#sorry the coloring is not consistent; the struggle was real
smoakmonster · 8 months
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annie + auggie moments [8/?]
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oopwoop · 11 months
Barbie Movie W/ The Spider-verse Kids
pairings: e!42! & e!1610! Miles Morales, Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar, Gwen Stacy
warnings: none that i can think of??
BIRTHDAY POST! I saw the Barbie movie for my bday today and had to post something.. it’s been a bit since I have so sorry about that.. enjoy!
e!1610 Miles Morales
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more than willing to go see it with you. was downright excited when you asked him to see it with you. when he was younger he definitely played with Barbies with his mom. and in the comics he eventually has a little sister so he totally plays with her too.
pays for everything. uses the money he’s saved up to take you on dates. he wants you to have a good time
definitely cries. doesn’t have to go through the struggles the movie represents but still sympathizes. we love him 🫶
wears pink without you even asking. it’s a movie about Barbie, of course you need to wear pink!
fav song from the movie is Journey To The Real World by Tame Impala
e!42! Miles Morales
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very reluctant to see it. claims it’ll just be a movie for little kids. little did he know…
now that you convinced him to go, don’t expect him to wear pink for it. you must be pulling his leg if you think he’s going to wear any sort of pink. yeah.. you got him to wear pink.
you bet your ass he paid for every single thing though. the theatre had cute Barbie cups? he’s getting you one. omg, they have cookies? getting you as many as you want. all of it. you want it, it’s yours.
definitely teared up but refused to admit it. you ask and he’s making up a lie on the spot. yet you know he did
Barbie World by Nicki & Ice Spice ft. Aqua is his song (no one is telling me otherwise)
Pavitr Prabhakar
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more excited than you fr. he’s been waiting for this moment since the movie was announced. literally bouncing off walls just waiting
came all decked on in a Barbie themed outfit, it’s not even funny. he’s totally rocking it though
making this the best date of your life fr. you both are super excited, him even more so, so he’s gonna do whatever he can to have a good time.
cried like a baby fs. not ashamed of it either. tears were streaming down his face when the movie ended, face puffy and red. no lie about it.
vibes with Speed Drive by Charli XCX (fav song from the movie)
Gwen Stacy
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wanted to see Oppenheimer over Barbie. but she’s willing to see Barbie and then go see Oppenheimer. she’s excited for it, yeah, but not jumping out of her seat for it or anything.
definitely making it a barbieheimer date. she’s gonna wear a pink shirt with a leather jacket, no doubt.
i feel like she’d tear up a bit but no tears would fall. if you ask she wouldn’t deny it but would be very nonchalant about it.
idk why but i just see her much more excited and wanting to see Oppenheimer
i feel like she like Billie Eilish so probably enjoyed What Was I Made For? she teared up when it came on (honestly me too)
Hobie Brown
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surprisingly but not surprisingly is the one who said y’all should go. was definitely more excited for Barbie than Oppenheimer. refuses to step foot into a showing of that.
will definitely wear pink. it may not match his whole punk ‘aesthetic’ but he doesn’t believe in consistency. “but pink is a girl color”, nope! he doesn’t listen to that load of bull. colors are just colors, plus he’s always changing colors so what’s it matter to him. he himself turns pink sometimes.
begrudgingly pays for tickets but will not pay for snacks. sneaks them in fs.
doesn’t really cry but does sympathize with what the movie portrays.
doesn’t really have a favorite, though he enjoys most of the songs. he finds I’m Just Ken by Ryan Gosling funny though.
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New Sweaters!
A pair of twins are forced to realize they can actually change their clothes.
Yet another snippet from what I have decided to call my “Plethora of Pines” stories, wherein the Blind Faith Stan and Ford stumble through a portal to the canon universe at the end of the summer just before Dipper and Mabel leave.
⇾ none!
Blind Faith twins: Sixer & Lee
Canon Mystery Twins Classic: Ford & Stan
“Okay, so, I can totally get why this might not have occurred to your guys by now, and Ford gets it, too, but we really need to address something.” Stan said, standing in front of the newly-dubbed ‘Portal Twins’ with fists planted on his hips. Said twins gave him identical curious looks, having just finished their breakfast that consisted of about a days’ worth of food for the four other members of the Shack combined.
“Your clothes.”
Sixer raised a brow and Lee looked down at his shirt, pulling the fabric out to examine it. “What…” he looked back up at his parallel self. “What about our clothes?”
“You’ve been wearing the same thing since you got here– three days ago.”
This seemed to only cause further confusion.
“Look–” Stan massaged the spot between his eyes mumbling something about having to give the same lecture twice and the multiverse apparently being the killer of civility. “You can’t wear the same thing for three days straight, let alone for however the hell long it’s been since you last changed. Not when there are options to change into.”
“But… we don’t have anything else to change into.” Lee argued, lost. He and Sixer did enter this dimension with everything they usually carried, spare clothes included, but this place had a washing machine. Granted, it took a little while to be ready to part with any of their things, but now all the Portal Twins’ clothes were in the middle of Mabel’s 10-cycle 3-detergent plan to get them to smell passable.
“You’re in a dimension with your alternate selves, we can just–”
“Did somebody say NEW SWEATERS?” Stan was cut off by a loud ball of glitter and pink that came hurtling into the living room, braces shining and arms full of heavy fabric.
The three men startled violently, Lee stabbing the table with a steak knife and Sixer having drawn his arm back so sharply to unsheath a blade that he wound up slamming his elbow on the back of his chair. Stan, more used to Mabel’s style of entrance, managed to only experience some minor heart palpitations as opposed to an entire heart attack.
“Ø𐝐Ѻ𝝵ၔ⅂ɔ” kid, don’t do that!” Lee gasped, the hand that wasn’t wrapped around the knife grabbing at his chest. Sixer held his elbow with a quiet groan, and tried to get his breathing under control.
“Sorry, sorry!” Mabel winced, before proffering what was held in her arms. “But I made these for you! I figured you’d have to change at some point, but I don’t know how to knit pants so you’re going to have to borrow my grunkles’, but you can have these as shirts! They’re super comfy and super soft and I even added extra pockets!”
“What… are they?” Lee asked, brain struggling to catch up to the girls’ high, excited speech.
“I already said they’re sweaters, silly! Here, this one’s yours-” She dumped the strong blue mass of yarn into his lap. “And this one’s yours!” The deep red one went onto Sixer’s. The pair scrutinized their surprise gifts with interest.
Sixer’s sweater was heavy and large– definitely too big for him, but he didn’t mind. The collar and cuffs were a dark purple, whose color matched the simple portrait of a classic alien head that decorated the front. The man’s mouth quirked upwards, before widening into a real smile when he realized that in his current situation he was, technically, an alien visiting Earth.
Lee ran his thumbs over the soft material of his own sweater, before holding it up in front of him when he realized it had something knitted onto the front. ‘IF BEING ATTRACTIVE WASN’T A CRIME, I’D BE ARRESTED ANYWAY’ was splayed in a pale baby blue. He snorted, remembering how fascinated Mabel had been with his story about the dimension where how good someone looked had a real effect on their standing with the law– in the opposite way one would expect.
“So…” Mabel spoke up, and Lee lowered his sweater to look at the girl. “Do you like them?”
Lee was happy to compliment the work, even without Stan’s subtle death glare.
“Huge fan.” He assured with a nod and patented charming grin.
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minuy600 · 2 months
The Ported Arcade Games of 1981 #0: 1980 Games I Missed
Back to the grind it is. Firstly, let's go over some stuff that has happened in these 4 months of complacency.
First things first; I've changed the format for these reviews again. There'll still be a 40 point scale of rating things, because I enjoy being consistent, however everything around it will be changed to something more... manageable for me. You'll see, I don't think there's a point in a lengthy explanation.
Secondly, I feel baaaad for the games I have to skip because it's multiplayer-only, or didn't get an accurate port in a game I have the means of owning. So i'll give 'em a mention, even if I won't go into detail about them, let alone grade them. Cool? Cool. Let's get this started then. Here's a game that actually got added to Arcade Archives during my LEGO-riddled hiatus...
Tank Battalion
Other name(s): タンクバタリアン (JP name) Developer: Namco Publisher: Namco (JP), GamePlan (US) Release date: October 1980 (JP) What did I play it on?: Arcade Archives on Switch What's the game about?: You're a tank fighting off other tanks by shooting bullets at each other. There's 20 of those per stage, and they alternate between hunting you down or your base (oddly shaped like an eagle). If you get hit too many times or your base gets destroyed, that's game over. What's the game look like?:
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What's the sound like?: Rumblings of your tank, booming noises when you shoot and explode tanks. The occasional beep happens when you put in credit or gain an extra life. What's new about this one?: Most notably, any shot that hits a brick wall will break it bit by bit. Allows for a bit more strategy as you could carve out a shortcut. These walls are absent in every 3rd stage, though, so strategy flies out the window there for the most part. How much singleplayer content is there?: There's no real limit to how long you could keep playing, but aside from, oddly, the 22nd stage, there are no new layouts after the 8th. How far did I get?: I got to the 6th stage and felt verrrry satisfied to leave it there. I kinda feel that with enough luck, I could improve to the 8th eventually. That's my definitive goal, reaching stage 22 is nigh on impossible. Any multiplayer?: Errr, does alternating turns count? Quick thoughts: This feels almost laughably out of place when put alongside Namco's other 1980 contributions from the latter half of 1980. Still uses the Warp & Warp engine and it shows. Minor stage altering aside, which IS neat, this is another game where you feel like it left zero footprint. Graphics: Yyyyyeah. Even with the flat colors and basic as hell title screen, the game still appears to struggle to run with the admittedly fair amount of tanks on screen. I would've forgiven it a year ago, but now? Not when Pac-Man and Rally-X are around, sorry. (4/10) Sound: Another sign that this is a polished up geriatric, these noises are very close to the ones i've heard in Navarone and Cutie Q. I will admit though! I actually think the explosions are nice and impactful. Then again, most games of this era had that down pat. Could do without the beeps, but overall it's still decent. (6/10) Fun Factor: Unfortunately, the whole 'game struggling to run' thing makes this a hard game to salvage. It makes the controls way too... chunky, with the tanks moving in blocks rather than being smooth. The whole luck factor is also quite stupid, the tanks seem to do whatever they want in this one, even if WHERE they show up is consistent. It's a shame cuz I do feel there was potential to make it more manageable and consistently enjoyable... At least Battle City exists. (4/10) Longevity: It says a lot I managed 12th plays on the Hi Score ranking by only reaching stage 6. If your idea of fun is playing through 12 identical levels to get a single new layout, do I have the game for you. Still, getting to stage number 8 in itself is a big feat and despite how unfair it can be, it's still reasonably addicting. (6/10)
Conclusion: It's a cute attempt to innovate with outdated hardware. I don't think they succeeded due to how it plays like a creaky war veteran. Namco's talent made it not awful, but they've done a lot better before.
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Onto a game that pretty much made me debate if it was even worth playing stuff outside of Arcade Archives...
Other name(s): ディフェンダー (JP name) Developer: Williams Electronics Publisher: Williams Electronics (EU/US), Taito (JP) Release date: December 1980 (EU, presumably) What did I play it on?: Midway Arcade Origins on Xbox 360 (played on Series S)
What's the game about?: You're a spaceship trying to avoid aliens from taking over the planet. They come in all shapes and sizes, first there's just some green alien dudes (called 'Landers') trying to snatch the 10 humans away by turning them into far more agressive mutants. Following that, you also get electric... squares that leave behind hurtful static and electric... pulses that turn into multiple small red particles. Gotta shoot those as well. Failing to protect the humans causes the planet to be destroyed and you're left fighting mutants in space. Yikes. At least you got an Asteroids-esque hyperspace button and screen-clearing smart bombs to delay the inevitable. What's the game look like?:
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What's the sound like?: All kinds of weird alien bleep bloops dominate as you shoot your Atari 2600 laser. The humans that cry for help sound like squealing rubber. What's new about this one?: This game more or less created the horizontally scrolling shooter genre. The whole mutant thing is also brand new, and I don't think i've seen screen-clearing weapons used to this degree before. Same with the degree of variety in enemy patterns and how cleverly they've been interwoven as they've been given different 'tasks' of sorts. The lander chases the humans, the rest chase YOU. Also, uhhh... this is the first video game by Williams Electronics? Damn, that's one way to start. How much singleplayer content is there?: This took me ages to figure out cuz Midway Arcade Origins put me on the wrong foot, but it APPEARS that the difficulty peaks at stage 5. You don't get increased score multipliers after that, so... How far did I get?: I did get to that point when I gave myself 9 lives and 9 smart bombs, though that's hardly an achievement in my eyes. On the default setting (3 lives & smart bombs), I got to the third stage, which is a decent feat in itself as it propelled me up the online rankings. This game is brutal. Any multiplayer?: Alternating turns, again. Gonna be a bit before co-op becomes much more mainstream. Quick thoughts: Say hello to the game that brutalised my motivation to keep going. A very vague release date (i'm still not sure if I did it right), it's extreme difficulty and my own doubts on whether to cover games rereleased on Xbox made it the ideal cocktail for my ADHD brain to pretty much give up for a while. Upon revisiting though... Eh, although I don't think it'll ever be my favorite, I can appreciate it's huge influence on the shooter genre. Plus, if reaching the 3rd flipping stage is a serious achievement from what I can tell, I don't feel nearly as bad about my supposedly low skill level. This is another game i'll give a hat tilt. Graphics: Probably, PROBABLY the best looking space shooter thus far. I don't know for sure. But I mean, horizontal scrolling as smooth as this along with all the massive explosions that happen when things die, that's extremely impressive. Definitely makes it feel fairly modern, futuristic even. I'm surprised it is as much as a leap upwards as it is. Only Rally-X really comes close with being as advanced as this sucker. (9/10) Sound: Can get a bit overwhelming at times, all the shooting combined with the weird otherworldly noises, it's a bit much. Though nobody can deny that they sound COOL as hell on first impression. Very sci-fi. I'll let the incorporation of some 2600 noises pass. (7/10) Fun Factor: Depends on what you wanna get out of it. If you like games that will absolutely kick your ass with the smallest error and makes you feel extra guilty with every astronaut lost, this is a gaming HEAVEN for late 1980. I can't say i'm part of that crowd, but the more time I put into it, the less gruelling it becomes. There's only 2 things reeeally bothering me. You frequently have to be too precise with your movement to stick a shot or just straight up not die for one. The amount of buttons and therefore tactics on display, that's also a bit too much. Found myself frequently overwhelmed by this one, i'm sorry. If you're a gaming nut who doesn't mind an overload of spectacle and can deal with extra precise movements, then you can add two points to the score next to this sentence. (6/10) Longevity: Someone played one round of this game for 21 and a half hours straight. Huh. Reaching stage 6 will take you a WHILE, but at least it's a bit more based around skill rather than luck this time. There's people that only leave one astronaut alive or straight up lets them all die and focus on the shooting action, and manage to survive for a long while despite that. Seems like I may have to try that too... Also glitches. Lotsa glitches to extend playtime. Those are always a hoot. (8/10)
Conclusion in 3 sentences: My love-hate senses are tingling with this one. It's not a game for the faint of heart, but if you put your mind to it and grind it out, it can be a magical experience. Especially for the time.
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The games that couldn't:
All of these are included on one of the Taito Legends games on PS2. The first game is outta reach entirely, while the second one is doable, just a bit too expensive to be worthwhile right now. I MIGHT come back to the balloon duology later. Don't count on it though.
Phoenix (Taito): Shame I couldn't give this one a go. This was THE game to bring boss battles into the mainstream. Was curious to see how well it'd fare compared to the seemingly very intricate way Sasuke vs. Commander did it. From first impression, it seems a bit less deep, though on it's own, it's still a fun spin on the ol' Space Invader formula.
Balloon Bomber (Taito): A hilariously out-of-tune jingle plays as you shoot single-colored balloons with bombs attached to them. ...Wait, did Pyoro on WarioWare copy the concept of destructible land from this game? Whaaaa?
Crazy Balloon (Taito): The balloon of Balloon Bomber fame must now traverse dangerous obstacle courses by floating around. Crrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaazy.
If there's any feedback you wanna give on this new format, be sure to let me know! We'll be heading into 1981 next time. For realsies.
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mosneakers · 1 year
Questions for Starling: 8, 13, 22, and 41. 😊
Thank goodness someone asked Starling some questions! She was about to have a MELTDOWN, GIRL. Sorry it took so long to answer. Since we're talking Starling here, it's obligatory to be a bit more... extra 😅
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
As the oldest child of 10, Starling took it upon herself to boss her siblings around pretty often. There was no need for this, since Birdie and Ginovan were active parents, and hired plenty of help when needed. So of course her parents would often have to ask her to stop this behavior. Even to this day, she loves to employ her siblings to do tasks for her. (for example, her little sister Owlie is her assistant)
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
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When reached for questioning, Starling responded to this question with "Pink. All shades of pink. I definitely look better than anyone else does in pink." ...I think she may have misunderstood the question. Starling was raised by Birdie, who definitely followed a very pastel, doll-house color palette her entire life, consisting of baby-blues, powder-pinks and white. Starling, being the most like her mother, definitely adopted these colors into her wardrobe herself with the overall understanding that these colors fit her and her family's appearance the best.
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However! As an actress,Starling has gotten her colors analyzed professionally many times (yes this is a real thing) And most color theory analysts agree that while her color combinations are quite an enigma, they say that her skin tone is neutral-to-cool leaning, suggesting that she can really pull off anything if she wanted to (obviously) but looks best in saturated cool tones. She really struggled emotionally with this at first, but after therapy, started experimenting with gemstone color palettes, such as rubies, teals, jades, and even black. I think these colors look absolutely striking on her and give her a more adult appearance, but the debate continues on forums dedicated to Starling Darling. She'll have to find balance in her wardrobe for sure, but what do you, the readers, all think?
22.How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
I think we've all seen plenty of instances where the way Starling presented her jealousy was less than ideal. One could definitely see it as possessive, yes. She really struggles with the possibility of being upstaged, and will go to rather theatrical lengths to one-up a sim who has wronged her.
41. How do they feel about children? 
Starling isn't super thrilled about other sims' children. They've often got snotty noses and sticky fingers, and she doesn't believe that everyone should have them. She believes straight people should have to take an evaluation before having them. However, growing up in a large family is all she's ever known and she wants the same for herself. Mira can be heard taking a sigh of relief and she specifies that she doesn't want quite as many kids as her parents had though. Also, Starling and Mira are both very busy working women. They've talked about children in the near future, but are both hesitant when it comes to pregnancy. Starling isn't so much afraid of losing her figure, she just isn't sure if her petite frame could bear a child well, and will probably seek out the service of a sturdy surrogate, with bovine-like hips that are perfect for childbearing, such as her cousin, Coraleye.
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ongreenergrasses · 2 months
tagged by @anosrepasi 💜💜💜 thank you my fellow previous night shift crew and writing friend!!!
1) how many works do you have on AO3?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
224,834 although that is about to skyrocket
3) What fandoms do you write for?
right now tog, thg, and good omens. i am done with longfic for tog but i still do shorter works and prompts. if i think about the behemoth for too long i’ll just start laughing hysterically so i try not to but that’s uh. that’s a long motherfucker
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
almost a thing my heart could endure sweeps, then it’s and so they did., this is the way i’ll love you, on loyalty, and he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother . imo out of those fics on loyalty is definitely the best and i’m really glad that so many people liked it
5) Do you respond to comments?
yes! Sometimes it takes me a good long while but i respond to all my comments. if i’m posting something regularly then i will respond to comments as i post but otherwise it can take up to a year sorry everyone
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
mmmm probably I lie
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i do bittersweet i don’t really do happy, but i think The Logic Of Color has a happy ending!
8) Do you get hate on fics?
the closest i got to hate was with be on your way because it’s Joe/Nile, but i wouldn’t consider it hate per se
9) Do you write smut?
sometimes. i’m learning and people have been very kind
10) Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i was writing fic back in 2011/2012 and that was the wild fucking west. i loved it. i wrote something that was Rose Tyler/Loki and people actually liked it which blew my fuckin mind but that’s just how things were back then
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
afaik no
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
no but i’ve thought about translating a couple of mine myself
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no, there were a couple times i briefly flirted with the idea and casually talked to people about it but the moments have passed and rn i don’t really know what i’d cowrite
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
i’ll be real with you i’ve kind of stopped engaging with media through the lens of shipping…like obviously you still find me writing fics but actual ships and shipping itself isn’t nearly as important to me as it used to be. HOWEVER. i’ve been a johnlock girlie since about age 5 so that’s the longest running ship and probably my favorite
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i finish all my WIPs lol i’ve abandoned two fics in my life and my current WIPs are either a) still in the brain or b) finished and being revised within an inch of their lives
16) What are your writing strengths?
i write about a lot of difficult topics and i do it as carefully and respectfully as i can while not making it so dark as to turn people away. i think i’ve got that balance down. of course these things are experienced differently by everyone so my work won’t always resonate and i’m aware of that and fine with it
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
dude idk. everything at some point or another? at least that’s what it feels like. a thing i consistently really struggle with is i feel like I can get way too florid and indirect with language, which in some contexts is fine, but in others really fucking distracting
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
oh boy do i ever have thoughts. but I’ve collected them and because i mostly write third person limited, i don’t put dialogue in other languages in fic for 2 reasons. a) if the character would understand the language, i translate the statements being made in it into English because the story is being conveyed in English and that’s how the character would show their understanding. b) if the character would not understand the language, they would be unable to recognize the words and express them because it’s third person limited. the exception with this is if there is an untranslatable word that has no English equivalent. that i’ll keep in the original language
however. with the behemoth there are consistently two languages being spoken and intermingled throughout. i have kept all the dialogue in English but the parts that are being spoken in Spanish, i am translating from Spanish back into English to try and keep the cadence and vocabulary. it is hard as hell and i know that people will not notice but it matters to me ig
19) First fandom you wrote for?
20) Favorite fic you’ve written?
i think the best fic i’ve written is hips but all my work has a special place in my heart. every fic means different things to everyone and i’ve gotten incredibly meaningful and powerful comments on things that i didn’t think were really my best, which made me like those fics more. you never know what will resonate with people and what won’t!
tagging @isabellehemlock @goldheartedsky @unintentionalgenius @genyathefirebird @godihatethisfreakingcat @scorchedhearth and any other writers who would like to!!
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katyspersonal · 2 years
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Yes! It is a cut content, in game files! No known purpose, exists as just an icon.
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I think the biggest key to why it was cut is... well, look at the color of the eyes in the box. They are baby blue color, and we know Maria has pale green eyes - same as Doll that does mirror her! I have this speculation that making Maria and the Doll the same person was sort of a last moment decision from the developers, and initially Doll maybe WAS just a standalone character and helper. Or based off someone else?
Also, Gehrman needing this repair kit would suggest way longer timeframe of Doll existing (real world I mean) - like to the point he’d need to fix her consistently. I think it could be another reason for cutting it; if cut dialogue lines by the Gatekeeper ( x ) are anything to go by, developers struggled to decide how long time ago Yharnam fell into this sorry place, reaching as far as one hundred of years idea at some point! So maybe removing it helped to further obscure the time passage and let players decide themselves!
ALSO knowing how laconic Soulsborne games are with important characters interactions, they’d need to limit it to one item per NPC - and Maria’s hair ornament pushed more on emotion and Gehrman’s deep sadness. Hunter helping to repair Doll would push more for forming the bond between Hunter and Doll instead and devs said ‘no, backstory between two existing characters is more important’. However IF you give Doll hair ornament, her (rare) prayer for Hunter gets an extra line about her wishing them a ‘peaceful awakening’, so... they actually did both with ornament choice instead!
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sagemoderocklee · 2 years
sorry for the ask dump but 34, 35, 41 and 7 for the writing ask game?
there's no need to be sorry! i wanted asks, so i appreciate this!
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
Can I say everything? lmao
but fr i have two things i am stupid proud of: my map of wind country and the religion of Suna which is still the works though i do have some notes i can share.
the map is still in progress but here are some photos (this is the rough draft. once it's done/finalized, i'll be transferring all this to a really nice poster board, coloring, and so on):
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the map consists of 9 regions with a total of 27 provinces. the way im framing the countries of the Naruto world is that when you see something like 'Fire Country' or 'Wind Country' it's really more like the equivalent of a continent. Obviously, a whole continent can be a country, so for instance in my mind Fire Country is both the continent and the country. However, Wind Country is made up of 9 regions which would be the equivalent of a country. My main goal with Wind Country is to be able to create a grounded continent with distinct cultures by region/province, where Suna is the melting pot of Wind. Suna is considered the 'Heart of Wind' and the 'birth place of the gods', and has historically been a place of commerce, culture, travel, and so on.
Wind is based on various parts of west and southeast Asia. I recently made some adjustments to the region in the south while working on Blood on the Branches, and I want to redraw the island off the coast of the south.
For the religion, I'm trying to build a polytheistic belief system. My main focus has been working on creating aspects for the deity who rules love, as I am working on the next chapter of Thirteen Strokes.
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sorry about my messy handwriting, and again these are just very sloppy notes that i will eventually put into a nice notebook specifically for the religious worldbuilding I'm doing. I would also include the worldbuilding around Shikamaru's clan and the Shadow Kami in this, though I have to do a lot more work on that still.
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
A lot of things are pulled from my own life, such as Lee in Absolution. That's a reflection of my own experiences with the loss of a parent, though I was much younger than Lee is during the events of Absolution.
I think as a general rule, any time I write about death it's really just rooted in my own experiences with that.
Another example of stuff pulled from my personal life would be the fic 'if wanting were enough i'd take you by the hand' (major warnings: suicide attempt, suicidal ideation, mental health struggles) which was a way for me to work through some mental health things i was going through at the time of writing this.
The only other thing I can think of off the top of my head is that Stolen Glances is not entirely fictional in that when I lived in San Francisco, the first bus I took to get to my community college there was a woman who took the bus I thought was very cute and we ended up striking up a sort of friendly acquaintanceship since we saw each other all the time.
35. What aspects of your writing are completely unlike your real life?
them being ninja lmao but no in all seriousness setting aside the very obvious fantasy elements of the series, i think that while there's a lot of emotional resonance for me with my writing, i can say that the majority of what I write is nothing like my personal life. while i am very politically minded, i am not involved in politics in the way Gaara is; I am not married or even dating anyone; I don't get to travel or do much, especially these past five months with long haul covid.
i think writing is a lot of mixing real experience and fantasy (not the commercial genre, just like making shit up), and i think that while the emotional aspects to my writing are things I can relate to and have pulled from my life, a large part of what i write has nothing to do with my life.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
ah there's a lot of fics that have done that for me, but I think just in general I'm gonna say just about anything written by @ghoste-catte is incredibly inspiring to me as a writer. their pros are utterly impeccable and i don't think i could pick just one story by them.
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gentlecowardice · 1 year
you are so gentle it’s terrifying. you speak of me so kindly and i feel guilt because i cannot do the same, because when i look at you sometimes i feel nothing yet sometimes i feel absolutely everything and even that scares me; i am a coward in the worst of ways, shrinking back from your attention and your love–if it might be love, i do not know if it is just as i do not know anything about you aside from your voice, your touch, your lips, your favorite colors, your hobbies, what you want in life aside from a life with me–and i cannot bring myself to breathe when you look at me. 
i don’t like physical touch at the best of days but you love it even on your worst days, you give me little gifts out of nowhere and it aches, the hole in my heart trying to mend with something golden yet i force it open again and again because i am scared. i am terrified. your patience is not endless yet you treat me as it is, you have not intentionally hurt me ever and i hope you never will because i don’t think i could handle it if it came from you. sometimes i wonder what will happen when i am gone; will you take to hating me like him or will you look at me like a fond memory? will you wait for me even if i am not ever coming back?
love is a terrifying thing in the fact that it consumes you whole and it has hit you. it has not hit me because i don’t let it.
you are weak. you are weak in every way there is; words hit you hard but actions hit you even harder and so i know the look of hurt in your eyes when i pull away from a touch that feels like too much and fries all my nerves is real, even if it may not be intentional, even if it isn’t your fault. i’m sorry for it all because you deserve so much more than me but any moment of weakness feels like it’s tearing apart my insides and i don’t feel safe enough to sleep when i am next to you, my shoulders draw tense and my head bows low and i pray for you to disregard me because i know the attention would hit me directly in the place i don’t want it to touch, don’t want anyone to touch; because that is weakness, being open and free and loving is weakness.
i don’t think you share the same sentiment. you look at love like it is something wonderful, something all-forgiving and something you seek out for comfort, for soft touches and gentle words and happy laughter but i do not. you look at me like i am the sun and i worry i can’t return that.
but your smile, your smile shines brighter than the night sky; and your laugh is prettier than any melody i could ever hope to listen to, and the way you look at me is so fond and so loving that i just have to shy away from it, put some distance and hope you understand. because when i don’t, i am exposed. i am raw, uncut; you can see all my splintered edges and wobbly legs and the crooked edge of my teeth. i have bared my teeth to the world for all to see and i am not afraid of anyone because i have fought tooth and nail to get to where i am now, even if it’s little improvement but it’s here and i struggle to feel proud of myself.
my shaky hands cannot bring me to grasp onto yours for a sense of stability because my problems are not yours and never have been and yet you want them to be. you want to help me, you want to lick my wounds so that i don’t have to do it myself. and this is the purest form of anything that could exist; too pure for me. i am undeserving, unyielding, suffering a torrent of harsh waves every day where my mood is flipped up and down like a switch and i don’t know how to handle it in a way that doesn’t involve hurting you so that you may finally leave me and find someone better. i retaliate; i retaliate in any way i know, whether it is following strange boys on social media or putting on a bit too sweet of a tone when i talk to guys or forcing myself to look cold towards you in hopes that you’ll realize that i am not a good person.
i am not a good person because i crave hurt, whether it’s on me or on you or anyone. my desires consist of inflicting pain so that i may repay the world for making me feel like this, for making it a bit too hard to get out of bed or for making it feel pointless to eat because what does it matter, anyway? we all end up in the same place, we all die. me taking up smoking was a way to try and urge it along, to return to my Lady and be at peace for once in this godforsaken life. but you have made me want to stop; the taste of alcohol and the high of anything i could take is nothing compared to you, your smile, your eyes, even the shape of your nose. 
i don’t love you because i don’t believe i am capable of love. i have committed too much to be deserving of an escape like that. i have thought too much of red spilling across the carpet when i am holding a knife to dare think about love like you do. i want to bash the girl who looked at you’s head into a wall and make her bleed, rip out her hair, eat her insides because it finally might relieve me of the ache in my chest even though she has not genuinely done anything to wrong me but i need the taste of iron, red dripping off my lips and smeared across my cheeks–
and i know you would not care. you would smile, wipe off the blood and tears, and say “it’s still you, it’s still you” and you would find a way to love me again.
my heart aches. it has ached for my entire life, just like my palms ache when i grab onto you a little too hard and say a silent prayer for you to stay, just like my eyes ache when i force them away from you, just like every part of my body aches having to get up and do everything in my day to day life when i could just sleep it all away. and the worst part is, i know you’d be waiting for me when i wake up.
i am not made for gentleness. i am not made for kind words and even kinder touches; i was made for something harsh, for bruises spattering along pale skin, coloring it black and blue; for words spat at me from a place of anger yet i come back every time like a wounded, crying dog, because the bads may be bad but the goods are better, i rationalize. and that’s not how it goes with you. you take care of me, you want to talk to me. i do not have to beg and plead for even a second of your attention because you give it regardless, you devote every second of your time to me, sending me things you see and think of me, giving me gifts that are from the heart even if i do not like them. all i can offer you is a carcass, a hollow, empty husk of a person; a dead animal dragged up to your door in fondness like a cat to make sure you are eating because surely you cannot hunt for yourself, you are too incapable, too gentle, too kind and i will do the bad for you so you remain pure and kind whereas it is too late for me, i am already tainted; what does another bad matter? but you are capable of so much more, you are capable of creating life and of loving and i envy you for it.
we are too similar in ways we shouldn’t be and too different in everything at the same time but i am drawn to you and i hate it. i want to sink my teeth into something, scream until my throat is raw, let the world know i am angry; everybody else gets to be angry, why can’t i? i just want to be rid of this feeling and it works, it works when i claw at my throat and my wrists, when i sink the boxcutter into my arm just far enough to bleed, when i hold my hand over the open flame of a lighter for a little too long, when the smoke leaves my lungs and all that’s left is the faint buzz in my head. but i cannot even have that little satisfaction anymore because every time i do it i think of you. i think of you, you loving me, you calling me sweet names, you never being anything other than kind and gentle and loving to me. and it makes me want to stop, it makes me want to call for you, ask you for help because you’d know how to help, you’d love me through it all and anything i could ever do to myself or someone else. “it’s still you,” you’d say, and kiss my forehead.
please poison me. rid me of this feeling. do something bad, just something, one thing; a horrible, horrible thing so that i may justify this, so that i may have a reason for the quiet annoyance, so that i may have a reason for the way touch scorches my skin and leaves aching, painful marks. it would be a kinder fate than this. it would be a kinder fate than being loved.
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How can we know which men is safe and harmless to us then please 🥺
Man anon. I should write a book. So much of it is small things.
-watch out for men who cross your boundaries. Example, I told one guy I wasn’t very physically affectionate multiple times and we hung out occasionally. One night he goes to hug me goodbye and I flinched and he messaged me later like if you flinch when I try to hug you, how will we have sex? I’m like I never said we were going to have sex, I told you I wasn’t sure how I felt about it and actually you knew I didn’t like physical affection and you crossed my boundaries.
-men who don’t ask questions about you or ask very surface questions like what’s your favorite color or some shit, a real catch wants to know you deeply and asks thoughtful questions in response to what you share.
-men who don’t engage with things you share with the them, like guy above, I made a playlist for (stupid I know) and this man never listened. I knew it was a red flag then but didn’t listen.
-men who suck at picking up on more nuanced cues, like who can’t tell if you are uncomfortable.
-men who mention not trusting therapy or any type of disregard for mental health, unless they’ve had a legitimately negative experience with the mental health system
-men who say their ex is crazy, it means they drive them crazy generally, be wary because this is the man who will make you crazy
-don’t have sex too early on because a lot of good dick comes attached to trash men, and dickmatization is real (I’m not being judgmental about sex, I’m sex positive but seriously I’ve dealt with shitty men bc of good dick, contrary to popular belief, most dick is wack. The biggest con men pulled on women is making them hate their bodies so we would think them wanting to fuck us meant we were hot and that being hot matters. Trash men only get pussy because of this loophole. Men wanting you doesn’t make you hot, it makes you a female they know.
-men with poor relationships with their mom, sometimes this can make sense if their mom sucks too, but a lot of men who have mommy issues are entitled and lack self awareness
-men who are always high or drunk
-men lacking strong friendships
-men who game consistently, sorry this means they live in a fantasy land and struggle with reality, tell them to get a real world skill and hobby
There are more, but that’s enough for now! Good luck besties. Test these men. Idc if you feel bitchy. Test them left and right.
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chanstopher · 1 year
hii dreamy!! just wanted to say i love your gifs and content in general so so so much!!!! and you seem like a nice person who's also not afraid to call out people's bullshit which i appreciate because sometimes you just have to put your foot down and be like 'okay now stop being weird and an asshole in my askbox' you know 😭 anyway again i looooove your content thank you for sharing it and your love for chan with us 💓 i wish i had more courage (and time tbh) to make kpop/skz gifs, i feel so lost most of the time and like what i make isn't that good, and i know if i kept giffing kpop i'd get better but i don't feel like people care to see my gifs, i'm a pretty small blog... so i just get stuck in this 'my gifs aren't good enough and no one cares enough for me to try and get better at it' mindset :(( sorry for dumping all this on you i came here literally just to compliment and thank you rsdxjbk have a good day dreamy!!
omg ok first thank you so much for your sweeet words they mean so much to me. i know that sounds like the generic appropriate response but i really mean it, having ppl enjoy not just my content but me just being myself is really so important to me and it really makes me feel so happy. but about not feeling like ur content is worthy, i’m gonna tell you i struggle with that every single day bestie. if i let myself delete content i end up thinking is ugly, or if i only posted things i felt confident in this blog wouldn’t have like 90% of the content it does. and you are right that if you just practice things can get better, and i know it sounds ridiculous coming from a blog that does get notes but making content really is for yourself at the end of the day. i also think that when it comes to gif making people are both afraid to give constructive criticism to help others improve and get any kind of criticism because it’s something you put effort into already. sometimes i see content and i want to be like oh hey if you just adjust this setting your gifs wouldn’t be so grainy or like if you use this you can adjust the coloring better. but it feels mean (even though i never have those thoughts in a mean way) and also hypocritical cause i don’t like a lot of my own stuff for the same reasons xjxndn i don’t think you should give up on making content tho, i think most people would be willing to give tips or tutorials on how they do things to help make your gifs come out how you want them. also everyone starts out as a small blog, this blog is only like 2 1/2 years old and i think the only thing that truly matters if you want your following to grow is presence. i think posting consistently (not all the time just frequently enough to be in tags enough for ppl to start to remember your url) and being a vocal part of the fandom is all it takes. i personally find myself drawn to following blogs of people who talk about themselves, or express their thoughts on things more than say someone who makes content and is completely silent or just negative. i think having people learn about you is important to growing. now i’m not saying sharing your entire life, but for a silly example the number of times i see ppl in my tags being like “oh i bet dreamy giffed this for how his nose looked” because i’m so crazy about chris’ nose makes me feel nice, like someone is associating something with me specifically. i hope that makes any sense lmao, i think it just makes ME feel like the people i’m interacting with are real and i think that’s what people want out of blogs, a connection even if it’s a little one sided. sorry this is so long winded but my POINT is you shouldn’t feel intimidated or discouraged by the idea of making content just because your blog is small or you don’t think your content is “good enough” the beginning of creating and really starting to find your place in a fandom space is always the hardest, but the rewards of finding friends and learning how to get better at making content is really worth it. it’s given me a lot of my best friends outside of fandom, and it’s given me skills i’ve used outside of tumblr, so i cannot really praise it enough. ok i am shutting up now but if you ever want help or advice i’m totally here for you 🖤🤍
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littleberrybat · 2 years
I think I saw there was a study where cocomelon was shown to have a negative impact on speech and cognitive abilities/ communication ??? it's litcherauolly orrible
Yeah, it's super overstimulating— bright colors, the background music is like disjointed and the same volume as the kids singing, new voices will pop up in the middle of a song, the lyrics on scree changing color as the song progresses, the characters are literally always moving and the background changes constantly, etc.
Like every part of your brain is up and running while you try to follow along with the songs. Plus there's completely no plot in an "episode" or youtube video. It's just a collection of unrelated songs one after, which has to contribute to kids having a shorter attention span and needing instant gratification.
So I can see why people are worried about how it will affect kids as they get older and interact more with the real world. Kids learn and develop by interacting and experiencing things irl, so it makes sense that having less of that would harm their development. And like why wouldn't they prefer cocomelon over irl stuff? It's harder to get the happy-feels good brain chemicals irl because you have to expend effort to get them. Maybe not a lot of effort, but certainly more than just sitting in front of a screen.
And I think the real problem here is that these kids don't really need to learn how to entertain themselves or stimulate their brains on their own because as they get older, they can just move on to another show, phone game, social media, etc. and get the same results cocomelon gave them.
I mean ngl, I really struggle with not being on my phone 24/7. Tumblr is the social media app I use the most and has been since I was 13. It was my main source of human contact for most of my teenage years because I was incredibly isolated, both physically and mentally. So I'm very attached to it and I get a lot of like instant happy brain chemicals when I use it.
And I spend even more time on ao3 because escapism filled the void left by all the negative coping skills I've managed to unlearn and reading fics is an excellent method of escapism. I get extremely anxious if I don't have access to it.
So if it's that bad for me, an adult who grew up with a pre-internet childhood, I can't imagine what it'll be like for kids who've grown up getting their entertainment/brain stimulation/happy brain chemicals from things like cocomelon right from the start.
TLDR: I think watching cocomelon consistently and for long periods isn't great for kids, but cocomelon is just a small part of a larger problem created by how our culture uses technology. So kids should spend more time learning and playing without technology, and everyone else should probably also do that.
Sorry anon for the super long response and possibly over sharing about my life. Idk if you even wanted me to respond, but here you go. Thanks for sending me an ask ♥️
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cowboycakes · 3 years
Chapter One: Memories
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x fem!Reader
Synopsis: You are a Marleyan warrior who holds the Jaw Titan, tasked with infiltrating Paradis and destroying it. But what happens when love causes you to betray your mission?
Themes: NSFW, 18+, action, betrayal, multi-chapter series.
Warnings: Female bodied reader, explicit sex (penetration/riding, gentle and fluffy, Levi is a virgin), violence/severe injury and blood/battle scenes, threats, mentions of death. Profanity. Spoilers seasons 1-4.
Word count: 2.7k (recently edited to make it flow a little better!)
Note: This story contains spoilers for all seasons of aot (not the manga). It is canon divergent (reader has the jaw titan rather than Porco and reader is on the mission with Reiner and Bertholdt.) Some scenes differ/are more rushed than the scenes they line up with in the actual show. This first chapter is set in season 3.
The most important lesson you'd learned on this journey was that you couldn’t help who you fell in love with. Love would strike you like a viper by surprise, sinking its fangs deep inside of you and injecting you with lethal poison. Your poor soul was so torn.
The viper in question manifested itself as someone quite inconvenient. A raven haired man - the strongest, most cunning, most selfless man you’d ever observed. And all the while, he was still an island devil.
You were supposed to strike back at the viper, sinking your much larger set of jaws into his heart. Your mission - and specifically your mission - was to end him and his kind. The remaining Ackermans were dangerous. They were a threat to your and your comrades’ titan powers. The goal was to get close to him, to find his weaknesses and strengths. To know his ins and outs like the back of your hand. And then you’d have the advantage. Then you would kill him.
That plan had obviously backfired.
You stood on top of the wall now, alongside Reiner and Bertholdt after they’d just exposed the entire mission to Eren and the others. You could feel the static in the air from a few yards away. They were about to transform.
That wasn’t the problem, though. The problem was that the duo was looking right at you, waiting for you to slash your hand and join in. To rush to their side and eat Eren while you had the chance. Then you could all go home and be celebrated as heroes.
Instead, you were staring back at them - a big, sweaty, teary-eyed, nervous mess.
It was time to betray your homeland.
“I’m sorry Reiner, Bertholdt…” you sob, pulling your hand to your mouth, “but my loyalties lie elsewhere, now.” You rip your teeth through your hand.
Three bolts of lightning shake the wall simultaneously. You emerge in your strongest form - the jaw titan. Your titan had a hardened face like a skeleton with an elongated jaw that stuck out like a wolf. Sharp ridges lined your mouth like fangs, and bright red orbs glowed through your eye sockets. A mane with a color that mimicked your hair grew down from your neck.
You were terrifying. Which is why you needed to get the hell away from these scouts before they decided you needed to die.
You had no interest in defeating Reiner and Bertholdt, that was Eren’s problem now. You were more concerned about the captain on the other side of the wall. He could certainly handle himself, but Zeke had quite the throwing arm. Things could go south very quickly.
You launch yourself down the wall, using your giant talons to slow your fall. You scan the field as you descend, trying to find any sign of Levi.
A voice booms your name to the left of you as you reach the ground.
It’s Pieck in her titan form.
Pieck was like a sister to you. It’s been so long since you’d seen her. You feel a tinge of regret now. Pieck was never going to see you the same again.
You narrow your red eyes at her and charge with full force. Your jaws snap at her heels as she whips around and runs full speed across the field. You finally see who she was running to - Levi and Zeke. Zeke was cut out of his titan form and being held by the hair in Levi's hand.
You pick up your pace, grazing Pieck's legs with your sharp teeth. She stumbles when the two of you go over an indent in the ground, only a few yards from your destination. Her mishap allows you to sink your teeth into her legs. She turns around to bite your neck in response, crushing your weakest spot. You jolt your head, flinging her away from you.
She gets up fast after hitting the ground, continuing at full speed toward Zeke and Levi. You are quick to go after her again, but slow down once you see Levi drop Zeke and bolt out of Pieck's way.
Did he really just give up Zeke that easily?
Suddenly, you feel someone cutting through your titan's nape.
Your vision goes dark.
Out of the darkness, you’re thrown into an old memory. Ah yes, you remember now. All of it is so vivid, right in front of you again.
You’d sneak away to the Captain's office at night frequently. You’d tell yourself these visits were for the mission, to aid you in knowing your victim a little better. His weaknesses could certainly reveal themselves in the comfort of his study. But they certainly weren't for your mission anymore. You’d started to simply crave his company.
You’re walking down the dim halls when you hear two sets of footsteps approaching, quite rapidly. You’re met with two giant bodies slamming into you from behind, grabbing your arms to keep you from running.
“You know, Y/N, I’m getting worried about these visits of yours,” Reiner says, tightening his grip on you. You yelp. “There’s only so much you could be talking about in there with him. There’s only so much shit you could be making up about yourself. He’s going to catch on.”
“He isn’t!” you struggle, “And I’m more clever than these sluggish devil bastards! I’m getting all the information I need!”
“Guys, keep it down!” Bertholdt whispers, frantically looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping.
Reiner let’s go of you as you topple to the ground in front of him, your hands and knees landing on the cold brick floors below.
“Kill him faster,” Reiner whispers. The two of them make their ways back to their rooms in silence.
You finally stand up when you can’t hear their footsteps anymore, dusting your knees off and collecting your nerves.
You were the oldest titan shifter on the mission from Marley, quite a bit older than Reiner and Bertholdt. You were supposed to be bossing these little shits, not the other way around. But it seemed they were always calling the shots. You deserved to carry out your particular mission however you pleased.
Levi's door is cracked open a bit further down the hall, allowing some faint light to spill into the hall. And inside, there he was as usual, sitting at his desk with a tea and reading some boring literature that you could never understand.
“Long day?” he questions without looking up from his book.
“Yeah,” you sigh, plopping your body down onto a leather sofa near his desk. You lean back into it, reaching your arms up to stretch out. “Thanks for always letting me join you in here. It helps me de-stress.”
You had made a routine of coming in here after a fateful night in the dining hall, after you and Levi realized you could click really well in conversation. You two had shared your entire life stories with each other by now - yours obviously contorted to fit a reality that didn't consist of you being raised in Liberio. You'd grown very close to him, way closer than you had with anyone else in the Scouts. Even though he'd never met the real you, you could relate to him - his struggles and his past especially. His cynical personality had a strange and almost addicting way of brightening your day, and you'd always make sure to tease him for it. Not to mention how handsome he was. He'd catch you stealing glances at him sometimes, but you had a feeling he secretly liked the attention.
If you didn't know better, you'd think you were falling for him.
Your favorite stories of Levi's were of the Underground. It was such a peculiar concept to you, even though it faintly reminded you of life in Liberio. You realized that the people living in the Underground were lucky, in a way. They were oblivious to the world above, secluded from wars and titans. If only every other circumstance of theirs wasn't so unfortunate.
You smile at him as he finally looks up from his book.
“Your tea’s over there,” he says as his eyes dart to the coffee table.
You quickly grab the tea and move it to your mouth.
It was way too hot.
You feel titan steam shoot up from your lips. It had really burned you that badly. You slap a hand over your mouth before the steam could escape, the sound echoing off Levi’s office walls.
“What’s the matter? Tea’s gone cold?” Levi questions, his voice dark. His eyes had been on you the whole time.
“Hmmph?” you say through your hand.
Levi gets up and advances across the room, stopping just in front of you. You’re still frozen on the couch.
“I said, what’s the matter?” His hand meets the one still clamped over your steaming lips.
“Is there something you need to hide under there?” Levi’s finger slips under one of yours, forcing it away from your face. Then another.
Oh shit.
This was a setup. He was actually on to you.
Shit! Regenerate! Faster!
Another finger is forced away from your face. You close your eyes tight, focusing all of your energy to your lips.
This may be it. Right here. Reiner and Bertholdt were going to kill you.
The final two fingers are pried away at once. You open your eyes to look up at him innocently, no steam in sight.
“Uh…” you stutter.
He sighs.
“Sorry. Just trying to keep tabs on who my enemies might be.”
“So you… burned my mouth? Dickhead,” you laugh. You needed to come off as clueless as you could.
Levi’s eyes delicately scan your dewey face. Your lips were still throbbing and swollen. You always wondered if that’s what had compelled him.
He leans down, kissing you softly. Your eyes were wide and your face was motionless for a moment. Then you returned it, cupping a hand sweetly around his jaw.
In a flash, you’re transported to another memory.
You're sitting down on a wooden bench on the outskirts of the combat training arena. You remember being so tired on this day.
You lean your head back and close your eyes, letting the sun soak into your sweat-covered skin. Eventually, a shadow blocks the light shining on you.
You open your eyes to see Levi.
“Want to spar?” he taunted.
“Hell no,” you pant, still limp on the bench.
“You sure? Might be fun to have your ass kicked three times in one day.”
You chuckle at him.
Levi sits down next to you, leaning forward to support his elbows on his knees. The two of you sit there quietly, your ears filled with the sound of summer insects and a cool breeze through the trees.
Your eyes eventually wander to Levi again. He looks upset all of the sudden.
“I’m sorry for kissing you,” he states.
You’re shocked he’s actually bringing it up. After the kiss broke, he just went to sit down at his desk. He acted like none of it had ever happened.
“No, don’t be. I kind of liked it,” you confess, leaning forward to be at his level.
“This can’t continue.”
You feel a tight sensation in your chest. You’re hurt.
“Tell me about it,” you sigh, putting your head in your hands and thinking back to your real duties for once. You were only making things more complicated for yourself.
Of course, it did continue. The two of you avoided each other for a couple of lonely weeks until you nearly ended up in a titan’s mouth on a mission. It had you gripped tightly in its hand, completely helpless to it in your human form. You were about to transform when Levi swooped in and sliced its nape.
He helped you to your feet once the titan hit the ground and scolded you for your carelessness. You just stared back at him once he was quiet again. And he stared back at you. For a bit too long.
That night, you ended up in his office again and performed a teary-eyed confession about your feelings for him. It was in those moments that you discovered you didn’t care about the mission anymore.
You’re thrown into another memory.
This one was so intimate. So special. You never wanted to forget it.
“I’ve never,” Levi pants underneath you, “done something like this before.”
You’re straddling his thighs, tracing circles into his abs with your fingers.
“That’s ok, I’ll guide you,” you whisper.
Candlelight glows off of both of your naked bodies in Levi’s dimly lit bedroom. A surprise make out session led to Levi being curious, and the both of you taking all your clothes off in a rush and throwing each other onto the bed in desperation.
You move your hand from his stomach to his erection. Levi lets in a nervous breath once you make contact.
“Hey, you’re gonna do great,” you say sweetly, “you still wanna do this, right?”
“Yes, I do. Just nervous I’m not gonna… do it right.”
It was ironic to see humanity’s strongest so nervous about what was between your legs.
You shush him quietly as you move your lips down to his tip, slowly taking his length into your mouth. You drag your lips up and down as he lets out tiny grunts and bucks his hips up slightly to meet you.
Once he’s warmed up to your touch, you scoot up over his legs until you’re almost straddling his length.
You look up at him to see his eyes wandering over your bare body, lingering in your more intimate spots.
“You’re really beautiful. I’m not sure if I’ve ever told you that,” Levi murmurs as he moves a hand up to glide over the side of your waist.
“You too,” you smile at him. “Are you ready?”
He nods.
You lift yourself up gently before easing him into you. The perfect sensation of him pressuring your walls made your breath hitch. You feel him let out a huff of air once he's fully inside.
You start to rock your hips up and down rhythmically as you lean forward to place your hands on his collarbones. He gently thrusts back to meet your hips. His mouth was parted, his face was flushed and sweaty. He grips the sheets in his hands as you continue riding him.
Everything felt so warm and wet. So gentle and passionate.
Both of you let out little whines as you speed up.
"How can I," he moans, "make you... finish."
You grab his hand from the sheets and move his finger to your clit, pleasuring yourself with it for a moment.
"Just like that," you whisper. "You're doing so good."
The two of you continue rutting against each other on the bed - two wet, tingly, whiney, pleasure-filled messes.
All of it felt so right. It was honest.
The memory gradually crumbles in front of you, plunging you back into the darkness.
It wasn’t the intimacy, the long talks, or the sex. It was none of that.
It was the fact that he was a brave and honest thing in your world full of lies. It made you fall for him.
Levi made you rethink your entire role in this war. What right did you have to come and destroy people’s lives? These people were innocent for all you knew. They were the victims. But they had spirit, guts, and passion that no one on Marley did. You related to them. You loved them.
So whose side did you really belong on?
And why were you being shown these memories?
And what was this bloodcurdling noise suddenly ringing in your ears?
It sounded like… your screams.
You finally enter reality again with a gasp, coughing up leftover fluid in your lungs from your titan form. You look down frantically at your body to see all of your limbs severed. Someone had cut you out of your titan form.
The culprit was crouched right in front of you.
Hi guys! I've been sitting on this fic for awhile, unsure if I wanted to post it or not - I sort of wasn't confident abt it. But I hope some of you like it! I will be coming out with another chapter soon. Also, if you left a request, I promise it will be up soon! Lots of love - Shep
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bmo-galaxy · 3 years
Okay but what if they kissed?
But just imagine that Naruto and Sasuke kiss at the end. An honest to god, square on the lips, absolutely intentional kiss. A kiss they choose, a kiss on purpose, a kiss that isn't comic relief or shock value. A kiss to explain what drove Naruto forward all these years. The kind of kiss that shows that even now, even after it all, they choose each other and came back to each other and never, ever forgot. A kiss that’s a promise and a fresh start. 
Just imagine, if you will, for a moment that Sasuke tells him to shut up and Naruto peels himself from the rock, turning with fire in those blue eyes. The same way they burn before a fight, prepared and focused. Those blue eyes have always been Sasuke’s undoing, reflecting only the earnest truth. Every one of Naruto’s emotions is broadcast in those vast oceans. A strong, steady hand shoots out to fist in Sasuke’s shirt and raven is sure he's about to get headbutted again. Naruto wretches him up and leans real close and Sasuke is waiting for the crack and the pain. A pain that never comes.
The kiss isn't soft or sweet or sentimental. Its all sharp edges and teeth and desperation. A peak into Naruto’s soul, a glimpse at his pain, a taste of his anger. Just as quickly as it starts, the kiss is over. Naruto pulls away with a gasp, sapphire eyes fluttering open. All the fierceness and fury deflates from Naruto and the blonde’s shoulders sag. His fist is still gripping Sasuke’s shirt, but it loosens until it sits flat against the Uchiha’s chest, right over his heart. Eyes falling closed, Naruto basks in the steady beat against his palm. You’re alive, you’re alive, you’re alive and you’re here.
"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that," Naruto admits this in a husky whisper before he can stop himself. Disbelief colors his tone and the blonde shakes his head like he can't believe this is happening. “This is like a dream,” he continues, still quiet and heartfelt. A part of the blonde is embarrassed and wishes he would shut up, but Naruto is just too tired. Mind, body, soul; every bit of him is exhausted, but more than anything, Naruto is weak with relief. Leaving his tongue loose and his inhibitions lowered. 
Sasuke struggles for words, struggles to breathe, struggles to understand. Where was the strike, the anger, the hatred for everything Sasuke has done? Why does Naruto look so fucking happy? Bloodied, mangled, black and blue and beaten. Sasuke will never apologize for his actions, standing by hatred for the Leaf and his dedication to his late brother. Naruto, though... 
Naruto, who followed him to the ends of the earth. Naruto, who never gave up on him, even when everyone around him did. Naruto, who stood up to him over and over, proudly proclaiming to be his friend every single time. Naruto, who was prepared to lose his dream, his home, his life; and was prepared to do so smiling, just happy to have a future with Sasuke. 
Why, Naruto? Sasuke implores silently, watching happy tears streak down the blonde’s cheeks. Why, why, why, why--
"Why?" Is all that Sasuke can think and all he can get past his lips. The one great mystery: why would someone like Naruto, now surrounded by love and praise, chase after Sasuke so relentlessly, the one person determined to cut their ties entirely? Naruto looks up at him with sparkling, vast blue eyes that don't hide anything. A clear, cloudless sky. Every corner of Naruto is laid bare in front of Sasuke, who resists the urge to turn away. Those damn blue eyes have always been Sasuke’s undoing, the one thing consistently able to shakes Sasuke’s resolve and fill him with yearning. 
"Don't make me repeat myself, you know why," Naruto chuckles, bashful and blushing now. He scratches his cheek and glances away. "I figure that made it pretty obvious."
Sasuke almost smiles, almost relents his intense stare, because he does know. Far as he tried to run from the truth, he does know why Naruto did all of that. Just like he knows why he was never truly able to sever their connection. Sasuke needs to hear it though, needs to hear the truth he's known for years and years. Why would Naruto do any of it other than-- than-- than--
"Why, Naruto?" And the blonde can tell that the raven is asking about much more than the kiss. Sasuke is asking about everything and Naruto only has one answer for that question. Naruto’s flush darkens, the anticipation and passion and intensity in Sasuke’s gaze is setting the blonde on fire. A wild, uncontainable hope flares in the fox’s chest, seeing all of his own desires reflected in Sasuke’s eyes. 
And Naruto would swallow thickly and say the three words he's always held in his heart, always believed in, always protected against anything.
"I love you," Naruto whispers and Sasuke’s heart stops, time stops, everything stops. There’s only Naruto and his burning sapphire eyes. "I love you, Sasuke. That’s why. That’s-- That’s always been why."
It’s the answer Sasuke expects and knows is coming but somehow still knocks the breath from the raven. There it is, the undeniable truth neither had ever uttered out loud. The truth Sasuke hid from. The truth Naruto never let disappear. Against all odds and by some miracle, Naruto loves him. 
Naruto loves me, Naruto loves me, Naruto loves me.
"I love you," Sasuke says like a prayer, whispered on the edge of his breath. Uttering the confession makes him feel faintly lightheaded and a breathless chuckle slips from his lips. "I'm sorry it took so long."
Naruto laughs, high and clear and beautiful. A pure sound that kisses Sasuke’s ears and soothes his soul. For a second, in this moment, everything feels alright. Naruto punches his shoulder gently, a fond and affection gesture that’s nothing like the blows they traded an hour ago. 
“I really must have rocked your shit for you to be apologizing to me,” the orange ninja teases, smiling brightly. Sasuke rolls his eyes at the comment, shaking his head slowly. Everything is different but nothing has changed. This is still comfortable, familiar, soothing. As if no time has passed at all. 
“I’ll make one exception, don’t get used to it,” he needles back. Naruto copies his eyeroll and fights down a giggle. There’s a beat of silence, a moment to bask in the glow. Everything they need is here and even though wounds ache, neither is rushing to locate their comrades. They’ll find us eventually, they both think silently, content to enjoy their moment alone. Naruto scoots a little nearer and Sasuke leans a little closer. One shaking, hesitant arm reaches out to wrap around Sasuke’s waist. The raven haired nin stills initially, survival instinct telling him to run run run before he gets hurt, or overtaken, or killed.
Naruto doesn't hurt him though. Despite everything, in spite of everything, Naruto never hurts Sasuke. Naruto is safe, gentle warmth. Even his heaviest blows somehow felt like a fond caress. Naruto is just good, plain and simple. So, the raven relaxes into the embrace and wraps his arm around Naruto too. The embrace is awkward and sticky, both are covered in grime and sweat and blood, but they don't care. Trembling fingers cling desperately. Tear streaked faces press into necks and shoulders. Their last and first embrace, a new dawn breaking over them. Naruto’s mouth finds Sasuke’s ear and the blonde’s voice warms and deepens with all of his love and gratitude and relief.
"Welcome home, Sasuke."
A sob rises, rises, rises in Sasuke’s chest but he swallows hard to keep it down. It’s easy to remember the last person to say those words to him, easy to imagine his mother in the kitchen as he leaves for school. Everything has been darkness from that day, broken up by brief, startling moments of light. Moments with Naruto, working as a three man team and growing together. The dawn has broken and the warmth of Naruto’s sun is a beacon in the shadows, a breath of hope and fresh air after a long winter underground. 
"I'm home," Sasuke replies because it’s true. Naruto is home. Not his first one, but certainly his last. 
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rotworld · 3 years
20: Tentacles
your alien colleague is going through some unexpected changes.
->explicit. contains tentacles (obviously), feral behavior, heat/mating cycles, bondage, aphrodisiac, asphyxiation, mild dubcon (you’re in over your head but having a good time)
The trouble starts while you’re en route to Liviyos Starbase for refueling and a few hours of much-needed shore leave. Captain Okorie calls you and the rest of the skeleton crew to the bridge in preparation.
“Thank god,” you mutter, pushing away from your data station. You’ve been cataloguing pictures, notes and field data for the better part of an hour, a headache settling in at your temples, but something is in your way when you try to leave. A web of pulsing tentacles slithers across the wall, blocking the door. Their smooth flesh shifts colors in a constant churn of chromatophores, speckled sapphire to rich, forest green and panicked red. You trace the tendrils back up the wall to a quivering mass huddled against the ceiling.
“Yil?” you call out to your fellow researcher. “Are you okay? Captain Okorie just called a meeting. We need to go.” 
“I know, friend. I heard it,” Yil says. He has two overlapping voices, one a perfect mimicry of a soft, masculine human tone, the other a high-pitched warbling that you recognize as his native language. “Just, ah, wait. Please wait a moment. I’m having this...Feeling.”
Yil is a qulvan, a semi-aquatic lifeform from a distant ocean planet. Usually, he’s great at mimicking just about anything he sees, but right now he’s partially unwound all over the door. The center of his mass squeezes into the corner where the wall and ceiling meet. Three large, glass-like eyes peer down at you, blinking in sequence. He reminds you of a giant octopus when he gets like this but stringier, his entire body unraveling into thin, fidgeting strands. 
“Are you nervous?” you ask. You reach out to him, offering your hand. Several of his little tendrils curl around your fingers, squeezing lightly. Where he touches you, he turns a gradient of golden-orange, an expression of contentment. 
“Nervous?” he echoes. He takes a moment to consider it. Feelings are complicated for his species, a mix of emotion, impulse and the desires of each individual tendril that makes up the body. There’s an entire profession devoted to detecting and interpreting them. But Yil is a biologist and not an qulvan Emotional Specialist. He struggles to understand and explain his own motivations at times. “No, not exactly. Maybe? Hm.” 
His main body sinks down the wall and he starts to collect himself. Slowly, he slides onto the floor in front of you, darkening into midnight blue as he reforms. His eyes study you closely, using your bipedal shape as a vague guideline until instinct takes over. He winds himself back together, arranging facial features and an imitation of hair into their practiced configuration, the spitting image of the first human he ever met. His chromatophores can perfectly copy the plain off-white of your uniform, but they struggle with hard lines and divisions. His shapes bleed color, sleeves maintaining the seafoam shade of his skin halfway up his arm.
“Need water?” you guess. “We can stop by the hydrochamber real quick on our way, if that’d help.” You reach for the door controls but Yil catches your wrist. He doesn’t move his human limbs, but part of him comes unraveled at the chest and wraps around you, tugging your hand away from the door. He’s soft and warm everywhere, the same fleshy consistency even where he looks like he’s wearing clothes.
“Don’t go, please,” he begs you. He sounds panicked, both of his voices rising in pitch and volume. He lets go of you quickly, looking shocked by his own actions. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I did that.” 
“It’s okay,” you assure him, but you’re starting to worry. You’ve been studying alongside Yil for half a decade, meeting each other fresh out of your respective university-level programs. You know him well enough to know that he’s acting strange. “Do you feel sick? There should be qulvan-compatible medicine on the station. Do you think you can make it?” 
Yil looks down at his own body, examining the spot where he unraveled and pushing his tendrils back into place. “I don’t think I’m sick,” he says, sounding quietly horrified. “I think I just hit my third age.” That sounds familiar, you think. You’re not an expert on qulvans, but Yil has mentioned “ages,” the loose divisions of qulvan biological time. Before you get the chance to ask about it, you’re thrown across the room. Yil moves quickly, slithering faster than you can fall to catch you. You feel his chest against your back and a rapid heartbeat. Yil’s body peels wetly as tentacles split off from his sides, restraining you. 
“Yil?” you say nervously. You test his grasp, finding it tight but not bruising. He keens, soft skin nuzzling against the back of your neck. You notice him sliding against you, his body shifting unnaturally as his tentacles slip out of place. He’s especially active around your lower body, a pair of tendrils unfurling from his hips and pinning your pelvis to his. You inhale sharply at a thick tentacle squirming between your thighs and rubbing you through your clothes. Yil is pulsing, dripping with thick, cloudy fluid. Your face heats up. You know a mating display when you see one.
It’s a struggle to move your arms with Yil binding them against your body, but you manage to fumble with your all purpose wrist tool and start a team call. “I’m so sorry,” Yil says again. You feel him shuddering. “It’s...I can’t describe it. The Feeling. I want to let you go, but I also don’t.” 
“Hello?” Captain Okorie’s voice comes crackling through your wrist tool. “I assume there’s a reason you and Yil aren’t at the meeting.” 
“Yes, we’re having a slight problem down in the research wing,” you say. You bite back an undignified sound when the tentacle between your legs twists and flares, changing shape. It’s starting to look suspiciously like an erect human cock, and Yil is panting against your ear. “I, uh. I can’t get to the door.” 
“Don’t tell me the circuits fried down there again,” Franz, the ship engineer, sighs. “Need me to come fix it?” 
“No!” Yil hisses. His tentacles tighten around you, oozing more translucent slime. Your heart skips a beat at the viciousness in his voices. Yil is quiet, almost shy, mild-mannered and cheerful. He never sounds like this, never acts like this. You feel him quiver against your back as he becomes aware of himself again. “Great Oceans, what is happening to me? Friends, I’m sorry. I’m experiencing complex Feelings. Please don’t come down here. We’re...I’m….”
Dr. Holt cuts in suddenly. “Yil, how old are you?” 
You feel Yil bury his face in your hair, inhale deeply, and shiver. “Third age,” he murmurs. “It just started.” 
“What does that mean?” Captain Okorie asks, worry creeping into her voice. 
Dr. Holt hesitates, the way he always does when delivering bad news. “It means he’s just reached sexual maturity. Typically, these hormones are released slowly, unless they’re in the presence of a suitable partner.”
“A suitable…now hang on a minute, are you guys fucking?” Franz says, sounding equally fascinated and disgusted. “We keep samples in there!”
You struggle to answer when Yil unfurls several tentacles that slip under your uniform, bulging through the fabric as they explore your body. Dark stains spread through the fabric as more of that slimy liquid pours from him. It dissolves quickly and doesn’t make your clothes stick to your skin, but it does make you feel tingly and sensitive. You gasp when small tendrils wrap around your nipples, stroking them, flicking back and forth. “That’s a fair point,” you say, your face heated with embarrassment. “Yil, can I at least get you back to your quarters?”
The tentacles wrapped around you constrict slightly, making you gasp weakly. “No. Stay!” Yil growls. “Compact, enclosed, only one entrance...it’s safe here. I already secured it.” You glance at the door and find it coated in an entirely different green slime, something thicker and stickier gumming up the locking mechanisms. It doesn’t look like you’re not going anywhere for a while. 
Captain Okorie calls your name, gentle but firm. “Are you alright? I understand Yil is distressed, but your safety is more important. Do you need to be extracted?” 
Yil’s whole body vibrates all around you with a shrill, displeased sound that hurts your ears. “I’m alright,” you promise. “He’s really out of it, but I don’t feel unsafe. I know he’s not going to hurt me.” The words seem to put him at ease. Yil steadies, rumbling with a cat-like, warbling purr. He’s unraveling even more, no longer fully human-shaped against your back. A thick tangle of tentacles encases you, slithering up your legs and tugging at your clothes. You’re not entirely sure what you’re getting yourself into, but you trust Yil. You take a deep breath. “I’m going to end the call. I’ll let you know if we need anything.” 
You’ve barely hung up when Yil starts tearing at your uniform with startling strength. You’re glad the others don’t hear the sound you make. “Yil! Give me a second and I can get undressed.” 
“No,” he mutters, almost petulantly. “I want to open you.” If you were qulvan, you would be unfurling just like he is, blooming into a mass of blushing tentacles. You wonder if taking off your clothes fulfills the same instinct, gives him the same excited rush. He rips through the thickly woven military-grade fabric like it’s made of paper. Your heart races hearing your clothes come apart, garments intended to protect you from electric shocks and extreme temperatures. “Sorry, mate,” he murmurs, and then stiffens. “I mean friend! No, no, I meant mate. This is so embarrassing.”
You watch the last traces of Yil’s human shape slip away, limbs stretching, the flesh of his head sinking into position at the center of his mass. Gently, you stroke his center body, rubbing the softness beneath his eyes. He trills happily, leaning into the touch. “It’s ok, Yil,” you say gently. “I’m sure you’re just as surprised as I am.”
He draws his center body back sheepishly, but his tentacles continue to squirm around you, rubbing your shoulders and coiling around your legs. “Not exactly,” he admits. “I expected this, to some extent. I knew you’d set off my third age. I just didn’t know it would be like this.” 
“You knew?”
The large, cock-like tentacle between your legs squirms restlessly against your sex and you bite back again. Either Yil has been studying up human anatomy while you weren’t looking, or he can smell where your arousal is the strongest. Both possibilities are embarrassing. The latter looks extremely likely when a pang of pleasure in your stomach makes him tremble in excitement, more tendrils surrounding you. “I knew,” he confirms. “We start recognizing the traits we like in potential mates by our second age. I knew when I met you. I Felt it.” 
You feel yourself being lifted, held aloft by Yil’s tentacles. His main body shifts up, closer to your face. You can’t tell the liquid he’s oozing is turning sticky, or if his tentacles themselves are changing, suckling your skin. Yil caresses you, his tendrils sliding up your legs. You feel unbalanced, like you’re going to tip over, but Yil is all around you and holding you upright. He wraps around your thighs and opens them, his main body drifting down for a better look. You bite your lip, face flushed with embarrassment. Your sex is exposed and slick with arousal. You try to cover yourself with your hands and he gently pushes them away, small tendrils bringing your hands together behind your back and binding them together.
Yil’s eyes flick up, studying your face. “Can I,” he hesitates, his color shifting slightly to a darker, green hue, “can I fuck your mouth?” 
His forwardness startles you and fills you with heat. You nod, feeling almost shy with how intently he’s staring. A tentacle slithers from behind you, coiling loosely around your throat. The rounded head rubs across your lips, smearing more of that clear liquid. You tentatively lick some of it up, surprised at its heady sweetness. It melts on your tongue and you immediately feel a rush of heat shoot through you. You let out a shaky moan and start to squirm. Yil makes a pleased, purring sound. 
“Good,” he murmurs. “That’s good. Open your mouth a little wider.” Arousal burns through your shame. You do as he asks and Yil shoves the tentacle into your mouth. Every thrust makes it squeeze tight around your throat before the pressure relents, and the burning, the tightness in your lungs with every constriction, makes you lightheaded. Yil shudders around you and starts a nice, slow rhythm, thrusting in and out of your mouth with gentle strokes. He’s just big enough, filling your mouth but not making your jaw ache. You feel him adjust on your tongue, his shape and texture changing experimentally. The sweet nectar he gives off fills your mouth and foams up around his tentacle, dribbling down your chin. It squelches wetly around him as he speeds up his movements.
“Oh,” he says, somewhere between a sigh and a gasp. His voices are both lower, more growling than you’ve ever heard. “This is dangerous.” The thick tentacle under you starts to thrust up in time with the one in your mouth. You try to grind down against it, but Yil doesn’t let you. He wraps around your waist and moves you how he likes, dictating the agonizingly slow pace. You whimper around him and he makes a rattling sound. Something like laughter. “No. You don’t have to do anything,” he coos, a tendril sliding under your chin to lift your gaze. His three eyes are half-lidded and hazy, full of hunger. “This is just the start of my third age. I need lots of practice.” 
But he senses your urgency. He must feel it, too. His tentacle grinds against your sex, longer and more flexible than a human cock. The tip slicks against your entrance, flicking playfully and smearing that tingling liquid all over your skin. A muffled moan slips out of you when he finally starts to give you what you want. The push is slow, the pressure unbearable, as the tentacle wriggles and slips off and finally pushes inside. You arch your back as he fills you, thick and perfect, soft against your fluttering inner walls.
“Oh. Oh mate,” he gasps. “Mate, you’re tight. You’re small. You’ll never fit all of me, but...I want to try….”
All of him? You don’t get a chance to ask what he means. Yil starts to fuck you hard and fast without warning. The tentacle in your mouth shoves deeper, squeezes your neck together. The bulge of him in your throat starts to strain under his fleshy coils. You choke on him, threatening to gag as he bumps the back of your throat, but it feels so good. You can’t stop sucking on him, licking up every last drop of sweet aphrodisiac. Yil’s human tone starts to weaken, too quiet to hear over his swears in his native tongue. You can only make out a word here and there, things you’ve picked up over the years. 
“Inside,” he keeps purring. “Inside you...want it all inside….”
The tentacle thrusting into your tight heat fucks you harder, its whole length straining and stretching as it shoves in and out. Yil is trying to get as deep as he can get. Every rolling, shuddering movement squeezes more of the tentacle’s fleshy shaft inside. You’re cumming, gushing all over him, eyes rolling back in your head. You moan around him, limp in his grasp, bouncing on the tentacle cock as Yil drives it into you. 
You think you can feel when he’s about to cum. His tentacles start to twitch and thicken. You moan around the one in your mouth helplessly, Yil’s name buried behind it. The one between your legs starts pounding inhumanly fast, pistoning into you and spurting more of the clear fluid. It squelches obscenely, dripping all over Yil’s other tentacles, making them twist and swirl around you restlessly. You’re full and aching with him, surrounded by him, licked and tasted and caressed by every inch of his body.
But it just keeps going. Yil doesn’t stop. He never stops, never loses his rhythm. Tremors rock  his body but they never keep him from fucking you. The tentacle between your legs continues to fill you. He’s given up trying to cram anymore inside since you made a pained sound, but he stays buried deeply and rubbing against a spot that makes you whine. You don’t know if you can take much more of this. You’re on the verge of losing consciousness.
“Mate?” Yil says. He releases your mouth, the tentacle sliding out of your lips with a wet sound and a rush of saliva and sweet liquid. You stare at him dazedly, barely recognizing that he’s speaking to you. “I’m sorry,” he says, caressing your face. The tip of a tendril teases your lips and you open your mouth obediently, twirling your tongue around it. Yil watches with fondness. “I, ah, did some research. I know you rest after you mate. And I’ll rest, too, just...not yet. Not for a while. You can sleep if you need to. I’ll keep you safe.” 
You moan helplessly as a second tentacle slides along your inner thigh and prodes at your entrance alongside the first. You don’t think you can take it. Yil looks you in the eye as he slowly, with short, shallow thrusts, works it inside. Your toes curl. Your whole body arches into the pressure. Yil spreads your legs a little wider and whispers something you don’t understand, something heated and full of fierce passion. You cum again and it’s no less earthshaking, even sharper, the pleasure almost edged out by pain, but it’s too good. You don’t want it to stop. Something tells you it won’t for a long, long time.
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dabisqueen · 3 years
Ok so bear with me. I am not a native English speaker and I am just writing for fun. I dont make money off of this. Just my brain sh** written down in words, including typos. I am not a Hemingway and there are bad sentences, even logical mistakes. Sorry, not sorry. It’s my story.
PS: this is a spin-off from my first story
Shōto x Reader, Dabi x Reader (brother's rivalry)
Pt. 1 of 6
Word Count: roughly 2.5K
Synopsis: You are quirkless, nevertheless Shōto Todoroki falls in love with you. And you for him. That is, until Dabi steps between you both
Warnings: 18+, smut, angst, hurt but also a lot of comfort, bondage, some physical abuse, alcohol abuse, smoking, sexual assault, some violence, noncon, unprotected sex (pls be smarter in real life and protect), oral sex, creampie, roughish sex, kidnapping, quirk use, yandere behavior, mildly toxic relationship, pregnancy (oops, spoiler alert!)
I’m terrible at trigger warnings (TWs) so please let me know if I should add some or mine are inaccurate
Pt. 2
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In a world full of quirks and heroes I was one of the few not bestowed with any kind of gift. I worked at a small local flower shop after I graduated from high school. My apartment was located in a mediocre residential complex, nothing special, merely consisting of one room with a bed and a cooking nock. But I was able to afford it and loved it. It was located on the second floor and had a cute little balcony. Watching the sunset, sipping a glass of wine while enjoying the sweet scent of the flowers and plants surrounding me was my favourite way of enjoying the evening.
I wasn't exactly the quiet type of girl, but I liked keeping to myself. When others partied on Saturday, I found myself strolling along the river banks of the town, appreciating the serenity of the quiet evening, birds singing their evening serenade. My friends were few but the ones I had stuck to me like glue. I have had a few boyfriends, but nothing particularly steady, they just never gave me what I was searching for.
It was a beautiful morning in May and looking out the window I saw the cherry blossoms in the distance smiling at me. The weather proved to be intoxicating and warm, so after getting off work I decided to attend the Hanami festival.
The gravel road was covered with cherry blossoms, the green foliage shone in the evening sun's loving light as I mingled with the crowd, taking in the cherry forest's sweet smell. Strolling underneath the trees, a mild breeze suddenly blew and made the light pink petals fall round me like wintery snow. I closed my eyes for a second, enjoying the feeling of the pink snowflakes fluttering across my face, the fragrant incense almost numbing my mind when I suddenly bumped into someone and lost my balance. I squealed and was about to fall when two strong arms caught me mid air.
My gaze went up to meet a pair of heterochromatic eyes, one turquoise and one grey. Bicolored hair swaying slightly with the wind, the evening light reflecting in it as my rescuer asked with a shy smile if I was ok. My lips opened and closed, struggling for words as he helped me up, chuckling.
“Are you by yourself?” I nodded shyly.
Cocking his head, he took in my sight and asked with hopeful eyes “Want to join me?” He nudged his chin indicating the direction he was heading in and I gladly accepted.
All around us people were drinking sake or tea and eating their home-cooked meals to mark the occasion. We wound our way through the crowd, subconsciously seeking out a more quiet area of the park. We enjoyed ourselves, talking and laughing a lot, while we strolled through the crowd.
I learned that his name was Shōto and he had just graduated from U.A. academy, working at his dad's office. As the night slowly descended upon us, lamps started to illuminate the park with warm light. We finally arrived at an old cherry tree, overlooking a small creek flowing by. The colorful blossoms painted the water with their petals as we stood there and enjoyed the silence around us. He picked up a cluster of pink and white flowers that had fallen onto the soft gras and gently tugged it behind my ear. Before I knew it, our fingers gently wrapped around each other, as he gazed into my eyes and raised a hand to lift my chin. Lost in the sensation of his soft lips latching onto mine I sighed, our delicate kiss quickly descending into passion, with little regard for what was going on around us.
The following weeks, whenever his work allowed it, we saw each other, spending hours talking about us, our past. When he mentioned that Endeavor was his father, I almost choked on my drink, spilling it everywhere.
"What the…" I snorted, "Endeavor, for real?!"
"Not proud of it, but, uhm yeah," we both laughed, as I tried cleaning up my mess.
"Why not?" I tilted my head and he told me about the reason for his scar, why his mom got so angry. My hand gently reached out to his face, soft fingers caressing his burn scar, while he never let his eyes off me. I leaned forward to kiss his scarred skin, so in love with him, his past, his suffering and his strength. I was completely overwhelmed by the love for this man.
One evening he showed me pictures of his family on his phone - his mom Rei, sister Fuyumi and brother Natsuo. As we went through the photographs I noticed another young man in the older family pictures, white hair, same cerulean eyes as Shōto and pointed it out. A sadness in his voice took over as he recounted his memories about his eldest brother Tōya, who had disappeared, probably died when Shōto was still young. We comforted each other as I told him about my tragic past, losing both parents in a villain attack a few years ago. There was a special bond between us, made of love and sorrow, that no one else shared with us. It was comforting, knowing him around, the way he held my waist while we were kissing, the way his mesmerizingly beautiful eyes gazed into mine. I felt at home with him, nothing ever could get between us, we knew we had found each other.
It had been a long week, people celebrating the blooming summer with buying floral arrangements. I had been busy in the store handling all the requests pouring in, as our flowers were well known for their freshness and good quality. Shōto got slammed with a tight schedule, rotating unusual patrol hours and working late into the night in the office.
We were fighting to find time to spend together as we both worked relentlessly, so it was not until Saturday that we met again. It was our first time spending the night together and my heart started pounding at the thought of it. I heard a soft knock on my door and jumped up, opened the door and threw my arms around Shōto's neck. He dropped his bag, lifted me up and twirled me around, his soft laughter filling my room as he nestled his head in my neck.
“Missed you,” a low moan escaped him as our lips met and I breathed into his kiss "Me too."
I had prepared his favourite, Soba noodles. His bicolored eyes didn't stop looking at me longingly, following my every movement. The tension was hot in the air after we finished eating dinner. While I rinsed off the dishes, I felt Shōto’s touch on my body - his large hand holding my waist tenderly as he bent down, kissing the nape of my neck while his crotch pressed against me from behind.
"Are you ready for tonight?" he rasped into my ear, hot breath brushing my skin and making me shiver with pleasure, “I want you, all of you.”
My skin started getting heated as my nervousness increased “I am nervous”.
“Don't be” he turned me around, still pressing me against the counter as he cupped my cheeks, delicately holding me like I was made of glass.
Tracing my slightly parted lips with his thumb, he lifted my chin up towards him and leaned in for a sensual kiss. My eyes turned wide as his sweet breath ghosted my face. When our lips connected, I closed my eyes, stars darting behind closed lids, sparks running through my body as a throbbing heat awoke deep inside of me. Our tongues met and intertwined as he tasted me, exploring the depth of my mouth, as the kiss grew more passionate. I raised my hands and laced them into his silky hair, pulling him even closer into the kiss while he slowly started tracing along my sides.
I could feel his hot excitement growing bigger in his pants and automatically reached down to press my palm against his crotch, carefully striking it. He exhaled sharply, his kiss getting wilder, breathless until he finally parted.
Panting he gazed at me and whispered with his low husky voice, "You are going to be the death of me".
With one swift movement he lifted me on his hips, my legs and arms wrapped around him, and carried me over to my bed, where he gently laid me on the sheets. My hair fanned out behind me as I arched my back, so he could pull my shirt off, exposing my delicate skin and lacey bra. He elicited a beautiful whimper from my lips as he scooped a hand behind my back and unlatched my bra with a snap of his fingers, pulling it off.
"So beautiful…" he groaned to himself, awed by the sight.
My pants and underwear flung to the floor next. He reached behind his back, pulling his shirt off with one swift move, exposing his defined muscles and abs. I inhaled as he shrugged his jeans off and pulled down his boxers, his huge cock springing into full view. I gasped at the sheer size of it, thickly veined and glistening with precum.
As he bent forward to lean in to another kiss, our skin met, his touch irresistibly icy and hot at the same time. We continued kissing as he trailed his hands up my waist and started circling my breasts. He captured my soft moans with his mouth as he gently slid his rough hands over my delicate skin. His lips left mine and I winced at the loss, as he peppered my cheeks and neck with small little kisses.
"Baby, you are gorgeous!" he cood, nose brushing down my middle, burying his face between my breasts, before moving to one of your nipples, sucking and biting at the soft flesh.
He delighted in the soft moans that escaped my lips before he started pinching my nipple with his right, cold hand, while his left, hot to the touch, cupped my other breast so he could latch onto my pebble again. I winced at the temperature difference, purest pleasure washing through my body like jolts of electricity. His palms were massaging me, brushing over my oversensitive skin as I slowly rolled my hips against him.
"Shōto," a choking gasp fell from my lips, "I want you, now..."
He hummed in approval before letting go of my mound, "You ready, baby?" I nodded.
"Really!?" He smirked, his hand, icy to the touch, trailed down my stomach, making my hair stand up until I felt him slide his finger over my swollen folds, caressing it with every stroke. As one of his fingers slid inside of me, I mewled at the size of it, so much thicker than mine. My eyelids fluttered with lust and I bit my lower lip to suppress more moans.
“Nuh-uh, no holding back” he teased and slipped yet another finger inside, as shameless moans kept falling from my mouth.
“You sound so sweet,” his thumb caught my clit, rolling circles into it, increasing his speed until my breathing became faster and my eyes rolled back in my head. He curled his fingers inside me, watching me react like it was pure electricity as he rubbed that sensitive spot inside of me. My pupils dilated and unfocused, I felt the knot inside myself beginning to tense up and my body started to shudder.
“Now you are ready,” he watched me as my perfect lips part, a soft longing moan vibrating from my throat.
Still in a foggy haze, I felt him withdraw his hands and spread my legs apart. His hips brushed against my thighs as he positioned himself in front of my sweet folds, rubbing his cock along my slit.
“So wet, you are perfect” he whispered, mesmerized by the sight of my essence dripping onto the sheets. He leaned forward, a hand on each side of my body as he gazed down at me.
“Look at me,” he whispered longingly and our eyes locked as he slowly pushed forward.
"Oh my god," I choked out, my lungs sucking in air and I raised my hips to make room as he started to fill me up inch by inch.
"Tell me if it’s too much.” He hissed as he carefully eased all the way in. I winced as I felt my wet walls stretching around his girth, clenching, sucking his cock all the way in. He panted in my neck, buried incredibly deep inside of me. My chest heaved as he carefully pulled out of me, then back all the way in. He started moving with slow, heavy thrusts until I was a whimpering mess below him. With every move I could feel the thick ridge of his cock rub against that one special spot on my gummy walls. He rolled his hips and I threw my arms around his neck, my nails digging deep into the soft skin of his back.
“You are incredible,” he groaned and I whimpered at his words, feeling myself clench tighter. Shōto took up the pace, now thrusting into me, his head falling forward, sweat rolling down his cheek.
“Please cum on me, baby,” he managed to get out between ragged breaths and my mind started to fog over as I felt the coil inside my core snap. I keened, shameless moans falling from my mouth as my mind exploded with pleasure. My body buckled under him, as continuous waves of pure pleasure washed over me. The way my cunt squeezed around him in the aftershocks of my orgasm had Shōto following me shortly after, bottoming inside me a final time as he came deep inside my quivering walls.
His hand found mine, fingers sliding between mine, intertwining as we both whispered words of love against each other's lips. We stayed like this until our hearts stopped racing and our breathing had calmed down. When he pulled his softening cock out of me he rested his head between my breasts, taking in the sweet scent of me.
“That was… beautiful,” he murmured into my damp skin and kissed it softly, “Can't wait for more.”
He laid down next to me and I nestled into his arms and rested my head on his chest. He stroked my hair gently and kissed the top of my head. We continued caressing each other, enjoying the moments of perfect harmony. After a while we got up and took a shower together, heated kisses falling under the steaming water. We made love over and over again until it was deep in the night. Our bodies sweaty and totally spent, we snuggled up to each other. His perfect nose ran circles along my neck as he whispered with heated breath “I love you.” I gazed into his grey and turquoise eyes and whispered my love back to him. Turning off the light, we quickly fell asleep in each other's loving embrace.
Pt. 2
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