#someone will pay for my school and all i gotta do is go work for em?
lafortis · 8 months
Goodnight gamers I have no plan I'm just a dude
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dira333 · 3 months
This Is Me Trying - Kageyama x Reader
there's one line missing that I'd have loved to include but I am still pretty okay with how this turned out instead.
Tagging: @alienaiver for helping, @screamin-abt-haikyuu and @lees-chaotic-brain for Haikyuu
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“Where’s Kageyama?”
The rest of the team turns at Hinata’s question, but their first-year setter is nowhere to be seen. 
“Not this again,” Daichi mutters in frustration, thinking back to Hinata’s missing shoes the day before. “We’ve got twenty minutes before our next game. I want us to all go in teams. Hinata, you’re with me. I cannot have you get lost as well.”
- Meanwhile -
“How long have you been playing volleyball? Who taught you? How long have you been a setter? How do you train? Do you get along with your team members? Have you ever hit a wall?”
“Huh?” You turn to the guy creeping up behind you, a bag clutched in his hands as he stares you down. Your teammates are sending both of you curious looks and you can tell that your Captain is just a second away from interfering.
“Can I help you?” You ask, surprised when he flinches away, stuttering. 
“I- am… I am Kageyama Tobio.” He bows so abruptly and so deeply that you fear for his spine. “I saw you play yesterday.”
“Ah?” You blink. “What school are you from?”
“Oh,” you blink again. “I saw you play as well. You’re their setter. What year are you in?”
“First. Your serve-”
“Alright, alright.” You pull him to the side by his arm and wave at your Captain before she can do something more drastic. “I have to say your drive is admirable, but you’re not the first person to ask for my secrets. Why would I tell you?”
Kageyama considers that for a second, brows furrowing. He’s really not good at making his face work for him. It might look cute though, if he relaxed a little. 
“I wanna stay on the court the longest,” he declares, face set in a scowl that could turn milk sour.”
“Again, you’re not the only one. You gotta impress me a little more, Kageyama-kun.” You snip two fingers against his temple, watch him almost short-circuit at the sensation.
To your surprise, Kageyama bows again.
“I want to spend more time playing with this team. I am not good with people. You are good with people. I need to learn more.”
“Fine,” you tell him after a second. “Gimme your phone.”
He doesn’t stop watching you as you type in your number. “If you win today as well, you can send me details about your play. Don’t forget to tell me where you’re staying. I’ll come by and we’ll talk about it, okay? Can’t promise it will help, though.”
“Kageyama!” Someone yells at that moment, and he turns to find two guys waving at him. One of them has a shaved head, the other has a bleached strand of hair sticking up like a lightning strike.
“Good luck,” you tell him, patting his shoulder. Kageyama leaves with one last look back at you.
“You’re in trouble!” Shaved head sings as he joins them. “Daichi’s mad as hell, looking for you. All because of a cute girl?”
“I didn’t- She isn’t-” He looks back as if to check, blushing bright red when he spots you still looking at him. “I wanted to know more about her technique, that’s all.”
Both guys laugh loudly. “You really are something else, Kageyama.” The guy with the Lighting Strike declares and then they’re gone.
“Why did you give him your number?” Your libero asks when you join the team again. “Aren’t you afraid he’s going to murder you for your skin?”
“No,” You laugh softly. “He reminded me of someone, that’s all.”
Karasuno wins. So do you. 
No one pays you any mind when you slip out of the hotel you’re staying in, jogging down the streets to where Kageyama’s team is staying.
“Oh,” Shaved Head spots you at the front door. “You’re the cute girl Kageyama found.”
“I am,” you grin, “I’m looking for him. Is he around?”
“Kageyama!” He hollers down the hallway. “Uh, he’s in the bathroom, I think. I’m Tanaka by the way. What team are you playing in?”
“Niiyama,” you explain and his eyes light up. “No way, you’re playing with Kanoka.”
“Exactly. You know her?”
“Yeah, we’re childhood besties. So, you won today, right?”
“Yep. Don’t know if she told you, but we’re thinking about making Kanoka Captain next year.”
“You are. Wow. Does she know alrea-” “I’m here!” Kageyama declares from the door, wet hair sticking to his flushed face. 
“Oh, you showered already?” You ask, “I thought we could do a run-”
“Right away,” Kageyama declares, already slipping into the shoes by the door.
“Forget it, hotshot,” you put a hand on his shoulders and drag him away, “not when your hair is still wet. You’re going to get a cold. It’s fine, it’s fine, we can still work without running around.”
And you do. Even though you have to pretend you don’t notice every single member of his team walking by, peeking into the little lobby, trying to catch parts of your conversation with him.
Kageyama, however, will not let himself get distracted. He’s sucking up every word you say and, as soon as you’ve figured out how he thinks, is able to discuss ideas with you at an impressive rate.
“So…” You lean back a little after almost an hour, ignoring the little red-haired guy who’s sitting at the door, listening in. “What are your plans? Do you want to become Captain in your Third Year? Make it to Nationals every Year? Play professionally after High School or go to College first?”
“I don’t have good grades,” Kageyama points out. “I just want to stay on Court for as long as possible. Play my best.”
“Hmmm,” you get up. “Tell you what. You have my number. Make it through these Nationals and go back home. Let me know how you’re feeling next school year, okay?”
“Okay.” He shakes your hand and bows deeply, staying far too long in the open doorway, looking after you as you leave.
You don’t feel you’ve done a lot for him today. You just listened, explained a few things, told him about your perspective.
But he’s acting like you’ve changed his world and you wonder if you did. And if so, in what way…
Kageyama’s sleeping on your bedroom floor.
Your mother would throw a fit if she knew, but she’s gone for the weekend and Kageyama took the three-hour train ride in stride just to spend a weekend training with you.
College Volleyball isn’t much different from High School Volleyball, except for the harsher course load. 
He’d been updating you weekly with the teams and his own progress, updates coming in more often when it turned out that the team had problems adapting to the new Captain, or rather, the lack of their old. 
“You miss Sugawara,” you point out only half an hour after he’s arrived. 
He looks surprised at first, but then easily gives in.
“I’m still not good at connecting with my teammates.”
“Have you tried the exercises that I gave you?”
He scowls and you laugh. “Come on, Kageyama, I know you’re better than that. Practice with me, then.”
Stiffly, he turns his head. “How are you doing lately?”
You laugh again, louder this time. “You’ve got to work on your expressions, but I’m doing okay, I guess. I don’t have that much time for training because of College, so I feel like I’m falling behind.”
Kageyama falls quiet and you nudge your elbow into his side.
“This is your chance to say ‘I’m sorry to hear that. Can I do something for you?’”
“Why did you go to College if it takes away time from playing Volleyball?” He asks instead and you stop, surprised by his question.
“Because I want something to fall back on if I can’t make it in Volleyball. What if I get hurt? What if I no longer want to play?”
Kageyama scowls. “Why would you want to stop playing?”
“What are you going to do when you’re too old to play professionally?” You ask back and he falls quiet. For the remainder of your run, he’s unreachable to you. Whatever he’s thinking about, he’s far, far away.
“What am I supposed to do instead?” He asks eventually, bangs hiding his eyes.
You’re stretching and he follows your movements, intent on copying you, as usual. As if you have all the answers in the world.
“Tell me about your Childhood, Tobio,” you ask instead.
That’s how you end up, him sleeping on your bedroom floor and you craving nothing more than to pick him up and hug him so tight that all the loneliness drains out of him.
You’re no stranger to grief, but it’s so different when you have to watch someone you care about in its clutches.
Karasuno doesn’t make it to the Nationals in their second year. Tobio still gets invited to this Year’s Youth Camp and you make sure to take that weekend off, taking the same train so you can sit next to him for three of his eight-hour ride, listening to him ramble on about school, Hinata, Volleyball. 
“You’re going to do great,” you tell him, wondering how it happened that you’re now feeling this way. As if he punctured your heart and crawled inside, making it his home without realizing it.
Third-Year Tobio is a heartbreaker. 
He tells you about the confessions he gets with the naivety of someone much younger. Every single time you have to force yourself to ask “And what did you answer?” only to hear that he’s declined, yet again.
You wonder what he’s thinking of you. You’re still a Star Setter, but do you have anything left to teach him? You think Sugawara did a way better job at that anyway. 
But he still makes the three-hour ride at least once every two months, sleeping on your bedroom floor when your mom is away for the weekend. 
One time you take his hand in a crowded train station and he doesn’t let go.
If only you could let yourself have this. 
But does he even think about you that way?
“Sugawara-senpai?” Kageyama asks, phone pressed hard against his ear. “What do you wear on a sleepover?”
He sits amidst his things, a volleyball in his lap.
“Pajamas, usually. Why do you ask?”
“Even if it’s with a girl?”
Sugawara sounds like he’s choking.
“A sleepover with a girl? Boy, you’re- wait, who are you sleeping at?”
Kageyama says your name with the familiar feeling of pride that comes with it.
He was the one who approached you and he’s the one who still gets to text and call you, visit you even. Not Hinata, who can make everyone like him, or Tsukishima, who’s somehow getting love confessions even though he’s an ass. 
“Well, it depends… on what you’ve already done together.”
“Done together?” Kageyama furrows his brows. “We’ve analyzed our games. And I get to play with her friends sometimes.”
“Kageyama.” Sugawara’s voice is serious. “I need to ask you this. Why are you sleeping over?”
“Because she lives far away and I can’t make both treks in one day.”
“I get that, but… why are you visiting her anyway? Just to get more tips?”
Kageyama halts for a second. “I… don’t know.”
“Mhm. Thought so. You know, most boys sleeping over at girls' houses have more than just Volleyball tips in mind.”
“She’s giving me tips on how to get along with my teammates as well,” He explains, but Sugawara just chuckles low in his throat.
“That’s not what I meant. I guess you know what it’s going to look like, right? That’s why you’re asking what to wear?”
Kageyama digs his knees into the floor of his room and bits down on his lip but the words still tumble out.
“I’ve never been on a sleepover before. One that’s not the whole team sleeping somewhere, I mean. I didn’t want to ask Hinata because he’s got so many friends and he might think-”
“Ah…” Sugawara interrupts him. “I get it. Don’t worry. We’ll go over this like we did with the topic of Smalltalk, okay? Basic steps first, then some finer things. Would that help?”
“Yes, thank you.”
Girl’s rooms look different than boy’s rooms, Kageyama knows.
His sister’s room is filled with pictures of celebrities, make-up, and accessories have driven out anything volleyball-related long ago.
Yachi’s room is colorful, with little designer pieces and cute stationery she likes to collect.
Yours is different altogether.
The prizes you won are proudly displayed, next to a collection of textbooks. There’s a bed and a small closet and you serve him tea on the floor of your room, giggling over the stories he tells from training.
Kageyama likes talking to you. Just like Sugawara, you never mind when his words come out more brash than they should, or when he can’t figure out how to word a question right. You’ve got kind eyes and a soft smile and you touch him more often than other people.
Telling you about his grandfather or his fear of ending up alone again - the words might not come easy, but you handle them gently, like it’s safe to let them rest with you.
You snore a little, he figures out that first night. The softest sound he wants to never forget.
Sleeping over at a friend’s house is something he wants to do again and again, talking low in the darkness, knowing that someone who cares is just a short distance away.
When he has to leave you hug him goodbye. 
For the first time, he thinks he knows why people do it, this seemingly unnecessary ritual of enveloping each other.
For the first time, he thinks about not letting go.
But his train’s going to leave without him and you wave until the train station is out of sight. Kageyama likes to think you waved a little longer. Just because.
“Are you away this weekend, Kageyama?” Has become a regular question. 
Hinata’s no longer pestering him with questions about his private training sessions on the weekend. 
He’s getting better at working with the new First Years and a new invite for the National Youth Camp has him reach for the phone to call you.
He’s more nervous than last time and he wonders if it’s about you, sitting next to him on the train, legs pressed together on the small seats. 
You smell sweet and he wonders if he could hug, just like that, just because. 
Do people do that? Just hug for no reason but to touch? He should ask Sugawara about it.
“You’re going to do great,” you say and he wants to promise that he will, just for you.
But he doesn’t, because that would sound weird, wouldn’t it? 
After all, he’s so much younger than you. 
Do you even think about him in that way? The way he thinks about you?
Your hand fits perfectly in his.
Kageyama knows the taste of your favorite dessert and always has some money saved to buy you a flower or two at the train station before he gets to your house.
Sometimes, when you sleep, you mumble his name and he can hardly make himself fall asleep because he wants to hear it all, every quiet mention, mumble or snore.
You’re real and you like him, still.
“Are you coming?” He asks when they get through the Qualifiers; when he knows he will make it to the Nationals one last time with this team.
“Of course,” you say and his heart leaps into his throat. 
Kageyama almost tells you, then and there, that he thinks this might be love.
But it doesn’t feel right, over the phone like that, so he pulls the words back before they can spill from his lips.
He will tell you, he promises to himself after they win. This time, Karasuno will be the last one standing in Tokyo.
“Oh, you’re here as well,” a guy with greyish hair and a beauty mark beneath his eye waves at you, “We’re sitting over here.”
“Do I know you?” You ask, taking the offered seat nonetheless. The guy pouts and his friends laugh.
“I’m Sugawara,” he explains, “Kageyama’s Senpai. These two are Daichi and Asahi, not that you’d recognize them, right?”
You laugh. “No, guilty as charged. I don’t think I remember any names from your team besides Tanaka and Kageyama.”
“Someone called my name?” Tanaka jumps down the last two steps leading to your seats, grinning. “Kiyoko, they’re already here, Babe.” He waits for his girlfriend to take a seat before leaning in. 
“You’re Kageyama’s girlfriend, right?”
“Oh, it’s not- I…” You wave your hands around awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Tanaka laughs.
“Ah, I knew it, I knew it. No way he’s got that much game. But he’s got lots of talent, don’t you think.”
“He does,” you take the offered topic, lament about their Kohai’s talents for over half an hour until the players finally arrive, warming for their first game. More of Karasuno’s former players have gathered around you, as well as a taiko drum group.
Sugawara lets out a shrill whistle using two fingers and most of the Karasuno players look up, obviously used to the signal.
You wave, hoping against hope that Tobio will be able to pick you out of the crowd.
From this distance, it’s hard to tell, but that frown could mean he’s smiling. Sugawara starts to point at you exaggeratedly and you slap his hands away but it’s too late. 
Tobio has already turned away.
He doesn’t play well at the beginning. Everyone notices.
It takes him a while to find his grove but when he does, he does.
Then it’s over and you wish to do nothing more but to run down and hug him. But it’s safer up here, you know, where your heart won’t leap out of your throat.
But then you have to leave, get up, and move, because the Niiyama Girls are playing in the other hall and you promised you’d watch their game too, knowing that it would sync up perfectly with Karasuno’s rest period.
“I’m going to be back for the next game,” you promise, “so don’t give my seat away.”
Your heart still hammers in your chest as you walk down the staircase.
If only you could keep these moments, locked up in a mason jar, take them out on bad days to relive them again.
“Are you leaving already?” Tobio’s looking up at you, sweat slick hair sticking to his temple, face flushed from exertion.
“I’m just moving to the other stadion to watch the Niiyama Girls,” you explain, pull him in for a hug when you reach him. “You were amazing.”
“Thank you,” his hot breath tickles your neck and maybe you’re imagining it, but you think you feel his heart racing through the thin jersey.
“Your start was messy though,” you reprimand him, your hand moving on its own to shuffle through his hair, putting each strand back where it belongs. “But you saved your ass. I’m going to be back for your next game, don’t worry.”
“I could come with you,” he rushes out. “It doesn’t really matter where I rest, right?”
You catch a look from Karasuno’s captain over Tobio’s shoulder. A smile dances over his freckled face and he makes a face that tells you everything you need to know.
“Fine,” you tell him, knowing that a ‘No’ would never work here, “But you should put on a jacket.”
His hand finds yours on the way to the other game, his grip warm and strong.
You don’t want to ever let go, but you still do, knowing full well how it would look like to your Kouhai’s. You’ve never had a boyfriend in the whole time you played with them. 
And even though the first years still remember Tobio showing up back then, you don’t want to give them any ideas that might come back to break your heart.
“You and Sugawara-senpai,” Tobio starts as soon as you’re sitting, “did you get along well?”
“I guess so,” your leg is pressed against his, the sensation shooting up your spine and into your brain. “He’s nice.”
“How nice?” He asks, voice so low you almost miss it.
You blink. The words are out before you’ve thought them through.
“Are you jealous, Tobio?”
“Should I be?”
You’re not sure how he means it. Teasing? Or is he unsure of this social construct, asking for an explanation?
He takes your hand, looks at it as if checking for injuries. “Would you hold my hand if Sugawara was here as well?”
Your mouth turns dry.
“Would I be allowed?” You ask. “I mean, I’m a lot older than you-”
“I like you.” He blurts it out like he blurts out most things. Two guys in front of you turn around with matching frowns. You’re sure they didn’t come here to hear your love confessions.
“We should talk about this later,” you whisper, cheeks burning. You press his hand. “I like you too, don’t worry.”
“Can’t we talk now?”
And maybe it would have been better to slip out and talk about it, but you’ve never once missed a minute of a game you wanted to see and Tobio’s hand doesn’t leave yours, his grip warm and heavy, his leg pressing into yours.
There’s much to talk about after this game ends and all the other ones today. There’s graduation and other things to consider, but you can’t help but think that it will be okay.
As long as his hand stays in yours, it will be okay.
“Where’s Kageyama?”
You turn to spot Sugawara looking through the crowd.
“Bathroom,” you explain. “I think he had a bit too much to drink.”
“Ah,” Sugawara smiles. “Haven’t had the time to properly talk to you today. How are you? How’s work doing?”
“Good and good. Our last match-”
“I know,” Sugawara smiles. “Kageyama tells me everything. He still calls every week to update me. He spent an hour boasting about that game.”
“Oh,” you blink, a little surprised and a lot flattered. “Wait, is that when he locks himself in our pantry for half an hour each Friday?”
Sugawara laughs. “He’s been asking for my advice for years and I don’t think he’s going to stop soon. I thought you knew, actually.”
“Well, I knew you taught him a lot concerning Volleyball, but this sounds like you did a lot more. Tell me the details, Sugawara-san.”
Sugawara grins cheekily, checking to see if Tobio’s still nowhere to be seen.
“When he spent the weekend at your place for the first time he asked me all kinds of questions. I’m the one who picked out the sleepwear he brought. He usually slept only in boxers or nothing at all depending on the temperature.”
You feel the heat rising to your cheeks. “I see. Thank you’s are in order.”
“Uhuh,” Sugawara winks. “Nothing to thank me for. You two deserve each other.”
“That just sounded mildly threatening,” you joke just as Tobio returns, threading his arm through yours.
“What are you talking about?”
“Your weekly talks with Sugawara-san,” you lean into him. “And the fact that you only wear sleepwear because of him.”
Tobio blushes a soft red. “You said you liked my Volleyball Pajamas.”
“I do. They are adorable.”
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srjlvr · 16 days
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JUST when you thought your life couldn’t get any worse after your biggest break up of the year, someone posted your (very) much hateful list about your ex.
PAIRING. Ex!jake X Ex-fem!Reader
GENRE. fluff(look at me putting this first in genre) , angst , exes to lovers.
WARNINGS. y/n is kind of a bitch towards jake ig, jake is a big big player, lots of miscommunications, also very much not proofread!! i shall add more if i missed something!
NOTE. there we go again with this story cover, im outta here, graphics and me are not friends UGH i gotta start paying for someone to actually do this for me smh. anyways!! everything here is FICTIONAL!! i do NOT see jake nor any of the characters like that in any way!! if you don’t like it—youre very welcomed to skip!!
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you thought you had your brightest future in your hands.
being an ace student, scoring A+ in all of your tests and winning the teacher’s favoritism, all of that while also being the most popular cheerleader of your school.
you’re literally living everyone’s dream, not only being a popular student, but also dating the most popular student who also happened to be your highschool’s basketball team leader, jake sim.
girls swoon for him, beg him to notice them, even go as far as to send him gifts that costs probably more than their own house, but no, his eyes search for one person and one person only, and that’d be you.
“i’m sorry, i can’t continue all of this”
“this? what do you mean—“
“i mean us, this relationship, i don’t think it’s going to work anymore”
“that’s all you got to say?”
“do you expect me to cry and get on my knees, begging you to regret this?”
“speechless now, are we? i’ve been waiting for this day”
denial was your best friend, and you might’ve realized it a bit too late.
you were hurt, fuck you wanted to break down and cry. but he doesn’t deserve to see that.
you ignored so many red flags in your relationship, you were lovesick and pathetic, all for him, it broke you apart. but you do not want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry.
“i don’t want to hear it jake, i’m actually glad you took this step”
you’re not glad at all, you do love him.
“i wish you the best” he said quietly and left.
this whole relationship felt like a mistake for the both of you, it was toxic, too toxic.
like those you see on TV shows where the popular girl and guy just date for fame and nothing more, yeah, just like that.
but you loved each other, you really did. communication was your biggest enemy, and that’s what lead to this whole toxic relationship mess.
“what a fucking asshole! it hasn’t even been a month and he’s already all over the girls! pathetic”
your best friend rolled her eyes, “am i wrong? he was always a player”
you shook your head.
she wasn’t totally wrong, even before you started dating he used to hold a different girl in his hands every other day.
big player indeed.
you on the other hand, no matter how popular you were, you stayed reserved. many boys tried their luck, but it was no use.
though being reserved, you didn’t mind the looks the other boys gave you, and took every chance you had to show yourself off.
therefore it was so surprising to everyone that you and jake started dating.
the biggest player and the reserved popular girl, dating? this had to be a joke.
the truth is that jake had been keeping his eyes on you for long, and he knew that he has to hold you in his arms and show you that a player like him can actually love.
at first it took him time to break down your walls, but he did his best to assure you that he’ll never let anything bad happen to you.
that was….well, until he decided to break things off.
“yeah, he was, once a player, always a player” you agreed with her, glancing at jake and rolling your eyes when noticing that the girl he was flirting with is having too much fun.
“let’s just go, i’m tired of watching those clowns” you sighed and walked away.
“y/n! i’m sorry you had to witness….well—“
“it’s okay sunghoon, really”
before you and yeji could walk too far, sunghoon stopped you.
sunghoon is jake’s best friend, you and him weren’t the best at making conversation while you and jake were still together, but when you broke up, something changed between the two of you.
“don’t mind him, he can be a total asshole sometimes”
“sometimes?” yeji chuckled and sunghoon nervously scratched his nape.
“thank you sunghoon, i’m fine though” you gave him a weak smile and walked away.
“well if there’s one thing that’s good about jake is that his best friend is smoking hot and totally into you!!” yeji clapped her hands.
you rolled your eyes in disbelief, “yeji i don’t think you get it, he’s just being nice because he feels bad about his best friend acting like a dickhead”
“oh y/n, i can read face expressions, he’d definitely ask you out if only things weren’t so difficult”
“don’t push it!”
“that’s the ONLY good thing about jake though, i feel bad for that walking red flag, he’s so bad at keeping his relationships”
“i should make a list of things that i hate about him and send it to every girl in school so they’d know they need to run away from him!” you joked.
“i’d definitely help you, i’m sure as hell that it’ll make his ugly face vanish” she was joking as well.
you both were joking, you knew it very well.
so how the hell did you find yourself sitting in your room desk, writing a list about the things you hate about your ex?
“one, he’s smoking hot, his visuals can mess up your mind” you’re writing everything down as you’re saying them out loud.
complimenting him on your first point? way to go girl!
“two, he’s a big fat player, once your date is over he’s already probably running to find his next” you rolled your eyes to this one.
not even a month passed and he’s already flirting with others? what a loser!
“three, so full of himself! it actually hurts to see a person who loves himself so much he could probably die!”
that one time he wouldn’t stop talking about how many girls asked him out in one night? yickes!
“four, so toxic and possessive! don’t want you around any guy while he walks around and talks with any girl he sees”
when he got jealous that you spoke with your childhood friend about the most random thing ever? disgusting!
“five, puts milk before cereal, i don’t even need to explain!”
a walking red flag or what?
after finishing the rest five points you had to make, you decided to call it a night and drifted away to dreamland.
“i know we were joking about the hateful list yesterday, but i actually made it”
you put your hand over yeji’s mouth and giggled.
“it just felt so good! i feel so relieved now! i don’t even want to post it, but it just felt so right to just let everything out”
“so proud of you, girl! finally let it go and move on!!” she pat your shoulder and then proceeded to hug you.
“where did you hide that list?” she raised her brow.
“i just brought it with me today, i put it in my locker and i’ll probably burn it by the end of the day, i just wanted to show it to you first before i do it”
“now that’s my girl!”
yeji is the bestest friend you could’ve ever asked for. she was always there for you.
ever since you were little you were stuck like a glue, you had each other’s backs and you were more than thankful to have her in your life.
“hey y/n! i was just wondering, do you perhaps have notes for the last maths class? i missed it because of practice and i’d really like some help” sunghoon showed up with a grin.
“sure, they’re in my locker, i’ll bring it to you” you nodded and he shook his head.
“i’ll come with you”
“oh? okay”
he followed you to your locker and waited for you to give him the notes.
“what’s in this paper?” he asked as he looked at the very cute designed paper.
“oh? that’s nothing really” you shrugged it off and quickly closed your locker, “bring them back to me when you finish”
“i will, thank you!” he said and walked away.
you opened your locker again to take out the paper, you sighed heavily and shoved it into your bag.
“six, he can’t keep his promises! if he’ll ever tell you he’ll play some video games with you, don’t believe it!!” yeji read it out loud and laughed.
you laughed with her, suddenly finding this list so funny.
“seven, his puppy eyes are definitely misleading! he’s a one manipulative bitch and he won’t be afraid to use his cute puppy eyes!” she rolled her eyes, “is that a good or a bad thing?”
“bad thing obviously! it’s literally written there that he’s manipulative!”
“girls love puppy eyes! you should know that!” she preached and you rolled your eyes.
you spent the rest of your lunch break giggling and laughing about this stupid list.
“i’m returning this to my locker, i’ll burn it after practice today” you told her and she nodded.
“i need proof of that, video call me when you do it!” she said and sent you off to practice.
arriving at the field, you found your friends and practice started.
“hey, y/n!” as you were packing everything in your bag and exiting the dressing room, sunghoon, who was already there waiting for you called you.
“hey, you” you grinned.
“will you let me do the honor and walk you home today?” he asked ever so nicely.
“sure!” you smiled and began to walk with him, completely forgetting about the paper you had to burn.
“i can’t believe you forgot the paper in your locker! what if someone steals it?” yeji complained over the phone right after you texted her that you forgot about it.
“yeji! no one knows it’s there except you! it’s not ‘to all the boys i’ve loved before’ story! you can calm down” you sighed.
you were right though, who knows this locker holds up something that can completely ruin not only yours but also your ex’s image?
“i guess i’m gonna let this slide today, but i’m going to burn this paper with you tomorrow!”
“how was your walk with sunghoon~?” she teased.
“it was cool, he’s such a cute guy, surprised that he’s still single honestly”
“i think we both know why”
“i’m gonna go sleep!” you changed the subject and before she could ask any more questions you hang up.
the next day you found yourself yet again a victim to yeji’s new gossips while trying to take out a few things from your locker.
“so as i was saying—are you even listening to me?” she looked at you while you looked at the mirror that was hanged in your locker and applied your lipstick on.
“hm? oh yeah”
“you’re a lost case”
“we’re gonna burn this paper today! and then i will finally be able to feel free from this relationship” you smiled, explaining to her that it was the only thing on your mind.
“you’re damn right! this hate list about jake is going to be burnt today!!”
“this hate list about who?”
you jumped hearing someone else’s voice behind you.
“oh! yena, didn’t see you here” you chuckled nervously.
“just here to tell you that coach said there’ll be another practice today, i came here privately because, you know, you’re too busy in other things to care” oh she’s a one of a kind bitch.
you gave her a sarcastic smile, “i already know that, but thank you”
she returned the fake smile and walked away.
“that was so close!”
“you should be more careful, this girl is just looking for something that’ll bring you down” yeji whispered and you nodded, “i guess you’re right, at least she didn’t really hear all of this”
school ended and so did your practice, yeji leaned on the wall next to your locker as you searched for the paper.
“i could’ve sworn i put it right there!!”
“y/n think!! maybe you put it in your bag?”
you handed her your bag for her to search it.
“oh! i found it! it was between those notebooks” you giggled, “but i could’ve sworn i put it under all of my books”
“at least you found it” she sighed and put her hand over your shoulder.
“let’s burn this bitch!”
looking at the little fire you made with yeji made you feel excited and mostly happy.
you let all your thoughts together with this paper to burn.
your relationship was toxic, but this time was the most beautiful time in your life.
you and jake really did love each other.
one time you were sitting together in the library, trying to study the new material your teacher gave you.
“what are you up to?” he asked.
“studying, that’s why we’re in the library” you smiled.
“that’s so boring!” he pout. you giggled and pecked his lips, “you can be on your phone or something until i finish”
“no” he shook his head, “i want to do something with you”
“let’s go! i’m taking you on a date!” he grabbed your hands and dragged you out.
you spent the rest of your day together, sharing a few snacks and joking around.
it was the perfect kdrama couple everyone dreams of.
you ended up sleeping at jake’s house that day, and he made sure you knew how much he loves you.
“i can see our future together,” he smiled and held your hands, “me, a famous basketball player and you, my pretty partner”
you were sitting right across him on his bed and raised a brow, “oh? so i get to do nothing?”
“i’ll make sure to work hard so you could rest and never work for your entire life” he hugged you and pecked your cheek.
“remember that promise, i’ll use that against you in the future” you joked.
“that means…..you too see a future for us?”
“of course”
he put his hand on your cheek and moved you closer to him, he kissed you so deeply you could feel his love to you was sincere.
that small flashback of this romantic moment made you smile, you really do miss him.
but a dark memory came right away, not leaving any place for the sweet memories to stay,
“oh so i didn’t pay attention for you for once and now you’re giving fuck eyes to my best friend?” he yelled.
“you’re such an idiot sometimes! sunghoon was actually kind enough to apologize on your behalf! you were basically embarrassing me in front of everyone!”
“so now sunghoon’s the hero? go to him then!”
“why are you so stup—“
“i don’t want to hear your complains, y/n!”
“oh really?—“
“yes! go away!”
thinking about those moments reminded you why you’re still here looking at the hateful list you made about him.
he was toxic, possessive, and full on narcissistic, it was so hard to love him sometimes.
yeji came up to hug you when she noticed a few tears streamed down your face.
“let it go now, you already proved yourself you don’t need him” she smiled and you nodded.
“let’s go home”
the next day felt a lot better than the others, the sun was shining brightly, birds were singing, a big smile was smeared all over your face and most importantly, you felt free.
“morning, y/n!”
“morning yeji! lunch is on me today”
“i look up to you so much, my queen” she faked a bow and you giggled.
the day is going to be amazing, and so are the other days! you’re so sure of it.
you decided to keep up with jake’s game and even started flirting with other guys, not even minding if your ex was watching or not.
usually you would, but not now, or never again.
“what’s your fucking problem?”
while talking to some guy you don’t even remember the name of, jake grabbed your wrist and stopped the conversation.
“what do you mean—“
“i mean flirting with him, he’s supposed to practice—“
“you don’t return from break for the next ten minutes, i can talk with him in the meantime” you rolled your eyes.
“coach said—“
“don’t make up things now and don’t act like you care, we’re already over”
“don’t play this game with me now jake, you can return to your fangirls and leave us alone” you scoffed and released his hold on your wrist.
he rolled his eyes in annoyance and walked away.
“did you see the way he looked at you? i bet you my whole money that he still loves you” yeji sounded as annoyed as he was.
“be ready to go bankrupt because there’s no chance”
“this asshole thinks you’re still in a relationship, he’s sooooo pathetic!”
“yeji, let’s stop talking about him” you groaned and she nodded.
you were in a really good mood today but he totally just ruined it.
the next few days went by so fast, you felt happier by each day that comes by, and nothing could ruin your mood.
that was until today’s morning.
as soon as you stepped your foot in the school’s hallway, people started gossiping.
“y/n! about point five, does he really put his milk before cereal? that’s disgusting!” a random student just popped up and asked you that question straightforwardly.
a few more students gathered around you and you couldn’t even understand a bit of what they were saying.
“excuse me! coming through!” yeji yelled and pushed everyone aside.
when she noticed you in the middle of the circle, she grabbed your hand and dragged you away.
“are you crazy? why would you post the list?!” she asked frustratedly.
“what list?”
“don’t play dumb!”
“no i’m really serious, what are you talking about?”
she glanced up at you and showed you her phone.
“no way!” you gasped.
someone posted your list!
“yes way! are you that stupid?”
“yeji that wasn’t me! i would never do something so dumb!” you reasoned yourself.
right, why would you even post this if you knew it was going to ruin your reputation?
she sighed and walked back and forth.
“it wasn’t me either!” she said almost instantly.
“yeji, you’re the only one who knows about this list” you said suspectedly.
“y/n, do you really think i’d post this? after shit-talking about him and threatening to kill him multiple times?” she looked genuinely hurt.
you know her ever since you know yourself, she wouldn’t do such a thing.
“you’re right” you sighed.
“so,” she spoke, “who’s the asshole?”
“i wish i knew” you scoffed, “i’d like to know who wants to ruin my image”
there were a few seconds of silence, “yena!” you and yeji shouted together with wide eyes.
“this bitch!” yeji spat, “she probably heard us talking about it!”
“oh i’m gonna give her some good bea—“
you were cut off by the bell and had to head straight to class.
you waited for everyone to get in and told yeji you’d come right after you get to your locker and take your notes.
the hallway was empty and you sighed in relief.
“YOU!!” you heard someone shouting across the hallway.
guess it wasn’t so empty after all.
you looked at the person and found the last person you wanted to see.
“you ruined my life!” the person just got closer and closer and you closed your eyes tightly.
“is it because of our break up? that’s how you get back at me? you ruined everything!”
you sighed heavily.
“and what’s with those points? eight, he’s such a nerd for physics it actually hurts, he won’t stop talking about it all the time, nine, thinks his dog is the cutest and will argue you if you don’t think like him, and ten, he’ll use your deepest secrets against you, he cannot be trusted???” he read out the list for you in disbelief, although you already know it.
“those are all lies aren’t they? why did you even—“
“well what am i supposed to do now? it’s already posted, and no! these are not lies! they’re the truth, if you only cared about how i felt in our relationship you’d realize how much of a dick you were” you scoffed and closed your locker, prepared to go to class since you were already too late.
you glanced at jake one last time, he looked speechless, confused and hurt.
were you too much? maybe. but he deserves it.
“hey y/n! should i be careful if i want to date you? i don’t want a hateful list posted about me if i ever break up with you” a random student yelled from across the hall as you were busy talking with yeji.
you glared at him and decided not to reply.
“ignore them, this whole thing will probably vanish in a few days” yeji caressed your back and you sighed.
“i hope you’re right—“ before you could continue, a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you away from yeji.
you looked at the person in charge and when you noticed it was very angry looking jake, you started panicking.
“hey, let me go!” you tried to let go of his hold but it was no use.
“why didn’t you delete it yet?” he asked angrily when you got into an isolated place.
“delete what?”
“are you that stupid?”
“obviously if i’m still talking to you”
“i’m talking about the post”
“it wasn’t me!” you argued.
“sure, and i’m actually queen elizabeth” he rolled his eyes, clearly not believing you.
“think about it, why would i ruin my reputation?”
“i don’t know, to get sunghoon’s attention? that’s all you ever did” he shrugged.
“you’re a piece of shit, you know that? try to figure who it was on your own” you spat and walked away, leaving him deep in thoughts.
“oh! there you ar— are you okay?” sunghoon who casually bumped into you noticed your frowned eyebrows and tightly closed fists.
“go to your friend, i think he needs you more than i do”
he slowly nodded, still worried about you but you just kept walking away.
“hey dude! what’s going on?” sunghoon noticed his friend’s weird behavior.
“sunghoon,” jake spoke, “who do you think posted it?”
sunghoon shrugged, “it could be anyone”
“who wants to destroy my image? do you think there’s someone that does?”
sunghoon looked at his friend in disbelief, does he really think only about himself now?
“maybe it was someone who wants to get back at y/n and not you? not everything revolves around you, you know”
ouch. truth hurts sometimes.
but it seemed to hit a nerve and jake suddenly got up.
“ugh! just when i thought my life got better without him now i have a huge scandal because of him” you whined.
“are you sure it was only because of him? i mean, you did leave it in your locker and…” yeji was about to continue but stopped when she noticed your glare.
“on who’s side are you?”
“every coin has two sides and you know it” she pressed her lips and you sighed.
maybe she’s right, instead of always blaming your ex about your life problems, you should face the truth sometimes.
“well if it isn’t the famous y/n!” you heard a voice you wished you’d never hear again.
“yena! it’s so good to see you here” you faked a smile, “what brings you here?”
“i study here” she answered sarcastically and you tried to resist the urge to punch her in the face.
“anyway, your list got so famous that everyone at school talks about it! i think you should thank whoever posted it”
“maybe i should! it really got me some fame, even your boyfriend came up to me today” you teased and her face turned red.
“you’re lying!”
“your boyfriend would say otherwise”
she scoffed and ran away, “tell him i agree to go on a date with him!” you shout as she walked away.
“you should go easy on her” yeji, who was there to witness everything that happened shook her head.
“it was her who posted it, she deserved it” you huffed and sped up your walk to the classroom.
your last class was finished after what felt like a year and as you got out you finally took a deep breath.
“i’ll see you tomorrow, try not to think about what happened today!” yeji sent you off and you smiled at her.
as soon as you stepped your foot in school you wished you could run away.
before anyone would notice you, you tried to sneak around and look for yeji.
“y/n!” god how much you hate universe.
“what do you want jake?” you answered rudely.
“just wanted to say thank you for that list,” he said sarcastically, “it’s not like you ruined my reputation or something like that, hey by the way! do you think i should make one too? i think that would be fun”
“don’t you dare” you groaned.
“then let’s date again”
“are you deaf? i said let’s date again”
“what makes you think i’d actually do that?”
“well, we could lie to everyone that we tried to trick them into thinking that we hated each other to see how others will react” he shrugged, “think about it, it’ll save our image, plus you owe me”
“i owe you nothing”
“it’s because of you that we’re in this shitty situation!”
“you can just let it be and people will forget about it sooner or later, now let me go—“
he caught your wrist before you could leave.
“one week, one week of just pretending and then we’ll part our ways peacefully”
truth is, his idea didn’t ring so bad, but you were scared. you were scared you’d fall in love with him all over again.
“what is it, some fake dating love story? you can go fake date sunghoon and that’ll create a bigger scandal than this one” you shoved your hand and rolled your eyes while walking away.
a part of him just wanted to hold you back again in his arms, for real.
“hey jake!” sunghoon greeted him and jake gave him a weak smile.
“did you just talk with y/n? i thought you were angry with her?”
“i don’t know, sunghoon” he sighed, “i just want my old life back”
“yeah you kinda fucked up your life, hey why did you even break up with her in the first place?”
when sunghoon heard about your break up, he was the first to come up to jake and ask him about the reasons, only then he realized jake didn’t really want to speak about it at all.
but now jake felt ready, he felt like he needed someone to hear his side of the story, every coin has two sides right?
there they were, sitting in the field’s seats, looking at the empty space, it was just the two of them.
“when we first got together i was so happy, you already know how much i liked her that time, you even helped me planning all those dates” jake sighed.
“‘sunghoon how do you take someone on a date without telling them straightforward it’s a date?’ i remember you asking me those questions nonstop!” sunghoon laughed.
“yeah, i was on cloud nine, but,” jake paused, “i was scared to lose her, i was so scared to lose her to the point i became overly possessive and anxious when she was around other boys, i was so used to have a one time thing and i didn’t know how to keep relationships, it all became messed up, this whole relationship happened in the wrong time”
sunghoon pat his friend’s shoulder, feeling sad for him.
“each time i tried to fix it, it got worse and i didn’t know how to stop, so i just decided to break it off, it’s better to let her live her life than to stay selfish and keep her to myself” jake sighed yet again, emphasizing the disappointment he feels with himself.
“i actually wanted to say this for awhile, but deep down i know you’re insecure about yourself, and you tried to hide it by boosting your ego and lying to everyone about your true self” sunghoon chuckled, “you were some kind of an asshole before you started dating y/n, and even became more of an asshole after getting into a relationship, you should’ve just talked it out with y/n”
“well it’s too late now isn’t it? she made that very clear that she hates me by writing down that list” jake groaned.
“maybe you should just make one about her and ruin her chances to have any relationship in highschool as well” sunghoon shrugged but jake looked at him curiously.
“i was joking! don’t do that!”
“well? how are we feeling today?” yeji handed you your favorite snack to cheer your mood up.
“thinking about ways to kill yena, how about i poison her food?”
“how about you just talk it out with her?”
“not a chance! i can’t look at her face without fighting the urge to punch her”
“well it isn’t going to help you, is it?”
“no, but it’ll make me satisfied”
“maybe i should just accept his offer?” you murmured.
“offer? what offer?” yeji asked.
“promise me no matter what happens, you’ll never abandon me” you grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at you straight in your eyes.
“have you gone mad? i—“
“promise me!”
“okay, okay!” she laughed, “you’re acting like you’re planning to get back with jake”
your silence told her everything.
“don’t you dare—“
“i have the perfect plan! you know how yena always wanted jake, right?”
“doesn’t she have a boyfriend—“
“boyfriend my ass, she was all over jake all the time”
“continue please”
“she probably posted my list to make sure i’ll never date him again, so she could have her chance,” you raised a brow, “by dating him i could only piss her off, but maybe that’d actually get her to confess about it”
“and then what?”
“then HER reputation would be ruined forever, boyfriend? gone, cheerleading? gone, friends? gone!”
“y/n,” yeji held your hand, “you’re so smart i feel like a proud mom!” she wiped her fake tears away.
later then you searched for a specific person you knew you’d find in the field.
“so,” the person said, “you actually agree?”
“jake, don’t make it harder than it already is” you rolled your eyes, trying to keep up with your cool girl energy, but deep down you were so excited to be close to him again and to hold him in your embrace.
“have you heard? jake and y/n are back!!” as you were walking towards your classroom you heard mumbling from other students.
“i literally just now agreed to this stupid idea how-“
“you know how fast rumor spread here, it’s actually scary”
your thoughts kept running through your mind all the way to lunch break, which was the only time you could ever relax and—
“attention please!” oh no.
“yes, me and y/n are back! this whole list thing? it was just to check everyone’s reaction about it! it’s so smart isn’t it? my sweet baby thought about this idea, and we did figure some weird actions after this whole thing blew up” jake dragged you right next to him and stared right into your eyes, “you’ll never break us apart”
cheers and claps were heard all over the hall and the only thing you thought about now is how to run away.
“congratulations! i was so scared it was real, was just now about to pay (student’s name) a hundred bucks, who lost the bet now huh loser?” one of the students came up to you with a wide smile.
you awkwardly smiled back as you set her off.
“did you really have to do that?” you glared at him.
“i did, see? now no one’s talking about it again” he shrugged.
“everyone stopped talking about it a day after! you’re just too busy thinking about yourself to notice your surroundings” you rolled your eyes.
“you agreed to do that, so be my guest, you knew there will be consequences”
“you’re the worst!”
“you don’t mean that”
you just rolled your eyes in return and stormed off.
“hey my sweet darling, how’s your day?”
“jake, we’re out of school, drop the acting”
you failed to notice his smile dropping.
“can’t i just be curious about your day?”
“jake, it’s weird, it’s been a while since we last talked or had a normal conversation, don’t act like nothing happened”
“what do you mean?”
“see you always does that! even when we were in a relationship! you fail to understand how badly you always hurt me and proceeded to just move on so fast, always running away from your problems”
he stopped his tracks as you continued walking away, this left a huge impact on him.
the next day you were back to acting, according to you, to jake it seemed very real.
you were sitting on one of the benches, casually talking with sunghoon about whatever.
jake seemed to notice every small detail about you.
the way you smile when he’s complimenting you, the way you crack at any of his jokes, even those who weren’t so funny.
you never laughed at his jokes.
“hey, can i steal my girlfriend?” jake sounded calm but his whole face screamed anger.
sunghoon, his best friend who had already recognized that face, slowly got up and smiled, “she’s all yours”
“hey, what was that?” you scoffed.
“you were being too close to him”
you rolled your eyes, “i can’t believe we’re back at it again”
“yes, again! jake, get it right into your mind, we are not together! we’re just putting a small show for everyone’s entertainment and that’s it, it’s all about saving your ass here as well” you sounded really pissed off.
jake was taken a back for a few seconds but got right back to his senses, “oh”
“yes, oh! we’ll act like a couple when we’ll really need it” and with that you walked away.
“so,” you heard a devilish voice haunting you from behind as you were taking books out of your locker, “you and jake?”
“oh hey yena!” you smiled, “fancy seeing you here”
“answer my question” she furiously said.
“why are you curious? dropped your boyfriend because you thought you’d get a chance with him?” you smirked.
“oh! here’s my boyfriend!” you called jake who seemed to be very deep in thought.
he looked straight into your eye but decided to just walk away and ignore you completely.
“what the hell…” you cursed under your breath.
“boyfriend, huh?” yena was the one who’s smirking now, “well have fun!”
“what the hell was your problem back then?” you let yourself yell at him as you were out of school and on your way home.
“oh, i thought that we need to act like a couple when we really need it—“
“don’t play dumb right now!”
“i don’t get you y/n seriously! you’re always saying something but mean the exact opposite, what do you want, really?” he returned the attitude.
“if you’re that suffering you should just go to sunghoon!”
“again with the sunghoon scandal—“
“yes, again with him! how come you never laughed at my jokes? how come you never smiled at any compliment i’ve given you? why did you always push me away when i tried to get closer?” the heated conversation turned into a quiet one, his tone made it very clear to you that he was hurting.
“w-what…” you whispered.
“you just don’t get it do you?” he chuckled, “my reason to being this jealous”
you stopped to think, all this time, all those arguments, he didn’t mean any bad at all.
“have you tried thinking about those beautiful moments we had? those were the most precious moments that ever happened in my entire life” you voice came quiet, “it was my first relationship ever, my first love, my first everything, i didn’t know how i should react, or what i should do in order to keep you to myself”
his glossy eyes were looking at you.
“you were so not used to doing ‘first time’ things that you failed to notice every little thing that i tried to do to keep us together, have you ever thought about that?” you preached, “i loved you, maybe i still do, but that won’t change anything, will it? it just doesn’t matter anymore”
he tried moving closer to you but stopped, “i-i’m sorry…”
“just go” you wiped the tears that were already streaming down your face.
both of you were hurting, but you didn’t know how to fix it all, it’s so stupid really, you think you’ve grown up to be a better person, but somehow communication puts on a wall that stops it all.
“have you heard? i think y/n and jake are over now, for real!”
“how the fuck did i became the hot topic again? and how come everyone knows about what happened yesterday?” you asked yeji.
“rumors, they spread so fast here” she shrugged and you rolled your eyes.
you watched jake pass you, you took the time to focus on his face.
his eyes seem so tried, puffy and hurt…. you thought.
“well someone had a rough day yesterday” yeji commented and you nodded slowly, still lost in thoughts.
“hey, can you let teacher know i have a meeting with coach today?”
“hm? but you don’t have any—“ “thank you!” you ran off quickly before she could ask any more questions.
“psst! sunghoon!” you whispered as you watched him getting ready for class.
“oh? y/n!” he smiled widely.
“come with me!” you grabbed his hand and dragged him outside the school building all the way to the back.
“y/n can we do this other time? class starts soon and—“
“shh!!” you put your finger over his lips and kneeled down with him, hiding from any teacher or student.
“i need you to help me” you gave him puppy eyes.
“yes of course, what happened?” he instantly asked.
“i’m gonna guess that you’re already aware of what happened yesterday”
“yeah, whatever that was i’d rather forget hearing about this”
“focus! i need you to help me figure out this!”
“what do you mean by ‘this’?”
“i mean everything! you’re his best friend, i’m sure you know about our whole relationship status, i-i just need to know why he broke up with me in the first place” you sighed.
“y/n, you’re not going to like what you’ll be hearing, are you sure you want that?” he genuinely asked.
you looked down to the ground and sighed, “yes, tell me everything please”
maybe asking him not to drop any detail was a mistake, because now after he told you everything and left you alone to get some time to think, you can’t help it but overthink about any step that you did.
“that only shows how bad you were for each other” sunghoon’s last words sent shivers down your spine, maybe he’s right.
“miscommunication sucks!” you laid back on the wall next to you, was this whole relationship a big mistake?
it did nothing but to hurt the both of you.
“there you are!” yeji sounded out of breath.
“so, jake might’ve gotten himself into a tiny fight and—“
“what? where!”
“it was right outside of our classroom but—“
before she could even finish her sentence you ran all the way back to your classroom and she after you.
“there’s no one here” you frowned, “you did this on purpose!”
“i tried to tell you he’s already in the nursery!” she yelled after trying to catch her breath.
“fill me up with information please” you asked quietly.
“you asshole!” as soon as you stepped into the nursery and saw jake laying down on one of the beds, a few tears came down your face.
“y/n! be careful he’s still recovering!” the nurse warned you from causing any more harm.
jake slowly opened his eyes and you scoffed, “fight? really? because of me?” you looked at him in disbelief.
he stayed silent, as if he knew what he did was wrong.
“you have nothing to say?”
“he called you a whore who likes to play with any boy that comes around, what did you expect me to do?” he sounded defensive.
“oh, i don’t know, maybe try to insult him with words and not physically! you got yourself into trouble now because of me” you complained.
“it was worth it” he smirked.
“jake, i’m being serious right now, you can’t act like we’re a couple when we’re absolutely not” as soon as you said this the nurse got the clue and went out of the room.
“that is exactly the problem!” he shout, “i can’t pass another day without you being by my side, you drive me crazy only by looking at me, and hell, i cannot look at any other man flirting with you without fighting the urge to punch him!”
“jake…” you whispered.
“i still love you, don’t you get it?…..i feel like i just can’t continue my day without holding you in my arms….” he held your hand.
you wiped the tears that continued to stream down your face, “you’re probably still suffering from concussion after the fight, i’ll go speak to the nurse”
you let go of his hold and walked out of the room.
a lot of thoughts were haunting your brain, how you wished things would be as simple as they sound.
he confessed to you and you love him, what’s stopping you from running into his arms?
“you’re just scared of giving whatever this was a second chance” yeji said as she took a bite of her food.
“whatever this was, it was toxic, i don’t want that to happen again” you sighed.
“yeah, it was pretty shitty to watch from the side, but i think he genuinely mean it this time” she took another bite from her food.
“how do you know that?”
“i mean really, ever since that list was posted he was around you 24/7, probably looking for excuses to be with you, that whole ‘oh we were just joking, we’re still dating’ thing was a dumb excuse for him to be next to you more, any nine years old can tell you that”
“you don’t have to be that harsh” you scoffed.
“i’m telling the truth babe, as much as i hated his guts, and still do, i think he was genuine about his feelings this time, and by the way you told me everything that happened, i think he really wants to fix it and try all over again” she shrugged.
“i….i don’t know what to say”
“just go and tell him yes already” she rolled her eyes and you nodded.
it’s time to fix your broken relationship.
you walked—ran back to the nursery only to find it empty.
“um…do you know where’s—“ “i saw him going to the field” the nurse answered before you could ask.
“thank you!” you smiled and walked excitedly to the field.
“i did it” you heard a familiar voice, “i posted that list”
before you could see who’s talking, you quickly hid behind a side wall.
“what?” you’re 100% certain this is jake’s voice, but who is he talking to?
“i thought this would finally break whatever you had going with her, i mean, you always had heart eyes for her even after your break up, it was making me sick”
“still, how could you do this to me?” jake sounded betrayed and…hurt.
“you had to move on, seriously, it was becoming unhealthy, i didn’t think it’d only bring you closer, it was such a mistake”
“please stop…”
“when you broke up i thought i’d finally have chance with her, but she was actually always looking your way, not even batting an eye at me”
“sunghoon just stop! i can’t believe my best friend would do this”
was it sunghoon this whole time?
“so it was you?” your thoughts voiced out.
“y-y/n?” you saw jake and sunghoon standing right in front of the other, sunghoon wore a shocked expression while jake just stood there looking completely hurt.
“what kind of an idiot would call himself a best friend? and to think you did all of that for what? to hurt not only him but me as well” you tched, “you’re nothing but an egoistic asshole”
“please just—“
“just go the fuck away! you did nothing but to hurt people, you’re disgusting me” you tried to shoo him but he didn’t budge.
“not going? okay then” you grabbed jake’s hand and walked away, not before shooting him an angry glare.
after a few minutes of walking you sat him down on one of the benches.
“you okay?” that was the first thing you asked.
“yeah, not like my best friend tried to sabotage me or anything” he chuckled.
“i’m sorry for that” you placed your hand on his shoulder, pressing it lightly, “he does not deserve to be called your best friend though”
he looked up to you and his eyes were filled with tears. you wiped the tears away and smiled at him.
“i don’t know if it’s going to help, but i didn’t feel anything for him, and never will”
he chuckled and sniffled, “i always trusted you, but i couldn’t find myself to trust him, i guess now i know why”
you rolled your eyes, “yeah, yeah you were right, i was wrong”
he gave you his infamous smile and the butterflies you felt never felt this good, “thank you” he said.
“for what?”
“for being there for me, and even if you don’t want to fix things right now, i think we might be—“
you shut him down by kissing his lips, he was shocked at first but quickly caught up, caging you in his arms and holding you tightly.
as you broke the kiss you smiled, “i do want to fix things, i want that more than anything”
“do you mean it? aren’t you afraid?”
“as long as i’m with you i have nothing to fear” you smiled.
“ugh! you’re back again? i can’t keep up with this anymore!” you heard an annoying voice.
“hey yena? fuck off” you flipped her off and she stormed away.
“since when did you become so confident?”
“ever since i realized i want to cherish and hold the most precious thing to me forever”
“i love you” he held your hand and kissed it, “i love you too” you replied with a quick peck on his lips.
“aww lovebirds, get back in class now the day’s not over yet!”
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PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @filmofhybe @wonbinsnovia @daegutowns @aurumiee @soobywon @firstclassjaylee @watamotee33 @moons-v @s00buwu @hoonheepretty @jjeoni-7 @dimplewonie
••• copyright © srjlvr all rights are reserved.
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seoktized · 5 months
coulomb’s law (s.jy + s.mt)
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working on a science project with two jocks wasn’t the worst thing ever.. even if you all got locked in a room together.
word count: 3.1k (unedited 😀)
genre: college au, smut
warnings: fingering, creampie, tit play, oral (m. receiving), unprotected sex. literally just smut idk what to tell u 😭
a/n: LOWKKKey self indulgent bc AWRF i love matthew and jake. finally back writing yayy!!! first long fic too omgomg pls tell me if u like, it means a lot!
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you always had a like for all things science, so when you heard you’d be completing a science project you were ecstatic.
‘this would be easy’ you told yourself.
you believed that until you were paired with seok matthew and jake sim who happened to be your former crushes and star football players for your college.
the two of them knew they were stars. matthew and jake didn’t care about doing school work, often paying another student with daddy’s money.
the two were untouchable. because who would bench their best players? especially when they’re so close to making it to the championship?
when your professor announced your name along with the two boys’ you quickly realized easy was an understatement.
after everyone was given their partners, your professor dismissed class in order for everyone to get started on the project.
you stood up and collected your things, mentally preparing yourself to hear either boy to scoff and tell you do the project yourself.
you made your way down the aisle to the area matthew and jake were sitting in, the two of them were engaged in a conversation
‘they probably didn’t hear what the professor even said’ you thought.
your suspicions were confirmed when jake looked up at you with a puzzled look on his face. the three of you rarely crossed paths, so he had the right to be confused.
matthew saw jake’s expression and followed his eyes. the two boys staring at you made chills run down your arms, you could sense the judgment in their eyes.
“are you just going to stand there or…” matthew asked, an awkward expression was present across his face.
“right, um, we were assigned as a group for the science project.” you had a tight grip on your books, the way jakes eyes scanned your figure made you feel small.
“science project?” matthew looked over to jake who shrug his shoulders, “what science project?”
you rolled your eyes, “the professor was literally talking about it the whole time.”
jake chuckled, “all i heard was blah blah blah.” matthew laughed at jakes words.
“well, it’s due in two weeks so i’d like to get started,” you reached into your pocket to grab your phone.
“give me your numbers so we can arrange time to work on it.” you stuck your phone out in their direction.
matthew’s eyebrows raised and jake had a smirk growing across his face.
“woah, asking for my number already? i don’t even know your name sweetheart.” jake teased.
you visibly cringed at jakes attempt at flirting, it was no surprise jake would try and fuck anything on legs. you swore to yourself you’d never give in his advances, or so you thought.
matthew grabbed your phone and typed in his name and number before handing it to jake to let him do the same. jake laughed a little as he was typing in his information. he handed the phone back and you saw a heart emoji next to his name.
you glanced up at him and he shot you a wink. quickly looking back down to your phone, you created a groupchat for the three of you. sending a ‘hi’ to make sure they were in the chat.
“anyways, i’ve gotta get going. i’ll text you guys later to work out the details.” you gave an awkward smile to which matthew responded with a wave.
“bye, doll.” jake grinned. after you turned you heard a hand collide with someone’s chest. you assumed that matthew smacked jake because of how desperate he seemed.
texting them was even harder. the boys barely replied. when one of them did respond, it was a short ‘can’t we have practice’
looking down at your phone, you read matthew’s text which was another excuse as to why they couldn’t join you.
sighing, you set your phone down and decided to start on the project on your own. you knew from the beginning it would be like this. you felt a bit silly for almost believing they’d try to work with you.
you were honestly glad they weren’t able to show up. the whole process would go by much faster without the two of them goofing off the whole time.
you pulled out your laptop and placed it on the table. glancing out the door of the small room you were in, you noticed the usually crowded library was empty. just you and the nice librarian who was busy tidying up her desk area.
opening your laptop you began to type away, looking at different sources to complete the research portion of the assignment. you were pulled away from your research by a buzz from your phone. flipping it over you saw a text from matthew.
matt: practice was canceled and we don’t have anything else to do
we’re coming to work on the project
y/n: okay. i’m in room 28
‘*they really wanna work on this project?*’ you thought. you shrugged your shoulders and continued to work as much as you could before they arrived.
minutes go by and you hear jake being obnoxiously loud. the librarian told him to be quiet and he said a small “sorry, sorry.”
matthew entered first, jake following behind like a lost puppy. jake shut the door behind him and the two walked over to you. jake slammed his backpack on the table a little too hard making you jump.
“shit- sorry,” he quickly apologized.
“so what do you want us to do?” matthew asked, pulling out a chair so he could sit down.
“well, i’ve started on the research part,” you turned your laptop around to the boys, showing them the progress you’ve made so far.
“so you guys could go through and start writing out the experiment we have to do. i’ll send it to you.”
the two nodded and brought out their own laptops. you quickly typed away on your computer, sending them the doc you were working on.
matthew was actually focused on working. jake on the other hand kept sighing as his short attention span was creating a problem for him.
“why the hell do you keep sighing?” matthew snipped, starting to get frustrated.
“i cant focus.” jake whined, his hands combing through his hair in frustration.
matthew rolled his eyes, “dude it’s only been 30 minutes.”
“actually, it’s been an hour. an hour of doing nothing!” jake exclaimed.
matthew shook his head in annoyance at jake. you felt your body start to ache from being slouched over for so long.
you stood up to stretch, “should we get snacks? there’s a vending machine around the corner.” you closed your laptop.
the two boys agreed and stood up to leave the room.
jake reached the door first and twisted the handle. it didn’t budge. he started to twist it more in panic until matthew pushed him out of the way to try himself.
the door was locked from the outside.
your eyes widened, realizing you were locked in a room with jake and matthew.
you pushed the two out of the way trying the handle as if you were stronger than the two of them. unlucky for you, the door did not open.
jake groaned and rubbed his face with his hands.
“ms. kim! can you come open the door?” you yelled out, hoping the librarian heard you.
seconds passed there was no answer. you let your forehead fall against the door, sighing in defeat.
“let me try again,” jake stepped up to the door, attempting to open it again. it didn’t work.
“i guess we’re stuck in here.” matthew shrugged.
you didn’t reply, instead you made your way back to where you were sitting. plopping down in the chair, you opened your laptop back up.
the two boys exchanged glances for a second. jake smirked and nodded at matthew. they returned to their seats as well.
“let’s play a game.” jake said.
his facial expression told you he was up to no good. but you didn’t want to bore yourself to death with work so, you agreed closing your computer once again.
“what game?” you asked.
“truth or dare” matthew smirked.
you pressed your lips into a line, nodding at matthew.
it could be fun. what could go wrong?
“alright jake first, truth or dare.” matthew asked.
“mm.. truth.” jake replied.
“you’re no fun. but hmm.. what’s your.. biggest turn on?” a wicked grin was on matthew’s face.
your eyes widened at matthew’s words. you quickly realized this wasn’t gonna be a fun game. jake chuckled at your expression before pretending to think.
“i don’t know.. probably… begging? something about a girl begging for my dick seems so sexy,” his words were laced with cockiness. matthew nodded and turned to you.
matthew’s gaze made chills run down your spine.
“truth or dare?” jake sat up, waiting to hear your answer.
“um, truth.” you quickly said. matthew shook his head.
“have you ever thought about fucking one of us?” matthew raised his eyebrows, both boys leaned in waiting for your answer. matthew was bold.
“n-no.” you lied. the two of them could see right through it though, nodding and continuing on with the game.
“matt! truth or dare?” jake exclaimed.
“ooh!” jake rubbed his hands together, you on the other hand was scared for what jake was going to say.
“i dare you to… makeout with her for 30 seconds.”
your wide eyes shifted from matthew over to jake, staring at him in bewilderment.
matthew turned to you, “is that okay?” you looked back over to him and paused for a second before slowly nodding.
“i need to hear you say it, love.” he purred.
“yes.. it’s okay” you squeaked.
matthew moved closer to you, turning his head to jake, “count for us.”
“alright, go.” matthew placed his hand on your cheek, pressing his lips to yours. quickly melting into the kiss, you let matthew slip his tongue into your mouth.
your own hands that were once in your lap had found their way to his hair. matthew was a good kisser causing you to almost go drunk on his lips.
“times up!” jake interrupted.
matthew pulled away and you chased his lips, wanting more.
“woah, doll, we gotta continue our game yeah?” he chuckled at your eagerness.
pouting, you leaned back into your chair.
“mkay jake, truth or dare?” matthew asked.
“mm i’ll go with dare now.”
“i dare you to play with y/n’s tits.” matthew’s eyes were glued to your chest watching as it moved up and down from your breathing.
jake shot up and moved around the table to where you were. feeling a little bold, you took off your own jacket and shirt. your white lacy bra on display for the two of them to see.
jakes eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of their sockets. to your right, you heard matthew chuckle.
jakes hands made their way to the back of your bra, swiftly unclipping it. he slid your bra off slowly, his eyes never leaving your chest.
moving in closer, he stuck his tongue out, giving kitten licks to your hardened nipples.
even though it was something small, the pleasure he was giving you was overwhelming. you were completely turned on from making out with matthew and this was the cherry on top.
you remember how you told yourself you wouldn’t let jake have you this vulnerable, but all those thoughts subsided the moment he latched onto your mound.
you bit your lip in an attempt to suppress the whimpers that threaten to slip from your mouth.
jake was basically making out with your chest at this point, one of his hands was fondling with the one he didn’t have in his mouth.
you let your head tilt back before you heard matthew’s voice ring through your ears
“time’s up!”
you lifted your head up, looking at matthew who was visibly hard and who obviously didn’t want the two of you to stop.
jake detached himself from your tit with a loud pop before sitting back in his own chair. his eyes were still glued to your chest.
“did you enjoy yourself?” matthew asked.
you nodded—not being able to speak— the two boys and their previous actions was the only thing on your mind.
“alright princess, truth or dare?” jake’s voice was a bit deeper signaling that he must be as turned on as you are right now.
“dare.” you breathed out.
the two boys exchanged a glance before smiling at you. they both stood from their chairs, moving closer to you. and though you were almost their height, them standing above you like this made you feel small.
“we dare you to let us fuck you.” matthew’s hand went to your jaw once again, stroking it softly.
jake bent down to let his hand trail up your thigh, rubbing dangerously close to your heat. they were waiting for you to give them the green light, which you did with a small “go ahead,”
jake’s hand had now traveled to the waistband of your pants, tugging on them to signal that he wanted to take them off. you lifted your hips up in order for him to slip them off of you.
matthew, on the other hand, was placing kisses all over your exposed chest, tasting what his friend previously did.
jake’s hand pressed against your clothed cunt, watching as the wetness seeped through your panties.
“matt look,” he chuckled, matthew detached from your chest to look down.
“fuck, doll, you’re so wet for us. such a good girl,” matthew praised, you let out a whine at his words.
the want, the need for them was getting stronger. who would thought that a science project would’ve led to you getting this wet for two star football players.
you pushed your hips against jake’s hand, trying to get some friction where you needed him the most.
“you want us to fuck you, baby?” jake asked, letting his hand pull away from your core. he wanted you to beg for them, for him.
“mhm, please. please fuck me.” you whimpered.
“okay love, we will.” matthew replied before jake could.
the two of them raised from their positions for a second in order to rid themselves of their clothes. they were hard. and big. you were in for it.
“i want her mouth. her pretty swollen lips would look so good around my dick.” matthew told jake. he nodded in response to matthew.
“hop on the table for us, doll.” jake said. you quickly moved to the table, laying down for them.
matthew came over to one side and leaned down to place a kiss on your lips. when he pulled back he let his thumb rub over your bottom lip. his other hand was wrapped around his aching cock, stroking it slowly.
“alright baby. i’m gonna fuck your mouth, okay?” matthew asked.
you nodded, sticking your tongue out for him. he grinned in response before placing his dick on your tongue. you let your lips close over his girth and he began to thrust in and out slowly.
jake was now on the side adjacent to matthew. he pulled off your panties, discarding it with the rest of your clothes.
his thumb came in contact with your clit, making you moan around matthew’s cock. matthew winced at the feeling, whispering that your mouth felt so good.
two fingers were now circling your hole. jake pushed his fingers into your warm cunt, thrusting in and out before adding another finger. he continued his ministrations before deeming you prepped enough for his cock.
“gonna fuck you now.” he said before he slowly pushed in.
you all groaned in unison, pleasure on high. matthew was now thrusting at a faster pace, getting lost in the heat of your mouth.
jake was letting you adjust to his size before bottoming out. he stayed there for a second to relish in the feeling of your tight cunt squeezing around him so deliciously.
“fuckk you’re so tight-” jake winced. you tapped your foot on his thigh, signaling that he could move.
he started a quick but deep pace, watching as your tits bouced with every movement. his thrusting cause you to move against matthew’s cock, every thrust hitting the back of your throat.
matthew admired how you were gagging and sputtering on his cock. his hand brushed against your jaw, gripping it a little to thrust faster. you noticed he was starting to near his high as his breaths and groans started to increase.
he slipped himself out of your mouth, “fuck- open up.” he said as he started to stroke his length.
you obeyed and opened your mouth letting your tongue slip out too. he came on your face tongue with a loud groan.
“so so good for me, fuck.” he said as he came down from his peak.
jake’s thrusts were now relentless in an attempt to get both of you to cum. matthew intensely watched the area where you and jake were connected. he felt himself getting hard again at the sight.
your loud moans weren’t supressed anymore which boosted jake’s ego.
“fuck fuck fuck i’m close jake please!” you begged.
“me too, doll, fuck! can i cum inside?” he was roughly gripping your waist, rough enough to leave bruises.
“yeah, i’m on the pill!” you whined at the thought of him filling you up.
matthew was stroking his cock at the scene before him, his eyes flicking between your face and your cunt.
“god, i’m gonna fill this pretty pussy up,” jake moaned. you nodded at his words.
one more thrust was all it took for you to some undone, your back arching off the table, moaning loudly. jake came soon after with a “shit!” leaving his mouth from the way you were clenching around him. his hips were flush against yours, letting your cunt milk him dry.
he pulled out slowly and you whined from the loss of contact. matthew had came in his hand beside you, all three coming down from your highs.
the room was full of panting, everyone attempting to catch their breath.
“hello? is anyone in there?” you heard from outside the door.
all three of your heads shot up towards the door.
“yeah! we’re still studying. give us a second!” matthew shouted.
you stood to put on your clothes, struggling a bit due to your wobbly legs.
the two boys did the same before packing up their things. matthew saw how you were having trouble so he placed his things down to help you out. jake helped by packing your things into your bag.
you all made your way to the door, matthew’s hand was on the small of your back to stable your walking. jake opened the door, smiling at the librarian before you all brushed past her to leave.
“maybe we should work on projects together more often,” jake smiled. matthew made a noise of agreement and you nodded.
and that you did, always making A after A on every project with your new group.
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Charlie Swan x fem!reader, Carlisle Cullen x fem!reader 
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: age gap (for both men, both are legal but carlisle is like 223297493 years old so do with that what you’d like lol), burns (second and first degree), doctors office, me knowing too much about twilight 
Author’s Note: IM WRITING A PART 2 RN BUT WANTED TO SEE IF YOU GUYS LIKED THIS <3 I literally randomly had a burst of inspo to write this and i lowkey love it…
Summary: You’re a waitress at the local diner to pay off tuition in the summer. You have a small crush on the chief of police who comes in to get his coffee from you. You thought that was all it was until you met the resident doctor when you have a mishap and now you’re stuck between two incredibly charming men that both have a little crush on you. 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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Forks, Washington was under a near constant cover of rain. You were aware of it when you woke up in the morning, prepared to see the dreary weather that greeted you through the window. You could smell the rain on the pavement before it came, see it in the clouds as they hovered above. You were always prepared for it, always ready for it. 
Today, the sun was out. Summer usually calls for something more temperate. You found that those days weren’t necessarily unwelcome, but never your favorite. Everyone went outside when it was sunny. You could see people you hadn’t seen in ages. You never made an effort to see them in the first place for a reason. There was an uncharacteristic amount of skin showing. It may only be mid 70s but everyone suddenly acted like the ocean water was a relief to their burning skin. 
You sweat easily, especially in the diner. The Lodge had little to no air conditioning and the sun brought people in droves. Everyone wanted a bite to eat. They all remembered the diner had milkshakes. It was never a great mix for a waitress. 
You turned the corner on your heel, giving a quaint smile to Cora, your coworker. She looked like she was going to melt away. 
“Do you think anyones gonna leave early today?” she asked quietly behind the counter. You shook your head. She had the coffee pot in her hand and was holding it tightly so it didn’t spill. You looked around the packed diner, laughter bubbling from sections where it normally was silent. You shook your head, giving her a sad look. 
“We’re in for one.” 
“I should’ve called out,” she muttered. “You should’ve called out. This place needs us.” You shook your head. 
“You’ve gotta put food on the table,” you reminded her. She had a kid who was going into middle school. You had met her when Cora brought her in, her headphones stuck in her ears and reading some trashy teen novel. 
“Always the voice of reason,” she muttered. “Plus, you gotta pay tuition.” 
“Don’t remind me.” 
You were going to college in Seattle but always worked the summers back in Forks. You loved the little town despite its insanity. You found that most of it was quiet, even on louder days. Plus, it was always easy to find a job back home. You were practically shoved the waitress apron when you returned this summer. You had been doing it since you graduated high school, always trying to find something to keep yourself occupied. You were coming upon your senior year in college and the extra money helped immensely. 
“Hey, your boyfriends here,” Cora teased. She pushed herself off the counter to refill someone’s coffee cup. You furrowed your brows in confusion even though you knew exactly who she meant. 
You watched as chief of police Charlie Swan walked through the doors with a clink of the bell above his head. He met your eyes and gave you an awkward half wave, which you returned slightly more enthusiastically. He walked up to the counter, squeezing between the people sitting there. Someone said hello to him and he gave them a nod in acknowledgment. 
“You guys are busy today huh?” he questioned, scoffing. 
“Just a bit,” you admitted. His presence never ceased to bring butterflies to your stomach. Maybe you were harboring a small/not so small crush on the sheriff but you tried your best not to show it. You assured Cora it was just something silly for you to feel as you passed through your work day. Still, her eyes lingered on yours as she went around the counter to greet someone else because she knew you were busy. “It’s the sun.” 
“Brings out all the loonies,” he said. 
“I imagine you’re busy out there too.” He was always scanning around to make sure no one was doing anything wrong. His eyes flicked from you to the people beside him, then back to you. 
“Taking my 15.” 
“Just to see lil ol me?” you teased. Even as the words left your mouth you felt self conscious of them. This time though, he gave a half smile. 
“You make the best coffee I’ve ever had,” he promised. You tried not to get flustered. 
“Well, it looks like you need a double today, Sheriff.” 
“Charlie, how many times do I have to tell you?” You rolled your eyes. He leaned against the diner counter even though there were no seats. You turned around, every other table lost in your mind. Cora would help you out until he left.
“Well Charlie, it might be too hot for a hot coffee. You could’ve gone to one of those fancy coffee shops,” you offered, grabbing a coffee pot. 
“Yeah, can you imagine me ordering there? I have a hard enough time with you.” 
“I think I get what you mean by now,” you joked. You poured him a cup and grabbed three sugars and two creams. “Anything else?” 
“You always this quick with your service?” he questioned, looking at the people down the line who hadn’t gotten their food. 
“I’m just the coffee girl with a pretty smile. I don’t control the food orders.” You handed him a stirring stick as he opened his sugar packets. “Plus, you’re the chief of police Charlie. I don’t wanna get arrested.” He chuckled, a real genuine laugh. 
“I think I’ll let you off for this one.” You smiled at your success. The laugh was guaranteed to be the highlight of your shift. 
“Thanks Charlie.” You turned back to the kitchen which was starting to call things out. “Anything else?”
“No ma’am.” He grabbed some cash out of his wallet. “Keep the change.” 
“You’re my favorite customer Charlie,” you joked at his more than generous tip of 100%. He did a little salute with his finger and raised the cup to you. 
“Go do your job otherwise you’re bound to get more angry customers than I am.” 
You nodded once and bowed out of the conversation gracefully. You grabbed the food from behind you and started to bring it out. Cora gave you a look as you passed her, the smile plastered on your face a clear tell of your conversation. 
“Peach cobbler,” you said to one of your regulars. She was a small old lady who always came in on Saturdays, at exactly the same time. You enjoyed talking with her and catching up on her life. She got the same thing each time and the consistency was something you appreciated. “Sorry it’s been slower today Miss. Heidi. The heat has the whole of Forks out!” She shook her head, brushing you off. 
“No worries at all,” she assured you. “It’s not like I’m not gonna come back.” You shared in her shaky laughter. She picked up her fork just as you were about to leave and pointed it at Charlie. “You making heart eyes at the chief over there sweetheart?” You flushed immediately. Maybe you weren’t so great at hiding it. 
“Maybe. But keep your mouth shut Heidi,” you whispered with a smile. She chuckled. Her eyes lingered on Charlie who was finishing his coffee already. He had started a conversation with the man beside him. Charlie seemed to know everyone in town. 
“Aren’t you a little young for him?” You rolled your eyes. 
“It’s perfectly constenting and legal,” you assured her. “I’m plenty older than his daughter if that’s what you’re gonna say.” 
“I was gonna mention.” Her eyes wrinkled at the edges, shaking her head. Her movements didn’t feel like she was disagreeing with you. More so that she was gossiping with a friend, just girls being girls. “He had his heart broken by her mother, you know. He’s a good man.” 
“Is that your consent Heidi? Because I don’t even know if he feels the same way.” Your voice was lighthearted. She grabbed your hand, her saggy skin feeling comforting. 
“I wouldn’t worry too much sweetheart.” You scrunched your face a little and shook off her words. You were still on the clock. 
“Enjoy your peach cobbler Heidi.” 
You brushed your hair out of your face. The sun had finally subsided for the evening, giving way for the clouds. You embraced their presence, appreciating the way that the cool air felt on your overworked skin. Cora was still hanging around after her shift, waiting for her husband to come pick her up. You sat on the back steps of The Lodge, watching the trees sway. 
“The air feels so crisp,” you muttered. 
“You say the weirdest things,” she grumbled, laughing. She was leaning against the building. “It’s the trees.” 
“I know.” You were going to leave right after work and finally drive back home but you needed a moment to sit and enjoy the day. It had been a long shift. Cora and you were officially trauma bonded. 
“How was the chief?” 
“Good,” you promised. “Sweet.”
“A guy can be sweet and catch criminals?” 
“He’s assertive,” you argued. When Cora laughed she did it with her whole chest. 
“Honey, you’re down bad.” You rolled your eyes and stood up. Cora’s eyes followed you as you did so, turning back to the door inside the diner. “You’re goin back into that hellhole?” 
“Forgot my phone,” you said. “Also, I am not. It’s a work crush. I’m entitled to one! Just like you like the produce guy!” 
“I do not like the produce guy. I think he’s hot. Big difference!” You rolled your eyes as you opened the door back inside. The heat hit you again, unpleasantly. You had to weave through the cooks to get back to the front. You couldn’t remember when you had put your phone down. You were making a phone call during your break. Maybe you had left it on hte steps outside after all? 
“Hey Jerry?!” you called to the cook in the back.
“You seen my phone?” 
“No! All I’ve seen are burgers!” You rolled your eyes harder this time and dipped underneath the counter to see if you had put it with the sugars and stuff. You let out an annoyed groan when it wasn’t there. 
You turned too quick and ran right into the closing waitress. She was holding a hot pot of coffee and effectively spilled it all over you. You gasped involuntarily, the feeling of scorching coffee seeping through your clothes. The gasp turned into a seethe as you packed up. You could hear her speaking, the high pitched, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” reverberating off your eardrums. You had dropped coffee on yourself before. All you could think of was that you needed a towel and some cold water. 
You turned on a dime and walked back to the kitchen. You turned on the sink back there and fumbled your hand around for a towel to use. 
“Jerry, towel,” you mumbled, the burning skin now setting into a tingle. He turned his head around and saw you. He started to fumble around. You walked in front of him to grab the towel and just barely lost your balance, causing your hand to fly up onto the table. 
Right onto the stove. 
This time you yelped. The coffee was already forgotten as there was now more of an issue at hand. 
“Woah dollface!” Jerry exclaimed. He grabbed your wrist because you were just staring at your red hand. You had put your entire palm down. You looked up at him, tears staining your eyes from pain, and he brought you over to the sink. 
“Oh fuck,” you groaned as he put it under the cold water. It didn’t subside any pain, just added another sensation. “Jerry that hurts!” 
“Hey Y/N, I have your phone in my apron.” Cora came through the door to witness you breathing heavily next to the sink, Jerry the cook practically holding you down. 
“She burned her hand on the stove,” he explained. 
“She spilled coffee on me,” you blubbered childishly. You could feel all your body parts at once, like you were on fire. You had no brain power to say anything else. 
“Oh Jesus,” Cora muttered. She rushed forward, grabbing your wrist to look at it. “You gotta get this checked out honey.” You gave her a somber looking face. “I know, I know. I’ll take you. Where’s your car keys?” You reached in your apron with your non burnt hand. It was soaking wet from the coffee. 
“Is she okay?” the waitress asked, sticking her head through the window. 
“She burned her hand on the stove,” Jerry said. 
“She what?!” 
Cora put her hand on your back, leading you out the door. You took deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. You were fine. You were gonna be fine. 
“I’ll be okay,” you whispered. “You have to g-”
“I’ll have Steven do it,” she said. Her husband. You gave her a look of pure thankfulness as she helped you into the passenger seat of her car. 
“I really don’t have to go to the hospital over this,” you tried to say. 
“I know you don’t. But I think it’s safer than waiting.” You put your head against your headrest. 
Cora dragged you by your free arm to the front desk. She was the one who gave your name and your information as you stood beside her, holding your hand. You looked like a mess, given the coffee all over you. You were sure this could all just be fixed by some water and ointment from the store but Cora insisted. 
She rambled on about how a family member hadn’t gone in for a burn and it ended up being more severe then they thought, damaging below the skin. Her words were not comforting. 
Eventually they called you back to be looked at. You sat on an exam table with a thin paper on top. A nurse had come in to check on you and give you something for your hand while you waited for the doctor. 
You were in a row of beds. Cora pulled the curtains aside to give you privacy. 
“I really don’t think that’s necessary,” you said. 
“They don't get to know all your business. HIPAA or whatever.” You squinted. 
“I don’t think-” 
“Ladies.” Carlisle Cullen stepped through the curtain at the open side. He was holding a clipboard, a charming smile plastered on his face. Your breath hitched at the sight of him. He was gorgeous. “Y/N, I hear you burned your hand.” You nodded. 
“And her chest,” Cora muttered. She must have noticed Carlisle’s looks as well. Or maybe she just noticed your reaction to him. You cleared your throat. 
“I had coffee spilled on me.” 
“No, you should check it out. It’s bad.” You gave a look. Carlisle’s smile remained, shaking his head. You had heard of him but never had a reason to come out and see him. You wouldn’t even call this a valid reason. 
“Sounds like an awful case of bad luck.” You nodded. “Can I take a look?” He sat on a spinny chair and pulled it towards you. You extended your hand to him. 
“I’m gonna go call Steven,” she said to you. You nodded. She patted your back, her eyes lingering on your doctor even as she left. Carlisle held your hand in his, gently looking it over. You looked down at him. 
“A stove did this?” 
“Yeah. It was dumb,” you promised. “I lost my balance looking for a rag for the coffee burn.” 
“And that’s okay?” You nodded. 
“I think. I mean, my hand feels way worse,” you assured him. 
“Your friend seems to think otherwise.” 
“Cora’s dramatic by nature.” He laughed gently. 
“Well the stove fought back.” He wheeled backwards towards the table beside your bed. “It looks like second degree burns on your hand. I’ll send you home with some ointment for it and you’ll wanna wrap it up so that you don’t get it caught on your clothes or anything.” You nodded. “I’ll wrap it for you first, show you how to do it.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Of course.” He stood up and fumbled in the desks drawer. “Are you sure you don’t want me to check on the coffee burns?” He glanced back at you. You looked down at your shirt. It had mostly gotten your stomach. You could still feel pain there, probably driven by the fact you never got to clean it off. 
“If you think it’ll help?”
“Stomach burns are interesting just because of their placement. It’s harder to wrap them. I think it would be beneficial for me to make sure they’re only first degree, if anything.” You nodded. You would listen to him read the phone book. 
“Okay.” He walked back over. Before even touching your shirt he made eye contact with you. 
“Only if you’re comfortable. I can wait till your friend comes back if you want me to.” You shook your head. 
“I’m okay!” you promised. You cleared your throat and grabbed the hem of your shirt. You carefully lifted it up over your torso, holding it just above the wet spot. Carlisle’s eyes went down to your body. 
“You said the hand hurt more?”
“By far.” 
“Can I touch you?” Please. You cleared your throat again. 
“Sure.” He put an icy hand on your hip, lightly brushing your burn with his thumb. 
“How much does that hurt? Scale one to ten?” 
“Five.” He applied more pressure. 
“Seven. Your hands are really cold, which could be worsening the effects,” you joked. He chuckled, his lips turning up a bit. 
“Sorry about that.” He backed up a bit. You put your shirt back down. “Those are first degree burns. It only hit in some spots. Should feel numb or touchy for a couple days. You can put the ointment there too but you shouldn’t have to wrap it up.”
“The hand needs it.”
“The hand needs it,” he agreed. He had put some stuff on the counter, which he now took in his hands. He squeezed something out a bottle and put a bit of it on his finger, taking your hand back in his. “Let me know if the pressure is too much.” 
You watched him, your free hands fingers curled under the bed you were sitting on. He gently covered your hand, using such a light touch that it was like he was barely there. 
“You’re good at this.” 
“It’s my job,” he said, smiling. “Are you from out of town? I don’t think I’ve had you in here before.” 
“Just lucky,” you quipped. “I go to college in Seattle too so I’m usually out there.” He nodded slowly. 
“The drive back is beautiful.” He nodded slowly. His hand lingered on yours as he examined his work. “So is this town.” 
“Do you work at the diner?”
“Yeah! That’s where I got this beauty.” He scooted back, grabbing the bandages.
“I think my son’s seen you there. He’s graduating high school in a year and likes his seclusion,” he explained. 
“Son?” you asked. 
“No, I’m just stunned you have a child. You look far too young,” you said, laughing incredibly. He grinned sheepishly. You tried not to think of him being married or the lack of ring on his finger. 
“He’s technically my foster son,” he described. 
“I see. Do you do it all on your own?” You winced. That was aggressive. “I don’t mean to pry.” “It’s alright,” he said, shaking his head, completely cool. “Yes, they’re all under my care. I haven’t found the right one quite yet. Plus, she’d have to take on more than a couple stragglers with me.” His eyes flicked up to yours. They met for a moment longer than they should have. You had to look away. 
“Sounds like a task.” 
“It’s definitely not for everyone.” He tightened your bandage. “There. I’ll send you home with some of this, it’ll be sent to wherever you get your prescriptions.” He stepped back from you. “Try to be careful around stoves next time.”
“Yes sir.” He gave you one more look, a kind hearted smile and then was on his way. You followed him until he was gone out of view. You were glad he hadn’t checked your pulse because you were sure it was beating out of your chest. Cora came around the corner. 
“He’s too old for you too,” she said. You laughed dryly, shaking your head. You could practically still feel his touch on your hand. So gentle. 
“You’ll learn to get used to it,” you teased her. She rolled her eyes. “Were you waiting out there the whole time?” 
“Wanted to give you and Doctor Dreamy some alone time.” 
“You’re such a wingwoman!” 
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell the Sheriff.” 
Part 2
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Hannibal x teen!reader - i would notice
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Hi 👋, i absolutely loved your Hannibal lecter fic so I was wondering if you could do a Hannibal × teen reader with angst or where he maybe saves them from someone or from themselves? If not that's totally fine. - Anon💜
TW: mentions of self harm and suicidal thoughts and neglectful parents
According to everybody that was the solution to everything, all your problems would be solved if you just sat in a room with a stranger supposedly telling them everything about you.
Things you didn’t want anybody else to know.
You didn’t want to attend your sessions, but your parents were paying a lot of money for you to see this therapist, so you went to your sessions.
Though you never really said much, which was something Hannibal picked up on.
“Sometimes I do have to wonder why it is you insist on coming to your sessions if you’re just going to sit here to do homework instead.”
You shrugged a little bit, looking up from where you were sat on the floor.
“I’ve gotta do it somewhere, plus my parents pay for these sessions, it’ll be a waste of money I guess.”
“Do you not think you need it?”
“Everybody has problems I just don’t see the point in talking about it, it won’t change anything.”
“It could make it easier for you.”
You shrugged again and stood up, bringing a work book over to his desk and set it down.
Hannibal took the book so he could look at it while you dragged a chair over to sit next to him while he read through your work.
“Have you finished everything else?” He asked.
“Yeah, it’s just this. I don’t really get it so I thought I’d leave it until last.”
Hannibal nodded his head, taking one of his many notebooks, and he found one with your name on it and opened it.
Over the sessions he had become used to you using the time for your homework, asking him yo help you with whatever it was you didn’t understand.
It actually helped him learn a lot about you, about your possible home life since you didn’t seem interested in talking about whatever problems you were having.
Hannibal explained the problem to you, and he gave you a brief demonstration on how to solve it before giving you the notebook so you could try it for yourself.
“How is school going? Are you still having problems with some of the other students?”
“A little, but I think I solved most of them.”
He hummed a little bit, slowly nodding his head.
“How did you manage that? Did you take my advance and ignore them?”
You grinned a little bit at your therapist and went back to your homework.
“Shoved a whole bunch of shaving cream and feathers into their lockers.”
“You do realise retaliation in such a way could could make this a lot more complicated for you. They could also possibly get you into trouble as well.”
“Maybe yeah I guess.”
“What did your parents have to say?”
“The usual nothing.”
Hannibal wrote that down in another notebook and he studied you for a moment.
Usually it was obvious why people were in therapy, usually he knew before they came to the sessions or they would have told him by now but you didn’t.
He was having to rely on everything he saw, everything you did and the very few things that you had said.
Your sessions were routine, going the same way nearly all of the of the time.
So he began to notice the change in your behaviour as time went on, it was slight, only tiny changes but he noticed.
You didn’t bring your homework anymore, you would just tell him about your day, the changes in your clothing, you seemed more withdrawn.
Then you began to miss sessions, the first he didn’t think about it, the second he was a little suspicious but when it came to the third and forth he knew there was something more.
So, when he opened his door to see that you weren’t sat in the waiting room he sighed, making his way to the phone to dial your number.
He waited as it rang, and eventually it rang off into voicemail.
Hannibal went through all his files until he found yours and he grabbed his keys and jacket as he left the office.
You were usually the last appointment of the day since you liked to hang around and just spend time with him, which he never added extra costs for.
Making his way to your listed address, Hannibal looked at the large house, very expensive looking and extremely well kept.
He parked in the drive and made his way to the door, knocking a few times, waiting.
The door was opened and you blinked a few times, stepping aside and gestured to the house so you could let him in.
“What brings you by doctor lector?” You asked.
You closed the door.
“Can I take your coat?”
“Ah, yes. Thank you.”
Hannibal handed you his jacket so you could hang it up next to yours by the door, and you led him through to the kitchen where you were before he knocked.
He watched as you carried on cooking your dinner.
“I didn’t know you were coming but you can still have some of you want.”
“No, I’m alright. But thank you. I’m actually here because you haven’t attended your sessions for the past three weeks.”
You nodded your head, setting the spoon down, and you sat on a bar stool.
“Sorry, I keep forgetting to cancel them. I know you have a policy about cancelling and whatever the fee is for not cancelling my parents can cover it.”
“That’s not why I’m here (Y/N), I’m not here about fees for cancelling.”
You seemed a little confused.
“I’m here because it isn’t like you to not turn up to your sessions, I am also aware that you haven’t been attending school recently.”
“How’d you know?”
“I called them.”
“Are you even legally allowed to do that? Can they even tell you that information?”
You were defensive.
You weren’t happy that he had called your school and you were looking for a reason to pin something on him, anything.
“I work rather closely with the FBI, I asked for favour as this behaviour is concerning.”
You nodded your head, going back to whatever your were making and you set it all aside before sitting down on the stool again.
Hannibal was stood on the other side of the counter, flicking through the recipe pages that you had left laying around.
“Can I cancel my sessions?”
Hannibal glanced up at you.
“You can, but I’d still very much like to check up on you at least once or twice a week.”
“Why? I won’t be your patient anymore.”
“Because I know you’re harming yourself, I would like to understand why. What makes you think you need to do that to yourself?”
You froze, and you tugged at your sleeves a little bit, pulling them even further.
“I’ve know for a while, I was hoping you would bring up the subject but you seem to have no interest in talking about what you’re going through.”
Hannibal walked to your cooker, and he took over making your dinner for you while you just sat there staring at the counter.
“What’s the point, it won’t change anything.”
“It can help, but people can’t help you if you won’t let them (Y/N), in order to be helped you must be willing to accept the hand that is offered to you.”
“I can’t be helped.”
You pushed yourself away from the counter you were sat at and left the kitchen, making your way into the lounge instead where you just sat down.
You turned on the TV, putting on some random show and you kicked your feet up on the table.
Hannibal followed you, setting your plate on the dining table, and he walked over, tapping your feet away from the table.
“You can be helped, nobody is beyond help.”
“I am.”
“No you’re not, now come eat and we can discuss whatever it is you’re going through.”
You didn’t bother to argue, you went to eat your dinner while Hannibal left you to eat in peace.
He came back and he set a few tubs down on the table in front of you.
“All of these are prescribed to patients who suffer from depression. How long have you been taking your medication for?” He asked.
“About a year or two, I don’t know.”
He hummed, nodding his head.
“How long have you not been taking them?”
You glanced up.
“You have been filling out your scripts, but you have a whole collection of unopened bottles.”
“About half a year I guess… I don’t know…”
“Do you plan on doing anything with those bottles?”
“So I can take them away from you and only leave the one you’re supposed to have?”
You nodded your head.
You didn’t have any use for the old ones that you never took, you just kept filling in the scripts to keep everybody happy.
That wasn’t how you wanted to go out.
You had thought about this night after night after night, and you knew exactly what you wanted to do.
“Are you here alone often?”
“My parents work a lot, they’re usually away most of the year.”
He nodded his head, taking your mostly empty plate away when you pushed it away from you.
You followed the therapist to your kitchen, climbing back up on the bar stool as you looked at him.
“Can I take a look at your arm, I would like to ensue that you don’t need any further medical attention.”
You moved your arm closer to yourself.
“Alright, that’s okay. You don’t need to show me, but I do need to know if you’re taking care to prevent infection.”
“Yeah, I know about all that stuff.”
“Good, now since you refuse to come to our sessions I will come here. A few times a week to ensure that you’re taking care of yourself.”
He did.
He kept coming by, he would talk to you, try encourage you to open up to him.
The one thing he noticed is how lonely the house seemed to be, the lack of family photos, the lack of friends around to the lack calls from your parents.
Hannibal arrived at your house like always, the first thing he noticed this time was that there was two other cars in the driveway.
Making his way up to the door he knocked, and a man answered.
“Hello, is (Y/N) home.”
“Who are you?” The man asked.
“My apologies, I’m doctor lector, their therapist. (Y/N) didn’t want to come to the office anymore so we’ve been continuing sessions here, I assume you are their father?”
“Yes, and I don’t know where they are. Look, I’m busy, go check their room or something I have meeting.”
Your dad left the door open and Hannibal walked in, making his way up the stairs to your room and he knocked on the door.
When you didn’t respond he knocked again.
“I’m opening the door.” He announced.
He pushed your door open and looked around to see that you weren’t there either.
Sighing, he made his way back to his car and tried to call your phone once more, but you never picked up.
He decided to head back to the office, deciding that he’d try and find you again tomorrow.
Hannibal didn’t know about your hideouts, where you liked to go or even have a slight idea on where you would go.
And that’s where he found you, sitting in the waiting room, and he walked over, crouching down in the front of you.
“I’ve been trying to find you.” He said gently.
You looked up, and you sniffled a little bit.
“Why do my own parents hate me…?” You asked.
Your voice cracked, and you leant back, tilting your head back to try and fight the tears that were burning your eyes.
“Let’s talk inside.”
He stood up, opening his door and you walked inside, taking a seat in one of the chairs.
Hannibal sat in the chair in front of you, offering you a few tissues which you took.
“What makes you think your parents hate you?”
“They’ve been home for two days… haven’t even spoken to me… haven’t even looked at me… it’s like I don’t exist…”
He nodded his head.
“I.. I.. it’s like if I died they wouldn’t even care… you know? They wouldn’t even notice…”
That was enough to catch his attention.
“Do you think about dying?”
“Sometimes… I know nobody would really notice.. life would carry on…”
“That’s not true.”
You looked up at him.
“I would certainly notice, life would be very different without you in it.”
You scoffed a little bit.
“You have to say that, it’s your job.”
“If you recall you left my services, it’s not my job to say that.”
Hannibal smiled slightly at you.
“I say it because I mean it, I do worry for you, I would notice your absence if you were to die, which is why I have to ask if you plan on acting upon this urge you have.”
“Sometimes but I.. I just can’t… you know?”
He nodded his head.
“I will admit this is rather concerning, I do have to wonder if for your own safety I have you placed in psychiatric care for a few days.”
“No! Please don’t…”
Hannibal thought for a moment, wondering what to do.
“If that’s the case then perhaps we can think of something else, in order to ensure your safety and a plan to help you through these feelings and urges that you are having.”
You nodded, agreeing with this.
The first step was for you to tell him everything you had been avoiding telling anybody this whole time, then he would come up with a care plan for you to help with your recovery and show you that you were important to this world
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morgana-larkin · 3 months
Hey girl, would you be able to do a request with Melissa? So yk how in that one episode where Melissa has to go to court for throwing a corn cob at Ben Simmons? Would you be able to just do some fluff on how when Melissa is in court she needs a lawyer, but since she’s a teacher, she doesn’t have any money, but knows a guy who gets a lawyer for her, which is our reader fresh outta law school. Melissa would find them cute and want to ask her out, but eventually after Melissa is declared ‘not guilty’ she decides to ask them out as a thank you.
Ok, this is crazy because when you sent the prompt, it was the day after I rewatched that episode. I honestly thought this line was crazy and I like how Jacob was not even fazed when she said it lol. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I think I got 7 Melissa prompts and one Chessy prompt, so they’re coming!
Guilty Or Not Guilty
Warnings: sexual tension, fluff, reference to future smut
Words: 2k
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“Ah, all dressed up for your big dip in the shark tank today?” Jacob asks Melissa.
“What? No. I gotta go to court later for throwing a corn cob at Ben Simmons.” Melissa says to Jacob.
“Wait so, you’re not gonna make a presentation?” Jacob says, completely ignoring the fact that she might have thrown a corn cob at someone.
*lunch time*
“Vinny, I need you to find me a lawyer for later today.” Melissa says to her cousin Vinny.
“What did you do this time?” He asks her.
“None your business. I just need a lawyer, can you get me one?” She asks him and he takes a second to reply.
“I know one, she recently graduated from law school and is looking for cases to do for a small price. I can pay this one for ya since you’re my favourite cousin.” He tells her.
“Alright, thanks Vinny. I’ll make your favourite dish as a thanks.” She says then hangs up.
Later that day…
You walk out of your car an hour before your client has to plead her case. You were told to meet her outside the courthouse, all you were told was that she’s a ginger and her name is Melissa Schemmenti.
You walk near the front entrance of the courthouse and you see a ginger woman standing around on her phone with her glasses perched on her nose. She looks stunning. ‘Not the time to check her out, gotta be professional, she’s your client after all.’ You think to yourself. You walk up to her and she doesn’t see you coming as she’s too focused on her phone.
“Hi, are you Melissa?” You say as you reach her and she flinches. “Oh sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. I’m your lawyer y/n y/l/n” You add.
She stares at you for a second before smiling and holding out her hand to shake and you shake her hand, it feels so soft.
“Hi, yes I’m Melissa.” She says. Melissa was surprised that her lawyer would look really cute, so much so that she forgot how to speak for a second, or that she was still holding your hand.
You look at her emerald green eyes, beautiful ginger locks and her bright smile. You then remember you’re still holding her hand so you let go and clear your throat.
“So I heard nothing about this case or why you’re here. Wanna tell me?” You ask her and you see a small blush on her cheeks.
“Well it’s for throwing a corn cob at Ben Simmons.” She says and you can’t help but giggle at that.
“For throwing a corn cob at someone?” You say, trying to hold back more laughter and she nods. “Well I must say, I did not expect that.” You tell her and she chuckles.
“Well I’m full of surprises.” She tells you with a shy smile.
You both then find a picnic table to sit at and you get to work. Melissa keeps checking you out as you work on her case. The way you’re so focused on writing down the information you need to prove her innocence, the way you bite your lip when you’re thinking. You look so adorable and she can’t help but think about asking you out.
“What?” You ask her as you notice her staring.
“Noth-nothing, just a bit nervous.” She says, covering up the fact that she was checking you out.
“Well you can be a bit nervous but I think you’re gonna win.” You tell her with a smile.
“You think so?” She asks and you nod, you then write something down and then speak up again.
“Ok, I think I have all I need to, it’s also time to go in.” You tell her and she nods.
You both walk into the courthouse and then the courtroom together and you take a seat in the audience until Melissa gets called.
“Melissa Schemmenti and Ben Simmons.” The judge calls, both you and Melissa stand up and walk where the two desks are. You and Melissa take a seat at the one on the left while Ben Simmons and his lawyer took the one on the right. “Melissa Schemmenti you are being charged with the throwing of… a corn cob at the head of Ben Simmons, guilty or not guilty?”
“Not guilty, your honour.” Melissa says confidently.
It took about 10 minutes and the fact there was no evidence that the judge ruled that Melissa was, in fact, not guilty. Melissa got excited that she won and without thinking, gave you a hug to which you were surprised by it but hugged her back after a second. The hug was nice, you won’t lie and you can feel her tits being pushed into yours and it made your mind go to places that you shouldn’t be thinking about right now. Melissa pulled away from you after a few seconds with a guilty expression on her face.
“Sorry, I um, I should have asked before I hugged you.” She tells you and you smile at her.
“It’s alright, you were excited, I get it. And to be honest, I liked the hug.” You tell her and you see a small blush on her cheeks.
You and Melissa walk out to the parking lot and it seems that she wants to walk with you to your car.
“I wanted to thank you, for taking my case on such short notice without any sort of information on what it’s about, and for winning too.” She tells you and you blush a bit.
“It’s not a problem Melissa, I enjoyed your case.” You tell her as you reach your car. You put your suitcase in your car and then you turn to look at her. “Well if anyone else says that you throw corn cobs at them then I might see you around.” You joke with her and she laughs.
“Or maybe I could see you around tonight, for dinner?” She asks and you tilt your head at her.
“Melissa, are you asking me on a date?” You ask her with a small smile.
“If I were, would that be a yes?” She cautiously asks and you nod. “Then yes, I’m asking you on a date.” She states proudly and you beam at her.
“Out of curiosity, what would you have said if I said no?” You ask her and she thinks for a second.
“That it would just be a thank you for winning the case.” She says and you chuckle. “Wanna give me your number so we can plan the date in better detail?” She adds on as she gets her phone out.
You exchange numbers and then you get in your car to go home to get ready for the date. She decided to have the date at her house as she claims she’s the best damn cook in all of south Philly, with the exception of a few family members. You get changed into a nice purple dress with black tights, do your makeup and then head off to the address she texted you.
“Wow, you look beautiful hon.” She tells you with a big smile as soon as she opens the door.
“So do you. Red and green seem to be made for you.” You tell her and she tilts her head at you. “You wore green today and it suited you, as well as this red dress.” You explain and she blushes.
“You were looking at my top today?” She questions and you nod. “Did you happen to notice that it was a low cut top too?” She questions further and you feel your cheeks heat up as you nervously nod again. “I didn’t know you had time to look at my top today when you were so busy looking at my tits.”She teases you and your cheeks are redder than her hair at this point. “You’re adorable when you blush like that.” She teases you further and you then clear your throat and look around her house, trying to avoid further embarrassment. She giggles at your attempt and then she spins you around to face her and kisses you. You kiss her back after the shock wears off and it was one of the best kisses of your life. She pulled away after a few seconds which was too short for you. She giggled when you tried to kiss her and she put her hand on your chest. “Believe me, I love kissing you too. But if we continue then I won’t want to stop and there’s food ready.” She tells you and you whine.
“You shouldn’t have kissed me then. That’s all I’ll be thinking about now.” You tell her with a pout. She leans in close to your ear.
“When you get a taste of my food then you’ll forget about it for a bit.” She leans back, winks at you and then walks to the kitchen with a smirk. You follow after her and she’s putting food on a plate for you.
“You know now that the case is over, I have one question.” You ask her and she looks at you confused.
“What’s the question?”
“Why did you throw a corn cob at him?” You ask her and she chuckles.
“I guess you saw through my lie then.” She states and you nod your head. “He was insulting Italians so of course I had to take action. I just threw at him whatever I was eating and it was a corn cob.” She explains and you start laughing.
“You’re really a wonder Melissa Schemmenti.” You tell her and she laughs as she hands a plate to you. You both walk over to the dining table and sit down to eat. You take a first bite and it’s like a flavour bomb exploded in your mouth and you let out a small moan. You look over to see Melissa smirking at you and you quirk an eyebrow at her. “What?”
“Just wondering of all the other ways I can make you moan.” She says like it’s an obvious thing. You blush at her comment but then you want to tease her back.
“Maybe you’ll find out.” You tell her with a smile and she blushes and goes to take a bite of her own food.
You rub your foot up her leg and she begins coughing as she was taking a bite. She takes a sip of her water and then when she stops, you continue to rub your foot up her leg. She looks at you and you’re smirking at her.
“You’re not the only one who knows how to tease.” You tell her as you take a bite of food. She smiles at you before she gets up, walks over to you, puts her hand at the back of your head, leans forward and kisses you. She doesn’t pull back this time, instead she deepens the kiss by sliding her tongue in your mouth. She tastes you for the first time and she’s already wanting more. You stand up, while not breaking away from the kiss, and you put your hands on her waist. You pull back after a few more seconds and she whines. “We should continue our dinner before we do anything else.” You tell her. She looks at the food then looks at you with your kiss swollen lips.
“Dinner can wait.” She says then surges forward to kiss you again. She kisses you with so much force that you walk backwards until you hit the wall and she pins you against it. “Do you want to continue?” She asks you as she pulls back. “If we continue then I’ll want to go all the way.” She tells you, asking for consent.
“I don’t want to stop kissing you.” You tell her and she smiles. She then takes your hand and brings you to her bedroom.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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https-milo · 4 months
the baker's daughter - a wild todoroki!
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Y/n L/n works at a small bakery owned by her parents. One day, a pro hero in training shows up asking for 400 cupcakes
Chapter 2 - a wild todoroki!
prev. / m. list / next
Three days have passed since Todoroki came into the shop. Right now I am currently on an afternoon mission. A mission to get all the ingredients needed for 400 cupcakes by the U.A School Festival. The wind felt therapeutic as it brushed past me, I smiled warmly at the feeling. I walk to the closest store, enter it, and greet the workers with a wave. I grab a basket and walk over to the baking aisle.
"Cocoa power... Vanilla extract... Sugar... Flour... Don't we already have most of this stuff?" I groan in annoyance. I scoop everything I need into my basket. I walk to the noodle aisle and see soba - my favorite. There was only one left, so I quickly grab it. I hear a sigh from beside me and turn around. It was Shoto Todoroki.
"Oh! Hello, Todoroki," I greet. "I hope you weren't trying to get the soba..."
"I was actually, but it's fine. I can just go out to eat somewhere," Todoroki explains.
"I'm sorry, if you want it, you can have it?"
"No, it's fine. Thank you."
"Okayyyy, well I've gotta get to the bakery... It was nice seeing you!" I say. Being close to him made me flustered, and I did not like that. I rush away from Todoroki, barreling towards the cashier.
"L/N, hold on," He said.
I was halfway to the register, almost free from embarrassment. "Uh yes?"
"Would you like to join me in getting soba? I figure you'd prefer it fresh and not prepackaged," Todoroki asked.
"Uhm, me? Like me-me?" I look around, trying to find anyone else he could be talking to.
"Yes, you. You don't have to, of course. Just thought I'd offer."
My eyes widen, "Yeah! Of course, I wanna go with you, but I kinda have to run these to the bakery first and change -" I look down ashamed at my 'no-one-will-see-me' outfit. "I'm sure you don't wanna be seen with someone who looks like this," I vaguely gesture to my outfit.
"I don't care what you're wearing. But if you want to change, I'll wait for you."
"Come with me in line?" I ask. He nods and catches up to me, from there we walk to the register. I place the ingredients on the conveyor belt. The worker scans my items.
"That'll be 10,000 yen," the worker explains. I wince.
"Mom is so going to kill me," I joke. "My budget was 8,000..."
Before I can say anything else, Todoroki takes out his father's credit card and pays for the ingredients. "To-Todoroki!" I stutter. He looks at me confused as he enters the PIN number.
"What? I don't want you getting in trouble."
"It was a joke, Todo. My mom wasn't actually going to kill me," I sigh as the worker bags my items.
"Thank you though, I really appreciate it. But now I feel bad!" I pout.
"Don't feel bad, my father has enough money," Todoroki replies. "Let me help you." I nod and he takes a few bags out of my arms. We walk out of the store.
"What're you doing out here anyway? I thought you'd be in school?" I ask.
"We had the day off today. I thought it would be nice to head into town, and I was right because I ran into you," he said this so easily I thought he was joking.
"I enjoy your company," he shrugged.
"We just met... like literally the other day."
"I know, but I was never allowed around other kids when I was younger. I didn't have a single friend before I started attending U.A., so I don't really know what it's like to have one. But after we met, I couldn't stop thinking about you. So I figured I just had to meet you again, and I was right. I think that's what happens when you want someone to be your friend."
I didn't think I could get any more flustered. But, of course, a quirk user just had to prove me wrong. "I enjoy your company too. We should talk more! You know, outside of the cupcakes," I smile at him - trying to ignore the bubbly feeling in my chest.
We walk in silence for the rest of the way to my bakery. It wasn't uncomfortable, I honestly enjoyed it. "I'm home!" I shout as we enter the bakery.
"Welcome back, Y/n," my dad says. He's rubbing his face with a rag as he enters the front of the store. Once his eyes open, they narrow in on Todoroki. I wince and look between the two.
"Dad, this is Todoroki Shoto, he's the customer who requested the large order. Todo, this is my dad," I introduce. That doesn't help the one-sided tension. Todoroki looked confused as he looked between me and my dad. I gestured for him to speak.
"Good afternoon, sir. I came across L/N-chan in the store, I offered to take her out for lunch... if that's ok with you?" Todoroki greeted with a bow. My father grumbled.
"Come with me while Y/N changes, bring the groceries," Dad instructed.
"Is that really necessary?" I groan.
"Yes," Dad firmly said. I roll my eyes.
"Don't worry, L/N. I will be fine," Todoroki replied.
I look between the two and hesitantly make my way upstairs after handing Todoroki the remaining bags. I head to my room and hastily throw on a pair of jeans and a band shirt. It had been 7 minutes since I left the storefront, and if I'm being honest; I was scared of what I was going to walk in on. Pushing my fear aside for the sake of Todoroki, I walk downstairs. Surprisingly, I see my dad engaged in a friendly conversation. I quirk an eyebrow at this. With just as much prejudice quirk havers give us for being quirkless, my dad gives the hatred tenfold toward quirk users. So imagine my shock when I see him shaking Todoroki's hand and thanking him.
"Soooo can I go with him?" I ask.
"Yes. Take care of my daughter, Todoroki," my dad says.
"Of course, L/N-sama," Todoroki replied. He nodded toward me and we made our way out of the bakery. "Did you know my favorite soba place is only a few blocks away?"
"I know of a soba place a few blocks away, but obviously I didn't know it was your favorite," I tease. I swear I see a faint smile on his face. "What did my dad say to you?"
"He started asking about my intentions for hanging out with you. I told him you were good company. Then he started saying how you three were quirkless, but that wouldn't stop him from hurting me if I offended you in any way. I told him that wouldn't be a problem because we were just getting Soba," Todoroki explained. I could tell he was either keeping something from me or some part of what he said was a lie. "I didn't know you were quirkless."
"It's not something we go around telling everyone. There's really no pride in being 'normal'," I shrug. This was the conversation I was dreading.
"Well, I think being quirkless can be just as great as having a quirk," Todoroki calmly said. I look at him ridiculously, not believing what he said.
"How so?" I asked. I figured he was just trying to be nice to me, he didn't actually believe that. I mean, who would?
"Well, if the majority of the world relies on quirks and quirk users, the fact that quirkless people can get through the day without using a power is remarkable. Your parents built that bakery themselves, right? They didn't need quirks to do that and the business they built is incredible. I guess quirkless people just don't get enough credit, I think we forget there was a time we didn't use quirks," Todoroki explained.
"And you mean that? Like you're not just trying to be nice or whatever?"
"Yes, I mean it. Why wouldn't I?"
"Not many people share the same sentiment. I'm used to being thrown into lockers and bullied, not appreciated," I chuckle.
"My friend Midoriya helped me see quirkless people how I currently view them. My father told me they were defenseless and weak. I let this sentiment slip during a hangout once while we were watching a movie, Midoriya paused it and went on a whole rant. I hate my father for the way he made me see people, quirklessness is not a disability as everyone makes it seem."
"Well, tell Midoriya I appreciate him showing you the light," I joke. Todoroki smiled faintly.
"Well, we're here," Todoroki said.
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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Daddy Lessons 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Rafe Cameron
Summary: You agree to tutor for the Cameron’s, but find your student less than cooperative.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You slap your hand around Rafe’s wrist, panic surging in your throat. You can’t breathe. You bring your other hand up as you turn in the seat, trying to dislodge his grip as he squeezes tighter. So tight, you feel your eyes bulging.
You smack his shoulder desperately as tears fill the brims of your eyes and the chair tilts with your struggle. He lets you go as you wrench back and topple off the seat completely. Your back hits the floor and knocks the wind out of you a second time.
You wheeze and cough as your throat burns. Rafe chuckles as you hear the pages flutter and he throws the textbook. It lands on your stomach and you groan.
“Tell you what, dork, whatever my dad’s paying you to ‘teach’ me,” he puts a special lilt on teach, “I’ll pay you double to shut the fuck up. You sit there, do whatever it is nerds do and I’ll be on my phone.”
He kicks the chair as he gets up and stomps around the table. He resumes his seat on the other side as you sit up. He swipes his phone into his hand and goes back to flicking the screen with his thumb. You get up silently, holding back another wave of tears as you try not to shake. 
You pick up the book and bring the chair straight. You lower yourself onto the seat and put the textbook beside your laptop. You stare at the screen but can’t read the font. You’re terrified.
All those years, you saw Rafe swaggering down the halls, calling kids names, pushing the nerdiest of the punch into lockers, but he’d never hit a girl. Not openly, though he never had a problem bashing any boy smaller than him.
“If you’re gonna cry, keep it down,” he snickers, “you’re not hot enough for that.”
You blink and stare at the screen. What do you do? Pack up and go? Tell Ward it’s not going to work out. He’ll be disappointed but he can afford someone who wasn’t a former victim of his son’s high school foliies.
You close the laptop and grab your bag, tucking it inside quietly. You’ll just have to break the news to your parents. You’re unemployed, again. That didn’t last long. You hook your knapsack over your shoulder and stand.
“Giving up?” Rafe scoffs without looking up from his phone, “typical.”
You don’t say anything as you round the table and head for the door. Before you can step into the entryway, a searing pain in your scalp lurches you back. You cry out as Rafe drags you into the dining room and pens you in against the table. He fists your hair as he snarls at you.
“Don’t you fucking go tattling on me to daddy,” he growls. “Don’t be a little bitch and sit the fuck down.”
“Let me go–”
“I was fucking serious. I’ll pay you to mind your goddamn business. My dad wants me to read these damn books, so you tell him I read them,” he sneers, “but it’s gotta be fucking believable so go on and sit.”
“Don’t you fucking call me that,” he spits, “I don’t wanna hear my name on your fucking lips.” You flinch as he yanks your hair, “we got a deal or what?” His eyes drift down to your striped tee shirt, “you could use the money.”
You gulp and glance past him. What other prospects do you have? Sit at home and face the music and have no money or sit here in silence until your time is up.
“Ow,” you squirm, “I– I’ll do it but– let me go.”
He abides as he rolls his eyes and shoves you away from him, “god, you’re fucking whiny.”
“I’m not… I’m not going to stay if you keep doing that–”
“Ah, come on,” he slurs, “tell me it doesn’t get you a little hot. I know you ain’t had other guys up on you.”
That hurts in a different way. You try not to show it as you back away from him. This isn’t a good idea. He’s not exactly stable and you don’t really trust him. Even if he doesn’t follow through, money is money. Besides, he seems more interested in that phone than you.
You go back around the table and sit. You pull the textbook close and Rafe narrows his eyes at you. You raise a palm, trembling despite your efforts.
“To make it convincing,” you say and exhale heavily.
He grumbles and drops back into his seat. You set your bag on the chair next to you and slip your laptop out once more. You pop it open and listlessly drag your finger over the trackpad. You still don’t have the wifi. Solitaire it is.
You yawn and lean your chin in your hand. The tension remains. It’s silent but for his occasional snort or mutter at his phone. He’s just the same as he ever was. The popular kid defiant to everyone and everything around him.
You wish you could be that reckless. Well, you can’t just fall back on daddy’s bank account. You have to work to get top marks just to afford your tuition, but the scholarships don’t pay for your books or your housing. That’s all up to you and what little your parents can scrape up after their own expenses.
As much as you hate his privilege, you envy it. Maybe you would be like him if you had that. Maybe you wouldn’t care either.
You click away at the cards, stacking one on top of the other. You look at the time. Not even twenty minutes in. You’re scheduled for two hours. This is actual torture, even triggering. The last thing you wanted to do was revert to high school. Graduation was the happiest day of your life because it meant you never had to see those people again.
Or so you thought.
Rafe chuffs and lets out a groan. You don’t look up. He’s already proven he’s unhinged, it wouldn’t surprise you if he had full conversations with himself. He knocks the table and another long drone escapes him. The table jolts a second time and your laptop bounces. You sit up to see above the screen.
Rafe aims his phone at his lap. The way his other arm you can tell he’s holding his… you know. What the hell?!
You’re too embarrassed to call him out. You hope at least he doesn’t actually have it out. Oh god, he really has no shame. 
You win and the cards stream down in celebration. Rafe makes another noise. A deep rasp that catches in his throat. Your skin is on fire. You should have left. 
“Uh, where’s the bathroom?” You ask as you get up.
“Dammit,” he growls as he pumps his arm furiously. Is he– “I’m about to–”
Your mouth falls open and you stumble. You panic and quickly turn, nearly sprinting into the kitchen. You stagger through another doorway and down a hallway. You find a half bath and lock yourself inside.
You can’t unsee what you just saw. Why would he do that right there across from you? He’s sick and twisted!
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joehawke · 1 year
idk why this just popped into my head, but thinking about Steve who’s actually insanely smart, he always got straight A’s in school and the whole “dumb jock” was just a stereotype that Steve got stuck under and just never tried to prove wrong. Who cared whether or not he was actually smart? So he just played along. (Besides, it was an in to flirt with the girls; to pretend like he didn’t know what he was doing.) His parents had him tutored since he was old enough to count on his fingers, and sure it was exhausting, but it was something he was good at. Math, reading, science, it all came easy to him. He liked being able to impress the people around him. When he got involved with the upside down, the one thing that didn’t crumble around him was his studies. He was determined to make his parents proud. When it was time to send out all his college applications, his parents hadn’t returned home in months and by the time he heard back from the schools the upside down was worse than it’s ever been and it just wasn’t a concern anymore. So Steve stuffed the enveloped futures away. He had completely forgot about them. Until now.
It’s been a month since Hawkins cracked open. Max and Eddie both have been discharged from the hospital, on strict rehabilitation protocols. Because Wayne still had to work despite the government hush money, Steve decided it was best for Eddie to stay with him. Besides, the house is quiet and lonely, why not put it to good use? Steve had been downstairs frying eggs on a pan when Eddie came bounding around the corner clutching a stack of opened envelopes. He looked confused.
“What’s wrong Eds? What are those?” Steve asked, and when Eddie started rifling through the envelopes Steve caught the slightest sight of his school symbols. His heart dropped. “Eddie it’s not -“
“Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia -“ Eddie starts naming off as he rifles through each envelope.
“You got into them all Steve. There’s like 10 different top notch schools here that you got into. Why has no one heard about this? And why are they stuffed in a drawer?”
“Because I’m not going” Steve says simply, like it was the easiest decision to make.
“What? What the fuck do you mean you’re not going?” Eddie asks appalled. And Steve gets why, he does, but he’s also determined to stand his ground.
“Why does it matter? I’m not going” Steve pouts, crossing his arms.
“Stevie. Did your parents pay for you to get in or something? Did they use the Harrington name you hate so much? There’s gotta be a reason you won’t go besides just being a stubborn asshole” and Steve gets why he‘a asking, and he’s never been hurt by it, but part of Steve flinches at the fact that Eddie couldn’t believe that Steve got in on his own account.
“No. It doesn’t matter, can we just drop it?”
“No. No we can’t. Do you know how badly I would KILL to get into any school, let alone an IVY. This is incredible Steve.” Eddie states, padding closer into the kitchen and Steve has to hold back a laugh at his rabbit slippers.
“I can’t go” Steve says quietly, turning away from Eddie and back to the stove where the eggs are starting to burn.
“Why though? Can you tell me that much?” Eddie asks, matching Steve’s soft tone.
“Because I have to be here. I have to be here incase Vecna isn’t really gone. Incase the kids need me. Incase Robin needs me. I can’t just leave…” Steve says, turning back towards Eddie to look at him before turning back towards the burnt eggs.
“Stevie. They’ll be fine. When are you gonna put yourself first sweetheart? I need a valid reason why you’re staying and I’ll drop it, because these aren’t -“
“Because you’re here!” Steve yells, turning back towards Eddie. Steve watches as Eddie’s lips part ever so slightly as his breath hitches before he continues. “When I got accepted into those schools the people who I did that for weren’t here anymore and fucking Henry Creel apparently was more prominent than ever, and the kids needed someone to take a hit and someone to protect them and Robin was here and she was the first person to care about me and what would that say about me if I left? And eventually those stupid schools were the furthest thing from my mind and then I thought about maybe going, maybe getting away from this hell… you came along and I couldn’t. I couldn’t leave you Eddie. With the regards of sounding cheesy, you carved a spot into my heart along side those bat bites and how was I supposed to just let you go after that?” Steve’s out of breath, and tears are starting to gather at his waterline, but he doesn’t care because Eddie is looking at him like he hung the sun and the moon and the stars and he remembers why he stays. And when Eddie’s lips collide with his own, he thinks he found home.
“We’re not done talking about this” Eddie says, and Steve chuckles as Eddie dives back in.
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vamp4kaulitz · 1 year
ik this isn’t a request but I thought of it because I was wearing my red scarf and it seems like a bill thing to do😞💔 I am still working on a requests yall don’t worry
!2003 bill x !gn reader
!2007 bill later on
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Bill’s POV
Year: 2003
Location: Leipzig Germany
Month: December
“Hey bill!” Y/N said while sitting next to me. “Oh hey!” I smiled. I had a crush on Y/N for a while but I was afraid to tell them. “Wanna play in the snow later after school?!” Y/N smiled and i nodded quickly. “Of course! Can the others come too?” I smiled widely and Y/N nodded. “Yeah of course, the more the merrier!” Y/N giggled and we both laughed for a bit and then payed attention to class.
“Ma! Can I go play with Bill and the others for a bit?” I asked while running downstairs with my outfit already ready. “Okay but remember we have to be up early tomorrow.” She yelled from the kitchen and I nodded and ran outside. I ran to Bill’s house and saw them all playing outside. “Hi guys!” I smiled and they all looked at me. “Hey! We were wondering if you could make it.” Bill smiled while hugging me and I chuckled. “Of course I could make it.” I giggled and went to play with them.
“Ouch! Tom!” I felt a snowball go directly on my face. “Oopies I guess?” He shrugged his shoulders and I threw a snowball at him. “Hey!” He shouted while wiping his face. “That’s what you get!” I say while running and he starts to run after me with a grin on his face. I kept running but I felt someone grab me and pick me up a bit. “Hey!” I said while kicking my feet but I saw it was georg. “Stop it you two. Let’s all just have some fun!” Georg chuckled and put me down.
“Come on guys, let’s make a snow angel!” I smiled and jumped on my back into the snow. Bill jumped next to me and looked at me while giggling and we both looked at enough and then I got an idea. “Let’s take a photo with our snow angels side by side with our name!” I say while getting up a putting my name next to my snow angel and bill did the same. Bill ran inside to grab his camera and came back out and took a picture.
We all giggled and then I heard my mom yelling for me. “Y/N! Y/N! It’s time to come back now!” My mom yelled and I yelled okay and then looked at the others. “I have to go guys.” I pouted and they all sighed. “Aww..will you come back tomorrow?” Bill asked and I froze when he asked that question. I was about to answer but my mom yelled my name again and I got up. “I’m sorry guys! I gotta go! Goodbye!” I ran away while waving and they waved back.
Third persons POV
“Wait..did they just say goodbye?” Bill’seyes widen and looked at the others. “Goodbye means when they are leaving leaving..” He said with fear in his voice. “They probably didn’t mean it.” Gustav reassured and Georg agreed. “But..they can’t leave, I still haven’t told them how I felt yet.” Bill said and Tom hugged him. “Its okay..we are pretty sure they meant bye. They would’ve told us if they were leaving leaving.”
One day later
“Come on Y/N, the truck is about to leave!” Y/N’s mom yelled while putting the last of our boxes in the truck. “Wait a moment ma, just please!” Y/N said while running to Bill and Tom’s house. Y/N knocked on the door loudly and started to get impatient when no one opened it. Y/N knocked about twice and then saw Bill opening the door while yawning and rubbing his eyes. “What’s wrong Y/N?” He asked and Y/N hugged him. “I’m moving to the USA, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys sooner!” Y/N said and Bill’s sleepy eyes now turned into widen one’s. “What?” He said surprised. “I don’t have much time before I leave, I’m sorry!” Y/N say in a hurry and was about to leave but bill stopped them. “Wait! Please! Have this scarf..so you don’t forget me.” He said while running in the house real quick and came back with a red scarf. “Take it, please!” He begged and Y/N smiled softly and took it. “Thank you.. I’ll keep it forever.” Y/N said while putting it on. “Y/N!!” Y/N mom yelled and Y/N started to fidget with their hands. “I-I have to go!” Y/N said while looking at their mom and then him.
“Wait! Y/N I like you!” Bill said and Y/N looked at him shocked. “W-What?!” Y/N said shocked not being able to process everything right now and then Bill kissed them and pulled away. “I know it’s all of a sudden but I do, please don’t forget me! Please, remember me!” Bill say while smiling sadly and then Y/N smiled back and was about to say something but heard the truck honking. “Goodbye Bill!” Y/N said while running and Bill held his hand out for them but retreated it. “Goodbye..” He said while looking down and then back up to watch Y/N leave.
Y/N got in the car and it was passing Bill’s house, he was still standing there while waving at them. Y/N rolled down the window and waved at him. “Goodbye Bill! Please don’t forget me!” Y/N yelled and he shouted back. “I won’t! Please don’t forget me either! And don’t forget what I said! Promise me in the future we will be together!” He yelled. “I promise!!” Y/N said and then put their head back inside the car and then leaned back in the seat and softly started to cry. “Will I ever see him again?” Y/N thought while wiping their tears.
Bills POV
Year: 2007
Location: Leipzig Germany
Month: August
It’s been four years since I last seen Y/N. It’s now 2007. I remember what I told them, and I’ve been thinking about it everyday. Will I ever see them again? Will they ever appear? I thought about it, not giving up on the love of my life.
“Bill, come on. We are about to start.” Tom said snapping me out of my thoughts and I nodded. I went out of the dressing room and walked up on stage. Everyone started screaming when we came onstage and I smiled. “Hello everyone!” I yelled in the mic and everyone started screaming. “Let’s make this concert a great one!!” I yelled in German and everyone yelled along.
I was waiting outside the venue, to see one of my favorite bands, tokio hotel. I was with my best friend and we were waiting patiently. “I can’t believe we are seeing them in person!” My friend smiled and i nodded while grinning. “I know right! I bet they look even better up close. Since we do have front row tickets.” I said and she nodded. After about 30 minutes the venue opened and we handed the person in front our tickets and we ran inside. It was crowded and we made our way to the front. A perfect view anyone would wanna see.
“I can’t believe this is happening!” My friend said while jumping up and down and i chuckled. “Me either! I hope they play my favorite album!” I smiled and then everyone started screaming and I looked on stage and there they were. They were here. I looked directly at Bill and he started talking. “Hello everyone!” He yelled in the mic and I cheered. “Lets make this concert a great one!!” He yelled once again and everyone yelled long with him. They started to play schrei and everyone screamed. We all sung along to the song and Bill started to look in the crowd while smiling. He then looked in the front row and our eyes met. His eyes widen and I was confused but I continued to cheer.
“Alright guys, this next song we will bring someone up to the stage!” Bill said and everyone cheered. Bill looked into the crowd once again and then looked at me. “You.” He pointed at me while smiling and my best friend jumped up and down. “Go! You got this!” She said and I smiled and Bill held his hand out to me. The security helped me get on the stage and I successfully got up there. “What’s your name?” He asked while looking into my eyes with those beautiful brown eyes. “Y/N!” I smiled and he smiled at me. “Let’s give it up for Y/N!” He yelled and everyone started cheering. They started to play [F/A/N] and I got excited. They put on my favorite song from the album and I was singing along with Bill the whole time.
It was the last song by now and the concert was coming to an end and I was about to get off the stage but bill grabbed me. “Can I talk to you for a second?” He asked and I looked at my best friend and she gave me a thumbs up and walked away but I saw her getting stopped by Tom. I chuckled at her and looked at bill. “Yea of course, what’s up?” I said and he took me backstage.
“Look I know this sounds crazy but is your last name [L/N]?” He asked and my eyes widen. “Um yes why?” I said nervously and his eyes soften. “Do you really not remember me?” He said in a soft voice and i raised a brow and then started to think. “I give you a red scarf when we were little..before you moved away. and then I confessed my feelings to you..” Bill said softly and I thought for a second and then my eyes widen.
“Oh my god, Billy!” I said and hugged him. He chuckled and grabbed my chin. “Did you forget our promise too?” Bill smiled and I got a bit shy. “No..I didn’t..since I got reminded..” I smiled and he chuckled. “So? What do you think?” He said while wiggling his brows and I giggled. “I think we can start dating..” I smiled and he smiled widely. “I’ve been waiting for years my gosh, I thought you would forget me forever. Also, I thought you were going to the US?” He said and i chuckled and snatched my head.
“Well, I moved back because my mom got fired from her job..since her old job moved there and we had to move. So we came back to Germany.” I said and he nodded. “Then..that means I get to stay with you..forever.” Bill grinned and I nodded. We hugged and then I heard my phone ringing. “Hold on. Hello ma?” I said and pulled away from the hug and answered the phone. “Umm I’ll come home in a few..” I said and then I sighed. “Okay okay I’m on my way now.” I hung up and looked at bill with a sad expression.
“I know we both just reunited but I have to go. Here, I’ll give you my number.” I said and grabbing a piece of paper and writing my number on it and giving it to him smiling. “It was nice seeing you after years. You have no idea how much I missed you.” Bill smiled and i smiled back at him. “I’ll get going mkay?” I said and Bill nodded. “I’ll walk you, I don’t want my liebe to be hurt.” He smiled and I chuckled.
[F/A/N] = Favorite album name
hehe this took me only a few days to write
getting back to requests though!!
taglist😘: @bored0writer @saumspam @ilovebill-and-gustav @billybabeskaulitz
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jadewolf22 · 29 days
Hola! First of all, just want to say that your Lady Jane fic was AMAZING!!! You captured her perfectly and your writing is just *CHEF'S KISS*
Second of all, I have a fic request for you if you're up to it. Larissa and reader are having a date night at a local bar when Larissa's ex walks in and she starts acting weird. The three get into an altercation (reader has no clye the guy is Larissa's ex) and when Reader and Riss get home they get into a argument bc Larissa wont tell reader what the altercation was about. Eventually, Riss caves in and reader goes full protective girlfriend mode (I'll let you decide exactly how)
Can't wait to see what you do with this promt!!😁😚
Her Guard Dog
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Larissa x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, fighting (verbal&physical), mentions of abusive ex’s, descriptions of abuse, death threats, threats of bodily harm, slapping & choking (in a non-sexual way), talk of going to jail, ect…
Summary: What started out as a simple date night quickly goes south when Larissa runs into an ex who isn’t fond of seeing her with someone else.
A/n: Hola, anon! Thank you for the request, it’s right up my alley of writing. And thank you for the creative liberty with deciding how reader was going to be the protective girlfriend, I had way too much fun with it. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2,461
The bar was warm and crowded when you and Larissa had arrived and the atmosphere hadn’t changed since. Not that either of you would have noticed, you were both too engrossed in each other to be paying any mind to what was happening around you. Even after a year of dating, the two of you still looked at each other like it was a love-at-first-sight situation even though you’d met through work. With Larissa being the principal of Nevermore and you being on the school board your schedules had overlapped quite a bit and you two had hit it off pretty quickly. Since then, these little dates had become a weekly occurrence, a chance to abandon work and bask in each other's company over a drink at a local bar your friend owned. The two of you were laughing over a childhood story you’d told when Larissa glanced towards the door, her smile falling and her laugh dying in her throat as she caught sight of a man standing in the doorway. 
“Everything alright?” you asked, following her gaze, but the man had moved on so you didn’t see him.
“Hmm? Oh, yes, I’m fine.” Larissa said dismissively, turning back to you, “Just tired, I suppose. Can we go home?”
“Yeah, sure.” you agreed, watching her closely, fully aware that she was lying to you, “Why don’t you go out to the car and I’ll pay the bill then meet you out there?”
“Don’t take too long.”
You watched Larissa walk out the door before turning to try and grab your friend's attention so you could pay the bill, missing the man from before following Larissa outside. Your friend had just handed you your check when your phone pinged, the check temporarily forgotten when you saw the text from Larissa:
Riss: S.O.S
“Hey, Isabelle,” you called to your friend, ice flooding your veins, “Can you put this on my tab and I’ll pay you tomorrow? I’ve gotta go, right now.”
“Yeah, no problem.” your friend nodded as you gathered up your phone and purse.
“Thanks, Isa!!” you shouted rushing out of the bar towards your car. 
Rushing to your car, fear flooded you at the sight of Larissa arguing with the man from before. You didn’t recognise him but there was time to worry about who he was later, anger quickly replacing your fear as you watched the man grab Riss by her arm, seeming to try and drag her away.
“Hey!” you cried as you approached, pushing the man away and getting between the two, “Get out of here! Riss, get in the car.”
The man simply chuckled, brushing off his suit and slicking back his hair with a sneer. “Listen to your guard dog, Rissy.” he taunted.
“Get the hell out of here!” you growled, turning your head towards Larissa as you whispered, “Please, get in the car.” 
Larissa nodded, quickly climbing into your car as you turned back to the man, suddenly overcome with the urge to slap that stupid sneer off his face. He eyed you up and down, studying you closely as if sizing you up as a threat. 
“I’m only gonna say it one more time,” you warned, reaching into the pocket of your jeans for your switchblade, “Get. The hell. Out of here.”
The man chuckled and shrugged, calling, “See ya around, Larissa!” before heading off down the street. 
You sighed, making sure the man was well out of sight before you climbed in the car. You sat there a moment, rubbing your hand over your face and nipping at your fingers as you tried to calm down, anger and disgust still ebbing away at you.
“We can talk about this when we get home,” you growled despite your best attempts to keep your voice gentle, starting up the car and driving off without another word. 
The drive back to Nevermore was uncomfortably silent as you tried to process what the hell had just happened. You didn’t know who that man was but, clearly, he knew Larissa, and that scared you. You had the feeling he wasn’t going to leave her alone anytime soon but how could you prevent that when you didn’t even know who the little fucker was? And you knew getting Riss to tell you anything was going to be like pulling teeth. 
When the two of you returned to Nevermore you headed straight up to Larissa’s private quarters, the door barely closing before you started asking questions.
“Okay Larissa, what the hell was that about?!” you asked, fighting to keep your voice calm and already losing. The sight of him putting his hands on her had already made you near-murderous, “Who was that?!”
“I—No one… It’s nothing—” Larissa stuttered quietly, looking down at the floor as she paced and wrung her hands together nervously.
“Larissa, don’t lie to me. That was not nothing. Who. Was. He?” 
“N-no one—”
“Goddamnit, Larissa! Don’t try and pull that bullshit on me!” you shouted, slamming your hand against the wall and immediately regretting it when Larissa flinched. She clung to herself, toying with the collar of her dress as she fought to breathe, tears welling in the corners of her eyes.
“Riss, I’m so sorry.” you whispered gently, slowly coming forward so you wouldn’t startle her, resting your hands on her arms and looking up into her eyes, “I’m so sorry. I know I shouldn’t have yelled. I want to help you, but I can’t do that when you shut me out…”
“I d-don’t want you to g-get in-involved…” she whimpered, her body shaking as tears began to slide down her cheeks.
Guiding her to sit on the foot of the bed, you hugged Larissa close, rubbing her back and speaking to her softly, “I’m gonna get involved, Riss, whether you want me to or not. My job is to protect you, and I can’t do that if I don’t know who’s hurting you… Please, tell me who that was.”
“J-James…” Larissa sodded, clinging to you tightly.
Your heart dropped into your stomach, the name setting of several alarms in your head. “James? As in, James Hacker? As in, your abusive fiance? That James?”
Riss nodded frantically, choking out, “H-he’s been f-following me… I-I didn’y say anything because I-I didn’t know wh-what to do… I was s-so scared…”
“Shh. Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” you consoled, continuing to rub her back, “The only thing you need to do right now is take a shower and get ready for bed. I’m gonna run out, but I’ll be back in an hour.” 
“Wh-where are you going?” Larissa asked as you stood up and threw on your jacket, trading your heeled boots for a pair of tennis shoes. 
“I’m gonna go have a talk with James.” 
“No!” Larissa cried, grabbing your wrist tightly, “Y-you can’t!! He’ll hurt you!”
“Larissa. It’s okay.” you assured, gently prying her hands off of your wrist, “I can take care of myself. I’m just gonna go over and have a little chat with him. I’ll be back soon.”
“Please, don’t.” she begged, clearly terrified.
“Larissa…” a part of you wanted to cave in and stay with her, to make sure no one else could hurt her. But another, much stronger part of you wanted to ensure that James never came near Riss again, and you wanted to get it over with while your anger was still fresh, “I need to make sure that James stays away from you. I’m not gonna wait if there’s a chance he might actually hurt you. I don’t wanna think about what he might’ve done to you if I hadn’t come outside when I did… I promise I’ll be safe.” 
“...Okay…” Larissa whispered, letting go of you, “Just… don’t be gone long.”
“Like I said,” you kissed her cheek, giving her hand a gentle squeeze, “I won’t be gone more than an hour.”
Larissa nodded, watching you go sadly. You patted your blade as you climbed back into your car, driving off practically on autopilot as your mind reeled with thoughts of how you were going to get James to leave Riss alone. She’d told you about him pretty early into your relationship but had only recently told you just how awful and vile he truly was. He’d beaten her constantly for anything from making a suggestion after he’d been clear on plans to simply feeling like it, he would drug her drinks and then have his way with her for hours, made her cut off all contact with her friends and family, even went so far as trying to get her to resign at Nevermore and become a housewife. That was when Larissa had finally called things off. She’d packed her bags and left while he was at work, cutting off all contact with him and never looking back. You were proud of Riss for being able to remove herself from him, but you would never be able to let go of the pure hatred you held towards James. He had scarred Larissa, possibly for life, and now, almost two years later, you were finally getting the chance to pay him back.
Having started stalking James after Larissa had initially told you about him, you knew exactly where he lived, finding yourself pulling into his driveway twenty minutes later. The house was secluded and you knew he lived alone so, the only witnesses you would have to worry about was a potential one-night-stand. Climbing the steps onto the porch you banged your fist harshly against the door, possibly hard enough to leave bruises in the morning—though, you were almost certain those wouldn’t be the only ones on yours hands you’d have by the end of the night.
After a minute or so, James finally came to the door, leaning up against the frame in nothing but a half-unbuttoned dress shirt and his boxers, sneering down at you like prey caught in a monster’s paws.
“I can’t believe this,” he chuckled, running and hand through his greasy hair, “She actually sent her guard dog on me.”
“I am not her guard dog.” you growled. Sure, you might have been half a foot shorter than him, but you could be far more intimidating then he would ever be. “But I am here to make sure you leave Larissa alone.”
“What are you gonna do, little dog?” James taunted, smirking when the muscles in your face twitched angrily at the name, “I’m sure you’re all bark, not bite.”
“For your sake, let’s hope you don’t have to find out.” you threatened, “Let me make this clear, the next time I find out you’re following her I’ll gouge out your eyes. You ever try to touch her again, and I will bury you. Nevermore has plenty of acres of land… they’ll never find your body.”
“You’re actually willing to go to prison for that bitch… She’s not worth it—”
Your body reacted of its own accord, his head reeling back as you struck him across the face.
“Do not underestimate the things I would do for her,” you growled, ignoring the way your palm stung from the slap, “Prison is a small price to pay to make sure you never lay hands on her again.”
“But, if you’re in prison, who’s going to stop someone else from putting their hands on her?” he taunted, massaging his cheek, “Bitches like Larissa are so easy to get.”
You slapped him again, grabbing his throat and pushing him up against the door, your voice murderous as you hissed through gritted teeth, “Call her that. One. More Time. And I will make sure you never speak again… You are going to leave Larissa alone. Am I clear?!” James nodded, eyes going wide as his face slowly started turning purple, “I swear to you, if I ever see you anywhere near her again it will be the last time you’re ever seen… Do we have a deal?”
He nodded again slowly and you released your grip on his neck, back up a few steps before giving him a honeyed smile and saying, “Good. Have a good rest of your night, Mr. Hacker.”
With one last warning glance his way, you turned on your heel and walked back to your car, a sense of ease over taking you despite the possible repercussions you could face if James decided to call the police. A large part of you doubted he would, for fear of his own life, and that alone made you smile a little. You were proud of yourself for restraining the urge to kill him on sight, knowing that Larissa would appreciate it, despite how much she hated him. 
Returning to Larissa’s apartment, you were a little unhappy to find her still awake, hoping to be able to bandage your hands and get a few hours of rest before she started asking questions. Nevertheless, you offered her a small smile as you shrugged off your jacket and kicked off your shoes, changing in the bathroom and wrapping your hands before joining her in bed.
“We don’t have to worry about James anymore.” you assured as Riss tucked herself against you.
“What did you do?” she asked, looking up at you with worried eyes, “Is he still—?”
“Yes, he’s still alive.” you promised, “But, let’s just say… I made it clear that he won;t be for much longer if he doesn’t leave you alone…”
“Y/n! If he reports this, you could go to prison!” Riss gasped, her hands tightening their grip on your shirt.
“He won’t.” you were probably being a little overconfident, but that was what was best for Larissa at the moment, “James is smart. He knows what’s good for him.”
“What exactly did you do?”
“Just roughed him up a bit and told him to stay away or they’d never find his body.” you answered honestly, becoming a little worried when Riss went silent. 
“I… thank you.” she finally whispered, burying her face in your chest. You could feel tears beginning to wet your shirt, wrapping your arms around her like a protective cage, “As much as I hate how you went about it, thank you…”
“You’re welcome, Riss.” you kissed her head, shutting off the lights with a flick of your wrists, “As long as I’m here, no one will ever hurt you. Okay?”
Larissa nodded, sighing softly as exhaustion took hold of her and she fell asleep in your arms.
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justarandombrit · 5 months
Okay well as you may know from looking at my blog for five seconds, I saw the matinee for Starkid Innit. During the interval and after the show I wrote down some notes. I tried to get them in chronological order but my memory is dogshit and I definitely missed some stuff, I hope you appreciate it though.
. IT WAS SO GOOD (except for the high note lmao)
Act 1:
. The Nightmare Time sting punched me in the face
. The shout-out to the confused parents
. High School Is Killing Me, Literal Monster and Nerdy Prudes Must Die all got mashed together!
. Corey!Richie is my Roman Empire
. Jaime in NPMD….
. Jaime had a different line to PJ’s original in Literal Monster. I couldn't hear half of it but it was different
. Jaime singing Sami/Harry ABOUT HER DOG (Nori)
. The audience whipping out the phone cameras
. Joey finally giving the white, male side characters attention
. Joey changing “I know I'm not a star” to “I know I'm not Clark”
. He pointed the mic at the audience for the “DEFINITELY NOT!”
. Joey mistimed his jump 😔😔
. Genuinely his best performance of Sidekick yet
. Joey making fun of Brian for not getting a big solo
. Brian kept pretending to beat him up, it was brilliant
. Not Over Yet is definitely Brian's song, shut up
. Brian accidentally singing the same verse twice (How does he always mess this song up?!?!?)
. My mum took a photo during the “EVIL PLAAAAANSSSS” bit and it was right when Brian was choking Joey
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. “So look alive and don't forget”
. Rogues Are We still goes so hard
. Rogues Medley without Kick It Up A Notch is weird, but Kick It Up A Notch without Dylan would definitely be weirder
. Ice cream :D
Act 2:
. Starting with We Got Work To Do is so iconic
. Joey shouted “Draco, get on the floor!” at Lauren
. I love how it was hyped up like it was going to be Boy Toy, and then just straight up wasn't lmaooo
. Brian finally got the slow, sexy Hideous Creatures (Take that, Nick Lang!)
. Okay I'm trying to remember the order of the underrated songs they did
. Hideous Creatures (Lauren)
. Pays To Be an Animal (Corey) (He didn't sit in the spotlight and someone yelled “TO THE LEFT, COREY”)
. Get In My Mouth (Jeff) (He fully sprawled out on the stage it was hilarious)
. Land of the Dicks (Jaime)
. Hermione Can't Draw (Meredith) (She sung it so well I briefly didn't recognise the song)
. I genuinely cannot remember what Brian sung
. Gotta Find His Dick (Joey, and eventually everyone)
. The entire “Oh you wanna know where I got my shirt?” bit
. Brian, Jaime and Joey got it from Primark, Meredith got it from “Primed-mrak”, Lauren’s was a family heirloom, Corey got it from Gucci and Jeff got it from America, from Pri-mart (He made the guy on the drums do a baddum tsh)
. COREY SINGING SHOW STOPPIN' NUMBER. OH MY GOD. (The entire crowd joined in, also, Jeff and Jaime as Steve and Stu)
. Everyone cheering so loud when Joey and Lauren came on stage, and them claiming we had no idea what they were going to sing, and it was actually a completely new song (it was Granger Danger obviously)
. And them continuing to claim it was new throughout the song
. As I expected, I almost cried during Not Alone. Also apparently Darren thought it was going to be a big hit??? And just begrudgingly let them use it for A Very Potter Musical
. Super Friends!
. So sad Jeff’s mic was so quiet for “I WANNA BE A MODERN DANCER”
. The fakeout of everyone leaving stage, then the band coming back on and playing the start of Goin' Back To Hogwarts
. “Darren's not here”
. JEFF DID DYLAN'S PART (but he didn't do “All of you to [city name] :( )
. Jeff pointed at various parts of the audience for “Welcome hotties, nerds and tools!” and then whispered “I'm so sorry” immediately after
. Singing (/ shouting) Goin' Back To Hogwarts along with hundreds of other Starkid fans was so exhilarating, I loved it and I almost cried (also I'm gonna be so hoarse tomorrow)
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whorediaries-09 · 10 months
million dollar man;
pairing- sirius black x camgirl!reader warning(s)- drinking, 18+ content, slightly dark themes. (let me know if i should add more) a/n- shit's porn with no plot fr.
ps- 🎵i don't have to pretend i like acid rock🎵
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and I don't know how you get over, get over someone as dangerous, tainted and flawed as you
the plastic dildo stretches your pussy open, your hand fondling your breast as you continue you ram the dildo into yourself. you bite your lip, moans leaving your mouth as your device starts tuning endlessly, your viewers sending you money for the show you put on for them.
'fuck fuck, am so close,' you whimper, your walls clamping down around the dildo. your fingers entangle with silk sheets under you and you arch your back, cumming around the dildo.
'shit,' you scream, your orgasm taking you from within, consuming the shit out of you. you fondle with your clit trying to calm yourself, breathing heavy,
'yeah, thank you guys for the money and shit, i've gotta leave.' you suck your fingers audibly before turning off the stream.
'god,' you mutter to yourself, falling back on your bed, scrolling through your phone, going through your reminders. the metal of your ring sat cold on the hot skin of your forehead, sending shivers down your spine.
your phone rings. it's lily, and with some hesitation, you pick the phone up.
'why do you sound so breathless? are you okay?'
'yeah i'm okay. just burned a few eggs,'
the sound of her slapping her hand against her forehead is audible through the line and you chuckle,
'seriously, woman you need to hire a chef or something to make you some simple eggs,'
'eh, i was just you know distracted,'
'hmm....so you remember the plan right?'
'plan?' you mutter.
'oh yeah you totally forgot. anyways i'm introducing you to my boyfriend and his friends at the local pub today...but you already know them,'
'yeah i know them, but i also know you,'
'yep... so nine thirty?'
'i'll see you there,' you confirm before she cuts off the line.
you had half an hour to get ready.
while the place is not unfamiliar to you, and neither are the people around you, you feel out of place within the bounds of sitting in the group of people. everyone seemed to really know each other, and you felt like the black sheep of them group. and that was true, somewhat.
you only really knew lily properly, as you grew up as the shy and quiet kid in school. while james and his group were known throughout the school, you obviously had heard of them, but somewhere along the lines, you never engaged in much conversations with them. except for perhaps peter and remus, who seemed to be fairly quieter than the other two but not to be mistaken as the 'innocent fellas'. remus and peter seemed to be the masterminds of all the shenanigans the group caused within the walls of the school, but rarely engaging in the plans they curated themselves.
'so what do you do for the money?'
the question directed at you pulls you out of the stance and you stare blankly for a few moments before answering,
'nothing much right now, just working at a toyshop, what about you?'
you're not sure who had asked the question, but just to make it seem like you had been paying attention, you had asked back the question. but when the gray eyed, raven haired man had answered your voiced question, you felt a spark of heat lightening you up,
'i work at as a tattoo artist, but trying for a modelling career to be honest,' sirius answers, his voice similar to how you remembered it, yet so different. he pops an olive in his mouth, swirling his teeth over his front row of teeth. you feel his eyes gleam and scan you. you're not sure whether he's judging you or checking you out with the smirk on his pretty lips.
but there's something about his unbroken gaze that speaks to you, that makes you think that he knows something you don't. there's something about it that makes you feel hot from within, and a like a solemn chant, it echoes into your head. your lips curve around the glass of alcohol, the liquid unnervingly warm down your throat. you let the ice cube sit atop your tongue, the coldness numbing down the nerves of your senses.
'i'm excusing myself.'
'yeah, yeah sure,'
'always wanted to feel this pretty pussy gripping my cock tight,' he groans into your ear, pushing your face into the dirty mirror of the washroom. how he got into the ladies washroom without offending anyone wasn't your lookout.
not when he was filling you up so much better than your stupid plastic dildo ever could.
you moan out in severe pleasure, feeling the coil of orgasm hit you again, build up in your nerves. his finger runs complicated figure eights on your sensitive clit and you throw your ass back, trying to get more of him inside your gushing hole.
'more, more, please sirius,' you beg. in a swift move, he's got you turned around, plunging himself into you even deeper, wrapping your legs around his hips. he smacks your ass, pushing three of his wet fingers into your mouth. he feels his the mixture of his warm cum and your saliva in your mouth. he brings your mouth down to his, and forming a pellet of spit on his tongue, he drops it into your mouth, and your groan.
'swallow it you filthy little thing,'
you obey, swallowing away the wrecked mixture of cum and spit. he splits you open, devouring the insides of your hole. his pubic hair teases with your stimulated clit. his cock hits your g-spot so perfectly, it makes you tear up, your mascara rolling down your heated cheeks.
he bites the skin of your neck, leaving spots, marking you all over. you feel trepid, the way he makes you see stars with every push of his cock inside you, filling you up with his treacherous, dirty words.
'f-fuck,' you scream, as you clench your walls around his cock, squirting open his torso. your eyes roll back, toes twisted against the sole of your slippers. you slack your mouth open, with the pleasure that his touch drives you into, and you're high, cock-drunk with the way he's filling you up, using you.
'thought i wouldn't recognize you?' he shudders, thrusting upto you, grabbing your bare nipple between his teeth.
'exposing all of this pretty cunt to the world, getting money with your pretty moans and words. how does it feel to let a real cock fill you up? hmm?' he asks, mockingly.
'so, so good,' you cry the walls of your overstimulated pussy. you cry it in a benevolent lust as he fucks you stupid, chasing his high.
'come on, come on, look at me,' he growls, grabbing your chin to make you look into his lust drowned eyes. you feel him empty himself into you, filling to till your guts, the warmth of his seed feeling you up. he circles around your sensitive clit, groaning and moaning into your ear, feeling the warm walls of your cunt flutter around him.
'now this pretty pussy is mine. j-just fucking mine.'
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moonshynecybin · 2 months
please just a window into your mind palace 🙏 how does vale react when marc gets kidnapped? how does he act and what lengths does he go to save him? what kind of measures does he take to make sure marc is never harmed?
it’s really more like. okay so i think the lever that drives the purpose of the story in all of the whump fic EYE read as a young teen was. hey what if this character gets KIDNAPPED and BEFORE they got kidnapped everyone was maybe perhaps taking advantage of them/under appreciating them/not realizing they were in pain (this attitude could be extrapolated from actual observed behavior in canon towards this character orrrr ENTIRELY INVENTED. doesn’t really matter. with marc it is. unfortunately very real in many ways from vale due to their biblical level estrangement) but NOW people get to freak out and realize how much they care about them and how much they love them and nurse them back to health while whiping blood off of their bruised, pretty face as the kidnapped character sort of gazes up at them in disbelief that a WORM like them could even be cared about enough to be gently touched. in many ways this is a fun scenario to think about with ROSQUEZ. because i think marc has internalized. okay vale doesn’t care about me. and i want him to be proven WRONG ! INCORRECT BUZZER ! and this is perhaps a batshit crazy enough lever to get vale a lil stressed. like it’s one thing to see marc vaulted through the air. they do that for work. AND vale doesn’t even like THAT. but. ransom ? kidnapping ? total marquez family media freeze out? not even a cryptic liar statement from honda to overanalyze or a shirtless selfie from a hospital bed to signal he’s alive ? homie is BUGGIN. he likes INFO he’s CURIOUS he knew every detail of marc deciding to ride on that arm in 2020 he pays ATTENTION. worry despite distance. and oh boy this is the supreme worry scenario.
so anyways the wheels are off we are doing old school fandom tropes because in real life i think vale like. just stays kind of quietly scared until he’s asked about it where he has to perform the most insane feat of mental gymnastics ever put to camera. but that’s not FUN !!! so marc gets kidnapped by uh. evildoers. not important. they only really beat him up in a hot way like on teen wolf. and vale finds out through a blurry picture of marc shirt kinda half unbuttoned and mouth duct taped and on the NEWS and he looks SCARED and TIRED and BRUISED and. not very much like himself. which is thing that puts a burning pit in vale’s stomach the MOST, and he’s pretending he doesn’t care he’s pretending it’s normal he’s pretending it’s about HIMSELF (what if someone was out there kidnapping generationally talented motorsports professionals uccio ?? he HAS to be checking the news obsessively for safety THANK YOU..) but he’s really so stressed. white knuckle grip on his composure. like vale is not sleeping not eating he’s refreshing the news story obsessively because he doesn’t KNOW anything which is the scariest part. he’s calling in every contact he can he’s traveling to spain he’s getting turned away at the marquez family door. he’s still DENYING THAT HES FREAKING OUT. and he’s MIA. uccio is like vale has also been kidnapped. vale is like shut up. please. i am fine.
now in no world do i think vale actually DOES anything effective to get marc back bc at the end of the day he’s just a noodle who can ride bikes good. sorry. leave that to spy aus and the like. but he TRIES and he FREAKS and when they get marc back (bruised and pale and thin. comes into the ER like. and when can i ride my bike again. fully in tears) he arranges everything so it goes as smoothly as possible and then he stays in the hospital lobby for a full two days bundled up on an incognito hoody like a weirdo. he’s just gotta see him
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dustykneed · 3 months
how come you don't draw much spirk besides with mcspirk?
in order to answer this question i made a diagram. very scientific, of course.
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and i am always very stressed....
ok but to give this a fair shot xD: really like bones... drawing that guy makes me go hehehe and i gotta maximize the happy because i gotta (mumble grumble) do work and get paid and attend school and all that. also there's so many incredible spirk artists and writers out there who love spirk with all their heart!!! sometimes the smaller ship tags dwindle. can't have that >:33 and then there's the matter of personal preference bc I've always been drawn to "imperfect" ships/learning to love someone even if the chemistry isn't there initially! i don't have too many spirk brainworms bc they feel sorta... Complete i guess? and i feel like the majority of people who like my stuff enough to stick around don't mind/in fact enjoy my multishipping shenanigans so i usually don't consciously draw something for a ship exactly but it sort of just happens loll
but tbf if someone sends in a spirk prompt that really Gets me i'll probably do it! (and i'm ngl there's also the other other factor that i actually don't manage to get to all of my asks 😭 i'm sort of shit at doing them in order in part bc the adhd gets my ass sometimes xDD it's.... An ongoing learning experience and thank y'all endlessly for bearing with me lmao)
still, if there's really something you want to see in my style very very much-- there's a possibility that i can open up some pay what you want sketch comms over the summer. maybe. i'll uhhh try my best to get that set up in any case!
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