#sorry currently waiting for side order rn
rose-above-dark · 7 months
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sleepyjuice · 2 months
toxic!rafe will blow your phone up the second you post something on instagram that he’s ‘iffy’ about.
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you posted a photo dump which consisted of some random photos of the beach, some of your friends, one of you and rafe of course, but the one that had rafe seeing red was the last slide, which was you in a bikini. he texted you several times at first, and while you were literally typing your response, he called you. your fingers were typing so fast to respond to him that you accidentally declined the call, and he did not like that. you immediately went to call him back, but another text from rafe rolled in, saying ‘fuck you don’t talk to me we’re done’ you sighed loudly, knowing damn well he was talking out of his ass right now, so you sat back and waited for the inevitable next string of texts to roll in. which they did, only seconds later.
rafe <3: do you get off on making me mad or something
rafe <3: like i’m racking my brain trying to understand why you do the things you do and that’s all i can come up with
rafe <3: and i see at least 4 guys have already liked your post like that’s crazy to me?? thought i told you to block all the guys that followed you?? of course you didn’t
rafe <3: also who even took that pic of you??? bc i know damn well it wasn’t me so who the fuck you posing for with your fucking ass and tits out? WHAT THE FUCK
rafe <3: DO NOT PUT YOUR SHIT ON DO NOT DISTURB answer me rn.
rafe <3: nah it’s cool actually i’m gonna go hit up my other gfs so you have a good night.
you rolled your eyes at that last text, deciding to fully turn your phone off. you knew he would likely try to text or call you again very soon but you didn’t want to deal with it right now. this wasn’t your first rodeo, you knew nothing you could say to him right now would calm him down, so letting him freak out on his own was the best method to his madness.
three hours had passed since you turned your phone off. you had caught up on some reading and turned on your current favorite show, but found yourself interrupted by a knock at your front door. you expected it to be rafe, but instead it was a large bouquet of your favorite flowers and a gift bag. you glanced around to see if rafe was lurking around, but saw nothing. when he freaked out over text and was able to reread his actions, he usually waited a bit longer to show his face as opposed to a verbal argument.
you brought the flowers inside and set them on the counter before grabbing the card attached to the side of the bouquet.
sorry we argued. you are so beautiful and i love you so much. got you a little gift and sent you some money for food and i set your appointment with your nail girl for tomorrow at 10. love you forever baby -rafe
you couldn’t help but smile just a little. the flowers were beautiful and the note was pretty sweet, so you chose to ignore the part where he said ‘we argued.’ you didn’t get a word in, but you let it slide. especially after you opened the gift bag to see the new dior bag you had been wanting.
you hurried to turn on your phone, immediately seeing a $500 apple payment from rafe as well as a new text from a few minutes ago.
rafe <3: hope you like the flowers and bag baby. love you! :)
you: i love them. thanks rafe, love you too
rafe <3: good to hear. lmk what you end up getting for dinner and i’ll pick you up tomorrow to take you to your nail apt. can’t wait to see you baby
you would order yourself dinner that was obviously way less than $500, but you would send rafe a picture and thank him again. you’d facetime him before bed and conversation flowed like nothing had even happened just hours before. he’d ask you what color nails you were getting, tell you funny stories about the old men at the country club and excitedly plan what you two were going to do the next day. the cycle seemed like it would never end, but you often forgot about the bad when he was talking so sweetly to you and all you could think about was how excited you were to see him tomorrow.
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thoughtsforsoob · 8 months
you’re frustrated because you’re struggling to learn Korean - txt
a/n: hello! I thought this post would be a little relatable bc I’m struggling rn with Japanese (but not bc of a man 😋). So much kanji to remember and so many words that they just all mush together. I love the language but it is testing my patience and my memory rn :( please enjoy this and lemme know if y’all speak other languages :) it’s cool to know im not the only one struggling with a trilingual brain🥰 requests are open as usual (no pics belong to me! Found on Pinterest)
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It was actually his idea to teach you Korean, starting with basic stuff such as phrases at the convenience store and at coffee shops. He knew it would help when you had to go out places on your own. You’re on the phone with him after he’s hyped you up and refreshed some phrases for ordering coffee. You finally are up to order and while your pronunciation has been good, you mispronounce a word and your face goes red. You apologize to the cashier who was very understanding and helped you say the word correctly. You paid and thanked them for their kindness. Yeonjun heart could burst at how the cashier was patient with you and how you tried your best and finally said the word right. “Oh my goodness! You did amazing! Next time you’re ordering coffee for the both of us.”
As the days went by, he could see your passion for learning his language was dwindling. You were struggling with your conjugation skills and he was just trying his best to help you learn and eventually practice. You both are sitting at the kitchen table, with your textbook in front of you (giving flashbacks to elementary math homework). He’s giving you example of conjugations your currently learning and how to used them. It’s starts to all mush up and you can’t figure it out or focus. You start to cry into your hands. He pulls you close to him, “don’t be sad. I promise that you’re gonna learn really soon. I believe in you.” That’s all it took for you to keep trying. He also promised he’d take you for a melona pop if you tried a few more conjugations (I love melona I’m so sorry 🤤…melon and banana are the best flavors not sorry)
homie is so serious and you get mad at him because of that. he’s teaching you silly phrases and on one occasion, he purposely teaches you the wrong phrase. So, you’re out at lunch with his members and you try the phrase on yeonjun and he looks so confused. “Did you just call me dumb?” Your face is furiously red and you run off, crying. Your frustration sets in. Why would be do this to me? He comes after you after giving you some time to cool down. “Baby? I’m so sorry. I didn’t think that would make you so upset. I promise I won’t do it anymore. We’re gonna get serious I swear.” He lures you out by telling you he’s gonna start teaching you from a really good Tex ok that was recommended to him. He also explains to yeonjun what happened and yeonjun gives him an earful as well, taking you side.
he actually is a really good person to help teach you. He has the patience of a saint when teaching you grammar. If you’ve attempted Korean, you know how challenging grammar can be to understand. Let’s say you’re out at a restaurant and try to order your own food..you make a mistake and the waiter is looking at you like huh? You start to feel embarrassed but taehyun explains you’re still learning and has you try it again. When you get it right this time, he smiled and the waited smiled as well. The pride he feels when he can see your improvement is like no other. “You did such a good job, honey. Tell you what, how about we get some ice cream after? You deserve a little treat.”
huening kai
I feel like he’d be very empathetic and understanding towards your struggle. He speaks many languages too and understands how frustrating when something isn’t sticking or when you forget words or grammar. For example, you’re at home and you’re both working on vocabulary. you messed up a few words in a row and start to feel discouraged. His best tool to keep you motivated to learn was tell you he was proud of you. He would always encourage you the best he could, “you’re for this bub! I’m so proud of you! I’m gonna keep helping you until you’ve got this :)”
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babyyweebbitch · 2 years
König headcannons
y’all, imma start writing for Call of Duty now 💃🏾🕺🏾 i’m currently playing both call of duty modern warfare and MW2 so if i get anything wrong i’m sorry i haven’t finished either 😔💔 i’m sorry i’ve barely been active! life is very fucked rn, but onto big boi könig headcannons
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there are times he will come home from a mission or something very sore because he gets thrown around/hit a lot, he will go to you for a massage or a warm bath (you both had a large ass tub installed in one of your bathrooms because of how big he is and he can’t fit in a regular sized tub)
if he decides to go outside without you he will have to have something of yours in his pocket like your bracelet or one of your pins just so he’s comfortable. he once had a panic attack in target and you had to drive up there to finish shopping with him at another target because almost all of the shoppers stared and watched instead of help him
he’s the type to kinda just eat the pickles after he said no pickles on his order because he’s afraid of making the workers mad. you always have to go tell the workers yourself and he kinda pleads with you for 5 minutes not to and that he can eat the pickles or take them off.
when he asked you out the first time he was a blushing, shaking mess. you two have been friends since you were kids so you knew how he was and how he didn’t like confrontation at all so you just waited patiently and even told him a few times he can text it to you or something if he couldn’t speak. he eventually got the words out and he was fully expecting you to say no and leave but five years later, you’re still together!
he knows his own strength and being 6’10 and over 230 he’s pretty strong — he once hurt you by accident while playing and he refused to touch you for two weeks, he even hid in the closet for hours after it happened because he was afraid you were mad at him. you explained you weren’t mad at him and that it was just an accident
he speaks to you in german while in public, he only does this when he’s anxious, doesn’t wanna talk to anyone or he just does it for fun
has a bunch of pictures of you in his hidden album so he can look at them while he’s away.
you went to the hospital for about two months for a health issue that needed to be fixed and i swear König was having withdrawals at home without you. he obviously visited you all day but on non visiting days/hours he had withdrawals at home, he hated sleeping in the bed alone and he hated not hearing you somewhere in the house doing something. the house was very silent that two months. when you came back he didn’t leave your side
he likes to mess with you a lot if you’re a lot shorter than him. if you ask him for something he’ll kinds just hold it up in the air out of your reach, but then feels bad after 30 seconds and he stops
he takes Christmas abnormally serious, he decorates the whole house, makes christmas themed things/foods and even gets you both matching ugly sweaters! he got one that said “his elf” “her/his elf” and you both wore it on any gatherings he was willing to go to.
he has lured a cat into the house with cheese three times and now you have three cats — congratulations. he almost did that with a deer but you caught him mid lure and you still him from adopting a deer
has kept the same card you gave him when you were kids, he puts it in his pocket while on any missions so he has something other than pictures to remind him of you and remind him the reason why he’s coming home every time
he secretly likes being little spoon (don’t tell him i told u that)
you’re the only person who has seen his face — not even his closet friends in the military have seen more than his hair and face
he let you wear his gear once and he has millions of pictures of you in his gear because of how big they are on you
he has never wanted to get married before dating you, but now that’s all he can think about, only with you tho! marry him >:(
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pattypanini · 5 months
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Lay All Your Love On Me
Chapter 11- Forever and Always
Josh Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
AN: Hi everyone! Here is the eleventh chapter of Lay All Your Love On Me from me and @mar-rein12! We are veryyyyyy sorry with the late chapter. The first 8 chapters we had prepared for a while but the last 3 have been made throughout the week whenever we had free time which is like never when your college students. But we're excited for you guys to read this, its a crazy one but we have good stuff for the future! We tried to play around with time skips and stuff, so if its confusing let us know so we can fix it for the future. So enjoy the eleventh chapter, Forever and Always
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, penetrative sex, fingering, butt stuff..., cursing, angst, slut shaming, fighting, fluff (comment if I missed any!)
Josh’s POV 
You are currently sitting in your musical theater composition seminar and couldn’t focus on anything. You were still thinking about your night with y/n a couple days ago. You haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. You needed her badly. You sit on your computer and attempt to take notes on the class but instead find your way onto a flower website. 
Maybe, I should order a bouquet for her, to surprise her. 
You scroll through the website completely disregarding your professor's lesson. You find a bouquet filled with pastel colored tulips. You remember her mentioning she had liked them before. As you look at the price, realizing it is only $70, you add it to your cart. 
You pay $10 for express delivery, in order to get it to her by the end of the day. You love doing nice things for her and you know this will make her so happy. You attach a message to it, signing it off with Love, Josh.
You click the place order button and let out a deep breath. Love Josh. You were feeling pretty bold for that one. You do love her though, or at least you feel like you could love her. She is everything and more that you look for in a woman. She is confident, hard-working, funny, and so incredibly beautiful inside and out. 
You continue daydreaming about her until your professor decides to end class a little early. As you walk to your next class you feel a buzz come from your pocket. 
3:12pm y/n: I don’t know if you have class rn, but if you don’t you should come back over to the dorm. I have the place to myself and I miss you. 
3:13pm Josh: No class at all, I’ll be over.
You would do anything to be able to see her, no matter what it takes. You quickly make your way over to her dorm, walking a little faster than you’d like to admit. But she just has that effect on you. Once you make your way up, you knock on the door. The door swings open, almost as if she was waiting for you.
‘Hi Joshy, I missed you.” She embraces you, wrapping her arms around your neck. You look down at her noticing she is dressed in only a thin, black satin robe. 
“I missed you too. What are you up to?” 
“I was actually about to hop in the shower!” She giggles, turning around to walk towards the bathroom. You just stand there not really knowing what to do with yourself. She halts her steps to whip around, facing you again. “You coming or not?”
 You immediately walk over to her discarding your shoes and shirt along with your backpack at the front door. Once you make it to the bathroom you kick off your pants and under garments, being left completely exposed to y/n. The only sound that could be heard was the hot water hitting against the shower floor. She slowly unties her robe, letting it fall to the floor. It feels like something out of a movie. 
Your eyes scan over every inch of her body. All the curves, dips, and perfections about her. 
“You’re so fucking sexy y/n.” Your hands connect to her sides, pulling her closer. “I need you, and your body so bad. Can I make you feel good princess, please?” She looks up to you with her doe eyes.
She sultrily struts over to the glass door of the shower, placing her hand on the handle. “You want me so bad? Well, then, you gotta come get me.” She pulls the door open to step inside, you run over to quickly step in from behind her. She tilts her head back and lets the hot water saturate her hair, and smudge her makeup. The way her mascara melted under her eyes turned you on way too much. You wanted so badly to push her down to the ground and make her suck you off but you wanted to make this about her. 
You immediately push her up against the wall. Your bare chest flush with hers, with your hands placed on either side of her head.“You just can’t control yourself can you?” She teases you, attempting to push her hips up into yours, under the stream of warm water. 
“Honestly, It’s hard for me to control myself around you, you’re so fucking perfect. Always making me want to fuck the shit out of you, like the dirty little girl I know you are.” You take your knee and place it in between her thighs, giving her the most perfect amount of stimulation on her clit. 
Her head flies back smacking against the shower wall with a sharp moan, far too turned on to feel the pain of it. Your lips connect with her in a passionate kiss. You gently slip your tongue past her lips, her gladly accepting it. You continue just like that for a few minutes until she pulls away. “Mmm… Josh…”
“What baby? Is something wrong?” You give her a concerned expression, eyes slightly widened. 
“No, nothing is wrong. I just need you to fuck me, hard. Right here. I can’t wait any longer” She begs, connecting your lips again with a quick kiss. 
You pull away this time, “Yeah? You want me to fuck you hard, right here?” You take your hand, lifting her chin up to look at you. She gives you a little nod, but that was not good enough for you. “Words, mama. Tell me exactly what it is that you want.”
“Holy shit, Josh. I’m so fucking wet for you. Feel it.” She takes your hand in hers, moving it to rest in between her legs. You drag your pointer and middle finger up her slit, collecting her slick on your fingers. You audibly moan at the sight before you, she looks too fucking good, its criminal. 
“Goddamn, yeah…you’re fucking soaked. Turn the fuck around, now.” You command her. She obeys, turning her body around to face the wall. Your hand finds its way to her back, pressing her up against the wall fully. You lean down to whisper in her ear, “Now mama, tell me what you want me to do to you.” 
You can feel her squirm under you, practically begging you to touch her. She turns her head to the side, “I want your fat cock inside of me Joshy. Fuck me so hard I can’t fucking walk. I wanna feel you fill me up.” She places her left leg up onto one of the low shelves, to steady herself and to make herself more accessible to you. 
You stroke your cock a couple times before lining yourself up with her entrance. You take your time sliding in, to allow her to adjust to your length. She lets out a deep sigh once you’re fully seated inside of her. “You been thinking about this mama? Because I sure have. You’re a fucking angel, got me wrapped so fucking tight around your pretty little finger.” You don’t move your hips, just yet, your cock only resting inside her. 
“I’ve been thinking about this, Josh. You have no idea. Give it to me, please. I can’t take it anymore.” There's no way you can give into her that easily. You gather her hair pulling it all over to one shoulder, giving her a sweet, little kiss on her back. 
“And why should I give it to you sweetheart? You think you earned it?” You question her, biting down onto her tender skin, making her wince. 
“I know I earned it Joshy, I’ve been such a good girl for you. You think I just invited you over here to be nice? I know what I want Josh, and I want you to fuck me. So give that to me or leave.” She says with a smirk, knowing how much she can control you.
You don’t mean that mama, you know you love me.” Oh shit. 
“Do I now Joshy? I could say the same about you.” She smiles pulling you into a kiss. “Now, I said I need you to fuck me or leave, so which is it going to be?” You bring your cock to her entrance, teasing the outside while bringing it up and down her slit. After perfectly lining her up,  you grab her hips and slam her back onto your cock. 
She lets out a loud moan and clutches onto the wall in front of her. You know she can take it by now, so you don’t slow your pace. You continue pulling her back onto you but you feel her push back harder onto you, knowing she wants it deeper. 
“Harder Josh please, it's not enough.” Not enough? You weren’t insecure about your size or anything but you wanted to give her more. You disregard the shower you were meant to be taking and turn off the water. Throwing the door open you pick her up and carry her to her bedroom, throwing her on the bed paying no mind to her wet body. Her soaked hair leaves a wet mark around her head, on the comforter. 
You bring her legs up to your shoulders, letting them drape over like a backpack. You line yourself up and begin abusing her pussy. Your hands squeeze tightly around her ankles, guaranteeing marks the next day. You slam in and out of her without any thoughts in your mind other than the sounds of your skin slapping against hers. 
“Is this enough for you now, slut? You’ve been such a spoiled little brat, a quick little fuck in the shower wouldn’t be enough for you huh? You need to be fucked hard like the whore you are.” You continue on with hard, deep strokes to her aching cunt. She was wrapping around you so perfectly and so wet, allowing you to easily slide in and out. 
She was so relaxed that her body was just so free and loose. All her perfect little holes were opened up to you and you couldn’t help but wonder what other holes you could fill. You flip her onto all fours, pressing her face down into the mattress. You grab her hips, beginning your harsh pace again. Your hands make their way down her ass and one hand stops right at her asshole. You take your thumb and lightly press it on the outside, not allowing it to enter. You begin to hear quiet moans coming from her mouth that were different from the ones from before. These ones were softer and hungry for more, not the loud, pornographic ones you always hear. 
“Do you like that y/n, does that feel so good?” Slowly making circles on the outside of it.
“It feels so good, please put it in Josh.” She begs.
“What a dirty girl, needing all your holes filled. Practically begging me to put a finger in her ass” 
“I am begging, so do it before I do it myself.” Her hand begins to reach around and moves your hand. Before she can do it, you swat her hand away. You take your pointer finger and shove it in her mouth, wetting it for her. You slowly slide it in, not knowing if it was something she had done before. 
“Please, tell me if it hurts or you want me to stop mama.” You begin to gently pump your finger in and out, in time with your thrusts. She shoves her face deeper into the bed, muffling her moans. 
“It doesn’t hurt, I need more Josh, add another.” What is this girl on?
You pull the finger out, not wanting to shove it in her mouth again you end up spitting directly on her asshole, and start massaging the two fingers into her. You make the final push, both fingers plunging inside of her. You slowly increase your speed back up to what it was before, slowing down your thrusts upon noticing her fullness. 
“Fuck, Josh. Oh God.” Her body starts to squirm underneath you. You can tell she's getting close. 
“Mama, you’re so goddamn dirty, holy shit. Wish you could see yourself right now, all fucked out and on display for me. I have you so filled right now. I wish I could fill you up in all your holes.”
 She only responds with a sharp moan. That causes you to speed up your thrusts again, the hand that wasn’t in her ass grips tightly onto her hip. You rip your fingers out of her, giving her a harsh smack on the ass. She yelps, beginning to grip harder onto the comforter. 
“I’m gonna cum, fuck.” She whimpers on, her eyes half lidded.  You continue on with your pace, doing all you could to push her over the edge. 
“Do it. Wanna feel your pussy squeeze around my fat cock. I’m so fucking close too.” Her moans heighten, making you thrust harder and faster despite your movements getting sloppy. 
Her body begins to shake, as curses and moans fly out of her mouth left and right. You feel a tight squeeze around your cock before you feel a new type of wetness splash onto your lower abs. A feeling you know all too well. The feeling of her squirt against your abs sends you over the edge, filling her up with your cum. You pant and slowly pull out of her, laying down in the bed next to her. 
She looks over at you, eyes wide and out of breath,” ya know…I’ve never done that before.”
You turn your head over to look at her, “clearly you were enjoying it.” You smirk at her.
“Oh trust me I was. Makes me want to invest in some butt plugs or something.” She says as you begin rolling off the bed.
You stand in front of her with your arms stretched out, offering her your hand. She allows you to take her hand, pulling her up off the bed. 
“How about we try again with a shower?” She giggles at your statement and nods her head. 
You both begin walking over to the bathroom, to hop in the shower yet again. 
Jakes POV
You sit on the couch waiting for Josh to get back from class. Usually you guys would go to the gym after your Wednesday classes, but he was late. You scroll on your phone trying to waste time until you come across a funny video of a cat barking. 
You save the video to your favorites on Instagram to show Josh later. A few videos later the front door rattles and in comes Josh with wet hair and a huge grin on his face. What's his deal? 
You give him a questioning look, “You look like you just got laid brother.” You joke with him.
Josh chuckles at you, “I was just in class.” 
You could tell when your twin was lying, “Reallyyy… why’s your hair wet then?” You raise an eyebrow at him in challenge. 
“I had to use the eye wash station in chemistry today.” 
“You don’t take chemistry dumbass, if you're gonna lie come up with a better excuse.” 
“Fuck… you caught me.” So, he finally decides to be honest with you.
“So where were you then?” You’re determined to get the answer out of him.
“I was over at y/n’s.” He says nonchalantly, dropping his bag on the floor and flopping down onto the couch. “Are we still going to the gym?”
“I mean I was planning on it, hence why I waited for you but you were late.” You look at your phone seeing that he's an hour late and now it would be cutting into band practice if you went now. “I can’t go anymore, I'm gonna be late for the band.”
Josh doesn’t even seem to care, he's just sitting there on his phone laughing at whatever video he’s watching. What a dick.
“Oh my god you gotta see this Jake.” He’s still chuckling as he turns his phone around to show you a video of the local bar and this crazy guy freaking out and jumping behind the bar. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the video despite being upset with Josh. “You're not gonna believe it. I literally saw him one time when I was there and he was being really weird and was doing the worm. I took a video I think let me see…” 
You scroll through your camera roll, Josh expectantly looking over your shoulder. You scroll up to a few weeks ago in your camera roll. You scan your eyes around where you think it would be and click on it showing Josh. You begin laughing but don’t hear much coming from your twin. You look over to see a confused and disgusted look on his face. 
“Jake…” you hear him say. 
You turn to look at him, your smile fading and confusion written all over your face. “What?” 
“What was that picture next to it?” he spat at you, anger filling his voice. 
You swipe out of the video and look at what is next to it. 
No. fucking. way.
Y/n’s nudes from weeks back were sitting in your camera roll. But there is no way he would know that they are hers. “I don’t really remember, it might be this girl from my class. We’re talking right now I guess.” Shitty lie.
“Girl from your class? Really, because that looks a lot like y/n.” He says pointing at your phone, eyebrows furrowing and free hand clenched into a fist. 
“How can you be so sure, the girl's face isn’t even in the picture, bud.” 
Josh stares into your soul, your eyes battling for dominance. You knew this wasn’t going to end well for anyone's case.
Y/n's POV
You're woken up from your pre-study nap to a loud knock on the door. You knew Char would be getting home late but normally when she forgets her keys she calls you. You quickly hop out of bed to answer the door. When you take a peek outside the door you see…Josh. 
“Josh? What are you doing here, did you forget something?” Your eyes scan over the room to see if anything was left. 
He darts in the door, without invitation, and makes his way to the couch and takes a seat. “Were you talking to anyone while we were?”
“Not romantically… I mean I was only talking to you. I pretty much cut off any prior things with everyone.”
“Did you start new ones?” He says clasping his hands together, squeezing them. 
“No- Josh what is this about? If you're gonna say something just fucking say it.” 
“Okay fine. How long have you been fucking my brother?” Your eyes widen, that’s the last thing you expected to come out of his mouth. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?! I’ve never even talked to him.” You try your best to defend yourself, but you don’t think it’s working too well. 
“So you’ve texted him, is that what you're saying? I mean surely talking in person wasn’t enough so you also had to text when he wasn’t around. Squirt? Does that ring a bell y/n? Or the nudes you sent to his phone?”
“Josh, I don't send that kind of stuff anymore. Not to anyone. Plus I never sent them with my face ever!”
“Yeah true but it’s pretty fucking easy to notice you with that fucking initial necklace you always wear.” He says pointing at it. 
“You can’t prove anything, you asshole.” You didn’t feel like dealing with this shit right now. 
“Really, wanna hear everything that Jake just told me?” You give him a certain look to just shut his mouth. 
2 hours before 
Josh’s POV 
“How can you be so sure, the girl's face isn’t even in the picture, bud.” Jake proclaims.
“That necklace that ‘girl’ is wearing is the same one y/n never takes off because her dad gave it to her. The little freckle on her neck, her hair draping over the shoulders, who is it then Jake? I know her and her body, that's y/n.” You snap back at him, seeing right through his little lie. 
“Like I said, it might be a girl from my class. It might also be some random girl I don’t remember?”
“Then why would it be on your phone if you don’t remember? Open your messages now.” You’re seething. If you could see yourself right now, your face would most likely be bright red.  
“I don’t have to do shit Josh. Damn. You’re fucking crazy.” 
“No go ahead and just swipe through, if I don’t see her name then fine.”
Jake sighs, pulling open his messages and slowly goes through showing that he had nothing to hide while you quickly look at the previews of the messages. Nothing crazy until you see 
2:14am Jake: I know he’s asleep. Come to the bathroom now.
With that you grab Jake’s phone and run to the nearest room. You slam the door shut, locking it quickly.
“JOSH STOP, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT DOING THAT!” Jake screams muffle from behind the door. 
You take a deep sigh, knowing that you don’t want to see what's in those messages, but the pounding on the door tells you that your suspicions are correct.
After clicking on the messages, you’re met with weeks of conversations between Jake and y/n. 
9:45pm y/n: What am I wearing tonight hottie?
9:46pm Jake: Didn’t expect to be hearing from you, I missed you.
9:56pm Jake: I told you I’ve had my eye on you for a while now.
11:16pm Jake: I miss you too sexy, and your body. I wish I could be with you, taking that slutty little outfit off. Who picked that out again?😏
11:17pm Jake: Of course, sexy girl. Show me what's mine.
11:18pm y/n: Who said I was yours?
11:18pm Jake: Is anyone else getting these pics?
11:18pm y/n: No
11:19pm Jake: Then they’re mine, along with your body, all mine.
Holy shit. This has been happening underneath your nose the entire time. You trusted y/n, and even worse, you trusted your brother. You took out your phone and took pictures of some of the messages. You knew you needed to confront y/n and you knew you weren’t going to give her any time to come up with a story. You take Jake’s phone and hide it deep in your closet knowing he’ll never find it. You didn’t want him to give y/n any warning about what was going to happen. 
You yank open the door making your way to the door while Jake hollers his apologies behind you. You completely ignore him, slipping out the door. 
Present Time
Y/n’s POV
You couldn’t deny the truth. He had evidence and there was no way of getting out of it. 
“Josh, we weren't together. I- I can explain.” You grab onto his arm trying your very best to fool him. He forcefully rips his arm out of your grip. 
“So what was that then, huh. You can’t expect to act that way with me and not make me think it's something more than friends, because it wasn’t no matter what you say, and you know that.” His finger digs deeply into your chest, discomfort rising within you from his jab. You back away from his harsh touch. 
“It was more than friends, I thought it was friends with benefits.” You feel tears beginning to form in your eyes, your lips quivering as you attempt to speak. 
“Holy fuck y/n. You’re so fucking stupid. We said that because we were horny for each other, but I thought after making the connection it was something more. I should have known it from the beginning.” You see tears start filling his eyes, a wash of anger flashes across his face. He lets completely loose on you. 
“You’ve always been a slut and I should have recognized that you wouldn’t be able to keep it in your pants for just one person, but hey go for my brother I guess. Was it convenient to just go to one bed and then hop into another only 5 feet apart? Probably the most efficient you’ve ever been, huh?” 
“You’re such a fucking asshole.” The tears are flowing down your cheeks now, sob after sob racking through your body. The thing was… he was right. You are everything he says you are. 
“I’m the asshole? Wow, y/n, real classy. Just admit it. Admit you fucked Jake. Then we can go back to the way things were before this goddamn musical.” 
“I don’t want to go back to the way things were before the musical. I made some mistakes and I'm sorry. But I just want everything to be how it has been.” 
“Oh yeah? When you were sleeping with both me and my brother? Fuck that. I don’t want anything to do with you, y/n.” 
“Did you even think about why I was getting with him in the first place? You selfish piece of shit, and for me to think you changed your ways.” There is no way he’s placing all the blame on you. 
“MY WAYS?! You're the one who hasn’t ‘changed their ways’ but please enlighten me as to why you would have to fuck me and my brother at the same time.” He says, crossing his arms across his chest.
“You have always been a fucking dick to me, and you know it. Jake treated me right from the beginning and made me feel wanted. I had to beg for your attention and for you to be kind to me. When you finally started to act the way a ‘boyfriend’ should act is when I cut it off with Jake.” You’re screaming in his face, begging him to hear you out, to understand. You stand there completely helpless in the middle of your living room, crying. 
"Damn it y/n I love you. I always have, I wanted to treat you that way but I didn't want to scare you off." His hands rubbing his face.
"Well you didn't do a great job showing it." You say in a snarking tone.
Josh walks up to you, incredibly close, his face right in front of yours. “You are a bitch.” You’re done with his shit, you forcefully shove him backwards and off of you.  
The room gets quiet, only being able to hear the heavy breathing of both of you bouncing off the walls. 
“Josh… please. I don’t want this to end.” You can hardly make out his body now standing in the doorway, through your tears. 
“I want that too… but I don’t know what else to do. This,” he motions between the two of you, ”is fucked.” You collapse on the floor, curling up into a ball, and just can’t stop your weeping. “I’ll text you tomorrow y/n, I need to clear my head after tonight.” The last thing you hear from him is the door slamming. 
After what feels like hours of laying on the floor weeping,  you hear knocking at the door.
You pick yourself off the ground hurrying your way to the door. Maybe he wanted to talk it out more, figure something out.
When you get to the door you're met with no one. You look at your surroundings and notice a large bouquet of flowers sitting on the ground. You bring them in, hoping maybe they were from your dad who occasionally sends you flowers as a little gift. 
You set them on the counter and open the card. Your eyes scan the words, causing you to fall to your knees. What have I done? This is your fault. You are a slut. You don’t deserve anyone. 
Thankful for you, forever and always. Love Josh.
@demonrat444 @gvfstuddedmajesty @jordie-gvf @jazzyfigz @slut4lando @gvfmarge @peaceloveunitygvf @jjwasneverhere @areuirish @mar-rein12 @woyayaofdreams @freyjalw @musicspeaks @jennabobenasblog @do-it-jakey-baby @dannys-dream @its-interesting-van-kleep @josh-iamyour-mama
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could you please do heeseung seeing y/n wearing another guys shirt? maybe like jake had let heeseung borrow his clothes but heeseung forgot to give it back, so heeseung goes ethan mode when he sees y/n wearing it without realizing it’s the shirt he forgot to return to jake.😭😭 this just popped up into my head before i went to bed so sorry if my explanation skills are ass rn lol.
Edit: so i totally forgot to add the title and warning label. apologies, i'm still recovering from being sick and am not 100%
"Daddy's Shirt"
Warning: Roughness hinted, Heethan gets a little jealous/filled with rage, misunderstanding, some softness, yandere love....yandere traits. Some....choking.....
“You wanna Netflix and chill pretty?” He asks as you both enter the room.
“I’d like that baby.” Stretching your arms, you sigh out as you release the roughness of the day. It felt so long, and the amount of study sessions further drained you of all your energy. Changing over, your back remains facing him as you dawn only your panties. With your back bare, Heeseung flashes a glance and bites his lip.
“God damn she’s magical…..if there was anything her parents did right, it was making her.” He thought as he watched you slip on one of his t-shirts. He loved seeing you in his tees, with no bra and just a simple pair of panties….it’s no wonder he takes you as often as he does. You were drop dead gorgeous and so easily accessible for him to grip his hands on. Watch you, all the while staring at your derrière, you slowly turn to walk over to his bed, when you noted the sudden shift in his features as he sees the front side of the tee shirt.
“THATS…..NOT…….MINE……” with the face of Ethan quickly appearing, wide eyed and sadistically glaring with anger in his eyes, shoots forward, scaring you to death as you grabs your wrists and rams you against the wall. “Whose is it and WHY are you wresting it? “ he snarls rather maliciously. His glare was muderous and twisted as he snarled a very eerie smile….imagining all the torturous acts he would do to whomever was the owner of this piece, and teach you a lesson with a rather harsh punishment.
grabbing onto you jawline, he grips gently, but firmly as he forces you to remain facing forward and directly at him. “Fucking open that sweet mouth and start talking…..BABY….DOLL.” Gritting his teeth while flashing a devious smirk, much like the jokers smile, you felt yourself falling into the depths of ultimate fear as you witnesses Ethan nearly unhinged.
“wait….wait….it’s not….it isn’t like that…” you stuttered as he gripped your neck tighter, licking his lips and eyes you up and down.
"Baaaaaaaaby........you need a reminder on who you belong to?" he grits his teeth once more, his fingers digging into your skin and his grip tightening to the point where you started to feel your air intake becoming restricted.
"E....Ethan......its....its hard to breathe...." you softly gasp out as your lips remained pursed open, yet he foudn you so delectable and amazing like this. Especially when you were due for a punishment.
"Good.....fucking choke on it some more." gritting his teeth harshly, he leans in and kisses you with the heated passion you have yet to feel coming from Ethan, or Heeseung. He kept his grip steady, neither loosening nor tightening it, keeping it at the medium it was so as to not hurt you, yet causing you minor discomfort to reflect his current emotional rage.
"Ready to get fucked princess?" he smiles as he reaches his thumb upwards, pushes your bottom lip down, spits inside, and orders you to....
With glossy eyes, you did as he bid and gulped down his own slaver matter, feeling it travel down your throat as the cooler temperature reflects its foreign entry.
"Pl...please.....Ethan.....its.....its not......what you think." wincing as you felt pulses of his grip tightening and loosening, you reach up and stroked his hand, cooing him the best you could loosen the grip permanently. Knowing that fighting or struggling wouldn't work in your favor, since the man was significantly stronger than you, the only option you had was to show him love....because he needed it.
"Its.....its a shirt H/N bought......ugh!" feeling his grip slacking, he raises a brow and silently with his gaze demands that you elaborate.
"She....ugh......she bought it for Jake but....she got the wrong size...and asked if i wanted it......i wore it to surprise and ......and give....it to you.......ugh!" gasping, he releases his grip entirely yet kept his hand planted around you.
"Is that so?" he deeply and calmly asks. You nod eagerly with tears forming in your eyes, somehow you felt terrible that the wrong impression was delivered, and you felt bad that things went this way, but what got you the most was that for a moment in time, the man you loved the most...the one that took care of you and adored you before anything else, including his own well being, was hurt. You never wanted to hurt him.....yet you inaverdently did so. Keeping his hand loosely wrapped around your neck, he takes out his phone and dials in Jake.
"Hey Heeseung whats up?"
"Hey....question......did h/n recently get you a shirt in the wrong size?"
"oh yeah, the one that has the bears on it? yeah, its cute but its too large, i told her to ask y/n if she'd want it to give it to you."
"is everything good?"
"everything is fine.....now.....just wanted to clarify. thanks. "
"yeah man, see you later."
Turning his head and tossing his phone on his desk, he turns back to you as his hand drapes downward to your shoulder, where he gently grabs your arm. Looking at the teary, wide eyes staring back at him, with the look of fear and sadness in them, he looks down and brings you in to his chest.
"dont cry.....i'm sorry...." he calmly whispers with a stoic face.
You gently sobbed into his chest, feeling guilty. You should have just presented it to him rather than wearing it, considering it was a man's tee shirt, one that was unrecognizable to him, no wonder he drew to the wrong conclusion.
"I-.....i'm sorry.......i should have just given it to you...." you stuttered out in between your quiet sobs.
Petting your head and shushing you, he presses his lips against your head. "Shhh.....dont apologize. You didnt do anything wrong, i overreacted." he paused and gulped for a second before he continued....
"I dont like the thought of losing you....i was scared......and when i get scared......i go crazy........" he admits as he holds onto your waist tightly.
Nodding your head, you return the embrace and felt reassured that things were okay now. You should have known better, for as long as you've been with your man, you knew that his obsession and insane love for you was abnormal. It was scary, horrifying even.....it was abrasive, rough, controlling, mentally abusive even...with the way he was always clinging onto you and creating rules that restricted your freedom in the relationship.....his everlasting presence around you...no matter where you were or where you go......restricted your freedom...yet.....because of these traits.....he was also protective....he always brought you home and rescued you from danger....he loved you hard, he loved you softly, he loved you....just you...only you.....and he showed countless times, that he was willing...and has always been willing, to do anything for you. There was not a thing you would change about your man.
Gently pulling you back and stroking the pieces of your hair away from your face, swooping all of your locks over to one shoulder, he eyes you up and down and admires the tee shirt you had on.
"So you thought of me when h/n showed you this?" he gently speaks as he places one hand on the side of your neck, his thumb gently stroking on the areas where faint prints of his fingers were left from his previous hold. The other hand caresses your cheek as he smothered you with kisses in between his words.
"Mmhmm....." you innocently hummed into his kiss.
"Yeah?" he kisses you again. "Yeah baby? you're always thinking of me?" he kisses you two more times.
"Yes......i am..." you utter out in between his kisses.
Pulling you harshly in by your waist, he deepens the kiss and rolls his tongue aggressively in your mouth as he forces you to arch your back, planting his free hand on the back of your head to pull you in more.
The tee shirt wrinkles in his grasp, the white fabric feeling soft against his hand. The adorable logo in the front crinkles as he raises the hem of the shirt to snake his hand in between your legs, where he begins to take his performance to a heightened level. Pausing the kiss for just a second, he whispers.....
"I like it...........and i love you." continuing, he proceeded to do everything you ever thought imaginable in the aspects of loving someone....and fucking them......Ethan redeemed himself the moment his finger, tongue, and his member entered inside you and brought out the womanly spirit out of you as usual.
The next morning, you woke up and heard him typing away. Raising up, still nude and covered by the sheets and blanket, you sit up with your legs over the edge and gently rub your eyes as you look over his way. A smile softly appears on your face with a gentle chuckle accompanying it.
"you're wearing it...." you smile.
He smiles back as he eyeballs the screen on his laptop, while blowing you a kiss and tells you.
"I am.....i like it. Think i'll fuck you in it again later....." sighing in his palm as he rests his chin and props his elbow on the desk, he gives you a sly side eye under the hood of his matching white cap, and winks before giving you that infamous dashing smirk.
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Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️  ☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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rodanhoax · 1 year
Jaune: You know, you guys didn’t have to bring me along on your honeymoon. 
Nora: Aw, it was no issue Jaune. Right Ren? *Holds onto Rens arm*
Ren: Of course. Afterall, it was the least we could do after forgetting your birthday.
Jaune: It wasn’t that bad. Besides, you guys were busy preparing for your wedding, so it wasn’t your faults you forgot.
Nora: Either way, we thought you could enjoy the sights while we did some... newlywed activities. *Giggles like a child, still excited from their recent union*
Jaune: *Chuckles at Nora as he sets down their bags* Well, I guess all I can say is thanks. I’m gonna go grab the last of the luggage. You two just kick back and relax, alright?
Ren: Much appreciated Jaune. *Nods as he and his wife hold one another close, about to close in for a kiss*
Jaune: *Before leaving, he remembers something and pulls out an odd envelope from his pocket* Oh yeah, Ren, I almost forgot, this came in the mail before we left.
Ren: *Raises an eyebrow as he takes the envelope, opening its contents right as Jaune leaves the room*
Nora: Ooh~ That must be our marriage license.
Ren: Nora, this isn’t a marriage license. It’s a... restraining order?
Nora: *Shocked* Oh nuts! I was in such a rush I just grabbed the first form I saw and filled us both in.
Ren: It says we can’t be within... 25 yards of one another.
Nora: But 25 backyards is like... A lot! We got to get this fixed right away!
Ren: Nora, we need to file this to court if we wanna cancel it. And that may take a few days.
Nora: But... Our honeymoon. If we leave, we can’t enjoy it here. We’ve been looking forward to this for months.
Ren: I’m sorry, but unless we wanna risk breaking the law... again, there’s not really any other option.
Nora: No! I refuse! There’s gotta be something we can do to at least enjoy our honeymoon here, without getting in trouble, and until we can get this restraining order sorted out.
Jaune: *Kicks door open before coming in the rest of the luggage* Whew! Got the rest of the luggage guys! Anything else you two need before I head out?
Nora: ...
Ren: ...
RN: *Nod at one another*
Nora: Oh Jauney~ Do you think you could do us a big, BIG, favor?
Jaune: 🤨 ?
Nora: *Eating a nice stack of  chocolate chip pancakes*
Jaune: *Pops in with a bouquet of pink lotus flowers*
Nora: *Smiles as she takes them, waving outside the window to Ren, whom is currently doing some yoga*
Ren: *Driving a jet ski through ocean*
Nora: *Laughs joyously as her and Jaune water ski, her sitting atop his shoulders*
Jaune: *In absolute agony, trying his best to keep his balance, hold up Nora, and not vomit from the speed they were going*
Ren: *Ballroom dances with Jaune before releasing him with a spin*
Jaune: *Miraculously maintains his spin as he elegantly makes his way to Nora*
Nora: *Catches him before dropping him down onto the floor in an attempt to dip him*
We see Jaune in bed with someone, sweat dripping down his body as he thrusts wildly into them from above. The creaking sound of the bedframe could be heard 5 rooms over, the frame threatening to fall apart with each thrust, as well as the feminine wails of pleasure from his partner. This stops, as with one last push, the two let out loud sensual moan as they climax together, Jaune grinding himself as deep as he could as he filled them to the brim. Sliding himself out, Jaune moves over to the side of the bed, catching his breath before grabbing and pulling up his pants.
Jaune: So... Like that?
Ren: *Pants in exhaustion as he sits himself up* Yes... Just like that. Nora will love it. So don’t keep her waiting.
Jaune: *Sighs* Hope my aura’s ready this. *Stands up and cracks his back before rushing off to go break out Nora’s*
Ren could hear his footsteps as Jaune made his way over to the guestroom, where Nora had been patiently waiting. The rooms here had such thin walls, he wouldn’t be surprised if Nora had heard every bit of him and Jaunes passionate fornication. In fact, he wouldn’t be surprised if that only aroused her more.
Nora: Took ya long enough! Now come to mama fearless leader~ 
Ren lets out a small smile as he hears Jaune and Nora quickly begin their own bout of sexual intercourse, sounding just as wild and passionate as his own, if not more so. A yawn escaping his mouth, Ren decides it’s time to get some shut eye, excited to see what the next day brought them. Afterall...
That was just the first day of their honeymoon.
(2 Weeks Later)
RWBY: *Waiting by the bullheads to greet the newlyweds once they returned*
Ruby: *Eye widened as her friends came into view* Hey, there they are!
Yang: It’s about time. *Squints her eyes in confusion* Wait, why are those two standing so far apart from one another?
Blake: *Shrugs* Beats me. Looks like they enjoyed their time though.
Yang: *Smirks* How much you wanna bet it’s because they spent most of it breaking in their bed?
Weiss: Do you have to make everything so vulgar Yang?
Yang: Jeez Weissy, it’s just a joke. No need to be such a pru... Is Vomit Boy ok?
Blake: He looks like he’s been drained of every ounce of vitality he had.
Ruby: You think Ren and Nora had him do a lot of work for them?
Before they could continue, they watch as Jaune collapses onto the ground. The team quickly rushes over to their friend, wondering if he was alright. They come across Ren and Nora, having not moved to check on their leader for some reason, instead lower their heads in grief for their fallen teammate.
Ren: He was a good man.
Nora: *A tear fall down her cheek* And virile lover.
Ren: ... Yes.
RWBY: *Looks at the two in confusion, no clue as to what was even happening... that is until one of them happened to remember something*
Yang: ... Wait. Does this have something to do with joke restraining order I sent you?
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of-dragonss · 2 years
i could really use some comfort from dew rn so, if you're comfortable with it, could you write dew x f!reader who is dealing with a pretty bad depressive episode? just, all the comfort and fluff because i desperately need it from my fav ghoul <3 thank u!
of course lovely! sorry for the wait, i hope you’ve been feeling better! 🖤
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ 
— dewdrop x reader (i keep accidentally writing readers with no specific gender i apologize 😭)
summary: dewdrop stays with you during a depressive episode. just a lot of fluff 🖤
I’ll get through it with you next to me.
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Dewdrop knew you were dealing with a bad depressive episode. Sister Imperator has let you have time by yourself for once. Not ordering you around to help around the Abbey. He also knew the weather changing has triggered your seasonal depression. Which in turn, caused you to feel very unlike yourself these past few days.
Locked up in your dorm, the Ghoulettes bringing you food when needed. Making sure you were at least keeping yourself fed with enough water to drink. Otherwise everyone left you alone.
Until tonight when Dewdrop passed by your dorm and the faint sound of sobbing can be heard from underneath your door. He was uncertain at first of what to do, but in the end decided to knock to make his presence known before silently and slowly opening your door.
“Y/n? Do you need anything?” He asked quietly, closing the door behind him as he entered with slow movements, making his way towards your bed where you laid under the covers, sobs turned to hiccups and loud sniffles as you tried to calm down your crying.
“I’m here for you, I hope you know. Whatever you need, just ask.” He sat himself at the edge of your bed, waiting for you to calm yourself down as he reached out to where he made out your shoulder as you laid on your side, facing the wall, slowly rubbing his hand up and down in calm bing motions.
“Stay the night?” Came your shaky reply after a long few minutes of silence, and the occasional sniffling coming from you. “Please.”
In a flash, Dewdrop got up from the bed and ran around your room in search of your laptop you two would watch movies and tv shows on during both of your free time in the Abbey when there was an opportunity for.
He was usually talkative but he knew you weren’t in the mood for talking. But he knew a movie and a cuddle would cheer you up even slightly. So, grabbing your laptop from your desk, he went back to the bed where he quickly pulled the covers away from you, moving inhumanly fast as he easily lifted you up and laid down on the bed in your spot, you half on top of him, head on his chest, cuddled up to his side.
“Figured we could watch a movie, until we fall asleep. How does that sound, love?” He kissed the top of you hand as he set up your laptop where you both can easily see the screen perfectly.
Nodding into his chest and wrapping your arms under him to hold yourself impossibly closer to Dewdrop he pick a random movie you both frequently watch during the colder months, Hocus Pocus. Dewdrop resting his cheek on top of your head as the movie began to play.
The two of you happy and content with each other’s presence, safe in his arms. “I can get through this rut with you next to me. Stay until I wake up?” You asked quietly, fatigue evident in you hoarse voice.
“Of course. Anything for you.” He smiled, pushing your hair out of your face to kiss your forehead. And as the movie played on, the two of you drifted to sleep cuddled up to each other.
As the sun started rising again into the sky, you woke up in a panic. Bolting up in bed, struggling to breath. Dewdrop immediately woke up the second he smelled the overwhelming scent of your fear. Tears streamed down your face from the nightmare you had thanks to your current mental state.
Dew held your face in his hands gently, resting his forehead in yours. “It’s okay. It’s okay, i’m here.” He whispered over and over again as you slowly started being more aware of your surroundings. Moving to wrap your arms around his slim frame, clinging onto Dewdrop like your life depended on it.
“Breath with me.” He instructed softly, taking deep intakes of breaths and long exhales. You two did this several more times until you calmed down, only hiccuping here and there. “Let’s go back to sleep, yeah?” He gently pushed you back to lay down on the bed.
“You have to leave. I don’t want you to get in trouble.” You spoke softly, frowning.
“Doesn’t matter. What does though is you. I’m staying with you for as long as you’ll have me.” He kissed your forehead, bringing you in close to him once again.
“Okay.” You sighed, giving in easily at his touch, already feeling drowsy. And in each others arms, once again, the two of you fell asleep. Safe and protected.
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<<Part 2 [can also be read as standalone] MASTERLIST
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Anon ask: "Ahoy can you make a Purrfect Distraction part 3 where we finally kiss our bae?"
Summary: You're on an important mission, that's all you can say. Superheroes + needing to kiss to hide from bad guys (modified a bit)  Tags: Undercover missions, kissing A/N: sorry I'm a bit in the middle of some things rn so i hope the wait is worth it! :) enjoy!
Also Read on AO3
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"Target at twelve o' clock." 
"Rodger that", the crisp static voice replies in your ear. 
You're on an important mission, that's all you can say. 
After quite sometime of vigilante-ing around Mumbattan with Spider-Man, you get recruited to S.H.I.E.L.D as agents-in-training. Tch, amateurs? Really? How many times have you kicked the Screwdriver crew's ass? And dealt with The Nightmare on a monthly basis. C'mon, SHIELD! 
Fury had initially doubted your credibility, but after witnessing your skills and a bonafide from Spidey himself, he appreciated you being on the good guy's side now. 
Personally, you hate being ordered around -which was why you worked solo; to be your own boss- but work was work and you were getting paid, (the SHIELD id card helped greatly in some sticky situations) so you were somewhat content. 
Pavitr... not so much. He hated the constant privacy breach and lack of freedom; 'its like being put on a leash, y/n!', he would often complain. 
And they wouldn't even let you guys on important missions! Atrocity, really. 
So it was like Diwali came early when Fury finally -although, begrudgingly- allowed you both to go on a mission! And without a senior agent on field to supervise you, which was the cherry on top! Pavitr was so overjoyed that he began cheering and dancing before you were even given details. 
The mission was boringly typical, though it excited you no less: pretend as high-class guests to retrieve a spectacular artefact, some tesseract thingy that glows blue, showcased at a charity event (which was actually more of a show off) hosted by multi-millionare bald businessman. The catch was that the man's son, a teenager, was there in his father's stead and he was in-charge of the invites, which meant the crowd was young. 
Though, what idiot dad would let such a priceless asset be lying around a teenager, you didn't know, but their failings is your advantage. (And Fury swore the teen had no idea about it, so taking it "should be a piece of cake." Easy for you to say, Mr. Eyepatch.) 
Pavitr comes out after changing into his attire -a silky black tux with a cute little bowtie- running his hand through his wavy obsidian locks. You can't help pinching his cheeks as you subtly give him an once over. Man, he looks handsome! 
You're dressed in an equal fashion but in more bland colours and stiletto heels. "For convenience", Fury says and you restrict from rolling your eyes. 
Donning the eyemasks, SHIELD takes you to the place of the event in a limo, with a couple senior agents staying back to monitor the target and your movements -and as a Plan C. You were too involved in not outright drooling at the luxurious interior to be offended. 
The car comes to a quiet halt and you go through your scripts, which is agonizingly simple: Peter (Pavitr) as the heir to a climate tech startup and you as his secretary. 
With final touches to your outfit, the pair of you step out. 
You've successfully entered the premises without a hitch and Pavitr, or Peter, made his presence known. After chatting with a few company heirs and young CEOs, your eye catches the prize. 
"Queen at 10 o' clock", you say, seeing the tesseract. Pav nods at you from a few feet away: it's time to move. 
You're currently in a secluded area set up specifically for the tesseract, restricted only to the most esteemed guests and VIPs -of which you were neither. But the good news is that the lightning is dim and occupants are scattered across the room, which should give you enough leeway to sneak her out. 
"Eye on the ball", Spider-Man's smooth voice rings in your ear. How he is still cheery, you'll never know. "Black Cat, do you copy?" 
"Rodger that." 
You've yet to meet the host himself, which is custom, but you thought you could make away with the tesseract before and not cause a scene. What if he dedeuced you were spies? What if he realized he never invited you? Fury hadn't let you see a pic of him beforehand either, so what if you've passed by him without knowing? Oblivious of the host himself? Now, that was bound to cause a scene. 
Crossing your fingers, you join your "boss" and saunteer behind a confident Pavitr, who strides in like he owns the place. It works; the bodyguards seem a bit intimidated despite their deadpan stare eventhough Pav is very much smiling. 
"Keep moving. Queen at ten steps, north." 
"I see her." Pavitr smirks into the camouflaged bluetooth, whispering excitedly, "Got i-" 
"Alert! Host approaching at 3 o' clock."
You panic, though your face is set straight, heart thumping loudly in your chest and your palm turns sweaty. Pavitr is frozen with shock as he sees the boy in white suit and red tie from a distance. 
"What the-!", Pav swears under his breath. A sweat bead rolls down the side of his forehead as he pulls you aside, backing into a dim corner. "That's Hari Oberoi, my best friend!" 
Shit shit shit! If he catches Pavitr snooping around his house on a striclty business party... 
A frantic crisp whisper echoes urgently through the bluetooth. "S@&#*! We've been compromised. Abort! Mission abort-", it cuts off abruptly with the sound of a revving engine, leaving you two to your own devices. Great, just great. 
This is too much pressure for a simple ex-cat burglar like you. 
Suddenly, as if the Universe itself wanted you to escape, you get an idea and pull Spider-Man through the restroom door behind you. Only once inside does your breath return. 
The releif on your faces doesn't stay long, because Hari Oberoi is knocking on the door a few seconds after. The lock clicks open, golden handle curving down in a squeak. 
As quick as a flash, Pavitr cups your face and surges forward, connecting your lips in a full kiss. You freeze in shock, not even moving as he caresses your cheek, thumb rubbing circles as he coaxes your mouth relax. You body goes into autopilot and reciprocates the kiss, leaning into him, fingers tangling in his soft wavy hair as his hands seek your waist. 
Fireworks burst in your veins, every nerve coming alive. His lips are so so soft, just like you imagined. 
Hari evidently has witnessed your romantic moment, judging from the soft 'whoah, sorry!' you hear before a sharp resounding click of the door being shut. 
Forever has passed when Pavitr pulls away for air, your lips chasing his before he returns with a short kiss. You look into his deep brown eyes, catching your racing breath. 
"Pav, that was.." 
His eyes are still sparkling. "..Amazing"
The annoying static voice sounds once you're safely out of the premises, your target sitting in your palm obediently. "Spider, cat, do you copy?" 
Pav clears his throat and answers. "Rodger that, sir. The Queen is dead." 
Code for 'we've got the prize.'
A static silence ensues. And then, a slightly amused, "Long live the king."
Code for 'get your asses back to HQ safely. We're not sorry for ditching you.' 
"Uh-huh. And how, exaclty, did you take her?", Fury asks with his resident face of disapproval as he listens intently. 
"Well", Pav says, stretching his arms and breaking his knuckles for effect as he spins a tale, "after your agents abandoned us, Y/n and I snuck into the vents which we painstaking crawled through, and by the power of my amazing webs, I snatched it when they weren't looking. The artefact teleported us outside." 
No one can condone nor object your statements due to lack of witness and evidence against you. Plus, they did abandon you guys.
You giggle, saluting the one-eyed director who dismisses you and walk out onto the platform of the helicarrier.
"Ahem..", you clear your throat when you finally get some privacy, "about the kiss.." 
The pink of the sunset paints his cheeks, the yellow of the evening glowing behind him. Pavitr blushes, his dimples deepening and god, if he isn't positively ethereal right now! 
"Hmm..", he bites his lip, eyes sparkling, "I'm not sure we did it right. We should do it again. What do you say?" 
There was much to talk about: where you guys stand, what relationship you have and, of course, feelings.. but all that is secondary. Right now, there's only one thing in your mind. 
"Yeah", you agree as he pulls you closer, noses touching, "We should do it again." 
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btshoseong · 1 year
↺ 💌 ࣪ ˖ ∿ author’s note , @ how has it already been just over a week since the last post bro 💀 sorry about that, just got a lotta uni enrolment stuff to get through and it’s been stressing me out <\3 anyways enjoy !!
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Members are currently getting ready in the makeup room for Hoseok’s Listening Party.
J-HOPE: *making a noise of approval* “Yahhh… look at my bro! Seong-ah, is this really you?” *coming up to rest his hands on seong’s shoulders as he gets his makeup done*
SE3OUL: “Oh, the star of the show came back here to see me?!” *going in for a high-five and holding his hand, looking at each other through the mirror*
J-HOPE: “Aish, of course I had to come see you,” *dramatic disappointment that seongie doesn’t know this already* “You’re my brother since day one.”
SE3OUL: “Joon-ah, I hope you’re hearing this.” *laughing rn*
RM: *shaking his head* “Traitor of the century. Twelve years of history down the drain.”
J-HOPE: “Yah, you think I’d invite you to this event if you didn’t mean anything to me? He just wants to hear intimate sentiments from me.” *pointing over at joon*
JUNGKOOK: “Hyung, are we all gonna sit down and listen to the music?” *curious wide eyed bunny looking at seokie through the mirror*
J-HOPE: “No, you’ll get it when you see it.” *excited to reveal the surprise soon*
SE3OUL: “Either way Seok-ah is having a dance off with me. Yah, promise me right now.” *holding his pinky up*
J-HOPE: *rolling his eyes with a laugh* “This guy seriously wants to embarrass me at my own party.”
JIMIN: “I think Hoseok hyung has a waaaay higher chance of winning though.” *teasing seongie to the max*
SE3OUL: “And whose side are you supposed to be on, huh?” *playfully narrowing his eyes*
V: *raising his hand* “I will be joining the dance off too. Winner has to buy everyone chicken.”
JIN: *can’t contain the chuckle* “Wait, the winner? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?”
SE3OUL: “He just has that unique perspective with things.” *nodding as if it weren’t a mistake*
JIN: “Ah, but Seok-ah…” *gaining hobi’s attention immediately* “I feel uncomfortable meeting new people. Do I really have to do the meet-and-greet?”
J-HOPE: “Oh, you don’t have to do that.” *waving it off*
SE3OUL: “Ooo our shy, introverted hyung~ oldest of Bangtan.” *singsongy voice and all*
J-HOPE: “Really, if you don’t want to, then after the event is over, you can just say you enjoyed the music.”
JIMIN: “I’m seriously way more nervous!” *laughing as he pats jin*
JUNGKOOK: *first to finish hair & makeup* “Hyung, how are you gonna say hello?”
J-HOPE: “Me? It’ll be like ‘Hello, I’m J-Hope.’”
J-HOPE: “By the way, Seongie you have to lead us well.”
SE3OUL: *finally finished with hair & makeup also* “Oh me?” *pointing at himself*
JIMIN: *grabbing his finger* “No, he’s going to stay in the bathroom with me all night to keep me company.” *ensue eye smile*
J-HOPE: “No, he has to lead us through. You as well.” *pointing at both of them*
JIMIN: “I’ll jump around a lot.”
SE3OUL: “We’ll do the iconic Black Swan performance with the spin.” *patting jimin with a smile ( p.s for context: seongie takes jk’s place during the black swan mma performance )*
J-HOPE: *smiling and satisfied*
JIMIN: “Okay, let’s go then.” *grabbing both seokie and seongie’s arms*
J-HOPE: “Ah, I wish Yoongi hyung were here too.” *tsking*
SE3OUL: *leaning into the camera* “Everyone, for those of you that don’t know, our Yoongi hyung has a fever. He couldn’t make it.”
JIMIN: “I heard it was around thirty-eight degrees.” *speaking in worried pout*
Soon Hoseok heads to the venue first in order to greet guests.
The rest of the members are still gathered in the makeup room.
JIMIN & SE3OUL: *playing around with jinnie’s outfit*
RM: “Thank you for coming.” *pacing + laughing nervously + practicing what he’s gonna say*
JIN: “Yah, Namjoon-ah, how do you say hi to celebs?”
SE3OUL: “Hyung, do you know what to do? You just go to the celeb right, and say…” *dramatic pause* “Bang to the Tan to the Jin!” *ensue cringey pose here*
RM & JIMIN: *giggling amongst themselves*
JIN: “Aish… who thought bringing this guy here would be a good idea?”
SE3OUL: “I know. Your love for me is so real.” *hand on heart, feeling touched*
After all of the fun and games in the makeup room, the members arrive at the party’s venue before the event officially begins, to look around.
Bang Shi Hyuk is also present so the members pose with him, all holding drinks with a huge smile.
JIMIN & JUNGKOOK: *feeling shy so decided to hide in a corner*
SE3OUL: *can never stray too far from his babies* “Yah, what are you doing? The party’s barely begun.” *caressing jk’s hair + looking at jm*
While the members get into the mood, Hoseok is getting ready to start the event.
J-HOPE: *styling his hair rq* “I’m sweating like crazy.” *begins moving to the groove of the music*
J-HOPE: “After introducing the DJ, I’ll say ‘please enjoy the drinks and enjoy yourselves today.’” *nodding along to what the staff is telling him*
After some time, Hoseok begins to make his way onto the main stage, waving and introducing himself.
J-HOPE: “I wanted to show you that this is the vibe that this guy has, so I invited you all here today. I hope you all enjoy this event. Let’s open the box now. Open the box, let’s go!” *finishing his speech before heading off stage*
All members are endlessly enjoying listening to Hoseok’s new album and vibing with the guests. Hoseong attempts to help his babies introduce themselves and get out of their shells.
Soon the members then reunite at the photo wall. Hoseok hugs everyone tightly one by one as they begin to take individual photos with Hoseok first and then a group one.
SE3OUL: “Go Jeongguk, go Jeongguk, go Jeongguk!” *hyping his baby on the dance floor lmao*
V: *joining in with jk and dancing together*
SE3OUL: *feeling very satisfied as he takes a sip of his drink and joins in as well* “Where’s Jiminie?”
JIMIN: *speak of the devil and he shall appear* “Yah, you all just left me by myself!”
V: *grabbing jimin’s arm and guiding him* “Let loose, Min!”
SE3OUL: “Aye! Aye! Aye!” *dancing in time with the rhythm, making the rest of the boys laugh and ease up*
SE3OUL: “Yah, I think the alcohol is getting to me, dude.” *still jamming tho + encouraging taekook too*
The boys dance for quite a while, enough to leave some of them sweating so they take off for a break. But Hoseong is an undefeated dance machine!
JIMIN: “I can’t believe he’s seriously still going.” *enamoured by his bubba on the dance floor with hobi*
JUNGKOOK: “Hyung’s stamina is really no joke.” *also watching him with jm*
Soon Jin is the first to make his early departure and decides to say goodbye to Hoseok. The members all enjoyed the listening event in their own ways, and those who could, stayed until the very end.
J-HOPE: *sat out in the hallway* “I don’t know how to express how honoured I feel. Lots of people came to congratulate me, and it was such a meaningful moment. It’ll definitely go down as a great part of J-Hope’s music career.”
J-HOPE: “Please look forward to my music. Now that the event is over, there’s a vlive tomorrow and the Lollapalooza performance. There are so many things to do, and so many things to show you, so please stay excited. Thank you!” *peace-ing out*
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@pandorasword , @ateezsora , @bts-dream , @fairiepoems , @kaitieskidmore97
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erule · 2 years
I'm not sure if your box is request open rn but if it is, can you write a one shot based on that one scene in dr:mom where stephens getting ready and right after he uses magic to fix his tie, the reader walks in and asks "do you need help with your tie?" because the reader always does his tie for him since his hands are y'know funkied up
Stephen was about to say no but then saw the dress the reader was wearing for the wedding and shuts himself up. He literally pulls down his tie and then asks for help with this stupid smile on his face. The reader didn't pay attention and of course helps him with the tie. During that time, stephen just stares at her, his hands holding onto her waist or smthg and asks about what the reader thinks about getting married.
Sorry if i wrote too much info, i needed to get out as much scenario's in my head cause my exams are in a couple weeks. the perks of being a woman in stem. Plus the lack of doctor strange fics is driving me up the wall :D
Your reflection | s.s.
Pairing: Stephen Strange x fem!Avenger!reader
Summary: Christine’s getting married and you’re going to the wedding with your boyfriend, Stephen Strange, aka her ex. Is he still in love with her or does he want to marry you? Maybe it’s time for you to find that out.
Warnings: fluff, some angst if you squeeze, one suggestive joke at the end, established relationship, spoilers from the MOM trailer I guess
Word count: 1K
A/N: hi! I had so much fun while writing this request!! I love some good old fluff. If you wanna be tagged in my fics or if you have any request, just write them into my inbox. Feedback is always appreciated by a writer! Hope y’all like it. Enjoy! x
Tags: thanks to @mochamori for the request, hope you like it!
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Stephen looked into the mirror only to see his tired reflection exchange a glance with him. He shouldn’t have accepted the invitation, but you insisted. So now he had to participate to his ex-girlfriend’s wedding with his current one. That was insane. Absolutely insane. At first, Star-Lord suggested him that it was a plan of yours to discover if he was still in love with Christine. Stephen didn’t agree with that, but he didn’t think that you wanted to come either, so he got confused. Then Wanda came with another idea: you were just being kind to her, because you wanted to study her face on the altar, in order to understand if she was still in love with Stephen. And well, Stephen was definitely upset after that. Turned out, that you just wanted to go to their buffet and you were also friends with Christine. That explanation seemed to convince Stephen, but not entirely, since you weren’t a nurse but an Avenger and there was no way in the world – no, in the universe – that you could have met Christine by chance. You had probably become friends with the enemy some time ago using your smart skills. This is why Stephen had so much trouble into fixing his tie (and also because his hands were trembling), so he decided to use some magic on it. 
That was when you came along. You knocked at the door, gently, then you entered into the room with a calm smile on your face. He saw your reflection in the mirror, by his side and he thought that you were stunning. An intense sense of warmth expanded into his chest: you were perfect, the person he had always dreamt of to be with. The girl of his dreams.
“Do you need help with your tie?” You asked, kindly. “Oh, wait…”
Stephen untied it immediately, showing you a childish grin on his face. You chuckled.
“Apparently, yes,” he answered.
So you began to fix his tie again, while his hands were slowly sliding onto your waist. You were wearing a fabulous dress, something that made you appear like you were the one getting married, maybe on the beach, with him, that’s why he asked you for some help to fix the tie. You were adjusting it, your fingertips moving so slow, he thought that he wanted them to caress his cheeks and not a stupid piece of clothing. Maybe he would have liked you to do that for the rest of his life. No, he wanted that.
“What do you think about Christine getting married?” He asked, abruptly.
“Well, it’s cute. She’s gonna wear a beautiful dress and the church is pretty nice, I helped her to arrange everything as you know. I didn’t meet the guy, but she always says that she’s happy, so…”
“No, I mean, what do you think about getting married?” He interrupted you.
You furrowed your brows, your tongue between your teeth, while you were focused on the tie. 
“I don’t know Stephen, I never thought about that,” you said.
He observed you and something in your eyes was off. Your hands had even began to shake, when they were always still and firm. 
“You’re lying,” he replied, tilting his head.
“What do you mean? I don’t lie”.
“You lie all the time to Wanda, when you steal her stupid yogurt from the fridge. Now tell me what’s going on,” he said, holding your hand, leaving the tie almost fixed.
You swallowed, remaining quiet. Stephen knew that you wanted to get married, because why the hell would you help anybody to prepare a wedding with so much dedication, if you don’t even like the idea of it? You were the kind of person that did things because you wanted to do them, not because you were forced to. Something was bothering you and he wanted to know what it was.
“We’ve been together for how long, uh? It seems a lot of time to me, but time seems to shrink when I’m with you. Once I thought that I was just a replacement because you couldn’t have Christine and I was okay with it,” you said, then he tried to interrupt you, but you kept going. “I was okay with it. But then, something switched and now I can’t think straight when we’re together. Getting married means everything to me, because I thought about it for all my childhood. It would be an honor to me to have somebody like you by my side, no, to have you by my side, whether it’s in a church or on the beach, I don’t care. We could even just live together forever in this apartment and I would be okay with it, as long as we remain in love. But here’s the question: are you really in love with me?” You say. He had stared at your eyes for long enough to see them being filled up with tears. His heart ached for you. “Because I can sacrifice the wedding of my dreams for you, but I can’t stay with somebody who wants another woman by their side,” you added. 
Then, he squeezed your hands and you finally looked into his eyes, while some tears were sliding on your face. 
“It would be my honor, to marry you, Y/N,” Stephen said and you gave him a brief smile. “There wouldn’t be anything better to me than spend my life with my best friend, a beautiful woman that happens to be patient enough to bear with me,” he said and you chuckled. “And don’t ever try to think again that I don’t feel something for you, because you would underestimate yourself and I don’t want you to do that”.
You nodded.
“Will do,” you said, then you fixed his tie for good. “Now you’re ready”.
“Thank you. Oh, this dress? It would look better on the floor,” Stephen said and you blushed. 
He laughed, then he thought about his friends and he realized it: Star-Lord was right. Well, too bad he would have never knew that.
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kyber-kisses · 2 years
Children of Wrath (Pt.3)
Din Djarin x Jedi!reader
Warnings: slight canon divergence, mentions of ptsd, clone wars spoilers, more angst.
Summary: at the end of the clone wars and the fall of the Jedi Order, one Jedi goes into hiding in the most unusual of ways until a Mandalorian stumbles across her. . . Two decades later.
A/N: sorry for the slight wait Bebes, I’m currently going though the big sad rn and don’t have the motivation, but I hope you enjoy and pls ask if you want to be added to my Taglist for this fic!
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After you somewhat of a breakdown, you had quickly pulled yourself together, brushed yourself off and told the Mandalorian that had freed you that you were fine.
But both of you knew that wasn’t true.
As he guided you across the rocky terrain of the uninhabited moon, he would every so often cast you a glance still trying to figure out what kind of person you were.
You remained silent, your fingers every so often moving to graze the odd weapon that hung from your belt as your feet crunched against the gravel beneath your boots.
He could see the pain in your eyes even if you weren’t looking at him. It made sense though. If what you had been saying was true you were going through all the grief that should have happened twenty years ago when everything you knew fell apart.
Twenty years worth of loss was hitting you all at once.
As the two of you finally reached his ship, he chose to speak up, the two of you standing side by side as you watched the ramp lower.
“Where would you like me to take you?”
“Take me? Oh right.” You nodded, suddenly realizing yet again you had no clue where you were going or what you were doing. “You can just drop me off at the nearest inhabited planet. I’ll figure it out from there.”
The Mandalorian nodded before walking up the metal walk way and into the belly of the razor crest, you following behind a moment later. Eyes taking in the interior of the ship you didn’t realize your savior had made his way back to you.
“Here, you must be hungry.” Extending his palm, he gave you several ration bars, the silver wrappers staring back at you from his hand.
“Oh. . . Thank you.”
“Sorry it’s not much, but seeing as you haven’t eaten in over two decades-“
“You don’t need to apologize. This is better than I could have asked for.”
Despite being adorned in head to toe armor, you found it somewhat easy for yourself to read the man in front of you. He had a shy awkwardness to him that you found somewhat endearing. You watched as he brought a gloved hand up tot he back of his neck, rubbing it awkwardly.
“I’m gonna get us in the air. You’re welcome to rest down here if you’d like.” The bounty hunter giving you one last nod before climbing up the ladder and into the cockpit, leaving you to stand in silence.
Fiddling with the silver wrapper of the ration bar, you sink to the floor of the ship, leaning against the wall as you did. You barely noticed the ship start up around you, too consumed by all the thoughts and questions beginning to flood your brain.
What all had happened in the past twenty some years? Why did the force feel so. . . Empty? And what had become of all the people you had cared about? Where were Anakin and Obi? Were they ok? Had they survived order 66? What about Padme? She was pregnant the last time you saw her.
You had only been awake for several hours but you already felt exhausted, the weight of twenty years lost settling over you like a heavy cloud. With a deep sigh you let your face fall into your hands, dropping the ration bar at your side.
“Where did you all go?”
Your words barely came out as a whisper but it was enough to bring the tears from earlier back to your eyes.
You don’t know how long you sat there on the cold metal floor of ship. Maybe minutes, maybe hours- who knew. But eventually the silence became too loud for you and you pulled yourself back up onto your feet, only getting as far as the ladder to the cockpit before stopping.
Peering up the vertical ladder in front of you, you contemplated wether or not you should stay down here or pull yourself up into the cockpit with the Mandalorian that had saved you. Your body made the choice before your mind did and before you could comprehend what was happening you were grabbing onto the rungs and climbing.
You had so many questions about the state of the galaxy, about everything that had happened since you were last awake, and as of right now the only person you could ask was the Mandalorian.
You were silent as you entered the cockpit, even as you made your way towards the vacant passenger seat besides him and sat down.
“How are you feeling?” His modulated voice bouncing around the cabin as he spoke.
“I’m alright. Surprisingly tired though. . . Even after being asleep for twenty years.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised by that. Being suspended in carbonite that long probably gave you at least a minor case of hibernation sickness.” He explained, flexing his fingers across the control handles of the ship.
“Right-“ letting out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding you looked down at your own hands folded softly in your lap.
You had gotten hibernation sickness once before when You had gone on a mission with Anakin and Obi-wan to break an imprisoned Jedi out of the Citadel. You had suffered the worse case of it out of everyone and when you finally got back on board the Resolute Kix had kept you in the medbay for over a week.
At least this time you didn’t have temporary memory loss or blindness like before, thank the force.
“I never got your name before.” Din added, his curiosity over you getting the best of him as he gave you a sideways glance from his pilot seat.
“That’s because you never asked.”
“It’s Y/N though.” You smiled lightly, taking your eyes away from your folded hands and directing them towards the endless sea of stars in front of you.
“No last name?”
“Oh I do. . . You just have to earn the right to know it. What about you metal man? What’s your real name?” You leaned forward, settling your elbows on your knees as you looked at him.
Underneath his helmet, Din let the beginnings of a smile cross his features before turning to look over his shoulder at you. “You have to earn the right to know it.”
“Ha funny. Using my own words against me. I didn’t know you had a sense of humor.”
“I do. . . On occasion.”
Smiling yet again you leaned back, allowing your head to rest against the back of the seat as you crossed your arms over your chest. In a way he reminded you of someone from your past.
Rex and his sweet awkwardness and never ending kindness. How he could be lighthearted and fun when the time was right and commanding and ready when needed.
Squeezing your eyes shut yet again you fought back another wave of tears, battling down your rising emotions yet again.
Rex. Where was he? Was he still alive? Did he save any of his brothers?
The mandalorians modulated voice snapped you back into the present a moment later, “are you alright?”
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine. Like I said, just a bit tired.” You paused before speaking up a moment later. “Can I ask you a question though?”
“Sure. I can’t promise I’ll have an answer though.”
“What happened to the galaxy after the clone wars ended?”
The question seemed to small to you but you could practically feel the mandalorians mood change align with the sharp inhale he took. Maybe you had taken it a step too far.
“I’m sorry- I shouldn’t have asked. I was just curious.” You quickly apologized, sinking further into the seat you occupied.
“No, you don’t need to apologize.” He quickly interjected, “it’s just a loaded question that’s all.”
“I know, I know- I just-“ you swallowed thickly. “It’s been two decades since I was last part of this fast ecosystem we call our galaxy. I felt like such a big part of it back then, but now? I feel like I have to play catch up just to walk amongst others again.”
A band of heavy silence stretched between you, the only sound that could be heard was the ship itself. You don’t know how long it lasted but eventually it made your stomach knot up.
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want t-“
“Where do you want me to start?”
*. *. *. *. *. *. *. *.
If you weren’t exhausted before, you were now. The knowledge of the history and events that had happened while you were asleep felt like a heavy block of cement had been laid on your chest, weighing you down.
The Jedi had been exterminated from the galaxy, the republic had been ripped down to its studs and replaced with the Galactic Empire, Palaptine became Emperor, the clone army had been disbanded, a Sith known as Vader had risen to power, and a weapon known as the Deathstar had destroyed countless planets.
And that was only part of it.
You sat in stunned silence, nails digging into your palms as you continued to fight back any rising emotions.
You had lost. The Republic had lost. Everything you had ever stood for had fallen apart around you while you lay locked in carbonite.
In the pilot seat the Mandalorian stayed silent, allowing you time to process. He couldn’t imagine what you were going through. He may had been raised by the Death Watch but that didn’t mean he didn’t have sympathy.
“I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?” You looked up at him, “you were only a child when the Empire rose to power. You didn’t slaughter my people and destroy half the universe.”
Din let out a breath. You were right, but he did understand what it was like to lose the people closest to you, to be thrust into a world you didn’t understand. Both of you were just children raised to be fighters.
Another blanket of silence fell over the two of you, this time only lasting a few seconds.
“Do you have a refresher?” You spoke up, looking over at the man piloting the ship, “I- I need to get the stink of twenty years of not bathing off of me.”
“Oh Uh, it’s just down the ladder and to your left.” He nodded back towards where the entrance to the cockpit was. “There should be some spare clothes in the compartment next to the sink as well.”
With a rushed thank you you got up from your seat and made your way back down the ladder, leaving The Mandalorian to his own thoughts and questions.
The fresher was small. Almost too small. You had no clue how the Mandalorian and his broad shoulders was able to fit in here. It couldn’t have been bigger than the full sized mattress you used to sleep on in the Jedi temple.
Once the door had slid shut firmly behind you and the distinct sound of the lock was heard, you began peeling of the layers of your Jedi uniform until they were just a pile of beige and brown cloth on the floor, your lightsaber placed neatly on the tiny counter next to the sink. Turning on the faucet for the shower you didn’t even wait until the water had turned warm, instead opting to step in while it still ran cold.
The cold spray of water ran in heavy streams and rivulets down your bare skin, rushing towards the drain as you stood stoically still beneath the waters.
Despite the sound of the running water, your thoughts were still too loud. To you it still felt like the Resolute had crashed yesterday, but now your mind felt like it was overheating at all the new information.
You could feel your breathing start to pick up speed just as your mind had. You had learned to control your panic at a young age, it was part of your training when you were still a youngling and back then it was so much easier to control- but now? Now it felt like wrestling a hurricane into submission.
War did that to you. Watching your friends die did that to you. Feeling them die did that to you.
This wasn’t your first panic attack- and you knew it wouldn’t be the last. You usually got them after particularly harsh missions, when the losses were heavy and ending war seemed impossible. Obi-wan had always been the best at helping you through them.
But he want here anymore.
No one was.
So you let all the fear, and panic, and grief tumble out of you all at once right then and there. Letting yourself fall back against the cool metal wall behind you, you sunk to the floor. . .
And screamed.
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prodbyblush · 3 years
i don't know if you're taking request rn however, arisu with a famous streamer s/o and borderland doesn't exist (cause i say so and i don't want angst but maybe i will ask angst one day)
Arisu dating a streamer!s/o
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・❥・ requested
Word Count: 1.2k
Arisu's consumption of the internet increased when Karube introduced him a new form of entertainment - the streaming industry. Chota backed up Karube and said that streamers could also act as their companions and plays mobile and console games, further urging Arisu to try and download the app so he could find someone who plays the same games as him and geek out together. Though the two were already his closest companions, Arisu decided to download the app for fun.
That night while he was on his bed, Arisu scrolled through the multiple space rooms that are currently streaming all over Tokyo. Not a lot where catching his eye, some just chatting with their viewers, selling items and others just dancing and singing to keep their viewers entertained, thanking them for their generous virtual gifts.
Until one space room caught his eye. The girl looked like she was around his age, holding a black controller while another screen on her left side showed the game she is playing - Call of Duty. Already interested and how Arisu find her pretty, he stayed up pretty much until midnight to watch her do a playthrough of the game. Arisu found himself sending her a generous donation, to which you thanked him.
Arisu wondered, did he gave you a gift because he was entertained with how you play the game? Or he found you really pretty?
And on the succeeding nights, Arisu would always anticipate your streaming sessions. Even when he's out to drinking beers and eating cup ramen with Karube and Chota, he'd be busy staring at his phone, watching you play the game. And everytime you smiled when you opened an unlockable item, he smiled as well.
Unknown to him, Karube and Chota were whispering amongst themselves, joking together at how it was a bad idea that they introduced him to streaming and now they are gossiping at how sappy their friend is.
"You know, you could contact her and play games together" Karube suggest, to which Arisu jumped a little on his seat, turning his head to face him. "I think that's better than just admiring her on your phone."
Arisu lets out a snort, shaking his head a little. "As if she'd fall for someone like me." But oh boy was he so doubtful that Karube and Chota took the matter into their hands and arranged him a meeting with you. Disguising their Friday night together when in reality, it was the night you two would finally meet.
And when Friday night finally came, Arisu felt bummed out that you weren't streaming. He was hoping that you would so he could watch you and maybe stare at his screen because you're really so pretty, but at least, he gets to hang out with his friends. He was already thinking about the different pubs in Shibuya and where to find them when Chota told him they'd meet up at a coffee shop.
A coffee shop? Since when did they do those kinds of things together? A little weirded out, Arisu still went to the said location. Choosing to sit near the window while he waited for his friends.
"Are you perhaps, Arisu?"
Lifting his head up, Arisu's eyes turned into the shape of a full moon as he came face to face with you, a little close to be exact. He couldn't control how his cheeks turned into a light tint of pink while nodding his head.
"I'm Y/N! Sorry for making you wait!"
'So this is what those two set up' He thought to himself. Slightly fidgeting in his seat while a smile paints his lips.
"Have you ordered already?" You asked as you got comfortable in your seat. Arisu shook his head.
"What would you like to order?" You asked, "my treat since its our first meeting" immediately Arisu shook his head again.
"No no! I wouldn't want to do that for me, besides I know you like vanilla latte with less ice" He says casually. Thursday night stream when a viewer asked for your coffee preference.
"You remembered that?" A small smile then painted your lips while the light pink tint on his cheeks deepened, making him look like a ripened tomato, immediately turning around to order the drinks.
In less than five minutes, Arisu came back with a cup of iced brew and vanilla latte in his hands.
"Your friends, they told me you play games as well" You said, muttering a thank you to him, to which he caught up to. "Have you tried playing Resident Evil Village?"
Arisu's ears perked up, when the teaser for the said game dropped, he was already smitten and ready to spend for it. "Of course! I finished playing the game in three days" He proudly spoke, taking a sip on on his drink.
"Then I'm guessing you already have your infinite ammo?"
Infinite ammo? Arisu felt dumb for not knowing what was that. But thanks to his confused reaction, he got to hear your laugh personally and not on screen.
"You have to complete the game story first, make sure you have alot of CP's as well or have all the customizable parts for a gun before the cheat unlock becomes available." You said, smiling at the boy in front of you.
That night, you and Arisu talked about games and getting to know each other, suggesting each others games that the other hasn't tried out. Arisu picked up a lot of things that you two have in common such as gaming, strict parent who cares about educational attainment and having supportive friends in your endeavor. Once the coffee cups where emptied, Arisu walked with you towards the bus station, not leaving your side until you got in and the bus drove off. But of course before you left, he got your number and immediately saved it.
On his way home, Arisu couldn't stop smiling to himself. Smiling like a fool until his phone beeped inside the pockets of his jeans. Taking it out, he hoped it was you, but it was from Karube.
Messages (1)
From: Karube
When's the wedding? 9:30pm
From that day onwards, you would continue to meet up Arisu before it was your uniformed time to stream. You would be caught lying if you disagreed that you do not look forward to streaming every night, the fact that Arisu is one of your viewers already makes your heart skip a beat.
And then things got a little bolder, you would publicly flirt with him in your streams, throwing pick up lines at one another while your viewers entertained themselves, calling Arisu lucky for grabbing your attention. The cheesiness continued on for days as well as you meeting up with Arisu, going to arcades and beating each other's scores, heading to gaming stores and looking at the latest releases or just casually meeting with his friends at the pub where Karube works.
Until one night, you decided to surprise your viewers. Turning on your live session, hundreds of people immediately flocked to your room, watching as the viewer count increase until it reached to a thousand.
"Hi everyone!" You greeted them warmly, eyes casted on the live chat box. "Sadly, I won't be playing tonight. But I do have someone to introduce you all too!"
" Oh my god who is THAT "
" Wait user 14528 isn't here.... "
" Bestie the guy you're flirting with isn't here "
" What if she's with him? "
A light chuckle escapes your lips before you stood up and brought Arisu in the screen of your phone. "This is user 14528, also known as my boyfriend!"
Safe to say that your live session that night broke the app's records and landed you to becoming the number one streamer.
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comfortbucky · 3 years
I’m so happy your requests are open because your writing is so amazing! I’d love to request something with fluffy long hair Bucky. Honestly I’ve been thinking about him being so lovesick while the reader is off on a mission for months and he’s mainly focused on how much he misses them that he doesn’t notice that his hair is getting extremely long because he always keeps it tied up. But when the reader comes back and they are cuddling he realizes how much his hair has grown and how it gets in the way of him kissing the reader when it’s down, so he runs and grabs scissors to cut it back to shoulder length immediately. I feel like this is definitely the himbo type of move that Bucky would make and I just miss long haired Bucky rn (TFATWS Bucky is hot too but I do love Bucky with the good hair haha.) if this isn’t something that inspires you to write this request then no hard feelings either I totally understand! 💖
hi !!!! sorry i’m getting to this so so late🥺 also thank u for ur compliment 😭💗
𝗿𝗮𝗽𝘂𝗻𝘇𝗲𝗹 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚ ⋆ 。
pairing: civil war!bucky x gender neutral!reader/avenger!reader
tags: soft!bucky, himbo!bucky, absolutely fluff, at home haircut
A/N: once again i am SO sorry for getting to this late🥺 but i hope u enjoy!! 🥰
word count: 1.3k
my masterlist!
completed requests!
He'd never noticed how big his bed was until you left.
It was a 4-month long mission, the longest mission you had ever been assigned to and although Bucky was immensely proud of you, how far you had come as an Avenger, he hated the idea of you being gone for so long. Despite his pleas, Tony refused to let him go along with you, much to his chagrin.
You both had your own individual bedrooms in the tower, but Bucky became attached to you, fast, and his room quickly became yours. So even though you weren't physically there with him, Bucky was able to find comfort in the little bits of you that you left behind. A drawer in his dresser that never fully closed shut because it was stuffed to the brim with both his and your clothes. You were the last one to sit on the lounge chair in his room, the throw blanket left exactly how you left it, half of it flipped over with part of it hanging over the armrest. Bucky never considered himself to be a superstitious person, but he couldn't get himself to tidy up that space, believing that he had to leave it untouched in order for you to return.
Bucky had become so used to sleeping next to you in bed, he could barely get any sleep the first night you were gone. With time, he was able to sleep a little longer every night, but he still longed for your being. His bed had become both of yours, each of you claiming ownership by referring to it as "our" bed when speaking to others or each other. But without you in it, it felt like it was becoming just his bed again, and he hated it.
So preoccupied with your absence, Bucky barely spent any time looking after himself. He tried anything and everything he could think of in an attempt to make his room feel full again. To try and make the bed feel less empty, he bought dozens of pillows to take up space, only to feel overheated and overwhelmed, kicking them all off by the end of the night. Nat jokingly suggested to him that he buy a body pillow but later that night he ordered one online. When it arrived, he tested it out and immediately sent it back. It didn't feel right, nothing fit in his arms like you did, perfectly made for him.
Which is exactly why when you came back, the first thing he wanted to do was cuddle. He was ready to cuddle you, clad in dirt and grime, but you were able to convince him to let you shower first before cuddles.
You felt like you had shed an entire layer of skin by the end of ur shower, watching the brown sludge swirl down the drain. After changing into comfy clothes, you stepped out of the bathroom, immediately being swept up in Bucky's arms.
"Can't wait any longer," he said, causing you to chuckle, carrying you to his bed and gently setting you down. Bucky quickly climbed into bed next to you, engulfing you in his arms right away. Facing each other, you both simultaneously let out a sigh of relief, finally feeling at peace in each other's arms.
In an instant, his lips were on yours, kissing you with thirst and hunger that you both had been craving for months. Neither one of you wanting to break away from the kiss for oxygen until the very last second, allowing the other to take each other's breath in exchange to keep your lips together for as long as possible.
When you finally pulled apart from each other, panting, Bucky immediately cupped your face in his hands and pulled you in for another kiss. This time, the softness of his lips was obscured by strands of hair. You pulled your face away, just enough to run your fingers through his hair and push it out of the way. As you brushed his hair with your fingertips, you realized a difference in how far back you ran your hand.
"Didn't know I was dating Rapunzel!" You chuckled, teasing him. Bucky's face flushed red in an instant.
"Is it—Is it bad?" Before you could answer his question, he leaped out of bed, making a beeline to the bathroom. Nervous you had crossed a line, you followed after him, the sight of him in the bathroom making you gasp audibly.
Bucky was standing in front of the mirror, holding a pair of scissors open, about to chop off a decent length of his hair, that currently ended slightly below his collarbone.
"What are you doing?" He lowered his arm and turned to face you.
"Cutting my hair," he chuckled nervously, shifting his eyes down to look at the ground. His voice softened as he continued. "Forgot to do it while you were gone. Too busy thinking 'bout you." You felt heat rise to your cheeks and smiled softly at him, gently taking the scissors from his hand.
"I was just teasin' you, Bucky," you said, placing the scissors on the counter. Holding his face in your hands, you gently moved the strands of hair that had fallen to the front of his face. "You don't have to cut your hair if you don't want to."
"I want to," he quickly replied. "It's getting in the way of our kisses." You chuckled at his comment, smoothing his hair back, and kissed his forehead.
"Do you want me to cut it? Might be easier." He nodded in reply and left the bathroom briefly to grab a stool, sitting to face the mirror. Picking up the scissors, you moved to stand behind him, planting a kiss on his head, before starting to snip the ends of his hair. "How much do you want me to cut off?" He looked at you in the mirror, thinking for a moment before speaking.
"Cut it to how it was before; before you left," Bucky said, whispering the latter half of his sentence. You nodded and proceeded to cut his hair.
As you gently combed your fingers through his hair, Bucky closed his eyes and hummed at your gentle touch. You smiled softly and continued your actions, occasionally stealing glimpses of Bucky in the mirror. His entire face had softened, the corners of his lips curved upwards in a smile. When you had finished cutting his hair to be shoulder length, you continued brushing through his hair for a moment longer, soaking in the view of how content and at peace, he looked.
"All done!" Bucky's eyes fluttered open and his face lit up as he studied his reflection in the mirror. He turned to face you and cupped your face in his hands, pulling you in for a kiss. You smiled against his lips and chuckled softly as he pulled away.
"It passes the kiss test." You chuckled at his comment and set the scissors down on the counter. "Now it's time for the cuddle test!" Bucky swiftly picked you up, taking you back to bed as you giggled in his arms.
He set you down and you turned on your side to face him as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close to him.
"I missed you so much, honey," he sighed, resting a hand on your cheek, his thumb brushing against your cheekbone. You smiled softly at him.
"Missed you too, Bucky. Thought about you every night."
"Thought about you every day, every second of every day." Bucky chuckled softly. You laughed softly as he pulled your body as close as he could to his. Resting his head in the crook of your neck, Bucky spoke, his voice muffled. "Don't wanna let you go again." You caressed the back of his head, speaking softly in his ear.
"I'm staying, I'm all yours, Rapunzel." Bucky chuckled and nipped at your neck in response, causing you to break out in giggles.
With you in his arms, the bed, not his but collectively, yours, felt full again. Whole.
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ronnieiswriting · 3 years
Sweet Dreams- Boxer!Paz x Baker!Freader
Inspired by the events of Foul (following straight after) and the Boxer Din AU created and written by the wonderful, amazing, brilliantly talented @djarinsbeskar! WC: 1,641 Tags: 18+, mentions of smut, its a smutty AU ya'll know the drill, sickeningly sweet fluff I have been driven to write this to deal with all my Paz thots- it will become very clear that I make up for the fact that I can't write hot smut by writing the softest shit. Excuse the lack of editing, also, its quite the mess x
After Din had stormed off with his “not-girlfriend” at Avika, Paz was more than ready to go home right then and there, thoroughly unwanting to deal with the feral frenzy that Din had stirred up in and out the ring. But there was no doubt that there would be more calls for blood. And even if that weren’t the case- even if Din wasn’t on the lists tonight- Paz had to stay.
It was his job after all. And one he enjoyed more often than not.
But when he thought about you, Paz’s priorities became trivial- like dust in the wind.
He hadn’t been dating you for long but he already knew that he was in deep. To Paz, you were the one that hung the stars in the sky; you, a hardworking baker with a smile that made his heart ache and hips that made his cock twitch. It was love, the realest he’d ever found, and every day he swore his gratitude to whatever force had sent him to you.
It was almost a taunt to watch Din leave Avika with his “not-girlfriend” tucked into his side- he’d been disqualified from any more fights that night but he couldn’t look any less content about it- when Paz had to stay behind with nothing but the thoughts of you waiting for him back at his place to keep him company.
To pass a bit of time between the words that were being exchanged between Boba and Din’s opponent’s trainer, Paz checked his phone- his mood instantly brightened when he saw a notification from you.
From: Sugar Cookie💖
Hey babe, I just got home. Did you feed Kitty yet? He’s begging me for food rn but I know he’s probs got a full belly and is just being a little gobble guts lol. sent 4:13am
I gave him a tinyyy bit of kibble to hold him over in case you didn’t. Kitty knows I can’t resist him. Sorry for messaging you at work btw. I know you’re busy xx Love you xx sent 4:19am
Paz checked the current time. 5:30am. Shit. He must’ve missed the buzz of the notification amidst the chaos. Usually, your shifts at the bakery ended closer to midnight but he knew you to be a hard worker, proud of the bakery you ran by yourself, and always likely to get caught up in a task until it was done to a high standard. It was just another thing for Paz to love about you.
His thumbs hovered over the reply box; you had probably already gone to bed, exhausted from your own long day of work. He couldn’t bring himself to disturb you but he pushed past that doubt a second later, typing out a response, softened when he reread your messages about his kitten.
“Vizsla!” Boba’s voice pulled him back into reality. “Are you listening at all? This does concern you.”
Paz managed an easy half-lie, fingers tapping away as he switched contacts and began typing another message, “I’m sending Din a text- trying to figure out what started all this.”
When Paz finally did get home it was pushing 8am. Expecting to find you curled up in his bed, comfortably asleep, he was shocked to see you as soon as he opened the door to his apartment. You were propped up against a wall of cushions on his couch with a book resting in your lap and his kitten snoozing on your chest. Head thrown back and peacefully still, he could tell you were fast asleep.
Just the sight of you, the shape of your body outlined by the drape of the blanket that was thrown over you, your features illuminated by the warm light of the lamp, the splay of your hair over the pillows- just looking at you relieved him of so much of the stress he had carried home. His eyes traced over your form, picking out the dip and curve of your hips, and he was struck again with the amount of love he had for you. He still couldn’t believe how quickly he had developed such deep feelings for you but that fact made them no less sincere. The softness and simple intimacy (whether that be primarily sexual or emotional) that your company alone promised never ceased to amaze him.
Trying to be as quiet as he could manage, Paz shut the door behind him, put his backpack down by the door, and crossed the room to kneel down at your side. He considered leaving you there for the rest of the night- if he did he could go take a nap and then come back and wake you up by eating you out before making you breakfast- but ultimately he wanted to, needed to sleep next to you… and he couldn’t manage that on the couch.
He got the best sleep when you stayed the night, your chest made a far better pillow and your arms though relatively small provided him with so much warmth that he would be more than content to sleep without any covers (which happened sometimes when you hoarded the blankets).
Paz let out a silent sigh and reached out to stroke the hair away from your face. You stirred in response and he leaned in to press a kiss to your nose, “Hey, baby, it’s just me.”
You let out a soft moan, eyes scrunching up before blinking open, looking up at him blearily, “Paz~”
His heart could have burst at the sound of your gentle voice laden with sleep. Carefully so as not to disturb your place, Paz eased the book from your fingers. The exhaustion was palpable on your face, the weight of many hours of work pulling at the edges of your eyes. “I thought you’d be in bed by now.”
You eased yourself up on the cushions, one hand bracing the kitten against your chest. “I wanted to stay up for you. I didn’t mean to doze off.” Fuck. Paz was slipping his arms under you faster than you could process and when he stood you were tucked against his chest, kitten, blanket and all. You didn’t even seem bothered by the shift, curling your fingers into the neckline of his shirt. The simple touch drove him wild- the burn of your warm skin against his throat like a blowtorch- and the fact that you seemed oblivious to that only made him ache for you more.
When he had gotten you halfway to the bedroom you spoke again in that voice that threatened sleep, “I would've been able to stay up for you if I didn’t have to spend three hours on a last minute order for a wedding cake.”
Paz opened the door with his hip. “You don’t have to say yes to every job you know.”
“I know- but the couple was so sweet, I couldn’t say no. Plus they paid me double and half on top because of the short notice.”
He laid you out on the bed and replaced the throw blanket with his thick quilt, kitten moving to curl up beside your head on the pillow. The comfortable setting was luring you quickly to sleep again but you were still determined to see him next to you before you shut your eyes again fully. When he didn’t immediately join you, you frowned.
Paz eased the crease in your brow with a kiss there, “Don’t pout, sweetheart. I just gotta take a shower.” He could have skipped one for now, knowing you wouldn’t protest his sweaty skin, but he wanted to be rid of the flecks of blood that had stuck to him, everything that had stuck to him from that ring, before he touched you. You started to protest but Paz silenced you with a searing kiss to your lips, “I won’t be long, I promise.”
If he had thought you would be back asleep by the time he finished he was fooling himself. You scooched backwards on the mattress and petted the space you made in front, “come here.”
Paz went willingly, instantly. He eased back the covers and shuffled in next to you, clad only in a pair of boxers, hands instantly finding your skin to greedily palm the warmth that radiated from you. You cozied up to him just as naturally, arms wrapping around his neck so that he could tuck his face against the crook of your neck. With the covers pulled over the both of you, Paz felt surrounded by your presence and it calmed any remaining stress he had.
Although he had reprimanded Din for taking a violent approach to defending a woman’s honor, Paz couldn’t deny the fact that he’d be just as likely to take a similar action if anyone spoke about you like that- just thinking about those vile, entitled words directed at you made his jaw clench subconsciously. And yet just as soon as that anger stirred up in him, it dissipated again, soothed by the thump of your heart against his chest and the delicate fan of air you puffed over his damp skin.
He was reminded of the first time he told you he loved you; not long ago, in the middle of a good hard fuck when he had you by the hip, lost in the emotion of your eyes to the point where his confession had come out as a babble that became a mantra that he punctuated with each thrust of his hips. You had been on the verge of tears then, overstimulated and shaking, when you returned the words to him from your own lips: I love you too.
“I love you.” Paz whispered.
You snuggled against him tighter, a sleepy sigh escaping you when his hands ran up and down your sides. “I love you too.”
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inupibaldspot · 3 years
Our Snowfall
Pairing: Baji x Reader
Request: OPEN
Note: I cried writing this I’m in so much pain rn 😭
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Baji slowly opened the door,revealing room of white color, with faint sent of medicines and anti-septic's.
Earlier he was playing catch with Mikey outside, but Mikey wanting to show off threw the ball too hard making the ball zoom across the sky as it breaks the window to a hospital room.
Baji was about to shout at Mikey only to find the blonde boy had disappeared without a trace. And now Baji was on a mission to get his ball back.
“I’m sorry for breaking your window.” Baji bows his head from the door.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Baji blinked in confusion. The voice was that of a young child and not an adult like he was expecting. He raises his head to see a small figure ,who looked really weak.
The person smiled. “The ball is on the table there. It would be best if you left before nurse comes back.”
Baji nods as he walks in and takes the ball. He notices that the broken glasses pieces were already picked up and clean.
Baji turns to look at you. “My name is Baji Keisuke. What is yours?”
Your lips curl into a weak smile. “My name is Y/N…”
Baji walks towards you. “Are you sick,Y/N?” His expression was somewhat worried.
You nod. “I’ve been here forever.” You laugh. “Mama told me I can’t go outside because I get sick easily so I stay at the hospital so Mr. Doctor can help me…”
Baji frowned. He was always an active kid who spend most of his time playing around so when he heard that you don’t get to go outside,it made him sad. “Is it okay if I visit you sometime.”
Your eyes widens as color appears on your cheeks,you then smiled brightly. “I would love that!”
True to his words,Baji immediately visited you the next day.
Ever since Baji entered your life,your life has been full of colors. Baji would always talk about how he spend his day,he would talk about his friends and all the crazy thing they would do.
He would always visit you,never making you feel lonely. Along the way he even introduced some of his friends. First he brought Mikey along and then the next Mitsuya and Pachin.
You were scared at first when Baji said they were in gangs but when you got to know them,they were just dorks,lovable and funny dorks.
“I heard this time we are going to have a white Christmas.” You said as you looked outside.
Baji who was cutting apples for you, stopped as he looks at you. “Are you going to be with your parents?”
You shook your head. “Both my mom and dad are going to be busy with work so they said we can’t celebrate it with me this time.”
You smiled as you turned to look at Baji. “But the nurses said they’re going to set up a Christmas tree so I’m excited!”
Baji looks at how your eyes brightened when you talked about the Christmas tree. You looked so happy talking about and that made you seem so much beautiful.
“I’m sure it would look so pretty-“ Your words came to a halt when you started coughing. The coughing never seemed to die down making Baji rush to your side and when it finally did,there were blood in your hands. He looked at you in horror but you didn’t seem to panic,rather you looked as if you were think ‘Not this again.’ As if this happened regularly.
“I’ll get the doctor real quick!” With that he rushes away.
To your dismay the Christmas tree was smaller than expected but nevertheless you enjoyed the cake your parents ordered for you,you ended up eating them with the grandma next door.
Maybe it was because you weren’t with Baji today,the day felt bit gloomier even-though it was such a joyous day. You missed Baji. 
Just when you were about to sleep,tiny knocks were heard at your door. “Psttt, Y/N.”
You look at the door confused. “Baji what are you doing here?”
Before you knew it,Baji makes you wear a thick jacket and cover your neck with a muffler not answering your question.The wide grin on his face perked your curiosity more.
He then kneels in front of you,his back facing you. “Get on!”
Baji turns to you and he gives you a grin. “I’m going to show you a huge Christmas tree.”
Baji and you then sneak out of the hospital as he carries you to the main town. You gleam at how beautifully the place was decorated. The air outside was cold but it was so fresh, so much frsh as compared to the air in your hospital room.
“It started snowing!” You shouted excited as you raised one of you hand to try and hold it,only for it to melt as soon as it touches you. “The report was right! We’re having a white Christmas!” It was your first time actually being outside when it was snowing, normally you'd only watch the snow from inside.
Places were beautifully lit, decorated with lights filled with joyful atmosphere. Some with their family others on dates. As people start to stare at the sky taking in the entrance of the snow.
“We’re here!” Baji stops walking as he nudges his head at a particular direction.
There at a distance was a huge Christmas tree, decorated with fairy lights, colorful bulbs and small other decorations. “Wow…”
“Beautiful isn’t it-“ Baji stopped speaking as he looked at your expression. Your eyes gleamed as it shone,from all the lights, you nose and cheeks slightly flushed from cold but the most beautiful part was your smile.
You burrowed you face against Baji’s neck,making him feel ticklish but he didn’t mind it rather he love it. “Thank you Keisuke …” He could feel your breath against his neck.
“I’m so glad I could spend the Christmas with you…”
“I hate school!” Baji shouts as he messes his hair in frustration. “I don’t know why I have to study this bull shit!” Baji was currently in you room as he worked on his homework while you were reading a book. A pleasant way you guys would spend your time together. It has almost been two years since you guys met.
You laugh at Baji’s expression as you set down the book you were reading. “Come on now~ Don’t say that..I think school must be fun.”
Baji stops as he realizes what he did. You were someone who could never join school after multiple incidents of you passing out or getting rushed to hospitals when you were a kid.
You couldn’t experience school like he did. Baji huffs as he goes back to his books. “Fine… I’ll aim for twenty marks this time.”
“Twenty? That’s not even the pass mark.” You laugh at him. “How about you go for thirty at least.”
“Thats not the pass mark either, Y/N!“
You were about to say something when a sudden thought came into mind. “Keisuke … I actually was watching tv yesterday and I saw someone making a pumpkin themed cake…”
“So I thought I’d want to eat that but I don’t think I can complete it by myself. So how about you join me…?” Your cheeks flushed red.
You were basically asking him out on a date.Sure you guys spend time together alone but you never once made an offer like this to him. It has been months since you figured out you had feelings so Baji but you never really acted on it.
Since the thought of you getting rejected and in turn losing a beloved friend scared you to no end.
“Sure!” You turned your head quickly at his reply. Baji was smiling as well as he continued. “When would it be?”
You smile as you brought your hands together, excited. “I was thinking of October 31..”
“Ah… I don’t think I can join you then…” Baji replied regretfully. “How about November 1?”
“Sure!” As long as you could spend time with Baji, you were happy.
But then that day never came.
That day you waited for Baji to enter the room,with an untouched cake box on the table. The door opens to reveal Mikey,Draken and Mitsuya.
“Baji…Baji died during our fight against Valhalla …”
Would it be funny if you said you ate the cake while you cried? Probably,but that’s what you actually did. Stuffing you mouth with the soft creamy treat as tears pool you eyes.
Days after were as if a curtain closed closed your window, everything felt so much dim and it didn’t help that your condition seemed to worsen.
You were losing weight at an alarming rate,coughing up more blood at frequent rates. You grew increasingly weaker as you parents even took time off their jobs to nurse you.
But at certain nights you would wake up in tears,as you could barely breathe as you searched for Baji,hoping to see him with you in the room. “Keisuke…”
It was a peaceful winter evening ,the air was cold and places were quiet as white snow gently falls in the ground.
People outside were looking and hoping that the snow would set properly. Kids were already outside as they excitedly play out, parents in their homes were making food to warm themselves up.
“Stay with me Y/N!”
People were rushing all over the room as you dad hold your crying mom.
You head felt as if it was going to burst,a strong sense of nausea filled you. Everything you hear and see seemed so muffled and blur.
Despite you body feeling limp, it was twitching. You breathing which was rapid at first seemed to now slow down,accompanied with a strong aching pain.
Then suddenly all those suffering at once disappear.
You entered into a white place,as if each and every part was covered in snow.Your body felt light with no presence of pain that you were feeling just a second before.
 You walked around too see that in a distance was a very familiar person.A person who made you life so much brighter. A person who you enjoyed every moment spend with him. A person you loved.
That person turns around as he expression turns into a frown.
“Why did you join me so early?”
You smile as a tear rolls down your face. “I guess I missed you too much,Keisuke.”
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