#sorry i couldn't answer it lol
wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
🐷 Junk food you can never get enough of
Get to know Rishi ||| Accepting @kamikakefell
🐷 Junk food you can never get enough of Gods. There is so much junk food out there that I don't think I could ever live without. Holy crap. Cheeseburgers? A juicy beef patty, with caramelized onions and crisp fresh lettuce and sweet juicy tomatoes, topped with a tangy ketchup and mustard, all encapsulated on a toasty fluffy bun? Freshly fried and seasoned to perfection, utterly crispy chicken tendies? With a sweet chili dipping sauce on the side that just helps mitigate some of that fattiness but also adds another level of flavor to those already delicious morsels of fried chicken?? Salty and savory fried onion rings with a side of ranch? Salt and vinegar kettle cooked chips?? Ugh. I'm making myself drool.
In short. I can't choose. Please excuse my disgusting exorbitant description of food. I'm passionate about it.
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ragri5 · 7 months
Please draw demo doing the “my eyes are looking at you” thing with his fingers at medic but when he points at his own eyes he holds up one finger and he points four fingers at medic
My guy won't get uber for a very, very, long, time․
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rebelrainfall · 2 months
rebelcaptain hadestown AU for the ask game 🫶
AAAAhhhhhhh ok I'll warn you I am NOT normal about this 💀 I've posted about a Hadestown au before here and a little snippet here a couple years ago, and I think I've posted the moodboard before as well but I'm putting it here anyway
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But ok yes five things that happen:
Cassian was almost an optimist, once. He earnestly, deeply believed everything that he would finish his song and make everything right again. But that was years ago. Far too many years have passed without a spring or fall and now what Cassian is is desperate. Desperate and exhausted and angry, and barely holding on to hope by a thread.
With every year that passes Cassian grows more resentful of the gods, of their selfishness and power and apathy. His resentment is most directed toward Hades and Persephone, of course, and he gives a bitterly sarcastic toast to Persephone, but he's growing more and more angry even with Hermes, who took him in and gives him work but who also barely seems to care about the humans dying around him.
All Jyn has ever wanted is to be a priority to someone. She wants attention, warmth, someone she can trust. And for the summer, Cassian gives her that. But as the cold comes on, as Cassian spends more and more of his time holed up in his room composing and discarding line after line, Jyn finds herself feeling just as discarded, cold and hungry as ever.
Jyn is Cassian's priority. She's the renewal of his failing hope, the reason he finds himself dreaming of spring and strawberries again. If only he could have realized that, before it was too late.
Because I am a ridiculous sucker when it comes to these two, Doubt Comes In gets replaced as the ending by a reprise of All I've Ever known. Take from that what you will 😏
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
what are your thoughts on the cheeky lil cow boy (belphie)
Ah yes, Belphegor, a bit of a polarizing character in general, I think. People seem to either really love him or really hate him.
Generally speaking, I think he's deceptively cunning, but not in a malicious way. He's pretty chill most of the time, but he'll do stuff like manipulate his brothers to get them to do his chores for him. Except for Beel, of course. And really they are a unit. Belphie is always ready to fight for Beel and vice versa. But I also really like how they just quietly support each other. Someone will say oh Belphie fell asleep in this weird place and Beel will immediately be like I'll go get him. Or Belphie will be like we need to make sure we bring food to this thing because Beel will get hungry. Like they're just always thinking about each other and I think that's really sweet.
Belphie will also call people out if he wants to. If he has no reason to keep it to himself, he'll straight up tell you if he thinks you're doing something questionable. And his issues with Diavolo indicate to me that he has a problem with authority, like he would be more defiant if he wasn't also lazy lol.
Inevitably, though, we can't really talk about Belphie without discussing the Lesson 16 Incident. At this point, I think most people are aware of those events, but just in case, I'll put the rest of this under a read more. And also it's kinda lengthy, so be forewarned lol.
First of all, I have to say that I was honestly so confused about what was happening in Lesson 16 that I didn't fully understand that Belphie had killed MC. I had to read it multiple times and then read what other people were saying about it. So I never had an intense reaction to it.
But to be fair, it wasn't like we didn't know there was something weird going on the whole time. I knew it was the youngest brother locked up there and it seemed like it was wrong, so that made Lucifer out to be the bad guy of the situation. Then it turns out that wasn't the case at all.
Belphie is manipulative. That's just part of his character. And when he has something that he's trying to do, he's going to use that skill to get it.
Some people are still mad at Lucifer for locking Belphie up at all. Some people are obviously quite upset that Belphie killed MC.
But here's what I think.
It isn't that black and white. Aside from the confusing time travel shenanigans, this event is one of the most realistic things that has ever happened in the story.
Belphie shared Lilith's love of humans. Together they wanted to learn more about the human world. It would be easy for him to blame himself for her interest and what ultimately led to her death. But even if he didn't, he saw the way that it tore his entire family apart.
It wasn't just that his dad got mad at his sister and they had an argument or something.
It was that his dad was going to end his sister's existence and in defiance, his older brother rebelled. And there was a war. This was not some squabble. This was siblings fighting siblings.
Belphie watched his brothers and sisters fight and hurt and kill each other and it all came back to Lilith falling in love with a human.
And then he fell with his brothers, cast out of his home, losing everything he's ever known. His brothers are changing and suffering just like he is.
They don't talk about it. They clearly all keep secrets regarding it still, things that don't come out until MC comes along. Which is supposedly thousands of years after the fact (at least in OG). That means Belphie has had all that time to let that trauma fester. To let it twist inside him. To let it morph into the one thought that became most dominant: that humans are bad.
Is that a fair assessment of what happened? No, of course not. But we're dealing with a war traumatized fallen angel that clearly hasn't worked through any of these feelings in thousands of years.
And then he defies Diavolo and Lucifer panics.
Yes, Lucifer should have found a better way of handling it. But remember what happened to him when he defied authority? He is trying his best to protect Belphie. He is trying not to lose another sibling. He is also still traumatized and therefore overreacting out of fear.
And so was Belphie.
Imagine being locked up like that and a human comes along. A human is free among your brothers to do whatever terrible things humans do while you're powerless to stop them. Of course he's going to try to manipulate that human into setting him free. Of course he's then going to eliminate them because humans have been historically bad for his family.
I read this situation as Belphie being both afraid and angry that a human - the thing he's convinced himself was the main cause of his sister's death - has become so close to his brothers and has the access to his family that could cause another rift among them.
You could say that it was Belphie's idea to get MC to have all the pacts, but that isn't really true, either. By the time MC meets Belphie, they already have a pact with two of his brothers. He sees them already starting to worm their way into his family. And he knows that the only way to get out of the attic is to encourage it. He doesn't really have a choice.
Maybe everyone can now call me a Belphie apologist. But I'm always coming at this from an outside fictional standpoint. I'm like listen he's a flawed character and it's actually pretty realistic of him to react this way considering the circumstances.
However, he did kill MC. And that's why my own MC, Ciaran, has issues with Belphie for a while. It's also traumatic to have someone kill you, so it isn't like I'm saying MC should just forget about it or forgive Belphie immediately. I think it probably should have taken a lot more time for MC to trust Belphie again. Certainly that part of the story was a bit rushed.
But they're dealing with lesson format constraints and also it's a silly otome game so I guess fully formed character arcs can't be expected. Especially since we aren't dealing with routes and they have to cram everybody into the same set of lessons.
In the end, I think Belphie is an interesting and complex character. I think there's a lot of space to explore more about this particular aspect of him, but due to the format of the media and the lack of routes, his more in depth character arc just doesn't exist.
I personally have no problem with Belphie as a character, but I also understand why people don't like him. I am always of the opinion that everyone is free to love or hate or have any emotions at all about fictional characters lol. This is just my personal opinion.
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Can we have a scenario with all the lords of alagadda just reacting to mc suddenly teleporting to their territory again and randomly arguing with 035 while running away?
this is a borderline crackpost but i don’t care because i wanted to have fun with it. kindaaa ooc oknoitdefinitelyis
035 was seething. You could easily tell; black goop was pouring out of the mask's every orifice in waves, dripping down his host's neck and spilling onto his attire. You take a glance at his ensemble, which was no longer a simple researcher's uniform, but a grandiose tailcoat with ruffled cuffs. (...The outfit change may or may not have been your doing).
He looks at you with pure, unadulterated rage. Intermittent beads of sweat roll down the side of your cheek. His glaring causes a sudden urge to explain yourself, and so you decide to speak. You open your mouth very, very slowly.
A voice in the distance murmurs a skeptical inquiry.
“Shouldn’t we just-“
“Hush, Yellow." The Red Lord practically slaps a hand onto the face, or rather, mask, of his confidant. It effectively shuts him up, albeit only for a moment. "We are spying on them!”
Yellow grumbles, recoiling from the unwanted contact. “…You know well that if White were here, they would report this," he makes a grand gesture toward the unseemly duo, "to the Ambassador right away.”
“Oh," Red scoffs, waving Yellow's doubtful words away with a hand. He turns to the side, resumes his observation of your antics, and kicks his legs back and forth, not unlike a giggly schoolgirl would. "Just hush and focus on them!”
Yellow follows Red's gaze and looks on with cynical eyes.
035's words come out sharp. "Why did you come here again?" His fists are shaking, and you wince at how deep he digs his fingernails into his palm. "Moreover, bring me with you?"
You rub your hands together nervously, averting eye contact. "Well, I haven't seen Amingvolvin in quite a while. I wanted to give them a gift." Wobbily, your gaze moves upward to meet his. "And, I kind of- may have, accidentally ran into you? As I was about to teleport?"
You are unable to accurately gauge his reaction. 035 is still.
“That’s it." He finally says in disbelief. "That’s the reason.”
"Well, I guess-"
Abruptly, 035 moves toward you with overpowering intent. You flinch and stumble backward. At this point, you fully expected him to just punch you, but your body relaxes as you inspect him closer. His fists clench and unclench with what is undoubtedly anger, however, something tells you that he cannot bring, could never bring himself to project that emotion onto you.
You watch as his hands fully unclench, and he slumps his shoulders in what seems to be acceptance.
"Let us focus on leaving this place."
"O-of course!" You perk up with a stammer, surprised by his switch in attitude. "We've done this before, we can do it again."
035 sighs, and steps closer to grab you by the hand. "You really ought to be more careful. Every time that I find you, you are always involved in some dreadful sort of mess..."
It is at the moment when his fingers touch yours that something inside Red crackles, and it bursts into flaming jealousy. He stands up suddenly, and the ends of his robes intimidatingly flare out to the sides like a predator threatening its prey. There is a low, deep bellow which he emits that makes his presence known.
Yellow turns to Red, exasperated. He had to admit, he did not find it exactly pleasant to watch the former Anguished Lord's hand make contact with yours, but...
"I thought you wanted to keep a LOW profile?!"
At this, you dart your head toward the two Lords with wide, panicked eyes. Your mouth slams shut, and you grab 035's right arm to drag him along with you, but it slips out of your grip, detaches from his shoulder, and promptly falls to the floor.
You reach over frantically at 035's remaining left arm, hauling him beside you and sprinting away into the depths of Alagadda’s Euclidean landscape.
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kindlykolorful · 5 months
Captains, did you get any backlash from crewmates about your relationship?
Were any (Dead)past crewmates homophobic and vocal about it?
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Yeah... some people didn't agree with me suddenly coming to the ship and becoming captain. There was a little group that wanted to question it, I don't think they were specifically worried about we being a couple but more of me becoming a captain, but they sure said some offensive stuff behind our backs!
Well, they made a very good stew for Cellbit! I prepared it with a lot of love despite it all.
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cherry-blossom-qf · 11 months
[Promised Prince AU] moment where Magalor gets his relationship revealed to Kirby and Bandee on accident, expecting them to be really against it and hate him, only for them to be super supportive. After all, both of them have seen their fair share of villain-redemptions and if Magalor trusts Oakley then they can do the same. Honestly, I think the majority of the cast either wouldn't care, wouldn't get the potential danger behind it OR are still supportive anyway.
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This is semi-canon(?)
Dedede says "I don't get it, but ok!"
Meta is trying not to judge while lore dropping
Bandadee is questioning the logic of everything
And Kirby is just happy for the Magolor ^w^
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erisenyo · 1 year
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@bisexuallsokka I had another idea I couldn't let go of for this one lol
For this prompt game! (And also this one!)
“And that,” Sokka finishes, aware of just how flimsy it all is, how few options they truly have left, “That’s the plan.”
Zuko stares a moment, face grave and dirt smudged and serious before he exhales a slow breath, nodding, a grim kind of understanding settling over him.
“Risky,” Toph grunts, restlessly tossing a pebble back and forth. “Just waiting for them to surround us?”
It is, but given their options, given that they’re down to three, given that they’re facing so many more than that…Sokka takes a deep breath. “Do you trust me?”
“Always,” Zuko says, immediate.
“Getting us this far?” Toph waves generally around what might be the little hovel they’ve gone to ground in, or maybe just this point in the fight. “You earned it.”
“Alright then,” Sokka says, forcing himself to exhale normally like it isn’t a relief to hear. “Then this is the plan.”
“Alright then,” Toph nods after a moment, squaring her shoulders. “I’m ready.”
“Are you ready?” Zuko asks, pitching his voice low as Sokka starts getting the last of their supplies ready.
Sokka watches his hands moving through the weapons check, distantly impressed by their steadiness. “You already know how this will end, Zuko.”
“I know,” Zuko agrees quietly after a beat. leaving unspoken the fact that they all do. That all they’re doing refusing to go down without a fight.  
“We’re not going to make it out of this one,” Sokka whispers, closing his eyes as he lets the reality of that sweep through him.
“I know,” Zuko says again, taking a breath. “And if this is the last battle—” he touches Sokka’s hand, stilling it against their supplies. “—it has been the honor of my life,” he says steadily, “Fighting it at your side.”
“Zuko,” Sokka chokes, unprepared for the sudden rush of emotion through his battle calm, fumbling for Zuko’s hand.
“I couldn’t ask for anything more than this,” Zuko continues, squeezing back.
“I should be able to do better,” Sokka whispers, wincing at the admission. “I would be able to get us out of this. It shouldn’t just be about trying to buy time, we could have beaten them, I know it, I just—"
“Hey, hey,” Zuko interrupts, shifting to catch Sokka’s eyes. “You did the best you could,” he says, firm and serious, a welt beginning to purple into a bruise against his temple and fuck, Sokka can suddenly feel every bit of soreness of his body, every aching muscle. “We all did. You can’t think your way out of everything.”
“This, though—”
“No one could have seen this coming,” Zuko cuts in again, firm. “No one, okay?”
“We knew going into this Azula was going to be a wild card—”
“And we overprepared for her,” Zuko shrugs, brutal and blunt in his practicality. “And we can’t undo it now. But,” he adds, voice gentling, eyes searching Sokka’s face. “We can still remember what we’re here for, right?”
Sokka huffs, almost a laugh. “It’s not like I could forget, I’ve been planning it for months.”
“And it’s worth it,” Zuko says, firm, eyes cutting to Toph.
“It’s worth it,” Sokka agrees after a beat, exhaling hard, gathering his resolve back around himself and setting aside his own hopes and wants because today, this whole thing, it was never about him, not really.
“Together, okay?” Zuko says, lips quirking into a little smile. “We do this together.”
“In together, out together,” Sokka repeats back, their mantra.
“Exactly,” Zuko says, kissing him once, fierce and hard, leaning his forehead against Sokka’s as he pulls away. “Ready?”
“No,” Sokka says honestly. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be, for this, but Zuko laughs and kisses him again, that electric, adrenaline-high intensity of his clearly starting to take over now that he has a direction to point it in, and Toph shifts, head cocking.
“I don’t think,” she says at the unmistakable sound of a footstep crunching over the dry leaves Sokka spread behind to give them the thinnest attempt at a warning, “That they’re going to wait.”
“All together, then,” Sokka says, settling his weapon into his hands. “All the way to the end.”
“Exactly,” Zuko says, gripping his own weapon and holding Sokka’s eyes, steady and even. “Count us down?”
“Toph should do it.” Since she’s the lynchpin of it all.
Toph shifts into a crouch, dirt smudged and serious as she readies herself. “Blaze of glory, right?”
Sokka lets out a breath, anticipation beginning to flutter in his chest. “That’s the idea.”
Toph nods. “For all the melons, then,” she says, Zuko huffing out a startled little laugh that she doesn’t even pause to smirk for. “On three. One, two—”
The three of them burst from their cover before three, because they all know anyone could be listening. They hurl themselves into the afternoon light, Sokka and Zuko screaming and making themselves as big as possible as they do it, relying on the element of surprise to get a few shots off and trying to draw their time out a little longer.
Sokka shrieks as loud as he can and provides as much cover fire as possible, zigging and zagging and screaming louder as he watches Zuko go down, struck in the back, the sharp burst of a paintball hitting his own back a few moments later as Toph mows through their collective ammo—
--at anything in front of her.
“For the Melon Lord,” Sokka calls weakly back, gasping through the sting of it—fuck, but these protective jumpsuits are a joke—before rolling toward Zuko. “Think we beat Jet’s time?”
“Watch it, Melon Lord,” Zuko huffs, ducking down as a wayward scatter of shots spatter in front of him before scooting back toward Sokka, both of them huddling down to watch as Toph mows down Katara and Aang, spinning so unpredictably that Suki has to actually work to line up her shot—Suki laughing so hard she has to work even harder—just as they planned it.
“Well fuck,” Zuko says, glancing down at his watch and tilting his wrist so Sokka can see the timer ticking up as Toph finally goes down.
“Shit,” Sokka echoes, grabbing Zuko’s wrist to double-check the counter and grinning up at him. “I think we did it.”
“I think,” Zuko says, a slow, wild-edged grin growing over his face, “That we got close enough that we can say it, either way.”
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madame-mongoose · 10 months
*sobs in idk what any of this is* can- can you explain the orb guy to me ;-;
okay so basically...
and then he steals the body of a lesbian and gets really freaky/horny about it
and then gets thrown into space
the end
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ahappyphjl · 9 months
can you rec some of your fave dnp from your playlist? :) currently going through some of their older content and always up for recommendations since there’s a lot out there
yess of course, happy to!! my "faves" playlist has over 100 videos and i love all of them, so i'll list the ones i rewatch most often, and ones that just mean a lot to me. i didn't include many of their newer videos or any of the pinofs though, cause they're all so great. hope u find some that u really like :)
a festive day in the life of dan and phil
dan and phil play undertale (the series)
halloween baking - pumpkin spice pumpkin cookies
halloween baking - monster pops (just all the baking videos lol)
14 year old phil's game - dan and phil play: the mark of oxin
dan and phil play cards against humanity
dan vs phil: yasuhati
making a phandwich - dan and phil play: overcooked #2
the tree
a day in the life of dan and phil in london
the photo booth challenge
dan and phil play just dance
dan and phil play the impossible quiz #2
will dan and phil be millionaires
the wardrobe
blindfolded cat face game
something we want to tell you
dan and phil play golf with friends (the series)
what dan and phil text each other 2022
dan and phil play incohearent
viewers pick my outfits
a static lullaby - toxic (britney spears cover)
meet my mum
reacting to my baby videos
draw my life
draw my life: part 2
i got attacked by a squirrel
the hand - a dan and phil fanfiction by phil lester
coming out to you
trying to see without my glasses
trying to catch and rescue an injured wild pigeon
trying to live my truth
i nearly blinded myself
our awkward fancy meal
dan reacts to his childhood videos
the urge - a dan and phil fanfiction by dan howell
basically i'm gay
butterfingers (first solo dan vid i watched & which made me sub to him lmao)
dan's diss track - roast yourself challenge
my bahamas travel disaster
we are in a relationship
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tag-if · 10 months
Hi hi!^^ How would the RO's react to the MC— that's usually stoic with a resting bitch face, their brows slightly frowning most of the time— lighting up with a slight smile a little bit every time they see the RO?
i would love so desperately to do little scenario reacts to this, but the whole cast would just be absolutely thrilled aksdjh
Marin and T. Bellefleur are likely to tease a little bit (gentle pokings)
K. Valiev and A. Bellefleur may point it out very sweetly, commenting on how happy they are you like them that much
and A. Caras is in the same boat as this MC so that would just be an unmentioned thing they both do akjsd
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head---ache · 1 year
What is Destiny's relationship with her Parents like *esp with one of them being digital and the other being organic*
I've said it before, she gets along pretty well with both, but you do raise a pretty interesting point! In that sense I guess she does relate more to Nicole, not only because they're both AI girlies, but also because their personalities are more similar. This doesn't mean she gets along better with Nicole, tho! There's just certain things she feels more comfortable telling Nicole, and others she feels more comfortable telling Sally (such as being the group's leader, for example). In general, yeah, she gets along with both the same, but there's certain topics she knows one or the other can understand better.
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fleetsonourgecentral · 5 months
I suddenly remember That you never told us how a meeting between Prime/Archie! Sonic and Fleetway (Amnesiac/Good) Super Sonic would go.
Also I want to read Fleetway Sonic and scourge reactions if They somehow end Up dating (I like Fleetonic and I need something to draw lol)
I imagine any meeting between Prime and Super would likely come after Prime has already had the misfortune of meeting Sonic, and subsequently had at least one (1) argument about Super. If the argument hasn't already happened by the time Prime and Super meet, it's definitely imminent. I imagine Prime would be a lot more forgiving of Super than Sonic is (partly because he just doesn't have the same baggage Sonic does and partly because he's just overall less of a dick) so he'd be sympathetic to his plight. He'd be much quicker to believe Super when he says he doesn't want to be that evil person who hurts and kills people for fun. Sonic would scoff and call him a trusting idiot, but it's not that Prime is oblivious to or ignoring the danger that Super can cause, he just doesn't believe dogpiling the guy about it will actually help his situation
Sonic's reaction to finding out they're dating would just be more "I think you're fucking stupid" or, depending on how not-awful his relationship with Super is, just a quiet scoff. He probably tells Prime that if he's soooo fond of Super, then he can take Super with him back to his dimension, but he's probably also secretly worried about Prime actually following through, because if anything goes wrong, Sonic isn't there to help stop it. Chaos energy in the fleetway dimension is fucky and corrupted; for all his bitching and "don't come crying to me if he tries to kill all your friends", Sonic doesn't actually want another universe to suffer from that corrupted energy. He definitely doesn't want the chaos energy in the prime zone to become corrupted the same way his was, either
I can't imagine Scourge has much emotional attachment to Super to care too much. Like, he sees a part of himself in Super, specifically in how both of their identities used to be tied to Sonic, but he doesn't like that he can relate to Super. He doesn't hate or dislike him, but he definitely doesn't like him, either. He just often ends up being the one Ebony calls for out of everyone else in the freedom fighters because he's the one with the least amount of history with Super, so Super doesn't put him on edge the same way he does everyone else. So if Super started dating Prime, he'd probably just make some snarky comment about weak-hearted goody-two-shoes flocking together
Ultimately, the two of them together will probably mock the relationship. They probably only find out because one of them comes home and immediately starts bitching about how "did you HEAR Super and Prime are dating now???" and then they spend an hour talking shit about them. After all, even if Sonic has warmed up to Super a little, he probably still doesn't trust him or is comfortable being around him, and Scourge is a stubborn fucker who won't change his mind about disliking Prime out of sheer spite, so neither Prime nor Super have much of Sonic and Scourge's respect
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meanqueens · 6 months
Daemon "love" is just like cersei's
What is your opinion on this post? Do you agree or disagree?
thank you for your ask, anon! this was a really interesting analysis to read! i can get behind OP's perspective on daemon's character, but besides the one statement, i'd like to see them explain just how cersei and daemon's "love" is similar.
but in my opinion, is daemon's "love" like cersei's? i think they come from wildly different circumstances that effect how they interact with the world (i.e. daemon's from the house that currently sits the throne, a dynasty of conquerors, rides a dragon, and was born male; cersei, born female, has no magic and comes from a wealthy and influential house, but could only get closer to the seat of ultimate power via marriage, and even then her sex still limits her). i think any comparisons between their relationships would stop at the superficial, as when we get to the nitty gritty, their worlds are just not the same and that carries over into their characters. i think it's fair to say that based upon what we know about westerosi society and the societal self-deification of the targaryens, daemon was awarded a lot more privilege than cersei, and that's not nothing for who they became as people.
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soaps-mohawk · 7 months
I feel like a whole new person lol
New pericings yesterday, new clothes and shoes today with tax money 💰
I'm living right now (if this is annoying I will stop, I'm just excited that my life isn't shit rn)
You go bat anon!!!! You really said new year, new you huh??? 😄
It's not annoying!! I love seeing people living their best lives!!!! Reminds me there's still some good in the world 💚
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deuynndoodles · 8 months
i like to hc willow(from toh) has a lovely singing voice, very soft and sweet sounding. she probably would have joined the hexside school choir if it wasn’t disbanded
oh that's super cute! i love that
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