#sorry it's not a very concrete answer this time but I hope it's interesting at least!
sweet-star-cookie · 5 months
we've got Perseus, Orion, and Hercules in your world. is there an Andromeda constellation in there as well?
Yep! Unfortunately this is one that I haven't been able to make a concrete decision on though ^^' As of now, Andromeda (and by extension Cassiopeia and Cepheus) only feature in side stories that I have rough ideas for, so I haven't focused on developing their characters much lately in lieu of working on the main story draft instead.
In a scene where Perseus meets Cassie, upon hearing her name he assumes she means Cassiopeia, and frantically moves to bow to her before he even gets a good enough look at her, asking if her daughter is safe. And in the current draft of the main story, this reference to Cassiopeia appears whenever another constellation has mild confusion about the names, since of course our Cassie looks nothing like an ancient Ethiopian queen.
And if you're wondering, no I actually didn't intentionally name Cassie after her for the star themeing, that was a complete yet funny coincidence! I plan on using it for thematic purposes for Cassie's sense of identity, and the expectations that come with not only her eye, but everything else about her too.
For whatever reason, I've had trouble nailing down the direction I want to take for Andromeda and her family, though I think it's because I haven't fully committed to the dynamic I want her to have with Perseus, inspired by their mythology together of course. It's nothing concrete like I said, but I can give you the current idea I'm toying with at least.
If I recall correctly, there's a version of their mythology where Perseus turns Cassiopeia and Cepheus to stone with Medusa's head, accidentally or otherwise. I'm thinking I could use that as a jumping off point with the lore I've constructed thus far, where Andromeda is out for revenge against the monsters that plagued her family, including Cetus as well. Perhaps Cassiopeia and Cepheus have been turned to stone by Perseus (via Hercules's magic overtaking him) and thus Percy is one of Andromeda's targets in order to avenge them or turn them back to normal, if at all possible.
I can see them being enemies at first, but Percy's desire for redemption would likely make it pretty one-sided, and they could reach a mutual agreement to team up and take down Hercules together. I'll have to figure out where in Percy's character arc this would take place, but I think it could work as a moment where his past catches up to him and he has to face the consequences.
If I were to describe my (albeit vague) impression of her personality in my head, I'd say Andromeda is the type of person whose true nature takes a while to show through due to her current circumstances, or it only comes out in choice moments that are independent of her quest to avenge her family. I think if given the opportunity, she'd be relatively chill and personable otherwise, but her goals required her to be more "hardened" in order to wield a sword or any other kind of weapon in the first place. I think she'd have to fight her reluctance towards conflict a lot too. I wouldn't say her need for revenge has consumed her necessarily, but she's someone who was dealt a bad hand in her young life and has to make the most of it regardless, all while yearning for something without such heavy responsibility.
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honey-beann · 1 year
Background Noise
rk boys (Nines, Connor, Sixty) x Reader Smut
Word count: 4,244
It was a beautiful morning, especially for Detroit, and Connor was feeling almost too content, watching the birds fly past the window above the kitchen sink as he sat comfortably at the breakfast bar.
The new house was perfect, notably different from the apartments he had lived in prior, and he found himself feeling so at home within it that he was filled with a joy he had only experienced once before, in an entirely different situation.
He allowed his mind to drift back to that night, your pretty dress, your ecstatic grin, and the calm waters lapping gently against concrete and wood sticking out clearly in his mind, even in memory alone.
Unbeknownst to the outside world, he examined his calendar internally, his LED briefly blinking yellow before calming back down to blue almost immediately as he checked just how long it had been since that wonderful afternoon.
He startled a bit (though he hoped only internally), at the realization that it had already been two months, and made a mental note to pick up some flowers to commemorate the event.
He had only just begun considering what type of flowers, when he heard his name get called from the speakers of the laptop that sat on the countertop in front of him.
"Do you have anything to add, Connor?"
Connor fixed his eyes on the screen and smiled politely at the speaker as well as the many college students who sat uncomfortably in their cramped desk seats a few hundred miles away at NYU, where he, Markus, Kara, North, and Simon were currently giving a lecture over video call.
"I'm sorry, I must have gotten lost in thought for a second, what was the question?"
Connor could see North cast the section of the screen he was taking up on her end a brief glare, but Kara, who had been the one to ask for his input in the first place, just smiled easily and waved his apology off.
"No problem. It was just about android-human romantic relationships and how the laws surrounding them are believed to change in the next few years. Markus mentioned his plans to have marriage legalized, and North spoke on the amount of negativity that these relationships face outside of the legal system, but I thought you might be able to provide some extra insight, if you felt comfortable."
Connor gave a slight nod, his smile returning to his face as he turned his attention back towards the large crowd of students, who, despite having been required to attend for credit, all seemed rather invested, though that was hardly any surprise given the speakers present.
Ever since the revolution, Connor and Markus in particular had gained a significant deal of notoriety due to both the rolls that they played, and the romantic relationships they had.
Markus had now been in his relationship with another android for a few years now, and Connor had been in his with a human for around the same amount of time, and people found that to be immensely interesting.
Here was Connor, the deviant hunter, a former prototype android designed for detective work, dating a human as if that were the most natural thing he could possibly do, and honestly, the media ate that up.
There were photos of you in the tabloids, articles about you posted online, and you were both criticized and adored by androids and humans alike for your relationship with Connor, even after all these years.
Of course, there were many other juicy aspects of your romantic life that the media loved to fixate on, but Connor hardly thought those were worth bringing up now, unless he wanted to complicate things extensively.
So instead, he chose to give the simplest answer he could without making it seem as if he were against the idea of speaking on his personal relationship (because he most certainly was not, in fact, he thoroughly enjoyed talking about you whenever an opportunity presented itself).
"Well, in my experience, android-human relationships are very similar to those shared between only humans and only androids. There are a lot of stereotypes, like that android lovers are superior, or that human partners can connect easier, but truthfully, I think most of these concepts are contrived by those who don't accept these relationships as legitimate and seek to weaken them because of that."
Just as he finished up his statement, a student raised their hand, and Kara, as the moderator, was more than happy to call upon them.
"Yes, you in the front row?"
The girl seemed nervous as she spoke up, but even so, Connor was able to make out her question easily.
"So if these stereotypes that Connor mentioned can be eliminated or lessened to a certain degree, can we anticipate the legalization of android-human marriage to occur shortly thereafter?"
Markus was quick to respond,
"Well, the legal system doesn't necessarily depend on these stereotypes being less prevalent, but it would definitely help our cause. That being said, I believe it won't be long now until android-human marriage is legalized, and that seems to be the consensus among many in the U.S. There has been a significant increase in the number of android-human betrothals within the past year, and I think that points to a general agreement that non-regulated marriages will definitely be legalized in the near future, it just depends on how long it takes for the government to recognize that from a legal standpoint."
Connor nodded in agreement,
"The data trends towards a general air of acceptance at the idea of legalizing these marriages. I myself proposed to my fiancee just two months ago with the expectation that in a slightly lengthened wedding planning time frame, the legalization process will be completed."
Soft murmurs echoed out among the crowd at this, as very few people were aware of your engagement (though the media had spoken frequently on the sudden addition of a rather expensive looking ring to your every day outfits).
Connor fought back a slight grin of amusement at the surprise that his words had caused, choosing instead to turn his attention towards the class's professor as the older man asked a question about android unions in the workplace, something that was much more in Simon's wheelhouse than Connor's.
He listened intently as his friend and colleague spoke in depth on the issue,
So intently in fact, that he neglected to notice the bedroom door opening until it was too late for him to do anything about it.
Out you walked, donning only an oversized dress shirt, slippers, and underwear, your hair mussed up, and your expression still rather drowsy as you made your way across the living room and into the bathroom, fully in frame of the camera you were all too unaware of for the majority of your trek.
Connor bit back a chuckle, his cheeks tinted a slight blue color as he admired via his screen how lovely you looked in your pajamas despite your immense lack of effort.
Of course though, he wasn't the only one to notice, and when you walked back through towards your bedroom after using the bathroom, there was a strong silence present from both the speakers as well as the audience, all of whom were rather distracted by the intrusion. Finally, clearly hoping to move on for the sake of time, the professor cleared his throat and spoke up through the newly awkward atmosphere.
"Excuse me, Mr. Anderson, but I believe there is someone in the backgrou-"
He cut himself off suddenly when an arm reached over from just out of frame and pulled you in toward it, shock clearly written across your face as you were yanked straight from view, yelping at the unexpected tug.
"Er, is everything alright?"
The professor spoke quietly now, his brow furrowed in confusion as Connor offered him a polite smile and nod,
"All is well, I believe my partner simply forgot about our professional arrangement this morning and neglected to use the other bathroom upon waking up."
"But who was-"
"As for the individual that removed her from the camera's view, I'm unsure if that was the rk800 or rk900, but I can assure you that our fiancee is entirely safe."
The crowd remained silent for a few moments as a great deal of the students took in what was for them, new information.
Of course, some larger fans and smart speculators had been able to piece together the relationship you shared with Sixty and Nines, but most people chose to ignore the complicated question of your romantic life beyond you and Connor.
After all, in the eyes of the media, Connor was a big sweetheart, while you were his equally innocent and adorable life partner, and how could they ever push that image out if they speculated that you were also engaged to both the rk800 model that had tried to kill Connor and Hank prior to deviation, and the rk900 model who had been strictly designed for military use when it came to hunting down deviants?
The short answer was that they couldn't, and as a result, the already rarely posted images of you and either of your partners who weren't Connor struggled to gain much traction, meaning that not many people believed, or even knew the rumor about your romantic relationship with all three men.
Except recently, you'd all sat down and had a conversation about this topic, which had ended with one strict viewpoint shared by all four of you:
Your relationship was not a secret, nor was it something to be ashamed of, and there would be no more comments leaving that up for interpretation.
The silence continued for multiple additional seconds beyond what Connor himself would consider awkward, until a student loudly cleared their own throat before slowly raising their hand, to which Kara responded by calling upon them in a manner that was almost hesitant.
"So uh, have android related marriage benefits been considered yet?"
North was quick to jump on answering that question, but even still, Connor couldn't help but feel his attention drift towards the situation just outside the range of his camera.
He couldn't quite make you out without making it obvious that he was looking in your direction, but he could clearly see Sixty's back as he caged you in against the wall, arms on either side of you while he leaned down to capture your lips in his in a manner that was no doubt ravenous.
He and Nines had both been out of town until just before Connor had began setting up for his prior arrangements earlier that morning, and if the android had meant what he'd said over the phone the night before last, you were likely in for one hell of a two month engagement celebration.
Connor attempted to turn his attention back towards the lecture, ignoring the growing pressure between his legs as he turned up the volume slightly, eyes fixated almost too intently on the screen.
Suddenly though, he was forced to hold back a wince as you stumbled back into the view of the audience, cheeks pink, lips bruised, and hair even messier than before as you struggled to avoid Sixty's attempts at grabbing you again with a laugh that was distant to the mic, but sharp in Connor's ears, igniting a spark of adoration in him at the sound.
He watched via the screen in front of him as you backed further into clear view with Sixty following confidently, a predatory grin at his lips that immediately let Connor know that the android couldn't care less whether or not those on the video call saw him.
Now more than a little bit enthralled by the chase as well as the sparkle of excitement he could see in your eyes, Connor kept his gaze trained on the scene playing out on the screen, a slight smirk fighting to show itself as he watched you start to lose your balance after being forced to raise a leg to stop your feral fiance from grabbing at it.
You shrieked as you fell back, catching yourself on your palms as you tried desperately to scoot away from Sixty's grip, though your efforts proved futile when he wrapped a nimble hand around one of your ankles, tugging you towards him and eventually just out of frame once more.
Soon afterward Connor heard the familiar sound of your feigned pleas for freedom being muffled against Sixty's hungry lips as they claimed your own for the second time that morning.
It proved to be very distracting.
Though, not nearly as distracting as you backing your way into frame once again moments later, palms flat against the floor behind you as you kicked playfully at Sixty, still doing your best to win the game of chase he'd started despite your obvious enjoyment.
You were fighting a grin as you continued to move backward, using your hands as leverage to pull yourself along faster even as Sixty followed on foot, which gave him a very clear advantage.
Repressing the urge to calculate how long on average Sixty tended to play with you before choosing to halt his typically lengthy games of cat and mouse, Connor shifted his gaze back towards the audience, hoping that the scene in the background wasn't the reason their gaze was so affixed to the projector screen in front of them.
Unfortunately though, the android's attempt at placing his regard on something that wasn't his fiancee's rather amusing struggle was squashed by the notable visual of a new figure entering the frame.
This definitely didn't help his cause, and he was almost certain that the crowd couldn't have possibly gone without noticing it either, as Nines made for an incredibly imposing figure under any and all circumstances.
That being said, you had clearly gotten very comfortable with his presence throughout the years, because you didn't even notice that he was there until you'd accidentally backed into his legs.
And by then, it was far too late.
Connor watched, artificial breathing paused as you slowly looked up to see Nines standing behind you, eyes slightly widened as you took in the sight of him. The android cast a brief glance over to the video call that his predecessor was on before shifting his gaze toward Sixty, who had his hands in his pockets as he smirked down at your helpless position between him and the rk900.
You were laying with your back pressed against Nines' body, one leg extended outward while the other was bent at the knee, as if you had been mid struggle when you'd finally stopped.
You let out a tiny squeak of fear, one that Connor barely managed to make out above the sound of North's voice, as without warning, Sixty knelt down to run a hand slowly up your leg before wrapping it loosely around your calf, his gaze hungry in a way that Connor was certain you were all too familiar with.
Nines, on the other hand, crouched behind you, his torso unyielding against your back as he ran a hand up from your straightened leg to your throat, where it briefly curled and squeezed before loosening, though it notably did not move away as he lowered his mouth to your ear.
Connor attempted to make out what he was saying, but in the end, it was your reaction that held his attention more than anything else.
He watched your muscles tense and your throat bob as you leaned into Nines' touch, nodding softly as the android in question smirked against your neck before he slowly stood, guiding you up with him and walking you backwards and out of frame once more, Sixty following eagerly.
There was a distant clamor that Connor was almost certain came from the counter of the bathroom sink, and then suddenly, his LED was flashing yellow with an incoming call from a familiar rk800 model android.
Connor swallowed thickly, briefly ensuring that the attention of those participating in the lecture wasn't on him before he answered hesitantly, the sound of your muffled whimpers instantly filling his ears and forcing him to hold back a shiver as he shifted in his seat, suddenly very uncomfortable thanks to the increasing strain within his pants.
He murmured under his breath, inhaling sharply as Sixty chuckled in response, a teasing lilt to his tone as he spoke,
"You hear that pretty girl? Connors decided to say hello in spite of his little arrangement, isn't that sweet?"
Connor tensed at the sound of you gasping on the other end of the line, a keening whine slipping past your lips at Sixty's taunting words, which he continued to utilize mercilessly.
"What was that, Princess?"
He pressed,
"I don't think he can hear you."
From Sixty's end, Connor was able to make out an oh so familiar squelching sound followed by a sharp cry that he knew for a fact belonged to you, your head falling back to what he imagined was the mirror behind you with a dull thud.
Connor flinched slightly at the sound, but assuaged his own worries with the knowledge that neither Nines nor Sixty would ever allow you to get hurt in their presence.
And clearly the injury wasn't anything severe, because mere moments afterward, Nines spoke up,
"Why don't you tell Connor how good it feels, hmm? We don't want him to feel excluded sitting all alone out there."
You whimpered at Nines' cruel tone, but opened your mouth to speak regardless, your breaths so hurried that Connor could hear them easily.
You whined out, and the sound of his name leaving your lips immediately had the android in question holding back a groan, his LED flickering briefly as he sent Sixty a message.
After doing this, Connor waited patiently, until finally, the receiving android let out an audible chuckle, humming softly as he spoke,
"Well isn't this interesting, Connor here is asking me to narrate your little... Predicament for him."
Sixty paused for a moment, allowing his predecessor to better make out your soft pleas before he continued, voice full of a mocking amusement that he had mastered the use of ages ago.
"Does that sound nice, Sweetheart? You want me to tell him how hot you look all spread out for Nines' fingers? How fucked out your expression is when we haven't even taken you properly yet?"
There was a brief silence for a moment or two, but Connor was quick to deduce that you must have nodded, because Sixty gave a short chuckle before he spoke up again,
"That's right, Baby, you look so fucking pretty when you take what we give you. Does it feel nice?"
You gave a shrill cry of bliss in response, and the next time that Sixty spoke, it was to Connor directly, his voice barely above a growl,
"Fuck, you really should see her, I don't know if she's ever been this wet before."
The loud squelching sounds in the background only served to cement Sixty's statement as truthful, and Connor had to mute himself so no one would hear the heady groan that was pulled from deep within him as a result.
"And she's desperate too, already begged Nines to fuck her before you could even answer the phone."
Connor heard his successor chuckle softly in the background before the squelching increased in intensity, followed shortly thereafter by your rushed pleas for more, which fell from your lips like a waterfall.
Connor then heard Nines give a sigh that was a bit too close to a growl for him to ignore, before suddenly, the squelching stopped entirely, replaced immediately afterward by the sounds of zippers being tugged down and clothing hitting the floor.
To Connor's surprise though, the next thing he heard wasn't some sharp cry or plea from you, but rather Nines' harsh tone as he spoke up for the second time that morning,
"Since you just can't seem keep your mouth shut on your own, you don't mind if Sixty helps you, do you, Sweetling?"
You whimpered shakily, but spoke up nonetheless, no doubt knowing the punishment that awaited if you didn't,
"N-no sir."
You whispered out, and Connor could all but hear Nines grin as he hummed softly before finally replying,
"Good girl."
And the next thing that Connor heard was a loud curse from Sixty, who let out a strained laugh immediately afterward, as if surprised by his own exclamation.
"That's it, Princess, open that pretty mouth just a little more for me,"
And a second later, he groaned heavily again, hissing through his teeth before he spoke up,
"Shit, that's it, Baby, just like that."
Connor held back a moan as he imagined how desperate you must have looked in that moment, spread out for Nines with Sixty's dick stuffed down your throat as you took them both eagerly,
It was almost enough to make him whimper at the thought alone, suddenly all too ready to end this video call once and for all.
Distantly, he could make out a new voice asking a question, but all that he could do was pray that it wasn't for him, because there was no way he could muster up the strength to say anything coherent knowing that his beautiful fiancee was being absolutely ravaged in the next room over.
Connor tensed slightly at the sound of your muffled groans, stifled by Sixty's length as you took everything that both he and Nines gave you, which was apparently about to be increased according to the latter individual.
"Did you want me to fuck you, Little Dove? Is that what you were begging for so shamelessly?"
Connor inhaled sharpy at the sound of your replying whines despite the rather large obstacle that was keeping you from speaking properly, which, judging by the noises that Sixty was making, likely wouldn't be an obstacle for very much longer.
The android in question was growling out your name, fucking your mouth with so much force that you would occasionally gag around his thickness, which only served to bring him closer and closer to orgasm.
"C'mon Baby, take me, just a little more and I'll come right down that pretty little throat of yours."
You whimpered weakly around Sixty's cock, and something about that sound must have struck the android as particularly ruinous, because mere moments afterward he was fulfilling his previous promise, hand in your hair as he rode out his orgasm with a harsh groan of pure bliss.
Connor, recognizing the familiar sounds of Sixty reaching his end, was more than a little bit eager to hear what would come next, and was not let down by what followed, because immediately after Sixty had backed away and leaned against the wall to get a better look at your fucked out expression, Nines took the opportunity to push into you, having removed anything that might get in the way of that a long time ago
You gasped immediately at the unexpected fullness that followed, and Connor could hardly restrain himself as Nines began thrusting in and out of you, hands on your ass as he set an absolutely brutal pace right from the get go.
You cried out loud enough that Connor could hear you both through the call and through the bathroom door, making him immensely relieved to note that he was still muted, because he really wasn't sure how he could ever explain away the sound of his future wife getting fucked by her two other partners in the next room.
Nines chuckled darkly at your exclamation, and unbeknownst to Connor, pressed his thumb against your clit as he continued to take you fast and rough, quickly building you up to your orgasm with practiced skill, all while pushing himself straight to the edge as well.
He hissed out between clenched teeth, hands gripping your ass hard enough to leave bruises as he drove into you, savoring every little sound you made for him as he did so.
And then, he said something that nearly made Connor snap.
"Do you want me to come inside of you, little one? Fill you up the way that Connor always begs to? Would you like to feel it drip out of your aching cunt and down your thighs for hours to come?"
His voice was like gravel as he spoke, strained and broken up by the occasional grunt or curse, but even still, it provided Nines with the reaction he so desired.
You gave a sharp cry upon hearing those words leave his mouth, and immediately, Connor knew that you were coming, voice haggard and body quaking as Nines dragged your orgasm out of you ruthlessly, until finally, he too came with a groan, filling you with his artificial seed just as he'd promised he would.
And that imagined visual, of you dripping with Nines' come after he had said such filthy things to you, things that Connor had long since made clear he desired, had him sending Markus a brief message about some contrived emergency before he all but slammed his laptop shut, stalking towards the bathroom with a clear purpose in mind.
This was indeed going to be a very long 2 month engagement celebration for you, and Connor would make sure of that far beyond anything you'd ever experienced before.
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bradleyblog · 24 days
Bradley’s father speculation part 4 - final
There were going to be five parts to this series but while writing part 4 , it was really hard to tell if Bradley’s lack of emotional/physical intimacy with others and him trying to hold in his anger even when he lashes out is up to his own personal choice or due to his own upbringing.
So I decided to scrap it , sorry. It is possible that even if Bradley was told not to show negative emotions in public and to be emotionally composed while doing business that he was still allowed to express himself openly with his family. It's just hard to tell really. 
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So instead we're going to talk about if Bradley and Max’s father relationships are parallel to one another ? This post isn’t going to be very long but I hope for those that are interested it is a good read nonetheless. 
Throughout the film it is shown that both Max and Bradley are foils to one another. But could their dad’s be foils to one another too? 
In the first goofy movie , Pete and Goofy are meant to be foils to one another in how they parent PJ and Max. Pete is too much of a dictator whereas Goofy can be too lenient. 
In the sequel film, Goofy’s problem is that he wants to spend too much time with Max and is giving him too much attention. Even loses his job over being too focused on Max. 
So due to Max and Bradley being foils to one another , I wondered if Bradley had the opposite problem to Max where his father spends too little time with his son and focuses too much on his career. . 
If this was the case it would certainly add more depth to Bradley taking the mick out of Max for when Goofy attends college with him , as in Bradley’s eyes he feels better about himself knowing he can handle being left alone compared to Max as his used to it.
“Daddy’s little baby couldn’t be alone”- Bradley
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It could also add more of a reason as to why Bradley didn’t want Goofy to quit the Gamma’s as in a sense he now has something he didn't have growing up and wants to keep Goofy away from Max out of spite. 
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Additionally , something I also noticed was how at the end of the movie , Bradley only interrupts Max’s victory with a cough when Goofy is about to hug Max after congratulating him, haha.
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Maybe getting a victory hug from his father was where Bradley drew the line when accepting his defeat but this could just be because Bradley was getting impatient when having to wait to congratulate to Max. 
This all being said though , it is possible that Bradley did get a lot of attention from his dad as just because their foils to one another doesn't mean they have to necessarily be the opposite. Bradley could have been showered with affection and attention too from his own father, giving both Bradley and Max a lot more in common. 
Again , Bradley’s relationship with his dad is really up to the fans to interpret at the end of the day as there's no concrete answer in the film as to what their relationship was like so anything is possible. Could be good or bad really. 
Thanks for reading. This is the end of my Father speculation posts. Hope you enjoyed the ride.
Whatever interpretation anyone has is totally valid.  
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valenschmidt · 21 days
Thanks for answering my ask! Yes, that's very true, Ryan has been consistently hated/viewed with suspicion and skepticism for years, so the majority of buddie fandom (who are Oliver stans) wouldn't want to ship him with Oliver. I distinctly remember one particular post (in Ryan's tag) a year or two ago that was like, "ugh if buddie goes canon i feel sorry for oliver having to kiss that man" 🙄
Lol yes I guess we have to thank bt shippers and their OTT vitriol for turning the tide somewhat. It's been nice to see a recent influx of vocal Eddie/Ryan fans join the fandom. So refreshing and entertaining.
Yes also I remember the super cute bts vids that popped up during/toward the end of s6, and some people tagging positively about Ryan (albeit begrudgingly!). But definitely a lot more people were on edge about rpf compared to now.
Ooooh so about Oliver being single, that's what I thought too! But someone else I sent an ask(?) to a while ago said that he didn't actually say anything concrete in his insta live, and that he is still with his gf 🤔 does anyone have any further confirmation either way? I'd love to know!
"this happens quite a lot when ships are about to go canon. People start projecting the ship onto the actors, especially when chemistry is REALLY huge " - this is a really interesting phenomenon you've pointed out!
No provblem anon! I love receiving asks!!
YES!!! I completely understand why people were really mad back then, especially black people and I also understand if there are still black people who haven't quite forgiven him and it's totally valid, because what he did was not ok (even if he never said that word he was still trying to justify his then wife's actions and that should have been a big no no) the problem is that people let it get a tad too far and spreading things that were NOT true to new fans in the recent years out of anger, making him seen like a terrible person who is a racist and hates black people when that is not true... Aisha and Angela were really mad back then but they both clearly have forgiven him (since Angela invited him to his anniversary party and Aisha to his wedding) and he has never done anything remotely similar again so I think he truly changed and has become better so I really believe people have started to see that and the bt being awful to him probably was a changing point to most of the fandom (not all because some still hate him) but well you can't change someone's views on people changing...
Also yes anon! A lot were completely against it calling it awful and whatnot and now are the biggest ryliver shippers (and getting viral over it when less than 6 months ago they would cancel you) and taking everything as ryliver signs but whatever I just hope they don't take things too far
To the Oliver thing... I watched that interview live and I'm 100% sure he said he's single but I can't for the life of me find a clip of the interview (if anyone finds it please send it to me!!!) But I remember that he said he was single and then kind of shaded his ex (lol) so yeah
As for the last thing... yup not many notice but it happens quite a lot. Just like how actors tend to fall in love with eachother (which doesn't happen all the time but it happens) in fandom it also happens that they believe they fall in love. Take heartstopper for example... Kit and Joe plan Nick and Charlie who are very in love but in reality they're just very good friends but people insist on shipping them or the Bridgerton actors that play Colin and Penelope as well... people project the feelings of their characters into their real life personalities because of the chemistry the actors have together. It's hard to comprehend the idea of acting so close to someone and play lovers and have so much chemistry but not falling in love
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Wow now that was quite a lot 🤣
Sorry anon I got carried away
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babiebom · 7 months
Hiiii. I hope ur ok with my just constantly being like *ahem* spencer reid 👉🏻👈🏻🥹🥹. I loved how you wrote him in the last request! I feel like a lot of the time, people write him very ooc - just bc he can be hard to get written the right way, but like that's my boy, look at him spitting random facts for HOURS 🥰🥰?? Like yes, pls info dump on me while I stare at u lovingly, Spence 💞.
I recently came to terms with being ftm, but it's almost impossible to find any male! reader x Spencer Reid content. Which can be very dysphoric 😵‍💫. Which sucks! Bc holy hell, there are some fuckinnn amazing writers out there writing fanfics.
So now, I have come to you, an amazing writer out here writing fanfics, to beg ask if ud be down to write any kind of oneshot with Spencer Reid dating a male reader! It honestly doesn't have to be anything specific - romantic, angsty, enemies to lovers, slow burn, whatever peaks ur interest atm!
I would just love, love to have that content with Spence & a male reader if you're down for the task! Thank you so so muchh 💓. Hope ur having a wonderful morning / afternoon / evening !
A/N:im sorry this took so long!! I’ve been busy working (blegh) and I wanted to write something sweet for you!! I’m happy you’ve come to terms with being ftm!! As a cis identifying person myself I can’t say that I know how it feels, but I am VERY happy that you’re more comfortable with your identity!! Also never worry about being too “crazy” over Spencer I’ve been obsessed with him since I was about 5 or 6 (yes it’s been a long time)!! I’ll try more to write in a more gender neutral way when writing anything reader insert related that way you can enjoy my writing without feeling left out or anything!! Always let me know if there are things I can do better <3
Tw: maybe some cursing but overall should be wholesome
Wc: 0.54k
Criminal Minds Masterlist
Spencer Reid often came home dejected after a case gone wrong, it was often that he came home tired but happy after a successful case. It wasn’t often, however, that he came home excited for a break; but then again he hadn’t had a boyfriend to come home to on previous breaks. Now, as you watch him walk through the front door of your shared apartment, you can’t help but grin at the absolutely goofy look on his face.
“Emily gave us all 4 weeks off to rest after our latest case, so that means I get four WHOLE weeks of you to myself! Isn’t that great?” He lets out a giggle after he finishes speaking, putting his bag down on the kitchen counter. You didn’t even have to ask him why he was so giddy, he answered unprompted.
“It is great!” You try to match his energy, only seeing him this excited for the first time since you’ve met. He brings you into his embrace, hugging you so tightly that you think you might die if he squeezed you any tighter. “So what are your plans now that you’re a free man for four whole weeks?”
“Well we could go to the park and play chess, or stay here and play chess but I think the sunlight would be good for both of us. Or we could go to the movies, or take a class together, or…”
“Your plans are to just have dates with me every single day?” You ask, quirking an eyebrow.
He nods as if the answer is the most obvious, concrete fact in the universe. He looks at you, not as if you’re dumb, but as if to say ‘duh what else would I be planning to do?’.
The two of you move to sit on the couch, enveloped in each other as he talks about the many, many dates you’re going to go on now that he’s free from his time constricting job. “What if I don’t wanna do those things?” You ask playfully. He shrugs.
“It doesn’t matter what we do, as long as I get to do it with you”.
“Oh?” You look at him as if he said something scandalous, “I didn’t know you had that big of a crush on me.”
He shoves you gently, rolling his eyes at your attempt to joke off his sweet words.
“You’re joking but studies have found that couples who have regular date nights more often result in higher relationship satisfaction, better communication, and a stronger emotional connection. Us going on dates during these four weeks will be better for us in the long run.”
You don’t reply, or interrupt. It’s always amusing to listen to him ramble on and on about facts that he finds interesting or applicable to the conversation. And all it does is make you fall more in love with him, seeing how serious he is about your relationship working out in the future. He says that he loves you often, but it’s things like this; seeing and listening to how much he genuinely cares about your relationship.
Being the boyfriend of a pretty boy genius has its perks, and how much he cares about you compared to others is definitely one of them.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 16 days
Howdy! EVERY TIME you write Paulie I eat it up. Leaves me kicking my legs and giggling every time. I love the way you write him so, so much!!! Only if you have time, can I request a Paulie yandere imagine similar to the one you did for Sam in March with him getting rid of an admirer? if possible, with a darling/so with a lame leg?
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A/N: I got you sistaa. sorry this took a while to come out, iv'e been in a mortal kombat kick rn lol. i did include the fact that you have a lame leg in this because anything for youuuu. i hope you enjoy/
warnings: toxic and abusive themes, violence, obession, etc..
requests: open 24/7
There weren't many things that brought much joy to the old brute anymore. Paulie carried a lot of baggage and sorrow on his shoulders that continuously weighed down on him. He hated every aspect of his life, his job, and his crappy apartment. He so desperately wanted an escape. Anything that could possibly take him away from all his misery...the bottles of booze and endless gambling no longer sufficed. Something had to give and soon.
As if his long-awaited prayers were finally answered, you so miraculously entered in his life. it was something out of some kind of romance movie. really. It all happened when you were moving into your new apartment building. Trying your utter best to get up the rather inaccessible steps with your walking assistant when you unfortunately misstepped, causing yourself to become unstable and fall backwards. you braced for the impact of the cold, disgusting concrete ground but was surprisingly swept up by large arms.
"You okay there, missy?"
His amused voice asked while helping you get back onto your feet. You took a second to regain composure before looking up at him. shinning an aloof yet cute smile at him, you thanked him for saving you from your certain demise. A short but friendly conversation took place where he welcomed you to the building...offering his assistance whenever you needed it. Thanking him and exchanging names, you went about your way, not thinking much of the interaction.
For Paulie on the other hand..it was all he thought about. Oh how cute your smile was or sweet how your voice and manner were. But what he couldn't shake was how perfect your meeting was. It had to be fate..no? If he hadn't walked in at the time he did, you would've been severely injured. everything about that meeting consumed him and he was so eager to see you again..
From that day forward obsessed. You'll find that he was just always there,, I mean you lived in the same building but he was somehow always in the hallway when you'd come out of your apartment or at the same places you were. He's so friendly and energetic too, you gave him a new sense of life.
You didn't mind it much though, Paulie had a heart of gold and you became quite good friends. He never judged you for your leg issues and was far more helpful than anyone you ever met. He'd bring you food and items you needed during your flare-ups and you returned the favor when he worked late. You could speak to him about literally everything, he was funny and quite charming. You loved being around him and so did he..just in a different way...
His "innocent" questions are really just him poking to find out your interests, likes and dislikes so he can put them into use later. Especially the ones about your ideal man. He'll do anything to become your perfect mate. Any traits you expressed disinterest in him will change. He's already stopped smoking and gambling plus started to keep himself up more...just for you my dear. Any compliments he receives from you drive him wild and fuel his delusions more. He's convinced he is on the right path to be yours very soon. I like to think Paulie wouldn't be straight up about his feelings at all tho. He's had so many heartbreaks and rejections that he's far too scared of your response if he comes straight out about it. He doesn't want to scare you off or make things awkward so he plays it slow...
You, on the other hand, are oblivious to all of this. He's like the older coworker you've somehow become besties with..nothing more. You didn't think of him that way. Unbeknownst to you, you'd be making a horrible mistake because of this. The next time you saw him, you gushed over a guy you had met at the library. You went on and on about how he was perfect, handsome, and everything you dreamed about. You asked Paulie for advice on pursuing your newfound crush, only earning a cold and stoic "idk" from him before going into his apartment. you brushed it off as him just having a long and bad day from work but in reality...Paulie was heartbroken. Another woman he thought loved him back was actually just interested in someone hotter, younger, and better than him.
he tried his best to convince you out of being with him, that you should be careful of the men in this city. How did you know that he truly accepted you and wouldn't make fun of you? You should just stay safe with Paulie,,,trust him. He know best...please..this is eating him alive right now.
but that devastation quickly turned into anger when each day that passed, a new set of flowers and gifts were found at your door. it was like fate was rubbing it in his face that it was never truly meant to be. His obsession with you was far too deep to just be let go. He invested so much time, and Paulie knows you better than that little crush ever could. Sure, your admirer might've been more romantic but he knew what makes you cry and what makes you happy...even your deepest darkest secrets.. Paulie actually knew you and loved you. He could love you so good if you'd just let him.
"meet me at Tony's dinner tonight at 8. I have a surprise for you"
-your admirer
You ran up to Paulie as he was walking in the building and practically jumped in his arms in joy. You could barely contain your excitement and you handed him the note you just received. His smile faded as he read the words on the paper.
"well- isn't this great Paulie!? I think we are officially going to go steady"
Maybe, he shouldn't have drunk so much heavy liquor and maybe he should've told one of the guys what happened so they could've talked him out of it...but he went to the restaurant. The image of you being so happy over this other guy festered in his mind. You were slipping away from him...soon you'd completely forget about Paulie for your pretty boy...no. He can't lose you too. He can't go through this again. He's getting old. Paulie needed happiness and a quiet life with you so badly.
The clock read 8:15 and you guys had just been seated at your table. Paulie arrived shortly and drunkenly got out of the taxi. Though stumbling his way around the place, it surprisingly didn't take him long before finding your booth.
The two of you were at a table, exchanging flirtatious glances and banter when Paulie's body appeared, staring daggers into your lover. He hated how he looked at you, how happy each other appeared with each other. That should be him instead.
"...Paulie? what are you-"
In a jealousy-fueled rage, Paulie grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and began dragging him outside. Only muttering for you to 'stay put' while he handled things.
Of course, you didn't listen and followed them out of the building, shouting for your neighbor to stop and tell you exactly what was going on...Unfortunately, Paulie was far too gone and drunken to even register your presence. All he was deadset on was making your date pay for taking you away from him.
Taking your admirer to the back of the parking lot, he forcefully punched him down onto the rough gravel. a plea for mercy being cut short by the bottom of Paulie's shiny black shoes connecting with his face, slamming him further into the ground. Your body completely froze at the sight of what was happening. Suddenly everything clicked...the suit...the accent..the days he's come home smelling like gunpowder with bruised fists.. How could you be so freakin stupid? How could you be so naive to believe this man was just an "innocent" friend.,
Paulie continued beating your lover down until the amount of blood that pooled satisfied him. A sick pleasure overtook his body observing how ugly and limp he knew was. He hadn't any chance with you anymore, even if you still found him to be beautiful or perfect...he would be too scared to even come within ten feet of you.
A loud and sudden thud snapped Paulie out of his trance when he turned to find you. Your walking assistant had been left inside the restaurant and it was becoming increasingly difficult for you to stand any longer, so you dropped to the ground, falling back on your ass. The sight of you merely sobered him up. Burning guilt quickly overtook the pleasure. Your eyes were wide with tears trickling out of them, and you sat in a daze. Your body was still in shock and far too weak to move..
"no...no..no paulie, what did you do?" he regretfully spoke to himself, as he carefully made his way to you
You wanted to back away, scream, cry...anything but you just couldn't. You stayed as you were as he approached and sat down in front of you. One of his hands slowly came up to the side of your face, gently caressing it. Your body reactively began to tremble, terrified of him hurting you next..
"I'm so sorry-" his own eyes began to swell with tears. Paulie once again ruined something beyond repair.. He just couldn't;t do anything right. His addictions and temperament once again reminded him who's really king.
He threw his head down onto your lap, taking your hands in his and squeezing them tightly. His speech was a bit slurred and sloppy due to the alcohol still pumping through his system..
"please. please forgive me. I'm so sorry. I'll give you whatever you want, take you where you want. I just didn't want anyone else to have you. He was taking you away from me and I could love you so much better."
The pathetic cries of a lonely, desperate man flooded your ears. You didn't care for anything from him. He took the one thing you wanted away from you..you hated Paulie
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cannibal-nightmares · 5 months
everything everything is so awesome im glad someone i follow also likes them <3 thats all sorry i just love music
Never any apologies on my page 8D I can ramble about music incessantly, so thank you for your ask; I'm so glad to hear the same that you like them, as well! I've not organically met anyone in person who has heard of them, only friends who've discovered them through me or the wonders of finding shared-interest-mutuals on the internet. "Warm Healer" was my first Everything Everything song I had heard back in 2016-2017ishh; the tone of the polyrhythmic bass guitar INSTANTANEOUSLY hooked me in for good, then their interesting lyrical narrative was swift to follow suit... Also let's not ignore the madness of the fantastic cover art of "Get To Heaven," my god the colors, the design, the lines, the figure... And then, of course, the subconscious love for Radiohead (unknowing this was an element at play until around the release of "Re-Animator" when--to my knowledge--the band was more upfront about their inspirations and it all suddenly made sense).
Before the release of their lyric book, "CAPS LOCK ON," I had a list of B-sides and rarities, including stuff from Modern Bison, which featured Jonathan Higgs and Jeremy Pritchard from EE. On the list was/is "Wizard Talk," which has to be my favourite Everything Everything song on two points: Firstly, as much as Higgs loves to bend and snap vocal capacities with unimaginable peaks of falsetto + fast vocal cadences that leave their music uncategorizable to genre (and etc...), "Wizard Talk" is--in my opinion--unlike anything they've ever put out stylistically. "His voice sounds like he's playing marimba runs," I have repeated to friends over and over and over again, begging people to listen to this song. And then, secondly, comes the profound lyrics of this song. EE loves to play with elaborate metaphors to dance around politics, the state of the world, and social narratives, but "Wizard Talk" feels emotional on a level beyond their common frustrations, especially having been such an early track from the "Man Alive"(?) era, and also in contrast to the stark emotionality of "Re-Animator." Idk man. It hits hard. It's sad. It's hopeful. It's beautiful. You feel the character's defeat and his acceptance in that the hope he seeks is, will be, and always has been abstract in nature while he has spent so much time looking for a concrete and tangible handle to hold onto. It feels like their most vulnerable glimpse at what Jon really has to say. That song has meant a lot to me for a long time, so I am glad EE finally released (some of) the extras from "Man Alive" in the Deluxe re-release.
Ah, anyways, the B-side archive. Something something something, if I remember correctly, there's a few songs missing from the Man Alive deluxe release and even "CAPS LONG ON" is missing a few songs. I won't be cross-referencing this information right now, I'm in bed. Regardless, I will say that a song or two off of the re-release are completely different recording takes and mixes which I find of intruige (again, only if I remember correctly, I think it's at least "The Kids Are Obese" but dooonn't quote me on it..)
Anyways, what else... I've done a ton of art based around EE, some of which is lyrically inspired, others of which are direct tribute art to the band (including a piece to "Magnetophone"!) They're currently sitting at my third-most listened to band of all time, according to my LastFM page. I love them so very very much and I'm so glad you do, too; I hope your ask could maybe inspire others, as well ^^
Can't ask me anything about music and expect a short answer, heh, I still have so much more to say about EE. I am very passionate about music.
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I've watched a few YouTube reviews of Return to Neverland in the past (spoiler alert all but maybe one or two were being a tad unfair towards it I'm so sorry RTN baby you deserve better no one gets you like I get you <3). And one question that pops up a lot that got me thinking and since I'm posting a lot more Peter in the last 2 days than usual, I figured I'd address the question.
The question is: If flying was really the only way out of Neverland, why couldn't Peter just carry her through the second star and take her back home himself?
And that, to my annoyance, was a pretty valid question to be asking.
Why didn't Peter just carry her back to London?
The first obvious answer to me is that if he did that, there'd be no story. That's the outside world answer.
The in-universe answer was lost on me, until now.
Thinking and confronting the revelation of Peter's character development from the 1st movie to JATNP to the movie sequel and beyond made me look further deeper into the story of Return to Neverland and made me look at Peter and Jane's interactions in a new light. And finally after what has been months of this question haunting the back of my brain, I finally have something close to a concrete answer that I am very satisfied with.
Why didn't Peter just take Jane back to London himself?
It's because he's noticed that there's something else in Jane that's weighing her down that's not just the situation in her family.
One of the bigger but not the biggest pieces of Peter's character that we see got developed and improved was Peter's ability to Read The Room.
In the first movie, he's awful at reading the room. Missing entire social clues and feelings like Wendy's jealousy and anger. In RTN, he catches on to people's feelings rather quickly and can sometimes effectively deal with them (like using Tink's jealousy to his advantage).
In Jane's first escape attempt with the raft, while she's building and checking everything, we see Peter has and is spending a good amount of time watching her very intently. He's so focused on Jane Tink even fails to get his attention. He's busy trying to figure out what exactly was wrong with her. Even while speaking with Jane, he's still trying to figure out what her problem was. He prods, asks invasive questions and watches her body language until he finally figures it out and everything clicks into place.
He sees Jane has lost her faith. Her hope. Her belief. He sees how badly the war has been affecting her and this in tandem was affecting her relationship with her family back home. That's why she wanted to go home so badly. To make things right and apologise. Though yeah, apologising will fix things, it won't get rid of the root of the big problem: which is Jane's lack of faith.
And that's where Peter steps up. He engages with her, banters with her and includes her in on the group. His personal goal is to reignite Jane's faith. And the only way he can see that truly is if Jane is able to fly on her own with pixie dust, which will align with the main goal of helping Jane return home. Even when the stakes get higher and Tinkerbell's life is on the line, Peter still has Jane's best interests at heart by including her into the Lost Boys and letting her let loose in a way she could've never have done back in war-torn London.
And he knows his goal was finally completed the moment he saw her soaring through the sky with the brightest smile on her face, looking at peace. It was then, he knew it was finally time for her to head home back to her mother.
He didn't fight to make her stay because while she's clearly having fun on Neverland, he knows she'll be her happiest back home with Wendy. And if there's one thing Peter wants for all his Lost Boys & Girls (but also especially for the Darlings), it's for them to happy and hopeful.
TL;DR: Peter didn't let Jane leave because he can see she's unhappy and hopeless, so he tries to cheer her up and reignite her hope and once it's reignited, only then does Peter help guide her home.
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animalinvestigator · 6 months
You don’t have to answer this question as it could spoil your plan for their story but I was wondering if you had an idea of about how long Skipper and Phi would actually live for. Like do you think they live to adulthood or are they kids forever?
hellowww anoynmousss!! first : thank you very much for the ask. i think this is the first time ive had some one anon ask me about this particualr story..or at least thats the case for the , rewrite, of this story, for sure...im touched..thinking about printing it out and framing it, im a proud parent. second: sorry for my belated reply i had a very busy day yesterday when you sent it and i work a 9 to 5 right now. but i was looking forward to coming home and answering it all day. THIRD: the actual reply to your question thank you.
the way i write stories im kind of just like..mm how do i explain it. It is against my value system to create too much "epilogue" type material...the way i work is, when the story is done, it's done , and if i wanted to write about the character's lives in the future, it would be part of the main body of the story...since skipper and phi's story more or less resolves itself over the course of a few months at most, i don't really have a concrete idea of their future , nor any intent to develop one... and it's also just like, with these two in particular, it feels opposed to the feeling i'm writing from to have a solid answer to how and if they grow up..since i guess the main emotional core is something like "it's impossible to know how much time we have left before the world is too inhospitable for us and anything that could have remembered us" ...
all those words just to say: it's not something i have any interest in solidifying. but, both characters make it through the narrative in one piece and end up back in a place of relative equilibrium ,and it /is/ in my vision that they have many more carefree days together after that, for sure :3 if it makes you happy to imagine them as grown ups you should...i dont persoanlly feel compelled to think much about it butfrom where i finish making up stuff thats where i hand it over to anyone who might be listening to make up anything else they want to tack onto it, if they feel inclined. As a wise man once said. Everything you say will become the truth. Winks
aynway kind of a lame answer but, i hope it was insightful. thank you for being interested in my silly stories it means the world. sending much love anyonymous
usually i would doodle al itle related picture im struggling to draw on model so take some never before seen doodles of them riding a bike as recompense.
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schneereggen · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are well, since you have not been active for a long time, I came to ask your opinion about the current story of Seraph. I really like your deep analysis. But before that, I wanted to express my opinion that I was badly disappointed. Why doesn't this story have a real and true and normal villain? Villain is a main pillar in the story and we don't really have such a thing now, and it is clear that Kagami intends to cover up Shikama's crimes. While Shikama has not failed to do anything bad that we don't want to call him a villain. He even wants to create a dark world and destroy humanity, is it reasonable to call him a villain and close our eyes to all his crimes? In the first place, Shikama committed the forbidden (Mikaela's creation) and caused his own punishment. How can I feel sorry for someone like that? I think everything is very illogical and ridiculous. I feel like Kagami doesn't even know what he is writing anymore and he is writing everything for the sake of Mikayu fans. what's your idea?
Hey, thanks for checking. I'm doing well, my priorities just shifted over the last months that's why I'm not that active on Tumblr anymore. I still hop in and hop out of the fandom from time to time. But yeah, the story is tiring at the moment. That's why I don't have not much to say about it.
Still, thank you a lot for asking me. I love analysing the story. But the deeper you dig, the more frustrating it becomes to know what the story would need and what we aren't getting for years now. But I still want to properly answer your question because it interests me as well, what's wrong and why I feel sooooo over bored with the story.
You are totally right, the story by this point has no villain, not in the traditional sense and not even in the meta sense.
As I explained in another analysis, the villain mustn't necessarily be a person. But there needs to be an antagonistic force. Something that prevents the hero from achieving his goal. This can be a person, the limitations of the world or a bunch of characters. Nevertheless a good story needs an obstacle. In case of ONS, the antagonist had been Shikama and other characters for a long time.
But with the characters kind of working together or not being a real threat to Yuu. There was only Shikama left as a villain and when there was the moment for him to appear and show he's a threat he was weak af. He wasn't even an obstacle because other characters already "defused" his powers. On top we are now getting his backstory. Which is fine by me. But do I really bother if I don't know the characters? Sure, they are supposed to be previous versions of more well known characters. But they aren't these characters. So why should I bother?
So now, we are left with no antagonist, no villain, no obstacle to overcome. Maybe god? But that's too vague.
In general the story had always been about Mika and Yuu wanting to save each other. But at the moment it's not even defined how. We only know, Mika will be smart enough and figure out something. But that's it. That's nothing concrete. No Goal to achieve.
Moreover, what's currently happening seems to have nothing to do with that goal. How does it help to know the backstory of Shikama of the goal is to revive and safe Mika. Plus, we all know Shikama failed doing it for thousands of years already.
So having his backstory now indeed feels misplaced. I also feel that kagami wants to give him a reason and a backstory. But why now? Usually the best place to but a tragic backstory would be the point in time where a character is at his lowest. In the case of ONS that would have been the moment Shikama was captured. I could have understand that a glimpse of tue backstory could have been placed there.
But getting it now, where I rather want to know how Yuu's going to figure out something like a plan, it's not the right time to dump the story with lore that (currently) has no connection.
To me it also feels like Mila and Yuu had to be in the story now to serve the fans. But they aren't even necessary. They do react in a minimal way, making it easier for the reader to understand what's going on.
But they aren't actually reflecting or putting the story they are witnessing into a bigger picture or drawing conclusions themselves. Witnessing what's happening has no effect on them, they are only there for the reader. And that's plain boring.
Back to Shikama himself. The story never has judged characters before and left it to other characters and the reader themselves to judge them. He almost never made anyone explicitly evil (except for Tenri) and left them mostly grey.
In that sense, the story at least thinks the readers are smart enough to put what they know about a character and what they learn new in a context themselves. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't. In my personal opinion, the story at the moment desperately lacks characters with different options. If the story doesn't judge, let other characters judge.
Let Yuu and Mika remember that Shikama was said "terrible monster" that possessed the Hiragi or let some other character remind them about it.
It's the same with every other potential villain in the story. None of their crimes is ever brought up again as if everyone was a saint now. Guren, Ferid, Saito and most of all Mahiru.
I miss the time were characters were cautious, were every character was against the other because of different goals. It's all too harmonic. And the main reason is that there is no real obstacle, no threat, no clear plan towards the goal.
Even though the story that is told in general might be not as bad. It just doesn't feel like the same compared to the previous storyline which always had that threat, a clear goal and an obstacle to overcome.
Kagami better pick up the right writing books to make the story match his themes again. I feel like a structure had always come to him naturally to him in the past because he had been writing a lot and with passion. But now that he had been struggling for so long, the passion and the flow is gone and he has to do some hard structuring to get it back. I really hope he remembers what made the story enjoyable in the first place. And that it wasn't only Mika and Yuu to begin with.
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pacific-rimbaud · 1 year
Thank you SO MUCH for your panville works. I find it therapeutic to read the caring and deeply loving dynamic you embed in them. Also love how you deal with Pansy's background and trauma. While she is by no means unprivileged, I think her wounds resonate deeply with anyone for whom parental love was unstable in childhood. Your writing inspires me so much. I hope you know the positive impact you have on fellow internet strangers. Fr I've reread a dress with pockets more times I care to admit and RoT is on its 3rd re read because it helps me deal with shitty days.
I have two questions regarding your own visualization of the characters in RoT that may fall out of the scope of the actual story (I imagine you might not delve into these too much even if you do have an idea of them in your head)
1. Do you imagine Pansy's mother's own trauma too, when you write? Like what are the wounds that made her such a cold/unloving parent to Pansy?
Ive been thinking of it as being classic objectification of pureblood women for future marriage. Like Pansy's mother never wanted to have a child but was forced to because she's a woman and that's her duty. Would you agree with this or is she a much more sinister character?
2. In what concrete ways would you say Pansy's strengths complemented Neville's weaknesses when they began dating? We see their relationship in a super specific context where they are in their late 20s but Pansy's growth got somewhat reverted to her teenage/younger years (so it makes complete sense we see her mostly being taken care of by Neville!!). But I ask because Harry's witty response to Pansy regarding Neville "deserving what he wants" made me feel a bit sad.
Like I get that Neville's a lot more emotionally sound than she is, but I guess it made me think about whether Pansy's life is "earned" beyond her trying to be better just for Neville's sake.
I imagine her fierce protectiveness of those she loves and her ability to set boundaries without taking people's shit must have been very attractive to a younger Neville?
Sorry if this question is too obvious. I think it hits close. I relate with Pansy's trauma and waking up one day as Neville's wife would indeed feel like heaven (thank you again Harry!). But I could not imagine being able to correspond to a love like that in ways that society traditionally categorizes as love.
Much love. Thank you again for sharing your beautiful brain with us xx
Thank you so much for reading! Truly so appreciative that anyone takes the time to follow a novel-length rare pair fic.
Answers under the cut!
Pansy's mother did not want kids. Full stop. Her father was indifferent to the idea, but definitely didn't want to marry Pansy's mother. My headcanon is that Pansy's mother had an ill-advised fling with Pansy's entitled rake of a father as a young woman, became pregnant, and was compelled to enter into a miserable, lonely marriage and raise a child she had absolutely no affection for. Pansy's father was interested when he chose to be, which wasn't often. Nonexistent or unreliable attachment all around. And so it's clear, this characterization isn't an excuse or attempted explanation for Pansy's cruelty as a child. I've known many casually cruel children over the years. It's not at all unusual. Heartbreaking and yet garden variety example: a few socioeconomically privileged kids in my son's class recently approached another group of children, some of whom have serious challenges at home, and told them that their mothers didn't love them as much as their mothers. Kids can be mind-bogglingly vicious people, even with the "right" parenting. They're kids! Their brains aren't fully cooked yet. Moving the empathy needle and fostering healthy culture in a school requires skillful adult intervention, which obviously was not happening at Hogwarts. Pansy's upbringing in this story is an explanation for why she struggles to be vulnerable, why she's so deeply haunted by a history of feeling unlovable, and why the prospect of motherhood in general and an unplanned pregnancy in particular carries a special horror for her. Basically what makes your second question a little tricky to answer....
...because she's such an unreliable witness to her own life in this. I love fanon Pansy more than anything. She's abrasive, sometimes filterless, terrifyingly perceptive, doesn't suffer fools. Which I just love so much. She's someone who cannot be other than herself, and that self is often pretty spiky. But if someone can get inside, she's also unrestrained in her tenderness. Once Pansy is on your side, you're ride or die. She'd do anything for you. Definitely would help you bury a body. And what I deeply love about Panville is that Neville gets to go further: he gets the innermost parts of her, which truly are so, so sweet and open and loving. She's an incredible partner. Neville has it made and knows it. And to try to answer your question, I don't tend to think about what they bring to the table, or whether anyone "deserves" anything, which is the error Pansy keeps making. I see them very much in the vein of, "I was in the middle before I knew I that I had begun." They're the catching feelings pair, whether it's friends to lovers or casual hook up to something more, because absolutely no way does she ever go into anything at all intending to be vulnerable. But he has the intuition of someone used to paying attention from the sidelines. He's curious. There's something there. He doesn't know what it is, but he'd like to. With enough patience, she unfurls. It's about the power of attentiveness and the inexplicable magic of deep connection. The payoff for Neville risking getting close enough to Pansy to peek inside is a spiky little wife who can't get enough of him in bed, has a full life of her own with passions and interests and relationships and is also deeply invested in their domestic happiness. She is profoundly, unswervingly in his corner. She sees and knows him. The payoff for Pansy risking her heart is this beautiful, kind, loyal man who adores her and whose sensibilities and preferences perfectly align with her own practical nature. He also happens to make great scones. Neither of them grew up understanding what they have was even possible, and I hope it's clear in the story that they both deserve every minute of it. 💜
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bthump · 11 months
"Hello! Now I see that you're not ignoring, but simply don't have time to respond to everything. Thank you very much for your reply. I'm sorry for repeating my question twice. Now I have another question: in which direction do you think the plot is currently heading? What can we expect next? Also, I'd like to know if you personally like where this is all going. Thanks in advance for your answer!"
No problem, and sorry I can't respond immediately!
Hmmmm I'm tentatively hopeful lol. These last few chapters since Casca woke up have been a mixed bag, with Casca's kidnapping being terrible and Fantasia overall being a disappointment, but with the ominous foreshadowing around Guts losing his shit on the boat being exciting, as well as Griffith's ~single tear~ and a few of the last interviews Miura gave having interesting things in them. Like, eg, I believe he's said that Guts' time of traveling with a bunch of friends is coming to an end, something I've been looking forward to for years.
I'll link you to my tags for speculation and for speculation specifically about the ending for more concrete ideas.
But to summarize my current feelings, I think Guts is going to go full beast of darkness and do something that has actual consequences, such as killing some rpg group members, and I'm looking forward to that. And I think that the climax of the story is going to be a parallel to the end of the Millenium Falcon arc with Griffith and Guts in place of Griffith and Ganishka, both viewing the other as a light in a sea of darkness, metaphorically and maybe literally from Guts' beast of darkness perspective lol. One or both will probably die at the hands of the other in a homoerotic moment of metaphysical joining and mutual emotional understanding and catharsis in which they are equalized. Then the kids will grow up and get married, idk. Hopefully Casca won't be mind controlled at some point. If I'm really lucky the behelit Guts is carrying will turn out to be hers and she'll become an apostle and fuck shit up at the climax.
As long as I get my griffguts catharsis I'll be happy lol. Thanks for the ask!
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thief-of-eggs · 10 months
HI Ok this is probably going to sound completely unhinged but bear with me: I have this issue where I have lots of ideas (usually very vague ones) for stories that I love to imagine writing—but when I actually get around to writing them I just stare at a blank page; or I have no idea for plot beyond some abstract concepts—I’ve been thinking a lot about Snowjanus recently, and—this is the unhinged part—one of my main interests is early American history and there was this guy named William Strachey who was the secretary of Jamestown, and also an attempted poet, and when I read TBOSAS I realized that I recognized the name Sejanus from one of his poems VPON SEIANVS, which was prefaced to Ben Johnson’s Seianus His Fall,—and it all just works so nicely together since they were contemporaries of Shakespeare (AND Seianus His Fall was performed at the Globe, and Strachey’s story of being shipwrecked very likely inspired The Tempest) who of course wrote The Tragedie of Coriolanus—now thematically or narratively I have no idea how these things would all fit together—I have a lot of other random ideas like that, or vibes but nothing concrete—this is basically a long-winded way of asking if you had any advice on how to go from “man this idea sure would be neat” to an actual story? (I’m obsessed with your writing btw <3)
Hi hi!!! I am happy to help!! Also I understand exactly what you mean- I only hope that my advice actually makes sense!!!
Ok so- for me personally, when it comes to getting rough ideas out onto a page, I have a couple different methods I follow:
- The first is, if I already have parts of a whole scene in mind, but I don’t know the beginning/ending, I often just write the part that I know. So if that means writing the climax for a story, even though I have no idea how I’ll get the plot there? Oh well. At least the idea is out, and often times that will inspire me more.
- If I have a hazy idea but no plot yet, I like to write out little bullet points. Sometimes bullet points as simple as: (using my fic Thoughts of you Consume as an example)
- Coryo and Sejanus begin to have hate sex
- Coryo starts to feel something more
- Sejanus pulls away. Coryo chases after
Like! Those bullet points give me NOTHING. But they also give me a baseline to begin working off of, and from there I can begin to envision where I want it to go. I’ll expand on each bullet point and add subcategories, which only helps make the plot outline grow
- Another method that I sometimes use is to just spitball ideas. I’ll set a timer sometimes, or just devote myself to the task, and will just write out any ideas that come to mind with a particular prompt, and then I take it from there. Example for the prompt “snowjanus first kiss”, I may write out stuff like this:
- Coryo kisses Sejanus after the arena scene, his emotions a whirl
- Sejanus kisses Coryo on the train, too damn happy to see him
- Their first kiss is a dare, and Coryo wont back down
- Sejanus kisses Coryo after a party, when they’re both mildy drunk and confused. Sejanus forgets it, but Coryo never does.
Then from there, I’ll examine each little start and see what I like best. In this scenario, I really like the last one (shoot now I’ll have to turn that into a fic lolol) so my next step would be to outline the plot. When does the party take place? How long does Coryo hold the knowledge in? Does he ever tell Sejanus?
And most importantly- how do I want the story to end? With them together? With Sejanus hanging? With the start of the 10th hunger games?
- One final method I do is daydreaming. I’ll put on a playlist inspired by the pairing and see where it takes me (thoughts of you consume was actually inspired by 2 songs- War of Hearts, and Howl by Florence + the machine). I’ll let my mind make whatever connections it wants to make, and I’ll jot down ideas as they come!
Sorry for the overly complex answer- I guess at the end of the day, I really have no tried and true method. It all depends on how inspired I am.
But I hope one of these methods can be useful to you!! The biggest thing I think is to not be afraid of writing stuff that you may end up discarding. If a connection doesn’t work, if a plot point doesn’t fit- it’s ok to scrap it!! It sucks to lose time, but if it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t fit.
I’d definitely recommend that you write out all the ways that Snowjanus connects to the historical elements that you said! Determine if you want to write some sort of crossover set in old times, or if you want to bring historical figure’s personality traits onto the characters of Sejanus and Coriolanus.
So yeah! I hope this helps, and feel free to reach out with any other questions!!! Sorry, my brain is quite a mess lol, but best of luck to you!!
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hunter-sylvester · 1 year
Is it bad that I kinda wanna get you started 👀😂 for real, though I always enjoy hearing your opinions 😊
Ohh, alright, alright /lh For any onlookers, the context: ⬇ (also link)
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Just to make it extra clear like...I was thinking of Hunter Sylvester when I wrote the tag. Although I suspect nobody thought otherwise lol Usual disclaimer that this is all just my opinion/interpretation. Y'all know the drill.
I will additionally state that it's actually more common for people to ascribe Hunter random positive traits/attributes that I just don't think he has. Or have him do 'nice' things that I just cannot see him doing. But this was about flaws. Sorry if this reads a little messy, my head is pretty messy lately.
Firstly, I’ve seen people act like he’s just a bitch for the sake of it. Like he’s just an asshole for no reason. And I just cannot agree that that is accurate to the source material. We literally get lines of dialogue that go against that. And from Kevin who is a more reliable source on Hunter than Hunter is most of the time.
“Sometimes he’s not so nice to people when he’s uncomfortable.” “You are afraid of everybody. And instead of showing it, like I do, you treat everybody like shit and you make them hate you.”
He’s uncomfortable, he’s scared. He wants to keep people away because he’s afraid of them. Does this excuse his bullshit? No. But it does explain it. And more importantly (because he is, after all, a fictional character) it makes him interesting. It makes him a more complex character.
Next one is a little less concrete but I still stand by it. I think people overemphasize the importance of Emily being a girl on its own when it comes to him not wanting her in the band. Please hear me out. It absolutely plays a part (and he is a dick for it) but it's always connected to another, deeper reason imo. - He doesn't want a girl in the band because it conflicts with the perfect mental image he has in his head of his band. The mental image of 3-4 leather-clad metal guys (cough gay cough). This is one of the areas where I see autistic perfectionism in him. He can't deal with the ideal image of what he wanted turning out different. - He doesn't want a cello playing girl in the band for the same reason. It doesn't fit what he had in mind. Autism says no. - He doesn't want a girl Kevin brought in the band because he's in love with Kevin. Which he doesn't realize. So all he knows is that Kevin is suddenly hanging out with a girl and wanting her to be involved in their thing and he does not fucking want that. And like, yes, he blames it on "muuh don't wanna have a girl in the band >:c" Because he has the self awareness of a wet rag. He doesn't have the words for the real reasons. He doesn't know he's in love with Kevin. He doesn't even know he's gay & he doesn't know he's autistic/AuDHD. He just knows he feels very strong negative emotions towards Emily.
Once again, none of this excuses his actions. But it makes them more interesting than a surface level asshole character would be. And I simply cannot agree that he is that surface level asshole character. He's just not as flat of a character as people sometimes make him out to be in my opinion.
I guess those are a bit less "free my man he did none of that" and more "yes keep the cuffs on, he did those things, but you must understand the why, please have a seat"
But like I said, head is messy and this already took me a while to answer so this is what I'm going with ^-^
I hope this satiated your curiosity 🖤🤘
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mochiwrites · 9 months
Hi hi I have a few questions. About songbirds blood au.
-how many arcs are there going to be in the story?
-is the house referenced in the latest chap Scott's house from afterlife smp?
-will any of the other vampires in the council(besides doc and scott) be relevant later in the series?
-will iskall make more of an appearance in the series?
-will the big moon cult or whatever it was make an appearance in boatem culture(idk hopefully you understand:^>)
-how old is tubbo in this fic? And is the some facts we may learn about him?
I'm very sorry that there are soo many questions I finally got the guts to ask some questions and thought it be best to do it in one shot.
Have a great early Christmas 🎄
hi !!!! omg please don't apologize for the amount of questions 🥺🥺 I don't mind answering them at all, getting questions make me really happy because it shows that people are interesting in my stuff 🥹💕 and a very happy early holidays to you !!! <33
1- I don't have a concrete number on arcs just yet, but at the moment I'm aiming for about 5 or 6 arcs
2- the house is indeed scott's afterlife house!! :D I just upped the scale a bit but I thought it was fitting :3
3- my hope is to make some of the other vampire council members more relevant as the story goes on, yeah!! >:D I'm hoping arc 3 is where we'll start to get into more stuff with the council and I'll be able to introduce more of the council (I've got a mix of original characters and canon characters on there hehe)
4- iskall will make more of an appearance, yes! :D they're mumbo's best friend! gotta get them in on the shenanigans of the mumscarian crew, it's only right
5- OOOOO I ACTUALLY DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THE MOON BIG CULT.... I think I can work that in, 100%
6- so tubbo is about 15 years old! my point of reference is scar moved back to aqua town 15 years before the story began so he could raise tubbo there LOL. he'll be more involved in the story as time goes on too, I've got plans for him :3 I don't have any facts to offer at this moment because my brain is the mushiest pile of brain mush you've ever seen, but I've got some things up my sleeve hehe :3
thank you for your questions !!! they made me really happy 🥹💕
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
Arise, Mystery Labyrinth! It's time to kill some people. Some of whom may be people we like.
Going into this with a lot of Maybes and some mutually exclusive Theories but very little concrete Facts.
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Yeah. So. Are we gonna talk about this? Vivia was already suspicious about the Book of Death and now we're confirming everything. He won't remember this when we leave, but Labyrinth Vivia must have a lot of interesting things to talk about.
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Conveniently, since Vivia already knows about the Book of Death, we can skip a lot of the explanations. And by "we" I mean "Yuma" since we always got to hop over the recap through narrative flash-forward.
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Yeah, let's cut straight to the point. Vivia, what do you know?
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Vivia's been aware of Shinigami since this whole thing began.
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Shinigami's like the Lost Souls. Even if you aren't bound to her, you can see all manner of ghostly apparitions while you're Projecting.
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Obvious answer: Yuma took it.
Tricksy answer: Number One took it and gave it to Yuma.
Crackpot theory answer: Real Yuma took it.
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Yeah, but someone would. Especially if they were Number One. Shinigami is more than some weird thing that happened this one time. She's alluded to working with Detectives in the past.
If we're here to crack the Secret of Kanai Ward, then Shinigami would be the Secret of World Detective Organization.
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We are so about to get box-cuttered. I can feel the box-cutter burning a hole in Vivia's pocket right now.
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Yeah. We're probably going to kill Jawline in here.
On the other hand, there's a chance we might kill Yakou. Good news is, if Yakou suddenly drops dead on the spot, nobody will think it's anything suspicious. He's got one foot in the grave as it is. Yakou loses out on ten more minutes of life that he wouldn't even be conscious for anyway!
I hope that's a convincing argument to you, Vivia, because it's not doing anything for me. :( I don't wanna kill Yakou. I hope we get Jawline, a man who probably has many more years of life ahead of him, instead!
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I love that we're talking about this. Yes, Yuma. Mystery Labyrinth is murder. You're as blameless as when Light Yagami "writes some names down in a journal, no big deal".
We aren't here to do good. We're here to find the despicable truth and damn the consequences.
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Vivia's going to wait outside. You know what, that's fair. He can't stop this from happening but I can't blame him for refusing to be complicit in it.
It's cool, man. You go ahead and chill out here until the world explodes, someone dies unjustly, and you forget we ever had this conversation. I can commit this extrajudicial slaying by myself.
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Well that fucking sucks. Sorry, man. I'd wheel you around on a cart if I had one.
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Then again... if you don't want to get your hands bloody, today could be someday. I'm not sure "You will certainly die" is the right pitch to twist his arm.
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There he is again. What do you know about this case, Vivia? You keep hinting at something.
Is it Yakou? It has to be Yakou. Ugh, I want to throttle you so hard, you cryptic little weasel! And I say that with love.
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