#spacetime challenge
firesofdainix · 3 days
HI HI THERE (@moonnati0n)
i come from ao3 i love ur spacetime continuum stories (just read ur latest one on jupiter n saturn)
share some jupiturn hcs?? plspls
*rubs hands together* do I HAVE HCS??? OF MY FAV SHIP?? YES SIR!!!
Jupiter's love language is quality time and acts of service. Saturn's is physical touch and words of affirmation.
ever since that time when Saturn wished for Jupiter to have glasses, though, Saturn tries to make Jupiter feel appreciated when
surprisingly, Jupiter is more in tune with his emotions than Saturn is. at least, he doesn't feel like it's necessary to hide them underneath underlying sensitivity. we've all seen him slowly collapsing into a nervous wreck as the show continues
Saturn loves listening to Jupiter's voice, he likens it to songs or melodies
when Jupiter gets nervous or has a breakdown, Saturn offers his hair so Jupiter can play with it. alongside Saturn's words of affirmation, he helps him calm down.
past times include dancing, singing, reading, and taking care of each other's appearances. mostly Saturn, since Jupiter is a fashion disaster.
Jupiter has curls and Saturn loves to play with them if Jupiter allows him to
as per marriage tradition, Jupiter gave Saturn his feathered cloak while Saturn gave him his leather cape
Saturn is the only one who can hold Jupiter beyond holding hands- he's very touch-averse
pipe smoker x cigar smoker?!?!?!?!?
Saturn compares Jupiter to Planet X sometimes, especially when he's upset with him for one reason or another. during the moon revolution, he's so irritated by Jupiter's paranoia he begins thinking X would be a whole lot better honing his paranoia. Always feels bad when he realizes this.
Saturn never asked why Jupiter killed Hades, and just chalked it up to him being jealous- a simple assumption to a complicated problem. We all know how that turned out.
Saturn HATES being proven wrong, which is why his arguments with Jupiter often end with a stalemate and Jupiter having to be the one apologizing to him.
Jupiter knows that Saturn's hiding secrets, but every time he indirectly brings it up, Saturn shuts those down.
Saturn never asks questions that are important to Jupiter (even though Jupiter would appreciate it) vs. Jupiter ALWAYS asking questions Saturn thinks aren't important (Saturn wants to move on, but Jupiter can't)
after everything, Jupiter STILL can't help but feel like Saturn continues to hide secrets. Saturn is never keen on keeping any promises between them, after all. they get into arguments about it, too, to the point Uranus has to meddle in their relationship problems.
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Even if W.I.T. managed to down the satellite that offered Internet connections to the whole world, it ultimately comes down to the person who set the events into motion and his ultimate aim.
The Tinker sought to bring out the Inspector so as to challenge him to a final showdown. Turning the human race mad was just a happy coincidence as far as the Tinker was concerned.
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signourneybooks · 2 years
Reading Challenges I Am Planning to Partake in 2023
Reading Challenges I Am Planning to Partake in 2023
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fuckyeahisawthat · 1 year
I was always meh on the fan theories that Crowley was some kind of high-ranking angel before the Fall, because there didn’t seem to be much evidence for it (in s1 he says “I helped build that one” about the nebula, not “I fucking hand-cranked the spacetime continuum into existence”) and because it seemed more thematically resonant for Crowley to have been Just Some Guy in the celestial hierarchy, rather than God’s Specialest Boy (gn).
But s2 does very much seem to be dropping hints that Crowley was an angel of some significant rank before the fall, possibly even a Supreme Archangel, and after the end of s2 that presents a new possibility I hadn’t thought of before.
What if Crowley knows Heaven can’t be reformed because he already tried it? What if cooptation was their strategy for Crowley, after he started asking questions but before the Fall?
It’s a classic move to neutralize challenges to a power structure. Take the people who are speaking out and say, hey, you make some good points. We hear you. In fact we’d like you to sit on this committee. Come change things from the inside, where you’ll have the power to get things done.
And lots of people in lots of real-world systems try this, genuinely believing they can make a difference and not realizing that there is no way to bend the system into what they want it to be, because the system wasn’t broken or badly led back when they first started complaining about it; it was working exactly as intended.
And these people either end up sucked into the system they were trying to change until it changes them instead. Or they end up bitter and checked out and cynical. Or, they refuse to yield in their calls for change and eventually get marginalized and pushed out of the system. Sound like someone we know?
From the beginning of s1, Crowley was adamant that Aziraphale’s attempts to find someone in Heaven who will listen to him and want to stop Armageddon are fruitless. There are no right people. I think he, like me, kind of assumed Aziraphale had figured that out by the end of the events of s1, which is part of why he’s so shocked that Aziraphale would even consider the Metatron’s offer. But Aziraphale hadn’t gotten there yet, and now Crowley is watching Aziraphale repeat the same mistakes he made, and he can’t convince him to stop.
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what were the Doctor's and the Master's education like? like which Chapter schools did they go to and how long did they stay and such?
What were the Doctor and the Master's school days like?
The early lives of the Doctor and the Master contain a lot of contradictory information, so below is the path of least resistance.
🌱Early Days
The Doctor (AKA Theta) was from the Oldblood House of Lungbarrow, and the Master (AKA Koschei) was from the Newblood House of Oakdown, both of which were in the Prydonian Chapter.
In their youth, they would have both undergone a period called brainbuffing. This intensive education, supervised by robotic avatroids in their Houses, involves learning the very basics.
🎓Academy Initiation
At the age of 8, candidates for the academies take an entrance exam. Both Koschei and Theta passed these and were taken from their Houses and put in dormitories at the Prydon Academy.
Theta and Koschei met on the first day and instantly bonded, becoming fast friends. They were both tutored by Borusa, a stern yet influential mentor. They would often cause trouble together and go AWOL from classes. One excursion led to the death of a fellow student named Torvic - an event that would change Theta and Koschei's lives forever.
🌌 The Untempered Schism
Somewhere in the first term, both Theta and Koschei were taken for the Untempered Schism initiation, where they were made to stare into a gap in spacetime.
Koschei: Koschei's experience was very traumatic. He was overwhelmed by the sound of drums—a relentless beat that would haunt him for the rest of his lives. This drumbeat, coupled with the fallout from that day with Torvic began to warp his mind and soul.
Theta: Theta, on the other hand, was terrified by the Schism, and he ran away. This instinct to run would become a defining characteristic of his lives.
Once this was complete, their proper education began.
For more on grade levels/years, see the related section.
🏫 Entrance to the Time Academy
In 5th Grade at around aged 20, students take the entrance exam for the Time Academy. Both Theta and Koschei passed these. They didn't need to go anywhere else, because Prydon Academy is also the Time Academy - it's the only academy able to give out the title of Time Lord.
🧠 The Time Academy
For more on classes taught, see the related section.
The curriculum at the Time Academy was challenging and varied. From advanced temporal theory and stellar engineering to telepathic disciplines and even recreational mathematics, the Academy was designed to push young Time Lords to their limits.
Theta and Koschei were inseparable for a lot of this time, sharing a love for experimenting with forbidden sciences. They played pranks, like trapping a teacher in a time loop, and often skipped classes to engage in unsanctioned experiments. Koschei excelled at hypnotism and took pleasure in teaching Theta some of his tricks, although their uses of these skills would diverge dramatically in the future.
They were also part of an elite group known as the Deca, which included other future renegades like Ushas (who would become the Rani). The Deca engaged in activities ranging from building 'time flow analogues'—devices to disrupt each other's experiments—to forming a band called the 'Gallifrey Academy Hot Five,' where Theta played the lead perigosto stick and Koschei played the drums.
Amidst all their studies and mischief, the two made a pact to one day explore every star in the universe together. Cue the sad violin music. 🎻
🎓 Graduation
As they approached graduation, the differences in their outlooks became more obvious. Koschei saw himself as destined for greatness, driven by a desire to control and shape the universe. Theta, in contrast, was more of a dreamer, fascinated by the beauty and mystery of the universe rather than its domination. Their friendship began to fracture after an incident where Koschei broke a promise, leading Theta to realise that their paths were too different to remain friends.
According to some accounts, both Theta and Koschei graduated at around 236 years old, as part of 'The Class of the 4th Millennium' or 'the Class of '92'. While Theta supposedly passed his Time Lord qualifying exams with the lowest possible passing grade—51%—other stories suggest he was expelled before he could graduate due to his political views.
🚀 Beyond Graduation
Some accounts suggest Koschei stayed on at the Academy to get another degree, while others say he went into teaching for a while, or maybe something else. Theta, meanwhile, might have worked a few jobs before he took a TARDIS and left, depending on who you ask.
💬|🧸🏫What are young Gallifreyans/Time Tots taught?: Detailing what the kids of Gallifrey are taught.
💬|🧸🏫How do grade levels work in Gallifreyan schooling?: How the Gallifreyan education system works.
💬|🏡👪What does a traditional family/House dynamic look like?: Houses and their internal structures.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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creaturefeaster · 9 days
how does muscical magic work?
Musical magic, also known as rhythmagic or just blue magic, is a kind of magic that works and is channeled through precise timing of beats and movements. Technically you do not need to be very musically talented to cast basic rhythmagic, you just need to be able keep a steady tempo. (It can also be induced through dance, though that can start leaning heavily into the more emotional cyan magics.) There is more to the actual channeling of magic through the body, and that is it's own kind of challenge to overcome, but that is a varying case for all kinds of magic and not just blue magic.
Blue magic taps into the steady clock of spacetime, exchanging precise timing for precise spacial manipulation. Essentially, it is the magic of levitation/object manipulation. the worse your tempo is, the less effective the magic. And this needs to be very, very precise, which can make it difficult to continuously maintain.
It's used often in musical plays for synchronization, used mechanically for automation, levitating one's self or other objects, and can even assume control of a target's full movement, if the caster is good enough.
It's a more difficult magic to learn, and somewhat socially unacceptable to use outside of professional settings because it's rather impermissible and can be easily abused.
Elliot, who likes things like rhythm games and music already, picked up rhythmagic quicker than most would, but he's only a few years into his magical study as a whole and doesn't always have the best grasp on channeling it.
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Ching also taps into some magic over time, in true form he dabbles more in purples, but leans towards blue magics when he starts hosting and gets more into theatre. Holly and Jarna also use some blue magic from time to time. As is all in their bluish nature.
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horizoncollective · 1 month
Just found out I've got an NHP in my comms system. Haven't gotten a name but they seemed to be hiding for... Fun? I think? Doesn't seem to causing any trouble except distorting my outgoing comms. Any suggestions?
Over and out, QUICKFIX
--- it was fun while it lasted. Maybe we can play another game? ---
This outgoing comm made it to me, so that's good at least. Give this NHP other games to try! If you have any subalterns rated for human-level movement, it might want to try some sports like volleyball or soccer from a human perspective, or maybe it will enjoy the challenge of hide and seek in human-perceived spacetime.
Try checkers, chess, parcheesi, and backgammon in digital spaces. Don't worry if it kicks your ass at any of these. Move on to card games if it gets a knack for board and dice games. I worked with a Lucifer whose favorite thing in life was skunking me in cribbage.
A game is ultimately a kind of conversation! There are a lot of games where you can go anywhere in Union and find people who know them and can play them without needing to share a language. It's a great way to bond with someone and learn their reactions.
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New SpaceTime out Friday
SpaceTime 20240823 Series 27 Episode 102
Fairwell to NASA’s NEOWISE spacecraft
NASA’s infrared NEOWISE space telescope has relayed its final data stream to Earth bringing the historic mission to an end.
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What time is it on the Moon?
Scientists are developing a plan for precise timekeeping on the Moon. For decades, the Moon's subtle gravitational pull has posed a vexing challenge—atomic clocks on its surface would tick faster than those on Earth by about 56 microseconds per day.
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Europe’s Space Rider successfully completes its drop tests
Over the last four months, the European Space Agency’s reusable Space Rider test article has been undertaking a series of drop tests in the skies above the Italian Island of Sardinia.
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The Science Report
Droughts, heatwaves, fire and fertilisers causing soils to store less carbon.
A link discovered between heavy cannabis use and increased risk of head and neck cancers.
Giving AI chatbots political bias
Skeptics guide to Werewolf Portals in England
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SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
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SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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fantasyfantasygames · 5 months
Falling, 20xx Games, 2015
Falling is a game about having a really, really hard day while being so badly depressed that you literally fall into an alternate spacetime below our own, and your climb or flight back out.
There's a big content warning right at the front of this game - Falling focuses on depression. It was written by someone with chronic chemical depression, the sort that's part of your brain chemistry. It's very good at getting you to understand what that's like. If you also suffer from chronic depression, this game is very explicit about not being the right place to get help.
You make a character by drawing a hand of cards, writing a hundred-word summary of your character (a la some other games I've reviewed), and giving a short explanation of what pushed you into Underspace. During play you use descriptors from your character bio and inciting incident to draw more cards and change the ones you have. You need specific combinations of things in your hand in order to do specific things, so it's not just a matter of "better poker hand wins". Black cards are strength and toughness (both emotional and physical) but also depression. Red cards are connection and wisdom but also either mania or obsession, player's choice at chargen. You might need three red cards for one thing, or a small straight in black, or one very specific card. It's all about adapting to the situation. Go too hard and you'll regret it. XP lets you boost traits by underlining them, or cross out some that aren't helping you and write new ones.
Underspace is a massive vertical shaft, a gaslamp fantasy idea of what an enormous abandoned mine would look like. You encounter its odd denizens, many of whom are part fungus. Some of them will try to help you leave. Others are there to drag you down metaphorically or physically. There's no shortcut to get out - it's step by step. As the name of the game implies, you're probably not going to make it out in one smooth climb. The book details one particular settlement with the idea that you could use it as inspiration for others.
The art aims toward DiTerlizzi. It doesn't quite get there, but the rough lines and dark shading make it a good fit. Fans of Planescape will definitely feel at home here. Layout is fairly standard, and there's nothing wrong with that.
One of the rules for the endgame is "It's not about the inciting incident." Whatever pushed you into Underspace was a side-effect, the straw, or a total coincidence. You can't fix your depression and return to Superspace just by fixing or reversing that event.
Falling is ultimately a hopeful game, but not an easy one to play. You're going to get pulled in emotionally, and there will absolutely be serious setbacks that erase a whole session of progress. I wouldn't say you need to be a masochist to play, but you do have to want to do something emotionally challenging.
20xx Games isn't in existence any more. Falling didn't sell particularly well in PDF, never made it to print, and their other big project ran into unspecified legal issues involving Capcom, so the whole company tanked in 2017. I'm not sure what Falling's copyright status is these days. Hopefully one of the company's partners still has the rights to publish it - I think it deserves to be out in the world.
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pteren · 5 months
whats your favorite mechanic from a ttrpg? Could be any ttrpg
i haven't played a huge number of ttrpgs. but i think i have to say my favorite mechanic is the Execute Anything roll in EARS. which is weird to even call a mechanic because really it is the entire system.
in EARS, when your character attempts to do something, you state what they are intending to do and how they accomplish it, and then you roll a 6 sided die. if you roll a 6, they succeed perfectly and in the spirit of the request, no matter how outrageous, vague, or physically impossible it may have been. you really can execute anything you attempt.
however- on the off chance you do not roll a 6, the GM gets to decide what happens. and they base the outcome off of how unlikely your character was to succeed. if you were just trying to walk down the hall, you might succeed even on a 1. if you ask to perform a challenging but plausible jump, you might barely make it on a 5, and at least survive the fall on a 3 or 4. if you say "my character tears apart spacetime, teleports into the compound and kills the general" and you roll a 5, you are dead.
this system only works if the gm follows thru on consistently punishing greedy requests- which can be tricky to improvise on the spot sometimes. but the result is a rules-light, slapstick, chaotic, anything-goes explosive maelstrom of creative roleplaying, where the god-like protagonists are only really gods 16.7% of the time. once the players have the hang of the system they will take safe actions most of the time- until the stakes get higher and the pressure prompts you to reach a liiiittle bit into the supernatural to get everyone out alive.
you won't find EARS written down anywhere- its a game a friend of my parents concocted in college. hes a bit of a genius. if anyone reading this wants to try a game sometime, u know where to find me
honorable mentions to @anim-ttrpgs Eureka's "composure" mechanic (haven't gotten a chance to play the system yet but it seems like a very clever way of roleplaying exhaustion, stress, and mental health) and my very own Tree Game's modular/mixed species system, where you can spend points in as many humanoid species as you want to gain some of the attributes of each.
i've been diving into GURPS recently and while it seems like a lot of fun nothing has really jumped out at me as a uniquely notable mechanic. maybe once we start playing ill notice some things
(make ur character nerd (kidding ik your in school (dont die pls)))
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factsandstuffbyd · 1 year
Unveiling the Mysteries of Black Holes
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Black holes, enigmatic cosmic phenomena predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity, have captivated scientists and the public alike for decades. These mysterious entities, formed from the remnants of massive stars, possess gravity so strong that even light cannot escape their grasp. Exploring black holes has reshaped our understanding of space, time, and the fundamental laws of physics.
Birth of a Black Hole: Stellar Collapse Black holes originate from the explosive aftermath of massive star deaths. When a star exhausts its nuclear fuel, gravity overpowers the outward pressure, causing the star's core to collapse. If the core's mass exceeds a critical threshold, known as the Chandrasekhar limit, it collapses into a singularity, an infinitely dense point, surrounded by an event horizon – the boundary beyond which nothing can escape.
The Gravity Abyss: Warping Space and Time Einstein's theory of general relativity describes gravity as the curvature of spacetime caused by massive objects. Black holes embody this concept to the extreme, warping space and time so severely that they create a gravity well from which nothing, not even light, can emerge. This phenomenon challenges our classical understanding of gravity and beckons us to explore its most extreme consequences.
Revealing the Unseen: Detecting Black Holes Detecting black holes poses a unique challenge due to their invisible nature. Scientists rely on indirect methods. X-ray emissions from matter spiraling into black holes can betray their presence, as can gravitational effects on nearby stars. The LIGO and Virgo observatories have pioneered gravitational wave detection, allowing us to sense the ripples in spacetime generated by black hole mergers.
Size Matters: Stellar and Supermassive Black Holes Black holes vary in size. Stellar-mass black holes, formed from individual star collapses, typically range from a few to several tens of solar masses. In contrast, supermassive black holes inhabit galactic centers and can weigh millions or even billions of times our sun's mass. The processes behind these size differences remain active areas of research.
Dance of Destruction: Black Hole Accretion Disks As black holes pull surrounding matter into their grasp, they create accretion disks – swirling discs of gas and dust. Friction and heat generated within these disks cause them to emit powerful X-rays and other forms of radiation. Studying these emissions provides insights into black hole properties and behavior.
Event Horizon Telescope: Peering into the Abyss In April 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope made history by capturing the first-ever image of the event horizon of a supermassive black hole at the center of galaxy M87. This feat involved coordinating multiple radio telescopes globally, simulating a telescope the size of Earth. The image not only confirmed the existence of black holes but also provided visual evidence of their mind-bending nature.
Hawking Radiation: Black Holes Aren't So Black Black holes aren't completely dark. According to physicist Stephen Hawking, black holes can emit radiation due to quantum effects near the event horizon. This phenomenon, known as Hawking radiation, challenges our perception of black holes as purely consuming entities. It implies that they can slowly lose mass and evaporate over time.
Black Hole Information Paradox: Cosmic Conundrum The nature of information within black holes is a conundrum known as the "black hole information paradox." According to quantum mechanics, information cannot be destroyed, yet black holes seem to violate this principle by absorbing everything that falls within their grasp. Resolving this paradox is a frontier in theoretical physics.
Black Holes and the Cosmos: Galactic Evolution and Beyond Black holes play an integral role in galactic evolution. Supermassive black holes influence their host galaxies through processes like quasars, which emit immense energy. Black hole interactions and mergers also contribute to the universe's dynamism. Understanding these roles enhances our grasp of cosmic evolution.
Beyond the Horizon: Ongoing Exploration The exploration of black holes is an ongoing endeavor, intertwining multiple disciplines, from astrophysics to quantum mechanics. As technology advances, we inch closer to unlocking the secrets of these cosmic enigmas. With initiatives like the upcoming LISA mission to detect gravitational waves from space, our understanding of black holes is poised to expand further, offering glimpses into the deepest corners of the cosmos.
In conclusion, black holes stand as some of the most enigmatic and awe-inspiring entities in the universe. Their influence stretches across space and time, defying our conventional understanding of reality. From their mysterious birth to the intricate dance of matter around them, black holes continue to challenge our intellect and inspire us to unravel the mysteries that lie within their gravitational grasp.
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Although the Inspector reckons challenging the Tinker to one of his own contests,
the Tinker decides to put on a little panto to inform Mona what happened to so many of the Inspector’s Associates.
The Tinker: ‘Zey die. Zey all die.’
The Inspector: ‘What about Susannah, Irma, Bart, Layla, Coco, Peter, Aiden, Regina, Joey, Bess, Yosif, FE-Line, Lunda, Veneziana, Thorough, Nymeria, Jeffrey, Dynamo, Chastity, Lily, Joanna, Minnie, Tillevendesuk, Suri, Gil and Tim?’
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naturepointstheway · 13 days
Was randomly thinking about how there are fics from back when yonder, where people did bodyswap fics of '98 Misto and 2019 Misto (or of multiple Mistos getting swapped around, with the aforementioned two the most common). Then I thought of Zurich Misto, who I've seen a few point out is the closest we get to 2019 Mistoffelees (but way more magically adept.) So who would have it worse/better if '19 Misto and Zurich Misto somehow swapped places (magic going awry with a loud ping, I imagine.) Bonus challenge points for Zurich Misto being entirely mute. (Also just for fun, going to think about Valentin's mute Misto from the original Vienna run too).
Zurich Misto in 2019's Cats:
RIP relationship with Rum Tum Tugger, and seeing that 2019!Tugger doesn't seem to care much for him would absolutely break his heart. Look, the Zurich production said Tuggoffelees rights and I'm here for it. So oof, ouch. Yeah this one would hurt. Ouch, ouch, oof ow that was a ventricle ouch there goes my other ventricle. Oof oh that's fine, the aorta isn't that important, anyway.
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However, MUNKUSTRAP. Munkustrap would take him under his wing no questions asked. Zurich Misto is getting all the chin lifts from Munk. I feel like Robbie Fairchild's Munk would not care that he is mute at all, and would cherish him either way. He is not gonna want to go back.
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2019 Misto in Zurich Cats (1992):
Oh no, I think this is gonna hurt even worse with Munkustrap, as this version of Munk isn't as sympathetic toward Misto (until the very end when he uses his magic to bring back Old Deut), but oh boy. This Munk would get even more annoyed with him when he can't even use his magic.
However, we do have a Tugger here who is absolutely besotted with him, and oh Lordy. He'd just die from all the love thrown at him by Tugger, especially when he DANCES WITH HIM ARM IN ARM during Growltiger, like, behold:
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I promised the original Vienna run's Valentin's Misto next, so here goes:
Valentin's mute Misto in 2019:
Okay, Valentin's Misto is mute but he is confidence AF. His Misto would have a confidence/ego dance off with Jacob Brent's '98 Misto and I'd bring the popcorn along to see those two Mistos meet, perhaps in some rift in spacetime (hey, cryptid OBC Misto? Some help here?) He is nothing if not completely confident in his abilities and is NOT afraid to show it! Robbie's Munkustrap would have a legit boner the whole film, seeing Valentin's Misto showing off and just being all round glorious.
Tugger though - it'd be disappointing to see that he doesn't seem to give much of a care for Mistoffelees, but I feel he'd still be confident either way, especially as in his case, he has a Munkustrap who likes him back in his original version as well, so he would not likely be as hurt as Zurich Misto's would be about Tugger's attitude towards him.
That being said, Valentin's Mistoffelees doesn't strike me as needing a lot of encouragement/coaxing to really get him going. He's not afraid to piss off Munkustrap during Pekes and Pollicles either, and he'll be laughing about it the whole way.
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lizzienoodles · 19 days
What's Gail and Erica's deal?
this is the correct question to ask me!!!!!!!!! 😃😃😃😃
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Erica and Gail are twin sisters who share a superpower. When they were young they were part of the Fledge Fighters team (my old webcomic.) Now that they've grown up with me I play around with them in a big Marvel AU sandbox of my own adaption.
the personalities
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Erica is bright and energetic and has so much unmedicated ADHD, loves fashion, makes friends wherever she goes, and would go to great lengths to help others, which is what makes her a great superhero but also keeps her overcommitted and overextended.
Gail is the opposite in most ways- subdued, introverted thinker, a bit of a slob, and not blessed with much (if any) natural empathy. But she's brilliant and widely knowledgeable, which you'll find out if you manage to actually get her to talk to you. She's also narcoleptic, so basically sleep deprived all the time no matter how many naps she gets.
Gail basically spent her life up to her mid-twenties doing whatever Erica wanted, and Erica put more work in fostering Gail's non-existent social life than was healthy. The two couldn't think of life without the other, and found it difficult to separate their individual needs.
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the big trauma
Then they went through a catastrophic world-ending event where they got portaled through spacetime to another universe and for the first time in their life, were separated (by a few hundred miles and about six months.) Instead of having each other for balance, they both veered harder into their opposite demeanors to the point that when they meet again after spending three years apart, they're unsure if they can ever be as close as they were when they were younger.
Erica had a bit of a crisis when she realized her sister was not anywhere on the new earth, dated Thor briefly, then ran off to join the Guardians of the Galaxy, so she was off-planet by the time Gail showed up.
When Gail found herself alone, she immediately quit the superhero thing, and became a morally-grey (at best) security specialist who works for whoever pays best or provides an interesting challenge, and gets involved with a crime boss named Valentine, who she's working for when she gets mixed up with Loki.
the powers
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When they were teen superheroes together, they thought that they just had the same powers with different specialties, but separated they also realized that it was more like they each had half of a power.
Erica can create huge air currents where none exist and control them in broad strokes. Most of the generative power comes from her. She prefers to work big, even getting to the point where she can create hurricanes. She can also fly on her own.
Gail's air manipulation comes down to directing its flow, and it takes a lot for her to actually build up a wind that could rival a large fan. She also lost the ability to fly. However she can precisely tune into the molecules and pressure, so she uses her powers to do quiet, subtle things like building up pressure in a room or redirecting an existing airflow.
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It's like you can see Gail's villain arc beginning in this moment.
Together they can create AND precisely control extremely powerful winds, but they've gotten pretty good at their solo acts by now. The whole thing with Gail becoming a villain has put a big damper on their relationship, but in the end, they're still sisters and love each other dearly.
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shuttershocky · 6 months
hey shutters, sorry for the random question, do you have a recommendation for games you can play with your non gamer relatives/friends that is not party games or similar? I wanna invite them but I'm not sure if games that has abilities, stats, equipment, etc would be good for someone who only understands button mashing in fighting games
Hmmm i will admit, not including party games makes the recommendations a bit more challenging. Additionally, couch co-op has become something of a dying breed in modern gaming which really limits what you can actually play with a friend who's visiting. Let's see.
1) Super Smash Bros — You may consider Smash to be a party game and thus disqualified, but in case you don't it would be a crime not to put it here. The series' reputation both as the ultimate party game and as a sweaty competitive game is a testament to the incredible gap between its skill floor and skill ceiling, where almost anyone able to press buttons can pick it up and have fun, but with enough depth to make it something one can really sink their teeth into if they want. Whenever I had friends and family over, this is what I would put on. The later games even support 8 player modes in case you've got a lot of friends (or in my case, cousins) over.
2) Divekick — A fighting game where everyone is KO'd in a single hit and your only buttons are dive (a jump) and kick. If all they know how to do in a fighting game is button mash, this forces everyone to play fighting games at their most basic fundamentals without needing to memorize any complex inputs, since all you can do is dive, kick, and special (dive+kick at the same time). It seems ridiculously gimmicky, but it's actually a lot of fun, and anyone of any skill level can play immediately.
3) Lethal League — A bit more complex than Divekick, but with the same basic idea of a "fighting game" that you wouldn't need to know any complex inputs for. The premise is that both of you have a bat, and there's a baseball that you can hit with the bat to KO the other player. However, you can also defend yourself from the ball by hitting it back at the enemy, making the ball go faster, until someone inevitably gets hit. This is one of my favorite indie games and a fantastic casual experience with friends.
4) Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime — a co-op space shooter for 2-4 players, LIADS sees you and your friends managing different stations of your space ship. Your job is to run from station to station, managing engines, weapons, navigation, etc in order to fly through the level and rescue your targets. It's got a little bit of a learning curve if your family members normally don't play any video games, but being a co-op instead of PVP will let you carry them along.
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agere-fandom · 8 months
caregiver!jeff winger!!
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fictional agere challenge
day 7: an “unfitting” character (a villain, someone from horror, etc) that you hc as a caregiver
note; idk if im going in the proper day order but shhhh no one needs to know. Anyway, Jeff the idiot! /hj I never really liked Jeff, but his actor is pretty cool!! But I just think he would be like, a laid back caregiver or whatever but yeah!! also I wanted to add a community character in here somewhere (out thereeee), so here you go!!
Jeff is pretty chill about being a caregiver, it's just when slowly each of the group members came to him and said they were littles, he was like "oh god, another one to look after??" and he just gets annoyed every time someone says their a regressor
He's never found himself wanting children in any way, so regressors can fill in his slot of actually wanting kids. And every time he looks after one or the whole group of them, that he always regrets him decision of ever thinking about kids LAMO
He does know he needs to be responsible for his little ones, but he finds it exhausting. So he's always going to Britta or Shirley for help, since he has no idea how to look after a mentally fuzzy kid.
Even though it's just Abed, Troy and Annie, each of them have their own thing and it's sometimes hard to look after each one of them. But all of them together is... better. Troy is mostly an older brother to Abed, so he tries his best to look after him in his own way. Annie is just a little sweetheart who tries to follow along with the older two. But she's just in her own little mind.
⬇️ The one Jeff likes the most, is Annie. Mostly because she's the only peaceful little and doesn't create problems. He's just got to look out for when she runs off to touch something... which is all the time. So she's stuck in his lap, which she doesn't mind
As he slowly did start looking after them more, he realized that being a caregiver wasn't so bad. And he actually started to take his roll more seriously as time went on. He still doesn't like looking after them with how easily tired he gets, but he still manages, somehow
Britta made him a swear jar because he wouldn't stop cussing accidently around the kids when they were regressed. And it's actually made him stop swearing so much, mostly because he doesn't want to pay anything, but if it ends up getting full, he'll take the littles out for a meal or something
He's not the most creative or imaginative caregiver, but he'll act so. Like when Annie wants to do arts and crafts, Jeff would usually hand her over to Britta or Shirley, but where their not there, he just nods because he doesn't want her in tears... again. With Troy and Abed and the dreamatorium and such, he doesn't like to get into their whole smuck, but he'll watch them go on their wacky adventures with Inspector Spacetime or whatever superhero stuff Abed wants to do
He's the WORST at punishments. He's like, if he just left a kid with an ipad all day, or never was responsible enough to actually give into punishments. So he's not the best at controlling littles... so he's basically on his heels all day until naptime or bedtime
⬇️ "Watch your step- hey!" "Don't you throw that." "Stop running, you two!" "Annie, don't eat that-!" "Stop screaming! I'm trying to put Annie down for her nap!" "Stay quiet and sit down." "How are you not happy? I just got your dam- your snacks!" "Don't you say that word! And please don't say it around Britta..."
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