#sometimes i get so mad
hannigramislife · 8 months
Controversial take ahead!!
Will never forgive Jiang Yanli for walking into an actual battlefield, with no weapon (!!!) looking for the man who widowed her while leaving her literal baby son home.
Like. Did you truly never consider you'd die??? Leave your son an orphan??? Neither thought came into your mind even for a second?? Really???
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bizarrelittlemew · 2 months
i can't wait to be 30+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 40+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 50+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 60+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 70+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 80+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 90+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to look back on my life and know that i loved things deeply and passionately and was inspired to create and was part of communities with incredible people from all over the world brought together by the stories that touched us
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scottstiles · 8 months
dear sammy i'm so sorry youve been treated so badly tainted from birth torn from the life you chose tossed around then aside by the narrative ripped from your perfect vessel and implanted into a lesser one causing your demonization and perversion at the hands of a fandom incapable of critical thinking and distinction between reality and fiction im sorry you never broke free i'm sorry you lost everything ended up all alone with a phantom version of the family you deserved and could have had forced to accept a life you never wanted a fate so much less than you fought for and especially for the way your hair ended like a moldy cherry on top of the poisonous cake.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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"What do you mean their name isn't Beef?"
(for @moondal514)
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roahnai · 1 month
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Just a pair of Murder Husbands
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sergle · 8 months
The unspoken part of that too, being called "soft squishy marshmallow mom shaped uwu" and then going, hm, no thanks. That's weird and uncomfortable. Is that people get SO TAKEN ABACK. And almost immediately switch straight into anger, because the idea of a fat person turning down a "compliment" is absolutely unthinkable.
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"Me when I got lost on a construction site full of stinging nettles"? please elaborate please please
To be fully honest, I mostly just got lost on a construction site full of stinging nettles
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cor-lapis · 10 months
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[modern-ish au] collei prepares for collei-ge, inspired by kaveh's hangout (which I only just got to)(the fontaine livestream is tomorrow)(I'm not ready to leave)
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lgbtlunaverse · 8 months
You know sometimes I think about that whole narrative tragedy around Huaisang where to get revenge for his brother on jgy he has to become more and more like jgy and turn into a person that his brother would hate. And yes the scheming and the lying and the making other people do your dirty work so you'll never get caught and have to face consequences for your actions is all very foils. Very tragedy. Love it.
But then I think back to nieyao in the fire palace and how it's not the spy thing Nie Mingjue is mad about, not really. He didn't know about it and changes his mind on trying to kill meng yao when xichen tells him but he's still mad and it's not the spy thing. However many cultivators he killed and tortured under Wen Ruohan's orders because he couldn't lose his cover are a factor but the crux of it? It's those last few. And specifically that Meng Yao had an out. A way for them to survive. And he used it. But only for Nie Mingjue. All the others got killed on the spot but Nie Mingjue got the out, got to live. And maybe (likely) if he'd tried to save the others Nie Mingjue would have needed to die but Nie Mingjue has been ready to die for his sect since he was 14 and if it meant defeating Wen Ruohan he'd be happy to. The fact is that those last deaths weren't to defeat Wen Ruohan but to keep Nie Mingjue alive and that is what he can't forgive. It's that after everything the thing he is so angry at Meng Yao for is choosing to value his life over that of his men.
And then I look back at Nie Huaisang who lied and schemed, yes, but who, most importantly, committed so hard to his headshaker persona that the Nie clan declined by the year, a shadow of its former self after only a decade of leadership.
And I realize that both Meng Yao and Nie Huaisang at one point looked at Nie Mingjue, and then looked at multitudes of Nie sect cultivators, and decided that Nie Mingjue was more important. And that's what he'd hate the most.
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boyfriendgideon · 2 years
thinking tonight about the bruce wayne that went through horrific trauma and decided he would never be unprepared again, that he would prevent as much pain as possible from occurring to others in the future. the bruce wayne that saw a boy who had been orphaned, recognized his rage and his hurt, and decided to help however he could. the bruce wayne that looked at a kid jacking his tires and wondered if he could use something to eat. the bruce wayne who doesn’t know how to leave well enough alone. the bruce wayne that started keeping lollipops in his tool belt to calm down and distract kids. the bruce wayne who loves his city fiercely, who wants things to be better than they are and fights to make them that way, both day and night. the bruce wayne who funds social programs and leads with compassion whenever he can. the bruce wayne who wants his kids to be happier and better than he is. the bruce wayne who doesn’t work alone, who’s best friends with superman. the bruce wayne with routines and habits and plans and backup plans. the bruce wayne with layers. the bruce wayne who is awkward and paranoid and angry and protective and traumatized and loving and strong and brave and relentless. the bruce wayne who is so, so imperfect, but loves, even when a part of him wishes he wouldn't. 
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suntails · 9 months
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blessed be the night
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doverstar · 1 year
to be clear, I think Rose Tyler being an often-selfish character is great. I think it's great because real women are selfish. Real women get petty. Real women hear their ex boyfriend say he's going out with a mutual acquaintance and get unfairly jealous and real women then say things like "she's a bit big" when they shouldn't and they have no right. Real women can be monsters, and Rose Tyler is relatable and I love how she is written and I love her, thanks for listening
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littlecrittereli · 4 months
Okay I gotta say your art + story have gotten my fanfic engines a churning and now I'm picturing AU with the bros starting out in the wildlife game but with Martin as an 18-19 year old and Chris as this 14 year old and it's more "panicked older brother trying to keep his baby bro safe" while they encounter poachers/dangers.
Martin has legal guardianship over Chris (uhh parents gotta die for this i am so sorry mom and dad kratt but it's for the fanfiction so please forgive me) Which is why a 14 year old is able to join their research team. Martin is technically "homeschooling" him, (i mean technically he's learning on creature adventures so...)
Martin was offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join the Tortuga research program and Chris didn't want to be the reason that Martin held back on his dreams. So, Chris was basically like take me with you, I'll be good and stay out of trouble I promise. So basically Martin is trying to do his job while simultaneously juggling the responsibility of raising Chris. And the rest of the team helps out as well so they all become a little family and go on these adventures.
The rest of the team would step into older sibling roles as well: Aviva would teach Chris about programming and engineering, Koki would show him how the Tortuga runs and how to make small tune-ups, and Jimmy would teach him how to bake and play video games with him. JUST IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES
I don't think Aviva would make a CPS for him, Martin would lose his mind if she did. Chris was already a handful, he does NOT need to be running around as a gecko. Maybe she could make a less extreme version of the suit for him? Like a partial creature power suit, where it can give him traits of animals. Instead of turning into the whole leopard, it just gives him leopard claw gloves and a tail for balance. So a little kiddy version of the CPS. IDk it's just an idea.
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whetstonefires · 11 months
Hey here's an angle on the Jiang family dynamic and its impact on Wei Wuxian that I haven't seen discussed:
Wei Wuxian grew up seeing Jiang Yanli routinely having her agency cut off and denied in both large (betrothal) and small ways. That were largely tied up in her gender, sure, but this was also a family containing Yu Ziyuan. A daughter in this household had every chance of having her gender treated as of secondary importance.
She just had to earn it.
The way Jiang Yanli was hemmed in and her potential as an independent actor dismissed was at least as strongly correlated with her failure to be a powerful sword cultivator.
So Wei Wuxian's total refusal to let anyone know that he'd lost access to his cultivation and his violent reactivity against being diminished or condescended to during his Sunshot-to-death period, when before he was pretty immune to being looked down on, could have a lot to do with having been presented with this clearly labeled diagram of how your personhood gets stripped away when you are, by the standards of your society, disabled.
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 4 months
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not me immediately getting jude from this
who did you guys get? 👀
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ssukidesu · 8 months
absolute TRAGEDY that in all the years of fairy tail we’ve never once gotten Lucy giving Natsu a “friendly” peck on the cheek. the potential self-consciousness that Lucy would immediately feel, the immediate panic that she’d done something wrong…… the utter shock and blushing mayhem on Natsu’s face that would melt into the softest smile in the world once he realized she did it “as a new way to bond as friends”…… the horrific embarrassment that Lucy would feel when he starts kissing her cheek randomly to tell her that she’s made him happy……. i would give half my soul
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