#sorry this became like a SUPER personal post omg
baked pasta is great. who doesn't like baked pasta??? those people are silly.
Heh, well I don't think people generally tend to dislike baked pasta, actually! However, I will suggest that people hate how long it takes to cook baked pasta. :D Hence why people prefer to quick-make spaghetti versus go through all the time/trouble of making baked spaghetti.
I just really, really hate spaghetti, which has been a problem for me all my life when I would go over to someone's house and they'd invite me to stay for dinner and tell me "We're making spaghetti!" and I'm always super, super polite when I go over to people's houses so I'd try to mask my swift and utter disappointment when they'd say that because if that's what they wanted to cook, why would I stop them? But, heh, my mask doesn't usually work so someone would notice and be like, "Oh wait, do you not like spaghetti?" and I'd have to be like *shyly tugging on my hands* "Um, I'm really sorry, but no..."
Of course, while I was growing up, my grandparents, with their kinda strict Southern values, would make spaghetti for dinner while I was visiting them sometimes and I'd be forced to eat it because "If you're not going to eat what I cook then I guess you won't be eating at all." That, however, was more my grandfather's philosophy (WHICH WAS SO FUCKING STUPID BECAUSE IT WAS MY GRANDMOTHER WHO COOKED 90% OF THE TIME, FFS), because my grandmother would cook for him and plenty of times she'd make stuff only because he wanted it and not because she actually liked it (and she would eat it anyway, even though after she divorced him and I grew up and would go to visit her and she'd tell me that she doesn't actually like certain foods, I'm always like "???????? But you used to eat them all the time when I was younger..." and she'd tell me, "Yeah, that's because your Papaw wanted to eat it"...). So I felt guilty enough - because she'd suffer through eating stuff that she didn't like, either - that I would suffer through eating spaghetti noodles with the tiniest bit of sauce on it because really what I don't like about spaghetti is the sauce. LOL (Which is like...well then, duh, I don't like spaghetti. Exactly!) However, my grandmother's superpower is guilt-tripping people, anyway, so she'd do that to me, also, in order to get me to eat stuff that I didn't like that she'd make. So it wasn't just my guilty, empathetic conscience or whatever; she played her part in that, too.
Also, just for the record, if it sounds like I was overly familiar with eating dinner with my grandparents, just to clarify: I never lived with them more than 4 months in a year (which only happened once), and the state was never involved with my living arrangements with my grandparents. But I only lived with them three to four times throughout my childhood, for a stretch of just one month, because my mom was in treatment. ...I feel like that's not totally necessary to mention, but that was a rumor that went around the small town that I lived in while I was growing up - that I was taken away from my mom to live with my grandparents. So I'm just saying...that never happened.
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thoughtsforsoob · 11 months
txt meets their s/o's parents/family + how they react!
a/n: hello! I'm back again with a txt post this time! I hope you enjoy it. Again, requests are always welcomed and encouraged! I hope you enjoy this work! (ps. I don't have any siblings so I will not be mentioning them! I’m so sorry!)
Yeonjun <3
GENTLEMAN! He’s such a sweetheart and does his absolute best to win over your parents. He wants to build a close relationship with them so they can trust him to take care of you. He’s so excited when you tell him your parents want to meet him that he’s practically jumping up and down to the ceiling. He immediately starts to ask you 100 questions about what to wear, what gifts to take, what to talk about, etc… you two have a nice talk and figure out everything in the following days. You two decided to make a dessert to take and it became a little date the night before. Since you want you two for breakfast, you two wake up at a decent hour, get dressed and head out the door with everything. He makes a great impression with all the thoughtful details such as the gifts and the dessert. Trust that he’ll build a beautiful connection with them. 
Soobin <3
We all know this man is a shy introvert! Just the thought of meeting your parents makes his tummy twist a little. He desperately doesn’t want to mess up their first impression of him because he wants their approval so bad! How else will he marry you someday if he has a horrible first impression?! He dresses up all cute in his little button up and slacks and fancy shoes. He orders an elegant flower arrangement for your parents and brings them some pastries from a cafe you both go to often. As you could probably already guess, he is super polite and sweet, making sure to take advantage of his doughy cheeks and gentle smile. 
Beomgyu <3
Omg keep this menace away from your parents as long as possible. Jkjk. On a serious note, he would be so confident beforehand, talking up how he’s going to wow them. He dresses up casually, talking about how ‘they’ll fall in love with my personality! Why do I have to dress up?’ After some coaxing, he dresses in something a little more formal. His whole demeanor does a giant 180 when he’s driving you to their home. “Baby…what if they hate me? What if they don’t like the gifts i bought ??” cue you having to calm him and his rambling down. Once you get him to their house and he’s met them, he gets comfortable. He leaves your house with the numbers of both your parents and they start to bond, making you question if you were their child or if it was beomgyu.
Taehyun <3
An absolute dream. He’s so handsome and dreamy and responsible, aka, the definition of: guy you want to take to meet your parents. He makes sure to pick fancy presents for both of your parents and makes sure to ask your opinion on every single little detail. He decided that you both would host the meeting dinner in your shared apartment so he wanted everything to be clean and perfect (picture taehyun in a little apron the day before, making sure the apartment is spotless and well organized). You both set the table with a yummy smelling candle, pretty tablecloth and everything else needed. Taehyun and you have such a fun time setting up and cooking beforehand! Once they arrive, he makes sure they feel at home. He even got them cute little slippers to change into! He makes sure to assure them you two are doing well and that he will always take care of you. What parents wouldn’t feel comforted by those words?
Heuning Kai <3
This cutie is so excited but when the time comes, he’s extremely shy around your parents. He decided to take it upon himself to make reservations at a really nice place in town in hopes that your parents would be impressed. When it comes to his attire…you had been asking him all week what he was going to wear but he wouldn’t tell you .The day of, you find out he’s wearing A WHOLE SUIT!! You had to beg him to wear something a little less formal and he finally agreed. “Im sorry but i just don’t want to dress down and then they think they’re not important to me! I wanna look good!” You give him a compromise and you two wear matching colors. You two arrive at the restaurant and then your parents show up and he’s breaking a sweat shaking their hands, eventually just going all in for hugs. He brings them each a little individualized gift, which you helped him pick out. He is good at bringing a fun atmosphere to the table and there isn’t a single dull of awkward moment between you four.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
can i request kylo ren x fem presenting reader (doesnt have to be afab)
i have this idea where theyre like storming the resistance because they finally found them (lol) and kylo and his S/O show up with their sabers (and theyre like obviously together), and like everyone on the resistance base is like no fucking way 😀
idk i thought it would be funny for like leia to realize "oh shit i have a daughter in law" or sum o-o
IF THAT MAKES SENSE THEN UH THATS IT (its not imaginative ik im SORRRYYYY 😭😭😭)
A/n- heyyy, OMG I LOVE THIS ANON. Also sorry if I haven’t posted): been super busy but I’m trying to get through requests. I didn’t know how to end this off
Small talk
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“You found it, sir?” You asked him, your husband nodded and you smirked ever so slightly.
Everyone looked at him in shock, waiting for orders.
“Me and general L/N will go out to the base. Along with your squad for backup, just in case. He looked at one of the squad leaders, they all nodded.
“I am expecting general leia organa to be there as well, so be aware. Me and L/N will be going in by ourselves, and you stay outside, unless I say otherwise. Got it?”
The squad going with nodded along, following orders and beginning to prepare to leave.
You followed Ben to his personal ship, and he led the squad to the base.
“Kylo. Since your moms gonna-“
“I told you, I don’t want to talk about it. We are going to go in there, storm the base, and kill everyone in it.”
You sighed, a small sliver of you wished that you could meet his mom.
You grew up in the dark side, practicing and training since birth practically. Ben was 23 when you met him, when he became Kylo Ren.
Quickly, you both became friends. He took a liking to you for months, not saying anything until you said something first.
And now, you were about 3 years married, 3 years you both had dated.
You stood up when you had landed, he stared down at the helmet in his lap, thumb moving up and down on it as it stared back in his eyes.
You looked at him, putting a hand on his shoulder and a soft smile, giving him a quick kiss.
He stood up, putting on his mask and you both walked out.
He pulled out his saber, ignoring the many alarms. You pulled out your own. Men came rushing towards you both with guns and such, trying to shoot you both.
You blocked them with the sabers, stabbing whoever dared to do such things with it smoothly and quickly.
Kylo knew you could defend yourself, but he felt rage at whoever tried to do that. Shoot for him, not her! Idiots. He thought, as he sliced through the resistance members.
The doors started to close, you both glanced at each other and knew what to do.
“How’d they find us?” Her voice was anxious, as she walked through the base.
“We don’t know. We think that someone is spying for them.”
“And it’s Ben and who?”
“The girl is known as Y/n Ren. They’re married. Apparently she’s some powerful general, no one talks about her because they’re scared. Of her and K- Ben.”
Her eyes widened at that. “Married? I have daughter in law? Guess I was never invited.” She mumbled, looking at the camera footage of you and Kylo slicing through the doors.
“Get everyone off of here. Now.”
The boy nodded, taking off and going to get everyone off.
She stayed, standing and waiting. Once everyone was off, she put up all the doors around the base.
“Ben.” She said, standing in front of him now.
You followed behind him, you threw your lightsaber up and down, and twirled it around. He gave you a glare, and looked back at the woman in front of him.
You stared at her now, and she looked back at you.
“Guessing you’re Y/n.”
“Don’t talk to her.” He said, voice threatening and modulated.
“Sure am. Guessing you’re-“
“That’s enough.” He said sternly, he didn’t want the small talk.
“What do you want, Ben?”
“It’s Kylo.”
“Take off your mask, Ben.”
He sighed, and did so.
“You were always busy. At meetings or stupid things. I hated it. God, I hated it. I was lonely, and it wasn’t until I found the dark side, until I found her that I wasn’t lonely.” He circled around her like prey, and she followed him around. His guard was up as always.
You watched the whole thing, in awe of him.
“You left me alone, it’s your fault. Everything is your fault.” He pointed the red lightsaber at her, tears welled in her eyes as she looked at his son.
“It was you.” He pointed it at her again, stopping his tracks. He stood in front of her, and stepped over to her.
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Super new here so I hope this is ok to ask, but I was wondering how you think Hades would act at get togethers in either a hades/persephone relationship or a hades/anon relationship like with his brothers + other dieties. Stumbled on your page with your earlier hades/reader textposts and became OBSESSED so yeah :)
Hi!!! Omg you’re totally fine!!!
I’m so sorry this took me forever to answer lol! 😅
I can totally do headcanons for Hades x reader / s/o and Hades x Persephone lol! Honestly, pretty much all of the x reader headcanons will apply to the Hades x Persephone headcanons, so I’ll try not to double up on headcanons lol.
But I’m assuming you mean headcanons for how Hades reacts at parties with his brothers and other gods when he’s with his s/o? Hope I’m not misinterpreting that lmao. I’ve honestly never gotten a request before lol! This is my first one so thank you so much!!! I’m so glad you like my x reader headcanons!!! 🥰
Anyways, here ya go! Headcanons are under the cut (just so the post doesn’t get too long lol)! 😁
Hades x Reader at Deity Parties (Headcanons)
Hades loves parties! Too bad he doesn’t get invited to many these days.
He loves parties even more when he’s with you!
He will fight for you to get into the party if you’re a mortal or demigod.
If they refuse you then he just leaves with you to do something else.
“Forget about it, babe. Those losers don’t know how to party anyways. It’s probably a total snooze fest in there. Let’s just crash some Grecian festival, huh? Most the mortals down there know how to party better than the gods do up here.”
But if you guys do get in then he spends most of the time chatting and schmoozing with the other gods (or at least trying to anyways, they don’t really wanna talk to him). He may even try to scheme his way into getting something he wants from another god while he’s there.
If he’s not chatting with the other gods then he’s usually chatting with you.
Hades is a total gossip so he’s gonna dish the juicy deets and all the tea to you.
“Did you hear about Iris’ run in with some satyrs a couple months ago? Yeah, I heard she tried to crash their bacchanal or something and a big fight broke out. Crazy stuff.”
He also just loves to watch the other gods at the party with you and comment on what’s going on.
“Look, I think Apollo’s gonna make a move on one of the muses….oof! Shot down like Achilles in the Trojan war. Yikes.”
If you’re more of the shy type then Hades doesn’t mind you sticking around him the whole time and he won’t try to force you to talk to anyone. He’ll pretty much do all the talking for you lol.
If you do decide to chat with someone (whether you’re shy or not) while he’s around, he refuses to let anyone interrupt you when you’re talking.
He’s also gonna be listening and taking in every word you say when you talk because this god is just so enamored by you. He could listen to you talk for hours.
Hates when his brothers talk to you. It’s nothing against you. He just hates his brothers lol.
It drives Hades crazy when his brothers tell embarrassing stories about him to you. He thinks they do that deliberately to make you leave him and/or think poorly of him.
Absolutely 100% gets jealous if he thinks someone is trying to flirt with you, even if the other person is in a relationship already. Cue Hades getting all handsy with you and making snarky and passive aggressive comments towards the other deity “flirting” with you.
Also, whether Hades is jealous or not, he loves PDA and will love on you and kiss you during the whole party (as long as you’re okay with that, of course).
If you ever get uncomfortable at a party for any reason he’ll find any way for you to make you feel more at ease.
If you end up wanting to leave a party early, then he’s cool with that.
But Hades will stay as long as you want at the parties. Even if you’re nearly the last two left, he’ll stay until you’re ready to go.
Hades x Persephone at Deity Parties (Headcanons)
The only reason Hades is invited to parties nowadays is mainly because of Persephone.
The other gods can’t stand Hades, but they love Persephone and don’t want her to feel left out. They also know how much the two love each other and how inseparable they are, so they’re pretty much a dual package.
The other gods are pretty much forced to “play nice” with Hades since Persephone’s there lol.
Hades also has to “play nice” with his brothers and the gods he doesn’t like (which is most of them) for the sake of Persephone.
Hades isn’t usually much of a problem at the parties than he used to be since Persephone is there to sorta rein him in so he doesn’t cause trouble or mischief.
Persephone usually tries to talk to the deities she’s used to talking to (like her mother, Artemis, Aphrodite, Apollo, etc.).
She also tries to stick with Hades the whole time at parties just because she feels awkward when she ends up standing alone.
If Persephone ever gets stuck talking to someone she doesn’t want to talk to or just in an awkward situation, Hades (being the smooth talker he is) will always swoop in to “save the day” whether that’s redirecting the conversation or just pulling her away from whoever she’s talking to.
Hades LOVES to brag about his wife and the fact that he’s married to Persephone to EVERYONE lol. Like, it was kinda cute when they first got married, but now everyone’s just like “Yeah, we get it, Hades. You’re crazy in love with your wife. We can see that.”
They’ll both constantly try to avoid their relatives because their family drives them crazy (unless Hades’ mom is at the party lol, she’s the only family member he can stand).
Hades is constantly kissing and loving on his wife during parties. She gets all flustered about it, but she loves it.
Takes any chance he can get to call Persephone his wife because he’s so freaking proud and lucky to have her. Like, he just wants to show her off to everyone.
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
My experiences with DreamWidth fandom spaces are the same as my experiences with DreamWidth RP: a lot of people talk about wanting more people to post, missing the old days, and disliking fandom puritanism, but don't interact with others much and, when someone disagrees with them, decide that this is the end of the world. I've seen people in DWRP angry at other people for disagreements from up to 12 years ago. I've seen people in DW fandom spaces vaguepost about specific people they're mad at for disagreeing with them from up to 8 years ago. Neither reaction makes me go, "Ah, yes, this is where I want to hang out", because I just don't fucking care. When someone confronts me about traumatizing them because I said I didn't find X character as engaging as Y or I think it's possible Character A is bi and not gay/lesbian default and it's been 5 years, my first thought is almost always, "I'm sorry, who?" and not, "OMG I feel so bad let me apologize for this!" Not apologizing doesn't go over well, so it's off to gossip to their friends in DMs and on other sites about how someone else totally said this, that and the other thing too and it was super mean.
IDK, maybe I'm just old (I did just turn 30) but I look at this kind of drama and all I can think is, "I don't care and I don't have the energy to engage with this." It doesn't help that I meet people on DW who are self-identified fandom olds (usually that means they're 40-ish) who complain about yaoi fangirls/"fujoshits" and call female characters who've had multiple sexual partners "cockhops" and assume anyone writing f/f is a "neckbeard". This is still less sensitive than antis are, but there's still a lot of moralizing things you don't like and reading into what someone writes in order to judge them as a person.
Between that and the very low level of overall engagement it kind of feels not worth it? I'm not seeing what the benefit is. Making fandom friends is fairly difficult on DW and when you do, losing them is as easy as not having seen something, not liking a pairing or not caring about something (contentious canons, especially). I'm sure someone's having a great time but to me it's sort of like shouting into the void, except sometimes the void calls you a fujoshit neckbeard and never elaborates on how that'd work.
DW's moment as a potential community hub has come and gone, in my opinion. Now, it's just the people who can't hack it on other platforms plus some legacy uses that DW is good for that other sites aren't.
I did make more of an effort to make fetch happen in the past, but it became apparent that a lot of the people who are primarily on DW are not people I want to make that effort for. I've got a couple of old friends still hanging out there because they like very text-based internet stuff, and good for them, but overall... yeah... the vibe just isn't that great a lot of the time.
I used to advocate getting a DW just to have a place to link your other social media in case your tumblr is suddenly deleted due to mysterious tumblr enforcement shenanigans... but honestly, I could probably use my AO3 profile for that just as well.
I'm glad DW is still around, and I hope it continues to be. I don't regret my seed account. But it's just not something I use actively in the 2020s.
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wtfwhy · 9 months
First of all its a slice of life comedy 
No villain just normal problems, but maybe background Monroe issues
Each character has a running gag or a funny arc 
Runs his own veterinary business but accidentally placed his building in a place with primary cat people. He can not treat cats because they go crazy around him (he tells the humans he's allergic to cats). So the whole movie is him talking to real estate agents about buying a new building and selling his current one. The process is painfully slow. (but the new place is in beacon hills were this all takes place)
Is still not in the movie but a bit after 6b she came back from the skinwalkers and she and scott get married. During the movie she's actually having a girls weekend with the skinwalkers because they became good friends 
She and Stiles have twins (like 10 years old or something) and a newborn baby. Stiles convinces Lydia to take a break cause she's so stressed and to go visit their friends (so thats why shes in bh) during the movie she'll be having a conversation interrupts by taking a phone call. Its the twins' school. She is the leader of the PTA. This happens multiple times throughout the movie. (minor detail of her being super successful, getting that feilds medal, and being like the second Stephen Hawkins basically)
Is at home taking care of the newborn, we cant hear his voice but Lydia talks to him on the phone.
Is just constantly hanging out with lydia the entire movie, her sidekick, her goon
Life way more put together than in the real movie. She works as like a camp ranger nature person or whatever, has weekly dinner with Mr. Tate, and is overall living her best life. Shes currently single but like every guy her age in beacon hills is trying to get with her. Shes also internet famous. She has simps. She lives in beacon hills but has traveled to a few different countries, including france 
Is no longer a cop because he found his true calling in modeling 
Retired and tired. Lydia is staying with him during her visit. He's just really happy about being a grandfather
Same basically, a cool dad, so similar to tyler heclens (idk sp) portrayal of clark kent that a joke about that is made
The scene where he talks to coach is there so that coach can not recognize him and then derek is like "oh sorry, how about now?" (he walked into the corner of the room, clenched his fists at his side, and started glaring like he was about to kill someone) and coach is like omg yeah i remember you, hows it been? 
Also he is married to braeden and she is elis step mom
ALSO he has 11 kids including eli, he is tom baker cheaper by the dozen.
Stiles' biggest fan, just like that one post✊ (i saw a post about that being why hes like stiles and it annoying derek and its one of the funniest things ever, i dont remeber the poster sorry) calls all of the original pack uncle or aunt. He and Malia besties. His arc is he has a boyfriend or girlfriend and is trying desperately for no one to find out because they all babysitted him and are notorious for telling embarassing baby stories to his friends and previous partners. He's the oldest sibling.
Literally just chilling, planning a tropical vacation, is married to Melissa 
Still works at hospital, overly mushy with chris, especially in front of peter 
Same as usual but 10x more dramatic. Lives on Melissa's coach. Theres a few random times in the movie hes being interviewed like hes in the office. He's the only one that this happens with.
Only speaks in french, but there are subtitles for the audience. Only speaks English to Chris even though Chris knows french. Malia and him are friends from when she visited france.
Professional lacrosse player, is in the lacrosse nfl (i have no idea if thats a thing) hangs out with mason and on his off time he leads an anger management class
Politician, the only thing stopping him from being president is his age. Corey uses his powers to steal incriminating evidence against masons evil political opponents. They are married. 
He's a trailer life vlogger, very successful online. Regularly hits up scott and liam for no particular reason (its because hes lonely) its never mentioned but there's a brief shot of his trailer and on one of the walls there's a picture of the pack with a picture of theo tapped to it. And/or just a picture of stiles* Bonus points for hearts. 
He goes to liams class as a demonstration on how not to beat someone up when you're angry (liam and theo usually end up fighting anyway)
Either not in it or inexplicably alive. No mention as of how or why or when she came back. At one point there is a very clear reference to her death so the audience knows it wasn't reconned or something 
OR ( my sister's idea) Chris Ouija boards her every friday night and they chat
Just doing completely unrelated shady shit, which all ends up being something super anti-climatic 
This is my vision
*to clarify, i dont ship them, its just that how obsessed theo was with void stiles lives rent free in my head
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kai-anderson-whore · 2 years
Took you long enough (Peter maximoff x fem reader)
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Summary: you and Peter have been best friends since logan and your father needed him for a favour now it your dad's school Peter confesses his secret to you
Warnings: none just fluff
A/n: a day or two ago I posted a poll on what fic I should upload next and Peter was the most requested I'll do another one in a day or two with the other two and one more that I'm finishing.
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
The halls were flooded with students in the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, your fathers school matter of fact your Walkman playing your music through your ears, not bothering with anyone, till you bumped into a certain speedster.
"Peter christ I almost dropped my books" you huffed peeling your headphones from your ears, "sorry I gotta go I'm super late for class" he said speeding away in a flash, pretty ironic he has superspeed yet is always superlate you often thought that was his supernatural ability being late for everything.
You had met Peter before you dad restarted the school, back in the 70s when Peter helped magneto escape prison with your dad, hank and logan, from then on your became friends with your supernatural abilities and similar music taste was how you bonded.
Your father was sceptical with the friendship since Peter was a boy and your dad charles was very protective of you, finally making it to class you didn't pay attention since your dad taught you most of the stuff you needed to know growing up.
Once the class was over you were greeted by Peter who stood outside your class waiting for you, "hang out?" You asked since you didn't have anymore classes for the rest of the day, "read my mind" he smiled "well it is my power" you laughed so did he "hold on" he said grabbing on to you as he sped you to your room.
You never got used to the speed he went the first time you got whiplash and a few times after that, you made it to your dorm room in the blink of an eye, "I'll never get used to that" you chuckled your supernatural ability was the same as your father's getting into people's heads reading their minds.
"It is cool though" he smirked plopping down on your bed, you placed a record on, placing the needle on the round disc, plopping beside Peter "so what you wanna talk about?" You asked grabbing the magazine you forgot to finish off the night before about the latest celebrity gossip.
"Well actually there's something I've been meaning to tell you" he nervously chuckled scratching the back of his neck, "What's up?" You closed the magazine giving Peter you full undivided attention, "well you know we've been friends for a while" he started you nodded encouraging him to continue you felt nervous you could've read his mind to know what he was going to say but you didn't like reading minds invading their thoughts.
"And I know you promised me not to read my mind to know what I'm thinking but that's because I've been keeping a secret from you" he paused you furrowed your brows confused Peter told you absolutely everything you were his best friend, "omg it's that girl in class I knew you liked her" you realised acting all excited but in reality you were sad.
Peter is your best friend but you had a big fat crush on him since you first met you seen him date other girls but they never worked out you were always happy when he had a girlfriend making him happy but that selfish part of you couldn't wait till they broke up.
"No, no its not her but I do like someone like a lot" he chuckled so did you seeing the blush rising in his cheeks, "then who Peter come on I'm your best friend you can tell me" you egged on Peter was hesitant to say another word scared that what he would say would upset you and ruin the friendship you two had built.
"Well she is in my class infact she knows me very well and I feel like we're the same person" he hinted you tried to think of everyone in the school that talks to Peter a lot but you couldn't think, "just tell me Peter" you couldn't guess who it was at all Peter just stared at you hoping you would click on "it's me?" You gasped in shock now finally connecting the dots.
"Took you long enough" Peter nervously laughed the slight fear that you'd reject him made him regret his choice, "I don't know what to say Peter when? how? why?" Your head was filled with questions you couldn't wrap your around it. Peter let out a soft chuckle at how confused you were.
"Well when I first met you, how and why because you're beautiful y/n your smart, funny and most of all you know me well how could I not" Peter smiled you couldn't help it you wrapped your arms around Peter connecting your lips together in a sweet tender kiss.
You felt like that girl in the movie's were they finally kiss the person they loved, as cliché as it sound but it was true, having peters lips on yours made you feel like a million dollars.
You pulled away from his lips blushing, you kissed your best friend you didn't know what to say now. it wasn't awkward you just didn't know what to say, "that was amazing" Peter whispered he also couldn't believe what just happened he had been dying to confess his feeling to you for months and he finally mustered up the courage to do so.
"It was" you bit your fingernails with nerves your mind fogged with more questions, what was this for us?, what if we don't work?, you cleared your throat to speak "what are we now like where do we go from here?" You asked you did have strong feelings for Peter but you didn't want to rush into a relationship and then your friendship might go tits up.
"Whatever you want to do if you don't want to rush into anything right now I'm totally ok with that I just wanted you to know how I feel" Peter reassured  you, "maybe take it slow before jumping on the ban-wagon if we work we work if we don't then we will continue our friendship like it is" you settled Peter seemed happy at that agreeing with you.
"That's fine by me, oh want me to change the record" Peter asked now realising the record you put on was now finished, "Yeah thanks peter" you smiled.
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worrabei · 1 year
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OKAY, hear me out before reading the text below: this blog of mine is just a place, where I can see my progress in many of things, and writing in english is one of them. the deal is - english is not my native language, and my way of writing can look very bad.
if you decide to read my little sketch, firstly - good luck; and secondly, if when you see some dumb mistakes - feel free to comment because learning stuff is fun!
(also I'm like probably need to do a disclaimer or something like this, but I don't know how :D)
well, it's just fluff (?), without any triggers and just something that was in my head for a while. also I'm using the real names on the dream team in this text. actually, all my thoughts slowly became a whole au (this is the right word for it, right?), so if I will be really confident, maybe I write something else....
UGH this is again a super long text, I'M SORRY.
imagine that you've been friends with «dream team» for an almost a three years.
originally you were an employee on a mr. beast team, something that others would call an errand boy (well, errand girl in your case). but despite your small position in a whole team, everyone was simply in love with you. you just were a little shining star, that everybody adored. and beside that, you knew how to do your job. and by one of these hard-working days, you've meet sapnap.
there were a small pause between shooting for a new challenge video, where nick was one of the judges, and it happend that you both had a chance to chat for a little bit. you two find in each other someone nice, almost like a soulmate. when you too start to speak about different topics, including hobbies and favorite things, something just clicked. after a shooting, y'all just spontaneously decided to go for a walk. you both just can't stop talking, and after a hour or so, you find yourself on a basketball court. the day slowly becoming an evening, there only a few people around, and you two with beer cans just lazily playing basketball.
and after that day your life just start change entirely.
after sapnap you've met sunshine with name karl, and then dream, george, even quackity. the boys was also amazed with your warm personality and you all pretty fast become great buddies. you start to show in theirs instagram photos, twitter posts, stories. you've slowly become an important member of their group. staying for a movie night, cook for them, give a ride on your car, making birthday presents, spending time in video games, and eventually joining the streams.
to be honest, chat was kinda aggressive by the first time and full of comments like "omg why are they even let this girl to join, she's just ruining all the fun" and bunch of other not-so-nice words. guys were super sorry that you have to deal with all this hate, but you honestly won't making a big deal out of that. you just continue to show up from time to time, and slowly but surely people realize that your "boring" side was actually a "super caring" side.
and only after this realization everybody understand how cool actually your character resonates with sometimes childish characters of the rest of the group. the memes start to full the internet, boys start jokingly addresses to you like "sweet mother of ours", and you were very audible and visible cringing at the name, but they're just unstoppable.
and after a two and a half years of your friendship, after george finally gets a visa and clay does a face reveal, four of you guys finally moved together.
and that simply become a golden era of your friendship.
you spend mornings with george, when you get ready for work and this man with no sleep schedule gives you company. at the moment that you start making a breakfast, this man just magically appears with his cute puppy eyes, and after the few times when your plate was getting empty for about a fifteen seconds, you just start to cook for you two. imagine: dark room with only one working lamp, you both eating some puffy pancakes, drinking something warm, chatting and silently giggling. it's a little foggy outside, and almost absolute silence. sounds really comforting, does it not? after you finished eating, you give george a small kiss on his head, maybe mess up with his hair and beg him to get some rest.
the days fly by really fast, when you making stuff with dream. join the stream for a moment? sure. what about the new idea for the video/song? tell me everything. maybe you want to go to the shopping together? get in my car, clay. you freely can go to his room when silence in your head gets too loud. often you just knock on his room door shyly, and ask if you can sit on the bed while dealing with work. and he never refuse. also you absolutely love to draw him in the moments when he really focused on something, maybe make him a few more knitted hats or something cute, but stupid. and he absolutely melts at every single touch. you just need to tell him that everything is okay, and he always can find a support in his friends. and he's so thankful for this.
and finally, you want the evenings to never end because you spend them with sapnap. he don't want to show it, but you just see it anyways - he cares about you. of course, that doesn't mean that other guys don't care, but sapnap do it in his own way and you really appreciate it. almost every evening he casually walks into your room, and if he sees how tired you look because of the work, all his appearance softens immediately. with his silent, raspy voice he asks how do you feel. and if your answer not satisfying enough, nick just casually says that he's going to wait you in the car. and that means - this evening going to be awesome. you both have no clue what are you going to do tonight, but that's just more fun, right? basketball court, just like in the old times? eating junk food in the car, while chatting and shouting the songs? skateboarding park, when nick trying to impress you, but just stupidly falls and now you need to bandage all his wounds, while you just can't stop from laughing? (he's trying to act offended, but inside he's all fluff, believe me).
but sometimes you decide to hang out in the house. sapnap picks up some random film, brings more pillows and blankets, you cook (or order) snaks, and you both just simply chilling together after a long day. and I don't need to tell that almost every time the rest of the group decide to join. maybe it's even spontaneously become a movie night? who knows. you can't even blink, and it's 3am already, the third movie silently playing on the back, all the boys sleeping and barely audibly snore. and only you stubbornly want to wait until the credits. and the movie finally ends, you trying to clean up a little, while you judge the main character in your mind. when you come back to the sleeping kingdom, you can't help but smile at the view of three big men just calmly sleeping, and unconsciously trying to hug something. you definitely take a few photos, and when you want to go to your room, suddenly dream wakes up and mid-sleep reach up to you, whispering that he want to cuddle. your heart was not ready for this, and you just can't say "no" to him.
and when you slowly falling into sleep, while warm big hands carefully hugs you, you just think to yourself - oh, how extremely lucky you are.
well, maybe you can skip the next day at work.
...you can't miss how nick and george all morning going to scream that they're absolutely-for a hundred percent-for sure-definitely didn't hug each other all night.
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i feel like recommending people follow my moots and here’s why
@shortgaything is super funny and sweet and is so fun to interact with
@underappreciatedtomato is one of the most kind hearted people on here you could def use their positivity on your dash (ik i appreciate it ^^)
@niallermybabe IS SO MUCH FUN OMG! bella is like the first person i became friends with on here and she’s SO amazing and silly
@waitingforthesunrise is the most wise person i think on all of tumblr. her posts about self love and positivity are genuinely so nice to read when i’m having a bad day <3
@dicklessswonder is one of the funniest people on here, he’s great and also just so nice TvT
@saph-for-now i haven’t interacted with them for very long but they’re super cool and you should go follow them 🫵 (they also are the reason i finally started my gomens fic so thank you 🙏)
@enderdragon-1030 literally my bestie don’t ask questions go follow them because they’re so silly
@marsisrealscared also my bestie (and husband) so go follow him because he’s also a silly goober
@soda-shark is another good friend of mine (hey bestie 😏) anyways, they post a lot and it’s all super funny (there’s a lot of fnaf rn and it’s all so cool) so go follow them
@live-laugh-loki another silly goober who you should follow just because she is silly and i love her she’s great go do it 🫵
@lucinda-008 irl bestie of like idk 5 years? anyways they make a lot of really funny and relatable posts and it’s all super silly
i feel like there’s people i’m missing (sorry!!) really all of my mooties are amazing but
‼️follow these people because they’re awesome and i love them all and they need more recognition‼️
eheheheeh byeeeee 🤩
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valleydean · 2 months
❣️❣️❣️tag! you're it in the self rec game! fic writers dont talk about their wonderful writing enough, so recommend your 5 favorite fictions written by YOU and tell us what you love about the fics or the process of writing them, then tag or send this question to 5 of your favorite fic writers to keep the game going❣️❣️❣️
ooh this is awesome. thank you, anon. i will always take an opportunity to talk about Me.
Gotta be the Heavyweight series first, because i'm currently posting part 3 of it and i want people to read it lol. this one kinda snuck up on me because i didn't expect it to take over my brain when i was writing part 1 - and i never expected to make it into a series. i just kinda like taking the worst parts of dean and cas' personality traits and running with them. to be like "they're awful but they love each other anyway and they're perfect for each other." it's been fun, but i do sometimes say to myself "i can't believe this level of asshole is living somewhere inside of me." like i think i've become more arrogant since i started writing this series??? but i love writing fight scenes so it's been great to write a story about boxing.
Raise the Black. my favorite fic i've ever written. it wrote itself lmao. it's the first au concept i ever came up with like.... over a decade ago. and i just never wrote it. it kinda became the super secret fic that i would tell myself in my head as i was falling asleep, and i do miss dreaming about it now that it's all out and over. but at the same time, it changed a lot over the years and the show and characters grew and expanded, so it's cool to have a finished product for the story.
The Shawnee Trail. this one kept me sane during the first year of covid. i love westerns. it's my favorite genre. and i always wanted to write one, but i never really had the time to dedicate to it until lockdown. i thought i'd be nightmare while writing it because it had to be Perfect, but i was actually in a good mood the whole time. it was sooooo fun to write! i've never had a better time writing a story as i did with this one. i do need to write more westerns.
Redux. the season 16 i wrote out of spite for the ending of the show. started working on it on november 20th, 2020. it gave me a lot of closure, in a way. i just love these characters so much so i wanted to give them a happy ending. they deserve it, i deserve it. i'm glad i could give it to them in some small way. writing this really helped me work through my emotions and grief about the end of the show.
I can't really decide between Castiel Novak's Office, This is Dean and my horror series (which is multiple fics, so i guess that disqualifies the series lol). Cas Novak's Office is basically my diary, and whenever people say "omg this is the best dean characterization i've ever read" it freaks me the fuck out because these are just my innermost thoughts that i've never told another soul hahahah. and the horror series is just fun! i put one out every year around halloween and they're usually my favorite fics to write. i love writing horror. i look forward to it every year.
i know a lot of people will probably be surprised that a ghost story isn't on this list but ??? idk. in a way, that fic will always be special to me and it's definitely the one i'm most known for, but to be honest it's not in my top 5 list of favorites sorry
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cosmeww · 1 year
Okay so..
I present my addams! Rottmnt au oc
Hides my face in my hoodie anxiously and shakes
waves at @lackablazeical
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Okok info dump time
I proofread this multiple times and had both donnie and finn proof read it but we're all super tired so im sorry if theres spelling mistakes or bad wording m(_ _;)m
Im super anxious and embarrased to post this but fuck it we ball!!! B)
He + any
Bi ftm
Turantula mutant
Autism, adhd, and bpd haver
Eight is a primarily black fluffy spider. He has 6 arms along his torso, at the very begging of each joint theres dark orange fur, this is also applied at the top of his thighs where they connect to his hips. Despite him eating well, he's quite thin and lean, ribs and other bones being very visible under his fur.
He has bright yellow eyes that stand out in the dark, as well as eight of them.
What he wears
In the beggining:
He can be seen wearing absolutely nothing
After Donnie finds him:
A cream colored (why does that sound so weird to say..?????? Cream?? Cream?? Cream????) straight jacket and grey shorts. His arms are broken and cuffed behind his back, as well as a bit roughed up from him clawing at himself, though you can't see this unless his straight jacket was taken off.
Despite his many eyes 8 has less than par eyesight. He is permanently seeing through the equivalent of a foggy mirror. Due to this he relies mainly on his hearing and other senses. He can sense movement and sound and relies on that more than what he actually see's.
Yes he can make webs. Yes he does it frequently. Yes he traps food in them.
Eight is carnivorous and eats small animals ranging from mice, rabbits, rats, squirrels, cats, and more.
He is very flexible, horrifically so, it's quite scary.
Stims a lot, physically and verbally ranging from flapping his arms to nawing on himself or anything around him.
Eight can also climb on walls and ceilings with ease.
His memory is messy and confusing, sometimes coming back to him in random bursts.
No he is not related to Bw at all he has never even heard of her.
He is very good at sewing :)
Eight is just a silly goofy little guy. He talks a lot about everything on his mind all the time. If he thinks it he'll say it. Due to his "talk first think later" mentality, he often snaps back with snarky comments unintentionally or is just plain rude without noticing because he's literally just speaking his mind. He's working on it. Despite this he is genuinely very caring and nice and just wants friends to talk to for hours even if all they'll do is just sit and listen.
Small spaces
Other bugs!! Both to eat and play with :)
The dark
Ishida & mona!!!
Climbing, running, just moving around in general
Making friends :D
Wolves cats and coyotes (steal his food)
Quite people
Being hungry
Being restrained or in any situation where he can't move around
Eight remembers nothing from before he was turned or even how he was turned. He woke up in a forest as a spider mutant and just kind of rolled with it, living in the forest for a while before getting bored and lonely, so he decided to explore. In his exploration he came across the turtles massive fucking mansion and was like "OMG SO MANY HIDING SPACES!!!" and pretty much just crawled in through somewhere (maybe an open window or a vent) he wandered around only intending to stay for a bit then head back to where he called "home" until he heard ishida and was in aw "COOL PERSON!!!!! :DDD" so he stuck around to see him again and became the houses unknown pest control, in return for consuming all rodents and other small animals he covered every possible hiding place in webs.
On another day of saying hi to an unknowing ishida (I mean he literally just. Sat in the shadows and waved at ishida or to him a green and white blurry thing. It's like waving at a character on a tv lol) he got distracted and slipped up, not noticing donnie and pretty much unable to see where he was freaked out and got his ass caught.. Oh no... :( BOZO sorry anyways and then starts a new era of being restrained and the looming threat of losing his arms and eyes ^^
It's unsure why he has such an interest in Ishida, maybe it's admiration? Maybe he thinks he's pretty?? Or maybe he's just really fucking hungry and wants to eat him, he does eat rabbits after all.... :/// idc what you interpret it as or whatever!! I'll literally just go with whatever people would want more ><
Haha okay thats all uh yea twirls hair and makes myself sick of anxiety 😞
To whoever see's this i hope u like and don't think im weird :3
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innerslumber · 1 year
I went to the Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes exhibit and wanted to share for anyone who has not seen it. I am under the impression that the installation changes from location to location so I wanted to show this snapshot in time. I fully admit to being biased in what I will post so if you want to see a particular character, please let me know! Apologies ahead of time for my crappy photo taking skills.
Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
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Okay, see that picture above? Yeah. That's it. I looked through the whole exhibit and only saw that ONE wall display of Deadpool. Is it possible that I could have missed something? Yes. But do I think I did? Not really.
Which makes me basically think, what the hell man?!?! Where's Deadpool?! If you got space on the wall for freaking Morbius then where is my Merc with a Mouth??? Also his reading material of choice? 👇👇👇
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Did @vancityreynolds commission this particular art installation? Because this is exactly the kind of shit he would pull to troll Chris Evans.
The ONLY saving grace from my disappointment was that as I was approaching the wall art of Deadpool, the sweetest and most adorable child voice says: "Look! It's Deadpool!" with happiness and glee. Then his (who I assume is his mother), said: "Oh. My. GOD." with the disgust and disdain reserved for a forgotten box of takeout that got shoved so far to the back of the fridge that it became its own ecosystem and is now declaring independence.
The sheer willpower I had to apply not to burst out laughing was monumental. Knowing that Deadpool is out there corrupting our youth to the horror of their probably sensible parents brought me so much joy. It was just enough to overcome my sadness that this exhibit had no section for Deadpool.
But you know what wasn't going to let me down? That's right, The Gift Shop. Because Deadpool ain't gonna be showcased in the legitimate exhibit space but oh no, capitalism don't care about optics! There's shirts! There's magnets! There's hats! THERE'S COOKBOOKS!
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And of course it was going to be a chimichanga recipe! Did we ever have a doubt? I will say this looked better than Captain America's Beef Tongue Terrine recipe that was also in the book. (Sorry Steve...)
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Oh and speaking of more Deadpool and Captain America synergy, remember I mentioned hats? Yeah. Just a whole ass display of beanies that only came in two designs. Like...this was a CHOICE, okay? It can't be a fucking coincidence that they only had these two options.
Honestly by the time I was done my 5th lap of the gift shop, I wondered if this is how Cameo Chris Evans felt watching Free Guy and seeing Ryan Reynolds just do whatever the fuck he wants with the shield.
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I mean, I know I sound like a whiny punk ass but not even a single comic cover of Deadpool? 😭😭😭 Omg the fangirl tears I would have wept at seeing a Spider-Man/Deadpool cover! Did Ryan and Andrew kissing at the Golden Globes mean nothing to you, Marvel?!?!
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Fuck No! I love that museum, okay? They do awesome work. This was obviously an oversight done by the person I blame any time Marvel shits its pants: Kevin Feige. Maybe also the Russo brothers.
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Uhh...well I got these.
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Look how adorable little Cap is!! 😍😍😍
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Shut up, Ted Lasso! It was worth it! I already have a bunch of stuff with your mug on it so I wasn't going to buy more! Now this is me, walking away into the sunset with my precious cargo. Sayonara motherfucker!
(And sending vibes to the next location for the Marvel exhibit to show some damn Deadpool. Don't let me down!)
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crystallinestars · 4 months
Regarding your post mentioning Genshin burnout, recently I kind of felt it as well ! The only saving grace for me was Scara's banner, I finally managed to get him on Tuesday after pining for him during the past few months. So I guess I kind of have more motivation to play now? Esp to build him along w his team (Layla and Faruzan also popped up in my rolls :D). But after I've built them sufficiently, I might lose motivation again ...
And I saw you mention toxicity on online platforms, this is so real (for both Genshin and HSR) 😭 Like I was scrolling on Reddit yesterday and I saw a hella cute AvenPaz family artwork. It was then reposted on another subreddit (It's kinda meme-y community) and OMG they were being so rude ... Like they legit seemed so pressed seeing Aventurine in a non-BL ship. They were going "ohhh the str8s are at it again," (they used a more obscene term that I won't name) and I was thinking: so my bi self is apparently mega straight now just because I like NL stuff, huh 🤨🤨 I had to unsubscribe, like I loved seeing the funny edit pics from this subreddit but whenever they see a NL ship (or even a hint that a male playable character could be with girl) they just absolutely become so rude... I guess it could have been worse (like straight up brigading the artist) but the negativity was so so off-putting. Ofc we could all have our own preferences but whyyy feel the need to become so insulting when they see something they don't like.
Big big sorry for longggg negative vibes rant 😭 Ngl I'm also super tempted to go off about the treatment of a certain architect by the hands of both Mihoyo and a huge chunk of Genshin fandom, but if it is too uncomfy for you then I will refrain. ^^ I don't want to disrespect your blog !
Tbh though it is comforting to know that there are at least other Genshin likers (esp girls) who have similar sentiments regarding BL and our favorite architect ahahah...
Congrats on pulling Scara!!! He’s so much fun and a godsend in exploration. Seems you already have a good team for him (I use Layla and Faruzan with him too 😄)! May he grow big and strong haha.
If you lose motivation to play again, well… don’t play! Do something else you find fun! Life is too short to dedicate all your free time to a single game.
Honestly, the entirety of the Hoyoverse fandom is quite toxic. The only game that’s exempt from it, to my knowledge, is Tears of Themis.
Reddit is definitely up there with Twitter for being the most toxic platform in the fandom (I’m guessing TikTok and Instagram too, but I’ve never been on these sites). The BG/NL ship bashing is incredibly common, unfortunately. Really can’t enjoy anything NL on there. Really, why can’t they leave the things they don’t like alone and just move on? Why be so rude? 😔
I used to be a part of AlhaithamMains and things were mostly chill at first, but over time it became a haikaveh mains. Anyone who requested for there to be a separate sub for the ship was berated, and posts politely saying they didn’t see Kaveh and Alhaitham in a romantic light were rife with hateful and aggressive comments. I remember someone posted Kavehlumi art in KavehMains, and one person had the audacity to comment that Kaveh actually belongs to Alhaitham. And these types of comments were EVERYWHERE, under every NL ship post.
I took one peek into AventurineMains, saw the very first post talk about how Ratiorine is implied in the 2.0 quest, and noped out of there. Not surprised the same fate befell Aventurine 😔
So yes, Reddit is full of awful, loud people that ruin the fun for anyone who doesn’t ship the popular ship. You were right to leave. I left a long time ago and have been so much happier because of it. It’s unfortunate you have can’t enjoy a lot of things now, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to protect your mental health.
If you want to go off and rant about how Kaveh gets treated, please do! God knows I have my own gripes about it, so it’s really nice to know I’m not the only one troubled by it. Plus, I love it when people share their complaints with me, so don’t worry about being too negative.
Trust me, there are quite a few of us girls who love Kaveh but don’t care for BL. We just keep to ourselves and stay quiet to avoid trouble from the toxic shippers.
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melis-writes · 2 years
Hi, I had watched the movie Carlito’s Way a long while ago and became absolutely obsessed with him. So I came to tumblr in search of something to soothe the absolute hunger I have for him. And I had ended up being pretty disappointed because there really wasn’t anything on here for him except for the two fanfics you posted. And lord.. when I read them, I lost my shit.😭
Your writing is fucking amazing, literally a work of art. I was so deviously down bad that I was coming back to reread your fics almost every single day. Like I quite literally couldn’t get through my bad without reading your Carlito fanfics. So, I hope you don’t mind me sending in a couple of requests.🫶(because I’m a filthy little slut for Carlito and you are the only person who can perfectly fulfill by sinful thirst for this man.) also sorry if this is a lil too explicit if I make you uncomfortable or anything you can just ignore this message entirely and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.
So imagine, Carlito is sitting at his desk quietly. Trying desperately to focus on the paperwork in-front of him. Trying to focus on anything but you and how your cunt was squeezing him so fucking tightly. He feels you, sees you. Squirming impatiently, legs shaking, nails digging into the soft silk robe he bought that you had wrapped around your beautiful body, god- and how absolutely fucking wet you were. His cock was telling him to take you right there. Throw you over the desk and fuck you like the slut you were. He could only imagine how it would feel to grab you by the hair, manhandle you, and drag his cock in and out of you. He couldn’t just sit here, especially when you felt so good warning his cock. He was supposed to be punishing you for christ sake. But when he was around you all of his resolve seemed to disappear in an instant.
Yea I tried.😭 in short I just need you to hook me up. Im just desperate. You literally don't even have to do what I asked. You could feed me pig food and I would eat it. I just need a filthy Carlitos smut fic. I'm dying without one. But yea, sorry if this is too much and again If your not comfortable you can ignore this entire message. But I just need some Carlito right now. 🙁
I hope your doing well, have a nice (night/day/evening) bye - your #1 fan ❤️❤️
Omg hello Mrs. Brigante!! 😍😍 Wow, honestly this ask/prompt request surprised and blew me away in the best way possible. I don’t blame you with the Carlito obsession, honestly! 😅❤️ I don’t see much of it though and Carlito is so underrated!! I was super happy to write a whole oneshot fic for him but even with my prompts open for smut and non-smut Carlito x Reader, I’ve probably only received like 1-2 ever. I love to hear that you enjoyed my work for Carlito!! 🥺 They were a blast to write. You’re so sweet!! Thank you for the compliments and love, honestly it made my whole day! I’m always open to more requests, I just wish I had all the time in the world to just sit down and write all of them but I definitely promise to get to them one by one! I love this sexy, smutty prompt idea and it’s in no way making me uncomfortable or something I wouldn’t write, so I’d be happy to post it here for ya. 🥵
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‘$75,000 and I’m out. Just that, then I’m gone. Me and my girl…’ Carlito’s eyes trail over the sprawled out paperwork upon his desk, eager to distract himself from numbers and legal paperwork for his nightclub.
‘Off to paradise…’ Carlito’s eyes gaze over at the sunny artwork of the Bahamas hanging just above the door to his office.
Carlito lets out a deep sigh to himself, squeezing his eyes shut. The pen in Carlito’s hand drops onto the stack of paperwork before him, but he can’t possibly care less. Carlito can hardly focus on anything except the thought of you now.
Without even realizing it, Carlito clenches his hand tightly enough that his knuckles strain white, yet he almost wants to give into the thought of you lingering in his mind all day instead of doing anything else.
To sit in his office and try to focus on doing something productive when Carlito fucked you over his desk just the other night is simply an impossibility to him.
The thought and memory of you alone instantly arouses Carlito to no avail, and his mind easily wanders to every heated fuck session he’s had with you in his office and how he wishes he’d rather be taking you again.
Just last night you came into Carlito’s office and distracted him from his paperwork, but Carlito can hardly remember what he was doing before you came in.
All Carlito thinks of now is how your body felt against his—pressed up with not an inch of space between the two of you; his hands groping over your ass and fondling your breasts through your silk robe down to the shape of your body and how he caressed every inch of your hot skin ten times over all while reminding you who you belonged to, answering Carlito to who your pussy belongs to as your hips bounced back over his cock.
Thinking about the way your tight heat contracted with every thrust and convulsed in orgasm over Carlito’s cock, squeezing and letting your pussy’s wetness ooze down his shaft instantly gives Carlito a growing, insistent erection.
“Fuck,” Carlito mutters to himself as he leans back in his seat—practically being able to feel you on him all over again with how vivid his memory is; how he craves and yearns for every inch of you again and again.
Your hips pressed up against his, grinding up and down Carlito’s erection just begging for him to manhandle you and pin you down to his desk—take you right there and then.
Carlito barely had the patience through the heat of the moment to get you naked first, tugging and clutching onto the plush, silk robe that adorned your body and night after night that Carlito was used to throwing off of you.
Carlito slowly moves his hand off his desk and down to his belt, pausing for a moment to indulge further into the fantasy and thought of you further.
You teased Carlito last night with little breathy whimpers, begging him to touch you, revealing you had no panties on underneath your robe and how desperate you were to be fucked until your legs quivered uncontrollably and you were a cum filled mess, squirming on Carlito’s desk.
Carlito’s lips hunger to kiss over your beautiful body; around the outline of your jaw and over your collarbones.
Licking and suckling to leave little love marks while his hands squeezed and spanked your ass until your skin was glowing pink and all you could do was squirm in Carlito’s arms.
From how aroused you were, your pussy drenched Carlito’s cock with every thrust you were eager to take to feel every inch of his thickness.
Carlito’s cock was pulsating, demanding to take you and fuck you in every way possible; you wanted Carlito make you his little whore, his own personal slut more than ever.
Carlito knows he’s never going to get enough of that. Only now he can continue to imagine himself pulling on your hair and pinning you against his desk again to fuck you from behind like a dirty slut—thrusting as fast and sloppy as he could.
Just as only you can satisfy every desire and burning, sinful passion Carlito has for you, it’s the same vice versa.
Carlito has you ensnared in a web of lust—the only man who can please you to the heights of absolute ecstasy and then more.
Any other time, Carlito would have already left his office and have you wrapped around his finger, but punishing you will have no meaning if he gives in just like that first.
Carlito’s eyes open as he looks towards the door of his office, knowing you’re downstairs dressed in that lacy satin lingerie set he bought for you.
It doesn’t matter how he feels now or away from you; you bring a relief and sense of serenity to Carlito from the very moment he steps into your presence.
He can never hold a grudge against you, he’d never want to—not to the woman of his life and dreams.
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nya-vivi · 10 days
thank you for the answer! i was the anon who asked you about 4* and sethos (maybe I'll use this emoji 🛸 so you can identify me easier)
Sorry I'm replying late as well, life is hectic 😭😭
And omg you main Noelle??? what's your build? i'm trying to build her again since i used her at the start of the game and didn't take her past lvl 60... She deserves better 😭
AND I ALSO LOVE GAMING OMG HE TOOK MY HEART. I literally c6-ed him and spend so many primos on him 😭😭 that's ok tho he deserved it. I also love Chongyun he's my special son. Got him at the start of the game so he was my first main 🥺 alongside him my faves are heizou, fischl, yanfei, gaming, faruzan, layla... well theres many of them lol. and recently sethos! I love his dynamic with everyone. Actually sumeru characters feel like family it might be my fav region for that. I was shocked when he had bigger connection to scara. I love the black cat and golden retriever dynamic they kinda have going on and their parallels.
also yes please do a favorite character list i would love to see it!
Have a nice day and sorry for the shorter reply. It's just I'm busy 😭 maybe I can send you more asks next week when I'll have more time. If you don't mind that's it. Or maybe I could stop being anon.
Hello 🛸 Anonie!! I'm super sorry for the super late response T-T I have already addressed it in one post, but I have been super busy filling and paying for my next year (banks are truly my no. 1 public enemy,,,), a few trips back and forth to see friends (I stayed in a place with minimal internet signal for more than a week TnT, among other trips) and doing a lot of house chores because all my household members except for me are working, so I clean all the house (which I don't mind, but there's a lot of work and too much heat T.T and I end up in my bed after everything lol).
I do main Noelle! I went to see my stats and realized I have to get her a better crit rate percentage because she does so much crit dmg... I use 4p Husk of Opulent Dreams + Prototype Archaic (I have seen guides saying that Whiteblind is better, so I might sacrifice my lvl. 90 Prototype Archaic for Whiteblind and change one piece of my artifacts so it has better rate,, choices choices) I will add images below cut!!
To preface this, I am not a meta player so take my opinions with a grain of salt lolol
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So much dmg,, so little rate,,,,,,, I usually take whatever piece to add that element dmg, in this case Gladiator.
My favorite region is def Mondstadt, but Sumeru is my second one!! I like all the character dynamics and exploration in Sumeru, both rainforest and desert (unpopular opinion, it seems (≧∇≦)/) also the lore?? Absolutely fantastic. And Sethos? He has been incorporated to the fave characters very quickly, I loved his interactions with Cyno and whatever he has going on with Wanderer lolol Like wise, I loved Gaming, such a cutie and honestly a real good guy, he became one of my favorites very soon.
I ended up making a ranking with only four stars (as to make it fair), but only lore/storytelling wise, since meta is dead anyways (/j) and how hoyo managed their reveal and relevance (?) I think seeing the rankings will explain mostly everything but if you have any questions please feel free to ask!!
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(I want to say that I like all the characters, I am a person who finds it east to love characters lol)
In no particular order, except for Noelle and Xingqiu, who are the uncrowned queen and king of my heart and party and Xinyan. Pls hoyo release my queen from hoyo jail. Criminal that they did a event about music and my girl wasn't in it.
I have to say that I am guilty of not doing most of the hangouts, so my ranking can change after them. I foresaw me being tired from playing genshin, so I am only hyperfocusing on the characters that are more interesting to me first and when this gaming block disperses, I am going to do the hangouts and enjoy them lol
IT'S ME WHO IS SORRY ╥﹏╥ I kept this ask for sooo long ajdkashjashda pls send me more asks, I love reading and answering them 👉👈❤ they are very fun!
On my side, I don't mind if you want to stop being anon! I would love to interact with more people from the genshin comunity, even if it is a bit scary❤ so take your time and do as you wish, I will be happy either way 🤭
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winter-spark · 5 months
I know self-diagnosis is valid and that as you learn more you're okay to be like oh I was wrong it's actually maybe this and whatever but I'm a bit of a coward, or well I still don't want to insert myself in spaces that I don't might not belong in and I've always hated the idea of talking about things without 100% certainty/information but uh my possible {self-}diagnosis is sorta leaking into my writing. Or at least I'm doing things in my writing then later hearing about/being reminded of things and sorta going :o so I'm gonna write about that below. Somewhat a vent post I suppose.
So... Uh I guess, besides explaining my potential diagnosis, there's currently gonna be three parts of this. My personal series Letting Go, my A3! writing, and my Buddyfight writing. And there's gonna be a lot of uncertainty here so I apologize if it at all wastes your time but here I go.
So... I might be autistic. This is something my sisters and I have been looking into for a minute tbh. Like a couple years at this point. We've taken a few different tests and started somewhat watching informational videos on autism and diagnoses and stuff, and like signs are pointing to yea probably. but like, idk. We were gonna put a pin in it until we could move but we unpinned because it wasn't helping to have it pinned. But yea, I might be autistic. Things I've looked into less that I might also have(?) ADHD, AFRID, mild dyslexia, but I've gotta do more research and it's not really about those but I thought I'd throw them out because idk some times holding things in for too long turns them to rot. But anyway, since I've been doing research on autism I was thinking maybe possibly whether I am or not my main character, Miles, is. He's from my series
Letting Go:
Now, Miles, I projected to some extent on when I wrote him but also he's very different from me but none the less there's few things that I had that could be signs of autism and I was wondering how to add more because I did want to sorta write him as an undiagnosed autistic. So in my writing before the research was my movie for my Screenwriting classes. Things about Miles, from the earlier drafts:
He is kinda sensitive to too many sounds, especially voices, at once (trait from me), (it increases when he's in a nervous/panicked state idk if that has to do with anything but I wanted to clarify that)
His, maybe, special interest is space, namely Pluto (and maybe baking)
(I had to sorta look back at this when editing/setting up for version like 4/5 which became a tv series but) he's not always great with picking up what others are putting down socially (version 1 he did not realize that another character was legitimately romantically into him, he didn't realize that, now one of his best friends, was worried about him,) like you do have to be a bit more direct with him (but not as much as Leilani but that's a different point completely)
So like, I was like maybe I should give him more traits? Like like this isn't in order and I can't remember everything but I was like okay, I, maybe, have a chewing stim, maybe I should give that to him too. (I need to double-check what his mannerisms are omg) And I say maybe have a chewing stim because I don't know if it has another name but I know that sometimes I just need to chew on something, but I've sorta conditioned myself out of it because my mom didn't appreciate me chewing on my pajama clothes and my personal stapler broke(yes I used to chew on staples). So like you know maybe that.
But also maybe I was thinking I would line his sorta panic attack with an autistic meltdown. See a big point in the story is when at a party he ends up sorta panicking and running away then he just sits by himself at like a bus stop which is where his grandma finds him, but like I wasn't sure how to do that because I was doing research and I wasn't sure how to quite make that so and if the things around it were right(I didn't do this research recently I'm sorry I'm super blanking). but I was watching this video earlier by I'm Autistic, Now What? called The 4 Types of Autistic Meltdowns, and one she mentioned was leaving/running away. Which as I mentioned he does. And I think maybe I was worried about build up/triggers but now I'm thinking more about that and maybe there is enough.
Ugh I don't want to "spoil" it but like, he's an introvert, he's a homebody(sorta), he's never had that many friends, so this was his first time going to a party with a group of friends, a group of friends that almost immediately split up, and he ends up stumbling back into one of them, but he's a little conscious about his crush flirting with someone else at the party, then his old bully is there and is harassing him and keeps mentioning Miles being a momma's boy and this is sorta more sensitive because his mom is in the hospital at the time(not a spoiler that's the (omg I'm a terrible film student what do you call the event that triggers the rest of the story, sets it in motion that's what that is)). He steps away for like to seconds to talk a breath but when he returns it is being revealed that his mom is in the hospital and [redacted because it was originally a surprise bit of info but now I just don't want to reveal this because it is still sorta a spoiler] which sends him over the edge where he borderline starts shouting and then just darts out.
And like maybe that works? I don't know. What I also don't know is if I should've even included my
A3! writing:
See, after one of the high points of my research on autism I was looking at a lot of Itaru content stuff and sorta was like is... is Itaru Autistic? Now I don't make it a point to write him as such but Itaru has become one of the characters I for some reason feel need to project onto. So when I write him I do give him me-adjacent traits and looking at some things I'm a bit like hmmm, am I maybe writing him autistic?
See-- oh shoot I should have mentioned this in the me category, okay so I might be demi-romantic, demisexual. I'm not 100% sure but with the research I've done I figure that's possibly why of the very few crushes I had it took a while for me to be like "oh! I have a crush on this person!" like literally one of them I didn't come to the conclusion until I was trying that wellness with Steven Universe/Rebecca Sugar thing and one of the days was just write what comes to your mind and as I was doing my best to do that(my mind goes very fast but I had to have complete thoughts) I got to a point where I was talking about one of my best friends and I was like "yea it'd be cool if we were still close in the future and maybe lived together and then we could go on runs together and cook together and cuddle on the couch watching movies together" literally visualizing this future together and then and I don't even remember if I considered a peck or not but I was like "oh shoot Do I have a crush on him?"
Now you're probably like, what's this gotta do with Itaru and autism? Well see in one of my CitoIta fics I gave him that trait of not quite catching on until he gets to a certain point "oh shoot, do I like him romantically, what?" so I figured I was just making him demi-romantic. (Which he still could be idk) but anyway. I saw this post a couple months back that said that not being able to quite tell if it's platonic or romantic can be a neurodivergent trait. So what if I gave it to him as like a subconscious neurodivergent, mayhaps autism, thing, idk if he's written as autistic in this story tho. I was actually initially thinking about in my Apartments au, where he basically starts scripting his interactions with his friendly neighbor (a sorta of "Okay, if we run into each other again I we have a conversation, I can ask this, and if he mentions this I can mention this" type thing. Oh tho he slightly does that in the first one I mentioned not to the same extent but he does prep how to say a line(wording and delivery) if asked what he's doing.
And speaking of characters I project onto let's hop over to
Future Card Buddyfight Fics:
So the closest I personally have ever been to "kin"-ing a character was Kiri Hyoryu, and I simply mean this in a "I related to him so hard" way like he was me foreal, okay, obviously lots of differences but point is I was able to see myself in him. Before they completely ruined him for me, that's an essay I've already written and will write again. but not this essay. So of course I wrote Buddyfight but mainly Team Disaster fanfiction(they aged with me in my writing lol). Some are actually posted too. but like in my most recent unfinished work, I was really feeling that need to project onto him. So I gave him a... something. It was similar to what I experienced but somewhat different. And as I continued writing, a character who happened to be there was like "I want to be able to help if it happens again, what sorta thing helps, can I ask if that a panic attack or an anxiety attack."(he was planning on doing additionally research on them as a whole) & I went ":0". And tried to research them and figure it out but like I couldn't. And going back to the video I was watching on the types of Autistic Meltdowns, I don't know but I kinda think that maybe he had an autistic meltdown?
But like here's the thing, how am I doing that? I not once considered Kiri as autistic. Just like a character that was as me as I was gonna get. He had a hard time making lasting friendships partly because he moved a lot, and latched onto his person(s) and just wanted to know he'd be remembered by those he cared about. Sure he was a bit whiny, I got why people thought he was annoying but it made him more like me, because I got why. I felt his pain. Even if none of it was real.
And I never really thought me and Itaru were all that alike but I feel the need to project onto him at times, and just like adjacently, like that long post about CitoIta playing Kingdom Hearts, I promise you a lot of Itaru's faves are different from my but also close enough, like Itaru being a Kingdom Hearts fan is because I'm a Kingdom Hearts fan, and he's a twewy fan too because I'm a twewy fan, like he's a gamer how can I not? But also he's nothing like me even in those regards. Like I know he's a freaking Shoka fan in terms of Neo and that he played the og twewy back when it first came out. And he's legit a gamer, I'm hardly one.
And of course my own oc, who doesn't project at least a little on their ocs. I don't have a point here on him tho. All in all I'm just like yeesh. What am I supposed to do with this?
I was gonna say I might have to accept that I really am probably autistic but I'm still nervous about trampling on other's space, interjecting myself where I don't be long that I realized something. Accidents do happen, yada yada if it's three times it's a pattern I've written lots of characters and stories so it'd have to be more than three four times... Five, more than five times, shoot I forgot Retsu's also a scripter(still Bfight character). But like yea, I'll probably start rereading my works to see if there's anything more in there that suggests that I maybe give autistic traits to characters I write and I know the less I project onto a character the less I can count it maybe? Idk, but like I just think that maybe I've over reacting idk. Time will tell I guess. I just don't want to be wrong you know?
This I know is nothing solid, I've been writing this for nearly three hours(I'm at work but it is a slow-ish day) without looking at any really research and just vaguely using my memory to make points so I might even more so be wrong idk, idk, idk.
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