#sorry for the super bland answers
cosmosis · 1 year
MOVED TO @seratopia
miguel o’hara x reader (crack) - "where’s my super suit?”
this is very self-explanatory slight nsfw mention?? nothing smutty lmao
Brooding in his impossibly dark office, Miguel gazes at the various orange telegram screens around him. One of them catches his eye; Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie all being absolutely demolished by an anomaly. 
Each one of them is being thrown in the opposite direction, thwacking against each other or accidentally webbing the wrong person. 
Miguel’s supposed to be off duty right now, though it’s hard to believe that Miguel gets any free time at all. Giving into Lyla’s pestering, he wears normal clothes today, opting for a simple zip-up sports jacket and pants. 
But, Miguel knew he’d regret it. 
He gazes at the live footage of the kids being completely totaled by the anomaly. Something similar to sympathy growing in his chest. (He doesn’t like to admit he has a soft spot for the kids, but he does.)
Miguel closes his eyes, hunching down and pinching between his eyes. “No puedo más-” He mumbles to himself. Pressing a button on the screen, Miguel quickly finds which universe the kids are in, opting to jump in and deal with it himself. 
He’s already got his watch on, ready to step into action when he realizes...
He doesn’t have his suit on. 
“Fuck.“ He mutters, breaking into a run out of his office, and down the equally dim hallway towards his living quarters. If you’re so invested in your job, why not live there as well?
The automatic doors slide open, revealing a lifeless, bland bedroom. You bug him to make it more homey, but he hasn’t got the chance to yet. Miguel quickly rummages through his drawers in the dark, filing through another closet in search of his suit, or at least one of a duplicate. Nothing. 
Miguel starts rummaging through more clothes, and she instantly flickers by his shoulder. 
“Do you know where my suit is?“ Miguel asks. 
“I dunno.“ Lyla shrugs. “I think y/n has it. Said she wanted to keep it to make sure you wouldn’t go work today.“
Miguel sighs in annoyance, swatting Lyla away like a fly until she blinks off. He taps a few buttons on his smartwatch, hastily pressing the call button for your favorited contact. 
(it reads ”babyboo💕💞” after you changed it in his sleep lmaoo)
You answer as per usual. Miguel’s surprised you weren’t busy. 
“Honey?“ Miguel asks, double checking the clothes he threw on the floor.
“Where’s my suit?” 
“What? Sorry, you spazzed out a little.“
Miguel sighs, taking a deep breath on behalf of healthy marriages. 
“Where. Is. My. Spider. Suit?“ He asks, slower this time. 
“I uh- put it away.“ 
“Where?“ He asks, his voice hushed. 
You raise your eyebrow. Miguel is supposed to be off duty?
“Why do you need to know?“
“I need it!“
“Nuh uh! Don’t you dare think about zipping off to whatever fucking Earth-199 you’ve got going on! You haven’t had a break in literally 4 years!“
“The kids are in danger!“
“Your mental health is in danger!“
“Tell me where my goddamn suit is! We’re talking about the future generation!“
“The only future generation you should be worrying about are the kids you put in me last ni-“
“Oh my fucking god, just tell me! Hon-“
You hang up on him, and Miguel sighs for the 10th time today, hanging his head low in frustration. He’s surrounded by clothes he never wears, the room utterly cluttered. 
You know what, maybe someone else will deal with it? There’s thousands of spider-people in the building, it’s safe to say that they could take down at least one anomaly. 
For now, Miguel needs a break.
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© 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒔.
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sacharinee · 1 year
thinking ab peter having a bad tiring day and reader giving him face massages and body massages after they take a bath ‼️
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pairing: bf!peter parker x reader
w/c: 780
a/n: hi anon!! i loved writing for this request sm so thank u for sending it <3 i did, however, completely forget to write abt the part about them taking the bath together. im so sorry 😭 but i hope u still enjoy :(( about one spider-man kiss and a ton of domestic!peter
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peter knows exactly what he needs right now after a long day. 
there’s only one thing in the world that could make up for having a shitty day and that’s you. 
but unfortunately for peter, when he patters into your shared apartment, you’re nowhere to be found.
“babe?” he calls out. 
he strips himself of his shoes and walks down the short hall to your bedroom, only to find the closet open and your work clothes missing. peter skrinks at your absence and pouts, “great.”
he ponders about taking a nap, but it’s a quarter to nine and he’d rather be awake when you arrive home. 
when his stomach growls, he realizes he’s gone almost an entire day without a proper meal, save for the granola bar you shoved in his hand before he kissed you goodbye. 
as he enters the kitchen, he finds a note left on the counter, scribbled in your handwriting,
“emergency shift at the hospital, back by 9 tonite. food in the fridge, love you!”
peter frowns at your note, sticks it onto the fridge, and pulls out the meal you prepared for him.
he heats up the food and chews the stale chicken slowly. he really misses you. even with your bland food and lack of seasoning, he still enjoys anything from you. you try your best for him. 
when he’s finished cleaning his dishes, peter debates on showering. he wants to wait for you, to take a nice hot shower with you, and clean each other’s stress away. but he’s really stinky from work, and he’d rather just go to bed with you. so he undresses and takes a long shower alone.
peter’s prayers are answered when he reenters the shared bedroom dressed in pajamas. 
“hi baby,” you chirp. you take off your glasses and set the book you were reading aside. 
peter’s heart swells at the sight. you’re laying on your side of the bed, hair in a bun, away from your face. you’re dressed in your boyfriend’s plaid boxers and a geeky t-shirt you stole from his dresser.
the tv is playing some rerun of your favorite tv show as he crawls himself across the bed and plops himself in between your open legs. 
peter nests his heavy head upon your pelvis and lets out a deep sigh. your palms run down his clad back, kneading the tense muscles.
“did you eat yet?” he tries to nod his head, “yea, chicken was good, super tasty, thanks, y/n/n” he replies.
he may or not be telling you the whole truth. you’re cooking wasn’t amazing, but he would never tell you that. 
peter flips himself over, staring at you adoringly upside down. your soft hands trace his buff arms, comfort spreading throughout his skin from your touch, “what happened today, petey?”
he exhales, furrowing his brows, and squeezes his eyes shut. he juts his bottom lip out while you weave your fingers and pull through his damps locks. 
“everything went wrong today. everything,” he takes a deep breath, “i was late for biochem, had a pop quiz for psych. not that it was hard but still. i forgot i had tutoring today too, so i'm out fifteen bucks. and we were understaffed for work, so that was a bust. so many mean customers in queens,” he takes a look at you, “we should move somewhere else.”
you snicker at his comment and slide your fingers over his funky left eyebrow, smoothing out the knit and massaging his temples, “yea, like where?” 
you love all versions of peter, but you think this is your favorite. relaxed at your touch, devoting himself wholeheartedly to you. he’s embraced and fully engulfed by you, like putty in your hands. 
“like,” your boyfriend seems distracted, voice deep, staring at you with nothing but affection, “sunnyside? maybe?” peter licks his lips and clears his throat, “just somewhere safer, nicer. for you.”
you’re beaming down at his face; your warm hands cup his cheeks while you land a long and overdue tender kiss upside down. you feel peter smile into the kiss, exhaling through his nose in contentment. 
you keep your hands on his face and gently caress the soft skin as you pull away.
“that sounds nice,” your heart squeezes at the thought as he continues, “we could settle down there, have a family, you know? white picket fence and all. ‘m picturing you in your hot scrubs, bringin’ home the bacon. and i’ll be at home, taking care of the kids.” 
you’re giggling at the scene as you chime in, “and we could have family dinners every saturday night, or- ooh! i could take yoga classes sunday mornings and-”
peter snickers at you, “what you need are some cooking classes.”
gasping, you flick his forehead, “you said you loved my cooking!”
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foone · 8 months
So if Threshold happens to different Trek crews, who gets who pregnant? Voyager is one of the few shows where it makes heterosexual sense, (for lack of a better word, "sense" not being the word anyone would use to describe threshold)
So for Voyager, it being Paris (pilot) and Janeway (captain) makes sense through that lens. Paris, sure, because he is a pilot. We could pick a Science Guy to do it, but then it might be B'Elanna who does the flying fast, and then who is she going to kidnap for Lizard Sex? Harry? ... Yeah it'd be Harry. Anyway once you've picked Paris, you've got to figure out which woman is funniest to have him abduct into Lizardry. B'Elanna? No, not funny enough. She'd be a Klingon lizard and beat him up instead of mating, even if they did get married later. Besides, what if she evolves into a super-advanced Klingon, not a lizard? *claps* PUT TUVOK ON THE SHUTTLE. Kes? No, they already did a Tom v Neelix episode. Seven of Nine isn't on the show yet, so Janeway it is.
Ok so for other shows, we gotta pick a pilot or science guy (who might be screwing around with transwarp, and thus get Lizarded) and someone they could turn into a lizard to have babies with. The show is assuming heterosexual pairings here, but we know about things so we are not so limited.
The original series: as much as I'd love to say Sulu and Uhura ("I'll save you, fair maiden!" "sorry, neither"), I think TOS was much less of an ensemble than later Treks, so it'd need to be Spock. Spock is doing some science stuff, he gets hyper-evolved, and he picks someone else to hyper-evolve and turn into his lizard bride. As much as I want to say "Kirk", I think it's more likely that he runs off with Uhura and then Kirk has to rescue them. Kirk was always about being the one who rescues people, having the Enterprise come rescue Lizard!Spock (is that antisemitic?) and Lizard!Kirk and it's called commanded by McCoy? Nah.
TNG: the direct analogy to VOY would mean we have Wesley and... Picard? No, no, and no. Sorry. Frankly, we already had this plot on TNG (Genesis), and canonically the answer is Worf and Troi. The problem with it being a pilot thing is that Wesley is a child and Data (the official science guy) is an android, so he can't really be hyper-evolving. We could go with Geordi, the other Science Guy, but then we've got the image of a black man kidnapping a white woman. Uhhhh no. We already did that episode and it is an example of Deep Shame for the show. So Worf and Troi it is.
DS9: so this is what inspired me to make this post. We all agree Sisko would be a damn good father to his lizard babies, but would it be him? If so, with who? You could have it be Dax, and she lizards first and kidnaps him, which makes some sense given that she's a Science Guy. But you also have to consider Weird Guys. Every Trek series needs a Weird Guy so that whenever an ancient alien artifact turns the whole crew into Muppets or whatever, they can be the one who isn't affected and can thus solve it. This is all to say, Odo/Kira could be done. We've had a few episodes where he's been shown to do very extreme things out of his pining for her, so it makes some sense. Odo/Quark would be funnier but given how the DS9 writers handled Profit and Lace, I really don't want to see them do a gay mpreg episode.
ENT: the series with canon mpreg! Direct translation of would be Mayweather/Archer. Mmm. Probably not. I think it's gonna be a rarepair: Trip/Hoshi. Trip/T'Pol is too canon to be funny. The next best option is Archer/T'Pol and that's just kinda bleh. It makes sense but it's just the kind of thing they'd do and it'd be bland. We can do better. Honorary mention: Trip and Reed.
I've not watched enough of the New Treks to have an opinion there. Maybe SNW: Ortegas and La'an. Don't ask why.
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Carmy and Claire... ooof
I’m just gonna get into it. 
She tried to be Carmy’s Pete
I feel like Claire is supposed to be Carmy’s Pete, but it doesn’t work because Carmy is not Sugar. I was searching for a parallel to how they were trying to show Claire as a balancing force for Carmy. Which I get. Opposites attract. You see that with Nat and Pete but for some reason it doesn’t work with Carmy because he is so much more ill adjusted than Sugar. Claire, despite being super understanding, also never saw the worst of Carmy. He reserved the worst for the restaurant and used her as an escape. He reserved the worst for Sydney. So Claire was never truly tested or trusted to see it all so of course she easily loved him. They never argued. I did like the softness and gentleness we saw. Carmy needs that, but it just wasn’t totally honest because they were in the honeymoon phase and he was on best behavior just for her. What if she was struggling at some point, would he be able to be there for her in the same way? No. I think this was a perfect example of a woman thinking she can fix a man. The problem is she never saw how deeply he is broken. 
Carmy created a love bubble
Carmy never set boundaries and said this is what I can give while I’m on this new project. So she got a false sense of what his world really is and what his priorities needed to be. She has a busy job too but it seemed he accommodated her so in a sense she never really saw the actual reality of them both working like crazy and him coming home stressed. He created a bubble of perfection with her at the center that was never going to be sustainable. 
The whole portrayal was lame. 
Not gonna lie, I did like seeing romantic Carmy, for personal reasons. If my one positive takeaway is yes he wants to fuck women, yes he can be gentle, that’s a win for me. BUT the overall tone just wasn't hitting. Which gets to a bigger gripe about the tone of most of the episodes not hitting for me. It felt very primetime drama for me with the dialogue equivalent to a teen show. They even went to what looked like a frat party. Her lines were very, “I’m the perfect, quirky, understanding girl with no problems of my own,” and he got throwaways like, “She’s so great it scares me.” Just really mediocre compared to dialogue we’ve seen written for this show. And the fireworks kiss? Come on! I was expecting running in the rain to happen at any moment. I couldn’t tell if the writers wanted me to be invested in them or not. I guess maybe they were trying to make a reliving of Carmy’s lost youth, quite literally? I dunno. It felt sweet at times but also just super corny and out of place on this show. 
Is she a pick me? 
I actually hate this term. I feel it’s used so flippantly and can be hurled at any woman like a slur. But saying it defines what I mean so forgive me. Claire got the red flag literally from day one. He gave her the wrong number but she still pursued him. She questioned him on it a few times until she got a real answer but his answer was kind of bland. He just said I like you so much and don’t want to mess up. I dunno, when I’ve heard that from a man in the past, they usually do mess the fuck up, big time. This is their way of letting you know. She obviously didn’t ask to define the relationship. Carmy works it out with the crew so they never had the conversation with each other. The whole girlfriend/girl who is a friend thing was so lame for a grown adult man to need to ask about. Sydney was right to punk him and be like which is it? Exactly how important is this? So was Claire never questioning what they were this whole time? She said I love you to him first, I think? She said it on the voice message, which I thought was a bit bizarre. He said he loved her to other people but we never saw him say it to her face. I think it was just really strange that we never got a scene of them saying it to each other. Sorry, I’m old fashioned, the man needs to say it first, to a woman’s face. I feel this is one step away from a woman proposing to a man which is also a no for me. 
I didn’t understand the family connection 
They all know her yet we hear nothing about her from them and Carmy has been home quite awhile at this point. Fak has her number? They call her Claire Bear? They don’t call anyone not immediate family Bear so why does she get that? Because it rhymes? Eeek. She is supposedly so close with them all but we never see them interact with her until she dates Carmy? Sugar never mentioned her. Did he have a crush in high school or did he just wish they were friends before? When Mikey, Richie, and Fak try to push her on him at Christmas he seems really disinterested. Was it just a self esteem thing, that he was put on the spot, he didn’t want a relationship, or just didn’t have a crush on her like that? It’s really unclear what that was about. And then she knows about The Bear name but he says he wishes she talked to him more. So when was this conversation? It’s just really sloppy and none of the details align. Everyone treats her like she was so close to the family but there’s no real evidence of that from the past that makes any sense. I’ve seen some fans say Carmy connected her with his family trauma and that’s why it can’t work. I don’t really get that. Maybe that’s what they tried to write but I’m not getting how when it seems the family connection is just them trying to set him up with her. Am I missing something?
Will they explore this again?
I think it’s hard to tell. It is interesting that they started in the refrigerated section and it ended because Carmy was trapped in a fridge. Cold, literally. The use of the blue light when they were in bed and the blue light when Carmy was trapped was interesting. Does it mean finality? I don’t know. She didn’t even get a last name. They didn’t really end it face to face. Would they explore it again if Carmy is more stable? At this point I have no idea what they intend but I can’t conclude it’s done, done. Overall, the fan reactions have been negative. I’m not sure if the show cares or not. If I were her I would stay away. Repeat relationships rarely work out because trust is broken. How would she be able to trust Carmy again? Even if feelings are still there I would feel duped if I were her. 
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hii, i’m not sure if ur recieving requests rn but i’m jst gna shoot my shot
could i request reader x xavier where shes not the dating type and ppl have tried and failed to try and ask her out, date her, etc. and then comes along xavier who’s determined to take her out on a date (respectfully)
and yeahh
Oh my god I´m so sorry this took forever to write! I just hated everything I brought onto the page. I hope you still enjoy dear <3
Not the dating type
pairing: Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader
synopsis: You had never given much thought to dating, but what happens when, by accident, you meet a certain artist. Will your stance on the matter change?
warnings: none
word count: 1.4k
You had never given much thought to dating. Not that you had anything against it, it was just that it felt a little too superficial whenever someone did ask you out. You were happy spending the time apart from your friends and schoolwork with yourself. Which right now you wished there was more of. 
“Why didn´t you go out with them? They´re like super cute...!”, your friend asked you for the nth time. 
“Do we have to discuss this again? Why would I go out with someone who I know isn´t even interested in the same things as I am in the slightest and that doesn´t know me at all? Plus, you know I like spending time on my own. I just want to have a good time and write every once in a while.”, you take a bite from your lunch. “Despite, don´t you think they are like the blandest person to ever exist? Like just really bland?” 
For the nth time your friend lets out a distressed sigh at your answer. Though even she can´t help herself to not chuckle at the emphasis on ´really bland´. “I take this as my sign to not even ask you about this year's dance?” 
“Not unless you want to hear last year's answer all over again. Isn´t it a bit too early to think about that anyway?”
She shrugs and the two of you finish the meal talking about an assignment before you have to head into different directions for afternoon classes.
That evening after lunch you go back outside into the quad. Most students are busy with god knows what and so it is not too crowded. The air is still warm and so you decide to lean onto the cool stone wall. Fully concentrated on the writing in front of you, you don´t notice the tall figure looming over you, trying to get to exactly that wall. At least you can feel a finger tapping your shoulder.
“Sorry, but you are kind of in my way.”, looking up you see into a pair of green eyes.
“Oh, I´m sorry. I didn´t even notice.”, you hold up the journal. “That looks really good by the way. Did you paint that?”
“Uh… yeah… Thank you.”
“Anyway I better go get back inside. I´m sorry again for sitting in your way.”, you smile at him while you dust yourself off and then walk back inside.
This would happen regularly afterwards. You´d always sit down in that same spot and when he eventually came over to continue painting you´d talk for a bit. Mostly about art at first. You asked Xavier about his paintings and how he found himself picking up drawing and painting and he would ask you about the stories you wrote in that journal he never saw you without. As time progressed you found the conversations had taken to more personal topics as well. You found yourselves greeting each other in passing and before you knew it you thought of the schools resident tortured artist, as your friend and the other students had dubbed him, as a friend.
“So what do you want to do today?”, you asked the artist curiously.
“Actually I wanted to show you something. Come on, it´s not far from here.”, he seemed a little more nervous than usually.
“Alright.”, you made it a point not to mention your observation but quite some time after wandering through the woods you couldn´t bite back a joking question. “You´re not trying to kidnap me, are you?”
“What? No, don´t worry. We should be there soon.”
Indeed it only took a couple more steps before you stood outside an old shed.
“I´m sorry where are we right now?”, you stay back a bit as he takes off the heavy chain to open the door.
“I found this shed a couple of years ago and Weems let me clean it out and use it as an art studio.”
Stepping in, you get hit by just walls and canvases filled with paintings.
“Wow, you must be here often.”, you can´t hide the amazement in your voice entirely.
“Pretty much every chance I get…”
You spend the afternoon in the Studio, talking like you do until you find what you assume is another canvas hidden behind a big piece of fabric. 
“Hey, Xavier, what’s underneath that?”, you point to it.  
“Oh, it’s not done yet.”, he brushes the question aside quickly. 
Once more you don’t push it. 
The next time you get to the shed it’s gone and the times after you don’t see it either, so you slowly forget about it.  
When you go there one evening to have some time truly to yourself and write, like you had done a lot lately, you catch Xavier with it. 
Too far into the music and his thoughts he doesn’t hear the door open or close. Neither does he hear you walk up behind him. Standing on your tiptoes to look over his shoulder you see it. A picture of you. Only then does he realise you are there. Trying to hide the canvas as fast as possible, he couldn´t do much for you to unsee it.
“Hey… I didn´t think you were coming here today.”, his face start turning redder by the second.
“Yeah, I just needed some time away from everyone else…”, God this was awkward.
“Oh, okay”, this ends the conversation for that moment. You go to sit at the small table to do your thing and Xavier does his. This time the silence between you isn´t as comforting or comfortable as it usually was and so you speak up again.
“Are we gonna talk about the painting or not? I know what you usually paint. Is there something I need to know?”, you can hear the second chair scraping before he speaks.
“No, nothing like that at least.”, he thinks about what to say next. “Well, I didn´t plan on doing it like this, but… I had this dream over and over again since I was young. Like really young. Of just that scene. Ever since we started talking it came back twice as often. And I know what you said about the other guys that asked you out, but… I wanted to ask you if, maybe some time, you would want to go on a date with me?”
This time it was on you to be silent. “You are really sweet, Xavier. I just… I don´t think I can say yes to that. Not only because of what you heard, but you basically just broke up with Bianca too. Enid would have this on her blog God knows how fast. You know what position that would put both of us in. I´m sorry, I better get back to school.”
Things got a bit weird for a while after this. You never stopped talking, but that afternoon never left the back of your head. Ultimately you pulled yourselves together though and when he asked you for a second time, on the day of the Poe cup, things went over all smoother. However it got you thinking things over.
When he asked you out only a short time later for a date to the Rave`N you surprised both of you with a yes.
“Wait, really? You´re not just saying yes because…?”, he asked.
“Yes, really Xavi.”, you chuckled. “In fact I think this is going to be a fun evening.”
“What made you change your mind?”
“After you asked me before the Poe cup I think I realized that I actually like being with you not only as a friend, unlike I had thought… It also felt different like when anyone else asked me.”
And you were right. Though you didn´t stay long at the dance itself and headed out to spend the evening away from all the loud music. You laughed a lot and by the end Xavier brought you back to your room. Not hearing any concerns about being caught by a teacher.
“Tonight was great, but you better go before you get caught.”, you still giggle. “Go.”
He still doesn´t move or say anything when you open the door to get into your room. Just as you opened the zipper if the dress, your phone gives off a high pitched ping. ´You were too fast. I wanted to ask if you want to get coffee tomorrow. As kind of a second date?´
Rolling your eyes, chuckling again you send back a ´Sure. That sounds great 😊´
You think you can hear the buzzing of a phone and a whispered celebration outside, but blame it on the setting in tiredness.
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queermania · 4 months
what are your thoughts on misha and the whole real people can't queerbait thing?
oh look a question that i'm sure is totally in good faith and not at all a trap. but i'm actually going to answer this because i do have thoughts. the first one is about semantics. the original definition of queerbaiting refers to the marketing of fictional media but i hope for the sake of this ask we can all agree that, within the confines of this post, when we say "queerbait" we mean presenting oneself as queer despite not actually being queer for some sort of gain. yeah? okay good.
there are a lot of different versions of public figures being accused of queerbaiting and to be honest with you most of them are insultingly stupid in concept alone.
is becky albertalli writing a queer story without disclosing her sexuality queerbaiting? no. not even if it had turned out she herself was not queer.
is kit connor playing a queer character in a tv show and then holding hands with a woman in real life queerbaiting? no. not even if it turned out he himself was not queer.
is taylor swift making a statement that she is straight after swaths of fans speculate she might be a lesbian based on *checks notes* i'm sorry guys i don't understand why you think she's queer but whatever the reason, is it queerbaiting? no. that is so ridiculous i can't even wrap my brain around it.
is harry styles wearing his little dresses in pictures and being ambiguous about his sexuality (after years of the media being super invasive about his teenage sex life) queerbaiting? no. even if you don't think anything he's doing is groundbreaking and he's so so boring and bland? nope not even then.
is someone saying they're queer of some flavor at one point and then later on in life changing their mind queerbaiting? no. that's called being a person and changing and/or figuring things out.
but, all of that said, are there people in the real world who say they're queer specifically because it gives them clout in certain circles and/or access to certain people (i'm talking about cishet men trying to fuck queer women here mostly)? yes. and you may not think those people exist but some of us have met them. some of us have been standing next to a dude at a pride event and heard him say, "dude just pretend like you're bi she'll totally sleep with you" to one of his bros. among other things. i promise you these people exist and they're not just queer people who haven't figured it out yet.
so can real people queerbait? yeah, i think they can, but your feelings about how a person does or does not perform their queerness (or lack thereof) is not what constitutes it.
now does that mean that what misha collins did was queerbaiting? i don't fucking know, man. i'm inclined to believe that mostly he was just trying to be Normal(tm) about people assuming he was queer and then got a little too comfortable with it. but i don't know. i don't know what his intentions were and neither do you.
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6okuto · 8 months
NIA OMFG SO ABT THE DATING APP POST U MADE (replies could not handle the novel I am about to impose on you)
the way I am so in love with iwa but he’s the epitome of not my irl type 😭 gym bros and their bland responses to hinge prompts scare me and I feel that he would have the exact profile you were talking abt. his redeeming quality would be like. a dog.
Bokuto would be the exception to the gym bro thing bc he is also a himbo and it shows (in the best way possible) and no one can resist that.
half of hq would not be my type irl and the other half that would be?? I’d be too scared to try to match cause they’re. gorgeous??????? Hello???
HOWEVER Akashi’s profile would totally be like cafe date vibes, libraries and very just. CALMING AND NICE AND I’D DO THE SAME AS YOU. The only thing is I think his prompt responses (I’m on hinge so this is the only dating app format ik) wouldn’t really give you tooooo much to work with but it’s ok no one can be perfect.
I think kuroo’s would be like super bf material tho. Like the kind of profile that you’re certain gets a lot of interaction and makes you wonder if he’s even active on the app anymore LOL. also gives good responses, he’s just slightly dorky but it’s so endearing and it adds to the appeal of his profile.
I think suna’s would be super chill with like humorous undertones and I’d probably end up trying to match with him bc of that. he gives gooddddd responses that are genuinely fun and non repetitive. he’s also not dry if you end up matching.
yk what no I’m giving atsumu a chance here. his prompt responses are. interesting to say the least. dry. he comes across a bit cocky. but his pictures don’t if that makes sense??? like he comes off as a genuinely sweet guy in his photos and videos. maybe I’m just too soft for him and I’m projecting, this is embarrassing.
I wanna add something abt oikawa but I genuinely cannot think of anything other than his photos would be insanely aesthetic and pretty. responses need a bit of work and his opening lines come off a bit strong but. it’s okay. he’s perfect and can do no wrong imo 🤷🏻‍♀️
HAIII REV!! EXACTLY. exactly. i'm sorry but not even a dog is enough for me i'm like Omg little dog and then don't match I'm sorry hajime.. Bokuto... my cutie pie naoooo 😭😭 i'd like to hope he'd answer the prompts cutely/in a funny way but i still wouldn't think we'd match well and skip him... BUT!!!! I think if they replied to one of my prompts i'd reply...?! < girl who Never Ever matches first Ever. like there's a photo where their smile looks very cutesie and i'm like Why not!
Akaashi. 🙂teehee. my favoritism i'm sorry everybody. he doesn't really have photos of himself so he has to ask friends for some and there's like one photo that's dimly lit where he's smiling with fluffy hair that would make my jaw drop and tears form in my eyes i'd want him so bad. one of his prompt answers would be like. a joke about how tired he is with all the work he has. something kind of basic But i love him so it's ok. for me specifically i mention my dislike for HTTYD 3 and i think he'd reply and be like wait you're so right can u explain more or something like that and I would Start Crying tears Of Joy PLEAASELEAASE PLEAPSAPPSLEPLEPA
omg kuroo. i understand. i actually first had the idea he looks kind of dorky (/affectionate) but he has a couple good photos and a meme and it's like Oh he's so real for that. also he's totaallyyy somebody who does an audio prompt 😭 it's something fawking stupid /Affectionate and i'd show my irls and we'd be like wait he's kinda cute while we laugh BJSHFBJSD there's also a group photo somewhere on there ! and maybe a video where you can hear him cackling! silly guy...
suna would have a stupid ass block text meme somewhere on his profile LOLLL there's a photo where he's in his room in the dark but i can also imagine he has one with good lighting outside that's one of the few he has... he Would be funny! he's all lowercase until u say something that gets him to laugh and he goes LMFAOOOOO WAIT and it's like Yes I got a good grade in Hinge. BFJSHBJSB
ATSUMU! totally has a pic where he's showing off his muscles or spiking But also wait he looks kind of cute and dorky in this other photo and also his prompt responses are funny this is crazy? I UNDERSTAND!!! maybe it could be like... he's not someone you'd swipe on initially but he sees Your profile and tries to switch it up to cater to you before replying to one of your prompts LOL. and maybe there's a pic of him helping samu make onigiri or just... something kind of domestic that makes u go oh alright he's nice?!
HMM OIKAWA.... also a volleyball pic somewhere. maybe with a medal or trophy of his LOL. but he can take good selfies Unfortunately smhhh /j so you're like aw fuck... i think i'd be like oh you're out of my league or Not my type but if that kind of guy replies to one of your prompts...Would you not be a little curious to see how that convo goes. he's good looking enough that he could just like people's first pic and move on but You're special and Funny and he's Curious okay!!!
THANK U!!! HTANKYEWWW I LOVE THINKING AND TALKING AND SHARING AND HEARING IDEAS IT'S SO FUNSIES NEVER APOLOGIZE 2 ME! i have So many smau series ideas bouncing around in my head i've never tried but if i ever do this one...U will b the first 2 know.
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ray-jaykub · 2 years
Tmnt x male!reader mini-shot
My inbox fucked up and deleted an ask but I was lucky enough to remember it! If you see this ask and it's yours I hope you enjoy it, I had fun writing it!!
Bayverse turts meeting male reader for the first time who asks if they're sea turtles
It was a cold night in Manhattan, water sprinkled from the sky and brought a specific chill. If you had super vision or looked close enough, you could see in the dead of night four figures atop an apartment complex. Four shivering figures. The smallest sniffles and rubs his hands together.
"C'mon man I'm ready to go home, Lee let's just call it a night!" Mikey looks over to Leo who is facing west towards the moon. He's quiet. Considering his little brother's request. They'd been out in the rain for long enough that Don had set up an umbrella to protect what gear that isn't waterproof and Raph had taken to crouching under a small shed, frustrated. "Ain't no way criminals gonna come out tonight, Mike's right. We should head home."
Leo turns to see the condition of his brothers and takes a solid breath. "Yeah, yeah there was no point in coming out tonight–" They all freeze, the sound of the door to the roof opening and out steps a young man. Mikey nearly flings himself off the side of the building but Don quickly pulls him back up by the lip of his shell, saving him from busting his tail. They watch their new company walk onto the rooftop with a (f/c) raincoat and slowly notice they aren't alone. Each brother prepares himself to hear the sounds of terrified screams and running footsteps but are instead met with a question. 
"Oh my God, are you sea turtles??"
Leonardo is, for the first time in his life, truly stunned. How does one respond to that? He looks towards his brothers and finds them looking back at him, waiting for Leo to make a call. He thinks maybe it'd be best to move tail and leave the young man alone but instead his mouth does the opposite.
"...I'm sorry, what?" The guy takes the hood of his rain-coat off and smiles, "Are you sea turtles?" Leo slowly shakes his head, still caught off-guard by the question. "No, no I think we're box turtles right?" He shoots a pleading look towards his brothers who had crowded with Raph under the shed. They're shuffling on their feet but Donnie clears his throat and slowly steps out with his umbrella.
"Actually we are a sub species of the terrapene carolina family Eastern box turtles to be exact. Pretty common." he pushes his glasses further up his snout. Mikey runs out from under the shed, nearly toppling over Donnie to greet their new acquaintance. "Blah blah blah, all you need to know is that we're the cool species! We're faster, smarter, and kick ass. A lot better than some bland old turtle, tell 'im Raph!"
Raphael scowls at his little brother, obviously perturbed by being included in this ridiculous conversation. He walks out from the shed but instead moves to stand by Leo. "Yeah, whatever, Leo, don't you think now would be a good time to go?" The man in the rain-coat jumps at that, quickly waving his hands in defense.
"Hey wait don't go! I still have so many questions. Like why are you green? Do you have a second eyelid? Can you churr like a turtle?" Raph huffs and turns to leave over the side of the building. If those three wanted to deal with another human then that won't be his problem. Donnie and Mikey though seem eager to answer the questions, albeit with wildly different answers.
"We're actually built of a variety of colours but it primarily depends on our diet!" "No, green is just a cool colour so as a way to show we're cool we're green! Some less than others though." MIkey cuts his eyes to the two behind him, laughing. Don rolls his eyes so far you're sure they'd fall out but continues. "Now about the eyelids I'm not entirely sure... If we do we haven't figured out how to use them yet but that'd make for a project." he mumbles to himself, pulling out a tattered note-pad and chewed pen writing his thoughts down. He looks back up to the fascinated male.
"And yes we do churr, just not often. It's meant for more vulnerable moments." Michelangelo perks up. "No it isn't, I could do it right now if you want!" The human nods eagerly but before he can get started Leo comes up behind him, hand on his shoulder. "While I'm sure he'd love to see it, we have to go, the sun is rising.''
Everyone looks towards the horizon and surely enough a sliver of orange can be found across it. "Aw man, maybe some other time then! I'm sure we'll see you again, right?" It's obvious the question is more directed towards Leonardo and when he looks down at their company he squares his shoulders, standing taller. "It's possible, but if we find you've said anything about this to anyone we will find you. And we will deal with you appropriately." The tension is thick but Mikey has a wide grin and grabs his hand, vigorously shaking it.
"We gotta go but my name's Michelangelo! We'll text you later about meeting up again, maybe I can show you my dope ass churr next time!"
Before he can ask how they'll text him Donnie nods to him as his phone chimes. "That's us, we'll see you later!" The three leave the same way Raph did, each giving their goodbyes and what was once a roof buzzing with life is now silent. Leaving y/n alone, dazed by the interaction.
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uriekukistan · 4 months
how do you … hhow do yiu start writjng. like how do you. opening paragraph…. how do you begin..
sksjdj sorry this took so long, i genuinely rewrote my answer 3-4 times 💀 took me a few hours to figure out how i wanted to answer this tbh bc usually i don't even know what im doing either
also im by no means a perfect writer, i’m still working to improve with every fic, so pls take this w a grain of salt, everyone writes their own way as well…hopefully this isnt too long or annoying or preachy or anything.
i always have an outline of my fic ready before i start writing, regardless of if it's super vague or highly detailed, i also try to think about what the character(s) want from the situation(s) and potential ways that could create conflict (not in an angsty way per se but in a plot moving way). knowing this is super helpful for deciding where to start because different types of openings are good for different stories.
ideas i use a lot!
-> character intro! this is my most commonly used way to start a new story. i like to make sure my MC is in the first sentence so the reader knows who the story is going to focus on. this does have a potential to go wrong, bc essentially, there's the good way and then there's my immortal 💀
when i say to use a character intro, i mean like their mindset/beliefs as they pertain to the plot, main conflict they're facing, or how they're feeling at that moment, rather than "basic info"
ex: megumi fushiguro is 15, has black hair and green eyes, and he's a jujutsu sorcerer and is in his first year at jujutsu tech. in his free time, he reads. he loves animals. he was abandoned by his parents at a young age, so he's wary of others <- boring, bland, sparks 0 interest
VS: Megumi was never a fan of love. Not in books, not in TV shows, not in movies, and certainly not in real life. He hadn’t so much as considered having romantic feelings for someone in fifteen years of living, and he wasn’t about to start now. Definitely not now. Not after what had happened. <- interesting, gives insight into how megumi thinks (and how strongly), sparks interest bc what happened??
hsiao doesn't want to date a coworker because she has a dangerous job, but has a crush on saiko. urie can't express his feelings because he's spent ages bottling them up, and now he needs to grieve someone he didn't realize he cared for until it's too late. establishing these things is really important, and should be done eventually either way.
i think this method works best for stories focusing on a conflict that's more internal because it sets up the characters psyche, but can still be used for external conflict effectively!
-> dialogue: another one that can be tricky, and gets a bad wrap sometimes, but it can very much be used well. it's good to use if the story is focusing on interpersonal conflict, especially if it involves a lot of arguing. usually, i throw the reader into a high tension, fast moving scene with dialogue, sometimes one with a confrontational start, sometimes in the middle of an already brewing interaction.
-> strong feelings: this works best with negative feelings, so i use it mostly for reeeeaaaallly angsty fics. physical pain, extreme sadness or guilt, grief, rage, or high stress work really well for this, because they're feelings that tend to consume everything else. you gotta be ready to dedicate a few paragraphs to really good descriptions that make readers feel. it's a bit intimidating to write and has the potential to overwhelm readers as well, so i tend to reserve it for fics that i intend to be really heavy and upsetting, no happy ending/comfort type fics
-> straight into action: gonna be honest, i try to avoid this one as much as possible unless it's in a multi-chapter fic where the characters/conflict have been firmly established. used outside of this, i think it works best with actions that are literal beginnings, or it feels like part of the story is missing. things like waking up, opening a door (staring at a blank page trying to write..........)
lil tips ig
★ shorter sentences: my usual writing style has a lot of lengthy sentences, but when it's the first thing a reader sees, it slows down the pace immediately. of course, there's a place for long sentences as well, but the average reader is going to go for something that grabs their attention quickly.
★ u don't have to start from the beginning!! honestly i get this from writing academic essays, but sometimes it's easier to write the beginning after you wrote the rest because even if u think u know where ur going, it can change as u write it. tbh once i wrote fic almost entirely backwards 💀
slfkjgnkjnsfglk i hope this was at least somewhat helpful, honestly i wasn't sure what to say, but i'm really excited to see ur fic!!! ik u have a lot of things planned, so i'm sure once you get the first words out there, the rest will start flowing !!!
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concernedbrownbread · 3 months
Hiiii I just binge read lwpr and I’m literally so obsessed it’s probably my new favorite fic ever in the world … I just love how complex and interesting each character is and zukos internal monologue is just so AAHUGHHAV I also really like how you handled ozai! Most fics write him off as super bland And sorry if this is an answer you’ve already posted somewhere, but do you think you can tell me a bit about how arc 4 is coming along? lol im just starved for content and im so excited for more ^_^
Hi! I'm glad you're enjoying the fic!! And I'm so honoured, wow. Thank you <3
I actually haven't announced this because I wasn't sure I could hit the deadline, but good news! The next Arc should be starting next week with regular updates!!! I'm so excited to get back to it :)
Here's a little teaser for chapter 26! Spoilers ahoy!
“You won’t even look at it!” Sokka snapped back, angry for once instead of trying to play it cool, “I know it’s a risk —”
“Exactly!” Azula yelled, “Everything you do is a risk! We should never even have gone to that party with Long Feng. If we’d played it safe, we wouldn’t be here!”
“Are you trying to say this is my fault?” Sokka asked, “If we’d done nothing like you suggested, we could’ve been there for months. It’s not like you always make perfect plans, Azula. You risked it when you started the rebellion at all!”
She was grateful that they were far enough away from the camp, even though she could see Toph looking up curiously. She heaved a sigh, trying to calm down.
“That was different,” she said.
Sokka sighed too, “Sure. I know you’re … a planner. And I get that you really need to know every detail. But look at where we are. We don’t have a plan anymore. This could be our best shot.”
“Our best shot is to play it safe and go to the North Pole.”
“What about your other allies to the north? You said they were mechanics right? Cause I have some stuff in there that they could help with for the Day of —”
“Why do you care so much about the Day of the Black Sun? I already told you — the Fire Nation knows when it will happen, and Ozai will probably hide in his underground bunker. What am I missing here?”
Azula stopped short. “What?”
"We have you."
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number1villainstan · 9 months
Random questions? I'm down! So on the whole thing with deku not existing and all, can you elaborate I've had some thoughts on it but haven't thought of it hard enogh too write anything about it?
jesus fuck this took so long to answer, i straight up forgot this was in my drafts--
The short answer/thesis statement: Midoriya Izuku is a "black hole protagonist": he, as a character, twists the story around him in order to make himself look sympathetic/always right/super cool (or, more accurately, Horikoshi writes the story that way) to the detriment of the plot, themes, and development of other characters--hell, even to the detriment of his own character depth/development.
(Disclaimers and justification/the rest of the essay under the cut. This is going to be long, and will probably take a long time to answer.)
(Disclaimer: I've really only watched the anime to the end of the Shie Hassaikai arc and through part of the Gentle Criminal--sorry, School Festival arc and read the manga chapters where Lady Nagant appears (the first time) or is mentioned. Quite frankly, I don't want to watch or read further, except for maybe watching the Nagant episodes, or clips of the MLA. That being said, from what I've seen of spoilers, I'm not sure the later part of the series is much different on the points I'm going to talk about.)
Probably the first thing is Deku's internal/inherent traits as a character. What traits does he have? Well, there's his physical appearance, he's a fan of All Might, he cries a lot, he wants to be a hero. Okay, sure. But why does he want to be a hero? What does he get emotional about? He was bullied for being Quirkless--where do we see the effects of that in canon? He and the rest of Class 1A have been repeatedly attacked by villains and lived through seeing one of their classmates chained up like an animal on live television BY THEIR SCHOOL and then kidnapped by a group of villains that attacked a summer camp that was supposed to be safe. (Yes, I am salty about the Sports Festival and Bakugo, because that was bullshit.) Moreover, that student that got chained up was supposed to be someone Deku looked up to. What the hell are the emotional effects of that? Does Deku even see Bakugo Katsuki as a person? A bully? Or just as a standard to surpass? Canon doesn't answer any of these questions--it doesn't even treat them as relevant. Deku's just a bland character for the author to make look cool through Beating Up Villains and pretty (but ultimately hollow) Speeches About The Importance of Heroics and Compassion.
And of course, we have the traits we're told he has, like compassion and understanding, but that don't actually play out--or at least don't play out consistently--in his actions. If he's so compassionate, why doesn't it extend to Overhaul, who breaks out into hives every time someone touches him? That's not normal or healthy! If he's so understanding, then what's this shit I hear about him telling Dabi he's worse than his abusive father? And--furthermore--why does this "compassion" only seem to come out when he's physically fighting people? Why is it that he never steps down from a fighting stance and sits down next to someone? (Although maybe that part's just shonen bullshit.) Furthermore, his informed compassion never leads him to change his mind--no matter what his opponent's arguments are, the narrative always frames Deku as in the right.
And then, of course, there's the fact that he takes up far more than his fair share of screen time. Yes, even though he's the main character. Like 80% of every single episode is dedicated to just showing him off (and despite the disproportionate amount of screentime he gets, he's still such a nothing of a character). How much character development does anyone else around him get, outside of maybe one or two arcs? Hell, it's so bad that Bakugo Katsuki, the guy who's apparently supposed to be his long-term bully/friend/frenemy, has practically no details about him. We don't see his room in the dorm tour, we don't see his parents outside of the montage of a bunch of different characters' parents when the teachers are going around (and the fact that his mother slaps him and calls him weak for getting kidnapped goes completely unaddressed? In a series with the Todoroki family and the Hassaikai arc???), we see comparatively little of Bakugo outside of his interactions/relationship with Deku. And Bakugo is supposed to be a deuteragonist--think of how many secondary characters have their characterization cut short or subsumed into the black hole of Deku. Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, to some extent even Todoroki Shouto, every other member of Class 1A.
And then there's the effect of having Deku as a protagonist on the story's treatment of its villains. BnHA tries to send the message of "everyone deserves to be saved" or "villains are products of their circumstances", but, for a variety of reasons--including Deku being a "black hole protagonist"!--not a whole lot of the villains actually end up getting saved (rather than arrested), and when they do sometimes it's in a way that negates their very real concerns/reasons for being a villain. Very first to my mind is, of course, the Hassaikai: the only one in that group "saved" in any capacity is Eri, which, being one of thirteen named characters (among a host of unnamed ones), isn't exactly a very high rate of 'saving.' I thought everyone was supposed to be saved? And of course, there's the added factor of Overhaul--the main villain for that arc--being the character most heavily coded as mentally ill and/or neurodivergent in the series, and that that coding is used to make him seem more scary/villainous/evil. (I could write a whole Rant on how the narrative's treatment of Overhaul's character is ableist as fuck, but that's not what we're focusing on here.) And then we have Lady Nagant--who is saved, yes, but how many of her concerns about the deep structural issues associated with hero society and the HPSC are actually, meaningfully, specifically addressed? She shouldn't have been 'saved' by a fifteen-year-old cop in training. She shouldn't have been able to be 'saved' by a fifteen-year-old cop in training.
Sometimes, the kind of self-indulgent overpowered protagonist that Deku is can have its place, but BnHA as a story is trying to make a point, and Deku's role in the story actively contradicts its messages. BnHA is supposed to send a message of compassion and "everyone deserves to be saved" and whatnot, but then, not least because of its black hole protagonist, turns around and says that actually the mentally ill don't count, queer people don't count, anyone who's ever hurt a child doesn't count, anyone who reacts to trauma in the "wrong way" (with anger, irritability, etc) doesn't count, anyone who was subject to the wrong high-control group doesn't count, anyone who has the wrong idea about how the world should be doesn't count, anyone who isn't "sympathetic" for whatever fucking reason doesn't fucking count. Maybe I could just write Boku no Hero Academia off as a mediocre show if it had failed its goals in some other way, but as someone who fits just a few too many of the traits I just listed, it's hard to ignore the bigotry and judgement behind these contradictions.
And quite frankly, this shit makes me mad.
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starrybouquet · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged several weeks ago by @doodledrawreblogs - thanks cy! and sorry this is late lol
1. how many works do you have on Ao3? counting drabbles, 77 works!
2. what's your total Ao3 word count? 127,611 (yes, most of the works are oneshots)
3. what fandoms do you write for? I have AO3 stuff for Stargate SG-1, NCIS, Top Gun, and RPF!
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
I thought this would just be all the multichaps I've written (or started) but I guess there's something to be said for older stuff because it's actually all Stargate! I suspect penny!fic will eventually appear on here if I ever get off my butt and finish it
In All Duty and Service (T, Stargate, S/J, 13k)
4am (G, Stargate, S/J, 2.4k)
for here I am sitting in my tin can (strike him down) (G, icemav, 7k) - 964 kudos
and ease my mind (G, icemav, 533) - 947 kudos
so put me where I belong (G, mavdad, 3k) - 853 kudos
5. do you respond to comments? Originally, I responded to every comment. Then I started getting the inevitable daily/weekly "please update" or "update" or "are you going to finish this??" comments and now I don't respond to every comment. If your comment says something nice, though, I'll do my best to respond to it eventually!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uhh...nothing yet, I think? I'm really way worse about saccharine-sweet, syrupy, TERRIBLY FLUFFY endings.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I wrote a 200-word ficlet that is literally only the happy ending! Just Like in the Movies
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet, but all my more ~controversial~ stuff is safely in my GDrive still, so....*shrugs* all my current AO3 stuff is pretty bland.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nope. Every year I threaten to do it and then I just get all embarrassed about it and never share anything.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not yet, but if I had a good idea for one I'd absolutely write it!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Stealing Cy's answer for this because it's so true lol. I don't...think so?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of! (If you would like to translate anything of mine, please go for it! There's not much to work with right now though lol)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nothing that's on AO3, only super-secret stuff that may never see the light of day!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? is this question asking for an OTP? Because I have two: Sam/Jack, SG1 and Janeway/Chakotay, Voyager.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Gah, all of them. Uhhh, there's a marriage-of-convenience SJ AU where Sam and Jack have to be married to be on the same SG team that @carothepoet and I brainstormed years ago, and I doubt we'll ever finish?
16. What are your writing strengths? Silly dialogue, short fics! That's...um...it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? WRITING VOLUME. It's not that I can't do it, it's that I don't ever prioritize my writing enough to find the time. In terms of actually putting words on the page...description is hard. Plot is hard.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Honestly, I'm just insane and "what the hell, it's a hobby not a job" enough to Google Translate something if I really need to have some dialogue in another language. Obviously I'd put a disclaimer that I have no idea if it's correct. I like making fun of the "everyone speaks English" TV trope though, so I'm far more likely to just have the aliens randomly speak English XD
19. First fandom you wrote for? The first thing I published was for Stargate. The first stuff I wrote before I knew what fanfiction was? God, probably...actually I have no clue? percy jackson? chronicles of narnia? who knows.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I am choosing to be an optimist today: I don't think it's been written yet!! I do, however, have a special fondness for Chapter 3 of Letters to Archie for, yes, its pettiness and fluffiness, and also for in for a penny, in for a pound because it's fun!
I haven't been on here in ages so I have no idea who to tag. I'm just gonna tag a bunch of people and hope some of them are actually active. Uh, no pressure tagging @malewifebillcage @tommyjop @curator-on-ao3 @mylittleredgirl @mrv3000 @delicatelie89 @ladywaffles @sluttyhenley @redbelles?
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colourful-void · 2 months
1: finished the komeji and shoma ending! i! okay ill be honestly i wasn't super thrilled. I REALLY like the set up stuff in terms of simulation reality, and beleiving its all fake bcs you can't cope, im MASSIVELY INTO THAT. But. I don't. like. Komeji I'm so sorry his just. he's so cube. and he annoys me. I feel like a usually have a pretty high tolerance for this kinda stuff but I just. On paper i get it but in practice I really dont like him. was very happy to see date n co tho. i think it's RIDICULOUSSSS how they explain date's interest in porn like that did not need to be explained. however. its such a stupid explanation it kinda loops back around to being funny to me. sure. why not.
2: ollowing finishing that route i tried to get back to Tokiko to see if i could use that elevator code, bcs she'd been mentioning frayers and i thought i knew what that was but i did not. but no thats only 6 digits so still not right f=/. dang. i also tried to get onto mizuki's half i miss my baby, but i found i needed two names. i know Dahlia is one, but the other is 4 letters so. Currently its probably either for Mame, Lien, or Naix. I suspect Naix the most as an answer.
3: started onto the other route from komeji's somnium. I maintain that these are too easy. It's not like they're like. the problem is that I feel like i'm being treated like I'm an idiot. ryuki and tama talk everything out in such detail, and theres often not a lot of stuff to interact with at all, a lot of which doesn't even let you make the choices like from the last game. like, proper timie usage was SO important to me last game and in this one I've never even racked up 3. i also feel like there's less dream logic, and it's a little disappointing. like, oh tape the cardboard back together. turn on the tv. =( the whimsy. it did improve some in the back half though, and i'll take it!!!
4: liking this dead komeji route WAY MORE than the other one. its not that i hate him that much but i do like the way the plots moving here. what does mame know? whats the masked womans deal? has anyone seen shoma. WHAT IS WRONGGGG WITH RYUKI <33. what is wrong with ryuki is by far my favourite mystery. im more interested in that than i am in the half body killings honestly. (part of that is teh victims i think. we dont really know jin, chikara was annoying at best but the more i learn about him the more i hate him, komeji was annoying, so. honestly i havent really been that upset about any of them dying. tokiko i did love and i am sad she's gone, but also these murders are a little bland following the first game. i just watched a guys head explode could there at least be a little blood? just a little? i know its probably for plot reasons but ive never missed gore so bad. im not even that into gore.
5: somewhere on the dead komeji route i finally figured out what that little green thing in the menu was so i've activated my tamagotchi thingy!! very fun i love it. mines an iris-y one or something? its cuteee!!
6: in terms of the wider mystery: im just really curious how far they're gonna commit to being meta.they did start with asking ME what i knew about the last game so.... looking forward to ryuki's whole deal, actually getting to play as my darling mizuki again, finding out what is UPP with date. i really like the weird videos series i just think they're neat. if the endgame doesn't have a somnium based on those thigns i will be disappointed, surely thats what we're building to.
i left off right before starting mame's somniumin the gameshow room. i don't think shes' actually involved in the killings, but doing that would be REALLY NEAT as a sequel thing, imo. i'd like it. i think shes just hiding stuff bcs she was threatened. assumably i've still got a good chunk of the game to paly! i havent done much if any of the extra eyeballs either, just whats on the way so. i'll get those guys. have been picking up some costumes n stuff tho. you can put tama <33 in pants <3333333333.
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peaches2217 · 10 months
Ooh, another ask game! 😁✨️
May I start off with 21 for Mario? ^-^
Gonna answer these in one fell swoop! Let’s go!
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love writing his dialogue actually! I have a rule of thumb when writing dialogue where, if I can’t imagine it in the character’s voice, it’s not going in my fic. Mario is extra fun to work with in that respect, because, while I don’t write his accent out phonetically, I always try to arrange his words and phrasing in ways where you could still read it in his accent. I struggle more with his general quirks and mannerisms; I’m still figuring out how to write him physically occupying a space.
More below the cut!
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@mrspockify answered 21 above! As for 6:
6. What’s something you have in common with this character?
We’re both cheerful little shitheads that tend to act without thinking. We’re also both fat; I’d love to be fat AND strong like him 🥹
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21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Sorry to sound repetitive here but I love writing dialogue for him SO much! He’s so hammy and over-the-top, yet thoughtful and competent. And I love writing little mannerisms for him (I’ve given him a few quirks, namely mirroring people’s actions without realizing it and grabbing onto the handle of his sword as an almost comfort reflex). Admittedly I can’t think of anything I don’t like… he’s probably my favorite character to write for overall right now.
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@keylovesstuff I wish I had answers for you, but I honestly don’t. 😭 I was 13 the last time I wrote or read Pucca fanfiction, and that was also 13 years ago. I don’t remember much of anything that went through my head at that time… and I cringe at my old writing too much to go back and re-read it. 😅 I’m so sorry!!
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2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Honestly? I love the implication that she’s perfectly capable of holding her own, she just usually doesn’t bother because she knows she has a stocky little plumber who will answer her every beck and call. Unconventional answer, maybe, but it makes her that much more fun in my eyes. 😂
Summarized by this quote from Fortune Street:
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7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I love how everyone really leans into her girliness rather than tomboyifying her, honestly. There’s historically been an air of “Ugh, she’s so GIRLY, which makes her BLAND” around characters like her, but at least since I’ve been in the fandom people seem to embrace her frilliness and ditziness without dehumanizing her for it.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
It’s not hugely widespread within the fandom itself, but I see it in general — characterizing her as vapid or ungrateful, with no agency of her own. I’m especially talking about the people who put her down for Odyssey’s (admittedly controversial) ending. “Uuuuuugh she’s so ungrateful, Mario went to the moon to save her and she cucked him” he saved her from a forced marriage and then got into a cockfight with the guy who tried forcing her into that marriage… over a MARRIAGE PROPOSAL, she had EVERY RIGHT TO SAY NO
It’s not Peach’s fault Nintendo was too fucking cowardly to give us the ending we actually wanted. 😭
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Strawberrycore. She would ROCK strawberrycore.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
My introduction to Peach outside of vague mainstream acknowledgement was when I played Super Princess Peach in the third grade, and I loved her from the get-go! She was just so cute to me. And I feel pretty much the same way now; she’s such a fun character, more than people give her credit for.
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aroacewxs · 10 months
2 9 and 12 for the pjsk ask game if you want to!
2) favourite card from least favourite set
a lot of my least favourite sets are either from early game or sets that have one super pretty card and two other cards that are just. bland. so i'll give two answers, one for each category if that's ok
imprisoned marionette: miku 4*
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imprisoned marionette is a set that just has SO much potential but the weird, harsh purple/white lighting and how cluttered they look ruined it for me.. miku's at least isn't as straining on the eyes and looks quite nice
bout for beside you: an 4*
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ok this set is just really boring im sorry shiraishi an i love you to the ends of the earth and the event story was interesting too but they did your set so dirty. bout for beside you is a good example of card sets that pay a lot of attention to detail to the focus character and spare nothing for the other two. a better example is painful hope but i actually like that set a whole lot more than i do this one
9) character you didn't like at first but grew to like
ough a really big one is honami i think,,, i thought she was an annoying pushover when i first read the main story but really i was simply seeing bits of myself i didn't like in her lol. but now i love her. i love mochizuki honami so much she's so dear to me! she's so kind and caring to everyone around her and is always thinking about others, while learning to stand her own ground and be confident about what she believes is right!
12) favourite npc
TAKAGI MIU. miu my beloved!! read tdtswfa right now. if you haven't. read it right now. if you read it already, read it again. miu and shiho rooftop friendship needs to be talked about more
hmm but other than miu, i also really enjoy hinata and saito!!
thank you so much for the ask hehe! :D
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It's up to you to answer this or not. As a new Valenfield stan, I'm wondering why our ship is not as popular as other ships.? Because Chris and Jill haven't had many games or movies together? I love your ship so much I'm disappointed 😕
i'm so sick and tired of the online discourse of people being like I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DON'T LIKE THIS THING I LIKE - THAT MEANS YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON
anyways i will be honest
so i am not super interested in the jill or chris only games. leon was my first introduction into the re games all the way back in like 2004 or whatever and then 2012? when re6 came out. i was never really into 0 or 1 or any of the other games.
from what i understand, is that (valenfield) is a ship that's generally liked (but i agree it's a small group.) but also i feel like it's super strange(? as a ship) because capcom has never really implied that they are romantic (as opposed to aeon which has had several romantic implications.)
TO ME, i feel like valenfield are coworkers that COULD maybe become a thing but there's SO little in the lore that makes me feel like it would happen. i feel like NOT ONCE has there been an overt romantic action done between the two characters.
that doesn't mean i think it can't happen - but i think this is why the ship is unappealing to me
if i will be blunt, it's just a ship that's a hr violation imo. OR i guess a friends to lovers trope (which if you know me, you know that it is one of my least favourite tropes)
now i wouldn't necessarily say that i hate it or anything like that, it just does very little for me. and in terms of popularity, i really just think that there isn't a lot of a push for romantic content? (even from capcom's pov?) they're pushed as coworkers and friends a lot and it's always just kinda been implied by devs/directors that they're just friends.
there's still def lots of fan created content for them? but i do think that the ship for jill x carlos had grown more after re3r came out.
i feel like if they wanted to make the ship (valenfield) more of a thing, then in death island or something they should've had chris and jill interact more and have some sort of romantic implication put in place?
i dunno. also character x character ships are usually generally less popular as opposed to character x reader ships if you're talking about fics. but yeah. i dunno. i'll def read fics with valenfield in the background and i already have. but i don't really seek them out.
i also just don't find chris to be a very complex and interesting character (I'M NOT SAYING HE'S BAD OKAY)
on the other hand though, i do like jill, and i kinda enjoyed her plotline in death island but i wish they actually didn't do the whole avengers thing and have everyone else involved because death island should've honestly cut leon and (maybe claire) leon def should've been cut and have the film focused on jill
but he makes the big bucks or whatever so i get it
capcom has never been great with character writing
their most complex characters are women and are sidelined half the time or they have their plots reduced to just character tropes so they can fit the plot device that they need. it's exhausting sometimes to write for the characters because they can feel so bland and slate like. i have to figure out SO MUCH STUFF cause some of the characters are so empty personality wise.
gimme some complexity dude
but i get it i get it
capcom is writing for american audiences so they have to dumb down literally everything :|
okay anyways sorry lol
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