#songs i wish i could have coursing through my veins
Thank you @sorceresssundries for sending Young and Beautiful as a prompt! It's a beautiful song, I hope you enjoy this. 💜
'Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul? I know you will.' - Lana Del Rey, Young and Beautiful
@netherese0rb @boufsy @owlseeyoulaterpal @lanafofana
@auroraesmeraldarose @aryancunin @amorgansgal
His first engagement gift to her was a white gold ring adorned with a pear cut diamond, huge and sparkling, haloed with tiny amethysts. The band twined prettily like strands of Weave, and engraved on the inside in his own hand were the words: ‘I found divinity in you.’ Tav received it via courier, opening the door in her home just off Heapside Strand to see the poor dragonborn woman obscured by armfuls of blooms: blue irises, red roses, massive clouds of peonies and bright purple anemones, even cascades of delicate wisteria.
‘Someone must absolutely adore you!’ the woman gushed, her copper scales gleaming in the morning light. ‘When you’ve taken all these, love, there’s something else for you. There’s a vase here, too- do you want me to help you arrange these?’
‘Oh! That would be wonderful,’ said Tav. ‘Thank you.’ She backed inside for the lady to pass and spied the vase. It was a work of art; a sculptural piece of rose quartz veined with gold. Bringing it carefully inside, she set it by her reading nook, filled it with water, and watched as the courier carefully arranged them. The sight of them brought her such great joy she wanted to cry.
‘And one more thing. I was told to be incredibly careful with this,’ she said, smiling and reaching into her satchel. She withdrew a small box and an ornate letter on quality parchment. ‘Have a wonderful day!’
‘Bye,’ she said to her retreating back, closing the door slowly behind her. With trembling hands, she opened the letter.
My love, I know I proposed in haste. I had to, in truth. I was so terrified it would all be a dream and I’d wake, and you’d be gone. Not that I don’t trust you, of course. It’s more that you are so beyond even my most audacious dreams that I cannot believe you’re real. I hope you like what I chose for you. White gold for your complexion of course, a diamond for the pure beauty of your soul and the endless love I hold for you, and, if you’ll forgive me a little vanity, amethysts for myself. I would say more here but those things are best said in vows. I hope you like the flowers. I’ll tell you why I chose them, but those things are best said running my fingers through your hair, murmured softly into your waiting ear. I wish I could see your face… not long now. Still, being apart from you is torture. Here’s to eternity. Gale.
‘Oh,’ said Tav, blinking back tears and kissing his name on the parchment. ‘Gale, I adore you.’ She reached for the box and gasped at its contents. The most perfect ring, just as he’d described. It twinkled on her finger like a piece of the astral plane. She curled up in her favourite chair and wept tears of joy, wishing she could hold him.
His second gift arrived a week later. Tav opened the door to a cheerful dwarven man holding a sturdy basket in his arms. ‘Hello ma’am,’ he said, eyes twinkling in delight. ‘I’ve a gift for you from Mr Gale Dekarios. He gave me express instructions to deliver his gift to you personally. It’s important it’s opened indoors, in a secure area, and away from any fine furnishings. Ahem. He hopes you enjoy your gift. Blessings, ma’am.’ He handed the basket over and off he went with a cheery wave. Frowning in puzzlement, Tav took it inside and set it down in the kitchen, gingerly lifting the lid. She gasped, astonished. Inside, fast asleep, was a tiny, winged kitten, silver and grey. It had a small, jeweled collar and a letter tucked beneath one dainty paw.
My love, Tara has been my stalwart companion for most of my life. She saved it, in fact, more than once. I cherish her utterly, and I want you to have the same unwavering support when I can’t be there for you. I hope that is a rare occurrence, since if it were not, I fear it would drive me mad to be apart from you for long. Still… this is Calliope. Admittedly she’s only a baby, but I want you to have as much bonding with her as possible. She’ll speak in time. May she be a   comfort to you when I cannot be. Forgive my presumption, I put your name down as Dekarios. Selfishly, it brought me such joy to do so that I wept. Be here. Would that time would speed up, just a little, so I could hold you in my arms. Gale.
The kitten stirred in her basket, stretched and mewed softly. Delicately, Tav drew her into her arms. ‘Hello, Calliope,’ she said, kissing her fuzzy little head. ‘I hope you love your dad as much as I do.’ She stroked her soft wings, cooing to her as she showed her the house. Calliope blinked her golden eyes slowly and pushed her head into Tav’s palm, purring. ‘He knows exactly how to make me feel like the most special woman in the world, doesn’t he? Hmm?’ Calliope meowed in agreement, climbing up onto her shoulder and settling around her neck, like she'd always been there.
Tav was in Waterdeep, finally. It was the night before the wedding, and she stared at the ceiling in Morena’s spare room, her heart like a hummingbird’s wings in her chest. Calliope had tucked her face into the crook of her neck but did not sleep, sensing her excitement. The wedding dress hung on the back of the door, a confection of seed pearls and silk perfect for the summer heat. Tiny flowers cascaded off the shoulders in a froth of lace, putting her in mind of seafoam. She knew Gale was in his tower feeling exactly the same, and drifted off to sleep with his face in her mind, the first time he told her he loved her all that time ago.
The day dawned bright and cloudless. It was a flurry of activity the moment she woke: Morena had called Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Karlach and Astarion to her home early to help Tav dress and prepare themselves.
‘I hope you’re ready, darling,’ said Astarion, kissing her on the cheek.
‘What are you doing here? I thought you’d be in Gale’s party.’
‘Oh please,’ he purred. ‘You know I love you more.’ He chucked her under the chin and winked. ‘You ought to know, I made that delicious dress for you. It pains me to know it’s just going to end up in pieces on the fl-’
‘Alright Fangs, that’s enough,’ said Karlach, clapping a hand over his mouth. ‘You’re making the bride blush and only one man gets to do that today.’
‘Chk,’ admonished Lae’zel. ‘Both of you are children.’
‘For once we agree on something, Lae’zel. It must be a special day indeed,’ replied Shadowheart. ‘C’mon Tav. Makeup first.’
‘If you get even the faintest smidge of makeup on that dress,’ began Astarion dangerously, ‘I will drain you dry, love. So be careful.’ Shadowheart shot him a quelling look and set to work. When Calliope leapt into Tav’s lap, Astarion came to the rescue. ‘Ah-ah, little one,’ he said, scooping her up. ‘Mummy’s making herself extra beautiful, alright?’ He held the kitten in his arms, looking for all the realms like a doting uncle.
‘I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, angel,’ said Morena when she came to check everything was alright a little later, ‘I think Gale may just die when he sees you.’
Lae’zel and Karlach helped Tav into her dress, Astarion hovering anxiously as they did so. Finally, he slid pearl encrusted slippers onto her feet. ‘I think she’s ready,’ said Karlach, beaming.
Her friends were dressed in assorted colours themselves: Shadowheart in midnight blue, Lae’zel in maroon, Karlach in cyan and Astarion in emerald green. Morena wore deep purple.
‘A couple finishing touches,’ said Morena, fastening a pair of diamond studs in Tav’s ears. ‘I wore these on my own wedding day. And these-’ she handed her a massive bouquet of blue irises. ‘Ready?’
‘I am,’ she said.
The wedding party converged on the tower; Tav was hidden from Gale with the aid of a strong invisibility spell, spirited away while everyone took their places, Astarion taking her by the arm. ‘Are you sure you want me to do this for you?’ he murmured softly.
‘I’m sure,’ she said. ‘You’ve become very special to me.’ He smiled, and she could’ve sworn unshed tears sparkled in his eyes.
‘Alright darling.’ He lifted the invisibility spell and threw open the great oak doors before her. She stared; Gale had never mentioned a ballroom in his tower before. It was festooned with what could only be the work of all the florists in Waterdeep, the same flowers Gale had sent her with her engagement ring. The natural magic of the space swirled around them in colourful motes, sparkling and beautiful. At the far end of the room, Wyll and Minsc were speaking quietly with Gale, Jaheira and Halsin murmuring quietly with Morena, who held Calliope in her lap. Astarion squeezed Tav’s arm as music struck up from nowhere, piano and violin and harp. She recognised this. It was the music Gale had played for her in their vision, all that time ago.
Astarion walked Tav down the aisle, his presence calming and steady. She knew he was proud of her, and she would’ve wanted no-one else to give her away. As she approached, Gale beamed, his eyes wide and soft. He took her hands as Astarion took his place beside Wyll and kissed them, unable to stop himself.
‘Hello,’ he murmured.
‘Hello,’ she whispered back, grinning.
‘Beloved, we are gathered,’ said the wood elf priestess, ‘to witness the joining of two souls in eternal love. They will speak their vows to one another, and ritual will be sealed in the ancient magics of Realmspace.’ She gestured to Gale. ‘Mr Dekarios, if you would.’
He cleared his throat, cheeks going a little pink. ‘Tav. I believe you are one half of my soul. I will protect you until my last breath, and then I’ll walk out of the fugue plane to do so again. You are sacred to me in a way I’ve never experienced before, you helped me see life for all its beauty and wonder and worth. I would die for you if fate willed it, but I swear to you I will live for you instead. I adore you. You’re more to me than anything in all the realms, including magic. If I lost it all tomorrow, I’d be content, because you are utterly irreplacable. I love you. Gods, I love you.’
Tav felt tears sliding down her cheeks, giggled when Gale brushed them away gently with his thumbs. Taking a breath, she responded, ‘Gale. You are the most special man I’ve ever known, magic or not. I’ve never known someone so generous, so open and kind and wonderful. You saved me as well. I was so lonely. So lost. And you took my hand and led me out of the dark into your world of beauty and wonder. Wherever you are is consecrated ground. I will cherish you forever. I love you.’
Dimly aware that everyone around her was weeping into their hands, Tav could only just hear the priestess telling Gale to kiss her; he drew her to him by the waist and kissed her with such tenderness it made her feel faint. Only when they needed to breathe did he pull away, pure adoration on his face. He pressed his forehead to hers as their friends and family cheered, and she felt at home- with her husband- for the first time in her life.
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wildiefleur · 3 months
time for todays edition of songs i wish i could experience coursing through my veins! ;p
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I want more people i know to like the wombats so I can go insane over them to people but also noone will ever like the wombats like I do
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majestyeverlasting · 1 year
Just Another Friday Night
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This piece contains 18+ content and explores the idea of Eddie as a soft dom.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie Munson's been your best friend since fifth grade. And on a night you think is going to pass just like any other, you realize you can't keep running from the way you feel.
Word Count: 6.2k
A/N: I hath returned. So excited to finally have this one out for you guys! Hopefully the person who requested this many moons ago is still somewhere in my orbit.
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As soon as Eddie feels the pad of your finger meet the skin of his cheek, his lips curl into a soft smile. It brings small lines to the corners of his eyes and reveals the glint of his teeth in the dim light. Concentration sparkles in your eyes like water does beneath the moon. 
Both of you are seated on his messy bed. Him with his legs falling over the edge, and you angled towards him with your legs crossed. His breaths are steady, fingers lax from no longer strumming the strings of his guitar. 
When you finally manage to collect the fallen eyelash from his cheek, you hold out your pointer finger for him to see. If you’d been focussed on the song he was playing rather than studying his face, you never would’ve noticed the tiny hair to begin with. 
“M’kay.” His eyes flick back up to meet yours. “Now what?” 
You raise your finger closer to his lips. “You’ve got a wish to make.”
If there was anyone deserving of one, it was him. It had been almost a year since he crawled out of the Upside Down by the skin of his teeth. Half alive. You remembered all the long nights you’d spent by his hospital bed as he recovered.  
An air of weightlessness washes over both of you after Eddie blows it off your finger. As if somewhere far away, the course of time and happenings shifted in his favor.
“You can finish your song now. Sorry.” Smiling shyly, you tuck your hands into your lap and wiggle to get comfortable.
He smiles wider, but makes a quick work of tampering it back down. 
When he begins playing, you make sure to focus this time, letting the music soak in and flow through you. The passion is palpable, along with the underlying sense of purpose that hangs off the tail end of each resonant note. 
You’d been around to listen to him since the days he played off-tune chords with unsteady hands. As he sat playing now, hair curtained around his face, you knew he could easily captivate thousands if given the chance. 
As the song winds to an end, he looks at you and his fingers slow as the notes dissolve between you. The only thing left for you to do is applaud. Your approval makes him feel like there’s electricity buzzing beneath his veins. 
He absentmindedly strums a few quiet notes to keep his fingers busy, eyes remaining on you. “You’re the first person to hear it all the way through.” 
“Really? I loved it.” Honesty drips like honey from your words. 
He looks down to the fingerboard so you don’t see the faint flush of his cheeks. “Thanks. Lotta practice.”  
When he stands to hang his guitar back on the wall, you watch the way his shoulder blades shift under his t-shirt. You don’t mean to look as hard as you do. There was something captivating about the way he moved. Some days, he couldn’t sit still, but there were also nights like this one where he seemed to have embodied the very essence of ease. 
“So are you gonna add it to your setlist?”
He doesn’t answer right away, making sure Sweetheart is mounted securely. 
“Maybe after I’ve cleaned it up a bit,” he says. “The turnouts have been sick lately.” Gratitude glints in his eyes as they meet yours. 
Playing in front of a crowd at The Hideout was incomparable to selling out a venue like The Garden. But Eddie swore the gratification felt the same. With each new show, it’d been getting harder to find you in the crowd because of how many people had finally started giving him and the boys a chance. He never thought that locating you amid a sea head-bobbing bodies would be a pleasure he ever had. 
“Will I be getting a raise for spreading the word?” You tilt your head and bite back a smile.
He plays along as easily as breathing, biceps flexing as he crosses his arms. “You already eat my snacks, steal my jewelry, and make me drive you around,” he lists. “I don’t know what else there is to offer you, but it sure as hell won’t be Benjamin’s.” 
You have the nerve to blink up at him like a fawn. “It’s not my fault you hardly tell me no.” 
You make it easy to say yes a million times over. Again and again. 
There’s nothing for him to quip back with, so he sighs and studies you for the umpteenth time that night. There’s something amused about the glimmer in his eyes, but a fondness there as well. You’re wearing soft pants and a baggy sweater, looking effortlessly beautiful in a way that only you can manage. 
Guilt wastes no time prickling beneath his skin when you curl in on yourself a bit, self-conscious. You’ve never grown used to the way he makes you feel so seen. Part of you fears he can see right through to feelings you’ve been fighting to keep tucked away. 
He clears his throat and runs a hand through his eternally disheveled hair. 
“Maybe I should get better about that then,” he decides. “Start telling you no more often.” A lighthearted smile pulls at his lips. 
You look over at his alarm clock so you don’t drown within the increasing warmth of his umber eyes. You’re not ready to fall even though that’s what it feels like you’ve been doing for so long. 
He bites his lip in preparation for the weight of his next words, “I’ve been meaning to tell—“ 
“My folks are expecting me back by ten.” It’s the first thing you can think to say despite the fact that they hardly ever give you curfews. “I forgot to mention it sooner.”
“Oh.” He glances to his nightstand to scrutinize the red numbers glowing on the clock. Disappointment swells within him and makes him fidget. “How the hell is it almost ten already? Thing’s gotta be broken.” 
He pats the top of the device as if the right time was suddenly going to appear. “You can’t say for ten more minutes?” You shake your head apologetically. “How ‘bout five?” Another head shake. “Fuck—a minute thirty?” 
A laugh bubbles up your throat, making a helplessly gooey feeling melt down the walls of his chest. 
All too soon, with no success in convincing you, he’s walking you out to your car. 
The night’s chill nips at both of you without reprieve. You hug your arms and break into a jog to escape it faster, leaving Eddie slowly striding behind you in hopes of prolonging his last few moments with you. 
He watches you hop inside your family’s old station wagon and give the engine stuttering life. The headlights are soon to follow, illuminating a cluster of jittery moths. 
The feeling of his stare boring into the side of your face through the window makes you give into the urge to crank it down, handle squeaking faintly along with your movements. 
“Stop looking at me like that.” 
“Like what?” He huffs out a chuckle. “Where am I supposed to look? Up?” He tips his head backwards, and his demeanor immediately shifts. “Hey, the stars are out.” 
You peer through the windshield to see for yourself. Sure enough, countless of them shine like dull guardians miles and miles above lonesome Hawkins. They seem to span forever in every direction. The child in you looks for any surges of brightness or streaks that would indicate a shooting star. 
“The view’s better out here.” There’s a persuasive lilt to his voice. 
You don’t dare get out of the car. If you do, you wouldn’t make it home at all. It was getting too easy to be in his presence, like he was the bread and you were the butter that helplessly melted on top because you knew it’s where you belonged. 
“I really gotta go, E.” You swallow the sadness that wants to color your words as you buckle your seatbelt and settle back into the seat. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
He kicks at a cigarette butt on the ground, and nods. You were always within arms reach, yet lightyears away. 
“Tomorrow,” he repeats. “Copy that.” 
A silence settles between you. The only sounds that prevail are the hum of your car engine, crickets, and muffled peels of laughter carrying from a few trailers down. 
Every time, it was you who pulled away at the eleventh hour before the dawn of something new. 
“Good night, Eddie.” 
The cash register snaps closed with a resonant clamber. A beat later, you’re reaching out to take your change from the middle-aged lady thoughtfully chewing a piece of pink bubblegum behind the counter. The two of you are the only souls in the store. Humming freezers and a quiet instrumental soundtrack fill the air. 
She speaks up as you turn to leave, “You alright there, sweetheart?” 
“Just tired.” You sheepishly raise the bag carrying the Melatonin you’d purchased. 
Even God knew you weren’t going to be able to fall asleep on your own tonight. You’d lie awake thinking of all the reasons why you should’ve stayed. 
You take the time to read her name tag then: Irene. 
Her frown is sympathetic. “It’s a boy, isn’t it?” Warmth rushes to your cheeks. She then leans onto the counter and you feel compelled to take a step closer. “What’s his deal?” She studies your face for any hints before asking a different question, 
“What’s your deal?”  
You shrug lamely, and Irene tilts her head. You don’t owe her an answer, but you can’t help but feel as though you need to hear it for yourself. 
“I’m scared.” 
“It’s okay to be scared.” She blows a bubble and it pops neatly without sticking to her lips. “But it’s up to you to decide if you wanna be scared forever.”
Eddie’s staring up at the ceiling when a faint series of knocks sound at the front door. Instead of moving, he blows out another cloud of smoke and watches as it dissipates into a thin haze in the air. The breeze entering through the cracked window helps filter it out. It isn’t until the knocks get louder that he’s convinced his mind isn’t playing tricks on him. 
What he’s not expecting is for you to be standing at the door. 
“Hi,” you say softly. 
He doesn’t dare question his luck. “H-Hey.” Eddie lowers the joint from between his lips and turns away from you to quickly exhale. “Tonight, uh, doesn’t count.” 
He was supposed to be taking a break from smoking, and you’d promised to help keep him on track. But now, as he stood doing just that for the first time in two months, it wasn’t the joint that captured your attention. It was the reason why, the conflicted look in his eyes that the pungent haze failed to mask. 
His next words get cut off with a cough, and he doesn’t bother trying to say them again. 
You're met by warmth when he motions you inside. Guilt tries to convince you that you don’t deserve another chance, fear says you’re going to blow it. 
“Eddie?” He raises his eyebrows. “I’m really sorry.” 
The way he nods suggests he knew your curfew was fabricated from the start. “Don’t sweat it,” he lifts his shoulder. “I’m gonna go put this out.” He holds up the joint. 
You trail him back to his bedroom, where your eyes roam idly over the posters covering the walls. Different things to say rise to the tip of your tongue, but none of them spill over. 
Eddie turns towards you when he’s done. 
“You didn’t have to lie.” Your shoulders sink as you meet his gaze, but he easily turns to humor, “You could’ve just told me you were tired of being cramped up in a trailer. I probably would’ve agreed.” 
You can feel the ghost of a smile on your face, but you still mean your next words, “I feel like the worst person in the world.” 
His nose wrinkles. “Maybe the fourth or fifth, but definitely not the worst.” 
In spite of everything, both of you find it within yourselves to laugh. It feels good, mending. 
You regain your composure before Eddie, and upon noticing he tries even harder to quell his amusement. It takes a few extra seconds because he’s high, but he finally manages to get himself under control. 
He thinks before his next words, “I wasn’t expecting you to come back. You never do.” A lump forms in your throat as you toy with the hem of your sweater. “And all I can think about every time you leave is how I let you walk away without telling you how fucking much I enjoy you being around.”
You swallow. “I know you do.” 
He shakes his head. “I like hanging out with the guys too—I’ll hang out with anybody if they’re cool.” You watch him with doe eyes as he speaks. “But you, you’re a whole different story. You drive me crazy in the best fucking way ever.” Those words hang thick in the air. “When I blew that eyelash of your finger, I wished—”
“Wait,” you hold out a careful hand, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. “Don’t tell me.” Part of you wants him to, but not at the expense of the wish not coming true. 
That keeps him quiet for a few seconds. He’s still charged from his confession, electricity having taken the place of blood within his veins. 
“You came back,” Eddie states instead. “Why?” 
His eyes don’t leave you, and you take in his entirety for the first time since you’ve been back. Long hair, short sleeve Metallica shirt, faded pajama pants. He doesn’t have his chest puffed out or his chin turned up in that charming way he often does when he’s working a crowd or a group of friends. 
He’s leveled. No guard up, no mask on, just Eddie. 
The one who’s been by your side since fifth grade. Who could make your sides ache on the days when laughing was the last thing you thought you could do. Who got on your nerves almost every time you were together, but still managed to be one of your favorite people in the world. 
“You know how you always say there’s no shame in running?” you ask, shifting your weight. You’d sat in on enough of his D&D campaigns to have heard that phrase uttered. 
He nods. 
“Well, we both know it’s also worth something when you have the guts to stay. So this is me choosing not to run anymore.” From your feelings or from him. 
The room shrinks and grows one hundred degrees hotter when Eddie moves to stand closer to you. He reaches out to grasp your hand, calluses brushing your skin. The chunky metal rings adorning his fingers glint. 
Your next breath stalls as he presses your palm flat against the left side of his chest. The quickened rhythm of his heart drums against it fiercely. A mix of vulnerability and courage are married in his eyes. 
“Same,” you whisper, and his lips twitch upwards. “Here I was thinking this was gonna be just another Friday night.” 
You let your hand fall from his chest. 
A grin breaks across his face like dawn, more tender than it’s ever been. “I’m glad it’s not.” 
Time slows as he cups your face, eyes flitting over every detail as if to memorize it all over again. “You’re so fucking pretty.” He whispers it like there’s nothing to question, like he's been waiting forever. 
You don’t mean to smile as wide as you do. His heart skips a beat, maybe two. He’s done holding back from what he’s been wanting to do for so long. 
Not another second passes before he presses his lips to yours. 
They move with careful earnesty. Despite the fact that it feels like your entire body bursts into stardust, you kiss him back with an innate sense of knowing. You can feel the puffs of air from his nose fanning over your skin, the way his thumbs brush over your cheeks. It’s intoxicating in a way that makes you weak in the knees. Even with the newness of it all, there’s an air of ease and familiarity that you lose yourself within. You don’t worry if you’re doing it right. 
By the time he pushes you backwards to sit on the edge of his bed, he’s taken off your sweater and tossed it onto the floor, leaving your pale pink bra newly on display. 
From your seated position, you watch him pull his own shirt over his head, further disheveling his hair. His milky skin hosts a myriad of dark tattoos and fading scars. Anticipation swirls in your core as he encourages you to lay on your back, propping himself overtop of you. He pecks the tip of your nose before slotting his lips over yours once again. 
A surprised sound escapes you when his lips begin to plant a trail of kisses along your jaw and down the side of your neck, head tilting to give him more access. The moment your conscience catches up to reality, you push at his chest and he immediately pulls away. 
“Too much?” He studies your face. You can’t bring yourself to say no because you don’t want it to end. 
“I think I just need a second. Sorry.” Embarrassment clings to your words, but you muster a shaky laugh. “I’m not used to this kinda thing.” 
Eddie had experienced his share of sporadic flings, but his feelings never ran as deep as they do for you.  
“You’re okay,” he soothes. “I may like pushing your buttons, but ‘m not gonna do anything you don’t want me to, alright?” 
In all your years of knowing him, he’d never given you reason to believe he’d ever discount your feelings. Or that he was even capable of doing so. 
You raise a hand to cup his cheek. “Let’s keep going.” 
“You sure?” He turns his head to kiss your palm. “Absolutely positive?” He dips down and playfully nips at your collarbone. “Cross your heart?”  
You bite your lip to keep from giggling, but fail when he begins to move lower. He drinks in your laughter like it’s an elixir. 
He continues a disorderly line of kisses down your stomach, and your mind is beyond hazy by the time he reaches the waistband of your jeans. You don’t utter any words of protest when he kneels to pop the button open. The subsequent sound of your zipper being pulled down might as well be thunder with how quiet the room has grown aside from it. 
Your panties are the same pink as your bra, trimmed with thin lace that makes Eddie dizzy. Without waiting for him to ask, you lift your hips for him to pull down your pants. Once they’re on the floor, he runs his hands over both of your thighs, trying his best to memorize the feeling. You briefly close your eyes when his fingers ghost over the soft fabric of your underwear. Nerves bundle low in your stomach to the point where you feel like a live wire laying exposed before him. 
“You’re gonna be the end of me,” he says like a scripture. 
“Me?” you peer down at him in disbelief. 
“Yeah, you. Who else?” He lifts the thin waistband of your panties and lets it snap back down to your skin. “I’m gonna take ‘em off.” He only makes the announcement to give you a chance to refute it. 
Rather than doing so, you brace your feet so you can lift your hips for him once more. 
You’ve known him for the better half of your life. If anyone, your trust can reside in him. 
A string of awed expletives slip past his lips when there’s nothing left between him and your heat. To stop himself from staring, he turns his face into your thigh to suck a bruise into the plush skin. You don’t realize that’s what he’s doing until you feel the tiny pinch that stings so good. 
Your silence is perceived as permission to switch to the other leg to do the same. You can hear your heart in your ears, and regard it as a reminder that you’re alive and breathing during a moment you never thought would come. 
You’re marked now, his.
He runs a gentle finger from your clit to your wet folds, and your own sensitivity surprises you when your thighs snap closed and trap his hand. 
“Sorry,” you breathe, slowly blooming them open again. You make the mistake of meeting his gaze, where fondness seems to radiate like imperceivable rays of light. 
After pressing a kiss to the space just beneath your navel, he stands and climbs onto the bed with you. You sit up and look to him for further direction. 
An easy smile spreads across his face as he settles with his back against the wall where a headboard should be. 
“C’mere,” he stretches his legs out in front of himself. 
You crawl to him and sit so that your back is pressed against the warmth of his bare chest. It isn’t until you shift that you feel his erection pressing into your rear. 
You peek back at him with hot cheeks. “Sorry.”  
Eddie drops a kiss to your shoulder. “You’ve apologized five hundred times tonight.” You shrink in on yourself because you know it’s true. “You’re not allowed to anymore, capeesh?” 
You nod. 
“Now prop your legs up, buttercup.” You can hear the smile in his voice that hopes you caught his rhyme. 
You press your feet into his sheets and spread your knees into a V. 
His pointer finger finds your clit without warning, applying just enough pressure to hitch your breath. You’ve touched yourself before, but had never taken the time to truly gain an understanding of the deeper pleasure there was to be felt. 
Here Eddie was, showing you what you didn’t know about yourself.
He switches to rubbing your bundle of nerves with his thumb while his middle finger glides through the slickness of your folds, making you clench with want. You reach between your legs with the hope of helping, or perhaps egging things along, but Eddie tuts. 
“Hands off or I’ll stop.” His tone is gentle and commanding all at once. 
Even though you follow his instructions, he still withdraws his touch. A protest ends up dying in your throat when you feel his fingers undoing the clasp of your bra and pushing the straps down your goosebump-laden arms. It soon joins the rest of your clothes on the floor. You’ve never been so bare in front of another person. 
“Jesus, look at you,” he murmurs. His large hands raise to cup your breasts, fingers experimentally pinching both of your pebbled nipples. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen a more beautiful sight. 
You watch with hooded eyes and parted lips. Caught off guard when he grabs your hands and redirects them to your chest to take over for him. You tentatively pinch your nipples in the same way he’d done, sending minute shockwaves through your body. 
“There you go,” he coos into your ear. A gasp falls past your lips when his hand dips back between your legs to ease the tip of his middle finger into your entrance. As he pushes it in further, your toes curl tighter. 
But his touch disappears yet again, making an exasperated breath leave you as your head falls backwards onto his shoulder. 
“Eddie,” it’s a whine. “Are you teasing me?”
“No. I forgot to take my rings off.” They clink as he drops them onto the nightstand. “But I think I will now since you just had to say something.” The charged promise of those words sends a chill down your spine.
You’re begging three minutes later. A melodic mix of weakened pleads, his name, and incoherent bargains that only make him smile. 
He’s trapped you on the edge of a freefall. Your thighs ache from tensing, and the strong pulse of arousal between your legs consumes the entirety of your mind. His two middlemost fingers pump in and out of your entrance with no sense of urgency, curling into that spot within you that makes you want to shatter. Whenever he senses that you’re about to topple over the edge, he pauses to let a few seconds crawl by. 
It’s scary how good he is at reading you. At holding the reins. 
“I can’t anymore,” you breathlessly insist, pressing back into him. “Eddie, please.”
“Sure you can.” He suckles the spot beneath your ear. In your head, you scream at him in frustration but in reality you squeeze your eyes shut. 
He doesn’t know who he’s teasing anymore. Listening to you whimper and feeling you squirm has him twitching and straining in his boxers. 
Somewhere along the line, he remembers mercy. 
As soon as the cord within you snaps, your back arches and your walls flutter helplessly around his fingers. Your orgasm crashes over you in strong heated waves, each one fizzling out in their own time, making you tremble. 
When your breaths grow even again, he slowly pulls his fingers out of you as you watch, awed and silent. You place a hand on his thigh to ensure he stays close. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” he promises. 
The two of you sit in silence for a while, basking in the warmth of each other’s body, the new air between you. It’s as if you’re waiting to be roused from a dream. 
“I wanna keep making you feel good,” he eventually murmurs into your ear, smirking when you shiver. “Will you let me do that?” 
The feeling of his erection pressing into your backside suddenly registers in your mind again, and you reach behind you to curiously palm the outline through his pajama pants. He feels it in his bones. 
“You can do whatever you want,” you tell him.
Eddie grabs your waist and gently pushes you forward so you know to let him get up. You settle in the middle of the bed and pull your legs up to your chest in a halfhearted reclaim of modesty. 
He stalks over to his dresser and scans the cluttered surface with his lower lip pulled between his teeth. You trace his back tattoos with your eyes. After pushing a few stray trinkets aside, he makes a sound of frustration.  
“What's wrong?” you ask. 
He continues looking. “Coulda sworn there was a condom lying around up here.” 
After a beat, you crawl to the edge of his bed so you can peek into the drawer of his nightstand. There’s notebooks filled with song lyrics, old magazines, a Walkman, batteries, guitar picks. No square foils in sight. 
“Can’t we still…” your words fade when he meets your gaze, but he gives you an encouraging nod. “You know. If we’re extra careful, right?” Your voice is just above a murmur by the time you stop speaking. 
The innocence seeping from your gaze makes a helpless fool out of him. 
The next thing you know, he’s pulling his pants and boxers down in one go, cock springing up towards his belly as you watch with owlish eyes. A dark tuft of hair curls at the base, and the head is a pretty shade of rose that’s beading pearlescent pre-cum. A prominent vein snakes along the underside. 
You’re more than ready. It’s the lightning in a bottle type sureness that you can’t believe you’ve come to know so well. The second he starts moving towards the bed again, you reposition onto your back. 
Though you don’t utter a single word, every unspoken thought from your mind seems to shape his smile. It’s not entirely proud, there’s a hint of softness to it. Something giddy residing just beneath the surface that takes the edge off the intensity of his gaze. 
A comforting heat radiates from his body as he positions himself overtop of you. 
He reaches between your legs to collect the tell tale sign of your arousal on his fingers, and your eyelashes flutter. “Nice and ready for me, huh?” 
The tone of his voice makes you want to hide. You feel small and on top of the world at the same time. Eagerness is written all over your face. And in the way your chest rises with quicker breaths. How your fingers are curled into the sheets. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” You’re glad he does because you’re certain all words would fail if you tried to speak. 
All you can do is blink up at him, propping your legs on either side of him as he lines himself up at your entrance. 
It’s overwhelming at first, incomparable to his fingers. But he takes it slow, watching your face the whole while. Before you know it, you’ve stretched to take the entirety of his length, and his eyes are glued to where you’re joined. 
He bottoms out with a satisfied grunt, hair falling into his face. The fullness makes up for the dull ache. Especially as he begins to slowly pull out in preparation for another pump. A gasp escapes you the second time he eases back in, and your face scrunches with the new depth that comes with hooking your legs around the back of his thighs. 
“If you wanna stop at any point just tell me, okay?” He tries his best to keep his voice steady. 
“Okay,” you whisper shakily. 
He finds a rhythm before long, cheeks flushed right along with his chest. He looks beautiful like this. Even his pleasured sighs and huffs rush straight to the pit of your stomach. 
“Lemme hear you,” his voice comes out gruff. “Stop holding back.” 
You swallow a moan. “‘M not.” 
Unconvinced, Eddie rolls one of your nipples between his fingers, and your breath stutters on its way out. You don’t remember being this sensitive earlier, and a few more pinches have your mouth gaping open just as he expected. 
His thrusts grow pointedly harder, forcing the fire building in your core to burn brighter. 
“Oh, god—Eddie,” you finally choke out, gripping onto his biceps. 
He swears he grows impossibly harder, orgasm creeping even closer from its place in the distance. You’re so soft, so warm, so wet, squeezing him in a maddening way. Your blunt fingernails move to dig into the back of his shoulders, leaving crescent indents in their wake.
“Say my name again.”
“Eddie,” you sigh, helplessly clenching around him. “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.” You sound dreamy. It rushes straight between his legs, and he can feel that familiar coil beginning to wear thin. 
Hearing you say his name like that was going to do him in. 
A sudden burst of confidence finds you. “You’re so deep—gonna make me come.” 
His hips falter and something shifts in his eyes. He starts drawing circles over your clit.
“I wanna feel you fall apart around me,” he says, and you nod because you want that for him. “But not until I say, alright?” 
Your stomach drops. 
When you don’t answer, he slows to a torturous pace that makes your head spin. “Gotta answer me so I know we’re on the same page.” 
“We always have been,” you half slur, drunk on him. 
As Eddie looks down at you, he sees a large fraction of his world woven into the delicate furrow of your eyebrows, the way your eyelashes meet the very tops of your cheeks, the part of your cherry-tainted lips. 
He lowers himself so that his chest is grazing yours as he continues thrusting, pubic bone dragging over your clit. The feeling of his warm breaths fanning into your ear makes you shudder, and when you arch up, you’re only met by more of his warmth, more of him. There is no escape, nowhere to run. Only accept. 
“Wish I could, shit, wish I could bottle this feeling in a fucking jar and keep it forever,” he grits into your ear. “Never felt anything this good… five stars from me.” He’s fighting to hold himself together. 
You miss half of those words because you’re on the verge of an ascension. 
“Eddie,” you breathe, somewhat startled. “Eddie, please. Can I come? I’m so close.” 
“How close?” 
Your voice goes airy and high because he’s hitting just the right spot. “‘M right there.” 
“Tell me how good I’m making you feel.” Whining, you claw into his skin with the intent of making it sting, but it only makes his shoulders shake with a chuckle. “I’ll shut this whole show down if you wanna play that game—” 
“So good!” you whimper, giving in. “You’re making me feel so good. Just… please.” You clench around him in hopes of earning an okay.  
It almost makes him fold, come right on the spot, but he still forces out a, “Not yet, angel. I gotta practice telling you no, remember?” 
His constant denial was only adding fuel to the fire of pleasure burning within you and he knew it.
By his next thrust, he could tell the beginnings of an unraveling had begun sweeping you under. Even though he sees it coming from a mile away, he nearly passes out himself when you let go.
Eyes closed, your walls flutter around him in a strong, rapid succession that carries on for a while. You’re being lifted somewhere higher than you’ve ever known. The world fades around the edges, and the distant sound of Eddie’s voice washes over you as your jaw slacks open.  
There you go, that’s it. Couldn’t hold back any longer, huh?
Only when aftershocks begin to spark through you do you realize how deep your breaths have grown, and the new laxity of your limbs that makes you feel like you’ve become one with his bed, trembling weakly. A wonderful ache resides between your legs. 
A gentle weight soon meets your lower stomach, and your eyes flutter open just enough to see. Eddie has pulled himself from within the warmth of you, and rested his slickened tip against your warm skin. You watch dazedly as he strokes himself a few good times before jolting and releasing onto your belly. 
All you get is a glimpse of his blissed expression before he leans down to tuck his face into your neck. You lift a hand to his head and gently scratch at his scalp as you feel him begin to place soft kisses to your throat. You can still feel his cock against your belly, and you work your other hand between your bodies to wrap your delicate fingers around him. 
His whole body shudders, and when you lightly circle your thumb around the tip your name breathlessly falls past his lips. 
He grunts and makes you stop when you start to do the same lazy motion again, and you chuckle weakly. 
“Oh, is that funny?” he asks, wrestling a smile. When you bite your lip and nod sweetly, he pushes himself up so he’s propped higher above you. “You wanna know what else is funny? I don’t think I ever gave you the green light to come.” 
You blink up at him innocently. “I couldn’t help it.” 
He begins tracing the underside of one of your breasts and you suck in a breath, gripping onto his wrist. He pulls from your hold, and that same hand trails down your body, over your ribs and down your sides. His fingers leave a tingly buzz in their wake. You try not to squirm too much because his spend is still on your stomach. 
“I’m trying to decide if I should do something about it or be nice,” he says, ghosting a finger over your oversensitive clit. 
When you whimper, his fingertips move to revisit one of the marks he left on the inside of your thighs, and the ticklish sensation makes your muscles tense as you huff out a tired laugh. He playfully quirks his brows at that reaction, but you can see the warmth in his eyes. 
You smile when he leans down to give your lips a sweet peck. “I’ll be nice,'' he promises. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” 
When midnight comes, sleep has found neither of you. You’re both fighting it, trying to stay awake so you can continue sharing hushed stories, soft caresses, and smiles that warm you right along with the sheets covering your bodies. 
Your eyes are the first to begin fluttering, and Eddie stops talking when he notices. 
“No, keep going,” you murmur. “I’m listening.” 
“We can talk more in the morning,” he says. You shake your head no, and he chuckles. “Yes. Go to sleep.”
Before you have the chance to say anything else, he reaches out to turn the bedside lamp off. You press yourself closer to his body after he settles back beside you. 
Neither of you say anything for a while, so you begin to assume he’s dozed off. When he speaks up again, his words are soft and honest, “This is what I wished for. A moment just like this.” 
You mean to tell him that you think you’re in love.
Thank you so much for reading! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated.
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shenachigans · 2 months
LITTLE ONES | Ningguang
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PAIRING: Ningguang x Fem!Reader
CW: smut, angst, fluff, unintentional baby-making (or breeding) at first, unprotected sex, readers is ill but illness is unspecified only that pregnancy is a risk, a lot of pet names ig
SUMMARY: Ningguang has been wanting children of her own, but she must hold her desires back during a night of pleasure, or does she?
A/N: I cringed and almost got sappy writing the fluff part but whatever, I barely do fluff for a reason. Also, this is my first post of the year :> I wrote and posted this past my bedtime, excuse my mistakes…
WORDS: 1,928
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There are rumors that Lady Ningguang had a soft spot for children. You can confirm that. The children of Liyue Harbor adore her just as she adores them. She had a motherly side, giving the kids irresistible sweets to see them smile. Of course, Ningguang gains something in return, but being around the little ones relieves her from her duties and the harsh business world. 
Ningguang isn’t the Tianquan of Liyue nor a ruthless businesswoman. She was merely a friendly elder sister who mingled with the common folk, and the children were the only ones who could give her that satisfaction without calculating moves — unless creating schemes to get the most sweets from her counted.
You can see joy in your lover’s eyes when she sees the children light up whenever they see her and receive delicacies. You remember the kids almost fighting each other for Ningguang’s head pats and praises for doing well in their missions (informing her about the latest news in the Harbor). 
There was a time when one of the children accidentally called her ‘mom’ instead of ‘big sister.’ Ningguang wasn’t fazed and instead responded as if she were their mother. It was such a wholesome sight that it brought you to your countless dreams of having her own flesh and blood where you lived as a happy family. 
The conversation of having children has yet to be brought up, but Ningguang’s eyes say more than her lips can. Even if she mastered the art of putting on a perfect facade, you can see through her. There is a visible glimmer of longing whenever she’s with the kids; it makes your chest ache.
Ningguang wants to have children with you. She does. She wants little versions of yourselves running around the floating palace and experiencing what it’s like to become a mother. But she holds back. She stops herself from painting your womb white, risking getting you pregnant. She doesn’t want you to carry her child, even if a baby bump on your tummy would make her heart swell from joy. 
You always blame yourself for preventing your lover from getting what she desires, for your weak disposition makes it a risk of surviving childbirth. You were already struggling with your illness. It was a gamble she didn’t want to take. But she doesn’t know you would gladly give your life to your little one because you have been wanting children with her as well.
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It was a night of pleasure. Ningguang’s hips thrust into yours, her girthy cock stimulating your slick walls. Manicured nails created light crescents on your thighs as she gripped them for leverage, slowly losing herself in the song of your moans and whimpers harmonizing with the squelching created where you two are connected. 
You were ravishing in her hooded eyes, clawing onto the sheets below you, and tears rolling down your cheeks as pleasure coursed through your veins. Only Ningguang can see you like this. But her eyes subconsciously dart to your belly, imagining something she mustn’t. She longs to touch your empty womb — feel your skin on the pads of her fingers — but it will only indicate her want, and she doesn’t wish to make you solemn in the midst of pleasure. Unfortunately for her, you knew everything a long, long time ago.
“I want to embrace you,” you say, albeit interrupted by grunts from the ecstasy between your legs and your lover’s pleasured disposition. Ningguang slowed her ruts, complying with your request and letting go of your plush thighs, opting to grip the soiled bed sheets as you wrapped your arms around her neck, her free hand holding your waist. 
Your lover was a sight to see. Tinted cheeks and hooded eyes — a woman lost in pleasure — which juxtaposed her usual professional disposition. Ragged breaths and relentless pounding made her seem desperate to bring you to your peak as if she were a servant pleasuring her master — and she was because everything she did was for you, all for you, even if it meant denying herself something she wanted all her life.
Ningguang could feel herself at the edge of the newfound angle as she resumed her previous pace, ensuring you were comfortable. Her body tensed and shivered at how you moaned in her ear, bringing her senses into overdrive. But she must contain herself. There have been many times when her reasonings almost slipped between her fingers, but she always triumphed in gaining control.
Your bodies hugged every part of each other’s skin, her chest against yours, erect nipples rubbing against each other. She held you close, kissing your forehead, down along your jaw, until they settled on leaving bruises on the crook of your neck as a form of gratitude for taking her so well. 
Nails clawed against Ningguang’s back as you bucked your hips to meet her thrusts, back arching, and your throat now sore from your sinful noises. You were beginning to writhe under her, subconsciously wrapping your legs around her waist, your walls fluttering against her cock.
“I’m close,” you moan, your body trembling as if preparing for your upcoming orgasm. Fingers clutched into Ningguang’s hair, pulling her into a passionate kiss where your tongues languidly danced against each other. Her lips swallowed your sinful noises until a string of saliva stretched between you two as your lips reluctantly parted to heave for fresh air.
“Me too, my love,” she huffs, hips stuttering, her tip on the verge of spilling her load. Her open-mouthed kisses littered your neck and shoulders once more. A sultry, airy chuckle left her lips as she maintained her pace, guiding you to your climax. She dared not change her pace and edge you, not tonight. 
The deep, moderate thrusts of her girth drove you insane as the veins of her cock pulsated against your walls. You felt so full. Ningguang's praises and constant rutting brought you to your peak with a high-pitched moan of her name. Her back would be displayed like a canvas the next morning from her dress, showing your love hold with scratches and brushed crescents.
Her free hand slithered from the soiled sheets to your sore clit, rubbing it with her thumb to elongate your orgasm. A flash of white clouded your vision as a white ring coated the base of her cock as you came, further lubricating your walls. You became a huffing mess as you recovered from your high, but Ningguang has yet to cum, and you’re overstimulated. 
Ningguang became rather impatient now, she could feel her release edge on the tip of her cock. But she has to cum on your stomach. She tapped your thigh once — an indication for you to let go so she could pull out — but you refused. Another gentle tap soon turned into a slightly painful grip as she tried to unwrap your legs forcefully.
“Release your legs, now, dear…” she whines, grunting and fingers twitching from being denied of her high as she slows her thrusts. “I can’t cum like this,” she says, but her heart says otherwise. The tone of her voice shows how much she’s holding back. 
“Yes, you can.” You counter with a smile, arms unwrapping around her neck to cup her face, and soothingly rub her cheeks with your thumbs, feeling her porcelain skin under the pads of your fingers. A hearty, tired chuckle left your lips when she leaned into your touch. “Why don’t you indulge yourself just once, hm? Doing it once doesn’t guarantee anything, Ningguang. Please?”
Ningguang’s thrusts slowly halted as she felt a change in the lustful atmosphere. She presses your foreheads together and closes her eyes. “I can’t take that risk, we both know that…” she sighed and suddenly you see a pair of scarlet eyes pleading at you. 
“But you want to — to take that risk — and there’s nothing wrong with that, my love.” You smiled but it didn’t reach your eyes as Ningguang avoided your gaze, eyes now looking elsewhere. “Hey, look at me,” you urge and gently tilt her face toward you. “It pains me to see you like this, dearest. I…I shouldn’t have brought it up, especially right now. I’m sorry.” 
Guilt washed her features as you spoke. Was her longing so obvious? It didn’t mean you needed to give her a child. But your face expressed genuine want, no fear or hesitation in your eyes. However, you were frail, and she didn’t want to risk losing you and the baby. Ningguang can live without children of her own but she can’t live without you. 
If only she had an option to have both.
“No, don’t I apologize, my love. If anything, I should apologize for making you feel like you needed to give me children to make me happy,” Ningguang starts, giving you a sad smile, eyes downcast as she still ignores yours. “You make me the happiest person in the world, and having a family is only a bonus. I can’t force you to make any sacrifices. I don’t want to lose you.”
“You weren’t forcing me to do anything, love, and I appreciate that. I want to start a family with you, dearest. I’ve always had. You would make the best mother in the world,” you hum, pecking her lips before resting your forehead against hers. “Whatever happens, happens in the future and we will tackle them together, alright?” 
“How did I deserve you?” Ningguang says with a smile, her heart leaping from your words, still, her stomach churned from the unknown future. It was a bittersweet feeling. Scarlet eyes observed your tired face. You see hesitance in them, but they expressed want. 
“You deserve everything in the world, my love.”
Her smile widens and gently kisses you before holding your hips for leverage as she starts to pump her hips in and out slowly. “Push me away if you change your mind,” Ningguang starts, pushing the damp, stray hair from your face. “I don't wish to force you.”
“I won’t. I want all of you.” 
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“Mama! Mommy is being mean to me!” a child whined, pouting as tears of frustration were apparent in their scarlet eyes as they ran toward the bedroom. “She doesn’t wanna share Mama with me!”
Ningguang follows them, hiding an amused smirk with her hand. It was fun to tease them, even more now that they’re in the ‘possessive of mommy’ stage.
“Now, now, little one, your Mama might be asleep,” Ningguang said, but it was too late. The door slid open with so much force that you woke up. She grimaced, giving you an apologetic glance.
“Teasing them again?” You say groggily but flash a small smile as you lie on the bed’s headrest. The little one immediately clinging to your side with a smirk. “This teasing is all too frequent…” You pretend to ponder before your eyes light up. “Are you perhaps envious, dear?”
“I am not envious,” Ningguang said almost too quickly, but she narrowed her eyes at the cheeky child before her, clearly showing off by scrunching their nose and sticking their tongue out. 
The audacity for them to mock her.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous,” you chuckle before patting the spot beside you on the bed and cradling your belly. “Why don’t you two come here? I could use some cuddles.”
The child beams at your words. Nothing can be greater than cuddles. “Mommy, can I be in the middle?” They say, looking at Ningguang for permission.
Ningguang’s heart swells and she smiles. 
“Of course, my little dove.”
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© shenachigans — do not plagiarise, translate, repost, or copy.
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fallenneziah · 4 months
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Back Roads.
A/n: it's very late but the next entry in my Christmas gift. This month and last month have been hectic with landlord stuff. But I made a promise, here is your food. Of course if you want you can find Soap, Ghost, and König as well. ❤️
Cw: Car sex, drinking, mention of alcohol, slight age gap, but age gap isn't mentioned at all. Christmas sex! The reader is described as afab. Pet names.
Taglist: @mishaglass @kkaaaagt
You were having a Christmas Eve party with a couple of friends out at the bar. Lots of peppermint drinks and alcohol went around. Typical bar food poisoning every ounce of happy sobriety you had. Your friends were loud, of course. Sat between Johnny, who rambled on, Price to your other side.
He could see the zoning out in your eyes. You weren't entirely drunk, but the night seemed it might come up short for you.
Taking another swig of his drink, he squeezed your thigh gently, running his firm hand up the muscle and stroking back down.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm tired," you huffed.
"Tired, drunk or just bored?" He questioned.
"Tired and drunk, maybe a bit of bored," you smirked, "Why?
John hummed, putting down his empty cup and wiping his lower lip. "Ditch the party, go for a drive? Dirt road, nowhere home."
You leaned on the bar, spinning your nearly empty drink. "Gaz'll call someone. He will get their arses home."
John cleared his throat, standing up. You smiled softly and followed after him. Vacating the bar and feeling the peaceful night air calming your nerves again.
"This year has gone by so fast.." You slipped your hand into him as you stepped off the curb and followed into the dimly lit parking lot to his truck.
"Always feels like that doesn't it? Not much to savour."
You shrugged. "Well, if anything, I'm glad we worked... This out." You looked up at him, his soft blue eyes resembling diamonds when they cast off the light in the parking lot.
They're tired, but still carry the sense of weighty intrigue.
He brought your knuckles to his lips, giving them a gentle kiss. His other hand gently cradled your neck and pulled you into a proper kiss. "M'glad to love."
He opened the passenger door and let you climb in, going around and starting the truck. He backed out, his hand finding your thigh again like clockwork. Thumb slowly massaging and squeezing.
Your fingers traced the veins on the top of his hand, watching them disappear as they went back under his sleeve. "So where exactly are we going, love?"
"Somewhere." He said, driving the familiar path into the thick trees and turning onto a dirt road.
You looked out the window, seeing the coll air frost against the window frame. The moon casts down through clouds. Price flicked on his high beams, and just like that, you were off. The usual path you took to get away from it all.
You turned up the radio. Hearing the usual Christmas songs. "Ick." You chuckle softly, hearing Price do the same. Finally, you found something that didn't sound like Christmas.
Letting him drive, feeling the road grind against the truck tires.
"I think I'd rather be somewhere quieter," you admit.
Price nodded, knowing you'd say that. "Alright, darlin'." He reached over and took your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Christmas was always such a rush. You wished you could curl up by the fire with John. And sip hot chocolate. Kiss until you couldn't, and watch all the movies you damn well pleased.
You slowly traced his hand, John's eyes remaining on the path ahead despite where his mind led him.
You leaned over the console, touching his shoulder. "John..."
"Hmm?" He hummed softly.
You listened to the slow sway of the radio. "Kiss me."
"I'm driving."
"Then stop the car."
He didn't need to be told twice. Slowing down and moving to the side of the dirt path. He turned off his high beams and leaned toward you.
"Now, what is it, darlin'?"
"Just kiss me," you whispered, cupping his cheek.
He grinned and met you in the middle, kissing you sweetly. His beard tickled your skin, his rough hand tightening around your thigh and hoisting you closer. You made a noise of surprise as he helped you from your seatbelt.
Slow kisses growing rushed, mixing alcohol and semi-sober thoughts, spinning your minds in a trajectory of bliss.
It was the first time John felt truly happy in years. The world was right. It was all right. You were here, and the universe wasn't trying to separate you.
He pulled away, his hands on your thighs and gave them a light squeeze.
You looked up into his eyes again. His hands came to rest on his chest. His hand reached for the heat, cranking it up.
"You solid, love?" He asked, feeling the taste of alcohol fresh from your tongue.
"Solid... You?"
John chuckles, flipping his seat back so you can move into his space, pushing out of his chair and into the back.
You crawled on top of him, feeling his hands guide you, bringing your knees up, squeezing gently and flipping you.
He pressed himself over you, the heat from his body warming your chilled form.
You brought your hand up to his hair, stroking through the soft brown curls. "Love you."
John's smile softened, kissing you once more. "I love you too." He slowly ran his hands up your body. Training kisses down your neck and across your collarbone. Leaving a little nip or two behind.
He wasn't a juvenile. He didn't need to leave bite marks and hickeys on you. Goddamn, he wanted to. But when his hands squeezed your sides and parted your legs, he knew that if any man got close enough to see those prints, he'd run.
"Fuck, John," you hissed, feeling his teeth sink into your neck, his hand rubbing between your thighs, squeezing softly, and stroking the fabric.
John's thumb found your clit through the fabric. You whined, and your breathing picked up a little when his thumb pressed against the seam of your pants, rolling it against your panties, knowing he had you right where you needed it.
His eyes looked down to watch the rise and fall of your chest, and then his attention fell to the soft moans that left your mouth.
"Good girl, makin' all that noise for me."
Your eyelids fluttered, feeling faint as his lips trailed another warm breath over your neck and kissed your jaw.
You reach weakly for him, and he lets you, enjoying how you cling to him for any semblance of remaining. Knowing he'll slowly pull you apart. Inch, by little inch.
You could feel the wetness pooling between your legs. Feeling it soak through the fabric. You could feel his smile against your neck and knew he could feel it too.
You were always so ready for him, so willing. This would be his Christmas present. You were always such a present for him.
He slowly undid your pants, sliding down and rubbing his fingers over your panties, pulling them off quickly.
He felt your wetness, dragging his fingers between your labia and teasing your slit.
You closed your eyes, feeling his tongue flatly drag over your cunt from bottom to top. Teasing your clit, his beard making your hips jump and soft gasps leave your lungs.
His grin widens against your cunt, slowly and diligently working every little bunch in your cunt. Lapping at your slit and sliding his finger in, curling it inside your tight walls.
His eyes flicked up, watching you arch. His cock straining against his jeans, throbbing and begging to be freed.
Your fingers curled into the back of his shirt, tugging him closer, wanting more of him. He pulled his fingers from you and sucked them clean, leaning back down and lapping at your clit.
You gasped, hips bucking up. Feeling his arm curl around you and pin you to the bench seat, his beard scratching the insides of your thighs.
His eyes held a hint of mischief for every way he could make you squirm. Feeling you moving against him and bucking occasionally despite the firm hold he had on you.
Your eyes flutter, whining. "John- John I..." You couldn't find the words. Letting him work you deeper, feeling your cunt spasm and pump his reward to his lips. Slathering you in your orgasm.
Rubbing the thick reward against your pretty swollen clit.
He leaned back, grunting and undoing his belt. He looked at you, his cock throbbing when he took it out, shaft springing up. He pressed his thumb against the head, shuffling forward.
You were still hazy, coming down from your high, able to hear the faint rattle of his belt buckle.
He was quick, pressing the head of his cock between your swollen labia.
He kissed the top of your head, keeping your thigh open and pressed against the ground as he slid his cock into you. Slick pooled on his cock head as he pushed in.
You whined and gasped, gripping his arm, eyelids fluttering as your cunt stretched around his thick shaft.
"There it is... Fuck, good girl. Good girl, love."
"Oh god," you groaned.
He leaned down, kissing you hungrily. You tasted yourself on his tongue, groaning as his hips slowly rolled into yours, his cock pumping in and out of you.
His hands ran up your thighs, holding your hips and pulling you into him, burying his cock inside you. The cold outside made no difference as he nestled inside your warm cunt. Claiming home inside your tightly clenched cunt.
He groaned, biting your neck, hips jerking hard and fast into yours.
You cried out, his hand coming up and covering your mouth. He didn't stop, fucking into you as your moans grew higher and more desperate.
"Fuck, love-" He grunted, hips desperately pounding into you, milking you for your worth. His cock pulsing inside you. He looked down, watching your swollen cunt take him. Panting heavily, keeping you securely pinned.
His thumb circled your clit, the coil inside you growing tighter and tighter. Your eyes shut tightly, nails digging into his forearm.
"Oh fuck- John, John- John, John-"
"I'm here, I'm here," he reassured you, groaning softly, his cock hitting that spot inside you that made you nearly blackout. Squirming and whining as he fucks your orgasm out of you. His cock was coated in your spend, leaking around his shaft.
He kissed your forehead, still not slowing down. Your eyes rolled back in your head, crying into his hand as he pounded through your sensitivity.
His cock twitched as your walls contracted around him. Finally, he pulled out, pressing his thumb against his shaft and jerking ropes of thick cum across your heaving stomach.
He stroked his shaft, groaning softly.
"God, look at you..." He hummed.
You whined, feeling the aftershocks. His cum sticking to your stomach, his finger trailing through it.
He brought his thumb up to your lips, pressing his way in, making you taste him. Your eyes brimmed with tears when your lips met, slowly kissing. John's watch beeped quietly, signalling midnight.
"Merry Christmas, love."
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huhniebowl · 3 months
French Toast?
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dominic fike x reader
warning(s); none!
Listen to 7 hours when reading!:)
a/n: yeah, im whipping these mf's OUT! thank you for this yummy request!
this is short but fun. also calling myself out heavy here...i 100% went through both the justin bieber and bts phase...
*still editing this a bit, so bear with me!*
You don’t obsess.
You’ve never had a One Direction phase. You never had the primal urge to deck your walls with Justin Bieber posters, and you never succumbed to the fanfictions of BTS.
You’re firm on the narrative that obsessing over someone who has no idea who you are, a complete waste of time. So you never indulged. 
So why is it that you’re leaning against a barricade, a sign below your feet with, “Dominic, play your unreleased shit!” written in big sparkly bubble letters. 
Pierced tits showing nice and pretty under a fitted white t-shirt you made just for the show.
“Fuck me Dominic Fuck!” ironed on the front. His actual last name printed small and in parentheses under the second fuck. 
Your wordplay landed perfectly. Other fans coming up to you with laughs and praise.
"You know," Ian, your best friend's boyfriend, begins, giving a playful glance as you slip your phone into your mini purse, "I still can't believe you've succumbed to this."
"Ian's got a point," Aria chimes in, leaning into him.
"You beat the One Direction phase, but this? This is the one you can’t beat?” She raises an eyebrow.
You roll your eyes.
"Fuck off," You start, uncrossing your arms and sliding your manicured nails into the pockets of your low-rise jeans, "This is perfectly normal, thank you very much. Mind your business."
You jut your hip out, and lean your weight to your right leg.
"Besides, I’d rather this than the Larry allegations.” You stick your tongue out.
Aria gasps, "You didn't!"
"Oh, she most certainly did," Ian confirms with a nod, stepping out of the way.
Before you can revel in your victory, Aria launches herself at you, locking you in a loose headlock. Laughter fills the air as she swings you around, and soon, the three of you are engrossed in conversation.
Occasionally pestering Ian to snap some photos of you and Aria as the field begins to fill up.
Amidst the chatter, you lose track of time.
Engaging with a girl behind you who complimented your shirt. You share a laugh with her as you recall having to fight with a 10-year-old for the last pack of sparkly iron-on letters at Michaels. 
You’re handing her phone back with your number saved when the lights start to dim, and whip around to your bestfriend, smiling big.
"Oh my fuck, it's time, it's time!" You squeal, grabbing onto her arm.
Your heart races, pounding against your ribs, as adrenaline courses through your veins.
With the rest of the crowd, you scream at the top of your lungs, cupping your hands around your mouth to amplify the sound.
A single bulb illuminates the stage and outsteps Dominic. Bathed in golden light.
Your breath catches in your throat, and your eyes widen at the sight of him so close.
He looks unreal.
Dominic extends his hands in his signature heart as the opening instrumental of "How Much Is Weed" begins to play.
You steal a glance at Aria, both of you screaming the first few lyrics together before dancing. Shaking your heads, and moving your hands as you rap the lyrics bar for bar.
Completely losing yourselves in the moment.
About 30 minutes into his set, Dominic launches into "7 Hours," your favorite off the album. 
Aria shouts, and it rings with your own, as you both grasp each other's shoulders in anticipation. She knows you’ve been waiting for this one. 
"I just wish that you would move round me, move round me," Dominic's voice fills the air, wisping goosebumps over your body.
You find yourself captivated.
Unable to put into words how hearing the song live feels. There's a rawness to his voice that transcends the studio version and you wish you could forever hear it like this.
Closing your eyes, you give in to the pulsating rhythm, slowly spinning in a circle and moving your hips in a way that's usually reserved for after a few tequila shots.
The new friend you made earlier joins in, hyping you up alongside Aria, while the golden stage lighting envelops you in its warm glow.
It's a sensation you haven't felt in ages, an intoxicating blend of music and friends. You feel comfortable in your skin, like you're hottest here, and you poke your ass out just a bit during your last twirl.
As the chorus returns, you throw your hands up in the air and lean against both girls, belting out the lyrics with all your heart while swaying to the beat.
As you open your eyes, momentarily blinded by the lights, a chill runs through you.
You find yourself locking eyes with Dominic, his gaze piercing and intense as he sings. His eyes linger on your face before trailing down to your body, a faint grin tugging at the corners of his lips as if he's reading the words on your shirt.
Just as quickly as the moment began, Dominic diverts his attention back to the crowd. 
You try to shake off the idea that he was actually looking at you. There’s no way, you tell yourself; surely, he was just scanning the audience, his eyes drifting past you to someone else in the sea of fans.
But then, he glances over at you again, and again, and another time after that.
It became clear that he’s singling you out amidst the sea of faces. His eyes, pools of depth and intensity, captivating you with each lingering look.
Entire verses pass with your eyes locked in a silent exchange, a language of longing? Desire? You're not sure, but you know you don't want him to look at anyone else around you like this.
You're in awe by the intensity of his attention.
Sooner than you'd like, his second segment ends. And the world that was created just for you two, shatters.
You let out a breath and try to calm how jittery you feel. Nerves running wild as you get ready to hold up your little sign, and brace yourself for what's to come as Dominic prepares to address the audience.
"There's a girl up here," he laughs, "Who, I swear I locked eyes with for the majority of that set." The crowd erupts into screams.
Glancing over at your best friend, your eyes widen. When you turn back toward the stage, Dominic is indeed looking right at you.
"What's your name?" He asks, bending down on the edge of the stage and holding his mic out to you.
With your stomach in knots, you manage to speak your name into the mic without stuttering, thanks to the grace of whatever god is out there.
Dominic attempts to repeat it but ends up completely butchering it. Seeing your laugh as you shake you head, he places the mic back to your lips, clearly hears your name, and pronounces it correctly.
"That's a beautiful name," He grins, "Not as beautiful as you though." The screams ring louder and your eyebrows raise.
You're not sure if you're still breathing at this point. Dominic backs up towards his mic stand and leans on it.
"Her shirt says 'Fuck me Dominic Fuck,'" He announces with a shake of his head, "My last name in the tinest font possible under the fuck that should be Fike." The crowd roars, and Dom lets out a breathless chuckle.
"I don't know," He drawls out your name, his voice carrying a playful tone as he sways with his mic stand, commanding the stage with effortless charm.
"I'd be down, but at least take me out to dinner first?" He tilts his head with a simper, sending the fans into a frenzy.
Aria curses excitedly, her phone camera poised to capture the entire moment.
Feeling a surge of confidence, you find your voice again and begin shouting something back, prompting Dominic to step forward, thrusting the mic in your direction.
"You're right, I'm sorry. Let's go get french toast after this," You offer. "The thick kind, not the thin shit."
His laughter rings out boyishly and he throws his head back.
It's a sound that makes your stomach flutter, the only sound you ever want to hear.
"I'm not usually like this, I swear," Dominic points, his movements fluid as he untangles himself from his orange mic cord.
"ButImdownmeetmebackstage. Okaynextsongletsgo!" He talks so fast that you almost didn't hear, and your mouth drops before you laugh.
It's loud, and unfiltered, and you just can't believe your life right now.
Especially when one of the stage crew members hands you a backstage lanyard over the barricade. Your ears ring at the amount of screams that comes from the fans around you.
For the umpteenth time tonight, Dominic catches your eye, and with a wink he launches into AntPile.
You blow him kiss, and goofily wink back.
You know he saw it.
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dearsnow · 1 year
- the moon hums a tune only elvish ears can pick up. (legolas x gn!human!reader, fluff, idk if you guys will be able to understand the symbolism but it makes sense to me…)
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word count: 576
a/n - this is my first legolas piece :) it’s not the quality i would like it to be, but i came out of a writing slump not too long ago so 🤷 it is what it is <3 much thanks to @minaturefics for inspiring this 💕
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For once, the night is peaceful. The birds are chirping, as are the crickets, and the trees are swaying to their tune. There are creaks and chitters, crackles and buzzes and the occasional snore from the fellowship sleeping so close to you. The forest is alive, and it is the greatest thing you have ever heard. The melody is softer than music and louder than thunder, existing in a sort of beautiful in-between. The world is perfect, you think. Nothing can compare. And, of course, the world gave you the elf sitting quietly next to you.
“Could you not sleep either?” You whisper, not wanting to disturb the woodsy strums filtering through the wildlife around you. Legolas shakes his head.
“It is a heavenly night.” He whispers back. “It is times like these when I can hear the moon sing her quiet song.” His figure is illuminated by starlight, casting his features in an otherworldly glow. In that moment, he looks ethereal. He picks a fallen leaf between his fingers and smoothes it with a gentle touch.
You look up at the sky, and he looks at you. “What is she saying?” You ask. 
He takes a breath, his words forming clouds in the air. “Something joyous in words I cannot begin to understand.” He places the leaf down, grasping your hands in his. “She tells me something, in thought.” He murmurs, looking deep into your eyes. His own are like pools that forever draw you in. “She tells me that I love you like her.”
You are stunned for a moment. You know he likes you, as you do him, but love is another thing entirely. It is something you feel in kind, though you have not found the words to express it until now. You grip his hands back, searching for something to ground you in this moment. All you can find is soft palms and the stars urging you forward. “And I love you like the sun.” You choke out. There is something so beautifully tender in his gaze. “You may ask the sun in the morning, though. I am sure they will say the same.” He laughs gently and quietly, a melodious sound.
“I will be sure to.” He reasons. He reaches out to cup your face in his palms. “You must rest, meleth nin.” His fingers swipe over your cheekbones.
You hesitate. “I would not want to on this comely night, unless you slept as well.” He squints at you, the action just barely visible in the night.
“I need not to, though I will lie with you if that is what you wish.” He smiles. His smile is one you have adored since the moment you met him. You have adored him since the moment you met him, and this midnight interaction is proof enough. There will never be another being so suited to you as he.
“I wish it.” You say quietly, tone hopeful. He nods just once and wraps his arm around you, slowly pulling you down to the plush forest floor. 
You stay like that for a long time, with his touch sending fire through your veins as his breath lulls you to sleep. The swaying forest and the beaming moon look down on you. Though it is too hushed for you to hear, the moon will always sing her song to deaf ears. And, of course, Legolas will always be there to sing it to you.
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Taglist (misc): @skeletonfromthecloset
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yviqq · 2 months
jason todd || stake outs, they never really... work
i.e. jason peter todd brain rot hit my brain in the middle of the night when i had an assignment to complete (the assignment was never completed) with this song on REPEAT.
warning: this fic was an oc insert, the only thing changed was the name (or lack of... i suppose) !!!
afab!reader, she/her reader, reader has unnamed boyfriend, reader cheats on said unnamed boyfriend, a lot of f bombs, this is unfinished, stops just when they bouta...
“I didn’t know your eyes were so green,” she mumbled, almost incoherently as her nail graced his cheekbone like it never left, “Like… Deep green.”
Jason doesn’t need a mirror to know his ears are already doing the thing where they’re all flushed, he can feel in the way his breaths stop at that point in his throat, feel it in the way his heart starts stuttering against her hand on his chest. Fuck.
He fidgets underneath her, hands flat on the floor of his van as he tries to sit up, “They’re not— Well sometimes they are… Just… Could you get off me? ... Please?”
Her eyes flicker (and God he wished he didn’t notice the way they wander his body to his lips) before her hand leaves his chest, her nail stopping its movements, and she's sat with her knees to her chin. With a groan, she rests her chin on her knees, quickly replacing it with their forehead when she groans even louder.
Jason chuckles, glad to have his space again but somehow missing the flush of his ears. Fuck. His stupid revived brain cannot be doing this right now. Not on a stake out, not on a stake out with his best friend, not on a stake out with his best friend who just so happens to have a boyfriend of a couple months— Yeah… That’s fucked.
A silence wafts through them, and they both wonder if the other can tell there’s something more in the silence than just that, than just silence.
She shivers at the very thought, shuffling away to one of the computers of the van. Jason stills, finding the back of the van suddenly extremely comfortable as he watches her hands type away. He watches her every move, the way only the slightest movement of her hair falling to her face would irk her off and she’d tuck it back into the back of her ear just as quick as it moved, the way her bottom lips insides were bitten as she examined whatever was on that monitor, the way her eyes flicked from the monitor to Jason— Oh.
“What?” She mumbled. Odd, he realised, she never really mumbled around him before— Not when they were kids, teens, after his revival, not after anything. She was always so…. Snarky.
He clears his throat in hopes it’d clear his mind too, “Nothing, nothing—” he curses at his awkward responses, he was never like this around her before either— “Just lost in thought.”
She nodded, understanding as always, quiet as never.
“Jason…” his heart jumped to his throat at the sound of her voice merely uttering the two syllables that made up his name, “Do you wanna pass some time with me?”
His mind started rushing and his blood started squeezing around his veins at obscure speeds, down, down, down. He let out his second and hopefully last awkward chuckle, “Like a game of ‘I Spy?’?”
They used to play that all the time back in detention whenever Prof. Duong started nodding off to dream lands far far away from that dumb school for the troubled. But Jason guessed they weren’t back at detention, guessed they weren’t really kids anymore when she started to inch closer to him than ever.
He tried his best to look everywhere but her, in hopes his hands didn’t jump at the chance to grab her waist and just have her as near as possible— But of course, as always, he failed. And all of a sudden his eyes couldn’t leave the two piercings that sat symmetrically on her bottom lip— and his thoughts couldn’t leave the mere feel of them against his lips alone.
“No, birdie wonder,” she made herself at home between his legs, on her knees as she leaned in closer and closer. She hadn’t changed her perfume since before his death, he realised when she was just a couple of inches away, “Something more… Grown up?”
The only thing keeping him grounded, keeping him from absolutely taking her in with all his soul, was the two necklaces that were clasped onto her neck. His mothers necklace, and a newer one— A silver heart-shaped locket engraved with the lettering ‘K’.
His hand comes up to fiddle with it, “Hm… Do you think ‘K’ would approve of this?”
That stalls her, just for a bit, just for a small stutter of her heart. All until her hands leave his chest— and he starts wishing he never said anything about no stupid ‘K’— and goes behind her neck to unclasp the poor thing.
She slides it to the other side of the van, “Fuck it.”
The very moment she turns around, he knows how those piercings feel against his lips— Right.
His thumb caresses her cheekbone as he leads their kiss down so that she’s on the floor of the van. His knee comes up and slots easily between her legs as he’s met with the surprise that she’s got a piercing in her tongue as well. He shivers down into a small groan against her lips, his other hand sliding up her shirt and tracing the line of her bra.
She whimpers into his lips and he wishes he could let that consume all of him forever, keep that exact moment engraved in his brain as the feeling of her reverberates across his very soul. He wonders if ‘K’’s ever felt that exact same whimper on his lips, and wonders if he even took care of her like Jason could.
His kisses grew hotter yet languid in the way of savouring every moment their lips touched, he starts to kiss down from her lips, down to the expanse of her neck where he held himself back on leaving any mark of some sort, down to her collar bone where he left the smallest of nips that made the smallest of moans leave her shaky lips.
He looks at her through the gaps of his lashes, the way her eyebrows furrowed and her lips trembled at just his teasing knee and a couple nibs and kisses. He grew hot. And bothered. Very bothered.
But before he could do any more than just that he huffs as he spoke out to her, “Are you sure...? Are you so sure this is what you want? ... With me?”
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onirique-amaranth · 2 years
⎮Long Distance⎮
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⏤ Characters: Al Haitham
⏤ Including: nsfw (-17)
⏤ Warnings: none
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You have been away for weeks now, the days were so long and slow without you, Haitham was missing you so much. The rare calls you could share by using the Akasha Terminal were often cut short by some monsters or one of your comrades.
He missed you, your voice and laugh, the way you would tell him in detail what happened, knowing how much he liked to learn from your trips. But unfortunately, you got caught up in a complex story and ended up not being able to contact him in any way, he was starting to get more annoyed and needy as nights passed.
If the coldness of your bed at night wasn't already unbearable, the silence of the house was now killing him, he couldn't wake up with you humming your favourite song as you make breakfast. The food was bland, the delicious taste being lost as days passed, it was missing so many things that made it special. He was getting tired of it, he needed to have you back soon because your absence was driving him mad, he kept dreaming about you coming back but when he woke up, the bed was still freezingly cold.
Not only in his everyday life your absence was annoying, but in his sexual life too, he was so used to waiting for you before doing anything. At this point, it was a silent agreement between you that he wouldn't do anything without you, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't cum without you. He craved your touch, your breath on his neck when you kiss it and leave marks, your hands pinning him down under you and the smell of your perfume.
Alhaitham needed you and nobody else, and it was torture for him to do one more minute without you. He was on his back, pants barely taken off as he pushes his fingers inside himself. Despite doing the same thing as you usually do, moving his fingers the exact same way, it wasn't enough, he could barely feel half of the pleasure he receives when you are here.
He could only whine in his palm, frustrated by how he couldn't get himself off, the thought of you coming home to see him like this made his cock twitch, precum sliding down his shaft. He had 3 fingers deep inside, but he still couldn't cum. It was as if something was holding him by the base, making him unable to do anything but edge himself until he would pass out.
Minutes were passing but nothing changed, his mind was full of you, of lewd memories, of sleepless nights and soft mornings he spent with you. By now, he was crying, being hard but only suffering, nothing could help him except you, and you weren't here. He cried, and then his eyes lit up, with a fuzzy mind, he managed to start a recording he took a while ago.
At the sound of your voice, his hips jerked up, moans pouring out of him as he feels the pleasure coursing through his veins. He was growing frantic, wild, as he finally can feel it, his muscles tensing as he was so close. He was just there, some seconds away.
In his intense state, he wasn't able to notice his Akasha Terminal activate and receive a certain connection. A soft noise that he couldn't hear over his moans, and when he accepted unknowingly, your voice rang into his ear. He froze, his name rolling off your tongue was too much for him and he came, back arching violently. His thighs were tensing, his body shaking, as he chokes out your name in ecstasy. With his eyes rolled back, he could hear you call his name softly, telling him to cum for you, prolonging his mind-numbing orgasm.
When he came back to reality, he could hear you chuckle, making him blush in embarrassment for being caught that way. As he went to apologize, he choked when you told him that you would be back tomorrow, just because you missed him too much. His imagination ran wild, too many scenarios coming to his mind at once, and he was left hard again, begging you to stay on call with him.
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⏤ Thank you for reading! I wish you a great day.
⏤ here is my masterlist & ko-fi ⏤
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juvenillia · 6 months
~ not so bad ~ John 'Soap' MacTavish x fem!reader [fluff/secret santa]
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a/n: as some of you might know, @bunnyreaper did organise a secret santa, and she did so much for this lil project, and for me in general over the past weeks that I just wanted to write her a lil' thing myself. So this is my way to say thank you for everything to my favourite Sergeant. I love you🩶 (and yes I had to include myself somehow, I'm sorry)
wordcount: 1.5k
》Master Post《
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It was too noisy. Literally too cheerful. Everyone's chatting, reddened cheeks from either the alcohol or from the bitter cold outside. The door swung open many times letting breezes of said cold cool the area for mere seconds. The small place was flooded by people. Cheesy Christmas songs were blasting through the speakers and everyone in that God damn pub screamed their lyrics at the top of their lungs. Everyone except you.
You were seated in one of the separate loungings, an already empty glass sitting in front of you. You didn't want to be here, but your friend literally dragged you out of your apartment. How could you even deny her that wish? It was a pub near the local military base, a pub she frequented for the past months very often and you knew there was only one reason: A guy, who she had mentioned a few times before and was completely smitten by.
So how could you decline when she literally begged you to go with her on Christmas eve? You were too curious to catch a glimpse of the man that stole your friend’s heart. Unfortunately, this curiosity now led you to sitting on a couch in that overfilled pub, while your friend was shamelessly flirting with said man. Of course, you were a bit annoyed because she left you all on yourself, but seeing her beaming with happiness made your heart melt again. You couldn’t stay mad at her for too long.
“It's Christmas, you can't stay at home for yourself, bun! And who knows, maybe there’s a Christmas miracle going to happen.” You recall the voice from your friend Florence as she literally talked you into joining her, and for the sunshine nature she was, you gave in. It wasn't as annoying as you imagined it, at least a good amount of alcohol was already running through your veins while watching one of your closest friends having the time of her life. But you couldn't help it and wished you stayed at home. Well she tried to pull you onto the dance floor a few times, tried to invite you in their circle introducing you to Simon, tried everything to keep you entertained, but you had no interest in it. You rather stayed seated here, a glass of your favorite drink in one hand and your eyes pinned onto your friend trying to push the ongoing fling to the next level, and of course making sure this Simon guy treated her properly.
“Nae a holiday person. Eh?” A husky voice caught your attention and a man took the place across from you, a glass of whiskey in his hand which was now settled on the table. He wore one of the ugliest Christmas sweaters you’ve ever seen, but the smile on his lips made up to it.
“You could say so.” Usually you wouldn't be interested in a conversation with a random guy that dared to infiltrate your space like him, spreading his legs out beneath the table and almost bumping his feet into yours. But something about this stranger caught your interest.
“Aye, tell me lass, Scrooge or Grinch?” He raised his brows in a teasing manner while leaning his ellbow onto the table and placing his head into his huge calloused palm. You couldn't help it and star at the scar at his chin before your eyes trailed upwards to this mischievous grin, further upwards to his crystal blue eyes. They held a glimpse of coquetry but also genius interest.
You couldn't suppress a sweet smile at his question, while your hand tried to cover it in a polite manner. The man in front of you was faster. Catching your hand before you could even hide your smile. “Dinnea that, hen. Yer laugh is bonnie.” The teasing tone in his voice was replaced with a sincere and honest intention.
“Both hated humans rather than Christmas.” Your own voice held a smug tone while your eyes were pinned on his. You haven't even noticed that he scooted closer, while still keeping your hand in his. “But both are close, though.”
He pulled your hand up to place a slight kiss onto your knuckles. You could've missed it by the way you were still mesmerized by his baby blues. “Hope ‘m nae one of those then.” His thumb brushed over the spot his lips just left. “‘m John, but friends call me Johnny.”
“Olivia, but friends call me bunny.” You could've sworn that there were way too many people in here, the room temperature got way too high by now. But in reality it was just the alcohol in your system. Definitely not the hot Scotsman next to you, who's thigh was now leaned against yours. You could witness your friend leaving the pub with the behemoth of a man from the side view of your eyes, but you couldn't care less. She Was old enough to decide what's best for her, and right now you decided it was best for you to ignore it. Keeping all of your focus on the charming man.
“Mind if I call ye bonnie instead?” He leaned a bit further into the couch while he eyed you up from top to bottom, well as much as the table allowed him to. As a response you just nodded your head, not able to respond to him properly. Eventually, the heat on your cheeks wasn't from the alcohol nor from the crowded place. Maybe it was indeed because of Johnny. His hand stroked a strain of curly hair behind your ear. “Let me buy ye another drink, bonnie.” It wasn't a request as before, he was already on his way to the bar to get you the same drink as before again. So you decided to follow him through the crowd, not minding anyone that bumped into you. You just wanted to stay close to him, what he immediately noticed. One of the biggest grin you've seen him wore on his lips. “Missin’ me already lass, eh?”
“Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows.” You teased him while taking the glass out of his hands and bringing it to your lips. Maybe Florence was right, maybe it wasn't that bad to go out tonight.
“I see.” He smiled while taking some sips from his drink. He averted his eyes from your figure for a blink of an eye, catching something of his interest. If you thought his grin couldn't turn more smug, you were damn wrong. He placed the glass onto the wooden counter, and used his free hand to pull you closer to him by your waist.
You shrieked out of the sudden impact and your hands found his chest, leaning flush against the tight muscles. You could literally feel him flex beneath your touch, even through the wool of the sweater. “What the…” You couldn't even end your sentence as his other hand pointed just to the spot above your heads. Your eyes followed his index fingers to the little mistletoe above, and the realization hit you right now. His hand moved to cup your cheek while he bent himself over to close the slight gap that was left. Brushing his lips over yours just so gently and polite, it didn't feel like any of the kisses you had experienced so far.
After some time - way to short amount for your liking - you parted again, hands still staying at their previous places. “Christmas traditions…” He placed another quick peck onto the crown of your head. “Nae so bad after all, eh?” His smile grew into a big grin, something you wanted to see even more often.
You heard another familiar voice before you could even respond to Johnny. “Fuckin hell. We missed it, Si.” It was your friend who just walked back into the pub, a beefy arm slung over her shoulder while both approached you.
“Wait…What did you miss?” You blinked in confusion at your friend, who only laughed.
“Your Christmas miracle, silly bun.” She laughed while intervening her finger with his.
That was the second time you realized something tonight. It hit you like a ton of bricks and your brows furrowed. “You fuckin’ minx.” You tried to keep a scolding tone, but you couldn't suppress the happiness in your voice.
“Better say thank you.” She teased, while Simon placed his chin onto her head.
“We should leave them alone, love.” He placed a soft kiss onto her head, while closing his eyes and she nodded.
“Alright.” Johnny picked you up in one motion and threw you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing, which forced a scream out of your throat. Laughing was the only thing you were surrounded by as your cheeks completely turned red. “Yer comin’ hame with me, bonnie.”
“Treat ma girl right, Johnny!” She yelled after the Scot while he already carried you outside.
And it really shouldn't be a secret that he indeed treated you right. From this day on, it became a cheesy tradition to spend the Christmas eve in that specific pub. Johnny at your side, one of his hands always on you, while he kept bragging to Simon about something that happened on the last mission which made Florence laugh way too hard. From this day on, Christmas was not so bad anymore.
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wildiefleur · 3 months
todays installment of songs i wish i could have coursing through my veins:
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milfsloverblog · 11 months
Life Eternal (last part)
Can you feel me longing for you forever and ever?
Larissa Weems x Fem!reader
A/N: Well, this story has finally come to an end. Thank you to everyone who’s been following since chapter one, I loved reading your comments of pure anguish and despair. It took me a (long) while to decide how I wanted to end this fic, I hope you’ll enjoy reading it. Here’s the song mentioned in this chapter, which I recommend listening to (I swear I’m not trying to turn y’all into The Cure fans…unless…). Thank you again, enjoy!<3
AO3 link in title
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She couldn’t know. It was impossible, you knew it was impossible for someone to remember once their memories had been erased. Unless… No. No, this was just fate messing with you, it was life sticking its middle finger right into your face.
You should have declined. You should have pushed the drink away and get out of the bar. But you didn’t. If life wanted to mess with you, then so be it. What did you have to lose, anyway? Larissa didn’t remember you.
So you found yourself picking up the glass, your legs moving on their own accord as you walked towards the tall woman.
“Hey!“ You pushed a small smile as you sat down on the stool next to hers.
“Hey, I’m Larissa!” She offered her hand and you shook it, introducing yourself in return.
“I don’t do this very often,” she said, gesturing around with her hand. “Going out to bars, I mean. It’s not that I don’t want to, but I don’t have much free time with my work. And I’m rambling now.” she chuckled softly. “I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I didn’t know if this was the right approach, buying you a drink. That’s what people used to do when I was younger.”
“Well, a free drink is always welcome.” You joked. “Unless it’s from some creepy old man. In which case, it’s never welcome.”
Larissa laughed, hiding her mouth behind her hand like she always did.
“Tell me more about you.” You said as if there was anything she could tell you that you didn’t know already.
You listened to the tall woman telling you about her life, your chin resting on your hand. You could feel yourself melt at the passion and the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about her work at Nevermore. She told you it was a school for outcasts and asked if you knew what that meant, to which you simply nodded and took a sip of your drink.
It had always been hypnotising, the way she moved her hands around as she talked. Her mouth spread in a wide smile as she told you about the last Outreach Day, her crooked bottom teeth peeking out from behind her lip. You almost wished you had found a way to erase your memory too, just so you could fall in love with her all over again.
“Jericho, you said?” You tilted your head. “It’s a bit far from here, isn’t it? You don’t have nice bars over there?”
“Well, to be completely honest, a former student recommended me this place. She said it was quiet and it would do me some good to be away from Nevermore, at least for a weekend while it’s the summer break.”
A former student, of course. Enid. I swear you won’t live to see another full moon, you traitorous fur-bag.
“I never thought I’d be taking recommendations from Wednesday Addams. But here I am, and I’m glad I did!”
You choked on your drink, turning away from Larissa as you coughed a few times.
“Are you alright?” Larissa’s hand gently rubbed your back and you had to close your eyes for a second, her electrifying touch sending a jolt through your veins.
You nodded and cleared your throat, almost letting out a whine at the loss of the woman’s warm hand on your back.
“I’ve been rambling about myself for half an hour, how about you tell me more about yourself ?” Larissa emptied her glass and gestured for the bartender to pour her another one.
“There isn’t much to say about me, really. I finished high school six years ago and tried university but it wasn’t for me. Currently working at a small coffee shop downtown but god knows how long that will last. I’m sorry, I’m not as interesting as you are.” You shook your head and looked down.
And then her hand was on yours, giving you a gentle squeeze that had your breath hitching in your throat.
“Don’t say that. It’s not easy to find what makes us vibrate, what makes us want to get out of bed in the morning. Everything takes time.” She gave your hand another squeeze before letting go. “And do you come here often?”
“I suppose it depends on what you call often? Once a week, usually.” You shrugged, realising how pathetic that sounded.
“And you come here looking for…?”
“I’m not even sure, to be honest. I guess I come here trying to forget some things. It doesn’t help though, and I keep coming back like an imbecile.”
“Mm, trying to mend a broken heart then?” Larissa’s fingers carefully took hold of your chin and raised your head so you’d look at her.
You were grateful for the song changing in the background right at that moment. You could tell Larissa immediately recognised it, as you did, by the way her eyes widened.
“I love The Cure!” She said, her ruby lips stretching in a wide smile.
I know. I haven’t forgotten.
“So do I!”
Truth was, you hadn’t listened to them in over a year. But of course one of their songs would play right when Larissa found her way back to you.
So, we meet again and I offer my hand
All dry and English slow
Larissa offered you her slender hand to take and you didn’t think twice before grabbing it, letting the woman pull you towards the small dance floor.
And you look at me and I understand
Yeah it's a look I used to know
Three long years and your favorite man
Is that any way to say hello?
And you hold me like you'll never let me go
You were hypnotised, entranced by the way she danced to the music. You had asked her once if she had always been so diligent and she had nodded, telling you that she’d always been a studious and dedicated student except for the few times where her roommate had managed to drag her to a bar downtown.
You imagined a younger Larissa, drink in hand and dancing to some new wave song with her roommate. Is that where she had learnt to dance like this?
Larissa spun you around and wrapped her arms around you from behind, pulling you flush against her body.
I miss you, I miss you, I miss you
I miss you, I miss you, I miss you so much
The older woman whispered the lyrics near your ear, the hair on your neck sticking up as her breath hit your skin. You wondered then if she knew. If by some miracle - or curse - she had found a way to remember.
You couldn’t resist closing your eyes and letting Larissa sway you from side to side, her arms tightly wrapped around your body and her lips dangerously close to your pulse point.
But how many times can I walk away and wish, if only
How many times can I talk this way and wish, if only
Keep on making the same mistake
Keep on aching the same heartbreak
I wish if only, but if only is a wish too late
It pained you how accurate it all was. How many times you wished you had told her the truth. How many times you regretted running away, making the same mistakes again and again. You wished, if only.
The song came to an end and Larissa held you a little longer before eventually letting go, spinning you around and biting her lip as the two of you locked eyes.
“I think I’d like to go home with you.” She whispered, the dim light doing nothing to hide the blush that crept on her cheeks.
Oh. Oh.
“Larissa, I don’t think…Fuck-“ You rubbed your hand over your face, trying to find the right words.
“Oh, god. I misread the signs, didn’t I? I’m sorry, I really did think you were interested-“
“I am!” You cut her off. “You didn’t misread anything, I’m interested. It’s just-“
“It’s the age gap, right?” It was her turn to cut you off. “Listen, I can make myself appear younger.” She blurted out “I told you about Nevermore. I’m an outcast too, a shapeshifter.”
“What?!” You scoffed. As if you would ever want her to shapeshift into anything else than what she was right now.
Larissa’s eyes widened and she froze looking like a deer caught in the headlights. She had told you too much. She shouldn’t have mentioned her abilities, you looked absolutely horrified about her admission.
“Come with me.” You said, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the door.
Larissa had just enough time to reach her arm out and catch her bag from the stool as you pulled her outside.
“I don’t live too far, we’ll walk. The fresh air will do us some good.” You said, walking down the street with Larissa by your side.
You were halfway to your house when you realised that you had not let go of her hand, that her fingers were still intertwined with yours and she didn’t seem to mind. It felt so right to be walking home with Larissa, holding hands like lovers did. And yet you couldn’t ignore the dreadful feeling of guilt that pulled in your stomach. It wasn’t right to do this, to lie to her like you were doing right now. What if this went too far? You couldn’t take advantage of her like this, you would never.
“I hope it’s not too messy inside.” You joked awkwardly as you unlocked your front door and pushed it open. “You can take your shoes off if you’d like, I can’t imagine it’s comfortable to walk around in heels all day long.”
The woman nodded and slipped out of her shoes, placing them by the door. She followed you deeper into your flat and looked around, smiling at the decor.
“It’s cozy.” She said. “It looks like you, very fitting.”
“Thanks, I guess?” You chuckled and watched her sit down on your couch as you poured two glasses of water.
“So…” She started when you sat down next to her, placing the glasses on the table. “I don’t usually do this. I already told you that I don’t go out much, nor do I have sex with people I’ve just met, but there’s something about you…”
Larissa’s hand had landed on your knee and moved higher as she spoke, her fingertips rubbing soothing circles on your thigh. She moved her free hand to cup your cheek and pulled you closer, finally allowing herself to press her lips on the expense of your neck.
“Fuck-“ you breathed out, feeling your willpower slipping through your fingers.
You had dreamt of this moment for so long, imagined her lips on your skin so many times. All you had ever wanted was there in your arms, years of yearning and longing finally being rewarded. But you couldn’t let it happen, and you knew it.
“Larissa-“ You carefully held onto her shoulders and gently pushed her away from you.
Don’t look at me like that, please. If only you knew. You’re all I’ve ever wanted, and you’re all I can never have.
“We can’t! I can’t…Trust me, Larissa, you don’t want to do this with me.” You said looking into her eyes, hoping she would accept it without further explanation.
“You don’t know what I want.” Larissa breathed out and the next second her lips were crashing onto yours.
The world around you faded into oblivion as you tasted Larissa’s lips and she tasted yours. You eventually dared to reach for her, your hand craving to hold onto her waist when the older woman suddenly recoiled as if she had been burnt.
And you could immediately tell by the look on her face that she remembered. She desperately searched for your eyes, silently seeking an answer to the memories that had just gushed into her mind.
“I can explain.” You whispered, holding your hands out in front of you.
Larissa’s body visibly tensed and for a second you thought she was about to scream at you, half expecting her to slap you as well. But that wasn’t Larissa. She had never raised her voice at you, you weren’t even sure she had it in her. Instead, the woman opened her arms and pulled you in a tight hug that had you burst into sobs.
“I’m so, so sorry-“ you sobbed loudly, slumping into Larissa’s arms and gripping onto the fabric of her blouse to keep her close.
Larissa stayed quiet, her chest heaving up and down as she buried her face in the crook of your neck, trying to process the thousands of thoughts and emotions that ran through her.
“We should have talked this out.” She eventually said when you had calmed down.
She pulled away from you and brushed your tears away with the pad of her thumb.
“I was so scared to lose you.” You admitted, your lips dangerously wobbling once again. “I was so scared that you would forever be disgusted by my feelings for you, that you would kick me out of your life. I was horrified that you might think our friendship was based on lies, because it wasn’t! You were the most important person in my life. I was so terrified at the thought of losing you that I willingly chose to evict myself from your life, and your memory.”
Tears dropped from Larissa’s eyes and rolled down her cheeks, ending their path on the woman’s lips. She shook her head a little and cupped your cheek.
“Your feelings for me are anything but disgusting, do you hear me?” She said. “You should have let me speak, perhaps you would have found that my feelings weren’t very far from yours.” Larissa admitted, fighting against the little voice in her mind screaming how unprofessional this was.
“Are you saying-“ Your mouth dropped open and you were unable to say anything else.
“Yes, I am.” Larissa nodded. “I know I shouldn’t, you used to be my student and I was your principal. I feel like this could be seen as me taking advantage of you, and I would never want anyone to think that.”
“You’re not! You’re not taking advantage of me, Larissa. You have never, not once, said or done anything inappropriate. Please-“ you pleaded and took her hands into yours.
“Why do I remember? I thought erasing memories was irreversible, so why did it all come back?” Larissa asked, eyebrows knitted together.
“It is irreversible, unless…” You chuckled and shook your head. “Look, there isn’t any non-cheesy way to say this so I’ll just say it. It’s irreversible unless you receive a true love’s kiss. I know how corny that sounds, trust me.”
“So that means…”
“That your soul and mine belong together, yes. But it doesn’t mean it has to happen. You will still be able to find love somewhere else, to fall for someone who isn’t me. All it means is that your soul matches mine.” You explained, readying yourself for rejection.
“I would be a fool to find my soulmate and decide to run from them, don’t you think?” Larissa whispered, her lips pulling in a small smile. “If you’re still interested in me, in being with me…”
“Yes, yes of course I am!” You answered without needing to think about it. “We will take it as slow as you want.”
“As slow as I want? I was practically throwing myself at you all night long.” Larissa laughed, a blush creeping up her chest and face.
“Yeah, well, it feels nice to know I’m the kind of woman you’re interested in.” You grinned and she gently nudged you before pulling you into another hug.
“I love you, Larissa.” You whispered in her ear, her arms squeezing you a little tighter.
“I know,” she said. “I love you too.”
The first rays of sunshine seeped through your curtains, hitting you straight in the face. You slowly blinked awake and turned your head to avoid the light, smiling at the sight of the woman asleep next to you.
Naked, with her mouth slightly agape and her silver curls spread on her pillow, Larissa was a vision.
Your eyes fell on the golden band that adorned her ring finger, which matched yours. You still had no idea how you had gotten lucky enough to call a woman like her your wife.
You closed your eyes, lips spreading in a soft smile as you recalled your wedding first dance. You had held onto each other, as you always did, and gently swayed along to the music, your lips near her ear whispering the lyrics.
Can you hear me say your name forever?
Can you see me longing for you forever?
Would you let me touch your soul forever?
Can you feel me longing for you forever and ever?
If you had life eternal?
tag list: @h-doodles @enchantressb @kaymariesworld @lady-dimimi @milfdilf @katie-bennet @readingtheentrails @willowshadenox @dingdongthetail @m1lflov3rrr @wexrdaurx @wifeymaterialsstuff @giogwensversion @lils-cards @theonefairygodmother @rosieathena @inthemoonsea @sarahpaulsonsoftie @smutuniversesblog @mysteriouslysapphic @pro-weems-places @yourlocaldisneyvillain @rowboat-races @bigolgay @weemswife @bychrissi @pluied-ete @opheliauniverse @principal-weems09 @weemssapphic @kimiinou @winterfireblond @saintsvixen @simpsforwomen @eveymay @i-love-nerdy-stuff @slightlymalicedme @fictionalized-lesbian @renravens @emilynissangtr @almaperegrinespipe @inlovewithalcinadimitrescu @rosiexweil @danisogay @a-queen-and-her-throne @gwenweems @sugipla @amateurwritescm @non-binary-frogking @blessmysouljessisonaroll @plutolocks @on-an-egotrip
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jimhopperlova · 7 months
- Late Night Drive (18+)
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18+ MDNI!
Pairing(s): angry!hopper, trouble maker!fem reader
Summary: based on s1 hop, reader decides to mess with jim like she’s done before: speeding to get an excuse to talk to the town’s chief of police. jim hopper has finally had enough.
Warnings: explicit language, large age gap (hop is 41, reader is 19), handcuff play, public sex, unprotected p in v, oral (m receiving)
hope you enjoy! ive had this plot in my mind for a while now!
“you’re gonna do it again? surprised you haven’t been arrested yet,” your best friend spoke at the diner the two of you always meet at. she giggled at the fact she thought you were so rebellious. staying out way past your curfew, using your fake ID for a couple drinks at the local bar (surprised no one has recognized you yet), sneaking out your dad’s house to hang out with your friends.. let’s just say, you really are surprised you haven’t been caught yet. “i mean.. why do you do it?”
“it’s fun! duh,” you replied before taking a sip of the coke. you smirked at your friend, grabbing your wallet so you can pay for you and your friend’s food. thankfully the job you had at the newspaper paid pretty well. you could afford you and your friend’s meal. “besides, the chief is.. let’s just say not bad to look at.”
“ew!” your best friend grimaced, watching as you pulled out some money. “have you heard the rumors? he’s a whore! you want sloppy seconds?” your best friend asked, and all you could do was cough on the coke you had just drank. your best friend was your best friend for a reason. she was funny when she wanted to be.
“sloppy seconds? where did you hear that?” you laughed before slapping the money and then some for a tip onto the table. you pulled the jacket on before standing, your best friend following. “i’m just saying. it’s fun seeing that man mad. i’ve been doing this for.. let’s see.. this’ll be the third time, and he hasn’t gave me a ticket. maybe i just have a pretty face.” you shrugged and smirked, your best friend following you out of the diner. the cold air hit you, and you knew that it was a good night for doing such. november was always a fun month, and with the leaves rolling down the trees, it was.. gorgeous. your favorite month by far.
“your death wish.” your best friend spoke before bidding you goodbye. you waved back and headed into your car. spiking up the ignition, you heard it purr with excitement. you smirked and patted the steering wheel, turning the music up loud.
“let’s get ‘em, girl.” you mumbled before pulling out of the diner, finding where the chief could be. ‘Detroit Rock City’ by KISS played through the speakers, your smirk emitting even bigger. this was a perfect song to get the deed done. before you knew it, after lapping the police station twice, there was the chief in tow. practically on your ass. you looked in the rearview mirror, and noticed the cold and angry stare from anywhere. ‘now let’s piss him off’ you told yourself.
you pushed down the pedal, watching as the spedometer rose. 40.. 50.. 60.. 70.. you kept your hands gripping the steering wheel, the chief’s lights now just turning on. you giggled at this.. he probably knew it was you. again. he continued to follow you through the town of hawkins, pedestrations all halting to you. they knew that car anywhere, and knew you weren’t going to stop.
adrenaline coursed through your veins, your heart raced with every passing second. you laughed loudly, continuing to watch the rearview. he was speaking something in his radio, your actions not stopping. you just wanted to give him a little show before giving up. when you were on the outskirts of town, surrounded by trees, you then decided to start slowing down. you watched as the spedometer went from 70 to 35 in a matter of seconds. you slowly pulled over on the side, finally parking the car. you fiddled your fingers on the steering wheel, awaiting your fate. if you weren’t nice, you would definitely lose him by going offroad. you knew your car could, but you wanted to see how red in the face the chief could get. for some reason, that just set something in you. it was fun and thrilling.. you didn’t know why a lot of things were fun, but you did them anyway.
you watched as the chief let out a long and drastic sigh from your mirror, slamming his car. you giggled softly at this, watching as he approached you. you ‘innocently’ rolled down the window so he could look at you better. when he approached, he leaned against the cold metal frame, looking down at you with probably the most angry he’s been.
“officer, honest, i didn’t know how fast i was goin’,” you said in the most southern accent and the most innocent voice you could. of course, he wasn’t buying it. you peered up at him with doe eyes, hoping you would get out of a ticket again. “please find it in your heart to forgive me. promise i’ll be a good lil girl.” you smirked up at the man, who only shook his head and peered down at you again.
“third. fuckin’. time,” the chief spoke, looking down at you with a hard line. so he was playing hard to get, huh? “what makes you think i’ll let you walk again?” the chief asked you, and you meerily smiled. a soft smirk building up.
“because you’re a good man. i’m only 19, i’ll learn my lesson.” you told the chief. you could tell he wasn’t letting you go this time. you nervously fiddled with your fingers in your lap again, hoping the punishment wouldn’t be too severe.
“your father’s a god damn cop. how does he keep letting you drive this thing?” the chief questioned you, and you could only giggle. you were a daddy’s girl, and no matter how many times you fucked up, he would still let you drive. besides, you help put groceries on the table. why would he stop you from going to work? “this ain’t gonna work for me again. shut off your vehicle,” the chief instructed you. you looked up at him with wide eyes. jail? he was going to put you in jail? you swallowed past the nerves in your throat and slowly turned the engine off. “cat’s got your tongue, i see. step out.” he instructed again, and you hesitantly obliged. when you stepped out, you were met with your body slamming against the cold metal frame of your car. your grunted softly in pain, the chief’s hands roaming you. he sure took his time, too.
“oh, come on, officer. to molest me, you gotta be a little more careful than that,” you piped back with a smirk, your head turning so you could watch him from your peripheral. the chief seemed to be enjoying this for some reason. oddly enough, you didn’t know any better, but the chief has been riled up all day. he had a long day already, and here he was at 10 in the night, dealing with the same girl that had been driving him insane. he should just shut you up with his cock. those thoughts infiltrated his mind, but did his damnest to shut up and do what he needed to. but the way you were powerless against this car, he couldn’t help himself. his hands continued to roam your body, pausing a few seconds to grasp at your breasts. with your jacket on, he really couldn’t fantasize that much. “gettin’ a little handsy, there. how’s it looking if i complain to your higher up?” you smirked again before the chief grabbed your face with one of his free ones.
“shut. the. fuck up. and i don’t have a higher up. it’s just me.. sweetheart,” the chief said lowly ss he continued to practically molest you. “you ain’t carrying anything, are ya?” he asked you again, and you could only giggle.
“if you count pepper spray to get rid of creeps like you, then yes. yes, i do. chief,” you said against the car, and finally that’s when the chief snapped. he flipped you around so now he was facing you. his hat hung low on his face, but you could still see the way he looked at you. he was angry, as if he was sick of you. if he was so sick of you, why not just let you go again? “oh, chief. did i pop a nerve or somethin’?” you smirked and that’s when he truly snapped. the chief had been battling his own thoughts. late at night when he was alone, he thought of you causing trouble. he got off to the thought of fucking you from behind against his own police car. and now.. he could probably make that happen.
“get on your fuckin’ knees.. now,” the chief ordered. you looked at him with a smirk and a brow raised. was he really..? “i said get on your fucking knees,” the chief demanded and this time, forced you down so you were on your knees. you looked up at him, lost in thought. okay, you knew you were going to get into some serious shit, but.. this? you didn’t expect this. “don’t worry princess, i ain’t gonna hurt ya. even thought you fuckin’ deserve it.” he then leaned over you, his tented crotch staring at your face. you then felt the metal cuffs against your wrists, him locking them to make sure you really weren’t getting away this time. he looked around to make sure no one was around and unbuckled his belt, you watching with desire. you didn’t think this would actually happen, but here you were. about to suck the chief’s cock.
“if i didn’t know any better, you’re askin’ me to suck your cock.” you giggled out, looking up at him. he looked down at your with those lust filled blue eyes, still too angry to function. he then grabbed your face, pinching your cheeks together.
“damn right i am. and i’m not fucking asking you. you’re going to,” the chief demanded as he continued to pull down his boxers and pants, his cock springing free. he really was hard for you? i mean, he was a man, so they get hard at fucking anything. you didn’t know that he really was hard for you, and it wasn’t just you causing trouble. it was that damn mouth and the way you sauntered around town like you owned it. chief jim hopper owned it, not you. you didn’t even have a moment to take in his thick veiny cock, he just slammed it inside your pathetic mouth. you didn’t really prepare yourself, so you were already gagging on it. “come on, baby. you were so fuckin’ mouthy.. what happened?” he smirked as he watched you gag on his cock, him staying still in your mouth. he grabbed at your hair, slightly pulling on it as he watched you pathetically whine against it.
the chief finally let his cock out of your mouth so you could prepare for it. he wanted to feel you suck it, not just him fuck your face. he wanted to feel the way your mouth accepted his cock, and the way you would truly suck it. he looked down at you, still pulling on your hair.
“i’m sure you know how to work your way around a cock. don’t fuckin’ play with me,” the chief spoke as you looked up at him, helpless. you leaned in, letting your mouth take him in now. you swirled your tongue against the head, pinching in your cheeks so you could actually feel him. he was so veiny. “that’s it.. fuck, that’s it.” the chief groaned softly at the way you took him in. he watched as he slowly thrusted into your mouth, your moans softly englufing around his thick member. your eyebrows knitted together in focusing on sucking his cock, but also you loved the way you were making him sound. before you know it, he was now thrusting at a fast pace, hitting the back of your throat. you gagged on it slightly, before the chief stayed still. he kept it inside your throat before you couldn’t breathe anymore. he thrusted out of you and watched as his cock had your saliva rolling off of his head, and your lips. he chuckled darkly before smirking softly.
“this is what happens when you cause trouble,” the chief spoke before he slapped your face lightly, leaning down at you. you flinched lightly before he pulled you up, and had you bent over against your car. it wasn’t his patrol car, but this will do. he had your head pinned against the back of your car, the cold metal against your face. the chief had then pulled down your pants just past your thighs, as well as your panties. you felt the cold air hit your soaked cunt, a small gasp escaping your throat. “look at that. someone been gettin’ off to thoughts of the chief, huh?” the chief snickered before smacking your ass. you let out a soft yelp, and realized you were in for it now.
“c-chief.. stop.. playing around. please.. i-i need you..” your shaky breaths were heard. you didn’t realize how pathetic you could really be. it just kinda rolled off your tongue, and now the chief had something against you. he snickered again, able to accept why exactly you’ve been causing trouble.
“is this why you get inta trouble? to see what the chief will do to you? huh?” the chief asked you. you swallowed past the thickness in your throat as you felt his fingertips dance around your entrance. he then slapped your soaking cunt, it hurting but feeling good. you needed more of that friction. “fuckin’ answer me.” the chief demanded and you immediately nodded.
“y-yes. fuck- yes,” you replied, and to that the chief could only chuckle. he started to rub at your folds before he found your clit. he started to roll his finger against it, creating that fiction you ever so reached for. “j-jim.. oh, yes..” you moaned out before he slapped your pussy again. you let out another yelp, and before you knew it, he was leaning against your ear.
“we aren’t friends. you don’t get to call me jim,” the chief spoke lowly before pulling back again. he danced around your entrance and added two fingers, watching as your pussy stretched around his fingers. if you had sex, it had been a while since you had any action. the way your pussy quelched around his fingers had his cock throbbing. he really felt like a teenager all over again. “shit. you fuck before?” he groaned into the cold air, you moaning softly. you gripped the trunk of your car, his fingers devouring your pussy.
“yes, i- i have. don’t worry, chief. you aren’t- popping my cherry.” you moaned out, the chief’s smirking widening. so he really could destroy your pussy if he wanted to. he watched you take his fingers and after a couple minutes, he slowly pulled them out of you, watching your juices collect on his fingers. he lapped them up with his mouth, the taste of you sweet. if he wasn’t on duty, he truly would take his time with you. but that wasn’t happening tonight.
the chief slid off his hat and placed it on top of your head, watching as it fit your head perfectly. well, maybe it was a little big, but it fit his fantasy alright.
“you’re gonna take this cock and be quiet. bite the hat if you need to,” the chief instructed and before you could react, his cock was slowly filling you up. the way your pussy tightened around his cock was something that had him really wanting to fuck you. he wasn’t going to last long, and that was good but bad. your pussy had captivated him now, his thrusts slowly going in and out of your wet cunt. “shit.. look at you. taking my cock like the trouble maker you fuckin’ are.” he groaned out, watching the way his cock slid in and out of you.
“oh, f-fuck, chief. fuck.. yes!” you blurted out, and his one hand immediately went back to your head and pinned you down. you let out a gasp and shut your eyes tight.
“i said be fucking quiet,” the chief groaned, before he finally slammed into you. you flinched from the sudden reaction. you grabbed the hat that was on top of your head and bit down onto the velvet fabric. you needed to keep yourself quiet or else this possibly couldn’t happen again. the chief continued to slowly thrust into you, taking his time. despite what he had thought of earlier, he couldn’t help but be addicted to your pussy. it was basically egging him on to cum deep inside you. and before you knew it, he was slamming deep inside you at a rapid pace. you moaned into the hat, it smelling like him. the way you were completely powerless now, and the way he was stroking your cunt.. you were getting close. moans could be heard between the both of you, as well as skin slapping skin was echoing throughout the trees. “shit, baby. i feel you gettin’ tighter. you gonna cum for me? you gonna cum for your chief?” he groaned out, and you could only nod.
“yes, y-yes.. i’m getting so close, chief.” you mumbled out. the familiar knot in your stomach was coming so close to be relieved, and the chief could tell. he chuckled deeply before his lips found your ear, breathing heavy.
“fuckin.. fuck, cum for me. cum for your chief.” the chief had managed to cough out, and with those words of endearment, you felt yourself spasm. your whole body tensed as your hand gripped the back of the car, the relief of pressure bidding off your pussy. you moaned at the feeling, and before you knew it, the chief was pounding into you. deep, hard, fast.. fuck, your pussy was over stimulated now, your body shaking with desire, but you could feel him getting closer to his own release.
“that’s it.. fuckin’ shake for me, baby. i’m gonna cum inside this pussy and make it mine. fucking.. all mine,” he groaned in your ear, and before you knew it, you felt his seed shot up into you. you moaned softly at his reaction, his seed coating your walls. “fuck.. that’s it, baby. take it all.” he managed to whisper out in your ear.
the two of you managed to stay put in this situation for a moment, and finally the chief pulled of you. you felt embrassed, disgusted, but mainly.. you felt at ease. relaxed. the way he acted, you had a feeling chief had wanted this too.
after a moment of silence, you felt a pair of hands on your wrists. you felt the cuffs fall of you, and the chief was smirking softly. he grabbed the hat from your mouth and placed it on his head, as if nothing had happened. he managed to pull up his pants and boxers, before buckling his belt back up. you pulled your own pants up, the two of you staying silent. thinking that he wasn’t going to say anything to you, the chief then turned to you with the same smirk.
“stay outta trouble, ya hear?” the chief then walked away and got into his blazer. you watched him leave you, humiliated. you looked down and thought to yourself. ‘stay outta trouble? well if that was going to happen, why the hell would i stay outta trouble?’
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kaciidubs · 6 months
Twinkling Lights | 8 Days of SKZcember
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Prompt: their first date being at a tree lighting celebration
❣ Summary: His eyes shone brighter than the twinkling lights on the Christmas tree. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 794 ❣ Warnings: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Changbin is a doting boyfriend ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Changbin is referred to as Binnie, and Sweetheart, Reader is referred to as Bunny ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist ❣ SKZcember 2023
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“Is your scarf tight enough?”
“Yes, Binnie.”
“What about your hat? Do you want to switch with mine?”
“My hat’s perfectly fine, thank you.”
“And you have your gloves from the car, right?”
“Changbin!” You laughed lightly at your doting boyfriend, pinching his cheek with your fingerless mitten covered hand, “I’m all set, I swear - now, come on! The more time you waste with your checklist, the higher our chances of missing the tree lighting gets.”
It was a simple date idea - visiting the local tree lighting ceremony - but the closer you two grew to the location of the main event, the more excitement seemed to course through your veins.
The small outdoor area was decorated in strings upon strings of lights, casting a warm glow over the previously snowed-on ground, while an array of booths lined the sidewalk - each offering a selection of food, drinks, or small activities for children in celebration of the holiday season.
“Oh… This is beautiful, Binnie!” You fawned over the simplistic decorations, your heart fluttering at the sound of soft Christmas music floating through the chilly air. 
If anything, it felt like a movie.
Changbin laughed at your awe, slipping his gloved hand into yours, “If you think this looks beautiful, you’re going to lose your mind when it comes time to light the tree.”
A laugh bubbled past your lips as you squeezed his hand, “I think I might collapse from beauty overload, you’ll have to carry me back to the car!”
“I mean, I could just carry you now.” He lunged toward you, caging you within his strong arms and laughing mischievously when you tried wiggling your way out of his hold.
“Changbin, don't you dare pick me up! I was just kidding - I was kidding!”
“I don’t know, Bunny, I can’t risk my girl fainting on my watch, can I?”
Pushing against his chest with uncontrollable giggles escaping you, he finally let you go to hold your hand once more; a prideful smirk stretching his lips in the process.
“Just for that,” you huffed, your breath floating out in a small puff, “you’re buying me a hot chocolate, mister.”
“Already planned to, Bunny.”
And, true to his word, you had a warm hot chocolate in your hands within the next fifteen minutes; the two of you leisurely walking around the park to check out the other booths, grab a snack, and even take cute ‘winter couple’ photos to commit the event to memory.
In the midst of a silly-filtered selfie, the announcement of the tree lighting interrupted the current song playing over the speakers, directing everyone to make their way to the main field to witness the main event.
“Oh my god, I’m so excited!” You hugged yourself to his right arm, both in hopes of sharing some of his body heat and containing the excited jitters that vibrated through you. “It’s going to be so pretty, I just know it.”
Changbin simply hummed in agreement, using his free hand to tug your hat further down your head and adjusting your scarf to sit snugly around your neck.
A person, who you could only assume to be the coordinator of the event, stood in front of the crowd to give a brief history of the lighting ceremony, as well as a few words of thanks and well wishes for the holidays, before encouraging the crowd to join them in a countdown for the lighting of the tree.
“Five! Four! Three! Two! One!”
On cue, the massive tree was suddenly bathed in twinkling lights as shimmering ornaments made themselves known hanging along the branches; the crowd erupting into loud cheers and whistles as music filled the air once more.
You were right - the tree was prettier than you could have ever imagined, but it barely compared to the sight beside you as you turned to look at your boyfriend.
His eyes were shining as bright as the lights on the tree, an expression of pure serenity draped across his soft features that made your heart swell five times its usual size while you actively blinked away tears of happiness.
Gaze instantly falling from the tree and dropping to you, he tilted his head in silent acknowledgement for you to continue.
“I love you, sweetheart.”
Whether the blush on his cheeks was from your words or the cold air, it only grew darker when he finally registered your words, turning his head with a playful pout on his lips.
“Ah- You can’t just say that to me out of nowhere!” Despite his defiance, he slipped his arm out of your grasp to tug you into his side, wrapping you in a partial bear hug and resting his cheek against your head, “I love you too, Bunny.”
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✧. ┊Tagged lovelies: @goblinracha, @having-an-internal-crisis-rn, @midnightfrog625, @anyhow-everything, @bangchanbabygirlx, @sweetracha, @j-onedrabbles, @happilydeepestwonderland, @nightimescapes, @caitlyn98s, @ch4nn13luv, @ihrtlix, @sometimesleeknows, @jeonjungkookenthusiast1997, @maximumkillshot, @y-ur--i, @acker-night, @dreamescapeswriting, @specialstay, @broken-glowsticks, @s00buwu, @dancerachaslut, @junglyric, @tinyelfperson, @jj-stay, @katsukis1wife, @inlovewithmusician, @keen-li, @armystay89, @main-character0, @vampcharxter, @ddyskz, @prettymiye0n, @bbgnyx
✧. ┊If your username is in bold italics that means tumblr won't let me tag you. If you’d like to be added to the taglist, fill out this form!
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glazelilyy · 1 year
before the roar of thunder
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pairings (separately!) - diluc ragnvindr, kaeya alberich, childe/tartaglia, xiao x gender neutral reader (no pronouns used!)
word count - 4597
genre - angst, hurt/comfort
format - drabbles
warnings - blood/injury/wound mentions, cataclysmic destruction, violence, crying, kissing, character deaths with no graphic description (but not for the paired character or reader EXCEPT in childe's)
summary - a storm approaches but just before it does, you share a tender moment with your beloved for the last time
a/n - i have been mia for a while :') but this idea just kinda hit me out of nowhere so i decided to write about it :P i don't know if this writing will live up to expectations or any of my work from the past because i haven't written in a while but i'm trying to enjoy writing just because i like it rather than to live up to an expectation, so i'm gonna try and do my best :) i hope you enjoy this piece and thank you all so much for your patience and love these past few months i could not be more grateful that i am being interacted with and sent such wonderful messages <3 (also fun fact i listened to multiple vbs songs while writing most of this which just doesn't fit in with anything happening in these drabbles and majority of the time i had akito rapping in my ear while writing about death LMAO)
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diluc loved.
he loved his city, born from the death of corruption and nurtured by the souls and free spirits of her people. he loved the crisp breeze that swept by falcon coast and cradled its peak in a bough of brevity where his worries would fly away and cast themselves up into the sky to become stars. he loved the shade from beneath the towering tree at windrise where memories of summers and picnics and childhood mischief came alight with a single glance towards her wavering leaves. he loved the cool touch of a crystalfly's perch upon his gloved finger.
he loved his companions; silently from afar he'd send well wishes in quiet messages meant only for their hands to caress or ears to indulge. he loved lisa; lazy as she might appear not once had she ever let him down. he loved jean: hardworking, disciplined, strong, courageous, but for every pedestal she was placed on was she ever more human—flesh and blood with a heart that pounded for others and never herself. he loved kaeya—his beloved little brother who always preferred the cool shade of his shadow and shielded his back from the many blades that sought his head.
he loved you. you who brought light with gentle hands and placed it within his heart. you who illuminated the dark, winding pathway of justice he thought he'd walk alone forever. you who showed him trust, who knew how he liked his tea (sweet, for a man who was even sweeter). you, who braided cecilias into his hair and peppered kisses across his ruddy cheeks and doused him in all the sugary sweetness that love could ever provide.
diluc loved, and loved, and loved, tremendously.
and he still loved, even as mondstat burned in a storm of fire.
he still loved, even as he stood over lisa and jean whose eyes had lost their brilliance and sparkle of life.
he still loved, even as he wept for his little brother who had feared death and spent his remaining strength gripping onto the tassels of his jacket and begged for him to stay; to reassure him in his last moments.
he stayed, despite the agony that coursed through his body and the never-ending sorrow that scorched his heart when kaeya stilled.
he still loved, even as he gripped your hand with tenacity laced in his veins.
soot and ash coated both of your bodies and faces as you stood at the gates of mondstat and watched the world before you crumble beneath your feet.
diluc felt his heart bob up and down in the narrow passageway of his throat.
he was always too late.
too late for his city. too late for his friends. for his brother.
the love in his heart was never enough. he was never enough. and now everything was gone. burning.
never before had he despised looking at his vision so much.
"they'll be back," you whispered hoarsely, and diluc turned to look at you, "the abyss order."
your hand seemed to squeeze his with every ounce of strength you had left, eyes wide and trembling with the flickering flames of destruction reflected in the glassy haze of your irises. the fresh tear tracks on your face twisted his heart into a knot.
"i know," he replied, never once casting his gaze away from you, "i'm still alive, after all."
diluc would not tell you that he could smell the unmistakable stench of abyssal magic from over the horizon. he couldn't. you'd seen horror after horror and now was not the time to tell you that more bloodshed approached. the abyssal army approached slowly and steadily, and soon they would be here to have his head on a stick. there was no running, there was no use escaping the inevitable.
"diluc..." you turned to him, doll-like and devoid of life with a tremble of sorrow buried in the abyss in your expression, "what do we do?" you whispered to him, as if he contained secrets of the universe that should only be shared between the two of you.
wordlessly, he pulled you close and rubbed a soothing hand in gentle strokes up and down your back. his embrace guarded you from the inevitable end that slowly crouched closer, rising with newborn sun. gloved, soot-covered hands slid up to your cheeks to thumb away at the tears that collected near your eyes.
diluc's heart wrenched in his throat uncomfortably, knowing well and good that this may be the last tender moment he'll ever share with you.
to that end, he found himself asking, "would you care for a dance?"
the question came out broken and hoarse, just barely under a whisper and lost was the man who once held a burning flame of retribution and tenacious blaze of justice in his eyes. you peered into a pool of tired red, glossed over with a misty haze of sorrow.
wordlessly, you allowed him to guide your hands and let him set the tempo as you moved carefully to avoid the debris scattered at your feet.
you'd always joke that he was much like a prince when he danced; so elegant and refined with the composure of royalty itself, he spun and dipped you much like a silk ribbon weaving through the air.
this time, however, diluc held you close and swayed to an invisible song. no elegant movements or dips from your prince. now, he was but a man clinging to the last remnants of life in his soul; the only thing tethering him to this world.
your hearts wildly pounded against each other's chests, horribly out of sync yet still so tremendously close that you'd fuse together if you could.
as the sun rose and illuminated his once beloved city, home to the people he loved, diluc leaned in and captured your lips one last time in a kiss that touched your soul and wrapped your heart in a blazing warmth of flame.
his hand wrapped so tightly around your waist and held itself firm at the back of your head, desperate to drink every last drop of your love and desperate to not let your eyes open and see that the abyssal army had breached what was left of mondstat's defenses.
diluc loved, and loved, and he loved you more than life itself. but in the end his love was never enough.
(continued utc!)
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once, at the tender age of five or six, kaeya alberich witnessed death for the first time.
he'd grown fond of the butterflies that fluttered near the crystal clear lake behind dawn winery. their vibrant colors were foreign and new and his childhood intrigue urged him to watch with glowing eyes at each flap of its multicolored wings.
it was on one of these days where he found himself in the presence of the gleaming scythe of death itself when a colossal frog leapt from the waters and captured a butterfly within its maw.
he'd never felt such fear, and he convinced himself he'd never feel that fear again.
he now realized he was wrong.
he felt it again when diluc screamed, a horrifying sound, for his fallen father and kaeya did not know how to handle the immensive wave of relief that flooded over him. he felt it when a fiery blade swung itself down against his eye and believed his punishment was nigh. he felt it now, as mondstat burned to the ground and the corpses of citizens, knights, and abyssal monsters alike littered the once love-filled, lively streets.
death had always followed him closely like a friend—like a lover, he corrected himself. its arms wrapped around his body and cooed sweet nothings to him. death trotted after him wherever he went.
perhaps he should've gave into its embrace. maybe if he had, death wouldn't have found a lover in his home and snuffed the life and vivacity out of every mondstatian and every building within the city's walls. death would not have sunk its claws into jean, who took the abyssal army's leader with her when she pounded at the gates of celestia. or lisa and albedo, who fought at the western front for days on end only to succumb to the overwhelming onslaught of enemies with not enough manpower. what a shame, kaeya thought; he was rather looking forward to his daily midnight tea session with lisa and bothering albedo during his experiments. in some other universe, he is there and he is happy.
he loathed to think of it, but death had latched its talons into the flesh of little klee. a child was no exception to this hoard of monsters, but was the monster not truly him for failing them all? he wondered as he held her cold body close and wept.
death had always followed him but kaeya came to the conclusion that he was the one who truly wielded death. where he went, bodies dropped and lives fell into ruin. his prime example: his brother, who now lay at his feet with a sword through his back. a sword through his back, he seethed, because his attackers were so cowardly that they knew this uncrowned king would not go down so easy. it filled kaeya with an ugly rage that blotted out the tears in his eye. his shirt remained caked in diluc's blood from when the man brought him into a hug as he dangled at death's edge and whispered apology after apology into his ear.
always caught between the worlds of the blessed and the sinned, kaeya believed that he had grown quick enough to outmaneuver fate itself. but death remained steadfast and tenacious.
death was his lover and he was doomed to dance an everlasting tango so long as he lived. if not for him, the imposter in an aviary full of beautiful, golden-winged seabirds, perhaps the abyssal army would have left mondstat alone. jean would be here, ready to give him an earful for getting carried away with all the scars littering his body. albedo would chide him as he dressed his wounds while klee went on about another dodoco story while her little legs swung back and forth in the air. lisa would hand him a cup of tea and enjoy his company in silence. diluc...oh diluc, all the things he wished to tell his brother.
the only problem in his death theory was you.
you were still here.
you held him close as he wept for his beloved friends, for the little girl who always called him big brother, and for his beloved most treasured big brother whose fiery hair blazed no more.
how were you still here? was death not his lover? did he not bring death and sorrow wherever he went?
but if anything you were life. in your hands he renewed himself again, much like a butterfly unfurling its wings after cocooning for so long. warm smiles and fluttering kisses always greeted him after a long day's work. even now, as you wept beside him for your fallen friends, you remained his last thread of life keeping him tethered to this world.
"everyone's dead." you whispered from the crook of his neck as you both sat on the dust covered ground where the statue of barbatos once stood, mighty and proud.
"i'm sorry." he pleaded in return.
you shot your head up, bewildered and...offended.
"it's not- it's not your fault!"
kaeya laughed dryly, "oh, darling, you know it is."
death was his lover and he was succumbing to it. death was his lover and he drank in each of its poisonous kisses and sneaky touches.
you wasted no time in bringing him close, effectively delaying off death for a while longer. "it. is. not. your. fault."
"they'd be elsewhere if not for me-"
"mondstat would have fallen a lot quicker without you, kaeya," you interrupted, "you are no harbinger or vessel of death. you protected this city and its people with your life."
how did you always know what to say? perhaps you were an archon—that would be funny, wouldn't it? a sinner and an archon in love. kaeya wanted to laugh at the thought of it but all that left his lips was a broken whine that slid into a muffled sob. you were there to catch him as he fell into the overwhelming onslaught of sorrow that flickered around him much like the distant flames of burning houses and crinkle of crackling wood and stone.
"it should have been me." he croaked.
you shook your head and swept away the locks that clung to his sweaty forehead. "if it were ever you, i would go as well."
his heart ached in the cavity of his chest, eager to run away from this all. but he lay tired in your arms as you peppered kisses to his skin. even as you sunk to the ground on your side and gathered him in your arms, all he felt was the overwhelming tide wash over him.
death was not his lover, you were. and you were life. he loved living with you and with his beloved friends and comrades.
he lay beside you and kissed every inch of your face, covering you in his love. he cared not for the distant roar of abyssal mages and monsters anymore, not when he held life itself within his arms. life who kissed him back with just as much love and sweet tenderness that set his heart alight.
on this day, two butterflies sat perched on a perfect calla lily, waiting for the inevitable end of a frog's maw; their hearts and souls forever intertwined.
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childe can't remember many of his dreams, but there is one he's clung onto for years.
he is in a soft bank of snow, surrounded by his darling siblings and cherished parents. his father does not look at him as if he's seen a beast dredged up from the darkest of nightmares. the world around him is pure and crafted of childhood dreams: there is no evil and there is no heart ache.
you are there and you are smiling at him, waiting for him with open arms.
this has remained but a mere dream of his for a reason.
in reality, there was only the cold, concrete ground of the fatui jail cell and dry, underground air that left him suffocating. slivers of eerie, ghostly blue light trickled in from the false candles that lined the underground jail. the rust-caked iron bars bathed reluctantly in the ghastly glow.
his eyes flickered up to the ceiling, hoping to make out shapes or cracks within the foundation. just give me some hope, archons if you're listening—please! but the gods stayed silent and the ceiling remained unchanged.
his vision and delusion had been stripped, weapons all but ripped from his hands. there was no hope left. childe let his gaze wander to you.
you lay in the cell across, face down, unconscious after taking the butt of a fatui gun to the nape. how cruel—to involve the lover of a scorned harbinger. for the god of love the tsaritsa was awfully sadistic. no matter how much he struggled and screamed that you should not bear the burden of his crimes it did nothing but urge the fatui to get their hands on you even more urgently.
childe wishes that he had accepted reality—wishes that he had never tried to desert from the fatui. steal away under the cover of night with you in hooded cloaks and cross the snezhnayan border for a life free of misery and a life where it'd be you and him together.
as much as the fatui have given him power, you have given him strength and courage and hope and love. there was no place for childe among the fatui, not when he wanted his place to be by your side. to feel your love each and every day and wake up to your smile.
you stirred from your cell, snapping childe from his thoughts. his hands snatched themselves at the bars, eyes blown wide and searching for signs that you were okay.
"hmmn...childe? where...where are we?"
his heart ached tremendously and beat against the skin of his throat.
"jail." he whispered.
"what?! but...but we were just about to cross the border when-"
"when we were caught by pulcinella's men," childe finished, "and brought here. i've been charged with desertion and my punishment is at sunrise."
childe hated seeing you feel anything but happiness—anything but love and the sunshine of emotions that you deserved to experience. he failed you when tears gathered in your eyes.
"but the punishment for desertion..."
childe smiled with eyes that swam in a sea of sorrow, "execution." he finished.
you lifted yourself up onto your forearms and dragged your semi-awake body to the edge of the jail cell. between each cell lay a narrow path, where you desperately reached your hand out to the other side. the tears that had gathered in your eyes streaked their way down in hazes across your cheeks as you suppressed your sobs and whines. your fingers shook with everything within you as you stretched and reached out to him, this beautiful, golden man whose wings would be clipped at sunrise.
childe scrambled to shove his hand past the bars and reach your hand. he only managed to grab onto the tips of your fingers but it was enough for him. you were in his grasp, it was enough for him.
he was thankful his family would not have to bear the brunt of his desertion, he should really thank mister zhongli for sneaking them out of the country into liyue. he regrets not having you go along with his family, but you insisted on going with him. it's his fault you were in jail.
reality was far too cruel.
"you'll escape, right? you've always got a plan." you pleaded between heaving breaths.
childe weakly laughed from an ugly, hopeless place.
he wished to make all your dreams come true, protect all your wishes and hold your smiles and laughter close like a warm trinket tied around his neck. anything but this ceaseless crying and sorrow that he felt slither from your heart through your arm and into your connected hands.
"come now, no tears, sunshine. you know i'll be okay, i'll figure something out." childe cooed, though he knew better. oh, lord, these lies would swallow him whole, but it is fated.
"do you promise?" you whispered brokenly.
his heart screamed at him not to do it, conscience pounding at the doors of self control in his mind. but childe was a protector of dreams and happiness.
a lean, scar riddled pinky looped in your own, holding tight to the invisible promise that linked the two of you. "i'll keep it all my life."
"if you break it i'll throw you on the ice myself."
the warbled smile on your face was enough. your watery eyes and tender touch gave him light that was not reminiscent of death like the flickering blue candles that lined the jail.
"of course. i'll owe you a duel as well. do you think you'll best me this time?"
you scoffed and tugged on his fingers, "of course i will, so you have to stay alive for me to beat you."
"well, i can't ignore orders from the top now can i?" he joked and reveled in the muted laugh that bubbled past your lips.
even in the bleakest of moments you gave him hope, like a light shining in a sea of never ending darkness.
"you'll always have me, no matter where i am. i promise you i won't let them hurt you." he whispered, and unlike that last promise, he meant it.
you held his hand until the guards came and even as you screamed and pleaded and cried with all your heart for him to stay, there was some morbid part of childe that was glad he got to hold your hand for the last time. he called out his declarations of love one last time as he fought against the grip of the guards and shoved his hands through your jailcell bars to cup to face and swipe away your tears. agony coursed through his veins as the guards ripped him from your grip and your fingers slipped through his hands like the sands of an hourglass. the last picture of your face would be one of horror and tear-stricken as the guards dragged him off. he whispered your name and as it rolled off his tongue it left in its wake a taste of sunshine and mirth.
i love you, more than anything in this world. more than power and glory and all the temptations of this world. you are my dream.
as he kneeled before the tsaritsa in handcuffs and chains nailed to the floor with her hand raised to deal the strike of death upon him, he smiled once more at the dream he cherished.
he is safe, and warm, and everyone he loves knows no sorrow.
though he promised to protect that dream, he knows his tongue will freeze over so that he may never spew lies again.
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for as long as he's lived, xiao has prepared himself extensively for only a single thing: his death.
it wasn't a matter of sorting out the wares and material items he didn't own—such things weren't of importance to an adeptus like himself. rather, it was the acceptance of death itself. he was no stranger to this cloaked figure of fear that knocked on its hosts doors or barged in uninvited. blood covered his hands, dripped down the slope of his jaw and pooled at his feet. death invaded every crevice of his life much like a persistent parasite that sought to drive him to the brink of madness and back again. but it was familiar and offered a morbid sense of comfort.
as far as he could ever consider, xiao had waited for death for as long as he'd known the stars to dot the sky.
those same stars flickered down back at him, almost pitifully, as the ground shook with tremors that made the grass come alive and dance a morbid waltz of terror. crimson smoke painted the sky and blotted out the overhead glow of the stars. screams cried out in the distance and clashed with the sounds of blades and battle cries and war horns to produce a macabre melody that twisted a knot in his stomach.
fading bodies of monsters lay at his feet, numbers in the dozens. his breath caught in his throat, desperate to retreat yet needing to escape. he clenched his blood-bathed spear, fingers curling taut around the metal to cling to the last shred of hope he could muster.
his eyes flickered up to you, who mimicked his breathless, tired disposition as a mitachurl fell at your feet. your weapon clattered to the ground, your knees following shortly after.
xiao raced to your side in a blip, quick to grip your forearms before you could hit the ground. his polearm laid abandoned where he once stood, now its final resting place. his arms were now full of you and eyes clouded in worry. exhaustion crept its way onto your face and it was then he knew: hope was all lost.
the abyssal armies and undead, ancient gods raged onwards in the distance, they harrowing sounds a mere whisper in comparison to the loud thundering beat of your heart against his body.
reluctant as he was to touch you for fear of his karmic debt, xiao found himself hesitant to let go. for you to slip through his fingers and the fear of never allowing his fingers to trace the slopes and edges of your face invaded him like an intruder. your arms reciprocated and slid around his shoulders as a silent plea. this madness would never end, let's stop. you seemed to cry out.
perhaps this was the very moment he'd been preparing what felt like eons for. death crept its way around the corner, leaving war and destruction in its wake and its march to sink its fangs into both him and you was inevitable.
his knees buckled as you both sank to the grassy bed, bodies and limbs entangled and intertwined in a connection that seemed impossible to sever. as much as his conscience begged him to move and enact his long written duty, his body cried out a different tune, his heart a different dance altogether.
you shifted his body and laid his head on your lap, bracing yourself on a palm as your other hand worked to move the sticky strands of lush, forest-green locks from his sweat-covered forehead.
"rest, you've done well." you murmured with a gentleness in your eyes that made his stomach swim up to his throat and choked him ever so sweetly.
had he done enough? war raged on, lives devoured by the endless deluge of monsters and evil beings that sought death. his most reliable companion, death, would soon march up to his door and barge in with a demand for his head.
all the while, xiao believed that he was ready to embrace death. he pictured it perfectly: he'd meet his end in the midst of battle and his death would contribute towards a greater good. some would garner a chance to escape while the monsters gorged themselves on his death and feasted on his powers.
now, however, an unsettling sense of dread settled in his chest. the world around him burned and crashed and yet you remained intact, gently stroking his hair and humming a sweet song that you'd often coo to the birds on the railings of wangshu inn (and he loathed to look west and see the silhouette of a once towering, proud inn now toppled to the ground).
had he not readied himself for the one, singular thing that has been constant in his life? had he not witnessed enough to resolve the conflict that was life or death?
as he listened to the melody that fell from your lips with the world around him blotted out to nothing but you and him, he realized a truly frightening thing: he was not ready yet. death could not guarantee that you would be there to sit silently beside him on cool, summer nights and fold butterflies out of leaves or go crystalfly watching in the early mornings of spring. death would not ensure that he felt an uncomfortable yet welcoming warmth in his stomach when your eyes met his and a smile bloomed on your face (and though he'd never know how he should respond, you always seemed to somehow know how he felt).
he was not ready to be without you. a dreadful realization. he had failed at preparing himself for the one thing he knew was inevitable. but in this moment, as the world caved in and crumbled around you, he felt peace. his worn body lay tired and supplicant in your arms. once a weapon, now he found himself rusted and worn beyond repair left with only this beautiful longing in his heart to be filled with all of you. his eyes fluttered up to your visage and behind your kind eyes and warbling smile, the stars glimmered back down at him.
in these final moments, xiao wished to be nowhere else. with a heart so full of love, its wings unfurling and stretching high towards the sky where it'd soar on forever in an unmarked destination.
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date published: january 30th, 2023
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