#sorry for drawing so much booster
ast-art · 5 months
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Who is he talking to?
Image this is based on
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jkthy · 9 months
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do i love you?
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thwackk · 2 years
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get ponied, idiot
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bonebrokebuddy · 6 months
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Ngl I kinda forgot how much I like drawing. I never really share my art so i hope y’all don’t mind the sketchdump!
@stealingyourbones i didn’t realize you graffitied my sketchbook with Philly until now u cretin
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absolutely-esme · 1 month
I have seen too many posts where a time traveling member of the JL decides to kill Danny to prevent Dan from happening and not nearly enough where they decide to kill Vlad for the same reason.
Even if a hero was pushed to the point of preemptively killing one of the two people Dan was made from in order to prevent his creation, why would they pick the one who is currently both a hero and a kid instead of the one who's already a villain and a grown ass adult?
Also, it would be so much more fun to read about Vlad getting hunted down by Booster Gold or scrambling to try and stay one step ahead of the world's fastest man while desperately trying to figure out which of his evil schemes they found out and got this hero's attention and pissed them off this much.
Was it bugging his nemesis's house? He can see how that probably looks bad out of context, but he swears the video surveillance of a teenager's bedroom was regular supervillain creepiness, not other types of creepiness!
Edit: Two things.
First off, my wording about having seen too many of the other thing was intended playfully. I am not putting those fics down. You don't have to justify it to me, and I am genuinely sorry if I came across as antagonistic. I think everyone should be allowed to write whatever they want and I don't expect it all to adhere to my likes and dislikes.
That said, I wanted to address something else. I've gotten a few different people just talking about how they would have no reason to target Vlad because of what looks like an older version of Danny, and I wanted to clarify.
Here's the thing: Dan does not look like an older version of Danny, he looks like a fusion of Danny and Vlad.
Unless someone they have reason to believe tells them that Danny grows up to be Dan, there's no reason for them to assume that Danny and Dan are the same person (especially considering that Dan is a name the fans came up with and not something the character himself went by).
So this time traveler sees a teen hero fighting an adult villain both of whom share differing physical characteristics with the Future threat, and the most likely conclusion to draw is that it's a Conner scenario.
Alternately, maybe they did actual research on the origins of the threat before time traveling instead of just hoping that murdering the first person they saw with a familial-level resemblance to the threat would prevent him from going on a rampage.
Here are some pictures of them
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See how much Dan gets from Vlad's side?
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janeyseymour · 7 months
Love Thy Neighbor- pt 5
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4
Summary: Melissa helps you out. It's not helping the feelings that you have for her.
WC: ~2.15k
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You’ve been teaching for a few weeks at Abbott a this point now, and you are eternally grateful for this job. You get to take Ellie with you to school, you don’t have to race around to pick her up after. The staff is nice enough, and your kids are wonderful. They absolutely adore you more than anything. Receiving drawings and cards is an almost daily occurrence, and it melts your heart- your students out in Utah never did things like this. 
You work closely with Melissa during your preps to make sure that your room is going well, and any questions that you have you’re able to ask her. She’s so willing to help you with both big problems (realizing that you have no teacher’s manual for the science unit that you’re set to start the next week) and the small (standing in between your classrooms when you have to use the bathroom so desperately you’re afraid you’re going to get a UTI).
( “Fuck,” you curse softly during your prep while you’re ripping every drawer and cabinet open in your room.
“What’s going on, hun?” She magically appears in your doorway. “You look frazzled, and I can hear the cabinets opening and closing over in my room.”
“Shoot, sorry,” you turn and sigh softly. “I can’t find the science manual that I’m supposed to be basing these science lessons off of.”
“That may be my fault,” the redhead admits with a smirk. “I hated it, so I burnt it and made up my own lessons. You have all the materials for what you have to get done, and I can help you out at home tonight if you bring your planner home.”
“I’ll make dinner.”
You’re squirming in your chair, desperate for the bathroom. But your kids are taking a test, and every time you pop your head out the door, there is no one there for you to pull into your room for a quick three minutes while you rush down the hall to relieve yourself.
Melissa appears in your door though to ask you a quick question, and she can immediately see the discomfort written into your face.
“Are you okay?” she asks softly as she makes her way over to your desk.
You shake your head. “I really have to-”
“Go,” is all she has to say for you to take off in the direction of the bathroom.
You come back a few minutes later, much more relaxed now. “Thank you. What’s up?”
“Just came to see if you needed any copies made- I’m sending Ashley to do some… woman’s driving me nuts lately.”
You roll your eyes fondly. “There’s a stack of papers there to be copied and filed if you want to send her in… and I can always come up with other ways to keep her occupied and out of your hair.”
“That would be great,” the redhead smiles at you softly. “Thanks.” )
All of these situations at school, combined with the ones at home are not helping the feelings that you have developed for the fiery redheaded second grade teacher.
At school, she’s sweet enough, but outside of school hours… it’s even worse.
You have your car now, but she still insists on carpooling with you.
( “It’s more cost efficient, and Jacob isn’t on my ass about burning too many fossil fuels now that we come in together,” she rolls her eyes.
“At least let me drive,” you sigh.
“Her booster is already in my car,” Melissa retaliates. “Just get in.” )
Ellie insists on spending time with her whenever she can, and when you think that it’s getting to be too much for Melissa, she’s waving you off and telling you that having the two of you around is the best thing that’s happened to her. She helps Ellie with homework while you’re lesson planning, she insists on making dinner at least twice a week, your little girl is on her hip at dismissal everyday and falls asleep- only for the redhead to shush everyone around her before she carries her out to the car, the two watch cartoons together and snuggle… she’s really stepped up and stepped in for your daughter when she needed some extra love and care.
And with doting on Ellie the way that she does, she’s also doting on you.
( “You eating enough?” she asks you one day when she sees that you’ve hardly touched your meal. You’re instead pouring over your kids’ essays and grading them frantically.
“I’ll eat after I finish grading these and putting them in,” you wave her off. “You and Ellie eat.”
“We already did, Momma,” your daughter says from the couch, reaching for the television remote. How’d she get there?
Before you can respond, there’s a forkful of gnocchi being held up to your mouth, and Melissa is sitting there giving you a look that says not to argue.
“Thank you,” you sigh softly as you open your mouth. She feeds you the rest of your dinner, despite your daughter begging for attention from the redhead.
Only when you’re finished eating does the woman go and pull the little girl on the couch into her lap.
You continue to grade until you have both of them standing at your side. Or, Melissa is standing at your side while Ellie is clinging to her, settled on her hip.
“Momma, you have to come tuck me,” your little girl yawns out. “Miss Mel said it’s bedtime.”
You glance up at the clock to see that it is indeed Ellie’s bedtime. Your heart melts at the thought that the redhead has so seamlessly integrated herself into your life that she not only knows your daughter’s bedtime, but is able to implement it without your daughter making a fuss over it.
The two of you get the little girl into bed and read with her before flicking off the light. You make your way back to the kitchen table to continue grading, and when you expect her to leave, she instead sits down and takes a hefty portion of the grading that you still have to do. Her glasses are on her face, and her eyes are trained on the work in front of her. She grabs one of the pens that you have sitting on the table and opens it to mark a few things.
You’re so busy watching her that you forget to continue grading yourself. She nudges you gently.
“I’m tryin’ to help you, hun,” she chuckles. “You gotta do some work though too.”
You take the graded papers are start entering them into grade book with a sigh. With the two of you working together, grades get put in rather quickly. You can’t help but grin at her sleepily as she grades the last one for you, and you enter the number. 
“I think you just saved my life,” you sigh softly. You lay a gentle hand over hers and squeeze it gently.
“I think you need some sleep, hun,” she tells you gently. “Get to bed, and I’ll see myself out.”
“Or we could just hang out on the couch?” you suggest. “I like when you’re here with me… and I love when it’s me, you, and El, but having some adult time is nice.”
She chuckles but nods and leads you to the couch. She settles into the corner of it, and you slide in next to her, grabbing a blanket.
It’s warm, it’s domestic, it’s cozy. Her arm is draped around you lazily, your head nuzzled into the crook of her neck as you curl up and find a program to watch.
You doze off, and you’re not quite sure for how long because the next thing you know Ellie is climbing on top of you with tears in her eyes. Melissa is still there with you, eyes opening blearily.
“Momma,” the little girl whines and settles herself, half in your lap and half in Melissa’s. “Miss Mel.”
“What’s wrong, sweetness?” you ask her gently, teasing the little wisps at the base of her neck. You press a delicate kiss to her temple, and you see Melissa also move the arm not wrapped around you to soothingly rub your daughter’s back.
“Bad dream,” she mumbles as she lays against the two of you.
You sigh softly. “Do you want to talk about it, or try to head back off to dreamland?”
“Dreamland,” she yawns as she rubs her eyes. “But I want you and Miss Mel with me.”
At the mention of her, the redhead’s eyes widen just slightly.
“Please,” Ellie mumbles as she curls into your neighbor’s side. “Please.”
“Momma will come lay with you,” you try to placate softly. You attempt to pull her into your arms, but she desperately reaches for the woman next to you. “We won’t all fit in your bed, sweet girl,” you tell her.
“Momma’s bed,” she mumbles as she wiggles out of your hold and into Melissa’s. The redhead glances at you, and you shrug.
Knowing that if you deny Ellie right now, she will have a meltdown, and you just don’t have it in you to deal with that. You nod, praying to God that your room is clean.
“Mel can stay for a little bit,” Melissa tells the little girl in her arms. “Until you fall asleep.”
The three of you make your way to your bedroom, Ellie sandwiched between the two of you in bed. Ellie clings to the redhead as she starts to fall back asleep. Melissa hums a sweet little tune before she quietly starts to sing a lullaby in a different language. You realize that it’s Italian quickly, and her voice is so gentle and smooth- even at the soft volume. While it lulls your daughter to sleep, it also lulls you to sleep. 
When you wake up again to your alarm, Ellie’s little head pops up from Melissa’s chest before flopping back down gently. If the redhead wasn’t already awake, she is now. “Oof.”
“You stayed,” Ellie whispers.
“I didn’t really have a choice when you decided to use me as your body pillow,” the woman chuckles softly.
You look over at your girl, who is in fact fully on top of Melissa the way that she usually lays on you after a nightmare.
“Oopsies,” Ellie grins. She doesn’t look sorry in the slightest. Then she jumps up. “Time to see Mrs. Howard?”
“Yeah, sweetness,” you chuckle. You love that she adores her kindergarten teacher. “After we get ready, and you have to let Miss Melissa up.”
She uses the two of you as launchpads to sprint into her bedroom, and the two of you fall back into the pillows gently. You turn your head to look at her.
“Thank you,” you say softly, a smile on your face.
“Being here for El and me,” you sigh. “It’s made this adjustment to this new life a lot easier.”
Her eyes are so warm as they stare into your own, and she flits her gaze down to your lips.
As much as you want to kiss her right now, you know you shouldn’t. It would be unprofessional… and you have morning breath. Instead, you throw the blankets back on your side and roll out of bed.
She watches you. She’s thought you were gorgeous for quite some time now, but in the morning when you’re just you and not ‘Miss Y/N’ may be her favorite look of yours.
“Stop,” you laugh awkwardly as you feel her gaze while you try to pick out your outfit. “I look like a mess right now, and you should be getting ready for work too.”
“You’re stunning,” she tells you honestly. “But yes… I should probably head over to my apartment to get ready.” She rolls out of bed and starts to make her way out when you catch her arm gently.
“Thank you,” you say softly as you squeeze her arm.
“Of course.”
She heads for the front door, and you can hear Ellie yelling her goodbyes from her bedroom.
“I’ll be back in a little bit,” the redhead promises. “And then we’ll go to school together. I think your momma’s driving too.” The door closes after that, and as you get ready, you let your mind wander about what would change if you decided to just say fuck it and kiss her again. The two of you would probably end up together… 
But really, with her across the hall and practically being a part of your family already, what more would change? Not much. But if you were to date and then split? That would be… hell.
Maybe she’s worth the risk though. You shrug in the mirror and shake your head as you try to focus on what has to be done today.
Maybe with time… only time will tell. 
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
Butterflies Aren't Just for Kids
Part 2 of Crushes Aren't Just for Kids
Pairing: JLU!Bruce Wayne x fem!JL!reader
Summary: Bruce hasn't asked you out yet, despite the League's interest in your new relationship. When he finally has enough and takes you away from their prying eyes and endless questions, you tell him why you hid your feelings for so long.
Warnings: fluff!!! John, Diana, and Wally get warnings for being nosy
Word Count: 1.6k+ words
A/N: Have I mentioned that I love this show? I considered basing this on The Once and Future Thing (s1 finale) but think that would be better as an independent rewrite. Also, I love Wally so much!!
Picture from Pinterest
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Plenty has changed since Morgaine Le Fay turned you, Bruce, Clark, Diana, and John into kids and back into adults to defeat her son. Bruce learned about your crush on him, as did John and Diana, and Bruce hinted that he’d ask you out soon. Being a superhero vigilante is a full-time job, though, and he has yet to find the time to do that.
Every time you set foot in the Watchtower, John and Diana give you questioning looks. You can tell they want to pry and hear about what’s happening with you and Bruce, but you also know they won’t believe you when you say nothing. Luckily, you still have easy access to all the hiding places Bruce installed in the multi-million-dollar space base.
While you sit in the cafeteria and eat, your thoughts drift to Bruce. He’s off somewhere fighting an alien with Clark, yet all you want is another quiet moment at his side.
“Hey,” Wally greets as he sits.
“Hi, Walls,” you reply with a smile.
“What’s up with all the weird looks?”
“What do you mean?”
Wally looks down and quickly counts the food items on his four trays. He speeds back into the cafeteria for another pudding, and you brace yourself for the wind that follows his return.
“Everyone keeps looking at you like there’s something big happening. They used to look at me like that, but you’re hogging my attention,” Wally answers.
“Sorry about that.”
“Seriously, it’s impossible to miss all of the looks. John and Diana look ready to snap every time you walk into the room.”
“I hadn’t noticed,” you lie. “I’m sure whatever they think is happening will pass soon and all eyes will be back on you.”
“As they should be, right?”
“Right, Walls.”
You excuse yourself, but not before you offer your cake to Wally. You ignore the looks Wally mentioned as you walk toward J’onn’s station in the heart of the Watchtower.
“J’onn, can you send me home? I don’t think I’ve got anything else to do up here,” you request.
“Certainly. I’ll let you know if we need you to return.”
A light blinds you temporarily, and when you open your eyes, you realize someone must have told J’onn you have a new home.
“I have got to talk to John about boundaries,” you mumble as you begin the short walk to Wayne Manor.
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A few days later, you haven’t even seen Bruce. You’ve been pining after him for years, though, so what’s a few more days before that date he said he’d take you on? As long as it isn’t a theme park, you think as you walk through the Watchtower.
“We need to talk,” Diana says as she pulls you into a corner.
“About what?” you ask.
“You and Bruce,” John answers, stepping out of the shadows.
“What is this, an intervention? There’s nothing to talk about!” you whisper harshly.
“What happened after we left?” Diana inquires.
“He took me home. If you must know, he implied that he’d ask me out, but that is it! He may not even like me anymore.”
John shakes his head with a knowing look on his face. He can read you too well to lie to him.
“Look, I’m trying to be patient and wait for him to decide, ask, whatever, but it is getting very hard to do with you two drawing attention to us! Booster Gold asked me where the boyfriend was, and he didn’t even know who he was talking about!”
“Booster never knows what he’s talking about,” John argues.
“That is not the point.”
John smirks before he asks, “So, when you and Bruce have kids, do you think they’ll look like you two did in Mordred’s kingdom?”
The door behind Diana opens, and you realize you’ve been having this conversation outside Bruce’s workshop. While he was in it.
“Stop,” Bruce demands.
Diana nudges you, and you push her away. You’ll do something, but not because she encouraged you to, because you want to.
“What?” you ask with an exaggerated pout. “You don’t want to have kids with me, Brucie?”
Bruce rolls his eyes at your reply, but John and Diana stay beside you despite his bat glare.
“Are you going to ask her out?” Diana asks. “Because we’re all waiting for you to do something.”
“Clearly,” Bruce replies. “We’re leaving. Lantern. Diana.”
Before John or Diana can speak again, J’onn transports you and Bruce away. They’re left facing each other with a few answers and more questions.
“Where do you think they went?” Diana inquires.
“I’m- I’m not sure I want to think about that,” John answers slowly. “She is my friend, you know.”
“So is he.”
“Yeah,” John says, his voice laced with sarcasm and disbelief. “Sure, he is. Best friend, really.”
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When you arrive in the manor, pressed to Bruce’s side just as you were in the amusement park, you don’t hesitate to turn and hug him. Bruce’s arms wrap around you loosely, and you step back when Alfred enters the living room.
“I’ll assume you’re the reason I’ve been getting so many dirty looks and questions from the League?” Bruce asks.
His lips are up at the edges, and you think he will smile at any moment. You can’t tell by looking at him, but Bruce feels like a kid again when he’s with you. He didn't experience childhood like he should have, so he lets himself be genuine with you. He’s done wasting time, he decides.
“You know, I’ve been fighting by your side for a long time,” you say. “But your hugs are way better than your grappling hooks.”
Bruce shakes his head and leads you toward the couch before Alfred returns with popcorn, a tray of snacks, and your favorite drink that you did not ask for nor mention. You thank him, and he winks at you quickly. He’s glad to see Bruce happy and to have visitors in the manor again.
“I should’ve hugged you sooner,” you muse as you reach for the food. “Could have been spending time here for years by now.”
“Why didn’t you say anything before?” Bruce asks softly.
“Why didn’t you?” you counter. You lick your lips before answering, “You’re important to me, Bruce. I didn’t want to jeopardize our relationship or the team, or, worse, put you in danger by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. There were too many unknowns.”
“So, you planned to, what? Wait until I said something?”
“Caged butterflies,” you whisper. “Cages don’t hold them very well. I would’ve said something eventually, but Morgaine put me in a position where I didn’t have to.”
“Then, technically, John told me.”
“You’re a jerk, you know that?”
Bruce smiles, and the butterflies you felt as a kid revive to create a hurricane in your heart. He leans in and brushes his lips over your cheek before saying, “I’ve been told… I’ve also been told crushes aren’t just for kids.”
“Jerk,” you mumble again as you turn your face toward Bruce.
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“Oh! Oh!” John yells when you step out of J’onn’s transporter and onto the Watchtower. “Someone’s glowing. How them butterflies feeling?”
“Like kids again,” you answer honestly. “I guess I should thank you for forcing me to do something.”
“Lanterns have been making dreams come true for millennia.”
“There’s no way that’s true.”
“You don’t know that. You’re not a Lantern, or a mind reader.”
“It’s not true,” J’onn calls without looking away from his console.
“Man, we need better friends,” John tells you.
“You are my better friend.”
“Save that lovey stuff for the boyfriend.”
“I thought he was Diana’s boyfriend,” you argue, tilting your head as you hide your smile.
“The ploy of a mastermind to learn the truth,” John answers with a shrug.
“You really are spending too much time with Wally.”
John stands and beckons you to follow him. You do so wordlessly, but you run into someone as you round a corner beside him. Bruce grasps your arms gently to keep you upright before dropping his head to look at you.
“Here comes the bride,” Wally sings under his breath.
You and Bruce look up quickly, surprised to see Wally has joined John, and they are watching your interaction with far too much interest.
“And that’s why we’re glad Wally wasn’t included in Mordred’s spell,” you grumble against Bruce’s chest.
“What spell?” Wally asks. He doesn’t give anyone time to answer before he rambles, “Hey, have you told her about your childhood, Bats? I mean, you’re definitely a loner now, but good luck learning anything about him; he’s one tough walnut to crack.”
“I know,” you and John say together.
Bruce tightens his grip on you before requesting J’onn send him home. The Watchtower is no longer a haven from Gotham, not with the League’s new favorite topic of conversation: you and Batman.
“We should buy a vacation house,” Bruce says as you open your eyes in Gotham.
“Yeah. In Coast City, where Ollie can find us and bring the rest of the fan club,” you joke.
Bruce stays quiet for a moment, and you begin to ask him what’s wrong, but he cuts you off.
“Get ready. We’re going on that date I promised,” he says.
“You never actually asked,” you point out.
“Will you go on a date with me?” Bruce asks.
“I’d love to.”
“Then go get ready. I’m taking you somewhere we can be ourselves.”
“Where could you possibly take me that Bruce Wayne won’t be recognized? And if you say an amusement park I will walk out right now.”
“I was thinking Metropolis. The roof of the Daily Planet. I called in a few favors.”
“I take it back. You weren’t a cute kid… you’re still cute.”
“And you still have trouble with maintaining eye contact.” Bruce leads you to the stairs and spreads his hand over your lower back before he whispers, “We’ll work on it.”
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jrow · 4 months
May Prompts (25)
Day 24 here. Start from the beginning here. Day 26 here.
He may not be Sherlock Holmes, but he trusts his intuition.
In fact, right now his intuition is probably a hell of a lot more reliable than Sherlock’s. He’s seen what Sherlock will do when blinded by anger.
It’s time for Captain Watson to take control.
“Don’t look out the window,” he hisses through a smile. “Keep looking at me or Rosie. Look happy.”
“But John—“ Sherlock argues, gesticulating wildly.
“Sherlock. Trust me.” He knows his tone leaves no room for argument. Even from the great Sherlock Holmes.
Sherlock freezes and then starts fidgeting slightly awkwardly. He seems almost … flustered. But then he gives a tiny nod and plasters on a fake smile while keeping his eyes firmly on Rosie.
“Good. Now, you are going to get up and go order two coffees. And I am going to call Mrs. Hudson and ask her to pick up Rosie from here.” He looks at his daughter who is happily scribbling with the crayons and blank paper they brought. He thinks maybe he can see some hearts among her chaos of lines. “We aren’t doing anything until we get Rosie out of here.”
That seems to get through to Sherlock. “Right. Of course. Coffees.”
They proceed with their tasks and soon are back at the table, pretending to have a normal conversation while they wait for their landlady. It’s excruciating.
“Who is he?” Sherlock asks, leaning back in his chair, the picture of relaxation.
“I don’t remember his name but he was on the scene at the … Smith abduction case maybe? Something around that time.” He takes a drink of coffee. “And the bastard has been one of the constables assigned to my room too. Changed his hair and shaved off his moustache but definitely the same guy.”
“Of course, I should have known. No man in their right mind would dye their hair that colour. He’s hoping you won’t make the connection,” Sherlock says, picking up one of the crayons and drawing a happy face beside Rosie’s scribbles. She giggles and snatches the crayon from his hand, having decided she needs the yellow at this very instant. “He seems to think he has a lot to lose. I have no doubt he’s planning an escape—somewhere in Europe most likely.”
To anyone else, he’s sure Sherlock sounds calm, but he hears the quiet fury lacing every word.
He doesn’t know what to say, so they sit in silence for a moment. He drinks his coffee and Sherlock and Rosie play a game of keep away with the crayons.
“I wonder how Larkin got mixed up in all this. Hate to say it, but I feel a bit sorry for the guy,” he finally says, mostly to pass the time.
“That’s easy,” Sherlock says, keeping his focus on Rosie. “Constable Needs-to-Die happened upon Mr. Larkin in the midst of some crime. Something serious that would come with significant jail time. The constable looked the other way in exchange for a major favour, which he called in when he decided he needed to get you out of the picture.” A pause. “Feel no sympathy. Robert Larkin got exactly what he deserved.”
That rather somber sentiment is quickly dissipated by Rosie’s squeals of delight and calls of “Nana” that announce Mrs. Hudson’s arrival. She’s trying to jump down from the booster even before Mrs. Hudson made her way through the door.
“What did you tell her?” Sherlock asks quietly, leaning close.
“Just that I … errr… just that I was hoping to have a little extra time alone with you,” he says, feeling the heat in his cheeks rise. It’s not that far from the truth, really, but feels like a confession of sorts.
Mrs. Hudson swoops in and hugs Rosie before Sherlock can respond. “There’s my little princess, let’s get you in your pushchair. We are going to have so much fun!” For a woman pushing 80, Mrs. Hudson is impressively spry. She quickly gets everything together (eschewing all help), including getting Rosie all buckled in without a fuss.
“Thank you, Mrs. Hudson,” Sherlock says, his voice neutral but his toe tapping rather aggressively.
“It’s my pleasure, boys. You two have fun,” Mrs. Hudson replies with a wink. “Don’t get into too much trouble.” Her words are light but there’s a look in her eye that makes him think she understands the urgency. In a flash, she and Rosie are gone.
He tries to pick up his coffee but his hands are shaking in anticipation of what’s to come. And relief that, whatever happens, Rosie is safe in Baker Street. Where she belongs.
It’s also relief that he is here with Sherlock, about to do … whatever it is they are about to do. Together. It’s where they belong.
“John,” Sherlock says, forcefully. “Rosie is safe. It’s time to do things my way now.”
Time to follow intuition once again.
“Dear god, yes.”
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simp999 · 1 year
I feel this is cringe but it itches the back of my mind like no other… since it’s late 60s early 70s in tf2, mercs reaction to there being a new recruit who is a female pilot? I’m sorry if this sounds like? Hyper specific ? But she’s like hot biker/pilot bitch who is like the epitome of Cool Girl (tm) flared ripped jeans and tight tank tops yk?
I'm so sorry about how long it took to make this and how short it is, I'm trying to do all my requests in order of what I received em ww
TF2 Mercs x Badass Fem Pilot! Reader Headcannons
Wc: 730
Themes: uhh Fluff? Romantic and platonic depends on character
A/N: Sniper bias whoop
A/N 2: okay so. I try to stray away from fem reader stuff but this THIS is a complete exception because I love the idea sm
Taglist: @emotionally-alive-sniper @moopy-milk @skeleton-stomper-xoxo @emotionallyunwellmedic @physically-robotic-medic
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
-God,, he is immediately in love with your style and vibes.
-Yes, in a simpery way
-Will absolutely fumble on words and flirt miserably
-"Hey girl are you a pilot cause uh you’re really cool"
-Absolutely will find clothes that he thinks suits your style and be your #1 hypeman 
-Wants to touch all the buttons
-Does respect the effort and time you’ve put into training definetly. But is always asking you to prove yourself
-Okay you can pilot but can you do 30 pushups. Right here right now.
-Doesn’t think of you any differently if you’re female
-A new cool friend!!
-Just an adorable little goober. Okay maybe they get to sit in the front sometimes
-Loves loves loves making drawings of you and them and planes!!!! And clouds
-Protective older brother.
-He is SO overprotective of you. You remind him too much of his sisters.
-You’re strong just like them but,, it’s just scary, y’know? He misses them
-Often just kinda chills around- and won’t stand for ANY harassment or anything rude. AHEM spy AHEM
-And the clear bias for you? It’s honestly funny at times
-He definetly makes you sandviches and just. Silently takes care of you
-Rocket boosters for the planes. He’s gonna bring it up on multiple occasions
-Makes you little plane trinkets out of wood and stuff!! Pyro paints them :]
-Is so interested in infodumping about mechanical stuff with you- he’s glad he has somebody that just. GETS HIM yknow?
-If you need someplace to go chill away from the chaos that the mercs usually bring, the workshop’s your go-to. Late night convos are the best with this man
-Treats you like one of the guys
-Respectfully ofc but. You’re getting noogies
-Will be offering you beer n stuff, he treats you like a really good friend
-Lives for your vibes
-He thinks you’re so badass!! Hell yeah!!!
-Kay so. You probably had to go through lots of training right?? So!;
-Rivalry for first aid.
-Hear me out
-Everyone all of a sudden wants you to help make them feel better when they get small injuries because of the one time you mentionned you had to do a buttload of first-aid courses
-So. Lots of who can make it to the scene and get (injured person) back on their feet the quickest
-Does ask you if you’ve ever expirinenced or witnessed anything wild- such as big crashes, and how people dealt with the situations
-Loves your stories despite pretending to hate you- it’s just a friendly rivalry!
-He’s not one to really apprach you, but he does definetly admire you from a distance.
-He thinks you’re too cool for him :( 
-But eventually one day, you’ll ctach him stargazing- and you’d have the amazing idea of bringing him for a ride just the two of you so that you can see the stars
-.God maybe he just fell in love I MEAN WHAT????? ANYWAys
-He LOVES stargazing with you!!
-You get to tell eachother stories and it’s overall really calming- a nice from the hectic mercenary life
-He also happens to know a fair bit about constellations, so he’ll infodump unconsiously if you let him :) 
-Spyyyy… dislikes your ideals, and has traditional values
-Not a fan of the way you hold yourself, but will eventually warm up a bit
-Im sorry,, I just don’t like Spy aheh anyways
-You probably end up showing off your skills- not of purpose though, just- you seen a natural at what you do, and that’s when he sees that maybe there’s a reason you’re such a big deal
(Bonus!) All:
-They all fight over who gets to sit in the passenger seat. Some are more civil about it, for example Engineer or Heavy- but they still want to sit in the front for their own reasons. You may have walked into the room only to find all the mercs fighting iver who’s calling shotgun for the next ride.
“No. Heavy will sit next to pilot for protection. Is only fair.”
“Ya’ll- I have some things I’d like to see up close in the cockpit, I think I should be next.”
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sweeteacrummble · 3 months
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Haaaw YEAH!! Super Sonico Style!
WHaA!?! Do I look familiar to you!?!
pfft HA your silly
Huh? Who is this Amy you talking about?
UHhhhhhhhhhh nope, don't know who you're talking about. Never mind about me, LET"S SPAR! You and Me! 1v1! I'm in it to win it da ze!
Tails: How's the booster pack running Amy
Amy: Oh it's running great-- oh😑
sorry for the short fanfic.
Amy has been on my mind so I draw her in a sonic suit. I always imagine Amy as this magical girl who dresses up before encountering a fight. It just so happens that one of her outfits looks identical to Sonic. Her hammer is her shoes which give her more weight and slows her down but with Tails booster pack she can run super close to Sonic speed. Though she hopes one day she can catch up to him.
Anyway, that's about it
I'm feeling VeggieTales so
God made you special and he loves you very much,
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I have a question about werewolves/lycanthropy that started before I read the story (just based on the poster.) The story kind of touches on my question, but I'll ask it anyway for clarity.
So, the poster frames lycanthropy as a thing you Do Not Want to have. Is there some resentment toward this attitude by werewolves (or however you would call those people in-story)? Or do they agree/not mind?
Essentially, do werewolves in general think of lycanthropy as something they live with but would not want others to experience, or as a part of their personhood that shouldn't be shamed/dreaded etc.?
Sorry if I'm reading too much into this. I know these are fictional people. I also know that the answer, if there is one, is probably "It's complicated." Groups of people think differently about their own status. I myself am autistic and projecting a bit haha. (Autistic person vs. person with autism, werewolf vs. person with lycanthropy.)
I'm just curious about the intent of the author and what (if any) real world subjects your interpretation of lycanthropy is based on (eg. Herpes, as mentioned in the story.)
Thanks for tolerating my overthinking!
I adore that someone thought about my writing for more than a moment, so I am happy to get any ask about it.
In-universe, it is the Office’s official position that abnormality of any kind is to be controlled and moderated, if not eliminated. As we saw in the Psychotronics program, that had exceptions based on imperial needs and wants. Over the near-century of its existence, it’s softened its position on already-existing abnormality among non-staff, as Jethro alluded to. Among staff, avoiding things like lycanthropy if you don’t already have it is standard, and so vaccinations and boosters are required. The posters say that because it’s the Office policy.
Among the abnormal population, it’s probably true that while people with lycanthropy do consider it part of their personhood, many of them understand the downsides enough to accept medical assistance in controlling the condition and spread. There are as you mentioned different opinions on it, but many afflicted people are warmed up to people like Jethro even if they aren’t too hot on the Office itself. It helps that Jethro is himself a man with lycanthropy.
However, both the average lycan and Office personnel understand that there’s a difference between assisting with the negative aspects of a specific condition and attempting to eradicate it, which was Office policy in the past. Eradicating a condition can be only a small step from eradicating a people.
On a level of authorial intent, I am careful not to draw a direct comparison between specific real life people groups and werewolves/lycanthropes. That’s been done in recent memory and I don’t think it turned out well for anyone. But I think I do draw some allusions to crimes and oppression the United States has perpetrated against different groups of people - not to make a statement about the people, but about the historic sins of America.
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boyswhowawa · 11 months
The Undead Of Winter, Introduction
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The Undead of Winter
two slugcats, forever bound to walk the world
things that will forever haunt them echo on the icy winds
things that will forever hurt them watch in dark shadows
but there is never a lack of hope for healing from the things that hide on the edge of your reality
[ A bit more info, Character references, and a special message at the end under the cut! ]
first things first,
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The Saint, also called Wallow, White, or Blender
This little guy has gone through. Far. Far too much. But we'll see how things go for him from here
(Pronouns are He/Its)
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The Artificer, also called Beasty, Bomber, Heretic, or Booster
This not so little guy has also been through a lot, she's become something a bit more than a little violent rodent nowadays though...
(Pronouns He/She/They)
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almost Immediately when I shared the Saint's design with some friends, my friend @draagu (sorry if tagging's not alright let me know and I will nnot do it again) was like "I wanna hug him" (since then I've had at least 5 people say the same thing lasjdfl;akdfjs;aljsf [As they should this man needs many hugs])
so I doodled that
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here's a goofier doodle of the two
also featuring a little cameo from some art by @pookapufferfishjsad;lfkjasdf because I did these twos' designs while me and pooka were doing some drawing together
(which was still really fun oh my goodness I'm excited to do it again sometime)
and now!!!
A little bit more of a serious (?? ish??) note
The Undead of Winter is a project I'm really excited for
it's not gonna be anything too massive, but I just hope all who choose to watch and view enjoy the show
this project is going to be very personal for me, I'm leaning on writing styles that comfort me, and choosing to share them because I think it'll be nice, and one thing that comforts me is big angst, and what follows, the big healing
so this is your warning that this one might hurt a little, but it's not my intention to leave you hurting reading this, and i'm sorry if it does
if you're interested in reading along, I'm gonna be tagging all posts related to it with #RW The Undead Of Winter, as well as #RW TUOW
also if you wanna post thoughts or anything like that, please, feel free to come into my asks, or post anything like that with those tags, I really appreciate anything, wether it's constructive criticism, just some gushing about stuff if you feel like it, some feelings it may have given you, or if you doodle anything
I wanna see all of that, preferably, ajsdl;fkaj
I'm gonna have fun doing this
thanks for bearing with me rambling
and i hope you have a good day
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wiihtigo · 6 months
do u have any tips for getting into ocs and developing them tho 🤔😭
Hmm I’ve had ocs in the past and I’ve wondered why I picked and chose favorites among the cast I made and I thjnk for the ones I didn’t gaf about it was because I was forcing myself to make characters filling space because I thought it would make my story look more complete but it just ended up I neglected those ocs because I found nothing about them fun or compelling to spend time on.
With casey I’ve definitely gone full self indulgence which was probably helped by the fact her concept was literally based on a joke self insert character so the fuel for me spending time with her was my intense fixation on booster gold and how much I wanted to destroy hurt kill bite kill punch to death kick kill him 😀
Make things fun for yourself! Don’t shy away from making things that you know you’re already crazy for … I’m not shy about saying casey as a concept is a culmination of a LOT of favorite characters I’ve had in the past like peridot (su), the invader zim and tak storyline, Daffy Duck .. to name a few!
And I spent a long time perfecting her design so that it was fun to draw for me …. I made her a secretary/office lady type character cuz um. I THINK THEYRE HOT? LOL … and I really like that fashion style I draw her in. So she’s almost like a mannequin for me to draw clothes I really like aesthetically. so I really have a lot of fun drawing her ^_^ you can tell by how much I do it LOL
So my number 1 advice in conceptualizing ocs is to make things fun for yourself. Are your favorite charaxters always mad scientists.. you can make one. Do you think rubber aprons are hot. You can give them one. Have you been struggling with your gender identity. You can make your oc a girl with he him probouns. Do you wish columbo was a lesbian.. you can make it happen.
As for development, as soon as I got the basic deets for casey and her role in the story I had for her to paper I found one of those tumbrl oc ask games and just filled out every single question for her. A lot of stuff was made up on the spot but just felt right and most often stuck that way but there’s no shame in making little changes as your oc grows on you and you get better aquatinted with eachother. For example I had the idea initially casey would have rich/well off and well meaning parents who were extremely normal and loved her a lot and it would be kind of a meet the robinsons “THEY ALL HATED ME” dynamic. But I quickly changed it as I thought more about casey because what I have with her and spider feels more.. fitting.
It also helps a ton if you have a friend willing to lend an ear :) and I don’t mean just 50+ messages discord chats (because those are extremely enlightening too) but I mean just posting and posting and posting about your little guy and getting those precious 4 likes on your lore document. I always take this sort of approach with original stuff LOL IF I POST ABOUT CASEY LIKE A LUNATIC FOREVER EVENTUALLY ILL TRICK EVERYONE INTO THINKING THEYRE CASEY FANS…!!!
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Sorry for the rambly answer! I hope I was able to say at least 1 crumb of helpfulness
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claireelizabeth85 · 4 months
Come Home to Me - John and Lizzy prompts - Angst No.17
The prompt is from this list and is written in italics. Enjoy.
After returning to the base, John dropped Lizzy off at the female quarters.  He continued out to the hardstands.  His head was a mess.  The anger and rage he felt about losing Buck, and the waiting around was driving him crazy.  He felt like a champagne bottle all fizzed up and ready to pop.  He wanted to get the bastards that got his friends, that got Buck, the one man on the planet who understood him better than anyone.  Then there was the heartbreak with Lizzy.  He knew he shouldn’t have said anything to Red so soon after arriving, he had walked straight into that one and when Liz left the ops room, he felt sick, like he had seriously screwed up the one thing that was good in a world full evil.
She was everything to him.  His best friend, his lover, the absolute centre of his universe.  He marvelled at the way she would stand up for herself, curse out the guys who would tell her she couldn’t do something. The way she commanded respect and gave it in return.  She drank and sang – albeit better than he could by a country mile and yet he had allowed his pride to get in his way.
John could see the jeep headlights approaching as he sat in the left hand seat – in Buck’s seat.  No matter if he was command pilot or co pilot, Buck always sat in the left seat.  Ken Lemmons and Lizzy pulled up to the plane and Lizzy jumped out, telling Lemmons to give her a second.
“John? Johnnie, you in here?” Johnnie she only ever called him that when she was worried about him. Lizzy had started to climb through the hatch to get up to him. “Yea Liz, I’m here.  I’ll be out in a sec” as he took a deep draw on his cigarette. Lizzy either didn’t take his answer or hear him as she appeared a second later in the gap between the two pilot seats.
“You, John Egan might be the love of my life, but you are a shitty liar.” She took his almost empty hip flask off his knee and swatter away his hand when he tried to get it back. “So, you’re just going to drink and smoke yourself into oblivion before you fly tomorrow?” Lizzy was still pissed, despite what had been said at the church. “Yup.” John couldn’t bear to look at her, despite knowing he needed her comfort and love.  The guys that went down weren’t just his friends, they were hers too.  She might wear RAF uniform but she’s 100th through and through. 
“John, we’re going to get the fuckers that got our friends, I promise.” John laughed. She was now the morale booster, just like he had been to Buck, telling him that if there were just pilots left, it would have been them two. “Sure, Liz.” He had nothing left.  He didn’t feel anything again. “Chick has me on standby for tomorrow. There are two supernumeraries and I’m taking one from the 95th as we don’t have any forts left.”
Lizzy was so matter-of-fact.  She knew it wasn’t what John wanted to hear and she wasn’t asking his permission but telling what was going to happen.  He slowly turned to look at her.  Her blue eyes, normally so bright and full of life and joy, were dark.  They had lost their sparkle when he didn’t know, but there was so much pain in her eyes, he desperately wanted to comfort her and tell her everything was going to be okay, but he couldn’t.  Even though they had talked things through after the Ops room, she was still determined to get up in the air.
“Do you love me?”  John asked quietly.  He knew what he was asking and where this was going. It would end in tears (possibly for both of them) and the collapse of his world even more, and he wasn’t sorry about it.
“Yes, you know I do.  Why do you ask?” John took a deep breath. “If you love me, you’ll turn down the supernumerary and stay on the ground.  Stay with Chick, Red and Croz.  You decide Lizzy, us or the air.”
Lizzy looked as though she had been slapped. The shock of his question written all over her face.  John could see the tears starting to pool in the centre of her eye, all the conflicting thoughts crossing her mind whilst she tried to reconcile what he was asking.
“Why would you…? How can I…? Why do I have to decide? You’re asking me to choose between you and flying, between you and my career! Two of the most important things in my life. It’s virtually impossible.  How could you ask that of me, John?”
Lizzy waited for him to answer and when he didn’t, she took another long look at him.  The man she loved more than anything wanted her to choose.  “I can’t and I won’t.  I love both things equally and I won’t choose.  If you loved me, like you claimed, you wouldn’t be asking. Be safe tomorrow, John.  Don’t do anything stupid for god’s sake and when you get back, maybe there will be enough of this relationship to salvage.”
He caught her meaning. “You’re not going to be here?” Lizzy turned as she headed down to the hatch. “No. Chick has arranged transport for me to get to the 95th so I can be there ready for tomorrow morning.”
Lizzy was about to leave, but putting her hand on his shoulder, she leaned down and kissed John’s cheek. 
“I do love you, John Egan, I think I always have and probably always will.  I will see you when you get back.”
And with that, she was gone.
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project-do-over · 17 days
Violet_M00n is available
Violet_M00n: Heyyy sorry for the delay! Got caught up with work stuff...
Bookwyrm1982: literally no time has passed.
Violet_M00n: Right. Right. Habit, I guess.
Violet_M00n: Anyway, what else did you want to know about the future?
Bookwyrm1982: Well you said you had AI, right?
Violet_M00n: Well... Yes and no. We have programs people *call* "AI", but they're really just advanced machine learning. They can't actually think or anything, but they can put together a surprisingly human sounding sentence, and draw things that could at first be mistaken for art.
Violet_M00n: But of course it's awful. The results are full of factual errors or have way, way too many fingers, companies are trying to use it to replace creatives, and it burns a ton of energy doing essential nothing of value.
Violet_M00n: So could you go on ChatGPT and talk to a convincing facsimile of a human but underneath it's just a more advanced version of Dr. SBAITSO.
Bookwyrm1982: that's a shame. But then again at least you don't have to worry about them taking over the world, right?
Violet_M00n: Luna, at this point I'd welcome our robot overlords. Better than the fucks we have running things these days.
Bookwyrm1982: Are things that bad?
Violet_M00n: *sighs* no, I suppose not. I still have a job, a family, I can exist in public without fearing persecution, and I'm mostly free to do as I please.
Violet_M00n: But trust me when I say the people who very much want to take that away have much more power than feels comfortable.
Bookwyrm1982: that sounds scary though.
Violet_M00n: More enraging than scary, really. Just so many people who can't or don't want to see things from anyone's point of view from their own.
Violet_M00n: Well, that, and capitalism.
Bookwyrm1982: I thought capitalism was good though?
Violet_M00n: *sigh* we have so much to learn.
Violet_M00n: Honestly though, and you should be able to find these online if not in the library, but read some Marx.
Violet_M00n: It may not resonate a lot yet, but it will.
Bookwyrm1982: I always thought that Communism was a good idea in theory but it needed a global revolution to actually work.
Violet_M00n: You may be on to something there. And someday, hopefully in our lifetime, we may get there. But it's a long, long road. Especially here in America, where it's been used as a boogeyman for like 80 years now.
Violet_M00n: (55 for you)
Bookwyrm1982: Wow, that's.... I'm not sure I want to grow up now.
Violet_M00n: Well maybe your timeline will invent actual time travel and you can keep that wish. Luna knows I wish I could.
Bookwyrm1982: so
Bookwyrm1982: um
Bookwyrm1982: Can we talk about something more fun? Like, what's something good in your time?
Violet_M00n: Well Magic the Gathering is still pretty good.
Bookwyrm1982: We're still playing? I kinda lost interest and stopped following it a year or two ago.
Violet_M00n: Oh yeah, we're still playing, and the game is... Well, it's way different from your time but also at its heart the same.
Violet_M00n: Like it's still Magic but also there's D&D and cowboys and Gandalf, for some reason. It's cool but it's also kinda scary how much they're pumping out.
Bookwyrm1982: Oh that sounds cool! Is it just D&D and LOTR?
Violet_M00n: They've done a ton of crossovers, they call them "Universes Beyond". They've done, let's see...
Violet_M00n: Dr. Who, Warhammer, Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy, they're doing Marvel soon, Transformers (those are Hasbro though so they were among the first), The Walking Dead, Fortnite, Stranger Things (you... Don't know about those yet, don't worry), um, lots more stuff too that I'm forgetting, but those are mostly in like five or ten card bundles.
Violet_M00n: Unlike LotR which was a full set, with boosters and everything. And the best selling set of Magic in all time, unless Bloomburrow has passed that already.
Bookwyrm1982: Really cool! You'll have to send me some pictures sometime!
Violet_M00n: I'll be sure to downscale them appropriately this time!
Bookwyrm1982: What else do we like? Is Star Trek still running?
Violet_M00n: It had a long break there where it seemed we weren't going to get any more Star Trek.
Violet_M00n: But then JJ Abrams (a director/producer of some renown) made a Star Trek movie that was meh, but good enough to get people interest in the franchise again.
Violet_M00n: Soon after that Paramount spun up Star Trek Discovery, which had a rocky start but Grew The Beard soon enough for them to greenlight Star Trek Picard. Then Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, Academy, and probably one or two others I'm forgetting (not to forget Short Treks and Very Short Treks).
Violet_M00n: Prodigy! I forgot Prodigy!
Bookwyrm1982: The online service?
Violet_M00n: No, Star Trek Prodigy. It's a CG animated series for kids made by Nickelodeon.
Bookwyrm1982: You're making that up.
Violet_M00n: I swear, it's true. Lower Decks is animated too, but 2D, and it's for adults and probably the best thing Star Trek has ever created. It's hilarious!
Violet_M00n: SNW follows Captain Pike on the 1701
Bookwyrm1982: And Discovery?
Violet_M00n: Complicated! It starts out pre-TOS but... Spoilers! And Picard is... Also here!
Bookwyrm1982: Is that about young Picard or something?
Violet_M00n: Old Picard, but close.
Bookwyrm1982: Hey my mom... our mom... just told me to get off the computer so
Bookwyrm1982: ttys!
Violet_M00n: See you in literally no time at all!
Bookwyrm1982 is away
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Trish x Reader
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You had recently been going out with a friend of a mutual friend. Her name was Trish and you found out that she lived a lavish lifestyle that she sustained while working as a dominatrix. You had no issues with that and only wondered why she chose to date someone as lame as you. Tonight was special because she was going to introduce you to her infant son. You always wanted to have a family so you were ecstatic and couldn't wait to meet the young boy.
"All right, we're here. I'll be back in a minute." she said as she winked. You were waiting outside of the local day care while sitting inside her luxury car. You weren't sure how you got so lucky but you only hoped it would stay like this. You saw you girlfriend return only to be greeted with a strange man.
"Hey babe, this is my son I told you about. He's two days old but he has a bit of a growth problem so he looks a lot older than he really is. The doctors aren't sure why he's going through puberty so young but I love him just as he is. His name is Vergil but he particularly likes it when you call him V." She introduced you and you stared dumbfounded while she ruffled his hair and placed her son in the booster seat (you swore she must be a witch because there was no way you could get a lanky drifter into a children's car seat.
"How was daycare sweetheart?" The man's face grew uncomfortable and his eyes shifted downward. "Did you make any new friends?" He cringed in disgust. "I don't need friends momma, I have Shadow, Griffon and Nightmare." For someone that was supposedly a baby he could speak remarkably well for his age. "Honey, it's fine to have imaginary friends but you should try to make real ones too." Her son got defensive. "THEY ARE REAL MOMMA, I SAW THEM!"
"Alright..., is there anything you would like for dinner?" V crossed his arms. "Fried chicken." She drove the three of you to her home which happened to be a large mansion. You weren't sure if this or seeing her son was more shocking. Trish ordered takeout and you grabbed some crayons and watched V draw. "This is Griffon, he's a birdie. That's Shadow, she's a kitty cat and that's Nightmare. I don't know what he is but he visits me in my dreams and I wake up screaming every night." You were mortified. "Why don't we go watch a movie instead?"
The boy quickly popped in ones if his favorites, mumbling something about it being a classic. A Clockwork Orange. You had never seen this movie but you were desperate to get away from those drawings. Only a few minutes into the movie and you had shut it off. Your face was pale. "Does your mother really let you watch such things...?" V proudly lifted his head. "Of course! Mommy says I'm very mature for my age." Before you could protest Trish had finally came by with the food.
You were now in the dining hall. You noticed that V had taken his napkin and had fastened it to his neck in an attempt to make a bib perhaps? Maybe an ascot? Either way it was ridiculous. You were talking with Trish when you heard glass shatter. "V what did I tell you?" You know noticed that the boy had replaced his knife with a large sword. "I'm sorry momma. I was just trying to make smaller bites." Trish sighed. "Its alright little one. You know the rules though, no using Force Edge at the table." She went to the kitchen and returned with a samurai sword. "Use this. It will be much easier on your wrists."
You were now helping with the dishes while V ran outside to play. You went to join him only to stumble once you realized the boy was trying to hit you with a wooden sword. "V, what did I tell you about playing with our guests!" He started to stomp his foot. "I CRAVE VIOLENCE MOTHER!" You took a few steps back only to bump into Trish. "I'm so sorry about this. He tends to be cranky when he hasn't had his nap."
Trish picked up her son and said "I think it's time for bed huh?" V gave no protest and went limp in her arms. "Good boy. You need to save your strength. How about I read to you?" He nodded. You were now in the upstairs bedroom. V had just finished brushing his teeth and putting his pajamas on. His mother helped apply lotion for his badly cracked, dry skin and then tucked him under the covers. It was now time to read. You expected a simple children's story or fairy tail such as sleeping beauty or the very hungry catapillar but to your horror she pulled out a large tome. The compete works of William Blake. This wasn't going to end anytime soon would it?
Several hours later and Trish began to nudge you awake. To be fair you always thought poetry was boring. She drove you back home and kissed you on the cheek. "I had a wonderful time. And I think my son is really enjoying your company. I'll see you soon." Trish drove off. You immediately took your phone out and changed your number and just to be safe, moved several countries away. You knew it was to good to be true.
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