#sometimes I colour it red and yellow sometimes it’s blue and yellow
always-elias · 2 days
The Magnus Protocol Episodes have a downright uncanny talent to match up with what is happening to me while I listen to them.
Once, I was out on an evening walk, and decided to go a bit off-track. I don't do evening walks often, but the weather was quite nice and I wanted to listen to the new episode. However, it got far too darker in the forest than I'd have expected, so I was feeling rather uneasy. I descended down to the creek, walking by it. Just hoping I don't stumble into any creepy murder-guy. Well. Guess what episode I was listening to? Certainly not the one with the needle-covered creepy murder-guy?
It was quite terrifying, but I was doing well enough and I was intrigued, so I kept listening. However, at the very moment when he started to doxx the call operator, something splashed in that fucking creek. Needles to say (ha! See what I did there?) I got spooked to all hells and back, and to this day I have mixed feelings about the episode.
The other time, I, having learnt from my mistakes, headed on another evening walk. This time, into the city, y'know, where there are lights on and everything is fine. I headed out to explore one part of the town that I don't know well, and only have been there a handful of times before. It was quiet, and completely deserted. But the lamps lit the way, so it was fine. It would be fine, right?
It felt weird. It just felt weird, and I headed into one of the streets. The lamps started to be sparse. One of the houses was shrouded in darkness, and it's fence looked so weird in the dark. There was a strange shape, maybe a shed, leaning on the house. There was a couple of weak, colourful lights on in the garden of that house, and it seemed like they swayed ever so slightly. My dear friends, I was listening to Running On Empty, y'know. The Lonely liminal place episode? With the darkened place, and strange lights surrounding the piece of architecture? I noped the fuck out of that street so fast.
And of course, the most recent case fo this. I live in a country with a lot of public transport, and when you take your local bus several times everyday, you reach a certain level of familiarity with the bus drivers. Some even let me board without showing my ticket, and I have memorised all of their faces and demeanors. We often smalltalk a bit, it's fun, and it's routine. I've been commuting for years, so I can for example recognize the type of the incoming train in the dark, based on shape of the approaching lights alone. I can, also, recognize all of the buses on my line home, even without seeing their actual numbers. I know them. Sometimes a new driver comes on the line, or an old one leaves, and even if they add a new bus, it tends to be of a certain model or general vibe.
One night I was waiting for my bus home, listening to the episode Driven, y'know, with the people-eating coach that looks just similar enough to blend in, if the passersby don't pay close attention?
It was dark, and cold, and there was only like three other people waiting for the bus, which is unusually little.
A new bus came. The ones on this line are white and red, with shiny paint, the corners are smooth and round and sometimes there's ads on the walls, depending on the bus. This one was yellow and blue, the paint matte, and it just looked a bit too blocky compared to the others. The bus driver was also unknown to me.
Boy did I fucking hesitate to get on that one. I did, in the end, and it's probably still me writing these lines.
I'm just so intrigued, this never happened to me with any of the TMA cases... Did anyone have something like this happen to them with any of the statements?
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20001541 · 8 months
since there's still debate as to whether afo's official eye colour is white or red I just like to imagine his natural eye colour is white but he changes them to red sometimes because he thinks it makes him look more evil and cool
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50000bears · 9 days
I dressed how I wanted to this weekend, and I got complimented on both days 🥰
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nikonuee · 1 year
Just re-read "The Me You Love In The Dark" (V good spooky monster shit) and now I am having Thots™ about DCA Haunted House/Eldritch Horror AU.
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dengswei · 2 years
every time i gif nowadays i’m like where has my ability to colour things gone 🤣😭
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fluffyartbl0g · 13 days
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So you're having a totally fine day by all accounts and then it instantly goes to shit just because you pass by a fucked up beetle hidden in the grass. You've seen bugs dead all the time, so what. So what if its torn up wings and cracked shell definitely mean that some random kids fucked it up before it died. So what if your dad was drunk and high all the time and screamed at you and you fucked C over and you fuck everything up. SO WHAT. No amount of therapy or 'healthy coping mechanisms' or 'unpacking of trauma' will ever erase the ultimate truth underneath. You are intrinsically, hopelessly fucked.
-3 Volition: Fucked in the head
You're going to wake up the next morning totally fine again. In fact, Harry's probably going to put some extra effort into making breakfast nice to cheer you up--which will actually kind of annoy you, but in a way that makes you feel all fuzzy and warm. Sure, you still get stuck in your head sometimes about sad shit, but you're dealing with it better and better, and the days where you actually feel like someone are beginning to far outnumber the days you don't. For now, you hug him a little bit tighter. You're safe now.
-1 Composure: Permanently a little bit fucked
+2 Volition: You're going to be okay
transcript under read more
VARIOUS CANDY WRAPPERS SPLAYED OUT ON THE TABLE: The label reads 'BLUE DREAM'. Unlike what its colour may suggest, it is not flavoured a blueberry or bubblegum, but vanilla.
[A red orb appears above Harry's head]
SHIVERS [Impossible: Success] - The air has been shifted ever so slightly. He's trying to breathe correctly, but blurs of thought keep flickering through his mind. This continued for the entire thirteen minute trek home.
PERCEPTION [Medium: Success] - A loud thunk rattles across the room as Cuno closes the door, he looks out of breath
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - He's barely holding it together
CUNO - He looks up at you with a yelp, "Fuckin hell! Wasn't the pig supposed to be out investigating some shit?"
SUGGESTION [Medium: Success] - He didn't want you seeing him like this, answer his question, he'll leave if you ask him about it first.
1. "Did something happen?"
2. "You look like you ran a damn marathon kid, what's up?"
3. "I had to quickly come back to snag some important evidence for the case" (point to various candy wrappers)
CUNO - He scrunches his brow "That mean you're getting your ass outta Cuno's face soon?"
DRAMA [Easy: Fail] - Wow. He didn't even ask about the wrappers!
EMPATHY [Difficult: Success] - He doesn't want to be alone
1. "Did something happen?"
PERCEPTION [Difficult: Fail] - Cuno's hands tremble as he mumbles out a whisper of words you can't make out
1. Cuno?
[Harry reaches out to comfort him, but Cuno sees this and snaps at him]
CUNO - He pauses. "Nothin fuckin happened today. It's all me. Cuno's the one thats all fucked up"
He starts choking up by the end of that,
(a yellow orb is seen above Harry's head as he looks at cuno breaking down [it's reaction speed])
Harry hugs him
CUNO - "Fuck"
KUUNO - He hugs back tightly
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arminreindl · 1 year
Croc colours and patterns
Somewhat inspired by a recent post by Joschua Knüppe, I feel like it's a good thing to remind people just how diverse colours and patterns in modern crocodilians are. When I see people make art, it often seems to stick to grey or yellowish-brown tones, which is of course not incorrect. But theres a lot of, imo, underappreciated variety still. It's also worth noting beforehand that patterns are most striking in younger individuals and naturally become more muddy the older and larger an animal becomes. But as you will see, even some decently large and old animals may maintain a striking appearance.
Take this alligator for example. Gators tend to be on the darker side, dark greys to black, sometimes countershaded and sometimes pretty consistent. Some individuals, like this one photographed by Gar Luc, still retain clearly visible stripe patterns from when they are younger.
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Or take one of my favourite species, the Cuban Crocodile, which can appear almost bright yellow with a dense pattern of leopard spots. Of course like with the gator you can find individuals that are much more drab, with washed out colours, but individuals with clearly defined patterns still exist.
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Then there's gharials of course. They can range quite a bit in colouration. They can be brown, especially younger ones and females and I've seen males range in colour from a drab grey to almost a light blue or even something that could be described as metalic black.
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Black Caimans are also pretty interesting in my opinion and pretty easy to tell apart from other species once you pay attention to their colour. They are primarily a deep dark black of course, but what sets them apart from spectacled and other caimans is that very fine pattern of thin white stripes across the flanks that creates this beautiful contrast. They can also have patches of brown like the one on the right.
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Orinocos also vary a great deal. Tho I know less about them than I wish I did, I know that individuals can range from drab brownish greys to yellow to somewhat earthy browns that almost range into reds.
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The next ones a bit of an outlier. There are specific cave dwelling dwarf crocodile populations in western Africa with striking orange colouration. Tho this one is not exactly natural pigmentation to my knowledge and instead the result of the chemicals present in the water they inhabit, brought there by bat guano. Still very pretty animals.
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And then there's Paleosuchus, the dwarf caiman which contains two species. Again highly varied. The first image, which I believe is a Schneider's dwarf caiman, shows a very earthy brown. The others, which unless I'm mistaken are Cuvier's dwarf caimans, show colours ranging from dark with a rusty head, black to this still beautifully patterned individual. Of course these variations are also subject to change with age.
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While salties aren't exactly known to be the most vibrant, I'd be remissed if I didn't mention this specific one. It's kept in a zoo in Germany and has this almost bizarre colour combination of creamy white underbelly and chocolate brown top which I've never seen in another saltwater crocodile. Photos by my friends Markus Bühler from the Bestiarium blog and René Dederich
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Spectacled, Broad-snouted and Yacare caimans I'll give a quick shout out. I think most people are familiar enough with how they look like and while their colours aren't anything special, I still think one should appreciate their patterns of spots and stripes and facial markings.
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The last one I wanna highlight is the false gharial, Tomistoma, another one of my favourites. Part of the reason why being its at times beautiful reddish-brown colours.
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yaderyngoch · 5 months
Colour coding the Robins is just interesting to me, because Dick obviously has to be blue, Jason obviously has to be red, Damian obviously is green, and Tim... well, he can't be Red because Jason is Red, so Tim is just kind of whatever is left over. Yellow, I guess. Or Orange, sometimes.
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helen-with-an-a · 24 days
Beautiful Girl Headcanons
Hiiiiii - these are some random hcs that I’ve come up with to supplement the main story cos I couldn’t sleep; if you have any questions, ideas or suggestion please send them in
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Beautiful Girl Masterlist
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I have decided to call Reader Amor during these so no one gets confused because that’s what Alexia calls her in the stories
Amor met Alexia the day she signed for Barça and it was just game over for both of them
Initially, Ale was ‘in charge’ until she did her ACL - she found that Amor giving her simple instructions to follow helped her cope with everything and it just went from there
Amor is a midfielder just like Alexia (more defensive though) and is on track for the Ballon d’Or
Ingrid and Mapí were heavily involved in getting the pair of them together (Amor went to Ingrid and Ale went to Mapí; Ingrid and Mapí conspired to get them together and they were dating within a month)
Alexia is the passenger princess
Despite how easily Amor hands out compliments, she is horrific at taking them - she stutters and stammers and blushes like crazy
Alexia’s favourite colour is dark blue/navy, Amor’s is dark red - Ale views it as a sign they’re soul mates because together they make Blaugrana
Amor is really hates the feeling of sand but Ale loves spending time at the beach - Amor will take this secret to the grave because she just wants to see Alexia happy all the time
Amor starts to call Alexia beautiful/beautiful girl because Drunk!Alexia told Amor that her past relationships on ever called her pretty/hot and sometimes she doesn’t feel beautiful because she’s muscular and plays football
The first time Amor experienced a full, proper orgasm was with Alexia - before she always used to take a while getting there and got really self-conscious so just faked it or was the one giving
Amor wears no. 66 for club and country - when she signed for her first club as a kid she was asked if she wanted a number and she initially she wanted 666 (a dad of a boy she used to play against called her the devil once) but she wasn’t allowed and this was the next thing she could think of and it’s just stuck
Amor gets really nervous before matches but you wouldn’t know it unless you look really hard - she bites the inside of her lip and fixes her hair a lot
When they go out (either on a date, to an event or just to training) Alexia always wants to match Amor in some way (hairstyles, shoes, colours, vibes, anything as long as she matches)
Amor started calling Ale my beautiful girl after Ale said it helps her relax knowing that she is Amor’s and Amor will take care of everything for her - Amor just wants Ale to be happy all the time
Ale gets possessive over Amor very quickly but it comes out as very cute clinginess rather than jealousy or anger
Amor doesn’t feel the need to get possessive because she can just call Alexia over and she will come running back and abandon the conversation immediately
When Amor and Alexia go away to tournaments or camps longer than a week, Amor gives Ale little letters to read and small gifts to open at specific times and dates
Alexia was scared Amor would replace her in midfield after she did her ACL and it sometimes still pops up in her mind when she’s feeling down about her performance
Amor only calls Ale my beautiful girl if they’re in private, otherwise it’s Ale, beautiful or baby; Ale only ever calls Amor Mi Amor no matter where or when she’s saying it
Amor’s a vanilla girlie through and through - if there’s some vanilla, Amor needs it. Alexia is a coconut girl in the same way (their house smells amazing)
Amor stress bakes
Big black cat/golden retriever energy (in public Ale is the black cat)
Amor has 1 1 1 1 tattooed (the first 11 is blue and red for Barça, the second 11 is red and yellow for Spain) - she says it’s her angel numbers if anyone asks but it’s actually for Alexia; Mapí did the tattoo for her; she hasn’t even told Alexia what it actually means (she just said it’s her angel numbers and she liked the colours)
Alexia got a 66 tattooed on her hip right were Amor likes to kiss before she goes down on her during sex
Ale gives Amor Spanish and Catalan lessons - each time she answers a question correctly, they make out for 10 minutes (not much studying actually happens)
The only time Amor got jealous/insecure in their relationship was just before they separated for the 2022 Euros - Ale had been getting stressed over the Spanish team situation and was confiding in Mapí/Patri/Aitana but didn’t tell Amor what was going on (it ended up in a big blowout argument and Amor ended up crying thinking that Ale had fallen out of love with her)
Amor proposes to Ale in fluent Catalan - it took her ages to learn it all properly because she didn’t want to go to anyone to help her with it so that way the first person to know that Amor was going to propose was Ale when she got down on one knee
Alexia already has baby names picked out (Talia for a girl, Jaume for a boy, unless Alba has a son first (it’s also Alba’s baby boy name) then it’s Eliá) - Amor has said that her family has to be able to pronounce the names/have a translation into her language that Alexia doesn’t mind her family using instead (beyond that she’s not too fussed over the names)
Amor really wants to use Ale’s egg at least once when they have children so she can have a big Alexia holding her hand and a mini Alexia on her hip (she doesn’t mind who carries the baby though)
This is the first wlw relationship Amor has been in and doesn’t really want to label her sexuality just yet - she’s been with other women before but it’s always been one-night/casual stuff
Amor hates bananas but loves banana flavoured things (eg ice cream, sweets, etc)
They have a superstition that Amor kisses Ale’s bad knee to help it play well - the one time they didn’t do it in the 23/24 season was when Amor had the flu and couldn’t play in the loss to Chelsea in the UWCL
If Amor is stressed she scratches the inside of her right elbow - Ale notices almost immediately and will hold onto Amor’s left hand without really thinking (professionalism be damned)
Amor scored the last goal against Wolfsburg in Eindhoven and the first goal against Lyon in Bilbao - Alexia thinks them both scoring against Lyon proves they’re soulmates even more
Amor is more of a cat person but doesn’t mind dogs whereas Ale is a dog person through and through - since Nala died Amor has been looking into getting another dog but hasn’t found the perfect one just yet
There is always 2 bouquets of fresh flowers in the house - one on Alexia’s bedside table (gifted by Amor every Friday night) and one on the coffee table in the kitchen (chosen by Alexia and handed to Amor on their off day)
Amors go to coffee order is an iced vanilla latte and hates that iced coffee isn’t really a thing in Spain
Every time Amor is in the room, whoever is talking to Alexia has to wait until Amor has left again because Ale isnt taking anything in - she’s just staring with heart eyes
The quickest and easiest way to get them to do something is say that the other asked for it
Amor is very much of the idea that on time is late and 30 mins early is on time (it’s lead to a lot of deep car chats)
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loud-whistling-yes · 1 year
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Wooooo winners gang (design notes + version without scott's stars + halos under cut)
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All of them except martyn have scars related to their final death
Also gold accents for all of them :DD
Took 5 minutes of debating with myself back and forth on whether I wanted black eyes, red eyes, purple eyes or whatever goddamn eyes their skins have
Ended up with dark red eyes. Which is not even a colour I was thinking of as shown above
Also this isn't even that related to the design or anything but I like to think the winners only remember as far as the game they won. So like grian only remembers 3l scott remembers 3l and ll so on and stuff. Makes shit funnier. And more dramatic. (looking at you whatever the fuck dl!galaxy duo had going on)
Poncho and the flowers were inspired by @/cherrifire's design :D
Scars on the head are from the fall. Also not shown in here are bloody marks on his hands from the cactus ring LMAO
Tiny wings don't fly D:
As you can see
I may have went a bit overboard with the headcannoning
Relates to an old post of mine (oh god. It's from 2021. oh god this is VERY old.) Where I hc-ed ll!scott to have becomed a starbrone after dying. Hence... Whatever the fuck this is
Not really happy with how the galaxy thingy came out 😭 might redo it sometime...
But yeah lighting scars :)))
And the crystals around him are kinda half-melted also from the lightning... Also a thing from the old post
Frayed soulmate string :)
Explosion scars on face, chest and right hand from the explosion. Basically she threw herself to the explosion or something idk I've been looking at the mirror for 20 minutes now with stupid looking positions
Crystals are shared soulmate trait she got from scott
Ehhhh I might redesign him someday he isn't as well thought-out compared to the others cause I've had months to think of the others designs...
No scars for him lol. Like I know irl he just got smited by grian but in his video he actually runs out of time so...
He's got his hourglass tho (top part empty as it should be :))
His head is meant to look like pufferfish :D yellow and blue and all
Yes I think about the banner belt a lot
His halo is based of mars and its moons phobos and deimos :D
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youneedsomeprompts · 2 years
How to write: ethnicity & skin colour
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requested by: anonymous request: How exactly can I describe a characters ethnicity/skin color casually, without it sounding like a specific scene that just exists to describe the skin color? I hope this makes sense lmao… I just want to write a scene where I casually mention someone’s ethnicity or skin color
description of appearance: No matter if skin colour or hairstyle or clothes, a text is more dynamic if you don't dedicate an entire scene/paragraph to it but rather sprinkle the necessary information in here and there. However, there can be instances where it's conducive to the plot to put that entire paragraph (e.g. introducing a new important character with backstory). Otherwise, I'd say try to keep it short and put it where it serves the plot.
ways to incorporate...
... a description of appearance:
when a character makes their first entrance (describe everyone's colouring - POCs' and white characters')
the impression their complexion makes together with their clothes: "the bright yellow of their shirt complemented their dark skin"
the way their colouring interacts with lighting: "the grey weather took away the rosy hue of their fair skin"
when appearances create a contrast: "I immediately noticed them because they were the only other black person"
... ethnicity:
let the characters mention it where it makes sense
regarding the narrator you've chosen for your story, it can also be blended into an inner monologue
include parts of their culture: traditions, terms, family, etc. (this also allows to bring up their ethnicity repeatedly over the story and not only at the beginning)
show their struggles: are they affected by social struggles? then show it!
words to use to describe skin colour:
... basic colour descriptions:
... more specific colours (try sticking to familiar/common words that can be easily visualised):
... prefixes or modifiers (can be easily combined with basic colours):
... undertones (pre-dominant colours underneath the skin - often warm or cool, sometimes also neutral and olive):
... avoid food analogies as it's often received as offending, fetishising, and/or objectifying.
That's all I can provide as of now but I'm sure you guys have aspects to contribute. I'm very interested to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to add to this post whatever you like to/can share <3
And for more information, maybe also check out @writingwithcolor for more specialised posts on the topic <3
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gwenpendragns · 1 month
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i was asked by @matthew-macfadyens for a colouring tutorial, so here we go ! i've been making gifs for almost 4 years now and finally feel comfortable and confident in my skills to make a full tutorial on my colouring process. there are so many different ways people colour gifs, and there's no wrong way, this is just how i do it ! i learned to gif by reading so many tutorials and picking and choosing what works for me, so hopefully this can help someone out !
if this tutorial helps you, please considering supporting me ! buy me coffee ♡
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what you'll need: - photoshop ( i use ps cc 2023 & frame timeline ) - basic ps knowledge ( how to make gifs, how to sharpen gifs, general understanding of adjustment layers, layer masks and blending modes ) - a whole lot of patience
helpful resources:
the beginner's guide to channel mixer by @aubrey-plaza
giffing 101 by @cillianmurphy
gif making for beginners by @hayaosmiyazaki
colouring yellow-tinted shots by @ajusnice
becca's mega colouring tutorial by @nataliescatorccio
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- step 1: curves - step 2: exposure - step 3: colour balance - step 4: selective colour - step 5: levels - step 6: brightness / contrast - step 7: gradient map
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okay so, before we get started, this tutorial is for colouring only. at this point, i've already gotten my screencaps, imported them into photoshop, made the actual gif & sharpened the gif. the above image includes what my typical adjustment layer stack looks like !
a lot of people do the majority of their heavy lifting in curves...i'm not one of those people. i've never gotten the hang of curves and haven't been able to fully taken advantage of everything it can offer. i use curves to mainly brighten up my gif and to start my process.
i use the "auto" button in the curves function - this automatically corrects the curves for your gif ( mainly the brightness / contrast )
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you can see that the auto curves has brightened up the gif and evened out the brightness/contrast. i just find this gives a better starting point for the colouring process.
this step is for, you guessed it, brightening the gif more and evening out the contrast and blacks. i don't have any real rules for doing this, the amount i highten the exposure and contrast is different based on the scene and the show, however, i tend to stay around +1 on both exposure and gamma correction.
exposure effects the brightness of the gif and gamma correction effects the blacks and contrast. this step also effects the saturation of the gif, so it's important not to go too crazy. i often end up coming back to this step every now and again to adjust and fiddle with it.
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for this gif, i put the exposure at +1.18 and the gamma correction at 0.85
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you can see this step serves to add some more brightness and contrast - it also adds some more saturation, that we don't always want, but don't worry, that's what the next steps are for !
i use this step to do a lot of my heavy lifting - i'm a whore for colour balance. this serves to even out the colours and help neutralize the colours for an easier canvas. it's important to understand the basics of colour theory for this, i recommend checking out the channel mixer tutorial i listed above, because a lot of those steps applies to colour balance.
essentially, there's three separate profiles to edit on - highlights, midtones and shadows. in each profile, you have 3 colour sliders. the top one is your cyan to red, middle is magenta to green, and bottom is yellow to blue. the colouring of the scene will decide where to move your sliders.
for example: if your original scene has a cyan tint to it, you'll want to pull your slider to the right, towards the red to help neutralize the cyan. if your scene has a green tint, you'll want to pull it left towards the magenta. as you move the sliders, you'll notice that sometimes it brings out other colours you don't necessarily need, you can adjust the other sliders to help neutralize further.
i always do my main correction in the midtones profile.
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since this scene has a heavy yellow tint, my first step was to adjust the bottom slider. i pulled the slider to the right towards blue at +22. you can see this helped get rid of a lot of the yellow, but adding in the blue warmed up the reds and made it more saturated.
to help with this, i pulled the top slider left towards cyan to help neutralize that red.
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i pulled the top slider to -28 and you can see this cut out that heavy saturation and redness. it's looking a lot better, but now it's a little too green for my liking. this is where that middle slider comes in!
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i pulled the middle slider to -6 towards the magenta to help counteract the green that came in. ( i ended up going back in and adjusting the bottom slider to +10 instead, as it was a little to blue )
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you can see this step really did the heavy lifting, helping to neutralize the canvas so that it's easier to work with...but it's not quite perfect yet!
a lot of the same principles around colour theory apply to selective colour! this is where i go to adjust the colours according to what my colour palette is. for this gif, the overall colour is going to be purple, so i'll adjust the individual colours with that in mind.
i only ever adjust my red, yellow, white and black profiles! sometimes i'll do the other colours, but that's only for tweaking the final colour. i normally don't touch them at all.
ps: you'll notice i prefer a cooler toned gif, and almost always go for a more magenta looking red/yellow.
i always start with my yellows:
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in the yellow profile, i pull my cyan towards the left to -38 (this helps eliminate the green in the yellows) and my yellow slider to the left to -27 (this cools down the yellows. i top it off by adjusting my magenta slider to -10, to help lower the saturation of the yellows.
you'll notice this step got rid of most of the green undertones - that's because the green was nested inside the yellows, so by taking out a lot of the cyan and yellow, you're left with a warmer yellow as opposed to a cooler yellow.
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next i go on to my reds. this step will mainly effect the alys's skin tone, but i'm going to do pretty much the same as above but with much less dramatic of a change. lowering your colours in your red profile too much can lead to a very saturated gif, which is not what i'm going for.
i pulled my cyan slider to -19, magenta to -9 and yellow to -15. you can see this helped add some more cooler tones to the reds.
the next profiles are your white and black profiles. i use white to brighten the lightest parts of the gif. no rhyme or reason here, i just pull the black slider towards the left...usually around -25. for the black profile, i always move the black slider towards the right. anywhere from +3 to +8, depending on the gif. for this gif, i did +8. this darkens the blacks and, in my opinion, helps the gif pop!
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you can see this step got rid of the yellow tint, gave the gif a more neutral look and adjusted the reds to better compliment a purple colour scheme !
this adjustment has three toggles - i'm not 100% sure what each toggle really does, i just know that by pulling the leftmost toggle to the right, it darkens your gif, and pulling the rightmost toggle to the left brightens your gif.
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this step is so hard to explain, but really i just pull the toggles around until it looks good...sorry !
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this step is exactly what it says on the tin...it brightens your gif. this step is based on your scene and personal preference, there's no real guide to it.
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i always pull my brightness slider to the right ( brighter ) and my contrast slider to the left ( less contrast ).
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this last step is something i learned from @nataliescatorccio ! i add a gradient map to the top of my stack, and choose a lighter colour of what i want my overall gif to be. in this case, i used a very light purple!
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i then set the blending mode to "soft light" and lower the opacity to anywhere from 20-30%. for this gif, i did 30%
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this step will help make your colour pop once you do your main colouring!
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- step 1: layer 1 - step 2: layer 2 - step 3: layer 3 - step 4: final touches
okay, so my actual colouring process is based in 3 layers. for this gif, i'm using a deep purple/mauve colour !
between your brightness/contrast and gradient map layers, add another blank layer. change the blending mode of this layer to "colour" and set the opacity to 40%.
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then, using a soft round brush with an opacity of 100% ( size of the brush is your preference, i typically use around 108 ), colour the parts of the gif you want coloured !
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you can see this helps us get the canvas to a more uniform purple colour!
for layer two we're going to do the exact same thing. add a layer above your previous, set to "colour" at 40%. we're going to go over the same areas!
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you can see this helped get the purple so much more vibrant and closer to what our final colour is going to be!
for our final layer, add another layer above the previous 2, set your blending mode to "multiply" and your opacity to anything from 60%-100%. for this gif, i did 60% !
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now, our colouring is pretty much done but you can see that, now that our colour is down, alys's face is still a little too blue/green/yellow for the background purple. the next step, we're going to adjust and add final touches!
at this point, i went back into my selective colour layer and adjusted my yellows & reds and went back into my colour balance layer to adjust everything overall.
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at this point, i'm going to go in and add some adjustments layers above everything - i usually add some brightness/contrast, and a selective colour layer to darken the blacks.
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which brings us to our final result:
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simmeradventures · 29 days
Boba Legacy Challenge (TS3)
I have taken a break from sims 3 and while I am still working on my lepacy, I sometimes need a break and so look for more challenges. @tomatosoupcat posted a Boba challenge and didn't see a TS3 version so decided to covert it. THIS IS NOT MY IDEA AND I MIGHT NOT BE THE ONLY ONE. I kept within the theme and didn't write a massive story to them but did try add a creative spin.
Gen 1: Brown Sugar
Leaving home is tough, but you will always have mum's cooking to keep you safe.
Traits: Couch Potato, Natural Chef, Green Thumb (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Bottomless Wine Cellar OR Master Chef
Career: Nectar Maker OR Culinary
Skills: Cooking, Gardening and Nectar making
Colours: Brown, White
Master LTW
Marry a sim with 2 matching traits.
Max out skills
Gen 2: Blueberry
The farm life was nice, but there's a great big world waiting for you.
Traits: Non-Committal, Loves The Outdoors (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Seasoned traveller OR Grand Explorer
Career: Part-Time Jobs Or Skill Based Profession (after quitting business job)
Skills: Fitness or Martial Arts (or both if your fancy), Scuba diving
Colours: Blue. Purple
Reach level 3 of the business career before quitting to travel
have a one night stand on your travels
never marry
Travel until child is a young adult
Max skills
Gen 3: Matcha
You've seen the world, but now all you want is a career and a forever home...or mansion.
Traits: Ambitious, Snob, workaholic (Randomise The Rest)
Careers: Any (based on degree)
Skills: logic (plus whatever is related to the degree.)
Colours: Light green
Go to university and graduate
Befriend and date co-worker (either break up once you reach level 10 of career or get married.)
Go to the spa every weekend
Complete LTW
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 4: Passionfruit Mango
All work and no play so pick up a guitar and play anything you want.
Traits: Socially Awkward, Family Oriented, virtuoso (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: One sim band OR Rockstar
Career: Music
Skills: Guitar, Bass, Drum, Piano
Colours: Yellow, Orange
Play instruments throughout childhood
Date and marry someone with the Avant Garde or artistic trait
Go on art dates (museums or a cute art café)
Complete Career
Max Skills
Gen 5: Sakura
You are a party girl, but also a lover girl.
Traits: Flirty, Family Oriented, Hopeless Romantic (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Romancer OR Master Mixology OR Surrounded By Family
Skills: Mixology, Charisma
Colour: Pink
Have a high school BFF
Sign up for online dating and date 5 sims (and fail)
Marry BFF
Complete LTW
Gen 6: Dragon fruit
Who needs love when you could rule the world?!
Traits: Evil, Childish, Irresistible (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Heartbreaker OR Gold Digger OR Emperor of Evil
Career: Criminal
Skills: Charisma, Athletic
Colours: Dark Red, Purple
Marry a wealthy sim and have them get into a "tragic accident."
Have a negative relationship with children
Max career
Max Skills
Gen 7: Taro
Never give up on your dreams even if life throws a baby at you.
Traits: Genius, Cat person (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Scientific Specialist OR Become A Creature Robot Cross Breeder
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Science, Handiness, Logic
Colours: Light Purple
Join after school club (idk if its a mod but there's a chess club, can add other ones through Nraas)
Go to university and drop out when pregnant (if not using mods or using mod that allows you to go to university in hometown then drop out and then get pregnant 
Work part-time till the baby is a toddler
Go back to university and graduate
Adopt a cat. 
Gen 8 Lychee
“You're always on that damn phone!” and “I hate normal people.” made a baby 
Traits: Unflirty, Loner (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW:  Blog Artist OR Forensic Specialist
Career: Based on LTW/ Free pass
Skills: Social Networking, Science
Colours: Pink, White
Have a plant sim
Max Skills
Max Career
Gen 9: Thai Tea
Sometimes it's good to look back. Spread the founder’s love of food! 
Traits: Adventurous, Perceptive (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Star News Anchor OR Professional Author 
Career: Journalism OR Writer Profession
Skills: Writing, Photography, Cooking
Colours: Orange
Visit France, China and Egypt to collect recipes 
Throw dinner parties (once a season.)
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 10: Sunset
Humans have been fun, but everyone knows the supernatural have the most fun.
Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Good  (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Mysticism OR Resort Empire
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Scuba Diving, Alchemy, Painting
Colours: Purple, Red, Orange
Fall in love and marry a supernatural (if you choose resort empire LTW then you have to marry a mermaid.)
Decorate home with your art.
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cyanocoraxx · 4 months
i know millipedes have become the more "socially acceptable" myriapod but the pitting of millipedes against centipedes i see all the time is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. ueughhgh. i adore millipedes, i think they're neat little guys, but millipedes are hardly comparable to centipedes and it's unfair to lump them together as the "good animal" vs the "evil animal." i see countless comments online saying how ugly, disgusting, creepy, and evil centipedes are.
so, centipede propaganda:
anecdotal evidence suggests they have good memory capacity, able to remember escape routes and the location of prey. cool
they can learn to tolerate handling by humans and some appear to enjoy being petted by humans. obviously we can't ask them if they like it but if a lightning-fast worm made of knives doesn't like something it's going to tell you. a centipede just won't allow itself to be in a situation it doesn't want to be in. but obvs disclaimer: don't handle a centipede without experience and handle at your own risk. research bite reports. etc. be sensible, bites can be serious
each pede has its own temperament. some are comparatively chill and lazy, earning them the nicknames "lazipedes" while others are reactive and defensive.
they feel safest under rocks and leaves (in their banky…) if mine are stressed sometimes i just plop a leaf over their head and they settle down instantly
not all of them JUST eat other animals. some dabble in fruits too! the fruit enjoyers .
they spend a lot of time grooming their antennae. you think that sleek aesthetic maintains itself? their relaxed side esp when grooming is fascinating to see. the creature you likely only see darting away from you at 1000mph is also capable of Chilling the fuck out.
they have terrible eyesight. imagine a centipede with tiny little glasses. don't you feel better now? anyway the fact that they don't see well is part of why they sometimes react so viscerally to things. you probably would too if you were small and preyed on by big things.
centipede mothers fiercely protect, groom, and nurture their babies. they do so for longer than they "need" to in some cases. in a study a variety of pede species were found sharing nest sites in forest canopies, demonstrating a lack of negative spatial associations. this was unusual because we typically expect these guys to not be keen on sharing.
not all bites are due to "aggression" but more from using their fangs in an exploratory nature. think of them as kids but instead of hands they have fangs. it's slippery on you so i'll grab on gently with my venomous fangs. i don't know what you are yet so i'm gonna reach out and test the Texture. you smell salty, i'm gonna lick you. etc.
they are ouppies.
even if you think they're ugly they come in so many colours so there's gonna be one that suits ur taste. there's baja blast blue. ridiculously bright red. piss yellow. candy corn black & orange. if you can think of a colour combo there's probably one out there.
anyway. our empathy for animals shouldn't only extend to those we find socially acceptable or easy enough to anthropomorphize
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greenplumbboblover · 3 months
Not-a-tutorial - Lighting (Advanced)
Previous parts:
Not-a-Tutorial - Lighting (Basics)
Not-a-Tutorial - Lighting (Basics - Indoor)
While dialogues and body language can say a whole lot on what you're trying to tell to the reader, lights can as well! Here's a great example:
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(Left is with the lights on, right is with the lights off).
As you can see, the left one feels much more like it's... let's say, a winter-y 6pm, and she's studying in the library...
Whereas on the right, it feels much more like she's skipping on sleep, and it's 3am, studying.
You can also use lighting for more tenser scenes! Here are a few examples from my story:
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Here the setup was the same, but I added softer rose/red pastel-y colours... (Though this scene did have like 6 lights :p)
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Here I not only used a blue backlight for giving it a “night” feeling, but I also added an orange and white front-light to represent a sense of hope and that our poor Ethan isn't alone.
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Here I gave Vita and Nick Alto a yellow, green and red lighting setup, to represent more jealous and angry colours for Nancy. As Nancy is staring at them.
However, the pink represents not only the stage light, but also a sense of Innocence given her background of not understanding the entrepreneur game.
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Here I gave little Bella a red background and light foreground, keeping the left part of her face dark, as the speech is about the future of the town. And with the light, she represents a bright but unclear future.
Note: all of these images do use Reshade, so trying to get these results without it may look a bit different!
Representing the colours associated with the seasons can give a scene a really cool feeling!
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Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter.
Color mixing:
One thing I thought was pretty cool with TS3's Lighting engine, is how colors in certain highlights will mix just like paint!
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Red + Blue looks a bit purple-ish.
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Red + Yellow will look a bit orange-y.
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Blue and Yellow will turn green-ish at parts.
Custom Coloured Lights
Sometimes, some of EA's colours aren't... quite there. Or really what you need. Here is a short list of colours I've made and used:
0, 150, 255 - Replacement of Cyan (More of a light blue):
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0, 163, 108 - Jade
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255, 195, 0 (better Yellow)
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What's the easiest way to find new colours?
It's pretty easy! If you google for "Colour generator" then there you go! Do make sure to get the RGB values from those websites!
But, for the ones who don't want to google, here are a few suggestions:
Give them a try and see which ones are great! Do go for colours that are quite strong in contrast. Pastel will just end up being white, and darker colours will just turn... well it will look like there is no light on :p
That was it! Hopefully it was insightful, and obviously feel free to add your own discoveries to it! :)
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dat-lil-shark · 2 months
If you think about it Earth probably looks like a fever dream of Alice in the Wonderland to the Transformers. Cause Earth has so many colours and different variety of species, while back in Cybertron, everything is silver kinda. And only one or two cybertronian animals have ever been introduced.
Like can you imagine they just land on this planet, and water can be green and blue and cyan and clear, the sky can be red and orange and pink and blue and black and deep blue, the flowers can be green and purple and yellow and red and a white and blue and so on and so on. And you think you’re looking at a tree and sike there’s an owl there suddenly. And you think you’re looking at a rock and sike it’s a frog. And you think you’re looking at a log and sike it’s a crocodile. They just popped out of nowhere and the bots can’t even catch the moment a transformation seemed to have happened.
We’ve sometimes seen the Transformers admiring the beauties of the Earth world and enjoying it, but I kinda also wanna see a transformer getting instant migraines just by looking at a vast field of flowers for the first time, and freak out at the change of seasons thinking something is either deeply wrong with their optics, the land they’re standing on is becoming deeply corrupted, or they ended up in a totally wrong location.
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