#sorry it's not the best...this scene was pretty hard to colour :((
klaushargreeveses · 10 months
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Eragon (2006) dir. Stefen Fangmeier -- requested by @the-oddest-inkling
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konnosaurus · 3 months
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heheheh :3 it's emily and ashimaaaaa!
after mentioning that i think these two would be quite sweet on my pride month headcanon drawing, i realised that i needed to draw them and give a few of my thoughts! (especially as @togetherness23 seemed intrigued by the concept in their lovely tags (sorry about the @ i just thought you might like this hehe))
my hand hurts from drawing all the little details on both of them hehe, it was sooo hard to make them look nice but i'm p happy with how they turned out!
i've got a little analysis/ramble under the cut if anybody wants to read my thoughts :3
okay so.. emily x ashima.
first of all, i think it is just nice to give emily a load of girlies for her romances, she is such a fascinating character and i think that her almost.. stubborn?? nature? i'm not quite sure whether that is the word i mean, but she has strong feelings, strong opinions and a strong personality. she doesn't pull her punches and if she wants to do something she will find a way to do it.
i feel this makes her interactions with potential romantic partners veeery interesting. she falls hard and fast- there isn't any doubt once she likes someone, she knows it very quickly and decides whether to persue or not. i think this shows up in best engine ever, where she decides that caitlin is cool and funky almost instantly, talks about how wonderful she is to all her friends, and the next time she sees her makes a big declaration (well, a big rescue, but it plays the same).
there are a few parallels between emily meeting ashima and emily in her first interactions with caitlin in best engine ever, and this sort of overlap is what made me first consider this potential pairing. well, that and how funny i think it is that ashima and caitlin have very similar base deep and bright pink colours, and if you add new rosie and her dark pink (i think it is more of a dark pink than red oop) then one can have emily and her collection of pink-adjacent women and that is fun. now we just need to paint mavis pink to add to the collection...
anyway! back to the parallels.
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i'm putting this one up first even though i think the second parallel is stronger. in the scene from the great race, emily is clearly being positive when she says 'you know, the painted one from India.' she clearly thinks highly of ashima's looks, and this comes up again when she is surprised that ashima wasn't in the best decorated engine competition. she clearly thinks she is pretty, and in the scene from best engine ever she also talks about how she thinks caitlin 'looks amazing'. emily clearly likes looking at these two hehehe.
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and my personal favourite, emily and her instant praise for those that she likes. even though in the great race she is speaking about ashima and in best engine ever she is speaking to caitlin, both statements are so nice and show emily and her positivity towards those that she likes. i think that the instant desire to compliment everyone is part of emily's hard-fast romance routine.
another interesting thing is that in the great race, ashima has barely been on sodor for any time at all and emily has already spoken to her enough to remember her name, origin AND come up with enough of an opinion about her to think she is great. and that is just neat!
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
California Fornication //
One — ‘That was Jake’
Summary: When the man you’d been seeing turned out to have a wife, your world came crashing down around you. While you tried your best to move onwards and upwards, the very reason for all your recent relationship problems comes strolling into the bar.
Warnings: Mentions of cheating. Love Triangle x2. Bradley Bradshaw x F!reader. Jake Seresin xF!reader. Question ing Morality. Angst.
Word Count: 1.9k
Author Note: Based off the first scene Mark Sloan is in. Greys Anatomy.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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It always plays on repeat in your mind like a slow motion picture, like a scene in one of those old timey movies where everyone and everything slows down so that the main protagonist can understand the situation unfolding around them. 
That moment where your boyfriend of only a few months— Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw, told you that he was technically married, haunted you day in and day out. Married to the woman who’d come up to the pair of you in the locker room on base after she’d been transferred to North Island. She’d come waltzing over with a confident smile and a pretty face. She knew she was about to turn your life on its axis. 
For better or worse. 
“Y/n.” It wasn’t often people actually said your name, majority of the same it was your callsign—but the way the colour drained from Bradleys face as he turned to you with a gut wrenching look smeared across his usually perfect face, had your stomach churning. “I’m so sorry—“ 
“Hi, I’m Katie Bradshaw—“ The woman, who mind you, was stunning to say the very least, stuck her hand out to shake yours. You took it gracefully, with enough conviction in your grip to not have it show you were completely blindsided by that all too familiar last name. 
“Bradshaw?” You smiled softly as you sent Rooster a confusing look. He’d never mentioned a sister or a cousin before in the few months you’d been seeing and sleeping together. 
“I’m Rooster's wife—“ Those three words would forever haunt you. “And you must be the woman who’s been screwing my husband?” 
“Hey! Siren!” It was Phoenix’s voice that broke you out of the trance you’d fallen into as you showed. Her fist slamming against the shower door three quick and consecutive times made you jump a little as the warm water encapsulated you entirely. “You coming to the Hard Deck?” 
“Yeah yeah, just give me a few minutes!” You replied as you washed your face. “I’ll meet you guys over there.” It had only been three weeks since you called it quits with the mustache having aviator who had stolen your heart. The entire situation made you feel dirty. Even if you weren’t the one in the wrong. No amount of showering could wash away the dirty feeling you’d been left with. 
What could be worse than being branded the dirty mistress? That no one told you about the cheating scandal that had rocked the Bradshaws' happy marriage about a year ago. That was worse. 
Bradley swore black and blue he was going to tell you. He’d sworn the rest of the squad to secrecy about the details too. He wanted to be the one to tell you. To tell you that you were the first woman he’d been with since he’d walked in on his wife, Katie, and his best friend, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, in bed together. 
Still, the ultimatum was given. You’d asked Bradley to pick you, choose you, love you. But when the time came to decide he chose his wife. His reasonings were none of your business nor concern. 
And so you walked away. Labelled the mistress and the interim love affair. Even against the Chester you didn’t compare—and that crushed you completely. 
“You’ve been doing that an awful lot lately.” Pennys voice broke through the haze you’d fallen into at the bar. The drink you’d ordered, Gin Sour, sat in front of you on a Hard Deck coaster. “What’s on your mind daydreamer?” 
“More like a never ending nightmare Pen.” You sighed before reaching for your drink. “This whole situation makes me feel like I need a lobotomy.” 
“Rooster still trying to force a friendship?” In truth Bradley thought he owed his marriage just one more shot. But right after you walked away he immediately started to regret his decision to choose his wife. He couldn’t stop thinking about you and all that was you. He’d made the wrong decision, but was too proud to admit it. Especially to his wife. 
He stood across the Hard Deck with a beer in his hand and his arm slung around her hip, looking at you like a puppy you’d left out in the rain. He missed you, oh so much. And that fact you hardly spoke to him these days made his heart hurt inside his chest. 
“Yeah—and I don’t think I can handle it anymore.” You admitted before taking a sip of your drink. “I’ve asked for a transfer, just to make it easier. I can’t focus, can’t sleep, because he’s just—always around.” 
“Sounds to me like you’re just running away from your problems.” Penny held her tongue as she watched the tall sandy blonde appear next to you at the bar. “That, or you know that you’re still in love with the guy and no matter what you do he’ll still manage to wiggle his way in because you’ll always allow him to.” It took you a few moments to register what the stranger beside you said as you eyed him up and down. 
“Sensitivity—“ You rolled your eyes. “I like that in a stranger.” The alcohol coursed through your body like a mild painkiller. “Are you new in town?” The civvies were an excellent camouflage against the sea of tans that flooded the Hard Deck—and Penny wasn’t about to be the one who told you the stranger you were talking to was the reason for your current situation. 
“Just visiting—“ He made sure to lie, a little white lie never hurt anyone. Or so they said. But the man beside you with the perfect smile and emerald green eyes definitely wanted to see how far he could get this conversation. “I’m confounded by all the patches and it’s only my first day in town.” He sighed softly as he sat beside you. “Budweiser please Barkeep.” Penny nodded without another word. 
“You get used to it, North Island is a Naval Base after all.” It felt like a needed explanation. The stranger beside you nodded softly as he fished his wallet out of his back pocket. 
“So I’ve heard.” A comfortable silence fell between you and the handsome stranger as he waited for his beer. “Kinda wish I’d stayed in bed, if I had known this place would be crawling with Naval Officers I wouldn’t have bothered.” Oh he knew, he knew all right. 
He knew that the Hard Deck would be packed to the rafters with the Dagger Squad and he certainly knew North Island was a Naval Base. Why? Because he was a part of that designated team. You’d just been the one who replaced him while he was tasked to special ops. Now? He was back to cause chaos. 
“Hey Rooster—“ Fanboy grabbed Bradley’s attention away from Bob. “You see who’s at the bar with Siren?” As Bradley turned his attention back to where he’d known you to be sitting for the better half of the evening, he immediately saw red. A jealousy that rivaled nothing he’d ever felt before consumed him fully, even if his wife was tucked in at his side. 
“We just met and already you’re talking about bed.” You chuckled softly as you took another sip of your drink. Penny had since passed Jake his Budweiser and before you knew it, he was laughing softly beside you. “Not very subtle.” 
“Being subtle was never really my strong suit.” The man beside you replied with a look of all knowing. He knew something you didn’t. If you didn’t know any better you would have asked what that may have been. But you chose to take another sip of your gin. Settletting once again into the comfortable silence that surrounded you and the stranger to your right. 
“So, you ever go out with co-workers?” It stunned you for a second, the forwardness of such a question, but then again—you still didn’t know this guy's name and he was making the heat in your cheeks reach new uncharted heights. 
“I um—“ You tucked some of your hair behind your ear and turned to give the golden skinned, white T wearing man beside you your full attention. Crossing your legs as you did so, so that his knees were on either side of yours. “I make it a rule not to.” His answer sent a shiver down your spin. A good shiver. A shiver that made your core flutter. 
“Then I am so glad that I don’t work here.” Maybe it was the gin talking or maybe it was your recent breakup, but this guy was the very definition of a piece of art. He was gorgeous, an Adonis that surely would have come straight out of accent metrology. 
“Are you hitting on me?” You tried to hide the keen grin that threatened to creep across your slightly heated face, but the sudden attention was giving you an ego boost you desperately needed after being rejected in favour of the cheating wife. 
“Would that be so wrong?” Oh this guy was good. Too good. His infectious smile captivated you in every way it could have. His eyes held a story that was dying to be told. His confidence made you want to lean in and taste it, like hard candy it probably tastes just as sweet as his scent smelled. With notes of Vanilla and warm Bourbon lingering from his neck. 
So you stuck your hand out for him to accept ever so politely. His eyes never left your as you smiled and bit your bottom lip bashfully. 
“I’m Y/n—“ “Lieutenant Y/n Siren Y/l/n.”  “And you are?” Nothing could have prepared you for what happened next. Remember that slow motion we were talking about earlier? Well, the seconds it took Bradley Bradshaw's fist to collide against your handsome mystery man’s cheek, it felt like a century as it played out in painfully slow motion before you. 
His head hit the bar with a thud as beer spilled into your lap. 
“Rooster! Jesus—!” You gasped as you stood and pushed against Bradley’s chest to back him up and away from the man you’d just been talking to. “Fuck! what the hell was that!?” 
Bradley didn’t answer right away as you turned to watch the blond stand with blood dripping down and out of his nose. The two stood there in silence, eyeing each other off as Penny fished out the bar's basic first aid kit. 
“That—“ Bradley huffed as he shook his throbbing hand. His jaw had never been so clenched before. He was furious and full of a rage that burned so deep it could have raised his core temperature by a few degrees. 
His wife stood off to the side looking all kinds of guilty. As did the rest of the Daggers. They knew this was about to get messy. They knew if he was back and already had his target set on you then there was going to be an all out war between the two men who stood ready to run at each other like angry bulls. 
And you, well—you were more concerned about the blood gushing from the nose of your stranger than you were about your ex’s possibly broken hand. But Bradley turned back to you, for a mere second to explain. 
And when he did—you forgot what morals were.
“That was Jake.”
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scarletttries · 1 year
NSFW Headcanon Request: Steven Grant (Moon Knight)
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Steven Grant (Moon Knight) +  Ice cream/lollipop teasing (prompt list here)
It would be frankly embarrassing how easily, and quickly, you could wind Steven up with the slightest bit of effort. A fact that made Steven mortified, and excited you greatly. 
You'd been hoping to have Steven to yourself for the weekend, only for your plans to get rudely interrupted by Donna calling him in to cover for someone at the museum before you'd really had the chance to get your hands on him at all. Naturally Steven apologised profusely despite it not being his fault, and suggested you come visit him at the end of the day, promising you a private tour of the museum in exchange for your patience. You happily agreed to the plan, but only because you'd heard Steven mention a few behind-the-scenes places in the museum you couldn't resist the opportunity to drag him to. 
The day seemed to drag for Steven at his little counter; making inventory lists, punching endless numbers into his till, and doing a double-take every time someone walked in, just in case it was you, trying to hide the disappointment on his face when he realised he still had to wait a little longer until he saw you again. It had only been a few months since he first mustered up all his nerve to ask you out for coffee, and now he almost didn't feel himself when he wasn't around you. Like somehow your beauty and exuberance and kindness reflected onto him until he was sure he was the best, and happiest, version of himself there had ever been. He found himself picturing your pretty smile first thing in the morning, still completely in disbelief that he was the person that got to wake up beside you and see it. 
"Earth to Steven." You said again, starting to worry as you waved a hand in front of his face, watching his eyes slowly focus on reality again as he jumped in surprise.
"Sorry love! I was completely out of it then, I must have looked like a right plonker. If it helps, I was thinking about you." He offered bashfully, watching the mischievous smile forming on your face as you scanned the offerings around his station, 
"Oh really, what was I wearing?" You fought back a laugh at the crimson colour that immediately flooded into his cheeks at the question, a thread of stutters and stumbled words all you got in response. "What are these Steven?" You cut off his attempt to elaborate by picking up a round red lollipop held in a spiraling display at the far end of the ledge. 
"They're just lollipops that are supposed to make your tongue change colour, I don't know what they have to do with history or science, but people seem to love 'em." If you didn't have your back to him he would've seen the glimmer of an idea in your eyes before you spun and asked with an innocent grin, "Can I buy one please? For our tour." 
"Of course, my treat love." He smiled softly as he watched you unwrap the plastic coating, face falling to accomodate a deep gulp as he watched you flick your tongue over the glistening red orb, before slowly sliding it between your lips. He could feel his pulse quicken as you let out a soft hum at its taste, eyes trailing over to his as you commented, tone needlessly sultry, 
"Mm, strawberry." He ignored the ache building beside his hand as he quickly fumbled in his pocket to pull out a few coins, glad that it was his final transaction of the day as his blood seemed to be leaving his brain in favour of more fun areas. Taking your outstretched hand and leading you towards his favourite exhibits, he took a deep breath trying to steady himself from your effects on him. But you wouldn't let that happen. 
As you moved between glass cases, it wasn't hard to tell your little ploy was having the intended effect. Steven would find himself tripping over his words, and his feet, trying to keep his mind on anything but the sugary draw of your lips. While you looked intently at each artifact he explained, he could only bring himself to stare at your mouth, watching your tongue circle the lollipop, lapping up the sticky droplets forming before running over the tip, making Steven shift awkwardly from one foot to the other, desperately trying to push the images of how good he knew it felt to have you sucking him that way. 
You were surprised with how long he tried to keep his composure, clearly embarrassed by his obvious physical reaction, squirming to stand with his legs obscuring his crotch from your view, tugging at his collar as pink seemed to flush his skin as it stained your lips. It wasn't until you asked him if your tongue was "all pink now" before sticking it out at him with a devilish glint in your eyes that a little voice in his head made him realise he never stood a chance. 
"Do you want to see where, uh, we put the new, what's the word... museum stuff?" He spluttered out, already gripping your hand a little more firmly as he picked up the pace towards the stockroom he knew wouldn't get checked this time of night. 
"Lead the way handsome." You said happily, keeping your tone just innocent enough that you wouldn't completely give yourself away. Steven practically ripped open the door as he barged inside, panting from the short walk and the long-building frustration throbbing inside him. "Are you okay Steven?" You asked, saccharine sweet as you took the lollipop between your lips, exaggerating the sucking action with your cheeks. 
"Um, yes. But also no." He mumbled, volume rising as he stepped towards you, framing your body against the door as he checked the lock. He planted one hand beside your head as the other slowly wrapped around the paper stick emerging from your lips, fingers gently pulling until the sweet escaped your lips with an audible pop. He moved deliberately slowly, your own heart racing at the hungry look in his eyes, slightly disheveled by an afternoon of your relentless teasing. Tentatively he pressed his lips to yours, eagerness rushing through him as the taste of strawberries flooded his mouth, his tongue plunging forward to follow its sweetness. You fought back a smile at his obvious keenness, frantically capturing your lips and exploring your mouth until he needed to pull away for breath, chest heaving with the overwhelming excitement. The hunger in his eyes hadn't dissipated at all, desperate desire burning inside him, hindering his ability to ask for what he so clearly wanted. You decided you'd been cruel enough, bringing your hands to his thighs as you slowly lowered to your knees. 
"Is there something other than a lollipop you want me to put in my mouth Steven?" It took every ounce of his self-control not to lose it right there, your wide eyes staring up at him as your fingers toyed with buttons of his slacks, his silent but awestruck nod giving you the permission you needed. You could feel him straining against the fabric as you slid down his zip, peeling his trousers and boxers down his thighs until his aching manhood sprang free, already leaking its own sweet, sticky mess at his uncontrollable thoughts of you. Steven looked apologetic at his state despite your satisfied smile as you wrapped your hand around him, mumbling as you started to gentle rub away the throbbing tension, 
"I'm sorry love, you're just so beautiful and with that lollipop, I couldn't stop thinking about, uh, things and - Oh!" His apology halted as brought your rosy red tongue to his glistening tip, lapping at it just like in his thoughts, humming happily as his eyes fluttered shut, 
"Don't apologise Steven, you're way better than Strawberry." As if to prove your point you took him deeply between your lips, moaning as his hips bucked at the contact, slamming himself down your throat. The empty storage space was filled with whimpers and panting as he rubbed against the inside of your cheeks, feeling the soft warmth he'd been picturing all afternoon, eyes fixed to your bobbing head, watching you like the miraculous entity that you are, trying to capture the moment in all its glory in his mind, in case he never felt something so perfect again. The way your eyes looked up at him adoringly, the wet glide of your tongue as you pulled away, only to hum in satisfaction as you brought him back down your throat again, it was too much. Better than his imagination by a long stretch. His daydreams could never do your soft, warm touch justice. He could feel the pressure building inside him as he relished every sensation your movements created. 
"Love, I'm gonna - um, you should -" He tried to warn you, not sure of the proper wording and fumbling over himself as you seemed to apply more pressure, picking up the pace as he crossed his threshold, a deep groan ripping free of his throat as his hips began to stutter, his release filling your cheeks as you drew every last drop of pleasure from him. 
Steven watched in wide-eyed affection as you swallowed his seed like he was just another sweet treat, before sticking out your pink tongue while gently helping him back into his trousers. You pointed at the now much smaller sweet, still clutched in the hand that wasn't propped against the door, possibly the only thing keeping him from collapsing entirely. 
"Can I have that back now?" The cheeky glint in your beaming smile filled Steven with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as he shook his head, putting the lollipop in his own mouth instead, looking a little panicked as he spoke, 
"Absolutely not. You're banned from buying lollipops at my gift shop." He smiled at the incredulous laugh that burst from your lips as he helped you off your knees, sure you were going to be the death of him, but unable to think of a better way to go. 
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fabraies-archive · 2 years
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ꔛ ⋆⁺ +.゚music store worker! fem! reader x semi eita, just fluff fluff fluff, i came up with this on a whim after getting asked out by my crush so this is why it’s so sweet without a single hint of angst. I am in love your honor
The sound makes you whip your head in the direction of the shop entrance at the speed of light; after all, it’s not everyday someone actually steps into your shop.
The soon-to-be-client (you hope, at least), catches your eye after having stood in front of the vinyl section of the store, analysing the albums for around five minutes. You walk over, and as you do so, the handsome stranger is quick to let you know what he weaved you over for: “hey, I was just wondering if this one is still for sale?” He points to a colourful orange album, “there isn’t a price tag on it, so…”
You don’t let him think this for long and take this as an opportunity to showcase your business major skills. 
“No, no, it is for sale. It’s new, and one of the only items we had to restock, so.. pretty popular.” 
Turns out your so called business major skills are actually sort of lacking, especially in front of your intimidatingly handsome client. Your hands fumble with each other, unsure of what to do, before he clears his throat. 
“Great. That’s good to know, but um.. The price ?” 
You could die of embarrassment. You try to answer as straightfowardly as possile, as to avoid making this conversation any more awkward, but your mouth moves faster than your brain and you ramble again. 
“The price! Right, oh my god, I totally forgot I’m so sorry, uh, it doesn’t have a tag on, so I’ll just, um,” You scurry over to the back and manage a little ‘I’ll be back in a minute’ before you disappear behind the orange curtains. 
You come back a few moments later, to find the mysterious young man squatting down, checking out the vinyls. 
“We have some more upstairs if you’re interested.” 
At the sound of your voice, he noticeably jumps, hitting the top of his head on the upper shelf in the process. The scene makes you giggle, although you will admit it is hard to get up from that corner without missing the wood piece; you had experienced it many time already yourself. 
“No, it’s fine, I’ll just,” He hisses, and holds his throbbing head in his hand. “The guitar ?” He asks again. 
You congratulate yourself on the curt, straightforward answer, until the expression slowly taking over your client’s face makes you cut your inner festivities short. 
“I’m sorry. It’s an intermediate guitar, so, these usually end up between 500 and 900$. It’s already a pretty nice deal you have here because this is one is on the lower side of said range, but if you really can’t, the beginner guitars are way less-” 
“I’m not a beginner,” Your interlocutor smiles at your genuine attempt to console him. “but thanks. I’ll be back.” 
Just like that, the door hits the entrance bells again, this time to signal that the student left.
You feel stupid for feeling disappointed. Nothing would come out of this encounter, but once again, your delusional tendencies got the best of you. Besides, his looks were a dead giveaway that he was probably swarmed by girls everytime he entered campus. What were the chances for him to choose you out of all the girls that would throw themselves at his feet? 
Only a while later, on your way to close down the store do you notice the little piece of paper that stuck out between the vinyls, just where the gray haired man had been squatting earlier today. Your grab it out of curiosity, only to find a bunch of numbers written down hastily.
Realization hits you; it’s a phone number. You try your best to decipher the numbers when the store’s landline phone starts ringing. 
You jog over to the phone a to not make the person on the other side of the line wait. 
“Hello ?” 
A voice you thought you would never hear again answers, and you wonder what you did for the universe to be so kind to you. 
“Hey, uh, I just wanted to make sure you found my number on the vinyls shelf? And that you could read it. Cause you’re cute and, Valentine’s is coming up..”
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josephquinnswhore · 1 year
Hiiii bub thank you soooo much for the request here’s another one I have (based on me)
TW: blood & commit and anxiety attack
May you please do a Pedro pascal x plus size reader where readers worst fear is blood and any time they see it the feel nauseous and go in to an anxiety attack. Basically I was sick last week and had the absolute worst tummy bug (I’m all better) and threw up so hard my nose bled that I almost passed out and had an anxiety attack. Basically do it based off what happen to me and if u can add Bella and Nico and Gabriela calling Pedro bc he is the only one to calm reader down from these panic attacks.
Thank you in advance
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My Comfort
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Fem/Plus Size Reader!
Summary: you’re sick and Pedro’s called back from his luck to see you in a bad way.
Word Count: 2k
Content Warning: reader is sick, mentions of blood, panic attack, vomit.
Note: hi sun bun 🐰, I love you. We must be the same person fr cause I’ve been sick for over a month LMAO and I get so queasy when I see blood. UGH, hopefully this gives you what you need. I also throw up to the point where my throat bleeds lol it’s so fucked. 🫶🏼🥰 I made it pretty dramatic LOL. M sorry it’s short.
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You told yourself you were fine, you could do the filming through the sickness. You were sipping on your water and drinking your raspberry flavoured hydralyte, even though it tasted like shit. Just to try and get yourself through the day, unable to tell yourself you’re not sick enough to show up for work. It was too important, it came before everything else in your life, well, almost everything. It was second in line to your boyfriend and co-worker, Pedro.
“You’re okay. You’re okay. Just one more scene to shoot, then you can go home.” You chanted to yourself as you look in the mirror trying to convince yourself it to be true, thinking maybe if you said it aloud it would enforce some truth. Your face was losing colour with every passing minute, and the darkness around your eyes was a clear indication that everything was far from okay, that you were not okay.
But you felt guilty, you didn’t want to let the team down by going home and delaying the episode when you had one measly scene left to shoot, you may as well just tough it out and get through it as best you could. It would maybe take a couple hours at most, you could do that! Right? You started to doubt yourself at the way your limbs started to ache and feel heavy. It hurt to hold your head upright.
You turn on the tap to the cold water, letting the water gather into your cupped hands before you bring it to your face, the coolness is refreshing, you exhale a deep breath to try and relax, patting your face dry with some paper towel and throw it into the trash bin. You could do this. You couldn’t give up.
“Hey, are you feeling okay? You don’t look so hot.” Gabriel sets a hand on your shoulder, his thick black eyebrows were nearly touching as he frowned, his dark brown eyes squinted with concern at one look of you, his hand feels like it weighs a tonne on your aching shoulder. “I-I mean you are, but, you know.” He gestures to you and you raise an eyebrow at him, you didn’t wanna have to deal with this right now-as much as you liked him.
“Dude shut it, are you okay?” Bella asks, her face strewn with concern for your well-being. You swallow your spit loudly, gulping down the clump that sits in your throat, feeling more ill with every passing second. “Um…I’m ok, I think.” you can’t decide what to say, unsure of whether you even believe your obvious and blatant lies. Bella looks to Nico and they know you’re lying, sharing a look of sympathy toward you, watching as you slightly sway as you stand still.
“Why don’t you just sit down for a second, have some water.” You nod to Nico, “thanks,” you mumble in agreement as she sets a gentle hand on your back, helping you sit, agreeing it’s a good idea. The bright lights of the set don’t help the ache in your head that’s contributing to your illness. Your eyes squint as your brain throbs at how bright it is, you blink harshly, trying to rid the ache that’s set in motion, the shadow of a headache you knew would grow into a migraine.
“Wouldn’t hurt to sit for five minutes.” You mumble in an unintelligible slur, as you feel a wave of nausea coming over you, it shakes your whole body to the core, the feeling settles uncomfortably in the pit of your stomach. Your fingers grasp your bottle shakily with the hydralyte, desperate to rid your body of the nausea setting, but it wasn’t your bottle, and it wasn’t hydralyte. It was a bottle of soft drink, the fizz of the soda causes a rift in your stomach that feels like it’s about to explode. The feeling builds and builds until it feels like it’s going to erupt, from your mouth.
“Oh my god, someone get me a bucket.” You hunch over in your seat with one arm wrapped around your stomach, the other holding your hand over your mouth, the nausea rising up your throat that you have to swallow down the first time it attempts its exit because you would’ve just spewed all over the floor on set. You heave again, this time Gabriel is holding a bucket underneath your mouth, the taste of the liquid makes your stomach ache even though it barely has time to digest.
The same coloured liquid comes out as clear, mostly bile the first few times, until the stench of the contents in the bucket circulates through your nostrils and churns your stomach again, twisting until it shoots up your throat, this one hurt your throat badly, the sting it made coming out has you unable to breathe for a few seconds, your lash line full to the brim with unshed tears, coughing violently as someone rubs a hand along your back, trying to soothe you.
You feel something dribbling from your nose and you wipe it with the back of your hand, not caring how disgusting it would seem to anyone else. You expect to see snot or mucus on your hand associated with the tears brought to your eyes from the vomiting. To your surprise you see a bright red liquid, your blood was coating your hand in a rugged line on your hand, your nose was bleeding.
“Oh shit you’re bleeding.” Nico exclaims, panic evident in her voice, inspecting your nose and handing you a tissue, the blood filled the tissue within a few seconds, the flow from your nostril not giving up. You must’ve burst a blood vessel in your nostril with how it’s pouring out of you, you start to feel dizzy at the sight of how much blood you’re losing. You pull back the tissue and feel it leaking through the tissue, your fingertips were now stained red from how profusely it was bleeding.
It starts with your hands trembling, your body becomes stiff and you can hardly hear anyone around you. Your fingers are shaking that badly you drop the bloody tissue, your nose is now free bleeding all over you and your clothes. Your breaths are rugged and panicked. The ache in your neck causes it to fall, your whole body falling forward destined to hit the ground until Gabriel catches you, sitting you on the floor, lying you on your side.
“Call Pedro back from lunch, now. And get the damn medic.” Bella demands Gabriel who stands in a panic not knowing what to do, he rushes to get his phone and makes the call to Pedro, Nico rushes away to find the medic on set while Bella stays with you. She’s knelt down beside you, trying to pry you upright but your body is stiff and unmoving other than the small underlying tremble of your body.
The medic arrives first, she’s kneeling down beside Bella to look at you, eyeing the teenager in shock at the state of you. “Hey hun can you hear me? It’s Cas I’m here to help.” You feel a warm hand on your body as she rolls you onto your back, the ache from the touch alone causes you to whimper, your eyes are strewn shut at the brightness of the room, it was all too much, you just wanted Pedro.
She pulls out of her bag a cuff, to check your blood pressure, the tightening of the cuff on your arm was pleasantly satisfying, slightly grounding you with each notch of pressure that was released. “Okay, blood pressures a little low but nothing to be worried about. Just going to check your temperature sweetie.” She moves your arm, shoving a thermometer under your armpit and waits for it to beep. She checks it and purses her lips together on a thin line.
“Baby, oh my god is she okay?” Pedro kneels down next to you, his hands are holding your cheeks, cupped in his own large hands the warmth from them makes you sweat, a result of your ever rising temperature. “Is she okay?” Pedro asks Cas, she puts the thermometer away. “She had a reading of 39.2 degrees, she’s got a fever, not sure what’s causing it though.”
“Hey baby, hey can you hear me? It’s me baby I’m here.” You could barely find the strength in you to open your eyes, eyelids squinting to protect your eyes from the brightness of the room. “Hey.” You mutter, with the last of your strength you could muster before you fall unconscious.
Pedro’s leg is bouncing the whole time he’s sat in the chair beside your bed in the hospital. The beeping of the monitor keeping your reading would sometimes make a commotion in the event of a momentary spike in blood pressure, “it’s just trying to regulate itself.” The nurse offered, which didn’t make him feel any better.
“Mr Pascal, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Dr Wrent, we’ve been doing some tests on your girlfriend here today. We’ve come to find that she’s somehow contracted a deadly stomach bug, it’s rare but not unknown, we can give some anti biotics to take home and she should be fine within the week.” The doctor put your folder and hung it on the end of the bed, “by the way, make sure you enforce that she takes a break, tell her to stop working so hard.”
“Right, I’ll do that. Thanks for everything.” Pedro sunk back into his chair and waited for you to wake up, the small sandwich and juice from the cafeteria sitting unopened as you lie peacefully.
You start to stir right when Pedro feels his eyelids drooping, begging him to close so he can have a moments rest. He hears the shuffling before his brain has the chance to fully lull him into sleep, rustling around in the front of his mind to wake up, sending an alarm throughout his body that you were finally awake.
“God baby you’re awake. You scared the shit out of everyone you know that?” As if you hadn’t felt guilty enough, the worry on His face made it worse. You couldn’t look at him, avoidant in your stare towards him, looking quite literally elsewhere until he leaned over the bed and grabbed your face in his hands, forcing you to look up at him.
“I’m sorry baby- I didn’t mean,” he takes a deep breath before continuing. “We were worried about you, why didn’t you tell someone you weren’t feeling well?” You should’ve just done that to begin with you knew, but you were too stubborn.
“I just convinced myself I should do it, I didn’t want to disappoint anyone by delaying the season for one last scene.” Pedro’s hand caresses your hair, fingers gliding through your hair as he calms you. “From now on you put yourself forward okay? Promise me.”
You pull your bottom like between your teeth, enjoying the sting it brings when you bite down too hard, “okay, I promise.”
“I’m proud of you though, you saw that blood and didn’t die, soooo.” Pedro trails off with a small laugh and you groan and roll your eyes, shoving his arm. “Don’t remind me, that’s so embarrassing.”
Pedro stands from the bed, handing you a sandwich wrapped in a paper bag, “you know I think they’re gonna put a scene of you passing out in the show.” You stop feeling back the paper bag and look at him suspiciously, “they wouldn’t want to!”
He simply shrugs, “you didn’t hear that from me, now eat. Need my baby strong.” You unwrap and bite into the sandwich, it contained all your favourite fillings and you smile, stomach feeling settled and the ache of the emptiness was now gone as you’d managed to swallow some food. You’d sure learnt a valuable lesson; Gabriel is useless when it comes to emergency situations.
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alexiavettel · 2 years
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chapter two
“The world was whole then, the sun and moon together as one”
pairing: charles leclerc x fem¡stroll!reader
word count: 1.4k+
warnings: asshole!charles, asshole!reader, mentions of Jules (this one actually trigger me), google translator italian/french, light mentions of death
disclaimer: any photo used is not supposed to represent the reader, are all Pinterest pics that matches the context
PS: reader is a slytherin (just like me) sorry if you don’t see yourself in this house but just matches perfectly with her personality.
⇦⇦⇦ previous part
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(Y/N) Stroll POV:
I fixed the straps of my Ferrari red dress which in my opinion is RIDICULOUS to dress up in this specific colour. Okay, I’m not gonna lie I look pretty hot in this tone of red but I look hot in every tone of red so fuck it. I think I would look prettier in my classic green but let’s keep this in mind for the season start gala he’s gonna have to wear a dark green suit at least.
Got my keys, purse and mobile and headed to my Aston Martin Valhalla that my dad gave it to me (exclusive till the moment because customers will only order at the middle of 2023).
“Wow dressed up all for me?” Charles annoying Leclerc smirked while hugging me and kissing my cheek (ew this feels so weird).
“Unfortunately yes. But good news for me is that you are wearing a green suit in the gala next week in exchange” I didn’t told anyone yet but he doesn’t need to know.
“Absolutely not! Binotto is going to kill me”
“I talk with him about it no problem, sweetheart” I said while seating and opening the menu.
“Already knows what you’ll eat?” I asked after some minutes in weird silence.
“Probably a carbonara, the pasta in this place is amazing. You should try it”
“Well I’ll ask for some tagliatelle” I stand up my arm to call the waiter.
“It’s a Italian restaurant (Y/n) they speak Italian, let me do the talk for you mon ange”
“Prenderemmo uno tagliatelle, uno spaghetti alla carbonara e un vino per favore” I said smiling right after rolling my eyes at the driver.
“Qualche preferenza per il vino?”
“Voglio un Castello Tricerchi Brunello di Montalcino, grazie”
“I-I didn’t know you speak Italian” he gasped?
“Now you do” I forced a smile (god this is also entering the list of best moments, he looks soo taken back)
“S-So Lorenzo gave me a couple of questions we should do to know each other better in case the reporters ask us” he said picking his phone to show me a WhatsApp message with a bunch of questions.
“For real?? Shoot it, so we can end this up faster”
“Okay, favourite colour?”
“Your’s red mine’s green and black”
“Obsessed” he faked a cough “Do you have any pets?”
“Yeah, I got a Doberman named Sirius”
“From Sirius Black, like the Harry Potter one?”
“Yeah” god, where’s the food?
“Wait. What’s your Hogwarts house?” He asked like is the most important question ever.
“I’m a slytherin, for sure the best one” sorry not sorry.
“Hm I thought so, you kinda look a bit like Voldemort”
“Says the one who looks like one of Malfoy’s friends”
“Excuse me!? Whatever, back to pets I don’t got any. But I would like to have a little dog, nothing like a Doberman they’re scary-“
“He’s actually pretty cute but he’s trained so I can make him bite your flat ass” I would pay good money to watch this scene.
“Best moment in F1”
“Silverstone podium, last year” a hard race but I got my best result there. A P3 with Bottas in P2 and Lewis in P1.
“Monza, 2019” he smiles gently but drop it when reads the next question.
“Worst moment in F1”
“Jules’ accident” I answer without thinking twice.
This is actually one of my worst memories ever, Charles was lucky for didn’t get to see it in person like I did. I couldn’t sleep properly because of the nightmares for 3 weeks straight. Jules took care of me when I was younger, specially because I always competed against his godson so we always were together, he was kinda a big brother figure for me. He knew that my father payed more attention in my younger brother and he said something once that made me really try to get into F1…
“You’re a good kid (Y/N), you’ve got a long way. Call me crazy but I can see it featured everywhere ‘First female driver in Formula One in decades. The very much first female race winner ever. She came from far but she came to win! (Y/N) Stroll is the winner of the Canadian Grand Prix’” he said with a commentator voice making me laugh.
“I know it’s soo hard to be part of a real team in F1 and being a girl we both know will be even harder but you got to do it. You are stronger than almost all those little boys and you are going to show them in the future, but don’t be too harsh with my little Charles okay? I want to see you guys driving together one day” I tried to smile back at him but I wanted to cry so bad.
“I want to drive with you one day, Jules!” I said hugging his legs.
“I can’t promise that we will but I want to do that too, okay? Gonna make everything possible to make it happen, girl” he ruffled my hair gently.
“Yeah because he already promised me that, you ugly” Charles screamed at me coming out of nowhere “Come fast or I’ll slash your tires”
“I miss him so fucking bad. I was going to say the same thing, at least there’s one thing we agree with” he tried to laugh, and the waiter just arrived with our food.
“If exist something that lift me up from sadness around this topic it’s wine and think that he would be proud of me and my achievements. I like to remember all the memories we got together like me, you, Pierre and Esteban with Jules, Norman and Lorenzo taking care of us and trying to compete in karts but these old bastards almost made us crash every time” he let out a genuine giggle and true smile before trying the wine.
“Hmmm good wine choice”
“I know, it’s one of my favourites. My brother gave me this one as a prank and I ended up liking it”
“So one more question. Biggest dream?”
“Both of us dream in being world champions don’t we?”
“You actually right, ew. Okay, hm your dream travel?” He asked after chewing (disgustingly) his pasta, I swear he eats like a child.
“Don’t know if I have one… Maybe Seychelles, I discovered this place recently but it’s so pretty, like the ocean and the rainforest is incredible in the pics I saw. Or maybe Egypt! I’ve never been there-“
“Okay I got it, you like travelling! I don’t know mine, but I would like to see Argentina better maybe? Now-”
“Wait my BeReal just-“ I love this app but sometimes I would like to uninstall this shit “Give me your hand!”
“What?” When he took my hand in his I took my BeReal without showing his face.
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“You don’t have it?” I asked putting my phone back in my purse, just waiting to see my friends' reactions.
“Pierre actually told me to download it but I don’t know”
“Oh come on it’s fun, download it!” I picked up his phone and put in his hands while drinking the end of my glass.
“I mean is kinda cool but what’s the point? What if I’m in the bathroom?”
“The point is being real like showing yourself to your friends without make up, filters, you know just living your life. And when it notifies in the bathroom just put your hand in front of the camera it’s for best”
I’m ABSOLUTELY out of breath after seeing the BeReal’s reactions:
😲 pedritogostoso10: bitch u didn’t told me??? ik this watch is expensive so at least it’s a good catch
😃 howdydannyric: wow good pasta but poor wine choice 🤠
>>> memyselfstroll: just because it isn’t expensive doesn’t mean it’s bad
>>> howdydannyric: whatever you say extreme cheapskates
😍 yourdreamliv: hope you liked the dress in the end 👀❤️
>>> memyselfstroll: i just don’t stop paying you bc if i do some public shit u gonna save my ass!!
😍 thebestleclerc: enjoyed the questions?
>>> memyselfstroll: you dont know how much i hate u rn Lorenzo
If only I could tell Daniel… but he will bring this up till the rest of my life. Well I can tell him we are fake when we go public, I just need to remember that not a lot of people can know about it. In the moment just me, my “boyfriend”, our PRs, my father, my pt and our team principals.
I only can imagine when Danny and Seb get to know it. Not even my brother knows I’m “dating” someone, he’s going to get so frustrated when I tell him it’s fake! This boy try to get me a boyfriend for so many years it’s going to be funny tho.
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my taglist!!
hope you enjoyed <3
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solarpirates · 5 months
Stray thoughts on Dead Boy Detectives
So, five years after getting Gay Married, I am getting Gay Divorced. I'll be moving out in about a month but until then, my spouse/soon-to-be-ex and I still live together.
One of the things we can still do together is watch TV. We are overall rather different from one another in the way that we enjoy watching TV; my spouse largely prefers shows that are easy to digest and don't require reading subtitles, while I like to get totally absorbed by TV shows and don't mind subtitles. However, there are a couple of types of shows that we both love. Aside from Swedish gardening shows, we both like watching British crime stories and camp/kitschy supernatural stories.
So, right now, we are watching Dead Boy Detectives. We love it. One episode left, which we will watch later.
Something I am thinking about as I watch: Sometimes I like very realistic shows. And sometimes I love it when a TV show is like an anime, or a comic book. My spouse and I have several times commented upon how much the cinematography - the angles, the colours - remind us of the imagery in The Sandman, and that era of comics overall. I haven't read all of the original Dead Boy Detective stories, but I did read the Sandman parts of them, and I really enjoy the call of making them older teenagers and find a different death for Charles. It's a whole other story and I like it.
Various thoughts (MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD):
I find it funny that Edwin has so many boys fawning over him, but it seems like he has a lot of fans on Tumblr and a lot of people love him and how many boys want him so I will take it as fan service. Not a bad thing, I just... I know he is supposed to be a character that rubs others the wrong way but is likeable for the audience but I find him hard to like. Not hard to feel for, he has clearly suffered, he is not a bad person, but I just can't really like him. Sorry.
Charles, on the other hand... he is so lovely??? Can't tell if I want to be him or if my inner teenager wants him. The best acting in the show, too, so maybe that's part of why he steals all the scenes. He kind of reminds me of this boy from my gymnasiet Spanish class. I had a huge crush on him but he liked... real girls I guess.
Charles' reaction to Edwin's confession was so, so good. Couldn't have been better. I honestly hope their relationship stays platonic. Just for once, I want to see someone fall for his friend and then get over it and find someone else to be in love with all while maintaining a healthy friendship. I am generally for The Gay but I would genuinely be disappointed if they get together in a later season lol
The librarian looked so straight. The only character in the show to do so. She was styled 100 % like a heterosexual Swedish HR dept employee with one OR three children (not two) and a husband that works with... I don't know, industrial economy or something. They go on trips to go skiing in the Alps together in the winters and they used to go on a sailing trip every year together when they were younger but now the husband is the only one that goes. I was really annoyed by this at first but when she turned out to be a crazy stalker I was happy about it.
When I was younger I used to wear my hair similarly to Jenny's and Niko's and I also used to colour coordinate a lot more and now I miss it so much??? It is extremely impractical how I both want to cut my hair short like Charles again and let it grow out to Niko hair again. Maybe this is my queue to start wearing wigs.
I want a whole mini-series about just Jenny and her emotional life.
Not sure how I feel about Niko as a character. I've seen some people appreciate her as a Japanese-American character and as an autistic-coded character. Personally I don't know what to think. I don't really like how pretty her weirdness is. She feels like a cute Goodnight Moon ASMR character [edited for tempering] and not necessarily in a good way. Still, she’s kind of relatable [edited] and I suspect that I would have been obsessed with her if I’d been a teenager.
Oh god wait I struggle w Niko and I struggle a lot with Edwin and now I realise they’re probably the two characters that are the most similar to teen me????? Help?????
My spouse was so moved that they cried during the scene where Crystal meets her ancestors. I really liked the scene, but the one of her scenes that I enjoyed the most was when she and her ancestors pushed David into the ground. Loved the juxtaposition of the serene beauty of the tree and the physical brutality of their entrapment. It made the tree - she and her powers - scary and powerful. In a good way.
Speaking of brutality, I love the witch so much. I love how she is full on a hag - strong and violent, beautiful and disgusting, funny and horrific. It's not hard to imagine her eating babies.
I am not saying that this is badly casted, because it's not - but I notice how hard I find it to actually see these teenage characters as teenagers and not as being in their mid-twenties, like the actors actually are and look like. However, this is a common trouble I have with shows of this type.
I would have fucked the Cat King.
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Hi!! I absolutely love your maze runner stuff!! I was was wondering about how the glazers would react to a trans guy coming up from the box? Maybe he’s a bit on the quieter side (until you get to know him and then he’s just as mischievous as the rest of them) and enjoys art? Anyways sorry if this was vague or anything I didn’t see and requesting rules on your page! But yeah, love your work and I hope you have a great day!!
Hi! Thanks so much for requesting this one I had so much fun writing all my wholesome maze boys ❤❤❤ Hope you enjoyed :)
Yellow painted skies
Platonic gladers x trans masc!reader
Notes: I DIDN'T REALISE UNTIL I WROTE MOST OF A FIC THAT THIS WAS PROBABLY MEANT TO BE HEADCANON-FORMATTED. I rewrote it but I couldn't help but keep in the Minho scene so that's why that's there
Warnings: language (glader slang + normal swearing)
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Your first friend, of course
Newt's the best guy and is so, so caring on your first day, and you quickly find comfort in him
He immediately supports you when you're struggling with some things on your first night
When you're grabbing clothes for a shower, he offers you a bunch of different shirts, including a really big, loose one if you want it, to make sure you're as comfortable as possible
If you've got a period, Newt's your go to guy. At first, you're anxious to ask about anything, but Newt's pretty intuitive and understands what you're looking for
He prepares strips of linen and clean fabrics since they don't have access to proper sanitary products
Plus, he's got all his subtle ways of making you more comfortable without bringing unwanted attention - he might pass you a hot water bottle before bed, or give you less demanding work while you're in the worst of it
Newt is kind to every new person that joins, and everybody loves him, but eventually most Greenies will find their own close friend circles within their jobs.
You're one of the first newbies in a while to actually stick with Newt
You're one of the few people that doesn't get on Newt's nerves every so often, and he's always relieved to see you after a long day
He'll sit down and cross his ankles over your legs when he's had a hard time, and you'll just talk and unwind
When neither of you can sleep, you'll find each other and just have profound, deep late night talks, which started right from your first day
Newt loves your art and finds it relaxing to just watch you draw, or paint
The two of you (and sometimes Minho and Frypan) can sit for hours in peaceful silence, just you sitting up with a sketchbook and the other guys sprawled out on the grass
He's picked up some art tips from you too, but he doesn't really paint to make art of any ground-breaking quality; he usually just splashes colours across a page for fun and to calm his mind, which- is so valid, of course
Minho didn't like you immediately, and he'd be honest about that too - you were a little too quiet for him
But one moment changed that for him (cue cutscene)
"This is the Map," says Minho, gesturing at the covered table. He's been giving you the Runners intro crash course, which is the first job the Gladers explain since most new guys aren't gonna be chosen for it. "You'll see it if you become a Runner." You nod again, as you've been doing a lot for the past few minutes. "Don't talk much, do you?" comments Minho, arms crossing over his chest as he looks at you appraisingly. "Minho," warns Newt. You blink at him, not really sure how to respond to that. "I-" "It's okay," interrupts Minho. "Just something to work on. Cause listen, Newt here can coddle you and the rest of the greenbeans all he wants, but the hard truth is that this ain't a place for some shank who isn't gonna speak up. We're a team, in the Glade. Everyone's part of the family. I just wanna clear this up now, let you know that if you don't open your mouth and use your voice, you're gonna have problems." "God- every shuckin' month," groans Newt, massaging his temples. "Now it's fine if you're just quiet," continues Minho, "But I just think it's best to know that you'll have a much better time here if you talk to people." Newt sighs. "Look, Minho's right, but you can take your time, okay? Settle in at your own rate." "Alright now, Greenie. Anything to say about the Runner's intro so far? Or just anything to say at all?" Fuck, okay. This is the start. Just say something funny, aim for levity. "Those drawings are shit," you say flatly, gesturing to the pencil sketches of the Maze you'd seen on the way in. Newt chokes. Minho blinks, before he bursts out in cackles. Oh, well that wasn't too hard. "You should really work on how the shadows turn out instead of just colouring it black," you continue, since insults are apparently the way to go. Minho starts wheezing, and you look to Newt expecting to see some amusement on his face, but he just looks shocked. "Those- those are my drawings," he manages to say. Your eyes widen, and your stomach drops. "Oh. Oh my god. Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I thought- oh my god." Minho's crying laughing by now, bending over and clutching his stomach. You jolt slightly as his hand lands on your shoulder. "Nevermind," he gasps out between snorts. "Forget what I said, you're gonna be fine here." You stare at Newt, mortified, but he just shakes his head, an amused expression forming on his face. "They are pretty shit, aren't they? It's alright, maybe you can replace them for us." Newt slings an arm around your shoulder as he leads you out of the hut. "C'mon, gardening intro's next. Minho, don't piss yourself," he adds, looking down with mock-disdain at his friend.
So... yeah. You guys pretty much just became friends after that
Except- okay, with Newt, you'd definitely developed a soft spot for him, and he seems to like you too, despite the way you insulted him pretty much to his face on your second day.
But with Minho, you've gotten the opposite of a soft spot for him
The two of you mainly thrive on mutual bitchiness, resulting in a friendship mainly consisting of eyerolls and snarky remarks
It works though, and you sit with him at every meal, always facing each other and playing some foot-kicking-game under the table, always with a straight face
He'll wait for you when his evening runs finish before dinner, and you'll wake up early to have breakfast with him and the Runners
He doesn't touch art himself, but he likes to sit with you and annoy you while you're meant to be having some peaceful time
To set the scene, it's usually Newt lying on his stomach watching as you sit in front your canvas (multiple pieces of paper stuck to a piece of wood), mixing paints, with Minho sitting beside you and making little comments
"Paint it yellow."
"That's the sky."
"It's sunny."
"The sky is still blue."
Idk I just think he'd make silly little comments for absolutely no reason
Also, you end up painting the sky yellow, and it fucking looks better
After hearing from Newt that you liked art, Frypan started looking for materials for you, cause he always goes out of his way to make the Greenies as comfortable as possible
In his free time, he went out to crush up little plants and pigment rocks to experiment with mixing them with water and make paints and watercolours
Most people had decided that you seemed to just want to keep to yourself, including Frypan, but he saw you getting close and joking around with Newt and Minho, and knew that you would open up if only people gave you the chance
So he kept it slow, grinning at you when you go up for meals, until you started always smiling back at him, and you started hanging out on a regular basis
He's genuinely astounded by every piece of art you show him, whether it's a simple sketch of a random flower or a sunrise painting you'd spent days on (It's always "Shuck, Y/n. This is amazing!")
Gally is besties with Frypan (I will fight you on this)
So that's how you met him
He'd always be cool with you, just "sup, Greenie" every time you were both with Frypan at the same time
But then you started to build your own relationship with him too
You became friends when you started sketching architecture-y things for him, and he'd annotate little instructions on the drawings to hand out to the other builders
He's always just quietly impressed by your sketches, nodding and "thanks Greenie"
You actually become known as the 'art guy' around the Glade
The Medjacks will call you in to make pencil sketches of the plants and herbs for their little medicine book
You've always got Frypan's paint stained on your fingers, but it's a look
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Thanks for reading <3
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ghosts-of-love · 9 months
first off, i LOVED lost then found. its pretty much my favourite fic of all time. i reread it constantly, especially if i’ve had a hard time. i’ve just wondered, who did you picture joanie as? i picture her as being played by martha since she shares the names of debbie (of) maddox’s children and husband. again, love your writing!
hello! thank you so much for this! it always makes me so happy to know that people reread my work, especially Lost Then Found which is, unbelievably, two and a half years old now!
i'm about to start rambling sorry. it is so valid to picture Joanie as Martha tbh because there are definitely some similarities and you're right that i gave her debbie's kids and husband (though i imagine peter looking different tbf!). the person who does look, to me, most like the Joanie in my head is Amy Adams, but only in certain photos where she looks more relaxed and like, less made-up for the cameras? idk she's got the perfect hair colour and face. Joanie does have more laughter lines though and the same nose as the Captain, and as i say in the first chapter i think, she's just started going slightly grey (but only just). if i could draw i would make this happen to show you!
and again, because she exists in my noggin, i find that most of the photos that look like her have a blurry quality to them or, again, tend to be of her when she's just milling around/behind the scenes photos from film sets.
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in Lost then Found, she would look most like the bottom right photo, but older with shorter hair that's got some grey in. i'm feeling like a healthy sprinkle of Catherine Tate in there wouldn't go amiss? just a hazy, blurry version of those two mixed. she has the ability to look stern to tell kids (or the Captain) off but she also has the best sense of humour and you can tell that by her face completely, like in the two top photos.
i just love her a lot. my sweet sweet joanie etc. she is real to me 💖
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m34gs · 4 months
You asked me earlier and now I want to aks you! What are your top five favourite scenes (main plot, event, etc) from Twisted Wonderland?
Hi friend! Thank you so much for this ask, I'm happy to share my answers as well 🥰💜 Sorry I took so long, I was waiting for my day off and then I had to think about it quite a bit because there's some really really good scenes that I love in a lot of the game! But I think I have it narrowed down! (for the sake of simplicity, I did NOT include vignettes, and I haven't played all that is available for Book 7 yet so I didn't include it either)
Let's count it down!!!
5: Book 6, when Crewel is helping manage the infirmary after STYX attacks the campus. For obvious reasons, you know. (And for those who don't know, it's because I'm crushing on Crewel real hard and I find a man taking care of others, especially when he's taking care of kids, incredibly hot)
4: Book 3, when Jade and Floyd go to comfort Azul after his overblot. I just love those three so much. Book 3 is my second-favourite (current fave being book 6 because IDIA MY SON) and their friendship just makes my heart melt so much. Also, one of the major scenes that cemented me shipping Jade and Azul together, because of the level of concern that seemed to come across from Jade in that scene. I just loved it.
3: Glorious Masquerade event, when Idia confronts Rollo Flamme. Ugh, it hurt my heart so much. And I could feel Idia reliving his own pain while he was talking to Rollo. I just about started crying. It was so emotional. Also, I just adored that entire event because, as you know friend, The Hunchback of Notre Dame is one of my absolute favourite Disney films. The art and the music are amazing. I really think this event did justice to both the animation and the soundtrack of the original film. I truly loved it so much.
2: Book 4, when Yuu and Grim fall into the Octavinelle dorm while running from Scarabia. Listen, I absolutely *love* when a character goes to someone they helped in the past, desperate and scared, and that person reacts like "who scared you :) I just wanna *talk*". And that is *exactly* what happened in that scene. You cannot convince me otherwise. It was so beautiful. I was giggling so much.
Honourable mentions: Book 5 Malleus reveal for Yuu (and the reveal to the other cast of Yuu's nickname for him); Book 6 Rook, Epel, and Yuu finding the Island of Woe and confusing the shit out of Idia; Book 3 finding out Yuu and Grim stayed up all night to scream outside Leona's door until he caved in and agreed to help them; Book 3 reveal of the twins' eel forms; Phantom Bride event Idia getting fucking kidnapped; Book 6 Rook and Vil revealing how they met and sounding exactly like a married couple telling their children how they fell in love; Wish Upon a Star event Idia showing up because he wants Ortho to be happy.
1: And the number one spot goes to: BOOK 6 IDIA'S OVERBLOT. Ok, I know, this scene isn't happy. And his overblot extends for more than just a scene, it's a pretty significant chunk of the story in Book 6, but still. If it isn't fucking cathartic. I live for that shit. I could feel his heartache. I find I identify a lot with Idia's desire to protect and care for his younger brother. Finding out what happened to him, and finding out where his brother was tugged at my heart so much. Seeing him basically descend into madness for the sake of his brother? Relatable. 10/10 I would do the same for either of my siblings. If they were trapped in basically hell and wanted to unleash destruction on the world? Who am I to say no??? So I get it. Plus, I really enjoy the overblot designs. I think they're so pretty, and I love Idia's. Also, I just love the imagery of him opening Tartarus. Of him falling into it. This is my personal bias but I think the inky overblot style looks the best on his colour palette 💜
Hope my answers satisfied your curiousity, my friend!
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true-blue-sonic · 10 months
7-12-16-23 for Silver, Espio and Blaze? (that’s twelve questions I am so sorry)
No worries, I am currently ill at home and have gathered enough energy to tackle it ^-^
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Oh dear.😅 Oof, let's see here... I think that for a side character in a large extended cast, Silver is actually quite popular, and people are warming up to him more and more. At least, in polls that feature him and such he always seems to do quite well? And he's also got a lot of fanart and attention dedicated to him! So that is something that I like: the fact that he's generally well-liked. It's definitely a step up from 2006!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
My very epic headcanon was that he is left-handed, but I seem to have disproven that myself, haha. Another one I have is that with every new season that rolls around, he claims it is his favourite: winter for the snow and cozy times, spring for the new life and pretty flowers, summer for the warm temperatures and long sunny days, and autumns for its colours and epic storms. He just can't make up his mind which one he likes best: he loves it all similarly.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
I don't think I have one; there are many that I am not interested in, but those don't show up so much anyway and I don't have anything about them that I hate, so I just ignore them.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
I can't just pick one, come on!!
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I'll take this one because I love the pastel-like colouring, but rest assured I like many more!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I think people overall have a relatively good grasp on his "place" within the Chaotix: the "straight man" of the team who similarly still is equally silly as the others. I always like seeing that: it's funny because Espio treats it so seriously, haha.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
He can be a bit of a mother hen, being the person most concerned with their finances, ensuring they have enough food, and raising Charmy into a responsible adult. Vector is the face of the Chaotix and the one Espio and Charmy follow, but behind the scenes Espio is the one who helps make sure everything runs smoothly and they're all cared for as best they can.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Same for Silver: none. It probably helps that I just concern myself most with Espilver and I don't do too much outside that, haha.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Also here picking one is difficult😅
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I'll go with this one because I think it very nicely shows the Chaotix household, and I also like seeing Espio write with a brush.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Hmm, I'm trying to think of something, but I don't engage so much with fan content about Blaze, to be quite honest. Though, people who like the Rush series and those who know of and appreciate how hilariously broken Blaze is in those games compared to Sonic when it comes to her jumping ability are always nice to see!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
The reason she's so bad at cooking is because of her impatience: she can control the fire she uses to cook well, it's just that she deliberately makes them go too hard/quickly in order to be finished more quickly. But that usually just means things get burned instead. If she's got someone to help her out and distract her in the kitchen, it'll come out much better.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Also none ^-^
23. Favorite picture of this character?
This might perhaps be odd, but I adore some of her sprites from Rush!
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I think they masterfully managed to capture Blaze's growth from closed-off and grumpy person who isolated herself her whole life into someone who knows that she can rely on others, and who appreciates her new friends. She's just so cute when she smiles! I love how Cream in Rush even deliberately draws attention to it. And the memories I have of the story around them makes seeing the sprites all the sweeter!
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totaldrama-showdowns · 10 months
Submissions that didn’t make it into the Best Outfit Showdown! Including invalid ones. With the amount of characters nominated, the requirement to enter became three separate submissions! Apologies if a character you submitted didn’t make it in!
“it's very cute! cute colours and it's realistic. her boots are a little off but her jacket makes up for it #millie sweep”
“he's got that garden gnome-type swag. that spellcaster rizz. look me in the eyes and tell me this absolute LARPing chad isn't drowning in [REDACTED].”
“he looks more like a teenager than anyone else. I look at him and think "yeah that's a 13 year old". they peaked”
Bear Suit Izzy
“Go girl, you slay in that fursuit”
Izzy (in her swimsuit)
“Her outfit fits her personality pretty well already, and i think her swimsuit's even better! Especially when she has a harpon. She would have a harpon.”
pilot chef
“he didn't go to flight school but he DID buy a pilots outfit and that's what really counts :)”
“she was so real for showing up to an internationally broadcasted reality TV show in a hoodie and sweatpants”
“Her dress is actually pretty! Also her dress behind above her knees fits the environment she's in”
anne maria
“she slays idk”
the ice dancers, both of them.
“they served”
“idk I like her”
“It just really works for her”
“I would wear that”
Lindsay's up the creek outfit; José; Jasmine
“It's sooo awesome I fucking love it.jkirt (jean skirt) and a cool red top?? Slay I love her sooo much
José has blue and black which slaaaays Alejandro's colour scheme I'm sooo sorry but also not really
Jasmine. Nuff said yeah boyyyyyyyyy!!!”
The local from bjorken telephone
“She SLAYED that swan. We all know that. No one else dresses better than her”
“Her outfit is totally cute and I think it holds up today :D”
“The colors look really good on her and work well with the environment (A female character with proper shoes! wow!) and her personality. The attention to detail that since shes so tall she doesnt really properly fit into her clothes is funny”
“It's cunty. It's iconic. It screams "early 2000s" and it's so HEATHER”
“really really fucking cute. Highlights aspects of her character which is especially good for her being a twist villain. The colors harmonize well especially in scenes with dark colored backgrounds”
“What can I say? She's hot. The outfit works”
“her outfit makes sense, unlike all of the others on this show”
Princess Courtney
“It’s purple and Courtney is pretty and I like her :)”
Drama Brothers Harold
“idk why he was in the last poll his fit goes hard”
“her outfit is so cute. i love her sweater. plus she’s literally a fashion blogger”
“the color scheme is nice and idk she looks cute i love her”
“she looks so nerdy it fits her character so well. and her outfit is just adorable”
courtney’s human cricket costume
“the little antenna are so cute. and she was so smart for coming up with it. she deserved to win that challenge”
courtney in the weird blonde wig
“the outfit isnt that special but it’s so iconic. that moment changed lives”
“ok largely this is because i had a crush on her when i was 11”
Gwen’s pajamas
“How come Gwen goes to sleep wearing an awesome fit but when she wakes up she looks at her 3 shirts and goes "Yeah this is perfect"”
“His outfit is good. Only his outfit. I'm a big fan of it. Chase himself sucks tho”
“shes soooo cute!! why didnt they keep those i luv u heather it was nice to see.. heather that likes pink bunnies she tries to keep that side of herself secret too often<3”
military tank top chef
“tom of finland slay”
Prison fit duncan
craptry sugar
“SUGA HOLLA!!! it was sooo cute i loved it the pink jeans looked great and i definitely prefer the pink and white color scheme to her regular outfit and i love her regular outfit too! but pink jeans!! i luv u sugar”
Intern Dakota
“slayed what else is there to say <3”
Cowboy Chris
“bro’s got the drip”
“I love their cat headphones and their gamer chair. super swag”
“Love the gaming chair :)”
“Her hoodie is super cute imo”
“i have vague memories of a camel slaying in rr”
“They rock my world like a hurricane”
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slytherinshua · 7 months
Hello beautiful,
I really enjoy your works, you're really really talented but what makes me a little sad is the lack os diversity, I have a darker skin color and for example when you include something like blushing or color on the cheeks I don't see myself in that situation.
I hope u take this as constructive comment, you don't have to apply if u don't want to, just a room for a thought...
still loving your writing .
*sorry if u don't understand it, I'm still trying to speak/writing in English correctly
hi anon!! first of all, thank you for enjoying my fics!! and thanks for mentioning this to me because tbh it hadn't crossed my mind before
i have tried to do the best to be as non-descriptive as possible for the reader in my fics (not describing hair/eyes/skin/body etc), but i hadn't considered blushing in the same category.
this feels like smth i can definitely keep in mind when writing fics in the future, as its pretty easy to just be a little less descriptive if i want to put a blushing scene in. i can easily try to include less description when i write the reader blushing, because of course, it doesn't always show up the same on different skin tones, but everyone can and does blush. it'll be super easy for me to focus more on the warmth/heat rushing to ones face than the colour that shows with that reaction, so it's really no problem!
i've also felt regardless of this fact that i get tired of writing blush scenes 😭 i feel like they're necessary sometimes to show the embarrassment/flustered state but i was already thinking about trying to describe that in other ways with body language rather than a physical reaction like blood rushing to ones cheeks.
i feel like i often default to the same reactions to situations and you can find it repeating in my fics (i've written well over 100 fics, so obviously there's going to be some repetitiveness, but i'd like to minimize it as much as possible still) and it's definitely true when i write a blushing reaction. and i've had this problem for a while, especially because i mostly write fluff. it's hard to think of new ways to write similar things again and again, but even changing little things like this can make things feel less like they're repeating.
i'll definitely improve on this in the future, and i really value the constructive comment and appreciate that you took the time to stop by and send an ask, so thank you for saying this anon <3
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Asking 3, 4, 5, 6, and 17 for the stranger things ask game (Thats kind of a lot, sorry)
dont worry nons, i lovre doing these ask games :)
3- favourite scene in the entire series?
well that's hard. there are a. lot.
ok i'll do one as a viewer and one as a crazy insane totally un-normal cinematography nerd. as a viewer: holy fucking fuck fuck max's scene in dear billy. WHAT THE FUCKCKCJFJ. its cliche, i know, but the SONG, the LETTER, the LIGHTING, the DRAMATICS, thE FUCKIGN MEMORIES!?!@?1 MADWHEELER CAMEOO!:!>!>>!?@?!@/ IT S ITS SO FUCKING PERFECT AND I LOVE EVERYTHHIGN ABOUT IT. god its just. everything.
as a cinematography nerd and professional gay, THE FUCKING RAIN FIGHT. holy hell. where do i start. the dramatic lighting. the amazing fucking camera work. the car between them. the way we can feel will's absence after he leaves. the RAIN. mike wearing a yellow polo (pssst its will's colour pssst he's projecting) AND AND AND AND the colouring of the shot being blue because HE'S PROJECTING!!!! the way will tears up oh i want to hug him. the most iconic lines ever, confirmed gay will (if you have basic media literacy), and the way mike is jus. so distraguht. :((( (also compare it to mlvn break up its EMBARRASSING how much sadder it is lmaoooo)
4- saddest death for you?
well this one is hard. because does max count (i totally think she's coming back alive btw) im saying she counts. I CAN'T F-FEEL OR SEE ANYTHITGN. I DONT WANT TO DIE IM NOT READY. AFTER HER BEING FUCKING SUICIDAL AND ANXIOUS DISTANCING HERSELF FROM EVERYONE ALL SEASON AND HER CLUTCHING ON TO LUCAS SAYING SHE DOES WANT TO LIVE SHE DOES SHE DOESN'T WANT TO DIE SHE WANTS TO KEEP FIGHTING I- RHAHHHHHHHH. her arc is about finding the will to live and then they. fucking. killed her. (maybe). rahhghh.
5. should eddie have died in s4 or should it have been steve?
eddie fulfilled his purpose. he absolutely should have died in s4 (as in, the options are eddie never existed and steve dies or what we got in the show, that bitch was not living till s5) and im happy with the choice. i think steve dying in season 5 is a much better choice, because we've bonded with him, we like him (despite his fans), and he means so much to the kids. it'll hit harder in s5. from a screenwriting perspective, i think steve dying in s5 is better than in s4.
but on the other hand, i dont think they should have emphasised dustin and eddie's relationship that much. it should have been like a 'he was innocent, he didn't deserve this' death and not a 'oh no my best friend/older brother figure' death. bc the second one is steve.
so yes, i like eddie dying in s4 as long as steve dies in s5
6. Death predictions in s5?
oh. haha. steve. he's a fucking goner. for sure. i think steve confesses his uNdYiNg LoVe to nance, dies, and then everyone freaks out bc 'omg st3ddie are in heaven together.'
i do think all of the kids are safe, re: will, mike, lucas, dustin, el and max. they have specifically said its ending happy, and any of the main party dying is not happy. that said im a little scared for dustin. just like. 1%. if you told me one of the kids was out, i think its him. but im pretty sure they're all good.
robins safe, #diversity, nance is safe #love triangle security, argyle might be in danger, but he kind of doesn't feel important enough to die (i love him but dude doesn't even have a last name ffs), if steve dies then jonathan is safe, but if steve lives, jon's in trouble,
i think both joyce and hop are safe, hop especially, they did not fake him out in s3, then have him be gone for alllll of s4 just to kill him off in s5. fucking pointless (i do wish he died in s3 though. im a hopper hater, fight me.)
vickie is also safe, #diversity and also she's too clueless, max is double super duper safe (because why save her from such a good and epic and sad death just to kill her later), i do think murray is in trouble, its been a good long game death and he (sadly) isn't that much of a fan fav. erica may be in a bit of hot water. she's a fan fav and her death would be hard on both viewers and characters
also im hoping dreaming and praying for lonnie to come back so jonathan can kill him with either his bare fucking hands or (and this one i like) a chainsaw. please. please. PLEASE GIVE JON A CHAINSAW IN SEASON 5 I BEG YOU DUFFERS.
so steve, murray, erica and (🤞) lonnie are the only ones i think im sure enough to predict are dying, in that order of likeliness.
17. What song is saving you from vecna?
oh. well. any mcr, obviously. but i do have loads. specifically:
cemetery drive because the sheer power of the funniest thing ever would get my ass in the air (mikey falling on the way down im so sorry but 😭😭😭 my fav video on youtube) /j
you know what they do to guys like us in prison but it has to be live and frank's vocals have to be boosted to high heaven
planetary (GO!), because i need to get up and go back. to safety (i think im funny :,)
DESTROYA. be serious a second.
and finally, kids from yesterday or wttbp would do the trick. this is probably my nmost serious answer, because the raspy vocals in either of those songs are enough to make me sob my eyes out and they are the anthem songs of the respective albums.
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wulvert · 1 year
i sent an ask earlier about a triptrack movie
yes red would have a motorcycle at some point - maybe stole it from some loser or it could just be something cool he has - and his mask would actually be a motorcycle helmet - also tex would be so annoying to ride on a motorcylce with lmao hed be so distracting
i know that we like people who look stupid but pre-sunburn red in a black leather jacket for a flashbackor whatever? mmmmmmmmm
i personally am not a big fan of sunburnt red - i am a tumblr sexyman lover forever - so if he got his hair back and maybe had a bunch of scars instead of a sunburn that would be pretty marketable - i just hate his sunburn lmao idrk why
red shouldve kept his disguise jacket it looked awesome on him idk why - texs disguise shouldve been one of those sun dresses and a floppy hat lol
imagine tex and red running through the glass city from the feds but stopping to take a photo next to a headline about them as criminals - red in sparkly makeup and some kind of whore outfit and tex wearing a unicorn onesie for no reason? slay
instead of the train stopping during the fight with shae, what if tex and shae fought on top of the moving train - shae knocks tex and red off the train at one point
i know tex cant eat but what if he could drink things? ensues red dragging tex to a random bar for a break idk? - even if tex doesnt like music 0r loud stuff he could at least enjoy dancing with red or wwhatever
terry could have a massive dangerous transformation scene where his hands turn into saw blades or something and he his a big mouth full of incredibly sharp teeth idrk
toad could look a little less diseased - maybe shorter hair and less sweat? - and use the science of eels to power his robot creations
also red and tex jumping off a building to avoid the feds and basically skydiving lives rent free in my head
while lost in the desert red and tex come across an oasis and maybe do some swimming??? i just want a beach episode man
ms tarantula being a cyborg like shae could be cool idk why
terry being scared of possum lmao
tex and red run into mits and mouse at the roller rink - mits and mouse spinning each other on skated while starting an insane shoot out with ak47s while tex and red skate and dodge while also drinking slushees
tex vs toad would rock as a finale - imagine toad using eel dna to transform/bioengineer himself as a way to prove to tex that tex is inferior due to being artirficial
i really dont know im just thinking about them
edit: reading this back i think i came off as a bit too much of a hater IM SORRY ITS HARD 2 CONVEY TONE OVER TEXT))
...................................eyes glazed over at hating sunburnt red im ngl, I don't rly care if he's less marketable- I have no interest in giving him his old face back after triptrack either I much prefer him being at peace with the way he looks. him having the minor scarring of a cowardly phantom of the opera adaptation would be lame, doesn't rly drive home the pain he's in at the moment with him still needing to apply antiseptic and bandages. I dont think he physically looks stupid either its just the clothes he's wearing atm.- wait instead of a sunburn? the sunburns reinforced by the worldbuilding i think itd be a missed opportunity to not have it be caused by the sun.
also these days tumblr sexymen make me feel physically ill- I can barely stand drawing tex's abs. the green jacket muddled their opposing colour schemes, it needed to die.
bc red would die trains are fast.- 2 be clear i dont like the shae fight i dont like a lot of triptrack, but for that to happen red would fly away, tex would immediately then also fly away- leaving shae presumably completely fine, not leaving you with anything about the sun- or, she's not fine, bleeds- passes out and dies, which rip and red would also die. he can take broken ribs but hes not train proof shae's head isnt train proof either.
terry isnt built to murder ppl hes a bouncer at best so it wouldnt rly make sense. he does have a mouth though i mentioned this, its more like a toothless puppet mouth though.
😞 why would you make him less sweaty 😞 thats his whole appeal. 😞also an eel robot that would be animal abuse 2 him and he doesnt support that- dont know how her being a cyborg would come up but way more acceptable than less sweaty eel
personally i like possum never being mentioned
I rly need to get toads arc over with so he can beat the being anything other than a sweaty middle aged guy with multiple untreated anxiety disorders, allegations.
there are a lot of changes i wanna make to triptrack dont get me wrong. but i think we have different ideas of my dudes, i hope i didnt come off as too much of a hater tho
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