#sorry it took too long i was planning on writing something much shorter but i just kept adding in more little details
skrittkicking · 4 months
oc introduction: iovitus rainbreak
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TLDR: iovitus rainbreak is a 28 year old ex-blood legion soldier turned gladium following a traumatic event that left them without a warband and resulted in their expulsion from the legions. nowadays, they live with their older, also ex-blood cousin – gratta rainsunder, played by @rytlockdripstone – and are trying their best to move on from their past, but really, they’re just ignoring it and calling it an improvement
content warning: death, verbal abuse, bullying, ableism, drug use, mild torture, suicidal ideation
word count: 3049
born to two blood legion charr in a futile attempt to fix their failing relationship, iovitus was the second cub of lia windwalker (dame) and silas firekeep (sire). they had an older sister, eudocia, who died in infancy due to an unknown genetic illness. they were healthy for their early life and were sent to the fahrar when they came of age – things would quickly turn there, however, as a young iovitus soon fell into an intense illness – the same genetic one that had taken their sister, years before. it seemed to have sat dormant for a while, but the unfamiliar environment of the fahrar sprung it on. during their time spent in the hospital, iovitus would be visited by their mother whenever possible, though her visits were far and few between. she just wanted to see to it that her only remaining cub would survive – silas had been killed just a few months prior in a skirmish, so there would be no third chance. iovitus would survive this, but it left them permanently immunocompromised and threw off their hormonal balance, rendering them much smaller and scrawnier than their peers, and the young charr would never quite grow out of it. 
once strong enough to get back into the fahrar, iovitus had fallen quite behind their peers and had to work hard to catch up, all the while enduring relentless bullying for their comparatively scraggly stature and somewhat delayed social skills. to cope with this, iovitus eagerly seeks to prove themselves to their peers, taking on more and more dangerous dares and doing incredibly stupid things that a cub of their age should not be doing. in this time, though, they do make one true friend. he’s a year their senior, but the two grow very close, though doesn’t do much to protect them from the bullying at the hands of the cubs. in spite of this, however, iovitus continues to seek out validation from people who don’t have their best interest in mind, and this most certainly comes back to bite them in the ass. at one point around the age of six or seven, iovitus and a few other cubs sneak out of the fahrar’s grounds and explore the surrounding area; sometime during this, iovitus is either pushed into or falls into (they can’t really remember which) a ventilation shaft and breaks their right leg at the ankle. ouch! due to the nature of the breakage, it’s determined that the best course of action is amputation below the knee, so, goodbye leg. 
after spending some more time in the hospital to recover, iovitus is thrown back into the fahrar and continues their studies to the best of their ability, though they now have to walk with a mobility aid. no accommodations are given to them by their no-nonsense primus, tullia wildrush, which iovitus sees as some sort of punishment for their misbehavior, and begins to harbor a dislike for her authority, which will only continue to grow as time goes on. in actuality, tullia is attempting (for better or for worse) to push iovitus harder, knowing that if they do survive to adulthood, their opponents on the battlefield will actively target their newfound disability. the bullying they’d endured previously stalled briefly as the cubs had been harshly punished for their behavior by tullia, but it slowly fell back into where it was before – if not worse. before, iovitus might’ve been lightly pushed around, but now the cubs had something they could physically take from them: their walking cane. this continued till they were 10, when things shifted drastically: iovitus got into a physical fight with a girl who’d taken their cane and refused to give it back, pushing her down onto the ground and hitting her till she was still. oh. oops! after this incident, iovitus would be given a proper prosthetic limb by the primus, and the bullying died down – though it didn’t quite come to a complete halt, it was marginally less severe than it’d been previously. iovitus was never properly punished for the death of the other cub by their hands.
time passes, and iovitus continues to train hard in the fahrar, doing exceedingly well with both the longbow and throwing axes. as they shift into a teenager and are enveloped in the throes of puberty™, they go through what could be called a rebellious phase, purposefully going against what their primus says just for the fun of it – it earns them something of a respect amongst their peers, and iovitus relishes in that feeling, doubling down on their misbehavior. they also begin whatever the fuck the tyrian equivalent of hrt is, deepening their voice and earning them a neat little row of spines down the back of their neck, amongst other things. it’s only taken temporarily, as iovitus is satisfied with what they get out of it and don’t feel the need to continue. iovitus acquires a lot of piercings during this angsty bout of teenagehood. it is also during this time that they are introduced to the realm of illegal substances, doing whatever fun little hard drugs they can get their paws on. it never becomes an addiction, however, and iovitus is still keen to do well in the fahrar, despite everything. additionally, their close friend comes out to them as a trans woman, taking on the name cassia. she seems much happier afterwards, and the two blossom into a couple. win for the gays! 
soon after, the two of them graduate from the fahrar – cassia, despite being a year older than iovitus, stayed behind an extra year so the two of them could graduate together. rather than forming their own warband, however, they are invited to join the rain warband, as the both of them were amongst some of the best combatants in their year’s crop. iovitus took on the surname rainbreak, and cassia, rainsong. the rain warband was a spec-ops unit, operating as a sort of jack of all trades, doing whatever was needed of them – which usually meant killing what needed to be killed, interrogations, search and destroy/rescue missions, et cetera. all was well for a period of time, and cassia was quickly promoted to second-in-command, despite her young age. her prowess with the blade was incredible, as were her quick problem-solving capabilities and general badassery. iovitus also fell out of their drug usage during this period, though still did so recreationally whenever there wasn’t much to be done. things were good for a while, but they didn’t last long, thanks to the brewing conflict between the legions. wartime was fast approaching.
due to the nature of their warband, iovitus was spared from ever having to fight directly on the front lines, but that does not mean they are out of harms way; the rain warband is constantly moving from area to area, securing different zones, conducting quiet cullings, extracting information where they can, and doing whatever was needed of them without asking any questions. cassia was promoted to legionnaire after her predecessor was killed in a run-in with some flame legion soldiers. life went on and it kind of sucked because war sucks! iovitus gained a few cool new scars, so on and so forth. in the brief downtime that they have, iovitus and cassia talk about what kind of a life they’d like to live together when everything’s said and done. eventually, 2 members of the ‘band would be killed in an escort mission gone awry, leaving only 6 members alive. still reeling from the death of their previous legionnaire, this would hurt – but it was nothing in comparison to the event that would perspire in just a short few weeks time, so close to the end of the civil war. 
responding to a distress call from a nearby allied warband, the rain warband would find themselves locked in combat with a much larger, well-prepared set of flame legion soldiers. the warband they had been responding to were all already dead, so any attempt at rescue was out of the question. overwhelmed and underprepared, iovitus’ bandmates slowly fell till it was just them and cassia left – the flame legion warband had taken a few hits too, however, with a generous number of their bandmates dying. exhausted and grieving their fallen bandmates, iovitus and cassia are captured by the flame legion soldiers – rather than just killing them outright, however, they are tied up and beaten half to death in a futile attempt to squeeze any information out of them. being a spec-ops unit, however, they don’t really have access to anything they’d find useful, leaving the flame warband dissatisfied. there was no point in keeping the two of them alive, so they make the easy decision to just cut their throats and be done with it. cassia is first, and iovitus can do nothing but sit and watch as she bleeds out in front of them, coughing and sputtering, choking on her own blood. it’s an image that’s permanently burned into their head, and they watch the life slowly disappear from her eyes.
its their turn now, but just as the blade is put to their throat, their impending execution is interrupted by another blood legion warband – the tremble warband, who’d come to their aid, also having received the distress call from earlier. too little, too late. they are able to find and cull the remaining flame legion soldiers and rescue iovitus, but iovitus is, naturally, very upset. they’d just lost their entire warband in the span of a few hours and their partner – a staggering amount of grief overtakes them, and they’re not thinking properly. iovitus begs the tremble warband to kill them and be done with it – they reason that there’d be no witnesses to know what truly happened, and iovitus’ death could just be attributed to the fallen flame legion warband. the tremble warband refuses, obviously, no matter how much iovitus pleads for them to change their minds and reconsider. if they’re not going to kill them that easily, maybe iovitus can give them a proper reason to take them out. without any inclination as to what they’re doing, iovitus lashes out against their fellow blood legion soldiers, striking true with their axes – they manage to kill three before they’re knocked down onto the ground and hit hard enough to fall unconscious. iovitus wasn’t given what they desired – the release of death. they tried their hardest, though, having taken down the legionnaire and two bandmates.
following this, iovitus was brought to the blood legion homelands where they were put on trial for treason. iovitus didn’t care to fight the case, admitting guilt, hoping they’d be thrown into and die in some sort of gladiatorial combat. for whatever reason, however, the newfound legionnaire of the tremble warband, omiros tremblecut, decides to withdraw his case, instead allowing for iovitus to live freely as a gladium, much to the dismay of his bandmates. they are still found guilty of treason, though, and are expelled from the blood legion. at the time, iovitus did not know why the legionnaire did this. if they were in the place of the tremble warband, they knew that they’d certainly press for a painful death. iovitus knows now, though: the life of a gladium is a difficult one, ridden with grief, constantly followed by the things that they have done, knowing they can never return. there is no second chance; word of their crimes would spread, and even if iovitus was permitted back into the blood legion for whatever reason, they’d never find a warband willing to take them. it was a sentence worse than death, in a way.
leaving with nothing but the clothes on their back and a (stolen) raptor, iovitus wanders tyria for a few weeks, surviving off what little money they have on them. they don’t know what to do with themselves – it’s a brand new, unfamiliar, and quite terrifying world, and they have to navigate it all by themselves. part of them hungers for an easy death, but iovitus is too much of a coward to actually do anything. eventually, their funds run dry, and iovitus takes on a few odd jobs to get by. they purposefully pick and choose jobs that are dangerous, like mercenary work, hoping they’ll have an unlucky accident and end up dead. despite their best efforts, however, it doesn’t happen, and time slowly goes on. during this time, iovitus develops a fear towards other charr, avoiding them to the best of their ability – really, they avoid most social interaction in general, only talking to people when they absolutely have to. they’re also technically homeless, sort of just camping out in the woods when not actively enrolled in a job. life is miserable. iovitus takes out most of their piercings and begins smoking more regularly – it’s an easy distraction from their thoughts. they know it’s bad for them, but they do it anyways. maybe on purpose. since their expulsion, iovitus has actively worked to distance themselves from their charr heritage, taking on a more passive approach to life, and harboring a distaste for violence. 
at some point, iovitus picks up a job as a ranch hand, and discovers a previously unknown love for and skill with animals. iovitus takes comfort in them – sure, they have their raptor, but she wasn’t something iovitus really thought too hard about before. she was just kind of there. from here on out, iovitus begins to take on more and more work that deals with animal care and studies, slowly making a name for themselves in the community. the gladium begins to do their own simple research on genetics on the side, though they’re never confident enough to post anything they find. it’s all kept to themselves. time passes, and iovitus continues to work, pushing aside any thoughts of their past and pretending their heritage is nonexistent. they gain a few new companions along the way – first is meatball, an undead, underbaked minion of zhaitan who is too small to really do any actual harm. he’s free from the control of zhaitan, and sort of just acts like a bitchy cat most of the time. then, the aptly-named meathead, a smokescale whom iovitus rescued in maguuma after he’d broken his leg. meathead is trained in combat, and acts as iovitus’ companion. their most recently acquired little beasty is a griffon. he’s gifted to them as an egg by one of their coworkers, and though iovitus is hesitant to take him at first, they concede, raising him from a hatchling. he’s named W.P., and don’t ask what it stands for, because iovitus will never tell. 
as much as iovitus loves their animal companions, they are getting more and more lonely – it’s been a few years now. they are more social with their coworkers now than they were before, but don’t form any real meaningful relationships – most jobs are just a one-off thing, and iovitus loses contact with anyone they work with after they’re done. they crave the comfort of a warband – or, really, just anyone in general. the thought of another romantic relationship is overwhelmingly painful for iovitus to even consider. iovitus isn’t really sure where to start looking for companions. they don’t really like the limited feeling of living in a city – besides, the kind of work that they do requires them to move from place to place constantly. living in the woods also means iovitus has all the space to do whatever the hell they want and they don’t have to worry about neighbors or anything. it's fun! sort of. they do have to worry about bears and stuff, though, but that’s manageable. 
as terrifying as the prospect is, iovitus begins to look into their own family heritage, tracking down bloodlines and listing out all of their still-living relatives. charr don’t particularly care for their families, but iovitus doesn’t know where else to look – and they’re already not a very traditional charr, anyways. they have no siblings, so that’s out of the question. most of their aunts and uncles have been dead for a while, but iovitus’ mother is still around, as are a handful of cousins. well. it’s better than nothing, they suppose. it takes months of them building up the courage, but iovitus sends out a bundle of letters to any relatives they deem worth it, hoping they are unaware of their status as a gladium or don’t really care too much. most of them don’t respond, but iovitus does get two letters back – one from their mother, a harshly-worded response calling them a slew of insults and a blemish on their bloodline. ouch! thanks, ma. the other is from an older cousin – legionnaire gratta flashshot of the flash warband.  she’s unaware of the things iovitus has done, but knows of their gladium ranking. she doesn’t seem bothered by it, and the two grow close, spending more and more time with each other as time goes on. iovitus seems happier. are they? uhhh lol
gratta sort of moves in with iovitus, and eventually she leaves the legions altogether to live with them full time, all while iovitus continues to work – though at a much slower pace than they had been doing previously. they also spend more time in the human city of divinity’s reach, having made a couple of friends due to gratta’s unintentional influence. they have yet to connect with any charr outside of gratta in any meaningful way, still put off by the thought. iovitus also doesn’t really talk about their past unless prompted to, but there’s some things they haven’t told anyone – and they’d like to keep it that way. the thought of their friends – and, primarily, gratta – finding out of their crimes and wrongdoings terrifies them. so they’ll just bury it deep inside of them, and that’s that. it’s not healthy, but iovitus pretends it is. recently, iovitus has learned of their cousin’s occupation as a rift hunter, and are worried for her. it’s dangerous work, and she’s been doing it for a while. iovitus would much rather be doing it with her, to ensure she doesn’t get herself killed. they just don’t really know how to ask. oh, yeah, they also smoke a shit ton of weed, i guess
and that's where things stand currently! who knows what's in store for this kitty cat! wow i sure hope nothing bad happens to them!
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rimunagenius · 2 months
And They Were Roomates
☙ pairing: Kate Martin x Roommate!reader
☙ word count: 2.5k words
☙ warnings: RPF!! use of y/n, not proof read.
☙ ri speaks: I need more kate martin content and i haven’t been fed the specific ones that i need so i must write them to the best of my horrendous abilities. Idek how good this will be…im sorry in advance LMFAO. also this is two thousand five hundred words but it looks a lot shorter….crying
this is also a general announcement that i will indeed be refreshing my blog, so that means new and updated master lists and posts are coming out soon so sorry if you get a spam of rimunagenius on your feed!!
Part 1
| Series Masterlist |
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When you first started in Iowa, you never expected the immediate love you recieved from the people there. They were friendly, generous, and so much different from people in California. Especially your roommate, Kate Martin. You had met her shortly after your first day of Junior year. A while after, you two became roomates because you needed more space, and she needed someone to split rent with in her apartment. Sounded like a great deal to both of you.
"You don't mind?" You asked unsure. Not wanting to impose on her, possibly ruining plans with making a deal with her actual teammates.
"No! Not at all! I really like you and you're alot of fun! I'd love for you to move in with me." She beamed at you, giving you a side hug when she saw your expression change. You both were ecstatic.
Since then, you had been living with Kate for almost two years. You two had become inseparable. Always on campus together, meeting up between classes to get coffee or lunch together, sometimes with Caitlin and your other friends. It was great. You were happy with your home away from home.
You had transfered from UC Irvine and decided to pursue your degree and career in sports medicine here in Iowa City. You were one of the new athletic trainees and ocassionly a photographer; your previous major was in photography and Lisa and the administration had really loved your resume and work, so they hired you as a part time (barely) photographer, for whenever they wanted more shots than what they usually wanted or a fill in.
Currently, you were needed in the Carver stadium to help record a mic’d up practice session for the team. It was for the Iowa Hawkeye Youtube channel. You had experience because you too had a youtube channel that you started when you first transferred to Iowa. So you had told Lisa and the coaches that you’d be able to film it.
“Hey, Gabbie!” You smiled at her as you walked into the locker room, approaching Kate’s cubby to set your stuff down. Kate telling you this morning before she left that you could put your stuff with hers.
“Hey, girlie! So guess what?” You and Gabbie loved to gossip. It was so much fun and it started when you were redoing the tape on her ankles, and she looked down so you asked her about it, and since then, you both have told eachother whatever gossip you had.
“Oh my god, what?” You took your sweater out of your bag, the locker room being chilly, so you could imagine the court.
“So that boy Nick in my econ class, totally asked about you today. I didn’t want to crush his hopes and dreams but I did say you weren’t his type.” She took a seat next to where you were standing to put her shoes on.
“Wait, the boy I said would so be my type if he was a girl? That Nick?” You laughed because he was really nice and such a sweet guy but he just wasn’t a girl. Men are pretty but only to look at.
“How’d he take it?” This guy has asked you out once before but you just said you weren’t looking to date. Probably should’ve elaborated on that one.
“But he asked me “Oh, who is? Does he go here?” And I was like,” she paused to reenact the face she made. “I said it too fast so I didn’t have time to say “Oh, It’s long distance or something” sooo I don’t know.” She rambled and just pulled her hair into a small ponytail.
“What do you mean? That made no sense, Gab.” You were confused. She looked guilty of something but you didn’t want to pressure her but you also really wanted to know what she had said about you to Nick.
“I kinda sorta said you had a girlfriend already, and he took that as ‘Oh, she’s dating her roommate Kate Martin’ because he said he supposedly sees you guys together everywhere.” She meant well. It really wasn’t her fault that Nick totally misread the situation.
“Oh shit.” Your jaw dropped. You thought it was awkward but now it went full fledged horrendous. You were already out, and anyone who followed your insta would’ve saw it in your stories, so you weren’t worried about that but you were worried for Kate.
“So what do we do about the fact that a random kid on campus thinks your dating Kate?”
“Ok wait, i’m actually scared. Like how do you think Kate will take it?” You were talking to Gabbie and immediately knew you fucked up by seeing the expression on her face.
“How will I take what?” Kate walked in, hair down, dressed in her practice uniform, and sat on the chair next to you. You hadn’t realized that you sat down with Gabbie. Lost in the conversation and frenzy of the new mess that could possibly affect yours and Kate’s social life dramatically.
“I’m just gonna…” Gabbie got up, and walked out, meeting the others outside on the court.
“Oh, okay. I’ll see you in a minute.” You said to the girl before turning to Kate. You had caught her up on the lore behind you and Nick, if you could even call this one sided infatuation lore. Now you just had to tell her the problem. “So Gabbie tried to tell him that I was already seeing some girl. But Nick jumped to this whole conclusion that me and you were together.”
You watched her face. Looking for any sort of negative reaction. Waiting for her to blow up on you. “Oh.”
“And when Gabbie tried to say it wasn’t you and that were just friends, and that my supposed girlfriend lives in California, he got up and left. So it may be possible that the whole Iowa college campus will assume we’re together.” You played with your fingers as you watched her some more. Still waiting for her explosion.
“I mean, I don’t mind. He sounded weird so if it keeps the guy away from you, i’m okay with being the ‘pretend’ girlfriend.” She shrugged her shoulders. Grabbing her shoes from behind you, your chair sitting right infront of the cubby that belonged to her:
“Kate. Are you sure? This is so random and so strange and I would totally get it if your uncomfortable.” You wanted it to be clear that this situation could go away if she was uncomfortable. If she was uncomfortable you’d go on a date with him and just tell him it won’t work after. It’d be bad for you if he goes around saying rude things but you couldn’t care less about people you don’t know. You just wanted to make sure Kate wasn’t the one feeling weird.
“Yeah, I mean—I don’t have to kiss you in public, right? I feel like that’s overstepping a boundary we have not thought about setting.”
“No, Kate. You do not have to kiss me in public. Wait so you’d kiss me in private?” You looked at the girl, now fully joking around as you wiggled your eyebrows and laughed.
“Oh yeah for sure.” Kate made a funny face while nodding her head before grabbing her water and standing up. You following behind to get this practice and video recording started.
“Oh, and your getting mic’d up today. I don’t know if Coach Lisa told you.” You say as you both walk onto the court.
You and Kate had showered, separately unfortunately, and sat on the couch. You had been trying to convince her the whole way home from practice to watch New Girl. She agreed after ten excruciating minutes of your nagging.
You were deciding to pick the snack you wanted, grabbing M&Ms you bought at the store yesterday, snickers, chips, and popcorn. You wanted to watch as many episodes as possible because you both started school late tomorrow and it was an off day for practice.
“What are these practices anyways? Are they like preseason workouts to get back in shape or?” You watched Kate as she picked her snacks.
“Yeah. Basically. We’re technically only allowed to goof off a little during those ones.” Kate laughed, referring to the mic’d up practice today. Coach Lisa usually wants a more focused and intimate space during the actual season. “Oh my. What if we just kill this whole tub of Neapolitan ice cream?” Kate took it out of the freezer and suddenly all your snack choices went back to the cabinets.
“Ou deal, Martin.” You grabbed two spoons before making your way to the couch. Grabbing the blanket off the backrest, and throwing it over you both. You both settled and got comfy ready to start the marathon of New Girl.
You were both sitting in silence after you decided to just do a highlight reel of episodes since you weren’t going to force Kate to watch multiple seasons. "Are you excited for this upcoming season? Your last season?" You asked as you looked to your right. Kate was seated next to you while you both decided to disregard bowls and just eat the ice cream straight from the tub. She held the tub as you both dug what you wanted out of it. She shoved more ice cream into her mouth and she smiled and nodded her head.
"I am. Just scared and sad." She said somewhat incoherently due to not having swallowed the mouthful of ice cream. You nodded your head. You had already adapted to the Kate language. When she talked while yawning, mouth full, her body language, and her facial expressions. Not many people were fluent like you, and you were actually proud to be one of the people. So you understood exactly what she meant. You saw everything else she was feeling just by the look in her eye and the shape of her lips.
But you also felt sad for her too. You’d both be a sixth-year, grad students, in a couple months. This year bigger for her more than you. This year being her last and final run in her collegiate career. This was huge. You both knew this but wanted to focus on the nicer aspects. You and the girls would support her and be her friend even if she decided to never touched a basketball again. You guys were for life.You didn’t play, so you felt there was nothing you thought you could say other than just being her friend.
"You'll be okay, sweetheart." You wrapped your arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. A small comforting hug, atleast a hug at which this position provided, and kissed the top of her head. You only used terms of endearment like this in small, comforting, intimate moments. You felt this was the right time. "I'll be here for you, and you have the girls. We’ll back you in whatever you do, outside of basketball and school. You can’t ever get rid of us if you tried. But I will give you all the support and all the ice cream you can eat right now." You smiled at the blonde. You both stared at eachother, a little too long, “We are not beating the supposed ‘girlfriend’ allegations right now, Martin.” She bursted out laughing. You not far behind.
"But seriously, thanks shortie." She said as she patted your knee, right before she lost it again and laughed out loud. You immediatey cringed at the name, and pushed her away from you.
"OH! my god! Immediately no, Kate." You laughed again, half embarassment and half amusement. "That is not funny. You sound like a frat boy." That earned another snort laugh from Kate.
"You're right. I'm sorry." You side-eyed her. Pulling the blanket a little closer to you. Scooting over the tiniest bit over to feign anger and hurt. Still managing to catch her movement through your peripheral.
"Bro, I'm not even that much shorter than you. Just short three inches." You rolled your eyes at your best friend, turning back to the episode where Jess and Nick kiss eachother for the first time. Your favorite episode.
"Yes, I know. I know how you feel about my short jokes. I almost cried when you ignored me for three and a half days." Kate chuckled as she looked to you her smile dropping, a frown forming when you still didn't acknowledge her. "Oh, come on, y/n. Don't ignore me again, please! I was kidding." She asked you while chuckling nervously, she asked you two more times, when that didn’t work she insisted on poking you for a two minutes straight.
"Okay, Kate. I forgive you. Now shush, my favorite part is coming up." You kept your eyes on the screen and tried to reach for your spoon in the tub. Your fingers reaching everywhere but your spoon. "Kate can you help me please?"
"Yes, but haven't you already seen this show like eight-billion times?" She grabbed a spoon, whichever one was closest, forgetting which one was which, and scooping a good spoonful, before bringing the spoon to your mouth. "Open." You opened your mouth and took the ice cream happily.
"Thank you, you big teddy bear. God's gift, I'm telling you." You said as you watched the best scene on sitcom TV about to unfold.
"Im just going to pretend you're talking about me and not your show." Kate whispered. "You're welcome, pretty." She said louder so you could hear.
That got your attention. It wasn’t something that you hadn’t heard come out of her mouth and directed to you before; she's called you pretty multiple times when you had asked if the outfit you were wearing out looked good or if the makeup you put on was good for this dinner a girl you were seeing on and off wanted to take you out to. But she's never once used it in this context. You got a nervous feeling in your stomach, something you recognized as butterflies for sure. Fighting the urge to smile at the compliment, a small blush creeping up on your cheeks. Fighting the thoughts you had about her.
It was something new but this one thing…this you weren't going to get used to. You guys were best friends and just roomates. You can't feel anyway about this.You decided to ignore it and take it as a compliment in the moment to make up for the short joke. It definitely wasn’t something serious as you were making.
"I was talking about both of you. The TV and you, Kit-Kate." You put your arm around her shoulder and continued to watch the show. Watching the scene you had been waiting for all night to play. “This was the best cinematic experience I have ever had.” You whispered, now reaching for the spoon again for some ice cream.
Kate beating you to it, already having got another spoonful for you, feeding it to you like she did a couple of seconds ago. You smiled and thanked her before you both decided to cut the show, and search for a movie of both your choosing this time.
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obeyme-and-myfics · 1 year
Hi!! May I request a continuation of short!MC with the side characters? I love your writing! 💖💖💖
Yes, of course! I took a little break from posting on the internet so that's why it took so long for me to respond. Also thank you! I try to write as well as I can. (●'◡'●) Some side characters are gonna be missing from this cuz I'm not quite comfortable writing for them yet.
I haven't met Raphael, Mephistopheles or Thirteen(I am planning on making their own parts when I do tho!) in anything other than events. So I'd like to apologize in advance because if I remember correctly one of your favs is Mephisto o(TヘTo) (I hope this doesn't sound weird since we've only met briefly on the discord server /gen)
Anyway onto the actual prompt ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭
Part 1| Part 2(here)
Prompt: How Obey Me Characters react to a short MC/Y/N
Characters: Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, Luke(/p)
Headcanon List
CW/TWs: Teasing for your height,
I don't think he'd have much of a reaction seeing as most people/demons are a lot shorter than him
This man is easily 7ft I don't think he gives a fuck, everyone is puny to him
He'd definitely say something by accident, something he doesn't think would bother you
He's a himbo and oblivious to this shit
He'd probably say some shit like
"You're quite small for a human" or something like that
Crouches/Bends down to talk to you sometimes
Only when he really feels like it
I swear he's not trying to be rude
He'll pick you up only if you ask
For any reason too, he adores his small human
He respects you and doesn't want to help you like that unless you want him to
If he sees you struggling to grab something he'll get it for you
Gently reminds you that he can help you and you don't need to struggle with these things while he's there
Worries about other demons taking advantage of your small stature and hurting you
So he checks in on your wellbeing more often than he would if you were taller
If he knows you're around, he's making sure he doesn't accidentally run over you
I'm so sorry! to be fair he's probably gotta do that with bitches 5'7 and below
He'd probably enjoy holding/hugging you too
Like you ask for cuddles this man is cradling you in his arm
Maybe even rocking your ass to sleep
Man has nothing to say about your height
Like he couldn't care less about it and has the foresight to not say shit if you're a little insecure
Not that he would even if you weren't
If he sees you struggling to get something off a higher place, he's helping even if you don't ask/don't want him to
That's just kinda how he is
If you request he stop that he will but you need to communicate your wants and needs
If he sees you getting bullied(/lh) for your height and you look distressed he'll give to culprit a bit of a scolding
Depending on how bad it/Who it was it'll be harsher
Of course he'd like for you to defend yourself at least a little bit
When you do he can't help but smile a little to himself.
He likes to serve the ones he cares for so if any difficulties arise due to your height he'd be happy to attend to them
That is to say its only if you ask/he has the time to
He is still the butler of the future ruler of the Devildom after all
Barbatos also wouldn't treat you any different than how he would treat some one of average height or taller
He makes the occasional comment about your height to your face
Giggles about it in private on occasion LIKE A BITCH
It's only occasionally that he does this tho
Overall its not that big of a deal to him
He's been alive long enough that he doesn't really care
Will absolutely help you with things your height hinders you from doing
If you're being bullied about your height he'll give you a chance to defend yourself before jumping to your defense
Will pick you up and carry you sometimes just for shits and giggles
Other times he picks you up and carries you away to hang out or aid him in another one of his magical endeavors.
and now we have Nightbringer /j
He's not doing anything to talk to you on your level Slay, king Solomon. Slay
He thinks its mildly entertaining to watch you struggle to grab something off the top shelf/anything out of your reach
He's a bit more careful with you than he normally would be with others
Has offhandedly suggested making something to make you taller if you'd like it
you gonna whoop his ass or should I?
He enjoys watching you stand up for yourself despite your height
It can be intimidating when people who are much taller than you pick on you and he understands that
or maybe you're not intimidated in the slightest and just wanted to unleash a can of whoop ass on some assholes who've been picking on you Period. Slay honestly.
He understands that too, and enjoys watching it go down
He finds it satisfying
Won't comment on it most of the time but he does think its really cute
Only makes a comment when he's asking if you need help getting something higher up than you can reach
and its normally something like
"Oh! MC did you need help? It looks like you can't quite reach that."
A bit more careful with you than he would be normally
Though he's gentle by nature most of the time Sadistic Simeon has me in a chokehold fr fr
He won't get down to your level or do anything to demean you
not intentionally anyway
He doesn't say anything about your height for the most part but he will slip up every once in a while
It's nothing bad he just lets it slip he thinks your height is cute
He encourages you to stand up for yourself but has no problem sticking up for you or stealing you away if you're being bullied too much.
Happy to help with anything your height makes difficult when you ask
Other than that he doesn't treat you any differently due to your height
He's just happy he's not the only short one here.
If you're shorter than him he doesn't comment on it but he is excited to not be the shortest there.
He would make a few comments about it but you just gotta tell him to stop and he will
He doesn't want to make you upset with him
Sweet baby just wants to bond with you over the others making fun of your heights
Doesn't hesitate to yell at anyone making fun of your height and calling you names because of it
Makes sure you're okay afterwards
He's getting made fun of for this though
The brothers would take to calling him your guard dog
He barely gives you a chance to defend yourself but will back up if you defend yourself before he can
He borderline clings to you like a sloth
Comes to you every time he needs to vent about everyone bullying him for his own height
You're his favorite human now
If he's taller than you, he will do his best to help with things you can't reach.
He's happy to help out his friend
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yurislotusgarden · 2 months
pm!dazai for the event and 23?
ʚїɞ Port mafia!Dazai Osamu x Gn!Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 751
ʚїɞ Tw’s: very small mention of death but it's Dazai so what do you expect
ʚїɞ Just Dazai getting used to this thing called feelings lmao, it isn't really mentioned that it's pm!Dazai but yeah... also I have no excuse for not posting for a month, simply didn't feel like writing🤷‍♀️
ʚїɞ anon if you will see this after all these months that this has been in my inbox, I'm sorry for how long this took, but I'm gonna write all the event works I never did😭
ʚїɞ 23: Moving the other one by their waist / the event this is from
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He would really appreciate it.
He would really appreciate you not standing up on that unstable stool. He may have not voiced it out, but he really dislikes the idea of you falling over and hurting yourself, he would probably laugh if it was anyone else, but not you.
You were currently getting ingredients out of a higher cupboard, the things you were reaching for were things you didn’t use often to cook, so he could say that it made sense that they were up there, but couldn’t you stand on something more stable? Is that really too much to ask?
“You already took a few things out, isn't that all that you need?” He was hoping that the thing you took out just a moment ago was the last one.
“Nope! I still need one more thing.” It seems life hated him more than he thought.
He did plan on just staying in place and letting you get that one last ingredient, but then the stool decided to be a bitch and scare both of you (not like you knew it scared him) by swaying in a way that a stool for sure damn shouldn't. You didn't fall, no, you simply gripped onto the shelf in front of you until it stabilized, but it was more than enough to make Dazai freak out internally and get him to move after having enough of the whole situation.
It was obvious to him that you were trying to decide whether you should get that last thing or just get down, but he didn't give you time to think before he wrapped his arms around your waist and simply made you get down by pulling you backward, and then setting you down on the floor.
“You're gonna end up dead because of something absolutely stupid, you know that?”
“No, I won't. Besides, falling from that stool wouldn't kill me.”
“Look who's talking.”
“You little shit!”
“I may be shorter but don't call me that!”
Maybe he's the one who's gonna end up dead because of something stupid, and that thing may just be you.
He sighed quietly. He still wasn't used to this shit called feelings.
“Even if you didn't die from that, you would still hurt yourself and would probably have to go to a hospital.”
No answer? 
“What? Did a small fact shut you up so quickly?”
“...You care whether I will land in a hospital or not?” It was just an innocent question, and yet it was more than enough to get him to feel strangely warm and his heart to speed up somewhat. Jesus, you’re gonna be the death of him someday.
Oh shit. Don't look up at him like that, you're gonna kill him. 
“No, I simply don't need your parents on my ass-”
“No no no, I saw the look in your eyes, you idiot! You're worried even about the idea of me getting hurt, don't you?” The grin on your face has to be infectious right? Maybe a hidden ability he didn't know about? Because there was no way that he wanted to smile just because you did.
“You're actually crazy [Name], did you ever think about applying for a mental hospital?”
“Did you think of doing that yourself?”
“I- what the fuck?!” He was lowkey speechless inside, but you didn't need to know that. Why didn't he expect that response? It was so damn easy to predict that you would say that back!
“Wait, what do you mean you saw it in my eyes?” It was surprisingly a genuine question. His eyes were like a bottomless void, there was nothing that one could see in them, so how did you see anything like care?
You chuckled softly under your breath as if you could read his thoughts, and he didn't know if he liked that thought or not. “Eyes are the door to the soul, no?”
The door to the soul that he was sure he didn't have.
“By the way, can you let go of my waist now?”
“Hm? Yeah, of course.” The calm tone of his words did not reflect what he felt internally at the moment.
Shit. Fuck. He didn't let go of your waist the entire time. He wished that someone would just shoot him in that moment to save him from the embarrassment that he felt.
…He would lie to himself if he said that it didn't feel nice to hold you so close to him though.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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videovamptramp · 9 months
heaven is not fit to house a love (like you and i)
you are everything (my most demanding dream)
warnings: basically ex-girlfriend ellie, mentions of breakup, smut... kind of? (is getting off on someone's knee smut??) jealous ellie, mentions of situation-ships, ellie is emotionally unavailable.
(this is my first time writing something that has anything sexual in it. sorry if it's cringe but if this does well i'll release a part 2 and a prequel <3)
"and sometimes i feel like nobody gets me, you know? especially when everyone's so fake nowa—" ellie begins to tune out the girl standing in front of her, as she looks around the crowded room. she occasionally nods or hums to make it seem as though she's actually listening, when in reality she couldn't care less about what this girl was saying. ellie hasn't cared about anything for months, and it's all because of you. at first the brunette had told herself she would be fine without you. besides, she had gotten what she wanted right? to successfully push you away...
... but when she walked into her bedroom the night after she discovered you've left, there was an excruciating feeling of loneliness that took over. as soon as she saw how empty and dull the room is without you, she wanted you back. but she knew it was a little too late. she lost you, and she only had herself to blame for it. usually she'd get home from the bar and you'd be sound asleep on her bed; curled up in an little ball. the first week she'd get home and expect to see you there; she'd tell herself you were gonna come back eventually because if she missed you this much, certainly you missed her too. right? except, after nearly a month of not seeing you, and all of ellie's texts to you going unanswered, she realizes her wishes did indeed come true. she pushed you away. even further than she originally planned.
now it's been two months since she lost you, and here she was, listening to some brunette who looks somewhat like you go on and on about her shitty ex. ellie continuously looks around the room, she's bored out of her mind but there's no way in hell she's spending another drunk night, alone in her sad apartment. the better option seemed to go home with a stranger who she couldn't care less about. at least then she wasn't alone, but she couldn't do anything about the fact that she knows she'll be thinking about you the entire time.
in a split second ellie's entire night changes. her gaze flickers over towards the bar area, and that's when her eyes lock with a pair of familiar, chocolate brown orbs. her entire world seems to stop spinning for a whole minute as she spots you sitting alone, staring at her from afar. your face looks thinner, and your hair is shorter, and you're wearing a pair of tight flare jeans with a cute nude top that ellie recognizes. you offer her a smile that looks out of place as you look away, averting your gaze back to your drink on the bar counter. ellie feels frozen; as if she can't move and the walls are about to close in. how long have you been here? how long did it take her to notice you? what were you thinking about?
ellie can't help but notice how beautiful you look, and that's when the feeling of missing you grows stronger than ever. (which is saying something considering she's felt as if she's been missing an organ since your departure.) as if on cue, some other woman notices you and begins to move in. she takes a seat beside you and ellie's jaw tenses as she watches you smile in a way you once smiled at her. she watches as you nod at whatever the pink haired girl says, and that's when the pretty woman flags down the bartender. she's ordering you a drink. ellie suddenly wants to get up and punch the unknowing stranger right in the mouth. but she doesn't.
the brunette ignores every fiber in her being telling her to go to you. to get her girl back. no, instead, ellie tries to look at the girl she's been "talking" to for half an hour now, while taking a swig of the whiskey in her glass. she averts her attention to daniella? or is it bella? she wasn't quite sure what her name is, and right now she couldn't bring herself to care about remembering it. not when she knows you're across the room, and there was some other woman who was next to you, trying to take you home. not that ellie could blame said woman, she sure as hell knows what sort of affect you have first hand... but it's the fact that you're entertaining her. the older woman didn't even seem like your type. she was older than ellie, older than you, and she had on some leather jacket that ellie could tell was more expensive than the entire outfit she herself had chose to wear tonight.
she makes the mistake of looking at you again, and this time the woman is leaning in closer, saying something to you that has you blushing. ellie nearly sees red when the taller woman places her hand on your thigh. you're wearing jeans, but it's still enough to get ellie riled up. all the blood ends up going to her ears as she blocks out the loud music, and the chatter from the brunette in front of her. ellie stands up, her fist clenching the empty glass in her hand so tightly, she's surprised it hasn't broke. ellie blocks out the brunette questioningly calling out for her, and she makes her way in your direction. her body is like a magnet, making it's way to you subconsciously.
as soon as you spot ellie getting closer, your entire face falls. your heart begins to race, and ellie clears her throat. "hey." she greets you gruffly, and your mouth goes dry as you meet her gaze. "hi ellie." you greet her, your voice small, but still soft as silk. the woman looks over at ellie, and her smile falls. "i'm sorry i didn't realize you guys were—" you quickly cut her off, shaking your head rapidly. "we're not...! ellie's just an old friend i haven't seen in awhile." you lie right through your teeth so easily. so dismissively, it causes a bitter taste to set in ellie's mouth. just an old friend.
ellie had never asked you to be her girlfriend, not in words at least. but she did let you sleep in her bed, eat her favorite snacks, watch all of your favorite annoying shows... she even let you wear her favorite hoodies. ellie had never let anyone do any of those things. the woman's smile returns as quickly as it dissipated, and she introduces herself to ellie. "i'm toni." she greets the brunette with a soft smile. she's shorter than ellie, and much more girly. she doesn't seem like your type at all, yet her hand is still on your thigh, and you're making no movement to get it off. ellie nods in the pink haired girls direction. "ellie." she vaguely responds, only offering toni a mere glance before her gaze fixates on you again. "i just wanted to see if we could talk." ellie states, and you try not to look as annoyed as you feel.
"i'm kind of busy right now. maybe some other time." you respond, barely even looking at ellie as you avert your attention back to toni. ellie's grip on her empty glass tightens, and you can see her nostrils flare while her jaw tenses. "some other time? i haven't seen you for almost three months, y/n. you haven't answered my texts and you left all your stupid stuffed animals at my place!" ellie hisses, and you glare at her. "i left the ones you gave me there because i don't need any reminders of you!" you argue back, letting your emotions for ellie get the best of you. toni slowly takes her hand off your thigh, clearing her throat, "uh, i can see you two have a few things to work out..." the shorter girl trails off as she stands up.
you shake your head, "toni wait—" you try, but the pink haired girl is already walking off, much to ellie's satisfaction. you scowl, but you don't say a single word as you reach for the coat hanging off your seat, and stand up. "y/n..." ellie tries, but you only respond with an eye roll as you pull your oversized coat on. "leave me alone, ellie." you demand, as you begin to walk out of the building, ellie only a few steps behind you. "no! not until you talk to me!" she demands, sounding unreasonably angry. you have to stop in your tracks, right in the middle of the sidewalk outside of the bar. you laugh bitterly at her anger and the fact that she assumes she has any place to demand anything. you turn around to face her, and when you do, your anger nearly vanishes.
standing in front of you is a disheveled version of the ellie you know. the bags under her eyes are evident, the pain hidden in those pale green orbs is clear as day. the anger quickly returns when you remind yourself the only reason you two aren't on good terms right now is because of her. even tonight was ruined because of her. you sat back and didn't once intervene whatever ellie and that brunette were doing, but as soon as someone had shown interest in you, ellie couldn't stop herself. "you and i have nothing to talk about." you stringently reply, and this causes the taller girl to make a face of disbelief while she lets out a scoff. "nothing to talk about? seriously? if you don't remember, i'm ellie williams, you know the 'old friend' you did every single position with." ellie cattily reintroduces herself, and you nearly drop the phone in your hand due to the bluntness of the absurd comment.
"yes, it's pretty hard to forget the emotionally unavailable woman who strung me along all year. thanks for the reminder. i'll catch you later." you try to walk away but a hand on your wrist causes you to face her and pull your hand away as if the touch physically burned. ellie pulls her own hand back, putting her arms up in a surrendering position as she stares at you with pure hurt. she knew she shouldn't have grabbed you, but did you really hate her so much that her mere touch angers you? for a moment your face softens just a bit, and your angry facade begins to crumble. that's when ellie can see how exhausted you look.
"you never answered any of my texts or calls." ellie is dancing around what she truly wants to say. she's clearly stalling in order to keep you around for as long as she possibly can. missing you hurts, and it feels as though a piece of her is standing right in front of her, cruelly taunting her while simultaneously reminding her of what she lost. "i've been busy." your response is simple, and blunt. so unlike the blabbering mess you once were with her. "busy? i call bullshit. i went from seeing you every day, to not seeing you at all. what the fuck happened?" ellie finally asks, and you nearly scoff, letting a shaky exhale of disbelief. "what happened?? you know what happened! you're what happened!" you snap, losing the cool you've been trying so hard to keep. "and for awhile i was okay with it. i was content with hiding out in your apartment, playing the 'cool girl' who doesn't demand a label. i was alright with every breadcrumb you tossed my way, but you changed. you started treating me different and acting like you didn't care anymore... and then i realized you were still messing with other girls and it hurt. it hurt because i realized i had been stupid enough to think what we were doing was different. i thought i was different. i thought you were different." you shake your head in dismay, staring at the brunette with pure disgust.
ellie feels like her shoes are embedded into the ground. she can't seem to move. "who told you that? who told you i was messing with other girls?" ellie asks a bit angrily. she has a number of people she can think of who'd lie and try to break you two up. like your ex girlfriend abby anderson, ellie hated the single thought of her. you roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest tightly, "nobody had to tell me. i saw you with some girl at the bar. the night i left." you snap, and ellie shakes her head. "so you left because of that?! because i was talking to a girl!? nothing even happened!" ellie stresses, and you close your eyes for a few seconds.
"even if nothing happened, you had been pushing me away for months, and when i saw how you were looking at her... it hurt me. badly." the way your voice wavers causes a pang of guilt to hit ellie like a truck. you take a deep breath, unable to pinpoint ellie's expression. to you, it felt as though she was looking right through you. "i realized i was holding onto someone who didn't want to be held down, so i left." you finish strongly, masking away your hurt, and ellie stares at you as if you've grown an extra head. "so you didn't even bother talking to me?? you just decided to go?" she asks, having the gall to look upset. "yes! i wasn't gonna stick around for someone who didn't even want me around anymore!" you raise your voice while ellie clenches her fists. "i never once said i didn't want you around!" she yells back, and she gets into your personal space. if you weren't so angry, you'd have realized how close she is now. "you didn't have to say anything, ellie, i felt it!" you nearly scream, and there's this heavy silence that follows afterward. the only thing you can hear is the busy, bustling streets of seattle; full of ongoing cars, taxis, and people on the sidewalk (that would pass and eye you both).
ellie is staring at you with that familiar expression you can never seem to place, and as you stare back, you wish you could read her mind. you wish you knew what was going through her head. you wish you could look at her, and see the ellie you fell in love with. but you see someone you barely recognize, so different from the girl you used to have. you wonder if you ever had her to begin with. in a flash her hands are gripping your waist and pushing you into the nearby alleyway. she pushes you against the nearest wall, her lips attacking yours and you're not in control of your body as you desperately kiss her back.
you aren't quite sure what to do with your hands as you kiss ellie back, your brain has seemed to register her assault on your lips far quicker than your body has. her tongue ends up battling with your own. when she pulls away, her lips continue their assault, but this time down to your neck. she kisses down your jawline, all the way down to your pulse point. your breath hitches, and your hands instinctively end up in her hair. "e-ellie." you breathe out, and your broken moan is antagonizing. it reminds her how much she's missed this. how much she’s missed you. you feel her teeth grazing your skin, as her fingertips dig into the skin of your hips. a whimper escapes your lips when she sinks her canines into your soft, sensitive skin.
she's definitely leaving a mark, and in this moment your head is too foggy to care. all you can think about is how good ellie's kisses feel, and you're way past the point of trying to muffle your pathetic noises anymore. you close your eyes, your fingertips grazing her scalp, ruining her messy, short hair. you gasp when you feel one of her hands squeezing your right breast, practically groping you and you allow it. that's when ellie leans further into you, one of her legs pushing your legs apart, allowing access for her knee to meet your jean covered center. as soon as her hard knee comes into contact with your desperately aroused center, your head spins. "e-ellie wh—" your question is cut short as soon as ellie grips your waist again, leaning in and silencing you with a rough kiss.
you can't help but kiss her back, mewling into the kiss as soon as she moves your waist with a her strong, calloused hands; causing you to grind on her knee. as soon as she applies a little pressure, you see stars; your clit rubbing against the fabric of your panties and jeans, as she stimulates you with her leg in some seedy alleyway. you aren't even aware of the little muffled sounds your making, and when ellie breaks the kiss, you clamp down on your bottom lip with your top teeth. "fuck i missed you so much." ellie breathes out, the sound of her voice getting you off even more as a gush of arousal drenches your cotton panties. your hands cup her face; fingertips tracing her cheeks and jawline as you shamelessly thrust yours against her leg. you haven't even thought about sleeping with anyone since you left ellie, up until tonight, and now here you were using her knee to get yourself off downtown.
ellie's hands trail up your waist, and end up sliding underneath your shirt, urgently needing to feel your skin. her cold hands cause a trail of goosebumps to run up and down your body, as you feel that familiar pressure of arousal. you nearly cry out as she begins to nip and gnaw on your neck again. it’s been so long since you’ve felt this good. your back arches off the wall, as she hungrily kisses you. you've always reveled in ellie's kisses; she kisses like she's breathing for the first time, with such need and intensity. she's always been able to make your head spin with a simple kiss. "so fucking pretty. my pretty needy girl." she breathes out against your neck, her words causing you to grow even closer to climatic ecstasy. it felt so good, but the humiliation of cumming on your exes knee in a public alley way causes you to hold back.
ellie can feel it. she knows you're holding yourself back, and she's having none of it. she knows you like the back of her hand, and she knows exactly what to do and say to get you off. "did you really think that girl back at the bar could've gotten you off this easily?" ellie asks as she pulls away from your neck, and kisses your jaw sloppily, all the way up your jawline and to your earlobe. "tell me baby, would you have gone home with her if she asked?" ellie's breathless, raspy voice sends a thrill down your spine and your fingernails dig into the back of her neck. she can tell you're close by those needy noises you're failing to suppress. you shake your head, it's so unfair of her to ask you something right now and expect an answer when you can barely form a coherent thought.
"el–ellie p-please." you moan out, attempting to hide your rosy pink face in the crook of her neck. "did you really think i was gonna sit around and let someone else take my girl home?" ellie's words cause your hips to buck, and your eyes widen as you realize you're so close. you whimper, "st-stop. talking." you command breathlessly, and she lets out a cruel chuckle. regardless of her taunting expression, you continue to thrust your hips in a grinding motion, your arms clinging to the back of her neck while her body supports you. you can feel how wet you are and it's only a matter of seconds (minutes if you're lucky), before you end up orgasming at the hands of ellie fucking williams. the exact woman you've been so miserably trying to forget about.
"it's okay baby, let yourself go. i can feel how much you need this. whoever's been taking care of you hasn't been doing a very good job, huh princess?" she begins whispering in that loving way that always drove you over the edge. "that's a good girl, just like that. fuck i missed my pretty little cunt." that's what does it. ellie calling your cunt hers, it sends you over the edge and ellie can feel your body lightly trembling in her arms. her grip on you tightens, and she holds you close. ellie begins whispering sweet nothings as she places kisses on the top of your head, allowing you to come down from cloud nine.
you're trying to get your breathing under control, and your heart rate is slowly returning back to normal. that's when it hits you. the post-orgasm clarity. you push ellie away, straightening out your top, then you smooth out your hair before putting on a scowl. "that shouldn't have happened." you state, still a bit breathless, and ellie takes a step back, but is still staring at you with that hungry expression. "but it did." her tone is hard, yet you can hear the light tremble in her voice. the fear in her eyes is clear as day. she's just as terrified as you are. "i-i have to go." you stutter out, nearly stumbling as your shaky legs try to get as far away from ellie as you can.
every instinct inside of her is screaming to chase after you, but she doesn't. she's planted to the ground, standing there thinking about what just happened. she's hooked up with a number of girls since you left, and not a single time has been as hot as this instance. and she didn't even need to take your clothes off. ellie wasn't an expert at love or relationships, but she did know one thing, she wasn't going to let you get away again.
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lightfeltmemories · 6 months
hello!! <333
(sorry for poor grammar or language mistakes, english is not my first language😭😭) (also this is my first time requesting something, AND I'M NOT A MINOR, i turned 19 a month ago <33)
your writing is AMAZINGGG AGHHHH
nah but srsly the way you write the characters is sooo realistic, i hate fanfiction where the characters are written totally different from how they actually are, but the way you write the characters IS SO CANONNN
i'm already in love with ur blog🆘
sooo ummm im requesting for non-con w feitan🙏
anyways ily pls be healthy
aww, thank you so much! i do get a bit insecure about how i potray characters and this just made my evening! and sadly, you didn't provide a storyline, you know, specifically what you wanted to happen aside from the non con (how they meet, whether the reader is apart of the troupe or not etc etc) so i decided to make my own storyline so i hope this is nice! also, because it's easier to write imo the reader is afab with she/her pronouns.
feitan x female!reader | nsfw
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tags: there is a bit of chrollo x reader however it's still mainly feitan x reader, reader insert goes by the name "bunny" to avoid using things such as y/n not to mention it's a lot easier to memorize,
tw's: heavy non-con (obviously), blood, slight gore, torture usual feitan shit, reader pisses herself (thought it would be interesting to add), dacryphilia, anal
notes: this took a lot longer than expected, i'm not the most proud of this piece so sorry if it's not ground breaking or the most descriptive literally ever, this will also be posted on my ao3
w; 4,227
minors, ageless or blank blogs do not interact
"let me go! let me the fuck go!"
she yelled as the restraints on her arms and legs were tightly bound to the seat beneath her, she tried biting at anyone who dared to touch her.
in front of her was the dead body of her last comrade, his face was unrecognizable due to how much blood covered it, cuts and bruises everywhere on his body and all 10 fingernails were peeled off, scattered on the floor.
it was something she was used to seeing, she had saw peoples guts spilled out of their stomach, she had seen peoples heads ripped off of their necks..
but what it's someone she had known for so long in the same fate.. she can't help but feel uneasy.
her captors didn't seem even the slightest bit fazed by her behavior, it's like they're used to people acting this way.
one of them was taller, he lacked eyebrows is a notable feature of his, and the shorter one was pale, with messy black hair, the bottom half of his face was covered by what appears to be some type of scarf.
"she's a feisty one, how do you plan on breaking her?" the blonde said, who she later learned that his name was phinks, and the other's feitan.
"i have something new in mind." is all feitan said.
"alright, i'll leave it to you." phinks takes his leave, all she could do is wonder what he plans on doing to her, she heard that he tortures people, so, she expects to come out with scars.
but little did she know, she was in for something pretty different.
feitan steps closer to her, softly placing his rough, cold hands on her soft cheek, she flinches at the touch, making him pull his hand back at her action.
he stares at her, watches as she tries to break the restraints, only bruising her arms and legs.
"you're too weak." he said.
"either shut up or get me out of here!" she gathers enough saliva and ejects it to his face, spitting on him.
he goes to pull out something, a cloth, to wipe away the spit at his face.
"pathetic little girl.." he walks closer, bending down to her level to admire her features, but all it appears is him staring at her, blankly.
no wonder they call you bunny..
there were 15 people apart of a gang, dealing with drugs, getting into fights with other gangs, and other things of the sort, it was dangerous work.
it was all started less than 15 years ago by a man, a 19 year old boy named adrian, who had joined a gang in order to protect his sister from other gangs, the area they lived in was ridden with poverty and crime, murders, rapes and kidnappings happened what seemed like almost every day, anyone was at risk no matter the age or gender.
and throughout the course of these 15 years the crime started to drop, all because of this gang, but after the leader died due to unknown circumstances, most likely murdered, adrian became the leader, and things changed,
adrian became the thing he swore to protect his sister from.
but his sister, now an adult, had gone down her own path of crime, she became more ruthless than that of her brother, at first not wanting her to join, he thought that she would be useful in a way, so, she became the first female member.
because of her cute appearance, they referred to her as "bunny," she may be cute but she's anything but, her face and clothes covered in blood and guts, an arsenal of weapons at her disposal, and, a master manipulator, often times used to "seduce" men into gaining information, but she would never actually sleep with any of them.
things started to take a strange turn when another gang had gotten involved.
the phantom troupe.
how this all started was that the spiders leader, chrollo, had gotten himself involved with bunny, she had to admit, he was a fine, handsome man, he spoke in a way bunny had never even heard of.
for their first "date," he took her to a nice, upscale restaurant, the food was expensive, something bunny may not ever afford, however, it was delectable.
the two of them never actually suspected one another to be apart of any type of gang.. or did they?
things didn't turn out well for obvious reasons, chrollo was using her to get closer to their boss, because apparently, he had something valuable, the details were vague, not even bunny was aware of what the hell was going on, and now her and the rest of the gang were dragged into it, because her boss, no, her brother, had owed someone something.
and it may possibly lead to his death.
when bunny found out, she was pissed, her brother had stolen from the spiders, and now they were after them.
what the hell was bunny going to do against the spiders, she's smart enough to know that she is no match, and that it's sudden death for her if they ever manage to put their anger towards her.
or was it?
bunny was not weak, she was one of the few apart of the gang that used nen, she rarely used it unless it calls for desperate measures, but, her ability consisted of her being able to manipulate her opponents to see their fears.
and she might have to use it against a few members.
but it didn't work.
she was still defeated.
she was the one left standing after the gang, her family, all fell beneath her, at the hands of the phantom troupe.
her brother, adrian, holds his broken, bloodied arm as he limps over to her.
"b-bunny.... get out of here.. you're no match for them... just ru-"
he was cut off with a sword stabbing through his chest, blood staining the concrete floors as she succumbs to his death, the sword is pulled away and his lifeless body falls to the floor.
the one who killed him appears to be a samurai.
bunny felt what appears to be fear for the first time in her adult life, she couldn't move, she just froze..
she shakes at the sight of him, as he slowly moves forward.
she was going to die, there was no doubt about it.
she closes her eyes, preparing for the same fate, but that's not what happened, she's still alive.
"kill everyone else, except for bunny" were the orders given by chrollo according to one of the members; nobunaga, that same samurai that killed her brother.
but why? why was she spared? did chrollo see something in her? was she useful?
"feitan, do whatever you want with her, but don't hurt her too much, and don't spill too much blood."
and now were here, she stares into the dark purple eyes of her captor, he steps back from her face.
"what the hell are you doing to do to me?" she asked, she knew now that trying to fight back was useless, the restraints were on far to tightly.
he didn't answer, but goes on to pick up something on a nearby table; a small blade.
she was going to be tortured the same way he was.
he walks to her slowly, pointing the blade at the top of her shirt, slowly lowering the blade down, towards the end of her torso, making a clean slice, the shirt falls apart, revealing her breasts covered by her bra.
at the sight of the medium sized breasts, feitan feels his pants growing tighter, hidden cock twitching at the sight of not only her angered, yet scared expression, but how her breasts sit perfectly up.
but he wanted to drag this on further.
and with one quick slash, the bra is now cut in half, too, her breasts fall out from the now useless bra, revealing only a small bit of her areola whilst the rest is covered by the bra cusps.
now going down to her pants, with the same blade, it cuts smoothly away, slowly revealing her underwear, she didn't want to make any sudden movements, as he might cut her skin if he does.
the pants were now cut in half, her clothes were ripped in half to reveal the most intimate parts of her.
feitan goes on to untie the restraints.
"any sudden movements, and i'll kill you." he said lowly.
it was useless to fight back now, she got the hint on what he was planning on doing, he wanted to break her in another way, not in the usual torture way.
but by fucking her, whether she wanted it or not.
the restraints were removed, but before she could even think about moving, the blade was held to her neck, so close that it poked her, but not enough to draw blood.
"on your knees."
slowly dropping to the floor to get on her knees, she listens to every command he orders.
"remove your clothes."
she removes her shirt, bra, shoes, pants and underwear, she's naked, while he remains fully clothed, looking down at her pathetic frame, she could've sword a small chuckle was heard from him.
this guy was menacing.
he starts to shuffle with his pants, pulling them down only to reveal his leaking cock.
for his small size, it was just slightly above average, but enough to do something without causing any pain.
it was hard as a brick, was he turned on by her suffering.
he grabs the back of her head, and pushes her head towards his cock, forcing her lips to part around the head, he pushes himself down her throat, making her gag, pulling out with a single strip of saliva trailing it.
"a stupid bitch you are, can't even take my cock down your throat."
she wanted to punch his head off right then and there, clutching her fists as his cock re enters her mouth, but he didn't push all the way to her throat, going slow as he pulls and pushes in and out of her mouth.
she felt small drips of his precum touch her tongue, feitan pulled at her hair to remove her from his cock again, and pushes her face to his balls, forcing her to smell them, for a minute she realizes what he's trying to do, she pulls out her tongue out to lick the base of his cock.
"good girl." he tells her. "now you try on your own."
he officially removes his hand from her hair completely, he now expects her to suck his cock on her own.
she wraps her hand around his cock and begins to pump back and forth as her mouth follows behind, the pace gradually grows faster, the sounds of her soft moans and saliva begin to fill a part of the room.
his hand returns to the back of her head while his other goes to remove her hand that is pumping away at his cock, only wanting her mouth, helping her move at the pace he wants her, he moves his hips back and fourth a little faster than her, every time the tip touches the back of her throat she gags, rejecting him.
he wants to bypass her gag reflex, not caring at all for her gags.
"thats right, choke on it.." he says to himself, he sees the tears forming in the corner of her eyes, enjoying the sight of her wet eyes, because he's the one thats causing it.
a girl who came in oh so mighty and oh so tough, is now slowly but surly falling apart at his hands, he is slowly undoing her, and he loves it.
he can't help but go just a bit deeper, to her her lips touch the small amounts of pubic hair he has, she squeezes her eyes shut as she tries not to gag, a grin creeps up from behind his scarf, she's trying oh so hard.
"poor bunny, is my cock too much for you?" he mocks. "don't worry, it'll all be over soon.."
he pushes as far as he can, her cute, soft, delicate features will soon be covered in his semen, pulling away from her mouth to pump away at his cock, shooting out small amounts before more and more cover her face, shooing away at her hair, mouth and cheeks, and once he was done, he lets go of her now messy hair, viewing what he had done.
she uses her index finger to remove some of it from her face.
"taste it." he commands her.
looking down at the substance, the blade returns to her face, reminding her that he can and will kill her if she doesn't obey.
her tongue grazes the liquid, before sticking her whole finger in her mouth, tasting the salty, murky substance.
"not so bad, right?"
"i guess not." she responds.
"bend over on the table, over there." he commands again.
she stands up to walk over to the table, despite for how long she had been sitting on her legs making them a bit weak, she bends over on the table, sticking her ass forward for him to see.
viewing her ass, feitan grazes his hand over one of her cheeks, giving it a good hard slap, making her jump, and tighten her legs shut.
after seeing her reaction, he had gotten an idea.
feitan walks to a part of the room she couldn't see in her peripheral vision, before returning mere seconds later with something long and lanky in his hands.
was that.... a belt? or a whip? or maybe a mixture of the two.
after he managed to make it over to her, the leather piece of whatever-the-hell-it-was softly grazes the other cheek, before a hard, painful slap hits her, making her throw her head back, and borderline scream in pain.
"that was 1, out of 10."
just 10 more to go, hopefully he doesn't raise the number... hopefully.
another smack, this time on her left check.
and another on her right.
and another, on her left.
but he stopped, for a short moment, he see's her trembling, her legs especially, her cheeks were red, she gripped the end of the table, tears welling up in her eyes, she tried not to give him what he wanted, she tried not to sob.
but something else came out as well.
she feels herself let loose, as warm liquid falls to the floor.
feitan watched as she, quite frankly, pissed herself.
and we didn't even get to number 5.
feitan shakes his head in disappointment. "how old are you?"
"i said how old are you?"
"uh... 23?"
"i'll raise the number to 23."
"damnit." she said to herself, why did she have to piss herself? she couldn't have just held it in a little longer?
"but i'll be nice this time and start from 5.. you were good up until then... you count this time."
he resumes, this time again on her left, and waits for her response.
"if you don't respond, we'll have to start over."
"5..." she stutters out, through her tears, she couldn't help it, he was hitting her so hard, and it hurts.. so fucking bad.
on her right cheek.
she let out a few quiet sobs, not even close to the last 2 digits.
on her left cheek.
her tears started to stain the table, she wept, and screamed at each smack.
on her right cheek.
it kept going on, and on, and on, until she finally reached 23, she felt like she would almost pass out by the amount of pain she had to endure, not even period cramps were this bad, and that was saying a lot.
her pussy still moist from her piss, feitan had gotten an idea, but for him, it was still far too early for it.
he flips her on her back, getting a good view of her, her clit was peaking through the lips.
normally, he wouldn't care much for the pleasure of the person he's sleeping with, it was all to chase his own pleasure, however.. something came to him.
just fucking her senseless won't do for now, he wanted to see her completely undone, of course he was halfway there, she still looked at him with hatred and disgust.
but he wanted to hear her moan, to at least hear her beg for more of him.
and he knew exactly what to do.
using his middle and index finger, he pushes her lips apart, revealing her clitoris in all its glory, it sits unbothered and for now untouched.
for now.
he starts off with soft, teasing touches, in the most sensitive areas.
for her, it wasn't painful, no, it was pleasurable.
he wanted her to feel pleasure, all to boost his ego.
that he'll for sure break her.
she tries not to make any sound, its easy, but she can't lay here and lie by saying it didn't feel good, it did, in fact, it felt amazing.
especially when he goes on to remove his scarf, revealing his face entirely, she doesn't know if its because of what he's doing, but he isn't all that bad looking.
he pulls out his tongue to softly lap at her sensitive clit, her legs twitch at the sensation and she throws her head back, damn, it really did feel good.
she couldn't help but let out at least a couple cute soft moans, but, he heard them, continuing to lick away, he pressed his lips against it to suck, making her, unknowingly, slip out a groan, urging him to continue.
his plan was working, she was moaning for him to continue, just to take things to the next level, he sticks two fingers inside of her gaping, wet entrance, curling his fingers to find that spot.
and once he did, her reaction did not disappoint.
he didn't stop, but continued doing the thing that made her yell out his name.
music to his ears.
"f-fuck..." she gasped as she felt herself already nearing her orgasm.
but he felt her start to tense up, and he backed away, watching her, watching him.
she looked at him as if he was crazy, she could see the amused smile on his face as he watched her look up at him, her face once again showed those soft features of hers.
"... just like a bunny." he whispered to her.
she scoffs, looking away from him, getting a chuckle out of him, he could see how embarrassed she was, but he'll make sure to wipe that off her face again.
he debated on it, but, he decided to remove his cloak, revealing his fit body, he could tell by the way she looked at her, she was surprised he hid all of that underneath him.
she didn't know how or what to feel.. no.. she can't grow attracted to her captor, no... no...
quickly looking away from him, he starts to put his cock near her entrance.
"whats wrong?" he asks her.
she looks back up again.
"fuck.. he's so...." in her head, an eternal conflict, but for sure, her body would show it.
feitan looks down to see her producing the lube for him.. "it seems like your body is telling me what you think..." slowly pushing in his tip, then forwarding a little more, watching her reaction, she looks in anticipation as she teasingly enters her.
until he reaches it, making her tense up, curling her toes.
"don't be shy.. let me know how good it feels.." he starts to slowly back in, and back out, softly making contact with her sweet spot.
her breathing became manual, as she watches his thick, yet averagely long cock appears then disappear inside her, using his thumb to play with her swollen, needy clit once more.
she bites her lip to keep shut, she saw how he reacted when she moaned, she wanted to make him work for it.
"playing that game, are we?" he asks her.
"yeah, i guess we a-AH!"
he uses his index and middle finger to pinch her clit, making her yelp.
"there it is.." he said to himself, he thrusts faster, hitting her spot each second, her breathing started to get heavier, and vocal.
she couldn't help but let a few moans slip out as he played with her clit, while pounding away inside of her.
he hasn't even been in for less than 5 minutes and she already feels herself reaching her end, squeezing tight on his cock.
"f-fuck... fe-f-..."
"say it, my whole name.."
"f-f-fei...feitan... please..."
"please what?"
"please... make me cum..."
feitan lets out a short laugh, seeing her beg underneath him, seeing her spirit is fully broken.
the sight itself makes him want to cum.
he pulls out from her, making her whine for more, but he had gotten an idea, he observes her body, figuring out how this plan will go.
he wants to try something different.
flipping her over on her stomach, he parts her cheeks to view the second, more tighter yet often forbidden hole.
she looks back to view what he was trying to do, and realizes that he wanted to fuck her ass.
she wasn't ready.
"w-wait! i don't take it up there!"
feitan shoots a glare at her, making her relax.
he gathers some of her slick and coats it on both her ass and his cock, before pressing his tip against the hole, but she tightens it.
"relax." he tells her.
"i'm trying.. but.." she tries to unclench, but every time his tip presses it makes her tense up again.
feitan slowly sticks a finger inside to get her used to it, pushing it back and forth.
she tightly grips the table once again as even his finger was too big for her, she didn't want to clench since it would make it even more uncomfortable for her.
but, feitan was feitan, he didn't necessarily care, if anything he wanted to see how she would react to his cock pounding at her ass, he easily slides in with the help of lube; created by her.
she borderline screams out, as he was only halfway inside of her, the new, uncomfortable feeling was too much for her to handle.
"what happened to the bunny before?" feitan was at this point in all the way.
she couldn't answer, at this point, he got what he wanted, just by her being here, he already won.
because of how tight she was, he wasn't able to move as freely as he would if he was inside of her pussy, and even with the use of her slick it was still a bit dry.
grabbing her still bruised cheeks, the sensation still stung, but not as bad as before.
hell, now he was in the position of trying to keep his moans hidden, though not the easiest to move around in, the tightness was it's positive, without the wetness of her pussy.
her ass clapped against him as he thrusted in her, despite how red it is, he couldn't help but deliver a hard slap, making her yelp in pain, her head was thrown back, and feitan catched a few locks of her hair, and starts to pound away, seeing she starts to loosen up just a tiny bit, getting used to his size.
"so.... tight..." he says under his breath, to her it was only mumbles, they didn't even sound like moans.
he tried not to cum so quickly, especially since chrollo had told him not to cum inside of her.
"oh.. oh shit.." she moans softly as he holds on to her hips to keep her steady, noticing how fast he was thrusting; he was getting closer.
and closer.
and closer.
until he swiftly pulls out, and shoots ropes of his semen onto her ass, and lower back, hearing him groan as he pumps his cock.
she was worn out, laying on the table as if it was a bed, she didn't move, staring in the far distance of her long dead comrade.
"what happens now?" she manages to get out, tiredly.
feitan was too busy putting his clothes back on, as if he never even took them off, did he hear her question or was he ignoring her? who knows.
footsteps could be heard in the distance, and then the door opens.
that same blonde guy from earlier.
"so, how'd it go?" phinks asked.
"she gave in pretty easily." feitan replied.
"thought so, those types always do." phinks jokes, followed by a short laugh. "hope you didn't catch feelings or anything, you know what chrollo plans with her, right?"
"no, actually." feitan replied.
phinks looks back at her, still passed out on the table, he walks over to get a closer view. "damn, you sure you didn't kill her? or drug her?" he sounded a bit concerned.
"nope." feitans short response. "she's probably just tired."
"i guess so." phinks takes a look over at her ass, bruised.
the two men talk and converse, but she was too knocked out of it to really pay attention.
she didn't know what she had in store.
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oneforthemunny · 1 month
Please Please PLease
Rank your spanking works ;)
oh???? oh!!!!!!
you want me to chose absolute insanity today hm?? ok fine. i will try.
10. curiosity killed the cat - with mafia!eddie and reader (kitten... get it? get the title lmao). i really enjoyed this one, but i feel like it's one of the shorter pieces i did. very fun, shows their dynamic very well.
9. candy caned - a special christmas holiday smut special with dom!eddie. honestly, would be ranked higher but i'm a little jarred at this whole work. not bc of anyone other than myself, i just had big plans to do all 12 before christmas and got so busy i didn't get to. still loved it and it was so fun to me!
8. take as needed - a newer work and one i had been working on forever lol. i like the idea of the emotional release spanking with bouncer!eddie and bartender!reader. that it was something she asked for and he did. very intimate to me i loved it.
7. hard learning - honestly, one of my favorites and longest fics. dom!steddie x sub!reader is not something i usually write for but them??? i loved them. i wrote this while i was in school too, so it was very much so a self indulgent piece.
6. hold your horses - the first (??) cowboy!eddie fic???? and therefore it holds a special place in my heart forever. also self indulgent bc i am a speeder lol.
5. treat me rough - will forever be one of my faves. rockstar!eddie and nb!reader domesticated but yet still horny and kinky??? sorry, it will always be one of my faves. them slutty and fun is a weakness to me, but this??? together, established, in love, and still kinky and fun??
4. switching it up- all the switching talk maybe is why this one has been on my mind, but this was born from a horny hour with dom!eddie that was my renaissance on here. my roman empire. my peak, and this was the product of it <3
3. light my morning sky - another goodie from rockstar!eddie and nb. their (second) wedding night in vegas?? drunk and in love?? horny??? infatuated?? the heart shaped paddle as a wedding gift?? it's so sexy and silly and fun!
2. marish hysteria - by far my pride and joy as far as spanking fics, almost my number one. cowboy!eddie?? and it took so long to finish. i was so proud of it and i love every second of it, enjoyed writing every second of it.
car troubles- the reigning champ tho will always be this one with dom!eddie. from the same horny hours as before, but this one sparked the spanking rage on my page lol. genuinely, was so easy to write bc i feel like we all wrote it together??? i got so many asks, suggestions, my inbox was FULL!!! i love it, feels like a community piece and therefore is number one in my heart.
42 notes · View notes
See You In The Morning?
Kate Bishop x GN Reader
3K Words
Warnings: Mentions of injury, Angst, Language, Questionable punctuation, I think that's it?
A/N: This is the very first full fic I've ever written and Grammer/Punctuation has never been a strength of mine. I also have no idea if this story makes any sense but I had a good time writing.
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You had forgotten to take your ADHD meds this morning, and now you were really paying for it. As you sat at your desk stopping and staring and stopping a multitude of different tasks without actually finishing any of them. 
It was Kate's fault really, she had completely thrown off your routine as she had a tendency to do. It was a rather chaotic routine but it still got you out the door in enough time to grab breakfast and make sure you took your stimulant before getting to work. 
But last night Kate hadn't come home, she had sent you a quick text telling you not to wait up. This happened fairly often since you'd moved in, and she would usually come home at 3 or 4am. But she hadn't made it home till this morning when you'd already been up and getting ready for work. 
You grimaced to yourself thinking about the conversation you'd had with her. 
"How's your other lover?" You'd asked
"Listen I know that's a joke but it's not a very funny one! I'm so sorry, I really am! But this mission I've been working for weeks finally had a big break and I needed to follow this lead! I'm so close to catching this guy!" 
"It was a joke, and I'm glad you made some headway on your mission, but I did feel sad and concerned when I woke up this morning and you still weren't home." You said this to her with your back turned as you made lucky his breakfast. 
You heard Kate get up and walk over to you, she put a hand on your shoulder. You turned to face her and had gotten the first good look at her face since she'd gotten home. You gasped "Kate, that's a pretty nasty cut above your eye! What the hell happened!?"
"I... Well.. you see there was a guy with a bat and.." 
You didn't give her time to finish cause honestly you didn't think you wanted to know the rest. So you'd pulled her into the bathroom and started cleaning and patching up her various wounds before having to rush out the door so you would only be slightly late to work. 
And now here you are, having a highly unproductive day and also worrying about Kate. She had been having way more late nights than normal recently, and pretty much always came home a little beat up. She definitely wasn't getting anywhere near enough sleep, you assumed this was probably why she had been super distant as of late. And last week she had forgotten about Lucky's vet appointment which was probably the most concerning thing of all. 
You've been with Kate long enough to know and understand that this is just what dating a superhero can be like sometimes. But this time it was really starting to effect your relationship for some reason. Things where so inconsistent between the two of you, partly because you never saw each other and partly because when you did Kate didn't talk much about anything of substance. 
As Kate had grown more distant you'd started to get shorter with her, finding less and less patience which you normally had a bottomless amount of for her. You'd also stopped planning dates with her, stopped waiting up for her even if she said she wasn't going to be too late, and you'd been regrettablely a little too harsh with her when she forgot Lucky's appointment and you'd hauled ass across town to take him. 
Sitting at your desk, switching between the same three programs over and over again you started to tear up. You didn't like this, you didn't like feeling so disconnected from her. You hated how you two seemed to be living completely different lives. Because goddamit you loved Kate Bishop so much! You loved being her partner. Kate was absolutely wonderful! She was passionate, brave, and very caring. She used her skills and talents to help other people, something you admired very much about her. She made you feel seen in a way nobody had ever really seen you before. But most of all Kate made you feel safe, not just physically but emotionally too. She had always felt like home. 
The subway commute home was never your favorite, it was always so busy this time of day and wildly overstimulating. But you tried to spend the ride figuring out your game plan for when you got home. You wanted to talk to Kate, if she was even home, but you didn't want to create conflict especially if she was going to be leaving again tonight. 
As you walked into your apartment Lucky nearly knocked you to the ground, absolutely showering you in kisses. 
"Ok! Ok! Lucky I love you too! But we talked about this buddy, you can't just jump somebody at the door!" You said pushing him off before giving him a scratch behind the ears. 
You checked that Lucky had water and decided to let him outside as you assumed he'd been inside all day. Then you went to search for Kate. 
You found her passed out in your bed on top of the blankets letting you know she'd falled asleep as soon as she laid down. You smiled though as you noticed she was wearing one of your hoodies and probably your sweatpants too. 
You bent down the kiss the top of her head before settling down next to her in the bed. Stroking some hair out of her face you couldn't help but smile at your beautiful girlfriend and her slightly battered face. 
"What time is it" Kate mumbled so quietly you could barely hear what she said. 
"It's about 4:30 my love." 
"You're home early." 
"Yeah.... I was having a really bad brain day so my manager told me to just go home." You hoped she wouldn't press any further, but that was wishful thinking. 
Kate finally opened her eyes to look at you, worry evident in them. "Must have been a real bad brain day for Stark Industries to suddenly prioritize mental health over productivity." 
You let out a soft laugh, "Well I definitely wasn't being productive so more likely it just seemed like a waste of company time for me to be there." 
Kate sat up against the headboard next to you, looking even more worried, she tapped your forehead softly with her finger "What's goin on up in there?" 
You gave her a half hearted smile, "Well I forgot to take my meds this morning which isn't the end of the world but it definitely didn't help, there's also no way I've had enough protein today, and ...." You trailed off trying to decide if now was really the best time to tell her that you were also very worried about her and about your relationship. You decided against it because honestly you couldn't remember the last time you'd just sat in bed with her and you wanted to keep those vibes goin.
"Yeah, that's pretty much it."
"Hope you weren't trying for an Oscar with that performance, because I definitely didn't buy it!" Kate said teasingly. 
You groaned looking up at the ceiling "Sorry Kate, I just feel a little overwhelmed right now." Which was entirely true, you did feel very overwhelmed and your brain was going about 200 miles an hour. 
"That's okay, how about we get some food and take Lucky for a walk?" She said suppressing a yawn. 
"Are you sure? I know you're probably exhausted! You can rest more before you have to go to work." 
Kate put her hand on your face stroking your cheek with her thumb. "Yes I'm sure baby, you're having a bad brain day, so let's get some food in you and take a little walk. Also..... I've missed you." 
You leaned your head into her hand a little. "I've really missed you to my love."
Kate treated you to your favorite restaurant that had some outdoor pet friendly seating so Lucky could join. And now you were walking through central parking doing your best to keep Lucky from trying to chase squirrels. 
You'd been walking in silence for a few moments when you finally broke it. "Kate, I was also having a hard time at work today because I was worried about you. And well, also about us...."
Kate slowed down and turned to look at you with a frown on her face "Worried because I was hurt this morning? Because really it was nothing! I appreciate you patching me up, you do a better job than me, but really I'm okay! It looks way worse than it is!" She rambled. 
"Well obviously I don't like it when you come home hurt, but it's more to do with how distant you've been. I know how important what you do is, and I would never ask you not to do it! But... You haven't been home much recently, and when you are you seem so distant...." You trailed off realizing you didn't know where this was going. 
Kate was quiet for what felt like forever but than she said "This guy I'm trying to catch, he's like really really bad, like I would tell you how bad he is but I really don't want to burden you with that knowledge. It's really hard for me not to think about it when I'm home I guess." She was just staring at the ground now as you walked, and the way her demeanor changed you could tell that this was really weighing on her. 
Before you could respond she continued, "But, what did you mean that you're also worried about us?" Her voice getting quieter, almost nervous. 
"Well.... I guess I just feel like we are living two completely different lives, passing like ships in the night hardly ever seeing each other. And when we do it's like you're not actually there, or I'm being grumpy with you. This is the first time in weeks we've actually had dinner together. Kate I love you so so much! But I'm getting worried because I want to support you, but I can't do that if I'm always being shut out."
You sat down on a bench taking Kate's hand in yours as she sat next to you. You studied her face trying to figure out what she was thinking. 
"I don't like shutting you out.... I just want you to be safe and to not have to deal with the things I do." 
"And I do appreciate you leaving out the gruesome details truly, you don't have to tell me everything, but it would be nice if I could at least know what you are feeling sometimes. Because otherwise I have to just try and guess."
Kate nodded her head looking out into the park thoughtfully. "Well right now I'm feeling like I'm absolutely failing at everything! I spent all night tracking that son of a bitch for nothing! I've really dropped the ball on my relationship with you, like I caused a whole ass bad brain day for you! And last week I forgot about Lucky's vet appointment!" 
You opened your mouth to something but Kate quickly cut you off "I swear the god Y/N if you say anything about the vet appointment I'm emailing Pepper Pots to tell her you steal all your really good ideas from your intern!" 
You gasped dramatically clutching your chest for emphasis "Okay! Uncalled for! But Pepper would know you were lying because my intern, bless his heart, couldn't tell you the difference between a PDF and a JPEG with a gun to his head." 
"Okay! So a bad threat but I hope I made my point clear." 
"Yes, I swear to never speak or the vet incident again. And I also will apologize for being so harsh on you about it too." You said more soflty "I definitely could have handled that better, I made it a bigger deal than it needed to be and you didn't deserve that. What I was going to say is thank you for telling me how you're feeling, it helps me understand where you're heads at a bit better." 
You were going to say more but Kate leaned her head on your shoulder and started playing with your fingers causing your brain to short circuit for a half second. 
"Do you think I'm failing?" Kate asked in a whisper. 
You stared at her hand intertwined with yours for a minute before responding. "No Kate, I don't think you're failing, I know this bad dude is giving you a run for your money, but he doesn't know who he's up against! Kate Bishop, the world's greatest archer! You're gonna get him, you always figure it out." 
Kate sat up and gave you another small smile, she looked down at lucky who was now sitting at her feet enthralled with a stick he had found. "What about us? Am I failing at this relationship?" 
"My love, the fact that we are sitting here having this conversation is proof that neither of us are failing." You truly did believe that, and also kind of said it to reassure yourself too because recently you'd been wondering the same thing. "I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to be your partner. I knew there would be nights spent without you, secrets I couldn't know, and the occasional missed vet appointment...." 
"Y/N!" Kate said warningly
"Last time I swear!" You said quickly putting your hands up. "But recently you haven't been talking to me about.... Well... Pretty much anything. And I miss you Kate, it feels like you've been gone for weeks and I miss you." 
Kate looked at you with tears in her eyes "God I've missed you too Y/N. I do want to talk to you about how I'm feeling and what I'm doing. I just don't want you to get caught up in all this. I don't want you to get hurt." 
"Well right now it's hurting me to not know anything that's going on with you." 
She nodded "Yeah, I understand, I feel like I don't know what's going on with you right now either, like I don't even know what your current hyper fixation food is and I always know that."
"Well right now it's those little babybel cheeses, but last week it was BBQ chicken pizza from that place down the street from us." 
"I bet Lucky enjoyed that one." Kate leaned down to take Lucky's stick before he shredded it more than he already had. 
"Oh he very much did! Everyday I come home without it he looks at me as if it's the greatest betrayal he's ever experienced." 
Kate stood offering you her had so you could continue your walk. "Y/N I promise that as soon as I catch that bastard my first priority will be making sure we get some quality time together okay? And in the meantime I will be better at communicating." 
"Okay, I love you Kate, and I know you're gonna get him!" 
You had gotten back home a few minutes ago and you were getting Lucky his dinner. You expected Kate was in your room putting her suit on assuming she would probably be heading out soon. So you were surprised when she walked into the kitchen wearing her signature purple sweatshirt and your sweatpants. 
"I do need to go back out tonight but I thought it'd be nice for both of us if we maybe watched a movie or something before you go to bed?" She asked hopefully. 
This made light up instantly, but then you frowned at the prospect of having to try and pay attention to any entire feature length film. "I would love that, but seeing as I didn't complete even one task at work today I just don't think I'm gonna be able to watch a movie." 
Kate looked thoughtful "Good point, should have thought of that. Okay.... How about we watch TikToks together with New Girl playing in the background?" 
"And that Bishop is possible the best idea you've ever had!" 
So you and Kate spent the rest of the evening cuddled up on the couch doing exactly that. 
You and Lucky had just gotten into bed for the night and Kate was getting ready to head out. She came and sat on the edge of the bed leaning in to give you a kiss. "Y/N if I don't get this guy tonight I don't know what else I'm gonna do." 
"Well, have you asked Clint for advice?" 
"No, he's on vacation with his family and I don't want to bother him."
You nodded, being sure that while Clint loved Kate and was always helping her out, he probably wouldn't appreciate his family vacation being interrupted by whatever it was Kate was doing. "Okay, fair, well I'm here for whatever happens. I might not be a superhero but I do work for a very powerful company and Jerry from the biotech department owes me about 20 favors. And I'll be her to patch you up, just try not to break anything cause then I really will have to insist on taking you to the ER." 
Kate gave you a massive grin as she said "You're my superhero though." 
"Okay! That was so cheesy it was physically painful to hear! Imma need you to go now!" 
Kate responded with the first genuine laugh you had heard from her in weeks before leaning in to give you another kiss. 
As she left the room she turned to look at you and Lucky all tucked into bed. "I love you both, I'll see you in the morning?" 
"We love you too! Ummm... If it's not too much to ask, do you think you could bring me breakfast in the morning? I have to do two days worth of work tomorrow and it would help a lot!" 
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nkn0va · 2 months
Request(Blazblue): On the day of their birthday's Makoto, Noel, Tsubaki, and Mai's S/O's back them their favorite dishes (Mai's S/O even asking Noel to help them cook for her).
I am so sorry if this gets repetitive, that's kinda how it goes sometimes for 4 character requests. Probably gonna be a bit shorter than usual.
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-It doesn't take much to figure out what kind of food Makoto likes. Not only does her heritage make it pretty obvious but she's also quite the foodie in general.
-She doesn't have any particular favorite food but she is a big sweets gal, and of course being a squirrel, nuts are a personal favorite of hers. There are plenty of dishes out there that meet both those criteria, you have options.
-Eventually the idea you decided on was a chestnut parfait. Sweet, easy to make, had nuts, and had fruits to make it at least somewhat healthy. The perfect plan.
-When lunch eventually rolls around you head up to Makoto and present it to her while wishing her a happy birthday. Her mouth almost starts to water right then and there.
-She scarfs it down at record speeds that are frankly a bit concerning. She certainly enjoyed it though judging by her smile and the way her tail couldn't seem to stop wagging.
-As soon as she's done her arms wrap around you immediately in an enthusiastic showing of thanks. She's absolutely going to ask you for more in the future.
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-Noel's not too much of a foodie, she absolutely prefers to cook instead of eat, much to everyone's dismay.
-However her birthday happens to fall on Christmas, so you have as good of an excuse as any to make something for her. A traditional Christmas dish could fulfill your needs well.
-You spend hours toiling away in the kitchen, making a nice, full meal for the both of you to enjoy. You figured it'd be a nice thing to do for both of you since work in the NOL has left you both unfortunately unable to go home for Christmas.
-Mercifully, your workload is at least greatly lightened for the day if not outright eliminated entirely. As soon as you're done with what little you have to do and evening comes you invite Noel over to your place, not telling her the reason.
-The first thing Noel is met with is a table filled with steaming hot food, leaving her unable to hold back her shock that you'd go so far for her.
-She doesn't know whether to kiss you or dig right in, however her nervousness gets the best of her and she opts to go for the food, which is by no means a bad choice. The effort and love you put into it really shines through.
-Mission success. Now all that's left is to pray to whatever God will listen that she doesn't get the urge to return the favor...
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-Tsubaki is a sucker for chocolate, as much as she tries not to let it get to her. It gets to the point that Jin of all people worries about her in this regard.
-Her birthday just so happens to coincidentally fall on White Day, so you'd likely already be getting her chocolate anyway. The problem is having both occasions on the same day sorta ups the pressure on your part to perform.
-You eventually decided the best way to fill the criteria for both was via chocolate cake. You didn't want just some simple, easy cake from a box anyone could make, you knew she deserved better.
-Then you had an epiphany. You could indeed churn out something worthy of such a lovely lady. After spending a good amount of time in the kitchen you end up with a chocolate cake sweetened with condensed milk along topped with caramel and whipped cream. Surely this would pay off.
-Tsubaki's eyes light up as soon as she sees the fruits of your hard labor, even more so once she takes the first bite. She is practically in heaven. It felt like she was falling for you all over again.
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(Can't believe it took this long to finally write for Mai. Though I'm writing this last minute on late night April 21st so what can you do lmao)
-It's rather tough for you to pin down what sort of food Mai would like considering her...complicated relationship with food.
-Whatever you do see her eat, it's completely mangled beyond recognition by whatever the hell Noel does whenever she cooks. You don't know, and frankly you don't think you want to.
-However this is going to turn out to be a nice boon for a change. Not being able to cook for Mai was a serious point of grief for you due to her supertaste, but with Noel around you can finally do so. She immediately agrees to the plan.
-After some discussion about what she typically makes for Mai and what she seems to like best, you two decide on a seafood pilaf. You'd make the base since you wanted to contribute at least something to the dish, and let Noel take it from there.
-Frankly it's a bit scary, leaving her with a perfectly normal dish and then getting it back looking like a weapon of mass destruction. This weapon of mass destruction though was all Mai could eat so you really can't complain. (Not complaining about Noel's cooking...what the hell have you come to...?)
-Mai's grin is practically ear to ear as she eagerly eats everything down, especially once she hears that both you and Noel worked on the dish. As far as she's concerned this is the best damn thing she's ever eaten, thanking you both with a big smile and hug. Being able to eat after what happened is always a treat.
-You still have no idea what Noel does to any food she touches to make it end up the way it does, but perhaps it's one of those mysteries that's just best left unsolved.
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 1 year
I had the idea for this a little bit ago and had the basic outline for it in my drafts. finally decided to sit down and finish it
sorry that it's not the best! it would work better as a much longer thing, but I write better with shorter ficlets so I had to make do c':
Scout broke the silence, bruised and battered, looking around at the pure carnage laid out before him. All thanks to the only other living man in the room. He looked at Spy's back as he stood over the body of the man who's throat he just slit. He was angry, furious even. But he had to know.
"Did.. did you mean that? What you said just then?"
Spy paused and turned, looking back at him. His face paled, the anger once there sapped from it in an instant.
Miss Pauling had shown up with a mission. Which wasn't unusual, nor was it when she asked for Sniper and Spy to come to the briefing room. What was unusual was Scout was asked to join them. It wasn't often he was asked to go on missions, period. And he certainly never was asked to go on one of their missions, no one was.
The mission was simple, but hindsight can only go so far.
Sniper was to be stationed on a building where he would have a clear view through every window. He was to be lookout. Keep Scout and Spy informed of every movement going on inside that building. Which wasn't the most exciting job, but he was certain used to it.
Scout's job was to be a distraction. Not too much of one to cause alarm. But enough of one to keep attention away from the main job.
Which was Spy's. To get in, make his way through the building, and get up to the target's room to steal some important paperwork for Saxton.
That was the plan. And everything started off smoothly.
That was until someone caught wind of a potential sniper on the roof around the same time someone realized Scout was not who he was claiming to be. He couldn't lie his way out of a paper bag, and instead it landed him being dragged off to an interrogation room.
And with Sniper no longer answering his radio, Spy was left to find him.
By the time he got there, he was furious. He'd already killed two guards, and incapacitated several more people. He was mockingly told exactly where "that brat" was. What they were doing to him. And he saw red.
So the moment he kicked the door in and saw one of the men in the room punch Scout in the gut, he didn't even hear himself as he marched over to end them.
"Don't you fucking touch my son."
Scout stood there, staring at Spy as he stared back at him. "Spy, answer me. Did you?" He stared at his face, watching the panic, the fear, the sheer dread wash across him. Each battling to take over. It was an answer enough. He dropped his gaze to the floor to think.
He was angry. He was hurt. He was.. confused. But he remembered one thing. One thing his Ma always told him growing up, something he can't ever remember her saying to any of his brothers. Something she'd tell him after he'd have an outburst, blaming his absent father for everything. She'd pull him aside and sit him down. He never understood it then, it only made him angrier.
He looked back up at Spy, who more or less appeared to completely check out, staring off. Scout felt his eyes burn with tears as he rushed over to hug Spy tight. "Ma always said you'd come back.."
Spy stood there, frozen, before he dropped the knife in his hand and clung to him just as tight. It took a moment before he found his voice again. "I may have broken many promises in my days.. but not that one. Never that one."
They stood there like that, silent. It was long overdue.
After a moment, Sniper dragged himself across the wall to lean against the door frame. Just as battered as Scout. Clutching a wound on his side. Knife in one hand. Glasses completely twisted and broken on his face and one lens missing entirely. He stood there, watching quietly, before clearing his throat loudly. "Yeah, don't worry, I'm okay too. Just in case anyone might've been wonderin'."
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Would you? | Baekhyun
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Mafia!Baekhyun x Reader Word count: 2846 Genre: fluff, slight angst. Author: maari Warnings: Mentions of vomit, menstruation, talk about sex, arguments. Note: Well, I know it's shorter than it should be considering it's two requests in one but you know how I like to end it on the best part 🤣 sorry for taking so long i don't know why but i got stuck on this one. I'm also sorry if there are any mistakes, it's not proofread. Requests: Can i request a baekhyun the day after marriage or a honey moon fic? +  Can you write mafia Baekhyun and pregnant reader? Baekhyun doesn't want the baby but reader resists. Happy end please! But some angst and argument too. Maybe some tear.  ⫷ Exo Masterlist  
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Y/N woke up to the noise of a phone screeching, felt her husband fidgeting beside her and she released her grip on his waist, releasing him to take the phone from the bed. Opening just one eye, feeling all the tiredness from the exhausted trip that had taken over her entire body that she didn't even want to move in bed anymore.
"Hello?" she heard her husband's husky voice and rolled over, trying to get back to sleep before she could worry about the call. "Wait."
Y/N felt him get out of bed completely and heard the glass door to the balcony open and then close, she wanted to ignore the fact that it was probably something about her husband's work, even though it was dawn, and go back to sleep. But the urge to turn to face her husband was stronger.
So she turned around again, opening her eyes, faced her husband stark naked outside on the porch, gesturing with his hands as he spoke on the phone. She smiled at the sight.
This is what she had wanted for so long, they had been married for a little over a year and had only now had the opportunity to go on their honeymoon, all because her husband was too busy with business and his partners wouldn't leave him alone to take 15 days of vacation and enjoy the honeymoon with his wife.
Y/N didn't even care about her husband being undressed, first he didn't care if anyone was watching and second they were in the Caribbean. Far from home and very different from the snowy and cold weather, it was hot even then.
She then felt her mouth watering and all the food from dinner clogged her throat, throwing the sheets away, ran to the bathroom and closed the door before throwing up all over the bathroom sink, the place she could see the quickest.
When everything she'd put in her stomach for the day was gone, she rinsed out her mouth and leaned against the sink, looking at her reflection in the mirror.
Confused, she wondered what could have made her vomit. Caribbean food was a little exotic and different but nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that made her feel sick.
Y/N took advantage and washed her face, feeling her whole body warm but she knew it was because of the Caribbean climate, she wasn't feverish. She felt like this only when she was menstruating and…
She lifted her head and her gaze strayed to a fixed spot in the bathroom.
With all the planning for the trip and the joy of leaving the country on her honeymoon, she'd forgotten that her period must have come a long time ago.
She was late and that wasn't common, even with stress and worries the only thing she didn't miss a day was her period.
Y/N went back to staring at her reflection in the mirror when an idea and probably the only answer to it crossed her mind.
It couldn't be…
A knock on the door made her jump in shock and her blood ran cold.
"Babe?" she sighed at the sound of her husband's voice, feeling her body sweat cold.
"Go back to bed." she could imagine her husband's huge pout and wanted to laugh, if she hadn't been so worried she would have.
"I’m coming."
Y/N bit her bottom lip but without much else to do and with a million questions swirling around her head, she walked out of the bathroom. Promising herself that she would find a drugstore the next day.
The Caribbean was heaven on Earth and Baekhyun looked happy as Y/N hadn't seen him in a long time.
He looked free, happy, he'd even left his phone in the hotel room while they went to the beach. Which was a huge step forward and a miracle, considering that not even on their honeymoon the partners would leave him alone.
Y/N couldn't control her huge smile as she saw her husband come out wet from the crystal blue sea walking towards her with a sideways smile that took her breath away.
She was sitting on the soft, warm sand, sunbathing and wearing her best nonchalant expression. However, her eyes were lost as a huge weight took hold of her shoulders. That was why she hid her irises under her sunglasses.
She was trying her best not to show her husband that she was restless that afternoon.
"Oh, the water is delicious!" he commented and sat down beside the woman, kissing her lips softly and quickly. "You should swim."
"The sun is also very good." she laughed, feeling her husband hug her around the waist.
"But the waters of the Caribbean are the best, my wife."
Y/N turned to face Baekhyun and saw him place a kiss on her bare shoulder.
She was amazed at the attention he was willing to give her, since the trip he hadn't stopped giving her affectionate nicknames and the way he said my wife was different from all of them.
"I've been your wife for a long time."
"But it's the first time we've been like this." rested his chin on her shoulder and stared at her. "Together and with no one around to get in the way, no worries, no problems."
Y/N took a deep breath, swallowing the urge to ask why he'd gotten the call at dawn, she never questioned anything about his work. She was patient because knew what he was doing and it wasn't easy, so she didn't put pressure on him.
And it wasn't now that she was going to do it.
"I like that." she replied, bringing her face close to kiss the tip of his nose.
He smiled widely, pulling her closer as she leaned their foreheads together.
It was clear how happy he was, she had never seen her husband like this, not even when they had met so long ago. He looked lighter, less worried, almost as if he'd forgotten the world they'd set aside for a brief moment.
They stayed like that, hugging and he spread kisses over her face while they talked about the Caribbean and its tropical beauty, until he pulled away and stood up.
“I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything? Sex on the beach?” Baekhyun raised a suggestive eyebrow and Y/N laughed shyly.
Her head snapped back to the test she'd taken that morning and her smile faded.
"I want juice." she replied, swallowing hard and the husband frowning confused.
“Just a juice?” he questioned uncertainty and she just nodded, getting serious all of a sudden. "Alright. I'll be right back."
Y/N watched her husband walk away and let out a breath, running a hand over her face. She knew that she hadn't been able to hide the sudden change in mood from Baekhyun and that at some point he would ask why she had turned down alcohol.
It wasn't like she could hide long enough from him, she would have to talk. She just didn't know how.
When Baekhyun came back, she felt her heart speed up not only because of her husband's beauty but because of anxiety, however, he didn't ask anything and went back to talking about the hotel they were staying at. Surprised, she let herself be hugged even though her mind was elsewhere.
She drank her juice with ease, feeling Baekhyun speak close to her ear as he rested his chin on her shoulder and they stayed on the beach until sunset. When they saw that they had had enough of the hot sand, they decided to go back to the hotel room and walked hand in hand.
"Everything is fine?" he asked along the way.
“I have a little pain in my body.” she said. Well, it wasn't a lie.
“I think last night explains that.” Baekhyun brought Y/N's hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss as he tried to hide a smirk.
She smiled sideways, feeling her face burn. In fact, it explained yes.
Baekhyun always treated her with affection, in bed he was careful and gentle, except on nights when he needed to be inside her to eliminate his frustrations, he was rough.
Not that she would complain, she liked his duality.
And for some reason he hadn't shared, last night had been like that.
As soon as they got to the room, Y/N stretched, feeling her bones complain, and she tried to massage her aching shoulders while her husband locked the door.
"Want a massage?" he offered and she turned to look at him, smiling wearily.
"Would be great." she agreed. “I just need to take some pain medicine and take a shower.”
She loved the beach but felt her whole body covered with sand and she was starting to get uncomfortable.
“I get the medicine.” he informed her and she nodded in agreement.
"Thanks." she thanked him as turned to get her things to shower, she heard Baekhyun in the bathroom and her stomach growled. “Can we order food in the room?” she asked, gathering her things into one arm. "I know you liked the restaurant downstairs but my feet are killing me and..." Turning around, Y/N noticed that her husband was standing in the bathroom doorway with an expression of pure shock. "What happened, babe?"
"What is it?" he asked slowly and held up the pregnancy test, leaving Y/N desperate and feeling the blood drain from her face. She didn't know how to respond so she was silent looking at the test he was holding. "It's a pregnancy test, isn't it?" she swallowed, her wobbly legs seemed to make her lack the strength to speak. “Two little lines means positive.” it wasn't a question, Baekhyun's cold voice indicated that he wasn't joking, he had rarely used that tone with her. "Right?" raised his eyebrow and she felt her eyes fill with tears, just nodded. "How could you?"
Y/N looked at him offended and threw her things on the bed, resting her hands on her hips.
"How could I?" she pointed at herself. “I didn't make the child alone, Baekhyun. It wasn’t with the finger.” she held up her finger, voice rising gradually even though the tears were still there.
"You know this shouldn't have happened, we can't!" he remembered, stepping out of the bathroom and approaching her, but still keeping some distance.
“Maybe you should have thought that two months ago when you came home full of desire to put a child in me.” she replied angrily. “Aren't those your words? That you couldn't wait for me to be round and carrying your child?"
"That was in the heat of sex, Y/N. I didn't really mean to." Y/N laughed in disbelief, crossing her arms, "At least not now."
“Well then, let me warn you that sex without a condom produces a child.”
"You don't have to scream!" he spoke louder and Y/N clenched her jaw in annoyance. "You know as well as I do that this is dangerous." he pointed at her belly and Y/N held her body protectively, instinctively.
"This?" she asked, shocked. "This?!" her eyes began to sting and she blinked, tears falling hard. “This is your son, Byun!”
She didn't want to fight, didn't want to scream, but it was impossible not to.
She was afraid of her husband's reaction and that was the only reason she didn't talk about her suspicion and went out to buy the test at the pharmacy next door, but she would never have imagined him speaking in that tone, like that.
However, the way she said his last name caught him off guard. She only called him that when she was so angry that she couldn't control her emotions.
“Y/N, you know it's risky because of my job. We cannot."
"Just because you're a heartless mobster?" she retorted, hurt still hugging her own body and her husband's shoulders sagged as he looked at her sadly.
"I can't." Y/N could hear the fear in her husband's voice but that wasn't enough.
“All those times you deluded me with the idea of ​​forming a family of our own, away from everyone, from all this dirt you live, was it all empty words?” she questioned looking for her husband's eyes but he looked away, he couldn't face her. “Are your feelings even real?”
Baekhyun stared at her instantly, shocked.
"What? You know I love you." he took a step forward but she took a step back.
"You do? Why do you reject my son, the fruit of this love that you say you feel?” he opened his mouth to reply but no sound came out and she laughed in frustration. “If I walked out that door now, would it make a difference? Would you even notice that I was gone?”
Baekhyun shook his head and broke the huge space between them, taking her face in his hands so she could look him in the eye.
"Don’t say that, please." he pleaded. “I love you Y/N, I would die for you and without you.”
She stared hard into his eyes, looking for any trace of a lie or reluctance but found none.
“So what are you afraid of?”
Y/N saw Baekhyun's eyes turn red and gain tears that he didn't let fall.
"I can't drag another person I love into this life, leave you two in jeopardy for my decisions... I can't."
"Don't ask me to choose between you and my son, because the answer won't suit you." she replied with conviction and Baekhyun kept his gaze fixed on hers.
He took a deep breath and started to walk away but Y/N held him by the back of his head, touching their foreheads.
“Don't let us go, stay with us. Whatever we have to face, we'll do it together. That's what a family means.”
Baekhyun pondered, Y/N spoke with such certainty that he had nothing to do but believe. She had always had faith in him and now was no different.
He always wanted a family with her, but he never had one so he didn't know what to do, what to say. And the life that he chased was uncertain, inconstant. He didn't know if it was worth dragging the people he loved most into this reality.
But he didn't want to miss the opportunity to be truly happy.
Not knowing how to respond, he took her by the hip, wrapped around her body and brought her in to seal a tender kiss. Y/N held him as if was afraid that if she didn't, he would walk away while Baekhyun moved his lips as if he could capture all the strength and certainty his wife conveyed in that moment.
If only they could stay like this for all eternity. They wouldn't have to leave that paradise, they wouldn't have to worry about anything.
But eventually, they had to break the kiss to catch their breath and Baekhyun took the opportunity to hug his wife tightly and buried his face in her neck, feeling the texture of her warm skin that soothed him more than anything else.
"I’m scared." he admitted and Y/N took the opportunity to take her hand to his hair, stroking.
"Don't, I'm here and if it's your will, I'm not going anywhere." she assured and felt him place a kiss on her skin.
He pulled back enough to face her.
“Promise?” she nodded and brought her hand to her husband's face, stroking it lightly.
"How could I walk away and leave my child's father alone?" she questioned and her husband smiled weakly.
"I'm going to make it work, for the three of us." he promised and she blinked as if to say I know.
Baekhyun pulled away completely, crouched down and grabbed his wife by the waist and kissed her belly.
"I'm sorry for all the bullshit I said, I would never reject you." he talked to the baby and although Y/N's belly wasn't even showing pregnancy, she was so happy with the scene that brought her hands up to his hair again, encouraging him to continue. "Your father is a little stubborn."
"A little?" Y/N asked, laughing.
"Excuse me, I'm talking to my son." he spoke in a joking tone and she laughed, raising her hands in surrender. “I love you and I will protect you, baby.” Y/N smiled proudly. "But right now I need you to go to sleep because I'm about to do something children can't see."
Y/N frowned and within a minute, Baekhyun held her on his arm making her laugh out loud in fright but held the back of her husband's neck anyway as he took her to the bathroom.
"What will you do?" she asked, laughing.
"You need to shower." he remembered and she raised an eyebrow. "And we need sex for reconciliation."
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
this has been on my brain for a few days now, male reader who run a soup stand/ restaurant that also sells pastries, who is very clumsy and awkward, but has golden retriever energy x red son, swk, mk and macaque. like the boys just run across it one day and order some soup and the reader offers them pastries, which happens to be their favorite and so they just kinda keep coming back because they like y/n and also to make sure theyre okay from their own actions
ok so I know this took me so long but it in my opinion is worth it bc this was so fun to write?? Enjoy!!
"The Boys Are Here"(1,063 w.c)
Redson, MK, SWK, and Macaque x Golden retriever energy! Reader
Fluffy romantic oneshot
Pronouns: you/yours, ngl this is pretty neutral
CW: food, mention of injury
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Now listen, when you opened up your tiny bakery, you didn’t expect a whole lot of traffic. It was simple pastries, some cookies, and cakes as well.Those who came in generally really enjoyed your food, and you were proud of yourself for making it this far! What you didn’t expect was four regulars who weren’t exactly of the “normal person” variety.
“I told you, noodle boy, you need to watch how close your tail gets to my fire! If I ever plan to roast you, it’ll be on purpose!” A redhead walked in, holding the door open as the next three figures came in. First was a shorter man with unruly brown hair and a red bandana, carrying a staff.
“I didn’t mean to!! I just overestimated how much space I had to work with!” He said. Behind him were two monkeys, one ginger and one raven-colored with some white streaks. They almost looked like they were related.
“What matters is that we put you out before it took the whole thing off, MK. Now c’mon, I’m starving!” The ginger ruffled the ‘noodle boy’s hair. 
“Welcome! What can I get you?” You finally spoke, attempting not to stare at them too hard. They were all so attractive in their own ways, and you worried it would affect your abilities to serve them. 
“Do you have anything peach flavored?” The ginger pressed his face up against the glass of your display case, and so did MK. Now that they were closer, you could see that they looked as if they’d been in some kind of fight. Some light scratches here and there on their faces, dust and ash coating their hair and skin. You could see MK’s tail, and the end was a little bit singed. 
“We have some sodas, but nothing pastry wise. Sorry.” 
“I’ll take one of those sodas, and actually a few of those sugar cookies as well.” 
You put on some gloves and got to work on putting this all on a tray. You figured they’d want to stay and eat.
“Can I have a slice of that lava cake?” The redhead was pointing politely at the case, and you nodded as you went to retrieve the slice. 
“And for you?” You made eye contact with the quiet, shadowy figure who stood closest to the door. 
“Oh, uh…do you have coffee?” 
“I do!”
“Black, please.”
His eyes were darting around the space, probably trying to understand why he was dragged here. But he also had a light red tint to his cheeks, like he was surprised you acknowledged him at all.
“And what about you?” You peered over the counter at MK.
“I can’t really decide…it all looks delicious.”
“I have a sample dish you can get, with one of each cookie on it.”
“Ooh! Yeah, I’ll do that!”
You rang them all up, and then each one searched their pockets for a wallet.
“Relax, all of you. I’ll put it on my credit card.” Red walked past all of them, handing you the card. You laughed at their antics as you finished the transaction and handed them the tray. They went over to an empty table.
“I’ll get you your drinks in just a second.” You pointed out, turning on your heel to get them. Once you did, you kind of made a show of bringing it to them. There was a small chance they’d notice your efforts in flirting, but there was also a chance they wouldn’t.
“Do you guys want, like…something to clean up with?” You asked.
“Nah. We’re all headed home after this, but thank you!” The ginger answered for the group. You nodded and left them to enjoy their snacks, opting to do some tidying up. In the back of your mind, you were listening to their conversations. The shadowy figure was named Macaque, the ginger was Monkey King, and the redhead was Redson. And of course you realized this meant that you were hosting several very powerful beings in your humble cafe. At least they tipped well?
This was all months ago. Since then, they’d show up at least once a week. They’d either be worn out from training, coming from a battle, or just showing up for fun. You came to be close with them, and eventually they all very politely asked you out. Now you were in a loving polyamorous relationship with them.
“Y/N, I’m gonna grab an ice pack from the freezer!” MK practically hopped your counter as he waved to you. You were busy ringing up a customer, but you gave him a thumbs up.
“Slow down!! You’re gonna steal the frosting out of the container again, aren’t you?!” Redson dashed in an effort to follow her boyfriend, but stopped to give you a quick peck on the cheek. The customer you were serving left with their order, and you turned your attention to the four people that were coming in quick succession. 
“MK, if you’re gonna be back there, maybe you can check the dates on those for me?” You called.
“The chocolate’s good for another month. Vanilla could use another package, though.” You felt a chill as Macaque phased through one of his portals, licking a spoon. Wukong followed behind him, drinking his usual peach soda.
“How long have you two been here?!” You asked, trying and failing to snatch the spoon out of your partner’s hand. He was faster than you, though, leading to him laughing at your attempts.
“Long enough that I’ve gone through a whole pot of coffee.” He chuckled.
“Alright, no more for you today. And for goodness’ sake at least give me a heads up before you raid my kitchen!” 
“Sure thing, boss.” He mocked you, ducking into the shadows again and emerging at a table to sit down with Wukong. MK and Redson came out of the kitchen as well, with MK holding an ice pack to his shoulder as he sat down.
“What did you do this time?”
“With all his brain power, he thought he could crash his way through a truck in the way of the demon we fought. Thank goodness it wasn’t his swinging arm.” Redson pointed out. You sighed and sat down with the group.
“You lot are pieces of work.”
“Yeah, but you loooove us!” MK gave you those puppy eyes, and you nodded in agreement.
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gia-d · 4 months
Did you print it yourself? The paper quality is so pretty!!
Had you ever done something like this before? How long were you working on this?
Did you draw or write anything yourself for this? Or include any art?
How did you choose the order of the pieces? Did you organize them in any way? That looks like a lot of fics! Probably!
Hello friend! I don't mind the screaming at all, it shows your enthusiasm which I absolutely love!
Did I print it myself?:
Yes I did! I took the text from AO3 and then typeset it into a more suitable book format in Word. It's printed on 90gsm archival short grain paper so it feels like the paper you'd find in a limited edition/deluxe version of a book. Very nice and smooth!
Have I done something like this before/How long did it take?:
I've made a few books before but all of them have either been practice books or gifts for others. This is the first one I've made for myself! This particular book took several evenings to typeset, but once that was done, printing, sewing, gluing making the cover, applying the cover design etc took about a day and a half? Which isn't too bad but I was doing it in 43°C/110°F weather so it was a little taxing...
Did I draw or write anything for myself:
No, not this time! This was all just a collection of my favourite fics that others have written. Though keep an eye on some of the future projects I have planned! 😉
How did I organise the fics?:
There are 11 fics in total in this book, ranging anywhere from just over 1k words to about 30k. I put 7 shorter one shot fics at the front of the book, and then the 4 longer, multi-chapter fics towards the back, but other than that there wasn't much rhyme or reason to the order.
I'm really glad you like it! I've got some more projects that I will reveal soon, so keep an eye out for those too! 💙
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blizzard202 · 1 month
Standing Still
Hi reader, welcome to Standing Still!
This story is the complete narrative of the two characters created by Blizzard (@blizzard202) and Axol (@alien8tdd/@no-i-wanna-go-down)
The protagonists of this story are two Newsies named Raymond (Nicknamed Blizzard) and Archie (Nicknamed Pup).
Raymond was created by Blizzard, and Archie was created by Axol. We both write chapters together as co-writers.
Chapter One - Archie
It feels like only moments ago when Archie and Ashton Larkson’s parents passed. The two children never received the details on how it happened. The police never care enough about anything when it comes to poor people. And just like that the 15 and 13 year old boys were kicked to the streets. All they can do to get by now is beg and steal.
It’s late, Archie knows that as he’s dragged by his brother through the streets. All he can register is that his brother has stolen a loaf of bread and now they’re being chased by around eight scary-looking men. 
“Get back here, you rat-bastards!” One of them shouts. Archie’s feet drag against the cobblestone and ache terribly. Shops and people fly by in a blur. He thinks he can feel tears sting at his eyes, but he fights them back. Don’t be a sissy. Ashton’s voice echoes in his mind.
They turn a few corners. He can hear his brother swear under his breath. The grip on his wrist disappears before he hits the ground. Hard. There’s a sharp, ringing pain in his head. He blinks up at the scary men. They grab his arms, though a few others continue to chase Ashton. Before Archie can do anything, his vision fades to black.
When Archie wakes, he’s in some sort of cell. Alone. Everything aches. He can feel dried, crusty blood on the back of his neck, on his shoulders and clothes and… where is he? He shivers. It’s cold. His stomach grumbles madly. How long has it been since he’s eaten? How long was he knocked out for? His head hurts. Everything does.
He looks around once more. There doesn’t seem to be a way out. There’s no toilet. He thinks he can see something move in the shadows. Archie inches towards whatever it is. It is, in fact, a rat. He lets out a yelp and it immediately scurries back off into the shadows. 
All Archie can do is tuck himself into the corner of this cold, dark room, curl up on his side like a dog and close his eyes. He fights back tears.
What did I do wrong? Why did all of this have to happen? First ma and pa are gone and now…Archie doesn’t fall asleep for a long, long time. When he does, it’s a light, dreamless sleep, often interrupted by the scurrying of rats or the footsteps of more scary men like the ones that took him here. But he sleeps. Barely.
Chapter Two - Raymond
Raymond is sitting in the break room of his job, eating his dinner. He works as a cleaner at a tailor’s shop down the street from Jacobi’s Deli, where he bought a ham sandwich with the 3 cents he made on his job that day. Almost 9:00. He thinks, glancing at the clock on the wall every couple of seconds.
12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2… He springs up from his seat, locks up the doors of the shop, and makes his way down the road, dodging carriages and newsboys walking back to their lodging houses. He accidentally nicks a kid’s hat off when shooting his wrapper into the garbage can.
“Ay’ whaddya think you’re doin’?” The kid seems much too old to be a newsie, probably in his 20s at that point.
“Look, I’m sorry, you don’t gotta make a big deal about it.” Raymond says. The new face is slightly shorter than him, red hair, he looks tougher than Raymond though.
“It is MY first day on my job wit’ The Bronx newsies, and I don’t need you ruinin’ it, dipwad!” The guy takes a swing, Raymond dodges and trips him, making him fall flat on his back. He starts running. Wasn’t planning on dyin’ today. 
Raymond looks back to see that he isn’t being chased, but he doesn’t look where he’s going, and bumps into an old woman, knocking her over. Luckily, he catches her and puts her back on her feet.
“Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! Are you alright ma’am?”
“Yes, I’m fine, thank you for asking. I know it was an accident, it’s ok, things happen.” The two chat for a bit, then go their separate ways. That could’ve been way worse. 
Suddenly, a man dressed in clothes not seeming to fit the streets of Manhattan. “Excuse me child, do you not see what you just did?” The mysterious man asked.
“Yes? I was runnin’ too fast and I accidentally bumped into a lady. Luckily I picked her up before she could hit the ground! She’s alright, I made sure-”
“That isn’t what I saw.” The man tells Raymond.
“Whaddya mean?” Raymond asks.
“What I think just happened was an attempted murder. Don’t you know how old that woman is? If she hit the ground, she would have perished the second she came face-to-face with that concrete. Luckily, you noticed that people were around, and played it off as some kind of accident.”
“What? You’re bein’ ridiculous! Why would I try to kill some poor old lady?” Raymond is flabbergasted, confused about what is entering his ears.
“I don’t know, why would you? OFFICERS! TAKE HIM AWAY!”
“What? What are you doin’!? I- Get offa me! Stop! I didn’t do nothin’!” 
“Exactly kid. You didn’t do nothing, a double negative.” 
“What did I do to you to deserve this? Why are you being so mean?!” 
“Because I can. Wow! Two new inmates in one hour! We’re going to have a drink tonight boys!”
Great. Now I’m gonna rot in a cell because some ass thinks that capturing kids to put in your jail is just a fun game. He sits in a holding cell, feeling hopeless, until he looks to his side, and spots something in the corner. Another boy, about his age, maybe a year younger, curled up. He’s asleep. His curly, copper hair is tainted with a bit of blood, and there’s a small sort of gash in his head that’s barely visible through the thick curls.
Chapter 3 - Archie
When Archie wakes again, a pair of dark eyes are peering back at him. He uncurls himself and presses against the cold wall of the strange, small room. The dull ache in his head is still there. His eyes take a moment to focus on the other boy. 
“Wha… who?” Archie’s speech is barely comprehensible as he slowly regains his senses. The other boy greets him.
“Hello? Are you ok?” The brown-haired boy’s concerned voice rings through the small room. It takes a few moments for Archie to even register what he said.
“I’m.. fine. Who- Who are you?” Archie tilts his head slightly and squints. It occurs to him that maybe he should introduce himself. 
Be polite, like Ma always said. “I’m Archie.” He offers a small, weak smile in an attempt to come off as friendly despite his situation.
The other boy blinks. “My name’s Raymond. You in here for somethin’ stupid too?” 
Archie winces. Something stupid? Sort of. He’d have to explain everything to this stranger, and from experience Archie knows it’s hard for him to stop talking once he starts. It’d be embarrassing to just spill his guts right here.
Don’t overthink. “Yeah, I guess so… do ya know where ‘here’ is?” Archie’s voice waivers a bit more than he’d prefer. He doesn’t want to seem weak. Raymond glances around.
“Seems like a prison? Dunno. I didn’t do anythin’ besides bump inta an old lady.” Raymond’s eyes land on the blood. 
“Are you ok? You’re definitely hurt… C’mere.” Archie hesitates before inching closer. Raymond pulls him the rest of the way and uses a hand to tilt Archie’s head downwards and to the side. It’s an awkward but not uncomfortable angle.
Raymond lets out a concerned “hm,” Archie can feel gentle fingers against his hair, seemingly clearing the way so his wound is more visible. Raymond’s fingers graze the raw, injured skin, which prompts Archie to suck in a sharp breath. He hasn’t been treated so gently since… well, since before his parents died. He’d received no such treatment from his brother.
Archie finds himself so lost in his thoughts that when Raymond pulls away, he takes a moment to open his eyes. He hadn’t even realized they were closed in the first place. 
“How bad does it hurt?” Raymond asks. It takes a short moment for Archie to reply. 
“Not… horribly? I’m bad with words. It’s like background noise but pain. Background pain.” Raymond laughs wryly, though he still looks concerned.
“What if you have a concussion or somethin’?” Ashton would have replied with a snarky, sarcastic reply. Archie doesn’t want to be like his brother, he’s realized that now. 
“I’m not sure… I’ll be fine, though. Uhm.. are you hurt at all?” Archie tilts his head. His eyes gleam with concern.
Raymond shakes his head. “I’m ok.” Archie is thankful Raymond hasn’t asked anything more about how he got here. As much as Archie would like the relief of crying into someone’s arms, he doesn’t want to scare this boy off. An awkward yet peaceful silence envelops the two. Archie ponders what Raymond could be thinking, and who Raymond is outside of this cold, dark cell. 
Chapter 4 - Raymond
After a while, Archie starts explaining his story while Raymond creates a makeshift bandage by ripping off a piece of Archie’s shirt. Raymond has tried, and failed, to convince Archie to let him use his own shirt. 
“Thanks.” He says quietly. Raymond paces his way around, kicking a pebble around the cell, until he gets bored and slumps down against the wall next to Pup.
The two are sitting next to each other against the wall of the cell. A black, furry rat darts towards them but skitters the other way when it gets too close. Archie yelps loudly. Raymond snickers faintly, it’s a bit funny how timid Archie is, even if Raymond is concerned for the other boy. Raymond looks over to his left. 
“They’re just rats...” He says gently. There is a hint of amusement in his voice. Archie glances away and folds his arms. 
“But theys gonna bite me and I’ll get a disease!” He retorts. Raymond thinks he can see a hint of a smile on his face, though. 
“Just don’t bother them. They’re probably more afraid of you than you are of them.” Raymond places a hand on Archie’s shoulder. Archie smiles and looks back at Raymond, but his eyes still flicker back to the shadows every once and a while. 
After a few minutes, footsteps can be heard down what could be a hallway. The door opens. “Hey kids, you fellas gotta get in the room, boss says so.” A guard that seemed way too tired to work tells the two. He leads the two to a large room with about twenty sets of bunk beds. “There, that’s where you’re gonna sleep.” The man points at a bottom bunk. 
“…Which one?” Pup asks. 
The guard chuckles. “Are ya serious? Just be glad you aren’t in a three-kid bed!” The officer walks away, still chuckling to himself. 
“LIGHTS OUT!” The warden yells an hour later. 
Alrighty… Raymond thinks to himself. The two find themselves over to their bed after a while, they get affiliated with a couple other kids in the block: James, a young teen who didn't have a pinky finger, and Clippers, who said he does haircuts for kids who can’t afford them. Blizzard feels a little uncomfortable in the rock-solid mattress, but after a while, he eventually falls asleep.
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Prompt from @recurring-polynya
Working Title: Takiyaki Is NOT Communication
Characters: Rukia, Orihime, Renji (RenRuki)
Rating: G
Genre: Humor/Romance/Fluff
Prompt: Rukia presents Renji with some food she has made. I tried to keep it very open bc I'm more interested in where you might go with it!
Story Summary: When Rukia recognizes her feelings for Renji, she works with Orihime to figure out how best to tell him. Their plan is tasty, if not a little dangerous. Post TYBW, some spoilers.
Author’s note: I had a lot of fun writing this prompt, but man was it a roller coaster ride! At first, I was writing a completely different fic, a Prestigious Private School AU Part 2, where we meet Renji’s study group and Rukia bakes a cake. Buuuut, that one was getting way too long in the tooth, and was riddled with problems that I’ve just begun to solve. Then I remembered I had a fic I wrote a beginning for, but no middle or ending because I just couldn’t figure it out. And I realized that this would be perfect for it! So sorry if that’s a cop out, I didn’t realize the other fic wasn’t going to work within the timeline until friday, so I needed to find a shorter solution. It still took awhile to make the two ideas work together and actually write the middle and ending if that counts! Also, you get a free Orihime out of the deal, so that’s nice! This is my first time writing for her so let me know what you think! Also, I all admit this one is a little crackish, especially for Rukia.
Takiyaki Is NOT Communication
Inoue Orihime was very much enjoying sleeping in on her day off from the bakery, when she heard a knock at the door. Who could be here this early in the morning on a Sunday? She wondered, as she tried to rub the sleepiness out of her eyes. She had just begun to yawn rather loudly and stretch out her limbs when she heard yet another more vigorous knock.
“Coming!” She yelled, throwing on a sweater over her pajamas. She went over and looked through the peep-hole on her door.
"Rukia!” She exclaimed, throwing the door open wide, “I didn't know you were in town. Come in, come in! What brings you here?" Kuchiki Rukia stood in the doorway looking more serious than Orihime had ever seen her.
"Orihime….” she said with great gravity, “There is something serious I must tell you. Something so serious that I couldn’t tell you over the phone."
Orihime gasped, “Oh Rukia, are you in danger? Do you need me to call Ichigo?” Orihime immediately reached for the phone in her pocket.
"No!” Rukia said quickly, frantically waving her hands in front of her, “No danger. No physical danger anyway… And I’m afraid this is not something he can handle,” she crossed her arms again, “Plus he'd probably just make fun of me, anyway…"
Orihime looked at her friend kindly, "I'm sure that's not true,” then she tapped her chin in thought, “Well, okay, it's probably a little true, depending on what the problem is… But he would still help you out afterwards!"
"I'm afraid it's beyond his skills. You see, Orihime, I...” Rukia paused for dramatic effect, “...have a dark secret…"
"Oh my… Um… Do you want to sit down?" Orihime asked, waving her hand towards the couch.
"Perhaps that would be best," Rukia nodded seriously, entering the apartment. Rukia sat down heavily on the couch. Orihime shut the door, and sat down gently next to her. She patiently waited while Rukia worked up her courage. Finally, Rukia spoke.
"Orihime… I think… I might be in love with Renji."
Orihime continued to sit with anticipation. When Rukia said no more, Orihime realized that she was finished.
"Oh? I mean, oh! Really?! W-what a surprise! I never would have guessed!"
Rukia turned towards her friend and began speaking rapidly, “I know, right? I mean, I know the guy's hot, I do have eyes, and it’s pointless to pretend otherwise,” she stated matter of factly, “And okay, maybe I had a crush on him before, and maybe MAYBE I dreamed about him occasionally even during the separation… But!” she crossed her arms now, “It was a pointless and silly little crush! I told myself as much, so I did my best to forget about him,” Rukia looked down, her brows knitted together, “But ever since we got back together again, the feelings came back little by little. So even when I tried to push them down, tell myself it’s pointless to get wrapped up in a silly crush again, he would do something or say something that was just so him, that I would find myself falling all over again. And finally all those moments kept piling up, so that my feelings kept getting stronger and stronger until… Uuuuugh…" Rukia covered her face with her hands, "This is so stupid…"
"No, no, Rukia! It’s not stupid!” Orihime said, waving her hands quickly. She began to rub her friend on the back soothingly, “I think it's great that you are able to admit your feelings to yourself. I think it is very mature of you."
Rukia looked up at her friend between her fingers, "Really?"
"Yes, really. It can be…hard to face your true feelings, and I think you are very brave to do it. And… I'm glad you told me."
"Oh…Oh Orihime…” Rukia said, putting her hands down again, “Thank you, Orihime, but…"
“Anyway, now that you know, what would you like to do about it?” Orihime quickly asked, pushing the conversation along. Rukia gave her friend an unconvinced look, and Orihime returned it with a pleading one. Rukia sighed. She’d let it go for now.
“That is the question…” she said slowly, “I’m not entirely sure. S-should I tell him?”
"Well,” Orihime began, “that's completely up to you. Do you want to tell him?"
"Normally, no, that's why I didn't tell him before,” Rukia said quietly, “I… I like what we have, and I don't want to mess it up by getting greedy… but… and I know this sounds absolutely crazy…"
"Yes?" Orihime asked patiently.
"I think he might like me too," Rukia finally said.
Orihime was more ready with her exaggerated reaction this time. "Ooooh! You think? Wow! Amazing!"
"Right?!" Rukia exclaimed, she began talking rapidly again, "I know it's a long shot, especially with all those girls over at the Sixth Division fawning over him everytime he so much as walks by in that flower bath robe of his…but…" Rukia got a little quiet, "he's been acting differently lately. He gives me compliments now. Not just when I wear something extra special for a festival, but even when I so much as wear a new hair clip, he notices. In the past, I would sometimes see him staring at me out of the corner of his eye for no reason at all. I would look up at him, and he used to immediately look away…but now he just doesn't?! I look up at him, and now he just stares me straight in the eye, smiles a little, and then slowly turns away. We would always meet up at events, but now he offers to walk me there and back. It's almost like…it feels like he's trying to tell me he likes me, without telling me."
"Oh…" Orihime said slowly and thoughtfully, "why do you think that is?"
"I don't know! Maybe he’s not sure I like him back. Or maybe he still feels like he needs to impress my brother. But maybe…” Rukia sighed, “maybe it's because I've been so busy and in a bit of a slump since Captain Ukitake died, and he doesn't want to push me into a relationship before I'm ready.”
Orihime thought about this. While it was pretty clear to her, and the rest of their friend group that Renji liked Rukia, she did have to admit that it had taken them awhile to figure out that Rukia liked him back, so that was a possibility. Rukia showed her affection in less than ordinary ways, ways that usually involved shouting. However, Renji knew Rukia a lot longer than any of them, so it’s unlikely that her unorthodox way of showing affection would faze him.
Orihime thought some more. It could be the brother thing… Orihime didn’t get it fully herself, but she had heard about it a bit from Rukia. Apparently Soul Society had this whole class system thing that didn’t allow Renji to even talk to Rukia until he was made Vice Captain. Still… from what she saw, Renji got along quite well with his captain/Rukia’s brother, so she doubted that this would be a problem anymore…
The last one was….hard. Rukia had been very busy since her Captain’s death. Her texts had become pretty sparse, so much so that Orihime and Ichigo barely heard from her anymore. The slump thing could easily be connected. Rukia often became a work-a-holic when she was trying to avoid things like thinking about her feelings. But if Rukia was here, presently with her, and asking Orihime’s advice on her feelings about Renji, then that means she isn’t avoiding them anymore. She’s ready to move forward.
“All of those are possible of course,” Orihime began, “But if you’re ready to talk about it, then perhaps that means you are ready to tell him.”
Rukia thought about this, “Yes. Yes, I think so too. Thank you, Orihime.”
“Of course! So how do you want to go about telling him?”
“Yeah, that’s the other problem… I’m not sure I’m ready to say all my feelings for him out loud yet. I think I would just jumble them up.”
“Okay, that’s no problem! You could just write them down!”
“Y-yeah! I could do that!” Rukia agreed. Then she deflated again, “But I don’t just want to hand him a note though, that’s pretty embarrassing too…”
“Maybe you could put it with something else? Like sort of a gift and card combo?”
“Oh yeah! That could work! In fact…” Rukia began, getting a scheming look on her face, “Maybe I could cook him something and then stick the message inside of it! Like a hidden message!”
“Wow!” Orihime exclaimed, “That’s a great idea, Rukia!”
“Yeah!!! Oh, but…his favorite food is takiyaki… Can you stick a message in that?”
“Hmmm, maybe but…takiyaki has a filling for a center,” Orihime reasoned, tapping her chin, “Your message might get lost in that.”
“Oh…yeah…I guess that’s true.”
“Although….” Orihime began, thinking hard.
“What you could do is make a bunch of mini takiyaki, fill all but one, put the message in that one, and then stick that one on top. Then when he opens it up, he gets the message!”
“Oh!” Rukia exclaimed, smiling. She hopped up off the couch, “Oh that could work! Thank you, Orihime! I’ll try that!”
Orihime smiled happily along with her friend, “Glad to help, Rukia!” She got off the couch too. “I actually got some supplies to make takiyaki if you want any help.”
“Yes please! This is going to be great!” Rukia said, with newfound determination as they headed towards Orihime’s kitchen, “Renji better look out, because these are going to be the best takiyaki he’s ever seen! He may or may not love me, but he WILL love our takiyaki!” Orihime laughed.
“Yeah!” She agreed.
"I present to you,” Rukia began dramatically to Renji, whom she met up with later that day. They were in the Sixth Division mess hall which was nearly always empty in the mid afternoons, “homemade takiyaki, made by yours truly!"
Renji raised an eyebrow at her. While he had tasted Rukia’s cooking since the separation, and it wasn’t bad, it was also clear she did it extremely rarely.
"With help from the wonderful Orihime!" Rukia finished with a dramatic flourish.
"There it is," Renji said, "Well that does boost my confidence in the quality, if not the flavor."
"H-hey! I could give it to someone else you know!" Rukia said, reaching to remove the plate, but Renji grabbed ahold of it, and held it securely closer to him.
"Uh uh! Nope! You said they’re mine, so they're mine!" Renji picked up the top takiyaki and examined it carefully, “Hmmmm…. Crispy on the outside, and soft in the center, good good…”
“But of course!” Rukia said triumphantly.
Renji gave the takiyaki an experimental sniff, “Nice aroma as well…”
“The nicest, I’d say!”
“Hmmm,” He said thinking, “but…”
“W-what is it?” Rukia asked with a sudden sense of dread.
“You went kind of light on the filling, especially on this one,” Renji said, giving the takiyaki a light squeeze, “Did you forget to fill it, maybe?”
“J-Just try it already!” Rukia said with nervous frustration.
“Okay, okay!” Renji chuckled. He took the mini takiyaki in both hands, and shoved the entire thing into his mouth. He then immediately choked.
“It was very nice of you to leave a note for your friend, Rukia, but this is why it’s important we tell people before we put non-edible items in food,” Captain Isane said.
“How was I supposed to know he was going to stuff the entire thing into his mouth?!” Rukia exclaimed, while rubbing Renji’s back. They were sitting in the Fourth Division Emergency Room since Rukia had used shunpo to get them both there after Renji had started choking.
“Why wouldn’t I? How was I supposed to know you had stuffed a wad of paper in there? What’s it say anyway?” Renji asked, reaching for where it had fallen on the floor after it had been successfully hacked up.
“W-wait! Don’t touch that!” Rukia said, snatching it up.
“What? Why not?!”
“B-because! It’s dirty!
“Then why did you grab it?”
“I…I….” Rukia suddenly looked very uncomfortable. She stared at the note, crumpled and wet, in her hands. She went very quiet. Isane took the hint and decided it was high time she excused herself.
“Well, I have other patients I need to check on, so I’ll be going now. As long as you're feeling better, you’re free to go, Vice Captain Abarai. I’ll send in someone to give you your emergency room dispatch papers.” And with that, she was gone. Renji stared at Rukia. Rukia continued to stare at the wad of wet paper in her hands, looking a little defeated. Renji sighed.
“I guess it was probably pretty important, huh? What you wrote on that note?”
“Something that's kind of hard to say out loud?”
“Something like that…”
“Ah…” Renji said, looking up at the ceiling, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked back at her again, “Sorry, I ate your note, Rukia.”
“It’s okay…it…was a stupid idea anyway.”
“Yeah, maybe not your smartest plan," he chuckled, "but it was definitely one of your tastiest! The takiyaki surrounding the note was really good, even without the filling!”
“Really? You liked it?”
“Oh yeah! For sure! Heck, if the rest of the division didn’t eat them while we were gone, I’d love to finish them!” Renji said.
“Oh yeah? Yeah, hopefully they didn’t…” She finished quietly. Rukia continued to stare at the note in her hands. It was utterly ruined. Renji sighed and walked over to her, He cupped his hands around hers.
“Hey…” He began gently, soothingly. Rukia finally looked at him, “It’s okay, y’know? You can try again,” he said, his thumbs gently caressing her hands, “I’ll still be here. I’ll always be here, whenever you're ready. So don’t worry about it, alright? We can try again.”
Rukia stared into Renji’s eyes, and he stared right back. They were soft and warm. Rukia felt her heart drive straight up into her throat, drop off its bags and settle down. Clearly it lived there now, hung up curtains and everything.
"A-alright, Vice Captain Abarai, here are your dismissal forms," Hanataro said as he entered the room. He looked up, "O-oh Rukia! You’re here too! It's nice to see…" his eyes fell upon their joined hands, "Waaah! I'm sorry! I'm interrupting!" Renji sighed and let go of Rukia’s hands.
"Heh… Your timing is impeccable as always, Hanataro," Renji chuckled derisively, "here give me the paperwork to sign."
"Ah, okay, sorry!" Hanataro said. As Renji signed the paperwork, Rukia felt the tension building inside her. She took a couple of deep breaths, trying to steel herself for what she wanted to say. Finally, Renji finished signing his paperwork and handed it back to Hanataro who apologized profusely again. Rukia had enough of her mind left to remember to tell him not to worry about it, and that she will talk to him later. He thanked her and left. Then she and Renji were alone again and the tension jumped through the roof.
Finally Renji said, “Okay, well we better hurry if we want to be able to eat the takiyaki before someone else does.” He gathered up his paperwork and started heading towards the door. But Rukia stood firm.
“R-Renji!” Rukia said as firmly as she could. Renji stopped and turned towards her. She was standing very rigid, but was also slightly shaking with nervous energy.
“Yeah?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“I- What if- We should go eat! Together!”
“Yeah, we’re going to go eat the takiyaki…”
“No, I mean….” Rukia stopped and closed her eyes. She slowly breathed in and out, calming herself. She opened her eyes again and glared at Renji.
“Renji!” she nearly shouted at him.
“Y-yeah?” he asked nervously, taking a step back.
“Will you go out with me to a fancy restaurant in a romantic way?!” She demanded while pointing her finger at him. Her ears burned. Renji blinked.
“If not, that is okay!” she continued just as firmly, “Our friendship is very important to me, and I hope we can remain that way!”
“Good, but-”
“If you need time, that is also okay!” Rukia said remaining firm, but she was starting to shake again, “Being friends with someone who you know has romantic feelings for you when you do not feel the same way back can be stressful! So if you need time away, I…I…underst-”
“Rukia!” Renji said, closing the distance between them and stilling her shaking shoulders with his larger hands, “Rukia…” He said again, more gently, one of his hands moving up her neck, his thumb gently caressing her cheek, “Of course I’ll go to the restaurant with you.”
“In…in a romantic way?” Rukia asked, uncertainly.
“Uh yeah, idiot,” he chuckled warmly, “What other way would I mean?”
“I mean…we’ve eaten out a lot before so I…just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. That this is romantic and that you are okay with that,” Rukia said firmly. Her face was going a little red too now.
“Of course, I’m okay with it! I’ve…always been okay with it. Are you okay with it?” he asked, looking at her with some concern, “You’ve been through a lot within these past couple of years, are…are you sure you’re ready?”
“Of course, I’m sure! I’m the one who asked you out, idiot!” Rukia said, sounding resolute again, “I wouldn’t ask, unless I was sure!” Rukia put her hands on top of his, “I- I want to go out with you, Abarai Renji, and to do romantic things with you specifically!” She said, nodding firmly.
“Oh! I uh…good! That-that’s good!” Renji had become fully aware that his ears were now burning. He coughed, “So um…did you have anything in mind? For the restaurant, I mean!”
“Well, I’ve been to a couple with Niisama, but they all tend to be pretty stuffy. I don’t know if I could relax in those…”
“Hmmm, good point,” Renji said. He thought quickly, “Oh!!! Kira took me and some of the guys to a bar once that was pretty fancy! Not the captain’s level of fancy, though.”
“Sounds perfect! It’s right in between, “Rukia nodded, “Now more importantly, how was the booze?”
“Oh pretty good. Fancy enough to have some of the more fancy drinks, but not so fancy that you can’t get wasted on others.”
“Oh nice! You should have shown them to me sooner!”
Renji laughed, “Yeah probably, I was just waiting for a special occasion…” He said, looking at her warmly. Rukia nodded. She gave his hands a meaningful squeeze before removing them. She then gave his arm a tug.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” She said, enthusiastically, “That booze ain’t going to drink itself! Plus I want to try out the fancy drinks too!”
“Alright! Alright!” Renji chuckled. They exited the room together and began to walk down the Fourth Division Emergency Room halls. When they made it outside, the night sky was crisp and clear.
“Hey,” Renji began.
“Thanks for asking me out. To be honest, I’ve liked you for a long time, like a really long time. And I figured out more recently, that you liked me too, but well…” Renji sighed and looked down, “After what happened to Captain Ukitake…well I saw how that affected you. How busy and tired and sad and stressed you were, and I…” he turned to look at her again, “well I wanted to support you anyway I could! But I wasn’t sure that romance was what you needed from me,” he looked down again and began rubbing the back of his neck, “And I didn’t want you to feel bad if you didn’t want or just weren't ready for a romantic relationship. So I tried to do my best to be there for you but also let you know that if that is something you did want,” he took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes, “that I’d always be here for you.”
“Ah…” Rukia breathed, “So that was it. That’s what I thought.”
“Yeah…sorry, I didn’t say that before.”
“Idiot, what are you apologizing for? You were trying to be considerate!” Rukia fussed at him, “Still…know in the future, you can always just talk to me about it. No more of this beating around the bush, alright?”
“Yeah…” Renji smiled, “Thanks, Ru.”
Rukia felt her ears burn a little at the nickname, “Idiot, w-what are you thanking me for! Now come one before there isn’t any booze left!” She said stomping off.
Renji chuckled, as he followed after her, “It’s a bar, Rukia, I doubt they are going to run out.”
“They are if I get there before you and drink it all!” Rukia said, breaking into a sprint.
“What?! Hey, you don’t even know where it is!” Renji said, sprinting after her.
“My shinigami alcohol sense will tell me!”
“That’s not even a real thing, Rukia! Hey, get back here!”
They raced each other all over the Seireitei. Soul King only knows if they ever even made it to that bar. But it matters not, for they were together.
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yeehawbvby · 6 months
It Was Always You | Ch. 3*
(Piers x OC Maxine)
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Summary: "Max was growing impatient. She could barely even try to get a word in, too needy to handle herself. She wanted to tell him he felt amazing – better than she ever could’ve expected.
All she could manage was to try and heed his words. To be his good girl."
Author’s Note: Sorry it took so long to get this out! ;;w;; My health's been abysmal and writing has been tough.
This one's shorter than I would've liked it to be, but I hope it was worth the wait!
Enjoy and take care x
Check it out on ao3!
It was shortly after Piers ate Max out that they decided to just go for it. There was a little stalling and more kissing (not that it was a bad thing), with both of them eager and antsy, but more nervous than they’d expected to be after so many years of mutual pining. 
Max’s top and socks were gone at last, leaving her bare, and Piers finally began stripping. Max made timid offers as he worked his way out of his clothes to jerk him off, to suck him off, to do something in exchange for what he’d just done for her. She wanted to so badly, god, his cock was pretty to her. It was a decent length, and neither too wide nor too thin, with a pinkish gradient running between the tip and his base. 
Piers denied her offer, telling her she could do it another time. That he would rather wait. That he needed to be inside her now.
But first, he teased her for trying to be so transactional.
He gruffly breathed against her lips between kisses, “Letting me taste that delicious pussy of yours while you came was a reward itself.” 
As he said this, he ground against her and sighed, his own breath shaky as the underside of his dick slotted itself directly against Max’s folds. And if the feeling of his shaft pressing against her hadn’t made her moan, Piers’ words definitely would have. 
What followed was some nervous laughter. “Oh my god,” Max squeaked into Piers’ mouth. 
He laughed as he swallowed her words, before parting slightly to respond, “What, s’that too much?”
“Well, no, but…” Max finished her sentence by giggling some more, pressing her forehead to his, and shrugging.
Piers removed his palm from the cushion below them, tilting Max’s chin up before kissing her again. “Good,” another kiss, “it’s fun getting to finally say shit like this to you,” another, “your reactions are more adorable than I’d ever imagined.” 
Max moved her hands from Piers’ shoulders to his cheeks. Completely flustered, she asked quietly, “You’ve imagined this?” 
“‘Course I have,” he answered like it was obvious. Max felt Piers’ hips shift between her thighs. “Haven’t you?” 
With the angle Piers has now placed himself, his tip was threatening to glide right into Max. There was no friction stopping him — only Piers’ determination to make this last. To draw as much as he could out of Max, to see if she would beg him to fuck her before he gave in himself. Arceus, it was a treat, hearing her beg for him twice now. He wanted to see if he could wring some more pleas from her.
Max whimpered. She wasn’t expecting him to just… be there. All it would take is a nudge of his hips or a wiggle of her own to sheath him into her. It took every fiber of her being not to, but she persevered. Wanted to build anticipation and see what else Piers would do first.
She nodded, answering his question.
Max gave up her plans immediately. Something about the way he said that one simple word…
She wiggled a bit. 
Piers removed his hand from her cheek and held her down by the hip. Max tried moving again anyway and Piers smirked as he tightened his grip. Not so hard that it hurt badly, but hard enough that it might leave bruises.
Max was so into it. She swallowed back a moan, exhaled, and finally nodded. Looked at the space between Piers and herself next and felt Butterfrees let loose in her stomach.
His lithe torso was just barely hovering over Max’s similarly sized yet much softer one. Something about the contrast looked interesting. She couldn’t tell if it was in a good or a bad way, but it made her feel something at least. 
Piers’ cock was perfectly lined up and ready to go; and to Max, it felt surreal to see him naked at all, let alone like this. 
He cut Max away from her thoughts. “How often?”
“How often have you imagined this, Max?” he purred.
Her face burned at the question. 
“How many times have you thought about being fucked by me?” 
Piers readjusted himself, letting Max’s hip free so as to rub his head along her slit. He sighed, a small hum escaping him, and smiled wider when Max’s nervous awe transitioned into pleasure. He dipped his face down in succession, but didn’t let their mouths touch.
Not expecting his shy (and probably a bit overstimulated, physically and mentally) companion to answer, he continued a short moment later. “How many times have you fucked yourself while thinking about me,” he inhaled with an open mouth as he pressed the sensitive underside of his dick against her harder, then went on, “while wishing it was me?” Piers felt a cool breeze on his lips, Max near-silently gasping. 
The answer was a resounding plenty, but she didn’t say that. She couldn’t form the words to. She could only briefly reminisce on all the times she’d pretended that a sex toy was his cock, or that her fingers were his.
Bringing his tip back down to Max’s opening, Piers gave her a brief kiss before he murmured against her, “‘Cause I’ve been doing it for years.” He shifted around a little, letting his head just barely dip inside her before taking it out.
Max whimpered. It was one of the loudest noises she’d made so far.
Piers felt proud of her.
Repeated the action, biting down on his lip to silence himself as he basked in how Max’s mouth widened and how her eyelashes fluttered. Piers usually didn’t care if he moaned during sex — he didn’t see it as emasculating, or whatever the fuck other men tended to think — but he did his best to mute himself this time, wanting to experience Max to the fullest degree.
Max, while this was going on, was absolutely brainless. She couldn’t believe the shit Piers had been saying, or how hot he sounded while doing it, or how sexy his heady breaths were, or how fucking good just that small centimeter of insertion felt. 
This was all like something out of a fanfic — she couldn’t wrap her head around people like this actually existing. That she could feel so much lust while feeling so lusted after. It felt unreal.
Just like he had done earlier, Piers let his weight fall onto his forearm as he shifted the hand that had been grounding himself to Max’s face. “Oi,” Gave her a little pull to meet his eyes. “Eyes on me, yeah?”
Piers knew eye contact was hard for Max. And he wouldn’t put it against her if it got to be too much, but her eyes were huge and bright and expressive and so goddamn pretty to him. He couldn’t help but be hopeful.
Her eyes widened at the command, but as she relaxed her lids, she nodded, her brows furrowing slightly. A nonvocal way to tell either herself or Piers that she’d do her best. Maybe both? Either way, he got the message.
“Atta girl,” he teased her.
Didn’t expect her to quietly squeak and avert her eyes. He felt her stim behind him, anxiously swirling the short baby hairs near his nape between her fingers. 
Was she into being praised?
“Oh?” he grinned wickedly. His already baritone voice dropped a pitch too.
Max winced. Knew she’d been caught. She then tried her best to resume eye contact, but her eyes kept flickering away. 
Piers decided to soften up on her a little. Rubbing her cheek, he whispered, “Hey.” A few heartbeats later, Max’s eyes were back on his. “There’s my good girl,” he sweetly praised her, his voice just as gentle as before. Max’s eyes widened and her eyebrows twitched, and she took in a shallow breath through her nose.
Cute, Piers thought.
He parted her shaggy bangs — which were a little limp with sweat — down the middle of her forehead to leave a kiss between them. Max leaned into his touch, resting her cheek further into his hand. When he pulled his lips off her skin, he rested his brow to hers.
Max clearly enjoyed how intense Piers had been, but he could tell that she equally wanted something sweet from him. He decided at that moment to save his plans to make her beg for another time. He wasn’t above continuing to tease, but he didn’t want to lay it on too thick either.
His cock was still lined up with her cunt. Through his lashes, he locked onto her deep blue irises before slowly inching his way inside her. 
“Fucking hell,” he sighed, shutting his eyes. 
In the meantime, Max’s mouth gaped, her chest heaved, her head tilted back just a little, and a soft mewl came from her throat. The noise carried on slightly as Piers kept going; he took his time fully inserting himself, wanting to give both himself and Max some time to adjust. Wanting to savor this moment. 
When Piers opened his eyes, he noticed Max watching the scene between them. If she’d been frazzled at the view she’d seen earlier, just imagine how erotic this felt to her now. She thought her heart was going to leap out of her throat.
Wanting to give Max a show, Piers almost fully pulled out, quietly humming through the pleasure as he slid back in. His gaze remained on Max’s the whole time. Wanted to see how she’d react to watching him bury his cock inside her. This time, her body writhed a little and she sucked in her bottom lip to suppress a moan. 
Shifting his hand from her cheek to her jaw, Piers tugged her swollen lip away from her bite to stabilize her with a kiss. Her fingers tightened their hold on his mane, practically hugging his face to hers as they licked and sucked each other’s sounds away.
Only for a brief moment did Piers break the silence, pulling away to get a proper look at Max.
She nodded, braving his eyes. As she did this, he dug a little deeper, causing her to punctuate her response with a gasp. 
Piers’ eyes flickered to Max’s mouth and back before he observed, “You feel fucking incredible.” Gave her another kiss, then, “I’m going to go faster, s’that alright?”
Max tried to hum a “Mhm” in agreement, but it came out as a moan, muffled by her own closed lips.
Piers didn’t want to push her boundaries, but god, he hoped he could persuade some more sounds out of her.
He decided to try.
Tilting down, he asked, “Think you can do something for me, love?” 
Piers called everyone “love,” as some Galarians just tended to — stereotypes to live up to, and all that — but each time he’d said it today specifically caused Max’s heart to stutter. Her gaze followed Piers’ lips as they drew nearer to hers, and she nodded, prompting him to continue speaking. 
“If anything I do makes you feel good,” he muttered, their lips touching but not kissing yet again, “I want you to fucking scream for me.” A nervous chirp sounded from Max’s throat. Piers laughed, his teeth brushing her lips before briefly pecking her lips. “Can you try to do that for me?”
Unsure of herself, unsure of whether or not Piers was being serious or just saying things to turn her on, and wanting to be totally honest, Max looked Piers in the eyes and shrugged. She was worried she was ruining this with her straight-forwardness, but it was one of the things Piers liked most about her. She was nothing if not honest. He grinned and kissed her again, giving her another deep thrust for good measure. Max parted from him with a gasp and a mewl.  
“It’s alright if you can’t,” he reassured her. 
Another deep thrust, this one a little harder. He could tell Max was doing her best as she murmured a barely audible half-curse. 
His words gravelly, Piers voiced his approval, a slight laugh in his tone. “Arc’s sake, please try, though.” 
Another snap of Piers’ hips paired with another moan from Max, this one slightly more vocal than the last. Her face must’ve looked like that of a Centiskorch. It had felt hot since they started their activities, but she almost couldn’t handle this.
“That’s it, love.” Another and another, respectively. “There you go,” Piers grinned.
Max’s eyes struggled to stay open as she sighed, her lids fluttering.
Piers broke his focus from her eyes to kiss her again. God, he loved her lips. After another snap, he parted slightly, gasping into her mouth, which was newly opened for a wanton moan. 
Max was growing impatient. She could barely even try to get a word in, too needy to handle herself. She wanted to tell him he felt amazing – better than she ever could’ve expected. That she loved the way he was talking to her. That she could cum again, soon, if he just went a little harder and faster and just kept talking. That she wanted him to absolutely fucking wreck her. That she’d always wanted him to.
All she could manage was to try and heed his words. To give him more to praise her for.
To be his good girl.
His… her tummy fluttered thinking about it. He did call her that earlier, no? His good girl?
She hoped he’d, y’know, meant it. Not just in the moment — she wanted something more to come from this. Her heart warmed at the realization that it seemed likely to happen. 
Another harsh jerk of Piers’ hips released Max from her sappy thoughts. Head foggy and body on auto-pilot, she couldn’t even tell how much louder she’d been growing. 
Piers was over the moon. 
He leaned up, mourning the loss of Max’s quick breaths on his face, but wanting a fuller view. Wanting to see her face. To watch her chest bounce with each movement, to admire her bicolored hair shining beneath the cool lighting of her apartment, to see her belly fold on itself slightly with each impact. 
He’d never seen anything prettier than her in his life.
When Piers retreated, Max indulged in a temporary brush against his bare chest and stomach. She was openly staring, letting her fingers drag their way down slowly. Felt her face tingle a little as she momentarily grazed Piers’ happy trail.
She didn’t really know where to put her hands after, and Piers could tell, so he retreated his recent, dainty hold on her thighs and rested on his hands again, silently offering up his arms for support. Max accepted, her nails quickly digging in harder than she’d realized they were. Piers didn’t mind, knowing he’d probably admire the pale pink crescents she left behind.
Max abandoned one arm in favor of reaching up towards Piers’ face, gently cupping his cheek. It was hard to manage with this much motion, but she made it work. He slowed his pace and leaned into her touch and blissfully closed his eyes before pressing a kiss to Max’s palm. Made her feel melty.
As if he was just destined to be a deviant, Piers locked his eyes back onto hers – cheek still in her hand – and picked up the pace almost mercilessly. Practically fucked speech right back into Max.
“Ha,” he laughed, his breath airy, “welcome back.”
Max pursed her lips, brows upturned and throat making some kinds of noises while she tried to glare at him. She didn’t mind when he or other close friends teased her about how quickly she can switch between vocal and nonvocal, but she always retaliated with faux annoyance. It was a bit, at this point. She wouldn’t abandon a good running gag now.
She didn't have the ability to say anything without it coming out desperate, but she tried. Failed miserably. What was supposed to be “Oh, shut up, Piers,” came out as a lewd and whiny,  “Oh, sh-shit!”
Piers bit his lip, trying to hide his proud grin. Couldn’t stop himself from letting a hand roam from the couch, to her ribs, to her chest. His squeezes around her boobs were more intense than they’d been in his earlier stupor, but she leaned into it, arching herself slightly to silently encourage the behavior. He caught on, pushing her down similarly to how he had pinned her by the hips earlier. Even started to ram into her harder with the extra leverage as assistance, keeping his rapid pace.
Since only one tit was being secured, Max needed to balance herself; she moved her hand from Piers’ arm to her unattended breast, cupping her palm over the top so as to ease the bouncing while bravely letting Piers view her. Piers opted to replace her hand – a little jealous that the hand wasn’t his own, honestly – by gently moving it aside. He punctuated the action by putting more weight onto her for a moment. Letting himself really feel her. Pinching her nipples, massaging the soft, plump tissue, convincing himself he could probably get off on just her reactions to his hands’ little motions alone.
“Fuck,” Max mewled, holding her small hands over his larger ones. Something about feeling his fingers while they worked was doing it for her.
“How’s this feel?” 
Before she could answer, Max moaned. It was all the confirmation Piers needed. He gave her one last harsh squeeze before experimenting with her some more.
“How about this?” he prodded, dragging his hands down her curves and almost forcefully squeezing her sides.
Same reaction – Max moaned on the impact, as did Piers in tandem. “So good,” she strained.
Max’s answer served as motivation. “So good,” she said? Piers wanted her to feel fucking incredible, not just “good.” 
(She did feel incredible, thanks to him. Made no difference to him in the moment, though.)
Piers used Max’s hips to aid himself. With each push into Max’s cunt, Piers pulled her against him.
The fat of her ass and thighs making firmer contact filled the room with loud smacks.
They both silently hoped that misdreavus wouldn’t misread the situation and come back out of Max’s room.
Piers could’ve sworn he felt Max growing wetter now, too. Couldn’t tell if it was more from the sound, the roughness, or the sex itself. Max couldn’t either, if she was to be asked about it, but she definitely felt her body’s innate reactions. There was no friction whatsoever between them, Piers’ cock sliding in and out like she was a second skin. Like they were quite literally made for each other.
“God, Max,” Piers lilted. Max hummed, both inquisitively and pleasurably. “You’re fucking amazing,” he admitted. 
Something about her friend’s sincerity was breaking Max. “P-Piers–”
“Cum for me,” he cut her off, knowing where this was going; feeling Max pulse around him, her cunt gripping him so hard he swore he could see stars. “Please — fuck — come on, cum for me.” A downright pornographic cry from Max sent Piers tipping over the edge. His voice wavered and he gripped her hips harder while she scratched red marks onto his arms. “Fuck Max, just like that. Cum on my cock, love,” he all but commanded. 
Shit. Holy fucking shit.
All of Max’s inhibition snapped as she let go, nodding as if to confirm that she’d do as Piers asked. “Oh, fuck, holy shit!” In succession, she felt Piers’ dick begin to throb, only heightening the sensation. “God, Piers, please, oh my god!” 
She meant to beg him to cum with her, to ask him if he could, to plead for him to not stop – oh god he could not stop yet. But her mind blanked, spewing only desperate babbles and half-requests.
“Thaaat’s it,” Piers cooed, “You’re doing so well.” Another act of good measure followed, because it couldn’t hurt, right? “Mm fuck, so fucking tight, love,” he rambled on, “such a perfect pussy,” knowing full well that it would be a killing blow.
Naturally, that cut through Max’s daze. 
“God, Piers,” she repeated herself, more breathlessly this time. 
Piers chuckled, then immediately followed with, “Fuck— you’re on the pill or somethin’, yeah?”
The shot, actually, but this was no time for semantics.
Max nodded. “Mhm.”
“Mind if I—“ 
“Please,” Max nodded vigorously, chasing the end of her high and hoping his would follow. “Cum in me Piers, please don’t stop.”
“Oh fuck.” That was the absolute last thing he expected. Threw him off. 
He tossed his head back for a brief moment as he slowed his pace to ease his way through his orgasm, but quickly abandoned the impulse, favoring drinking Max in. Her round, red cheeks; her darkened eyes, with pupils that might as well have been heart-shaped; her adorable tits, rising and falling in a ragged rhythm with her chest and his. The shape of her mouth as she let out her last few mewls, winding herself down and powering through these last few moments.
Ending things the way this started, Piers collapsed on to his forearms, pressing his forehead to Max’s. Her eyes were shut as she wrapped her arms around his neck, resting them there like a loose hug. 
Neither of them said anything for a few beats. They were both tired, both processing the past hour or so, and both completely at a loss for words. 
There was so much to discuss… but at the same time, nothing at all, really? They knew they loved each other. They finally made the leap past kissing. They’d both kind of just assumed that, past this point, they’d begin a proper relationship. What more was there to talk about? 
Well, for starters…
“You talk a lot,” Max sleepily observed.
Piers chuckled. “Sorry. Bit much, innit?”
An almost immediate shake of Max’s head followed. She did not think it was too much. He blew her fucking mind with how vocal he’d been, honestly. Felt like a changed woman.
Max’s reaction made Piers laugh a little louder. The sound made Max smile, which coaxed Piers’ grin wider. 
He pulled back slightly, wanting to look Max in the eye. “So, erm… ha, would it be corny of me to choose now to tell you I love you?” Probably should’ve told her before all this, but shit happens.
Max beamed as she nodded, a giddy laugh slipping out with the action. 
“Damn. I’ll take it back then.” 
Nose crinkling and brows furrowing, Max shook her head. “No way!”
“Last time I ever try to be a melt with you.”
“You know it won’t be.”
Piers glared down at Max playfully. She snorted a little, intensifying her laughter and causing Piers to join in, his forehead resting against hers once more.
Max cupped Piers’ face in her hands and whispered her affections back. “I love you too.” 
Piers beamed just as brightly as Max had, his white teeth and minty eyes gleaming. “Yeah?”
“Cool.” Piers sealed the confession with a kiss before standing. He trekked across the room to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, moistening it in the sink before bringing it back to the couch. Instinctually, Piers began to wipe Max as clean as he could. “Ya know, I didn’t think you had it in you to tell me to cum in you.”
Max covered her burning face with her palms. “Shut up…”
“Are you shitting me? You’ll never live that down, Miller.”
“Damn it.”
“It was so hot.”
“Flip over,” Piers abruptly ordered, pairing his command with a final swipe up Max’s pussy with the towel.
Max shuddered at the motion before she sat up, unenthusiastically rolling over onto her belly and resting her left cheek to her crossed forearms. “Why?”
A smile evident in his voice, Piers answered matter-of-factly, “Just wanted to see your bum.” As Piers spoke, Max felt a large hand run across the small of her back, followed by two sliding down her hips, each ending their stride by lightly gripping a cheek. “Fuckin’ knew it would be cute.”
Max could only bury her face in her arms and squeak.
A short silence passed.
“What if I just…?” Piers gave Max’s ass a light smack.
They both laughed quietly in response to how pathetic that little tap had sounded.
“Are you, like, asking for future reference?”
The first vowel was dragged out as Piers responded, “I wasn’t, but now I am.”
“Dunno,” Max shrugs, “I’d probably like it.”
“Very good to know.”
“Are you into hair pulling?” she followed up.
“I noticed.”
“Every time I gave you a little, you know,” Max lazily stuck up her hand so that Piers could see, if he was watching, and made a small tugging motion with her right hand as she spoke, “you reacted.”
“Well, yeah, wouldn’t you?” 
Max shrugged, still assuming Piers was watching her. He was.
He leaned over her body, getting low and close to her face as he wove his left hand into her hair. Max tilted her head slightly in his direction, then swallowed a squeak as she was yanked to meet his eyes.
Her lower belly grew a familiar heat, as if she hadn’t just been sent to the moon and back via her friend’s fingers, mouth, and cock, in that order.
Piers grinned evilly at the revelation. “Noted.”
Max shook her head a little to free herself, wincing and blushing and grumbling under her breath. Piers chuckled and let her go, only to go right for the kill, his voice low in her ear. “What about choking?” 
He slowly trailed the hand that has been in Max’s hair to the front of her throat, tracing feathery lines across it with his fingertips.
Max was very into it, actually. “Oh don’t do this to me…” she muttered defeatedly, letting herself shiver at the sensation
“Ohohoho,” Piers mischievously chuckled in response. “You looove this, don’t you?” he asked, tightening his grip. Max felt her core tingle as she inaudibly gasped. Looked away. Was tugged to look back at Piers and bit down on her lip.
“God,” he sighed. “This is gonna be fun.”
“You’re bloody insatiable!” Piers nodded in agreement with a goofy grin and loosened his grip so Max could speak more easily. “I need some time to recuperate, dude.”
“Fair.” Piers sat up and continued admiring this side of Max’s body. Mainly her back this time. He noticed some barely-there birthmarks scattered around and began tracing them, connecting them in his mind like constellations.
“Aaand also to just lay here and do nothing for a while,” she continued, yawning.
An image of what situation Max had been in before they started pressing around flashed in Piers’ mind.
He paused the movement of his fingers. “When was the last time you ate?” He was met with silence. He knew that meant it had been a while. “Max!” he scolded. 
“I didn’t have the energy to cook for myself and my team…”
“Did you at least PelipperEats anything?” She nodded. “Good. When?”
“…What day is it?”
Burying her face into her arms she whined, “Don’t yell at me!” 
Piers groaned, pressing his forehead to Max’s back. “Let’s at least get something in you before you rot away some more, yeah?”
Max sat up, kneeling beside Piers and wrapping her arms around her midsection. Piers pulled her against him, his hand resting on the one that was covering her left side. With the other, he brought the towel to his dick, wiping himself down the best he could with one hand.
”You wanna go grab some new clothes?”
Max tilted her head and looked up at him. ”Are we going out?”
“‘Course we are, you need fresh air.”
Max sighed. “Yeah, I guess.”
She stood up and gathered both of their discarded clothes. Had to bend over near Piers’ face to reach some pieces.
“Arc above, this view.”
Max glared at Piers over her shoulder, her face on fire. Tossed his shirt at his face to make her escape, giggling while he scoffed in her wake. 
Upon entering her bedroom, Max was relieved to see Misdreavus peacefully snuggled up with another mon she was keeping in her current leisure-team rotation: a recently hatched Toxel. She had worried before that the creature would give her an earful over how loud and scandalous her recent actions have been, but she was safe… for now, at least.
After picking out her favorite outfit – a comfy, cropped, blue jumper; a long, light pink skirt; and some chunky, pastel, multi-colored trainers, to give her barely-150 cm stature some length – she quickly dressed herself and met Piers near the door to put on her outwear.
“Where’re we going?”
“Your choice.”
“This was your idea,” Max pouted. 
“I fuck the last braincell out of you or something?” the man teased, earning a hearty giggle from Max. “You pick.”
“I mean…” 
“Pfft. Let’s figure it out together while we walk, yeah?”
Piers held out a hand for Max to take as they trekked to the elevator. “Premarital hand-holding?” Max feigned offense, unable to contain her giggles.
After a cheeky glare, Piers shoved his hand in his pocket and took wider strides, forcing Max to jog a little to keep up.
“Damn it,” she grumbled, forcing her hand into Piers’ pocket to take.
He slowed down to a comfortable walking pace again. “Atta girl.”
Max cringed at herself for warming at the comment. Praise from him felt different now.
Piers noticed. “Easy as that, eh?”
“Shut up.”
“Just trying to give you what you want, love.”
“Oh my god.”
“Pet names already?” He was insufferable. “‘God’ sounds a bit mighty for me, but I’ll take it.”
“I’m gonna go search for a revavroom to run me over.”
“Alright, dramatic.”
As expected, their playful bickering continued all the way to their impromptu destination. 
Somewhere along the way, they aggressively decided to mark this occasion as their first (real) date.
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