#space and the ocean are very mysterious and unexplored
smiles-ocs · 8 months
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Some concepts and ideas for Castor and Ronan’s story called Starchild. Some of these are… hard to get to drawing, specifically Ronan’s younger siblings, might redesign them, but they’re all very young. Ronan left to join a crew so he could make money for them while his parents physically can’t work, and he made sure that his 12-year-old brother is very helpful. Then some random character ideas. A first mate on Castor’s pirate crew, two important characters named Rigel and Esther, castor as a young boy, and random scene ideas I have.
There’s a lot of crap I’m rambling about under the cut so go there if you want to know more about the characters, lore, and spoilers
I also have an idea of a deity or something of the sorts. It’s bascially a “Star God”, something with incredible power that was given to them from the heavens, and it is responsible for the starchildren that have shown up around the world, hence why this series is called Starchild. The whole thing around the Star God is a mystery, but people do know it exists thanks to the star children. This is a little dark but some explanation on Starchildren:
Starchildren are born every few hundred years or so, it’s unknown how often a starchild is born, but people believe that starchildren are the star god’s children, and that when they reach a certain age, they are sacrificed to deal with all the problems the world is having. They believe that if a starchild is not sacrificed, demons from hell will arrive to destroy the world. I hinted at this on my last post, but starchildren turn into strange creatures, the main one being the Leviathan. There’s also the Kraken and the other one who’s name is so complicated I’m not even going to bother with it dhskdbsk.
Long story short, the whole thing is a lie. Starchildren have incredible power when they become adults and are “awakened” as Starchildren. They remember the person that gave them that power (the Star God) and their purpose, which is watching over the people. However, centuries ago, someone in high power believed that Star children were too powerful, and out of fear, he came up with an excuse to kill starchildren before they grew too powerful, because no one should be more powerful than him. So they killed starchildren when they were young and weak, hiding behind the excuse of it being a sacrifice to the world or something, using the blood to cleanse the world and keep the demons at bay. That way, if the starchildren escape, and inevitably take on the role of “deities”, people will believe that the demons have arrived to punish them for failing, and will try to kill the awakened starchildren.
Starchildren cannot escape their fate, however, because they cannot hide unless they are far away from people. They have blue hair that shines in the darkest fog, blue hair that cannot be hidden, and a star birthmark somewhere.
I suppose there’s no reason to hide this now, but Castor is the starchild of this era, originally called Orion, but he changed his name for safety. He ran away when he learned that he was going to die, trying to escape on a boat. The people almost caught him, but the kraken appeared, seemingly saving his life. As Castor tried to hide from people, he tried to hide his blue hair, but it constantly shines through whatever he hid it in. The best he could do was to wrap it up and put a thick hat on, which helped, but even so, you can see in his wrapping the blue hair. He tried to dye it, hide it in mud, even shaving it, but the blue cannot be covered up, so hiding in plain sight was nearly impossible to him. He left to sea to avoid people, but accidentally became captain of the pirate crew. He’s a very jaded man who is intimidating and skilled in sword fighting. People respect him as a captain, so he is in high status on his ship (obviously 💀). Problem is, there is a very, VERY high bounty on the star child’s head, so even the most loyal crew members may turn on him if he is found out.
Castor trusts no one, but he seems to have a soft spot for Ronan for some reason. Even when he eventually finds out that he is the starchild, he can’t bring himself to kill him. He’s just a boy…
Obviously, Esther and Rigel are starchildren as well. Rigel is an ancient starchild, who lived a good life before the starchildren sacrifices. He roams the ocean, punishing anyone who threatens the innocent or disrespects the ocean. There were a lot of starchildren too, but the creatures of starchildren were hunted and killed, leaving Rigel, Esther, and Castor the last three starchildren. Esther was a starchild who escaped the sacrifice, who is far more cruel and jaded than Castor, and when Castor is “awakened”, she goes after him to use him to punish everyone.
Rigel is that turtle Whale island thing, Esther is the kraken, and Castor turns into the Leviathan.
The star god is no benevolent being, and is not a god at all. He’s a regular human who got magic from some meteorite, idk, there doesn’t need to be any specifics lol, and he grew immensely powerful. He resides away from the ocean, but he is not a good person. He’s greedy, selfish, and does nothing to help the innocent starchildren he “created”. He would love to have the starchildren to do his bidding, but if they die, it’s no matter, cuz he doesn’t need them. Idk maybe he’s not greedy lol. Either way the star god is not a good person, but I kinda want the star god’s role to be similar to Davy Jones in pirates of the Caribbean. There must always be a star god.
Anyways I hope that all makes sense 💀💀 Ronan is just there, being roped up into this nonsense, but he’s a good boy with a good heart and wants to help the starchildren, and he and Castor grow close.
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songbee-designs · 6 months
Undersea Alien collection by Shira S for @starfirecentral STARFIRE: A Fashion Zine
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I’ve been avoiding making this post, because I have a lot to say about this collection, especially about my various inspirations as well as my design process. The former of which I’m going to try to condense underneath a cut, the latter I’m debating maybe making a second post where I show discarded design concepts/different looks I had to cut when finalizing my designs. I’m just a *teensy?* bit passionate about it all, as I put a LOT of time and thought into this collection.
WOW OKAY!!! I have WAY too much to say!!!
Initially, my idea spawned from a drawing I never finished of Kory in a mermaidcore look I designed for fun, when I was brainstorming ideas for this collection I decided to then take that further and use the ocean as my core concept. Kory’s from space which is like. unexplored and mysterious and like looks cool as shit. You can say the same about the ocean. I actually had a number of more conceptual ideas based off more specific sea creatures, alas, this IS a very small collection with limited looks, so I only did 4 underwater ones and only 2 of those being sea creatures (jellyfish)
What was also really amazing, is that around the time that I was designing these looks, Halle Bailey was doing press for the Little Mermaid movie, and when I tell you that every single red carpet I saw her step on my jaw fell open in “holy shit, that’s the vibe i want to get across” or this photoshoot she did. I’ve also used Chloe Bailey a number of times as a Kory reference and I think Halle’s face is actually perfect for her but that’s besides the point.
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My last main inspiration i’ll touch upon is Miss Sohee. I think it will be obvious when I show pictures of some of her gowns, how her design aesthetic influenced me in designing the dresses my own dress. Fun fact! One of the aforementioned press tour looks was a custom miss sohee gown!! (the other one I used as inspiration is the purple one I include later)
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FINALLY!!! here are more specific inspirations for each look!😄 (you can scroll up to compare, alas i have no room to include them side by side)
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3 and 4
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(as well as the inspo for #1)
5 and 6
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Sorry for sending 3 asks within 10 minutes of eachother i cant get the plot bunnies to leave me be. I have one more before im putting my foot (phone) down
I think the concept of danny and dani beign the Same But Different is vastly underutilized.
Danny likes space. Dani likes the ocean. Both of these things are mysterious and deep and very unexplored.
I like to think danny has chronic pain from his death (turns out juggling school and ghost fighting when youre already in pain is Hard) and dani has chronic fatigue from her destabilizing issues (i hc her as very energetic so shes up and then she crashes HARD and takes a lot of naps)
I think danny also likes to sing. Dani likes dancing. She likes it enough to join classes, and happens to meet a very pretty girl there...
(Has anyone ever done cass × older! dani? Could also be simply baby queer has a crush for the first time)
I have yet to see Cass X Dani but if someone could properly execute that concept I would be so gosh darn excited to read that.
also yes. These heroes aren't the peak of human/inhuman performance. give them more realistic issues.
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indomoraltales123 · 7 months
Exploring Under the Sea: Ocean Facts for Kids - Indo Moral Tales
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Diving into the vast depths of the ocean is like entering a whole new world filled with wonder and mystery. From colorful coral reefs to the creatures that call the ocean home, there's so much to explore beneath the waves. So, grab your snorkel and let's dive into some fascinating ocean facts that will spark the curiosity of young minds!
The Blue Whale: The Ocean Giant: Did you know that the blue whale is the largest animal on the planet? These magnificent creatures can grow up to 100 feet long and weigh as much as 200 tons! That's equivalent to about 33 elephants!
The Great Barrier Reef: Nature's Masterpiece: The Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef system, stretches more than 1,400 miles along Australia's coast. It's so massive that views of it from space are possible! Thousands of different species of fish, turtles, and other marine animals can be found in this underwater paradise.
The Mysterious Anglerfish: Imagine a fish with a built-in fishing rod! The anglerfish, found in the deepest parts of the ocean, has a bioluminescent lure that dangles in front of its mouth to attract prey. Talk about a clever hunter!
The Sunlit Zone: Where Life Thrives: The top layer of the ocean, known as the sunlit zone, is where most marine life resides. Here, sunlight penetrates the water, allowing colorful coral reefs to flourish and providing energy for photosynthesis to occur.
The Ocean's Heartbeat: Currents: Just like our circulatory system, the ocean has its own "heartbeat" in the form of currents. These powerful flows of water help regulate Earth's climate and transport nutrients and heat around the globe.
The Mighty Octopus: Master of Disguise: Octopuses are not only incredibly intelligent creatures but also masters of disguise. With the ability to change both their color and texture, they can blend seamlessly into their surroundings, making them skilled hunters and expert escape artists!
The Deep Sea: Earth's Final Frontier: Much of the ocean remains unexplored, especially the deep sea, which extends thousands of meters below the surface. Who knows what enigmatic beings might be hiding in the abyss's shadows?
The Importance of Ocean Conservation: As fascinating as the ocean may be, it's also incredibly fragile. The marine environments and the animals that depend on them are under threat from pollution, overfishing, and climate change. It is our responsibility to safeguard the health of our oceans for upcoming generations.
The Wonders of Bioluminescence: Have you ever seen the ocean glow at night? That's because bioluminescent creatures—like jellyfish and plankton—manufacture light by means of a chemical reaction. It's nature's very own light show!
The Power of Exploration: The ocean is a vast playground waiting to be discovered. By learning about its wonders and mysteries, we can inspire future generations to explore, protect, and appreciate the beauty of our blue planet.
So, pause to appreciate the astounding diversity and beauty of the ocean, whether you're snorkeling in a tropical paradise or just staring at a fish tank. Who knows what amazing discoveries lie beneath the waves? Let your imagination soar as you embark on your own underwater adventure!
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thebarontheabyss · 11 months
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Welcome to the tapestry of existence, an intricate weave of realms that defy the simplicity of dichotomy. The fabric of reality is never-ending and ever-changing, an eternal dance of creation and transformation.
Within this boundless expanse, the domains unfold—each a thread in the cosmic design.
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In the Ethereal Realms, death is not an end but a new beginning. It is a place of transition and transformation, where spirits and immortals dwell in realms as mysterious as their inhabitants. Here, entities like Hastur and He Without Name have emerged from domains unknown, their pasts as enigmatic as the realms themselves. Even Death, ever diligent in their duties, resides in one such realm, a tireless worker in the grand cycle of existence. While predominantly the domain of spirits, some powerful mortal beings may dare to cross into these realms, though such actions are fraught with peril and invite unknown troubles.
The Abyss itself is a part of these realms, a unique convergence point within the endless ethereal.
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Tucked away in a pocket of the Ethereal Realms, the Abyss is a domain shrouded in a void of haze and smoke, where the tangible meets the intangible. Here, amidst the swirling mists of nothingness, stands an old bar — a solitary haven in the vast emptiness. A place where the Raven, with its sharp wit and ancient eyes, has emerged from.
This enigmatic bar is a beacon for souls, a place where the boundaries of reality are as fluid as the drinks that flow inside it. It is a place of contradictions, where the finality of endings meets the potential of new beginnings.
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In the fiery depths of Hell, the damned endure their eternal plight. It is a realm of suffering and darkness, ruled by a hierarchy of power and torment.
Here, the 64th Devil Prince resides, deeply entwined in the politics and machinations of the infernal courts. Hell is a place of both dread and desire, where every pleasure has its price.
This name of Hell's ruler is unspeakable, but their words are absolute and their power unchallenged, as they reign over the damned with an iron fist cloaked in flames.
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Heaven, a realm of celestial tranquility and majestic beauty, is a harmonious symphony of light, order, and collectivism. The skies shimmer with a soft luminescence, and towering spires pierce the heavens, symbols of the lofty ideals upheld here. Governed by the Malkhut, an assembly of resplendent deities, Heaven is an enclave of serenity and perfection.
Once a haven for all souls, Heaven has since become the exclusive domain of the Seraphs — beings of incandescent purity. The Malkhut, in their pursuit of flawlessness, have secluded their realm from the mortal world, fostering a sanctuary untouched by its imperfections.
In their divine courts, the Malkhut are detached from the affairs of mortals. Their existence is a distant, unattainable dream for those outside their hallowed halls.
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The depths of Tehom are shrouded in mystery and darkness, an abyssal expanse that extends beyond the reach of knowledge. Here, where the water is as black as the void of space, lies Tehomot, an entity as enigmatic as the world he governs.
Tehomot embodies the unknown depths of the universe. His realm is a fluid tapestry, filled with unexplored drowned terrains that constantly shift as the ocean's tides. It is said that within these waters lie secrets and truths so profound that they can either enlighten or drive one to madness.
Other deities regard Tehomot with a mix of fear and respect. His power is undeniable, yet his agenda remains unknown. Some believe he guards secrets essential to the balance of the realms, while others speculate that he is biding his time - for reasons unknown.
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Once, Ya'ar was a realm brimming with the essence of life. Amidst its verdant expanses and lush forests, Humanity took its first breath alongside all mortals.
This realm thrummed with the creative force of Adamot, the goddess of life. Her spirit was woven into the very fabric of Ya'ar, nurturing every leaf, every breath, every heartbeat.
And then came the betrayal. In their greed, Humanity turned its nurturer into Behemoth, a goddess of wrath and decay. Under her influence, Ya'ar's creations now harbours a singular purpose: the annihilation of humankind.
Even now, after Behemoth's demise, the curse persists, leaking malice and monstrosities into the cosmos.
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Only the gods know how magic first came into being. Its origins are obscure, but its source is unquestionable: the realm of Magnus.
Governed by the god Da'at, this realm is the heart from which all arcane power flows, and all Mortals seeking to harness the powers of the realm must first agree to Da'at's terms.
Because Magnus is not just a source of magic but also its gatekeeper, and will only offer its gifts to those who respect its authority - thus safeguarding its true secrets from those who, in their hubris, might risk unraveling the cosmos in pursuit of forbidden power.
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Under the silent moon of Memoriam, time stands still, and the air carries the weight of eternity.
This realm is the final resting place for deities who have met their demise, a sacred and somber ground where divinity fades into oblivion.
Ancient tombs and forgotten monuments dot this dark landscape. Each tells the stories of gods who are now sleeping for eternity.
In the heart of Memoriam lies the Library of Pseudonium, a repository brimming with tomes that whisper the cosmos's most guarded secrets.
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In the vast, ever-shifting dunes of Chronos, time flows like the sand underfoot—endless, malleable, and all-consuming.
This realm embodies time itself, with landscapes that change as hours pass and cities that turn to ruins in a day.
Chronos is governed by Zma'an, the god of time, and tended by the Priests of Time, their devoted servants, who navigate the temporal landscapes, honoring the flow of existence in their ceaseless vigil. C
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Elementus flows eternal, the primordial realm where the rivers of matter and energy converge and diverge in a cosmic dance.
Governed by Yesod, this domain is the cosmic crucible, where the physical substances that constitute the universe are born and reborn.
Elementus is a realm of infinite possibilities, where the building blocks of reality are shaped and reshaped by divine will.
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Equilibrium is the domain of cosmic justice, where the god Eezoon and her justiciars preside over celestial courtrooms.
Here, the fate of mortals realms is deliberated, weighed and measured, with immortals serving as both advocates and arbiters.
The decisions made in Equilibrium echo through eternity, maintaining the balance between creation and destruction.
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The Mortal Realms are full of life in all its chaotic splendor. Here, the living go about their days, entangled in the beauty and banality of their existence.
From the medieval castles that backdrop Shelly's former life to the marvel and splendor of Peisione's floating cities, each realm is a world unto itself. There are the endless sands of Yaga's desert realm, where mirages tell tales, and the Witch's domain, brimming with magical wonders and arcane secrets. These countless realms are the cradles of existence, where every mortal soul has started its journey.
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Within the vast expanse of the cosmos, Enosh stands quietly unassuming, a realm seemingly minor in the grand scheme of the cosmos.
It hosts a bustling human civilization; it is neither a bastion of arcane magic nor mighty technology.
But it was the place you called your home, before your death. And while mortals might feel small in a cosmos filled with marvels and gods alike, one soul alone can change the fabric of existence.
And if that's true, Enosh might be the most important realm of all.
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Magic flowing from Magnus profoundly shapes and alters the course of mortal affairs.
Among these realms, Ffaraon stands as a beacon. Home to the Witch and Pepper the familiar, Ffaraon has been sculpted by the arcane.
Despite its mystical allure, the realm has been marred by a devastating war among magic wielders. In the aftermath, the Arcane Society emerged, enforcing divine laws on magic use and vowing to eliminate any who dissent.
Yet, some followers of void magic continue their dark practices, aiming to uncover the secrets of creation.
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Civitas is a marvel of human ambition and ingenuity, a realm where magic is replaced by the might of technology and the pursuit of knowledge.
Here, sprawling universities and technological wonders underscore humanity's quest to stand equal to the gods.
As a testament to their achievements and responsibility, Civitas has earned a place among the Council of Nine, the only mortal realm to do so, engaging in the affairs of the divine.
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In the realm of Arcadia, nature's indomitable spirit and splendor flourish. It is a sanctuary where mortals champion the preservation of the natural order. Here, the Knights of Arcadia, stalwart defenders of the earth's majesty, dedicate their existence to safeguarding its purity.
When the goddess Adamot transformed into Behemoth, igniting a war against mankind, the knights of Arcadia chose an unlikely path. Aligning themselves with Behemoth's fury, their hope was to restore balance and appease the wrath of the land.
After the war ended with the goddess's demise, the knights of Arcadia vowed to keep an eternal vigil and stand as the last bastion of nature against mankind's follies.
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Once a realm bathed in divine light, Pyriphlegethon now dwells in perpetual dusk, following the fall of its god.
This land, ensnared in shadows, worships the flame with fervent devotion, seeing it as the lone sentinel against the encroaching night.
The Temple of the Flame, ancient and venerable, stands as a bastion of hope in Pyriphlegethon.
Its hallowed halls, aglow with sacred fire, are revered by all. Here, the flame is not merely a symbol but the very heart of life in the realm. The temple’s influence is absolute, its will enforced with unyielding fervor—a life without the flame is deemed unworthy, cast into the enveloping shadows.
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Helicon, the celestial home of Peisinoe, is a realm where imagination and creativity are not just celebrated but revered as the very essence of existence.
Here, cities defy the laws of physics, floating majestically in the sky like ethereal jewels against the horizon. The landscape of Helicon is a living canvas, every structure a masterpiece, every street a testament to the boundless potential of artistic expression.
In this realm, artistic talent is the key to prominence. Those endowed with extraordinary creative gifts rise to near-godlike status, their works influencing the culture and identity of Helicon - and the rest, the artistically inclined, become the worshipers.
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Karakosa stands as a stark reminder of divine arrogance and its catastrophic consequences. Once, this realm was filled with deities fighting each other over the dominance of its mortal population.
The battles were cataclysmic, laying waste to whole planets and claiming the lives of countless mortals. In the end, a sole deity emerged victorious. Overwhelmed by guilt at the sight of his desolated creation, he chose to end his existence.
Now, Karakosa is a realm of ruins, its skies forever shadowed by the remnants of its past. It serves as the home for the Cult of Black Horns, devotees of the fallen god who adhere to his teachings, despite his own renunciation.
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easyworknet288 · 2 years
How much of the ocean has been explored till date?
This topic can be regarded as very fascinating. As we all know, the ocean makes up about 71% of the Earth’s surface. It is actually regarded as the biggest ecosystem of the earth and in addition to that, it holds about 99% of all habitable space in the world. The five main ocean basins include the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern Oceans. They contain 94% of the world’s wildlife and 97% of all the water on our planet. Hence, the question, “how much of the ocean has been explored?” can be regarded as very important. The fact that there are so many things out there that are unknown to us, immediately creates a sense of curiosity within us. It is stated that in spite of the massive developments in technology, most of the ocean waters still remain unexplored, uncharted and unseen by our eyes. So, without further delay, let’s take a look at the various aspects of this question.
Percentage of ocean explored till date
This can be regarded as the answer to the popular question, “how much of the ocean has been explored?”. But at the same time, this answer can be considered as very astonishing. As per recent reports, only 5% of the ocean has been explored and charted by humans. From our discussion till now, the vastness of the oceans is quite evident. The fact that only 5% of these vast oceans have been explored till now can be regarded as very shocking. This means that 95% of these oceans still remain unexplored. We can definitely imagine how vast this is. After seeing this data, we might surely think why is the percentage of ocean that has been explored so low. In the next section, we will be discussing the reasons behind this low percentage in detail.
Challenges to ocean exploration
We all know that ocean exploration technology is relatively new. With the help of satellites we can chart the ocean surface temperatures, waters and color, but in order to map its deeper parts, we need much more advanced technology like deep sea submarines and sonars. In addition to that, it is very difficult to see in deep water. Thus, it is appropriate to say that a lot of advancement is required in this field in order to explore more areas of the ocean. This will require a lot of research and money as well.
Another main challenge experienced in this field is that at great depths, exploration conditions become very extreme. This can sometimes greatly affect the explorers. The sunlight zone ends at about 200 meters below the surface. Thus, below this depth imaging becomes much trickier, and pressure is extremely high. Thus, because of these reasons, the explorers have to face a lot of difficulties while under water.
Hence, from our discussion of the topic, it can be concluded that the answer to the question, “how much of the ocean has been explored?” is indeed very shocking. This creates immense curiosity in our minds regarding the vast areas of oceans that still remain unexplored. These areas might also contain many life forms that are unknown to human beings. Thus, it can be definitely assured that the unexplored areas of the vast oceans surely hold a lot of mysteries. In order to know and understand more about these oceans, intense research should be carried out. In addition to that, the technological aspects should be taken into account. The more advanced the technology becomes, the better will be the ocean exploration. Thus, it is appropriate to say that if these things are taken into consideration, then slowly we will be able to increase the percentage of ocean that has been explored!
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sentfromwolves · 2 years
I'm on chapter seven of Eventide and much of this I want to discover on my own buuuuuut I'm curious so give me ⏳️👀💡
⏳️ - What time period does it take place in? Does it combine periods?
Enchanted takes place in a wholly secondary world that doesn't take much inspiration from real world time periods, so it makes it extremely hard to give any real reference to a time period. Especially with regard to the celestial sphere and their kingdoms, their populations are the celestials and the gods, and while their magic is strong and often physically the landscape can change to reflect a period of growth, the actual concept of time to them is vastly different than to mortals. If anything, they might be cusping on an age of enlightenment almost lmao (since Aurora's greater goal beyond book 1 if there were to be a book 2 would be putting the celestial sphere back together and uniting the three kingdoms again inside of the celestial sphere)
👀 - A piece of lore you’ve been waiting for an excuse to share
I really love exploring the void space beyond/between/surrounding the celestial kingdoms of Adrien, Alexandria, and Hamara (and to a little lesser extent, Thalassia, the mortal realm) -- it's a big amorphous space that kind of reflects how we as humans view the sea, which is to say BIG and MOSTLY UNEXPLORED. Older gods that have made their homes inside of the kingdoms know a bit more than young celestials (celestials are essentially like the immortal kin that populate these kingdoms) but a majority of the population just thinks that it's... nothingness out there, or pitch black and unknown.
The greatest nightmare fuel creatures in most celestial stories (stareaters) are from the void, and are said to have been banished back to the void. I could get into them too, there's a lot of hidden lore there that is unknown/misconstrued by the celestial sphere, but I also just really love that the void is actually a lot like a massive space ocean. there are TONS of beings and creatures that live out there--the star serpents interact the most with the celestial sphere, but ther are other things too like great roaming space whales and nebulous gigantic jellyfish, schools of minnows with baby stars in their bellies, etc. it's a beautiful, mysterious space that no one in the celestial sphere really knows about at all.
💡 - What inspired the wip? When/how did you first get the idea?
Oh gosh I binged Bridgerton season 2 and the immediate wip thought I had afterward was: Bridgerton goes on an adventure! Period piece romance in space! Obviously we've come a long way from that but that's exactly how I got the first kernel of an idea that would grow into Eventide.
After that, I really started to think about what I wanted out of a romance and specifically what I really adore in romantic relationships and narratives which is very often the romance between a black sheep character with confidence issues and the hottest romantic candidate in their universe LOL And thus Aurora and Atticus were born!
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pointdotiozao · 3 years
hey! the song from the wave video is “places we wont walk” by bruno major! i hope you like it, it’s a very pretty song
I listening to rn it really is so beautiful I love these chords. I don't know anything about music theory but I know each chord expresses an emotion (am I remembering this right) and chords like this give me like, the sensation of something alien that at the same time is so bittersweet, like thinking of deep space or the depths of the ocean, something unexplored, dangerous and mysterious and fascinating. Which turns out is the theme of the music "places we won't walk" ha music really tells a story. You're my hero anon Thank you
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how-masterful · 4 years
Diamond In The Rough
Dhawan!master x reader
Summary: There's a reason you've been so drawn to the stars. There's a reason the Master took such interest in you. There's also a reason he brought you here on this specific planet, in this specific spot, on this specific night: Only he won't tell you just yet. Because that would spoil the surprise.
Notes: a VERY happy birthday to the one and only @plethora-of-imagines! My partner in crime, consultant in all things masterful, kneecap thief and reason I started this whole page! Have a fabulous birthday queen- this one is most definitely dedicated to you. I hope it lives up to the hype! ❤👑🥳
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The universe was a very, very big place. This was a fact that you didn't need to travel with a time travelling alien to realize was undoubtedly true. 
Learning about the universe on earth was... Limited. To say the least. Life beyond the stars was locked in the box of hypothetical conversation, pressed between the pages of countless philosophy and astrology books and stuffed into the midnight musings of "is there really life out there in the universe?" 
For years that question plagued you, hung in your mind like a veil over the fading black spots of your draining day to day. Others would blame their extra terrestrial musings on too many drug trips in the 60's or college, some on late night conspiracy youtube binges. But you blamed yours on simple curiosity- 'if there truly was life out there, why haven't we met it yet?'
But as you grew older, that youthful wonder and curiosity in the universe became something of a fascination. You checked your horoscope every morning, held countless books on the subject- you’d even acquired an old telescope from a family friend. The lady you’d acquired it from said her father loved staring up at the stars every night, made it a part of his routine .You never understood why she looked so sad when she said it, but you soon came to understand the connection people had with the stars.
Or, better yet, the people who travelled among them.
People like the man who currently held your hand in his own.
"No way!"
"Yes way!"
"Master, you are NOT responsible for Roswell!"
"Really? Who are you going to believe, darling? Your 1000 year old alien husband, or a middle aged redneck blogger?"
You let out a small snorting laugh, the man beside you smiling fondly as you sighed and shook your head. You squoze your conjoined hands, allowing your head to rest back on the purple tartan blanket with a dreamy sigh.
The pair of you were on a hill, a large open plane of thick grass, lay on a blanket beneath an ocean of swirling stars. The TARDIS sat parked in the distance, the familiar shack you called home glowing with the fairy lights you'd insisted on hanging around the roof of the veranda. You'd both abandoned your shoes and socks, a picnic basket and empty plates sat to the side, a half empty bottle of wine and two glasses still standing. Your lipstick still freshly sat along the brim.
The Master had prepared the feast for you both, the basket full of fruits and delicacies from planets far and wide. You couldn't help but moan at the tastes and aromas that encapsulated your senses, the flavors causing beautiful chaos upon your tongue. You supposed beautiful chaos was the Masters speciality. You'd sat in his lap and opened wide as you allowed yourself to be pliantly fed, the guttural groan that escaped the masters lips as you licked the crumbs from his fingertips causing your whole body to tremble with delight. But now the pair of you lay side by side, the Masters coat abandoned and his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows as you both gazed up at the dazzling dark sky.
"I'm telling you doll, never dare a drunk alien prankster- They'll neck down a bottle and start a whole subgenre of conspiracy theories in a single afternoon."
The Master took a strawberry from the hole at his side, taking a bite and discarding the top as you continued to shake your head. He let out a disappointed sigh- but there was no bite behind the gesture.
"Don't tell me you believe the redneck."
You shrugged innocently, biting your bottom lip to hold back your smirk.
"I must admit I'm more inclined to, Master. That tinfoil hat makes them hard to resist."
The time lord let out a proud laugh, eyes scrunching shut as you allowed your attention to stray from the sky. You admired the playful scrunch of his nose, the small lines that formed besides his eyes and in the curve of his cheeks when he smiled. His lips would always part, exposing his teeth. You supposed his usual laugh acted as a snarl, a threatening gesture to all opposition that he took joy in causing such pain. But here, under the starlight, there was no malice behind his grin. This was simple, unstoppable happiness that held an innocence that was rare to the Master. Or at least, rare to the universe. It was a sight you knew happily too well.
"You still haven't explained, Master." You finally spoke, eyes soft as the timelord's head turned in your direction.
"It's simple, pet. There's this race from quadrant nine, all of them three feet tall and neon green-"
You lightly rolled your eyes and smiled.
"I don't mean Roswell, I mean tonight. But expect many more questions about that to follow."
The Master smirked teasingly, hair lightly falling just beside his eye.
"Noted- I'll be sure to dig out the photo album."
"Why here?"
The Masters smirk morphed into a light dusting of confusion. A scrunched brow, one eye slightly more squinted than the other.
"What do you mean, love?"
"I mean, why tonight? You said we had to be on this planet, on this exact night, this exact year."
Realisation soon spread across his face. He nodded lightly, lips pursed as he looked up in thought.
“What are you planning in that mischievous head of yours?”
The Master smiled, allowing himself to lay flat on his back once more. He pulled his hand from your own, allowing you to nestle into his side as he took hold of your other hand. Your rings clashed together with a gentle click of metal, the diamond shining bright in the white glow of the moon. You smiled, head softly resting upon the timelord's chest as his other hand rested upon his stomach, his hearts rhythmically thumping under your temple like thunder. He tilted his head to look down at you, brushing a stray hair from your face.
"The universe is... complicated, love. It's like, its like that book you were reading a couple days ago. God, what was the name? It began with an A-"
"Alice's adventures in wonderland?"
The time lord nodded, booping the end of your nose tenderly with his finger.
"That's the one. It's like Wonderland. And the time vortex is the rabbit hole. It's so easy to get lost, to fall deep within its walls and find yourself confused and discombobulated on the other end.”
You couldn't hold back your smirking laughter. The Master rolled his eyes, pretending not to notice your childish reaction to his choice of words.
“But when you do find your way it's… strange. Unusual. Every planet and constellation and dynasty a new nook and cranny for you to explore. Wolds upon worlds of crooked doorways and spiral tunnels and rooms full of doors that lead you right back to where you started.”
You hummed in thought. You supposed the universe was like Wonderland, in a sense- your life turning upside down the moment you followed the Time Lord into his TARDIS and down the rabbit hole. You snorted internally at the thought of the Master being somewhat of a white rabbit. He already had the pension for time down pat, and arguably his beard and messy hair acted somewhat as a fur coat. You wouldn't dare say it to his face, but judging by his unimpressed expression he’d already heard you.
“But then, once you’ve already reached the precipice of curiosity, you meet the people around you. Whole races and subspecies of people that exist in the same space and time and universe as you but are all so, so different. Some of them are bloody boring, like the Shushans. What's so impressive about having your mouth on the bottom of your foot? And don’t even get me started on the Yomno, i mean- how can your whole race tell the future from spitting on a grain of rice yet all be so god damn dull-”
“Master, you’re doing it again.”
“Doing what?”
“Getting annoyed at other races for being your version of boring.”
The timelord sighed, causing you to giggle. You gently nestled closer to his side, the Masters other hand reaching up to tenderly cup your jaw.
“But then, once in a lifetime, you find something truly unexplored. Like a disappearing cat, or a dodo that died long ago but refused to acknowledge its own extinction, or a girl that fell down the rabbit hole and into the hands of a certainly very mad man. A rarity among the rubble of the basic and mundane. I believe you humans refer to it as a diamond in the rough. The time lords were once like that.”
You let your gaze meet his, confusion dancing across your face.
“Diamonds in the rough?”
“No, they were the rough. I was the diamond.”
You playfully smacked him across the chest, causing him to chuckle deviously.
“As I was saying, before I was so lovingly interrupted, sometimes you find something beautiful. But also curious, a mystery that even the most uninterested man would be desperate to pry their nails into and figure out how they worked. What made them tick. What made them happy. What made them desperate..."
The Master's thumb trailed over your bottom lip, his own lips parted as you let out a trembling breath. His lips curved into a soft smile, watching you lightly squirm under his touch. He pulled his face in closer.
"Humans are simultaneously the shining diamonds and the disgusting scum of the universe. Civilisations have grown in their honour and crumbled at their hands but none of them, not one single human, ever have or ever will compare to you. You're the breathing equivalent of lightning in a bottle, a single drop of rain upon a field desperate for salvation from a drought. A blessing. A gift. My diamond in the rough of a universe that does not deserve a single part of her. I don't deserve you. But here you are.``
His thumb gently caught the tear that threatened to fall down your cheek. You reached up to cup his cheek, the timelord nestling into the palm of your hand. Your noses bumped together at the sudden proximity, and you could feel your heart racing like a steam train in your chest.
"But here I am." You smiled through your tears, a choked laugh emerging from your throat, your thumb softly caressing the apple of his cheek. You could feel his hot breath against your own, his eyes heavy with lust and adoration.
"With the man whom I love more than anything else in the universe, who's shown me things I could never have imagined and treated me like a goddess when compared to him? I'm positively minuscule."
The Master let out a huff, his breath caught in the back of his throat as your lips ghosted over his own.
"Don't you dare think you're anything less than the universe" He whispered, gaze fixated on your lips as your foreheads softly touched.
"Oh yeah? And what if I do?" You returned, your bottom lip brushing against the Master's own, tongue teasing at the time lord's top lip as he growled lowly, voice rough and restrained.
"i'll rearrange the stars themselves piece by piece until you understand just how pathetic it is in comparison."
The distance between your lips was essentially non existent.
"Prove it, Master. Please."
And prove it he did. 
The Masters lips attacked your own with a desperate hunger, your eyes fluttering shut as the force sent you rocking backwards. You kept a tight grip on his face, keeping yourself steady as you pushed your lips back against his own. you'd be damned if the kiss were one sided.
His tongue slid in with ease, the hot taste of his tongue causing you to moan desperately against his mouth. The moan was reciprocated in earnest by the Master, his thumb gently pulling on your chin to allow his mouth further access to your own. You parted further, desperate to please, the sweet taste of your lips sending the time lord deeper into a spiral of lust.
You never knew how much you treasured the taste of his lips until the threat of their absence drew near, your own tongue forcing your way into his mouth like an anchor of perseverance. You took hold of both sides of his face, foreheads together as you hummed against his lips, causing him to crumble under your fingers with a chesty growl of dominance. He was hot fire, a delicious flame of lust licking and burning the inside of your mouth, and eventually the need for air forced your mouths apart.
The pair of you panted, breath escaping both parties as his arms wound tight around your shoulders, pulling you close. You gathered your breath as you nuzzled closer to the Masters side, lips red and glossy as you let your forehead rest upon his temple.
"That… Wow. I think you proved it."
"Did you ever doubt I would?"
You could hear the smirk in his tone, your eyes still fluttered shut as you came down from the high. You could still taste his mouth, the ghost of the strawberries still lingering on his tongue.
"I dunno Master… Still not seeing a tinfoil hat."
The eye roll was practically audible. The gasp certainly was.
"It's time, quick love, look."
You allowed your eyes to open, your gaze fixating on the stars above as they swirled in circular formation. Your mouth gaped open in shock as the pair of you sat up and looked to the sky.
"What are they doing?" You asked in wonderment, the Masters grip on you tightening.
"The whole reason we came here tonight. The once in a lifetime moment. Those drawings of the stars, the shapes they make. This is where they come from."
It was practically magic. Any other person would say it was witchcraft.
"Diamonds in the rough" you whispered, and the Master nodded triumphantly.
The stars swirled in ribbons of white, the dark black of the sky melting around them as the pin pricks in the black began to pulsate and grow with rapid speed. The stars began to link, intricate lines seared into the fabric of the sky like thread as the tiny stars began to merge and form into outlines of figures and shapes. A bear, a woman holding a sword, a pegasus with wings. Vast shapes of all sizes began to move and shift and form. Your eyes sparkled with wonder as the stars shone like diamonds.
It was too much to believe. Until they started to move.
Suddenly, the pegasus bucked up it's hind legs and began galloping across the sky. The woman drew her sword and charged, the scorpion's tale whipping in challenge. The bear plodded across the inky black, back pressed against the rams horns as it scratched itself as if upon a tree. All around you, hundreds of thousands of creatures moved and ran and flew across the darkness, the distant echoes of their commotion floating through the atmosphere.
A pair of lips softly pressed against your temple, trailing a line of kisses down until they ghosted over the shell of your ear.
"What do you think, darling?"
The Master whispered, breath hot on your ear and making you shiver.
"Its… Master its… Thank you. Thank you so much."
The tears from before had returned as the dazzling stars reflected in the sheen of your eyes, as the time lord beside you hummed in appreciation.
"Happy birthday, Y/N." The Master softly whispered, a tender kiss pressed to your cheek. 
In an instant you return to facing him, your lips pressed together once more, stars a distant priority beyond the pull of your husband's lips.
The constellations above returned to their original position, the pulsating giants of the sky suddenly bursting like fireworks in the night. The stardust began to fall atop your heads like something out of a fairy tale, like raining pixie dust as the stars returned to their pin prick size, now shimmering like the lights around the TARDIS veranda. 
But the pair of you were too busy for pixie dust. You didn't need the universe, or the stars, or magic at all.
You were already, well and truly, living happily ever after.
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theabyssalbabe · 3 years
Meet the admin
Many children say they want to be astronauts when they grow up, weightless, exploring the vast empty vacuum of space surrounded by twinkling stars. Instead imagine being at the very depths of the earth, virtually untouched by man. There are no stars. It is pitch black aside from the occasional glimmer of bioluminescence flashing around you. The weight of an ocean and creatures unknown to mankind surrounding you.
This idea may sound frightening to some, but I hope you can find a spark of curiosity within you just as I feel. I have always felt a strong pull to the Ocean, and I'd like to share its wonders with you. I am currently a Marine Biology and Ecology major studying at the University of Miami. I believe that all people should be able to learn about our amazing planet, but I also know that reading scientific articles and watching the news can be difficult and stressful. I'd like to be your guide through these rough waters, teaching you as I myself learn. Here we will explore the deepest realms of our oceans and its most mysterious creatures.
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Let's look back at our example of space for a moment. As far as we know, space is an endless expansion in all directions, yet we have still managed to venture into its depths, reach other planets and the edges of our solar system. The ocean however, is not endless and covers roughly 71% of our Earth, but more than 80% of it remains unexplored. Despite this the ocean is in grave danger. With pollution, overfishing, and increasing Carbon emissions with a growing industrial world, many marine organisms find themselves endangered. Together we can learn to love and appreciate even the most creepy creatures of our big blue seas. I hope that the more we know about what amazing creatures live in them the more we can grow passionate to protect them.
Marine biologists come in many forms and each study different things in different ways. Some may study cetaceans, while others may study coral colonies. The study of biology focuses around an organism itself, the root Bio meaning life. Ecology studies the interactions between organisms and their environments. Together you have a beautiful picture of interesting animals and how they all live together.
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For our purposes, we will be covering topics from the Abyssopelagic zone to the Hadal zone. We will explore the creatures which live there and how they have adapted to survive such conditions. We can study the depth's ecosystems and what shapes the deep trenches. For anything and everything deep sea, this is your place, and I am your girl.
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I hope that any fears you may have about the ocean have been at least partly subdued by a newfound sense of curiosity. Together we can help the oceans by becoming more informed about them and how we affect them. Please note that the ask feature will always be open for any burning questions you may have, or if you'd like a topic to be covered! So, now that we're basically best friends, let's dive in.
- The abyssal babe
Vocabulary: all vocab words will have definitions linked to them in every post!
Bioluminescence, Cetaceans, Biology, Ecology, Abyssopelagic zone, Hadal zone
6 notes · View notes
yaldev · 3 years
So What the Heck is Yaldev, Anyway? (A Pamphlet for the New, the Confused and the Curious)
Yaldev is an exercise in worldbuilding, the practice of creating fictional settings and fleshing out their details. It started with the idea of taking the creations of digital artist Beeple and adding written stories that set all of his work in a single continuity. That means everything you see here is part of the same fantasy/sci-fi world, a planet very similar to ours, but in a very different universe.
The Doylist premise: I use Creative Commons art by Mike "Beeple" Winkelmann, a digital artist who's made a piece every day for over 15 years, as writing prompts. I add short stories, lore blurbs and in-universe documents that set all of the art in a single fantasy/sci-fi world. Beeple specializes in landscapes and objects, so the natural result has been a narrative with the setting as "the real protagonist."
The Watsonian premise: Yaldev is a planet in a strange area of space where mana—the energy-substance that underlies all magic—flows freely between the Aether and the physical realm. The abundance of mana, "potentiality incarnate," has given rise to rich ecosystems and fantastic natural wonders, but also results in inherent chaos: spontaneous energy bursts, supernatural disasters, improbable mechanical failures. This severely limits the maintenance of large-scale infrastructure, and the four continents are blocked from mutual contact by perpetual mystic storms over the deep oceans.
There's many ways we could explore such a world, but we use the point-of-view of the Ascended Nation. This theocratic country invents towering engines that suppress the free flow of mana within a given radius… and then it uses the resulting infrastructural advantage to launch an imperialist project, both against other peoples and the nature of the world itself.
Setting aside, we have two main characters:
Acolyte Decadin, the magical engineer who invents the suppression towers and comes to regret it
Commander Bruzek, an ambitious Army officer who spends as much time fighting military bureaucracy as he does the Enemy
While Yaldev is theoretically military sci-fantasy, depiction of combat is extremely rare. Entries are more often snapshots of institutions, Earthlike fauna with fantasy twists, non-boring loredumps about the magic system, and the mechanisms, attitudes and horrors of Empire. Also there's a running gag about blowing up the moons.
Table of Contents:
Yaldev, the Project
Yaldev, the World
Yaldev, the Name
Yaldev, the Person
Additional Links
1. Yaldev, the Project
If you have no idea what was going on in the newest post, that’s totally normal! There’s a few things that can give new readers some trouble:
Because this project’s been going for so long, many of the new posts are building on old lore that was written before you found this place. You might see casual references to people, places and things you’ve never heard of. Sometimes the newest post is a sequel to one from years ago. Some people embrace the sense of mystery and discovery this creates, but it can also be frustrating.
Posts aren’t made in chronological order. We go wherever the art takes us, both in space and time.
Some aspects of this place are intentionally left vague or unexplored. Despite the narrative focusing on a powerful empire and its expansionist adventures, we rarely see the Emperor and the drama of his court, and most of the high-action warfare happens “off screen.” Those aspects are still there, but they’re unemphasized—the story isn’t about those things.
Despite all that, I’m not trying to make something super artsy or abstract here. I want you to get immersed and invested in this place, and that means it should be accessible, so if there’s something you don’t understand but think you should, I wanna help! I encourage you to shoot me a message or leave comments if you have questions. It’s no bother, I like talking about my writing and interacting with my readers!
If you feel like taking a plunge into the deeplore, consider checking out the timeline, where you can explore Yaldev at your own pace, starting from the start. As of this writing, putting all of Yaldev together like that makes it about as long as a typical novel, and I have no intention of stopping soon. Someday, but not soon.
2. Yaldev, the World
If you’re planning to experience Yaldev by reading the timeline, this section contains spoilers, so you might want to skip ahead to number 3. If you’re just gonna read new posts as they come out, and want more world-context to understand it, read on!
Yaldev’s a weird world, but much of that oddity is familiar. While I prefer to leave genre labels to critics and readers, I call Yaldev science fantasy, or sci-fantasy for short. It has themes, tropes and elements from both science fiction and fantasy. Some people think wizards are cooler than spaceships, and some think the reverse, but I think the prize goes to wizards on spaceships. Yet if we take our magic rocket to Yaldev, we find a place less whimsical than that imagery implies, but still too realistic to be grimdark.
Different cultures have different names for the world they call home, but Yaldev is the name used by the Ascended Empire. This regime is arguably the protagonist of our story, and we follow its quest to spread across this strange world without falling in on itself. Let’s take a look at each of Yaldev’s historical eras to get some idea of what’s going on here. I can only cover so much in a summary, so if something in a post still makes no sense, feel free to comment! I’ll try to help.
Pre-History: What makes this world so strange? For that, we have to understand magic. Current models of reality depict it with two layers. The one we inhabit is the physical realm, a cringey place of matter and energy which you’ve already experienced more than enough of. The other side is the Aether, a corresponding non-place that overlaps every inch of space in the physical. The Aether is a realm filled with mana, the stuff of potential itself. These two layers are normally separate, but with enough effort, humans can pull mana into the physical realm and control its potential until only one possibility remains, which then becomes real by logical necessity—that’s all there really is to the art of spellcasting. In Earth’s universe, the physical world and the Aether are strongly blocked off from each other, making spellcasting seem all but impossible. But in Yaldev’s universe, the Aether is more accessible, so magic is much easier to discover, learn and perform.
What makes Yaldev special is that it lives in a strange area of space, where the barrier between the physical realm and the Aether is so thin that mana will flow freely between the two, without any prompting by humans. It often does this in the form of destructive beams, sudden explosions and rips in the barrier that divides the two layers. In its uncontrolled, “natural” form, mana is highly corrosive. Any matter it engulfs is dissolved into more mana. On top of this, when mana sits in the physical realm without anything to control it, it creates magical effects selected unpredictably from the list of potential changes it could cause—and as the amount of mana in any given place increases, so does the scope of those changes.
These qualities make mana chaotic and dangerous, and its presence is what makes Yaldev, a world otherwise quite similar to Earth, turn out so different. The abundance of mana creates unique landscapes, marvelous ecosystems and fascinating primitive cultures. It also means there’s a bunch of small moons that orbit impossibly close to the planet.
Early History: Any world is a complex place. Understanding it narratively requires a perspective from which to ground ourselves. We’ll be following the Ascended Nation, a unified kingdom occupying the entirety of Yaldev’s smallest continent, which they’ve self-indulgently named Origin. Brought together by a charismatic leader of citizens and armies (“the Highest Ascendant,” also the title for all subsequent heads of state), the Ascended Nation was blessed with favourable geography and prestigious learning institutions. Yet it was also plagued by internal sectarian conflict. While they all acknowledged the same pantheon, these different religions prioritized different gods, and thus different systems of morals and social standards.
As a newly interconnected continent enabled the spread of ideas and the clash of concepts, three faiths came out on top: the Deftists, followers of the pantheon’s great sky-god and protector of the world; the Eej-Landians, students of a more esoteric, poetic worldview that seems to sidestep the gods; and the Pelbeeans, zealots of an obscure star-deity who found disproportionate influence through their roles as traveling messengers and merchants. The cultural clash culminated in the Highest Ascendant approving the Progress Petition, a set of recommendations issued by the Pelbeean church. It certified their religion—now known as the Empirical Truth—as the official State religion. It also renamed the capital city after their god, and criminalized all competing belief systems.
The most important element of the Empirical Truth, as far as world history is concerned, is its hatred of mana. The Boundless Wisdom of Parc Pelbee, their holy text, describes mana as a chaotic flaw in Pelbee’s ordered creation. They point to its impact on civilization as evidence: magic was responsible for the vicious storms that stopped the Ascended Nation from crossing the ocean surrounding their continent; it caused supernatural disasters that shattered cities and drove crop failures; and worst of all, it was promoted by competing faiths as a tool for resistance. The Church always believed in exceptions, but these were concentrated in three areas:
The use of magic as a power source for machines,
Spells used by their own priests, and
Any magic used by the State, subject to the Church’s approval.
Fully unified under a central authority, the Ascended Nation saw a golden age of technological evolution. Along the way, they picked up a penchant for blowing up the planet’s moons to make space for their skyscrapers. But the magical nature of this world remained a bottleneck on their development: the oceans still could not be crossed, and the risk of losing construction projects to the Aether left most of the country underdeveloped. Without change, the Royal Family feared, the criminalized Old Faiths might rear their heretical heads, and the Ascended Nation might not survive.
Rise of a Hero: Its savior would come by the name of Decadin, an acolyte (student) at the Exodus Academy, the continent’s most prestigious university. He had an encounter with an oracle of the Old Faiths during his childhood, which greatly influenced his outlook on the world and his place therein. He was a multidisciplinary prodigy, blending disparate academic fields into a holistic understanding of the world. This applied everywhere, from his specialty in engineering to his theology. He was a devout follower of the Empirical Truth, and he combined the Church’s “magic is evil” message with the old “magic is natural” outlook of the outlawed religions.
Later in his education, Acolyte Decadin pursued Aethereal engineering: a niche field of study still in its infancy, concerned with a mechanical and mathematical understanding of mana, and seeking ways to minimize the damage it could cause. With his hybrid worldview, Decadin saw mana for what it was: a dangerous element, but one that could be controlled—perhaps, one day, even harnessed. He would go down as one of the most important people in world history due to a single invention: the Aether Suppressor, a “great floating disc” of crystal and metal that prevented mana from naturally entering the physical world within its aura. Even more exciting, its radius could be duplicated and spread with specialized suppression towers. As those structures were raised across Origin, the Aether Suppressor secured the fate of the Ascended Nation. While the rest of humanity struggled against an inherently hostile world, here was a country that had liberated itself, soon to reap the fruits of its freedom.
When suppression towers were built in the seas, they stopped mana from entering the area, and brought the magical storms to a halt. At last, the nearest continent was accessible, and the Ascended people would bring their gifts of stability to a new world.
The First Conquest: But the new world was content without these gifts. The Ascendants landed on the shores of Asteria, Yaldev’s largest continent, and waged war against Wojpier, the first country they ever encountered. Under the command of Dread Fighter Tarle, the Wojpieran military resisted the Ascended invaders, but these strange people from a tiny continent had an insurmountable technological advantage. When Wojpier surrendered, the Highest Ascendant followed the example of that ancient unifier of his homelands: he turned this conquered kingdom into a new province. Nation became Empire.
The Synthesis Era: With their presence in Asteria secured, the Ascendants took a moment to rest and solidify their rule over what would be their most important colony. Wojpier was one of the most powerful forces in Asteria, something the Ascendants only learned after the First Conquest concluded. Implementing advancements from Origin and combining them with Wojpieran expertise in different fields, the Ascended Empire pioneered technology that would look futuristic to 21st century Earthlings. The most important of these creations was the mana battery, the brainchild of Hylen Starwick, an Exodus professor born in Wojpier. These devices passively drew mana from the Aether and used it as a power source, even through the Aether Suppressor’s aura. Once the Empire had this infinitely-renewable source of energy, all else was possible—including modern computers, and from there, cybernetic enhancements for their troops.
The Second Conquest: After raising suppression towers to protect their new territory, and putting down a rebellion or two by these new Imperial subjects, the Ascendants continued their mission. They clashed against many other peoples: the nomadic Nuwons, the Fluuschian trading empire, and the denizens of Alregmodst, the land of the frozen South. Battles were won, positions were lost, soldiers died in the mud and heroes rose from the pits. But from here on I won’t get too deep into the gritty details—it’s much more fun to discover these things than have some Redditor explain them to you.
The Great Peace: Having claimed all the Asterian territory they could realistically expect to hold, the Ascended Empire took more time to secure its dominion, civilize its subjects and master the art of consent manufacturing.
The Third Conquest - Phase 1: The Ascended Empire’s campaign in Yaostay, the continent where mana was most abundant. Their contempt for the “savages” of this land was unshakeable, which led to their harshest Imperial policies. But their dismissal of the Other made them underestimate their enemies, and for this, the cost would be steep.
The Third Conquest - Phase 2: The Ascended Empire’s campaign in Oxado, a stagnant continent divided among five nations, each with long histories and ancient grudges. The only thing they despised more than each other was this Empire forcing its way into their lands. They were the most powerful peoples the Ascendants had ever encountered, and the resulting war would push both sides to the limit.
The Eternal Reign: Tired of war and satisfied with its claims, the Ascended Empire enjoyed the riches it had earned. With those bloody eras behind it, it learned to govern peacefully, and in the unification of so many disparate people, mankind was content. And so our story comes to an end, with the people of Yaldev cherishing their loved ones and enjoying their consumer lifestyles.
The Building Storm: [REDACTED]
The Collapse: [REDACTED]
Yaldev Reborn: [REDACTED]
The Journey: [REDACTED]
3. Yaldev, the Name
In-world, Yaldev (literally “all lands”) is this planet’s name in the Ascended tongue. Nobody in this world speaks any language from Earth, so much of what you see falls under the purview of translation, with all the difficulties that arise from this. Some of these names are slightly edited to make them easier for English speakers to pronounce. Others have been renamed entirely to something that carries the same significance to contemporary audiences as the original name does to people from Yaldev. For example, the Exodus Academy is actually named after the founding myth of the Ascended Nation, so I’ve rendered its name as something which has the same significance and feel for “Western readers” (whatever that means).
Out-of-world, this project was originally named Y’all’d’ve. I got my start in Reddit’s worldbuilding communities, where the idea of authors adding needless apostrophes to words so they’d look more “exotic” was a meme. I parodied this by naming my project after an actual English contraction for “you all would have.” It was a fun in-joke, but as my writing started taking on darker themes, it felt less and less appropriate to use a meme name while talking about serious issues like colonization and genocide, so I modified the spelling while keeping the same pronunciation.
4. Yaldev, the Person
Yaldev is written by Ulysses Maurer, a Canadian shitposter in his early 20s. He’s pursuing a double major in business and English, specializing in rhetoric, digital media and writing. He works on Yaldev to improve his skills and expand his audience for future projects—his purpose is to bring life to the characters, stories and worlds that have inhabited his brain since childhood, and this goal guides most of his life decisions.
Nothing makes him happier than seeing others appreciate his work. He remembers talking about his fantasy nonsense to his grade school friends, and the joy he felt when they’d listen, remember it, and sometimes even talk about it to each other. It’s the same feeling he’s trying to reclaim as an adult.
When he’s not writing, Ulysses enjoys Magic: the Gathering, D&D, educational YouTube, having objectively correct opinions, thinking about video games (but not playing them), and writing third-person bios about himself like a pretentious asshole. He should read more.
5. Additional Links
All Entries in Chronological Order
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goatbi · 4 years
Deep Dark Sea
Bubby had loved two places his entire existence: Space, and the Ocean. Both mostly unexplored and mysterious. It was easier to look up at the stars and wonder what it would be like to float out there unburdened, but that didn’t stop him from pouncing on the opportunity to go down into the ocean for a few months. How many wasn’t... exactly specified, but however long he was down here alone was fine with him. 
It was just... well it was boring, really. He couldn’t see out the windows well, since there was no sun down here, and there really wasn’t much to do but check and recheck that he wasn’t randomly going to be crushed as the housing buckled under the pressure of the water, and then settle to watch whatever mindless entertainment they had sent down here with him. 
So, yea, maybe Bubby was bored. But at the very least, they had let him keep his IPod on him, which was currently the best form of distraction he had available. Seeing as he was alone, and no one would be bothered by his screeching, he sang along to anything that came on as he worked. 
Power room, the filters, observation deck, he sang. Bubby knew his voice wasn’t the best, but at this point, he didn’t care, since he could just turn the music up loud enough that he couldn’t hear himself, and go about his day. 
He often did it in the docking station, since he liked to check up that his small sub wasn’t going to break while he was out in open ocean, just bopping along to whatever song he was listening to at that moment. Bubby did this at least twice a day, going through when he woke up, and before he went to bed, being maybe just a bit over cautious about it, but hey. He didn’t want to die at the bottom of the ocean. 
So, his usual routine of going about the sub bay, bouncing very slightly as he walked around, checking through everything, singing loudly. 
“He’s the one they call Dr. Feelgood...” He trailed off for a second, still mumbling along as he leaned a bit closer to try and read the dials with his glasses half down his nose. He pulled back again, voice raising again. “He's gonna be your Frankenstein!” 
Bubby flipped around, eyes darting down to the water for a split second before he shrieked, jerking back against the wall, eyes wide. He stared down at the water for a moment, a pair of nearly human green eyes peering up at him from the darkness for a moment more before whatever it was sunk back down out of his line of site. 
He stared for a moment, before turning and leaving the sub bay, shutting the door tightly behind him. Not today. That was not happening. He could deal with that after he got up tomorrow. Bubby was going to bed. 
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eco-nnect · 3 years
Deep Sea Mining: what is it and why should we care?
What is it? 
Humankind knows more about space than our oceans. Its deep waters are filled with mystery, minerals, and commercial interests, driving curiosity within the international community. 
The development of technology relies on mining minerals, such as cobalt, coltan, iron, zinc, copper, nickel, titanium, lead, iron, magnesium, and silver, all quasi exhausted in land minefields through child labor and colonial practices. Due to the human exhaustion of terrestrial mining, nations and private corporations are exploring the tempting practice of mining international waters' seabeds. 
The International Seabed Authority, located in Jamaica, funded by the United Nations, controls and patrols 50% of the world's o seabed to regulate human activity. Private entities and states can request to explore seabeds and their mineral deposits through this UN agency. As attending ISA meetings in   Jamaica is very expensive, the only member states that partake are rich nations such as Canada, France, Russia, China, and the United States, all with commercial interests in deep-sea mining.
The three main commercial interests are:
Polymetallic Nodules, which are buried in fine-grain sediments. One of the highest densities of polymetallic nodules is located in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (Kiribati, French Polynesia, Cook Islands) in the Eastern Pacific. Studies suggest that this sediment contains more Nickle, Magnesium, and cobalt than all terrestrial resources combined. Polymetallic nodules are used in the development of electric vehicles. 
Polymetallic Sulphides have formed thousands of years ago through hydrothermal activity. They are referred to as "black smokers," which are active hydrothermal vents that form unique ecosystems by creating bacteria that serve as a food source to marine creatures. Polymetallic Sulphides containing copper, iron, zinc, silver, and gold. 
Cobalt Crusts are found at 400-7,000 meters deep at the flanks and tops of seamounts. The most prospective area for cobalt crusts is the Magellan Seamounts in the Pacific Ocean, east of Japan, and the Mariana Islands. Cobalt is used in all electrical and electronic devices.
When did it become a common interest? 
In the 1960s, during the verge of a metal price crisis, the geologist John L. Mereo proposed exploring and exploiting the various and unique minerals in the seabeds of international waters. In response, the Maitan Ambassador, Arrid Pardo, told the UN that these explorations are challenging in practice to achieve and besides, it presents a massive threat to humanity and the environment. As a response, the United Nations created the previously mentioned International Seabed Authority to regulate human activity, preventing states from monopolizing the natural resources found in seabeds. 
Currently, nations are exploring the idea due to the current economic crises, using it as a scapegoat for developing countries to provide their land at a meager price for exploitation. By having an intermediary authority, companies are persuading the environmental community that their activity will be monitored, controlled, and done under a set of rules that will cause no harm.
Why should we care? 
The deep sea is so unexplored that it is impossible to imagine what factors need to be considered whilst mining Companies have already thought of a methodology that looks pretty intruding to the environment and an inexperienced tactic that might produce negative results for marine habitats. The method consists of a collector vehicle that will contact the seafloor and collect the mineral deposit by cutting and breaking the mineral deposits from the substrate. This methodology can result in oil spills, destructions of marine habitats, carbon emissions, burning of fossil fuels, and unavoidable mistakes due to the ignorance of what is beyond the sea.
Human activity has already exhausted terrestrial natural resources; why should we repeatedly repeat the same mistakes? Haven't we learned anything? Deep-sea mining is dangerous both for humanity and ocean life. 
What can we do?  Firstly, you can sign these petitions, asking to prohibit deep-sea mining.
Secondly, since most of these minerals are used for technological development, as a community and consumers, we can ask and pressure tech companies to reuse the minerals of old electronics as a renewable source for technological progress. In today's world, progress can only be achieved through sustainable practices, and deep-sea mining is not a viable source.
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glameowr · 4 years
8, 12, 15, 18, 21, 22 Theres a lot, sorry >.<
its ok, i always luv tons of questions !!! no need 2 apologize luv
8: if ur ashes were pressed in2 a vinyl what song would u choose
hmmm another song id choose would b welcome home, son by radical face
12: what is a dream hobby of urs
i already answered this so let me think of anotherrr hmmmmmmm,,, i wanna play the lute. fantasy vibes pog ✨
15: do u like stuffed animals
is this even a question that has 2 b asked LMFKAKSK yea i LUV stuffed animals i still buy them i hav so many 💖💖💖
18: space or the ocean
hmmm both r very unexplored and mysterious,,, id say space bc ive always been obsessed w thinking abt whats out there, i think abt it a lot and make my mom listen 2 me theorize lmfkakdk
21: name a song u could sing the lyrics 2 unprompted
IDKKK I KEEP GETTING THIS 1 LMFKAKSKSK ummm starships by nicki minaj
22: a pic u hav saved 4 no real reason
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semirahrose · 6 years
You think that Sam's punch in 14x12 was ooc?
Before I say anything, let me say that I haven’t watched since early season 14, so I’m a bit behind. I’ve been keeping up on spoilers and gifsets and such, but without actually watching the episodes minute-by-minute, I could be missing important stuff. Most of my analysis will come from Sam up until mid season 14. There may well be extenuating circumstances that make his actions make more sense.
Let me say, firstly… it shocked me. It definitely did. It is vanishingly rare for Sam to throw the first punch, ever. Both brothers have done some things while possessed or under supernatural influence, and I don’t count those against either of them. Sam went the first four seasons without throwing the first punch at Dean, despite many heated arguments.
And, to be entirely fair—Sam was under supernatural influence when he threw the first punch at Dean in “When the Levee Breaks.” On top of that, he was fresh off a detox that nearly killed him, one that caused him to hallucinate Dean saying some pretty painful words. Dean accidentally echoed the sentiments of his hallucination before that intense fight in the hotel room. So I think it’s fair to say that it takes an overwhelming intensity of feeling for Sam to respond with violence, never mind initiate violence.
So, yeah. I was surprised.
But I’m not sure if I can say it was out of character. I generally try not to call things OOC, because it doesn’t really help me or anyone. As soon as it happens in the show, it’s part of the show’s canon. 
Sam punched Dean. 
I can’t change that, and calling it OOC doesn’t help.
What I can do is try to make sense of it. Here’s what I have. Correct me if I’m making any incorrect assumptions about the episode. I’m going off gifsets and spoilers here. Is this more or less what happened?
Dean is planning to throw himself in—do I have this right?—in the ocean (???) in some Very Special Box/Prison/Casket with Michael. In previous seasons, whenever anything happens to the universe/happens to Sam, Dean is right there with his steadfast assurances that “We’ll figure this out.” Not this time. In typical Dean fashion, when Dean sees himself as part of the problem (or part of a very extreme solution), he’s ready to toss himself into outer space/somewhere more mysterious even than outer space (A.K.A the unexplored depths of the ocean.) 
Sam has tried to be level-headed about it, but it’s killing him. He really doesn’t want Dean to do it. He doesn’t want to lose Dean. 
Finally his emotions over any number of recent occurrences overflow. He hits Dean, states his belief, and begs to know why Dean doesn’t believe in them/their ability to fix this together.
Sometime in the last few episodes, he has faced Nick, whose face Lucifer wore.
It’s pretty safe to say Sam’s possession-related trauma is fresh.
Sam loves his brother. 
Historically, losing Dean has absolutely destroyed Sam. It usually comes out in suicidal actions/suicidal recklessness.
I could see Sam actually being driven to throw a punch in a situation like this one. Here’s what I have:
Sam has been willing to let Dean give up his life before, even though it nearly killed him. But the circumstances were different. Sam could tell himself that Dean might end up in Heaven, or at least some quiet, sleepy emptiness. This time, he can’t. That leaves us with,
Hell. Sam did the same thing with Michael and Lucifer, and he was trapped with them for anywhere from 200-ish years to several millennia. He was tortured until his very soul was literally “flayed to the raw nerve,” in Death’s words. The torture damaged his soul. In Supernatural, souls are literally immortal currency. Consider that. Consider the kind of pain it would take to warp a soul.
Sam remembers the Cage. Just last season, he admitted to Rowena how much Lucifer still terrified him. He remembers the things that happened in the Cage, and Lucifer wasn’t the only one there. Michael was also there.
Sam likely knows intimately the kinds of horrifying tortures Dean may endure. He knows firsthand that archangels will use their powers to make sure you never die. They will hurt you in ways a body should never be hurt and they will never, ever stop.
And Sam? The person he loves most in the entire world is about to subject himself to the torture that brings such shame and terror Sam can barely speak of it to others except in the most abstract terms. 
I’d throw a punch, too, if I had even the faintest hope it might save my loved one from that horrible fate.
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inkblotstuff-blog · 6 years
Black and Beyond
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“In order for light to shine, darkness must be present”- Anonymous
Close your eyes: you see a space. It’s empty, it’s dark. While your eyes are closed, think of the words that come to your mind when I say the word “Black”. The most common answers I’ve heard are – Dark, Fear, Nothingness, Empty, Death, Evil, to name but a few. When I asked a bunch of writers in a group discussion, their responses amounted to and rested on the fact that most observations and insights fell under the category of negative connotations.
 Why is it that this colour which is a contradiction in itself, attracts much more negativity than it deserves? I decided to dive in and look at various areas where black goes against these misconceptions. I think the best way to begin is to know that Black is literally the absence of colour. This contradicts the phrase “colour black”.
If we look at the colour pigments like RGB or CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Krypton(black) Red Green and Blue mixed together give us black, and the colour scheme CMYK consists of the colour black. In the world of Physics, fast rotation of the colour wheel gives us white, whereas, if all the colours in the colour wheel were mixed together in pigment form, the colour obtained at the very end is a dark hue (black). This in a way twists the theory that black is colourless. In fact, it houses all the colours.
 Emo and Goth cultures are two of the most common cultures that incorporate black in their attire. While Emo cultures derived their style out of the music they listened to (mainly Punk), Goth culture emerged from an offshoot of the post Punk period. The Goth culture dates back to the Gothic and Victorian era attires and styling. Emo culture focuses more on styling that incorporates black and music band t-shirts. The similarity is that both these groups associate with the colour black, because it binds them as a community.
A misconception exists with the term Emo. A lot of people who are “Emo” are categorised as depressed, sad, suicidal and the colour black seems to enhance those assumptions even more. Such people are said to have pasts of hurting themselves, and always being extremely quiet. People have branded them as “Emotional”. Speaking to a fellow student of mine who identified themselves as Emo, said “Emo doesn’t mean Emotional. Rather, it means Emotive”. Emo people are more in touch with their feelings. They are sensitive and express their feelings and so does their music”.
 Comparison is one of the most visible ways of knowing the differences between objects, materials, colours and ideas. When you hear someone talk about purity or cleanliness or angel like, the word your mind associates it with is the colour white. At the same time white is the purest because it is compared to the colour black, which our mind is conditioned to perceive as something impure, dull and devilish. White without its counter part black would not mean the same thing as is does today.
In the concept of positive and negative space, positive space is white and negative space is black. What’s interesting is that even though black is negative space, it is the background that gives definition and context to the object, without which it would be unrecognisable.
  Why is it that black is always associated with death and endings?
Every movie ending, where some character of importance dies, their transition into the heavens above is always shown as a beam white light. This light is shining and “pure”. It marks the end of the journey of that person in the physical sense. But have you ever noticed how movies depict the moment a new born child opens their eyes to stare into the unknown world: to meet the eyes of their parents and see what is in store for them? It begins with black. It seems that the end is not actually black. In fact, it is the beginning. Before the eye allows light to penetrate and illuminate a new-born’s mind, life has already been gifted. The eye makes its way through black: the very beginning and then emerges, into its physical sense.
 It is said that a certain amount of darkness is required to see the stars. Those stars, float around in space that is has no colour, and bring life and beauty to the residents that inhabit this limitless lake. Space: black and infinite, stretches from unknown points, and its end, might just be something else’s beginning. This space has infinite possibilities, it stores the unknown and it captures and emits curiosity.
The black hole: what is it? It’s a section of space that has a huge magnetic force. It sucks in everything close to it, even light. This entity of measureless black now also houses a black hole. It is an abyss within a larger endless rift. The power, possibilities and the sense of infinite can only be experienced within this colourless colour black.
In physics, we learn that certain colours are more absorbing and some are less absorbing. It is said that white is a colour that keeps the heat and light away, while black, absorbs all the energy. It is a colour that absorbs everything, embraces everything and receives everything. So, black is not a colour that always depicts claustrophobic spaces and caged surroundings
 Is white really pure? Or is black the purest of them all? If a tiny speck of dirt falls on a white surface, this blemish is noticeable to the naked eye. If dirt falls on black, it goes unnoticed, absorbed and masked by black. The colour people associate with being dirty is in fact the purest colour.
Polluted, soot, unclean this is what coal is. This material, that gets every person’s hands dirty, blackened and filthy, is also the very same material that enables ever woman to live the fairy tale dream. On their wedding days, sitting on the bride’s finger is a diamond ring. This diamond is called beautiful, sparkling and polished. It is a gem that is obtained from coal. It’s refined and elegant body is the result of this black and filthy coal, shedding its layers to bring alive this beauty.
 Our bodies, this sacred house, is coloured in different shades. The result of these shades is due to a pigment called melanin. Throughout the course of history, many instances of white people, degrading, insulting and looking down upon people with darker skin has existed. This supremist mentality arose due to the people with lighter skin, feeling that lighter tones of   skin are superior. What’s ironic is that cause of white or pale skin is actually due to them lacking in melanin. It’s interesting how people with lighter skin feel proud, while in reality they lack the pigment in their body, that would have otherwise let them enjoy the beautiful sunny days without having to stay way from the brightest light.
 We perceive the world in a variety of ways. This article may to some of you, be the most relatable and engaging one, because your favourite colour is black. While there will be a few of you who think that there can be two sides to this. This is what the conscious mind thinks. The mind that is aware and present. But what about the unconscious mind. The mind that we are not aware of, the mind that holds mysteries and secrets. This space of unconscious, is best describes in terms of being black, vast, unknown and mysterious. Similar to space its possibilities and potentials are limitless and infinite, but like space if we delve deep into this realm of the unknown a lot can be found out about ourselves, and our ways of thinking and perceiving. Sigmund Freud depicted and explained the conscious mind is like the tip of the ice berg, only a portion of it is visible and that is what we comprehend. And the unconscious mind that is the other portion of the ice berg is entirely submerged in the vast ocean. No one knows hoe big and the ice berg is and how deep it goes into the ocean, into that vast black space both holding atmospheres of unknown.
Our mind is like the yin and yang: a Chinese symbol that portrays the perfect harmony required to maintain balance. If there was only white then the balance dips to one side, and if there is only black, it dips more to the opposite side. Combining both, allows for structure, free flow and stability. Same goes for the balance between the conscious and unconscious mind. A person requires both the conscious mind: that’s aware and continuously getting illuminated by the world, as well as the unconscious mind: that’s unknown, unexplored, limitless and secretive, to complete a person and bring balance into their life.
 This entity that houses all yet none of the colours. It has properties of being undefinable. And it turns these features to its advantage. This undefinable property makes space for multiple possibilities to exist together. Such properties allow room for change to take place, making sure uniqueness can be found in its monochromatic plane. While black embraces change it doesn’t forget to pay equal attention to its property of mutability.
Black has another feature, duality. Colours like green, yellow and red, just to name a few are extremely noticeable whereas black as compared to the brighter colours goes more unnoticed. But this is the power of black, it can choose when to get noticed and when not to. This ability of duality allows black to complement everything.
 Black is all around us, silently assisting other colour to shine and be notices while it stays as a background unnoticed. We unknowingly used black as a metaphor to express our deepest desires and secrets.  It’s limitless and abyss like nature allow for it to absorb and give out multiple meanings that otherwise no other colour is capable of doing. It’s been used in a various area as symbols for harmony and balance, and it contrasting nature makes it a colour that’s compatibility is 100%. In conclusion I would like to say that while visible to the naked eye, black is dull, dingy, awful, and obscure it also houses meaning of infinity, power, strength, possibilities, balance and possibilities. All of which are what makes this colour inclusive, unique and a body that can house millions.
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