#sorry we’re open rpg
john-artbuckle · 2 years
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The manager from “Sorry We’re Open” by Oates
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shootingstarwritings · 2 months
Body a Day #5: Revenge
“Release my nudes, why don’t you?” hissed Mira as she stared at her ex’s reflection in the mirror. “Well, all’s way in love and war, Evan dear. Let’s see how you like it when everyone thinks you’re a whore,” she said, spatting into the mirror.
A few days earlier...
Mira was a young woman who had wanted to end her relationship with her boyfriend, Evan, amicably. “We’re just a bit too incompatible,” she had rehearsed in the mirror as much as she could before breaking the news to him. Although she was nervous and genuinely guilty for ending a relationship she had deeply enjoyed, she was still confident that Evan would take it well. He was kind, smart, and respected Mira’s boundaries.
The two met up at a small diner that one of Mira’s friends recommended for breaking up. There was a bit of small talk, but Mira couldn’t hide the lead ball in the pit of her stomach. “Evan,” she finally said after taking a deep breath. “It’s been a lovely year, but… I’m sorry, but I need to break up with you. I’m going to be moving away soon, and I just don’t think I’ll be able to handle a long-distance relationship. I’m really, really sorry. You’re a great guy and… I honestly was thinking of taking it further. But my career has to come first. Again, I’m sorry.”
Evan stared at her with a blank expression. Then, wordlessly, he stormed off the restaurant with his meal unfinished. This is for the best, thought Mira. She was certain that, after a while, Evan would move on. He was the kind of guy that would easily bounce back.
A day later, the few nudes Mira had ever taken, at Evan’s request, were all over the net. “I’ll kill him,” texted Mira in her friends’ group chat once she saw the news. “Death death death kill kill killy,” she kept sending as she fell into a murderous trance.
“Hold up, girl,” said one of her friends, a girl who went by Frida. “I think I got a way to get even with that dick. I’ll be over in a few hours.”
It was impossible to completely get rid of the nudes from the internet. Someone had probably already saved or archived it, and it would simply get reposted if Mira requested it to be taken down. “Evan knows what he did is permanent,” said Frida once she was over Mira’s apartment. “So we’ll just have to get even with him.”
“But I don’t have any nudes from him. Are you planning on breaking into his house and taking pics of him naked?” said Mira.
Friday shook her head and pulled out a small device that resembled some kind of water pistol. “Nope! The one who’ll be posting his dick pics is Evan himself. Or rather… ‘herself,’” she said with a giggle.
A possession gun. “Sounds like pure sci-fi,” Mira said. Frida shook her head and insisted it was real. Her father was a scientist for the university, but Mira still found herself skeptical.
Frida handed it to her. “Just try it. Point it at your temple and think of the person you want to be,” she said, pointing a finger gun to her own head. The imagery reminded Mira of a certain RPG she was fond of, so she wasn’t too hesitant to try. In fact, the only thing she was worried about was that she might utter the name while doing so. The thought of it was mortifying.
“If you insist…” Mira finally relented. Though she did take a few moments to make sure there were no secret cameras throughout the apartment. “Okay… let’s see it.” Pressing the water pistol to her temple while the other clutched her chest, Mira took a deep breath and put a trembling finger on the trigger. It was nonsensical to be so afraid of a toy, but pointing anything with a barrel to her head was her so much anxiety. Still, Frida’s goading pushed her to it.
She shut her eyes and thought that to that kind smile that had betrayed her. With that burst of anger, she resolved to pull the trigger. “H-Here’s my p-payback… Evan!” It didn’t sound like a gunshot, but it was close. It was like there was a tiny explosion in Mira’s head before the world faded to black.
“Mmm… huh…?” Mira opened eyes to a blurry ceiling she had become familiar with. Blinking the exhaustion out of her eyes, she looked around and found herself in Evan’s room. Posters of various video games and anime were plastered all over the walls. A few weights were pushed to the corner to make room for a small table used for cards games that Evan collected. Mira took a quick whiff and was relieved to find out that he kept the small room freshener she had given him.
Maybe I should take it from him, thought Mira as she sat up. She started swinging her legs off his bed before letting out a horrified cry. Her legs, one of her many pride and joys, were replaced with thick, muscular and hairy legs much like…
...like Evan’s…
Gulping, Mira got out of the bed, nearly falling from the unexpected new strength and weight, and wondered over to Evan’s bathroom. Staring at her from the mirror with a look of pure anxiety was Evan. Her reflection. Evan’s reflection.
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Mira texted Frida in a manic state. “What do I do? How do I get out?! What am I supposed to do now?!” All Frida said in response was that Mira would simply need to will herself out of Evan’s body and that it would com naturally to her.
“In the meantime,” texted Frida, “now’s your chance to teach that pig a lesson. Lemme know what the damage is so I can spread it everywhere!”
My chance…
Mira took a deep breath and then looked back at her borrowed reflection in the mirror. Frida was right. This was her chance to get even at Evan. No, not just even. She wanted to get complete revenge and to teach him a lesson. “Okay, Evan,” she grinned to her new self. “Let’s let the campus know about this other side of you.”
A few hours later, Mira set up Evan’s phone at a good angle to capture the show. She grinned and began the recording. “’sup, everyone!” she said, raising both arms in peace signs like the real Evan would. “Evan here, and I’m here to show y’all how cock-hungry this hole o’ mine is!” Clad in just a small pair of yellow briefs, she picked up one Evan’s favorite dildos and brandished it in front of the camera. “Ohh, now this is a good one. A classic piece in my extensive collection.”
She swung it around a few times, making lightsaber noises and pressing the vibrate button. “Critical hit!” she shouted as she stabbed the air multiple times. “All right, I think that’s enough warming up.” Mira walked over to Evan’s dresser, making sure to swing his hips the whole time. She bent down, showing off Evan’s perky ass to the camera, and took out some lube that he kept hidden away. “Oh no, gonna have to go shopping for some more soon!” she forced himself to exclaim. She showed the bottle to the camera just to emphasize how much of it had been used up already.
“Urgh! Aw, fuck…! Ah…” Mira cried out as she slipped the first of Evan’s multiple dildos in his loose, well-used hole. Evan hadn’t been able to admit it to anyone but Mira, but he was an avid fan of anal penetration. During their relationship, he had often asked Mira if she could peg him. The first time that happened, Mira patted him on the arm, promised to keep his secret, and plowed him until he could only see white. It was a harmonic relationship, but then…
“Th-This is what I deserve!” Mira shouted in Evan’s voice. “This… hah… this is what happens to losers who betray their lovers. They…nrgh!” Mira paused and grit Evan’s teeth as she found the prostate.
Grinning madly, she positioned Evan’s body so he was squatting down on the floor and began to ride the dildo like no tomorrow. His nice chest jiggled up and down, all in view of the camera. “This is what I get for leaking nudes, it’s only fair I leak my own little sex videos, huh? Mira, I-I’m sorry. I-I’m… oh shit, I-I’m—!”
Evan’s makeshift flagellation session came to a halt as Mira could feel his core beginning to tighten. His whole body was convulsing as the first waves of his impeding orgasm came crshing down on her. “I’m fucking cumming!” Evan roared as torrents of semen shot out of his untouched cock. Some hit his chin while one even hit his slack-jawed mouth.
“Haaah… Haaah… that was fun…! Any daddies that wanna abuse this hole, c’mon down!” Mira forced Evan to say his home address and ended the humiliating video with a nice view of Evan slurping down his own cum. She giggled and then began to upload the video to every site Evan had leaked her nudes on.
Just before Mira returned to her own body, she wandered back to to Evan’s bathroom and stared at his reflection. She played with his expression, recounting how often she had seen him smile at her, pout in frustration, and sheepishly request her to keep a secret. They had shared so much of themselves to each other that… looking at him, Mira felt a pang of guilt.
“How did it come to this?” she wondered out loud. Looking at Evan’s face, a guilty grimace, she wondered if he looked like that when he betrayed her trust.
“We’re even now,” she whispered. “And we’re done, Evan. Goodbye.”
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shima-draws · 2 years
OKAY I’ve been playing for a couple hours now and here are some thoughts
-I LOVE that they actually give you time to hang out with the starters and bond with them and see what their personalities are like before you get to pick one. That was really neat
-They were right! This game really do Open World RPG! I haven’t even gotten to the school yet I’ve been too busy running around the map for two hours
-Not sure how I feel about items in the field literally having a neon light showing where they are from a mile away. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of open world if the items are too easy to find. The novelty of “treasure hunting” is gone because of this
-I’m going to kick Arven’s ass if he even LOOKS at Miraidon the wrong way. “Oh this Pokemon is too hard for me to deal with so I’m abandoning it and shoving all of the responsibilities I had caring for it onto you” OH YEAH?? Alright asshole I’ll take it off your hands CLEARLY it was so difficult for you to take care of a living breathing creature that also happens the be the coolest looking motherfucker on this side of the continent. Your loss
-Ohhh the clipping is so bad! It’s so bad! If I rotate the camera too far in my own house I just get a black screen! Yikes 💖
-The concept of being in battle and still being able to see Pokemon doing their own thing in the background is REALLY neat? Like life just moves on around you while you’re duking it out with another trainer. I know we had a specific saying for this when I was in school for animation but I forget what it was exactly RIP anyway just the whole organic. Breathing life into the game kinda thing.
-APPARENTLY WE CAN’T GO INTO OTHER PEOPLE’S HOUSES ANYMORE???? Like that’s one of Pokemon’s staple features throughout ALL the generations, we’re allowed to barge into random people’s homes. At the very least the first town had all their doors locked so all the houses were off limits. I was VERY upset
-The graphics may be janky as all hell but the story is really intriguing so far!! I wanted to cry bc the scene of us rescuing Miraidon really gave me HTTYD vibes. This game is just HTTYD in disguise we are all Hiccup taming and training our Toothless
-Standing on the beach before battling Nemona just gave me a HUGE rush of nostalgia bc it had very very big PMD2 vibes
-The controls for Legends Arceus are ingrained in my brain so I keep pressing buttons and getting confused when they do something different. LMAO
-I’m sorry I don’t like that the Pokemon Centers are outside now;; it just feels Wrong. Like clearly this was some cool edgy thing they wanted to try but I in fact hate it :-/
-THE PLAYER CUSTOMIZATION THING IS SOOOO SICK. The fact we get to customize SO much and at the very beginning of the game is awesome. Props to Nintendo for this I’m really glad they included so many options and right at the start so we don’t have to actually UNLOCK customizing what we look like
-Nemona is just Ash Ketchum but Girl and I love her
-And, most importantly:
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rpreaperperson · 4 months
14: Beginning of her rage
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Then the mission began with Price, Gaz, and Alejandro sneaking into the tunnels to get Valeria.
Ghost and the Ghost team outside the headquarters to find Grave and eliminate him, Soap takes the armor plates from the back of the seat and puts them inside his vest and a spotter scope while listening to Ghost's instructions.
When the van stops moving far from the headquarters gate he marks the gate so the chopper can take it down
“Multiple Shadows on guard”
“Want me to eliminate them, Master?” Claw softly asks, her eyes full of devotion to her Master then Soap pats her head
“Nah..let the chopp’er blow ‘em up” Claw leaned into his gloved palm, then Soap marked the gate, the gate blew up the remaining guarding Shadows being shot with the chopper
The vehicles move on passed the gate entering the headquarters.
“here...kitty kitty~..” Graves watches Claw from the cameras, leaning forward to the monitor he smirks when Claw jumps from a large gap with ease taking out her knife she slashes one of the Shadow's throat
“Kitty does have claws after all huh..” glancing at the flash disk beside him, Graves took it and put it inside his pocket
“come and get me kitty..” he smirked as an explosive sound came from outside the headquarters, Graves headed out from the control room.
As they got into the locked main door Rudy put breacher charge on the headquarters main door
“Claw as soon you saw Graves drop him” commands Ghost
“yes Master..” she nodded ears twitching, and her eyes became more focused than ever ready to pounce on her prey
As the door was breached they saw Graves run away from the second floor
“Contact, second deck” yell Soap
“He’s on the run, clear in!” without waiting for the others Claw dashed onto the second floor tailing after Graves as Shadows blocked her way pointing their guns at her
But before they could shoot Claw jumped at one of them killing them in an instant
“f*ck..she’s really hot” mumbled Soap as he shot at the Shadows
“Focus Soap!” as they cleared the second floor, Claw heading into the control room saw the exit has been open narrowing her eyes she walked there but a tug on her back collar halted her
“should’ve waited for me” told Soap
“Sorry master Soap..” her ears dropped, ruffling her head Soap walked ahead of her they saw the hello that Price on it
“All stations, be advised, Graves went over the wall –“ she saw something from the corner of her eyes
“Captain!!” it hit the back of the Hello
“We’re hit! We’re hit!” the Hello went down with Price in it
A rage fulling inside her gritting her teeth, she let out a growl her pupils become slit and glowed, she rushed into the trained area throwing away her gun as she jumped with ease through the wall Ghost tried to stop her but fall deaf on her ears
“Goddamn that Hybrid..Soap go after her with Rudy!” yelled Ghost frustrated with the reckless act of the Cat hybrid
“What about you L.T?”
“I’ll go check on Price and the pilot, go now Soap!” orders Ghost as he runs the opposite from them
Rudy climbed on the wall and then helped Soap climb in
“ughh..how can she jump through this?” grumbled Soap
“she’s a cat Soap” shrug Rudy before jumping down from the wall
“Right ..” Soap follows Rudy, they see many Shadow bodies pile around the training area
“She on rage..” mutters Rudy smirking behind the mask
“Glad she’s on our side”  Soap feeling proud, then a loud boom came not far from them the explosion caused a small earthquake
“What the hell was that...Sh*t CLAW!!” Soap rushing tried to find the hybrid with Rudy behind him, there they saw a tank
Graves voice coming from their comms
“you should’ve go home Soap..”
“Sh*t the fuckers got a tank!” cursed Soap, as they take cover inside
“where Claw?”
“Kitty kitty~ come out and play~ you too should’ve listened and come with me”
Then a growl came from behind them, Soap huffed in relief but sensed something more dangerous from Claw
Even more than that time Graves betray them
“You okay Claw?” asks Rudy
She nodded pursing her lips, with Graves inside the tank there was no way she could attack him directly
“You know kitty I’ve read it..”
Her ears perk up
“about the day..you killed those scientists...mm pretty horrible, mangled seems like you really feral kitty~, gotta collar up you huh?”Her blue eyes widen at his remark, there’s no way...that information how can it leak to Graves?
“traitor...”mutter Claw, the feeling of dried blood on her hand, bitter and delicious  taste of blood ..his scream she could remember clearly that day
The day that every scientist will never speak of and forbidden to speak it to anyone outside the Lab
“Bastard loves to talk eh?”
“Gotta shut him up now..” Rudy instructed that there C4 inside the orange box, Soap managed to blow one c4 into the tank as he climbed up one of the building
“You see another C4 Hen?”
“..there’s one over the pillar “
“then we’ll –“ Soap snapped his head as the tank pointed at both Claw and himself  ahead of them
“sh*t Take cover!” gritted her sharp teeth Claw threw herself at Soap who was startled when a blue flame covered her body
“b-bonnie...?” mutter Soap as he stare at her pupil's eyes becoming more slit and glowed the moment Graves fired at them he could see her sharp teeth gotten bigger and her face covered in fur
Dust and smoke covering their eyes from seeing both Soap and Claw
“welp, two down one to go...shame kitty is too loyal to her master..F*ck” Graves grunted dissapointed, he does really like the Hybrid not only because of her ability but herself
“that’s what I got when got a crush on a military woman” mutter Graves
Rudy's eyes widened in fear and worry he tried to look behind the smoke and dust, but remembered that Graves still hunted him with his tank
‘Claw...Soap..forgive me..’ with heavy steps he evades Graves' tank searching for another C4
“Holy – what the hell is that?!” Graves shouting behind the comms, a blue flame peeking through the dust and smoke then a black tail with a blue flame on the tip sweeps the smoke out of their sight
a large black tiger with glowing blue stripes protects Soap with its body
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taglist: @lilpothoscuttings @unicorngirly1 @kaoyamamegami
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s-creations · 9 months
It was easy to think he'd been a hero this entire time. After all, with everyone backing him, Geno felt he'd been accomplished so much.
But, staring down his greatest enemy, making sure someone he cared for was safe, Geno wasn't sure if he was really meant to be a hero.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: General Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo) Additional Tags: Harsh look at reality, It's not always roses, Geno's protective of Gaz, Geno/Mario is a background item, But I'm still making it count!, Smithy's kind of a jerk, There is fire and mentions of burning buildings, Geno gets a little shaken.
Make from @nintendonut1's art: Link
“Whatever happens, just hold onto me, Gaz. And don’t stare at the light for too long.”
Smithy had not taken being defeated well. Instead of falling, as the team had been expecting, the villain had doubled down. Burning red eyes seemed to narrow down on Geno as he stood once more. Declaring he wasn’t going to hide away in his factory any more. That this takeover needed a more direct touch. 
Starting with Rose Town.
Geno had never felt so cold before. 
Even with the fact they all practically left the portal at the same time, Smithy somehow got a lead. The party arrived in said town with it already on fire. Numerous troupes from Smithy’s gang rushed around and away once the heroes engaged. Mario called for everyone to spread out to help where they could. 
Geno was gone before the human finished. 
Sturdy footfalls carried him down a path he’d felt uneven walking on only a few days ago. Now only stumbling to avoid the crumbling homes and structures. Still focused on arriving at his destination as quickly as possible.
He shouldn’t feel so sick upon seeing the familiar house up in flames. But it took everything in him to not collapse at the sight. 
“Gaz!” the puppet desperately called out, “Gaz, where are you! Can you hear me? Gaz!” 
He flinched away as the fire flared up. Feeling as if his soul was crumbling away as the front started to collapse.
Relife he’d never felt before seemed to slam into his chest hearing the timid voice. A familiar small Toad just peeking out from the edge of the forest. Clearly terrified and covered with a bit of ash, but otherwise well.
“Gaz… Grambi Above, Gaz!” Gaining strength in his legs once more, Geno rushed over to said child. Feeling comfort by the weight he now carried in his arm. “You’re okay… Are you hurt? Where’s your mother? Where’s anyone?”
“W-We’re all in the forest,” Gaz sniffed weakly, “‘M okay. What’s h-happening?”
Geno faltered as he tried to figure out what he could say about this. “I…I wasn’t able to stop the bad guy fast enough. I’m sorry…”
“But you’re here to stop them now, right?”
“Yeah, yeah of course! I’m going to stop them before you can be hurt any further.”
“Awww, how charming.”
Gaz let out a fearful gasp as he hid away in Geno’s chest upon seeing the person towering behind said puppet. On his part, Geno instantly took a defensive position. One arm wrapped around the small Toad while he faced Smithy. The other was already holding out his weapon.
Said dictator seemed far more imposing with the fire burning casting heavy shadows over him. His eyes seemed to glow a deeper red. 
“How something so small could cause so much trouble. Do you want to know something interesting, Little Star?” Smithy asked smugly, “This little piece around my neck holds quite the informative side effect. I can hear every wish that’s been asked for. Every. Single. One. From every living being. Including Stars.”
The overlord chuckled as he watched Geno’s face fall in horror.
“You are quite the interesting being, Little Star. It all started off rather understandable. If not a little dry.”
‘I wish I knew what this stomach pain was.’
‘I wish I knew why I can’t keep my eyes open.’
‘I wish I could understand how people can keep going.’
“I suppose being mortal was a very strange change for you. Being physically tied down is tiring if you’re not used to it all. I’ll be honest, I grew bored of hearing from you after a while. Who wants to hear about wanting to be more ‘mortal’? Not I… Until your wishes turn into something…amazing.”
‘I wish I could tell Gaz how it’s going. He really likes this toy, I’m sure he misses it.’
‘I wish I knew what it was like to have a home. It seems so wonderful to have a place to just relax.’
‘I wish I could enjoy cake every day!’
‘I wish Mallow could keep his smile on his face forever, he deserves to.’
‘I wish Bowser would just admit he likes being around us.’
‘I wish I didn’t feel so nervous around Peach.’
‘I wish I could be as calm as Mario is.’
‘I wish I could be as easy around Mario as Peach is.’
‘I wish I knew why my soul beats so fast when I look at Mario.’
‘I wish I could tell him how I feel.’
‘I wish I was brave enough to tell him how I feel.’
‘I wish I could stay.’
Geno didn’t mean to tighten his grip on Gaz. But hearing his own wishes mockingly repeated back to him was terrifying.
“How absolutely pathetic,” Smithy growled out. Hefting up his hammer to be held in both hands. “If you want to be a mortal, if you want to play the hero, then you need to experience all of it. Even the not so friendly side. You don’t get to pretend.”
“You get to watch this little village burn before I move onto the next town, and the next one. I’m going to make sure you feel the full force of being mortal before I crush you. If you want to act as a hero, prepare to feel failure. Starting with that child.”
The fears he felt were quickly replaced with protective rage. Gaz’s eyes widened in amazement as the weapon pointed at Smithy started to hum. Seeming to suck in light at the tip as a large orb of light began to appear. The multiple colors merge to become white. 
Said Toad’s attention went to Geno’s face, who was glaring Smithy down.
“Whatever happens, just hold onto me. And don’t stare at the light for too long.”
At that, Gaz buried his face into Geno’s chest. Just before the charged beam was released.
Geno could feel the child flinch as the hum of said attack was released, seeming to mute the area with how loud it was. Smithy moved quick enough to raise the head of the hammer to act as a shield. Feet digging into the ash covered ground as he was pushed back. When he came to a stop, the leader let out a huff followed by a heavy chuckle. 
“Well, well, touched a nerve have I?” Smithy smirked, standing once more.
“You have no room to make such threats. I will make you regret those words.” Geno’s voice was cold and unwavering as he stared Smithy down.
“Your little stun gun may pack a punch. But you’re going to need more than that.”
Gaz, who had peeked out, panicked further when the ground began to shake. Letting out a small but terrified scream of surprise as Bowser basically barreled into Smithy. Geno quickly wrapped his other arm around the Toad. The steely anger melted away slowly as he realized it was the rest of the party. Peach and Mallow rushed to help Bowser while Mario drew closer to Geno.
“Hey, are you okay?” Mario asked, “We saw your beam and-”
“He threatened Gaz.” Is what Geno was able to choke out. 
The human’s eyes went down to said Toad, who was still clutched close to Geno. Mario offered a comforting smile while gently pulling Gaz away from Geno’s death grip. Silently gesturing to keep the puppet calm before addressing the child. 
“Do you know where everyone else is?” 
“I-In the forest.” Gaz sniffed.
“Okay, do you think you can find everyone on your own?”
“Uh huh.” 
“I need you to go back in then. Geno needs to know you’re safely away from here so he can focus on fighting.”
Gaz looked back up to Geno. The puppet was able to give a very short nod of agreement in his numb stupor. 
The Toad turned back to Mario, “You’ll keep Geno safe, right?”
“I’ve been doing well so far. You can trust me.”
That seemed good enough for Gaz as he finally turned to rush back into the foliage. 
With that taken care of, Mario’s focused on Geno. Who still hadn’t really moved.
“Hey, Geno, I need you to talk to me.”
Moving slowly, Mario reached out to take Geno’s hands in his own. That caused the puppet to fully jerk out of his stunned silence. Amber eyes taking in his surroundings once more. 
“Hey, yeah, it’s me, you’re okay,” Mario gave a small chuckle, “First time threats are not fun.”
That sent another jolt of remembrance to strike Geno. Who now scanned to find a familiar form. “Gaz, are they-”
“Back in the forest. He’s safe. Think you’re okay to fight?”
Geno looked down at their clasped hands for a moment before addressing Mario.
“Yeah, let’s finally end this.”
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magolandandfriends · 1 year
Hey again other me! Been a little while, hehe! I’ve gotten to meet a whole lot more counterparts of myself (we made a spiderverse parody and now we’re being compared to sans and I am slightly afraid!) but I wanted to say hi again! :D Anyways, I got a question for you! What fandoms you in?
(I have no idea if this is directed towards me or the characters so I said “fuck it” and did both- even though the main 4 aren’t into any kind of fandoms- I have what kind of games they like (headcanons)- so I’m gonna do that-)
The main 4 :D
Magolor: his ass LOVES world building. Anything that involves building/sandbox games he’ll play (like minecraft/Sims). He’s also a big fan of puzzle games (like Portal. I love Portal. So he loves portal.) and Tetris, fucking loves tetris
Marx: He plays a lot of coop/multiplayer games, nothing too specific he just likes playing and talking to other people. Also enjoys open world RPGS as long if there’s some kind of coop in it
Taranza: He doesn’t play a lot of games, when he does it’s to pass the time. Just like Magolor, he also likes puzzle games except he doesn’t use a tutorial. And story games (like visual novels/dating sims), he just likes watching stories and going into a crisis over any kind of angst happening (especially if it’s romance)
Susie: competitive mother fucker. Enjoys any kind of competitive games (like marx, they play together a lot), besides screaming at other people she loves almost breaking her phone from rhythm games (PJSEKAI/Bandori)
But the 4 of them will mostly play games together. Will be screaming at each other 99% of the time (mainly because of uno but shhh-) but it’s ok they’re still having fun (at least we think so-)
Me :D
I’m in the Kirby fandom as of right now! I don’t know if this counts as a fandom but I really like Party Crashers! They’re my favorite youtuber rn along with sidequest! (I have more but I don’t wanna list them all)
I’m not really in the fandom but I do like Genshin! Fontaine just came out and I’m having so much fun I love the swimming feature (my storage is dying but that’s ok- I think-) and I like cookie run! Im not that into it anymore but I check in from time to time- my favorite is Lotus dragon they’re so pretty I love them so muchshennwnsmakskkw
(But thank you for the ask! Sorry that this doesn’t have a drawing response but I think this is better as a text post-)
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cheesesteak-horror · 2 years
Sorry, We're Open is out now!
Sorry, We're Open is a Roguelite Supermarket Management Horror RPG out now on Steam and itchio
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makigorogoro · 1 year
disorganized thoughts on fionna and cake eps 5 and 6
ok ive only seen the eps once each and im going off of memory so a lot of this is probably gonna be paraphrased and mixed up but whatever . also this post is really fucking long lol sorry
-obviously we are in the farmworld, not surprised but very happy!!!
-also not very surprised fionna and cake immediately went along with simon’s plan
-the whole time they were talking about where to find a crown i was like lol. simon don’t look behind you
-cake bringing fionna a dead rat was really funny
-the versucci gag or whatever was also really good
-but what made me die was fionna talking abt how she’s played a lot of post apocalyptic rpgs and then it pans over to “man who has actually lived through the apocalypse”
-was really cool to see how the farmworld has developed after what happened with ice finn, i think it’s interesting how they’re more technologically advanced since the first time an ice age happened in this world they pretty much reverted to medieval times (does that make sense. you know what i mean)
-i was SO convinced jay was farmworld finn’s little sibling so when he said dad my heart stopped
-the name jay didn’t immediately click until bonnie was revealed to be one of his other kid’s name and i was like HOLY SHIT PUHOY???
-veeeery interesting since assumingely golb destroyed/erased the pillow world
-i guess you could just chalk it up to finn would have named his kids the same thing in any universe?
-but i mean speaking of his kids GOD he got busy with huntress wizard
-i mean it has to be huntress wizard. one of them looks just like human hunter wizard
-sucks that she died though
-simon’s ship of theseus thing was so fucking funny oh my god he’s just like me fr (i started talking about the ship of theseus in one of my assignments a few days ago and i was like. is this too nerdy.)
-i haven’t really talked about farmworld finn yet. a little sad he turned out so cold (pun not intended oops 😭) because of what happened to him when he was younger
-good on him for saying simon was a damn fool or whatever for wanting to put the crown on lol
-i wish they actually had a talk though
-cake saying fionna should kiss him while knowing he’s just an alternate version of her??????? girl
-also farmworld jake still being alive was crazy
-so it did turn out the crown was destroyed in this world, i honestly wasn’t sure since the crown from the main world survived direct contact with a comet lol
-the romeo and juliet style romance going on between finn’s kid and big destiny’s kid was really good
-finn showing up with bartram lmao!!!!!
-dude i love bartram, the bit in finn the human where finn’s mom says that they have to sell the mule and then bartram’s head peaks out from the bed in the corner is unironically one of my favorite jokes in adventure time
-i kinda forgot what happens between here and the end
-so did farmworld finn fucking die????
-idk what happened there i sure hope not
-i really don’t know if we’re going to revisit these worlds in any capacity considering the amount of time left but i hope we do now!! i feel like we need to see what happens lmao
-now for ep 6
-wasn’t really expecting it to open on “fionna world” as they started calling it
-i was wondering how they were gonna balance gumball and marshall yaoi with what’s going on with the main trio
-they did it really well though i think
-i also wasn’t really expecting to be introduced to winter king right away once we got back to the main plot
-he definitely gave me weird vibes right from the start im gonna be honest lol
-blaah i don’t really remember what happens between that and the winter wonder world sequence
-so ill just talk about that. holy fuck
-every review i read before the show came out was really hyping this scene up and i get why now
-was really cool to see the beyond the grotto animation again and the song was so good it’s still stuck in my head
-but the moment the winter king said he overcame the crown with sheer will i was like. um. im calling bs
-i was just thinking however it did happen though i have a bad feeling about! felt really bad for simon and when he said that he sucked i was like. oh no ☹️ dude
-the moment i saw little ice marcy pretty much cemented it for me i was like oh no something fucked up is happening here. tbh i still can’t really figure out what happened with that but given what the winter king said about making an ice betty. uhhhhhhhhhh
-OH YEAH cake once again saying simon and the winter king should kiss . GIRL WHAT ARE YOU ON
-i looooved crazy pb
-i remember when people were saying she was a marcy pb child lmao.
-simon saying that he wanted to “fix her” while the winter king just wanted to kill her was really interesting. im trying to figure out what it means lol. like we know that simon wants to be the ice king again but also now knowing he would want to fix and save someone from that madness…idk
-her song was really good
-her playing those ominous notes on her keyboard made me laugh
-i haven’t really talked about gumball (im not calling him gary im sorry) and marshall. i thought they were really cute!!! could definitely see marcy and pb meeting in a similar way
-the juxtaposition between gumball talking about his creations to fionna fighting the fucked up versions of them was really cool
-i hope gumball doesn’t take what the lemoncarbs said to heart . they’re just like that
-ok so. I was honestly more shocked that fionna kissed (a version of) simon than him disintegrating seconds after lmaooooo
-i have to wonder why he immediately died here when in betty (the episode) he was dying relatively slowly without the crown’s magic
-ive been writing down a bunch of crack theories and the first thing ive gotten right was the winter king transferring his craziness to pb lol lets goooo
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-i was thinking that simon might’ve transferred it himself but then i was like nooo he wouldn’t do that….apparently he would do that
-idk despite how he seemed i think the winter king was still a little insane in the membrane.
-maybe the crown was still influencing him in some way? and that’s the message here? idk
-i can’t believe bi fionna is real
-back to gumball and marshall. gumball describing slumber party panic……oh my jod 🥺🥺🥺
-the baby world was so cute
-“and i’ll be cursed the right way” simon do you fucking hear yourself
Ok that’s definitely not all i have to say but this post is long enough lmao ,, god this show is SO GOOD i can’t believe it’s real. ok that’s all
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greetings-inferiors · 9 months
So obviously all but one doctor who game is trash and the only good one is stuck in Lego dimensions, but I think an open world rpg doctor who game could work really well.
You don’t even have to BE the doctor. Or, at least, not the doctor from the show.
Now I know I’ve been playing a lot of baldur’s gate 3, but a doctor who game in the style of baldur’s gate where you start as a timelord who steals a tardis, but in the process of stealing it, gets fatally wounded, and flies off, landing in 1960s London, and when you regenerate, you damage the chameleon circuit (thus keeping the tardis in its police box form, the circuit can be fixed later, and every time period/location has its own tardis exterior, but where’s the fun in that ;)) and the tardis itself, keeping you stranded there (just for the tutorial/very beginning). Here you can create your character (or choose a random character each regeneration), do a starting adventure to meet potential companions and then fix the tardis, then from there it becomes a semi-open world sandbox rpg adventure game. Kind of like undertale, you could become the doctor of war, the oncoming storm, the valeyard, by killing and conquering, but (almost) every encounter and every adventure can be completed with nothing but your wits and your screwdriver.
Obviously there won’t be literally all of time and space to explore, but various time regions and locations of earth and lots of other planets would be available. After 1960s London, you can meet companions, fight monsters, you can storm gallifrey and rule it with an iron fist, you can crashland outside a little girl’s house becoming her imaginary friend, you can fly to skaro to finish off the daleks for good, you can do, well, anything.
Dying isn’t the end, in most cases, as you’d just regenerate (you can select three options: create a character every regeneration, have a randomly generated character each regeneration, or follow canon, where your character looks like each respective incarnation of the doctor (the first doctor, before he regenerates for the first time, will always be William hartnell’s incarnation). Obviously they won’t have the proper actors as the voice actors so it’ll feel/sound weird, but it would be pretty cool.) and carry on. You wouldn’t be able to do everything in your first incarnation, as the “timeline” of events in-game relates (loosely) to your regenerations, so after a certain amount of time you would be forced to regenerate, whether that be a punishment by the time lords, sacrificing your regeneration to save someone’s life, or wanting to go into a certain war with a different face.
Once you’ve used up all 13 regenerations (sorry David and Ncuti but might have to end it at Jodie if we’re going with the follow canon option), you can go to trenzalore, where there’ll be one last hurrah for the doctor, and, just like in time of the doctor, they’ll be granted more regenerations by the time lords, and the game will end with one last flash of regeneration energy.
There could be other endings but idk how they would work lol
Anyway I just think a sandbox, baldur’s gate-ish style rpg where you play as a timelord has so much potential. Yes it would be absolutely massive and probably impossible to actually make (or, at least, to be good), but a boy can dream.
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Those OTHER Dialogues
//Once again for RPG Anon.
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Kyoko and Makoto - Cross-Dressing
Makoto: Enemies are crawling through this dungeon. Starting to worry that we might be a little outmatched here. Kyoko: Makoto, I appreciate your sternness and sincerity to the mission, but...Why are you wearing that? Makoto: I uh...Well, it’s just us two here, right? And you said you liked it when I did this... Kyoko: Y-Yes, that is true, but...why HERE? If you’re trying to use your clothing to break the tension, I admit that you’ve succeeded. Makoto: Well uh... Kyoko: No...perhaps you’re using it as a means to distract the enemies? I suppose that’s an interesting tactic... Makoto: No, Kyoko, seriously...you’re overthinking this... Kyoko: Well, what is it then? Surely you didn’t wear this thing of your own will just to appease me? Makoto: Is that...really so strange?  [Comms Open] Chihiro: I hope you like it Kyoko. Sayaka’s makeup really was something else, and I spent a lot of time handpicking the outfit. Makoto: GAH!? Ch-Chihiro!? You’re still here!? Chihiro: Well, I still have to be on comms in case something goes wrong. Don’t worry, I’ll leave you lovebirds be and won’t tell a soul. [Comms Close] Makoto: Yeah, he uh...kinda gave me a hand with it. Kyoko: You...took this very seriously. Makoto: Yeah, more than I should have. Is it too much? Kyoko: *blushes* No...To be honest...You look very cute...It’s difficult to look you in the eyes right now. I suppose it’s not the enemies who would be distracted, but me. Makoto: Aw, Kyoko...You should have just said so. Kyoko: Even so, are you sure you’re ok with this? You’re not in the least bit embarrassed. Makoto: Oh, I’m definitely embarrassed. But I’ve done worse. One mission isn’t gonna be the end of me. Makoto: I don’t want to distract you from the goal, but if you need a break to just stop and admire me, admire away. Kyoko: Hehe...Why does dressing like that give you MORE confidence? Makoto: If it works for Chihiro, it can work for me too. Now let’s get a move on!
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Hajime and Mahiru - Getting down to Business
Mahiru: You look nice today Hajime. Very neat and tidy. Hajime: Thanks, I’m glad you like it. Decided to take your advice and clean up my act a little bit for today’s mission. Mahiru: You know I only said that in jest. Still, it’s a shame. This outfit looks nice on you, but it’s likely to get dirty while out here. [Comms Open] Chiaki: It’d look a lot better on your floor though Mahiru~ Mahiru: CHIAKI!? Who taught you that one!? Hajime: Yeah, don’t steal my lines! Mahiru: Exactly-Wait WHAT!? Hajime: Look, just keep an eye out. I’ll call you if I need you. Chiaki: Got it. [Comms Close] Mahiru: Wh-What is THAT supposed to mean? Hajime: Well, I am wearing business attire...so how about after we’re done here...you and I get “busy?” Mahiru: Hajime you are...! ...making me cringe honestly... Hajime: Yeah, I heard that leave my mouth and almost immediately regretted it...I’m starting to think I’m not good at these pickup lines... Mahiru: Funny that. Still though... Hajime: Hm? Mahiru: *blushes* It’s not like I’m about to say no to that offer... Hajime: Huh? Mahiru: N-NEVER MIND! You didn’t hear that! Ugh! Let’s just go already! Hajime: Haha...Ladies first~
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Shuichi and Kaede - Submissive Bunny Boy
Kaede: Hey, Shuchi? Shuichi: Here it comes...Yes Kaede? Kaede: Quick Question? Is there a way we can momentarily deactivate comms and eye in the sky for a moment? Shuichi: What? Like...shut it all down you mean? Kaede: Just for a bit. I’ll turn it back on before we actually move out. Shuichi: Um...There should be a way...Give me one second. *Shuichi deactivates comms. Shuichi: Alright, communications are down. No one can hear us. Kaede: Can they still see us? Shuichi: You want to turn that off too? Kaede: Yes! Shuichi: Why!? Kaede: Just do it, you’ll see! Shuichi: Fine... *Shuichi deactivates satellite. Shuichi: Now no one can see or hear us. What are you trying to-MPPH! Kaede: Mmmmgh~ Shuichi: Mah! Ngh! K-Kaede!? MMRPH! Kaede: Mpha! S-Sorry Shuichi...I hit my limit...! Mngh~ Shuichi: Ka-Kaede...Mmgh~ Kaede: HOO! Glad I got that out of my system! Shuichi: OW! *After vigorously making out with him in his bunny outfit, Kaede drops Shuichi. Kaede: Right then! Mission time! Now that all distractions are out of the way, I’m more ready than ever! Oh and uh...you can turn comms and satellite back on Shuichi~ *Kaede exaunts, leaving Shuichi lying on the ground. Shuichi: *smitten* I love her...
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Toko and Komaru - Idol under the Spotlight.
Toko: I still cannot believe I am doing this. Komaru: It’s just for one mission Koko-chan. You can put up with it. Toko: Stop calling me that! My name is Toko, not Koko-chan! Komaru: But all idols need a stage name, don’t they?  Toko: Yeah, but I already know that if you give me some dumb nickname it’s gonna stick with me forever! I don’t wanna be called Koko, or Toki, or something stupid like that! Komaru: Hey! You said you liked Toki! Toko: When did I say that!? It’s a stupid nickname, you literally just changed a single letter! Komaru: You know what? That’s a good point... Toko: *sigh* Komaru: *puts hand on Toko’s shoulder* Hey, Toko. Thanks for doing this for me. Toko: If I lose a bet, I’m going to go through with the conditions of the god damned bet.  Komaru: Yeah, but even so. You didn’t HAVE to do this for me. Toko: Well, I guess not. It’s a bit too late to change anway...Besides, as much as I hate to admit it, this is surprisingly comfortable despite it’s...intricacies. Komaru: Well, no point giving idols something stuffy and uncomfortable when they’re jumping up and down on stage all the time. Toko: This seriously sucks...Ugh...Guess I just need to kill a bunch of Monokuma’s to take my mind off of these. Komaru: Sounds good to me! Let’s put on our own special performance for them! Let’s go Koko-chan! Toko: UUUUUUGH!
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Kuripa and Kibin - THAT one.
[Comms Open] Rantaro: Kuripa...is that outfit what I think it is? Kuripa: Oh, you like it? It’s perfect for a stealthy operation  Rantaro: Suure...Stealth... Kuripa: What, WHAT!? What’s that supposed to mean!? Rantaro: Nothing...Just...make sure you get this done as soon as you can. [Comms Close] Kuripa: Uuugh! Why did I do this!? Kibin: Hey! I wore the erotic spandex on our last mission. Fair’s fair. Kuripa: Yeah, but like...Still! I knew he’d see through it! Kibin: Are you...embarrassed? Kuripa: N-No! It’s just...well...this outfit doesn’t offer much in terms of protection, does it? I kind of feel exposed. Kibin: And you actually care for once? Kuripa: I have SOME dignity! Look at me! I look like a freak! Kibin: You ARE a freak. Kuripa: Not the kind of freak who goes out at night molesting people! Seriously, what exactly are you getting out of this? Kibin: Oh believe me Kuripa...I’m just biding my time. Kuripa: For...what exactly? *Kibin leans in close to his ear. Kibin: I’m just waiting to find the perfect spot on this mission...somewhere we’ll be out of eye and earshot of any and all allies and enemies... Kuripa: Uh...!? Kibin: Once we are, I promise you...I will partake of you to my leisure, and play with you to my heart’s desire...I’ll make you feel things that you’ve never felt before... Kuripa: Mpph...! *Kibin takes Kuripa’s hand. Kibin: That black mask doesn’t hide your blush Kurafto. Now that your horny little mind is motivated, let’s get to work~ Kuripa: Y-Yes ma’am...Hehe...
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//I haven’t done Sora and Yoruko because I couldn’t think of a single thing for it without repeating what was said with Hajime and Mahiru. For now that’s all I’ve got.
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not-krys · 8 months
[Repost] Abandoned - Miri
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Part of this set of WIP Wednesdays
It's my goal to make sure that Miri gets interactions with all the obey me cast in some form or another. I'm also a fan of Big Bro Levi that cares for his younger sibling.
Raw, unedited writing. Spoilers for Lesson 34 of Obey Me Nightbringer and Miri almost drowning.
Miri turned on her side, coughing and sputtering, her pink curls limp and wet against her head. Her chest felt sore and her vision felt fuzzy, but she could breathe again. She wasn’t surrounded by water anymore, but her clothes were clinging to her, heavy as bricks and making all kinds of wet, squishing sounds.
When she opened her eyes, she saw Levi’s worried gaze, his own hair and clothes soaked. His lip was quivering, almost on the verge of tears.
“…Miri?” he said quietly.
She coughed again, catching her breath easier than before, and tried to smile for him.
“I’m okay, Levi,” her voice rasped, “I’m okay.”
Despite both of them still being soaked through, Levi wrapped his arms around her, awkwardly at first, but soon, she could hear the rapid beating of his heart.
“Why?” he asked, “You’re human! You can’t breathe underwater! You could have killed yourself!”
“I was worried about you.”
“Don’t go risking your life on me, Miri!” His grip tightened. “I’m pathetic and useless, I’m not worth risking your human life on!”
“Sorry, but you weren’t letting me in. So, I had to force my way in.”
“At the risk of you dying?!”
“I’ve done stupider life in my life, trust me.”
“Not stupider than this!”
“Don’t go making that bet, Levi.”
“Mi-, ugh, don’t change the subject!”
He sniffled, burying his face in her shoulder.
“Don’t go risking yourself for me like that, Miri. You have people back in the human world worried about you. Family… friends.. m-maybe even someone… you… you…you know, like-like? You don’t have to be here babysitting my brothers… me… especially me. You could be… you could be…”
If he only knew, Miri thought sadly. Her fingers tightened in his shirt, wringing out some of the water, her hands clammy and damp. She bit her lip.
“Levi,” she spoke quietly, trying to be gentle with her words, “getting home… it’s important to me, of course. But…” More water ran down her hand as she pulled tighter, “all of you are also just as important to me. Especially counting you.”
Levi shuddered.
“I mean it.” Miri said, “you… you taught me how important it is to be passionate about what you love, no matter what anyone else says or thinks. Even for things others may think of as unimportant… or worthless, at worst.”
“And,” she continued. “I’m glad you were there for me at the Fountain of Knowledge. You, and Asmo, and Mammon, too.”
“Lucifer was on the war path, how could I-?” Levi flushed, “I… I didn’t do much to protect you though. That was you and Solomon, standing up to Lucifer like that…”
“You still came though, when you could have stayed behind with anyone else…”
Levi grumbled and hid in her shoulder again. Miri brushed back his damp hair, smiling.
“You’re like a brother… no, you are a brother to me. No matter where I go in the universe, that’ll always be a fact. A universal truth. There’s no else I’d rather play RPGs with, watch tear-inducing animes with, wear matching cosplays with-”
“You know, our matching Ruri-chan and-” Miri froze, wondering if she had said too much.
“A-anyway… you’re my big brother! And I’m sorry if what me and Solomon were talking about upset you. As much as getting back is important for me, my family here is important to me too. I wouldn’t abandon you guys for no reason.”
Outside of external timey-wimey shenanigans and a chaos being wanting to fuck with her head, Miri thought bitterly.
“Yeah, my family. A found family, if you wanna think of it that way. I.. Well, I literally fell here and… you guys found me, and I found you, in a way.”
“Found family, like in manga…”
“And, even if we have to part ways someday, we’re still family, even if we’re apart, right?”
“Y-yeah, we’re still family. Even if we’re apart.”
The two hugged again, wet clothes squishing and slopping against each other.
“…We probably should find a change of clothes at some point.”
“Agreed. But the entire house is flooded. As is most of Devildom.”
“…Everyone is pissed, aren’t they.”
“Wet and livid, yeah.”
Levi hid his face again, grumbling apologies as Miri smiled with a sigh.
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arabellaflynn · 2 years
Advent Calendar 04: Interactive (And Feelable!) Fiction
Greetings, and welcome to Advent Calendar 2022! This year we're being self-indulgent and rambling about video games.
As usual, the Advent Calendar is also a pledge drive. Subscribe to my writing Patreon here by December 15th for at least $5/mo and get an e-card for Ratmas; subscribe for $20/mo (and drop me a mailing address) and you'll get a real paper one!
I hope you're all having a happy winter holiday season. Let the nerd rambling commence!
The tragically short-lived practice of including fold-out maps and info sheets with console RPGs was part necessity, and part tradition. Once upon a time, before consoles, before RPGs, before even graphics... there were games with words. And those games came with "feelies".
The earliest text-based video game I am aware of is Colossal Cave Adventure, often styled as ADVENT, the only case and maximum number of characters allowed in file names on the PDP-11, the minicomputer it ran on. Back in those days, people did not have an all-in-one computer system sitting on their desk; rather, some large institution bought an expensive cabinet-sized thinking machine and put it in an equally-expensive climate controlled room, and those permitted were allowed to use terminals to access some sliver of the expensive machine's thinking time. Will Crowther took advantage of this arrangement while he was undergoing an unpleasant divorce, to write a game for his two daughters to play remotely while he couldn't be with them in person.
Crowther's major innovation was in programming the game to use a "parser", or a mini language processor, that allowed the player to communicate with the game in basic English words rather than having to learn the technical PDP-11 command set. It provides the basic framework for interactive fiction games to this very day, and in the mid-2000s the metaphor was even extended to programming interactive fiction with Inform 7, an interpreter that allows the author to build the game in something that looks and reads a lot like English.
Parsers are fun, for a certain very specific definition of "fun". IF players are all familiar with the metagame of "guess the verb", caused by a parser with a limited vocabulary and a game that fails to make clear what words it knows. You see a lot of transcripts like this:
> take snack
> eat snack
You have to open the wrapper first.
> open snack
> eat snack
I'm sorry, I don't recognize the command "eat".
> consume snack
I'm sorry, I don't recognize the command "consume".
> taste snack
I'm sorry, I don't recognize the command "taste".
> lick snack
I'm sorry, I don't recognize the command "lick".
> nibble snack
I'm sorry, I don't recognize the command "nibble".
> bite snack
I'm sorry, I don't recognize the command "bite".
> fuck you
That's not very nice.
> iashfuihasiufhisuhdf
I'm sorry, I don't recognize the command "iashfuihasiufhisuhdf".
The classics of the genre developed "feelies" -- that is, tchotchkes in the packages -- early on. The first one I know of is Deadline, a murder mystery where they just couldn't fit everything they needed within the game itself, and so resorted to packing a printed autopsy report in the box. Turns out that, in addition to being adorable props, feelies were excellent cheap(ish) copy protection. Deadline was accidentally unusable without the autopsy report, but publishers soon realized that if they made progress in the game contingent on having information present only in the feelies, they could curtail the kind of rampant piracy made easy by disk copying. In general, the more obstacles you put between copy and distribution, the less people will do it; making people hike down to the copy center was not insurmountable, but it was enough to deter the most apathetic of casual pirates. Later schemes employed text in an unXeroxable blue, or screened with a red that looked black to non-color copiers, or scrambled such that you needed a lens or prism (also in the box) to read it.
Interactive fiction is alive and well; there's an IF club at MIT, where I once got to sit in on a couple of meetings with an old co-worker of mine. (Getting there was an adventure of its own. MIT is not well-marked. All the doors have 'authorized personnel only' notices on them, but if you're the kind of person who's kept out by polite "keep out" signs, you're not the sort of person they really want wandering around MIT in the first place. I casually tailgated into several blocks of offices before I figured out where the meeting was.) Many years ago, Infocom, the great grand-pappy of commercial IF publishing, was gracious enough to distrubute the classic Zork trilogy free as a promotion for one of the later Zork adventures. You can watch a playthrough here:
...or play it yourself at this link. Walkthrough here, in case you find yourself playing "guess the verb".
from Blogger https://ift.tt/JfPKRS9 via IFTTT -------------------- Enjoy my writing? Consider becoming a Patron, subscribing via Kindle, or just toss a little something in my tip jar. Thanks!
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quickbanana · 2 years
Girlvania demo more games
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Girlvania demo more games download#
Apparently, it was too similar to the first game, so they figured, fuck it, let’s just call it a comeback. I read that this game was supposed to be a spiritual successor, instead of a real sequel. Or at the very least, it’s going to be a pirate-themed Didnapper game. From the general vibe of the demo, you can tell that this is going to be a pirate game. Keep in mind we’re still only talking about the demo. This pretty much sets up the narrative for what you can expect to see in the final version of the game. She quickly manages to get herself kidnapped and taken aboard a pirate ship. I never understood this kind of fantasy racism, but it works well as a plot device, so I guess I’ll live with it. She’s a bit of an unwanted presence, since she’s magical and people don’t like that. It’s your standard RPG story, at the start. You play as a chick named Seles, who is a fighter mage that lives in a small village. This one takes place in the same universe, but you’ve got an entirely different cast. You didn’t do a lot of boating, if you know what I mean. The first game very much took place on land. The biggest difference between this game and the previous one, other than the quality of life improvements, is the piracy. You give me that type of gameplay, and sexy bitches all in one universe, and I’m set to have hours of fun. Why would you do that? Who knows? Who cares? It was the most fun part of that game’s entire kit. In that game, you can fuck around and hogtie people any time you want, then drag them behind you while you ride off on your horse. I’ve seen this type of thing in Red Dead Redemption 2. You straight-up get involved in the action, any way you want to at any time you feel like it. You’re not just talking about tying people up or going through cutscenes. It’s this kind of open-world fun that makes RPG games immersive. You knock her out, tie her up, and take her back to your sex dungeon where you proceed to … I dunno, recruit her to capture more chicks? You see some gorgeous redhead with big flopping tits just minding her own business. Conversely, say you’re the random passerby. You escape, you fuck their shit up and take their stuff. You fuck around, minding your own business, and you get hogtied by some random passerby. You’re role-playing inside a fantastical world in which spontaneous bondage is an everyday occurrence. But, I have to say, the RPGs they’ve made so far are perfect for this specific BDSM sub-genre. DID have dabbled with other genres, they don’t just do RPGs. In terms of actual gameplay, there’s a lot of potential here. It’s all about the games and plays of trapping and feeling trapped. Whether it hurts or not is very secondary. Should you still play them even though they don’t technically have smut? Absolutely and I’m about to explain why.īDSM features all kinds of chains, whips, ropes, punishments, pains, and pleasures, but DID are very specifically focused on everything and anything that you can be bound in or use to bind other people. It wouldn’t be too hard, but it’s not exactly intended use. That’s what they do, and they do it well. The big shtick is that DID focus on damsel in distress narratives and all kinds of bondage and escapes. There’s no nudity in these games, at least, as far as I can tell. Wait, did I say softcore? Yeah, sorry, boys. Overall, public opinion on DID’s games has remained the same throughout all of their work – they make the best softcore bondage games out there. I’m not saying DID aren’t entirely to thank for the amazing success of Didnapper 1 it’s just that, the tons of fan information must have helped at least a little bit. The Patreon supporters who backed that project were very much invited to share their opinions on the game. Plus, their first game was very much a labor of love. DID are very proud of the work they’ve put into this fantastical world.
Girlvania demo more games download#
This game’s got an available demo for you to download right away. So far, their games have been available for free, more or less, but they’re changing that with this next game that isn’t technically out yet, at least not fully. I’m lucky I’ve already reviewed Didnapper, because it would appear that that game was very much a build-up to DID studio’s next big break.
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alpha-beta-gamer · 2 years
Sorry, We’re Open is a RPG horror adventure where you try to survive while managing a monster-filled supermarket! 
Read More & Play The Beta Demo, Free (Windows)
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Prompts: Could we get a sequel to rage? Because I really enjoy batshit Roman and Logan, along with supportive Virgil and Remus. Preferably Patton and Janus continuing having their head in their asses, and Roman and Logan knocking some sense into them. - anon
Both Roman and Remus give tank vibes (in the RPG sense) to me, and also tend to have self-destructive issues. Could I request a fic or AU where both of them keep trying to take the hits for everyone else, and tell each other "you need to stop getting hurt" but can't recognize it in themself? And eventually the rest of the group sits them down and goes "we love you, we want you to be safe, please don't do this?" - anon
May I please request some c!thomas angst? Maybe some my-sides-are-arguing-and-it’s-getting-painfully-overwhelming flavored? - anon
I am way late, I know, but Thomas's birthday is tomorrow, from my timezone at least, so something centered around character him would be lovely (especially in your awesome writing!!) Maybe something with the sides showing the their love for him and/or him expressing it back somehow? I think their relationships can be so cute but from what I've seen people don't often write about them sadly. Thank you for considering this, and extra thanks if you write it! (Ps: sorry this was long 😅)
happy b-day thomathy sand dollar
Read on Ao3 Part 1
Warnings: some allusions to manipulation and guilt tripping
Pairings: logince, platonic or romantic i don’t care
Word Count: 5278
His ears are ringing. That’s funny. They don’t normally do that.
His ears are ringing. That’s funny. They don’t normally do that. Maybe there’s a bell going off somewhere. Or there are sirens driving by outside. No, no, this is a bit too high-pitched for that. What was it that Logan called it again? Oh, right. Tinnitus. That’s what’s going on. Wait, does he have tinnitus? He doesn’t think so. He keeps his headphones on a reasonable volume thanks to Logan anyway, it’s not normally quick onset like this, is it?
“All I’m saying is—“
“All you’re saying is we completely disregard the progress we’ve made in favor of sliding back into patterns of thinking that have done nothing but harm us, yes, I can see why you think this is a perfectly rational course of action.”
“That’s not what I’m saying! Stop twisting my words!”
The ringing is getting worse. His temples start to throb. He doesn’t remember that being part of Logan’s description of tinnitus. Maybe that isn’t what this is. But then what could it be?
“Janus, if you don’t have anything useful to contribute—“
“Wow, perhaps I should’ve imitated you again, then I would be listened to, right?”
“Hey! Not cool, you slippery snake, that was out of line!”
“And you never color outside the lines, do you?”
He blinks. That’s funny. He thought he was looking up at the Sides. Why is he staring down at the carpet? It’s a nice carpet, though, so maybe he doesn’t mind looking at it. There’s a stain there. Did he spill something?
“Kiddos, kiddos, let’s all just calm down now. There’s been a lot of aggression from both sides, so let’s just—“
“Both sides?”
“There are more than two of us talking, Patton.”
“Both sides of the argument, Logan, that’s what I mean. So let’s all just take a deep breath and—“
“Are you kidding me? He’s the one who’s insulting us! We’re just standing here!”
“You aren’t just standing there, you’re disagreeing with him.”
“And disagreeing is enough to be insulted and degraded like that?”
“Wow, Roman, so sensitive. There’s no need for you to get so upset.”
“Yeah, kiddo, you just need to calm down. Then we can talk about this calmly and rationally, just like Logan wants, okay?”
���You realize we’ve tried that already, right? That’s how we started this conversation!”
Someone snorts. “You remember three years ago when we started this conversation?”
“I believe it’s only been about thirty-five minutes.”
“I was exaggerating for dramatic effect, L.”
“But Roman, you aren’t being very open-minded about this.”
His chest hurts now. Why does his chest hurt? Is it because he’s thinking about how long it’s going to take to clean the carpet? It’s not that bad of a stain. It must’ve just been tea he spilled. Or juice. Maybe that’s it. Maybe he spilled some juice and he has to clean it up. If he could move, he would go and do that. He should go and do that now. 
But there’s something he’s forgetting. 
“You have to try and compromise, Roman, that’s the only way this is going to resolve amicably.”
“Come on, kiddo, you’ve done so well with it before, just calm down and then we’ll keep going, okay?”
“Well, I’m not sure I can wait that long, as long as he’s not about to fire off on all cylinders…”
“Janus, just be patient with him.”
A sharp pain shoots through Thomas’s chest and an ache blooms on his cheek. 
He’d been having trouble deciding whether or not to go to one of his friend’s gallery openings. It was on a day they were free, by design, and they should be able to go. But the reason that day was free was because they’d arranged his schedule so he could have a free day, absent of any obligations or work requirements. If he went to the gallery opening, it wouldn’t be a free day anymore. 
Right, right, that’s why everyone’s so mad. 
Thomas winces as he feels a hand rub against the warmth on his face. His eyes still haven’t left the carpet, head pounding and chest aching. They’ve been fighting for—oh, what was it that Logan said, over half an hour now? And they’d made no progress. 
Because Roman had suggested that one two-hour commitment might be nice since it was something Thomas would enjoy anyway and supporting his friend would be nice too, but Janus had doubled down on this being a free day and Patton had agreed that it would be wrong of them to go to make themselves feel better and—
“Holy shit, Princey, that—that looks bad.”
“It’s fine.”
Patton sighs, disappointment strong enough for Thomas’s chest to ache with renewed zeal, “Roman, you don’t need to be so dramatic.”
“Faking a bruise? Really?” The condescension and scorn in Janus’s words make his stomach turn. “Next you’ll be telling us you need time to ‘recover’ before we can continue.”
Thomas feels cold. It isn’t cold in his apartment. Why does he feel cold? It is always cold? He tries to open and close his hands but they won’t respond. That’s weird. 
“Hey, assholes, why don’t you back off for a second?”
“Not the time, Patton, now shut up and let Roman be.”
“My, my, Virgil, how rude. You shouldn’t talk to your father like that.”
“We’re all the same age, you dick!”
There’s a shocked inhale. How did Patton manage to breathe in so sharply? He should try it to see if it’s possible. 
“There’s no need for such rudeness, Virgil, look what you’ve done.”
“What I’ve done? What about what you’ve done?”
“I’m not the one shouting!”
“You’re shouting right now!”
“But we didn’t start it, Virgil, you know that—“
“Actually, if we’re counting ‘who started it’ by who devolved into petty insults and making things personal, I believe you did start it.”
“And I’d never dream of disagreeing with you, Logan, what kind of monster would I be if I did that?”
Try as he might, he just can’t mimic the gasp Patton did. Why not? His chest doesn’t want to expand. That’s annoying. What if he needs to breathe?
What if he needs to breathe?
He needs to breathe?
He needs to breathe. 
Oh, no. 
He needs to breathe. 
The realization of what’s going on slams into Thomas. He can’t breathe. He’s not breathing. His head is pounding and his chest is aching and his face stings and his ears ring and he can’t breathe. 
He can’t breathe. 
The noise of the room dulls out into a soft mumble as someone speaks into his ears. 
“Hey, Tommy-Boy. Thomas. Thomas.”
Remus. That’s Remus he’s hearing. 
“Sure is, Thomas. Just me. You’re not doing so good right now, and that’s okay, but I’m gonna need you to focus on me for a moment, ‘kay? You’re doing great right now, just stay with me.”
Remus. Remus. He can hear Remus. Remus’s voice is soft and careful and he grabs onto it with both hands. 
“That’s it, you just stay with me here. I know breathing is hard but you gotta take a breath, okay? Go slow, then it won’t hurt so much.”
Remus begins to guide him through breathing. This is good. This is fine. He can do this. 
“You sure can, Thomas, you’re doing really good. Just another slow breath, okay? That’s all you gotta do. Just like that.”
Thomas closes his eyes and draws another slow breath in through his nose, out through his mouth. It stings a little as it hits the back of his throat but Remus shushes him carefully. 
“It’s okay, Thomas, just keep it nice and slow. You’re doing great, just keep coming out of it for me. Shouldn’t be too hard, you’ve done it before, yeah?”
What’s happening? What’s happening to me?
“Your Ego is taking the brunt of the battering that’s happening right now,” Remus explains softly, “so you’re not feeling too good. Roro’s doing his best to keep the worst of it away from you, but there’s only so much he can do while he’s getting treated like this.”
His mind drifts to the throbbing in his cheek. 
“Yeah, that’s a bruise. Not on you, on Roro. It’s okay, Thomas, you’re okay. Just keep breathing and come out of it, okay? This is temporary, it won’t last forever.”
After what seems like forever, but can’t be longer than a few minutes, Thomas finally takes a deep breath that reaches all of his lungs and blinks. 
Wow, okay, his neck is sore. How long has he been staring at the ground? He winces, rolling it around a few times before looking up at the rest of the room. 
The Sides are looking at him. Some of them look sympathetic, some of them look curious, some of them look annoyed. At him?
“No, Thomas,” Remus says, still speaking softly, “not at you.”
“You got overwhelmed,” Virgil says, usual growl softened to a low rumble, “that’s all. Sorry it took me so long to notice.”
Thomas shakes his head. “I, uh, that hasn’t happened to me before. Not like that.”
“My guess is that having all of us—“ Logan motions around the room— “arguing like that was…doing the equivalent metaphysically ripping you apart.”
Thomas winces. “Yeah, that, uh…mhm.”
“My apologies for not noticing sooner.”
“No, no, you guys were…busy.”
“'Were,’ yes,” Logan says, a little sharper, before turning to address the others, “but we’re done for today.”
“What?” Patton blinks. “But we haven’t come to a decision!”
“That is correct,” Logan continues, the chill in his voice making the hairs on Thomas’s arm stand on end, “but we will not make a decision at the expense of Thomas’s well-being. Ergo, we are finished for the day.”
“And you get to make that decision all by yourself, do you?”
“He’s not by himself,” Roman says lowly, turning to face Patton and Janus, “I agree with him.”
“Well, there’s a surprise.”
“Me too,” Virgil growls. 
“And me.” Without waiting for anything else, Remus stretches his arms out—Thomas hides a gag—and grabs Patton’s shoulder and Janus’s elbow. “Bye!”
Virgil rolls his eyes a little fondly as the three sink out, shooting a look at Thomas. “You gonna be okay if I leave?”
“Y-yeah, Virgil, uh, thanks.”
Virgil tips a lazy two-fingered salute as he sinks out. Logan glances at Roman. The two exchange a look and a nod that—okay, Thomas is missing something here. But then Logan turns to him and his expression softens. 
“Do you want one of us to stay with you for a little while?”
Thomas rubs his arm, trying to get the goosebumps out. “Um…”
“Let me,” Roman says softly, “I can help, if you want. Seeing as it’s…well, me that’s hurting.”
“It’s not your fault, Roman.”
“I didn’t say it was.” He takes a step closer. “But I am the part of you that’s hurt.”
Thomas falters and Logan nods carefully. 
“Roman will take care of you,” he promises, “or…perhaps you will take care of each other.”
Thomas looks between them. “Will you two…explain? Later, maybe? You seem…something feels different.”
Roman huffs out a laugh. “Yeah, you could say that.”
“Later, Thomas, we will do our best to explain. But for right now, why don’t you take care of yourself?”
Logan smiles, a soft thing that he hasn’t seen in a long time, and sinks out. 
“Thomas,” Roman says, his expression still soft and compassionate despite the—ouch, despite the huge bruise on the left side of his face, “can I come over to you?”
“Uh, yeah, buddy, you can do what you want.”
“Thank you.” Roman walks over to him and whoa, okay, that’s a bit weird. Yeah, he knows the Sides can move and stuff, but he’s not normally this close to them. “Thomas?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here.”
“You sure?” Roman tilts his head and frowns. “You seem a bit…well, discombobulated.”
The memory of the ‘discombobulate’ clip from that one Sherlock movie springs unbidden into his head and he can’t help but giggle at it. Roman smiles with him. 
“Sorry, sorry, it’s just…discombobulate.”
Roman throws his head back in a louder laugh. “Don’t worry, I’m not about to discombobulate you.”
“That’s such a good word.”
“What, discombobulate?”
“I have to say it in the accent, don’t I?”
Thomas screws up his face and puts on the worst posh British accent he can think of. “Discombobulate.”
“That’s it!”
Roman shakes his head, still laughing. “RDJ would be proud of us.”
“We’ll put it on the list of things to do if we meet him, right?”
“When, Thomas,” Roman says grandly, his hands sweeping up into his normal dramatic gesture, “when we meet him.”
“Yeah, okay.”
At the quietly resigned note in his voice, Roman softens, the brazen grin going back to something a little kinder as he stands up and nods to the couch. Thomas goes, sitting down and putting his head in his hands. After a moment, he feels the couch sink as Roman sits next to him. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“What is there to talk about?” Thomas groans and flops back onto the couch. “If I go, I’m either being selfish and doing it to make myself feel better, or I’m putting someone else’s wants above my needs again. Or I’m being selfish by staying in and not going to support my friend, or I’m taking care of myself regardless of how bad I feel about not going.”
“That wasn’t what I meant,” Roman chides lightly, “I meant do you want to talk about how you’re feeling right now.”
Thomas blinks. “I…um…”
“I’m your Ego, Thomas,” Roman says when Thomas can’t find any more words, “I’m the you that gets hurt when things go wrong. I can tell you what I’m feeling right now, but it might help more if you do it.”
“Um…well, my face still kind of hurts.”
Roman nods encouragingly. “What else?”
“My chest feels…heavy? Almost like there’s a weight attached to it?”
“And, um…my ears are still ringing. I can’t…it, um…it’s not good.”
“Here,” Roman suggests, prompting Thomas to sit up a bit, “cover your ears with your hands and drum your fingers on the back of your head, just here.”
Thomas tries, a little doubtful, only for the soothing taps on the back of his head to banish the worst of the whining from his ears. His eyes widen and he looks up at Roman. 
“Better, I take it, yeah?”
“Yeah, loads better, how did you…?”
“Logan,” Roman says, “he and Virgil—since they’re both part of the Left Brain, they can get into feedback loops with each other and I don’t know if you know this about Virgil, but he really likes to crank the volume on his headphones.”
Thomas shudders. “I can imagine.”
Roman chuckles. “So…Logan taught me how to cope with it and it helps me when Remus and I are bleeding too much.”
“Wait, what? You bleed?”
“Shh, shh, not like that, calm down. Just ‘cause we’re both Creativity, sometimes when we get excited we tend to, uh, the lines between our parts of Creativity can get a bit messy.”
“So it…doesn’t hurt?”
“No, Thomas, it doesn’t hurt.”
Thomas accepts it with a nod. They sit on the couch in silence for a bit, as the throbbing pain begins to ease and they can relax into the cushions. Thomas glances over to see the bruise fading away from Roman’s cheek. His eyes are closed and he looks…peaceful. 
“I’d tell you to take a picture,” he says out of nowhere, startling Thomas, “but you see our face every day, don’t you?”
“Sorry, I, um…”
Roman chuckles. “It’s your face, Thomas, you’re allowed to look.”
He cracks an eye open when Thomas stays quiet. 
“Or ask me any questions you have.”
“What…happened?” He shifts a little closer on the couch. “You and Logan and Remus, you…last I remember, you were all a bit…”
“At each other’s throats?”
Roman sighs, some of the peaceful energy slipping away and for a moment, Thomas wants to retreat the question, try and give some of it back, but Roman speaks. 
“We had a talk.” He shifts. “Or, well…talking was involved. Basically, we went to a rage room Remus made.”
“A…rage room?”
“A room full of things designed to be broken so you can let your anger out.”
Thomas blinks. That…doesn’t sound like the Roman and Logan he knows. Remus, sure, but…these two? “…why?”
Some part of him bristles and the question and he winces. 
“Sorry if that was rude, I just—“
“No, Thomas, it’s alright, I don’t mind telling you.” Roman sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “I just—the last time someone asked me that question, it wasn’t with the same—they didn’t ask it like you did.”
“…how did they ask it?”
“The same way you would ask someone why they still wholeheartedly support the Harry Potter franchise even after all that’s happened and the new game has been announced.”
“Oh.” He frowns. “Wait, who—“
“One question at a time,” Roman laughs, sitting up a little more. “Logan and I went because Remus and Virgil suggested it. And they were right, it did feel good. We, uh, had a talk before and realized we were more on the same side of things than we thought. It was nice. A good bonding experience.”
Despite himself, Thomas smiles. “Baby’s first act of civil disobedience?”
Roman grins. “Exactly. Ooh, I should look for Captain America’s shield next time. Really beat the toast out of some anti-homeless architecture for flavor.”
“I’m sure Logan would be down with that.”
“Me too.”
They laugh for a moment before Thomas swallows. “…so who…?”
The last of the humor disappears from Roman’s expression and he sighs. “I’m not telling you this because I think it’s your fault, I’m telling you this because you asked for it, okay?”
“Uh…do you want me to un-ask for it?”
Instead of the laugh he thinks he might get, Roman just sighs again. “No, Thomas, you…you have a right to know. It’s your Sides that are the problem.”
Thomas sits up a bit more as Roman turns to face him. 
“Can you answer me one question before I tell you? Honestly?”
“Yeah, Roman, I can.”
Roman hesitates. “Do you…do you think Patton and Janus treat me or Logan fairly?” 
Thomas blinks. And blinks. And blinks again. Not the question he was expecting to have to answer. 
Do they?
Roman is…well, Roman isn’t really shy about what he wants, is he? He’s loud and extravagant and insists on things, so…
Wait, is he?
Thomas furrows his brow. 
The last time Roman wanted something it was…the callback. And he didn’t—the whole point of that was that he sent Thomas to the wedding. Which he didn’t want. And then with the wedding, he…well, after the wedding he didn’t do much. That was Patton and Janus fighting. 
But hasn’t it always been Patton and Janus fighting? The two of them disagreeing over what was going on? What Thomas was doing? Since when did Roman come into it?
The last time Roman stood up for what he wanted until Thomas shut it down was…was…
Guys and Dolls. 
And then Janus had impersonated Patton. And then there had been the wedding. And then—and then—
And Logan, gosh, what happened to Logan? 
They’d excluded him from the trial, Janus had impersonated him so many times, they’d…
Oh, god. 
Roman is still looking at him, waiting for an answer. 
“No,” Thomas whispers, “no, I don’t think they do.”
The sudden wave of relief that crashes over Roman takes him by surprise, especially when the bruise suddenly vanishes and the pain fades. Another smile comes to his face but it glows now, it looks—Roman looks at him and smiles and Thomas smiles back. 
“You have no idea how much that means to me,” Roman murmurs, still smiling, “thank you, Thomas.”
He nods. 
“So…Logan and I were talking about that, and uh, we got…a bit frustrated.”
“I think that’s fair.”
“And then Remus and Virgil heard what we were talking about and they suggested the rage room.”
A bit of dread curls in Thomas’s stomach. “Did…did Patton and Janus…?”
A darkness flitters across Roman’s gaze. “They weren’t the most receptive to the idea.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Isn’t it,” Thomas says bitterly, “they’re my Sides.”
“Yes, they represent part of you and how you think, but you’re not completely responsible for them.”
“So what do I do? I don’t want them to be mean to you! If you—if you need something, I should listen to it!”
Roman just stares at him, a soft smile playing on his lips again. 
“Oh.” Thomas’s eyes widen. “Oh.”
“In a roundabout way,” Roman says quietly, “I think I’ve just done what Janus has been pushing you to do. Take care of yourself.”
“I’ll try,” Thomas promises, reaching out as Roman rests a hand on his shoulder, “I promise, I will.”
“That’s the spirit.” His mouth curls up higher. “You know what I think we should do now?”
“Watch that discombobulate clip until I can’t stop laughing at it?”
“You read my mind.”
“My mind.”
“You’re in charge!”
As soon as Remus sinks them into the Mindscape, he squares his shoulders and lifts his chin. Into battle. 
“Remus!” Patton crosses his arms and glares at him. “That was inappropriate! We do not sink other Sides without their permission!”
“You’re fine, Dad-bot, you’re not hurt.” Remus flicks a speck of grime from his sash. “Besides, I was helping Thomathy, doesn’t that count for something?”
“Oh, sure,” Janus drawls in that voice that never fails to set Remus’s teeth on edge, “you did just what we wanted, how very good for you.”
Remus grits his teeth. “Like you can talk.”
“Oh, but I can.” Janus grins and his teeth glimmer. “Quite well, in fact.”
“We were in the middle of a conversation, Remus, you can’t just sink us mid-conversation!”
“Wrong!” Remus bounces up and down on the balls of his feet. “You were in the middle of being giant whale penises to Logan and Roman. I was in the middle of trying to keep Thomas from dissociating so hard we ceased to exist. We are not the same.”
“You don’t need to exaggerate, Remus.”
“He’s not exaggerating,” Virgil says, appearing next to Remus, “that was bad, you guys. Like, really bad.”
“Mm.” Janus fixes him with a look. “Bad enough that you didn’t notice it?”
Virgil glowers. “Yeah. If it’s bad enough that I can forget Thomas exists, that’s how much he’s out of his head, me, the literal embodiment of worrying about Thomas, then yeah, Janus, that’s bad.”
Janus looks at Virgil for a long time, before nodding once. Silent. A concession, not an apology. 
“Well,” Patton says, clearly doubling down, “then that’s even more reason why you shouldn’t have done that, Remus! You know that speaking directly to Thomas like that can be dangerous, just look at what happened last time?”
Remus growls. “What, me showing up? Is that the big bad boogeyman that you think about? Just me? I don’t know whether I should be flattered or insulted.”
“My, my,” Janus says, his voice sharper now, “how polite, Remus, it seems your manners haven’t gone anywhere at all.”
“Oh, I’ll show you manners.”
“Remus,” Virgil says quietly, “don’t, you’ll just do what they want.”
“Yes, Remus,” Janus drawls, “don’t do what we want, we’re the bad guys, remember?”
“Don’t,” Virgil says sharply, pointing a stern finger at him, “you don’t get to play that card. Not now, not after what just happened.” “And of course, I wouldn’t dream of doing anything without your express permission.”
Virgil is saved from having to respond to that when Logan rises up next to him. “Hey, how are they? All good?”
“Yes. Roman is going to stay and help Thomas recover a little more.”
“Good. You okay?”
Logan nods as Virgil knocks their elbows together. 
Their attention is drawn back when Patton straightens up and fixes Remus with a look. “I just don’t understand why you did that. We all could’ve helped Thomas recover, but you didn’t let us make that decision.”
“You did,” Remus growls, “you did make that decision, when you didn’t look at the consequences of your little argument long enough to realize what you were doing. That disqualifies you from helping. Go straight to gay baby jail, do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred goat testicles.”
“Yeah, that’s how I remember the game going too,” Virgil mutters. 
“It was going fine!” Patton pushes his glasses up his nose. “You just messed things up like you always do!”
Remus goes still. 
“Is that what you think I do,” he asks in a soft, dangerous voice, “you think I just mess things up?”
Patton falters. “W-well—“
“No wonder Roro’s so fucked up,” Remus spits, making Logan flinch, “if this is who he grew up with. At least Janny’s honest about being a lying liar who lies about things.”
Patton recoils as if Remus has struck him and Janus moves protectively in front of him, glaring at Remus. Remus returns the glare with equal fervor. 
Janus is the first to look away. 
Virgil just shrugs and glares when he tries to look at him and eventually, his gaze comes to rest on Logan. 
“Come on, Logan,” he says, trying for coaxing and missing, “surely you don’t think this is all necessary?”
Logan just blinks. “Do you think my opinion will be valuable in this situation?”
“You’re Logic, aren’t you? What does Logic have to say about this?”
“I’m confused, are you asking for Logic or Logan?”
Janus rolls his eyes. “What’s the difference?”
“The difference is Logic would be able to tell you how rude and inconsiderate you’re being without getting upset,” Logan says, his control over his voice beginning to slip, “I as Logan, however, will not. And I will add that you are being cruel.”
“Oh, for the love of—if this is about—“
“Yes, this is about that,” Logan snaps, “and about impersonating me, and about everything else you’ve done in the name of Thomas when all you’ve been doing is clawing your way into a better standing with him at our expense.”
“You get them, L,” Virgil mutters.
“Logan,” Patton says quietly, a hand on his chest, “I have never—“
“Oh, fuck off,” Remus sighs, “you pressed the ‘skip all’ button, and a shit ton of other stuff.”
“And, in case you’ve forgotten,” Virgil says, “you did just bruise Roman right in front of everyone.”
“You have no proof that was me!”
Remus opens his mouth to snap at him when he feels a familiar tingle in his fingers. “Why don’t we ask him?”
Indeed, Roman rises up into the Mindscape and Logan has to blink. 
Roman is glowing. 
Not just because he’s wearing white, there’s a soft light emanating from him that makes Patton and Janus take a step back. Although judging by the hunch of his shoulders, it’s equally likely that he’s glaring at them so hard they move back. 
“Congratulations, Janus,” Roman says and oh, that’s new, “I think I’ve just gotten what you’ve been pushing for this whole time.”
Janus swallows. “And what would that be?”
“Thomas is going to start listening to himself,” Roman says as he walks toward him, “he’s going to start paying attention to what he wants and what he needs. He’s going to start making sure he’s kinder to himself about that.”
Janus blinks. 
“That is what you want, isn’t it?”
“Good. Then yes, Janus, you’re welcome.”
Patton clears his throat. “And why are you taking credit for this?”
Next to him, Janus goes white. 
“Oh,” he breathes out, “oh, oh, oh, no, Roman, I’m—I’m so sorry.”
Roman turns to look at Patton. “Because the part of Thomas that wants, that is the loudest about when Thomas needs taking care of, that part that Thomas hasn’t been listening to, is me.”
“Roman is the Ego,” Logan supplements quietly, “and he’s the one that gets bruised every time Thomas gets hurt.”
“Oh, Roman,” Janus mumbles, staring at him like he’s never seen him before, “Roman, I’m—I—“
Roman’s hands tremble where they’re clenched next to his sides. “I know.”
Patton looks back and forth between Roman and Janus, his gaze growing increasingly frantic. “But—but Roman, we do listen to you, we—“
Roman just lets out a mirthless laugh. 
“—you’re always arguing with us,” Patton tries instead, protests growing weaker by the second, “and we—“
“You’re so preoccupied with the fact that you and Janus are agreeing after so long that you’ve forgotten it’s your fault we’re all like this.”
Patton does flinch at that, his mouth open, staring at Roman. 
“It’s true,” Logan says, a little kinder, “you and Janus…when you started to disagree, you split us up. And your disagreement filtered down to all of us. And now that you both agree again…”
He trails off. 
“They’re telling the truth,” Janus says very quietly. 
Patton looks around at all of them. “No…no, no, that can’t be right, it can’t…no—“
Roman’s fists shake. Remus steps forward and pulls him back a few paces, muttering in his ear. 
“Don’t. We’re both bad about taking hits, you’ve taken enough today.”
“He’s not going to understand,” Roman hisses, “not right now, we...I’m done for.”
“You aren’t,” Logan says as Virgil nods, “you’re going to be fine.”
Patton raises his head slowly. His fists tremble at his sides too. “We’ve all had a very hard day,” he says instead of addressing anything that’s happened so far, “so we’re all going to calm down—“
“Aren’t you tired of being nice?”
The room pauses. Roman looks at Logan. Logan looks back. 
“Aren’t you tired of being nice,” Logan repeats, “don’t you just want to go apeshit?”
Roman grins. “Yeah, Specs. I really do.”
Remus cackles with glee and sinks them out.
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s-creations · 10 months
26 Ways to Feel Mortal - B: Bust
26 Chapters based around experiences that newly arrived Geno experiences while trying to find the Star Pieces.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo), Mario/Princess Peach (Nintendo) Additional Tags: Rating for Teen needed for later chapters, but shouldn't be to worrisome, I'll have warnings if I'm worried, Poly relations!, Main characters will always be named, Minor characters will arrive as needed, the chapters are not in a specific order, just meets the needs of the given word, please be aware of spoilers.
Bust: (verb) Come apart or split open. Cause to collapse;defeat. 
Stars were never tired. They would work endlessly to categorize the numerous wishes that were created and fulfill them to the best of their ability. Night and day didn’t exist. It was just a sky filled with their kin. Both senate and those of just blinding lights of energy.
It was the second night away from Rose Town that Geno felt exhaustion for the first time. 
Jerking away when something touched his arm. Blinking quickly to try and clear up the fogginess. Realization dawned on him that it was just Mario. 
“Hey, sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you. You okay?”
“Oh…I-I think so? I’m sorry, I’m feeling strange…”
“Strange? Are you sick?” Mallow asked worriedly, “Can Stars get sick?”
“No, I very much doubt so.”
Mario shifted closer. “Do you think you could describe what’s happening?”
“I feel…heavy. More than what I’m used to. My movements feel sluggish, I have a hard time keeping my eyes open, it’s hard to think…” Geno felt a strange sensation bloom in his chest when Mario placed a hand against the puppet’s cheek.
“I would say you don’t feel warm. But you’re wood, so I’m not sure if I’d really be able to tell- whoa!” Mario quickly reached out to hold Geno close. The puppet started to fall forward, eyes barely open. “Whoa, okay… When was the last time you slept?”
“Stars don’t sleep…” Geno replied weakly.
“Maybe they do when they have a physical body. I think right now that’s a different story. Come on, we’re turning in early.”
Mallow whined softly at that, but didn’t further complain as he and Mario laid out the sleeping equipment. Geno eventually brought over to a large blanket. Laid down on his back with his head resting on a contained cloud.
“How’d you get a cloud in here?” Geno asked, voice coming out in a gravel tone. He heard Mario give a small chuckle. 
“It’s not a cloud. Just some fluff, it’s a pillow.”
Geno let out a small hum, rolling onto his side to nuzzle into said pillow.
That’s the last he remembered before he fell into a blissful darkness. 
Stars never had a reason to eat. Sustenance was something only viewed as an interesting topic of conversation between them while they worked. 
What do you think certain items taste like? 
What do you think it feels like to swallow?
Is it as slimy as it looks?
Is it cold? 
It was an interesting way to pass the time. 
Geno couldn’t help but let out another whine as his midsection cramped once more. Arms tightly wrapped around himself in an attempt to alleviate the pain. Mallow paced nervously nearby as Mario quickly dug through their bags. 
“Hold on,” Mario replied to Geno’s noise, “Hold on, I almost- got it!”
He pulled out a glass container filled with something Geno did not recognize. Thin strands of something limp covered with a red, chunky liquid. 
“W-What is that? Are t-those worms?” The puppet asked nervously.
“No, it’s pasta. Specifically spaghetti,” Mario laughed softly, “It’s better warmed up. But I don’t think you’ll be able to last that long. Come on, let’s get you sat up.”
Geno was not pleased when he was forced to move. Hating how weak he felt, his body even shaking as he leaned against Mario. Watching with barely open eyes as the human easily twirled the fork around said noodles. Bringing up a decent sized bite to Geno’s mouth.
“Open up. I promise, this won’t hurt you.”
Still giving the forkful a concerned look, Geno did as asked. 
While the cold feeling was not the best first impression, it was quickly forgotten when Geno fully tasted the flavor from said bite. Eyes widening slightly as he tried to swallow it down. Only for his throat to fight the wad of food bight. The puppet coughing weakly, quickly leaving over and spitting the food back out. 
“Eww…” Mallow weakly commented as noodles splattered onto the ground.
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” Mario spoke softly as he rubbed Geno’s back, “How about we chew this time, yeah? Don’t swallow it right away. Use your teeth to turn it into mush. Then you can swallow. It’s better than it sounds, promise.”
Steadying himself once more, Geno gave a small nod. The second bite was handled much easier. The pair in his stomach slowly disappeared with each mouthful he took.
“Guess you need to add ‘eating’ to your daily list of normal activities.” Mario teased while Geno rolled his eyes. 
Stars don’t feel pain.
They don’t really feel anything. 
Gain and loss. Neither of those feelings, these emotions, are felt by Stars. 
Emphasis on the negative sensations. 
The worst they’d ever had to worry about was the worry over an unfulfilled wish. 
Geno hadn’t been paying attention. Honestly, with how normal it had become with daily fighting, he felt at ease. To at ease. Meaning he was unaware of how far his defenses had lowered. 
The attack landed squarely on his back. His body seemed to spasm before becoming unresponsive. For some reason, the other members of the party were watching on fearfully.
Geno couldn’t understand why.
He was fine.
Why wouldn’t he?
Geno fell to his knees. 
Nothing was responding.
Why couldn’t he move?
Why did everything feel…numb?
He saw tears pouring down Mallow’s face.
Was it raining? 
Why couldn’t he feel it?
As Geno started to fall forward, Mario moved his direction. Moving slower than what the puppet remembered.
Oh…he felt the pain now.
The world fell black.
“A-Are you sure he’s going to be o-okay?”
“Of course. You saw the items do their job to heal up his wounds. Plus, Geno’s tough.”
“B-But he fell so h-hard. A-And he hasn’t moved for l-like hours. A-And he l-looks dead. A-And-”
Mallow, I need you to take a few deep breaths for me. Okay? Everything’s going to be okay. If needed, we’re near a town and we’ll just take Geno to a doctor.”
Geno’s borrowed body felt heavy. The entire form seemed to pulse with muted pain. Not fully hurt, but he did feel extremely sore. 
A low groan emitted from his mouth. Attempting to open his eyes, the process being helped that he was met with the darkened night sky. The sun would have hurt far too much. 
Furious footsteps announced the puppet that Mallow was rushing over. Geno letting out a grunt of slight pain as the other wrapped his arms around the puppet.
“You’re okay!” the cloud child cried, “You’re alive!”
“H-Hey Mallow.” Geno attempted a weak reply while shakily patting Mallow’s back.
“Mallow, hey, how about you get a few Mushrooms from my bag. Yeah? I’m sure Geno would like something to help with the pain.” said Mario, joining the other two.
Mallow, smiling behind the tears, sniffed and nodded. Rushing out of Geno’s line of sight with Mario appearing next. With how calm the human sounded, his current state said that he was not feeling as confident as his words sounded. Skin a sickly pale. Shrunken pupils. Geno could even feel Mario’s hand shaking as he helped the puppet sit up.
“How are you feeling?” Mario asked, voice low.
“Okay…I guess? What happened?”
“You were… You took the full force of a pretty strong attack. The annoying…little thing snuck up. I wasn’t paying attention and…” The human let out a slow shaky sigh, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“...You just dropped like a rock. I thought…can you die? I never thought I would have to ask a…a Star this. But, I mean, can you?”
“I don’t know? I always assumed I would just be knocked out of this form. It’s borrowed, right? It’s not really mine. So I would just be launched out and I would wait until the toy was fixed.”
“Did that happen now?”
“No… No, I…fell asleep? I mean, I was in a lot of pain and then I remember nothing…”
“Sounds like you passed out. It’s what happens if your body can’t handle the stress put on it.”
“But, it’s not my body. It shouldn’t work like that.” Geno closed his eyes in comfort as Mario’s hands gently massaged his arm. 
“This is your body. I think we need a shift in our mind about you. What we need to be aware of and what to keep an eye on. Play it safer, yeah? Be a little more aware. Try and avoid a situation like this as best as possible.”
Geno nodded slowly. “Yeah… Yeah, that sounds good.”
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