#sort of. until boruto
aloeverified · 1 year
boruto rewrite where the show actually still focuses on the original characters from naruto, but we're seeing them face their struggles that come with being adults in the society they live in and after going through what they did. their children are also in the show and we're given their perspective on the events compared to their parents'.
the overall plot revolves around naruto trying to change the shinobi system. he knows first hand how terrible the repercussions are when children are forced to be soldiers, and now that he's the hokage, he finally has the power to change it.
the only problem is, not everyone agrees with him. many believe by changing the age that shinobi begin their training, they won't be as strong later on and the village will become weaker over the years. not only that, but some people just don't understand why naruto feels this way. they were shinobi all their life and they turned out just fine — why fix what isn't broken?
it causes conflict within the cast and allows us to delve into each character more, showing why they feel the way they do and how their experiences have built up to the person they are.
besides that, other characters get their own storylines as well that connect with the theme of recovering from trauma.
gaara realizes that he's only ever lived for his village — as a soldier, a weapon, the kazekage. he works himself to the bone for his village while ignoring his basic needs, still having not realized he's a human just like everyone else. when he gets shinki, he realizes what it's like to prioritize something; what it's like to nurture and love.
sakura works at a hospital for young shinobi, doubling as both a healer and a therapist of sorts. she listens to the children tell their stories and gives them a shoulder to try on. she saw what being alone did to her teammates and she doesn't want any other child to go through what they did.
during her time at the hospital, she slowly begins to see pieces of herself within her patients. her trauma, which she's always pushed away and ignored, starts to come out. she's forced to face these memories she's always tried to bury deep. she struggles with understanding it as well as feeling validated compared to what naruto and sasuke had to go through.
she also struggles with her marriage to sasuke as she starts to unpack all the terrible things he's done to her. she's knows why he did them and she can justify his actions as much as she wants, but it doesn't change the fact he traumatized and tried to kill her at one point.
hinata's would focus on the hyuga. she's an outsider to them without any power. when she was stripped of her title and allowed to marry naruto, she thought it was a dream come true. she was so confident that hanabi would change the clan, that the branch system would be destroyed and neji wouldn't have died in vain.
only, without hinata, hanabi began to crack under the pressure of the elders and her father until she became just like them. the seal system is still in place, the branch families are still treated as servants.
it's a lot about generational trauma. how no matter how much hinata tried to change things for hanabi, she was always destined to fall into the same path as her father. only by recognizing this and making the changes her family refused to do in the past, are they able to change things.
i think there could also be something about how once, a long time ago, hiashi had wanted to change the hyūga. he wanted to dispel the main/side branch family system so his brother could be free. but overtime, he became complacent — very similar to hanabi.
as for the kids, i would show the differences between them based on how their parents feel about them being raised as soldiers.
for example, shikatema would have no problem with the shinobi system (at first) and their child would be entered into the academy and ready to become a ninja.
boruto, however, was raised by parents who want to change the system and hate the senseless violence, therefore he was not enrolled. this causes him to have some resentments for his parents as he's in the minority of children who aren't attending the ninja academy. he's viewed as a weak and soft-hearted by his companions and he hates it. maybe he goes against his parents and attends the academy in secret somehow.
there's a lot you can do with each character, honestly. i won't go further into it unless asked, but here's my main thoughts. i have a lot of idea with how to conclude the arcs as well, but i'm not sure how people would feel about it.
gaara stepping down as kazekage and leaving suna, sakura divorcing sasuke as she realized she never truly loved him romantically, hinata becoming the hyūga head/disbanding the hyūga, etc. many ideas.
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hc/short story/blurb?? for shino with a girl that specializes on plant jutsu? I like thinking of them as sort of like in nature. (I had to look it up lol) mutualism! 🌱🪲
Also whenever shino (attempts) to talk, she takes all of it in. When shino’s not around, she notices and remembers him. Shino and her go back and forth about all sorts of stuff; she asks about Shino’s bugs and his favorites and she actually listens. Shino finally reciprocates and asks about her plants and all that.
She vibes well with most of the teams though so she’s got friend groups up the wazoo. Shino’s petty as fuck so I’m getting some jealous vibes from him too. But he shouldn’t feel that way over someone he’s not even in a relationship with, he thinks…. Not with the first person that’s actually remembered him, no……
(Also, shino’s canonically packing so do with that as you will, my friend. I just need something for our beloved bug boy.)
this request had me in a chokehold for two whole days - i really ran with this, it's pretty long, but sets up well for the last part of your request - i hope this hits your marks, thank you for the request!!
The Art of Mutual Growth
Pairing: Shino x f!Reader
Summary: Shino meets his perfect match while on a mission, and he quickly finds out that his solitude was dust, compared to the castle of your company.
W/c: 4.3k
Warnings: Swearing, talk of suicide (Shino's terribly dramatic about you), self-loathing
Notes: i was imagining Shino a few years post Blank Period in this, but this could work for Boruto era Shino too if y'all are in to that top knot - if you want a smuttier part 2, i got that shit lined right up, just lmk
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He was used to being overlooked, discounted, alone. It never bothered him - even in love, his parents were solitary people, raising him to be unbothered by a sullen lack of attention. Being left to his own devices, Shino turned to his bugs for solace, and they provided as much as they could. To his knowledge, he was perfectly happy, alone with his insects.
But then you danced into his life, a trail of flowers in your wake.
You were his perfect match; a woman who could use Plant Release technique. Your kekkei tota was a gift of your Kiso blood, but too powerful for you to ever have full control over. Still, your control was wildly impressive, and your technical fighting skills were more precise than any Shino had seen before. Unlike him, you hailed from the Land of Flowers, but you couldn't reveal any further personal details at the time. It was a shame that the mission that brought you to Shino didn't allow him the time he so desperately needed to talk to you.
Side by side, you and he had fought together. Your snaking vines fed Shino's bugs chakra, and allowed them to infiltrate places on your vines with a much greater speed and accuracy than they ever could when Shino was alone. His bugs found your chakra delicious, almost as distracted as he was by you and your power. The recon mission went without hitch, mainly thanks to your immense amount of pure chakra and will to prove your capabilities. It was a shame.
Upon the mission's completion, Shino merely listened to your cracking conversation with Kiba and Shikamaru, resigned to the fact that he had missed his chance, already moving on in his mind.
When the team returned to the Hidden Leaf, Shino was ready to be the first to leave, already peeling away from the group until...
"I'm sorry," your sweet voice said timidly, behind Shino.
He stopped in his tracks, and you did as well, staying right behind him. The bugs' chakra told him you seemed nervous, which arguably relaxed him. Clipped, he asked, "What for?"
"We never got the chance to get to know each other," you grinned, coming around Shino to face him with a placid smile. Extending your hand, you gave him your name, and with a charm to your tone, asked for his.
Clearing his throat, Shino couldn't find his voice for a second. He had never seen such a pretty smile, let alone been the receiver of one. Your bubbly attitude caught him off guard. He couldn't fathom what you were doing, why you would be wasting your time, talking to him. You could've stayed with the team, striking up any number of conversations with one of them... but you didn't. You chose to talk to him.
"Shino Aburame," he said finally, taking your warm hand in his.
"You're wonderfully strong, Shino," you hummed, shaking his hand slightly. "The chakra control you possess is to be envied. I'd love to know more about your insects, if you have the time."
Staring the gift horse right in the mouth, he scoffed, "You must be joking."
"No." The expression you wore quickly became confused, but your tone genuinely despondent. With a twitch, you let go of his hand and Shino could feel his heart plummet. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
From behind, Kiba's strong voice cut you off. "Hey, Y/n! Wanna take a tour of Konoha?" He came bounding up to the pair of you, Akamaru by his side, stealing your attention from Shino. "I'm free to be your guide, unless...you two..."
Looking back at Shino for a moment, you seemed to mull something over thoroughly in your mind. Your eyes were full of expectation, and Shino could feel his palms dampen.
"Go with him," Shino said, as casually as he could, though his words came out rather harshly.
He wished he could take it back as soon as he said it. The feeling that came when he saw a sharp sparkle in your eye, followed by an overbearing dullness, made Shino feel empty and so very stupid. Your lips drew straight, and your air became serious - everything about you became stony, frigid. The exact opposite of your demeanour before Shino had opened his stupid mouth.
Maintaining eye contact with Shino as you took Kiba up on his offer, he could feel his heart leap from his chest and into your palm. You squeezed it then, and when he watched you walk away with Kiba and his ninken, you crushed it.
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In the aftermath of the successful recon mission, you were invited by the Fifth Hokage to stay in Konoha and train under her. You took her up, of course, and became an active member of the society within the Hidden Leaf. Everywhere Shino went, there you would be, talking to swarms of people at a time.
It was Promethean punishment, that he didn't deserve.
You would never speak to him again, because he was born with his foot in his mouth. He would be cursed to see you everywhere he turned, but you would never speak to him again.
A week had passed since you came to Konoha to stay. Shino had been tantalized, shown exactly what he wanted but couldn't have, for seven days, and he was sick to death. His solitude had never felt so solitary, watching you bop around the village with an onslaught of people.
It was made even worse by the fact that he had consistently been catching you, staring at him. The bugs would be abuzz, begging Shino to ask you to sprout one of your vines, telling him that you looked ready to approach him, yourself. He ignored then dually, thinking they were exaggerating your apparent willingness to speak to him. Why would you ever leave a full entourage, just to speak to him?
With the sun sinking lowly over Hokage Mountain, Shino decided to wrap up his meditation and just go home. His body was alight with energy, but his soul begged for rest and reprieve, something that Shino could not provide. As such, he left the sanctity of his neck of the woods to make a medial dinner and have a long sleep. Maybe that would fix him, though it hadn't seemed to work for the last week. Shino felt restless, completely unable to settle in a way that even resembled himself before you came along.
He would just have to get over you. The chance you served up on a silver platter had been spit on, and you would surely never serve it again. Shino had to move onward and upward, he couldn't stagnate.
But then-
There you were. In his hallway. In front of a door. Fiddling with your keys and hissing curses under your breath.
And all Shino could think was, I am going to make her my wife. I need to marry this woman.
You looked up, startled, but quickly smiled and looked back at your keys, still pulling and shoving. Slowly, you said, "Hey...Shino, right?"
He had never heard his name like that before. It dripped with silver and gold as it left your pretty lips, and Shino never wanted anyone else to say his name again. Only you. Only you, forever.
Looking up at his lack of response, you seemed nervous but tried to smile. "You're my bug boy, aren't you?"
"Yes," he said a little too quickly. The nervousness vanished from your expression as embarrassment became his. He cleared his throat, trying again, "Yeah. That's me. Shino."
She remembered. Her bug boy. Her's. She knows. I need to make her mine. Someway, somehow.
"I didn't think I knew anyone in the building," you said, finally procuring the key you wanted from the tangle. You slipped it into your door, the smiled at Shino, the nervousness coming back to you. In a light voice, you asked, "Would you...would you like to come in? Have a tea? With me?"
Shino thought he had died and gone to Heaven. There was no other plausible reason for him to have been getting another opportunity with you, this one infinitely more golden than the last.
The lock clicked and you opened the door, still awaiting his answer. A rush of cool air came over Shino, standing near your door. Leaning back, Shino tried to bite back his forming grin, before saying,
"I would like that very much."
You mumbled something under your breath and stepped into the apartment. Shino followed in after you, welcomed by the scent of lavender and rosemary. As you let him look around the living room, you went to the kitchen to prepare the tea.
Shino had never seen such a beautiful little place, especially not one that reflected it's inhabitant so well. Plants sprawled across every wall, their pots interconnected through a series of braided vines that wrapped and weaved around the others. All of the wooden things in the apartment were birch, the coffee table, the bookshelves, the chairs. To boot, all of the pillows and cushions were a pale, dusty green colour. Books and journals laid all over, accompanied by a myriad weapons and solo-practice materials. The feeling of peace was abundant in the small apartment, Shino found himself actually start to relax.
So, he would be letting you decorate the house when you eventually became his wife. This was useful information to Shino.
"Sencha or matcha?" You asked him, poking your head out of the kitchen.
You cared. "Sencha."
"Okay, give me another minute." You ducked back into the kitchen, your hair flowing so nicely behind you.
Feeling his bugs growing anticipatory, he began to try and suppress them. The last thing Shino wanted right now was for his bugs to take advantage of your hospitality. But his refusal only made them angrier. With your vines so near, it was like holding a lollipop in front of a child and saying no.
Coming back into the living room with a tea tray, you smiled at Shino, making him neglect his control over the bugs. Almost immediately, a swarm of insects came from Shino's body and flocked to the nearest vine before Shino could do anything about it. He swore and started trying to wrangle them, only stopping when he heard your melodic laugh.
He never wanted to hear anything else again. Not even the way you said his name could compare to your laughter - no sweeter sound had ever been produced.
"I don't mind, Shino, let them be," you hummed, setting the tray onto the table almost silently. Shino turned to you slowly, unsure if you were just letting your hospitality speak for you. You laughed, "It's fine. I promise."
"Whatever you say," Shino replied faintly, still not convinced but not willing to argue with you for even a second.
He came around to the couch as you picked up the jade teapot and poured both cups. He thanked you, taking up his teacup while you sat down on the couch. Sipping the steaming beverage, Shino hummed,
"This might be the best tea I've ever had."
"I'm glad," you grinned, sipping your tea before patting the cushion beside you. "Sit with me. Please."
Without hesitation, Shino sat on the furthest edge of the couch, giving you the space you deserved. You just giggled softly, collecting your legs onto the couch and shifting your entire body to face Shino. He smiled absentmindedly, heart thumping inside of his chest.
"So, I have to ask," you started. Shino turned more toward you, giving you his full attention. "Why did you get all aggro when I asked you about your bugs, the other day?"
Oh. No. No, this wasn't what he wanted. No.
"It...erm, it was... I don't..." Stars above, wasn't he pathetic? Couldn't even speak to the only person he wanted to speak to. He sighed deeply, "It wasn't the bugs, I just... I thought you were making fun of me when... when you... you know...?"
Furrowing your eyebrows as he blathered, you looked at Shino like he was crazy. He had never had so much trouble stringing together a sentence, and he didn't even finish the thought. The silence that followed was thick and heavy, just making Shino feel worse about his inability to talk to you.
"When I complimented your chakra and your control?" You asked finally. Shino nodded, just thankful that you spoke and he didn't have to. To his surprise, you smiled that sweet smile of yours and asked, "Why?"
"Who are you? The police?"
"Oh, n-no... I'm sorry."
Fuck, he could've killed himself. Only Shino Aburame could make a joke that wipes the smile off of your face. It was his voice, it wasn't jovial enough. No, it was his face, he looked too mean. No, no, it was his brain.
"No, I'm sorry," Shino sighed, setting his cup on the coffee table before rubbing his eyes under his sunglasses.  "It's the fact that you're as powerful as you are... and I'm not..."
"We don't have to talk about that."
Letting a short chuckle fall from his lips, Shino looked at you from the side of his glasses, getting a fully coloured vision of you in his peripheral. He took a breath, then felt a small bubble of laughter as he asked, 
"Then what do you want to talk about?" He sipped his tea, letting it warm his hands. "I'm a much better listener than talker, if you haven't caught on."
"I could've guessed." Narrowing his eyes, though you couldn't see them, Shino turned his head to you slowly. You laughed freely, "I talk too much as it is. I've got some innate need to chew the air. Aren't we a lovely pair?"
The church bells ringing, everyone's chatter falling to a hush as the organ begins-
"Hm, you've got such a nice voice, Shino - it's a pity you want to deprive me of it."
And here you are, coming down the aisle, right into his arms.
"W-what do you want me to say?" He asked quickly, chomping at the bit to make you happy. He didn't even have the mind to question your sentiment, just elated that it existed.
You sipped your tea, saying, "Tell me about your bugs."
"You're not making this easy for someone born to be a mute," he joked, watching your reaction intensely. Shino prayed his tone was humorous, that the small smile on his lips would support him.
And, to his joy, you laughed. Warm and rich, each soundwave landed on Shino's ear like a butterfly's kiss. You hummed, "I'm sorry-"
"And, please, stop apologizing to me - you haven't had a thing to be sorry for," he added.
"Okay," you said softly, looking at Shino with a matching expression. "Who's your favourite, then?"
That was a hard question for Shino to answer, especially given the bugs were in the room. But they were distracted, and so was he - both parties too under your influence to care.
Shino was still stumbling over his words and forgetting the most important ones, but you remained patient and attentive. It seemed you either were enchanted by his voice, or you were genuinely interested in what he had to say. Either way, Shino felt confidence bloom within him, and he started launching into great detail about his insects.
With rapt attention, you listened to every word that came from his mouth. Here and there, you would interject valid questions into the lulls of his speech, and he would answer them fully. As the two of you gradually finished the entire teapot, Shino found himself talking, and talking, and talking. He suddenly couldn't shut up.
"Fuckin' pot's empty," you grumbled, letting the final drop drip into Shino's half-full cup. "Want me to put on another, or do you fancy something else?"
"It's getting late, and I've already taken up enough of your time," he declined politely, finishing off the swig in his cup.
You sighed, "You say that like I've not been enjoying myself over the last-" Glancing at your watch, you gasped, "-three hours. Jumping Jehovah, I'm so sorry, I totally sucked up your night under the guise of tea."
"I would've just been sitting around, wanting to talk to you anyway," Shino chuckled lowly, feeling rather bold after having spent so much time with you.
Both of you stood from the couch with bashful smiles, each too shy to look at the other. Shino walked to your door and you followed after him.
"Do you want me to walk you to your door?"
He laughed lightly, "I don't expect that of you, but I'd have to be insane to turn down your company."
Opening the door wide, Shino motioned for you to go through. You thanked him kindly, then walked beside him in the hallway, five whole paces, to his door.
"Thank you for the tea, Y/n," he murmured, getting out his keys.
Your hand found purchase between his shoulder blades, making Shino freeze in his motion. His eyes darted to your face, finding the beautiful crescent of your smile in full bloom. "Anytime. We should make it a thing."
"We should."
"Goodnight, Shino."
"Goodnight, Y/n."
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The breeze floated down the street with Shino. Today was the day, and it seemed even nature knew it. Nothing could slow him down, nothing could stand in his way.
Today was the day.
He had decided last night, today was going to be the day. It was an easy decision to make, but the gathering of courage tested Shino's resolve. But he was ardent, he was determined. Even if he did stutter, you would find it endearing, just like you had for the last six months. Even if he did say something wrong, you would understand, just like you always did.
Today, he was going to make you his. And he would finally be yours.
The plan was simple; show up at your door with something you would enjoy and deliver a great, long monologue that perfectly encapsulated every emotion he felt for you, then you would jump into Shino's arms and promise yourself to him.
The issues immediately became obvious; you could've hated the gift, he could've (and probably would've) screwed the monologue up to high Heaven, and, scariest of all, you might not have been so quick to jump into his arms. 
Shino could have potentially been planning on destroying the only relationship that ever particularly flowed naturally for him. He didn't want to think about that, not at all.
Not when today was the day.
The act of getting you a gift turned out to be more of a tribulation than Shino had imagined it to be. Nothing was grand enough, nothing meaningful enough. He needed something that would blow your socks off, something that would reduce you to the babbling fool that he became around you.
After spending an hour scouring the market squares, Shino moved to the trading post. Even longer was spent there, looking through stalls and trying to picture your reaction to each thing that struck him. But nothing was good enough. Nothing would ever be good enough for you.
Settling on a pricey collection of teas before the trading post closed, Shino haggled with the old man selling the tea. Just trying to get the price down to the amount he had in his wallet, Shino eventually left the trading post, coatless and penniless.
It didn't matter. Today was the day.
Stars, he wondered how nerve-wracking the ring shopping would be in a few years if this little trifle was causing so much strife.
Rounding the corner of the main street, Shino mulled over what to say to you. He just wanted to say I love you and kiss you, but that left you no agency. Even though it was becoming abundantly clear that you were interested in him, Shino still wanted to give you the chance to say no.
One thing that Shino hadn't taken in to account, though, were your other relationships.
And, as you came out of a restaurant with Kiba and Akamaru, Shino realized how grave of a mistake he had made.
Your face shone with a smile, ear to ear as you laughed at some witty quip Kiba delivered. He smiled back proudly, looking at you hungrily. The three of you began to walk toward Shino and he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
"Oh! Shino!" You exclaimed brightly the second you saw him. Tearing away from Kiba and his ninken, you quickened your pace to Shino. He took a step back as you approached, otherwise frozen. Your happiness faded to worry as you asked, "Are you okay? What's wrong?"
The fact that anyone else could be graced by your laugh was wrong. The fact that you just finished what looked a lot like a date with Shino's former teammate was wrong. The fact that you didn't know what was wrong, was wrong.
"Shino, sweetheart, talk to me," you commanded gently. Kiba and Akamaru loomed a few paces behind you, trying to look like they weren't intensely listening. It aggravated Shino monumentally.
Everything about how today was becoming was aggravating him. Shino couldn't even enjoy his name on your tongue, let alone the pet name you had given him. It all felt like lip service.
"I got this for you," he said weakly, offering up the wooden box in his grasp. You looked down and cocked your eyebrow, before looking back at Shino. "I wanted to... to... nevermind." His heart was shattering. "Just take it."
Even if the gift wouldn't have the same effect, Shino wanted to see your reaction. He truly thought you would like the tea, potentially more so now that his unrequited feelings weren't attached. Cautiously, you took the box from Shino but didn't open it.
"You just wanted to what?" You asked, still so concerned over the man before you. "Where's your jacket? Shino, please, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, it's not important."
"Something is clearly bothering you, and it is important," you rebutted, acquiring a slight edge. "What's bothering you? If you don't tell me, I can't help."
"I love you!" He shouted, putting every single emotion he felt into his words.
Feeling like he was going to cry, Shino turned on his heel and walked. He didn't want your reaction now, he just wanted to save face, if that was even at all possible, at this point.
"Shino," your sweet voice said timidly, right behind him.
Stopping dead in his tracks, Shino hung his head lowly. The bugs were no help, just saying your eyes were as glossy as his.
Slowly, you came around to face Shino and bent lowly enough to be in his view. You smiled up at him and he couldn't help but smile back, taking in the odd posture you assumed as you let the wooden box rest beside your feet. Everything felt so silly. So trivial.
You straightened out, making Shino's head follow you as his eyes stayed glued to your face. Your beautiful face.
"Before I make myself look stupid-" Your sentiment made Shino scoff a laugh, because no one could look more stupid than him. Sweetly, you just smiled, continuing, "Do you love me platonically, or romantically?"
He took a deep breath, blinking slowly, before answering, "Every single way under the sun."
"Good," you beamed, taking a step forward and taking the lapels of Shino's flak jacket into your hands, pulling him forward. On your toes, your face came closer to his than it ever had been before, your petal soft lips brushing against his so gently as you said, "I love you too."
Not wasting a moment, not getting in his head, Shino knew that this was it.
He leaned down, closing the small gap, and met your lips fantastically. Not even Shino's wildest, wettest dream could've prepared him for the utter decadence of your kiss. His hands found your hips, pulling you as closely as he had needed you to be for months. But it wasn't enough, for either of you.
Leaning even lower, Shino's left hand cascaded down your lower back and you got the message. Immediately, you jumped up and he caught the bottom of your thigh, squeezing your tender flesh with his left hand while his right explored your back, sitting you atop his hip bones. Your legs locked behind Shino, squishing his waist in a way he didn't know he craved so badly. Warmth exuded from your being, a warmth that Shino longed to be blanketed under and hidden within.
"Come back to my place," you said between kisses. Shino just smiled and started to walk, but then you stopped kissing him, making him stop on a dime. Running your fingers up his lapels and allowing his neck the sweet contact, you laughed, "What's in the box, if you can just leave it in the middle of the street?"
With a chuckle, Shino turned around. He noticed Kiba had left, and he felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him. Not putting you down, Shino knelt and picked up the heavy box with his right hand, holding it behind you.
You groaned, scratching his neck lightly, "My stars, you're strong."
"You never noticed?" Shino joked, though a feeling of pride surged through him.
"I've noticed you're impressive in a few different respects," you replied with a teasing lilt. Moving your hips, Shino felt a friction that was positively dream-like and you purred, "Don't you want to impress me?"
"More than anything." And he meant every syllable.
"Good," you hummed, placing a lingering kiss to Shino's lips. You looked at him, eyes more obviously filled with desire than Shino had ever thought visibly possible. "Take me home."
By his lucky stars, Shino would gladly do so for the rest of his life.
Part 2 - The Art of Mutual Pleasure
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watermelonsloth · 4 months
I was digging through old texts and found propaganda I wrote for team taka being a polycule
This is my formal apology for not mentioning them in my “what I ship” post.
1. Sasuke was a sort of “awakening” for all of them. He was the first person to show Karin kindness, he was the first person to inspire Suigetsu into loyalty, and he was the first person to make Juugo feel safe/secure enough to freely interact with people
2. Sasuke chose each of them specifically, a sign that he respects all of them
3. Sasuke was willing to die for team taka and refused to leave any one of them behind against Killer Bee
4. Suigetsu risked his life to give team taka a chance at escape against Killer Bee
5. When Sasuke saw he accidentally hit Karin with Amaterasu, it was upsetting enough that he unlocked one of his mangekyou sharingan abilities
6. Suigetsu went through the trouble of freeing Juugo and finding Sasuke during the war
7. Team taka offers support to Sasuke without actively trying to force their beliefs into him or “fix” him like so many others do
8. Juugo helps out Suigetsu and Karin even when he doesn’t have to
9. Karin lets down her walls in front of team taka and no one else
10. After Shippuden, Karin, Suigetsu, and Juugo all decide to stick together
11. In the Boruto anime, there’s an entire arc of Karin and Suigetsu trying to help Juugo
12. Sasuke doesn’t drop them after completing his goal of killing Itachi despite only using them initially
13. All of them have an interesting dynamic with each other
14. All of them have similar traumas and have shown that they understand each other
15. They all knew Sasuke well enough to see how he was acting during the five kage summit and not only knew that something was up but were actively concerned (though my memory’s a little fuzzy here about Suigetsu and Juugo, I know for fact Karin falls under this)
16. They all knew Sasuke well enough to know he was back to normal when they met up with him during the war arc
17. All of team taka know how to and are capable of restraining and calming down Juugo
18. All of team taka can see through Karin’s act
19. All of team taka know how to reel in Suigetsu
20. Team taka knew that Sasuke was using them and still chose to follow him
21. Sasuke gave team taka seals that would inform them if he had been reversed summoned
22. Suigetsu thought Karin and Sasuke were close enough to have had a child
23. Both Karin and Juugo have nearly pushed themselves to chakra exhaustion induced death to save other members of team taka
24. Both Karin AND Suigetsu find Sasuke attractive
25. Suigetsu and Juugo were sparing partners while with Orochimaru
26. Suigetsu was right there to help Karin against Guruguru Zetsu
27. Both Suigetsu and Juugo have shown a fondness for animals
28. They were close enough that Sasuke abandoning/hurting team taka was used by Kishimoto to demonstrate him falling into darkness
29. Sasuke puts his life in taka's hands on multiple occasions (most notably after his fight with Deidara, during the fight against Killer Bee, and during the Five Kage Summit)
30. The entire team taka vs Killer Bee fight
31. Suigetsu is so invested in Sasuke and Karin’s love life that Juugo felt the need to ask him about it
32. Sasuke trusted team taka enough to ask them for help in completing his goal to kill Itachi, something he didn’t even trust team seven with
33. Karin is physically affectionate with Sasuke (something he was shown to be neutral towards up until her personality switch in the war arc) but stops whenever he tells her to
34. Sasuke took a detour in his goal to help Suigetsu get the executioner’s blade
35. Juugo and Karin worry about Sasuke during the war
36. Both Sasuke and Karin are from dying clans
37. Karin goes to Juugo for help to get the Konoha ninja off their trail
38. Juugo, Suigetsu, and Karin all have the shared trauma of being used as experiments by Orochimaru
39. Juugo has sworn himself to protect Sasuke
40. Karin unlocks the chain jutsu in her panic to save Sasuke
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chattegeorgiana · 4 months
Hello Chatte,
How have you been doing?
I have this thing that's been pestering me for a while now. A lot of NH defenders/shippers swear on their life that there are strong parallels between her and Kushina and it's a hill these people are willing to die on.
They love to cite examples from that god forsaken series called Boruto, where they have comical moments of Hinata being the ''scary mommy'' trope and a ''hot headed wife'' just like Kushina. This doesn't sit well with me and I just see it as SP being SP, nothing more, nothing less; and for the NH fan to be like ''ohh..... look...... there are so many parallels between MK and NH. NH was planned from the beginning. yay...... '' Those sorta BS (pardon me my French).
Also, I'd like to point out that I'm an anti ender not because of the pairing reasons but because of how the ending happened. All thanks to each and every character being nothing more than a pairing fodder, the show has left many debates as to what it's messages and themes are.
I really have zero reasons to like female characters like Sakura and Hinata but this, this is beyond character assassination and also an insult to the fan base, especially those who gave common sense and aren't blinded by pairing choice. For me how the characters are treated is way more important than shipping.
Also, when is your next YT video on Boruto being Oro's genjutsu gonna be released?
Thank for reading my somewhat lame and a long comment and I wish you the best with Kaika Saisei
Hi there,
Well, for the whole NH thing, the reason why they insist is because the sequel did a 180 and changed her characteristics, so ofc they are willing to die on that hill.
But we all know if we look at the actual content from the manga that she has nothing in common with Kushina nor Minato like they like to say. Kushina is loud and passionate. Where have you seen Hinata display those qualities? Whereas Minato is calm & calculated, something that she isn't once again. She's quiet & shy but that doesn't equate the calmness Minato displays. Not to mention we've seen even in this one shot that Kishi wrote that Minato can also get super passionate from time to time, whereas Hinata has never displayed that feat.
All in all for this whole thing to work they had to turn her into Sakura. It's clear as daylight to anyone who isn't a NH. Even a neutral. So why consume your energy with what they're saying? It's not like it's true. The evidence to support that is those 15 years of serialization prior to the ending that holds all the weight.
We all know TL & the other products at the end were made so that they can retcon the pre-established narrative.
The show ending the way it did basically destroyed everything Naruto once as a story stood for. Sad, but true.
I always said I wouldn't have had any issue with the choice of pairings if done correctly. After all, I used to be a multishipper once. I saw the potential that all had in the beginning. It's just that when part 2 launched, the story was clear of its direction - of course, until they decided to retcon again and to hell with everything.
And sadly, the girls got the short end of the stick. Both Hinata & Sakura, if we're being true to ourselves. But these people are ready to die on a hill just because they're so attached to their opinions rather than seeing the story for what it is - a great emotional impact story, but with a lot of issues underneath it if you put aside the emotional impact.
It's the reason why it pulls so many people into it. Because it's filled with emotional manipulation, in a way. Look at the way the franchise also directs its marketing campaigns for other materials/products. They scan the internet, see what the talk is in the fandom & then bam, there they are with their products that just so happen to have the thematic of whatever talk is in the fandom - like when they are some sort of servants because at some point NH & SS were arguing about who's richer and who's the servant and who's the patron and all kind of BS like that.
Or when we in the NaruSaku fandom had an extensive talk about tarot and the symbolism that surrounds NS and 6 months later bam, there they are with products with tarot themes.
Or that game they have and I saw two of the concepts I had for Sakura combined into a third one.
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They basically combined these two artwork concepts into the third one that is their image from the game.
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So what can I say? As you can see, Pierrot be doing whatever it is to get their way, lol.
If you think about the girls - when they thought Hinata was more profitable, they pushed her in everybody's face so much so that it affected the story's ending.
Now that Sakura's more profitable, they discarded Hinata like a used toy and she barely makes any appearances outside her mom-like persona.
This only shows anyone with a little critical thinking that SP has no respect for any characters nor the story. It's just about the $$$ and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
But meh, anyway, at this point is more than funny lol. It's just Pierrot being Pierrot tbh... Nothing good can be expected of that studio.
As for my next video, I'm planning on getting back to work on these somewhere in March.
Last year I've been caught up with a major life event so it really hindered my capacity to take care of everything that I wanted to do, but as I said, I'm planning on getting back to these.
It's just that I'll need to edit some things since I initially envisioned it in a certain way and there are certain changes that happened in the meantime, that kind of rendered some of the things I worked on obsolete, so I'm trying to adjust to that. But yeah, as soon as I have everything up and running again, I'll definitely start working on it.
And aah dear, don't worry, your question was not lame! Thank you for dropping into my inbox and for your wishes regarding Kaika!
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cartoonrival · 4 months
ok kuwtu valentines plans:
ino & sai: had a picnic with wine and fancy little cakes and cheeses and such. very picturesque.
hinata & naruto: don’t really do anything for valentines. if you ask them they’ll say because naruto is busy as hokage, and anyways they do things for each other all the time through the year (this isn’t true), why do they have to step it up for a specific date? naruto did buy flowers though and hinata put them in a vase on the kitchen table. how sweet! naruto is working late. hinata goes on a long walk after dark, listening to the crickets and feeling the cool air on her face.
shikamaru & temari: what naruto and hinata said except for them it's actually true. they're both on the same page, they're very busy people. temari's been in sunagakure for the past few days and comes home really late, sort of assuming everyone would be asleep (she and shikamaru had already discussed this might be the schedule), but he stayed up to surprise her with dinner after her trip. he's not that great a cook to be honest but it's the thought that counts.
sasuke & sakura: sasuke had to go on a mission today... very sudden. very sad. whoops. sakura takes a long bath with rose petals and salts and a glass of wine (which was recommended by orochimaru). it sounds relaxing but she's seething the entire time. she's been dropping "hints" to him all week that valentines day is coming up, partially because she needs him to play the part to keep up appearances and partially because she needs to convince herself that maybe they can make this work until sarada is old enough to move out. whether sasuke noticed and didn't care or if he pays so little mind to her that he literally didn't even realize she was trying to get him to plan something is up for debate.
orochimaru: baked cookies for mitsuki to share with his team
suigetsu & karin: get drunk as hell and pretend they both don't hate being single. watch shitty romance movies "to make fun of them" but both end up in tears
mitsuki & boruto: mitsuki bought boruto chocolates. boruto said, "hey, thanks mitsuki!"
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salads-and-bolts · 29 days
His Past Her Present
- Chapter 6 Preview -
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The firmly smushed heels of Sarada’s sports sneakers dug into her feet as she fled from Boruto’s house. She didn’t stop to fix them until everything from the gate to the roof was out of sight… And then she jogged the rest of the way home.
“Ah, Sarada. Welcome back. Did you have karate practice tod—“
“Hi mom I’m home I’m going to my room to lie down bye.”
It all flew out of her mouth in one rapid sentence. Sarada kicked off her shoes, raced up the stairs, and shoved her face straight into her pillow.
What. Was. That?!?!
When she could no longer breathe, she heaved herself onto her back, heart still racing, arms flopping out at her sides. She smacked herself in the head and wiped her mouth over and over and over again, but the moment she stopped, all she could think about was the very feeling she was trying to rid herself of and how good it felt.
She hated baby drool and slobber, and the thought of eating or drinking after someone else made her gag. But the subtle slimyness of kissing someone didn’t feel disgusting… That moment of pulling back slowly, her eyes rising open like the curtain in a stage play, breathing through her mouth as she hovered over top of him, his hand in her short black hair, her heart pounding over his…
Heat was already pulsing through her insides just thinking about it, tension pooling in her stomach.
She shoved the pillow over her face and make absolutely sure she couldn’t breathe. She needed to suffocate until she died. The worst part of all of this was… Boruto didn’t kiss her.
She kissed him.
Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid!! Why did I do that?!
Sarada knew the answer, but it wasn’t one she liked, and from now on, it wasn’t one that she was certain she could avoid.
To make matters worse, Boruto didn’t like her. He must’ve liked whoever she was in her own dumb stupid ninja dream. Which wasn’t even possible!
Calm down. She took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Let’s just sort this out… think about this logically. Asses the situation and figure out the best course of action. Think. Think. Think…
- Read the rest on Ao3!
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genma-support-group · 11 months
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Greetings my lovely peeps!
Note: This profile contains NSFW content, with that means no minors under the age of eighteen.
It’s My Pleasure to Meet You!
I am Maggie and I am in my late twenties and heading into my thirties, I have been writing since I was fourteen and have since made it into a career of sorts. I am also a married woman that is generally happy with life and is hoping for a better life not only for myself but for people I consider my friends.
About The Blog:
This blog is a bit weird at the moment but the only solid thing about it, is the NSFW content that I have mentioned above. As all topics I choose to write about is basically for adult eyes only.
Fandoms I Write For:
Star Wars
Original Works
Note: This list could grow or lessen depending on fandom cycle...
Request Guidelines:
I generally write original fan fiction, but I am open to writing requests! Though you should take this moment to go through my guidelines:
What I WILL Write For:
Fictional characters
Reader inserts (please make sure to specify gender, anything unspecified will be f!reader)
SFW and NSFW (Fluff, Smut, Angst)
What I WILL NOT Write For:
Forced Feeding
Real people  
Character/Reader Death 
Coprophilia/Urophilia (Sh*t/P*ss Play)
Depicting abuse in a positive light
Ships (canon or non-canon)
Please please PLEASE add your age in anon asks!
If you submit a request that involves anything from the second list, I will not reply to it. The same goes for any other requests that involve anything I’m uncomfortable with. If you have questions about why there wasn’t a reply for your request, please DM me.
Thank you and happy reading! 
Check out: @daisies-daydreams
My AO3
My Star Wars Masterlist is under the cut.
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->Shadows of the Republic
Starring: Wolffe x Original Female Character
The fall of the Republic, and the birth of the Empire, Wolffe—a former clone Commander—finds himself in limbo. Battling his demons, as he struggles to create a life worth living, but that’s when a chance meeting with Jaina Pellian, a human woman who had fallen into the same trap as him. Will his life be better with her? Or will he suffer a loss he can’t recover from? Word Count (Completed): 000,000
-> Forbidden Ecstasy
Starring: Neyo x Original Female Character
nothing yet Word Count (Completed): 000,000
-> Station 40 (Only on AO3) 
Starring: Crosshair x Original Female Character
A SOS broadcast puts the Bad Batch in a tough situation, where they have to decide whether to save the clone troopers that were sent to investigate the same SOS or take in the scientist wanted by the Republic guards. Word count: 000,000
-> The Man of Ryloth
Starring: Captain Howzer x Original Female Character 
The war raged on, battles hard fought, even with the battalion of clones that were led by Captain Howzer, there seemed to be no end in sight. At least until Lissa Amnel--a human woman-- arrived with support, allowing for more victories in their wake. But Howzer who had slept with nearly every Twi'lek he could, found himself changing with each attempt to gain her attention. Word count: 000,000
-> I Was Made for Lovin' You
Starring: ARC Hevy x Original Female Character 
A quick hike gone wrong, leaves Diana Brown in a world of service and sacrifice, stumbling around the galaxy that was not her own. Far from Earth or anything she might know, but a chance meeting brings Diana and an ARC trooper together. But when it comes time to leave, will she choose to return, or will she stay? Word count: 000,000
-> Trouble in The Pine Series
Starring: Crosshair x Original Human Female  
Book 1: Into the Unknown Elon, a green planet untouched by the war, and the former Republic—now Empire. A place for a man to start over, if that was possible for someone who didn’t have a say in regard to his birth. Will Crosshair, a man of regrets be able to move forward and start a new? Word count: 000,000 Book 2: Title Word Count 000,000 Overall Word Count: 000,000
-> Mr. Cupid
Starring: Mereel Skirata x Original Female Character
The playboy of the Skirata clan, Mereel Skirata, was the type to get any woman he wanted. From any walk of life. But that would be only a half truth, as the one he truly wanted was Sara Vene. A woman that worked closely with the Senators, and the Coruscant Guard. They met by chance, and the two were nearly inseparable until one night when the truth of his feelings came to light.  Word count: 000,000
-> The Promise
Starring: Niner Skirata x Original Female Character
The word love didn’t match up with the likes of Niner, a clone commando that wasn’t known to show much of any emotion one way or another. But when he met Malia his heart bloomed with desire, and love. Though his appearance never changed, his words spilled all. Will Niner keep his promise to Malia, or will their love die out?  Word count: 000,000
-> [Title to be added]
Starring: Commando Sev x Original Female Character
[summary to be added] Word count: 000,000
-> Upside Down
Starring: ARC Captain Fordo x Original Female Character
The birth of his son had sent Fordo over the moon, becoming a parent meant he had more to fight for, more than just his brothers or even the woman that brought his son into the world. Word count: 000,000
-> Kiss Her You Fool
Starring: ARC Commander Alpha 17 x Original Female Character
Alpha was anything but kind, strong willed, effective soldier on the field but when Syala entered the picture. His heart took a hit, a hit that made him feel more than he ever had. Word count: 000,000
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Commander Fox's love letter to Alax Halcorr
Dreaming of Her (Commander Neyo x OC)
Sinful Surrender Part 1 & Part 2
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-Crosshair Western AU (sort of)
-Delta Squad headcanons
-The Bad Batch headcanons
-Delt Squad Parenting Styles headcanons
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The Bad Batchers First Time Holding Their Newborn! (Fluff, Angst, and full of love)
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If you want to be tagged, please like this pin post, and I will add you to future works!
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stitchzin · 2 years
So About Sakura...
I was was watching Naruto Shippuden for the 193637290 time, and notice somethings on Sakura. We all know Kishimoto does not write female characters well, and knows how to ruins a pretty good character. That was analised by many professionals, all though thing are much better on Boruto Series.
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But let's go back to the focus on Sakura. Mostly her Family.
During the movie, that I don't know if it's events are cannon os OVA, Infinity Tsukuyomi Dream, after the fight with the Akatsuki every parent is being kind to their kid. Recomendation's letters are mentioned by Ino's parent and everything.
Them we cut to Sakura. Look at her expression, she knows everyone is watching them... She knows what they are doing.
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Sakura's mother enjoys hurting her own daughter feelings, here was some sings of it since the classic, those who have a narcissist mom will understand. Part of her problems with her mom is probably due to the fact that she keeps her head up no matter what she says.
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Later you she that her mom is still on the same page, in front of the other she was "acting funny" so Sakura looks like she is "overreacting" but her face at the acene Sakura is leaving you notice she has more agressive face details.
So now this part...
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Naruto was in a bad place on that moment, all those families together made him fell more lonely. Sakura complaning about her family to him sounded selfish even cruel.
Them she says: "If Sasuke was here he would understand me"
The point is that, they actually made research on Sasuke's life to try to find him. She know Sasuke's father was strict, that he had a favorite son, Itachi (a pressious man that should have been protected at all costs), so that is why she thinks/hope he would understand her.
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Because, even though Sasuke's father asked to keep him safe, he never showed proud like he did for Itachi. Sakura is an only child, that has parents that never showed proud on her at all.
Ino even laughs at how Sakura's mother is making her fell, what a great friend...
Now back to the the coments "at least she has a mother" type, some people are shitty parents and leave emotional scars on their kids, our generation should and NEEDS to be more aware of that. Sakura became a kunoichi on her on, no family guide. Her mother never expected her daughter to be bigger them her as a ninja that is why she became more rude. On her childhood memories her parents are kind of superficial but normal parents, on the classic her mother is "just a little bit to strict", on Shippuden her mother is on role another level.
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She was sort off proud with her gennin daughter, until Sakura was more them she was. She poses to a perfect picture with her Chunnin daughter, only to embarass her in front of everyone in a way that would look like, "Sakura can't take a joke". But notice, Sakura is the only one not smiling in the picture but the picture of her alone there was a big smile.
Sakura dosen't have a secret rough background, she has a secret rough present, one that no one would believe it's true even when she tells to one of her best friends.
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At "Boruto Series" you see Sakura and Sasuke being proud of every single thing Sarada accomplishes, because they broke a cycle of constant criticism.
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalks.
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bornonthebreakofdawn · 10 months
I’m so excited for the new Boruto!! 🥰 I’m also super anxious that I think imma make myself sick. 🆘 Saw the new Hima design, not sure how I feel abt it. 🤔 NH are stuck looking like they haven’t aged when the rest are continuously aging (although it’s only been 3 years). 🤧 so many feelings. 😮‍💨
What are your thoughts? What direction do you want this to go and where do you think is this headed?
Hiiiii! I opted to wait to answer this until the official release of the chapter is out
Just in case anyone wants to read it, you can read it here:
⚠️Spoilers ahead⚠️
In all honesty, I'm not sure anymore what to expect in the story. Hahaha
I had some theories before but they all kinda went poof especially after the switch happened. I'd probably just wait for Kishimoto/Ikemoto to finish cooking and I'll eat up whatever they'd serve lol
Current thoughts on the TS designs (Especially the outfits):
I think they look good but I also think some of their designs may be a bit impractical/may hinder their movement as shinobi. They do look fashionable though.
For NaruHina: Yeah... They've (unwillingly) become the first users of an anti-aging method c/o Kawaki 😅
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Just a few other things I'd like to point out:
3 years had passed since Boruto and Sasuke fled from the village, but Code mentioned he had been chasing Boruto for 2 years. So I'm guessing within the first year he had an encounter with Boruto, and either Boruto or Sasuke inflicted that scar on Code's left eye
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Let me also bring up this entrance by Boruto:
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Such disrespect my dude 🤣🤣🤣
Other stuff:
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So it seems in this part, Hima was recalling the Naruto vs. Delta fight. And even if (let's say the switch didn't happen) it was Kawaki who 'killed' their parents, Hima would still not believe he would do such a thing because she still has that faith in her brothers. I'm so touched by this 😭❤️
This part:
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Sure the omnipotence had altered everyone's memories (and it seemed to even gradually wipe other doubts caused by it), but I'm quite curious how it will be when it comes to written records/pictures? Perhaps if people look at documents such as Boruto's birth certificate or photos including him, I'd guess that there'd be some sort of illusion that the affected people would be made to believe that they see Kawaki's name and his image even if the physical documents are still pointing to Boruto's identity? 🤔
We'll just have to wait and see in the coming chapters.
Thanks for sending this ask @asriah !!! 😁
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atqh16 · 2 years
Sort of want to know what would happen if in Boruto, instead of Kurama dying, Naruto died instead. Kurama obviously made sure that the baryon mode only depleted his own life force so what if it was the other way around? What if Naruto was the one who made it so that his own life force was depleted instead of Kurama’s? The reasoning behind his choice being that Kurama is one of the most powerful ancient being that ever lived and he feels like that power would be more vital in defeating the otsutsuki compared to himself who is ultimately at the end of the day only human. Especially now that Sasuke’s rinnegan is gone
So Naruto dies and instead Kurama is the one who wakes up, now in control of Naruto’s body. Imagine the horror and shock Sasuke, Boruto and Kawaki would feel when Naruto’s form opens its eyes and instead of cerulean blue, they’re met with red eyes and black narrow slits. Sasuke doesn’t need an explanation, he’d almost instantly understand what had happened and is too in shock to react to Kawaki and Boruto both demanding to know where Naruto is. When they’re told what happened, Boruto gets paralyzed by the same shock Sasuke is in but Kawaki himself actually attacks kurama. His denial insisting that if he can make Kurama go ‘back inside’ Naruto would wake up again.
But it doesn’t take him long to realize that it wasn’t gonna happen so he becomes consumed with shock, anger and grief
Boruto realizing that his father died to protect him. Kawaki realizing that despite managing to kill Jigen, Naruto still died. Sasuke just numb in shock that his other half truly was gone.
Kurama can only watch as all 3 of them sort of fall apart at realizing the truth. While he himself is drowning in guilt because Naruto died in his stead. He’s also in shock at the fact that Naruto died to save his life. He’s never heard of a Jinchuriki ever willingly give their life to protect/save their tailed beast. It’s always been the other way around. Humans trying to kill or trap him to keep their kind alive. Even during the war he never believed that Naruto would die trying to save everyone and even if he did, they’d go together. Kurama realizes for the first time in decades that he’s alone. His friend is gone and he is completely alone.
Sasuke manages to break through his shock just enough to tell everyone that they need to get back to Konoha to tell everyone what happened. Naruto died protecting everyone and Sasuke is not going to let that choice be in vain. Kawaki at first doesn’t care until Boruto (even through his own sorrow) points out that Sasuke was right. So like in canon, Kawaki manages to get Boruto’s karma to open a portal back to Konoha.
After managing to break through their own shock and grief, Shikamaru, Sakura and everyone else who’d been working closely with the Hokage in fighting Otsutsuki, try to keep Naruto’s death a secret as they try to figure out their next move. Not just because they don’t want to cause a panic but also because if the people working with Jigen and Momoshiki find out, Konoha would be vulnerable. Not even Hinata or Himawari know. Kakashi takes his place back as Hokage again while they figure out what to do. Similar to canon, the other Kage’s are told about the situation (the difference of course being that Naruto is dead instead of Kurama)
Similar to canon, the Kage’s bring up how Boruto is dangerous because Momoshiki could take over his body again and with the Rinnegan destroyed and Naruto gone, they’d be sitting ducks. Similar to canon, they raise the fact that if necessary, Boruto needs to be ‘put down’ for everyone’s safety. Sasuke, Kurama and Kakashi are the only once’s attending the Kage meeting and they only respond with contemplative silence.
Shikamaru gives Hinata some kind of excuse to explain why Naruto won’t be coming home for a while. Hinata isn’t stupid, she knows something is wrong and she does suspect the worse but she also knows that at the moment, Naruto would want her to put their kids first so she just tries her best to distract Himawari. But she can’t do anything to pierce through Borutos numbing grief. Especially since he’s been avoiding everyone and not sleeping out of fear that Momoshiki might take over his body.
Similar to what Naruto did in canon, Kurama finds him and tells him confidently the same way Naruto did in canon that no matter what happens, Kurama was going to protect him because he knows that Naruto would do the same even if it cost him his place and reputation as Hokage. Boruto finally breaks down at realizing how much his father loved him and in his exhaustion, finally falls asleep.
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llaureleii · 1 year
Retsuden Final Episode Review
The final episode of Retsuden definitely had mixed reviews, both from SasuSaku fans and Boruto fans alike. Let’s review!
For one thing, the final rubble scene of Sasuke’s immediate fear and growing anxiety of losing sakura was incredibly done, not so much in terms of the scene itself, but more so by Sugiyama’s line delivery. You could hear the genuine emotion in Sasuke’s voice, and after so many years of playing a stoic character, Noriaki of course knew just how to let that emotionally vunerable side of Sasuke be revealed towards Sakura, and only Sakura. Sasuke’s greatest fear was at play - losing a loved one all over again. Losing his family. I loved his raw voice that is not often heard and it depletes any preconcieved notions that he doesn’t love her, care about her, etc. Thank you Sugiyama for these perfect voice lines!!
Many fans were let down by the end of the scene, with Sasuke not having wiped away Sakura’s tears, but let’s be honest it’s SP - look how much of the novel scenes they’d already left out lol. I’m glad they kept in Sasuke using medical ninjutsu, although I don’t know how they would’ve done without it even if they wanted to change it. 
I understand that some rookie animators took part on some scenes throughout Retsuden, and whilst this is awesome of the Studio to take on new talent, many fans had their previous thoughts proven right with the lacking depth in some frames. That one where Sakura used the barrier jutsu looked relatively awkward, and as a new concept to Sakura’s character I struggled to understand what she did to trap Jiji or how it was supposed to be perceived. Despite this, I’m happy that there are new people wanting to carry on the animation industry and have no doubt these people will be some big names one day!
Although we didn’t get as many novel-accurate scenes, I appreciate the anime original at the end with SasuSaku in two different places, but saying the same lines. It reinforces the level of their connection and how the moon also unifies them with an ‘under the same sky’ sort of trope, showing no matter the distance they are always together. 
Overall, I think Retsuden deserves a 7/10, due to the lack of novel-accurate content, some of the animation and the overall rushing of the arc. I don’t see why it couldn’t have been postponed until after the Code Arc, considering Code is Boruto’s main storyline and Retsuden is only a mini arc. I think if the focus went to Code first there could’ve been more consideration to the timing and presentation of Retsuden later on. But I still enjoyed it and look forward to more SasuSaku content being presented and as ever, I will continue to talk about it!!
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sueske · 1 year
do u think kishi is gay
A question asked my numerous people before. I knew what I had to do to find the answer, but my quest would no doubt be long and arduous. And yet, my thirst for knowledge would not be quenched until I uncovered the truth. And so, I set out in search of it.
I knew I had to leave my current life behind to be successful in my mission, so I did. Created a new identity and hopped on the first plane to Japan, outwardly just a common individual in a sea of others. Nondescript. No one knew what I was planning and that's just how I wanted it. 
I performed phase one of my plan. Got a job. Seduced a man. Got married and had a kid. Everything was going according to plan. I bided my time, and though the years were long, I knew I had to have patience. And then one fateful November evening my patience was rewarded.
My husband you see, I chose very carefully. A man working for Shonen Jump. And so when the Shonen Jump party came rolling around and it was confirmed that Kishimoto would finally attend since formally starting work on Boruto, I knew it was time to act. 
We befriended Kishimoto. We invited him over to our place. I'll spare you the details but eventually he invited us over to his house. I could see the finish line in sight, could almost taste the sweetness of victory after all those years. My belief never waned that I would find an opportunity to find the truth. And said opportunity presented itself in the form of a dinner party on a Friday evening.
Halfway through dinner I excused myself to use the restroom. When I was sure I was in the clear, I made my way to his study. There, in his desk, were three drawers. I opened one and it was empty. I opened the second, and after sorting through dozens of pages of SNS doushinjis, while interesting, were not what I was looking for. Just as I was beginning to lose hope I opened the third one, and lo and behold, there it was – Kishimoto's diary! 
Surely, the answer to whether he is gay or not was written in there. I opened it and turned the page and there, on page 1, the very first line, the answer! Without a shadow of a doubt, Kishimoto is- 
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winterberryholly · 3 months
neji and tenten for the character bingo (of course)
And temari
Anon you have activated me
the context!
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HE!!!!! Obviously he’s one of my number one top faves ever. Like all other members of Team Gai he deserved so so much better. The number of times I have complained about his story. I will complain more. I cannot EVEN
I feel like I have to call Neji a pathetic wet cat since I literally described him that way in a fic once LOL I also would say he’s done nothing wrong but Lee would…actually, Lee would be very forgiving and not say anything bitter but Lee SHOULD beg to differ. Tenten should too, honestly; I think that their friendship was fairly one-sided up until after he and Naruto fought and that he and Tenten had to learn how to be actual reciprocal friends just as much as he and Lee did. I need both friendship evolutions in writing.
Free spaces I’m deciding to talk about Boruto era. I could talk forever about him dying but tbH. Part of me is happy he was killed off because I don’t want to know what his Boruto era would have been like. We know that seal didn’t go anywhere and he would not have struck out on his own or become Tenten’s househusband so I don’t care LMFAO
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A BINGO!! Of course. This is my girl. This is my WIFE. The wasted potential is so strong with her but all the Tenten stans know what’s up (including the filler team, the biggest Tenten stans of all). I would die for her. Like I’m just rotating her in my brain constantly. She is such a good parallel to Lee too with her specialty being so baseline but taking it to new heights. The sealing specialty of hers really should have been explored more as well. It’s so beautiful that we all agree that she would try to learn the Hiraishin. Tenten fam I love you 5ever
Free space: In the same way that I’m sort of happy Neji died, I’m glad Tenten didn’t just end up becoming His Wife (though I’m actually not sure she would have been since they didn’t pair her off comphet-ly with Lee, so maybe they wouldn’t have with Neji either! I’m imagining a world where Boruto era Team Gai are all alive and ALL single and it’s so beautiful. I can make my own romance don’t mess them up for me) Like at least she gets to run a business AND didn’t have kids! That she’s the ONLY childfree girl in her cohort is ridiculous. Based though. She is the unbothered queen of my heart. What is romance?? Dead childhood boyfriend whomst??? She doesn’t give a single fuck and for that we all simply have to stan
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I love her!!! could say so much about her but she was probably my favorite character during my childhood watch and the Sand Siblings in general are really near and dear to my heart for lots of reasons. If there’s any of the younger characters I feel is most “like” me, it’s her. She’s really special to me. I think half the reason I don’t write her more is because it’s too close to home honestly (what I mean when I say “I don’t go here” lol more like I CAN’T go here without SHOWING my ASS)
Free space: Boruto era is a straight up crime. I’m sorry. I can excuse her leaving the active duty part of her life but I cannot excuse her doing that in order to raise Nara babies. Never. Not Even Once. Let her continue to be an ambassador!! Let her teach!! Let her be on the Suna Council!! ANYTHING!!!! I’ll fight everyone
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smbiotics · 3 months
Here's a little teaser taste of something I'm writing. Just for the record, it is set in Boruto's timeline-ish, but I take very very little from canon. I take some major liberties, sort of crafting the characters into what I think they actually would be like, not what they become canonically. Enjoy!
Naruto is unsurprised to find Sasuke loitering just past the treeline, invisible to all except those looking for him. He looks skittish, but then he always has been within the walls of Konoha for as long as Naruto has known him, and despite being the village’s current Hokage Naruto can’t bring himself to blame him.
“When I asked you to come over, I sort of expected you to come through the front door,” Naruto announces brashly as he appears just behind Sasuke. Either the Uchiha sensed his approach or he is very good at concealing his initial reaction, because Sasuke doesn’t even flinch.
“You’re a dumbass if you thought I’d stroll into your house like a guest.”
Naruto smiles to himself as he heads for the back of his house. Sasuke, despite himself, follows a couple paces behind him. “Aren’t you one?”
“Obviously, you want something. Some mindless mission you think is within my expertise, I assume. Any excuse to get me away from this forsaken village before it becomes overrun with Chunin candidates and the resultant crowds.” Sasuke slants a pointed look at Naruto as they slow to a stop between two support beams on the covered patio. “So, no. Not exactly a guest.”
Naruto feels words souring in his mouth. He had thought they were having witty banter, something like what they had as kids, but Sasuke has approached this as if it is a business transaction. “Sasuke, I don’t have a mission for you.”
“What, so you invited me over to chat?” Sasuke sneers disdainfully, and Naruto has had enough years of interacting with him to see the uncertainty influencing the reaction. Naruto has sort of pulled the rug out from under his friend, and now he feels wrong-footed.
In his most conversational tone, to smooth over the fight Sasuke is trying to pick, Naruto shrugs, shoving his hands in his pocket. “Nah, not exactly. I kind of hoped we could… talk.”
A look of pure, unfettered panic blooms on Sasuke’s face, and Naruto realizes his mistake just seconds too late. It has been years—nearing 15 now—but Naruto knows what “talk” would make Sasuke look at him like that.
“Wait,” Naruto hurries to say, voice soft and hands in front of him as if to calm a spooked stray. “Not—not that. We don’t have to talk about that, unless—unless you want to.”
Sasuke shakes his head once, firmly, and relaxes somewhat, but it seems even just the barest acknowledgement of the event is enough to keep him on edge, and Naruto knows this won’t fare terribly well for the conversation they actually need to have.
“I—I’m worried about Sanadei, actually.”
Sasuke’s eyebrow drops down in consternation. “Talk to Sakura, then.”
“No, I mean,” Naruto pauses, then takes a steadying breath. “I’m worried about how Sakura is, erm. Is treating him. Sarada, too.”
A long, tense silence lasts between them, and Naruto decides to expand upon his concern, since Sasuke doesn’t seem to have anything to say on the matter.
“Yoretsu tells me,” He begins gingerly, “That Sanadei has been forbidden from seeing him until the day of the exams, and that it may extend well past that if, um, Sanadei’s performance isn’t up to her ‘expectations.’” Naruto leans heavily against the beam behind him, tired suddenly. “That he has been expected to train and practice most hours of the day barring meal times, under strict schedules under Sakura’s direct supervision. I asked Sakura about it yesterday, actually, and she told me it was none of my business.”
Sasuke stares at the ground by Naruto’s feet. “You called me over here to complain about Sanadei’s training schedule?”
“No, it’s—” Naruto sighs heavily, frustrated that he can’t seem to articulate precisely what his issue is. “Sasuke. I think it’s bordering on abuse. I heard that—that Sakura has cut lunch meals out of Sanadei’s schedule, too. And Sarada—she torched Yoretsu’s garden a couple of days ago. Sakura told me that he deserved it. I’m worried about where her headspace is, worried that something may be wrong, and I just want to do anything I can to do right by your children.”
“The Sakura we know today is a ruthless beast I have unwittingly created, listening to no reason,” Sasuke says roughly, looking a little sick. “From neglect. From her—her desperation to make me love her. She has never been able to accept how I am, how I feel for her, and she has turned our children into pawns to gain my favor.”
“You have to say something,” Naruto beseeches. “Sasuke, she is Sanadei’s tormentor, Sarada’s enabler. She won’t listen to me.”
Sasuke barks out a harsh noise that vaguely resembles a laugh. “She won’t listen to me either. Do you think I like how she treats them? Better yet, do you think—do you think I even wanted to marry her? She—she takes what she wants, doesn’t take no for a fucking answer.” He stares at Naruto with his one visible eye that speaks louder than any other two eyes could ever accomplish. He had always spoken primarily with his eyes. “She’s delusional, Naruto. She thinks that if she turns my children into unstoppable weapons that I—”
“Have you even tried?” Naruto interrupts on a hiss, tired of the excuses and the words and the frank lack of action. “Have you ever actually sat Sakura down and talked to her once in your whole life? Because I seem to recall your “hints” when we were kids and she was throwing herself all over you. You did your whole cold-shoulder routine, but I don’t remember you ever actually talking to her like she’s a human being.”
A fire blazes in the abyssal umber of Sasuke’s sole visible eye. “I shouldn’t have to spell everything out to her.”
“But maybe you do!” Naruto advances just so and Sasuke frantically retreats as if burned, back bumping the support beam behind him. Slowing to a halt, Naruto places his hands upon his hips with a sigh. He had always been a wounded animal, despite Naruto’s best efforts to nurse him back to health. “Sasuke, I don’t say any of this just because of Yoretsu, because of how it affects him. I care about Sanadei and Sarada. They’re both good kids—I love them. And if you would stay in the village long enough to have a single conversation with either of them, I think you’d know why I’m pushing this so hard.” He looks up at Sasuke through his lashes, takes in his defensive stance, wishes this weren’t so difficult. “I wouldn’t normally criticize or give unwarranted advice on anyone’s parenting style. But this is… it’s an unhealthy environment. And I think if Sakura weren’t in such a—such a manic state, I think she would agree. She would be horrified, Sasuke. She needs your help.” Then, feeling dirty and manipulative but calling his last-ditch effort, Naruto tacks on a soft, “Sasuke. I need your help.”
Something in Sasuke seems to release, because the invisible shield seems to melt away. In a broken whisper, Sasuke says haltingly, “I don’t stay away because I want to.” Then, possibly because he isn’t satisfied with how open-ended the statement is, he continues thickly, “It’s—painful. Being there. I didn’t want—Naruto, she insisted on raising a family in a graveyard.”
Naruto wonders faintly what it is about Sakura that seems to destroy any of Sasuke’s natural stubbornness. He feels a pang of grief for his oldest friend. “Please, Sasuke.”
Sasuke shuts his eyes, looking so pained that Naruto wishes he didn’t have to ask this of him. But then, as if steeling himself, Sasuke stands to his full height and redons his metaphorical Uchiha mask of indifference. “I’ll try,” is all he says before disappearing without a sound.
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cartoonrival · 11 months
like sasuke is clearly deeply unhappy in boruto which is fine, i honestly think its GOOD that he's not just like suddenly content with his life and himself after the finale of shippuden, its just also sort of insane that the post canon where he is no longer the focus is one where he's so potently miserable. he's clearly still reluctant to really face konoha. he still feels like an outcast or a bad apple, he still thinks he needs to atone for what he did as a teenager, despite the fact that he's been actively atoning for like a decade. but it'll never be enough. the only person he is not afraid to face and does not think he has failed is naruto, but even then he is still eager to isolate himself again, and i KNOW that its isolating and not just "being by himself" (sasuke has never been an outwardly emotional person (except under major duress), and while i believe a lot of this is repression its also just how he is, so no amount of healing would make him as open as, say, naruto, but i digress) because these are not the words of a happy man. "if she hates me its fine, because at least the future will be bright". "this is also a journey of atonement." naruto WANTS him to stay, believes its been long enough, the people of konoha don't hate him anymore (not sure how true this is but it's what naruto believes/wants to be true), but sasuke says they should stick to what they're meant to do, which means naruto as the hokage, because he is well loved and good with people, and sasuke in the shadows, because he is meant to be alone and unrecognized.
tbc i don't think that sasuke could be happy "settling down," i don't think he DOESNT like being on the move all the time, but the scene with naruto where he leaves konoha without saying goodbye to anybody is clearly not a scene where sasuke is content with his life in the way naruto is. he isn't doing this because he wants to, its because he thinks that he has to suffer in order to be good, and that the people of konoha wouldn't accept him any other way. it IS TRUE that sasuke has always been a big believer in sacrifice for the greater good and wouldn't consider his own happiness to be important compared to the missions he needed to go on, regardless of how deserving of happiness he considered himself to be, but i absolutely refuse to believe that, if he DID believe he deserved it, there has been NO TIME EVER that he could come home and just be regular. just for a little. there is absolutely something that is pushing him out of konoha, unrelated to "i have a mission to go on." there's still a disconnect.
WHICH. unfortunately. brings me to. end of shippuden. he receives a letter from naruto praising him for protecting the village even without being there, he thinks, "maybe it's time to come home." sometime before he comes home, he catches wind that naruto is getting married. he sends a letter with nothing on it other than "congratulations," and he does not come home. for like 4 more years. next time he's home for an extended period of time it's when sakura has already giving birth to sarada and he's helping raise her until she's juuuust old enough to start retaining memories before he fucks off again.
he doesn't want to be around sarada and sakura. he doesn't want them to worry about him or concern themselves with him. he doesn't want to be affectionate with sakura, who clearly DOES want to be affectionate with him. he considers the fact that he and sakura had a kid together to be the thing that most connects them, which is only significant in this case because anyone with eyes can tell that they are not really connected in basically any other way. it's like the ring he gives her in that dino arc. clearly since you wear a ring now to show we're married it means that we're married even though i'm not doing any of the other things a husband should do, but this ring makes up for that. clearly since we have a kid our hearts are connected and we really do love each other, even though i'm not doing any of the other things someone who really loves you would do. you could argue that his refusal to make any contact with sarada and sakura IS out of love, that he's afraid of hurting them and thinks he's protecting them by staying out of their lives (this is most likely what kishimoto intends), but this claim doesn't have any actual PRECEDENT outside of the fact that i'm being told that sasuke apparently loves her, the evidence for that being well they got married and had a kid. off screen.
i think he feels guilty that sarada even exists, because it's his fault she has no dad and it's his fault she inherited the uchiha's massive capacity for grief and love, it's his fault that sakura is raising her alone, and he's running from this because hopefully he can make up for it by doing good for the whole world since he cannot bring himself to make up for it by being there for his wife and daughter. "she has sakura, she'll be fine" because sakura is more her parent than he will ever/could ever be. he doesnt HATE sakura or sarada, to be very clear. he cares about them both as people, he fully respects sakura's strength, is proud when he sees sarada fighting well, he wants her to be happy and wants her to like him, he wishes he could be a better father and husband to her and sakura. just without having to be their father and husband.
boruto is not good unfortunately but due to the fact that naruto IS good and sasuke's characterization is very lovingly done in the original series it's critical to me (because i am not normal) that i figure out how to connect pieces that kishimoto could not be assed to properly connect. he seems to RECOGNIZE that he's betraying sasuke's characterization by making him have a kid w sakura due to the fact that everything sasuke does after that is p much exactly what i would expect him to do if, through some freak incident, he ended up having a kid with sakura. Anywho
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laniuchiha7 · 1 year
To He, Who Hung the Stars: Ch 4
In three months time their new house will be ready, building it from the ground up, but for the time being the Uchiha family will be living in Sakura’s old apartment. Kakashi graciously ensured it remained unoccupied during the time of her and Sasuke’s absence, leaving them a place to return to.
Thankfully the one-bedroom residence doesn’t feel too cramped with the three of them. Upon returning the married pair did a late spring cleaning session and got rid of many items they didn’t need or stored them in scrolls until they moved to their permanent house. 
Little Sarada doesn’t take up too much space yet – her crib nestles in the corner of the bedroom that her grandparents bought, changing pad stored underneath, folded in a drawer are all of the clothes gifted by auntie Ino and auntie Hinata, in the living room are toys given by uncle Naruto and uncle Kakashi.
Today both father and daughter are out on the town running errands; having lunch with Naruto and Boruto, giving away a few items to a second hand shop that they have no use for, and buying groceries, while Sakura takes time to finish unpacking from their travels.
Sakura decorates with objects picked up from various locations across their journey, each one of them holding their own story and memory she thinks back on with fondness; such as a frame of dried pressed flowers from the festival in Hanagakure, and the special sake gifted to them from the officiant who married them in Yuki.
Next Sakura takes the stack of letters Sasuke wrote to her over the years without her knowledge, finding out only after she accidentally picked up his bag the wrong way and they all fell out. Some of them short with only a few words or a sentence, while some span the length of multiple pages. Dating back to his first journey of redemption to weeks after they found out she was pregnant, the fact he took the time to write out his innermost thoughts for her, about her, will never not make heart swell with overwhelming affection for the man she loves.
Finding a small box, Sakura tenderly places the letters inside and sets them on the top shelf of the bedroom closet. Keeping them easily accessible in case she ever wants to reread them.
The last thing she needs to do is clean their clothes, and then she’ll be done for the day. Sorting them by what’s worth keeping and what should just be thrown out, she comes across a very familiar item.
The two-tone brown poncho she sent Sasuke years ago, a few months after he left the second time when the weather started to become colder. Sakura runs her fingers over some of the many parts that needed to be stitched back together, a smile plays on her lips thinking about the amount of times she tried to convince him to get a new one but he refused, never really giving her a reason aside from that one being just fine. He can be so stubborn sometimes. 
Sometimes when she was bored, she’d sew little patterns or and designs into it, her silly little art pieces which were nothing fancy; flowers, stars, and his family crest. They’re barely visible unless you look closely, using thread the same color as the poncho, but it was like a little secret they shared. She holds it close to her chest, even though it’s been worn to death and should go in the pile of clothes that should be thrown out, she knows Sasuke would want to keep it.
Seconds later she hears the front door of the apartment open, along with a bit of shuffling, and a familiar warm chakra signature. “Tadaima,” she hears him call as the door shuts.
Sakura goes to greet them at the entrance, “okaeri.” Sasuke stands in the hallway having already taken off his shoes and cloak, holding a bag in his lone hand and Sarada strapped to his chest, giggling and stretching her tiny limbs because she’s excited to see her mama. “How’d it go?” she asks, taking a couple steps closer and extends her hand for her daughter to play with.
“Fine,” Sasuke responds. Glancing at the item she holds, he asks, “what are you doing with that?”
“I was just going through some of our clothes, figured you’d want to keep this.”
Dipping her chin once, she folds it over her left arm. “Why? If you don’t mind me asking. Is there something special about it?” Sakura inquires curiously. When she picked it up, she figured it was a normal poncho that would keep him comfortable during the colder months. Honestly, she didn’t even expect him to return home with it, let alone insisting to keep it.
“I kept this for a long time because of you,” fractionally, he turns his head to the side but she thinks there’s a hint of pink dusting his complexion. “Because you gave it to me.”
Her own face begins to heat up, not anticipating that response. “O-oh,” she lets out a nervous laugh, butterflies fluttering in her tummy. It’s unexpected yet totally expected of him, she realizes. At first glance, not everyone would consider Sasuke to be as thoughtful and sentimental as he actually can be, especially when it comes to the ones who hold a special place in his heart. Someone who appreciates the little details and the extra steps people take for him; a very kind and pure soul.  
“Alright then,” she grins happily. “I’ll add it to the wash.”
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