#sometimes it's wearing a lot of gold jewelry all at once
my love for my personal aesthetic of "english aristocrat's second wife core" is not diminishing any time soon
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ladykailitha · 4 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 7
Hello! I am really chugging along with this story I have 5 chapters done (including this one). It was supposed to be 4 with 4 on the Harrington Pattern but somehow, I got an extra chapter here and only 3 on The HP. Still not sure how I did that.
Here we have Chrissy because sometimes you just need another omega friend who gets it.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Steve came home and flopped face first on to the sofa. He wanted to call Robin, but he knew she was hanging out with Vickie tonight. So he had been given a replacement handler for night as management wanted eyes on him because there was always some kind of drama at these things.
It wasn’t a date date, but now they were on the same page, there was major cuddling to be had.
He rolled over and threw his arm over his eyes.
After a moment or two of serious moping he opened the clutch to get his cell phone out. But stopped when he noticed the sparkle of the diamond. He pulled it out instead and held it up to the light. In his minds eye he could see Eddie smiling at him as he handed the lost diamond back to him.
Steve sighed heavily. He had met a lot of alphas in his line of work, but none of them had the effect on him that this one did. Yearning didn’t even begin to cover the depth of emotion ripping through him in that moment.
He rolled off the sofa and wandered into the kitchen, his heels clicking on the hard surface. He really should have taken off his shoes at least. He sighed heavily and grabbed his phone from where it was charging on the counter.
He swapped it for his burner client phone. He unlocked his personal phone to see a sweet picture of Vickie and Robin cuddling together on Vickie’s bed.
He smiled at the absolutely giddy expression on his best friend’s face. It also hit him with a longing he didn’t want to name. He could. He just didn’t feel like sobbing in his kitchen on a Saturday night.
Steve removed his shoes, kicking them off to the side so he wouldn’t trip on them in the morning and then wandered to his bedroom, eyes on his phone.
He unclasped the dress and like he told Eddie it would, it slid to the floor in a graceful heap. All he was wearing now was the gold thong he had worn under the dress. He shimmered out those as well.
He then carefully removed the remaining diamonds in his hair and put them in his jewelry box. He paused with the last one. The one he had been hold onto this whole time. Eddie’s diamond.
He went digging through his vanity until he found a small felt bag that had once contained a small bottle of perfume. He put the diamond into the bag and hung the bag on his vanity mirror.
He went to his closet and rifled through it before finding the pajamas he was looking for.
It was a pair of soft, light grey, satin pants and button down shirt. He never undid the buttons though. He pulled on the pants without underwear. He didn’t have the energy to go hunting down a pair just then. Then he pulled the top on.
He flopped on his bed and wiggled happily at the silky slide of the pajamas on his bare ass. He was still scrolling through his contacts, trying to find the right person he could talk to about this. And then he hit on the perfect person.
He hit dial and waited until it rung through. “Chrissy!” he greeted warmly.
“Steve!” she cooed. “How was the gala? Tommy has been raving for months that you got to go and he didn’t.”
Steve chuckled. Tommy wanted to go because his favorite band was Corroded Coffin.
“Senator Lombard was a wet blanket,” he pouted. “Another alpha was just being nice to me and he got super territorial.”
“Bleh!” she hissed in sympathy. “Who was your handler tonight? I heard you gave Robin the night off.”
Steve sighed. “Yeah, she finally asked Vickie out and I didn’t want her to wind herself up and talk herself out of it. Again.”
“Oooh,” Chrissy said. “I get that. She just doesn’t believe what a catch she is.”
“The dilemma of the century,” Steve agreed. “To answer your question, it was Troy who was handling me tonight.”
Chrissy blew a raspberry. “Troy isn’t the bottom of the barrel, but he’s definitely the scum on bottom of the barrel.”
Steve shrugged even though she couldn’t see him. “He did his job, Lombard was put on my pre-check list and he got me home in one piece.”
“So why are you really calling me, cher?” she asked after a moment of silence. “Alpha prostrating is stupid but nothing you haven’t handled before so what’s on your mind?”
He flopped on his stomach and ran a hand through his hair. “You remember I told that the senator was pissed because an alpha was nice to me?”
“Sure,” Chrissy said. She paused for a moment. “Oh! Were they cute? Is that what’s got your panties in a twist? Super cute alpha was sweet to you and now your ovaries are ready to explode?”
“Tommy’s going to kill me,” Steve moaned.
There was silence on the line for a beat too long and Steve pulled his phone away from his ear to make sure the call didn’t disconnect.
“Wait, Eddie Munson was your hot, nice alpha who made your client so jealous and possessive you put him on your pre-check list?” This was said a question, but to Steve it sounded more like a statement. One he couldn’t refute.
Not that he wanted to. Eddie was hot.
“Yeah,” Steve said around biting his thumb. “I had diamonds in my hair and one of them must have fallen because suddenly he was handing one back to me.”
“Oohh...” Chrissy cooed. “This sounds like an ice cream and wine girl talk. I’ll be over in ten, sweetie!”
Steve let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks, babe. See you soon.”
He rolled over on his back and clutched the phone to his chest. He couldn’t wait to tell Chrissy all about Eddie. He kicked his feet in the air as he giggled.
Steve paced back and forth in his front room as he waited for Chrissy to come over. It wasn’t as though she lived far away. She lived like two floors below him.
She was younger than he was by about two years. Like Tommy and Carol everything was happy town with her boyfriend Jason until she presented and was found out to be infertile.
Jason and his parents fought hard to have her put in the Church to be a celibate nun. But thankfully for Chrissy her dad had more sense. Not her mom though. Her mom had gone so far as to drive her to the local nunnery and drop her off.
But after a talk with the Mother Superior and a call to her dad, they made the arrangement that Chrissy would finish up her schooling at the nunnery and then when she turned eighteen she could choose to stay or take one of the other two options.
When Chrissy chose Starcourt, the money was split between the nunnery and her dad.
Money that he then put aside in case she just wanted to walk away from escort business and live her life. The money would be used for whatever she wanted and that included school.
As far as her mother was concerned, Chrissy was still at the nunnery and was just refusing to see her.
Steve thought it was delicious revenge.
The knock came part way through his revery. He leapt over the sofa and ripped open the door.
“Well someone is comfy,” she cooed. As if she wasn’t dressed similarly. She too was wearing fuzzy pjs. But hers were bright pink and had a horn on the hood of the top.
Steve tugged the hood down over her eyes and teased, “And aren’t you the cutest thing?”
Chrissy blushed and pushed on him playfully with her shoulder, her hands were full of ice cream and a bottle of wine.
Steve grabbed the wine. “Cupcake prosecco? Looks yum!”
Chrissy grinned and held up her other prize. “Cookie dough!”
Steve kissed her cheek and led her inside. “You’re the best, sweetie. You didn’t have any plans for tonight?”
She shook her head. “Nope, no clients either.”
Steve reared his head back. “Uh oh, that doesn’t sound promising. Is your handler, Amy not scheduling you right?”
Chrissy shrugged. “I think it’s because I’m nearing the end of my contract and because I have money waiting for me, management is thinking I’m going to bail so they’re trying to stave of the inevitable.”
“Boo,” Steve hissed. “They shouldn’t be allowed to that. Plus, I thought you were staying?”
Chrissy blushed. “I am!” she insisted when he raised an eyebrow at her hesitation.
“Uh huh,” he teased further. “Sure sounds like it from here. You got someone who you want to snuggle up close with when you retire?”
Chrissy ducked her head. “Not anymore.”
Steve was almost to the sofa when that brought him up short. He frowned at her a moment before his face cleared with understanding.
“Don’t say it...” she warned.
He pouted. “But I thought that’s what this was about; us both complaining about our lack of love lives and eating and drinking our feelings?”
Chrissy sighed. “I hate it when you use puppy dog eyes. It’s too fucking effective.”
Steve grinned. “That’s why they pay me the big bucks, baby...” he sung at her.
She giggled and raced him around the sofa to nab her favorite spot on the far left side.
“You cheated!” he squealed. He set the bottle on the coffee table and padded into the kitchen for a bottle opener and two wine glasses.
He popped the cork and poured their glasses. “Spoons!” he said as he was most of the way sat down.
He put the wine glasses on the table and dashed back to the kitchen Chrissy’s giggles fast on his heels. He grabbed the spoons and raced back.
“Tada!” he cheered.
Chrissy set the tub of ice cream between them and dug in.
“So Eddie Munson, huh?” she said around her spoon.
Steve took a large sip of his wine before he he told her about his night. “Like I knew he was hot before now. With Tommy and Dustin both being fans it was hard to not see the guy everywhere.”
“But he’s hotter in person?” Chrissy prompted.
Steve blushed and swirled his drink thoughtfully. “I guess. But he’s so sweet and funny and yeah it doesn’t hurt that his legs look like they could go on for miles in those tight leather pants. That his chest feels out the even tighter see through mesh top he was wearing...”
He buried his head in his hands. “I was lucky wearing scent suppressants is required for each job otherwise the whole fucking gala would have been able to smell my reaction to him.”
“Ooh...” Chrissy said. “I bet you got a little wet for him, too, didn’t you?”
Steve brought his knees up to his chest and scooted away from her.
“Oh my god!” she giggled. “You totally did. This strong, hot alpha made the Steve Harrington wet.”
“I take it back,” he huffed. “You can go away now.”
Chrissy slapped his knee. “I will not! It’s a little...” she pursed her lips trying to find the right word. “Spicy.”
Steve covered his face again. “Oh god.”
“Stevie!” she said gently pulling his hands away. “It’s not a bad thing. I know it’s hard when most of our job is about sex, but babydoll...the fact that you can still have that reaction to a hot alpha means you’re not dead inside, okay?”
Steve sighed. “But I made my client mad at me,” he whimpered.
Chrissy set down her wine glass and moved the ice cream to the table. She scooted as close to him as she could. “No you didn’t.”
He turned his head away from her, but she grabbed his cheeks and gently brought them around.
“You did nothing wrong,” she insisted. “I mean it. Eddie was the host and the two of you were only being friendly. Yeah, you got hot and bothered under the collar for this alpha, but it was up to the alpha you were with to decide how to behave and he chose to be territorial and rude. You aren’t his property. You aren’t anyone’s property, babe.”
Steve nodded. He let out a low breath. “The way Eddie smelled, Chrissy. I had never smelled any alpha like it before. It was warm and spicy in the Christmas way and not the spicy as in a burning mouthfeel way.”
She opened her mouth to reply when he suddenly shifted gears. “So tell me how long you’ve had a crush on my best friend.”
Chrissy went bright red. Scarlet even. “Like forever. Which is decidedly unhelpful. Like I know it’s impossible while she’s still your handler, because Starcourt would never let a handler date a former escort. But she’s so funny and sweet and smart...”
“That you just want to eat her all up?” Steve teased.
She swatted him playfully. “You’re just saying that to get back at me for the wet comment.”
He raised his eyebrows suggestively. She hit him again and he yelped in protest.
Steve picked up his glass and drained the rest of the liquid. He poured himself another glass and held out the bottle for Chrissy, but she shook her head.
“One glass is enough for me,” she muttered.
After a moment of swirling his wine Steve said, “Stay. After your contract is paid in full, Chrissy. Just stay. You love it, even if Robin Buckley was an option, you know you would be happier here than anywhere else. You shine as an escort, sweetie.”
Chrissy picked up her glass and downed the rest of her wine. “Fuck it. Yeah, I’m going to stay. I do love this job. It’s amazing.” She looked at the bottle a moment. “And what the hell, pour me another!”
Steve cheered and emptied the bottle into her glass. She laughed as it almost splashed over the top.
“To being Starcourt escorts for life!” he said as he raised his glass.
She clinked her glass against his. “Here, here!”
They gulped down their drinks and dug into the ice cream again, laughing and talking.
Steve smiled. Maybe tonight wasn’t the disaster he thought it was. He was so glad to have a friend like Chrissy.
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss @croatoan-like-its-hot @retro-vagabond @sani-86 @pansexuality-activated @y4r3luv @dauntlessdiva
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exilethegame · 6 months
Do you have a list of the ROs and like a description of them :( can't find it
I have one floating about somewhere, but here's an up-to-date one! :)
Vethna Mevnrael (they/them) Appearance: 5’9, skin the color of bronze with long wavy hair that’s only a few shades darker than their skin. Their eyes are a greyed-out blue-green and glow in the darkness due to magic. They wear a deep v-neck black gown with golden embroidery, an outrageous amount of rings and jewelry, and their signature wine-red lipstick. Background: Vethna hails from Vygrand-- otherwise known as the sworn rival land of your home country. Where you have been raised to resent most, if not all magic, they have been raised to thrive on it. You don't know much about them-- just that they're on the run from someone, something, powerful, and you're the only one who can protect them. That, and they have a whole lot of gold... almost as much as they have secrets.
Nikke Ivante (he/him) Appearance: 6’0, pale green skin and covered in iridescent scales. Purple bags sit under his pale green eyes, which, like all mythosi, glow in the darkness. Wears smudged black kohl across his eyes. His hair is long, half shaved, and braided, mostly black with streaks of white. His tongue is forked and his sharp fangs often protrude from out past his lips. His arms are covered in tattoos of snakes winding downwards, and on his neck sit geometric tattoos. Background: Nikke has been sent to kill you or kidnap you-- you're not entirely sure which it is, and you don't intend to find out. He's crude and sarcastic and overall a brute. He doesn't seem to take his own life seriously, nonetheless yours, and you have no doubt he's going to capture you or die trying. Hell-- maybe he'll just kill you both while he's at it... you know, for fun.
Jost Ivante (she/her) (Not romanceable in demo yet) Appearance: 6’0 with pale green skin and iridescent scales. Her features are sharp and she has multiple piercings, the most notable being her bridge piercing and snake-bites. She has tattoos down her arms and on her neck in geometric patterns. Her hair is waist-length and slicked back and filled with braids and tokens, and just like her brother, is streaked with white. While she wears dark paint over her eyes, it’s done in a manner much neater than Nikke’s. Background: Jost is Nikke's identical twin sister-- and, if possible, she's twice as mean and just as rude. She's more ruthless than her brother, but she doesn't quite have the fighting power to back up her venom-laced threats and taunts. Nonetheless, she fights dirty, and if you want to beat her, you're going to have to be smart.
Amilia Von Clamile (she/her) Appearance: 5’3 with snow white skin and blood red hair that’s poorly cut and uneven, coming to her chin on one shoulder and sitting well past her collarbone on the other. Her eyes are green and her face is covered in freckles. A deep scar juts into her lip on the right side of her face and runs down her jaw and neck. Background: Amilia's a fae-- the very kind of mythosi you've been raised to fear and have spent most of your life killing. She's all smiles and nerves, but you see something else in her eyes, sometimes. Something cold. Something calculative. Everyone seems keen to turn a blind eye to her, but you know a liar when you see one... don't you?
Syfyn Javall (she/her) Appearance: 5’11 with warm toned skin that’s often burnt red, leaving splotchy tans along her body. Her eyes are a steely grey, hair blonde and cut to barely brush against her shoulders. She tries to often wear it up despite this, resulting in most of the hair falling out messily. She's covered in scars with feathers in her hair, and her pupils are slits. Her teeth are all mostly sharp. Background: Syfyn Javall, The Brazen Griffin, Second-in-Command to the Plaithian Army. She used to work beneath you once-- used to fight beside you and honor you both as a comrade and friend. You grew up together within the military. When you had nobody, you had each other. But then you betrayed her-- or maybe she betrayed you. You don't know who started what, but you do know that the blood is on both of your hands now.
Sabir Du Vaelas (he/him) Appearance: 6’1 with dark, cool toned skin, black eyes, and long black hair kept in locs. He wears expensive robes that are a deep teal and is covered head to toe in expensive silver jewelry, most of which is covered in snake symbolism. Sabir's ears are pierced in several areas, and he tends to wear silver eyeliner and highlight. Background: Sabir, otherwise known as The Silven Viper, Eye of Plaithus, used to be your charge. He's a politician-- one of the better ones, if such a thing exists. Your past together was volatile-- perhaps you were lovers, or friends, or enemies. Either way, he saved your life when you otherwise would've been put to death by the state, and you owe him thanks for that much.
Freedom (gender selectable) Appearance: 6′0 with pallid, paper-white skin and bronze eyes that appear to almost be filled with a shimmering liquid. Their hair is waist-length and black with an iridescent sheen to it, long black claws bordering on talons on their hands. They wear long, tight fitting black robes. Background: You hear its voice sometimes, when it's quiet and you're alone. You try to tune it out. You try to ignore it. It forces you to remember things. To feel things. It's within you, wiggling and writhing, waiting for the right moment to attack. At times it feels predatory. At others, its presence is comforting-- protective and doting. It'll become whatever you want it to be. It'll become whatever you need it to be.
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cinnamon-girl-writes · 2 months
higuruma marriage headcanons ! . . .
by @cinnamon-girl-writes
higuruma x reader, fluff, nsfw under cut
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first of all i looooovvveeee higuruma so much so i'm glad other people do and i'm not alone :')
i'm not gonna say much about dating pre-marriage
he definetly dates with the intent to get married. i can't see him as a player or someone who dates around just for fun
he'd take you on lots of dates; several a week
most of them are more modest locations like a coffee shop or the local markets, but on special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries) he books a reservation at a fancy restaurant
in a relationship and in his life i think he's very smart with money
he proposed at the spot where you met; a beautiful park in the city which was especially green this time of year
he definetly took you to get your nails done a few days beforehand and paid in full
he decided to splurge and get you a gorgeous wedding ring with a huge diamond
obviously this was well thought out and planned, and he decided that you're worth it and logically, you're going to be wearing this for the rest of your life so he wanted it to be high quality and something that you'd like
he'd definetly take into consideration whether you prefer gold or silver jewelry choose get a ring accordingly
he really just wants to have a simple wedding
mostly because he's not one for huge public displays of affection but also, going back to him being smart with money, he wants to save up for a honeymoon trip and investments like a house, furnishings, etc.
basically, he's a very logical person and doesn't see a lot of value in putting so much money into one day
that being said, he'd still make it as special and intimate for the two of you as possible with special gestures and a traditional ceremony
i can see the wedding happening in a church most likely
anyways, the honeymoon would be somewhere you've never traveled to so the two of you could experience a new place, like malaysia (iykyk), france, italy, greece, especially somewhere romantic
once y'all move in together, he'd be very adamant about holding up his end of the cleaning, cooking, maintenace, etc. even though he works a full time job. to him it's the only option; you both live there so you both do equal work to take care of the home
i see him as being a very clean and routinely person
he likes to have his morning routine before he goes to work every day: wake up next to the love of his life, sleep in for as many minutes as possible, then get up and shower, get dressed, have coffee and breakfast, and read the paper before he's on his way to work
speaking of breakfast, this man can cook. one of his favorite hobbies is cooking for you and having you be his personal taste tester
he likes to experiment with food from different cultures and other countries
sometimes date nighy with him is just him cooking a nice meal for the two of you and watching y'all's favorite movies
he loves true crime btw
also in his house this man has a huge library. like he has an office but he also has a room just dedicated to books
yea there's some law books but it's mostly miscellaneous things he found interesting: cooking books, fantasy novels, travel guides, etc.
what can i say, he'd be a perfect partner~
higuruma is a  g o d  at eating pussy, i don't make the rules
that tongue can recite the law AND [redacted]
he also doesn't have a huge dick (y'all let's be realistic. why would you want that anyways) but this man knows how to use it
i'm thinking like 5 inches, above average girth and neatly trimmed hair but not completely gone. slight curve the the left
his favorite position is missionary 100%. this just makes so much sense to me
i know y'all are gonna say 'ass or tits' so i'll just go ahead and establish he's a tits man. yes this is the law
he has a praise kink. oh he's unfulfilled in his life and hates his job?? yea fs.
i know i said tits but this man also loves thighs. he wants to be suffocated between them
honestly 10/10 he's perfect
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welcomingdisaster · 2 months
House of Finwë + Gender Presentation In Valinor HCs
Disclaimer: I have not been able to find any actual canon on what is considered masculine or feminine dress for the Noldor. It might exist, and I might be blatantly contradicting it. I think I have some grounding in seeing associations between gold/yellow/Laurelin colors and femininity and silver/grey/Telperion colors and masculinity, but it seems elves of any gender will wear/be associated with/named after/etc either color, so I assume this association is somewhat loose, a little as red and blue to us.
Finwë and Míriel, during their reign: They had set the fashion for all of the Noldor courts, and, unlike the Vanyar, there had been to be a contrast between the sorts of fashions they wear; Finwë in well-fitted, sometimes almost figure-hugging dress in bold, bright colors, decorated with gems and embroidery along the collar, sleeves, and hem, while Míriel leaned towards loose, many-layered outfits with quite a lot of visual noise, often covered in embroidery head-to-toe but eschewing quite as many jewels (in part because she found the weight exhausting). She would also wear one or two rings only, to keep her hands freer, while Finwë's hands were heavily ornamented. Finwë's hair was usually done in a half-up half-down style and ornamented, while Míriel's was bound in many twisting plaits, often with colorful strings (or sometimes light dye!) worked into it. These differences were so influential that the associations between masculinity and tight-fitting clothes + freer hair, and feminine styles and looser-cut dress + ornamented braids remained long after Míriel's death, following the Noldor into middle earth.
Finwë and Indis, during their reign: Gender differences in court dress notably decreased during Indis' reign, though some remained present. Indis, fond of sport and horseback riding, preferred tighter-fitting, simpler clothes than her predecessor, and notably wanted to avoid associations with embroidery. Indis was also similar in height to her husband; when, once or twice, she was seen wearing his robes (pinned and styled to better suit her figure) it caused quite a stir in the courts -- whether it was seen as improper conduct or a touching display of devotion varied heavily on who you asked. Indis was, however, very precise with her hair, which was never seen loose; she braided it closely to her head, bound with jewels and pearls. She introduced hair-wrapping to Noldor courts, binding her hair with thick bright silks. This was always considered a highly feminine style, with men at most using a ribbon or two in their braids.
Findis and Lalwen: Findis styled herself often after her mother, but subconsciously favored styles which would garner the least attention; she tended towards looser, more flowering dress, with sleeves so long she could comfortably fidget without drawing too much attention to herself, and tended to keep her hair bound. Lalwen, on the other hand, was at times scandalously masculine in her forms of dress. She was one of the first noble women to wear parts of her hair unbound, and wore bright, simple styles, tailored close to her with a few statement-piece ornaments, a little as early-reign Finwë. She preferred heavily silver jewelry and sought out an association with Telperion. Upon meeting her for the first time, especially in riding-garb that hid her figure and before hearing her speak, strangers sometimes mistook her for her brother Fingolfin, which secretly pleased her.
Feanor, Fingolfin, Finarfin: Feanor often found himself caught between his desire to harken back to his mother in his modes of dress and the fact that his mother had, more or less, set the standards for what was considered feminine in his society (and his desire to appear masculine as the crown prince). He embraced the same visual noise that Míriel did, wearing tightly-tailored vests and corsets covered in embroidery, but in cuts of cloth tended to imitate Finwë's style. He too kept his hands relatively unadorned, for practicality's sake. Fingolfin was one of the first elves to embrace simplicity in dress, wearing darker or subtler robes broken up by a single splash of color; usually in the form of brooches. His long dark hair was sometimes left entirely loose except for one thin braid holding his hair from his eyes, bound with a few silver beads or sapphires, very distinct and masculine styles. Finarfin leaned rather neutral in his dress in his youth, mostly imitating Finwë by default, though he favored bright sunset oranges and pinks, yellows. However, after spending much of his time with the Teleri, he found he enjoyed their modes of dress, often wearing simpler, looser garments, often off-one-shoulder, rarely worn in Noldor courts. This preference was seen by some as feminine, and by some as simply somewhat foreign.
House of Feanor: From his youth Maedhros tended to heavily imitate his father in dress, often wearing ornate and heavily-embroidered robes. He was also often the first model for some of his father's jewelry pieces, and gained something of a reputation for being garish and loud in his dress. The cuts of his robes, however, tended to be firmly masculine, as appropriate to the first-born son of a crown prince. His hair he often wore down, in the single-braid-in-the-back style popularized by Fingolfin (though he would not admit to that inspiration).
Maglor tended to wear tight-fitting riding-clothes, often in greys, blacks, and dark-blues, ornamented only by silver jewelry. His dark hair he cut unusually short (just below his shoulders) and wore in a top-knot, half-up half-down, a working man's style popular among Telerin sailors. All in all his style read as very masculine to the Noldor, with just a touch of androgyny provided by the the loose-fitting silver-and-black cloak he wore often to formal events.
Celegorm dressed most often in imitation of courtly trends for young men, favoring hunting-styles. His most infamous moment was coming to court with his hair entirely unbraided, scandalous for elves of any gender-- a little as coming to court shirtless. Caranthir dressed in looser robes, though largely out of comfort rather than style. His jewelry tended towards large and chunky, without much visual noise. Curufin heavily imitated Feanor in his manner of dress, albeit often wearing even more jewels; he popularized five ear-piercings rather than the previously fashionable three.
Amrod and Amras, not particularly invested in the fashions of the court, tended to dress similarly to Celegorm, usually falling a few seasons behind the trends currently in court.
House of Fingolfin: Anaire was fond of a matching her husband, sharp and purposeful in her dress. She had particularly beautiful dark hair, which she wore in many braids as a crown upon her head, and of long, simply-decorated cloaks. Very distinctly feminine, but in a sharp, unapproachable sort of way.
Fingon's tendency towards feminine modes of dress was noticeable enough to get him pulled aside and talked to several times during his youth; he preferred layered and loose, dress-like robes, wore bright gold-lip stain usually associated with young women (men favored red and orange lip stain) and did entirely too much with his hair, always wearing it in great plaits. After a specific incident in court during his adolescence he was forbidden from binding his hair with headscarves for court-wear, but wove gold into it. His one touch of masculine saving grace were his many rings. The androgyny suited him well; his appeal to women was offset only by his utter lack of interest in them.
Turgon tended to imitate Fingolfin's manner of dress, albeit with brighter base-colors, favoring deep browns, golds, and reds. Gondolin would eventually grow to have very different gender-norms for its residents, and then Turgon would begin to favor almost toga-like dress during his reign. That, however, is a matter for another post. He was known for many ornate rings, and collar-like necklaces.
Aredhel leaned sporty/practical feminine, often imitating Indis, whom she was particularly close to. She wore her dark hair plaits bound with white, often decorated with diamonds, and favored white riding-clothes and golden jewelry, matching sometimes with Turgon.
House of Finarfin: [the ones I have headcanons for] Earwen embraced hyper-feminine modes of dress, both to the Teleri and the Noldor. She wore intricate gowns and cloaks with many layers as feathers, most often in silver, white, or blue. Her hair was incredibly long, and always woven into several long braids.
Finrod favored greens and blues, usually in adventuring, hunting, riding sorts of styles -- distinctly sporty. His long hair matched his mother's, and he wore parts of is down, threaded with lily flowers and jewels. His hands were covered in many rings, and generally he made the appearance of being a well-ornamented young man. In Middle Earth he would experiment with androgyny, but that is a story for another post.
Orodreth: Dressed in soft, simple colors, notably pale greens and grays. Not wanting to draw attention, he would usually imitate whatever masculine style was popular in court, but he did not seem particularly confident in them.
Angrod: Embraced his Telerin side often, and dressed similarly to his father. His hair he kept strangely short, just around his shoulders, and wore a top-knot as often as a braid.
Aegnor: Simple in his dress, usually modeling himself after Fingolfin but with rather less splash. He did not much like the weight of jewelry, and wore the minimum he could get away with. Most people considered him quite unfashionable.
Galadriel: Mingled feminine styles of dress freely with masculine ones. Wore her long hair completely unbound on several occasions despite many talking-tos. Decorated her hands with many rings, pairing this with riding styles, but was just as likely to wear a long flowing cloak or gown; often styled her hair with rubies and sapphires. Quite controversial in her style of dress.
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strawhatkia · 11 months
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INCLUDES ! katsuki bakugo x black!fem!reader
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! general relationship headcanons with katsuki !
WARNINGS ! cussing, kats still in highschool, suggestive(?), edited for grammatical errors but lemma know if i missed something
WORD COUNT ! 0.9k+
A/N ! once again, another old work reposted from my last blog. and again, i think it is so hot of this fandom to just headcannon that bakugo is for black women like- yes 💕(i had to break this up into blocks or this post was not going up)
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— ☾⋆⁺₊🧨💢✧
this mofo y’all-
this boy loves you so much but that pride fucks him up every single time
he has no problem saying i love you or even showing his love through actions but in public? you ain’t getting shit !
he just gets wayyy too flustered but i truly think that actions mean a lot to him so he'll still he’ll hug you and whisper it to you
“i love you” “huh?” “SHUT UP! I DIDN’T SAY SHIT!” “nigga damn-”
but beyond that! this man will go above and beyond to make sure you know that you are loved
hell, he’ll spoil you for the sole reason that he does in fact love you more than life itself
(this is saying so much because as much as loves heroes and wants to become one, i truly think that for you, he would do damn near anything even if it means jeopardizing his dream)
i personally think he takes pride in buying you shit so when people ask, you can be like “oh yeah, my boyfriend brought me all of that” “…sis thats at least twenty damn bags of clothes and jewelry-”
his big-headed self is probably like “hell yeah I did”
ironically, he hates when you spend yo own money on him or yourself- don't get it twisted, he definitely does not mind you being independent, he actually encourages it!
...but this is the one thing he won’t let go
this nigga will start hiding yo cards and shit or start blowing them bitches up (card pieces gets vacuumed by the damn roomba before you even notice)
he feign like he stupid or some shit despite being the smartest, most organized nigga you know
but when yo card goes missing...all of sudden, he lost his damn memory?
“kats, where did my card go?” “…....huh?” “nigga- YOU FUCKING HEARD ME! WHERE IS MY DAMN CARD!?!?”
this motherfucker is definitely checking on yo back account every two days just make sure money is coming in and not out
hell the fucking bank tellers know him by name, could point him out a meters before he walks in
if you somehow find that card, first of all: props to you!
second of all: it is not yours forever and it will go missing again in under 24 hrs.
however, the most important thing he decided to buy you was a pretty gold custom necklace of his name and gold bamboo hoops to match !
the hoops he didn’t really care for, they cute and you look gorgeous, but that necklace- chile...
it was almost like he cared for it more than you did…cause he did
he always touching it, fiddling with it, and you know that bitch is real so sometimes he likes to polish it especially when you two to go to events- let it shine in people faces and let 'em know the one by you don't play about you
but if you take it off- sis, did you write yo will yet? put that bitch back on before he catch you
it’s real for a reason- so you don’t have to take it off
if he does catch the necklace not on yo body, he’s gon be pissed
“WHY IN THE HELL IS YO NECKLACE NOT ON YO NECK AND IN MY HAND!?!?” “hol on now- calm yo self. i took it off cause i didn’t want it to get messed up-” “I DON’T GIVE A DAMN! PUT THE SHIT BACK ON!!” 
….it’s such a silly thing to get angry over but don’t take it off sis, if you value yo life
(sidenote: tying back in with his love for actions, he just loves giving gifts, more importantly gifts that you can wear or use b/c then you can think of him when you do wear/use it)
for some reason, whether big or small, he loves hitting your ass. and i don’t mean no petty swat, i mean he’s throwing hands 
*SMACK!* “ow! my nigga, have you lost yo god damn mind?!?” “what~? it looked at me first”
not to mention but any chance he get- he’s grabbing the yams
motherfucker can not keep his damn hands to himself, he gotta touch, even if it’s a quick squeeze 
y’all laying in bed? grabbing the yams. you laying on yo couch, minding yo business? grabbing the yams. talking to yo lil friends? grabbing them yams. working on the field with him? grabbing the yams. 
when y’all sleeping together, his hands always gravitates towards ya ass and stays there maybe even some soft booty rubs
moving on
i’d like to mention that: he is a big baby... like the biggest baby you have ever seen
he won’t ever admit it out loud but sometimes he hates how good you get along with his friends
like yes, he’s happy that all of you get along really well but damn it pay attention to him, not no fucking extras 
and he’s so petty about it. you’ll be talking to kiri and em’ and all of sudden this mother fucker is pulling you into his lap
if you still continue to ignore him or don’t give him all of your attention, he’ll pull away from everyone to some where private and start ranting on how you should pay attention to him and not some fucking extras
and if it’s deku who’s has your attention- ok first of all, how dare you? and second of all, 'getcho yo ass over here before I kill that nerd'   
dramatic much? like damn nigga calm down
and now lastly, let’s talk about golden hour
at first he didn’t know what the fuck it was but when he learned, he was obsessed
“suki, do you wanna do golden hour pictures with me?” “what the hell is that?” “…just bring yo ass on-”
 the way you was just sitting there, shining and shit; melanin taking in all that good sun and the way his necklace was shining against you- mans was hooked 
man’s in his head was like “i’m dating a literal goddess….good job, katsuki😌” 
now he thinks it’s his personally duty to become yo photographer at golden hour. if you let anyone else do it, he will throw a very big tantrum
he loves taking the pictures especially when have just woken up, bonnet still on head, bare face, wearing his t-shirt- yuh yuh, that part;those pictures go up on his instagram page that has more pictures of you than him, with the caption “look at my baby 🥰” sappy, corny ass nigaa
the fangirls was not happy about that but ha! the comments have been off- 
but yeah, boom boom boy loves you more than anything in this world💕
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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did you enjoy this work ? i have more !
lip gloss, lil mama. | f. | bakugo, sero, shinsou, hawks, and mirio.
taglist : @mypimpademia
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15-lizards · 9 months
hello, my dearest! yes, it me again! *kneels and heavy sigh* I must know my beautiful Rhaenyra fashion. she was recorded in Fire and Blood to dress very lavish in colors, and have a lot of jewerly.
and I keep thinking of her wearing Valerian braiding, and gold hair jewelry in her braids, and beautiful silks, and pearls—- AHHHH. the show did her dirty!!
Emma is a gem, and gorgeous! And they deserved to be dressed in full on Rhaenyra attire. I even imagine Targaryen women wearing facial jewelry, like back in old Valyria, nose piercings.
She is Westeros’ It Girl, where is the luxury??? THE GAWDY BAD BITCHERY OF IT ALL???
Although I absolutely adore the wedding head piece she wore, but her dress….. I just knowwww, traditional wedding attire for Targaryens are so much more. Especially since Targaryens’ culture takes inspiration from the Byzantine empire, and Mongolian culture, and another culture!
You should’ve been in the costume department for show, we have been FAILED.
I can also imagine her in comfort furs. Especially when she would be pregnant, mamas needs to be comfy, and still serve cunt.
Yes justice for Rhaenyra 🫡 (also again with the immaculate timelines for the real life eras I gave to these time periods but this is just spitballing for fun)
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Baby Rhae my Renaissance beloved. Very light colors, she doesn’t always wear red quite yet, she likes to dress in a rainbow of the finest silks merchants have to offer. A high waist and gowns that are not super tight or defined gives her a more youthful look. In my head she likes to match with Ali so they both wear similar gowns, though Rhae’s are noticeably more grand. In her youth her hair was long and loose, covered with a cap during casual situations, braided and looped and covered with netting and pearls during balls/feasts/tourneys
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Freshly married Rhae starts wearing a lot more red, trying to really cement her claim as her fathers true heir. She still sometimes wears the gowns she used to match with Ali, however they’re more fitting to a married women, with dark colors and being slightly more fitted to her figure. Her hair is now up too, becoming for a married princess, but she still likes it to be rolled and braided, still covered with pretty things. She’s in a middle ground between childhood and womanhood
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War time Rhae is when she starts becoming very “maegor with teats” she only wears red and black, loathing the color green. Her gowns are now high necked and long sleeved, stern and serious and fitting for a mourning mother. Her hair is often hidden by a hood and veil, but underneath its tightly braided and practical. No longer any signs of the youth she once was
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moonsanoverthinker · 6 months
Any tma jewelry headcanons? I love reading all of these, they are so fun
Funny you should ask because I was thinking about this earlier and also head cannons are so fun to make! (Feel free to ask for more!)
Most of these are purely off vibes alone with very little thought behind them x
Jon - Earrings type of guy for the most part, nothing too like ‘flashy’ but occasionally nice little dangle earring. Also kind of a rings guy, like just a couple but they’re pretty, and occasionally a necklace like those slightly longer ones but it’s usually tucked away. He’s got one bead bracelet that he refuses to take off and it happens to be a green one with a little M bead.
Martin - Bracelets type of guy but those beaded kind of friendship looking ones. He’s got a few with different colours and people in the office (Sasha and Tim) have now noticed that different colours mean different things. Green-Loved up (he also refuses to take it off and it has a little J bead) Orange-Feeling a little (a lot) bitchy // Pink-Pining (that was worn a lot) // Multicoloured-Crimes might be committed.
Tim - Again I’m getting earring vibes, at least one lobe piercing that’s either a little fun shape or is just a plain one (depending on which series) and there’s always this one necklace he wears and he will never take it off (Danny gave it to him for his birthday years ago, ouch) and then there’s this one beaded bracelet he wears which happens to be complimentary colours to one Sasha owns but he claims coincidence.
Sasha - A nose piercing of some kind, but I’m going with septum and she’s also got at least four ear piercings, probably both lobes and then two cartilage. She’s a layered necklace person, sometimes they match perfectly and sometimes they are a little all over the place but they always look nice. She also wears this one beaded bracelet she’s had for years which someone gave her for secret Santa (It was Jon, I’ve got no reason for it but I like the thought)
Melanie - Rings central, it’s a real mix and match type of thing but they seem to all pair well with each other. Also a necklace that she always wears, it’s just a simple silver one that doesn’t seem to match her rings and seems a little older, maybe a little dull compared to the silver rings (her dad gave it to her when she was younger, again ouch)
Georgie- Is either wearing a lot of jewellery or not a lot, depends on the day. Also she’s a gold jewellery person, always wears the same necklace just because she likes it and sees it as a little bit of a good luck charm (she doesn’t really believe it but she likes the thought)
Basira- Has a nose stud but it’s a little one, that she only really started wearing once she was working at the institute. Occasionally wears a couple rings, usually those slightly thicker banded gold ones, and one that looks like it should match someone else’s
Daisy- Piercings mainly, like three upper helix’s on one ear, both lobes stacked (I think that’s the term, those like three going up is what I mean). Also a couple of rings, one that looks kind of like it should match someone else’s (Basira also has one, they pretend they don’t notice each others)
Elias - Two rings, one that comes and goes (his wedding ring) and also just a thumb ring with an eye because he doesn’t understand subtle hints.
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plus-size-reader · 2 years
Life with Kit Walker HC
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~There has never been a more perfect man and I will not be hearing anyone out about anything
~Kit smells like motor oil and cigarettes, in the best way
~Holds your jaw when he kisses you, I don’t make the rules
~Exclusively calls you “doll” “honey” or  his “little wife”
~Though, sometimes, when it’s just the two of you and you’re both feeling especially playful, he calls you “wifey” just so you’ll call him “hubby”
~Surprising him at work with lunch, which the guys at the shop all tease him for
~Playful taps on your ass, especially when you’re least expecting it
~Loves the feeling of your nails on his skin. Like, run your hands through his hair and this man melts
~Hugs you around your middle a lot and buries his face wherever he can get it, so that he can breathe you in and be surrounded by you for a while
~He always has dirty hands, and leaves oil stains on all of your towels and blankets without even meaning to. Sometimes, he even swipes a dirty thumb over your face to watch the jet black liquid mar your skin
~Huffs and puffs under his breath when he’s frustrated about something but doesn’t actually want to bother you about it
~Making dinner together after a long day, and Kit ends up making more of a mess than actually helping you in the kitchen
~Puts money away in a coffee can under the bed for a couple months to buy you real fancy present for your anniversary because you deserve it
~Will put off washing his hair until you can do it for him just so that he can enjoy having you so close to him
~Fidgets with his wedding ring constantly when it’s on his hand
~When he’s at work though, Kit wears his ring on a silver chain around his neck, so that i falls just above his heart all day without him having to worry about losing it
~Super protective of you to the point of absurdity
~Once got in a fight with some guy at the bar after one too many for making a comment about you that he didn’t like
~Runs you baths sometimes, with that fancy bubble bath your friend brought in that basket for your birthday a few years ago
~Then, taking that bath with you and soaking together until the water is a nipping cold
~You haven’t opened a door since you started dating, whether that be a car door, your front door, or the door to your favorite diner in town
~Late night kisses that taste like beer and stale cigarette
~Kit strikes me as the kind of husband who likes to help you get ‘unready’ as much as he likes to watch  you get dolled up. Like, he would help you out of your shoes, unzip your dress, and undo your necklace and put it in the jewelry box
~Is obsessed with watching you put on your makeup, often standing behind you in the mirror with his hands on your hips and his chin resting in the crook of your neck
~Kit has a heart of gold and knows how to use it when it comes to you
Inside Briarcliff:
~Talking to one another about the lives you lived before this and who you always dreamed you would be, outside of the circumstances
~Kit doing his best to protect you in there, always staying close when he can and even taking a caning or two when you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time
~Talking every night through the walls of your rooms, and finding comfort in his voice
~Holding you close and tight whenever he gets the opportunity, in an effort to keep you from feeling less alone while also making himself feel better
~Walking the grounds together, even holding hands on occasion when there’s no one around to put a stop to it
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9w1ft · 1 year
I was looking through old jewelry stuff and found a necklace Karlie wore for about 6 months, from about Sept 2019-April 2020. It was a gold disk that was engraved with “I can and I will” on it. As our resident jewelry expert, any theories on what that may have been about?
hello hello
thank you for your inquiry 😌
so this necklace is something that i assume was bought along with two other pieces from the same brand because they appeared around the same time and she wore them often interchangeably, and frequently together. the necklace is by Zoe Chicco.
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in addition to this disc with the mantra “I Can and I Will” inscribed on it, the necklaces i associate it with are a strand of graduated gold disks and a ‘sunbeam medallion’ which she actually wore a ton on its own.
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the mantra necklace was most frequently worn within the set of these three and at the time it felt very much like just, idk, a trendy layered look, and she wore them so often that honestly i did not keep track of the necklaces well. so i had to do a little bit of poking around.
so, for your perusal, here is an incomplete list of times she has worn at least one of the three pieces, based on an account that was documenting her looks at the time (link) and StarStyle (link):
she starts out wearing either the graduates discs or the sunbeam necklace, from september 2019
9/5/2019 in china for the world cup
9/8/2019 to the US open
9/18/2019 papped outside in nyc
9/21/2019 papped in rome (scooter was around)
10/10/2019 on her instagram outside in nyc
10/21/2019 papped outside in nyc
10/30/2019 papped outside in nyc
then the mantra necklace appeared and there was a period where she started wearing the three as a layered look more often, sometimes two together, and sometimes just the mantra necklace:
11/1/2019 promoing adidas on her insta
11/15/2019 papped outside in nyc
11/26/2019 at the elk in nyc
12/8/2019 papped outside in nyc
12/21/2019 yachting in st. barthelemy
1/27/2020 when karlie was in LA
2/18/2020 amex valentine’s day dinner
4/23/2020 instagram live w katie couric
4/28/2020 the today show
4/30/2020 met gala bts video
5/1/2020 exercising on instagram
5/1/2020 on wes gordon’s instagram
5/5/2020 the tonight show
5/17/2020 instagram from her nyc place
5/19/2020 klossy video about how falling on the runway can help your career
from this point forward she started wearing the necklaces separately instead of all three at once (not the mantra medallion though as far as i could tell) from mid 2020 up through mid 2021. for the sake of brevity i won’t list everything up, but you can check StarStyle from the above link.
as for what the mantra means, you know, this is just a loosely formed thing but… i will offer a quick thought
in retrospect, she wore the necklace along with the other two during a very specific time period, right? a little after taylor’s masters were bought by scooter, all the way up until she headed for LA a few months into quarantine. so if you think about late 2019-early 2020 as being this time where everyone thought karlie further betrayed taylor and where karlie went to places or events where scooter was and such… and how following this period of time scooter’s infidelity was eventually exposed and he divorced and a lot of his business dealings soured, and we got songs like mad woman, vigilante shit, and karma —songs that i do believe show that karlie stuck around scooter and got dirt on him for taylor— then, within that context, i think that the mantra “i can and i will” is pretty… badass 🙈 like, if the amulette de cartier was for dark seasons of life that require courage, this mantra feels much more something suitable for… playing offense 😏
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Hiiiii babes :) How are we? What are we up to?
The ask game about ocs, for you, my liege
3.(for Shiv in particular<3) 6.(i need reson tp draw your ocs) 8. 10.(same as 6.) 15.(cause i think family shapes a person in a way that is realy interesting to explore) 22.(how would they be in the ''there's only one bed situation in particular) 23. 28. 34.(dear lord is that Fascinatin. Lūdzu lūdzu lūdzu :( )
You don't have to do all of them, i'm just having a lot of fun with this. About Helen or Shivani or whoever<3
Hey babe!! Love when you make my braincells work <333 had to think this one through lmao but had lots of fun!! :D!!
Here's the original post
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
Shivani's main weapon is an one-handed sword, simply because they're designed to eliminate threats as quickly and efficiently as possible and Shivani is not a fan of carrying weight for funsies. Sometimes she uses a great sword for the sheer power of it
6. how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks?
Shivani takes great care of her hair. She cleans and oils her hair routinely, and as a result, her hair is silky smooth. If it's tangled/untamed it greatly irritates her. Shivani normally braids her hair but using it loose doesn't necessarily annoys her.
Helen just uses it loose. Or on a french twist for a gala. She's also the type to either spent three hours on an everything-bath or pay someone to do it.
8. do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
Helen gets called "princess" by Bruce as a way to tease her because the other kids on hs called her that, Regina George style, and the nickname simply stuck
Now, Arie calls Shivani a dozen things, but her nickname is a simple Shiv
10. if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
Shivani got a dozen different ear cuffs. She's a big fan of thread-type of earrings but she got only one piercing to pass them through (sad). Rings and necklaces are annoying. She uses more silver and brass jewelry
Helen uses anything-designer. Doesn't care much about it. Gold. Values more the little "cheap" (what is cheap for two billionaires anyway?) charm ring Bruce gifted to her than every other one. She also got a signet ring with the family's crest engraved that was he father's
15. how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
Shivani got an older sister as her only blood-relative. But she lives with her group and ocasionally puts orphans under her wing
I won't be specifying how she grew up, but it was an extremely strict place that forced discipline into her
Helen currently lives alone. She grew up in a silent house that she never called home
22. do they sleep well at night? + How they deal with the one bed trope?
Helen has a messed up sleep-schedule. Sleeps from 6am to 10am and then takes at nap to 10pm to 12am if she doesn't have any event to go to. It doesn't take much for her to sleep but any minor sound wakes her up
Shivani takes forever to fall asleep, but once she does, she sleep like the dead.
Helen is a cuddler. She will cuddle pillows, sheets, people. It doesn't matter for her. But even a simple snoring or turning around (shaking the bed) wakes her up. So she'll force the other person to lay on the ground. She'll only sleep in the same bed if she loves the person A LOT
As long as you don't touch Shivani, she's fine. She doesn't want alive things touching her while she sleeps. Also the knife below her pillow is an accident waiting to happen
23. how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
Helen's voice is mellow, pleasant to listen to. She can convince you of anything if you don't have mental fortitude. She can sing, think of Kali Uchis on See You Again
Shivani's voice is more deep, husky and flat. She can't sing, the most she'll do is lullaby a child to sleep
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
Helen would bankrupt a person just because the person ate the last cookie. Buy their lands and assets just to be petty
She shows she cares by buying things the person might like, including vacations. She doesn't know any other way to show she cares without feeling like a performance
Shivani will do the "is this okay? (I love you) Do you want that? I'll get it for you (I love you) is it okay if I touch you? (I love you) Can I come closer? (I love you). I love you, I want both of us to eat well" and cook their favourite dishes
34. how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
Helen: "Bristol is breeding ground for freaks. Honey I'm just one more of those suckers with a god-complex and tons of money."
Shivani: "Nobody, daughter of no one."
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lilac-set · 4 days
I got a question about fashion: How do you y'all manage clothes? is it a group wardrobe or do you each have separate outfits?
Ah, good question. We all have pretty distinct styles, but there is some overlap, especially with more foundational pieces. Ideally we would probably curate a wardrobe with some (most?) pieces we all like to wear and some things that make us feel like ourselves individually, theres only four of us so that probably wouldnt be too overwhelming, but we do wanna make sure we each dress in a way that whoever comes in is comfortable if the person who got ready that day happens to switch out
Right now, unfortunately our parents have more control over our wardrobe than we do, which feels a little suffocating obviously but in a way is convenient, because we never have to deal with looking like each other, we just look like our mask, and no one has super strong preferences for or against any one piece of clothing, with a few exceptions being that wearing black is a positive front trigger for Fire, pastels for the little, and i (🪨) prefer dark colors. We feel some ownership over the ones we prefer, and some of them we bought specifically for us individually (within our parents’ extremely restricting restrictions, which is basically what they had already decided should be our personal style before we were born), but we borrow from each other a lot. The little does have some baby hair bows and similar things just for him
We’re pretty good at cooperating and compromising, because we all get to live in the brain experiencing positive emotions if we optimize for everyone involved, so we’ve never had any real arguments about it
All that is to say, not too much dysphoria, but very little euphoria either
In headspace, and on the body if we didnt have to worry about our parents’ and each other’s comfort,
Fire (now cofronting) pretty consistently dresses like this:
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Along with a non-negligible amount of gold jewelry, which he somehow makes look minimalist
Earth’s color palette is more varied, i like eccentric casual button downs a lot and generally dark earthy and neon colors, I’d probably leave the shirts open and layer them over something pretty neutral
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We couldnt find any good examples of what Water wears but we can give a color palette, he likes loose flowy comfortable clothes, he’s more confident in his masculinity so his presentation is a little more gnc than the rest of us adults
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And then the little, a cat. It isnt always or even usually overalls but you get the vibe
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He likes to wear an inordinate (/aff) amount of bows and things like that in his fur as well
To be completely honest we dont have a plan, which stresses out a little bit, and its something we think about a lot. There are some things, all of the adults probably wouldnt mind sharing some pants and undershirts between us, probably less so between Fire and Water but i dont mind black and Water and i have some colors we like in common, and Water and Air have a couple too, we’re not so concerned about obtaining things we’re comfortable with once we have the option as we are that sometimes someone will switch in and have to deal with looking like his brother, and the first will have to deal with his brother looking like him, and both of those sound like dysphoria hell for us, but we dont wanna deal with the lack of euphoria forever, ya know? I want my body to look like me. I just dont want anyone else living it to look like me. My tattoos will never be on the body, Fire’s piercings will never be on the body, we all have different ideas of what we would do with our hair and beard and idk if we could handle each other’s. We all identify with the body, we just have completely different ideas of what we would do with it
That being said, it never happens that one of us is fronting completely alone, we all always cofront, we use words like “front” and “switch” to refer to the ratio. So what would probably continue to happen once we have the freedom to choose our own clothes is that what’s on the body would be an amalgamation of everyone’s styles. Which is fine i guess
What about you, what do you guys do?
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thelunarsystemwrites · 4 months
Infectious Love Tale: Ways to show affection by an infected.
Lust had to admit, things could very much be a lot worse for him.
He also had to admit, they could be a lot better...
Being infected sucked, a lot. He was kept in a small quarantine cell for most of the day, only big enough for some walking space and a a cot.
The meals weren't great to begin with, and his 'venom' made everything tastes worse. Sweet food seemingly canceled that out though, yet he was rarely allowed chocolate.
The muzzle was uncomfortable, had a bulky lock at the back of his skull, and made breathing sound weird.
Oh, and, no physical contact with anyone. No hugs, kisses, high fives were off the table. The best he got was his pillow, which used to be Blue's... it still smelled like him.
He felt lonely, tpuch starved. Even if there were other infected contained down here with him. None of them had much to say, and he didn't fully understand them anyways.
But, speaking of Blue. Lust and the survivor had found some... interesting ways, to be affectionate.
One, drawings.
Often the two could sit on either sides of the hazard protecting glass, drawing pictures or writing notes, it could then be slipped through the meal trey flat, which Blue always had to be careful about opening.
Lust isn't sure what Blue does with them, but Lust? He saves each and every one, hoping he'll be able to put them all in a nice box if once a cure was found.
Two, food.
Lust was in charge of feeding the other infected, Ink was in charge of feeding him. Key word, was. Blue, as of recently, was the new official 'handler' of him, though he prefers the term caregiver.
Blue couldn't do much to change what he got to eat, but he'd put his mashed potatoes in a heart shape, making smiling faces out of chicken, and other various shapes or messages.
Plus he always warmed the food up a bit, that was nice.
Three, medical treatment.
Technically, physical contact was allowed if Ludt had to be put in the med bay, which, happened every so often if he started having too many episodes back to back.
And while Blue couldn't do anything medically most of the time, he was the one who took Lust out of the lowest floor to transport him. Instead of just teleporting, the two would walk and talk, Blue often carrying him... even if the survivor was required to wear a hazmat suit...
But it was nice to be tucked in, though Blue still had to shackle him to the medical cot like some sort of prisoner. Sometimes, Lust just wanted to beg him to run away together.
He's the only one that's been treating him like a person.
And, four: gifts.
Any time Blue went out on a mission, he tended to return with shiny trinkets, that's he'd excitedly show to Lust. Rarely it was jewelry, mostly paperclips, wire, fake gems, gold that was now worthless...
Lust keeps all of it too, he has a little treasure pile at this point.
Blue also once gave him an old T-Shirt, Lust slept in it every night. Or, he did before Dream took it... he's not sure why? What was the harm, it's not like Lust gave the shirt back!
But he still has his pillow, his trinkets, his notes and drawing...
He thinks he's falling for this man. Infected, not infected—He'd be like Romeo and Juliet!
He can only pray that he doesn't meet theor same fate.
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ssasukewasright · 2 years
Jujutsu kaisen fashion headcanons
only wears tailored pieces
is very subtle, like you know he's wearing designer but is not loud
a sucker for good fabric
always been a suit king TM
haibara once gift him a handkerchief, he still has it
Tom Ford
terrible fashion sense. IM KIDDING but he sometimes shows up in the most flashy things just to fuck around
He loves shopping
a lot of sunglasses
he has a lot of clothes still with the tag on
expensive jewelry, a sucker for thin white gold chains and rings
also back when he was student he got matching rings with Suguru
a lot of dark colors; black, navy blue, dark greys
would own a few vintage pieces
had a avril lavigne phase in high school, Gojo still make fun of her.
owns a few suits, all of them tailored
it's just like nanami in the way that her fashion sense it's not flashy but you can tell
a lot of silk
she's very unique with her style but i also can see her being influenced by utahime.
she stole one of Suguru's leather jackets back in jujutsu tech and she still has it, never wears it but it's in the back of her closet
expensive lingerie
easily best dressed
has a very unique sense of style
had the whole james dean vibe when he was younger
i can see him being a rick owens boy
layering king
the lion gucci ring
everything is black, maybe only a few white pieces
would 100% wear matching outfits with nanako and mimiko
boots, the high heel rick owen boots? yes
everything is baggy, pants, shirts, big coats etc
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anipologist · 2 years
Finrod Thoughts...
These are personal opinions/ideas but a fair number of them are extrapolations of canonical texts.
I don’t think Finrod is an especially gaudy elf (I have a hard time imagining any elf as gaudy actually) They like the stars and jewels remind them of the stars but I have never heard the night sky called garish and I think that even the most jewelry obsessed of elves probably still manage to be tasteful.
He likes beautiful things (he probably as a collection of silver and gold strung harps somewhere) but he is not possessive...he absolutely loves descending on friends and family with armloads of gifts. Then stands around hoping they'll like what he found/made for them. It's mostly endearing...Galadriel used to give him a hard time about it but after he dies she just desperately misses it.
I think he loves light (even a bit more than the average elf - Tolkien makes such a brutal point of him dying in the dark) and Nargothrond is a city of lights. I think he hangs lamps all over the city and there is an ever changing kaleidoscope of light and shadow dappled across the high ceilings and polished floors.
I think he loves the water and probably wears a lot of blue and green and grey but not much white (white reminds him too much of Alqualondë) he likes red but even Valinor he didn't wear it much because it usually led to pointed comments from Feanor about a Vanya in a Noldo's clothing.
Most of his sculptures are probably closer to Bernini than Michelangelo. And there is probably at least one hall that resembles a carven forest with trees rendered in stone, so life-like that you expect them to sway in the wind and the acoustics are mind-blowing. He likes going there when it is empty and working out new melodies.
I think the Teleri/Vanyar side come out more frequently than his people like, why can't his heart just be undivided Noldo...his amilessë is "The Noldo" isn't that supposed to be prophetic? Things would be so much easier, but he also loves having this un-Noldo side, he likes his weird and varied interests and he knows people say sharp and unkind things about it but he actually finds he doesn't mind being considered a little mad. Especially once he comes back to life.
He finds metaphysical and philosophical wandering just as fascinating as literal wandering. It’s like the intellectual Vanya side got mixed up with the Telerin wanderlust side and the results are vaguely terrifying. He is relentlessly curious and soaks up lore and knowledge and linguistics like a sponge. When he was very young he used to pester a couple of the more approachable Maiar with the dreaded questions of “why” and “how”. When he got older and had so far not been struck by lightning or anything he moved up the ranks and started talking to Nienna and Ulmo and Vaire and on one memorable occasion Manwë and Varda. It’s one of the reasons he clings to his respect of the Valar in Middle Earth (see the Athrabeth).
He tries desperately to be calm and in control and he mostly succeeds on the outside. Everyone seems to rely on him being a peace-maker and with Angrod, Aegnor and Galadriel as siblings not to mention the rest of his kin he can't really afford not to be. Not to mention he is at a severe disadvantage age-wise against the likes of Thingol, Fingolfin and Maedhros. He needs to be taken seriously as a leader. So he makes himself a diplomat...he already likes meeting new people and talking...how hard can it be?
I think he and Arafinwë are reflections of each other in a lot of ways, Finrod gets the proud, headstrong side of Finwë in a way that his father alone does not. So Finrod spends a lot of time and effort trying to be more like his father and manages fairly well on the surface. he is not a hypocrite...but pride takes time and patience and experience to overcome. He generally does a good job of catching himself but every now and then he sounds rather patronizing.
Arafinwë on the other hand sometimes wishes he was a bit less horrified by conflict and he does his best to seem sure and confident and in charge...but inside he absolutely detests even friendly conflict. Because of this most people think that Finrod and Finarfin are more like twins than father and son because they both hit a sort of happy medium on the surface.
But underneath, Finrod is all wild explorer and passionate adventurer, he wants to know things and discover everything and he is never happier than wandering somewhere no one has ever been before (either intellectually or otherwise) with nothing but his eager mind and his songs. Finarfin is never happier than when his family is safely asleep in the same house and he can go star-gazing with Earwen.
I think he is one of those odd people that has a foot firmly planted in in both the material world and the spiritual world and that is mostly a good thing. It gives him ridiculous amounts of control over illusions and songs for one thing. His illusions started off as party tricks and art and then he realized the espionage potential in Beleriand. It also makes him a little eldritch and terrifying but he usually keeps that side well hidden.
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infraaa · 2 years
OH sorry sorry I forgot to put it, sugar list ^^
『pertaining to this customer’s previous ask, thanks! The info is much appreciated! Let’s get to work, ah?』
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400 Follower Milestone Event — Longan Dragon Cookie
The following letters, C O Q and X from… the Sugar list! 🍡 Time to get fluffy!
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🍡 C \\ Cuddles :: What are cuddles like with them?
Longan isn’t a cuddly cookie by default— nor are they romantic in the slightest bit.
However they curse the damn ancients for fucking putting you here. Why do you distract them so??
It’s like a love hate thing with cuddling.
Longan, if not preparing for total damnation, can be found lounging in their abode, hanging with the clams and some of the floating eyeballs.
You walk up to them as they sit on their throne and pull off the best puppy dog eyes imaginable and you go,
“Longan? 🥺” “Yes? What do you want?” “Can we cuddle? 🥺” “No. 😒” “Pleeeeease?” 🥺🐶” “Y/n, I said no.” “cue whining noises 🥺😫” “ugh… fine, you win… this once.” “Yay! 🥹 😁” “Hush with that, or I’ll change my mind.”
You’ll have to initiate too. They’re lazy like that. Not because they’re trying to be, they just don’t know what to do.
Even if you hug them, if they return it, it’s kind of stiff. Slowly edge them into the warmth you have to bring. They’re the type to move in baby steps with this kind of thing anyway, despite him not even liking as much as one would hope.
But soon, they’ll warm up. It’s inevitable. Their feelings switch around on position. Sometimes they want to hold, other times they want to be held.
They like it when you straddle them, kind of hugging their head so that it rests either in the crook of your neck or your chest.
As much as they would hate to admit… they grow into it and start to take a liking to your cuddles 🧡
🍡 O \\ Oh joy! :: Do they show their feelings to their s/o before they confess? How do they court their s/o?
Longan keeps their emotions well hidden.
They believe that these feelings are a distraction, and stays in denial for a long time.
The other dragons have to piss them off so hard to make them understand. Pitaya is the main culprit.
“Oh come on, Longan Dragon! You’re in love, aren’t cha?!” “Of course not, shut your mouth.” “You actually sssat with the newbie today don’t lie to me!” “PITAYA-
proceeds to sit in their bedchamber and fucking sulk
Longan actually wouldn’t be the first one to confess either, they would wait for their s/o to do it first.
They have a strange way of confessing and or agreeing with their s/o’s feelings.
They’re s/o confesses, and then Longan returns by saying,
“I like you and anyone who gets in my way might get a handful of some shit or stay heavy hearted. Be mine and everything will be fine,” followed with a bone crushing hug.
My… how charming! 😅
They court using old customs used by all dragons— gifts.
Particularly stuff from their hoard, which is actually quite neat and tidy. They keep a lot of gold and other shiny trinkets, jewelry, that like.
They also count as possessive gifts, some of them, namely rings or necklaces. They sometimes ask you to wear something that they gave you if you two go out somewhere.
Genuinely though, most of the stuff they get you is actually real. No fake shit. Very pretty as well, they’re very selective with the stuff they choose to gift you with.
Anything with fine quality, and anything they took a liking to. They think of your reaction, your eyes, your smile, the way your cheeks glow that innocent shade of pink, your rosy lips—
They kinda get carried away and get lost in thought whole just standing as still as a board in their board.
🍡 Q \\ Quiet :: What is their confession like? Do they loudly announce it or write it down?
Very subtle.
Again, Longan is very good with their emotions.
If anything, the courting above explains most of that they do, as well as allow some of the eyes to keep an eye on you (get it?)
Their confession tho is kinda spooky…
You get a handwritten note from a clam, and it tells you to meet them somewhere.
Like you do, you would. They seem to like the nighttime ambiance, and likes the moon, so they thought it would be fitting to confess to you at night.
They don’t really do anything too extravagant, they don’t bring anything with them, they don’t prepare anything, they just want you to meet them somewhere nice and quiet.
Maybe under a tree or in a plain, under the moonlight in the grass, making causal conversation.
But, again, Longan isn’t the first to confess, they don’t really tend to make the first move. Not because they don’t want to but because they are apprehensive.
Underneath that stony exterior is the knowledge that they are immortal— a dragon. They know they will outlive you, and as a result, is scared to fall in love with you. They know you will die someday, and that you will leave them.
They really don’t want that. If they could try and find a way to keep you alive, they would. If they could find a way to prolong your lifespan, they would go to the ends of earthbread to hunt whatever that could be down.
But they’re not going to reveal that. That’s for you to find out.
In the end though, they’re very quiet about their confession (that’s rather a response to your confession if you so choose,) and would want to try and talk to you in a private space where they know they couldn’t be found or disturbed.
X \\ XOXO ❤️ :: How affectionate are they? Are they into PDA are they private with their love?
No PDA. Absolutely not. ❌
Although they can’t be bothered with things such as gossip. Longan is also a shy fellow and doesn’t really like all the attention out in public places.
After all, they’ve lived a life of seclusion for the most part, they don’t really like people besides the other dragons, and again… solitude.
So. With that laid out, Longan can get overwhelmed pretty quickly.
They prefer privacy. Lots of it.
Maybe as much as the confines of their own nest. Even then, Longan is still incredibly stiff at first, however, Longan can give in at some point in time. You just gotta warm them up to everything, make them realize that they’re gonna be fine.
The closest that Longan can get to showing any kind of affection on their own accord is by watching movies with you.
Naturally, Longan would become sleepy as the movie went on, and as a result they would unconsciously do things they wouldn’t do.
Their head resting on yours, a hand softly roaming over your own or over your stomach, hugging you to their side as they kinda cuddled up to you in their cozy state…
They might fall asleep too, that never happens. They look down on you if you do that but they? Yeah, they’re tired. To think you would fall asleep in their presence? Do you have any kind of guard up at all to sleep near a dragon?
Certainly they don’t around a cookie like you, that just proves that they trust you.
Longan is all about action, not words, as they believe actions are more powerful.
On rare occasions though, there is another way that they show affection.
An ivory and gold ballroom within their abode, decorated with the finest serpent carvings, the eyes moving around gracefully, the clams having their own glowing fountains.
True elegance— made for the one percent.
Ballroom dancing with your dragon, they certainly believe that back in the old times, this was also a proper way of showing affection.
Proffering ghlibi style music, like music from Howl’s Moving Castle, a proper strong piece for a nice waltz.
You can actually see their face, their glowing golden draconic pupils within their void scleras, their ivory skin and silvery hair, smiling… just the slightest bit…
While they take you away in your ivory dress clothes you smile back as they hold onto your waist more tenderly.
With every twirl, every turn and every step do you feel their hope, the hope that’s almost shrouded by their damnation. Of course, you’re that light that softens their demeanor, their attitude towards the cold ever changing world.
Their grip on your hand, soft yet reassuring, you’re the only thing true in this world, one of the things they don’t want to change. 🧡
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