#someone mentioned this is literally parasite and YEAH
cometrose · 3 months
Yes to all of what you said about Hae in and Hyun woo's relationship the discourse on some of these platforms is insane like people on Twitter and Instagram are unhinged and gave the dumbest takes that make it seem they're watching an entirely different show, "HW is toxic and evil and HI deserves better she's perfect" ummm.... I'm glad that at least here there seems to be a consensus of they're both flawed and need to communicate and do better
I don't understand how people are interpreting this dynamic weirdly when it is the same rich stoic chaebol x poor emotional affectionate girl like always the only difference is the gender reversal.
Haein is the stoic, cold, calculating, emotionally-constipated, workaholic, rich heir. She clearly loves Hyunwoo but she is so emotionally shut off that she doesn't say anything she just expects all of her feelings to be conveyed to him. Of course I understand why she is like that and i don't want to dig into her too much, growing up in that household especially after the death of her older brother was suffocating and she probably only worsened after losing their child.
But I can't say she is perfect when as I mentioned she never protected him from her family (at least in front of him), berated him in front of employees, never visited his family, never comforted him at his lowest, and never communicated her feelings.
Remember in like ep.3 or something Hyunwoo mentions that for the first anniversary he did a big party but she didn't like that and at the second anniversary he did nothing but she also hated that. Like it is very clear that Haein absolutely sucks at expressing her true feelings and Hyunwoo isn't a mindreader, nobody is. You can't be mad at Hyunwoo for not understanding her feelings or not comforting her when she shut him out, when she doesn't tell him how she feels.
The whole shocked by the divorce is super common in this genre too because typically the male lead never thought his wife was feeling this way. Like those male leads, Haein believed that even though her partner is acting distant and closed off, that he still loves her because she still loves him when that couldn't be further from the truth.
You can't close your heart to the world and expect them to mourn you. If Hyunwoo didn't care about Haein's feelings then Haein equally ignored his feelings, both of them don't know how the other person is truly feeling and made little to no effort to resolve this miscommunication and just lived with the assumption. Their terrible, just abysmal, communication is making them suffer, they are supposed to do things together!!! they are partners!!! Both of them failed at being there for each other and it drove them a part.
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I’ve binge read your blog tonight! Amazing! I was hoping your requests are open if not please ignore this message 😊
What about astarion x tav reader , who’s an artist - astarion who’s dying to look in a mirror but she depicts him perfectly , possibly angst to fluff? Feel free to take this prompt any which way, I thought this would be wholesome 😊
Aww, that's so cute!
This reminds me of that comic that's floating around here with Tav drawing him and Astarion, not knowing what he looks like anymore, looking over their shoulder like "ooooh you got a crush on this random man we don't know. who is he?" So I mixed that vibe in here!
This is set just a bit before he realizes he's in love with you because I love that for him.
Astarion wasn't worried. He wasn't obsessed, he was just intrigued. Curious even, mildly perplexed at worst. Because he had no idea why he kept catching you drawing the same elf time and time again. And you refused to tell him why.
Now, in all fairness you did occasional sketch out other members of your group. Not everyone, just the few who had the patience to stay still while you worked. Wyll, Shadowheart, Halsin. It was a passion of yours, your art, something that Astarion always liked about you. It helped that you were fantastic at it. You're drawings were so life-like, capturing nearly every feature on their faces. They always left Astarion sincerely impressed, the few times he had managed to see them. Because for someone so talented, you were oddly secretive about your sketchbook.
Now that didn't exactly stop Astarion from seeing them. There were the times he would shamelessly watch you over your shoulder, only leaving when you noticed him and started flailing to cover up your work. He also took the opportunity to occasionally steal it from your tent while you were gone without him, a consequence of you trusting him. He had warned you about that, hadn't he?
You really did create beautiful work. From picturesque scenery to your famous portraits. Though it seemed you had a favorite subject, that damned unnamed elf. You knew the man well enough to draw him from memory it seemed, because Astarion would have remembered running into that face.
Why you never asked the man you're sleeping with to model for you instead of this stranger, he wasn't quite sure. But it was starting to bother him. It didn't help that he was objectively handsome, attractive in a semi-mysterious way. It was even worse that you would start blushing and stuttering whenever he asked about him. You wouldn't even give him a name, just vague stumblings.
"He's um, from Baldur's Gate," You had mentioned once, completely avoiding Astarion's eyes, "It's um. Not important."
"So you'll be introducing us soon then?" Astarion had asked, half-hopeful that you'd deny it. His life would be a lot easier if the mystery man turned out to be a long-dead lover.
But instead you just gave him a shaky nod, "I-sure. Y-Yeah. One day."
And you had left it at that, staying infuriatingly vague whenever he brought the subject up.
Astarion wasn't worried. He wasn't. Or maybe he was, purely off the fact that it couldn't be healthy to be so obsessed with one man's face. Especially if the man in question wasn't him.
Astarion was aware that he was attractive. He had to be for everything he'd gotten away with over the years. But he literally could not know how he matched up to this... random stranger. Who, by the way, had done nothing to help you while you had a mind flayer parasite trapped in your head. Astarion certainly had that over him at least. But he wasn't quite sure if he matched up in... other areas.
Astarion wasn't exactly used to being self-conscious. At least not when it came to his appearance. The ability had been taken away from the second Cazador got his fangs into his neck. He still thought about it, often in fact, that he had no idea what he looked like. But the enamored responses he usually received by existing quelled most worries.
Now though... now he had to wonder. And he wasn't a fan of the feeling.
He hadn't wanted to ask for your help in seeing himself, he was hoping that you would have offered on your own by now. But since that was clearly not happening, Astarion had to bring matters into his own hands.
He watched as you fiddled away in your sketchbook, suddenly obsessed with replicating the tassels on his favorite pillow. According to you it was one of the few things you didn't know how to draw perfectly, despite it looking just fine to everyone else. Astarion supposed that the artist mind just worked in mysterious, semi-frustrating ways. Ways that he frankly did not understand.
"How would you feel about drawing me sometime?" Astarion asked suddenly, his brows going up to his hairline at how the simple question made you flinch, "No offense darling but I do believe I'm more interesting than a few tufts of string."
You weren't looking at him as you answered, still scribbling away with now-shaky hands, "I-um, I'm not sure if you'd want me to-"
"Why ever not? Frankly my dear I'm a little offended you haven't asked me to model. It would be nice to be aware of what my own face looked like."
That at least got your eyes up. You looked oddly guilty, fiddling with your pencil, "I-shit. I'm sorry. I should have thought about that."
"It's fine," Astarion said with a wave of his hand. He was used to being a last priority, he didn't take offense, "Besides, you can make it up to me now. What do you say?"
You swallowed, avoiding his eyes as you nodded, "Y-Yeah. I can do that. Um, sit up a little for me?"
Astarion listened, excitement starting to crawl up his spine. He was actually going to see his own face again, for the first time in centuries. All because of the person he love-cared for. Cared for deeply. Who still made him borderline beg for the privilege but oh well. Beggars couldn't be choosers. He had learned that lesson many times.
It took a long time before you were finished, nearly three hours. Not that he minded, if anything he appreciated how seriously you were taking it. And who knows. Maybe if his face managed to be interesting enough, you'd abandon your other muse in favor of him. He could only hope.
"Okay," You said eventually, setting your pencil to the side, "It's done. But... just don't laugh, okay?"
Astarion barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes, "Is my appearance that amusing?"
"No but-gods, here. Just look at it," You said, tossing the sketchbook to him, "Be gentle."
Astarion caught it, excited to hells and back as he looked down. Only to find the exact same elf he'd been seeing for weeks. Except this was more detailed than all of the ones from before. He could see... everything. The scars from that dreaded first night with Cazador, two barely there moles on the right side of his face, the exact flow of his hair. He was beautiful, a fact he was aware of, but it was still nice to see. He just... hadn't realized how many times he had seen it.
Astarion swallowed, looking up at you with wide eyes, "You've been drawing me? This whole time? I've been your 'mystery man' from Baldur's gate?"
You shrugged, picking on a string on your pants instead of looking at him, "You make a good subject. And we spend a lot of time together. And... I should have told you when you first saw it. But I just...." You trailed off with a sigh, finally gathering your courage enough to look him in the eye, "I didn't want to freak you out. I know it's a bit... creepy. I guess I didn't want you to know just... how obsessed I was. Or am."
It made sense. In all honesty, the Astarion from mere months ago probably would have found a way to find offense. But now it just felt... sweet. It made him feel warm, and incredibly idiotic. Here he had been, fretting over his non-existent competition. While this whole time he was the one constantly invading your mind. It was a strangely validating feeling. Almost like maybe... you would still want him when all of this was said and done.
He hadn't started this relationship with that in mind. In a perfect world, he'd use you to kill Cazador, cure himself of the tadpoles, gain his own freedom, then be on his merry way, you're feelings on the matter be damned. And he was actualizing that plan perfectly, if this new news was anything to go by.
So why was it suddenly making him feel ill? You had been nothing but kind to him. Accepting, trusting, all to someone who deserved less than dirt. And what would this all end in. Him abandoning you after everything you'd done?
Or maybe... it was about leaving before you had the chance to do the same.
"Do... do you not like it?" You asked, obviously nervous at his stunned silence. But it at least snapped him out of his own thoughts.
Astarion rushed to shake his head, going as far as to move to sit next to you. He took one of your hands in his, feeling uncomfortably sincere as he spoke, "I love it. Thank you for doing this for me. Thank you for all of them. I am more than happy to be your muse darling. There's nothing I'd like more."
"Really?" You asked, looking so hopeful it made his heart clench in his chest.
"Really," Astarion said, moving to cup your cheek, "But I will be expecting payment for my services. I hope you realize you'll be sleeping here tonight."
"No complaints here," You murmured, right before his lips touched yours. You were smiling into the kiss, sweet enough to make Astarion want to scream.
Just what had he gotten himself into with you?
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
(After the Respectless Reprise)
Velvette, calling Vox on the phone: VOX!!! End this stypid debate once and for all! What was the color of your turtleneck when you took that damned picture with Valentino?
Vox, picking up the call: Uh... What now?
Velvette: Some of your crazy "fans" cropped that stupid picture I took of you two near his desk with your monitors! They've been going crazy at the color of your stupid turtleneck in the leaked photo
Vox: Right right.... and..... This is my problem because....?
Velvette, muttering under her breath: I swear to god... this is just like that stupid dress thing all over again.....
Vox: The what now?
Velvette: Forget it! Your old arse wouldn't even get it anyway and we don't have the time! That stupid thing blew out of proportion!!! It's been trending on Vitter for Hell's sake so you better do something about it!
Vox: Vel, I don't see the problem. It's just a color for something that happened a long time ago. It shouldn't even matter.
Velvette: Well it does matter because demons—not even just sinners, Vox— have been going at each other's throats about this for hours on end just for the sake of their fanart consistency!
Vox: Fanart consistency?
Velvette: Oh for fuck's sakes, Vox— Aren't you connected to your network right now? You should be able to see just how bad it is in there!!
Vox: Mhm... yeah, yeah... well..... right...
Velvette: Vox. Are you listening to me right now?
Vox: *noncommittal hum* Yeah..... That's better...
*Velvette pauses for a moment before a look of realization crosses her face*
Velvette: Wait... Don't tell me your at your Alastor shrine again instead of at your office?
*Clatter clatter CRASHHH*
Vox: *cough cough cough* H-Huh? What? NOOOOooo... No, no I'm not. What are you talking about Velvette?
*Velvette side glances at Alastor still silently having his mental breakdown before moving onto Lucifer fiddling with his tie and cane as he refuses to meet anyone in the eyes*
Velvette: Yeaaah.... Right.
Vox: A-ActUALLY!! I was just about to go there. To— to my office I mean. I mean, I just came from an important meeting after all!! Yes, a very very important meeting. With uh.... About– Sinflix! Yes, yes Sinflix. You know how that annoying little parasite has been taking some of our profits with all their 'free services' shtick that we've been losing money in the other Rings.
Velvette: Right. Right. (I don't care)So... your turtleneck color?
Vox: RIGHT!!! *Ding ding ding!* Yeah, about that I uh....
*Side glances at the scarce remains of his closet that was once full of multiple variations of turtlenecks colored red, orange, yellow, and even blue. Some of them actually being striped. There was a sell in one of the secondhand-me-down shops if you buy in bulk back in the day when he first fell into Hell. And he wasn't one to pass up a bang for your buck. Unfortunately, he also had to burn a lot of them after Velvette joined team to avoid her wrath. And now he can't remember which one he wore during that picture*
Vox: Well... About that, I don't.... actually remember?
Velvette: You don't sound so sure of yourself.
Vox: Well, the picture itself is faded so some of the color has changed. Not to mention the lightning.
Let me ask Tino if he remembers.
(I hope you enjoy this. Someone please sedate me)
oh my fucking god (reference to this, and this, and the turtleneck discourse is just this entire fucking tag. basically we've been spending the last 2 days debating about vox's stupid fucking turtleneck)
literally everything being referenced is giving me fucking whiplash HELSPGKOS vox himself getting into the debate because he doesn't remember is hilarious
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only thing I will have to correct there is that vox does in fact own netflix in hell so it's voxflix not sinflix
considering maintagging this and putting it out into the wild with zero context (until they check the links)
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misunderstood whoops here's the clarification LMAO
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britishraptor · 1 month
Gonna kick the hornets nest here, but the file from the most recent episode of The Magnus Protocol was incredibly underwhelming. It didn’t take into account at all anything that actually makes snakes scary, little to no foreshadowing, and basically attempted to jumpscare the audience with a reveal that reads more like a parody of a horror story than an actual one.
I might look like an idiot or a fool when everything all strings together later than the line, but I’m questioning so much about this episode.
Parasites are scary. Worms, and insects and mold and rot. Decay, possession. Spiders are scary because they’re hard to see, hard to pinpoint and they move fast, plus the connections with webs related to control, and manipulation. So yeah, a worm lady, sure, a person filled with spiderwebs, also sure. But the only connection between snakes and parasitism could be a joke about ‘shedding your skin’ or how disturbing that one scene in Harry Potter was.
Snakes are scary for two reasons:
1) the same reason bears and tigers all that are scary. Hunt style being hurt, and killed, and eaten. Simple.
B) uncanny valley reasons. Snakes don’t blink. They don’t have facial expressions. The way they move and eat and exist is totally different from humans and mammals. They’re often described as alien and cold.
My questions:
a) why rodent control? why was he even actually brought in? His walls are FULL OF SNAKES. It wouldn’t have lasted five minutes. It doesn’t make any sense even if you know he was concerned about parasites. Snakes don’t give a shit about other snakes. To call someone a snake is to literally call them callous and prone to betrayal. A snake eats the rodent, so you kill the snake. Plus a snake store would have access to medications to kill mites and deal with snake illness? Why call the guy at all?
b) the foreshadowing on the owner is terrible. You could have mentioned his skin needed moisturising. That it seemed dry, flaky. Scaly. But just. A red rash? A rash? Are you saying being full of snakes is an infectious disease? That’s what he said at the end, right? That his throat itches. It was swelling. You can just?? Grow your own snakes?? Is that the implication?
No uncanny valley mention on the owner either at all. He didn’t move weird, being full of snakes? Didn’t sway or limp as he walked, didn’t move sluggishly? Bad hearing, didn’t know what to do with his hands? No? Just a short tempered customer. Okay.
c) You lost me at the thousands of snakes. THOUSANDS? What is this, a clown car? A snake clown car in some random guys skin, who explodes because he was mad a customer walked out.
Look, I’m Australian. And when I ask my friends ‘hey, how big do you normally picture a snake being?’ we picture snakes about 1.5m long. Dinner table length is pretty common for all of our common brown, tiger snakes, red bellies, and even longer for our common carpet pythons. But even if I adjust to like, other countries’ grass snakes, thousands?
The throwaway line at the end was plot relevant I’m sure, but I’m all around confused, and totally not even a little bit scared.
The only praise I have is that the description of the crickets was very creepy, and I loved the visual of them moving around like a shuddering wave of pixels on a screen, only really perceived by their screaming.
But yeah. The setup, the foreshadowing, the coherent theming and consistency all just fell totally flat for me. The only thing I learnt was that this guy applied to the institute and was rejected, and that snakes can’t do dishes.
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xoxo-sarah · 1 year
I Wanna Be Yours || Part 1
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Series Masterlist | Part 2
↝a/n: my first Robin Series. Set in season 4.
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!Wheeler!reader
↝ Warning:slightly proof read. Possible spoilers if you still haven't watched season 4, everything that happens in stranger things, slow burn, Vicky doesn't exist here, not because I don't like her, but because it's easier to write for Robin when she's not madly in love with another chick.
↝⎙ 6.24.23
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Nancy jiggled her keys, annoyed with the mop headed boy. “Mike! Let's go.” She turned, looking at you with an irked expression. “This kid.” She opened the door, walking past you as you put your backpack on.
Mike rolled his eyes, hunching over the toaster, impatiently waiting for the pop tart to pop any second. “Jesus. How am I gonna survive a whole week without you guys?” You grinned as he walked past, handing you one of the warm pop tarts. “Besides you. You're cool.” He whispered before practically jogging to the car, where Nancy sat with her head thrown back in annoyance. You bid your parents goodbye before following him to the car, deciding you didn't have time to argue over who was getting in the front.
“So, Cali, huh?” Nancy glanced at you from the rearview mirror, a small grin making its way onto her lips. You two have tormented him for weeks over him going all the way to California for spring break. You did it more than Nancy though, only because you loved his grossed-out reaction when you'd turn around, acting as if you were making out with someone, hinting at the two.
“Yeah.” Mike grumbled, looking out the window from the passenger seat.
You nodded, not mentioning it for the rest of the car. At least, until you got to school.
“And then there's Heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college. So, it's like, do I really wanna start another relationship that has no point other than sex?” Steve continued to rant to deaf ears. “I mean, I don't know. Does that make sense to you?” He rubbed his forehead, glancing to his side, where Robin was putting on mascara, solemnly paying attention to the mirror and not to the man who was ranting for the whole car ride. “Robin, are you listening?”
“Uh, yes. I-I'm lis-”
“What did I just say?” Steve threw his hand up, shaking his head, unimpressed.
“Something about sex with…Linda.”
“No! I'm talking about Heidi.”
“Cut me some slack, please!”
Steve bit his cheek before rubbing his forehead again. “Well-”
Robin began to rant, “Your love life is one of labyrinthine complexity. And it is 7:00 in the morning, we have this stupid pep rally and I woke up looking like a total corpse.” She stretched her hands on the sides of her face, surely not looking flattering at all.
“Oh, you're worried about a pep rally? You expect me to believe that?” He glanced over again, his expression showing he absolutely did not believe that, not one bit.
“Yeah? So?”
“So, we both know what this is about. Okay, I'm not buying that bullshit. This is about Y/n.” He had met you a few times, when he was with Nancy and when you guys had to fight some ugly parasite looking monster. You were quick to catch Robin's eye in school, which, in turn, made her turn to Steve and tell him all about this girl. There were a few characteristics that led him to know she fancied you before she even told him your name.
“Absolutely not.” Robin couldn't help the blush that painted her cheeks, moving to do anything with her hands. She began applying lip balm, staring back into the little mirror in the visor.
“Yes it is. You know what else I think?”
“I really don't care-” Steve could go on and on. If you were to ask Robin what he said, she'd surely say blah blah blah with a roll of her eyes.
“I think you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you're around her. You just gotta be yourself.” He had his hand out, motioning around absentmindedly.
“You're literally quoting me to me. You do realize that, right?”
“Well, maybe you need to listen to yourself. Ever think about that, smarty-pants?” Robin stared at him with a look that could kill. Was she this annoying when she scolded him, telling to get his shit together? "I listened to you and look at me. Boom. Back in business.”
“It's not the same thing, okay?”
Robin made a sound of disagreement at that, not letting him finish that thought. “You ask a girl out and she says no, big deal. Nothing happens. Maybe your ego is a little bruised.” Robin looked at him with false pity, before moving her hands around again. “But I ask out the wrong girl, and BAM! I'm a town pariah.”
Shaking his head, Steve understood where she was coming from, but disagreeing with how she was going about it. “Yeah, okay, I'd buy that, except Y/n is definitely not the wrong girl.”
“We just don't know that do we?”
"She returned Fast Times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds. Do you know who paused Fast times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds?”
“People who like boobies, Robin!”
“Ew! Gross! Don't say boobies!”
“Boobies. It's not a big deal, okay. I like boobies. You like boobies. Y/n likes boobies. Definitely.”
Climbing over the seat after Nancy parked, you patted Mike as he held the car door open. “Use protection at least.” Before he could reply or grumble, you were jogging towards the gym, finding some of your friends in the process.
“Got any plans for spring break?” Chrissy asked, trying to keep in stride with you.
“Not really.” You hadn't made plans, but you'd probably end up staying at one of your friend's house. After walking in, you turned towards her, grinning to ease her nerves. “Have fun. You'll do amazing.” She smiled back, giving you a quick hug before running off.
Turning back to the bleachers, you tried to look for an empty seat, which was becoming harder with the people trampling into the double doors.
Hearing your name being yelled, you looked around, stopping when you saw Steve. He motioned you over, making sure no one sat down beside him.
With the glare he could feel on the side of his head, he'd definitely be getting an earful from Robin.
He held his hand out, helping you step up the stairs with all the people walking around you to take a seat. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” He turned to face Robin, mouthing '53 minutes, 5 seconds'. She rolled her eyes before looking forward.
When everything started, he cheered with you as you not only cheered on your school, but your friends and all the work they put into the moves.
“And of course, I have to give a special shout-out.” Steve glanced over at you when he heard you scoff at Jason Carver.
“What? You don't like Jason?” His words were playful, already knowing you despised him for some reason, hearing it from Robin.
“I don't know. He loves Chrissy and shows it, but he's just a dick to everyone else.”
Jason continued to speak, “Chrissy…" He stared at her as they were the only two in the room. “Chrissy, I love you, babe.”
You made a gagging sound, only loud enough for Steve to hear it.
Jason went on to make another speech. “You know…I think I can speak for all of us when I say it's been a tough year for Hawkins. So much loss. And sometimes I wonder 'how much loss can one community take?' In dark days like this, we need something to believe in. So, last night, when we were down by ten points at half to Christian Academy I looked at my team and I said, think of Jack, think of Melissa, think of Heather, think of Billy.”
Both you and Steve looked down, searching for the red head you had seen climbing the bleachers to sit with your brother and Dustin. You both looked back at each other, taking pity on the poor girl.
Sure, you never got along with Billy. But you would've never wished that kind of death upon anybody, including him. Especially with the way it affected Max. You could tell she felt guilty. It wasn't fair for her; she was just a kid- a good kid at that.
"— Think of our heroic police chief, Jim Hopper. "
“You alright?” Chrissy almost walked past you in the hall, looking a little uneasy.
“Yeah, people died so they could win a basketball game. That's the reason.” You rolled your eyes, grumbling as you glared at the man screaming into the mic. “For a stupid trophy.” Sure, you will still congratulate Lucas if they do, indeed, win the trophy. But to say many people died for that was just ridiculous. Honoring the people who have fallen is different, but that's not what he's doing. Maybe Lucas would play in honor of them, but not Jason.
She blinked a couple of times before trying to smile. “Yeah-yeah. Of course. Just had to go to the counselor. I'm alright.” You slowly nodded, before wrapping an arm around one of hers and walking towards class. She had been acting weird lately. So you made sure to stay close to her, making sure she didn't do anything. “Would you like to do something for spring break?” You brought back the question she asked earlier.
“Like what?”
“I don't know. We could hang at your house-”
“No!” You looked at her, confused by her outburst. “Why would we do that when we have your house?”
“I mean, Mike's not going to be there, so sure.” You gently smiled at her, squeezing her arm affectionately when she stopped by the bathrooms. “I'll talk to you about it later, yeah?” She nodded before pushing the door open.
You began walking towards class, trying to wrap your brain around what was going on with her. She obviously wasn't okay.
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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rjalker · 2 days
can someone who speaks Italian translate this for me?
"mi sa che è un blaff"
the word "blaff" isn't translating so I assume it's slang and
hold on what
I think there's a larger problem here!!!!!!
This is the video!!! Showing a canna lily seedling! It's a baby plant!!!! It's a fucking seedling with roots and the seed still attached!!!!!!!!!!!! I am showing people what these baby plants look like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the tenth time!!!!
ID: A video with an automatic file title of PXL 20240306 194000372, showing a white hand holding up a small canna lily seedling to the camera. The canna lily seedling still has the round shiny black seed attached on the Left side, with a small white root emerging on the right, with a pointed hump in the center, and smaller fibrous white roots on the far right. The whole seedling is ab The camera person narrates, gesturing with a finger towards each part of the seedling as it mentions them: "It's March 6, 2024, I know it's probably the, tenth video I've made for this, but this is a Canna lily seedling, just to show you what the seedlings look like. They emerge from seed at a predetermined spot, with you can see if you look really closely. Part of the root will go down, and then bend and start to go upward, and that point at the top is where the leaves will start to form. So, yeah, you can germinate these in water, and then plant them so that this part here is on the ground, the seed is the seed is resting at the level, and then this part can get some sunlight so it can grow some leaves. Alright, that's it, bye-bye." End ID.]
What the fuck is happening that these people are commenthing this??????
•7 days ago
Mi sa che è un blaff 1
•1 month ago
So fake 1
•1 month ago
What is it ?? Never seen one before ==how does it live in humans ??? How do they get in skin ??? 😮😮😮
What is fucking happening here what the fuck did I do or say that makes people think this is some sort of a fucking parasite I literally talk about how it's a seedling what in the fuck are these people doing and why doesn't youtube give me notifications when people leave comments so I could fix whatever the fuck is going on here a whole month ago when these comments were first left????????????????????????????????????
What in the absolute fuck?!!??!?!?! What fucking hell are these people living in that they see a video talking about a baby plant and think it's somehow a horrifying parasite?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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bellmo15-blog · 1 month
The Most Beautiful Host for Carnage
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And here we have in the list of old Ko Fi Requests Ammer has done for me a technically old concept since I've gotten a bunch of Symbiote related art before this but also technically new because it's with a different symbiote instead of Venom this time but still also technically old because if we are respecting Marvel lore than Carnage is still the child of Venom but it's still technically a new thing because even with there relation to Venom Carnage is still pretty different from Ven... Is your head hurting yet? Good lol!
I've gotten A LOT of Symbiote related stuff relating to Venom up to this point and there's always been a good reason for that. Aside from being the main Symbiote that people will usually think of when they think about this parasitic species of aliens, I just really like the design of that suit regardless of what universes design it is. Main, Ultimate or Rami verse. However even with that, Venom's child Carnage is another Symbiote I'd had a lot of interest in getting something with. Problem is that for the longest time I couldn't think of a good host to pair them with. Until I played Skullgirls and saw Eliza. Putting aside the fact I do have a thing for Eliza's design in general bonding her to Carnage made two much sense NOT to do.
I mean Eliza herself in cannon is well over 1000 years old thanks to the parasite she's already bonded to with, Sekhmet, which has allowed her to make herself young and beautiful perpetually thanks to blood magic as well how the charity blood drives she helps run are only used her her own selfish reasons not to mention she's shown in her own story mode to be pretty ruthless and not above getting her hands dirty. She's pretty much a vampire at this point. Plus her animations in game have her morphing her body in a way very similar to how Symbiotes are able to in most depictions. So bonding her to ANOTHER parasite that is a lot more violent, takes pleasure in violence, has a pretty high kill count and who's name is literally Carnage was perfect... And also probaply pretty scary given she's likely now even more dangerous. Thankful even most people who don't know a lot about Marvel lore know how dangerous the Carnage symbiote can make someone so I'm sure people will remember to be careful around the otherwise beautiful Egyptian Diva.
Genie Michael: Most people know? That's pretty ironic coming from the same guy who didn't even know who Moon Knight was until a few years ago despite Moon Knight existing in Marvel since 1975.
Hey, that example Marvel barley did anything with the character outside of comic books anyway save for that one Spider-Man game from 2008 he cameo's in and only recently decided to have him be part of the MCU with his own series on Disney +. Carnage and Venom on the other hand Marvel's done a lot with so I have no doubt more people know them!
Inkling Michael: I don't know man, with the way some Mellenials and Gen Z's act over some of the stuff you talk about IRL I'm not getting my hopes up high. Hell, I'm not even from this universe and even I can tell you I get surprised when I see people here who have never owned or heard of Bionicle despite it's legacy.
GM: Yeah and not to mention we got people acting like the recent Dune movies are some sort of revolutionary Si-Fi story even though the franchise has existed for decades at this point thanks to there being several books, a movie from the 80's and lots of video games.
Artist is AmeerAshourDraws.
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Disclaimer: I wrote this prior to having any real knowledge of what mistletoe actually is and then I looked it up and I think Willow might actually hate it because it turns out it’s like a parasite for trees?? Pretend they’re in the human realm into Christmastime and Flapjack is still alive and everything is fine for a little while longer, okay? Happy holidays Huntlosers 
“I think my favorite part of human holidays is how plant focused they are,” said Willow excitedly as entered the living room before taking a seat on the ground beside Hunter, who was focused on cutting the most intricate paper snowflake possible.
“Camila said you’d like it,” said Hunter with a smile as he struggled to force the scissors through the paper he had definitely folded too many times.
“Who wouldn’t?!” Willow beamed, rummaging through her bag. “They’re all so pretty! There’s poinsettias and holly, not to mention you bring trees inside the house??” Willow added with gusto. “I’ve been doing that for years! And it’s like the main thing, I mean a holiday all about trees? Brilliant!”
“Woah that is cool,” marveled Hunter as Willow continued, looking at the snippings and twigs she had gathered. Camila had wanted to make their first human holiday season special, and apparently this time of year was nonstop holiday prep and who better than Willow to handle the plant aspect of the holiday? “What other plants do they bring inside?”
“Oh, this one has gotta be my favorite,” mused Willow, rummaging through her bag to get the sample she had found. “It’s a magical plant called mistletoe.” She said as she carefully handed it to Hunter.
“It’s magic?” He said, examining it. 
“Well, human magic at least,” said Willow with a shrug.
“‘Mistletoe,’ huh?” said Hunter, thinking it resembled neither of the things it was named after. “What an odd name. How do you activate it? Do you eat it?” He asked as he went to take a nibble.
“Oh no, it’s actually highly toxic,” said Willow, taking it from his hand. “It’s supposed to be hidden high up so you don’t see it right away.”
“Oh why? What’s it supposed to do?”
“Well, apparently when you’re under it with someone you have to kiss each other.” said Willow deviously. 
“Really? How interesting.” Hunter asked, intrigued. “Is it just a seasonal rule people agree to abide by or does it release magic when you’re under it that makes you want to kiss someone?”
“Hmm, I dunno let’s see,” said Willow, sitting up to kneel closer to him as she raised the plant over their heads. “Do you feel like you wanna kiss me?”
Hunter’s eyes went wide, literally having no idea how to answer that. He didn’t know how to tell Willow he was not the right person to tell if the plant was magic or not because its magical properties would be redundant if he was beneath it with her.
“I, uh-.”
“Oh wait, we probably have to hang it up properly to really see how it works. Could you put it above the entranceway?”
“Oh, yeah sure, of course.” he said quickly, rising to his feet to grab the step stool and making haste of tacking it on the archway in the living room. Willow stood beside him as they admired its placement “So now what? How do we know if it’s working?”
“Hmm maybe it’s supposed to trap you beneath it, and you can’t leave or enter the room until you kiss the person you’re trapped with,” said Willow, still trying to figure out the exact lore as she stood beside Hunter.
“Interesting,” said Hunter, taking a step back to test the theory. “It doesn’t appear to emit a force field or warning sound. How does it enforce the custom?”
“I dunno,” said Willow, sucking her teeth. “Maybe it inflicts a curse if you don’t.”
“Humans are so weird,” said Hunter fondly before he processed Willow’s words. “Wait, a curse? Like an actual curse?”
“I mean, maybe,” said Willow, adjusting her glasses. “This holiday seems very light and jolly on the surface, but then a lot of the stories Luz showed have a man watching your every move making a list of all the things you do wrong and ghosts haunting people who break customs.”
“Ghosts?” Hunter asked, trying not to panic. There certainly wasn’t room in the already crowded house for any ghosts.
“Yeah,” said Willow, still focused on the mistletoe, waiting for it to move or suddenly grow ten times its size to try and crush or attack them. “And they can like ruin your future, but it was only three ghosts so-.”
As Willow continued to think aloud, Hunter, not wanting to anger any holiday spirits, bent down and kissed her quickly on the cheek. She stopped herself and turned to look at him with wide eyes, a small smile pulling the edge of her lips as he stared back at her nervously, his face undecided about what emotion to express.
“Sorry, sorry,” he said, his face turning seasonally red as she fidgeted with his hands. “I-I just didn’t want you to get haunted or cursed or anything.”
“I should take this down until we know the effects and how to control them,” continued Hunter, trying to hide his stammering. “J-just in case.”
“Oh, right,” said Willow, snapping from her small daze, briefly touching the spot Hunter had kissed as the wheels in her head started turning. “Let me get the step stool for you.”
She went over to the living room and brought over the stool to place before Hunter, who hopped up. But before he could remove the mistletoe, Willow let out a small gasp that stopped Hunter in his tracks. “What?” He asked, concerned.
“I left the room and came back and now I’m standing under the mistletoe again,” she explained. “What if I re-triggered the curse?”
“Oh, do you have to kiss every time?”
“I don’t know,” said Willow, her voice adopting a concerned tone nobody else would believe. “I mean, maybe it’s fine.”
“I don’t think we should risk it,” said Hunter, leaning down and placing his hand under her chin to direct her face up so he could kiss her forehead. He was less flustered this time, more focused on keeping her safe than on any other implication the action could have. Willow was delighted.
“Oh no, but what about you?” Willow pretended to suddenly realize right before Hunter could remove the plant.
“I need to make sure you’re safe from bad luck,” said Willow, reaching up to pull him back down to her as she went on to her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. She lingered a little longer than Hunter had, probably to make sure it worked.
“Oh, uh thank you,” said Hunter, clearing his throat. “For keeping me safe from ghosts, I mean.”
“Of course,” she smiled sweetly, overjoyed at his awestruck look before he reminded himself what he was supposed to be doing as he went back up on the stool to finally remove the plant.
“Such an odd tradition, I wonder why humans keep it going.” Hunter wondered as he placed the plant back in Willow’s bag.
“I’m sure they have their reasons,” said Willow with a twinkle in her eye. “I’ll investigate it further, see if it has any other magical properties.”
The Nocedas went all out for Christmas. Every wall, every window, every inch of the house had something festive to display. Camila made sure each child had something special on the tree and Hunter took the liberty of crafting everyone their own stocking (“One giant sock? By the fire? Are humans ok?” Gus had asked). But despite the lack of understanding, they were all captivated by the house’s transformation and quickly fell into the holiday spirit.
Some more than others.
Evidently, humans really did value mistletoe because suddenly Hunter couldn’t enter a room without it hanging over him. Luckily, most times he’d be with Willow and she’d happily oblige and help free him from any impending curse. Willow was always better at spotting it and very often Hunter couldn’t even see the sprig she spotted before she would pull him down to kiss him to protect him from its magic. “Mistletoe,” was all she had to say to justify it, not that Hunter required proof. Hunter admired her commitment to keeping the house and him safe from holiday ghosts.
He had a few theories about mistletoe; maybe if the ghosts’ wishes were honored, they offered some sort of protection  and used the mistletoe as a way to communicate their presence. Maybe it was an invasive species trying to escape the cold the winter months brought, though he had a hard time linking this theory to ghosts. He wasn’t 100% how involved ghosts actually were. Or that it used its magical kissing ability in a misguided way to try and make this time of year more cheerful despite how awful it could get outside. He also wondered if the plant was drawn to him and Willow somehow, he could easily tie it to her abilities as a plant witch and his... own plant like features. But despite the mysterious and possibly dangerous nature of the plant, Hunter had become very fond of it to the point where he started seeking it out and it soon became an unofficial game the two played, seeing who could spot it first before they removed it so others wouldn’t risk being exposed.  
Something inside him hoped the holiday season would never end.
One day they were returning home from the library, each carrying a tote full of books. They swore it was all for research, but every book Willow saw with a wolf on the cover she checked out on Hunter’s behalf, delighting in quizzing his every growing knowledge. They reached the front door and as Willow rummaged through her bag for the door key, Hunter acted as impulsive as someone who had been thinking about doing this all day could. While she was distracted, Hunter dug a piece of mistletoe they had removed for the kitchen entrance earlier in the week from his pocket and skillfully stuck it above the door.
“Oh Willow,” he said softly, his voice a mixture of nerves and giddiness. She looked up at him and when she did she was met with a gentle kiss on the side of her face, right at the corner of her mouth. A small gasp left her lips, the breath frozen in the cold air and she looked up at him with wide eyes, her cheeks flushed with a gentle shade of pink. Hunter’s heart flipped at the reaction, at the fact that there was a reaction. Was she impressed he had found it before her? Was it because of the cold? They were both fairly familiar with the tradition by now; why did this time feel different?
“Um, m-mistletoe,” Hunter stumbled, pointing up to explain.
“Oh. Oh,” Willow looked up, genuinely surprised. “Huh, where did that come from?”
“Yeah, ya know it’s really so weird,” Hunter chuckled nervously. “It’s so weird how it just randomly appears, randomly. Like totally at random.”
“Yeah, totally random,” said Willow, raising her eyebrow. “It’s just so odd how it’s never appeared here before.”
Hunter’s face fell. Of course she’d know more about the migration patterns and typical locations of the plant! How could possibly think he’d be able to fool her?
Was he trying to fool her or was he just looking for an excuse to…
“It was me,” Hunter confessed as though being interrogated, averting his eyes to the ground, his deception weighing too heavily on him. “I put the mistletoe there
She gave the anxious boy a small, reassuring smile.  “Oh Hunter, I-.”
“I know it was wrong of me!” He went on, too ashamed to process her gentle tone. “It was risky, we don’t know what ghosts here are capable of or the rules of where they go but I guess I just...”
“Hunter, it’s okay! I-.”
“I know it’s a human custom and we shouldn’t be messing with it and we don’t understand how it keeps appearing-.”
“Hunter, I’m the one who keeps putting mistletoe everywhere,” said Willow quickly.
“Yeah,” she confirmed with a laugh, demonstrating by making a circle to summon a piece to appear above them to accompany the one Hunter had brought. “It’s okay.”
“Wait, so… is it dangerous?” Hunter asked, becoming more confused.
“Not exactly,” Willow said, smiling. “Camila said it’s actually harmless, most humans use it for decorations. They think it makes the holidays more… romantic.”
“Sooo…” Hunter began, kicking at the snow beneath him. “W-why did you keep summoning them? For decoration?”
“I mean, half the time I didn’t even bother to summon the mistletoe, I just thought saying it was like... our code that we wanted an excuse to...” As she continued, the look on Hunter’s face made it clear that he was not aware of the code. Her confidence faltered as her eyes darted from Hunter to her bag as she continued to search for the keys. “...but I guess maybe that was just me, sorry. Uh, it’s cold, we should get inside before-.”
“So- you still wanted to…” He fumbled over the word, the thoughts still swirling in his mind as he fought the chill the newly fallen snow brought. “Even though you didn’t have to?”
Willow looked back up at him and felt at ease by the familiarity of his flushed face. Maybe it was just because it was cold. Or maybe…
 “I guess I kind of like the silly tradition,” she admitted, tugging at the end of her braid. “I mean, didn’t you wonder why it only ever appeared above us?”
He did wonder that, he just really didn’t mind.
“I mean, it’s obviously a… very powerful magic,” Hunter said as eloquently as he could. “Which makes sense, if they were coming from you and you’re so powerful and talented and-um.”
“Hunter, since we’re being honest… Luz told me that there's no curses or ghosts linked to not kissing under the mistletoe.”
She nodded. ”It’s really just a harmless decoration. Nothing more.”
“There’s really nothing magical about it?” he said skeptically. ‘
She shook her head.
“Huh, weird,” he said, absentmindedly adjusting Willow’s scarf, assuming she was chilly from the crisp wind. “Then why do I still feel-?” He looked back up to Willow who eagerly awaited the end of his sentence but suddenly he felt frozen and he knew the cold had nothing to do with it. 
“Feel like what?” she asked with a smile that suggested she already knew. The rush he’d get when they’d walk in a room together, the ease with which she’d pull him down, the warmth the contact brought. 
“Like… I wanna protect you from ghosts.” He said bashfully.
“Maaaaybe it was a different kind of magic,” Willow said sweetly, stepping closer to him. 
“Ha ha, I uh um m-maybe,” he chuckled nervously, standing still as Willow continued to move closer. “A-are you cold? Your glasses are fogging up, do you want to uh here-.”
“Ya know, Luz told me something else about mistletoe,” Willow said, so close to him Hunter could feel the heat of her breath on his cold face.
“O-oh really?”
“She said usually when people kiss under the mistletoe, they kiss under the mistletoe…” she trailed off and raised her eyebrows playfully to him, taking his hands in hers to see if he understood the word within the word.
“They… ki-oh,” the deep scarlet that consumed his face like a brick let Willow know he understood. He cleared his throat as his response fought to come out, but he knew the answer was more than something he could merely say. The trill of the wind was the only sound as Hunter filled his lungs with the cold air and Willow held his hands tightly as he leaned down, just as he had earlier.
She slowly closed her eyes as she went up to meet him in the middle..
He brushed the hair that had escaped her hat to the side, small flakes of snow sticking to her black locks like stars in a night sky. One hand rested on her cheek to protect her from the snow as his own closed. They bumped noses for a moment before their lips gently collided. Her soft lips dusted his chapped ones as though testing the waters Hunter immediately reciprocated, titling his head to kiss her easier. Willow wrapped his scarf around her hands to pull him closer and his hat fell to the ground but he didn’t care, there was no cold that could reach him now. The cold metal of her glass bumped his cheek, and he gently used his free hand to move them up atop her head as though it was second nature to him.
Willow took that as a sign that he didn’t mind kissing her a little bit longer, suspecting that he too now felt immune to cold as she did. They had completely abandoned their tote bags, lost to the snow that continued to cover them. When they parted, Hunter kept her close and rested his forehead down against hers. “L-like that?” he said softly, hoping she would have corrected him sooner had that not been the response she had been seeking. She simply giggled in response, burying her nose in his vast scarf and he moved his hands around her back to embrace her, the chill catching up to him as he looked up at the dangling plant.
“Y-you sure it’s not a magical plant?” Hunter asked, and Willow looked back up at him with a spirited smirk. He was utterly captivated by the stunning combination of faint moonlight and dancing snowflakes working together to highlight the gentle rose color of her face. This wasn’t a curse, that much he knew, but there had to be some greater power behind this warmth, this comforting and terrifying feeling.
And the fact that it was mutual.
“Let’s see,” she said, still holding him tightly as she made a circle and the mistletoe above them vanished from sight. His eyes remained on her, knowing the plant was gone but the feeling still remained. “Do you… feel any different?”
“I feel…” he exhaled and the cold wind captured his breath as he searched for the words. “Like this should be a tradition year round.” 
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turvi · 2 years
Come Get Your Funky Lovestory-3
Pairings: Eddie Brock x f! Reader, Bucky x f! reader (slight)
Summary: Eddie and Y/n go furniture shopping.
Warning: Jelly Bucky, mentions of sex
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Credits to GIF owners. GIF NOT MINE
It had been almost a month and she was still unable to get hold of this Venom parasite. Instead, Y/n was hunting for furniture so that her neighbors are not suspicious.
"How about this couch" Eddie pointed toward a peach-colored couch. Oh yeah, I am furniture hunting with Eddie. It is normal. Right?
"No, the light-colored couches get dirty in months and take years to get cleaned"
"Touche" he smiles. Oh, his smile. He looks so soft
My pocket vibrates as he speaks to me. Why are they vibrating? Oh, I am getting a call. I quickly fish out my phone.
Bucky. Must be important.
"Hey, I need to take this call," I said pointing to my phone and he nods in agreement.
Eddie's POV
"Eddie she is talking to that man again"
I sighed at V's jealousy. Ever since I met and got to know Y/n all I want to do is dedicate all the love songs to her, pinch her cheeks when she giggles at my bad jokes and wrap her in my arms to protect her from the world.
She is so precious and caring but the only problem is that I have known her only for a month and there is no way you can feel for someone like this so soon right?
But V is right who is this man she talks to. When I bumped into her last month she was distracted talking on her phone with someone named Bucky.
What is Bucky?
"V she can talk to any man she wants it's not like we are together"
"Well we would have been together if you were not a pussy"
"Stop it V she is our neighbor and our friend"
I look around more while Y/n is still on her phone when I found a grey sofa cum bed.
"Ohk, Eddie I know I can be freaky but at least ask her out before thinking about bedding her"
"Ew V I was not thinking that, I just thought this will be comfortable"
"I know exactly what you were thinking I practically live in your brain'
"Ugh whatever I don't care what you think all I want my friend is to be comfortable"
"Yeah, you want her to be comfortable when you are taking her from-
"Y/N I FOUND IT" I interrupt him before he completes that thought.
I turned around to see Eddie pointing at a grey sofa cum bed excitedly.
"Who's that Doll? Bucky's voice dropped
"That is... um my neighbor"
"You didn't tell me about him"
"I didn't?". I didn't? How come? I tell Bucky everything even though we might have our indifference sometimes
"Sorry Buck I must have forgotten have been a bit busy"
"How well do you know this dude to go furniture shopping with him?"
"A month, it's ok Bucky he is a nice guy, he even helped fix my cabinets."
"He has been in your house too?"
"It was an emergency Buck my cabinets were literally falling and it was very late at night."
"You could have called me Doll"
"No, I am undercover here I can't call you here"
"Undercover using the real name?"
"Yeah I didn't think this through you know how bad I am at lying and why are you so mad I thought you would be busy with Sarah." I was really pissed that day I almost asked him out when he decided to flirt with Sam's sister.
She is an angel I shouldn't really affect my relationship with her because of my 40 year old crush on a man who just can't make up his mind.
"I am sorry Doll it's just that you are there by yourself and I am just concerned people will take advantage of you"
"What are you saying I am right here in New York LITERALLY everyone I know is here so chill" I sighed holding my head with my palm.
I turn to look at Eddie who sits on the sofa waiting patiently for me to finish my call. I feel guilty to make him wait.
"Look Bucky I promise I am alright and I will call you again tonight I have to go right now. B-bye" I immediately cut the call. Yeah, he is gonna be mad but he will understand.
"Hey sorry for taking so long"
"It's alright, I can understand. Long distance?" he asks his voice deflated nothing like this morning when I asked to join me in my furniture hunting
"Uh no, he is... not my boyfriend, he is my best friend" feels bitter saying that knowing how at one point I had such strong feelings for him and how long it took me to get over him.
"But your face tells another story" his eyes searching mine
I sighed settling myself on the sofa beside him
"I had loved him a long time but he gives me mixed signals, like one moment he is like I am the love of his life the next moment it is like I don't even exist now I have decided to finally move on and focus on myself." After I finish speaking I looked up at him to find him already looking at me "Sorry for rambling"
"That's good, hey my doors are open for you whenever you need to ramble to someone. I can make you cookies. Someone told me I make killer cookies" He smiles at me
"I bet moving on was not easy for you too" over the weekend Eddie told me about Anne and I told him how she sounds like a nice person and I would like to meet her sometime. I honestly need some friends who are not superheroes.
"It's not and that is why I want to be there for you"
"Thank you Eddie" I smiled sweetly at him
"Come on princess let's get you a sofa" he took my hand and led me toward the billing counter. I followed him giggling at his antics
A/N: Shit is about to hit the fan. Part 4
@noodletwogo @belladona-is-poisonous @preciousbabypeter
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redjaybathood · 1 year
It's kinda funny to mention, but when I was little, like middle school age, right, I was - still thinking about myself as Russian, or at least half- Russian, but that's beside the point - liked communism. Not the communists that were in Ukraine or Russia at the time (00s) because those were just parasites feeding on nostalgia about colbasa for 5 kopecks. Not the communism that was the USSR - my grandma, the one who raised me, haven't died at that point, and she liked to tell the stories about her childhood. Horrifying stories, to be honest. So I had less illusions about communists in the USSR than someone who knows about it only from Russian-approved books. The ones that were: genocide of Ukrainians and Qazaqs didn't happen, but if it did, it wasn't intentional, if it was intentional, it was justified.
But theoretical communism, ideas of Marx, ideas for the true democracy (ha! I've been young, pls forgive me). Those were something I really believed in.
But if you don't scroll down my posts when you see them on your feed, you probably know what attitude towards communism do I have now.
The worst part of communism isn't that it's not achievable, it's... Communists. They don't want to achieve communism. They don't live by communism.
There's no solidarity from communists with people of Ukraine, as far as I can see. There's a whole lot of working for Russian propaganda, intentionally or unintentionally. There's a total ignorance of real struggles that ethnic minorities, religious people (especially religious minorities), LGBTQA+, people went through, and - in case of Ukraine - are still going through thanks to their communism avatar, i.e. Russia. Not just ignorance, but maliciousness.
I've seen a girl with two sickle and hammers in her username posting this today:
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Can't show you the full post because I was banned. See, this person insists that Ukrainians are lying about honor killings in Russian occupied Ichkeria, lying about gay bashing, lying about anti LGBT legislation that Russians themselves advertise, lying about Russians literally using LGBT NATO instructors in Ukraine as a thing they're scaring their own people and make them despise Ukrainians even more. Or our Prides: see, Ukrainians are all filthy pidorasy (homos/fags) because of Gayropa (gay Europe) influence! That's what Putin is protecting Russians from!
Or we're lying about how one of anti Euro integration ads that were posted in Ukraine in 2013, ads sponsored by Russia, for they wanted Ukraine to never get closer to Europe and stay as Russian quasi colony; that advertisement literally was about how Europe will turn us all gay. The horror.
Russia with its prison culture where to be gay is about the worst thing you can be, except being gay and not white christian. God forbid if you don't live in Moscow or St Petersburg.
Yeah, that Russia.
So that person with hammers and sickles (which is truly ironic considering how in the USSR if they weren't shot or imprisoned in GULAG, they would fully understand what punitive psychiatry means; and don't say, well, capitalist countries also did that; no, not on that scale, and no, nobody there will be going, hey, this is good, this needs to be brought back, the way Russia does) says, eastern Europeans are lying about Russia and in truth, they're just awful to LGBT people. They say: just look at what comments I am getting.
Because yeah, being mean to someone on Internet is literally hundred times worse than killing LGBT people, or outlawing so much as saying publicly they're LGBT. Or, you know, invading a sovereign country.
They, a hammer and sickle person, don't live in Ukraine or Eastern Europe. They don't see the huge progress we made since we distanced ourselves from Russia, and that's because we distanced ourselves from Russia. They don't listen to LGBT people from Ukraine and EE, and in case of Ukrainians, they literally condemn them to die when they support Russia.
Where's the fucking solidarity? Where's the fucking equality? It's a fucking joke.
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unsleepingtales · 8 months
Burrow's End Episode 2 Reactions!
Ok so I watched this spread out over last night and this morning and now I'm in a Great mood for class! This episode was so good though. Really really truly this is wonderful and I love this season.
She thought they would have greater numbers?? Aabria you’re the one who wrote it what do you mean
Erika’s character look is so cool
That is what mothers are like yeah.
I don’t know about every stoat in the world being able to harness lightning magic but sure okay
This line of thinking from Tula feels very in line with what Brennan’s talked about in the past of it always being valuable for someone to have basic needs in mind, and it making everything easier and more enjoyable when those things are considered first.
Oooh paladin things!
This season is going to fuck me up incredibly badly and it’s not even going to be the sad shit it’s just going to be the parent/child interactions.
It hurts to be awake because it’s all I ever think about and there are no answers. So real.
Ava is so good to watch
Every time it cuts to Erika-
Ugh I love dnd so much
Every time Brennan gets a nat1 he kind of hides behind it lol
Tula has a -1 to arcana???
Love to see the weird british things counter return
Bear nearby and bear has small friends?
Vampire chipmunk??? What the fuck what the fuck what the fuckkkk
Ok oh my gif the threatening energy in “Oh, you didn’t beat me.”
I hate it I hate it I hate it no god please no
Izzy is so right about the magic school bus thing
My soul shoots straight out of my ass, into hell. 🙂.
This is so unpleasant to look at
This does not feel proportional but it’s fine this is fine
Erika is so good at being The Old Lady
Be better!!
So help me I will turn this bear around!
Oh my god
I get that the heart beating is important to convey that the bear is still alive but jesus
There’s literally enough bear already.
Parasitic chipmunks nesting inside a bear. Good lord.
God I keep looking at the projection. That’s so unsettling.
Bad! This feels bad!
Oh my GOD
What oh god please no
What a brilliant episode to be watching while I have breakfast
I’m so curious if the bear’s actions are legendary actions or lair actions
Oh that was such a new york mother voice
That was literally a commercial break. The Iyengar-Mulligan bit. That was a comic relief commercial break
Eraser destroying power couple lmao
Like a stoat!
As an experienced babysitter I can confirm. Eight year olds are strong and it is because they don’t know they are. Being punched by an eight year old fucking hurts.
They’re taking the Alvin thing so far and it’s incredible
Ava WHAT are you doing
Oh I had a physical reaction to that. That was so unpleasant.
You think you’ve got this (threatening)
(Aabria laughs at the nerve of this play)
I love seeing my own table dynamics reflected in others. Because this wild swinging from hysterical laughter to jaw dropping horror is exactly what happened literally four days ago in my current game.
If your spine isn’t working store bought is fine
I dislike this strongly
She’s in the medulla oblongata! (Mentopolis)
Oh my god Aabria
Terrifying right now but like I’m a fun way
Just a lil blood soaked guy
I really appreciate how Aabria always mentions who’s up next so they can prep
I love doing things that potentially have great consequences just to see what it would do.
Oh we’re in blue again ok
What a wild thing to be happening right now
Oh good god
Do NOT eat it
What oh god what the fuck are you doing
Oh ok.
No I don’t believe that they’re dead- well, they don’t look great…
Pick your one favorite organ
The devil inside my child’s head!
Level up eyyy
What a visual
And also to you :)
Oh my god
Ok! What a time. Wow.
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quamaii · 7 months
Seeing how much you love him I'm curious to know what your first impression of Orlam was🤣🤣
AJISJSJSJSKSJSJSM... I sure do love that funky little ratman. What can I say, he just fills me with pure joy (and sometimes utter despair, but that's to be expected with Carrot's writing)...
Hmm, my memory of it is a little cloudy since I first played OW three months ago (...time sure flies, huh...), but I think my very very first impression of him was like a mixture of pity + amusement? Like "wow, what a sad, scrawny little guy" but in a positive way if that makes any sense LOL. I don't think he ever had to grow on me or anything, I just kinda liked him from the start.
However, as I got to playing and saw more and more of his character... oh boy. That's when I became obsessed.
I already knew he was gonna be the King since it's mentioned so much LOL, but even then I was still quite excited for his appearance in Wonderland. (I have no idea why I write Wonderland capitalized. It just feels right? I mean if Orlam rules it then it is technically a government, so...) And I think that moment was what solidified him as my favorite. I just... loved how evil and fucked up he was??? I don't know why, but seeing him go crazy and become an evil tyrant with a literal hunger for revenge just did something to me. And his suave and confident personality didn't help. At all. Hello Tumblr Sexyman.
So yeah, I was basically already enamored with Orlam by the end of arc 1. And that feeling only grew the more I played and learned about him, until he infested my brain like a parasite and became the only thing I thought about 24/7. (Someone help me.)
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insanelyadd · 2 years
Deeply amused that the parasites are initially presented as a terrible and creepy threat who have taken over literally every other monster in the Underground in a sort of radical zombie apocalypse, yet when they're trying to take over Papyrus and he makes a number of demands, their response is 'we literally cannot say no or We Will Die. You're seeking a way to separate your brother from one of our own, which may result in said parasite dying, but we still have No Choice But To Agree.' It's a tragic situation that Fly and his brother were brought to this point to begin with but it's very morbidly humorous to me.
Yeah, I mean. They're my own parasites I get to say what they can and can't do. I say that they're weak lil bitches when confronted with two chronic insomniacs. Lucky for them the people they couldn't manage to possess Also aren't. You know. Insane people who want to kill everyone who's possessed.
These parasites take over through a calculated attack. They communicate to get the exact number of people they need to possess and plan who should be infected first by observing the patterns of intended targets for a short time. They likely figured everyone but those two guys who will have to sleep eventually is fine.
Mostly I chose this powerset because it was needed for the story I wanted to tell and the outcome I wanted. Also because I wanted to differentiate them from canon Fresh who I don't think has any restrictions to who they can possess. Human, monster, asleep, awake, willing, not. Don't think it's ever been stated who they can't possess, excluding soulless people.
Someone on deviantart mentioned Flowey hiding and you know what. That's fair. Flowey probably is losing his mind. Then again I set this pre-canon by a good while (Papyrus isn't wearing his battle body which is at least two weeks old). So you could just interpret it as him not having woken up yet, or not having been made. If he just isn't awake yet. Man. He's going to be real confused about his parents huh gbdsjkgdbsjgkdsfbk
But anyways.
Papyrus is just really cool and powerful and even though we all know he would never kill them it's a better chance for everyone else if they let him fuck off into the multiverse hoping the parasite will kill him by letting it feed off of him for long enough (another thing specific to this parasite is that essentially the parasites can live the entire lifespan of that monster in the same body as long as they don't put unnecessary strain on the soul - like traveling the multiverse - the opposite is implied to be true for the OG Fresh, where the possessed person will probably die sooner or later. Spoilers though, I am making the parasite and Papyrus become friends. Not in this comic, just, that's how it goes after the fact. CQ once stated that the more Fresh possesses one person the more it can feel (not sure if that still applies) so I'm going to have the same apply here, but them communicating through Papyrus' soul will definitely make that worse/speed it up. So they're besties. Wouldn't be the first time Papyrus has befriended a soulless creature.)
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
So I know I said that I was going to lean a lot more into the existential horror of her situation with Spare, but I'm starting to think I might be too good at it because I am genuinely starting to feel sorry for her and feel like a monster for what I'm doing to her. Heck when thinking through on the implications of a few things I even had thoughts of "wait but that would mean...oh jeez". Which I think k is a sign of good horror writing but I'm a very empathic person so I feel really bad for her.
One of the things that I realized is that she never learned how to learn. I know that sounds like nonsense but it is a real thing in early childhood development. All of her knowledge is just uploaded into her brain and covers everything Arceus thinks she should know. Info important to her mission and stuff a little girl should know. If she ever needs to know something that Arceus didn't consider he just updates her. A scene early on has her realize that she doesn't know how to tie her shoes. Arceus just gives her full knowledge of shoes so that in a second she goes from "not being able to tie them" to "could probably make a designer shoe with the right tools and materials".
So yeah her only frames of reference for knowledge and skills is "nothing" and "master" because Arceus went for overkill because why not? As such she has a hard time grasping different levels of knowledge and competence from various people because she herself has never experienced the gradual growth and understanding of learning something new.
Naturally this makes interactions with other people hard. It also means that for any knowledge she doesn't have that Arceus didn't give her she has no frame of reference for learning. No understanding of trial and error, building foundational information and working up from fundamentals, etc. She has to learn that learning is a thing.
And that's just one of many things that are wrong with her creation. Another is that she doesn't feel that human life has any inherent value so there is definitely going to be a scene where she tries to kill villains and someone has to stop Spare before she does so. Because she literally doesn't understanding why she shouldn't kill them.
You also mentioned that hopefully Spare's mother could be of help to her? Hoo boy, Spare has enough mother issues to spontaneously resurrect Sigmund Freud. For starters Spare doesn't really view her as her mother but as a victim whose life was rewritten against her will in order to accommodate Spare like some sort of parasite. Spare also feels guilt at her mother loving her because she knows it is artificial and that she has no choice but to love her. At the same time she wants to embrace that love and compassion (because Spare is ultimately a scared kid in over her head even if she can't understand that) but tying into the previous points that makes her feel guilty because she feel like doing so would take advantage of the poor woman for her own selfish reasons.
The more I go on the more I feel like Spare would look at WIP Cream's situation and ultimately go "Wow, wish I was put together that well."
OH NO that’s like gifted kid syndrome but infinitely more fucked up, I feel so bad for this kid D’:
(like at least gene is allowed to be bad at things - sometimes very bad at things - and actively works on learning, especially new battle styles etc. that didn’t exist when celebi made him 😭😭😭)
I mean if someone stops her from doing violence (not as a treat 😔) she might have to start learning about people at least -- because it’s not like arceus is going to show her any of that stuff, right??
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I have no clue what to title this but I’m just ranting about Squares! Okay soooo, here we go!
Well, I headcanon Squares as being nine. So if you hc him as being older or ship him with anyone non-platonically, I personally don’t agree, I’m not gonna attack you for it, but- I’d rather you to not interact with me? I just, don’t like the idea of him being any older than 9, especially since everyone in the game was like, “This guys a baby?! A toddler?!” I personally call any character who is younger than a teen a baby, so you’ll also need to remember that.
I know you guys’ll probably not like that, especially since it seems a little weird. But I honestly would rather you not interact if you view him older than 9, or ship him with anyone. So, yeah, please respect that wish, okay? I’ll mention his sister Marle, me and my brother hc her as being 21.
And also, Squares wouldn’t hurt anyone willingly. He didn’t even hurt the main cast, but a lot of people make him out to be violent. Sure he said he was gonna erase them, but, that didn’t happen. And likely the only reason he said that was because the heroes where, to him, parasites. Squares thought he needed to erase them in order to fix anything. So that’s what he tried to do.
Yeah sure, you could argue that he hurt Marle when he brainwashed her. But, he loves Marle, she’s his sister, he’d never intentionally hurt her at all. He probably didn’t know that she’d be hurt in any way from brainwashing her! And, the whole forgetting everything thing that happened probably also wasn’t intentional, and even if it was, he only would’ve done it to keep her from turning against him. (I personally believe that the forgetting everything thing that happened to Marle was the writers trying to make players feel pity for her.)
And, you could argue that he’s manipulative, he’s not! The only way he made Marle gather power for him was brainwashing her, that isn’t manipulation. Once she snapped out of the affects she was back to normal. Squares didn’t manipulate her.
The only thing Squares did was hurt himself physically and mentally! He’s not a bad person, sure he merged the worlds and tried to erase everyone, but, that only happened because Marle didn’t teach him. I know Marle isn’t in the wrong either, but she did cause him outburst towards the heroes by neglecting him. She ignored him, she forgot he was an infant.
He literally almost exploded, if the heroes didn’t help him he would have died! He screamed in pain, he couldn’t move, he probably would have cried if the writers weren’t cowards. I hope the next Puyo Puyo game, if they add Squares into it, they let the boy cry! He very much needs it but they seem to think that boys can’t cry! Can someone rewrite the PPT2’s ending exactly how it is but allow Squares to cry? He’s obviously in so much pain, so much pain he’s immobilized! He deserves to cry! (I am just angry, they even made him sound upset! But they didn’t let him cry! Just let Squares cry Sega! He’s an infant, a child, he should cry! It’s only healthy!)
Squares also isn’t overprotective of Marle, in fact, likely Marle is the overprotective one. Squares only reacted how he did in PPT2’s story because he wanted Marle to smile around him again, and the worlds changed and he was scared. He wanted things back to normal. But, he is in no way, shape, or form overprotective.
Squares also wouldn’t use swear words. I get kinda angry when people make him do that, due to personal hc that he’s 9yrs old. Marle obviously would’ve taught him to never do that, and he’d be legally unable to swear.
Also, I hc him as being aromantic & asexual, he physically cannot feel romantic love for anyone or anything. He has no intent of doing anything related to romance, he’s physically grossed out by it. He also has no way to do inappropriate acts with anyone (he also was never taught by Marle, due to him having no way to do them so he doesn’t even know they exist), due to how Marle made him.
I have sooooooo much more I can say but that’s it for this rant, expect more.
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meowstix · 2 years
ok so like idk how much i've talked about this fic idea before. but basically the jist of this at it's core is like. basically what if the digital sacred beasts affected their users in. much more physical ways to say the least! hence the whole body horror thing. uhh gonna put this under a read more since. well see the body horror part. but i do implore you to read more i have a fuck ton of text to write out.
funnily enough while yuya's fate is still fucked, and unsurprisingly probably more fucked up than in canon, BOY do the remaining like. 2 or 3 deaths? i don't know yet tbh but they get a LOT more fucked up. relatively speaking getting impaled several times is at the very least quicker, or atleast probably i wouldn't know i've never been impaled but YOU GET THE IDEA! anyway yeah while it's already kinda odd that in canon kai was the only person affected by Witnessing A Kid's Fucking Death. but here yeah no EVERYONE there, both the main gang and the saint shields, you do not just see someone go out like that and just go on as if you didn't just see some horrific shit.
so right off the bat. yeah! shit's fucked up! cut to later, the battle tower matches are abruptly cancelled. not sure exactly why this happens yet but it's not good that's for sure. so yeah Those Fuckers decide to stay in.. wherever-the-fuck-in-japan-this-is, and very quickly it becomes clear that there's something Off, though to varying degrees throughout the group since they've been using those fuckin. cyber beyblades or whatever the hell for varying amounts of time. but yeah soon enough there's very much starting to be signs of some sort of physical change, just enough to realize some REAL fucked up shit's going on here.
the red flags only become more obvious when. sigh. Jim (i forgot to mention the fun thing about kane and salima being the only relevant ones means i get Two free fucked up deaths in addition to the existing canon death) just seemingly vanishes altogether. the rest of the team doesn't acknowledge that he's gone at all, simply saying he's "staying home for the day" Every Single Time. and technically he Is still alive though to pretty much anyone Not in the horribly fucked up state of mind Those Fuckers are in he'd very much seem dead. very, very dead. someone miiight catch a glimpse of him in this weird fucked up state i'm not sure the details yet but yeah just know at this point cyber draciel, or more specifically it's sacred beast, is literally the only thing keeping him alive. eventually though he does very much die, at that point practically being an unrecognizable mess of wires and metal and probably some.. remains buried deep within there. it's only at this point, several days after most would have considered the guy dead, the rest of the team finally acknowledges him as well. dead.
see at this point. the digital sacred beasts are effectively parasites, or i guess the proper term is parasitoids? whatever you get the idea. point is, the digital tortoise as it's never Called but there's enough of the naming convention established that i can assume that's what it's called, it needs a new host. so the remaining 3 Those Fuckers decide (granted at this point it's pretty much the digital sacred beasts deciding) to give cyber draciel to the bba team. unsurprisingly they very much Do Not want it, but in the end they're pressured into taking it in a moment that very much confirms all their worst fears of what's going on (besides any involvement from psykick that is because those motherfuckers have Long left the picture at this point). so now max (because 1. no shit the person with draciel is gonna end up with it's cyber equivalent and 2. i Gotta give him a W in the end just this once no matter how fucked up the circumstances are) is stuck with This Fucking Thing and there's a new priority now: figure out how to destroy it as soon as possible.
this kicks off a plot thread that while it will still probably be pretty fucked up it might end up being a bit more lighthearted than the rest if only because i get to write some potentially fun interactions, in the "unauthorized fucking thing blow it up Now" gang we've got max, kyojyu, and ozma (because i WILL let the saint shields participate in this dammit) trying to find a way to stop the digital sacred beasts.
and then i'm uh.. not really sure. i know salima and Maybe kane will make it out of this alive, i'm not entirely sure on the latter though because with one idea i'm having he would very much end up dead in the end. salima will be fine though atleast in terms of being. alive.
anyway here's some other notes on this before i go to sleep:
i literally have zero ideas in terms of anything for hiromi to do but i'm not letting her be doomed to not-doing-things so i'll have to figure something out.
being the 1st and 2nd most involved people in The Yuya Incident kai and dunga are probably gonna end up having to go after cyber dranzer together. this is another one for fun interactions but also things will DEFINITELY get pretty fucked up too.
i was looking back at the battle tower matches and looking at how the digital dragon is able to "take over" the battle tower... yeah i'm definitely keeping that in mind for a final confrontation.
i'm probably forgetting some stuff but whatever i need to sleep. o7
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