#sorry for any errors in text
creaturefeaster · 1 year
how do you settle on songs to animate to?
I usually find a song that sounds like it'd be fun to animate to-- it depends on what I'm wanting to animate at the time, whether I search for something punchy or silly or intense. I rarely go for anything that's slow and gentle because I dont find it as fun to work with. But that's just my preference.
Then I either listen to it like 100 times on loop and see if my brain can imagine up something cool to enough of the verses to fit the rest of the story I want to tell to it, or I hear a song I've never heard before once and I see the entire thing in my head and I just wing it from there.
Really what I find are the most important elements to a song that can make it fun to create to are:
1) It has a strong beat 3/3rd or 4/4th beat to help with transition of scenes or to give additional impact for movement/visuals,
2) The subject matter/lyrics are either fitting (enough) to the story I want to tell, or vague so that I can do almost anything with it, &
3) It has a good guitar/instrument solo, so I can free-form a cool scene with little to restriction (I can't see the Chickenstab v Gary car chase happening anywhere else but that one goofy guitar solo!)
I don't always get all three with any given song, and I rarely get enough done in a WIP to check off everything I'd want to do with those elements, but... whatever lmao.
That's my process. Really it comes down to how you like to animate. I like action and a lot of movement, so I go for songs that I think work for that.
OH also one more thing... I don't recommend animating to an all-time favorite song of yours. Because you WILL have to listen to it a million times over. I'm lucky I'm the kind of person who can listen to the same song on loop for weeks no interruption, but even then the song can kinda grow stale on you if you have to repeat the same 5 seconds over and over again to watch your animation playback.
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vhstown · 10 months
i just wanted to share this
can i just let you guys know that at british schools (im speaking for ldn mainly) they ban kids from talking about palestine. like you get in trouble for speaking about it / having symbols that relate to palestine at all.
a year 7 at my school got detention for drawing a palestine flag on their hand. my 5 yr old little cousin had a hairclip with the design of the flag confiscated. we do presentations at school every friday morning and our teacher told us we can't talk about anything related to palestine & israel. the only reason we got told this was because it was for our "safety"
trigger warning under the cut for bomb threats and threats to harm young children
today i heard about an islamic school getting a bomb threat (or some other violent threat) in relation to palestine. a primary school no less (children ages 4 to 11)
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if this is part of the reason, it's understandable, but personally i struggle to understand why students are so punished for it. obviously im upset by it but then again im not sure how to feel, or just who advised schools to do this. i just wanted to share because i am deeply frustrated by the action of my school and many others, and worried by the increasing threats to muslim communities in the UK.
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. continue to use your platforms and amplify the voices in palestine. do not forget. the genocide impacts you more than you think.
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childofsardior · 1 month
How is everybody doing?!
(And, if they know this is an ask blog for the time being, how do they all feel about it?)
Thank you for asking! (This is the first ask on this blog EVER!)
First of all, no, they do not know abt the askbox thing. Let's pretend a tiny Child of Sardior is currently spying on them to report the best answers possible ;P
Now let's talk about the Royal Koopa Family! They are doing well!
Currently, they are on a vacantion on Isle Delfino! King Bowser decided it was the right time for a break - considering it was getting too hot even on his Dark Lands - and literally grabbed his children, Kamek and a bunch of loyal personal guards and went to the Isle. They are currently staying at Bowser's private Hotel, Sunshine Resort, located on Sirena Beach - the Hotels and Resorts area of the island.
Except made for the troop of guards, that are currently "at work", everybody is relaxing or trying to do so.
Bowser first. No royal burocracy, no responsabilities for a while - he left a council of his most loyal generals and counselors at his main castle - and he can finally chill under the beach umbrella reading the News, eating out in fancy restaurants all around Delfino and sleepng sweet dreams without thinking about the Human Plumbers or conquest plans and so on for a while. To be sure none will disturb his weeks off, he decided to rent a whole piece of beach only for his family. Is it even legal? The King of the Koopa doesn't care.
Then we have Kamek, who is unfortunately the one that can't really relax for real: being one of the main caretaker of the little Prince Bowser Jr. - but also of the others, even if the older ones are actively trying to ignore this fact - he needs to keep an eye on the small Dragon-Turtle even when at the beach or visiting the various cities. Still, our old Magikoopa is still grateful to be able to sleep 8-hours with the air-conditioning of the Resort.
Now, the kids! (Ludwig and Roy would eat me alive for calling them "kids")
Ludwig is chilling. Like, he decided that "chilling" would be his whole purpose of this vacantion. Being normally nervous and easily irritated at the castle and around his siblings, this time our young multifaceted artist is imposing upon himself to only do things he feels to, and not, like always, all the tasks that he MUST do. He's basically spending these days under the umbrella, talking to his gf on his phone, going out at night with Wendy and Roy when they want to visit the local markets near the beach, playing his favorite violin in his room when outside is too hot and so on. Chillin', yknow?
Lemmy, on the other hand, is enjoying his staying and suffering at the same time for the extreme humid temperature. Probably at the main castle the temperature was way hotter, but Lemmy can't really stand humidity, and summer season in general. But he likes to go swimming, playing pranks on tourists with Iggy and trying every type of ice creams he can find - and Larry and Morton will happily help him finish the ones his belly can't take anymore, since Lemmy tends to buy way more food than he can actually eat. He also loves the fancy restaurants Bowser is taking them every two days, especially since he only packed cool and elegan outfits in his bag, maybe trying to forget about how hot it was. Oh, and he also LOVES Pinna Park, especially the Yoshi Go-Round and the Rollercoaster, and has started to bring there Junior with him to have an official excuse to ride the rides for kids.
Roy brought his motorbike with him, even just to complete his "bad boy appearance". He's actually the one driving his siblings around the Isle when they don't feel to take the public transports - busses are REALLY crowded in this time of the year and... some of the royal brats feel too royal and "superior" to take them anyway, right Lud and Wendy? Except for that, he's mostly competing with Wendy in swimming races, going around at night to find some disco open to teens, and collecting shades at the various markets for his evergrowing sunglasses collection. And he's the one with Morton that is suffering less for the heat, due his constitution and the fact that he's used to the desert heat.
Iggy feels at home with all this humidity filling the hair, but the aggressive reflection from the sun forced him to work on a special shades-version of his already customized spectacles before embargin on the conquest of this vacantion. He also made them star shaped because *fancy*. He also tried to cover himself with all the garlands of flowers he could find at the markets in their first day, and instantly bought the biggest hat he saw for sale. He has his own idea of fancy. His chilling-and-pranking times alternate with researches on the local flora and fauna - if Iggy disappears during the afternoon, don't worry, he probably went studying fishes and birds and monsters and trees and flowers only found on the Isle Delfino. He also brought his pet Charlie the Chain-Chomp with him, to the *delight* of the other guests of the Sunshine Resort.
Wendy is living her best life. She loves going on vacantions and she especially loves to go shopping on vacantions. Her favorite places are the markets all around the seaside cities along with the world-famous Coconut Mall, and she's already ordering enough summer clothes and new forniture to renovate and redecorate her own bedroom at Bowser's Castle. But she's a very good swimmer and loves the sea, and she's very excited to go swimming in something that is not a super hot pool inside the castle or at the ash-gray beaches and tumultuous sea of the Dark Lands. She's also updating her followers on Koopagram almost everyday, especially is she finds something pretty or cool to take a photo with - a beautiful monument, a fancy ice cream, an unsuspecting well-dressed tourist...
Morton is quite content for the break. Even if his older siblings are taking a bit of advantage of him - for example, always asking him to carry their luggage - he doesn't really mind. He knows he's going to spend these weeks with Larry and Junior mostly, helping Kamek keeping an eye on them on one hand and having fun with them on the other hand - eating at the weirdest local restaurants and trying the most-gigantic ice creams on the Isle. He also follows Lemmy and Jr. at the Pinna Park time to time, not because he's too interested in the rides but mostly 'cause they need a tall sibling that looks big enough to let them ride the most dangerous rides without questions by the staff. When he's not spending time with the younger (or shorter) siblings, he go swimming with Roy and Wendy or keep company to Iggy in his scientific researches - and while the green-shelled brother takes photos, samples and notes, Morton has started collecting the most perfectly shaped, beautifully colored and shiny rocks he can find, for his own pleasure and to show Junior, too.
Larry here! Larry is spending his mornings creating the best sandcastles he ever made, and turning them into magical glass/crystal sculptures with his azure breath. Since he found out he could try this out he insisted for months to go to Isle Delfino on vacantion, winning over Lord Bowser at the end with great displeasure of Lemmy, who wanted to visit a colder place or at least going hiking around the tallest mountains they could find. When at the beach, after creating a whole crystal city with Jr., the light-blue Royal Koopa posts photos of his creations on Koopagram - he recently was allowed to create an account, under the name of Darkdiscokoopaxx, even if he only has 3 followers at the moment, two of wich are his siblings and one is Princess Peach after he spammed her tons of DMs asking for her official page's follow. Then he goes swimming, always bringing with him his inflatable donut not because he can't swim - he's actually a decent swimmer - but because he can use it as a chair as soon he's too tired to move his arms. Larry is also enjoying the sort-of-freedom Bowser gives him and his siblings dring the afternoon, and is trying out all the junk food and weird soda he can find, along with his brother Morton.
In the end, Bowser Junior is a kid in vacantion being a kid in vacantion. It's not easy to always act as the Prince of the Koopas and the official Heir to the Dark Lands throne, you know? He's enjoying playing with the sand, trying to learn how to swim properly without water wings - he *can* sort of swim already, but... he feels much safer with them, especially when in open sea and not in a pool - eating cookies under the beach umbrella, painting on the beach during sunset like a Real ArtistTM (jokes aside, he's quite good for his age!), convincing his dad to buy him toys and souvenirs, eating lot of chips with Larry when Kamek isn't watching, riding the backseat of Roy's motorbike too when Kamek isn't watching again, and riding rides too dangerous for the average kid of his age - but not for a Dragon-Turtle, to be honest - when neither Kamek or Bowser are watching. He's enjoying his staying a lot! Oh, especially when, at the end of their second week of vacantion, he bumped into Princess Toadstool herself, with her guards and her friends. But this is another story.
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Happy birthday Jun!!!
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I had started another idea for Jun's birthday, but decided to change it to this. Someone here commented once how it would be nice to see some Omori x P2 crossover, and, although some elements are quite distinct, there are some similarities in the characters and elements of the story.
Maya and Mari, the big sister figure who asks for the group to keep smiling and think positive.
Jun and Basil and their connection through flowers, their sensitivity and both holding a harsh secret (although in omori's case, it's the truth)
Tatsuya and Sunny, the main characters (although in Tatsuya's case the story is a lie, both are associated with killing the big sister figure)
Lisa and Aubrey, both have a crush on the main character, they also liked the big sister a lot (however Aubrey suffers a major transformation because of what happens to Mari)
Eikichi and Kel, both sunshine characters, who struggle a lot with self steem issues.
In both cases, the loss of the Big Sister figure affects the characters a lot and is a big turning point in their lives. The story is very driven by the connection between Tatsuya, Maya and Jun, and Sunny, Mari and Basil.
I didn't go in too much detail and there are many differences too between the stories but i thought this picture was fitting for Jun's birthday. He deserves lots of hugs and affection ♥️
The flowers on top of Jun's head are supposed to be primroses due to the hope/wish/aspiration meaning. I used this post for inspiration.
For the Featherman masks, i had pondered if i should draw them wearing them or not. I wanted Jun's smile to be visible. First time they meet Maya, as a kid, she is not wearing one, and since we see Jun and Tatsuya interaction without them, i opted to draw the 3 of them not wearing their masks. However i kept Lisa's and Eikichi's as a reference to their meetings (it also made it easier for me because of references lol)
If you got this far, thank you for reading 💞
I wasn't sure if i should have written all of this or not, but i like when people explain what inspired them and stuff like that.
It's kind of a redraw but i had fun thinking about the elements to add.
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cluelessbees · 2 years
A concept okay—
Mike and Will are sitting together. Maybe they’re in the upside down hiding in a house, maybe it’s the middle of the night and they’re the only ones awake – but they’re talking and opening up about some stuff from the past. 
And Will goes,
“Do you remember our eighth grade Snow Ball?” 
“Y’know…the Snow Ball after El closed the gate?” 
“Oh yeah, right –” Mike pauses, a sense of discomfort grewing in his chest at the recollection of the day. He takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself. “I remember.”
“Yeah….I don’t know if you remember this but,” Will begins – his knees drawn up to his chest and his eyes remaining glued to the ground. “We were all standing together and this…girl came up to me. I think it was Amy Peters or something?” 
Mike clenches his jaw (for unrelated non-jealousy reasons of course), whilst Will continues.
“She asked me to dance and I remember turning to you in a panic because I didn’t want to dance with her at all” Will laughs a bit at the thought (which leads Mike to smile).
“And you just— I don’t think you realised it at the time because you sorta… egged me on. You gave me this look like… 'What are you doing? Dance with her.’ And I didn’t know what else to do in that situation so I said yes…and I danced with her.” It’s silent for a minute as Mike waits for Will to say something or for something to happen– something or anything to finally connect the dots in Mike’s mind – why was Will talking about this? Why bring it up now? What was he thinking about right now? Wh--
“I wanted to dance with you that night”
 “….you did?” 
 “Yeah.” Will breathes out. His voice cracking as he quietly whispers to himself. “I really wanted to.”
And it’s silent again. Because Mike doesn’t know what to say or what to do but he can’t help himself from grasping onto Will’s words – fixating on his face. Even in the dark he can still trace the outline of Will’s jaw, the broadness of his shoulder, the placement of his mole, the curves of his lips--
Wait what?  
“A part of me thought you did too” Will speaks up again, his head now resting against his knees. Mike can’t breathe at this point, his eyes glued onto Will.
“I think I just…wanted to believe you felt the same. I wanted to believe it was possible, y’know?” Mike watched Will's hands tighten its grip on his jeans. “But you told me to dance with someone else, and you danced with El….and you kissed her….”
He pauses.
“And I realised that I was alone in this.”  
“I’m gonna go check outside for any Demogorgan,” Will starts to stand up, rubbing his sleeve against his eyes. 
 “No Will— don’t go please” Mike grabs his wrist, “I’m really sorry”
“It’s okay Mike. It’s not your fault.“ Mike purses his lips, he doesn’t really know what to say at this point. 
“…..do you know why I told you to dance with her?” 
“You were being a good friend” 
“I was trying to be a good friend” he corrects Will. And Will looks at him confused as Mike sorta gestures to him to sit down again – which he does as he waits for Mike to continue.
 “I didn’t want to be selfish- y'know? The whole year was just…so hard on you. You went through so much and I-I didn’t want to take this— this normal opportunity from you. I thought you deserved to feel normal for once…like— like any other kid.” 
“I regretted it the second I did it.” Mike laughs – but it’s more of an awkward laugh to defuse a bit of the tension. “I remember just sitting there and moping because why did I encourage you to dance with her? What is wrong with me? But then…” 
“But then El came.” Will completes the sentence.
“But then El came…” 
“You don’t have to continue, Mike. Seriously, it’s fine” 
“I want to.” He affirms. “I do….please let me.” So, Will just leans back against the wall and waits for Mike to continue.
“It was just…. I missed her- a lot– I think. And I didn’t think I would see her. And I just remembered how I promised her we’d go together and there she was. It all felt so….surreal…I think– just the whole thing helped me forget about missing you for a second.”
“Which— I know is very fucked up. I didn’t think it through and I was dumb and stupid and young and I didn’t like seeing you dancing with someone else and I just needed a way to ignore that and—- El was there and she was being El and it helped take my mind off of it for a bit.” 
“I really just wanted to spend the night with you,” Mike admits.
“You did?” 
“I did- yeah…..I think a part of it was also just…seeing Dustin and Lucas both starting to care about having a girlfriend or going out and dating and i thought… oh am I supposed to feel that way?”
“I guess I was…. self conscious about it. I wasn’t growing up the way you’re supposed to. And I- I panicked…and I was stupid and you got hurt because of it and I’m so sorry.” At this point, Mike is looking back up to Will, and he places his hand above Will’s. “I mean it. I just– I hate that I hurt you.” 
“It’s fine Mike.” 
“No it’s not— don’t dismiss it. Don’t dismiss it- I hurt you and you’re allowed to be mad at me and you’re allowed to stay mad at me. Because I deserve it. And- this isn’t me self deprecating or anything. I fucked up- I know I did. And it’s okay— I won’t hate you for being mad at me. It’s okay. I’ll still be here and I won’t leave and I’ll work on myself and I’ll show you that I’m better.”
And he pauses before pursing his lips and continuing, looking up at Will. 
“Okay” Will smiles.
There's actually a second part/scene to this but yeah – (lmk if you want it (?))
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lamentfulwarbler · 2 months
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My first bingo from @feedthefandomfest ‘s original bingo card!
Note: Some of these fics are Locked so only people with an Ao3 account can read them
Comment on a fic with no comments thus far: The Tie That Binds by Digi_Egg
Holy Trinity: Kudos, Comment & Bookmark: Jailbreak by Digi_Egg
Comment on a fic with a lopsided kudos to comment ratio: Biting by darke_faerie 🔞 (1)
Theorise about world, character and/or theme: Petrichor by huntersserenity
Comment on a fic posted at least 3 years ago: a hand to hold through the trying times by CharlieTheGrape
Comment on a WIP: skk socmed au by TW1NDARKNESS (2)
Comment bargaining firstborn for more (3): Kitty Secrets by avengersasssemble
Promote fic on tumblr and/or discord and tell the author so: The person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger by Seito
Comment on a fic posted TODAY (4): my love is mine all mine by huntersserenity (🔞)
(1) This is the 2020 fic with 500 kudos that I was talking about in the anon asks!
(2) Link to the tweet the comment was on
(3) Adjusted from Bargaining for More to Bargaining to Read For The First Time Again
(4) Today at the time of commenting was 15th July 2024
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000scans · 1 year
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[scans] TTT vol. 3/13 vernon | interview (english transcription under cut) take out with full credits
(note: the interview is also in Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. the scans and following transcription are from the English version. you can also read it on werverse here.)
“Black Eye” VERNON Interview
A lot of people were probably expecting your solo song to be hip hop, but “Black Eye” is a punk song.
When I first went to make a song, I couldn’t really think of what I should do. But I have a friend named Robb Roy who worked on “Ash” off FACE THE SUN and thought I could work with him on the song. He’s a graphic designer by trade, so he made the album art for my single album. We also like a lot of the same music and talk a lot. He was with me when I was in the studio and writing my rap for “Ash” and giving me ideas. We ended up working together better than I expected so I said we should do something together for real. I had a few other songs but the people who listened to them all said this was the most suitable one so I ended up going with that one.
You’ve always been interested in punk, right? I heard you listened to it a lot when you were young too.
I guess I was exposed to rock even as a kid.
My parents are really into it, too. I heard it a lot when I was young, and I feel like pop punk started to get popular again over the last few years. I dabbled in it for the past two years but now I’m really getting into it.
I was really impressed by the character in your song, as far as being punk goes. He really seems like a punk - like how he gets lost in his own anger and is so averse to talking to other people that he calls himself his own friend.
The song was inspired by a mutual friend of Robb and me. He’s sort of distracting. (laughs) And he feels lonely a lot of the time. Not everything in the song’s about him, of course, but we did take some inspiration from him when making it. He’s the one who suggested the title when I played it for him after we changed the original version with Korean and English all mixed together to be all English. That’s when he came up with the idea to call it “Black Eye.” I thought it was a really good fit for that rough-around-the-edges feel. 
“Black Eye” refers to an injury, but in the context of this song, I feel like it could also mean emotional pain. He refuses other people’s attempts to get close to him, then it ends with, “Knock knock, Is there anybody out there?” So it feels more psychologically pressing.
I decided that would be an appropriate ending. The ego of the character in the song sort of goes back and forth in the outro. He might suddenly have a lot of fun with someone and get too close, then push them away because he’s afraid of hurting them. But he pauses a little after saying that. Like he’s not sure whether he should really go away (laughs) and then, knock knock - that’s how it ends. I wrote that part and I agree that it works really well. Haha.
Do you yourself ever feel conflicted like that?
I’m not quite that bad. (laughs) I’m definitely the kind of person who needs other people. I want to be able to rely on others.
There must be a lot of times when it’s hard to express how much you need people since you do work that a lot of people recognize you through. What do you do when you want to express that to someone but you can’t? 
It all comes down to differences in perception in the end. Eventually. I think for certain things, when I decide to see them one way or feel a certain way about them, that’s the only way I’m going to see or feel about them. So even though I might not be able to control my feelings, it’s down to the way I think about it, so I do think I have a certain amount of control.
Is that what you like about hip hop and rock, then - that it gives you a way to control and express your feelings?
I think that’s part of it. I think my tendency toward that also influences my tastes. I felt this great sense of relief when I made “Black Eye,” even. I was able to make it exactly how I wanted, and yelling and telling the story through lyrics was a major stress reliever and really fun.
Your vocals in “Black Eye” are amazing. You sing in low, husky tones on certain words and it makes your vocals impactful even when you sing more quietly during the chorus.
As you say, some parts are a little husky and deepish, but I also feel I found a bit childlike at parts. I don’t know why, but I’ve always felt that way. I didn’t really like that when I was younger, but as I got older I realized it gave me something unique. That’s why I wanted to do pop punk: to sing something that suits my voice.
I was really impressed how you just used your particular vocal tone to carry the chorus in a quiet voice rather than going for something big. It only serves to add to the feeling that you were screaming your lungs out beforehand.
I wrote the melody for the chorus and Robb wrote the verses and outro. It really was a collaborative process. The whole song is basically me yelling, so I consciously told myself to ease up a bit when I was recording the vocals. Since I’m already shouting, I thought it would be overkill if I shouted even louder, so I tried to have a light touch when we were mixing it, keeping it relatively clean and not trying to beautify it too much with reverb or anything and keeping that to a minimum. 
You say you tried to minimize the amount of reverb, but it seems like the recording picked up a natural amount of echo from the way you sang. Were you going for a live sound?
I’ve been to that recording studio a number of times since debuting, so I’m really familiar with it and I’m close with the recording engineer, so I asked them to listen while I was recording and kept asking them for their feedback, too. I wanted it to sound clear and very pop punk. 
Working on this was different from working on a SEVENTEEN album. Now that you can look back, how do you feel about it?
I realized a lot of places I can improve while I was working on “Black Eye.” This was supposed to be my song, but I think I realized too late that there were things I should’ve been taking a more active leadership role in. When we’re working as SEVENTEEN, we make things together and the label helps us in various ways, but I think there were parts of “Black Eye” I didn’t direct properly because I was doing it with the mindset of a member of SEVENTEEN. So it was an opportunity to learn how to do better for next time.
I imagine you felt a little regretful about that inasmuch as you were also your own producer.
You’re right. Exactly. With SEVENTEEN, there’s the other members and lots of professionals, so even when it’s my song, we’re making it together, but I was the only one who knew what I wanted in this case and was doing it all on my own, so I realized I should’ve been doing more to direct things. I u sed to feel like I was really trapped in a corner, and this time I was trying to be more receptive, but I was so focused on trying to hear out other people’s ideas and opinions that sometimes it was different from what I envisioned. It also taught me that it’s good to do everything in moderation. 
You have to consider what other people say all the time when you’re working with SEVENTEEN. It can’t be easy for all of you to find a balance between making your ideas heard and listening to others.
And there’s 13 of us (laughs) so we’re always trying to figure out what to do at any given moment. Sometimes I think my ideas were better or more logical but what people do isn’t always based on logic. Lots of unexpected things come up in a process like that but I think there’s no other answer to finding common ground than to keep the communication flowing. I find we’re actually more like a family because we were put together through a casting process. It’s similar to how you’re born and you get the brothers and sisters that you get. You keep talking and come to understandings and that makes it more like siblings in a family. 
Does continuous communication work to solve problems? 
Sometimes it works better than other times, but it’s absolutely better to talk it out than not to. Absolutely.
How do these conversations lead to solutions? You must have to open up to one another.
Going up to them... I mean, we see each other all the time. We have casual chats about whatever in the green room, so if there’s any source of conflict, we specifically bring it up and talk about it. Just directly. And I think even more important than talking is listening - being open and listening attentively.
It’s not always easy to hear people out and take their suggestions.
 The listening’s the easy part. For example, I don’t like drinking that much, but there’s people who still like it even if it makes them sad or cry a lot. I can’t really understand people like that, but even though I might not understand them, that doesn’t make what they’re saying untrue. Just because they can’t explain it doesn’t mean they don’t like it. So I think I’m trying to accept things even if I can’t understand them. Just like that.
That reminds me of something you said in Weverse Magazine when you recommended the movie Everything Everywhere All at Once: “Let’s be kind. Let’s love each other. Right away.”
Maybe I was in sort of a late-night mood (laughs) but the lesson in Everything Everywhere All at Once is quite simple. But I think actually managing to convey that message is an unbelievably big deal. Because you might know you should be friendly and loving, but actually becoming that kind of person is really hard.
It is hard, isn’t it?
Sometimes it doesn’t work out, you know? At one point I was told that I hardly talked anymore so it was hard for people to talk to me. I was a little shocked when I heard that. I never try to make things difficult for people but I wonder if it’s my fault for being too cautious. Relationships between people - they’re never easy. The other members were able to tell me that because they’ve known me for so long. That’s helping me grow up more.
I bet you had a lot on your mind when you weren’t talking as much. 
I think it made me more introspective. And I’m still getting more so this year - about my character, my career, my attitude towards other people. I think that’s why I became more cautious at the same time. I always considered introspection important, but the pandemic gave me the chance to reflect more. With less promotion to do, I had more time to think.
Would you say that introspection is one way of finding yourself?
I don’t really think it’s about finding myself. Rather, it’s me who projects my environment and my spirit. I think it’s more about me being a reflection of my environment and my mind. I don’t really focus on finding myself.
I feel like you often describe yourself as wanting to come across as simple and real. Is this an extension of that other way of thinking?
One time I asked my friend out of the blue what I’m like and he said he likes me because I’m that kind of person. I really liked that somehow because I never saw myself coming across that way before. But when I think about it, it seems accurate. Even when I was young I preferred things that are plain and simple and not over the top, so I think that makes up a bigger part of who I am. 
What do you mean by “simple”?
“Simple”? When you just ask like that, it’s really hard to answer. I guess there’s nothing in life that’s 100% true, but I guess you could say that something’s simple if it’s real and honest. When I was young, I was trying to be someone who I wasn’t, but it wasn’t really me. It hurt me to my core. And I was probably influenced by always seeing the way my parents were unpretentious. I never want people to dislike me, but I think that if I’m like this and someone still doesn’t like me, I shouldn’t worry about it .It’s not like I”m trying too hard to do things my own way - I’m just trying not to be someone I’m not.
You were homeschooled while you were a trainee and now as a member of SEVENTEEN you’re a celebrity, which is quite a different life from other people your age. It can’t be easy staying true to yourself and living unselfishly under those circumstances.
Naturally my lifestyle is different from that of other people my age, but I don’t think there’s much of a difference beyond that. Sometimes I hang out with my friends and their friends and I think the reason it’s so chill is that it strips me of my celebrity status I used to think there was something inexplicably different about celebrities when I was young, but once I started working I realized - and I know this is a cliché to say - that celebrities really are just normal people. It seems obvious but it’s pretty easy to lose sight of the fact.
When you say “lose sight of,” part of that must also be trying to stay aware that we’re all alike.
Right. I think it’s really dangerous to forget that.
Is that way of life at all related to how you keep up with trends? It seems like you have a good grasp of pop culture, including movies, as well as your generation’s culture. 
I think the main reason is that I just find it interesting. If I feel like there’s something I need to learn about, I want to learn about it. It’s hard to really get into some things without having all the necessary background knowledge but I still try to know everything I can about those things because it’s in my nature to.
That seems to be your position: living differently from most people but still always taking an interest in what everyone knows and likes.
Personally, I think that’s a good position to have - sort of being part of the audience. If you only see what’s right in front of you, you miss everything else. Like, more of a bird’s-eye view? That lets you see more of the big picture.
What kind of music do you want to make for other people in your age group, since you’re in that position? You’ve said before that you want to make music that the young people of your generation would listen to.
As far as a message goes, I want to make music that listeners my age can relate to or that people who like the same things as me would enjoy. I’m also doing it because I like it, of course, but I think it’s best to make music that people who like the same things as me would like. I don’t think my tastes are that unusual.
You want to connect your own world with the world of others, but I guess it isn’t easy. A lot of people watch what you do. In your Mindset interview, you said that your greatest fear in life is “revealing m true feelings.”
What I meant by that is that I’m afraid to reveal my true feelings publicly. We’re in a world now where it’s kind of dangerous to reveal your deepest thoughts, you know? People are too quick to judge.
I guess it’s no surprise that you can’t say everything you want about some things due to the nature of your job. The job of an entertainer is sort of balancing act between wanting to fully express yourself and having to consider how others perceive you. Have you found a way to deal with that?
No. How to deal with it? I don’t think there’s any way to solve that problem completely. I think the only thing you can do is keep trying until the day you die.
Until the day you die.
Maybe it sounds melodramatic, but what I’m saying is... My mom told me something. She said that life is a process you go through until your dying day of trying to figure out who you are. Sort of a journey to ask, Who am I? People naturally change a little bit as the years go by. If you want to redeem yourself by always trying to be better, I don’t think there’s any other way but to keep trying until the day you die.
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ulichzae5al · 1 year
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hellоооo, this is a spoiler for the art in UnicornWarsZine in VK! if you are interested then all the information about zine — https://vk.com/unicornwars_zine (mmm true, everything is in Russian here оккк)
oh dismember me with a circular
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สวัสดีค่ะ สหายในธรณีโพ้น พวกเราในธรณีนี้ขอส่งมิตรจิตมาถึงท่านทุกคน // Sàwàtdee kâ, sàhăai nai torránee póhn. Pûak rao nai torránee née kŏr sòng mít jìt maa tĕung tâan túk kon. // Hello dear friends in far lands. We in this land would like to send you all some friendliness.
- Thai greeting on the Voyager Golden Record
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doodlesdreaming · 2 years
You ever play a game called The Path? If not there's playthroughs galore on YouTube from back in during it's hayday. Warning, there is plenty of dark subject matter implied in the narrative. Sure it's mainly about growing up as the devs once stated, but things still get real dark at times. Music is also the second most scary thing about the game as soothing as the main theme can be(when you're in game and not looking up the ost proper).
I ask as it pertains to the legit ask. If Death ever came across the girls from the game, what might he do? Or in a less crossover sense, if he were to play the game how would he feel do you think?
[No art this time around, as I'm currently focused on getting doodles down for Valentine's Day/Strife's Birthday.]
Content Warning ⚠️
This Post contains soft spoilers for "The Path", and lightly discusses some heavy material. Scroll away, if such things make you uncomfortable or easily anxious. Self care is important.
In the eyes of Death, humans die twice in their life time. Not just their life spans, but also their innocence.
By tragedy, an accident, or reality giving its cruel wake up call, the death of innocence is just as painful.
These sisters, as Death observed, are no exception. Innocence lost in various points of there lives;
A serious injury.
A near-death experience.
The pains of womanhood.
A life long disability.
A dangerous desire.
And finally, the lost of one's self for the sake of others.
A necessary thing, Death knew. For ignorance can be bliss for only so long. Sooner or later, the cold world of reality must be known. Or they would never survive, or learn how to take care of themselves. It is cruel, unkind, and unfair. But such is life and death in itself. There must be balance after all...
But it doesn't make it any easier. For if it isn't properly treated, if innocence isn't laid to rest peacefully, the human soul may as well be dead.
In each of them, Death saw the same young soul. A spirited, cheerful, caring girl, who wanted no fear, but to live in peace and security. Try as she might, as hard as she could fight, the world tore her apart, piece by piece. As pure white slowly became stained with red. Like blood on the snow.
When the dam of suppressed emotions finally broke, like a heavy rainstorm, life grieved for the death of innocence. But there was no soul to collect, nothing he can end by blade of scythe. All he can do is comfort, til the sunlight returned.
There was nothing to say, but one simple truth;
"I'm sorry. But it's time....it's time to let go."
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salamifuposey · 9 months
Orange Juice - Chapter 9 - A Ride of Emotions (Alternate title: A Rollercoaster of Emotions)
Orange Juice - Chapter 9 - A Ride of Emotions (Alternate title: A Rollercoaster of Emotions)
As our heroes finally take a time to process the events that had previously happened and meeting up with new acquaintances, the shimmer of the daylight shining across the whole of Intile City, as a day begins anew.
As the sun rises and shines atop the building of the V.I.V headquarters, the activity of the citizens piles up as the day develops, Lady Miriam already set on working on quite a few more projects while the crew was already set on some particular plans.
As the crew meets up and gangs together, it was nothing more than modest smiles as Dayley finally approaches everyone together.
"... Oh hey, what's everyone gathered here for?" Dayley stood upon a quite very excited group as Lemmy looks up towards him.
"Oh hey, you're finally here!" Lemmy then felt relief upon finding him thinking he was taking a little longer than usual. "Took you long enough! We were dying to see you!"
"We were just waiting for you here." Jayt then spoke about everyone gathering in the main lobby.
"Hey, you guys planning something?" Dayley had wondered if he had missed some reunion with them as quite a few of the gang were quite excited.
As the main crew snickered with Hector and Jayt hoping to surprise him, Lemmy then came upfront about what they were really planning.
"Well, today will be the day we'll finally take you!" Lemmy grinned through his teeth hoping to uplift Dayley.
"Huh?" Dayley seemed quite caught offguard by this as Lemmy tried to explain through his own companions.
"You know how last time, we went to the Honey Sun amusement park without you? I was even bummed I left you out of it!" He shortly mentioned how they had gone with Daisuki previously to the park while Dayley was left at the headquarters, all while they were out.
"Yeah, we were even hoping we could bring you to that place some day." Hector unmistakably did felt like he owed to Dayley that much.
"Well, today's the day!" Lemmy then finally cheered hoping to bring him so he could enjoy the attractions along with everyone with him.
"And this time, we ain't forgetting no one!" Hector then tried to prove by Adven, Vonderv, Jayt, Naddy, even Roberta, along with Daisuki.
"I know, I'm so happy about it!" Vonderv suddenly reacted surprisingly chipper about the whole situation, more cheerful than usual.
"... Huh? What got you so excited about it?" Lemmy wondered if Vonderv's behavior was any normal coming from him as he watched over his shoulder towards him.
"... Heh! As if I'd tell!" Vonderv merely grinned with a wide smile showing his iconic teeth gap as it extended through his cheeks.
"... Alright then. Keep your secrets, heheh." While Lemmy wasn't quite sure just what Vonderv was having in store for him, he merely assumed he was just excited for the amusement park trip. "Besides, I already know you quite well enough your secrets are sleazy but well-intended."
"... Huh? Are you guys just not aware of it?" Vonderv seemed almost as if Lemmy was making a mockery out of Von. "I guess you guys are just different from me..." He merely side-eyed, trying to keep the mood afloat.
"Are you trying to play dumb with me?..." Lemmy could barely comprehend Vonderv and his own line of thought.
"... Hey, I really appreciate the thought, but are you guys sure I even deserve this?" Dayley then felt a bit conscious about hopefully not ruining their fun. "Besides, I'm not even sure if I should be out there today..." He seemed quite rather constrainted.
"Nonsense! Besides, my mom already pretty much told I could bring you! She really wanted to make sure to take advantage of this just so you could have your very own vacation!" Lemmy shared those thoughts, as Lady Miriam made it her duty to let a off-day for him.
"I-I guess..." He felt rather surprised that they'd go such lengths for him as a friend. "I feel like I owe so much..."
"Besides, we're your friends! We'll do anything so you feel like you're in the group!" Lemmy at the very least wanted that much for him.
"Not that you weren't already a friend to begin with for us!" Hector rested on his hip knowing how much he meant well.
"Thanks, guys, I really mean it, I guess I'm just afraid of something..." Dayley seemed quite rather shy, but willing to go for them.
"I never was able to be very much in amusement parks, given past a point, I almost entirely devoted my life being an hero..." He sadly admitted, despite the fact of very much being extremely fond of those times when he went with his own parents as a kid.
"It almost even feels like I've barely been able to experience much in my life... so I guess going to an attraction won't hurt..." He admitted, hoping to see if he could try anything new or even just being there for them.
"Well, lucky for you, you've got us all as friends!" Lemmy grinned while hoping to bring a smile to Dayley.
"I keep hearing about cotton candy and how it looks like me... so you guys better not be associating me with something weird!" Adven felt a little bit provoked about hearing such thought coming from one of them and how she supposedly resembled it.
"I just said your hair merely looked like cotton candy!" Hector rubbed the back of his head. "I can't help it if seeing you always makes me want to eat cotton candy!..." He felt a bit embarrassed reminiscing that as Adven eyed on him.
Jayt then suddenly remembered about something as he tried to rub his very own face pondering about it.
"So, how are you going to do it about the pig?" He asked Lemmy, remembering Lemmy about the slight peculiarities about bringing Vonderv, Adven and Roberta to the amusement park. "And I'm not even addressing the rest of your friends. Good luck getting them past the security."
"Ehh, I'll just say they work for the park as mascots." Lemmy tried to solve. "Besides, they already look like big giant animal costumes."
"I can't wait to see all the goods in store for us! Maybe there's some unique delicacy your earth has compared to our dimension!" Roberta pondered about what sort of treats they'd be able to get from the park. "Pop corn certainly is quite tasty..."
"I never get tired of those!" Vonderv fully himself admitted having already eaten some particular snacks on their dimension as he patted himself on the belly, having quite scavenged quite a few pantries around the headquarters. "Heheh..."
"So, well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Lemmy then exclaimed as they tried pepping up Dayley to bring him alongside with them.
"Thanks, guys, I really can't appreciate it enough..." Dayley even seemed quite taken aback by his friends' own hospitality towards him.
As everyone then cheered to prepare themselves for the amusement park, they then tried to let Lady Miriam know as she quietly waved them off and the rest of their own team kept their headquarters' safety on check. She seemed really quite thrilled to see her son and everyone hoping for them to have a nice time together, all while making sure everything was safe and well kept in order. She also let them know that, just in case she ever had a spare time left, she'd go on and checking on them.
As the setting then changes to that of streets with sidewalks, our crew rambuctiously walk their way toward the amusement park, all while chatting amongst themselves of the possibilities that could cross in their mind to achieve once they're in the park.
The people were actually quite astonished at the fact that they were presencing what seemed to be people in costumes, as they mired and stared back at Vonderv, Adven and Roberta alongside with our very own crew, with Dayley right on front walking.
"Oh I can't wait to see what the fuss is about, all those spinny wheels and those long, snake-like paths with carts on 'em!" Roberta then enjoyed speaking about such little unknown thrills as she tried musing about those images she saw from the pamphlet Lemmy and her friends showed to her.
"And the tents, the treats and snacks they got on sale! Ohh, I can't way to get my hands into some of those crisps, ice creams, hamburgers, all that sweety goodness in my mouth!" Vonderv even drooled just thinking about that thought alone.
"Hey hey, how come you guys also have different looking species walking in this park?" Adven was referring to the people dressed as mascots.
"Hey guys, I know you guys are excited and all but you really don't have to keep pushing me!" Dayley said while walking hesitant on front.
"Huh? But no one's pushing you, Dayley." Lemmy then pointed while walking right next to Naddy while everyone was only a bit distant from Dayley as he suddenly looks behind his own back.
"Huh? But I could have sworn..." Dayley then keeps looking back and forth wondering what that was.
"... Maybe I'm just imagining things..." He merely tried to snap back into reality.
"Can you guys move a little faster? I'm almost out of patience!" Vonderv then tried to at least speed up everyone's pace.
"Von, the amusement park ain't going nowhere." Lemmy then tried to at least calm down his buddy's behavior.
"You guys are way more excited than I am considering I've only just been here some time back!" Hector then smiled as he found Lemmy's new friends to be quite amusing in their own particular ways. "But nothing like hitting back on memories again." He said while escorting Daisuki alongside next to him being quite coy and acting very interested.
"You can say that again." Jayt felt kind of happy he could see himself back on the amusement park again with everyone around.
"Speaking of which... have you talked him about that yet?" Jayt then brought to mention the whole conundrum behind Daisuki.
"Ehh, not yet." Hector then tried to keep it shut at least for now. "And besides, he's not dumb, he'll probably figure out eventually, I hope." Hector merely assumed his childhood friend to at least have the proper smarts in order to be able to realize who Daisuki is eventually.
"Even so, I wanna make sure he knows it sooner or later, I guess I just don't want to shock him too early or anything." Hector still wanted the best for his friend and so he'd be able to be friends properly with Garter.
Just as he was talking to Jayt about the situation, Lemmy was actually trying to abord Daisuki who was surprisingly chipper to get in back again on some of the park's rides once more.
"Hey, you excited to get back at those roller coasters? You really enjoyed them last time we visited the park." Lemmy was hoping he'd get to know Daisuki even more even though he doesn't want to involve with her, given he was with Naddy.
Daisuki then merely appropriately tried to nod in accordance, merely slightly bouncing and hoping to take more advantage of the park.
"Ya know, you do remind me of someone... maybe it's just me." Lemmy then felt a bit curious as to how she really looked despite the fact she never shown her face towards Lemmy. "You remind me of someone with a lot of energy... I could be mistaken." He slightly held his chin curious.
"That's Garter, Lemmy." Jayt then out of nowhere just non-chalantly spoke the truth out there.
"Oh..." Lemmy then merely accepted it almost as second nature before realizing.
"... wait, WHAT?!" He then promptly gets bewildered before such claim. "NO WAY! THAT CAN'T BE HIM, ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF HER?!" He even thought Jayt was making a fool out of him.
Lemmy then tried to properly defend her and finding Jayt's accusations ludicrous before Daisuki, slowly tried to lower her sun hat in front of him, being able to now properly show her face before Lemmy.
Before realizing it, Garter, as Daisuki, then smiled towards Lemmy as he tried to process Garter's familiar face just as the same tried to show the real truth underneath.
As Lemmy mired back at Daisuki presumably being Garter, he then tried to think things through.
"I have several questions." Lemmy couldn't even begin to grasp where he could even begin as she chuckled.
But just before Lemmy could even properly react, Henrick tried to approach them, which caused Daisuki trying to swiftly hide her hair and appearance as fast as possible in order not to get caught.
"Hey guys, what's all the fuss about?" Henrick wondered especially since he was seeing them quite crowded together and didn't catch anything.
"Eh, nothing you'd be interested in any way." Jayt then tried to not anything more about it as if it never happened.
"Hey, Henr, have you met Daisuki? She's a really friendly gal!" Lemmy tried to introduce her to Henrick, while Garter underneath was constraining and feeling incredibly nervous against Lemmy even suggesting the idea.
"Meh, I'm not really interested in meeting a random broad." Henrick surprisingly mumbled and not thinking much about her, even despite the dainty dress, simply because he didn't know her from anywhere. "I was just wondering why you guys were making so much noise."
"Eh, she seems cool at least, I just have my head in other things..." Henrick then suddenly tried to think about his gym workout routine and possibly getting a few more couple of weights for his own dumbbells. "You were awesome for remembering bringing me along with you!"
"Garter could have come with us but knowing him - he for some reason doesn't wanna attract attention to himself that might be detrimental to our band, it being a underground one." Henrick only mused. "I could be like him but I'm far more lenient and try just behaving myself."
"What's your definition of behaving?" Jayt pondered such intricacies.
"Not blowing stuff up!" Henrick then quickly snapped back at Jayt with that comeback. "Heheh!"
"Well, at least we don't have to owe you anything just so you can have some fun around the park!" Lemmy then smiled while Daisuki calmed down and tried to slowly distance a slight bit from them, thinking about learning a bit and how Henrick really doesn't mind.
"I'm sure he would have fun in a place like this! He never really been to an amusement park, I think." Henrick thought about the consequences of being in a crowded place while being a well known underground idol. "But maybe some day he'll figure something out to sneak himself in."
"It'd be far more scandalous if someone like Garter were to be in a amusement park instead of me, which I guess might explain him not wanting to be a bother for me and our own band." Henrick thought hopefuly Garter could break out from the media reporters and that stress.
"Heheh, yeah, maybe some day." Lemmy then smiled knowing Garter had his very own reasons for it, while Daisuki stood not too far from them.
As Henrick then tried to keep himself high-spirited, Vonderv was still in quite a high about something, snickering and smiling.
"Man, I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces!" He seemed rather gleeful and joyful as he laughed.
"What are you talking about?" Lemmy almost exasperated that sentence. "And why are you so excited about it?"
"Ohh, let's just say I have some tricks up my sleeve for something!" He seemed particularly entranced by happiness.
"... Of course, nothing will exactly happen if I don't happen to be around!" He seemed almost to suggest something.
"You getting all mysterious is getting on my nerves..." Lemmy wasn't sure whether something bad was coming.
"Aww, don't worry! Nothing bad is going to happen!" Vonderv tried to ease his spirit as he waved his paw hand off.
"In any case, I really can't wait to see what's waiting for us at the park and finally see all those images becoming real!" Roberta then tried lifting up the mood as she clasped her round soft mitten-like hands together. "It must be so wondrous to witness!"
As they slowly approach their own destination, the setting once again shifts, this time our group finally having reached, the Honey Sun Amusement Park quite incredibly looming in, as Lemmy's friends could only watch and stare at awe, all while the main attractions watched over them from afar and from above the park's colorful, boastful high fences all circling around the entire park's area, with cheerful crowds and with a whole world to see inside, as Roberta, Vonderv and Adven's eyes glittered in awe.
As they mired all together, the quirky group of Lemmy's friend then quickly became smitten by the park's lovely sight, escorted by a melodious triumphant fanfare blasting off from some of the park's sound columns sneakily hidden in corners to wrap the area all around them.
"This is so amazing!! I've never seen this much excitement in one place!" Roberta then even became ecstatic over what she could run into.
"I didn't think something this big could exist!" Adven definitely felt quite impressed over the view she was getting from underneath all of it, making it even more grandiose for someone as petite as her. "Look at those ferris... wheels! Is that how you call 'em?"
"And the snake-like paths!" Roberta was quite excited to see the rollercoaster paths that seemed to peek from above and some areas. "Look look! People are in tiny carts riding that!" She seemed quite rather impressed over its architecture and the excitement oozing.
"Oh heck yeah, I can practically smell the food stalls already, I can taste the sweets!" Even Vonderv was beyond thrilled to begin the binge and indulge himself on the amusement park's own sweets and pastry.
"Hahah, it even feels a bit wrong to be here..." Dayley then felt a bit guilty from the possible fun that he thought they deserved more.
"I'm just glad you guys are having fun even being around here." Lemmy pointed out their excitement and how Adven seemed starry eyed towards the sight of the amusement park. "I can see the security... but haha, let's see if I can sneak you guys in!" He happily smiled.
"Ohh, I can't wait to get myself on front! Race you guys to the boxing attraction!" Henrick then immediately tried scurrying away before anyone could even get inside the park. "And I'll make sure to raise my highscore as much I can!" He gloated off to them.
"Don't worry, Henrick, we'll catch up to you..." Lemmy then tried to reassure Henrick, even though he probably wouldn't break his record.
As each and everyone was trying to advance further to approach the entrance, Lemmy couldn't help but catch something with his eye, as he stared at a sudden slight sound of people coming from it, that of a building not too far from the amusement park's vicinity.
It seemed quite wide, surrounded by several assortments of flowers, including some dandelions that were only slightly distanced from the windows, briskly waving with the soft wind that was grazing our friends softly. The coloring of the building was quite vivid.
It seemed like people were crowding up right at the mysterious building's entrance, all while they seemed they were celebrating something.
"... Huh, was that always there?" Lemmy wondered as it always seemed like the building was mostly vacant and during construction.
"Oh, you're also staring at it?" Jayt then watched over the people, looking somewhat in curiosity.
"Apparently it's going to be an orphanage, one to replace the previous that was originally burnt down." Jayt then recalled.
"Looks like they finally found the funds for it." Jayt seemed rather pleased, if just because to house any new orphans.
As the people cheered even more, a ribbon was then cut at the entrance to announce the orphanage's opening, as a sound of applause came from them, clapping their hands to congratulate the grand opening, with Intile City's mayor around to offer even more support.
"Actually, from what I could hear, the orphanage's funding had already concluded quite a long time ago." Lemmy added, supposedly having heard from his own mother given she was involved in several organizations and associations that help around the civilians.
"Huh, I wasn't aware of it." Jayt seemed quite rather surprised, right as the people in the entrance seemed to be enjoying each others' company, all while getting ready to foster new children and hoping to them get new homes and families. "I did hear this one is going to be quite humble with very nice assistants and caretakers and they even let adopted ones meet up with their friends so they don't wind up distanced." Jayt honestly really enjoyed that thought and the reassurance of looking through each family's background to make sure the orphans would be rightfully adopted.
"Ah well, at the very least, it was really nice of your mother having helped funding this orphanage." Jayt then thought Lady Miriam was the one behind it, especially due to her caring nature.
"... Huh?" Lemmy then looked back at him in confusion.
"But my mom wasn't the one funding this orphanage. I know that because if she did, she would talk to me about it." Lemmy then corrected him.
"What are you talking about, how could it have been anyone other than your mother? Do you even know how ludicrous the amount of money they were asking for the funding? How could anyone other than her even have the money for it?" Jayt seemed rather baffled and wasn't exactly trusting Lammy's own words.
"I keep telling you, it wasn't my mother! I know that because every time I'd talk to her about the orphanage, she kept saying this time she wasn't involved, merely because of the fact that it had already been funded even before she could support it!"
"Huh, I didn't realize it. They were still asking a lot of money for it, so whoever it was had a lot of money." Jayt wasn't quite sure how someone could have managed to pull something like that off.
As the people cheered and applauded the construction workers' efforts, the work had seemingly come to an end.
As Lemmy and Jayt then vacantly stared at the prospering new orphanage, a strange blow of wind then came, one that was actually blowing upwards, that slightly caught everyone's attention with a strong gust.
"... Hey, what's going on here?" Adven seemed almost miffed given she herself was wearing a stout green skirt and slightly pulled it down, including Naddy and alongside Daisuki, who tried pulling down her dress. "Why is it so windy he-?"
As they strangely stared at it, the dandelions that were not too far from the windows just seemingly started floating upwards its seeds, catching the small crowd offguard, with but a very few women also caught by the sudden wind gust and their dresses getting blown.
"Well, would you look at that!" One of the elders in the crowd then brought to attention.
As the dandelion seeds kept drifting off upwards, all of the crowd then stared as Lemmy and friends looked back at awe over the dandelion seeds floating above, waving ever so slightly in accordance with the wind and flying up towards the sky, as their soft presence slowly leaves the grassy meadow that was next to the new building, the little particles of them wavering off and slowly dispersing from the dandelions.
With the dandelion seeds floating above them, light then started shimmering off from the dandelion seeds, particles of it also passing above and floating towards the sky alongside with the seeds, a sight that definitely caught the attention from them.
"Ahh! It's so pretty!" Roberta then couldn't help but feel happy over such a sight, almost feeling blessed by it.
The amusement park was sounding off an impressive orchestra music that you could hear coming off from it, accompanying the remarkable sight.
"Haha! The time has finally come!" Vonderv then all of a sudden exclaimed, all while shouting towards the sky and raising his tubby arms alongside with the dandelions going high and above.
"Hahahahahaha!" He laughed, he smirked and grinned, with an unmistakeable smile you could never erase plastered through his face.
As this smile was for years to come.
As the dandelion seeds flew more and more, the light beaming from them with a soft glow, Vonderv could barely contain his unbridled happiness, all while his friends witnessed his strange behavior and his pure bliss, the music from the amusement park sounding triumphant alongside with this strange occurrence, leaving people impressed.
As he waved back at those dandelion seeds, the seeds then slowly and unevocally seemed as if it had reached the skies, always floating up.
"Byee! See ya!" He tried to speak back, almost as if it was implied he'd see it soon, everyone slightly shocked over the upwards drifting.
As the multitude of people seemingly quieted down and seemed quite impressed at the dandelion seeds drifting, the music was feeling quite warm to those around him, the people slowly coming in and inside the building, as they had presenced quite a cute scenery coming off from the gardens.
With Vonderv having finally relaxed himself and feeling content, he then slowly and happily lowered his own arms, looking above him with a strikingly heartwarming smile, as if something nice would soon to come for his own life.
"Man.... Ain't that a sight..." He warmly spoke out, almost as if it felt natural for him.
Unexplained however, was the whole entire phenomenon, as Adven was now incredibly quite dubious out of Vonderv's own actions.
"Von! What did you do?" She wondered completely astonished, as if she didn't know what had exactly happened. "What was that?!"
"Nothing! I didn't do anything at all!" Vonderv then tried to ease everyone's spirits as they all quieted down.
"Von, what was that about? Was that all your own doing?" Lemmy then immediately became struck with chills as he wasn't sure if it was good.
"Lemm, relax! And besides, I did say it wouldn't happen if I wasn't around!" He was still sounding incredibly vague.
"Long story short, let's just say a lot of good will come for the Aurea dimension!" Vonderv ended it at that.
"Wait, do you mean the Aurea dimension and ours are connected?" Lemmy felt incredibly quite puzzled.
"... I didn't say that!" Vonderv then felt very flustered about Lemmy's incessant questioning while slightly scowling.
"Our dimensions are far apart! We can barely access yours only with that teletransporting machine of yours!" Vonderv tried to suggest that.
"You'd at least understand something if you guys were like me!" He then tried keeping things a secret.
"But we just got our own ways of our own dimensions being intertwined." Vonderv at least tried to clarify it a bit more.
"I guess..." Lemmy didn't really seem like wanting to have even more of an headache trying to understand.
"It sure really was a sight to behold though... It really was amazing!" Roberta then added, thinking just how Lemmy's dimension difered from theirs and how much there was left to explore in this world. "I've been really enjoying my time in your dimension so far."
"I wonder what that was all about though..." Dayley felt quite a bit surprised over what had just happened.
"Well, there's still plenty more to enjoy! How about we finally make a move and get ourselves a well deserved time in the park?" Lemmy then looked back at Roberta feeling quite happy with her, feeling like he's starting to get to know her a bit more.
"Oh! And maybe there even might be some hand-made scarves being sold in the park! You like those, don't you?" Lemmy merely tried assuming since she always liked wrapping herself around with them. "I've gotten quite a few for Naddy, I'm sure they've got something for you."
"Oh!" Roberta then became quite interested. "Yeah! I've always adored wearing them since they feel so nice and comfortable around my neck... It also helps wrap around my wings and keep 'em nice and tucked whenever I don't need them." She warmly smiled responding.
"Well, what are we waiting for, let's go!" Lemmy then tried to cheerfully lead the way towards the parks' own entrance, as they all still tried accompanying Lemmy and eagerly awaiting for the main attractions and interesting stalls around them.
"And maybe this time, I'll get around to finally figure out just what on earth is cotton candy!..." Adven then slightly stormed along with them, just as her bountiful hair sprung and bobbed back and forth along with her small stature.
As they each tried paying for their own tickets, Lemmy felt a bit obliged telling at the entrance he was paying for everyone's tickets, referring to his oddly shaped unusual friends as merely park workers who have decided to bring their costumes along with them. The security, while they were quite amused, then simply let them be able to get inside, all while enjoying their bright animal costumes.
As the scenery then changes once more, this time the setting shifts to that of a sproutful amusement park and bursting with excitement from within the park, as our friends each looked around and finally felt immersed inside the park, the hollering marching music blasting from the park's very own sound columns hidden in every nook and cranny, along with it, the main attractions beaming with people, as thousands of people walked around close to their very own vicinity, some very slightly mistaking some of our friends as costumed workers from the park, mistaking Adven for a very small plush pink dog mascot, Vonderv as a very large pig and Roberta as a very bright colorful ladybug.
"Wahhhh! This all looks so amazing!" Roberta felt quite astonished by how much was happening all around her. "Look at all these rides!" She then suddenly felt like she wanted to give at least a few of them a try as she never rode an attraction.
"Look at all the people in here! It didn't even cross me to think to be this crowded!" Adven was almost frightened being dragged along with the crowd, what with barely being able to compare to everyone's stature, minus the children close to her height.
"Heheh, I knew you guys would like this place!" Lemmy then smiled through his teeth. "And there's plenty to enjoy here!"
"Ohh, that sweet smell! Sweet candy, here I come!" Vonderv was quite excited to be able to ravage through the food and snack stalls.
"Before we take a bite and dig in - why don't we go and enjoy some of the rides first!" Lemmy then tried to suggest first, if only they don't want them too full for what was about to come for them. "And then we can finally take a break!" He seemed quite thrilled.
"Sounds like a cool idea!" Vonderv then agreed before everyone else tried to comply with how Lemmy wanted to decide things for them and nodded accordingly with him. "Oh and weren't you supposed to meet with that redhead big guy?" Vonderv asked.
"Nah, we've got all the time in the world, he'll soon catch up to us. Besides, don't wanna make him mad or stealing his own priority on what he wants to do for his own self." Lemmy merely didn't want to steal Henrick's thunder. "That 800+ highscore ain't going nowhere."
"Aye, got it!" Vonderv then followed along with Lemmy's idea. "How about we hit up the spinning attractions first?"
"Yeah, I could go for a dizzifying experience." It wasn't exactly Lemmy's favorite, but he seemed happy to tag along with.
Just as the setting slightly changes, our friends were soon meeting up with several attractions where they were feeling like they were in the top of the world, some more daunting than others for some of them. Still, they were having fun going through them, enjoying the scenery and the upside down experiences of quite a few of the rides.
"Wahaaaa!" Roberta yelled as she felt the thrill of them going in a rollercoaster, the wind blowing on her cheeks and her smile beaming through her cheeks as her fuzzy ponytailed hair fluttered with the wind. "The wind's blowing so much in my face!"
"I haven't had this much fun!" Adven was also quite finding it a thrill seek, Lemmy right behind her while he was accompanying Naddy.
"Hahahah! This still kind of makes my heart come out of my mouth!!" Lemmy was quite certainly finding it quite amusing, all while his girlfriend was finding it far more fun than him.
Everyone else was also tagging along, with Dayley feeling like he had already grown accostumed to the fast wind in his face but still finding it quite thrilling, his face feeling quite blushed and genuinely smiling as he stared all around, laughing his heart. Hector and Jayt were also put together, as they also enjoyed the fast-paced ride.
Trying to ride other rides, they also managed to accomplish seeing other attractions, the spinning ones making Adven a slight more delirious, but also still asking to do it again. The boat and 4D cinema ones were some of Vonderv's most favorite, some of them also enjoying the electric go-karts, one of which Vonderv wasn't exactly able to fit quite in due to his own size.
Daisuki also enjoyed coming back to her favorite ride, the Loops of Arc roller coaster. Besides that, she also was able to try out many new ones she hadn't tried yet. Every so often, she would see his own brother just being genuinely happy enjoying and blasting through each of the park's attractions one by one, all while enjoying how cool Hector and Lemmy really were along with their friends despite anything.
They cheered and laughed, each trying even hotspot areas such as the haunted house, everyone getting unfortunately frightened by Vonderv sneaking in to the house to frolick and cause some panic, which caused some confusion as to whether that was from the haunted house.
They went through different areas, exploring each nook and cranny around the park, experimenting with all sorts of stalls and Roberta even being able to find herself a pastel yellow scarf she was smitten with.
They each have also went to experiment with different machinery such as the toys' claw machines and even Henrick's own beloved boxing machine.
When Henrick asked whether Dayley wanted to give it a try, he seized from doing anything with it, as that meant it seizing to exist and merely wanted to respect Henrick's own highscore record. Hector and Lemmy still tried to compete but got nowhere even near.
Carousels were also very much enjoyed by Roberta, Naddy and Adven, after enjoying the brisk pace after the thrill rides.
With the scene changing one more time, this time everyone had decided to finally take a nice rest and enjoy some purchased meals alongside some snacks, those of which Vonderv was extremely excited for. They each got a snack for their suited tastes, having a time to picker some of it as they walked throughout the park and trying to look up a location where they could all remain sitted.
But as they explored the avenue stretching as the crowd seemed to dissipate for quite a bit, they were fond sharing their own opinions about what they thought about it so far and finally getting to eat.
"Man, these fries are to die for." Lemmy was quite running through his mouth munching on them.
"Yeah, the food in here is really great, although nothing still quite beats my mom's Appi pie..." Adven fondly remembered her mom's cooking.
"I really like this thing called cotton candy!..." Roberta shared. "Now I can kinda get why Adven reminds you guys of it..." She smiled as she felt the cloudy sweet reach the top of her own mouth, cherishing every fluffy bite of it.
"Man, I'm so full and yet, I feel like I could go for seconds!..." Vonderv rejoiced as he felt pretty content with what he managed to get ahold of, enjoying a haven of treats he thought he never saw before in his own life.
"You went for fourths and fifths!" Lemmy then felt his eyes almost coming out of his face while he saw Vonderv's own binge.
"Hey, I can't help it if your world's food is so tasty!..." Vonderv then praised Lemmy's dimension own food as he brushed Lemmy's comment off.
Just as Lemmy was about to shut Vonderv off and hoping he wouldn't get too carried away, they then come across a view of a young girl completely on its own and alone, the group suddenly miring due to her own behavior.
As they stared slightly caught by surprise, the young girl, seemingly around either seven or eight years old, was crying, as she tried to pad and dry her eyes with her own tiny hands, saddened by something that had occurred. She hiccupped as she tried controlling her tears.
She had a very sad expression, as if something had been taken from her, her mouth slightly quivering from her sadness.
As the group stared, Roberta then felt like she had to wonder and ask, as she felt like she had to do something for her.
"I wonder what that little girl is crying about..." Roberta looked even misty eyed, although she was afraid she might frighten her even further due to her very own unusual ladybug and cockroach appearance mixture, the group slightly at trouble.
Just as the little girl kept quietly sobbing in her own place, Dayley, who had also accidentally caught sight of this, then stared up above in the skies, wondering why the girl was slightly looking above as she cried.
"... Oh."
It became almost instinct.
From there, he immediately witnessed a balloon, flying and drifting up towards the sky.
His sight slightly quivered upon seeing it, the balloon about to go off.
Almost effortless, Dayley then, slightly leaped and started flying towards the skies, without a second thought. He tried to slowly approach the balloon, a bit afraid it would drift due to the slight wind of him closing in.
As the gang suddenly saw him flying off and trying to reach the balloon, Dayley then was just so slightly under the balloon, gently clasping his hand to its very gentle rope. As he stared at the balloon, he couldn't help a slight sensation of him having almost lost it.
Just as he got ahold of this lone balloon flying, he then looked slightly below him to mire over his friends and the lost girl, hoping to go down and trying to carefully address the young girl, slowly drifting down towards them.
As Dayley tried to slowly reach down in order to be able to reach her, the little girl then yelped out as the gang try to slightly catch up with him.
"Dayley!" The little girl instantly recognized the moon symbol of his own soft bright pastel outfit and the little lock on his head.
As the little girl then tried to reach and get closer to Dayley, he then tried to ask without scaring her too much.
"Is this yours?" He tried to calmly speak with her, hoping for her to answer.
"... Yup!" She proudly confessed, having reunited with her balloon. "Thank you so much, I almost thought I had lost it!"
Dayley then tried giving even more questions, wondering if she was hurt or misplaced. "Where are your parents? Are you lost?"
"... Nnnnope! I'm not lost or anything! I can take care of my own!" The little girl then proudly said.
Just as Dayley was about to hopefully sigh out of relief, a young pack of kids then fastly approached, miring and trying to grab the superhero's attention just as he barely raised his head up.
"Wah! Is that Dayley?! Dayley just like from TV?! That is so unreal! Look at his cape!"
As the wild pack of kids quickly tried to reach Dayley, our crew of villains then tried slightly approaching him not too much from afar.
"Hey, Dayley! This was supposed to be your day-off!" Lemmy then immediately tried to call him out.
"Oh! Sorry about that!..." He felt genuinely embarrassed but otherwise very heartwarmed by the very energetic young kids who were trying to get him to show himself off for them.
"Is it true you can shoot white laser beams off from your own eyes?! I remember seeing you punch debris and it'd explode with a huge white light!" One of the kids kept rambling. "I couldn't believe my eyes you lifting off a train and a giant cruise boat!"
"He can even sing and he was helping calm down some people in peril! He looked a bit anxious and wanting to do so much!"
"I heard his songs! They're really bright and soft! My mom has a album from him and keeps saying it's one of her favorites!"
Just as he was trying to muster a solution, the kids seemed absolutely thrilled, cheering for him as his size loomed over them.
"... Oh! Would you guys like to meet my friends over there?" Dayley then tried hoping they'd get along with Lemmy and friends, since it seemed for him they'd be far more interesting than his own self.
"... Friends?" Just as the kids tried looking after to their right, their sight suddenly stumbled upon Lemmy and their lively crew.
Just as they were watching him, Lemmy felt quite rather proud and tried diverting some attention for himself.
"... Yo!" He poisantly points towards himself while making himself look as cool as he possibly can, with Hector and Jayt waving just behind him and not minding the small tykes even though they thought they'd probably be a bad influence due to being villains on them.
But just as the little girl stared at Vonderv, all of those efforts were thrown out the window.
"... Piggy!!!" She then excitedly shouts and tries scurrying right next to Vonderv, just as the kids tried circling all around Lemmy's quite rather animalesque partners he had met from the Aurea dimension.
"Hahaaa! I like this girl's taste, I'm all they want!" Vonderv then couldn't help but laugh and smile to himself.
"... Is that a GIANT PIG?" One of the kids then tried asking towards Vonderv.
"Well, if you guys are really curious about me, I'm what you guys might call a ghost pig entity!" He tried at least to adjust himself to Lemmy's dimensions' terms more properly adequated for him. "I have a little bit of electricity and a bit of psychic powers!"
"Yoooo, a ghost!" Some of the kids felt impressed. "Does that mean you're a dead person?"
Lemmy couldn't help feel his thunder getting quite stolen. "Show hogger..." He slightly pouted although he wasn't actually mad at Vonderv.
Just as they searched around, some of the kids also couldn't help awing at Adven and Roberta.
"So cute! She looks so much like a stuffed toy!" One of the kids tried to make out of what Adven was.
"Am I supposed to be taking that as a compliment?" Adven was hoping someone would answer her.
"A lot, in fact. Take it, I'd feel very proud of it!" Lemmy tried to at least be nice towards her. "You do look like a plushie..." Lemmy always felt like Adven was very gentle-looking appearance wise and a partner who was always there for him.
"Are we sure we should be trusting these guys?" One of the kids pointed out as he kept staring at the unusual gang.
"Don't worry! We're really trustworthy!" Lemmy pointed out to himself as he kept grinning out despite the fact he was a thief.
Just as Lemmy finished, Hector then tried to take a little bit of attention from Vonderv to get back to the subject.
"Hey kids, I'm sure the pig is awfully entertaining, but don't you guys want to know us a bit better?" He was trying to make an offer towards the kids, hopefully not coming off creepy towards them. "We're really cool thieves! And I'm a mercenary! I've even got my very own axe to get back at my own enemies!"
As the kids kept staring at him not very impressed, one that was licking a popsicle kept staring back at him and paused for a moment.
"... Aren't you that man who was singing towards a lady, stole a entertainers' outfit and got yourself banned?" The tiny brat then pointed out, Hector's eyes almost coming right out of his own sockets, not even considering the chance of them having watched it.
"... HOW ABOUT WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW?" Hector suddenly felt very startled as he tried to hush the young child from shelling out more details right before Lemmy could barely understand the sentence that came out from the kid out of shock.
"Seriously, Hector, what even happened in that live entertainment show?!" Lemmy could only muse what in the world Hector had put himself through that event. "STEALING AN OUTFIT FROM AN ENTERTAINER?!"
As Jayt kept giggling to himself over what could have possibly sprouted such a situation, Hector then tried to create a chance for him to change the subject before anyone would get to find out more about him.
"O-oh, HEY! I GOT A GREAT IDEA, WHY DON'T WE ALL JUST GET TOGETHER AND ENJOY THE REST OF THE AMUSEMENT PARK!" Hector then haplessly tried to save what was left out of his very own dignity. "That way, we can enjoy the rest of the day together!"
"Sure, sure, change the subject out entirely. Definitely doesn't make me want to learn more about it." Jayt merely tried to poke back at Hector even though he wasn't exactly against the idea all while Daisuki merely looked sideways as if to feign ignorance.
The kids seemed thrilled, being already at least familiar with the amusement park as to not get lost and they could get back to their parents right after they'd have their fun taking advantage of the rogue group they happened to bump against.
"I'll even offer a treat! All candy and food's on me!" Hector even tried to offer just so they'd behave normally.
"Sure, a bribe seems reasonable." Lemmy then tried to squint his eyes back at Hector.
"Don't you look funny at me!" Hector tried to reason with Lemmy. "Besides, I just want everyone to have fun, right?"
"Yeah, I guess we can't argue with that." Jayt then politely smiled. "That way you can get to keep your secrets."
"Heheh." Hector merely tried to laugh it out.
"Honestly, I'm fine with it! That way, we get to keep the kids happy!" Dayley never found himself to be a guardian of children but nonetheless found it as his job to at least keep them safe around them until they get back to their parents.
"You could learn a thing or two from him, Lemmy!" Naddy had suggested having Lemmy learn from Hector getting to be better with kids.
"That way we get to keep them in a safe group!" Roberta concured as she slightly buzzed her antennae in a little excitement. Vonderv and Adven seemed, for the most part, also fine with the situation, despite Adven wanting to enjoy a leisure day.
"Well, ya heard the cockroach! Time to get this fun day on the go!" Hector then bellowed, right before a kid questioned him, "that's a cockroach?"
"I thought it was a ladybug!"
As Hector became thrilled to get the day going with more attraction exploring, he and the kids then collaborated by putting their open palms one on top of another to agree upon and cheer for the rest of a fun day, even Lemmy and the crew slightly collaborating with Hector's sudden change of plans to provide some fun (and food) for the beaming group of children.
"Yeah!" They all cheered, the kids all joining up forces and deciding to share this day with the rambuctious group of villains.
As the wild amusement park day kept going, the sly group and their little group of curious little children that followed then tried to explore the day they got left, allowing the younger generation having a chance at the kid attractions, some of them Adven was somehow also able to take advantage of thanks to her petite frame. She tried not to think much of it since it also allowed for her fun times. Carousels, electric go-kart rides and smaller rollercoaster rides were visited, all while Lemmy and Naddy also enjoyed a nice evening at the tunnel of love the amusement park happened to have.
They even visited more haunted mansions, of which the children were already bold for and not afraid of. It was a quite big amusement park with plenty to visit and take a ride on.
After a bit, the children then left, happily coming back towards their parents and trying to tell them they got to meet Dayley Sparks, of which they were astonished to hear about but nonetheless very happy, after having their children come back safe and sound. As expected, they also told they had also met funny creatures and a largely funny, but cool group of people who they associated as being very Robin Hood-ish.
As they partook even more around the amusement park now that the children were no longer around, our feisty group ran across the ferris wheel, of which Dayley was mildly curious about, having already enjoyed so much of the park and having taken a quite nice portion of time exploring it.
"Oh! A ferris wheel!" Dayley then became quite astonished with it.
"Ever rode on one of those?" Lemmy had wondered.
"... Some times, I think, but not too many times." Dayley pondered. "It's been a really long time since I've been in them though."
"Come to think about it, don't you already see the top view of the city just because you can fly?" Lemmy begged for the question.
"Kinda, yeah! But at the same time, it's nice being able to actually sit." Dayley replied back in a pleasant tone. "I mostly hover about watching from above. It feels kinda strange but pleasant to watch the city I try to protect, a slight breeze every now and then."
"It can get kinda chilly up there." He slightly chuckled joking about how cold it gets during certain seasons.
"Hah, yeah! I never once considered how cold it can get up there in the sky!" Lemmy laughed for quite a bit.
As they approached one of the ferris wheels' passenger cars, Lemmy and the crew tried to cheer Dayley into getting into one of them first as they all grouped together near the passenger cars' entrance to get in as much they could.
"Well now you'll have the chance to ride on one!" Lemmy was hoping at least to make up to Dayley after he hadn't brought Dayley previously.
"Man, it's been so long," Dayley watched as he tried step inside, "it's a nice change of pace for-"
Hector then abruptly tried to warn him. "D-Dayley, watch your head, WATCH YOUR HEAD-!"
"... Don't worry, I'm fine!" Dayley then tried calming him to let him know. "Don't worry, I won't hit my head in the frame!"
Dayley then looked around as he then tries to calmly sit. "Man, I really appreciate the higher ceilings in this one." He felt nice in knowing how accommodated tall people were for this particular ferris wheel. "I feel like I've already had enough sore head as it is!"
"... Good thing these guys thought of everything while making this ride!" Hector then scratched the back of his head in ease of knowing.
As Dayley sat around in his own bench, the security from the ferris wheel then instantly came in and tried to stop them. "Woah! That's as far as you go, mates!" The guard tried telling all those who were just about to get in.
"Huh, why not?!" Lemmy then yelped in response as they all stared slightly surprised.
"I'm afraid your buddy here's a bit TOO hefty for this one passenger car alone! Each of these cars has a limit, ya know!"
"Wait, just Dayley weighs that much?!" Lemmy was quite astonished but not surprised given their friend was quite bulky.
"It's usually a two to three passenger car limit! Your friend here weighs enough for two people!" The guard tried explaining.
"You can see it right here - the limit is calculated on the car itself." The guard tapped on the visible scale counter as everyone peeked.
"... Dayley weighs THAT MUCH?!" Lemmy then scratched his head in disbelief.
"Oops! I'm sorry guys, guess I'm too bulky in size and height alone..." Dayley felt a bit pressured but didn't mind going in alone.
"Oh! I can actually go just fine." Jayt then noticed the missing gap and the weight that remained for anyone else. "I know my weight and I can comfortably reach under the limit."
"Wait, Jayt?!" Hector then was surprised. "Jayt, what are you going to do with Dayley?!"
"Nothing much." Jayt then had a connivingly sly expression on his face as he tried to smirk that sentence out of his mouth.
"That is NOT a look I should be feeling calm about! JAYT!" Hector seemed rather unnerved by him and the fear of the passenger car falling.
"Don't worry, relax!" Jayt was looking quite composed. "Nothing's going to happen."
"Guess I'll be seeing ya on the way down!" Jayt then tries standing by the entrance to which the passenger car easily handles.
The scale then shifts and the guard swiftly notices it barely even reaching or tipping the limit.
"... Huh, guess that also works." The slightly broad-framed guard was rather pleased as Dayley gets surprised by Jayt's own presence.
"You're lucky you're featherweight!" The scowl faced guard felt like giving Jayt a pass just because of that.
"... Jayt?!" Dayley even blurted out as due to his sudden entrance.
"Heya bud, just giving ya a little company until we get back down." He put his hand on his hip and poised as Dayley looked at him.
As the passenger car then closes his entrance and Jayt waves back and Hector, the passenger car then slowly shifts to spin around to make way for the next one over for the remaining group.
"... Aw man and I was looking to spend some alone quality time with Jayt!" Hector then grumbled under his breath as Dayley and Jayt then made their own leave.
"Don't worry, Hec." Lemmy then tried to at least uplift his own friend alongside with everyone else. "We can still hang around together!"
"Heh, I guess." Hector then simply admitted defeat and went alongside with the main gang, as they all have split into smaller groups for the next passenger cars. "Now come on! We gotta get in the next passenger car if I wanna be able to watch over Jayt!"
"That's the spirit!" Lemmy couldn't help but make him feel energized. "Besides, they'll be fine!"
As our comrades tried to divide themselves for each passenger car, everyone was able to evenly distribute their weight across all group without being too apart or alone, Lemmy even getting the chance of being with Naddy, Vonderv having dodged by a hair the limit by having Adven alongside with him. Luckily, Hector and Henrick were able to forge their friendship even further, with Daisuki right next to Roberta preferring not to intertwine too much in between the others and preferring Roberta's fashionable shyness.
As the ferris wheel spun around, everyone was able to catch a sight of the whole city as they mired from above, each and every single one of them appreciating the view from above.
As they all stared and saw the view from above, the ferris wheel spun slowly as Dayley and Jayt were almost at the top of the ferris wheel.
With Dayley right next to the window, he feels at ease seeing the city from above from this method.
"The view is really great here from above... I used to be in such hard times... seeing it now that I'm way more relaxed makes me see things from a whole other perspective..." Even so, he was trying to stay quiet just letting it all sink in.
Feeling almost lulled by the warmth of the sun coming inside the passenger car, there was quite a bit of silence as Jayt appreciated the view, seeing it while the palm of his hands wrapped around the bar just before the glass window door showcasing it.
Jayt let it all sink in for definitely quite a bit before he had decided to break the ice a little, him feeling quite sure of himself and certain, the cheery music of the amusement park faded in the background.
He then, without turning his face, then came a question from Jayt.
"... You're the one who donated for that orphanage, didn't you?" He merely begged the question.
As Jayt calmly asked that question, Dayley's eyes suddenly widened in shock as he turned his head towards Jayt.
"... How did you?!-" Dayley then felt alarmed for quite a bit before he realized.
"Oh..." Dayley then paused. "I really should have realized it by now..."
"You're really smart so that's why..." He merely assumed Jayt to be more clever than he ever was.
"... I'm gonna admit, it took me a bit!..." Jayt then professed.
"... But learning that it was presumably from an anonymous donor and that it needed to be someone wealthy enough and with a reason strong enough to do it..."
"It really couldn't have been anyone other than you." Jayt admitted he had felt a bit tricked by the small unexpected twists and turns Lemmy had given out to him in that his mother hadn't collaborated for the orphanage.
Dayley then merely looked sideways as he felt embarrassed and held his hands together slightly out of fright.
"So you pretty much used at least a pretty big portion of your income as a singer to help support and donate for the orphanage."
Dayley merely kept shut, further admitting to Jayt's own theory, continuing to look away before he finally admitted.
"... I can't undo the things I've done." Dayley felt disheartened even just saying that. "But if it means to aid the newest generations, then at the very least that." He wasn't already quite sure what he was saying at this point.
"I always keep feeling bad for those I can't protect and I just wanna make sure to help..." He felt almost a pain in his chest.
There was then a slight pause before Dayley realized his own mistakes and before he finally opened up.
"... And another thing. I did so many awful things to you and I never even properly said anything..." He didn't exactly feel like he deserved to be anywhere near Jayt, Jayt having already forgiven him some times.
"Jayt, I'm sorry for everything I've done to you... you deserve far more than what I can possibly give..."
"You deserve to be happy with Hector and everyone around you..." He merely wished to respect Jayts' own wishes.
After a slight pause, Jayt then tried to humble himself and think throughout those thoughts.
"... Dayley, I don't think it was all your fault." Jayt merely admitted to Dayley being merely a pawn in someone's game.
"... Besides, you only burned me." Jayt even felt a bit proud rising from it. "The rest was indirect. Your men were only protecting you and you fell under a harsh environment."
"... And besides, you can't just say being happy with everyone and exclude yourself out from it." Jayt even chuckled a bit.
"I really do look up to you, I really do..." He professed his admiration for him.
"... And besides, you're the one who made me slightly immortal, heheh." Jayt couldn't help let slip that.
"I'm the same as you now. When the Aurea's dimension God summoned the role of God of Fire upon me, he also just so happened to give me quite a bit of immortality and the powers that came with it." Jayt elaborated further, knowing a slight bit how much that changed him.
"Knowing that, I really wanna make sure to make the best out of everything and being with everyone all around." He brought mention of Hector and everyone else, knowing he was quite a bit different from the rest now.
"And that also includes you." Jayt didn't want to lose that with Dayley not involved.
"So no matter how much time passes by, I also wanna make sure to be with everyone as much as I can and stand by your side."
"I really want to regain your trust back as a friend." Jayt wanted to make sure of that. "You're not the only one guilty about things."
"It was wrong of me to do that and we all did our mistakes." He himself had admitted to that.
There was then a slight pause before Dayley solemnly tried to respect Jayt out of his own wishes as he remained sitting on his bench.
"You haven't done anything wrong. I just hope you realize that." Dayley clearly wanted to mean that deep within him.
He made another slight pause before he kept going, as the sun slightly lighted inside the passenger car.
"I still see you as a comfort person... someone I cherish... someone I really trust... and we barely even knew each other so... if you can't even be happy as a person..."
"... then what's the point of me ever being happy?" He simply asked, not wanting Jayt to ever be jeopardized.
After a slight bit of silence, Jayt then tried uttering these words.
"If it makes you feel a little better...
I'd say seeing you happy is what makes me feel happy."
After hearing those words, Dayley, for the lack of a better word, then suddenly looked upon Jayt, who seemed quite eager to get to know him better, as the light slightly cast on him, merely wanting to get to be with Dayley as a friend and being with him until the end of time.
"... And maybe perhaps more than that!"
As Dayley's sight slightly adjusted to the outside light and witnessing Jayt saying those words, he felt a bit comforted in hearing that and suddenly thought he was being silly questioning Jayt on that.
"... Thank you, Jayt." He then warmly smiled hoping to make Jayt happy. "For just... even being around me. You're like the friend I never even had. You always seem to make my days brighter." He was calmly saying the truth, as he held together and how much he cherished Jayt.
"Don't ever forget you can always count on me for anything... You mean the world to me and if anything ever happened to you, I'd be anguished... but I won't ever feel let down, especially not after hearing those words..." Dayley meant every single one of those words.
"... No problem to it." Jayt then tried to say in a composed, calm demeanor. "If you knew how much you meant to me, you wouldn't even be questioning our relation." He tried to tattle, making just a small joke out of it.
"Besides, it wouldn't be fun not having you around with us." Jayt then smiled warmly towards him with cheerfulness.
"... I'd say you mean just as much for me as well." He finished it at that, hoping to console Dayley's lonely heart.
As they locked their stare, Dayley actually being able to stare at Jayt's eyes for once due to his own issues of eye contact, the ferris wheel then slowly started for a stop, just as their passenger car was about to finish their ride and lock itself near the ground level.
"... Oh! Guess that's our cue to leave. You sure you're fine stepping out on your own?" Dayley then offered to help just in case he was afraid to let Jayt fall on a stair level or from a sudden slight height.
"... No, I'm good!" Jayt then happily appreciated that offer. "Just be careful out the door frame." He smiled hoping to guide Dayley.
"I know, I know!..." Dayley then slowly tried to get near by the exit also.
As they finally pitter pattered and came down from the passenger car as the sun was setting and distanced themselves to make way, the remaining passenger cars were also starting to unload the other passengers and Lemmy and the gang.
"Oh, hey! You guys made it! So, how did it go? I totally saw you guys from the passenger car just behind you, did you enjoy the sight?" Hector was just glad there was no issues given a lot can happen during a ferris wheel ride while he was with Henrick discussing workout routines while peeking from their passenger car every now and then.
"Honestly, I thoroughly enjoyed it." Jayt genuinely said. "Strangely enough, it never gets old for me. Just enjoying the warmth of the day."
"Yeah, same!" Dayley was also quite pleased with the view and not having to dodge birds for once. "It feels nice feeling the beams of light from above... The way the city feels so lively and jampacked!... it's definitely quite something." Dayley shared.
"That's great! I also really enjoyed being able to see the old forest and places I would go to when I was a child!" Hector then happily admitted. "Man, you really can see a lot of the city from afar! Even your parents' dairy farm!"
"Yeah, it's still quite a distance from here, but they just feel homely in there." Dayley fondly remembered.
As Lemmy escorted Naddy while she was with a cute little smile, he then came towards them.
"Hey guys! It was really nice being able to be in there with Naddy, she really enjoyed that." He happily said as she stayed snug right next by his side. "We oughta do this more often, it's just really nice seeing the sun setting... Brings me a sense of nostalgia..."
As they all grouped well together, Vonderv, Adven, Roberta and Daisuki all joined up alongside with them.
Vonderv and Adven seemed also to enjoy their ride, despite entering into a few funny arguments while Roberta and Daisuki surprisingly hit it off well, Daisuki mostly nodding to Roberta's conversations and Roberta enjoying her gentle clothing.
"We didn't really talk much, but Daisuki's been really nice to hang out with." Roberta thought of her as pleasant. "We've been talking about clothing styles and how I got to meet with you guys! She's really shy but I really enjoy her company!"
Daisuki merely shyed off, merely being compliant to how Roberta spoke about taking care of her little sister.
"Glad to know even you got to know Roberta a little better!" Hector felt glad someone like Garter could have it in him to be able to appreciate her personality. "I was afraid you wouldn't really get together, heh!..."
"Yeah, I've just been with Von and he's a really nice calm dude to hang with..." Adven had grown accostumed to Vonderv since quite some time now ever since their adventures. "There's just so much I never learned about our own dimension and the entities we are often told about..." She seemed interested in learning more about the folklore and the real truths behind the mysteries of the Aurea dimension.
"Yeah, I know the Aurea dimension like the palm of my hand!" Vonderv then gloated off as if he were a prestiged explorer who knew every corner of their land. Really, it was just because he had to know it all and learned it from experience.
"Figures you'd be bragging about it." Lemmy then rolled his eyes but honestly appreciated Vonderv having given Adven a polite company.
"Well, if you ever feel like knowing our lands a little better, you can just hit up the Vonderv encyclopaedia!" He pointed the thumb towards himself as he knew how to fill in the details about certain mysteries.
"Really putting the "don't judge a book by its cover" phrase to a test." Lemmy merely pointed that out.
"Wha, you think I'm a dubious source of information? Who helped you get across the valley and get towards the Anagi village, hm?" Vonderv couldn't help point that out given he was the one who knew most of the land to explore.
"A map." Lemmy scolded him.
"You're welcome by the way, because otherwise, you'd still be reading that map upside down!" Vonderv then made a jab towards his unawareness.
"... Pfff, I guess." Lemmy then couldn't help admit defeat if only because Vonderv was still a great friend in the end.
"It's been a really nice day together nonetheless." Lemmy then tried to think of this day as neatly wrapped as possible, given some of them had to go back to their places. "Hope you guys still had a blast together, I feel like I practically ran this park four times now!"
"Yeah, same! It's been really super thrilling being able to come back and enjoy so many attractions!" Naddy still felt like she could come back to it a few more couple of times, even if just alone with Lemmy.
"How about you, Dayl? Enjoyed your day as much you could?" Lemmy then tried to humbly ask Dayley.
"Oh, it's been wonderful!" Dayley had a plastered smile on his face. "To be able to enjoy so many attractions, I really couldn't have asked for anything more and I even got to ride on the ferris wheel!" He admitted.
"It really did wash all my cares away, heh." Dayley really felt happy he was able to relax for once and conclude all his worries.
"Nothing to it, Dayley!" Lemm appreciated he helped doing that for him. "That's what we're all here for!"
"I think it's about time we also call it a day." Jayt merely recommended if just because Lemmy's friends seemed a bit tired. "Your friends seem like they could use some rest back at their dimension or ours. Of course it's their call."
"Yeah, I also gotta bring Naddy back home, right?"
As Lemmy tried to politely ask her own reply, Naddy merely replied with a "hmm-hm!" and started stretching her figure out of a slight soreness over having explored the park so much, trying to flick her hair so it wouldn't be too unkept.
"Yeah, I'm also pooped!" Henrick then himself had admitted after spending a lot of his time hanging at the punching bag machines and basketball arcades. "It was quite a workout day. I still wanna catch up to my guitar practice with my bro."
"I also gotta bring Daisuki to some place." Hector tried not to say exactly where. "She also looks kinda worn."
She merely nodded off, trying to slightly grab the drabs of her dress slightly tired, trying not to give away herself too much.
As they all tried to stretch and begging to be back home to rest from a nice amusement park break, as the cold already started to settle and you could already feel a slight gentle breeze brushing through your skin, Vonderv then slightly surprises some of them begging for a request.
"Hey guys, would you mind then coming to our dimension for a visit?" Vonderv suddenly made a unexpected offer.
"Already this late?" Lemmy scratched the back of his head for a second. "What for? Some of us is already a bit tired."
"Actually, Maravi and Magnifi wanted to show you something." Vonderv was actually in ploy with them.
"Maravi and Magnifi?" Hector had wondered about such names.
"Yeah, they're the rest of the remaining Guardians." Adven pointed out towards Hector as she looked up towards him. "They're guardian entities similar to Vonderv, in that they help safeguard a special amulet."
"Guardians, eh?" Hector then reminisced something. "Oh yeah, I think I remember something told about that back in one pub."
"Yeah, I think I remember learning about them back in the dimension back when we were still trailing for Brightburn Tower." Jayt then slightly recalled such a thing and even some guards from the Underground City had made mention call of something like that.
"So, what about them? You know I can't exactly bring Naddy along, most of us have to go back home." Lemmy then shared back towards Vonderv.
"No biggie, not everyone's forced to come but you guys are still welcome to come." Vonderv then tried not forcing them to the dimension.
"I don't mind coming along just to make sure you guys are all safe." Dayley then tried to offer his presence.
"Yeah, same here." Jayt then stepped into Vonderv's own plan. "I can also come along, it's been a while since I've last visited."
"I can also come along, just to check what that's all about." Hector merely thought they just wanted to make a welcome back party of sorts.
"Then I guess we got some extra time to spend back in your place, Von." Lemmy concurred that the rest didn't have to tag and come along.
"Adven and Roberta are pretty much guaranteed to at least make the travel to check back on things." Lemmy then reassured and tried to confirm the group that was packing in for travel.
"Good thing you're all excited then!" Vonderv was enthusiastic to say the least.
As the scenery the shifts to that of a underground lab underneath the V.I.V headquarters, our crew then prepares to make a leap by using a more advanced interdimensional teletransporter that can instantly take a snapshot frame and immediately connect to their dimension without fear of it overlapping or creating sudden negative impacts that might affect theirs or the Aurea dimensions'.
"Ayup! Using this has been as easy as blinking." Hector was quite frightened how far its technology had advanced thanks to the hardworking researchers and engineers Lady Miriam had under her wing. "Who'd think we'd have easy access to your dimension."
"The Miss knows how to keep these things a secret as to not let it fall in any wrong hands. Of all people, she's the one who least wants to take advantage of it for her own monetary or power needs. She can find it awfully complex for her so she'd rather just leave it for the researchers and confide to them the trust of not betraying her." Jayt felt like they had no need to do such given she already tried to make sure they were well rewarded for it. "If anything, I think she just finds it a extra method to hopefully meet new friends across dimensions."
"... Awfully innocent, isn't she?" Adven didn't really mind it as she felt Lady Miriam has been incredibly kind towards her.
"She might seem cold, but her heart is anything but cold." Jayt elaborated on her peculiar personality. "She's a very amiable person."
"Well, what are we waiting for, let's go!"
As Vonderv then tried cheering for them to keep going, the quite already familiar group then prepares to sit on the more spatious interdimensional teletransporter, with Lemmy, Hector, Jayt, Adven, Roberta, Vonderv and Dayley to cruise along.
As Hector prepares and pushes a button with slight ease, the interdimensional telestransporter then began making shifts towards reality itself, already projecting itself towards a leap for the Aurea dimension, them remaining sit and frozen, in a similar state as to how Lemmy, Naddy and Dayley had first began being transported into the dimension at first.
As the setting changes once more to something akin next to a large white familiar mansion, that being, the mayor's mansion that resided within Glass City, the interdimensional teletransporter then, not very far from the mansion's main entrance, immediately arrived at its destination with relative ease, as they all began coming out of the teletransporter.
"... The city's been really well cared ever since Susanna took over." Lemmy definitely noticed a few changes and its citizens getting accostumed to even being out in the open, accepting those around them. "They don't seem to be in any peril."
"Susanna must've had a lot of work to deal with considering the state the city was before." Adven was quite shocked to even find its citizens waving hello at one another.
"Good thing we've grown accostumed to visiting her to really get to know her better." Hector had already met her a couple times, seeming like a sensible person with a finger for running the city. "I'm surprised she wasn't a mayor before! She seems to know her deal."
"Susanna wasn't from this city originally." Jayt tried slipping some details. "Some folks say she came out of nowhere, almost as if she had somehow found a way to connect her dimension to this very city."
"The chances of her being human are actually drastically high. Who knows from where she could have possibly fallen from." Jayt then pondered the mysterious fate that had been appointed towards this peculiar woman.
"Better not to think about it too much." Hector decided not to tire his head over it. "What matters is, these folks were lucky to even find someone to run as mayor for their city. They don't seem too human, but their appearance is peculiar."
"Yeah, they seem human, but they're really quite different from us." Lemmy was shocked to find out.
As they stared at the horizon of the city, a slight chorus then repeated, slightly repeating and faded. Some of the citizens had adopted a quite funny rhyme in the form of a very short singing song.
As the quite reserved city folk, but slowly coming out of the depths of the city, they commuted and hung around together chiming to this one quiet humble song, coming every now and then from the citizens.
"Mayor of the city, mayor of the city, Glass City,
Don't be so blue, we come for you
Mayor of the city, mayor of the city, Glass City
Brighter happy days will come for you,
Mayor of the city, mayor of the city, Susanna
We'll make brighter days and cheer for you~"
"Don't let your tears, don't let your tears cry for you
Here's an umbrella, a lovely one just for you
Don't let your tears, don't let your tears rain on your parade
And we'll sing you a song, sing you a song and your house neatly decorate!"
This relatively short song was barely even a song and yet, it echoed throughout the city, every now and then, transpiring from the citizens.
"Funny city folk, aren't they?" Hector seemed quite amused by how they were hanging together.
Even a slight fanfare would come seeming to come from the back parts of the city, peculiarly coming from the Falosa Streets, previously infamous over how rowdy it used to be. It seemed having quieted down, as the folks were now with little to no aggression.
A melody seemed to waver around throughout the streets, some of the houses fixed and still quite in building stages.
As they all stared at the looming mansion, the glimmer of it still seemed the same as usual, even if somewhat neatly decorated by Susanna and the citizens who'd try and help every now and then, a strange prop just above its own roof.
"... Is that a giant white umbrella?" Lemmy told, as he stared up from below while everyone stood baffled over the size of the mansion.
As it loomed, the umbrella, seemed to be quite engraved in the mansion's roof, working similarly as a shade for the mansion in the form of a statue. Next to the mansion, however, what seemed to be the most noticable were the rows of flowers throughout the sides of the mansion.
As they stood by the front of the mansions' entrance, a young woman in pigtails and a white and blue dress however then humbly came, carrying with her a lovely actual white umbrella as her high heel shoes approached the friendly group.
"Hello, welcome!" Susanna finally made her prestiged bow. "How have you been?"
"Heya, Suz, been a bit!" Lemmy then casually received her as if she was already a very close acquaintance. "Wow, you really worked here."
"I like to think it wasn't just all my doing!" She politely complimented her own citizens. "They have been wonderful and they would come visit me whenever I felt sad! I thought I was all alone with Maravi when quite frankly, the citizens also tried to help make this city prosper."
"Can't make a house with just one person!" Lemmy then suddenly remembered that phrase.
"But that's not why we're all here! Maravi really wanted to show you something alongside with Magnifi inside our mansion." Susanna then politely talked about Maravi, who still resided within her, their contract still unbreakable as they both still lived in the mansion alongside the faceless butlers, who were in fact, a devoted shapeshifter species that adjust to their environment.
They were a species that actually helped Susanna survive as one of them as the previous mayor's butler took her in.
"Gregory is actually taking care of them while I wanted to bring you guys in." She spoke, while Maravi and Magnifi awaited for them inside with somewhat of a surprise. "They are waiting for you in the mansion."
"A surprise? I really can't think of what could possibly be." Lemmy merely confided to her, as he wasn't quite sure what possible unresolved situations could there be coming from the dimension.
"So you're the lady who Lemmy talked about," Hector suddenly spoke, "I heard nice things about you, despite the fact you gave a hard battle to Lemmy!" He had previously learned about how his misadventures had led to him eventually learning about the Guardians.
"Battling with a fan suddenly feels far more threatening than meets the eyes..." Jayt referred to Lemmy talking about her weapon of choice.
"We some times have to be able to surprise every now and then!..." She teased with a tiny laugh.
"But that's in the past - come - I'll bring you to Maravi and let you in on the details."
As she tries to guide them inside the mansion's entrance, she tries helping them get along in the way.
"Come along! Don't mind them, Gregory is remarkable and the rest of them are trying their best." She was in fact referring to the shapeshifting butlers and stewards so they wouldn't frighten the guests. "If not for them, I couldn't possibly even be here."
As the group tried to shortly follow her moderate pace, they then made their way across the halls of the mansion, in order to be able to reach the mansion's wide living room, where Maravi and Magnifi were eagerly awaiting for them.
"It's been a while since I've last been here!" Adven then spoke remembering her slight memories about this place.
"It sure is wide... Kinda reminds me of King Tiramisu's place..." Roberta remembered their past visit to the royal family's mansion.
"It's a neat place, just not sure if I'd ever got accostumed to living in a house like this..." Hector felt quite daunted.
"It's been a wild ride since then, that's for sure!" Vonderv then recalled how much he had to go through with Lemmy.
As they finally made their way near the entrance of the living room, Susanna then approaches and humbly tries to open the doors before them. "No need to cumber my butlers with always opening the door, right?"
As the group quickly approaches, the doors are then spread wide open and the group's eyes are met with the sight of the reddened pig Maravi and the pink dressed yellow pig Magnifi, sitting around a wide glass counter in specially soft sky blue sofas and a little something more that remarkably overwhelmed them. Even Mocha was right there just beside them, given she was Magnifi's own host.
"... Huh?!"
As Lemmy stares quite breath taken, he just so happened to stumble across not just Maravi and Magnifi, but several, other similarly looking guardians who were also frolicking around in the very same living room, all while a few of them were telling tales towards Maravi and Magnifi, brandishing several tones of color and styles of clothing.
"Holy gadzooks, where did all these Guardians come from?!" Lemmy then felt incredibly overwhelmed by the severe number of them.
"They were really having fun what with Maravi and Magnifi around in the mansion!" Susanna giggled as she enjoyed their company.
Just as they turned, they quickly glimpsed upon the lively group and decided to tackle Dayley and single him out of everyone.
Their frenetic stubby piglet arms then slowly tried to even almost climb upon Dayley himself as he was caught offguard.
"Guys, help! I'm being attacked!" Dayley could do but nothing as the stout piglets then tried reaching for him for a hug.
"... Bahahahahaha!" Vonderv couldn't help but just laugh it out loud, as he cackled upon the sight of seeing Dayley almost being taken.
"... Oh, I guess they just want to give me a hug?" As Dayley tried to process this, the piglets then quickly fled across the living room and got towards Maravi and Magnifi enthusiastically as Mocha heartily laughed.
"And another thing, why are these Guardians smaller than you guys?" Adven then quickly pointed out how small and stout these guardians were.
"I'm counting at least one, two, three... man, that's a lot!" Hector even lost count.
"About 18 of them!" The yellow blue-haired Magnifi then confirmed how many they were.
"18?... Huh, I wonder..." Jayt then became peculiarly curious about something.
"Of course they are small, they're just kids!" Vonderv then felt it was too annoying even having to explain himself. "Me, Maravi and Magnifi are just here trying to take care of them, geez..."
"They seemed quite thrilled once they got here..." Vonderv merely stared blank-faced thinking how excited they were for the job.
"Children? You mean children can be guardians?" Lemmy was astonished to say the least.
"Of course they can!" Vonderv really didn't want to repeat twice. "I'm a completely matured adult Guardian, the size easily tells us apart!" Vonderv then tried to explain how he, Maravi and Magnifi were already grown up. "These are completely new guardians that got accepted."
As Vonderv was discussing that, three of the small guardians were actually sharing a strange tale towards Magnifi during the time they were waiting for them, as the yellow piglet perked up her own little piggy ears with her beady astonished eyes.
"... And then he just went bam! Boosh, skabadam! And then his friends came and kicked his hiney!" A light green guardian tried to narrate excitedly trying to catch up on their story. "His friends were trying to protect him!"
"And how were you all able to see that?" Magnifi pondered all that commotion with a hand in her chin.
"Well duh! We've seen it from above! We were floating up above in the sky!" A violet guardian then tried to explain it.
"But then he tried follow this guy after all that..." The pink guardian tried to tell the story alongside them.
"And now we won't be feeling so lonely while watching over our dimension and the Half-Faced Charm!" Vonderv then exclaimed his enthusiasm. "It's like we got a few little prodigies so they can help us protect the balance of the dimension, now that Inacredi's gone."
"Oh yea, I'm still not over that." Lemmy still couldn't help hardly believing Vonderv had once lost a friend of his.
"I'm still sad that had to happen... but now, hopefully, I won't feel so lonely now that I can be like a big brother to them..." Vonderv couldn't help feeling a bit misty-eyed, while not ignoring the fact that Maravi and Magnifi could also teach them a lot as well.
"I'm not sure if being a parent is really my thing, so I think I'll give that role to Maravi and Magnifi, just in case they think I might be a bad influence upon them, heheh!" He then jested all while Maravi and Magnifi stared upon him with a steel-cold stare of discipline.
"Hey, by the way... Hey Mocha, is everything cool with the king?" Lemmy then fondly remembered that the king once helped in his aid, wanting to catch up on how King Tiramisu was doing since then from her. "It's been a while since I've last heard of him."
"He's been really well in fact!" Mocha warmly smiled towards Lemmy and his friends. "He seems far more mature now, a bit more gruff... but at the same time, more sweeter with Chocola and making sure to provide everything needed for her."
"He had to sacrifice a lot of gold from our mansion for the sake of the Kochala village... but he doesn't really seem to mind it!" Mocha thought it took a lot from him to be able to give that away from his own father. "If anything, he's making sure to prioritize his family and the village no matter the cost. And making sure to protect Chocola and those around her..."
"He seems far more resilient now... but also stronger!" Mocha felt a bit proud of her father alongside her own twin brother.
As Mocha having finished discussing about her father, Hector's eyes then slowly shifted to something just a bit peculiar.
"What's with those ones over there?" Hector then pointed out to some particular three guardians that in fact, were more faded in color and bigger, as they waved back at him shyly, as if to show support for all of them.
"Oh, those ones are already adults! That's why their colors are more faded and pastel-like. The tones of our colors depends from when we died." Magnifi then remarked their maturity. "They're more akin to us, I guess they came alongside with them!" She appreciated their maturity and how they seemed to know the small guardians.
"They really seem to know what they're doing!" Maravi then appreciated their softer side. "I dig their style!"
"They seem alright..." Vonderv crossed his arms behind his own head, thinking they would be helpful to help the situation at hand.
"This really is quite a lot to take in..." Lemmy tried to follow their intended surprise. "There's a lot going on here... so I'll just go and assume this is a good thing?"
"It's a GREAT thing! It's totally the chance we all wanted for our dimension!" Vonderv felt thrilled. "This'll make protecting the dimension easier on us and there's more of us to help protect the Half-Faced Charm from ill-intended threats!"
"Wow, I didn't even think that! Yeah, you were all alone with just Maravi and Magnifi by your side." Lemmy realized by now that, had it not been for this miracle, Vonderv would probably have struggled with maintaining both the relations on Lemmy's and the Aurea dimension all while trying to fend those who bore greed from the Half-Faced Charm.
"There's nothing else we can show you here and it is pretty late for you guys..." Vonderv then realized their tight schedule. "Now skedaddle! We got business to care for!" Vonderv was in fact, just referring to taking care of what he thought, were brats.
"I think that's for the best, I'm already tired from them all trying to pile up and piggy ride on my back and hug me... That's a lot of pigs... They sure really like me for some reason..." Dayley then gave a small sigh of relief after a valiant effort to make them happy.
"They almost made me fall to the ground, hahah..." He apologetically tried to finish off for today as Roberta tried to help him.
"The weary warrior must rest his tired body..." Jayt then teasingly tried to honor him as if he fought a strenuous battle.
"Yeah, I think I'll about call it quits for today," Lemmy concured, "I think that's already enough lollygagging for the day, as Garter would say."
And so, just as they finally bid adieu to Susanna once more, and this time towards Maravi and Magnifi who were fostering all these new guardians of the Aurea dimension across the mayor's mansion and King Tiramisu's own grand mansion housing, it was really up for Lemmy and the crew to finally return back home safe and sound.
As they finally made themselves back home, the stars were already twinkling up in the skies right above Intile City, the crew having had even more than enough to rest their tired eyes and go right back to their own accomodations.
With Jayt and Hector back in their homes and Dayley tending back to his reports and finishing up workload for Lady Miriam and the V.I.V headquarters before just soundly going to bed, Adven, Vonderv and Roberta were also going to rest with peace in their mind knowing that their dimension would be more protected of strange individuals, as well as new guardians fostered safe and sound, to which Vonderv even promised to make any wish he could find possible to realize within the V.I.V's own grasp and within his very own limitations.
Pretty much everyone went back home, including Lemmy, who was, for the most part, knocked right out of the park and having already had his fill with amusement parks - at least for the time being.
With Lady Miriam finally being able to put her head down to a rest, a lot of her worries were now even seeming like they were dwindling away, as she thought one thing. How her son made her feel proud of him and how united he could accomplish everyone feel.
It's not often a child that makes a parent proud but at least in this very case, Lady Miriam's own standards were already pretty easy to accomplish, Lemmy having somehow accomplished even surpassing them.
With Naddy back in her cozy room after her parents had visited her, she was hoping to visit the amusement park once more, maybe perhaps just all on her own with him this time, thinking riding along with groups to be tiring for him. A humble surprise, she thought, hoping it'd make him happy somehow, as she hugged her comically large seal plushie that Lemmy got for her from the amusement park.
Buloke was in his humble wooden house once more, as the same was for the Strength brothers who resided back in their apartment.
Woe are their neighbors, as their slumbering snores echoed and pierced through the apartment walls, Henrick drooling on his own pillow snoring and covered by a very worn sheet on his own bed with Garter on the other opposite room, his body flat out denying to get up as he was worn and tired, his very ruffled frizzy hair spread out throughout his own smaller bed, as he laid like a discarded ragged doll and trying to sleep through Henrick's loud snores to wake up the next day looking as if he slept on a dumpster.
Thus concludes this quite big, exciting adventure, with our villains taking a rest, new acquaintances being unexpected, but still warmly accepted, bonds being reforged and new hopes for what lies ahead into the future, as Lemmy tries making most of the night to get right back to sleep from a quite exhausting thrill.
As Lemmy tries lulling himself back into his sleep, he then suddenly receives a notification on his own cellphone with a flicking light.
"... Huh? Who could it possibly be during this time of the night?"
"Oh... it's Naddy. I wonder what she wants."
He receives a message notification wondering she was going to say.
"... She wants to go back to the park AGAIN?!" He slightly got shocked and began twisting and tossing around his body around his bed.
"Why can't she pick something else?! Just anything besides the amusement park!"
But as he tries processing this, he then feels accostumed to her wish.
"... Although. I guess we did have fun today."
"... Yeah sure."
"You win, Naddy...."
He then tries typing out something as a message for her as his tired eyes begin closing out of drowsyness.
"We can go back to the park if you'd like. And maybe even go somewhere else you might find cool."
"Catch you tomorrow!"
~The End~
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adwox · 1 year
started mmz yesterday......... umm this shit rules!!!!!!
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sweetpayaso · 1 year
I’m so sorry if I’m taking too long to post new art. I really wish I could draw quicker, so that my blog doesn’t become boring and people unfollow me because of it.
I’ve been too hot and worn out to do anything lately and the lack of online stimulation is starting to affect my mental health.
I see people post art daily and wish I could be as active as them. I’m trying so hard to finish stuff, I promise.
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
Finished a survey abt AI that, of the described uses of it in the military, involved multiple deaths that were p clearly due to the AI being used for a task inappropriate for AI use, and the only thing they wanted to know after was ‘did I consider the AI to be like a friend?’
I don’t even want to know what their final study goal is bc whatever it is, I think they might be missing some other key parts of studying AI, like, ‘if we use it in a military situation, should it still be used if we know it doesn’t have the ability to reason well enough or with enough nuance to not get ppl killed.’ Which was the sort of question I was expecting, but nah. Those ppl are dead BUT would u go get a smoothie after work with the AI and if so what flavour. This is the only important thing to consider when using AI to us. Please tell us in detail why u chose the flavour u did AND would u share with the AI if it chose a different flavour than u. Fucking just kill me and ask the AI if it feels i was a friend to it or not lmao
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infamous-if · 1 month
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Hi guys! sorry for the delay there was a reason for it
I fucked up my files and lost all the work I did over the few months for the chapter 2 rewrite...like all of it, im really bummed out about it. and like an idiot ive been playtesting the wrong, unfinished outdated chapter 2 lol
im ngl I did have a pretty long cry earlier which is why I took a while...and im crying now writing this lol
I know it's a wip and these things happen but I worked really hard on 200k+ words of chapter 2 to see it improved and to see it all gone and fucked up really really sucks. I value infamous really highly and am pretty hard on myself so when I dont feel like I deliver what I want to deliver it's really hard for me to move on from that. I was really excited to have this all out at once and now I feel completely disheartened. I know I just have to pick myself up and just get back to work and rewrite chapter 2 but right now im just really upset
anyway, sorry to kill the mood this is probably the worst vibe killer ever lmao I hope everyone is excited! I said I was going to release chapter 3 for band tier and thats what im doing. You'll play the prologue + chapter 1 but will have to input some variable stuff for chapter 3. I hope having chapter 3 can make up for the loss of chapter 2
Chapter 3 is 140K words.
What to expect:
perform the first week and see the outcome
quality time with ROs
there is an explicit scene with an RO (it's skippable) so be mindful of that !
forgot to mention that I am completely rehauling the stats (again) as well due to the new flavor text options in chapter 1 because I feel like the stats still dont encompass the broad range now that there's different canonical types of MCs but yeah not like it matters rn since you'll just input it in aha!
I find chapter 3 to be the most lighthearted of all chapters for me so I hope you guys like it. if there's any inconsistencies (there might be due to lack of chapter 2 context or whatnot), errors, passages missing etc etc.
ill be around to fix any bugs and stuff but I think im going to take a day or two to refresh because im really fucking sad lol
hope you guys enjoy it!
available for band tier
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icewons · 4 months
friends to lovers with jake … very long btw ..
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pairing. bff idol!jake x non idol!yn ( gn!reader. )
synopsis. jake and yn have been best friends before enhypen debuted, as yn watched their one and only best friend live his dream, they started to notice one of jake’s bandmates, but jake does not like that yn’s attention is on someone else.
genre. fluff, bad humor, friends to lovers, confession, loser jake, um jake is very dumb here, kms jokes, swearing, smau / texting.
featuring. enhypen members, intak of p1h && ningning of aespa.
💌 — requests are open !!
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💭 — i made this while on writers block and it was actually fun to make, if you have any requests, pls send them my way cuz i wanna do this again 😭 sorry its so long, i didnt want to make multiple parts. but i hope you enjoyed this anyway !! ty for reading. <3
kinda proof read, but i tend to miss things, so if theres a spelling error or anything, js ignore </3
tags : @enhaas @starchasing-cryptid @lavendersloane @academiq
idea by @wnyngz :3. tysm darling !!
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