#sorry this was so long winded ive just been thinking about this for a while ghdjskfs
g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
Do you think whenever Kokichi said "It was a lie" or "That's a lie", he was actually trying to tell them that the game/the reality is a lie? Like, he somehow knew that everything was faked, but he couldn't outright say it because he was either being watched and couldn't risk it or he literally couldn't, so he says "It's a lie" around Shuichi since he hopes that he could figure out what he actually means. Being an ultimate detective and all.
And lo and behold, the one who figured out what Kokichi really meant was Kaito
Hmmmm Y'know one of the key parts of my interpretation of Kokichi is that he's kind of just as clueless as everyone else about what's going on from the very beginning. Kokichi's smart, so I think he picked up on the weirdness of the situation quicker than the others (especially since he probably spent a good amount of his time fucking off by himself and exploring with his lock picking abilities) but I feel very strongly that he was only slightly ahead, and never had all the answers.
I kinda dislike it when Kokichi is portrayed as someone who figured everything out quickly and is trying to communicate this knowledge to everyone else in code, cause often times its accompanied with implications that the rest of the cast is stupid or only getting in his way or just frustrating to interact with. That Kokichi is the only threat to the killing game and everyone else is just passively surviving. I Do think Kokichi indirectly tries to get Shuichi and others to pick up on some of the things he's figured out by lying or saying weird shit and then saying that it was a lie. He knows that if he speaks directly about some of the stuff he wants to say, it'll put a target on his back. But I also think sometimes, he's just lying. Because he does genuinely enjoy lying if it makes things more interesting. And Sometimes, he's asserting what he thinks is true, but just straight up got it wrong.
I think his character is so much more interesting if Kokichi is just someone who doesn't have all the answers and is trying his best. I think Kokichi HIGHLY suspected, if he wasn't convinced, that they were being watched starting in ch5. But he didn't know the depth of ultimate real fiction, or that V3 was a TV show, and I feel especially strongly that he wasn't even all that suspicious of Tsumugi wrt being the mastermind.
When Kokichi is just a clever person with layers of issues and repression preventing him from working with others. When he's just an ultimate leader trying to lead* his classmates so he can try to get as many of them out of the killing game as possible while keeping them at arms length not only due to his own repression but so that he can be "pragmatic" and sacrifice pawns he deems necessary for the overall cause. When he genuinely needs other people's help to achieve his goals and for so long doesn't take any but eventually requests the help of someone so different from him (Kaito). I find that way more interesting.
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modelbus · 8 months
hi!!!!! im new but ive read a lot of your work and its amazing!!
anyway, i was wondering if you could write a either hurt comfort or childhood friends to lovers, as a cc!tommy x fem!reader ?
it would mean a lot thank you !!! 🩷🩷
Why not both? Cue evil grin, mwahaha ;) ALSO! I’m back with that mcyt stuff!!
Pairing: Cc!Tommyinnit x Fem!Reader
Fighting Friends
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You’ve known Tommy for as long as you can remember. Apparently memory formation starts when you’re about 6, so you knew there was a time before him, but it certainly didn’t feel like it.
There’s a photo on your desk, framed with a cheap plastic frame. Both of you as kids, him wearing sunglasses and holding a Nerf gun up to your head as you’re caught in the act of stabbing him with a foam sword (he shot you in the forehead after the photo). The picture just about sums up your guys’ relationship. It doesn’t need to be worth a thousand words, just two: fucking chaos.
Or, that’s what you two normally were.
It was a stupid argument, even you knew that. A silly remark you took too hard, something that stung too deep. He said it during a vlog, too. A quip about rather dying than dancing with you. And with those few words, you stupid crush-addled heart shriveled up and was shot through.
So you had retaliated with a poor jab, and he didn't get it, and it all blew up in your faces. To the point where your messages have sat empty for three whole days. There's no "GET ON MC" message from him, no impromptu "Movie now." Just pure radio silence.
And you hate it.
You loved Tommy. Adored the hell out of him, unfortunately for you. And not just because you had a traitorous little crush. He's your best friend. The type of person you always knew would be there.
Right up until he wasn't.
It’s funny how much colder it seems to be now that he’s gone. Winter’s blowing in, like it was just waiting for him to vanish from your life before taking over. It leaves piles of snow that you dredge through to get to your favorite cafe, braving the wind chill just for a semblance of comfort.
You used to go here nearly daily with Tommy, making you dependent on the warm atmosphere that you haven’t been in since five days ago. Have you mentioned how much you hate fighting with Tommy? The disruption to routine, the fucking ache in your heart…
It’s a bit pathetic, honestly. But that’s simply what you are without him. One half of a soul.
The bell chimes, and you drag yourself over to your normal table and pull out your laptop. Even when your world stops, the actual world keeps spinning, meaning you have work to do.
“Hey sweetheart. No shadow?” Your head jerks up, instinctively smiling at Laura, the aged worker who always serves you.
“Not today.” You sigh. “He’s… busy.”
“Too busy for you?” Her eyebrows raise. “That boy will show up eventually for you.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Oh, trust me, hon. He’s got those eyes when he looks at you.”
Hell if you know what that means, but you smile at her anyway.
“Want your usual?” She asks.
“Just a water.” You shake your head, the idea of a hot chocolate without Tommy seeming just sad.
Laura nods then heads off as you turn your attention back to your laptop. In the bottom right corner a Discord notification pops up from Wilbur, but you ignore it without even reading the message. You can respond to him later, which you’ll probably do at night while in bed. Procrastinating sleep, per usual.
A mug is set in front of you—definitely not water—making you look up at Laura in confusion. Hot chocolate, complete with your usual whipped cream.
“Someone else ordered it for you.” She answers before you can even ask, a sparkle in her eye. Before she steps away, she leans closer and whispers, “I told you that boy adores you.”
Your eyes scan the surrounding area, seeing Tommy almost instantly. Blond hair messed up, his favorite hoodie and jeans on. He makes his way to you, looking sheepish.
“I’m sorry.” He blurts out the second he’s close enough. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Laura step away. “I was an idiot, and I shouldn’t have said half the fucking things I did—“
“At least sit down.” You interrupt, knowing damn well he’d stand there and apologize all day.
Almost instantly, he drops into the chair across from you. You quietly close your laptop, leaving the two of you staring at each other in awkward silence.
“You ordered me hot chocolate.” You say just to break the quiet.
He ducks his head. “You always get it.”
The acknowledgment that you didn’t want to get it without him hangs in the air.
“What’ve you been up to?” You ask politely. Small talk is strained and stupid; you’ve never had to do this with him before.
“Recording and shit. Made a mod video with Schlatt and Wil and Jack. You?”
You drink your hot chocolate while the two of you talk, the argument hanging heavy over your heads like a storm cloud. When you finish the drink, there’s some unspoken consensus that you’ll leave together, him stepping ahead to hold the door for you.
“I scrapped that vlog, by the way.” He’s saying, referencing the one you had filmed with him. “Wasn’t enough content to put in a video.”
“I’m sorry.” You say, frowning, knowing that it was your argument that had made it such a short filming session.
“Why the fuck are you sorry?” He asks, staring at you like you’re an alien. “I’m the one who made that argument a whole fucking thing.”
“You?” You echo. “That was definitely on me, I was so snappish!”
“Bullshit, I started it!”
“In what fucking world did you start it? That was me, Tom, I acted like a little bitch about that one—“
You’re silenced by something, warmth covering your lips before it’s gone as quick as it was there. It’s not until he’s four steps back that you realize what just happened.
He kissed you. He fucking kissed you.
“Fuck— I didn’t— I didn’t meant to do that!” He exclaims, eyes wide. “I mean— Wil told me to just go for it, but I told him he was fucking insane man, I didn’t— I keep fucking this up, don’t I?”
“…so that was an apology kiss?” You ask, confused.
“What? No! I meant I was sorry for kissing you without, Y’know, asking.” His cheeks flush, and it’s not until someone shoves past you that you realize you’ve both stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.
“It’s… it’s fine. Okay, I mean.” You say, almost positive your cheeks are the same shade as his.
Tommy nods. “So I didn’t totally fuck this up?”
“I think you fucked it up a long time ago, Tom. I’m doing charity work sticking around you.”
He laughs, elbowing you as you start walking. “I’m the one doing charity work! I’m a fucking millionaire, you should be paying to be in my presence!”
“Oh, yeah, you kissed me for charity too, huh?”
“Wha— well I— that—“
You laugh loudly, having to look away from him to catch your breath. This was your Tommy, this was what you missed.
“Oh, you asshole!” He groans. “Fine! It was fucking charity, how about that?”
Shrugging, you can’t help your grin. “Just don’t make it charity next time.”
His steps falter, but when you look over at him he’s beaming. “Deal.” He announces, but doesn’t make a move to kiss you again.
“…are you not going to—“
“I have to surprise you. That way it’s fun.”
Oh boy.
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maraschinomerry · 1 year
Hi! Ive really enjoyed your Lockwood and Co fic’s so far, especially how you incorporate gn-readers! As for a prompt to give: A George Karin X GN Reader fic where George works himself sick on researching a case and no one else really notices he’s sick other than Reader, and Reader makes him stop and takes care of him for the night. A quote to go along with this maybe: “No one ever cared about me like you.” There’s really not enough George fics out there, so thank you for rectifying that!
Chicken Soup
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Pairings: George Karim x gn!reader
Content: literally just 99% fluff, the other 1% is reader misunderstanding when George tries to confess his feelings
A/N: this fic takes me to less than 1000 words off having posted 30,000 words in 4 weeks 🤯 will have to see if I can post another later!
Word count: 2.1k
Taglist: @neewtmas @marinalor @ettadear
George looked tired.
He usually looked at least a little worn out, so you weren't overly surprised, but this time it was more distinctive. Plus, his exhaustion was always paradoxically frantic, brought about by rushing to prepare for a case that needed solving yesterday, but this time Lockwood had specifically said nobody was going anywhere near the site until you and George were confident there was no more research to be done. You'd hoped that would mean George would take his time, but it seemed his brain had forgotten how to function in any way that wasn't cramming 3 days' worth of research into 3 hours.
"Let's call it a day," you prompted. The two of you had been glued to your seats around a stack of papers in the Archives all day and your back was getting horrendously stiff. George couldn't be faring much better, hunched so far over his book he practically disappeared into his orange plaid shirt.
"You head back, I just need a bit longer to finish off," he replied, not even glancing up. Under normal circumstances, you'd be able to use his frustration at the impossible deadline to lure him away, but what on earth were you supposed to say when it was self-inflicted?
"Are you sure? Lockwood did say to take as long as we need, so it can wait until morning."
George looked up then, only to shake his head. You knew what he was thinking: by tomorrow, the book he needed could have been borrowed by someone else; by tomorrow, Kipps' crew could have swanned in and solved the whole case; by tomorrow, there may not be anyone at the site left to employ them. You sighed.
"Sorry, I know it's a pain. Will you be okay getting home alone?" Trust him to be worrying about you when you were worrying about him. You assured him you'd be fine, and promised to have a cup of tea ready when he got home.
"You're the best," he said with a weary smile. Secretly he didn't want you to leave, he enjoyed your company, but it was unfair to make you stay just because he wanted to. As you walked away, you heard him sniff, which built into a sneeze. Hmm.
Less than ten minutes after you returned to Portland Row, the heavens opened. Rain hammered against the front door like it was begging to be let in, and wind whistled through every corner it could find from the attic downwards. 
You, Lucy and Lockwood sat around the dining table, soaking in every ounce of the warmth that seeped from the oven while dinner cooked (a steak pie you'd made when you got back, to distract yourself from the anxious knot in your stomach).
"How did it go at the Archives?" Lucy asked over a steaming cup of coffee.
"We're making progress, but I'm worried George is overworking himself."
Lockwood gave a wry chuckle. "Trust me, if George has a limit, I haven't seen him hit it in all the time I've known him."
That wasn't overly convincing - having bursts of intense hard work followed by a couple of days to recover was one thing, but working flat out for this long was another, especially when you knew from hearing the way the house shifted that he hadn't been sleeping.
"He was sneezing when I left," you pointed out. If Lockwood knew him so well, he'd know he wasn't much of a sneezer, even in the height of pollen season.
"This case dates back decades," Lucy countered. "Imagine how much dust is on some of those files." Just thinking about it made her nose crinkle. You could only hope they were both right.
A long-cold cup of tea and the remaining quarter of the pie awaited George when he returned, the last embers of daylight being snuffed out by the heavy rainclouds above. The second the key rattled in the front door, you sprang from where you'd been falling asleep on the Thinking Cloth and clicked the kettle on.
"You didn't wait up for me, did you?" George croaked from the kitchen doorway. Something had happened to his voice in the hours since you'd left him.
"I promised you tea!" As you turned in mock outrage you noticed something else wrong. He was shivering and pale. Instinctively, you stepped closer, brushing a hand across the droplets on his shoulders and spotting more in his hair. Had he walked home in this weather? No. There wasn't enough water for that. This was just from the cab to the door. He wasn't shivering from the cold. You suddenly remembered the sneeze earlier.
George was ill.
This was a disaster, and it was all your fault. You should have forced him to come home with you. Should have noticed sooner and never let him out today in the first place.
"Oh Georgie," you murmured, almost as much to yourself as him. "Give me one minute with that tea and then you need to get to bed."
"I'm f-fine," he stammered around chattering teeth. "It's nothing."
As if he'd been summoned as backup, Lockwood sauntered in on his way to the basement. "Glad to see you missed the rain," he joked. George gave another sneeze, a spray of said rain flying from his curls with the force of it. "Bathroom's free if you want a bath to warm up." Misguided as Lockwood was in his reason for the advice, it wasn't a bad idea actually.
"I'm just heading up," you shot him a grateful look before George could object, "I can set it running." Lockwood grinned and disappeared. Today was not one of his observant days, it seemed.
"I can run my own bath," George grumbled, still in the doorway, but his cheeks flushed a little and he made no move to stop you. Probably because his hands were shaking so much he would have struggled to even turn the taps. You took his freshly brewed tea in one hand and his arm in the other and guided him to the library to cosy up until the bath was ready.
Half an hour later, you were debating whether to go and make sure George hadn't fallen asleep in the tub when he emerged. His dark curls were damp yet fluffy from the towel, a slight glow had returned to his skin and he was dressed in the clean pyjamas you'd looked out for him. He frowned at you as best his tired muscles would allow, pondering the fact you'd clearly spent the entire time sitting on the bottom step outside the bathroom. Before he could comment, however, the warmth of the bath began to wear off and the tremble returned to his bones. You reached behind you and sheepishly held out a fuzzy forest green bundle.
"I, um… I couldn't find any of your jumpers, I think they're all in the wash, so you can borrow this one. It should fit."
George took hold of it and unfolded what turned out to be the softest hoodie he'd ever felt in his life. He wriggled into it, his one working nostril breathing in the way the smell of you lingered in the fabric. It was so comfy that he found himself burrowing into it, bringing it up under his chin and tucking his hands into the sleeves.
You caught yourself staring at him, marvelling over how he could look so adorable in such an unfortunate situation, and gave him a soft smile. "Better?"
He nodded and mumbled out a "thanks" which ended up somewhat drowned in the hoodie as he shuffled away. Halfway through his bedroom door, he stopped and turned back to you. "What's that?"
You went to see what he was referring to, hands on his shoulders to support yourself as you pressed close on tiptoes to peer past him. Suddenly very aware of how close you were, you focused your attention on the flask on his bedside table.
"Oh. It's chicken soup. I wasn't sure if you'd want it just yet, so I used a flask which should keep it warm for the next few hours."
If you hadn't been aware of how much you were in George's personal space before, you certainly were now as he practically melted against you.
"That's so thoughtful." He sounded shocked. Not at you being thoughtful towards him, at anyone being so. Unsure of what to say, you gave his shoulders a supportive squeeze and then used them to steer him towards his bed.
His room was a little chilly, so you checked that his window was properly closed before drawing the curtains. George, energy almost completely drained, flopped onto the bed. You helped him tuck his legs under the duvet,  bringing it up around his chest. He sniffled again, and without a word you nudged the box of tissues you'd found and set out for him. His eyes grew wide and incredulous, suddenly scrunching shut with another bout of sneezing.
"Do you need anything else?"
The sneezing paused. "I think I left my book in the library…"
"Georgie, no." Your voice became stern even as you used his nickname affectionately. "No more research until you're feeling better." He began to protest. "Think about it. The more you rest, the sooner you'll recover and the quicker you can get back to it." He couldn't argue with logic, and you both knew it.
You ended up fetching him a glass of water, some paracetamol and a couple of contraband biscuits. When you returned, you found him sipping the soup, and his face lit up at your last offering.
"You're too nice," he sighed, insisting on splitting the first biscuit with you. "I love you."
You almost choked on your half of the biscuit, bursting into a coughing fit you'd expect from the actual ill person in the room. George immediately rose from the pillows to pat your back as you tried to remember how to breathe. "Are you okay?" His hand stopped patting as your coughing subsided but it didn't leave your back, instead rubbing gentle circles.
"I…" you spluttered, finally dislodging the rogue crumb. "Do you really mean that?"
"Of course I do! No one ever cared about me like you."
His words were kind, tender, yet your heart still sank. He'd just said it because you were looking after him. You couldn't believe you'd actually thought for a moment that he loved you. There was nothing more you wanted than for the ground to swallow you up, but when George kept talking you stayed and listened. "Lockwood and Lucy do so much for me, don't get me wrong, and my parents did their best, but I'd be lost without you. I mean, all this…" he gestured around at the flask, the hoodie, you still sitting on his bed,  "nobody else even noticed there was anything wrong. But you did. You see me, and I love you for it."
Tears welled in your eyes. You blinked them away, refusing to obscure your view of the beautiful boy beside you. His hand stilled on your back, twitching away, afraid he'd said the wrong thing. You leaned into his side, strengthening the touch. "I love you too."
His eyelids fluttered, a mixture of exhaustion and adoration. His free hand linked with yours. "Remind me to kiss you once I'm better."
"Why can't you kiss me now?"
"Because I'll make you ill, if I haven't already!"
"I'll take that risk." You leaned in.
"Nooo," he whined, a hand on your chest to keep you at a distance, "I'd feel bad. But lucky for you, I have a fantastic doctor, so I'll be better in no time."
"Oh yes, I hear they're exceptional and very committed. Now lie down."
George did as he was told, gasping at the rush of cold air as the duvet was lifted behind him. You eased yourself into the bed, legs tangling in his and pulling you closer until his back leant against your chest and your face was buried in his hair.
"What did I just say?!"
You shushed him. "It's fine, if I catch it you can look after me." You pressed a kiss to his temple as you reached over to click the lamp off. He groaned in the darkness.
"You're impossible."
"You love me, though."
His hand found yours again, bringing your arm to wrap round his stomach. Your fingers traced the warm, soft skin underneath the hem of your hoodie. He sighed contentedly, the rise and fall of your chest behind him lulling him closer to sleep. "I do."
You sneezed.
Damn it.
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moxielynx · 3 months
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚜 [𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚒𝚌]
lmao quick fic i wrote last night. ive been sleep deprived for a whole week sorry this is kinda bad
ao3 version (i need to find a better site than the shitty proship filled one but whatever)
If you were to ask the ninja what their favorite season was, most of them would say autumn. “Not too hot, not too cold” Nya would say, and Lloyd would agree. “It has Halloween” was Cole’s reason. Morro never gave a proper reason, but for him he liked the mood autumn came with. It was always oddly calm during the season, so he enjoyed being outside more during fall.
Although one thing he never liked about autumn was raking leaves.
Master Wu always had Morro raking the leaves as a chore when autumn came around, and apparently almost 50 years and a revival later Wu still had Morro raking leaves. Morro sighed as he moved the rake, flinching for a moment when he accidentally dragged it against rock.
“Wow, I didn’t think you could try any harder to make my ears bleed.”
Morro paused for a moment, looking up at the view tiredly. He turned around, staring at his boyfriend with a grimace on his face. Kai was leaning against his own rake, visibly as uninterested as he could be.
 “I think we both know I can do worse.” Morro said to him, turning back to the small pile of leaves in front of him. Kai sighed and rolled his eyes, continuing to tediously rake the leaves near him.
“Can’t you just, I dunno, use your powers to pile them all up?” Kai complained. “Or we could use spinjitzu, just anything to get this over with.” Morro sighed at the whines. “You know how Master Wu feels about us using our powers for chores.” He said, making Kai groan. “Don’t remind me.”
After a couple minutes Kai yawned, looking over at Morro. “Wanna grab a coffee after this?” He asked, setting his hands on the top of the rake and then resting his head. Morro glanced at him, raising an eyebrow.
 “We have coffee here.” He simply stated, making Kai roll his eyes again. “It’s not the same, I wanna grab an unreasonably priced seasonal coffee, it’s like, tradition or something like that.” Morro just gave him a strange look. “You want… to waste money?” He asked, completely pausing his work.
Kai smiled, holding back a chuckle. It had been a few years since Morro was revived, and despite having learned a lot of modern day culture he still clearly had a ways to go. 
“Calm down, I wasn’t being serious,” Kai replied. Then his face fell a bit. “At least I hope I wasn’t. They’re not gonna charge too much for seasonal coffee, right?” Kai set a hand on his chin, pretending to think. Morro just shook his head, going back to work. “Just hurry up and rake the leaves, I wanna finish that show Jay told me about.” Kai pouted.
 “So no coffee?” Kai swiftly moved out of the way when Morro suddenly threw a rock at him, the fire ninja letting out a loud laugh. “I’m joking!”
Despite the cool winds blowing up on the mountains Morro had to shrug off his jacket at some point, promptly ignoring Kai with a blush on his face when the man whistled. Morro was almost done with his side of the grass while Kai wasn’t nearly as finished, and Morro chalked it up to the man goofing around most of the time rather than taking the chore seriously.
Morro was deep into thought when Kai suddenly startled him, placing a hand on his shoulder. The green-haired boy glared at him, immediately noting the smirk on the brunette’s face. 
“Hey, we never jumped in leaves together before, have we?” Kai asked, and Morro cocked an eyebrow in confusion. Kai just smiled at him wider, and suddenly went to a nearby pile of leaves that Morro had raked not too long ago. “Bring another pile into this one, trust me on this.”
Despite Morro’s gut instinct to immediately shove Kai away and in fact not trust him, he instead just sighed, and listened. Soon enough there was a large pile of leaves in front of the two, and Morro set his hands on his hips. 
“There, are you happy?” Morro looked down at the pile, muttering about how it would take longer to put the leaves in bags now. Kai just handed Morro his own rake, taking a few steps back. Morro, slightly concerned with Kai’s actions, also took a few steps back, and before he realized it Kai sprinted back towards the pile, jumping straight into it.
Morro gasped as leaves flew everywhere, and he glared at Kai, who was giggling deep into the now slightly smaller pile. “Are you trying to give me more work?!” The man scolded, dropping both rakes out of spite. “I’m not raking those again! That’s your job now.” Morro finished by crossing his arms, and Kai chuckled.
“Yeah yeah, I’m a terrible boyfriend and I give you such a headache” Kai mocked, making Morro scoff. “You do, for the record.” It was a lie, but Morro would sooner jump off the mountain than admit it. Kai just shifted his hand a bit and patted the leaves next to him.
“Jump in! It’s comfy.” Morro shook his head. “Kai, I’m almost certain there are bugs in there, I’m not doing that.” Kai smirked.
 “What, is the big bad Morro scared of a couple bugs?” Morro glared at him before walking right up to him, setting a foot on the man’s stomach. Kai’s eyes widened, looking up at Morro concerned. “Uh, babe? What are you-“ but before Kai could finish he let out a loud huff as Morro shoved him deeper into the pile, his face getting mostly covered by the leaves now. 
Morro stood proudly with a smirk as Kai spat out the leaves, shaking his head trying to remove as many as possible. “You dick! What the hell was that for?!” Kai yelled, wiping dirt off his face. Morro simply placed a hand over his chest, a fake evil expression on his face. 
“Oh, I thought I was the big bad Morro, are you surprised that I’m being bad?” He mocked, his grin widening when Kai glared at him. “We should’ve left you in the departed realm.” He said, sitting up. Morro rolled his eyes, and held his hand out for Kai to grab. “We have to finish raking these leaves, come on.”
Kai looked down at Morro’s hand, then back up at him. Morro’s eyes widened, but before he could pull away Kai quickly grabbed his arm with both hands, yanking the man down into the pile of leaves next to him. Morro’s vision was a blur for a moment, and for a second everything was soft around him, before the itching feeling of leaves was on his skin, and he immediately sat up, eyes wide.
Morro could hear Kai laugh loudly next to him, and Morro could only imagine his boyfriend was doubling over. The former ghost quickly began wiping the leaves off his arms, shifting uncomfortably on the ground.
 “I’m never helping you up ever again.” Morro threatened, and all he got was more leaves falling over his head. Morro paused, turning to face Kai with an unamused expression. Kai was giggling, one of his arms almost completely hidden from the way he leaned into the pile of leaves. Morro almost felt frozen as he stared at Kai, analyzing his face. The scar over his eye, the bandage next to his eyebrow, the small wrinkles Kai so desperately denies having. Morro never forgot just how beautiful Kai was, but whenever he took moments to just look at him, he was absolutely floored.
And Kai could only do the same. Kai stared at the markings left by Morro’s years spent as a ghost, left by the preeminent when she dragged Morro into the sea with her. He analyzed every scar, noting the ones he had as a child and the ones he gained during his time as a ninja. Morro hated his face, he was ashamed of the markings, to him they were a reminder of the foolish boy he once was.
To Kai they were like scars, reminders that Morro had survived. Despite all that he went through, he survived, and he changed for the better. Kai was proud of Morro, and he would always remind Morro of that.
Kai leaned over and rested a hand on Morro’s cheek, and almost instantly the man leaned into it, setting his own hand over Kai’s. They laid in silence for a few minutes, simply enjoying each other’s company.
Soon enough Morro realized they both needed to get up, and sighed softly. “C’mon, let’s just finish up here and we can grab that coffee you wanted.” Morro spoke up, sitting up a bit. Kai smirked. “Oh? Had a change of heart?” Morro shook his head, smiling softly. “You have a way of changing people’s minds.”
Kai laughed softly, and before Morro could get up Kai suddenly pulled him forward, making him yelp. Morro fell on top of Kai, and the ninja wrapped his arms around him. Morro looked down at Kai, a blush clear as day on his face. Kai looked back up at him, smiling, before leaning in to steal a kiss.
Morro practically melted in Kai’s arms, moving his hands to cup the brunette’s face. They refused to pull away until they couldn’t hold their breaths anymore, and even then they couldn’t stay separated for long, almost immediately leaning back in.
Eventually Morro pulled away, just a bit. Their breathing was heavy, unable to break eye contact. Kai’s fingers scratched Morro’s head lightly, his hand having found its way into his hair.
Morro glanced down at Kai’s lips, momentarily distracted from his thoughts. “We need to get up.. these leaves are itchy.” He complained softly, and Kai chuckled. “In a minute,” he responded. “Just stay here another minute..” Morro didn’t complain as he leaned back in, his lips connecting with Kai’s.
If Wu asked why they took so long raking leaves he could just blame Kai for distracting him.
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seeminglydark · 4 months
1. would caro and john be into the tv show, the x-files? would they buy tapes of the episodes and talk about their own conspiracies and guess about the outcomes of the episodes.
2. also your comic has help peak my interest for the supernatural and conspiracy theories. what are some stories or theories that you’ve learned about that you have found the most interesting? and were you a believer before starting your comics or has your interest grown as you’ve continued with your comics.
3.lastly, i’m trying to buy more secondhand items and become the diy punk that i’ve aspired to be since high school (too afraid since i was a closeted trans man and living with an unaccepting family), any tips?
i, like john, try to stay away from modern tech as much as i can. i’m able to stay off my phone for the most part and rarely use my computer but i’ve been looking around and audiobooks on cassette are kinda expensive around me so i like to narrate book as i read them in paperback. i was wondering if canonically john uses resources such as the library and what his favorite books and movies are. i love horror and am just now getting into sci-fi and i love watching movies on my vcr + tv combo and i sometimes use a blu-ray player for more rare or expensive (at least in vhs format) movies.
sorry for the long winded paragraph, i’m unfortunately unable to escape my strict household (despite being an adult) until i find a job and am able to save every cent. i also tend to isolate myself so i have no friends to help me out. sorry to vent to you about this but i just wanted to end this by saying your comic and characters inspire me and give me hope that i’ll be okay once i’m free.
YES. John is obsessed with x-files. every once in a while you can see he has the iconic 'i want to believe' poster in his younger years on his walls. He still has it as an adult. both caro and john like watching those together, they also enjoy the twilight zone, charmed, Buffy (they they agree the corny movie from '92 is the best) and those old Bruce Campbell shows noones heard of, re: Brisco County Jr. I think as kids they theorize, and as adults they talk about everything everyone gets wrong, now that they know how these things really work. John can always guess WhoDunnit.
Ive always been interested in the idea of the supernatural. im a big skeptic though, ill be honest there, even though ive had many 'experiences' myself. i kinda like the idea of the unbelievable. definitely making the comics has peaked my interest in things i wasn't too keenly aware of before, like cryptids. im fascinated by the concept of Missing 411, and missing people who reappear somewhere else, but Liminal Spaces hold my heart specifically. ive always been keenly aware of the off feeling in those places before i even knew what that meant. i love scouring the internet for images of things like abandoned hotels that give me a weird kind of uneasy, most of the things people tag as Liminal aren't really that, so its a scavenger hunt to find something that fits my idea of it. coming up with the lore of my stories has been an adventure. my interest has definitely grown, more in places and phenomenon than in ghosts specifically.
there are so mnay things you can do to diy punk stuff, in my opinion thats the best and most rewarding way. it sounds to me that you need to start small and slow for your safety, so let me reassure you right here anon, that punk is a set of ideals, and not just fashion. youre still punk no matter what youre wearing. a jacket or vest is always a good place to start, you can literally buy ANYTHING at the thift store that strikes your fancy. this is a canvas you will be adding too for as long as its yours. once you have your canvas, its time to create, and there is literally no wrong way to do this. you can use paint markers, embroidery, bleach, ect. dont have money for spikes and studs? you can use soda can tabs and bend them, metal lighter caps, hell even staples and safety pins always look cool. you can make your own badges by bending metal soda or beer caps around a soda tab with a safety pin through it and then paint whatever you want on the cap. dental floss is what you usually see when punks have the white stitching on their pants and jackets, its durable and doesn't break, since crust and gutter punks need tough clothes that last. if you're worried about your family, i would personalize it first in small secret ways that are just for you, such as a message beneath your collar as seen here on my friends jacket. and here, and here! he hides patches on the inside as well! Im including a pic of john hiding a patch on caros varsity jacket as well. i will post my jackets one day, my camera is broken but i figured id share his since he hides things more than i do!
John absolutely uses the library, its a fantastic resource for SO many things, depending on where you're located. He would also probably use a digital reader later, because many of them you can get library cards on and borrow books that way. he is not a strong reader so he mostly reads books that may be under his age level, like goosebumps, but who cares, do what you enjoy. movie wise hes very obsessed with cosmic horror (hence the UFO tattoo) his favorites are Alien, The Thing, Killer Klowns from Outer Space and the Blob from the 80s. both he and Caro love the original Evil Dead franchise, horror comedy like American Werewolf in London, lost boys, etc.
Thank you, Anon, for the long winded paragraph. You asked some really fun questions for me to answer, i love nothing more than to talk about my characters, it was a really nice little break from editing a new podcast episode. I am so so sorry about your situation, and i am sending you all the best and all the love and strength that you can come out of this free and on the other side and live as yourself. If my comics and characters stories can provide a tiny bit of hope that its going to be ok, than ive succeeded at what i set out to do. wishing you all the best. and look into your library, they may have resources to help you with this as well.
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so2uv · 9 months
@ so2uv's sappy time.
end of the year. ive survived and that's scary but you know what? it'll be fine. we'll all be fine and im promising that; whether it be this year, the next, or far in the future, we'll be ok :)) it's stupid how this platform, one that my friends teased me for using, left such an impact on me as a person.
AKA. MY END OF YEAR MUTUAL APPRECIATION POST. (warning: these got long and sort emotional for me to write. well, as emotional as i can get fjkdhgkjfd. sorry if my coherence gets lost later on. forgive me if you weren't mentioned specifically for something; i have more mutuals that expected. it's genuinely surprising.)
if you weren't mentioned specifically, there's still a note for you at the bottom. sorry for making you scroll for long to find it :'DD
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𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @tiredsleep . . . the mutual who has stuck through it all. oh tired. tired, tired, tired. i think im a little stupid for how happy i get when you like a post or send an ask or keyboard smash in my reblogs. a lot of what i said in my long ask to you a while back is what im trying to convey now. the way we met wasn't through much special; i followed you and eventually you followed back. it was slow going in the ways we interacted but the nicest things take time and im so glad we're the way we are now. we're strangers, two little guys on the internet, and i think it's beautiful how we have this. you're an amazing writer, an all around amazing creator of the worlds you build and the characters you create. i don't think you realized how envious i used to be of you; you made it seem like it was easy enough for you to connect with others, your writing was something id never achieve with mine, it was flat out jealousy. it was my fault we were distant to begin with. i soon figured out that praise was correct: you are among the most wonderful people ive had the pleasure of knowing and talking to you, even if it's just through a screen. there's so much more for me to say that i constantly struggle to put into the correct words to get the point across. just know that you have great things out there for you. have a great new year, tired. we'll make it. im so proud of you.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @aelatus . . . the last standing mutual of all my og (close) mutuals. hello atlas! im not sure if you'll ever see this on tumblr since i know you don't log on much but you've been my mutual through three blog changes now; was there for my xstar-kidx era and kozmiixs stage. we've been through shit together, had banter about grammarly together, lost certain mutuals together, have changed blogs, changed themes, switched fandoms, fell out of love with fandoms. it's been a wild couple of years, huh? im so thankful we've met and got close in the ways that we did and that we're able to call each others close. your birthday is soon so in the case that i forget to say this on discord: happy birthday, the xiao to my albedo. live a life of freedom and joy, my love /p.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @izukxnnie . . . hara :((( i don't think you'll ever come to read this message but that's alright; maybe it's for the better kdfgh. i know i sent you that long winded ask on your blog already but i miss talking and interacting with you, even with all my awkwardness. im still so regretful of that one time i sent a request to join your world but then you were busy and i didn't read your messages until later that day as in hours later bc i was at school and idk if i ever responded to them in the end. maybe i'll send you a message on discord later. maybe i won't bc i'll be too sentimental. i really hope you're doing more than well, that you're happy doing what you do.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ay-asterisms . . . the mutual who introduced me to so many others. i really have you to thank for what i have now, ay. truly. you brought me deeper into the hq fandom and introduced me to jennie, atlas, and others. we don't talk much but i'll say what ive mentioned before, you remind me so much of the sun. but not as the bringer of life and the ball we see every morning; a sun in the sense that you're a star closer to earth but still a star, still out there where there are multiple. the difference is that you just happen to bring a warmth that others can't provide for ones nearby.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @cryo-locket / @lo-cinno . . . you. im not even sure how we became mutuals, and my memory is pretty good. we just spawned in each other's zones one day and went yeah, alright. honestly, ive never said this to anyone, but you were one of the reasons i decided to focus more heavily on chinese. our interactions reminded me of why i wanted to relearn the language for myself: for the social connections. i genuinely love talking to you and always find myself laughing at our conversations. mainly because our timezone dif is so odd so it's always late in the evening when im on. your ebg was so fun and with all the pain it brought / hj, im so happy to have been part of it. thank you for putting up with my 2 am rambles and crack, hope you found laugh or two with them.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @pr3tty-jennie . . . you intimidated me when we first met. i still remember it actually: you had that kamninari theme and the most recent post on your blog was about how you couldn't remember the word for chandelier in english but knew it in french. you've been through so much, endured so much, and i respect you so much. always have, always will. your life story and the past don't define who you show as a person and im so amazed by that part of you. have a good day, good week, good rest of your life pretty girl :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @june-again . . . it's crazy, you know? crazy how far we've both drifted off from the original fandom that brought us together? but that's character development. speaking of that, ive gotten the absolute pleasure of seeing you grow as a person and go through the motions of life. it's always chill talking to you, jokes come easy hah! you're an amazing musician, june. amazing person, amazing at writing, amazing at music; you're outstanding so in the words of Freddy fazbear from security break, way to go superstar! i knew you could do it and i know you still can.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @junjiie . . . the seungmin to my minho, the other half of 2min, the self proclaimed jeno to my renjun (have yet to be a dreamzen my b :(() and the no. 1 solieber. i was serious when i said you're the reason my other blog exists; you've been the biggest hype person when it came down to me going out of my comfort zone and writing. i was so nervous going up to talk to you at first kjfdhgkj but now, you're just another silly guy in my phone screen :DD thank you for sending all your updates about life and putting up with mine even though they never get answered- seungmin to not only my minho, but hyunjin too, let's keep being #Silly, yeah?? it's already the actual new years day when you're receiving this so i hope the year is off to a good start.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @sohyuki . . . MINT im hoarding the ask that you sent me on christmas day. im always so happy when you've shown up on dash and while im sad about how you've let tumblr mainly behind, i know it's for the better since well, interactions have been shit and probably will never get back up to the standard we held them to, even with all the effort put in. you are such an amazing all around person and like i said in my christmas note to you, keep writing. hoard it, feed into it, you have something wonderful going on with it.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @kamiyatos . . . user kamiyatos!!! lee!!! HELLO!!! it's always such a pleasure to talk to you and i hope you know that i keep your ramble about malleus' character and your plot idea for him in the back of my mind constantly, even though that ask has been lost to my actions of deactivation on my old blog. you're the biggest ayato fan i know who supports my works about him vocally AND you understand my vision on his personality... it's truly touching, y'know? thank you for being there, even when we don't talk as much as we should. i hope this year has been kind on you and the next one is even kinder.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @yinyinggie . . . yingyingyingyingerkjshkjfdg ok this may come as a shock, or maybe you already knew and were just playing along, but we used to be mutuals before the summer of last year. secret identity revealed ig?? eh im sure if you dig far enough into my dark past™️ you'll find smth about it so im not going to say anything about it :P but! one thing has stayed the same for sure: you are so easy and so fun to talk to and make conversation with. you know that ramble i left on the astro twerk form about feedback for the server? yeah. im 100% truthful. you've made something so inclusive and positive, have done to much to get tumblr active, please know that your efforts aren't wasted. im sure they feel like it at times but i appreciate it so much. and im sure others have the same sentiment.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @mhiieee . . . MHIEEEEEEEE MY SCARA FAN !!!! i love and adore your works so much and not to mention your characterization of scaramouche is top tier. ive got a lot to learn from you, mhie; i don't think you realize how much there is to admire when it comes to you as a person. you find such meaning and connection in the words and the world, the sincerity that comes with it,,,,, it makes me want to sob and roll around while also simultaneously wanting to take your brain apart neuron by neuron and psychoanalyze you. not in the freudian way though. ive had the greatest honor of being able to interact with you on not just one, but two!!! servers!!! i think it's a little silly how much i smile when you reply to smth dumb ive said on disc. have a great new year :))
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ryuryuryuyurboat . . . RYUUUUUU literally the most stunning person to walk the planet ever like. hello??? our first interactions came from that ebg funny enough. does a little ★🪽 anon ring a bell? i only ever got around to sending you one sabo during that time but i hope you did enjoy what i came up with on the spot, i never was very good when it came down to kaeya's character. you are so intelligent and such an amazing individual, please always remember that.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @snobwaffles / @2nobwaffles . . . SNOB SNOB SNOB i always think of the pokemon when your name comes up. in my head, you will always be snom, the bug-ice type pokemon <33 IT'S SO FUN TALKING TO YOU and we haven't been mutuals for long either. im always thinking of the advice you left me when it came down to my rant about an irls party and there's something about the way you're able to appreciate and take note and find beauty int he smallest of things that get brought up. i wish you the complete best that 2024 has to off you. keep calm and snob on :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @itaerae & @mins-fins . . . im putting the two of you together because well, i met you both at the same time through the server. while i can't consider it and, ive never really had such an inviting time in a server, much less a network, as ive had in zumblr. really, it's you two that i owe thanks to. our silly little convos are so fun and im forever thankful that ive found people to talk to on a server for once.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @https-furina . . . the best server mother fr!!! omg it's so nice talking to you :((( i love the warmth of your words and how your emotions shine through text. it feels like i can practically envision the fond eyeball or the warm smile that you may or may not have on your face when messaging. i’ve had such a great time in the network and your pet names fjfbdjdbjdb have a great 2024 heh :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @lethwal & @astrinityy . . . i don't think you guys realize how fun it was when we were all "debating" and accusing me of being a furry. honestly, i haven't had to stifle laughter like that in the middle of the night as hard as i did for a small while. not too long but long enough. it was a breath of fresh air and it was genuinely amazing to just be able to put the present on the back burner and play around like that. even though it was kind of late for me when that was happening- ignore that. it's always late for me when im online atp. i hope we can get past those baseless accusations you have both placed on me tehe. have a happy new years, you two. ALSO YIXIN!! GA-MING PROTECTION SQUAD RISEEEEE
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @/zumblr . . . there's so many of you and i can't find the proper words to express the welcome i felt when added to the server. it was nerve wracking, ive never really gotten around to talking to that many people or being that open on the internet before. it's funny how one summer can bring you out of your shell a little, eh? and all bc of some guys on screen lmao. thank you for the support and im happy to have met such wonderful people. thank you, again. @urielphix I AM. DETERMINED TO READ ADAD JUST YOU WAIT
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ everyone else, all my mutuals as of now and past, who weren't mentioned or mutuals who want to read something again . . . hello!! im sorry to disappoint by not adding you properly and for not giving a personalized thanks; it wasn't anything against it you at all. reason 1) i probably forgot as um. goldfish brain or 2) we just became mutuals pretty recently and haven't had the chance to really talk much / have been sort of long term but haven't talked much.
either way though, thanks for sticking around! im not the most. literate person. sometimes LMAO and im far from being a proud person of skill when it comes to the right words to say to people but im always happy when people find something worth it in my silly words. i hope we get to interact more in the future, as long as you can put up with my inconsistent (to say the least) replies and brain boggling posts that come from the depths of the midnight zone, that is. get ready for the ride that is this. clusterfuck of a blog place. LMAO,,,, if you haven't already scrolled through my stuff. if you have then um ready for more??? fkdjhgkjlghf
if you've made it to the end, thank you. and why?? im not that interesting or cool as everyone makes me out to be. if you had told 2019 me on tumblr that 4 years later, id be posting my works for everyone to see and also be proud of my own poetry, i would have laughed and called you absolutely insane. some of you have sat through me going through different gender and pronoun crises on dash back in 2020, and some of you ive only met this month.
whatever our situation is, i wish all the best for everyone . i’ll support you guys until the end of the earth and then some. have the happiest of happy new years, may your futures always be brighter than you say they are, and i’ll see you later 💛
sincerely — sol / jun
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risetherivermoon · 7 months
spoke about this briefly before, but heres a more in depth post w/ me rambling about my idea and explaining the au by showing off my notes and everything
anyway, the idea im talking about is like a social media/twitter (i will not call it X, fucking bite me) thing about the teens using twinote (an app that can make fake tweets) mixed with me using my own art to add stuff to it, and the idea of maybe making a secondary blog to answer asks as the characters,
this format idea is mixed with an au ive been thinking about involving hell and heaven stuff, (im not immune to hazbin hotel hype nor am i immune to any kind of bible fanfiction) so heres some notes about that;
basic desc:
Taylor is a prince of the 7th circle and a Hell-born demon, he makes friends with Scary/Terri, a sinner who died in the 1950's, a long with her guardian/step-dad TJ/Terry Jr. (sinners in this universe tend to go by secondary names instead of their human names) while messing around the city that Scary & TJ live in, Scary and Taylor stumble upon Lincoln, a fallen angel, who has just fallen from Heaven, Lincoln starts staying with TJ and Scary, since he has nowhere to go. Eventually Normal, an angel, trespasses into Hell from Heaven, in an attempt run from his home. Normal is found by the rest of the teens who are now trying to make sure Heaven doesn't find out that Normal is in Hell
(edit: contents for this au can be found at @3sinnrsn1angel)
additional notes & more yapping about my ideas below the cut, be warned!!!
- Scary & TJ live in the 7th ring of Hell, each circle is a different city & has a different monarchy
- Taylor as hell royalty is an angel hunter. Scary is also an angel hunter
- angel hunting is treated as a sport by the royals, and as a bounty-hunting type job by the sinners, done when angels fly overhead of hell to deliver messages and keep demons in line, there tends to be a lot of air traffic that makes hits easy
- tho this universe mostly surrounds hell & heaven, people can still cast spells and do magic, though its a skill you have to master
- TJ is a magic user and runs a magic shop, he and Scary live in the overhead apartment above the shop
- Normal's grandfather is a part of Heaven's council, which means Normal was a high ranking angel
- Lincoln's father, Grant, was also a part of Heaven's council before Link's falling
- Hell Demons buy and barter sinner souls constantly, and it has become a competition between the royals to have the most souls as well as angel kills
- Hell Demons & Sinners are cool with angels co-existing amongst them, and will not hunt them if it's an angel on the ground and out of uniform (most angels who go through hell are wearing heaven garbs) though it will bring weird looks and comments people are mostly unbothered by it, Heaven is unaware of this or that angel refugees are living amongst sinners
- this applies to fallen angels as well
- this will probably be a polywagon fic, ill see where the wind takes me
(hermie does exist but 4 the sake or spoilers ill leave the info on them to that)
the rest of the details i have written down about this au are spoiler-adjacent but this is what ive got for you! heres a little bit more about the formatting style i have in mind, im sorry (not sorry) about yapping so much i just like to info-dump
basically ill be using mostly fake tweets using twinote, as well as messages between the teens also using twinote, i did kind of some tests to get down the kind of energy i want for this and to see if this format works well with these characters so ill show some ss of that here as an example:
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(all pfp art is by me)
theres also the factor of me not using this blog to post this series and using a secondary blog, id mostly be doing that to make sure asks and content of this project is secluded from my other stuff,
speaking of asks, id use the ask box on said account to get questions and do a type of q&a thing where the audience can ask the teens questions and ill make art for/write them responding to it, also maybe responding to questions from a creator & ooc pov
i also make art just for funzies and if it fits in the plot anywhere, as well as making the characters pfps n stuff, heres an example a little by showing off a piece that (if i decide to really commit to this which i might since ive been having this idea rattling around in my head for a bit) ill be using in it (prob 4 pfps)
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(using this to also show off the teens designs for this au lol)
lemme know if yall find this interesting because im pretty into it already lol, and ill see what i can come up with for getting it all started, if u got it this far congrats you read all my yapping! also id love to answer any questions abt this au as well (ooc obvi)
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peachjagiya · 1 month
i’m finding different peoples’ takes on the vibe of the show rlly interesting. i personally didn’t sense an awkward vibe and i didn’t think they had nothing to talk about/no convo of substance. cuz tbh what else would they discuss other than lighthearted things and just joking around? it’s a show for the fans to see so i doubt they’d be immediately jumping into some deep conversation about their views on society and the world LOL. ig also to me, when im w a very close friend who ive known for years and i already know what’s going on in their life, theres not that many “new” things to talk about ? like it’s more so quick catching up and then you just resort to random conversations and being playful. idk maybe that’s just me. ofc deep conversations come up w close friends too but i’d never expect that from this type of documentary series which is clearly just meant to be fun and following them on their random outings/adventures.
but i have seen a few other ppl say they felt a super awkward and off vibe though so maybe im just missing something ? whatever it may be i still think the interactions are cute and very entertaining. im super excited (also a bit nervous/anxious) to see tae in the next episode. i think it’ll be a lot of fun w the three of them and im sure it’ll settle into something comfortable for the three of them within the first few interactions of all being together. i do wonder how they’ll frame the dynamic though. id we’ll see something vaguely equal or if it’ll be framed as jimin being the middle man as it has in the past. to me that would so obviously be convoluted since we know jungkook and tae have been hanging and much closer than vmin or jikook (who clearly hadn’t seen eo at all lol). but ik it’s not like they’ll rlly show just how close tkk are anyways so who knows. sorry this got so long, i went on a tangent 😭😭
Don't apologise!
I did sense awkwardness in ep1. I feel like "matched energy" has stopped being words that mean anything because I've used them so much over the last 24 hours but it's a good way to explain.
It's not about what they had to talk about. It's about the mismatch of mood and energy. But many things can influence that! Long flights, nervousness at doing a reality show without the other members, a foreign country, illness, not having seen each other for a while. Mismatched energy can be temporary or permanent. In their case, I felt it was temporary.
However, to my mind, what sets Taekook aside is that their energy is rarely mismatched and if it ever is, they're super adaptable to each other's mood and able to come out of it very fast. See Inkigayo. JK in a grump, Tae arrives smiley. Mismatch. But it's resolved in moments, seconds even, with soft words and Tae drawing on a thing JK loves. That unconscious immediate reconfiguring to find balance is COUPLE 101 to me.
By his own admission, Jimin enjoys winding JK up, amping up the awkward, like a big brother with his little brother. Redressing the balance is not at the forefront of his mind and to me, and this is very much just my thoughts, that's what felt awkward in ep1.
Thanks anon! 💜
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froggibus · 1 year
I saw where requests were open and you cleared out some.
I was wondering if you’d be okay for me to resubmit my dark/yandere batboys requests.
If you dont feel like doing a request like that it’s perfectly okay, this is your blog and your time so don’t worry and think I won’t be on your blog if you don’t. It’s all up to you, I just don’t want to take up you inbox if so.
Just let me know
Love ya!
- angst lover 🖤
This Unruly Mess I've Made - Dick Grayson
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Pairing: Dick Grayson x gn! reader
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: while Dick Grayson has always been your ball of sunshine, Nightwing hasn't, and on a particularly bad night, you see just how terrifying the vigilante really is
CW: violence, fighting, Dick accidentally hits reader (mistakes them for someone else), yelling, Dick says some pretty mean things, angst, groveling, some hurt/comfort
this is the third time ive had to rewrite Dick's part (also why this took so long!!) i kinda struggle with writing yandere/darker themes but i am trying! im sorry if this isn't quite what you wanted, but i was honestly stumped on how to write this for Dick.
also since these turned out so long i am going to separate them (also im thinking about doing a Tim version + am definitely doing a Bruce version)
Jason Version
It’s dark and cold, but that’s typical for a night in Gotham. The rain is coming down hard, dripping down your face and soaking you to the bone. You squint into the darkness, searching desperately for your boyfriend. 
His words echo in your mind. Stay put, I’ll be right back. 
He had clenched your shoulders just a little too hard, his jaw set a little too tight. You understand why—if the roles were reversed, if you had received a call from him in the middle of the night, his voice strained and teary, you would be angry too. If you knew someone was following him, stalking him like some sort of prey, you’d be equally as mad. 
He was at your side within a minute of the call, swooping in to save you. He had gotten you to safety, making sure you were okay, before diving back off into the night. 
That was almost an hour ago, and you couldn’t stand in the rain under the overhang of the convenience store any longer. You had tried to call him, but he wasn’t answering. So, you set out to find him yourself. 
How hard could it be to find a vigilante dressed in all black in the dead of night in Gotham?
Very hard, apparently, because you’ve been stumbling down the wet streets for what seems like hours with no sign of Nightwing. 
Your clothes stick to your skin, every inch of you is wet and cold. You try to make your way back to your apartment, but the streets don’t look familiar to you anymore and you only grow more desperate with each passing moment. 
There’s a bright orange light up ahead, so bright you feel like you’re imagining it. And it’s warm, warm like the sun. For a minute you’re not sure if it’s already day or not, but when you get closer, you see the roaring fire in front of you. 
There’s figures in front of it, casting shadows across the street in a way that can only be described as menacingly. You squint, the light so intense it hurts your eyes. You can just barely make out the figure of your boyfriend up ahead, beating up some goons. 
Someone else is with him, someone big. You can’t tell if it’s Bruce or Jason from this angle, but you don’t care. You’re so overwhelmed from the cold and your misery that you’re running to Dick before you even realize what you’re doing. 
Dick’s just knocked out the last goon on him before he sees another, smaller one emerging from the darkness. Running straight towards him. The adrenaline has his heart beating so fast that it’s painful, his vision tunnelling, his instincts kicking in. 
Just as you get to his sides, Dick reacts. His arm flies out, hitting you in the chest and knocking you flat on your ass. The wind is knocked out of you from the hit, shockwaves being sent up your tailbone from the impact. 
You look up at him with teary, confused eyes. Dick stares back, equally confused, pupils blown. No, not Dick. Nightwing. 
You expect him to react, to help you up, to apologize. 
“What are you doing here?”
There’s not enough breath left in your body to speak, but he takes that as a sign to keep talking. 
“I told you to stay put! Do you even know how much danger you’re putting yourself in, here? Putting me in?” His voice is gravelly and angry, a tone that you’ve never heard before. “You could have ruined everything!”
“I-I’m sorry,” you wheeze, tears rolling down your cheeks. 
Jason’s ears perk up at the yelling, and you see him start to approach from over Dick’s shoulder. You don’t want him to see you guys argue, but that went out the window when Dick started yelling at you in public. 
“Sorry doesn’t mean anything! Why can’t you just listen to basic instructions, y/n? Why do you have to make every single thing so fucking difficult on me?”
You flinch from his words. Actually flinch. He’s never spoken to you like this before. He’s never been this angry before. His chest rises and falls quickly, the adrenaline taking over completely. He takes a step towards you but you scramble back, your hands scraping on the pavement. 
He tries to step forwards again but a hand catches his collar. He spins around, facing his younger brother. “What the hell are you doing?”
Jason shoves his chest hard. “No, what the hell are you doing? Can’t you see how fucking terrifying you’re being right now? Look at y/n,” he gestures to you, and when the older boy refuses to look, he shoves him again. “Look!”
“Stay out of this, Hood,” he shoves him back. “It’s none of your damn business.”
They keep arguing, voices rising with their adrenaline. Neither one of them are paying any mind to you, too busy shoving each other and getting in each other’s faces to look at you. 
You take this opportunity to scramble to your feet, forcing yourself to take slow and silent steps until you’re far enough away to start running. You don’t look back, feet pounding the pavement. 
Dick knows he’s out of line, he knows the adrenaline and the aggression are consuming him the way they’ve always consumed Batman. But he can’t stop it. Not tonight, not when you were in danger not once, but twice. He knows he’s spiralling, losing the control he’s held onto so tightly, but he can’t stop it now. 
And Jason. Jason stepping in the way and shoving him? He can’t let that stand. And even if he knows he’s wrong, he’s not going to admit it and give the younger boy the satisfaction. 
Their fight only gets worse, spiralling out of control. Dick giving into the adrenaline, Jason giving into his urges. It gets so bad that even Tim and Damian are scared. It gets so bad that all of a sudden there’s a familiar thud behind them and they both freeze in their tracks. 
Dick knows even before he turns around that he’ll be face to face with Batman. Still, he does it, and the disappointed look his father is shooting him is enough to drain the fight from his body. Waves of clarity wash over him, and the events from the night start to register. 
Bruce says nothing, his look is enough. The anger in his eyes says it all. Cave. Now. 
The boys trudge after him, finding their own respective ways back to Wayne manor. Dick can’t help but tug on his hair and groan. What is this unruly mess I’ve made?
There’s bruises on your ass and chest. A large, long one across your chest in the exact shape of Dick’s forearm, and a big round one on your ass from where you hit the ground. 
You can’t help but stare at them in the mirror, the ugly purple colour only making you more emotional. You want to scream, you want to cry, you want to hit him. 
But you don’t do any of that. Instead, you step into the shower and stand under the hot water and close your eyes. All you want is to forget, for last night to have not happened. But it did. And nothing you can do will change that. 
Dick feels horrible. How could he have said any of that to you? He didn’t even help you up after he hit you, accident or not. The thought of his own actions make him sick. 
Bruce spent the better part of the night lecturing both him and Jason, and even after Jason left, he kept yelling at Dick. He couldn’t bring himself to argue or defend himself. How could he? He hurt you. He continued to hurt you. If Jason wasn’t there…he hates to think what might have happened. 
He slams his phone down. This is the 37th time he’s called this morning, and still no answer. After the fifth call, they just started going straight to voicemail. Even his texts say they’re not being delivered. 
He sighs, knowing he has no choice other than to head to your apartment. 
You know before you even open the door that Dick is the one knocking. He keeps his touch on the wood soft, as if he’s scared to startle you. Which he is. 
You don’t open the door. You look at him through the peephole, and he looks almost as rough as you feel. You sigh. 
“Y/n,” his voice is soft, raspy. “I know you’re there. I-I can hear you breathing.” 
You slide down the other side of the door, leaning your head against the hardwood. 
“You don’t have to talk, and I know you owe me nothing but please—just, listen.”
Your heart aches and you’re not sure what to do. You want to listen to him and you want him to make everything okay again, but you don’t know if it ever can after last night. 
“I fucked up. God, y/n, I fucked up real bad. I-I don’t know what was going through my head. I was being so stupid and I was on edge and the adrenaline—I was so worried about you.”
A few tears fall down your face at his words. 
“I didn’t mean to hit you, and I think you know that. I would never hit you. I would never lay a damn finger on you like that.”
You wipe the tears on your forearm, your nose stuffy from crying. 
“I know that I can’t take back what I said. I know that you’ll never forget that—fuck, I’ll never forget that. But I just need you to know that I didn’t mean it. I never meant any of that.”
Your breath is shaky and it takes everything you have to not start sobbing loudly. You clench your knees together, shoving your head between them. You know that he’s being sincere, and you know that he didn’t mean what he said. 
“Y/n, you are the love of my life. I mean it—you are it for me. There’s never going to be someone else. And I need you to know that this will never happen again. I will never let this happen again.”
His voice cracks with every word, he’s so close to tearing up, but he won’t let himself. This isn’t his moment to break down. This is yours. 
He doesn’t know what else to say, he doesn’t know what he could possibly add to make this better. Just as he goes to speak again, the door swings open and you’re face to chest with him. 
“I-I don’t really know what to feel right now,” you admit. “A part of me is really scared of you, but I love you so damn much and—and I think as long as Nightwing stays away from me, we can make this work.”
He nods. “Whatever you want, baby. You name it and it’s yours.” 
“Thank you.”
“Are you okay if I hug you?” His blue eyes meet yours, “we don’t have to if you’re not up for it. I understand that you don’t really trust me right now and—”
You practically jump on him, wrapping your arms around him. Dick accepts you with open arms, squeezing you so hard he lifts you off of your feet. You wrap your legs around his waist, nuzzling your face into his shoulder. 
He holds you, gently bouncing you up and down in a motion that’s so soothing you almost fall asleep on his shoulder. “I love you, y/n. I love you more than anything.” 
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bau-drabbles · 1 year
liaaa please don’t give me that promotion 💀 more hotch stuff bc ive been pining more for him lately and i keep thinking about that idea i told you about (where reader is jack’s teacher)? i’d think that aaron would try to bring jack to school personally, just to see you even if it was for few minutes? oh but can you imagine valentine’s day in jack’s school and the kids have to draw people in their lives they love/care a lot about and in his final drawing it’s you, aaron and jack next to a house on one side with his friends and his aunt on the other?
and when aaron comes to pick jack up, you hand him and jack this picture back and start complimenting jack on his skills but aaron is at the side wondering if this could work again?? :( he’s afraid of falling in love because he’s not sure if he’ll be able to protect them or be there for them when in need, but seeing his son so happy again just makes his heart melt. he likes being around you too, noticing that he has been putting his guard down when you’re talking to him.
once you’re done, you gently pat the top of jack’s head and he giggles as he walks away holding his dad’s hand, waving goodbye to you before a small slip up — he says “bye mom”. you can tell aaron freezes up, unsure how to feel but you’re immediately calling out to both of them saying that kids do this all the time and its no big deal.
you pass jack a little sweet, hoping it’ll ease the embarrassment he’s feeling. aaron turns to watch as you interact with his son, smiling and patiently reassuring him that it’s okay and that’s when he blurts out an invitation to have dinner with him?? this man would be so direct with no frills whatsoever, and while you’re taken aback by how abrupt it was, you can tell that he’s a little embarrassed by it too — his cheeks are tinted pink and he watches you nervously before you say yes. you quickly scribble down your number and pass it to him before leaving to tend to the other kids and their parents, now before sending a quick wink to the both of them.
aaron’s heart is beating like crazy because there’s no way he just managed to do that but as he walked towards his car, he cant help but smile at the thought that things are finally looking better for him, and that maybe, it doesn’t have to be just the two of the hotchner boys anymore <3
- (not) gideon anon
aww baby, i don't think you gave me this idea the last ask you sent was sad horny hotch but teacher!reader !!!!! 👀👀👀👀 also never apologise for the long ask!!! i love them!! 🤍🤍
this makes me so sad and happy because the first chance at love after such a devastating loss??? 🥺🥺 like after the whole haley thing, he's so scared to love again because what happens if history repeats itself and he falls too fast and too deep?? but you're such a burst of colour, so vibrant and just so beautiful he just wants a taste. a little glimpse of what if.
and when he looks back after reaching his car, he can see you smiling and laughing to the other parents with their kids and you just look so damn gorgeous. the wind blowing just the right amount, the sun dancing across your face, all of it feels like a romcom. it's such a cliché but he all he wants to do is scoop you up in his arms and whirl you around before planting a soft kiss to your lips which look so inviting.
he paces himself though, this time he's a little more reserved but it's only because its so new. you've said yes to his invite, surely that must mean something good.
and in the midst of it all, your eyes have catches his again just before he enters his car. the usual stoic face drops a little and you see a hint of a smile and something more. his cheeks are tinged with pink, his eyes a hurricane of emotions even if you're too far away to decipher which is the most dominant. jack calls out to him again and he awkwardly breaks out of the trance, looking at his son before shooting you a soft smile as he gets into his car after securing jack in his seat
this dinner would be perfect, he concludes in his head. seeing your beautiful face and seeing just how happy you make him and jack feel, it was going to be all okay.
i love this so bad 😩🤲 your 😺 may belong to gideon but your heart def belongs to hotchycakes <33 😙😙
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violetwitch12087 · 1 year
While working at a gas station you get a visit by a particular 'ghost'
Gas Station (Peter Maximoff)
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I walk into the gas station that i work at its boring theres nothing to do but just sit there all shift but i need the money so i guess imma have to endure it
I walk behind the counter setting my bag down in a cubby and walk over to some boxes filled with chips and candy and all that i pick one up carefully before i hear the bell ring i turn towards the door "welcome" i say and look confused when i realize no ones there i guess im losing it i walk over to an isle about to set the box down when something almost makes me fall it was quick almost like wind but theres no wind in here that thats strong
"Hello?" I say maybe its a ghost i mean i believe in ghost but why the hell is there one here? "Hey show urself asshole" i say loudly trying to seem more intimidating "uh okay" i hear a voice say the ghost just talked to me i whip around quickly to be met by not a ghost but a really attractive guy "uh hi im sorry i think im hallucinating" i say giving a awkward smile
I admire his features his silver jacket his handsome face his black shirt and pants and a pair of goggles on his head and his silver hair theres no way thats real
He smiles a bit his dimples showing making my knees a little weak "nope just me messin with you" he says and i look at him confused "what do you mean" i ask the boy "well im just really fast" he says before i know it a flash goes in front of me and the boxes are empty all the food in their place
"What- how did you-" i say before it clicks hes a mutant "mutant" i say and he nods standing there proudly "god you asshole" i say hitting him kinda hard "i thought i was gonna go to a mental ward" i say and he laughs before he pulls out a twinkie from the shelf and starts to eat it "why exactly are you eating that without paying?" I ask "well i just unloaded all those boxes and usually its another person whos in here when im stealing from this place so i think i deserve a twinkie" he says before he takes a bite
I shrug my shoulders "as long as you actually are nice and help around here and there ill let you eat as many twinkies as you would like" i say and his face lights up "alright" he says and i nod sticking my hand out which he takes shaking it his warm hand engulfing mine
I pull my hand back nervously "uhm do whatever you want i need to do some other work around here" i say beginning to walk away "well can i help? I dont wanna be stuck at home and i dont really have anyone to talk too" he says and i turn around smiling slightly before i nod and he excitedly rushes after me and we get some more boxes and he helps put them away and he even helped me wipe down the counters and sweep and mop
I turn to the silver headed boy "thanks for all the help" i say "yeah no problem, the names peter" he says and i nod "y/n" i say and he nods as well "pretty name" he says and a blush fills my face "thanks" i say "well its the end of my shift" i say and he nods understandingly "same time tomorrow?" He asks and i nod smiling "bye peter" i say and he nods before he watches me get into my car and drive away and he speeds away to his house
Its been a cycle now that peters been at my job for maybe 2 weeks now and its finally time for my shift and for some reason im actually excited ive never been excited for this job who am i kidding its because of peter god hes so cute his hair his smile his jokes i just want him all to myself i just wanna cover him with kisses
I drive to the gas station and walk in setting my stuff in the cubby again and i hear the bell ring i quickly look up and see no one i smile before i go to the isles slowly walking through them before i feel something run past me and i turn around quickly but no ones there i keep walking when i feel someone playfully push me i laugh and look around more and eventually peter appears behind me
"Boo!" He says grabbing me which makes me scream and push him before we burst out laughing i go up to him and push him harder "asshole" i say smiling he pushes me back playfully and i push him back before we both are trying to push each other both of our weight on each other if one of us was to let go and walk away the other person would fall forward
I start playfully flinging my hands at him like a 'cat fight' and he does the same both of our hands just hitting each other like kids making me laugh more before i accidentally hit his face i gasp and he stands there shocked for a moment i laugh a bit "peter im so sorry" i say a smile still on my face and i lead him over to behind the counter and sit him down still smiling
I turn his head looking to see if theres a accidental mark "awe poor baby" i say teasingly and he rolls his eyes smiling still i lean down and place a kiss on his head before another on his cheek and before i know it i have his head in my hands his hands gently holding onto my wrists as i kiss his face over and over
I kiss his nose his head his cheeks as well i pull away still holding his head "you okay now?" I say a smile starting to appear back onto my face and he nods softly smiling a bit as well our smiles start to disappear before we both lean in and our lips connect him holding my wrists still my hands holding his head as we kiss each other lovingly turning our heads as well this has to be a dream
We finally pull away and i smile slightly at him a blush on my face making him smile as well "well" i say "yeah" he says "at least gou're a good kisser tho" i say and he smiles more "thanks you are too, does that mean i can kiss you again?" He asks and i nod frantically before we kiss again his plump lips my now new addiction
God hes so adorable...
Heres another onnneee yeah please request and chat with me and follow i hope you enjoy my posts more *mwah mwah mwah* bye i love you my love
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oneshotnewbie · 11 months
hiya! are u gonna post any cm fics soon? i think a while back u said u had two waiting 2 be posted and ive been so eager to read 1 lol but i was js hoping u r gonna have 1 out soon i hope i dont sound rude or anything by me askin! ❣️
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Authors note: Comes in two parts because I wrote too much again, sorry! ♥ The second part is coming out this evening because I have to go to university now and I'm already late anyway.
Summary: You never thought you'd end up with the person you've had feelings for since day one. But it happened, and in that time, you learned more about yourself than you had in all your years on Earth. She swore to you that from now on she would always be by your side, but as fate would have it, it took her away from you and instead of a wedding, there was only a funeral service.
The sound of the wind rattling against the window of your cold bedroom had jolted you out of your thoughts. A short gust of wind passed through the small room in your apartment, the door of which was opened briefly and let you froze, a cold shiver pattering down your back.
With your eyes closed, you listened to the howling and whistling- it was not uncomfortable and you had gotten used to it in the last few lonely weeks. The apartment no longer felt like home during these several long and painful days.
You cocked your head to the side, your gaze wandering to the figure standing tightly in the doorway, not moving an inch from their firm stand. You were sure, through your teary vision, that it was JJ; she had promised that she would come to you earlier and would be with you so that you were not alone.
Sighing, you turned back to the window, staring out at the gray and overcast weather; appropriate for this day. Morgan and Garcia would definitely show up soon, too. You smiled at the thought of the blonde urging Morgan to get up earlier than necessary-if they could get any sleep at all but it passed quickly as your thoughts fell back to your murdered fiancee.
"So this is how it ends, huh?" you whispered, your voice thick from the many tears that you had last cried into the pillow. "You fall in love, do not think you will ever get together with that person but it happens and then they are just..gone? Just ripped out of your heart and life like that?" you snapped your fingers to reinforce your statement, more tears welling up in your eyes.
The blonde moved a little closer to you, her arms wrapped gently around your waist while her head lolled on your shoulder. JJ´s hand sauntered down your arm to your hand, her fingers dancing on the back of your hand before your fingers tangled and she gripped it tightly. Tears streamed down your thin face and you pressed your lips together to stifle a sob.
"Sometimes, it is the course of life" she said quietly and pulled you with her onto the nearby bed, holding you comfortingly in her arms and catching your tears as they fell, wordless and unhindered.
Jennifer knew you had more to deal with than she or any of Emily Prentiss´s friends. Today, however, would take you a first step in the right direction to process what happened and to accept the grief. She was happy that you were willing to put the past to rest and process the loss of your fiancee by attempting her funeral.
After last meeting you, you had been going through a rough time. Closing yourself off from the team and her, even quitting your job. It was almost unbearable for the blonde to see you so devastated and desperate with no doubt certain that you would not set a foot into the graveyard.
She knew how you felt, having already buried many of her own people, and yet she was glad to think that she could catch you when you fell after her best friends death, just like JJ promised the raven haired woman before her passing.
The clouds hung darker and lower in the sky than they were a few minutes ago, largely reflecting your mood and emotions. Jennifer slowly turned her head to look at your sunken and sallow face, then sighed. "Are you ready?"
"I will never be ready for that, so we should just do it" JJ nodded in agreement. She knew you were right, could imagine how difficult this was for you. But she was sure that you would make up your mind afterwards and would feel better, relieved.
You would be able to wrap up, process your grief, after several long weeks of missing her. And you would always have a place to go whenever you felt like talking to her.
Grabbing the blondes hand tightly and squeezing it briefly, you both stood up at the same time and left the small room. Downstairs, everyone of your team already waited for you. The whole team was looking at you expectantly, Penelope already stretching her arms out to you in an uncertain gesture.
Clearing your throat, you broke away from the blonde and took a deep breath before falling into her arms. "My Sugarplum," gentle kisses graced your cheek while warm arms wrapped around you tightly, finger faintly drawing traces on your back. "Thank you for being here, I-"
Garcia gently placed a finger on your dry lips and shook her head; you did not have to keep talking, it was natural for everyone to support you. With a nod in understanding of her gesture, she solicitous wrapped an arm around your waist while JJ´s fingers interlaced with yours once again.
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hello! first of all i really, really love your metas and it's such a joy to read them ❤️ i'd be very interested to know what you think aziraphale's smile in the elevator meant? i've been a bit baffled by it for a long time and i just cannot come to a conclusion. sorry if this has been asked before/you've already written about it!
hi anon!!!💕 that's really kind of you to say, thank you!!!
so i did indeed answer a similar ask, but it was a while ago now, so ive just reread through to see if my opinion remains the same (oftentimes it frankly varies with the wind), and im still reasonably of the mindset that his smile is aziraphale coming up with a plan/doubling down on some kind of 'im not here to go along with your plan, im here to make a difference'.
now a lot of that conclusion does hinge on my personal thought that aziraphale is aware that metatron is trying to play him, that there is an unspoken threat or intimidation going on, and that aziraphale has just gone through the FF thinking he has no choice but to go back to heaven, lest he (and crowley, potentially) be put in danger if he doesn't. imo he's entered the FF with the mindset of 'making a difference', bc if he doesn't have a choice in the matter, he might as well go and instead further his own agenda whilst he's there. but do it with crowley, because they're on the same side.
essentially, i think aziraphale is speaking throughout the whole FF in a way that doesn't tip off the metatron that he's anything other than heaven's man, and also speaking in a way that doesn't alert crowley to the situation that they'd be in if aziraphale were to refuse the promotion. the blindside is that crowley understandably refuses to come with him, kisses him as a last-ditch attempt for him to stay, and leaves when aziraphale deals the killing blow - and the metatron drops the bombshell that is the second coming.
so when he's in the lift, you visibly see him start to panic - one last look at crowley, deep breath, and into the lift, all before he starts to breath heavily through his mouth, face lax in shock, etc. but as we hit the credits, he's stiffened up, gotten himself under controlled, and schooled his face.
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frankly, i find these expressions way more alarming than the ending smile itself, but i genuinely think it's aziraphale running through everything he knows in his head, attempting to sift through possible ways in which he can make his first step, whilst keeping his expression as calm and collected as possible infront of the metatron. kinda like a game of chess - white has made its opening move, and he's running through all the different responses that could set the foundation for the entire match. i see aziraphale as a very capable analytical thinker, so - for me - this tracks.
and then it all culminates in one final moment:
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his head tips back, his eyes actually move and flit around (as if he's had a eureka moment), and the tightness in his face - particularly around his eyes - relaxes. now, i don't necessarily think aziraphale suddenly has it all worked out, not at all, but whether it's him working out at least the first move he can make, or him simply steeling himself after a thorough pep-talk that he's going to see this farce through, either way - i see it as a dangerous smile. crowley told him in ep2 that he's an angel that goes along with heaven as far as he can, and aziraphale kinda knocked on the door of that at the end of s1 - enough to want nothing to do with them as we enter s2 - but i think this moment, and everything that just happened, just might be his actual tipping point.
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Hey hey-!!ahhh ive just had a marvelous idea-! So I was thinking house wife! Reader w yandere! Sanemi, tengen(+his wives with him if that's okay), giyu, mitsuri, (and maybe rengoku, but I don't want to overload you so you don't have to add him-!!). I was thinking of house wife reader, who has a electrix fly swatter-! So-- here's an example of how she uses it; someone enters the kitchen while shes cooking right? She tells them to leave and it'll be ready soon, they don't.. So.. She taps them on the hand with fly swatter and shocks them!! "Hya!! Take that-!!" (Not hard enough to actually hurt though!!) So long, so sorry!! Thank you for your time lovely💗💗
Ah! I’ll try it! I’ll do kinda-short stories for each to spice things up! I would love to add Kyojuro but five is too many!
Yandere! Shinazugawa Sanemi
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Sanemi was irritated and calm as he slowly walked up to his Estate, blood staining his snowy white haori and sheathed katana’s hilt. He may have been done with today and his many missions but he was very eager to get home to his beloved wife. Though, his brief excitement as he thought about you was cut short when he heard a sudden yelp echo past the closed front window, leading into the kitchen
Concern started pumping through his bloodstream in a instant, as he immediately drew his katana and kicked down the mansion’s massive doorway, prepared to murder whatever demon was trying to attack his wife. Rushing down the hallways at his top speed, he leaped off his heels to turn the corner, pushing open the kitchen door with his shoulder
Flaring his katana threateningly, he was ready. But the sight before him relieved his tense nerves quickly yet made him feel still a bit on edge. You, with a electric fly swatter raised over your head as you pouted at the demon crouched before you. The demon was holding it’s hand, clearly, it was shocked by the fly swatter
“It’s not ready yet and it’s not for you! Don’t try take it!” You chirp mad with that soft silky voice of yours, readjusting your apron over your elegant kimono. “Naughty boy!” You suddenly say in a scolding manner, before turning around and facing your husband. Your eyes glowed with joy as you smiled at Sanemi, making his frown convert into a prideful and excited grin in a instant. He was obsessive over that smile, he could look at it all day
“Welcome back, my love. Dinner is nearly ready. I kinda got distracted!” You remark nervously, quickly returning to the stove and the boiling pot of rice, ready to be served with the rest of the piping hot parts of the delicious bento box you were making, originally as a surprise for Sanemi. Veins of rage grew on Sanemi’s forehead as he glared deadly lasers at the demon laid there pathetically. This demon deserved unbelievable lord of hell for bothering you, a crime punishable by death
In a mere blink, the Wind Hashira diced up the lowly demon on the floor into the tiniest chunks that disappeared into black ash quickly, all in movements you couldn’t possibly concept as he mindlessly dropped his katana when the deed was done and threw his arms around you in a slight tackle-hug, basking in your warmth and comfortable skin as you turned off the stove
He missed you dearly. He hated being away from you, but at least he always gets to see the wife he is so insane for every single day and nobody will lay their hands on you, Sanemi will ensure you’ll stay safe and his forever and ever
Yandere! Uzui Tengen(+ a bit of his wives)
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Tengen laughed pridefully, accompanied by his beloved three wives on each of his sides as the big couple walked back up to the one and only eccentric Sound Estate after they left in the morning for a important business meeting, arriving back in the late evening. All four are beyond excited to see their precious little housewife again. The three girls chatted among each other as Tengen thought intently about you, your beautiful face and the amazing memories of his wedding with you
Suma hopped up the elevated steps hyperactive and ready to relax on her futon, going ahead her husband and co-wives and dainty hand reaching for the huge classy doorway. All four stopped in sync, raw fear shooting through until it clouded their rational thinking when they heard the loud noise of a splatter against the wall, something like a liquid spraying
Tengen immediately shot off his powerful heels with no more thought left, other than extreme concern for your safety, traversing through the flashy and luxurious halls so fast, he simply blurred by like he was a semi-invisible insect. The three Uzui wives followed their much quicker husband in a rush, pushing off the nearby wall to get a further boost forward as their usual running speed couldn’t keep up. Are you okay? Are you hurt? The Uzui wives stopped in place at Tengen’s still self, he kicked down the kitchen door he stood before
Blocking the kitchen’s entrance with his massive frame and shielding his three wives, the Sound Hashira rose his mighty Cleavers up and ready to strike, the three women close behind prepared their on-standby Kunai incase their husband needed backup. The scene before the unsuspecting four almost made Tengen giggle outloud, despite the immense concern and anger he was currently experiencing
You huffing annoyed, quickly fishing out the recently cooked Tempura onto the pile of cooling down Tempura and turning off the piping hot deep fry device as the demon clutched it’s shoulder with shocks coursing through its flesh, leant up against the nearby wall. The electric fly swatter rested in your palm as you flared it enough for the demon to see and a opened carton of milk was discarded on the floor, making a small puddle of white liquid
“Making me leave my post… What a naughty young man! Trying to take my food when it’s not even finished!” You frowned annoyed and grumbled under your breath. You were quite occupied with fixing up the dinner that you didn’t notice your husband neither co-wives were standing silently the doorway
Suma cried out, throwing herself onto your waist and accidentally pushing you up against the counter, sobbing loudly and pressing her cheek onto your stomach. She was so unbelievably worried that you had gotten hurt by the demon, thankfully, she and her loves arrived just in time to protect you and her heart was returning to usual pace in relief
“Dokusssha! I’m so so so so soooo relieved that you didn’t get hurt! Thank you, gods!” Makio growled annoyed at Suma, yanking her off entirely and scolding her for hurting your back when shoving you up against the counter’s hard rim. “I’m sorry, Dokusha. I’m happy that you’re okay” Makio remarked much gentler towards you before going back to arguing with Suma
Hinatsuru chimed in gently, checking your hands for any burns from the hot stove and your body for any injuries, feeling around for any wet but luckily, nothing. The demon hadn’t gotten the chance to try get up from it’s place as Tengen rushed over to the demon in a single blink of the eye and swung his mighty cleavers in a up-swipe, cutting the pathetic being’s head clean off and then carelessly walking away from the body beginning to shed off into clumps of black dust
“How wonderful. You’re in perfect condition, I’m glad” She purred pleased and relieved as Tengen came back to you and running his gigantic hands across your rosy cheeks, relief poured out of him like oxygen as he pressed a kiss onto your forehead, a loving kiss. All four were so happy that they came home to you alive and well, for everyday to be the same as today would make them all happy enough to never ask for anything again
Yandere! Tomioka Giyuu
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What a beautiful present for his and his wife’s first year anniversary. A golden promise ring decorated by a big F/G gem. Giyuu smiled internally to himself as he imagined your reaction to it, such praise and rosy cheeks falling off you as you proclaim how much you love him. He was beyond excited to get back to the Water Estate
Each step felt like a eternity, yet he was so close as he passed through the gates with the bag clung to his wrist. He finally reached the big front door of the mansion and placed a hand on the wooden frame when a very loud thud emitted from the furthest right window
Where the kitchen is. Giyuu dropped the bag in as extreme panic coursed through him and rushed through the halls after slamming the door open, quickly finding his cleaned and sharpened katana perched on the wall besides his bedroom door. Snatching it out of the hilt, Giyuu breathed heavy on speeding feet
He needed to get to you before the demon in the house could lay it’s filthy hands on you. Pasting through the maze like halls as fast as he could, Giyuu pushed open the door with all his might, almost breaking it and positioned himself ready to perform Dead Calm but all his bloodthirsty means washed away at what he saw it
You, scolding the demon on it’s knees before you with a big pan of cooked salmon discarded on the floor and the electric fly swatter in your hand as you smacked the whiny demon’s back again. Causing it to twitch with the electric shock
“Why would you touch my husband’s dinner! I spent all day on that! Naughty! So naughty!” You chirp madly, crossing your arms disappointed. But your anger didn’t last long as you felt Giyuu suddenly grab your hand and that drew your attention onto him. You smiled in a instant, blushing at the feeling of him pressing a passionate kiss onto your knuckles
“Hello, my love. I’m sorry about the mess, I accidentally dropped your dinner but I’ll fix it, I—”
“I don’t care, Dokusha. I’m just so thankful that you’re okay” Giyuu avoided the food mess on the floor with careful slight movements to reach you, wrapping a arm around your waist possessively, after he finished worshipping your hand, and pointing his katana at the demon. Giyuu’s glare of pure disgust and hatred was more than sharp enough to dice the demon on it’s own. He can barely stand anybody looking at or touching his wife, let alone a dangerous animal like a demon
Giyuu gently pushed you out of the way with his eyes still on the demon, so you won’t be in any risk as he swung down his sword, dicing the demon into thin slices, like how you cut cheese, before turning back to you and kissing your forehead
Giyuu could care less for the mess of wasted food nor the demon, he loves you too much to let you go, so all he truly cares for is having you with him for everyday. The little time he gets to spend with you is driving him lunatic, more than he already is. He genuinely believes that you deserve to have every ounce of his love so he does it, with no problem
Yandere! Kanroji Mitsuri
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Almost overwhelming excitement bubbled so much in her tummy, she felt like her blood was becoming as weightless as balloons. Mitsuri hopped forward, like a curious little bunny on her way to her eccentric mansion, the Love Estate where she knew, her beloved wife awaited for her to come back
Even if she hadn’t done any gruelling missions but instead gone to pick up groceries for you, Mitsuri was still very happy to see you again as she missed you. She always has been so joyous merely seeing you clean the kitchen counter, quietly and calmly before bringing over the dinner you made for her. She loved how cute you are, her little housewife and her relief over the fact she got to marry you over every man was endless
Mitsuri, with many bags full of fresh groceries strapped to her back, over her shoulder and on her left hand as her right hand reached out to the pretty home’s massive doorway. She was about to push it open, her smile unbreaking until the sound of something hitting the wall. What… what was that? Mitsuri asked herself, panic and anger rushing through her in a instant
Without care, she kicked the door wide open and shot off like a speeding cannon towards the nearby cupboard, laid her signature katana. She didn’t have time to unsheathe as she pulled the entire thing away from where it sat and pushed off on the corner to keep running. You’re in danger, you’re in danger
How did a demon get in?! When did a demon get in?! Are you okay?! God, please don’t take you away from her, Mitsuri knew she wouldn’t be able to live anymore if she lost you. Quickly charging through the door of the kitchen, she knocked it down altogether but she didn’t care as the bags of groceries she couldn’t take off in time were half empty, a trail of food was left behind her but thankfully, all intact
Mitsuri’s eyes watered in thankfulness and she bit back her cries as you were in the far corner with your hands on your hips and the electric fly swatter cupped between your left palm and hip. The demon was growling lightly at you, the thing thrown was a pot that laid on the floor besides the door. Clearly, the demon tried to knock you out with a pot but you were faster
“Don’t touch the food! It’s hot and it’s not ready!” You scold firmly, keeping your trusty fly swatter on the go as you frowned and shook your head at the demon’s lack of response nor understanding. You sighed before speaking in a slightly disappointed tone; “So naughty…” The stove you were previously using was off and the ramen noodles you were cooking was still left steaming in the stiffer
Mitsuri cried audibly with no more self-control left, grabbing onto you and pulling you towards her. She wrapped your dainty yet mighty arms around you tightly, softly sobbing in relief and digging her nose in your nape to breath in your beautiful perfume. She was so afraid she lost you in that moment. The Love Hashira hissed back when the demon begun hissing like a feral cat
“How dare you… how dare… you… try hurt my precious wife” Mitsuri barked, openly aggressive and openly furious. She didn’t bother trying to hide her rage any further as she unsheathed her thin ribbon-like katana in one smooth motion, gently moving you out of the way so she can swing it with no risk of cutting you, the lengthy metal twirled in a tornado style as it quickly sliced the demon into ten equal parts
She watched it start to dissolve into smoky dust, metaphorical steam blowing out of her nose as you laughed gently at her, moving one of her long braids off her shoulder. The delicate gesture snapped Mitsuri back to reality, she dropped her katana and hugged you again, smiling and sniffling at the same time
Yes, Mitsuri has made quite the mess with the groceries she was so carefully bringing home but she did not care a single inch. She will happily sacrifice a dinner or five to make sure you are safe and healthy and now that her anxiety has died out, she will silently cuddle you until she has to go back to clean up her mess
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i almost felt bad about "stirring the pot" or "poisoning the well" or whatever a few months after the fact but... i don't anymore. because i realized they literally posted their callout post almost EIGHT MONTHS after i left and blocked everyone ON NOVEMBER 2ND. THEY POSTED THEIR CALLOUT AT THE END OF MAY. i think im well within my right atp to say whatever the fuck i have to say now that i know they've tried throwing their mfing tax-payer spitballs at me.
but like. i just wanna say. if they have really moved on like they keep saying, they wouldn't need to vaguepost (or outright just say "ggrrrr crispyrepellant" or whatever) about it seemingly constantly on their blogs................. i think that says a lot by itself. ive personally been really trying to keep this stuff off my rp account other than my addition to the rebuttal (even if im still upset about all of it) because well. my mutuals don't like drama and i don't want them to have to be Subjected to it every single goddamn day while trying to look at Fun Roleplay Posts unless something big happens. that's why i've been sending so many long-winded asks so. sorry for using yall's blogs as a thought journal about this LMAOOO. i swear i send like 5 of them every day. i am unfortunately a chronic oversharer. but i promise you its not me trying to milk the drama or anything, its just me remembering random things or wanting to say More for whatever reason😭😭😭. which. i guess you could call that milking. but. i digress
i also wanna add: thank you to all the people who have randomly came out of the woodwork to show support. but also. i dont think i should even have to be called "brave" or whatever 😭😭😭 i think that's some crazy work from you people but thanks anyways
Posting as is
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
hi, writing motivation anon! 🩵
i am talking about fanfic, yeah! i dont think all the self help books in the world would help me with original fiction lol its just really frustrating because if i dont force myself, at least a little bit, i will literally never write anything, even though i want to so, so badly. if i dont want to do something nothing in the world can get me to without like immediate and detrimental consequences if i dont do it, even when they're things i do actually want to do? i have so many plots just collecting dust and its killing me not being able to do anything with them, and the thought of giving them away gives me major ick, but i just cant bring myself to actually write a sentence of any of it anymore.
i used to do a lot of partner writing and it is fun but i get a little too distracted to be productive with it, not to mention my social circle is practically non existent at this point. ive done the work on forming good habits and bettering my environment and working on my mental state and while its definitely improved a lot of other parts of my life (which i am not complaining about even though i kind of want to just to do it - taking actual care of yourself, it actually works. who would have thought? crazy), it hasn't penetrated the motivation wall yet.
i think one of my main issues is the perfectionism. i think its mostly subconscious because i dont really realize what im doing until trying to write becomes too frustrating to keep trying. ive never been good at rough drafts and fine tuning and reworking, like if its not to subconscious perfect standards i cant move on until it is or i give up entirely. im not sure how to get over that. its like if its not done right the first try, i immediately feel like its a failure and a worthless endeavor that isn't worth the effort. i think a lot that has to do with other people's perception of my work as well, like its totally fine (not really) for me to have an unfinished doc sitting around that only i can see and wallow over, but if i power through, finish it, and post it than suddenly its out there for so many people to pick apart and see where i, and the fic, am lacking. its scary, i don't know how i used to put myself out there like that before.
sorry this got really long winded really quickly. i wish my yapping capabilities would extend to writing, but unfortunately its a talent only useful in terrorizing fellow humans with walls of words. absolutely tell me to fuck off if im babbling entirely too much for you lol
I completely understand the perfectionism thing. Have you tried writing microfics? Sometimes I find them easier, especially when I’m stuck, because they’re small and less to take on at once, you know?
Sending you all the good writing vibes!
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