#something something everyone saw her beauty first everyone decided what she was gonna be like so she built on that image
stormlit · 2 years
no thoughts just the fact that nazyalensky isn't a name zoya got from her parents, it must be one she chose for herself, and probably the day she went to the little palace and they asked her name, with the first two letters of her father's surname (and one assumes the name she was given at birth) and then the most ravkan ending she could come up with. she wanted to fit in, more than anything, to not be the suli girl but a grisha; she wanted distance from the parents she disowned, the cruel mother who sold her nine year old and the apathetic father who let it happen, people she didn't claim as family.
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girlboypersonthingy · 6 months
Hi yes i saw hazbin requests were open??? Anything involving pining Lucifer. Or lucifer seeing reader dressed super nice for like a fancy party or something (full makeup, fancy revealing dress, that sorta thing) for the first time. Maybe feelings are revealed? I’m a sucker for pining
I love that we are all so disgustingly thirsty for this man. He deserves it ❤️‍🔥 but seriously tho…all my Lucifer posts have gotten at least 100 likes in the first day that they’re posted. Like damn yall, we need to talk about our husband more! We all have such good taste 😌 I love our little short king. Thanks for the request. Enjoyyyyyyy~
Notes: fem!reader, reader wears a dress in this one
TW: suggestive themes, hardcore pining, heavy making out
🪽The King of Pining🪽
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This morning, Charlie invited everyone to the lobby of the hotel, shouting out that she had great news and a wonderful idea. Husk and Angel grumble about their annoyance with it being too early in the morning and them being way too sober for group activities right now as they plop down on one of the couches. The rest of the group files in, finding spots to relax as Charlie bounces up and down in her spot, bitting her lip and clenching her fists out of pure excitement. You follow along, deciding to stay standing and a bit behind the group, glancing back to see Lucifer coming to join the pack, standing just behind the couch that sat Vaggie and Nifty. You stare at him for a moment and when he finally glances your way, you offer him a sleepy smile and a quick wave of your hand. A small smirk finds its way to his lips as he nods his head at you, quickly looking away after.
“So…what’s the news?” Vaggie finally speaks up once everyone is settled and all eyes are on Charlie standing front and center. “Sooooooo, I had a brilliant idea that will be equally fun and beneficial to the hotel. Ready? Ready for it?” Charlie looks around the group, looking as if she might burst into flames of enthusiasm any moment now. “WE ARE GONNA HOST A BALL!!!”
Angel smirks as he nudges Husk beside him. “Heh, balls.” “She said ‘ball’, jackass. Singular.” Husk spits back, rolling his eyes as he scoots away from Angel a bit.
“It’ll attract new recruits for the hotel! We can mingle, talk about all we have to offer. AH! It’s gonna be soooooo funnnnnn.” Charlie is yelling now, she can’t control herself in the slightest.
Charlie goes into explaining the details- it is to be a huge party with a formal dress code that everyone and anyone is invited to. It’ll be here at the hotel, with an open bar (Husk wants to die) and music! The group lets out noises of mixed emotions, Nifty and Angel shouting out of excitement and anticipation while Husk and Alastor both let out noises of dread. You, on the other hand are nervous but looking forward to having a fun night and getting to know the hotel staff and residents better. As Charlie’s speech ends, the group begins to disperse and talk amongst themselves.
You watch as Charlie approaches Vaggie, shyly dropping to her knees in front of her on the couch so that they are eye level with each other. “Will you…be my date to the ball, Vags?” You can’t help but smile as you watch Vaggie laugh, her cheeks and nose slowly changing color. “Of course, you goofball. You’re my partner. There’s no one else I’d rather go with.” They share a long hug, a beautiful positive energy radiating off of them.
“They’re just adorable, aren’t they?” The low, charming voice that sounds right next to you causes you to flinch a bit, now turning to see the king of hell himself standing beside you. “Oh! Hey. Yeah. They are pretty cute. They make a great couple.” You look back to the two girls holding hands and giggling but Lucifer keeps his eyes on you, taking this opportunity while you’re distracted to examine all the little details of your face up close. Hopefully no one else catches sight of him in this moment of utter hopeless romanticism.
When he finally snaps out of it, he lets out a sigh before putting on his best smile, clearing his throat just to get your attention again. “Speaking of great couples~” And as soon as your eyes land on him again, your lips curved up ever so slightly, his courage quickly leaves him. Lucifer freezes for a moment, mouth going dry as he tried to find a way out of this. Say something you idiot.
“I-I ha! I uh…I wonder what other great couples we’ll see at this party. Maybe some of hell’s highest royalty?” Nervous chuckles just keep rolling from his lips and he’s really hoping you don’t notice the way his hands are shaking as they rest on his cane. One of his trembling hands comes to the collar of his shirt, lightly yanking it down as if that would help bring air back to his lungs, the air you’ve sucked out of him with one simple glance.
“Hm. Yeah. Maybe.” You reply plainly, looking back to Vaggie and Charlie and before you can converse with Lucifer any further, he’s walking off with his tail between his legs, eyes wild and full of doubt. “You’ll be there. You are the king of hell after all, I’m sure everyone will be too focused on you and Charlie to notice any other royals. Are you uhm…planning on going with anyone?” You ask, still watching the two girls near the couch. Your voice stops Lucifer in his tracks, making him pause for a moment as he listens. He turns slowly back to you, wearing a bashful smile as he tucks both his arms behind his back.
“No, actually. I hadn’t even thought of it.” He lies, watching as you finally pull your gaze from his daughter and relax it on him. He slowly saunters back your way, unable to control his wandering eyes. “And what about you? Do you have anyone in mind that you’d want to go with?” And now his nervousness is rubbing off on you, making your voice shake as you respond. “Me? No, no…I’ll probably just tag along with uh…”
As you look around the room, it seems all couples have already paired up. Vaggie and Charlie sat on the couch still, Charlie’s legs strewn over her girlfriend’s lap. Angel and Husk seemed to be having a bit of an argument over what they will wear together. Angel wants to wear all pink but Husk is like FUCK NO. Even Sir Pentious was trembling in front of Cherri, as he looked to he asking her out. Obviously, Alastor is bringing his shadow along. That’s kind of a date…right?
“Uhm I mean, who knows? Maybe I’ll meet someone there.” The pride that inflated Lucifer’s chest just seconds ago seems to suddenly be punctured and drained by your lack of acknowledgment to his flirty hints. He wants to ask you to be his so badly it’s making his chest hurt now. Not his for the night, not his during the party, his all the time, any time he needs you. As he opens his mouth to speak, he hesitates and then decides to let out a heavy sigh instead. “Well..I will see you there.” And with the tip of his head, he finally turned and left you standing alone in a herd of conversing couples.
~night of the party~
You figured there’s no harm in showing up fashionably late tonight. At least, that was your excuse for showing up late. In reality, you were fully ready before the ball even started but your legs were so weak and shaky, you couldn’t find the strength to get yourself out there. So instead, you’re sitting in your room, fully clad in your nicest dress along with some accessories, sunken into your plush bed as you try to steady your breathing. Maybe if I stay here long enough in this dress, I can just say I was there but not actually go…
A knock on your door has you straightening up in your spot, a warm surprised feeling lighting up your chest. “Come in.” You respond, wondering just who was coming to see you right now. You assumed it was Angel trying to get you to come out and start partying with him. To your surprise, the princess of hell pops her cheerful little face inside your room.
“(Y/N)! I was wondering when you’d be coming…out…there. Oh my gosh! You look so gorgeous EEEEE!” Charlie steps into your room now, her big yellow eyes shining with enthusiasm and hope as she fangirls over your getup. “Oh, thank you. You look stunning yourself.” Charlie watches your eyes fluttering all around the room, unable to focus. “Yeah…I’m coming. Just…feeling anxious I guess.” Taking a deep breath, you finally stand, straightening out your dress and checking your hair in a mirror quickly. “Oh stop it! You look flawless, (Y/N). Let’s go have some fun.” Charlie quickly links arms with you and drags you out to the lobby full of people, lights and music.
Within just a few minutes of joining the party, you find yourself looking around a sea of strangers all on your own. Seems the princess of hell has a line of guests wanting to meet and greet with her. Understandable, but you’re starting to get overwhelmed. You’re desperately looking for a familiar face, needing a buddy to help you feel included and secure. As you swim through sinners and other residents of hell, head turning side to side, you finally spot Lucifer after nearly an hour of wandering around alone.
Sure, His typical white suit is nice, very flattering on him. But, oh boy, did he look fantastic tonight, heavenly even. For this special occasion, Lucifer was dressed in a deep red suit with accents of white and no hat, instead sporting his pretty, slicked back blonde hair. You’re not quick to rush to him, I mean are you trying to look desperate and pathetic? No, just stay calm. But once again, you two share a glance from afar and give each other a small wave of the hand. Lucifer looks…pained. He looks like he might just collapse to his knees and start vomiting. His shift in body language causes your smile to drop, your expression shifting to one of concern as you mouth to him ‘you okay?’.
From Lucifer’s point of view, the room became silent, empty, dimly lit with you there at the center of it all under this glowing golden ray of light. You looked angelic, innocent and sweet, elegant but also nervous and out of place and adorable and fuck it, he can’t wait. He nearly pushes the sinner trying to talk to him aside, rushing to you as his brain became overloaded with ideas of what to say to you.
With each and every stride he takes, your cheeks flush deeper shades of red. With every step, his knees begin to feel more and more like jelly. Finally, he’s joined you in the spotlight, the rest of the party fading away before both of your eyes as you stand just inches apart. Now, it’s all wandering eyes and heavy breathing from both of you. Licking your lips first, you force words out to break this awful silence.
“Wow! Y-you clean up well. You look nice, Luci.” As your voice reaches his ears, his dream-like state abruptly ended. The room floods with loud music, chatty people and bright lights again. He seems to perk up at your compliments, feeling like a dog in heat as his eyes travel up and down your lovely outfit. You watch as his eyes finally leave your waist and come up to meet your own gaze.
“Holy hell. You look absolutely divine.” He scoffs quietly, wondering how an angel like you ended up down here. “Oh, Lucifer.” You swat a hand at him and you can feel your face burning up, sweat starting to form on your upper lip and forehead. “Stop it. You flatter me.”
Lucifer looked as if he might pass out, becoming more and more flustered the more you blush. Although, a pleased smirk graces his face because oh~ you like when he flirts with you, huh? It’s okay, he’s hella into you too.Together, you’re just a ticking time bomb of gushy feelings and sexual tension. He figures if he wants to have any chance of confessing his feelings to you tonight, his best option is to lead you out of the way and put a little distance between you two and the crowd. So, he reaches out and gently takes your hand, pulling you along to the now vacant bar with an extremely forced and up tight grin.
Husk is standing behind the counter, looking not as irritated as you’d thought he would tonight. Luci pulls out a stool for you, gesturing for you to sit before he does because he’s a gentleman and ladies always go first. “Hey. Whatcha want, doll?” Husk ask you first, giving you a wink after you answer. “And for you, sir?” He eyes Lucifer who shakes his head, politely refusing his offer. As Husk begins whipping up your drink, yet another tense silence falls between you two.
“Are you having a good time?” The blonde finally speaks up, side eyeing you. “Eh. I’m not a big party person. I’m not a fan of big crowds either so…not really.” At long last, your unhappy and disappointed attitude brings all of Lucifer’s courage and gall to his mouth. Now’s his chance. “Let’s get out of here then.” He blurts out as Husk slides your drink to you, the bartender giving you an awkward look. “What? But all these folks wanna meet you.” Once you look over to him, a devious smile makes its way to Lucifer’s thin lips as you take your first drink. “And? I’m the king of hell! I do as I please.” He teases and now you’re both smiling brightly, a soft laugh leaving your lips as you push his arm playfully. “I love Charlie but I hate this party. Let me finish my drink first, yeah?”
Lucifer continues to side eye you and also scan over the entire room, checking out the scene as you sip on your drink. You can see his casual glances and the way he quickly diverts his attention as soon as you catch him staring. Now you’re the one feeling some bravery. You quickly and smoothly slip your hand into his, letting your thumb rub back and forth across his knuckles as you try to quickly suck down the rest of your drink.
The grip you have on each other grows stronger, tighter with each second that passes. You notice Lucifer bouncing his leg now, growing impatient and needy. As soon as a slurping noise comes from the straw at the bottom of your glass, Lucifer is trying to pull you up off your seat. He’s not worried about hiding his eagerness from you at this point, not when you’re looking like you do now and getting so blushy and shy at his flirtatious comments. He has to shoot his shot, he has to try. You’re the only person who’s made him feel young and love sick again after Lilith, he can’t afford to let you slip away too. That would crush him more than the weight of the embarrassment and discomfort he is feeling right now.
Lucifer leads you to the library, doubting anyone would be occupying it at the moment and he is correct. Finally, alone together, his hand in yours still, fingers interlocked. His big eyes, full of worry and second thoughts stare deep into yours as he gives himself a moment.
“Oh, my. Where do I even begin?” His other hand comes to yours, holding them both oh so delicately. “You…I’m so….” You nod, smiling to give him some encouragement to continue. “I want you so bad. I want to hold you, I just want to touch you already. I need to kiss you. (Y/N), I love you-“
You’re not sure what came over you but now your hands are exploring his blonde locks, your lips moving feverishly against his. Besides the faint, far away music playing, all you two could hear was each other’s soft gasps and the smacking of wet lips. At first, Lucifer was very engaged in the kiss but he was hesitant to touch you, unsure of where to put his hands. Like hell he wants to rest his claws on your hips or your butt, but he waits for you to give him the okay, his hands balled into fists and held up near his shoulders.
Finally letting him have his way, you guide his hands to your torso before breaking the kiss to whisper, “It’s okay, Luci. You can touch me.” It’s more of a whimper than a whisper but Lucifer isn’t complaining in the slightest. The tone of your voice and the feeling of finally touching your perfectly soft body had his eyes glowing bright red now.
Quickly and without warning, he crashes his lips back into yours sloppily, his long forked tongue gently gliding across your lip, giving the slightest bit of attention to your teeth. He would devour every bit of you right now if you only asked. He wished you would ask right now. He’d even beg for it…You happily let your mouth open more, inviting him in as his arms slowly stretch their way around you until he’s holding you tightly against him. Lucifer squeezes you tightly as he savors your taste for a moment, pulling a soft whine from you before loosening up.
With your eyes closed, you tried to just follow his lead and do your best at impressing and arousing him but he’s sort of doing the same. He hasn’t been with anyone like this in so long, he’s rusty as hell. So, yall are an absolute mess. After about a minute of wild making out and rapidly moving hands, you’ve found yourselves on the floor. The two of you sit up on your knees, holding onto each other as if your lives depend on it. Your hands held his cheeks so tenderly, pulling his face as close to your own as you possibly could.
Lucifer couldn’t help but smile against your mouth, a soft laugh leaving him as he remembers all those nights he dreamt of this exact situation- you looking beautiful and magnificent as always and him having the freedom to let his hands roam your darling figure. He’s been craving you, dreaming of you, wishing for you, praying for you. The laugh that escapes him results in you pulling back to get a look at him. And fuck was he gorgeous- hair a disheveled mess, the purple shadow on his eyelids smudged ever so slightly, his once impressive suit now wrinkled and shifted awkwardly on him, his lips still shiny from your saliva, his breathing loud and heavy and his smile just kept getting bigger, toothier.
“What are you laughing at?” Lucifer rests his forehead against yours, his eyes moving across your breathless, flushed face, just dying to know what’s on your mind now. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for ages, darling. More than I’ve wanted anything in my entire existence, I’ve wanted to be alone with you like this.” A breathy giggle leaves you, your hands shaking as they travel down from his face to his biceps.
“Oh really? Why don’t you stop telling me and…keep showing me?” You tease, your hands coming to rest on his puffed out chest. Your touch combined with your sweet flirting and breathy voice has all of his wings popping out momentarily. You can’t help but laugh at this, but Lucifer is all business right now. You told him to show you, and oh darling, he’s gonna teach you a whole lesson on how beautiful and ethereal you are to him…and he’s gonna teach you with only his hands and his mouth.
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wandascrush · 6 months
Let the light in
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Summary: The Avengers are separated after being hunted down and forced to live life on the low, causing a painful break up with the love of your life. What happens when she finds you again? Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!reader
A/N: Based off of this request
Warnings: Angst, violence, loneliness, blood, breakup, team separated, depression, kissing, comfort
Song: Let the light in- Lana Del Rey
The team sat around the dark living room, the familiar voice of one of New York's most famous news anchors echoing in through the air, “Good evening New Yorkers, today we open our headline with some shocking news:  Former Stark enterprise building, located on the upper east side, exploded earlier today by a missile attack on the Avengers. Sources say Tony Stark was currently using it to house new plans for an updated Avengers training arena and larger compound.  Two architects, three investors, and one security manager was injured. Two of the victims later succumbed to their injuries after the explosion. Reports confirming the source of the violence are still unknown, however the Avengers were believed to have been inside the building at the time- hence the attack. The founding members of the Avengers Initiative such as Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Thor Odinson, Y/N L/N, and Clint Barton have yet to speak out. This marks the second targeted attack on our world’s heroes in nearly a month since the Maximoff twins incident in Barbados, where Pietro Maximoff was nearly assassinated. It raises the question for us all: Are our heroes being hunted?” 
The screen went black, bye bye news lady. The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. “What’re we gonna do Tony?” You got no answer. 
For the first time in the decade you’d known the team, (except for the Maximoffs & Peter) you saw uncertainty in all of their eyes. Tony threw his classic sunglasses on the couch, squeezing the middle of his nose in a useless attempt to massage an oncoming headache away, “Fury… thought it’d be wise if we split up for awhile-,” he was quickly shut up with protests from the group.
“It’s too dangerous. This isn't easy for me, but we're facing a threat that's beyond anything we've encountered before. I've crunched the numbers, run simulations – the Avengers need to disband temporarily. We scatter, go off the grid, and regroup when the dust settles.”
“This is bullshit, Tony. You know it is. This is exactly what they want-” 
“Tasha,” your gentle touch on her back always softened her heart, but not today. She didn’t even look at you. 
“It’s not the end, Nat. It’s like a strategic retreat. We're ensuring we'll live to fight another day. For once, I’m with Stark on this. We play it safe, keep low profiles, and spread out,” Steve sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees and taking a hard look at everyone, “we’re family, we keep each other safe. And this is how we do it.” 
As much as the idea made your stomach churn, he was right. He always was. This was your family. Every holiday, happy memory, laugh and cry and battle and bruise was all with them. This team is how you met the love of your life. You loved each other, and if this is what needed to happen, then you’d do it. 
But that didn’t sit well with your girlfriend. 
“No, end of story. We’re not separating.”
“You know I don’t think it’s just you’re choice, Natasha. I mean we have to decide this together,” your fingers lightly brushed the edge of the bed, nervously playing with the soft sheets you had just bought.
“Exactly, and I. Said. No.” She was acting like a stubborn toddler that didn’t want to eat her veggies, crossing her arms and raising her voice an octave.
It was then when you saw something different in her eyes, those beautiful green orbs that held so much sadness and joy at the same time. But today they were cloudy, like a storm was brewing in her mind. You gently slipped off of the bed and stood in front of her, pressing your forehead to hers, “You know it’s going to be okay, right?” soft palms caressed the side of her cheek, immediately feeling her sigh into your touch. “It’s going to be okay, you’ll see.” You wish your words were true. 
    Two months later the Avengers were spreading out all across the U.S., saying choked up goodbyes and packing your things. It was agreed upon that there’d be a team meeting once a month, every month, for the next year until you could figure out who the threat was, and how to eliminate them. You thought San Francisco sounded nice, fresh, and a little more peaceful than the hustle and bustle of New York. And it was, for a time. You got a haircut, dyed your gorgeous h/c locks to a rich h/c shade. You bought a sweet little home with a bay window over looking the Golden Gate Bridge, started building an in home gym and library, and kept an extremely low profile. You finished file work and other Avengers paperwork at home, with a high security grade laptop. Natasha on the other hand, refused to dye her hair, or keep a low profile. She didn’t want to admit that she was depressed, but it was glaringly oblivious. Being thrown out of her comforting routine put a wrench in Natasha’s life that not even you, her beautiful girl, could fix. All day she would do her paperwork, workout, and just keep to herself. It was like you weren’t even girlfriends anymore. Finally, in the fifth month of living “undercover,” she finally agreed to go on a low key date with you to a small, cozy bar on the outskirts of the city. You got dressed up for the first time in what felt like forever, did your makeup real pretty, and even did braids on Natasha’s silky hair. She looked happy, finally. Adorning a brown leather jacket, dark blue jeans, and a low cut green top- her classic silver arrow necklace sitting pretty on her chest- your girlfriend looked like her old self again...absolutely perfect. 
“You look gorgeous, baby,” swift arms swept you into a gentle kiss, smirking against your lips and pulling you close to her waist. 
You thought that night would be perfect, but by 11 pm you two were home and icing her bloody knuckles, static tv voices echoing in the background. You felt hot tears rising to the surface, but you never let them fall. It’s not like you were just mad or angry or disappointed…no this was something more. You were embarrassed. Embarrassed by Natasha. You thought you’d never say that sentence, but then there you were, apologizing to the bartender for your girlfriend's rowdy behavior, and throwing $20 to the guy she completely knocked out before nearly carrying her out of the bar and into a cab. Within the next two weeks she packed her bags, and your home was changing once again, now empty. 
  8 months later 
    The team said that you’d only be separated for a year, or less, but you were coming up on a year pretty soon and none of you were any closer to figuring out who the threat is. But you, you moved on, strived forward, and kept going. Your breakup with Nat had been one of the most painful moments of your life, but you didn’t let it stop you. These days you hardly cried over her at all, never even thought of the old days. Well, except for last Tuesday, when you saw one of her old sweaters and lied in bed for the rest of the day, or on Thursday when you heard her favorite song and- well, never mind that. You were at the top of your fucking game. 
  Ms. Romanoff, on the other hand, had moved out of San Francisco completely and settled in Washington D.C. from the last you heard. She attended the monthly zooms, same as you, but you two never addressed one another. Natasha pushed all of the heartbreak she harbored deep, deep down until she would lie down for bed and reach out next to her…but you were never there. 
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remuslupinslittleslut · 8 months
Teach us - Part one
@missakward123: can you do dom! reader poly marauders? Also loved this!! Yes I can, but I have such a hard time writing a sub!Remus, so I kinda took it in my own direction.
Part two is found here!
Reader x Remus turned into Reader x Poly!Marauders.
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They thought it was strange how Remus had been the first to lose his virginity out of the three of them. Both Sirius and James had girls throwing themselves after them constantly, but somehow, Remus was the first to go all the way.
You had always found them all quite attractive, but thought that Sirius and James tended to be a bit obnoxious at times. When you saw Remus studying alone in the library one day, you thought you’d go up and say hi to the tall, handsome guy. The two of you had only talked briefly before this interaction, but soon found that you enjoyed each other’s company. It didn’t take long from there for you to go on a date and soon you were a couple. 
Remus, ever the gentleman, didn’t tell his friends about your first time, he thought it was best kept private between the two of you, therefore you always tried to keep it somewhat lowkey, finding time to be perfectly alone. Though any secret could not be held for long in that dorm and one evening the cat came running and screaming out of the bag. You thought you’d get to be alone with Remus, as the other two had practice. As it turned out, however, practice was canceled and the door to the dorm was thrown open just in time for the two surprised boys to see you orgasm, quivering around Remus’ cock.
It slightly ruined the mood and you struggled to cover yourself as Sirius went on a long rampage about “The betrayal! The absolute betrayal. Our baby moons got laid and didn’t tell us. Here he is, having had sex the whole time – while keeping us in the dark.” He was pacing back and forth, only half joking about his distress before deciding to be the bigger person and be happy for his friend. “Good job Moons. First one out of all of us. Amazing.” With a chef’s kiss he left the subject of betrayal and moved on to something else.
After the embarrassing moment of coming in front of your boyfriend’s friends, it didn’t take long before the question was asked.
“Hey Moony, since you already had sex, could you teach us how to do it?”
“Yeah, Moons, I wanna be ready for when Lily lets me go all the way if you catch my drift,” James agreed, with a very unnecessary wink as everyone understood exactly what he meant.
You stared, gaping. That they would ask such a question didn’t surprise you one bit. The fact that Remus seemed to be actually thinking it over did.
“I guess,” he started, patting your thigh, “you’re gonna ask her if she’s willing to teach you.”
You, teaching his friends how to have sex? The idea was preposterous. Yet… It did make you feel a certain tingle between your legs. You still found them attractive, and the thought of being the one to take their virginities? Oh, that was just beautiful. You thought it over in your head. Remus was quite dominant, not really treating you as a submissive but he liked being a bit in control, he’d never let you have all the reigns. These two however… Looking Remus straight in the eye, you searched for any form of hesitance – you didn’t find any.
“Alright then, we’re gonna have to set some rules,” you said.
It was agreed that the day after, you’d help take your boyfriend’s best friends’ virginities. You said 24 hours to give everyone a chance to back out, and told them very specifically that they would shower, properly, “none of that locker room stuff, a real shower, clean everything.” It was best to be clear when dealing with teenage boys.
A whole 24 hours later you found yourself walking up the stairs to their dorm. You knew Remus would be there, and you knew they’d given consent. You wore your school skirt, but without panties, a t-shirt with a very flattering bra and your hair out. You had to get yourself in that dominant mood, ready to boss the boys around. Since becoming Remus’ girlfriend, you had gotten to know his friends as well. You knew James would be easier to dom, and you knew Sirius would be a little brat. Therefore, you started with James. Opening the door, you could cut the tension with a knife.
The boys were so cute and nervous, standing up and waiting for you (not Remus, of course, he was comfortably splayed out on his own bed). “Jamie,” you said. “Do you still wanna do this?” He nodded. “Okay, then take your clothes off and sit down on your bed. You,” you turned to Sirius, “are gonna have to wait your turn.”
When James was naked and seated on the edge of his bed, you took a moment to appreciate his toned body. The moment didn’t last very long though as you wanted to feel him. Climbing into his lap, thighs straddling his, you took his face and held it in your hands. He was so pretty, so soft, so pliable. “Jamie, have you ever kissed a girl?” you asked him, bringing your mouth so close to his that your lips almost touched his. “No,” he said, cheeks flushing red. Holding onto his cheeks, you brought your lips against his, softly at first, then with a little more pleasure. The warm breath from his nose on your cheek sent chills down your spine. Deciding to progress, you slightly opened your mouth, letting your tongue out to lick lightly at his lips. He moaned.
You continued kissing him, making out really, until you felt he was ready to move on. Leaning back a little, you pulled your top over your head, revealing your soft tits, perfectly framed by your bra. “Go ahead, baby, you can touch.” With your permission, warm hands pressed against your back before following the lines of your body, meeting your front and lightly squeezing your tits. You allowed him to explore freely, until he pushed his head down, paused and looked up at you, eyes asking for permission. Instead of answering him verbally, you pushed your tits against his face, letting him know he could kiss and suck all he wanted. He did manage to get your bra off all on his (you were so proud of him), and as it fell to the floor, you felt his cock twitching.
You let him play some more with your boobies before taking his hand, kissing it once and telling him “Jamie, have you ever felt a girl?” When he shook his head, you kissed the top of his head and pushed his hand down, between your bodies and toward your core. “Feel that? I’m all wet, that’s all for you baby,” you cooed, watching his facial expressions in awe – he was so fascinated. “Now, do you know where your little cock is supposed to go?” Little was a big lie. His brows furrowed in concentration as he felt around for the right hole, he did find it, and pushed a finger in. “Good boy, now put your cock in.” You raised yourself, hovering above him, hand coming down to help him push his cock into your warm hole. “Oh that’s a good boy f’me,” you moaned, loving the feeling of him filling you up.
Being so focused on James had almost made you forget about your audience, looking to the side, you met Remus’ hungry eyes. You could tell he was enjoying the show, hand rubbing against the bulge in his pants. You decided not to look at Sirius, making him wait for your attention.
Grabbing James’ shoulders, you carefully tried moving, sliding yourself along his cock, making you both moan. You tried a few different movements, going up and down, back and forth. It felt really good and you enjoyed playing around with it, and it seemed as though he was enjoying it too, his head thrown back, glasses askew and mouth slightly open. Suddenly his hands squeezed hard on your hips, making you stop your movements. “Jamie, you okay?” You asked, massaging his scalp with your fingers. “Yeah,” he reassured, “yeah, just need to… I’m gonna come…”
You giggled softly, “it’s okay if you do, but first, I wanna do one more thing.” Pulling your body away from his was hard, letting his heavy cock fall out of you was even harder, and you immediately mourned the loss. Though, you knew it would be worth it. Laying down flat on your back, you beckoned for him to join you, to climb on top of you. “You should know how to fuck a girl, Jamie,” you said, helping him find his way back into you. His athletic body was made for this, for moving himself back and forth, hips pushing against yours. He didn’t go very fast, but you knew he’d be able to when he got more used to the feeling. Hiding his face against your neck, letting the vibrations of his moans shoot right through you, his hips started making the smallest, cutest, most desperate little movements. “That’s good baby, that’s a good boy, you’re doing so well, so good, making me feel so good.” You didn’t think you’d be able to come, he was a virgin, but the little thrusts pushed the head of his cock against you in a way that just felt too good to hold back.
“Jamie, baby, I’m ‘bout to come,” you moaned, kissing his head, holding him close, “you’re so go- ah-od,” your moans grew louder as you experienced a rather mild orgasm, though, an orgasm nonetheless. Your walls spasming around him made him come as well, pretty cock filling you up with his little virgin cum.
“Wow, Jamie, you did so well, I’m so proud of you,” you told him, after he had pulled out and collapsed on top of you. His head was still buried in the crook of your neck, his breathing fast and hard. “Did you enjoy it?” You asked, to which he pulled his face away, eyes wide. “Like it? That was amazing.”
You stayed like that, letting him hold onto your body for a while, not wanting to leave him without aftercare and love. Though you knew, as soon as James moved away from you, you’d have to deal with his mischievous best friend. Before you let James continue his cuddling – with Remus – you made him promise you something. “Next time love, you’re gonna let me take your cute little cock in my mouth, okay?” To this, he nodded, excitedly.
Part two.
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charmedreincarnation · 9 months
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Hey guysss! A lot of people have been asking for me to make a challenge for a while now. I honestly didn’t want to, not because I’m against them or anything but because the law will be different for everyone. Sometimes, it feels like tumblr needs a reminder - you are the only person who knows what you need to do to succeed. I wish I could imprint this realization on everyone's minds. I’ve also gotten so manyyyy asks about things that genuinely just feel like your doubts repeating in your mind constantly so I’m gonna talk abt my beliefs bc y’all are spiraling really hard. I get it you want your desires for Christmas and new years. It’s okay take a breath, you're alive and will be okay.
Firstly: at the beginning I used to spend countless time spiraling into depression, constantly changing my methods every time I saw a new success story, and every time I found a new foolproof' tumblr method. Methods that were supposed to guarantee results in a day so when they didn’t I felt rlly useless. It was annoying, to say the least, and I don’t want to help others do the same thing, but really all I can do is reiterate what I always say and hope you apply it to everything!!
A lot of you guys wanted something that didn’t involve the void state, so that’s what this will revolve around! But feel free to make this void orientated if you desire, and I’ll also add a void section so all my babies can eat!
Ok so you’ve over consumed, you have dropped the void, and now have switched to just assuming and knowing that you would wake up with your dream life - embracing states. Great! At first, it will seem like you're doing nothing but you aren’t! For example, I knew I was dwelling in the state of wish fulfilled when I went to work without shedding tears, when I looked in the mirror and didn't think I was ugly because, well, I'm beautiful! I didn't care abt not performing well on a test because I could revise my past etc. this isn’t to say ignore the 3D: don’t do that, please try and make sure you’re safe and okay. But know life is malleable. Slowly, things that used to bother me—my parents, grades, anxiety, self-deprivation—started to fade away. Even though my dream life hadn't reflected in my 3D yet, I felt the switch. That's when I decided, I know what to do.
I also remember finding this cute website a long time ago that I want to share that summarizes it in such a great and simple way.
So Before I knew or understood what LOA was, I found this gem of an article on I am Love'- "How To Shift Into A State & Stay There". I think I have a post abt it somewhere on my blog but I’m too lazy to find it so here it is again.
Basically it explains that the essence of shifting into a desired state and staying there. What resonated with me was her choice to dwell in the state of knowing that her desires are hers, no matter what.
The way she used colloquial language made the content relatable and easy to understand. It's like having a conversation with a friend who's guiding you through hard concepts with “dumbed down” language because at the beginning states made 0 sense to me.
Posts like this really helped me particularly because when I discovered Neville, it required three attempts on my part to not only intellectually grasp his teachings, but also to truly comprehend him as a whole, given his non-contemporary speaking tbh.
I recommend it if you find yourself stuck or not really grasping the law yet (which is more than okay) but, if you're looking to understand the loa better or just learn more give this article a read.
There’s also a particular quote from Neville that really got me to dive into his work after finding this article and it was- “The being that you really are, descended to the weakness of the flesh, causing you to experience the state you are now in. Contemplate another state, and the same being who brought your present form into being will restore and make alive the other state, the state desired. This he will continue to do until his purpose is fulfilled. That purpose is to follow a certain pattern back into the unity of being. You see, in the beginning we were drafted. We did not volunteer to fall into these states. We were made subject into futility, not willingly but by the will of him who sent us. But when we return we will discover that we are the very being who subjected us. We are now the sons, destined to return as God the Father!”
Now that you understand and are ready to apply state, Here’s a routine I’ve created to hopefully help you guys! It is very simple and not time consuming at all.
Scripting and writing: I love writing and feeling like the author of my own story, literally bringing my creation to life. I would write when I felt like it. Whenever I wanted to dwell in my state, I would simply write, "I have my dream life." It's so simple, yet it embodies everything I need. If you’re more of a picture girl, use Pinterest instead. Or both if you prefer it doesn’t matter.
Edward arts' "I am creator meditation": Again, do this whenever you like it. It's one of the few meditations that didn't bore me to death and seemed to work with my ADHD. I also love reading, so I would read his pdf whenever I felt like it and take mental notes. Reading his work was a reminder I was doing everything right, it resonated with me very well.
During doubt and overstimulation: When things get overwhelming, close your eyes and let the emotions pass. They’re just thoughts! repeat the words "I am" until your heart returns to its normal rhythm. It's a simple yet powerful way to ground yourself amidst the whirlwind of emotions. And guess what? You can use this technique for doubt too! So the next time you're feeling overwhelmed, remember the power of "I am". It's a gentle reminder of your existence, your resilience, and your capability to be whatever you want despairs any emotional turmoil.
Thank god: (yourself!!) When reminded of your desires. Thank you god. When you see your desires, (eg:Pinterest, online or you’re just reminded) thank you god! When you see an image of your desires, thank you god! When you dream or think about your desires. Thank god! Always thank the person fulfilling it aka you ;)! If you’re religious just thank the god you actually follow.
Nightly reflections: At night, ask yourself , "What would I do if I woke up in my dream life right now?" repeat this question throughout the night. Then, imagine whatever scene you want. What would you do if you could not fail? What would you do if you had all the money in the world right now. What if you looked in the mirror and saw the most ethereal being and it’s just you? What about if you woke up in your dream house with your dream family and pets? This is inspired by one of the first shifting methods I created that helped me fulfill my imagination before I knew what that meant. When you’re ready to sleep just remind yourself it is done, and drift off into your desires.
As I've always said, I've been a great daydreamer. I knew exactly what I wanted my life to look and feel like. I envisioned my walk-in closet filled with luxurious outfits, waking up in my dream room on a soft mattress with my pets purring nearby. I saw the decor reflecting my personality in every corner of my large, and pretty room. I imagined walking into my bathroom, seeing all my cool Sephora products lined up for my skincare and shower routine. I love taking care of myself because I know I deserve it. I saw myself looking in the mirror, knowing I'm "that girl" who turns heads wherever she goes.I visualized going downstairs in my boujee dream house,and seeing my family stress-free, smiling, and eating well. I saw plans being made on my phone, my friends were excited to see and talk to me. I went to my kitchen, filled with expensive ingredients ready for me to cook meals for my loved ones - because I love cooking. I saw myself checking my bank account and seeing multiple seven figures in my savings, checking, and investment accounts and opportunities easily presenting myself to make more if I wanted. I saw myself running errands in my car, shopping, getting Starbucks, having expensive lunch with friends, and making a trip to Target. Despite the simplicity of the day, I would come home and be like, "Ugh, what a long day!"like that one khloe kardashian meme. What if all this happened today? Visualize and feel the scenes so clearly that it felt like it's already happening.. not just in your imagination.
Most importantly: Define the law for you! Stop parroting bloggers and intertwine your own beliefs with the law. The only principle of the law is that through persistence assumption will harden into a fact. Other than that anything goes except for facts that are wrong.
Here’s old notes I found in my phone lol just so you know what I mean by define the law for you: ignore the writing I was kinda dumb and new to the law 😭😭
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Now this is for my void babies if you made it this far.
Read this post.
This is it copied bc the links are wonky sometimes
“My previous method is based on the persistent assumption, which a lot of people don’t know how to do right and it might take some time even for those who have the right self-concept and the mindset, so today I was in the process of manifesting this method.
And I was successful!
This method is for everyone. It’s the easiest Void method.
Do you know that you get into the Void state at night automatically? At that time the whole perceived world disappears for you. Every single perception and assumption you have disappears while your consciousness in the calm and natural Void state.
Use it to your advantage. Now that you know about the Void that you enter when you sleep, the perfect state to manifest anything that you wish to perceive, with no “resistance”, no illusions of annoying solid things around, you only need to remember your scripted starting point in your DR and practice watching it all coming out of the Void.
Practice that scene with your eyes closed, say to yourself:”That is what I perceive. Next time I’m in the Void, I’ll experience this”. You won’t even need to be fully aware of yourself that way when you get into the Void while you are asleep. Your subconscious would do all the work as it now would have the instruction and a clear image of you expecting it.
Personal experience: as I was receiving information on this method, I almost stepped into my DR! I wasn’t even in the absolute void state, I was only creating the scene for this method and I felt it materialise with my senses!
I have great feeling that it’s going to give fast results for others! Try it, teach your subconscious what it needs to bring forth while in the Void, let it do your work for you!”
Lastly, I’m gonna talk abt my beliefs real quick bc the fear of shifting vs manifesting makes me sad for y’all. I understand you don’t wanna leave behind the people you love and that’s not fear to feel ashamed of having! I personally hate the npc mindset a lot of have people have adopted. The only thing we know for sure is that assumptions create realities, and consciousness is the real reality. Everything else boils down to assumptions, except for principles. For example, shifting is not lucid dreaming, even if you assume it to be. That is the principle. I’m just going to copy what I told my mutal bc I’m lazy and need to finish Christmas stuff 😭😭 but Our imagination and the 4D realm are products of our consciousness, which is indeed real. Our view of reality is shaped by our consciousness, since we can't experience everything all at once.
Unless, of course, you shift into a super omnipotent god. Even then, you’d probably still struggle with the concept of infinity because, well, infinity is infinite. And it’s constantly a never exnding expansion. As humans, we're finite beings, and our understanding of the infinite is naturally limited. Because you can’t and won’t ever experience everything at once, infinity is always expanding. Our awareness can be thought of as fragments of consciousness; it's like being a drop of water in a massive ocean. Even though our perception is limited, the infinite is always there, always existing. We simply adjust our awareness to perceive this infinite reality.
And through our consciousness, we are able to tap into other realities or 'multiverses', which give us a broader understanding of existence. This exploration of consciousness and the multiverse is a significant part of my journey into the world of manifestation.
The law of consciousness explains why, when you "shift" or change your perspective, you don't physically move. It's all about altering your state of awareness. This is also why time doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. You can become aware of any time or day you want, as long as you choose to be aware of it. It's like having a mental time machine. This law is why infinite universes exist. As long as you can be aware of it, you can assume and embody the state of that person. Whether that's someone with a billion dollars on Earth, or a person who lives in the Attack on Titan world, it's all about your awareness.Our awareness is just a fragment of the larger consciousness – hence the idea of the multiverse. Each universe is a different fragment, a different state of awareness. And we have the power to “shift” into any of these states, therefore shifting into any of these universes.
I’m telling you this bc there’s no need to be afraid of manifesting or being in a reality with robotic versions of the people you love. Ariana grande and Marilyn Monroe for example talk about loa without acknowledging it and we see their success. Neville Goddard and his followers saw each other’s manifestions and I manifest for my friends and they mnaifest for me.
Take a deep breath and let go of the tik tok clone mindsets y’all have they don’t exist. You can manifest and assume anything you want in your imagination. Y’all literally want to manifest things like millions of dollars, revising deaths, living in new countries, having immorality in your waiting rooms, and never aging which is all possible of course. So be for real, why assume and know that you can achieve all that, but it won't manifest exactly how you want? I've also wondered about what happens to the "old version" of people when they manifest their dream life. As far as I'm concerned, they dont exist because you choose not to be aware of them.
I really want to talk about this too, as I've received similar questions and, oh my god, I thought I was alone. I've always been a bit delusional and lived in my head, but when I became conscious of the law, did anyone else feel a sense of self-embarrassment? I don't know what that was, but I'd genuinely feel my soul wanting to throw up envisioning my desires that aren't mine, even though I've always been a daydreamer. It's kind of like when you feel you can't have them or it's strange to envision yourself with something you can't have, so you just purge yourself. 😭
I was thinking back to why that happened and laughing at myself because we need to be serious right now. Why are you getting sick by your own mind? Imagine if Van Gogh, anytime he pulled out a canvas and held a brush, was jump-scared by the brush. Picture him holding out the brush and just staring at the canvas crying because "well, the painting is going to suck 😐," "I don't know what to paint☹️☹️," "I already know it won't be like what I envision in my head 😡😡." Like, bro, the canvas is blank, just fucking paint. That’s why I really like his quote that's like...
“If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” So If you’re scared of failing, if you’re scared of your desires, or scared of how it will come to fruition, for that reason alone is more so to and manifest it anyways.
But happy holidays guys! make some tea, scroll through Pinterest, read a good book and watch some Christmas films and remember if you can imagine/think your desires you can embody them bc where are you getting it from??
Here are some helpful documents I have read plus a cute vid I saw on insta reels : (let me know if the links are being weird)
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k0juki · 5 months
You don't wanna dance?
vampire hunter!Lando Norris x vampire!fem!reader au!
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Warnings: mentions of drugs and killing but it's just a mention!
English is not my first language so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! Also picture is not mine! Credit goes to the owner! Request are open!
More posts here! I'm gonna make it a little series.
Words: over 2k.
For the last couple of centuries, I spent my importantly traveling and hiding from vampire hunters. They almost killed all mine kind and because of that, vampires have become mere legends and myths.
A lot of them died, but others learned how to survive. Most of young vampires stayed in groups with others, more older vampires. Who protect them.
And in the heart of the loud city, where cobblestone streets echoed with human laughter, stood a lone figure cloaked in shadows. It was Lando.
Lando is a renowned vampire hunter, prowling the night with purpose, his senses honed to detect even the faintest trace of the undead. He always knew what he had to do. What is his purpose in this world. And mostly, he knew where to look for his prey.
They always hide in places like this, with loud music and a lot of people that spend all their money on doubtful drugs that get them killed.
Places like night clubs and bars are no stranger to Lando, and if he wasn't tangled up in this kind of job, he would have joined everyone there and enjoyed his young life with pretty women and one night stands.
"It's always clubs, never the quiet, relaxing places." Lando sighed and stepped inside. Saint and Sinners, an amazing name for a club. The air was a lot heavier and smoke from cigarettes could be smelled. A perfect place for vampires.
Amidst the pulsating rhythm of the club, neon lights danced and shadows whispered secrets in dark corners, the vampires were here, he was sure of it. Lando stood like a solitary sentinel, his gaze sweeping the crowded dance floor with practiced vigilance.
He's from a family full of vampire hunters and as a seasoned vampire hunter, he was no stranger to the dark allure of the night, but this night would test his resolve in ways he could never have imagined.
Across the smoky haze of the dimly lit room, his eyes locked on one woman whose back was towards him. Her hair was moving around as she danced carelessly. But then it was like something had stopped her.
As she turned around and her eyes locked with his, it was like when time stops. Who is she? What a girl like her is doing here? Surely she wasn't here for some drugs, she isn't this type of girl. And when you live long enough, you start to recognise the same people in different bodies but with the same intrigues.
She knew who he was the moment she saw him, only a fool wouldn't know who he is, but she wanted to know what he was doing here. She decided to move towards him with an ethereal grace, her every step a was grace and allure that she knew that drew him in like a moth to flame.
That woman is Y/n, a vampire whose beauty defies description, her eyes like pools of liquid moonlight that held him captive with their magnetic gaze. Despite the danger she posed, Lando found himself unable to tear his gaze away, his heart pounding in his chest with a mixture of fear and fascination.
As the music pulsed through the air like a heartbeat, Lando felt the pull that drew him ever closer to her, like two stars destined to collide in the vast expanse of the night sky. With each passing moment, the distance between them narrowed until they stood mere inches apart, the air thick with anticipation.
"Who are you?" Lando's voice was barely a whisper, lost amidst the cacophony of the club around them.
Y/n's lips curled into a seductive smile, her voice a melody that sent shivers down his spine.
"I could ask you the same thing, handsome stranger." She replied, her tone playful yet tinged with a hint of danger. "But I think we both know the answer to that."
Lando felt a surge of heat rush through him at her proximity, his senses overwhelmed by the heady scent of her icy perfume and the electricity that crackled between them.
"What do you want?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and caution.
Y/n's smile widened, her gaze never wavering from his. "What do you think I want?" she teased, her words laced with a hint of danger.
She stepped closer to him and said "Isn't it obvious? I wanna dance." She whispered in his left ear and wrapped her arms around his neck. Inhaling his scent that filled her lungs, she felt as he put his hands on her hips.
His cold rings burned against her soft, yet cold skin, but his hands were so much warmer. She knew that she will lose control, but he smelled so godamn good.
"Dance? Is that what you want?" He thought that was a strange request, so he couldn't help but ask.
"Yeah, you're at the night club and you don't want to dance?" She started to pull away, but he was quick to take her back in.
"No, no, I just…I don't know you, you know? How could I trust you?" He still wasn't sure if she was a vampire, but vampires are known for how they can manipulate you into things you would even dream about. And he felt like she could be one of them.
"Hmm…you're right, we don't know each other so well," she spoke "and you're right, you can't trust nobody" and completely pulled away from him and stepped back, so he couldn't grab her like last time.
"Maybe it's better if it's stay like that." She answered somehow coldly, she wanted to vanish into a crowd of dancing bodies when she felt his hand grasp her wrist.
Turning to look at him, she was about to say something, but he beamed her with "I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry." He felt the cold skin in his hand and decided if his theory of her being that mystical creature was true.
Y/n wasn't stupid. She knew he was a very dangerous man and that she shouldn't be playing around with him, but because she knew who he really was, she thought it could be fun to mess with him a little and play along with her being just a tipsy little girl that has a little drunk crush on him.
"It's alright. Let's just dance, yeah?" She asked and he just nodded with a smile on his face. She tugged him more into the dance floor and gosh, he was beautiful, with his green eyes that had sparks in them, his curly hair that was so soft to touch and with that gorgeous smile, he was just amazing.
"So" She started, breaking their silence.
"So, what's a guy like you doing in a place like this?" Curious little thing she is. Always needs to know all the answers. And you know what they say, curiosity killed a cat. But, well, she was already dead, so she couldn't care less though.
"I could have asked you the same thing?" He wasn't going to tell her that he's here because of her kind. That he's going to kill her if she is something that he thinks she is, no, he knows it.
"Yeah, but I asked first."
"I'm looking for someone." He stated after a few seconds. His green eyes looked around the club and then back to her.
"For who?"
"I don't know yet," he started "but I think it could be you." He wasn't so smooth about it at all and took her back in his hold.
She knew what he meant by it and he knew it was her that he was looking for, but she just smiled at him and pulled him closer by the collar of his white shirt that had a few open buttons down.
"Yeah? And how do you know it's me you are looking for?" She chuckled, maybe because she knew he couldn't do anything to hurt her. There was too many people and other vampires that were watching them in dark corners and if he even tried something, she could end him by just snapping fingers. That's how powerful she really is.
He didn't say anything, he just looked at her and as they danced together in the dimly lit room, Lando found himself drawn deeper into this woman's web of temptation, his every instinct screaming at him to flee, even as his heart urged him to stay.
"You know I can't stay here" he whispered, "stay here with you." His voice barely audible above the din of the club. It was something about her that just took him in and he knew he had to leave or else things could get bad.
Y/n's eyes softened, a flicker of vulnerability passing across her features, strange. "I know," she replied, her voice barely a whisper. "But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the moment while it lasts."
He was mesmerized by her. She wasn't just an ordinary vampire, no, he was pretty sure that she is one of the vampires that lives so long because they live in clans, with other, more older and wiser vampires.
This could be his chance.
His chance to get closer to her and her vampire family. To kill them. To kill all the remaining vampires like he promised to do, because that's his job. His purpose.
But each of them, was playing their own dangerous game.
"I'm Lando, by the way." He introduced himself with his British accent. "Lando Norris."
As Lando extended his hand towards her, Y/n's eyes sparkled with mischief, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She knew the game he was playing.
"It's nice to meet you Lando," she answered "but unfortunately for you, I already know your name." Her smile was getting bigger and that sweet playfulness was now becoming a little less and less funny.
That made him stop. She knew him? How does she know him? They had never met before, did they? Confusion could be seen on his pretty face and she loved every second of it. She lives for it.
"You really think I'm this stupid?" She said as laughter left her mouth. The music swelled around them and Lando leaned in closer to that pale woman, his voice a low murmur against her ear.
"How? How do you know my name then?"
"I had hanky-panky with your father too," she pointed out back in his left ear, "and with your grandfather as well and so on...you are all very similar.”
Lando said nothing. He just stood there like a fool. Who was this woman? Was she really this old vampire that knew his family members better than he did himself?
"Your family is notorious for hunting my kind Lando. You really think I wouldn't know you? Or your family?" She teased, her voice a soft melody that sent shivers down his spine.
And he knew that he should be afraid. He was in the lair of vampires. He had every right to be afraid. But then again, he needed to know her. Her true identity and what she is capable of, if she is a threat.
"You won't tell me your name?"
"I don't know," she admitted, "I haven't decided." Y/n liked to play hard to get. It was in her nature.
“You want to know my name hunter?” she felt his hands tighten on her hips and how he started to rub his thumbs up and down.
“Yes, of course I do.” What was he doing? He should have left and not be asking for her name. And definitely not holding her close to him.
“It's Y/n”
It's Simple, but effective. He liked that name, he liked her. She had this something inside of her, that he hasn't seen in everyone else. Something special.
As the music continued to pulse through the club and the crowd swirled around them, Y/n suddenly pulled away from Lando's soft grasp, leaving him standing alone on the dance floor, bewildered and disoriented.
"Well...I guess i will see you around, Lando"
For a moment, Lando stood frozen in place, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched that strange vampire woman disappear into the sea of dancing bodies.
He felt a surge of panic rising within him, a sense of vulnerability he hadn't felt in years. "Wait!" he called out, his voice lost in the loud music of the club around him.
But she was gone, vanished into the dark club without a trace, leaving Lando to wonder if their encounter had been nothing more than a figment of his imagination. No, no, she was real. She has to be real, she knew his family, she knew him.
As he stood there, alone in the dimly lit club, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him from within. He had been so sure of himself, so confident in his abilities as a hunter, but now he felt lost and adrift in a world he no longer recognized.
With a heavy heart, Lando turned and made his way towards the exit, the sounds of the club fading into the background as he stepped out into the cool night air. He felt like he could finally breathe again.
As he disappeared into the darkness, he couldn't help but wonder, if he would ever see that woman again, or if she had been nothing more than a fleeting illusion in the night.
Do you want a part 2? Or just some blurbs, imagines, etc. from this au?...write me!🩷
Don't copy or translate my work!
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roseofdarknessblog · 10 months
Family gathering (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Word count: 3 140
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
Summary: You and Levi finally introduce your baby to the rest of the family.
This story can be read on its own or as a part of my little post-war series: Learn to live again
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Family gathering
Being back in the tea shop after giving birth felt even better than you expected. Even if you only came to visit Levi for short periods of time. But it was enough time to make sure that he really had everything under control even without your help. At least for a couple more weeks.
Being new parents wasn't easy, not even the slightest, but you were adjusting. Learning every single day, that having a tiny little human living under your roof was about changing or adjusting one too many things.
Despite that, Levi and you couldn't be happier. In your newborn daughter, you saw the reason why you fought so hard all those years. She truly was a beautiful representation of the future you wanted humanity to have.
„I think they know something is up,“ Falco said, when he walked into the kitchen, that was at the back of the tea shop. Here, you used to bake many of your sweet and savory goods, which were then sold alongside the best tea in the whole town.
„Yeah, probably. But that's fine, something really is up,“ you said, smiling at the boy.
Until now, only he, Gabi, Onyankopon, and Yelena knew about the little Ackerman baby you and Levi welcomed into this world seven weeks ago. Nobody else from your friends knew you gave birth, or even that you were pregnant in the first place. You and Levi decided, that it would be better not to tell anyone and let things unfold on their own.
However, now it was finally time to introduce your precious little miracle to the rest of your family. To all your beloved friends, who fought alongside you these past few years. To the people, who helped you create a safe world to bring your daughter into.
„Is everybody here already?“
Falco nodded, gently taking your daughter's hand. She loved him so much and lately always smiled when they were together. „Yeah, they're talking, having tea and sweets but you can definitely tell they suspect something. Mainly because you're not there.“
„I think we should go see them, right?“ you asked your daughter in a sweet voice, stroking her chubby little cheeks. In some way, they very much reminded you of Levi's. Just like her silky black hair, her blue-grey eyes, or her cute little nose. She was the sweetest little copy of your husband in the cutest ways possible. „You're gonna love them, darling. And they're gonna love you.“
When the little girl looked at Falco and smiled, both of you smiled right back at her with so much love. The boy truly loved her as if she was his little sister.
„Hey, Y/N! Come and join us finally!“ Jean screamed for you from the tea shop, making you chuckle and kiss the top of your daughter's head, who tried grabbing the collar of your shirt.
„I'm coming, settle down. All of you!“ you called back, taking one last deep breath. Falco walked back to the shop before you, giving you one more moment alone.
The moment felt almost surreal. Holding your baby and getting ready to introduce her to so many important people. Not even that long ago, you would never even dream about doing something so magical.
„Now, I have a very special surprise for all of you. Can you close your eyes?“ you asked them before opening the door.
When you walked into the main part of the shop, everyone was there – Armin, Connie, Jean and Mikasa. Even Reiner, Annie, and Pieck came, along with Gabi, Yelena, and Onyankopon who didn't even need to close their eyes. Together with Falco and your husband, who was smiling at you ever so slightly.
„What do you think? What is this big surprise?“ you asked them excitedly. But before anybody said a word, your daughter let out a loud cry to get everyone's attention, before she smiled up at you. Almost as if she knew what was happening. „Okay, I guess it's not a surprise anymore. Open your eyes,“ you said, smiling happily at them.
The awe on everyone's face was so worth keeping this whole thing private until now. Connie and Armin looked at you as if they'd never seen a baby in their life before. But that was probably because of their last visit when you were five months along and still barely showing. Under the right pieces of clothing, they had zero chance of noticing anything. And now, half a year later, you were standing in front of them with a baby in your arms.
„So... we called you all here today, because we wanted you to meet someone very special,“ you said, looking over at Levi. With a slightly pained expression, he stood up from his wheelchair and walked a few steps to stand next to you. „She'll be two months old in a couple of days. I hope you can forgive us that we kept such a big thing a secret until now. It was...“
„We wanted to make sure everything will turn out okay,“ Levi said when you couldn't find the right words. „And then we wanted to soak up every little moment with her. Just the three of us,“ he added, wrapping one of his arms around your waist. It was a gesture full of love and also a way to help him stand more securely because of his leg.
It almost seemed that everybody was too shocked to speak. The first one to stand up and come up to you was Jean. He smiled, looking at both you and Levi. Then his soft light-brown eyes wandered to your baby, looking her over very carefully. He offered her one of his fingers, which the little girl took with such excitement, seeming happy that she was seeing a new face.
„She's beautiful, Captain, Y/N,“ he said proudly and with a happy smile.
„Oi, where did you get that baby, Y/N? When me and Armin were here a few months back, you surely weren't pregnant,“ Connie shouted, hurrying to you as well.
„I can assure you, that I was pregnant at the time. Five months pregnant, to be more specific. I just hid it too well,“ you chuckled, stroking your baby's hair. Her eyes were wide open with curiosity while her tiny hands were playing with Jean's fingers.
„Was she, Captain?“ Connie asked Levi, not wanting to believe you.
„Where do you think we got a baby that looks like me if she didn't give birth to it?“ Levi questioned him, his brows furrowed. He may looked annoyed with all the commotion, but by the tone of his voice, it was obvious, that he was enjoying having them all here.
„She really does look like you, Captain,“ Armin said, coming to stand between Jean and Connie.
Behind him, Mikasa followed a little shily. You gave her a warm smile and motioned to her, to come even closer. „Would you like to hold her? You're blood-related, after all,“ you said to her, looking over at Levi, who nodded at your words.
She seemed a little hesitant but eventually nodded in agreement. After showing her, how to safely hold the baby, she took her from you and carefully cradled your daughter against her chest. The little girl looked confused when she first looked up at Mikasa, but after she grabbed a strand of her hair everything was okay.
„She's adorable, congratulations to you both,“ Mikasa said, smiling at both you and Levi warmly. You've barely seen her since the Rumbling, because she went back to Paradis, so her presence right now was even more precious. „What's her name?“
You knew this question would come. And you were preparing yourself to answer it without too much emotion. But suddenly... when they were all here, standing around you and waiting for your answer... it felt almost impossible to explain the meaning of your daughter's name without making everybody way too emotional.
She got her name after a person, who was very dear to you and Levi. And to all of the 104th as well. It was a person, who was supposed to be here today with all of you as well. And also the person, thanks to who you got one more chance to fight the Rumbling and win.
„We named her after Hange,“ Levi said in a calm voice, seeing you struggling a little. „Zoe. Zoe Ackerman.“
„The meaning of her name is... life,“ you added in a quiet voice, reaching out your hand and stroking your baby's back. „I guess it's more than fitting, don't you think?“ Feeling your eyes welling up with tears, you looked at your friends. A wild range of emotions was seen on their faces – sadness, surprise, and also happiness.
Armin was the first one to speak up, leaning closer to Mikasa and taking the baby's hand, shaking it very gently. Such a sweet gesture made all of you chuckle. „It's more than fitting,“ he smiled at her warmly. „Nice to meet you, Zoe. I'm sure we'll be very good friends once you grow up a little.“
The sweet tone in which Armin talked to your baby melted your heart completely. Feeling unimaginable happiness, you looked over at Levi and kissed his cheek. The way he was watching the scene right in front of you, was more than beautiful. His expression was relaxed, almost completely pain-free. The look in his eyes was soft and loving towards all the people standing around you and introducing themselves to your baby in the funniest, yet most adorable way possible. She was all smiles, while she was looking around and taking in all the new people.
So despite looking so much like Levi, she surely didn't get her personality from him.
Connie was the one, who made her the most excited. Mainly, when he held her in a way that she was able to pull Jean's hair. But he truly couldn't be angry with her for even a second.
„Hey, you three. Come on, don't be shy,“ you said to Reiner, Annie, and Pieck who were still standing a little to the side, only watching the others happily fuss around your baby, who was making a lot of loud excited noises.
Once they were your enemies, they wanted you dead. Now they were here amongst your closest friends and family. In a way, you forgave them for almost everything. After having a couple of difficult talks, mainly with Reiner, you gained a new perspective of them all. And through that, things between you and them started changing. Gabi and Falco also helped a bunch, too.
„It's okay, we wanted you here and we're happy that you came,“ you said to them, stroking Reiner's arm and smiling at the girls.
„In a twisted kind of way, but we're all here thanks to you, too,“ Levi said to them, his grip around your waist tightening. His knee was starting to trouble him after standing by your side for a few minutes.
So after you made sure, that your baby was truly in good hands, you helped Levi walk outside the tea shop and sit down on a bench right next to the door. A heavy sigh escaped his mouth when he finally sat down and took the weight off his left leg.
„Good? Are you okay?“ you asked a bit worriedly, sitting down next to him. While your left hand started rubbing his back comfortingly, you leaned closer and kissed his cheek.
„Yeah, sure,“ he mumbled, taking a couple of deep breaths to ease the pain.
„It went well, didn't it? They were all so surprised and happy,“ you chuckled, resting your head against his. The voices and laughter from inside were heard pretty clearly, so you didn't have to worry. „And right now, they have probably a couple of minutes before she starts crying. Either because she'll be hungry or because she won't be able to find us.“
Levi smirked, wrapping his arm around your waist again, to keep you close. Despite the pain, he still seemed relaxed and content with the way today turned out. Everybody's reaction made it certain, that you and Levi did the best thing when you kept your pregnancy private.
„It's all so bittersweet. Having so many of them here and still missing a bunch of people,“ Levi said, his fingers gently stroking your side.
„They are here with us. In a different kind of way, but still.“
You could see all of your fallen friends and comrades in your baby's eyes and in her every smile. All the things they did and for what they sacrificed their lives, made it possible for little Zoe to be born. You and Levi were grateful to them every single day. For their bravery, resilience, and determination to make the world a better place.
Hange, Erwin, Sasha, Miche, Nanaba, Nifa, Furlan, Isabel, Moblit, Petra, Eld, Oluo, Gunther... Eren...
All of them and many, many more gave their lives a long time ago, so you and your friends could have this life. In one way or another. Looking back, there probably wasn't a way to save them. To spare them from death. All you could do was continue living your best life and honor them by being happy.
„Who would have thought, really? That we would make it here all the way from the Underground,“ you sighed, running your fingers through Levi's hair lovingly.
„We made it far, that's true. And...“ he shrugged, smirking at his own words, „I'm kind of excited to see what's next, now that we have our little girl. She's going to turn our lives upside down so many times.“
„That's what parenthood is about, right?“ you chuckled, grabbing his free hand and holding it tight. „We're doing good. Learning and making mistakes. I'm so glad that everything worked out in the end and that we have her.“ Having a baby was an adventure like no other. In the end, all the sleepless nights were worth it, when you saw your little angel smile at you, with her eyes full of innocence and pure love.
„Just wait until she starts walking and running around. That's gonna be a disaster.“
„We'll just have to keep up with her.“ You gently took Levi's chin and turned his head, so you could see his face.
He was still very handsome, no scars or a missing eye could change that. For you, he was the one and only. Since you were a teenager to this very day. All those years, it was Levi. And you were more than sure, that it would stay like this for the rest of your life. Nothing and nobody would be able to change your mind, because Levi was all you'll ever need – with all of his disabilities, which sometimes still made him feel a little self-conscious or worried, that he wasn't good enough for you. He was more than enough and you never failed to remind him that. A day never went by without you reminding him, just how thankful you were for his love and his presence in your life.
„I love you,“ Levi said, leaning in for a kiss. His soft lips pressed against yours, making you forget about everything else.
„That's really good to know because I love you too.“ With a smile, you brushed a few strands of hair from his forehead and kissed the tip of his nose. „I'm proud to call you mine and be yours.“
His sweet little smile had a very strong effect on you every single time you got the chance to see it. Mainly, when said smile reached his eyes and made him look so carefree and young. Seeing him like that, nobody would be able to tell how many horrors he had to suffer through.
Levi rested his forehead against yours, reaching for your left hand. He brushed his thumb over your wedding band, finding your lips in another sweet and love-filled kiss. Time seemed to stop around you at that moment.
But only until you heard a loud cry from inside the tea shop. Just moments later, Connie hurried outside, eagerly trying to return your baby into your arms. „Guess she doesn't like when someone pinches her cheeks. But they're so adorable and chubby, I couldn't resist.“
„They remind me of someone else's cheeks,“ Mikasa added, standing in the open door, her eyes focused on Levi with a playful smirk. You bit down on your lower lip, trying not to laugh, while Connie was grinning so hard, he had to turn away.
Levi, a little flustered, shook his head upon them and took his crying daughter into his arms. You watched him gently cradle her against his chest, planting a couple of kisses on the top of her head, while he rubbed her back.
„The brats made you cry, huh? Don't worry, you'll get used to them,“ he said to the baby, looking back at Connie. „And you'll have them wrapped around your finger in no time,“ Levi added and kissed her forehead in the hopes of stopping her from crying more. But little Zoe knew exactly what she wanted and cried until Levi didn't hide her in his embrace from the rest of the world, while he lovingly started scratching the back of her head. Lately, this has become the most efficient way to calm her down.  „There, sweetie. That's better, right? No need to cry.“
Connie chuckled at the sight. „Well, Captain. Seems you're already wrapped around her finger. I've never heard you talk so sweetly to anyone, not even to Y/N.“
Jean and Armin came to stand by Mikasa, all of them watching the sweet sight of Humanity's Strongest being a completely different person when it came to his own daughter. All of them changed so much during the past few years. But when you looked at them in that moment, you still saw the kids they were, when they joined the Scouts. The kids you grew to love and swore to protect. The kids, who became your family long before such a peaceful life was even a possibility for all of you.
What a shame not all of them made it this far.
Not having Sasha and Eren here felt strange and painful. It felt like you failed a little. But just until you looked back at your daughter. Her cheeks were still wet from tears, while she was so adorably clinging to Levi. In her still teary eyes, you saw Sasha's dedication and Eren's bravery.
And that was what mattered the most.
Having your family here with you and showing them just how much they meant to you. How much you loved them and how happy it made you, that they came here today to meet little Zoe Ackerman.
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k1ttef1a · 7 months
Opposite's Attract 2! |Johnnie G.
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pairing: Johnnie Guilbert x fem! reader
warnings: none
summary: you and johnnie go on the date.
a/n: I know everyone has been asking for part two of 'opposites attract' so here you go 👐
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"Holy shit!" Johnnie said to Jake, it was the day of your guys first "date". Johnnie was nervous because he had never been on a date. "Johnnie you're gonna be fine, didn't she say that she liked your style? I'm sure she'll like your personality too." Jake said to Johnnie, trying to calm his nerves.
"I mean yeah but what if she thinks I'm weir-" Johnnie gets cut off by the sound of his phone buzzing, it was 'y/n🌷', the contact name he gave you. " Oh my god, oh my god-" said anxiously, putting down his makeup brush and grabbing his phone. "WHAT DO I DO?!" "ANSWER IT YOU DUMB BITCH!" Jake said. "Hello?" Johnnie said to you, his voice slightly cracking when he said hello, he hoped you didn't hear it. "Hi Johnnie! I was just making sure we were still meeting up at the mall at 4?" you said questioning. "Yeah! we're still meeting up, I'm almost done getting ready." He said lying through his teeth, he just started getting ready. "Ok I'll see you in a bit, byeee!" the phone call ended. "I'M SUCH A FUCKING LIAR!" Johnnie said, slapping his hands to his head. "You're literally almost done with your hair and your makeup doesn't take long what do you mean you aren't ready?" "NO" Johnnie blurted. "I'M NOT MENTALLY PREPARED TO SEE HER AGAIN."
Johnnie had finally arrived, having Jake drive him since he didn't have his license and he didn't want to spend money getting an Uber. His heart pounded at the thought of seeing you again, your beauty, your grace, your kindness. Everything about you made him scream in his head.
"Johnnie!" You said speed walking towards him, snapping him out of his trance, you hugged him as a greeting which made him flinch for a second. He wasn't used to that kind of affection but he wasn't complaining about it. "It's nice to see you again." You said, smiling at Johnnie like he was a million dollars. "It's nice to see you again too." Johnnie said rubbing his arm, trying not to stumble on his words.
"Have you eaten today? There's this cafe I think you'd really like." You asked, he was hungry, practically starving but since he was picky he was slightly nervous to say yes. "No I haven't actually, ummm sure, yeah let's go." He said, you smiled brightly and started leading him to the cafe.
You and Johnnie were sitting in a small booth in one of the corners. You had convinced Johnnie to try one of the chicken sandwiches you liked from the menu he took a bite out of the sandwich and he was surprised, it was actually really good. " Woah, this actually tastes good, like really good." Johnnie said, talking with food in his mouth. You smiled. "I'm glad you like it, that's one of my favorites but I decided to get my second favorite."
Silence fell between you too leaving you both in your thoughts. "He looks really nice today, I wonder what he does for work?" You thought to yourself, playing with your hair. "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, this is so awkward I just want her to say something, anything!" He thought, anxiously. "So what do you do for work again?" You asked. " Oh I'm a YouTuber and make music once in awhile." "WAIT. YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU MADE MUSIC TOO, THAT'S AMAZING!" You said, practically jumping out of the booth.
"So what kind of music do you make?" You asked him, now fully paying attention to his career. "I make kind of alternative music I think?"
You and Johnnie were now walking around the mall, trying to find something to do when you guys walked past a very...cutesy store, which made your eyes sparkle.
Johnnie saw the shine in your eyes. "Do you wanna go there?" He said, pointing at the store. "Yes!" And before he could say anything you grabbed his hand gently and walked into the store.
You were looking around as he followed you awkwardly. You had a couple pins, keychains, and small cute figures for your room.
You walked to the checkout and you put all of your stuff on the counter. As you were paying, Johnnie kind you looked at everyone, how you looked at everyone and everything with glowing eyes that held millions of stars in them, how you looked at nobody with judgement.
As you drove Johnnie home from the mall it was an awkward silence so you turned on your Spotify playlist, but it started playing one of his songs his most recent song, 'Vampire.'
He immediately looked at you but you were focused on the road but your eyes were widened more and your face was more flushed then before. He didn't say anything though, he liked the fact that she enjoyed his music.
You guys finally made it to the shared house him and Jake both lived in. You both got out of the car and you walked him to the front door. "I had a lot of fun today with you." he said ruffling his hair, which was an anxious habit he had. "I had a lot of fun today with you too, Johnnie. I hope we can do this again soon." You said. He just smiled, he didn't want you to leave but he didn't want you to stay either, not when he was like this, not when he was choked up on what to say because he was thinking about the fact he had just gone on a date with you. "Well I guess I should go, you probably have a really busy day tomorrow." You said, playing with your jewelry. "Yeah..." He said under his breath. He watched as you walked to your car, sad to see you leave.
You rolled down the passenger seat window. "Call me when you get the chance, we should hang out sometime soon!" You said, hoping that he would call you later.
"I will!" He screamed from the front door, as he watched you drive a way.
He had a feeling that this would be a recurring thing.
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☆ this was requested by @anonymous! I know it's been awhile since I've posted a fanfic but I'm back and I'm gonna TRY and post more, my requests are open! ☆
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aguacatetoast · 8 months
The competition
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You and the rest of your crew spent a late night drinking and celebrating after a long battle finally concluded, and your crew got the victory. After a couple of rounds of drinks some heated questions start being asked.
Female Reader x Zoro x Sanji
Warnings: 18+,These two..., threesome, overstimulation, smash or pass, getting a bit drunk, overstimulation, oral m!receiving, oral f!receiving, unprotected sex(be safe), jealousy, possessiveness, praising, probably more pls lmk!
Word count:2,399
Also it's my first time writing a story like this so I hope its good!<3
(Likes and reposts are greatly appreciated!<3)
You and your crew were worn out after a long battle, and tonight you guys were finally able to relax and celebrate the victory. Your crew had decided in a bar, with a restaurant of course for the Captain to indulge himself in as much meat as he wanted. You were laughing as you already had a couple of drinks in, admiring just how much your captain can eat. You Nami and Robin were all sitting in the same side of the booth. Usopp was off somewhere rambling to some strangers about his lies and fake stories as per usual, Zoro was on the other side of the booth downing some sake, and Sanji as always smoking his cigarettes. You saw your Captain stop eating and started to semi yell "I'm boredddd" You saw Robin let out a soft chuckle and calmly say "How about we play a game?" You can see Luffy's face light up in excitement. Sanji also immediately joined in the conversation as soon as Robin spoke. "Whatever the beautiful Robin-swan says," Sanji says with his eyes in the shape of hearts. Zoro still kind of off to his own world said "Yeah I guess we can play something.."
As everyone started to gather around at the booth Usopp suddenly felt left out and ran towards them, he had overheard that his crew wanted to play a game, he had a mischievous look on his face as he put a pointing finger under his chin. Once he reached the booth he said it in a prideful tone "How about we play Smash or Pass?" Nami had an evil smile on her face "Usopp that's a great idea!" Sanji was over the moon with a nosebleed, your heart started to race because of course you've thought of a couple of your crew mates sexually, it can get lonely in the sea at times. You blushed a bit, and in the end, everyone agreed to the game. "So who's gonna start?" asked Luffy, Nami confidently asked "Robin…would you smash or pass Usopp" Robin was startled by the mention of her name and then processed the question. In a monotone voice, she answered "No, he is not my type of offense" You see Usopp fake cry but then have a cheeky grin on his face "It's ok I already have a girl that I have my heart set on" Next went Luffy "Sanji would you smash or pass Nami" Sanji let out a yelp and started putting his stupid pervy face and blushing "Why Of course I would, she wouldn't have to ask" Luffy is cackling as Nami is hitting him in the head for asking such a stupid question. Zoro rolls his eyes in annoyance and asks "Ok who's next?"
Usopp volunteered "Y/n would you smash or pass Zoro, since he's so impatient" Zoro's eyes widened as he didn't want to be the next choice, and he was anticipating your answer a bit… Your heart started pounding and you bit the inside of your cheek, you had definitely touched yourself in the past to him but how shameful it is to admit that. You felt everyone's hard stares, especially Zoro and Sanji's. You let out a soft sigh and looked away from everyone, "Smash.." everyone started a commotion, especially Sanji. He started yelling "What about me my sweet?" You started to blush again, once again, it's been a lonely couple of months. "Smash…" he starts celebrating and going crazy as expected but you were feeling so ashamed for admitting that out loud. As the commotion was going on, you took this distraction to its advantage and rushed to the bathroom. You locked yourself in a stall and started to breathe in and out trying to calm yourself. Once you felt calmer after 15 minutes or so, you felt a light knock on your stall door "y/n? Are you okay?" You were nervous at first but settled down once again when you realized it was just Robin. You let out a soft sigh "Yeah I'm ok, just needed to be alone for a bit." You started opening up the door, Robin greeted you with a nice smile "Well come on, hurry up we're leaving" You two made your way out.
Once you've made it to the ship, you realize everyone went to their respective rooms so you said your goodnight to Robin and rush into bed, you are not ready to face those two tomorrow. As you felt yourself drifting to sleep, you heard a soft knock. You were confused as it was late at night but stood up in case it was an emergency. When you opened the door, you were surprised to be greeted by the presence of both Zoro and Sanji. You immediately felt your face get hot and before you could even ask what they were doing there, they asked you "We have a favor to ask" Both with a serious straight face, you assumed it was something important and said "Yes, of course what's up" before even asking for the details. Then you see a devilish smirk appear on Zoro's face. Zoro whispers in your ear "We're having a competition…, on who can make you feel better" Your eyes widen in shock and Sanji leans into your other ear "Only if you let us M'lady.." You were shocked, not expecting to be faced with this situation, but you thought to yourself 'When will this happen again'. So you simply agreed to it, they seemed to be pleased with your answer and you allowed them into your room. They had both been in your room before, but never like this. You were wearing a simple tank top and shorts as your pjs, which they both seemed to a fan of.
You noticed Sanji headed towards the open window in your room looking off into the distance with a cigarette in his mouth he simply stated "Moss head, you can get a head start, I know you'll be needing it" Zoro gritted his teeth but didn't complain because that meant he had more time pleasing you. His body towered over you as he leaned in to kiss you, he wasted no time and immediately went to grab your ass and pushed you into his firm body. The kiss was warm and passionate, he tasted like the remains of booze he had consumed earlier, but it was delicious. You ran your hands through the back of his neck playing with his hair teasing him with a little tug. He pulled away at the tug, a string of mixed saliva being pulled along with the movement of his face. You saw how his eyes saw you with pure lust, and you felt your pussy getting wet with just this view.
He pushed you onto the bed and he took off his shirt preparing to go on top of you. He kisses you once more before he takes your shorts off swiftly. You were flustered as you were just in panties and the tank top. He started teasing your wet clit through the clothed panties causing you to release a soft moan. His eyes never left your beautiful face as he didn't want to miss any single one of your reactions. Before he could progress, you heard a soft sizzle and footsteps getting closer to you. "Step aside moron, I'll show you how it's done" Zoro shoots a deadly glare at Sanji, while he's undressing himself.
Sanji, in only underwear now, kisses you while being on top of you, you feel the taste of the fresh cigarette from his mouth leave its imprint on yours. The combination of Zoro's taste and Sanji's was so erotic and you couldn't help yourself but get some more. Sanji pulled away and started leaving a trail of kisses from your collarbone to your lower stomach, he was so close to your throbbing pussy. You felt his heat and desired it. And as if he read your mind, he carefully slipped off the soaked panties with darkness in his eyes, he licks your entire pussy, licking up every single part and consuming the juices you had released so far. This made you moan out loud and you saw Zoro getting jealous by your reaction. He then proceeds to kneel down by your face, with his cock pulled out, stroking it, hard as can be. Your mouth started to water at the view, but at the same time, you were concentrating on how good Sanji was making you feel. Eating your pussy like a starved man, his wet tongue flicking your clit so good every time. But Zoro brought you back to him, he ran his calloused thumb over your semi-opened mouth, using your bottom lip to allow him access to your hot mouth. Zoro's size is just as you expect for a fit man like him, big and girthy. Your mouth stretches over his tip and he's already letting out a small groan before he slowly shoves it all in your mouth.
Sanji had decided to stick two fingers in you as he was bringing you closer to your climax. Meanwhile, Zoro is face fucking you, his salty taste taking over your senses and your saliva dripping down on your chin. Your hands were gripping the sheets, Sanji had one hand gripping your thigh as he ate you out and the other one was his curled fingers being shoved into you. Zoro has his hand resting at the back of your head guiding you through his inches, "Fuck sweetheart you take me so well", Zoro let out a soft moan. His praise and Sanji's constant precision to your clit caused your legs to start twitching and trembling "That's it beautiful, cum all over my tongue" said Sanji in a raspy voice, as he started to go at an even faster pace. The burning sensation that had been growing intensely boiled over and as you started sputtering with your release, Zoro started pushing your head harder into his cock making tears start to flow.
Zoro let go of your head and took his cock out dripping with precum, he didn't want the fun to end just yet. Meanwhile, Sanji made sure to not let any single drop of your release go to waste "Madmoseille, that was one of the best things I've ever tried." You blushed and he made his way up to lean in and kiss you again, your juices mixing with zoros. But while he tried to take off your shirt Zoro pushed him off "Move pervy cook, you've had enough" he says clearly jealous that he hasn't been able to feel your cunt yet. Sanji moves away feeling like he's already won the competition. You felt Zoros strong hands flip you over into all fours, ass arching up and he backed up behind you and felt his tip tease the entrance to your pussy, "You ready sweetheart?" as your pussy throbbed for him you let out a soft yes he tugged on your hair "If you want something you're gonna have to speak up baby. While you were trying to form the words in your mouth, you noticed Sanji touching himself as he saw you in such a sinful state. You spoke up wanting to satisfy yourself, and Sanji. "Y-yes, fuck me Zoro" and with that, he thrusted all of his inches and girth, and although Sanji had stretched you out a bit with his fingers, nothing compared to the size of Zoro, as you let out a loud moan, he only thrusted harder making your legs feel weak. Sanji started to get closer to you, tired of teasing himself, and aligned his tip to your mouth.
Both of your holes being filled felt so sinful but you could care less, as Zoro thrusted into you making your ass bounce, Sanji's face fucked you. These two, although always fighting, they were able to find a rhythm. Your mouth stretched over Sanjis impressive size as he was abusing your mouth, having a tight grip on your hair and admiring your flushed face and plump lips "Fuck y/n with that pretty mouth of yours you'll make me cum soon", Sanji said with flushed cheeks, and hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat he's produced on focusing on not cuming right then and there. While moaning Sanji would moan things such as "Fuck y/n you're so beautiful like this", and Zoro while still abusing your cunt saying things like "Such a pretty pussy fuck" and "takin' me so well baby.." but you couldn't even acknowledge what they were saying because you were on cloud nine, too overstimulated to focus on anything. All these praises you were getting led you to your release again the flame in your lower stomach making it unbearable to hold it in any longer, and while you came, you felt Sanji's cock twitch and he let out a groan "Fuck..Y/n I'm g-gonna" and before he could even finish his sentence he released his seed in your mouth. You made sure to swallow every last drop, although it was difficult for you to do so gently as Zoro was thrusting at you with full force causing even more tears to come out of your eyes you felt his hips stutter and he released his seed into your cunt, he pulled out wanting to see his work of art dripped out of you, right before he pushed it back in. Your cunt felt empty now without Zoro.
You still had Sanji in your mouth as he was being overstimulated and you enjoyed watching him beg and be flustered until he couldn't anymore. You let go of his cock with a pop as he moaned until the very last second, Zoro had gotten a damp cloth to clean up his mess, meanwhile, Sanji reached for a handkerchief that was in his suit to wipe the tears and saliva off your face. You were wrecked after such pleasure and abuse, you laid down in your bed with Zoro and Sanji on each side as the three of you cuddled up, you were in the middle squished between their chests, you felt as if you had died and gone to heaven.
While you drifted off to sleep, you knew that you were going to have to choose a winner eventually…
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ohhellnooooooo · 3 months
Kenji sato × reader
CHAPTER 1- Sensing You...
Author's note: so I have this Idea, Since Emi is a kaiju, why not make a siren reader?, Like, you're his girlfriend and You're a singer, kenji doesnt  know that you are a siren, you didn't know he's ultraman either, and then you accidentally got to his basement, seeing the baby kaiju sleeping, and then, since i saw that kenji's basement has big glass water tank near Emi's big glass container, you decided to  show emi what you really are, give her a little show <3
Just a quick thing, reader can control her siren voice, let me knoe if i write something wrong!, english is not my first language ladies
Synopsis: Kenji left you at his manor, not letting you go near his basement, since mina isn't around, and she's busy, you decided walk around the manor, going down the basement accidentally.
Content Warning: None
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Waking up, feeling alone as kenji left to do something urgent, what could he possibly be doing at this time?, you look at the clock at his desk reading the time.
11:00 PM
You we're just cuddling and loving each other the moment before mina knocks on the door calling kenji, for an urgent matter, what kind of ergent matter is that?, 11:00 PM, Baseball stadium is closed, he can't be going out eating, his manor has plenty foods, might be gym?, nope, not gonna work. What if he's cheating?, Nahh, no way, He's inlove with you..or..he's in love with your voice...
You face palmed yourself, he can't be inlove with just your voice!, hell!, you didn't even use your voice at him!, for him to fall inlove!, you're intelligent!, and nice, everyone loves your voice,and you're beautiful...famous!, what more does he need?, finding a chick in the side walk with no other thing in mind just to suck his dick? , (Y/n) pick up yourself..he's not going to love anyone other than your beauty..think of that.
Suddenly an idea cross your mind, why not look around his manor?, to freshened your mind, don't think too much.
It always cross your mind of him cheating
And if he did..I can just use my voice-..
NO..not..going..to..happen..(Y/n) you need to remember everything comes to an end, and you can't just use your voice to him..if he doesn't want you..
You started to zone out, mind blowing kenji cheating..always cheating cross your mind..can't it just be something else!
but it was interrupted by the glass of water..shaking..is it an earthquake???might be. You stand up from kenji's white sheet bed, you walked out his room, almost tripping, then you walk around..saw the elevator for the basement..it wouldn't hurt if i go down there right?, No, (Y/n) what are you thinking. Suddenly you ran towards the round and big glass elevator, your eyes closed as if kenji was watching you..IT'S OKAY! IT'S OKAY YOU ARE IN (Y/N)!!!
just then, when you opened your eyes..
You saw it.. an actually pink baby kaiju, 20ft tall, crying and stomping over the cars..not just any cars..kenji's cars.. you widened your eyes, not expecting kenji hiding this cute little thing in his basement..how could he!?, but then you turned back to the baby kaiju, still crying, You walk towards her, she looks at you, tears in her round eyes.
"Hello...?, baby, why are you crying?" You asked walking towards her slowly, she beggin to calm down because of you soothing voice, she crawled over you, as if wanting to be hugged, she open up her arms still sniffling and tears down her eyes. "Oh..! You want a hug?" You asked walking towards her, hugging her cute baby tummy, unexpectedly she carried you for a warm hug, her color pink scales/skin turning a beautiful glowing red. "Oh you are very pretty, young lady" i said patting her body as she let me go, slightly giggling, you turned at the big glass tank of water, and back to the baby kaiju. "Want to see a magic trick?"
You asked the baby kaiju as if she's going to answer, she turned her head to the side, tilting her cute face. Then you walk towards the ladder where it led you to the deep glass water tank, carefully jumping on it, and with the baby kaiju's blink of an eye, she saw a very, beautiful siren, swimming around.
She clapped her hands loving at the sight of you, she chirped happily looking at you moving aound the tank.
You stopped infront of her, your beautiful siren hands pushing on the glass as you waved at her, making a heart bubble towards her, she chirped and laughed lovingly looking at the heart bubble that you made.
Just then, mina walked in, she was startled, not just about the fact that everything is messy, car's everywhere and everything was all over the places..
She's shock to see you.. making the baby kaiju lovingly look at you and you make her calm..
a moment after you we're startled seeing mina...along with ken just got out of the elevator, you swim towards the ladder in a speed of light, making the baby kaiju look at you in an instant.. as if asking why did you stop.. ken and mina was i shock seeing you..you.. the (Y/n) they know.. was a siren.
You panicked as your tail didn't transform into your feet fastly, you started to take the water droplets out of your tail, bringing your feet slowly, then you walk down the ladder taking your clothes on the floor quickly. Covering your body with it. "Uhmm.." you looked at mina and ken awkwardly..
"What was that (Y/n)?, are you not telling us something about you?" Mina asked you as she touch your wet skin, you flinched, and ken looked at you with furrowed eyebrow.
"(Y/n).." he called walking towards you, gently putting his hand on you, but you flinched. "(Y/n)." He called again making you look up at him, holding your chin.. you hummed not looking at him, but to the baby kaiju who is looking back at you.."(Y/n), quick question darling." He said making your whole face move just for you to gaze at him.
"Are you a siren?"..
To be continued..
Alrighty!, next chapter will be out... i dont know when, but I'll fastly make my mind work!!, bye pookies! Hope you enjoy this!!
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Tshikwa'set: Dad!Jake Sully
Avatar Masterlist
word count: 2k
description: you’ve been happier lately and your dad can’t figure out why so he decides to follow you which reveals a secret that you weren’t ready to tell him yet. 
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For weeks your dad had been wondering where you were running off to and what or who was making you so happy lately because every time he asked you, you said it was nothing which could be possible but his dad senses were telling him something deeper was going on. 
So today he decided to follow you, just to see if he could figure out what was going on, he watched as you bid everyone goodbye before disappearing off to who knows where, and he followed a few steps behind you making sure not to make any noise to alert you. He watched as you approached the old labatory and double checking your surroundings before setting inside which made him even more confused but then he saw Tshikwa'set wrap his arms around you and press a kiss on your lips.
"You were sneaking around with Tshikwa'set?" He asked himself not sure why you were hiding this from him.
He was so caught up with his thoughts that he didn't realize that he had stepped on a branch behind him which made you two look in his direction. You locked eyes with your dad and felt your heart drop because this wasn't how you wanted to tell him that you and Tshikwa'set were dating.
"Dad...listen I can explain..." You started to say but he cut you off.
"No need to...I thought we told each other everything but clearly I was wrong." He said making you feel even more guilty as the tears fell down your face.
"Dad please..." You said as the tears fell down your face.
"I'll see you at home." He said before turning and leaving you in tears as Tshikwa'set comforted you.
"It's going to be okay yawne, I'm sure he is just in shock upon discovering us." He said hugging you.
"I don't know he seemed pretty mad maybe I went about this all wrong." You said quietly.
"Hey you didn't do anything wrong, he is just acting how every father would upon discovering their daughter sneaking around. I mean I know I would if I discovered our daughter sneaking around with someone and I didn't know." He said making you smile.
"You think about us having kids?" You asked him with a smile.
"Of course I do. Like I told you, your my future and that's all that matters to me, so of course I dream about the day we have a family of our own." He said.
"I love you." You said pressing a kiss to his lips.
"I love you more beautiful, you and your dad are going to be okay." He said hugging you.
A few hours later Tshikwa'set walked you home happier to see you in a lighter mood until you reached home and he felt your grip on his hand get tighter. He squeezed yours back to let you know that he was there and that everything was gonna be okay as you two approached your home.
"I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Everything will be okay. I love you yawne." He said pressing a kiss to your lips unaware your father was watching you.
After saying goodbye to him, you swallowed your nerves and walked inside your home where you saw your dad sitting in the corner sharpening his knives.
"Hi mama, hi dad." You said which only made your father get up and leave making your eyes water.
"Is it true what your father told me?" Your mother asked.
"It is. I just wanted to tell you guys on my terms because everyone knows how imitating dad can be, I just didn't want him to scare him off. He's the first boy that looks at me as a person and not the olo'eyktan's daughter, and he makes me so happy." You said with tears in your eyes.
"oh my sweet y/n. It's going to be okay. Your father will come around, I'm sure he is just hurt at the idea of his daughter already dating." She said to you as you nodded your head.
You hoped that she was right and had tried for three days to talk to your dad but he wouldn't listen to you and that was hurting you so much inside but what made it worse was seeing him not wearing the bracelet you made him.
"You need to talk to her ma Jake. This is hurting her more than it is you, you think she loves that boy well she loves her father more..ma Jake they way she talks about him, it is hard to miss the smile and how happy she gets, he actually loves your daughter for who she is and not from the family she comes from." Your mother said to her.
"She's right dad. I could tell that even before they got together that he cared a lot about her and I know that he would never let anything happen to her. But I also know that he wanted to court her the right way because she knew how intense you could be about her dating so she asked him to let her introduced you guys and break the news on her terms." Your twin Neteyam said.
Jake sighed knowing that they were both right, maybe he had over reacted just a little bit but to find out you were sneaking around with a boy just surprised him. So he made a plan to talk to you tomorrow morning and make things right with you and this boy because he did hate seeing you so upset because of him. That night he laid awake thinking about everything when he saw a shadow dart past him and Neytiri tent which made him get up, and that's when he saw you making your way towards the lake which made him follow you in hopes that you would talk to him.
That night you went for a walk and took a seat by the lake softly dipping your feet in them trying to process how you destroyed one of the most important relationships in your life in matter of seconds when you heard footsteps approaching before a blanket was placed on your shoulders.
"Thanks, dad." You said quietly as he took a seat next to you.
"I'm sorry for the way I've been acting babygirl, that wasn't very mature of me even though I was hurt by your actions." He said.
"I swear I wanted to tell you about us...I was just nervous for him to meet you because I know how you can be and I didn't want you to scare him off because I love him daddy..I was gonna tell you about him and then maybe in like a week bring him to dinner.. but I went about it wrong I'm sorry." You said quietly.
Your dad sighed and wrapped an arm around you pulling you into his side. Could he really be mad at you when him and your mother snuck around when they first got together? And hearing your apology and reasoning made him realize how much he had overreacted.
"I only want what is best for you for all of my children. But I could tell just from those two little interactions I saw between you two that you are both very in love and happy and that makes me happy to see." He said making you smile.
"He does make me happy." You said with a smile.
"Then that's all I want to hear. Plus from what Neteyam told me, this boy has cared about you long before you two started dating." He said which made you smile as you made a mental note to thank Neteyam.
"Hey dad why did you take your bracelet off?" You asked him.
"Oh I had taken it off because tuk had gotten paint everywhere and I didn't want the paint to get on it, and ruin it." He said.
"I thought you took it off because you were mad at me, it hurt me a lot to see you not wearing it." You said to him.
"I'm sorry angel I swear it wasn't because of our fight. I was ready to apologize to you the evening but couldn't bring myself to do it seeing how hurt you were until your mother and twin spoke on your behalf and encouraged me to make amends with you." He said.
"I don't like when we fight dad." You said quietly.
"I don't either. I hope you can forgive me for the way I acted the last few days." He said to you.
"I can as long as you forgive me as well for lying to you." You said looking at him.
"Of course I can. In fact why don't you bring him over tomorrow or when your ready and let me meet him properly and let us put this behind us." He said.
"I would like that a lot dad. Thank you." You said wrapping your arms around him.
"I love you babygirl." He said placing a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you dad." You said.
A few days later after speaking with Tshikwa'set about everything you both decided to introduce him properly to your family mainly your dad. You both walked into your family's home at lunch time hand in hand which made your parents happy to see.
"Mama, Daddy. This is Tshikwa'set and we've dating for the past couple of months and I wanted you guys to officially meet." You said as Tshikwa'set squeezed your hand in comfort.
"Tshikwa'set it's so lovely to officially meet you, what did you bring us?" Your mother asked.
"Oh Ms. Sully, I brought some of everyone's fruit that y/n told me you guys liked." He said as she took the basket of fruit.
"Call me Neytiri and thank you for this. Ma Jake did you see what he brought us?" Your mom asked walking over and showing him.
"Mr. Sully I just wanted to apoligize for not coming to you and properly asking for your permission...I wanted to but..." Tshikwa'set said before your dad cut him off.
"No need for it, I understand completely my daughter is just like her mother, so it's hard to talk her out of anything....I just hope you know that if you hurt my daughter in anyway then I will hesitate to hurt you in return..." Your dad said.
"Ma Jake..." Your mother said.
"It's alright Neytiri. Mr. Sully..." He started to say.
"You can call me Jake." Your dad said as you felt yourself start to relax.
"Jake I hope you know that I would never ever think about hurting your daughter...Long before we started dating I've always looked out for her..and will continue to do so until my last breathe, I love her." He said making you look at him with hear heart eyes.
"And I love you too." You said pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Hey mama do you know where Nete is? I needed to talk to him about something?" You asked her.
"I'm right here little sister, what do you need?" Your twin said walking into the home.
"I'll be right back. Dad be nice." You said to your dad and squeezing Tshikwa'set's hand before leading Neteyam outside away from your home.
"What's going on little sister?" He asked.
"I just wanted to say thank you for sticking up for me and Tshikwa'set to dad and helping me and dad fix our relationship. It means a lot to me, so I made you this as a thank you gift." You said handing him the arm band you made for him.
"Oh little sister, you didn't have to make me anything, I know how much you and Tshikwa'set love each other and we both know how dad can be, so I was happy to help, you are my twin after all and I hate seeing you sad." He said hugging you.
You two made your way home where you saw your dad and mate talking and laughing as Tuk sat in his lap playing with his hair. You took a seat next to him where he reached for your hand and laced his fingers with yours without evening looking and that made your dad smile.
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lives-in-midgard · 11 months
Halloween With The Maximoff Family
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader including Billy and Tommy Maximoff
Summary: You celebrate your first Halloween with your girlfriend Wanda and her kids.
Word Count: 1150
A/N: Hey everyone! Happy Halloween and I hope you like this Halloween fic with the Maximoff family. This fic takes place in the same universe as my Maximoff family easter fic.
It’s been a few months since you, Wanda, and the boys celebrated Easter together. It was such a beautiful day and the day they called you mom for the first time. You remember it like it was yesterday. Billy was the first one to say it, you were playing Wii together and he suddenly said it. Later that day when you and Wanda brought them to bed, they both said “goodnight mom” to you. You were so happy and so was Wanda. A lot had happened since then. You celebrated birthdays together; you had a lot of fun at the summer activities, helped take care for them when they were sick, and moved in a few weeks ago.
You just finished work and were on your way home. It still felt new to call it home, even though you’ve spent a lot of time there since the beginning of the year, but now it’s truly your home. You were still a few meters away from the house when you immediately noticed that something was different. As you approached the house, you finally saw what it was. There were Halloween decorations in front of the house, on the windows and even on the door. You parked your car in front of the house and walked to the door. You looked at the decorations and chuckled because you didn’t know that Halloween was such a big deal at the Maximoff family. Before you opened the door, you suddenly heard screaming from the inside and then went in.
“Boys it’s enough.” Wanda said and then noticed you. There was as much decoration inside the house as there was outside.
“Mom is here.” Billy shouted and was running towards you. He hugged you and then Tommy ran to you too. You hugged them both and smiled at Wanda, who was now hanging a garland on the wall with her magic. You walked up to her and hugged her from behind.
“Hey, my love.” You whispered and Wanda turned around to face you.
“Hey detka.” She smiled and you kissed.
“I didn’t know Halloween is such a big deal here. “You said after a while.
“You don’t like it.” Wanda assumed but you shook your head.
“No, I was just surprised.”
“Billy and Tommy love it and it’s also a memory of mine. I loved to celebrate it with Pietro.” Wanda told you and you started to smile and took her hand. When you turned around you saw the boys putting up decorations somewhere.
“But you can be sure that everything here will be decorated for Christmas as well because that’s my favorite holiday.” You confessed and Wanda chuckled.
“I can’t wait for that.” You smiled at each other and were about to kiss when suddenly Billy and Tommy ran towards you and Wanda. You pulled away and looked at them.
“Mom, do you want to go trick or treating with us?” Billy said and looked at you. You turned to Wanda who was smiling.
“Of course, I want.”
“That’s so cool, we’re gonna have so much fun.” Billy happily said and Tommy agreed with his brother.
“But you have to help me find a costume.”
“That’s okay, I also don’t have one yet. We can go to a shop later.” Wanda suggested and the boys smiled. You had dinner and then decided to go to the shop Wanda had suggested earlier. Wanda drove and you sat in the passenger seat while the boys sat in the back. Wanda turned on the radio and smiled. You could see that she was really happy with the kids and you by her side. When you arrived at the shop you all walked around, looking for a costume for you and Wanda. After a while you found the perfect costume for the two of you.
The days until Halloween passed very quickly and it was finally the day. You woke up to Wanda snuggled up to you and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Good morning detka.”
“Morning Wands.” You mumbled because you were still tired. After lying in bed and cuddling with your wonderful girlfriend for a while, you decided to get up and get ready for the day. You and Wanda both went into the bathroom and brushed your teeth next to each other. During the breakfast the boys were really looking forward to the day and couldn’t wait to go from house to house.
The time has come, and everyone went to their rooms to change. You had to smile when you saw Wanda in her costume.
“What?” She asked shyly.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” You said with a grin, walked closer to her and pulled her into a kiss. You finally had a moment to yourself when you heard Tommy from the other side of the door.
“Mama we are finished.” Wanda groaned and you chuckled.
“We’re coming boys!” Wanda yelled and gave you one last kiss before going out of the door.
“Oh, Billy, Tommy you look so cool.” That’s what you said when you saw their costumes. You all went into the living room, picked up your buckets from the table and went outside. Billy and Tommy led the way while you and Wanda walked behind them holding hands. They went from house to house and Wanda and you followed them. You really had fun and laughed a lot with them. Sometimes a child jumped out and tried to scare you. Once a child managed to scare you, you screamed and squeezed Wanda’s hand stronger. The kids laughed because they scared you, but Wanda looked at you worried.
“Everything’s okay.” you tried to reassure her.
“You sure detka?” Wanda asked and you nodded. You walked to a few more houses until Wanda decided it was time return home. But before they walked back home, they had one more house left. Tommy knocked on the house next door and it only took a few seconds for Agnes to open the door.
“Hey boys finally you’re here. Look I have something for you.” She said and gave them some sweets. Before you went back home, Agnes smiled at you and Wanda and said she would like to come over tomorrow. When you got home you all changed into comfortable clothes and sat down on the couch to watch a Halloween movie. Wanda sat next to you while the boys decided what movie they wanted to watch. Using her magic, Wanda pulled one of the buckets of candy off the table and into her lap. She started eating some and handed you some. Then Billy and Tommy grabbed something too. When the movie started, you laid your head on Wanda’s shoulder and were so happy. You can’t wait to celebrate Christmas with them. And you know for sure that it will be great, and you will have a lot of fun.
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@marvelogic | @eviebuggg | @yelenasdiary |
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manidk1273 · 6 months
🎀 — Wedding.
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Tony was never the best father to you, even he knew that. You were a variable he never considered.. until you were 17. Surprisingly, Nick Fury himself recruited you for the Avengers. That's where your relationship starts again.. it was rocky, difficult but at least you each other as teammates.
Your name wasn't an unknown name, just like your biological father you were a genius. Even without powers, you were skilled. The first time you fought crime (though it was an accident and just sudden.) You wore a black surgical mask, and got in the fight scene. There, Spiderman himself saw you before you ran away.
„ Who are you? ”
. . . .
„ Whatever you wanted it to be, Spider. ”
You said, masked appearance as you stepped to the edge of the building falling elegantly but not to your death. At first, people thought you had powers but it was debunked by yourself. Tony met you— He never realized you were his kid until he met your parents. The woman he hooked up with years ago, and her now husband.
It was awkward at first but he shoved it off his shoulders. Ever since then, he has tried to restore a relationship. It was awkward between you two at first but you've gone from teammates to friends. Sure, Tony was relieved but he still felt like he wasn't doing enough. Especially when your step father(Mother's husband) would come with your mother. You even called him dad, he thought it was preposterous to him. He wasn't your real dad.
After years in the battlefield.. the world was at peace, but of course it wasn't always gonna be like this so you finally decided to marry your s/o this time of year. You met them having your career as a superhero, and you were so proud of them.. you were so lucky to have them in your life. It took him a slap to the face and Pepper to realize he was actually just jealous.. he was in denial.
Of course, every Avenger was invited. Close friends too.. and especially family. It was a small wedding, no big things.. but the venue was perfect for the two of you. Everyone attended with a plus 1, as the invitation suggested. As the ceremony began.. the usual traditional stuff happened. But one thing made Tony's heart drop.
Your step father was the one who was walking you down the aisle to your groom. It was awakening something in him.. of course, he's proud and happy for you. But when he saw that scene.. that moment, he felt like ripping your father's soul apart from his body. But he quickly shook away the thought. As the beautiful ceremony ended, he didn't stay for the feast. Pepper noticed when he wasn't near the tables and went to the parking lot to see him near the car, sitting by himself.
She knew Tony too much, she already knew what was happening. She sat beside him and took his hand to her palm.
“ Feel like shit, Pepper.. ”
“ I know. ”
It took a few more exchange of words before he just cried to her chest, she didn't expect the conversation to go like that but she was glad he wasn't bottling up his emotions.
He feels like shit, he really does. He knows he doesn't have the right to walk you down the aisle— but it hurts so much. He does see you as a kid, he really did. But he can't just.. reverse years of absence just by a year. He can't blame you.. you're just living your life.
He never wanted to become like his father. He wanted to show he cared, but.. sometimes you just.. become what you don't want to become.
I've been getting ideas I just needed to write. Again, I'm just getting back to the writing industry and I'm still very rusty.. but I hope you like my attempt at angst:)
As usual, Thank you so much for reaching the end and I hope you have a great day.
- Velvette 🎀
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
can u please write erling or jude, you pick i don’t mind, where reader gets like harassed by his fans online, like mean comments or mean twitters and reader never tells him and he finds out by himself and he’s a bit disappointed but he comforts reader and tells her how much he loves her please?
i picked jude for this one!
jude bellingham x reader
tw: mean comments, mention of hate, overall a lot of fluff
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Haters gonna hate
The moment after the world cup, Jude’s fame became bigger and bigger. Not that he wasn’t already famous, he was, but - playing in front of millions of people got him a new wave of popularity he never excepted, and you couldn’t be happier for him, he was achieving everything he wished for. But you got dragged into this popularity thing too. You and Jude had been dating for over a year now, it wasn’t knew for his old fans as they always supported your relationship and made fanpages for the two of you. But, apparently, his new fans weren’t as thrilled as everyone was.
Of course, you weren’t to lie. Jude was pretty handsome, and for being so young a lot of girlies expected him to be single so they all went mad when they found out they were dating someone, you. You, who weren’t famous or a model or a celebrity, you were completely normal. Finishing your studies, being appassionate of arts and music. That’s what made them hate you the most - the fact that by just looking at you, they knew you weren’t anything special, just a girl like them and the fact that you were dating of the most popular football player at the moment.
So, instead of being happy for Jude they started hating you.
It first happened when you posted a picture for Christmas Day. It was a simple picture of you, Jude and your huge christmas tree in the background and what you didn’t expect was to see your comments section filled with hate.
The second time it happened it was when you posted a picture of the eternal city, Rome, when you were visiting it with your family. A lot of people said you were in Italy because you were cheating on Jude and how he didn’t deserve you, how he deserved someone better.
And so went on. Everytime you posted a picture you would see your comments section filled with hate, and honestly - you weren’t used to it.
“I can’t believe Jude is dating her” someone said.
“She’s so ugly, Jude could have everyone he wanted, why her?” another one said.
“Someone saves Jude from her, he clearly doesn’t love her!!” someone else said.
And those comments were the nicest. A lot of people commented on your appearance, how you weren’t made to date a football player for how simple you were. They commented on your looks, on your weight, on your style. Basically everything you posted about.
You got tired of it and decided to block all of those people and put your instagram in private mode.
So the hate started on Twitter.
“She really blocked me! That bitch…I can’t believe Jude is dating someone like her!” someone commented on twitter.
“Her royalty got her instagram in private mode so we can’t judge her…she might think she’s special lol” another girl said.
But what was worse is that it wasn’t you who who saw the comments - no - it was Jude. He was casually scrolling through his phone when his eyes landed on his name being the first thing to appear on Twitter.
Of course he was curious so he simply clicked on it.
He wasn’t really pleased with what he was reading. He immediately went into your insta to check if the comments were real and it broke his heart reading all of those mean comments about you.
He couldn’t believe someone would say something so mean to you, the most beautiful and kind person he ever met in his life.
He wanted to confront you about it.
“Babe…” he called you from the living room, knowing you were in the kitchen making some tea.
“Yes Jude?” you shouted from the door.
“Can you come here for a sec please?” he asked so you grabbed your hot tea and went straight into the living room, sitting on the couch next to him.
“Is everything okay?” you asked him.
“You tell me…” he looked at you a little worried and you probably already knew that he was referring to.
“Yes…everything’s good” you said not looking at him.
“Darling please…I saw the comments…I saw how you put your in instagram private, baby…why didn’t you tell me?” he softly asked you, not wanting to upset you.
“Because I didn’t want to bring you up in this! You don’t need any more dramas added to your life Jude and by the way I truly don’t care about those comments…” you lied and he could tell.
“My love, I know you’re hurting…but I want you to know that none of what you read is true okay? I need you to know that I’m so in love with you…” he scooped you into his arms “ you’re the most important person in my life, you’re the one I love and the one I want to spend the the rest of my life with…I love you…” he said smiling at you as you were fully crying now.
“I don’t deserve you Jude…” you said, your glossy eyes meeting his eyes.
“I don’t deserve you y/n…you’re too kind and special” he looked at you with lovey eyes “I don’t know how I got so lucky to have met someone like you, to have you in my life…you’re too kind for this world baby” he kissed your cheek as he gently wiped away your tears.
“I love you Jude…” you whispered laying your head on his chest.
“I love you more” he whispered and you smiled.
That night you finished drinking your tea as you both started watching some comedy show on a random channel.
Before going to bed Jude posted a picture of the two of you and decided to write some words for you.
“This person next to me is the kindest, funniest and brightest person in the world and I truly cannot believe how some “fans” mistreated her in the first place. I’ve read comments in the last days that made me shiver, how can someone be so cruel to a person you don’t even know? Is it jealousy? I truly don’t care what are your reasons but I want you all to stop immediately directing your hate to my girlfriend just because we’re dating. There’s clearly a reason if I’m dating her and not you btw…She doesn’t deserve all this hate and I want you all to stop please…you don’t know how your words can hurt someone, sometimes words hurt more than a punch, stop talking bad about y/n and go on with your lives, thank you!”
You were in bed smiling reading what Jude wrote about you.
“Thank you” you whispered to him as you laid on his chest.
He kissed your forehead “anything for you baby…I would do anything for you” he held you closer and stroked your hair gently, helping you falling asleep.
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roseapov · 5 months
I can't calm down!
Major Spoilers to Honkai: Star Rail Main Story of version 2.2 (about basically everything) under the cut
First of all GENSHIN COULD NEVER AND IT NEVER DID! None of the Genshin Archon Quests could ever compare to this.. Masterpiece!
Hoyoverse outdone themseves completely! This whole update was truly perfect!
(Because I saw the leaks) I was like, so Harmony MC wasn't needed in the Sunday fight? But weren't they mandatory? Why was it so easy?
Until the plot went farther and we had a real fight with Sunday! And my jaw dropped. I'm a big fan of this fight! But I expected it to be harder- I literally build my Ruan Mei with some random pieces in one day for it-
This was the most beautiful and emotional moment in this entire version! Also MC's response to 'Why does life chose to slumber'? BHJDwfabshkjnlaksvdjfbkhjsnlBKHAFSDBKJEFL
That moment and the whole quest made me really love this sibling duo! It was so sweet how Sunday was always concerned for Robin and was caring about her more than for himself. Also, Robin got shot at the neck-
I'll admit the moment when Dan Heng and Jing Yuan appeared in Ena's dream was so funny and random, but the entreance was indeed surprising and gorgeous! Honestly I couldn't stop smiling at Jing Yuan🥹
Mikhail's indentity was WTF honestly, the fates of the 3 Nameless were sad, mostly Tiernan. And Acheron's real name!
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*inhale and exhale*
Sunday looked so good and sexy during his boss fight~🤣
I'm happy we got lots of Sunday this version and that Gallagher wasn't really as bad as I thought he would be!
Sunday in the confessional?!?!!?!? I'm dead
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But I have so many questions at the end of it all, such as, what exactly happened to Firefly? And will Boothill and Black Swan still travel with us (The Astral Express) just like in the dream? Would everyone really get along in the negotations in the end?
And.. What will happen in the next update? Is story in Penacony really finished?
Our next destination will probably be
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Regardless if it happened in a dream or not, they thought it was reality so it's still prob gonna be our next stop-
(Because this planet is mentioned every time, no matter which option you chose, and it wins 4 votes for Edo, and 1 abstained - if you decide to abstrain)
Btw, Harmony MC has such a beautiful icon!
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Why does March 7th have Question Marks?
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So yeah-
This update had gorgeous illustrations and stories! I love Robin's song in Sunday's fight-
Me casually before facing Sunday's first boss-
The best part is, I was like something's wrong, it's not like on the leaks when the 1st battle with Sunday happened but I eventaully forgot about it and had a big schock at the end- A truly delicious plottwist!
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I have lots of the ss's from this update...
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dollsimi · 9 months
Their doll
A little series about you being a fun toy for Ghost, Nikto and König ;) this is the first part, if you guys like it I can do more. I was just bored and I was thinking of my favorites trio and I decided to share. English is not my first language so I apologize don't laugh pls. Enjoy
Sub!Reader, Dom Ghost, Dom Nikto, Dom König, blackmailing, degradation, nude photos
You have a group chat with these three and get yourself into a big mess.
König Made a group chat with him, you, Nikto and Ghost just for fun. You guys were all texting each other, chatting every time someone was bored.
Recently you saw a cute Instagram picture of girls in some lacy underwear and you wanted to try to take the same photo. And you did. It was so hot...you were in pink lace with bunny ears and your tongue sticking out playfully. Of course you weren't going to post it anywhere it was just for fun. However few days after that you were chatting in the group chat and you accidentally sent the photo. You didn't noticed until you got back to your room. You opened the group chat and your cheeks immediately got red from embarrassment as you found out what you sent. And reaction of those men were not helping.
Ghost: ...*saves*
Nikto: ...*saves*
König: *saves*
You were extremely embarrassed and seeing that they saved it made you extremely frustrated and...a little wet. You immediately write back
Y/N: guys please that was an accident no one was supposed to see it! Just promise to keep it to yourself and don't tell anyone!
You wrote despretly hoping they would be gentlemen and forget about it. You saw they started to type and you were getting nervous. After some time they replied.
König: sheize! Your body is so hot in that lace liebe....those bunny ears really suits you
Ghost: adorable doll
Nikto: blyat.... just like a little whore....
Y/N: please promise to keep it to yourself guys!
Their reactions were making you feel butterflies in your tummy but you ignored it as much as you could.
Nikto: why should we keep it to ourselves? I think everyone deserves to see such a lovely bunny
Ghost: agreed. Price and Soap are gonna love this
König: guys don't be mean to her
Ghost: don't be mean? Doll was the one to send it to us she definitely wanted to be praised
Nitko: why shouldn't we show it to other guys hm y/n?
König: guys...
You were trembling a little from all the stress and embarrassed you got from these three...were they actually gonna show it to other people? You can't let that happen you have to do something
Y/N: please I'll do anything just please don't show it to anyone else...
Ghost: anything you say huh doll? Then we should come up with something really fun
Nikto: fuck I'm going to enjoy this
König didn't write anything...he was waiting to see how this is going to work out. You knew you were going to regret this... however it was better than the whole base seeing your photo.
Y/N: yes...anything
Nikto: then I have a great idea
Ghost: then share it with us
Nikto: send us another photo...but this time without that ugly lace. Just your beautiful body all naked for us
Ghost: God damn I have to see that. You also interested König? Or you gonna be the good boy and not play with us?
König: yeah....I want to see too
König replied really embarrassed but he wanted to see you naked also. You couldn't believe it...you were getting into more and more trouble...they were blackmailing you so they could enjoy themselves over your nudes. You were really angry at them...but you felt slightly aroused too... however you didn't want to admit that. You had to obey...so you got all your clothes off, sat on the bed and took a nude picutre of you laying on the bed. You send it to them with no caption hoping they would be satisfied enough
Ghost: fucking hell doll
Nikto: now that's a good girl I knew it your a whore
König: your really pretty y/n
Y/N: hope your happy I'm not doing anything else!
You replied confident that now they would be satisfied and end their game. Oh how wrong you were...you had no idea this was just a beggining.
Ghost: oh I thought you already knew who's in charge doll, should we remind you? Do you want to see your dumb pretty face all over the base or not?
Y/N: no...
Nikto: then be a good obedient whore and don't talk back.
König: I think it's going to be better if you obey, y/n
You were so done...they were being so mean. And you were getting more upset and more aroused. It was making you all so Horny and angry at the same time that you didn't know if you want to slap them or fuck them...
Ghost: alright dollface it's late go get some sleep. Your going to have a rough day tomorrow
Nikto: yeah be ready princess we are going to shape you into our perfect little doll
König: goodnight y/n
Well You got yourself into a big trouble...
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