#sorry i color like a first grader
junipers-archive · 1 year
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Word Count: 600
Includes: fluff! the team finds out about reader x Spencers relationship when you show up to work wearing one of his sweaters
"Y/n." It was Penelope, she was whispering conspicuously as you entered the office heading for the conference room.
"Goodmorning!" You answer quickly as you were already running late due to your much needed coffee run this morning.
She begins to trail after you. "Y/n."
You stop, now wondering what's wrong, especially as all the heads in the room begin looking towards you as you walk in. But it isn't until Derek speaks up that you're hinted as to why,
"So you and pretty boy finally did it?" Oh no.
You mind races trying to figure out how he knew. Did Spencer tell him? You'd agreed not to tell anyone at first so you wouldn't cause absolute chaos. But it's been sixth months you guess it's be perfectly reasonable if-
"Your-your Sweater...its Spencers." Penelope elaborates, calming you rampant mind, all at the same time making it spasm.
You look down silently at what you're wearing, its almost identical as your regular getup, but because you were really running late this morning you'd grabbed a sweater from the couch in your shared apartment on your way out.
Completely missing the fact it was Spencers. It had been a soft cobalt blue color crew neck, one of his favorites with little designs lining it in navy...and also one he wore quite often.
You stared in both disbelief from how you'd manage to grab the one he used most consistently and also at your own stupidity and how you'd failed to notice the whole car ride here.
You look up bewilderedly, to find your colleagues staring at you all in varying ways, Derek was grinning, Rossi was smirking, Penelope had taken to a worried/excited look, Emily was respectfully trying to hide her smile and even Hotch was pretending to read the papers in front of him to avoid eye contact.
You attempt a reply calmly but stammer despite yourself,
closing your eyes to focus your thoughts and breathe, you open them to find Spencer your lovely boyfriend entering or rather staggering into the room.
He had taken the long route so you'd show up at different times,
"Hi! Sorry I'm late-I just-I-What-why's everybody looking at me like that?"
Everyone shaking their heads and smiling to themselves ignored his question as Penelope began to brief all of you on the case.
You hope the subject will be forgotten.
But of course it won't be, and surprisingly its Hotch that asks once the case had been explained and he'd called wheels up,
"Are you two dating?"
Everyone was still seated, waiting for something to be said, and you could see the pleasure in all their faces as he uttered the question.
Spencer swallowed though, not having become aware of the situation even after you'd tried to pass him a note like some third grader.
It had read: I'm wearing your sweater!
To which he'd simply responded with, I'm sure no one's noticed.
Having of course not been aware of your previous interaction with the team.
"We-uh-well-" he tried to begin
"Yes. We are dating." You had to confirm it, knowing if you didn't it would only make matters worse in the long run.
To that Hotch gave his lopsided smirk, "I'm Happy for you, but I'm not thrilled to do the paperwork."
The team of course having heard, errupted in giggles, reminiscent of child like giddy as they finally took it as their cue to leave.
And as they filed out Spencer received several pats on the backs and "good going reid" from Rossi and Derek as you yourself had been berated with questions from Emily and Penelope and "I swear to god if he hurts you-"'.
But as you both shyly retreat, gather your things and exit you agree that the best reaction had been from Hotch as he whispered quietly before he left,
"Well I guess I have to let you room together now."
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princesssmars · 5 months
a few ellie headcanons bc i like her c: sfw.
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she is a backpack lesbian. always has a tiny backpack. they are always black or a dark green. will sometimes get a patterned one. maybe has bananas on it. wants to put stickers on basically all of them but won’t because she gets paranoid they’ll get ruined.
i can’t find the post and ong i don’t remember what type of snack girlie i said ellie was but yes. this bitch loves snacks. always snacking. had a four month long addiction to jello it was a little scary.
she can cook for herself! she can make a damn good burger. hates tomato’s because she’s a baby 👎🏽
feel like she likes the weirdest cereals ever…like bae why are you eating kit kat cereal
runs super cold and always has a blanket. lovesss those super thick fluffy blankets that make you wanna fall asleep immediately. begged joel for one of those full body blanket snuggie things and he kept forgetting so she bought a matching dinosaur set with jessie and she loves it.
despite running cold her bedroom fan has not turned off in thirty years.
loves trivia. likes to play are you smarter than a fifth grader because you are NOT gonna catch her fuckin lackin.
likes mixmatched socks. her dryer is always eating half of her pairs so she grows to like it.
calls things pretentious and overrated as a joke bc she is annoying. watching a popular movie? she hates it the author is trying too hard. if she has a letterboxd she is either giving the most in depth review you’ve ever seen or a five star rating with a “cool”.
super nervous at the start of relationship yo show affection but when she’s locked in she is always on you…cuddles all the time. if you’re getting up to do something she is gripping around your waist. it’s cute until you need to go to the bathroom and she is insistent on going with you. once when she was high she told you she’d get a second toilet so you could go together 🫤
playstation girl yawn. she was hyped for elden ring then got her ass beat and didn’t play for a month before randomly deciding to finish it in two weeks.
whoever said she loves spongebob first was right…binges regular show when high. loves breaking bad. will act like she doesn’t like romance shows but if you make her watch the first episode she hasssss to finish it she can’t help ittt… sorry not sorry i’m making her watch bridgerton.
secretly watches those family guy adhd tiktoks
has a habit of watching movies through tiktok
and those space tiktok’s… comparing the gravity of different planets, what’s it’s like to fall through jupiters atmosphere.
likes orcas… watches marine life documentaries and gets emotional.
would know ur birth chart. ever forget ur big three signs? she knows. kind of scary. weird talent. doesn’t believe in astronomy buts knows every basic fact about every sign?? 😭
has two instagrams. her main is for her art and to post pictures with her friends and you. second she posts anything. and i do mean anything. will go from an introspective into idk why hoodwinked is underrated to
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loves green it’s literally her color. needs some green in her dorm/apartment. thinks about this ahead of time so when she’s in middle school she starts buying tiny plants to take care of. at the start they’d die in like a week but now she has a dozen and they’re all healthy <3
bunch of posters on her bedroom walls. hates bare walls.
likes to try new hobbies every so often! is lazy about working out but when she does she gets on the treadmill and doesn’t break a sweat no matter how fast. kind of scary.
likes to go on the most random dates. you’ll be sitting on the couch and she’ll show you some random restaurant she saw on like instagram and be like let’s go. right now.
likes when you touch her hair. rest her on top of you while watching a movie and run your fingers through her hair? she’s out like a light. if you want to try different styles on it at home she will let you. doesn’t care if she has stupid looking like stubs everywhere she’s like c:
jesse told her she had a fuck ass bob once and she almost hit him :c
such a bike girl omg. i know she used to put water bottles in the back to make it sound like a motorcycle.
who first came up with that she loves spongebob because you’re so right. tried to act like she’s grown out of it but when she’s high and you’re trying to go to bed she’ll whisper “twenty five” to herself and laugh for five minutes straight.
spider-man girl because she’s cool.
pretends to hate all the dumb nicknames you give her when she does stuff. she makes a pb&j? shes now 'ellie jellie' for the rest of the week. has a stomach ache? now she gets to hear 'ellie bellie' for a month.
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links for palestine, sudan, drc
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creadigol · 3 months
Can you continue hero x villain teacher hero?
Thank you so much for the request! This is actually one of my favorite prompts and it was one of my first writing prompt ideas ever, years back before I even had a Tumblr. Due to my love of this one, it kinda got away from me and I wrote a lot. Like a lot. Lol.
I hope y’all enjoy! 
Part 1 and Part 2 here! 
Hero’s very shitty day was taking a turn for the better. 
This morning Hero had woken quite late (due to the extended hero-ing from last night), skipped breakfast, tripped on the curb, spilled their cold coffee, lost their parking space to a visiting mother, and almost got disciplinary action for arriving three minutes past their classroom attendance slot. 
After hearing the ‘ooohs’ and ‘ahhhs’ of various fourth graders, all of whom watched the principal reem Hero out in the hallway; Hero had finally obtained a sense of control over the class just after lunch. Of course that was after one of the kids had accidentally spilled finger paint on Hero’s chair and didn’t feel the need to tell them until Hero found themselves with a neon pink ass. 
As it was, just after lunch was their history time and Hero, not feeling too great about standing in front of the kids looking this disheveled; nor wanting to show off the new color of their pants, simply opted to play two episodes of Liberty’s Kids while the students sat on the carpet. The ploy seemed to work as not one student strayed from the carpet or asked to go to the bathroom. Hero stayed at the classroom sink, located just behind their desk, and tried to clean themselves as much as possible with the children distracted. 
Hero couldn’t help themselves from laughing along with the kids as the characters in the show told jokes and got into trouble while learning about the creation of The United States. Hero had forgotten how enjoyable the PBS show was and felt very nostalgic as they remembered the show premiering back when they were a child. Some things never age, Hero thought. 
So, all in all, the shitty day was getting better. Perhaps after the show Hero would give the kids a break from memorizing the different kinds of rocks and do a fun science experiment instead. With Hero’s powers they were sure they could make the demonstration look very cool without outing themselves as a super. Maybe they could win back their ‘awesome teacher’ status in the eyes of the kids after it had taken such a hit this morning. 
“Not exactly in style, but I must admit you wear it well.” Hero jumped and turned. How had they not heard someone come in? 
“I’m sorry?” Hero addressed the unknown adult. They turned from the sink, suddenly very aware that they had been wiping their backside with a wet paper towel. Pink was on their hands and now the floor at the attempt…not to mention still on their ass. 
Hero very nearly froze at the sight of the intimidating man. If not for their hero training they surely would have. 
He was tall, tall and brawny, but not in the typical sort of way. The muscle in his physique was evident underneath the expensive Italian silk suit; but there was also a leanness to it, like a coiled spring that spoke of agility and readiness. Hero wasn’t sure why, but they instantly felt off kilter, instantly felt tense, like when they are about to face off against a criminal or a villain. 
“Your ah…” the man smirked and chuckled, “choice of presentation…or should I say style, on your…well…” 
“Oh,” Hero noted the visitors-pass around the man's neck and felt a little of the apprehension fade. Perhaps they were just on edge due to the circumstances the man saw them in. “Not exactly my choice. This is courtesy of a young aspiring artist. She’s just too young to  know where her canvas is.” 
The man laughed jovially, “What a kind way of putting it!”
Hero heard some of the children snicker to themselves from over on the carpet, evidently finding the new stranger and their painted teacher much more interesting than the Revolutionary War. Hero tilted to one side so as to see past the newcomer and give their students ‘the look’.
“Pay attention please,” Hero chided. “You never know…I may be inclined to give you a quiz on this at the end of the day.” 
A series of ‘awwwws’ followed their remark. 
“But if you pay attention now, I might be in too good of a mood to write a quiz…”
All the kids turned back to the television with such force Hero was surprised there was no neck damage. All except for one. 
Oh god. 
“Why hello Maria,” the man stooped down and scooped up the child who had run over from her place on the carpet. He hugged her and then placed her back down. Her stature only reached just past his waste. 
Hero felt their blood go cold. 
Maria, the student who was first in their class in everything but English…Maria, the student who all the other students named most popular…Maria, the student who aspired to be a veterinarian one day because she loved the class rabbit so much…Maria, the student Villain was most concerned about…
Maria, the student who was the daughter of Supervillain. 
“Are you here to talk to Teacher?” She asked sweetly, her gaze never leaving her father. 
The man nodded, “I am, so you best be a good girl and go back to watching what Teacher has put on.” 
She scrunched her face up in a pout, “But you’re going to talk about me.” 
He nodded as if it made no difference, “I am.” 
“So you’re not supposed to talk about people when they aren't there.” She crossed her arms and gave him a look of determination. 
The man, no Supervillain, laughed. “Is that so?”
She nodded sagely, “Yes. Teacher said so.” 
Supervillain fixed his gaze on Hero. Hero clenched at the sopping, paint dripping paper towel in their hand. 
They knew this day would come. Of course they did. But they had somehow hoped it wouldn’t. Hero was under the impression that Supervillain was not that active in his child’s life. Parent-teacher conferences had always been with Maria’s mother, who had stated that she was happily divorced, and all open houses and concerts had been devoid of Maria’s father ever since she had enrolled at the school. 
When Villain had brought up who Maria was, Hero had already known. After all, they were well connected in the hero world. 
It wasn’t that Hero purposely got Maria in their class, in fact it was the opposite. Hero tried to keep their two lives as separate as possible, but that was just how the dice fell. Hero didn’t get to choose who was in their class and Maria had been assigned to them. 
It was how Villain had found out their secret identity in the first place, their research into Supervillian’s private life had led them straight to Hero. 
Hero had said it was a small world.
Villain had said they best be careful. 
“Really? Well, I guess you better leave me and Teacher alone so they can teach me lessons like that.” Supervillain smiled at Hero. 
Maria was not deterred. 
“No, you just want to talk about my report card. But you can’t, because it’s not parent teacher day.”
Supervillain laughed again and ruffled her hair. “Not all parents need to wait for parent teacher day to talk about their children. It’s a parent’s right to bring up concerns to their children’s teachers, isn’t that right Teacher?” 
Hero gave a hesitant smile, “Yes, of course it is. Though most call first.”
Hero looked down at Maria, “You go back to the show, Maria, Benjamin Franklin’s about to speak to the French Parliament. I know how much you like him. ” 
She looked at Hero with suspicion, though with a hint of apprehension at the idea of missing anything involving Benjamin Franklin. 
Hero smiled warmly at her, “You won’t understand the book I’m loaning you if you don’t know what he did in France for the revolution.” 
Maria’s eyes lit up, “I can take your book home?” 
Hero nodded, “But only if you promise to take care of it for me. Now off you go.” 
“I will!”
She turned to her father and gave him a quick hug before hurrying back to her spot on the rug. Hero almost laughed when they saw her place her head on her fists in an effort to concentrate more on the words Benjamin Franklin was speaking. 
“Nicely done. Though I can’t say I condone bribery,” Supervillain crossed his arms, but still held the smile from before. 
“Well, at least it’s enriching bribery. I told her two weeks ago I had a book at home about Benjamin Franklin and she’s been after it ever since. I guess now I’ll have to bring it in.” Hero found themselves slipping into their normal Teacher to parent tone, though they were sure the tension in their shoulders was noticeable. 
“We’ll make sure to get it back to you just as it was,” Supervillain leaned on the desk and looked down at Hero in a conspiratorial way. Hero tried not to think about how Supervillain was taller than them even while leaning. “Now about Maria’s last report card…”
“Mr….” Hero cut them off.
“Escole,” Supervillain filled in easily, though his eyes rose. “Maria has my last name.” 
“Mr. Escole,” Hero hoped their voice held more bravery than they felt. “I didn’t want to say this in front of your daughter, but this is rather unorthodox. If you wanted to speak about her grades you could have made an appointment for later in the evening or perhaps during their lunch time…”
“Yes, yes,” Supervillain waved them off, “I meant to stop in during lunch but work got ahead of me. I’m sure you know how it is…” Supervillain gave them an up-down, no doubt seeing the old coffee spill mixed with paint and the tear in Hero’s pant leg from when they tripped earlier. “Some days are just chaotic.” 
“I know but…” Hero stopped at Supervillain’s raised hand.
“My darling Maria is too precious to be put on the wayside because of work, don’t you agree?” 
“Of course, but as I said…” In an instant Supervillain was in their face. Their tall body leaned over the desk as though there was no barrier between them. 
“I am a very busy man Teacher, so I’ll get right to the point. I don’t make appointments, people make them with me. When it comes to my daughter, I honestly don’t care whether you’re on lunch or in the middle of a lecture, I’ll be here and when I’m here we will talk. And when we talk, I expect you to listen and do what I want. Is that clear?” 
By the time Supervillain was done, not only was he only an inch away from Hero’s face, but his hand had found its way to Hero’s arm. The grip was tight and bruising, making Hero’s hand that held the pink paper towel shake. 
Every part of Hero wanted to fight, to get themselves out of Supervillain’s hands, but a stronger part of them was hyper aware of the children. They couldn’t fight here. They couldn’t do anything to endanger the children. 
“What do you want to talk about Mr. Escole?” Hero asked in a shaking whisper. 
Supervillain smiled, “Maria was right. You are smart.” 
Supervillain lounged on the desk and pulled on Hero’s arm to bring them down closer. “That new repairman that’s been hanging around…what’s their name?” 
Hero looked them in the eyes with confusion, though in their mind they started panicking. 
Good god, did he know about Villain? 
“I thought you wanted to talk about Maria’s English grade?” Hero spoke. 
“I know you’ll do what you need to with that. I’m not concerned about her grades. What I am concerned with is her account of her teacher being buddy-buddy with a new repairman. One that seems to do the majority of their work only in this classroom.” Supervillain narrowed their eyes at Hero’s large ones. 
“I don’t know what you mean…” Hero stumbled when a hand gripped their throat. Not tight, but plenty threatening. They hoped to god that the children were absorbed in the show. 
“Are you saying my daughter is a liar? That there is no repairman? Now, now Teacher, remember what Maria said? Can’t be talking about her while she’s not here.” 
“I,” Hero breathed raggedly. They couldn’t let this escalate with the children so close. “Every school has repairmen. I…I don’t know what you want.” 
Supervillain squeezed a bit tighter as he stared directly into Hero’s eyes. It took all of their willpower not to look away. What if Supervillain recognized them? They used to think their costume was foolproof, but after Villain had figured it out…now Hero wasn’t so sure. 
“Are all repairmen so attentive?” 
“I don’t know. They come and do their job.” I’m more focused on the kids, Hero almost said, but stopped. They didn’t want Supervillains attention turning the children right at this moment. 
“Nothing out of the ordinary?” Supervillain’s grip on their arm was so tight it felt like it was going to break. Hero suppressed their whimper.
“Not that I’ve seen.” They shook. 
“Then why are they here so often?” 
Hero blinked away tears of pain. “The classroom was in disrepair. It has been for a while. I thought we finally had the funds to fix everything,” They lied. 
“Why no funds?” Supervillain tilted his head. 
 Hero brought their hand up to grip Supervillain’s wrist by their neck when it got tighter. It only made Supervillain shake them. 
“Why no funds?” He asked again.
“I…I’m not sure,” Hero wheezed. “I think the city cut the money during the recession.” 
The hand got tighter. Hero started to see spots. Oh god, did Supervillain see right through them? 
Hero was pulled so close that they were nose to nose with Supervillain. Hero could smell his breath and feel every puff of air that came from his nose. The way Supervillain had positioned himself perfectly blocked what was happening from the children. At least there was that. 
“I want that repairmen gone. Immediately.” He paused, his gaze unwavering, “I expect you not to tell anyone of this encounter. If you do…well Maria will be upset, but there are always other teachers. She’ll get over it.”
Supervillain unceremoniously pushed Hero away. Hero collided onto their wooden swivel chair making the whole thing topple backwards. The crash called attention from all the children. 
“Oh no!”
“Teacher are you okay?” 
“What happened Teacher?” 
Supervillain gave a fake look of shock and placed their hand over their heart. “Oh my! Kids, it seems Teacher slipped and fell. Better make sure they’re alright.” 
It was through a throng of worried children that Hero saw Supervillain slip out of the room with a pat of goodbye to his daughter. 
Hero assured the kids that they were okay, just a few bruises. 
“That’s why we never leave water on the floor,” Hero said with a smile. “It was my own doing.” 
All the students laughed at Hero’s rare klutzy moment and were more than delighted when Hero told them they could eat snacks and watch Liberty’s Kids for the rest of the day, no quiz required. 
Once they were settled once again, Hero put their head down on the desk and tried to slow their breathing. 
They had only just got their heart-beat back down when they heard one of the kids approach their desk talking. 
“Teacher slipped and fell. It was after the mean man whispered at them. Now Teacher doesn’t feel so good.” 
“Mean man?” Asked another voice. 
Shit. Not now! Why are they here now? They already practically fixed everything in the school. 
“It was Maria’s dad, but we all call him the mean-man because he didn’t help Teacher up when they fell down.”  
“Maria’s dad?” The shuffling stopped at Hero’s desk. “And Teacher fell after they talked?” 
“Well, you better get back to the show. I think Washington’s about to cross the Delaware. Don’t worry, I’ll check on Teacher.” 
“Okay! Thanks Repairman!”
There was silence. Hero could feel Villain’s eyes staring into as they kept their head down on the desk. 
“Hero,” Villain whispered. “What happened?” 
At first Hero said nothing, then, 
“Are any of the kids around?” Came Hero’s muffle reply. 
“Nope, they’re all eating cookies on the rug.” Hero felt the air change as Villain bent down closer. Unlike with Supervillain, Hero didn’t feel threatened at all. “Why?” 
“I don’t want them to see. It’s sure to have set in now.” 
Villain placed a hand on Hero’s shoulder, “What’s set in?” Hero could hear the urgency in their voice. “Phillip said Maria’s dad was here…”
“Supervillain was here.” Hero confirmed. “And,” Hero lifted their head. Villain sucked in a breath as they saw the dark bruising along Hero’s neck and the mark on their forehead from when they hit the ground. “We had a talk.” 
“I’m going to kill him.” 
@crow-with-a-typewriter @stevihj @waterflower20
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ohmyamor · 1 year
a/n: no jongho in this because it was a request inspired by my original richkid jongho post as well as part 2.
you first met hongjoong when you stumbled upon him in an empty classroom long after school had ended
as the vice president for the arts club, you, along with the president of the club, were tasked with gathering some extra supplies
the two of you had gone to the administration to ask for more funding to buy some new supplies, ones that didn't look like they had been run through by a pack of first graders
but admin didn't seem to particularly care for such trivial things like the arts
dismissing you quite quickly and telling you to look for extra supplies around the school
and so, you and the president were tasked with going through every singly empty classroom in hopes of scrounging together some decent supplies
the president had taken the east side of the school, while you looked on the west side in hopes of covering more ground
dragging your feet, you walked towards the last classroom of your side of the school
so far, you had only managed to find a few more packs of colored pencils and markers
and although it wasn't anything remarkable, you were grateful to have found anything in the first place
so with low hopes, you prayed that you would be able to find something else in the last room
slamming the door open, you jump when you make eye contact with someone sitting in the middle of the room
all the desks are pushed to the sides of the room quite messily
some of the chairs are knocked over, like someone pushed them away in a rush and never bothered to pick it up
and in the middle of the mess sits Kim Honjoong
in front of him on the ground is a large black jacket that's spread out, different colored paints and markers surrounding him
of course, you know who he is
it's kind of hard not to
his family runs one of the biggest banks in the country, and they sent him to this school in hopes of properly preparing him to take over the family business
but (according to the rumors) Hongjoong had all but stuck his middle finger in his family's faces, slacking off and doing everything in his power to avoid learning anything about business and money
you had heard rumors that he was quite artistic, and looking at the beautifully painted jacket that lays on the ground in front of him, you believe the rumors are true
"Oh," you say awkwardly when Hongjoong looks up from his project to stare at you
"uh, sorry, I didn't think anyone else would still be here," you explain
Hongjoong tilts his head to side
"I like working here because no one ever uses this classroom so I can keep all my supplies safe," he gestures to the loads of paints that surround him
you nod, still feeling a little bit bad about walking in on him
"okay, well, I'm gonna go now," you point behind you and begin to close the door
you pause, peering into the classroom once again
"what are you doing here so late?" Hongjoong raises his eyebrow
"I'm part of the art club and we need more supplies, but this stupid school doesn't think the arts are worth their money," you roll your eyes, "so, we're stuck looking for extra ones in the empty classrooms."
"no offense," you add, realizing you just called this very prestigious school stupid in front of a kid who comes from a very prestigious family
Hongjoong cracks a small smile
"no offense taken"
it's quiet for another moment
"I didn't realize we had an art club," Hongjoong comments
you nod
"yeah, the school doesn't really like us promoting it. I'm pretty sure it's because they want everyone to join the fencing club or whatever rich people do on their free time," you joke
you can't help but feel a little bit proud at the way Hongjoong throws his head back in laughter
"maybe I'll join," he says once his laughter has died down
you're a little shocked, but do your best not to let it show on your face
"well, we meet every Thursday after school," you tell him
"just don't expect us to have all your fancy paints and stuff, we're on a budget"
Hongjoong giggles before sending you a cocky smile
"don't worry, I know some people who would love to make a very generous donation to the art club"
it's about a week later when you and your president get called into the office
the principal seems annoyed, tossing you guys a piece of paper that you soon realize is a check
grabbing it off the desk, you and the president can't help but stare with wide eyes and gaping mouths at the number of zeroes you see written
"wh-who donated this?" your president asks, completely floored
"The Kim family," replies your principal, muttering a "surprisingly" under their breath
later that day during lunch, you happen to pass by Hongjoong who's talking with his group of friends
the two of you make eye contact and he sends you a wink
looking away, you bite back the smile that threatens to appear on your face
"ohmygodimsofucked" you breathe out harshly, running through the doors of the building
you grip your bag tightly, praying that your stuff doesn't fall out of the small hole on the bottom
your cat had taken it upon herself to use it as a personal scratching post
although you're pretty sure she did it because she was mad that you started limiting her on how many treats she ate
you're not one for fat-shaming, but she was getting pretty chunky
your shoes squeak as you book it past different classrooms, ignoring the weird looks from the students inside of them
you were already late for your exam, and you had three minutes to make it to class before you exceeded the 10-minute grace period your teacher allowed on test days
you can already see the door at the very end of the hall and mentally cheer
almost there, almost there, almost the-
"what are you doing?"
you let out a scream as you feel the tip of your shoe scrape the ground, sending you hurdling forward
you shove your arms out in front of you and allow the palms of your hands to break the momentum of your fall
"ow" you wince, feeling the sharp sting from the tile flooring
"oh my goodness, are you okay?"
at the familiar voice, you look up, only to see none other than Park Seonghwa staring at you with concern
oh fuck
Park Seonghwa, top student in your grade and the entire school, teacher fan-favorite, and hall monitor
of course, not that Seonghwa was mean or anything
he has a reputation for being quite nice, causing all the students to love him
not to mention his other-worldly beauty
the amount of chocolate he gets on Valentine's Day could rival how much they sell at candy stores
but, he is also known for being quite serious when it comes to attendance and tardiness
whenever he catches students ditching class or being late, he has no problem lecturing them and giving them after school detention
which you absolutely cannot afford today because you have to go pick up your younger brother from his school across town
"excuse me?" his voice pulls you out of your worries
"huh?" you answer, staring at him wide-eyed
"are you okay?" Seonghwa stares at you concerned
"that was a pretty nasty fall," he comments, glancing down at the way you clench your hands to try and stop the stinging
reaching out, Seonghwa gently touches your hand
"May I?," he asks, looking up at you through his eyelashes
you can't reply, absolutely shocked at what's happening, only managing to give him a small nod
he ever so gently opens your hands and winces at the sight of your bright red and scratched up palms
without saying a word, Seonghwa brings his backpack to his front and opens the smallest pocket, rummaging around inside of it before letting out a satisfied hum and pulling something out
it's a cat band-aid
you can't stop the small "cute" that escapes your mouth at the sight of it
Seonghwa's face turns red
"they were the only ones left at the store," he mutters as he begins to carefully place the bandages on your hands
he says sorry when you let out a hiss at the sting
once he's done, Seonghwa helps you stand up and holds your bag out to you
"how come you're in such a rush?" he questions
you glance down at your phone, sighing when you realize that you've missed the 10 minute mark
"I had an exam today and my teacher allows us a ten minute grace period, so I was hoping I would make it," you explain, "but I already missed it."
Seonghwa frowns at the way you look so disappointed
"what class is it for?"
"statistics with Snow"
Seonghwa perks up at the mention of your teacher's name
"Snow? I had him last year, he loves me. If you want, I can tell him I needed your help with something and ask him to let you re-take the test, I'm pretty sure he'll say yes."
you stare at him, absolutely floored
"you would do that?"
what happened to the scary hall monitor everyone spreads rumors about?
Seonghwa hesitates, but nods
"I feel bad about scaring you and causing you to fall, which ultimately led to you missing class," he frowns
"I-Thank you, Seonghwa, I do't even know what to say," you tell him honestly
once again, a light pink flush makes its way onto Seonghwa's face
"y-yeah, of course"
taking a look at his watch, Seonghwa says something that shocks you even more
"well, since you aren't going to class, do you want to go with me to the convenience store down the block?"
did you hear that correctly?
not only is the Park Seonghwa letting you off the hook, he also bandaged your hands, offered to lie to your teacher to let you retake your exam, and now he's asking if you want to ditch for part of the day to go to the convenience store
what the fuck is going on today?
"I'm sorry, is the school's top student asking me if I want to ditch?" you can't help but tease
Seonghwa pouts slightly, crossing his arms
"I mean, I can just give you detention instead, if you want"
shaking your head no, you tell him that you'd be more than happy to go with him
"well then, let's go," he smiles, offering his arm to you, and the two of you begin making your way out of the building
you’re in your first period of the day, a chill class where your teacher allows everyone to do whatever they need/want
you sit quietly at your desk, working on some homework
some students around you do the same, while others chat quietly with their friends and some even use the time to sneak in a few more minutes of sleep
you’re so focused on completing this assignment that you don’t notice the student aid that walks into the classroom and hands your teacher a note
you only look up when the teacher calls your name
he motions you to come up to his desk
nervously, you place your pencil down and make your way to the front
“Looks like we have a new student and the office wants you to show him around,” your teacher explains, handing you the office note
you wordlessly take it from him, looking down at the paper
“Go ahead and grab your things, I’ll let your other teachers know that you might be late for your next class.”
nodding, you walk back to your desk to quickly pack up your things before heading out
once you reach the office, you walk in, sending a kind smile to the ladies who work in the front
one of them nods her head towards the principal’s room and you thank her before making your way over
knocking on the door, you wait until you hear the principal’s “come in” before opening the door and stepping inside
“Ah, (Y/n), thank you for coming in,” your principal smiles
“This is Jeong Yunho, he’s our newest student who just transferred from a different school district.”
the boy stands up from the chair and reaches out his hand
you shake it, slightly taken aback at his height
he’s incredibly tall, with black dyed hair, and yet, despite his intimidating stature, his face is kind
“Nice to me you Yunho,” you greet politely
he smiles a bit shyly, giving you a quiet hello and looking away
“As one of our top and most involved students, I knew you would be the best choice to guide Yunho around the school and help him get adjusted,” your principal smiles.
she claps her hands together
“So go ahead you two. Yunho, don’t worry, you’re in great hands with our (Y/n) here and I hope you have an excellent first day,” she smiles before ushering the two of you out
you and Yunho stand outside in the hallway, an awkward silence overcoming the both of you
“Can I see your schedule?” You ask politely
he nods, reaching into his pocket and digging out the paper
you scan your eyes over it, humming when you notice that you share most of your classes with him
“Well you’re in luck,” you send him a smile. “Looks like we share most of our classes so you can just follow me around for today.”
“Great,” Yunho replies, the tips of his ears turning slightly red
and so throughout the day, you guide Yunho to your shared classes, telling him what buildings are for which classes and some of the best spots for some quiet time
his last two classes of the day are different from yours, so you take it upon yourself to get a campus map and label where his classes are going to be
as the bell rings for lunch, you take your time packing up your things
most of the students have already filed out of the classroom by the time you’re done
and you can’t help but jump when you look up and notice Yunho standing in front of your desk
“Oh, Yunho, is everything okay?” you ask
he nods
“Yeah everything’s great, but I, uh-” his eyes flicker around nervously
“I was wondering if we could have lunch together? I don’t really know anyone else,” he admits, a shy smile taking over his face
you think about it for a second before nodding
“Yeah of course we can. But I’m sure by the end of the week you’ll have your own little group to hang out with, so don’t worry,” you reassure him
Yunho doesn’t admit that he quite enjoys spending his day with you
and so you two eat lunch together, sitting side by side in the courtyard and chatting, getting to know each other
by the time the lunch period ends, Yunho can’t help but pout
“We don’t have anymore classes together right?”
you shake your head
“No but I’m sure you’ll do great,” you send him a reassuring smile
he frowns for a split second and seems to curl into himself slightly before an idea pops into his head
“Let’s go eat after school!” he suggests cheerfully
You pause
“After school, my family’s driver is picking me up, so if you don’t have anything to do, let’s go eat together!”
“I don’t know about that,” you trail off
you figured he would be tired of you by now, but offering to go eat together after school?
“C’mon, I’ll even pay,” Yunho attempts to bribe you
he can see the hesitance on your face and gently touches your arm
“I really enjoy hanging out with you (Y/n),” he stares into your eyes
“And I’d love it if we can become friends rather than going our separate ways.”
you feel your chest warm at his words
and the way Yunho stares at you with wide, starry eyes makes you falter
you sigh
“Alright, let’s hang out after school,” you relent
“Meet me here after your last class and we can leave together.”
Yunho’s smile is breathtaking and you have to force yourself to look away
maybe this won’t be too bad you think
out of all your classes, you think this one has to be your favorite
you’ve been playing cello for as long as you could remember, and to be able to take a class solely dedicated to the instrument is perfect
you sit in the corner of the room where you and few other cello players have set up, watching as your instructor claps her hands
“Okay students, as you know, our spring recital is coming up.”
a few of the students cheer and a smile takes over the instructor’s face
“This year, we've decided to do things a little differently. Rather than having student solos, I thought it would be a great idea to have you guys do duets with your classmates.”
there’s mixed reactions, some students groaning while others look excitedly at their friends
“But, before you all get excited, I already went ahead and paired each of you up with a player of a different instrument.”
this time, more groans ring out throughout the room
you fidget in your seat slightly
while you don’t particularly love this idea, it’s also not necessarily the worst thing that could happen
meanwhile, the instructor has already begun to read off pairs of names
“Yeosang and (Y/n)”
you blink
as in, the best violinist in your school?
oh fuck
you look around the room before finding the back of his head
his long blonde hair is styled nicely, and you watch as he reaches a hand up to gently push some of his hair behind his ear
if you weren’t nervous before, you’re definitely nervous now
once your instructor has finished reading off the pairs, she allows you all to break and get together with your partner
you sit and fidget with your bag, unsure if you should make your way over to Yeosang, or if he’s coming to you
the sound of someone clearing their throat causes you to look up
Yeosang stands in front of you, hand gripping the case for his violin
“(Y/n), right?”
you nod
“Looks like we’re partners,” he says slightly awkwardly
you nod once again, unable to look him directly in the eyes
“Okay, well, I think it would be best if we meet up after school to practice together. Meet me in the main parking lot and we can go over to my house.”
his house??
you clear your throat before replying, “okay that sounds good."
Yeosang gives you a curt nod before the bell rings and he makes his way out of the classroom
after school, you stand alone in the almost empty parking lot
next to you is your cello case and in your hands is a box of chocolate croissants one of your friends had given you
where is he? you think, beginning to get a little nervous at the thought that Yeosang might've forgotten about you
you're about to begin walking away when you spot him running out of the doors
by the time he gets to you, his normally pristine hair is slightly messy and out of place, and he pants hard
you resist the urge to fix his hair for him
"Sorry about that," Yeosang apologizes once he's regained his breath
"One of my teachers asked me to stay back to help him with something and I hadn't realized how late it had gotten," he admits sheepishly
you wave him off, letting him know it's not a big deal
"I thought you might've forgotten about me," you joke
Yeosang shakes his head
before you even have a chance to comprehend his answer, he's reaching out to pick up your cello case
you frantically try to stop him from picking it up, but he gently shoos away your hands
"I'm stronger than I look, lovely"
he guides you to his car where he carefully puts away your instruments, opening the passenger door for you and getting settled himself
once the two of you reach his house, you watch in slight awe as the large gates to the property open up
pulling up to the very front door, Yeosang begins to get out of the car and you follow, clutching the box of sweets
you watch as he hands a man in a suit the car keys before guiding you inside the house
"If you don't mind me asking," he starts. "What are those?" he gestures to the pink box in your hand
"Oh!" you look down
"A friend of mine gave me some chocolate croissants during our last period."
you push the box towards him
"Feel free to have some, as a thank you for letting me practice here and for the ride"
with a small smile, Yeosang thanks you and reaches into the box, grabbing one and pulling it out
you grab one for yourself as well before the two of you get started on learning the music sheets
it's a few minutes later when you look up at Yeosang and let out a small laugh
he has chocolate smeared on the side of his mouth and he even managed to get some on the tip of his nose
"I'm guessing the croissant was good?" you gesture to the small mess on his face
pulling his phone out, he looks in his camera and begins to turn red
you laugh even louder, reaching into your backpack to pull out a tissue
you lean across the table, getting close to Yeosang's face and ever so gently wiping off the chocolate
when you finally move away, Yeosang doesn't know if his face is red from the embarrassment or from having you so close to him
"c'monnnn, you have to go to at least one of their games before we graduate!" your friend pesters you about attending the school's baseball game this upcoming Friday
sure, a lot of the boys on the team are nice to look at
but between academics, extra curricular's, and family obligations, you don't really have time to be going to watch boys in tight pants run around a field
you roll your eyes, shoving her off from where she's draped herself on your shoulder
"I really don't" you reply dryly, taking a bite of your sandwich
your friend rolls her eyes
"whatever, if you think I'm gonna give up on trying to convince you then you're sorely mistaken"
she grins, and you wince
you know better than anybody that when she puts her mind to something, she always gets what she wants
the bell signaling the end of the lunch period rings and you begin to pack up your lunch
"I'll meet you after school for our volunteer hours!" your friend waves goodbye as she begins heading towards her class
you wave back and continue packing up
you sling your backpack over your shoulder, beginning the walk to the science building
just as you turn the corner, you crash into something hard
you let out a small "oof" and stumble back
before you're able to fall on your ass, a hand reaches out and grabs you by the arm, helping to stabilize you
you look up to see who you crashed into
Choi San
star player of the baseball team and the it boy of the school
"I'm so sorry!" he apologizes, eyes wide
you wave him off
"it's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going either."
he bites the inside of his cheek and tilts his head
"I don't think I've seen you around before, what's your name?"
you hesitate a little
you're a scholarship student, and while you're very proud of how your work ethic that has gotten you this scholarship to such a fancy school
you can't help but be a little nervous telling one of the most popular and wealthy students in the school who you are
"(Y/n)" you eventually reply when San's eyes won't leave yours
his eyes light up
"I thought you looked familiar! You're one of the top students in our entire grade"
you feel your face get warm and look down at your shoes
"uh, yeah, that's me"
"do you think you could help me in my language class?" San questions
you blink, not expecting those words to come out of his mouth
quite frankly, you have a lot on your plate
and you're not sure you can handle taking on another student to tutor
"I promise I'm not a lost cause!" San all but begs
"I'm just a few points away from being suspended from playing on the team and I really can't stand the idea of not playing," he rubs the back of his neck nervously
San stares at you with such hope in his eyes that you can't find it in yourself to say no
so you sigh and relent, nodding your head as San breaks into a wide smile
you notice the dimples that pop up on his cheeks when he grins
"thank you thank you thank you!"
he glances down at his phone before letting out a small "oh shit"
"class is about to start, I should get going,"
"Thank you again (Y/n), for agreeing to tutor me, I really do appreciate it"
just as he begins walking away, he pauses and turns back around
"Are you coming to our game this Friday?"
"I'm not really a huge sports person," you admit. "So, probably not."
San pouts and you immediately feel the need to take back your response
"But I guess I can try making it to one."
oh your friend is never going to let you live this down
another blinding smile makes its way onto his face
"I promise to play my best to make it worth your time."
San sends you a wink
"I gotta impress my pretty tutor"
you stand awkwardly next to your dad, staring at Mingi
when your dad had mentioned that one of his friends suggested this "really great mechanic" in the neighborhood who was also "kinda young", the thought that it might be someone in your grade had never even crossed your mind
you honestly didn't even think it would be a possibility
"oh, do you two know each other?" your dad asks, looking back and forth between you and Mingi
"sort of?" you reply hesitantly
sure, you knew who he s
one of the wealthiest, smartest, hottest kids in your grade
but the two of you weren't friends by any means
the most interacting you had done was a brief "sorry" when you guys had bumped into each other in the hallway that one time
you were brought out of your thoughts when Mingi sent your dad a bright smile, reaching forward to shake his hand
"Hi sir, I'm Mingi, I share a couple of classes with (Y/n)."
he knows my name?
your dad nods, seeming impressed by the boy's manners
"well, I'm here because I've been having some car trouble and a friend of mine recommended you. I was hoping you could spare some time to take a look at it," he pats the hood of the car
Mingi nods
"Of course sir. As long as nothing's causing major issues, I should be able to get it back to you in two days," Mingi says, taking a glance at the vehicle. "I'm a little backed up with appointments right now, but I promise to try my best to get it done as fast as possible"
your dad nods
"Thanks, son."
a grin makes its way onto your dad's face
"And just remember, I know what school you go to if you do anything to hurt my baby."
you groan, missing the way Mingi's eyes dart to you rather than the car
"I would never," Mingi replies seriously
"daaaaaad" you shove his shoulder slightly, feeling your face heat up
facing Mingi, you apologize for you dad's comments
the last thing you need is for his parents to show up at your house questioning you as to why your father decided to threaten their son
just then, the sound of a phone ringing begins to echo through the small garage
pulling his phone out of his pocket, you watch your dad's eyebrows furrow as he reads the name of the caller
"give me a second kids," he says, bringing the phone up to his ear and stepping out of the garage to answer the call
once the door is shut, you look back at Mingi, who, to your surprise, is already staring at you
"I'm sorry about that," you apologize once again. "He's pretty serious about his car, doesn't like to let a lot of people touch it."
Mingi nods understandingly
"No worries, I get it. I guess I should be honored he trusted me enough to bring it here," he grins
taking a look around, you can't help but be a little impressed by how legit everything looks
not that you know much about mechanic shops
"So, I didn't know you were also a mechanic outside of school," you mention. "I thought your parents would want you to focus on business and stuff like that."
Mingi's ears turn warm and he brings an arm up to rub the side of his neck
"That's because they don't really know I do this," he admits
your mouth drops open
"How do you manage to run all of this on your own without them finding out?"
he shrugs
"'s not hard when they're never home in the first place."
you frown
"but don't feel bad," Mingi continues, noticing the look on your face. "This is something I really enjoy doing and I'm glad I can do this all on my own."
the way Mingi's face brightens up when talking about something he's so obviously passionate about makes your heart feel fuzzy
before you can say anything else, the door to the garage opens and your dad walks back in
"Sorry sweetheart, but we're gonna have to get going. The guys back at the office are having trouble sorting this deal out and they need my help," your dad rolls his eyes
"Thanks again, son, for helping me out. Whenever my car's ready just go ahead and let my daughter know since you guys see each other at school anyways," your dad places a hand on your shoulder
"I didn't sign up to be your messenger," you mutter, crossing your arms over your chest
Mingi lets out a deep laugh
"Of course, sir"
your dad begins walking out after saying goodbye to Mingi, and you follow, pausing at the door to look back at him
"Bye Mingi," you smile, sending him a small wave
"Bye (Y/N), I'll see you in class," he calls out
once the two of you leave, Mingi gets to work taking a look at your dad's car
maybe, just maybe, this car will finally give him the chance to talk to you more
you and Wooyoung had actually been best friends for as long as you could remember
when you were younger, your mom had been hired by Wooyoung’s family to tutor him in any and all subjects
as she was a single mom and couldn’t always afford babysitting, she would often times bring you along with her when she went to Wooyoung’s family’s house
most of the time you would sit quietly on one of the large couches and work on homework or color
but one day, a small Wooyoung had managed to sneak away from your mom and come see you
he’d always see his tutor coming in and out of the house alongside a young girl around his age, but he never actually saw you up close or talked to you
and so, as any child would do, his curiosity got the better of him and he went out in search of answers
despite the initial scare he gave you when he screamed “BOO” in your ear, the two of you had gotten along quite nicely
after his tutoring sessions and when you were done with homework, your mom and Wooyoung’s parents would watch with fond eyes as you two chased each other around the large backyard
as you both grew up, and even when your mom stopped needing to tutor him, the two of you remained incredibly close
it’s how you were even able to attend this fancy school in the first place
the tuition certainly cost an arm and a leg, something your mom would never be able to afford on her own
but Wooyoung’s parents insisted that you attend as well, saying it was one of the best schools in the country and they would put in a good word for you
they also took it upon themselves to cover the cost of your tuition, saying that at least this way, they knew you would keep an eye on their son
and so you and Wooyoung had fallen into a comfortable routine with each other, knowing the other person inside and out
so when one day you were late leaving your last class, Wooyoung couldn’t help but grow slightly concerned
you’re an incredibly punctual person, and even on the rare occasion that you would be late, you always made sure to let him know ahead of time
tapping his foot on the pavement anxiously, Wooyoung leaned against his sleek back car and glanced at his watch
“Where is she?” he muttered to himself
only the sound of your laughter caused him to look up
you were finally walking towards him, but next to you was a boy
Wooyoung stared hard at the guy next to you, watching with distaste as you waved bye a little too enthusiastically to him before skipping over to the car
“Who was that?” he asks, intrigued and annoyed at the same time
“Oh, he’s in my statistics class,” you reply vaguely
Wooyoung stares at you, noticing the way you seemed to fidget nervously and the way you kept rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet
he knows you like the back of his hand, and he knew that you weren’t telling him something
quirking a brow, Wooyoung says nothing, only continuing to stare
you sigh, reaching into your pocket to pull out a piece of paper
“He asked me out,” you finally admit, handing him the number
Yanking it out of your hand, Wooyoung looks at the phone number and address the boy had written down
“He didn’t even offer to pick you up?” your best friend scoffs
you roll your eyes
“It’s not that big of a deal Woo” you argue
he fixes you with a stern look
“I thought I raised you better than to have such low standards,” he shakes his head
“I’m literally a few months older than you!” You cry out
Clicking his tongue, Wooyoung crumples up the piece of paper and tosses it carelessly to the side, ignoring your protests
“I’m not letting you go out with some mediocre boy,” he says, opening the car door and gesturing for you to get inside
He closes the door as you try and argue with him, beginning to walk over to the driver’s side
Wooyoung elects to ignore the jealous monster that has made itself known in his heart over the idea of you going out with someone else
someone other than him
getting settled in the drivers seat, Wooyoung starts the car before turning to face you with a cheeky grin
screaming into my pillow :)
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
some sunny day |janitor!eddie munson x teacher!reader|
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prompt: eddie takes you to meet his mom. very very angst.
The first time Eddie mentioned his mother, it was just a casual comment. Innocent enough, made in passing about a small plate, decorative from the sixties that you saw at a thrift store.
“My mom used to have that,” Eddie muttered, hand tracing down the small dish. It was a neutral comment, but it was his expression, the way his eyes dropped and lips tightened. “She used to put her wedding band on it when she’d do the dishes.” His gaze was far off and distant, like he wasn’t really with you, he was back in a memory.
“It’s really pretty.” You offered with a small smile, looking at the floral details and gold, chipped trim. "She has good taste."
Eddie just nodded, putting it back on the shelf, shoving his hands in his pockets and waking away. You heart dropped. Eddie was never quiet like he was after that, distant and removed, giving small, forced grins and long stares. That was your first clue, that whatever happened between he and his mother, it wasn’t good.
Mother’s Day came around close to the end of school, but you still liked to do a little activity with the kids in your class. Thumbprint bouquets on ink pads and hand drawn stems, their slanted writing reading a little note. You displayed them on your bulletin board before they took them home for the weekend, proud and smiling at their hard work and how colorful it looked.
Eddie had stopped by, like he always did, smiling sweetly, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips since it was after hours. His eyes lingered on your bulletin board, he always enjoyed seeing what creative thing you made of it. Some teachers simply added test scores, plain and boring, a little dehumanizing for the kids like him who never scored high- never had help with his spelling words. Not you, you made sure everyone’s was displayed, proud and how it was.
His face fell his time, smile dropping around the edges when he looked at it. “Isn’t it cute?” You gushed, arms around his waist, swaying back and forth. “They were so excited to use the ink pads. It was a mess, but worth it. They loved it.”
Eddie swallowed hard, blinking at the countless scribbling of words. “Yeah...it’s cute.” He forced out, choked words that seemed to strangle him.
You pulled back, brows furrowed in confusion when you looked at him. “You ok?” You asked.
Eddie looked down at you, that same distant look back in his eyes. You frowned softly. “What’s wrong?” You asked quietly.
Eddie shook his head. “Nothin’, baby.” He sighed softly, giving you a tiny smile, but still refused to look at the board again. “I think it’s sweet.” He hesitated, teeth gritting like he wanted to say more.
You lifted your brow. “Ed, what? C’mon,” you pushed gently, hand rubbing his back sweetly. “You won’t hurt my feelings, I promise. Did I misspell something again?” You grinned, looking back over at the bulletin board, remembering the time you’d spelled out ‘Valentime’ and proudly shown him. Eddie had laughed, warm and bubbly when he pointed it out to you. You’d blushed but thanked him, saving you from the disruption of your class the next day. Fourth graders thought nothing was funnier than their teacher making a mistake.
Eddie’s lips still pursed, sighing gently. “No, you spelled everything right. It’s…it’s just…” He shook his head. “I mean, this is really sweet, but what about the kids who don’t have moms?”
Your brows furrowed softly. “What?”
Eddie shrugged, closed off and shut down, wiggling out of your grasp gently. His jaw was tight and cheeks red, nearly embarrassed. “I’m just saying, like, are you sure everyone has a mom?” He said, refusing to meet your stare, reaching in to grab the full trash out and tie it off. “Some kids don’t have moms, and shit like this… Sorry, it’s not shit, I-I just mean, these things are nice, b-but not…” He exhaled slow, shaky.
Your heart shattered, breath catching in your throat. You felt dizzy, chest heavy. Eddie shrugged, hoping you didn’t see him swipe at his running nose, hidden under a waterfall of curls. “‘M just sayin’, sometimes this can just be… hurtful. Mother’s Day isn’t always fun for everyone.”
You didn’t push or dig. You knew enough to know that whatever it was- whatever Eddie had gone through with his mother was painful. He was still hurting.
You met Wayne on your six month dating mark. Eddie had been so nervous, palms clammy and leg bouncing in pure nerves. He’d worried himself nearly sick when you went over to the trailer. Worried you snarl or judge him or worse.
You grinned when you met the older man, Eddie’s uncle who raised him. Wayne hugged you tight when you introduced yourself, holding the screen door open to let you in. He hit Eddie on the side of his head when he passed by.
“Don’t you know you open doors for ladies, boy?” Wayne gruffed when Eddie passed by. “Your Mama would be rollin’ in her grave right now if she saw that girl open her own door.”
Your heart skipped, dropping at the comment. You weren’t sure you were supposed to hear it, so you pretended you didn’t-for Eddie’s sake. Scanning the pictures on the walls instead, most of Eddie, the same curly haired boy throughout the year. Wayne had his high school diploma displayed proudly, all three senior year photos next to them. You cooed at them, finger tracing over the school photos, a snaggletoothed, curly headed boy with bright, brown eyes in a slightly worn t-shirt. It made your heart ache, turning and squeezing with that uncomfortable crushing pressure.
Eddie showed you his old room, watching you smirk when you held up a dirty magazine, wedged under the old mattress. You lifted a brow playfully while Eddie blushed hard, a deep red that had you giggling.
“Those are from high school, I swear.” Eddie stammered, holding his hands up.
You lifted a brow, eyes skimming the cover. “Hottest Centerfolds of 1989?” You challenged.
Eddie’s blush deepened, running a hand down his face. You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a sweet kiss.
Wayne had brought you to the common area of the park, the July air hot with a slight breeze. He’d fired up the grill anyways, making Eddie flip the hotdogs while the two of you chatted on the wooden picnic table behind him.
He wiped his brow, bangs matted and sweaty against his forehead. You stood, black hair tie on your wrist, pulling it off and handing it to Eddie. "Here, honey," You cooed sweetly, passing him the band. Eddie blushed, thanking you quietly when he pulled his hair back in a low bun, sweat trickling down his neck.
"Good call," Wayne grinned, winking playfully at you. "No one wants all that hair in their hot dogs anyways."
You giggled, looking over at Eddie with a sweet, playful smile. Eddie scoffed loudly, rolling his eyes. "At least I still have hair, old man."  He jested.
Wayne barked out a laugh. "You better be glad you got your Mama's hair, otherwise you'd be bald like me."
Your heart thumped hard in your chest, palms sweating and not just because of the heat. You saw how Eddie's shoulder's tensed at the mention. Wayne chattered on while Eddie grilled, asking you about your own home life- where you were from, what your folks did, all nice and polite chatter.
You'd passed a photo hanging on the wall before you'd left. A woman with familiar unruly curls, clipped back but blowing in the wind. She sat on a hill, daffodils and tulip in flower beds around her, a small blanket on the ground. She held a baby with the same tuft of curls, chubby cheeks with dimples, and round, brown doe eyes. You knew it was Eddie immediately, smiling at the photo. He was adorable, so similar in some of his features. Your eyes lingered on the photo a bit too long, Wayne catching you.
He stood by you, exhaling slowly. "He looks like her, don't he?" Wayne smiled, sad. "I always told Viola that boy was her twin. Told Ed that too, but..." Wayne didn't finish his sentence, letting it linger in the air between the two of you.
You bit your lip, stopping yourself from asking what you wanted to, the question that rattled around your brain, shaking you from the inside out: what happened to her? No, it wasn't for you to ask. You wouldn't overstep like that. You'd respect Eddie and his decision to tell you when he was ready.
That day didn't come until much later. A cold, rainy day in March, when the winds were whipping and unforgiving, the sky cloudy and gloomy, the perfect bad day. You'd noticed Eddie didn't stop by your classroom that morning, no apple or sweet note. You assumed he'd slept in, the drizzle of the rain always made him so sleepy, snoring heavy and hard. By lunch time, Eddie still wasn't there, didn't join you and Steve in the break room, and you noticed the janitor's closet was still locked.
You climbed the steps to his apartment, a small one bedroom one bath next to the park, knocking on the chipped paint of the green door softly. No one answered. You furrowed your brows, craning your neck towards the parking lot. You could see the van in it's usual spot, the small orange tinted glow from his lamp inside.
You fished your key out of your bag, turning it in the lock softly before letting yourself in. Your stomach turned, a deep and sinking feeling settled in the pit of your tummy. "Ed?" You called softly, shutting the door behind you. "Eddie, it's me. Are you sick, baby?"
No response.
Your shoulders tensed, swallowing the growing lump in your throat, eyes scanning the room. "I tried to call, but..." A muffled yelp, nearly in pain, low and groaning from down the hall startled you.
You padded down the hall, hearing another small clamber from behind the closed door. You knocked gently again. "Eddie, are you alright?"
"Go away." Eddie barked, strained and shaky voice seeping through the door.
You flinched in shock softly, his voice so hard and cold, but mostly hurt. It worried you. "Eddie, please can I come in?" You asked softly, pressing your ear to the door. "If you're sick, I can go get you some medicine, baby. Or I can take you to the doctor if you-"
"No, just-just go!" Eddie yelled, a choked sob following, strangled and bitter.
Your eyes widened, hand turning the knob reactively before you could even comprehend what you were doing. Your breath hitched, heart stopping when you looked in the room. Eddie was lying on the bed, crumpled into the mess of bed sheets. His pillow was a deep blue, tear stained and wet. He clutched a photo in his hands, protective and angry, white knuckled and trembling. His eyes were red as was his nose, blood shot and raw from the tears running down his cheeks.
"I said get out!" Eddie sobbed, turning away from you entirely when you came in. His shoulders shook heavy, rattling with the aftershocks of sobs. "Get out! Go!"
"Eddie," You breathed cautiously, voice even and calm. You held your hand out, approaching him slowly, like a frightened animal, despite the rapid fluttering in your chest.
"No, leave!" Eddie cried, breath hitching and shuddering in his chest. He heaved deep and fast, furiously wiping his eyes with the back of his wrist. "I don't-don't want you to see me-e."
"Eddie, are you ok?" You asked calmly, hand hesitating to touch him. "Do you need me to call someone or-or get you-"
"No," Eddie sobbed, face crumbling. "You can't get me who I want, who I need." He sucked in a breath, pitiful and trembling at the admission. His voice was hoarse with tears.
"Yes, I can, baby. I can. Just tell me who you want, and I'll call them, ok? I'll-"
"You can't call her." Eddie's brown eyes, red rimmed. His shoulder's dropped, lip quivering, snot streaming down his nose. "You can't call her, because she's fuckin' dead. She's dead."
Your heart shattered, hands reaching out to stroke his shoulders, unsure and desperate to comfort him. Your eyes flickered down to the photo, the familiar curly hair- Viola.
Your breath caught, eyes meeting Eddie's, melting sympathetically. "Oh, Eddie," You whispered, stroking his cheek gently. You wished you could say more, do more, knowing nothing could soothe this aching he felt, but wishing you had the right words to help. Instead, your tongue felt large and swollen, choking your words and leaving your breathless and speechless.
Eddie's face crumbled, eyes squeezing and lips pressing together to try and keep the sob from escaping. You pulled him close, hugging him tight to you while he cried. Your hand raking through his hair, soothing and soft coos while he sobbed, heart-wrenching and pitiful.
Your blouse was damp, pressed against your skin when Eddie's breath finally steadied, that same distant glaze over his red-rimmed eyes. You kept him pressed close to you, tight to your chest, hand stroking his curls, peppering kisses to the crown of his head. You hated that you didn't know what to say, how to comfort him to make it better. There was nothing to make this better. What did you say to a grieving son who only wanted his mother?
Eddie told you then about her.
About how she always cared for him, about how she taught him to play guitar, how she taught him to hide when his dad came home angry and drunk. His eyes squeezed shut when he mentioned him, fists balling tight in his hands. You could feel his heart racing, picking back up and breathing ragged.
He told you about how she died, seventeen years ago that day. You tried to swallow back the burning ache in your chest, breathing deep to keep your own tears in. It wasn't about you, you couldn't cry, but how could you not? With the things Eddie was telling you. Horrifying, traumatizing things that he went through as a child; that he still faced today.
You stayed with him through the night, not because he asked but because you knew he needed it. He had never been so thankful for you. How gentle you were with him, not judging and reassuring when he got embarrassed by his emotions. He fell asleep that night practically on top of you, head buried in your torso, long limbs crowded all around you. You didn't mind.
The next morning, Eddie woke up frantic, mumbled apologies and racing thoughts that you quieted and soothed. You could tell her was embarrassed. He never needed to be with you.
Eddie rocked on his heels, fidgeting for a moment like he did when he was anxious. "I-I think I'd like to go see her today." Eddie mumbled, refusing to look up at you.
You nodded slowly. "I think that's a great idea, Ed." You smiled softly towards him, resting your own hand on top of his.
Eddie grabbed your hand tightly, fingers intertwining through yours. "Do you think... Do you think you could maybe come with me?" He asked, eyes rounding hopefully when he looked up at you. You melted, heart swelling so tight you thought you might burst. You wanted to tell him you'd walk through the firing line for him if he asked.
"I-It's ok if you can't. Fuck, that's a lot to ask, 'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have asked that, that's-shit, I can go by myself-" Eddie rumbled, eyes pinching closed, pulling his hand out of your grasp quickly.
"Eddie," You grabbed his hand softly again, squeezing it lightly. "I'll go with you. If you want me to go, I'll go with you. If you want me to drive you and sit in the car, I can do that to. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do. Don't apologize for asking."
Eddie hesitated, eyes frantically scanning your features. He'd grown used to putting other people first, making sure they were happy and content before he was. That they were genuine.
"Are you sure?" He asked weakly, lips pulling tight in a hopeful grimace. You wanted to squeeze him tight to you, hold him until he knew it would be alright; until it was all better.
Instead, you smiled, pressing a light kiss to his dimpled cheek. You pushed a curly tendril behind his ear. "I promise. I would love to meet your mother." You smiled, wide and warm, it made his heart lurch in his chest. His hand squeezed yours, eyes watering all over again.
You stopped by the florist before you went to the cemetery. Eddie hadn't asked you to, but you wanted to. "I can't show up empty handed to meet your mom." You smiled softly towards him.
Eddie took a long, deep, cleansing breath at that, following you in to the shop. You looked around, the aroma of the shop was heavenly, floral and powdery. Eddie relaxed softly.
"What kind of flowers did she like?" You asked gently, looking at the different ones in vases of water, behind cooling glasses to keep them fresh.
"Not roses," Eddie muttered, shaking his head at the various shades of roses they had in water. "Hated them."
You smiled softly. "Ok, no roses." You nodded, moving down the case.
"She liked those," Eddie pointed to the big, pink flowers that sat in a vase; peonies. "She used to grow them. Would cut them and put them on the dinner table to cover the scratch when people came over."
You squeezed his hand lightly, requesting two bouquets from the florist. You paid them before Eddie could, ignoring his protests when you took them to the car, laying them delicately in the back seat so they wouldn't get smushed. Eddie didn't tell you, but it meant the world. Seeing how careful you were, how caring you were to him. Watching your hands shake, a little jittery- nervous to meet his mother. Like she was still physically there, and it wasn't just a tomb.
"Do you want me to stay in the car?" You asked, parked on the curb in the empty cemetery.
Eddie shook his head softly, eyes trained on the rows ahead of him. "I-I think I'd like you to come with me." He said, looking over at you carefully. "I want you to meet her."
You smiled, bright back at him. His heart fluttered.
He lead you through the rows of graves, stopping to point out his grandparents, great-grandparents, before he found hers. The headstone was small, a little worn with weather. Viola Luella Jones-Munson - Beloved Daughter, Sister, Wife, and Mother.
Eddie's legs shook when he kneeled down, gripping the bouquet so tight he was sure the stems would break. "Hi, Mom," He whispered, voice cracking in his throat. "I-I'm sorry I haven't been by in a while..."
You pressed your lips together, fighting back a cry of your own. Watching Eddie push the leaves off the headstone, fingers lingering to trace over the etched letters of her name quietly.
"I brought someone to meet you." Eddie whispered, looking over his shoulder at you.
"Hi, Mrs. Munson," You smiled softly. "It's nice to finally meet you." You knelt down next to Eddie, on the soft grass.
"W-We've been dating for a while, Mom. I wanted her to meet you." Eddie breathed, his hand reaching out for yours, squeezing it tightly.
You ran your thumb over his hand, soothing. "Your son is great." You smiled, affectionately looking over at Eddie. "The best. You did an amazing job with him. You should be very proud." Eddie felt his chest swell, throat burning with the threat of tears again.
"He's kind, and funny, and creative, and so, so good to me. A gentleman." You continued, leaning your head softly against his shoulder.
The breeze blew through the trees, wind chimes on the graves tingling to life, while the two of you kneeled in silence.
"Do you think I could have a moment?" Eddie asked after a while, head leaning on top of yours, hand still intertwined. "Just a little bit alone?"
You looked up at him, pressing your lips to his softly, just barely brushing his. He relaxed into your touch, letting you kiss him sweet and gentle. "Take as much time as you need, Eddie. I'll go wait by the car."
You placed the bouquet in front of the headstone, swiping the top off carefully of any fallen blooms from the trees. "It was wonderful to meet you, Mrs. Munson." You whispered, before standing up. You squeezed Eddie's shoulder gently, padding back through the grass towards the car.
Eddie was still for a while. Listening, watching, distant and wrapped up in his own memories. He sighed softly, sitting down on the ground fully.
"She's great, isn't she?" Eddie whispered, smiling softly at the headstone. "I told you when I met the right one I'd bring them to meet you, and-and..." Eddie looked over his shoulder, back towards your car. "She's the one."
Eddie took a deep breath. "She met Wayne a while ago, back in July. He loves her. Told me I better take care of her." Eddie snorted softly. "I do, by the way. Well, I try to as much as I can... She takes care of me, too. Real good, Mom."
Eddie could feel the tears coming, pricking and threatening to spill out the corners of his eyes. "I-I wish you could meet her, Mom." Eddie's lip wobbled, voice cracking at the admission. "God, you'd love her. You two would get along so well, and-and-" Eddie sobbed, broken and spilling out of his chest.
"I miss you." Eddie whispered, tears falling down his cheeks.
He felt like the same eleven year old boy he was years before, kneeling in the freshly laid dirt by her grave, begging and pleading for anyone to bring her back. Screaming and furious that she was taken instead of his dad, instead of him.
"I wish you were here, Mom." Eddie sniffed hard, choking on his own tears. "I really miss you."
Eddie stayed there for a while. His brain screamed at him to get up, but he couldn't. He just wanted a little more time. He knew you wouldn't mind.
He placed a kiss to the headstone, resting his forehead against it until he calmed, chest still heavy and aching, but breathing steady. Eddie placed the peonies next to yours, pretty and bright against the headstone. He knew she'd love them.
When he said goodbye to her, a small, broken whisper into the headstone, he liked to think wherever she was that she heard him. That she sent down the small breeze that wrapped around him, through his hair and through the trees as a sign that she was still with him.
Eddie hugged you for a long time before you got back in the car, tight and desperate, like you might disappear if he didn't. You ran your hand soothingly down his back, letting him bury his nose in your hair, your scent grounding him and keeping his threatening tears at bay.
The ride home was silent, comfortable. Eddie looked out the window, exhausted and drained after the day. His hand held yours over the center console, your thumb still rubbing soothing circles over his knuckles. He didn't tell you that his mom used to do that. He didn't tell you that was the reason the act was so soothing to him, not then anyways. He didn't tell you that you reminded him of her in the best ways. He didn't tell you that he'd never brought anyone, anyone to see her grave. He didn't tell you how much it meant to him that you spoke to her, that you were kind and sweet and genuine to her. He figured you knew.
What he did tell you was how much he loved you. How much he loved you and loved you and loved you and loved you.
And how much his mom would've loved you too. How much she did love you, wherever she was.
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svndaysaweek · 2 years
Enlightenment (Prequel to ‘Homicidal’) — {Feat. Karina, Somi}
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7.1k words
A/N: Hi, I'm 7daysaweek! This is a prequel to my very first fic, 'Homicidal'. I don't know how I got to write this long. Big big thank you to @dnd-writes and Delphi for editing and proofreading (and rewriting) this!! And thanks for liking my stuff y'all...
TW: Sexual Harassment (Rape), mentions of death.
Tags: Creampie, anal, choking, bondage, master-slave, squirting and a lot more...
"Fuck, fuck, fu-bbb...!"
"Quiet, Jimin."
You palm her mouth with your right hand and hug her waist with the other then push her sweaty back onto your body.
Your hand on her mouth goes down to her bouncing tits as the other thumbs her anal entrance then you double the pace and the slapping sound of your flesh almost evens her scream.
"Aaah, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
Her head falls down as her neck loses its strength but you bring it back up with a handful of her hair.
"Do you see anyone looking at us, baby?"
Almost everyone is, in fact. It would be even harder not to notice a loud couple fucking in an outside parking lot, upon the poorest attempt to hide behind a car. However, you are not looking for some normal passerby, and for your predatory hunger, Jimin spots a proper prey.
"Fuck–Ah, there! That–that tall girl noticed–ahh–us,"
Her finger points somewhere but helplessly limps down on the car. You follow her finger and spot a girl looking your way. The color of her name tag indicates that she's a 1st grader—two years junior to you. As soon as your eyes meet she quickly avoids it by turning her head away.
Good. She's going to be your target.
You're hunting for another clumsy slut to tame and fuck, and this is the best way you've ever discovered.
"Great job, Jimin,"
You slap her ass and duck your body to bite on her ear. She lost her last drop of consciousness—you know she already came countless times. You can tell by her shaking legs and convulsing walls. Jimin is now nothing but a limp moaning mess dumped on some car, taking relentless assault on her pussy.
"Here's your reward."
Yes, please, Jimin begs with her eyes. You see the neediness in them.
"Oh, please... Aaaah it's so good–fuck!"
A brutal bite is marked on her white shoulder as you color her walls white. In between the car and your tired body, hers is periodically lifting yours up and down with heavy breathing—let alone the irregular spasms matching your throbbing cock.
"You're a fucking slut, Jimin."
You breathe those words out right into her ear. They obviously were insulting words, but only worked to make her smile and even giggle a little bit.
"You love me like that,"
You squeeze Jimin’s tits for the last time then put your pants back on. You buckle your belt and nonchalantly ask Jimin, who is still struggling to descend from her high..
"Do you know her name?"
Jimin breathes heavily as if even her lungs convulse from the sex that just happened.
"Uhh, Somi maybe? Haa, yeah. It's Somi."
"Is she popular?"
You flip her body to button her shirt back up and put her jacket on. Not necessary but at least you let her look presentable.
"Yeah, quite. Among first graders. She's got nice tits and a pretty face but doesn't socialize often. Not sure she has a boyfriend around."
You nod throughout her speech. A popular girl who's introverted, that'd be perfect to play on. Prey on.
Alright, so that Somi girl is up next.
You're intentionally on the same bus as Somi, with Jimin accompanying you. The bus is packed with a lot of people returning home but you two are the exceptions to that. You push through the people in your way as you approach Somi from behind.
You then purposefully push your body on hers, making sure she notices you by rubbing your crotch on her clothed ass. Somi gets startled by a sudden touch on her ass and apologizes to you.
"Oh! Oh, I'm-I'm sorry,"
She recognizes you. You catch that split-second moment when her eyes widen at you. You, however, to her apology, don't give a shit and raise your hand to reach for a bar to hold onto, of course making sure you touch her breasts by accident. Somi this time doesn't speak but shrieks a bit at your touch, throwing an embarrassed glimpse at you then quickly looking down at nowhere.
To your eyes it's only a horny girl acting innocent because you saw it in her eyes—the burning sensation. Her face is visibly red, hands have lost their destination, legs can't just stay calm. Moreover, she doesn't even try to avoid the contact on her ass.
See? It's just too easy. It's not even gonna be a one-sided rape—her inner slut might be begging for it anyway.
So this is the plan: You heat her up on the bus, get off at the same stop, stalk her and then fuck her somewhere creepy. That'll make her give in completely. That'll draw a complete obedience out of the most basic instinct inside her.
The bus arrives at the stop where Somi gets off so you and Jimin follow her. As soon as she enters a rather deserted alley, you snatch Somi by her wrist and push her onto the wall.
She squeals out loud at the sudden hostility only to be silenced by your hand gripped around her neck hard.
Somi resists you but Jimin ties her arms behind her back with her own necktie. Somi then starts to kick your legs and you start to feel a little bit pissed off.
You slap her cheek hard and her swinging legs stop moving. Somi looks up at you weakly with her eyes as a teardrop runs down her reddened cheek. Those legs settled, you pull down her skirt and panties in one sway. Jimin chokes Somi with her arms as you insert your dick inside her pussy with no resistance.
"Gah, hagh-!"
You can see her knotted arms struggle for freedom. Regardless of that you rip open her buttoned shirt to reveal a jiggling pair of voluptuous tits waiting for your attention. You tug down Somi's bra and slap her tits hard. Her moans then gradually turn into painful yelps and ecstatic screams.
"Ahh! S-stop, please-ah!-stop it! Hikkh-"
Jimin tightens her choking arm around her neck. Somi's face starts to redden even more furiously.
"Shut up, I know you want this."
Somi shakes her head. She shapes her mouth to say "no" but her voice is no longer available. Her mouth is now agape for more air. You up the pace of your thrusts and slap her cheek again.
"Then let me fucking make you."
Somi's eyes are half-closed due to orgasmic sensations and lack of air. As Somi approaches her high she loses her consciousness. Somi's last desperate efforts to escape from your grasp and Jimin's arms are nothing but a cute thing to watch.
You slap on her tits several more times—you like seeing her shiver every time you do. Actually, it's just your sadistic, psychopathic taste that you just like to hit, slap, choke and fuck.
Squeeze, slap, squeeze, slap. That pair of meaty flesh is such a good toy to play with.
Somi's empty gaze is locked on your eyes. Tears are now everywhere on her cheeks. Her wet juice is all over her thighs too. You rub her clit with fingers and she shudders—strength in her legs already long gone. Her voice is long gone. Somi's lips keep moving but it doesn't even shape any word. Only the lips down there feel alive.
Despite the lack of air, her walls are working properly—they convulse hard and soon she cums. Somi's eyes roll back to her head as she passes out, before falling down limply on the ground.
"Dirty fucking slut. I didn't even cum yet,"
You're talking to yourself, but at the same time you weren’t only to yourself.
Jimin grins as she looks at your throbbing cock then she kneels down in front of you and starts to suck it. The moment her lips sealed the head, you grab on to her head and begin fucking into it.
"Holy fuck, Jimin. Always a good slut for me, aren't you?"
You always talk like that, but you're no different from Jimin in that you're a good, perfect dick for her, and she knows it because once she hears thatshe looks up at you with those teary eyes and smirks. Not surprising at all that her hand is already working diligently on her soaking cunt.
It's not been long since you began facefucking Jimin, but the growing orgasm from the previous session is approaching. Without warning her, you pull her head inward for your balls to hit her drooling chin then cum straight into her gulping throat.
"Phaah, you're fucking delicious, baby. Bet she wants me to share a bit."
With remnants of your cum still inside her mouth, Jimin spits it out onto Somi's mouth and face. While you're arranging your pants, Jimin opens Somi's mouth and kisses your cum on it into it.
"Jimin, that won't wake her up,"
You laugh and tease Jimin kissing Somi.
The title Sleeping Beauty sounds about right on Somi. Those tits, that midriff, those slender legs, that cunt, and above all the attitude taking all of your assault. All virtues you consider appropriate is inside her, your potential slave for sex. Besides, Jimin seems to like her too.
You carry Somi to her home. Opening the door with her fingerprint, you step in to find the inside neat.
"Inside's quite nice,"
Jimin says as she sits on the bed after she opened the door to Somi’s room. You toss Somi's limp body on it then look around.
A frame on the nightstand and the photo inside catches your eyes. There's Somi smiling next to a guy as they hold each other's hand.
"Hey, you think this is her boyfriend?"
You ask Jimin as you show her the picture. She laughs and answers.
"Yeah, he looks dumb though,"
Jimin's hands drag you to the bed. She hugs you from behind and whispers into your ear.
"You could just take him out."
Jimin's big breasts push into your back, and there you grow impatient and push Jimin down on the bed. With a light squeal she lies down. You get over her body and kiss her.
There's brute in the kiss. There's violence in it. Jimin pulls back to breathe and you can see it in her eyes.
There's lust in them. You're no different, anyway.
"My little girl is getting horny, huh?"
Of course, watching you fuck another girl and being facefucked doesn't help her patience.
Needy words come out of Jimin's mouth.
"There's not even a second I'm not horny when I'm with you."
Jimin's mind is totally conquered by lust solely for you. Nothing new for you, though.
"I like that,"
You thumb her cheek softly—opposite to how you're going to treat her.
"Let me fuck your brains out, Jimin."
A declaration that earns you another slurpy kiss. Your right hand makes its way straight to her crotch, and her hand brings your left hand to her clothed tits. You can feel her taut nipples through her uniform.
Jimin moans into your mouth and the sound reverberates through your skull. You've always liked the quick reactions from Jimin. Her moans, screams and sometimes yelps tell you how well you are doing—how good you are.
You push the button to play her moan. Your fingers are now rubbing on her clitoris. Under her skirt you can feel the heat radiating from the very core of her body. The heat that you yourself provoke on her body. An aphrodisiac in the form of a human. That's what you are to Jimin.
That's what every man is eager to be, and you use it as a weapon to just pick a girl and enslave her. Jimin is no different from Somi's case—it's just a little more intimate between you and Jimin. And that makes you feel the massive pride to have the influence reach her. A perfect fuckbuddy with slight obedience.
"Ah, shit–Mmm yes...!"
You push your fingers into her cavern. You don't bother counting how many—two or three, it doesn't matter. She'll even accept your fist happily.
Your whole body and Jimin's are shaking by the pistoning of your arm. The bed is too, and Somi's body next to you obviously is too. As if intended to wake her up, you are quaking the bed, and Jimin under you is providing auditory stimuli—screams, yelp, squelching sound. The room you're inside is full of the sound of sex, and it hits the walls and ceiling in every direction possible—it echoes as it does, too.
It's been long since her eyes were shut. Jimin's lustful intention to concentrate all her nerves and senses on the sensations of sex she is receiving. Only a slight bit of excess will be enough to tip her over, and you can feel that you're almost on the verge of it.
"Hey, eyes on me,"
You choke her, an action that serves as the opposite of your direction to open her eyes. Somehow she manages to open her eyes, but still fails to follow your order.
"Haa, haa, fuck..."
Her eyes are not on yours. You can see that she tries her best to look at you, but your fingers—both on her neck and in her pussy—keep her eyes inside her head.
Both of her hands dig into the mattress as she cums hard—Jimin always does, in front of you. At that moment you quickly undo your pants and boxers and hastily start rubbing on her reddened pussy lips, to gain some wetness on your dick for lubrication. Also while lubing your dick, you don't miss the chance to slap on them, which makes Jimin's trapped throat vibrate from her desperate efforts to let out moans. Seeing that your dick glisten with Jimin's nectar, without warning you insert your dick into her asshole, also resuming what your fingers were doing.
Your hand over her throat goes down to harshly squeeze her tits. They deliciously jiggle whenever you move inside her, whenever you touch it, and whenever you slap on it. Your hands aren't choking her anymore but she's still breathless—the sex itself is doing it.
Her eyes slam shut again as her squirt swashes on your fingers and the bed, as soon as you pull your fingers out. Jimin bites her lower lip and she hisses out her moan.
"Ffff–! Huh..."
You just chase your own pleasure, regardless of her tipped over state. Even if she yells stop you will. It's an unprepared anal session, but she's taking it very well. So tight and warm. And with her own fingers inside her used cunt she is making it even wetter.
"God, you're so fucking delicious,"
Yeah, delicious. That's the only feeling forming up inside your mind. Yoo Jimin underneath you has surely been seismic—on your mind and on the bed.
She certainly hears you but can't find any way to respond, still in the middle of orgasmic haze. You are still anally destroying her to the end—a close end for now. Your climax is approaching, and you never want to delay it. Actually, your pace even goes up as you cross the line. Jimin screams and even without any help her pussy squirts wildly.
"Fuck, I'm cumming...!"
You do in her ass, making sure her plump ass is filled up from the inside. The bed stops creaking and you feel like the world has also stopped—to you it might have, for a second..
The only remaining sound is Jimin's uncontrolled breathing and your heavy breath. You can see her abs convulse and flex, with her entire body spasm wildly because of that. You lie next to her on the damp mattress, almost throwing yourself onto it. Then Somi falls from bed onto the floor.
Yet she's unconscious.
"You must've choked her really hard, huh?"
You say looking up at the ceiling, and as a response Jimin giggles weakly.
Then she puts her arm over your body softly. Her fingers are fidgeting on your skin.
"Hey, can you pass me the cigarettes? I can't move now."
You get off the bed and take the cigarettes and a lighter.
You put one between her lips and light it.
A long puff and she smokes out. As you're lighting yours she taps the ash off onto the floor. Your eyes meet each other but you two stay silent. Cigarettes after sex feel so cozy, as you and Jimin do nothing but inhale them and smile at each other.
When you're done smoking you dress up and prepare to leave Somi's house. Her room is filled with smoke, but you couldn’t care less.
Half an hour has passed since you entered her house but she's yet to come back to consciousness. Having packed all your stuff you open the door.
"Ah, right. Almost forgot it,"
You walk back to Somi next to the bed and untie her arms. They both slide to the floor with a silent thud.
"My clumsy lady,"
You bring it to her neck and tie it around her neck tidily for her, which earns you a loving kiss from Jimin.
Her daring lips are hindering your actions—an interference that you would always welcome. Both of your mouths still smell like smoke but you don’t care at all. This time is just for your tongues to explore each other's mouth, not any other senses, just like your hands are now exploring each other's body.
It continues for a few dozens of seconds then you manage to grab hold of your sanity.
"God, we should get out of this place or we'll spend the whole night fucking."
She laughs in agreement.
"But I kinda like that idea,"
"Oh, you're gonna pass out like her,"
You say stepping out of the door.
"I like that too."
You spank her lightly, laughing. It's just fun to see how that subby girl in bed turns into this adorable little baby. But–
But are you no different from how you are, who you are in bed? You certainly have two faces—you are now Jimin's lover, but in bed you become reckless, ruthless, conscienceless, even psychopathic in front of sex, like your blood burns for violence. You're just thanking god that Jimin is the perfect partner for you to take in all of these.
"You're insatiable,"
You say as if nothing crosses your mind.
"You like it, don't you?"
Jimin starts to run towards the bus stop without giving you time to retort, running with a smile on her face looking childish and cute.
See, this is your problematic personality. You just raped a girl into unconsciousness, fucked your girlfriend in that girl’s bed and have no guilt on your mind. You might be right, because you know Somi didn't hate it. But would it still be right if you continue living like this?
The bell rings to officially announce the lunchtime break. You are waiting for Jimin at the parking lot as usual, as you see your girlfriend accompanied by another girl. It's Somi.
"Jimin, why did you bring this bitch here?"
You ask her after planting a light peck on her lips.
"I didn't. She came to me and asked me to."
Somi surely looks shy to make eye contact with you. Her hands are grabbing each other on her belly and she's looking down on the ground.
"You did, little girl?"
You kindly ask her, bringing her hand to yours. She gasps at your touch but accepts it to go on.
"You have a boyfriend, right? I saw his picture yesterday in your room,"
Jimin continues instead of you, as she unties Somi's necktie.
"Well, you're gonna have to make a choice, Somi."
You tell her as you bring your hand down onto her crotch, under her skirt. You can feel the heat—another slave for your cock is ready for you.
"Wh-what choice is it...?"
You grin. Jimin this time ties Somi's necktie around her neck very tight, successfully choking her.
"Your boyfriend,"
You pause for a second to bring her hand to the bulge on your pants.
"Or this."
Somi's shaking eyes look at you—she's becoming hesitant. But you are certain that it'll be an easy choice for her after all—she already did come here at her will, didn't she?
"Make your choice,"
You tighten the knot around her neck and she shrieks and stumbles toward you.
"I-I don't need my b-boyfriend anymore. I'll choose you,"
You slap her cheek as Jimin undoes Somi's shirt and skirt.
"No, you don't get to choose it. It is my decision to let you serve this cock."
Her tears drop down her cheeks but you know she's loving it, because not only her face is getting wet..
Her panties are damp. Juices drip down her thighs and you can see it.
"Sorry...Please let me serve your cock sir..."
You discontentedly bring her face in front of you powerfully and she stumbles and falls down.
Somi realizes what you mean and follows.
"... Master,"
The scenery in front of you is a sight to behold—a girl in such a heat kneeling in front of you, looking at you, calling you master with a makeshift leash around her neck. You feel like you want to choke her to death right now, and you also feel like she'll even let you.
Jimin sounds shocked.
"Even I don't say that,"
Well, you'll see.
"Nice. Now show me how you are going to serve me, slave."
Somi gulps as you let your cock spring out of your pants. It hits her face and she loves it. You give her no time to admire and shove it right into her throat to the hilt, with the first thrust.
It's not surprising at all that she gags and coughs wildly, but that only provokes your fiery instinct to punish her for it.
And that punishment is you ramming your cock down her throat in a neck breaking pace—even faster than when you fucked her yesterday.
Somi's hands have long lost their proper position as they wander on your thighs, slightly pushing you off. But the more she resists, the more you want to devastate her.
"He's not gonna stop until he cums down your throat, little slut. You'll have to adjust to it."
You know, Jimin was just the same at first. She was nothing more than a gagging, coughing amateur, just like what Somi is now.
She grabs the leash and chokes Somi, but that makes no difference—that's just what your cock is doing already. Somi’s drool gathers on her cleavage—her tits are as big as Jimin, as you can confirm. And it falls down to the ground from her chin and your balls.
You can feel her every gag and it feels divine. You've unearthed another diamond by yourself. Somi's lack of air is bottoming out as she tries to pull out.
"Wrlk, glrk...!"
No way you're going easy on such a slut. Somi frowns from breathlessness but the only thing you care about is your own pleasure, not her safety.
"Nnngh, fuck!"
Thankfully, you soon unload your thick liquid down her throat, straight into her stomach. You stay there for about ten seconds and then pull out. Somi falls completely down on the ground as she breathes heavily for her system to recover properly. She can't even swallow it all, and it sprays out as she coughs several times.
"Oh, what a shame,"
Jimin pretends to pity her, but her hands are bringing the exhausted girl up to your arms.
"He's not done yet, little bitch."
Somi has not enough power to gulp down your cum in her mouth, but that's nothing to worry about at all—Jimin's mouth seals Somi's to keep it from spilling out. Somi irresistibly lets Jimin take her hard-earned load from her mouth, and Jimin's tongue moves hungrily inside Somi's mouth as she kisses her. Somi hurriedly gulps some down but there isn’t much left. She moans to Jimin to give the load back.
"Huh... Please–Uuuww"
Jimin then forces Somi's mouth open with her fingers on Somi's cheeks and spits your cum into it. Somi immediately widens her mouth out and gratefully savors the mixture of your cum and Jimin's saliva. After that Jimin lightly slaps on her cheek a couple times with a satisfied smile.
You have fully recovered your erection by now, seeing your two girls snowballing your cum. Without wasting any time you slam Somi’s pussy with your cock from behind. She hasn't still recovered enough to stand yet, so you rear choke her to support her body. As soon as you do that, both of her hands cling on your arms for her dear life, but the careless fucking you're giving her doesn't even let her resist.
It's a dejavù. Somi's choking out again, you are fucking her harshly again, and again she can't even let out any sound—her mouth is agape, but no matter how desperately she tries to scream, no words come out. There’s only one difference this time: she came to you of her own free will.
Jimin hits Somi's cheek, only to redden her already blushing face. You release her from your choke and grab on the leash on her neck again. Somi's arms are now on the car in front of her to support her shaking legs.
It is not only her legs that are malfunctioning—her arms, her lungs, her well-fucked brains also are. Nothing but the orgasmic pleasure provided by you is traveling through her whole body, as if even her heart stopped sending blood for the veins to become vessels of the high you are injecting into her body directly.
She can't even scream fuck. Now her neck gives in as her head falls down on the car with a thud.
Jimin lifts Somi's head and kisses her—it's a one-sided kiss of course, as Somi can't process what's happening to her at all, except your ramming cock.
No matter how hard, how many times you spank her, she can't react. No matter how hard or how many times she cums, she can't fucking stop. You grab a handful of her hair and bring her head next to yours—her back arches wildly. You growl into her ear, through the gritting teeth on her ear.
"I'm cumming, Somi. I'm gonna fucking mark my slave as mine."
"Go ahead, straight into her womb, baby. C'mon."
Jimin pleads you and you finally finish inside her womb. Somi's whole body reacts to your orgasm with violent convulsions.
You have to spend almost half a minute to get yourself back. Then you pull out. You swiftly bring your pants back up and leave Somi there and walk away with Jimin, like nothing ever happened.
"She's great,"
Jimin tells you and you immediately agree with a nod.
"Yeah, you found her first anyway so, good job."
You put your arm around her hip and continue.
"But my number one is still you, baby girl."
"Of course,"
Jimin says like she knows it, walking ahead of you and turning back to you.
"I'll fucking kill that bitch if she even tries to replace me."
She's smiling like it's nothing, but it doesn’t sound like a joke, you know she really means it.
"I know you would, but you won't have to. I just love to see you two sluts get down for me."
You grin at her and Jimin rolls her eyes.
"For your cock."
She corrects you.
"Actually, I think there's more of myself in my cock than in my head."
That earns you a funny giggle from Jimin.
"You're insatiable,"
You're on the bus again. You can spot Somi easily, thanks to her height. Seems she somehow managed to look normal enough to present herself in public. Somi keeps looking back as if she's looking for someone. You keep your eyes on her until her eyes find you. She then quickly looks away in shyness, but her bitten lower lip tells you that she's been anticipating this, that she's been wanting this.
Another insatiable girl–
No. You don't even treat her as a 'girl', but rather some object you own—something subordinate to you. An outlet for your predatory instincts. The word "hunting" used before sounds too right.
It's like going back to being a savage, your barbaric inclination to be cruel, brutal, violent and instinctive. And at the same time being medieval—possessive, authoritative, feudal and patriarchal, meanwhile being modern—selfish, stressful and hedonic. An astounding aspect of a simple slut that makes you discover your inner self at every different angle, from side to side.
You know Jimin and Somi love you like that when having sex. They know you deserve their obedience for the perfect sex you provide them with every time. They would willingly die being fucked by you—and you would do it to them without any hesitation. You would even cum on their dead body, but that's too far gone. Maybe you have a weird kink for death or something like that.
The bus stops after several more times and outside is already your destination. You eye Jimin and you get off together. Somi's waiting for you two, and you notice it but pretend to neglect it and walk past her.
"Uhh, m-master…"
Somi follows you and calls you.
The way she calls you sounds so right to your ears, so you turn around simultaneously with Jimin next to you.
"My house is… It's empty now and–..."
Somi can't even look at you. You excitedly watch Somi fidgeting as Jimin directs her to go on.
"I was... I was hoping that you would–"
"Ahh, I think I'm too tired for that right now,"
You stretch your arms and yawn, acting as if you're not interested, to draw out the inner animalistic instinct, which will make her more inferior in front of you.
"No no no, you can just... just release your stress and fatigue on me, master. I–I'm here to serve you,"
Jimin smiles it off and hugs your arm while replying to Somi. She's testing the newly found possession quite thoroughly, beginning right from the inside—the outside of it has already been tested out to be flawless enough.
"But he already has me, bitch."
Embarrassed and dumbfounded, Somi's eyes quickly travel between you and Jimin. Her face blushes, her fidgety fingers move lazily on the hem of her uniform shirt, her legs twist against each other, all indicating her thin patience is about be torn apart under the weight of her neediness.
"Ugh… You can use me for your own good, too. Please, I need you to fuck me, slap me, bite me, choke me until I pass out, and anything… Let me be your slave. I need it."
Hearing that, Jimin laughs amused. You too are grimacing at Somi. But not because it's funny or something.
"Dumb fucking slut,"
You say that only because Somi's been wanting it, needing it. Needing you to talk like that to her, treat her like that.
Who's the one that tried to kick me off? Who's the one that shook her head no yesterday?
Well at least now she knows the inevitable power of your cock over her, and obviously she's being overwhelmed by it.
"Alright then, lead the way, Somi."
"Thank you, master."
You still hear the shyness beaming out of her words, but seeing that her horniness toward your cock is even greater you feel very much satisfied.
You soon arrive at her house, and Somi hastily opens the door with the fingerprint of her thumb.
"Wait, register mine."
Somi looks up at you in surprise and stutters.
"Uhh, that's–"
You thought she was a quick learner, but maybe she's just–
"Of course, master. Put any finger you prefer on it please,"
You do so, looking at her working on the door lock.
You and Jimin step inside the familiar house and enter her room.
Jimin gives an order to her—Jimin's enjoying it too, you can surely tell. Not that you blame her for that. Who wouldn't, obviously.
Somi is now naked. Her bare thighs glisten with her juice that is forming up relentlessly, her sizable tits moving in synch with her slow breath.
You undo your necktie, and Jimin gathers hers and Somi's to her hand.
"On the bed."
Somi climbs on it and gets on all fours. You can see her wet lips contract from the anticipation. You bring your necktie with you and get on the bed.
"Give me your arms."
Somi presents them for you to tie them and buries her cheek in the mattress as an alternative support for her body. Half of her face is buried on the bed, but her other side faces up, while her ass is temptingly presented up, over the delicious arc of her back, pleasuring your eyes with quite a view.
Jimin hops on the bed to join you.
"She looks so fucking good,"
She spreads Somi's wetness over her asshole, preparing to drill it with her fingers. At Jimin's touch Somi shivers.
You can see her pussy twitching again at Jimin's rough touches.
"God, she's leaking even more,"
Jimin says, astonished.
Somi screams loud when Jimin's finger enters her rear entrance. Even louder than when you slapped her face.
"What is it?"
You ask Somi, rubbing your cock on her watering pussy lips for lubrication, ready to penetrate.
"Nothing master, it's just... It's my first time doing anal,"
Oh, well. Can't miss this chance.
You directly put the head inside her ass instead, which draws a surprised squeal out of her.
"You know, giving a good first impression is always important,"
"O-okay–Oh my god, aah!"
You grab on her tied arms, put your right foot on her head, then make a rough thrust into her ass, letting your crotch meet her ass skin to skin.
There you start the ruination of her virgin ass. You see discomfort all over Somi's face, but that's to your least care. Besides, that's gonna change soon.
Jimin doesn't stay idle, as her fingers keep diligently working on not letting Somi's pussy empty.
"This is fucking tight,"
Squelching sound from Jimin's fingers and the sound of your hips crashing hers barely leaves room for Somi's moans and screams. You look down to check what's happening beneath your body, and you see Jimin's devilish grin spread as Somi squirts. You put more of your body's weight onto Somi's head like it's a pedal—it is, sort of, because the harder you step on it, the higher Somi's screams get. It's like an accelerator pedal, driving Somi's subby attitude even wilder.
Jimin's fingers suddenly halt as she focuses on something. You stop and look at her curiously.
Somi doesn't want you to stop, so she herself pistons her body on your cock.
"Do you hear it? The buzz?"
You do, but it'd be not like you if you stop here. You continue slamming into Somi's ass.
"Yeah. Can you-can you check who it is for me?"
Jimin walks to the table and picks up Somi's vibrating phone.
"It's a phone call. From heart emoji,"
There's a sudden shade of fear in Somi's dazed eyes.
You angrily look at her and Somi's urgent look makes you even more displeased.
"It's-it's nothing! J-just ignore it, master,"
Jimin brings the phone to you anyway.
"I think he told you to end this,"
Jimin coldly says.
"And I think your answer was yes,"
You answer the call.
"You're fucking dead."
You furiously say to Somi. You turn her head face down on the pillow and push it with your feet hard, suffocating her.
"What? Who is this? Somi?"
You start moving your cock inside her again, at the same time talking on the man over the phone.
"I'm fucking her right now. If you show up again, I'll fucking kill you."
You can feel Somi struggling for air, by her trembling legs and twitch back. You start thrusting even harder than before, pull her head back up with her hair, and bring the phone next to her face.
"Tell him now. Tell him to stay away from you."
"H-hey... I'm sorry to t-tell you but–oh my god fuck...!"
"Somi?! What the fuck is going on?"
You intentionally fuck her when she starts speaking.
Jimin catches it and slaps her cheek hard.
"Why do you stop? Bitch, fucking tell him!"
You see tears forming up in her eyes and there you feel another level of ecstasy. You then start to really fuck her ass and she is completely out of words. She opens her mouth to speak but upcoming orgasm blocks her words. Instead she desperately moans to her boyfriend.
"Hey–aah... You have to–fuck, oh my god...! Stay away fr–om me–fr–om–now–on–ho–ly–fu–ck...!"
Her hoarse voice cracks at your every pounding and you see a teardrop of mixed reasons roll down on her red cheek.
"Somi, Somi? Fuck, what are you—"
You end the call and toss her phone aside.
"Fucking dumbass,"
Jimin repositions Somi's head on the pillow face down, again suffocating her.
Her toes curl and her tied arms strain as your cock attacks her ass, almost at the level of breaking its function as an organ of digestive system but to function only as nothing more than a hole for your cock. Your foot again goes back to where it was, on top of her head.
You start your brainless fuck. Somi starts her breathless sex, and Jimin starts a wordless kiss with you. You squeeze her perfect tits and pinch on her nipples. Her mouth curls up sexily, knowing you're close.
"You're about to cum."
You two part away from the kiss, and Jimin gets down to Somi's ass.
"Fuck yeah I am,"
"Cum inside her ass, baby."
You feel Somi's anal walls contract uncontrollably and squirt again. She is cumming, obviously, and you are no longer different. You flood her ass with your seed. Some of it even seeps out of her deadly tight hole. You pull out and Jimin makes it gape to see Somi's dark hole whitened by your thick cum. Somi spins her head left to keep herself alive. But still her eyes don't open, and you of course know why.
Jimin eats your cum out of Somi's ass. Her magical tongue works inside Somi's ass, as if savoring the best cuisine in the world—maybe it is, for her.
Despite Jimin's work, your warmth still remains inside her ass somewhere deep, too deep for Jimin's tongue to reach for. She retreats and Somi limply collapses on the watery bed.
"Remember, Somi,"
You pick her head up with her hair roughly and say right next to her ear.
"You wanted this to happen."
Jimin hands you a cigarette and you take it in deep into your both lungs. You exhale the smoke right into Somi's face, making her cough several times.
"If you don’t break up with him, I will kill him."
Sadness fills Somi's eyes. It's the kind of sadness that makes you feel good. You like it when she suffers. The sadness itself is okay to you, but the reason she's sad—that just fucking pisses you off very bad. How dare she even attempts to keep two relationships at once? Too much for a toy.
"And I fucking mean it."
You pick your garments up for you and put them on, after letting Jimin clean your used dick off with her mouth thoroughly.
Last sip of your cigarette, before you kiss the smoke into Jimin's mouth. Some of it escapes through her nose.
"I enjoyed it,"
Jimin giggles and says.
You are aware, because you could see it. Pushing a poor little slut to a dead end. It's so entertaining for the two of you. Your dick is for sure too good for Somi to taste it just for once. After this she's going to keep wanting it, keep needing it.
"I know you did, Jimin."
You blankly reply, not focusing on what she is saying.
"You know, I didn't cum."
Jimin seductively tells you, bringing your hand to hers. That certainty turns all of your attention to her. Your eyes rise slowly to meet hers, which are gleaming with lust and desire, a submissive one for you.
Please, touch me, her eyes beg.
That's just for a brief moment but enough for you to form a grin and do what she says. You hook your arm under her leg and bring it up, while the other hand rubs on her lips for a few times before exploring the gushing inside.
"Well done holding back, Jimin. Now cum for me."
You start to piston your fingers in a dangerous pace. As soon as your fingers hit her sweet spot, her arms lock around your neck for support, with her face buried in your neck.
"Hmmph, fuck...! Just like that, baby–ah, fff...!"
Jimin's nails and teeth dig into your skin, indicating the intensity of the pistoning of your fingers and ecstatic sensation she's receiving.
"Do you love it? Do you love how my fingers fuck your needy little cunt, you slut?"
Her bites get deeper at your piercing words as if she wants more.
"Hnngh, fuck! I-I fucking love it, baby. You–ah!!"
You yank her hair backwards and kiss her tongue first. Jimin lets you in her mouth, biting on your lower lip sexily.
"Mmmph...! Mmmph!"
She cums.
Jimin cums hard on your fingers with a pouring squirt. Your eyes travel from her cumming core, bouncing tits, her agape, drooling mouth, to her white eyes. They are looking at nothing but the orgasm itself. Satisfied with her bodily reactions, you pull out your fingers, and Jimin stumbles only to be supported by you.
You keep your eyes on hers until they come back. They meet yours and the divine orgasmic smile of Jimin makes you grin in return. Then you bring your soaked hand up for her to taste herself, which Jimin hungrily devour with her swirling tongue, never breaking eye contact with you.
"This is why I fucking love you, gorgeous."
Hearing that Jimin lightly bites on your fingers playfully, earning a small giggle from you.
Yes, you love Yoo Jimin.
But you are not planning to give Somi love. She's only here to be the outlet for the most basic part of your sexual instinct. And for lust to cover for love, there must be plenty. That's what she'll look for, ask for, beg for.
Besides, Somi loves how you treat her during sex, anyway, so...
She'll be already looking forward to the next time.
That Sunday, you visit Somi's house to get her ass pounded—who's insatiable now, huh? You open the door with your finger, that's why you registered yours on it. To fuck Somi whenever you want.
You step in and hear a male voice.
This sounds so wrong.
"I think the door just opened, Somi? We're not supposed to be expecting anyone,"
That male voice asks. Then you hear hurried steps toward the door of her room.
You and Somi open the door at the same time.
She tries to block your vision, but can't stop the inevitable.
"Who's that, bitch?"
You annoyingly push Somi out of the doorway.
"Who the fuck are–"
The guy stands up but—
You whack his face with your fist and he collapses limply in front of you and Somi. No sooner does she follow him on the floor as her legs give in to the fright of vivid menace of death filling up the room.
You squat down to level your face to Somi's. She can't even look at you, full of fear. Seeing that you raise your hand to wipe her tears with your thumb, Somi shrieks but you softly brush her tears off her cheek.
"I won't hurt you, Somi. I'm gonna need to use you quite often anyway,"
You bring her into a seemingly warm hug and continue.
"But this fucker, he doesn't know his place."
Dropping Somi onto the floor carelessly and stepping out of the room, you turn around and throw your words coldly.
"He's a dead man now."
A/N(2): I think I see some phrases teasing what happened beforehand. Which means I might work on another prequel. Thank you so much for reading my humble writing!!
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year
Pen Pal
Pairing: Ellie Williams x reader
Warnings: Slight mentions of homophobia
Summary: You've been Pen Pals with Ellie since you were in 5th grade. Will you finally get to meet her in person?
*Not Proof Read* TLOU Masterlist
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
November 3, 2028 (10 yrs old)
Dear Y/N,
My name is Ellie. I'm a fifth grader in Miss James' class in Wyoming. I like Savage Starlight and cookies. My best friends' name is Riley.
Do you have a best friend? Do you like Savage Starlight?
Sincerely Ellie Williams
November 10, 2028 (10 yrs old)
Dear Ellie,
Hi! It's nice to meet you! I love Savage Starlight! My brother hates them though. He never takes me to buy them at the book store :(
My bestfriends' name is Julie! Cookies are cool! I like ice cream. I have a dog. Do you have a dog? Do you like frogs? I like the color pink. Do you like pink?
Sincerely Y/N L/N
June 20, 2030 (12 yrs old)
Dear Y/N,
How's your dog? Joel's teaching me how to play the guitar! I learned how to play a song yesterday! I'm so happy.
Riley and I are planning on going to the fair tomorrow. I wish you could come. I bet you'd love Riley! Maybe some day you could meet her.
I finished the new addition of Savage Starlight yesterday and I'm so fucking sad. Did you finish it? I won't spoil. Let me know if you did so we can talk about it!
Sincerely Ellie!
June 28, 2030 (12 years old)
Dear Ellie,
I have bad news. Pepper died.
She died last night. Mom said she got really old and died in her sleep. Pepper was a good dog. I'm going to miss her.
I'm really sad. I wish she was still her.
I haven't finished Savage Starlight yet. I'm waiting until I feel happy. Maybe in a few days.
Sincerely Y/N
August 3, 2032 (14 years old)
Riley's moving away. She came over and told me today. I'm really sad about it. She's been my friend ever since kindergarten.
She's moving to Boston.
I found an a cute ice cream shop yesterday and thought of you. Maybe some day you can see it. We could get ice cream there and then look at the comic book store.
I can't believe Savage Starlight is fucking ending. I've been reading it since fourth grade. I don't want it to end. How do you feel about it ending?
Love, Els
August 9, 2032 (14 years old)
I'm so sorry about Riley. That sucks. I hope you guys can still talk.
I'd love to go to the ice cream shop and comic book store with you one day. My brother went off to college today. He's studying to be a doctor. Cool right?
I don't want Savage Starlight end either. I wish it could go on forever. Fucking sucks.
I think you're my best friend.
Love, Y/N
September 12, 2032 (16 yrs old)
I won first place in the art show! I'm so fucking happy. Joel took me out for ice cream with Sarah yesterday. We had so much fun.
Do you think we should start using email? Or texting? Joel got me phone yesterday! I'm so excited! Here's my number if you want to text xxx-xxx-xxxx and my email: [email protected]
I've started working out at a local gym. I love it. I'm going every day. I think I might do something with space when I'm older. I really like space.
Also, I'm gay.
Love, Els
September 18, 2032 (16 yrs old)
Subject: Hi
Els, this is my email! I'll send you a text right after this. I'm so happy for you! First phone yay!! Also congrats on the art show!
The gym is fun! And space is so cool! I'm not sure what I'll do yet when I'm older. I'm still deciding. I'm glad you know what you want to do though.
Also, cool! I'm glad you feel comfortable telling me! I love you, Els. <3
My brother's being a fucking asshole. He refuses to come to my birthday party because his girlfriend's parents want to have dinner the same day.
I wish you could come. Maybe some day.
Love, Y/N
May 2, 2034 (18 yrs old)
Subject: So
I think I might not be straight. I'm not sure. I've only told you. I can't tell my parents. I don't know how they'd react. I know my brother would hate me. He's a fucking dick now. I don't know why he's the way he is.
My parents have started fighting a lot. Money problems I think. I think my dad might have cheated on my mom too.
I'm excited to go to college next year. I'm glad we got into the same school! We'll finally be able to meet. I've been wanting to meet you for years. Maybe I can finally get away from all the shit that's been going on lately.
I don't know why this all happened so fucking fast.
I hope you're well.
Lots of Love, Y/N
May 2, 2034 (18 yrs old)
Receiver: y/[email protected]
Subject: So
Hey, so I know how you're feeling. It'll take some time to figure out, but you'll get there. No matter what, I'll love you.
You're family sounds like a bunch of dicks. I'm sorry you have to go through that.
I've been talking with Joel and he said I could do this.
Do you want to come stay with me and my family over the summer? Maybe get a break from your family? We could idk finally fucking meet?
Let me know if you want to come to Wyoming. You could meet my friends. Then we could drive up to school together. It's not too far from my house. Maybe day or two away.
Also, I got a girlfriend. her name is Cat. She gave me this cool ass tattoo. I'll send a pic.
__Pic Attached__
Love, Els
My eyes scan over the email again, making sure I didn't imagine what I just read. Ellie just invited me to Wyoming for the summer! There's no fucking way I'm missing this opportunity.
I'm finally going to get to meet her!
My eyes land on the last line. I got a girlfriend.
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blarefordaglare · 3 months
A very horrible, bad, never again prom
Gonna try to go all out with a modern AU in this one! Or in other words: time and malon adopted and raised/raising 8 children because why not. 
This takes place when sky is like 17 btw, so someone plz help me do the math for the rest, but just assume everyone is like children ig haha, this is Junior prom because I never went to any prom and Junior year is kinda easier maybe to write with? Because it’s just not the last one? Idk I sucked at school so what do I know
TW: swearing (uncensored), Overstimulation, alcohol, one small mention of sex, very poorly written high school dance scene from someone who had no experience with it so it sounds straight from Hollywood. 
“How come I can’t go?” Wind whined,   tugging on Time’s shirt, his grip stretching the grey fabric, “It’s not fair.” His brow creased, lips forming a pout.
Time sighed, detangling Wind’s hands from the cloth, “You’re going to get wrinkles like me if you keep scowling like that,” he chided gently, “And second graders have no major academic accomplishments to celebrate.” 
“I’ll let you know I memorized all my addition facts up to ten!” 
The conversation seized to a halt as soft footsteps pattered past the doorway, revealing Sky, hair finally combed, and a dark green suit fitting loosely around his physique, “Mom?” He called out, “Where did you put my tie?” 
The red haired mother in question peeked out from the kitchen, “I thought you didn’t want to wear one?” She sighed as she reached over to the kitchen counter, “Knew you’d change your mind though. And please, this time no stains. You know juice is impossible to get out.” 
The brunette nodded as he looked over to his father, “Can you please help me put it on?” He sheepishly asked. At seventeen he should have known to properly tie a tie, yet his fingers would never cooperate in said fashion, “I’m sorry.” 
Time gave a sympathetic smile, shaking his head, “We’ll learn another time, but it’s your big night tonight.” He quickly adjusted the fabric around the teenager’s neck, centering it to complete the outfit. 
“Freshman should be able to go,” Legend grumbled by the couch, flipping through channels, “Give me a break from all these menaces in here.” 
“Says the one who wears underwear with bunnies on it like a baby!” The long haired blonde shoved the boy, trying to steal the remote from him, “Give me that! I want to watch my shows! Not your boring ones!”
“Boys!” Time called, “This is no time to argue, now say goodbye to Sky.” The man’s head pierced with a developing headache, making a mental note to take some Tylenol later. 
Wild and Legend looked up at their older brother in shame, before slowly walking over to give him a hug, “Bye Sky, we’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you guys too,” He wrapped his arms around the children before quickly pulling away, “Love you!” He waved a quick goodbye before sprinting out of the house. 
“I’m worried for him.” Time deadpans, looking over to Malon, “First dance, no date.” 
“I didn’t even have a dance fairy boy.” 
A quick jog later, and the high school doors flew open. The room held a dark sprinkled with lights of color that the teenager didn’t even know existed until then. His eyes quickly scanned around the vast room, attempting to find someone-anyone-he remotely knew. 
“Hey man,” Sky quickly whipped his head around, stumbling on the ground that shook from the dancing, only to be met with a familiar red hair, confident smile, and amber eyes, “How are you enjoying the party?” Groose asked, “In my opinion it’s pretty boring.” 
Boring? Boring? Sky took a second to process what he just heard. It’s loud, flashy, and many people here, how could it be boring? “Yeah, it really could use some spicing up.” He quickly forced, trying to save face. 
As Groose waved a goodbye, Sky made a beeline for the food stand, silently praying to Hylia that the vast amount of options would give him the chance to focus on something and not go insane. 
His eyes of hope quickly went to eyes of disappointment as the options lay in front of him. Everything looked gross, nothing like mom’s cooking at home. He wanted to go home. He was going to stay and make the most of this party, prove that he’s mature enough to handle these kinds of situations. 
Grabbing a cup of fruit punch, the brunette quietly retreated into a quieter corner of the room, granted it still was bursting his ear drums, but at least there was a minuscule amount of peace involved. Bringing the plastic cup to his lips he attempted to down some of the liquid, yet his mouth felt a bitter taste as his eyes widened with panic at the unfamiliar sensation, and without a second thought his hand froze, dropping the punch onto the suit.
The moment of realization hit like a title wave, the suit! His mind screamed at him, go, clean it up! His body couldn’t move, frozen with embarrassment. His eyes burned with shame as his body wrapped in on itself, curling into a ball and finally resting on the cool, shaking ground.
The room spun around him, lights stabbing his sensitive eyes, music he hated waving over him like a title wave. Waves of anxiety washed through his body, his figure shaking perpendicular to the room. Fingers reaching out for his phone, he opened up messages.
Dad can help. Dad can come get me. 
His fingers tried to type an explanation, but it all ended up futile, the bright phone screen shutting down to an eerie black. No contact. No safety. No desire to stay. 
The held tears in his eyes finally released, saltwater falling down his face, a quiet, yet painful sob escaped his throat, his eyes shut closed, in attempt to block out the intensity taking place in front of him. 
“Hey, Mom told me you forgot your shoes-“ Sky blinked up at the voice above him, noticing a familiar blonde wearing a signature blue scarf, “Woah, what happened to you?” 
The brunette couldn’t find the words to describe the horrors of this dance, it wasn’t even a dance! It was a death party at best, “I wanna go home.” He mumbled, tears pooling onto the ground, “I hate it here.” 
“But prom is so much fun!” Warriors quickly spoke, then realized his mistake, “Well, granted I went to boarding school. Are you sure you want to leave?” He grabbed a cloth from his pocket, urging his younger brother to wipe his tears before standing up, “Come on, let’s go.” 
As they exited through the big doors, Sky could feel his ears burn. Everyone else was having fun, so why couldn’t he? Stupid, his mind rang out again, couldn’t even handle a small dance. 
As he stepped into the passenger seat, he couldn’t deny the mix of relief and shame swirling in his heart, as he gazed longingly at the window, he felt the urge to speak up, “Are you going to tell dad?” He knew that he tried to text him before, but the feeling of embarrassment wasn’t any less.
“Only if you want me to.” His brother’s eyes were focused on the road, hands gripping tightly, but not tensely on the wheel, “My first dance I got laid and you didn’t see me tell them.” 
A wet giggle escaped the other, tears finally drying onto his face as he looked down at his socks, how did he forget shoes? “Well you’re gonna have to come up with a lie on why we are home so early.” 
“Who said anything about going home?” Pulling over to a small cafe, Warriors urged Sky out of the car, “You must be starving, and no spoiled drinks this time, I promise.”
“How did you..?”
“Please, it’s a room full of teenagers that finally get a night out, who wouldn’t want to remember, or I guess, forget it?”
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in3rci4 · 6 months
Can I Get An Angst With All The Boys, Basically They Never Believed The Reader, And They Get In An Argument Because They Thought Reader Drew Over Gwen's Homework ( I Saw It On TikTok ), And Basically In The End Moose Confesses It Was Him, But It's Too Late, After The Reader Said : " I'd Rather Get Kidnapped By The Grabber, Then Stay With You Assholes, You Think Everything's My Fault ", Reader Gets Kidnapped, And Like I Said, Moose Confesses, But It's Too Late, And They Regret It But It's Too Late? Sorry IF It's Too Much To Ask, You Don't Have To Do It If You Don't Want To, But I've Never Seen Someone Do That, So I Would Love What You Comes Up With ❤️❤️
Jsjskskdkdkk this is gonna be interestingly hard to do , but I appreciate that you trust my writing and sent your request , i really needed so I don't slow back 😭🫶
PROMPT : Reader is confronted by the The Black Phone boys about something they didn't do , and that would be the last time reader would be seen alive before getting kidnapped killed by The Grabber
Characters included : Finney Blake , Gwendolyn Blake , mention of Susan / Suzanne { Gwendolyn's friend } Bruce Yamada , Amy Yamada , Robin Arellano , mention of the two jackass dudes on Gwen's vision about Vance , Vance hopper , Griffin Stagg , Billy Showalter , Buzz , Matt , Patt , Moose ( idk his last name )
Author's note : I'm really sorry if this isn't what you wanted , but I believed that in some cases it would be practical or better to write in different yet similar situations excluding Gwen's direct participation or writing the exact phrase you told me and changing it instead for every character, hope you like it anyway , I really enjoyed writing this 👍✨
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His little sister is someone that will share everything with him , her celebrity crushes , her latest gossip , her favorite new book , etc , and he would listen everytime even if he didn't care that much about it
But Finney noticed that she was more quiet lately , but Gwenny would always say she was tired , and that's it .
Until one day she confessed his older brother that she had some of her notebooks pages scratched , tore apart and with really awful drawings and messages , some really gruesome to describe a little girl . Finney was of course mad , because did not only Gwen hide something from him , but there's someone messing with his sister that he knows she didn't mess with first
Gwen defended herself saying that she was trying to find who did it but she couldn't do it , until yesterday , when she asked her classmates once again who did it and they said that someone older enter her classroom when her backpack was still there
Suzanne , her best friend , added new information about the situation : She saw you entering to her classroom with color papers rolled up
He knew you from the mathematics class , so when he saw you escaping trough the empty hallways , he followed you , and decided to confront you
" Stop it , I need to talk with you "
You turned around and saw him grabbing tight his backpack shoulder strap
" You need to stop doing those things to my sister , she's only a 6th grader and didn't do anything to you , it's not ok to draw those disgusting things and write that stuff on Gwen's notebooks , you're older than her , you should know that "
On Finney's perspective , he was in front of a kid of his same age that has been bothering his sister not only in a anonymously way , but in a constant way too , trying , no , decided , to make them back off from her
But in your perspective , you woke up and didn't have the opportunity to eat even an apple as a breakfast because your parents started to bark at each other again and then you , when they couldn't find the keys of the car and saw you existing on your house
Who would guess that the only time you entered on a 6th grade classroom was to put some color papers for the kids by your art's teacher orders ?
You obviously got offended , and started to tell your version of the story , you were not only dealing with your family madness once again , but this too ?
When he saw you not backing off and not telling " the truth " he told you to stop playing the innocent / victim card and just accept what you " did"
You couldn't simple just pretend you didn't call slut shaming names to a child .
His insistence , the way he was talking , gas lighting you like your parents did before , triggered something in you that made you started to blurry your vision and just walk away when your tears started to fall down your face
Not exactly aware where you going , you walked away from school , and sat on the edge of the side walk hiding hour face in your arms and legs
That's when you heard a strange voice say
" Why's the river dear child ? Would magic make those tears disappear ? "
2 weeks after that encounter your missing person poster was all over the town .
One of those days once again , Gwen finds in her notebook a bad quality drawing of you dead with a speech bubble that had " It wasn't me" written on it
Finney was ready to walk home side by side with Gwen but she had a serious expression on her face this time , without saying nothing , she takes her notebook and shows the drawing of you to him
The siblings could never look at your photos again without feeling guilty , 3 days after you went missing the unholy trinity bastards of Buzz , Matt and Patt admitted the fault , making them feel stupid for not thinking about them as suspects of it in the first place
Specially Finney , who can't stop thinking that he was the last person that saw you alive , yet that time he made you cry , he made you go away
He was the one that has the fault for your gone , and he has to live with the feeling . All .His . Life .
Coming back from chilling on a friend's house Bruce goes upstairs to change clothes on his bedroom but when he was on the hallway of the second floor he hears quiet sobs coming from his little sister's place
Confused , he puts his ear close the door to hear better and knocks at the girl's door , but there was no answer , she continued crying
Slowly , he opened the door of her bedroom , and found his little sister Amy sitting on the floor with her cheeks all wet from so many tears dropping from her eyes . Bruce had to admit that lately he and his sister weren't close like they used to , him being a teenager and stuff
But even then , he sat next to her and rubbed her back asking what happened and why she was so sad , he was expecting the reason to be a broken toy , a nightmare , a heartbroken from her playground crush , anything
Anything... Except that someone of his class was making fun of her and breaking her favorite school notebooks and pencils , the ones she cherished the most , and threatened her to stay quiet ... The little girl being too scared of even mentioning the names of the responsable... Or responsables...
" Don't worry Amy , I will make sure they stop bothering you , I promise "
The next day when the teacher sat down to look over some papers he asked permission to talk with everyone in the classroom about what happened , and find out who did it
" Y'all probably know I have a little sister , Amy , yesterday when I came back home she told me that someone in this class was mocking her in all possible ways and breaking her stuff like favorite notebook or color pencils . If you have a problem with me , I have all the time of the world to solve however you want to , i don't care , but messing with my sister and 6th grader kid ain't right , you're supposed to know better than that , unless y'all cowards that will stay silent and not tell me the truth in the face "
The teacher was too shocked to speak with the sudden serious attitude of the star student and the people sitting on their desks were unsure to speak or react since they didn't want to messed up more and makes things more difficult more than the situation already is
Until a girl said that he should go and tell the same exact thing to you , the " guilty " one , that has been gone the entire class after asking to go to the bathroom and probably knew he was going to find it out
You in the other hand were going about to have a breakdown and didn't want it to be around everybody that categorized you as the " ugly quiet kid " from the back of the classroom , you wanted some time alone , and went to the bathroom , where you cried over those horrible thoughts in your mind until your eyes were to dry to drop more tears
You washed your face and tried to compose yourself to not look " recently sad " and did your regular breathing exercise in these cases . Now done , you went outside the bathroom , and just in a few steps , you saw Bruce
You tried to give a closed lips smile to give the " I'm ok / friendly " facade , but he didn't return the gesture , he was in fact , not as happy and smiley as the usual Bruce , he was .... Different
" You should've know I would find it out sooner or later , when did I did something wrong to you ? What Amy's had to do with this ? Why involved her ? Why mess with her instead of just , I don't know man , tell ME those things ? "
You were confused and disoriented , you couldn't put the pieces together of why Bruce was being this harsh or what he was talking about , all you did was stare
" You're not gonna say something ? You have nothing to say after breaking her stuff , telling her to die , to stop eating and to leave the country where she was born ? To a innocent little girl instead someone of your age ?"
You tried to defend yourself but it was useless , the entire group blamed you to keep the spot away from them from being guilty and nothing could change Bruce's mind about it , after all , if you were innocent , why you went out of the class on the first place ?
You didn't have the energy to keep arguing or to stay while the principal or teacher called your parents and wait for the worse to happen , for something that you didn't do , so you walked out from school and decided to head straight to your best friend's house , your only safe place
But you never got there .
That night after the Yamada's were done eating dinner , Bruce knocked her sister's door , opened when he got Amy's permission and with a smile , he told her
" Hey Amy , I just wanted to tell you that I already told the bad person to stop bothering you and they promised to stop doing it , you don't have to worry anymore "
But the smile soon fade away when Amy's asked her older brother if he told the boyfriend of the girl to stop too
And then he realized what he done ... His mistake ....
That girl was his rival baseball team pitcher's girlfriend , and since they were afraid to put anything up with Bruce due his popularity , they came for Amy instead
He would ride his bike on the way to school hoping to see you again , to apologize and start over , but he never did , he never had the chance , only your missing posters like a painful reminder of who you were are .
He's used to be called all type of names , he's a dark skin hispanic boy living in the 70's after all , although he doesn't let himself be down for it anymore , and instead he learned to be proud of who he is
So when he would see racist slurs on his desks or papers with written messages on it on his backpack , he would only sigh because how tedious it was to clean those from his desk and sometimes laugh at the creativity of some insults
But the anonymous dutch bag didn't only stayed with him , oh no ...
Not surprised at all , it wasn't Finney who would admit having insulting messages written on papers that had a long list of homophobic slurs hided on his backpack , but Gwen , who told him what was going on with his friend
With a mixed feeling of anger and sadness , he only told his buddy that It'll be over as soon as he found who's the coward behind all this , and thanked the girl with candies
It was harder to find the fucker this time , no face , no voice , no nothing , except one thing , their hand writing
He may not be math's smart , but he's for sure an astute dude . When nobody was looking and the teachers were eating lunch , he entered the classroom and started to check one by one the hand writing of Finney's classmates , comparing them with the last " letter " that they left for him
Unlucky you , your hand writing was almost exactly like the one in the paper , and with your name already known , Robin was ready to clarify some stuff with you
On your way to school you heard someone calling your name , and by your surprise , the one calling you was the second toughest kid in school , and that caught the attention of other students walking on the streets . Walking towards you , calm yet with a serious expression Robin said
" You know my friend Finney , right ? Your classmate ? The one that has to deal with your bullshit every fucking day ?"
Oooooh's were heard from the kids and you honestly started to get scared because the situation felt unreal to you
" I'm getting tired of telling this over and over , you know ? Fuck with Finney again .."
He stops , just a few steps from you
" I'll fuck with you . Get it ?"
You couldn't just stay silent so you spoke your yourself
" Excuse me but I don't have any idea of what are you talking about "
For you he only nodded in silent after you talked , in the other hand , it was taking all of Robin's inner strength to not smack your face for pretending to be clueless about this
" Finney had to deal almost A MONTH with your paper shit that has your hand writing on it , so stop pretending you're innocent , cus you ain't "
You still couldn't believe what was going on , the whispers between the crowd that you didn't know when did it formed started to get louder , but your voice was still stucked in your chest that was pumping from the adrenaline
" Don't believe me ? I'll show you "
Suddenly your arm was grabbed and everyone gasped , Robin takes a paper from his Jean's pocket and shows you a paper that has the message " Better kill yourself like your mother did faggot trash " with yes , an identical copy of your hand writing , now how can you explain yourself at this ?
As soon as the young chorus started to scream for " Fight !" you feared the worst , so unintentionally your eyes started to water up and you plead to be left alone , that it was mistake , that it wasn't you
But he didn't believe you , instead , he started to shake you while keeping the paper close to your face
" If I ever saw your hand writing again on this shitty papers I'll make you read every fucking message you wrote after I beat the shit out of you in front of everybody in school , understood ?"
You tried to explain , you tried to make him understand that it wasn't you who did everything that he said
" I said , UNDERSTOOD !?"
Defeated , you nodded , and he let you go with a disgusted expression . Not being able to handle more eyes staring at you , you walked back to your home hoping your parents were still there and didn't went to work yet , so you could at least have a shoulder to cry on
But you never went back home .
1 week before Moose and Robin's fight and 3 after your disappearance another message was found on Finney's notebook
" your cocksucker friend got the wrong one fairy bitch"
Moose got what he deserved right after , but at what costs ?
You were gone , and everytime Robin walks in the street and sees your photo on the missing posters can't stop wondering why he didn't did the right thing and looked further instead of just blaming you
But nothing that he has to say would bring you back , ever .
Billy would focus only on paying attention in class , do his homework , study and repeated all over again , it was like that since he left the football team , and it wasn't bad either
He was on the middle ground between popular and invisible , and he was thankful for it , because he didn't have to deal with a lot of people or assholes that saw him as inferior to them
But everyone has to taste suffering once in their life , right ?
At first , in his desk he would find the usual vulgar drawings and slurs that were similar as the one written all over the men's bathroom walls . They were easy to erase , no big deal
Then the messages had his name on it , but he didn't felt like a personal attack to him , his name is a common name between boys , no panic
But the messages started to be written on his notebooks and school manuals , and those were harder to erase or ignore like the previous one
Billy was pissed , he didn't had the energy to deal with a bully and his school material ruined after working so hard in keeping it on shape , but his " consolation " was that the one doing this didn't even have the courage to show their face .
They were miserable people with free time on their hands that decided to make him their target , they must be really bored to choose him though . And nothing works better for these type of garbage than ignore them
The last part being ... half true .
When the insults got boring , repetitive and easily forgettable , the no name writer took a more serious turn , took the challenge of making him mad on their own hands
His concern grew up faster when the messages talked about jumping him in the hour of his paper news delivery , writing his house direction repeatedly and scary drawings of dead dogs
Now he couldn't let it slide . Not with his dog , not with his best friend , not with her . He needed to put a stop to this , needed to find who
He packed his stuff more slower this time watching over his shoulder wich classmates were faster to go and who stayed longer to leave
And you , he never noticed before , always were the last one to leave
He went to the cafeteria to buy a snack and time and went back to the classroom , he walked into the classroom and , oh surprise , you were there again
Billy didn't understand why you hated him so much , he doesn't mess with anybody on this god damn school , but now he doesn't have time to listen your reasons , now you will listen to him
" You better stop writing that shit on my notebooks and manuals or I will tell the teacher about your sick messages "
Confused , you tried to come back to reality after you zoned out for so long to understand the situation
" I'm sorry ? What messages ?"
He step closer but never too close to you , frustrated
" Oh come on man , you're the only one that stays after class in this place , the only one that takes a eternity to walk outside the classroom , I'm tired of your fucking bullshit ! I don't fuck with anybody or you in the matter , AND YET , I have to tolerate my notebook and manuals ruined because of you ! "
You tried to speak to clarify the situation but he interrupts you with a much louder voice , you never thought it was possible to see him like this
" I better not see you at the streets or I'll throw a god damn paper new on your face , less than anything to my dog , you better not touch my fucking dog or I'll do worse than that !"
Oh no .... A ... Dog ? .... Like .... The once you had but lost recently ?
Before Billy took his backpack from the chair , he looked at you one last time
" My parents and I work hard to get what I have , you know ? ..."
You felt sorry... This isn't your fault , it's so sad what he's telling you , but-
" I don't care if you insulted me or whatever , but don't fuck with animals , they can't defend themselves... So you better watch out what you do "
That left you with a bad taste in your mouth , someone wanted to hurt his pet , his companion in his daily life an mornings of delivering
School's over , you waited for your parents to pick you up while you were thinking of what Billy told you , you really needed to tell him tomorrow that you ain't the one he's looking for . You only stayed alone on the classroom because you were grieving by your own the death of your dog
But the day tomorrow never came for you .
The same day of your kidnapping , your classmates waited for Billy to throw rocks at him while he was riding his bike , he almost fell down , and Harper almost looses her eye for those bastards
When he came back home and his mother started to patch him up , he couldn't stop thinking that he barked at you for no reason , that he didn't even let you speak for yourself , how stupid he was for letting Harper be hurt by his incompetence
Seeing your photo on the paper news was like a kick on the stomach
" I'm sorry for what I said to you ... "
But it was just a piece of paper , while the real you was buried 3 feet under the ground of that man's basement .
Griffin at first was the perfect target for bullies . Kind , non confronting , quiet , a "weak " book worm that didn't anyone either to stand up for him . With time , the same bullies got bored of him , as if they were expecting a more dramatic reaction from him , but no , he would just let it happen , and that took the " fun " of bullying him they thought
And for for many years , he would be invisible for everybody , he told himself he liked being left alone and have his privacy , but deep down , it was the acceptance to the fact that he didn't have any friends , and nobody wanted befriend him neither , not like he felt he had a lot to offer
But at least he was in peace to study , eat and read whenever he wanted to . At least he has that .
Or well , he had .
He would found his backpack on the trash can , maybe a bully confused his backpack with another poor bastard ?
But It kept happening , so that was not a confusion anymore .
Sometimes his notebooks would be all scratched all over the pages until it was full black , some manuals of his had broken pages as well His mom better not find that out
Different from the past , he tried to make it stop this time . He tried everything , changing places where he kept his things , carrying his backpack whenever he could , even changing locker combination and writing them down on a secluded notebook
But no matter what he did , how he did it and when he did it , his backpack would always have a horrible surprise waiting for Griffin to see
It was almost like some poltergeist was messing with him at this point .
He was already frustrated from so many bullshit going on , but what sent him to the edge of explosion was that the book he got from the library , " The little prince " by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry , got dipped in presumptuously dirty toilet water , a book that he needed to return or else the librarian would not allow him to take books anymore
The moment he thrown the book away back into the trash he rushed into the bathroom and cried from anger . Griffin could only ask himself , why ? Why someone wanted to ruined his life so bad ? Why after so long jerks remembered his existence ? Why or why this is happening to him ?
The next day after he had P.E he saw you taking his backpack out of the trash , and since he had so much frustration accumulated inside him , instead of rationalizing you helping him , he saw you as the persecutor of his misery , blaming you without second thought
He grabbed his backpack with disgust and anger and looked at your other arm where you held your books .... And saw the name of his recently bought book " Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury "
" Hey , that's my book , give it back ! "
You put both of your arms in front of the two of the books , the story and the big grammar manual
" What !? no ! it's mine ! I was just trying to get the backpack out of the trash ! "
He dropped his backpack harshly , he was not having it
" Cut me some slack , will ya !? I only wanted to read and do my homework like a normal person in school and you had to make my life a living hell ! The librarian lady don't trust me anymore because of you ! Give me back what it's mine !"
You tried to protect the book with your arms but Griffin with all the strength his body was grabbing your arms and trying to open them , you were really struggling to keep fighting much longer
The moment you dropped the books he took as fast as a light switch the one he was looking for , but you didn't want him to go away with your favorite book , so you both started to pull harder to get it
But the book was teared apart as you both fall into the ground , you with only the half of the cover , and he with the broken book
" Look what you've done ! You ruined another book again ! "
Frustrated at the boy's attitude you got up from the ground and went after the teacher's to call your family because " you started to feel sick " , and lucky you , they were planning on taking you out for lunch
Your family noticed that you were more quiet than usual , but you only said you were tired ... Tired of regretting to help someone and get your stuff stolen so much
Outside the restaurant , you saw trough the window a puppy that started to look around and seemed lost , you tried to tell your family about it , but you couldn't see exactly where did they go
You went outside , it was just a one sec thing .
You called the puppy and put your hand close to it so they could smell you . The puppy started to cry and move it's paws , as soon as you started to pet it they started to lick your hand , tickling your skin and making you giggle
In one sec you got outside to pet that cute little puppy , and in one sec , the bad wolf , the so called The Grabber , took you away .
Griffin wanted to kick himself when he saw the same book that he broke inside his backpack , deciding to tell his mom once for all what was going on so she could help him buy a new version of the book and give it to you
2 days later , your missing posters were all over the school path , making the boy scared of how fast this Grabber was taking kids away , making the boy sad for having two copies of the same book because he didn't checked his backpack first
Later on lunch break he found his backpack once again in the trash , hearing a group of girls giggle behind him
He wishes to go back in time to make things different , but that's something that happens on books stories only .
There was no doubt Pin Ball Vance Hopper was the toughest kid in school , and he knew it , proud of his status that gives him the ultimate " Don't fuck with me " power
A lot of people had tried to take his title away , many wanted to have the privilege to say they defeated him , but the more time would pass , the more feared he was , because he would win again , and again , and again .
So that being said , nobody wanted to even look at him in the wrong way , walking on eggshells whenever he's around , and that's how he likes it or how he got used to
Now tell me , if everyone in the entire school knew to stay on their fucking places , why the fuck he had his pencils stolen and broken in two ?
Now , he wouldn't wait to find out who , oh hell no , he's not gonna tolerate that shit happening
He started to ask and grab by the shirt any poor idiot that looked at him more than 2 seconds when he demanded explanations , but they would always answer the same thing
" No please , don't hurt me !" " I'm sorry , I don't want any trouble ! " Chill man , I don't know what are you talking about !" " please stop you're hurting me ! " And bla , bla , bla , bla , bla
But it didn't only stayed on messing with his pencils , no , no , no , the motherfucker started to write his locker all over with threats and a colorful variation of insults
But nobody saw who did it , nobody saw nothing , nobody sees shit when you need it , and that made Vance even more cranky than he already was
The no name no face fucker pulled up a move that nobody has dared to do before , touch his drawing notebook .
He couldn't find it anywhere , students were scared for their lives even if they didn't even knew that thing existed when he started to shout like a furious demon , teachers couldn't calm down the problematic student or make him explain calmly the situation
And then he walked out from the class , from school , without saying anything else , only coming back the very next day with a crowbar to open himself every fucking locker until he founded his notebook .
Teachers yelled at him to stop terrified , students were on a distant circle shocked about what they were watching but too nervous to stay close to Vance Hopper with a possible weapon on his hands , you being part of that confused and scared crowd
He opened 9 , 10 , 11 lockers , and no signal of the only drawing notebook that he has , number 12 .... Your locker , it busted open , and it inside had a similar looking notebook of his . He grabbed the notebook , checked the pages , and he confirmed that he got back what he was looking for
But Vance needed an answer , now .
By your surprise , the people got away from you and kept starting at you in a way of saying " This is the owner of the locker "
He dropped the crowbar and speed walked towards you , and since you knew you wouldn't be able to defend yourself in any way, you started to run away , and so did him
You felt your feet almost slipping away , his angry breathing and foot steps sounds behind you , along with the distant sounds of the students keeping the track to see your public execution
You don't remember how exactly you did it , but you lost him , and got away hiding behind the school block's back place
Tired and with your legs and lungs burning , you lay yourself to the wall and try to compose yourself , never acknowledging that you were on the school's block , yet outside on the street
With your eyes closed and a body that had already gave everything to escape before , it was easy for the bad man to kidnap you inside his van .
The school suspended Vance for a week , nothing new he would say , but this time the police was more rougher than before the time they came for him
The majority of the people thought that the young man Hopper had something to do with your disappearing , and the police did too , but he told them the truth , and said he didn't even knew you were gone if he was on his house all day and that was .... Half true
He saw your missing posters all over the neighborhood , but he didn't care that much , he kept living his life while trying to beat his damn high score , another kid was lost in the town , so what ? He's too strong to be kidnapped anyway .
The police set him free , and he went to the Grab n' Go once again
Inside , Mrs Ellen wasn't there , and his dear pin ball machine had .... Had a crack on the glass of it !?
He looked around to see if somebody was there as well , but nobody was on the sight
If The jungle queen machine could speak , it would cry over the graffitis they made over the tigers on the sides
" Motherfuckers .... "
Two familiar boys entered inside the mall , one with straight brown long hair and other with a black curly hair and a bandage on his right arm
" Remember us dip shit ? We told you were coming for you "
The two had a pocket knife and a thirst for vengeance , vengeance that they should have kept anonymous
Angry like a wild hungry animal , he fought the two kids with his bare hands until carving once again on their arms with those tiny ass knifes whatever shit would come to his mind as if the first time wasn't enough for them
The kids ran away trying to keep the balance on their step , but failed due how fucked up their faces were and the pain on their arms
Vance sat tired on the ground with his hands covered in blood . Him seeing those two dumb shits run remembered him the last time he saw you
We really ain't nothing in this life , isn't ?
He chased you for nothing , and God knows where the fuck you are now , probably dead , never able to see the sun again
The lady of the mall screams in fear to see the blond messy hair kid like that after getting out from the washroom
" ... I would say I'm sorry if I could or if you were still alive , but that wouldn't change shit . What it's done , it's done .... "
The junior Pin Ball wizard thought as he heard moments later the police siren coming for him .
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Parent/Teacher Conference Pretty!
————— You clutched your purse to your side, an anchor to hold you with how light you’d felt, as you exited the hallways of the City Prefecture Counsel Building. The Musutafu School Board had used the second of their semi-annual quirk-restraint training program recertifications for all elementary grade teachers; an operation that was undertaken in huge part by the local hero’s. Those that had A-grade All-Around clearance for using quirk restraining devices conducting certification seminars and tests for your C-grade CEI Citizens certificate: a child emergency intervention certificate. A required licensure for all educators as quirk manifestations and adolescent tempers tend to let towards quirk accidents - and you’d been part of the first batch of teachers in the district to go update their certification. Your entire Grade 3 and under colleges had all been assigned to room 112 - which held number 19 ProHero Shoto as your re-licensing coordinator. Kiyata, another elementary teacher, at your school walked briskly beside you, “I can’t believe that! We just got to spend 3 hours being in the same room with the Shoto.” She whispered into your ear. You swallowed sharply, “Me neither.”
You’d seen ProHero’s Shoto and Deku in-person once doing a special speech for the city’s students on hero-day. You were beside yourself with the amount of pictures and letters your 2nd graders had fisted into the boxes of mail at the front. Utterly enchanted by the two hero’s - you could seriously understand the sentiment because you’d just spend 3hrs hanging off every single perfectly rich n’ smooth word that fell from Shoto’s perfectly perfect little mouth.
And you weren’t the only one you, Kiyata, and every other colleague of yours was so rapt at attention - these things were usually such a bore with the amount of times you’d heard the same information over and over again. “Um, excuse me, has anyone seen Miss L/N?”
That was ProHero Shoto’s voice - you’d know because you’d been listening to him with full attention all evening. You stopped in your track and turned around. The Prohero standing at the door of room 112 and holding up a cream-colored yeti that held a dangerous amount of caffeine in preparation for another boring meeting. All but untouched as he cooly held it in one hand - that famously electric blue eye of his scanning the hallway. Nervously you speed-walked back towards the door leaving Kiyata gapping in the hallway as ProHero Shoto stood calmly clutching your yeti to his chest. “Miss L/N,” he breathed staring down at the cup. You reached for it blurting out, “- oh my gosh I’m so sorry thank you for grabbing it for me.” Your own hands brushing against his slender fingers as you took it back into your own grasp. The quirk on his left side surely couldn’t ignite invisible fire on a persons body, could it? “You’re very welcome,” he intoned eyes finding your own, “I see you don’t like coffee much, then?” you blinked - oh right the coffee in your cup that you didn’t drink.
“Oh no, I do,” you waved, “you just made the seminar so interesting is all.” You clutched the lukewarm metal against your stomach. ProHero Shoto seemed to seriously consider this a corner on his face coyly lifted - centimeters away from flashing a boyish smile that would blind you. “So you do like coffee?” You nodded. Every teacher ever likes coffee. He laughed, talking a step out of the doorway and moving his broad shoulders out into the flurescence of the hall. “So you wouldn’t be opposed to getting more coffee tomorrow before I hand out certificates?” You nodded almost automatically. “- with me?” Shoto added leaning in with a small smile - the smell of that mint gum he’d been chewing washing over your lips. “I’d absolutely love to go get coffee with you!”
Who wouldn’t? The man was absolutely downright beautiful - no, gorgeous was probably more correct. Spelling lists be dammed he needed a better n’ bigger word to describe him. He seemed to blink back surprised at this - and oh no you’d developed a bad habit of talking out loud from being in the classroom all alone during recess. The heat along the shell of your ear flared bright pink. “I see. Well, I’m not sure what goes past gorgeous then, but once you figure it out I’d be more than happy to ascribe that adjective to yourself, Miss L/N.” Plus Ultra! The pink flaring across your skin was probably visible from that colony on Mars right about now. Shoto pulled out a phone from his pocket and smoothly placed it into your bag. You gapped at him confused, “You left this too.” He added, turning back towards the classroom. “I’ll text you later this evening about when to meet tomorrow afternoon.” And then Shoto left with a closed-lipped smile on his face as he cooly walked off down the hall in the opposite direction as you. “Damn girl!” Kiyata. You whirled around cup still held by white knuckles. “How on earth did you land that?!” you gulped and shook your head in disbelief as you fell into step beside her walking out of the building. I mean you’d gotten your teeth whitened and your manicure down for parent conferences this week, but you couldn’t believe that beyond-beautiful Shoto had called you beyond-gorgeous. Kiyata snickered, “Clearly whatever it is - is working!” You laughed, apples of your cheeks still warm, “It’s the Parent/Teacher Conference prep. That, and I guess take your vitamins everyday,” you shrugged. Because clearly that was the secret to clumsily landing a coffee date with ProHero - could-be-a-model-if-he-wanted-to - Shoto.
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saintship · 1 year
Ghost and platonic¡ 141 with fem¡reader who's on task force with him and is 1.88 centimeters tall and quite buff (cause she has to deal with men) so she's quite close to him in height and let's say the team goes to a secluded bar together and she wears high heel leather boots to almost the thigh and she's actually at his height in them? And shes making jokes about it cause she finally can look him straight in his baby blues what would his reaction be?
Can the reader be masked 2 if possible? Only her eyes show and her hair is on a bun 24/7?
Also i am rather tan skinned if you would wanna add that(?
Let's say they aren't together and just have a lot of chemistry with each other but remain close companions that make wonderful team(cause military)
Sorry if this is too spesific or a boring request you are free to ignore im just thirsty xd
I hope you enjoy !
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Platonic!141 x Reader - Baby Blues
Typically, the common room on base after a 141 mission is quiet with exhaustion, but for whatever reason, Soap and Gaz called the team together demanding a group outing to celebrate. The mission was successful, and you might have egged it on more than you usually would as an excuse to get drunk with your team. Price agreed after some prodding, and now Ghost was left to face one of earth’s mightiest forces; peer pressure from Soap.
“Come on L.T.! Just a few beers!”
“Sure. Alone. At mine.”
“You can beat me in pool!”
“And I can beat a fourth grader at football, what’s the point?”
“Oi, that’s not the same!”
“Completely the same.”
“Alright!” You interrupted their bickering, still reclining with your boots propped up on the coffee table. “Ghost, I know it’s not your scene, but I know a place that I think you’ll like.”
“It’s not busy-"
“They have bourbon-"
You sighed. “I’ll pay for your bourbon?”
Ghost was quiet, and you seized the opportunity to clasp your hands together, standing up. “We’re going!”
Price glanced at his watch. “Meet back here in twenty.” He sat in a chair near Ghost, likely offering support as the second-most brooding member of the 141.
You, Soap, and Gaz raced to your barracks like you were in boot camp again, dashing through your door to rifle through your closet. It wasn’t all uniform; everyone was expected to have other clothes for undercover work and occasionally a UN event. You pulled on a deep green slip, and switched out your mask for a darker color to match. Searching for a pair of shoes, our eyes landed on a pair you hadn’t touched in quite some time, a leather ankle boot with straps, silver detailing, and a decent heel.
After re-tying your hair where it rested atop your head, you went to join them again, Soap and Gaz on your tail.
“Oi, when did you get even taller?”
You smiled at Gaz. “Sorry?” You leaned down, pretending to not be able to hear, which he huffed at while Soap laughed.
“Aye, you walked yourself into that one.”
The bar was slowing down, as the team entered. You nudged Ghost gently.
“Told you it wasn’t bad.”
He hummed, still scanning the room as he would anywhere else. You started a tab for you and Ghost before walking over to join him for pool.
“Accept your fate now, yeah?” Ghost pointed at you with his pool stick.
“Not a chance.” You smiled, hitting the first shot. The triangle shot out in all directions, landing you a few points.
“Lucky.” Ghost huffed.
“Excuses.” You retorted.
It was a back and forth for a few minutes before Ghost spoke up again. “You might be a Sergeant, but you play pool like a rookie.”
You walk up to him, amusement glinting in your eyes.
“Could a rookie look you right in those baby blues?”
Ghost blinked; you saw the movement behind his mask of him furrowing his brow. You could hear Soap’s amused laugh, but kept your eyes where they were.
Ghost pointed a gloved finger at you. “You should be honored.”
Your smile grew. “So honored.”
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cornflowershade · 9 months
Tagged by @airenyah ☺️
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
This morning. For like literally two seconds because I was reallyyy tired and didn’t want to wake up early lol. (Last time I cried for more than two seconds was two days ago.)
3. Do you have kids?
I have 99 of them!!
(I work with a group of kids. I do not have any of my own.)
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I am… not a sports person. I lose games of tag to first graders. I did however do horseback riding for a while as a kid, which I was actually quite good at! Sometimes I miss it, though I have no idea if I’d still be any good after so long.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes, though it’s not my main mode of humor.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Mmm… maybe a combination of their outfits and of their personal aspect/vibe. (Do they seem friendly etc.)
7. What’s your eye colour?
I have brown orbs that stare inquisitively into your soul until you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
(Sorry for the bad fanfic. I’ll leave.)
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings :)
9. Any talents?
Video editing, art, writing, making up games, hula hooping, sewing, and retrieving small objects fallen down storm grates using nothing but a paper cup, a stick and a shoelace. (I have done this twice. With flying colors!)
10. Where were you born?
The U.S.
11. What are your hobbies?
Fanvidding, sewing, cosplay, obsessing over fictional characters/ships.
12. Do you have any pets?
No, but it would be cool to have one someday! Maybe a dog?? but on the other hand that would mean I have to take care of it which might overwhelm me…
13. How tall are you?
I think it’s about 5ft 4” but it’s been a while since I’ve checked. This is my best recollection, though. Fun fact, I’m the tallest in my household BUT I still have to get others to reach things off tall shelves for me because my arms are short asdghj
14. What was your favorite subject in school?
I guess I liked algebra a lot? Then when I got to college I liked a lot of subjects! Like my wildlife toxicology class and my video game design class and my feature writing class… there was a lot of fun stuff.
15. What is your dream job?
How am I supposed to know this asfgjkl. I am exploring the idea of teaching, though. We’ll see, I’m still figuring life out honestly, and I feel like there’s no Perfect job. But what I’m doing know makes me really happy which is why I’m considering that general arena.
Tagging following people: (no pressure!)
@soundwin @distant-screaming @lamonnaie @softneomiro @celestial-sapphicss
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jokerislandgirl32 · 1 year
favorite wild kratts episode/s?
and, as a bonus, favorite episode/s that don’t feature zach?
Haha, you know me, I would have only listed Zach episodes had you not specified. I am so sorry it took this long to get to this ask, but I’ve been thinking about it, and I enjoyed writing this up!
You can read the rest below the cut, fair warning, it is long, lol!
Favorite Episodes Featuring Zach
Quillner’s Birthday Present
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Quillber’s Birthday Present is such a fun episode. We get some decent Zach art, learn he’s got a wart problem (no judgement!), and he’s forgetful! He forgot to charge the Zachbots and this leads to nearly a whole episode of him doing things by himself. Yes, he’s stealing animals, but he’s taking the initiative to do things himself, without complaining! And his mood is super chipper the majority of the episode, which is very enjoyable for a change. It makes me wonder if he enjoys being self-sufficient (but that’s another post for another day).
Shadow: The Black Jaguar
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Shadow: The Black Jaguar was the first Wild Kratts episode I ever saw. Way back in March of 2021 I was watching this episode with some students in a class I was subbing for. I just clicked on it for them, and…the rest is history! One of the kids kept talking about Zach, “why does his plane have a V on it? Zach starts with a Z” (good job, 1st grader, you know your letters, lol).
And of course the fangirl in me focused in on the whiny man to try and figure out why the plane had a V on it, but then I saw his interactions with Shadow….and his good looks, whiny and charming antics, and affinity for cats (sorry, he’s a cat guy, even if he won’t admit it) won me over. This episode also has a lot of fun scenes with Aviva and the bros. I love the scene where Martin is trying to activate the power suit to become a Black Jaguar, and the little slide of hand to replace Shadow with the bunny toy: excellent. 
Mystery of the Weird Looking Walrus
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Mystery of the Weird Looking Walrus is another favorite of mine, if not my all time favorite, and yes, this is partially for the trench coat, but not entirely, haha! In this episode we get so much information about Zach: his favorite color, his extra toe, his favorite person, his favorite number, his preferred foods per day….so much canon content for the fangirl! We learn that Zach’s an overeater, and the villains know him for becoming ill from overeating. So, it’s a canon moment where his reputation is tarnished even among his closest peers, and maybe it’s wrong, but I love it, it sort of gives another level of humanity to Zach for me.
Zach also uses his Instafreeze device in this episode. Any episode where Zach uses non animal powered inventions are awesome in my opinion. They show Zach’s true potential as an inventor: he can craft inventions from his own mind, he does not need animals to create wonderful inventions. And finally, I love all his interactions with Donita. The man spends an entire episode trying to please her…this shows how much he values her as a person and adds yet another level of humanity to Zach that is usually overshadowed by all his “me me me” nonsense. 
Favorite Episodes Not Including Zach
The Great Froggyback Ride
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As for favorite episodes that do not involve Zach, my first go to is The Great Froggyback Ride. I’ll be honest, the reason why: ROYGBIV. For personal reasons I connect to this episode: I love all the colors of the rainbow and rainbows are very important to me as a symbol of hope and rebirth. So, the amount of color used in this episode just caught my attention, that scene where Chris is dancing and his suit is changing colors makes me feel awe, lol. Also my grandpa’s name was Roy, so, anything with Roy in it is excellent in my book.
Voyage of the Butterflier XT
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Another episode I like, for the message in it, is Voyage of the Butterflier XT.  Butterflies are one of my favorite creatures, hands down, and they also stand as another symbol of hope and rebirth for me, and that’s kind of the message in this episode. The caterpillars hatched out of their eggs, munched on oodles of food, made their chrysalises, and transformed into butterflies that made made the long trek to another country just for the sake of laying their eggs and restarting the life cycle. This show that while life may be short for some animals, all animals have a purpose to fulfill within their lives. Maybe it is morbid, but it’s a positive way to view life and death, and I appreciate the way the Kratt Brothers addressed this difficult topic, especially so early on in the series.
Sooo this was super long, but I truly enjoyed it, kudos to all who read until the end, lol!
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wellhalesbells · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 (or whatever) Tags
I was tagged by @kikiroo​ - thank you!!  *heart hug!*
1. Were you named after anybody?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Um, I cannot stress enough that I cry at the drop of a hat in fictional situations (pretty much never in real life) so it was either Ted Lasso or reading The Celebrants by Steven Rowley, or it could’ve been The Emperor’s Bone Palace by Hailey Turner - I just finished that.  I can’t remember if I did or not, but I was so stressed out, I probably did, things went poorly for a bit there and I was a wreck.
3. Do you have kids?
I do not and have no plans to.  I’ve never wavered on that, I’ve always been very ‘who knows, could change,’ about it but so far: nah.  And I feel like if I had ever wavered, my sister having two pandemic babies and me being her entire village (I am the only relative who lives in the same state.  And the people who are best at babies do not live in the same country.) has nudged me more firmly towards: that’s really not for you, broh.  I love them to death but I am so glad I get breaks where I just get to be a selfish monster for seventy-two hours straight.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played soccer for maybe a few weeks in middle school and then I was like: this is just running, and running is so much worse than sitting, was everyone aware of that?  I’ll be on the bench if you need me. *throws up a peace sign*  Though I did just tell my sister that I would absolutely fucking kill at basketball against K-1st graders and I stand by that.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Sense of humor.  Honestly, I don’t know if it’s an ace thing or not, but I can’t even describe people beyond: heightish and hairish until you interest me as a person, which is usually because you make me laugh.  It’s kind of embarrassing sometimes because I really do not notice, and sometimes I’ll be asked to describe someone I’ve been in the vicinity of for, like, two months and I’m like: I genuinely cannot tell you a single thing about this person, I’m so sorry.  I just don’t track details.  That’s why I try really hard with names.  I can’t tell you what they look like in any detail (do they wear glasses? Have freckles? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), but I can tell you their name.  And sometimes that can feel like a superpower tbqh, because you know who people come to find out the new person’s name: moi.
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Oh scary movies, hands down.  They’re my favoritest things.  I regularly have them on as background noise.
9. Any special talents?
If I do have them, they’re a secret even to me.  I like to have that Kathleen Madigan mindset about it: “What if we’re all prodigies, but it’s just at something we’ve never tried yet? ... What if I sat down at a pottery wheel and made a cup and people were like: Holy Christ, lady, that is the most phenomenal cup ever made.”  It could happen!
10. Where were you born?
St. Pete, Florida.
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, tending to an imaginary beluga whale that lives in my nephew’s bathtub, creating to do lists over and over again that I have no intention of ever completing, and playing Pokemon Go.  There’s a girl at my work and we were the two nerds who were really into it, we would get together, do the fests and the raids and community days and such.  We have now converted half our workplace into either reactivating their accounts or creating them and there are now at least two more people who are just as - if not more - into it than we are.  (Like, they had to make a Pokemon Go policy because of us spreading it like a virus, lololol.)
12. Do you have any pets?
I have a doggo that I accidentally made obsessed with me and super introverted.  You know how they say owners start to resemble their dogs?  Nope.  I broke her and now we like to stay in, are wary of strangers, and essentially try to occupy the same space at all times - I blame COVID, honestly, we were both way more normal before that.  Or she was, anyway.  The good news is I can let her off leash ‘cause she’s going precisely zero places without me.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
English in high school, Evolutionary Psychology in college.
15. Dream job?
I hate to say it but: I do not dream of labor.  Anything I’m passionate about doing, I would immediately tarnish by needing it to now be the source of my livelihood.  It would lose all its joy because I would put immense pressure on it.
Though if I could somehow make bank through sleeping? Yeah, that.
I don’t know who to tag because I feel like I’ve seen everyone do this on my dash so: um, whoever hasn’t done it yet and wants to - consider this me tagging you!
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dishchan · 2 years
Rudimentary study of how language relates to colors? 👀 (Several of my uni classes have addressed how language is tied to cultural nuances, so my curiosity is piqued.)
Right, so [crack knuckles and stretches] - this story goes in all different directions but OMG I'm so excited to tell it soooooo, sorry not sorry.
I'm big into color, like my favorite task at my part-time job in high school was organizing the thread towers or being let loose on the wall of broadcloth solids to make sure everything is in rainbow order. So needless to say I have a fair obsession with paint chips and the paint/color displays at home improvement stores. Which was a large foundational reason I chose this project.
My major in undergrad was Japanese and all language majors had to take a few basic linguistic courses, which was unfortunately, a class I did not enjoy because the International Phonetic Alphabet is so confusing to me and probably the TA teaching it didn't explain it well. (That said, etymology and language evolution FASCINATES ME. Ask me about words, any day, any time, any place.)
So we had our year end project and we had to conduct our own language experiment. None of this class (or any undergraduate class) has gone over how to read, conduct, or run research projects so we're all flying fairly blind in this and approaching it with the brain of an undergraduate but the scientific method of a sixth grader submitting something to the science fair.
One thing we . . . read? discussed? (I dunno how I stumbled across it in this class) that we touched on at some point was how researchers were starting to really look into how different language speakers categorized color. So I, of course, immediately decided something about THAT was going to be my final project. Because color! Because paint chips!
I wheedled someone with a car to drive me to the local Lowe's (or Home Depot or whatever), and just went CRAZY on collecting paint chips. And when I got back to my dorm, I randomly labeled them all with numbers. Then, I started reaching out to friends to ask around to ask for participation from people whose first language wasn't English. When I got about five or six people who weren't native English speakers and like three who were, I'd meet them and have them sort the colors into categories. No pressure on what they wanted to sort them into, but just to sort them, like colors with like colors.
After I’d note their grouping with the number on the back (i.e. group 1 had paint chips 2, 5, 19, 27, and so on) with the person’s native language and it’s language family. And then wrote it all up in a paper (mind you, see above about research not being taught so it was definitely an ESSAY over any attempt at a research paper).
And honestly, I mean, there were like ten people MAX I asked to do this, the results seemed to be very heavily skewed towards languages really having an effect on how one groups color or mentally categorizes it.
It's like the idea of orange, you know. Orange the color is supposedly named after the fruit, so until English speakers encountered the fruit, the color was categorized within the red or yellow family. But it could be that a language that developed in places where orange natively grew, orange might be it's own category within color.
There is a book called "Color Language and Color Categorization" edited by Geda Paulsen that I'd really like to read at some point.
But yeah, that's my long form answer!
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musingsofanaroace · 1 month
State of Misery (2/7)
And for what feels like a second stretched into an hour, you drown in that impenetrable darkness. You fear that darkness will remain your constant companion until time immemorial, but slowly the dark lessens and daylight emerges. And with the emergence of daylight, you find yourself sitting on a hot leather seat in your Dad’s van.
In the distance, a robin blue bridge looms large against a cloudless sky. The bridge that will forever mark the beginning of when your life irrevocably changed. But in that moment, you don’t know this. You only know that you are returning home after spending a week with a grandma who seemed foreign and strange to you. An alien disguised in an old woman’s body, most definitely. 
You glance over at your sister Kay. Drool oozes out of the corners of her mouth, and strands of her butter cream hair stick to her flushed face. She puts her pointer finger in her mouth and begins gnawing on it. 
The words, “First graders don’t suck their fingers, only babies,” claw at the sides of your throat. Even though it’s an older sister’s duty to tell her such things, you decide to remain silent, for you know that she would just roll her eyes at you and make them look whiter than a ping-pong ball. A sight that always sent the herby jeebies crawling down your spine. 
When the van reaches the bridge, you notice a sign on the beam of it: Welcome to Arkansas—the Home of Bill Clinton. At first, you don’t connect the name with anyone important. You only know that you’ve heard that name before. And as the van passes over the bridge and reaches the other side, it suddenly comes to you. Ah, that’s the name of the president.
“Dad, did any presidents come from Michigan?” The black leather seat sticks to your legs and so begins the attempt to free them without upsetting the mauve tray with side pockets that sits over your lap. You look over to your sister who draws two lopsided circles with her free hand. She smiles and shows it to you.
“How the fuck should I... Hey, you can’t pass me.” You feel the engine rev and cough.
Mom looks up from the map and screeches. “Dear, slow down. I don’t know where we are. We must still be in Tennessee or Mississippi. Wait, we didn’t have to go through Mississippi.”
“We’re in Arkansas,” you inform her. “And you have the map upside down. You only read the map upside down when you’re heading south.”
“Bella.” She flips her coconut crème hair back. “I don’t need advice from a twelve-year-old.”
Rummaging through the right side pocket of your tray, you take out cassettes by Green Day, Nirvana, and Bob Dylan. Only after fumbling with the tray to look under your seat for the portable tape player do you remember that you borrowed it to Mom at the start of the trip so she could listen to Metallica.
“Mom, can I have...”
“Bella.” Mom faces you and squints her eyes. “I can’t figure out where we are if you keep talking.”
“Sorry.” You go back to the Trolls coloring book that you’d been working on an hour ago and give one of the baby trolls a punk hairstyle.     
“Got you.” Dad shakes his head and passes the orange BMW that had passed us a quarter of a mile back. “Who’s the man now, huh?” 
Letting out a donkey bray, he pounds a fist on the horn. “Beep-zip.”
After five minutes of coloring in the hair using various colors of the rainbow, you decide that you’ve done enough coloring for the day, for the crayon smell has started giving you a headache. What to do now?
After looking out the window at the passing fields for the next ten minutes, you finally decide on your next activity: reading. Digging in the left side pocket of your tray, you push aside a battered copy of The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks and take out Christine by Stephen King. 
Mom looks over the seat and gasps. “Bella, what did I say about reading that strange man’s books? He’ll rot your brain.” 
“Nora, just let her read it.” 
“What should I do Carlos? Should I just let our kids walk all over me?” She narrows her eyes. “They should respect the rules that I set for them.”
“Well, at least she reads.”
“But I don’t like that man. He rots...” 
You try to tune them out while you journey through the world of Stephen King. For the rest of Arkansas, Mom and Dad exchange heated arguments back and forth. By the time the Welcome to Missouri sign appears, they progress into the “I’m not talking to you” mode.
Just as you get to the part where Christine flattens Moochie Welch, a loud pop rents the air. To you, it sounds like the shotgun blast in the song “Western Movie” by the Olympics. The frame of the van rattles and begins to dance the Shimmy. “Ugh.” Your heart gallops in your chest, and your arms shake. The book tumbles from your hands and thuds onto the greasy floorboard. 
“Ha ha ha.” Kay points at you, her mouth gaping open, three teeth shy from a whole set. 
“If only I had some cement,” you think facing your sister. Gritting your teeth and squinting your eyes, you try to look like the clown from It. 
“Um.” Kay looks back at her activity book.
“Shit.” Dad smacks the wheel and stomps his feet. For the first time, you notice a billow of smoke coming up from the hood.
“Daddy, the car has turned into a dragon.” As Kay bounces up and down, she knocks over her burgundy tray. An activity book and crayons decorate the backseat for a few seconds. To you, this array of colors looks like the confetti that people throw from their balcony as a parade passes by on the street below. “Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea.” She sings this in an off key tempo. 
For some reason, this song causes your ears physical pain. “Kay, not so loud!” 
She ignores you and continues singing the next line. “And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee.”
With this second line, all the muscles in your body tense as the discordant song sears through your body like a laser beam through metal. “Kay!” You close your eyes and will the pain away.
“Kay, hush now.” Mom comes to your rescue.
And fortunately for you, she ceases the torturous song on the word strings. She goes back to sucking on her finger.
“What to do?” Dad scratches his head. “Okay, everybody out of the car.” As he opens the door, it squeals on its rusty hinges.
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