#sorry to disappoint you anon but you’ll just have to stick around for any fics i myself write </3
endious · 1 year
HIII im sorry if uve already been asked this before but i love your writing and its hard to find anything like it, do you have fic recs for writing that is similar to yours or fics that you love yourself because im sure you have great taste
unfortunately like you’ve said, it is extremely difficult to find anything like what i write. if you’re looking for hardcore shit like i write i unfortunately dont have any recs because there’s just nothing out there (from all that i’ve searched) that’s similar to what i write. that’s the whole reason i even write in the first place, because there’s nothing out there that interests me and there certainly isn’t any fics that do jeff justice as a fuckin’ sicko. he’s either too soft or not nearly gross enough but to each their own.
Head first in the dirt 、MANIAC 、Taken (<- this one inspired me to even think of writing a full story like ??? two years ago and I constantly go and reread it)
this are full fledged stories (wip stories. they arent completed but are worth a read) and not oneshots just because i literally can’t find any that i read more than one paragraph of before closing the tab. no hate to anyone i’ve read fics from i just have a specific taste and how i view jeff but those stories i’ve linked above just itch a certain scratch for me. i havent read the first two (both are written by same author btw) that much but i love the pacing of the story and their writing is overall really pleasing and keeps me interested. of course i can be a shameless whore and plug my own story that’s got the same elements i always write but i wont lmfao
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Sign From The Past
Andrew/Abraham (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope) x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Spoilers for Little Hope, Swearing, Blood and Injury, Bus Crash (Mentioned)
Genre: Romance, A bit of Angst
Summary: Following the bus crash and the group of students and their professor getting stranded in the eerie town of Little Hope, Y/N and Andrew come to find out a lot about and themselves as in their thoughts and feelings as well as about each other. It does take a little push from the past to pass the threshold though.
Requested by 💞 Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your lovely request, it was a real joy to write. Also thank you so much for your patience - I know the wait has been really long and I’m extremely sorry for that but I still hope you come across the fic and read it. If so, I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
Y/D/N - Your Double’s Name (Same first letter as your name)
Y/N stands behind John and observes as her professor is attempting to wake up the possibly concussed boy sitting on the ground with his back against the roof of the flipped bus they had all been safely seated in less than ten minutes ago. Her classmate and best friend Taylor’s struggling to fetch even the tiniest possible signal with her phone held up in the air, muttering curses under her breath. Two more classmates are unaccounted for at the moment but that’s not what’s bothering Y/N the most right now - maybe it’s messed up, but it’s true. 
The girls main attention and worry is focused on the boy who’s still unconscious. The boy she’s praying will wake up soon.
Being the only one with a med major, Y/N was quick to tend to any external wounds such as the cut on Andrew’s forehead which was rather deep but nothing to get too worked up about. There was not much she could do without a med-kit which made her feel utterly helpless and useless while John continuously reassured her Andrew and the rest of them would all be ok.
Come on, Andrew. Don’t scare us like this
As if overhearing her thoughts, Andrew’s eyes started fluttering open, causing Y/N’s heartbeat to pick up, her legs automatically carrying her closer to him, ducking down in front of him to get a good look at him.
She’s the first person his gaze lands upon before fluttering over to John. His eyebrow seems to raise ever so slightly before he looks at Y/N again, “Y/N, what happened? Who’s that?“
Her heart dropped and so did the smile that appeared on John’s face as a result of Andrew’s consciousness returning.
Overhearing Andrew’s question, Taylor quickly comes over as well, ducking down next to Y/N. “Rise and shine, Andy. We’re stuck in a ghost town, this is no time to be taking naps.”
Andrew scoffs, looking at Taylor, “Maybe you could run that back a bit cause I have no idea where I am or what on Earth happened.” His eyes shift back to you, “Any explanation would be nice, Y/N. Even a shitty one.”
Y/N sighs, “We were going on a fieldtrip and our bus crashed. This is our professor,” she points to John and then to Taylor, “And this is our classmate. Two others are with us but we don’t know where they are at the moment.”
The boy stays quiet for a moment, his gaze distancing and becoming unfocused to the point of scaring Y/N but then he starts talking, focusing again, “You’re a med major, so doc can you please tell me why the hell I remember none of what you just told me?“
Even though the girl is rather shocked by his memory of her and her major, she hurries to recompose herself and reply, “You’re just concussed, Andrew. Don’t worry, you’ll be perfectly fine soon, nothing to panic over. I promise.”
Taylor snorts from next to her, cutting the tension, “Wow Andy, you know Y/N AND her major but you can’t even remember our names. Just wow!”
“Not everyone leaves the same impression on a person, Taylor.“ John says, looking between Y/N and Andrew knowingly.
“You got that one right professor.“ Taylor agrees, nudging Y/N’s shoulder with her own, sending a wink her best friend’s way despite the other girl desperately avoiding her gaze.
All she can really do is sit in the intense heat of her blush and hope it’s not as apparent as her crush on Andrew seems to be.
It’s gonna be one hell of a night, she thinks to herself.
If only she knew how right she was...
                                                            *  *  *
“Feeling any better? Any fatigue or nausea?“ Y/N asks Andrew as the two continue down the road, walking ahead of everybody else. This is a routinely question she’s been asking him every thirty or so minutes while hoping she wasn’t annoying him too much with it.
Luckily, he never made her feel like she was, always replying in a friendly, light-hearted manner and even with a hint of a smile, “No, I’m good, don’t worry.”
Right, as if Y/N had a switch to flip to turn her worry off. She’s always been the nurturing type. The one who always over-cares and is always over-kind. She’s been like that with everyone since forever. But with Andrew, though she refuses to admit it, it’s obviously a bit different and more intense.
Seeing as how she’s the only one he remembers, he’s been sticking by her side and gravitating towards her the whole night - much like she’s been doing as well. Little do they both know that even back on campus, in the gardens and the hallways of their college they’d somehow always end up finding one another and walking together to or from class. There are invisible magnetic forces between them, pulling them towards one another so subtly neither of them have noticed. Not yet, at least.
“Hey look! An old train station.“ Y/N points out, looking first to Andrew then turning around in search of the rest of their group members. Her heart drops when all her gaze lands upon is the thick fog that’s been following them everywhere they’ve gone so far and doesn’t seem to show any sign of thinning anytime soon.
Having noticed her mild distress at the absence of their professor and classmates, Andrew hurries to approach her, subconsciously resting a hand on her shoulder, “Hey, they’re probably right behind us, don’t freak out, ok?” His eyes stare into hers so convincingly that all she can do is nod. When she does so, he continues, “Ok, good. Let’s go into the station, see if we can find anything or anyone.” She nods again, praying the blush that’s appeared on her cheeks as a result of the physical contact isn’t visible in the faint light of the streetlight.
As the two turn to venture onward, Y/N nearly jumps out of her skin when she feels Andrew’s hand slide down her arm to take a hold of hers as if afraid he’d lose her in the dark. She tries not to pay too much mind to it and not read into it, biting her lip to suppress the involuntary smile that’s creeping up on her face.
Seeing this moment with the two so at peace and relaxed, the horrors felt mocked apparently and felt the need to intervene.
Just as the two students are about to pass the threshold into the station, a hand covered in cracked ashy skin takes hold of Andrew’s forearm, pulling him in the station.
And simultaneously into the past.
When him and Y/N come to they are shocked at the sight that greets them: themselves. The two of them are standing next to a horse carriage, wearing attire from centuries ago and speaking in hushed tones and whispers but loud enough to be understood at the distance they were at. Y/N and Andrew decide to stay quiet and avoid being spotted by them.
“Never have I thought I’d have to send you off such a way and for such a reason, Y/D/N.” The man who looks exactly like Andrew says, his head hanging low with disappointment, regret and sorrow.
“Abraham, listen to me, this is no fault of yours. You are doing what you think will keep me from harm and I’m grateful with all my heart. I just worry the Reverend will find out you had something to do with me...“
“I’d regret not a single thing even if he did find out.“ The man, Abraham apparently, cuts the girl - Y/D/N - off, his eyes coming up to meet hers again, his hand taking hold of hers. The girl looks around nervously as if to make sure she’s got permission to hold the hand of the man she clearly loves, but then just nods in gratitude.
“I’m forever in your debt, Abraham, thank you.“ She says, bowing her head now too.
“Do not thank me, Y/D/N, and do not speak such nonsense as debt. I would rather die seen as a betrayer of God than see you burnt at the steak or hanged. My lover is no witch and won’t be treated like one till the day I draw my last breath.“
With that Abraham and Y/D/N share one final hug before he helps her up on the carriage which takes off in a direction where Y/N and Andrew see nothing but darkness.
And just like that, the two present versions of those people, are put back where they belong - in the present, surrounded by fog and darkness as previously. The surroundings that previously gave them an uneasy feeling now make them feel comfort because of their familiarity.
“You ok?“ Y/N jumps when Andrew’s hand’s hold on her tightens ever so slightly as if to free her from the web of confusion and fear.
She nods then shakes her head but manages to let out an affirmative hum to reassure him. “You?”
Andrew repeats the same motion she did - a nod followed by a shake of the head, “Yes and no, if I’m being honest. And on the topic of honesty: I haven’t been at the peak of mine as of recent.”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrow, “What do you mean?“
The boy lets out a heavy sigh that is meant to prepare him for what he’s about to say. What he’s about to confess to. “There’s plenty of things I haven’t told you. Things I refused to tell myself too...”
“Andrew, sorry but, I’ve had it with puzzles and riddles all night long. Can you please be straight-forward, I promise I won’t freak out or anything.“
Despite still being hesitant on the matter, Andrew decides to listen to Y/N’s advice - or rather request - and nods before continuing, “You’re one of my best friends, Y/N, I hope you know that and I trust you and I care for you and...and I just tonight came to understanding that it was always something...more than a friend. More than a best friend. I’m sorry if this makes you feel weird or awkward or if you don’t feel the same way please don’t cushion the rejection or pity me. I just...” As he’s talking he makes the mistake of looking her in the eyes which are giving him the most unimpressed look which gets him to shut up asap.
“If you didn’t already have a head injury I’d smack you.“ She says, eyes narrowed, “Andrew, I’m sorry, but you have to be one of the densest and most oblivious guys I’ve ever met. Like, you’re up there at Daniel’s level when he refused to believe Taylor liked him back. That’s how high up you’re on the scale.“
Her words confuse him, leaving him to process all that she’s said until some type of realization hit him. Only one is turning up and he refused to believe it cause it seems so impossible to him.
“I like you too, you dumbass.“ She says, a smile on her face hiding the tons of exhaustion he’d been seeing on it for the past few hours.
“FUCKING FINALLY!“ The familiar voice of no one but Taylor arises from somewhere behind the couple who have now found themselves at a closer proximity than before, arms automatically reaching for the other to take them in their embrace.
Fucking finally indeed, Taylor.
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cal-puddies · 4 years
remember when we couldn’t take the heat || ashton irwin
a lovely anon requested another trope fic for @kindahoping4forever​ and i to tag team, so we did.
As always Crystal is amazing and please share love with her as well (i do share any comments you all leave with her as well!) With her help I really think we were able to take this to next level, so it would not be this good without her! I hope you all love it!
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You check your bag one last time before zipping it shut. You check your phone, seeing you still had about an hour before Michael and Crystal picked you up on their way to the airport. 
A week long getaway at an all inclusive resort with five of your best friends (and one last minute addition of a new significant other) was exactly what you needed. 
You thanked your lucky stars every night that Kay Kay was too busy, meaning Ashton had decided not to go. The two of you had never gotten along and you don't think you'd ever be able to relax if he was there.
So you're more than disappointed to see him strolling up to the gate. The second you spot him, you groan to Sierra, “You guys promised me he wouldn’t be here.”
She frowns and rushes over to have a quick sidebar with Luke. She returns, super apologetic and quickly explains that Ashton's relationship had recently blown up again and that he had texted Luke last night some vague questions about the trip but they had no idea that meant he intended to tag along.
“Well. He better not be next to me," you pout, crossing your arms.
But of course he is, because why not start off your relaxing vacation this way? And instead of seeming heartbroken about his break up, he’s flirting with all the flight attendants and every girl in line around him, until he sees he’s sitting next to you. He plops in the seat and immediately scrunches his face up. 
“There’s gotta be another seat,” he grumbles, flagging down a flight attendant who assures him it's a full flight and there is in fact not a single other seat available. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me," Ash murmurs after the flight attendant walks away. 
“Not like this is my dream flight either, buddy,” you groan.
Sensing the already mounting tension, Luke looks across the aisle with an apologetic smile to you and mouths ‘Sorry.'
Ashton immediately pulls out headphones and makes a big show out of ignoring you. He pulls his leather jacket off, accidentally elbowing your shoulder and smacking the sleeve in your face. 
“What the fuck, Irwin?" You seethe. 
He glares at you and shrugs, going back to his music. 
Who the fuck wears a leather jacket to a fucking beach getaway? Could he look any less practical? You wonder briefly if he even brought anything suitable for the weather before you realize you shouldn’t give a single fuck about what’s in his bag.
You successfully ignore each other through the rest of boarding and take-off. At the earliest possible opportunity you order a drink and he comments, "A little early, don't you think?" You search your mind for a better retort than "Not when I'm sitting next to you, asshole" but then you realize it doesn't matter what you say because he didn't even bother to take off his headphones to make his remark.
To compound the dirty look you receive from him, Luke and Sierra order a drink for you as well. You gratefully chug both before ordering another, grumbling under your breath that this flight could not be over soon enough. 
Ashton makes nice with the flight attendant and even takes his headphones off to flirt with her a bit. You roll your eyes at whatever bullshit lines he's feeding her and think now would be the perfect time to doze off for a cat nap if his voice wasn't so fucking loud.
You huff as she walks away, “Can you keep it down loudmouth?” You adjust your cardigan against the side of the plane and close the window shade, crossing your arms over your chest, leaning your head against the balled up fabric. 
“I’d like to be able to see the sun," Ashton says, putting his sunglasses on and flipping the shade up. 
You grit your teeth, “What’s the fuckin point if you put the sunglasses on?” 
“Does it inconvenience you?” He asks, looking at your face and finding you must agree. “Then that’s the fuckin point, Princess.”
Your eyes narrow as you stare at him in disbelief, but you manage to keep yourself from selecting one of the literal hundreds of insulting comebacks you have running through your mind. 
Guys like Ashton live off of getting reactions from people and the best way you could stick it to him is to simply not give him one.
You lean back in your seat and shake out your sweater, draping the sleeve over your face to create a makeshift eye shade for your nap. He scoffs at your actions, clearly hoping you'll take the bait and when you don't, you feel his glare on you for several beats before he pulls out his phone to find another way to entertain himself.
You’re able to ignore him for the rest of the flight, and you feel accomplished knowing it's driving him nuts that you’re no longer reacting to him. 
You wait patiently to get off the plane, getting more than mildly annoyed at Ashton’s impatience. But you try not to say anything. He gets out of the row and you let Sierra and then Luke out across the aisle. “You two can no longer be trusted,” you jab at Luke. 
“I’m sorry, bub,” Luke gives you an apologetic smile. “I didn’t know he would really come and I wouldn’t have wanted you to miss this.” He tries to explain with a pout but you just roll your eyes at the giant man in front of you.
You manage to claim your baggage without incident and you narrowly avoid the misfortune of having to sit next to Ash on the shuttle to the resort. Luke, obviously trying to win back your favor, offers to let you sit with Sierra and he sits in the open seat next to Ashton.
“Just don’t let him get to you,” Sierra says. “We’re still gonna have fun and there’s enough of us that you shouldn’t have to interact.”
Her reassurance helps soothe your nerves for the time being. 
When you arrive at the resort, everyone mingles and chatters excitedly in the lobby while Luke and Sierra check your party in. Calum and his girlfriend keep Ash occupied and away from you and you couldn't be more grateful, taking the opportunity to make small talk with Michael and Crystal. 
Check-in is taking a lot longer than it should and you crane your neck to try and see the front desk from where you're at. You happen to catch Sierra's gaze from across the room and she offers you a forced smile before she quickly looks away. Whatever's happening, it can't be good and you have a sneaking suspicion it has to do with the last minute addition to your trip.
When Sierra and Luke come back, they both refuse to make eye contact with you, making you even more suspicious. They hand out key cards to the other two couples and then both take a deep breath and look between you and Ash. 
“What?” You ask point blank. 
Luke purses his lips together, “They’re booked, they don’t have a room for Ash... but... your suite has a couch...” 
“You’ve actually gotta be kidding me,” you quip. 
“We won’t even be in the rooms except to sleep, it’ll be fine babe!” Sierra tries to convince you. 
You groan, not even bothering to look at Ashton. “Fine.” You grit your teeth.
Ashton is obviously not thrilled with this arrangement either and you see him pull Luke aside, animatedly waving his hands as he complains. 
You take the opportunity to head up to the room first in hopes of marking your territory: claiming the good drawers, the prime counter space in the bathroom. He needs to know you're doing him a favor by letting him stay in your room.
Ash comes in while you’re setting up in the bathroom and he immediately tries to stake claim on the bed. He’s flung himself across it when you come out of the bathroom. 
“Keep dreaming, Irwin.”
“I got here first,” he states, tucking his arms behind his head with a smug look on his face.
You push his boot-clad feet off the bed with a huff. "Yes, you got here to MY bed first," you say with exaggerated enunciation. "MY bed in MY room. Since it was booked for ME. Since I was INVITED on this trip."
“I was invited too,” he reminds you, standing up, ready to argue. 
“But you declined! And reinvited yourself literally last minute. If you had agreed when you were originally asked, we wouldn’t be sharing a fucking room," you say with exasperation.
"It worked out though," he shrugs dismissively. 
You feel like your eyes are about to pop out of your head as you glare at him. "Does this seem like things working out to you?!"
“Honestly yes. We’ve both got a place to stay, I get to be here with my brothers... besides... Rock Star here, need I remind you, I don’t sleep on couches,” he starts. 
“Blow me with that bullshit,” you quip. “This trip was supposed to be relaxing and now I can’t get laid because I can’t bring anyone back here... AND I have to see you literally first thing in the morning... AND you’re trying to take my bed... it’s the couch for you, Irwin. I don’t give a fuck who you think you are. And I think your BROTHERS would back me up on this," you say mockingly.
“I don’t know why you have to be such a bitch about this. And of course Luke will back you up, he’d hate for Sierra to be mad at him,” he rolls his eyes. 
“I think he’d hate to know what a fucking diva you’re trying to be,” you sneer. “Why can’t you just go crash on one of their couches?”
"Like I said, I'm not trying to sleep on anyone's couch, sweetheart," he explains, the condescension dripping off of his words. "Plus, there's no way I'm about to be anyone's third wheel, something you clearly have no problem with."
You take a beat, pinching the bridge of your nose and taking two deep breaths. “Hate to break it to you Rock Star, but you ARE a third wheel on this trip. I just wanted a vacation with friends... but, as per usual your thotty ass comes along and turns it into my own personal hell. I paid for this room, so you can find yourself on the couch, freeloader.”
He gives a single snort in response which honestly infuriates you more than if he had come back at you with some long-winded monologue. He drags his suitcase to the couch and busies himself with unpacking, slamming drawers and grumbling every step of the way. You can't even be happy about winning the bed argument because you're so worked up now you can hear your heart pounding in your ears.
You grab your phone and angrily text Luke and Sierra, “Does 5sos really need a drummer? Can he be replaced? Because the current one is about to be dead.”
Luke responds with the crying laughing emoji which has you about to launch your phone across the room. Sierra is typing for quite a bit but eventually just ends up sending a simple "Hang in there sweetie, it'll be worth it tomorrow!"
You call room service to order a bottle of vodka, it’s the only way you’ll be able to deal with him. You hear Calum in the room and make an appearance, plastering on a fake smile. He gestures to his girl, “We were just gonna go check out the resort, wanted to see if you guys wanted to come?” 
“I’ll pass thanks, I just ordered some room service. But Ash, you should absolutely go,” you encourage, gritting your teeth. 
“Gladly... who goes on vacation to sit in their room anyway?” He quips.
Rather than fight in front of Cal, you give the group a sickly sweet "Have fun!" and breathe a sigh of relief when they shuffle out the door.
You take the chance to relax, changing out of your plane outfit and into something more appropriate for the more tropical setting, you open the balcony doors and wander out onto it. It really couldn’t be prettier. You’re drawn out by a knock on the door and you think it must be room service, but it’s Luke, Sierra, Michael and Crystal. Luke is holding your bottle of vodka. 
“Had it charged to our room,” he says, thrusting it toward you. “We wanna go exploring. But let’s all get a drink first.” He smiles, “Save this for later.” 
“Ash still here?” Crystal asks, peering into the room. 
“He went with Cal... thank god,” you grumble. You set the vodka on the bedside table and grab your bag and sunglasses to head out with them.
One drink with the group becomes two which becomes decidedly more than two and they convince you to explore with them. By the time you get back to the room, Ashton has returned and is lounging on the couch as if he hasn't a care in the world. "Hey roomie," he dryly greets you without looking up from his phone.
“Hey asshole,” you slur, followed by a hiccup. You walk toward the bed and kick your shoes off, and very quickly follow it up with peeling your top off. “Why’s it s’hot?” You hiccup again and land haphazardly on the bed.
"AC wasn't acting right so I called the front desk and they said someone could look at it tomorrow," he explains noncommittally. "I, however, had the decency to leave my clothes on because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." 
You scoff at his implication. Or you mean to, at least. Despite the climate of the room, the events of the day combined with your intoxicated state has you drifting off before you know it. As you fade into unconsciousness, you think you hear Ash snipe in the distance, "If you barf on the bed during the night, I'm not helping you clean that shit up."
You make a mocking tone at him, you think. And you’re out. 
After an evening of drinking, you wake up at 3 AM, needing the bathroom. You immediately notice you’re somehow tucked in bed, even though you’re 90% sure you passed out halfway on it. Your shorts are unbuttoned but not off and all the lights in the bedroom are off. When you make your way to the bathroom, you peek over at Ashton on the couch and he’s sprawled on his stomach, only in his boxer briefs. It’s then you realize it’s still ungodly hot in the suite. You shut the bathroom door, turn on the light and take a quick look at yourself in the mirror before deciding you need to wash your face before going back to bed.
You're in no rush as you use the toilet, wash your face and brush your teeth. It's been an exhausting day and you could use the alone time. You're careful to shut off the light before you open the door and start to tiptoe your way back to bed. 
You nearly jump out of your skin when a gruff voice barks at you, "Think you could make any more noise in there, princess?" You're livid but you say nothing and lay back down.
When you wake up in the morning, you’ve managed to almost completely forget about sharing your room with Ash. So it’s a rude awakening when you find him emerging from the bathroom with a towel slung low on his hips, water dripping from his hair, muscles rippling as he starts digging through his drawers.
“Oh... the princess has decided to grace us,” he rolls his eyes, seeing you’re awake. “You’ve got like 45 minutes till we all do breakfast and judging by the way your phone has been buzzing, someone thinks I killed you last night.” 
You groan and wipe your hand over your face, “More like making sure I didn’t kill you.”
As you reach for your phone on the nightstand, you realize the sheets are sticking to your skin which is covered in sweat. "Did the front desk say what time they were coming to fix the air? And Jesus, as if this place wasn't humid enough, why exactly did you need to take the world's steamiest shower?"
“Gotta relax these muscles after sleeping on the world's most uncomfortable couch, sweetheart,” he retorts. “And no, I was not given an ETA but I’m sure when we go down for breakfast you can complain again. Maybe if you do it, it’ll get fixed faster,” he snarks. 
You roll your eyes and grab something to wear from your drawers, slamming the bathroom door behind you.
You take a cold shower, partly to wake you up and partly to cool you down (and mostly because Ash definitely used all the hot water on purpose). Even without creating steam, the bathroom is sweltering so as soon as you get dressed, you crack the door open in hopes of maintaining some airflow. You throw your hair in a ponytail and are applying a basic face of makeup when you feel Ash's eyes boring into you. 
You look behind you through the mirror and see him propped up against the door frame, observing. "We're just going to breakfast, not the royal ball, Princess. You don't need all that shit."
“Why’s it any of your business?” You ask, staring at him in the mirror. You wait a beat and then work on finishing your makeup, topping off with mascara and lip gloss.
"Just an observation," he begins but is cut off by a knock at the front door. He leaves to answer and you take a few deep breaths to relax yourself. All you have to do is get down to breakfast and then you can enjoy the  company of the people you actually came on this trip to spend time with. You hear Ash loudly joking with someone and you exit the bathroom hoping to see a handyman on the receiving end of his banter, but it's just Luke and Sierra.
Sierra smiles at you, “Hey beautiful, how’d you sleep?” She asks. 
“I think the only reason I slept so well is because I drank so much. It’s fuckin hot in here.” 
“It’s bad in our room too,” Luke shares. “We tried to call maintenance but no ETA on when they’ll be up, sounded like we weren’t the only ones suffering.” He shrugs.
Sierra notes your look of concern and interjects, "But we've got a ton of fun shit planned for the day so we won't be in our rooms too much anyways and hopefully it'll all be sorted when we get back!"
Luckily you were able to get some much needed space from Ashton during breakfast. You sat at opposite ends of the table and Sierra and Crystal did their best to keep your mind off of things. 
"Sorry I'm being such a bitch, you guys," you confess during a trip to the ladies' room. "I don't want you to feel like you have to baby-sit me the whole time, you're supposed to be enjoying the time off you have with your guys."
"Babe, we get it," Crystal reassures you. "It's not like this thing with you and Ash is anything new, we're all used to having to navigate it."
"And it's fine, sometimes people just don't get along," Sierra chimes in. "You're not obligated to like all of your friends' friends. We’re all adults, we can handle it."
After breakfast you do a few touristy things and a little bit of shopping before going back to the resort to prep for some much needed beach time. 
Ash scoffs as you sort through bikinis, “How many of those fuckin things did you need to bring? Are you going to be ready anytime soon?” 
“It’s not like you’re actually waiting for me anyway,” you murmur, otherwise ignoring him. 
But he’s not ignoring you, he’s watching your body move through the space, clad only in the bikini you selected. And it almost makes him more annoyed the way you definitely seem to be so confident in it. “Was that your best one?” He snarks.
"Sorry that some of us are actually into making an effort," you shrug. "And why is it your new favorite hobby to just stand there and watch me get ready, don't you have anything better to do?" 
You shove past him in the doorway to fetch your beach bag out of the closet. The room's swampy temperature has not improved and you hate that you can feel the transfer of sweat from his skin to yours when you brush up against him.
“I was just trying to be polite and wait for you to head down but I didn’t realize it'd be such an ordeal,” he grumbles, slipping his sandals on. “Fucking ridiculous,” he mumbles to himself. 
“No one asked you to wait, just fuckin go, Irwin. I don’t need an escort,” you exclaim, pulling on a pair of shorts. 
“An escort is probably the only way you’d get laid with that attitude,” he gruffs, slamming the hotel room door behind him.
You ball your fists up in rage and whip a sandal towards the door. It hits with a satisfying smack and you can't help but wish you had tossed it 15 seconds earlier so that noise would've come from the back of Ashton's head.  You walk over to retrieve your shoe and are startled by the knock at the door. 
You open it to find Cal with a half-amused, half-concerned expression on his face and his girlfriend looking bewildered. Their relationship was new and this was really the first she had experienced your dynamic with Ash in all of its dysfunctional glory. 
"You doing alright?" He inquires, trying to peek inside the room behind you. 
"I'm just ready to lay in the sun and not think about anything,” you say, grabbing your bag off the counter behind you and closing the door. 
Turns out the sunshine and drinks was exactly what you needed to calm down and within an hour you were laughing and playing in the water with everyone, though you had to watch Ashton flirt with everything that moved, even encouraging them to call him “Daddy, because all his friends do.”
As much fun as you're having, you can't help but notice the heat of the day doesn't seem to be passing. Tired from being in the sun, everyone agrees to head back to their respective rooms for a short rest before meeting back up for a late dinner. You know even Ashton must be spent when the hot wind starts blowing your beach hat off your head and he retrieves it and returns it to you without comment.
“D’you wanna shower first?” He asks, when the two of you return to the room. “Think you got some extra sun,” he mentions. “I can put aloe on if you need.” 
“First shower would be great, thanks,” you yawn. “You'll probably need some aloe on your neck and shoulders. I have some if you didn’t bring any,” you offer and then head for the bathroom.
You take your brief shower and come out in just a towel. You grab the aloe, gently toss it to Ash and he makes quick work, lightly coating your red skin in the gel. 
“Thanks,” you murmur. 
“Don’t mention it,” he says, capping it and heading for his own shower.
It doesn't hit you how weird it was to have a pleasant interaction with Ash until after you're dressed. You're rooting around in the suite's fridge for cold water and without thinking, you place two on the counter. You stare at the bottles for a beat, almost as if they appeared there on their own.
"One of those for me?" Ash's voice asks from behind you, startling you out of your confusion.
"I... guess so?" You answer with a shrug, turning to hand him the beverage. He's shirtless and the pair of athletic shorts he's chosen for his post-shower attire hang low on his hips and you wonder why you've made note of that.
“Thanks?” He replies, equally confused. “Wanna watch some tv?” He asks. 
“Sure,” you shrug. He clears his stuff off the couch and you sit at opposite ends. You doze off before you even decide on what to watch.
You awaken to the sound of both your and Ash's phones vibrating on the coffee table. You're disoriented but cognizant enough to realize you must have slept through the time you agreed to meet for dinner.
“Oh shit,” you murmur, wiping the sleep from your eyes. You grab your phone and look at the texts and quickly shoot off a reply.
-fell asleep, be down soon-
You gently shake Ash, “Hey they’re waiting on us, we fell asleep.” You wait to see him open his eyes and then you flit off to change into a sundress. “Why is it so hot? It must be cooler outside by now.” 
“Open the balcony door,” Ash sleepily replies, peeling himself off the couch. He quickly changes into black jeans and a short sleeve button down. 
You throw on sandals and mascara and are ready, quickly, which he appreciates.
Some of your friends trade surprised looks when they see you two peacefully arriving together but none of them comment on it. 
You join the group and you all walk together to the restaurant you agreed on for dinner, at the far end of the resort. 
Since you and Ash delayed things slightly, the place is crowded and you have to wait by the bar while the staff finds seating to accommodate your large party. Ash volunteers to order drinks for everyone while you wait and you can't decide if it's endearing or annoying that he brings you a vodka soda without you having to tell him what you want.
Once you’re seated, Luke and Sierra voluntarily put space between you and Ashton but he still ends up across from you. You don't mind his presence as much as you thought you would. 
The air conditioning appears to be working on this side of the resort, the cold drinks are flowing and you feel yourself truly relax for the first time since you arrived. You even catch yourself laughing at a couple of playfully snarky comments Ash tosses at Luke's expense.
You reach across the table to grab the pitcher of water as you’re all winding down and your arm knocks Cal’s drink, spilling it all over him and Ash. Ash blows his top, going out of his way to make a scene. Everyone tries to move past it but you know all the headway you two had made going into tonight was probably ruined as he refused to let it go, continuing to groan about his wet shirt and jeans.
"If the air hasn't been fixed, our room is probably so hot it'll dry the second we walk in," you joke, trying to lighten the mood. 
"Is this fucking funny to you?" He sneers, forcefully tossing his napkin on to the table. 
“It is kind of funny, Ash,” Cal says, trying to calm the situation down. 
“I said I was sorry,” you shrug. “It’s not like I meant to.” 
“Could’ve fooled me,” he snarls, storming off to the bathroom.
Defeat settles into your features, upset from the interaction, being tired and the ungodly heat you knew you were about to face. “I’m gonna head up to bed,” you announce, kissing Sierra and Crystal on the cheek. You wave at the rest of the group while Luke stands to give you a hug. 
You hear Cal’s girlfriend, “That was a little harsh of him.” 
“It’s just the way they’ve always been,” he explains quietly.
When you pass by him, Michael stops you and offers to walk you back since it's dark out and a bit of a journey to where your rooms are but you wave him off, you're looking forward to being alone. 
Heading out of the restaurant, you cross paths with Ash and his eyes shoot daggers at you but he says nothing. As you push through the door, you hear him loudly complain to nobody in particular, "She gets to run off and act like this is MY fault again?"
You ignore it, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of a reaction. 
Once you get back, you change and pour yourself a vodka soda. The room is still unbearably hot so you lay across the bed checking your phone, and take advantage of the breeze coming through the balcony door.
About 20 minutes later, you're in the bathroom washing your face when you hear the front door slam and Ash barges into the suite like a tornado; he cranks the TV for no apparent reason, bangs around in the fridge and slams some drawers with little regard for who or what he disturbs. You give a silent thanks for the fact that the surrounding rooms all belong to your friends so you don't have to feel embarrassment on top of everything else. 
You brace yourself for whatever you're going to encounter on the other side of the door and turn the knob. You immediately stumble on Ash's still damp clothes, which he evidently stripped off as soon as he walked in the room. You roll your eyes but as an act of good faith, pick them up and hang them over the side of the bathtub to dry. You exit the bathroom once more and find him standing in front of the balcony, clad only in his boxer briefs. "How is it still so goddamn hot in here?" He says, exasperated.
“I don’t think they even came to look at the AC,” you observe. “I really am sorry about the drink, Ash,” you murmur at his back. You’re having a hard time tearing your eyes away from his back and thick arms. Your eyes take in the tattoo on the back of his neck. You let out an audible sigh, accidentally. 
“Don’t mention it,” he says looking back at you, face red, indicating he was still kind of heated.
"It's just... we had a pretty nice time this afternoon and I was kind of starting to enjoy the peace," you start. 
"You know, that's one of the things I've never liked about you?" He says with a calmness that betrays the harshness of his remark. "You're one of those people who can't STAND not being liked by everyone. I feel bad for you." His brow furrows as if in deep thought.
“I don’t need everyone to like me, I just need to know what the fuck I’ve ever done to you, you fuckin fake deep thot. You know everyone sees right through your bullshit? Your fans and your friends, just humor you.”
"You seem to put a lot of stock in what other people think, is all I meant," he says, seemingly unaffected by your words. "And you especially seem to pay a lot of fuckin attention to what people think about me."
“I actually couldn’t give a fuck less what people think about you, but when you parade around like some sort of imbecile, having random people call you ‘daddy’ because wow what a fuckin turn on - girls with daddy issues- it’s fuckin ridiculous, Ashton. You walk around here acting like I have the holier than thou attitude but it’s you thinking you’re some big shot because you have a few gold records. That doesn’t mean shit in Hollywood, every third fucking barista has a gold record and then flopped. Congrats you’re well on your way to being a 4th rate barista, I’m sure your father is so proud.” 
Even as it left your mouth, you knew the dad line was too far.
You stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, your words hanging in the air. His jaw twitches but doesn't clench. You briefly think to apologize but part of you is still stunned by what you just said and part of you doesn't want to prove his point about caring what he thinks. He considers your statement for a beat more and then finally, he chuckles darkly. He stalks past you without a word and slams the bathroom door.
You stalk toward the bed and grab a pillow to scream into. It’s barely been a full 24 hours and you’re convinced you’ll have the drummer of 5sos dead within another 24. You’re pissed at him for being cocky and hot... wait, what the fuck? You’re pissed at your friends for putting you in this situation. 
You forgo the glass and grab the bottle of vodka, setting up on the balcony because at least it’s cooler than the room, and you seethe.
You instinctively start to text Sierra to vent about the incident but ultimately decide you and Ash have done enough damage to everyone's morale for the night. You settle for absentmindedly playing a game on your phone to take your mind off things. You eventually hear Ashton back in the room but you promise yourself you're not going to be the one to apologize first. He has to come to you. And it’s just easier if the two of you let it cool for a minute. 
He comes out to the balcony, watching you shotgun straight from the bottle. He drags a chair to the other side of the balcony. “I know you know that was a cunty thing to say,” he says quietly. “You’ve definitely got a way with insults though.” 
You don’t respond because you don’t know how, but you exchange a glance in acknowledgment.
You both sit in silence and while the tension between you is thick, you're still able to find comfort in the relatively cool night air and the unspoken truce. You zone out, questioning if this trip is even remotely salvageable and how to proceed with Ashton from here. After a while, you look down at your phone and notice the time, you've been out here longer than you thought. You glance over at Ash, who's scrawling away in some sort of journal, with those goddamn headphones on again.
You stumble over to him and tap what your brain notes is an unreasonable large shoulder, "Hey,  's late."
“Careful, Princess,” he says, pulling his headphones off and resting them on his neck, he checks his phone for the time. “Yeah, it is. Let’s get you to bed.” He breathes, standing quicker than you thought any person should. 
He holds your arm, walking you to the bed. You know you’re drunk but you can’t help the words that spill from your lips, “Should stay in tha bed.” You don’t let him go as he gently pulls from your grasp. 
“You're drunk and we’re both likely to be pissed in the morning. I’ll get you a water,” he mentions, walking away. 
You do everything in your power to stay awake for the 90 seconds he’s away and you latch back onto his larger than normal forearm when he comes back. “Don’t leave me alone,” you whimper.
His gaze focuses on your hand on his arm and then shifts to your face, which he searches carefully. "You're not serious," he declares.
"Bed's closer t’window, can leave it open." You sit up and take a sip from the water he sat on the nightstand. "You'll be more comfortable. No big deal." You shrug and lay back down as if this offer was the most casual conversation you've ever had. To be honest, it probably was one of the more casual conversations the two of you had ever shared. 
“I’m not staying because you asked,” he clarifies. “I’m staying because that breeze can’t be beat.” 
Ash climbs in the bed in just his underwear and he scoffs a little when you strip off your shorts and tank top, leaving you in a sports bra and panties for bed. “Why are you constantly taking your clothes off in front of me? Sobriety might do you some favors,” he grumbles, getting comfortable on the other side of the bed.
"Doing you a favor by letting you see my bangin' bod," you drunkenly giggle. "And please, I've seen your naked torso more times on this trip than I've seen my own." You blow a raspberry that goes on for a little longer than you intended, given your inebriated state.
“Well you definitely take care of yourself.” He agrees, ignoring your childish behavior. 
You plant a pillow between the two of you and turn off the lamp, “Night ‘Shton.” You murmur, cuddling into the bed. 
“Night.” He stares at your back in the dark for a while. Not understanding this new feeling creeping up, or caring why the hell you look so good. It’s not the first time he’s seen you like this, but it is the first time he’s wanted your attention.
You wake up a few hours later, dying of thirst. You spot the water on your nightstand and lunge for it a little too quickly and your head starts to spin. As you gulp it down, you remember you invited Ashton to stay with you and your eyes dart to the other side of the bed. The moonlight pouring in from the open balcony shines on his near naked form and it's a sight to behold. You look him up and down, though you're not sure why. You think to yourself how much easier it is to find him attractive when he's not speaking.
You admire him for as long as your drunk brain can handle, before drunkenly texting what you think is just Sierra -he’s pretty when he’s quiet- and you barely put your phone face down on the table before passing back out. 
Your drunk brain processes your slight attraction and the fact that you begged for him to stay better than you’d ever let your sober brain and it creates quite the dirty dream about the man sleeping next to you. Your brain reminds you just how much of a man he is and how easily he’d toss you around. 
You’re awoken by your own moan and open your eyes to see Ashton staring at you from the next pillow, eyebrow cocked.
"Sleep well, princess?" He smirks.
You shove your pillow over your face, half out of embarrassment, half out of necessity because the sun shining into the room is BRIGHT and your head is pounding. "It's too early and I'm too hungover for you to use that tone of voice with me, Irwin."
“Not very often I have girls moaning in bed before I’ve even touched them,” he says, sounding bemused. 
You groan and reach for your phone, closing one eye and turning down the brightness before unlocking it. You realize the text you thought you sent to Sierra also had Luke, Michael and Crystal on it. Luke commented about you getting soft for Ashton, which vaguely enrages you around your headache. 
“Not like I’m moaning for you,” you quip, slowly moving toward the bathroom. 
Ash is still laying on the bed when you return. “Still fuckin hot,” he grumbles. 
Your phone buzzes and you look at it, Luke had forwarded a text from the hotel, - heat warning in place, advising everyone stays inside, hydrated and cooled.-
You throw yourself back on the bed in disbelief. "This can't be happening."
Ash turns on his side to face you, a little closer than you'd like both because of the heat and because of the dream you had. "What's the matter, princess?" He says with a teasing lilt to his voice.
"Stop calling me princess," you grumble and shove your phone in his face.
“Yeah, I already saw. Don’t worry I plan to escape this room as soon as humanly possible,” he admits. “Just waiting for Cal to get his lazy ass up.” 
“Are you ever just like... nice to anyone?” You shove your face back in the pillow. The sun really is too bright and you can’t take it.
"Are you ever just like... not super judgmental?" He mocks, getting out of bed and pulling the curtains shut for you. "I've been pretty nice the past couple nights putting your drunk ass to bed. You thought I was nice enough when you begged me to sleep in your bed."
“I didn’t beg for anything from you. And I’m more than capable of putting my own drunk ass to bed... you just think you’re better than everyone because you got sober when you realized you couldn’t handle your alcohol. Seriously, if the worst fuckin thing I’ve done is offer you a spot In my bed where it’s more comfortable then that’s worlds better than the damage and destruction you’ve undoubtedly caused in your drunk state,” you spew.
"You're unfuckingbelievable, you know that?" He shakes his head. "There's no WAY anything I've ever said to you has warranted some of the shit you've said to me recently. You always gotta take it too far, always gotta get personal. And I’M supposed to be the asshole?"
“Just shut the fuck up, Ash... I can’t. I’m done. I don’t have the energy. This trip was supposed to be relaxing.” You groan, plopping the pillow over your head.
"Cool. Good talk," he says dismissively and heads for the shower.
You stick your middle finger up in the direction he headed off. You sigh loudly when you hear the water turn on. “What the fuck happened,” you ask yourself, exasperated, thinking over the last couple days and how the day before you and Ash had been chill for at least a few hours. “I just need to shut my fucking mouth,” you decide. “The only way to salvage this trip now.”
You must have dozed off again because the next thing you know Ashton is standing over you -shirtless in those athletic shorts again, goddammit- and poking at you with his room keycard. "The fuck?" You say with only moderate interest.
"Oh good, you're up," he jokes. God, he's insufferable. "Cal and I went downstairs and they've closed the restaurant dining rooms but they're still offering room service. I need to know if you want breakfast."
“Yeah... pancakes.” You wave him off. “..Bacon and hash browns...” You murmur out, going back to sleep. 
A short while later you wake to the smell of maple syrup. You drag yourself out of bed and follow the scent to where Ash is sat on the couch, already eating, full breakfast spread out on the coffee table. "Gee thanks for letting me know the food was here," you snipe without thinking. Dammit. You've already forgotten your plan to keep your mouth shut.
Luckily, as you've learned is the norm, he's preoccupied with something on his phone. "Uh-huh," is the only response you get.
You grab your plate and get a water out of the fridge and then sit at the end of the coffee table furthest from Ashton. 
“I hope it cools down some tomorrow,” You mumble, mouth full of food. 
“What was that? Speak up princess,” he says pointedly to you. 
“I just said I hope it cools off. So we can go back to the beach tomorrow,” you shrug, digging into your food.
"You mean we all didn't fly all the way over here to sit in our hotel rooms with broken AC?" He mocks for no apparent reason.
You roll your eyes but keep your mouth shut, not looking to give him the benefit of another snarky comeback.  You eat as much of your plate as you can manage before heading off to shower. To your slight dismay, he’s still sitting on the couch on his phone when you get done. 
“Ash.” You mention quietly, his head tilts up but his eyes don’t leave his phone. “Do you think you could do the aloe again?” 
His eyes snap to you and he stares for a minute before nodding. “Uh... yeah,” he agrees. 
You grab the bottle and sit next to him as he does your back and your shoulders. “Sorry I always take it too far,” you apologize.
He breathes out forcefully and you can feel it on your neck. It gives you goosebumps. He seems to be choosing his words carefully before landing on "Just seems like you don't think about some of the stuff you spit out in anger." His hands stop working over your skin. "I talk shit and yeah I get you think I'm an asshole, but I have never nor would I ever say anything to you as disrespectful as some of the things you've said to me," he says with a quiet firmness.
You nod, because you know he’s right and you chew on the inside of your cheek for a moment, thinking carefully on your own words. 
“I know. I don’t have an excuse. You get under my skin and it’s always guards up with you. Sometimes we’ll be just fine and then you’ll turn on a dime, like last night at dinner. Easier to push you away and keep you at arms length than to let my guard down because I don’t know when you’re gonna snap.”
"Right because this continues to be exclusively my fault," he says condescendingly and sits back on the couch.
You take a few deep breaths and then get up, leaving him to sit while you go change. 
You come back out, sports bra and lounge shorts and look at him. 
“I’m just trying to be nice. It’s my fault too, I know that. I was explaining why I get that way. I know I’m like that, and I’m working on it. I was just trying to clue you in on a trigger.” You sigh and then head back to the bed, collapsing on it.
He bounds over to you, not ready to let this go. "Sorry to break this deluded narrative you've constructed, princess, but 'I'm only a bitch because you make me one' isn't a trigger, it's an excuse and a weak one at that." 
His face is flushing and his chest is bright red. You know he's getting heated and you know it's not just the tropical climate of the room. 
"You've been like this with me from the second you met me, it's like you never had any intention of liking me and fuck getting to know me." He raises his voice, "If I'm such a shitty person then why are literally all of your friends friends with me? You ever think about that, sweetheart?"
“Well that's a two way street, Irwin,” you huff out. “You’ve never tried to get to know me either. So before you come over here acting like you’re any better than me, remember when you point a fucking finger there’s three pointing back at you.”
You stand to square off with him, like the fight is going to get physical. You know better than to think Ash would lay a hand on you but you’re prepared for anything in this moment. The blood is rushing in your ears again.
"I never said you were a shitty person," he says lowly, stepping closer to you. "I just said you were a judgemental, inconsiderate hypocrite and I don't like you."
“I’ve never said you were a shitty person either, I just think you’re an asshole with entitlement issues that definitely needs to take a look in a mirror when slinging his insults,” you say quietly, also stepping closer to him.
"Sounds like we have a lot more in common than we realize then," he challenges, staring you down with fire in his eyes.
“Seems like if either of us had taken even five minutes to consider the other, then maybe this all could have been avoided.” You don’t waiver, standing your ground. “And maybe, we could have spared our friends.”
It seems like he's about to move somehow even closer to you but the sound of his phone buzzing on the coffee table cuts through the tense air. "Finally something we agree on," he mutters under his breath as he stomps away to check it.
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. You realize it was in anticipation but you don’t know what you were waiting for.  
You collapse back on the bed, grabbing for your phone. You make a mental note of how his phone is more important than any person in front of him and you slink back into your normal feelings about him.
A couple hours pass of you dutifully ignoring each other with your phones. But the heat is unrelenting and eventually the scorching sunlight starts pouring in directly onto the bed. Even with the curtains shut, the warmth is sickening and you have no choice but to find another place to relax. 
Obviously the balcony is out of the question until the sun sets. You huff to yourself and head for the couch where Ashton is sprawled out.
“Can I sit?” You ask. 
“Your space is over there,” he says pointing to the bed. “This is my space and it’s probably best we keep the two separate.” 
“It’s too hot over there, even with the curtains closed,” you whine. 
“It’s what you wanted,” Ash cocks an eyebrow and doesn’t move a muscle.
"Are you fucking serious, Irwin? You're being a child, just move over."
He looks directly at you and stretches his large frame even further down the length of the couch. 
"Sorry, Princess. No room at the inn. Think I saw a cot in the closet."
“Selfish prick.” You mumble, turning to walk away. 
But that gets him up. “What’d you just say?” He asks, tone sharp. 
“I called you a selfish prick,” you whip around, saying it louder.
"Aww, did Princess get her feelings hurt because someone finally won't cater to her every fuckin whim?"
“Literally nothing about this trip has gone my way. You show up last minute and I have to share my fucking room with you because there’s nowhere else for you to stay? Excuse me for thinking for a minute that you might be fucking polite enough to accommodate me a little. Thankless asshole.”
"Didn't realize you were so affected by the mere presence of me," he says with a dark cockiness. He gets in your face. "And I'm gettin real tired of hearing you call me an asshole, Princess."
“And I’m getting real fucking tired of your condescending ‘Princess’ nickname, so I guess we’re both just fucked here.”
"Ohhh I think the name suits you just fine, Princess." He's impossibly close to you now, practically nose to nose. "Unrealistic expectations for everyone and everything. Particular. Judgy. Demanding. Keep waiting for you to tell me to bow down, Princess.”
“I doubt you're good at anything that’d require you to be on your knees, including bowing down.” Your eyes narrow. 
“Shouldn’t I say that to you?” He snorts.
"Well then we'd have to add 'liar' to the list of your many offenses." 
“Can’t make claims like that without backing them up.”
You roll your eyes. "Is that the only way to get you to shut the fuck up for once? Figures," you sneer. You involuntarily lick your lips and you regret it the second you do, he definitely notices.
“Blow. Me. Princess.” He enunciates.
You're not sure where this audacity comes from but you grab at his crotch. OH. He's more than half-hard in your hand. Your heart is pounding from what you assumed was anger but you're now realizing may be something else. You lean into his ear, hardening cock still in hand and challenge breathily, "Make me."
He inhales sharply, “Gladly.” He pushes you to your knees, pushing your hand away so he can drop his shorts, he does a couple quick tugs to get himself fully hard before pressing his tip against your lips. “Open.” He quietly demands in a way that says not to fuck with him, so you do what he asks.
He taps his cock up and down, over and over your open lips. You make a point of maintaining direct eye contact with him when you jut out your tongue defiantly, catching on a vein, making him groan.
You grab it from him and he easily lets go, curious of what you’ll do. You lick the underside from base to tip and slowly rub your hand over his length, placing sloppy wet kisses along the shaft to slick him up more.
You start suckling at the head, hoping to coax out some precum and you'd never admit to it but you accidentally let out a small moan when you feel the substance on your tongue. By the way Ash is tangling his hands in your hair, you can tell he's getting impatient. "Figures you'd be a fuckin tease," he critiques.
You slowly lick the tip a few times before taking him in your mouth, hoping it will shut him up. You slowly work your mouth up and down his cock, not really trying to take all of him, but enough to keep him quiet. Your eyes are still locked on his as you palm his balls.
He bites his lip and you wonder if it's because he's trying to hold back a snarky comment or a moan. You wonder why you care. Rather than unpack that thought, you decide to press your luck and take him down further. He's larger than you realized and he hits the back of your throat before you're ready and you gag. He grunts approvingly. 
Of course he does, you think to yourself, annoyed.
His hand tightens more in your hair and he pushes you further, silently encouraging you to take his cock in your throat, so you do. He lets out a loud guttural moan. 
“If I’d have known the way to shut you up was to put my cock down your throat, we would have done this years ago.” He gently caresses the side of your face.
You wish you didn't lean into his touch but you do. You wish you didn't like the weight of his cock on your tongue as much as you do but that's another thought entirely. You quickly determine you like this experience much more when your mind is quiet so you focus on making him moan loud enough to drown out your thoughts. 
You confidently bob your head on his cock with the occasional detour to tongue at his balls. You make sure your methods are as loud and as messy as possible. He's easy to read, you know what he likes without you being told.
Your jaw aches a bit from having your mouth open that wide for him but it’s a minor inconvenience for hearing his moans, tasting him. Shutting him up. 
“I was wrong about you,” he murmurs. “You can suck a cock.” He smirks and you flick his thigh.
You give him a good suck just to hear his breath catch before you pull off. "And I was wrong about you," you pant, wiping your mouth sinfully. "Turns out there is one thing about you I don't mind." You flick your tongue over his slit to punctuate your point. 
He snorts and looks down at you, yanking your hair so that you meet his gaze. "Tired of you running that goddamn mouth of yours, Princess. Mind if I fuck it?"
“Wish you’d fuck something around here,” you saltily reply.
“I promise I’ll find another wet hole to ruin as well.” He grips your hair in both hands and guides your mouth back on his cock. He gets a couple slow test thrusts in to get you used to it before he starts full force face fucking you. It doesn’t take long for him to grunt and fill your mouth with cum and he holds you on his cock, without being in your throat. “Swallow it,” he demands.
You moan around him and do as he says, though you intentionally let some dribble out of your mouth, mostly to be defiant but also because you think that's something he'd like to see.
“Cheeky little fuck," he murmurs, wiping the cum with his thumb and pushing it into your mouth. “Better than I thought you’d be for a pillow princess.” 
“Not at all a pillow princess and you'd better be returning that favor.”
He clicks his tongue and pulls you up off your knees. "There you go with your demands again, Princess," he says, stripping you naked in record time. "But I'll definitely do you a favor, sweetheart. I'll bet you've been dripping for me since you first got those pretty lips around my cock."
“Try when I first got my hand on your cock.” 
Ash looks at you, gropes both of your tits and pinches your nipples, pulling them a bit. You let out a little whine and he smirks and drops to his knees, quickly hooking one leg over his shoulder. He flicks his tongue along your clit before licking around your opening. “Very wet... Princess likes to suck cock.”
"I like doing things I'm good at." You hope it comes out as confident as you intended but an accidental whine swallows the last word of your sentence.
Ash pulls his face away and chuckles. He slides his hand up your thigh and lightly rubs your slit with his fingers before applying pressure on your clit. “I’ll give you credit, you were good at it.” He smirks, quickly pushing the two fingers in and then pulling them out with a bit of a twist, at an agonizingly slow pace. He watches your face and feels you get a little wobbly on one leg so he grabs you, pushes you back onto the couch. He wraps his arm around one thigh and pushes your other to spread you. He continues the slow pace with his fingers and rolls his tongue over your clit. 
You run your fingers through his hair and breathe deep. You'd be lying if you said he didn't know what he was doing. He catches your clit between his lips and sucks hard. You shudder and tug at his hair harder than you mean to. For a split second you think to apologize but he lets out a groan indicating he didn't mind the pain one bit. He sucks over your clit again and you pull even harder just to hear that noise.
The back and forth continues until he draws out a very loud moan from you. You don’t even think twice about the fact that your friends' rooms are around yours. “Fuck, Ashton, yes!” You whine.
He pulls back to nip and suck marks onto your inner thighs. "That's the most positive thing you've said to me this entire trip, sweetheart, I like it." He lifts your leg and pushes his fingers in as deep as he can. "Princess gonna do me the honor of cumming for me?"
“Please make me cum for you!” It sounds desperate even in your own ears but you can’t seem to care about it. 
His smirk is definitely making you more wet at this point and he notices. “So slippery in here. Can't believe I finally found a way to make you agreeable," he taunts, slowly thumbing your clit.
You hate that his cockiness is threatening to send you over the edge at this point. "Ash... God, Ash, please," you plead.
“Alright alright... don’t need you begging me just yet.” He brings his mouth back to your clit and sucks hard so you’ll yank his hair. His fingers are pumping at an ungodly pace. 
“Yes fuck right there, like that.” 
Your chest is heaving and Ash thinks he likes the view. “Can you be any louder?” He teases.
"Give me a reason and we'll see," you manage to pant out.
He sharply slaps your inner thigh, over one of the marks he'd already left, fingers grazing your pussy as he does. You do indeed, cry out louder. 
"Don't get smart with me when I'm about to make you cum, sweetie, you won't like the outcome. I promise you," he warns.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please make me cum,” you whine. “Ashton, please!” The whine is loud and the moan when he goes back in with three fingers is obscene. He pushes you until you fall over the edge, chanting "Ash" and tugging his hair while he slowly licks over your clit.
You whimper and writhe as he expertly works you through your orgasm, easing the curling of his fingers as he feels you finish pulsing around them. He dutifully cleans you with his tongue until you're pushing his head away, too sensitive to take any more stimulation. 
He lifts his fingers to your mouth and traces one across your lips, coating them in your juices. You look directly at him as you lick them carefully, groaning at your own taste. You keep the eye contact going as you reach for his hand and draw the rest of his fingers into your mouth, sucking them clean.
“Naughty little slut, aren’t you?” He comments, watching in awe. “Be surprised if our friends didn’t just hear that little show.” 
“Like I give a flying fuck," you murmur, pulling his fingers from your mouth.
He smiles as he runs his hands over your tits, giving them an appreciative squeeze. "Gotta tell ya, Princess, I'm finding that you're full of surprises."
You sit up and reach for his cock, which you're pleased to find already hard for you again. "Gotta tell ya," you mimic his smarmy cadence. "I'd rather be full of this." You give him a squeeze for emphasis.
He grins and gets in your face. "Greedy too?" He places his hand over yours and you begin slowly stroking him. "My kind of girl." You feel his breath on your face and you wonder if he's finally going to kiss you. You wonder why you want him to.
Instead of waiting on him, you push slightly forward and press your lips to his and the kiss quickly gets deepened. 
When you come up for air, he cocks an eyebrow at you, “Couldn’t take anymore of your talking.” You shrug. 
He pushes forward and kisses you again. “I want you over the fuckin couch,” he growls. You know he means business, so you quickly turn.
His first priority is to land a hard smack on your ass. You probably should've expected it but you yelp loudly nonetheless. Satisfied with both your reaction and the red mark decorating your ass cheek, he delivers a blow to the other side to match.
“Fuckkk me," you moan, wiggling your ass in front of him.
"Oh is that what you want from me, Princess?" He teases, running his cock over your thighs and ass, everywhere except your throbbing core. You hear a whine you don't recognize escaping your throat when you feel drops of precum drizzling onto your skin.
"Even with my ass in the air for you, you've still gotta talk shit," you groan in frustration.
He slicks the tip through your folds and you press your face against the back of the couch in anticipation. “If you fuck half as good as you lick, I think we can be friends," you smirk. 
“All you need to worry about is if you can take my cock.” He lands another smack to your ass. 
“My throat took it just fine.” You look over your shoulder and wink at him.
"Alright, alright, that's enough out of you," he starts to push in and you gasp at the feeling. He snorts. "My throat took it just fine," he mocks, sinking in more.
He does a couple shallow thrusts before pushing in further. You push your hips back to meet him, taking his cock all the way. 
You moan loudly, “Never been so full in my life.” 
Ashton spanks you again, ensuring he's gonna be leaving your ass red and sore. He gives a couple slow thrusts and then stops. “You want this cock, Princess? Get it.” He lands a smack to the other side of your ass.
You take his challenge, finding a rhythm as you throw yourself back on his cock. He watches, fascinated at the sight of his length disappearing inside you again and again. He holds your hips tight enough that you'll undoubtedly have bruises. "You look real good fucking yourself on my cock, Princess," he groans.
“Feels phenomenal," you breathe. You brace your arms on the back of the couch and look back at him while you take his cock. “Fuck yes, Ashton,” you pant. 
He takes mercy on you and grips your hips tighter, deciding to take over for you. He pulls one leg up, rests his foot next to your thigh for more leverage and starts to pound into you.
The noises filling the room are obscene: heavy breathing, skin slapping against skin, the slick sounds of your arousal, the endless moans, groans and curses pouring from both your and Ash's mouths.
He pulls you by your hair up against his chest and roughly turns your face so he can sloppily kiss you. He pushes your face away when he's done. "All our friends definitely already heard you cum for me, think this time I can make you scream loud enough the whole floor will hear?"
“I don’t care who hears us at this point, I just need to cum on your cock,” you breathe. “Please," you ask nicely, tossing a smile over your shoulder for him. 
The grin that graces his face says it all. He goes harder still. Your quiet whimpers quickly escalate into loud moans of begging.
He smacks your ass a few more times as well as your upper thighs for good measure. He presses into the already forming bruises on your hips. "Pleeease... Ashhh... Fuckkk," you whine, each word at least two syllables longer than usual. 
He yanks on your hair and leans in to calmly command, "Cum for me, Princess. Wanna feel you all over my cock."
It sends you over the edge and you lean heavily against the back of the couch while he continues fucking you through your orgasm. His pace increases and then you hear his breath catch and you feel him cum inside you. He stays tucked against you for a minute. He shallow thrusts all the way in once more so you’ll remember how it felt. 
“Holy fuck,” you groan. 
Ash pets your hair and pulls out. You instantly feel the cum dripping down your thighs. “Don’t move,” he warns. He comes back moments later with a washcloth and cleans you up. You stay in position, panting over the back of the couch because you're unsure if you can even move at this point.
He runs a hand down your back with surprising tenderness. It's then that you realize how goddamn sweaty you are because of course you had to decide to have the most intense fuck of your life in a room that feels like it's on the 4th floor of hell. 
"You ok, Princess?" Ash asks, sounding a bit unsure of himself. It's so unlike him. You're kind of into it.
“Yeah… it's just fuckin hot and now I’m fucked out. And I fuckin love it," you mumble against the couch. 
“Wanna grab a cool shower... together?” He asks, ready for you to bite sarcasm at him. 
“You might have to carry me, legs aren’t working,” you chuckle. 
He stands and gestures for you to climb into his arms, "Well then, Princess, your chariot awaits."
You roll your eyes but you notice you don't feel your blood boiling as much as it usually does when he calls you that. You shift on the couch, he scoops you up and carries you into the bathroom, sitting you on the counter while he gathers towels and turns on the shower.
Once you’re under the cool water you relax and regain some composure. Ash gently grabs your chin and softly kisses you. “Gonna be honest, that’s not at all what I expected from you," he states and then fits your lips back together.
You raise an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? You spend a lot of time wondering what kind of lay I'd be, Irwin?" You tease, softly biting his lip.
“Well no... not really. Maybe a couple masturbatory fantasies about hate fucking you, but you were tied up and gagged for those…" he explains, gently rubbing his soapy hands over your red ass and bruised hips. "Just with who you’ve been to me, I didn’t assume you’d beg to cum on my cock."
You smirk, "Tied up and gagged, huh? Well let's put a pin in that conversation..." 
He shakes his head and grins at you.
"To be honest I didn't expect to hear those things come out of my mouth either," you admit, pausing to hiss when his fingers brush over a particularly sore mark. "But to be fair, based on your past behavior I didn't see you as the type to gingerly clean me up after you came inside me."
“I’ve got a thing for after care, not really a 'fuck em and leave em' type of guy,” he shrugs. 
“What are our friends gonna say?” You wonder.
“I have no idea but I’m betting both of our phones are buzzing off the hook right now," he laughs. 
“No doubt about that... so are we going for round two later or was this a one time thing?” You smile playfully.
He purses his lips as if deeply considering it and you briefly wonder if you'd gotten too comfortable and embarrassed yourself but then he presses you up against the shower wall.
"Like I said before, such a greedy Princess," he teases before crashing his lips into yours with a groan.
After a short makeout, you end your shower and the first thing you both do is go to your phones. Ash snorts. “Cal just sent a bunch of the side eye emojis,"  he announces. 
“Crystal and Mike want to know where I am because something is definitely going on in my room,” you giggle. 
You change into your shorts and a fresh bralette and Ash pulls the black athletic shorts back on. He gives you a quick kiss but is interrupted by a knock at your door. He answers it as you settle on the couch. 
It’s Luke and Sierra. Luke seems chill but Sierra pushes her way into the room and looks astonished she sees you on the couch.
"Hey sweetie," she greets you with what sounds like surprise in her voice. 
"Hey guys," you start but you can tell their attention is focused elsewhere, eyes darting around the room and exchanging wide-eyed glances with each other.
Ash shoots you an amused look but you subtly shake your head at him, waiting to see where this goes.
“Hey… just wanted to check on you guys. There was a lot of noise coming from what we thought was your room.” Sierra looks confused. 
“What kind of noise?” You ask. 
“Sex noises, moaning, ‘fuck Ashton that’s so good’,” Luke mocks, eyeing the two of you. 
Sierra playfully jabs him in his side and he yelps. "Or you know, something like that," he offers half-heartedly.
Ashton, barely keeping in a giggle, says with concern, "Oh I definitely didn't hear anything like that, did you Princess?"
“No... don’t think so, Ash. We’ve just been watching TV,” you explain to the suspicious couple. 
“In here? In this room? Together?” Sierra clarifies, so much doubt in her voice and on her face. 
“I swear we heard someone moaning Ashton’s name. Asking him to make her cum. Begging, really,” Luke muses with a smirk. 
There's another knock on the door and Luke opens it. It's Cal, having walked over from across the hall. “Ok so did you guys hear that too?” He asks.
Luke stands in the doorway discussing the mystery with Cal while Sierra bewilderedly studies your faces.
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing when you hear Cal thinking out loud, "But how would he get a girl in here without her knowing?" 
"No, man, she's been here the whole time."
"The WHOLE time?"
"Well... I mean… Maybe… No..."
Sierra’s eyes narrow at you, “It was the two of you.” She determines, looking between you and Ashton. “You two hooked up...” 
“You said I was crazy for suggesting that!” Luke laughs. 
“I didn’t think she’d do it.” Sierra laughs in disbelief. “Holy shit.”
You realize Michael and Crystal must have visited Cal's room to discuss the incident because he shakes his head and announces behind him, "Mike, you were right." 
You hear a shout of "Yay! No, wait, ew that's weird. Not yay" mixed with a quieter "Whyyy?" that must've come from Crystal.
You didn't think you were the blushing type but you feel your cheeks getting warmer and you hope everyone will assume it's the heat. But Ash notices and starts waving your friends out of the room, "Ok folks, show's over."
"So we're right then?" Luke teases.
"Get the fuck outta here," Ash playfully shoos him away.
Luke and Cal shuffle out while Sierra turns back and mouths "Oh my God?" at you and mimes for you to text her.
As Ash shuts the door behind them, you flop onto the bed, exhaling loudly. He laughs and climbs on next to you. He kisses your shoulder reassuringly. "You good?"
You turn to face him, "Yeah, they're just. A lot sometimes." He snorts in agreement. "Fuck, they're gonna be so obnoxious about this, what should we do?" You ask, curious for his opinion.
"Well," he starts but then kisses you long enough that you begin to wonder if he forgot he was in the middle of a sentence. He pulls away and looks at you mischievously. "I say we give them about 15 minutes to settle back into their rooms and then we really give them something to talk about."
Tag list: @cocktail-calum @1dthewantedlove @youngblood199456 @lustingforwunder @calumsphile @neso-k @rosecoloredash @radmcqueen @justayoungandwisefangirl @itsnotmyblood  @lietoash @pushthetide21 @5sosfanficrec @therealmrshale @fallfrxmgrace @lukashemmos @justarandomgirlthatyoudontknow​ @5sos-microwave @madbomb​ @sweetheartmendes1000​ @literally-anythin​ @lfwallscouldtalk​ @clemmingstylins0n​ @ccnicole02​ @lustingfor5sos​ @buteverythingiscopacetic​ @rosesfromcth​ @bodaciousbonzi1996​ @ashtontotheirwin​ @captainam-erika-trash​ @xxgendurvikixx​ @jazzyangel242​ @bluebabycal​ @rhiannonmichellee​ @iovehemmings​ @glitterycalum1205​ @katcontreras​ @cashtonasfuck​ @ificanthaveu​ @kindahoping4forever @here-for-the-uproars​ @canterburyfiction​ @opheliaaurora​  @queer-5sos​ @banditocth​ @gigglyirwin​  @glitterycalum1205​ @rebelwith0utacause​
gc tags: @sublimehood​ @sugarcoated-pain​ @5sosnsfw​ @angelbabylu​ @aspiringwildfire​ @irwinkitten​ @lashtoncurls​ @myloverboyash​ @singt0mecalum​
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
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drawlfoy · 5 years
masterlist request guidelines please feed my inbox. she’s starving. requests are more open than ever!
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pairing: draco x nonslytherin!reader
request: yes! thank you anon!
summary: non slytherin reader offers draco her scarf when she realizes he’s cold. he secretly wants to accept but he’s too afraid to ruin his reputation.
warnings: fluff idk. maybe foul language because *that’s me* but i write warnings before i write fics and i cannot foresee this going anywhere dirty
a/n: i’ve made spaghetti how many times? too many times. and yet every time i misjudge the amount of pasta sauce i need to heat up to match the amount of pasta. every single time. i don’t know what’s wrong with me but i can never fix this problem. i’m sorry this is random but i don’t think many people actually read this part so i’m kind of going off. the pasta is good  tho, i’m eating it right now. reply with “pasta” down below if you actually read this
music recs: shoot i’ve been listening to alvvays tbh
also, last thing: Y/H/N means your house name, Y/H/C means your house color(s) :) also O/H means other house... as in not your house or slytherin!!
word count: 1,435
The wind was howling outside, cold and biting, as Y/N settled into the bench next to her “friend”, Draco Malfoy.
They’d only begun to be civil to each other that year after they’d been forced together in potions. At first, it had been horrible, but eventually, Y/N and Draco came to a truce. The merciless teasing about her house ceased and Y/N stopped reminding him how much she hated him every day. 
And then there was Quidditch. You were both big fans of getting high marks in potions, but you were both even bigger fans of the game. Y/N was unfortunately rendered unable to play in 4th year, after a particular nasty crash messed up her leg, She was perfectly capable of attending games, however, and she was especially supportive of the Y/H/N team. 
This particular Saturday, Y/H/N was playing O/H. It was the first time this year that Slytherin wasn’t playing, so Y/N had thought it appropriate to invite Draco along with her.
She was beginning to regret her decision as she watched the blond boy sitting next to her complain.
“Why does it have to be so cold out?”
“Uh, I don’t know, Draco,” Y/N shot back. “It’s wintertime, maybe that plays a role?”
He huffed and dug his hands into his cloak pockets.
“Y/N, please at least let me feel sorry for myself in silence.” He pouted, pulling his hands out of his pockets and blowing on them. “I never should’ve come. It’s too cold out for this.”
Y/N’s heart stung a little at this comment. They both loved Quidditch, and sometimes it was all they talked about. She was cold too, but the love for the sport kept her glued to the spot. 
“Didn’t think you were such a wuss,” she grumbled, pulling her own down jacket tightly around her body. She’d abandoned their uniforms and had instead opted for her muggle winter gear--except for her Y/H/N scarf, which was pulled tightly around her neck. 
“I prefer realist,” he shot back. Draco’s voice wavered just a slight bit, and Y/N cast him another glance. She was shocked to see that he was actually shivering. 
“I’m cold too, Draco,” she retorted “But for some reason, I’m still here.”
No response was returned. Instead, comfortable silence between them rested as the yells of the other onlookers pulled her attention away from Draco. 
After the first 45 minutes, Y/N felt positively chilled. A quick glance at Draco confirmed that she was not alone in this feeling. Both were ill dressed for the occasion.
“Hey,” she began, inching a little closer to her potions partner, “Do you want my scarf?” 
Draco turned to look at her, eyeing her neck. He looked like, for a second, he was considering it.
“No,” he finally told her. “You need it more than me.”
“What do you mean, Draco?” Her voice cracked slightly from the cold air rushing into her mouth. “You’re just wearing a cloak. I have a full coat.”
“And you’re still shivering!”
“So are you!”
At this point, neither of them were paying any mind to the game in front of them. 
“Even if I was...cold,” Draco told her, his teeth chattering comically, “I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a Y/H/N scarf. Y/H/C doesn’t suit my pink undertones.”
“Oh. My. God.” Y/N rolled her eyes so hard they nearly reached the back of her head. “You are such a diva. Do you know how many people die during the winter from hypothermia? And you’re out here, refusing a scarf because it doesn’t compliment your undertones?”
“You know that’s not the real reason, dimwit,” he told her with a hushed voice. 
Y/N’s cheeks were no longer being bitten by just the wind--now they were red from Draco’s scathing words.
“No one really cares,” she whispered, her eyes falling to the ground. She knew that that was a blatant lie. 
“You know they do,” Draco answered, sighing and turning his attention back to the game.
Y/N only pretended to watch the game. In reality, she was trying to get her cheeks to stop flaming red with embarrassment. Perhaps she could blame the sudden flush on the cold, but Draco had to know. He had to know that he had, in a sense, rejected her, proving that his reputation was more important than sharing a sweet moment between the two of them.
Without the heat of an argument, Y/N settled back into her chilly state, quivering slightly with every new gust of wind. Pins and needles began to rush into her bare hands, forcing her to resort to sticking them inside her jacket like some kind of deranged penguin.
“Are you cold?” Draco asked.
“Er....yeah? Duh,” she responded, turning her head to face him with an unimpressed expression. “I thought we already went over this.”
Draco swallowed. His hands were shaking, harder than they were before. If she didn’t know any better, she would’ve thought he was nervous, but it was cold enough out to excuse the behavior. 
“Give me your hands,” he demanded.
“Excuse me?” Y/N asked, bewildered from the sudden suggestion.
“You heard me. Give them here.” As if to prove that he was being serious, he stuck his own hands out expectantly,
Hesitantly, Y/ drew her hands out of her jacket and held them out to him. He grasped them, pulling them to his chest and rubbing his hands back and forth. She was pleasantly surprised with how warm his core was. (a/n: the word core is ruined for me because of smut and i promise that that isn’t what i was trying to imply)
“I thought you said you were cold.”
“I thought you appreciated my dramatic flair.” Draco exaggerated a frown, rubbing his thumbs over her knuckles. 
This was new. While they were on better terms and had done a fair bit of things that friends did, one line they never crossed was legitimate physical touch. Y/N couldn’t say that she minded it, though.
Feeling slowly tricked back into her hands as they sat like that, Draco still stroking the outsides of her hands and Y/N standing ramrod straight in disbelief. Once her hands were no longer numb, she cleared her throat and shifted in her seat.
“Thank you,” she said awkwardly, withdrawing her hands from his chest and tucking them back into her pockets. “I can feel them now. I think I’m alright.”
“Ooooooookay,” Draco responded, raising an eyebrow in slight disappointment. “If they ever get cold again...”
The tension between them only thickened as Y/N realized she’d made a horrible mistake. She was starting to feel positively frozen at this point, and to make things worse, the Y/H/N seeker had decided to hang out over the stadium seats where Y/N was seated. Every few seconds, she’d dive down and another rush of freezing wind would hit Y/N and Draco. 
Within a few minutes, both were shivering messes. Y/N considered offering her hands back to him, but her pride kept her from going  back to it. She withdrew them. She couldn’t ask for more again. 
“You’re still cold, aren’t you?” Draco’s voice pulled her back from her plotting. 
“Was it that obvious?” 
The laugh Draco let out was small and involuntary. 
“Well, I mean....” He sucked in a deep breath before meeting Y/N’s eyes. “You can....you can sit closer.”
“Oh?” The words left her mouth before she could revise them. 
“Er.. yeah, come over here.” Draco patted the already rather small space on the bench between them. 
Y/N cautiously scooted closer, closing the gap until their shoulders were almost rubbing. 
How was this supposed to accomplish anything?
Draco answered her question before she could even voice it out loud, taking one arm out of the sleeve of his cloak. He draped it over Y/N’s shoulder so they were sharing the garment, pulling her close.
Y/N almost gasped but caught it just in time. Draco’s arm was now wrapped around her shoulder and her head pressed up against his warm chest.
She could hear his heart racing as his free hand slid under the cloak, taking hers and stroking them like he had done before. 
“And what was this about being ashamed of my house?” she managed to quip, lifting her gaze upwards to meet his soft grey eyes. “You won’t wear my scarf but you’ll allow...this?”
He blushed, turning his fair pink skin an even deeper red as his thumb rubbed lazy circles on the back of her hands. 
“I told you,” he whispered, dropping his head down so his face was mere inches away from her, “Y/H/C looks ghastly on me.”
final a/n: this kind of took a u turn from the original direction that was requested and i deeply apologize for that haha. i’m not the best at writing fluff, i’m a little better at writing build up, so i’m going to have to work on that. thank you for reading!
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onegayastronaut · 5 years
Dark Hero (Hope Mikaelson x Reader)
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Requested by anon:   Hi, I’m new to your tumblr but I’ve literally binged every hope Mikaelson fic you’ve wrote bcz I’m Danielle Rose Russell’s bitch 😂. Could we get a hope/reader where you get kidnapped and hopes dark side comes out to find and save you?
Words: 2131
Hope smiled as she looked down at your sleeping form. Being in a relationship with you was something that she never saw coming. Everything from your nerdy rants about your new favorite book to sitting on the couch watching movies together, you gave her a semblance of what “normal” teenagers would spend their time doing. It has been over a year since you’ve helped her turn her humanity switch back on, and she couldn’t be happier with how her life has turned out so far. Hope kissed your head before making her way towards the kitchen to get you your favorite food. Today was going to be a great day because there were no monsters to hunt, and she could spend all day with you.
The smell of freshly baked cookies was what initially woke you up. That, along with the thought of having the entire day with Hope made you so excited that you nearly sat straight up.
“Someone’s excited to wake up today.”
“Wait, did you get all this food for me?”
“Well, some of the food is for me also. Don’t be silly.” Hope sat down next to you and put the food on the bed. “What were you thinking of doing today?”
“Since we have the day to ourselves, I was thinking about going to Mystic Falls for the day and hanging out. Then when we’re tired, we’ll just come back here and watch Netflix until one or both of us pass out in front of the computer.”
“Sounds good to me. Now take the rest of the food with you, I want to get a head start on going to town.”
Driving anywhere with Hope was fun for you because not only did you get to spend time with your favorite person in the world, but you also got to bug her with singing along to your favorite songs. There were more than enough hopeless romantic songs for you to sing along to, and the sight of Hope pretending to be irritated by you only served to egg you on. You were on a heartfelt rendition of Celine Dion’s “Because You Loved Me” when you saw Hope frown at something on the car.
“What is it?”
“Shit, I forgot to put gas in the car last week. We’re going to have to pull in on a gas station along the way if we’re going to make it to Mystic Falls.”
“That’s cool, we can also grab snacks to eat before we make it in town.”
“Are you sure about that? Don’t want you aspirating on a peanut while you’re singing.”
“Play nice babe. You know you love the sound of me singing these love songs.”
“You know I do. Now don’t talk to strangers, I’m going to get some gas for our car.”
“Don’t forget about the snacks!” You settled back down in your seat and thought about the next song you wanted to sing. Hearing the car door close behind you made you turn around, and you saw a man in a suit and tie sit down. “Hey man, I think you’re in the wrong car.”
“No, as a matter of fact, you are exactly the person I hoped to see.”
“What the hell?” You didn’t get a chance to ask anything else as the man pressed a cloth against your face.
“Well, I got your favorite chips, some soda for the road, and even some of these weird dried fruits. I never know if they’re any good or..not.” Hope looked around for you, which was strange because you never wandered off without telling her where you were going. What made this more alarming was when she saw your phone sticking out from the edge of the seat because you never went anywhere without it in your hand.“(Y/N)? (Y/N), where are you?” Hope got out of the car to look for you. “(Y/N)!”
Ric sighed as his phone rang. This was his one day off, and it seemed as if he just couldn’t catch a break. However, when he saw that it was Hope, his back straightened off his chair. She never called him unless there was a real emergency. 
“Hope? What is it?”
“(Y/N)’s missing! She’s missing and I can’t find her! I’ve tried casting a locator spell but nothing’s showing up.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll talk to Emma to see if she can help with locating (Y/N). Where are you now? I’ll come to get you and figure out our next step.”
“There’s no ti--” Before Hope could finish her sentence, a bright light seemed to flash in her eyes, causing her to close them tightly. Random images of you passed out in the back of a car caused her heartbeat to quicken as the headache increased in intensity. The necklace that she gave you for your birthday was glowing, which not only gave her a sense of which direction you were going in but also told her that you were in danger.
“Hope? Hope? Are you still there?” 
“Dr. Saltzman, she’s in trouble. I don’t know who took her but I know which direction she’s headed in. I have to go now.” 
“No, Hope! Wait for everyone else to get to where you are before you do anything!”
“There’s no time. I have to go get my girlfriend.” Hope’s heart seemed to jump out of her chest, and she had to take a minute to get her mind in order. She might as well be useless to you if she couldn’t think clearly and save you from whoever had taken you. Waiting for Dr. Saltzman and the other students would not be the best choice as they might stop her from going through whoever she needed to in order to make sure you were safe.
Driving down a long stretch of road was lonelier than she ever thought possible. Not having you singing in the car next to her made everything seem too quiet, and it only filled her with more urgency to find you. The person who took you away from her was going to be very sorry for putting you in danger.
Knowing the direction that you were in is not an exact science, but Hope already knew that. The first place that she stopped at was a dingy motel that was situated in the middle of nowhere. It seemed as if the place wasn’t even open for business, but it was where the spell led her. After peeping through several windows, Hope finally came across a woman sitting on her own in the main courtyard.
“Ma’am? Excuse me, but have you seen anyone come in and out of here recently?”
When the lady turned around, it was obvious to Hope that she had been compelled. “A gentleman handed this to me earlier today. He told me that you would know what to do with it when you saw it.” The lady handed Hope a white envelope and walked away. 
Hope frowned but opened the envelope anyway, knowing it might lead to finding (Y/N). Inside, she found a picture of you and a note saying “You know what you must do to get her back. Come when you’re ready, my location is on the back of the picture.” Hope closed her eyes and opened them to read the note again. She knew that whoever wrote this note knew about the period of time when her humanity switch was turned off, and apparently, she had to do it again if she wanted to see you again. Hope didn’t want to disappoint you, but she knew she didn’t have another way of seeing you again.
Hope didn’t remember much about the drive to the location written on the picture, but that was what happens when you turn your humanity switch off. She knew that at the moment, there was no other choice, so she just had to go along with it. The location turned out to be a derelict building that has definitely seen better days, but she knew from your scent that you were definitely there. Hope could also identify the scent of another person there, but she couldn’t quite place who it was. The door slammed open as soon as Hope uttered a spell, and she walked into an empty warehouse. It didn’t take long for her eyes to fall on you, and she immediately ran over to untie you from the chair.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” A man stepped out into the light. “Those ropes have a special spell attached to them that only I can break. If you try to break them, they’ll strangle her.”
“Let her go.” Hope’s eyes brightened as her fists tightened. The only reason why she hesitated was the fact that you seemed somewhat aware of the situation that you were in. If you weren’t there, she would have snapped this man’s neck without hesitation, but she didn’t want you to see her that way. “Please just let her go.”
“Not until you tell me what you did to my family. Not until you confess the things that you did to me and all the other families while you were running around taking lives.”
“Don’t do anything he says, Hope. Don’t listen to him.”
“I’m going to get you out of this, (Y/N), don’t worry.” Hope turned to the man as she wracked her brain for a spell to get both of you out of this situation. “Honestly, I don’t remember you or your family. I don’t know what happened to them, and I can’t give you an honest answer as to whether or not I killed them. My humanity switch was off then, so chances are that I might have hurt them and not even remembered it afterward.”
“You’ll remember, I’ll make you remember!” You could hear the man gritting his teeth from where you were sitting, and you struggled to get yourself out of the knots that he had tied around you. However, it seemed like every time you tried to move your arms the ropes pulled tighter, making it hard to breathe. Before long, it seemed as if there was a thin mist coming from the ropes, causing them to burn your arms. “Your girlfriend over there is going to lose her arms if you don’t start talking!” He didn’t get any further as Hope muttered something unintelligible and the ropes fell off from your arms. All you saw was a blur as Hope ran up to the platform and held the man up by his throat.
“Hope, no! Don’t do it!”
“He threatened to harm you. If I don’t kill him now, he’ll just keep coming until he gets what he wants. I can’t let him do that.”
“If you kill him, you’re never going to forgive yourself. Please don’t do it, Hope.”
“No, what he did is unforgivable.” Hope tightened her grip on the man’s throat, and you knew you had to do something before she did something that she couldn’t take back. The only thing that you could think of when she was in this state was to get in front of Hope in an attempt to make her come back to you.
“Hope, Hope, look at me.” You tilted her face to look at you. Hope had always hated the fact that you were taller than her, but you loved kissing her forehead whenever you had a chance to. “Hope, please let him go. I know you’re angry right now, but I need you to be here with me.” Much to your relief, Hope let the man down and turned to you.
“I’ll let Dr. Saltzman deal with him.” Hope’s hands traced the burn marks that the ropes had left on your arms. “Though right now I think killing him will make me feel good.”
“You know you don’t really want to do that. How about taking me back to school so you don’t feel like killing everyone in sight?”
“There are some people at school that make me think that keeping my switch off might not be such a bad idea.” Hope held onto your hand tight enough to stop the blood flow to it, and she let go as soon as she saw you wince. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. I know what you mean, but I still think it’s best if we go back before you get in trouble with Dr. Saltzman.”
“Okay, but what about me?” The man in front of you now seemed a lot smaller now that he was on the floor.
Hope marched over and gave him a kick strong enough to send him into the wall. “I think that should keep him there until Dr. Saltzman gets here.”
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Mission Fail
Yon-Rogg x starforce! female reader
Warning: violence, blood
Specifics: romance, fighting, one-shot, fluff, race neutral reader, 2 for the price of 1!!!!!!!!!
People: yon-rogg, carol danvers, minerva, some skrull people 
Words: 1,741
Requested: By anon Could you do a Yon-Rogg x reader imagine? Like where the reader goes on a mission with Yon but is then kidnapped, but breaks out and gets back to him. 
@fortheloveoflamp Hello! May I please request a Yon-Rogg x reader, where they are very close (and they secretly like each other) but he’s the unemotional robot so the reader doesn’t know. One day she gets injured pretty badly, and he mends her up, being all “you need to be more careful,” type of stuff and ends up spilling the beans by like saying “I need you to stick around” or something along those lines. Not a confession but not a cover-up. And it’s just really cute but also a lil angsty? Thank you so much!!
Authors Note: so i was gonna post yesterday but there was a issue with my house and yada yada yada i couldnt so im sorry for that but im happy i got to post today. my requests r closed atm cuz i wanna do something special for avengers soon so be aware of that when that comes out. also i thought of why not add two requests to 1 fic so i did and this is what came out of that. this is my first yon-rogg fic so i do hope u like it! 
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“Do you remember the mission y/n?” Yon-Rogg was persistent in asking you this question. You were more of the rebel of the group and took precautions lightly. 
You groaned as you turned around sassily at Yon-Rogg, “yes commander I heard you like the 40th time. I get what we’re supposed to do.”
“Then I should suspect you do it with excellency and remember to be on the lookout.”
You raised your brow and placed your hands on Yon-Rogg’s arms, “aww are you worried for me? Do I feel an emotion coming on?” Yon-Rogg gives you a stern look of warning and you give up with a sigh. You sit in your seat in the ship and wait till you arrive to the planet. 
Vers and Minerva tried to stealthily motion over to you. Minerva with a knowing look and Vers wearing a smirk on her face. 
“So y/n, you and Yon-Rogg. Whats that all about?” 
“Yeah you two seem so suspicious lately,” Minerva crossed her arms, awaiting an answer. You rolled your eyes, “wouldn’t you two like to know?”
Both of their mouths flew open and you laughed at their expression and idea that there was something between you and the commander. “You guys I’m joking! He’s my commander, my boss, I can’t do that to him. Also, there is nothing going on between us, so whatever fantasy you two have please erase it. Oh and did you guys forget that we’re not allowed to have emotions? Please do be careful with that, especially around him.”
They both looked down seeming sad that the love they thought you two had was a mistake. 
“I still can dream though!” Vers shouted as she ran away before you can disagree with her on that. 
Unknown to you all Yon-Rogg was present and listening to that whole conversation. Why did he feel distraught when you said that your relationship with him was strictly business? He could feel himself drawing further away from the strict rules he was to obey. No emotions. Trying to shake the thought and feeling away he looked at the screen of the monitor. It indicated that they were on the planet. “Alright we’re here! For the good of all Kree! ”
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As the whole crew exits the ship everyone spreads out to cover more land and to take in any Skrulls. 
“Okay lets all spread out, you y/n you’ll join me.” Yon-Rogg ordered as he stepped closer to you and grasped your arm. You could hear the chuckle of the other members as they saw how protective Yon-Rogg was over you. 
You felt that same way about him but tried to keep your feelings at bay so as not to have emotions. “As much as I would love to fight with you Commander I think I’m better off by myself.”
Yon-Rogg’s face became of annoyance as he wanted you to stick with him. He was about to intervene and order you some more but you fled the scene and gave the rest of the crew a wave of goodbye.
As you rounded around a huge boulder to get a better view of the Skrulls you paused to check up on them some more. “Finally, now Yon-Rogg can see what I’m capable of.” All this time you wanted to prove to him that you had what it takes to be in the Starfroce.
You took out your gun as you saw the Skrulls more in your vision but as you were about to pull the trigger you heard a rustle of the leaves behind you and saw a Skrull. You stood up quick and you were about to shoot him when another one punched you behind the head and made you go limp. The last thing you heard was the rest of the crew crying out your name, especially Yon-Rogg.
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You were taken to a mini base on the planet, just far away from where the ship that you were in parked. 
“We need to get them in a trap. I know for certain they will go after this girl and when they do we will be here,” one of the Skrulls said as he watched the monitor with an evil smirk. 
You were taken captive, your arms and legs were cuffed to a metal bed. You could feel the sting on the back of your head from the punch earlier. “Yep thats gonna need stitches,” you thought as you looked around your settings, trying to find a way out. 
“Oh she’s awake.”
Your brows furrowed and you tried to untie yourself from the cuff, “what do you want with me?” You barked as you snarled to the enemies faces. 
“We don’t want you, we want your leader. We want to make you Kree pay, and be no more!”
You smirked and chuckled, “you think you’ll get rid of us that easily. You’re badly mistaken. We’ll always keep coming and taking you down no matter what. Its what you deserve.”
The Skrull stood quiet, shaking his head, “you don’t know everything.”
“Let me go now!”
The Skrull ignored you and turned around sitting by the monitor. You had to think fast on an escape plan. Seeing that your gun was far away and you were tied you quickly threw that idea away. You saw a guard sitting very close by near you fast asleep. You looked around you and then up and saw the perfect item. You stretched your neck and with your teeth bought the stick down that was atop the shelf above your head. You kept the stick on your mouth but quickly paused when you heard more shuffling of the Skrulls feet. They seemed to not focus on you and walked right by. You continued with your plan. Using the stick you point the stick, with your mouth at the guard and put the stick so that the ring or the chain that the key was on went around the stick. With more than one try you successfully got the key on the stick. You brought it to your hand and used the key to unlock the cuffs. (i know i say stick so many times in this sentence just like bear🐻with me and again im sorry) 
“Yes,” you whispered in victory as you hopped off the bed. You tip toed out of the room but accidentally bumped into a guard. 
“Wha-what do you think you’re doing?”
“Ugh using the bathroom!” You scrambled to your feet and ran as fast as you could. You could hear the guard call to the other Skrulls and soon there were a whole flock of them after you. 
“I wanted to be by myself I said, I wanted to prove myself I said!” Next thing you knew they started shooting their guns at you, left to right. You dodged all the attacks and as you turned a corner your face met with a hard chest. 
“Y/n?” A familiar voice called to you. As you stood up you saw Yon-Rogg. Happy to see him you hug him and whisper his name. You quickly realize that you are not supposed to do that and unwrap yourself from him. Before you could apologize Yon-Rogg grabs your hand and guides you and him out of the battle. More shots are fired and Yon-Rogg stands in your way so if by any chance a blast would hit him instead of you. 
You two make it out and jump into the Starforce ship. 
You were out of breath, holding onto the ships walls for dear life. You could tell Yon-Rogg was angry. “I told you to be with me. Why didn’t you listen?”
You opened your mouth, about to say something when you could see that privacy was not really happening at this moment. Everyone was looking at you two. “I would like to speak with you commander, alone.”
Yon-Rogg nodded as he understood. 
You opened the door to a tiny room with a bed and sat on the bed. 
“Okay, explain,” Yon-Rogg gave the commandment as if he were talking sternly to a little kid. 
“You know I’m not a little child. I get why you are so angry but I had my reasons.”
“Which were?”
You bit your lip and thought about what if you told him the truth, what if he thought you were being naive or stupid? Yon-Rogg sat by you and looked directly into your eyes, “you know you can tell me anything.”
“I just wanted to prove myself to you. I wanted to show you what I was capable of and that I was meant to be on this team. But instead I’ve just made a fool out of myself.” You peered down, disappointed with yourself. 
Yon-Rogg lifted you face up, “Y/n you didn’t need to do any of that stuff. I already knew you were extraordinary. You are meant to be on this team, you’re meant to be here. I had full faith in you.” He gave you a cheerful smile and this led you to want more of him like this, vulnerable. You were seeing a different side of him. Yon-Rogg caught himself before he could go any further and got off the bed and stood up, serious. “Um, well I just, are you okay?”
You were about to nod when you felt the cold feeling of your blood dripping down your neck. You shuddered and touched it with your fingertips. As you brought it to your eyes they were coated with dark, deep red liquid. (yeah thats called blood ms.writer. jeesh!) Yon-Rogg was worried, afraid if you were seriously hurt. “I need to take care of that.”
Yon-Rogg took part of his armor off and collected the first aid kit. He took part of your armor off so you could be comfortable and laid you down to work behind your head. Once he was finished he bandaged you up and sat by the bed while you laid it in, getting better. 
“You need to be more careful.”
Shrugging you give a light chuckle and placed your hand on his arm, “I’ll try next time.”
“I’m serious y/n, we...I need you to stick around.” Yon-Rogg placed his hand on top of yours. Signifying he cares for you, truthfully. You beam with a smile and start to close your eyes, exhausted. Just enjoying the presence of him there beside you and knowing that he will always be there to protect you. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @fangirl-4-life415, @dirbel, @marwantr, @divaanya, @wassupitschloe, @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @spycii
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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francisthegreat · 6 years
do i .... do i honestly see a "death note" fic in this wips list ... i gotta know - love, not enamored anon
hello judgemental anon listen ok this is a file of forgotten fics okay let me LIVE
also fandom knows no shame and has no sense of time passing do you not know this? this death note fic will sit in my gdocs until i die. it’s collecting dust. it’s a relic of a bygone era and a beacon. it exists outside of time and space. its behind the cut and its the cryptid of my wips. i want to believe
(*x files theme song plays*) 
A note about Yagami Light: he slouches only when he is being watched. 
Alone, his back is ramrod straight at all hours of the day, his shoulders pulled cruelly into the sort of line that speaks of militant control. It is only when he becomes aware of being observed that he carefully curls them toward himself, pronounces it more in the evening and smiles tiredly at assertions of, “You look beat, Light.” 
Once in a while he slips, when his focus narrows to a single point or he’s especially distracted, and there’s a moment - a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment - when his body is one unbendable, unbreakable line. 
A note about L: he never blinks. It follows that he never misses one of these moments; he only files them away for later.
Sleep, too, eludes him. Sometimes he will slip into the dark void of complete unconsciousness for an hour or two and then slam back awake, shuddering with the notion that he’d been just about to put something together. 
Then, of course, he puts something together. Light says the chain chafes his wrist but doesn’t offer any further complaints on it.
After two days of the chain, a problem becomes apparent: Light sleeps. 
More specifically, Light talks in his sleep. 
Most specifically, Light talks about L. 
The talking never reveals enough information to form any sort of theory, just small huffs of breath and the occasional half-murmur of L’s name, but it sends L careening toward a question so dangerous it stops the blood in his chest. 
If he fell asleep, what would he say? Would he put some deep, vulnerable part of himself straight into the hands of the most prolific serial killer in human history without even knowing it? Would he speak his own name? Would he speak Light’s name?
And further, what is Light dreaming about? 
L has never put stock in dream psychology. It is a soft subset of a soft science, and consists mostly of conjecture and wanking, both of which L abandoned years ago.
Which, of course, makes his burning curiosity all the more concerning. 
A note about curiosity: L cannot recall the last time he was burningly curious about anything. Mildly so, yes. Detached interest, yes. But true, consuming, burning curiosity? An outlier so far outside L’s observable universe it is almost entirely alien. 
Yagami Light, too, is such an outlier. It stands to reason, then, that his alien curiosity would be regarding Yagami Light.
He resolves to let it go for now, but spends a disturbing amount of free time devoting his curiosity to it.
On the 5th night chained together, L still has not slept, and his body is approaching its limit. Light, outlier that he is, notices.
“Ryuzaki,” Light says, and L feels that foreign pang of disappointment  exclusive to Light using his alias, “You need to sleep.”
L waves him off. If he sleeps now, he will shut off for approximately 12 hours, which is not at all acceptable until he’s solved the case. If he sleeps now he will lose approximately 12 hours of surveillance, anywhere from 2 to 12 Kira killings depending on who is currently occupying Kira’s frustratingly nebulous power, at least 14 servings of strawberry cake, and no less than three instances of Yagami Light stretching enough for his shirt to ride up.
L dwells uncomfortably on that last thought for a moment and then shakes his head.
He’s not thinking clearly.
Light says, “You’re not thinking clearly. You’re exhausted.”
L resists the urge to stick his tongue out at him and adjusts in his chair.
A note about identities: L has never gone this long in the presence of another human, and so has never had to keep up the exaggerated charade of his own identity for such an extended period of time before. It is unexpectedly exhausting.
His back hurts. He wants to stretch out and sleep.
Light pokes him with a metaphorical stick.
“You’re not going to be any help if your brain doesn’t work, you know.”
It is a testament to L’s exhaustion that he doesn’t argue. He simply shuffles out of the room and drags Light behind him to go make himself a pot of coffee.
“This isn’t coffee, Ryuzaki,” Light laughs, sticking his finger into L’s cup. “This is engine sludge.”
A note about Light: he has been different since the end of his solitary confinement - freer, somehow. More…innocent. He laughs more, jokes more. It is almost as if he is a different person. He even seems to approach flirting, sometimes.
Light takes his finger out of L’s cup and sticks it in his mouth. L stares.
“Sludge and sugar,” Light amends.
L blinks and takes a sip of his coffee. It tastes sweeter than before, and raises all sorts of awful questions about the specific taste of Light’s skin.
A note about L: there is a 75 - no - 78.9 percent chance that he is slightly sexually attracted to Yagami Light. Which is a problem.
Contrary to popular opinion, L is not clueless about sex. In fact, he enjoys it very much when it benefits him, and has found he’s rather good at it.
The problem, of course, is that this is not the time or person, and also that the likelihood that Light feels the same is under 12 percent.
So he drinks his coffee in silence until Light says, “Come here, Ryuzaki.”
L’s stomach does something awful and he pauses with the cup halfway to his lips. Light smiles, and it’s so honest and sincere that it scares the shit out of L.
What are you doing, Light?
“What are you doing, Light?”
Light leans against the counter and tilts his head. He must know what this position does to his body, and his legs are far too long, and L has no control over his own thought processes and suddenly realizes how desperately he needs to sleep -
“I’m just gonna crack your back for you. It’ll help, trust me.” There’s that smile again. Different than before, so different that it almost makes L believe it.
Light huffs and says, “Because you’re going to cripple yourself crouching like that all day.”
Why do you care?
“Come here and cross your hands over your chest.”
Is this how L dies? He sees four distinct possibilities: Light cutting his throat from behind him, Light smashing his head into the counter, Light slipping something thin and sharp around his throat and pulling, Light sinking a knife into his back -
No. No, if Light wanted to kill him with his hands, he would have done it already.
Yagami Light is Kira. He is 89.8 percent sure of this fact. Kira wants L dead. He is 100% sure of this fact. The only reason he is not dead is because Kira does not have his name. He is 100% sure of this fact.
L wants Kira dead. He is … 89.8 percent sure of this fact.
Only 89.8 percent? Why -
“Ryuzaki, stop thinking. It’s giving me a headache.”
I want to hear you say my name, L thinks, and immediately regrets it.
“I’m not able to do that, Light-kun.”
Light grins and says softly, under his breath, “I bet I could help,” and then raises his voice again to say, “For god’s sake, just come over here.”
“No,” L says stubbornly. “This is a perfect opportunity for you to kill me.”
Light rolls his eyes and sighs deeply, which is … not what L expects.
“You know we’re being surveilled, right?”
“I doubt it matters to Kira-kun. My name is the only one he does not know.” L takes another sip of his coffee. “After I’ve been eliminated it will be easy to deal with the rest.”
“Fine,” Light says, looking genuinely annoyed, and throws up his hands. “Fucking suffer forever, you idiot.”
L has never seen Light curse before. It is horribly, viscerally arresting. He wants him to do it again. He wants to make him do it again.
Light immediately puts his head in his hands and says, “Sorry. I’m really tired.”
L feels a stab of genuine guilt. In his refusal to sleep over the past 5 days, he’s forced Light to sleep in the rolling chair next to his computer, or on the floor, or sometimes slumped over the desk. 
In a moment of utter insanity, L walks over to where Light is leaning against the kitchen counter and crosses his arms over his chest.
Light raises his eyebrows and looks like he’s trying not to smile.
“You have to turn around, Ryuzaki.”
L hesitates. It sets off approximately 800 alarm bells in his head to turn his back to Light. It feels … wrong. Dangerous.
L turns his back. It thrills him all the way to his toes, so close to unbearable he can almost feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing up.
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Light’s voice is far too close when he speaks, and L cannot see him, and three new scenarios flood his mind at once: Light could snap his neck with his hands - but that would require an inhuman amount of speed and strength and is far less common than it is depicted in movies, not to mention it doesn’t seem like Light’s style. Light could choke him to death, fairly easily as the way he’s leaned on the counter gives him the perfect leverage, and the thought makes L’s toes curl in a way that is decidedly unscientific.
The third possibility evacuates his head the second Light touches him, along with an alarming amount of his other thoughts.
Light wraps his arms all the way around L and leans back a little, whispers straight into his ear,
“Relax, Ryuzaki.”
Impossible. L can hardly breathe.
Something snaps like a branch and then three or four little cracks follow in very quick succession, and suddenly L feels his legs turning to liquid. It hurts.
“There we go.”
Light stops touching him and L immediately grips the counter top, spits out, “Kira.”
Light laughs, then stops. He stares at L with wide eyes. Was he always so short?
What is he looking-
“You, uh, you’re standing up straight now.”
So he is. He takes stock of his body: he can feel all his toes and fingers. That’s new.
Light’s cheeks are pink. That’s new as well.
L is possessed by a new burning question: Does this fluster Light because of L’s sudden height advantage? Does he feel angry at the possibility that L could be physically imposing? Or -
L steps very close to Light until Light’s back is pressed against the counter top.
“What are you doing, Ryuzaki?”
“Testing a theory.”
A note about physical arousal: it is nearly indistinguishable from fear in its physiological processes.
“What theory is that?”
L sees no reason to lie. “Whether you are afraid of me -”
“I’m not afraid of you, you absolute idiot -”
“Or whether you want to have sex.”
Light’s eyes get very wide. They are nearly exactly the same color as the  honey L sometimes puts on his fruit bowls.
“With you?”
He puts his hand around Light’s wrist and notes that his heart rate is nearly double his normal baseline. Pupils: dilated. Cheeks: flushed. L finds that he likes this sudden height advantage very much.
“In case you are wondering,” L murmurs, and he must be delirious from exhaustion if he’s doing this, “the likelihood that you find me sexually attractive is just over 56 percent.” A significant jump from 12. He looks at Light’s mouth to see if he mirrors it - he does. “62 percent.”
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plotbunnyshipper · 6 years
Book Recommendations
Instead of writing I’ve been spending my time re-reading so many of my favorites in my free snippets of time. I figure I’ll list a few in case anyone might feel the need for picking up a new book that may become one of their favorites.
Fantasy is always a favorite of mine in its many sub-genres, also first person storytelling is not a requirement but helps for immersion in the story when done well. And listing these out and going over them again it just reinforces my love of snark and sarcasm and antiheros.
I also have zero hesitation about starting a series a few books in, or in the middle and then going through everything else. (Did this with Black Jewels Series, Chronicles of the Shadow War, The Hollows). Tend to have a lot of YA in here because I grabbed lots of random when I was younger, and nowadays don’t get to read as much brand new other than new authors on Ao3.
List here (not in any sort of order), details below the cut. When the whole/most of series is fantastic I try to list the series rather than the individual book. If you see some in here that you also love and want to suggest a few not listed back at me, please feel free. Even if these aren’t ones you know or love, feel free to recommend, here or in an ask, even an anon one. I love reading, I’m not grabbing as much random published as I used to but published or online, it’s all good. I still remember the first fanfic author that I adored. To this day I’ll still go back and reread the Sailor Moon fic she wrote because it was just that good, so really. This list is by no means complete, they’re just the ones I have on my Kindle and closest bookshelf.
Chronicles of the Shadow War by Chris Claremont and George Lucas
Uprooted by Naomi Novik 
Queen’s Thief Series by Megan Whalen Turner
Various throughout the designations below by Neil Gaiman
Neverveil series by Amy McNulty  
The Sleeping Prince Series by Melinda Salisbury
The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury
Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard
Fairy Keeper by Amy Bearce
The Enchanted Forest series by Patricia C Wrede
The Raven Ring by Patricia C. Wrede
Anne McCaffery - Harper Hall/Pern series, Tower and Hive series, Acorna series
The Black Jewels Series by Anne Bishop
Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas
Three Dark Crowns series by Kendare Blake
Necromancer/Firebug Series by Lish McBride
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
The Hollows by Kim Harrison
Enchantment by Orson Scott Card
The Others Series by Anne Bishop
Georgina Kincaid series by Richelle Mead
Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips
Wicked Saga by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Antigoddess series by Kendare Blake
Night Huntress by Jeaniene Frost 
Meredith Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton
Hunter: Thieves series by Lexi Blake
Dissonance series by Erica O’Rourke 
The Host by Stephenie Meyer
The Last Girl by Joe Hart
Secondborn series by Amy A. Bartol
Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton
Beastkeeper by Cat Hellisen
A Madness So Discrete by Mindy McGinnis
VIP series by Kristen Callihan
Lonely Kings series by Ava Lore
High Fantasy
Chronicles of the Shadow War by Chris Claremont and George Lucas (Shadow Moon, Shadow Dawn, Shadow Star). Picked it up what ended up being the second book randomly at the library, not reading anything about it and was like that name, Elora sounds really familiar, and then hmmm this Thorn Drumheller seems an awful lot like Willow from the movie. Had loved the movie and was very happy to figure out that this was a ~15 years later sequel. 
Uprooted by Naomi Novik - Pulled me in at the start and was a wonderful read. First Person, which I love, pulled in familiar myth and fairytale elements as well as great original elements. Same world but different characters sequel is Spinning Silver - also very good but not as good as the first. If you need additional reasons to read the author is one of the ones helping with Ao3 - “Her own adventures include pillaging degrees in English literature and computer science from various ivory towers, designing computer games, and helping to build the Archive of Our Own for fanfiction and other fanworks. Novik is a co-founder of the Organization for Transformative Works.“
“Our Dragon doesn’t eat the girls he takes, no matter what stories they tell outside our valley. We hear them sometimes, from travelers passing through. They talk as though we were doing human sacrifice, and he were a real dragon. Of course that’s not true: he may be a wizard and immortal, but he’s still a man, and our fathers would band together and kill him if he wanted to eat one of us every ten years. He protects us against the Wood, and we’re grateful, but not that grateful.”
Queen’s Thief Series by Megan Whalen Turner - Good god do I love an antihero. And a first person thief? It takes me back to my love of the Raven Ring. The worldbuilding, the (as much as I find the term obnoxious due to overuse in almost any story that incorporates BDSM to describe someone baiting or attempting to top from the bottom) sass, the antagonizing by the main character. It is a YA so when things happen that are ‘reveals’ later on you’ll notice them, they’re not “OMG I’m so surprised!” but it’s very, very well done. First book - Aces, second book also fantastic, third....hmmmmm would like the POV’s from the first and second books rather than this new one, but has a great scene I’ll quote below.
The Thief (Book 1)
“Are you really named after the god of thieves?” “I am.”
“Well, how could they tell what you were going to be when you were just a baby?”
“How did they know what you were going to be when you were a baby?”
“My father was a duke.”
“So my mother was a thief.”
“So you would have to grow up to be one, too?”
“Most of the people in my family thought so. My father wanted me to be a soldier, but he’s been disappointed.”
Behind us I heard Pol grunt. He no doubt thought my father’s disappointment was justified.
“Your father? He did?”
Sophos sounded so surprised that I looked over at him and asked, “Why shouldn’t he?”
“Oh, well, I mean…” Sophos turned red, and I wondered about the circulation of his blood; maybe his body kept an extra supply of it in his head, ready for blushing.
“What surprises you?” I asked. “That my father was a soldier? Or that I knew him? Did you think that I was illegitimate?”
Sophos opened and closed his mouth without saying anything.
I told him that no, I wasn’t illegitimate. “I even have brothers and sisters,” I told him, “with the same father.” Poor Sophos looked as if he wanted the ground to swallow him.
The King of Attolia (Book 3) condensing down a tiny bit with the [...]’s
The king couldn’t lie on a deathbed with a sense of dignity. The attendants were all on the verge of breaking into laughter, and the king, far from minding, was enjoying every minute of it.
The queen’s lips thinned.
“I am very sorry,” the physician said helplessly.
“Stop apologizing and hurry.”
“Your Majesty, I…” Petrus looked as if he was about to cry.
Ornon spoke firmly from behind the doctor. “Your Majesty is upsetting his physician.” […] The doctor bent over the wound again. The king made a face, but was silent. The doctor looked up momentarily in astonishment but returned to his work, eager to finish before this reprieve passed.
The king lay still and made no sound. As Petrus pulled his first stitches tight, the king took a deeper breath and didn’t let it go. After a long count of ten, he softly released the breath and took another.
There were three people between Costis and the queen. Costis knocked all three of them aside like pegs in a counting game and dropped to his knees in time to catch the queen as she collapsed into his outspread arms.
He’d seen her, white as wax, from the corner of his eye and, seeing her waver, had known she was fainting, but too late to do anything but catch her.
“The queen!” someone shouted in alarm, and the king erupted like a wild animal caught in a snare. […] “My stitches, my stitches!” the physician yelled.
“Your Majesty, Your Majesty!”
“Damn your stitches!” he snarled. “Let me up.” […] He splayed his hand across the king’s face and slammed his head back hard against the pillow. Keeping his hand planted on the king’s face, he leaned over and roared into his ear, “The queen is fine!”
Eugenides was still. The men around the bed froze as well.
“Irene?” the king called.
“She fainted. That’s all,” Ornon said more quietly. “There is a great deal of blood. She is a woman and she was upset. It is not a surprising reaction.” […] On the bed, Eugenides stirred restlessly. “Upset at the sight of blood?” he said. “Not my wife, Ornon.”
“Your blood,” the ambassador pointed out.
Eugenides glanced at the hook on his arm and conceded the point. “Yes,” he said. […] “Get on with it,” said the king. He hardly seemed to notice when the stitching began. He looked toward the doorway, toward the queen, but spoke to the Eddisian Ambassador. “I think, in future, Ornon, I will stick to upsetting my physician.”
Stardust by Neil Gaiman - Lost too many copies, including my first edition of this by lending it out and never getting it back. I’m having trouble trying to say why you need to give these Neil Gaiman books a chance but goodness, all of them, all of them! I’ve never read a bad one. He’s got a beautiful and enticing way of writing - Favorites in order American Gods, Good Omens, Smoke and Mirrors (short stories), Stardust, Ocean at the End of the Lane, Coraline, The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish.
American Gods
“You working for our man then?” asked the bearded man. He was not sober, although he was not yet drunk.
“It looks that way,” said Shadow. “What do you do?”
The bearded man lit his cigarette. “I’m a leprechaun,” he said, with a grin.
Shadow did not smile. “Really?” he said. “Shouldn’t you be drinking Guinness?”
“Stereotypes. You have to learn to think outside the box,” said the bearded man. “There’s a lot more to Ireland than Guinness.”
“You don’t have an Irish accent.”
“I’ve been over here too fucken long.”
“So you are originally from Ireland?”
“I told you. I’m a leprechaun. We don’t come from fucken Moscow.”
Neverveil series by Amy McNulty - First person, great worldbuilding. Also representation of POC for the majority of characters if you’re looking for a book with that particular feature. Cyclical, fallible main characters, overall a fast and enjoyable read.
The Sleeping Prince Series by Melinda Salisbury
The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury
Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard - YA
Fairy Keeper by Amy Bearce - Loved the first of this series, not as much the following books, first one, Fairy Keeper, is definately worth the read. YA
The Enchanted Forest series by Patricia C Wrede Classic, some of my first favorites.It is a youth series but I will never ever stop loving it. Also the Magic & Malice books.
The Raven Ring by Patricia C. Wrede - the first time I remember falling in love with the antihero as a young reader. It is fantastic.
Anne McCaffery - Read Dragon Drums in 5th grade by random pickup at the library and was hooked. From there went through the other Harper Hall/Pern series, then the Tower and Hive series, then the Acorna series. A great mix of both fantasy and sci fi, and fantasy with sci fi history.
Dark Fantasy
The Black Jewels Series by Anne Bishop - it was difficult to get into this at first, for me, I owned the series for a couple years could not get into it no matter how many times I read the first chapter. Then I picked up and read one of the “short stories” more of a novella, “The Prince of Ebon Rih,” in Dreams Made Flesh. One note - ignore the names of the three main male characters. Just... I love *LOVE* this series but ‘Daemon,” “Lucivar,” and “Saetan SaDiablo” are...just ignore that and you’re good. Strong women and men, family and friends, who have a fierce love for each other, tremendous amount of snark that I adore, if only there were more books on Surreal, and Saetan, and Tersa, and Rainer, and Chaosti, and the First Circle of the Dark Court, and anyone, I would read any additional stories in this series. There are so very many passages I’d use to try and draw interest so I’ll just grab a few
Karla let out a screech that raised the hairs on Saetan's neck.
"You've got tits!" Karla pulled open the blue jacket, revealing a silver, just as skimpy top. "So do I, if you call these lovely little bee stings tits." Smiling the wickedest smile Saetan had ever seen, she turned back to him. "What do you think?"
He didn't stop to think. "Are you asking if I think they're lovely or if I think they're bee strings?"
Karla closed the jacket, crossed her arms, and narrowed those ice-blue eyes. "Sassy, isn't he?"
"Well, he is a Warlord Prince," Jaenelle replied.
Ice-blue eyes met sapphire eyes. Both girls smiled.
Karla shrugged. "Oh, all right. I'll be a polite guest." She stepped up to Saetan, and that wicked smile bloomed. "Kiss kiss."
He refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing him wince.
Yet another
"Are you lost?" 
Daemon glanced over to where Lucivar leaned against a doorway. "I'm not lost," he snapped. Then he stopped pacing and sighed. "But I am very confused." 
"Of course you are. You're male." Grinning at Daemon's snarl, Lucivar stepped into the courtyard. "So if one of the darlings in the coven offers to explain things to you, don't take her up on it. She'll sincerely be trying to help, but by the time she's done 'unconfusing' you, you'll be banging your head against a wall and whimpering."
"Because for every five rules you'd learned in Terreille about a male's proper behavior in a court, the Kaeleer Blood know only one of them—and they interpret it very differently." 
Daemon shrugged "Obedience is obedience." 
"No, it's not. For Blood males, the First Law is to honor, cherish, and protect. The second is to serve. The third is to obey." 
"And if obedience interferes with the first two laws?" 
"Toss it out the window." 
Daemon blinked. "You actually get away with that?" 
Lucivar scratched the back of his head and looked thoughtful. "It's not so much a question of getting away with it. For Warlord Princes, it's almost a requirement of court service. However, if you ignore an order from the Steward or the Master of the Guard, you'd better be sure you can justify your action and be willing to accept the consequences if they won't accept it, which is rare. I got into more trouble with the High Lord as my father than as the Steward."
And another
In lieu of a knock, she walloped the study door once and then stomped up to the blackwood desk where Saetan sat watching her, a glass of brandy raised halfway to his lips. 
Daemon and Lucivar, comfortably slouched in two chairs in front of the desk, just stared at her. 
Now that she was there, she wasn't quite as willing to address the High Lord directly, so she half turned toward Daemon and Lucivar and tossed out the question, "Don't I have the right to decide if I want a male in my bed?" 
The air behind the desk instantly chilled, but Lucivar said blandly, "Graysfang?" and the air returned to normal. 
The smirk in Lucivar's voice had her turning toward him fully. "I don't know about you, but I'm not used to sleeping with a wolf." 
"What's wrong with Graysfang staying with you?" Daemon asked. 
The soothing tone he was putting into his voice only infuriated her. "He farts," she snapped, then waved her hand dismissively. "Well, so do the rest of you." 
Someone made a choking sound. She thought it was Daemon. 
"Do you resent his being there because he's a wolf or because he's interfering with another kind of male warming your bed?" Lucivar asked. 
Maybe it hadn't been meant as a slur that she used to be a whore, but she took it as such because then she could vent her temper on him. "Well, sugar, from where I'm standing, there's not much to choose between you. He takes up more than his share of the bed, he snores, and he gives slobbery kisses. But if I had to choose, I'd pick him. At least he can lick his own balls!" 
A glass hit the desk with an ominous thunk.
Surreal closed her eyes and bit her lip. 
Shit. She'd been so focused on being mad at Lucivar, she'd forgotten about the High Lord.
Different book in the series, Queen of the Darkness
“I could have handled that bastard.”
Falonar looked insulted. “It’s a male’s right to defend and protect.”
Surreal bared her teeth. “I’ve heard that song before, and-”
“Then you should heed that song, Lady - and respect it.”
“Why? Because poor little me isn’t capable of handling myself in a fight?” she said with venom-laced sweetness.
“Because you’re deadlier,” he snarled. He paced a few steps away from her, swore, paced back. “That’s why males defend, Lady Surreal. Because you females are deadlier when you’re roused-and you’re merciless when you’re riding the killing edge. At least if I go down first in a fight, I don’t have to deal with you afterward.
”Not sure if she’d just been complimented or insulted, Surreal said nothing.
Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas - First person, great worldbuilding, very very similar elements to Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels series in everything from the mannerisms, to the Illyrians vs Eryins, to the need of draining power descriptions and customs (I was 100% convinced it was Anne Bishop venturing into first person and ghostwriting an alternate version of the Black Jewels world for a long time). Didn’t care for the romantic lead in the first book, thankfully the hinting of book 1 transitioned into book 2 and <3 oh I love it. Supposedly a sort of inspired by classic fairy tales (like beauty and the beast) but it’s not like you’re sitting there reading a progression of that story like other books do. The Throne of Glass series is also very good, more original but again very Anne Bishop in it’s feel/wording (the purred words, midnight voices, the level of protectiveness bowels turned to water when terrified) 
Really enjoy the series but since I posted so much of Anne Bishop I figure I’ll just do a quasi related suggestion of threesomes that I found fun and funny. Court of Wings and Ruin... for now editing to avoid spoilers
“You never know until you try,” Helion purred.
The three of them in bed...with him? I must have been blinking like a fool because [<3] said to me, Helion favors both males and females. Usually together in his bed. And has been hounding that trio for centuries.
I considered--Helion’s beauty and the others...Why the hell haven’t they said yes?
[<3] barked a laugh that had all of them looking at him with raised brows.
[<3] just came up behind me and slid his arms around my waist, pressing a kiss to my neck. Would you like someone to join us in bed, Feyre [...]?
My skin stretched tight over my bones at the tone, the suggestion. You’re incorrigible.
I’d think you’d like two males worshipping you.
My toes curled.
Mor cleared her throat. “Whatever you’re saying mind to mind, either share it or go to another room so we don’t have to sit here, stewing in your scents.” 
I stuck out my tongue. [<3] laughed again, kissing my neck once more before saying, “Apologies for offending your delicate sensibilities, cousin.”
A Court of Frost and Starlight
If both of us went in there, I knew my sister would see it as an attack.
So it would be me. Alone
[<3] kissed my brow. “If someone propositions you, tell them we’ll both be free in an hour.”
“Och.” I waved him off, banking my powers to a near-whisper within me.
He blew me a kiss.
I waved that away, too, and slipped through the tavern door.
Three Dark Crowns series by Kendare Blake -
Urban Fantasy & Paranormal Romance
Necromancer/Firebug Series by Lish McBride - first person, hilarious, and fantastic
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer
Oh, good, he was crazy and scary. What an awesome combination. I let  go of his wrists with one hand and leverages myself back enough so I could pull my T-shirt out of his grip. I dropped to the floor, knowing full well that he let me do it.
Freaks & Other Family
I tried to walk on my own to Mrs. W’s car, but Ramon got tired of watching me wobble like a baby deer and scooped me up and carried me.
I grinned at him. “Take me to bed or lose me forever.”
“I can’t believe you’re Top Gun-ing me right now. We almost died.”
“I’m going to blame the head injury,” I said, patting his chest. “You’re supposed to say, ‘show me the way home, honey.’“
“I will do no such thing, and you can’t blame it on the head injury, because you say those kinds of things to me all the time.”
“This is true. Let’s go on a crime spree then, and we’ll blame that on the head injury.”
“You can’t even walk. We need to get you home so you can rest,” Ramon said firmly.
“Yeah, so we can then explain to James how we both managed to completely rune the top-of-the-line tuxedo rentals we’re wearing.” Top-of-the-line to me. James had sneered openly at them before throwing up his hands in despair, which wouldn’t stop him from berating us. If anything, I think he’d find it more insulting somehow, and the fact that we’d ruined only semi-decent tuxes instead of really nice tuxes would just be salt in the wound.
Ramon paused as we both thought that over. Mrs. W pulled ahead of us, fishing her keys out of her clutch.
“Shit,” Ramon said. “I hadn’t thought about that.”
We both stared out into the night, silent as we contemplated our impending dooms.
“Head injury,” we both said at the same time.
“We can definitely blame the suits on that.”
“And if he doesn’t buy it,” Ramon added, “then you can just pass out again.”
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
American Gods by Neil Gaiman as someone who was always a fan of Gaiman, and have been pleased with how the miniseries is doing with it’s adaptation because this has been a love since I got my my hands on it. It doesn’t hurt that Mad Sweeny’s chaotic love of fighting is personified so well by OitNB’s Pornstashe. The only thing I was dissapointed in was due to my prior knowledge of Norse Mythology and the whole “You can call me Wednesday” thing was shouting out what appeared to try and be a “reveal” towards the end. Fantastic incorporation of mythology and characterization. Just...love. Ocean at the End of the Lane is also
The Hollows by Kim Harrison - Again, couldn’t start at the start but jumping in mid series and I was in love. First Person, amazing worldbuilding
Enchantment by Orson Scott Card - very well done. Hate the male vocal reader he uses for his audio books (something about his voice grates on my nerves) but I’d suffer through to listen to this. A great twisting of various fairy tale elements into this, clever things that I wouldn’t have considered at the time of reading this. Very well done. Very. 
The Others Series by Anne Bishop - Not as loved as the Black Jewels but it has some characters I’m invested in now so I’m reading any and all of the series.
Georgina Kincaid series by Richelle Mead - Main character is a succubus by contract, having to corrupt souls to fulfill her contract with Hell and none too pleased about it. I was agonizing waiting for these to be released.
Succubus Blues (Book 1)
Statistics show that most mortals sell their souls for five reasons: sex, money, power, revenge, and love. In that order. 
I suppose I should have been reassured, then, that I was out here assisting with numero uno, but the whole situation just made me feel.. . well, sleazy. And coming from me, that was something. 
Maybe I just can't empathize anymore, I mused. It's been too long. When I was a virgin, people still believed swans could impregnate girls. 
Nearby, Hugh waited patiently for me to overcome my reticence. He stuffed his hands into well-pressed khakis, leaning his large frame against his Lexus. "I don't see what the big deal is. You do this all the time.” 
That wasn't exactly true, but we both knew what he meant. Ignoring him, I instead made a great show of studying my surroundings, not that that improved my mood. The suburbs always dragged me down. Identical houses. Perfect lawns. Far too many SUVs. Somewhere in the night, a dog refused to stop yapping. 
"I don't do this," I said finally. "Even I have standards.” 
Hugh snorted, expressing his opinion of my standards. 
"Okay, if it makes you feel better, don't think of this in terms of damnation. Think of it as a charity case.”
Wicked Saga by Jennifer L. Armentrout - First person, apparently I have a thing for snarky, territorial, hand sized coworkers in UF books.
“Tink.” I sighed.
“Whatever. I think you should just get some action from him and kick his ass to the curb.”
My mouth dropped open. “Okay. That is the most bizarre string of advice I have ever heard. You don’t like him, but you think I should have sex with him and then get rid of him? And obviously I can’t because he’s a member of the Order.” That was the one thing I didn’t tell Tink --what Ren truly was. “You make no sense.”
“I make perfect sense. In my world, you don’t even have to like another to have sex with them. It’s all about the natural urges to get it on and...”
As Tink ranted on about the peculiars of his species’ particular mating preferences, I picked up the sugar canister and dumped a small pile of sugar on the counter.
“You just need to let those animalistic--holy brownie balls!” Tink dropped to his knees in front of the pile of sugar. He started moving the tiny granules to another pile, counting softly. “One, two, three, four, five, six...” Pausing, he glanced up with a frown. “Where did you learn that?”
I shrugged as I bit down on my lower lip. “Saw it on an episode of Supernatural.”
“Okay.” I placed the stake on the bistro table then reached up, tucking my hair back. “I can explain, Ren, but I need you to let him go.”
“You heard the woman,” Tink said. “Let me go.”
Ren’s gaze flew from the brownie to me. “You want me to let this thing go?”
“He’s my thing--I mean, he’s not a ‘thing.’ He’s a brownie, and he’s okay. He’s not going to hurt anything. I swear.” Walking over to where Ren stood, I ignored the way Tink Glared at us. “Please.”
“He’s a brownie, Ivy. What in the hell is he doing here?” He turned his gaze back to Tink, and the brownie paled since the edge of the knife was still near his throat. “And what do you mean he’s yours? I come into the kitchen and he’s sitting in a bowl of Frosted Flakes like a walking, talking rat.”
“I am not a rat, sir! I am a brownie and damn proud of it, you overgrown--”
“Tink,” I warned, then wrapped my hand around Ren’s wrist. His emerald gaze flicked to mine. My heart was slamming against my ribs. As upset with Tink as I was, if something happened to him...
“His name is Tink?”
I nodded, “Well, that’s what I call him.”
“Am I high? I’ve got to be high.” He glanced back down at Tink and scowled. “Is he wearing doll pants?”
Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips - Another random library snag. Greek gods in a modern setting, full of apathy from a millennia of existence
Antigoddess series by Kendare Blake
Night Huntress by Jeaniene Frost - first person, great world building, fallible characters, lots of character investment over the series, sexy.
Meredith Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton - surprised myself by pretty consistently thinking - ‘While I like the varied and inventive sex, I really like the characters so I wish there was less sex and more story” when usually I don’t have complaints about the amount of sex in any given story, I’m cool with PWP works but I was hoping for some magic fix for Andais, like making her mortal and giving her another child then cutting out a good amount of the crazy due to those actions. Didn’t happen. Merry and her harem of men get it on for significant portions of especially the second onwards books, and again I can appreciate lots of magical explicit sexytimes I also wanted more progress on the characters. Also pet peeve of disliking men with long hair was constantly reinforced with a majority of the fae having waist/ankle length hair. The movie that played in my mind gave them haircuts really fast.
Hunter: Thieves series by Lexi Blake
Dissonance series by Erica O’Rourke - always enjoy when there is a new idea/twist and the reality bending in this was quite nice. YA, but I could not put it down.
Sci Fi & Dystopian
The Host by Stephenie Meyer - Was drawn to this one by the cover, it’s a gorgeous eye with a pupil ringed in (according to the story silver, but the cover makes it look icy) brightness. I walked past it a hundred times going “Ohh Pretty!” before finally springing for the audio book from the library - was exceptionally well read. Did not pay attention to the author or read any info about it and enjoyed it very much. Had I realized it was by the lady who wrote Twilight I wouldn’t have read it, I’m glad I didn’t realize and did listen to it. Very well done dichotomy of the main character(s) as two distinct personalities and thought processes. YA verging on New Adult about the aftermath of a relatively peaceful alien invasion. According to the things I’ve heard/memes I’ve seen of Twilight this author has a thing for a team whoever and team whoever2 triangles.
The Last Girl by Joe Hart
Secondborn series by Amy A. Bartol
General Fantasy or More YA
Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton - fantasy western
Beastkeeper by Cat Hellisen
A Madness So Discrete by Mindy McGinnis - 
New Adult
VIP series by Kristen Callihan - fun, fast read, first person, Bands
Lonely Kings series by Ava Lore - again, fun, fast reads, first person, bands
7 notes · View notes
kurokolovesakashi · 7 years
If possible, could I request for a hiyoko!akakuro fic which is somehow based on game Flappy Bird? Hope that it doesn't sound so weird...
Kuroko flapped his wings furiously. If he couldjust get past these green pipes, he knew he could find Akashi on the other-
He hit a green pipe and died.
^^^ That was my first draft. Literally that. Thank god someone wrote a Flappy Bird fic that gave me inspiration bc otherwise I’d be totally lost LMAO. Anyways, I absolutely love you for sending this ask, OMG. What a cute proposition. I DEMAND that you sign off any future asks with “Flappy Bird Anon.” Flappy bird anon gets special treatment in this house - no shirking this, this is the most amazing thing… flappy bird au… my goodness
[cross posted to AO3]
Kuroko flapped hissmall wings furiously, staring ahead determinedly. A field of pipes approached.This time he got fairly far, but what he’d barely registered the first time wasbecoming obvious. His flight was wildly out of control; there was no wind forhim to glide on, and he dropped like a stone when he wasn’t flapping his wingsfuriously.
He smashed into a pipeand fluttered to the ground, consciousness fading.
Kuroko flapped hissmall wings furiously, staring ahead determinedly. A field of pipes approached,looming above and below him. He dodged upwards; he swooped down; he swervedaround the pipes, determined to get to the other side-
He barely got pastthree sets of pipes before he died.
The cycle continued inthat way – Kuroko kept trying again and again. He couldn’t remember how hearrived to that hellish field, but he remembered the countless attempts. He hadnever struggled with flying this much in his life. The time of the day neverchanged. His surroundings never varied, except that the pipes seemed torearrange themselves unnervingly.
Kuroko lost count ofhow many times he had seen this same field when finally, something changed.
Kuroko flapped hiswings, tired and frustrated. He was going to make it this time-
“Excuse me.”
Kuroko smashed into agreen pipe and died.
He came to again,wings flapping furiously. Ahead of him, a red bird sat perched on one of thepipes. As he neared, he could see the bird flutter into the air expectantly.
“Excuse me,”the bird peeped. Kuroko tried to keep his concentration, his flight pathveering all over the place again.
“Yes?” hepanted.
“It seems there’sbeen a mista-”
Kuroko crashed into apipe again.
“Could you pleasetry to stay alive for one moment-”
Kuroko accidentallyflew too high, smashing his head on a pipe.
“What?” Kurokoturned to look at the bird. “Why am I-”
“Look ahead ofyou!”
Kuroko looked aheadjust in time to get a face full of green pipe. When he came to again, the redbird was flapping along next to him, speaking urgently.
“You have tofollow me. I’ll lead you to bird heaven.” Kuroko nodded, panting. Anythingwas better than this.
He died again. Butwhen he reappeared, the red bird had timed it so it was flapping ahead of him,leading him through the field of pipes. Kuroko flapped furiously to catch upuntil his beak was almost brushing the red bird’s tail feathers. It was like aslipstream trailed after the bird, making it easier to navigate. Kuroko’s bodyno longer sank like a stone, instead floating through the air like it was meantto. However, the bird deftly swooped and lifted to navigate the field. Kuroko’swings burned as he struggled to keep up. He thought his heart would pound outof his chest before they were done, but at last the red bird flutteredgracefully onto the edge of a green pipe, and Kuroko miraculously found that atlast, he could sit down.
“Shall we goagain?” the bird asked, ruffling its feathers comfortably.
“What?”Kuroko landed next to him. “I thought you were going to take me to bird heaven.”
“Yes,” thebird replied, “I did. Shall we go again?”
“You… did…?”Kuroko looked around himself. It was the same environment full of green pipes.“This is bird heaven…?”
“Yes.” Thebird stared at him with aplomb. Up close, Kuroko noted its vividly red eyes.
“But… where arethe worms… the nests…”
“There are no wormsin bird heaven,” Akashi chirped matter-of-factly.
“There are… noworms… in bird heaven?”
“No, of coursenot,” the bird replied confidently. “All the worms are in wormheaven. There is no inhumane hunting in heaven. Besides, you’re not hungry, areyou? Eating a worm now would just be a disappointment.”
Kuroko seemed torecall eating many a worm when he wasn’t actuallyhungry and enjoying it thoroughly, but he didn’t see the point in squabblingover it.
“There are nonests…?”
“No, nests aretraditionally made from dead things, like tree twigs, and there are no deadthings in heaven.”
“What about thesethings?” Kuroko gestured at the green pipes.
“That’s inorganicmatter harvested from the ground. It was never living.”
Kuroko narrowed hiseyes at the bird now. “You aren’t pulling my leg, are you?”
The bird drew himselfup. “Excuse me?”
“This is reallybird hell, isn’t it?”
The bird huffed.“Don’t be dramatic. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it hell.”
“As a bird whohas been to hell, I believe I have more authority in this subject thanyou,” Kuroko chirped loudly. “This is hellish.”
The bird drew back,fluffing his feathers out huffily. “It is what you make it,” he chirred,surly.
An awkward silencehung between them. Judging from the red bird’s round, squashed shape he waspouting, like hatchlings do when mother hasn’t got any worms. Reaching out,Kuroko lightly placed a wing on the bird’s side, watching as a beady eyeswiveled around to examine him.
“I’m sorry.”Kuroko patted the bird hesitantly. “I’m very glad you’re here.”
“Would you liketo go for another round?” the bird asked.
“Yes, that wouldbe alright.” Kuroko followed close behind as the bird took off. “Whilewe’re here, what is your name?” Kuroko cheeped.
“AkashiSeijuro,” the bird replied. “And you?”
“Oh? That’s anice name,” Akashi replied. He seemed to be cheering up. Kuroko sighed tohimself.
He spent the nextcouple of days – it felt like that, even if he suspected it was only a coupleof hours – poking around his surroundings. It was just grass with green pipessticking out of it. It was bizarre.
“Why does thisplace look like this?” Kuroko asked. He tapped his foot against the pipe,hearing a light ting.
“Bird heaven isgetting more and more crowded. Until the quotient for bird angels is met, there’sno time to design more complicated structures.”
“Birdangels?” Kuroko looked back at Akashi. “Is that what you are?”
Akashi puffed himselfup. “Yes, I was chosen to be one.”
“And there’sreally no eating at all?” Kuroko asked hopefully.
“I don’t thinkthey’ll be able to do the worms.”
“I suppose I canget used to eating just seeds,” Kuroko cheeped, disappointed.
“I was avegetarian in life,” Akashi announced proudly. “I believe it was partof why I was chosen.”
“Yes, of courseyou were.” Kuroko went back to silently sulking.
He couldn’t have toldanyone how much time had passed before anything changed again. There was atimeless quality to the place, but it may have been because nothing shifted inthe slightest. It was impossible to track time. Akashi would flutter nearby,looking like he wanted to say something, and then flutter away again when henoticed Kuroko was bunched into a tense ball. He wasn’t in the mood to speak toAkashi. At least, not until he noticed something strange.
“The sky isdimming,” Kuroko peeped to himself. He stood, excited. “The sun issetting!”
Kuroko fluttered overto Akashi, who was dozing in the grass, and poked him in the side with his leg.
“Excuse me?”Akashi huffed.
“The sun issetting!” Kuroko ruffled his feathers in excitement.
Akashi squinted at thesetting sun contentedly. “Oh, it is. I suppose they’ll finally startadding things now.”
“Addingthings?” Kuroko perked up at that.
Akashi glanced at himslyly. “You’ll see.” He ruffled his feathers, getting ready to takeoff. “Do you want to go for another flight?”
“Alright.”Kuroko hadn’t missed the change in subject, but Akashi was already taking off.Following behind him, Kuroko took in the scenery again. Everywhere he looked,it was the same landscape: pipes after pipes sinking into spongy, unchanginggrass.
“Can’t we atleast do a barrel roll?” Kuroko called after Akashi.
Akashi tilted his headin thought. “We can try.”
Kuroko flapped a littlefaster to catch up to Akashi. “Let’s do it.”
Akashi glanced back athim, amused. “Okay… 1… 2… 3!” Akashi tucked his wing under, droppingsuddenly. Kuroko hurried to follow, spinning in the air and realizing he’d spunout from the slipstream that seemed to follow Akashi around. He quickly spiraledto the ground, smacking into it with a painful thud.
Kuroko came toflapping toward a sea of green pipes. “Oh, you’re joking,” hegroaned. He managed to smash into a pipe twice before he spotted Akashiflapping toward him as fast as his wings could carry him. This time it tookseveral attempts to get Kuroko out of the field again as he lost concentrationmidway. Panting, he landed clumsily, Akashi eyeing him as he perched moregracefully on the edge of a pipe. Kuroko rolled over to regard him.
“Let’s try it again,”he chirped.
A low noise came fromAkashi, and as Kuroko watched his feathers vibrate and ruffle, he realizedAkashi was chuckling.
“If youwish.”
Other changes startedto be made to the environment. Days came on the regular. A tree was added,which Kuroko was able to nestle into. He patiently broke off individual twigsto build a nest – silently noting when Akashi decided to pitch in to the effort– and settled into it. It was a little roomy for one, but-
Akashi startedwiggling into place next to him.
“I don’t thinkthere’s room for-”
Akashi squishedhimself into the nest next to Kuroko until they were both firmly wedged intogether. Kuroko squirmed, trying to get more comfortable.
“Holdstill,” Akashi cheeped.
“There isn’t roomfor both of us.”
“Of course thereis. Wait a minute.” Akashi pushed himself back out of the nest again,stretching his wings out. Then, he started to settle back down again, his warmwing outstretched over Kuroko.
“See, this isn’tso bad, is it?”
“Hmph,”Kuroko chirred, narrowing his eyes. He held still, Akashi’s warm featherspressing into him with each light breath. Slowly, his eyelids drooped as therhythm of Akashi’s breathing lulled him into a calm. His head began to feelheavy, and he tucked his beak into warm feathers and fell asleep under Akashi’swing.
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Green is not your colour - Shiro x Reader
 Anon requested: Can I have 18 and 57 on the prompt list for Shiro x Reader. 18: “Would you quit moving around?” “It’s not my fault we’re tied up together!”57: “Wait a second.. are you jealous?”
A/N: Sorry this took a while to get out, work has been a nightmare lately :/ So I made this a fic where Shiro and the reader aren’t actually dating yet but clearly have feelings for each other, it just ended up working better that way, hopefully that’s alright, and hopefully it was worth the wait, thanks for the request :D
“I hope you know CPR, because you take my breath away!“ Lance said, waggling his eyebrows at Y/N.
“Nope not working” Y/N replied, they were lounging on the sofas with the rest of the Paladins and Lance had taken it upon himself to try out some of his pickup lines on Y/N. It wasn’t having the desired effect and increasingly loud groans were being emitted from the other Paladins.
“Your hand looks heavy. Let me hold it for you”
“If you’re gonna be corny at least be original about it Lance”
“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
“Seriously Lance? Do any of these ever work?”
“None of these are doing it for you huh?” Lance asked looking slightly disappointed.
“Nope, you’re gonna have to do better than that to win my heart Lance” Y/N said jokingly.
Lance appeared to think deeply for a minute then snapped his fingers.
“If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand”
“That...Actually wasn’t half bad, it was kinda sweet” Y/N conceded and Lance gave an arm pump of triumph.
The other Paladins murmured their agreement.
“I think that was the only pickup line I’ve ever heard you use that might actually have a chance at working” Pidge remarked, looking over to the side “Although Shiro doesn’t seem very impressed”.
Y/N chanced a glance over at him and sure enough Shiro was looking over at Lance with a furrowed brow, clearly not approving of Lance’s actions, but on realising everyone’s eyes were on him, he arranged his features into a more neutral expression.
“I still think that line was really cheesy” Shiro said shrugging off his annoyance as a joke.
“Pssht, well I’m sure you don’t need pick up lines Shiro you probably just need to flex your muscles and girls are falling all over you. Lance said rolling his eyes.
Not too far off. Y/N thought. Okay, so maybe she had a bit of a crush on Shiro...Alright so it was a little more serious than that, if she was honest with herself. But who could blame her? He was handsome, kind, brave and funny;  Plus the pair of them got on really well, they often sparred together and whenever they had to split into groups or pairs for a mission Y/N always found herself with Shiro. She’d sometimes wondered if maybe he felt the same way, but she knew how ridiculous that was.
Pidge opened her mouth to make another comment but was interrupted by Allura entering the room.
“Paladins we have received a request of aid, get to your Lion’s I’ll brief you on route” Allura announced urgently, the whole group jumped to their feet and made their way to their respective Lion’s, Y/N following Shiro and joining him in Black as was standard.
By the time the Lion’s arrived on the planet they had missed the main battle, there were dozens of wounded aliens scattered around their landing site.
The aliens in question were surprisingly humanoid, except for their skin, which was varying shades of blue or purple and their glowing yellow eyes.
An alien whom Y/N presumed to be their leader stepped up to the group and bowed her head.
“Paladins of Voltron, my name is Teela” her gaze flicked to each of them but settled on Shiro. She held his gaze for a moment longer than was necessary before continuing and Y/N could have sworn that her eyes glowed a little brighter. “It is an honour to meet you, the stories do not do you justice” this last part was directed at Shiro and a small smile appeared on Teela’s lips as she stared at him intently, Y/N felt a wave of dislike for the woman.
Shiro coughed awkwardly “Yes...Well, we’re here to help, tell us what happened”
“We were taken by surprise by the Galra but we managed to hold them off, they eventually fled into the forest, but as you can see we have suffered great losses in the process” Teela stated sadly, gesturing to the wounded surrounding her.
“Not to worry, Y/N here is an incredibly gifted medic, she can help treat your wounded” Shiro announced gesturing to Y/N, she felt a swell of joy in her gut at the pride in his voice.
Teela reluctantly tore her gaze from Shiro to address Y/N “That would be much appreciated”
Y/N got the distinct impression that Teela was trying to get rid of her. However, as much as she didn’t like the thought of leaving Shiro with Teela, she liked the thought of leaving the wounded in pain even less. So, she grabbed up her medical kit and headed over to a nearby alien who was slumped on the floor clutching a rag to an arm wound.
Although Y/N was not as familiar with alien physiology as she would like, these aliens did indeed seem to be very humanoid in their anatomy, and Y/N had plenty of experience dealing with wounds from Galra weaponry. As such she was able to dress their wounds with a fair amount of ease, whilst the rest of the team, along with Teela pored over a map of the nearby forest where the remaining Galra forces had retreated.
Y/N was treating a shoulder wound when she glanced over at the group and immediately regretted it. Teela had chosen that moment to move closer to Shiro and lean across him to point at something on the map. Y/N felt a wave of annoyance wash over her, not to mention an overwhelming desire to march over there and make out with Shiro right in front of Teela’s face.
It was only the grunt of pain from her patient that made Y/N turn away and realise that she had been gripping tightly on his arm. She quickly apologised and went back to work.
It was five minutes later when Shiro and the rest of the team came over to explain the plan. The long and short of it was that Hunk and Keith would go with Teela and her remaining forces to the east part if the forest where they believed the main bulk of the Galra forces were. Meanwhile, Pidge, Lance and Shiro would go to the west part of the forest to take out a smaller group of Galra scouts.
“So what am I supposed to do?” Y/N asked, noticing that she hadn’t been mentioned in the plan.
“Well Teela seemed to think you’d be needed here” Shiro explained.
“Of course she did” Y/N murmured under her breath irritably before she picked up the remainder of her medical kit and the pistol that she used as a weapon. “Not a chance, I’m going with you, the other medics can handle the rest of the injuries, I’ve left them some of my supplies”.
One of the alien medics nodded in agreement “Y/N has been a great help, but we can handle it from here”
“Y/N I still think-” Shiro started but Y/N interrupted him.
“And what are you going to do if you get shot by a Galra? You're useless at dealing with wounds and Pidge and Lance aren’t much better. Admit it, you need me”
“She has a point Shiro” Pidge piped up.
Shiro relented and Y/N went with him, Lance and Pidge into the Forest.
About thirty minutes passed before they reached the Galra camp but when they did it was completely deserted, but there were signs of a struggle.
“Looks like the local wildlife got to them before we did” Lance commented.
Teela had warned the group that there were some nasty creatures living in the forest. They were usually fairly docile but if attacked or threatened they could be deadly. Y/N had wondered what sort of creatures these were, but then decided she didn’t want to find out.
“Let’s take a look around but be careful there may be survivors or traps” Shiro instructed.
They all cautiously picked through the camp but found nothing but some Galra bodies and equipment (which Pidge had to be forcibly dragged away from).
Shiro decided that their best course of action was to head towards the other group and help them mop up any remaining Galra forces.
“Perhaps we should split up and do a sweep for any Galra in the vicinity as we go” Pidge suggested.
“Good idea Pidge, you and Lance stick together, Y/N you’re with me, make sure to keep in radio contact”
“Oh and watch out for traps, Teela said that they lay down some in the forest to capture food” Pidge warned as the two groups split up and went deeper into the forest.
The next ten minutes passed in awkward silence as Y/N and Shiro made their way across the terrain. Normally she would have relished in the opportunity to have some time with Shiro, away from the rest of the Paladin’s, but this time the conversation just didn’t flow and the air between them felt tense and Y/N wasn’t really sure why.
Mercifully the tension was broken by their comm buzzing to life with Lance’s voice who could barely talk through his laughter and Y/N swore that she could hear Pidge’s disgruntled voice in the background.
“Oh my god you guys, you’ll never guess what happened”
“Lance? Are you and Pidge alright?” Shiro asked worriedly
“Yeah I’m fine, Pidge is...well...a little tied up”  Pidges voice grew louder and angrier in the background.
“Lance what are you going on about?” Y/N asked, curious what had the Paladin laughing so hard.
“Well you know those traps that Pidge specifically warned us about avoiding? Well she found one, and is currently hanging from a tree in a net”
“Is she alright?” Y/N asked concerned
“Hey Pidge Y/N wants to know if you’re alright” Lance called to Pidge and Y/N heard Pidge shouting in the background, something about killing Lance.
Y/N saw Shiro shake his head and smile in amusement before adopting a serious tone “Okay Lance get Pidge down from there, and Pidge don’t kill Lance, and both of you...be more careful okay?”.
“Sure thing oh fearless leader” Y/N heard the noise of Lance shooting down the net and Pidge thumping onto the floor. “Oh and Y/N?”
“Yes Lance?”
“You may fall from the sky, you may fall from a tree, but the best way to fall... is in love with me” Lance replied in what Y/N assumed was supposed to be a seductive tone of voice.
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh “That’s actually pretty good, your lines are getting better Lance”
”Lance, maybe you should focus less on flirting and more on helping Pidge” Shiro chastised, the smile was gone from his face, replaced by a frown of irritation.
Y/N sent Shiro a questioning look as the made their way deeper into the forest, but he just looked away and instead focused on the small GPS unit on his wrist.
In fact both of them were so focused on other things that they failed to notice the trap ahead of them.
They both cried out as they hurtled upwards, and a second later they were both huddled together, wrapped in a net and hanging from a tree.
”Um Lance” Y/N radioed Lance, preparing herself for an onslaught of laughter. “We may need a little help, we um...found one of those traps”
Sure enough Lance’s laughter could be heard over the comms before Pidge cut in, clearly feeling more sympathy for their situation.
”I’ve got your location, we’ll be with you in ten minutes or so”
”Thank you Pidge” Shiro said sincerely, clearly relieved one of them was taking this seriously.
When the other Paladins had gone radio silent the awkward silence descended upon Y/N and Shiro yet again, made even more awkward by the fact that she was practically sitting in Shiro’s lap.
After about a minute Y/N had had enough, she twisted and wriggled, attempting to get into a more comfortable position.
“Would you quit moving around?” Shiro said irritably, gritting his teeth.
“It’s no good snapping at me, it’s not my fault we’re tied up together!” Y/N declared and resumed her maneuvering until she was facing Shiro, their legs were still entangled but it was a little more comfortable. And she could now see Shiro’s face, not that it made much difference since Shiro seemed desperate to look anywhere but at Y/N.
”So...Nice weather we’re having” Y/N commented, hoping to break the silence, this comment, however, only earned a snort of amusement from Shiro, who was still determined to avoid any eye contact.
”Seriously Shiro what is the matter with you?”
”What? what do you mean?” Shiro replied in a shocked tone.
”I mean what’s the matter with you? You’re all grumpy and you won’t look at me”
“There’s nothing wrong Y/N,  I’m looking at you right now aren’t I?” Shiro said in an slightly panicked tone taking that moment to directly look at Y/N for the first time in at least five minutes.
Y/N immediately noticed a faint pink flush colouring Shiro’s cheeks and couldn’t help but think that he looked really attractive like that. She blinked and shook her head, she definitely didn’t want to start letting her thoughts wander like that when the object of her affections was almost nose to nose with her.
“There is something wrong Shiro you were fine but then Lance said that pick up line and you just went all...weird”
“No...No I didn’t, I mean maybe I did a bit but y’know Lance was being unprofessional and he needed to focus” Shiro was talking fast and the colour on his cheeks was slowly turning darker.
Y/N snorted “That’s a bit hypocritical coming from you isn’t it?”
“What? What are you taking about?” Shiro spluttered out, startled.
“Teela?” When Shiro didn’t reply she coughed lightly then continued in her best imitation of Teela’s sing song voice “The stories do not do you justice“ then raised an eyebrow at Shiro expectantly.
“She was just complimenting the team” Shiro replied, although he didn’t sound completely sure of that.
“No, she was complimenting you, hell she was practically drooling all over you and you weren’t exactly pushing her away were you?” Y/N said, unable to keep the venom from her voice. and a blush from rising on her cheeks.
Shiro looked at Y/N curiously for a moment, as though a lightbulb had come on in his head.
“Wait a second.. are you jealous?” Shiro asked incredulously.
“What? No! Why would I be jealous of someone flirting with you? That’d be ridiculous... I mean it’s not like I like you or anything” Y/N shut her mouth with a snap, and twisted her head away, realising she had probably said too much already.
“I was jealous” Shiro said softly after a moment.
“What?” Y/N asked, turning to look at Shiro curiously.
“I was jealous, that’s why I got all weird whenever Lance was flirting with you”
“But why would you care if Lance was-” Y/N stopped abruptly realising two things simultaneously:
First; she was an idiot, Shiro had been jealous of Lance flirting with her for the exact reason Y/N had hated when Teela had flirted with Shiro.
Second; Shiro’s face was now very, very close to hers. She could see flecks of green in his brown eyes, she could also feel his hot breath on her lips.
She wanted to say something, something romantic, tell him how much she liked him; but her words just wouldn’t come out.
The pair stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, both waiting for the other to make the first move. Eventually Shiro reached up and gently took hold of her chin and closed the short distance between them, crashing his lips against hers.
And despite all of the times Y/N had imagined this moment, somehow the real thing was ten times better, Shiro hummed appreciatively as Y/N ran her hands through his hair and pressed her body against his. His hand moving from her chin to the back of her neck, his other one resting on her hip.
“Y/N! Fear not your brave rescuer has arrived to release you from-”
The sound of Lance’s voice startled the pair into breaking apart and looking around, true enough their rescue had arrived: Lance, staring in open mouthed disbelief at the pair in the net and Pidge with a smug smile on her face.
“Should we cut you down now or do you want a few more minutes?”
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birdofdoom · 7 years
A Long Engagement
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Anon wanted a John x Reader fic where he keeps putting off marrying her. After a five year engagement, she’s caring for her daughter and his four kids from his marriage to Martha and is at her wit's end. Cheers, Anon! Thanks for the request.
Thunder rolled dully outside. It resonated with less of a crack and more a sallow moan. The rambling clouds were commonplace. Rain tapped at the leaded windows. Solitary drops were finding partners on the panes and running all the faster to their dissolution on the sill. Night was rolling in and the deep blanketing of clouds made the darkness of the evening fall all the faster. There was a calming cadence to the rain. The subtle rhythm was familiar and presented the humdrum of life well. The plushness of the darkness heralded that John was late returning home. Again. His inability to stick to a schedule was somewhat routine itself.
Disappointment sank heavily in [Y/N]’s stomach. The gnawing of being tethered to an irresponsible and ill-equipped man left her feeling desperate and uncertain of her future. Time kissed at the corners of her mouth and eyes far too soon. She had been aged prematurely by the responsibility of motherhood and the stress of the Shelby family business. Already with five children dependent on her, barely out of youth herself, she had practically run headlong into adulthood when she started going to bed with John Shelby.
Lulled to sleep by the rain, the children were tucked in their beds. It was one of the few times quite graced their home. [Y/N] ran her overworked fingers through her tied back tresses. She was quickly growing impatient. She sat next to the window, cracking it slightly, letting the cool rainy air lick its way against her cheek. She lit a cigarette and enjoyed watching the rain and smoke fight and dance on the glass. In spite of baring one of John’s children and mothering the other four from his previous marriage, he had yet to consecrate their relationship with a walk down the aisle. Like everything in his life, their relationship and his children were pushed out of sight and out of mind at the behest of the Peaky Blinders. He was so keen to attest that family came first, above all else, yet ignored the very family he had created. 
She inhaled the tobacco deeply, relying on its earthiness to curb her irritation. She understood the insecurity of John’s lifestyle; the spontaneity of plans and the necessity of adaptability, but she craved the stability of a vow. She wanted assurance that he would come home, and until she officially became family, Tommy and the rest of the Shelby clan owed her no promises. In spite of his lack of commitment and consistency, she couldn’t help but love him. 
She loved the way his face scrunched into a devious smile. She loved the way he played with the kids on weekends. She loved the way his smile emanated warmth and earnest joy. She loved everything about him: her oaf of a puppy dog. He was the father of her beautiful baby girl and so she was always too quick to forgive. However, this past week marked the third time that he had pushed back their wedding date. For the past five years, he had been avoiding a trip to the cathedral all in the name of family business. He would often rely on Tommy or Polly for assurance that he was deeply needed for a given task to assure that the wedding would once again be postponed. Her trust in John was beginning to waver and her anger was beginning to bloom. As his friend, as his lover, as the fucking mother of his child, she was owed more.
The clock had just struck half ten when John stumbled through the door. Deliriously inebriated, he smelled of cigar smoke and whiskey. She looked at him with irritation and hurt. He had spent the better half of the day at the Garrison with his brothers on business, but she could smell the lie on his breath. 
“Hello, love. Happy to see you still up.” He strutted over to where she had been sitting. As she rose from her chair to meet him with a hug, his hands slid sloppily around her waist. His forehead came down to rest on hers, the desire plain in his eyes. A devilish smile hooked around his teeth, and the broad grin incited a smile from [Y/N]. “Are the kids asleep?”
“Yeah. They were hellions today, but I guess they ran out of steam all the faster for it.”
“Good for us then.” He licked his lower lip, letting it scrape against his teeth. His hands found the back of her neck while he kissed her sincerely. He leaned back before attempting to meet her lips for a second time, but she turned her head leaving him with a mouthful of hair. 
“John we need to talk about the wedding.”
“We can talk about it in the morning.” He took her hands in his and began planting soft kisses on her palms. 
“I’m talking now, John Shelby,” her voice was resolute but hushed. She had a quiet and considered strength that helped cut John’s brash haste. He shook his head smiling.  
“Look, I’m sorry. We talked about this a thousand times. Tommy needed me, and I couldn’t say no to the family,” he reassured.
“You do realize that you’re saying no to this part of your family every time you run off to play cops and robbers.” He scrunched his nose into a slight sneer.
“You know how it is. Orders are orders. I go when they need me. And me ‘playing cops and robbers’ keeps food on the table and shoes on their feet.” He spat indignantly.
“Look, I don’t want to fight. I just am so tired of waiting.” His expression softened when he saw desperation awash in her eyes. 
“Okay, we can get married in a few months. Doesn’t that sound nice? You can plan a nice big show. We can get the kids all dressed up. We’ll get that class cook that Tommy hires out for special occasions.” She sighed at the thought of another delay.
“C’mon John let’s go and get married now.” She pleaded holding his hands. Her eyes beamed at the thought of spontaneity.
He snorted through a hearty laugh.
“You’ve gotta be jokin’ we have to plan something like that.”
“Johnny Dogs is in town to see Tommy about a horse. He’s ordained. Just bring the car round. We’ll be there and back in an hour or two. The kids can wake up to a married Mom and Dad!”
“That doesn’t count, now does it? It’s gotta be in a church. Also, Christ, Johnny Dogs? Really?”
“You’ve got religion now? We can wake up Jeremiah. He wouldn’t mind.”
“No, let the man sleep. You know I’m not religious, but everyone’s been married in a church. I want the family to be there. Polly would skin me live if we didn’t. Ya know it just ain’t right if no one’s there.”
“What does it matter? None of them have shown up to our past three weddings. I wonder why that is John,” her sarcasm was acrid. “Do you think Tommy told all of them about the ‘special family business’ too? Even Ada? Just in the nick of time?” The lack of attendance from any Shelby family members had been a major tip off to [Y/N] that John’s conflict of plans had been a long time coming; a well-orchestrated con to get out of walking down the aisle. She rolled her eyes at his inability to even attempt an excuse.
“I’m tired. You’ve left me waiting one too many a time, John Shelby. You’re the one who got down on one knee five years ago. That decision was on you, John. Hell, I wasn’t even pregnant then.” She laughed thinking of a simpler time before motherhood. “I didn’t rope you into it. So why do you keep flitting about? What are you so afraid of? If you want out, tell me.” He was silent, squinting vaguely and setting his jaw into a slight pout, an expression that he had passed to all of his children, much to her chagrin.
“Be honest man, I can’t keep playing games. This is my future, our daughter’s future, what the hell are you waiting for?!” Her typical reserve was shattering rapidly.
She struggled with the simple gold band on her left hand. She angrily twisted trying to pry it lose from its home on her ring finger.
“Stop fuckin’ about. Stop, stop. Stop.” He tenderly grabbed her wrists to keep her from removing the engagement ring. He looked down holding her gaze. “I know you’re cross. You have a right to be. I’m sorry. It’s just. Martha… she didn’t live long after we married. It’s fuckin’ stupid. Just. Can you wait a little more, please?”
“Why? I’m not Martha. I’m not going to die on you. I’m committed. I’m going to stay here because these bairns need me. I’m their mother. End of story. I’m not going anywhere.” He found her resolve reassuring and attractive.
“I was so young when Martha and I got married and then we had the kids and I went to France. It all happened so fast. When I came home, I just didn’t know what to do. I had a shit dad and never wanted to be shit for them and…”
“You’re not shit,” she interrupted. His face softened into a sweet grin.
“I want to be a good father, respectable like. This time I just wanted to take my time, have a proper engagement.” She laughed.
“Proper? You do know what ‘out of wedlock’ means? Also, I’m quite sure canceling on the bride three times is far from ‘proper’.”
“It just never seems right.”
“Why? Do you still love me?”
“Yeah of course, of course.”
“Then how is it any different? Once we get married, nothing will change. I’ll still live here. I’ll still love you. I’ll still be a mom and you’ll still be a dad. Maybe Tommy will let me go to family meetings, but if you’d rather I stay here, I’ll keep out. The only difference is that the sooner we get married, the sooner we can honeymoon.” She quirked an eyebrow suggestively. [Y/N] knew that the promise of intimate alone time was sure to interest John.
“I guess that’s true.” He shrugged. “But if that’s the case, why do you care so much in the first place?”
“Because every girl dreams about her wedding day. Because it's this carrot that you keep dangling in front of my nose. You’re the one that asked! I love you and I want that forever. What’s wrong with wanting that official claim, a promise to rely on, that we’re in this together?”
“So that’s it?” He asked placing a toothpick in the corner of his mouth. He grabbed the car keys from a small bowl on the sideboard.
“What’s what?” she asked exasperatedly.
“That you’re wedding dress?” He pointed to her outfit, stained with milk and grease and paint from misadventures with the children earlier in the day.  
“Yes, yes it is,” she beamed.
“C’mon, we need to hurry. I have a date with Mrs. Shelby tonight.” He gripped her waist tightly, planting a heated and needy kiss on her lips.
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You’ve Got Crabs
Request:  aaaa i love ur writing so much!!!!! could you do a poly!hamilsquad x reader where they go to the beach and reader comes up to them with a hand full of sand digger crabs (cute little things that don't pinch/bite but just dig) and they all freak out. sorry if this seems weird but I grew up at the beach and i always used to play with them and i just went back to the beach this weekend and i forgot how much i missed it (requested by anon)
Characters: Poly!Hamilsquad x Reader
Word Count: 1,157
Warnings: Cursing, sexual comments, poorly translated French (translations at the end), I didn’t read this over before posting so message me if you find mistakes!
AU: Modern (cuz i’m trash ahhaha)
A/N: Okay, I think I know which crabs you’re talking about?? I’ve seen a ton of them at Ocean City, and if we’re talking about the same ones, they’re so cute! Here’s a link to a picture of one for those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about. (and anon, hopefully we’re talking about the same thing!) I’m just gonna call these guys “sand crabs” for the sake of the fic. 
Aahhh, could this day get any better? You were laying under an umbrella, sunglasses covering your eyes, toes buried in the sand, listening to the laughs of your four favorite people in the world, water splashing onto your legs - wait. You weren’t anywhere close to the water. 
Your eyes flew open as you prepared to yell at whoever was splashing you. You’d chosen a spot far away from the water for a reason: you weren’t ready to get wet. Not yet. Your angry glare settled on John, who was smiling down at you sheepishly. 
“Sorry?” he tried, leaning down to try to give you a hug to make up for his actions. 
“No no no, you don’t get a hug,” you shook your head, scooting away from him. “Not after that. I don’t want to be wet!”
As Alex smirked at your comment, you knew you’d made a mistake in your choice of words. “Oh, Y/N, you know we’ll have you wet by the end of the day one way or another,” he winked, earning a laugh from the three boys around him. 
You grumbled as you stood up so that you could smack Alexander. You hit his arm, and he rolled his eyes as if his actions had barely affected him. “Fine,” you said, deciding on a more severe punishment. “No sex for a month.”
Alex’s eyes widened more than you’d ever seen before. “You can’t be serious,” he breathed out, glaring at the boys who were now laughing at his expense instead of yours. 
“I’m so serious,” you deadpanned. “John and Laf and Herc and I will be having absolutely amazing sex and you’ll be wishing you could join but you won’t be able to cuz you’re being an ass.” With that, you walked away and left the boys’ snickers behind you as you made your way to the water. You were already wet now, so you might as well get in, right?
You stood at the edge of the water for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling of the waves lapping at your feet. You silently thanked Herc for the idea to take a vacation; everyone had been so tense lately, so a get-away was desperately needed. 
A shriek from behind you interrupted your thoughts, and you turned around to see Herc having Alex in a headlock. They were laughing, though, so you knew they weren’t actually fighting. Herc would never do that in a serious manner, anyways. He was a softy at heart. That was one of the things you loved most about him. 
A little to their left, Laf and John were walking down the beach, hand-in-hand. They looked like a couple from a movie or something, with the sun shining just right on them and the sand pressed under their feet. You regretted leaving your camera in the hotel room. 
As you turned your attention back to the ocean, a little movement in the sand caught your eye. You bent over and saw a sand crab burrowing into the ground, and a smile erupted on your face. Sticking your fingers in the sand, you tried to grab the little guy before he could get too deep. “C’mere,” you whispered to it, as if you would scare it away by talking to loud. Eventually, your grip on the crab was tight enough so that you could pick it up and plop it in your free hand. 
“Do you have any friends?” you asked it as you moved some sand around to look for more crabs. You moved a chunk of sand squealed in excitement when you found more all in the same spot. When you moved the sand, though, they started going deeper in the ground, so you had to hurry and get as many as you could. When you’d gotten all you could, you counted them and found that you had 6 sitting in the palm of your left hand. 
“Guys, I have crabs!” you shouted, standing up and running over to the boys. Upon hearing your declaration, John and Laf made their way back over to everyone else. 
“You...You’ve got crabs,” Herc said, looking at you with a straight face. “You’ve got crabs!” he repeated, exploding in laughter. Everyone except you and Laf joined in with him. 
“Why is that funny?” Laf wondered, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. 
“They’re just being assholes,” you grumbled. “Do you wanna see my crabs?” you asked him, a smile replacing your annoyed expression. 
Laf couldn’t say no to a face like that. “Bien sûr mon amour,” he smiled down at you. “Laissez moi les voir.”
You held your hand out for him to see, but you didn’t get the reaction you were hoping for. Laf’s face turned into one of alarm - almost horror - as he said, “Mon Dieu! Put those down!”
“What is it?” John asked, looking at your hand curiously. When he saw the crabs, he, too, grimaced. “Jesus Christ, Y/N, aren’t those dangerous?”
“They’re completely harmless,” you frowned, cradling them with your hands. “All they do is dig in the sand. That’s it.” You realized you were becoming defensive over crabs, but you didn’t care. Why didn’t the boys think they were cute?
“They’re gross,” Alex stated plainly, and you gasped. 
“How dare you!” you exclaimed, holding one out for him. “Here, hold one. You’ll see there’s nothing to be scared of or grossed out by.”
Before you could place the crab in Alex’s hand, though, Hercules reached over and smacked it to the ground. You watched in disappointment as it scurried deep into the sand. 
“What did you do that for?” you whined, cursing yourself as tears pricked at your eyes. “They’re fuckin’ crabs, Y/N,” you told yourself. “Calm down.”
“Aw, babe,” John frowned, coming to hug you. This time, you let him. You had to drop the crabs to hug him back like you wanted, but if the boys were so disgusted by them, what was the point in trying to show them more?
“Same on you all,” John continued, addressing the other boys. You knew he was joking, but you were glad he was reprimanding them, nonetheless. 
“You didn’t like them either,” you reminded him, mumbling into his chest. You felt him rumble as he chuckled. 
“But I’m the only one not being rude about it right now,” he countered, and you couldn’t argue with that. 
“We’re sorry,” Herc tried, and you felt his big hand start to rub your back. You shook your head, pushing John backwards and forcing the two of you to move further away from the others. 
“You’re being childish,” Alex sighed, and although you knew he was right, you didn’t want to give in. So you pulled away from John, took his hand, started walking with him back towards the water, and said something that you knew would make the other boys upset. 
“I’m only fucking John for the next month.”
“Bien sûr mon amour” - “Of course my love” “Laissez moi les voir” - “Let me see them”   “Mon Dieu” - “My God”
A/N: Send in requests! :)
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