#sorry HC and 3rd life fans
toastermoth · 5 months
Hey I was wondering if you can do a hc of the OM Characters finding out that MC used to be a singer in the human world but in reality was unsuccessful and doesn’t like mentioning about it at all but still has passion over it. It doesn’t matter about the gender and yeah. If u can Tysm! 🤗
Obey Me! x Gn! Singer!Mc
I had so much fun writing these- tysm anon for requesting!! <3 LUKE IS LIKE YOUR LITTLE BROTHER!!! P.S. You can also read this as platonic or romantic! Lucifer: 1st Born
He finds out because you were taking too long in the shower and heard your captivating voice singing.
He would be surprised and though looking unimpressed on the outside, in the inside this man is so happy if he could he'd squeal like a little girl.
When he's alone with you he'll definitely ask you to sing for him and through small pleas you agree, and when you're done he'll be smiling his signature smile and clapping softly.
"Where did you learn to sing like that y/n?" he asks awaiting your response like a dog waiting for a command.
"Well I just liked singing! I used to be a singer in the human world but it didn't work out.."
He hears your voice break when you say those last 4 words and he is devestated.
How dare nobody appreciate your beautiful voice?!
He must've been glaring because then you said "But I still have a passion for it! They never discouraged me enough to make me quit!
That reassured him as he breathed a sigh of relief.
"Y/n, never give up your passion, and if nobody supports you just know that I will personally string them up and make them appreciate your singing."
You laughed a little and Lucifer was just happy that he was able to hear your amazing gift.
Mammon: 2nd Born (Sorry his is short-)
He finds out one day when he heard you start singing a song for a playlist you're making to study.
You yelp in surprise and ask what he's talking about.
You make a face and after much begging by the 2nd born, you decide to tell him
"Well, nobody really liked my singing in the human world.. I tried everything but no matter what I never really got listeners or fans haha.."
This poor man is wondering WHY?! HOW?!
He looks at you with his blue-yellow eyes and cups your face.
He says "Well they're stupid because you got the most amazing voice. Hell better than the angels! And they're angles for fucks sake! Look human, what I'm trying to say, is that you shouldn't listen to anyone who talks down to ya. I'll be your number 1 fan y/n! Nobody is gonna take that spot either ya hear me?"
That reassured you as he tackled you and pulled you into a hug.
"My precious human! How dare they keep this talent from me!"
He probably made a t-shirt saying "Y/N's #1 FAN"
Leviathan: 3rd Born
He found out when you started singing the opening to an anime!
Once you knew that he noticed your smile dropped and stopped singing and whispered a small sorry before looking down almost looking shamefully.
"Y-y/n?! Where did you learn to sing?! H-how can you-?!"
This poor boy has so many questions which you were reluclant to answer.
He gave you the cute 'anime girl' eyes (which is what he called it) and he knew you couldn't resist them.
"Mmmm fine. I used to be a singer in the human world and I gave it my all I really did but.. I never got anybody to listen.. I enjoy singing still but only for myself.."
Oh HELL NO. Levi may be shy but he can get ANGRY.
"That's impossible! Your singing is the most amazing thing my ears have ever experienced! You're just like the mc in the anime I'm-A-Secret-Singer-In-Highschool-Living-A-Normal-Life-But-Please-Send-Help!"
The long ass title of course made you snicker but he looked at you with serious eyes and said, "Henry had people who talked down to him but he never gave up! A-and neither should you y/n!!"
Satan: 4th Born
He found out by you humming a tune to singing some of the lyrics from a song in a movie that was inspired by a book that you were looking for in the library.
He couldn't help but be frozen by your hypnotic voice. You didn't notice him until he leaned on a bookshelf and something fell.
"I'm sorry Y/n. I couldn't help but listen to your singing. Where did you learn to sing like that?"
You paused a little bit while he motions you to sit in one of the library chairs.
"Can you tell me y/n?"
You sigh knowing he wouldn't forget about it and would probably ask you about it tomorrow and decide to tell the blonde haired demon.
"Well, in the human world I was a singer and I enjoyed it, loved it actually! But people didn't really like my songs or my voice or anything so I just kinda quit.. I never lost my passion for it though."
He sits looking at you in what you can tell is a mix of anger and confusion.
"Why did you give up? People are ruthless, but I think you should try again y/n. You never know and if they don't like your singing they can suck dick."
The last part of his sentence makes you laugh a bit as he smiles and looks at you saying, "I believe in you y/n. Even when you don't believe in yourself."
Asmodeus: 5th Born
He found out you could sing when he dragged you to a karaoke bar.
"C'mon sweetie! You'll do just fine besides my voice will take the main stage and you can sing backup! We got this we'll crush every demon! And don't worry I'll let you pick the song, as long as it won't ruin my beautiful voice!"
You think he only said the last part because he saw you looked a little nervous but you were still thankful.
After the karaoke session you noticed how everyone there was looking at you and not as Asmo which was weird because he's the lust demon, then you noticed he was even looking at you with sparkles in his eyes.
He bowed to the crowd then dragged you back to the house of Lamination.
"Where did you learn to have such an enchanting voice darling?! That was amazing!! I need to bring you to there again, you'll be all the talk all over Devildom!-"
He stopped once he took a look and saw you looking at your knees in discomfort and silence.
"Sweetie.? Are you alright? Did I make you uncomfortable?" Despite popular belief he was actually very caring and kind and not always self-centered.
You nodded and said, "That was my first crowd in a long time.."
Confused, the pink haired demon asked "Well what do you mean sweetheart?"
So you explained it to him.
"Well, I used to be a singer in the human world but, it didn't really work out and I never really had a crowd that enjoyed my singing but maybe they didn't even enjoy it as much as I do.."
"Y/n. I know demons, and I know just by their faces that they loved our performance. Your performance! Don't be so hard on yourself, because I know that you did amazing and I'm perfect so obviously I'm right!" He said swishing his hair in an attempt to make you smile. (It did)
"There's that smile I adore! Let's get your confidence back and go to more karaoke bars okay? Next time you better sing a duet with me though!"
Beelzebub: 6th Born
How he found out was one time you were baking with Luke and Barbatos (and Beel decided to bring himself to 'taste test.') and a familiar tune came from Barbatos's voice from him humming then Luke joined in singing and eventually you joined in on the fun.
Soon the kitchen was soon made into a ballroom with you singing and dancing with Luke and Barbatos stil humming the music as Beel watches in total awe.
You're a little worn out from singing and dancing till you see the tall orange haired demon looking at you as if you were the most prized food in all of Devildom.
"Y/n your voice is amazing!"
"Ah.. you really think so Beel?"
He nods his head as Barbatos and Luke agrees.
"Well, let's just get back to this cake yeah?" The three boys wondered why you were so dismissive but Barbatos and Luke paid no attention and they continued working. Beel however did not forget about your captivating voice.
On the way back to the house of Lamination he asks, "So you don't need to answer, but why did you just shut down the idea of singing? I really like your voice and I think so does Luke and Barbatos."
"Well it's not somthing I really talk ab-" theres the Beel puppy eyes. Damn you Beel for being adorable.
"Okay.. I used to sing in the human world, and I really loved it so I tried to become a professional but nobody.. really liked my singing as much as I do.. so I kinda gave up on that profession."
This poor boy was shocked.
"But why? Just because some people don't like it doesn't mean you shouldn't. Your voice is very nice to listen to especially when singing. Even if you don't like it I do and so does Luke and Barbatos and everyone who didn't support your singing is stupid."
You smiled knowing at least somebody liked your singing at least one person.
"If you start singing let me know, I want to hear your voice again singing."
Belphegor: 7th Born
How he found out was when he called you up for a nap and said he needed a lullaby.
"Y/nnnn I need something to make me fall asleep I can't fall asleep without oneee.." Which was halfway the truth. After much begging on the behalf of Belphie, you gave in and started singing a small lullaby.
Once you were done singing and started humming Belphie sleepily commented, "Such a mystical voice.. how not famous lullaby singer..."
You laughed a tiny bit to yourself for how sleepy he is and turned to him seeing even though sleepy he was dead serious.
"How are you not famous.?" he asks.
You hesitate to meet him in the eye as he lays close by you, knowing him he'd keep himself awake until you told him or he would lay on you until you told him.
Sighing, you say, "I tried to be famous, to sing as a real singer. But people just, didn't really listen and I was unsuccessful.."
You notice a hand lay you down and the fluffy blue haired demon says, "Well they lost out on a good singer.. that means you're now my professional lullaby singer.. screw the money grabbing producers who can't tell talent."
You smile at him being this caring and start singing another lullaby to lull him to slumber as well as yourself.
"You're the greatest singer and make sure you believe that too.."
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redstonedust · 1 year
sorry to bother, but I have a question off your ao3 tagging post and could use some advice?
I'm writing a phasmo crossover fic that has characters from hermitcraft (impulse, tango), characters who have only been in traffic life and other small series (skizz) and people who to my knowledge aren't involved in smps and exist only in phasmo streams (jokes) and am very conflicted on how to tag it. I want hermitcraft / skizz fans to be able to find it, but I don't want to mislead with my fandom tags? but I don't think jits phasmo livestream exists as a fandom???
apologies for the long ask, but you seem like you know your stuff and I am under experienced in tagging mcyt fic thus far!
ah unfortunately i was just expressing frustration at fics that already have an established fandom tag being put in the wrong one, i have no clue what the best praxis is for fics without an established tag. my best guess however would be either sticking with hc and 3rd life, the generic video blogging rpf one, or just to use a non-canonized tag like jits phasmo and hope the character tags will help people find it??
if anyone else has advice feel free to give it! i am not a writer alas.
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
This is my first Star Wars Clone Wars fic. I saw the show as a kid when it aired on Cartoon Network in the 2008 and was disappointed when it ended at season 5. I was excited to hear it come back for another season on Netflix sometime in the mid 2010’s, and when Disney announced season 7 back in like 2019. Now that Disney owns it, I love watching the entire series start to finish in a matter of days. Suffice to say Clone Wars was a large part of my life and Star Wars in general. The first SW thing I saw was Attack of the Clones. I loved it so much (I was 5, saw it a year after it came out) and had a crush on Anakin. He was my favorite character, even though my dad disliked him until Clone Wars. My dad watched it with me on CN when it came on every week and taped it for me (he was divorced and laid off so we had a VCR instead of DVD player). I was absolutely crushed to watch Anakin turn to the dark side and get his limbs chopped off and burned alive in Revenge of the Sith. RotS came out when I was 7, but I was 8 when I saw it air on TV a year later and definitely too young to see that.
I was 10 when the Clone Wars movie aired, just before the series. I was the right age to really get into the lore and characters. Anakin is my favorite for nostalgia, but I fell in love with Ahsoka Tano and the clones. One of the biggest improvements to Star Wars was giving the clones personalities, which the Clone Wars successfully pulled off. What was a mass of copies in AotC became a lovable, loyal, and honorable group of characters. I fell in love with Anakin’s blue and white armored 501st legion and Captain Rex specifically. I also grew to love the fan favorites like Domino Squad, 99, Wolffe (and the Wolffepack!), Cody, Waxer, Boil, Gregor, Gree, Ponds, Monnk, Cut Lawquane, Fox (I love Fox idc some people hate him), Bly, Thire, the Bad Batch, and so many others.
This story is how Anakin got his scar. They never show how he got it or the fact that he even acknowledges it and that, as a kid, always bugged me (especially once Clone Wars came out and had the opportunity to explain it but never did). I never read any of the Star Wars comics (extended universe) now called ‘Star Wars Legends’ and is no longer canon (since Disney bought SW) but I know a few well known things about some comics/books. I believe they did explain Anakin’s scar in one comic or graphic novel and that he got his scar from Ventress (like Commander Wolffe) but it’s not canon. I like that Wolffe went up against Ventress at some point but for me, I personally HC that Obi-wan gave Anakin that scar during training.
Warnings—Spoilers for CW and Obi-Wan, does not line up with SW Legends, headcanons, talk/depiction of mental illness, angst, has time skips, lemme know if I need more
*Takes place between Attack of the Clones and the Clone Wars animated movie and series*
Summary—During a typical training session, Obi-wan accidentally hurts his padawan Anakin.
I’m Sorry Anakin
3rd POV
Life at the Temple isn’t always easy. There’s rules to follow, studying to do and training to complete. It’s certainly a lot different from the life of a slaveboy from Tatooine. Anakin Skywalker has been a padawan for many years now and even though the rules were different and the studying was hard, he found he enjoyed life as a Jedi. After reuniting with his childhood crush, Padmé Amidala, the 2 married just as the Clone War began. Because of the War, Anakin is required to do more training. The Jedi Council agreed that for the War, more padawans should be made Jedi Knights to help serve the Republic. And with Anakin being the ‘supposed’ Chosen One, well, it was obvious the Council wanted him prepped and ready early.
Anakin finds Master Kenobi in one of the training rooms, sitting with his legs crossed and his eyes shut peacefully, though Anakin knew his master better than that.
“I’m sorry I’m late Master-“ Anakin apologizes to Obi-wan’s sigh.
“Anakin, we’ve talked about this. You need to dedicate yourself to your studies and training now more than ever. Didn’t you listen to Master Yoda?” Obi-wan scolds.
“I’m sorry Master-“
“Then mean it,” Obi-wan counters to his padawan’s somewhat lazy attempt at an apology. Anakin looks at him and Obi-wan just sends him back a stern look.
“I do Master. I’m sorry…” Anakin repeats, “I’m sorry, I just…lost track of time, that’s all.” Obi-wan sighs again.
“If this happens again you’ll be on security detail for Madame Jocasta in the library for a whole rotation,” Obi-wan threatens. Anakin nods as his master stands.
“Well better late than never, I suppose. Go through Forms 3 and 5,” Obi-wan instructs and Anakin nods, getting into a ready position with his lightsaber in hand, though not ignited.
“Yes Master,” Anakin says, shifting, holding the metal hilt with both hands, testing out his grip with the new robotic hand. Obi-wan gets into a ready position as well and the two share a look before Anakin moves to strike first.
After going back and forth, blocking, dodging, and countering endlessly, Obi-wan manages to get the upper hand. He counters Anakin’s blue blade with his own before using his free hand to Force-push the blade harder. Anakin is still getting used to his robotic hand. That’s when Anakin sees his lightsaber start to shift out of his robotic fingers. The pressure forces Anakin’s grip to give out. Obi-wan, unprepared, doesn’t let up in time. Anakin manages to drop his saber , shutting it off, but Obi-wan’s blue blade suddenly connects with his face, slicing over his right eye and eyebrow.
“GAAAHHH!!!” Anakin cries out in pain, jerking back so only the tip of the blade touches his skin. Obi-wan manages to shut off his lightsaber almost immediately. Anakin falls to the ground, clutching his face and Obi-wan gasps, almost frozen for a moment before he snaps out of it and races to his padawan’s side.
“Anakin! I’m so sorry—Anakin are you alright?!” Obi-wan panics instantly. This is pretty much rule 1 of being in charge of a padawan. Do not hurt your padawan. Standard stuff…and Obi-wan broke it.
Anakin breathes and groans through it, still clutching his injured right side of his face.
“Y-Yeah-I’m…I’m ok-“ Anakin says as he tries to sit up. Obi-wan helps him and keeps a gentle but strong hold on the young man.
“Let me see Anakin-“ Obi-wan says, trying to push Anakin’s hand away from his face.
“No-you’re gonna touch it-“ Anakin whines.
“I won’t-I just need to see the damage-“ Obi-wan tells him. Anakin moves his hand and winces in pain as Obi-wan moves closer to inspect the sizzling line of flesh going over the young man’s right eyebrow and eye. His eye is red and irritated but isn’t bleeding or anything, still, Obi-wan frowns with concern.
“Can you still see?” Obi-wan asks, offering a hand, which Anakin gratefully takes.
“Y-yeah but it’s mostly one big spot from the light of your saber-“ Anakin explains as Obi-wan hauls him up to his feet.
“Let’s get you to the medwing and have a droid look you over,” Obi-wan says, gently guiding his padawan with both hands on Anakin’s shoulders.
“Obi-wan-I’m fine-it’ll heal-“ Anakin says.
“Then humor me,” Obi-wan insists. Anakin knows better than to argue, so he merely nods.
“Ok Master,” he replies quietly as he gingerly touches the skin around the burn slice.
“Don’t mess with it-“ Obi-wan gripes, slapping Anakin’s hand gently.
The two finally make it to the medbay and a droid motions them over.
“I am A-LN394, your assigned medical droid. I will scan you now,” he says, not even waiting for a reply.
“He wastes no time huh?” Anakin asks with a small chuckle as the droid’s scanner moves up and down his body.
“Droids,” Obi-wan shakes his head lightly.
“Scan complete. I’ve detected a small 1st degree burn on the right side of your face, please, hold still while I apply aloe ointment to aid in the healing process-“ the droid tells Anakin. The droid covers a bandage with a small amount of ointment before covering the sensitive, burned skin.
“You are lucky you were not blinded-“ the droid tells Anakin. Although the droid didn’t mean to, Obi-wan feels his heart clench at the droid’s words. He could’ve seriously hurt his padawan. The boy he promised his master he’d protect. Had Obi-wan hurt Anakin even worse than he did…he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.
“Master?…Master!” Anakin says, getting Obi-wan’s attention.
“Hm? Oh-y-yes Anakin?” Obi-wan asks, snapping out of his spiraling thoughts.
“Are you ok?” Anakin asks him. Obi-wan blinks stupidly at his padawan’s question.
“Because you know it was an accident-right?” Anakin asks. Obi-wan sighs and nods.
“Still, I am sorry,” Obi-wan apologizes. Anakin gives his master a small crooked smile.
“Don’t worry Master, I’m ok. Really. Watto used to hurt me worse-“ Anakin replies off-handedly but stops when he realizes what slipped out of his mouth. Obi-wan blinks in surprise. Usually Anakin doesn’t want to talk about his past.
“Anakin, you are not a slave anymore. You are a Jedi-“ Obi-wan tells him.
“I know Master-“ Anakin glances away. Obi-wan looks at his padawan and decides not to push him. So the Jedi Master sighs wearily.
“Get some rest. You’ll need it for your studies tomorrow-“ Obi-wan tells Anakin as he walks out.
“What? But you said I had saber training all week-“
“I know what I said. Now I’m telling you something different. You’re off training until you heal,” Obi-wan says. Anakin sighs. Normally he would complain. But he knows that the extra saber training is just for him to get used to his new prosthetic hand. Anakin knows he’s already one of the best duelists out of all the padawans training to be knights.
“Yes Master,” Anakin says as Obi-wan walks out. The droid finishes wrapping the bandage covering his right eye.
“Your eye should completely heal within 2 weeks. If it becomes infected or you have any problems, please come back to me. Patient is finished, goodbye,” the droid says and goes back to cleaning up. Anakin sits up and slides off the bed before walking back to his quarters.
In the months that followed, Anakin was granted the rank of Jedi Knight and as such, has been given command over the 501st battalion. Anakin and Obi-wan are on their way to meet the head of the 501st, CT-7567.
“So, are you ready?” Obi-wan asks. Anakin nods.
“Of course Master, I’m ready for anything,” he says.
“Good because I heard from Commander Cody that your battalion…” Obi-wan trails off with a smirk. Anakin raises the eyebrow with the scar cutting through it.
“What? What about them?” Anakin asks.
“They’re loyal, brave men that have a tendency to…” Obi-wan tries to find the right words, “get into trouble.”
“Trouble?” Anakin asks. Obi-wan nods.
“And Master Yoda and Master Shaak Ti both agreed that the 501st would suit you perfectly,” Obi-wan says, earning a playful shove from Anakin.
“Oh they did huh?” The younger man asks.
They arrive at the hangar and spot a whole legion of clones standing at the ready. Most are in white armor but some do have blue paint on them. The clone in front has a blue upswept pauldron, black and blue trim kama at his waist and blue jaig eyes painted on his helmet.
“Attention!” The captain announces and everyone steps together in sync. Anakin watches on in awe. Obi-wan and Anakin walk up to the captain.
“Hello Captain,” Obi-wan greets happily.
“Hello General,” the captain replies. The formality and helmet hides the captain’s happiness well.
“Captain I’d like you to meet my padawan-“ Obi-wan says.
“I’m a Jedi Knight now Master-“ Anakin corrects.
“Yes, but you will always be my padawan,” Obi-wan argues calmly. The captain looks between the 2 jedi. The captain, being friends with Commander Cody, has heard all about General Kenobi and his padawan, Commander Skywalker. Though, he supposed it was General Skywalker now.
“This is Anakin Skywalker,” Obi-wan says. Anakin holds his hand out and the 2 shake hands firmly, though Anakin is careful with his grip.
“I am CT-7567, Captain Rex at your command General,” the captain, Rex as he’s called, salutes.
“Don’t do that around him too much Captain, you’ll give your new general a swelled head-“ Obi-wan warns, though the two are already not listening. Instead, Rex is introducing Anakin to a few other clones in the first line up.
“General, meet Jesse, Kix, Tup, Dogma, Hardcase, Ax, and Hawk, some of the best soldiers I’ve worked with and I’m proud to be their CO,” Rex introduces. They all stand at attention, making Anakin uncomfortable. He’s always been the padawan. The one to take orders, not to give them.
“Uh—at ease guys. No need for all that formal stuff with me,” Anakin tells them. The men look to Rex, unsure if he’s serious.
“Are uh…you sure General Skywalker?” Rex asks.
“Sure, whatever makes you guys feel comfortable,” Anakin assures his captain with a crooked smirk.
“Y-Yes sir,” Rex says, straightening. Anakin merely chuckles quietly before shaking his head lightly.
“You’re a lot like Commander Cody,” Anakin comments to Rex off-handedly. Rex nods.
“We’ve worked together for a long time. We trained together on Kamino,” Rex explains and Anakin nods.
“I’ll do my best to keep you and all your men safe Captain, I give you my word,” Anakin promises. Rex blinks at the young general’s sheer determination in his voice.
“I..Thank you, sir. I’m honored to fight this war with you and I hope my boys and I will earn your trust and respect,” Rex tells Anakin. The young general smiles and nods before turning to the one they call ‘Jesse’.
“So, you’re Jesse, right? You trained with Rex too?” Anakin asks.
“Yes sir. I’ve been lookin’ up to Rex my whole life…hope to make ARC trooper someday,” Jesse tells him. Anakin gives him a nod.
“I’ll be there when it happens,” Anakin tells Jesse, and the two share a determined smirk.
“And you? Hawk, isn’t it? You wanna be an ARC trooper too?” Anakin asks.
“No sir, I’m trained to be a pilot. I want to fly sir,” Hawk tells Anakin, who nods.
“I’ll make that happen-don’t worry,” Anakin assures the clone. Hawk looks to Jesse, who gives him a thumbs up.
As Anakin goes through the men Rex introduced him to, getting to know them, Obi-wan stands and watches, thinking to himself. Most Jedi do not do this. The Jedi know their commanders, their captains, but not every clone in their battalion. That’s why it was easier to assign the clones numbers. But Anakin is getting to know them as men, as people who have dreams, and likes and dislikes. They’re all currently gathered around the young man as Obi-wan watches silently.
“So General, do you mind if I ask you how you got that scar?” The one called Ax, asks. Obi-wan’s eyes widen as his memory assaults him. Flashes of what happened appear in his mind before hearing Anakin’s cry of pain echo in his head.
“Oh-this? I was on Geonosis when my Master and Senator Amidala were chained to this pole-“ Anakin begins to lie. Anakin knows Obi-wan is obsessing over his injury and the fact that it was he who gave Anakin his scar. Obi-wan hurries out while Anakin finishes the story with breaking out of the chains, killing the animals attacking them and the reinforcements coming to get them, missing his Master exiting the hangar to be alone.
Months pass though it’s just one long, seemingly endless battle to the Jedi. Brothers have become enemies as war raged around them. Their battle-weary soldiers turned on the Jedi and executed them. The last time Obi-wan had seen Anakin…Anakin-Anakin…was when he told his padawan to update the Chancellor while he was to report to the Council. He had seen him again…only…after reuniting with Master Yoda, did Obi-wan learn of Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side. Holorecordings of the Temple showed Anakin, already turned, kill Younglings. Nearly all of the Jedi still at the Temple were killed by Anakin’s 501st battalion, thanks to the inhibitor chips implanted in every clones’ head. Anakin went to Mustafar to kill the remaining Separatists. Padmé, Anakin’s wife, tried to stop him, unaware Obi-wan snuck aboard her ship. Anakin, his in rage, mortally wounded his wife by Force-choking her, forcing Obi-wan to step in and battle his fallen padawan. Lava and heat…and anger. So much anger. Obi-wan was overwhelmed by it. Each block took everything out of the man as Anakin roared in frustration. Through the smoke of the collapsing facility, Obi-wan makes out Anakin’s face, his once sky-blue eyes are now a golden yellow, the eyes of the Sith. His scar accentuates his harsh glare and the anger that radiates from him.
Obi-wan sees his opening and leaps onto the black rocky glass that touches the river of lava.
“It’s over Anakin!!! I have the high ground!” Obi-wan warns once.
“You underestimate my power!” Anakin snarls back.
“Don’t try it!” Obi-wan begs.
“RAAAAUUUGHH!!!!” Anakin yells as he leaps. He flips just as Obi-wan swings. The sound of his lightsaber connecting with flesh pierces his ears before Anakin’s scream of pain.
“GAAAAHHHH!!!” Anakin screams as he tumbles to the ground, in pieces. Most of him, his torso, head, and right arm are still in tact while his legs, cut at mid-thigh, and left arm are smoldering where the lightsaber cut. Obi-wan shuts off his lightsaber as he watches his former padawan struggle and groan in pain. Obi-wan shuts his eyes angrily as his Master’s words echo in his mind.
“YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!!! IT WAS SAID THAT YOU’D DESTROY THE SITH-NOT JOIN THEM!! BRING BALANCE TO THE FORCE!!!! NOT LEAVE IT IN DARKNESS!!” Obi-wan yells at him as tears stream down his face. Quigon died for you, Obi-wan wanted to say, but he held his tongue. Anakin lifts his head to glare angrily at his former master.
“I HATE YOU!!!!” Anakin yells at him as he struggles.
“YOU WERE MY BROTHER ANAKIN!!! I LOVED YOU!!” Obi-wan yells back. The steep incline and Anakin’s struggling has actually made him closer to the river of lava and once he’s close enough, he starts screaming from the pain of the heat. That’s when what’s left of his thighs suddenly catch on fire.
“AAAUUUGHHHH!!! AAAAAAUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!” Anakin screams as he’s burned alive. Obi-wan, watching the for the first couple seconds, eventually has to look away, unable to watch the man he considered to be his little brother, be in so much pain. He picks up Anakin’s deactivated lightsaber as flashes of that day in training intrude his mind. He takes a breath and hurries back to the ship to check on Padmé as Anakin’s screams being burned alive echo behind him.
Years pass. Both Skywalker twins have been placed in loving, but separate homes, for their own good. Obi-wan has decided to look after Luke since he knew Bail and his family were the safest place for Leia and wouldn’t be needed. How he was wrong. It was about 10 years until his friend, Senator Organa contacted him to help him rescue Leia. Obi-wan, begrudgingly obliged, and now, after finally getting the girl to a ship home, after getting so close, Darth Vader has stopped them. Obi-wan knew that Vader is only interested in him, so, Obi-wan chooses to fight him alone, instructing Haja, a trusted thief and Roken, a leader in the rebellion, to protect Leia. Obi-wan decided to take a small shuttle ship.
He finds a small, remote area and lands before waiting for Vader. Obi-wan sticks his hand in his pocket and feels something cold and metal. He pulls the object out and smiles when he sees it’s Lola, Leia’s droid pal. He puts the droid on the dashboard before heading out.
Obi-wan sees an Imperial ship land before it opens. Out walks a tall, menacing figure all in black. Buttons cover the chest plate and a black cape billows behind the masked figure and the sound of a ventilator happens every few seconds, indicating breathing.
“Have you come to destroy me, Obi-wan?” Vader asks.
“I will do what I must-“ Obi-wan says, igniting his blue lightsaber before dropping into his familiar stance, pointing 2 fingers at his former apprentice.
The two fight and at first, it seems neither will gain the upper hand. That is, until Vader manages to bury Obi-wan. The older man manages to stop from getting crushed by using the Force. Thoughts of Leia and even Luke flash through his mind. His love for his padawan may be gone, but the Obi-wan has love for his ‘brother’s’ children. And that’s what helped him get free. His love for Luke and Leia made him stronger. He raced after Vader, hoping to catch him before he left for the others, and luckily, he did, though his sneak attack didn’t quite work.
The former master and padawan duel until Obi-wan manages to slash the small beeping console on Vader’s chest.
“GAH!” Vader screams in pain though it sounds warped and distorted…robotic. Obi-wan takes his moment to slash Vader’s helmet, breaking it to expose what’s underneath.
Obi-wan watches in horror as Vader straightens to face him.
“Anakin,” Obi-wan’s breath catches in his throat. Tears form in his eyes and threaten to spill over when he sees what’s happened to his former brother.
“Anakin’s gone. I am what remains,” Vader responds, straightening. Obi-wan shakes his head ever so slightly.
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry Anakin…for all of it,” Obi-wan apologizes.
“I am not your failure, Obi-wan. You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker…I did,” Vader tells the older man, his voice mixing with his robotic ventilator. Obi-wan’s watery, pleading look changes into pure sadness.
“Then my friend is truly dead,” Obi-wan realizes. He shuts off his lightsaber.
“Goodbye…Darth,” Obi-wan acknowledges Vader and walks away.
“Obi-wan!!!” Vader yells before collapsing to a knee. He watches Obi-wan leave, abandoning him again.
“OBI-WAAAAAAN!!!!!!” Vader screams as Obi-wan leaves him behind. All Obi-wan can think of, is how sorry he is.
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rabble-dabble · 3 years
It's so weird as a HC/3L fan to see like. "DNI MCYT" when they actually mean "this very specific YT'er and his fans". Like, not even touching Dream-related controversies... You're gonna put people like TFC, an old man who just likes to strip mine, or Stressmonster, sweetheart extraordinaire, indirectly on a DNI just because a specific SMP has people you don't like? And that's just the two biggest SMPs! The diversity of MCYT is astounding and it's silly putting it in a DNI as a whole.
as a dsmp, i understand it might be both confusing and frustrating. i know there's some crossover sometimes because some of the dsmp streamers are friends/know the HC/3L crowd (scottsmajor, grian, mumbo jumbo, etc...)
it just shows how they honestly don't care enough to research or put the effort in finding mcyts not associated with the dreamsmp. just like they don't care about spreading misinformation or the claims they make up, they just won't hesitate or think their claims through and just put the "mcyt dni" without thinking it through that there are literally HUNDREDS of mcyts they are grouping in with the people they "believe" are bad. they just believe all of them are bad, grouping that entire term together despite its diversity, which makes me wonder where the (reasonable, hopefully, but probably not) line they're gonna make is.
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helsknight · 2 years
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i know i'm late for the anniversary i know it. but let me have this bit anyway
(song is rejoice by ajj)
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jester-step · 3 years
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these memes are a cry for help if you’re a former mcyt kid who got back into minecraft through the dsmp and who’s now migrating to hermitcraft for s8 speak up so i can feel less alone aksfjsjdj
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bdoubleowo · 3 years
Sorry to all the HC/Empires/3rd life fans for the person I am now that Techno has streamed
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lots-o-stuff · 4 years
Karasuno Team with S/O HC (GN)
This actually took me forever but I’m so happy with how it turned out, also i figured out i cannot for the life of me write for quiet/nervous/shy characters very well so sorry for how Asahi, Kiyoko, Yamaguchi and Yachi turned out...
also sorry Kageyama’s was so short
daddy i mean Daichi is hot, you are hot, therefore you are both a very hot couple
Honestly you being with Daichi means you’ve replaced Suga as team mom hinata has called you mom on multiple occasions
Y’all act like a married couple it actually annoys the team how much you love each other
This man is protective, P R O T E C T I V E, and jealous like Tanaka and Nishinoya better not hit on you because Dadchi will destroy them
Although he doesn't mean to he def shows you off, it's just he loves you so much he can't keep his hands off you 
y’all are chaotic as FUCK
I mean everyone knows suga is the chaotic one out of the 3rd years but when the two of you are together? be prepared 
because you two can be as bad if not worse than Tanaka and Nishinoya which raises Asahi’s blood pressure 
you both are also very thicked skinned, so you tease each other relentlessly and brutally honestly Daichi would be so confused, think y’all are fighting 
Doesn’t really care about pda or showing you off but is NOT afraid to show people who you belongs too ;)
Nervous baby boi, definitely didn't make the first move
constantly worried he’s gonna mess up, please assure him he’s doing fine, again he's a nervous baby boi
Daichi and Suga find it hilarious how confident you are compared to Asahi and constantly tease him for it, like during practice, class, breaks, after school, anytime they can.
N E ways, this man absolutely adores you, Noya calls him a simp and he just doesn't know what it means and when they (tanaka and noya) explain it to him, he's just like, ok? and?
He doesn't show you off thinking you won't like it but if you give him the ok hell subtly show you off, just small touches, etc
U L T I M A T E   S I M P
this boi will literally take a bullet for you, no joke
he loves you soo freaking much it's unbelievable, and everyone knows it, Suga is proud of him, Kiyoko is just glad that the attention is off of her
You are probably the only person who is able to calm Noya right down, and the team LOVES you because of it, calms down noya? is pretty? and smart? done the team loves you
If you don’t think this man is showing you off then you have a different Nishinoya, everyone under the sun knows about your relationship, he’ll be gassing you up in front of everyone man.
U L T I M A T E   S I M P   PT.2
has definitely ask you to step on him unironically he’ll die if you do
was actually so nervous to talk to you at first that when you walked into the gym to give him something the team thought he was sick because it was so ooc
he is honestly a baby behind closed doors, he wants your attention and will throw a fit if you don't give it, and like he gets very jealous very quickly
he is showing you off, no questions asked.
now at first people think you two barely know each other cold stares am i right?
I mean kags isn’t a huge talker so seeing you two together they assume you are acquaintances  
but in reality you two know each other better than anyone else
you two are each other’s safe haven i wish
doesn’t show you off except when hinata is around
ok that was overdramatic but still this little ball of sunshine has so much energy its ridiculous
you too are so cute, everytime the team sees you together its like watching two young kids seeing each other for the first time in a week, does that make sense? probably not
he seriously loves you though and would literally walk halfway across the world for you
he will show you off to everyone, EVERYONE, the team, his class, his family, random strangers, everyone
Get ready to be teased, at all times, breakfast lunch and dinner, 24/7
but tease him back, seriously this boy has NO clue how to show his affection so he does what he knows best being salty
anyway no one realises you guys are dating for ages because you act the same and just insult each other for fun
THIS BOY, I swear to god, THIS BOY, is a jealous, clingy ass, he wont show it in public but ooooo when you get home? ;)
He won’t show you off, at all, not even to prove to ’The king’ that he is better, because “he has pride”
honestly think he DID make the first move but it was so awkward and rushed you probably missed half of what he said but once it clicked that he was confessing to you, omg your blush made him feel so proud
When he introduces you to the team Tanaka and Noya lose it that he is with someone as cute as you
He is so scared that you are gonna leave him that you need to reassure him please reassure him
The only person this boy will show you off to his Tsukki, and its just because he wants his best friend and Partner to get along Tsukki is secretly proud
she was just too adorable for you too resist!
you whole relationship is you too braving the world together knowing that you are safe with each other
You probably get a huge talking to by the team when they meet you for the first time and Yachi introduces you as her partner
She is too afraid to show you off, but is happy to talk about you to Kiyoko
She made the first move, you don’t get a choice
She is so stoic and quiet at times that you honestly just don’t know if she cares about you
but she does, she loves you so much it's ridiculous and she makes sure you know of it when you guys are alone and in private
When you met the team most were happy for the two of you but Tanaka and Nishinoya legit started crying, just be glad Kiyoko mentioned this would probably happen beforehand
she doesn’t show you off, she doesn’t need to, you both love and trust eachother and thats all that matters
I’m seriously so proud of this, anyways please request! I do x readers, headcanons, bad fan art, fics, ships, sfw and nsfw (within reason).
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beacon-lamp · 3 years
I was in 2018 Hermitcraft to I think around... I think it was at the beginning of Sahara becoming a big thing? And I did not survive the fandom and got into a lot of drama and it ruined the experience of watching Hermitcraft ig and now I feel weird whenever I watch Hermitcraft stuff? And also feel bad because everyone's having fun and stuff watching the Hermits and but whenever I try to watch them I feel weird. But I kinda wanna start watching again but it's hard.
Idk why I thought to tell you that. You know a lot about Hermitcraft and how to watch so maybe you know something that'd be useful.
I am in the Dream SMP fandom btw if that means anything.
oh i'm really sorry to hear that. i started watching at the very end of season 6, but wasn't even aware there was a fandom community for hc until like late last summer.
i'd honestly maybe recommend watching 3rd Life? it's a very short series, only 8ish episodes, and it has the vibes and chaos of like lmanburg era dsmp. and it has some hermit members so there's familiar faces, but there's also plenty of non-hermit members.
but if you do wanna get back into hermitcraft, i'd probably suggest just watching a completely new hermit you didn't really used to watch? to sort of press the Restart button.
if you're looking for suggestions, i love bdubs and etho's vibes. etho wasn't active in season 6 and bdubs joined mid-season 6 when sahara was just kicking off, so there's a good chance you might not have watched either of their content before?
at the end of the day, it's minecraft youtube! it's supposed to be fun! and fan communities are supposed to enhance that experience of enjoying media with other people! and if it's not, then there's no pressure to keep watching or participating in that fandom when there's so much other content out there.
i hope this helps a bit :)
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meduise · 4 years
Whats some of ur fav dino, dino/hibari hcs?
finally i could reply to this ask!! which, anon, i still thank you for bc its the best thing i could ever be asked to talk about ww
reading will likely take some time, but i hope you and whoever else reads this post will share some hcs or at least find them nice ad interesting enough! and of course, i’ll be happy to answer more asks about it!! like the hibari-only post, i may come back to this one and update it over time
general warning for death mentions and spoilers from the novel “haneuma stampede”!!
hopefully this post wont be hidden from the tag search
dino headcanons
until i read about haneuma stampede, i pretty much always headcanoned dino’s hometown being naples, and this because i have neapolitan origins myself www in the light novel we get to know that dino’s hometown is a port city facing the adriatic sea (east) hence the opposite coast to naples, since this town faces the tyrrhenian sea (west). because of this piece of information, tho, i started thinking dino could be from bari, apulia’s capital city
being that a self projection, im still attached to that hc, so to keep at least a part of it i gave dino neapolitan grandparents LOL i mean, it’s not unlikely anyway
this is a recent hc but dino has a huge crush on is a big fan of immanuel casto, a gay italian singer whose most songs are explicit or suggestive and provocative
i think we all can agree that romario is like a second father to dino, right? their bond gets even stronger after cavallone nono’s death ;; romario will occasionally drop his habit to call dino “boss” and call him with his first name instead. dino will remind romario quite often how important he is to him beyond his role as his right-hand man
What Do You Mean Dino’s Tattoos Magically Appeared On His Body When He Was Deemed The Worthy Successor,,, i (falls on my knees) hc’ed that getting them done took A LOT and hurt A LOT and he yelled A LOT to the tattoo artist to stop inking and to his family that he didnt want to belong to that world,,,, im sorry dino
his tattoo and his duty as a boss in general dont give him much freedom (or should i say they dont give him freedom at all) so among the other hcs of situations where he has to cover his left arm, i have this one where dino cant but go to the beach when its empty and/or at night so that no one can see him but his men
the years may pass but he will still blame himself for his father’s death. and i mean. its pretty much true that it was his fault orz thanks light novel for giving me depress
onto the personality-wise hcs,, i talked about hibari’s enneagram type so i cant not do that for dino too. dino is 2w1, which gets called the servant. starting with the basic type: depending on the level of health, the two (”the helper”) ranges from being the most genuinely caring and helpful type to other people to being the type who gives expecting to be given something back to being the type who manipulates people into caring about them. i dont believe dino has fallen or will ever fall into the very unhealthy pit but he does get on the level where he thinks his generosity is the only thing that tie people to him and his people-pleasing attitude starts getting suffocating. he can be quite possessive, too. in a few words, type one is a very principled type, who fears being defective, bad and corrupt. therefore i assigned dino the one wing to kinda enhance the following paradox: being what he hates the most, aka part of a rotten system such as the mafia one. and with a role as a boss, to it. dino as a teenager never wanted to succeed to his father, and even now he wishes he didnt belong to that world but he loves his family, and even tho according to the moral he deserves to go to jail together with his men, he is self-admittedly too much of a coward to do that (theres so much more to add to this but if i do it will get REALLY long. there’s going to be another little enneagram talk in the d18 hcs anyway, lol)
dinohiba headcanons
these bitches gay good for them, good for them
advanced apologizes for being an angst fucker but for years my #1 headcanon has been a quite twisted one about dino and hibari not allowing themselves die by the hand of someone who isn’t each other’s. its a sort of oath. they feel like if one of them dies it will be unforgivable, and this will lead them to ultimately kill each other. in their mind, “it’s either both or none of them”, both know that they won’t be able to bear with the other being gone forever (yes, hibari too) and the only solution they find is leaving the world together, the same way they fought on it and against it together. the scenario i thought for this is a duel inside the reverse globe of needles. their last fight in hibari’s ultimate technique so that it’s literally just a world made of the two of them lol lol lol
tbh dino didnt like hibari at first, and with hibari being hibari it takes them long to warm up to each other. for long i mean some years w (years of anger, fights, hardship, trauma reveal, and so on)
their first bonding moment happens when hibari finds out about fon (yeah, all the stuff i talked about in my hibari hc post to which i have to add: i made my own timeline where the arcobaleno arc happens about 2 years later than shown in canon). dino is there to comfort him. dino hugs hibari and he lets him do. hibari cries. HIBARI CRIES for the third (3rd) time in his life there
i have this kinda specific hc of dino overhearing hibari sing hitoribocchi no sadame and getting sad about its lyrics
for obvious reasons even when they start dating they’re forced to spend most of the time away from each other but they make sure to be together at least on every anniversary
i love the established relationship trope so much therefore 80% of the times i think and write about them hibari is in his 30s and these two have been married for like 7 years 
i’ll get to the marriage proposal and ceremony another time hopefully in a fic too but of course romario and fon are chosen for their best men
idk if people consider ship playlists and such as hcs, but i associate savages by kerli and someone to stay by vancouver sleep clinic to them ;;
about someone to stay: the line will you fix me up? will you show me hope? is hibari -> dino, and the line can you keep me close? can you love me most? is dino -> hibari
and finally, to go back to the topic of enneagram: their compatibility according to their types. on the institute’s official site theres already a good description, which makes me cry everytime i go back to it because it literally starts with “These two types are more alike than they might appear to be at first”. part of this is given by the fact that unhealthy twos get the unhealthy traits of eights and healthy eights get the healthy traits of twos. i made a scheme for it:
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i admit that i have no proof that the comparison is legit for the wings too, but finding out the stress/growth correlation even for them was very validating and satisfying, lol
some headcanons are missing from this post bc i decided to post the most important and my fave ones (the fave ones are those asked for in the first place but i cant shut up ashdjsdhfdjsdhfg)
but either way OVERALL i really, really love imagining both dino and hibari overcoming their hardships, individually and together, becoming the better versions of themselves the more the years pass, bringing their best qualities to each other and learning to accept and appreciate their different points of view. 
because of the way they are at first they... dont really start good, but with health and trust they make a powercouple tbh
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juliankinney · 4 years
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━━ ( alex fitzalan + cis male + twenty-two ) oi , have you seen julian kinney around ? he lives in flat 14 in bedroom 4 ? i was meant to meet them this morning at bean me up before our lecture but he didn’t show . no ? well , shit . if you do see them , can you tell them i’m looking for them ? they’re a 4th year computer science student from madrid , spain & you’ll know it’s them because they might just remind you of a stack of unread books , the sound of keyboard typing at three in the morning , coffee creamer in every flavor , & unprescribed pills if that helps at all . just be careful , he can be a little distant , critical , & compulsive sometimes . —- oh don’t look like that , they’re usually ingenious , reliable , & confident most of the time . ✏ y! , 22 , she/her , cst
alright whats up guys, as jd once said, greetings and salutations!! im y and this here is julian, who i’ve known for two hours but adore already anyway. i usually play dumbass boys and he’s no exception, but i like to think he might just be a little less dumb than the rest of them. so lets jump into it!!! ♡
for starters here is his messy pinterest board that i made.. like i said... it is a mess, and still a work in progress but y’all can have it anyway!! (fun fact: was gonna make him texan but pepper called him country boy and i was triggered!!!!!!!!!!)
 julian was the conception of two teenagers in love during the 90′s in spain; a local and a tourist. the pair were just seventeen when they became parents but it was a whole ordeal at the time because his father’s side of the family did not want anything to do with this impregnated nobody. it wasn’t his grandfather’s vision!!! his son was supposed to go into adulthood unscathed by his mistakes!!! as you can guess julian’s mom side of the family were your blue-collared society while his father’s side was more white-collared. at the time his mother was a student and helped her own mom with the family tailor shop while her father worked as a cook in a restaurant. on the other end of the spectrum, the kinney’s were in the film industry and of old money. needless to say, the two families had little in common.
the kinney’s tried to pay this girl off but her family was 100% not having it and after many arguments and empty threats they came to an agreement. said agreement was that julian would have his rightful surname and would stay in spain and the family would receive a weekly stipend for his expenses. in return no one would say a thing to the press— which, honestly was only ever a threat because the kinney’s wanted to pretend like nothing had happened. 
and so julian grew up in madrid with a single mother and the help of his grandparents. as far as he knew his father had died shortly after he had been born and had been madly in love with his mother (that part was true). the only reason he didn’t share a name with the rest of his family was because the pair had never married, which, would have been the truth regardless. everything was fine; he grew up working at the family shop, attended school, skipped school, maintained amazing grades while simultaneously spending 1/3rd of the time in detention, lost his virginity to marisol cordova in her lilac colored room, etc. he had the most basic upbringing a kid could have.
then his father died. his real father. and suddenly, on paper, he was well off. it wasn’t easy for his mother to tell him the truth when his grandfather stepped foot into the one story home like he had seventeen years ago with that sour look on his face, but she was forced to. she had no other choice. devastated as she was (and she was truly heartbroken), she told him the story of how one day during the summer of 96′ she met james kinney, and how the next year he came back. then, his grandfather informed him of his father’s will and how he’d have access to his inheritance once he turned eighteen.
it was... a lot to process, and as julian does when he feels overwhelmed, he got angry. he was very upset with his mother and even more so with this old man he was meeting for the first time who kept calling him shit like ‘his only grandson’ and ‘a kinney by blood’. it was infuriating for julian, and his mother further telling him about their weekly allowance among other expenses over the years did not help. at all.
that is how julian found out his father was a successful actor turned director, generally known for an action packed franchise released in the 2000′s. it was mind boggling— he’d turn on the tv only to see a picture of his now dead father on screen, news coverage of the deadly car accident that occurred during en route to manchester on every channel. it just didn’t make any sense and was very hard to feel sad for. besides, his mother had enough sadness for the both of them. at his funeral, the two had to stay in the back while the family tried to come up with a game plan of how things were going to move forward; james’ widow was not happy to see her husbands former lover and child at the scene. 
anyways in spite the fact that julian wanted nothing to do with the kinney’s, his grandfather had other plans. a vision of his own for the only grandchild his son had brought into the world, and that started with schooling. julian graduated and had no plans for college until his grandfather threatened to contest the will if he chose to stray from the path, and they needed the money; so college it was. a college of his grandfather’s choice of course, and what better place than somewhere closed off enough to distance julian from the outer world but elite in its own right? 
his grandfather’s plan basically is to make him successful, and being that julian has no interest in their world, he’s had to compromise and just live with the fact that julian is just going to be your regular everyday man. he’s only really doing all of this because he feels guilt over the years but not guilty enough to tell the world that there’s an extra kinney lying around (last names are so common right!?!??!) . however, he still wants him to be in the family. as in everyone in the direct family knows of him and he gets to be involved in all family affairs, etc, but julian just does not give a fuck about them fksdhjfs specially because of how they fucked over his mom and how james’ widow is so fucking bitter about the will.
ANYWAYS he’s been at the school for four years now, gets his schooling paid by his grandfather but still has a job because pride or whatever, and will hack into your shit!
i love him, he’s sweet but also not annoyingly sweet. as in yeah he’s nice and polite but has no problem squaring up due to his short temper. kind of blunt sometimes though, and either is dumb or acts dumb if he says something that might hurt someones feelings. like oh.. sorry you feel that way ksjfsdkln
super smart???? has amazing grades and constantly does his work; knows how to multitask and balance his life out (for the most part... at least until he burns himself out). an intellectual™ . not an eboy but i guess u could say a little bit of a gamer,, has tik tok downloaded on his phone, the dad friend i guess
is either in one end of the spectrum or the other when it comes to socializing. most of the time though he finds it exhausting,, talking is hard but once he does start talking it’s like shut up dude no one cares about javascript 
has a small pill problem,, he’s got to be successful somehow right !! also drinks lots of coffee and is a fan of coffee creamer, does not like the strawberry shortcake creamer though because ew. only tea he will drink is matcha green tea, anything else can suck it. 
has also developed some ~anxious~ feelings , why ? idk, light trauma i guess. his pill usage sure doesn’t help though! loser! ... tbh maybe his anxiousness has grown over the years because he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do after school like he has money (that he tries not to use if i’m being honest, would rather use the money he gains from his job which i haven’t decided what should be. leave me alone), and will have a degree, but he’s still just questioning everything?? things have just been weird
sometime during middle school years (idk whats the equivalent of this in spain, shut up) he got into computers and... i’m not proud of this but his first hack was into this girls account that he liked and bro all he wanted to do was see some titties man thats it i promise. that crush did not work out, obvs.
anyways yes he continued down this computer path and made an app during high school!!! it wasn’t successful at all and he eventually deleted it but good for him coding and shit!!! 
would hack into school systems to help out his buds and their grades. yeah they could have just copied off of him but... where is the fun in that lads 
sometime he be just looking up ‘james kinney interviews’ on youtube just to see who this dude was dshjkg poor lad
can speak english and spanish ,, has that lisp thingy spaniards have i hate it but i guess whatever 
kind of messy honestly, can someone clean his desk 
literally anything just hmu i can’t come up with these things tbh
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breanime · 5 years
so it's a toss up between bloody secrets and heartworm for me. i'd love to know the inspiration for BS... and for heartworm... any sort of character HC or insights would be really fun.
Okay, I needed to get my laptop for this one. Here we go... (added a Read More because it got a little wordy)
Bloody Secrets
Ugh, my baby! So this was the very first Billy Russo story I ever wrote, and I wrote it with an audience of one in mind: me. I think I had the first...three or four parts done by the time I shared it with Bandit? So, the original version was in 3rd person, and the reader was an OC named Kira. On a whim, I changed it to 2nd person and asked @banditthewriter if she wouldn’t mind looking at it--and she did! She gave me some great pointers and compliments that encouraged me to post it. 
Really, for that story, I just wanted to play around with the idea that Billy had done/was doing bad things, but he wasn’t a villain. And I wanted his love interest to be in a similarly grey area in her own life. It was important to me, especially after reading Bandit’s work and @dreamwritesimagines ‘s Bad Habits, that my reader be a full fledged character on her own and not JUST exist to make doe-eyes at Billy. (I’m embarrassed to bring this up, but if you go back and look at the early chapters of BS, you’ll see some places where it still says “her” or “she” instead of “you” or “your” where I didn’t replace the 3rd person pronouns). 
But what really fueled me for that story was the feedback I got. I’ve been writing my entire life, but I’ve never posted anything to fanfiction.net (showing my age here, haha) or AO3 or anything else. This tumblr is my one and only avenue to share my work. It’s been so amazing to get comments and reblogs and asks about my writing, and for BS, it really made writing it easy for me. Even when I got stuck, people encouraged me and made me want to keep writing. Sometimes I see people liking BS and it makes me so happy to know that it still resonates with people--even though it’s flawed. It was my first baby, and I’m proud of it. 
Maaaaaaan, I binge watched The Punisher season two in...what? two? three nights? with @teacuplotus, and man. I was disappointed. Billy’s death was whack--I was okay with the idea of him dying, but the way he died... That was such a let down. The lack of any real conversation between Frank and Billy was disappointing for me, too. Ben and Jon are such great actors and I LOVE their scenes together; I wish we could have gotten more. I also didn’t care for Pilgrim or Amy tbh, and I really like the actor who played Pilgrim. But that whole storyline fell flat to me. But the worst thing, the absolute worst thing about season 2 to me was the romance.
I could go on and on about how much I hate Krista, but I won’t. I’ll leave it at this: her role as a doctor--a doctor treating Billy--the way she chose to treat him, the way she manipulated and played him while he was struggling with his memories and trauma--was sickening. I despised every moment of it. So having to watch that hot donkey shit was nauseating. Don’t get me wrong, as Barnacle, I loved seeing Ben play Billy in love--genuinely infatuated with someone--with the flower buying and the sex scenes and his soft little smiles--but as a fan of the show and a fan of Billy... I thought: “why does he HAVE to have a love interest?”
And then @songtoyou sent me a request for Billy going to an ex’s place instead of Krista’s after he escaped the hospital, and I thought... “yeaaaaah...if he HAS to have one, why couldn’t it have been someone from his past? Someone who knew him pre-Anvil, pre-betrayal? Someone who loves him and who he loves in return? Who knows Frank and Curtis, but would choose Billy over them if it ever came to it?”
And Heartworm was born! I have SO many plans for Heartworm if I ever get back to writing (which I will, I hope, soon), that I’m excited to try out and see people’s reactions to! 
Thanks for the ask, and sorry it got so long haha!
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Some of the headcanons the mod has for her boys (warning loooooong) slight nsfw warning?? Maybe?
⁃ Aizawa is a trans gay male
⁃ All Might is a cis bisexual male
⁃ Mic is pansexual and genderqueer (but doesn’t mind he, him pronouns)
⁃ Mic is like 90% deaf and has been from a young age, he has special hearing aids made so as to not hurt is ears when using his quirk
⁃ Aizawa started a club for trans kids at UA, and yes he is called ‘the transparent’
⁃ (The kids are trying to change the name to “the trans cult”, it’s almost working)
⁃ Deku is a trans guy and all might is super supportive!
⁃ All Might is extremely ticklish, his skin (especially near his scar) is really sensitive to touch and you can bet your ass aizawa and mic use this against him!
⁃ Aizawa owns a hairless cat named Iris, she’s dark, long and has pretty blue eyes
⁃ Mic owns a cockatoo name Pom , he is silent and loves to bite things.
⁃ Pom only knows three words, ‘Dad’, ‘Yeah’ and Aizawa, everything else is just whistles and sounds
⁃ Pom hates iris but iris loves Pom (odd)
⁃ All Might has sleep through Pom screeching for 8 hours straight, woke up because iris hit him in the face
⁃ Aizawa has been known by the mics neighbors as cat man because of iris and her love of fallowing Aizawa everywhere
⁃ All Might was so tired once that, right in front of press, he put his head on Aizawa’s and just, passed out while standing
⁃ When their relationship went public, shit hit the fan! Aizawa couldn’t leave his apartment, all Might nearly had an aneurysm and mic nearly deafened someone when they startled him. They had to hold a press conference just to get everything out so no one got hurt or something else.
⁃ All Might is no longer aloud to know any memes, anyone to tell him a meme gets detention and 10x the amount of homework. This is because he yelled “yeet” as he dropped Aizawa into mics arms, resulting in a sprained wrist and a broken tail bone. This is forever called the yeet incident.
⁃ Bakugou has had a screaming contest with mic and, amazingly, got a tie.
⁃ Bakugou also is no longer around anywhere near microphones, not because of the sports festival, but because he yelled “ if your gay and you know fucking scream!” Into the schools intercoms for about 20 seconds,all of class 1-A now has that as their anthem.
⁃ All Might loves the whole class of 1-A, but he still can’t handle them calling him dad might
⁃ Kirishima showed all Might that photo someone made with a picture of small Might with a mustache and a gun, that’s called gun-Might. All Might loves it.
⁃ All mights eyes glow in the dark, Aizawa’s do too but only when his quirk is active. Mic is freaked out by this.
⁃ Mic loves vintage cameras and has at least 6
⁃ Aizawa ran away a lot as a kid, not because he hated his parents or they were abusive, they were just too clingy and strict so he’s not into a lot of touching for this reason
⁃ Aizawa has a big scar on his lower back from a villian with a quirk involving metal.
⁃ All Might was raised by a single mother and refuses to tell anyone about his father.
⁃ Deku’s dad isn’t dead, he’s a villian that got caught and is in jail but he and deku still have a good relationship, deku visits once every other month
⁃ All Might has a heart shaped birthmark on his thigh
⁃ Aizawa has nipple piercings
⁃ Mic’s mom and surrogate father are both quirkless, his quirk skipped a generation from his grandfather ( on his mothers side) to him.
⁃ All Might is Japanese American and moved between japan, America and Britain until he was 9 and finally settled fully in Japan at 10
⁃ Aizawa is 1/5 german, but knows the entire language as his mom taught it to him, it’s actually his first language and he reverts back when extremely mad or happy
⁃ The boys are all actually engaged but just don’t have time to plan so there is no date set yet.
⁃ Aizawa’s grandmother was extremely transphobic and was one of the main reasons he didn’t come out until middle school (the time she passed)
⁃ His mom and dad were actually okay with this,surprisingly, but did give him hell for being gay
⁃ Mic has two mothers and a surrogate father who’s very involved in mics life ever since he was born.
⁃ One is mom, the other is mama, his dad is called pops.
⁃ Aizawa was raised to call both parents mother and father, be responsible and respectful. His parents were very strict. (As said earlier)
⁃ All Might loves anything that even remotely reminds him of his mother, the reason he likes uraraka most of the girls in 1-A is because of this, his mother had soft cheeks and brunette hair the same shade as uraraka.
⁃ Also one of the reason he tolerates bakugou, he has the same eye color and nose shape as his mother.
⁃ Aizawa hates mic’s mustache with a passion ((like mod does))
⁃ All might fucking towers both these little shits so much, that Aizawa’s apartment doors are too small for him (6’3 is my height hc for all Might with his quirk non active, 6’6 when active)
⁃ All mights mother had a healing quirk
⁃ All Might hates miracle whip but loves mayo, he can always know the difference just by the smell.
⁃ Aizawa has allergies to polyester and isn’t aloud to go house shopping with mic and all might so he doesn’t get an allergic reaction, but he does get an input, mic sends him pics
⁃ Once Aizawa had an allergic reaction in front of the class and instead of ignoring like most would think, he literally said ‘nope’ turned and walked away sneezing. All Might had to watch the class but he was proud of aizawa.
⁃ All Might is the least of the three to start sexual encounters, Aizawa is the most, which is genuinely the opposite of what everyone thinks.
⁃ Aizawa has braces in UA and, oh boy, did it suck! He had to wear mouth guards until 3rd year when he got them out!
Well, that’s all I could think of for now, but if you want I can elaborate on any of them, just thought this might bring in some ask! - Emi
Ps. Sorry for the inactivity, I’m trying but Ive got no asks, and those are kinda the point of an ask blog sooo mmm
Pps. This was written at 4 pm in a sleep deprived haze so there is still some mistakes.
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jojosbabe · 2 years
I dunno if i posted my josuke f/o rant yet so here it is. I used a template i found on here and went from there. So don't blame me for the stronk questions.
Plus these are just my opinions. You don't have to like or agree fully. And you can have whatever hcs you want even if i highly disagree.
Ok warning over.
1) what’s a Hot Take you have about your f/o?: that he doesn't wanna fuck his best friend. Look i don't care if y'all hc josuke as bi. I don't mind.(i hc him that too) But he doesn't wanna date or fuck okuyasu. He's just friends. He can have guy friends without wanting to date them. Just as anyone regardless of gender or sexuality. If y'all actually had healthy friendships or even some damn friends. Maybe y'all would understand. But y'all can't have healthy relationships with yourselves. So how is anyone to expect you to understand how to have a healthy relationship with other people. Am i too on the nose? Good.
2) on what do you disagree with other fans of your f/o?: that he'd be a cop when he graduated/got older. Look i don't wanna seem acab. Actually i do. No. I just can't see him being interested in being a cop. 1st of all its too much work in his eyes. 2nd,He'd never keep his prized hair and 3rd i just don't fucking like it ok?! Screw anyone who sugarcoats this hc. Until shit gets better and trust is earned back,i won't ever trust cops. Sorry not sorry. (Besides i hc him as a hairstylist or dog groomer)
3) did you used to ship your f/o with anyone before realizing you wanted to ship them with yourself ? : No. Only me. Because this boy had my heart eyes as soon as i got introduced to jojos. Next question.
4) do you feel like you have to defend your f/o all the time?: of fucking course! The guy was my first jojo crush and introduction to the series. I will defend him with my life!
5) what’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about your f/o, either on the internet or irl?: honestly i don't have anything ridiculous i heard as much with other fave characters or f/os. Besides what i mentioned above.
6) what are some tropes that fan art of your f/o tends to follow?: oh boy. Where to start. I guess pretty guy trope,delinquent with a heart of gold,maybe fusses with looks?
7) did your f/o deserve better?: honestly,he got a pretty good part and dealing in canon so not much. But better treatment by fans is more so what I'd ask for but for the most part im content minus a few things.
8) do you even like the source your f/o comes from or do you only watch it for them & nothing else?: of course
9) do you distance yourself from other fans of your f/o or their source?: yes. The understatement of the century
10) how did you feel when you realized “oh of course i had to like That Character”?: hahahahhaha. Actually looking back of my love of space dandy and various other characters. Yeah its no shock i love josuke. But also i love prince. So....it just makes sense. Like fr. That gorgeous face,the hair,the eyes,the cute voice,bruuuuuuuh. You'd have to be crazy to not like josuke in some way or form.... or kira
11) do you think it’s better to have a copious amount of content for your f/o, even with the risk of finding a lot of ship art, or better to have a lot less?: sometimes yeah. I can sift through stuff. It's annoying af tho.
12) aren’t you tired of being nice? this is an excuse to rant.: ok look josuke is a Sweetheart. A babe. An absolute cutie....however he isn't above beating ass. Nor is he above doing some pretty delinquent shit. Nothing super illegal tho,his momma would kill him. Like minor shit. Also josuke does love pda,more than let's say jotaro. Not that jotaro is against it. 3taro especially. Tho with jotaro he is less likely to show it back but he'll let you,if that's just how you show affection. Jotaro shows affection in a different way. But this aint about joot. Josuke isn't afraid of pda. He actually loves it. I can't see him sticking his tounge down your throat in public tho(unless its to tell off rohan or prove a point) because josuke is all about romance and tender love. However he has his cheeky moments. But hand holding,arm around waist,stealing kisses,etc. That's fine. He isn't shy about his feelings once he and you guys are dating. Like once the ice is broken it's smooth sailing for this boy. He's a Gemini also. And Geminis love to talk. Sometimes just to talk. A bored josuke is not greato. Also josuke wouldn't hurt his babydoll if you accidentally insult his hair(which i don't understand how or why you would. His hair is gorgeous af and i assume you know the deal with that when you guys started dating,if not by josuke himself then his friends definitely would tell you). But he'd never hurt you. Maybe be passive aggressive as all hell but he'd feel bad afterwards. Also josuke is hella fucking committed,once you got him you got him for life. Like only death would separate you two. But that's not even guaranteed because he might come back just to love on you some more.
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reifromrfa · 7 years
RFA + Minor Trio find out MC is a Ghost
Hey guys! Here’s the last Halloween hc for this year, written by the awesome @rainydayswriter and yours truly ^^ We hope you guys had lots of spooks today or will have lots of spooks, depending on where you are! We hope you enjoy this despite the heavy angst ugh i’m so sorry guys that was my fault ;;; thank you so much to @rainydayswriter for injecting some happiness into these and have a Happy Halloween!
Warning: Angst ahead ;A; 
“You’re gonna suffer, but you’ll be happy about it.” -Ron Weasley
“I think my dorm is haunted.”
Everyday he logs into the chatroom to tell everyone the weird things that are happening around his dorm room
Lights flickering on and off
The chair scraping against the floor as it moves on its own
“Seven I’m telling you!!! My guild members all told me that they can hear a girl laughing whenever my mic is on!!!”
Will probably sleep at another member’s house for a while ;;;
And when he returns he’ll see you typing scary messages on his computer
Let’s face it, there’ll be a lot of screaming and tears from Yoosung
But when he calms down you two start talking and he finds out you're not such a bad person ghost after all
“Did you have to scare me that much, MC? I was terrified you know!” ;;;; poor kid ;;;
Spends his days playing LOLOL, going to school and hanging out with you most of the time
And it was great at first because for the first time, he got to play pranks on other people
You told him the answers for his tests it wasn’t cheating okay, you just told him enough so he could pass ;;;
You guys have so much fun together that you find yourself more and more attracted to him
But you realize he’s spending waaaay too much time with you instead of his friends
Instead of real people
He doesn’t even log in to the RFA chatroom anymore
And you tell him to live his life and just forget about you but he confesses his feelings for you and why is the world so unfair and cruel to him?
First Rika, now you? He’s so deeply and madly in love with you and he doesn’t know what to do okay
You guys cry together for the rest of the night
And you realize...he has to let you go
It will be painful --you would say goodbye but he’d beg you not to leave him
There will be a lot of tears and begging and arguing but in the end, you make him understand that you’re already gone, that he can never have a future with you
And he’s such a bright kid with so much potential
So you leave
Yoosung will be a zombie for months --all the RFA members try to help him but they can’t bring you back anymore
He starts recovering after a while, thinking you’ve gone to a better place and his grades start to improve
When he graduates he’s surrounded by the RFA members and his friends
He’s so happy that doesn’t notice you watching him with a smile on your face and tears in your eyes
How can a ghost look so breathtaking?
When he first found out you were a ghost, he couldn’t believe it because aren’t ghosts supposed to look scary and bloody? ;;;
He’s surprised that he could touch you but he’s relieved that he can
Fans and paparazzi would go INSANE trying to figure out who Zen’s girlfriend is
You guys will just laugh it off and you’d even scare some of the paparazzi stalking Zen
Date nights are something else
“One ticket, sir?”
And he would almost argue that the guy was being rude because the most beautiful woman on the planet was beside him
But then, nobody else can see you, can they?
He’ll hold his tongue and pretend everything's okay
But you see the weight it puts on his shoulders, and you’re so grateful to him for accepting you as is (ie. dead)
You always have the best seat in the house during his performances (aka hovering above the crowd lol)
But whenever you see women looking at him and Zen ignoring everyone, you start to feel guilty
Because those women were all alive and you weren’t; you may love each other, but your love can only go so far
And day by day you feel worse seeing Zen fawn over you when you can never give him a child who would inherit his good looks
So you sit down with him one night and discuss it with him but he immediately stops you
“MC, for a long time I’ve been in relationships where they just wanted me for my fame and my good looks. You’re the first person I’ve met who loves me for me. I want to spend my life with you. Someday, we’ll be together, my princess. Please stay with me until then.”
You agree to stay and you guys are happy for quite sometime but you still can’t shake the feeling that you’re holding him back
“Hyun...I need to go.”
“Go? Go where? Let me grab my ja--”
“No, Hyun. You can’t come with me.”
Dread and fear fills him
And you’re both crying because you both love each other and he doesn’t want you to go
But in the end, he makes you a promise
“My princess, I can’t stop you from leaving...but please wait for me. I will surely find my way back to you again.”
And after a successful career and a long and fruitful life, you’re there waiting for him with a smile
She only saw you when it was absolutely pouring, at the back of the coffee shop on her way to or from the office
You quickly became her confidante, someone she could rage to about her boss or gush about Zen’s work
It became a routine, since you were always at the same place at the same time
You don’t talk much about yourself, but she takes note of every little detail you give
And soon it all kind of adds up
There was an accident not too far from the shop, with one single fatality, someone at the wrong place at the wrong time
And her heart just;;;;
She wants to help you, because you’ve been such a comfort to her, but she doesn’t know how
But you tell her that just spending time with her is more than enough
Her heart is bursting with tears
Spirits are usually caused by lingering regrets or emotions right?
Jaehee suggests leaving the coffee shop one evening, taking a walk
Cautiously, you accept, letting her lead you around at first before you take over, pointing out places you frequented when you lived, where you had worked, your favorite store, the people you had met, the plans you had made
She listens, beaming the entire time, urging you on
When at last, you find yourself back at the coffee shop, which is now closed for the night
“This was the plan all along, wasn’t it Jaehee? To say goodbye properly.”
She takes your hands and promises to think of you every day, and that she truly believes she’ll meet you again some day
You hug each other for a long time before you pass on
It’s so fun to be invisible in a CEO’s penthouse and office
You cause a lot of trouble before getting caught by the one and only Jumin Han
He seems so dull, but he takes the whole ghost situation impressively well?
Asks you why you’re causing mischief at C&R of all places
And you reveal your death was a result of a poorly managed project that links back to his company
He’s stunned and ashamed
But you watch in surprise as he promptly tasks Assistant Kang with appointing an investigation team
And as you spend more time haunting his apartment with him you two begin to fall in love with each other
He’s so tall but that isn’t a problem when you can just float to give him proper ghostly kisses
Elizabeth the 3rd goes absolutely bonkers chasing you around, and the pictures Jumin attempts to take are so confusing and a mess of blurs and the rest of the RFA are so confused
Reads up on spirit lore so that he doesn’t accidentally hurt you with iron or send you away somehow
Requests that you not play tricks on his staff, including but not limited to his maid, his guards, his chef, his stylist, his nutritionist, Elizabeth’s stylist, Elizabeth’s nutritionist, Jaehee ;;;
But he would LOVE it when you scare the hell out of his father’s new girlfriends like he would have such a hard time keeping that smirk off his face
Everything is actually good with Jumin; he doesn’t mind being with you and often reminds you that you are the love of his life and he doesn’t care if you’re dead --he loves you all the same and he just wants you by his side
Nothing can harm you, no other guy can have you and you’re with him virtually 24/7 --he’s the happiest man alive
Until the day his father sets him up with another woman
They need to secure the next heir to C&R
And you can never give him that
He refuses his father, saying he doesn’t care about heirs but it’s too late; you realize you can never give him a future --no marriage, no baby, no growing old together because you’re dead
At the same time, the investigation of your death comes to a close, with consequences being given to those involved in the project
So there was no reason for you to hang around his penthouse anymore..right?
Even though you loved him, you know you can never be together
Jumin would tell you over and over again that he only wants you and needs nothing else but you but he can see he’s already losing you
And the day you leave him is the day Jumin Han becomes the perfect puppet of his father
Hates making you upset for many reasons, which includes the fact that you can fry his technology with a mere thought
Neither of you exist in the world, but you exist to each other and that’s all you can really ask for
Think of all the pranks you can play on Yoosung
You leave messages in blood everywhere, reminding him to eat right and shower and clean up his workspace a little
It’s a little startling at first, but he finds himself looking forward to finding them
And looking forward to hanging out with you
And it takes him a while, but he eventually realizes he’s in love with you
Because you’re so much fun to hang out with and you get all his jokes and his puns
And he wants to spend his life pranking people with you
But remember his route, when he pushed you away so much?
This time, you’re the one who pushes him away when you realize that Saeyoung never deserved this
You’ll help him escape the clutches of his agency, help him start a new life
But it’s a life without you in the picture
“MC, please, don’t do this. I love you!”
“Saeyoung, you don’t mean that! I can never give you the future you want. You and Saeran deserve so much more”
“MC, please. Please.”
He would actually get down on his knees and beg you to stay
But it isn’t right and you both knew it
So when you move on, Saeyoung shuts down
And Saeran does his best to comfort his brother but Saeyoung is a hollow shell for a long time
Until one day he brings out 707 again and starts making jokes and saying nonsense and Saeran is both relieved and even more upset that his brother’s coping mechanism has kicked in; he knows Saeyoung is still devastated inside
Saeyoung asks Saeran to come with him to the cemetery and when they get there, Saeyoung stops in front of a tombstone with your name on it
And he starts crying again
“She was the one I wanted to take to the space station, Saeran.”
The famous photographer V seems to have a new muse in his recent works
The problem is he never means to
You just sort of show up in his photos
A hand caressing a flower here, the back of your head there, always just out of frame, making it impossible to get a good look
He doesn’t know what to make of it
So he posts the photos in the chatroom and it scares the hell out of Yoosung
Seven makes it 100 times worse and talks about all the signs of a haunting
“Better check your phone, V, make sure there aren’t any pictures of you while you’re sleeping.”
There aren’t but he finds dozens of black shots in his camera roll? Like his phone’s camera had gone off in his pocket or something
It isn’t until his equipment battery drains alarmingly fast that he tries something new
“Can I have a proper shot of you?”
And he uses his phone to take a few pictures around him
And in the very last one you’re there, a full-bodied apparition, staring right into the camera  
His heart stops oh God what is this Seven was right
You finally reveal yourself, a little embarrassed at being caught
But really if you could haunt anyone wouldn’t you choose a darling like Jihyun?
He’s so curious about you, but at the same time is reluctant to bring up any bad feelings or memories you may still be harboring
Being an empathetic being, you can feel a sort of sadness buried deep in his heart
You help him take photos sometimes, since you don’t have to worry about getting hurt and you have access to all these weird angles thank you floating skills
You still photobomb any selfies he takes and take shots of him when he isn’t paying attention
RFA is confused as to why is V suddenly posting enough pictures to the messenger to rival Zen‘s selfies???
Deep discussions at the dead aha of night
If there’s an afterlife, why did you decide to stay behind?
“I had a feeling that there was something I needed to do.”
“And that involved sneaking into my work?”
He’ll never stop teasing you for that
As you get to know him, you grow more and more adamant about him moving on from the past
Ironic coming from a ghost
He seems determined to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders
So you finally tell him about when you were alive and your untimely departure from life, and that holding on to what cannot be is what kept you here in the first place
While it has a silver lining and let you meet him, nothing good comes from never letting go of guilt and pain
This man is so moved
You believe in him so much???
“I'll try, MC, thank you.”
“You’d better or I'll drain every camera battery from here to the United States.”
Can you actually do that???
You urge him to reconnect with the RFA for his own sake
Being alone is fine and all but isolation is something else entirely
Take it from a spirit who hadn't had a real conversation with anyone in years
He reconnects with the RFA and when you finally see him surrounded by the people he loves you see a bright light
As V turns his camera to you, you smile at him and wave goodbye before moving on
As a ghost, you were basically nonexistent to the living unless you made a racket
It was a very lonely type of existence
Until Saeran came along, and was able to see and hear you
Turns out he was almost as isolated as you, though more by choice stemming from his past
For once in his life, somebody understands him and accepts him for who he is
Aside from his brother at least
He looked forward to every minute spent with you and he wasn’t afraid to show you his true self; you didn’t judge him and you weren’t scared of him
He couldn’t hurt you physically and he enjoyed your company so there was no reason to hurt you with his words or push you away
But he would never hurt you --because he’s already fallen for you
You’re his guardian angel
Saeyoung would always wonder why his brother stays in his room for most of the day but he didn’t pry
So Saeran enjoyed his days with you
Until you started talking nonsense about how he should live his life and spend time with his brother more, be with other people
He had no future with you and you only wanted the best for him
“How would you know what’s best for me?!”
“Because I love you, Saeran! This isn’t the life your brother envisioned for you!”
“I will do whatever I damn well please with my time on this earth!”
“I love you! Can’t you see that? I love you, MC! I don’t want to live in a world without you!”
You realize that the only way for him to move on is if you remove yourself from the picture
And you did
Saeyoung was startled when his brother started screaming and breaking things and nothing he did could comfort his brother
Why was he destined to suffer? Why did you leave him? You said you loved him --was that just a lie?
Eventually Saeran gets tired and Saeyoung holds him as he cries
Saeran would have a hard time loving someone again
And Saeyoung would always hear him crying in his sleep
But eventually, everyone in the RFA would help him move on and Saeran will learn to smile again
He still misses you though, and there will always be a special place in his heart for you
He’s not scared of you
In fact, he asks for your help ;;;
His missions are now a piece of cake thanks to you
There’s an enemy waiting for him in the next corner? You tell him immediately since he’s the only one who can hear you
Surprise CCTV cameras? No prob, you can scramble the wires by passing through them!
Your presence calmed him and he felt like everything would be okay as long as you were with him
After all, if you were dead, no one could find you, no one could harm you and no one could take you away from him
But that’s the problem
You’re already dead
He’s in love with a dead girl
And how selfish could he get, holding on to you when you should’ve moved on a long time ago?
He would push you away, telling you to move on or go “haunt a different house, I don’t care”
But he does care
He cares so much
That’s why he needs to let you go
And when you’ve had enough of his tricks, his harsh words, his insistence that he never loved you, you finally leave him and move on
And he would drown himself in alcohol and smoke everyday
Vanderwood never thought he was capable of love before he met you, but your absence will haunt him, along with his regrets and his sorrows
Let us know what you think about our sad spooks? ;;; haha thanks! Follow @rainydayswriter for more amazing content! Happy Halloween!
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
19th December - CtC’17
The chocobros and snow (HCs)
Aah, guys, I’m so sorry I’m behind. I took tomorrow off for health reasons, I’ll have time to go through every post then and fix/schedule it.
Loves, loves, loves snow
He never cared about how cold it was
Ever since he was young, he had always been playing in snow
Now that he's older, in terms of "playing", he only really likes snowball fights 
With Prompto, of course! Ignis and Gladio would be annoyed. Iris can join, too, if she wants. ^^
Aside from that he really loves taking his S/O out for a walk through parks
To him, snow is actually quite romantic 
He loves it most when it's undisturbed, covering a whole area of their garden
He also really loves when moonlight shines on it and it kinda seems to sparkle
And watching it from inside! That's something he clearly loves too
Cuddling with his S/O on their couch, the chimney heating them up while they just watch the snow peacefully fall to the ground - hell yes
However, although he loves snow.. Snow comes with ice.. And ice comes with accidents
In winter, especially when leaving the citadel, he tends to hug the ground a little too often 
Instead of whining about it, he actually laughs it off, though
Snow somehow makes him feel at home and at ease
He can spend hours just staring out the window, watching nature's magic happen right before his eyes
Loves taking photos of undisturbed areas and object: fields of flowers, trees, benches
His favorite area to shoot in is a forest
He loves how the only footprints he'll usually see are those of animals and how suddenly, instead of being green, brown or orange, it's all white
Doesn't mind, actually enjoys, hiking to get to those undisturbed, gorgeous areas
The cold doesn't bother him at all, he actually quite likes it 
Would really love for his S/O to join but won't force them 
Whenever he's not busy photographing everything, he loves building snowmen or making snow angels
Yeah, he's actually very playful and will totally have snowball fights with anyone challenging him
Also tends to build snow castles when he can
Nonetheless, just like Noctis, the ice usually hiding beneath the snow makes his life a lot harder
Clumsy as he's always been, he tends to fall incredibly often
By the time winter is halfway through, he has bruises on his behind, elbows and knees from falling
Unlike his best friend, he tends to whine about it because it eventually becomes a struggle to endure another fall on an already bruised arm
Not a big fan of snow at all
Enjoys looking at it, watching it fall to the ground
Usually strongly dislikes it though
As Noctis' advisor and part-time-housemaid, he feels like he has to ensure the entrance won't be covered in snow or ice
Means he has to get up early
Aside from that, he is the one that has to carry all sorts of foods to Noctis' apartment
You bet he fell once or twice.. Or almost all the time
The amount of slight injuries he endured in winter only to serve as Noctis' advisor are frankly upsetting him
It's rare that he would join a snowball fight 
It's usually whenever he feels like releasing some tension while enjoying time with his friends that he'll join
Aside from all his duty, he really likes locking himself away in his apartment drinking a nice cup of coffee while reading a book
He's not exactly a friend nor an enemy of winter; Sometimes he likes the cold, sometimes he doesn't
Since he's mainly inside, he spends his free time baking, cooking, reading or practicing some instrument
However, if he was to have a S/O that enjoyed winter dearly, he surely would join them on their adventures
Perhaps they could change his mind about winter and snow and make him realize how beautiful it can be
Nope, he's also not exactly fond of snow and winter in general
He loves hot weather
His main reason for disliking snow is that it complicates his training
He can't go for walks anymore without being extra cautious - which means being slower than he could be
Although he's cautious, he tends to slip every now and then which highly embarrasses him
The only good thing about it, in his eyes, is how beautiful nature is when covered in snow
In terms of "playing", make sure not to become his victim during snowball fights
The only times he plays he was upset before and wants to find a way to calm down
He releases tension through it and can be very, very aggressive 
Even though snow really annoys him, he enjoys hiking
However, he'll complain about how slippery everything is approximately ever 2 minutes
He'd love to have an S/O that joins him, perhaps falls with him, too
But he usually just loves spending a casual day with his S/O, both resting on the couch, his S/O partly laying on him, cuddling, reading and sleeping while the burned wood is rustling in the chimney
Believe it or not, he's actually very lazy in winter compared to summer and tends to be a lot more lovey-dovey
2nd December ; 3rd December ; 4th December ; 5th December ; 6th December ; 7th December ; 8th December ; 9th December ; 10th December ; 11th December ; 12th December ; 13th December ; 14th December ; 15th December ; 16th December ; 17th December ; 18th December ; 19th December ; 20th December ; 21st December ; 22nd December ; 23rd December ; 24th December ; 25th December
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