taylor joy ???? ALKHALKSHALK LITERALLY HELLO literally modern or like dnd style i do not care but know i love dnd! we could make it like them goin on some skyrim quests like hi
speaking of dnd and skyrim if anyone wants to do like anything based in dnd stuff or skyrim stuff i am DOWN
jennifers body plot!!!! maybe set in college!!!!! sounds spicy i will do a f/f or m/m version leggo leggo 
UNTIL DAWN UNTIL DAWN!!!! i wanted to do a little like 6 person or mumu until dawn thing where everyone either makes new characters or characters based on the existing six! i made a girl adjacent josh character named riley PINTEREST who i love very much ( fc might change im thinking maybe medallion rahimi ) pls hmu if ur down
i looooooove breakfast at tiffanys!!!! like i really love breakfast at tiffanys we love a call girl broody author ship and i want to play a mishti rahman holly golightly type character so so bad 
pygmalion plot!!! basically like an author and the main character of their book comes to life and the book character is probably from a different period of time or realm so doesnt know how to do modern 2020 stuff like microwaves and the tv! and then maybe they get sucked into the characters book world thats written by the author and have to navigate that! enchanted! w the kdrama! energy!
any sort of the secret history murder society until dawn ahs horror type setting i am on a kick rn 
i still really want a deaf sailor and siren plot bc that is so spicy or even like anything involving sirens like maybe one thats like vegetarian and doesnt like to eat humans so it ariel rescues one and keeps it safe!! or like only men are susceptible to the sirens song but aha! i am a woman! Romance!
anything in the realm of percy jackson i love mythology lets go i kind of want a echo narcisuss plot and i want it to hurt me so bad 
i will do harry potter stuff but only if its completely removed from the current canon like years in the future no existing families also maybe beauxbatons salem and drumstrang plots bc thats what matters
iiiiiiiii really like anime so i will do anything kakegurui, soul eater, ohshc
i kind of like grew up on the hunger games so i will gladly take any hunger games plots like young effie and haymitch is spicy or like a career tribute and one of the weaker poorer distracts enemies to lovers leggo
i have a kind of oc that had their parents die in a factory gas leak that was the governments fault and it turned them into a vigilante assasin that is slowly picking off bootlicker government people one by one pretending to be one of them until bam! gets attached to the rich asshole son or daughter of the head hauncho or one of the higher ups ... drama
rich little celebrity fussy wussy being held captive by the mafia and the tired stoic mafia guard but they fall in love 
i kind of like any plot that involves one person that is really loud or angry or dramatic or whiny and the other one is kind of sweet and gentle or does not talk much idk make brain happy 
speaking of!
no nonsense law student studying abroad in a european country and an artist there falls in love w them and is all romantic and gush and is like ur my muse!!! and they are like Go awAy and they explore the city together and themelseves its nice!
i want to be an avan jogia super villain idk why i need to but i do 
not to be a disney adult bc i am not but anastasia princesses dont kiss kitchen boys 
rival cheer captians? best friends brother? pop princess celebrity singer and like antiestablishment really angry rockstar in a publicity relationship? broody detective and sunshiney diner person that works at the diner they eat at everyday?
idk i will think of more hmu these can all be made f/f or m/m if they arent 
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romanianwilkinson · 4 years
A collection of quotes from my Discord server with friends. Feel free to change pronouns/wording as desired. CONTENT WARNING(S) FOR: Suggestive, crude, gore, absolutely cursed. [ PART 1 ]
“ Can your father send us child support? Same answer. ”
* Bed rocking, aggressive bike horn noises *
“ [NAME], you are a fucking blight upon my sanity. ”
“ Is being super gay an advanced war tactic? ”
“ Look you have to tell me if this slapping will bring about the eldritch truth, or it's enslapment. ”
“ Fucking, this is still on the most mundane side of your fetishes. ”
“ New law of science. If an autopsy turns into an orgy you did something wrong. ”
“ If we have a quiz tomorrow, the questions will be: 1) how to burst a mosquito, 2) how to tear your gut, and 3) what will the aliens look like. ”
“ I'm cat girl adjacent. ”
“ Make sure to vaccinate your computer, [NAME]! ”
“ A zombie goth. A zoth. ”
“ Slaughter’s good. I like slaughter. ”
“ They know your sins. ”
“ Why so many loose beans? ”
“ I want him to try it, SPECIFICALLY for the cyberbullying. ”
“ Today I leave y’all an Immensely Cursed Artefact. ”
“ Not the knowledge I was expecting tonight, but glad to have learned it anyhow. ”
“ It’s, unfortunately, not the worst thing that’s been turned into smut fic. ”
“ Poor organless [NAME]. ”
“ Help, I'm only seeing glowing weakpoints on you... This isn’t sexy at all! ”
“ Whelp, time to make everyone MILFs and DILFs then! ”
“ Ok, nothing is getting ‘ misted ’ in horny jail. ”
“ The only bones I have are teeth. I’m like a snail in that regard. ”
“ This is just SCP Containment Breach: Horny Edition. ”
“ And what's at the bottom of the stairs? Another baby gate. ”
“ That’s what I’m banking on. The arrogance. ”
“ How much XP fucking a demon gives you is important adventuring stuff? ”
“ This is honestly the weirdest form of lust I've ever felt from someone. ”
“ I am holding your face metaphorically when I say this for emphasis. ”
“ My rage runs cold. ” “ Yeah, so does your liver, and it fucking sucks. ”
“ We have many flavors. They are all red. ”
“ I still lose my shit over those gushers like... What kind of psychological warfare was that? ”
“ ... So you WON'T tell me a bedtime story? ”
“ Look, I'll just be my own MILF. ”
“ Listen, she's not stereotypically pretty, but she's pretty in a way where she balances elegance and grotesqueness and that is like top tier pretty. ”
“ So THAT'S where the stick went. ”
“ Ooooh how I wish it would rain down... gays on me ♫ ”
“ I wanna put the war god in the jar! For no reason! Just pranks! ”
“ I don't... think monsters come in straight? ”
“ Thankfully, I have enough titty to compensate for everyone else's lack of titty. ”
“ WE DESCENDED INTO BITING EACH OTHER ONCE AGAIN. As it is the standard state of existence for us. ”
“ What is execution, if not legal murder? ”
“ I almost forgot that most drugs are illegal. ”
“ [NAME] could bust into my room right now and say ‘ Hey, I'm drafting you into my demon army ’ and I'd simply hop into her arms. ”
“ For you, you know I would do much more than grind you into a paste and spread you far and wide! ”
“ ... We have graduated from Feral Anger to De-escalation Mode. The fridge may not be knocked over, after all. ”
“ I know you’re small. You got that scrambling energy. ”
“ No shirts, no shoes, only gays? ”
“[NAME], I'm booked to terrorize you with visions of Christmas Future tonight. Just giving you a heads-up. ”
“ It's not a callout post, if you're just stating facts. ”
“ Therapy is a motion-based predator. ”
“ Please think of me but in a sexy way. ”
“ There is a sexy way to think of you? ”
“ Sometimes, it's okay to eat your friends when they insult you. ”
“ The twink has breached containment. ”
“ [NAME] is surprisingly malicious. ”
“ ... I am convinced [NAME] is on mind control shrooms. ”
“ You fool, he’s echolocating. ”
“ Snap him over my knee like a fuckin Slim Jim. ”
“ Hank Hill Ass Havin Twink. ”
“ Pff- as if I don't know how to handle a cursed sword. I'm a professional here! ”
“It’s Twink Hunting Season and [NAME] is a goddamn trophy buck.”
“ You put those cursed words back in your mouth or so help me. ”
“ Losing a thumb will do that to you. ”
“ Got no clue, let me go ask the only one I know that hasn't tried to kill me. ”
“ This. This is why I drink when nobody's looking. ”
“ Hey... want to fly closer to the sun there, Icarus? ”
“ I'm burdened with just enough Naruto lore to be dangerous. ”
“ That reminds me, I should Beanpost again. ”
“ I have no soul, only void. I feel NOTHING for tormenting friends. ”
“ That’s a lie, you are LYING. You love this and I know you love it. ”
“ We have subjugated the tiddy. ”
“ This is the carbon requirement for human transmutation. ”
“ I mean. Vampire fucker rights though. ”
“ At least take him on a date before you ask him to elope with you! ”
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sword-of-summer · 3 years
All of them answer every question fuck you
ahahaha no i respectfully deny your "fuck you" and i accept the ask and so-
i am 5'10", and i don't wish to be taller or shorter- i am the perfect height for hugs and messy hair, and yep, i like it here-
dream pet would be a mix of golden retriver and a husky called Holly and a chonky cat called Loki- yes ofcourse my future kids have names everyone should name their future pets-
ripped jeans/black pants with a Darth Vader tshirt or a Ethnic Fusion Kurta with black sneakers/artificial leather slip-ons, and if it's cold, a black jacket open obviously- and a black wristwatch i love my black wristwatch.
favourite video game was Clash of Clans and going even back, GTA Vice City and, the og- MARIIOOOO
three things/people are Oreos, Nutella and Pizza. The Holy Trinity-
"Beware me my fingers are smeared with chicken popcorn grease"
you didn't mention an opinion, @chunkybirb, so imma give my opinion on Vanilla ice cream and Nutella- ANYONE WHO HADN'T COMBINED THESE TWO COMBINE THESE TWO THEY ARE FUCKING AWESOME
im either phlegmatic or melancholic bruh idk maybe ik or maybe not
im v v v v ticklish
not an allergy, but an intense hatred for ketchup- i vomit if it gets too close to me fuck you ketchup
im heterosexual
any between tea and coffee but full milk coffee (ik, kill me), never had cocoa- but i love a chocolate or nutella milkshake
both. both is good. (cat and dog)
i would be an elf cause hell yeah, knowledge and wisdom
favourite youtuber is Samay Raina, a stand up comedian turned youtuber who is just awesome-
as i mentioned in 1., i am 5'10"
i would not change my name cause it's the coolest fucking name ever, i am Tanay, and Tanay in Hindi means Son, and my parents literally named their son Son, and hell yeah i like it
i forgot how much i weigh- last i checked it was 75 kilos, but ive gained weight since 2019 so yep, gotta walk in the mornings
yes i believe in metaphysicality cause one- it seems cool- second- me and @theclassyghost discussed a metaphysical life theory that i really really like and metaphysicality gives preservation of knowledge so i believe in spirits
im not that religious, no
pet peeves no well nah not really
nocturnal def nocturnal i sleep at 4.50 anyway hehehehe
fav constellation is Cassiopeia
fav star is Sirius tho
what the fuck are ball jointed dolls
i do have a fear of losing people that's just anxiety i guess
yep, global warming is real
never thought that much about reincarnation tbh but maybe, i do
fav movie is Spider Man : Into The SpiderVerse and Inception and The Dark Knight Rises and Revenge of The Sith and yes, for my indian gang, 3 Idiots and Gully Boy
yep i get scared v v v easily
i have had no pets but i plan to once i grow up
@chunkybirb 's blog is fucking cool awesome and *chef's kiss* a masterpiece
blue calms me. i love blue.
live in Norway cause pretty lights, snow, and less people than this overpopulated country i am in
born in Mumbai, India
v v v dark brown like it's almost black but no it's dark brown
horoscopes and zodiacs, i do read them, never believed that much tbh-
i really wanna visit my brother i haven't met him in a long time i really wanna play cricket w him just like old times
my sister- she's annoying but well i care for her
tattoos idk bruh im okay idk may get one or may not get one
nope, smoking is ewwww *vomits*
ah my crush- she's cool [ if she exists
when the chalk doesn't write on the board but goes iiiiiieeee I HATE THAT
a sound i love is rain pitter pattering i just hhhhhh sends me into happiness
nope fatass here
nope fatass here
favourite actors have to be eddie redmayne, oscar issac and pedro pascal- and margot robbie and winona ryder in the actresses section also yes, elliot page
bruh already answered in 30.
im okayish!! spotify and tumblr, cool combo-
my hair are okay being black for me
yesterday, monday, from 6.40 to 6.50
uhhh naah not that i know of
well in Rick Riordan's Magnus Chase books, the sword of Frey aka Sumarbrander TALKS and demands to be called Jack, so here i am
bakwaas, music and comfy
yep, i believe in evolution
unfollow on hate and when they dm me sending nsfw pics ugh why are people like that
follow, well, i like people and they seem cool, so i follow them
fav kind of person is the one who'll sit with me for hours not even talking and just vibing to music
fav animals are beavers, doggos and cats
three fav blogs are @chunkybirb, @theclassyghost, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @aredhel-of-gondolin, @sue-me-imbadass, @alleenkaas, @my-ackerman, @brrrrrrrrrrzone
fav emoticon has to be ☹ this me seeing my stupidity outrank others
fav meme has to be Butternut is a master of psychological manipulation
Libraaa let's go
no dog, i have
black darth vader tshirt, black pants, black sneakers and black wrist watch
i have no selfies my phone has no cameras i live in eternal darkness
what the fuck are platform shoes
i, uhhh, i remember weird things like what i drew in class in 3rd while i was supposed to be doing english
lazy ass here, no front flips possible
i like birds they fly
nope i don't Iike swimming i like blankets
wrapped up in blankets reading books sounds better than both
hyperspace travel
nope none
reading writing eating sleeping
my friend
tumblr seems cool
i have around 60-70 idk
yes i can run but why
yes they do but what's the fun in that
nope I'd fall over
sapphire let's go
koala bear or panda
sunflower or the one on a lemon tree
ketchup store
one cup of coffee is enough, tysm
read minds that sounds cool cool yeaaahh
nope never wore it a black clothes guy here BatMan
winter winter all year long
i don't know and i don't wanna try
i don't know and i don't wanna know
everyone cause they are better than me
bookstores cause bookstores any bookstores
sneakers, black onez
apparently some gas bitches mixed up to form a planet
non vegetarian but i partake meat just twice or thrice in two weeks
i don't know they don't seem like liking
bugs ew
spiders ew
about the fact that i come off as arrogant and overconfident while in reality it's just that my communication skills suck
i can draw averagely whenever im in a mood
this thing im answering but i like answering it
uhhhhhhh brain freeze- idk bruh questions are good they give knowledge
yep, while sleeping
ahh yes calming, they are
cloudy days cause fucking cool vibes
hehehe wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy
CumuloNimbus i really like it's name yknow nimBUS
dark blue, dark blue always or black
naaaah no freckles
fav thing is when they laugh and it's just happy and we're both laughing like shitheads but who cares we're rebelling against depressing life and we laugh
both. both is good [ fruits and vegetables
sleep but i have to answer 170 questions cause @chunkybirb
sky sky sky it's my blog's header duh uh sKy
sweet and sour candy. SWEET AND SOUR CANDY.
dim lights it makes me feel cool
ahhh so here we go- Mooncalfs, Thunderbirds, Phoenixes, Sphinxes, Dragons that seem to be Space Nebulae, and more and more and more
i really feel like a boomer sometimes
i love everything about this site/app it makes me feel happy cause i like the people and the posts
uhhhhh i think too much about everything cause i just do. i like thinking
"He's dead, guys. For the sake of The Force, please watch Star Wars now he wanted to discuss it with you" actually no i would just say "A big shoutout to Garlic Bread he loved Garlic Bread"
myself cause i should be sleeping but sleep is for the weak and i am the weak and the strong i am a paradox-
that i obsess too much on things and try involving people it never works out
nope. had braces for 4 years, that beat out teeth showing smiles
i prefer computer-tv ahahahahaha
never tried them, so IDK
naaaaah not motion sickness- never travelled by sea so idk seasickness
lobed ears
yep i believe that deeds do count in life and beyond
idk bruh i don't believe in physical attraction too much- bodies are fake- mentally/metaphysically tho, im a 7
ahhhhh many many Stupid Genius, Tani, Tanu, Tanya
i still do-
i really want to talk to a therapist. converse. and discover.
im both, i am both.
10:1 is the ratio- giving 10, receiving 1
uhhh nothing just when i am right and people use the old "disrespect" argument
3, Hindi, Marathi, English
uhh no i am not
my hair i love them everyone says things about my hair but i love them
knowledge vibes i give, someone tells me- and that's all i ever wanted
anyone i know tbh, my mutuals, my friends, my discord friends
ahhh no i wouldn't but i wish i was born 20 years earlier
bleh bloo, neither like nor dislike
i don't know if i have one
i don't know, haven't had physical contact in a long long long time in a galaxy far far away
the above point stands but i would like to ig
anything i write, 3 hours later, i instantly hate just idk why
anything i write
that i am normal no i am not and i am not okay hahahahaha
65-70 ish people
somewhere around-
many many many don't ask please but okay if you do ask
uhhhhh idr exactly but i won't tell in public duh uh
mediummm hairrrr
last year lockdown i became harry potter
i don't know buddy i seriously don't know
yep i do cause knowledge i like knowledge
naaah never tried
no i definitely cannot stand on my hands or my head for more than 30 seconds
yep, im pretty sure i answered most of them correctly-
og link-
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wipodu-ao3 · 3 years
Human tastes good to a God - HTTYD fanfiction
Read it on Ao3. Join the discord!
A work in the Cannibal AU
Hiccup got turned around in a storm and it's ruining his whole week.
An explanaition on how the chapter 'Human tastes good to a God' came to be.
Words: 2,537
Getting supplies was not as difficult as it would seem. Hiccup and Toothless often brought things back when they traveled from Berk to the Edge. Storm had become more comfortable with venturing out on her own and made frequent trips to the northern markets while Eret preferred to scavenge things from nature. The northern markets were a place where Dragon Trappers visited sometimes and Eret, being an ex-dragon trapper, didn’t want to have a run in with anyone who could recognize him.
Still, Hiccup with his ‘Dragon master’ armor didn’t fancy going to the markets. His get up bringing way too much attention to himself, and the fact was that none of the merchants had his preferred meat – human. The man had stumbled onto a solution to that little problem unwillingly…
Hiccup had been traveling to the Edge when he got lost in a storm. Normally, he had no problem navigating the bad weather, Shadow and Storm were experts and they had shown Hiccup all the tricks to get out of that weather unscathed. This time, he got turned around and because he had left in the evening, night had fallen and he couldn’t see any recognizable landmarks. He had found and island with a village on in, he didn’t want to sleep with the village so close, but he noticed mountains that had to be uninhabited by the tribe, so he made his way there.
Sleeping with Toothless near wasn’t a problem. The Night Fury radiated heat and Hiccup’s armor gave him protection against the cold too. The first night was easy, in the early morning he set out, unfortunately, no matter how far he flew, he didn’t recognize anything. The man started mapping out the places he had been, using the island he was staying at as a central base in the map.
He didn’t get anywhere that day so he went back to the island. Toothless and he spent another night in the mountains and headed off in another direction when the sun rose. The whole day was spent flying again, they reached nothing again. When they went back to the island this night, Hiccup didn’t even care to steer Toothless away from the village’s wandering eyes. He didn’t care, his frustration was building bit by bit.
Another day, another try, another time he failed.
By now Hiccup was just frustrated and angry. He was practically starving at this point! Getting water was easy, the snowy mountain was a good place to get fresh water, but food was a different thing. Hiccup’s particular taste in meat aside, fish was harder to get in these waters for some reason, and Hiccup rarely ate. He wanted Toothless to have enough energy to fly and if going hungry meant he could get off of the island, Hiccup would suffer with glee.
Four days on the island.
Hiccup had been gone for four days. He knew that Storm and Eret were probably looking for him at this point, he had told them he would be at Dragon’s Edge four days ago, and he had never missed his scheduled time before.
Hiccup knew the pair would check Berk first, in case Hiccup just got held back by something there. Then they would try to recreate the path of the storm that he had fallen victim to, it would be easy for them to do that. Storm knew most of the rainstorms going around anywhere near the Edge, Shadow was a Skrill after all and the young woman always took care to fly through the storms for the dragon’s benefit.
The pair would probably separate to cover more ground and eventually stumble upon Hiccup one way or another. Still, Hiccup wouldn’t just sit in one place and wait to be rescued. Toothless could fly and he didn’t what to pretend he needed saving.
On the evening of the fourth day Hiccup heard footsteps approaching his small camp on the mountain. This wasn’t really surprising to the young man, he had stopped trying to hide himself and Toothless on the second day.
Hiccup sighed as he stood up from the campfire he had lit. He stretched and petted Toothless as the dragon got up from the ground, the Night Fury took a defensive stance and Hiccup pulled out his retractable sword, he lit it up and waited to see who would come around the corner.
It came as a surprise when a lone man appeared, Hiccup had really thought he would have a group of would-be warriors to go against. He wanted a good fight, but the man who now stood in front of him would go down in under a minute.
Even more surprising was that the man finally noticed Hiccup and fell to his knees. While the Night Fury rider knew that he made quite a sight – his helmet akin to Toothless, his armor dark as the night sky and covered in scales – but he didn’t think that he deserved to have anyone kneeling for him, especially when he hadn’t even done anything yet.
“Dragon God,” the man on his knees whimpered, “Please spare us and give us back our water. We are dying.”
Hiccup’s eyes widened and he looked at Toothless, he saw that the Night Fury was also shocked at the turn of events, so Hiccup knew he hadn’t imagined the words that had come from the man’s mouth.
“Please, Dragon God, we are begging you,” the man continued fearfully, “We will do anything!”
“Even kill yourself?” Hiccup couldn’t help but question.
The Night Fury rider was surprise he spoke, but he wanted to know how far the people would go to fix what was wrong with their island. He had noticed that the island was deteriorating, their crops were dying and their livestock were malnourished, signs of not enough water on the island. That was one of the reasons Hiccup didn’t bother hiding, he knew the people would be weak if it came to a confrontation. He had also sparred a thought on why if things were as bad as they seemed, the tribe didn’t just leave, but he then remembered that it was Vikings he was thinking about.
“If that’s what you require of me,” the man lifted his eyes and glanced at the pair in front of him.
“I do require that,” Hiccup told him.
The rider didn’t actually want the man to kill himself, he just wanted to see if he would do it for the betterment of his island. He was watching as the man pulled a dagger from a sheath and brought it closer to his neck, Hiccup was about to stop the man and look into the water problem without the sacrifice, but the sound of falling rocks stole his attention.
Hiccup quickly looked to the mountain as part of it collapsed. He caught a glimpse of spinning spikes that belonged to a Whispering death and immediately figured out what had happened on the island. To him it was clear: Whispering Deaths had taken residence on the island and had disturbed the water flow. He had turned to tell so to the man, only to find him slumped on the ground. Dead.
Hiccup looked at the body for a few minutes without blinking. Damn. He didn’t think the man would actually kill himself. Hiccup approached the dead man and turned him around, the man’s dead eyes starting up at the sky.
Hiccup observed the body, the blood freely flowing from the wound, staying the frozen ground below. The rider licked his lips as he took in the sight, the hunger he felt intensifying. He took out a sharp dagger from one of the sheaths in his armor. He found nothing wrong in what he was doing, the man was already dead and Hiccup had to eat, the fact that he now had access to his preferred food was just a bonus.
Hiccup lowered the man’s tunic and carved a chunk of flesh out of the man’s chest. The meat was juicy and mouthwatering, Hiccup licked his lips in anticipation and went back to the campfire. He sliced off a piece of the meat and took off the skin, feeding them to Toothless. Hiccup cooked the meat and ate it like he was starving, because he was.
After he ate, his eyes wandered to the dead body. Hiccup felt a bit bad for what he had done, up to this point he had only taken meat from dragon trappers or people who had harmed him, not someone who had come to him for help. Still, Hiccup didn’t let himself dwell on the situation, he needed to go into the caves and make sure the water was rerouted to the island and its wells, he didn’t want the man’s sacrifice to be in vain.
Hiccup and Toothless made quick work of the caves. The Whispering Deaths were easy to relocate. The Night Fury got their attention and goaded them to follow the pair. The aggravated dragons were easy to manipulate, there were only three Whispering Deaths and Hiccup managed to steer Toothless so that they redirected the water back to the wells. The Deaths followed them outside and to an island that Hiccup had noticed when he tried to find his way home, the island was already practically dead, its rocky shores a perfect place for the Whispering Deaths to prosper.
Hiccup made his way back to the island, when he passed by the village he heard cheers from the tribe below. It seemed like the water reached its target and the man’s sacrifice was warranted. Hiccup steered Toothless to their camp, they would need to sleep before trying to get back home again.
A shocking sight greeted the pair back at the camp. Storm was sitting at the campfire, Shadow curled up behind her. The young woman was stocking the fire and didn’t look up as they landed.
“Really, Hiccup?” she asked without even looking up as she spoke.
“Really… what?” he questioned, relief filling him as he saw her, because he knew he wouldn’t have to search for a way back himself.
Storm didn’t speak, she just gestured to the dead man on the ground. Hiccup awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled.
“Would you believe it if I told you he did that to himself?”
“I would,” she nodded and finally met his eyes and raised an eyebrow, “But he didn’t carve his own chest.”
“He didn’t,” Hiccup agreed, “He was already dead and I… didn’t want him to go to waste.”
Storm just sighed and stood up. She kicked some of the snow onto the fire to put it out and nudged Shadow awake. The Skrill got up and shook off the sleep, he growled in greeting to the two others. Storm mounted the Skrill and looked at Hiccup expectantly.
“Get on,” she told him as she motioned to Toothless, “We’ve been looking for you for three days, I want to go home now.”
“It wasn’t my fault I got lost,” Hiccup defended himself as he got in the saddle, “The storm turned me around.”
“Yeah yeah,” Storm dismissed him with a wave, “You can tell us about it later.”
They took off at the same time, Hiccup flying a bit behind her at first before he fell into the same speed. They flew for about two hours before he finally started recognizing the landmarks. After five hours they reached Dragon’s Edge.
The Edge had grown during the years. When Eret joined them, and consequently started living on the Edge, work on the island had come easier. Because Hiccup couldn’t stay on the Edge all of the time, most of the construction work had fallen on Storm and Shadow, but now that they had Eret and Skullcrusher to help when Hiccup couldn’t, the work load lessened and everything could happen faster.
By now, Dragon’s Edge had three distinct buildings with more on the way. The clubhouse, which housed the kitchen, common space and further down, a completed library room with books being added as time went by. The other two buildings were used as huts for sleeping, one was just for Storm as her personal space away from the men.
The other was mostly Eret’s, but it was more of a guest hut and not a personal house like Storm’s. Considering Hiccup didn’t spend as much time on the Edge as the pair did, his hut was still being built, Eret’s wasn’t built yet because the ex-trapper had wanted to build Storm’s place first.
The group landed on the Edge and went inside the clubhouse. Hiccup went to their storage and took two barrels of fish, rolling them out to the dragons while Storm went into the kitchen and took out two pouches of dried meat, one clearly labeled ‘Hiccup’.
The humans sat down and the girl threw the labeled pouch to Hiccup, they snacked as they waited for Eret to get back as Storm had told Hiccup that they had agreed to meet back at the Edge after every day they had spent searching for their missing friend.
Eret came back soon enough. The ex-trapper greeted Storm first and noticed Hiccup second. Eret gave Hiccup a hug as the Night Fury rider went to take another barrel for Skullcrusher, leaving the pair alone for a bit.
If you asked Hiccup, he would tell you that Eret was in love with Storm. It was clear to him, the way that the ex-trapper looked at the young woman was unmissable. If you asked Eret, he would probably order you to shut up and tell you, you were delusional, because he feared the reaction he would get from Storm.
Hiccup was waiting until Eret understood that Storm wouldn’t mind. The only thing keeping the girl from acting first was the fear that Eret’s feelings were fleeting, so she waited for him to act first. Hiccup had decided to keep out of their business for the time being, they spent a lot of time alone together so he knew it was just a matter of time and he didn’t want to push his friends into something they weren’t ready for.
When he got back the pair were waiting for him. Eret had a notebook in front of him, it was opened to a blank page. The notebook was something only Eret could look into, he didn’t let the other two to even hold it for longer than a second. He said he was working on something, a surprise for them both.
Hiccup sat down and told the two how his disappearance had come to be, Eret writing down something once in a while.
“Next time, leave the storm riding to her,” Eret laughed as he gestured to Storm.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be entering any more storms without her by my side,” Hiccup chuckled as he assured his friends.
The rest of the night was spent with the pair catching Hiccup up to all he had missed. They talked until the sun came up, the time filled with laugher and smiles from them all. They parted ways only when the sun was already up, but none of them minded.
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arya-skywalker · 4 years
Starved for Attention Part 1 (Sanders Sides Fanfic)
Notes: So I started this thing months ago, before Janus even had a name. It’s based loosely on this gorgeous art (tw starvation and chains), by @altruistic-skittles
However it has grown dramatically, and will now likely be 2-4 parts. Thanks to the Joan Collective / TSS Content Creators Server for encouraging me and bouncing ideas around. Apply here to join
This is vaguely canonverse, after Virgil was accepted but before Deceit revealed himself to Thomas.
TW: starvation, malnourishment, imprisonment, chains, Janus does not like Patton
Ships: Roceit and Anxceit (not a love triangle tho, they’re just trying to help him, Anxceit here is more platonic anyway)
Part 2
Janus leaned against the wall of his cell, watching the chains sway in the chill breeze, listening to the discordant music as they clanged against each other. He rubbed his arms, trying to ignore how skeletal they were. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a full meal, the last time he had been allowed outside the cell.
Footsteps approached.
Janus quickly adjusted his position, crossing one leg over the other, lounging without a care in the world. Don’t show weakness. You are in control. He forced a smile, watching the figure come into view. “Ah, Your Highnesss. How kind of you to come vissit.”
Roman stopped in front of the barred door, fiddling with his sword. “I.... you look awful.”
Janus laughed. “Do I? I haven’t had the luxury of a mirror,” he said dryly.
“Oh. I didn’t mean.... uh... do you want one?” Roman fumbled at his belt, then held out a pocket mirror, slipping it through the bars.
Janus watched as the mirror rolled over to him and landed face-down. It would be so easy to ignore it, to pretend he was still his handsome self. It would be easy to break the mirror and use the shards as a weapon.
But he did neither. Janus picked up the mirror, surprised by how heavy such a small item could be. He took a deep breath and smoothed his expression before daring to look at his reflection.
He was even more gaunt than he feared. His bones were disturbingly clear through his thin flesh. His cheeks were sunken. Dark bags under his eyes marked his lack of sleep. His scales had lost their shine.
He wished he hadn’t looked.
Janus closed the pocket mirror with a click and set it down. “Why are you here, my prince?” He asked, realizing Roman was still standing there.
“I... umm... figured you might want some company?”
Janus arched an eyebrow. “You mean you want company that isn’t one of your goody-two-shoes friends up there.”
Roman scuffed the floor with his polished boots. “They don’t support me like they used to,” he muttered. “It just feels like... whenever I make progress something always sends us back to where we started!”
“Mmm.... they don’t listen to you,” Janus said. “Jussst as they refuse to listen to me and your dear brother.”
“Well... I.... that’s—“ Roman stammered.
Janus straightened, his snake eye gleaming. “It’s the same.”
“I’m... not sure if that’s....” Roman rubbed the back of his neck.
“Oh come now! You and I know I am not a monssster.” Janus tilted his head to the side. “Remind me again why I am locked away down here.”
“You know why.”
Janus clicked his tongue. “Humor me, my prince.”
Roman frowned. “Well.... you... you’re one of the Dark Sides.”
“A term you invented. Try again.”
“Uh.... because.... Thomas thinks that lying is wrong.”
“Mmm... getting closer. Now.... how did I end up stuck down here?” Janus inched closer to the bars. Roman blinked. Clearly that was too far of a jump. Janus sighed. “Thomas’s mind is.... unique, as I’m sure you know. I am in charge of hiding things that Thomas doesn’t want to know or they would hurt him if he did know. But who or what hides me?”
Roman’s brow furrowed. “You did this to yourself?”
Janus laughed harshly. “No, no. I am not nearly so self-sacrificing.” He coughed, taking a moment to get control over himself. “No. The mind palace itsself is doing this to me. Thomas’s sssubconsciouss if you prefer. Something deep within, sentient in a way, but not strong enough to be a side on its own.”
Janus leaned forward. “Let me go. I can help you, my prince, but not from this cell.”
Roman opened and closed his mouth, looking much like a confused fish washed ashore. “I... You....”
“Come now. The others are no help to you. We both need allies,” Janus said. If he wasn’t so weak, he would have waltzed up to the barred door and grabbed Roman’s collar, pulling him close for a kiss between the bars. But he could barely summon the strength to stand, let alone drag himself across the cell.
Roman lowered his gaze, then suddenly brightened. “Oh right. I brought food!” He shoved a crumpled paper bag between the bars and dropped it.
Janus lunged for the food instinctively, somehow managing to catch it before it hit the disgusting floor. His body screamed in protest— but it was worth it. He opened the bag to find an apple, a mystery sandwich, a water bottle, and a cookie. His mouth watered. “Thank you, my prince,” he said sincerely before digging into the meal.
“I told Pat I was going on an adventure and he insisted on packing something,” Roman said sheepishly. “And I know you don’t get fed enough so.... yeah. You’re welcome. I’ll... uh... let you eat in peace. Farewell!”
He sunk out before Janus could protest. But it was better this way. Janus didn’t want anyone to see him gorge on the blessed meal. Sure, sides technically didn’t need to eat. But he could pretend the food helped. And for a little while, maybe he could believe it.
Janus awoke to the distinct impression of someone watching him. He frowned and stirred, glancing at the barred door to see Virgil crouched in the shadows. “Here to gloat?” he drawled.
“Not today, no.” Virgil moved closer to the bars. He looked.... worried? Ridiculous. “What the hell happened?”
Janus shrugged. “Thomas said himself of lying— ‘That’s a side of myself I would prefer not to feed into’,” he said, mimicking Thomas’s voice. “For some reason, that was taken literally. So here I am, starving in the dark. Happy?”
“Fuck that.” Virgil pelted a granola bar at him. Then another. Then a bottled protein shake. “There. Eat up.”
Janus flinched and held his hands in front of his face, then blinked when he realized Virgil was throwing food at him. “You... you’re helping me?”
“This doesn’t mean I like you,” Virgil said quickly. “But you need to be strong enough to do your job in case Thomas does need you for whatever reason. So... yeah.” He stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket.
Janus picked up the granola bars and opened the shake, taking a few careful sips of the almost-too-sweet drink. “How long were you sitting there for?”
Virgil smiled sideways. “Do you really want to know?”
Janus glanced over and decided he didn’t. “What else do you want?”
Virgil shrugged. “I want you to swear on whatever means anything to you that you won’t hurt Thomas or any of the other Sides,” he said.
“I swear I won’t harm anyone intentionally,” Janus said, taking off a glove and holding his hand over his heart.
Virgil exhaled sharply and rubbed his face. “Why should I trust you? How do I know you aren’t just.... lying again?”
“Mmm. You can’t possibly know for sure,” Janus said, fixing his gloves. “But you know as well as I do that repression will only hurt Thomas in the end.”
Virgil was silent for a while, then shook himself and stood. “Just... be careful, alright? I’ll check in to make sure you don’t die or get sick or whatever.” He gestured vaguely as he sunk out.
Janus was alone again. He pulled his knees to his chest and closed his eyes.
Logan was the next visitor. “Deceit? I have been informed of your condition and thought it may be a good idea to investigate myself.”
Janus lifted his head to look over, then narrowed his eyes upon seeing the first aid kit. “You are not a doctor.”
“Perhaps not. But I have researched medicine extensively.”
Janus bared his fangs. “Don’t even think about coming at me with needles.”
Logan sighed. “I simply wish to monitor your condition to ensure you are not in severe danger.”
“Logic, I am starving. But we are imaginary. You know wounds and illnesses don’t have lasting effects. Besides, you are out there, and I am in here. How do you plan on getting inside the cell, hmm?”
“I have also researched how to pick a lock.” With that, Logan stepped forward and stuck something into the lock, fiddling with it until it popped open.
Janus froze, staring at him. The door was unlocked. The cell was open. He could.... he could....
Logan sat beside him on the cold floor. “Allow me to take your vitals.”
“Wait. Don’t touch me. Pleasse.” Janus recoiled, hating himself for it.
Logan blinked and adjusted his glasses. “Oh. My apologies. You must be touch starved. Unfortunately I am not very experienced with that sort of things. Patton is much—“
“No. I do not want to sssee Patton,” Janus hissed. Morality might not be directly responsible for his imprisonment, but if Thomas didn’t think lying was so bad, he wouldn’t be in this situation. Patton was part of the reason he was stuck down here.
Logan hesitated. “Perhaps Virgil?”
Janus rested his head on his knees. “Fine,” he mumbled.
Janus heard him leave— and lock the door. Of course they didn’t trust him enough to leave the cell open. Why would they? He was Deceit.
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julday4 · 4 years
Aight! Hey ya'll! Long time no see, whoowee-
Aight how do I start this-
So some of you might know goodnightverse by now! (If not, here) the post is a bit old so uh @awelldressedtornado fucking edit it.
And well, since I'm now co-owner of it (wowie) I DECIDED TO MAKE A GNV2 MUAAHAH-
Aka, Goodnightverse: Bed Bugs.
And yes, these are all of the refs I've been talking about. (Warning: some of the refs gotten lazier over time cause I got feddup with drawing the clothes and stuff.) and plus, most of the templates here are copied from discord ahaha aight let's go!
(Also i didn't do everyone refs yet but I did most of them! I'll do the others soon if ya'll are interested-)
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Name: Boots (Aka, Goodnightverse!Rust)
Creators: Knife and Rose
Age/Years lived: 13/16 y/o
Rank: Gaurdian
Gender: Male
Weapon or Magic (Specify): A pirate sword that can easily cut through Shadow Demons and are really good for battle. (Especially sword fights). The pirate sword has an Iron blade thats bending a bit and golden plating on the handle.
Human they protect: Jesse
Allies: Shine, Flare, PI.FI, Floral and Bush
Boots acts exactly like a pirate and loves anything pirate related. He says "YARR" unironically, when something intensive is happening or when something awesome (in his opinion) happens. He can get angry sometimes and is very attached to Jesse, Shine and his twin siblings Floral and Bush. He also LOVES fighting shadow demons with his pirate sword :).
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Name: Shine (Aka, Goodnightverse!Lukas)
Creators: Heart and Lighter
Age/Years lived: 13/16 y/o
Rank: Gaurdain
Gender: Male
Weapon or Magic (Specify): A microphone that blasts out colorful musical notes, once you press the star button, which explode once they touch a surface. (He can also control how many musical notes that can come out, if he holds in the button, he can swing his microphone and a bunch of musical notes will come out. If he just touches the button once, only one musical note will come out. Its like those mechanics in games). The microphone is like those microphones you see on the news with a singular button. The microphone can also be used for singing and making special effects like: Gasping, laughing, screaming, oof, yay, ect.
Human they protect: Emerald
Allies: Boots, Flare, PI.FI, anyone
Shine is a lil colorful boy who loves singing and making new friends. He loves learning new things and is very energetic! He talks alot like his dad, Lighter. Aka: Yo, bro, dude, BROSKI, broseph, pog, swag, ect. His aswell very attached to his bro, Boots. He loves going on pirate adventures with him, singing with him and everything else. Their the bestest of friends :). He aswell loves fighting Shadow Demons by his Bro's side. Thou sometimes his a bit soft with Shadow Demons and will comfort them if their hurt.
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Name: PI.FI/Pinkie Finger (Aka, Goodnightverse!Hypernova)
Creators: M.W/Milky Way and Blade
Age/Years lived: 13/16 y/o
Rank: Gaurdian
Gender: Female
Weapon or Magic (Specify): A wand made out of magic that can be used to summon and levitate things and blast out sparkly magic. Thou she needs to train the wand so she can summon more and levitate heavier things over the years. (Once she becomes a guardian, her wand can levitate a closet or two and summon a brush, rope and shit. Thou she only uses it when necessary). The wand has a baby blue handle with a lil yellow glittery star on top that has a bunch of spikes around, looking like a pretty rock. (Hehhe Sprinkle).
Also uhh, her goop is made out of strawberry sauce. D. Does that count-
Human they protect: Abigal
Allies: Flare, Shine, Boots, anything.
PI.FI is a sweet, lovely, calm but also bossy lil girl. (She's mainly bossy towards Boots and Shine due to their immaturity and stupidity). Shes loves EVERYTHING girly and especially loves sparkly things, like fairies. She's very protective over her friends and especially Flare because how how shy and easily frightened she is. She's very calm towards Flare aswell and tries to make her feel comfortable. She also loves singing with her wand with Shine, their a pretty good duo! (Not as good as Shine and Boots thou). And she loves trying out new things.
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Name: Gold (Aka, Goodnightverse!Drake)
Creators: Indigo and Monarch
Age/Years lived: 16/19 y/o
Rank: Gaurdian......? (Yeah no his a fucking butler now)
Gender: Male
Weapon or Magic (Specify): Holographic purple or golden shields that are good for blocking off attacks or Shadow Demon essence. Gold has really good reflexes so his shields are pretty powerful at battles. He can also summon holograms that he uses to code so he can break through the barrier that's stopping him to travel through the multiverse.
He also has the ability to move his rat tail.
(also the reason he doesn't have any eyelights is well uh.. It happened when he started to slowly despise Jesse and despise gaurdians, like the eyelights started to slowly dissappear and they completely disappeared once he argued with Jesse and left her the next day.)
Human they protect: Used to protect Jesse.
Allies: Chloe, Floral.
Gold is a very formal but ALSO EVIL ASS boy. He used to protect Jesse when they were 8-12 y/o until he started to get tired of them. He started to get tired of their same everyday problems, angryness, annoyance, everything. He was tired of humans. One day, he met Chloe and she started telling him her plans and thoughts about gaurdians and humans and about destroying and taking over the gaurdians, Gold, agreed. Gold started to despise gaurdians, despise humans, despise protection. He believe Shadow demons were victorious and were a better future for this world then gaurdians and humans. So one day, after an argument with Jesse, he abandoned them and left them for Chloe and started being Chloe's minion/butler.
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Name: Chloe
Creators: Neptune and a bunch of glitches
Age/Years lived: Forever 13 y/o
Rank: Fucking Shadow Demon Outcode thing
Gender: None but she calls herself female.
Weapon or Magic (Specify): Dark pink Gasterblasters and Bones. The same dark pink as her eyelights. That glitch out depending on how long their used. For example: One hour, they'll be glitched out af, and if she hits the victim with them it'll be a PAINFUL CRITICAL DAMAGE SINCE THE VICTIMS BODY WILL START GLITCHING A BIT. Thou she uses Gold, aka her butler/minion, to attack for her since she's also a bit lazy lmao.
She has the ability to travel through multiverses and enter shadow pipes like other shadow demons.
Her voice and body will glitch out sometimes and when she teleports inside a dream, she might glitch out a bit aswell like if a gaurdian is failing to enter a human dream.
And her Shadow Demon form is behind her, which she rarely forms into, but it's always behind her, mimicking every action she does. Thou, only Shadow Demons can see her form.
Human they protect: None. Fuck protection.
Allies: Gold, Flare, Grain, Alexa, Charlotte(?).
Chloe is an outcode who's quite lazy and doesn't really care about anyone. She plans on destroying this world and let Shadow Demons rise. But for now she's starting small. She has Gold by her side to help her in battles and give her souls to eat. Other then that, she's just a glitch, a very dangerous glitch. Her main enemy is Boots. (She's also the main villian, lmao)
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Name & Last Name: Jesse Cherry Smith
Parents: Chara Cherry Smith and Alec Margo
Age: 15 y/o
Sexuality: Transgender
Gender: Male (But currently female)
Hobby: being dead Drawing sometimes and playing the guitar a bit. They mainly just like laying on their bed and doing nothing.
Personality: Anger issued closeted teen who dislikes being social and will beat up someone if necessary.
Allies: Emerald, Kyle, Boots, her cat plushie Bow
(Yes this is a Alec x Chara shipkid stfu it's apparently canon now -)
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Name & Last Name: Kyle Cherry Smith
Parents: Chara Cherry Smith and Alec Margo
Age: 8 y/o
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Male
Hobby: Writing and GOING ON IMAGINARY ADVENTURES ANYWHERE and playing outside.
Personality: A sweet energetic adventurous imaginative boy who will always find a way to annoy someone and somehow sees good in anything people say. Like seriously how the fuck do I bully you you piece of-
Also he can't read.
Allies: Abigal, Jesse/Jess/Best sissy in the entire world-, Flare/Flarey/Best partner in the entire world-
(woah another alec x chara shipkid woa-)
Anywho, I hope you guys like them and if you have any questions just ask away! (So sorry that it's so long like jesus-)
Anywho, Alec signing off 😎
(also goodnightverse belongs to @awelldressedtornado)
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