#songs are chosen either they vibes or lyrics lol
lambment · 3 months
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narilamb playlist, almost as messy as their relationship
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frownyalfred · 3 months
admittedly im not very familiar with the songs but throwing my 2 cents in for potential sequel title ideas: -The ticking and the tocking clock - Somewhere in between (not quite the same cadence as the others but immediately made me think of the joker w the warehouse bomb countdown clock so had to include it lol) -The Night and the Daylight - Somewhere in between (à la its always darkest before the dawn, it gets worse so much worse before it gets better vibes) -A Storm in the swimming pool - How to be Invisible (sounds kinda angsty and fits w the naming convention lol) -The edge of a mirror - An architect's dream (also bit of an angsty vibe. mirror of the joker killing robin and now wanting for sure nothing good for the twins [and bruce]?) - A veil of diamond dust - Nocturn (why is the diamond dust? diamonds are formed under pressure but even they will eventually crumble to dust if too much force is applied. Veil as in wedding? or as in the veil between life and death? a death shroud is also just cloth like a veil is. veil is also used meaning to cover or conceal)
ive fallen down a rabbit hole of reading all the lyrics and trying to think of angsty interpretations of them so i'll stop here 😂 its always fascinating to me all the different reasons authors have for their titles, for me i feel like that would be the hardest part i stress over what to name my pets in video games let alone a fic other people are going to read 😂
Whatever the title of the fic is im sure it will be amazing as always :D
Ahhh thank you for these! I am super weird about naming fics. All of the titles tend to be lyrics and usually lyrics from songs I’ve either been listening to while writing, or lyrics that fit what happens in the story itself.
I really want to make a lyric from Aerial work for this fic, but as you’ve noticed Kate Bush gets pretty weird outside of the ones I’ve already chosen.
I’ll find something! I need to percolate. Thank you for your help :)
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visualtaehyun · 4 months
When you get this you have to answer with 5 of your fav songs and then tag your mutuals to do the same :) (no pressure <3)
Tagged by @chickenstrangers @twig-tea @thegalwhorants - thanks y'all ☺️ please never stop tagging me in music games, I love discovering and sharing music <3
I'm cheating here but a lot of my fav songs are OSTs so to not give myself a headache give the rest a fighting chance, I'm gonna choose 5 favs, excluding OSTs, and 5 only-OST favs!
ดาวหางฮัลเลย์ - fellow fellow
/daao haang Halley/
This song has not released me from its clutches since I first heard it during the musical portion of the ZeeNuNew concert last year. I love the lyrics and the vibes so so much. 🥹
ติดฝน - PiXXiE
/dtit fon/
I. LOVE. THESE. GIRLS! They're so talented! I legit struggled with which song of theirs to choose but I'm most obsessed with this one these days and, recently, I keep hearing people I follow sing it or play it as background music. Case in point: Keng Harit, Domundi gen 3, singing it on an IG live.
ฉันมันเป็นคนแบบนี้ - Boom Saharat
/chan man bpen khohn baaep nee/
The weirdest thing happened: I was listening to NuNew's cover of this song (listen- I'm aware I discover a lot of songs through him but he IS my favorite performer dsjshdhhs) and got real confused because I was able to sing along right away but cannot for the life of me recall how I knew this song already! I hadn't seen the MV, no one I follow seems to have covered it, and I didn't know the artist at all?? It remains a mystery to me but I've played it endlessly since then. New Thitipoom stars in the MV btw!
ต่อจากนี้เพลงรักทุกเพลงจะเป็นของเธอเท่านั้น - No One Else
/dtaaw jaak nee phleng rak thook phleng ja bpen khaawng ter thao nan/
I don't remember how I originally found it but it's one of those songs that routinely has me singing along. The title translates to 'From now on every love song will be yours'. I love the lyrics a lot!
Complicated - MATCHA
This is one of many songs and artists I discovered on that one afternoon-turned-evening-turned-night when I decided to start tracking down every song Amp Achariya has had a hand in (I then realized I was in over my head and that she'd worked on so. many. more. than I ever expected and that my spreadsheet skills weren't sufficient to catalog them lol). Needless to say, Matcha is incredibly talented and I've so far only scratched the surface of her discography.
Onto 5 of my fav OSTs!
ร้อยฤดูหนาว - Pond, Phuwin
/raawy reu duu naao/
I love the way this song builds with the instruments coming in one after another. I love their voices. I love the lyrics. This song was written by ณกมล ปุคคละนันท์ aka PEPPERY P who penned a lot of the My School President songs - อีกนิด (Come Closer), รักษา (Healing), พูดได้ไหม (Let Me Tell You), ก้อนหินกับดวงดาว (Rock&Star), and รักคู่ขนาน (Multi-Love). Yes, I am in fact sneakily rec'ing the MSP OST here too lol
คือเธอ - Zee, NuNew
/kheuu ter/
I could've chosen so many songs among the Cutie Pie OSTs but ended up deciding on this one because P'Pin truly wrote this song to highlight both their vocal talents and it shows. ✨️ He works a lot with Domundi artists (especially ZeeNuNew) and FreenBecky, writing songs and OSTs for them and arranging songs for them for concerts - his IG is full of song insights and singing snippets if you like any of these artists!
ภาพสุดท้าย - William Jakrapatr
/phaap sut thaai/
Do I even need to explain? It's an Amp Achariya song, the lyrics are beautiful, the meaning within the show is so !! and this LYKN boy right here kills it with his performance. 👏
แค่เธอ - Jeff Satur
/khaae ter/
I'm not a KP girlie and this song wasn't even on my radar when I watched the show. I kinda rediscovered it a few months later, most likely either by going through Jeff's discography or maybe through Joong Archen singing it on an IG live (I realize it must look like I sit and watch a shit ton of IG lives but the honest truth is that I don't even use IG, I just stumble upon clips on twt and YT a lot lol). And boy howdy did Jeff's writing strike a chord! Don't get me wrong, the English version is nice too and all but it doesn't come close to the Thai lyrics and how well they flow with the melody, Jeff really outdid himself there!
คู่คอง - Kong Huayrai
/khuu khaawng/
นาคี is not a drama I've seen and, yes, I again know this song through a NuNew cover lol but I really wanted to make sure to include a ลูกทุ่ง (Luk Thung) song because I love this genre. This song is extra special because the lyrics are in Isan, which is a Northeastern Thai dialect (though it's actually far closer to Lao than Central Thai). I routinely get this song stuck in my head.
/end of Thai music ramble
I'm sure I'm late to the party again so if you've been tagged already, please kindly ignore this or point me towards your post. ✨️ Tagging @raktae @sunshinechay @btwinlines @zimmbzon @airenyah @rocketturtle4 @telomeke and whoever sees this and wants in on the fun~
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themanwhomadeamonster · 2 months
prefacing this by saying i love dd2's soundtrack and i have some of it downloaded on my phone already. but i recognise that it gets a lot of criticism (for good reason too imo) and i am going to explore why that is without trying to sound like a hater 😭 also slight spoilers because i talk about the end credits theme
tl;dr: main title screen theme fucks up perception of the rest of the soundtrack because it's so musically disconnected from everything else
i think the problem with dd2's soundtrack "lacking a (recognisable) leitmotif" isn't that there lacks a leitmotif because there's actually two main ones, both of which stem from the end credits song. this generally isn't a bad thing, though just one is usually standard, there are sets out there where more than one leitmotif is used. the thing is though, in dd2 most of the in-game soundtracks use variations of the chorus melody (cyclops, griffin, some story cinematics, etc.) and quite recognisably too imo which makes sense!, but the (main) title screen uses the melody from the verses.
(side note: before anyone argues that even the chorus leitmotif isn't present in the generic combat soundtracks either, that wasn't the case for dd1/da either (except for the low intensity dd1 combat track) so i think dd2 can be excused on that front. i also think it's good that they didn't use it everywhere in either game because it would get annoying very quickly)
nobody remembers the theme of the dd2 title screen (don't lie, i don't either and i had to crank my brain to recall it when writing this) because you barely hear its leitmotif in-game until the very end during a handful of cinematic cutscenes. i think even the trailer music uses the chorus melody. so you have two competing leitmotifs, and on top of that, the one which SHOULD be memorable because it's the title screen theme is actually very rarely heard in-game. you wouldn't piece this together until the end of the game, AND that's if you even stick around for the credits to let it play!
in ddda, the title screen theme already plays in the first cassardis cinematic AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME, in a scene that was emotionally significant early on. those who hand down the story as an ending medley works because it's of two already strongly established themes (cassardis + eternal return). this didn't work with dd2's end credits theme because the two leitmotifs were not established as cohesively by that point. dd2's chosen leitmotifs should've recurred more regularly and in emotionally significant points in the game - even melve by itself and not anywhere else until the end would've been a good opportunity to use the verse motif because it's at the start of the game to hook the player + let them be able to connect it to the main theme, and it also lines up with the end credit's verse's lyrics
so musically i think the dd2 soundtrack is fine. catchy enough and imo memorable that it's an earworm. though i miss the rock/jazz/flamenco elements from the first game, the theme of dd2 as being very high fantasy instead of classic medieval low makes the folk/orchestra/occasional dungeon synth hybrid an appropriate choice to me, and this proves itself as a strength imo in its ambience. the lowkey ethereal dungeon synth of seafloor shrine and ancient battleground soundtracks + post-game ambience is atmospherically amazing. on top of that, i think its identity this time around lies more strongly in the folk instruments style for both vermundian/battahli ambience/combat music, which establishes the high fantasy folk vibe strongly.
unfortunately, the title theme does not reflect this at all LOL being a purely orchestral arrangement only - no folk instruments. into free was weirdly jpop but at least the rock elements did have some place in the soundtrack. as a COHESIVE soundtrack, it sounds very confused with its direction and that in itself is understandably more than enough to fundamentally turn off fans despite the positives. ultimately i think its musical identity would be stronger if the main title theme was changed tbh 😐 (and it did later, but by then it's too late + it only matches post-game vibes not the other 90% of the game). there's a thematic disconnect (conflicting theme/leitmotif until the end credits) as well as stylistic one (in-game folk music vs classic orchestra) which skews expectations of the rest of the soundtrack
additionally, i think due to the wack difficulty scaling - somehow worse than dd1 RIP, the side effect is that we end up hearing the low intensity soundtracks for most of the game and further ng+'s which of course are meant to sound less complex in comparison, which further perpetuates the weak soundtrack perception
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otakween · 10 months
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Digimon Adventure Drama CD 3 (Character Song + Mini Drama 3)
The final part in this drama CD trilogy! There are other Digimon Adventure CDs for me to go through, but this is the end of the character song + mini drama collection. So great that these are easily accessible online. I've had a lot of fun going through them.
Download link
The Stolen First Dreams of the Year - Parts 1 & 2
The gang realizes that none of them had a New Year's dream (it's a Japanese tradition to analyze your first dream of the year). Yamato and Takeru go to investigate and Bakumon reveals he ate everyone's dreams! Dun dun dunnnn
Gotta love the totally realistic conversations of people being like "you didn't have a dream either, so weird!" I feel like I don't remember my dreams most nights lol.
I've always known that tapir were associated with dream-eating in Japan (due to anime and video games), but I've never looked up the origins of this. According to Wikipedia the nightmare eating, supernatural "baku" and the tapir are both called "baku," but they're different...but also baku look just like tapir lol. Not confusing at all!
In part 2 of this drama Yamato and Takeru are trapped in Takeru's dream. Takeru is a cat, Patamon's a kite, and Gabumon's a shishimai. I thought it was funny that Takeru had a profound reason for Patamon to be a kite, but Gabumon was a shishimai because...he just kinda looks like one lol
Takeru uses the power of lucid dreaming to defeat Bakumon and escape his dream...that's a pretty obvious weakness
Image Song 1 - Walk on the Edge (Yamato Ishida)
A very "cool" song for Yamato, very fitting. A lot of it is directed at Taichi, telling him to stop being so hot-headed and just be cool, like Yamato.
I feel like there's some conflicting vibes here because at one point in the lyrics he's like "we're the chosen children, we can do anything!" but then he's like "I'm fine on my own." Kinda jarring that both ends of his arc would be put into one song like that. Like...pick a personality.
I liked that they incorporated his harmonica in the song's intro. Smart.
Image Song 2 - Be All Right (Takeru Takaishi)
This had a similar vibe to Hikari's song, kinda abstract and hopeful about the future. (Makes sense since Hikari and Takeru become a duo).
I feel like Takeru's voice actress didn't even try to do her character's voice when singing this. It just sounds like some lady lol. In my opinion, when it comes to image songs, I prefer the song to sound more authentic to the character than to sound "good."
The Digimon’s New Year Performance
This was definitely the best gag drama yet! They threw a lot of dumb jokes in there that made me laugh/roll my eyes. Best bits were probably: Gabumon finally taking his fur off (in the AUDIO drama), Tentomon speaking without his accent (cursed), Sora and Joe praising Piyomon and Gomamon for their lame tricks and Hikari judging Tailmon for acting cutesy.
I felt bad for Agumon for being booed, glad he got his revenge at the end lol.
Image Song 3 - Shinka de Guts! (Partner digimon, minus Tailmon)
This one snuck up on me. It's so cute!! I feel like this is one of those anime songs that make you feel like you can do anything and everything's gonna be alright ;w;
Love hearing the digimon sing. This is what I was talking about in my critique of Takeru's song. I love in-character songs that aren't worried about sounding kinda goofy.
The digimon sing about their power together and their love for their human partners, very wholesome. There were also some lyrics thrown in there about taking it easy and stopping to smell the flowers. Cozy.
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chipothydipothy · 7 days
Project Voltage x Project Sekai post
I have thought constantly about how badly I want a crossover between Project Sekai and Pokemon and what that could actually look like. Now, I don't think a lot of my ideas are likely---if this happens at all, I imagine it'd just be releasing the 18 songs into the VIRTUAL SINGER category or maybe even just some of them---but I have tons of ideas for what it could be that would satisfy all of my nerd hopes and dreams, so I'm gonna talk about it. I think it'd be cool if there were covers, cards, MVs, the whole enchilada, but I'm just gonna give my thought on the covers here.
Specifically, these are my thoughts on who would cover each song, chosen in the interest of fairness to each band. I'm always happy to hear additional thoughts or different takes as long as y'all are nice about it.
Also, warning, this will be a very long post lol.
Volt Tackle (DECO*27) - Ichika + Minori + Tsukasa + Miku
I originally thought this one should go to MMJ! but I wanted to have a few for the leaders to even it out to 3 songs per band, and this combo of leaders made the most sense to me. DECO*27's songs tend to be either very L/n or very MMJ! and this one leans more MMJ! but I think it works for Ichika and Tsukasa too based on vibes.
2. Electricity Forecast (INABAKUMORI) - Airi + Shizuku + Miku
Okay hear me out. I do think INABAKUMORI leans N25, and I also think that works here, but I like ShizuAiri here more because the lyrics seem pretty cheery and it doesn't exactly sound like it COULDN'T work for MMJ! Plus I have a different N25 cover in mind that we'll get to later. You could also put Haruka here instead of Airi but I wanted to put Haruka elsewhere.
3. What Kind of Future (Mitchie M) - MORE MORE JUMP! + Miku
It's a cheery, cutesy Mitchie M song. Need I elaborate?
4. The Pokemon Inside My Heart (PinocchioP) - Kanade + Mafuyu + Miku
This was a last-second change for me, since I was thinking this one could be Kohane and Kanade, but Kohane fit into a later song more than Mafuyu did in my opinion, so I switched it. This song is sweet and nostalgic and a little sad, so I just had to give it to Kanade. Mafuyu could certainly pull it off as well.
5. Battle! (Hatsune Miku) (cosMo@Bousou-P) - Nene + Rui + Miku
This song is very story-ish, which is fitting for WxS, and I think the more dramatic, serious feel of it fits with Nene and Rui well but not as much with Tsukasa and Emu. So here it is.
6. Fly With You (Tota Kasamura) - Saki + Honami + Miku + Luka
Do I realistically think we'll ever get a L/n cover with no Ichika? No. But this song is so sweet and sad and gentle and it's about friendship and memories and growing up and- it's just gotta be Saki and Hona. Plus Luka should be there since it's the only PokeMiku song she's in.
7. I Got You! (Giga) - Kohane + An + Rin + Len
Giga and VBS are inseparable, so that was a given. Why AnHane specifically and not all of VBS? Well, between this one and the one I gave to all of VBS, this one was more cutesy, so I think it fits just the girls better. Plus I wanted to keep Rin and Len on rather than Miku, which requires me to pick only 2 people to go with them.
8. JUVENILE (JIN) - Leo/need + Miku
The L/n vibes are RICH here. No hesitation, this is their song.
9. I'm a Ghost Type (syudou) - Akito + Toya + Miku
More of a process-of-elimination pick, but I think it fits. The lyrics read like a diss track (lol) and it's got that VBS vibe, so I think AkiToya would do this song well if they covered it.
10. Go! Team Bidoof (Wonderful☆opportunity) - Tsukasa + Emu + Rin + Len
I originally wanted all of WxS and Miku on this one, but I ultimately decided I to put that combo on a different song. This song has huge WxS vibes and EmuKasa would SLAY this one.
11. Awooo~ (Yuri Kuriyama) - Nightcord at 25:00 + MEIKO
Lyric-wise, this is definitely the most N25 of the bunch, and I think the vibes are pretty N25 too. I especially would want to hear Mizuki on this song. MEIKO is here since it's the only song she's in.
12. Encounter (Orangestar) - Kohane + Kanade + Miku
This was the one I was talking about earlier, the one I swapped with PinocchioP's song. The darker, softer vibes work well for Kanade, and the heavy bass and peaceful lyrics work for Kohane.
13. Eon Ticket (marasy) - Ichika + Shiho + Miku + KAITO
I have a hard time explaining why I get L/n vibes from this one but I want it for them. And out of L/n, Ichika and Shiho fit the best here. Bit of a missed opportunity to not give the one with lots of piano to Saki or Tsukasa, but oh well, I want them on other songs more. KAITO is here repping the only song he was in.
14. PARTY ROCK ETERNITY (Hachioji P) - Vivid BAD SQUAD + Miku
VBS would kill on this one. I feel it in my bones
15. Journey's Prequels, Journey's Traces (iyowa) - Minori + Haruka + Miku
This song is very cute and peppy, which is fitting for MMJ!, specifically Minori. I think Haruka's voice would sound really good here too.
16. Psychic Psychic (NayutalieN) - Wonderlands x Showtime + Miku
Emu & Nene have always been great with NayutalieN songs, and I feel like Tsukasa & Rui would too on this song. It's got good WxS vibes.
17. Mellomelloid (Karikibear) - Ena + Mizuki + Miku
Okay, hear me out, I know this one has strong MMJ! vibes, especially since we already have Darling Dance for MMJ!, but once I got the idea of giving this one to MizuEna, I just could not abandon it. It's so cutesy in that sickly sweet way, which I think fits both of them SO well. Realistically, I definitely think this song would be given to MMJ! but I want it to be N25 so badly.
18. Glorious Day (Eve) - Ichika + Minori + Kohane + Tsukasa + Kanade + Miku
Mostly as a good finale, I want this song to be all of the leaders, but I think it works for them since the song doesn't really have any one specific vibe.
That's all my takes for if the Project Voltage songs were covered for Project Sekai! Let me know your thoughts :>
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ahunter8056 · 6 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @nights-like-this17 Thanks friend! This'll be interesting...
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
18...I should write more. Although 2 more fairly far along in the works, so...
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
436,606, wow! Honestly didn't expect it to be that high. Doesn't feel like I've really written many long fics
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Written for a few. Now mainly Doctor Who (8), used to be primarily WWE (11). I have also written a Last of Us/Doctor Who crossover series, so I've also written 3 fics for TLOU. I've also written a fic for She-Ra before. Also because I'm unoriginal, got a few more fandoms on my Ao3 dashboard which were just AUs featuring WWE characters set in a different universe, including Diablo II (1), Starcraft (1), Days Gone (1)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm Here (But You Can't See Me), I Don't Belong Right Here, You Only Feel My Ghost, You Put The Devil In Me, It's Getting Harder to Stay Awake and My Strength is Fading Fast
Wow, those fic titles sound depressing put together like that, lol. All except one of them are song lyrics tbf. Also, not the fics I would have guessed to be my top 5.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES, absolutely! I feel like it's a virtual crime deserving of internet jail to not respond to comments.
I kid, but I seriously love interacting with people who took the time to not only read but comment on my writing. Honestly, it's the least I can do to thank them. And honestly, it's one of my biggest pet peeves on Ao3 when I see that an author doesn't respond to comments. Just comes across to me that they don't care, so why bother leaving a comment?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
To me, "angst" and "ending" don't belong in the same sentence. I feel like all endings should be happy, to make it a satisfying conclusion. I know I've read fics before that have ended on an angsty note, and felt disappointed in that. So I could never write an angsty ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly, I can't say for sure which is the happiest. I feel like the epilogue chapter I wrote for A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) is packed full of fluff and ends on a highly optimistic note, but I always knew I'd be making more content in that universe, so it doesn't feel like an ending to me. Other possible answers include It's Getting Harder to Stay Awake and My Strength is Fading Fast, but due to that fic's focus on depression, maybe that nullifies the ending's happy note?
So those two aside, I might have to give it to either I'm Here (But You Can't See Me) or You Only Feel my Ghost.
8. Do you get hate on any fics?
Readers are usually pretty cool, I like the whole "say something nice or don't say anything" vibe that Ao3 has. Not much, but I have had some negative comments. One which compared my "cheap" writing to a gloryhole (super weird comparison). And then I had someone leave multiple comments on a fic which were both positive and rudely critical, criticising my creative decisions in an already finished fic (while explaining where they felt I should have chosen the setting of my fic to be) and really nitpicking odd little details of little to no consequence. That one was just super weird to me, trying to dictate every little thing about my own fic, as if it belonged to them too.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I don't think writing smut will ever be for me, I'd just feel too self-conscious about how other people would react to it. I have written some brief allusions to before/after smut, but nothing that goes into enough detail to classify as smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Oh, absolutely! When I first started writing fics, most of them were crossovers, lol. I just love putting characters in different universes. As previously mentioned, I wrote a TLOU/Doctor Who crossover series, where the Doctor arrived on a parallel universe Earth. That was fun, but also seems credible. I've also written the Four Horsewomen in the universes of Starcraft, Diablo, and Days Gone. But given I wrote them as natural denizens of those universes, didn't really seem too crazy to me. Maybe Days Gone might be the craziest though, it's been a blast writing Biker Sasha Banks killing zombies and surviving so well post-apocalypse.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not, lol. But I guess if I did find out one of my fics were stolen, I'd be simultaneously pissed, but also sorta proud that somebody felt my fic was worth being stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I've currently got A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) Season 2 in the works, co-writing with the brilliant @literaturelocker
But also, although it's currently on hiatus, I have been co-writing Why We Keep Going with another friend of mine (who I don't believe is on Tumblr)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly, it's a toss-up between Thasmin (Thirteenth Doctor/Yaz) and Baysha (Bayley/Sasha). Bayley and Sasha are so cute together, both on-screen (I hope not for the last time!) and off-screen. And for Thirteen/Yaz, both characters are amazing and so loveable. There was so much potential never fully realised on-screen, that makes for a magnificent array of fics, both fix-its and AUs. Not to mention how close the two actors are, which always helps me get invested.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Honestly, Why We Keep Going. There's so much plot we plan to cover, and writing has unfortunately come to a complete stop for several months now, beyond my control. Maybe one day we'll be able to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Me? Strengths? LOL
All kidding aside, I find it so hard to think of anything I'd say is my strength. But for the purpose of this, I'll really try to.
I think I'd say that a strength of mine is writing for characters/canon which I'm fond of. I always strive to do them justice. A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) for instance, I felt worked so well because it combined two of my biggest interests (Four Horsewomen and Doctor Who), so I was really invested and passionate in making that the greatest fic I'd ever written.
And then for the second fic in my TLOU/Doctor Who series, Not Broken Beyond Repair, half of that was adapting the Jackson Dance cutscene from TLOU 2, which I can say I'm honestly still super proud of. The amount of times I watched and rewatched every single second of that cutscene to make sure I got down every single detail though...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, so many! But I'll keep this short, lol
I definitely feel like I struggle with dialogue, always too simplistic and I never know what to make the characters say other than what is needed to move the plot along. I also feel like I reuse dialogue from canon far too much, so it feels like less of a homage, and more lazy. I just can't help it.
And then action as well, I don't think I'm too good that that either. Similarly to dialogue, I think I'm quite limited in my descriptions.
I also think that as a writer, I'm not really all that creative. I feel like too many of my fics are based on a pre-established story, as opposed to being clever and creative enough to come up with something brand new.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue language in fic?
...am I stupid? I genuinely don't understand what this question means?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who! Years before I discovered Ao3, I wrote a one-off adventure featuring the Twelfth Doctor bumping into Amy Pond. I published on FanFiction.net and a couple of Doctor Who fanfic sites I found though googling. I've since uploaded it to Ao3.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh, easily by far A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time). That fic will always be my baby, the one I put the most work and love into. I was really determined to make the most of that one, and I think it'll always be the fic I'm proudest of. And now, 2 sequels currently being written (and quite far along) to further expand the universe, yay!
This was fun and introspective to say the least, always find it interesting to share my thoughts with anybody who decided to follow me.
Tagging @literaturelocker
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winter-spark · 9 months
A song, not from the games, to represent each troupe for no reason other than I like music:
Spring: Chosen Family by Rina Sawaya
I know Mankai is a family but like Spring is the family so... Anywho in my head I see an animatic for them and that song, it's incomplete because I need to flesh out Sakuya and Tsuzuru's sections like I have ideas but I feel need to actually read Act 12 and not just about Act 12 to plan out Sakuya's section and I don't fully feel like I can plan Tsuzuru's without having Skuya's because I decided it follows it. Then also the closing. That's not fleshed out either. & by "fleshed out" I mean written down. I have mental visuals but not notes on those parts, I have notes on everything else tho lol (If you want to hear about it, I'm probs never gonna actually make it so feel free to ask.)
Summer: Oath by Cher Lloyd ft. Becky G
I'm absolutely certain that this is their vibe, it's high energy, & it's got the lines: "I know I drive you crazy, sometimes, I know I call you lazy, and that's most times But you complete me, and that's no lie" & I feel like that's pretty much a summary of them, you know? Like I'm not saying just those lines I feel the whole song is them but if I could only take one part to sell my point it's that one. Also, I want to say that to me, the song feels, in part, like the group singing to Tenma but I digress.
Autumn: Endlessly by Mystery Skulls
This is a song about protecting/fighting for whom you care about and that's what I associate Autumn troupe with. Like it's a short song/there aren't many lyrics but the chorus is: "I won't let them take you away from me, I'll be your protection and I'll fight for you endlessly" So to me, it's pretty fitting. But an honorable mention is Can We Be Friends? by Conan Gray because of the lines: "and if anybody fs with you, they f with me, so if anybody fs with you, I'll knock their teeth out" because that's also very them.
Winter: Garden by Meet Me @ The Altar
I think I'm leaning towards this one solely because of the garden/flower motif & Tsumugi runs the Mankai garden & Winter Troupe has Sunny Blanc, both the play and the event. & like I know all the members have flowers associated with them and Summer has The Floral Prince but I moreso associate Winter Troupe with flowers, kinda like the family Mankai but especially Spring Troupe thing. But all in all, I was thinking it fits because it's about supporting and being there during hard times idk. Another song I considered was Gorgeous by Taylor Swift for the fuyupoly I'll Be There For You by The Remembrandts which I kinda considered first as it has sorta the same meaning, like their both like "life sucks but I'm here to support you through it, it's okay your not alone" but Garden has a flower metaphor and is by Meet Me @ The Altar.
Anyway, I hope I don't sound dumb lol. I picked these songs out pretty much after only knowing a3! for like a month or two (started the anime in Feb, finished in March, started reading events mid or late March, drafted this post on April 3rd), I've cleaned up the post and added and changed things but essentially these songs I chose have been my choices for them since April. I have jumped around quite a bit so there's still stuff I'm missing and whatnot so if my reads of the groups are off I guess that's why. I don't think I'm too far off though. Idk tho, I'm definitely not an a3! scholar.
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OK my initial thoughts on midnights
reputation's older sister we all deserve
i can't decide if it's more production-driven or lyric-driven. obviously the production is Very In Your Face (not in a bad way) but i think it's a lowkey powerhouse lyrical album. it's packed with so many clever lines that she just glosses over that will take me probably a hundred listens to fully appreciate.
i know the entire album will grow on me over time because it's produced very well, but right now i find the album as a whole "good" with some fantastic standouts. anti-hero is far and away my favourite. sweet nothing is everything to me. you're on your own kid fucks me up. i know vigilante shit is super billie eilish but i LOVE it. midnight rain disappointed me at first but now i love it. chasing the PAIN. HE STAYED THE SAME. question...? also was one that's grown on me. sounds kinda 1989-ish? i need to give the rest a better listen. esp the 3am tracks. meaning i will be back with more brain dumps
the way that taylor has a song called vigilante shit and then 4 tracks later claims she's too soft for it all is Very John Of Her
mastermind is EXTREMELY paul coded as a whole, but the opening lines??? JPJPJP: Once upon a time, the planets and the fates/ And all the stars aligned / You and I ended up in the same room / At the same time ??!?!!? okay taylor your mclennon is showing
back to anti-hero. i think it's both paul/john coded and here's why:
One day I'll watch as you're leaving / 'Cause you got tired of my scheming / For the last time - this is paul!!!
I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror / It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero - this is john!!!
I wake up screaming from dreaming / One day I'll watch as you're leaving / And life will lose all of its meaning / For the last time - this is both john and paul!!!
ok i'll be back over the coming days with more thoughts :)
let's go through this systematically:
yes. agree 100%
I think in a way both because, based on the description of how it was made, I think it was probably mostly written on the spot in the studio or with minimal preparation in advance from Taylor? So I think the production was chosen whilst the song itself unfolded which I think contributes to some of the really cool, unique moments.
Agree, the album didn't throw me around the bender on my first listen like folklore did, but so many moments just had me grinning. Anti-Hero is like the FIRST TIME that my fave is everyone else's fave + the song getting the single treatment. The music video is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Sweet Nothing is so astonishingly nothing and You're On Your Own, Kid gives me CHILLS towards the end I don't know how she does it. I really love the structure/narrative framing of Question…? it's really unique and adds so much depth. Labyrinth is sooooooo
She's a bad bitch with anxiety <3 let her be <3
ACTUALLY. hottake among swiftles perhaps (?) but I don't think Mastermind is Paul-coded in that I've never perceived Paul to be Like That about a relationship (vs about like his art). I mean... maybe? But that's not the vibe I've ever gotten from him. John? IDK maybe, they both come off differently to me, more stumbling into their relationships jkddfjk. It's actually hard for me to associate the song with either because when I heard it, I was just like. Yup. That's YOU. Like it's one of the most quintessential HER songs I've ever heard, not like, it's a staple of her writing technique but it's her personality. It literally makes me in love with her lol
Yeah I see the song as both now, but I think it's much more close to a song John would actually release I guess? It's also the fact that this is Taylor at her messiest, which doesn't bring up Paul-associations, if that makes sense?
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locria-writes · 4 years
(via literal human trash playlist)
a painstakingly curated playlist for our favourite not really trash man valentin because even though he doesn’t deserve it, i deserve to show it off :D
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loudestcloud · 3 years
BNHA Character Theme Songs!
Pt4: Here we are lads! Final part because I do just keep forgetting to update this. Ive had this actually playlist done for literally 4 months so. Sorry lol but here we go. Villians & Vigilantes! reminder that this is spoiler free but I am up to date on the anime, and almost with the mangas
Edit: it's been a year now. Sorry about that 💀 I think I lost the motivation because a lot of my villian choices just make sense and I can't explain much about them because they are easy picks for me. Also please check out the other parts
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Explanations vvv
Stain: I was gonna pick Killer by The Hoosiers but I think this one is better. I can really see an AMV to this one and tbh it's a good song that no one reall talks about anymore. Also, blood quirk, blood song ect.
Overhaul: This man thought he was invincible, he thought he was incredibly and that no one would ever stop him. Now he's nothing 🥰 Also, people still make AMVs to this song and they slap every single time, I'd sell my soul for more audio inclusive AMVs. The presents of this song is very similar to that of Overhaul. It's very overbearing, powerful kinda iconic in a small way but at the end of the day, I mix this song up with so many others. The style, beat and vocals are just so similar to so many others like it.
ReDestro - This was chosen before I read the arc. I think it's still good. Keeping it spoiler free, while he may not be the most remembered for events he helped in, he should won't be forgotten in the Bnha history books.
All for one - A slow piano start, Soft high vocals, an ere vibe leading up to heavy metal! Add the lyrics and it's perfect for him. It feels like his into then the ground zero fight.
Shigaraki - " Everything you love turns to dust " and " You'd kill for answers but learn to live with questions " is very on brand. The vibe is also what's I see him as if that makes sense at all. It's kinda chaotic in a way. 🎵Don't get attached to live🎵
Kurogiri - This is a joke I like to make about something and I can't explain because this is a spoiler free zone. But that aside, Kurogiri gives me mother mother vibes, anyone else?
Dabi - okay I cave, I have to say it. Spoiler warning: I picked this before it was cannon and was fully just gonna say "we all know it's true by now, come on" like!! 🎵bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life🎵 Get it bitch! Headcanon this was his dance song? I think soooo!!!
Toga - 🎵the boy I loves got another girl🎵 💃🏻I just feel she would like this song choice💃🏻and vibe it a lot💃🏻 na but for real, Vibes, style, lyrics, voice? Very Toga
Twice - This was all I could come up with that wasn't wildly ablist towards him. I will be taking replacement request lol cos I think something better could be out there but for now, we have this. It feels like twice having a panic attack alone and then remembering that the LoV are his family now.
Spinner: Hahaha, gamer boy villian song. I just wanted to include him but both he and this song is very cool.
Compress - This was also added before the thing you may think. This song is here because I had a Yung Gravy obsession for about 2 months while also having a thing for Compress. I think it works but I'm bias.
La Brava - It's literally her quirk, it's kinda cheesy* and the lyrics are very VERY her.
Gentle Criminal - Old YouTuber boy! He's definitely getting rickrolled over and over, not understanding anything going on. I actually really like this song, 100% unironically and it's a romantic vibe. Gentle is loyal to La Barva too n that's most of what the sing is at its core.
Knuckleduster - He is a natural but at the start his vibes are low key ominous. He slaps tho and it's not a spoiler but I miss him.
*Koichi - It's a soft song, kind on the ears. Kochi was really out here living this song almost to a t, huh? Damm boy. No one in the Bnha fandom seems to care about him and this song is also very underplayed.
Pop⭐Step: * not as cheesy as this one, baby! Okay so this song is from a 2007 movie and in the fictional universe the song came out in the 80s. No one cares about this movie at all, even less people care about this song and I'm almost curtain my mother and I are the only ones who actually know the words anymore. That being said, Pop would 100% sing this once a show and shed think it's amazing. No one in the Bnha fandom seems to care about pop at all either.
No.6 - He really can't, can he? He's a strange little man.
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microsuedemouse · 2 years
For the Spotify Top 100, #3 or #15 for Abedison? You write them so beautifully!
(send me a ship and a number from 1-100; I'll write a short scene inspired by the corresponding song from my Spotify top songs this year)
friend I--
two of my five top genres this year were 'indie poptimism' and 'hopebeat.' my top music moods were 'nurturing' and 'courageous.' and you. you managed to pick. two very sad breakup songs.
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(quick disclaimer: I heard the Twenty One Two version of Lose You To Love Me a solid month or two before I even learned it was a Selena Gomez song originally? lol. I have nothing against Selena, but I'm not really a fan either, and this version of the song just... vibes a lot more with me personally)
anyway. uh. I went with Resolution because I think the sentiments are a better fit for Abedison either way, and also because I already have a strong association between several other MCS tracks and Abed! now watch me cherry-pick the lyrics of this song so I can spin it into something definitely angsty but hopefully not completely heartbreaking?? (also. if you will excuse yet another parenthetical. this scene turned out a fair bit longer than I had originally planned. but I've been struggling with a pretty significant amount of writer's block lately so I'm not gonna question it. thank you for the inspiration, haha!)
resolution | 1 696 words | G
she put up with so much of my madness and my self-abuse she would tend to my wounds, and fill me with food when I'd stumble in drunk for breakfast she was right to take off before she was consumed
Now he’d done it. He’d thought so a hundred times before, but this time he was absolutely certain. There was no question, the way she’d stormed out of the apartment. He’d finally blown it.
It had always had an expiration date, anyway. Once in a while he’d fool himself into believing that it didn’t, that this was really that rumoured Forever kind of deal, but really he’d always known better. Friendship, that was one thing: friendship came in a lot of shapes, and it was more… negotiable. Sure, he understood that romance was negotiable too, but it also necessitated a certain level of proximity. Or at least it did for both of them. Friends could spend every day with you if they chose that, but then if it turned out not to work, or if life changed, they could pull back without giving up on the whole thing. It had taken time for him to get his head around that, but he understood it now. After all, Troy had left on what turned out to be a multiple-year trip around the world, but it didn’t change the fact that they were best friends. But when it came to… a lover, or a partner, or a significant other, or whatever label it was that made you feel right to use… if you couldn’t handle being together all the time, every day, things probably weren’t going to last. And though he’d heard plenty of times that it was possible to return to friendship after the failure of a romance, his experience of the world suggested that that was the exception rather than the rule. He’d known that that was what they risked, going in. But they hadn’t been acting on what made the most sense rationally. The motivation had come from somewhere else altogether.
Well. She was probably right to get out now, before things got any worse. He knew himself, and he knew how his fixations and obsessions tended to subsume everything else in his life. He’d get hung up on one little thing and before he knew it that thing was his entire universe. It made him very near unbearable; this much he knew. For a lot of people it made him completely unbearable. But for the few people who’d chosen to love him, it was survivable. Or at least, it had been so far. Still, if she was going to live with him, and spend time with him every single day, and commit to caring about all the things he cared about and sharing all the things he did… It kind of seemed inevitable, didn’t it? That one day she’d be swallowed up and there’d be no room left for her to be herself, no matter how much he loved her for herself? Because he did – god, did he love her for everything she was – but that didn’t mean she was the only thing he loved. He couldn’t stop himself from being taken over by things. So at least, he figured, he had this much for comfort. As much as it would hurt, adjusting from Life With Her back to Life Without Her, he’d know that she’d managed to keep herself intact. She wouldn’t be here, but he wouldn’t have had the chance to damage her.
It had been good while it lasted, though. He’d never be able to thank her enough for everything she’d done. Of all the things in the world she was good at, far from the least of them was taking care of him. He didn’t like feeling like a burden, so he tried not to need taking care of too much of the time, but it still happened sometimes, because… because of who he was, he supposed. But she’d told him once that she liked taking care of someone. It made her feel needed. (She was needed even if she never took care of anyone, he’d told her, but she’d given him a half-sad half-amused sort of smile and insisted she liked taking care of him, anyway.) She would do things like make sure he still ate real protein when he was too deep into a film project to feel the passage of time, or clean up the scrapes on his shins after he’d clambered up a tree looking for the right camera angle, or wrap him in a warm hug and listen to him go on for too long about how unfair it was that a show she’d never once watched had gotten cancelled in favour of some tired, second-rate drama series’ sixteenth season. And he’d done everything he could think of to repay her kindness: he’d patiently play the role of her sounding board when she needed to talk out a problem for an hour or two before she could solve it, or he’d find ways to make her laugh on the nights she felt inadequate and helpless, or he’d pull her really close in bed when she was too cold. But none of that was the same, really, as what she did for him every day. What she’d always done. It made sense that eventually, she’d feel just as keenly as he did how much she gave and how little she received. He’d always be grateful for all of it, short-lived as it had been, but nothing so imbalanced could last forever.
He was finally jogged from his introspection by the soft squeak of the doorknob. That noise had always driven her up the wall. The front door opened and closed as quietly as possible, and he couldn’t see her from where he was, but he could hear her slipping carefully out of her boots, and the whisper of her pink puffer coat as she shrugged it off. He hadn’t really expected her to come back, but– well, it made sense. She wasn’t going to spend the night somewhere else, without any of her things, if she didn’t absolutely have to. Which she didn’t. This was her apartment as much as his.
She crept quietly around the corner of the entryway into the living room, and he didn’t even have to look at her face. “Annie,” he said immediately, lifting his head in time to see her wince as he spoke. She stopped in her tracks, shoulders lifted up to her ears, biting down on her lip. “I can leave, if you want. I know we both rely a lot on our familiar routines, but I can handle sleeping somewhere else, if you’d rather stay here. Britta once told me I had a lifetime pass to her living room couch, since she stayed on ours for so long. Actually, she’s probably out somewhere tonight, but I think I know where she hides the spare key, and even if I’m wrong, her walk-up has that covered front step, so–”
“Abed,” she interrupted, but she didn’t sound angry. Actually, she sounded… sad. Really sad. Not like she was sad about earlier, but like he’d said something to make her sad just now. Brow furrowing, he studied her face, trying to make sense of that. Her eyes were red and puffy, and there were almost-dry tear tracks on her cheeks, but now she looked like she might start crying again. “You don’t… you don’t have to go anywhere,” she said carefully, voice a little thick, and then she reached up to rub the heel of her palm into her eye.
That wasn’t what he’d expected, but he wasn’t going to question her decision. He just had to figure out what to do next, in that case. As he thought, he adjusted himself a little in his spot on the carpet, finding the wall cold where he hadn’t been leaning against it for the last however long it had been. “I don’t… Should I… help you pack your things? Or would you rather I stayed out of your way?” He looked at his hands, then back up at her. “You don’t have to tell me where you’re going, but I… I’d like to know that you got there safely, if that’s okay.”
“Oh, Abed, no, I…” Suddenly she hurried across the room and knelt down in front of him, close enough for him to see clearly that she was starting to leak fresh tears. “Abed, what… what do you think is happening here?”
He blinked. “I… You walked out,” he answered, a little lamely. “You were so mad… and honestly, I kind of deserved it. I mean, I ruined your whole plan for the night. I… I assumed that was the last straw.”
“No, no, of course not,” she told him, sniffling and apparently trying not to burst out crying all over again. “No, it’s just… I mean… you’ve seen me angry before. You know how overwhelming it gets for me. I couldn’t keep myself together, and I couldn’t think straight, and I didn’t want to take it all out on you and make things worse. I just needed some fresh air, Abed. And a couple minutes to cool off.”
“So, you’re not…” He swallowed, feeling unexpectedly overwhelmed himself, now. There was something in his throat. “It’s not… over?”
“No!” She grabbed at his hands where they were resting on his knees, squeezing his fingers tightly. “I love you, Abed! Nothing is over. Except, you know, this… this weird year we’ve had.” She sniffed again, letting out a noise halfway a laugh and halfway a sob. She shuffled across the floor to sit next to him, tucking herself in against his side, releasing one of his hands but wrapping both of hers around the other one once she’d settled. She leaned her head on his shoulder. “Happy New Year,” she added, barely audible.
Her fingers were ice cold, and without really thinking about it, he rearranged his hold to try to lend her some of his heat. This wasn’t at all how he’d thought things were going to play out, and he stared into space now as he worked on adjusting his expectations to match.
“I love you too,” he said softly after a moment or two, leaning his cheek against the top of her head. “Happy New Year, Annie.”
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hwavsg4ch4n · 2 years
Music SERIES!!
Hey guysss, it’s Jur! So I really love music… like a lot, and I love skz, duh! So I was thinking, why not do a little series of smuts based on my favorite songs! I’d assign a member to a certain song and write the smut based on that song!
The songs chosen are not skz songs
I won’t be using lyrics from the song, it’s just based on the vibe of the song lol
I already have songs picked out so no song requests pls!!
There’s no specific order for which member I’ll be writing, but ik Hyunjin will either be first or last lol
I’ll link the song I’m using to the smut!
This isn’t scheduled or anything but I’ll try to give y’all an estimate
All of these will have some kind of smut in it, either full on smut or suggestive… whatever my brain says :)
Minors dni
After each work is done it will be in my masterlist ofc, under the label "ms"
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whatiwillsay · 4 years
Reputation is about more than one relationship; a thesis by anon
Hello! I am that anon who thinks Rep is about more than one relationship and this is a hill I am very much willing to die on. I believe there are (at least) two relationship stories told in detail on this album.
One is the relationship between two very famous women (*cough*Kaylor*cough), who are struggling to make it work because of the public pressures. The other is between Taylor and someone who is out of the public eye, or at least someone she is able to keep the relationship completely private. I’m not going to speculate on whether that’s Lily or Joe (lol so full disclosure I don’t think it’s Joe but someone else might) or maybe someone else we don’t know much about. All I know is that there is more than one relationship being discussed. Let’s dive into this analysis, shall we?
The first explicit mention of the public relationship - let’s actually just refer to it as Kaylor from here on out - is on End Game.
Big reputation, big reputation Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations Ah, and you heard about me Ooh, I got some big enemies (yeah) Big reputation, big reputation Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation Ah, and I heard about you (yeah) Ooh, you like the bad ones, too
Tay’s lover on here is someone with a big reputation, and being with the person would be a big conversation. Endless Kaylor analyses have discussed this as ‘proof’ that it’s not about Joe. Which, yes, obviously. But equally obviously, any woman in a relationship with Tay would be a big conversation so once we exclude Joe as a possibility, as we rightfully should, we wind up with plenty of other options.
Later in the song we do hear more explicit Karlie lines like “it’s like your body is gold”. We all suspect Karlie is gold (I tend to agree), so let’s call it a Kaylor anthem. Cool. Then, what can we learn about their relationship from this song?
I don’t wanna touch you, I don’t wanna be Just another ex that you don’t wanna see I don’t wanna miss you (I don’t wanna miss you) Like the other girls do I don’t wanna hurt you, I just wanna be Drinking on a beach with you all over me I know what they all say (I know what they all say) But I ain’t tryna play I wanna be your end game (End game) I wanna be your first string (First string) I wanna be your A-Team (A-Team) I wanna be your end game, end game
The lyrics explicitly suggest Tay’s begging the lover to make it work. It’s “I wanna be” not “I am”. She’s craving affirmation, she’s wanting to be chosen; we can pick that up from the repetitive nature of the song. First string, A-team, end game… She just wants for her to be the one. Some might say that would be fun. She’d love for them to wind up together - but there is no clear sign in the lyrics that it’s an actual possibility. It’s what she wants. She’s trying to convince her lover that she is committed, but they never resolve that commitment in the song. It’s never fully requited. No matter how many times she offers what she ‘wants’, there is no response.
Later, she sings:
I hit you like bang We tried to forget it, but we just couldn’t And I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put ‘em Reputation precedes me, they told you I’m crazy I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me And I can’t let you go, your hand prints on my soul It’s like your eyes are liquor, it’s like your body is gold You’ve been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks So here’s the truth from my red lips I wanna be your end game (End game) I wanna be your first string (Me and you) I wanna be your A-Team (Be your A-Team now) I wanna be your end game, end game I wanna be your end game (oh, I do) I wanna be your first string (first string) I wanna be your A-Team (A-Team) I wanna be your end game, end game
I’ve referenced part of this above, because it’s where the Kaylor-ness of it all gets more explicit (drinking/liquor/intoxication, gold, handprints/footprints). But again, this isn’t a happy ‘in love’ song. It’s Taylor actively trying to convince Karlie that her feelings are real. “Here’s the truth” she says - that doesn’t sound romantic, it sounds like they’re fighting and wanting to make things work but it’s all proving to be incredibly challenging.
When we add Taylor’s tone of voice in - and the almost forlorn “I wanna be your end game” at the start - my reading makes a lot of sense. It’s definitely a Kaylor song; Kaylor songs are always steeped in anxiety.
Our next clear Kaylor song is ‘Don’t Blame Me’ which (importantly) Taylor didn’t write, but which clearly picks up on themes she finds relatable. Apparently it’s similar to Hozier’s Take Me To Church (I don’t know much about Hozier, but from a quick glance at those lyrics that’s not a wildly happy song either).
Something happened for the first time In the darkest little paradise. Shaking, pacing, I just need you. For you, I would cross the line, I would waste my time, I would lose my mind. They say, “She’s gone too far this time.” Don’t blame me. Love made me crazy. If it doesn’t, you ain’t doing it right. Lord, save me. My drug is my baby I’ll be using for the rest of my life.
We’re going back to that same theme from End Game - Tay is begging her lover to make it work. “For you” she says, “I” would do just about anything. Cross the line, waste time (a biggie when you’re Taylor fucking Swift), even lose her mind. Love has made her crazy, unstable - it’s almost a play on the satire of Blank Space. True love seems to have actually made her into that mad woman she laughed at on the previous album. She’s shaking and pacing, craving the physical release of her drug of choice. (The shaking and pacing in a darkened room comes up later on the album again, by the way - it’s clear that Tay is super into Karlie and I do get it, she’s so gorgeous it’s nuts).
Then comes this gayness:
My name is whatever you decide, And I’m just gonna call you mine.
I’m gonna pause here because these call me by your name vibes are just. So. Damn. Gay. But that’s neither here nor there. Tay continues:
I’m insane, but I’m your baby (your baby). Echoes (echoes) of your name inside my mind. Halo, hiding my obsession. I once was poison ivy, but now I’m your daisy. And, baby, for you, I would fall from grace Just to touch your face. If you walk away, I’d beg you on my knees to stay.
Again, we’re picking up those same recurrent themes: she’s asking her to stay, she is willing to risk it all for love. The daisy is a Kaylor inside joke, we all know about Big Sur, so I’m not going to dwell on that.
The name thing is more interesting, as is the ‘halo, hiding my obsession’. To me, both gesture towards the public nature of the relationship that first started in End Game and picks up steam in later songs. “My name is whatever you decide” she says, but the other woman’s name keeps echoing in her mind, possibly because of her lover’s big reputation? I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s fascinating. I think Tay’s got a thing about names - lol Betty and James but also later in this album; bear with me - so I think this whole name bit is of interest. I think Tay likes the idea of the symbolism of names and the concept often comes up in her lyrics…
Then we get the line which suggests one or both of them have a (public) halo, that they use to hide the desperate love Tay feels for her lover. To be honest, that screams glass closeting phase to me. We go straight from ‘hiding my obsession’ to the daisy references. “Glass closeting with me is fun!” cries Tay, “Please stay with me, please please please.”
But once again, there’s no answer.
And then we switch gears and go into Delicate. What we’ve established in the two songs above is Tay is very invested and wants to make it work, and that she’s dealing with someone who is also famous, and that there are complications. One of those complications is that she’s insecure in the relationship.
Delicate opens with:
This ain’t for the best My reputation’s never been worse, so You must like me for me…
It sets a different tone and attitude to the last two songs. For the first time, we’re hearing an analysis of her lover’s feelings. She’s not begging, she’s not urging. She’s shocked that this person wants her for her. The big reputations and the shaking, quaking and pining are suddenly gone.
We can’t make Any promises now, can we, babe? But you can make me a drink…
Here the lover is more involved than she was previously. Taylor has gone from asking for something to saying that this is what’s happening. This is chilled, low key. This isn’t an obsession. This isn’t her ‘hitting like bang’. It’s two people starting something very… delicate. It’s not love at first sight, it’s an exploration of possibilities. They’re going to a dive bar, they’re hanging out. It’s calm and peaceful. Her anxiety here is a gentle, delicate, romantic one. It’s not dramatic like on the Kaylor songs.
Come here, you can meet me in the back Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you
The theme of secrecy comes in strong on the lines above. They’re hiding, and they’re private. This is not “I would fall from grace just to touch your face” - the stakes are markedly lower. It’s the start of something new, something beautiful. She’s starting over again. And she’s doing so with someone who is willing to hide with her.
This is in sharp contrast to our Kaylor anthems, as we’ve already seen above. Ready for another Kaylor song? So It Goes (again, not by Tay but thematically linked) is peak Kaylor.
See you in the dark All eyes on you, my magician All eyes on us You make everyone disappear, and Cut me into pieces Gold cage, hostage to my feelings Back against the wall Trippin’, trip, trippin’ when you’re gone
Okay, here we have a gold cage imprisoning Tay and a ‘lightning strikes every time she moves’ woman stealing the attention of everyone who sees her. She’s got Tay backed up with nowhere to go and tripping when she’s gone. That’s the same insecurity from before.
'Cause we break down a little But when you get me alone, it’s so simple
She’s explicitly acknowledging their problems, but the problems fall away when they’re in bed or having a romantic interaction.
'Cause baby, I know what you know We can feel it… And all the pieces fall Right into place Getting caught up in a moment Lipstick on your face So it goes… I’m yours to keep And I’m yours to lose You know I’m not a bad girl, but I Do bad things with you So it goes…
The above doesn’t need much additional analysis, there are Kaylors who’ve done it and I recommend going to read those (or just looking up times Tay ended up with smudged lippy around Karlie).
Here’s the really relevant bit:
Met you in a bar All eyes on me, your illusionist All eyes on us I make all your grey days clear and Wear you like a necklace I’m so chill, but you make me jealous But I got your heart Skippin’, skip, skippin’ when I’m gone
Does that sound the same as the ‘dive bar on the East Side where you at?’ Because to me, while describing similar situations - dates in bars - they are explicitly different in mood, tone and atmosphere. In Delicate, Tay and her lover were hiding out in the back, having a heart to heart. Here, the bar has ‘all eyes’ on them. Kaylor both have big reputations and Karlie makes Tay anxious and jealous. She’s not ever sure where she stands with her. The best she can come up with (and you must listen for the high-pitched, uncertain tone with which this line is sung) is that Karlie’s heart skips when Tay’s gone. That’s hardly explicit confirmation of deep, requited feelings.
You did a number on me But, honestly, baby, who’s counting? I did a number on you But, honestly, baby, who’s counting? You did a number on me But, honestly, baby, who’s counting? Who’s counting? 1, 2, 3
This once again acknowledges the difficulties in the relationship. It is not ‘Delicate’. It is not always happy. It’s a proper fucking mess.
Cool now let’s take a look at another Kaylor anthem:
I, I loved you in secret First sight, yeah, we love without reason
I hear the naysayers point to the ‘in secret’ as paralleling Delicate (which so far has been the only one that’s not about Karlie). The thing, though, is that this is about love at first sight/physical attraction/lust - not about the meaningful emotional connection we glimpsed in Delicate. Delicate is explicitly not about love ar first sight or love without reason. It’s about embarking on something new and beautiful but having trepidation along the way. It’s about careful connection.
My, my love had been frozen Deep blue, but you painted me golden
I’m including this as further evidence this is about Kaylor. As I said Karlie = gold. We’ve heard this image in every Kaylor song. You know what didn’t feature in Delicate? Gold. Spoiler: it won’t feature in CIWYW and KOMH either.
I could’ve spent forever with your hands in my pockets Picture of your face in an invisible locket You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it I had a bad feeling And darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis People started talking, putting us through our paces I knew there was no one in the world who could take it I had a bad feeling
In this verse we have people talking and noticing this couple. She’s describing a well-known, public relationship. It isn’t a secret, not really, despite the actual love being kept somewhat secret. Their locket may be invisible but despite that, this relationship is something well known. Furthermore, we already know she has had a bad feeling. That’s kind of the premise of many of her other Karlie anthems - she’s begging Karlie to stay and trying to convince her that they have something real and serious. She is constantly trying to convince Karlie of the seriousness of her feelings. And, well, the song ends with her saying she’d like to dance with Karlie again but there’s no real way forward, seeing as their hands are tied. The whole thing is quite sad.
Let’s look at the other very very Kaylor song (like there’s literally no other way to read it):
Our secret moments In a crowded room They got no idea About me and you There is an indentation In the shape of you Made your mark on me A golden tattoo All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation My hands are shaking from holding back from you (ah, ah, ah) All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting My hands are shaking from all this (ha, ha, ha, ha)
We have the familiar desperation, the shaking, the gold, and the secret moments in plain view. And again, they’re both very famous:
Everyone thinks that they know us But they know nothing about All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation
We also get this bit:
Say my name and everything just stops I don’t want you like a best friend
There’s the name thing again and after that the gayest, most glass closety line I’ve ever witnessed. “I don’t want you like a best friend”, she says. I want your body. I want your love. I want us. I want this relationship to be real.
You know what that clarification is in sharp contrast to:
(Call it what you want, call it what you want, call it) So call it what you want, yeah Call it what you want to
Tay didn’t want to call it what you want with Karlie. She wanted to call it end game, first string, A team. She didn’t want to be friends. People talking about them caused her anxiety and lead to the breakup described in DWOHT. CIWYW has that renewed joyful tone that she had in Delicate. It’s hopeful and optimistic. It’s all about about connection and meaningful interactions:
I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck Chain round my neck Not because he owns me But 'cause he really knows me
This is not an invisible locket, this is not about sex and getting clothes off in bathtubs, this is about a really deep emotional connection which we first heard on Delicate. Notably, it’s the third time she speaks of necklaces on the album, but it’s the first that it’s not sexual. It’s also - importantly - not invisible. It’s not comparing the lover to a necklace (like before, which makes it a physical connection) or saying their relationship can be entirely symbolized by one. She’s saying she’d actually love to actually have tangible physical proof of the relationship. She wouldn’t have said that about Karlie because she wasn’t expressly convinced the feelings were fully mutual. Also, this song is missing that desperate pining and longing that she experiences for Karlie in the Kaylor songs.
I know people hear “Karlie” instead of “Call It” but honestly it makes more sense as one of the non-Kaylor songs. I think maybe the rhyme is her trolling Karlie - call it what you want, which is certainly not what she had with Karlie. This would also kind of explain the laugh in Miss Americana. If someone sang me a song about how things are good between us, and added in a dig at her ex, I’d laugh too. And let’s be honest discussing exes - especially exes in the same social circle (Tay, Lily and Karlie) - is peak lesbian culture.
One more thing:
Cause… My baby’s fit like a daydream Walking with his head down I’m the one he’s walking to
Karlie has never had her head down. She is super active on socials, as a model, and as a philanthropist. Karlie has never been quietly walking “to” Tay. She’s been stunting and traveling and being extraordinarily visible. And all the Kaylor songs deal with that very public nature - with rumors and discussions and everyone’s eyes being on Karlie and the anxiety that causes Tay. I know some Kaylors think they just went underground after being caught making out but that’s just not what’s being described in CIWYW. It’s a different person.
My baby’s fly like a jet stream High above the whole scene Loves me like I’m brand new So call it what you want, yeah
She’s explicitly saying her baby doesn’t form part of “the scene” but rather floats above it. How does that fit Karlie going on vacation with Scooter? Or anything about Karlie, actually? This is obviously about someone very private or not particularly famous. Or both.
Bonus lyric from a non love song that points to an actively private relationship is “and here’s to my baby, he ain’t reading what they call me lately” - why would Karlie not read stuff? She is calling the paps on herself and Josh regularly but she’s not following Tay’s PR game? Make it make sense?
Anyhow back to CIWYW. In that song, her baby loves her - a source of anxiety that never gets stated explicitly resolved in the Kaylor songs. Those songs have her begging for love, not stating it’s existence matter of factly. The difference is palpable.
And I know I make the same mistakes every time Bridges burn, I never learn At least I did one thing right I did one thing right I’m laughing with my lover Making forts under covers Trust him like a brother Yeah, you know I did one thing right
I’m including this because of the chilled out atmosphere, the “brother” simile (which to me is kind of the opposite of “not wanting you like a best friend”) and the insistence that this is “right” which is absent in the Kaylor songs.
KOMH keeps with that same quiet, calm, positive energy.
I’m perfectly fine, I live on my own I made up my mind, I’m better off being alone We met a few weeks ago Now you try on calling me, baby, like trying on clothes Salute to me I’m your American Queen And you move to me like I’m a Motown beat And we rule the kingdom inside my room 'Cause all the boys and their expensive cars With their Range Rovers and their Jaguars Never took me quite where you do
“Try on calling me” like “trying on clothes” is that same idea from Delicate. Things are early, and uncertain. They’re exploring this and seeing where it goes.
This is not a public relationship, it’s entirely “inside her room”. And it doesn’t feature expensive cars and the visibility her - or Karlie’s - stunts had. (Kinda interesting that she drove Lily in the Toyota, don’t you think? And also drives her/someone in Miss Americana?)
This relationship is super secret:
Late in the night, the city’s asleep Your love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep Change my priorities The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury
But what’s secret? Not Tay’s love of this person like before. “Your love” is the secret. As I’ve pointed out that affirmation of requitedness never happens in the Kaylor anthems and hiding out in the dark. Additionally “idea of luxury” is very different to her drug imagery from the Kaylor songs, by the way. This is not addictive, this is just nice.
And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa And all at once, you are all I want, I’ll never let you go
I believe the “all at once” contrasts the love/lust at first sight feelings she expressed for Karlie. This didn’t “hit her like bang” - it surprised her after a few weeks. And it’s not just a physical connection. This person rules her heart, body and soul.
And what do they do together? Well it’s less ripping off clothes and more chilled hangouts with someone who makes her happy:
Is this the end of all the endings? My broken bones are mending With all these nights we’re spending Up on the roof with a school girl crush Drinking beer out of plastic cups Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff Baby, all at once, this is enough
This is very cute. It’s very much lacking anxiety. She’s happy with her new person; it is finally “enough”. That’s not true for her relationship with Karlie. “School girl crush” is a very cutesy image - and is in stark contrast to the craving, shaking, pining, and bedpost carving that came with “not wanting you like a best friend”. Notice how the second relationship uses constant friendship/platonic imagery and how that type of imagery is not expressly disavowed in the Kaylor songs.
I also think it’s worth contrasting the “beer out of plastic cups” on the roof with “I’m spilling wine in the bathtub” and “eyes like liquor”. All three references are about drinking - but only one is peppy, cute and upbeat and the others are full of lustful desperation.
Now the other possible reading - implicitly favored by the Kaylor community - is that KOMH, CIWYW, and Delicate are set at a different point in the relationship to the sex songs. Unfortunately that doesn’t really hold water because, as I’ve pointed out, the origin story described is different. Kaylor “hit like bang” and fell in love at first sight. The other relationship started out slow and cautious, but quickly settled into something quietly special. These other songs are about a connection that’s chilled out and very emotional and cerebral. The Kaylor songs are about how much she wants to sex up Karlie and leave scratches down her back (which, I mean, fair). The other songs are about tentative emotions and cutesy intersections.
Also KOMH, CIWYW and Delicate are the three songs that feature British/foreign imagery. (This is why I think they’re about Lily or maaaaaybe Joe but again I doubt that and the scene in MA where a woman laughs during CIWYW contradicts it and I also have further lyrical evidence it’s not him which I’ll address below). In KOMH she says “you fancy me” and describes herself as “an American queen”, in CIWYW her baby’s “fit like a daydream” and in Delicate she asks about the “girls back home”. Also East side and West side in Delicate make more sense as being about London. Dive bars in the East End are a vibe. But that’s neither here nor there.
Why is this analysis important? To me it shows that contrary to the rosy Kaylor depictions, the Kaylor lyrics consistently show they always had massive issues (not dissimilar to her issues with Di actually).
Very quickly on why Joe’s not the muse: he’s referenced in Dress in a verse makes no sense lyrically or musically or thematically in the song and I think is only there to make it slightly less gay because otherwise the song is making Kaylor Facebook official. But the “wake up by your side” doesn’t fit in with the pining and anticipation and drunken bath time fun. It’s just thrown in there as deflection. It doesn’t actually fit the other relationship on the album - it’s very romantic but “my one and only, my lifeline” is not the cutesy tone of the other songs. This verse is just made up and slapped in to feed the hets. The musical accompaniment is so markedly different that it is clear it literally doesn’t belong in the song. The other song that makes reference to him, I believe, is “Ready for it”. I think “I keep him forever, like a vendetta” is very much about her plans for him. But it’s a very different thought to “is this the end of all the endings?” because that’s a far less certain emotion. She’s only 100% sure about Joe because it’s… not real.
And final note: Getaway Car is obviously a satirical piece about Hiddlestunt obviously. And I think New Year’s Day is a general love song about the type of relationship she wants, similar to some of her early songs, not about Karlie or Di or Lily/whoever else. It’s missing any of the imagery associated with either relationship except “don’t ever become a stranger” but it might be written from diary entries (which she has shown us she does). Final final note: I don’t know for sure who Gorgeous is about. It could just be a song about hot girls more generally.
If anyone is interested in further thoughts, I’m happy to do this for Lover and folklore too. I think we need to challenge the myth of Kaylor being perfect. And I think we should listen closely and let the lyrics speak for themselves.
thanks for taking the time to write all this up! let’s discuss!!!
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carinyms · 3 years
(I don’t know if anyone who follows me even watches Loki, but if you do and feel compelled to analyze it with someone please hmu, because no one I personally know cares about this show and listen I care SO MUCH)
Anyway, here’s an extremely disjointed thought dump on episode three, it’s a lot :)
1. I got so much serotonin from them playing that Hayley Kiyoko song over the opening credits, oh my god.
2. I love Sylvie, I LOVE her. Just an iconic badass—so snarky, so powerful. 10/10. (When she took that cape off?? That outfit?? This whole show is just Bi Panic for me) I’m sure they’re setting her up to be very sympathetic and then she will inevitably stab Loki in the back at some point, and you know what that’s fine.
3. Their screen chemistry and banter is incredible, nearly on the same level as the scenes with Mobius and Loki. (Which is good bc speaking of which, I miss Owen Wilson). I can’t wait till we get a scene with all three of them working together, it will be fantastic.
4. God, I want to see Loki truly in full power just annihilate someone in a fight just once. I do think it’s purposeful that we’re not seeing that right now — the writers can’t seriously think the audience collectively forgot that this guy took down 5 (6?) dark elves with his hands bound and now he can’t throw a knife and hit a target that's not even moving?? There has to be a reason. I’m choosing to have faith in Kate Herron here. (But I’m tired of seeing him getting tossed around like a sack of potatoes :( )
5. I think Sylvie explaining how to enchant someone has to be foreshadowing, right? By the end of the series, either Loki will have puzzled out how to do it and tap into Sylvie’s mind, or vise versa, Sylvie will get into Loki’s head an unearth something nasty (This is SO dumb of me to hope for, I’m setting myself up for disappointment, but maybe Thanos memories here?? I’m really going full fanfic narrative with this one lol but wow can you imagine.)
6. Or, Loki will use this tactic to get into Mobius’ head and wake him up to the truth. (Also, can we talk about how concerned he was when he was like, ‘But the TVA workers don’t know they’re variants!!” Loki you little SOFTIE. Headcanon that he’s now not gonna want to hurt any of the TVA workers because they’re all brainwashed and our guy knows a thing or two about that?? BEGGING the show to acknowledge this. (Please, could we have a little bit of recognition of trauma Marvel? As a treat?)
(I will be let down lol)
7. Speaking of the brainwashed TVA workers, I have questions about how this works. Mobius remembers jet skis, but Casey didn’t know what a fish was? Is it just because Casey doesn’t work in the field? Does Mobius just have a stronger mind that Ravonna has to keep continuously wiping because he remembers snippets? That would explain the multiple water rings on her table they drew attention to— but why would the TVA let him have that magazine if they didn’t want their agents remembering anything??
8. Also, uhh…Is Ravonna a timekeeper? This is a theory that keeps popping up for me.
9. Loki and Sylvie’s conversation on the train was wonderful.
10. We LOVE a confirmed Bicon.
11. Him talking about and remembering Frigga, and his viewpoint on love feels like lines out of a fanfic come to life and I love it. Part of me is like “this level of vulnerability feels OOC” (and don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of other things that felt truly OOC) but this particular aspect feels more like we’re seeing a more apathetic, carefree, nihilistic version of Loki than we’ve ever seen, so maybe he’s just given up on the masks? Anyhow, I love this side of his character we’re seeing.
12. Loki singing in Norwegian. That is all.
12.2 Actually no, that’s not all. It had such ‘Aragorn singing at his coronation vibes’, in that it both caught me extremely off-guard and got me very emotional. Apparently the lyrics (someone translated) are all about missing home, and wow he’s really just missing his family and a sense of belonging *so much* that he’s chosen to recreate what I’d imagine an Asgardian party was like — getting drunk (although he clearly wasn’t drunk, just acting drunk), singing asgardian songs, smashing the glass on the ground and saying “Another!” (Which we can now assume was just an asgardian custom at parties bc how would he have known Thor did that?) Someone pointed out the planet that they’re on is called Lamentis, and dang this whole episode is all about Loki grieving and longing for what he’s lost? and I’m so hyped for when they end up in Asgard again. I don’t know what will happen but there will be Angst and tears, perfect recipe for a good time.
13. Speaking of Thor, is he going to tell Sylvie about him at some point? Because I will cry. Like, I guarantee it.
14. My only gripe here is that drunk Loki was giving me big Jack Sparrow energy towards the very end and I am Not About That
15. Why does Sylvie understand Norwegian?? This song meant something to her too, clearly, she was getting teary eyed, like it was something she was familiar with and I just have so many questions about how her timeline was different/similar.
16. And going off that, I’m just going to say it—I DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW VARIANTS WORK. Because if a variant is created by someone branching from their ‘true path’, wouldn’t every variant have the same base-story? Thus all look the same, have a similar past? (The same parents, the same origin?) I know the TVA’s sacred-timeline thing is all BS, that much is obvious—and Sylvie’s history is making me wonder (that is, if she truly IS a Loki ‘variant’), is the TVA’s description of branched timelines really accurate at all, or are some variants from a fully alternate reality overlapping with this one? I’m trusting they will make this make more sense.
17. I love the moments of humanity we’re getting from Loki, but especially the one where he’s surveying all those people in the town and goes “they’re gonna let these people die…” Like, what a great comparison to Loki in Ragnarok, who goes back and rescues his people because he couldn’t let them die in good conscious when he could do something about it. I like to think that being raised as a prince, there is an inherent feeling of ‘rulers should look after their people” buried under everything, and that what was going through his head was “how could they abandon these people without thought?” I love that even though that was a different Loki, they’re showing (not just telling) that the core of him truly does care about people, and the person he developed into in the original franchise is still there.
18. Also that line perfectly sets up what I’m sure is going to happen in the next episode—that they’ll find a way to escape the planet and save the people (or some of them), which will create a branch and alert the TVA to where they are, thus Loki getting brought back in.
19. the Rolled Up Sleeves look is. mhmm. It’s Good.
Alright I’m done now, this was so chaotic, but also I really just wanted to document my thoughts on the show for myself so it's fine
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Hey, since you're the godmother of Aark (Mark x Amber) here on Tumblr, can you give me your top five songs you think would fit them? For playlist creating purposes (: No pressure if you don't want to, ofc
Sure, this sounds fun! I decided to do 1 song that makes me think of Amber solo, 1 for Mark solo, 1 for how Amber views their relationship, 1 for how Mark views their relationship, and then 1 for them as a couple overall. Some songs are chosen for their vibe/making me think of the character’s essence I guess, while others are chosen for their lyrics.
Amber (solo) — "Butterfly" - Umi (both original & acoustic work, but I did end up choosing the original version for this.)
I chose this song because I feel like the vibe just really fits Amber. I can picture it playing in her room while she sits and reads. The way she was feeling when she was confused about Mark's feelings for her matched with the song imo, but I mainly chose it because of the chill but moody vibes it gives off which make me think of Amber.
Mark (solo) — "Oh No!" - MARINA & The Diamonds
I chose this one because I could see Mark jamming out to this in his room singing in falsetto awkwardly & loudly because he just vibes with the lyrics. The song deals with insecurities, is a lil dramatic, and I think it fits his struggles in S1 quite well actually. He thinks he knows exactly who he wants to be and he knows he wants to make a change, but he still struggles to get it all to come together for himself. Also some lyrics don’t relate to him, but I just know he’d be yelling them like they do🤣 example: “Don’t do love, don’t do friends, I’m only after success.” This boy would be singing like he really feels these words, like when you sing a breakup song and you’re vibing when you’ve never even dated before😂
Amber’s view — “Into You” - Ariana Grande
This one was really easy lol. Amber was super into Mark and approached him first, so this song totally fits when you listen to the lyrics and how they made out on their first “study date”😂 Also Amber is a flirty queen, who knows what she wants and I love that!
Mark’s view — “Just The Two of Us” - Grover Washington (Specifically the TikTok remix cuz it’s good😙)
I chose this for how Mark views their relationship especially when they first started dating and he’d just stare at pictures at her during his trip because he missed her. Also how he wanted to give up being a hero and for them to just go to college together and make a future for themselves and the lyrics are so sweet and I love them! They just describe how he enjoys her presence which can be seen in how happy he is during their montages.
Relationship overall — “Stuck like glue” - Sugarland (Male key acoustic version)
I don’t think either of them are quite fond of countryish music, but I think the lyrics work well for them. It talks about going through ups & downs, but still finding your way back to each other. I wanted to find an acoustic and slowed version, but I couldn’t find one so I chose the acoustic lower male key instead of the original female key. If they ever got married I imagine them dancing at their wedding to a slowed acoustic version of this in the male key at the end of the night while the staff are cleaning around them and they’re just still slow dancing on the dance floor wrapped up in their own moment. idk perhaps just me🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
There you have it! I hope that this is close to what you were hoping for??😄 I definitely had fun getting this together, so thank you for the ask!
(Other asks I see you in my inbox and I still need to get to y’all, I’m so sorry! Will do my best to get to all of them😊😊)
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