#sorry sorta deliriously sleepy
b3ach-bunn7 · 4 days
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It’s late after you and Sero finish work, so you invite him back to your place
No quirk au, Workplace au, friends to lovers
a few people requested a part two and for some reason I struggled so bad to write it… idk if this is god but plz enjoy!
You wake up in a car that’s definitely not yours.
You guess you’ve been kidnapped. If having to stay up all night at your office wasn’t annoying enough, now this? There’s a cat shaped air freshener and dice tied to the rear view mirror, and the car itself is much too fancy for anything you’d drive. There’s takeout boxes on the seat in the back and a bag you recognise as your own by your feet.
So you were kidnapped and robbed? Oh, it was not your day.
Or night, you realise, as you look out the window and see that it’s pitch black. The streets of your town are pretty empty, the streetlights not even on and you glance at the dashboard and see that it’s two in the morning. You think about screaming, but you need to see what you’re dealing with. Then you turn to your left and your kidnapper is Sero, of all people. One hand hangs out the open window and the other is on the steering wheel, finger tapping along to whatever random song is playing on the radio. You think this might be the most attractive you’ve ever seen him, wind rustling strands of his hair across his face. You can only imagine how awful you look. You’re sure you wiped drool off the side of your mouth a second ago. Sero must sense the movement because he glances at you, a small smile gracing his lips. You’re too sleepy to have any shame so you keep staring and don’t notice the reddening of the tips of his ears.
“Good morning. Or good night, I guess.” He laughs.
“I thought we were working, what happened?” You speak through a yawn.
Sero bites his lip. He debates something in his head before he relents.
“Look, I’m really sorry, but you wouldn’t wake up and we’d finished working and I knew we had to leave so I had to carry you out the place, and even then you didn’t wake up and so I thought you were like, dead or something. But you were just asleep. And I was going to wake you up when we got to yours but you sorta woke up alone, right now. Which is weird, because I literally carried you down a flight of stairs and you were knocked out.” The words come out rambled and all at once with Sero’s eyes trained on the road.
You grin at the panic on his face. “It’s okay, Sero. Don’t need to look so horrified. I don’t mind.”
He rolls his eyes as you laugh at him. You’re not mad he carried you out. If anything you’re more annoyed you weren’t awake to enjoy it.
“Well I can do it again if you’d like.”
Oh, you did not mean to say that out loud. You laugh nervously and sit up straighter.
“Never mind that. Wait, so where are you headed?”
“Your place, no?” Sero says, “I was going to drop you off, remember?”
You nod. “Oh, right. But. It’s really late, and you live a bit far so. You can sleep over if you want. At mine.”
The car is silent apart from the radio singing old 80s hits. You swallow roughly. It seems the lack of sleep has caused your filter to disappear and you consider the cons of jumping out the car to avoid the embarrassment of your suggestion..
“I mean, you don’t have to-“
“Sure. I’ll sleep over. If you’re sure you don’t mind.” He cuts you off.
“Of course! I mean it’s the least I can do, after you ditched all your friends to help me cause I deleted all my slides.”
He snorts. “I still can’t believe you did that.”
You shake your head, leaning back on the car seat. The car smells like Sero. “Don’t even. I’m still recovering. I’m never using Google slides again.”
Sero laughs and it makes you smile. He’s so cute. And that hoodie looks really good on him. And you should really stop staring at him because you’re slightly delirious and apparently that means you have loose lips, and you’re sure you’ll say something stupid again.
Sero pulls into your parking lot soon enough. He rests his arm on the back of your chair as he reverses into a parking spot and you think you could die happy right there.
You make him wait outside your door as you run around your apartment and clean up. It’s still sort of a mess but it’s clean enough for you to let him in. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it all before, but still. You need to keep some semblance of dignity after he saw you drooling in your sleep.
“Okay, so you can take my bed, and I’ll take the couch.” You say.
Sero shakes his head. “No, it’s your bed, babe, I’ll take the couch, I don’t mind.”
“No, you’re my guest. I can’t let you sleep on the couch.”
“Well I can’t let you sleep on the couch.”
“We can sleep together.”
You curse yourself the minute the words leave your mouth. Sero grins as your cheeks flush red, raising one eyebrow.
“Can we really?”
“Shut up.” You turn away so he can’t see your face burning up as you walk into your kitchen.
“Aw, don’t be shy. Is that why you invited me over?” He drawls, voice dropping as he teases you.
“Sero, I’ll make you sleep on the floor!” You splutter, busying yourself with getting two glasses of water.
“Don’t worry, I’m only joking.” Sero sits down on the couch, yawning loudly.
“I can’t believe we have to be back at work in like, four hours.”
You groan at his words, walking out the kitchen with the glasses. You pass one to him and he nods his thanks. “I know. And I have to present those slides too.”
“You’ll be fine, babe, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m too tired to worry right now.” You mumble.
Sero huffs a laugh. He drinks from the glass, and you watch as a drop of water slides down his chin, down his neck to the surprisingly defined lines of his collarbones. You wonder if you would’ve felt them when he picked you up before.
“I look that good drinking water?”
Your eyes snap up to his where they are trained on you. “Mhm. I can’t get enough.”
It’s meant to be a joke. But the two of you sort of just stare at each other for a moment, his fingers collecting condensation from the glass, and it doesn’t feel very funny.
“Well. I’ll go get you something to sleep in. Something comfier.” You shoot up out your seat and rush into your room.
You don’t know what’s the matter with you. Of course, a part of you thinks Sero might like you back. You’re sure he’s been flirting with you for the past few weeks. But you’re too scared to ever bring it up, because the chance that he rejects you is too scary for you to even try. You guys were such good friends that you know you’ll never risk losing that.
You dig around in your drawers for some clothes. You find the bag of old boyfriend stuff you keep in the depths of your closet and pull out a pair of sweats and a shirt. You walk back into the living room and Sero is deep in thought on the couch, eyes trained on the floor.
“You alright there?” You ask, tilting your head.
He looks up at you. There’s a weird sort of look on his face, one of determination. He gets up and shoots you a smile.
“All good. Thanks for the clothes.”
In one swift motion he pulls off his hoodie and grabs the shirt out of your hands. Your mouth gapes. Your fantasising was right, because Sero is ripped. Lean muscles and what you think is a six pack. God have mercy.
“I gotta put this shirt on but you can take a picture if you wanna stare any longer.” Sero teases.
“Shut up.” You shove the sweats in his arms.
You quickly wash up in the toilet and go get in bed. While Sero gets ready with the spare toothbrush in your sink, you quickly send a message to your friends telling them what’s happening. They know about you ever-growing crush on him and even though you know they’re all asleep, you shoot them a message with way too many emojis and way too much excitement. Sero walks in soon after and pauses at the light switch.
“You want me to turn it off?”
“Yes, but-“ You’re cut off as he suddenly turns it off.
You curse, scrambling around your bed in the dark for your phone. You turn your flashlight on and point it at his face.
“I was going to say wait until my light is on!”
Sero laughs. “Are you serious?”
“Yes I am serious. It’s too dark in here.” You reach across your bedside table and turn on your lamp. It’s small and inoffensive enough that you can sleep with it on. You tell Sero as much and he laughs at you again.
“Aw, are you scared of the dark?” He pouts and you throw a pillow at him.
“Leave me alone. I watched the conjuring yesterday and I’m freaked out.” .
Sero is still sort of just standing in your doorway. He almost looks too frightened to make direct eye contact with your bed and you grin.
“It’s okay. I don’t bite.” You pat the side of the bed you’ve left for him.
You roll your eyes. “Shut it and come sleep. I’m tired.”
You shuffle under your duvet, and sigh happily. Sero gingerly climbs in next to you and you huff, dragging him onto it properly. “Come on, this is fun! Like a sleepover!”
“What do girls even do at sleepovers?”
“We kiss all night and talk about boys.” You fan a hand in front of your face and he snorts.
The two of you are now laying down and the room delves into silence. You can just about make out his face with the little light from your lamp, and it bathes him in a warm glow you think makes him look so soft. He’s looking straight up at your ceiling and you reach out and brush a strand of hair off his forehead. His eyes meet yours, and you smile slightly.
“Sorry. It was in your eyes.” The hair has definitely moved out of his vision but you wrap it around your finger.
“I love your hair, you know. When you tie it up in a little bun.”
“Thanks.” His voice comes out slightly hoarse, and you let the strand fall from your grasp.
You dig under the covers and grab your phone. “You mind if I’m on my phone for a bit? I need my phone time before I sleep.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
Originally, you’re laying on your back, phone resting on your chest, Sero still looking up at your ceiling. But then Sero mumbles that he can’t sleep either, and he turns to face you, eyes also trained on your phone. And somehow, in the minutes that pass with you scrolling through your Tik Tok, your head is resting on Sero’s shoulder and your hand holds your phone up on his chest. His head rests on top of yours as the two of you lull yourself to sleep with the random things that come up on your page.
But then your phone vibrates, and a notification pops up at the top of the screen. It’s weird enough that anyone is up this late, but then you read who it’s from and what it says and then you feel bile rise up your throat.
Because it’s your friend Miriko, who would of course be up at three in the morning, who also has the most inappropriate tongue out of anyone you’ve ever met. The first notification is tame enough.
You’re sure Sero reads it but he doesn’t say anything. You guess there isn’t that much he can say, it’s inconspicuous enough.
That one’s more suspicious. But again, it’s notifications from a group chat, so you hope your lack of reaction is making it seem like she’s not replying to you. You slide the notification away.
“You don’t wanna answer?” He asks and you shake your head.
“Nah, she can wait till morning. It’s too late to socialise.”
And then, the last message comes through.
“Are you not answering because manbun is dicking you down rn…”
You sit up suddenly, pulling your phone out of his line of sight. You curse under your breath quickly clicking on do not disturb. You turn to Sero to try play it off but he’s sat himself up too, and he’s looking at you with a weird look of anticipation. The two of you are a hair away from being too close, and your eyes flit around his face, soft from sleep but so focused on you.
“Manbun? Is that supposed to be me?”
Your eyes dart from the bun he’d tied into his hair literally minutes ago in front of your eyes.
“No.” You try to lie half-heartedly but he’s not stupid.
“Yes. It is, isn’t it?” Your silence is answer enough for him.
“So. When your friend said finally and if I asked you out, you- You want me to ask you out?” He breathes, and he says it like more of a statement then a question.
“I- You weren’t meant to see those messages.”
Sero looks down. You curse Miriko a thousand times in your head. You rub your eyes, brain scrambling to find a way out of this. His silence is answer enough for you, and you guess all those times you thought he might like you was just Sero being Sero.
“Look, I don’t-“
Sero’s hand on your face distracts you, and if that wasn’t enough, the firm press of his lips on yours is enough to shut you up. Your eyes flutter shut and you lean in closer, hand reaching up to clutch at the shirt of an ex you couldn’t name if your life depended on it. You think this might be a dream, but then Sero’s hand curls around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer, and you make a noise in the back of your throat. It seems to wake Sero up because he pulls back suddenly.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry, I should’ve asked. Before I kissed you, I just- ” He breathes heavily. “I thought. I’ve been waiting-“
“It’s okay. It’s fine. You are manbun. I like you too.” You nod frantically, hands still on him.
“Okay. That’s good.” He nods too.
The two of you sit for a minute.
Sero breaks the silence. “Can I kiss you again?”
He descends onto you quickly, pushing you back onto your bed. His arm rests next to your head as he kisses you, tongue delving into your mouth. You whine and he swallows the sound, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip. He kisses your chin, down your neck, licking at your pulse. You moan as he sucks a mark into your neck and he sighs.
“Sound so beautiful, baby.” He mumbles, hands travelling up under your shirt and skimming the soft skin of your stomach.
You let your own hands explore him, fingers dancing over the lean muscle you’ve been itching to properly look at since you knew they existed. Sero sighs as you trail them up his stomach, across his chest. You reach up and place another kiss on his lips, but he pulls back slightly.
“Wait, wait.” He whispers between the kisses you pepper on his lips between each word.
“What could you possibly need to talk about right now?” You grumble, falling back down on the bed.
He sits up, practically straddling your waist. His lips are swollen and kissed, his hair dishevelled where you’ve no doubt ran your hands through it. It’s taking every ounce of self control not to pull him back down on top of you.
“I just- I feel like I should do this properly. Take you out. Wine and dine you, you know?” The little worry that furrows his brows makes something in your heart ache.
You pat his arm and he takes the hint to slide off your lap. He crosses his legs, running a hand through his hair to get it out his face. His shirt is lopsided and showing half his right shoulder and you fix it for him, hands lingering on him slightly.
“If you wanna do this properly we can. Though I’m perfectly happy to fuck you right now.”
Sero swallows heavily, shutting his eyes. “Fuck me, you’re not making this easy.”
“Well, I am offering.” He rolls his eyes as you giggle.
“Okay then. Tomorrow. After your presentation and after work we’ll go out to dinner. I’ll take you out, that sound good?”
You nod happily. “Sounds perfect.”
Sero leans over and presses one more kiss to your lips. Before he pulls away you drag him back, just for a second more.
“Fuck, baby.” He groans, “You’re gonna be the death of me.”
“Please not before our date.”
“No, I’d never. Got to show you what would’ve happened tonight if we didn’t stop so soon.”
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hi-imsleepy · 2 years
my day was SO good raves are so good n fun n my friends are so cute AND nice ! BUT i barely talked to my boyf n i miss them so so so much
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The first time is an accident. 
Dean’s had a shit week, so when Cas comes over to watch a movie, Dean pulls out more booze than normal. By the time one am rolls around, they’re both lying in Dean’s bed, with Cas’ feet propped up against the wall, drunker than a pair of skunks while they argue about seventies music. 
When Dean wakes up the next morning, it’s to the heavy weight of Cas halfway on top of him. There’s something stuck in his throat at the sight of his best friend, hair everywhere, breathing against his collarbone. Dean decides to act like it’s not a big deal, because it’s not, right? It’s Cas, and hanging out with Cas is easier than breathing. 
The second time is an invitation.
Cas comes over to watch the season premiere of NCIS with Dean, and, as they’re wont to do, they stay up too late and maybe have one beer too many, and Cas isn’t safe to drive home. He tries to sleep on the couch, but Dean’s nerves are loosened by the alcohol and he offers Cas the other side of his bed, no sweat. 
This time when Dean wakes up, they’re spooning, with Cas tucked up against Dean, his nose on Dean’s neck. Even with the weight of the blankets, hot and thick, it’s kind of perfect, so Dean decides to act like it’s nothing again. After all, it’s still Cas.
The third time is an assumption, and it is a big deal, but not because of Dean.
Their whole friend group does rotating game night, and this time it’s at Dean’s apartment. Dean’s starting to notice a theme--his friends come over, everyone gets drunk, it’s not safe to drive home, they spend the night. What’s different is that he and Cas have shared a bed now, and when their friend Charlie starts assigning everyone sleeping spaces, because she just does stuff like that, takes charge, she throws out that Cas and Dean can sleep in Dean’s bed.
And they can, they have before, except now their whole friend group is watching, and Dean’s stomach clenches, but then everyone scatters, so Dean just grabs Cas by the hoodie sleeve and pulls him to his bedroom. 
Normally Cas is an animated chatterbox, even when he’s drunk or deliriously sleepy (especially then, and it’s maybe-kinda-sorta adorable), but tonight he’s dead silent and even turns away from Dean as he puts his pajamas on. He lays next to Dean in the bed, stiff as a board. 
Dean lasts about three and a half minutes before he rolls over to face Cas, reaching out a hand to touch Cas’ wrist. Cas startles.
“What’s wrong?” Dean asks.
“Liar.” Dean frowns, even though he knows Cas can barely see him in the dark. 
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re--what? Dude, you haven’t done anything wrong.” Dean moves his fingers from touching Cas’ wrist to holding it loosely. 
“I’ve made you uncomfortable.”
“You have?” Dean cocks an eyebrow. 
“I haven’t?” Cas’ brow is furrowed, Dean can tell, despite the inky blackness of his room.
“I would tell you if you made me uncomfortable. Why would you think that?” “I dunno, maybe in front of our friends it looked like...something’s going on?”
“Do you want something to be going on?” Dean asks.
“Do you?” Cas counters. 
And, well, yeah. 
The answer to that is yeah, Dean does. And has for a while. But Cas is one: his best friend and two: one of kind. There aren’t a ton of Castiel Miltons just lying around. Dean’s pretty sure Cas is the only person anything like himself: a bumblebee-obsessed librarian who holds his liquor better than anyone Dean’s met, who also likes to kickbox and has a cat named Merlin and can’t cook for shit. Who gets the ugliest and most threadbare sweaters at the thrift store because no one else will buy them, Dean, who pretends to like Led Zeppelin for Dean’s benefit, who drives the most fuck-ugly gold vintage car on the planet, who never, ever, ever brushes his hair, who likes tea over coffee, who--
Dean’s half-drunk brain is still attempting to track the conversation, so he decides it’ll be a genius idea to try and kiss Cas, except it’s dark, and Dean misses by...a lot, hitting Cas’ jawline sideways. For some reason, that sends him into a fit of gut-splitting laughter, and--
“Shhhh, Dean, everyone else is trying to sleep!”
“S-sorry,” Dean says, fighting past his delirium, and he starts laughing again, and then Cas is kissing him, properly, with a good amount of force. They break apart after a moment and Dean brings a hand up to Cas’ cheek. “Trying to shut me up?”
“Usually, yeah.”
“Uh-huh.” And then Cas is kissing him again, and that’s that. 
(The fourth time they share a bed, it’s routine.)
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In recognition of 200 followers.....
I composed a list of 200 hero x villain dialogue prompts for you guys to ask me or reblog it and ask your own followers or if you take inspiration.
Thank you so much! It means a whole lot!
1. "I wish I had longer to love you."
2. "Sometimes being the greatest is being the worse."
3. "I will kill you if you die on me."
4. "Bury me... under a willow tree... with tulips and lilies to blossom in the spring and a small stream to keep me company."
5. "Villains aren't capable of love; yet, here I am crying over your grave."
6. "The kitten's name is Max."
7. "I'm going to get a beer."
8. "There is only one way to kill me, but you could never muster the strength to pull through."
9. "I'm dizzy with love for you."
10. "Hero, you are drunk not a toddler."
11. "I pledge to serve you willingly, butthead."
12. "Ride the waves with me." "You are a mermaid, no thanks."
13. "Stay awake for me; it's only a little farther."
14. "I can't carry you!"
15. "He isn't much, but we'll make do."
17. "George Washington never told a fib, and I am greater than him, so trust me, Hero, when I say I am telling the truth."
18. "Eggs and butter make dough, knives and guns make death."
19. "You are insane."
20. "The bomb is going off in twenty seconds, Hero. Run now. I-I'm going to stop it."
21. "What is love?"
22. "I don't get the function of hugs."
23. "Mentally I'm good, but physically..."
24. "I only wished for happiness from that genie. I guess it was evil."
25. "Break him, shatter him, destroy him."
26. "Sing with me."
27. "Villain you are touch starved, not dying."
28. "What the heck did you do to your hair." "What? You don't like it?" "It looks like my cat's litterbox."
29. "Don't give me hope."
30. "I am not a disease or a parasite. I am a human. I am one of those millions you swore to protect."
31. "Kiss, marry, kill?" "Kill, kill, kill."
32. "You created me."
33. "Villain don't you dare pass out."
34. "I like the look of blood on you, compliments your eyes."
35. "I kinda dropped Hero through space."
36. "Power exhaustion sucks."
37. "Time to save the world. Yay!" *says in sarcasm*
38. "Let me feed you Hero."
39. "You do not have AC?!"
40. "Villain you have a fever."
41. "Am I drunk?"
42. "Movies. Nine o'clock. Don't be late."
43. "Lemme grab a beer and we are good to go."
44. "Don't. Look. At. Me."
45. "He just had his wisdom teeth out sooo." "How bad can it be? Villain has been shot with twenty tranq darts at one and didn't pass out... immediately anyway, took a good twenty minutes." "Well, you see-" "THE KITTEN IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!!!!"
46. "She needs surgery."
47. "It's a panic attack..." "KISS HIM!"
48. "Blood, gore, madness... this was made for me."
49. "Quit drooling on me and sit up."
50. "There's only one bed."
51. "He looks so cute when he sleeps."
52. "Of all the places to live, you had to choose a heavily fortified medieval castle two thousand years in the past?"
53. "You are a peacock Hero."
54. "Let's see who will drown first. You or me. One, two, three... let's go!"
55. "I wasn't always like this."
56. "Madness is for geniuses, not for me."
57. "It's just a sedative that's going to make you nice and docile."
58. "He's out." "Good, let him rest, villainy is hardwork."
59. "I love her, but she doesn't love me."
60. "If I had a choice to save you or me, I'd pick me."
61. "Gag her."
62. "They aren't made for this, give them mercy."
63. "Talk now or she dies."
64. "Broken ribs, broken jaw, broken arm... are you sure you want me to continue." "No." "Then tell me your name."
65. "Get me some thread and a needle. Just don't touch me."
66. "The police are coming."
68. "I love you." "I don't."
69. "Hug me just one last time."
70. "Villain hey hey hey. Calm down. You've been in a pretty bad accident."
71. "They won't be able to walk again."
72. "Tell me... just tell if they made it."
73. "Can't you just poof me another arm?"
74. "If you saved all of them, you can save me."
75. "I'm really tired..."
76. "Sleep. I will stay with you."
77. "She is sixteen years old." "All musicians start young." "This isn't a concert, this is life. Stop ruining it."
78. "He"s been in an accident." "Where?" "Five minutes away from your place."
79. "I wish he wasn't unconscious, so I could talk to him. So I could thank him."
80. "It's been four months now. I have came everyday and, uh, I dunno what to say. Hero, I need you to wake up. I can't function knowing you are right here."
81. "I have a date." "Hmm with who?" "Supervillain." "When and where honey?"
82. "Shhhhhhh. Be quiet. We are still being hunted."
83. "Desert?" "What are you trying to do? Kill me?"
84. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." "I know, I know dear and I so sorry, but I need you to help me. I need you to help them."
85. "Villain just sleep. Allow the drugs to take you under. Don't fight it, don't resist... just sleep. In the morning, we will be safe."
86. "Being lost in the woods isn't ideal."
87. "An injection of valium will do it."
88. "There's no anesthesia."
89. "Wouldn't it be great if we never met each other?"
90. "Bless you." "I didn't sneeze." "Yeah right. Now go sit down, you're sick."
91. "It's called insomnia you dim-wit."
92. "Join me and we can be great."
93. "You didn't bring me here for the cake." "No, dear, but you are so gullible. I brought you here for a sacrifice." "My life?" "Why yes."
94. "I don't know. I never had someone collapse on my doorstep before."
95. "I have nothing to lose. No family, no friends, just my meaningless life."
96. "That's my daughter, not the villain's... so give me her back before I rip your eyes out."
97. "How long was I out for?!" "Ten minutes, but you were drifting. I don't think you had that good of rest." "Oh, I thought I was asleep for hours."
98. "I know, I know you are going to hate me after this, but trust me when I say it's for the best."
99. "I know everything about you."
100. "I think narcissism is contagious because after watching you for a couple hours, I think I may have developed a little crush on the mirror..."
101. "What did you give me?"
102. "Is she screams, I'm going to scream, and then we are going to die."
103. "No fighting today, my cat just died."
104. "How hard did you punch me?"
105. "Not gonna lie, being delirious was epic."
106. "I am cooking for you. You aren't my servant, so stop thinking it."
107. "My old masters made me into a weapon and called me Villain, but if you desire a lapdog I am going to need to be refurnished to fit your needs."
108. "What is his deal?" "I think he's just crazy."
109. "Love is not what I had in mind when I agreed to go on a date with you."
110. "Hugs are overrated."
111. "Are you too hot or too cold?" "Both."
112. "I wish we could turn back time."
113. "I lost the game." "What do you mean? Hero is dead." "Precisely."
114. "Make a wish." "That you live."
115. "Villain has been acting exceptional! Today we granted them a break from the machine. Go ahead Hero and take him for some ice cream."
116. (Sleepy murmurs) "Don't go. I neeeed you." "Yeah yeah I know Villain."
117. "Villain was the one who hurt me, not Hero."
118. "Supervillain is in danger!"
119. "If everyone is scared of me, I might as well be alone."
120. "My head is killing me."
121. "Don't call an ambulance. Just... hold me."
122. "You don't have to do this. It's going to hurt you more than me." "Anything for you dearest, anything at all."
123. "Hero, go wash your hands before dinner."
124. "You have PTSD?" "I don't know?"
125. "I have soap in my eyes!' "Rinse it out." "Mm no I'm permanently mortally blinded." "Uh huh."
126. "We need to cuddle to keep warm."
127. "Take care of them for me, will you?"
128. "When I'm gone, promise to tell my mother, please."
129. "Drug him and then bring him to me."
130. "Superheroes are for children. In all honesty, we are all villains."
131. "Oh my gosh, Hero, what happened?" "Poisoned."
132. "Wouldn't it be nice?" "I don't fancy prosthetics."
133. "Just shut up and listen!"
134. "There is a memorial parade for Hero tomorrow. They asked you to lead it."
135. "She turned it around... at the end."
136. "I wish that he understood how much I care for him."
137. "Civilian! He fell asleep in my lap last night, like totally zooted. It was so cute, but also very tempting. I stuck a french fry up his nose." "Wow. Did he wake up then?" "Yeah, I am sorta kidnapped right now..."
138. "The book, the sword... all pieces of the puzzle huh." "No, darling, all pieces of my game."
139. "Their death is my fault! Not your's, but mine, so quit trying to make me feel better."
140. "Once upon a time-" "Oh please, not another fairytale."
141. "If only it was that easy."
142. "We are stuck in a maze, how can you be so joyful?"
143. "Celebrate Hero, eat your cake, party into the night... but just know, I will be back."
144. "Call 911!" "Why?" "I stubbed my toe."
145. "Your jawline looks like it was gauzed over in lard." "It looks better than your hay for hair."
146. "You're my best friend." "Villain? Are you on drugs?"
147. "Lay him there and leave him. Let the rats dine on him."
148. "The point of the cow suit?" "Oh, uh, I was at a Halloween parade. You know, for children."
149. "I-i never wanted to hurt you." "I know, I wanted you to, so I allowed it."
150. "Favorite movie?" "Your death." "Ooo never heard of it, let's watch it." "*groans* Oh my gosh, you are stupid."
151. "Being a flutist is my only superpower. And being modest apparently."
152. "Your head will join my collection if yoi don't watch out."
153. "Hey, hey! Wake up, buddy. It's just a nightmare."
154. "Meh head hurts." "Yeah, you hit it pretty hard."
155. "Let's go for a ride." "On that yellow miniature school bus?" "It's a ranger you idiot."
156. "No painkillers, no bandages, perfect environment for infection to settle... I'm just gonna leave you here Villain."
157. "I save you and this is how you repay me? A prison?"
158. "What are you doing?" "Climbing a tree? No Hero, I am breaking into your house to kidnap you."
159. "I formally apologize."
160. "Of all places, Hero, you had to teleport us to a desert. A DESERT."
161. "Supervillain won't stop unless we team up." "I don't think our alliance will stop them, I think it'll just make them angrier."
162. "Stop singing or I will blow this place until even the last atom is broken into itty-bitty molecules!" "That... that is scientifically impossible."
163. "I'm a genius! Yippee!"
164. "Life isn't perfect and nor is your morals."
165. "Control yourself before you kill everyone around you."
166. "Say your goodbyes."
167. "Of all the ways I've died, drowning was by far the nicest."
168. "Love the collar. Is it for fashion purposes?" "Uh, um, uh, er, no?"
169. "You look lonely. Want some hot coco?"
170. "It is negative million out there and you expect me to come in toasty warm after fixing your power?"
171. "Are you sick?" "Yeh." "Come on in then."
172. "Civilian, don't even bother trying to save him."
173. "We have a breach!"
174. "What makes a villain's life less important than your's?"
175. "Enjoy your soup." "You poisoned it." "And you're delusional, eat up."
176. "I hate 99% of the population." "According to a meme I found, you are therefore a cat."
177. "Don't overuse your powers."
178. "This is just an unfortunate event."
179. "You look so cute when you are sleepy and barely conscious."
180. "His fever is rising."
181. "Save her, leave me. I'll-i'll get out of this somehow."
182. "Sometimes self-sacrifice isn't noble, it's selfish."
183. "You are so funny that I need my inhaler to kill you with." "That sentence was so discombobulated that I am leaving."
184. "Just for your information, I hate oranges but love grapes."
185. "Walking down the stairs shouldn't be a momental effort." "You broke both your legs."
186. "You just destroyed my life's work, don't expect me to give you a huge bear hug."
187. "Is it true that you have telekinesis?" "Yes, why?" "Go steal me a donut."
188. "You are so incredibly touch starved, Villain." "Mmm." "Tired? Go ahead and sleep, I'm here."
189. "This is for your own good, I promise."
190. "I'm cold."
191. "I don't want to move and you can't make me."
193. "He's unconscious." "That tired, huh." "No, he passed out from blood loss."
194. "I want a kitten."
195. "I'm no scared of you, so stop acting like I am."
196. "He isn't dangerous, just scared."
197. "They won't be going anywhere for a long, long time."
198. "Hero? Hero? Oh my goodness, please wake up."
199. "Life is too short for pleasures."
200. "I hope you are happy, in the end."
35 notes · View notes
fourmisfitz · 6 years
Drowse (Roger Taylor x Reader)
Summary: You need a quiet space to work, so you go to your best friend Rogers. You arrive exhausted, though you try to deny it, and Roger takes it upon himself to take care of you and get you the rest you so desperately need...
Setting: Current year because smartphones and some literature references, but London, England when Smile was still together and Brian and Rog were still studying at Ealing Art College.  Imagine whichever Roger Taylor version you fancy, I just chose the Ben!Roger Borhap gif to prime you with that concerned emotion☺
Word Count: 4.6k
Requested? ✔
Warnings/Content: Just stocked up on fluff. It’s long but it’s just sweet:)
A/N: Hello lovelies! HERE IT ISSSSS, I’m totally writing this while running on 2 hours of sleep after two all-nighters in a row so, let’s hope tis good;) I was listening to ‘39 while writing the last bit, so if you wanna get in that sorta mood, like, go for it. This is my second fic posted on this account, let me know whatcha think! Something of this sort was actually requested by two followers, and I blended the requests slightly in a way that I think works well. One request was more open-ended where Roger takes care of you, and the other involved being at his place and ending up staying the night and something happens, which brings me to- no, there is no smut (because I actually have one coming out soon for that *wink wink*), but I hope it still leaves you satisfied, enjoy!
P.S. sorry it’s so long, needless to say I got carried away! ;)
And remember- feedback, feedback, feedback!  Xx, Darc
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Rubbing your eye with the knuckle of your thumb you let out a muted yawn as you leaned your head against the bus window. You were on your way to your best friend Rogers for the evening to work on an important school project. You both studied at the same college, but lived about 9 miles (15km) away from each other. Though you spent a lot of time together at one or the others flats frequently, lately school had been overwhelming to say the least. You’d been nose-deep in textbooks and research papers that never seemed to end, leaving you little time for socializing besides a few phone calls. After countless waves of sirens passing in your busier side of town, you had given up trying to write your paper in your small studio apartment and asked if you could come over and work together. Roger didn’t actually have much work to do, as his prof was a little less intense with the workload, but he was more than willing to lend you a quiet space to get some work done and catch up on one another, too.
You glanced down at your phone to flip through the songs Roger had recorded with his band Smile and sent to you. Roger, Brian, and Tim had been toying with some new rhythms and riffs, and Rog always liked getting your trusted opinion on how they sounded before going out and performing them at gigs. Though he was usually pretty stubborn to changing his sound, if you suggested it he would at least try it. He’s been doing this for awhile now - sending you them, seeing as you were his best friend and had an ear for good music, playing the piano yourself; a natural virtuoso.
Some riffs really caught your ear, others were merely pleasantly entertaining; it seemed none of them were boring, but they were missing something, perhaps some more excitement. You made note of the ones you really liked and would be sure to tell Roger when you arrived around 7pm.
For the time being, you slowly dozed off en route to his flat, but as the bus struck a pothole it shook you awake as you nicked the side of your head on the glass. Glancing out the window, you realized you were one stop away from your destination.
You got off and walked into the apartment complex that towered a measly 3 stories high. It was definitely different from your studio flat, which was located in a very dodgy area with alarming traffic swinging by all through the night. You buzzed the door for entry with a “Hey-” and paused to yawn, leaning against the wall, “-Blondie. Future-tooth-inspector. Rog. R-to-the-O-Geee. TayTayyy-” and were finally cut off by a loud buzz.
When you got up to his front door on the second level, he was already standing in the doorway, arms crossed, and hair disheveled as usual. 
“Don’t you ever call me TayTay again.” but his face quickly formed a wide teeth-gleaming smile as he opened his arms for a hug. “Come here, love.” You smiled back, your smile not really reaching your eyes in your fatigued state as you dove into his chest. He was a solid few inches taller than you, making hugs protective and secure. His chest was warm, instantly making you content and his little muffled laugh was lulling you. Roger was wearing a smooth black button-up, buttoned up halfway, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You let out a pleased sigh and he looked down at you nuzzled into his chest.
“ ‘You alright?” a half-laugh leaving his small mouth.
“Hm?” you asked, still hugging him tight, “Oh- yeah yeah,” you straightened up and snapped yourself awake with a head shake as he looked at you quizzically. “Yeah, ya goof” raising your voice a bit to convince him, playfully shoving his shoulder, “i’m just a little sleepy is all!” walking past him into his flat.
“If you say so.” He shrugged, dropping the thought and walking over to the kitchen.
You had plopped yourself down in front of the big couch - between it and the low wooden coffee table, a bag of textbooks and folders on the floor with you, ready to set up shop.
“Fancy some tea, bunny?” he called from around the corner, filling a kettle up with water.
Bunny - the nickname he picked up for you for always being so hyper and jumpy, never really able to sit still, a true opposite to your current demeanor, though. You leaned your head back to rest on the couch cushion as your laptop started up.
“Yeah! ummm-” you pinched your nose, feeling a headache rush to the surface. He had backed up from the kitchen to see you past the dividing wall, popping his head around the corner. “Orange pekoe, please!” eyes still closed, you called back, not realizing he was a few feet away from you. He paused for a moment and then resumed his meandering in the kitchen.
“Hit me with three!” you were in need of something extra sweet to wake you up.
You moved your hands behind your head, supporting your neck, elbows high. You blew a big short breath as if to get down to business, but your laptop was installing some updates, as it always seemed to do when you needed it most. You pulled out your phone and decided to scroll through social media for a bit while you waited, but the screen just hurt your head more, so you settled on resting your head in your arms on the table. Just for a minute. The kettle began to pop and bustle.
“Oh! By the way, did you get a chance to listen to some of the new material from the band I sent over?” After a few seconds of silence, Roger peaked his head about the wall again, seeing your face was buried in your arms. “Y/N?”
“Hm?” you perked your head up the slightest inch and shook yourself awake again. “Oh- yes I really liked, umm... the one with...” You were yet again interrupted by another oncoming yawn. “the one with theee.. guitar and, stuff.” Your voice was barely audible through the yawn. You fluttered a hand in his direction, drooping your head back into the dark space provided by your arms.
“Rrright...” he furrowed his eyebrows. The kettle threw pops of water inside it, bouncing off the metal and echoing throughout the flat. He wondered how long it had really been since you’d had a decent night sleep. He walked over to the couch, sitting down behind you and lightly placed a large hand on your shoulder.
“I’m up!” You snapped, throwing flexed hands up like a reflex. His hand was paused hovering above your shoulder in a bit of shock from your reaction. You let out a groan, leaning your head back against his knee.
“I’m sorry, I- I’m just so-”
  “-I know.” he said in a low calm voice. He knew when you got tired like this - like anyone - you were bound to be more impulsive and emotional. He slipped one hand under your head to cradle it and cushion his boney kneecap. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look pathetically exhausted, Y/N.” he peered at you, running his fingers through your hair near your temple with the other hand, chuckling to himself at your puffy eyelids.
You rubbed your eyes and sat back up. You gently gripped the edge of the coffee table bracing yourself as you leaned into a deep yawn, “I ammm-muh,” agreeing. You lifted your head back up, wiping shy hints of tears away that had emerged from the stretch as you blinked into alertness, “but I have to finish this paper, Rog, it’s due in two days and I still have another one to start due in a week.”
“Well, then how ‘bout a walk? It’s cooled down a bit outside. Fresh air ‘oughta do some good.” He tried.
“A walk sounds nice, but I really can’t right now, Rog.”
Roger looked at you inquisitively as you went to type in your password to unlock it. After two failed sloppy attempts pattering the keys, you grunted weakly in frustration, “Well this is just great!” but then it turned into a quiet giggle. You glanced up at him smiling a bit deliriously. His faced was laced with concern as he scanned your goofy lopsided smile, the laptop serving another delayed ding and rejecting you entry.  You seemed to be acting the same as you did when you were tipsy, all giggly and incoherent.
He didn’t mind looking after you, he quite liked it actually, having someone to get all protective over sometimes. He had taken care of you in many instances in the past, whether it was taking you home after you went too hard, too fast at a bar and was worried about prowling guys taking advantage, or when the seemingly kinder ones broke your heart; you always found yourself at his flat, welcoming you with open arms, movie marathons, tea and your favourite ice cream.
“Oops.” your head bobbled, eyes hooded and blinking at him through your lashes. You returned your gaze back to your screen for another hopeless effort, but just as you were about to type, your hands were shaking profusely. You started to feel a wave of dizziness occur. You began to drowse.
And at last, the tea kettle began whistling from the other room. He got off the couch and bent down beside you.
“On second thought, maybe we should get you ready for bed, yeah?” Though he offered a ‘maybe’, it wasn’t a suggestion, he decided on it. He reached out from his perched lowered stance to scoop either of his wrists below each of your underarms, lifting you back onto the couch for a moment as he stood back up.
“What? No, Rog, I’m- I’mm-” you were halted in your sentence by another stubborn yawn, “III’m fiiiiine-hh” relaxing your face. He just shook his head deciding to ignore your weak protest.
“Surrre you are.” He bent down to reach an arm under one of your legs.
“No Rog really I’m quite good honestly” you tried again, really trying to display your typical bubbly self, but you were so tired you instantly sunk into him and gave up as he swung his other arm behind your upper back to support your weight.
“ ‘For your own good, love.” Your arms instinctively wrapped loosely around his neck as he carried you ‘princess-style’ to relieve the kettle of its panic and then to his bedroom.
“But my paperrrr” you slurred, tilting your head back to see the abandoned laptop.
“It can wait.” He said assertively.
“Someone’s been working out,” you giggled, tapping the shoulder farthest from you. He just did a little snort at that, because of the randomness, and he knew he wasn’t exactly the buffest guy.
Hearing yourself say that showed you just how sleep deprived you truly were, because that was just a little weird. You leaned your head into the crook of his warm neck, his long hair tickling your cheek. You swore you could pass out in his arms right then and there.
He was so good at caring for other people,  at caring for you.
He presented himself as this guy with a hard protective shell who mainly cared about his reputation as a good lay, shagging girls left, right, and centre, but you knew him for the softie he was, something he didn’t really let anybody else see.
He set you down on his bed, helping you pull the puffy duvet out from under your legs and lifting it to rest over your shoulders.
“I’ll go fetch your tea, be right back.” He assured.
You must have dozed off for a brief moment because he was back with a steaming cup the very next second. Roger flicked the dim nightstand lamp on and set your mug down on the coaster. 
“Let that cool for a bit, darling,”
God, you’d never get tired of his husky, raspy voice, and hearing him say darling, the way it sounded so stuffed with care as it rolled off his British tongue.
You sat up a bit and leaned into the tufted headboard. For a small apartment that was home to a college student, his bed was the most luxurious one you’ve ever seen... guess it made sense why. He sat on the edge of the bed close to you. You glanced down at his exposed forearms, never really noticing how defined they were from all the drumming, as he placed a hand on your covered thigh.
“How long has it been since you’ve slept, Y/N?” his eyes finding yours. You shrugged, your guilty ones trailing away to the duvet below.
“I’on’know.” you lied. He brought a hand to your chin, his index finger knuckle tipping it up to return your gaze to his bright blue eyes.
“Have you been at least trying to fall asleep? What’s been keeping you up?” There was that look of concern again you’d become accustomed to whenever you found yourself in damsel mode.
“Well yeah, ‘course I have, I just...” he waited patiently for you to finish. The truth was that you had been working hard on school, but you had also just been dumped. You didn’t want to admit that though, because you weren’t even really officially dating the guy yet - it had only been about two months, and Roger and you hadn’t hung out in a awhile because of schedules, so you failed to inform him of the new lad anyway. 
You huffed, “I got dumped.” you closed your eyes, not seeing his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Dumped? By who?” He moved his settled hand to be atop your own. You shook your head slightly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, his voice low and husky.
“I didn’t want to make it a thing, and I felt bad for not telling you about him in the first place when it started becoming something.” 
You also didn’t want him thinking there was something wrong with you, that there was some attribute or trait that drove men away, had he ever decided to reciprocate feelings for you. Which was a stupid thought and you knew it - you were best friends and he knew you. You also had kinda just been keeping yourself occupied with romantic interests in an attempt to chase your feelings for him away while he himself seemed occupied with girl after girl.
He cocked his head to the side. “Oh, love, that’s okay. I mean, we’ve both been so busy, you especially. I know how hard you work. Sure I’d like to hear about things but it doesn’t always necessarily have to be as they happen.” You’re eyebrows pinched, wondering how you got so lucky to have him as your best friend. 
He passed you your cup of tea, “Should be cooled down enough now, there’s no sugar though.” You raised an eyebrow at him as you tipped the mug back against your lip. “Chamomile.” He rushed to explain shortly. You just sipped without a change in expression, waiting to hear more. “Nightmares, and all - you know how sugar heightens the-”  He waved his hand around in front of him, searching for the word, “vividness and all...” he almost seemed... embarassed and sheepish, trying to act like it didn’t mean much, “didn’t want you waking up from some night terror or something.” He let out a half-laugh, taking a sip from his own mug, “Do you want to tell me what happened with this dumbass?” Followed by another sip to shut himself up.
“You remembered.” you noted, slumping back lower down the headboard, a little grin coming over your face as you clutched the warm mug.
“What’s that?” he raised his brows, licking his lip to catch a droplet of tea that dribbled.
“Just,” shaking your head, “didn’t think you remembered I got night terrors.”
He shrugged. “You used to get them pretty bad.” he recalled.
One night a few years ago, you had stayed the night at Rogers for the first time and he was awoken by a very panicked you, unable to fully wake up, and he just held you, shushing you as you quieted down and drifted back to sleep. You didn’t know about that night though. When he referred to it the next morning in conversation, you had no idea you woke him up at all, just that you had a bad nightmare and thought your leg shook and that was the end of it. You thought nothing of it and forgot about his mentioning of it when he played it off as “must've been a dream or something,” of his. Other times you knew you, when you would wake up alone at home from them, but you were never aware of his comfort being the reason you were able to stop panicking and lull back to a deep more relaxed sleep that night. 
“Hmh. Anyway, about Dean,” another yawn, “maybe in the morning, Rog.” your weak, shaky arm resting the mug back on its coaster.
He perked up, “Dean, eh?” a grin widening across his face. You groaned. “He even sounds like an ass.” He shot you a wink, ruffling your hair as he stood up from the bed. “You’d better get some sleep, yeah? I’ll be out on the couch if you-”
  “Wait!” you urged a bit too sudden, grabbing his wrist.
“Yeah?” He looked down at you, awaiting a response.
“Uhhh,”  Shit. 
“Wha’s up?” He turned his body to face you.
“Just... could you-... could you maybe stay in here tonight?” your voice trailed off quietly. “I just know I sleep better when I’m not alone, and-”  he knew it too.
“Yeah,  sure.  If you think it’ll help.” A wave of relief came over you.
He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it in a corner, walking over to his wardrobe to snatch a pair of pajama bottoms. “Do you want something comfier to sleep in than those tight jeans you’ve got on?”  He also remembered they were tight...
“That would be great.” you laughed nodding, and he threw a pair of flannel bottoms at you, accompanied by a band tshirt.
You instantly began changing right then and there, not giving it a second thought.
“I like that one.” Roger noted, your grey lace bra now in full view.
“Roger!” you clutched your cotton button-up to your chest to cover yourself. You didn’t really care too much though, but you were so tired you just didn’t really consider walking the 5 feet to the bathroom to change.
He let out a boyish chuckle, “What?!” You swatted your shirt him, shaking your head with a little grin peeking out. “Nothing I haven’t seen before.” he went to undo his belt with a smirk creeping up, referring to the countless girls he’s been with.
“Shut it! I’m too tired to even- I just wanna go to-”
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry, Y/N. Really. I’m just pullin’ your leg.” You sighed. “I’ll give you your  privacy.” he mocked, defensive hands held up near his shoulders as he exited the room to the bathroom.
You began to change, pulling his tshirt over your head. It smelled so good, with hints of musk and pine permeating off of it.
From the bathroom, Roger could see your reflection in the mirror. He went to close the door properly when he noticed to actually give you your privacy, but just as he was, he caught you reveling in the scent. You had the shirt on, but lifted it, the fabric held to your face, eyes closed. He smirked and rather than shutting the door to avoid attention, just stepped away so you weren’t in his view.
You slid off your pants, which exhausted you to the brim, leaving you out of breath. You could hear the water running as Roger brushed his teeth and such. You reached for the flannel bottoms he had offered you and pulled those on under the duvet. They were huge on you because of the height difference, but they were comfy, nonetheless.
Roger knocked on the bathroom door as he walked in to give you some warning. He was shirtless and wearing a similar pair of pants as you. Your body lay somewhere under the thick duvet, just your head peeking out as you lay on your side. He looked down at you as he turned out the bedside lamp. Your hair was sprawled out over the satin pillowcase, and there was something so mesmerizing about it.
You felt the other side of the bed sink as he moved the blanket back and climbed in. Instant warmth radiated off of his body under the covers. You, back in a sort of delirious haze, reached out and placed a small hand on the side of his head, petting his hair.
“Having fun?” he laughed, moving your limp hand off and placing it between either of your pillows by your head. You felt something lumpy underneath your palm.
“Is this-?” you yanked it from the far back position it was stuffed.
“What?” a now groggy Roger asked.
you gasped, it was.
“Aha!” you gleamed, a fist clasped around its fluffy body, “Beary Potter!” you squealed. It certainly peaked his attention.
“Y/N! Give it!” He ordered as you yanked it away from his reach, giggling.
Beary was Rogers first teddy bear, and you remembered him always needing to sleep with it, no matter where he was. He had a blue ribbon tied around his neck, and even in the dark you knew it was him from the familiarity.
Roger kept reaching as you sat up holding it far away from him in the air.
“Tell me Taylor,” you went on as he groaned, falling back into the pillow, defeated.
“Do your late night shags ever get the courtesy of meeting such a legacy?”
“That’s enough out of you!” he grabbed your wrist in one swift motion, causing you to lose grip of it as it dropped. Your giggles came to a halt. He sighed, grabbing the stuffed animal and setting it on his bedside table, out of your reach.
“Go to sleep, Y/N.”
You sighed and whined, slumping down to the pillow, now laying on your back.
“Oh Don’t tell me you’re not tired anymore.”
“I am tired!” you retorted. “I just-” you trailed off.
“Well out with it!” he pried impatiently.
“I’m scared...” you croaked, staring out at the black abyss of the dark room.
“To fall asleep?” his voice was a bit softer now.
Your exhale was enough of an answer to confirm that. He adjusted so he was closer now. A lot closer, actually. You could feel his warmth from all of his body right next to you, just shy of an inch away.
“Maybe.. I could help with that...” he offered in a whisper near your ear.
That caught you off guard, sending a shiver down your spine as goosebumps covered your body. He was right there but all of a sudden you felt freezing at the tiny sensation his breath had against your neck. You gulped quietly.
“How-” clearing your throat, “-how do you plan on doing that?”, the curiosity honestly getting the best of you.
And at that, you felt a hand reach over to your jaw, his finger tips just by your ear, turning you to face him. His fingers gently trailed down the side of your neck, before he stopped himself, retracting his hand back to his side.
Your face dropped in disappointment, though he couldn’t see.
The dark room let him forget who he was beside, not being able to see your face as a reminder - definitely not just some girl.
“Roger...” you breathed, completely unsure of how you were - or should be - feeling.
He exhaled through his nose. “Sorry.” he went to flip onto his side to face away, but you caught his shoulder, and slowly pulled it back down to rest on the mattress.
“No it’s... it’s okay.” He turned to face you. “Could you actually, um...” you inhaled and held your breath, “could you hold me, Rog?”
“Hold you?”
Oh boy, should I have even asked? We’re best friends and all but-
“Will that help?” he asked, genuine care lingering in his tone. There was a pause before he felt you nod as your head audibly moved on the pillow.
“Okay, love.” and you turned to face the other direction, scooting into his warmth as he extended an arm under your neck to rest your head on. He draped a secure arm over your waist and dragged his hand from the dip of your waist up your arm to your shoulder and back down again to try and relax you. There was that shiver again, but it felt so comforting.
“You’re alright, you’re okay.” he reassured, continuing to draw his fingers along your skin.
You let out the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. A bit hesitantly, you moved a leg back to intertwine with his. 
His leg jolted at first in surprise. “You’re freezing!” He exclaimed, barely louder than a whisper. But then he wrapped his leg with yours, making them a mess of limbs under the thick covers.
There was a pause for a bit as you settled into the comfort.
“Three days.” You croaked.
You turned around to face him, taking a deep breath and letting it go against his chest. Your hot air gave him goosebumps as his arms settled around your new position.
“I haven’t slept in three days.” You whispered, nuzzling your face into his sternum.
He gave you a squeeze with his arms and held you closer, his grip securing you in his arms.
“Well...” reaching a hand up to run his fingers through your hair, instantly calming you down a hundred levels. “That’s about to change, isn’t it?”
Your nose let go of a short breath in amusement, reaching an arm under his and drawing circles on his back. After awhile, you felt yourself grow laden with fatigue, but you couldn’t get a song out of your head. “Roger?” your voice barely audible in the security of his hug. “Y/N, go to bed.” he insisted. “The one with the lyrics about the girls smile.” you murmured into this chest. A moment went by before you added, “That’s the one.” and continued tracing a few more shapes on his bare back before your hands fell limp in a deep sleep. “Well,” He kissed your head ever so lightly. “I’m relieved because that numbers about a special friend of mine.” but you were already gone.
That night, you had some dreams. You had good ones, bad ones.. terrifying ones even, but Roger was there. The whole night, he never let go of you, even when your body started nearly-convulsing in a REM sleep panic. Even when your nails dug into his back subconsciously from the fear propelling you out of stillness, he just breathed extra deep in the hopes of your lungs mimicking his inhalation patterns. Even when he woke up in the morning with just a measly half hour of sleep docked, he was still just as close to you as you awoke.
He looked down at you, your arm draped across his bare torso as he lay on his back, you basically a koala attached to him. Moving a stray hair that had fallen over your face, your eyes slowly blinked awake, lashes fluttering, and met with his blue ones.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” His raspy voice cooed, smiling at your sleepy state. You just squeezed him tight for a moment and settled your head near his collarbone as you lay on your side.
“Did you have a good sleep?” You asked with closed eyes, slowly seeping into a drowse again.
He tucked some hair behind your ear and replaced his hand on your upper arm with a deep breath.
“The best.”
You hummed in satisfaction, and went back to sleep, your little hints of snores drawing out a smile across his face you never saw  as he finally  did too.
Please let me know what you thought :”) I won’t know if my writing is good unless you let me know or offer ideas for what I could improve on as well as fic/blurb/headcanon requests! I appreciate all the support :) xx
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