#sometimes it is important to indulge yourself in the little things that make you happy when life is total shit
raeofgayshine · 1 year
I’ve been itching to do some crafting lately but I had no real ideas on what to make and I guess my brain got tired of that because I spent several hours today creating stencils, covering them in tape to protect them, tracing them, cutting things out and coloring four different sizes of question marks.
You know, because like a normal person I want my room to look like Riddler fucking exploded all over it. And I am so tickled by the idea that I can make a few of these at a time and put them up, so that it’s like a slow takeover. And also that they will probably look different over time which furthers that they didn’t all go up at once. And of course I am thrilled thinking about Riddler spending days upon days locked up in his apartment hand making question marks for every riddle room, because of course he is extra like that. And as I make mine I get to be just like him for real.
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
thinking about how much crowley and aziraphale have been getting slammed for their poor communication and on the one hand... absolutely, i agree 100%. they have so much work to do in that department, they are always missing each other when it comes to seeing what they each want from the other and expressing it clearly. but on the other hand... like... encompassing six thousand years into a conversation? six thousand years of knowing each other. six thousand years of gravitating toward one another
like... the bit that really gets me, in crowley's confession, is - "...and we've spent our existence pretending that we aren't. i mean, the last few years, not really" - this implication that like... at least on crowley's part... since they saved the world together he's allowed himself to be more open in how he feels about aziraphale. that in his mind he's already long since chosen Their Side, they've chosen their side in their behavior towards each other, and they've talked about... our car, our shop, but even before that...
we see in the minisodes, the way they already act. they're a pair that shows rather than tells all the time and it's so abundantly clear that everyone around them can see it, is constantly asking about it, assuming it, reading it on them like they're an open book - with everyone but each other.
but like how do you put into clumsy human words how much love you feel for someone who stood next to you while you created the stars? who helped you create them? how do you say openly how you feel to the one person who understands you and your nature better than anyone else, who indulges your every whim because they want to see you happy while everyone else says you were built wrong, you're too indulgent, you're too soft but you're perfect for him, specifically, because you stood at the beginning of the universe together?
like how are they supposed to talk about that? especially when it's so forbidden to talk about that?
there are so few words that truly feel like they properly encompass what love truly and genuinely means? what loving someone TRULY means? how it's giving up your onliness and entrusting yourself into the hands of another, now you're not just you, now you're you but the world is brighter and sharper and more beautiful because of another? how we're all stuck on a spinning rock in the middle of space in the middle of the universe in the middle of the galaxy in the middle of eternity just little grains of sand and then there's another little grain of sand in the scheme of things, but it's the most important one ever created because of how happy it makes you?
but multiply that by six thousand years
so like of course you fucking cry and you stare at each other with tears in your eyes like you're absolutely ESSENTIAL to one another. but like how do you make it work in words when you don't know if there are even words for the prospect of existing without one another? and you have this absolutely incandescent and fragile thing between you that everyone understands to exist, you understand it to exist too, and sometimes it is scary as fuck to admit that you need someone. it is terrifying and uncomfortable and vulnerable and we're just people who live maybe 100 years on this earth? a blink of an eye compared to six thousand years of shared existence?
like...? truthfully i don't think i could talk about it easily either because oh my god that's fucking terrifying. that six thousand years of your comfortable and beloved shared existence could go up in smoke with one misplaced word. like no fucking WONDER he can't get the words out. and no fucking wonder, it's easier to couch things in terms like group and team and everything when you're on the verge of falling apart into a million pieces because the other half of your soul wants to leave you behind. it's easier to say come with me, work with me, be my second in command, than to admit he's first in your heart and mind every second of every day since you saw him bringing light at the beginning of the universe???
just... you know? they need a fucking break. they need a vacation. they need a cottage in the south fucking downs
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just-a-ghost00 · 1 month
Crush series : how you feel vs how they feel
Note : you can pick different groups if you feel called to. Meaning, you can think of one group for the way you feel and another for the way they feel.
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Group 1 - Holy sh*t
How you feel about them - The Magician, The Devil, 4 of cups, The High Priestess
You are extremely attracted to this person to the point you are constantly thinking about them. They have become a vital part of your life and at this point in time, you can't think about anything but being with them. You wish to manifest this person into your life and you are so caught up in your imagination and feelings for them that you may ignore other areas of your life. You energy towards them is very sensual. Clearly, your main focus right now is to seduce this person at all costs. I asked for clarification for the Devil card and got the 6 of cups. The reason why you are so obsessed and attached to them is because you believe this person is your soulmate. They could be but even if it isn't the case, this shouldn't change how you treat this person and how they treat you. They are a human being first and foremost. So treat them as one. You are putting this person on a pedestal, constantly daydreaming and fantasizing about them. You intuitively know that this person is important to you and your journey, you intuitively know they are here for a good reason and you may fear losing them which urges you to act in anyway possible. You may be communicating a lot with them, making yourself known and seen, trying to get their attention. Be careful not to get too caught up in this. You may be receiving messages about this person in tarot readings. You may be a reader yourself. You are definitely using your psychic abilities to your advantage in this situation. Your energy feels extremely powerful and addicting I must say. You are standing in your feminine power, being the baddest B in town and making sure that they know who they're dealing with. You may not directly express to them that you care but rather use subbtle ways to show them your interest. For some of you, I feel like this thing you have going on is kind of a behind the scenes thing.
How they feel about you - The Emperor, 2 of pentacles, 10 of cups, 4 of swords
This person knows what you're doing. They know how you feel. They know your intentions and they feel in full control of the situation. They are extremely happy about the way things are going because they don't have to do a thing. They have you all figured out. They may be enjoying this a little too much and playing this game of push and pull with you. But little do they know that you are aware of this and are more in control of the situation than they think. They are interested in you to some extent but they might not be as into you as you are with them. This person is more wary when it comes to expressing their emotions and showing interest in someone. They voluntarily hold back and refrain from interacting with you. I asked for a clarifier for the 4 of swords and got the knight of pentacles. This person is holding back because they need time to study this connection and to trust you. They are going at their own pace. They also may be busy with other responsibilities which don't allow them to indulge fully in this connection. They're indeed playing with you, not because they want to take advantage of you but because they feel playful towards you and your energy makes them think that you're okay with it, that you can handle it. This person is currently more focused on their own well being and satisfaction. They may go back and forth with you, sometimes interacting and sometimes acting like a ghost. If that is something that doesn't sit right with you, you should make your boundaries known to this person. This person may be afraid to hand over control and surrender to the connection. They can be doubting you and your intentions, hesitating between focusing on themselves or giving you a chance because they are currently doing very well in their personal life and they don't want that to be ruined. They are being protective of their space and want to make sure you don't know what their thoughts or feelings are.
Shufflemancy : Stray kids - Chk chk Boom, Danny Worsnop - I got bones
Group 2 - Peace
How you feel about them - Queen of swords, the Magician, Emperor, 9 of cups, 4 of wands
You are very protective of this person because you consider them to be your future partner. You dream of being in a committed relationship with this person and you are willing to put in the work to be in this person's life and make this dream a reality. You are working hard to embody the best version of yourself and manifest this connection. You want to appear under your best light in front of them so you pay a lot of attention to the way you communicate around them, how you act, how you sit. You want to impress them with your skills and prove them that you are trustworthy, independent, mature, confident. You may dream about this person a lot. You may have clearly stated to this person that you liked them but you haven't shown them the full extent of your feelings and intentions. A part of you may be fearing rejection so you try to be careful about the amount of emotion you show them. You don't want to scare them. You wish to remain cool, calm and collected for this to be going well. You really want to build solid foundations with this person so you are taking your time with them. You may be fearing that this person is trying to manipulate you. You may be afraid of ruining the chemistry you have because of past experiences. But I really see you standing in your power and confidently interacting with this person in a very respectful and classy way. Your ways are very honorable and I can definitely feel your maturity here. You don't want to rush this process and risk losing this person. I don't know why but I picked up on someone expressing their feelings through music. Maybe when you communicate with this person, instead of straight up telling them how you feel, you send them songs that remind you of them and represent your feelings for them. You may be watching this person from afar, investigating about them to figure out what kind of person they are.
How they feel towards you - Judgment, 8 of swords, 4 of pentacles, King of wands, 2 of cups
I had to ask for a clarifier for the 8 of swords. And got the knight of pentacles. This person feels so strongly about you that it hurst them. They feel stuck because they feel like they don't have the opportunity to fully express how much they care about you. They are scared of being hurt but their attraction towards you is stronger than their fears. They feel like their karma is the reason why they met you. And they feel like life is unfair to them because they are currently stuck or at least they believe so. They feel like they can't have you, like they can't be with you. Maybe this person doesn't think they are worthy of you. Maybe they think that you don't like them and it pains them. They love you so much it breaks their heart. They wish they could free themselves of these feelings but they also don't want to let go of the love they have for you. It is a difficult situation for them. This person deeply believes that you are meant for them. Butterflies can be significant to this connection. Flowers as well. I get the feeling of someone praying for fate to be in their favor and allow them to be with the person they love. I am feeling very emotional doing this reading. There's a feeling of desperation coming from this person. I'm hearing "God please let this be my person, God please watch over them until we can see each other again". This person is afraid to show how much they care because they think that you would think they're crazy. They wish to seduce you and court you but they feel like they're not in a good position to do so. Maybe they think they're not beautiful enough or not rich enough. I get the feeling of two people coming from different backgrounds, living very different lives. They feel that you're out of their league. They're being very harsh on themselves when it comes to you. A part of them doubts that there is a possibiliy for you to be together and another prays for it to be true.
Shufflemancy : BTS - Butterfly, Ariana Grande - Thinking 'bout you
Group 3 - Fresh
How you feel about them - Empress, Queen of swords, Queen of wands, 6 of cups, King of pentacles
You are very certain of your feelings for this person. You genuinely love them and you are intimately convinced that they like you back. You feel very good about yourself and in control of what is going on between you. You are standing in your power and being very serious about this person and the connection. You know very well what you're doing with this person. You are aware of the effect you have on them and you feel like you don't have to nudge them too much for them to be into you. You feel pretty positively about this connection. You believe that they are your soulmate. You are very friendly and at ease with this person. You have no trouble communicating with them, being around them. You feel pretty confident about your ability to attract them and to keep them around. Maybe this person has already shown you that they liked you back. They could have offered you to spend time with them. You are approaching them with a very friendly energy and you are perfectly fine with being friends with them but you think that you would also be very happy if it turned into more. You just know you want to be around this person no matter what. You are trusting the divine with this connection but also mostly trusting yourself. You feel very attracted to them but also very protective of them. Your energy feels like a good mix of masculine and feminine. You are balanced and know when to be in their space and when to stay away. It looks like things are going well for you my dear! Your intentions are pretty clear when it comes with this person. You don't hide from it which I feel is a good thing in your case. You're not afraid of what this person's opinion will be because you are confident they will like you no matter what.
How they feel about you - Queen of cups, 4 of wands, Strength, 5 of swords, page of pentacles
I asked for a clarifier for the 5 of swords and got the 5 of cups. Group 3, your approach is working. Not only do they like you but they want to commit to you. This person is dead on wanting to make you their queen no matter what. They want to fight for you. They feel conflicted because they are scared they will lose the opportunity to be with you. Something may have happened that made them think you were not going to stay around. They are studying you and trying to learn how to match your expectations. They want to be good to you and good for you. This person can be doing actual research to figure out how to appeal to you. Lmao I feel like someone is inexperienced in love and typing "how to show your crush you like them" on the Internet because they're so scared to mess up. I also pick up on someone actually learning new skills to impress their crush. So maybe they're learning a new language or doing a new sport or learning to play the guitar. I don't know. I feel like this person misses you. Or fears that this connection will be a missed opportunity. Maybe you live at a distance from one another. That doesn't show in the cards but that could be possible. This person is just so in love with your energy. I feel like the lion on the strength card is just turning into a big purring kitty looking for cuddles lmao They just instantly melt in your presence. If this person is pretty strong and confident in their daily life, when they're around you they feel like a marshmellow. They just can't find their composure anymore. They become giddy and just so dorky. If they appear very mature in public, with you they become a kid again. You bring out their inner child. They just feel so good in your presence they don't ever want this feeling to stop. They love your warm aura, your beauty, your confidence. Good job group 3 !
Shufflemancy : BTS - Spring Day, Beyoncé - Halo
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featherandferns · 2 months
daylight - ten
jj maybank x fem!reader | part 10 of the daylight series | read part 9 here
content warnings: mentions of abuse and bereavement
word count: 1.5k.
blurb: fulfilling your promise to Barry, what starts as a photoshoot for his website turns into some well-meaning advice.
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“What’s biting your bark?”
You lower your camera down from your line of sight so you can meet Barry’s eyes. You hope that way you can decipher what he just said, but no.  “What?”
“What’s the matter?” he translates with an eye roll. You shrug. 
“Nothing. Why’d you ask?”
A small smirk starts to show as he nods to your camera. “Because you’ve just taken about five pictures with the lens protector still on.”
Frowning, you look down to your camera to find that he’s telling the truth. “Oh.”
You take it off and pocket it. How did you not notice?
“Something on your mind?”
“It’s not important,” you politely dodge, flashing him a smile. Barry raises his brows and you get the feeling that he’s not easily discouraged. 
“This might come as a shock to you, but I was young once too,” Barry says. “So what is it? Boy trouble? Girl trouble?”
The apparent gay-rights ally Barry stands stoic, brow quirked and hands stuffed in his overall pockets, as he waits for your reply. You’re a little alarmed how easy he had your number down. 
“Boy trouble, I guess,” you sigh. Shaking your head, you renew your smile. “It’s really not a big deal though. Let’s get these shots done before we lose the light, huh?”
To distract your busy mind from thoughts of JJ, you had gone to Barry’s to fulfil your offer of completing promo shots for his website. He was more than happy to indulge. He even went to the effort of putting on a fresh pair of overalls. 
“Is this that Maybank kid?”
Okay, can this guy read your mind or something? The bewildered look on your face must be answer enough as Barry lets out a raspy laugh. His voice sounds like he’s been gurgling gas and inhaling smog for most of his years on earth. It’s weirdly comforting, like the smell of warm, fresh sawdust. 
“Come on, kid,” he says, wandering over to one of the plastic lawn chairs that sits outside his garage. “Indulge me.”
For some reason, you do. You take the seat next to him, your camera turned off and placed in your lap. 
“We, uh, got in this dumb fight the other day,” you find yourself saying. “You see, we’ve been spending more and more time together and just getting closer, I guess you could say.”
“Close enough to leave space for Jesus?” Barry wonders. Your face burns hot red. 
“Me and you aren't good enough friends yet for you to get that kind of info, Barry,” you jokingly return, hoping your fluster doesn’t show. Barry bobs his head, your joshing response seemingly answer enough. 
“Like I said, I was young once too,” comes his coded reply. 
“Anyway,” you say, redirecting the conversation, “I started to get all twitchy about it ‘cause I didn’t know where we stood. And I’ve never been good at complicated. You see, I sorta dated this guy back when I lived in Canada and I guess you could say he did a number on me.”
“He mess ya around?”
“To put it nicely, yeah,” you say, smiling smally. “So I’m not very good at opening up to new possibilities and stuff. It doesn’t help that JJ’s so hard to read, either. He’s the kinda guy who says one thing but does another. And I know people tend to see what they want to see, but I swear to God, sometimes I catch him looking at me in a way that makes me think that maybe there’s something more there.”
“Would that be so bad if there was?” Barry wonders, slouching back in his chair. 
Frowning, you look at him. His question passes in and out of your mind as realisation dawns upon you. “I can’t believe I just told you all of that.”
“I’m easy to talk to, kid," Barry shrugs. "My wife always said I was given God’s gifted ears: always good to listen but never much to talk."
You laugh softly.
“Yeah, she always came through with the good-enough advice for the both of us.”
Pursing your lips, you ponder his earlier question. You can’t seem to settle on an answer. “I’m not sure if it would be a bad thing. I guess I’m just scared that whatever the answer is, things might change. I don’t know if I want them to. I like how we are now.”
“And yet, you don’t,” Barry observes. 
Chuckling, you nod. “Yeah. Guess I can’t win, eh?”
Looking down, you fiddle with the buttons and dials on your camera. Barry’s quiet for a while and you can practically hear his rusty cogs turning in his mind. 
“You met that kid’s dad yet?” he asks, out of the blue. 
“Who? JJ’s? No, I haven’t met him yet,” you say. “I’ve heard a bit about him though.”
“He’s a troubled guy,” Barry sighs. Shaking his head, he says, “I was friends with him a while back but some people just wanna drown, and sometimes you gotta swim away before you get taken down with ‘em. But that poor kid: he got stuck with two shabby parents. His mama up and left, and before that she was a lying, cheatin’ son of a bitch - not to speak too out of turn. His papa probably has a closer relationship with a bottle than with the kid.”
You think back to the other night, sat in JJ’s house, surrounded by trash and tumult. JJ’s own drinking and smoking habits were easy to catch onto. It worried you plenty but it felt wrong to lecture. He omitted his parents from most stories and anecdotes but you suppose you didn't notice all that much as you had a habit of doing the same.
“I say all this ‘cause I think you gotta understand something. That poor son of a bitch didn’t have the best example of what love was growing up,” Barry says with a sad shrug. “Sometimes that means you don’t always know it when you see it. So, maybe he don’t know how to tell you ‘cause he don’t know what it is.”
You sigh and look out to the desolate road that sits outside his garage. “Y’know, JJ told me about your wife and daughter. I’m really sorry.”
Barry goes quiet but the air doesn’t feel tense. You take it as space to continue. 
“Your daughter was really pretty. I saw her in that photo in your shop.”
“She were an angel. God just needed her back home,” Barry quietly returns.
Looking to him, you smile, small and sympathetic.
Grunting, Barry leans forward. “Look, I’ve known JJ since he was yea-high,” he says, gesturing with his hand to the height of a small child. “He’s got a good heart but a short fuse. He runs.”
“That maybe explains why I haven’t heard from him since our fight,” you mumble. Barry’s smile feels like confirmation. 
“But I tell you one thing that I do know. Just like my little angel: that kid is loyal to the bone. If he cares for someone, he sinks his darn talons in and don’t let go - no matter what. Even his dear old pops he’ll defend to the end of the earth if someone dare say a bad word ‘bout him, despite all the beating and berating.” 
Your brows knit with that and your heart lurches. 
“So, if you come a’callin’ then he’ll come a’runnin’, I’ll tell you that now,” Barry assures you. “You just gotta know what you’re callin’ for.”
Nodding, you take in his advice. It helps ease the anxious insomnia that has been eating away at you these past few days. You start to feel as though a path is being carved out for you, fresh and foreign, different to the one you tread with Tyler. 
“Why are you so nice to me?” you ask Barry. 
His eyes hold the weight of the worlds within them as he smiles kindly at you. “Cause you remind me of my daughter. I like to think that if she had lived to be your age, she’d have been just like you.”
That mark of high praise etches itself into your brain. You wear it like a badge of honour the way a wartime soldier might with his medals, and sit in quiet disbelief that someone would say something so generous to you. 
After Barry’s well-guided advice, you get back to the photoshoot. You feel as though you saw him different through the camera lens after that. Every wrinkle on his forehead formed a map of his life: of hours spent at gravesites; of restless nights, alone in his house; of hard work at the garage, fixing and pimping out cars and trucks. Whilst some might say Barry wasn’t book-smart, he didn’t need to be. He was smart in the things that mattered. People and problems. With that intelligence, you find that as you walk back into your house, things feel less cluttered in your mind. It’s like he gave you the boxes to help organise all the thoughts you’d accumulated about JJ. 
As you approach your bedroom door, that content smile that had stitched itself to your skin the whole journey home fades as you find it closed. You distinctly remember leaving it open. Slowly cracking it open, your mouth drops with your bag when your eyes land on the person sat on your bed. 
read part eleven here!
@princessuki21 | @psyches-reid | @heybank | @avengersgirllorianna | @rrosiitas | @yourmumstoy | @jjsfavgirl | @void21 | @fictionalcomforts | @gsp420 | @redhead1180 | @wearemadeofstardust0 | @mrs-jjmaybank | @ifilwtmfc | @heybank | @lilyw1235 | @belle101200 | @maybankskiss | @lillell467 | please tell me if any tags aren't working - I've never done taglists before!
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me-loving-woso · 1 year
Meeting the Family
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Hello Tumblr and Hello readers.
This is a Part 2 of Monthly visits. Many of you wanted this so here it is.
Prompt: Ava and Lucia meet Nico and Alexia’s family. 
There’s a little bit of angst in the end, and this is my first time writing angst, so indulge me. Let me know if you want a part 3.
Many things in your life have changed since you decided to take in Lucia and Ava. The morning after you convinced Lucia to stay with you, you decided to do two things. One was going grocery shopping, as your grocery in the fridge included: alcohol and a bunch of way too healthy and specific foods for your’s and Alexia's diet. But then you realized you didn't even know what the two girls liked to eat, so that was something for your future self. Second thing, and most important: explain to Ava how her life was about to change. But that was something you decided to do when Lucia was there, and hopefully, Alexia, because it was something that was stressing you out.
You woke up that day with an arm holding you down and hair in your face. It was one of the few days that you had woken up before Alexia; you gently tried, without waking her up, to move her arm for you to go to the bathroom and begin your day. When you returned to your room, you heard a faint raspy voice, "Come back to bed."
"I must get in the kitchen; the nenas will wake up soon." You say, trying not to look at her, as you know that if you'd see her beautiful face adorned with one of her most peaceful and relaxed looks, your favorite look of hers, you wouldn't be able to say no. 
"One minute! I have to tell you something." She insists on trying to get you to give in.
"Okay. Five minutes, then I'm going." You concede as you get back in the covers. She pulls your shirt up to your bra and places her head onto your stomach hugging your sides, while you play with her hair. She closes her eyes and releases a sigh.
"So what was so important that you had to tell me."
"Uhmmm, that I love you?" She says, feeling her smiling.
"You just wanted me to get back in bed for a cuddle, right?" You say, poking her head. 
"Guilty." She moves her head to see you, then leans in for a small kiss. She then looks at you, down at your shirt, then back at you, confused.
"Is that my shirt?" 
"You mean our shirt?"
"My favorite shirt. The one that I only wear on special occasions." She remarks.
"Don't act as if you don't like that I'm wearing your stuff. Or that sometimes it even turns you on." Whispering the last part.
"Stop it, Y/n. We have children in our home! And very thin walls." 
"Who said anything about sex?" You ask innocently while pushing her to the bed and putting yourself on top of her. Then you gently move her hair out of the way to slowly kiss her neck while moving your hand inside her shirt to scratch her abs. 
You move your kisses from her neck to the back of her ear, whispering in between kisses. "And besides, it's not that we have thin walls. You are just loud." The room was filled with tension, soon broken by the noise of a door being shut and a child walking on the floor. 
You sigh, taking off your hand from under Alexia's shirt, and you caress her cheek and give her a soft kiss on the lips. "I have to go; you can come out whenever you are ready to."
You exit the room and go and find Ava or Lucia. As you enter the living room, you see Ava scorching down to get Nala in her arms. 
Usually, Nala hates when people she doesn't know well pick her up, so you were about to tell Ava to put her down, but the little dog didn't react but instead began licking the small girl making her laugh. You wish Alexia could've seen that; she would be so happy. 
After a little while, you decide to interrupt her. You say hi to her, and then you move into the kitchen, making coffee for you and Alexia. 
Soon after, Lucia and Alexia showed up, and you all sat in the kitchen waiting for you. You open the fridge, trying to distract yourself from the room's awkwardness, but then you couldn't handle it anymore. 
"Breakfast?" You ask everyone. 
They all nod, and you turn around, again opening the fridge in the hopes that there will be something for them to have breakfast. There was nothing. Again.
"How do you guys feel about going to a coffee shop?" You ask.
"Aren't people going to recognize you if you go outside?" Lucia asks.
"Usually, yes, but we usually go to a place where it won't be a problem," Alexia replies for you.
"Nico, my brother, owns a small coffee shop ten minutes from here. We can go there if you guys want."
Soon after, you drove to Nico's coffee shop in Alexia's car with the two girls in the back. Alexia would usually put her hand on your thigh while driving, but today, not knowing whether to put it there, she kept it on the steering wheel. You gave her a puzzled look, then took her hand on the steering wheel and interlocked it with yours.
As you got there, the cafè, fortunately, wasn't packed so you had fewer chances to get noticed, on the other hand, that meant that your annoying brother had less to do. Therefore he would be asking many questions. 
That proved right as soon as he saw you; his face, adorned with a smile, soon turned into a puzzled look when he saw the two children with you at the table. As soon as he approaches the table, you stand up to hug him. As you were still embracing, he asked, "Who are these children? Did you kidnap them?" 
"Shut up, hermano! I'm still older than you. And I would never participate in any form of child abuse! If it's not you, of course!" 
"I guess you are right, and besides, I don't think Alexia would let you do that!"
He goes to hug Alexia, "How are you, sister-in-law?"
"Future, if anything, brother-in-law." She jokes. "She still has to pop the question." She winks at you while you nearly faint.
"Anyway! This is Ava and Lucia." You say, pointing to them, trying to change the topic.
After the greeting and a few jokes on your way about you having children to take care of, the morning went by rather quickly. The girls had breakfast, and you also managed to have the serious conversation that you were bound to have with Ava.
"So now we will live with you and Alexia?" Ava asks, confused.
"If you want to, you can. You can start school, have your friends over, and come to the stadium whenever you want." You offer.
"Okay." She shrugs, making you release a surprised chuckle, then resuming whatever she did before you had the conversation. 
You soon realized that you had to have another conversation, this time with Lucia and Alexia, so you tried to get the attention of Nico.
"Hey, Ava! Do you want to help me bring the coffee orders?" She looks at you, then Alexia, and finally, her sister for permission. 
"You can go; just be careful." Her sister replies while Ava quickly stands up from the chair and happily skips behind her brother. 
You turn to Lucia and cautiously begin, "We wanted to talk to you today after what we discussed yesterday, in the hopes that you were able to process everything, and it's okay if you didn't!"
"Y/n is trying to say that we wanted to ask you if you were sure about this. And by saying this, we don't want you to think that we are backtracking because we are sure and happy to be part of your life in any way or form." Your girlfriend smiles at Lucia, taking your hand from under the table to ground you and make you relax.
"Yesterday was an emotional day for all of us, but especially you, and you made a big decision. I want you to take your time in this choice. Because I'll have to talk to social workers, Alexia too, they'll want to talk to you and Ava, about all of this. That process might be overwhelming and stressful, so we wanted to know if you wanted this too. And it's okay if you don't; we can find another solution together."
"No, no, I understand where this is coming from, but my priority is Ava right now, and maybe she doesn't show it, but she loves the both of you and wants to stay with you. And you guys have been good for us, maybe too good. Whereas for myself, you have allowed me to go back and do what I love and have a house to live in. But I have to ask if you are sure. Ava is a recovering cancer patient; she needs school stuff, clothes, food, and many more things. I don't have money to pay for that, the-"
"I don't care about the money. If I wanted to save money, I wouldn't buy all the useless shit I have." Alexia nods emphatically, earning a gentle hit on the side of you. "What I'm trying to say is we are lucky enough to not have money problems, and it has never stopped us from asking you to stay with us."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure." You chuckle. "So what do you say?"
"I'm sure."
"I'll set up an appointment with the social workers." You smile.
As you got home from that day, you decided it was time for the girls to unpack; for now, they would share a room because you needed to figure out which spare room to turn into a new bedroom. This left you some time alone with Alexia, which you spend outside in your garden.
You sat between her legs while she hugged you from behind, peppering kisses on your neck.
"Come on! They tickle!" You say while she continues.
"This is payback!" She continues tickling you; after a while, you try to stand up to get away from her, but she tightens her hold on your waist.
"Okay, I'll stop! Don't go." She says, pouting.
"Okay, okay. I’ll stay." You smile, fully relaxing into her. Then you turn your head towards her giving her a kiss on the lips. After that, you turned around, closing your eyes, enjoying the closeness of your girlfriend. 
Then you realized. 
You were happy. 
Happier than you have been in a long time. The love of your life was by your side, your career was going great, and now you had two children to make your life even more full and exciting. 
"You know, I'm thinking of dyeing my hair pink." Your girlfriend says, surprising you.
"You what?" You turn to face her but can't say more before Ava runs outside with Nala toward you. She puts her arms around your neck, and you pick her up to your lap.
"Did you and your sister finish unpacking?" You ask her. She gives you a slight nod and then turns to Alexia.
"Can we get ice cream?" She asks, giving you the cute face for you and Alexia to give in. 
What surprised you about all this was that she could understand that Alexia was the weaker one between the two of you and that she only had to convince Alexia for both of you to acquiesce to whatever she wanted. It wasn't Alexia's fault, though; you knew that she had a soft spot for kids and for the people she loved. It is what made you fall in love with her. The softness of her heart could only be seen by the ones she loved, and being part of that circle was one of the best things that had ever happened to you.
"Yes, we can!" She concedes without even fighting it. "Come on, let's go; we'll take Y/n's car." She says while standing up, giving you a kiss on the temple and a shoulder squeeze, taking Ava's hand, and disappearing into the house.
You stand up, too, having no reason to sit down anymore, and go inside to find Lucia. As soon as you found her, you saw her lying on the already-made bed, facepalming the pillow, making a grumbled noise muffled by the pillow.
"You good?" You chuckle, finding the whole scene quite amusing.
"Yeah, I'm good. I just hate unpacking."
"It sucks." You agree.
"By the way, where is Ava?"
"She went to get ice cream with Alexia; she shouldn't be long out."
"That little prick." She lets out a surprised chuckle while you give her a questioning look, "She told me that she would go to the bathroom and then finish to help me out, but instead, she managed to convince Alexia to get her ice cream. She's a little prick!"
"You have to give it to her, though; I wouldn't even have thought of that, at that age."
"That's very true. She's too clever for her age; it's annoying." She rolls her eyes. "And now, I have to finish this all by myself!" She points at the suitcases, still half full on the ground.
"Woah, okay! Don't be too hard on yourself; let's take a break, shall we?" She nods and then stands up, both of you going to the living room, waiting for Alexia and Ava to return.
"So, did you think about when to propose?" She asks you, smirking.
"Shhhhh, she might come in at any moment." You whisper. "But yeah, I thought about it. We were planning to go to Ibiza, so probably there."
"Uuu." She teases.
"Shut up." You throw her one of Nala's toys, blushing.
"Honestly, you would make a perfect married couple, even though it already seems like you are." You smile, thanking her, turning your gaze to the floor. "It's so weird to see such a healthy relationship. My parents were very toxic to each other; they would fight and sometimes even put us into their fights or make us take sides. I hated it. So seeing you guys mostly makes me want to puke, but also gives me hope that not everything is bad."
"Oh, believe me, it hasn't always been that way, mostly because of me. When something like what happened to us, happens, it's difficult, at least for me, to trust and accept the love someone is willing to give you. It took a lot of patience on both ends and mistakes, but in the end, it was very worth it." You smile.
Your little moment with Lucia was broken off by the ruffling of keys and a door opening, with Alexia holding the ice cream for all of you, and Ava with the small leash with Nala on the toe. You all sat on the sofa and ate ice cream together until you were full and happy.
It was time for bed, and you and Alexia took turns in the bathroom to get ready to sleep. You tucked yourself under the covers as soon as you were done, and waited for Alexia to come to bed.
As soon as she did, you turned around to see her. "So, I've been meaning to talk to you." You began, clearly not knowing how to.
Keeping a very open face, she continues, "Yeah, what's up?"
"I just wanted to ask you how have you've been. I know this whole thing might be overwhelming for you, so I just wanted to check in." You smile sincerely, waiting for her to reply, hoping for a positive answer.
"Yeah, honestly, it's a bit overwhelming; two days ago, we were just the two of us with Nala, and now there's four of us. It's wild, but for now, I'm just coping."
"You'd tell me if it gets too much for you, right? I mean, I know that this is very quick and isn't something you have chosen, but rather I did, and you gave me support, so I get it. I would totally understand if you need a break from all of this."
"For now, I'm good. And yes, I'll tell you if it gets too much, even though I doubt it." 
"We can even use a funny code name, so if there are more people around, nobody will know what is going on." You joke.
"That sounds childish."
"Come on, indulge me!" 
"Okay, okay. Something like what?"
"Uhm, something like Valencia?" You propose.
"Valencia?" She chuckles. "That's so out of pocket."
"You dyeing your hair pink is out of pocket." You tease. 
"I made a bet with the girls that if we won the Champions League, I would dye my hair pink, and we won it, so…."
"But I thought you were joking."
"I wasn't. I take all my promises seriously." Her face turns serious, lightly pouting.
"I know you do. I think you'll look great in pink by the way.  Just don't cut it short, please. I don't think I could recover from that."
"That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?"
"Nothing is too dramatic when it comes to you." You change the topic, "So for Valencia?"
"Okay, we can use the word Valencia, but I hope I won't use it." She concedes, ending your talk in favor of going to sleep.
The first time the girls met Alexia's mom and sister was very different from when they met Nico. 
It was slightly over three weeks from when the girls met Nico. And for those three weeks, you had been fighting with the social workers, claiming you weren't a suitable foster parent. They came to your home and had a bunch of interviews with you, Alexia, and the girls. For over a week, you thought it wouldn't work out, but in the end, you finally got custody of the girls. 
You all decided to sleep in the morning after the big news, so it was weird when you heard knocks at your door. As you didn't want to wake Alexia, you slowly moved from the bed to go downstairs and check out who was at the door.
Eli and Alba barge into your home hectically as you open the door. "You guys are late!" Alba says while you are still rubbing your eyes. 
"Hi Alba, Hi Eli. How are you? Wait. Late to what?" You ask, looking at both of them confused. Then you realize. You had organized to go to Nico’s place together. "Ohhhhh. I am very sorry. I totally forgot about it." You say, giving an apologetic look. You'd hate to disappoint Alexia's family.
"Y/n, who's at the door?" A very sleepy Alexia appears from the stairs. 
"Why don't you come and say hi to your mamà?" You could see the sudden change in expression of Alexia as she realized that you had forgotten about breakfast. 
"I'm so-"
"I know, you both forgot," Eli says while hugging her daughter. Then Alexia turns to her sister and hugs her too.
"It has been some hectic weeks, honestly. We have been wanting to tell you something." Alexia hesitantly sits on a chair with her legs against the kitchen countertop.
"Oh my god! Did you get engaged?" Alba says excitedly.
"Oh god again, Alba! We didn't get engaged, we- we."
"Alexia, who are those people?" Ava comes out of nowhere, completely shocking Alba and Eli.
"This is my mom and my sister," Alexia says while Ava approaches her.
"So, is this what you had to tell us?" Eli looks at you and then your girlfriend expectantly.
"Ava, why don't you go and wake up your sister and get ready? We are going to Nico to have breakfast." You explain to the young girl, making her leave the room so you can talk with Alexia's family alone.
"When did this happen?" Alba asked as soon as Ava disappeared from the room.
Alexia looked at you, offering you to tell the story.
"They needed a place to stay and some love, so I gave it to them. The girl you just saw, Ava, is a recovering cancer patient, and later you'll probably see her sister, Lucia. Their parents abandoned them when Ava got cancer; they have been in and out of the hospital and shelters ever since. I'm trying to help them have what I never had when I was a child, a home. And I love those two kids to bits." You explain, looking at the floor, trying not to look at their expression. 
"You did what was right." Eli comes and hugs you while Alba is talking to Alexia.
"Do you want to meet them?" You ask when she finishes hugging you. "You met the younger one, but do you want to meet them properly?"
"Of course I do! Honestly, when I came to your door, I didn't think I would get such a piece of big news from you. Why did you guys didn't tell me sooner? I could've helped."
"We wanted to, but then things got a little tricky with the social workers, and I guess we never had the chance to."
After a while, the two girls left their room, and all 6 of you went to Nico's place to have breakfast.
As soon as Ava saw Nico, she ran to him to give him a bone-crushing hug. Nico has been ever-present in the three weeks since the two girls began staying with you. Sometimes, you would go to his coffee place. In contrast, some other times, when he didn't work, he would come by your house just to say hi or help with Ava's room, which before was your's and Alexia's other closet. It still wasn't finished, yet, but with his help, it was nearly done.
As you all got there, you all began talking to one another about future plans, school, and the World Cup. You knew that Alexia was going, but as one of the las 15, you decided not to go, especially with a coach like Jorge Vilda. You remember how badly he treated you and your other teammates, blaming you for every little mistake you would make, or losses that were caused by him poor tactics. You didn't resent Alexia for going though. You knew that after her ACL, she needed to at least participate in something with Spain, as you knew that she felt like she had to make it up for it because she wasn't there at the Euros. You knew that you would have loved to be part of that too, especially with her, but you couldn't set aside some principles, like respect.
Once caught again in a conversation with Eli, you realize,  that holidays and festivities will now be no longer celebrated in two but in four.
"So for Christmas this year, we thought about staying at my house, it is easier that way, and you don't have to worry about making food or other stuff," Eli says, turning to you and Alexia.
"Eli, we can do it at our place; it's no biggy. It's going to be easier that way. Our house is bigger, and I can cook. And before you say anything, yes, Alexia will get a restraining order from me to not get near the kitchen for at least 5 meters. I already made that mistake once." You chuckle, remembering how bad of a cook she was, even though she tried hard.
Eli and Alba chuckle while Alexia is weirdly silent; you just think she is tired.
The day was spent with the Putellas family playing games while Alexia was in training, then dinner after. 
You tried to get Alexia's attention as soon as they left, but she would somehow slip away from you. Maybe practice didn't go as well, or she has just been having a bad day, you hoped. You really didn't want to think about it too deeply. 
As it was time to bed, you gave a goodnight to the girls and went to bed. Alexia went in first to change, which was weird since she would always let you go first, then she laid down on the bed with her arms crossed behind her head on the pillow, looking at the ceiling. You only saw her once like this: after she got her ACL ruptured. 
This wasn't good. 
But you still tried to hope it wasn't what you thought it would be. Trying to prolong the inevitable, you take extra time in the bathroom but know you have to face reality.
You go to bed, under the covers, laying on your side facing her, then gently swinging your arm across her waist, making small circles with your fingers on her clothed side. She didn't even acknowledge you. She couldn't. She took a small breath and repeated the word you'd always joke about but didn't expect to hear, leaving you utterly frozen.
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ask-the-prose · 1 year
Writing Burnout and Helpful Tips
Hi yall, it’s been wonderful seeing ask-the-prose posts going around writeblr and I’m so happy to see that some of these guides are helpful. If you have a specific topic you’d like me to cover, send in an ask!
What is burnout?
Burnout is incredibly common and nothing to be ashamed of! If you find you are too exhausted to do what you love, running out of ideas, or perhaps not wanting to do anything, you may be burned out. Burnout can pose a serious block to your writing, and it’s just not fun.
Burnout can happen when you’re stretching yourself too thin, spending more time and energy creating than taking in creativity, or not taking care of yourself the way you need.
Step 1: Put out the fire
One of the number one ways to fast-track your way to burnout is to forget to care for yourself. We’re writers! Sometimes we get in the zone, or maybe a little obsessed, and we forget to eat, hydrate, and maybe even put off sleep. But ignoring self-care is unsustainable.
We all see posts all over reminding us to hydrate, eat well, sleep, and even stretch, but these are genuinely great tips to remember when you’re not feeling well. I’d like to add a few ideas to try when you’re feeling down.
Exercise. Walk, run, play a sport, do anything that helps move your body, whatever you can do to help your blood flow, even if it’s just a few push-ups or a good stretch.
Find a new set of walls to stare at. I get in a rut going to the same places or staying home when I have nowhere to go. But hanging out at a coffee shop or cafe helps me often. It’s a chance to observe people, see new things, and get some sunlight. If you need to shake it up, try a new cafe!
Socialize. Sometimes burnout looks like loneliness. Socialize! Talk to a friend or family member, or make a new friend! New perspectives help.
Not all of these work for everybody, but they’re friendly suggestions to try when you’re feeling burnout coming on.
Step 2: Replenish your reserves
As creatives, we get stuck always wanting to create, but that’s not sustainable either! Creativity is not just an internal process, we need external stimulation to replenish our creative reserves. When you feel like you just can’t come up with ideas or anything new, maybe it’s time to read.
Reading can help, though I personally understand the struggle to read (and finish!) books. Start with short stories or novellas if you struggle to read novels. Read within the genre you’re trying to write, and then step out of your genre and try something new. You never know when inspiration will strike.
Watch movies, listen to new music, play a video game, or do anything that can give you a creative boost. Reading is critical, but learning about other mediums is just as important.
Step 3: Self-indulgence is key
You may find as you’re recovering from the burnout that your wip may just be what’s causing the problem. Ask yourself some important questions:
Am I writing for myself?
Am I writing something that I want to write?
If not, what do I want to write about?
Do I like what I’m writing, or do I feel like it’s what everyone wants to read?
Answer these questions for yourself, and if you find you don’t like those answers, take a look at your project and see what you can or want to change. Remember, if it’s not fun and it’s not what you want, then it might not be worth it.
Take what you need, leave what you don’t
As always, this guide is meant to be helpful, and as with all writing advice, it’s entirely subjective. I believe these tips work because they worked for me. But if you find that something isn’t helping, leave it! Move on or adjust to what you as an individual need to recover from your burnout.
Remember that no writing is ever wasted and that your writing matters. We need your voice too!
– Indy
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
Tokyo revengers with a muslim friend :D
part two , tr with a muslim wife
Hey guys, I just wanted to write a quick blurb on how the tokyo rev characters would react/ or have a friend who is a muslim, sth like an exchange student. It's going to be character x fem!reader mostly. Also, I am writing this for a friend who is a muslim and she wanted me to write this because "Ramadan" => fasting season for the muslims is arriving in less than five days, so yeah, happy reading!
Its sfw, with mostly platonic things but getting a little romantig and crush like for the characters and yeah, I also Indulged Hinata and Emma cuz I love Them
Also I have never really watched tokyo revengers, so I'll try to make it into headcannons:D
Warnings: cursing, stupid boys trying to be polite and whatnot
Characters: Mikey, Draken, Takemichi, Hinata, Emma, Angry, Smiley, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Baji
Scenario: You moved to Japan because your parents had better salaray here and now your are here, in a new school and with many people you don't know, and of course, you are asked about the thing around your head, why you never wear pants and just long skirts, and in over all, always vanish at a certain time - multiple times a day.
man had no idea why your hair was covered
Mikey thought that you had cancer or something to be honest
when you explained him why you were wearing it, he understood. Partly.
When you also told him about ramadan and about the fasting season, mans was not having it.
"wait does that mean that you're not allowed to eat and drink anything for a whole month?!"
he was feeling pity on you (you had to explain that you'd be fasting everyday form four in the morning to the fourth praying time around 18 o'clock and that it was actually fine
then you had to explain to him that it was actually okay and that you cherished this season because you could repent to your god and beg for forgiveness for all the "sins" you committed
like girl shut up you are too pure and precious, the most you could've done is steal a lollypop when you were eight
he didn't really make a huge deal out of anything else but just freaked out at the food part bc why would you fast a whole month??
Mans just loving food and can't understand why you'd do it even when you give him valid reasons
also doesn't understand when you sometimes look at your phone before excusing yourself quickly
thinks that you have an important meeting but you return like ten minutes later? Whenever you guys meet up with the others, and you guys are doing sth from 12 to 16 o'clock, you vanish at 1 and 15 and come back shortly
Mikey doesn't like that whole dissappearing thing and just decides to follow you one day
He finds you in the girls bathroom at first and you step out after a few minutes with a wet face and socks in your hands, going into an empty classroom
As he opens the door, he sees you standing in the room on a rectangular carpet and hands folded on top of each other on your chest while facing a specific direction
he tries to analyse what you're doing but doesn't get the hang of it
then you bow with your upper body going down with your hands on your knees and straight legs in a 90° manner, stand up, raise your hands to your heads level, and lower your whole body this time, then sitting up, and bowing down again all the while muttering something
as you were doing this movement a three more times and you were at the end where you look to your right choulder and then to your left, you fold your hands in front of you and close your eyes while muttering something
Mikey just stood there, watching you as you finished...whatever you were doing and then asked you about it.
"praying five times a day? So often? and you have to wash your hands, face, ears, hair, neck, arms and feet for that?" "Yes, to be clean for my prayer. Sorry that I didn't tell you sooner.."
Assures you that it's okay, apologizes for following you and now knows why you always dissapear, but doesn't understand what you are doing at the end of your prayer
When he asks you about it, you just go: "It's called a "dua". There, I can ask god for whatever I crave and "insha allah"(=if god wills, it will happen), I will get it. I usually pray for us all to have a bright future, my family staying wealthy and healthy, my brothers finding good wives and for all kind of the living in this world to find their way to heaven."
at that, Mikey blushed a little and his eyes lit up
you were really praying for everybody and everything to be okay
his heart started beating faster when he thought about how you were praying for him too to come to heaven
As you are talking about your religion so passionately, he can't help but wonder more.
You are also very nice to him and he never heard you swear to be honest
he also asks deep questions about if he'll ever see the gates to "Jannah" (=heaven), and you answer him that he should just pray, think about his actions and weigh them from if they are rally that important to make or if he really should do that (when beating up thugs)
he wants to try fasting too but ends up forgetting after an hour and starts eating taiyaki in front of you and when you look away with a strained smile, he remembers and freaks out, quickly stuffing the food away from your gaze while apologizing
And since you give around such a calm vibe, he doesn't have the energy to fight thugs and whatnot, just wants to stay where you are and talk
Honestly feels at the most peace with you
He actually knew about islam and that you were a muslim when looking at your hijab and long skirt as well as your jacket or long sleeved shirts which always covered your whole body except your hands and face
didn't really think that he'd get to meet a muslim tbh, let alone get a muslim friend
since you were the new transfer student from ___, he didn't really know you and what your intentions were but you were actually looking like the most peaceful person who walked on earth
thought you looked rather cute with that sweet smile and blushed when you asked him for a pen cuz you forgot your pencil case at home one time
notices that you're not eating anything one day and offers his bento to you only to decline and telling him that you were fasting
didn't really get it so he asked about it and found out that Ramadan had started the day prior and in the time zone from march, tuesday the 21st or thursday 23rd and ending on thursday the 20th on april
was really shocked cuz why would you fast when it was getting rather hot in Japan?
when you told him your reasons, he didn't really seem satisfied with your answers but accepted it when it was your religion
also asked himself whenever you left randomly and returned in the span of 20 minutes
so he asked and you told him that you were just praying
he also didn't understand and just looked it up on his phone and then he read the story about how the humans much earlier should have actually prayed 50 or 55 times a day, but one prophet asked for god to reduce it to five times, and so, you were praying every day in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night
bro couldn't understand how you could do that, he can't even brush his teeth twice a day
Then he does more research about your religion and finds out that muslims shouldn't/weren't allowed to get a tattoo
he deflates at that, his heart squeezing painfully at the though of you rejecting him for the tattoo on the side of his head and his hairstyle overall
suddenly doesn't wants to have bald sides, thinks about letting his hair grow
he also starts panicking if you'll ever think about dating him in the first place
aside from his love life crisis, actually thinks it's pretty cool that you're just happily living out to your religion and develops a big crush on you
cuz like, you're actually pretty nice, sweet, calm and polite
tries to fast with you but gives up after a week
then you praise him for doing such a great job he gains courage again
only completes another week but still happy, congratulating you for fasting through the hole month
Never heard of Islam, always in his own little world with spending time with toman, hanging out with his friends and trying to study
so when he sees you, bro was bamboozled
what is that? a-a hijam? Hijaaaaa? Hijab! Ah, now he got it! no he didn't
Is one of the kids who surrounds you at the start of the day and asks questions about that cloth hiding your hair and you answer with a smile
asks you various things about your religion and why you never yell when you are getting bullied or just fight them
"Because Allah will praise me for not raising my fists against those who don't know better than to start a fight."
Bro was mesmerized by those wise words and tries not to engage in fights that much
also used the excuse on some thugs and he just left them dumbfounded
one of them even cried after Takemichi quoted your words
his life just got a lot more easier from then on
one time he got called "the philosoph of Japan" for that and he just snickered to himself
occasionally invites you to hang out with toman but you only agree when Emma or Hinata or any other girl is there too
when asked why, you answered him that you were neither allowed to be alone with a bunch of guys- only with your brothers or father
and that you also didn't feel really that comfy around so many boys
from then on, always asks the girls and then you if you'd like to come sometime, also reduces his meetup with the boys from half of the toman gang to just him, mikey, Draken, smiley, angry, mitsuya, chifuyu and Baji
Thinks you look very pretty
like honestly, you have such a pretty smile and you are also so calm about everything
Your customised school uniform is also very cute, and your casual clothes fit your personality perfectly
you don't really wear tight stuff, more like wide shirts and skirts which don't give away your body form
she honestly doesn't even know herself if you're thin or thick, and she doesn't really care either, cuz what counts is the PERSONALITY
when you get bullied by the other girls for covering your hair and wearing "baggy", you either laugh along with them or ignore them
When she asked you why you didn't do anything against it, you simply answered: "Allah warned us to watch our mouths around snakes, otherwise you'll taste the venom and become a one yourself." (ok allah never said that I just added it for dramatic-ness)
Sis was amazed and took -just like Takemichi- your advice to heart
when she got bullied then sometimes, she just ignored the bullies like you and didn't think about their rude words
girl had an easier life from then on
also finds it cute how you are not trying to raise attantion on yourself, only engaging in conversation when another party starts it
highkey wants to protect you
is protecting you actually
When Emma saw you for the first time, she honestly thought you were some kind of model
The way your face looked like with sweet plump lips, thick eyebrows and long eyelashes and make up kept to a minimum
and you also wore stylish clothes, despite wearing that cloth on your head and covering everything up except your face and hands
thought you were one of the most beautiful girls she had seen
wants your fashion style
and like the others, she asked about that whole religious thing and you also answered her with a smile and soft voice
sister is lowkey developing a protection sense for you but can't help but look at you like a grown up
you're just...so mature for your age that in her sentences, she sometimes let's "older sister" slip out a few times on accident
tries to act all mature too from now on but can't help but crave a few things like sweets
doesn't understand the amount of tea you drink everyday
Angry (Souya):
When he saw you, boy was so confused but also mesmerized by the amount of rizz you had
no but like when he saw you, he thought of you as very gorgeous-which you are!
poor baby boy was too shy to start talking to you, but he wanted to know why you were even wearing stuff like that.. n-not that it was bad! you look amazing! Just...why?
We can not forget that all these boys are lowkey dumb so i imagine that he might have an ounce of what your religion is, but also not more than that
luckily-or unlickily for him, because when his brother sees him trying to start a conversation with you, smiley knows that angry is nervous and most possibly developing a crush on you
so he embarrasses his brother as much as possible
aside from that, you could be complimenting his baby blue hair and he'd become a blushing mess and stuttering out a quiet "th-thank you...!", with not being able to stand eyecontact or even your gaze on him
also doesn't really get that whole fasting thing, like, are you happy that you're not eating? will you be okay to not eat at all from morning till night?
poor baby is concerned about your health :( <3
tries to participate to get a feeling on how it'd be to not eat anything for a day
boy was exhausted by lunchtime
how could you live like it was no problem???
wanted to buy himself food but stopped when he remembered that he should be fasting
his stomach growled very loudly in disagreement in class the whole day and bro was in pain
he also had sport with you, but you were only sweating lightly while he was ringing for air
stormed into the bathroom to drink water form tap, but no drinking either so he didn't drink and just sat by the sink, thirsty as hell
felt like he'd pass out
when you found him, you gave him a water bottle and ordered him to drink, scolding him when he explained that he wanted to try fasting too
"Souya, you know that I've been doing that since I was eight, and aside from the fasting month, I usually also fast monday's and thursday's."
bro was flabbergasted, cuz why would you fast voluntarily??
"It's so that I can catch up to the times I was unable to fast." What you meant by that was that when muslim girls and women are on their period, they are either unable to fast or pray, but you forgot to share that info with him out of embarrassment for even thinking about bringing it up
angry doesn't really understand but doesn't want to pry either
tries to be as polite and touch you as little as possible
lowkey wants to ask you out but doesn't know if it's okay when looking into your religious mind
Smiley (Nahoya):
Ah yes, another dummy
thought that you were just a normal girl who had some sickness
nonetheless, started becoming friends with you cuz you were really nice and sweet
bro didn't understand that whole praying thing
When you explained, he asked in the end what you were mumbling, and when you said that you were reciting "sura" verses in arabic, bro was livid
"So you can speak arabic?" "yes/ no, sadly"
gets more interested in you and your precious religion
asks you about all that tea you're consuming with a close-eyed smile, and you said that you really loved black tea (chai tea..? I have no idea how to spell that)
gave it a try and fell in love with the tea
Also tries to participate in it, but looses it the moment his stomach growls
tries the other day but also only succeeds halfway
going on a rampage on how well you were doing despite not eating anything at all
tries again for the third time but gives into the food again when he was missing three hours until he could break the fasting
mans just loving food too much
also you have his respect cuz you're like, not really bothered by the lack of food in your tummy???
Like Emma, bro is mesmerized by your beauty and thought you were a model too
likes the sweet little emboidments on your scarf and skirt, inspires him to designing similar clothes to yours for a little more diversity
asked you where you got it from and when you mentioned the shop's/company's name, bro searched it up and was having a heart attack
the places you were shopping from were having the best looking clothes he's ever seen
from elegant to pastel coloured to prideful looking hijabs, niqabs and other types of shawls
or skirts and dresses and shirts with amazing cotton quality and sweet little logos
when he talks to you, he can't help but wonder why you never really looked him in the eyes or how calm your voice was
lowkey thought you hated him
but baby for what could you hate him!?!?
When he searched on google, he found out the reason
girls should not get in touch with boys
so he was a little more than arms length away from you
somehow fell in love when with the sight of you when he saw you staying by the traffic lights while the wind blowed and your hijab and skirt were swaying beautifully with the wind
tries to get to know you even better and finds out that you love children (my friend's family has aunts with three to seven kids and she herself is a child of four)
tries to woo you by meeting up with the girls, boys, and his little sisters
his sisters fall in love with you, complimenting your headshawl and you coo and giggle at their preciousness and he falls in love with you even more when he sees you interact with them so peacefully
googles or asks into chatgbt what type of guy a muslim girl shouldn't date and he saw that muslim boys shouldn't wear tattoos or piercings, he grabbed his one piercing and the side of his head in horror
was lowkey depressed for a while
Bro was not getting it
you were a muslim? but other muslim girls don't even go that far as you to wear long clothes and a headshawl
anyways, he found it nice of you to share your notes in class and fell in love with your handwriting
it was so...well, cursive, but straight, and as if you'd have to adapt form an oriental language to the asian one
bro didn't want ot give you your notes back but remembered that he could just take a pic
one time, he saw you petting a cat and it was honestly the cutest sight he's ever seen, cuz when you stroked one cat, another came and then another one and in the end, you were surrounded by cats and every single one demanded headpats
He went over to you to pet some of the cats too and asked you about them
"Oh, it's just...I really love cats. they're very cute"
'and so are you', but he never voiced out that thought, instead opting to just pet the cats next to you
lowkey planned the wedding for you guys cuz you were just so pretty and you treated cats with such big respect
bro was mad inlove
when you were fasting, Chifuyu was concerned just like Angry and asked you if you were okay every hour
one time you were holding your head with a frown and boy was he scared
"You need something? Water? Uh- that-th-that tea you always drink?? Uhhh, want sushi!?"
You just reassured him that it was sometimes like this when you didn't feel so good and you had migraine sometimes or you didn't feel well
he thought that muslims were terrorists, cuz he played many racist games without thinking deeper into it, like cmon he's like what, thirteen? fourteen?
When I tell you that he was just looking at you with a big frown, his fangs accentuating the downwards-turned corners of his mouth
he honestly expected some kind of ugly and scary looking guy whose face was covered up and who'd be throwing his backpack somewhere into the classroom and then running away while laughing evilly
like, baji...NO-
when he sees you, his idea of the religion does a 360°
like, how can games represent muslims in such a bad way when there was such a sweet girl with a headshawl around her head cutely introducing herself with that soft smile and calm voice???
thought ramadan was a relative of yours at first
didn't believe you when you said you'd be fasting for a whole month
bro was looking at you with suspicion written all over his face
Baji didn't really understand your religion
"so you fast to get a feeling on how the poor people must have felt like?" "Yes :D"
"Why are you washing yourself so often?" "To pray :D"
"Why aren't you eating anything?" "I'm fasting :D"
Then, a few weeks later
"What are you drinking???" "Black tea :D"
bro was concerned on a whole other level
desperately wants to know if you have a second head like that one guy in harry potter
or if you have short or long hair
like, chill, you will tell him what you're willing to spill
unlike the others, he actually fights the ones who try to bully you, but before he can land a hit, your voice echoes in an angry echo through the classroom, hallway, and his soul
He lets go of the bitch who tried to talk shit about you behind your back and it runs of like the rat it is
baji faces you with a deep frown, asking you why you stopped him, cuz he was defending you
"The one's who try to make the living of other people miserable will end up with the worst life."
Bro didn't fight anybody that day
you got my man really into thinking, huh?
anyways, tries to get on your good side because he thinks that you might not like him for getting violent, and you hate violence, but you cherished that he stood up for you
wants to know if you really are fasting or if you're secretely eating something from time ot time
bro is just suspicious like that :/
BONUS: It was the end of the fasting month and you invited the ones closest to you over at your pace for them to taste what you and your mother (/and sisters) cooked or baked. when the doorbell rang, you went over and opened it, happy to see that all your friends had made it. "Come in guys! Before the food gets cold!"
And none of the kids didn't want to be told twice. Baji and Mikey were the first ones to take of their shoes and followed after you like eager puppies, with Chifuyu and Takemichi running after them a little clumsily. Angry and Smiley went with no haste while Draken, Mityua, Emma and Hinata were wandering around your sweet home where there were no family pictures, but more like, arabic terms or big paintings of landscapes or a forest with a house or a sea in the forest.
When they all arrived in the dining room, they couldn't believe their eyes; sure, there were other kids present from your siblings' side, but there was enough for everybody.
You quickly served the table for everyone, giving them either juice, tea, water or sprite and cake, other, homecooked meals and the best of all: Dates.
"They look weird.", Baji stated. Smiley and Draken confirmed with a nod.
"Why are they so soft, yet so firm?", Chifuyu asked, while he, Angry and Takemichi inspected the weird fruit in childish wonder.
"And they are really sweet?", Mikey asked, squinting his eyes at the treat. Emma and Hinata, and even Mitsuya were giving each other uneasy glances while you just nodded eagerly.
"C'Mon guys, I also always eat sushi and whatnot with you, just give it a try!"
And so they bite in. Mikey is the first one ot moan in delight, closely followed by Baji who gave out a satisfied groan and the others also hummed their new found love for the nice fruit.
Baji and Mikey end up taking three packages with them while the others take one or two of the dates you offered. in the end, everybody got to take something to eat with them and they were all happy that they got to be your friends.
They were all glad that you introduced your religion to them, if not, they'd never have understood you and maybe thought that you might be a weirdo.
"You'll invite us next year again, right?", Mikey asked, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes to which you nodded reassuringly. "Yes, of course! You guys are my best friends!", at that, all the boys had a pained expression on their face.
Well, seems like they'll have to be more gentleman-like from now on.
Hey guys? How was that? I am also fasting alongside my friend and it's actually pretty fun! Sure, you might feel very hungry from time to time, but it's really worth it in the end!
Should I make a part two out of that? If yes, please tell me in the comment or via asking box for who I should write next.
Read you in the next post!
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anika-ann · 2 years
No Pressure - Pt.1 (S.R.)
Type: two-shot, early relationship, canon-ish (see A/N)
Pairining: Steve Rogers x reader (GG x Sparkles)     Word count: 6800
Summary: Only four weeks after you said your goodbyes, the Avengers and the BAU meet up again for an important assignment. Tensions and tensions are a little high, because you and Steve have some…intimate things to work out. But you will – you always do, right? Maybe with a little help from a friend.
Mission location: Quantico, Virginia;   Subject: JJ’s birthday celebration;  Objective: enjoy the night
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Warnings: 18+ for some NSFW thoughts, FLUFF, mention of canon-typical violence and injuries, language
A/N: Standalone or a two-shot following Love on the Brain series and its oneshots - you might profit from checking the masterlist for characters; divider by firefly-graphics 😍
A/N: Plan - 6,8k of fluff and 12k of healthy communication and NSFW 😁
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“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” ― Robert A. Heinlein
Dimmed lights illuminated his broad figure as he stood tall, ready to strike in a moment’s time; calculating eyes fixed on the challenge in front of him. You could only imagine the speed with which his brain analysed every possible way to solve the problem, all the possible outcomes. Only seconds must have passed, but to him, it no doubt felt like ages; he was a supersoldier after all, he not only had the strength, but the brains too. And beauty.
Your heart was racing in your chest at the sight of him as you stood firmly by his side, as always; trusting him to do his best, as always.
He glanced your way, gifting you a small smile which probably shouldn’t have invited butterflies to dance in your stomach, but the fact was, you didn’t think Steve could ever look at you like this without such effect.
Then, he focused forward again, trying to centre himself, no doubt feeling the weight placed on his shoulders.
“You’ve got this,” you whispered for his ears only, allowing yourself the indulgence of gently running your fingers over his bicep before taking several steps back.
“No pressure, honest! It’s not like the world is depending on you or anything!” a male voice howled, shattering the intimate moment. You rolled your eyes.
Even from behind him, you could tell Steve took a deep breath at the comment; you could practically see his nerves and irritation spike. You, on the other hand, were just annoyed. It was always like this; men. Even more so, Tony.
“Don’t listen to him, Steve,” you said, rolling your eyes once more for a good measure. “He’s just full of bull.”
“Excuse me? Do you seriously not realize how much is at stake?” Tony’s exasperated voice answered, causing you to shoot him a deadpan look, not even a bit surprised you found him clutching at his chest theatrically.
“…your ego?” you suggested, making several people in his vicinity snicker and look at him curiously, expectant of his reaction.
“Damn right- no! This is so much more!” he cried out and this time, a few chuckles sounded around, only having him seem more offended. “It’s a matter of national-“
“Tony,” you interrupted him, unimpressed, “this is literally a bowling alley.”
You looked around the room pointedly, a hole-in-the-wall place Derek had discovered, a bar with a small dancefloor, four modest alleys for bowling, folks minding their own business and not blinking twice when the reservation for 13 people was made on all the lines but one. Seven FBI agents (in civil disguise) and five Avengers plus one could have made for a spectacle; however, the patrons here didn’t seem to care much.
It was a nice change.
“But we cannot have our ass handed to us by FBI agents, Jones!” Tony sputtered. “…even if it’s a great ass.”
The corners of your lips twitched as few of the agents in questions – namely Emily, Morgan, Garcia and JJ – booed in protest, for which you couldn’t blame them.
Tony’s ego was sometimes too much to deal with and even though you knew he was joking, momentarily pointing at his own behind to prove a point, your mind sparked with a brilliant retort to have him shut up.
Turning back to your boyfriend of almost four weeks and best friend for a better part of two years, you made a show of checking out his ass in the deliciously tight jeans – which served both as a great entertainment for you and a means to justify your means.
“True that, Tony. I could not agree more. It is a pretty awesome ass and I did have a hand on it before,” you informed the billionaire cheerily, snorting at the mess of reactions following your statement.
Several things happened at once.
One: Garcia and Clint gave an appreciative hum of agreement. Two: JJ, Emily and Natasha smirked behind their glass, taking a pointed sip of their drinks. Three: Morgan and Reid nearly choked on their drinks, while Hotch kept his expression almost straight, only one corner of his lips twitching. Four: Bruce Banner and David Rossi looked as if they wanted to be anywhere but where they were at the moment. Five: Tony’s scandalized expression was a thing of your brightest dreams.
And finally, Steve’s unimpressed voice – accompanied by his quickly reddening neck and ears – cut the silence following your statement.
“Are you two done or should we just take a break?”
You smiled at him, wide but sweet, stepping out of his way again.
“Give it hell, GG. No pressure. Just enjoy the game,” you advised gently, barely hiding the sudden assault of blues the words gave as your mind strayed away.
No pressure. Right. Tonight was so not the night to open that can of worms.
“Cheers to that!” Morgan called out, cockily raising his drink in a toast. “Just enjoy. More points for us.”
“Is this coming from a guy who likes to vibe things, especially in sports?” JJ jabbed at Morgan good-naturedly, earning an offended expression as if she just revealed Morgan’s darkest secret live on national television.
“Okay, I’ll bite, what team are you on, JJ?”
“Team ‘let’s have a good time’ is where I’m on,” Garcia shot back, raising her glass to clink it with yours.
You happily obliged, catching a glimpse of Steve hitting a spare, knocking down the two remaining pins. You cheered in his direction, earning a slightly shy smile in return, his face still set aflame from the discussion about his perfect behind.
It was easy to forget why you were here in the first place in moments like this one.
For JJ’s birthday, she invited you to join the BAU’s night out – because you were a part of family. Not wanting to exclude your boyfriend, she invited him along too. Steve, while pleased, felt a little self-conscious about intruding what was almost a family night, which somehow resulted in the whole Avengers band, sans Thor who was momentarily on Asgard, tagging along and turning the night into a friendly match in bowling.
And boy, were you having fun. Undiluted heart-warming fun.
To see your old life and new life come together and mingle was a gift. There were so many different personalities, but with each team being used to handle abnormalities and quirks – albeit very different ones – the atmosphere was accommodating. Inviting. Non-judgemental. No one picked on Reid for disinfecting his hands after each round. No one laughed at Hotch’s, Bruce’s or Garcia’s lacking skills.
But that didn’t mean the night wasn’t competitive. It was. So competitive.
When the game finally ended, all points summed up and divided by the number of players for each team, the BAU had two point three points extra per capita. Tony was devastated and demanded a rematch. Only a few joined, leaving you, JJ, Garcia, Natasha and Bruce out.
The game barely even started, the conversation flowing effortlessly when JJ suddenly nudged your arm, lopsided smile on her face.
“Hey, I could use going to the restroom and getting a refill. You coming with me?”
Not seeing a single reason why not, you shrugged. She was the birthday girl, among other things, after all, more the reason to get a moment with her before tomorrow’s brunch. Steve was out of beer anyway, you could use a soft drink for a change and a break from the lovely but loud crowd sounded pretty great too, to be honest.
The moment you entered the privacy of the small bathroom and JJ turned to you with her face being all business, you cursed yourself. You had agreed, like a fool, even though you could tell she must have had some ulterior motives, whatever they might be.
“So, Johnie… what gives?” she questioned, propping her hip on the bathroom sink, arms crossing on her chest as she studied you.
A brief friendly smile passed her lips, her eyes kind but curious.
“I don’t mean to pry, but… something’s bothering you. And that something has to do with your new, very hot and very nice boyfriend,” she noted appreciatively, showing a subtle thumbs-up before growing more serious again, while your panic grew by the second. “So I’m just saying… If you want to talk with someone who for sure won’t rat you out, because they have no obligation to him whatsoever, I’m here.”
You gulped, forcing a smile to your face.
“Nothing’s bothering me,” you pipped up, heading to the stall, earning a sigh.
Much like you, JJ knew that was a blatant and lame lie. She was, naturally, on point – not that you planned on telling her that, on opening about your… problem.
It did have everything to do with Steve – and with you. Perhaps mostly you. Fifty-fifty, one might argue.
Now Steve was a dream come true. He was loyal, attentive, funny, sweet and protective to a fault. Yes, the hours were already a nightmare and he could be a pain in everyone’s ass, but he was the best guy you had ever met to date. He was your best friend, after all, best friend turned boyfriend.
And therein lied the problem – the boyfriend part.
You two slipped had into casual touches easily, more than ecstatic to jump into physical side of your romantic relationship, having already exchanging touch as a love language before you realized what kind of love it was. To make things even better, Steve must have had a master’s degree in kissing, if not a PhD., and enormous part of that was that he paid attention. He liked to explore what you enjoyed, he let you take charge when you as much as hinted at wanting it, he could kiss sweet, he could kiss playful, he could kiss filthy in a way that made you feel like you might burst into flames unless he paid attention to certain parts of your body more.
And on two particular instances, he had done exactly that. You would make out like a pair of horny teenagers, your hips instinctively moving forward to rub against him, his hands sprawled over your body, teasing the soft skin under your breasts, just on the edge of your bra, guiding your movements even – he’d kiss you breathless when the friction became too much and your orgasm ripped though you, swallowing the needy sound that would have escaped your lips. He’d whisper how beautiful you were straight your ear, wet lips trailing along your jaw and you’d feel like you tasted heaven.
Other times, you’d only reach the phase of a heavy make-out session and wouldn’t even get to you seeing stars, which was maddening, but at the same time, quite alright.
You could do slow… even if you felt like you might spontaneously combust unless things went a little faster. That wasn’t the main problem; the thing that happened after was.
You would have missed it if it happened once or twice, but it happened always. Be it you were coming down from your high, be it you were left hanging, something in the air would shift. Steve would do something ridiculously affectionate as grasping your hand and kissing each finger, cradle your head and running his fingers through your hair; an offer to get dinner at last or start another movie or go to sleep since it was late would come before you could compose yourself. And you didn’t dare to protest – why would you? Steve was simply being thoughtful, patient, generous. Until it started to feel like he wasn’t that – it felt like he was actively avoiding going further. Avoiding you getting him off, avoiding you two crossing a certain line.  
You didn’t push, at first because you wanted him to be comfortable with you. Then, while still wanting so, you’d hesitate for the fear of being rejected. You didn’t believe Steve to be shy – sometimes with the PDA in front of certain people, maybe, but the very second kiss you two shared spoke of something different, so you were sure that wasn’t it. But then what was? Every filthy kiss you received would have convinced you he wanted you, all of you. However, with the pattern of backing away… was it unreasonable to doubt? Was it unreasonable to give into insecurity about your looks? About your skills?
And what if it wasn’t that but something even more? Not about you, but about you two? You heard of people who, having been close friends for years, tried dating and it didn’t work out – because they found out they had been friends for so long that romance was no longer in cards for them. What if this was the case? What if you and Steve… couldn’t work out that way? What if he just didn’t know how to tell you without hurting you that he found the idea of sleeping with you unappealing? Hell, slightly repulsive even? He would most definitely struggle with turning you down gently, the mere notion of breaking your heart equalling an unthinkable act, the deadliest of sins. And the worst of your nightmares.
It was all jokes and teasing, but four weeks into dating – albeit with one of them with you being sick –and you hadn’t had sex. You hadn’t blown him or gave him a hand-job; he hadn’t moved his hands under the belt of your pants, at least not to very specific area. All you did was good old-fashioned dry-humping and that was a rare occasion too.
You didn’t know what was wrong. But pushing him, poking around the issue? Yeah, that was not gonna happen. Steve wasn’t the only one who didn’t want you to get your feelings hurt, thank you very much. You had some self-preservation left. You couldn’t--- after longing for him for a better part of two years, after getting the chance to know what it actually was like to be with Steve… the relationship not working out might crush you.
Having spiralled back into the pit of despair, you met JJ’s intent gaze in the mirror by the sink – and you felt yourself break, face crumbling, the well-crafted reassuring smile slipping.
“…god, I hate profilers,” you exclaimed, earning a smirk from the blonde.
“No, you don’t. Come on, what’s wrong? You two seem great together. I don’t think I have ever seen you so happy.”
“We are!” you agreed instantly and you weren’t lying. Steve was the perfect boyfriend. 12 out of 10 would recommend. That was a part of the problem, you guessed. “I am the happiest I could be, he’s… he’s amazing.”
JJ’s eyebrows arched. “Wow. You might as well have the but written on your forehead.”
You gasped, offended, but knowing exactly when and how she came to the conclusion she had.
“Rude! I stopped controlling my microexpression back there for like, a second.”
She shrugged, an easy smile on her lips as she wiped her hands. “Maybe. But that’s not the point, is it?”
“Hey, I don’t want to push you, but… I’m here, okay?” she assured you with a kind smile and truth to her word, she made her way out of the bathroom.
You blurted the words out before you could think twice.
“Do you think…” She stopped in her tracks, turning around slowly with one eyebrow raised, making you gulp as you searched for the right words. “Uhm, this sounds so stupid when I say it out loud, but do you think Steve and I’ve got… chemistry?”
A beat of silence followed.
“…chemistry,” JJ echoed, dumbfounded.
“Yeah, okay, I see how that explained nothing,” you chuckled self-consciously, trying to gather your thoughts – vainly. Once you opened your mouth, the waterfall of words was unstoppable. “It’s— look. We tease each other all the time, that’s how we work. Shut up or I’ll make you. Yes please. That sort of thing. Hell, he joked about leaving a mark and stubble-burn the very day he-“
Your voice cut off as JJ arched her other eyebrow as well, clearly intrigued. You cleared your throat, ignoring the burn in your face.
“It’s just… it’s been four weeks. And I’m okay with slow, I really am, but we’ve been so close for almost two years and--- now that we’re finally together, all we got to is some… A+ kissing, some more serious making out. But he always stops. Or I actually stop, because I—I remember every time he stopped, probably because he doesn’t want to go further yet and so I chicken out every time but I feel like we’re stuck and I have no idea how to get unstuck without either of us getting our heart broken.”
You finished, out of breath, throat dry, frustration vibrating through your nerves. All you said was true – the pace at which the words spilled out didn’t leave space for any filter anyway. And the silence that followed was longer this time; JJ’s expression sobered
“I see.”
A half-amused half-desperate chuckle escaped your lips, hands thrown in the air.
“No, you don’t. JJ, I’d climb him like a tree and let him fold me like a laundry and I don’t even know what that means and how I know these expressions! And before, I thought he wanted that too, hell, he kisses me like we’re having sex already, sorry for the TMI. But it’s not happening, he always tenses up so much, plays it off. I don’t want to push him and I don’t want to mess it up. I feel like a hormonal teenager, except I’d never break up with him over this, but I… what if we’ve been friends for too long? What if it's just not gonna work as anything more? What if he doesn’t want me that way? I mean, he definitely still wants it, but just not with me? What if he doesn’t see me that way?” you finished in a whisper.
A few tears stung in your eyes and you had to take deep breaths to blink them away, nose tingling.
“Oh honey…”
To her credit, JJ didn’t call you an idiot, which was something you’d do if you had listened to your non-sense whining. Instead, she smiled compassionately, arms subtly opened for a hug which you couldn’t but fall into, squeezing tight even as you suddenly felt ridiculous.
JJ released you, watching you silently for a moment before speaking up; speaking up from heart, clearly, her expression surprisingly vulnerable.
“Look… I’m not saying that I know exactly how you feel, because obviously, I don’t. But… me and Will, it’s not always easy. It’s actually harder more often than not. Between our schedules, physically and emotionally draining jobs, Henry… hell, sometimes it feels like literal laundry folding is the most frequent activity at our house,” she said, grimacing.
“It’s worth it, always,” she interrupted you quickly, genuine smile spreading on her lips. “But we’re talking about you here. And… I admit, as I was home with Henry, I got more into those, uhm, magazines for mums and forums and stuff and I remember reading up on something that might actually help you resolve your specific situation. But you have to promise me not to say no right away because it’s a little… controversial.”
Breath hitching, your hopes rose – but JJ seemed adamant about you saying yes before she revealed her miraculous solution. Her face told you that you were in for a real treat and you should brace yourself. Which wasn’t ominous in the slightest.
You swore to god, if she suggested you brought in a third person into your relationship…
“…okay? I promise.”
JJ’s smile widened, her eyes glowing with sincerity and humour.
“Talk to him,” she suggested softly.
You deadpanned in an instant. She had to be kidding.
“Yes. I’m sorry, but it sounds to me like that’s exactly what you two need to do,” she laughed gently, tilting her head to side.
“JJ, I’m not just gonna talk to him! That’s-- I don’t think that’s gonna set the mood. I think that’s gonna kill the last remnants of passion we have. Not to mention that he’s a literal superhuman and yes, he loves me, but it’s… the chances I’ll do something wrong even if we finally get to it, is about 98% and now I’d want to talk about it first? 100% turn-off.”
JJ smirked, crossing her arms on her chest.
“Spence worked out that statistics for you?” she challenged, only earning another glare. “Sorry. Well then, how did you work it out with your ex?”
“I never had an ex who was my friend for so long before we got together,” you pointed out.
“Okay, that’s fair. But… sometimes you do have talk it out first, get things out of the way. I’m not saying you should talk about it and jump his bones right after. But take a night, maybe open a bottle of wine…“
“He can’t get drunk unless on Asgardian liquor,” you interjected again, causing JJ’s lips to part in surprise and frown.
“…oh. Oh wow, that sucks for him—anyway. Try to get that thing for him and a wine for you, hell, since it’s you who needs a bit of a liquid courage, just get the wine to help you then. But honestly… first time is never perfect, you know that. Exploring what the other person likes is part of the journey – and part of the fun, no? Why are you overthinking it so much, Johnie?”
Mirroring JJ’s pose, to protect yourself more than anything, you gulped and averted her gaze with a sigh.
“It’s not about it being the first time. Not only anyway. And I’m not overthin-“
JJ’s face turned intensely unimpressed at your denial. Then again, so did yours – because yes, you might be overthinking it, just a little bit. But also her question was entirely ridiculous, with the clearest answer in the world and she knew that as well as you did.
“You’re a profiler, JJ. You noticed my slip of a damn microexpression. I don’t have to tell you why, I know you already know.”
“Do I? Do you? Why are you overthinking, Johnie?” JJ pressed, expression softening when you dared to meet her gaze, your own slightly misted over – tears of shame, childish tears of irrational fear.
“…because I love him and he’s the best damn guy, so I really really don’t want to fuck it up.”
“Good,” she said gently, the kindness in the blue of her eyes reminding you of Steve’s own. “And what do you think are the chances that he feels just the same, overthinking it just as much? Because I saw the way this guy is looking at you and I’d bet my life that he thinks you’re the best damn woman and he really really doesn’t want to fuck it up either. Because you have a great thing going and he knows it too… so talk to him. Really. It goes a long way.”
Taking a deep breath, you wiped away the one stray tear that found its way out, trying to smile.
“Thanks, JJ. I’m sorry to burden you with my shit on your birthday, really.”
“Hey, I asked,” she opposed, shaking her head. “And you’re still my friend, birthday or not.”
“Thank you,” you said again, running a hand through your hair as you inhaled deeply again, ready to go back to the fun. So ready. “Do you really struggle to make things work with Will sometimes? You guys seem just so… natural in everything.”
JJ’s snort was brilliantly undignified – something she could afford thanks to her overall perfectness. “Oh yeah, no. If that’s the picture we’re managing to present somehow, good for us. But there’s a plenty of work behind that.”
Your lips lifted in an honest smile. “Well, it’s no wonder you’re managing it. You’re both kinda superhumans.”
She shrugged and flicked her hair over her shoulder theatrically, making you laugh as you exited the bathroom.
You were just about to head back to the tables, hands full with drink for you and Steve, when Natasha appeared by your side silently, her slender fingers curling around the glass in your hands.
You barely had the time to let confusion take you before pure bewilderment took its place; Steve’s warm hand brushed your hip, leading you away – and astray – , his unexpected but no less pleasant touch sending a shiver up your spine.
You looked up at him, searching his face for answers. A small smile tugged at his lips, but he provided no explanation.
“…am I being kidnapped?”
The corners of his lips twitched. “Now there’s a thought,” he hummed, finally reaching his destination, apparently.
A quiet corner. Huh?
“Thanks for the refill. You okay?”
Your heart skipped a startled beat.
He noticed?! Of course he noticed. And now he led you away from everyone’s sight, his bulky frame serving as a shield from the world. Because Steve had noticed something might be out there in that world that you needed to be protected from. The flutter in your heart was nothing but affectionate this time.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you played it off nevertheless, not keen on explaining your thoughts on physicality of your relationship in a middle of a bar.
The pad of his thumb was achingly tender as it trailed over your cheekbone, brushing under your eye – the traitorous eye that had released a single tear earlier – his gaze inquiring and soft at once.
“Not to call you out, but… do I have a beef with someone for making my girl sad?”
The way he loomed over you, standing between you and the world, even as he knew you were far from a helpless damsel. Combat-ready but patient, respectful of your choice. An epitome of gentle strength. It stole your breath and filled your chest to the brim with affection – and your hindbrain with images of him using his strength to leave you breathless all the same.
Along came a serene realization. Everything was going to work out – you would work it out together. It was Steve, after all; your guy. Your insanely attentive, protective, safe guy, your ridiculously attractive best friend.
With a single goal in your mind, you grabbed his wrist and tugged, his body yielding to your power – laughable in comparison to his own – and following you few steps further behind the corner.
“Come here.”
Your free hand yanked him close by his shirt, leaving him with no option but to catch himself against the wall by his palms in order not to squish you. His body aligned with yours, a sweet and urgent encounter of lips as your hand smoothed as far down his chest as it could in the limited space, fingers indulging in the heat radiating through the silky fabric. Unhurried but demanding, you hoped to pour your feelings into the kiss, a message Steve seemed to receive. Steve’s content sigh and hands finding purchase of your hips was the only response you wished for, along with sweetly reserved enthusiasm. One hand moving to cradle your cheek, a gentle press of his body against yours, it was a push and pull where there was no losing, only winning.
Steve’s smile tasted of awe as your lips finally parted, eyes wide as he observed you.
“What was that for?” he questioned, the bewilderment in his voice having you lower your gaze for a moment, inspecting and smoothing down the collar of his shirt before you gathered your scattered thoughts and looked up, met with a curious but undeniably soft smile..
“For being you. I love you.”
“I love you too.. but you didn’t answer my question. Do I-“
You pressed your lips together as you smiled and shook your head, the tip of your index finger covering his mouth. “No need to beat anyone up, GG. Just beat some fine FBI asses that still aren’t as fine as yours.”
He kissed the pad of your finger, long fingers grasping your wrist and moving it away.
“Har har. I only know of one fine FBI ass and that’s a former one.” He grinned when your eyebrows jumped in feigned surprise. If there was one thing Steve showed his appreciating clearly for, it was that particular part of your body. “Hey… you sure you’re okay? If you want to go-“
“No. Let’s go back before they accuse you of doping.”
“Hey, I am allowed. Apparently, the world and Avengers’ honour is depending on me,” he parroted Tony’s words, causing you to snort.
“Well, you better hurry up then.”
“I will,” he hummed, not moving an inch away from you, quite the contrary, bowing his head closer to yours. “Just one more dose of doping from my best girl?”
Yeah. Everything was going to work out just fine.
“Such a cheater…” you muttered, more than willingly leaning forward and letting him capture your lips again, all silly smiles and indulgence.
“ROGERS!” unmistakable rich-boy’s cry had you jumping barely two seconds later, Steve’s annoyed sigh tickling your lips as he retreated. “We know you can hear us, haul your ass in here! It’s your turn!”
Steve’s chest brushed yours as he inhaled and exhaled slowly, tucking a loose strand of your hair behind you ear. “We’ve been summoned.”
“Seems like.”
One last peck – eliciting a ridiculously girlish giggle from your throat – and Steve’s hand took yours, leading you back into the spotlight back to the tables. All Avengers’ and FBI’s eyes were on you, causing your face to feel hot as some of them had an unmistakable smirk on their face telling you that behind or corner or not, you had been thoroughly seen through.
Derek made a show of turning to JJ, scandalized and accusing. “What the hell were you two up to in the little ladies room?”
JJ shrugged as she sipped on her beer. “I don’t kiss and tell, sorry.”
“You know, Derek, it’s like I keep telling you,” Emily teased him knowingly, clinking JJ’s bottle. “There are certain questions that if you need to ask them…”
“…you couldn’t handle the answer,” Garcia finished.
This time, it was the poor technical analyst on the end of Derek’s fake hurt glare.
“Oh, you too, babygirl? Fine then. I sense another match, this time ladies versus gentlemen.”
Natasha snorted as she made space for you in the booth, first you, then Steve squishing in.
“Not sure these two would handle being against each other.”
“Please,” you scoffed, eyeing Nat with offence written all over you face even as she was barely the only one who seemed to doubt you and Steve’s ability to be competitive. Had they met you two? “Bring it. We’ll crush them.”
“Ooooh, I see how it is. First you play with his mind and then you play against him. Dangerous lady,” Derek noted, earning a nudge from Garcia.
“I’ll show you a dangerous lady.”
“Alright, alright, that settles it,” JJ laughed, checking with everyone, including the more level-headed members of your peculiar group that they were, literally, game. “Guys vs. girls.”
Frankly, while everyone was in, Tony was a little pissed, because he had a high score already in the current game – but then as if someone flipped a switch, he was practically bursting with excitement about new challenge. And went to reach for a ball, first to play, just after he had managed to set up the new match on the machines.
“Hey Tony?” Steve called out after him, his voice an equivalent of a smug smirk. “No pressure! It’s not like the world is depending on you or anything!”
Your lips curled up, pride humming in your chest as the lot of your friends laughed. Without shame, you raised your hand for everyone to see and for Steve to high-five. He did. Tony pouted, chin up as he spun on his heel dramatically. You squeezed Steve’s hand in appreciation.
Catching JJ smiling into her glass, you silently mouthed a thank you.
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Steve was having a great time. Not necessarily one for a night out, being just fine with a quiet night in, especially with you, he couldn’t deny tonight was fun – not only for him, but for you too, which made for more than a half of his contentment.  
The night out did you good – Steve couldn’t remember seeing you this happy for a long time, if ever. Hanging out with your old team with no imminent threats brought the widest smile on your face and while you weren’t exactly shy normally, if he was to draw conclusion based on this night only, he might even call you outgoing and extremely social. Confident. Sexy. Steve wasn’t a fan of the last word, but he couldn’t deny that – once again, while always beautiful and attractive – you were turning more heads than usual and his train of thought wasn’t exactly virtuous either.
All that would have left him jealous and worried you might flee back to your former team for good – but then you’d look at him, eyes brimming with affection and sometimes even a challenge and want, you’d snuggle to his side for at least a moment after each round of bowl, making his chest puff with pride and all Steve felt was satisfying warmth. He was utterly in love and you were glowing. It was tempting to just reach for your hand and drag you out of the bowling alley and snatch all that glow for himself, bask in it and make you his.
It was why he immediately noticed when you were coming back from the bathroom with the light you had been radiating slightly dimmed. Your eyes weren’t puffy, but while you were still smiling, they were a tinge glassy and missing the spark. He confronted you; and while he got more than he bargained for, but no answer. Within minutes, his irresistible Sparkles was back, strengthened by a sip from Nat’s shot of vodka before the coke, calling out for his heart and brain, stealing all his rational thoughts.
No wonder they lost to the team of women; even though that was hardly only Steve’s fault.
The glow on you turned into one of a supernova as your hands shot up above your head with an excited yes! when Emily finished the perfect ride. On average, every woman ended up with almost seven points on a man. Tony was crushed. Garcia, Emily, JJ, Natasha and you were rightfully gloating and smirking.
“Oh, ooooh, do you hear that? This sounds like a winners’ song for the ladiiiiiies!” Garcia cried out the moment an unfamiliar tune started playing on the radio, tugging at your and Emily’s hand, already pulling you towards the tiny dancefloor separated from the alley by the bar.
You just opened your mouth to protest when JJ shook her index finger on you, grabbing your other hand and bravely doing the same to the world’s most dangerous redhead. Rolling your eyes, but humouring the other women drunk on victory and alcohol, you tagged along, much to Steve’s amusement.
The amusement quickly died in his throat when you made it to the dancefloor.
You let the music guide you, the upbeat pop song by a singer Steve was sure he heard before quickly consuming you. Moving your hips, curling, twirling, jumping, flipping your hair side to side, hip thrusts in synch with JJ, then Garcia, you were laughing as if you were seeing the five of you as the biggest goofs in the bar – except to Steve you were anything but.
The Siren call of your body and the alluring glow of you turned unbearable. Steve had never seen anything that would send his hindbrain into an overdrive faster in his life – or made his jeans so tight. You winked and laughed bashfully in his direction before tuning into the others’ excitement again and his stomach flipped. He had to down his beer in one go, trying to sooth his thirst – vainly, because a glass was not where he wanted to drink from. It was no help that the lyrics spoke of a her being made of candy, the back of her throat and holes and getting some, filling Steve’s imagination with everything but propriate images of you and him. He didn’t know what the song was about, but he didn’t care.
He was sure the tune and this improvised dance was created solely to torture him. He was glad the table hid his hard situation – and that he was sitting. He was deaf to the sore booing of his coplayers, the roar of blood in his ears (telling him that despite how he felt, there was still some blood left circulating in his skull too) was all he could hear. He felt the edge of the wooden desk splinter under his grip and instantly dropped his hands to his lap. This was bad.
And the seconds and minutes dragged on and on, heat licking on his veins every time you exposed your throat as if inviting him to suck on your throbbing pulse point, every time you dragged your palms down your hips and thighs as if you were challenging to replace your hands by his own.
By the time the song and consequently your little dance finally ended and you made your way back to him, he was sure he was going to explode – or slam you against the wall and take you right where he was, uncaring for the witnesses.
Your eyes were shining as you approached, almost as bright as your grin as you plopped next to him, leaning into his shoulder affectionately, grabbing his hand with both of yours. The feel of your hot skin against his, no matter how innocent, felt like a hot wire straight to his groin, your perfume with the faintest tint of sweat filling his nostrils, images of another situation where he could get lost in that scent having his head spin.
He was snapped from his heavenly hell by a squeak of the bench as Garcia squished next to a laughing Derek, wiggling her eyebrows at him.
“A kiss for the winner, handsome?”
Derek grabbed at his chest, pretending to be wounded by Garcia’s bold request, but leaned into her space and pecked her cheek.
“Goddamn, you woman! I’ll get back at you, just so you know!”
“Oh baby, I can’t wait,” Garcia assured him, pointing at Emily, who found her way to Derek’s other side, tapping her cheek with her finger. He rolled his eyes, but kissed her cheek as well.
You giggled into Steve’s shoulder, lightly poking his at chest, drawing his gaze back to you. You looked up at him innocently, a tell-tale tiny smirk tugging at the corner of your lips.
“Will this winner get a kiss too?”
What an absurd question; of course you would.
Hell, Steve would smother you with kisses. He’d kiss you till you were dizzy with lack of air, drinking from your lips, then your other lips until you’d be breathless for a wholly different reason, chanting his name and trying to wiggle out of the firm grip he’d have on those sinful hips having swayed so indecently just a minute ago.
Steve was certain you must have known exactly what was happening inside him and you wanted to crush the last remnants of self-control he had. There was no other explanation for you asking this question.
“I’m sure Derek would be willing to kiss your cheek too, Sparkles,” he choked out, trying to replace the picture of you writhing under him by your friend pecking your cheek – vainly. Not even a spark jealousy for once.
You frowned at him, lips slightly pursing. “I don’t care for Derek, I’d like a kiss from my man much better.”
Absolutely certain then. You knew even if you didn’t. My man. Steve was so desperately yours and wanted to show it to everyone and claim you it wasn’t funny anymore. It honestly reached the point where it was becoming painful. Literally.
“Yeah, yeah, sure…” he mumbled, bowing his head to give you the briefest of pecks on your lips, knowing that if he lingered just a second longer, he truly just might lose control and not even the idea of getting locked up for public indecency would stop him.
“Sore loser,” you commented with a cackle, completely misinterpreting his lack of affection; and Steve didn’t correct you.
His chuckle sounded foreign to his own ears. “What can I say, at the end of the day, I’m just a man.”
He was. And all his thoughts were shamefully consumed by those about his woman.
You patted his chest before giving him a space to breathe, reaching for your drink.
“And that’s why you guys lost. Cheers, ladies,” you said, clinking your glass of coke with Garcia, JJ, Emily and Natasha, drinking to your victory once more.
Steve didn’t comment on it, for once grateful for the distraction of Tony throwing another drama queen fit over the insult of the male population; because Steve not only lost to you. Tonight, more than ever, which alone was a feat, he was growing desperate to lose yourself in you.
And he wasn’t sure if he could do that without it ending up in a mess.
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Part 2 // Steve Rogers masterlist // Love on The Brain masterlist
Part 2 is labelled mature - check your settings!
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...pun intended. 
This is my extremely late submission for @chase-your-dreams-away​ 800 followers challenge. I’m sorry I’m late and I’m sorry I turned this prompt into a travesty 😅💕
Thank you all for reading and any feedback 💕
P.S. - look, Candy was literally stuck in my head independently on the writing and I HAD TO put it in... (pun intended, yet again)
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 23 days
A warning. I've been watching Dustin Poynter's "Green Flag" videos, so you may find yourself with some wholesom-flavored asks because of it.
For one, how would the Dorfs (I'm hesitant to add Demise as I'm not sure how he'd react in this situation) react if their 5 y/o daughter was pouty because her friend couldn't come over to play tea party with her because she got sick & she wants her friend to feel better, but she's still sad because she was looking forward to it.
Would he allow himself to be the surprise guest at her teaparty? If so, how would he introduce himself to his audience of stuffed-animals & his precious daughter? (I like to think that at this point, they'd have realized that you can make a large number of things look more "presentable" simply by behaving with enough confidence so that no one questions you.)
Regardless, the tiny hostess asks what kind of tea he'd prefer with all the professionalism of a queen governess attending to royal guests.
How does he answer? Does he indulge his daughter in her play?
Does he play? And if so, how?
Thats so fuggin CUTE! I love those green flag videos! I watch them all the time on Tiktok! I am not really a doer on the app, just a watcher and commenter. The Green Flag/Red Flag videos are fantastic.
Demise will behave for this ask because its so fuckin cute and SO will beat his ass if anything happens to their kid. So says me.
The scenario where a 5-year-old daughter of Ganondorf or Demise is upset because her friend couldn't come over to play tea party presents a unique opportunity to explore a softer, more paternal side of these otherwise fearsome and powerful figures. Each version of Ganondorf, as well as Demise, would likely have different approaches to comforting their daughter, but the common thread would be their deep, if sometimes reluctant, affection for her.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf:
Reaction: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf is stern and calculating, but when it comes to his daughter, he might soften a little. Seeing her upset, he would be pragmatic in his approach, understanding that her happiness is important to him. He might not be naturally inclined to indulge in something as frivolous as a tea party, but for his daughter, he would make an exception.
Ganondorf enters the room where his daughter sits, her little face scrunched up in a pout. "What is troubling you, my little princess?" he asks, his voice deep and resonant. When she explains her sadness, he pauses, considering his options. Finally, with a small, rare smile, he says, "Perhaps I can be your guest today."
As he takes a seat among the stuffed animals, his presence seems to dwarf the delicate tea set. "Good afternoon," he says with mock formality, addressing the plush toys and his daughter. "I am Lord Ganondorf, and I shall have the finest tea you can offer." He allows his daughter to pour an imaginary cup of tea, holding the tiny cup with surprising delicacy. He plays along, asking the stuffed animals if they’re enjoying their tea, all while maintaining his regal composure.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf:
Reaction: Twilight Princess Ganondorf is more brooding and introspective, but he has a deep, if guarded, affection for his daughter. Seeing her upset would stir something protective in him. He might not immediately understand the importance of a tea party, but he would recognize the need to comfort her.
Ganondorf finds his daughter in her room, sitting alone with her tea set. "Why do you frown, my little shadow?" he asks, his voice gentler than usual. Upon hearing about her friend's illness, he nods solemnly. "Your friend will recover, but until then... perhaps I can join you?" He sits down, his large frame slightly awkward among the tiny chairs.
"I am King Ganondorf," he introduces himself to the stuffed animals, his voice as deep as the twilight. "And I shall have... the strongest tea you have." As his daughter pours the imaginary tea, he takes it with utmost seriousness, sipping it with an air of dignity. He even compliments her on the excellent choice of tea, playing along with her every request.
Wind Waker Ganondorf:
Reaction: Wind Waker Ganondorf, with his more reflective and almost tragic nature, would be surprisingly tender with his daughter. He understands loss and disappointment on a grand scale and would not want her to feel the same. He would willingly indulge her, seeing it as a chance to make her happy.
Ganondorf finds his daughter sulking and immediately kneels beside her. "My dear, why the sadness?" he asks, his voice filled with concern. Upon learning about her friend's absence, he smiles softly. "It seems I must take their place then, if you’ll have me." He sits down carefully, his presence calming.
"I am Ganondorf, a humble guest at your table," he says to the stuffed animals, his voice warm. "I would like the most refreshing tea you have." As she serves him, he engages in small talk, asking the stuffed animals about their day, making his daughter giggle. He plays along with sincerity, wanting nothing more than to see her smile.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf:
Reaction: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, the fierce warrior and conqueror, might initially see a tea party as beneath him, but his daughter’s sadness would quickly change his mind. He would approach it as a challenge, determined to make her happy by being the best tea party guest she’s ever had.
"Why do you sit here in sorrow, my daughter?" he asks, his voice commanding but not unkind. When she explains, he nods, understanding the situation. "Very well. I shall be your guest." He takes a seat with a flourish, as if preparing for a grand battle.
"I am Ganondorf, King of all I survey," he declares to the stuffed animals, his voice booming. "And I demand the strongest tea you can brew!" He plays his part with gusto, complimenting the tea and even offering mock challenges to the stuffed animals, making his daughter laugh with his over-the-top performance.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf:
Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf is cunning and strategic, but he is also patient. He would see the value in spending time with his daughter, recognizing that her happiness contributes to his own strength. He would indulge her without hesitation, using the opportunity to teach her about composure and grace.
Ganondorf enters the room, noticing his daughter’s pout. "What troubles you, my star?" he asks, his voice smooth and calm. After hearing her reason, he smiles and says, "Then allow me to be your guest today." He sits down, his movements deliberate and elegant.
"I am Ganondorf, ruler of this land," he says to the assembled toys, his tone regal. "I would like a cup of your finest tea." As she pours, he compliments her on her hosting skills, teaching her the importance of poise and confidence even in play. He engages fully, treating the tea party with the same respect he would a royal banquet.
Reaction: Demise, the embodiment of raw power and malice, would initially be perplexed by the idea of a tea party. However, his daughter’s sadness would stir something deep within him, something akin to protectiveness. He would agree to the tea party, though his approach would be more imposing and grandiose.
"Why do you frown, my little one?" Demise rumbles, his voice like distant thunder. When she tells him about her friend, he pauses, then nods. "Very well. I shall be your guest." He sits down, his large form almost comically out of place.
"I am Demise, the eternal king," he announces to the toys, his voice commanding. "Bring me the most powerful tea you have." He plays along with surprising dedication, his deep voice narrating the tea party as if it were a grand event. Despite his intimidating presence, he is gentle with his daughter, making sure she knows that he cares deeply for her happiness.
Each version of Ganondorf and Demise would ultimately indulge their daughter, though their approaches would vary. Whether through stern seriousness, playful enthusiasm, or grandiose performances, they would each ensure that their daughter’s tea party is a success, showing a softer side that is rarely seen. Their love for their daughter would transcend their usual demeanor, making the moment both touching and memorable.
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when you're ready, pls elaborate on raising a dog with Darry
A/N: First of all, I am so flattered to receive this ask because that means you little peoples out there are actually reading my stuff which really warms my heart! So thank you peoples! I love you all very much, I hope you enjoy this!
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For the ideal raising a dog experience with our favorite Darrel Shaynne Curtis, I suggest getting a bigger dog!
Doesn’t have to be one of those big ones that would eat you out of house and home, but I don’t think Darry would be all too pleased if you rolled up with a rat dog and asked him to let it live at his house
I’m talking about those dogs in like the 40-60 pound range?
They’re big enough to play with and big enough to hold their own, but they’re too big to be real lap dogs, no matter how hard they try
Like Darry with a Yorkie looks way off, just like Darry with a Great Dane does
And also? I feel like he’d really vibe with a mutt! The more breeds thrown in, the better!
All of the Curtis boys would really do well with a sort of hound dog in my head, but y’know, that’s not super important to this so we’re gonna move on to keep this headcanon set flowing!
Once you’ve got your dog, the naming is gonna be a whole fiasco
I’m torn between saying Darry will let you name it, just cause he’s a gentleman, but like at the same time, I can see him as the one who’s dead set on finding the perfect name for the puppy yapping at his feet
Sodapop and Ponyboy like to suggest random names, similar to their own, just to make the two of you roll your eyes, but I highly suggest picking one of them because what’s the fun in having a basic name for your dog?
Darry’s the kind of dog dad who would try and set all these rules up when you first get the dog, and then ultimately give up on enforcing them
Dog’s not allowed on the couch under any circumstances, Darry doesn’t want to clean up the dog hair off the cushions
You come home one day to find both of them on the couch watching a football game, Dog’s head resting on Darry’s thigh
Dog is not allowed in the bed either, he’s got his bed, Darry doesn’t want dog hair in the sheets, yada yada
When it’s cold, sometimes you can find Dog curled up on the food of the bed or tucked between the two of you guys <3
Darry feeds the dog in the morning, he’s the first one up (most likely) before he goes to work, so he’ll feed the dog
Random, but just imagine him taking the dog on walks and getting to go with him-
Like, the sun’s setting and dinner’s over, you’ve both got nothing to do but spend the night just hanging out together
He’s holding the leash with one hand, and holding your hand with the other and things are just calm and good and happy
Darry won’t admit it, but he’ll talk to the dog like it’s a baby
I’m talking full on cooing, admonishing, teasing, he treats that dog like he’s really your baby
Indulge yourself and think about Darry in the kitchen, holding a scrap of something while Dog sits at his feet, tail beating against the floor as Darry talks to him and waves the treat around
Cutest thing you’ve ever thought about in your life, huh?
He also teaches the dog how to play fetch so he can throw the football around some more
Darry likes to wing the ball across the lot just to see Dog go running after it, skidding across the grass and gravel as he chases the ball to retrieve it for Darry
Y’know what else? Darry has and still will kick Dallas off the couch so that Dog can have a seat
Dog definitely turns out to be a spoiled little somebody but it’s alright because every dog ends up a little spoiled, no matter what
Yeah! I think this is all the thoughts I have, but thank you so much for asking about this!
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greentrickster · 1 year
Canceling Internal Cringe Culture to Start Writing
Okay, I just got asked on AO3 about how to start writing in the face of cringe culture, especially the internalized sort, and I have a feeling this might be applicable to more than one person. So I’m gonna share what I told them with all of you as well! Here it goes:
Hmmm, this one's actually a little hard? Just because I've been writing for over twenty years now, and when I started, cringe culture just... high-key didn't exist. Neither did AO3. Tumblr was Right Out.
All that said... hmm... well first? Instead of using any sort of app or program, get a notebook - whatever floats your boat (I like to use ones with nice pictures on the front, but my sister uses those little pocket-sized ones) - and write in that instead. Even if you're not used to writing like that, give it a try anyway, because writing in a book makes it private, makes it personal, makes it just for you. And if it's just for you, then who cares if it's cringe? It's for you, no one else, and it's makes you happy, which is much more important! I like to use pens with green ink in my writing books. It sparks joy and adds an extra layer of good to the process. It may be slower, but it’s also an activity and movement that’s completely disconnected from all the nonsense on the internet, which can hopefully make it easier to ignore all that.
(If the page looks too big and blank and intimidating, I suggest adding stickers or a silly sketch or something. You can write around them, it’s fine.)
Just as important? Love what you're writing. This isn't 'content' or a product, this is a story or a poem or a memory. This is something you're writing down because you want to remember it. So love it. Indulge yourself, then indulge yourself more. Put everything you want to see into this, because you're also sitting in the audience, a very eager audience member and- hey, what do you know? The audience-member-who-is-you also just happens to be an up-and-coming new producer, everything they touch has been a hit so far, and they're taking an interest in your work. They think there could be something special there, that you, yes you, could be the next big thing. So be super sure to cater directly to this audience-member-who-is-also-you, it could lead places in the future.
Another thing that I find surprisingly helpful? The concept that there are no original ideas left in the world. A lot of creatives find this one super demoralizing or depressing, but I find it encouraging. Because it means, if I've had an idea, then someone else has had it, too. And that someone else probably wants to see it, even if they've made their own version of the idea. Heck, there could be a lot of someones! And they're cheering for you, so go for it!
And finally, the hardest part... you have to make a choice. Which do you care about more: listening to the part that cringes or writing? You can't care about both equally. You just can't. Writing is a lot of fun, but, like any creative form, it's also a lot of work. I didn't sit down and start writing at my current skill level, this is the result of two decades of practice, polishing, and honing my abilities. Looking back, the amount of work I put into all this is kind of staggering. But I didn't do it because 'I have to' or 'it's necessary.' I did it because I love writing, because I knew I could get better and I wanted to. And yeah, sometimes that involved doing stuff that was scary. There will always be aspects of it that are scary. I still get scared when I introduce certain new aspects to this fic, or enter new fandoms, or try something different. Writing can be hard and scary, that's just part of it. But the idea of not writing... that's so much worse.
You're starting in a really rough time for beginner creatives. Cringe culture, purity culture, cancel culture... all disgusting trends that need to end yesterday, if not sooner. It can be hard and scary to try because of all that. So step away from all that, take a chance somewhere private and safe that's just for you, and be brave. Choose to please yourself before anyone else. Love your stories, your characters, and the part of you that loves them, and take that first step. The best time to start a new project was probably yesterday, but the second best time to start one is always now. ;)
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melacka · 9 months
Calendiles Secret Santa 2023
Hello @snails-in-my-mouth! I am your Calendiles Secret Santa and I have written a S2 fic filled with workplace banter and flirting. Wishing you and yours a very happy and safe holiday season, and I hope you enjoy your gift!
Title: take my love and wear it by Melacka
Summary: Giles and Jenny suffer through a Sunnydale High staff meeting with banter, innuendo and spilled tea.
Rating: T
Word Count: 1314 words
Read it on AO3 here or under the cut!
Rupert Giles had learned to hate the weekly staff meetings that Principal Snyder had implemented at the start of his tenure. They rarely included any truly useful information and would more often than not devolve into snide commentary and petty asides traded between teachers who barely interacted otherwise. Sometimes he tried to make the time pass quicker by entertaining himself with ideas of the various cliques and groups forming within the faculty, but that only took him so far, given the frequency of the blasted meetings. And so over time he had simply resigned himself to indulging in his hatred of the meetings, quietly seething in a corner until he was released to do his actual job.
That all changed, of course, when Jenny Calendar became more of a fixture in his life. Jenny was an enthusiastic participant in the staff meetings, and she had a habit of positioning herself directly opposite Giles, seemingly for no other reason than so that she could throw amused glances his way. In the last staff meeting before the winter break, however, she chose to sit right next to him. He looked up at her in surprise when she sat down.
“You don’t mind, do you?” she asked. “I can find another chair if—”
“I don’t mind at all,” Giles said quickly. “Please, join me.”
“Do you have any plans for the break?”
Giles stared at her in surprise. The only plans he had for the break was to spend as much of it as possible with her, and she knew it. They had discussed at length their plans for a sort of hibernation at his place, free from the distractions of the world.
“I have some plans,” he said cautiously, looking around the room. “I hoped to spend some time with a friend.”
“Time with friends is so important,” Jenny agreed solemnly. “Where would we be without our friends?”
“Indeed. And you? Do you have any plans?”
“Oh, I have a few things lined up. There are a few things I’ve just been dying to try.”
“I hope the break offers you the opportunity to try all that you wish.”
“That’s very kind of you,” she murmured. “Your co-operation with be vital, Rupert”
She took a sip of her coffee, her eyes alive with mischief when she looked at him over the rim of her cup. His lips twitched in response, and he hurriedly took a sip of tea, wincing when the person on his other side jostled his elbow as they sat down. Giles sighed as he dabbed ineffectually at the drop of tea now staining his trousers.
“Be careful,” Jenny said, offering him a napkin with a smile, “these staff meetings can get a little rough sometimes.”
He waved away the napkin and gave the stain one last despairing glance, before he turned his attention back to his companion.
“I’ll be sure to keep my guard up against any potential attacks,” he said, trying to inject a little humour into his tone.
“Oh good, I’d hate for something to happen to you.”
“I’ve barely begun to enjoy our time together, Rupert, it would be a tragedy for you to be taken from me due to fatal inattention at a staff meeting. This is Sunnydale, after all. Anything could happen.”
This surprised a laugh out of him, and she grinned.
“Should I arm myself before attending next time? I do have quite a cache of weapons in the library.”
“Don’t you worry about drawing undue attention to yourself at these things?”
“I suppose a crossbow would give the wrong impression.”
“On the contrary,” she said, grinning, “it would give the right impression.”
“That I seek to commit violence against my colleagues?”
“Merely that you are open to violence against your colleagues, given the right provocation. It prays on my mind, Rupert, really it does.”
She took another sip of coffee, and her eyes held a challenge now.
“Rest assured, I will endeavour to avoid unnecessary violence so that you may continue to enjoy all the benefits of our association. I would so hate to deprive you of something you enjoy, Jenny.”
Jenny tilted her head and regarded him carefully, a strangely tender expression on her face. Giles raised an eyebrow in question, and she shook her head slightly.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I was just caught up in thinking about all the potential benefits of our association,” she said quietly, doing a truly terrible impression of him. “But what can you expect, engaging in such sexually charged innuendo in the workplace? I truly am shocked.”
Giles, who had chanced another sip of his tea, nearly choked on it. Jenny offered him the napkin again for the fresh drops of tea on his trousers and he waved it away again, red-faced from embarrassment.
“Jenny,” he gasped, looking around to see if anyone had overheard.
“Shh, Rupert, I’m only teasing.”
“Yes, I know, that’s the point!”
“Would you like me to stop?”
“Never,” he answered honestly.
“Not such a fuddy-duddy after all, huh?”
“I have it on good authority that I’m a sexy fuddy-duddy, actually,” he returned, leaning in as close as he dared while surrounded by so many people. “I’m still not sure if that’s a good thing or—”
“Oh, it’s a very good thing, Rupert,” Jenny interrupted, her voice dropping low. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Unfortunately, Principal Snyder chose that moment to call the meeting to order and they pulled away from each other to resume a more appropriate distance. Giles took another sip of his tea and tried not to scowl. Jenny turned to face Principal Snyder with a look of bland interest on her face, but she spent the duration of the meeting running her foot up and down Giles’ leg under the table. It really was deliciously distracting.
Giles couldn’t remember a more enjoyable staff meeting.
When they were finally free to leave, by unspoken agreement they allowed most of their colleagues to wander out before they made a move.
“Did you enjoy the meeting, Mr Giles?” Jenny asked mildly as he held the door open for her. “You seemed a little distracted at one point, I do hope you didn’t miss anything important.”
“Impossible,” Giles murmured as he fell into step beside her. “In order for me to miss something important, there would need to be something of import at one of those ridiculous meetings. I regret to say, that there has been no such thing.”
“Not even the ongoing feud between Mr Irwin and Ms Talbot?” Jenny said, her tone amused. “They seem to think it’s important, at least.”
“Perhaps they just enjoy the attention,” Giles replied absently. “Why else would they seek to have the same argument in front of their colleagues every single week?”
“Maybe they’re in a long-standing secret relationship and all the fighting is just a ruse to throw us off the scent?”
Giles smiled as they approached her classroom, and he reached out to open the door for her.
“Do you suppose there is a lot of that going on?” he asked quietly. “Secret relationships disguised by public vitriol?”
Jenny shrugged and tossed her things carelessly onto her desk. Then she spun around and pushed him against the door, laughing at his grunt of surprise.
“I’ve never understood the need for vitriol, Rupert,” she said, leaning into his space and tilting her face up invitingly. “Our secret relationship has always had more than enough fuel without resorting to vitriol.”
“Not even when we were arguing over the relative merits of books and your awful machines?”
“That wasn’t vitriol, it was simply a difference of opinion between colleagues. Now are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to—”
Giles didn’t wait to hear what she was planning to do as he closed the gap between them and kissed her firmly.
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
Mandatory Episode 8 aftermath fic, because how could I pass the chance to make my favorite girl suffer?
Jokes aside, I actually wrote this right after watching the episode, I guess I needed to process it as well. It's not very long, but I like how it turned out. I might even write a tiny sequel from Blake's pov, who knows. Enjoy!
(Shout out once again to @phoenix-fell for proofreading, you're amazing!)
Yang’s heart stopped.
Silence filled the room as she felt her legs give in and collapse to the floor.
Oh, who’s she kidding, the whole place could have been chaos, with Neo- the Cat- whatever that was now directly talking to her, or even attacking her, and she wouldn’t feel a thing.
Ruby was gone. First Raven, then their mom, and now her sister. She just looked her in the eyes and threw her life away.
She couldn’t breathe. She tried to but her throat was clenching, the air just wasn’t filling her lungs. Her head felt light and heavy, her vision blurred as she gripped at her own heart. It wasn’t beating. It was beating too fast. She felt nauseous. She wanted to throw up. She couldn’t even let air pass through her mouth. 
Something shook her. Or maybe it was her own body trembling, she could see her hands spasming to grip the ground. When did she lean on the ground?
Something touched her face, moved her to sit up, but she couldn’t see. All she saw was Ruby’s apathetic and yet pained face, as she drank that cursed tea and told her goodbye forever.
Why didn’t she stop her? Why didn’t she jump and throw that damn cup away? How could she just let her do something like that? She just stayed there, still, and watched. She failed her.
It was her fault. It was all her fault. Everybody left her, whatever made her think Ruby would have been any different? She did all she could to make her happy, to always support and be by her side. Was that her mistake? Was she cursed to have everybody close to her just disappear? Should she have just stayed home instead of reaching her in Haven all those months ago?
Or what if what she did just wasn’t enough? She should have been a better sister. She shouldn’t have let the loss of her arm make her so apathetic with her, make her lose sight and strength to keep being there for her, Ruby was more important! More important than her loss, more important than her happiness-
More important than her feelings for Blake.
Was that it? Did they distract her too much? Was letting herself and the Ever After indulge in them a mistake? Would it have been better had she repressed them and spent more time with Ruby? Would it have been better if she never confessed on that bridge?
Was it all her fault?
She gasped for air and Blake herself suddenly appeared in her line of vision. She had one hand on her shoulder and the other cradling her cheek, drying tears. Yang hadn’t even noticed she was crying, but now she could feel her eyes burning.
She tried to divert her eyes, but Blake guided them back to hers, familiar amber comforting her just a little bit, “Look at me and take deep breaths, like this.” Blake inhaled deeply, holding it for a second, before slowly letting the air out. Yang did her best to copy her, even if sometimes she could feel herself choking. “Yeah, like this, you’re doing great, baby.” Yang would have blushed at the pet name, were it not for the blood not flowing correctly through her body. She still found comfort in the sweet words and caresses as Blake gently brought her back to her. When her focus returned, she could see Blake saw it too. She gave her a small smile, “Welcome back.”
Yang might have been back, her breathing more regular, heartbeat more stable, but the pain didn’t subside. It was all still there.
“Ruby- she’s-” unable to contain herself - because how could you lose your sister and not lose a little bit of yourself? - Yang sobbed. 
Blake pulled her into a strong embrace, letting Yang hide her face and tears in her neck, holding her trembling body against her own. She was shaken too, little jolts of her body proving that, but she was still trying her best to support Yang, be the strong one for once. Yang let her do it, let herself fall apart, even if she didn’t deserve it. Wasn’t that why Ruby wasn’t there anymore?
“It's all my fault! I should have been a better sister, I shouldn’t hav- I’m so sorry!” Yang cried, loud, incoherent words, uncaring of where she was, of who was watching her.
“We’re going to find her, it’s going to be okay.” Blake said, gently stroking Yang’s hair
“You don’t know that!” Yang snapped, pulling away from the hug. Blake wasn’t phased though, she knew it was Yang’s pain projecting.
“Yang,” she spoke her name gently “we know there’s no death in the Ever After. And Ascension might not even work on us. Ruby’s still out there, and we’re going to find her. We will go to the tree, and get our lead- our friend back. I promise.”
Yang didn’t know if Blake wanted to convince her or herself, but it didn’t matter. Yang wanted to believe in her, in her words; what other choice did she have?
So she nodded, took one last deep breath, and picked herself up. She had a sister to save.
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saintsenara · 11 months
Trick or treat! 🐈‍⬛
thank you, pal! happy halloween!
you definitely deserve a treat - so you can have an irish lesson, a halloween folklore fact, and a sneaky little peek at a bit of the next chapter of one year in every ten, which features the reunion nobody asked for: tom riddle vs ginny weasley...
ginny is, naturally, going to wreck him.
irish language treat: the irish for trick or treat is... tabhair féirín dom, nó buailfidh mé bob ort.
halloween folklore treat: tom riddle's favourite halloween food? soul cake. obviously.
sneak peek treat: here we go...
‘I have no intention of listening to you whining about settling scores,’ he hissed, still pacing back and forth like a particularly sinister tiger. ‘I have rather more important things to worry about.’
‘You brought it up.’
‘And will you shut that child up!’
‘He’s two. He’s going to cry sometimes. Deal with it.’
He let out a burst of humourless laughter. ‘God, you’re self-righteous. No wonder you couldn’t make your marriage work.’
‘How dare you bring up my marriage? When you’re the person who’s ruined -’
‘You ruined it by yourself, Ginny,’ he drawled, leaning against the wall, looking so delighted at her anger that she could have killed him on the spot. ‘I know it’s a comforting little fantasy to pretend you’re the injured party here, but you would have managed to drive Harry away without me. I have never devoted a second more attention to you than you deserve.’
‘Except for the fact that you spent a year trying to destroy my life.’
‘Your life wasn’t interesting enough to be destroyed. I caused you to incur a few minor inconveniences. All of which would have been perfectly irrelevant to you once you were dead.’
‘I was eleven. I was small and naive and so excited about coming to Hogwarts. I’d been waiting my whole life for it! And you ruined everything about it and I’ve had to spend half my life trying to make sense of that, and -’
‘What is there to make sense of? This happened because you were there. You were the person who opened the diary.’ He began to pace again. ‘I hope you weren’t labouring under the misapprehension that I thought you special in some way -’
‘Of course. That makes perfect sense. I’m not special. You changed the course of my entire life, but it doesn’t matter, because I’m not special.’
‘I had quite enough of you complaining that nobody realised how brilliant you were when you were a child. I have no intention of indulging it now.’
‘Harry’s special, though. Isn’t he? That’s the only reason why you “indulged” my complaining. Because I told you all about him. I led you straight to him. And it made him obsessed with you and it made Dumbledore and the Order and the whole fucking world obsessed with him too. And obsessed with him being obsessed with you. And I just had to be there. I was just the girl he had to keep safe, the girl who was going to wait at home for him to come back from fighting you.
‘Except it didn’t matter a fucking bit, because the fighting ended and he was still fucking obsessed with you. He’s spent ten years thinking about you - ten years when we were supposed to be free to live our lives! - and lying to me and pretending he wasn’t, and I’ve tried so fucking hard, but he was always yours, and now - now you’ve stolen him from me for good.’
Al was still howling. You and me both, kid, thought Ginny, as tears began to roll down her cheeks.
‘I want to be angry. But I can’t be. Because it’s my fault. Because I knew - I knew that we weren’t really happy, I knew that what Harry went through in the War changed him and what I went through changed me, and that even once it was over we could never be the way we had been before. And I didn’t say anything. Because I’d thought that our life - him - was what I really wanted, and I knew he felt the same. And when I realised it wasn’t, when I realised that he thought it wasn’t, it was impossible to say anything..
‘What the fuck am I going to do? We got engaged the second the battle was over. I’ve never lived on my own. I’m going to be a single mum and I’ve never even lived on my own. And there’s all these things that Harry does around the house and I’ve just never bothered learning how to do them. And I’ve got a date on Sunday, but I haven’t been on a date with someone who isn’t Harry since I was fifteen. What if it goes awfully? What if it goes well, but then it goes awfully? What if the kids end up really fucked up? What if they blame me? What -?’
‘Will you be quiet?’ Tom snarled.
Ginny braced herself. She knew very well what was coming; the words which had smashed her into pieces for that whole, horrible year - I loathe little girls who snivel like you do; it’s no wonder you don’t have any friends; how could you be the person behind these attacks, when you’re a talentless, worthless child? - and which would smash her into pieces again.
Lord Voldemort had played the long game, it seemed. It had taken him sixteen years, but he was about to succeed in destroying her.
‘God,’ he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
‘Sorry,’ she spat. ‘I know how much snivelling bothers you.’
‘Listen to me. Do you think that I was thrilled about being unceremoniously dumped in a toilet by you?’
‘Do you think that any of my other Horcruxes were ever treated in such a ridiculous manner?’
‘Yeah, I’m so fucking sorry that I didn’t show the bit of soul you were using to possess me enough respect for your liking. How dare you criticise me for that? I was a child! I didn’t know what else to do to get rid of you, so -’
‘Exactly. You were an eleven-year-old girl being possessed by the greatest wizard of all time -’ he punctuated this with a flounce of his robes, which Ginny was pretty certain was involuntary - ‘and you still managed to fight back in the best way available to you. Half the Ministry of Magic can’t say the same.’
‘Whatever else I may think of you, you aren’t a coward. You weren’t even then. You’ll be fine.’
Al had stopped screaming. He pointed a chubby fist in Tom’s direction and babbled. 
‘Which one is this?’ He looked intensely wary.
‘What on earth possessed you to agree to that name?’
‘I didn’t agree to it. I picked it.’ He raised an eyebrow, Ginny put on her haughtiest expression. ‘I hope you don’t think so little of Harry that you reckon he’d deny me a say in the names of my own children?’
‘But Albus -’
‘Dumbledore was very kind to me after what you did to me. It was like I was sleepwalking. Nothing felt real, but everyone else was acting like everything was fine - Ginny’s back to normal with no lasting effects! - and I was just having to pretend that they were right. But then I was wandering around one afternoon - everyone else was out in the grounds, but I couldn’t face it - and I ran into Dumbledore, and he said “how are you?” and I said “oh, right as rain again” and he just looked at me, you know the way he used to look at you, like he could read your mind. And it just all came bursting out of me. That I wasn’t better, and I didn’t know if I ever would be, and I thought that a little bit of me had died in the Chamber, that my soul had been broken by what you did to me and it could never be fixed. And he looked at me and he said, “that may very well be true, Miss Weasley. But you must never forget that the parts of us that are broken -”’
‘- let the light in.’ He sneered. ‘I’ve heard that too. I should have known that it was a pre-rehearsed line.’
‘I remember thinking of it when he died. Because he was all broken. Mangled. I remember thinking, “where’s your light now?”. But it turned out that he knew what he was doing in the end.’
‘That’s one way of putting it.’
‘And then we picked Severus for his middle name because we thought it would annoy Snape and that would be funny. And it did and it was.’
‘He looks like Harry.’ He coloured slightly, and Ginny couldn’t help but suspect that he’d not meant to say that aloud. And she wondered…
‘I know. It’s -’
‘- the eyes.’
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dnangelic · 3 months
you know when like little kids really want to show you a trick like a cartwheel or something and the whole time they're like “are you watching? are you watching? are you watching?” that's the kind of energy i get from dark sometimes
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very true and also very intentional!! at least on my part 'cause sometimes i gotta force it 😂😂😂 much like daisuke as someone who doesn't really like attention(tm) dark's personality Always Embarrasses me, but this is how it is when you have a theater kid..... drama queen.... world's top idol muse awlkaldkf and with the way dark exists (or rather, mostly doesn't,) he needs all that attention to live! literally! nobody could blame him if they actually understood where he was coming from as a combination neglected child and dramatic 16/17 yr old (teenager) still trying to cope with legitimately low self-worth. he has no idea how intimacy actually works, only fun tricks. you want fun tricks?? no intimacy, no getting to know him, only fun tricks!!!! look at him he can do a cartwheel. dont ask him how he's feeling or processing things, just look at the cartwheel. i'd even ramble a little about how leroux's erik does the exact same thing with christine in the torture chamber portions and it's -ALMOST- cute with how pathetic he gets:
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'the wretch, who really was the first ventriloquist in the world,' alwkjealdkjgj not that erik and dark are ever 1:1 but one of the many common denominators between the two is this desperation for attention they're hellishly restless to indulge, even if it means acting out for the sake of it, precisely because they've been ignored and gone unnoticed by the rest of the world for so long. growing up completely alone or convinced that you're a horrible person who has and will only hurt others and/or that there's something FUNDAMENTALLY, inherently 'different' or 'wrong' about you (all secret dark symptoms!) makes you both relentlessly crave and desperately avoid people's attentions. (so as not to end this on too depressing of a note, daisuke defies all of this and manages to accept dark as a person (or rather just his own entity ig,) a friend, and the flaws of his own self to ultimately show them both that the idea of dark's isolation is wrong: they aren't actually alone and they don't HAVE to be alone. it doesn't matter that they're the 'protags,' dnangel emphasizes that everybody is important, anybody can reach out to another and help them, (even you can introspect and help and accept yourself!!!) it's part of the collective human experience and the idea of coexistence!!!
u r smart lita so i might be telling u things u already know or could've easily guessed but u r still absolutely right ❗❗ dark is cartwheel kid. he literally doesn't know how to exist in any other way. i'd cite canon but funnily enough i can't think of any obvious examples, just a bunch of sad wet cat lines that generally point to the vibe. maybe one of the earlier chapters where he's bored enough to disguise himself as the series' comic relief inspector and stands around cussing his face out on 50 different camera screens he tampered with, while his series-designated actual catch-you guy sighs and dryly narrates the whole thing.
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^ guy who's EXTREMELY happy you saw, figured out, and narrated his entire little cartwheel trick
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daidonzo · 2 years
Chapter 3 - We rise, and shine, and crawl, and fall [Chishiya x Reader]
"Chishiya, look!" You said, full of delight, holding a bottle of sriracha you had found while looking for something to eat in an abandoned supermarket. Was abandoned redundant? Maybe, yes, since there was no one in the city except for other players and you didn't really see many of them during the day. Only at night, and close to the game areas. "It's still full! No one got to it yet!"
You were met by a look that you interpreted as "Are you serious?" but that could mean anything from "You are really really stupid" to "I'm going to kill you." but you didn't care because in your opinion you had found a treasure and had it clear you were taking that bottle of the spiciest and most delicious sauce with you, no matter what happened.
"I thought we were looking for food."
"This is food! I mean, well, no, not technically. This is…" You struggled with the word, frowning.
"Sauce? Condiment?"
"Maybe, I don't know what any of those mean." You shrugged, and he smirked. And when he smirked, you felt your knees became weak and you had to shake your head slightly to focus on the task at hand: your defense of the hot sauce. "The important thing is it will make our meals taste good, even if they don't. We could also just burn our taste buds with it and it will solve the lack of proper food in this god-forsaken land."
"Thinking about mutilating yourself now? I knew since your personality changed from night to day that you would have a mental breakdown eventually - didn't think it would happen so soon."
You stuck your tongue out, directed at him. He smirked again, and you knew that was the closest to making him laugh you would get, so it made you smile.
But he was right. You had become a completely different person since you had allied yourself with him… Or not so much, but you had become who you were before this world forced you to change. You were still playing the dumb, innocent girl in games when it was needed, either to learn information or to get help from someone more capable, but when you were not playing… You were nice again. You were soft. You were vulnerable, sweet and playful. You felt safe, or safer, and you liked having someone around you, even if it was Chishiya, who was the closest thing to a brick wall.
Little by little he had been opening up, though. Not much, you still did not know anything personal about him, or about his life prior to the Borderlands. But he did not longer asked you to shut up when you would ramble on about something you were passionate about, he even smirked and made jokes! Sometimes! Not many, but it seemed like today he was in a good mood, so you were hopeful.
Your smile felt as if it was glued to your face while you kept looking for food. You found some things - a can of beans here and there, instant ramen, water bottles - and put it all in your backpack.
That was another thing that had changed immensely. You no longer wore skimpy clothing - again, only to games, when needed - and had changed into much more comfortable clothing. Clothing one could survive the apocalypse in without flashing anyone.
"Are you ready?" Chishiya asked from the entrance of the shop. He probably had been waiting for you for a while, but that was another thing that had changed about him… He now would let you indulge in the little things that made you happy. Like going to the grocery store.
"Coming!" You exclaimed, cheerfully, as in song. Chishiya seemed amused by you and your good mood.
"Has anything happened that I don't know about?"
"Nope, just woke up in a good mood." He looked at you, an eyebrow raised. You raised your shoulders slightly, still smiling.
"Fair enough." He conceded, after a while, and you both started walking towards the building that had been what you denominated secret base for the last two days.
It had been Chishiya's idea to occupy and apartment building and it seemed pretty logical - why would you sleep out in the cold, with the wind, and the rain, when you could sleep in a warm cozy although quite dirty from neglect bed?
When you finally arrived, you were in such a good mood that you prepared what you thought was a feast for the both of you - instant noodles braised beef flavor, canned fish (some people would say those two don't really match but you were hungry and you were, after all, a college student with an art for putting multiple foods together and calling it a heartwarming meal) and a lot of sriracha sauce on top. In fact, you even got a little bit creative and drew something with the sauce - a spiral on your plate and a heart on Chishiya's, which was not intentional and made you blush intensely as you realized.
You gave it to him without much ceremony, just putting it on top of the table where he was building some kind of machine (you didn't know what for) with electronic parts he had found in a store you visited prior to the supermarket this morning, hiding your face with a curtain of your hair.
He seemed to find your little weirdly-drawn heart funny, because he chuckled slightly. And you froze, and felt as if your own heart was ready to sing and dance just from hearing that soft laugh. Which, you had to admit, was not completely normal but didn't really think too much of it. Making a guy you found handsome laugh (or chuckle, but in Chishiya's case those two were equivalent) and feeling butterflies about it must be something that happens to everyone, right? Even more so in this world, where hot guys had probably been reduced to what? A dozen?
"What are you making?" You said, sitting down on the floor with your legs crossed, to eat.
"A taser."
"A what?"
"It is a device that gives electroshock."
"Electroshock? Like bzzzzzzzzbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?" As you made that sound, you pretended to be electrocuted.
His eyes lifted from the machine he was building, clearly entertained by your theatrics. "Yes. Like that."
"Ah." You didn't know what else to say, but couldn't help thinking he was incredibly smart and your intelligence rivaled that of a potato compared to him. "I know what a taser is, I just didn't know the word in this language."
He nodded, his attention back on his inventions. "I know."
You sighed and ate your noodles in silence, knowing you probably wouldn't get much out of him at that particular moment, as he was concentrated on something else.
After some time just staring at him, like an absolute creep (how could he not notice?), you picked up a gossip magazine from four years ago, wrapped yourself in an old blanket that did not seem to have been attacked by moths just yet, and relied on knowing about other people's lives to keep entertained.
He looked up after a while. "Done."
You reacted a little bit too quickly for your own taste, seemingly thirsty for companionship. "What do you want a taser for?"
"It's never bad to be prepared."
You nodded, admitting that was a good point. A great one, even.
"By the way…" He started, and you focused all your attention on him. Was he going to tell you something about his life? Compliment the food you had made for him and he had almost not touched? Asked something to try and get to know you a little bit better? "Tomorrow we should play a game. So that we can have more days in our visas."
"Ah." That was it. The games. You tried so hard to forget about them, but how could you? When literally the whole point of being here and being alive were the damned games. You nodded, absentmindedly, disappointed you had been almost crawling for his attention the whole afternoon but got nothing in return other than the anxiety of having to play another game. He seemed to catch on your change of mood, but said nothing.
"Bring the revealing clothing. Might prove useful."
You nodded again, feeling a bit sad, because you were remembered once again that the only reason he was keeping you around was because of that - you were useful. You were not his friend. He didn't have any feelings for you. He did not care. He tolerated your company and maybe, to an extent, didn't mind you as much or was getting used to you. But that was it.
You sighed, and nodded again, standing up, the blanket falling off your shoulders and to the floor as you did so. "I will go to sleep. Good night, Chishiya."
"Good night."
Until that day you both had been sleeping in the biggest room, you on the bed and him on the couch. Basically, because the other room had a broken window and a bit of air came through. Not enough that you would be extremely cold, but enough that it would be somewhat chilly. However, since that night you couldn't really stand to be in his presence and you knew it would be really, really hard for you to fall asleep, you went to the smallest room, which seemed to be that of a little kid.
You lied on a bed which was, clearly and as expected, too small for you. To be fair, calling it a bed was being generous, because it was little more than a mattress and a pillow. Whatever, you forced your brain to shut down, to stop thinking about how extremely lonely you felt, and were, and ended up falling asleep.
Whatever, you forced your brain to shut down, to stop thinking about how extremely lonely you felt, and were, and ended up falling asleep.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you woke up the next day, so much light was coming through the broken window that you had to shield your eyes with your hand. But that made you feel a bit colder, as you were wearing nothing but a t-shirt and that movement exposed part of your skin, so you wrapped yourself more tightly in the blanket you were covered with.
Wait a minute… You had left that blanket in the living room. You were one hundred percent sure that when you arrived at the room, there was nothing on the bed other than the mattress, and the pillow. You would have bet your pinky finger on it, you even remembered feeling slightly pissed off about it, but the slight anger was washed out by the sadness and the numbing feeling of loneliness.
But now… What was that blanket doing here? You sat up and looked around you. And what you saw made you feel like a million butterflies were living in your stomach. No, scratch that, those were not butterflies but very badly tempered wasps. Not only were you wrapped in the blanket that certainly, had been left in the living room, but Chishiya was sleeping there in that small room with you, on a rocking chair that looked far from comfortable.
You felt your lips twisting into an honest, sincere smile.
There was a song that went something like "Just like the moon does, we rise and shine and fall."
And over Chishiya, you rose, shone, crawl, and fell…
Only to do it all over again.
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