#sorry it took a bit to answer but what a fun question haha
violinist-rachel · 1 year
Dear Rachel? What is your outlook on life? What do you value most in your own life?
"My outlook on life?"
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"Hmm...." "I suppose I believe in karma. I think all of our actions will eventually have consequences that'll one day catch up to us, no matter how hard we try to run away."
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"Now, I'm not perfect by any means. Far from it. But during my time in this world, it's important to me that I try to do more good than harm in my life."
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beembeem · 5 months
Hey, Love your work! Do you think you could write aizawa x student reader that was abandoned? (platonic, of course)
Have a nice day!
Aww, thank you, Anon! I'd be happy to write aizawa content he's one of my favorites! (^_^) this request hits a little close to home (a bit too close haha) but I had a lot of fun writing this! Let me know what you want me to write next!
Y/n sat on the streets curb, clutching her go bag tightly to her body, the rain pelting her hunched figure and drowning out her silent sobs. Y/n knew her parents were tired of her, all the threats they threw at her, their constant bickering, the number of times her parents told her they hated them to her face. Everything boiled up, and in a fit of rage, y/ns parents threw her out of the house. Leaving her where she is now. A homeless teenager bawling her eyes out in the rain while sitting on a curb in the city of mustafu.
Y/n jumped when a hand was placed on her shoulder, she was so lost in her scrambled thoughts that she hadn't noticed the blue umbrella shielding her from the rain. Y/n looked up and then over at her homeroom teacher squatting beside her holding the umbrella over her. "Y/n? What are you doing out here?" He asked, noting your tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He questioned frantically scanning your body, without giving you time to answer he stood and pulled you up with him "I'll walk you to your house."he said before handing you his umbrella "m-my parents don't want me there" y/n said, already" choking on her words and fighting the tears that threatened to spill."your parents kicked you out?" Aizawa asked and y/n nodded, fiddling with her pajama shirt, her parents didn't allow you the luxury of getting real clothes on.
"Shit," he cursed under his breath, "alright, come on, I'll take you to my house." He said before grabbing your empty hand and leading you along."Despite the fact that having you at my house is wildly inappropriate, it's either that or you catching your death in this rain. He stated that matter of factly, "plus nemuri would beat my ass if she knew I left you out here." he walked with you following closely behind him before long. You ended up standing outside of his apartment door, your brain still processing the events, and short-circuiting y/n could barely remember the walk. Mr. Aizawa twisted the key to the door, opened it, and ushered you inside. You immediately took off your soaking wet slippers and stood awkwardly by the front door while Aizawa put his coat and umbrella in a nearby closet. "Alright, kid, I'll run you a hot shower, then I'll call nedzu and let him know what's going on." He said, "a-alright. " You filled with the fabric of your wet shirt again, starting to lose yourself to your mind when you were pulled back by two snaps."Did you hear me? Bathroom is the first door on the left, " he said while pointing down the hall."Oh! Sorry, " you apologized before quickly running off to the bathroom and savoring a hot shower.
After drying yourself off and getting dressed in the clothes, Mr. Aizawa gave you and you silently, walked to his kitchen where you found him slumped at the table. You awkwardly stood in the doorway to the kitchen. "Uhm, thank you for the clothes, Mr Aizawa!" You thanked him, and his tired moved from his phone to you."No problem, they're just things nemuri left here." He stated before going back to his phone."nedzu said he reported your parents for child abandonment." He said, motioning you to sit down in the chair across from him before he stood up "I made some cocoa, I made you some" he walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed two mugs full of hot chocolate then returned to the table and set a cup down in front of you. "Thank you!" You said before taking a sip. "So," he stared at you. "What happened?" He asked bluntly. You froze for a few seconds before breaking down in tears .t-they just ditched me, I loved them, and they just threw me our like I meant nothing!" You cried."I - I don't have anywhere else to go! They were all I had and now I won't be able to go to UA because I can't afford my stupid tuition, and-and" it felt like you were choking, you couldn't let anything out except for tears and sobs. Aizawa moved to comfort you, pulling you into a hug and patting your head. He hushed you before saying, "we'll figure it out." You grabbed the back of his shirt and cried even harder.
There'd be hell for your parents to pay.
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vbecker10 · 5 months
What Prank?
Laundry Day (Loki x female reader Y/N)
How Could This Not Fit?! (Loki x fem reader Y/N)
Loads of a Fun (Bucky x female reader Y/N)
Pairing: Bucky x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You and Bucky plan a week's worth of pranks to get back at Sam for telling Bucky the toaster was voice activated. A few days in, several members of the team decide to join in on the pranks without even questioning who is behind it.
A/N: So in Laundry Day (linked above) I wrote an off hand little comment about how much laundry Bucky needed to do and it led to Loads of Fun (also linked above). In that one, I mentioned a joke Sam pulled on Bucky and based on a poll I did, people wanted Bucky to get back at him so here we are 💚
This is not the same Y/N from Laundry Day & How Could This Not Fit?!, this is a different one. Apparently a bunch of women in the Tower have the same name as you (haha sorry that's dumb but I wanted them both to be Y/N fics so here we are)
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Bucky's arm settles around your waist and he pulls you closer to him on the couch as you shut your laptop. "That's everything," you tell him with a triumphant smile.
"I really appreciate all of your help with this," he tells you and you turn to look at him. "I never would have even thought to do any of this myself."
"I'm happy to help. I hate when people mess with someone I like," you respond.
"Wait, you like me?" he asks jokingly.
You hit him lightly with a pillow, "I think I've made myself awkwardly clear about that."
He laughs and takes the pillow from you easily, "I'm just checking because I like you too." He moves his hand to the back of your neck and kisses you, when he pulls away he smirks and says, "You're an evil genius, you know that right?"
You giggle, "You have no idea."
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Day 1
You sit at your desk, watching the clock closely as you wait for Sam's call. Ten minutes after 8, he finally reaches out and you answer professionally, "Stark Industries Technical Support, this is Y/N, how can I help you this morning?"
"Hi Y/N, it's Sam Wilson. There's something wrong with my ID badge I think, or my entry panel maybe. I'm not sure but I can't get into my office," he tells you.
"Oh no, that's not good. I'm going to put you on hold for a few moments while I look into this for you," you tell him and he says okay. After refilling your bottle with water from the kitchen down the hall, you take him off hold. "Hi Sam, sorry that took so long. Computer is a bit slow this morning," you make up an excuse and he asks if you figured out what's wrong with his door. "Yes, looks like we need to run a quick update on your entry panel. Should be about five minutes or so," you lie easily.
"Okay, thanks," he says but you can hear the annoyance in his voice before he hangs up.
You go back to checking your emails and five minutes later, you unlock Sam's office with a smile. Your phone vibrates, alerting you to a new text from Bucky, he has gotten so much better at sending them in the last few days.
<Hi doll, sounds like your plan is going well. I can hear Sam cursing up a storm from my office.>
You laugh at the thought of Sam being that annoyed and send him a quick text back.
<I think it's working so far 😈 He should be calling again any second.>
As if on cue, your office phone rings. "Hi Y/N, it's me again," he says in a defeated tone. "I can't log into my computer."
"Well aren't you having the worst luck this morning," you tell him. You pretend to type loudly so he can hear it, "Looks like your password expired. I'll set you up with a new temporary one and then you should be good to go." He tells you thanks again and you wish him luck before hanging up.
Fifteen minutes later, your phone rings a third time. "Its Sam again," he says as soon as you answer. "There's something wrong with my computer now. I can't get my email to open and all my programs are freaking out."
"Oh no... I see what the issue is," you say dramatically and he sighs over the phone. "It looks like your computer needs to do a pretty massive update." He asks you how massive and you respond, "About an hour... maybe an hour and a half."
As soon as you and Sam hang up, Pepper calls him and he immediately knows he's in for a long day. "Did you finish the reports for the briefing this afternoon?" she asks.
"Not yet, I've been having a lot of really weird tech issues today," he explains. "IT is on it but it's going to take a while to get me up and running."
"That's unfortunate," she says but there is no sympathy in her voice. "I suggest you work through lunch if needed, those reports were supposed to be on my desk last night."
"I'll get them done," he promises then hangs up. With a loud groan, he drops his head heavily on his desk.
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Day 2
Sam complains to Steve and Bucky about all of his computer issues while on their way to his office. He opens the door and Bucky jokes, "Sounds like the tech gods were really pissed off at you, huh?"
"I guess, it really was the weirdest thing," Sam says shaking his head. Bucky and Steve each take a seat and Sam goes to sit behind his desk. As soon as he relaxes into his chair, the seat detaches from the base and he falls to the ground with a loud scream of surprise.
Sam gets up quickly from the floor as his friends come around to the other side of the desk. "Someone is messing with me," he declares over Bucky's laughter.
"Why would anyone do that?" he asks, trying to compose himself. "Not like you've ever pranked anyone around here and would deserve a little revenge."
"Not helpful Buck," Steve rolls his eyes. "Are you okay Sam?"
"Yea," he answers while he examines the chair. "Did you do this?"
"Me?" Bucky asks in response. "I can't even figure out how to use the toaster. How would I have broken into your office?"
Sam is obviously unconvinced and also on the right track. Last night after dinner, you unlocked Sam's office so Bucky could remove almost all of the screws from his chair. That wasn't the only prank you set in motion last night though. As per your plan, Bucky suggests they call maintenance for a new chair and get coffee while they wait.
Tony walks into the kitchen a few moments after the three of them and asks if they like the new coffee maker he just got. Sam pushes the button to make a medium size cup and turns to face him, "First time trying it out."
"Well be nice to it," Tony warns in a joking manner. "I had to lie to Pepper about how much the damn thing cost me but it's worth it for a perfect cup of-"
Tony's words are cut off my Sam swearing as the coffee begins to spill everywhere. The mug overflows and leaks all over the marble counter. Sam tries to press the off button to stop it but it continues to pour out.
"Don't hit it, just press it gently," Tony grumbles as he moves quickly towards his new favorite appliance.
"I am pressing it gently, it's not working," Sam says in a slightly panicked tone as the coffee spills onto the floor.
"How much coffee can that thing make?" Steve asks in shock as he backs up from the growing puddle.
Bucky shakes his head, his hand over his mouth to cover his laughter as he watches the scene unfold. He takes out his phone and sends you a text.
<Check out the security cameras in the kitchen. It worked perfectly>
Tony unplugs the uncooperative machine from the wall and looks angrily at Sam, "Do not touch this again."
"I barely touched it this time!" he counters as he moves away from the massive mess of spilled coffee. "I told them, someone is messing with me."
You reply back after pulling up the live feed.
<🤣🤣 Bonus points for Tony being so annoyed!>
"And how would this mystery person know you were going to use the coffee maker next?" Tony asks with his arms crossed.
"I have no idea," Sam sighs, rubbing his face.
"Just get back to work," he says, "And quit being so damn paranoid."
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Day 3
Your head rests against Bucky's chest, his arm holding you comfortably as you watch a movie in his room. Half way through the movie, Bucky's phone begins to vibrate on the coffee table. "Hey Sam, what's-" Bucky answers but you can hear Sam yelling faintly over him.
"Put it on speaker," you whisper and he looks at you confused. You smile and take the phone, showing him how to change the setting and he nods as the background noise becomes louder.
"I can barely hear you," Bucky says and you cover your mouth to keep quiet.
"I said, my apartment is going crazy!" Sam yells over the sound of the TV and other appliances.
"What are you talking about?" Bucky asks, his voice serious. He keeps his eyes on you and you try not to giggle.
"I don't know! I flipped the switch for the lights and the TV turned on full volume. I tried to turn it off but the remote doesn't work. The volume buttons control the air conditioner, the power button opens and closes my blinds, I even tried going in the menu but it turned on my freaking blender. How does that even happen?" he asks frantically.
"I have no idea what you want me to do," Bucky says and you shrug dramatically as if you don't know what is causing it either. "Sounds like your place is possessed," he adds. You giggle and he holds the phone away from himself to place a quick kiss on your cheek.
"I tried to call tech support but they are closed for the night," he explains. "Did you ever get the number for the woman in IT you know?"
"Who?" Bucky plays dumb.
He groans and you can hear the vacuum turn on, he must have tried another button on the reprogrammed remote. "The one you keep telling us is cute! Y/N, right? I talked to her the other day about my computer stuff," Sam says as the TV volume increases and decreases at random.
He blushes, he had forgotten he told Steve and Sam he wanted to talk to you weeks ago. "No, I chickened out of talking to her," he lies.
"Of course you freaking did!" Sam yells and you can practically hear him roll his eyes, "Screw this I'm gonna sleep in the common room tonight."
Bucky hangs up and tosses his phone back onto the table. You tap his shoulder with a smirk, "So... you think I'm cute, huh?"
He laughs, "Very." He kisses you and you lean into him as his arms wrap around you.
You curl up against him on the couch again then sit up suddenly. "What's wrong?" he asks when you get up.
You open your backpack and look over at him, "I brought my laptop... I can turn off the stuff in his room so if anyone checks, everything will be fine."
"Remind me never to get on your bad side," he laughs and you kiss him when you sit next to him again.
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Day 4
Sam finishes adjusting his suit as he walks into the training room with Clint, Bucky and Scott. Tony checks a few settings on his control panel while Thor and Loki finish up their sparing session.
When the door closes Loki chuckles and turns his attention from his brother to Sam. "I heard you had quite the night," the God of Mischief smirks.
"Seriously, even Loki knows?" Sam throws his hands on the air.
"I think the whole tower knows you think you someone is pulling weird pranks on you," Scott chimes in.
"I'm not paranoid," Sam says. "Someone here is out to get me."
"That sounds like something a paranoid person would say," Loki shrugs and Thor laughs loudly at his comment.
"I don't like agreeing with Reindeer Games but he has a point," Tony jokes, ignoring the side eye from Loki at his least favorite nickname.
"Fine, whatever," Sam gives up. "Can we just get this over with?"
"Yep," Tony agrees and motions for everyone to get back a bit so Sam can spread the wings on his new gear. He puts his goggles on and turns around, checking to see that everything is in place but his focus shifts when everyone beaks out into laughter.
"What now?" Sam asks, turning back to face the group.
"Nothing, I think we all just like the new look," Bucky says with a smile.
"What the hell?" Sam exclaimes when he catches sight of the back of his wings in the windows.
Bucky snaps a picture, thankful you showed him how to do that a few days ago, and sends it to you.
<I had no idea you were going to do this too! This is amazing!>
You open the picture of Sam's wings covered in googly eyes of every size and color, causing you to nearly spit out your water with laughter.
<I didn't do that... but I am a huge fan of whoever did it 🤣🤣🤣>
Sam looks angrily at Loki, "Why are you messing with me?" He pulls down his goggles and walks over to him.
Loki scoffs, unintimidated by the Falcon and says, "If I was 'messing with you' I would have done more then put paint on your eyewear."
He turns back towards the window quickly and sees two thick black rings of paint around his eyes. "Come on! What the hell guys?" he groans.
Bucky, Scott and Clint can barely keep themselves together long enough to deny they had anything to do with this new prank.
Thor almost looks offended and asks, "How come no one assumes it was me?"
Tony pats him on the back and says, "You're not exactly known for being stealthy." He crosses his arms but nods in agreement. "Alright, now that... that whole thing is out of our systems, let's see what the new wings can do," Tony suggests, bringing everyone back to their original reason for being there.
Sam agrees and everyone moves back a bit to watch him take off. Bucky let's a small smile slip when Sam tries to turn left to circle around the room but his suit doesn't respond correctly. He grows increasingly more confused and annoyed as he discovers his controls are reversed.
He lands after only a few minutes and Clint asks, "First time flying? That was rough to watch."
"Shut up," he answers, fiddling with the computer on his wrist as Tony walks over.
"I'll get this thing debugged and we can try again tomorrow, Tony tells him. He nods and leaves with a loud sigh. Bucky and Steve turn to leave as well but Bucky catches Clint and Scott nodding proudly to each other. He chuckles when he spots a googly eye stuck to Scott's shoe.
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Day 5
"I am so over this," Sam tells Steve and Bucky as the walk towards the kitchen. "When I find out who is doing all of this they better apologize like hell cause I'm furious," he threatens and Bucky practically bites his tongue to stay quiet.
His phone chimes in his pocket and says, "New text message to Director Nicholas Fury."
"Shut up," he says as he takes his phone out of his pocket.
It chimes again, "Texting, 'shut up'."
"No, no, no! Cancel, cancel," he says, frantically hitting buttons but none of them work to stop it.
"Text message sent," it alerts him with another chime and he rubs his face.
"What the heck was that?" Steve asks.
"I don't know... It's been doing that all day," he says. "I talked to Y/N and she said she is going to have a new phone sent up to me as soon as Stark approves it."
"Y/N, the woman Bucky likes-" Steve starts to ask with a smile but he's interrupted.
"New text message to Tony Stark," his phone says.
"I hate you," he tells the phone as he tries to turn it off.
The phones responds, "Texting, "I hate you'."
He groans and Bucky begins to lose the battle to hold back his laughter. "What is wrong with you?" Sam struggles with the device.
"Texting, 'What is wrong with you?'" it again repeats Sam.
"Stop talking to it," Steve suggests.
"Texting, 'Stop talking'," the phone adds and Steve cringes. "Text message sent."
"I'm gonna get fired," he says and slumps against the wall.
"Finding instructions on how to make fire," it says as if that is helpful.
His phone chimes to alert him to an incoming text message. "Oh good... it's Tony," he says sarcastically.
"Could be worse," Bucky says with a smile and Sam looks up at him skeptically.
His phone chimes again. "It's Fury," he says with a loud sigh.
Bucky laughs, "See, now it's worse." Steve smacks him in the shoulder and shakes his head disapprovingly but Bucky can see the smile on his face.
Later that night, most of the team is relaxing in the common room until Sam walks in angrily. He slams his laundry basket on the coffee table in front of Natasha, Clint and Wanda. Loki looks up from his book in the corner of the room and Bucky follows Steve in from the kitchen.
"Who did it?" Sam asks.
"Oh, what horrible prank where you the victim of this time?" Loki asks with a smirk as he gets up from his seat.
He pulls out his bedsheets which are all different shades of pink, "Which one of you did this? These were new."
Bucky takes out his phone and quickly finds your chat. You text him back, showing the picture of the pink sheets to your friends who joined you for dinner.
<Omg, they did not!? That's amazing 🤣🤣 I can't believe other people joined in like this>
Nat giggles and says, "I don't know but it is a really nice color."
Steve calmly says, "It might not have been on purpose. Someone probably forgot a red shirt or something in the machine."
"No, this is definitely on purpose," he argues with Steve. "I'm going to find out who is doing this."
He grabs the basket and leaves the room angrily. Bucky doesn't watch him leave, he's too focused on Wanda winking at Nat.
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Day 6
Sam sits at the far end of the large oval table in the conference room, fuming with his arms crossed.
Loki smiles wide as he takes a seat next to him. He leans close and asks, "What seems to be the trouble today?"
"I don't want to talk about it," Sam responds.
Loki doesn't give up and says, "I think you should share with the team, it might make you feel better. Besides, I'm sure we're all curious as to why you are so annoyed this morning."
Before he can reply, Fury walks into the briefing room. He slams the door shut, which gets everyone's attention at once. He stands in the front of the room, covered in glitter as he glares at Sam. "We need to talk Wilson," he tells him.
"I didn't..." he stands slowly. "You don't think I did that?"
"You left your ID badge on my desk," he holds it up by the lanyard. Sam looks at him in shock then pats his pants and jacket as if it will suddenly appear on his person.
Loki laughs so hard, he slaps the desk and says, "This is the best week I have had in decades. I don't think I've been this entertained since humans celebrated the first April Fools Day."
Sam looks at Loki and then back to Fury, "It has to be him. Do you really think I would be stupid enough to glitter bomb you and leave my ID badge?"
"I have already told you, I have not participated in your torment," Loki says. "I am merely enjoying it."
Thor adds, "Trust me, if it was my brother, he would not deny it."
"Fine, so it's not him but it's one of you," Sam looks around the room at the full table.
Fury stands unconvinced at the front of the room, his arms crossed against his chest. "You have until the end of the day to pick up every single piece of glitter," he tells Sam then he takes a seat at the head of the table to start the meeting.
Loki whispers to Sam, "I must admit, I'm really beginning to like whoever is doing this to you."
Sam rolls his eyes and says, "Oh this person you like? I thought you hated all 'humans'."
Loki corrects him, "I am generally indifferent towards your existence, that's not quite the same as hate."
"I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or not," Sam says and Loki shrugs in response.
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Day 7
Sam wanders into the kitchen in the morning, yawning from lack of sleep. He had stayed up most of the night trying to figure out who was behind all of the pranks. He assumed most of the team could have done the laundry prank or googly eyes but he didn't know anyone with the tech skills to pull off the other ones.
He stops short when he sees you and Bucky together, he stands behind you with his arms around your waist. You look up at him and kiss his cheek before you notice Sam.
Sam is confused and says, "Wait are you guys together? I thought you said you didn't talk to her..."
Bucky smirks and says, "Oh yeah, I guess I lied."
"How long..." you can see him trying to figure out if you had been together long enough to aid in his pranking.
You smile at his confusion and ask, "Wanna see something cool?" He shrugs, still processing your relationship. "Bucky told me the new toaster is voice activated."
"Oh shit," Sam slowly starts to realize what set off this whole chain reaction of pranks. "Bucky, it was just a joke. It's not actually voice activated, you know that right?"
You smile and say, "Oh, then how come this happens?" You push the button on your phone inside your pocket and say, "Toast." A few seconds later, two perfectly toasted pieces of bread pop out.
"What the hell?" Sam asks, you and Bucky laugh in response. He turns and walks back out of the kitchen, nearly walking right into Tony.
"Morning," Tony greets you both as he sets up his now fixed coffee maker. "I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed with you Y/N."
"With what?" you suddenly feel nervous.
He smiles and asks, "Did you really think you could get into all of my systems without me noticing?"
Bucky moves slightly in front of you and says, "Don't fire her, it's my fault. I asked her to help. We just wanted to get back at him a little."
Tony laughs, takes a sip of his coffee and says, "Oh, I'm not mad. I actually am very impressed by how well you got into every part of the towers tech, we should probably talk about a promotion into our security division."
You look at him speechless, you had always wanted to work in that department.
"Also," he adds, "I had that glitter bomb for almost a year and I couldn't figure out how set it off in Fury's office without getting blamed for it so thank you for the distraction."
"Um... you're welcome," you tell him with a laugh.
"Barnes, you're luck she is on your side," he says as he turns to leave. "She's absolutely terrifying."
Bucky pulls you closer, looks at you and says, "I know I'm lucky."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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galazry · 10 months
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Finally... a glance...
pairing: best friend!scaramouche x gn!reader genre: modern au; friends to lovers; unfortunately, this is not angst; semi-crack? tbh i threw away all my logic while writing this. content: he finally confessed his feelings... at the worst possible way. before you could even answer, scaramouche had already run away. now you're left alone to wonder... how much of an idiot are you? cw: you get to learn how stupid both scaramouche and the reader are, also kazuha is here and is so tired with how his friends are acting. word count: 2K (I had a bit too much fun while writing this haha...) a/n: sequel to "Look at Me!". tbh i was planning to make a sequel that leads to an angsty ending. Don't worry, I'm not bamboozeling you guys this time 🫶 ALSO I'M SORRY THIS TOOK A LONG TIME I WAS SO BUSY 😭😭😭
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It's been a week since Scaramouche confessed his feelings for you. Your aloof best friend for 5 years confessed that he had been harboring affection for you for the longest time. To be honest, you were quite baffled once those words poured out of his lips. Never had a single thought of him being infatuated with you crossed your mind. Hell, you even thought that if you were the last person on earth, he wouldn't even catch any feelings for you.
Oh, how you were proven wrong.
It's been too long since you've seen his figure. Seven days too long. None of the messages you've sent had been read, nor did he pick up any of your calls. His classmates knew nothing of his whereabouts, nor did he attend any of his classes. You even tried to go over to his apartment as you were sure he would be in there, but your knocks were met with silence.
The rest of your friends and classmates noticed how the usually lively atmosphere around you had gone gloomy. Currently, you were in the cafeteria, twiddling with your spoon, food untouched. You didn't really have an appetite as a heavy sigh left your lips. A week had pass and you were still trying to process everything that he had said; how Scaramouche had done everything to gain your attention, but all his efforts didn't bear fruit. You thought that all the things he had done were normal since you both had been best friends for a long time. Maybe it was why you didn't suspect him harboring feelings for you–
"Hey, [Y/N]. May I sit here?"
You begrudgingly lifted your head to the source of the familiar sound that had interrupted your thoughts. Kazuha. You nodded and your friend sat across from you.
"You seemed down in the dumps lately. Not only that, Scaramouche is nowhere to be found. Did you both had an argument of the sort?"
Leave it to Kazuha to sense the change in the atmosphere around you. You let out a sigh as you kept poking at your food. Not wanting to tell him the full truth, you only answered him briefly.
"No... No, we didn't."
"Ah, I see.”
You both continue to eat your food in silence – well, specifically, it was Kazuha who was eating his food, while you kept twiddling with your utensils. After a bit, you decided to break the silence. After all, this was Kazuha, one of your closer friends who, more you would sometimes confide in. Not as much as you did with Scaramouche, though.
“Actually… I guess we kind of did…? Scara kind of…” You take a deep breath, before muttering, “confessed to me…”
“Oh? Congrats to you both then. He finally had the courage to confess to you after harboring his feelings for you for so long. I don't see the reasoning for you to be so down in the dumps.”
Kazuha smiled, as if the words you said wasn’t a surprise to him. You, however, had your eyes as wide as saucers with the reaction he had given you. How did the platinum-blonde knew that Scaramouche liked you? The look on your face tells him that he was missing a big chunk of the story. Putting down his spoon, he leaned closer towards you and asked, “[Y/N], you did accept his feelings… right? This is what you have always wanted, no?” You slowly glanced away, not wanting to answer his question. Suddenly, to you, the trees outside looked that much more interesting as it swayed with the wind.
“Look, I was shocked, alright?! The fact that the feeling was mutual was a complete shocker to me! And before I could process everything and answered him, he bolted right off!" You groaned, finally starting to spill the beans towards your friend, who suddenly felt his shoulders getting heavy.
“Oh dear…” Kazuha sighed as everything finally clicked into place. Even without you telling him the full details, he could already guess what had transpired between the two of you. He had always thought you both were a pair match in heaven and the event that had transpire prior really sealed said fact.
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“This is why I told you to stop discussing your so-called ‘crushes’ in front of him.”
“Well…” After telling him the full story of what had happened that day, your friend could only let out a long and tired sigh as you fiddle with the hem of your shirt—the way you kept talking about the people, he knows you don’t have crush on in front of Scaramouche, and the way the indigo-haired confessed to you—he could only form a rueful frown on his face. “You know I’m stupid with these kinds of things and I thought if… you know…”
Kazuha knows. He knows how you thought that if you discuss your so-called 'crushes' with Scaramouche, you could discern if he has feelings for you as well. In addition to that, you also thought by making him jealous enough, your best friend would confess to you — which he did, though it didn't really end like how you wanted it.
"[Y/N]... Why couldn't you just be straightforward and confess your feelings for him...?"
"And look like a fool and possibly ruin our 5 years of friendship if the feeling wasn't mutual?!"
Kazuha massages his forehead as he remembers the conversation he had with Scaramouche weeks prior before the incident. He too had asked the indigo-haired why he didn't went up and be straightforward with his feelings. Scaramouche was, after all, infamous for speaking what's on his mind. In spite of that, Kazuha got the same answer like the one you gave him...
"There's no way I'm ruining my friendship with [Y/N] if the feeling wasn't mutual! Only an idiot would do that!"
To concur, you both really were a match in heaven— being total idiots oblivious to each others feelings and poor Kazuha was stuck in the middle. With a sigh, ruby orbs looked at you.
"So... What are you going to do now?"
"I don't know... Scara wouldn't even open the door for me-"
You stopped mid-sentence and stared at Kazuha. Before he could get a word out, you leaned towards him with a glint he knows so well. This can't be good...
"Kazuha... Your apartment is next to Scara's... right?"
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A week.
A week long he had taken absence from attensing any of his classes. Scaramouche felt like his world crashed into him the minute he ran away from you. That wasn't how he wanted the confesion for you to go... There should have been flowers, or homemade cookies, anything.
The indigo-haired layed on his unmade head, constantly and silently cursing himself for his cowardly actions. He was about to mope some more when he heard a faint knock. At first, he ignored it, thinking that it was either you or Kazuha. Although, the knocks grew louder and louder, and even more desperate that, with a sigh, he got out of bed and walked towards the door.
Peering through the peephole he saw no one, yet the knocks kept coming. There was even a voice that kept calling out his name where was—
Indigo orbs dilated when they say your figure, on his balcony, pounding on the glass door, calling out his name. Without missing a beat, he immediately pulled you into his apartment. "Are you crazy?! How did you get into my balcony?!"
"From Kazuha's balcon-"
He didn't gave you any time to reply as he began to check for any bruises or injury you may have suffered as you did your irresponsible stunt. All the while, he kept running his mouth, saying how you could have gotten hurt, and that he would have a talk with Kazuha for letting you do said stunt. Once he was sure that you did not suffer any injury, his hand immediately pinched your cheek. "[Y/N] [L/N]... What gave you the right idea to jump from his balcony to mine, hm?" Scaramouche asked with a smile, effectively sending chills down your spine. With a gulp, you answered him with as much confidence as you could muster.
"You kept avoiding me. My text, my calls, my knocks. Every time I try so hard to reach out to you, you constantly block out my efforts. So I had to do what I had to do. Even if the risk was great, as long as I get to talk to you that's all that matters." It was his turn to advert your gaze. Dropping his hands from your cheek, he then rubbed the back of his neck. Was it from shame? Or was the fear of you rejecting him now back to gnaw at his heart? The indigo-haired didn't know.
"Look, I know what you're going to say; That you have no feelings for me, I get it. No need for this whole stunt just to reject me," He let out a sigh, still holding onto the illusion that you never once hold any feelings for him. It was now your turn to prove him wrong, and to apologize for the misunderstanding that almost rift your friendship and potential relationship apart.
His eyes went as wide as saucers when your lips brushed against his. Soft. That was the only think he could think off once you pull away, the smile he had always adored and cherish now on your face. "I have feelings for you too, Scara." Suddenly, the dullness of the world around him became vibrant and colourful. The fluttering of the butterflies in his stomach could definitely cause a storm. This must be a dream, there's no way, in his mind, that this was all real. Or maybe it was some sort of cruel joke the heavens is playing on him.
Seeing the confusion reflected in his eyes, you explained to your best friend — how you actually had fallen head over heels for him; how you faked all your crushes to instigate a reaction from him; how you wonder if his aloofness was a sign that your feelings weren't reciprocated, but never did you once gave up. You wrapped everything up with an apology, that you could have done things better, and that you were ready to face a rejection from him. "After all," your hand cups his cheek, caressing it gently with your thumb, "this whole thing started because I wanted to make sure that you did have feelings for me. So, if your feelings for me have faded away, I would understa-"
"Idiot." He intercepts you mid-sentence, pulling you in for a hug. "You're stupid... Can't believe that you are a total idiot... Maybe this is the reason why you could never beat my scores... Always taking the most difficult and strangest route of them all." You were about to complain and ask about the correlation about academic scores and your current situation. However, the rare smile on his face as he looked at you as if you're his entire world completely shuts you up.
"But... I guess you're my idiot now, huh?"
You finally finished telling the story of how both you and Scaramouche started dating. The children, that you both were babysitting, had happy smiles on their face as your lover groans in embarrassment at the story. To the man, it was a cringey story, yet he never did once try to stop you from telling the kids about how your relationship with him started. He loved seeing the smile on your face, and if he had to endure hearing the same story over and over again, so be it.
Scaramouche wouldn't admit that he too, at that time, had been an idiot, for causing such a scene. Well, in the end, you both still got together and that's all that matters. Not to mention, you both have a fun story to tell to everyone as an added bonus.
Once the children's parents picked them all up, you both then snuggled on the couch. A soft humming filled the room as you gave Scaramouche a quick peck. "Hey," you started off and he immediately knows where this conversation is going. "One day, love. Right now, I want to savour these quiet and tranquil moments with you before this home of ours becomes lively and we have little spawns running around." He let out a small chuckle, holding your hand as his thumb traced the ring on your finger.
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shinestarhwaa · 10 months
16,25,32,69-yunsanhwa please? thxx.!
I got a little too excited with this one HAHA I'm sorry, I hope you enjoy it cuz I rly did xo
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Ateez!Yunho/San/Seonghwa x manager!reader
Word Count: 3k
Tags/warnings: Idol!AU, Dom!Yunho, Dom!San, Sub!Seonghwa, Sub!reader, Foursome, Dirty Talk, M x M (only SanHwa), bottom!Seonghwa, top!San, oral sex (f and m receiving), fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex, vaginal sex, anal sex (m receiving), lots of orgasms, handjob, Seonghwa is a wee bit pervy, voyeurism
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @glintneon123 @mjyungi
It had been a fun evening so far, walking around the city with the three boys. They treated you on a meal and you showed them various locations and even took videos of their silly Tiktok ideas.
They were lovely really, very different from the artists you had worked with before. You've had two managing jobs before but they didn't last long because of various reasons, but you got hired by KQ for Ateez and you couldn't be happier.
It paid well and they treated you nicely. They always made you laugh and made sure you were comfortable while you're the one who should take care of them instead. Somewhere in your heart you felt like they truly cared for you and you really felt like you didn't deserve them.
After safely getting them back to their hotel, San invited you and the other two boys into his room for a nightcap. After some begging and pleading you finally agreed and entered his room.
As Seonghwa and Yunho had already sat down on the chairs you stood a little awkwardly beside San's bed, drink in your hand. "Just sit, manager-nim," San pouted, pulling your sweater. You couldn't help but smile at the boy and you nodded, sitting down next to him.
The conversation carried on normally until Yunho decided to ask you more personal questions. "So, you're not involved with anyone, manager-nim?" He asked. You shook your head and laughed a bit sheepish. "No, it has been a while, I'm too busy with you idiots," you answered with a grin.
"Oh, really? Well then I'm sorry," Yunho apologized, "we should make up for that in some way right?"
You locked eyes with Yunho as your mouth went dry. What did he mean by that? "I mean, it is only fair," he carried on, "you're taking good care of us as our manager, Y/N, but who's gonna take care of you?"
The way his name fell off your lips made you feel all tingly, a feeling you tried to ignore and block out, but it was impossible because his deep voice send shivers and all kinds of signals directly down to your core.
"I-I...," you stammered, "I can take perfectly good care of myself, I have my own apartment and I don't have debts-." "I believe that isn't what Yunho meant," Seonghwa chimed in. His stare was a little more intense than you were used to from him, his soft and shiny boba eyes gone.
"You know what we mean," San suddenly hushed by your ear, "who's there to please you? I bet we can do it better than you and your little toys could." "T-toys?" You gasped. "We know what's in that red bag of yours, remember the day you slept in our hotelroom last month?" San asked, reminiscing the night where you lost your keys so you crashed on their couch.
"You looked in my bag?" You asked, nervously. "Well, it was open for everyone to see so, yes, I saw what was in there," San confessed. "But believe me, my cock is bigger than that, I could please you so much better than that thing... I bet all three of us could."
You swallowed thickly and crossed your legs. "I-I don't know San, this all seems quite unprofessional," you muttered. "It's just one night, Y/N, and besides that, no one has to know about it," Yunho said. You hesitated, looking at the gorgeous men in front of you.
It was too good to be true right? Three hot and famous men wanting to have sex with you in a beautiful hotelroom on the other side of the world? But how could you say no if they looked at you like this?
"How... would that work?" You asked carefully, earning a few glances and smirks from the boys. "Well you know how sex works right? You can't be a virgin," San grinned. "No, no I know... I'm not a virgin," you said, blushing, "it's just... how would it work with the four of us...? You'd all be naked in front of each other, is that not a problem for you?"
San smirked and let his hand glide over your thigh. "I'm kinda excited about it, actually," he confessed. "Always have been curious about seeing their cocks hard and leaking...," he went on, "and Seonghwa hyungies hole."
Seonghwa blushed and his eyes went wide as he tried to hide his growing boner with his sweater. "Wh-whatt?" He giggled as he looked away, unable to face him. "You heard me." What did he say?
"I don't care what you guys want, all I know is that right know I'm gonna rip off those stupid tight clothes and I'm gonna ravish your naked body," Yunho grunted. "Hm, we'll share," San said.
San kissed your lips and you immediately melted in his embrace. You had always wondered what his arms felt like, his big strong arms that drove every woman on the planet absolutely insane and they felt great.
San kept kissing you as Yunho got on his knees in front of you, pulling down your skirt and spreading your legs a little, seeing the wet patch on your underwear. "Ooh, did we get you wet, Y/N?" Yunho smirked. You broke off the kiss with San, already missing his soft lips as you nodded and slipped your panties off. Yunho nearly growled at the sight of your bare pussy in front of him, running his hands over your soft thighs.
San undid your blouse and bra in a few simple motions, leaving you completely naked. You felt so exposed, looking at the three completely clothed boys and they caught up on it quickly. One by one they started to undress, leaving just their underwear on.
Yunho got between your legs again and licked a stripe up from the bottom of your cunt all the way to your clit, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud. "O-Oh, Yunie," you panted out, making Yunho grin as he heard the nickname you always gave him roll from your tongue in the form of a moan.
"Yunie, Yunie, Yunie!" You moaned as he fucked you with his tongue and occasionally sucked on your clit. "Stay quiet dear, they'll be able to hear us," San smirked as he kissed your neck and fondled your breasts. You saw Seonghwa in the corner of the room, clearly nervous but palming his crotch as he watched Yunho eat your pussy.
"A-Are you not joining in, Seonghwa?" You asked him, as you were kind of hoping he would come closer and pleasure you. He was a little shy, but he nodded and came closer, sitting on your left side. "If we're gonna do this I want all three of you," you said in a husky tone as you kissed his neck and latched your tongue on his sensitive skin.
His brows furrowed and he swallowed thickly, clearly getting harder from your actions. Your hand reached Yunho's dark hair and pulled it slightly. He looked up at you from between your legs and moaned against your pussy as he kept eating you out.
"So when did you start thinking about fucking me?" You panted out as you grinded your sex on Yunho's tongue. "Hmm, for months now," he moaned against your cunt. You moaned out his name again, a little louder this time.
"You want them all to hear, don't you? You want everyone to hear how good Yunie's making you feel?" San smirked. You couldn't even form a proper sentence because Yunho was currently bringing you to fucking paradise on that skilled tongue. Your moans grew louder as your orgasm washed over you, body trembling in San's embrace.
"Fuck, that's so hot," Seonghwa breathed out as he watched Yunho ride out your orgasm, licking your pussy clean. "Yeah? You want in too, hyung?" San smirked. Seonghwa bit his lip and nodded. He really seemed to be a bit more submissive towards the other boys, wondering what he would be like to you.
"Kiss first then," San stated, pulling Seonghwa closer by his neck and crashing their lips together. Fuck. You were squished between them as they made out, your pussy clenching around nothing as you got needier and needier.
Suddenly you felt two of San's thick fingers in your cunt, pushing in and out of you, making you moan out. Seonghwa reached for your pussy too, rubbing your clit with his middlefinger as San kept fucking you with his fingers. You cried out and clenched around their fingers, the pleasure being so good. ''O-Oh my fucking God,'' you moaned out as Seonghwa picked up the pace. This way you could never last long.
Before you knew it you came again, arousal seeping out of you and coating San's fingers. The boys pulled their hands away and ended the kiss and San held his fingers in front of Seonghwa's mouth, ordering him to lick them off. Seonghwa sucked San's fingers clean while looking at him so intensely as you pulled San's underwear down.
San's dick was rather girthy and thick and it nearly made you drool. Wow, fuck. You got on your knees in front of him and Seonghwa followed your lead. ''I think our hyung is a little needy for cock, don't you think?'' Yunho grinned as he sat on one of the chairs, stroking his erection through his underwear. ''Are you needy for cock, Seonghwa hyung?'' San asked, raising his right eyebrow.
Seonghwa's cheeks and ears were red, so embarrassed but God, it was so cute. ''Can I?'' Seonghwa asked with a small voice. ''Hm... What about Y/N then?'' San asked. Seonghwa thought for a few seconds until Yunho showed up naked and sat next to San. ''She can suck my cock first.''
You swallowed thickly as you saw his big cock sitting between his legs. ''Wow,'' you breathed out, ''where the fuck do you hide this thing?'' Yunho laughed and leaned back a little. ''If you suck it well enough I'll let you ride it.'' You nodded and quickly got to work.
Yunho's muscles tensed when he felt your hot, wet mouth swallow his cock. Your head bobbed up and down as you used your hands on the part you couldn't fit in your mouth. The idol threw back his head and moaned out as he watched your 'innocent' eyes look up at him.
Suddenly you heard groaning beside you as well, making you let go of Yunho's cock with a pop and watch the two men in awe. Seonghwa was sucking San's dick as if it were the sexiest porno in existance, it looked and sounded so incredibly sinful.
The slurping sounds and the moans Seonghwa let out as he gagged on San's cock made your pussy throb. San was moaning and thrusting his hips upwards, fucking his hyung's throat. You gasped as Yunho grabbed your by your hair and forced you back down on his cock. You moaned and gagged around his member as he made you choke on it, fucking your mouth just the way San was doing to Seonghwa.
Yunho and San gave each other a glance, smirking as they were abusing your throat's for their pleasure. ''Fuck, that's so good, such a good girl,'' Yunho moaned as he felt his release coming closer. ''Are you gonna cum Yunie?'' San smirked. ''Fuck yeah, gonna paint her throat all white, ah!'' he moaned out as he came deep in your throat, forcing you to swallow his seeds. You let go of his cock with a pop and you panted out.
Seonghwa was still working on San's cock, drool all over his chin and down the base of San's shaft. ''I'm gonna cum in your mouth now and you're gonna fucking take my load,'' San grunted, ''you're gonna fucking take it, okay baby?'' Seonghwa moaned around his cock before swallowing the big load that San released with a loud moan. Seonghwa panted heavily when he got off his wet cock, tears in his eyes. ''That's a good boy,'' San said as he caressed Seonghwa's hair.
''Fuck, this is the hottest thing I've ever experienced,'' you breathed out as you got on Yunho's lap, hands over his toned chest. You pushed him down to lay flat on the bed as you mounted his cock, letting it sink all the way in. You let out a long moan as you felt him stretch you out.
''I-I want all of you, please, all of you at once,'' you whimpered as you bounced lightly on Yunho's length. ''Oh? You want all of us at once? What a naughty little girl,'' Yunho smirked, ''well you heard her boys.'' ''Hm, you're one to like having all her holes filled don't ya?'' San smirked. ''You're not fucking my ass San, do you understand? You're not fucking my ass'' you said, rolling your eyes, knowing about his ass-obsession. San laughed and nodded as he got behind you. ''I promise I won't fuck your ass, only Hwa's.''
San slid his rigid cock right next to Yunho's, deep into your pussy. ''Oh-Oh my God!'' You cried out. ''What about me?'' a now naked Seonghwa asked with his boba eyes. God, those eyes. ''Kiss me,'' you whimpered, pulling him close by his hip. Seonghwa got closer and passionately kissed you on the mouth, driving you inside with his soft lips.
Yunho and San slowly started moving inside you, making you moan into Seonghwa's mouth. You took his long cock in your hand, pumping it up and down slowly, trying to match Yunho and San's pace. Seonghwa moaned along with you and bucked his hips up.
''I had no idea Seonghwa hyung was this filthy,'' Yunho smirked as he rolled his hips up into you. San and Yunho were moving faster, fucking you harder and it felt so good that you could barely keep on kissing Seonghwa. You kept moaning and moaning, eventually breaking the kiss and resting your head against his shoulder. You kept pumping his cock rapidly, earning the most beautiful moans from the boy.
''O-Oh my, you're driving me insane,'' he moaned out. ''Hmm... I always knew he was filthy, I still live with him,'' San smirked before continuing, ''He's always fucking touching himself, fucking himself, listening to us when we're jerking off, he's a little pervert,'' San smirked. Seonghwa could only nodd, whine and moan at San's words,
''I-I'm sorry, I don't wanna be a pervert,'' he cried out, ''I-I just couldn't help it!'' ''It's okay babyboy, it's okay,'' San cooed, ''I'm gonna take care of you after this.''
San's hips thrusted quickly into you, his balls softly clashing against your ass. ''Fuck, you are so good for us,'' Yunho moaned. ''Y-Yes, so good for you, so good for you, I'll fucking let you ruin me whenever you guys want I promise y-you can use my pussy,'' you moaned out. ''Oh? You want us to use your pussy as a good little fucktoy when we're on the road? Well I cannot say no to that.''
''Yes, please, please, please!'' You begged them as you kept working your hand on Seonghwa's cock. He bucked his hips up in the air and started fucking your fist, cumming all over it with a loud moan before he could even announce it.
''What a filthy boy,'' San said, smirking as he pounded into you, repeatedly hitting your g-spot. You let go of Seonghwa's cock as you felt forward onto Yunho's chest, moaning out from the friction you got on your clit. ''Oh look at you, you're close aren't you?'' Yunho said, smirking. ''Y-Yes, Yunie, yes! G-Gonna cum so hard,'' you moaned loudly. San and Yunho thrusted a few more times before they send you over the edge, making you scream out in pleasure.
Only seconds later Yunho came as well, spilling inside you with a loud moan. He pulled out of you and so did San, seeing him watch the three of you by himself. San laid Seonghwa down and smirked at the innocent-looking boy. ''Shall I fill you up now, huh?
''Y-Yes, please, please I've been wanting you for so long,'' he cried out. You and Yunho felt quite fucked out so you laid in his arms as you watched San lube up his dick and slide it into Seonghwa's puckering hole.
''I'm gonna fucking make you scream, hyung,'' he panted out as he let the older one adjust to his size. ''Please, have no mercy on me, I can take it.'' ''I know you can, I've seen that dildo underneath your bed,'' San smirked. Seonghwa's eyes grew wide as San moved inside him, starting off with a rough and fast pace.
He already earned so many sinful, slutty moans from him, making you think that Seonghwa went in the wrong entertainment business cause damn he was sexier and hotter than any pornstar you've ever seen.
''Yeah, you like that baby?'' he smirked as he plunged deeper inside him. San grabbed Seonghwa's cock and jerked it off as he kept fucking him, turning him into a moaning mess. ''I-I'm not gonna last long like this!'' Seonghwa moaned out, ''Your cock is too good, too fucking good!''
San smirked and absolutely went nuts inside him, ramming his cock deep inside him and letting out the most animalistic groans. ''Fuck me, fuck me hard, give me your cum, please!'' Seonghwa begged. With a few more jerks of his hips San released inside Seonghwa, moaning out his name.
Seonghwa moaned louder as he felt his orgasm approach, clenching down on San's cock, milking him dry. San's dom facade slowly broke down as his pleasure took over and watched Seonghwa unravel beneath him, spilling all over his hand and abs.
After getting cleaned up you wished the boys good night before getting back to your own hotelroom, rethinking the shenanigans of earlier and you couldn't help but smile. This was definitely not gonna be the last time this was happening.
What happens in London, doesn't stay back in London. It's comin' back home, you thought.
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bedoballoons · 1 year
hello!!! I was reading your story of the low characters in Genshin finding out that we like tall guys, imagine if it were the other way around?! How fun it would be haha
and then imagine. You’re talking with Yandere! Childe about your type of man and you say that it’s traveler because he is short. Or to Zhongli and says that we like Xiao or Venti. I was thinking in many characters to use that idea
(and I was thinking in write that, but my English is bad and I use the translator very frequently. But, I hope you understand what I’m saying because I’m bad at English and I’m learning this language lol)
sorry if have grammatical errors it’s because I’m dumb, have a good day/night!!!
You're not dumb at all!! I loved your version of this so I hope you enjoy mine as well!! Thank you for the idea <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Reader likes them short~༺}
CW: Yandere themes! Slight angst, very small mention of blood, a couple curse words, creepy tones, tall men find out you like short boys and they aren't happy about it!
A/n: So for the short boy you're crushing on, I made Dilucs headcanon with Albedo, Zhonglis with Xiao, Alhaithams with Cyno, Neuvillettes with Lyney and Childes with the traveler!
(Includes: Diluc, Zhongli, Alhaitham, Neuvillette, and Childe!)
Dilucs crimson eyes stared deeply into yours, his stoic expression making you just the tiniest bit uncomfortable under his piercing gaze...it was just a simple question. All he wanted to know was your type of guy, but it was the fact that he'd never asked anything like it before and how he acted so intense afterwords, like your answer could change his life as he knew it.
"Ahem...you don't have to answer if you don't want to, I was just curious is all." He finally looked away from you, grabbing a dirty glass from the stack and rubbing it with his hand held rag, just like he would any other day. It actually calmed you down a bit to see him at work, your worries dissipating at the familiar sight, "No I don't mind, I was just...a little nervous at first. Don't go telling anyone, but I actually find Albedo pretty attractive, he's much shorter than most of the Knights of Favonious and I find it endearing."
Suddenly the glass Diluc has been holding shattered, almost like it had exploded, shards flying across the counter and onto the floor, cuts making themselves known on his hands. It made you jump halfway out of your seat, "Diluc are you alright?!"
Never in your life had you heard such deep anger in his voice and the look in his eyes...something wasn't right.
"You say you've taken a liking to adeptus Xiao? I must say, he's certainly a interesting character and loyal,...but he's not without his faults. His worries about karmic debt and his need to conquer demons, paired with his troublesome attitude could prove...difficult in a relationship." Zhongli set a cup of tea in front of you, speaking his mind about your recent confession, years of experience handling himself in situations like this now working in his favour.
He was more than jealous of your feelings for someone else, infact it seeped into the core of his very being and ate away at him, but for now he had to play nice. You caught more bees with honey after all, "Of course I don't want to persuade you to not try, I just hope you won't be to disappointed when he rejects the idea of it."
You took a sip of the tea, it's warm unique flavours delicious on your tongue, "I don't mind, I just don't want to give up easily. He's just... impressive is all. He's so short and yet he still somehow exudes pure strength. Amazing~" You started to daydream towards the end, thinking about the handsome adeptus while Zhongli stared into his cup of tea like he was planning to start a new archon war.
"Yes...he's so amazing."
Alhaitham was very good at not caring about other people's problems, he'd sit down with a good book while people droned on about every little thing that bothered them and he wouldn't even hear a word, he'd almost consider it a talent of his...,but then you arrived. You'd make his heart race and his pupils dilate, it was like everything in him changed, he wanted to hear all about you. Everything and anything...that is, until you mentioned your general type of man.
"I like shorter guys, they are almost always adorable and have past trauma that I can help with. Oh oh! Like General Mahamatra Cyno, he's absolutely dreamy." Your cheeks blushed at the thought of him, your heart skipping a beat, he really did have a affect on you...and it was blatantly obvious.
"You like...Cyno? I'm not his biggest fan." Alhaitham snapped his book closed loudly, making you jump and catching you completely off guard. He almost never did that, actually he'd gotten annoyed with you when you had because he said it harmed the books...although in reality you had assumed he just didn't want you touching his precious books to begin with.., "Alhaitham...what was that all about?"
"You must be blind to adoration...it's fine. One day I'll show you."
"My apologies, but could you repeat that? Did you just say that your romantic feelings are purely based off Lyneys height...I know full well he's a bit of a flirt and that in itself along with the fact he's a famous magician would be reason enough to find him attractive,...but your main reason, is simply how tall he is?" Neuvillette sat in front of you, swirling the water in his glass with a slight look of distain, not for the beverage of course, but rather the idea of you liking...Lyney.
"There's just something about shorter men that makes me feel flustered, maybe it has something to do with the fact they are usually considered underdogs because of it, or maybe it's simply because they tend to be cuter. I don't really know, but it's the truth. What about you Neuvie?" You looked at him expectantly, eyes shining with curiosity and for a split second he thought about uttering the truth, explaining how madly in love with you he was.
He could talk for hours just about your beauty, your laugh that soothed even his darkest quells, but for now he'd keep those feelings to himself and try his best not to think of...Lyney possibly stealing you away from him. After all...a dragon could easily take out a mere magician and he didn't want to hurt anyone, at least...not yet.
Childe punched the training dummy harder, his knuckles bruises with every fist he threw and his heart pounding so loud that it felt like his ears could explode...how could you like the traveler over him? It wasn't even because of strength or personality! You're only comment was, "He's not as tall as others and...I guess it just makes him standout to me." What kind of confession was that?
He threw a harder punch, anger blinding him as sent the dummy flying off its stand, clattering on the ground like cheap kindle wood. "Shit." He took a deep breath, trying to not think about you, but you were the only thing he could think about anymore...
"Childe, you know, I don't think you're supposed to break the training dummies." Your voice instantly drew his attention, eyes locking onto your beautiful self as you made your way towards him, your hands ruffling his bright orange hair and making hims swoon.
Why did you have to like someone else...
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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starsomens · 1 year
Hi! Happy your requests are open!!! Very excited haha
This literally might just sound so simple and basic but like, I neeeeed it lmao a mix of fluff and NSFW!
Him being just TALL and a big human(I’m 5’7 so him being 6’3 and big is *chefs kiss* but also makes me very nervous haha)
tshirts so big it’s basically a dress
sweet interactions/compliments
anything with straddling/sitting in his lap, being tossed over a shoulder, being tossed around
100% creative freedom of course haha just those details pleaseeee 🥵 🖤
thank you thank you!!!! I can come off anon and DM you if you want with any questions!
Note:I HAD FUN WITH THIS ONE AAAH- If I like accidentally make it seem almost like you're way shorter than you say, I'm sorry !! And for visual reference Noah will have his long hair in here! Also very sorry this is SUPER late!
Warnings: I made this like a domestic soft smut so, soft dom Noah, penetration, dirty talk, some love bombs in there, honestly just cute whole some sex with i love yous
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Your alarm blares through the quiet room where your limbs were tangled with Noah's. Your hair was in every direction, Noah's shirt that was more of a dress on you rode up to just over your bellybutton. Noah's long arm reach for the bed side and dismissed your alarm. The same hand came back to your body and brought you into a bone crushing hug.
"Mmmm" you groan with a stretch " 'm sorry..." you apologize for the interruption of your alarm. It was one of the rare days you both had off and with nothing to do but be home with one another. So of course, you both made plans for the night before but never got to them when you fell asleep so fast.
"sorry for what baby" he half yawns
"the alarm" you answer turning your body in his hold so you can face him "how did you sleep?" you asked
"Good. Didn't have you leave you early" he smiles "Come on let's get up sunshine" he pecks your forehead.
"mmmmm laattterrrrr" he comes around to your side and drags you up by the hands with a groan
"Come on princess" he kisses your nose "We can make pancakes, your favorite"
"...with strawberries?" you ask with a smile
"All the strawberries you want"
He watched as you padded your way to the bathroom with him close by. You were wearing one of his baggier shirts and he loves when you wear them. Falling just below your ass. Perfection. There was visuals when you walked, sat down and especially when you bent over. It was perfect for a spank or grab. You both brushed you teeth and took a couple of morning mirror selfies. A lil ritual Noah loved to keep alive, and afterwards it was into the shower together.
On other days this shower may have been a bit steamier. However, he wanted to soak in the slow morning with you. You get out and dress into a pair of his boxers and one of your shirts this time and off to the kitchen you went. Noah grabbed the pancake mix and you got the strawberries to cut. One of Noah's favorite things to do with you was cook. For one making a great meal and doing it together. He loved getting a mix right and seeing the spark in your eye light up from the flavor. He loved coming behind you and holding your hand in his while his head rested on your shoulder and helped you cut ingredients. His long hair picked up in a messy bun while he coaches you
"that's it baby you got it!"
"My favorite little helper" were his go to lines when you're in the kitchen together. Soon your home smelled like sweet pancakes and fresh fruits. After a nice breakfast you sat on the counter and continued your conversation from earlier
"It's like...weird that we're both here on a day. For the whole day!" you smile popping another strawberry slice into your mouth. The sweet and slight tang of the fruit flooding your mouth. While you ate away at the berries you took a look over your boyfriend. He was leaning back against the counter opposite to the one you were sat on. His tall, slender figure, his tattoos, his soft hair, and that smile. Oh how that smile did things to you. You just thought to yourself, how utterly head over heels you were for him. The sound of his laughter, his passion, his love for you, everything made your stomach do flips. You were pulled out of your thoughts when he called for you.
"Huh? What was that?" you ask
"What you thinking about huh?" he smiles coming over to slot himself between your legs and lean his hands on the counter. His face coming closer to yours. The loos strands of his bun falling to gently frame his face. You lean forward and nudge your nose against his own
"Nothing...just looking at my man" you smile as your eyes drift into his own dark brown eyes
"Your man? Well I'm looking at my woman" he answers with a peck to your lips
"My moonlight" you say with a reciprocated kiss
"My sunshine" a deep kiss, his hands coming up to rest on your hips
"My baby" you whisper as your hands land on his to run up his arm and rest behind his neck
"my princess" his whispers back against your lips. He brings your closer to the edge, holding your body to his. You could feel his heartbeat against your own, nearly becoming one as your lips lock in a passionate dance. His hand glides up your back while the other holds you close by the small of your back. His other hand cradles the back of your head to deepen the kiss, you let your head fall limp in his hold. His lips leave yours painfully slow, leaving you wanting more from him. His eyes look into your love drunken ones, not a word was said as his lips gently ghosted over your skin, gliding down to the corner of your jaw where he began to peck at your skin. You bite down on your lower lip as he stops in a particular spot that he knows you love. Your hips give a subconscious roll against his own. He lets out a muffled groan against your skin, as his hips move against yours.
"Fuck baby..." he growls "So, fucking perfect for me." he picks you up from the counter and throws you over his shoulder bringing out a squeak from you.
"Do you have to carry me like this every time we decide to have sex?" you ask. The next thing you knew a hard spank came to one of your cheeks
"Yess I do. Keep that up and you'll get mor spanks" he threatened as he made his way to the stairs. Harper watching as Noah carried you up the stairs "You see what your daddy us doing to mama Harper?" she simply just tilts her head at you
"Harper, you hold down the fort like a good girl" Noah smiles as he disappears down the hall to your shared room. He drops you down on to the bed and you bounce with a giggle. He climbs over you and faces kiss from your collarbone up to your lips. Smiling into the kiss, his hand trace down your body and to the band of the boxers you were wearing. His slender fingers fiddle their way into your bottoms. His fingers coming in touch with just skin he breaks the kiss and says
"No panties? Awh was my pretty girl expecting to get fucked?" he smiles into the kiss
"maybeee" you sang an answer. He tosses the boxers over his shoulder, falling in to the floor with the rest of your clothes. Long forgotten as your bodies tangle with one another. His lips leaving mark in their wake along your skin, like a brush upon a canvas. His fingers curled within your squirming form. The sounds of your wet pussy like music to his ears. His slender fingers were the perfect length and width to find that magic spot.
“Yea Princess you like it there?” He asks into your ear as he pumped his digits just a bit faster with more force. Your legs begin to shake as your back arches off of the mattress. As he continues to pumps his fingers he positions himself between your legs.
He removed his digits, a stringy trail of your juices connect you both. A whine leaves your lips from him stopping
“Don’t worry princess” he said rubbing the head of his dick along your slit, using your juices as lubricant “I’m gonna fuck you just the way you like” he smirks as he finally pushes into you, bottoming out in one swift motion. Your wetness making it more than easy for him to glide right in. You sigh and be groans from the feeling.
His dick filled you perfectly, molded just for you. The thickness gave you a strange full feeling, you could cum just from him putting it in. He could feel you pulse around him, trying to milk his cock without any action
“Fuck baby….who’s pussy is this? Fucking right and wet…so fucking good” he growls as his hands come to the back of your knees, spreading your legs wider for his view
“Your Noah…please noah I need it..” you whine rocking your hips, getting only an inch of what you really want. Aligning himself he pushes the head in and slowly eases in, agonizingly slow. He finally bottoms out, he stayed there for just a moment. Taking in the feeling of your walls wrapped around him, the way your chest rose and fell. His hands trail up from your hips to your rib cage to your breasts, leaving goosebumps behind. His thumb rub over your nipples, making them erect. His hands gave them a squeeze as he brings himself out nearly all the way and thrusts back in.
"god baby...feel so good." he whispers as he steadily thrusts in and out of you. "does it feel good princess?" he asked
"So good! Please Noah harder !" you nearly beg him. He comes down close to you and engulfs your body with his own. You arms wrap about his shoulders as his thrusts grow faster and harder
"Yes Noah! R-right there! Mmm please!" you pant, your nails clawing at his back, grasping for something as the pit of your stomach burned with your approaching orgasm. The build up from before becoming greater
"Fuck Y/N! I love you!" he growls bucking into you in shorter harder thrusts reaching his end as your clamp around him
"I-I love you! Ah!" you moan feeling your core tighten and tighten until it finally snaps. You clamp and pulse around him as you finally cum
"Mmm yes baby Yes! shit...cum on my dick fuck!" he groans as he pumps himself faster, your cum mixing together as he fucks his cum deeply into you "Damn it, I fucking love you..." he pants as he litters kisses all over your skin "i love you, i love you....fuck I love you so much" he whispers as he rests his forehead on yours.
His tired eyes staring into your own. Both half lidded, dazed and full of love. Your skin hot and sweaty against one another, but it was the best feeling in the world.
You arms link around his neck and you bring your lips to his. In a slow, deep kiss. It wasn't just the sex talking you truly love him so much
"I love you Noah" you kiss his head as he lays on your chest, cuddling in close for a post sex nap. He laid and listen to your heart beat, and your breathing lulled him sleep instantly. This was absolute, bliss.
「✨Taglist✨」 @lilhobgobbler @cncohshit @vir-tual @tdopomymind @concretenoah @misspygmypie @noah-seb-omens
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mrsshabana · 1 year
How would pet!au gyu react to accidently biting his (nice) owner/owner in DD? Maybe he was sleeping and got touched without warning so bit out of instinct. Or bit out of an unfortunate misunderstanding- One time my dog had a mosquito sitting on her thigh and I went to brush it off but it bit her as I reached over and she thought that I had pinched her so she turned and bit me and I felt sooo bad for her haha
𝑮𝒚𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒐 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ( 𝑷𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒖 )
♡ CW: female!reader, blood, ptsd, abuse, self harm
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Gyutaro had fallen asleep on the couch, in the middle of the day again. You have errands to run, so you'll have to wake him up to tell him you're leaving so he doesn't freak out when he sees you're gone.
"Gyutaro," you whisper, gently nudging his shoulder.
It happened so fast. His eyes shot open, he whipped his face around, and bit your hand. He didn't realize what had happened until he tasted your blood filling his mouth. The guilt hit him almost instantly.
He bit you out of instinct. He's so used to being in abusive homes and having to endure constant beatings. He isn't used to human touch being a gentle, loving thing. When he felt your touch startle him awake, his body went into defensive mode.
"Shit," you mumble, holding your bloodied hand.
"M'sorry! M'so sorry!" he spews apologies. Springing up from his spot on the couch to run over to you. He feels so bad. After all the kindness you've shown him, he repays you by hurting you.
"It's ok Gyutaro, I'm fine," you say as you make your way to the bathroom, Gyutaro following close behind.
The bite isn't too bad, it's just bleeding a lot. Once you clean it and wrap it in some gauze it's ok. Just a bit sore.
Gyutaro sits on the bathroom floor, with his head down, "M'sorry Miss Y/N. I didn't mean to..." He shakes, awaiting his punishment. He's deserved a beating numerous times and you have never given him one. But he's certain that this time, you won't be so forgiving.
Having seen him do this plenty of times, it still breaks your heart knowing that he expects you to hit him. "Gyutaro, I'm not mad at you. It's ok honey," you gently pet him, "It's my fault for startling you."
He shakes his head, "No! Not your fault... my fault. My fault for being bad." His fists clench and he begins to tremble. Not out of fear, but out of anger. He didn't think he could hate himself any more, but in this moment he somehow does.
Kneeling down beside him, you embrace him in a hug. "It isn't your fault, and I'm not mad at you. Ok? You're a good boy Gyutaro."
Calling him a good boy always makes him feel better, no matter the situation. With a whimper he gently caresses your injured hand and rubs it against his cheek.
"You're so sweet," you giggle, ruffling his hair, "I was going to tell you I'm going to run some errands. But I think I'd like you to come with me."
You usually don't take Gyutaro out with you, as being around other humans makes him nervous. But you fear that if you leave him alone he may try to hurt himself. In the past, when you haven't punished him, he took it upon himself.
He's silent for a moment before responding, "Ok..." he cracks a small smile.
You can't help but grin, seeing that he is feeling a little bit better. "Alright then, let's go get your shoes on and we can go." Today it will be your mission to spoil him and make him smile.
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Tysm for this question, it was a really creative thing to think about in this au. I had a lot of fun writing it too! I love answering questions about the pet au! (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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thisismeracing · 1 year
aaaaah okay #4 from the prompt list with mick? bff to lovers maybe? 🥺 this is so fun, a great idea!
Hi, nonny! haha thank youuuu and sorry for the delay! Hope you like it 💗
From the Quick Prompt List: 4. “I think I'm in love”
word count: 0.7k
pairing: reader (she/her pronouns) x mick schumacher
warnings: fluff, not proofread, best friends to lovers.
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Yn was talking with her friend when her phone buzzed in her hands, a message from Mick. She couldn't help but smile starting to type an answer to his airport update, she was going to pick him up later so they could spend some time together before race week started again.
"Is it your Schumacher boy?" her friend asked and Yn huffed, rolling her eyes.
"How do you know?"
"Because you automatically smiled, and you have a very specific smile for him as well," she explained.
Yn thought for a second, eyes darting to play with the chain Mick gifted her a month before just because he "saw it while in Monaco and thought of you", it shouldn't be unusual to have a smile that you only give to your best friend, right? After all, it is her best friend.
"You two are so clueless it's painful to watch," her friend starts again. "I'm gonna ask you a couple of questions and I want you to answer the first thing that comes to your mind ok? No filter, just be honest."
Yn nods, confused, but still, locks her screen and directs her attention back to her friend and only her.
"Who's the first person to text you or the first person you text in the morning?"
She didn't hesitate to answer, "Mick."
"Who always checks on you?"
"Who came from one side of the city to the other just because you texted saying you wanted to go home, but there were no Ubers available?"
Yn bites her lower lip remembering how he flew to her on his bike and got her home in no time. That night he stayed at her house and they watched random Disney movies together before falling asleep on her couch. She takes a deep breath and answers, "Mick."
"Who took you to the hospital when you fell down and sprained your ankle?"
"You know who..." Yn casts her eyes to the huge window facing the city outside.
"Who spent the night holding your hair while you threw up after drinking without eating?"
Yn rolled her eyes, feeling her heart ache a bit. It was always him.
"Fuck, he's my best friend! What about our friendship?" Yn asks starting to feel a bit anxious. There were too many questions, too many 'what ifs'.
"You usually date your friends, you know? It's not like you're gonna choose your enemy to be vulnerable around," her friend jokes.
"What if h-"
Her friend interrupts, "he likes you, Yn. He's obsessed with you, has always been."
Yn's phone buzz again and she gets up gathering her car key and cardigan.
"I- I gotta go. He'll be at the airport any minute now," Yn explains before dropping a kiss on her friend's cheek. "Thank you for putting some sense into me, I guess. If it doesn't work, it's all your fault," she jokes.
Rushing to the airport, Yn gets there in no time. She runs to the gate and when Mick crosses the big entry she crushes their bodies together in a tight hug.
"Woah, someone missed me, huh?" Mick jokes bringing her body closer and dropping a kiss on the side of her head.
Yn withdraws a bit just to look into his eyes, he has one of his big smiles. The one he only gives to her. And although he looks exhausted, he was so handsome, his small dimples greeting her, his messy hair just waiting for her friends to card through it.
"Mick, I think I'm in love," Yn is too nervous to wait, too anxious for his answer, too excited with the possibility of a future with him, of sharing even more with him.
She feels his body tense, he's probably bracing for the worst, but when she whispers "with you" there's a new glow on his face. His lips show her that same smile again, but this time it's like there's something more like it finally reached all the happiness it could contain.
"I think I'm in love with you," she repeats and his hands find her cheeks bringing her face closer.
"That's about the best thing you could tell me because I sure am in love with you too."
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Wrote this while listening to too many songs, sorry no random infos this time lol I hope you guys like it. Share with the besties, reblog, like, comment, etc etc etc ya girl functions with feedback, crumbs feed me, don't ever doubt it, now give me some, bye *mwah*
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koolades-world · 1 month
Spellbound Secrets
chapter three: wishes unspoken
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synopsis: The House of Lamentation caught fire one night, and you were the only one they recovered from the wreckage. The brothers were in the house as well when you went to bed that night, but they were nowhere to be found. The pact marks are faded, and seem to be getting more and more indefinite by the day. You and Solomon get to investigating but oddly enough, nobody can seem to remember the missing brothers. It’s up to you, with the help of Solomon, to find your beloved demons, lest you never see them again.
navigation: playlist | prologue | chapter one | chapter two | chapter three (you are here!) | chapter four (coming next saturday)
authors note: sorry this was a little late! i procrastinated again lol. but! i did have some great fried chicken lol. tags list is still open for anyone who'd like to be added :) and yes, i do know the ending is a little cheap but i was running out of ideas haha
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You awoke the next morning with a start, unsure as to where you were or why you were there. Despite the confusion, you were calm and felt the most well rested you'd been in months. The lights were still off but a little bit seeped in from under the door. In the time you were laying awake, a few shadows past the door, going in opposite directions. After hearing the familiar footsteps outside the door, you recalled you were at Purgatory Hall. You were safe and sound, surrounded by those who cared about you.
After that revelation, you sat there for a while. You weren't sure how long since the clock in Solomon's room was most definitely slow, but it was peaceful. You knew you couldn't lay there forever, but you took the moment while you could. With a stretch, you got up and found your D.D.D. charging on a nearby table. You only had notifications from games, most notably Ruri Tunes. It was bittersweet, and was no longer mindless fun as it once was. You took the device with you to the bathroom to freshen up a little.
Thankfully, the bathroom was open. Just like the House of Lamentation, there was one main bathroom. Since there was only four of you in this household, it was much more manageable and it was endearing to see everyone's things intermingling. It was easy to pick out what belonged to who. A pink, worn toothbrush for Solomon, a pristine yellow one for Luke, and a still wet blue one for Simeon. Meaning, the remaining purple one had to be yours. Just like yesterday, it was spine-chilling to see how it was identical to your toothbrush from back home. That just wasn't possible though. The fire took it, just like everything else in the house that night, including the brothers. You reached out to it and turned it over in your hand to search for the smiley face Belphie had drawn on it to distinguish yours from his. He thought it was cute that you unintentionally matched but didn't want to get them mixed up. Sure enough, it was there.
You put the brush down. You'd ask someone to head to the shop with you later to get a new one. Brushing your teeth could wait until after eating today. You went through the rest of your routine and in place of brushing, you rinsed your mouth out with some mouthwash that belonged to Solomon. You made your way downstairs after you were finished in the bathroom.
"Good morning, Mc!" Simeon was downstairs, leaning over the stove. He greeted you enthusiastically with a smile on his face.
"Good morning. What're you making?" You joined him beside the stove.
"Luke requested omelets. We had lots of leftover veggies from dinner yesterday, so I figured we could put them to use. Do you want one?" He made it look easy when he flipped the omelet perfectly without the use of a spatula.
"Yes please. No bell pepper in mine." You moved to the cabinet beside him to get a glass to fill with water.
"Of course. I'll let you know when it's finished. If you're looking for Solomon, he's in the library." Simeon answered your question before you could ask it.
"How'd you know?" You sipped from the glass. Instead of responding, he merely chuckled and didn't turn back to look at you once. "Thanks." You left the water on the counter, and left for the library. You remembered that library well. It was nothing compared to the House of Lamentation library, but you often remembered finding Solomon and Satan huddled together there, pouring over a spell book. Sometimes, Luke could be seen with them, watching in awestruck. Today though, Solomon was alone, reading a book on the floor. He was surrounded by stacks of other books. Some were on the table, but most were piled on the floor beside him due to the sheer number.
"Isn't sitting on the floor a little taxing for your old bones?" You sat crouched beside him.
"Not even a hello or a good morning?" He turned to you and placed a bookmark between the pages before shutting the book.
"How are you on this fine morning, good sire Solomon?" You elbowed him with a smile.
"It's so kind of you to ask. I'm well." He fully turned his attention to you.
"Really though, what are you doing on the floor? The sofa is right there." You picked up one of the many books and read the title. "A Complete History of The Devildom?"
"I sat on the couch at first, but it's much easier to sort through them on the floor." He gestured to the stack to his right. It wasn't nearly as tall as any of the others surrounding it, but it was decent enough.
"How long have you been awake? Are you really planning on reading all of these?" You set the book back down where it came from after you realized he had a system going.
"I promised to help you, didn't I?" He dodged the questions, but looked at you. You swept your gaze over all the books again. There were easily over one-hundred of them.
"Thank you." You tried to convey all of your feelings with a smile. It was returned with a similar intensity from the sorcerer.
"It's my pleasure." He stood up, and offered you a hand. He pulled you up alongside him. Before you could respond, the two of you heard Simeon yelling off in the distance.
"That must be breakfast. Have you eaten yet?" You asked him, patting down a stray hair on his head.
"No. I got up and came straight here with a plan." He said back.
"That you came up with when?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Yesterday evening." Solomon told you. The door to the library was shoved open by the young angel who'd seemingly come looking for you.
"Breakfast is ready! Come eat. Simeon worked hard." Luke grabbed the both of you by the hand and marched you back to the kitchen where he'd presumably come from. You and Solomon exchanged glances as he tugged you behind him that you'd continue the conversation you'd been having later. He sat the two of you down in your spots at the table, then sat himself. The table was already set, including the glass of water you'd gotten yourself earlier. Simeon walked into the room shortly after with a large plate with all of the omelets on it. He told you all which had what ingredients in it, and you began to eat.
It was like yesterday. The conversation flowed naturally and never seemed to hit any lulls. It was a nice way to start the morning. The four of you discussed plans for the rest of the day. Simeon and Luke had some errands to run, leaving you and Solomon to do whatever you pleased. In the evening, Simeon wanted to watch a new movie that'd come out recently, and wanted to invite over the residents of the Demons Lord's Castle as well. Apparently, part of their errand running included headed there, so they just planned to invite them in person. After you'd eaten, you tried to offer to do the dishes, but as you thought he might, Luke protested and did them instead.
Solomon retreated back to the library, so after bidding farewell to the angels, you followed him. He was already back in the center of his bookstack when you reentered the library. However, this time there was a spot for you, right next to him. "So, about earlier." You sat down next to him with a slight wince.
"What about it?" He had already resumed reading the book you'd found him with before breakfast.
"How'd you sleep last night?" You put a hand in front of the book in an attempt to get him to look at you.
"Not well." He finally stopped attempting to read the book, and turned his attention to you.
"That's ironic. I think last night was the most well rested I've been in forever." You let out a sharp exhale.
"Really?" Solomon asked.
"Yeah. Lately, I've been tossing and turning. Just thinking. But I don't think I was up too long yesterday." You tried to recall last night, but you couldn't remember much.
"I'm glad." He said in barely a whisper. The room went quiet. He didn't go back to reading, but he didn't look at you either.
"How can I help you?" You finally spoke up.
"With sleeping or what I'm doing here?" He looked at you, wide-eyed.
"Both, silly." You leant into his side, lightly swatting at his arm. For a moment, you could tell he didn't know how to respond. His face was covered in a light dusting of pink, and as much as you searched his face, he wouldn't look back.
"Well, I've been searching these books in hopes for clues. Right now, I'm looking for traces of the brothers, but the books on the table are possible useful spell books." Solomon took a deep breath and continued like nothing had happened.
"Then I'll read with you. We can get through them quicker together." The two of you spent the rest of your day reading. You stopped around noon for a lunch break, but then you were right back at it. Occasionally, you'd look up and observe him nose deep in a book. He was focused and didn't even realize you were looking at him. The way he furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips was adorable. It proved a little hard to handle the books with your dominate hand still out of commission, but you were determined to make it work. You'd have to get used to life as a leftie from now on.
"Nothing from this book either." You set it aside on the growing pile of booked you'd already checked.
"How about we take a break?" Solomon set down the book he was midway through.
"Sure." You got up and stretched.
"I know we haven't found much yet, but we can't give up." Solomon stood up and began to reorganize the books you'd yet to read.
"I really still can't believe nobody but me remembers the brothers." You let out a heavy sigh.
"It's alright. We aren't giving up. This is just the first day of searching. We'd have to be incredibly lucky to have struck gold on day one." He reassred you.
"You're right. I know I shouldn't give up, but, it's sad, you know. I miss them." You rubbed at your face, exhausted. Solomon got closer to you, and placed a hand on your head. "It's only been a few months, but it feels like torture. And, nobody else even understands. Nobody remembers them, and I think that hurts more than my lonliness."
"No tears, alright? I made you a promise. It isn't often I do that. Save those for when we make a breakthrough." You could hear the subtle panic in his voice at the thought of you crying, which made you move your hands away from your face. You looked up, gently smiling. "You have me, anyways. I will not give up, no matter how long it takes. My ears are always yours to borrow if you need." He told you.
"I'll try my best." The grin he gave you back was worth dying for. You wished he genuinely smiled more.
"Didn't you say earlier that you needed to do some shopping? Let's go do that. It'll help us mentally relax from all the reading." Solomon offered.
"Actually, that's a great idea. I haven't brushed my teeth today." Solomon faked being disgusted and recoiled. "Don't worry, I used your mouthwash so I didn't stink up every room I entered." He continued to banter with you, but you couldn't ignore the way his ears flushed. The two of you set off to the store, laughing and talking the whole way there. You weren't really sure what color toothbrush to pick, because most of them just reminded you of the brothers. In the end, you settled on a deep blue that reminded you of the night sky, and the color of Solomon's cape. The only thing it was missing was a handful of silver sparkles for the stars.
As you added it to the little basket Solomon had on his arm, you heard a familiar voice behind you that made your heart drop. "The last thing I expected was to see the two of you here."
tags list: @bagofmice
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turnipoddity · 2 months
hello!! (uhm this is my second anon thingy I don’t think you responded to one which is perfectly okay absolutely no pressure!! ^^)
uhm this is taking a lot of courage bc im super anxious when it comes to like talking/typing but I just wanted to say that I just respect you a ton, your art helped me in a lot of ways (I kinda mentioned this in the ask but I wanted to elaborate hope this isn’t odd ;-;) your art inspired me to get into saw, and an art school! so I just wanted to thank you and hope you’re doing well (sorry for the cringe…)
also uhm I have two questions
1. how do you draw Adam so good!?! (I love how you shade his hair especially!!)
2. how do you watch so many movies?
okay.. that’s all you don’t have to respond I just wanted to thank you, you’re so awesome,, (I hope this isn’t weird T_T p.s love ur Donnie Darko art too!)
Oh this one got a lil bit of a kick…
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TERRIBLY sorry i missed your message that time!! 😭 you have no idea how much this means to me, i’m SO SO HAPPY AND GLAD that i could help to inspire you (even a little bit) to get you into art school!! THAT IS SO AMAZING TO HEAR!!! You’ll def face some challenges but the fun never stops!! 🥰✨❤️ friends in art major are also some of the most hilarious people i’ve ever met—you’ll be having a great time!! ❤️✨
Okay now to answer your questions…
1. THANKS SO MUCH!!! GLAD YOU THINK SO 😭❤️❤️❤️ ive drawn him about 300 times now more or less… not always spot on granted but i guess practice is key😭 for the hair shading i just took inspirations from a lot of artists HAHA
2. This is clearly jobless behavior of me LMAOOO (in all seriousness i watch movies to unwind and relax… so they are what gets me through the day AHEJRJKFK)
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rosemary03 · 2 years
sex therapy with Aizen
Masterlist ;3 | tags: @stygianoir |
Note: This is a bit explicit and long, it took me a long time to do it but I liked it haha, enjoy and read the warnings (maybe there are many misspellings and it is not well understood, sorry for that)
──♡ warnings: nsfw +18 rough sex | double penetration | hair pulling | face, pussy and ass slapping | vaginal fingering | vaginal sex | orgasm denial | clothed sex | patient/therapist relationship | infidelity (it's just aizen's hypnosis) | manipulation | use of sir / miss | hypnosis | overstimulation | oral sex | aizen loves the reader but also enjoys playing with his mind.
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It was the first time that you would go to see your therapist, you talked a little with him on the networks to confirm the time of your session but it was not much, he had many good reviews on his page and you needed to relieve your stress in some way, maybe to give you some other advice, so you decided to go.
You were walking through the streets when suddenly your phone rang, you quickly took it out of your bag and… Surprise! He was your boyfriend, so you responded immediately.
"Hello! I just wanted to know how you were and if you had arrived yet" says your boyfriend from the other phone line
"I'm fine, I'll be there soon, I hope everything goes well hehe" you answered as you continued walking, you had a strange feeling, was this really happening?
"Well, in that case I wish you luck, I also wanted to let you know that I'm going out with some friends, so you don't have to worry"
"...Oh, have fun, and uhm...I'm here, so I'll call you later, bye!" you hung up the phone and put it away, then you looked at the big building in front of you, it was definitely the building in the photo your therapist sent you, so you went inside.
Everything was so clean and spacious, a combination of black and white, something modern but elegant at the same time.
There weren't as many people as you thought, just a few sitting waiting to be called for their session with other therapists.
Talk to the receptionist and she gave you directions, go up to the third floor and in room 24 they are waiting for you!
You went up and knocked on the door as indicated, a tall dark-haired man attended you, he told you "I was waiting for you, feel comfortable"
It was a spacious room, as expected, there are some big black armchairs, a desk and a coffee table.
"You are (name) right?" asked the man
"Yep! It's me, and you're Mr. Aizen?"
He nodded with a soft smile and made you sit in the chair across from his desk.
"Okay, let me ask you a few questions first, Miss (name)," Aizen said, his glasses glinting in the light from the computer in front of him.
"yes of course"
"perfect" he smiled kindly at you again, on the one hand you felt good with him, it had barely started but you liked it, again you felt that strange sensation, but hey, it's just your imagination right? I had never been here before.
You lost track of time, you don't know how many hours passed but what you did know was that mr. Aizen started with subtle questions, like what do you normally do, who are you currently dating, how did your morning start, and that sort of thing.
"So you're telling me you can't cum?" says the man with glasses in front of you.
“Um?! That ? I…” How did he know that? Were you sure you never mentioned it, also how did they come to that? You asked yourself.
"What do you mean...?" you asked a little embarrassed, maybe you were getting confused.
"Oh? What do I mean? Isn't that obvious? This is sex therapy miss (name), obviously I mean you can't cum during sex right?"
“Sex therapy…? I didn't come for-"
"Answer my question" Aizen says with a firm voice.
“…That's right, I can't… Uhm but, I think im in the wrong room, I didn't come to do sex therapy mr. aizen" you say as you get up from your chair
"Hmm? No?, you're on my patient list, I thought I'd made clear the type of work I specialize in, miss” aizen stands up and walks towards you, his footsteps light on the ceramic.
"Let me solve this problem, that's why you came here right princess?" he speaks again, now he is close to you, his gentle smile is still on his face, his size makes you feel so small and his words have an effect on you, his firm voice and the way he looks at you makes you want to submit to him.
He took his hand to your neck, squeezing it slightly, your cheeks burned from the closeness and his actions.
“W-what are you doing sir!? "You screamed in embarrassment, you felt how his hand went up to your jaw, caressing it, with his thumb he reached your lips, gently crushing them.
"my job"
"But I don't-" your words were interrupted by the strong slap that Aizen gave you on the cheek, you got scared but you liked that feeling of power that your therapist had over you...
“I didn't give you permission to speak miss (name), I expect you to follow my instructions so that I can do my job well, okay? ” he said between laughs, he was having fun.
“uh…okay” you said as you caressed your cheek that was burning from the slap.
Aizen smiled at you and walked towards the black and shiny couch that was in the living room, the man took off the white coat of his work uniform, leaving it on one side of the couch, then he sat down with his legs apart, his thighs pressed against his pants. white, then he adjusted the sleeves of his shirt allowing you to see his forearms, he took off his glasses and pulled his hair back, letting a lock fall on his forehead.
He looked so hot he was so big and he knew how to be in control you loved him but it was wrong right? You shouldn't feel this way when you see your therapist when they just want to help you have a good time.
"come sit down dear"
You obediently walk over to the couch, but as you're about to sit down, Aizen grabs your wrist.
"Here" he says as he points his index finger at his legs, he wanted you to sit on his lap.
"But I shouldn't…" you reply thinking of your boyfriend.
"mmm? It's okay, do it, after all this is a therapy session" Aizen pulls your wrist and you are forced to sit on his lap, from behind the man begins to caress your thighs, and with the other hand He grabs your chest and pulls you towards him, now your back is pressed against Aizen's chest.
"Well, that's baby" now the hand that was on your chest goes down to your abdomen, leaving caresses and provoking you.
His breath tickles your ear "so don't be so shy, I'm going to touch you and tell me if you like it"
"That... is necessary, Mr. Aizen? ”
"Of course, otherwise how will I know why you can't cum?" You looked back and Aizen quickly caught your lips in a careless and messy kiss, his hand grabs your hair and pulls your head towards him to keep you still, you let out a moan but it was muffled by Aizen's tongue abusing yours .
After leaving you breathless he released you from the kiss, their tongues moving away with a thread of saliva pulling them.
“Okay, now that we've started… I want you to call me sosuke, okay (name)? ”
Your breathing was agitated, your face was red from the heat and the shame you felt to be doing something so intimate with a man you barely knew.
"Okay... Sosuke"
“That's it, now I want to see you, okay? Aizen said as he separated your thighs, you quickly stopped his hands, you didn't want him to see your panties wet from the arousal of your pussy, you didn't want him to know that he was the reason for your lewdness.
"What's going on? Don't worry about a thing, I'll take care of everything (name)" Saying that, he manages to part your thighs now open for him, enjoying the sight of your clothed pussy before slapping his hand to Seeing your reaction, you let out a cry and jump onto his lap, hardly noticing his hard cock under your ass.
“How cute, did you like that? ”
Shit, of course you liked it, you were elated, you knew he only said it to annoy you.
"Answer me," Aizen said, slapping your clothed cunt.
"Yes, I like it!" you respond agitated
Satisfied with your answer, Aizen pulls your panties aside, exposing your pussy, his finger caresses your wet folds from top to bottom, and with his thumb he presses on your clit, circling it.
Damn he was too good at this, you love the way he masturbates your pussy, sighs and moans come out of your mouth, Aizen likes those sounds, he wants to fuck you unconscious but he likes to take his time, he He knows what you like and he's going to take advantage of it.
"You told me before that you have a partner, in that case I need to know if he does this" says Aizen reminding you that you have a boyfriend that you supposedly love.
"Oh!" again you stop his hand, you shouldn't be doing this, you tell yourself.
"Mmm... I need you to answer... And I also need you to be obedient (name), let me do my job.
"We can not..."
Aizen didn't give a shit if you could or not, he knew you wanted him to keep touching you until he finished fucking you like you both want.
His lips settled on your neck, biting and kissing the sensitive part of it, provoking you again, he was encouraging you to continue.
"Answer my question (name) does your boyfriend do this? I want to know if it makes you feel as good as I do"
I completely ignore your words, but you can't deny that Aizen made you feel better.
After so much silence, youresponds, “No, he don't, Mr. Aizen" you feel that he smiles on your neck, although he asked you to call him by his name, you insist on calling him sir as a sign of his power over you.
Aizen looks down, admiring the glistening wetness of your juices on his fingers.
"Get up," he demands, to which you obediently rise from his lap, looking up at Aizen's flushed and slightly sweaty face, your gaze lowers to the large bulge in his white pants, then Aizen's hands drop to his belt. unbuttoning it and exposing a portion of his boxers, your legs begin to tremble just at the enticing sight.
"get it out"
"Uhm? "
“My dick, get my dick out of my boxers, like that or more specific (name)? He says mocking your feigned innocence.
Embarrassed, you sit on his thighs, releasing his hard cock, to which Aizen lets out a small sigh.
He was also enjoying this and it shows by the way he talks to you, teases you and by the pre-cum that lubricates the tip of his cock.
You don't know exactly what happened next, but what you do know is that your breasts are bouncing on your therapist's face from the strong thrusts he's giving you from below, even though you're the one on top he's in control of your movements.
"that is! So good…” Aizen says complimenting you, his hands traveling up your thighs to your butt inserting a finger into your second hole, you moan from the sudden stimulation.
Now he's licking your nipples, leaving visible bites and hickeys, you feel overstimulated, double penetration and Aizen's tongue do their job very well!
"Sosuke don't stop!" You scream feeling how your legs shake with pleasure, you are about to cum, obviously Aizen noticed this, but you weren't very obedient to him, you didn't let him do his job before, so he really doesn't think you deserve to cum now .
So with one last strong thrust he stays still under you before you can cum, you feel your wet and sticky sexes from the juices of both.
"sosuke..." you complain
"Mmm..." Aizen grabs you by the hips and pushes you to the side of the couch, now you're stretched out face down on it.
You can barely respond to his actions when you feel two strong slaps on your butt, you moan from the burning sensation that remains on your buttocks, Aizen raises your hips leaving your butt in the air, with his fingers he opens your lips and plays with your pussy before eat you from behind.
His hands grip the fat of your butt as he sticks a finger inside your pussy, you could hear your juices splash every time his tongue sucked on your clit, you were sure your moans could be heard even in the next room but The ecstasy of the moment mattered more to you than they're going to hear you fucking your therapist.
Aizen releases your pussy with a "pop" and slaps you one last time. "That was good," he says as he stands up and guides the hilt of his cock towards your entrance.
A loud moan escapes your throat as Sosuke inserts his cock, you hear a loud "uughh" from Aizen.
He began to ram you mercilessly from behind, you felt full, wet and overstimulated, it was the punishment you deserved for your disobedience.
"Sosuke that's too much! Your screams and moans were of no use as Aizen grabbed your arms by the wrists and pinned them against your back.
Aizen's rhythm was relentless, your eyes filled with tears, there was a mixture of pleasure and pain that accumulated with each brute thrust he receives, from the screams, moans and the reaction of your body Aizen knew that all the accumulated pleasure was about to break.
Then they increased their speed even more, the noises that come out of your mouth make him smile dangerously, wanting to fuck you until he fills you with all his semen.
Despite everything you loved the way he was fucking you, his last thrust brought you to orgasm, squeezing his cock and squirting on it Aizen slowed down a bit, admiring his work of art, you, wet, messy and made a mess, but it was still missing, now it was his turn to cum and the sight only tempted him more to cum inside you.
"That's delicious! So cute and just for me" he says resuming the rhythm from before, letting go of your arms and grabbing your hips, you feel that he is about to cum too from the hard moans he's releasing, you feel your entrance aching with each push, his cock tenses inside your spongy walls, with one last thrust and an "Uurgghh" he releases strings of semen inside you, their sexes are sticky with the semen of both and that feels so good.
Aizen leans back watching his cum spurt out of your pussy, what a nice sight, he thinks, then wipes himself a bit and pulls up his pants, fixing himself before ending his session.
Looking at his watch, he sees that his therapy hour is over "fine, we've finished today's session... see you next week" and make sure you get home with my sperm inside miss (name)" he gets up and goes back to desk, you're so exhausted you can barely get up and your eyes are heavy.
You get up from your bed sore, you don't know exactly what happened but you notice the marks on your skin as soon as you look in the mirror, unfortunately the doorbell of your apartment rings and you have to go see who it is.
So you open the door and well, it was just your friend sosuke,
"I hope you don't mind that has come so late" he tells you with a tender smile, you quickly let him in and within the inside the conversation that you have while having dinner together Aizen asks "so how did your first therapy session go?" ? ”
You choked on your food, you skipped your session with Mr. Urahara because you fell asleep all afternoon!
When she catches her breath, she answers that you couldn't go because you fell asleep, maybe you were so tired that you slept too much
"Oh I see! That's bad, maybe I should be your therapist dear? "responds your friend sosuke between laughs
"Wow... Even if you don't believe it, I dreamed that you were" you say embarrassed
“So should I see you for the next session? ”
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── ♡ sorry mr. urahara but the therapist aizen arrived first 😽
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
Sparks Fly part 2
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Series masterlist
A/n: so sorry this took so long to get out 😭 also the timeline is kinda messed up but it’s 90s!tommy in this story so yeah takes place in the 90s
Pairings: Tommy Lee x Fem!Country Singer!reader
And soon enough you got a call from Tommy. He asked you out for dinner and of course you said yes. You’re so nervous, though. You know of his reputation and how he was with drugs not too long ago. But he’s so handsome and was so sweet you. You just had to say yes.
So, you’re in a light pink dress with peasant sleeves. Your hair in a ponytail with a light pink bow on it. Light makeup adorned your face. You had some pearl jewelry and white kitten heels. As you stood in front of the hotel room mirror making sure everything looked good when you got a knock on the door.
You sighed before shoving your nerves down and opening the door. Tommy stood before you with a grin on his face and flowers in his hand.
“Wow, you look…” he trailed off taking in your whole outfit.
You blushed, “Thanks.”
“Oh!” He said suddenly, jerking the flowers towards you, “I got you these. Wasn’t sure what your preferences on flowers were but thought I’d get ‘em anyways.” You took the bouquet from him and brought them to your nose, sniffing them.
“They’re beautiful Tommy.” You gushed before walking over and setting them on the nightstand. You’ll have to find a way to travel with them without them dying.
Then, the two of you were off on your first date. He took you to this very nice restaurant in Hollywood. Despite you having quite a bit of money yourself, it was way more fancy than you’ve ever been to.
The waiter showed you to your table and the questions began.
“So, I noticed you’re in a hotel…is your house getting renovated or something?” The drummer asked.
“Oh no. I live in Nashville but since I did a few shows here I stayed in a hotel.” You explained the most obvious reason why you were in a hotel.
“Nashville huh? So you’re a real country girl.”
You chuckled, “I guess you can say that. I’ve lived there my whole life. It’s my home yknow?”
“Yeah I can see that.”
It was quiet for a moment before you spoke up again, “So what’s going on with the band right now? I heard you guys laid off Vince?” It was a touchy subject sure, but you really wanted to know what the hell they were thinking when they fired the singer.
“Yeah, but it’s all cool cause we got a new guy, John Corabi. It’s better that way.” And he left it at that.
The two of you talked more and more, all throughout the night. You just couldn’t stop asking about each other.
As Tommy walked you out towards his Ferrari you said, “That was one of the most fun dates I’ve had in a long time.”
“Really?” He looked down at you and raised an eyebrow.
You leaned your head against his shoulder, “Yeah.”
“I’m glad then. I guess I held up to your standards?”
“Haha, yeah. I mean it’s not like I have any to begin with but you’re so respectful and sweet. Not to offend you but you’re a lot different than-“
“The media makes me out to be? Yeah. When I find a girl I really like I make sure to treat her as a queen.” Your stomach fluttered with butterflies.
The two of you got in his car and he turned on the radio but turned down the volume so you could still talk.
“I don’t believe I’ve asked you this but how old are you?” He asked.
“23.” You answered honestly.
“Ok, I’m 31. Was just making sure.”
“I thought you liked younger girls?” You teased.
“I do well- not under 18 girls you know…over 18? Fuck.”
You giggled as he tried to explain himself, “It’s fine. You know my mama told me not to go with older men better yet men in rock n roll bands but, you’re just so…different.” Tommy smiled at your southern accent.
“I’m not the best man in the world, I’ve done some pretty fucked up shit. Maybe not as much as Nikki but…” the drummer trailed off.
You put your hand over his that was sitting on the center console. He looked over at you with those brown eyes. “We’re human, we all do things we regret. That’s just how life works. Imagine if we didn’t do anything wrong, that’d be really boring and no lessons would be learned.”
“I see why you have an award for best songwriting.”
“Yeah, I guess Im somewhat of a poet myself.”
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vbecker10 · 1 year
The Blind Date? (Part 2 of 4)
Part 1 / Part 3 / Part 4 in progress
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: none...? I know I promised fluff but I lied haha sorry also... I don't know why I made Tony such an ass but I did lol
Summary: Your friend sets you up on a blind date with someone she works with at SHIELD but you accidentally end up on a mission with Loki. Unfortunately your date isn't going nearly as well as Loki's mission... which could also be going better.
A/N: Once again life really got in the way... I'm sorry it took so long to post the second part. Hopefully the third part will be up much easier. This got away from me a little but trust the process lol
Dividers by: @harlequin-hangout
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"Would it be possible to get a table closer to the back, where it's quieter?" Loki asks and the woman nods in response, barely looking up at him.
She motions for a waiter to lead you to a table for two in the farthest corner of the space. As you walk through the restaurant, you think it's a bit odd that no one takes notice of Loki. None of wait staff or the other diners even so much as glance at the tall, raven haired prince as he follows you closely. You wonder if Tony Stark or Thor are able to go out as unnoticed as he seemed to be.
You're also more then a little surprised by how content Loki appears to be with the lack of attention from everyone. Although you don't know him quite yet, what little you had seen of him in press conferences would have made you assume he enjoyed being recognized. He almost never attended the interviews with the team but when he did, he always managed to steal the spot light from the other Avengers. You even joked with your friends about how much it appeared to annoy Captain Rogers when Loki was the center of attention.
You reach the table and Loki pulls out your chair, something none of your other blind dates had ever done for you. You smile, looking down to hide a slight blush as he brushes your back lightly. He places his black suit jacket over the back of his chair and you find yourself trying not to stare at how well his dark green dress shirt hugs his chest and arms. He straightens his tie a bit and takes both menus from the waiter, handing you one. You open the menu then close it, feeling confused as you read the cursive writing on the cover.
"Is everything alright with your menu?" Loki asks, looking curiously at you.
"Oh, yes. It's fine, sorry," you answer quickly with a nervous laugh and he nods, thankfully not interested enough to ask any further questions. You don't want to start the night off by telling him you didn't even know the correct name for the restaurant you were in. You were so sure Michelle said it was called the Red Peak but you don't remember seeing a sign out front, there was just a red logo of a mountain on the door. Apparently you should have written it on your note. You open the menu again and sigh at the thought of your friends making fun of you for not realizing you were at the Crimson Hill. So close, you think to yourself.
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You nod at Y/N's response and use the menu to hide the fact that you are looking around the room for your targets. You hear Rogers chattering away in your ear as you observe the two Hydra targets walk behind Y/N to their table. Both men hand their coats to a young woman then take their seats at one end. The taller man places a black briefcase on the floor between their chairs and they begin the talk quietly. One of the doors to the kitchen swings open and the waiters quickly clear a path. Two men in dark suits and three women in brightly colored dresses exit the kitchen followed a moment later by a much older man. The Hydra agents stand to greet their hosts with handshakes and hugs, clearly this wasn't a first meeting as the team had assumed.
As soon as all the targets are settled at their table, you take your phone out of your pocket and act as if you've just received a message. "I'm sorry, would you excuse me for a moment. I have to make a call," you say, standing up without waiting for her to respond.
You check the bathroom to ensure it is completely empty then lock the door to the room before angrily responding to Rogers, "You talk far too much Captain. How am I supposed to think if you are never quiet for more then five seconds at a time?"
"You aren't there to think, you're there to watch the targets," he replies in your ear and you roll your eyes.
Stark adds, "While we are on the subject of you thinking, what the hell were you thinking letting that woman know who you really are? That wasn't part of the plan."
"I adjusted the plan. I saw no reason to waste a perfectly good date," you tell them.
"No reason-," Stark says obviously frustrated, "No reason? You're on a recon mission, not an actual date."
"Laufeyson, you need to fix this now," Rogers says, only slightly calmer than Stark sounds.
You smirk at your reflection as you run your fingers through your hair. "Unfortunately, I simply cannot do that," you say.
"And why is that?" Rogers asks, his patience clearly wearing thin.
"How am I to explain my sudden change in appearance when I sit across from her again? Even if she believes I am the same person, I doubt very much you would like me to explain to her that I am here on a mission and only using her as part of my disguise," you wait for them to respond, you can hear Stark sigh deeply. "Or perhaps, you would rather it appear as if Loki walked out on her before we even order appetizers? That really is quite rude, even for me don't you think Captain?" Again, you pause for a moment before adding, "Perhaps it would be best if I were to create an entirely new form since several members of the wait staff have seen this version of me with her already. It might seem a bit peculiar if I suddenly go back to the bar in search of another date while she waits for me to return."
"I can't believe this..." Stark mumbles then after a short pause finally says, "Fine." You try not to wince at how loud he yells that one word in your ear. "Don't screw this up any more than you already have, Laufeyson," he warns you.
"Don't forget, you're still on probation and I will make sure all of this goes in my report for Fury," Rogers adds.
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You bite your nails as you look around the restaurant then back at the empty seat across from you. You still can't believe Michelle would really set you up with Loki and not tell you. Normally she was so bad at keeping her own secrets she would tell what she bought you for your birthday the minute she left the store.
How did she even manage to set this up, you wonder. She never told you she had even met him and you had asked several times about the Avengers, more specifically about Loki. The God of Mischief might not be everyone's favorite but your friends knew he was your celebrity crush. Michelle even joked that you two were destined to be sister-in-laws since she thought Thor was the best looking. Neither of you were surprised when Jess said she preferred the former Winter Soldier, he did look oddly similar to her fiancé Sebastian, although she claimed she didn't see it.
"I'm sorry about that," you hear Loki say from behind you, brushing your shoulder lightly as he passes.
"Its ok. Is everything alright?" you ask, noticing how unhappy he seems.
"Yes," he answers, barely making eye contact with you. "Just a small issue with work," he vaguely explains.
You don't respond, unsure if you are able to ask him anything specific about work. You sit in silence for a few moments until the waiter appears and takes your order, then the two of you are alone again.
"So..." you start slowly, trying to think of something to talk about. "How do you like the city so far?"
"What?" he asks.
You can tell his attention isn't on you, but on the beautifully dressed women at the table behind you. You shrug before asking him again, "I was wondering if you like the city?"
"Yes," he responds in a less then believable tone.
"Well quiet was an understatement," you mumble, looking away from him across the room.
"What do you mean?" he asks, his attention finally shifting to you.
You look back at him quickly, of course that he heard. "I guess I was looking for more than a one word answer," you tell him. "Its kind of hard to have a conversation like that."
He's quiet for a minute and you start to grow nervous that you've offended him. He takes a sip of his water then says, "The city has its moments... It still doesn't feel like home and I'm not convinced it ever will but I think I'm getting used to being here. I will admit I do enjoy the libraries and the different types of museums but I don't often get to spend as much time in them as I would like."
"Have you been to the Museum of Natural History?" you ask, a bit more excited than you hoped.
"I have once," he smiles for a moment then pauses, covering one of his ears briefly as if it's too loud in the restaurant. He continues, "Stark called me back to the Tower for a ridiculous meeting about not filling out some paperwork properly and I had to leave fairly soon after I arrived."
"Oh no, you have to go back. It's one of my favorites," you tell him.
"I can see why you like it so much," he says, his enthusiasm almost matching yours. "I'm hoping to go back soon to visit the rest of it."
"Did you at least get to see the planetarium?" you ask hopefully.
"Unfortunately not," he shakes his head.
"That's horrible, it's the best part," you say then without thinking you add, "Maybe I could go with you next time. I can show you the really cool exhibits first just in case you have to leave for another boring meeting."
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You can't help but smile at her offer but it vanishes quickly when you hear Stark in your ear again. "You need to start planting the listening devices," he orders. "You've wasted enough time on her and this pretend date of yours."
You practically bite your tongue to keep from responding to him harshly. Instead you take your phone out of your pocket again, hearing her sigh softly as she sits back in her chair. "I'm sorry, it's my brother. He needs me to call him," you lie and she nods. "When I get back you can tell me more about the planetarium or which parts you liked the best," you suggest, feeling a bit surprised by how interested you are in her opinion of the museum.
"Sure," she says, giving you a half hearted attempt at a smile.
"Get a move on, reindeer games," Stark tells you.
You turn away from the table and when you are out of earshot from Y/N you reply, "You will not speak to me that way Stark. I am not someone you can simply order about."
"That's not what the deal we have with Thor says," he reminds you. "You work for SHIELD which means you do what we want when we want. Is that clear?"
You grind your teeth then force yourself to take a breath before speaking. "Understood," you tell him in a low tone, knowing it truly is this or the dungeons on Asgard.
You continue your way towards the kitchen and carefully mimic the appearance of a waiter who passes you with a tray of food. You walk through the kitchen, keeping your head down and avoiding attention from the other staff. You reach the two tall metal freezer doors in the rear of the kitchen and look over your shoulder.
"Its the door on the left," Rogers reminds you unnecessarily just as you grab the handle. You open the metal door and step into a hallway, closing it as quietly as possible. You look down the hall, there are two doors on one side and three on the other. "Second one on the right side-" Rogers again informs you where to go.
"I am aware of where I need to go Captain," you cut him off. "I did read the file you gave me."
He doesn't respond but you can hear Stark mumble something under his breath as you stand in front of the door that had been marked on the floor plan. You use your magic to unlock the door then take a moment to look around the office before deciding to place the listening device on a shelf behind a stack of slightly dusty books. After testing the device to ensure it is recoding and transmitting to SHIELD, you leave the room and go back to the kitchen.
As you are about to go back into the restaurant, you stop and pick up a pitcher of water and a towel, draping the towel over your arm like the other waiters. You carry the pitcher directly to the table with the targets and begin to refill their glasses, starting with the head of the mob family.
"Oh good, if the mission fails maybe you can get a job here waiting table," Stark says sarcastically and you try not to roll your eyes.
You continue down the table, filling each glass until you get to the two Hydra agents. After pouring water into the shorter man's glass you turn to the taller one who brought the briefcase. Just as you start to refill his glass your eyes wander to Y/N at the next table. Her chin is resting on her palm with her elbow propped up on the table as she pushes her food around with her fork while she waits for you to return.
"Stop!" a deep voice cuts through your thoughts. "What's wrong with you?" You look up at the man stands quickly, the water having overflowed from his glass onto the table and finally his pants.
"I'm so sorry sir," you say, drying off the table with your towel. He grabs his napkin and wipes off his pants while you reach under the table and place the second listening device. He takes a step away from the table and you kneel down, cleaning off his seat with one hand as you place the third device inside one of the pockets on his briefcase. You get up and quickly head back towards the kitchen, knowing the waiter you impersonated is only moments away from being fired.
"Very smooth, Laufeyson," Stark says with a laugh while you transform back into your original disguise.
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"Oh good, I was hoping you would get back before it got too cold," you say as Loki takes his seat again.
"I'm sorry that took so long," he says and you feel as if he means it more then the last time he stepped away. "You didn't need to wait for me," he gestures towards your full plate.
You shrug, "It would have been rude not to." He smiles a bit and you ask, "Is everything ok with your brother?"
He pauses for a moment then says, "Yes, nothing that couldn't have waited until I returned to the Tower."
"Brothers really are the worst aren't they?" you joke and he laughs in agreement. "To be fair though, I think younger brothers can be just as annoying as older brothers," you tell him.
"I have a feeling Thor would agree with you about that," he says. The two of you continue to talk while you eat but at you finish the appetizers, he goes quiet while he checks his phone again. He puts it back in his pocket and apologizes.
"So I think it might be time for a small wager," you tell him and he looks at you curiously.
"What kind of wager?" he asks, leaning towards you slightly.
"When my friends and I go out, we put all our phones in the middle of the table, face down and whoever touches their phone first hag to pay for everything," you explain.
"Well it would seem I've lost several times tonight," he says.
"How about we start now?" you suggest, hoping this will help you keep his attention for more then a few minutes at a time.
"That seems fair," he smiles, placing his phone next to yours.
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Well, this will be the shortest amount of time it has ever taken you to lose a bet, you think to yourself. She asks you another question and as you start to answer her, Rogers begins talking in your ear again. You manage to ignore him for a few more minutes while you continue your conversation with Y/N but then he becomes harder to block out. Finally you sigh and reach for your phone, your magic making it appear as if someone is calling you.
"I promise, this will be the last time," you tell her. "I really am sorry, darling."
She looks up at you, "I guess you lost the bet."
"It would appear so," you say as you stand up.
"If I didn't know any better, I would think you are actually starting to like her," Stark says.
You ignore his comment as you walk towards the coat check room, taking on the appearance of another random waiter who passed you. You knock on the door to the small room and say, "The manager asked to see you on the kitchen."
"Peter?" she asks and you nod. "Sure, can you start here until I get back?" As soon as she leaves you close the door and begin looking through the tracks until you find the coats belonging to the two Hydra agents. Creating a small hole in the lining, you and the last device to the coat of the shorter man and seal it just as the young woman returns.
"He said he didn't need me for anything," she tells you and you shrug.
"I just do what they tell me," you reply and leave the room quickly.
As you are about to reach your table Rogers says, "Great, this whole thing has taken long enough. Just get out of there before anything can go wrong. We can monitor the rest of their meeting from-"
You take the small earpiece out and place it in your pocket.
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You look up as Loki walks back towards your table, he places his phone on the table face down under yours. "I'm sorry I've been so rude this evening," he says.
"Its ok," you tell him. "I'm sure it was important."
"It was but it was still wasn't fair of me to keep leaving you like that. It won't happen again," he promises with a smile.
"I hope not," you tell him, feeling a bit better. "Its no fun to be on a blind date by yourself."
"Blind date?" he asks.
You nod, "That reminds me, I wanted to ask how you know Michelle?" you finally ask him.
He looks at you confused and asks, "Who's Michelle?"
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soleilnomoon · 1 year
Hi again! Still absolutely adore your Kid fic from your last event 💜 Never got around to asking for a Sanji one, so here I am again😅 But seriously, congrats on over 550 followers!! Love seeing your blog grow, cause you’re really talented and deserve them all and legit can’t wait til you hit 1k+ 🥰
For the event order, may I please ask for a #1 with my boi Sanji, with anmitsu, konpeito, and keylime pie and with honey, please? 🥹 i hate this but need some sanji angst 😭
I also dunno if these three would work particularly well together for a prompt, so you can choose whatever! just really feeling angst and sanji rn and maybe comfort if you’d like 🥰
Thank you for all your works you’ve done so far 💜💜
hiiii omg haha i loved that fic fr (i'm obsessed w that man!!!) also ily for requesting sanji i don't write him nearly enough 🥰️ but thank you sm!! 😭 making me all soft and i am so so sorry this took forever, as u know i am so slow but!!! i had fun tormenting sanji w the angst ngl 💓💓💓💓 also those were great choices for the prompt, i wanted to write more but it would've been 8k words before i finished and who has time for that (i do, but listen... that's besides the point) ✨
2k words, fem reader (honestly gn too now that i think abt it), sfw (SHOCKING i know), 18+ mdni, a lil bit suggestive but nothing wild, angst angst angst city babey, fluff if you squint, also i gave u comfort bc u deserve it bb 💗(and sanji does too); feat. sanji being in denial forever and ever, mutual pining, fake unrequited love, reader is determined and sanji is a coward; also i made myself sad writing this but a good sad bc sanji deserves happiness and i'll fight oda if he doesn't get it i s2g... (if u see grammar mistakes/spelling errors... no u didn't 💗)
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“loving each other began this way: threading / loneliness into loneliness / patiently, our hands trembling and precise.” — yehuda amichai
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STEP 01:
what does it take to kill a soul? —
a question that’s posed unironically, without a hint of remorse or tact, the words precise and venomous, slicing through the thick veneer that he’s carefully crafted. he’s never been able to answer that question — not at six years old, not twelve or fifteen, and not at twenty-one. his siblings took pleasure in taunting him with seemingly philosophical questions, ones that clamped down onto his thoughts with heavy shackles.
even after he’s extracted himself from that life, he can’t scrub those memories from his mind — no matter how hard he tries. they sit, still raw and bloody, giving rise to unpleasant emotions that make his stomach churn from so many things left unsaid. he never set out to be a pirate, but piracy has given him the sort of freedom that he could only wish for as a child.
it’s with tender hands, with nimble yet graceful fingers, and with a fastidiousness that puts him in a category of his own, that he creates and creates and creates —
he’s told he’s an artist, which only pushes him to work harder, to be better. and when he asks himself why, he doesn’t have an answer. or, rather, the answer he does have only serves as a punishing reminder that he’ll never be good enough. no matter how many times his crew mates thank him — their emphatic, genuine praise a soft, warm breeze against his heart, gentle caresses that he commits to memory — despair still manages to infiltrate, a darkness choking out what little light he has left inside of him.
STEP 02:
how far are you willing to go to reach the truth? —
when you join the crew, he’s unnerved by your presence, which is wholly unlike him. usually, he’s able to put on his façade of the flirtatious cook, one that’s jovial and sociable, that lives to serve and please those around him. his first conversation with you ends in disaster; he spills the drink he tried to pour for you, despite your insistence that you are perfectly capable of pouring your own drink — and he knows it’s not out of malice, but it cuts into him all the same.
he tries again and again, bringing you little treats that you only agree to eating if he sits and eats with you; confusion eats away at his mind, and when he opens his mouth to decline, you pat the seat next to you and he acquiesces. he sits stiffly, at first, unsure of why he always feels on edge around you — an irritating need to impress you in a way he’s never wanted to for others grows stronger by the day.
you think it’s cute that he always seems flustered around you — that he stumbles over his words, refuses to hold eye contact with you for longer than thirty seconds — you also think it’s cute that the false bravado that he puts on for the world, diminishes immediately the second you come close to him. if he’s skittish, it’s because you always catch him staring at you; despite his quick reflexes, his reactions around you are slow but pure — childish, almost.
lately he’s clumsier and scatterbrained, nearly burning dinner when you decide to keep him company. you lean against the countertop, a teasing smile on your face — the same one that that caused him to bump his forehead against the cabinet door earlier — as you prattle on about a dream you had. he can barely keep up, his eyes drifting from the skillet to your face, gliding around the curve of your cheek, dipping lower in a slow descent along your neck.
he blinks repeatedly when he reaches your clavicle, stunned at his restraint; and it’s only when you call his name loudly that he realizes he’s left the heat on for too long.
“are you okay?” you ask when you see that he’s fussing over how best to save the dish, mouth moving as he quietly mutters to himself. he barely registers your voice, as an insidious one whispers harshly into his ears about his perpetual incompetence and lack of talent.
you can see that he’s retreated even further into his mind, a feat that also leaves you frustrated. you want to shake him but refrain and grab his hand instead. he snaps out of whatever stupor that held him captive just moments ago, lips parting as he sighs softly before glancing down at you.
“thank you.”
the words are quiet, but impactful, as he didn’t think he’d be able to get them out. you let go of his hand too soon, but he doesn’t say anything else, choosing to focus on cooking than embarrassing himself again in front of you.
you take his silence as a silent dismissal, but you don’t fight him on it — it’s bitter, that sort of rejection, and you swallow back your argument with great difficulty.
STEP 03:
what’s the difference between cowardice and self-preservation? —
frustration bubbles underneath his skin when he can’t find where he placed his lighter; he runs a hand through his hair and tugs on impulse, accidentally ripping a few strands from his scalp. they swirl and tumble onto the ground, pathetic in a way — just like me, but he never really says that out loud. he doesn’t hear your footsteps, although you did your best to remain as quiet as possible.
a cigarette sits in between his lips, and he has half a mind to toss it over the railing of the ship, but a warmth suddenly appears in front of him in the form of a flame. you found his lighter on the floor earlier and meant to give it to him, but every time you got closer, he found every excuse to leave. you don’t realize the impact you have on him — not really, anyway — because he’s genuinely surprised that you can’t hear the heavy beats of his heart that grow more intolerable the longer he hangs around you.
always afraid of being found out, he opts to keep his distance. it’s easier this way, he tells himself, better. but he doesn’t quite believe that; the evidence is plain as day when his tongue feels like its grown three sizes in the span of seconds, where his words get lost and forgotten. it’s all your fault, he reasons; you who insists on talking candidly with him, who insists on listening to him ramble about his dreams, who absolutely insists on stubbornly tearing down his walls, steadily chipping away without a care in the world. he looks at you as if you are the source of all his problems, but he also looks at you as if you’re the solution.
the intensity behind his stare makes your hands tremble slightly, it’s a miracle you’ve managed to keep yourself composed for this long. you light the end of his cigarette with ease, as if you’ve done this for him hundreds of times —and place the lighter into his pants pocket afterwards. if he wasn’t so used to you getting in his personal space all the time, he’d retreat immediately. the proximity is almost too much for him, but he doesn’t step back; you take that as a good sign and keep him company for a few minutes.
you don’t care for the smell of smoke, but on him it smells good. you almost tell him that, but instead bite down on your lip and keep your comment at bay, nerves getting the best of you as you nearly choke on the possibility that your feelings won’t be reciprocated.
another time, maybe. cheeks flushed, you turn your face to look elsewhere. although, you wonder if there ever will be another time. with him, you never know.
he’s still trying to figure you out and why he feels a different sort of calm around you; it’s alarming and new, drumming up an irrational fear within him. he doesn’t think he’s deserving of your attention or affection, and he’s convinced himself that you don’t harbor any romantic feelings for him. and why would you?
one by one, his thoughts pummel into him, acerbic and overwhelming. he exhales a sliver of smoke and puts the cigarette out. he gives you a quick, apologetic look before telling you goodnight, the smile on his face is melancholic and barely existent. you don’t dare say a word, keep your lips pressed together stubbornly; exasperated and dejected, you don’t know what’s worse — his inability to lower his guard around you for longer than ten minutes, or your inability to stop yourself from trying to carve pieces of yourself to give to him.
maybe if you helped him fill the gaping holes in his heart, he’d truly understand how you feel.
STEP 04:
if you had to do it all over again, would you do anything differently? —
sleep evades you after that night, and the night after that, and so forth; it gets so bad that you’re yawning in the middle of the day, falling asleep before you can have a cup of coffee or tea. this does not go unnoticed by the others, and after talking with nami, you feel less out of your element and finally can see the parts of sanji that he wants to keep hidden. her advice is simple: approach slowly and with intent; corner him and don’t let him escape.
you bide your time, full confident that you can find a moment to sit down with him and talk this all out. it doesn’t come easy, but franky mysteriously swaps sanji for the night’s watch — something that should strike you as odd, but it’s a small opening that you take without thinking as you hurriedly climb up to the crow’s nest with a renewed sort of energy.
even with his eyes closed, as he sits lazily on the bench with head tilted back against the wall, he knows it’s you.
“go back to bed,” he says firmly, refusing to look at you.
your stubbornness, unfortunately, wins out. “i’m staying.” at that he sits up, his attention completely on you as his eyes widen at your words. he wants to ask you why, but cowardice wins out — again. as his features soften, a flush crawls along his face, lightly painting his cheeks pink. he closes his eyes again, tries to steady his breathing as he counts backwards, only for his efforts to be obliterated with ease the moment you sit next to him.
as your thigh presses against his, you take his hand and on impulse you trace your fingertip along the lines on his palm. he watches you with a morbid fascination that scares him; but then you start to say things like, “you will live a very long life,” and “you are courageous, and you have a big heart.”
a small part of him wants to pull his hand away, so you won’t say anything else — but he remains put, so still that you almost think he’s stopped breathing. your voice is sweet and disarming, even when you carry on this charade of reading his palm. a belated realization hits him forcefully, making him blink several times; it dawns on him that you’ve always been so kind and gentle with him, even when you teased him. he’s spent all this time overthinking and hiding behind his past, that it never occurred to him that he could have simply let you in. you’ve never given him reason to believe that you’d betray or harm him intentionally.
he takes a deep breath, voice a little uneven, “i—”
you lean in close, adoration dripping onto your words as you interrupt him. “hey, have i told you?” the question glides along his skin, the words seeping into him as you continue, the lilt in your voice a honeyed, melodic spell. “you remind me of starlight and the mysteries of space.” your lips brush against his when you tell him that, and a warmth settles into the middle of his chest, makes it hard to focus. he doesn’t think when he curls his fingers around yours and doesn’t think when heleans down to kiss you — tender yet electrifying all the same.
the move disarms you in a way that doesn’t quite make sense to you, so you simply hum in approval and lean your head against his shoulder. a comfortable silence settles around you both, but you don’t mind that at all; it’s nice, not having to tip-toe around him anymore, and the demons that plagued him for so long don’t seem so intimidating with you by his side.
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skibasyndrome · 7 days
Fingers crossed for a productive day and these as a little carrot for afterwards:
✑ (for your first YR baby), ✦, ♡ (for It's in the water, baby)
Now go be awesome and ace that thesis!
Joooo 💜💜💜 This one has been sitting in my askbox for a while, so sorry about that, but hey! I guess you can take some credit for being one of the dangling carrots that got me through it 💜 no we're not thinking about how that sounds
For It seems a place for us to dream:
✑ PROCESSING: pick a fic and I’ll tell you what it was like to write it!
kind of like... a very high-emotions-induced frenzy? 😅😅😅 No, but for real. I saw that first (three second? five second?) clip of s3 and it completely took hold of me to the point where I was like.... what is this strange feeling... I have nooooot felt this way in YEARS???? Am I about to..... write again!?!??!?! And after I'd realized that, well... clearly this isn't going to leave me alone anytime soon and I already have portions of sentences flying around in my mind I sat down and wrote half of it, then wrote the second half the next day (I think we got the rest of the clip the next day?). I was wildly typing away on my google doc in a way I hadn't done in yeeeaaars and it was like I was possessed by those couple seconds, lmao.
It's not necessarily a fic I still like a lot, but I'm glad that it was my way back into creative writing, so that's cool!
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
Hmmm, easiest is kind of hard to say! I think writing Close, Closer was easy in the sense that I just... started typing and didn't really stop and never looked back and it was a fic(let) that I wrote with the knowledge that it didn't have to be perfect, because it was so spontaneous and short. I general I feel like all those shorter snippets (like the not-5-sentence-fics) are easier for me because my inner critic isn't quite as loud for those. But another one that came to me like in a frenzy and felt very good while writing was Lavender Haze, my forever beloved. I wrote that one soooo quickly and I genuinely had so much fun doing it.
Hardest to write was without a doubt Never Letting You Go for a couple of reasons that made the process very difficult, frustrating and not a great time for me and my trust in myself. Took quite a long time to get back from that one.
For It's in the water, baby (I don't know which one of the heart asks you meant, so I'm answering both, haha)
♡ pick a fic and I’ll pick a comment that made me really happy
Easy! @purplehoodiesandclementines complimenting my Wille POV and saying "It all feels so THEM! So much so that I'm taking all of this as canon for now, until proven otherwise" made me smile for days and weeks and still makes me smile whenever I randomly remember it 💜
♡ SMALL THINGS: pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite minor detail from it!
Idk if this necessarily counts as a minor detail, but I like the way Wille still briefly thinks about the video and how it affected Simon, but Simon then proves to him that right there, with him, he feels safe.
“It’s just us,” Simon says gently, and shoots Wilhelm a smile as he unbuttons his pants. Wilhelm briefly wonders when everything turned out this way, when they arrived at this level of comfort and confidence. Wonders when Simon started being able to exist so freely again, out here, no curtains, no doors, no walls. “Are you worrying about me or is this you being uncomfortable?” Simon asks, reaching out his hands to grab Wilhelm’s. Wilhelm suspects Simon's got some sort of psychic abilities that he hasn’t come clean about yet. Or maybe it’s them . He sighs, feeling a bit of the tension leave his shoulders as soon as Simon touches him.  “Because I’m fine, you know? No one’s been here all afternoon.” Simon smiles warmly.
Ask me questions about my fics if you feel like! <3 here or here
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