#sorry I’m so high and I finished watching the first episode of interview with the vampire I feel insane
hopeful-bat · 2 years
ok my brain is like Jiles 🗣🗣 but episode where Julian and O’Brian are beaming down to Earth or some alien planet and have their memories scrambled to fit within the context of the time period they entered (à la “all our yesterdays) and they get sent to the 1960s summer of love and Julian is a doctor helping out at a festival - very bright and very caring though a bit full of himself, and O’Brian is a technician or bassists (???!!) or something idk and they get to interact within those roles ? I’m imagining a sort of situation like Riker and Ro have in that epsiode where everyone in the enterprise loose all their memories. Just this fondness they have for each other in a completely different context haha !!
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gunterfan1992 · 4 years
Interview with Half Shy (the songwriter of “Monster”)
For the last few months, I’ve been collecting information for a second edition of Exploring the Land of Ooo that will also cover the production of Distant Lands. This means that I’ve started to look into the new songs that we have been graced with this year, and this of course includes “Monster,” the beautiful track from the masterpiece that is “Obsidian”. And so I reached out to the song’s writer, Half Shy, who was kind enough to chat with me via email about the songwriting process!
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(Photo courtesy of Half Shy)
In many ways, Half Shy is living the creative Adventure Time fan’s dream: She got asked by Adam Muto himself to write a song for “Obsidian” after he heard her music through Bandcamp! (I’ve dabbled in fan music before, and the fact that someone from the show might listen to it just blows my mind.) What an opportunity; I am so excited for her!
Since a second edition of my book won’t be coming out until after all the Distant Lands episodes air, I thought it would be best to share my Half Shy interview now. Read on for the fascinating behind the scenes story of how Half Shy and “Monster” came to be..
GunterFan: What is your origin story? How did you get involved in music, and how did the Half Shy project come to be?
Half Shy: I’ve been making music pretty quietly since I was in high school with a keyboard and guitar. I played one or two shows a year after college when I could find a friend or my brother to get up on stage with me, but I don’t really have that performer gene in me naturally. I get too much in my head and forget what the lyrics are to the song I wrote, or what the next chord is. Total brain freeze. So that whole experience is a bit of a mental drain. It’s something I think I’d like to dig into and figure out, but right now I’m really enjoying the time writing.
Even playing a song for my friends I still get pretty nervous. That’s where the name Half Shy comes from. I’ve always been interested in making things that by their nature draw a bit of a spotlight, but at the same time, I am just really quite nervous about the attention.
I recorded my first songs under my old name Hey V Kay in my bedroom and started putting them up online one at a time. When I got enough I thought about packaging it up into an album, but then got really distracted by learning how to fix up motorcycles and going to automotive tech school. When I eventually got back around to it I named the album Gut Wrenching.
After a few years I realized that I didn’t want the day-in-day-out life of a mechanic, I just wanted to know how to fix cars for myself and to have that knowledge in my back pocket. I got back into making music but grew frustrated at the process of writing and recording songs. I felt like I wasn’t able to capture the ideas I had in my head. Like trying to draw on your computer with a mouse. Doable, but it’s not going to come out like you’d hoped.
So these last couple of years I’ve focused more on learning the technical aspect of it, from the initial ideas and lyrics, to the recording and mixing. During that process I put out Bedroom Visionaries, and while writing I happened upon the name Half Shy in an old Thesaurus which felt instantly right. Learning all of that has been fun, I even went as far as to create my own book to solidify a daily writing routine (lyricworkbook.com). All that has been a bit of a tangent from actually making much music though. I should be getting my books in December from the press so I’m really looking forward to getting back into making more music instead of dealing with printing presses, setting up websites, and sourcing ribbon suppliers.
GF: What is the story behind "Monster"? How did the show get in contact with you?
HS: I keep a log of “Song Starters” with neat things I’ve heard in the world, and I would look through it every now and then and notice just how many came from Adventure Time. Eventually I thought well, I have to make a song about this show that just keeps breaking my heart. It was around the time I was nearly done with the first [Adventure Time-inspired] song “In My Element” that I got an email from Bandcamp saying “someone bought your album (Bedroom Visionaries).”
I get maybe one or two of these a month at most so I love to go in and say hi to the person and say thanks, be curious about who they are, [and] what they’re all about. Turns out it was Adam Muto, the executive producer of the show. (I asked and he has no idea how he happened upon my stuff. He guessed that I must have tagged something #adventuretime and he just happened to see it.) So I sent him an email saying, “Hey wow thanks for checking out my tunes. Also... holy crap you’ve made the best show I have ever seen in my life.” [I] played it real cool like. After finishing up writing my second [Adventure Time-inspired] song “Betty” I couldn’t help but fangirl real hard [and I sent him another message saying], “I’m sorry this is probably awkward, but I really love your show and I wrote these songs about it.” He was incredibly kind and shared them with his Twitter Universe, and a while after that I got a random email from him saying basically, “Hey, I’m working on this thing I can’t talk about, would you be interested?” I was like… well you know I’m pretty busy working at a sign shop so I’m gonna have to pass on this once in a lifetime opportunity (J/K. Obviously I fan-girl squealed and said yes immediately).
We chatted a bit about what the project was going to be and the direction. He mentioned there [would be] two Marceline songs in the special, [and he asked if I] would I be interested in giving the love song a try? Trying real hard to suppress my instant imposter syndrome I was like, “Yea, totally I’d be into giving that a shot!” So I read through the story and loved the idea of the dragon mirrored in Marceline, thinking through how they’ve both built up a protective shell, how she grew tough for a reason, but now she can open up and be vulnerable with PB.
From there I wrote the initial demo with the first two verses mostly intact and we went back and forth a few times editing it down into the final version. I recorded the final parts for the show in my little home studio in Seattle.
GS: When you were writing the song, what emotions, thoughts, or ideas were you channeling? Was there any sort of memory of event that you were trying to artistically "catch" or "recreate" with the lyrics or music?
HS: As far as channeling an emotion, generally I’d say just the experience of existing as a human. It can be so hard to open up and be vulnerable. I can remember that feeling even as a young kid—getting really excited about something and having someone completely trash it or look at you like, “Why are you so interested in that? It’s dumb.” [It causes us to grow] a little more weary to share ourselves because we know that hurt and embarrassment. The pain of being misunderstood is something I think a lot of us can relate to. Then having to decide whether to keep sharing those vulnerable parts of yourself or think, “They’re just not going to get it, I’m going to get hurt, so why bother?” and then stop putting yourself out there. You lose a lot with that thick armor though. You might feel protected, but you’re not feeling a whole lot of anything else other than the weight and chafing of it (I had a whole lot of armor-related metaphors that I didn't end up using.).
I struggle with this in songwriting too. I’m not the bolt-of-lightning type. There are pages and pages of cliches, total garbage, bad jokes, and cheesy lines that I have to get through in order to get to something that I am excited to put out there into the world: “Here I did this thing, I know it’s a little (this or that), but I made it... What do you think?” It’s hard to open yourself up to hearing the other end of that question.
I filled about 5 little pocket notebooks just thinking through the story, ideas, and trying to get this song right. I wanted it to feel familiar and honor the past songs of the show ([e.g.,] using the ukulele and referencing a few of the familiar chords from “I’m Just Your Problem”) but also be pretty open and vulnerable and different for [Marceline]. [I wanted to] show that she’s going through some tough emotions but also figuring herself out and growing.
GF: I feel like “Monster” is, at its core, an ode to the “Bubbline” ship. How do you feel about your song being intimately connected to one of the most famous LGBTQ+ relationships in animation? Do you have any general thoughts on Marcy and PB, Bubbline, etc.?
HS: Oh, I’m a total fan girl of Bubbline. The whole story of how Rebecca Sugar and Muto slowly morphed it into this deeper relationship is just great. As a part of the LGBTQ community myself it really means so much to see the representation of characters like yourself portrayed in an intelligent way. Growing up I was too young to fully understand what was going on but I saw Ellen getting cancelled, and [I] heard people around me saying they’d never watch her show again after she came out. That stuff sinks in as a kid and so to have these characters who are not only intelligent, but funny, complex, and unapologetically strong who also happen to be queer is really great. I love that the story here isn’t about their orientation, but that they’re people struggling with how to be open and vulnerable in a relationship.
It feels like something sci-fi and animated shows do so well—to show that ridiculousness of limiting who a person should and shouldn’t love. Marceline is a 1000+ year old half-demon/vampire and PB was born from the Mothergum of an apocalyptic radioactive world, but you’re going to get hung up on them loving each other? It sort of brings it into perspective in a really interesting way.
GF: Do you have any other thoughts about the experience that you'd like to share?
HS: Just how lucky, thankful, and honored I feel to be a part of my favorite show, writing a song for one of my favorite characters. It’s also incredibly cool how the people on the show are so willing to connect and collaborate with their fandom. Everyone [on the production crew] was very open and a real joy to work with.
I’d like to give a huge “Thank you!” to Half Shy for agreeing to participate in this interview; she really was quite amiable! If you’d like to hear more of her music, check out her website and her Bandcamp. You can also follow her on Instragram here and on Twitter here. And of course, here is Half Shy’s awesome video of “Monster”.
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natrogersfics · 4 years
After All - Chapter 5/5
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Cover art by @faith2nyc​ Read on AO3
Natasha’s always prided herself in being a master at regulating her emotions. Years of field experience as a journalist has allowed her to hone the skill of taking a step back, drawing in a deep breath, and powering through the job. For regardless of how she personally felt about the matter at hand or how much she despised the person she was interviewing, the objective was to report the unadulterated facts. Right now, though, as she stands in Isabel’s room watching as Loki finishes suturing Isabel’s brow while Steve – who had to step in her place as Loki injected the anesthetic – holds her still, it’s as if her training cannot meet the moment.
Motherhood has transformed her in many ways, but one of the most notable changes is that she’s become a constant worrier. Some days the worry is dull, manageable – propelled by something as simple as whether or not Isabel’s had enough water to drink for the day. Nevertheless, the feeling is always underlying. But there are moments where such is its intensity that breathing becomes arduous, and in spite of the fact that Isabel’s cries have since tapered, she finds that this is one of those times.
“Okay,” Loki says in that saccharine tone she only ever hears him use when addressing Isabel. “That’s a wrap on these pesky needles.” He leans forward, tapping Isabel on the nose and eliciting a tired smile from the little girl. “Good job, Miss Isabel. My best patient without question.”
“She’s going to be okay, right?” Steve asks before she can, and she notes how tight his voice sounds as Isabel turns in his arms and snuggles into the crook of his neck.
“Yes, she will be,” Loki says without a hint of reluctance as he nods at Steve before turning to where she’s standing by the door. “Her reflexes are fine, and she isn’t exhibiting any signs of a concussion. Battle wound notwithstanding, she’s alright.”
The sigh she lets out at Loki’s words is loaded with relief. But the sensation is fleeting, replaced quickly by surprise when she hears Steve speak again. “Thank you, Loki.”
Loki nods once more, a little smile on his face as he balls up the remaining gauze and sutures and throws it into the bin. “The little one should get some rest, so I’ll see myself out,” he says, rising from his seat with his kit in his hands. “I’ll check up on her again in the morning.”
“I’ll walk you out,” she says, stealing a glance to where Steve is rocking Isabel to sleep before stepping out into the hall.
The living room is empty as they make it out, and as she and Loki silently walk towards the direction of her foyer, she catches sight of the note on her dining table with T’Challa’s familiar handwriting. While she feels terribly about having ruined their Christmas Eve, a part of her is glad that she does not have to face them too right at this moment. She lets out a sigh for what seems to be the millionth time in the last hour, turning back to Loki just as they reach her front door.
“Quite an evening, huh?” Loki says, smirking.
In spite of his attempt at humor, she finds that she can only look down. “Loki…” she says. “I-”
“She’s going to be okay, Nat,” Loki says, placing a hand on her arm.
“No, I know.” She looks up at him to find his eyebrows knitted together in question. “I trust you,” she says in clarification. “I trust your assessment. What I meant to say is I’m sorry. I’m sorry for tonight and for how Steve acted when you were just trying to help. I don’t know what happened.” She shakes her head. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him.”
Loki chuckles quietly, a soft smile forming on his lips when she only stares blankly at him in response. “Is this love, Miss Romanoff?” he asks. “Because it sure looks a lot like it.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she says, practically scoffing. Loki arches a brow at her, and she sighs. “If tonight's any indication-”
“If tonight's any indication, it’s that there’s obviously a lot that’s been left unsaid,” Loki finishes, shaking his head. “Natasha, my darling, forgive me if I sound like a broken record at this point. But you’re truly one of the brightest people I have had the pleasure of knowing, rivaling perhaps only my own mother for the top spot, so I know it’s only a matter of time.” He reaches to cup her face, running his thumb along her cheekbone. “Open your eyes and listen. For all our sakes.”
“Loki…” she whispers, holding his gaze.
With a smile, Loki leans down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Merry Christmas, Nat.”
“Merry Christmas,” she repeats, mustering a smile as he turns and leaves.
As the door closes behind him, she pads back to the living room, making it as far as the couch until her legs feel too heavy to make it a step further. She sits down, putting her head in her hands as her shoulders sag with fatigue from the last few days. How a night that started out on such a high note devolved so quickly, she can’t begin to process. But if she knows one thing, it’s that she can’t take much more of this.
She looks up at the sound of her name to see Steve standing where the hallway and the living room meet. “Is she asleep?” 
“Yes,” he says, moving closer to her. “Nat-”
“Do you know that Izzie has trouble sleeping?” she interrupts, rising to her feet to see him stopped in his tracks. He blinks in surprise, and she nods. “Yeah, there are nights when she’s practically inconsolable… That is until I play her a video with the two of you.” She chuckles humorlessly. “At first I thought it was just a coincidence. And admittedly, there’s a tiny part of me that was wishing that maybe by the time I cave and reach for my phone, that she’s already tired herself out enough to go to sleep. But then I realized that she hasn’t had an episode since you arrived.” She sighs, looking him right in the eyes. “She’s your daughter. I know that. God, if I don’t see that in every little thing she does, every single day. And if there’s ever a time that I made you feel like that wasn’t the case, I am so deeply sorry. That was never my intention. But this?” She shakes her head. “I’m incredibly exhausted, Steve. And not just from tonight. All these years, all I’ve been doing is adjusting to what you want-”
“Excuse me?” he practically spits out, his eyes wide. “What I want?”
“Yes, what you want!” she volleys back bitterly. “You wanted a no-strings-attached arrangement, you got it. Wanted in on our daughter’s life? Check. You wanted to come here for Christmas? I said fine.” She straightens her shoulders, raising her chin. “So, tell me, Steve. What exactly is your problem this time? Because I want this to work, but I am at the end of my rope here.” She sighs, her voice falling to a whisper. “I have nothing left to give you.”
“Nothing left to give me,” he mouths the words, incredulous. “Natasha, all I’ve ever wanted was for you to give me a chance!”
She scoffs. “You’ve had several years’ worth of chances to take, Steve, and I’ve been waiting just as long for even the faintest sign that you wanted one!”
“How was I supposed to know that when all you do is walk away?” he challenges. His words bring her to a pause, and as she stands frozen in place, all she can do is blink. He sighs. “Natasha, I thought everything was going well until that morning in my apartment-”
“Don’t you dare!” she says, throwing her hands out in frustration as she cuts him off. “I woke up to find your ex-fiancée thanking you for selling her back the house you bought together. The very same house that you told me you saw yourself raising a family in. What did you want me to do? Wait around for you to break the news to me when it was clearly standing right at your front door?”
“I wanted you to let me explain!” he says. “Because if you did, then I would have told you that I didn’t sell the house back to Sharon because I didn’t love you and didn’t see a life with you. I did it because I did!” He pauses, sucking in a breath to compose himself. “I didn’t want us to start a life together in a place that I wanted for all the wrong reasons.” He shrugs, defeated. “But then you were serving me a custody agreement so fast my head spun, and then there you were taking the job here before I even had time to recover.”
“I asked you if I had a reason to stay,” she says quietly.
“You did,” he concedes with a nod. “And I should have been brave enough to tell you that you did.” He sighs. “But that doesn’t matter anymore, does it? Because you’ve moved on.”
Her eyebrows furrow. “Moved on?”
“Yeah, Nat,” he says. “And you’re damn good at it, too. All you keep doing is moving on, it seems. You’re over me, over us, over New York. And then you’re here, moving on with him-”
“Wait, what?” she interjects.
“Loki,” he says simply, exasperation seeping into his tone. “Look, I’m sorry about how I’ve been acting, but- are you laughing?” His head tilts to the side, and as her laughter escalates, he looks at her like she’s lost her mind. “You’re laughing right now?”
“That’s what this is about?” she says, nearly breathless. “That’s the reason you’ve been acting like a crazy person these last two days?”
“I…” he trails, his forehead wrinkling. “Nat, he has a key to your flat, he’s in your kitchen... He calls you darling.” He scoffs. “I mean, Izzie practically rushes into his arms every time she sees him! And I don’t know how far into your relationship you two are- I mean, I can assume, I suppose. But even if he hasn’t told you, as the world’s leading expert on what it’s like to be in love with you, I’m telling you right now that he is.” His eyes are full of sincerity as he looks at her. “You’re you, Nat. It’s outrageously hard not to love you. Believe me, I’ve tried.”
The fog clears, taking with it all the questions and the doubt that’s plagued her in the last couple of years almost instantly as she stares at him and takes in his words. “Okay,” she says, chuckling as she rubs the back of her neck. “Steve, I’m alone. A lot. Yes, I have Izzie. But after a while, there’s only so much you can talk to a toddler about.” She pauses, and he nods silently in agreement. “And quite frankly, between parenting and working, I don’t get around much, so I don’t have that many friends here. T’Challa? Nakia? They’re out of town, travelling for the paper, as they should be. I see Pepper, what? Once a month if we’re lucky?” She sighs. “Loki’s the only person I can talk to these days because he lives next door and works weird hours. Heck, the only reason we even started talking was because I saw that he liked the same wine and I found out that we agree that men can be the absolute worst-”
“Natasha, I get it,” he interrupts, shaking his head. “And I’m so glad you’ve had someone to talk to. That you’ve found a confidante-”
“Yeah…” she says, raising a brow. “Because it really gets rough out here when men only seem to break our” – she makes sure to emphasize the last word, watching his reaction carefully – “hearts.”
“Right, I know,” he says. “He put you back together when all I did was hurt you. And while I’m devastated to have missed out on the chance to be with you, because I am still, and have always been insanely in love with you, I really do get it. I do. Loki’s a great guy. He’s dreamy, and for crying out loud, he saves babies! And fig loves him. I know that. I’ve accepted it. And the accent…”
“For God’s sake, Rogers,” she mutters, crossing the distance between them. He’s still ranting when she makes it to him, cupping his face in her hands as she pulls him down to her. He groans in surprise when her lips meet his, but just as he begins to respond to her kiss, she pulls away. “Loki’s gay, Steve.” 
For a moment, he only stares at her, lust and confusion swirling in his blue orbs all at once. “Oh…” he says, blinking. His brows furrow as he parts his lips as if to say something, only to press them back into a line. “Oh.”
She bites back a smile. “Yeah… the guy he was seeing broke up with him around the same time Izzie and I moved here.”
“Well, that guy’s dumb…” he mumbles, cringing as he adds, “not unlike me.” His eyes are wide as he turns to her, his expression sheepish. “Why didn’t you just say so?”
“Because that’s not really my information to share,” she points out, to which he nods in concession. “Plus, how was I supposed to know that you wanted to be together too?”
“Too?” he clarifies. “So, I’m not too late?”
“Oh, my God,” she says indignantly. She steps closer to him once more, clutching the collar of his sweater in her hands as she looks right into his eyes. “I am still, and have always been, insanely in love with you too, you big oaf! I-”
Her words are cut off when he lowers his head to slant his lips over hers, his hands falling to her hips to pull her flush to him. Whereas their first kiss had been chaste, this one is hungry, needy – quickly growing teeth and making her head spin in no time at all when she tastes the combination of wine and something wholly and distinctly Steve. She snakes her arms around his neck, rising onto the tips of her toes to card her fingers through his hair, tugging at the ends. He moans her name longingly at that, and she smiles at the way his lips chase hers when she pulls away momentarily, a teasing comment already making its way to the tip of her tongue. But before she can say it, he bends at the knees, scooping her into his arms as he captures her lips in another searing kiss. Then like a practiced dance, she wraps her legs around his waist, letting him walk them down the hall and into her bedroom.
The second he walks in, she sets her feet down, placing her hands flat on his chest and pushing him towards the bed. He falls back onto it, a laugh escaping him as he bounces slightly, but it lasts but a second as she straddles his lap and her lips find his again.
“Natasha,” he says breathlessly between kisses, his hands covering hers as they find their way under his sweater. “Nat, wait-”
“It’s fine,” she says, guiding his hand up her arm and pressing down to let him feel where her implant is as she continues to kiss a trail down his jaw and to his neck. “I’m safe, and there hasn’t been anyone since you.”
The groan he lets out in response is almost pained, and she gasps in surprise when he flips them over, his pupils blown wide as he stares down at her. “Are you trying to kill me?”
“Me?” she asks, flummoxed. “You’re the one flying here, showing up in your stupid leather jacket and then parading around my flat without a shirt on!” Her eyes narrow. “Do you have any idea how many cold showers I’ve taken in the last few days?”
His mouth twists into an amused grin. “I told you, Izzie ruined my shirt,” he says, reaching up to brush the hair out of her eyes. “And for the record, there hasn’t been anyone since you, either.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” she asks, desperation slipping into her tone as she squirms underneath him. “Less talking, more stripping!”
He chuckles, and in spite of her patience waning, she finds herself grinning at the sound. “You, Natasha Romanoff, would test the patience of a saint.”
“Did you get canonized recently or something?” she asks, huffing out a breath when he rolls his eyes at her. “Don’t you think we’ve waited long enough?”
“I know, baby,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss her again. “And you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” He shakes his head. “How much I want you.” Even as his eyes have grown dark and stormy, the pining in them is as clear as day, making the blood sing in her veins. “But I don’t want to rush this, Nat. I want to start over. I want-” He pauses, taking in a deep breath. “I need to get this right.”
“But it is right.” She moves to sit up, prompting him to sit back on his knees. “Steve, I thought that everything that happened between us was proof that we were a mistake, that everything I’ve been holding onto was a lie.” He looks down at his lap, his expression twisting as if he’s reliving the pain of the last couple of years all over again. “Hey, look at me,” she says, reaching over to hook a finger under his chin, tilting his head up. “I was wrong.” She shakes her head. “The last twenty-four hours notwithstanding, I haven’t been as happy as I’ve been these last few days in a long, long time. I won’t speak for you, but-”
“It’s the same for me,” he interrupts without a trace of hesitation in his voice, holding her gaze. “Exactly the same, Nat.”
She smiles. “Then if there’s something I know for sure now, it’s that you, me… fig. It’s right. It’s always been right.” She sighs, running her thumb over his jawline. “I love you, Steve. I want to be with you. So please, no more waiting. No more wasting time.”
It takes a beat, but then he’s surging forward to kiss her, pushing her onto her back once more as her arms wrap around his neck. “I love you,” he whispers against her lips. “I love you so damn much.”
“Then show me,” she says, smiling when with a groan, he pulls away and lets his hands trail to the hem of her blouse, pulling it up and off of her. She leans up on her elbows as he sits back again, letting her gaze trail hungrily down his chest and to the smooth planes of his stomach as he reaches behind him to rid himself of his sweater.
“See something you like?” he asks, smirking when he catches her staring.
She peers up at him from underneath her lashes. “More like something I need.”
“Good,” he says, causing the breath to get caught in her throat at the way his eyes flash. “So do I.”
He brings his lips back to hers, reaching behind her to undo the clasp of her bra, and she slides it off her arms when it comes loose around her before throwing it unceremoniously to the floor. Gently, he pushes her shoulder, guiding her back down as he peppers kisses down the column of her throat and lets his hands wander over her torso. He cups the swell of her breast, ghosting a thumb over her nipple, and she feels him smile against her skin at the gasp that slips from her lips.
“Steve.” She sighs his name brokenly when his mouth moves from her neck to her sternum, worshipping every inch of skin it finds in its trail. It’s when his lips hover past her navel, his fingers hooking into the waistband of her leggings that she places her hands over his, keeping them in place.
He moves back up her body to look her in the eyes. “Let me,” he says the same time she tells him he does not have to, and as she blinks up at him, chest heaving, he smiles softly. “Can I, Nat?”
There’s an undercurrent of desperation in the way he asks the question, as if he needs this – craves this – and despite how much she aches to feel him against her, to have his skin against hers, when she takes in the unadulterated desire in his eyes, she finds herself powerless to do anything but nod. She lets go of his hands, biting her lip in anticipation as he moves back down her body. Cool air skims over her newly exposed skin as he pulls her leggings down along with her panties, making her shiver as her heart picks up in her chest, and she gasps when he presses a kiss to the inside of her thigh, propping one of her legs over his shoulder.
“Steve,” she moans loudly – wantonly – into the darkness of the room when he licks up her center. Her head falls to the side, her hands scrambling for purchase on the duvet as a litany of curses slip from her lips, and that’s all he needs to hear to bring his hands to her waist, holding her still as he flicks his tongue against her bundle of nerves. The sensation that pulses through her is almost too much too fast, but her body craves it all the same, and she bites her lip to keep from laughing out. It’s pathetic that he has her teetering off the edge this quickly, this suddenly, but at the same time, she’s not surprised. He learned her body long ago, and she’s infinitely glad that in spite of the time that’s passed since they’ve last been together like this, he still knows it like the back of his hand. It’s when he pushes two fingers into her, curling them as they work in tandem with his tongue that she finally keens, her vision a white-hot blur as she calls out his name.
“Hi,” he whispers when she finally opens her eyes moments later, her heart still ringing in her ears. “You still with me?” His lips turn up in a boyish smile when she nods. “Good.”
He pulls away from her, and despite her first orgasm still coursing hotly through her veins, she whines at the loss of contact. “Steve.”
“I’m here, Nat,” he says, returning to bracket her body with his own after making short work of his pants. When she attempts to pull him down to her, he chuckles. “Remind me again where Izzie got her impatience from?”
“Want you,” she says, ignoring his quip and not caring one bit about how desperate her tone has gotten. “Want you now.” He smiles, but it’s quickly replaced by a groan when she reaches between them, wrapping a hand around his length.
“Fuck,” he all but growls, his eyes slamming shut as she begins to pump her hand up and then down. “Natasha.” 
“Please,” she says, her breath hot against his ear, and that’s all she has to say to make him shift his weight onto his forearms as she guides him to her entrance, hissing when he brushes up against her. A gasp falls from her lips, her toes curling into the sheets as he begins to sink into her, inch by inch, and it isn’t until he’s bottomed out that she realizes how much she’s missed this feeling – how much she’s missed him. He leans down, brushing her lips with his own, and making her crave the friction that much more. “Steve,” she calls out, digging her nails into his back. He looks down at her, his jaw clenched, and only then does it dawn on her that he’s stilled for her benefit. “It’s okay,” she promises as his eyes search hers for affirmation. She smiles. “Move, baby.”
With a nod, he begins to roll his hips, drawing out a mewl from her as his lips find her collarbone. She knows there’ll be marks tomorrow, but she can’t bring herself to care. The lazy snap of his hips coupled with the warmth of his mouth on her skin as he nips and teases is addictive, dizzying, and she wants more. She needs more. With that, she wraps her legs around his waist, pushing the heels of her feet into his lower back, encouraging him to go deeper, faster. He groans, the last of his restraint seemingly crumbling when he intertwines their fingers and pins their hands above her head, picking up the pace and making her gasp at the delicious shift in angle.
Pleasure curls in her gut in no time at all, coiling tightly, and it isn’t until he’s shushing her gently that she realizes her moans have grown louder. “I’ve got you,” he says, whispering the words and other sweet nothings into her lips again and again. “I’ve got you, Nat. With me, okay?”
She manages a nod, catching the smile that forms on his lips. And then he’s slipping a hand down between them, making her back bow off the mattress as he thumbs at her bundle of nerves. Her belly clenches as pleasure pulses rapidly through every synapse, every nerve, and though she could feel it coming, a surprised gasp still slips from her lips when her orgasm washes over her, stealing the air right out of her lungs. He kisses her as she tumbles over the edge, pushing into her once, twice, and then with a grunt, he goes still, following her right into the abyss.
Quiet settles over them, their labored breathing the only sound as they come down from their highs. Her body hasn’t completely stopped trembling when he pulls out of her, eliciting a whimper from her as he brushes against her still sensitive flesh, and he kisses her temple consolingly as he shifts onto his back and pulls her to him.
“I’m sorry,” he says later on when their breathing comes back to normal. She lifts her head off his chest to look at him, her eyebrows knitting when she finds his eyes filled with contrition. He sighs. “I’m sorry for not fighting for you… for us, sooner.”
“No,” she says, shaking her head. “We’ve both made mistakes.” She reaches up to push the hair out of his forehead. “I’m sorry for assuming… well, everything. And for not giving you a chance to explain.”
He takes her hand, bringing it up to his lips to kiss the inside of her wrist. “Any chance there’s still one in those years’ worth of chances that’s still up for grabs?”
She smiles. “I think so.”  
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She’s warm. That’s the first thing that comes to Natasha’s mind when she stirs awake, her eyes blinking as they adjust to the pale morning light. But as her vision focuses, she realizes the warmth she’s feeling has less to do with the comforter she’s cocooned in and more with the arm draped over her waist. She turns to her other side to see Steve, his outrageously long lashes fanned out against his cheeks as he sleeps, and as memories of the last few hours come flooding back to her, she smiles.
It was past midnight when they finally found the wherewithal to clean the remnants of the feast she prepared, sharing a plate of leftovers and a few glasses of wine as they transferred the food into containers and loaded the dishwasher. They’d even gotten around to wrapping the last of Isabel’s Christmas presents, laying them neatly under the tree before finding themselves a tangled mess of limbs on her bed again, taking their sweet time this time around to get reacquainted with one another. After, they’d spent the rest of the night talking, laughing, and though they’d spent many nights like this in the past, this time felt significantly different. They still had so much to discuss, but with all their cards on the table, it’s as if their conversations – their plans – finally had a shot at permanence, a chance to become reality, and it would be a lie to say that the idea didn’t make her heart absolutely sing.  
“You’re staring.”
Steve’s voice interrupts her musing, and she chuckles when she looks to find his eyes already open. “Some people find that romantic, you know.”
“In movies, maybe,” he says through a yawn. “But in real life, it’s just creepy.” She glares at him, giving his chest a shove, and he grins sleepily as he pulls her in for a kiss. “Merry Christmas, Natasha Romanoff.”
“Merry Christmas,” she whispers back, beaming.
He brings a hand to her hip, rubbing circles into her skin with his thumb. “You okay?”
The question causes her to bite her lip, stifling a smirk. It’s not as if last night was their first time – one need not look further than their daughter sleeping down the hall for proof – and yet, it was such a Steve thing to ask. She smiles. “Never better.”
Had it been any other morning, she might have called him out on the smug smile that crosses his lips, but she decides that today, she’ll let him have it. “So, tell me,” he says. “At what point in the last six months did you become a morning person?”
“It’s cute that you think your daughter let me have a say in the matter,” she deadpans, reaching up to cup his face and letting out a contented sigh. “And I’m just happy.” 
“Yeah?” he asks, pulling her over him until she’s straddling his hips. “How happy?”
“I think…” she says, biting her lip as she leans down to whisper in his ear, “I’d rather show you than tell you.” He raises a curious brow at her as she pulls away, watching her carefully as she kisses her way down his neck, and she smiles when she feels his skin prickle under her lips.
They both freeze at the greeting, sharing a wide-eyed stare with each other before turning to see Isabel watching them by the doorway, her stuffed Corgi in hand. “Oh, my God, Izzie,” she says, quickly grabbing her robe that’s dangling on the bedpost and wrapping it around herself. She hops off the bed, managing to throw Steve his boxers before she makes it to Isabel, bending down to pick her up. “How did you get out of your crib, babe?”
Isabel’s only response is to laugh, waving over her shoulder. “Hi, Dada!”
She turns just as Steve emerges from under the comforter. “Hi, fig.”
“You good over there?” she asks, biting back a smile.
He shoots her a withering look as she makes her way back to the bed. “Come here, you little escape artist,” he says, reaching for Isabel and making her giggle as he smothers her with kisses. “What did we say about climbing things?”
“Pwe-sents!” Isabel says, smiling widely.
He chuckles, turning to her just as she settles down next to him, leaning back against the headboard. “Do you want to have breakfast first?”
“No,” Isabel answers before she can get a word in, prompting them both to shake their head in amusement.
“In case you haven’t noticed, she’s kind of the boss around here” she says, smirking.
He laughs. “Presents it is.”
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The floor of her living room is a sea of torn up wrapper and discarded ribbon, but as she brings her mug of hot chocolate to her lips, she finds that she couldn’t care less about the sprawling mess as she watches Steve help Isabel rip open her presents. For her part, she’s dutifully played photographer, cataloguing Isabel’s reaction to each gift – as requested by the competitive bunch of aunts, uncles, and grandparents all hellbent on one-upping each other.
“Last one, Iz,” Steve says, handing her a rectangular box.
“What is it?” she prompts excitedly as she puts her mug down to hold the camera back up, capturing the moment Isabel gets the last of the wrapper off and pulls the item out.
“Hat!” Isabel says, turning in Steve’s lap to show him.
“Close,” Steve says, nearly chuckling at the way Isabel’s brows furrow in dismay at his response. “It’s called a beanie. Though it’s just not any other beanie.” He looks her way as he adds, “It’s a beanie uncle Buck chose.”
The laugh slips freely from her lips. “Oh no!”
“Oh yes,” he confirms, his fingers feeling for something in the fabric. “Tada!”
“Wow!” Isabel exclaims, her big blue eyes filling with elation as the antlers on the Reindeer beanie light up, the array of colorful lights twinkling brightly. “Am-a-zing!”
“You hear that?” Steve asks, shooting her a smile. “It’s am-a-zing!” He turns to Isabel, pointing at the camera. “Say, thank you, Uncle Buck.”
“Thanks Buck!” Isabel says.
She chuckles as she cuts the video and rises to her feet. “I hope you still think it’s am-a-zing when she wants to go out in public with that thing,” she tells him in a sing-song voice as she opens up a trash bag and begins to collect the discarded wrapper.
“You mock the beanie now,” he says, standing when Isabel runs off to play with her new mountain of toys. “But when she runs off and the lights make her easy to spot, you might be singing a different tune.”
“The faith you have in our daughter keeping something on her head for more than five minutes is inspirational,” she says, turning to see him grab more wrapper off the floor. “Truly, it is.” She laughs as he rolls his eyes, slipping the bunch he has in his hand into the bag she’s holding as he comes to stand in front of her. “Is that everything?”
“As far as the wrapper’s concerned, yes,” he says, smiling as he produces a folded piece of paper from his back pocket. “But you still haven’t opened this.”
Her eyebrows furrow as she takes the paper from him. “Who’s this from?”
“Me,” he says simply.
“Steve.” His name falls from her lips like a chastisement, and she can only sigh when his response is to encourage her to open it. “Well, now I feel bad,” she says as her fingers work to unfold the paper. “I got you that gift from the aquarium to be funny and then you got me that book, and now…” Her words trail off as she opens the paper all the way, her eyes scanning over what’s scrawled out on it:
Will you go out on a date with me?
“I meant what I said about starting over,” he says when she looks up. “Or, at least, doing the parts we skipped.” His lips twist into a smile. “And I figured since contracts seem to be our thing, maybe you’d say yes if I asked you in writing.”
“You’re kidding, right?” she asks even as her lips turn up in amusement.
“I’m completely serious,” he says, shrugging at the incredulous stare she sends his way. “We could get dressed up, go to dinner and a movie…” He wiggles his eyebrows as he adds, “maybe even make out in the back of the theater.” She snorts at that last bit, and he smiles. “What do you say?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, okay?” she says, her expression growing serious. “But Steve, usually, a guy asks a girl out before she has his baby.”
When she smiles, he throws his head back, laughing. “Okay, well, usually a girl agrees to go out with a guy before she asks him to have a baby with her, so I guess we’re not really into chronology here.” He smirks as she narrows his eyes playfully at him. “Besides, your manufactured indignation would be a lot more convincing if you didn’t practically jump my bones last night.” 
She gasps at that, stealing a quick glance over at Isabel to make sure she’s not listening before looking back at him, lowering her voice. “Oh, fuck you.”
“I’m sorry,” he says, a glint in his eyes as he pulls her to him. “Is that not what you were doing last night?”
“Whatever,” she says, unable to keep a smile from forming on her lips. “Fine. Yes, I will go out on a date with you.” His eyes light up at that, and she holds a finger up. “But if you give me another note at the end asking me to go steady, I’m leaving.”
He beams. “Yes, ma’am.”                                                                                    
She rises to the tips of her toes, wrapping her arms around his neck as his mouth finds hers for what feels like the millionth time this morning. The taste of his lips mingled with the hot chocolate they were sipping on is a heavy combination, and she lets out a happy sigh into their kiss when his hands curl around her waist, his thumb brushing against the patch of skin left exposed between her shirt and her pajamas. She nips at his bottom lip, making him groan, and it’s only when they hear someone clearing their throat that they pull away and she moves to look behind Steve.
“Sorry,” Loki says from where he leans by the doorway of her living room, his arms crossed over his chest as he grins from ear to ear. “I only came to check on the little one. I swear I knocked, but um…” 
She bites her bottom lip just as Steve turns as well, but before she can say anything, Isabel is already up and running. “Yo-ki!”
“Well, hello there,” Loki says, picking Isabel up. “Someone’s chipper on this Christmas morning, I see. I’ve come to check on your stitches, which I tried to tell your Mum and Dad” – he turns back to them, smirking – “but they were busy.”
“Stitches, right,” she says a little too loudly, pointing towards the couch to hide her blush. “After you, Doc.” 
Loki asks them a few of routine questions about Isabel as he sets his medical kit down on the coffee table, and as she and Steve take turns answering them and sharing their observations, she realizes that it’s nice to know that someone else was quietly sharing her worries throughout the night, picking up on the little things she was finding as well. They go silent as Loki begins to examine Isabel, checking her reflexes and changing the bandage covering her stitches.
“Okay,” Loki says, finally breaking the tense silence that had fallen over them. “This sweetheart is free to play with all her Christmas goodies.” 
“Yeah?” she says. “Everything looks good?”
“Everything’s just splendid,” Loki says, turning to her and Steve as he helps Isabel off the couch. He drops the flashlight into his kit, zipping it up. “She’s not exhibiting any signs of a concussion and her stitches are healing up well and should dissolve on their own fairly soon.”
“Thank God,” Steve says, relief thick in his voice, and she finds herself nodding along to the sentiment.
“Thank you for coming to check on her,” she tells Loki, who only smiles in return. “I owe you one.”
“As do I,” Steve adds. “Any chance we could start the repayment with some breakfast?”
“I appreciate the offer, but actually the reason I came by early is because I’m on my way to my mother’s,” Loki says, smiling as he nods towards the both of them. “It’s nice to see you two have patched things up, though.”
“Yeah, about that,” Steve says. “Loki, I’m sorry for my behavior last night. There’s no excuse. I was an ass.”
“Oh, that’s quite alright,” Loki says, waving off his apology.
Steve shakes his head. “It’s not. I-”
“He thought you and I were together,” she blurts out suddenly, smiling when Steve’s eyes widen, a sheepish expression breaking out on his face. 
“Well, that explains a lot,” Loki says, grinning graciously as his gaze goes from her to Steve. “In any case, I’m flattered that you’d consider me a worthy adversary.”
She smirks. “He also thinks you’re dreamy.”
“Does he now?” Loki asks, clearly amused.
“And on that note,” Steve says, turning to glare at her. “I think I hear our daughter calling.”
She and Loki snicker as Steve, ears red, walks away. “You sure you can’t stay?” she asks. “It won’t even take ten minutes to get the waffles going.”
“I’m sorry, darling,” Loki says as they begin to make their way towards her front door. “I don’t want to hit traffic and you know my mother will kill me if I so much as have a bite before I come to her home.”
“Tell Frigga I said hello then,” she says as she opens the door, leaning against it.
“Oh, believe me, that’s not the only thing I’ll be telling her,” he says, smirking as he gestures to her collarbone. She looks down, and he laughs as she adjusts the collar of her shirt to hide the mark still there. “Long night, was it?” She shoots him a withering look as he leans down to kiss her cheek, cocking a brow up at her. “I fully expect a detailed play by play when I get back.”
She chuckles, shoving him away playfully. “Get out of here!”
Loki smiles. “I’m happy for you, Nat.”
“Thank you,” she says with a nod. “Merry Christmas.”
With a wink, Loki waves goodbye, and she waits for him to make it down the stairs before shutting the door. She walks back to the living room, stopping just by the threshold to see Steve carrying Isabel as they both peer out the window. She smiles. “What are you two goofs up to?” 
“Is ’nowing!” Isabel says, pointing out the window as Steve turns.
“Is it?” she asks as she pads to them, making a show of checking out the window. “It is! Maybe if there’s enough later, we can go outside and try to make Olaf.”
Steve’s brow rises in question. “Who’s Olaf?”
“Glad you asked,” she says at the same time Isabel utters snowman. Steve only stares blankly at them, making her laugh. “Don’t worry, you’ll get acquainted with him, Elsa, and Anna... Probably three times before this morning is over, if you’re lucky.”
“Still don’t know who those people are,” he says, pulling her in with his other hand until she’s pressed up against his side. “But I’ll gladly find out if you two introduce me.”
“What’s the saying again?” she muses, looking up teasingly at him. “Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it?”
He grins. “I think I may already have.”
The affection that fills his eyes is so remarkably perspicuous that she wonders how she’s missed it all these years, and as her lips turn up to mirror his smile, she makes a silent vow to never doubt its existence ever again. He leans down, but before his lips can meet hers, Isabel turns in his arms, effectively wedging herself between them.
“Mish-tow!” Isabel says, pointing above them.
They both laugh as they look up, and sure enough, the bundle of mistletoe she had put up yesterday looms above them. She smirks. “You know what that means, right?”
“I think I do,” he says, nodding knowingly as they both turn to Isabel, who’s watching them curiously.
“Fig sandwich!” they both yell as they lean in, pressing a kiss to Isabel’s cheeks and delighting in the way their daughter’s joyous laughter echoes throughout the room.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
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carmenxjulia · 4 years
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I put together a transcript of the 2 hour Q&A Interview the Carmen Sandiego Discord did with Showrunner Duane Capizzi. All of the questions were submitted by server members. You can read everything below the break!
Duane Capizzi:
Hi there!
Am I in? Is this thing on?
Hi, welcome!
Yep, you're in the right place!
Duane Capizzi:
Sorry I'm late, I was wandering around some empty Discord hallways looking for the right room haha
No worries. Let's get started!
Who is your favorite character?
Duane Capizzi:
Moose Boy!
Alright, how to NOT get myself in trouble if my answer isn't "Carmen" haha.
But really, they are ALL my babies.
So I know it's going to sound like a cop out to some that I can't pick just one. But hmm, some for instances...
I love that she's so morally evolved at such a young age; her ability to always take the high road and never lower herself; her drive and conviction and dedication. Her ability to kick serious booty and look good while doing it. Her progressive values, her fashion sense. I could go on and on. But then there's Shadowsan and his arc; Chase and his. Julia, who's every bit as strong as Carmen but shows it in different ways. The Cleaners don't get enough love.
I'll close that question with an anecdote about The Cleaners ...
I love that all our characters are embraced and that everyone seems to have favorites. Our sound engineer Marcel is a pretty serious guy: he has a serious job that takes high levels of focus and attention. He's always deeply focused and not prone to small talk. Anyway, we were in the middle of our first or second sound mix, and he suddenly stops in the middle and turns around to face us. I'm thinking, "uh oh, we're giving too many notes." That's when I notice he's freeze framed the Cleaners. He says "I really like these guys." Then he turns around, hits play and gets back to work.
What was the biggest challenge for coming up with new stories and plot for the reboot?
Duane Capizzi:
THE biggest? Sigh. I'm not sure I could come up with just one. Plotting is always challenging and we had the brain trust of the room, our trusty white board, and writer assistant to keep the threads of the ongoing storyline together. I think the single biggest ONGOING challenge was tracking which character knew what at any given time.
The caper part was challenging - coming up with new capers and keeping them interesting and fresh. But, it was the characters and their interactions that kept things fresh and interesting. Another museum heist? That's okay - Chase is on the case and he gets to interact with "X" this time (for instance).
There were also some episodes - Duke of Vermeer and Crackle Goes Kiwi come to mind - where there was SO MUCH SET UP needed to get the payoffs to work. I was really worried about too much talk/too much detail. Very "Swiss watch!" It took a lot of work to make sure it all clicked and was clear - hopefully it seems effortless on screen but I can't say there wasn't some sweat and the occasional tear (mostly from me - I'm a big cry baby
But really, what made it fun was that we had so many buckets to draw from: sometimes a story germ initially began with a character idea; sometimes it was inspired by global location; sometimes it was a clever way to update or reimagine an idea from old Carmen lore. Usually, it was some combination of all of the above!
What was your favorite scene to write?
Duane Capizzi:
I think we have a theme here! "How can I pick just one ...?"
As a film buff, I got to indulge in some serious fan nerdery on this show: I got to write spy movies, yakuza movies, spaghetti neo-westerns (though turning it on its head: spaghetti westerns usually involve REVENGE and because of Carmen's character make up, this was sort of anti-revenge).
Is writing coming up with the idea or typing it? Haha. An "if a tree falls in the forest" question. The writing team and I had so many cathartic "that's how it goes" in the room. But on my own, writing the Pilot, was a very inspiring time for me: I remember laughing out loud the moment I thought of Chase falling on his own car (in part because of doing my spin on "that trope" that we've seen in so many hard boiled movies recently). But also how emotional I got when I imagined the simple but potent image of Black Sheep deciding to take her destiny into her own hands and walk that long corridor to the Faculty who we were about to meet for the first time.
I think I've cited this in another interview, but there was a period where I was completely immersed in Chase's arc and the scene where he would crack the location of VILE island ... by listening to Julia in a dream ... was a big one for me. It revealed he was finally open to admitting he needed Julia more than he would ever admit - yet, it was his own subconscious speaking.
The next morning, after cracking that scene, I bumped into Raf Petardi (voice of Chase) ... at the supermarket! It was very strange and hilarious
Did you scrap any lengthy or funny scenes that you would be able to share?
Duane Capizzi:
With few exceptions, most scene cuts are done at the script stage so that the story board team doesn't waste effort over boarding. A variety of trims to any script are common, but they are usually for the better
The easier question to answer might be scenes were part of our "wish list" at writer room stage, but never made it to story or script. I hesitate to go too deep here (in the event that we might ever do more Carmen episodes in this canon - I'm not giving up hope). And there were cases where things we wanted to do earlier in the series wound up getting nixed or not fitting for whatever reason, but we got them in later - USUALLY FOR THE BETTER. So there's sort of a reverse Murphy's Law/rule of good fortune somehow in these things. But some fun things that didn't make it into the show, that leap to mind were: a Bollywood dance sequence (!). A Vegas caper involving Brunt wanting to steal an Elvis jumpsuit against the backdrop of an Elvis impersonator convention. We also thought it would be neat to get Maelstrom imprisoned so that Julia could interrogate him and he would play mind games with her - very Lector/Clarice!
Were there any different treatments of Carmen you pitched before settling on the one we ended up with?
Duane Capizzi:
I was one of several "pitches" that I'm sure HMH heard before running with my version. But I can honestly say I've never pitched anything as fully formed: the take on Carmen felt so right to me, and clearly HMH and by extension Netflix agreed
I'll answer your question with an anecdote: I had the entire Pilot pretty well worked out, and pitched it in the first meeting. But one key thing that changed (much for the better!), simply because it wouldn't have fit without slogging things down ...
In my Pilot pitch, Black Sheep's escape on the boat was off screen: we see Shadowsan corner her, then we cut away. The rest of the Faculty show up to find SS's broken sword on the rocks, and are led to believe BS killed him (!). In the present, Crackle points his weapon at Carmen and prepares to pull the trigger. We know that Chase is on the way and may rescue her. The compartment door opens to reveal - not Chase - but Shadowsan! Big surprise! Then we cut back to BS's escape and find out what really transpired etc etc.
Crazy, right? SS would have been hanging out with the gang in season 1; we might not have gotten to 203 with his back story, since his sword was broken and he couldn't return it. Just one of those magical things where "things work out" the way they are supposed to. THAT SAID, it made for a heckuva pitch
Are there any characters that ended up taking a direction you didn't initially anticipate?
Duane Capizzi:
I didn't know we'd make him amnesiac when I wrote the Pilot, that was something we came up with in our first week Writer Room.
And even then, when it became clear he'd be a key piece of the bigger puzzle, we didn't know how exactly (mostly the Season 4 stuff).
We did get very deep with a version where 404 ended with his protective streak for Carmen kicking into high gear, and they would be fighting off Vile Guards back to back in perfect tandem. Then, having chosen Carmen over VILE, it was Carmen who actually orchestrates Gray going "off grid" so that VILE can never find him again. Funny, I know that is arguably the version of Gray's arc that many fans might have preferred seeing. But in the tradition of spy thrillers and film noir, and for a lone wolf character like Carmen who is focused on her life mission and not romance, we stand behind where we went with him. We felt it was so much more compelling ... and truly more emotional that he totally has a get out of jail free card when he sacrifices everything (including his life, potentially) to save Carmen.
when she needs him most!
I know I made some controversial comments about Gray "not being good enough for Carmen" and I'd like to clarify that I meant, until that final episode. What he did was so selfless and heroic. Is there hope for them in the future? Who knows?! But I do hope we get to explore that one day
I'm sure Gray is living off the grid somewhere now, inspired by Carmen's selfless good and thinking of her from time to time.
You mentioned in the interview with Alicyn that Carmen is a love story, but you were cut off before you could finish discussing. Could you elaborate on your answer now?
Duane Capizzi:
Ugh, yes! Sorry about that. I actually answered that privately for someone so will cut and paste that response here. Let's see if it works.
Something we never said in the show, but something I imparted to the creative team was: Carmen Sandiego is (among other things) a LOVE STORY, where every character in our ensemble is in love with Carmen in one way or another. Even if they don't know it! That love can take different forms: we see how spurned by Carmen Coach Brunt feels and why she retaliates so excessively. Chase eventually comes to realize that he too loves Carmen, even if he wasn't initially aware of it haha. One of the most moving things to me about the series is how all of the different factions come to Carmen's rescue at the end when she's not "in her right mind," without knowing the others are there too. It's a massive group effort to bring back the Carmen they love. But we weren't looking for a fairy tale ending for Carmen with ANYone - Carmen's a classic lone wolf anti-hero, that goes with the territory. At least at this stage in her journey.
Were there other locations that you wanted to feature in the show that didn't make it?
Duane Capizzi:
I think we managed to cover a lot of ground and "cadence" between different countries/cultures/continents was important to us. Many "iconic" locations of course, and it would have been nice to explore some lesser known locations if we had more episodes.
One that we almost did was Niagara Falls, Canada - actually literally going to the Falls and doing a big hydro-electric caper, where Player could actually get into the field with Carmen and the team.
But ultimately, we wound up bringing Player into the fold the way we did and wound up stronger as a result. It made his "first face to face" with Carmen even more impactful, IMO.
Were there any changes in production between the first half and the second half of the series?
Duane Capizzi:
Well, there was that Covid thing
But while it was no doubt a colossal undertaking to get the entire staff transitioned to work from home (animators! and their equipment!), we managed to make up for lost time WITHOUT a dip in animation quality. My fedora's off to our amazing team at Wildbrain for pulling it off!
We did lose some staff between orders, but that is a natural part of production unfortunately. Namely, one of our episodic directors Kenny Park, our first storyboard artist Dennis Crawford, and our story editor May Chan were among those who moved on to other shows during the break. But, as hard as their shoes were to fill, fill them we did!
What is your favorite season?
Duane Capizzi:
Easy. Hands down, Season 3.
Again, another "they're all my babies" answer (and yes, I love Season 3 equally
It's hard, because really when you step back I'm sure you'll agree it's a series, with stand alone capers; but it's really all ONE BIG MOVIE.
Season 3 is like the scherzo of a symphony: the shortest movement of four, and the one that tees up the big finale.
That's my hoity toity answer but I'm going to put to rest all of the various theories on what happened with season 3. It was a combination of two things: Netflix's desire to experiment with different ways of "dropping" seasons, and their desire to do a holiday themed drop (in this case Halloween, naturally). It became our challenge to come up with a theme (easy enough: masks), and the bigger challenge to serve their need while not interrupting our ongoing narrative. A challenge to be sure, but a challenge met. I think the biggest bump was perception: it was a short season and I know that was disappointing to many. But, by design.
So, Season 3 = an essential part of the whole. I don't think there's a wasted episode, and it gets everyone into position for the big finish. I can't pick a favorite season - you can't make me
Were there any characters you had wanted to give more time to but couldn't due to time/plot restraints?
Duane Capizzi:
Well, there's the "what was on the white board" answer but hopefully some of those ideas will see the light of day in some way, shape or form some day. I think if we had more episodes, we would have shaken up the internal dynamic of VILE a bit more (as hinted at Brunt's displeasure with Maelstrom for leaving her hanging out to dry at end of 405 - a seed we planted "just in case," as some have noted). And we had more scenes in mind with Chase's partnering with Carmen for the first time that we had to cut to the bone because of what little room we had in that otherwise packed episode (worry not: it's mostly more gags, more embellishment, more twists and turns - but the important stuff is there). Mostly, and I don't think it would have been right for Season 4 but I hope to tell in the future, I think there's an interesting history between Shadowsan and Lady Dokuso - possibly tragic - that I would love to explore one day. (She was a cameo in Duke of Vermeer at the dinner party BTW, I'm not sure if anyone noticed. And we built a bigger role for her out of that)
What are some pre-2000/nostalgic Carmen references you snuck into the show? Do you have a favorite reference that was included?
Duane Capizzi:
Doing that was so much fun! I'd say roughly 60% of the characters were from previous iterations of Carmen, though often in name only. We had fun reimagining most everyone to make them more relevant or updated or giving them a more colorful personality for starters.
"Suhara" was Carmen's Japanese mentor when she worked at the ACME Agency in a flashback episode in the 90's series, for instance. I don't think I need to spell out how we turned that one inside out
And Tigress was also one episode only: she was a "rival thief" to Carmen, but revealed to be an ACME agent in disguise - a persona created solely to bait Carmen. It was really cool of course, but it seemed like untapped potential so we made her an ACTUAL Vile Thief.
My own internal rule was to make sure the references/easter eggs wouldn't confuse anyone - they were there for those who were in the loop and window dressing. The one and only time i broke that rule was Dark Carmen's line from 407: "I do it for the mental gymnastics." It was one of the most absurd lines from the 90's series (IMO) and i was determined to have it come out of Dark Carmen's mouth. I'm sure it left some 7 year olds scratching their heads
aside from that, the key references were the music: I still tingle at how we worked the Rockapella theme into the Interactive Special; and the 90's main title theme (composed by Mozart!), in our Vienna episode ("They're playing my song"). If you wanted Rockapella or Carmen as a bad guy, well ... be careful what you wish for!
Was there any improvised content from recording sessions that made it into any episodes?
Duane Capizzi:
Yes! Not much, because a lot of it would have pushed us into TV-MA haha
Mostly Mary Elizabeth - Coach Brunt has a POTTY MOUTH!
Mikey and Abby usually riffed their banter WAY beyond what was on the written page and had us in stitches. Some bits definitely made it in! But mostly there was too much or it would get off point (hmmm, much like my interview answers maybe? haha)
Sharon Muthu did rise to Pun Goddess status with "Mask and you shall receive." And Raf pitched me "Chasse means hunt in French" after one session and I said: "I'm going to write that in." I don't think he believed me. You can't say I'm not a straight shooter.
If you could get more season, would you do it, and what type of story would you tell?
Duane Capizzi:
Well if that hasn't been clear so far, ABSOLUTELY
There have been discussions of course. It's up to the powers that be at this point. I will say this: the beauty and tradition so far has been that every iteration has been its own thing. I definitely think there are more "different canon" versions of Carmen that can be had and be a part of this wonderful tradition. After all, there were many naysayers for our version when it was first announced.
I will also say that if we don't get to tell any more stories in this canon with these characters, we've left a perfect gem that will stand the test of time. I would rather go out on a high note than overstay our welcome.
All that said, we worked within the allotted episodes given, ended it as we wished, but left the door open for other stories. I'd love to do an expansion and a deepening: pick up where we left off; find out what happened in those two years; and proceed to do the equivalent of Godfather II or Better Call Saul as related to the amazing originals they followed.
Let's hope! Keep putting good vibes out there!
If you could pick a character on Carmen Sandiego who'd you switch places with for a day (you get to control their life and they get to control yours) who would you pick, and why?
Duane Capizzi:
Okay, THIS is difficult. So you're going Freaky Friday on me?
on a Sunday?
Hmmm, I know Ivy would get along with my cat ... but then I'd have to hang out with Zack!
That's the trick: I can't pick my favorites cuz I couldn't hang out with them!
(not that I have favorites - they're all my babies haha)
Okay, I have one: ROUNDABOUT. I could fill Shadowsan's seat - how cool is that? Then, I could enact all my evil fantasies - but still have a get out of jail free card cuz he'd be sitting at my desk!
(cut to Duane being brain wiped - D'oh!)
Who are two characters who don't really interact in the show that you think could be good friends or work really well together?
Duane Capizzi:
Hmmmm. Okay, now I'm going to give you quick and sassy answers. Gray and Julia! They'd be so cute banding together to rescue captive Carmen (for instance). And they could also duke it out and maybe settle things between themselves re: shipping controversies instead of dragging me into it
The FINAL QUESTION. Have you learned anything super impactful while working on the show?
Duane Capizzi:
Aside from Iceland's terrifically low crime rate?
I think I have learned to never underestimate how meaningful characters can be to fans. Social media has obviously brought us a lot closer to our fan base in more immediate ways: it's been really gratifying to hear/see/read feedback and not be writing things in a vacuum. It's been gratifying to see that ideas that were meaningful to myself and the creative team on Carmen that were crafted with care, have also resonated with our fan base. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who has traveled on this journey with us - for embracing Carmen's world view, and her friends and foes alike. Take care everyone! Stay safe! This has been fun, thanks for having me!
HUGE thank you to Duane Capizzi: for being here today.
Thank you everyone for watching and reacting!
Duane Capizzi:
Okay, gotta run - just gotta find the door
Anyway, really: THIS HAS BEEN AMAZING. I speak for everyone involved in the creation and production of Carmen: it has been an amazing and inspiring series and we're elated to see it connect with such a CREATIVE, TALENTED and INTELLIGENT fan base. Take care everyone! Until next crime...
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tobesobri · 4 years
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𝒮orry for the delay in this chapter 😬but i just want to say happy birthday to the anon that said this chapter is being posted on their birthday, i hope you had the best day ever!! and yeah, i really hope you all like this one because it’s one of my favorites! 
huge massive thank you to the incredible @youresogolden-h​ for editing ❤️
Harry and Y/N are friends…. with benefits, but not the kinds you’re thinking of.
Morning came and went by the time Harry woke up. With his curtains automatically shutting in the middle of the night and all sense of time lost, the only thing he knew for certain was that Y/N was gone. 
After confirming it, reaching out to find cold sheets instead of her warm body, he let out a huff and buried his face back into his pillows. He had wanted nothing more than to wake up with her in the morning and make coffee and just talk. But thinking back on his little daydreams from last night seemed extremely dumb to him now. She had a regular job with regular hours that she couldn’t be late for.
Once he got the energy to do so, he rolled onto his other side to grab his phone from the small, circular table next to his bed. He squinted at the bright light it gave off in his otherwise dark bedroom and then narrowed his eyes even more to read her message that had been sitting on his lockscreen for the past several hours.
(Y/N, 7:52 am)
Sorry I had to get to work.
Even in her texts she was concise. He grunted and practically threw his phone onto the emptied side of the bed. With his fingers dug deep into his hair and his palms covering his eyes, he thought about what she’d said last night for possibly the hundredth time since she’d said it. He still felt the knot in his throat and the stinging in his eyes from just simply repeating her words in his head again. 
For the entire time he’d known her, which was actually a decent chunk of time, he never would have guessed she felt that way. And he definitely would never have guessed she’d be telling him anything about it. He wondered how many nights she spent like last night where she didn’t have him to hold onto and he wondered if she was more like him than he’d thought. If she cried herself to sleep until it made her eyes burn the next morning. If she had the same destructive thoughts he did. Of not being good enough for anyone to stick around. Of desperately craving someone’s touch but being far too terrified to let anyone that close. 
They had their different reasons for it, but in the grand scheme of things, they were exactly alike. 
And he felt like a clown for never noticing it.
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Friday night was suddenly not like all the other nights. She came home from work and didn’t immediately crawl into bed after throwing on her worn out sleep clothes. Instead she pulled out a clean pair of sweatpants and a shirt she hadn’t worn in a long time and actually tidied up her room, instead of just tossing things into a chair or under her bed like she had for Harry when he slept over the previous week. She actually put things back where they belonged. She joined the ever-growing, untouched stack of books on her floor with the rest of them on her shelves. She gathered her dirty laundry and put away all the clean stuff that had been sitting in her hamper for weeks since she last ran a washing machine. She saw the clean, white table top of her desk for the first time in months and actually sat down to write in her planner when she was done with it all.
She’d been here before, coming out of the dark, but this time felt different. It felt like she actually had something to hold onto that made her accountable for keeping her shit together. 
And so, after a much-needed shower, she actually joined her roommates in the kitchen and ate dinner at a reasonable hour.
“Finally out of your room,” James commented while Y/N started helping herself to their overflow of Chinese takeout. Will and his girlfriend, Sasha, were already eating at their thrifted dining table with a very tired and stressed Violet sat on the opposite side from them. 
Y/N ignored him for the most part, other than to give him a mocking look, and made a plate for herself before reluctantly joining the others at the table.
“Look at this!” Violet exclaimed, pointing the screen of her phone almost right into Y/N’s face and then, before Y/N could even make out what the picture was of, Violet shoved it toward Will and Sasha. “He’s already with some other girl. It’s only been one fucking week!”
Y/N kept quiet, keeping out of that conversation completely after last Saturday when Violet had kicked her out at four-thirty in the morning because her boyfriend had broken up with her while he was getting ready for work. 
She couldn’t hold too much of a grudge, however, because if that didn’t happen, she would have never gotten into bed with Harry to begin with. On the other hand, if things hadn’t gone the way they did, she’d still have all her secrets to herself that she stupidly blurted out last night, which she’d spent the better half of her day trying to forget. She was pretty sure she trusted Harry, as much as she was able to, but telling him things like that made her remember just how much she hated anyone knowing anything about how vulnerable she could be. 
Ignoring Violet going on about her cheating boyfriend was made even easier when her own phone dinged in her pocket. Even poor Will tried to change the subject by asking who was texting her, but it was no use. Y/N shrugged him off once she saw Harry’s name on her lockscreen and Violet went right back to her rantings.
(Harry, 6:37 pm)
Can you come over again tonight?
She hated the way his text gave her butterflies. Like she was some high schooler with a big fat crush on the hot, popular jock she could never have. Still, she could not deny that him asking her to come over again made her fucking heart melt.
She ate a bit of her dinner before responding to him; just enough time to think up a believable story for her roommates. She wouldn’t get away with her coworker's place this time. She didn’t work tomorrow and had no reason to be spending the night there. So, after a moment to devise a believable plan for her roommates, she gave Harry her simple answer.
(Y/N, 6:49 pm)
Then she spent the rest of her time at her own apartment trying to find the right moment to squeeze into the conversation about her not staying in her own room tonight. She did eventually get it out, making up a lie that she was going over to a friend’s place. Friends she hadn’t talked to or seen since college, but Will, James, and Violet didn’t need to know that.
“I didn’t even know you were still friends with them.” Will questioned while he washed dishes and Y/N dried them. The others were in the living room after they finished putting away the leftovers.
“Well, I haven’t talked to them in a while, but yeah.”
Will just shrugged and handed her another plate to dry and put back into the cupboard overhead. “I know you hate it when I get all sappy, but I’m really glad you’re seeing your friends again and you just seem… happier.”
They all knew Y/N had really rough days and mostly tried to ignore it and let her be like she had asked them too, but Will often tried to get through to her, even if just to remind her that he cared about her and wanted nothing more than to see her happy. 
She felt guilty about lying, that he had no clue what she was really doing. And even though her sleeping with his best friend and colleague was just that, sleeping, it still made her feel a bit dirty, like they weren’t just sleeping if she felt the need to hide it from everyone. 
Telling some of her closest friends that she and Harry were friends-with-cuddle-buddy-benefits was not something she saw happening. Not any time soon. Or ever.
Once the dishes were done and she had a bag packed to take over to Harry’s, she was back on the same winding roads up to his house. This time, however, she felt a little more confident. He wanted her to be here. She wasn’t imposing on him. She’d let him see a glimpse of her true colors last night and he was still asking her to come over again.
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They ended up on his couch this time instead of going straight to bed, mostly because it had only been nine o’clock when she showed up and neither of them were tired enough yet. Plus, they couldn’t exactly drown themselves in a shared bottle of whiskey in his bedroom without potentially spilling it all over his 400 thread count sheets.
Once both their brains were swimming in alcohol, Harry finally said what he’d been meaning to the second she stepped foot inside his house. What he’d been thinking about the entire time they sat together and watched multiple episodes of Whose Line Is It Anyway, but he never found the right words or moment to do so.
“You’re not ugly.”
“What?” She flipped her head over to him, staring at him like he was crazy while he laid back against the cushions, practically half passed out at this point.
His eyes travelled to meet hers and his frown became even more prominent. “You’re not ugly and no one would be stuck with you, they’d be lucky to have you.”
She stared at him for a while, not even blinking until she finally averted her gaze and let his words sink in. She knew he was just drunk and possibly talking straight out of his ass, but it still made her feel better nonetheless. 
“I’m sorry about what I said. It’s kind of hard for me to believe you know anything about loneliness.”
He still stared up at her even though she refused to look at him again. “I see so many people every day, but I still come home to this big empty house all by myself at the end of it.”
She was quiet, letting him explain all the things she didn't understand about his personal life.
“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but too many people, the only thing they want is an interview, a picture, a photoshoot. Whatever. All so they can make money, or get famous on the internet.” He paused and she could hear in his voice that he was tired, not necessarily physically, but mentally exhausted by what his life was truly like at the bottom line. “It’s extremely lonely when every single person you’ve let in your life like that just ends up taking advantage of you in the exact same way as everyone else.”
“What do you mean they’ve taken advantage of you?” Her voice was soft, trying her hardest not to sound as judgmental as she’d been with him last night. They both appeared to have their demons and she had no room to judge him for his. 
He sighed, picking at the front of his shirt distractedly. “My last girlfriend brought all her friends to this party I was having, but they just ended up stealing from me. They took pictures of my house, and of me when I was drunk. I felt like an idiot for trusting her the way I did… I still feel like an idiot.”
Her heart clenched in her chest listening to the way his voice cracked like he was only just breaking the surface of everything that happened in his previous relationship to make him as messed up as he was on the inside.
“So I was being a bit hypocritical when I got mad at you about not letting people in. You’re the first person I let get anywhere near me in over a year.”
“Why did you?”
He was staring at his hands in his lap when she looked over at him again. “I dunno.”
“Wow, great response, thanks,” she said sarcastically and it made him laugh at himself and come out of the hole he’d been digging himself into.
Once they were both done laughing, another risky question came to his mind, but just as he opened his mouth to get it out, she sighed and sat forward instead. “Think I’m gonna get ready for bed.”
“Okay,” he mumbled quietly before yawning at the mere thought of being passed out in his bed, “I’ll meet you up there.”
Nodding, she stood and on wobbly legs made her way upstairs where she vaguely remembered going last night. With her overnight bag in tow, she quickly found his bedroom again in the dimly lit upstairs area and flipped the lights on once she reached the bathroom. Her normal routine went a bit quicker this time, deciding one night without washing her face wouldn’t kill her.
She already knew, once she turned the bathroom light off and made her way back into his deserted bedroom, that she’d regret that decision when she woke up in the morning to new breakouts that had been waiting patiently to pop up.
Her tipsy mind didn’t care too much though and especially not when it cared a hell of a lot more about the view out his windows. So, instead of dragging her tired limbs to his bed, she went up to them, and looked out over the view of the city. At all the lights from tall buildings, other houses and traffic. It was beautiful, breathtaking and the whiskey swimming around her bloodstream couldn’t get enough of it. 
She stood there in front of the window for what felt like hours, staring off into the distance of a pretty good chunk of Los Angeles. It was a different view of the city than the ones she was used to. She usually hated it, the fake people, how expensive it was to do absolutely anything. She couldn’t even park her car at work for free. She hated how the streets always smelled like ass and the way her anxiety skyrocketed just from stepping out of her apartment building. It wasn’t a very forgiving city, but from way up here, she was in love with it.
Harry had already joined her in front of the windows by the time she realized he was there, a side effect of being in some weird drunken trance she supposed.
“This is the only thing I’ll miss about this place.” His voice was calm and quiet. Peaceful. His words weren’t so slurred and filled with disappointment as they had been earlier when he was dishing out his own confessions to her on the couch. 
She glanced over at him, lost now in the way the moonlight reflected off the high points of his face. She always thought Harry was attractive, but seeing him like this and knowing the things about him she’s sure he kept to himself most of the time, made her see him in a whole new light. Like she was meeting him for the very first time and just now realizing all the little things about him. From the way he stood with his weight off to one side and his arms folded across his chest to the way his eyes sparkled just like the city lights below them. All things she probably wouldn’t even be thinking about if she hadn’t gotten herself drunk.
“The automatic curtains are pretty cool.” He shook his head at her stupid little joke and she easily recognized the smile on his face from the shadows of his dimples. Another little thing about Harry she was just now learning to fully appreciate. As well as the way her stomach did cartwheels when he laughed at something she said. 
If she wasn’t drunk, every little feeling about Harry would be an enormous red flag telling her to slow the fuck down. That she was getting a little too carried away. 
And when he was no longer standing next to her, when he disappeared into the bathroom to get himself cleaned up for bed, she found one little thing about Harry she didn’t like. 
His absence. 
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She was more at ease being the first one to crawl into Harry’s bed. She didn’t have to worry about getting too close to him right off the bat, or about pulling the covers off of him accidentally. She could get herself comfortable first and with this whole situation being so foreign to her and so new, she needed it. She needed a chance to get used to it on her own. To dip her toes into the water until she felt fully acclimated to the temperature. 
And once he finally joined her, she was. His bed slowly started to become like her own, even if she had only slept there once before. The anxiety subsided while it finally began to feel as though she belonged right there next to him. 
Even from a distance, as he left plenty of space between them, she felt the heat of his body radiating off of him and his impression in the mattress where he laid. She felt him wiggle around a little until he got comfortable. 
And then finally, she held her breath, prayed that she wouldn’t accidentally kick him, and backed up toward him until she could actually feel him. Until she bumped her shoulder into his chest and her foot against his shin. 
Only drunk Y/N would be pulling such bold moves. 
He kept his hands to himself though, and she grew anxious the longer he stayed silent. There was still a small gap between her back and his front, no more than half an inch. Space he didn’t attempt to fill for a long enough amount of time to make her overthink her actions. Like maybe she was being too forward. Maybe they were better off falling asleep apart and naturally coming together through the night. 
But, when she felt his breath on her neck, tickling loose strands of her hair against her skin, she stopped worrying so much. “S’it okay if I touch you?”
Her heart just about stopped when she heard him whisper that, because hearing him ask for permission she realized he’d been sitting there overthinking as much as she had. Wondering if he should just go for it or not. Not being sure if she’d be okay with that. 
And not that she’d ever tell him, but it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her, the way he’d asked first. Because Y/N didn’t like to be touched very much at all. It was a rarity for her to be okay with anyone putting their hands on her for whatever reason. 
But, for whatever reason, she hadn’t minded the few times Harry had done it. In fact, she’d craved his touch. It was something she never thought possible of her, but here she was breaking her own rules.
She nodded, “Yeah.”
As if in slow motion, he slipped his hand onto her side, bringing his body closer to hers as he carefully hugged his arm around her. And with her own arms crossed over her chest, cuddling into herself, he gently grabbed her wrist to hold himself into place. It took them both a couple more moments to get into comfortable positions, but it eventually worked out. He held onto her tighter once he laid his head down on his pillow, breathing in the scent of her coconut shampoo with his face practically buried in the back of her head, and he started drifting off. 
It became very clear, very quickly, that being the big spoon to his pillows was no match for Y/N. Not with how warm she made him feel or the way her breathing offset his and calmed him down. He wasn’t sure he’d ever felt the way he did with her with anyone else either. It was different. Y/N had no cold spots, no ill-intentions. She couldn’t possibly want anything from him when she refused to speak to him up until a week ago. He felt free with her. As free as he had been as a child, when he didn’t care about disappointing people and when he didn’t live in a constant state of paranoia about who he could trust. When he didn’t overthink himself into insomnia or toss and turn all night from the stress of it all.
Feeling her against him, breathing her in. He was free.
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Taglist: @afterstylesmadeit​ @cxnyon-moon​ @and-im-not-okay-with-it @chrryblsms​ @whydontharry​ @harryinsweatersandbandanas​ @idkthisisjustforfanfic @teddysoldbird​ @shawnsblue​ @thurhomish​ @theasstour​ @hufflepuff-always-and-forever​ @staceystoleyourheart​ @granolagrannie​ @defineharry​ @iambabyharry​ @1142590m​ @ashtondene​ @smokeinherperfume​ @cherryyharryy​ @mellamolayla​ @chrryblsms​ @cassiopeiaskies​ @sunflowerjens​ @detroitkiwis​ @brwnskin-bunnyteeth​ if you’d like to be added, go here :)
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rocknvaughn · 4 years
New Colin Morgan Interview with Edge Media Network about Benjamin - UPDATED
I am reblogging this because, after the author was made aware of an error in the posting of his article (if anyone clicked through to read it on the site, there was a whole question and answer that was repeated), the error was corrected and another three questions and answers were added! I am correcting it here, but they were very interesting, so I suggest you read the full article again!
I shall post the link at the bottom, but I wanted to type it out so that non-English speakers could more easily translate it. (This article was listed in their “Gay News” section of the site, hence the focus on the gay roles.)
British Actor Colin Morgan: How the Queerly Idiosyncratic ‘Benjamin’ Spoke to Him
by Frank J. Avelia
In writer-director Simon Amstell’s sweet, idiosyncratic, semi-autobiographical comedy, “Benjamin,” Colin Morgan plays the titular character, an insecure filmmaker trying to resuscitate his waning career (at least it’s waning in his mind) after one major cine-indie success. Benjamin is also doing his best to navigate a new relationship with a young French musician (Phenix Brossard of “Departures”).
Thanks to the truly endearing, multifaceted talents of Morgan, Benjamin feels like an authentic creation--one that most audiences can empathize with. Sure, he’s peculiar, has a legion of self-esteem issues and an almost exasperating need for acceptance as well as an inconvenient talent to self-sabotage the good in his life. But who can’t relate to some or all of that?
“Benjamin” is one of the better queer-themed films to come out in recent years, in large part because it eschews emphasis on the queer nature of the story. Instead, the film is a fascinating character study with Morgan slowly revealing layers and unpacking Benjamin’s emotional baggage.
Morgan is a major talent who has been appearing across mediums in Britain for many years. His London theatre debut was in DBC Pierre’s satire, “Vernon God Little” (2007), followed by the stage adaptation of Pedro Almodovar’s “All About My Mother” (2007), opposite Diana Rigg. Numerous and eclectic stage work followed (right up until the Corona shutdown) including Pedro Miguel Rozo’s “Our Private Life” (2011), where he played a bipolar gay, Jez Butterworth’s dark comedy, “Mojo” (2013), Arthur Miller’s “All My Sons” opposite Sally Field (2019), and Caryl Churchill’s “A Number” (2020), to name a few.
His TV work includes, “Merlin” (playing the wizard himself), “Humans” and most recently, in a very memorable episode of “The Crown”. Onscreen he can be seen in “Testament of Youth”, “Legend” with Tom Hardy, “Snow White and the Huntsman” and Rupert Everett’s take on Oscar Wilde, “The Happy Prince.”
He’s played a host of gay roles in the past on stage, screen and TV.
EDGE recently interviewed the star of “Benjamin” about the new film and his career.
Why Benjamin?
EDGE: What drew you to this project and were you part of its development?
Colin Morgan: It’s always the strength of the script for me on any project and Simon’s script was just so well observed, he managed to combine humor and poignancy in delicate measure and when I first read it I found myself being both tickled and touched. Then reading it again and from “the actor” POV... I knew it would be a real challenge and uncharted territory for me to explore. I auditioned for Simon and we tried it in different ways and then when I was lucky enough for Simon to want me on board, we began to work through the script together, because it was clear that this was going to be a very close working relationship... it was important for the level of trust to be high.
EDGE: I appreciated that this was a queer love story where the character’s queerness wasn’t the main focus. Was that also part of the allure of the project?
CM: I think Benjamin’s sexuality is just quite naturally who he is and therefore that’s a given, we’re on his journey to find meaning and love and there’s certainly a freshness to what Simon has written in not making sexuality the main focus.
Great chemistry
EDGE: Can you speak a but about the process involved in working with Amstell on the character and his journey?
CM: Simon and me worked very closely over a period of weeks, at that time prior to shooting I was doing a theatre project not far from where he lived so I would go to him and rehearse and discuss through the whole script all afternoon before going to do the show that night, so that worked out well. It’s so personal to Simon, and to have had him as my guide and source throughout was fantastic because I could ask him all the questions and he could be the best barometer for the truth of the character; a rare opportunity for an actor and one that was so essential for building Benjamin. But ultimately Simon wanted Benjamin to emerge from somewhere inside me and he gave me so much freedom to do that also.
EDGE: You had great chemistry with Phenix Brossard. Did you get to rehearse?
CM: Phenix is fantastic, Simon and me did chemistry reads with a few different actors who were all very good but Phenix just had an extra something we felt Benjamin would be drawn to. We did a little bit of rehearsal together but because it was a relationship that was trying to find itself there was a lot of room for spontaneity and uncertainty between us, which is what the allure of a new relationship is all about, the excitement and fear.
Liberating process
EDGE: Did your process meld with Amstell’s?
CM: I’ve said this a lot before and it’s true, Simon is one of the best directors I’ve worked with. Everything he created before shooting and then maintained on set was special. We always did improvised versions of most scenes and always the scripted version too. It was such a creative and liberating process. That is exactly the way I love to work. And for a director to maintain that level of bravery, trust and experimental play throughout the whole shoot stands as one of the most rewarding shooting experiences I’ve had.
EDGE: When I spoke with Rupert Everett about “The Happy Prince,” he very proudly boasted about his ensemble. Can you speak about working with Rupert as he balanced wearing a number of creative hats?
CM: Again, this was an extremely rewarding project to work on and quite a similar relationship as with Simon in the respect that Rupert was the writer/director and Oscar Wilde is so personal to him. And then we also had many scenes together in front of the camera, so Rupert and me had a real 3D experience together. It was a long time in the making. I was on board, I think, two years before we actually got shooting so I had a lot of time to work with Rupert and rehearse. He really inspired me, watching him wear all the different creative hats, such a challenging and difficult job/jobs to achieve and he really excelled--plus we just got on very well.
Playing queer roles
EDGE: You haven’t shied away from playing queer roles. Do you think we’re moving closer to a time when a person’s sexual orientation is of little consequence to the stories being told, or should it always matter? Or perhaps we need to continue to evolve as a culture for it to matter less or not at all...
CM: That’s a hard question to answer, I think certainly the shift in people’s attitudes has changed considerably for the better compared to 40 years ago, but there will always be resistance to change and acceptance from individuals and groups whether it be sexuality, religion, race, gender--we’re seeing it every day.
Evolution is, of course, inevitable, but if we can learn from the past as we evolve that would be the ideal. Unfortunately, we rarely do learn, and history repeats itself.
EDGE: You were featured prominently in one of my favorite episodes of the “The Crown” (”Bubbikins”) as the fictional journo John Armstrong. Can you speak a bit about working on the show and with the great Jane Lapotaire?
CM: I had an exceptionally good time working on “The Crown.” Director Benjamin Caron, especially, was so prepared and creative, and made the whole experience so welcoming and inclusive. It was an incredibly happy set, with extremely talented people in every department, and I admired the ethos of the whole production and have no doubt that’s a huge ingredient to its success, along with Peter Morgan’s incredible writing.
I was also a fan of the show, and it was an honor to be part of the third season. And I can’t say enough amazing things about Jane Lapotaire. We talked a lot in between filming, and I relished every moment of that.
EDGE: You’ve done a ton of stage work. Do you have a favorite role you’ve played onstage?
CM: I’ve been so lucky with the theatre work I’ve done, to work with such special directors and work in wonderful theatres in London. I’ve worked at the Old Vic and The Young Vic twice each, and they’re always special to me. Ian Rickson is a liberating director, who I love. It’s hard to pick a favorite, because the roles have all been so different and presented different challenges, but, most recently, doing “A Number,” playing three different characters alongside Roger Allam and directed by Polly Findlay, was a really treasured experience, and I never tired of doing that show, every performance was challenging as it was.
Miss the rehearsal room
EDGE: You were doing “A Number” earlier this year. Did you finish your run before the lockdown/shutdown?
CM: Just about! We had our final performance, and then lockdown happened days later. I feel very sorry for the productions that didn’t get the sense of completion of finishing a run. I mean, finishing a full run leaves you in a kind of post-show void anyway, even though you know it’s coming, so to not know it’s coming and have it severed must be even more of a void.
Memories of performing just months ago seem like such an unattainable thing in this COVID world right now. I can’t tell you how much I’m hoping we get back to some semblance of live performance.
EDGE: What was it like to appear onstage opposite Dame Diana Rigg in “All About My Mother?”
CM: Well, I think “iconic” is an apt word for both the experience of working with Diana and the lady herself. In between scenes backstage we used to talk a lot and we got told off for talking too loudly, so Diana began to teach me sign language and we would spell out words to each other, maybe only getting a couple of sentences to each other before she was due on stage and I had to get into position for my next entrance-- we did a radio play together two years ago and she remembered, she said, “Do you remember A-E-I-O-U?” signing out the letters with her hands.
EDGE: None of us knows the future in terms of the pandemic and when we might return to making theatre. I’m a playwright myself and find it all supremely frustrating but I’m trying to remain hopeful! Where are you right now in terms of the standstill we are in and what the future might hold?
CM: Yes, I’m so worried for theatre. It’s a devastating blow. I’m sure as a playwright, you know that the creative spirit in individuals hasn’t been diminished by this virus. People are creating important art in this crisis but we need the platforms to present it and bring people to some light again out of this really scary period, but it needs to be safe and it’s a worrying time. The virtual theatre approach must be looked at I think. We need to experiment and find new paths at least for the time being. I’m involved in developing some things right now and how we can work on things in both an isolated and collaborative way. It’s entirely counterintuitive to what the family-feel and close bond of a group in a rehearsal room is like-- I miss the rehearsal room so much!-- but we can’t sit still, we must create and we must act.
What’s in a role?
EDGE: Looking back on the great success of “Merlin,” what are your takeaways from that experience?
CM: Some of the most treasured memories of my life will forever be connected to “Merlin,” the cast, crew, production, everyone! The invaluable training of being in front of a camera every day! The chance to inhabit a character and live with him for five seasons! There’s too much to list and words probably won’t do justice anyway, but I’m truly grateful for everything the show gave me.
EDGE: How do you select the roles you play?
CM: I guess they select me in a way. I can’t play a role unless it speaks to me and provokes me in some way, but ultimately it’s the characters that I have a fear about playing, not knowing how I’m going to enter into the process of living them, when I don’t have all the answers it’s a good indicator of a character I must play. If I have all the answers, there’s less scope for exploration and discovery which isn’t as interesting for me.
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AWAE 3x1 rewatch: thoughts and reactions
So we’re finally here, up to the (unfortunately) final season of AWAE. I will be rewatching and reacting to the first half of the season only, since I’ve already posted my reactions to episodes 5-10 when they were coming out. Just thought I’d say that here. 
For this rewatch, I will be adding onto the notes to myself I made when first watching the episode. Also, this is dedicated to Amybeth McNulty for her birthday today.
So, without further ado, I suggest we dive right in.
Can we talk about how Anne’s beautiful green ribbon gets untied and flies into the air while she is riding through the snow and she doesn’t even seem to care? I mean, she looks back and smiles at it, but doesn’t even think of trying to retrieve it… If I were her, I would have turned the horse around. Although it did seem like the ribbon was too high up in the air for her to reach. Also, her hair is beautiful flying loose in the wind… like we’ve never seen it before. [Present-day note: of course we’ll see it like that again, and from Gilbert’s point of view. That scene was magical. Truly magical]
So… Ruby still has it for Gilbert… and she has it going on strong… she’s supposed to be covering the hockey game for the school newspaper, but she’s dropped her notebook in the snow [Present-day note: again, my dislike of ruining material objects speaks here, but - I felt really bad for that notebook. It’s done nothing to deserve being ruined by the snow] because she only has eyes for one of the players… and so does Anne. I really hope the budding love between her and Gil doesn’t shatter poor little peach Ruby’s heart. [Present-day note: I’m so beyond happy she got over him before Anne realised that she was, as they would say on Friends, ‘under’ him.] She’s a dearie and deserves the best.
The hockey field (probably nothing more than a frozen lake, but this is the 19th century, so, you know) has apparently turned into a place of courtship, as Billy is giving his attentions to Josie and Moody to Diana… but her parents won’t allow it. “Too rich to be a minister’s wife?”, Josie teases. But then the attention shifts to Gilbert who stares at something undefined between Anne and Ruby, leaving it ambiguous which girl his affections are directed to. The whole thing is very awkward to watch, and with no Cole around to reassure Anne that Gilbert has a crush on her, and her only, she may as well think he’s finally returning Ruby’s sympathies. That scene is intense.
The natives appear – a man and a little girl, presumably his daughter, the girl that was mentioned in the articles promoting this season. It turns out the man is the one who makes the hockey sticks for the boys, and the difference in nature between Gilbert and Billy is once again emphasised by how they each treat him. Billy is superficially polite, saying “Thank you” when receiving his new stick, but he says it in a sort of patronising way, like the subtext here is “We whites are better than you”. Gilbert, on the other hand, is just as polite and respectful as he would be to any white man – or woman, for that matter. I mean, he lives with a black couple, so he can’t be racist at all. I mean, he’s an absolute cinnamon roll.
Anne is even better with the natives, as in, she doesn’t even notice anything about them that would make them superficially different than her and her peers. She asks if she could write an article about the man, but not about his lifestyle or different standards, but about the sticks he makes. She sees the quality work, not that the man doing it is non-white. And I bet she’ll be learning a lot about their life and culture later on, in a perfectly respectful and inclusive way. This is beautiful.
Billy comes back and is all kinds of disrespectful, so the girl, Ka’kwet, shows her dislike of him very clearly, and her father warns her against “stir[ring] trouble with the white man”… the tension can’t be ignored anymore. It can practically  be cut with a knife.
The man offers a great judgement of Billy – “The little man with the big ego” – in his own native language, so only Ka’kwet understands. But he couldn’t be more right.
Billy walks away, muttering “Savages” under his breath. Anne, however, isn’t shaken for a millisecond in her wish to visit and interview them later.
So, Billy won’t even be coming back to school, as he’s stepping into the family business. I’m hoping we won’t see much of him anymore. [Present-day note: Unfortunately, we will. And when I say unfortunately, I mean devastatingly. Before this season, I didn’t think this excuse of a guy could get any worse, but in the latter half he’s proven to be an absolute entitled monster. I loathe him, and I’m not even sorry for allowing myself to feel such negative emotions.]
Jane is “chaperoning” Josie and Billy as they walk back from the game? I mean, yes, she is his sister, but she’s younger than him, I think. But well, I’m not sure how chaperoning works in such a situation.
Anne arrives at the natives’… village? What is it, exactly? Anyway, her new budding friendship with Ka’kwet (which, the poor thing says, just means “starfish”; now she and Anne can bond over wishing they had a different name – although Anne isn’t as resentful of hers anymore, now that she’s signed the family bible as “Anne Cordelia Shirley- Cuthbert) is just so beautiful… this show is pure aesthetic. [Both visually and in terms of content.]
Marilla disapproves of Anne’s having fraternised with the natives… the tension builds up. I guess Anne won’t be stopped from seeing her new friends so easily, though.
At the Pye household, Josie’s mother is pressuring her to “get a hold” of Billy before someone else does. I mean, she’s a Pye – an unpleasant person as per the book, so she deserves him. Let her have him, as long as Gilbert is reserved for Anne and Anne alone. [Yeah, in retrospect, not even Josie deserves this imbecile. But I didn’t know back then just how bad he could be.]
So Anne’s words “seems to me I was destined to be the bride of adventure” from the teaser are part of her evening prayer – a change from the (apparently) usual plea to make her good-looking, which she now, on the brink of age 16, sees as a childish wish and not a real prayer. Anne has grown!
“Many suitors or even just one…” Come on, Anne, are you blind? You have one – The One at that. Take Notice of him… I mean, the Take Notice board will be returning as per a gif set I saw here on Tumblr, so I really hope Shirbert moves on a bit quicker than it has so far.
Bash and Mary have a baby! Since when? I don’t know, but I love it. Is Gilbert the godfather? Seeing as he is Bash’s best friend and honorary brother, he must be… oh dreams…. [Either way, he’s her Uncle Gilby]
Her name is Delphine? That’s beautiful. Also, Gilbert just kissed her forehead before going out to school… the dream has come true.
The unlikely duo of Rachel Lynde and Miss Stacy takes centre stage in the next scene where Miss Stacy says she doesn’t need a man as she has discovered self-sufficiency after her husband’s death. Mrs. Lynde, of course, wants to play matchmaker for her. As I said, this is an unlikely duo and I would very much like to know how this relationship turns out further.
Anne and Diana are dreading the nearing day of their separation as Di goes to finishing school in Paris and Anne goes to college in Queens. I really want to know how this separation will turn out. [Fortunately, I won’t have to find out, and neither will they.]
 Another line of tension builds up with the resurrection of the Take Notice board, as the girls discuss the pressure to get married soon and Josie teases Anne about becoming an old maid, as seen in the trailer.
Poor Ruby takes the blow instead of Anne as she, who will apparently be going to Queens with Anne and Gilbert – only in order to remain close to him (poor unfortunate soul), is desperate to receive any advance from him. I really don’t want her to suffer, but here she is now, crying about him not noticing her. I almost want her to not end up going to Queens, as that will most probably be the place where Shirbert’s relationship will finally bloom, and I don’t want her to witness that. [AWAE Ruby would have loved to be Book!Ruby, as she gets much more attention from him there - but she doesn’t care as much. However, seeing as how Book!Ruby ends up, AWAE Ruby should be glad she’s not quite her.]
Anne “bet[s she] can help” Ruby’s Gilbert issue – but if she is the root of the problem and she doesn’t know it, how can she possibly be of any use to poor Ruby?
I’ve never seen Anne ignore someone so hard as she just did Moody – he greeted her and she barely turned her head in his direction, muttering a quick “Hi” before returning to her conversation with the girls… good thing he is not one of her suitors. Although she doesn’t pay much more attention to Gilbert, you know. 
I see Moody has grown up a lot since last time he was seen, and he’s now a close second to Gilbert, at least the way I see it. That’s quite a glow up he’s had. But I kinda wanted Diana and Jerry to be a thing – and now I’m low-key shipping her with Moody “your dress is very… blue” Spurgeon. The poor guy has always been awkward around her; it’s obvious he likes her. [See, I told you I only ship couples that have explicit signs of potential to happen. Even though Diana and Moody didn’t happen even for a second, I’ve apparently seen something in her and Jerry stemming from that one single conversation they had. I mean, he did call her ‘the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen’, so that must have been what made me ship them - even before I had the slightest idea they were going to be a thing this season. I still can’t get over the fact that they were not endgame. In my mind, at least, they are - somewhere in that future we didn’t get to see.]
 And now the super famous “take notice” scene between Anne and Gilbert is happening… oh the tension. [You know, this scene reminds me of Vanessa Hudgens’ Rather Be with You. If you haven’t heard that song, go listen to it and then try to tell me I’m wrong here.]
Anne was apparently talking about Ruby in this scene, and Gilbert was blabbing on about “the right person” and stuff… Shirbert is on!!
Well, that was a turn of events! The second Anne mentions Ruby you can actually see Gilbert’s emotions change. Kudos to Lucas for portraying that only with his eyes. How to those kids do that? 
And poor Ruby has been observing him during the conversation, of course… she is so deluded, the unfortunate thing – she thinks his reluctance to post means he’s looking for a much more romantic advance to make… Poor thing. Shirbert will break her heart and might just ruin her friendship with Anne forever… and she dies young in canon. I just hope Moira finds a way to give her the happy ending she deserves… [And, as we know, Moira didn’t disappoint there. I’m so glad things turned out for Ruby the way they did]
Jerry can read long complicated texts now… he’s reading Frankenstein [Little did I know how important this book would be for his story arc this season], for goodness’ sake! I stan one (1) beautiful [inside and out] French farm boy!! And I ship him with Diana even more now. Although if her parents won’t allow her a future minister, how will they allow a farm boy?
Diana has actual royal ancestry… but that ancestry is “keeping [her] from Queens; from [Anne]”. Isn’t this a tragical Bro-mance right there? It is indeed.
Marilla is helping Mary with the baby… makes me wonder if she has been dreaming of one for so long but never got to have it and this is why she’s so attached to this one… this series is beautiful but dramatic… it really tugs on my heartstrings.
Diana stands up for herself and her own wishes in front of her parents… but she doesn’t achieve more than angering them that way… poor little rich girl, indeed.
Also, I just love how the Barrys express their anger. Diana sits at the piano and starts playing angrily, while her mother embroiders angrily and her father reads his newspaper angrily. [I had no idea two out of those three things could be done angrily. I’ll leave it to you to figure out which two.]
The Take Notice board has a note on it saying “Susan has her sight on Moody Spurgeon”. Who is this Susan and why is she eyeing Moody if he’s courting Diana?
Anne is super excited about turning 16… “Once upon a time this was the happiest day of my parents’ life”. I really want her to find out about her ancestry eventually. But I want her and Gilbert to finally get together more. [Of course, both of these will happen in this season. I sort of knew that even back then.]
Let’s sum up: Anne has beautiful hair, but, more importantly, dreams of finding out her family history; Ruby has it bad for Gilbert - but we already knew that; Ka’kwet and her father make their first appearance and create tension in the process; Billy is racist on top of everything - but we all expected that; courting is in full swing; Rachel Lynde plays matchmaker; lots of tension caused by the Take Notice board; eye (and eyebrow) acting; Jerry reads Frankenstein; Marilla is a really good mother, and not only to Anne; who’d have known embroidery and reading could be done angrily; who is Susan; Anne is nearing 16 and things are about to change forever.
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Live From My Bedroom! It’s Darcy Lewis!
Based on a fic prompt I received forever ago and have been working on ever since.
Images used in the fake youtube screenshots were sourced almost entirely from Kat Dennings and RDJ's social media accounts.
Please note that this has been written in a very basic script/video transcript format. And has not been beta'd. Fingers crossed it's still easy to read. xoxox
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Chapter One: Whatever Happened to Darcy Lewis?
[Title Card: A cheap animated explosion solely using colours from the Lisa Frank colour wheel with the text “LIVE FROM MY BEDROOM! IT’S DARCY LEWIS!” in the middle.]
[Video opens on a cheerful woman in her 30’s sitting in what looks like a teenager’s bedroom from the 90’s. The walls are covered in band/movie posters and the shelves are full of books, Barbies, and other toys from the era. The woman has long wavy brown hair and she is wearing a dark blue t-shirt with a Grumpy Bear symbol on it.]
Hello world! It’s Darcy Lewis here, cashing in on the childhood nostalgia train by launching my very own youtube channel. [winning smile] So… Whatever Happened to Darcy Lewis? This was a question posed to me by a random stranger after she had been staring at me for a solid five minutes as I stood in the tampon aisle of my local grocery store trying to make a decision.
[Cut scene]
[Text on screen: *Dramatic recreation]
[Darcy, dressed in basic t-shirt, staring at shelf of tampons]
[notices someone watching her]
[turns head]
Darcy dressed up like a yoga mom, caught staring: OMG. I am so sorry. It’s just that you look just like that kid from that tv show.
Darcy, dressed in a basic t-shirt, holding two boxes of tampons: [deadpan voice] I get that all the time.
Yoga Mom!Darcy: [deep in thought] Whatever happened to that girl anyway?
Darcy: [still holding up two boxes of tampons] I heard she moved to Florida to breed alligators.
Yoga Mom!Darcy: [shocked face] Really?!
Darcy: [still holding up two boxes of tampons] …No.
[End cut scene]
So, yeah, I am that kid from that tv show. In 1990, at the age of five, I was cast in the sitcom Live from Suburbia! If you don’t remember it you were probably watching Full House. That, or you’re just too young. It’ll be thirty years this month since Live from Suburbia! first aired, and come December I am going to be thirty-five years old.
[video goes black and white, zooms in on a distraught Darcy’s face]
[Psycho shower scene music plays]
[Darcy shakes herself out of it and video returns to normal]
So, yeah, I forgive you if you haven’t seen it.
[Text flashes on screen: HEY NETFLIX! PICK IT UP ALREADY!]
My parents have probably never even seen an episode they weren’t on set for either. They were never really keen on the idea of me becoming a child actor. They’re both college professors – they were prepared for, like, mathletes or debate club, not driving me to auditions and having me take classes with a tutor in a trailer parked outside a soundstage. [laughs] But I was super obsessed with Drew Barrymore in E.T. and when my mom explained that E.T. wasn’t real, and that Drew was an actress, I decided that was what I wanted to do. So when I heard people talking about auditions being held at a local shopping mall, and that they were looking for a “precocious” 5-6 year old girl, I kind of demanded that my parents let me go. That audition was for a cereal commercial – I didn’t get it, but the casting director liked me so when they were starting the casting process for Live from Suburbia! they asked me to audition for the role of Siouxsie.
[Text appears on screen: *NOT SUSIE. SIOUXSIE. LIKE SIOUXSIE AND THE BANSHEES. #endthedebate]
Live from Suburbia! was about a wannabe rock star from LA, played by a pre-famous, pre-infamous, Tony Stark, who had to put his dreams on hold and move to the suburbs when he becomes the sole guardian of his two kids; Siouxsie and Hendrix, played by a pre-teen Clint Barton. You might recognise him too; his most recent album just went platinum.
[images of Clint Barton rocking out on stages around the world flash on screen]
The show was axed in 1994 and I pretty much went back to the real world for a few years and went back to school full time. My parents were pretty insistent on that. Towards the end of middle school they let me get back in contact with my agent and I soon got a recurring role as mean girl Kaitlyn on the Disney Channel show Total Drama Teens. And later on when I was a senior in high school I played Void, the goth hacker-slash-tech support to a brooding vigilante in one of the last great straight-to-video action duds of the Blockbuster era. 
[sudden dramatic close up] 
But we don’t talk about that. 
[zoom out]
After high school I went to Culver University and studied full time. My parents insisted I get a “real degree” so I ended up majoring in Political Science with a minor in Drama, instead of the other way around, and without the Political Science, like I wanted. After I graduated, despite my parents’ concerns, I moved to L.A. to try and become an actress full time. You might remember me from such unforgettable roles as the “kooky” comedic relief-slash-best friend in five different rom-coms from the mid-2000’s – four of which were called Jenny. I am not kidding. 
[Images of her characters appear on screen: Jenny, Jenny, Jennie, Madison, and Jenny.]
I’ve also had bit parts on every Law & Order and CSI series there is, and had recurring roles as the “kooky” girlfriend in about three different sitcoms over the past five years. 
[Darcy sighs]
[Text on screen: SIGHS IN TYPECAST]
Most recently I finished work on my first serious dramatic role in an indie movie called Bottled Lightning. It’s been entered in a few film festivals, I’ve gotten some good reviews for my performance, but as of last week it had still not secured a distribution deal. So, yeah… That one’s probably only going to be seen by a dozen film critics from three different film festivals and then sort of disappear into the unknown. [pouts] So here I am. Taking a break from the grind of auditioning. In my time capsule of a childhood bedroom. Housesitting for my parents while they’re drinking their way across Europe. 
[Darcy sighs again]
My parents suggested I just give up on the whole acting thing altogether, move closer to them, get a “real job”… So I created a youtube channel instead. [cheeky smile] I’ve got a few ideas for upcoming episodes. Next week I’m going to be doing a reaction video to the pilot episode of Live from Suburbia! It’s been a good twenty-five years since I’ve seen it, but I’ve got the entire series on VHS. …just got to figure out how to get that digital so I can insert it into one of these videos…
[pensive music]
And then maybe a reaction to the first episode of Full House, or a review of the best child actor performances... Maybe if these videos get some traction I might even be able to do some interviews with other child actors – what do you think? Let me know in the comments. And I’m sure you know the drill already: Like, Subscribe, and Share. Thanks for dropping by! I’ll see you next week!
[Darcy blows a kiss to camera, screen fades to black]
NEXT VIDEO: Live from Suburbia! Pilot Episode Reaction (feat. Fizzgig)
*** ** ***
Notes: NEXT VIDEO is not indicative of what the next chapter is about but done simply to imply that Darcy has a whole lot of other videos on her channel that I haven’t written. Also, I named her parent’s cat Fizzgig for the 80s/90s kid vibes.
Tagging everyone who commented on the original tumblr fic prompt in case you wanted to see the end result. @zephrbabe @evieplease @endlesscalendar @lynnestra44 @founderofshield @oldenoughtobeyourmama  @typhoidmeri @phoenix-173 @suzieqsez @kiaraalexisklay @slytherinstarkravingmad​
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milkybunbuns · 4 years
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iii. battles → previous →  perfection masterlist → next
w/c: 1.4 K
warnings: spoilers for season 1 episode 8, swearing
a/n: this series is such a slow burn dang, i just can’t bring myself to make y/n be with todoroki 24/7 but then by the time i finished typing everything i realise i have like 5 times more text than todoroki time udiswjokaq
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You found yourself heading to school on time, only to find a hoard of reporters standing outside the gates attempting to interview every student that passes by. Arms crossed across your chest, you were NOT going to budge until the damned reporters got out of the way. Like yeah, it’s your job, but aren’t you going too far? What a joke.
“L/n-san. Are you not going in?”, Todoroki appeared beside you magically, almost scaring you.
“Well what does it look like to you?”
Before even properly processing what he was saying, Todoroki blurted out, “Are you on your period L/n-san? Fuyumi told me this is what happens to females-”
“WHA AHSIJQKAOW”, you threw your hands towards his mouth trying to shut him up, “You don’t just say that to a female’s face!” Your outburst seemed to capture the attention of the press as they rushed towards the two of you, microphones sticking out and tripping over each other.
“Sorry L/n-san”, and with that he pushed through the crowd of reporters, entering the school and leaving you to face the hoard by yourself.
“TODOROKI YOU BITCH!” okay you didn’t have the guts to yell that out loud cause if that was caught on cameras you could pretty much say bye to your hero career smh. Maybe that was a bit exaggerated. Sighing, you took matters into your own hands, activating your quirk to cover most of your body in a bright light. “Okay guys!”, you smiled fakely, clapping your hands together, “This material around me is light energy and is super hot, I don’t really want anyone to get burnt today, so if you would all kindly back off and let me get through, that would be wonderful.”
The reporters surrounding you immediately backed off, a path clearing for you to walk through. Closest to the gates was Aizawa who looked quite tired, shooing away as many reporters as possible. “Thank you for the help L/n, but that does not mean you can use your quirk in public. You still don’t have your licence.”
“Alright Aizawa-sensei”, you nodded your head, walking through the gates with Aizawa following.
You flinched slightly, turning around to see what happened while Aizawa just kept walking forwards, not paying any mind to the sound. The gates had just shut, activating the defence system at the gates.
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“Okay everyone. Today we will be picking class representatives. This will be an extra way to gain recognition. Now do whatever you want until homeroom ends, just don’t bother me”, Aizawa immediately fell to the ground in his sleeping bag. Poor guy must’ve been so exhausted from shooing those nasty reporters away :((
Yells filled the room, everyone fired up to be representative, honestly, you had no want to do it and you weren’t responsible enough for sure.
“Calm down! We will do this is an orderly fashion!”, Iida exclaimed, robotic arms gestures following his words and the room quieted down for a moment.
“Kero, but won’t everyone just vote for themselves.”
“Precisely! That means that those who get more than one vote will be deemed suitable for representative.”
Names were hastily thrown into a random box then counted up, you had voted for Tsuyu cause she was such a nice person! Even though Iida would’ve been ideal, let’s just say you were biased towards Tsuyu since she’s basically your second friend at UA.
“And the class representative will be Midoriya with 3 votes and deputy will be Yaoyorozu with 2 votes.”
Silently, you were agreeing with Bakugo, minus the shitty part. I mean, Izuku, really? He was a nervous mess and a bundle of uncontrolled nerves, there was no way someone such as himself could lead when he could barely keep himself under control. But then again, who are you to complain, you ended up with 0 votes anyways.
“Okay home room is dismissed.”
Everyone hastily rushed out of the room, eager to see what was on Lunch Rush’s menu this time. Holding onto your tray of (favourite food) tightly to make sure that it wouldn’t get knocked over, you scanned the full cafeteria, deeming it too full for their to be space for yourself anywhere. Sighing, you hauled yourself into the seating area outside where it was slightly drizzling. There was a picnic bench under a tree which would at least provide some shelter from the rain. You stabbed your fork into the food, repeatedly stabbing all around it.
“L/n-san, may I join you?”, a cool voice made you look up from your food, to be met face to face with none other than Todoroki.
“Yeah, sure, take a seat”, you said, trying to act nonchalantly. You still hadn’t really forgiven him for the morning’s events.
And it was like he read your mind, “Look, if it’s about this morning’s situation, I am deeply sorry”, Todoroki could only stand so much awkward silence.
‘Okay whatever I forgive you.”
You swore you saw a small smile on his face and a sigh of relief, but Todoroki was seriously a tough nut to crack. The awkward silence turned into a calming one, as the two of you had your respective meals in peace. Neither could be bothered to make small talk, too much work.
You shot up from your seat, Todoroki doing the same not much after., “Let’s go, it’s probably not safe out here”, by now the rain had gotten heavier than before, “Take off your blazer and use it as an umbrella”, you facepalmed as Todoroki tried to follow you through the rain without any protection. He nodded, forming a temporary umbrella for himself.
“L/n-san, we should be going to check on the gates to see how they’ve broken in.”
“Are you out of your mind Todoroki!? If it’s a villain we’re doomed okay!?”
“To become a hero, you must face your fears.”
“I’m not scared of villains okay?”, you grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him into the building of UA.
“L/n. Why do you think this is called an evacuation, it means we have to get out not get back in”, he snatched his arm away from your grip, rushing his own way up the stairs.
You stood in shock for a moment before realising, “That’s just going deeper into the school Todoroki!”, but he had already walked off and could definitely not hear you. Without wasting a moment, you ran after him, stumbling over stairs and at the top there were 3 ways to go, left, right and straight. He’s probably gone back to class, the alarm’s stopped ringing, it means everything’s okay now. You took a turn to the left, passing by the staff room where you couldn’t help but notice a masked figure in the room with a black hoodie on. You slammed open the door, startling the figure.
“Who are you? I know for a fact that you aren’t one of the staff here”, a surge of confidence rushed through you, you were in UA, surrounded by heroes and high tech. If you yelled once, the man would be immediately apprehended.
“My name is none of your business and I wouldn’t be yelling for help if I were you, Takami Y/n~”, he dashed towards you, putting his fingers dangerously close to your throat, “Keep quiet about this, or I will find you and make you watch as I kill your brother. And then you will be next, or maybe I’ll let you live in pain and suffering”, he grinned under the hood, falling into a mist of darkness that spawned behind him.
You were left speechless, hands shaky and sweat uncontrollably forming on your palms.
“L/n-chan! What are you doing in there?”, you turned around, ready to start your quirk up, before heaving a sigh of relief. It was only Nejire fortunately. “Oh uhm Aizawa-sensei just sent me to grab some papers for him!”, you nervously replied, reaching behind you for a random handful of papers.
“Oh right! Are you okay? You seem a bit shaken up, though I mean I guess it makes sense since it’s still your first week here and there’s already been a level 3 security breach. I can take you back to class if you’d like?”
“Thank you for the offer but no thanks Nejire-senpai, I can walk there myself.”
“Okie dokes, see you later!”, she smiled brightly, walking off to her own class.
Sighing, you put the papers back onto the desk, trying to make them look how they did originally, before peeking your head out to make sure there was nobody near by, then walked towards 1-A looking as unbothered and calm as possible. Who was that man..should I still tell Aizawa-sensei...
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tagged: @awkwardangelthings​ @dyna-m1ght​ @chibishae34​ @vhskenma​
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astralhugs · 4 years
Hellooo. Could you write headcanon about MLQC boys thinking MC is cheating on them? Maybe a little angst :)?
When the MLQC boys think MC is cheating on them.
Hii!! sorry for accidentally posting the other day :(
But heres that :))
requests : open!
You’ve been going out more often because of a shooting and been going home later than usual.
Lucien didn’t think much about it at first because, he himself goes home late as well.
Until one day, he came to your place to pick you up when he saw that the guest and you were hugging.
He wouldn’t jump to conclusions right away but he just stood there and silently watched.
He saw how you were laughing and giggling with him.
“See you later, Axel.” you waved at the guy and went back to your seat and saw Lucien at the back of the room.
He was just standing there.
He exited the shooting room.
Since you were worried, you decide to follow him but you were called by Anna because of some shooting complications so you didn’t have time to check up on him.
By the time you finished, you were looking for him outside hoping he waited.
He didn’t.
So you went home.
In the living room, he was there, looking at a framed picture of the both of you in his hand while drinking hot tea.
“Yes, love?” he looked at you with icy cold eyes.
“Is there something wrong? Why did you just leave the shoot?” you asked.
“I don’t know, care to explain who is ‘Axel’?” he asked calmy.
“Axel?” You thought.
He got up from the couch, “Nevermind, seems like you don’t even care to explain to me, talk to me when you have an explanation.” he was heading towards the door.
“Lucien what do you mean?”
“I’m talking about how you’re so into the guy you called love! If you don’t like me or in fact love me anymore you can just say it, MC.” he said in a cold tone.
“Axel Axel...is...ohhh you mean Axel the guy just now?” You laughed.
“Whats so funny about you cheating on me?” He asked calmly.
“Lucien I’m not cheating on you, Axel is an idol and he was going to be starring in the new episodes of Miracle Finder”
Lucien tried to process this for a moment.
“Here I’ll show you.” you pulled out a video of Axel performing.
“Oh.” he nods.
Lucien smiled, “Okay, thats a relief that you’re not cheating on me.”
He hugged you tightly.
He’s kinda possesive but wouldn’t show it.
Who even would cheat on this man eye
Goldman and you were like bestbuds now.
Like yall text sometimes even when its not LFG related.
Goldman would sometimes send pictures of movies or shows and ask for your recommendation.
Well while you were in the shower, Victor heard a vibration from his desk, he thought it was his phone at first.
Since you both have the same phone.
“Watch later or now?”
Victor was confused so he only answered a ‘?’
“No? Isn’t this your favorite movie? Its going to be on tonight. We should watch later!” Goldman screenshotted a picture of the movie cover of *insert favorite movie*.
“Isn’t this MC’s...are they going to go out together tonight?” he furrowed his eyebrow.
When he saw you enter the room he just looked at you, “Well? Whats it like?” he asked in a monotone.
“What?” you were confused.
“Goldman and you? You’re going out with him tonight aren’t you?” he angrily said while glaring at you.
“Goldman? No, Victo-“
“Don’t talk to me anymore. Just. Get out.”
“No, Vic-“
“If you talk to me one more time, I’ll fire Goldman.”
“Wait don’t do tha-“
Goldman called you.
He rolled his eyes, “Pick it up right here, right now, put it on speaker.”
You were scared he’d do something so you picked it up, “Hey Goldman.”
“The movies. I sent you which one was better because tonight they’re premiering on Channel and was asking if it was worth to stay up.”
Victor made an ‘o’ with his mouth before searching the movie up.
It really was airing tonight and he was just asking you for recommendations.
“Both are cool. But I have to go, tell me if you liked it or not!” and with a click you ended the call.
“You can stay, I apologize, I thought you were cheating on me.” he got up and hugged you tightly.
“Why would I cheat on you?!” You kissed him on the lips for a long time before parting.
“I would never.” you smiled brightly.
“I guess I’m the dummy today.” he sighs and kisses you again.
This boy never really suspected anything.
Even when you go home late.
He trusts you.
A little too much sometimes.
But then one day, you were out with a guy friend and didn’t tell him because it was just business related stuff.
Gavin was patrolling in the sky when he saw the two of you.
He didn’t say anything and continued patrolling.
Once you got home he’d ask you who it was.
“MC, is there something you’d like to tell me?”
He sounded more cold this time, “Did something happen today?”
“Not anything important I guess?” You say.
“So...cheating on me isn’t important then?” he asks.
He knew that you probably didn’t cheat on him but it was a rough day at work and you acting ‘oh-so-innocent’ to him made him more mad.
“Cheating? Gavin I’m not-“
“Then who was the guy you were with at the cafe, MC?” he asks in a stern voice but there were a hint of hurt in them.
“T-the boy?” you looked worried at him before forming an ‘o’ shape with your voice.
Before you were able to explain yourself, he sighed.
“MC, if it makes you happy then I’m ok-“
“Nonono Gavin!” You hugged him and looked at him in the eye.
“I wasn’t cheating on you thats my friend who’s also my co worker. Its nothing like that.” You explained while hugging him tight.
“Well, I guess I’m happy that you’re not cheating on me.” He smiled lightly and hugged you back.
Thats how you lectured Gavin by saying its not okay for him to be cheated on.
And Gavin had to listen to the whole thing.
As an idol, you would sometimes follow him to his shoots and stuff.
Until, there was a new male idol he’ll be collabing, ‘Axel’.
You and him would get along well.
Too much to Kiro’s liking.
You started to hang out with him when they’re done shooting.
Well one day, you wanted to interview Love on Miracle Finder and asked him to meet after the shoot.
After he heard about that Kiro was down for the rest of the day.
He thought you guys were planning a date.
When you both get home he seemed a bit different, in a bad different.
He wasn’t the same cheerful self.
“Kiro, is there something wrong?” you asked worriedly.
“N-no, its nothing, don’t worry Miss Chips.” he kisses your forehead.
You would try to talk to him about it and one day he actually told you.
“Are you cheating on me with Axel?” Kiro asked.
“What?! No! Kiro, is that why you’ve been sad?”
Kiro has seen alot of idols cheating on each other so you can say he was kinda...worried
But you guys talked it out and he was back to the same Kiro again.
You tried to distance yourself from Axel which he completely understood why.
Axel and you remained friends and Kiro is still your boyfriend.
Everyones happy.
But i really hoped you enjoyed it :>
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Welcome to the Murder House - Amateur Detectives
Bet you guys weren’t expecting this, huh? Well I still wanted to get a daily fic out and this is the only thing I have written that’s good enough to go out right now. I’m really trying to get back on schedule, and I don’t want to rapid fire these parts out, so hopefully I’ll be getting back to requests soon. But for now, please enjoy part two of Murder House! It’s a relatively short chapter, but things kick off real quickly.  I’m getting you guys hooked on the plot before I start implementing a posting schedule. Sorry for any spelling/grammatical errors, it’s 2 AM and my brain is the equivalent of a potato.
Writing Masterpost
If you want to send a request or a prompt, my inbox is always open! I publish a story at 8:00 AM PST everyday, so I’m always in need of new ideas. If you want to be tagged in my works, just let me know and I’ll be sure to tag you!
Prompts | More Prompts | The Trifecta of Prompts | Original Prompts
Trigger Warnings: Talk of death, typical high school swearing/insults, dead bodies
Part 1
“Holy shit, Christina Denmark?” Anne gasped.
Frantically nodding Cathy tried to regain her breath. “The freshmen were having an assembly and one of the cops was there. She left her radio, so Mr. Wolsey asked me to take it back to the station. I was tuning in to some of the police chatter, and they started talking about Christina and -” her voice cut off. Cathy’s hands were shaking as her breathing fluctuated.
All four of the girls knew Christina Denmark, whether it was personally or socially. She had almost dated Henry after he and Jane had broken up, but she managed to escape that terrifying reality. She and Anna had been friends at one point, but that was only through the strands of popularity. “Christina,” Anna started, but she couldn’t get the words out.
“Is this for real?” Kit asked, her previous anger at Anne forgotten.
Nodding, Cathy pulled out the police radio from her bag. “I have the radio right here.”
“Well you know what we have to do,” Anne said seriously. Her gaze was set directly on the radio.
“We investigate,” Cathy finished for her.
Neither Kit nor Anna seemed on board with the idea. “Investigate a possible murder? Guys, we aren’t Scooby Doo characters,” Anna chuckled nervously. She didn’t like how serious Anne and Cathy seemed. With Anne’s thirst for adventure mixed with Cathy’s need for answers, things could only end badly. 
“Yes, but we know Christina. The police aren’t going to tell anyone about this until things get serious,” Cathy explained. “This is our only chance to help find her.”
Shuffling her feet, Kit was unconvinced. “But we’re high school kids. If she’s missing, it could be kidnappers, murderers, any kind of criminal. Do we really want to get involved in that?”
“But we can help! We know Christina better than those cops. Besides, we are high school kids,” Anne spoke with wonder dripping from her voice. “That means we know how Christina acts. If she ran away, we’ll be able to trace her better than anyone else.”
Anna and Kit were still hesitant to agree. It was Cathy who won Anna over. “If there’s anything we can do to figure this out, it’s the right thing to do. We can take action that the police won’t. Shouldn’t we be obligated to do what we can?”
Something inside of Anna switched, and suddenly she was agreeing with Cathy and Anne. “Alright, let’s do it.”
Kit looked at her in surprise. “Anna! You’re agreeing to help them meddle in a missing persons case, possibly a murder investigation? You realize how illegal that is.”
“Kit,” Anne put her hand on her cousin’s shoulder, all ill will forgotten. “Do you want to see Christina dead?”
“We can help find her! You won’t get hurt, and you’ll be helping someone. Isn’t that the right thing to do?” Anne was firm on her decision to help find Christina, and she would do anything to convince Kit to come with them.
Biting her lip, Kit relented. “Okay. But if things get bad…”
“We’ll back out,” Anna promised. “All of us.” She glanced at Cathy and Anne who reluctantly agreed to Anna’s terms. “Well then. Cathy? Where do we start?”
Kit did not like this one bit. She expected to be going to Christina’s house and interviewing her family, not trekking through the middle of the woods. But of course Cathy’s police scanner told them that the police suspected her body to be hidden in the woods, so that’s where they went. Anne seemed far too excited for someone searching for a body, but none of the girls tried to damper her mood. “This is like a real life episode of Luther, isn’t it,” Anne commented, hopping over a fallen tree.
“I guess. If you ignore the fact that he’s a detective and we’re a bunch of high schoolers,” Anna cheekily replied. 
Rolling her eyes, Anne stuck out her tongue at Anna. “Okay, I get it, we aren’t qualified to be searching for Christina. But guess what?”
“What?” Cathy murmured, unaware that Anne was being rhetorical.
“We’re doing it anyway,” Anne replied, snapping her fingers. “So let’s get a move on.” The four of them continued their walk, silence settling around them.
“Everyone quiet,” Cathy whispered, freezing in place. The others followed suit, their anxiety levels spiking at Cathy’s sudden apprehensiveness. “Do you hear that?” she whispered again.
Attentively, the four girls tuned into the sounds of the woods around them. Cathy was right, there was a strange sound. It sounded almost like… footsteps. Immediately crouching down, the girls shared terrified looks. Whoever they were listening to could very well be Christina’s kidnappers/killers. As the noise got louder, Anne picked up a large branch and held it like a bat. The footsteps got closer and closer until the girls were holding their breaths in anticipation.
“Ah!” Anne screamed, jumping out and holding her branch at the ready.
“AH!” Came the terrified voices of Catherine de Aragon and Jane Seymour as they jumped back in fear. The six girls were all at varying levels of stress as they recovered from the scare. “What the hell was that Boleyn?” Catherine demanded angrily.
“So you’re Christina’s killers!” Anne accused.
The girls in question stared at her in confusion. “What?” Jane asked incredulously. “Christina’s killers - why would we kill Christina? Why would you think Christina’s dead?”
Cathy held up her radio. “Police scanner,” she answered.
“Why are you out in the woods?” Anne stepped closer, her eyes narrowed. “Come to dispose of the body?”
“What are you even talking about?” Catherine threw her arms up in exasperation. 
Anna stepped forward, less suspicious than Anne but still confused. “The police are saying that Christina Denmark is missing, and they think she’s dead.”
Jane’s eyes widened. “Oh my gosh, that’s terrible.”
“We know,” Cathy agreed. “They suspect that the killer would’ve dropped her body in these woods. If she’s dead.”
“And you think we’re the killers?” Catherine put a hand on her hip.
“No!” Kit jumped in. “We were just scared, that’s all.”
Still wary, Anne lowered her branch. “You haven’t told us why you’re out here yet.”
“We volunteer at a local science research facility,” Jane started.
Kit’s eyes widened. “That’s so cool.”
“It really is Kat,” Catherine smiled at her. Anne shot a scathing glare at Catherine and moved subtly in between the two seniors and her cousin.
“The scientists asked us to get samples from the river further back that way,” Jane pointed behind them. “That’s why we’re here.” Curious, Kit started to make her way around the others and move towards where Jane had pointed.
While most of the girls seemed satisfied with the answer, Anne refused to let it go. “I don’t trust you two.”
“Then don’t trust us Anne,” Catherine sighed.
Cathy and Anna moved next to each other and watched the standoff. “Do you think Anne’s going to rage at them?” Cathy glanced at Anna before turning her attention back to the three girls.
Anna shook her head. “No, Anne’s more controlled than we give her credit for.”
“You say that after she blew up twice in two days.”
“True,” Anna shrugged. “But she’s far more interested in finding Christina than starting an argument with these two.”
A scream broke them away from their conversation. All five girls whipped their heads around, searching for Kit, the one who screamed. Rushing through the trees, they came upon Kit’s frozen form. Anna was the first one at her side. “Kit what’s -” she didn’t get to finish her sentence.
Because there at Kit’s feet was the dead body of Christina Denmark.
Tag List:
@radcowboyalmondtree @boleynhowards @annabanana2401 @babeebobo @dont-lose-your-queerhead @everything-insanity @mindless-pidgeon @i-wanna-dance-and-sing-six @thenicestnonbinary @its-totes-gods-will @thatbolxyngirl @thenameisnoone @sixqueendom @frogs-in-clogs @timetoriseabove @obliviousasheck
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shawn-mendes-post · 5 years
A/N: I do not own anything. The song, Hoodie is by Hey Violet. 
(Y/N) stared at her phone since she was waiting for the interviewed. 
She hated interviews because of the relentless questions about her friendship with  Shawn. She did not know what the fascination of their relationship is. She hasn't been around him in months because they were both busy. 
Her manger knocks, letting her know it was time. 
"Please welcome back (Y/N) (L/N)! " Jimmy said. 
The crowd cheers as she walks towards the comfy chair. She smiles and waves before sitting down, tossing a piece of her hair behind her ear. 
"Thank you for inviting me, Jimmy," she said, fixing her dress since it rose a bit. 
"No, thank you for joining us. I  appreciate you fitting us in your busy schedule. "
She laughs, denying she was busy, but she was. She hardly had time to go home before she had to work. Shawn tried to tell her to slow down before something bad happens, but she never was a good listener. Shawn would surprise her by taking her on to his tours whenever he knew she needed a break. Now, he is not there to help her, so she just working until she is exhausted. 
" You were amazing at the VMA's. Was it your first performance? How did you feel?"
" I was nervous in the beginning since I was performing live. When I started, the adrenaline-filled my veins, and I was able to get more relaxed. I loved it in the end and was sad it was over."
"Your friend Shawn was there. Did he speak to you? Offer any advice?"
" I did not have the chance to speak to him. He was busy getting ready for his performance with Camila. I would have been nervous to even listen to him if he did offer me advice. "
Jimmy nods, flipping through his cards. "Shawn and you have been friends since the two of you were little. " Jimmy then tilts his head, looking serious," you know, Shawn is my best friend too."
"Oh yeah? I bet Shawn and I would answer more questions right on the best friend challenge," she said cocky, making the audience laugh. Jimmy pretends he is offended and shakes his head.
"We will just have to see another time. You have been writing songs since you were in high school?" 
" Yes, I was, in my free time, or whenever I was stressed, I would write songs. I usually kept them in an (f/c) journal. The only person I showed the songs to was Shawn. I would help him sometimes with vines, and we would spend time talking about my songs.  He encouraged me to sing with him, but I would get nervous. It took a while before I did sing with him." 
"That is wonderful. We do have another game to play if you are up to it. "
" I'm up to it, let's go," she said, standing up, fixing the hem of her dress.
The two stand side by side, both of them standing in front of a microphone.  (Y/N) sways to an imaginary beat, waiting for him to speak. 
" (Y/N) and I are about to face off in a game called, "slay it don't spray it. 
We are going to take turns trying to sing well-known songs.  We will have most of the lyrics in front of us on cue cards. When the music stops, we will only see a blank, and it will be up to us to finish the line correctly. If you get it wrong then, the microphone will spray you with water. Also, if you slay it then, your opponent gets sprayed in the face. "
" I chose the wrong make up to wear today, " she grumbles, making everyone laugh. "I would have worn waterproof make up, but no." 
Jimmy laughs, shaking his head," it was a last-minute deal. You can go first. Push the button."
She was about to push the button, but he waves his hands frantically. 
" We have to put on our safety glasses first because of safety is sexy. " The two put on their glasses, showing off how they looked with them on.
She then pushes the button, hoping it is a song she knows. The random generate stops, and she internally groans. 
"Lost in Japan" - Shawn Mendes 
" That is not fair. If I get it wrong, so many of his fans are going to be mad at me. I will be mad at me, especially since I love this song. Shawn, I am so sorry. I know I am going to butcher this song."
The band starts to play, making her sway to the beat. She closes her eyes, envisioning the days she helped Shawn with this song. She remembers she was in Japan, and he would text her. The two missed each other; furthermore, he decided to surprise her. 
Opening her eyes, she starts to sing, watching the cue cards. 
" I could feel the tension, " she starts, moving her hips. "We could cut it with a knife," she gets more into the song. "I know it's more than just a friendship," she blushes faintly, hoping they don't notice. 
"I can hear you thinking about it, yeah," she points at Jimmy. "Do I gotta convince you that you shouldn't fall asleep?" She sung, shaking her finger in a no motion before her eyes widen when she sees the blank space. 
"It'll only be a couple of hours, and I'm about to leave. Do you get plans tonight?  I'm a couple of hundred miles from Japan, and I. I was thinking I could fly to your hotel tonight 'cause I-I-I can't get you off my mind," she sings perfectly, making the crowd cheer. Jimmy is then sprayed with water, surprising him as he tries to cover his face. 
"Wow. You are the first to slay a song. I am nervous know since you are amazing at this." He hits the button, and then slowly, the generate stops. 
"There is nothing holding me back" - Shawn Mendes.
" What are the odds?"
"This a Shawn Mendes edition or something?" (Y/N) asked, watching Jimmy fail terribly at the song.  It was her turn again, so she pushes the button.
 "Kiwi" - Harry Styles
 She smirks, knowing the whole song because she would sing it whenever. She moves to the beat, singing from the cue cards. She strides toward the microphone, "She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes," grabbing the microphone and bringing it to her plumb, reddish lips. "Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect," she makes a drinking motion.
 Pointing to Jimmy, "And all the boys, they were saying they were into it," she steps closer to Jimmy. 
"Such a pretty face, on a pretty neck," she sings, running her fingers down her left cheek down to her neck, stoping to the valley of her breast. She lifts her left hand in her hair, running through her locks, singing," She's driving me crazy, but I'm into it, but I'm into it." She makes a face as if she was interested, "I'm kind of into it," she belted out as the music stops.
(Y/N), was in the breaking room again, not knowing she was also performing. She was giving a stern talking to with her agent since he forgot to mention this detail. 
" Now, you know how I felt when you strung the song on me. I need time to prepare to upload a song, not a few hours. "" I am sorry. I just wanted to release new music, and I did not want to wait. I already have three more songs I wrote. Then I have to go and film in the movie. There is also the Nextflix show I have to appear in and the other show. Then the premiere for the 100th episode of American Horror Story is coming up.  I have stuff I need to get done now I need you to help me.  You know why I have put a lot of work on myself. " She explained, changing into a  long sleeve, off the shoulder dress.  It was strapless, ending at her thighs and sweet lacy pink all over, fitting perfectly against her body.
 Matthew was looking on his phone, facing away from her as she was changing. " I know. I will do better in helping you deal with your problems. I do need you to keep me updated and not spring anything on me. "
She steps out, twirling to show her dress. She asks for his help to zip up her dress before walking out of the room. 
“Please, welcome back (Y/N). She is singing her newly released song as of today, Hoodie."
The blue light shines on her, the band behind her starting to play. She sways to the beat, eyes closed as she getting into the rhythm. 
"You'd probably think I was psychotic," she sings with the backup chorus singing, "if you knew."  Her face was in a frown, "What I still got in my closet."
 "Sad but true," the chorus sings. 
"Slip it on over my shoulders," she makes a motion on putting on a hoodie, "Something I'll never get over," wrapping her hands around her waist to hug herself.
 "It makes me feel a little bit closer to you," she sings, feeling nostalgic. 
Shawn had taken her to the beach, finally making time for the two of them. He had taken her to a reclusive spot where it was only them. He had on his favorite hoddie because it was chilly surprising the two. 
They both laid on the towel, snuggle up close together, watching the sunrise after a full day of swimming. They just wanted to hold each other because he was about to go on tour again while she would have to go back to school.
 " Why can't you join me?" Shawn asked, looking down at the most beautiful girl he ever saw.  He tried to push down his feeling for her, but they would always be there.
 " You know I can't, " she mumbled, knowing her parents would get mad. She begins to fumble with his broken zipper, not understanding why he still wore it. He nods, leaning down to kiss her forehead, a signal to tell her he isn't mad. Their relationship confused him because they acted more than friends, but never crossed the line.
 They would kiss but always apologized after then start avoiding each other. Shawn kept pushing down his feeling because of what happened with Tristan, her ex. Shawn is brought out from his thoughts, noticing she was shivering. Shawn took off his hoodie, wrapped it around her, pulling her closer to him.
End of Memory 
 "I can't keep your love," she sung, feeling tears build up in her eyes, "I can't keep your kiss. Gave you everything, and all I got was this," singing as she remembers everything she had done for Shawn.
 "I'm still rocking your hoodie and chewing on the strings." She bobs her head, dancing to the music, "It makes me think about you, so I wear it when I sleep," her cheeks flushed at the notion Shawn could potentially see this.
  "I kept the broken zipper and cigarette burns. Still rocking your hoodie Baby, even though it hurts," she points at the audience.
 " I used to put my hand in your pockets," she sings while the chorus sings, "holding on."  
"The smell of your cologne is still on it." 
"But you're still gone," the chorus sings. 
"Slip it on over my shoulders. Someone I'll never get over," she sings, referring to Shawn, knowing the fans will speculate about the guy.
 "It makes me feel a little bit closer to you. I can't keep your love," she sung, tears sliding down her face, "I can't keep your kiss. I gave you everything, and all I got was this. I'm still rocking your hoodie and chewing on the strings." She bobs her head, dancing to the music, 
"It makes me think about you, so I wear it when I sleep," she wipes the tears, hoping no one will talk about it. 
"I kept the broken zipper and cigarette burns. Still rocking your hoodie Baby, even though it hurts," she points at the audience.
 "Still rocking your hoodie and chewing on the strings." She shakes her hips, "It makes me think about you, so I wear it when I sleep," moving her shoulders to the beat, trying to bring up the mood.
 "I kept the broken zipper and cigarette burns. Still rocking your hoodie Baby, even though it hurts," she points at Jimmy. 
"If you want it back. If you want it back. I'm here waiting," she makes an open gesture with her arms. 
"Come take it back. Come take it back. If you want it back. If you want it back. I'm here waiting. Come take it back. Come take it back. Still rocking your hoodie and chewing on the strings. It makes me think about you, so I wear it when I sleep," she makes a sleeping motion. 
"I kept the broken zipper and cigarette burns. Still rocking your hoodie Baby, even though it hurts," she makes a heartbroken gesture. 
"Still rocking your hoodie and chewing on the strings," she does a little spin, running her fingers through her locks. "It makes me think about you, so I wear it when I sleep,"  her hands trailing down to her neck, roaming over her body. 
"I kept the broken zipper and cigarette burns. Still rocking your hoodie Baby, even though it hurts," she points at a random guy.
 "I'm still rocking your hoodie and chewing on the strings," she ruffles her dress, being careful not to show anything. 
"It makes me think about you, so I wear it when I sleep. I kept the broken zipper and cigarette burns. Still rocking your hoodie Baby, even though it hurts," she points at a brunette girl.
 "Still rocking your hoodie and chewing on the strings." She shakes her hips, "It makes me think about you, so I wear it when I sleep. I kept the broken zipper and cigarette burns. Still rocking your hoodie Baby, even though it hurts," she points at a member of the band. "I'm still rocking your hoodie," she sung before smiling at the cheering crowd. 
 "Thank you!" She yelled, walking off stage, waving bye at the crowd. 
Shawn could not stop staring at the tv screen in his hotel room. He was watching Jimmy Fallon's show because he heard about (Y/N) was a guest. He knew he should have turned it off, but something was compelling him to watch. He wanted to see how she was doing since he was keeping his space. Something in his heart was yearning to be with her, to kiss her, to proclaim his love for her. 
He knew it was wrong to have feelings for (Y/N). He talked to Brian about how conflicted he was, but that did not help him. He was just more confused than before. 
He couldn't even think straight when he was on tour and having dates with Camila. He was either focus on singing or trying to be in the moment with Camila. Deep in his mind, he would start to think about their friendship. 
His heart flutters when (Y/N) sing one of his songs. He knew Lost in Japan was one of her favorite songs of his because it was about the two of them. 
Shawn was in his hotel room, feeling lonely. It was a bad day at rehearsal, and he missed his best friend. She was currently in Japan shooting in a film she was happy she got the role. 
Shawn then got the brilliant idea to fly to Japan and surprise her. 
" Hey, I miss you," she says, after calling him. 
" I miss you, too. Do you have any plans tonight?"
"Uh... no. I got done filming for today, so I am free. " 
" Get some rest, knowing you stayed up late yesterday. "
" How did you know?" 
" I know you."
She laughs before hanging up. Shawn got up, quickly packing an overnight bag, yearning to be with her. He tells no one what he was going to do because he wanted it to be a surprise. He contacts someone to get him a ticket to Japan before heading to the airport. Hiding, from the paparazzi, and fans, he was able to get on the airplane. He was stressing over the idea she would not be happy in seeing him. 
After the plane ride, he makes his way to the hotel. He stopped at a florist, getting her favorite flowers as a gift. He wanted to show her how proud he was of her getting the part she wanted. He would stop at a shop to get a few things to make her something to eat, knowing she would have forgotten to eat. 
Knock, Knock.
The door opens slowly, but all Shawn notices is the beautiful eyes of hers, shinning with happiness in seeing him. "W-what are you doing here?" She asked, not believing he was here in person. 
"I wanted to surprise you because I missed you too much. " 
She allows him to enter, still in shock as she glances at the flowers and bags in his hands. She helps him set the stuff down on the counter then hugs him. 
" I love you, Shawn. You are the best friend anyone can ask for," She said, braking Shawn's heart. His smile falters, nodding his head. 
" I love you, too." He had replied, shaking his head to get rid of his feelings. 'Just friends.' 
While she places the flowers in a vase, he starts to cook her dinner. The two were chatting as if they were not separated for a few weeks. When dinner was ready, the two sat down on the bed and turned on the tv. Both were quiet, watching the movie that was one as they ate. 
The two were drinking Sake with their dinner, slowly becoming tipsy. Shawn would glance at her a couple of times, debating with himself on kissing her. She was talking to Shawn, but he was not paying attention. 
Finally, he leaned down, pressing his lips against her like all those years ago when he was fifthteen. Her arms wrapped around his neck, loving the feeling of his lips on hers.  His hands moved to her waist, slowly rising to explore her body. His hands sent shivers through her body as she wanted more. She was craving more. 
"Shawn, I want you," she moaned breathlessly. He lays her on the bed, not caring about the plates as they fall on the floor. He takes off his shirt, capturing her lips in another kiss. His fingers running along her thighs, moving under her skirt. 
He remembers where he is and groans, seeing he is all alone in the room. He sees his erection and gets up to go and take a cold shower. 
'I need to sort out my feeling now.'
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marshmallowgoop · 4 years
Brand New Animal...
So, the last few episodes of BNA: Brand New Animal dropped on Netflix Japan last week. I was initially really hyped for this anime—I devoted several hours of my life to translating and summarizing the Winter 2020 Otomedia interview concerning it—so I intended to write a lot more about the series, especially upon a wider release.
But having now seen every episode, this is another Kiznaiver and Darling in the Franxx for me. There’s a lot of potential, and I was incredibly invested at the start, but the narrative quickly goes directions and makes decisions that don’t sit well with me at all.
For those interested in BNA, my (mostly?) spoiler-free opinion is that it’s visually beautiful (especially in regards to its colors), but the story feels scattered, and there’s so little time devoted to positive interactions among the leads that their friendships fall flat. Further, speaking as a very character-oriented person, I finished this anime annoyed at the entire main cast. Their growth comes across as dissatisfying and undeserved.
Of course, it is more than worth noting that my understanding of Brand New Animal is indeed limited at this point; I don’t have much of a grasp on Japanese, there are no official English translations yet, and I watched with Japanese subtitles. (At least until episode 12. While there are thankfully subtitles available now, there weren’t when I watched, which is a huge disappointment in terms of accessibility.)
I recognize that my feelings may very well change if I have a better sense of everything that’s being said. But given what I do know, I—at least at the moment—have no desire to rewatch this series. I’m always open to requests to talk about BNA, but I don’t think I’ll be blogging much about it otherwise.
All that said, I do want to share some spoiler thoughts under the cut. As my sister noted, I am “very upset about this furry anime.”
First things first: I cannot stand Nazuna. I’m sorry. I think it’d probably be too much to say that she soured the whole show for me, but she definitely comes close.
Now, I got a (minor) degree in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, so, yes, I can’t help but wonder if my strong negative feelings are related to sexism. Would I feel so strongly if there were a man in Nazuna’s place? There’s been a lot of investigating myself these last few days, let me tell you.
Still, I can’t say I know the answers. But I do have some Thoughts that are maybe best illustrated with another anime I’ve started watching lately: My Hero Academia.
Do note that I’m only on Season 2, but there are also characters I strongly dislike so far in My Hero—characters who are arguably much worse than Nazuna, as far as their actions and behavior go. Bakugo is an angry, abusive bully, while Mineta sexually harasses women. I hate both of them, but—especially regarding Bakugo—it’s a different kind of hate than what I feel for Nazuna.
Why? Well, I won’t deny the possibility that sexism plays a role, but there’s also a profound difference in how these characters are treated by their stories. Bakugo initially gets away with his bad attitude, but upon coming to high school, he’s a pariah. He’s called out for being a jerk, time and time again. Mineta, similarly, is not adored for his actions. These aren’t nice dudes, and the narrative makes this point clear. Regarding Bakugo, I hate him, but it’s not exactly a bad kind of hate. Because I hate him, I’m rooting even harder for Deku to prove him wrong.
But what about Nazuna? She pretends to be another culture’s god, but much of BNA seems dedicated to treating her as a poor victim who was manipulated into manipulating others and needs to be rescued. While Nazuna’s situation is indeed a frightening one that I don’t at all intend to make light of, episode 6 makes abundantly clear that this girl adores masquerading as a goddess and fails to see any moral problem in tricking thousands of people into believing that she’s their savior.
And that, to me, is absolutely horrendous. Nazuna is not in kindergarten. She is not a small child still in the preoperational stage of development. She is an older teenager. I find it disconcerting to paint her as someone in a rough place who was simply desperate for love when she pointedly relishes her false godhood because it makes her feel like an idol. That is so unbelievably gross and disrespectful.
Of course, Nazuna truly doesn’t see what she’s doing as wrong, and I recognize that she is young. In the end, as I hope the Bakugo example highlights, my issues are really less about Nazuna herself and more about how she’s written and depicted. Just as there’s nothing inherently despicable about portraying a smug, selfish teenage boy in a cartoon, there’s nothing inherently despicable about portraying a smug, selfish teenage girl in another cartoon. But while Deku and Bakugo were also past friends just as Michiru and Nazuna, Deku never defends Bakugo’s awful behavior as Michiru does for Nazuna.
And that bothers me. Michiru—our protagonist and so the person viewers are pushed to empathize most with—never really seems to grasp just how disgusting Nazuna’s actions are. More importantly, neither does Nazuna herself. She’s instantly forgiven, and her dream comes true seemingly without any apology or understanding of wrong whatsoever.
Brand New Animal is filled to the brim with social commentary, but one message that stood out to me actually has nothing to do with the human/animal-human conflict. It’s instead that this cute girl never has to face the consequences of her actions because she’s cute.
I know, I know. This is some pretty over-the-top negativity. But I was so excited for this series. Especially considering the ending conflict around being “mixed” and “purebred,” I felt like BNA was an opportunity for writer Kazuki Nakashima to more thoroughly explore concepts he wanted to examine in Kill la Kill but didn’t because a talking outfit just ain’t gonna garner the same amount of sympathy as cute animal-humans. With my recent(ish) Wolf Children posting in mind, I also love that Brand New Animal ultimately pushes for diversity instead of away from it as I feel that film does, even if there are some... unfortunate implications along the way (that I don’t know if I’m personally capable of analyzing).
But 12 episodes simply couldn’t do this show justice. I’m supposed to care for a girl who calls being an animal-human a “disease” and never seems to really reconcile with how messed up that is? I’m supposed to care for a man who dismembers others in the name of “honor” and never seems to really reconcile with how messed up that is? I’m supposed to hope that two friends/lovers get back together when one is rude and dismissive towards the other for the majority of the show, and the other idolizes her and overlooks her truly terrible misdeeds?
Maybe I just don’t get it. Maybe I missed something (or a lot of things). But there is so much here that gets resolved too quickly or never receives the full exploration it deserves. As I said in the start, characters fall flat, their friendships fall flatter, and any good themes or messages that I do recognize in the series hardly impact me because the rushed development of the players soured my positive feelings for them.
I would have loved to see Michiru acknowledge that she’s in love with someone who does bad things. I would have loved a heart-to-heart where she admits this to Shirou, where he then admits that in his long life, there have been times when he’s been in the same boat. I would have loved to see Nazuna truly question her actions, where her declaration that she’s Nazuna instead of a cult leader actually means something because she’s recognized that she’s been wrong and is ready to be loved for herself, not someone she’s not. I would have loved to see a moment where Michiru expresses to Shirou that he shouldn’t control his violent tendencies for her approval but because it’s simply the right thing to do. The list goes on and on.
At the end of the day, I can admit my own garbage tastes. Bakugo is apparently the most popular My Hero character, and I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else express such a harsh opinion regarding Nazuna’s portrayal in BNA. Episode 5 of the show (with the baseball) seems to be its most adored entry, but I thought little of it. My favorite things in anime—and what I’m specifically looking forward to in Studio Trigger anime—are maybe anomalies.
But, gosh. I really wanted to love this.
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Episode 7: Q&A
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Let’s just dive right into this. Spoilers are heading your way. 
1:00 - Malcolm why did you try to talk to the strange man in the dark?!?! It’s not safe you giant doofus. 
1:33 - Gil looks very annoyed and concerned here. This is a man who would ground Malcolm’s ass if he could. 
1:51 - See how Gil’s hands are on his hips? That’s exactly the position Malcolm was in when he was talking to Dani when he was high. Coincidence? I think not. Pretty sure Malcolm is subconsciously trying to imitate Gil whenever he can because Gil is Malcolm’s definition of a good man. 
2:24 - Another instance when Dani directly asks Malcolm if he’s okay. 
2:35 - Edrisa is one strange lady. She doesn’t even look mildly grossed out by the state of those bodies. 
3:53 - Check out JT’s face here. He looks somewhere halfway between annoyed with and concerned for Malcolm. Gil on the other hand is too busy trying to keep Malcolm from jumping off the deep end to be annoyed with him. 
4:25 - Does anyone else find it odd that mother and daughter are sitting so far apart on this bench? I mean, I know they’re fighting right now but still. 
5:00 - “I am far more worried now.” She should be. Ainsley is trying to out manipulate Martin. That’s concerning because a) Martin is a dangerous psychopath and b) Ainsley, to a certain degree, is exhibiting behaviour that probably reminds Jessica of Martin. 
7:00 - I’m starting to believe that Edrisa might be on the autism spectrum. She seems to have trouble reading the mood of a room. She often rambles. She is socially awkward. She talks with her hands a lot. She is very intelligent. She’s a functioning adult but many people with autism are functioning adults if they had proper support as children. Then again, it’s possible she grew up in a home with stereotypical Asian parents who forced her to study most of the day and severely limited her opportunities to socialize in a non-academic setting. 
7:11 - hahaha Gil’s face here. He’s like “Why do I like these two freaks? Why do they look borderline excited in the middle of this morbid situation?”
7:46 - I love the moment when Gil and Malcolm realize that they’re looking for a serial killer. Gil looks guilty. Like he’s blaming himself for not noticing that this murderer was loose sooner. Malcolm looks upset too but it looks like he’s more upset about the effect this is having on Gil than he is about the fact that there’s a serial killer on the loose. Both of my boys need a hug. 
8:23 - They are waaayyy too lovey-dovey inside of Ainsley’s serial killer father’s prison cell. Like did they forget that they’re inside of a psychiatric facility for murderers?!? 
9:00 - The fact that this interaction between Tevin and Ainsley is possible annoys me. I know it was necessary to forward the plot BUT why would two different secure doors be randomly wide open when a guard is moving a dangerous prisoner through the halls? I’m sure those doors are legally required to be heavy enough to close by themselves if no one props them open for safety reasons. (Just my small annoyance. Carry on.)
10:00 - hahaha I love JT. He clearly cares about Malcolm but he also doesn’t know what to say to a dude who is so manic and troubled.
10:22 - I love Dani going on a rant. It’s really sweet. It’s almost as if she knew that if she went on a rant Malcolm would be able to calm down and focus. Look at Malcolm’s reaction to her rant. He immediately calms down and tries to comfort Dani. He refocuses on the case. They are really good for each other’s mental health. They ground each other and I’m so grateful that they’re in each other’s lives.
11:05 - If Edrisa is technically part of the team - why doesn’t she just walk into the room? Why does she wave through the window to get Malcolm’s attention?
11:51 - We have reached a tipping point in Malcolm’s mental health. He just willingly admitted that he’s not okay. Someone sound the alarms. This will not end well. Our boy is going off the deep end....but at least he’s self aware? 
12:00 - The first part of this interview (before Malcolm shows up) is hard to watch. It hurts to watch Martin twist everything into a positive about himself. It hurts to watch Ainsley try to twist everything in the opposite direction. These characters are more similar than I’d like to admit. They’re both obsessed with their outward appearance to the world. They’re obsessed with their own success. They’re driven by ambition. Sure, Ainsley is capable of empathy, and I don’t think she’d ever kill anyone but she’s definitely narcissistic. More so than Malcolm, whose isn’t narcissistic so much as he is obsessed with finding out the truth. More so than Jessica, who really just wants to be less lonely since the world abandoned her twenty years ago. 
13:20 - This is a really interesting point that Martin brings up. He’s technically mentally ill. Does he deserve sympathy for it? I mean, he killed people. I have anxiety disorders and chronic depression. I have a bipolar uncle. A narcissistic grandmother diagnosed with manic depression with psychotic elements (actually, in a lot of ways my grandmother is like Martin Whitly). I understand mental illness. But the second that someone kills another person...that’s where my sympathy ends. At that point I don’t care if you’re mentally ill - you took someone else’s life for pleasure. You shouldn’t be getting fancy therapy and an all-expenses paid trip to a psychiatric hospital. You should be getting the electric chair. (Sorry if this is getting political - I’m generally against the death penalty but psychopathic serial killers and child abusers are the exception to my stance).
13:38 - The darkest of nights?!?! Martin you are making me so angry right now. You sleep like a baby. You have no conscience. That’s literally the definition of a psychopath. You have no dark nights. Your son on the other hand. UGH. 
14:10 - *sigh* look at this. He’s making everything about him. In doing so he’s actually belittling his daughter and her career choice. What kind of a loving father does that?
15:44 - This little moment when Ainsley tells Malcolm that she’s staying is concerning to me. She is so desperate to find her father’s affectionate side that she watches her brother interact with him. She genuinely believes that she is the least favourite child.
16:30 - In this scene Martin says he’s never been to the Bronx. But by the end of this episode we find out that Martin briefly worked at St. Edwards Hospital in the Bronx. Just more proof that Martin is a liar. I don’t know what else to tell you. 
17:10 - Look at that face. That is a man who doesn’t care about his son. That is a man who will say anything to keep Malcolm in the room. To play with Malcolm’s head. That is not a father. That is a monster. Look at how sad Malcolm looks by the end of this interaction. How upset. How scared. He is genuinely starting to believe that he might’ve helped his Dad hurt someone. 
18:56 - Ainsley’s excitement to walk back into that room is concerning. There is ambition and there is obsession. She is obsessed. It isn’t healthy. 
19:25 - “I’d like to discuss one more. Malcolm.” This scene absolutely shatters my heart. For multiple reasons. a) Ainsley just put her career before her brother. She is intentionally starting a conversation that she knows will upset her brother (in front of her brother) because she believes that it will get the results she needs. This is one of the reasons I believe Ainsley is the Whitly child most similar to Martin. AND b) look at Malcolm’s reactions. He is utterly heartbroken. He feels betrayed by his sister. Embarrassed that his father knows about his diagnoses. Embarrassed that this discussion about his mental health is being filmed for television. He looks so sad and defeated here. I just want to hug him. AND FINALLY c) Martin is incapable of even acknowledging that his action have had any sort of negative impact on Malcolm. 
20:15 - And there he is. The most honest form of Martin Whitly. Angry. Explosive. Violent. Things aren’t going his way and that’s unacceptable to him.
20:53 - Another moment that annoys me about this episode. How convenient is it that the alarm starts going off JUST as Martin finishes his little outburst? It’s just timed a little too coincidentally. I know I know. It’s necessary for the plot and the time constraint of the episode. 
21:24 - Look at that. Three people concerned about your shaky handed boy. My heart is full. 
22:18 - Ainsley and Malcolm laughing over their Mom’s phone calls is cute. BUT I feel like Malcolm should be a little more upset with Ainsley right now. I know they’re in a lockdown situation and he probably doesn’t want to fight with her in case that something bad happens to one of them but still. Siblings fight. She treated him poorly. He should be mad at her right now. Malcolm’s acting like nothing happened.
23:55 - Martin is the worst. He really refuses to answer his children’s relevant questions until the camera is rolling. Ugh. Mr. David is not getting paid enough to deal with this family.
25:40 - It’s absolutely disgusting that Martin is so unconcerned when both of this children are in danger, in his presence. Also can someone please explain to me why there was a crow bar in the camera equipment bag? Like for real? That’s not a thing I can see Claremont security approving to enter a serial killer’s cell.
27:00 - It’s not often that I believe that Malcolm is the most rational person in the room (excluding Mr. David of course) but Ainsley and Martin are positively crazy in this scene. Ainsley is desperate and scared but Martin is manipulating her. At least Malcolm has enough common sense to keep a knife away from a serial killer. 
28:34 - The flashback. Martin is holding Malcolm’s hands, guiding the knife. Did Malcolm fight his father before this moment? Was Malcolm drugged into submission? I really need to know more about this. Malcolm looks terrified in the flashback though - he definitely didn’t take the knife willingly.
29:00 - Look at Malcolm’s face. That is pure terror. That is internal conflict. He wants to help his sister. He would do anything for her because he’s her big brother and big brothers are protective. BUT he’s also terrified of giving his father a knife. AND he’s terrified of the flashback that he just had. Look at Malcolm’s face when Martin takes the scalpel. Holy crap. That boy is not sleeping tonight.
31:02 - Another instance where I really don’t support Ainsley. Video tapping the un-consented surgery (yes it was an emergency, I know) performed by a serial killer on her boyfriend. Like. Dude. No. So not appropriate. But she’s doing it a) to try and earn her father’s love and attention and b) she thinks the story will help her career. It’s all about her. And that scares me. 
32:45 - JT and Dani look concerned again. They’re like “What’s the dumbass going to do now?”
33:00 - I love this scene. Gil and Jessica. This conversation is sweet, and intimate in a way that only people with a shared concern can be. How many conversations do you think they’ve had over the years about Malcolm and Ainsley? They’re both worried about their kids. It’s precious and I love it. Also - another example of how Jessica’s heart is in the right place. She really does love her children. 
35:15 - New York Direct News?!? I thought Ainsley worked for American Direct News? Did Malcolm purposely use a different network name? 
35:55 - Is Malcolm giving that look to Ainsley or Martin? I can’t tell. 
37:40 - I feel you Jessica. I feel you girl. He’s playing with both of your children’s hearts now. You are justified in being livid.
38:18 - Concerned Papa Gil for the win! :) <3 
39:24 - I’m really glad that Malcolm is at least aware that his father is playing with he and Ainsley.
40:55 - I love how this episode ends. A rare, intimate moment between Malcolm and his mother. A softer side of Jessica we rarely see, comforting her upset son. Followed by a confused, terrified and equally vulnerable side of Jessica going to the basement.
Dang. This one got long. Sorry. Thanks for hanging out. I’ll post again soon. 
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writethehousedown · 4 years
Sunshine (Jackie/Miz Cracker) -- Rainbow
A/N: After a long fic writing hiatus, I’m back with some cliché content nobody on planet Earth asked for! Although I’ve never seen this ship before, I decided that these two have chemistry after watching that one cast interview and RWAJ season 12 episode 1 when she interviewed Jackie. I hope you enjoy this random professional theatre au. If you do, my tumblr is @rainbowvelour :).
“Good morning, sunshine!”
The lead stage manager always greeted Jackie the same way. Every day when the leading actress came in, an overpriced cup of black coffee in hand, Brianna would look up from her papers and repeat the phrase.
The phrase, though repeated each day, never felt monotonous to Jackie. If she was running a few minutes late to rehearsal that day, Brianna would recite the words with a hint of sarcasm sprinkled in. Sometimes, she’d add a teasing, “You’re the lead now, Jackie, you should be an example!” Jackie would just shoot her with a brief, apologetic smile and speed walk past the front desk towards the stage doors. She couldn’t help but feel guilty for her tardiness, despite knowing that the stage manager didn’t actually mind. Her words were always genuine when it came to Jackie.
When Jackie ran in for the first day of dress rehearsals, things appeared exactly the same. Brianna looked up with her and said, “Hey, sunshine. How was your weekend?”
Flustered and out of breath from sprinting from her apartment to the theatre, Jackie responded with a quick, “Alright! How was yours?” before dashing past the desk without waiting for an answer.
It was only during intermission, when the actors were taking a break, that Jackie realized something was off; Brianna was sitting in the 5th row of the theatre as usual, notebook in hand, but she looked sad. Her thick blonde hair was tied up in a bun instead of sporting her usual side part and she wasn’t wearing makeup. Upon closer examination, Jackie noticed her eyes were just the slightest bit red. Jackie decided to check up on her, lifting the ends of her skirts so she could make her way up the stairs.
“Hey…” She cringed at how awkward the words sounded. Nice job, dumbass.
Brianna looked up from her nearly blank page and attempted a small smile, “Hi, Jackie. Is something wrong?” The actress noticed that she didn’t even bother with the nickname.
“Um… No, not exactly…” She rocked back and forth slightly in her character shoes, “I was actually gonna ask you the same thing,” she paused, trying to think of the correct phrasing, “You just seem kinda down today so I wanted to make sure you were okay?” She didn’t mean to make the phrase sound like a question, but she always felt nervous talking to Brianna. Jackie was the girl who could get up on stage and pour her soul into productions. She rarely felt nervous, and was incredibly comfortable on stage. She tried to take that energy into her daily life, but there was something about Brianna that transformed her back into her shy, insecure high school self. Brianna was always so professional. She took her job seriously and wasn’t afraid of telling actors exactly what she thought. She had a dry wit and a sarcastic sense of humor that often intimidated new actors. Yet, as Jackie knew from being part of the company for nearly 4 years, there was a softer side of Brianna. Deep down she was gentle, kind, and welcoming. Seeing her upset broke Jackie’s heart.
Brianna shrugged, shifting down a seat and patting the one she was previously seated in. When Jackie had made her way up and was seated in the chair, Brianna sighed, “For the past few weeks I’ve been seeing this girl… It wasn’t really dating, it was more… you know…” Jackie felt her cheeks heat up under her foundation and she tried not to avert her eyes, “…But anyway,” Brianna continued, “She ended things last night. I mean, it was kind of my fault, but it still hurts, you know?” She was trying to be nonchalant, but Jackie didn’t miss the way she would occasionally look up, trying to keep her eyes from watering.
Jackie furrowed her brows, not wanting to be nosey but wanting to know the details at the same time, “How was it your fault?” She tried to tamper down any jealousy at the idea of Brianna dating someone else. Nobody in the cast or crew knew it, but she had a sort of crush on Brianna. Though she was passionate about acting and serious about the work she did at Charles Theatre Company, Jackie couldn’t help the feelings that had been building since she started. She knew she had to get over it, that she was no longer fresh out of college and should have her emotions under control, but the nerves and the lightheaded feeling she got when talking to Brianna wouldn’t go away.
Jackie pulled herself back to the present just in time to hear Brianna’s response, “I wasn’t really giving her enough, I guess? Like, she wanted more from me than just a friend with benefits. And I liked Kameron, I really did, but I just didn’t love her. All of the soul-searching and attempts at dates couldn’t change that. And she could tell I felt that way. She knew that despite how much she loved me, I couldn’t love her back,” She paused, sucking in a breath, “Sorry… I shouldn’t have dumped all of that on you. You don’t deserve it.”
“No!” Jackie and Brianna were both shocked at the sudden burst of emotion from the actress, “I mean, you don’t have to feel sorry. I understand what you mean. You can’t force yourself to love someone. No matter how hard you try or how much you want to, you can’t control who you love, you know?” The air grew silent with the weight of Jackie’s words and she shifted slightly, eyes turning to her lap to escape the intensity of her own feelings. You can’t control who you love, she had said; funny that this was exactly what Jackie was trying to do. She decided to backpedal, desperate to release some of the tension, “Sorry that was intense. I shouldn’t think it’s my place to give you advi-” but she didn’t finish her train of thought because at that moment, Brianna leaned forward and kissed her.
Brianna placed a gentle hand on the actress’s cheek and closed her eyes. Jackie did the same, relaxing a bit as she kissed her back. After a moment, Brianna’s dark eyes widened and she pulled away. Jackie snapped out of the moment as well, leaning back in her seat. She could feel her heart pounding and when she finally dared to look at Brianna, the other girl’s mouth was tinted with Jackie’s pink lipstick.
“I’m… I…” Brianna stuttered before glancing at her watch, “I need to call ten minutes. You should touch up before you get back onstage,” She stood up and quickly moved past Jackie and down towards the backstage area.
“Thank you, ten…” Jackie murmured weakly before getting up and drifting back to her dressing room to fix her makeup.
Jackie stared at herself in her dressing room mirror, absentmindedly tracing her finger over the area where Brianna had smudged her lipstick. Though she knew it was impossible, it felt as if she could still feel Brianna’s lips on her own. Jackie was snapped back to reality when Jaida, one of the other stage managers, came in to tell her she had to be backstage in five minutes.
“Thank you five…” Jackie didn’t look at her, but Jaida could tell by her tone and expression in the mirror that something was wrong.
“You just have one more act to get through, Jackie, then you gotta fix this.”
“What do you mean?” Jackie asked, finally looking over at Jaida.
“I think you already know,” Jaida looked at the lead actress with a soft smile, “Now fix those lips and get out there before I drag you myself!” And with that, she closed the door, leaving Jackie alone again.
The rest of rehearsal went surprisingly well. Jackie didn’t miss any lines and even hit the high note at the end of her final song, something she had been struggling with since the first music rehearsal. It was only when she was back in her dressing room, the adrenaline from the successful performance having worn off, that she was left with that same heavy feeling.
Jackie quickly changed into some leggings and a sweatshirt, determined to leave quickly and start again tomorrow. She was just finishing taking off her makeup when she heard a knock on the door. As soon as she said ‘come in,’ the door slowly opened to reveal a shy and nervous Brianna.
“Hey,” the stage manager said as she closed the dressing room door, “You did amazing today. That was your best performance so far,” She smiled slightly, trying to keep the conversation light.
“Thanks,” Jackie attempted a smile as well, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Listen… I’m sorry for running off before. I don’t know what I was thinking, honestly, I just panicked. Jaida apparently saw the whole thing and told me off in the tech booth,” Brianna paused, taking in a breath, “I wasn’t quite honest with you before, about the whole Kameron thing. The part about me not returning her feelings was true, but I left out the reason why…” she kept her eyes on the floor, not quite sure how to proceed. After a moment, she spoke again, “I couldn’t return Kameron’s feelings because I like you, Jackie,” she tried to smile a little despite her nerves, “I didn’t know how to tell you because you’re always so focused. You put your all into every single production, even when you’re in the ensemble. I didn’t want to be the one to break your concentration because you’re a truly phenomenal actress,” she bit her lip, finally looking up at Jackie, “But I couldn’t hide it anymore.”
Jackie was shocked. In all her years spent secretly pining and trying to keep her feelings under control, she hadn’t even considered the possibility that the stage manager liked her back. She didn’t know how to deal with this revelation, “You do? But you’re always so… measured! I feel like a mess even trying to talk to you. There’s no way you felt the same!”
Brianna was taken aback by Jackie’s rant, but after a moment the corners of her mouth turned up into a smile. Then, she was grinning. And then, she couldn’t help but laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Jackie asked, confused and flustered.
“Sorry, but are you fucking kidding me?” Brianna grinned, shaking her head, “Every time I talk to you I feel like my brain might implode. Could you really not tell at all?”
“No! I couldn’t!” Jackie cried, making Brianna start giggling again, “Stop laughing at me!”
“Sorry, darling, but you really are clueless sometimes,” the stage manager smirked, “But you’re cute, though,” Now that both of their feelings had been established, Brianna was able to return to her normal sarcastic self, “Will you forgive me if I take you on a date?”
“What sort of date?” Jackie asked, arms still crossed with a pout still on her face.
Brianna furrowed her brows, pretending to think, “Hmm… How does take-out and binging The Real Housewives sound?” she smiled hopefully.
Jackie couldn’t help but smile herself, “Fine… As long as it’s The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills!”
“But New York is so much better!” Brianna argued, starting to open the door as Jackie gathered her things.
“You clearly have never seen the icon that is Lisa Rinna,” Jackie countered, slinging her backpack over her shoulder before linking arms with Brianna, “Ready to go, sunshine?”
Brianna’s cheeks turned pink at the use of her own pet name, but she smiled nonetheless, “Always.”
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itrytowrite-things · 5 years
Welcome to Buzzfeed high
Summary: Reader works at Buzzfeed and is filming ‘Following a High School Schedule for 24 Hours’ video with Jazzmyne and Lindsay. Can shane and Y/N keep it professional when Shane is suppose to be her teacher? This fic is based off of this video. 
A/N: Hey guys, so how this is going to work is normal text is the actual scene and bold represents the interview scenes. I couldn’t think of a better way to distinguish between the two if you guys have any ideas please let me know. Sidenote: thanks to @fuckhead-writer for helping me edit this fic 
The small board room erupted with laughter, everyone staring down at the “school” schedule that had just been handed out. Y/N shook her head at the silly thing, already knowing that she would hate almost every second of the day tomorrow.
“Okay here is how the day is going to go,” Allsup said breaking the laughter from the head of the table. He goes into the spiel about how Buzzfeed will be running the video. The three women were prompted to vlog during any moments of the day when a camera was not set up for them. Allsup then started listing how the classes where going to be run. 
“So your going to my teacher huh?” Y/N leaned over whispering into Shane’s ear, bored of Allsup’s rant. Shane tipped back in his chair, smirking slightly. They both found the newest project extremely funny. The list of teacher/student taboo jokes would write themselves tomorrow; making the episode better.
“Okay Shane,” all the attention was turned towards the lanky man as Allsup addressed him directly. “Do you have a lesson plan for tomorrow?” The question hung in the air before Shane cracked a joke. 
“Oh yes! These women better be ready for the rigorous lesson I have planned, really going to make them work.” The group laughed at the comment before Allsup moved on to the next “teacher” asking about their lesson plans. That’s how it went the employees telling their boss that they did have a lesson plan that they were excited for, until it was Janna turns to talk about her lesson. She stood up passing out a paper to the three women that would be portraying the students. 
“I actually have a homework assignment for my students, they will be responsible for reading Act 1 scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet and writing an analysis paper on it.” Y/N’s heart started to beat a little faster. She had been great at English back in high school, but she hadn’t written a paper in ten years. Not to mention her hatred for anything Shakespeare. 
Y/N glanced down at the paper, taking in all the details of the assignment. Settling back down, she noticed the paper only had to be one page; double spaced. How hard could that be? After all the details were written up, the meeting was adjourned with the reminder that the school bus would be picking them up outside of Jazz’s house at 6:50 am. 
Y/N sat in between Jazzmyne and Lindsay, light shining down on the three of them. They were filming the intro before leaving to officially start the challenge with their homework tonight.
“Hi I’m Jazzmyne.” The woman to Y/N’s left introduced herself. 
“I’m Y/N.”
“And I am Lindsay.”
“And we are following a highschool schedule for 24 hours.” The three said at the same time, slightly out of unison. Y/N flashed the schedule to the camera giving a glimpse of what the viewers had to look forward to. 
“We have a set of rules, you disobey the rules you get a strike. Three strikes you get sent to detention.” Jazz explained. 
“The rules are simple: no skipping class, no foul language, no phones out in class without permission, no bad behavior, hall passes are required, follow the dress code, and lastly do not be tardy.” Lindsay said reading from the list they were given. 
“So what I am hearing is, all of us are going to end up in detention by the end of the day?” Y/N joked laughing. The other women soon joined in. Jazzymne stated what rules she would have a problem with before announcing their homework assignment.
“We have to write an essay on Romeo and Juliet. It has to be a page analyzing act 1 scene 2.”
“It’s double spaced right?” Lindsay asked, giving a worried face to the camera. 
“My significant other, K8, is a 9th grade english teacher who teaches Romeo and Juliet.” Jazz mentioned, leaving both of the other women mouth’s in a pout. 
“Well, that’s just not fair.” Y/N stated.  
Y/N sat on the floor with her legs crossed, knees pressed up against the coffee table. Her laptop sat open to an empty word doc, the paper describing her assignment sat next to it. She quickly pulled out the small black camera Buzzfeed had supplied her for vlogging. 
“Okay guys so It’s 9 o’clock at night. I have read the act, understood almost nothing, and now I am going to attempt to write my paper.” The woman talked to the camera before switching it around showing her blank doc. “Shane refuses to help me.” Y/N turned the device again showing her boyfriend slumped on the couch above her, typing on his phone.
“Sorry, have to do it on your own.” He says unapologetically, shrugging his shoulders dramatically for the camera. She shut the viewfinder and placed the camera on the table. Y/N scanned over the requirements of the assignment once again before typing in the doc.
So wrapped up in her work, Y/N didn’t even notice Shane slide off the couch onto the floor. Him reading over her shoulder. He placed a quick kiss to her arm startling her out of her work flow.
“It’s good sweetheart, really good.” Shane wraps his extremely long arms around the small woman, smiling as she continues typing.
“Thanks bub.” She said taking her left hand off of the keys, and nessiling it in his floppy brown hair. He smiled happily pushing his head into her hand. Kissing at her neck, a laugh escaped her diaphragm. 
“Shane. Stop. Have to. Finish my paper.” She let out in between giggles. 
“Mmh or you could blow it off like a real high school student.” He suggests looking down at the clock on her laptop. It flashed 10:39 in the lower right hand corner. Y/N turned her head, looking into his golden brown eyes. The puppy dog look that was displayed on them melted her heart. Causing a smile to appear on her face, she pressed her lips against Shane’s for a short kiss. She was reluctant to pull away. 
“I am almost done babe, go play some video games or something. I promise ten more minutes and I will be finished.” Shane let out a pout, kissing her again before standing up. His long legs unfolded as he stands, them cracking slightly, producing another laugh from Y/N. 
She was a woman of her word. Less than ten minutes later, she closed her laptop, happy with her paper. Y/N looked up at Shane, he had changed into a pair of plaid pajama bottoms and a white tee. He looked comfortable. his thumbs lazily moving across the Xbox controller. She stood in front of him, smiling down at him. Shane raised his head to peer up at her, pausing his game. She crawled into his lap, watching as he returned her smile with one equally as kind. 
“So Mr. Madej, what will you be teaching me in class tomorrow?” She asked in a teasing tone, hands wrapped around his neck. He placed a hand on her back, the other to her hip as his thumb rubbed her hipbone like the controller, lazy and soft.
“Mmh can’t tell you that princess, now can I? That’s just not fair to my other students.” His voice was a soft whisper as he spoke. She stuck her tongue out at him, giving him a kiss before laying her head in the crock of his neck, feeling suddenly tired in his warm embrace.   
 “Well let’s get you to bed little lady. Big day tomorrow, first day of school.” Shane stood up, as Y/N clung to his body sleepily. Legs wrapping around his slender waist as he carried her to bed. 
Her arm shot out immediatly, shutting off the stupid alarm. One of the perks of working at Buzzfeed, is they normally have pretty slack business hours. Which meant the women normally strolled in at 10, but not today. Her alarm was set for 5:50 last night and it did not disappoint, going off at 5:50 am on the dot. Y/N  tugged on the string of her lamp. Rolling over, she was met with Shane’s bareback. She moved closer to him, craving his warmth. As soon as her body was press against his, Shane was turning around. 
“Got to get up sweetheart, suppose to be vlogging.” Sitting up, he kissed her on the forehead before getting out of bed and walking into the master bathroom they share. As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. 
The vlog camera was held above her as she laid back down into the bed, head resting on her pillow. 
“It’s currently 5:58,” she said and held up her phone showing the time “This freaking sucks, I don’t want to get out of bed.” She snuggled closer into her pillow before switching the camera off and getting out of bed.  
“It was the worst part.” Y/N claimed, pouting at the camera. Jazz and Lindsay nodded in agreement 
“Like I remember pulling all nighters or staying up until 4 am doing school work in highschool and waking up at 6. I have no idea how I did that, I only stayed up until like 11:30 the night before and it took everything out of me to get out of bed in the morning.” Y/N explained herself. 
“Exactly! Damn teenageers are ruthless.” Jazzmyne added. 
“Yeah, I certainly don’t miss that part of school.” Lindsay said making the final statement. 
It wasn’t until 6:48 when Y/N pulled out the camera again. She was in her car outside of Jazzmyne’s house. She huffed lightly, straightening out her baby blue jean jacket. It was over a black band tee paired with black ripped jeans. She decided to dress like she did in highschool going back to her edgy roots. 
“So It’s 6:48. The bus gets here at 6:50 and I am just now arriving at Jazz’s house, so that’s my morning. Oh there’s Lindsay. Glad we all don’t have our shit together.” She turned the camera showing Lindsay pointing her camera at Y/N. They both gave an unenthusiastic wave to the other person’s camera. Before stepping out of her car, Y/N turned her camera off shuffling over towards Lindsay to get in the frame of her camera. 
“So running late as well?” Lindsay poses the question with a laugh, Y/N just nodded her head laughing as well. 
“If we are running behind, I can’t imagine what Jazz is like.” Y/N said adding fuel to their laughter. 
“The bus was suppose to leave at 6:51. I didn’t walk out of my house until 6:53.” Jazz rolled her head with statement, her black frame sunglasses sliding down her face. 
“Thankfully the bus was still there. Normally that would not happen.” Lindsey butted in.  
“Actually I made really good friends with my bus drivers, they would have waited for me.” The woman on the left clapped back.  
“Of course you did. I can see it now, ‘Oh Jazzmyne, I love her let me just give a little honk’.” Y/N pushed her palm against the air to stimulate a horn. The three women busted out laughing knowing that’s exactly what happened. 
Allsup was standing outside of the office in a suit, his hands held behind his back looking strikingly like a real principal. Y/N so desperately want to laugh at the man pacing in front of the door. The three women dropped their heads as they passed him on their way into the building, each mumbling their own version of ‘Hello Principal Allsup’.
Buzzfeed had went all out for this video, even going as far as making a little hallway lined with lockers with posters hanging around them promoting fake clubs and plays. Each woman chose a locker and placed their gym clothes in it along with anything extra they didn’t need. The women stared at each other after they closed their lockers.
“Okay well I have to go do morning announcements.” The blonde said sipping what Y/N assumed was water through a pink straw. 
“Okay, see you in first hour.” Jazz said throwing her backpack over her shoulder and heading towards stage 8 for their first class of the day. Y/N gave a small wave to Lindsay before following behind Jazz. 
“Our schedule starts with history with Mr. Madej.” Lindsay points out while waving the schedule back and forth in front of the camera. She turned to wiggle her eyebrows at Y/N. Y/N felt a small blush heat up her face. 
“We know that will be your favorite class.” Jazz said and bumped shoulders with the woman teasingly. 
“What can I say, I like history.” She retaliated, shrugging her shoulders. 
First hour was with Shane, and Y/N couldn’t help but be excited to see him. They typically get to commute to work together. She missed that time they normally got to share together, so she was eager to see him.
“This is so cute.” Jazz said gesturing to the tiny classroom that Buzzfeed had set up in stage 8. It truly was cute, a little chalkboard was set up in front of the room, a world map drawn on it in chalk. There was a table with three red chairs in front of the board. A small circular table sat next to the board, a water bottle and book placed on it. Then there was Shane. He leaned over the tiny table reading the book. 
That’s what Y/N eyes trained on, she couldn’t focus on anything else. Shane was dressed professionally, wearing a white and navy blue striped button down paired with a red tie. It made his torso look long and lean. His lengthy legs were covered by black skinny jeans held up by a brown belt. He looked so handsome. Her eyes couldn’t focus on anything else, her mouth felt dry looking at him. 
“Good morning.” Shane Mr. Madej said as the two women entered the room. He nodded softly, watching as they took their seats next to each other. Jazz sat in the middle seat as Y/N took the one closest to the wall. 
“You look spiffy.” Jazz said from her seat.
“Oh thank you.” Shane replied looking down at his outfit, tugging at his tie. Y/N nodded her head in agreement. Words not really working out for her at the moment. They sat in silence for a moment before the speaker crackled from somewhere in the room. Allsup’s voice filled the room. 
“Goodmorning Buzzfeed High! Hope you all have a fun day, but remember to have fun, you have to follow the rules.” Shane pointed up in the air at the word ‘follow’ and back to the two women at the word ‘rules’. Y/N and Jazz laughed pointing a finger back at him. There was silence as the mic was passed to Lindsay. 
“Please stand for the pledge of Allegiance.” Her voice boomed. 
“Here we go I was waiting for that.” Shane smiled pointing towards the small American flag that he had taped up on a bookshelf. Y/N smiled at his pride for the tiny flag. The announcements carried on with Lindsay stumbling through the lunch menu. 
“What the hell? These announcements suck.” Jazz laughed. The mic was passed back to principle Allsup. 
“Let’s go corgi’s, go get them, woof woof!” And that was the end of morning announcements. 
Lindsay soon joined the other two women in history, taking her seat next to Jazz. She placed her bag on the floor getting comfortable for the lesson. 
“How’s everyone doing this morning?” Mr.Madej asked clapping his large hands together. 
“Well you know, it’s early.” Jazzmyne mumbled back at him. 
“I am gonna see if I can switch this board around.” He pushed the board forward trying to flip it to the other side. He unfortunately didn’t pull it forward enough, causing it to smack against the wall. The sound echoed throughout the room. She tried to hold it in, she really did, but Y/N couldn’t fight back the bubbling laughter that flowed out of her. Shane’s head snapped back to the woman, a smirk plastered on his face. 
“You think that’s funny Miss.Y/L/N?” 
“Yes.” She gasped, barely getting it out among the fits of laughter. Shane stared her down, trying to be serious but he couldn’t help but laugh back. Everything about Y/N was contagious, so it wasn’t a surprise when only laughter filled the room. 
“Mr. Madej was a cool teacher.” Jazz stated, Lindsay nodding her head in agreement. 
“It was a nice way to start off the day.” The blonde said. 
“He was hot.” Y/N said dryly, like him being hot was a fact not a statement. The other woman burst out laughing. 
“He just had a great way of connecting with us, having fun.” Lindsay added trying to get the conversation back on topic, but failed as the next thing out of Y/N mouth was:
“I really wish I could have connected with him a little more if you know what I mean” She gave a wink to the camera and a smirk to go along with it. 
Y/N blanked out as Shane started his lesson. Her focus was on the way Shane moved around the chalkboard, scribbling his messy handwriting in orange chalk. She watched his lips move, he was talking about something history related she was sure of that, but she didn’t exactly know what. 
“Miss. Y/L/N are you okay?” His voice snapped her out of her trance. 
“Yes sorry just a bit distracted.” 
“And what is distracting you?”
“You are, with those tight jeans and perfect lips.” She teased back at him, Lindsay snickered at the comment.
“That’s highly inappropriate Miss. Y/L/N.”
“I believe that falls under bad behavior Mr. Madej.” Jazz points out smirking at Y/N. Her eyes widening back at the short haired woman. 
“I am afraid I have to agree, sorry that’s a strike.” Y/N’s face was priceless as her mouth hung open, her eyes so wide they might explode out from her. 
Jazz tried to talk, but the laughter was too much. She and Lindsay both hunched over with their laughter. Y/N on the other hand, sat in the middle, fake fuming for the sake of good entertainment. 
“Okay sorry,” Jazzmyne said finally calming herself down “So Y/N got a strike for flirting with a teacher.” 
“I really thought it would be Jazz to get a strike for being inappropriate, but here comes Y/N talking about Mr. Madej’s tight jeans and perfect lips.” Both women laughed at the reintroduction of Y/N words. 
“He really should have been filtered.” She crossed her arms over her chest a pout coming out on her lips. 
“But the best part was a second later she got another strike because she flicked him off when she thought he wasn’t looking.” The women were almost on the floor at that point. 
The bell rang dismissing the women to the next class which was Englsih with Ms.Macatangay. The women underestimated the time they had to get to this class, causing them to have to run up the stairs nearly dying on the way. They luckily made it just in the nick of time. They were forced to read their homework assignments in class, which made Y/N feel like she was actually back in highschool, anxiety racing through her. However, she recited it without a hitch.
Before the women knew it, it was time for P.E. They had survived physics and Spanish and they were on their way to grab their gym clothes out of their lockers. Buzzfeed had made cute little gym shirt they were black and read “Buzzfeed 2019 highschool athletic department” in white. The women were also granted other classmates in this class. Of course among those classmates was the famous Ryan Bergara. Through the two years of dating Shane, Y/N and Ryan had became somewhat close. Bonding over their shared love for the tall boy like man. So it was natural when he dropped down next to her on the floor.
“Ten minutes into P.E and Jazz gets called out for talking.” Lindsay says. 
“All I said was she was thick.” She defended herself. 
“Which I think is unfair that I got a strike for that.” Y/N chimed in. 
“That was different, I didn’t tell her to her face that she had perfect lips.” Y/N face heated up as she smirked. 
The dodgeball game started with a whistle. It was Y/N and Jazzmyne on one team and Lindsay and Ryan on the other. Y/N’s team lost the first game prompting Ryan to trash talk to her about her crappy throwing skills. Which was not a good idea because now she was out of blood. She waited for the whistle, foot touching the back wall, staring daggers at Ryan. She used her foot to push off as soon as the whistle sounded. Y/N quickly grabbed a blue ball, aiming it straight at Ryan.
“This is for trying to steal my boyfriend Bergara!” She shouted, ball flying out of her hand hitting Ryan right in the gut. He played up the pain for the camera hobbling over towards the sidelines grumbling about how Shane was his first. Her team ended up winning the second and third game. 
Lunch was the worst, the food was cold. It also didn’t help that everyone else in the office was eating chipotle. Y/N was over the day at that point. She was hungry, tired, and her brain ached from all the knowledge that had been thrown at her. She grumbled her way back up the stairs for 6th hour which was math.
“I walked in thinking it was pre-cal, but it was trig I never took that class in highschool.” Lindsay complained. 
“I took it, but I didn’t remember anything.” Y/N stated, her enthusiasm slipping. 
Y/N sat through the class, head in her hands trying to understand what Mr. St.Juste was writing on the board. She might have been the only one to take the class in highschool, but it didn’t make the subject any less alien to her. Luckily they all passed and were on their way to their last class, home ec with Mrs. Mcclenny. They were making Tamagoyaki, a japanese style omelette. It was delicious which was amazing because Y/N was starving. A huge sigh left all three women lips as the final bell rang. 
“It was exhausting and I never want to do it again.” Y/N stated bluntly. 
“Yeah, teenagers deal with a lot of shit and we should appreciate them more.” Lindsay said. 
“Exactly, well that was following a highschool schedule. We are going to go home and sleep for five years.” Jazz said. 
“Bye!” All three said in unison waving at the camera. 
Y/N was slowly grabbing things out of her locker when Shane creeped up and leant against the locker next to hers. Looking like a stereotypical jock from a teen movie. He smiled, watching as her slumped body packed up her things. 
“Need help with that beautiful?” She smiled as his voice put some energy back into her. 
“Do you flirt with all your students Mr.Madej?” She asked walking away from him. He followed after her, a cheeky smirk played on his face. They dropped the subject on their walk to the car. 
“I am so tired Shane, today was fun but awful.” She groaned resting her hand against the handle of the car. 
“Well, let me take you home and make it better princess.” A smug grin crossed his face. 
“I don’t think so asshole, you gave me two strikes.” She held up two fingers before sliding into the car, Shanes grin fell as he too got in the car 
“You’re joking right?” He asked hopefully. 
“I don’t know, get me home and we’ll see.” The grin returned as he started the car. I guess sleep could wait a little longer. 
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