#sorry. i swear i'm so normal about both of these games; guys. i swear.
angelsrcute · 5 months
(´∀`*)ε` ) ౨ৎ N–sfw content !! ; Dom!Scaramouche + Sub!FReader ➜ cws: angsty, toxic relationship, asshole scara, abuse, one sided love(?), kitchen sex, getting ghosted, unprotected sex, raw sex, manipulation, reader gets pregnant. ᡴꪫ‎
꒰ † ੭‎ — I do not condone these actions irl, this mostly shows how the reader is in a toxic relationship but can't get out of it. Also this is my first time done this type of a lyric fanfic!!
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Scaramouche, who wouldn't know him? He was a popular guy. Though he wasn't a nice guy, a delinquent. Had the worst friend group, and slept around a lot. Any girl would die to have a night with him. So what happens when he starts hanging around you? You brushed it off thinking he just wanted to have a good fuck with you. All your friends had warned you about him, how bad he was. You mostly ignored him. Detentions and parent calls, very normal for him, not like his parents cared. Doing drugs, partying, and bullying sometimes.
All my friends say "fuck you".
But could you ignore his sweet words? holding your hand as you two watched the stars. How could you ignore his promises as he kisses the back of your hand, you of course fell in love with him. Hands on your waist as you sat on his lap, your arms wrapped around his neck. The kiss was passionate, not like some low effort kiss. Oh, how much you loved this man. That night you confessed to him, his face brightening up as he landed more kisses to your face. Laughing in his arms till your stomach hurt.
But I can't help but love you.
You let him into your house, even gave him a spare key. Went on dates, you forgot what everyone said about him. This is true love, he was nothing like the rumours. Daily texts and phone calls, missing each other even though you two meet daily. He even opened up to you, about his family. But once you both slept together, things started to change. You felt like he was spending less time with you. You thought it was because of how busy he was, you'd always stay awake at night, waiting for him to come back. You were so worried. He'd see your texts very late, whenever you asked to go out with him, he'd always make an excuse.
And even though you ran me out dry.
When he'd come home drunk, he'd sometimes hurt you, calling you a possessive bitch for questioning him so much. But would still apologise to you with tears in his eyes, promising he wouldn't do it again, cradling you like some child who's scared. You'd forgive him at the end, maybe he just had a bad day or was in a bad mood, it's alright, everyone has those types of days. It'd still happen, everytime. He got jealous very easily too, and wouldn't let you talk to other guys. Maybe now you're seeing his true colours, but he cherishes you so much, right?
"Fuck, Y/N, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I swear this won't happen again, don't be scared okay? please."
I still think you're a decent guy, Why?
Hands wrapping around your waist as he leaves trails of kisses on your skin. Bending you over the kitchen counter, “Forget the food, sweetheart. Let me make it up to you.” His cock thrusting into your cunt, it hurt, but you stayed quiet. He was never gentle with you, always leaving bruises. He shoots his load in your cunt, making you all warm and dumb.
On the rare days that he visited you, it would always lead to sex. You wonder if he sees you as nothing but an object. Silly thoughts, he's just showing you his love.
I should've caught him by his last name
You were pregnant, what a happy news. Maybe this will fix your relationship? You hoped so, desperately wanted him to look at you with the same eyes he once used to. Scaramouche never replied to you nor picked up your calls. Had he ghosted you? no this wasn't supposed to happen, he's just busy, right?
Tears fell from your eyes as you waited for your husband to come back, which he never did. Ah, what a dumb fucker you are, of course this was all a game. He didn't want to love a single person, he just wanted to have relief. What a shame your kid would never be able to see his father. Would he look just like scaramouche? You dreaded the thought.
You still believed that scaramouche loved you, at least you did, every moment.
It's been seven weeks and three days.
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mackeydoodledoo · 2 months
She Wears Short Skirts, I Wear T-Shirts: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Bridget (Cheerleader AU) x (Fem!)Reader
Chapter Summary: Being in band wasn't the most popular among the student body... Being in a band was: everyone in that school fawns over students who are in a band. You and your friends are the only band in the entire s. But, none of them know... You live two different lives: Drum Captain by day, Drummer by night. The school's Cheer Captain happened to attend one of your shows...
Chapter Warnings: Anxiety, Swearing
Chapter Key: Italics = Thoughts, +*+ = Time Skip, F/n = Friend's name, B/n = Band Name, Bold/Italic = Flashback
Chapter Theme: Honest - The Home Team
A/n: I read somewhere that someone (I forgot who, so idea credit goes to them) wanted a Bridget Cheerleader AU, so here it is :)
*Y/n's POV* You ruffle your hair after stepping out of the band room; about to leave the school after a successful football game, however, bump into the wall after a football player shoulders you.
"Whoops, sorry nerd!" He chuckles, walking off with his jock friends
"You alright?" F/n asks
"Yeah," You sigh, "I hate that they're so successful, yet in real life, they're jerks..."
"They're going to peak in high school when they graduate," They tell you, "Besides, we have a gig tomorrow night."
Your 'second life'. Your most favored part of your life over your actual one.
"We're headlining this one for once," They say, "Big achievement for a small town band."
It was...
Normally, slightly bigger bands would ask you to be an opener for the opener that was touring with them. Your band didn't have the funds to travel. Yet. That was the end goal: To tour with a headlining band. Maybe even headline a tour...
"Y/n, you there?" F/n calls you out
"Hmm?" You look at them blankly
"You were imaging us headlining... Weren't you?" They ask
"No!" You lie
"Save that for when we tour with a headlining band," They say, "Come on, I'm tired, let's get out of this shit hole already..."
You follow them out to the parking lot and see a familiar face... Bridget: the School's Cheer Captain. The both of you are in the same grade. But, you never really noticed her until she joined the Cheer Team. Your friend elbows you.
As you watch the football game: Your team leading by a whole ton of points, you eyes drift down to the track, normally where the cheerleaders were attempting to hype the student section or the families who either watch their football team offspring or the band offspring.
Your eyes drift to the only girl with bright pink hair. By coincidence, she looks up at you too. You look down at your drum head, trying to not look flustered. However, when you look back at her, she's looking away too; a deep rose color upon her cheekbones.
"Let's go Dragons!!!" She, and her cheer girls scream
"Y/n!" Bridget runs up to you
"Oh! Hey, Bridge," You smile, trying to greet her casually
"I'm heading home, I'll see you tomorrow Y/n," Your friend walks ahead
You try to protest and try to keep your friend with you, however, was too far ahead.
"You waiting for a ride?" You ask
"No, you?" She asks
"I live close enough to not need to drive," You say, "Want some company to walk you home?"
"Sure, that'd be great," She smiles
You've met her a handful of times, but never really had any chances such as this one: the both of you have a one-on-one. She was also one of the popular girls. Not the traditional mean girl.
You lead your drumline mates onto the track. As you set up your drum onto its stand, the cheerleaders run over to you guys. You look up and see Bridget smiling ear to ear right in front of you.
"Captain," You tilt your shako, smiling
She runs over to her friends and squeals as they fawn over your other upper classmen drumline mates.
As you check to make sure your drum mates had their drums securely on their stands; you drum a rhythm and the others follow along. The cheerleaders gawking.
"I'm surprised that you girls gawk over the drumline over the football players," You joke
"Please, drumline has more dignity," She rolls her eyes playfully
"Pfft, wouldn't be sure about that," You chuckle under your breath
You follow Bridget as she walks to your neighborhood; unsure how to make conversation...
"What's going on tomorrow?" She asks
"Oh... Just stuff for band," You say
"What kind of 'stuff'?" She asks
"just band stuff," You say, "No one here really enjoys the band... I can always hear them talk over our halftime shows..."
"I try to be invested," She confesses, "But all of my friends drag me into their conversations. The drum stuff you do with your drumline sounds really cool..."
"Yeah?" You ask, your eyes nearly lighting up, "Well... That drum break was arranged by yours truly."
"Really?!" She asks, her eyes lighting up, "I didn't know you arranged music too!"
"It isn't that hard when you understand the basics of music," You say
"Wish I continued with music," She says, "But, it was too difficult for me..."
"Maybe one day," You say, "I like it when you guys do some stuff with us."
"My favorite is when you bring the drumline down to us and we just hype y'all up as you play. Seeing all the cool tricks is absolutely mind-blowing!"
"Oh.. That," You chuckle, "Yeah, I enjoy those too."
You follow her up a sidewalk, leading to her front door. You remain at the bottom as she ascends the two steps.
"Thanks for walking me home," She slightly smiles
"You're welcome," You reply
"You get home safe too, alright?" She asks
"Yeah, I will," You say
You wait until she closes the door behind her. You plug music into your ears as you walk the way you came.
I didn't know she lived down the street from me....
You and your guitarist haul in your personal drum set as your friend: the bassist and lead singer set up their own thing.
"Nice of you to help me, f/n," You sigh, setting down the kick drum
"Hey, do you want to tune these babies?" They ask
"As if I'll touch a stringed instrument," You scoff
"Come on, you play basically everything!" They whine
"Drums is more my territory," You say, taking the high-hat from your guitarist
You sit at the merch table as the openers go on. Your band couldn't afford to hire someone as your merch runner, so there would be two of you working the merch booth. At the end of the gigs, two of you would run to the merch table and the remaining lot would load instruments outside.
You rotated with two of your other friends once the next band began playing. You warm up your hands with some rhythms as you listen to some songs, trying to sound out the opener's rhythms.
You only stop when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
"They're on the last song, let's get ready," F/n says
Two of you rush out to the merch table as soon as the gig ended: in case any patron would want to buy merch.
"You guys were really good!"
"You guys are underrated!"
"How are you guys not famous yet?!"
Many new fans would ask you that question. You only reply with: "Thank you!", or, "We've been working towards being a big band.". Along those lines.
Once the patrons had gone, you begin breaking down your merch table after a successful show.
"Y/n?!" A familiar voice calls your name
Your head shoots up, "Bridget?!"
"I knew you looked familiar!" She says, "I didn't know you were in a band!"
"I..." You try to find some kind of excuse
"Go on, I'll take over," F/n says
You get up and stand in front of her...
"Uhm.... You want to step outside?" You ask
She nods, she gently takes your hand and begins to lead you out of the venue.
"Where's your friends?" You ask
"They headed home right at the end of your set," She says
"And... You didn't go with them?" You ask
"I had to be sure the drummer was you," She says, "Let alone we have two of our school's band members in an actual band."
"Well, I like to keep that on the down low," You say
"What? And not be popular at school?" She asks
"Popular isn't our thing," You say, "Besides, we prefer to get famous from the outside."
"Oh..." She says
"So," you clear your throat, changing the subject, "What brought you here?"
"My friends and I were here for one of the openers," She explains, "It only took us a few
"Guess I gotta drive you home now," You joke
You weren't really joking...
"Would you have room?" She asks
"For you? Always," You half smile
She smiles as she looks down, blushing.
You help your friends load the merch into your friend's SUV and bid each other goodnight.
"I try to keep my front seat clear," You say
"In case you bring girls home?" She jokes
"No," You say, bluntly, "For my food run."
She tosses her hair ver her shoulder, huffing. You could see the joke in her gesture...
"It's my own kind of tradition that I get food after a gig," You say, "Drumming makes me hungry. You saw how I was whamming on my drums."
You pull out from the venue and make your way to the nearest late night fast food place.
"Want anything?" You ask
"Just... A water," She says
"Just a water?" You ask, "Please don't tell me you cheerleaders have a strict diet..."
She's silent...
"Come on, one junky meal won't kill you," You say, "Besides..."
You tuck hair behind her ear to look at her in the eyes...
"I don't like it when people in my car starve themselves," You say, "So, please.. Eat something... The venue only had snack items... Which is why I made this post-gig food a tradition. Never really had a passenger join me on the adventure.. So that makes you a first."
You order yourself and Bridget food. You drive to a secluded spot and begin indulging in your food.
"Don't you cheerleaders have your own tailgates at the football games?" You ask
"We do, but I barely eat," She explains, "I get really anxious and when I get anxious, food doesn't settle well."
"I understand that," You say
"You do?" She asks
"Yeah," You say, "I also get nervous before every performance I have. I try to not eat too much so that when I do feel nervous, I don't get nauseous."
"Guess we're more alike than we think," She sighs
You slowly make your way back to your neighborhood; praying the night won't end... However, her tapping your arm resting on the gear shift takes you out of your thoughts.
"Thanks for taking me home," Bridget says
"Anytime," You say
"I know this'll sound stupid but ummm... Could I get a picture with you?" She asks
"Sure," You chuckle
She squeals as she situates herself to face her phone camera properly. You lean over the center console and nearly stiffen as she puts her hand on your cheek. As soon as she snaps the photo the both of you look back at the photo: your head lingering on her shoulder.
"You want a setlist too?" You ask
"Yes!" She squeals
You reach into your pocket and hand her a folded piece of paper. She immediately unravels it and she squeals again. She Nearly leaps over the center console and wraps her arms around your neck.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She smiles
"Always," You chuckle
She steps out of your car, and leans down to meet your eyes.
"See you Monday," She waves you off
Again, you wait for her to enter her house, and fully close the door before you drive down the street to your house.
Chapter 2
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cozage · 1 year
Could you write headcanons where luffy, sanji, law, and zoro react to their s/o shouting i hate you in a heated argument out of anger and it’s angst to comfort because she didn’t really mean it? thank you <3
A/N: Wow! Talk about complete opposites here with Sanji & Luffy vs Law & Zoro. This was a fun angst request! Thanks!
Characters: female reader x luffy, sanji, law, zoro
Cw: angst (but all happy endings!)
Total word count: 1k
Hate is Such a Strong Word
You can see the shock in his eyes, the pain in his face. It’s so clear that he’s taken aback by your words and for the first time in your recent memory, Luffy is silent for a long time. He just stares at you, trying to decipher your words.
You instantly regret saying it. He’s like a little puppy who’s been scolded and didn’t even realize what he did wrong. Except he does realize what he did, he just didn’t realize it was such a big deal until this moment. 
His voice trembles when he speaks. “You don’t mean that, do you? You don’t really hate me, right?”
He wraps you in a hug, not giving you a chance to respond. He holds you so tight there's no chance for escape. “Take it back,” he begs. “I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me.”
You sigh, wrapping your arms around him too. “No, Luffy, I don’t hate you. I'm sorry I said that.”
He gives you an extra tight squeeze and then releases you. He’s not one to hold a grudge, so he apologizes again for upsetting you and promises to do better in the future, already forgetting your misspoken words. 
As soon as the words came out of your mouth, Sanji knew his worst nightmare had come true. You were finally done with him.
He spent a moment deciding if he should beg for forgiveness or if he should accept your hatred, but you stormed out of the room before he could make a decision. 
He prepares the finest snacks for you and the girls to share. He silently sets them down while you all are chatting, even though you’re still giving him the cold shoulder. He lets you vent and get everything off your chest with them, even if it makes him look like the bad guy. 
He spends all afternoon preparing your favorite dessert, and when he sees that you’re finally done talking with the girls, he calls you over and apologizes for his wrongdoing that made you so upset. You accept both his verbal apology and his dessert one. 
But things are different between you two. He’s more distant, more nervous around you than before. Finally you confront him about it, and he admits your words have been weighing on his mind. 
It’s then that you realize how important words are to Sanji. You apologize with words and kisses and anything else you can think of to make it up to him. You remind yourself to give him more words of affirmation to help show your love, and you swear that those words will never come out of your mouth again. 
His eye twitches when you scream it out to him, and his face turns to steel. “If you hate me so much, then leave.”
He storms out of the room without letting you respond. He wants the satisfaction of having the last word in this argument. You’re too angry to care.
He locks himself in his office for the most part. When he comes out of his room, he rampages through the ship. He’s slamming doors and cabinets shut, throwing things down harder than normal, everything he does is just super aggressive. 
“Why don't you just apologize?” Penguin finally asks. “Because I didn’t do anything wrong!” Law yells back, his words echoing through the whole ship. 
This man is too prideful to apologize first. It’s a waiting game between the two of you. You don’t sleep together, he stops eating meals with the crew.
You finally cave, and knock softly on his office door. He doesn’t answer.
“I’m sorry I said I hated you,” you say through the door. “I didn’t mean it. I don’t know why I said that. It was a really stupid thing to say”
The door finally opens, and you can see dark circles under his eyes. He pulls you in for a hug, kissing the top of your head. “And I’m sorry for what I did. I’ll do better in the future.” 
The whole crew breathes a sigh of relief, knowing you two are okay again.
At first the words didn't faze him. You continued screaming at each other, voices rising louder to outdo one another. 
And then the words came again. “I hate you Roronoa Zoro. I’ll never forgive you for this!” you screamed, and you stormed out the door, slamming it behind you. 
It was in the silence after that he realized the impact of your words. And he realizes that he’s scared. 
He tries to push down his anxiety by hiding in the crow’s nest and working out relentlessly. He’s avoiding everyone, but mostly you and your wrath.
He prays that you’ll come apologize to him, but after two days you still haven’t appeared in the crows nest. He’s constantly glancing out the deck, trying to find a glimpse of you whenever he can without getting caught. 
On the afternoon of the third day, he realizes he’ll have to spend another night without you if he doesn’t apologize soon, and he finally gives in. He climbs down the ladder and walks over to where you and Nami are sunning in some lounge chairs and stands over top of you, clearing his throat. “Can I talk to you alone?” his voice comes out irritated unintentionally.
“Not with that tone,” you shoot back, still mad at him. He grits his teeth, and you see a blush start to appear over his cheeks. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, and you can hear that he’s being genuine. “I didn’t mean to make you so upset.”
You sigh and get up from the chair, leading him away to talk in private. He continues to apologize, asking you how he can do better in the future. 
You’re pleased with this development, and you give him a quick peck on the lips to show all is well again. “I’m sorry too,” you say. “I said a lot of things I didn’t mean.”
“So, we’re okay?” he asks, looking at you inquisitively. “We’re okay,” you assure him.
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daydreaming-nerd · 7 months
The Bonds That Break Us (Rhysand x Female! Reader) Final Part
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Request: "Would you do a Rhysand x fem!reader series? Maybe fem!reader is Rhysand's mate and Tamlin's sister? So secret love?"
AN: I'm sorry this took me a little while guys. I'm currently a sick college student without the funds for Dayquil so we've been struggling. I hope you all like this <3
Summary: It was almost as if the cauldron liked to play games, as if it had sensed years of boredom and predictability and begged to be entertained. Its method of absolving its melancholy? Mate the High Lord of the Night Court to the younger sister of the High Lord of Spring. 
Warnings (so far): mentions of physical abuse, mentions of SA, major sexisim, SMUT, dirty talk, Oral (male and female receiving), Slight breeding kink?, angst,
Word count: 5475
(all photos are from pinterest)
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I glanced through the crevice in the oak doors and beheld the most serene image I have ever witnessed, perhaps ever will witness. Candles lighted the room giving it a warm, faint, glow. The smell of night blooming jasmine filled the air and not a sound could be heard from the small chapel. Rhys stood tall and proud, a crown atop his beautiful head. All members of the inner circle stood around, getting ready to bear witness to the ceremony about to take place. 
I smoothed my hands over my wedding dress once more. I had frantically gone shopping with Mor the day after Rhysand asked me to be his High Lady. With the council meeting to discuss my fate coming so soon we had no time for a grand ceremony, but I couldn’t have been happier with the way things had turned out. Even though the dress was last minute it was perfect, and I couldn’t have pictured anything else I would’ve married Rhys in. 
If you’re having second thoughts mate we can always postpone, Rhysand’s voice crooned into my mind. I looked through the crack in the door to find a somewhat worried expression on his face. 
“Far from it my love, I was just making sure I look perfect.” I giggle down the bond. 
I’m dying to see you in a wedding dress.
I smile and decide not to wait any longer to fulfill his desires. I leave a light knock on the double doors signaling for the men on the other sides to open them up. Immediately all eyes are on me. Normally I would panic or flee or worse, but not tonight. Tonight I locked eyes with Rhys, admiring that unique shade of violet that pulled me in from the moment I set eyes on him. The aisle was short and within a few steps I was clasping hands with Rhys. 
“You’re so beautiful mate,” he gushes, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“You clean up pretty good yourself mate,” I smile, squeezing his hands as we both turn to the priestess. 
“We all gather here today to be witness to the union of these two fae, and the crowning of our new High Lady of The Night Court,” the priestess begins and turns to Rhysand, “Do you, Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court, take y/n to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?” 
Rhys regarded me with a familiar gaze, one he had cast a thousand times, but this time held a distinct quality. It was a look of pride, something I had never seen before him. I had never held such significance for anyone. His gaze conveyed a sense that I was everything he had ever desired, the missing piece in his puzzle—lost and now found.
“I do,” he smiled and a tear fell down his cheek. 
The priestess turned to me, “Do you, y/n, Princess of the Spring Court, take Rhysand to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?” she said. 
“I do,” I say to Rhys without hesitation. Down the bond I can feel joy in his heart rise. 
“Y/n,” she begins again. “Will you swear the oath of High Lady?” 
I smile and feel my nerves pick up but I answer truthfully, “I will,” 
The priestess picks up a glittering crown and holds it in her hands. The large diamonds atop it remind me of the stars that lie over the Illyrian mountain. “Do you y/n promise to serve and protect the Night Court? Do you promise to uphold the customs and practices of its people? To lay down your life for the sake of this court and always act in its best interest whatever the consequence?” she asked me. 
“I solemnly promise to do so,” I say assuredly. 
“Then I crown thee, High Lady of the Night Court,” she says, placing the crown on my head, the weight of it comforting me. “And by the power vested in me, by our High Lord Rhysand of the Night Court, I pronounce you both husband and wife. Rhysand, you may kiss your wife and your High Lady.” the priestess mused. 
“With pleasure,” he smiled before placing a hand on my cheek and pulling me in for a deep kiss. I couldn’t help but smile as I felt his rogue tear of happiness caress my cheek. 
I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes as I raised a hand to cup his face. He was so handsome, so perfect and he was mine. All I could think of was one word, husband. 
“Hell yeah I have a sister now!” Cassian shouted, picking me up and swinging me around before putting me down and engulfing me in a massive bear hug. I backed away to see Cassian’s happy face and then I felt a hand placed  on my shoulder.  
“We have a sister Cass,” Azriel crooned and I turned to give him a hug as well.
“Welcome to the family y/n!” Mor shouted, throwing her arms around me and it wasn’t long until the whole inner circle was giving me the world's longest group hug. 
Not the inner circle anymore, my family. The word used to taste like venom in my mouth, my family had never loved me, never seen me as anything but a means to power. A marble mansion that was so empty and cold. But now I had this, this family. This marriage might not save me from the demands of Tamlin and Eris, and me being High Lady might not give me immunity from Beron’s wrath. But it gave me one thing, something to fight for, not just my mate, but my family.  
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The sun shined brightly in the Day Court like it did the last time I stepped foot here. Things had changed so much since then. Back then I had just met Rhys and he was begging me to just say his name. Now I walked in as his wife and his High Lady. Although my dress billowed behind me like I was going to a ball I had never felt more like I was going to war. 
Azriel and Cassian flanked behind us, normally they didn’t come to council meetings but Rhys told me he meant what he said, that he wouldn’t let Beron and Eris take me from him. He was prepared to fight our way out of this chamber, and was prepared to kill every High Lord in here. The scary part is that he was perfectly capable of doing so, especially with Azriel and Cassian with us. 
The room wasn’t abuzz with the usual chatter of High Lords and their companions when we arrived there. The second we crossed the threshold all eyes were on us. I couldn’t tell which drew their gaze the most, their princess of spring clad in black, the crown glittering atop my head, Rhysand’s death glare, or the Illyrians that flanked us. Each lord seated themselves presently, feeling our silent threat. Every lord but one. 
“Night becomes you, sister,” Tamlin drawls from where he leans over the long table, Beron and Eris seated on his left, Lucien at his right. 
“That it does, Tamlin,” I say, my words cold as ice. I feel Rhysand pluck at the bond showing his pride. 
“Rhysand, y/n. Please be seated so we may begin the trial,” Helion said. I had always loved Helion, and I could tell he wasn’t happy about this arrangement. But for whatever reason this is where the trial would be held. We do as we are asked, Cassian and Azriel standing behind us as the chairs here are not equipped for wings. “Beron, Tamlin we will hear your case, then Rhysand you will be able to state yours. After that the council will decide who is at fault.” Helion explains and nods to Beron to begin. 
“High Lord’s of Prythian I have brought this issue before you today because I wish to find a civil resolution to my case, rather than declaring war upon the Night Court,” Beron began. “A few weeks ago Tamlin and I had meetings discussing the betrothal of Eris and y/n. It had always been abundantly clear from that meeting forward that y/n belonged to Eris. All that stood in the way of formally announcing the engagement was solidifying the terms of the union, what we would give Tamlin in exchange for her and how many male heirs she would be required to bear Eris. She was the property of Eris Vanserra long before Rhysand ever tried to claim her.” Beron says with a confidence that I almost envy.  
It took everything inside of me not to lash out at the word “property” and Rhysand’s grip on my hand told me it killed him inside as well. I can’t help but feel some sort of fear, these men only see me as a breeding vessel, they don’t care for my happiness and they don’t care for my well being beyond my ability to bear sons. I don’t stand a chance at going home with Rhys.
Shhh, I’ll never let them take you. I’ll burn this place to the ground if they even touch you.  That beautiful, glorious voice cleaves into my mind and I let myself breathe again.
“And when did Rhysand make his claim on your sister?” Tarquin asks Tamlin, clearly still holding a grudge over the land dispute they had. 
“It started a week ago today, when my sister came home from what I thought was the Winter Court. She came into my office and told me that the High Lord of the Night Court had deflowered her and that because of it she no longer wished to marry Eris Vanserra. Soon after Rhysand broke into my court, attacked me, and stole my sister away.” Tamlin said. 
“You dirty fucking liar!” I stand unable to keep myself restrained anymore. I feel Rhysand’s hand grip my arm but I don’t care anymore. How dare Tamlin spew out such disingenuous claims in a trail such as this. 
“You are not a member of this council you useless whore and you will not speak unless spoken to!” Beron shouts standing as well, the moment he does his eyes go wide and pain laces his face. Rhysand stands beside me and I realize that he has his talons in Beron’s mind.  
“If you EVER speak of my wife in such a manor again, I will fucking kill you and every male heir you have Vanserra,” Rhysand booms, and even I feel a chill go down my spine. 
“Wife?!” Tamlin shouts in a fit of anger, taking to his own two feet. 
“And his High Lady,” I boast with pride and I scooch my hand to lay on top of Rhysand’s. All I can feel thrumming through the bond is pure male pride as the entire room begins to murmur their shock to one another. 
“Impossible,” Tamlin seethes, getting ready to pounce as the room continues in their sock and surprise. 
“Quiet!” Helion shouts above the crowd, and I don’t break eye contact with Tamlin. “All of you sit down now!”  
We do as we’re told but it doesn’t dissolve the tension in the room as we all continue to stare daggers into one another. Tamlin tries to cover his shock with anger but hides it poorly. 
“Rhysand, why did you attack Tamlin in his own court?” Helion asks calmly. 
“Because he threatened my mate,” he growled. This time the room gave a collective gasp and would’ve gone into full blown panic had Rhys not continued to speak. “I found her injured, freezing and starving in the dungeons below the Spring Court. If we had this meeting sooner you would be able to see the bruise around her beautiful neck from where he choked her.”
Neither party speaks save for the buzzing mumbles circling the room that followed the word ‘mate’. For me to be mated to Rhysand was surely the most exciting and scandalous thing to happen in a hundred years. Kallias was the one to finally break the silence.
“The laws of mates are absolute, and we will not stand by and watch this council question Rhysand and y/n another moment!” Kallias shouts, standing hand in hand with Vivianne. 
My head whips over to the High Lord and Lady and I expect to see something like pity in Viviane's eyes, but all I see is happiness and pride. Happiness for having finally found my mate, pride for having finally found the will to stand up for myself.
“I stand with Kallias and Viviane, if we don’t validate their mating bond, who's to say the council won’t stop with them.” Thessan says. “If I ever find my mate I don’t want to worry about them being taken away from me.” 
A collective murmur of agreement comes over the room and it seems that a verdict has been decided. Helion stands and the scrape of his chair echos off the marble walls quieting everyone down. 
“All those in favor of blessing the union of Rhysand and y/n?” he asks. Every single hand shoots up without hesitation, the only ones who don’t belong to the Spring and Autumn Court. “Rhysand and y/n. You have the blessing of this council.” Helion smiles. 
I turn to Rhys smiling brightly as the whole council room erupts in applause. His violet eyes gleam with pride and for the first time ever he drops his mighty High Lord act and smiles back. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him and I can hear Viviane saying “awww” from across the room. We break apart and I can’t help but stare at him. Free, I am finally free. 
“YOU SELFISH WHORE!” Tamlin screeches and in a second he leaps across the table. He doesn’t get far before blue and red siphons are holding him back. “YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!” he screams struggling against Cassian and Azriel’s power.
Rhys threw his body in front of mine and I put a hand on his shoulder and began to move past him towards Tamlin. He grabs my wrist and I turn to meet his violet gaze. His eyes laced with worry asking me to stay behind him. 
“It’s okay,” I say quietly and Rhys lets go. I walk towards where Tamlin is still struggling and stand right in front of him. I can feel Rhys’ tension through the bond but I push it away. “You did this to yourself Tamlin. I wish things had been different, I really do. I could kill you right now, but I won’t. But if you EVER step foot in my court, I will send out my General, my Spymaster and my mate to find you and I will let them kill you in whatever way they deem worthy for a male such as you.” 
Tamlin stops struggling, unable to fight against Cassian and Azriel any longer. For once in my life, I see true fear in his eyes. A male stripped of everything, his land, his power, his bargaining chip and now his pride. 
I turn and take Rhysand’s hand and he leads me out of the council room, Cassian and Azriel flanking behind us in case Tamin gets any bright ideas again. 
“My strong, smart, beautiful mate. I am so proud of you. You spoke like a true High Lady in there,” Rhys boasts as we walk down the hall. 
“I feel like a High Lady now,” I laugh, squeezing his hand.
“Just wait till later, wife. I have every intention of taking you home and fucking you senseless while you wear nothing but that crown on your head.” Rhysand drawls low.
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Rhys can hardly keep his hands off me as we burst into the townhouse. In fact he doesn't. I'm the one who has to open the front door because his fingers won’t stop dancing all over my waist as he leaves open mouth kisses all over my neck. If this was his reaction to me wearing a crown, best believe I would be wearing them a lot more often. 
The door slams behind us and in an instant he has me pressed up against it already lifting my skirts. 
“Rhys, Rhys wait there’s something I need to do first!” I protest as he attacks my neck.
“Yes, you need to do me first.” he smirks, kissing me again.
“Rhys stop!” I giggle pushing him off and he finally halts his movements. “Have a seat, I'll be right back.” I smile before disappearing into the next room. 
I look around the kitchen and all I see are ingredients. I turn to make sure Rhys isn’t following me and find him sprawled out on the couch in a fit of utter frustration. I try not to giggle to myself as I raid the kitchen. Normally the townhouse makes food for us, so being in here is new. I keep opening up drawers and only finding utensils, towels and bowls. 
“Wife, I'm dying in here!” Rhysand groans from the living room. 
“One moment my oh so impatient husband!” I holler back. 
My eyes land on a jar of strawberry jam and I snatch it up eagerly. I walk over to the bread box and pluck a slice from it. I place it on an ornate plate and begin to spread the jam on top as neat and perfect as can be before carrying it out to the living room where my husband is throwing his temper tantrum. 
“Here,” I say, handing him the toast with jam. “I know it’s not much but it’s all that was lying around.” 
Rhysand’s eyes light up as I present him with food that I made. He takes the plate carefully and looks at it, knowing full well what it means for a female to present her mate with food.  
“You want to mate? Right now?” he asks bewildered. 
“Yes,” I say without hesitation. 
“You do know what you’re getting into right? I won’t act like…myself. We’ll have to go into the mountains for  a while. I won’t be able to control myself,” he explains further and I can already feel the arousal pooling between my legs. 
“Yes I know what I’m getting myself into. We can go into the mountains for however long we need. But I want our first mating to be here, in our home. Then we can winnow to the cabin. That’s my only stipulation,” I tell him. 
“I will agree to that,” he replies. 
I don’t even have time to say another word before he takes a couple bites of the pathetic toast I made him. While I watch him consume it, I’m sure that it’s the worst mating meal a female has ever presented to a male. Nonetheless, he eats it like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted.  
His eyes flick up to meet mine and the plate is discarded on the floor with a crash. In mere seconds stands up and I swear to the gods he’s even taller than he normally is. His hand circles my waist and his touch sets me on fire, now that the mating bond has been accepted. His free hand tilts my chin up to him and he stares at my lips. I must look like a wanton whore begging for him to touch me. 
“Mine,” he growls before searing our lips together. The word alone tells me everything he said before this is true. This isn’t just Rhys, it’s Rhys in his most primal form. 
I whine into his lips and I feel him hoist me up in his arms with ease, despite the large amounts of tule that make up my dress. My hands are in his hair in an instant, nearly knocking the crown off his head and I grab it before it falls off. We start moving up the stairs as fast as Rhysand’s can carry us. 
“Best believe the first time I fuck you as my mate it’s going to be in our marriage bed,” he smirks before slamming the door to our bedroom with his foot. 
The second he talks about fucking me my skin is on fire and the buzzing sension I always felt when he was near was amped up times ten. Like if I didn’t get his cock in me right now I would burst into flames and die. He sets me down on my feet and I begin to undo the buttons of his shirt.  I feel him fumble with the millions of buttons fastening the back of my dress before a deafening rip sounds throughout the room and those millions of buttons are being cast off in every direction.
 I don’t even have a mind to care about it as the dress cascades down and pools on the floor. His mouth is all over my collar bones needy and leaving little bites all over me.
“You’re so fucking beautiful mate,” he groans between kisses. 
I feel my crown slipping and I move to take it off but I feel Rhys’ hand stop me. 
“What did I say earlier?” he asked. 
“That you wanted to fuck me while I wear nothing but the crown,” I say meekly remembering his promise.
“No I said I was going to fuck you senseless while you wear nothing but that crown mate,” he groans kissing me deeply again. 
I feel my legs hit the mattress and I fall back on it greedily. He stares down at me like I’m his own personal feast and he nearly pounces on me but I hold a hand up to stop him. 
“I want to try something,” I say before he can ravish me again. “Something I read about in a book.” I explain further. 
“Oh really? Well I won’t pass up that opportunity. What do you want me to do mate?” His voice is deep and husky.
“Just stand there,” I say before sliding off the bed and dropping to my knees in front of him. 
His eyes blow wide as I stare up at him from under my eye lashes. My hands go to his pants where I expertly un-fasten them and pull them down his legs along with his underwear. He steps on them and watches me intensely as I’m face to face with his aching cock.  
“Are you going to suck my cock wife?” he muses and the words go straight to my core as I wrap my hands around him and give a lick up his length. 
The sound that comes out of him is nothing short of animalistic. It spurs me on as I take him the entire length of my mouth and start sucking. Whatever I can’t fit in my mouth I stroke with my hands and the look of pure bliss on him has me seeing stars. He so fucking beautiful. His muscles are dripping with sweat from the need to cum in me, his eyes are closed taking every stroke I give him, and his lips are parted having the softest wimpers escape them. He’s never been more beautiful than he is right now and I can’t help but moan, sending vibrations through his cock. 
“Oh fuck mate!” he screams and his hands find the back of my head. I swear I’m so wet at the sight of him getting his pleasure from me that I might have left a wet spot on his carpet. I moan again to send another wave of vibrations through him. 
“Shit y/n I’m gonna cum, let me cum inside you!” He shouts trying to remove my head from his member but I swipe his hand away. 
I gently cup his balls and it has him emptying his load into my mouth. I work him through his orgasm staring up at him with the most innocent eyes. I pull my mouth off him and open it for him to see the evidence of his climax inside. I close it again and swallow, feeling the saltiness of it slide down my throat. I open my mouth again to show him that nothing was left and it has him spiraling. 
“You cruel wicked thing,” he growls, picking me up and throwing me on the bed. His body crawls over mine and I run my hands down his bare chest, toned and perfect and all mine. 
“Rhys I wanna try one more thing,” I whine but I’m silenced by his lips on mine. 
“I think it’s my turn now mate,” he whispers in my ear, making me shiver.
He kisses down my neck and my collar bones. I feel his tongue swirl around each of my peaked nipples and I cry out at the friction I didn’t know I needed so badly. His mouth presses a kiss under my breast and when he reaches my lower stomach he looks up at me with a feral grin. 
“I want you to know that I have every intention of getting you so thoroughly pregnant that every male in Prythian will have no choice but to recognize that you are my mate.” He growls, pressing a kiss over my womb. “But not tonight, and not anytime soon. For now I will take pleasure in showing them what an amazing High Lady you are.”  
His mouth trails down and kisses either side of my bare thighs. His hand runs over my stomach and down my leg to hike one knee up over his shoulder to give himself access to where I need him most. 
“Now watch how a High Lord eats out his High Lady, mate,” he grins before diving into me like a starved man. 
I arch my back off the mattress and my hands fly to  his silky hair. I accidentally tug his strands too hard causing him to groan, the vibrations stimulating my clit. He pulls his mouth off me and plunges his fingers inside me, curling them to hit that spongy spot that always left me undeniably breathless. He pulls his head back to watch how I take his fingers and his eyes catch on something. 
“There’s that perfect clit,” he smiles slowly lowering his mouth over the sensitive bud so that his breath fanned it. “Show me those pretty little sounds you make when I lick it, wife.” 
His tongue gives a teasing lick at the apex of me and I let out a moan that’s so high pitched it’s nearly embarrassing. He only chuckles before attacking the spot with a million little licks. The combination of his tongue and his fingers have me screaming his name in no time. 
“Oh gods Rhysand!” I scream as I hit my climax. Tears sting my eyes from the immense pleasure. Rhys has always been able to pull orgasm after orgasm from my body, but the mating bond heightens everything. 
“I need you,” he growls crawling back up my body. “Now”
I pull him close and I feel his hands flip my hips around so that I’m on all fours for him. I nearly groan at the feeling of him running a large hand down my spine. 
“Rhys please,” I cry, pressing my ass into his hard cock. 
“Shh, patience mate,” leans over and whispers in my ear. I feel his cock nudge my entrance and within a moment he is pushing himself into me.  
The stretch is enough to have my chest heaving in pleasure, but the full feeling of him inside of me has me letting out a moan. His hands grip my hips as he starts to thrust inside of me. 
“Always so fucking tight for me,” Rhys grits out increasing his pace.
“Harder Rhys!” I scream needing more of him. 
It’s at that moment I realize that I’ll never truly get enough of him. He could shackle me to his bed and never stop fucking me and it still wouldn’t be enough. The need for him was too great, even before the mating bond. Before I even said his name. I had needed him the second I saw that flash of violet. I’ll never stop needing him. 
“You’re fucking mine!” He growls as his grip on my hips tighten and the moans coming out of him are pure mated male. 
“Oh fuck Rhys I’m gonna…” I shout my words trailing off. 
“Cum for me mate,” he orders me and I oblige.
I climax so hard my vision blacks out for a second, my pussy contracting around him sending him sputtering and cumming inside of me with a roar and I swore the house shook. I collapse, burying my face into the pillow. I feel him gently turn my body over so he can see me. His eyes fall to where his cum is leaking out of me and he bends down to press a kiss to my clit again. 
“Mine,” he says, eyes peering up at me. 
He crawls up to me and pulls me on top of his chest stroking my hair. 
“So it’s official, I am now your wife, your High Lady AND your mate.” I laugh. 
“If I had more titles left to give you I would,” he chuckles, running his hands through my hair more. 
“I don’t think I could ever ask for more than this, more than you.” I say pressing a kiss to his chest and leaning up so I was straddling him. He put his arms behind his head and stared at me like I was a work of art. “I love you so much Rhys. I only wish the gods had given me a million more ways to say it. But I can’t make it any simpler than that… I love you.” 
“I know the feeling, sometimes I get frustrated because ‘I love you’ doesn’t even scratch the surface of what I feel for you mate,” he smiles. 
I lean down to kiss him passionately, hoping that if words can’t tell him how much he means maybe actions can. I know they won’t. His hands slide from behind  his head to my waist and my hair, pulling me deeper into him. My hips grind on his abs a little and I feel his hard cock brush up against my back side causing him suddenly to stop. 
“We need to get to the cabin,” he says frantically. “Now.” 
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The cold mountain air grazes my skin as I sit on the bannister watching the sun come up. The silk bathrobe does little to keep me warm, but the breeze is refreshing. I glance through the window where I see Rhysand sleeping on the massive bed. 
We had been holed up in the snowy mountains for a week now doing everything but sleeping. He wasn’t wrong about the Frenzy and how it would affect our ability to function as normal fae. One night I tried to prepare dinner for us and we lasted about 10 minutes before he took me on the kitchen counter. As I watched the sun rise on the glistening snow I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that every surface in that cabin had been defiled in one way or another. 
The birds began to chirp as I took another long sip of my warm tea. Never had I been so at peace. Never had I been so loved. It was as if every moment of my life had been leading to this one right here. To him.
I felt two warm arms snake around my front as Rhys placed a kiss on my cheek. 
“You’re going to freeze to death out here,” he mumbles into my neck. 
“No I’m not you big worry wart,” I giggle as his lips tickle my neck. I feel him wrap a blanket around the two of us and I lean back into his chest savoring the warmth of him. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asks, resting his head on top of my head. 
“I’m thinking about how everything in my life led me to you. How I’ve never been more happy and at peace than I am in this court.” I say honestly. 
“Your court my Lady,” he smiles, pressing another kiss to my cheek. 
“Our court, Rhys,” I smile. “What do we do now?”
Rhys chuckles into my shoulder, “We go home, we rule, and you let me love you forever.” he whispers, kissing my shoulder. 
I turn to face him, “I think I can live with that.” I smile.
(AN: wow I'm kinda sad that this series is over now. I feel like I'm going to me missing a huge piece of me :( I want to say thank you to all who read this and supported me, I never thought this would get as much love as it did. I hadn't written in so long, it feels so good to know that people still care about the things I dream up. Now I have some good news...
The next mini series is going to be about...
now drumroll please....
CASSIAN x Female! Reader
I'm so pumped to write this it's been in my head forever. Plot is that the reader is Rhysand's little sister and she is betrothed to Eris. So if you loved the secret love aspect of this series you're going to EAT UP the next one. If you would like to be on the taglist for it go ahead and let me know!)
Taglist: @crystalferret202, @heyyitsnat21 , @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson , @randomperson1234sblog , @local-fangirl09 , @bleh-81 , @annaaaaa88 , @tenaciousperfectionunknown , @judig92, @aunicornmademedoit , @sharknutz , 
 @slytherintaco, @isa1b2h3, @nickishadow139  , @sarawritestories , @coisas-da-dani ,  @lovemesomevesey ,  @graceshifts ,  @writeroutoftime, @why4anne,
299 notes · View notes
alreadyblondenow · 9 months
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▸ Assassin Jaehyun x Assassin Female reader ▸ Smut, Smut, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Gore, MATURE ▸ JAEHYUN SMUT SERIES: FUCK, MARRY, KILL ▸ VOLUME I: PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
Warnings: THIS FIC IS FICTION ONLY, Smut, smut, smut, MATURE THEMES, Heavy description of killings because most of the characters are assassins, mentions of blood, character death, A LOT OF NCT MEMBERS WILL D WORD IN THIS FIC, unprotected sex, mentions of condoms, mentions of pill, pregnancy, swearing, mentions of alcohol. Mentions of being an orphan, Not everything is proofread, apologies again. I hope I did not forget anything.
A/N: I will cut VOLUME I into three parts, just because 20k word count is not acceptable in one post hahaha. I'm sorry :( this is already PART 2 of Volume I, so i hope you guys are still here. Im sorry if it took me so long to post. Can you guess what’s the next color of the poster? :))
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When Hendery resurfaced again, he brought a different kind of chaos into your life and Jaehyun’s life. 
A quid pro quo. That’s what’s Hendery’s after as he plans on surprising Jaehyun in Milan. It was Jaehyun’s earned free time, and Hendery was about to ruin it. Sure Jaehyun heard about the news that Hendery revealed himself, he was curious about the Phantom who made you soft, but little did he know that Hendery was even more curious about him. 
Man to man they talked like normal people, sharing a bottle of wine but the people around them had zero clue that they wanted to kill each other right then and there. 
“So you killed Yangyang,” Hendery started while smelling this expensive glass of wine. 
Jaehyun was just quiet. He has no plan to trigger this situation further, he knows that a snipper is on standby to kill him from afar. All he could do was judge Hendery’s appearance, he now understood how this man fooled you. Out of all the Phantoms, Hendery is the simplest. Sure he looked like a prince, moves like a rich man but… Jaehyun can easily tell that he’s different.
“Pick a face to show today. I’m not here to play games, I’m sure you’re a busy man. Want to kill me now?” Jaehyun mocks while eating a slice of apple. 
“I won’t kill you… that will hurt Y/n. And that’s the last thing I want to do. How is she?” Hendery pries, pushing and pushing Jaehyun’s limits because he knows that Jaehyun will keep on ignoring him unless he mentions your name. Hendery wanted to tease Jaehyun after all. “I fell in love with her you know. Sorry, I tried to stop myself but… she’s one great person… what are you doing Jeong Yoonoh?” Hendery mocked him.
And that’s what triggered Jaehyun’s anger, but he’s still stopping himself from killing Hendery with a cheese knife. The mention of your name just reminded him how he played you like a record of that fateful night in Hong Kong.
“It was so obvious that she still has feelings for you. Why aren’t you two together?” Hendery smirked. “Is it because you’re a Jeong and she’s just a nobody?” 
“She’s not a nobody— why don’t you leave Y/n’s names out of this and let’s settle this. What the fuck do you want?” Finally, Jaehyun spoke. Hendery’s smile was wide because he knew that he was in Jaehyun’s mind now. 
“Simple. Give Y/n her freedom. Free her from the Jeongs or I will do the best I can to ruin your family’s name in the business world” Hendery relaxed and looked at his surroundings, admiring the fine day, “It’s a win- win for the both of us you know. You can protect your family’s image, I get what I want, Y/n is free… I mean no harm. No one has to die” he smiles. 
But Jaehyun knew that there's something behind that smile. He’s a Phantom after all. Guys like him don’t do ‘win-win’ situations. Hendery wasn’t scary at all, Jaehyun thought. But he knew damn well that the Phantoms know how to play. And that put Jaehyun in a very rough situation, especially when Hendery is after you… not to mention, that he wanted to free you from the wicked world of assassination. But even though that’s his motive, he can’t just sell you off away to Hendery. 
“How can I trust you?” Jaehyun sternly asked. 
“You can’t. I mean no harm to Y/n, but to you and other people?” he smirked, “Don’t even get me started, you killed my friends— Look, please decide ASAP. I have places to go” Hendery said in a different tone, almost as if he’s was in a rush but he still looked relaxed. “you see Jeong Jaehyun, you’re powerless. You’re just an assassin. You’re not a powerful Jeong. But I’m giving you a power right now… a power to make a wise decision. A power to give the love of your life the freedom she deserves… Come on Jeong… think long and hard. Taking my deal is the right thing to do” 
And right then and there Jaehyun saw how cunning Hendery is and how dangerous he is. 
Hendery stood up and left cash on the table, enough to cover everything served on their table. “I’ll give you a week… I’m excited to see Y/n again,” he smirked and walked away. 
By the time Jaehyun got back, he did not let a second go to waste and planned to kill Hendery himself. But deep down… in Jaehyun’s heart, he is considering Hendery’s offer, just so Jaehyun could give you the normal life that you deserve. He felt so powerless, he felt stupid, weak and useless. 
“Don’t do it Jeong…” Taeyong started. He can see right through Jaehyun that he is considering Hendery’s offer. 
“You know I hate it when you call me that,” Jaehyun crossed his arms “He can give her the life she wants hyung” Jaehyun added, not looking at Taeyong and just looking at the dark blue sky. 
“Y/n loves you. That’s enough reason not to sell her off even if it’s about her freedom. She knew what she signed up for and she’s willing to get her freedom fairly… maybe she’s doing it for you” 
After that small talk with Taeyong, Jaehyun went to see you and was hoping to talk to you about this matter but he was too afraid to knock on your door and tell you everything he felt. Just when he was about to leave, you opened your door and welcomed him in. 
This is the first time again that you two shared a room privately. What happened after New York was both traumatic and sad for the both of you. You never even got the chance to talk about it.. or even apologize to each other. Jaehyun thought that… this might be his chance. 
“You never cease to amaze me Y/n,” Jaehyun started. 
“What?” you asked with a faint laugh before you sat at the edge of your bed. 
“I’m still amazed with how you continue to be my weakness. How you continue to give fire to my soul,” he walked closer to you. Standing in front of you so handsomely while you sit in front of him and melt in his words. 
“Is that a confession?” you joked but it was a serious question that you hoped he would answer because you too… you needed answers. You need to know if he’s still hurting about what happened to your relationship, you need to know if he’s still longing for you just as much as you long for him. 
“Yes” he answered with his deep voice. So calm and sexy. “I think about you every day. I want you beside me” he reached for your face and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. A kiss that answered every question in head. A kiss that felt like a promise. A promise to do everything right this time.
He reached for your hand and sat beside you. 
“This war, between Hendery and me is mainly about you. It’s your freedom… now, Im asking you. Do you want it?” he asked gently.
“Of course I do. But I want it with you” 
Jaehyun smiled. Showing you those cute dimples. “Of course you’d answer that—“
“But let me talk to him Jae. You don’t know him like I do, maybe I can talk some sense out of him or —“
You watch Jaehyun smile in disbelief, combing his hair with his fingers and showing you his frustration. Clearly the sweet and calm environment was already gone. 
“You were with him one time and you even failed your mission— did you already forget that happened? You don’t know him Y/n. You couldn’t see the craziness in his eyes because you are charmed by his sex appeal or whatever” His tone went louder every word and you don’t like it. This night may have answered every important question in your head but you’re not planning to have a quarrel with him. “You just have to make me jealous now, huh?” he added. 
“Please leave. I’d like to rest now” you requested and Jaehyun left immediately.  
In the next days, Hendery grew impatient with Jaehyun’s answer so he got bored and made some damage to one the Jeong’s factories. No one is hurt… yet. Everyone thought that Hendery would stop playing games but no, he targeted Jaehyun’s sister and Jaehyun’s mother. Scaring the shit out of Jaehyun. Of course everyone is working double time to protect Jaehyun and his family, but Jaehyun grew tired. Everyone grew tired of it. Every day, Hendery always has his kind of game, toying and playing with everyone. Even you. One day Hendery revealed his location publicly, part of his silly games and Yuta fell for it but lost the fight putting him in the hospital for a few days. And that really was the last straw.
“THAT MAN IS CRAZY! It will be better if I kill him, it will leave a trauma to Y/n—“ Jaehyun exclaims towards Chanyeol. 
“This is my failed mission— I’m sure it will be better for all of us! After all, I’m the one he’s after!” 
“Oh so now I’m really jealous — Chanyeol what the fuck? I just wanted the best option for her. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I met Hendery and you have no idea how dangerous he could get”
Chanyeol and the others are all quiet. Mark was the one enjoying the drama and so is Taeyong . “They’re definitely fucking,” Mark whispers. 
“This is Y/n’s failed mission. She should finish this,” Chanyeol finally decides. 
“Good luck with handling your trauma then,” Jaehyun leaves the room and bangs the door. 
On the same night, you received a call from an unknown number. You had a hunch that it would be Hendery, and you’re right. 
“I bet you’re already planning how to get to me,” he said. 
You were silent. 
“All I wanted was a chance to talk to you, and give you your freedom and that coward Jeong can’t make it happen,” he let out a heavy sigh.
“You do dirty business, that’s why” you explained calmly. You sounded worried too. Hendery was happy to hear your voice. “You also hurt my friend”
“Yeah that Yuta guy killed my bodyguards, he’s good but… I can’t let him kill me. Can you say sorry for me? Please?”
“I don’t understand you Hendery. Are you a good person or are you playing with me too”
Then you heard Hendery laugh so hard, almost as if he sounded like a crazy person. “Lets have lunch like normal people, I’ll text you the address. Good night ” he says, before he hangs up. 
The next day, you told Jaehyun and Chanyeol about your conversation with Hendery. They weren’t happy about it, but it was a situation that you couldn’t dodge. It was obvious all this time, that Hendery is ahead of every plan you have and that he got everything controlled at the palm of his hands. 
“I can’t track the number he used, sorry guys” Mark said. 
“He is controlling us. He wanted you to come to him— and I can’t fucking believe that you’re going for it. If you want to have lunch, have lunch with me not with this psychopath” Jaehyun said calmly. He is done stressing himself out because of Hendery. 
But even though Jaehyun already expressed what he thinks, you still met with Hendery secretly. Just to end this war against him and the Jeongs. This plan will most likely make Jaehyun even more mad at Hendery, but the situation is getting more and more ugly as the days go by. 
You met Hendery at his favorite noodle shop. It was packed with different people, some were just enjoying their time alone, others were with their friends or family, company dinner… it was just a normal day for everyone. Including you… who’s just meeting an old friend. Something you’ve never done before. 
“Back then me and the other Phantoms used to eat in this place. Good times,” Hendery started while stirring his noodles, ‘’but now we can’t do that anymore, because your friends killed my friends” 
“I can’t say I’m sorry… “ is all you could say. 
“Back then Yangyang was not yet successful unlike Ten and Kun, so they always feed Yangyang and buy him everything he asks them to…”
There was a short silence while you two enjoyed your food. You wanted to leave as soon as you can but you can’t seem to bring it up. Maybe… you missed having his company, maybe you missed this kind of bond. Maybe you missed this kind of awkward silence. 
“Do you remember when we danced slowly in the dark while the fireworks lit up the dark sky?” he asks. 
“Of course,” 
“It was a hopeless day. I killed a lot of people that day, and I was really tired. I knew you were coming, then I actually met you and I instantly wanted to live my life more and shit I fell in love so quickly. But you told me you love someone else and you cant live without him. That’s Jaehyun. I wanted to kill you so bad because I can’t have you” 
“Do you still feel the same way now?” You asked calmly. 
“I want to kill Jaehyun now, not you. That way I can have you” Hendery smiled innocently. 
“What makes you think I’ll love you like how I love Jaehyun” 
“I’ll make you” he answered confidently like a crazy person. 
This is not Hendery you thought…. At this point you really don’t know what kind of monster you’re facing. But the fact that he wanted to kill Jaehyun is enough reason to kill him even if it’s going to hurt like hell. Even if it’s going to be the saddest kill you’ll ever make. 
In your eyes, he’s just a man blinded by love. He just wanted to be loved… but you can’t reciprocate that. After hearing everything he said, you excused yourself and went to the comfort room to breathe. Breathe and ready yourself to go for the kill finally and finish your long overdue mission. Jaehyun was right, this will leave trauma to you. You know you’re scared to kill now because you’re shaking. But just right after you get out of the comfort room, you see people running and panicking. You look for answers while you walk fast towards your table, but you see Hendery on the floor dead already. Someone shot him in the head while you were away. 
And you have someone in mind already. Someone who could have done this while you were gone. A perfect timing. 
When you got back to 127 house, Jaehyun was already there. He was waiting for you but you just ignored his presence and went straight to your room so you could have time for yourself after a long day. You’re not mad, you just wanted privacy and mourn for your friend. Jaehyun was just doing his job… because you couldn’t. Of course Jaehyun didn’t give you the space you asked for, he was stubborn and still welcomed himself to your dark and quiet room. 
He lay beside you and held your hand… you didn’t know you needed his comfort until he made you realize. In return you kissed him on the cheek and snuggled close to him. 
It was raining during Hendery’s funeral. Everyone was soaking wet, dressed in black when you and Jaehyun arrived. You didn’t have the guts to say ‘hello’ to his sisters and nieces, you didn’t want them to meet Jaehyun, the assassin that killed their brother so you two stayed in the car and paid your respects from afar. 
“I’m still not convinced that he’s a bad person Jae,” You said to Jaehyun. But of course, you knew Hendery was just playing with your mind, you’re just thankful that it’s not Jaehyun’s funeral you’re attending right now. 
Everything feels heavy inside. Jaehyun couldn’t take you home today, so he decided to drive away and check in to the furthest motel he could find. He knew that you were hurting and you were desperate for peace of mind, and going home to 127 house would not help you achieve that. The rain poured even harder, just as your tears continued to flow. So this is what feels like mourning. Mourning for a friend. Your only friend. 
Desperate. You were desperate to forget.
“I bought noodles, let’s eat it while its hot, yeah?” Jaehyun was trying to brighten up the mood but he keeps on failing. Either way, he will not give up on you. He was lively setting up the table and kept on humming songs you love. He knew of course. 
“Hey- I’ll do anything to help you. Emotionally and physically—“ he said, but you didn’t let him continue and sat on his lap. You wanted to turn him on… you wanted to turn yourself on by using Jaehyun but your mind just keeps on drifting to Hendery. 
Jaehyun was startled of course, but he knew he had to stretch his patience over and over again. He did not let you succeed with your plan, he understood what you were doing. He can see the desperation in your eyes that you want to forget and divert your attention. Jaehyun wanted to help, but not this way. 
He made you stop grinding on his growing bulge and kissed your forehead, “stop it. Don’t do this on your own, I’m here, talk to me” he whispered sweetly while soothing your back. 
You were in tears again. 
When Jaehyun finally convinced you to eat what he brought you, you two spent your day in bed, in each other’s arms. Quiet and peaceful, just how you two wanted. But when your eyes met again, he kissed you hungrily and showed you how much he craved for you. How much he missed you. How much he still loves you. He made you sit on top of him, giving you permission to use him however you want. 
“See…You don’t have to sell yourself short to me, I’ll come to you” he smiled and kissed you sweetly, his hands roamed around your body and put it inside your shirt. Jaehyun knew that whenever he pinches your nipples, you go crazy and it turns you on, and whenever he brushes his fingers softly on your hard nipples it just melts you in an instant. 
In return you went in between his legs and pull out his cock, gave it a good lick and made sure it was wet as fuck before you put it inside your mouth and give him a good head. You feel Jaehyun’s hand relaxed at the top of your head, petting you whenever he feels like it, and moaning shamelessly, moaning so good, letting you know that no one in this world can give him a good head except you. 
You reach for his lips and give him a peck. Jaehyun wanted more but you teased him. “Come on, I wanted to kiss you longer” he pouted cutely. 
“Later” you moaned while you slowly put his cock in your wet pussy. You both moaned deliciously, it has been so long since you two fucked. 
“I missed you” Jaehyun said before removing your sleepwear. You were too busy to care, you grind and rode Jaehyun while he cums and while his hands roam freely on your body. Oh you miss his touch. 
When you finally reached your high, you flopped on top of Jaehyun and just listened to his heartbeat. He feels warm. He feels good. And his arms feel so good around you. 
You looked up to him and told him, “lets give love a second chance Jae”
All Jaehyun could do was smile and laugh, “after all that’s happened this past few days do you think I’ll let go of you again?” He kissed your knuckles and held on to you, “we will never part this time. Even if it takes killing everyone, I mean it” 
Jaehyun dried and kissed away your tears, made you smile again and promised that “Hendery may have been the one who showed you the life that you want, but I will be the one that will make it happen,” you tried to avoid this conversation again, but this time Jaehyun won’t let you. 
“Listen to me,” he asked sternly but still gently, “It’s not going to be easy Y/n, but I’m ready to take whatever shit my father will throw at me. I have nothing to lose… except you. When we can finally retire, I’ll turn my back away from being Jeong Yoonoh, I don’t want it”
Of course you agreed to him and decided to be together.
This is not going to be the smoothest relationship, a lot of people will die first before you two can have the freedom you want. But over the years, you and Jaehyun proved your importance to the field and they couldn’t do anything to get you to break up again. Of course Jaehyun’s father wasn’t pleased to be in love with a no one like you. Even though you’re his favorite assassin, he couldn’t let his only son marry someone nameless, who kills for a living and is only successful in life because of his generosity.
“Let them be, I’ll have her killed by the time Jaehyun becomes the boss,” are his exact words to his secretary after hearing the news of your relationship. “Let them play,”
And that is why you and Jaehyun had beautiful years of relationship together.
One fine day, Chanyeol called everyone for an important meeting. A mission that involves everyone, this will be pretty big you thought. Even Mr. Jeong’s foreign bodyguards are present, Mr. Jeong’s assistant and some more bodyguards.
Chanyeol says, starting the meeting as he enters the room, explaining to everyone that Jaehyun will finally appear in public as Jeong Yoonoh and will be introduced as the next Jeong in line in front of all Mr. Jeong’s right hand.
“We will protect and assist the Jeong family as they make a public appearance for a gathering. Yoonoh is going to be there to represent his father- I know that you guys trained together and it’s weird to protect Jaehyun”
“Tell me about it” you joked but Jaehyun looked at you with flirty eyes.
“But he’s still a Jeong too. And we made an oath that we will protect the Jeongs with all our heart” Taeyong said. “Can we all be serious now?” The leader speaks.
“Thank you Taeyong… going back to the mission…” Chanyeol continues to explain what needs to be done. You’re hearing everything fine, you understand what needs to be done. But the truth about what Taeyong said still lingers in your mind. And Jaehyun can see it in your eyes.
Jaehyun is the reason for your purpose.
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“This is the first time that the big bosses are going to see Jaehyun as an adult… so that’s why Jaehyun’s appearance is a threat to everyone. Knowing far too well that the Jeong’s clan still has a successor” Chanyeol explained.
“The Prince Jaehyun” Yuta teases his friend.
“No no, more like a bait” you said, “This is a good opportunity for the business to know who’s the traitor or not. The companies that will send assassins to kill Jaehyun is the Jeong’s way to know about the truth- what a sick way”
The room went silent. And that is where everyone realized that Jaehyun may be special in everyone’s eyes, but his family use him for business and business only. Jaehyun knew everything about it, ever since he was a kid, his father never missed an opportunity to make him feel like shit. That’s why he didn’t want to be a Jeong and can’t wait to turn his back on this circus one day.
“Not to mention… The two Phantoms that are left alive are very much interested with this gathering because it’s good for business… this can be our chance to meet Ten and Kun— and Y/n can be on standby to kill the two Phantoms—“
“I’m not killing any Phantoms again Chanyeol… you know that, let Taeyong do it.” you said, looking at the floor.
“Well no one is available to do the job,” Chanyeol exclaims, “You will kill them,” and that is the end of this discussion.
“Unlike the other 5 Phantoms that has a very low profile, the entire world knows what Ten looks like because he is a socialite. Our only problem is he is heavily guarded at all times…���
The preparation for this mission took days to perfect but everyone is ready and well prepared to finally protect the Jeongs for the first time in their lives as an assassin. Everyone was ready except Jaehyun.
“Can I sleep here? I don’t want to sleep alone tonight before the big day” Jaehyun said with a soft smile. Even though you’re now openly dating each other, you two are not allowed to have a place on your own,
“Your room and bed is bigger Jae,” you said to him but you made room for him in your bed. You lay first, followed by Jaehyun who wrapped his arms around you immediately. “I like yours better. It allows me to squeeze in beside you like this” he said with a smile.
“Are you nervous for tomorrow?” You asked while patting his head softly. Letting him know that you have his back.
“I am-“ he said but you did not let him continue.
“Oh come on Jaehyun youve been an assassin for years and years now you can’t be nervous. I’m not having it” you said. But he looked serious.
“Yeah but. Not as Jeong Yoonoh — I’m not confident as Yoonoh. I’m not brave as Yoonoh” He reached for your hand and intertwined it with his, “The idea of Jeong Yoonoh is perfect. This place only knew the real me. But outside these walls, they think that I’m perfect, powerful because of my family’s name, I know how to run the business- but the truth is I know nothing. The shit that will come out to my mouth tomorrow is all scripted. It pains me to see myself like this Y/n”
And thats where you saw that he is seriously worried for tomorrow. You have no idea how to show that he has nothing to be afraid of. So you kissed him. Sweetly kissed him. And poured out your feelings into that kiss.
“Just remember that I got my eyes on you tomorrow, I’m your angel” you tried to take away his nervousness. Oh you wish you could help him even more.
First thing in the morning, Jaehyun was escorted to be with his family by Chanyeol and it was the first time ever that the 127 Squad traveled as a team with only four members. “Feels weird right?” Teayong blurted out coldly, “then no one should fuck up. Don’t let Jaehyun die today,” he reminded everyone.
As Jaehyun enjoy his time nervously with his family, the assassination squad are all in their assigned places. Mark is talking nonstop from the earpiece, Yuta and Taeyong are beside Jaehyun, keeping him safe. And you’re on standby, waiting for Ten and Kun to show up. It was one hell of a busy and nervous day.
After a few minutes of waiting, Ten showed up with an army of bodyguards. Shameless. You thought. He went straight to Jaehyun like they’re closed friends already, smiling like he doesn’t have something dirty on his sleeve.
“Jaehyun, get him to talk,” you said through the radio, but Ten was fast enough to start the conversation.
“Tell me Jaehyun— the truth and nothing but the truth only,” Ten smiled so big in front of Jaehyun, enjoying his drink, “Did your family killed my friends? as if they’re like cockroaches?”
Jaehyun was about to stand up and leave him talking, but Ten was one clever man.
“I bet Hendery gave you and your girl a rough time, he really wanted to kill you and get your girl… maybe she was really good in bed that’s why my friend went crazy in love”
After that sentence. Ten looked through your way. As if he knows how you’re on standby and ready to kill him. How could he know your exact location. Exact location. It scared you.
“The fact that you know that were together tells me that you knew too much already,” Jaehyun said calmly, “All the more reason for me to kill you dont you think?”
“Jaehyun dont fucking start a chaos now!” Chanyeol yelled through the radio, “You are Yoonoh today, not Bitter peach”
“Your friends are all crazy— that makes you crazy too” Jaehyun added.
“I’m not here to get killed. And I’m not here to start a chaos either. It’s bad for business and for the both of us,” He let out a heavy sigh with a big smile. A big mocking smile, “I’m here to invite you to my house and talk business. Consider this as the right and polite way to make business together. Without killing anyone or getting killed— let’s stop the killings here,….”he continued to talk about business, a lot of shit that Jaehyun couldn’t understand but good thing his father’s assistant was there too. Of course Ten made the invitation like it was strictly business, and fooled the assistant. Ten reached out his hand, offering him a deal in front of his father, of course Jaehyun couldn’t do anything about it.
Hendery was right after all, he’s just a powerless Jeong.
When everyone came back home, everyone is discussing and agreeing about that ‘invitation’ from Ten. It was obviously a trap. Even you think that it was trap. It was obvious that Ten is a mad man. But Jaehyun’s father was fooled too, he was fooled by Ten’s charms and business talk.
“If you’re comfortable with it, can you answer how nice Hendery was to you?” Taeyong asked politely. Giving you a cup of coffee because you badly needed one.
“He was thoughtful. Family oriented, and a gentleman in bed,” you laughed it out and said it truthfully to Taeyong. He cant believe what he just heard. He was amused.
“Does Jaehyun know,” Taeyong laughed while asking.
“Of course. That guy knows everything,”
“So do you think it’s safe for him to make business with Ten?”
“It would be his greatest mistake Tae,” you let out a sigh, “Those guys are monsters, even Hendery was but he didn’t show it to me,”
“Well then stop him from stepping a foot to that guys house,”
But of course Jaehyun couldn’t resist. As long as his father ordered it. When Jaehyun did his part to showing up to the meeting, Ten didn’t…it was a trap indeed. But Ten didn’t bail on the business deal, he still did his part, signed contract with the Jeongs, etc. he just wanted to hurt Jaehyun physically without getting his own hands dirty. That way, there’s no proof that Ten ordered the assault. Smart man. Ten’s guys tortured Jaehyun inside that big house from sun up to sun down. Sending Jaehyun back to 127 house all covered in blood, naked and you couldn’t almost recognize him. Chanyeol drove him straight to the hospital and that is the end of Jaehyun’s career as an assassin.
Only families are allowed to visit him in his room and of course his family wont allow any of you guys to come near him. For all you know, he will never be Bitter Peach again. He will be Jeong Yoonoh everyday now.
While Jaehyun was in a coma, you were pretty busy with a lot of missions here and there. The squad and Chanyeol is busy with searching for Ten, but no one is getting lucky this time around. Your anger and drive to take revenge for Jaehyun has put aside because all you want right now is his safety and for him to wake up. But even though youre not doing anything right now, you swear to kill Ten and make him pay for what he did to Jaehyun.
But now… another thing is hurting you.
Like Jaehyun… you feel like a powerless person who couldn’t even visit the love of your life in the hospital. You can see how you’re 100% and perfectly incompatible for Jaehyun. You’re nothing but someone who works for his family after all.
The wait for Jaehyun to wake up was excrutiating. Depressing and uncertain. His wounds may be healing, but hes still sleeping soundly.
“The Jeongs wont cut Jaehyun’s life line right?” Yuta expressed his frustration when he overheard an ugly rumor about Jaehyun’s family cutting his life line.
“No. Mr. Jeong won’t have a successor and his pride wont handle that” Taeyong finishes Yuta’s worries.
He was in coma for two weeks. You can’t eat, sleep or even think properly because your mind is busy worrying. And when you received the news that he finally woke up, you were already on your way for a mission and all you could do is cry in the car because of happiness but of course with a mix of anger, how could Chanyeol sent you away for a mission now that Jaehyun is awake.
While you were way, you got the news that Jahyun’s assassin days are over. His father was scared that he’d lose Jaehyun again, even before Jaehyun could fulfill his duties. You also hard the news that they removed all his things from 127 house and they only see him through video calls now … and as Yoonoh.
“It’s like they forced us to forget the friendship that we had— Jaehyun was against it. Damn he looked sad during the meeting earlier” Mark said.
“He’s currently, learning shit about his family’s business while still healing” Taeyong added.
“Well guys, I have to go now. Thanks for the news. I’m really glad he’s safer than ever. You guys look out for him… for me” you said with a heavy heart before ending the call. This mission is taking too long its frustrating you even more. You wanted to hug him so bad and comfort him, tell him that he will do great as Yoonoh. But you can’t.
Then you saw your phone light up your dark room. It was Mark who sent you a text,
“Don’t worry. We’ve planned everything already. You just have to wait for him ;)”
After that message from Mark they never called you again or texted you, you just trusted your friends and their so called ‘plan’ for you and Jaehyun to meet up. And again, the wait was brutal. The wait lasted for four months and sure did felt like he was never going to show up. All you could do is hope that this mission will soon be over so you could go home and do things your way.
Tonight, the wait is over. He’s not 100% healed, he can’t walk straight yet and his right arm is still broken.
But he brought you flowers. And wore the biggest smile. If only you knew how happy Jaehyun is right now, seeing you and holding you in his arms again.
“Hi beautiful. Missed me?” he wrapped is left arm around you and kissed you one too many times. Oh you missed those soft lips.
“Are you warm enough?” you asked with worried eyes, “Are you hurting? How are you?”
“I’m warm, but you can make it better,” he winks and started to kiss your neck.
“Okay I’m convinced you’re all well now,”
The cold night became warm and even warmer as hours go by. You and Jaehyun did not even waste a second and made love the whole night.
This was far from everything you’ve had from New York, your place was small, cramped and it wasnt fancy at all. It completely symbolizes how you feel for the past couple of months while you’re away from Jaehyun.
“I didn’t know you were coming today… I didn’t get the chance to tidy up—“ you apologize while you let Jaehyun kiss your body, feel his warm lips on your skin. It felt like you were dreaming, you almost lost him, he almost died…
“Stop it with your ugly thoughts, Im here now” he whispers beside your ear, giving you goosebumps, making your heart skip a beat. His touch is everything, it give you comfort, the assurance that you’re not dreaming and that he’s real and beside you now. He intertwined his fingers with yours, kissing it one too many times to make you believe. “I’m here” he said again and again and again. Putting your arms around his neck before he starts kissing your neck sweetly, his hands cant get enough of your being, kisses trails down from your neck to your boobs. Sipping on your nipples one by one, making it harder by the second, licking it just the way you like it and teasing you with a soft pinch without a warning just so he can see a faint smile on you face.
“Do I need to tease you the whole night just so I could see that smile?” He asked softly and proceeds to kissing your lips. You feel his hand go down in between your thighs, spreading them just the way you like it and checking your slit if you’re wet already. Of course. This man can make you wet by just a touch.
He teases you with his soft touch, touching your slit softly while he kisses your neck. Softly his fingers moved in between your thighs and dance softly on your skin, not putting anything yet inside, which make you crave for him even more. He kneeled in between your legs and spread them wide, still running his fingers on your slit to make you wetter. And without a warning, he planted a soft kiss on your inner thigh, which if course you know whats coming next… a soft lick on your cunt that soon became kisses. You feel both his hands spreading your pussy lips so he could lick you on the right places. Your body is on fire, you wanted to close your legs so bad but Jaehyun’s tongue felt so good. All this so you get hurt by the time he puts his cock inside of you.
By the time Jaehyun met your eyes again, you were catching your breath and holding on to his arm as hard as you could. “Babe, it hurts” he smiled handsomely and kissed you. You immediately stopped what you were doing and apologized, asked him if he was hurting to other places but the man in between your legs is currently so horny and is longing for your tight walls already. He kissed you hungrily, almost as if taking your breath away, and when you felt the tip of his cock by your entrance, he slowly pushed in until his whole cock is inside of you. “You’re soaking” he managed to whisper while thrusting in and out, his arms caging you while you take everything. Lips crashing every second while feeling his thick cock, listening to each other’s moans and groans, never ending touching and lust.
The night became longer when you two spent your time just talking and laughing. Tomorrow he leaves already. But he promised to fix everything and make you come home as soon he talks to the right people. He also promised that now that he’s not an assassin anymore, he can finally prove that he’s worthy of the name Jeong. He wanted to prove that Hendery is wrong, that he’s not a powerless Jeong.
“Now I know that this is not the original plan before we decided to get back again but…”
“You dont need to explain yourself Jae” you said while you snuggle and bring yourself closer to him. He accepts it by hugging you back and planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
He may not say it to you, but he is scared for himself too. Even though he promised you that he will give up his name just so he could turn his back someday, you let him shine and be Jeong Yoonoh still because this is right.
“What time do you leave?” You asked softly, careful not to break the silence.
“Around 6 in the morning? It has been a beautiful night— are you happy?” He asked. “I am. Im really happy right now” he added.
“Telling you I’m happy is an understatement,”
“Im sorry if I make your life complicated” he says, “just hang in there and we’ll have longer days and longer nights like this. For now… just let me make you happy in my own way”
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Even though Jaehyun was scared for the drastic change in his life, he did it anyway. He did it even though he’s doubting himself. He did it even though he knew he’s not going to be good at it. He did it even though he misses you bad. He did it even though he’s tired. He did it. And he did with only a year of knowing the ins and outs of their business. Knowing every people involved in their company. Making it his own kingdom instead of making it control him. And of course he did this to prove to everyone that he’s the boss now.
Jaehyun changed for the better, even more respected, smarter and wiser this time.
He didn’t want to be like his father. Scary and will opt for war in an instant. Jaehyun wanted to change the system. Enough with he killings, just strictly business. But even though he’s the boss now, his father is still the last call. He cant fully change everything, not until he’s gone.
Three years in the relationship
It was half past ten already and you’re still not sure about your target for tomorrow. You scanned pages of papers over and over again, reading every word and catching every detail but you still don’t have a clear shot for what’s coming tomorrow. It’s Ten. It was the same case as Hendery’s. But this time, you know the face that you need to kill.
And you can’t wait to kill that fucker. You will strangle him with your own hands if you have to .
“You look sexy when you’re concentrating, hi,” your boyfriend came out of nowhere who’s been gone for three days but you didn’t notice because you were too busy. You’re even surprised that he went straight here, in 127 house instead of your shared place. “Still flying blind for tomorrow?” He asks while his right hand soothes your back, giving you a slight massage to somehow relieve your stress. It felt like an invitation if you’re being honest. An invitation to ‘come rest and enjoy the night with me’, but at the same time you were desperate to finish this job as soon as you can.
“I think he will really show up tomorrow, and if I could only finish this, I could get home to you tonight— are you here to pick me up? I really can’t go home tonight” you said sternly but your voice was breaking. Frustrated because you missed him so much, and now that he’s here, you only have hours to be with him.
Jaehyun chuckled handsomely at what you said, looking at you lovingly and silently proud of the woman you’ve become. “I’m not going anywhere,” he planted a soft kiss on your forehead and you immediately wrapped your arms around him. “I’ll go home alone if that’s what you want. Pomise you will come home? In one piece and safe?” he joked while spreading kisses on your neck and caging you with his strong arms.
“Yes I promise” you said but still accepting what Jaehyun is doing to you. You don’t mind how his very touch melts your whole being, how his kisses are the best persuasion you’ve ever experienced, and how his hands are all over you but somehow he’s stopping himself. He left a sweet kiss on your lips which you returned without hesitating.
When Jaehyun left you alone in the study room, you feel bad for rejecting him. You know he longs for you, you know he misses you so much, and you know that you can die tomorrow and neglecting yourself from Jaehyun’s loving company is a stupid thing to do. “Fuck” you said as you think about the moment earlier. His touch, kisses, his very presence. You missed him. So much.
And so you arranged all the papers, cleaned up the desk and went to your room to prepare everything in advance for tomorrow. Guns, knives and other important things that might save you, you packed it all and drive yourself home to Jaehyun. The preparation took a while and Jaehyun might be sleeping already but whatever, you will sleep beside him tonight. You silently walked into your shared room see him dressed in his black sleepwear, calm and peaceful. Hugging a pillow and pretending that it’s you. Oh he looked so innocent.
“Hey,” you wake him up and removed the pillow from his arms because he doesn’t need to pretend anymore. “I’m here now and I’m sorry about earlier” you apologized sincerely and hug him tightly. All of a sudden the cold room became warm.
“Hmm. It’s okay it’s not your fault” he keeps you close to him and cage you with his strong arms. Oh you missed being like this.
“How was your business meeting?” You asked because you figured it was not easy given that he was gone for three days.
“Bloody, but I stayed alive,” he joked, pretending that he’s still an assassin. “You do the same thing too, okay? Come home to me”
“I will, always” you assured him.
“Want me to assist you tomorrow?” He offered. Just because he’s worried about you, and maybe because he couldn’t handle being apart from you anymore.
“No baby, I will be fine you need rest,”
He nods and said “I love you”
“I love you”
Its been three years since you almost lost Jaehyun. The past couple of years were hard on the both of you, mainly because his family never approved you as Jaehyuns girlfriend. But Jaehyun never actually cared about what people think, but you do.
Sometimes you imagine yourself disappear in this place and get away from Jaehyun’s love. Dont get me wrong, you love Jaehyun just as mush as you love him but until now, you cant help but think that you have nothing to give to him. When he introduced you to his family formally, they did not approved and clearly hear them gasped sharply when they heard that you’re part of the 127 squad.
You see every Jeong that you knew in the room, the very Jeongs that you swore to protect with all your life. But none of them are thankful to what you do for their family.
“You will be the cause of Jae’s death I know it”
And those words from Jaehyun’s sister still haunts you. It was just a dream right now but that scene really happened. And it broke your spirit.
You face Jaehyun while he was sleeping, caressed his face softly and left sweet kisses. He no longer sleep talks and scream in his sleep you thought, little did you know its all because of you. You are Jaehyun’s peace. “Good morning, I love you. I’ll see you in a few days” you whispered and snuggled closer to him.
While you were away, Jaehyun did not expect his father wanted to see him. He was clueless of what’s going on because every business meeting was already taken care of. Nonetheless, he still went to the office and give respects.
“You wanted to see me” Jaehyun said.
“Sit son,” his said.
“How are you?” his father asked, Jaehyun answered directly and fast because he did not like small talks. “How is Y/n?” this question made Jaehyun smile. Maybe he’s here because his father finally approves. But just after Jaehyun was so happy telling his father all about you, he wasn’t so pleased to hearing that your relationship is going strong.
“I was hoping that your relationship is in shambles and that she finally come to her senses and left you but- I won’t beat around the bush anymore. I want you to meet the daughter of my good friend Johnny. They’re americans, maybe just maybe, you will realize how y/n has no match to these other women who has education a family background and power. Do it for the family. Meet her”
“That druggie? Y/n protects our family, how could you say that to her” Jaehyun defends. At least he tried.
And then his father’s secretary knocked on the door to remind his father about other errands. Jaehyun felt so powerless at that moment, he can’t even make his own father listen to him. Ever since he was a kid, Jaehyun did not like how his father controlled him and that is why he never considered himself as a Jeong. He hated being a Jeong so much.
When you came back after a failed mission, good thing Jaehyun was waiting and expecting you to arrive. Ever since he stopped being an assassin his schedule became busier than ever, but of course, now that he’s one of the boss, he’s never too busy for you.
“I need to ask you something” Jaehyun started while pouring you another glass of his favorite wine, “If I ask you to marry me-“
“No. The answer is no, Jaehyun” you sat closer to him and asked him what’s wrong and what’s troubling him. You can see it in his eyes. He wouldn’t mention marriage out of nowhere if everything was fine. “Not yet. Please. We haven’t have any peaceful years in our relationship and marriage will just make it worst I believe” You added.
But the thing is, he couldn’t just say that he’s father is making him marry someone, Jaehyun knew your insecurities of course, he couldn’t just say and be honest with you right now. So he didn’t answer any of your question. He just left a kiss on your lips and drank his wine slowly. Looking at his glass, lost in the silence like you’re not even beside him even though his hand is holding your hand.
It’s clear that something is bothering him.
Or maybe… Jaehyun really wanted to get married already?
You wont know. You don’t know.
But for Jaehyun, if you don’t want to marry him yet. That’s fine. As long as you will stay by his side and to never leave him. But little did you know, Jaehyun has a plan. If you don’t want it yet, well he will give you reasons to marry him and say yes soon.
“Lets just have one peaceful year, then lets get married” you blurted out just so you can stop worrying. His silence is choking you. He smiled and let out a cute laugh, hearing that from you, completely changed the mood and made Jaehyun happy. He is never greedy in life, he never asked for anything else, but when it comes to you, he wants all of you. That’s all he ever wanted.
“Okay… so correct me if I’m wrong but… you’re saying that we could get married some time next year?” he chuckled and teased you.
“Ugh. Yes. It’s just that… I can’t handle it when you’re like this. I love you and I want to be with you too but… you have to understand that the life we curently have is not a good life. We don’t have freedom Jae” you expressed your worries.
The wine in front of you two is completely forgotten.
“Okay. Okay. I understand.” he pulls you closer for a hug, wrapping you in his strong arms, “No pressure” he says and kissed you softly.
But even though you two compromised already, he’s still on the missions to make you want to marry him soon. And he will try until he succeeds. Hopefully.
The next day, he brought you to his sister’s brunch event, it was an awkward place to be, but you and Jaehyun wanted to see Sofi, Jaehyun’s niece and wish her a happy birthday. It was also a statement to Jaehyun’s family that he will not take any of their shits from now on. He will love whoever he chooses.
“Uncle Yoonoh is here!!!” Jaehyun shouted while catching young Sofi and lift her to the ground. The little girl was ecstatic and excited, to be carried by her uncle. She also hugged you and said hello before she invites you in and to let her lead the tour and introduced you to her friends.
“Why don’t you marry and have kids already instead of pestering me with your visits. My kids are always looking for you lately saying “uncle Jaehyun is the best when is he going to visit?” Jaehyun sister says as she makes a perfect impersonation of her kids. Jaehyun chuckled and gave his sister a kiss.
“Ive been trying” Jaehyun says with a big smile.
“To what? To getting married? To whom? To the daughter of Johnny Seo? Jeez she was your type?” Jaehyun’s sister said without hesitation. Not even thinking about you.
“No. I’ve been trying to get Y/n to say ‘yes’” Jaehyun says directly, “You do realize that were never breaking up. I’ll handle the Seos , I’m sure I can make business with them-“
“You’ll gain nothing from her Jae. Look at you now, you’re already suffering. You have the Phantoms and the Seo’s choking you hard… and now the girl you love doesn’t want to marry you? Ungrateful bitch”
“Its love. She has her reasons. I’ll try and try” Jaehyun says with a smile.
“Whatever your plan is, do it faster. By the time that Seo girl takes over her father’s business, we’re screwed Jae-“
“Tell me, why are we in debt with the Seos again?” It was an honest question, “all I know is they lend us money back when father’s business isn’t going well”
“Nothing special. Johnny Suh is one greedy motherfucker. His daughter is ready to get married and of course pairing her to the heir of the powerful Jeong family is the best way to be richer”
“That’s it?” Jaehyun asked.
“Yep. No plots,” his sister laughs.
“This is our word Jae. It’s already fucked up, it doesn’t need a plot anymore. Dad made you an assassin and made you kill for the family and suddenly you’re the boss, haven’t you learned anything?”
It was quiet for a moment. Then his sister said something unexpected, something he didn’t expect shed say.
“Stop caging Y/n Jae… Don’t you think she deserve so much better than this? If you really love her, set her free. This is not a place for her, she earned her freedom. And marrying you just makes her permanently imprisoned under the Jeongs…. you want a plot?” she smirked, “picture this. Someday, when she’s all fed up with all of this shit, she will leave you and you can’t do anything about it because you love her”
After knowing the truth about the Seos and after hearing the ugly truth from his sister, Jaehyun drowned himself with work and stayed in his office alone for a few days. It was like his head was splitting into half. One second he’s thinking about business and deals wih the Seos. Then the next minute he’ thinking about you. It wasn’t easy. He was trained to be an assassin and fix things with a gun or a knife, but this… this cannot be easily fixed with violence and Jaehyun knew that damn well. It’s frustrating him,
“Hey-“ you startled Jaehyun. He was lost in all the paper work that he needs to finish. His mind is already tired, but the one giving him rest and peace has entered the room. His mood completely changed when he saw you. “What’s up?” You added.
You sat on the vacant table beside him and watch him undo his sleeves and roll them up. He’s ready to call it a day already, you’re here.
Jaehyun stood in between your legs, making you wrap your arms around his neck, and your legs around his waist. Lips immediately found its place on your neck, down to your chest. “Wanna have sex on this table?” Jaehyun asked while kissing you sweetly. You can only nod and agree to his crazy idea. Not to mention, its been too long since you two did something like this.
He was quick to remove your pajama, leaving your shirt and panties on. Obviously, this was a stress release, you can see it in his eyes that he was stressed for days already and now that he got time he’s just craving for your body and craving for you in general. You went down from the table, kneeling in front of Jaehyun and help him undo his belt. His Calvin Klein boxer briefs always looked sexy on him you thought.
“You dont need to do this” he bend down and kissed you on the lips before you pull out his cock and give it good lick. Making sure its all wet and hard, watching Jaehyun from below… watching him became weaker every lick that you give him. And when you finally put it in your mouth, his hands are both relaxed on your head, pushing in gently as possible so he could reach the depths of your throat.
Jaehyun is not hard to please, he loved everything that your tongue is doing to his cock. Sucking and licking, it takes his breath away.
“I’m gonna cum” he warns you and made you stand and bend you on the table. He was quick to pull your panties to the side and thrust inside you, hitting you with fast thrust that made the table rock, you thought it will break any second. Then he pulled you closer to his chest, putting your hands behind you, his lips on your neck as he continues to fuck you good while he cums.
Slowly, while he rides his high he continues to plant kisses on you, “your turn” he says with ragged breaths. He made you lay down the table and spread your legs wide, watching his cum come out of your cunt, playing it with his fingers, turning you on while he bend down and proceeds to suck you boobs. You can feel that even though he already came, he’s still hard, very hard. And when he thrusted in again, the stretch was incredible.
“You’re so hard, fuck Jae,”
“Does it hurt?” He asks while he continues to fuck you, his lips on your lips, his hand busy with kneading your boobs and teasing your nipples. Everything was too much.
You and Jaehyun went on for a few couple of rounds. Few, but dirty and wild. It felt like you bith have the energy to go on and on, fuck like teenagers and do anything you could think of.
“Can you stop taking pills? I’ve read that, its affecting your emotions its not healthy,” he says sweetly.
“Woah there, since when did you know so much about these stuff?” you kissed him sweetly on the neck, reaching for his cock and checking if he’s still good for another round. “Well can you stop cumming inside me?” You joked, but your hands got him on chokehold but not for long. He was on top of you again, kissing your body and spreading your legs.
“Then I’ll wear a condom just stop taking those and I’ll try not to cum inside you, just please be healthy Im worried” he said before he puts it in for the nth time tonight.
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“Hi beautiful”
Your heart beat so fast in a matter of seconds the moment you hear his deep voice. You smiled and continue to prepare your things.
“I can see you smiling from this hidden camera planted on the lapshade… I’ll tell Mark to hack this for good-“
You chuckled at what you just heard, “can you please stop hacking Mark’s shit and let the kid work?— let us work, rather”
“I just miss you” he said.
“Miss me? You could have call me—“
“I’ve been calling you. The moment you landed on Thailand” you tried looking for your phone the moment he mentioned it but you cant see it on your desk, “baby, its at the back pocket” you can hear him laugh at you. “Oh can’t wait to take care of you for the rest of my life, anyway, Mark is on I should go. I love you. Come home, alright?”
Right before you could even say that you love him, Mark got his control with the system and jumped right into whatever details you need for the big day tomorrow.
The call was at least 3 hours. Full of plotting and brainstorming, nothing about this big plan was rushed. If there’s one thing that you learned about this whole thing, it’s perfect timing. Ten is hard to find, and it took you months to get a head start. Ten was even harder to track, and it took you a few more months to keep track on him… all because of perfect timing.
Revenge. “Happy Revenge day” you murmured to yourself.
A steady look through the snipper, breathing and out calmly as you watch Ten, the first Phantom, flirt with his lover at his private penthouse.. well, it’s not private anymore, because tonight you’re gonna invade that.
“Green light,” Mark’s happy voice was clear through your earpiece. “Are you going to kill his lover too?” Mark asks.
“Yeah,” you answered calmly, “he wanted to kill me too when he thought he killed Jaehyun”
By the time you remember how Ten tortured Jaehyun, you pulled the trigger… and killed his lover. You watch Ten for a few minutes to do everything he wanted.. cry, call for help, shake his dead lover, watch him get scared and take cover.
As long as you watch him suffer.. as long as you see the sadness in his eyes because the love of his life died right before his eyes… he’s good as dead to you.
There’s a part of you that you didn’t want to kill Ten, not because youre nice. But because you wanted to make him suffer even more and live with the pain in his heart forever.
“Consider this as mercy,” you whispered through the cold air, wishing that Ten could hear it. And in a matter of second, your mercy was released. And you watch Ten bleed on his expensive marble floor.
It’s done.
5 Phantoms dead… and there’s only one left.
You smiled at the thought of your achievement. You smile as you watch the beautiful sunrise in front of you.
When you got home everyone applauded you for killing Ten, they couldn’t believe that you did all the work alone from investigations to finally killing Ten. He was a bit of a work you thought, he was hard to track, hard to find, and hard kill. But you saw his weakness… because you two are the same. You two have one thing in common.
Your lovers are your weakness.
“I’m happy you’re here beside me,” Jaehyun whispers while he pats your head softly.
You squeezed him and hugged him tighter.
“And since, it was such a beautiful kill,” you both giggled, “we should celebrate, we should go to a fancy restaurant tomorrow and celebrate” Jaehyun says excitedly but you looked like you’re not interested, maybe you’re tired, or maybe you just wanted to get on with it as soon as possible and find Kun.
“What do you know about Kun?” You asked Jaehyun.
“Well, he’s the riches among them. He knows all sorts of thing. A real family guy- he can fly a plane”
“Well maybe he’s not down here you know—“
“What? Do you think he lives on the clouds?” Jaehyun joked. “Please babe, you just got home. Take a breather, rest” Jaehyun once again provided calm to your life. And while you two enjoy each other’s warmth in his cozy bed, he’s playing with your engagement ring and kissed you good night.
He’s more than happy that you came back and now you’re safe in his loving arms.
The next day, he brought you to a fancy restaurant and had dinner together. It was a public space which you think was beautiful. Normal people eat on public spaces like this. They chat, dine, laugh until their stomachs hurt… it was all refreshing to you. And Jaehyun knew that.
That’s why he’s smiling from across the table, looking at you while you look at the people around you. He loves seeing you like this.
“Have you ever thought of early retirement Jae?” You asked him with a smile while he drinks wine.
“As an assassin? No.” He answered truthfully and poured you another glass of wine. “I would rather be Bitter Peach than Jeong Jaehyun”
“Sorry I forgot-“ he reach for your hand and told you its fine. He understands that you’re overwhelmed with the surroundings.
“You know while you’re gone.. me and Taeyong.. weve been growing tomatoes and herbs,” he had a proud smirk before he reaches his phone from his pocket and showed you pictures of what he has been doing in the gardens. “I’ve thought of someday having a winery…”
“That sound cool,”
“Have a winery while growing old with you” he added.
“Well, that’s beautiful” you said while he reaches for you slowly and give you a kiss.
But after that beautiful kiss you suddenly dropped on floor.
Your nose was bleeding and slowly you’re loosing air.
Slowly your vision fades out. You can’t move but your mind is telling you to stay awake. “Baby! Dont you dare close your eyes!” You hear Jaehyun yell at you, but even though he’s yelling and slightly slapping you to help you stay awake, you felt useless.
Then you coughed blood.
Jaehyun is already on the phone with Mark, asking for help. “Mark hurry up— she’s bleeding so much!” Jaehyun yelled through his phone.
You watch him try his best.
You saw his perfect clothes got stained with your blood.
And that was the last thing you saw before you closed your eyes.
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Thank you so much for reading this work of mine! If you love what you read, please leave something in my inbox and tell me how you feel! CLICK THIS LINK. I hope we can practice, give and take.
Stay tuned for the next part! -B.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Hi love ❤️ I was wondering if you could do Dabi, Shigaraki, chrono and Kai with a S/O who who just grabs them and shoves their face in to her chest when they monologue. Like the S/O is just tired of their endless ranting so she does that to shut them up
*cracks fingers* I would love to-
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Listen, you and Dabi rarely fights, so usually a argument is more like the kind of "Oh I like cheese" while the other is staring at you in disgust with a "You are mentally ill."
Really. That's it.
Is actually pretty funny, but now? You were almost throwing a chair at the mktherfucker since he was mocking you about not winning a bet you both made over a movie.
"Another loss doll, what a shame." He muttered, resting his smug face on his hands as he leaned on the kitchen counter as you deadpanned at him.
"Yeah yeah you won, now leave me alone." You hissed.
"Nah. I just need to see your expression at losing again. I can't even remember the count now, do you? I think I won on our lil discussions about of... 100 times already?" He made a false thinking expression as you threw a towel at him...
He obviously dodged with a cackle.
"I'm just speaking the truth here." He spat with a snort.
You had enough and just went to where he was. Thankfully he was sitting down so it would be more easy.
"Oh. Someone wants a round 2?" He smirked devilish before his eyes went wide open when your hands just grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his face right into your tatas.
Well... that was unexpected but surely not unwelcome.
"You're done?" You grumbled with a smile on your face as you nuzzle on his tainted hair before you felt a pair of rough hands squeezing your waist and surely felt a warmth emitting from his face.
"Yeah. I'm shutting up now." The vibrations of his rough voice made you ticklish.
He wouldn't. If you do this every time he will never shut his mouth.
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Probably was complaining about heroes or a game he didn't won or smth.
And you were just like "hey chill os not the end of world."
Okay, not LITERALLY because if you say that it will surely cause trouble between you two.
But you got it.
I will go with the second option since I kinda feel bad for him considering the recents events (both manga and anime)
"Tomu is okay."
"No its not." He growled, fingers already at work on scratching his neck "Didn't you see it? That guy obviously cheated. Probably is a momma or daddy boy and got those cheats on games paying billions for it."
"Huh?" You let out. Sometimes in the middle of his angry ramblings you couldn't understand or just the dots didn't connected.
But something you didn't want was for this man to mess up his skin more than it was. His neck was a victim of abuse from his nails already.
You got up in the kindle of his rambling and gently started to caress the oily hair he had before sucefully hushing him and bringing him to a hug with his face other between your chest.
The rambling immediately stopped as his hands started to tremble and for a moment you were afraid you did something to piss him off even more when he just straight up pushed himself away abruptly.
But the sign his face was now a deep shade of red that matched his ruby eyes immediately melted your worry away as you muffled your giggle with your hand.
"Sorry, that got you out of guard tomu?"
He glared up at you before standing up from his chair before just burning his face on your neck, not touching you with his hands still.
He can't even remember why he was so mad about.
Look how effective your love was!
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Sorry, this man drives me crazy
Surely was bitching about heroes and diseases and how they shouldn't exist/need a cure after bumling with one of them on his walk.
And normally you would sit and listen with pleasure since you were basically the only one Chisaki was open with absolutely everything.
But today was not your day.
You were just staring at him pacing around the room while you were sat on the bed just wanting to go to sleep.
It was a bold and dangerous move considering that normally you warn Chisaki or he just sees so he can prepare himself.
But nope. You just got up and pulled him abruptly to a hug with his face right on your minimum covered chest.
"Please Kai just go to bed... " You sighed while trying to carres the back of his skull.
Only later realizing the fair uncomfortable position he might been.
Chisaki was a bit taller than you... and the angle he was now made him arch his back rather... awkwardly.
You were about to pull away until his gloved hands grabbed the back of your night shirt as he exhaled shakily on you.
Guess you guys found a coping mechanism for when he gets nervous.
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He doesn't complain. He is an angel.
But he does go a rambling sometimes.
We saw that before he got attacked by a majority he was on ramble about to just kill aizawa.
Okay, maybe not a angel-
I totally can see Kurono as one of those dorky guys that goes mumbling without a care about something he enjoys it a lot.
And got shut out many times when he was a kid due to this habit (many times was Chisaki that ass-)
So he just tends to try to control it
Keyword try.
Because he is so comfortable around you that he can't just out of no where stop.
You're just watching him with a dreamy sigh as he explained in each detail about his favorite gun until he noticed your lack of response.
"Ha.. sorry about that." He scratched his cheek lightly
You weren't having that.
This man was so FLUSTERED when you scorched over and pulled him to nuzzle on your chest on the bed.
Face was 50 shades of red.
"Don't apologize for that. You like those things and I love hearing you talk. Please keep going."
I swear this man had heart eyes when staring up at you from his chest before he resumed his explanations but far more at ease at the position
Might have popped a boner
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castiwls · 3 months
"your my sun, my moon, and all my stars"
having a baby with patrick zweig...
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I feel Patrick is the type of guy to be absolutely terrified of pregnancy he kinda hates the idea but then the baby is actually born and he’s just smitten.
You’d barely been going out 3 months but you’d both been hooking up for just under a year when you randomly show up at his hotel with a pregnancy test.
His initial reaction is to slam the door in your face - he’s not ready for this. A baby would get in the way of his career.
After having the door slammed in your face you stood there for a moment, the hormones already seeming to affect you more than you’d known as a rush of anger runs through you so you do the only logical thing and bang on the door until he opens it.
“Patrick Zweig open this door right now or I swear to god.”
He opens the door and you have half a mind to slap him for getting you into this mess in the first place.
Neither of you was exactly ready to be parents.
You spend the first few months of your pregnancy trying to get used to your relationship and to the idea of being parents.
The idea terrified you but the fact that Patrick seemed to be slowly coming around to the idea left you feeling more relaxed.
You half expected him to run for the hills when you’d randomly shown up at his hotel yet he surprised you.
I feel he’s the type of guy to buy baby clothes based on his interests (like when they buy football kits for their team.)
He DEFFENTLY buys your baby a little tennis outfit with a toy racket and all.
“You did not buy our unborn child a tennis racket?” He shrugged placing the bag down. He looked at you with that lopsided grin which always made you melt. “I’m being prepared! My child will not be a football player.”
(He’s already looking into tennis lessons for when they're older but you don't have to know that)
He definitely cries the first time you see the baby on an ultrasound.
Also, I'm sorry but he gives girl dad energy - the idea of a mini version of him scares him more than he’d admit.
Secretly hope the baby takes after you more than him.
You both decide to do a really low-key gender reveal with only your close friends and family. When it’s revealed as a girl he completely freaks out.
This man is a MESS when you eventually do go into labour.
“Oh my god. Is…is that normal? You're not going to die right?? I can’t do this alone i don't know the first thing about babies never mind girls.”
You're considerably calmer than him for most of it. (You joke about him needing the gas and air more than you and he fully tries to grab it)
I saw this video on TikTok of a woman being like I wanted my boyfriend by my head the whole time I didn't want him to see anything but then the nurses asked if he wanted to catch the baby and he full-on sprinted to get gowned up - that Patrick.
This man full-on starts crying with the baby the minute she's out.
Holds your hand the entire time she’s being checked and cleaned. He just stands there whispering sweet nothings as you both watch.
Cries again when you get to hold her - you cry with him this time.
“She’s so tiny.” You sniffled slightly stroking a hand over her tiny head. “We made that.” He grins. You laugh quietly. “Yeah…I guess we didn’t do too bad.” He presses a kiss to your lips before running a hand idly up her tiny back. You're both quiet for a moment, watching her in pure disbelief before. “Will you marry me?”
For a moment you think that it's some sort of pain relief-induced dream. There is no way Patrick Zweig of all people just asked you to marry him. This is the same guy who not even a year ago happily lay in bed and planned his next hook-up.
Turns out to be the BEST dad!! This man is happily up at all times of the night to feed her or rock her back to sleep.
Whenever he can't soothe her he just ends up on the couch watching back old tennis games with her until she falls asleep.
Much to your chagrin, your daughter ends up sleeping best when a tennis game is playing in the background - truly her father-daughter,
“I told you she’d like tennis.” “She's 4 months old.”
You both wait a few months before going back to the marriage conversion.
This man was prepared. He had a ring and all much to your shock.
“I didn’t pit you for the marriage type.” “Well, it wasn’t high on my list but you’ve apparently changed that.”
You agree to marry him but you both wanna wait a little till your daughter is older. You make a one-off mention about how cute of a flower girl she would be and he is sold.
Overall he’s a surprisingly good dad and partner. He’s still trying to move up in the tennis world but manages to split his time so that he never misses anything big.
Though he did make you promise that when she’s older you’ll come to his games - you roll your eyes and begrudgingly agree but deep down you know that there is a good chance watching him play tennis may lead to your daughter getting a sibling or two.
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buterccup · 2 years
141 with male reader
Jumpy boii
Likes to jump on, over and through things
Smoll but very high jump
A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long anon, I somehow managed to burn myself out on the first few days of writing. I should probably take it easier. Anyways enjoy! I hope you don't mind I made this into a headcanon- just had way too many ideas.
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141 with a Male! Reader that can jump very high HCS
Warnings: Usual CoD violence, light swearing, can be taken as platonic or romantic (Not a lot of romance in this but still.)
Character(s): Soap, Gaz, John, Ghost, Price x Male! reader
It was during one of your 'normal' mission with your boys and it was going quite well.
You all were on your way to getting the target in different pairs.
you unfortunately being by yourself.
And unluckily for you the way that you chose to go had more guard than expected.
It was annoying since it was the quickest way too. (rip)
You were talking through the coms with the rest of the task force, trying to find out how far they were from your area.
"We aren't far from where you are [c/n], keep staying your ground until we get there."
And if you were going to be completely honest, you were doing just fine.
A few grazes here and there but you were holding up well in your opinion although you were running low on ammo so it was hard to tell how you were going to hold up after a while.
It soon got to the point where you had to use broken pieces of glass and metal that were on the floor to defend yourself.
Keeping your secret weapon for last.
What was your secret weapon? It was jumping incredibly high, which you kept secret from the boys since you didn't feel like they should know.
It was just jumping after all.
Only a few guards remained and you hoped that the target hasn't left the building yet.
Only around 1-3 were left so you felt calmer than before.
"[c/n] we are right by the corner- Hang on- Behind you!"
And let me tell you, the boys thought you were something completely different.
From what they have seen, no human could jump that high or far without multiple years of practice and hard training. And well they never heard you talk about years of leg days you spent to be able to do this before.
Meanwhile you thought nothing of it as Ghost and Soap shot at the other remaining guards as you jumped the guy that was behind you and strangled him with your thighs.
I mean...wow.
It looked like something you'd see in a video game or movie.
And once the guy was fully dead you quickly jumped up and hopped over obstacles in your way to getting to the guys.
"What was that."
"What was what Gaz."
"YOU- You never told us about how you could jump that high."
"The more you know<3"
Let's just say they never stopped talking about it after.
And they all had their different ways of talking about it too.
Soap would always ask about how and if you trained to jump so high and if you did always ask about your routines.
I mean come on, who wouldn't want to learn how to do that.
Either way, Soap always comments about your legs and how strong they are.
Sometimes squeezing them as a joke. Well, you think.
While Ghost and Price, on the other hand, just praise you quietly and how you should use your skill more often.
Both of them sometimes go to you if they are tired from work or just couldn't get a night of sleep last night (ahem Ghost) and sleep on your lap mumbling things to you before sleeping on them.
Finally Gaz but not least, he always tries and gets you to teach him how to jump so high too but always ends up tiring himself after an hour or two.
He even joins you and Soap when you guys are working out too.
Overall they love your amazing skill and wished you used it more often.
Requests: Open
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justmeinadaze · 6 months
"I'm Just a F**ked Up Girl Looking For Her Own Peace of Mind"
I'm currently experience this and struggling with it so I wrote a little thing here. *sighs*
TW: Mental health (anxiety and depression), child abuse, mentions of suicidal thoughts. Reader has a breakdown and the guys help her through.
Eddie firmly barreled open the front door as he powerwalked into the house. Steve had texted those two words he dreaded every time he got a text from the former jock. 
“Bad day.”
When they started dating you, you told them about your past. About the hospital stay and medication… the depressive lows and manic anxiety episodes… the thoughts that pushed through your head from time to time even though your life was so much better now than where it had been. 
“I’m not…easy…to be with.”
“That’s ok, honey, neither are we.”
You three had laughed at that at the time. 
The first time they experienced it broke their hearts for you. People always mentioned “feeling depressed” or “oh I’m so anxious about this thing!” but they discovered the true meaning of those words during your first break in front of them.
They hadn’t moved in with you yet so you were able to hide the fact that you hadn’t been sleeping. Your mind constantly reminding you of things that needed to be done and how you were a failure for not doing them. Nightmares plagued your dreams at all hours so you just gave up, scrolling through your phone instead as the mental illness continued to whisper.
“Do better. You’re lazy. May as well just get it over with and end the burden you put on people.”
That following evening you had a date night with them at their place and you couldn’t cancel. You genuinely wanted to see them but you were so tired…
“A good girlfriend goes out on dates. Go ahead. Cancel. Let’s see how quick they leave you for someone better.”
Through the first half of the movie they put on, your leg never stopped moving. Steve watched as your eyes never stayed focus in one place. Eddie felt your erratic energy radiate off you as you switched from holding his hand to letting go every few minutes. 
“Baby? Is everything ok?”
“Yeah.”, you responded a bit too enthusiastically. “Yeah, Ed, I’m fine. I’m just…I’m just a bit tired. It’s ok. I’ll get over it.”
Steve paused the film and as his hand petted your head you broke down. 
“I’m sorry. Fuck! Why can’t I be normal?! I’m ruining everything. You should just leave me and find someone better.”
“Hey, hey. No. Sweetheart, no one is better than you.”
“Talk to us, honey. What’s going on?”
You sobbed as you told them what had been happening over the last few days. The listened intently, comforting you anyway they could think of in that moment. 
“They don’t go away, Steve. Those thoughts never go away. Most days I can manage them but they are always there. W-Who can I tell? If I tell a therapist or a doctor they will put me back in the hospital even though I’m not going to do anything… I can’t tell my friends because I feel like I’m burdening them or they just don’t care. I can’t tell people in general because then I’m being ‘overdramatic’. I can’t take time to heal because I’m supposed to ‘suck it up’. So I do… Eddie, I want my brain to just stop telling me I want to die because I really don’t. Some days, though, on bad days…it’s so loud…”
The metalhead yanked you to his chest as you cried, crying with you as he tightened his grip as if he could squeeze all your broken pieces back together. He’d give anything to take your pain away, they both would. 
Today was a manic day and Steve picked up on it fast. Today was his day off and as soon as you woke up, you barely said a word. He asked you if you wanted breakfast and you shot him an angry look as you walked away. Turning on the tv, he put on the game but after a few minutes you came around the corner snapping at him to turn the noise down. Even when he muted the sound, he could hear you growling and swearing under your breath as you moved around the bedroom. 
Other people would see it as you being a brat; causing drama for the sake of drama. 
You wished you could make the world understand that was the opposite of what you wanted. In an episode like this everything was just…amplified…and for some reason your brain insisted it was on purpose. Steve was purposely turning up the volume to get under skin. The birds chirping outside knew you were on the edge so they gathered outside your window with intent. Even the clock on the bed side table was mocking you. 
Both men tried to handle days like this by themselves but when it got to a certain point, they knew they needed to come together to help you. That point came when you abruptly screamed and threw something hard against the wall. 
When Eddie entered the bedroom, Steve was off to the side watching you as you angrily paced, fluttering your fingers with eyes squeezed tightly closed. 
“What happened?”
Your eyes open at the sound of his voice as you shrugged and threw your hands in the air. 
“What happened? What the fuck happened?! Oh, I don’t know. Where do we start, Eddie?! This house is a fucking mess. I tell you guys all the time I need fucking help! I’m not a maid! I’m your girlfriend! But who fucking cares right?! We can just live in trash and be unhappy!”
They knew better than to respond. Before you three moved in together, you had suggested they come to therapy with you and they were surprised with some of the things they learned. They and even you knew they were more than accommodating when it came to housework and splitting household chores. When you were growing up, however, it was never enough.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N, look at this mess! Did you do anything today?!”
Little you looked around at the immaculate living room wondering what else you could have missed. 
“I work and I slave all day at a job I hate so you can have food and a roof! The least you could do is fucking get off your ass and clean a bit!”
“I-I’m sorry, mama.”
“Don’t be sorry. Just do your job! We’re a team remember? I need you to pull your weight.”
They could almost see interactions like that replaying through your eyes and it killed them. They also saw how fast the logic brain took over as you realized what you were doing before the depressive brain abruptly took over.
“I’m sorry. I-I don’t mean to… I know I’m being crazy…I just…” You lean your back against the wall and slide to the floor with your hands over your ears. 
Both men descend with you, crawling closer to you and as soon as Steve’s hand touches your bicep you head shoots up with eyes full of tears. 
“I’m sorry. You two don’t deserve this. I’m a terrible girlfriend.”
“No, baby, you’re not terrible. Everything’s ok.”
“I-I-I appreciate…e-e-every…everything you guys do. Fuck. Everything is so loud, Eddie. I can’t… I couldn’t…I just wanted to scream…”
“Then scream.” You laughed at his response as you wiped your eyes but he insisted. “I’m serious, sweetheart. Just let go.”
“What about…about the neighbors?”
“Like they don’t get an earful almost every night.”, he jokes, grinning when you laugh again. “Go ahead. Just lean back and let loose.”
You roll your eyes as you do what he says but it’s a small shout that barely echoes in the room. 
“Wow. That was both adorable and pathetic. Come on now. Steve, why don’t you try?”
Chuckling, he struggles to stop smiling making you giggle harder before finally closing his eyes and letting out a good scream that makes the metalhead clap. 
“That’s the king of Hawkins right there! Now try again princess.”
Sighing at his antics, you do as he says actually letting go while they scrunch their face and cover their ears. 
“Woo! That was like Banshee from X-Men! Way to go!”
“What about you, nerd?”, you ask as he smirks.
Eddie doesn’t even hesitate as he leans his head back and howls loudly like a wolf. 
“I love you both.”, you softly grin as you reach for both boy’s hands. “I’m sorry for being…me.”
Wrapping his arms around your shoulders, Steve tilts you closer to him and kisses the top of your head. 
“Don’t ever apologize for being you, honey. We love you. Every part of you.”
“We know everyday you’re trying, baby. Unlike your mother who insists on being an evil little gremlin.” You giggle at Eddie’s interpretation. “Like your wizard of a therapist said, healing takes time and we’ll be with you every step of the way.”
“Jesus, Munson, you ARE a nerd.”, Steve jests. “But the other stuff he said I agree with.”
“Oh please! Tell me her doctor doesn’t sound like Gandalf from time to time.”
“I still have no idea who that is.”
After rising to his feet, the metalhead grabs your hands and pulls you off the floor. 
“Well, I know what we’re doing tonight.”, he announces with a mischievous smirk before kissing your lips and running back towards the living room. 
“I’ll make dinner.”, Steve murmurs as he leans down to kiss your lips as well. 
“Oh, you know he won’t allow that. He’s going to want you in front of the tv so you don’t miss anything.”
“True. Hm. How about Enzos delivered?”
When you nod, he caresses your cheek before disappearing after his friend. 
As your eyes glance around the room again everything seems different than it did before. Instead of seeing a mess ridden, dark empty area, you saw a bright room filled with memories of the men you loved making you laugh and feel loved unconditionally. 
“But for how long? It’s only a matter of time.”
“No, it’s not.”, you whisper. 
Taking a deep breath, you head towards the living room where Eddie and Steve greet you with a comforting smile. 
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intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Supposed To Be Like This
Pairing: Reader x Javier Pena
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY DNI, this is passionate smut and sex, unprotected sex, p in v, swear words, verbal fighting
Summary: The only rule was to never catch any feelings for one another, but both of you break that rule
HEARTS, REBLOGS, and COMMENTS are very highly encouraged and very much appreciated! If you wish to be added to my Pedro tag list please hit me up and let me know! Seriously y’all don’t be afraid to ask to be added to something or to comment on my writing because it motivates me, and I really want to know that you guys are enjoying my writing! Thank you so much everyone! XOXO
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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"Can't you get it through your head I don't want you Y/N." His words like poison to your ears a lump forming in your throat. "I can't fucking stand you."
"I know that's not true." You bit back refusing to believe any words he told you. "You don't mean any of that."
"It is one hundred percent the truth." He spat as his blue eyes looked deep into yours.
"Stop playing these games and admit the real truth." Your voice well above a normal tone now as you felt yourself becoming more upset.
"I don't know what else I have to say to you." He rolled his eyes as he paced around throwing his hands up. "I don't fucking want to be with you."
"Don't believe you." Sniffling as you tried to stand your ground on his true feelings for you. "I know exactly how you feel about me."
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He scoffed in disbelief as he looked your figure up and down. "Do you hear yourself?"
"Do you hear yourself?" Repeating his question back to him making him quiet down his shoulders tensing.
"Can't you see I don't want to be with you Y/N." His tone hushed and calmer making your lower lip tremble.
"Stop lying to yourself Javi." Feeling a tear roll down your cheek his eyes watching the liquid fall to the ground. "You and I both know the truth."
"Your delusional." No matter how harsh his words were you weren't backing down on this matter.
His cheeks were starting to turn a shade of red, and you knew he was becoming overwhelmed. He never wanted to admit to himself that he was falling for his co worker and best friend. No matter how much his heart and mind were telling him to tell you the truth.
It was supposed to just be a short fling nothing serious. Next thing you know the two of you are around each other more than you expected. In fact the two of you depended on one another, and felt lost and empty when the other wasn't there.
The sex was absolutely mind blowing you could feel it all the way in your toes. There was never a moment when you two weren't trying to touch each other in some way. Sneaking off to empty rooms to have your way with each other.
Everyone at work was constantly questioning both of you, and were suspicious something more was going on. Of course both of you denied what everyone else was gossiping about. They even teased the two of you saying you were secret lovers.
Both of you standing there looking at each other silently pushing the other to talk. The only sounds that could be heard was his heavy breathing, and your heart pounding in your chest.
"This wasn't supposed to happen like this." He finally spoke as he sat down on the bed hands in his lap. "None of this was supposed to happen."
"You think I was prepared for any of this to happen?" Your question rhetorical as you stepped in front of him now. "But I can't hide it from you."
"We both agreed no feelings and no attachments." Reminding not only you but himself on the rules you set in place.
"I guess I broke the number one rule we made." Confessing to him feeling his hands moving up and down your hips. "You did too."
"We should have never done this." Grabbing one of your hands looking at your fingers as he softly kissed your knuckles. "But I don't regret any of it."
"I'm sorry cariño." He spoke as he lifted his head to look up at you hands grabbed your hips pulling your body towards him so you belly button was aligned with his nose. "I was being a dick."
"Yes you were." You agreed making him smile as you felt him press his forehead against your stomach holding you close. "I'm sorry too."
"For what?" He quizzically looked at you scrunching his eyebrows in confusion.
"For forcing you to confess your true feelings for me." Looking down ashamed not wanting him to see you tearing up again. "I was wrong for pushing you like that."
"No you weren't." His words surprised you as he looked at him his eyes glued to yours. "I needed you to push me."
"Do you hate me?" Timidly asking him as you felt the tears threatening to spill a look of panic washed over him seeing you become distraught.
"God no of course I don't hate you." A hand reached up to caress your cheek moving to your jaw cupping it in his hand leaning into his touch.
Staring down at him as you felt him pressing his lips to your stomach. Tangling your hands in his hair as he slowly lifted the sides of your shirt so he could feel your skin. A tingle running up your spine with such a soft touch.
Standing up his eyes locked on yours as he grabbed your hands in his. Turning you around so your back was facing the bed. Laying down so he was on top of you his mouth attaching to your lips.
His kisses were slow and sensual a passion surging through his body into yours. It felt like the world was slowly turning, and you never wanted it to end. The air was thick and heavy with lust.
Your hands wrapping around his back to be sure to keep him close to you. Wrapping your legs around his waist as you felt him gently grinding his front against yours. A whimper leaving your lips when you felt his hardening erection press into you.
"God I want you so badly sweetheart." Whispering in your ear as a hand reached to grab your thigh rubbing the skin up and down.
"Then take me." Looking directly into his eyes as your chest was heaving up and down already out of breathe.
"You drive me crazy." He mumbled he he sat up lifting his shirt off his body your eyes moving down his toned body.
Leaning on your elbows as you watched him pulling his pants off. Biting your lower lip as you felt a wet spot forming in your panties. Squeezing your thighs together trying to ease the pressure between your legs.
Lifting yourself up pulling your shirt off tossing it to the side. Reaching back. To unclasp your bra exposing your breasts the cold air hitting them your nipples becoming erect. His eyes roamed your figure up and down licking his lips as he did.
"You are so beautiful cariño." Shaking his head in disbelief that you were actually his.
"Oh shut up." You shook your head with a smile making him smirk at you.
"I've never seen a more beautiful woman than you." His voice soothing every insecurity you've ever had knowing he wasn't lying when he said this.
Leaning forward his lips attached to your collarbones kissing the flesh making you lean your head back. Biting your bottom lip to the point you almost drew blood.
His kisses moved to your chest sucking on both nipples leaving behind a string of saliva. Swirling his tongue around the hardened nub until he softly bit down on it making you giggle as you swatted his shoulder.
Moving further down under the breast making you moan as you wrapped your hand around his neck. It was like he was paying attention to your body, and wanting to hit all your sweet and soft spots.
"Oh god Javi." Whispering as his kisses moved down to your stomach moving his tongue along your flesh.
“Say my name again cariño.” Loving the way his name dripped from your lips.
“Javi.” Saying his name much more sensually.
Looking up at you his hands gripped your shorts slowly pulling them down your legs. Spreading your legs apart he kissed the insides of your thighs getting closer to where you wanted him to touch you the most.
"Fuck you're dripping." He groaned as he looked between your legs to see exactly how wet you were for him.
Laying down fully on your back as he stripped you of your panties. Letting your senses take over you as he pressed a firm kiss against your folds.
A hand reaching down to grip his hair as he placed his tongue to your clit, and swirled it around making your hips jolt.
"Still so delicious for me." He growled as he spread your folds apart to get a closer look at you making your cheeks feel like they were on fire. "I have to have you now."
Sitting up on his knees he grabbed your ankles pulling them apart. Stroking his cock a few times maintaining eye contact with you the whole time watching as your body writhed on the bed silently begging him.
"Please fuck me Javier." Whining as you reached out to grab him a grin appearing on his face.
"I'm not just gonna fuck you." His tone soft and sensual as he rubbed your upper thighs. "I'm gonna make love to you."
Leaning forward grabbing the base of his cock rubbing it up and down your soaked entrance. Mouth hanging open as he watched you grind your hips up and down motivating him to push in.
"Fuuuck me." Moaning as he slowly pressed all the way inside of you breathing heavily as you adjusted around him.
"Know how to take me so well sweetheart." His eyes searching yours for any signs of discomfort, and he found none. "God you feel so good."
"Move Javi please." Hearing the use of his call sign has him rutting his hips back, and pushing forward again.
"Pussy driving me crazy." He groaned as he leaned forward on his hands on either side of your face. "This pussy is all mine cariño."
Giggling at his possessive words as you moved your hands from his arms to his thighs. Feeling your body move against the bed with every thrust that he made. His body sweating on top of yours trapping you in his heat.
"Just like that." Crying out as you felt his tip ran into your sweet spot his motions never ceasing. "Oh god just like that."
"I love hearing you beg for my cock." Smirking down at you as he leaned forward to attach his lips to your neck kissing and sucking on it until blood was rising to the surface.
The grip he had on your hips had you feeling pain, but it was also heightening the pleasure. Feeling your skin burn as he hold onto a section of flesh.
It had your toes curling making your pussy clench around Javier’s cock. This experience was so much more intimate and passionate than anytime before.
Feeling his cock twitching inside of you knowing he's close. He was trying to hold himself back and wanted to wait until you felt your release.
It was a matter of seconds before your body was going to explode in ecstasy. Whimpers and moans slipping past your lips unable to control yourself anymore.
"Cum all over my cock sweetheart." Saying as he pulled out and drilled all the way in making you scream as you gripped his back dragging your nails down leaving marks.
"Wanna watch that pretty face come undone." His cheeks were red and a bead of sweat was forming on his forehead. "It's my cock that's making you feel so good."
Leaning up his hands pushed against your inner knees keeping them open as he snapped his hips into yours. Feeling his cock all the way in your stomach.
Watching as your breasts moved back and forth a hand reaching down to grab one, and pinch the nipple making you gasp.
"Could stay like this all day." Grunting as he looked down to where you two were connected.
Following his eyes as you looked down watching as his thick cock disappeared inside of you. Seeing your juices coating him as he pulled out making a squishing noise.
"Javi." Crying out his name as you felt a coil in your stomach making you snap as you arched your back.
"Fuckin a baby." He groaned as he snapped his cock deep inside staying there as he coated your walls with his cum.
His body laying limp on top of yours before giving your forehead a quick kiss. Rolling over so he was laying next to you both of you out of breathe.
"I'm sorry." He shakily spoke as you turned to look at him a tear running down his cheek. "God I'm so sorry."
"What I said before." He started to say as he took a gulp watching his Adam's apple bob. "I didn't mean any of it."
"I know you didn't." Nodding your head fully believing he was being a dick on purpose.
"I just wanted to say-." The words stuck in bud throat but you knew what he was wanting to say.
"Javi I know." Turning your body so it was facing him as you placed a hand on top of his sweaty chest. "I love you too.
"I love you so much Y/N." Turning to face you grabbing your face placing his soft lips on yours.
Tag list for Pedro Pascal: @pedrohoe04 @k-k0129 @marchai @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21 @kmc1989 @sullyosully
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bluewhitehues · 8 months
Hug | Kim Mingyu
Summary: You secretly like your bestfriend chan,he has no idea and sets you up on a blind date with his friend and hyung Mingyu.
Genre: Angst? (Little bit), comfort, strangers to lovers, fluff
Pairing : Idol Kim Mingyu × (f) reader
Warning: mentions of anxiety
Part 3
The drive to your apartment was quite awkward, mingyu dropped you off and you guys parted ways saying bye.
There was a longing in Mingyu's heart.. he really had prayed and hoped that you both will get along, may be will go on few more dates to know each other . But alas that didn't happen.
After going home you showered and made yourself some quick dinner ...you were eating when you got Chan's call, at that moment all you wanted to do was curse at him shout at him so you picked up his call, " you should've told me if you had a death wish why pull such a stunt chan? " you were talking so calmly he got scared "hey why are you talking like that you're scaring meeee"
He cut you off "FIRST OF ALL STOP SHOUTING..and what's wrong with it if he's a celebrity and you're not? I'm also an idol and you're bestfriends with me I don't see any problem here? And about the other thing ..y/n I'm really sorry I lied about it being a blind date but if I had told you you'd have said no.. he really likes you ,that idiot thought we both are a thing can you imagine lol, and then I guessed that he likes you and he didn't deny so I came up with this plan ...also he thought you knew and said yes to the date with him ,he didn't know okayy? He might be coming for me I'm so dead ...see.. I worked so hard for you and you're not even grateful-,"
You huffed loudly "Grateful my a$$.. you should not do this with anyone's feelings chan he must've felt so bad he thought I said yes and was all excited do you know how bad Im feeling?"
Now chan got alarmed , "hold on, why are you feeling so bad? WAIT TF UP DID YOU BY ANY CHANCE SAY NO TO HIM ??? I SWEAR TO GOD Y/N-"
And now in this one fine moment your pretty brain realised you gotta tell chan ..AND WHAT WILL YOU TELL HIM ???? OMG ...I said no to Mingyu because I like you? Because I like someone else? He knows literally everyone in your life and would not believe your lie and now you're freaking out you don't even have mingyu's number, what if you tell one lie and mingyu tells another you'd be caught right away so no you need to talk to Mingyu.
So you blurt out, "N-NOOO we just- we just went through it...AND OMG I'M REMEMBERING IT JUST NOW I left my purse in his car and I don't even have his number IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT send me his number right nowww" and you saved the moment just like that (you hoped it didn't sound too fake or extra)
Chan thinks something is fishy but thinks he'll find out anyway so he doesn't press you anymore.."you couldn't even ask for his number yourself seriously y/n you've got no game-" That brat thrives on teasing and annoying you.
"if you don't shut up and just send me his number right now you won't only have to worry about mingyu coming for you... sleep with one eye open cause I'm also coming for you-"
He laughs at you, " ok, okay let's all calm down..check your messages I sent the number..also you owe me full explanation and details tomorrow"
"whateverrrr bye."
"hey atleast tell me how was the date."
"NO.. someone once said *That's all you're getting* " you quoted his words from when you asked him about who is gonna be your date.
He whined about how that wasn't fair before you ended the call.
You were nervous as fuvk because what are you going to say to Mingyu it already feels bad enough but now you've to come up with a plan to tell chan. So before chan could go to Mingyu,you called him.
After dropping you off Mingyu went to his and wonwoo's shared apartment, where as soon as he entered wonwoo asked him about the date. Mingyu said it was okay, good, wonwoo then asked him why does he look so sad ..mingyu said he doesn't think it'll work out that's why ..and asks wonwoo to not to tell others about anything because he knew just like that all of them will know, that means chan will know as well and he promised you he would not let him know,he'll keep it a secret.
He was about to go to bed when you called him he was surprised but he picked up the call.
"uh Hello Mingyu? It's me y/n ...sorry ,did I disturb you?"
"Hey no you didn't ..what's up everything ok? "
"yeah everything's fine just uh Chan called me actually and I don't know what to tell him..I just I thought we should tell him the same thing so he wouldn't doubt ...I'm sorry I feel terrible to trouble you like this".
"I told you not to say sorry ..you can talk to me comfortably just how you talk to your friends it's ok .. "
"okay I won't say sorry again."
He smiled a little ..he has never talked to you that much, that too on call it's first time hearing your voice..he thinks you sound so sweet and he wishes he'd get to talk to you more often.."hmm that's good ..also about chan what options do we have?"
"if I say I like someone else he won't believe me so that's out of the option ..and If I say I said no he'll ask me the reason.." you sighed "I can't seem to find any reason to tell him"
"I see um then...we can just say we decided to be just friends? "
"that sounds good" you thought that's the safest answer.
"yeah soo.. is it ok for us to be friends? " He really wanted you to say yes .. he'd manage with just that.. being your friend.
You can't see him yet you can picture his hopeful eyes..."will you be ok?..with being my friend" You ask.
Mingyu thinks a little ..he thinks he'll take it as much as close he'll be able to stay with you he'll take it, it is dangerous but right now his heart,mind, soul everything just decides that yes they want it..
"Honestly, I've mostly seen you from distance yet I thought you were amazing so..I...I would like to be your friend and who knows someday you'll realise I'm hotter than chan and finally confess to me ..wow I would like to see that day." He's mischievously smiling right now and then he hears it your laugh..one of his most favourite things in the world ..he could hear it forever.
You laugh.."Mingyu seriously" he also laughs a little with you.
"I'd like to be your friend too mingyu but ...I know how it's like to be friends with someone you like..and I wouldn't recommend that ...it can be hard sometimes." You don't want to think about those moments again when you're trying to move on but you wouldn't want mingyu to feel like that as well.
He sighs," well I'm a tough guy " he's not...but he'd do anything to get to know you better ..he doesn't want to regret anything in his life.
"Ok then it's settled ... we're friends from now on"...you're smiling now
"yeah we are ...I like it" he's smiles softly.
Author's note: Hey everyone this is it for today, hope you enjoy it❤️
Part 4 👇🏻
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
When I tell you I ran to your asks lol.....Alex Newhook's younger sister reacting to her bf, matt boldy, fight Bowen Byram l
here's the fight, if you want to check it out.
tw: fighting
you watched matt fix his hair in the bathroom mirror as you sat on the sink next to him, his tie in your hands. he finally turned to you when he was finished and stepped in between your legs so you could tie it for him.
"just don't be too hard." you told him, "on alex." you straightened it and smoothed it down.
"it's kind of my job."
"please? for me? go after like byram or something." you were joking.
"all right, i'll target someone else." he joked along.
"ooh, maybe shove rantanen a little," you suggested.
"yeah, i don't have a death wish." you laughed, "i'm serious. if i went after him, i think the entire team would beat me up."
"all right, not him either. in fact, don't fight anyone tonight." you patted his shoulders.
"i'll try my best."
clearly, he didn't try hard enough.
a little more than halfway into the first period, matt got knocked down by byram. matt snapped back up and the two squared up.
you jumped up with the rest of the arena. while everyone was cheering, you were watching nervously. byram got a few good hits in, but matt got more in and byram fell backward, matt on top of him, which was when the refs pulled them apart.
the crowd cheered as the two guys were led off to their boxes. the game continued but you couldn't stop replaying the fight in your head, "he's fine." one of the girls placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"i know, but i joked about him going after byram earlier, and i think it's karma or something."
she laughed, "i don't think so. byram laid that hit on him. he didn't instigate the hit or anything." she reassured.
"i know." you sighed, "don't mind me. i'll get over it."
"you're allowed to be worried." she reminded you, "but you really didn't cause that fight. and if it's any consolation, matt kind of won."
"he did, didn't he." you chuckled.
after the game, you were standing by yourself, not because you were excluded, but because you were nervous and when you got like that, everyone knew to leave you alone.
eventually, the guys all came out and greeted their partners. matt came out and immediately hugged you, "when i said go after byram, i was joking."
he shook his head, "i didn't instigate anything. he hit me, i defended myself." he shrugged.
"i know you're supposed to fight, but i swear to god, every time i think i lose time off my life."
"i'm sorry." he kissed the top of your head, "you can send him a flower arrangement later, but right now, i want to go home and sleep."
in another room in the arena, byram was, funnily enough, sitting with alex, doing media, "alex, i know your sister is dating boldy. did she send you a text of anything after the fight?" both bo and alex laughed.
"she didn't send me anything, but during intermission, bo checked his phone and saw a text from her saying she was sorry. it was really funny, actually."
"does she normally do this?"
"no, but bo is a friend. we've had him over for dinner a couple times, so they're friends."
"that's funny." everyone shared a laugh.
taylor's 2.5k celly!
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luke-hughes43 · 5 months
Luke calls Mel to rant about the game?
he stayed up late just to watch mel's game so he knew when he could call her. he smiled watching her celebrate their semi final win with her teammate's being so proud of his girl.
he calls, "hey baby."
"hey luke. we won!" she says excitedly. luke smiles at her excitement, "I was watching baby. you played great. and I'll be watching the finals tomorrow."
"ok. and I'm sorry about today's game. I caught clips here and there but I know losing sucks."
"it was so bad mel. we just couldn't finish our plays and it was so frustrating. and I felt like shit for not swearing up to that shot at the end but it was hedman, I didn't wanna get hurt by stepping in front of it. I felt like I let the guys down."
mel sighs at her boyfriends, "hey, don't say that. they probably get. if it was the championship it'd be a different story but it's a prelim game. who gives a shit? it's not worth getting hurt and that point in the game, you and I both know it wouldn't have made a difference. luke, you played well. and you know I don't say that lightly to you."
"thanks mel. that makes me feel better. I just wish I could hug you. I miss you." he says sadly. mel sighs and says back to him, "I know, I miss you too. and I could use a hug from you too."
"how's the shoulder?" he asks her bluntly. she rolls her eyes, "I'm fine."
"mel, don't bullshit me. I watched your game remember. I could see the pain when you threw, or when you hit. how bad is it?"
"the normal. I promise lukey, I'm ok. it's nothing worse than the usual. it's actually better than it was during hockey. I'm fine, promise."
"ok. I believe you but you better tell me if an when it gets worse."
"I usually do. can we stop interrogating me and just go to bed? on the phone, I miss sleeping next to you." she says softly. Luke converts the call to a FaceTime and smiles, "I miss it too. I'll see you soon though."
"yea. I'm gonna get some sleep and you should too. I know it's late there." she says softly, pulling on a hoodie that she stole from him. he asks, "is that mine?"
"you're a thief mel." he says endearingly with a smile. mel blows him a soft kiss and says, "good night luke, I love you."
"I love you too mel."
they fall asleep on facetime together having missed each other a lot.
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strwbrry-skies · 1 year
Joe x kind reader pls?
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"'do not enter' it's written on the doorway.
why can't everyone just go away?
except you, you can stay."
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summary: the first day of summer break, you were playing with other kids in the park. when one kid caught your interest. joe secondopinionson. you started to talk to him, being as patient as you can be. and you guys get closer, and closer. becoming best friends.
pronouns: joe he/him, reader they/them.
trope(?): fluff, childhood bestfriends. short fic and headcanon.
warnings/head's up: no capital letters, lighting ants on fire with a magnifying glass, i tried my best to not use reader or y/n but i had to😭😭 (plus this is kind of rushed,, sorry!)
author's note: hi, anon!! i'm sorry if there's anything wrong abt this fic lol.. and i made this a gender neutral reader fic bc it isn't really stated in the request!! have fun :p
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ah, yes. summer. the only time where school doesn't matter anymore and you can just rest. despite the sun being really hot, you decided to go to the park.
during the walk to the park, you saw your friends. orel, doughy, tommy, and.. what was his name again? oh, well. doughy was the first to notice you, "hey, buddy! where are you going?" he asked as he waved and walked towards you. "i'm going to the park! you guys coming?" you replied and everyone said "yes", looking very excited to go with you.
when you guys arrived there, you all decided to play hide and seek. " okay! the last one to touch their nose.. becomes… it!" tommy said as everyone quickly touched their nose, but it seems that you were a little too late. "alright! you're it! now close your eyes and count from one to twenty while we hide!" orel exclaimed, telling you the basic rules to the game. and so, you close your eyes and lean against a tree while counting. "one, two, three-"
after a few numbers, you screamed "ready or not! here i come!" before you even started to look for them, you could hear laughter from behind the tree you leaned on. you took a peak to see doughy and.. uh.. him! so you creeped behind them and hug them from behind. "found you two! now, you have to help me find orel and tommy!" doughy and him were surprised, "how'd you even find us?" him asked as you let go of them both. "well, i just believe in myself and pray!" you replied. "woah.." they both said in union. to you, you sound like a normal kid but in their eyes, you are like a hero!
so you told everyone to split up. and by "split up" i mean doughy and him are together while you are alone. during your search for orel and tommy, you found someone else. you saw a boy with black hair burning ants with a magnifying glass. and you took that personally.
"hey, i dont think you should be doing that." you said towards the boy, while you were walking his way "and why do you care?" he replied. "well, it's because those ants didn't bite you, right? you shouldn't hurt other creatures because they didn't do anything to you!" you explained, now being beside him. "... nyeh!" he said as he stuck his tongue out at you. "was that a 'yes, i swear to never do that again'? oh, well! my name's [reader]! what about you?" you asked the boy as he put tongue back in his mouth.
"joe." he said in a harsh voice. "hi joe! wanna be friends?" you asked, offering your hand to make a "friendship handshake". joe was a little taken aback but he replied with a scoff, "wh- you wanna be friends, with me?" and you answered "yeah, so..??" "... pfftt! fine!" he said as he shook your hand.
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okay, so now for the headcanons!
• after a few days or even weeks of you guys first meeting, he would already be clingy. because, come on. he has never felt.. this kind of kindness from a friend before. instant besties.
• and because of that, he would vent to you. a lot. and ofc you would listen!
• if you have some hobbies that involves making stuff and you give the stuff to him (like, for example, a drawing or food or anything like that) he would freak! but he wouldn't show it.
• he would collect some flowers and cool rocks for you in return.
• he thinks of you like, a younger sibling for him to protect. (but if you are older/more mature than him, hundred percent bigger sibling)
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author's note(again xd): WOOHH… joe is an interesting character to write about. and since i'm still on season.. one? i think? it's pretty hard lol. but i tried my best! thank you for reading and requesting me!
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earthgrudgefear · 8 months
hidan!!! for the ask game
YES right to it
obviously this is going to be a long post
you've been warned !
favorite thing about them: oh man. i think he's a really unique character. he's only like 2% justified in his anger and he makes it everyone else's problem. he's never depicted as anything BUT evil. the shinobi world is insane right? toddlers are raised as soldiers the second they can hold a knife. and so was he, no different from the rest of them. and the series Doesn't like to push that blame onto people, really early on you hear about all the awful things zabuza did and at the end of their battle he still dies as a respectable shinobi. BUT from start to end with hidan he is ONLY bad. he's doing this for FUN he's not doing it for a mission, he's not doing it because he needs to do it to survive like it was NEVER in question that this guy is JUST EVIL. but you CAN find these human sides to him. he has a Real bond with kakuzu, like they Actually are concerned for each other. in Akatsuki Hiden he meets a kid and he forms a bond with That Kid to the point of giving him funeral rites (burial rites?) when he dies. not as a sacrifice but as someone he cared about. when his village turned on him and he felt REAL betrayal. if he didn't care about them to some extent, he wouldn't still be mad about it. it's just FASCINATING.
least favorite thing about them: i don't even think there's anything i don't like about him. he's so fucking annoying and if i had to deal with him i'd try to kill him too BUT because i don't have to deal with him he's my best friend i like him SO much
favorite line: to be so transparent i like when he's picking on kakuzu for keeping the headband for him.
AND if i can use the book - i like this, it's less about the line itself but more about the repetition of it. like this is how they start every fight and i just think that's delightful
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brOTP: y'all already know it's kisame. my defense for this has absolutely no basis in their interactions because honestly? kisame doesn't care for him too much. HOWEVER kisame is the easiest akatsuki member to get along with and hidan is basically impossible to get along with. i think it's a good match.
OTP: kakuhida, motherfuckers. they're everything to me. they were on screen for all of three seconds and i already knew that was it. i haven't been normal about them since. and they're canon as far as i'm concerned. stated or not they were Something.
nOTP: k*nan (sorry for censoring you name queen i don't want it to be searchable) i have such a Visceral reaction to them together i Cannot stand it. their characterization is so BUTCHERED for that ship that they become Unrecognizable. and i don't fucking get it like ??? yes they're both hot PICK ANYONE ELSE. also shipping him with any of the kids. like. that's not cute. he's young but he's not that young also holy shit they don't deserve that anyway
random headcanon: i probably mentioned this somewhere before and it's so easy but i think his favorite color's pink. like red sure because i mean look at him but also. Pink. i like pink for him.
unpopular opinion: i've touched on this before i don't think jashinism is real. i think he made it up and i think maybe he's convinced himself it's real. but i don't think there is a single other person who's ever heard of or tried to join the religion before. there's the kid i mentioned from the book but he learned straight from hidan, and then goddamned ryuki from boruto who i swear to God the writers wanted him to literally be hidan but they weren't allowed. neither of which really compel me to believe it. it just doesn't make tons of sense
song i associate with them: ouuh choke on one another death spells. that's been a big one recently
favorite picture of them:
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favorite's a big word but i had this one saved to my phone which is probably good enough
OKAY 10000 points if you made it to the end you win idk what you win but you win
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nevert-the-guy · 1 year
First Post, now Edited with my info:
You can call me Nevert, Nevert the Guy, Nevertheless Theodore Guy, Nev, or "that guy". You're not getting my real name.
Current Age: 21
Primary Interests: Kirby, Pokémon, Sonic, Mario (of both the Paper and the & Luigi varieties), robots, indie games, various webcomics.
Current Side Interests: Gravity Falls, Plants vs. Zombies
Favorite Food: the humble cheeseburger
Self-Appointed Titles: Mass Attack's Strongest Soldier, The Vivian Post Guy
Art Post Frequency: Tragically Low
Art Tag: #nevert's funky lines
General Tag: #nevert's rambling
Birthday Tag: #nevert's birthday bash
Also Look At: #important, #palestine
Donation Reblog Frequency: As I See Them
Personal Vow: I will attempt to tag every Pokémon mentioned or referenced in every post on here. Every one is someone's favorite, so y'all can find something easily.
Favorite Pokémon Type: Ghost
Favorite Classic Mega Man: Mega Man 4
Favorite Pokémon: Pichu
Elemental Attributes: Ice, Lightning
Opinion on fish: afraid of them in life, don't like eating them in death
Handedness: Right
Mario Kart Main: Shy Guy if available, Luigi if not
Current Favorite Song: Russian Roulette - Porter Robinson
Current Favorite Video Game Song: X-Naut Fortress - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch)
Favorite Balatro Deck: Checkered
Max Hit Points: 25
Favorite Colors: Yellow, Cyan, Green, Red, in that order
Favorite Words: ennui, grandiose, rather, allegedly
Favorite Historical Figure: Giles Corey
Least Favorite Pokémon: Galarian Stunfisk
Favorite Season: Fall probably
Prized Possession: a Pichu plush I got as a kid
Pokéwalker: Currently At Large
Favorite Robot Master: Three way tie between Crash Man, Galaxy Man, and Dust Man
Favorite Koopaling: Lemmy
Firefox Tabs Left Open: 14 (13 webcomics and one non-Tumblr blog)
Favorite Ship: SS Edmund Fitzgerald
Preferred Outfit: Assorted caps, T-shirt, cargo shorts, and maybe a jacket. Think Soos but a little bit thinner, and you're in my ballpark.
Warnings & Notes:
-I might make and/or reblog a sex joke/sex-related topic on rare occasion, but almost never anything visually explicit. Discretion is advised.
-I swear, but not too often, and this is a recent development. If you are adverse to swearing, just be a bit careful (and maybe skip the next two bullet points).
-I am not perfect. If I reblog a scam or something from a shitty person, please let me know as soon as possible.
Line in the Sand: Racists, sexists, LGBT-phobes, ableists, and any other discriminators of that sort, you all can fuck off my blog and fuck off this site
-If you send me a donation link, while I don't currently have the means to donate myself, I will promote it when I'm able to, with a bit of spacing out to give other links some time as well
Dream Projects:
-A webcomic about a modernish society with robots (I'm WAY more passionate about it than that description implies)
-"The Quirky Kirby-Inspired Platformer with Themes of Anti-Capitalism" (see Guycon)
-An RPG with M&L inspiration, a mild element system, exchangeable teammates, and a peculiar focus on being set in Michigan (very little on paper)
And now, the Guy in my Icon (the Guycon, if you will)
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Also, my art tag is "nevert's funky lines" for my stuff, and "other people's art" for, well, other people's art.
More Pablo under the cut:
Some stuff I want him to do. If it ain't signed, it ain't near final.
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Character bios for the main players of the story, sorry if the normal humans look a bit funky:
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Intermission: See those little skull-faced guys earlier on? The throwable ones? Those are Goons (the minion kind). Here's an old species runby (ignore the element stuff):
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...I have GOT to get a way to scan this stuff.
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