#sorry for the vent post on main lol but this is my only social where none of my peers follow me so I can shit talk in peace
nasa-is-shaking · 8 months
Good morning tumblr users, it's 8:39 and I'm already at my limit
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mariejordans · 8 months
i honestly don’t even know where to begin with this post, so i guess i’ll start with hi! sorry, i’ve been gone so long, though probably most of you didn’t even notice i was gone lol. sorry for not giving any warning to my absence, and i am especially sorry to the mutuals who have reached out to me that i haven’t responded to. i was and still am struggling with anxiety and depression and towards the new year it was getting to be a bit much for me, so i decided to take a mental health break from social media.
i’d honestly been contemplating coming back, but today i received a dm from someone with a link to a post that was accusing me of bullying and creating fake accounts to bully other people in this fandom. first of all, i would like to emphasize that this is not true. attached below is a screenshot of all the blogs that i own (EDIT 2/9/24: i have since deleted the screenshot for my own privacy and i believe that since i made this post, there has been more than enough evidence to clear my name.) milfsociety is my main account, which i have linked before on this blog and many of my mutuals also follow me on my main, and the rest of them are just me saving my old usernames or other sideblogs that i rarely use, but all of them have been inactive for two months at least.
i do NOT condone bullying ever, and to be continually accused of it by this person is very disheartening. it started with this post (seen below) that i made back in november after seeing a post discrediting marie as the main character of gen v. i admit that my language was probably a bit harsher than was necessary, but honestly my intention was not to send hate to op (which is why i never tagged it with any gen v related tags) but to defend marie. it also wasn’t meant to be solely specific to this one person but as a general post because at the time, there were lots of accounts discrediting marie and to be honest, i was just kinda venting bc of how sick of it i was. (also, just to mention, i have intentionally left out their username because the last thing i want is to send hate to this person.) this was the only post i made on the topic and later i heard that apparently op blocked me afterward (which does not offend me in the slightest since i have since done the same thing) so this honestly should have been the end of it.
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i honestly hadn’t given this post a second thought until a little under a month later i received this ask out of nowhere, accusing me of ableism and bullying. i replied to this ask, which i will link here. honestly this ask came as a complete shock to me, because i had honestly forgotten all about my previous post.
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i responded to anon and in the reply i apologized to their friend for my hurtful comments and expressed that it was never my intention to attack anyone, especially anyone with a disability, which i did not know about when i initially made the first post. i also explained my side, stating why i made the post in the first place, which i still stand by. originally, i had linked their post in my reply, which in hindsight was a mistake that i regret and i should’ve known better. again, my last intention ever is to spread hate and negativity or to bully anyone, so i deleted the link when i was asked by a third party. this person has also since deleted that post about marie entirely.
shortly after i posted the reply, i guess i can only assume that whoever anon was told them about the reply. i’m honestly not sure if they’ve ever actually read this reply or not, but they made a response to my reply, accusing me of harassment and bullying. honestly, it really confused me at the time, since i’d only made two posts in reference to them, and one was a reply to an ask, but we ended up having a third party account who was mutuals with both of us acting as a mediator to settle things and i genuinely wanted to move on from the situation. we both had each other blocked and it seemed to me that anon was just trying to instigate more drama between us, so i thought it best to just leave it at that. i was also going through some mental health issues at the time (unrelated to this situation even though it didn’t help) and had been considering taking a break from tumblr, and so i thought it would be best to just go inactive for a while.
this is honestly the first time i’ve used tumblr in the two months since i’ve been gone, so i have no idea what else has been happening regarding any other blogs and this person, but apparently i am being named as the sole instigator here and i just wanted to once and for all clear up this issue and my name. i’m honestly not sure if this person will see this post or if they’ll even accept it as truth. i can’t force them or anyone to believe me as i really don’t know what else i’d have to do to prove that i don’t have any other secret accounts other than making this post.
i will probably continue to be inactive on this account as i think it is in everyone’s best interest. i never wanted to contribute or start any drama in this fandom, but i feel like i am partially responsible in how this situation has turned out, so i would also like to apologize to you all as well. i’ve never had an account of mine get as big as this one has (thank you to everyone who liked and supported my silly little ramblings!) and i can honestly say i have had the best time interacting and fangirling with you all about this show and these characters that i love so much and i will continue to enjoy and love gen v and marie from afar!
goodbye for now,
rose (aka mariejordans)
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egg-emperor · 2 years
You're very right in the tags of that one post. Toxic positivity is just as bad as toxic negativity, sometimes worse due to the handling of constructive criticism because of can-do-no-wrong attitude that stifles growth and creativity.
That ever-growing toxicity combined with this weird form of puritanism that has people harassing and dogpiling on others if they dare have an independent thought outside the hivemind is what's forcing me away from the Sonic fandom and never returning again, despite how much I love Eggman. I've already stopped reblogging Sonic art on my main blog and interacting with the fandom at large outside of a close circle of trusted friends across social media, they're the only thing even keeping that dying flame for this series stoked. I'm almost ready to delete it all and revamp my main blog theme to distance myself further. It hurts to know I'm no longer welcome in something that has been a major part of my life since I started gaming, something I've seen grow from literally nothing as I grew.
I still enjoy so many things about this series, and I had so much fun with everything up until this point, but being pushed out and treated like you're worse than trash for disagreeing with one thing feels like a knife being twisted in my heart. I don't want to go, but at this point I feel I have no choice to leave it all behind.
I'm sorry to sound whiny with this all, but I guess I just needed somewhere to vent. Should I consider this my goodbye letter to the Sonic series? Maybe so.
Thanks, Julian. Again, sorry for the vent.
Nah don't apologize, that's exactly how I've been feeling too. There's a big problem with both toxic positivity and negativity in this fandom and I'd say the former has been a much bigger one lately. I wouldn't say any of my criticisms of the latest media I'm not a fan of has been that harsh, aside from the occasional rants where I've been especially worked up and upset.
Most of the time it was just calm criticism that I was being asked to talk about in my inbox, it's not like I was going onto other people's posts and inboxes trying to be negative. But it's just blown up out of proportion because people take offense merely being something they don't want to see, because I see it as anything less than perfect and amazing. And that's where the toxic positivity comes in.
What I do always comes from a place of deep passion and my boldness in expressing true feelings is dismissed as nothing but hatred. Just because again, it's not highly positive endless praise without question or criticism. There's a lot of toxic positivity and also puritanism especially when it comes to my views and creations of Eggman compared to what people would prefer I think and do instead.
I've stepped away from fandom massively too because there isn't much out there that appeals to me anymore. It's a hivemind where you're not allowed to voice different opinions or even state facts as it's immediately taken as an attack. It's full of high praise of everything and intolerance towards people that don't feel the same, they accuse me of being horrible and hateful and trying to attack specific people with things I make on my own blog.
I don't think I'm ever really going to come back either beyond interaction with the small amount of people I still follow that aren't with that crowd and their mindset and either feel the same or accept I feel differently, like I can with them as long as they respect me too. I don't seek out content from anywhere else aside from heavily filtered Tumblr search. I'll never search Eggman on Twitter again for the sake of my sanity lol
While it does help me feel better to not surround myself with things that make me uncomfortable and avoid it as well as I can, it does hurt to leave almost everything behind and not feel welcome amongst the masses just because we can't agree on everything and are open with criticism, no matter how sensible and calm we are about it. I'm going to miss out on the small amount of stuff out there I would like as a result which is sad too.
But then when I'm at my worst after all recent events, I've contemplated deleting everything and leaving because even though there are a few reasons I have to stick around and it's not all bad, it still feels like I don't belong and do everything wrong in some people's eyes and am hated by many and it just makes me miserable with all the constant reminders. It hurts that something that's been so special and important to me almost all my life is now attached to this pain.
It was fun up until this point for me too but now I feel pushed out because of how many places I've been kicked out of and how many I've been blocked by. It really does hurt a lot, how it feels like everything can go wrong just for being yourself and being open and honest about how you feel. It does stifle growth and creativity a lot when different perspectives and ideas are immediately shunned and looked down upon and responded to aggressively.
I don't really want to go either but I've accepted I need to take a step back, as big of a part of my life it was for so long. And I've been considering that I might have to leave official media behind soon as it just feels like there might not be anything for me anymore. Even before shit really hit the fan fandom wise, I started pondering it. Leaving that will hurt even more but I'm trying not to hold on to what hurts or discomforts me and just doesn't bring me the happiness it did before.
If I do have to leave both fandom and official media behind entirely, it will hurt a lot but I still appreciate for the people I still follow, old official content, and sharing my analysis, headcanons, fics, gushing, etc. I'm still passionate as ever about Eggman and love to create from it and share it, that's why I care so much and have such strong opinions and bold ways of expressing it in the first place. It's sad that it had to come to this but I appreciate the good times and memories and I won't let all this stop me from doing what I love.
But yeah you're not alone in this, I feel exactly the same way and I'm saying my goodbye to most of the fandom too and possibly the entire series itself soon with the way things might be going from here.
You're welcome and no need to be sorry 💜
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imma-lil-sunshy · 9 months
I'm gonna say something kind of into the void here, and I know there's this great popular post already on tumblr abt how truly makeup is not empowering or anything of such moral standing but genuinely a social construct that is damaging (the post says it so much stronger and intellectual and I want to reread it rn) but my take here was just going to be that this trend of little girls wanting high quality makeup and having skin care routines before they've even properly hit puberty actually is damaging. good hygiene is great, obviously that's a given, and yes hobbies are fine and ppl are interested in what they like that's fine. but I see comments on those tiktoks abt kids in sephora or wanting makeup and then see actual vids of ppl trying to defend or say that kids "have no where else to go" and I'm sorry but I think kids shouldn't be getting makeup, not the high dollar value kind and not to look like influencers and not to fit in with the crowd. there's no empowerment here or self expression, it's consumerism, it's capitalism, and probably patriarch thrown in there too why not. obviously not shaming the kids for wanting this but I am side eyeing parents hard for their complicity and then also ppl who say it's not a big deal, makeup is a hobby and it's self expression so it's fine, bc again... I refer yall to that masterpiece of a post that's on this site somewhere and I can't find it rn lol
and also I quotation marked the no where else to go aspect bc I grew up in an entertainment desert, didn't have internet till I was well into tweens, and I def agree internet wise it sucks to be a kid now bc they don't have kid only spaces any more, but irl like I didn't have a place to go and be a kid either really? I would walk around the mall and go into boring stores with my friends and just walk and talk and chill. kids still have videos games tho and movies and TV, just bc they don't want to buy things in Claire's now doesn't mean Claire's doesn't exist bc it very well does. and really I think the main issue is their behaviors in these stores. I was not harassing workers to make them find me products that I don't need and holding up lines to pay for 900+ dollars worth of products.
anyway I'm rambling to vent so do not perceive this lol
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pink-buster · 2 years
Can you tell me more about your hometown horror au
ABSOLUTELY!!! Though just a thing before I start, this is a vent/coping au (basically an au meant for projecting my feelings/problems onto) so things can get a bit dark as you'd expect :( I will tw/cw everything that I remember, but just a warning before I start!
Also, note: most of the events are metaphorical for things that happened to me irl/I go through irl so. this isn't really "my life story but with Deltarune chars" it's just mostly metaphors/symbolism
Also don't expect this au to make TOO much sense, I just kinda go w my emotions for it lol, I'm aware it can be pretty nonsensical at times
CW: child neglect mention, brief emotional abuse mention, snowgrave route mention, general depressing stuff
"Chapter 1" events are still being written so this is MOSTLY gonna be "chapter 2 onward" centric cus it's the most developed rn? Also since only 2 chapters are out right now in the canon game,, some things MAY change in the future depending on what happens. sooo this story might not be the same when future chapters come out
Basically the chapter 2 events start kind of the same? Susie and Kris go on another dark world adventure, they find Noelle and Berdly there, etc. However, in this au, things happen and Berdly figures out a way to overthrow Queen and take over cyber world as his own (told you it can be nonsensical at times LOL)
Desperate for attention and adoration after being neglected for so long, he attempts to take over the world and make everyone pay attention to him in the only way he knows how in the moment??? He also kinda has this thing where he can do smth similar to what Giff.any does in Gra.vit.y fa.lls (not gonna put this in another tag lol) like how she travels from different devices. Berdly can do that kinda. idk how to describe it
Meanwhile, unfortunately (because I went through similar types of ab*se during my life. hhh) the snowgrave route is in the main storyline (I may make a version of a different timeline in the future, with a different route as the storyline, mainly cus the snowgrave route is. really sad to me and what follows in this au makes me really sad?? So I might make an alt timeline for this au that's a bit happier than this one)
Noelle loses control of her ice powers in the dark world shortly after, and can't be left around other people for very long, as she might hurt them, or worse
She eventually has to be locked away in a room in Ralsei's castle, because she's way too emotionally unstable to go back to Hometown again (it wouldn't be very safe for her), and her powers (which are mostly emotion-based in this au) are too out of control to be around people in dark worlds. Some of the gang still visits her (mostly Susie), but she doesn't get much socialization due to what happened. ;;v;;
Yea it's. kinda depressing. but I mean. that's what happens when a traumatized mentally ill teenager makes a coping au ig ;;<;;
There's a lot more, but I don't want to make this post too long :']
Sorry if I seem less bubbly (???) than I usually am in my posts, I wanted to be more serious for this post due to the more serious subject matter mentioned?
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lavenderek · 4 years
hi, A/3 volunteer back again! i hope i can answer your questions properly, but i’m on mobile so sorry if i get a bit confused. it’s also going to be quite long but i hope you can figure out which questions i’m replying to. let me know if you need any more clarification!
1 - as tag wranglers, we don’t moderate content via deletion, etc - we just move fics into the correct tags, and it’s typically on a fandom basis (for example, i might solely wrangle for something like the supernatural fandom only). i’ve never come across ‘problematic’ tags since most of the time, it’s just sorting tags into like... more general tags? so example - someone tags a fic with ‘kinda fluffy kinda angsty’. we would then kind of make it so that tag redirects to ‘fluff with angst’, even though it still appears as the original tag on the fic. does that make sense? i’m also a little unsure of the other questions you had here - which is totally my fault, i’m in the middle of writing an essay for uni that needs to be in in like... 12 hours and my brain is frazzled - but if you were asking about a situation where if i was concerned that a single user had a collection of fics that were all entirely based upon something illegal and reported their entire account to mods, would it be deleted - i’m not sure. tag wranglers are kind of like low-level moderators, and we’re not what would typically be thought of as moderators since we simply reorganise content versus actually removing it. since the reporting process is typically through the site itself and is handled by an entirely separate team, i cant speak for how they think or what their process is.
2 - it’s up to our judgement as to if we want to report it, but again, the tags we wrangle are VERY general. tags like ‘dead dove don’t eat’ and stuff that are typically full of polarising content arent something i’ve come across, because i think they make up a minority of most fandoms when put against tags like ‘fluff’ and ‘angst’ and even stuff like ‘chocolate’, lmao. i’m not certain what happens when a report is processed and the fic is found to be removable - what i do know though is that with fics that are seen as breaking specific laws (i.e depictions of CSA, slander, etc) mods are often a lot more hard-handed for several reasons (reputation both within the community and in terms of the fact they could very much get in legal trouble). again though, i’m a low-level moderator and don’t see that side of the process. however, if i report something and it’s not taken down, i’m not implicated in any way. it’s been a while since i’ve been on the site and reported anything so i’m not entirely certain if reporting is 100% anonymous or if you have to supply details like email, but i think if you DO supply things, it’s to ensure you aren’t mass-reporting someone (bc i think that counts as targeted harassment). email is also possible to fake, so i think you can make the process anonymous if you want to. as for how often i personally report fic - not often. i’m a CSA victim (which is why this topic is touchy for me tbh), and i don’t like to go through the process because i find it arduous - you have to give an explanation as to why you’re reporting the fic, and i find it triggering at times. i’ve also never been in a position where i have found a fic while actively volunteering that i feel has been necessary to report, so i can’t speak for that either. all of that being said - i’ve heard of and seen on one occasion fics and entire accounts be deleted for harassment/slander - in particular, i’ve heard multiple times that accounts dedicated to purposely like... making fun of? or like technically harassing? kpop boy group members have been taken down because even though their content is ‘technically’ fanfiction, it’s obviously just there to incite hatred against a specific person. so, imo, if mods are quick on taking down accounts obviously run by 14 year olds in fandom drama writing numerous fics where boyband member A calls boyband member B stupid and tells him nobody likes him, i think they’re very likely just as serious about taking down more serious content. that’s just my opinion and my personal experience though, and it’s distinct from my volunteering.
overall, on the whole topic of CSA on the website - it’s really tough even just as a basic content moderator. there’s lots of reasons as to why people post it, and though people are very obviously welcome and encouraged to think critically about everything, it’s a fact that the topic is really really difficult to manoeuvre (culture, who is posting it, when was it posted, why it’s being posted aka vent fics, etc). as i said, i’m a CSA victim myself, so i understand the frustration, but it’s too nuanced and difficult a topic to be able to say ‘ban it all’. however, i do think the site is doing their best to crack down on stuff that is very obviously on there for one specific reason, and i also think generally, they’re changing things so people are able and sometimes encouraged to anonymise themselves by not giving any profile info and to protect themselves by turning off comments completely, etc. i find that you can make it really easy to curate your posting experience so that essentially, you can post but nobody can really interact.
3 - i like tag wrangling! i got into it because i saw a position on the front page of the site and decided to go for it. it wasn’t very taxing to get into and you don’t have to put much work in - a couple of hours a week is enough, and they’re understanding about work/uni/etc. it’s easy to meet other people through volunteering, and they ensure everyone is over 18. i don’t read through fic myself - just through tags, and then i sort them into their proper places. if something is tagged wrong, we don’t get in touch with the author, we just do our best to reorganise the tag so it redirects into the correct place - again, for instance, if someone writes a fantasy AU that they tag with ‘high fantasy prince/princess AU’ and that tag doesn’t exist, we would sort it into the main tag for a royalty AU or something like that. re: monetisation of fics: technically, monetised content is not allowed on A/3 - if someone is advertising their patreon or kofi in their authors notes or profile, you’re supposed to report it just as a general user. i think it’s because it puts the site at risk of being sued or something? but as a low level mod, i don’t HAVE to report these things unless i see them while i’m tag wrangling (aka i see a tag like ‘my patreon is XYZ!!!!! send me money!!!!!!’) and i personally don’t report monetised fics because ... i don’t find it a prominent issue, lmao. people are also learning to avoid it by being like this is my tumblr or this is my twitter, and when you click on their social media they link their patreon or whatever There instead. also, idk who decided the colour scheme! i think it was just like a generally agreed upon thing with the site designers. i also think there’s been convo for a few years about dark modes and stuff on the site, but i’m pretty sure the site has to get a few more things out of the way before they’ll prioritise that (i know they’re trying to work on a better moderating system for things like spam and harassment atm bc the spam filter absolutely sucks dick lol). i’ll totally drop a mention like WOW, wouldnt it be AMAZING if we could have this SPECIFIC COLOUR SCHEME, tho <3
thank you so much for responding!!! this is really cool to know, i've never even seen a post by an a*3 worker before so you're a total unicorn right now
heh uni-corn because you're in uni. sorry i'm tired too
good luck on your paper!
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shego1142 · 4 years
Hi, um... so I saw your btd and infinity train post and just gotta say, super glad I'm not the only one that thought that! Now that season 3 is officially all out I'm really curious if you've seen it yet and what you thought.
Goes without saying but MAJOR infinity train season 3 spoilers below!
This is also discussing an 18+ horror-porn game which features a lot of gore and other potentially triggering subjects so dni if you are not 18 or older or if gore/murder/etc make you uncomfy!
I just watched the finale. I’m like... in shock?
I mean by no means was or is Simon my fave at all (he just looks a lot like my ultimate comfort character lol) but wow... just... wow
It is a lot different when like... comparing btd with infinity train too tho!
Like, I feel like the entire /point/ of btd is to let your morality go. Like, it’s a horror-porn game.
It’s meant to be like “what up u fucks, being murdered is sexy! Yes Strade daddy kick my fucking head in! Lawrence pls squeeze my actual literal beating heart you weird necrophile”
And meanwhile infinity train is like “we are all just a collection of our actions, we all deserve the chance to redeem ourselves but sometimes we may not be able to due to the trauma we’ve been put through and the finite amount of time we have”
And I personally believe that both of those facets of humanity are okay to explore in fiction. It’s healthy to explore them in fact.
That said like, yea Simon is an asshole but I still liked him. Still think he deserved to redeem himself.
Still think it’s unfair that the train even happened to him at all, because he probably would have been better off at 10 years old with people who could look at him and say “yo, kid, here’s a therapist” instead of him being led by someone who is just as much a scared kid as he is.
Him doing what he’s always been taught to do and suddenly being told it’s wrong... as someone who’s autistic I can tell you that that’s a world shattering circumstance.
Idk if Simon was autistic or not, tbh I was too freaked out by how much he looked like Lawrence to notice much else about him...
Idk personally I liked the finale even if I feel like it wasn’t fair. I like the story even if it ripped me up emotionally, even if it’s making me think about things I wish I weren’t thinking about (like whether or not I’m a good person and whether or not redemption is possible and whether or not somewhere somehow those who couldn’t redeem themselves in this life are able to redeem themselves elsewhere)
I feel hollow after watching the finale, but in a good way.
Yes I would adore beyond all belief to have like, a fic it fic or something that gives Simon a second chance... like idk, maybe he wakes up in the real world from a coma? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And maybe when she gets out (probably very soon) Grace finds him.
But maybe that’s just it. Maybe that’s the end, full stop, he died, he’s gone, he lived a shitty life from ages 10 to what? 16? 18?
Idk... you asked about my thoughts and rn the main thing I’m thinking is just how much I really do hate how the fandom is this big jumbled mess of completely missing the point.
But anyway, yea no I lost my absolute shit when I saw him in season 2
Like I was /obsessed/ because of how freaking much he looked like Lawrence. Still am, bc wow the hair down look was wild too!
Especially with the “he went insane” scene... very Lawrence.
I guess that brings me back around to what I was saying about btd and infinity train being ultimately so different too.
With Lawrence I personally am like “yes my horrible son, you are a bad socially anxious murder boy and your entire purpose is to murder. Continue your murdering. Especially if it’s me or characters I relate to because I’m dealing with some shit and imagining you murdering me helps me deal with it, you funky little weird coping mechanism you.”
With Simon I’m like “You’re an ass. It’s not your fault though. I would be an ass too if I had been taught from age ten to do things the way you were taught to do them. Your actions are horrible and if you had had a fair shot at learning personal responsibility I would argue that you should be held responsible for them. But since you didn’t, since you spent your entire time on the train without growing, staying stagnant and forcing yourself to regress because it’s what you’d been taught was right, what you thought was right, all I can do is pity you. Your purpose was to learn to be a better person and you failed and I’m sorry.”
They’re ultimately very different characters for me despite how similar they are (obviously the way they look exactly alike but they’re also mentally unstable, started killing at a young age, have anger issues, etc)
I adore infinity train, and all its characters honestly. I really do hope there’s some form of closure for Simon but I’m not expecting it either.
Right now I just wish the fandom wasn’t trying to tear apart those who want closure for him. That’s so... outside of the point of the entire show.
Idk this goes a lot into my philosophy on life in general too I think, basically I don’t think there are people who are irredeemable. Not on shows, not in real life. I think there are just people who need help. I think that people deserve to be treated fairly and with respect regardless of what horrible actions they may have committed.
I guess I’m just really irritated rn at how some of the fandom seems to think that it was Simon’s “right and just punishment” that he died.
It wasn’t a punishment. It was just something that happened. People die. It happens. He didn’t die because he was a bad person. At least I don’t think so.
And it doesn’t make me, or any other fans, or Grace, or the apex kids bad people to mourn for him. For his lost opportunities. He was a traumatised child and he’s gone now.
And the ghom? Wasn’t it shown in season one that the ghoms are Amelia’s fault anyway?
Personally I think the entire point of the train is to work out your problems, full stop.
I think the only way someone is /meant/ to be able to die from the train is to die of old age.
The ghoms are accidental. They’re the product of someone else’s actions.
And sometimes we fall prey to that. And I think it’s okay to look at that and say “well that’s not fair.”
Because it isn’t.
I don’t know if Simon could have gotten better. Maybe he could have?
In the scene where he loses his sanity there for a moment he really did show signs of immense remorse and even confusion.
But honestly? Even if he wasn’t able to get better he didn’t deserve to die. And it disturbs me that a lot of peeps seem to think he did.
Anyway sorry this turned into a bit more of a rant than I meant for it to!!! >~<
Like I said I /just/ watched it!
But yea as far as Simon Laurent looking like Lawrence goes, I’m still a bit freaked out by that. The amount of times I’ve gone to write “Lawrence” instead of Simon in this post is way to high lol!
Personally I wanna know how gato feels about him honestly! Like she’s Lawrence’s creator and Simon really does seem like such a nod to her character!
Thanks for the ask, I got to vent a good bit! Idk if this is the convo you wanted from me tho lol :P
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Survey #252
my personal laptop has to be fixed, so therefore i don’t have games to play, so expect plenty of these to pass the time lmao.
Have you ever said something just to see what kind of reaction you’d get? No, not that I remember. Have you ever confronted someone about using too much chat-speak? ??? No??? Have you ever revealed someone’s secret, after promising not to tell? No. Secrets are one thing I'm very serious about respecting. What is one emotion that you experience regularly? STRESS, MOTHERFUCKER. Describe the last major change you made concerning your hairstyle? Lopped it all off, lmao. It's been like, two years now though. Who was the last person to walk out of your life, and why? It feels like my friend Alex. She's kinda just... left me hanging for months. I think she's active online, but not with me, despite reaching out. She's also deleted her b.net account or just removed me from her friends list, idk. Absolutely nothing seems like it would've prompted that, though. Are you less likely to approach people that look/dress a certain way? I was going to say no, but the last person's answer inspired mine to yes; like, I'm not going to go talk to people with some crazy or offensive shit on their shirts, nor am I going to just go walk up to someone covered in blood. Name one embarrassing activity that you take part in? I don't know. Like I say enough I'm VERY self-conscious of revealing I RP, but only because I'm sensitive to how the person will respond. I'm in no way like, ashamed I do it. I'm just terrified of judgment over something "unusual." Ever been told that you can’t understand love due to your age? Not that I remember. I only claimed to "get it" (to my recollection) at a point in mine and Jason's relationship, and I very legitimately would've guffawed at and honestly nearly slapped you if you claimed I "didn't understand" love. What is your favorite Starburst candy flavor? THE PINK ONES. Do you think that you act like yourself while online? I act more like myself online. Have you ever lied about something to get someone to like you? No. Who is the fakest person in your life right now? I don't keep those people in my life. Have you ever laid down in the grass, and made shapes out of the clouds? As a kiddo. When someone’s constantly negative, how do you deal with it? It depends on the person, but ALMOST in all cases, I really really try to support the person as best I can. It may start to bring me a bit down, but I feel I'm just like... hardwired to help those I love. I think it's what my relationship with Jason did, as he left because he couldn't handle my depression anymore, and with how that absolutely and utterly annihilated me, I don't want anyone else to feel that pain. Now, for people I don't have much of a bond with, it's easier for me to say "I'm sorry, but I can't handle this right now," but even then, I prefer to help. Does Christmas make you feel like a kid again? No. I'm really most excited for aunt reasons, lol. Do you have any artistic talent? Some. Would you ever shoplift from a store if you knew you wouldn’t be caught? Absolutely not. When one of your pets dies, how do you react? Usually cry. I've only ever not done so if I hadn't at all formed a bond with the animal. When you go to the movies, where in the theater do you sit? Close to the front, in the middle. When was the last time you lost your appetite? I don’t know. Have you ever neglected to take care of yourself? Er. Quite badly during '16, in the depth of my depression. I'll just say my teeth are kinda yellow because of it. I want to whiten my teeth at some point if I can afford that kind of luxury. The last song/poem/story you wrote - what was it about? In RP, the most recent section being written now is my main protagonists receiving a visit from their allies before getting their asses torn up the next day lmao. After a fight, who apologizes first - you, or the other person? Usually me, but it does depend. If I genuinely feel I didn't do jackshit wrong, no, I'm not apologizing. When you’re feeling creative, what do you do? Write. Do you mind being in your house alone overnight? Not really by now. Done so a number of times. Are there any dreams you remember from childhood? Nightmares, yes, and one very realistic dream. What worries you most about death? Not knowing what happens afterwards. Do you watch really old tv shows or movies from the 1970s or earlier? I love The Munsters, I Love Lucy, The Beverly Hillbillies, and The Addams Family. I'm sure there's more, considering I liked to watch stuff with my mom as a kid. Who’s your celebrity crush(es)? HHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Ever been to a rave? No. Are you afraid to name the person you talk the most shit about? I don't really do that. Like I'll vent about people occasionally, but "talk shit" seems like the wrong word. I don't like gossiping. Are you a jealous person? Envious, rather, sometimes. I get VERY envious when it comes to photography, but otherwise, I don't feel it much. Who do you text the most out of your friends? Sara is like the only friend I text, lol. What would you do if you saw a complete stranger dealing drugs in public?
 Honestly, call an authority. I don't fuck with that. I'm not watching it happen. How often do you play video games? What are some of your favourites?
 I played World of Warcraft daily until my laptop took a shit. Need to get that fixed. Now I play actual video games very rarely... but mostly just because you can only replay the same ole game so many times before you've had enough of it for like a year. There are a great number of new games I want to play, though. I want a PS4 soooo badly. What are a few things that get on your nerves when it comes to Facebook (or your social networking site of choice)?
 More than anything, posting something that's crying for attention only for the person to be like "ugh I don't wanna talk about it." Then don't fucking post it. What are three things you’ve started to like lately? I feel like I haven't found new interests in a long time... Wait! I do feel The Handmaid's Tale and the Wings of Fire book Sara lent me have revived my love of reading! :') I want to go to the book store when I can and get both the new sequel to THT and the next WoF book. What was the last reason for having butterflies in your stomach?
 *shrug* Do you need a lot of space in relationships, or are you happy to spend a lot of time with your SO?
 I need SOME alone time, but for the most part I love being together. Once we're really close, anyway. What was the last thing you cooked from scratch? Scrambled eggs. Have you ever won anything from those games in arcades?
 Yeah. Funny story, there was this one time my sister won a stuffed duck from a claw machine, and it was the one I wanted after trying many times, and I cried so hard that one of the employees literally got one out for me lmfao. I probably still have it in the attic. When was the last time you went out to a fair?
 Not since right before the breakup. How far is the nearest zoo or wildlife park from your house? Do you go often?
 Like, two hours. We almost never go because of the distance. Are either one of your parents retired? If not, what do they do for a living?
 No. My dad's been a mailman all my life, and Mom is currently on disability because she has cancer and obviously can't work because of chemotherapy and all that. She was a pharmacy tech, though. If you could change one physical trait about yourself, what would it be?
 Can all this weight like vanish please. Have you ever gone out with someone you didn’t like?
 ????? Why would I do that???? Well, I didn't yet like-like Tyler because we hadn't been reunited as friends long enough; dating was kinda like... a dumb way to re-get to know each other? Thank fuck that was only two weeks. Would you ever take a bullet for your significant other? I'm single. Would you ever work at a fast food restaurant?
 No. History shows I can't work with people. Are you good at haunted houses, or do you scream your head off?
 AHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! If you’ve seen it, what did you think of the Twilight movie?
 I never watched them. Have you ever gotten your tongue stuck on a frozen pole?
 No. Are you a cat or a dog person?
 Cat. Does the movie Titanic make you cry?
 Ha ha, yes. I watched it on movie day while at the psych hospital and all of us were lil bitches almost sobbing, lol. Because it's a long movie, it went past our allotted time, but the nurses decided to let us finish it because we were so into it. I do have some good memories from those times... Do you think that fat people should wear skinny jeans? I think people can wear whatever the fuck they want without fear of judgment. Do you prefer game systems like Xbox, or older ones like Super Nintendo? The former. Do you enjoy indie music? Yep! What is the most strange piercing you’ve ever seen? Those ones people were getting on their fingers instead of rings... just huh. What do you do when you’re waiting in line at the grocery store? Look around, I guess. Think. What is your favourite beach to go to? I haven't been to enough to know. Have you ever been to a country club? No. Have you ever seen an animal die in real life? Too many times. Animals have been euthanized in my arms, and a kitten slowly died in my hands once. One of the most heartbreaking things I have ever experienced. Teddy accidentally punctured its lungs or broke ribs, I think, or something like that. I'm pretty sure he was trying to bring it back to its siblings because it wandered off, but he held it too tightly. I was home alone, too. It was fucking awful. Do you live on a Rd, St, Blvd, Ln, Way, or Ave? Road. Do you have naked pictures of someone saved on your phone? No. Would you ever go see an opera? Bitch I played Parasite Eve, I don't trust that shit. But seriously, no, not my scene. Do you own anything John Deere? No. Do you have a push mower or a mower that you ride on? Neither. A friend mows for us; he has the latter. What is the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic for? No clue. I think during a trip to New York. Would you consider joining the air force, army, etc? No. Who was your first crush and what made them special? This kid named Dylan. I thought he was super cute and cool. What is one thing nobody knows about you because nobody ever cared to ask? I dunno. Who did you idolize growing up? Steve Irwin. Do you believe that we are all here for a reason? What might the reason be? No. Have you ever carved your name or initials into a tree or stone? No. What were your best and worst subjects in school or college? Best: English. Worst: math. Name something you would like to devote more time to seeing or doing. Writing poetry. Drawing. Do you like to get your nails done? No. Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? Yeah, IT. Do you like to wear dresses? Hell no with my current body. Do you like any ‘manly’ activities like hunting, fishing, or camping? I find fishing to be fun and relaxing, but because of morals, I can't stomach doing it anymore. What was the name of your first boyfriend? First with the title, Aaron. First *real* boyfriend, Jason. Your first kiss? Jason. Are you still with either of those people from the last 2 questions? No. Have you ever used your bra to hold things like you would a pocket? Ha ha no. I think. What is your longest relationship to date? Three years, 7-8 months. I don't remember if the breakup was in August or September. Who ended the last relationship you were in? It was kinda like... mutual-ish, but moreso her. Have you ever gotten back with an ex? No. Who was your first prom date? Jason. Do you cry during romantic movies? Sometimes. Who was the last person to see you cry? Mom. Have you ever been used? I don't think so romantically, but in other ways, I know I have been. Have you ever felt violated? Yes. Do you like when a guy takes you by surprise and kisses you? Not everyone likes guys, so what an assumption. But anyway, only if we're very serious and have heavy trust in one another. Do you ever leave the house without makeup? Pretty much always. When was the last time someone gave you flowers? Been a few years. What kind of gift can win you over? BITCH buy me something Mark-related and you earn like 20 points. Has anyone ever sung to you? Yes. Do you like massages? Depends on who you are. In almost any case, no. They're awkward. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No. Do you sleep naked? No. Is smoking a turn-off? Yes. Is there a certain tv show you get upset if you miss? No. When was the last time you spent the night at someone else’s house? When I was at Sara's a year or so back. What is one food you always crave? Ice cream. Are you an exercise freak? Hunny- What scares you more, spiders or snakes? Snakes don't scare me, so spooders. Do you expect to be married in the next two years? No. Would you ever get implants? Nah. Have you ever had a crush on a sibling’s friend? No. Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s sibling? No. Are you more of a 'girly girl’ or a 'tomboy’? A tomboy. Have you ever dated someone with a child? No. Are you addicted to texting? No.
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scribbetch · 5 years
Self-ship Introduction
I wanted to start over and really get into self-shipping. It's something that I love but I hold myself back out of shyness and anxiety but I want to look past that and be able to interact with the community more. I've been self-shipping since I was a young even if I didn't know what it was back then and it's always been a coping mechanism for me .For the longest time I’ve held back because I had it in my mind that I’m weird and things like this aren’t normal, but seeing so many people openly share the same feelings and thoughts as I has cast a little bit of that doubt aside. Self shipping has helped a lot with my anxiety and depression, and a lot of the struggles I have in life and it’s not something I can share offline, so having a little corner of the internet where I can do just that is like a breath of fresh air.
I go by the alias Britta and am a female who uses She/Her pronouns. I am a bisexual young adult. When it comes to sharing my personal life I'm very uncomfortable and the thought of people I know finding me makes me very uncomfortable. Most of the time I'll be posting as my self-insert/sona who is more like an oc with my personality and traits thrown in. She'll differ from each fandom my f/os are a part of but personality wise will generally stay the same. My persona is known as Bryar LeRogue and I'll be drawing her pretty often, well, as much as I can lol.
I'll still be using my main blog (Scribbaw) to reblog self-ship related posts where with this one I plan to focus on my own f/os and might reblog and make NSFW content so please keep that in mind. I will tag things as NSFW/SUGGESTIVE etc, etc, but sometimes I might forget but it that happens please remind me nicely and I will tag it as such. You can also suggest tags to me if you see something that you don't like that I'm unaware of.
I do have really strong social anxiety though, so I might be a little awkward to get to know, sorry. Once you do get to know me though I'm a lot more open and social. I do like to draw and hope to share some of my drawings with all of you. I might even take requests from time to time. The same goes for writing. I love to write and do it all the time but I'm nervous sometimes to show my work.
If there was any of my f/os I'd be uncomfortable sharing it would be Sebastian Michaelis, otherwise, I am someone who is open to sharing my f/os so if we share a f/o and you want to follow me I promise I won't be upset. I love my f/os dearly and I know that many other people love them as well and at the end of the day self-shipping is about what makes you happy. I understand though that some people are sensitive about this though and that’s perfectly fine! If we share one or more of the same fictional other and you’re okay with sharing then please feel free to message or follow me! You don’t have to be afraid to like or reblog anything of mine either as it’s completely fine with me. 
I have a lot of f/os but not all of them will be shared here. I only share my main f/os for the time being or the ones who hold a special place in my heart and the rest will be kept private until I feel comfortable enough sharing them.
DO NOT FOLLOW ME IF you are racist, homophobic, support maps/pedophiles, or you're just a garbage person in general or you like spreading drama.
List of F/OS
Sebastian Michaelis | Black Butler | Ship Name: Contracting Hearts (SFW) or Fatal Attraction (NSFW)
Warning: I am very, very, attached to Sebastian. I've been in love with him ever since I discovered Black Butler and my love for him has only grown stronger over the years. Sebastian helps me deal with a lot of things that I go through mentally or in my life and a lot of trauma I have inside of me. I always find comfort in him. The relationship I have with Sebastian is very complicated and grey, but it’s oddly the one that brings me the most comfort and happiness. The relationship Sebastian and I have is very nsfw and dark with strong yandere vibes. The relationship I have with him is one that most wouldn’t consider healthy. It’s more of a vent relationship if anything. The relationship I have with Sebastian is very complicated and grey despite my love for him. Please be aware of this when following me. I will tag anything Yandere/Dark accordingly.
Eisuke Ichinomiya | Kissed By the Baddest Bidder | Ship Name: Bidding on Love
Ota Kisaki | Kissed By the Baddest Bidder | Ship Name: The Artist and His Muse 
Julian Devorak and Asta Alnazar | The Arcana | Polygamous Ship | Ship Name: Magical Healing
Gray Fullbuster and Natsu Dragneel | Fairy Tail | Polygamous Ship | Ship Name: Polar-Fire
Lucy Hearfilia and Juvia Lockser | Fairy Tail| Main | Polygamous Ship | Ship Name: Celestial Raindrops
Laxus Dreyar | Fairy Tail | Ship Name: Thunderstruck
Aizawa Shouta | My Hero Academia | Ship Name: Heroic Daydream
Dabi | My Hero Academia | Ship Name: Heart on Fire
Steven Stone | Pokemon | Ship Name: Polished Stone
Kakashi Hatake | Naruto | Ship Name: Ichi Ichi Romance
Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha | Naruto | Polygamous Ship | Ship Name: Sunshine on The Dark Side
Baldroy, Finnian, and Meyrin [Black Butler] Jessie and James [Pokemon] Hizashi Yamada [My Hero Academia] Nemuri Kayama [My Hero Academia] Toshinori Yagi [My Hero Academia] Sakura Haruno [Naruto] Ino Yamanaka [Naruto]
Ciel Phantomhive [Little Brother] Elizabeth Midford [Black Butler] [Little Sister] Tanaka [Black Butler [Grandfather] Soma Asman Kadar [Black Butler] [Brother] Salim and Aisha Alnazar [Parent Figures] Portia Devorak [Sister] Mazelinka [The Arcana] [Grandmother] Wendy Marvel [Fairy Tail] [Little Sister] Romeo Conbolt [Little Brother] Mirajane Strauss [Fairy Tail] [Sister] Class 1-A [My Hero Academia] [Younger Siblings] Eri [My Hero Academia] [Child] Shinso Hitoshi [My Hero Academia] [Younger Sibling] Konohamaru [Naruto] [Younger Brother]
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comicteaparty · 5 years
February 8th-February 14th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from February 8th, 2020 to February 14th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question: 
Which of your characters is most like you, and how does the similarity affect how you write them?
Nutty (Court of Roses)
Every one of my main characters in Court of Roses https://courtofroses.spiderforest.com/ has a little piece of me, but Merlow takes a big chunk of me, and/or the person I try to be, in his character. I tend to feel for him a lot and get deep into his emotional highs and lows.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
In Whispers of the Past (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/whispers-of-the-past/list?title_no=191366), I am actually most similar to my villain, Ryukou, which.... is a bit concerning and also oddly cathartic at the same time. Ryukou, like me, is book smart rather than street smart, just an absolute nerd. He obsesses over details and frequently gets lost in his work (often as a detriment to his health, forgetting to eat and sleep and such). He is a severe overthinker about pretty much everything, and he bottles his emotions inside. He is also asexual and generally has a hard time showing affection. This is to the point where when he finds someone he really cares about, losing them is like losing the one friend he ever had. Pretty much all of these traits are directly inspired by me, which leaves behind an interesting feeling, because even through all of his evil acts, his horrible deeds and unforgivable sins... I still want to redeem him. I don't want to call him "evil," because to do so feels like accepting myself as evil. So I do a lot of labeling him as "troubled" instead of "evil."
People say that I'm a lot like my character Bruce but with a spattering of Kenneth's sardonic nature. I feel as if I just split myself in two to write them! My friends do joke about Kenneth being the vent for all my frustrations, and honestly... they are not wrong... I do think a lot of my characters have a bit of me in them. Whether it's the sense of humour or the sass, I think it's just a part of the writing process for me. That being said... I love all my lil characters beans and I cherish them and I just want the best for them, even if I sometimes write them into terrible situations... what can I say, I am a terrible parent to my lil characters
Both my main characters have a little bit of me in them. Apollo has some of my music interests, which is old country and 70's - 80's stuff, mostly rock. Julian, even though their interests and general personality are being overshadowed by their mental state right now, they like science and reading. Although their interests aren't exactly like mine, I like geology as well as biological sciences like medical science and zoology, while Julian enjoys biological plant sciences like botany and horticulture. They're not really THAT similar, but I guess I consider them so since it's all nerdy science bs. I do have more than just interests, but I'll put those behind a spoiler since they're generally sensitive topics and also really personal: SPOILER Since my comic is a vent comic, I use my characters are tools to explore my own issues, and see them from a different perspective. I filter a lot of my mental issues through Julian, which is stuff like long-term suicidal depression and self-hate. Not gonna lie, I've been living with urges to die since I was 11, and have been feeling like crap for longer than that. Apollo is loosely in a position of a kid seeing a parent in an abusive relationship, having that feeling of being powerless and not knowing what to do, although he doesn't take notice of the situation till the end of chapter 5/beginning of chapter 6. (Although it can also extend to the friend or non-child relative, 3rd party type affected by the situation. I've been in that position as well...) Also later on living with a person who has PTSD and other serious psychological issues. Being a person who was raised by a parent with PTSD and anxiety due to an abusive ex-husband, it quite an experience, especially since neither of us were educated in the slightest on mental health. (I was a child, so you know, I didn't really know better.) In my teens she married a guy who was all emotional abuse, so that's where the "helpless kid" stuff comes from.(edited) END SPOILER
Even though people who know me who've seen the comic think it's a bad idea, working on it actually been super cathartic. It puts to paper emotions and experiences that I have a lot of trouble putting into words, while also letting me see "myself" from a different perspective. Also with how dedicated I've been to researching for this comic I have explored a lot of the good sides to mental health, good coping mechanisms, and general self-care. Which later on becomes the main focus in the story. So my comic has been really nice for me. You can say I'm personally invested in seeing it through till the end.
Lol you know, the more I post on the more I feel like I just make everything uncomfortable. Uh, just kick me from the server if you all feel like I'm ruining the mood, I'll totally understand! xD
It's totally fine as far as I'm concerned! I just hope you're not feeling too uncomfortable
I see stuff like this as me just using myself as an explanation or example for the nature of my comic, the focus isn't really on me specifically so it feels less awkward. It feels more technical and less personal, even though the subject matter is super personal... if that makes any sense.(edited)
So yeah, I'm good!
Er, better explanation: It's easier to talk about personal stuff when it's for my comic than when it's for me. Sorry, my wording was bothering me.
I mean, you're not the only one to use comics or characters as a way to deal with things emotionally. I've absolutely done that before. Both Toivo and Rosemary in Ingress Adventuring Company (https://www.ingress-comic.com/) are inspired a lot from me and my own experiences. Rosemary is modeled after me as a teenager: irritable, a know it all, annoyed, and then has a single parent who she has a very hard time relating to because of how different emotionally they are. Toivo is inspired in a different way. He has traits that I wish I had (like emotional vulnerability and cheerfulness), and faces problems that were inspired by events in my life. both of them seem to actually share a lot of the flaws that I have, just manifested in different ways.
Pff I mean making people uncomfortable by going into detail about it. Usually I'm more vague, or don't bring up personal stuff, but it's behind a spoiler so eh.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I don't think there's anything wrong with that. The nature of the question itself is to be personal, considering we're talking about how similar we are to our characters.
I have similarities to one of my other characters as well, but I decided not to talk about it because I'm still working through my issues atm The fact that you're able to talk about these sensitive topics means that you've made a lot of progress.
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
I personally put bits of myself into my characters deliberately, because it makes it easier to write them in a way that feels authentic to my own experience and feelings (the only first hand references I have for reality)
@Cronaj (Whispers of the Past) It helps a lot that my previous job had an on-site Psychologist who I used to talk to. Before she moved out of state she helped me through a board interview, and got me in the mindset to be open about discussing mental health issues. Although I don't usually talk about my own issues since most of them are self-diagnosed, and saying I have that stuff for sure doesn't feel right, when the Psychologist was around we really only got around to diagnosing and tackling my social anxiety.
It's funny because a lot of our discussions were me asking her about the nature of her work, along with experiences she had with patients since therapy and stuff like that is a large part of the later part of my comic.
But back on topic, poor Julian gets the brunt of my issues, poor thing! Poor comic characters, they deal with so much shit. Lmao!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Indeed they do.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
It's not well-hidden that Phantomarine's (http://www.phantomarine.com/) main character Phaedra is extremely similar to me But over time, she's become less of a carbon copy, and more of a critique/exploration of myself when I was younger. Partly just because the comic has gone on for almost five years now - she's remained locked in time, while I've gained clearer hindsight as to who I was at 19. At my best, I was caring, empathetic, hard-working, and thoughtful - at my worst, I was stubborn, stiff, quick to judge, slow to change, and mightily self-righteous. But when some bad life events happened, I was forced to mature in unexpected ways. I wanted to channel that same energy for Phaedra. She's strong in her convictions - but maybe a bit too strong.
Her journey doesn't involve a total invalidation of her convictions, but more of a broadening. Someone inflexible becoming more willing to question her beliefs in the event of new knowledge. Especially with the threat of death/erasure on the line. It's my greatest critique of my younger self - not something I outright hate in retrospect, but something I needed to work on. Phaedra both annoys me and stirs up great pity in me. I think that's a healthy and relatable combination for a teenager/young-adult.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
In terms of, like, her backstory, and how her life unfolds in general, Mizuki is basically nothing like me. But in terms of dialogue... Mizuki talks exactly how I talk in real life.
a lot of folks asked me if Cara is a self-insert when I explicitly states she's kind of an experience between me and my mom's relationship with each other. Though she has some personality from me, that's the same goes with everyone else I create for my comics or written stories.
idk it might just an inherent thing I recognize
Like most people have mentioned all my characters in Verse (http://versecomic.com/) have parts of me in them, it's the only way i can write them in a believable way. But if i had to pick just 1, it's definitely Fife. Just 100% anxiety, a constant inner dialogue of self-doubt, and my own nervous tics like playing with hair and picking at nails. It makes writing how he handles problems kind of weird, because I get a bit too much in my own head with it.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I can relate with all my characters in some way and definitely throw some of my own culture and experiences in mental illness into them. I feel like I'm able to write those things in better and make them feel more natural because I know what it's really like and how I would be responding to a situation. There's also one character I'm about to introduce (in an update for tomorrow or Monday) who's kind of like how I was as a child.
Capitania do Azar
I feel like I'm just going to repeat a lot of the replies I see here by saying I sprinkled a lot of traits and issues through the characters so I can see them interact and figure things out I don't think there's one of them that gets more than the others though. And it's usually really small things here and there, nothing too big because that would ruin the purpose of trying to have my characters being their own persons
yep, i agree on that
same here, I kinda spread out between a bunch of different characters. I really wanted to be deliberate in not having a self-insert character while still being able to talk about things I've experienced. I think for me what helped was figuring out what werent things I related to about these characters and went out and talked to people who did have that experience
I dunno, I think it's all in what kind of people... creatures you make your characters. Like, I only have the two and really give Julian the majority of my personal stuff, to where they can superficially be a carbon copy of myself. Although overall their background, personality and how they deal with issues are different. You can put a lot of yourself into one character but it's all in how you have them handle those traits, coupled with what kind of personality they have, and where they come from that makes them their own person, so to speak. People are complicated, you can put a group who share the same interests through the same scenario, and how they react or what they take away from that experience will always be a little different.
Urg, sorry if I'm coming off rude, or stating the obvious!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
You know, I was thinking, "none of my characters are like me," but then @snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights) 's comment made me remember that, wait, they do sort of talk like me. I don't really like it. Especially when I catch them using words that I use too often, like "just" and "actually." It doesn't help that my friends have said that I have a very "particular way of speaking," whatever that means. How do you guys prevent that kind of thing? Obviously my natural instinct when writing dialogue is to write in my own voice. It feels unnatural to go against that.
One tool you can use is to model a character after someone else. This doesn't really show in my comic, as it's in English only these days, but the characters canonically talk in Korean most of the time. The MC is not fluent in Korean. I modeled his speech after two Korean-American dudes I know IRL, who are not fluent in the language. He doesn't talk exactly like them, as they have very different personalities, but knowing the exact level of brokenness (as in broken Korean) helped a lot back when I was writing the comic in Korean.
I sometimes caught that too with my characters. I try to think of the type of vocabulary they'll use to speak. also what keii said too. I have a handful of characters based on people I knew, and experiences I had in the past as well.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Luckily, my my comic takes place in a much "older" setting, so none of my characters really speak like me. The language is so dated at times that you would have a hard time comparing it to my style of talking at all. Actually.... I do have ONE character who speaks like me. But he's also a 4th wall breaker.
we love characters like that lol
My verbal ticks definitely slip into my characters's dialogue but some of my characters have super wacky speech styles such as the character who only speaks in haiku and the one that only talks in kaomojis so that helps to differentiate them
Deo101 [Millennium]
I give everyone an accent and then just by trying to read it in that accent it kind of loses my voice in that process
To add onto what Keii said, depending on the language, the person who isn't a native speaker may also speak more formally. I used to work in a squadron with a bunch of Dutch pilots, and while their English was exceptional, some of them never used word shortcuts like 'they're' or 'you're' but would instead say 'they are' or 'you are'. Their English was very proper compared to people who were native to the language. You can also base a character's speech off their education level. Like a person who isn't well versed in their grammar, or has a limited vocabulary is going to have related issues while speaking. You can also akin this to how they were raised, if their parents had a specific speech pattern, or they grew up in an area where everyone spoke a certain way they might as well. They might also use different words, such as when I lived in Ohio for a bit I noticed how most people referred to soda as pop, and said words like creek (crick) or pond. As opposed to where I grew up, Arizona, where I rarely heard those specific words being used. Especially creek and pond since we don't have an abundance of natural bodies of water, we usually call everything rivers or lakes regardless of size.(edited)
Uh, to answer more directly. I usually figure in the character's education level, upbringing, and location. For example one of my MCs is a hardcore hick, and doesn't like reading or learning in general, so his speech is very simple and not always grammatically correct. As opposed to my other MC who isn't a native English speaker but put a lot of effort into learning the language, is a very technical person, and worked really hard to hide their accent. Even though they do use shortcuts, their speech is more proper and they use a larger vocabulary because they like reading. They also cuss a hell of a lot more than the other MC because they're extremely salty.(edited)
Getting a character's voice right is really hard, honestly. What I have to do when writing dialogue is ask myself "Is this in the character's voice?" dialogue is my favorite thing to write, but it's hard to remember to keep in a specific voice. Sometimes i go back a few times in the dialogue to tweak it so there's the right words being used, and the right sentence structure. It's always a battle between how to say something in the most concise way on the page, but still keeping in the right character voice. Like Dani above me said, there's a lot that goes into figuring out a voice, like education level and upbringing and localisms. I just ask myself "ok, how does this character speak? He feels like he's dumb and he wants to make himself sound smart, so he might use words that are too big here" Eventually with each character I figure out what they're like, but for side characters I try to pick a quirk so they don't all mesh together.
@kayotics Aah! The best thing is when that dumb character uses the wrong big words. "Ah yes sir, I love your work! Your brush strokes are very circumlocution."
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
See, I have a dumb character who knows he's dumb, so he just doesn't talk if he thinks he doesn't know what he's talking about
Which is quite often
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I have a very specific tone I use in my comic & I honestly find it harder to avoid slipping into that tone when writing normal stuff than slipping into my own voice writing the comic
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
you do have a very specific tone, sssfrs. Big part of why I read your comic(edited)
I like and agree with kayotics and dani's advice to try to put myself in the character's mind.
Problem is, most of my main characters have similar education levels and grew up in the same place. I mean, there's a reason they're friends.
But that's kind of an excuse, now that I think about it. I've never met two real people with the same voice, even if they're superficially similar. It's probably just a matter of effort differentiating fictional characters.(edited)
Capitania do Azar
How dialog is structured is a great way to show the relationship between the different interacting characters I have two characters who are interested in each other but don't know each other very well and are constantly tiptoeing between using closer pronouns and first names or going back to formal speech and last names/ranks when they feel they're not getting their way. Similarly, a character may speak only in very short, concise sentences to one and be more expressive and take up more words with another. And don't get me started in the weight of silence
I originally said Hannibal is the most like me in http://AntiBunny.net/ but he and I have grown in different ways since the comic began. Though much of the main cast has bits and pieces of my personality.
I feel like I'm the most like Styrka, mind-wise. I gave her all my anxieties and she's the way I feel like I'd act if I weren't also lucky enough to be in a very positive place in my life, lol. She's the easiest for me to write at least, because I feel like I have the best understanding of her mind out of all the characters. (Behavior-wise, though, I'm more like Albus. I try to be positive if I can!) https://tapas.io/series/_Reclaim_
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davedescisco · 5 years
1, 4, 15, 20, 28, 30, 90, 93, 98 !! sorry that's a lot
Klaus thank you so much! I fell sleep and then didn't get around to answering quickly but that doesn't make me any less grateful lol. I'd rather answer a lot than a little so ¡gracias!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
cans, mugs, n glasses
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
very smart and obedient kid, but I was SO SHY. pretty silent those early years
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
the only thing I can think of/remember that I really enjoyed was some books I chose to independently read for a grade. I got to read some p cool nonfiction books about the history of punk, rock, and modern American popular music in general, and it really set the ball rolling for my personal music taste lol. It's how I got into listening to Talking Heads and the Ramones, for example
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
notebook in theory, laptop in practice. I've developed an anxiety about writing personal things down on paper (like things not for school) at my mother's house, because, since she's so controlling, growing up she would dig through, look through all of my belongings to see what I would write. I would get in trouble a lot for absolutely normal things any child would do/write. So I type a lot of things on my phone/laptop. I didn't mean to make this a vent sorry you had to see that
28. five songs to describe you?
Debaser - Pixies (inspires me to bring new, unconventional art to the table)
Where Do ya Draw the Line - Dead Kennedys (the political part of my mind, if we overthrew the power what should society be like?) 🤔
Girl Anachronism - The Dresden Dolls (boy but I relate nonetheless. disaster, perpetually)
Beautiful World - DEVO (again it's satirical critique on the world, I promise this isn't all I think of. I like the use of the word "beautiful" because in many ways, the world is a beautiful place. Just not in all aspects unfortunately. It's important to realize that both qualities exist)
6'1" - Liz Phair (song makes me feel confident in the face of social adversity. U really can be 6'1" when ur 5'2")
Overall, I think too much or sumn
30. places that you find sacred?
the city. When I'm in inner Buffalo I feel something that I can't really explain. There's all this buzz that the suburbs just don't have. I'd like to be there for a while
90. luckiest mistake?
Jeez idk if this counts. This wasn't a mistake (I'm not sure if I have a lucky one) but I never would've, before this happened, guessed that I would do this or what would come from it. In eighth grade my (fairly new, a couple months) friend lent me a book to read over February break. I really loved it, it was one of the first books I read with such openly LGBT characters, one of the main characters being a trans girl. It inspired me to come out, which at first seemed impossible, -- like "oh I can't actually do this lol" -- for the first time to my friends and I felt much more comfortable with who I was when other people accepted me. The friend who lent me the book, upon reading my coming out letter which I left in it, came out to me too!
93. nicknames?
Davey is one I've been called. I used to refer to myself as DJ sometimes bc I'm David John, other than that I don't really have one. Oh, I was once dubbed "Johnny Boy" by a guy in school. he's on probation now
98. favorite historical era?
1950s - 1990s is my fav aesthetically and to learn about the culture and affairs of
thank you so much for asking!! it takes me hella long on mobile but I really appreciate it :^)
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lawhat22 · 4 years
Tumblr media
today marks 10 years I been up on this thang. I remember I only made this for the sole purpose of watching Kid Cudi post on here. He had deleted his Twitter and hop on over here so I followed (I kept my Twitter tho lol). Later on Odd Future would post here...mainly Frank Ocean, with some icon moments on here. Then the rest was history. I would later express some deep thoughts and feelings on here that I wouldn’t post on my main social media apps. this was gateway of venting to myself and the little amount of followers I have on here. this platform has indeed helped me when a actual human being couldnt in times past. I wanted to blog when I was 20 and this app came up at the time and forever connected with that. Whoever made this app, I thank you. I will always cherish tumblr. I don’t post a lot but I try to for the most important things in my life pop up. also sorry for the couple of years where my feed was repost from my Instagram account lol. But yeah with that said, let’s make this another 10 Years of awesomeness?! and here’s a picture of my dog Rex wearing my hat in honor of this wonderful celebration. :)
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saintkimora · 7 years
well i finally found time to type this all up so! here is the story of how last last friday and saturday night went (not the ones from this weekend but the weekend before so like a week and a half ago). it isnt really a nice story but it is significant. first part is tristan then joel then tristan again, the tristan parts are good but the joel part is pretty bad. this is only part 1 btw! sorry @ that one anon a few days ago bc this might make you even more mad lmao
first part: tristan! so on friday i was in the library holding an online eboard meeting for gsa and tristan (the first guy i talked to for a while then hooked up with like 2 years ago and last christmas eve) was apparently studying in nexus which is the building next door to the library. and he sent me a snap (it was clearly the type you send to a lot of people it wasnt like an individual one) of him captioned i hate studying so i sent him one saying i hate planning events bc thats what i was doing. so we snapped back and forth for a while and then the library closed so i was leaving and he was like “come say hi to me in nexus” so i was like ok! 
so i went and sat across the table from him and we talked for like an hour and a half and it was so nice! hes v good to talk to but our conversation dynamic was kinda similar to me and joel’s dynamic so that was interesting. he called me my voice cute at the beginning bc i was like “sorry if i sound weird im a little congested today” and he was like “no you sound like you always do, its cute” so i was like hm so then we talked and caught up and it was very good conversation! then at one point after asking how i was in general he was like “so how are you doing....romantically” and i told him how i was with someone rn but i was kinda having some issues and he was like oh ok and i asked him and he said hes looking but its hard bc people keep ghosting him so i was like aw :/ (but on the inside i was like well thats what you get for ghosting me all those years ago lmao) 
also at one point i told him i go to the gym now so i have a little bit of muscle and he was like “yeah haha sure” and i was NOT about to take that so i was like “i can show you right now if you want” (i was wearing a tank and a zip up hoodie) so i took off one hoodie sleeve revealing my arm and i flexed and he was shook he was like “oh wow you werent kidding, thats actual progress” and i was like ha
after an hour and a half he had to go meet his friends or something so i went home. overall it was super nice! i loved talking to him so later that night i just sent him a nice text thanking him for spending time w me and saying how much i enjoyed it and then he thanked me for keeping him company and said he really enjoyed catching up so that was nice! then later that night things took a turn for the worst.....
so at this point it was friday night and joel and i were texting as usual, we were having a nice convo and were making jokes and what not. then after i asked about his day he texted me this “its fine but i just got another fucking email from slut A and im over it” and i was like “slut A......” and he was like “fucking tinamarie” (the girl who always causes trouble for his theatre club that gets him really pissed off even though it really isnt that serious) and i was like “yeah i figured but did you really need to call her that” and he was like “if youre literally gonna criticize every single word i say then im just gonna stop talking” so then i apologized like 3 times but he left me on read and didnt talk to me for the rest of the night
so! the second i read that final text i had like......a panic attack? or something? idk but it was a mess i got soooooooo cold instantly like i put on sweats socks a hoodie and 2 blankets and i was still trembling and my teeth were chattering so hard i couldnt even talk bc it just came out as gibberish and my toes were numb and my heart was beating fast and you know all that good stuff. i texted several hunties but none of them answered so i decided to text tristan! he was v nice and he comforted me and talked me through it which i appreciated. but like getting that text reminded me so much of the texts i would get from caleb so it just made all those feelings come rushing back and it was v overwhelming but i wasnt about to call joel about it bc he was already mad at me and i was scared i was gonna make it worse
about an hour later i sent him a long text saying how sorry i was bc he wanted to vent to me and i shut him down when i shouldve just taken his side and stuff bc i wanted to try to fix the situation. half of it was lies though like i was not sorry for what i did at all bc he should not be calling this tinamarie girl that! he didnt read that text until the next morning but even after he didnt respond. he was def still awake when i sent it though bc i saw him active on fb messenger slightly afterwards. anyways the next day tristan texted me again to check on me and see if i heard from joel which i hadnt by that point but i really appreciated that he went through the effort of doing that! joel and i had plans to go to the mall that day so i texted him around 4pm (this is saturday now) saying i hope his auditions went well and asking if he wouldve still liked to go to the mall w me. he said he wasnt feeling up for it bc hes tired and i was like not up for the mall or not up for me and he was like just the mall, you can come over instead. so i went over and brought him popeyes bc he was hungry and we hung out and watched dragula and talked and it was like a completely normal day so i was a little surprised he didnt bring up the events of last night. so like 3 eps into dragula s1 i asked him if he could pause it so we could talk so he did and this is where things got worse
so i was like “so....how are you feeling about what happened last night?” and he was like “well it was fucking annoying because i wanted to vent to you and you tried to school me, im already socially conscious, i know its wrong but it was the first thing that came to mind at the time” and i was like “well if you are mad at a woman and your first instinct is to call her that then that might be a problem” and he was like “can i be a fucking human?” like ???????????????? the STUPIDEST excuse like that makes no sense! you can be human without saying misogynistic things like.....annoying. he just had soooo many excuses he was like “oh its ok bc i would never actually say that to her face” like...ok great to know that being socially conscious is just a performative thing for you! if you only do it in public but are still problematic in private then like...whats the point
he was also like “it may seem like a small issue that isnt important to you but her emails are actually a huge problem. YOU wouldnt know since your organization isnt as involved, but her actions affect every area of the organization so its stressful to deal with her” like heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeee we go again idk why he always tries to drag my gsa for no reason. i didnt even say he couldnt be stressed or angry with her i just said he shouldnt call her what he did! 
so now for when it got personal. so i told him i was like “i know you were mad and wanted to cool off so i wasnt gonna force you to talk to me, but it wouldve been nice if you just sent me a text like ‘oh perry im mad and dont wanna talk rn, i need some space ill talk to you later’ instead of just ignoring me for the rest of the night” and he was like “well i didnt have time i had too much going on with the organization” and i was like “i mean it takes 10 seconds to send a text” and he was like “well i didnt want to” OH so now the truth comes out! and then he was like “i was already stressed out with the email so then its like ‘oh now i have to deal with perry too’” and like..............that was really hurtful bc literally the main reason i rarely ever bring up any issues i have to him is bc hes already so stressed with everything else and i want to be a source of happiness in his life not another source of stress so im afraid to bring things up bc i dont want to add to his stress and be another thing that he has to “deal with” so like, he literally vocalized the exact reason im afraid to talk to him about these things so its just confirmed my suspicions and now i feel even worse about bringing up any issues i have with him 
i didnt tell him about the panic attack yet but i did say “well i mean im sure you can tell i was upset, since i sent you a long ass apology text an hour after the convo ended. and if it was the other way around and i knew you were upset about something i said i wouldve dropped everything and called you right away to fix the issue” and he said.............. “well im not gonna prioritize you” like.... !!!!!!!!!!!!! ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great! we already knew i was at the bottom of his priority list but at least now he basically admitted it :/ i was just like well ok
that is the end of part 1 bc im splitting up this post lol
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mycptsdstory · 3 years
This is just ramble thoughts, so scroll through, if you don’t want to read my random thoughts 🤣
So I don’t know why, but last year I did an experiment with the FND girl. Last year, I wanted to delete my old Twitter and start a new one. I know the past me, I don’t agree with today. So it’s the main reason why I wanted to delete it, I was pretty cringe back then. Not gonna lie, I was completely cringe. So I started a new Twitter account with my new mindset involved and I promised myself that I would never or at least hardly argue with anyone on there. I’m trying to keep that real, but I didn’t realise that FND girl blocked me on my old account. So instead of following her or send her message on my new one; I just left her to it. She has a life of her own, why not just leave her to it. Didn’t realise she would hardly use that account ever again. Why? I’ve no idea. Maybe she’s waiting for me to give her hate? But the thing is; I don’t want too.
I don’t hate her. Come to think of it, I haven’t given her hate since I deleted my old Facebook account like 8 or 9 years ago. Well, I deleted all of my social media because my family sent me death threats (after when I told the police I was raped). Not petty messages like me and the FND girl we given out each other… my family did far worse. The last thing the FND girl did (this was on YouTube 6 years ago where I made YouTube videos about rape and abuse) she was telling me that my bf is fake (lol) and I’m lying about my family… I guess she was talking to them. I don’t blame her tho, I blame my family; my family would sneak into my life and talk to my ex friends (even friends I met in the new town I’m living in) and brainwash them, telling them that I’m making it all up. I had to cut those recent friends out, I got fed up, I don’t want my family in my life. But that was on YouTube (6 years ago) and this was before I taken therapy because I wanted to help people out, that they are not alone. Just like I do with this blog…. But I prefer this blog because I can go into great detail about all the family secrets. Like how my family are into incest, for example; my birth mum and the sperm donor are 3rd or 2nd cousins. No joke. Like how the sperm donors older brother (my uncle), my uncle and his wife are 1st cousins. Again, no joke. I could not say this on YouTube. Even my sister, she had an arranged marriage with a VERY close family friend. Yes, my family did that. Even me, I couldn’t marry or dated anyone who I wanted, my mother and my grandmother (my mother’s mother) would had to find my partner ‘sexually pleasing’ so I could date them. That’s right, my mother wanted to have sex with my partner. Hence why I’m dating someone in America and not in England and hence why he has a beard and a hairy chest (my family HATED that. lol).
So when the FND girl said (again, this was 6 years ago) that “You’re lying” and then my family would make ‘fake accounts’ to gaslight me, telling me that I’m making it all up, I didn’t give the FND girl hate because I didn’t want too. My bf got so mad at her and still hates the FND girl to pull that stunt. My bf knows how bad my family is, my mother gave him death threats and of course, he didn’t back down. That’s why I love him.
But there’s the thing, no one can take away my voice. Unless you kill me (which my mother tried to do). I still kept on going, even to this day. No one can keep me quiet. So instead of private messaging her, I just made a video. I didn’t say who, I just said “some people are calling me a liar” (again, this was 6 years ago when I made that video). But that’s it. I think the only thing I did, is sent her an image of me and my bf kissing. Again, my bf HATED her for doing that. I know she lied in the past about being pregnant (I think she has personal issues that she needed to deal with. I don’t hate her for doing that, I just think she needs help) she faked having bfs and but of them wasn’t (not gonna say his name, but having his first name and his second name as a name, yeahh a bit suss) but this was before I was 18? 19? I think? Again, I don’t hate her. I used too, but going through private therapy myself, my therapist said she needs to deal with her inner demons. Healing hurts and healing is a fucking long process. So i used to hate her for that, but not anymore.
(This was 6 years ago) I knew she talked to my family because my sister made a fake account telling me “stop sending people weird images”. I knew it was my sister because she has perfect grammar, unlike the FND girl. No hate, absolute no hate; I can just tell who’s talking to me even through text. It’s in psychology that everyone has their way of speaking, even on text.
I know I messaged her partner year 2 years ago (no hate. I knew she would block me, have a big at go me. You know, the usual) I highly doubt she even read the message because she was that angry, I guess she was still angry at me. I honestly just wanted to talk to her, no hate, no arguments. Just two adults talking and getting her side of the story. But she got angry and I don’t think she read the message. I know she said “you don’t know my story” in a tweet. I’m like, OF COURSE I DONT KNOW YOUR STORY! I’m not in your head, I don’t live with you. So of course I don’t know. No one knows your story unless you tell people. I get it that you don’t want to tell people, that’s perfectly understandable. I will respect your boundaries if you don’t want too. No one can force you to do anything you don’t want you. That’s consent. No hate, it’s just, I don’t live with you. I’m not in your head, so of course I don’t know your story.
The actual last message I sent to her, was by Facebook. I made an account (she knew it was me because my name was on there) and told her I was sorry that I didn’t know she had fnd. Sent her this blog of when I come realise how toxic I was back then. No idea why she never told me she had FND, even 2 years ago. But that’s her choice, I understand she doesn’t want to message me. Again, no hate. Then, I just left her to it. I saw she had a post that was public and many many years ago (8 or 9 years ago) yeahh I could give her hate. But again, I don’t want give her hate. My bf said it was a bad idea because she needs to say sorry to me too because she believed my family and calling me a liar. Here’s the thing, I’m no better person either; I also called her a liar for having FND. So I apologised for me and for her.
[(Off topic and a bit of a vent); I get people have an been through terrible times. I get that it’s been a rough life, but no one (NOT EVEN ME) knows everyones story. I’m not a fucking mind reader. It’s not just the FND girl, NEARLY MOST of abused and sexual assault victims have this bs mindset of like “bUt YoU dOnT KnOw mY sToRy” of course I fucking don’t. I’m not here in your head, I’m not there in your world. Of course I don’t fucking know! Just like you don’t know my story, but I don’t fucking judge you for it. Fuck off with that bs.
I’m here, trying with all my might trying to be kind (I’m not perfect) and not only the FND girl has this toxic mindset, but MOSTLY abused victims too. It’s fucking bull shit. Please remember that no one knows your story, until you fucking tell your story. I understand if you don’t, you don’t have to, if you don’t want too. No one can force you to do something you, don’t want to do. It’s called CONSENT and being fucking polite. So, please for the love of Hecate, don’t assume and put blame on people that you say “bUt yOu dOnT KnOw mY sToRy” OF COURSE WE FUCKING DONT! Fucking Jesus butt fucking Christ and the love of all Hecate…. Such a pet peeve of mine.]
I also don’t care if she reads this either. I’m not sending her hate, I do wish her the best in whatever she’s doing. I’m done reaching out to people and see if they still want a friendship. I get it that people are uncomfortable to reach out to me and I know they get uncomfortable that it’s going to be a different friendship compared to before. I get it.
Furthermore, all the arguments we had, it was fucking years ago. I understand she has ptsd and I have it too, I understand that our time perception is completely out of whack. So I don’t blame her for that, I hope she knows that all of this happened 6 years ago and even more, even when she said my bf is fake… that happened 6 years ago! I haven’t given her hate in 8 or 9 years? That’s a pretty long time. I really hope she understands and moves on. I really hope she finds peace in her life.
I’m done giving hate, it’s tiring and it’s fucking draining. I just want to live my life and I hope she has a wonderful life too.
EDIT: I just thought of something as well. Maybe the FND girl thinks I’m going to use her posts against her, well I’m not and I’m not planning onto either. I don’t give a shit if she does with my blog or my Twitter, I just don’t care anymore. I’m doing my part of leaving her alone (which I have been doing for years) and it’s staying that way. I’m not gonna give her hate, I’m not gonna gossip about her. I’m leaving her to it. She can use her Twitter as a venting space, that’s fine. Just like I use this blog for my venting space, she can use her Twitter as a venting space too. Venting is good and healthy, it’s nice to read back on what I put and be like “huh, that’s how I’m feeling” (learnt this through a psychologist). My therapist knows about this blog and she knows it’s a good thing for me. So, by all means; use your Twitter as a venting space, it’s good to vent.
So yeahh, if you are reading this. You know my thoughts about you now and I know you didn’t before. So, I hope you have a good life and IIIFFFF you do want to talk, my dms are open. IIFFF you don’t, that’s okay too. I’m done reaching out. I hope you have a fantastic life and a loving life too.
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