#soulmate horoscope
astroa3h · 7 months
where you'll meet your soulmate
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I know this is fairly vague when it comes to astrology and how intricate of an art it can be, especially when it comes to the placement of Juno. But I find this to be pretty spot on when it comes to the dreamy meet cute you have with your destined one.
Juno in the 1st House: Picture this - you're shining bright, maybe you're on stage, or it's your birthday bash. There’s laughter, music, and bam! Your eyes lock with theirs across the room. It's electric, like a scene from a movie. Love at first sight? Heck yeah. This isn't a slow burn; it's fireworks from the get-go. Imagine meeting the one person who sees you, the real you, in a crowd of faces. That’s your moment.
Juno in the 2nd House: Imagine casually browsing through a bookstore or maybe hustling at a side gig, and there they are. Maybe they're helping you pick out the perfect gift, or you’re laughing over a bizarre find at a flea market. This connection is built on the simple things in life, like sharing a passion or working on something that matters to both of you. It’s the shared smiles and the teamwork that makes the dream work.
Juno in the 3rd House: Ever met someone and felt like you’ve known them forever? That’s Juno in the 3rd for you. It could be a friend of a friend, someone from the neighborhood, or that person you keep bumping into online because you laugh at the same memes. This could also be a childhood friend. It's the comfort of familiarity, the ease of a conversation that never ends. It’s like finding a missing piece you weren’t even aware you were looking for.
Juno in the 4th House: This is all about home, heart, and heritage. Imagine finding your soulmate at a family gathering or through a connection so deeply rooted in your past, it feels fated. It could be a cozy dinner, a traditional celebration, or through the meddling of your mom playing cupid. This soulmate brings a sense of belonging, a feeling of coming home, no matter where you are.
Juno in the 5th House: Think laughter, creativity, and a dash of spontaneity. Meeting your soulmate while you’re living your best life, maybe at a concert, an art exhibit, or while coaching little league. It’s those moments of pure joy and abandon, where you meet someone who makes your heart race faster than a rollercoaster ride. It’s about finding love in the midst of living passionately.
Juno in the 6th House: Here, love finds you in the midst of your daily grind. It could be that new colleague, someone you meet at a fitness class, or even a fellow volunteer. This is about finding someone who fits into your life like the perfect puzzle piece, making every day brighter and every routine special. It’s the beauty in the ordinary, the love that grows in shared routines and little acts of care.
Juno in the 7th House: Picture meeting your soulmate at a wedding, It's where you least expect it, in the midst of celebrating love, you find your own. It could be a plus-one that was meant to be your plus-one forever. This is about partnerships, the undeniable pull towards someone who complements you perfectly, in ways you hadn’t even dared to dream of. I sometimes find you may even find your soulmate through an ex partner with this placement.
Juno in the 8th House: This is deep, the kind of connection that happens in the quiet, unexpected moments. Maybe it’s someone you meet in a place where you both show your vulnerabilities, or perhaps during a time of transformation. You could be intoxicated or under the influence when you meet. It’s a soul-stirring, intense connection that feels predestined, a love that’s as profound as the ocean and just as mysterious.
Juno in the 9th House: Imagine crossing paths with your soulmate in a setting that screams adventure and growth. It could be a study abroad program, a spiritual journey, or just a random seminar that you both decided to attend on a whim. This is about finding someone who shares your thirst for knowledge, adventure, and the quest for meaning in life. It’s about expanding your horizons, together.
Juno in the 10th House: Here’s where your ambitions and your heart align. Meeting your soulmate in a context that’s all about achieving your life’s purpose, maybe at a conference, through a mentor, or while making your mark on the world. It’s about finding someone who not only shares your dreams but is ready to build an empire with you. This love story is about legacy, ambition, and a shared vision for the future.
Juno in the 11th House: This is the meet-cute you didn’t see coming. A friend’s party, a community event, or that random encounter at a party. It’s about connection, friendship, and shared ideals. Finding your soul mate here means finding someone who gets you on a level that's almost telepathic. It’s about shared laughs, mutual friends becoming mutual admirers, and feeling like you’ve found your tribe with this person by your side.
Juno in the 12th House: This is where souls connect on a celestial level. Imagine a tranquil setting, a spiritual retreat, or a place where you're seeking peace, and there they are. This connection is ethereal, almost like recognizing a soul from a past life. It’s a love that transcends time and space, wrapping you in a sense of calm and belonging that’s hard to put into words.
xox astro ash ✨ Get your own Juno Soulmate Reading @ astroash.net TikTok - astroa3h
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vedicinsights · 5 days
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People with malefic planets such as Mars, Saturn, and Rahu (North Node) in the 7th house, whether by placement or aspect, are less likely to experience delays in marriage compared to those with these placements in the 5th house. The 7th house governs relationships and partnerships, which involve the alignment of two individuals. In contrast, the 5th house represents love, romance, and children. When the 5th house is affected, it can indirectly influence the 7th house.
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lunaapudleonem · 5 months
who do you think is your soulmate sign? with which signs did you feel the most connected to? and how is it visible from the natal chart in general?
btw i adore your blog, please post more often...
Hii sweetie thank you for your question 🤍
So for me, it's Virgo!! I'm a Pisces rising and my descendent is in Virgo, because of this I tend to attract a lot of Virgos & I mostly have a very harmonious relationship with them.
Also, my grandma and my 2 sisters that I feel the most connected to are Virgos. I feel like they (Virgos) are the ones who give the most to me and put a lot of effort into maintaining our relationship. I know Virgos can be a handful sometimes but since I've dealt with them my whole life, they feel the most safe for me. & l can be very chill & accept their rigid patterns of behavior. I also have Juno in Capricorn + Venus in the 10th house, so I'm looking for a partner with some qualities of an earth sign (stable, ambitious, determined). I'm also missing earth element in my natal chart so naturally I'm attracted to people who have more of it in the chart.
My recommendation is to look at your DC, ruler of the 7th house (for example for me it's Mercury which is in my 12th house that could indicate that my partner could be a foreigner, psychologist, someone I meet at an unusual place like psychiatry ward or jail - not that uncommon for me because of my profession), your Juno, house your Venus is in and also your Moon sign!! Often people have the same Moon sign as their partner's Sun sign and vice versa! Observe which sign you attract the most and which sign feels harmonic/natural to you. 💕
However, not every time will that sign be a match for you of course :) I had a very intense and difficult relationship with a Virgo for around 4 years. Talking and being with him felt mesmerizing and beautiful (I always felt understood by him), but his Chiron was conjunct my Moon so all he did was hurt me over and over again and vice versa (+ we had other placements in the synastry chart that made the dynamic passionate yet toxic). SO always check the synastry & composite chart to see if that person is the one. I also believe we have multiple soulmates in our lifetime so one sign doesn't have to be your soulmate.
To conclude, I really think for me it is Virgo. I'm currently dating a Virgo Sun/Pisces Moon/ Libra rising & I'm very satisfied with the relationship 💖
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freyjalumiere · 6 months
The magical love of the twin flames
The spiritual world is far more interesting that what we might probably think.
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We heard a lot about the concept of soulmates, those souls who are always in our journey and can be from our parents, siblings, friends and even our pets. A soulmate is not just one soulmate who shares a bond with us but in fact the number of soulmates we have is difficult to know.
The twin flame on the other hand is our other half with an intense soul connection. Is the opposite of our soul but with the same essence. Let's make the example by this: we have a pizza. There are not other pizza made in such way and the ingredients are so unique. In the moment we cut it in two pieces, the ingredients are still unique but each left with different proportions of those ingredients. The two pieces are different but still the same.
The two parts go in different paths and journey but belong to each other. Both pieces can't stop but trying to find away to return back to the other.
I was a helpless in love about love even if I was always single and I remember always dreaming about the moment I could find that other half of me. I am alway very receptive when I go to sleep and is in the dream realm where I get most of my prophetic dreams. One night asking about that other part of me, I had a dream. My Twin Flame was with me, he was giving me the strongest hug that it felt even after I woke up. I couldn't see his face, only that was a very tall and strong shadow.
Where one can find our Twin Flame in Astrology?
As i am on my big journey in this amazing study of astrology I believe the information about our Twin Flame can be found in the Draconic Chart but we have to understand something and not everyone have a Twin Flame. That is because some souls haven't the experience yet of the separation. In those cases the Draconic Chart, depending of the individual, represents a past life or the soul journey.
That is because there are some souls who doesn't have a past life and they have their first time coming on earth. Just like in my case while using the Norns asteroids of the past, present and future. My past and my present is the same, showing me that this is my first time here. Also why my dominant planet in my birth chart is Pluto, I am having a non stop transformation (as if my soul is trying to catch up with the old souls who have more reincarnations).
Having your Twin Flame in the Draconic Chart also doesn't mean the person will have to go and search for the meeting, that is because sometimes one of the half can be on earth (material world) while the other can be on the spiritual world. Sometimes the life purpose is to learn and develop independently on earth.
The only important here about the Twin Flames is the unique and strong love of the two souls.
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leavemeslowly · 3 months
Maybe we are water and fire, but maybe, we are one person who has lived two separate lives. We were in parallel. Seen as underdogs, climbed out of gutters, moved oversees, found our place there. Fate is much smarter than us. It kept us separated. People this similar are not meant to meet, because when they do, they realise what could have been. You would not be a father, but the father, the father of my children. Not a man, or a colleague, but the man, my man. We came from the same. We will part into different. There is something there. We both can’t argue with it. Quite literally, because it will be left where we picked it up. For our sakes and those around us. I met my soulmate. Someone who understands a part of me impossible to describe with words. We are one in different bodies. I am not you and you are not me, but we touch in ways more meaningful than many others. We will say goodbye, eventually. You will stay with me as the warmest memory, right next to holding my child for the first time or celebrating my mom’s sixtieth birthday. Of course, I love you. Not a type of love anyone told me about. It, nevertheless, exists. And we share it. Even on the opposite sides of the globe. Once you understand love, it is easy to love multiple people at the same time. Bodies fall apart, but this feeling is far stronger than flesh. It is unbreakable. Water and fire cannot exist without one another. There is a need for balance in the universe. It was restored when we met.
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scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
List of Contents🩵
Past, Present and Future Tarot Reading-$15
Twin Flame Tarot Reading: Up to 3 questions-$25
Twin Flame Tarot Reading: Up to 6 Questions-$35
Are They The One? Reading-$15
Birth Chart Readings-$20 (includes Big 6 as well as Rising sign; Must have time of birth)
Synastry Chart-$30 (Includes all aspects, house overview and planets of each person)
Please include your name and DOB (and possibly birth time depending on which reading you’re purchasing) in all readings as well as your POI Name and DOB (and possibly birth time depending on which reading you’re purchasing).
I will not be able to go forward with the readings without proper information.
How to book your reading 👇🏻
You can reach out to me through email or send me a message here on Tumblr.
Or send me a message through here. Let me know which reading you’d like, and we’ll take it from there!
When will you receive your reading👇🏻
Depending on which reading you purchase, you will receive your reading between 10-24 Hours of purchase.
Please remember that time is fluid, so energy can change. It’s important to get a new reading every 3 months in order to keep up with new energy, timelines etc.
If you don’t like what you hear, that is not mine or the cards fault. So please take each reading with a grain of salt, since I’m an honest, direct reader and not a sugarcoating reader.
DISCLAIMER: Please be transparent in your readings. If you’re not giving accurate names, DOB or being open about your questions/situation/concern then I will not continue the reading and I will refund you. I do not have time for those who are “testing” and purposely withhold information about their questions and self. It will only make it harder for me to connect with your energy and give you a proper reading, so always be comfortable and willing to open up. No time wasters.
This is for entertainment purposes only.
Payment Methods 👇🏻
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jaceastrology · 26 days
You have 5 Chiron aspects in this marriage. So it is definitely one where you heal one another.
Square Your Sun in the 4th: This leads to problems with the home. Sometimes egos get in the way of what's best for family.
Sextile Moon in the 9th: This transforms the way you view emotions. But it is not an easy aspect it requires work to heal your emotional wounds.
Sextile Mars in the 9th: You spend your lives searching for what drives you, what your purpose is in this world.
Trine Jupiter cusp 11/12: It is all about balance straddling the line between a struggle to make friends and a deep search of the self. You are optimistic and enthusiastic in healing your shared wounds. Libra is often a wound with friends and a struggle to socialize. It can be hard to push yourselves to do more as Jupiter is cusp to the 12th.
Opposition Uranus in the 1st: The wounds you heal as a couple are limited. The wounds of the self, your desires to be free from restrictions is at odds with your shared Chiron.
The Ego, The Heart, Your Drive, Your Joy, Your Uniqueness of Self.
Your Pluto is in Scorpio in the 12th: As a water sign it is in it's element. The drive to change comes from within. To explore your psyche and use it to help others. It's a call to service.
Pluto Trines Mercury in the 4th: You are always learning new ways to communicate with your family and it doesn't come easy.
Pluto Sextile Neptune in the 2nd: Demands of you to face reality of finances and realize this is how things have to be. It is not an easy lesson, sextiles require work.
Comments: Egos for sure. At odds in home.
Venus Square Neptune in the 2nd: It is hard to be in love when the finances come into play. Neptune in Capricorn is here for work not pleasure.
Mars Sextile Jupiter: Expanding intimacy around shared interests
Comments: The first part does resonate. We connect when we’re on vacations. Exploring world. New places. Restaurants etc.
That is certainly a Jupiter theme travel.
Mars Trine Uranus: Intimacy is unusual and often focused on the appearance of one another. Limitations are few and far.
Pisces Mercury in the 4th: Is interesting because it suggest the feeling of being in two places at once. Being a different person for each family member.
Long lasting intimacy, Long term focus on the self and a marriage built on financial success/healing of old wounds. A family life this is not easy to speak to one another, but definitely has supportive aspects to help.
In your past lives it was all about balance. Now you want adventures, passion, to do what you want when it suits you. Throwing back the limitations. As viewed by your nodes.
That's the whole reading. That one was pretty straightforward. Overall you don't have traditional aspects or placements for a long term marriage. No Saturn, no Venus-Mars.
But you are built on financial stability and healing one another.
And those are both long-term things so you should stay together.
Comments: Yeah. Our issue is emotional connection. Practical binds we have and share. But relating happens on a push pull axis. That’s the hard part.
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mihotose · 2 months
kozue doesn't even pray at shrines bc she only wants to rely on her own efforts so its so strange she believes in fortunes. i think she was in hell by march 2023 (hadnt performed with anyone for months), saw the daily horoscope saying she'll meet her soulmate that day, kaho happened to run into her, and so she decided she was the one forever. the event that singlehandedly made her believe in fortunes
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tarotreadingsarefun · 5 months
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🔮✨🌟 What is your ZODIAC SIGN? 🌟Timeless Tarot Zodiac Signs🔮
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ashrakoehn · 6 months
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The Total Solar Eclipse will be a unique opportunity to take full advantage of this energy to turn your wishes into reality.
My mentor and I will be traveling to ensure we are in the direct path of this Solar Eclipse when we cast!
This unprecedented cosmic event will have a massive impact on all of the zodiac signs, and I am now accepting reservations for the Solaris Solar Eclipse spell! A lot of preparation is involved, so there is little time to spare. Also, spots are limited, so securing your spot as soon as possible is essential.
Solaris Solar Eclipse Spell: https://www.ashra.net/community/threads/ashra-koehns-spells-ashraspells-com.6/page-751#post-522697
I've received several emails from people who will also be in the direct path of the Total Solar Eclipse! 
This spectacular and rare celestial event is set to unfold over the United States, Canada, and Mexico! The next one won't happen for 20 years!
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I'm expecting clear skies and a phenomenal view of the Solar Eclipse!
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I absolutley love Laito merch with secret messages on it or letters from him, because there's always a 50/50 chance when opening it that its either ❀cute❀ or cursed :D <3
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plutobutartsy · 1 year
obsessed with lazlo referring to nadja as his "good lady wife"
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faverinfairy444 · 1 year
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exactly how it feels like to love
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tiktoksthatroksoks · 1 year
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mycelestial001 · 4 days
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Your questions to all your spiritual doubt might be here. Enter Here
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