#specifically the ones in comic risky
littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
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Koakuma Kyoushi SAIKO[小悪魔教師サイコ]: (Devilish)Seductress Teacher SAIKO
Ijou Shitaikaibou FILE[異常死体解剖ファイル]: Abnormal Autopsy FILE
Saikin Shoujo[細菌少女] Germ Girl
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Kaseifu no BUKIMI[家政婦のブキミ]: The Maid's Spookiness
Watashi no Kazoku Shiiku Nikki[わたしの家族飼育日記]: My Family Rearing Diary
Sensei wa Kami-sama desu[先生は神様です]: Teacher is God
Satsujin PIERROT no Shitsumon[殺人ピエロの質問]: Murder Clown's Question
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ratcash-wasgud · 2 months
okay gang, hear me out. ik most ppl who follow me are here for bes but PLLLLSSSSS
this came to me in a dream and i feel like i would fail as prophet if i didn't deliver it
anyways, enjoy.
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art major!ellie x reader vs rugby player!abby x reader.
a.n.:Okay, before we start, the reader will get a little specific (like in my other works, lmao). plus tw for homophobia.
Part 2 is done!!!
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"Ellie Williams"
Ellie started at her own signature under a painting in the hall of the school. Her college had a small exhibition of the art major student's works, and she submitted a painting of a flower she saw in the nearby park, and the butterfly which is supposed to symbolize...well, you. When other people ask, it symbolizes love and freedom though, but it's wings are strangely the same colour as your eyes, and it's spots are the same as your hair.
She only chose this painting because she somehow hoped you'd come, compliment her painting, then she'll ask you out on a date to her favourite cafe, then boom! Marriage. Or that's Dina's plan, actually. Ellie knew it was stupid. You'd never like her. Why? Easy. Abby Anderson has her eyes on you as well, and who wouldn't chose the female rugby team's captain? Exactly.
Even if Abby is straight, Ellie sees the was she looks at you. You are the that cute girl who hangs around campus alone, reading a book, wearing headphones, or just casually taking pictures of flowers and bugs. Nobody could resist your cuteness, and Ellie feels like the whole thing is a personal attack towards her. She tried talking to you a couple times, and turns out you're also very friendly. She has a couple common interests with you, like comic books. Life was good for a couple days when she could just randomly bump into you (tottaly not on purpose), holding a comic you purposely talked about, then she could blow away almost two hours for you and her nerding out about said comic. But then?
Abby came in the picture. She suddenly started to appear next to you on multiple occasions, throwing her meaty arms around you, doing that stupid, cocky smirk of hers. And what do you do? You giggle at her stupid jokes.
What Ellie didn't know, on the other hand, is that Abby was nothing like how people precieved her as. Yeah, sure, she was a rugby player who was kind of a jock, but she wasn't cocky. If anything, she was more like a big puppy, who happened loved hamburgers and tackling people. It's not her fault it's fun. She also happened to like pretty girls.
Not the girls the rugby team would usually get associated with, the ones with short skirts, perfect hair or long, clack-y nails. She did like those things though, but she learned that she has a type.
A type for cute girls with a nose and eyes that wrinkle up when they smile, who paint cute shit on their nails, and the ones who still own, and name their stuffed animals. And surprise surprise, you fit that type perfectly.
Abby knew that too. That's why she got attached to your hip out of the blue. She found out about you through Mel, who was her roomate and your coworker at your partime job at this rundown diner.
But Abby knew she had to stay in her lane. She comes from a small town, full of old fashioned people, so she knows how little the chance is of you actually being into women. She never did anything risky or too touchy. Plus, she was kind of knew into this whole gay thing. She realized stuff kind of late. She has a disadvantage against all the cool gay women she say around campus, proudly wearing their pride pins, or holding hands in the halls.
She thinks if she did anything like that, she'd just get called a dyke by her teammates and her family. She never even did anything with a woman before. She knows how to do it, obviously she has internet, but still...just the thought of actually owning a strap kind of makes her nervous.
But Ellie knows what's up. She had a girlfriends before. She even owns toys just for the purpose of pleasing women. She's even out, so most people know about her lesbian intentions when she talks to a girl she finds attractive. But not withouth a price though. She did get called slurs before, and by Abby's circle too, so she has solid reasons to hate the whole friendgrounp. Even if Abby herself never said anything, she still stood there, arms crossed and eyebrows scrunched up. And now, she tries to cling to the one girl Ellie had a genuine crush on since highschool? That's not fair. It's targeted, even.
It has to a be a hatecrime or something.
"It's the library, not a gym, Anderson. You must be confused, get lost." Ellie says with a scowl as she puts her finger between the pages of a comic book she has been explaining to you.
It's the first time she had found you alone in weeks, and she just has to spawn herself into the situation. Of course.
"Oh, get fucked, Williams." Abby shoots her a glare before putting her hand on the table you two are sitting at, and looming behind you. "Sorry, I was rudely interrupted before I could...you know, say hi." She says to you with a corny smile.
Ellie can't help but roll her eyes.
"Hi to you too." You smile lightly, putting your own comic book into your lap. You're especially pretty today, Abby thinks. She wonders if it's because of someone.
"So...you know, I was wondering if you'd wanna...uhh..." Abby takes a deep breath as she rubs her arm, but doing as casually as she can. "Come with me to that cute lil' diner down the street. I actually have a cupon for free milkshakes."
Ellie purses her lips and glares.
"She works at a diner, dumbass, I don't think she wants to spend her free time in one too," She says, now the page of the comic is forgotten as she crosses her arms. "I'm sure she'd like a place like...the amusement park more. It just happens that I have tickets for the weekend." Boom. Ellie smirks internally.
"The amusement park?" You perk up, cute bambi eyes widening. You seemed to like that idea. "Yeah! We should go together." You smile and Ellie feels like a whole storm just blew a bunch of flowers into her face. It's lovely, really. Until, "Right, Abby?"
Huh? You meant...all three of you?
Abby looks just as shocked as Ellie, and does her best to act nonchalant. "Yeah, sure. But I won't carry you after you die on a rollercoaster." She snickers, shooting Ellie a siteating grin.
Both women knew they couldn't decline this stupid three-way date, since they couldn't actually invite you anywhere on their own. So, amusement park it was.
The weekend came, and to you, it was such a nice day. You didn't have friends ever since you started college, but now, you actually felt appritiated. Like you belong.
It started with you meeting Ellie at the diner, then Abby coming to pick both of you up with her truck. The day was spent with you convinving both of them for silly rides you wanted to try. The problem was, that there were usually 2 people fitting seats. You didn't want either of them to feel left out, so you made them sit together, and you sat before them. The whole day felt like a damn comedy.
"Look, churros!" You cheer as you spot a booth with one of your favourite snacks after not really eating anything that day. Ellie, almost throwing up after that last ride, grimaces at the sight, while Abby steps forward, already reaching for her wallet.
"Want me to buy you some?" She asks, standing beside you as she points at one of the flavors. Meanwhile, Ellie suddenly perks up, not wanting to get left behind. "I could get you a slushie to go along with it. Churros here are usually pretty dry." Abby rewards this attemt with a side-eye.
Then a pair of men, holding hands, also approach the booth, smiling to eachother and discussing what they should get. Abby glances their way, seeing their way of holding eachother's hands, and she reaches out slowly, her hand brushing against your's, just when a middle aged man walks by the booth, and sadly opens his mouth. "Fags nowadays. They're everywhere, damn it. There's kids here."
Abby suddenly freezes. Her hand imidiately back in her pocket, and she just stares at her wallet. She feels her feet grow roots into the ground, and suddenly she hears the same phrase in her father's voice. This is a random Saturday, the sun is shining, there are people in love, but it's still...
"Your breath is everywhere too dude. What a stench" Ellie's voice brings her back to reality, and her snaps at the auburn haired woman, fearlessly, glaring at the man.
She didn't know Williams could be...brave? Mmm, not the right word. Proud? Maybe.
Meanwhile, Ellie is fuming. This random ass dude tries to ruin her only chance she has with her crush by ruining the whole mood. She's not having that. She sees the two guys glance at her, and send a smile her way as she flips the middle aged bigot off one last time before he disappears.
She quickly jerks her face back to you, and what she sees it...Abby with tears shimmering in her eyes, and you standing befor her, cupping her face and stroking her arm. It's a horrible sight. Your soft hands don't belong on that burly surfice. Ellie feels like she's left behind.
Meanwhile Abby is panicking. It's over, you saw her cry, she must be the lamest person ever right now. She has embarrased herself before the first girl she has ever liked just because she's a coward, because even the hint of being judged that way scares her to death.
In the end, both women's worst fears somehow came true.
Ellie losing to Abby, while Abby losing to her fears. What a tragedy.
But you? To you, this day was the realest thing you have felt since college started. You have learned that the nerdy art student is fierce, and that the captain of the rugby team can cry. You are attached now, and there's no escape.
Meanwhile Ellie and Abby feel like sinking into the ground with broken hopes, they don't know that you will ask to hang out again pretty soon.
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Hello! I need some advice on how to deal with something in my story. CW for mentions of violence. This takes place in a medieval high fantasy setting in a rural village, and it's going to be a comic.
I have a character who was injured during a sword fight. She developed PTSD from this (along with another unrelated, separate incident which isn't relevent here).
CW for brief mentions of violence, description of panic attacks.
I'm gonna try and condense this so it's not 20 paragraphs of nonsense:
She actually copes with her PTSD relatively well, and is only triggered in specific situations which are not common occurences.
She lives in a rural village with one healer who has advised her on healthy coping mechanisms, but does not have the time/experience to act as a therapist.
At one point in the story, she starts becoming closer to another character she needs to work with, and they spar with each other.
He swings a sword near her face, which triggers a PTSD flashback. (Her face was previously wounded in a sword fight). He does not know she has PTSD or would be triggered by this, it's a complete accident. All he knew is that she had a scar on her face from something.
There are other characters in the story with facial scars from things like slipping and falling or cleft lip repair surgeries so he just assumes hers is from something like that.
After realizing that something's wrong he immediately stops sparring with her. He doesn't have PTSD but he does have severe anxiety and panic attacks and he recognizes that she's freaking out.
I have anxiety so I know what a panic attack is like, but I don't have PTSD so I'm not sure what a flashback is like.
When I have a panic attack, I get severe tunnel vision and my ears ring to the point everything sounds muffled. I also sometimes shake/shiver violently and feel like I'm going to faint if I don't sit down immediately.
Would the flashback look/feel similar to that?
How fast would she be able to recover or realize that she's not in any danger?
Would she be able to communicate to her friend what's happening and what he can do to help?
Would asking him to just sit with her and hold her be okay/make sense? She also has autism and she likes to be squished and hugged tightly, it makes her feel secure and safe.
I can recover from panic attacks pretty quickly and then maybe feel only a little bit off for the rest of the day, but I don't know if she would be able to do the same after a flashback.
Also, there's one last thing I'm debating on whether or not I want to happen:
The character is fighter and it's a HUGE danger for her to be having a flashback in the middle of a battle. She (or someone else) could die if she's unable to fight.
Since the village healer can't help much, would it make sense for her to sort of DIY exposure therapy?
Obviously in real life this would be risky, but the character really has no other choice in this scenario and, to be honest, it's entirely in character for her to say "Fuck you, I'm doing this my way."
I'm going to read a couple papers on it to see exactly how it works and what she might do, but my main concern is that it would end up being weird, I guess?
She asks her two friends to help, one of which is the man she was sparring with (and later falls in love with).
Obviously, he's not actually her therapist, but I'm worried people will read it and go "Omg unhealthy relationship! Power imbalance! Therapist is fucking the patient! Evil!" but Idk, maybe I've spent too much time around fandom discourse lmao.
A few more questions:
Do you have any other advice or things I should keep in mind about her PTSD, like (healthy) ways she might cope with it?
With enough time and therapy, will she be able to sort of feel "normal" and have so few symptoms that she no longer meets the diagnostic criteria, or is she just sort of stuck with everything?
Is there anything I've written about her PTSD that is inaccurate or that could be done differently?
I'm so, so sorry that this got so long. Hopefully breaking it up into bullet points helped. Please take all the time you need to respond <3
First of all love the use of bullet points. It was incredibly helpful and I appreciate it! Many of these questions don't have one straight forward easy answer. PTSD varies a lot from person to person and even day to day or moment to moment. There is no one answer to “How fast would she be able to recover or realize that she's not in any danger?” and “Would she be able to communicate to her friend what's happening and what he can do to help?” Recovering could take minutes to days. She might be able to speak fluently or not at all. That’s sort of up to you. 
There are different types of flashbacks and they will feel different to different people. These several links may be useful to you. Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4
So with the exposure therapy, you are right. It would be really risky. I don’t think it’s a matter of "Fuck you, I'm doing this my way." The risk here is that it’s entirely possible that it would make her PTSD worse rather than better. It’s not a fast process either, it takes time. Why can’t there be a therapist near her? 
The character asking him to just sit with her and hold her would be okay and definitely could make sense. 
My answer for “Do you have any other advice or things I should keep in mind about her PTSD, like (healthy) ways she might cope with it?” Honestly just do your research! Learn about how people with PTSD cope and experience the world. There are lots of personal records available on the internet. Maybe even look at the PTSD section of the DSM. 
“With enough time and therapy, will she be able to sort of feel "normal" and have so few symptoms that she no longer meets the diagnostic criteria, or is she just sort of stuck with everything?” The answer is likely something in between the two. It is unlikely she will ever be cured of PTSD. However, given time and help she can find ways to cope and have a happy life. Her happy life might never be able to involve sword fighting, maybe it doesn’t look “normal” but she can live a happy satisfying life without being cured. 
Now on your last point. I have some concerns when you say “The character is a fighter and it's a HUGE danger for her to be having a flashback in the middle of a battle. She (or someone else) could die if she's unable to fight.” First, this is a harmful trope of disability representation in media. It’s not great to treat disability as an active liability/threat. We also don’t need to moralize symptoms. To quote another mod “Flashbacks suck but they happen…having a character with significant PTSD never have flashbacks…is not super realistic especially if…she's retraumatizing herself by being in an environment similar to where the trauma happened”
If she knows she's being triggered by battles why does she keep fighting? I don’t understand why she would take the risk of retraumatizing herself in such a high-stakes situation. Especially because from the sound of things she’s coping well and knows about her symptoms. 
Thank you for your question. I hope this was helpful. 
-Mod Patch
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zukosdualdao · 6 months
i don’t like it when people call zuko stupid/dumb, etc. for many of the same reasons other people don’t (it’s generally ableist to make fun of people for lack of intelligence, but it makes me especially uncomfortable when part of the abuse zuko has suffered is specifically being treated like he is by ozai (and azula, who obviously learned this behavior from her father and seems to delight in being able to manipulate zuko so well when that is, of course, an effect of trauma.)
but i ALSO don’t like it because it doesn’t actually match up with what we see about him in the show. zuko, at multiple points, is able to logically assess information and react accordingly, use his bending and general combat skills and environment creatively, and when he is actively trying to grow and change, gets a lot better at emotional insight with both himself and others.
(moments that come to mind re: some of these abilities are when he’s looking for iroh in the first winter solstice episode, one of his crew members sees the spot where iroh was taken and assumes there was a landslide, and zuko is immediately like “no, land doesn’t slide uphill, he was taken by earthbenders.” also i think about him sliding the table between him and jet before their epic sword fight all the time. LOVE a character who is resourceful in their fight sequences. another is in boiling rock when they escape the prison but still need to get off the island, and zuko stops and deduces that azula must have gotten there somehow and then quickly finds the airship that they use for the rest of their escape.)
i think part of this idea comes from iroh telling zuko he doesn’t think things through and zuko later taking that to heart, and there is an element of truth to this, but i think it’s actually somewhat of an oversimplification on iroh’s part (and therefore in common fandom interpretation of zuko as a character.)
the thing is, some of the things zuko does that people deem ‘stupid’ are actually just showcasing that the tunnel vision he succumbs to when desperate makes him not only cause harm to others, but himself, because he becomes actively careless about his own life and general well-being.
for instance, a scene i see people attribute to zuko not being smart a lot is when he breaks into the nwt by following the turtle seals under frozen pathways. and i disagree! this is simultaneously really clever (zuko is #very good at breaking and entering) and very reckless. (he is very desperate by this point, even moreso than he has been all season, because his resources have pretty much vanished, with zhao having his ship exploded and commandeering his crew.)
and the line he has here shows that he actually is thinking about the logical consequences of this potentially very dangerous course of action: “they have to be coming up for air somewhere.” it’s not that he doesn’t think about what could happen next, it’s that to him, the risk seems worth the reward. and when he gets desperate enough, he decides his options are “figure it out as i go” or “die trying.”
and like. that is, to me, a more interesting trait, and also deeply concerning! i don’t read zuko as actively suicidal in the show canon — the comics are a whole different beast we won’t talk about today — but it is certainly risky, self-destructive behavior that is like… just to the left of passive suicidal ideation.
that’s also why i think iroh probably knows he’s oversimplifying a little in his assessment of zuko not thinking things through. because it’s a lot easier to tell himself that the nephew he loves dearly just isn’t thinking things through than actively devaluing his own safety to this degree. it’s also part of why he becomes so adamantly, deeply concerned (to the point of sounding almost stern) when zuko despairs that “there’s no hope at all” in book two. because once you give up on there being any hope left in the world or in your own life, it becomes a lot easier for those semi-passive self-destructive behaviors to become a lot more active.
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
I know it's rare for ANY translation to do so, especially English to/from Japanese since the languages are so dissimilar, but can you think of any time where a translation added to a scene, or made it better in your opinion?
Oh plenty of times! There’s even one in this chapter. I try to call them out when I notice them because I appreciate them myself. I don’t have a specific tag for them, though.
The thing is…
Sorry, Anon. You accidentally triggered one of my rants. If you just wanted an answer it's up there ⬆️
Good translations are not rare. Good translations aren’t even rare in manga anymore. The reason a lot of people think of all translations as bad is because people used to not take translations of manga seriously. They wouldn’t give it any care or attention, they’d just whip off whatever sounded close enough, and if they got whole-ass words wrong here or there then it didn’t really matter. Because it’s just comics, right? Who cares about that kiddie crap.
Translation - good translation - is HARD. It’s not just understanding two languages. Linguistic differences between source and translated language are not the reasons translations turn out bad. It’s cultural differences. You have to understand the literature and art and history of both languages, because that informs the environment that the author wrote in and the environment the readers are reading in. You have to make sure someone can just pick it up and read. Giving people cultural context in asides and footnotes and a glossary is great and all, but the experience of reading should be about the TEXT, not about the language. A good translator has to know about cultural and regional backgrounds and tensions in both languages.
Turning a Kansai accent into a Southern accent is a great example of what NOT to do, because the two regions have vastly different cultures that aren’t comparable. An easy illustration is that the stereotype about Southerners is they’re very polite and gracious and charming and speak slowly, while the stereotype about people from Kansai is they’re blunt and aggressive and outgoing and speak fast. But it was the industry standard for years to just slap a “funny accent” on any character speaking with a dialect.
On top of all of those concerns, comics has the additional limitation of space. The translation must meet all of the previous requirements, and also fit into a speech bubble. There is no getting around that. You have to sacrifice meaning somewhere in situations like that, and in an ongoing series with as many twists and late reveals as One Piece it can be hard to guess which word is the one that is crucial to the plot.
There are times I definitely think the translators did a great job, it's usually most noticeable with wordplay and puns, but I'm not sure "better than the original" is how I'd describe that. I think it’s very risky for a translator to try to make the work “better.” The original Swedish translation of Dracula did that back in the day and what they wound up publishing was basically fanfic. (It’s supposed to be really fucking good, though. It just has no more than a passing resemblance to Dracula.)
What does “better” look like? Is it when everything makes sense and is easy to read? But maybe the author wanted this scene to be challenging so you’d slow down and think about it. Is it when you take that random joke out of the serious scene? But maybe that joke was there to balance out the tension of the scene. Is it when the characters always act the way you expect them to? But characters, like people, have contradictions and inconsistencies, and if you take those out the character will be flat and boring.
That’s why I think a good translation is one where the translator is invisible. If they’ve done their job right, you should never think about them. But then, if they’re that good, it’s easy to forget how hard they work to get the product that good. And that’s when people start to think we don’t need translators, we have language learning models and machine translation… But that’s a different rant for another time.
Side note, Viz still pays actual human translators for their work. So do Yen Press and Seven Seas, last time I checked. I’m not about to tell you to NOT pirate shit, but if you buy one of their books you’re actually paying for a person to translate it.
Anyway, sorry/thank you for giving me an opportunity to rant about this. As you can see, it means a lot to me.
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mrplantfr · 22 days
(TW: Mentions of religion, murder)
*Was diagnosed with ADHD/ Autism at a very young age, but it took a really long while since he had to constantly write stuff in pen instead of talking.
*Has hated pens since he first learned to write because his shaky hands write terribly in pen.
*Despite not being able to talk, he can laugh, scream, and hum. He really likes stimming by laughing because it feels like the one chance he gets to sort of talk. (That felt really sad-)
*Grew up in a Christian household, and even though he isn't religious now, when he's really scared he'll pray just in case. (I'm really sorry if that came off as disrespectful or anything, please let me know if it did I'm not Christian so I wouldn't know that well)
*Has really noticeable eye bags due to his lack of sleep, when he was a teen he used to put some of his mom's makeup on that specific part to cover it up but stopped after he got bullied for it.
*He was definitely a mama's boy and still is, he visits her weekly to take care of her and Emails her often to talk with her.
*Is a workaholic to a dangerous level but can never keep a job as he always murders someone in the end.
*His special interest is knifes, he has a lot for cooking and eating, along with to kill people. He always looks for new ones whenever he can, like a kid in a candy store but he limits himself to only buy 2 at a time. He also looks up facts and articles about them a lot, it feels very comforting to him.
*Speaking of knifes, he cooks really well! Ask him to make anything and he'll be amazing at it to a whole new level. He has at least 2 cabinets filled to the brim with spices and herbs and tea packets. Whenever Argos comes over he likes to bake some new treat he learned how to bake and insist he tries it. (They're usually French or Italian)
*He has a Funk Pop Keychain he got in High School of Deadpool and pirated all the movies with it and read all the comics as a kid. He knows the second one word- for- word and summarizes the movies and stuff when he's bored.
*He has very good hygiene to an impressive level, and he still has one of those hand sanitizer rubber things from a few years back. He has a weird habit of carrying around tooth picks despite not being able to open his mouth.
*He'll grab onto Argos' hand and just start squeezing it out of nowhere. Don't ask why, not even he knows. Not like he could answer anyway.
*He watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force as a kid (if ykyk) and his favorite was always Master Shake because of his voice and risky humor.
*When he uses a computer he always minimalizes tabs, never keeping an unnecessary one open because he gets really frustrated at computer lag. He also plays music on one tab when he wears headphones. And his favorite game to play on it is Yandere Simulator because he likes to make all the characters really upset at his answers. (Took inspo from Ashur Ghravi there)
*He always picks at his fingers when he gets stressed. He tried a picky pad but he hated the noise the beads made and the texture of the silicone so he threw it away along with his other failed attempts at stopping the habit. He gets really insecure when people talk about his hands, he always thought they were too boney and cold for anyone including himself to like them. (He cries when they leave him alone after)
*When talking music his favorite artists are John Leher, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, and Lemon Demon. (Don't tell him he has to pick just one.) He really likes music from the 70s - 90s music, old- times music always brings him nostalgia from his parents and grandparents playing it when he was little, it brings back memories to playing around in the summer heat and relaxing at home.
*He enjoys dressing simple a lot because it feels like he doesn't have to worry about dressing himself too much. But he ADORES looking at really stylized outfits, the more complicated the better! He watches Rupaul's Drag Race so he can judge the outfits along with the actual judges (But who doesn't???)
*He's grown really good at slow dancing over the years. But he always waits for someone (Argos) to ask if he wants to dance because he doesn't want to seem like he's showing off. But when I tell you he feels like a brand new person, swaying along with the music, taking in every word and step and tap while he dances, I mean he feels like he could become the next background dancer for Mitski. And he feels so proud of himself for that!
*Hes definitely a salty over sweet kinda guy, with sugar he can only take so much of it before he has to be excused. Yk? Thats why him and Argos always go to the same place, because he feels like when he knows what he can get each time he can prepare himself more for what he will eat. (In other words, safe food) And when I tell you he gets picky about food, I don't mean he only eats a handful of things and refuses anything else. No. I mean he's a.. Selective eater. Like, he loves trying new foods and he's willing to try anything. But for example, let's say that he hates mustard (same) and you give him something with mustard. Now, he will eat it and be nice about it, but that doesn't mean he'll enjoy eating it. Got what I'm tryna say? Okay.
*He loves watching old black & white films to try and decipher their 1900s talk to now. He often has to pause the movie to look up what certain words mean, but usually he knows what they're saying and he just laughs along about it.
(WRITER TALKING) Okay, so, thanks for reading this!!! I really hope you liked it! :0 I adore TWOMP so much its ridiculous, but I obviously have a favorite. Mr.Plant is honestly the most relatable character I've ever seen in my life, everything about him makes me go "HE'S SO ME!!!!!" if I'm honest. Anyway, I hope you liked it. Bye. :3
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peachdoxie · 6 months
I don't think I ever really processed the trauma I went through in OCD treatment and reblogging that comic about OCD the other day really triggered me and arghhhhhhh I don't know what to do about it. Thoughts I guess.
The main thing is like, any time I would express doubts that I actually have OCD, my therapist (who specialized in OCD) would tell me that doubting that I have OCD is actually a very common symptom of OCD, and it felt like he refused to actually listen to my doubts when I was like "my avoidance happens because there's some block in my brain that I can't get past and it's not rooted in anxiety."
Like, because he thought I had OCD that meant that any thought or behavior I expressed automatically was because of OCD and not like, adhd, autism, fibromyalgia, sensory processing disorder, etc. It felt like my only options were to agree with him (which I didn't want to do because I don't!) or continue arguing and therefore just confirm what he already thought.
And like honestly it made me almost question my sense of reality when I was like "I'm avoiding this thing because I'm worried the physical exertion will trigger an asthma attack or tachycardia event or fibromyalgia flare up or migraine" and he'd be like "but what if it doesn't and you're fine?" and I was like "I can't take that risk because of how long it takes me to recover from these health issues" then he'd say "OCD treatment is about learning that you can and have to work through discomfort and, yes, even pain" and honestly if not for the fact that I have a strong sense of self and years of experience to back this up, I might have started to doubt that my health issues were really as bad (even though they are!) as I was perceiving them.
Like one exercise I had to do was increase my anxiety (to show myself that I can handle anxiety) by hyperventilating through a coffee stirrer for a set number of seconds, and I was supposed to do it even if I was going to black out but when I said I felt like that was too risky for me because of the aforementioned health issues (the tachycardia especially) he just kept trying to convince me to do it even though I kept saying I don't think I should!
And he kept suggesting things to convince me to do tasks, like if I don't do xyz by our next appointment I have to donate ALL of my savings to a political cause I disagree with, and I was like "that just creates more anxiety for me because I genuinely do not think I can do this thing because my brain won't let me!" That was the last session I saw him because I cancelled after that.
Honestly I think the main reasons OCD therapy was so traumatic for me were 1) I constantly felt invalidated when I expressed concerns and 2) I was being misinterpreted by someone who refused to listen to me. That second one is something that actually really bothers me a lot and some of the biggest falling outs I've had with friends in high school were when they misinterpreted something I said as malicious and used it against me. But the invalidation of my concerns goes right along with it.
The thing is too the part of me that does have perseverance and anxiety—not the logical side of me, that is—still worries that maybe he was right all along and I do have OCD and all of my problems are just because I don't think I can do something so I don't, even though my logical brain can point to all of the evidence contrary to that worry.
Like yeah, I do have intrusive thoughts that cause my anxiety, but I'm pretty good at handling them. And my avoidance is based in past experience of "if I trigger one of my health issues by doing one of these specific things that have triggered them in the past, it will make the rest of my week very difficult as I struggle to recover and play catch-up." It's like, what anxiety I have is most often based in very real, very tangible worries—and even now, I'm struggling not to start spiraling about it, so I'll stop before I get there.
Tbh the only good thing to come out of those six months of hell was the conclusion that the vast majority of my problems aren't caused by anxiety and that there is something else going on, whether it's autism, adhd, fibromyalgia, or whatever. I'm not sure it outweighs the trauma, but hey I learned something I guess.
Tbh I try not to be too pissed at myself for seeking OCD treatment in the first place and basically wasting my leave of absence by making minimal progress. I decided to listen to the therapist who diagnosed me (different from the OCD treatment therapist) instead of going with my idea of seeking help from an autism/adhd therapist, because I tend to defer to authorities on things like that—though I will say, the negativity and fearmongering on Tumblr around getting autism/adhd diagnoses certainly didn't help.
I think overall it's frustrating because I will never get closure with the OCD therapist. He will always have misinterpreted me and refused to listen to me, and I'll just have to live with that.
It's also frustrating because I don't think either therapist necessarily did anything wrong, per se, since they were looking at what evidence they had from their experience in their fields, which certainly biased them—and they both admitted to me that they don't know much about autism or adhd, and I should have taken that as a yellow flag and bailed sooner—and I'm going to shut up because the spiral is starting again.
Anyway if you read all this, thanks I guess. I'm mostly just train of thought writing to get the thoughts out of my head (perseveration is a symptom of OCD but also of adhd/autism and I need to keep reminding myself that). Please don't give me advice or suggest I reach out to either therapist please. Compassion only.
Please also don't try to convince me that I do have OCD because I don't need someone encouraging my anxiety spiral.
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yusuke-of-valla · 4 days
Good morning it's Alto's morning hot take time?
One of the worst things to happen to video games is people buying corporate attempts to homogenize games hook line and sinker.
Like if you hear someone say "I'm so happy Final Fantasy moved away from old fashioned turn-based gameplay to modern action gameplay," they are a mark.
Because game companies absolutely benefit from convincing people that one specific type of game is Good and Modern and Worth $100 because that means they only need one game and only need people with narrow skill sets! They only need to throw money at one type of game because everyone agrees the best type of game is a photorealistic open world action game! Why invest in anything else? That might be risky! (This is sarcasm)
This isn't actually unique to video games I just notice it the most with video games just because it CAN be harder to carve out a niche for specific genres compared to like Movies or books or comics. But medium homogenization is always bad and the next time someone says one mechanic/style/genre or whatever is better than the other throw salt in their face to purify them of the evil.
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o-uncle-newt · 10 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 4: Douz
OK so after my previous posts, where I was like "well these episodes aren't fully baked yet but soon we'll get to Douz which is where it gets really good," I kind of knew that I'd have to describe WHY I think that once I got here. So here's my attempt.
First of all, that's not to say that this is fully matured Cabin Pressure. The show builds and builds on itself and in my opinion consistently gets better. But I do think that Douz has some things that the prior episodes don't:
The obvious one is that we first see the cracks in MJN Air. Carolyn is vulnerable for the first time on the show (and TBH probably the first time ever? lol) and we now know not only that Carolyn's a bit of a tartar about money, but that she has to be to keep the company going.
Plus, Douglas now knows what the real stakes are, because now HIS job is on the line too- so he can't just mess around as easily with Martin anymore to sabotage him in revenge, like he did here by planting the idea in Martin's head that Jutteau was trying to scam him and sitting back to await the disaster. There's a boundary now- his revenge or hijinks can't risk the operation of the airline. We also now know that it's not just that there's a general power struggle and Douglas tends to be pretty sneaky- we know that Douglas is the guy who always has a plan, and that's a role he's going to stay in for the rest of the show.
A lot of this does end up coming down to Yves Jutteau just being kind of an amazing cartoon villain, and that's one of the great things that allows the zaniness of the plot to work. Not to ruminate excessively over Cremona, but that one fell flat to me plot wise, partly because it felt just a bit too complicated and contrived. The Douz plot is less complicated (it also doesn't have a B plot, besides for Arthur taking the airline photo, but everything has more space to breathe), and I think it's paced a bit better so that it feels like a relatively natural setup, but in some ways the ending is equally unlikely, if not more so- why is it a massive legality problem to take off but not to DRIVE AN AIRPLANE ON A HIGHWAY?! (After looking on Google Maps, Douz to Qibili is moving AWAY from the desert TOWARD more populated areas, so it seems kind of risky.) That's where Jutteau is so brilliant, and Hester Macaulay fell short- she was just an unpleasant woman, and Jutteau is a cackling adversary- and incidentally also played HILARIOUSLY by John Sessions. When you're dealing with the fallout for a situation involving a normal-scale unpleasant woman, you expect that fallout to feel normal-scaled; when your adversary is a veritable comic book baddie, the big daring escape can feel more cartoonish in scope.
So basically what we have now is- the show's still growing and changing, but now we know that the existence of this airline is going to be the thing that drives them forward. (Well, not Martin, exactly, because as of two episodes ago he was looking for other jobs- but he's always going to do his best anyway, and we don't know yet that he's not being paid here.) Douglas and Carolyn, both VERY strong personalities, know that they will sometimes have to sublimate themselves for the sake of the airline- which is basically doing that for each other and for the other members of the team. (Arthur, of course, benefits from this because we already kind of know that this is the sort of guy who's living his best life and that shouldn't be fucked up for him.)
Which means that something really important has had ground laid here- the idea that they all need each other, rely on each other, and are all identified with this airline/airdot. And where would the rest of the show be without that?
Also, at some point this will stop being the kind of thing that's specifically noticeable to point out, but Benedict Cumberbatch by now has gotten veritably enthusiastic in the credits! It's very fun.
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are breakdown and KO a couple already or are they getting there ?
Breakdown and KO are not a current couple in Of Timelines and Trolleys at this time.
Yes, yes, I hear y'all, but let me explain. I am aware these are some of the gayest bots present and are very obviously (and confirmed in a comic) to be Conjux Enduras/married.
They still have the hots for each other, are clearly connected, and are still partners, but they are not bonded in my fic currently for a few reasons.
Bonding is risky.
In OT&T, I do employ spark bonds and subsequently, the phenomena of spark connections. This may or may not be relevant to the main plot. Connections that can share emotions, memories, energy, and Conjux Endura's are included in the bond types that have that sharing effect. 'Caus you're literally bonding your souls. So, in wartime, just as the production of sparklings would be frowned upon (and later impossible due to the Allspark issue) creating that type of bond would also be looked down on. Don't want half your soldiers dying of sparkbreak, sergeant! It's a two-for-one hit!
Consequently, even as the war has dragged on for millennia, they are still at war with the same directives. Considering KO and Breakdown met as Decepticons during the conflict, they've never had a chance to become an exception via holding a predating bond.
2. Cultural effects of the war
So, yes, they aren't bonded but that doesn't mean they couldn't be a couple right? Just perpetually dating until the war ends, and they can make it official right? Yes! Kinda!
So, since the war has been so long-standing, to the point where Bumblebee and Smokescreen's generation don't remember a pre-conflict Cybertron and most other bots (as Airachnid's derision of Starscream's boasting he was a "Supreme Air Commander" before the war implies) see Golden Age Cybertron as a far off era. War protocol has become their culture to a very large extent. This means that to most except ye oldies, the concept of spark bonding also seems relatively archaic. But on top of that, the concept of bonds at all (specifically for a dog-eat-dog command like the Decepticons) is basically unheard of. Literal or emotional. Death is constant, loss is constant, and individual is expected to pick themselves up and keep going if someone they know is terminated. Sure, vengeance on behalf of that individual is acceptable, but it's not the standard. Even in the original show, Knockout had to wait until Cylas was no longer useful to Megatron before he could get his saw in there, and even then it was under the guise of "research" for the cause. Was it an act of vengeance? Yes. Did it have to be justified for the cause? Also yes. Dreadwing also had to deal with this but without the capacity of properly being able to give a reason for his actions beyond "He Killed My Twin." Murdering OP and Bee was okay, because they were already the enemy, murdering Starscream was not because Screamer was offering something to Megatron.
I think the Autobots in general are a bit better about this, but there's still a decent bit of emotional constipation; it's a war front, you keep fighting and surviving, or you join them in their grave. Arcee has to do this with the death of her partner, Wheeljack does this with the death of Seaspray, and later at Bulk's injury. There's time to grieve, yes, but that doesn't change the fact that missions still need to be completed, or that someone else is ready to kill you should your guard be low.
The Decepticons, at least in the version I'm writing, have none of that. They cannot afford to appear weak or have a weakness, or they could be killed/used by their own side. Starscream is the scrapping SIC and is technically Megatron's successor and he is a walking reminder that no one is immune to this pecking order. It's a cycle of abuse that is continually reinforced. So for that reason, Knockout and Breakdown's genuine friendship is almost unheard of in these later stages of the war. Once, it might have been normal, now they're the exception to the merciless rule. A romantic bond, something beyond quiet acts of kindness and subtle flirts is risky for both of them, especially in Knockout's temporary dabbling in politics.
It's a very sad Romeo and Juliet scenario, isn't it? Angsty, that unrequited love ending in tragedy and loss that can't even be acknowledged unless KO would want more than the occasional insults tossed at the memory of Breakdown. No wonder he was so sadistic with Cylas.
So no, they're not a couple... but I wonder what might happen if tracks are switched and there are some ripples in the timeline...
Of Timelines and Trolleys is a cracky and angsty tale of a chaotic in-denial oc, but it's also a story of making choices and living with the consequences of how they impact others; the trolley problem if you will. And those decisions are not limited to Ashlyn Moore.
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genericpuff · 9 months
I have a fandom I'm into where the world building and writing in general is kind of terrible, and I keep going "Maybe ill make a comic retelling" but then I remember I haven't even gotten my personal comic started and think about how much effort you put in to this retellkng and go "No. I actually don't want to do that."
hey, whatever you do decide to do, it'll keep you creating! Rekindled is a side project that's helped me heal through a personal project that I'm currently recovering from burnout on, I didn't really think too hard about doing it, I just went where my interests were and it's gone through a lot of evolution since then. Don't feel like anyone else's work existing should keep you from creating, that's not why other work exists and ultimately the only one stopping you from doing what inspires you (or what you're inspired by) is you (•̀ᴗ•́)و
That said (big edit ahead because I realized I had more things to say on this LOL), I think it also depends on what you're retelling and why. I feel the reason why LO is so ripe for retellings is because it, in and of itself, is a retelling. Whereas original stories that aren't based on any sort of pre-existing source material aren't really able to be 'retold' in that same way because they're telling exactly the story they intend to tell from the beginning, vs. LO which is poorly adapting original source material that pre-exists it by hundreds of years. Case in point, I wouldn't feel compelled at all to "redo" a comic like Let's Play or The Kiss Bet because neither of those are attempting to retell specific stories, they are the story and so to put them in any other form wouldn't be the The Kiss Bet or Let's Play anymore, thus defeating the point lmao In that regard, Rekindled isn't exactly LO, it's as much a retelling of LO as LO is a retelling of Greek myth. But because it does have that original source material that predates it, it makes people feel more compelled to retell it with the foundation that LO laid (with its vibrant bright colors and modern setting) but tweaking things to make them more accurate - or at least respectful - towards the original myths.
So I think you do have to ask yourself what it is you're attempting to re-interpret and what the goal is in doing so. Remember that it's all still fanfiction at the end of the day so don't be doing anything risky that might implicate yourself of copyright infringement lmao (do your own research and well-testing to see if it's something that would be worth it for you in the long run).
There are definitely times I'll encourage people to focus on their own projects rather than try to polish someone else's turd if it's in the pursuit of "fixing" things, art can and should be allowed to exist regardless of whether or not it's perfect and LO isn't an exception to that. I'm not gonna try and defend Rekindled as an exception to those times I'd suggest people to work on their own thing, I could - and should - be working on my personal original projects rather than what Rachel brought into the world. But that's also why I give it such an original spin because I also want to tell my own story, simply through the lens of recreating a comic that I loved for so many years and was retelling myths that I have a close connection to. All in all, that's why I tell people to take my experience and advice and rants with mountains of salt. I'm not a one-stop-shop for all-encompassing advice or guidance on what you should or shouldn't do. And my work definitely doesn't exist as a metric for what should be done by others lol Focus on you and your pursuits! <3
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 months
Mrs pasta here checking in on you peach 🍑
Glad to see you doing well and as always, keeping positive and away from the drama.
I also see operation manufacturing an internet bf has some people in a tiff. 😂
I myself don’t mind the carbon copy, I think he’s cute and somewhat charming, but what I don’t love is seeing the sudden bandwagon jump as always.
I have always side eyed fair weathered fans. Jumping to whoever is “hot” at the moment and then piling on someone else when they are “down.” I have no issues with carbon copy having his own fans - I just resent a comparison being used to put one down over the other. There’s no need for that. Especially when some are doing it on purpose to get a rise out of others.
I also have a feeling some people will be crawling back in the near future. I’ve always thought Ramen wasn’t meant to go the commercial route of big blockbuster movies and beefcake persona. I think his innate nature (at least publicly) has shown he tends to thrive when he follows his guns and picks a risky or unique project with a director that has a specific vision. I think this is where he will continue to find inspiration and return on investment.
If money isn’t an issue for him anymore, I think these smaller but more original/different projects may carve him a future in character acting that I think he still has a chance to succeed in.
He doesn’t need to be a top shelf A lister or even awards darling to do it. He is talented and he will find an audience somehow, I am sure of this.
Remember - art is subjective. And what makes a good movie isn’t necessarily how many awards it gets or how big the box office numbers are. If you are someone’s favorite actor in a movie they watch religiously and they can quote every line, or you are an actor whose opened a person up to a new genre or franchise simply because they enjoyed you on screen - then in my books, you’ve succeeded. I think Ramen has done that for many people in this world and I don’t think he needs to prove anything to anyone. I myself have seen multiple men wearing cap America tshirts this month alone (it’s 2024!) - white, Asian, Black, Latinx, older, middle aged, teenaged, child. Both Ramen and his friend Buldak (three guesses who I’m referring to 😉 AM) have created a legacy that won’t be going away anytime soon. Ten years ago, I used to mainly see batman and superman t shirts. I don't think all these new fans are just people who like comic books.
Be well, peach. Until next time!
Mrs. Pasta!! I welcome you back, it’s been awhile, but glad to see you around these neck of the woods again.
I actually think Chris’ career was heading out of the internet boyfriend for a while, and now here we are. I’ve tried to remain out of this discourse because I never want to yuck on someone else’s yum, but of course people want to push him and his projects on me, or want to talk about him, and eventually I do, and they don’t like it. When I’ve stated multiple times that the man does absolutely nothing for me in looks and I don’t enjoy his movies, and that’s being generous given his list of projects. Everyone has their time to come up, but his has been quick, since working on Top Gun. Almost like he has someone who wanted to invest in his career. Good for him. Now go away and create a new identity 😂
As you talk about the fair weathered fans, it just proves it was more about the looks and persona than about the talent. Which is fine, but we don’t have to kick him when he’s down to lift another up. I have been a fan of his since 2001. I became a fan for his looks, yes, and stayed because I enjoyed him. I enjoyed his body of work, meaning projects. I enjoyed his public persona, etc. You don’t stay a fan for over 20 years on looks alone. Although his looks to me are a bonus.
Chris’ career is fine, despite what some people believe. It is not of the height as it was when he was in Marvel, but neither is RDJ’s, Scarlett’s, or anyone’s. Marvel is a wheelhouse, and is in a league all of its own, so it’s silly to compare the two. However, Chris has had movies since Not Another Teen movie where he was the lead, and had a character name. It was a slow, but steady climb to his peak in 2018/2019. But he has officially announced three projects for this year alone. People don’t even know what he could be planning for 2025. He is an attractive white man that has a reputation for an excellent work ethic. He’ll be okay.
And you’re right. I would wager most actors aren’t A-List anymore. I seriously get tired of this conversation because it goes around in circles. But this age of celebrities are not the ones from the past. And that’s okay. Things change. As long as he is happy with his career and the way it’s going, and he’s being fulfilled it shouldn’t matter if he’s in huge box office successes.
Buldak! I love this!! I think the spicy ramen suits Mackie 😉 And you’re right. Superman was the superhero of the past. Now, it’s Captain America. Nobody can ever take Steve Rogers from Chris, or the fact that he was the face of Marvel for years. But I don’t even consider Steve to be one of my favorite characters. However, he was perfect for it, and nobody could have done it better.
As always, Mrs. Pasta, thanks for dropping in!
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secondgenerationnerd · 2 months
How can you depict my tone it’s a freaking message 🤣
So I have this really cool thing called “literary comprehension” and I have a degree in English, where I spent countless hours reading and re-reading texts to understand tone of a message.
So let’s do that with yours! 😁
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The original message is obviously just you asking a question, which I always welcome and I am always honest in them. Please note where I say “I don’t fully understand where Steve Trevor fits in.”
Not who is Steve Trevor.
See I’m very honest with the fact I don’t read the comics, but I do research and go down rabbit holes. So when people ask me about a specific character I don’t know, I’m honest with them. In example, this one from today:
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Now let’s look at the message in which I asked you to check your tone:
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In case you didn’t know, Tone reflects an author’s feelings towards a subject. We will typically see this in, not just the information given, but how the information is given. Things like syntax (sentence structure) and diction (word choice) are the keys to understanding the tone of a text.
Now, as an internet user, typically a sentence that could end with a period ends with a question mark, usually it is so the author can provide context; usually this is done to remind the reader of said information. That was in no way my issue. If it had been left at that I wouldn’t have blinked an eye.
The problem comes at that last sentence “Why else would I mention Steve Trevor lol”. Now, if you remember, my previous response in no way indicated I didn’t know WHO he was. In fact, I would argue that I acknowledge I know who he is, just not where he would fit in.
As many internet users know, when sending a potentially risky or snide comment, adding “lol” is typically used as a way to relax the reader. But what happens when we take “lol” away?
“Why else would I mention Steve Trevor”
The syntax and diction used here are typically used to condescend the reader. As if you have to spell out the entirety of your question for their tiny brain.
So when I ask you to check your tone, and you question my ability to do so, please remember this.
Did that answer your question, my love?
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//And with close 60% of the final vote, our 11th Match will be Hajime Hinata Vs Izuku Midoriya.
//What a LANDSLIDE victory, and one that's very well deserved in my opinion.
//But with that, we come to our GRAND FINALE, and I don't know about you guys...But there's only one person who can bring a spectacular despairful finale to this Death Battle series...
Afton: Both are antagonists from video games that are both psychopathic and intelligent, and they both started a horrible event with little to no rhyme or reason behind it, that kickstarted the main timeline of their respective series (the Tragedy and the end of the world for Junko and the multiple child murders that Afton committed). Both used their designated place of work/study as a death trap for their victims (Hope's Peak Academy and Freddy Fazbear's Pizza) and both are connected to mascots with animal themes, one of which they hide behind to keep their actual identities a secret from others (The Monokuma's and the Animatronics, more specifically the RC Killing Game Monokuma and Spring Bonnie). Both of them have control of a variety of gadgets and tech that help them kill their victims, the most potent of which are a small army of animal-themed killing machines (Monokuma for Junko and the AR Animatronics and Twisted One's for Afton). Ironically, their death would come from being crushed by the very thing that they used to commit their murders, as well as being brought on by their own victims (Junko died in the Ultimate Punishment after Makoto and the other Survivors of the first Killing Game defeated her, and Afton was crushed by his suit's spring locks when confronted by the spirits of the 5 missing children that he murdered), but they would soon resurrect in order to carry out their murderous plans; initially, they would take over a robot, and later, they would emerge as a virus that would infect users' virtual games and take over their minds (Junko created an Alter Ego AI of herself that initially took over Kurokuma and Shirokuma before it's concentrated code was uploaded into the Neo World by Izuru, where it then tried to possess the bodies of the Remnant's of Despair. Afton's spirit possessed the Spring Bonnie suit, becoming Springtrap, and then later Glitchtrap in the Fazbear Virtual Experience, where he tried to corrupt the minds of the game testers). These AI's also successfully took hold in the minds of young females, who became their most devoted follower (Yukari Koime and Vanessa). Both are also notorious for coming back from the dead time and time again, no matter how many times people try to get rid of them.
Chris: Both are twisted presenters of reality TV programs where teens are coerced into risky and life-threatening situations for extremely petty and illogical reasons (Junko did so for her own amusement and to spread the feeling of Despair to all of mankind for no reason other than boredom, and Chris not only enjoys watching people suffer, but he's obsessed with gaining views, clout and money through his show). The majority of their victims are a group of teenagers who are all centered around a single stereotype (The Ultimate's and the Contestants). Both also have/had a partner, whom they tormented and picked on all the time (Mukuro Ikusaba and Chef Hatchet), they both have armies of robots at their disposal, among many other traps and gadgets.
Major: They are both the charismatic, nihilistic, and completely insane leaders of their own personally corrupted terrorist followers (The Ultimate Despair/Organization Zetsubou and The Millenium Organization). They have unleashed unimaginable levels of terror and carnage on the world and are in constant conflict with an organization that works to fight the evils they bring about (The Future Foundation and the Hellsing Organization). They have long since passed away from what should have been their premature demise, but they still find ways to return and wreak more havoc (Junko comes back as an AI and by employing prodigies like Monaca to carry on her legacy. The Major was once revived as a cyborg.) Their pursuit of destruction stems from a single, overarching concept that defines their identity and motivation for wanting to see the world burn (Despair for Junko and War for The Major)
Joker: Both are insane manipulative masterminds who are fixated on a psychotic and flawed philosophy that emphasizes the negative aspects of humanity (Despair and Insanity respectively). Their obsession frequently drives them to manipulate and put other people in bizarre situations to demonstrate the superiority of their philosophy and drive people insane. Both drove admiring women in the medical field into a similar state of madness and twisted undying affection by manipulating them (Mikan Tsumiki and Harleen Quinzel) and they have both brainwashed countless others, have unpredictable personalities that cause them to act erratically, have hatched elaborate plans to bring about anarchy in society, and they both enjoy killing people in bizarre and inventive ways. Both are the nemeses of men who solve intricate crimes and directly contradict their ideology and thwart their schemes (Makoto Naegi and Bruce Wayne/Batman) whom also partner with a law-abiding individual who has ties to the police (Kyoko Kirigiri and Commissioner Jim Gordon). Both have multiple selves that they frequently switch between (with Junko continuously switching between different personas and Joker asserting that he had a multiple choice past and that he was even three people in the "three jokers" plot), are willing to harm and betray their own allies in an attempt to validate their beliefs (Mukuro and Harley Quinn, multiple times), and, despite their obvious mental health problems, are remarkably unsympathetic (Junko lost all sense of humanity and could only experience true life when she was in the depths of despair. Joker was a failed comedian who completely lost faith in humanity, and later fell into a vat chemicals during a heist)
Monika: Both are the main antagonists of Visual Novels who are initially portrayed as talented high school girls and possess an abnormal degree of control in the world around them (Junko is the Ultimate Despair/Fashionista/Analytical prowess, and is extremely powerful and influential for a mere high-school girl and regularly breaks the fourth wall, while Monika, who is the president of the Literature Club and a very popular upperclassman in the school, not only also breaks the fourth wall, but has access to the game files, which she can play with how she fits) They both commit graphic crimes on the world and their classmates/friends for seemingly petty and nonsensical reasons (Junko does it to feel Despair and spread Despair, while Monika actively deletes the other characters from DDLC's game files until she's the only available romance option left) however, they do it with slightly contrasting motivations which makes one more sympathetic than the other (Junko is hopelessly fickle and does terrible things simply out of boredom and a desire to feel any sort of excitement. Monika does it out of desperation and love for the player, since the game denies her any role outside of a background character, and not an initial date option). Both, at least at one point, are also AI/coded characters in a digital world that they desperately want to escape from (Junko came back as an AI after her death and tried to use the Remnant's of Despair's bodies to escape the Neo World Program and wreak havoc on the world again, while Monika desires nothing more than to get out of the coded reality she's in so she can be in a romantic relationship with the MC behind the screen.) As a side note, Junko's protégé from Ultra Despair Girls is also called Monaca, though it is spelt differently.
[IMPORTANT NOTE: To make sure everything is covered, this version of Junko will be a COMPOSITE version of her that combines all of her iterations across Danganronpa as a series. This includes AI Junko from DR2, UDG and Survivor, but DOES NOT include DRV3, as that version is Tsumugi dressed up as her.]
Also, here's the Narumi animation that was used in the promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEt7l49Y87Q
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rubyprototype · 7 months
Infinite thing™️ idk how to start actually saying:
Probably will turn into rambles! I just like him a lot and think about how his story is shown to us;
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I don't think he ever had like a 'normal' childhood, or life for that matter. Considering he had a squad composed of the same species as him, who look very similar to him;
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(sorry jackal fans I do NOT think they would all realistically look near exactly the same unless they were related, like look at the differences between the hedgehogs).
I think he was born into this, maybe not born into being a mercenary but at the very least he was born into being nomadic. But at one point or another it either became unviable ; or people got greedy and wanted to try for more, thus leading them to be mercenaries.
I think it's safe to say that he very clearly already didn't like the world, due to being raised oddly. (even if he wasn't, you don't just become a mercenary for fun; they needed money for some reason), so when he views his idealized version of the world and it's literally a barren wasteland..
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I don't view it as inherently just for like. Evil purposes. (Though I'm not denying him being evil, he very clearly is)
The point I'm getting at is when this comic released and I kept seeing people be like "oh i can't believe he just left his squad-" HE DIDNT..... okay.... and this line specifically kinda tells you that.
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They say "Don't be tempted, we'll be fine" OKAY. So the worry here, is that they WILL die. He doesn't want that! Why would he? What Infinite's being given right now, in his eyes, is ultimate power, and the insured safety of his squad. Sounds like a win-win on his part? And there isn't much room to negotiate.
People comment on this panel a lot; where he's seemingly nonchalant,
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But I imagine it's him partially playing to cool, as to not worry his squad, or seem too desperate to Eggman. He believes what he's saying here; as established he doesn't like the world as is. Again, win-win situation. He didn't "ditch his squad" he saw a way to protect them and be given power the world literally has never seen....
That's also why I really hate the weak jokes people make about him, after taking a risky move he couldn't avoid, his entire squad gets killed off, then he is immediately told to 'clean up the mess they made' and go fight THE GUY who killed them
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He literally says they're ANNIHILATED. Infinite does not get time to grapple with this at all before he's told
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That his squad was USELESS. His family was USELESS. And now he has to face the person who killed annihilated them, without a second to process; and then after being beaten by THE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM. Is instead, spared, called weak, then told to never show his face again. His breakdown wasn't "Wash shadow called me weak :(" his breakdown was, "my entire family was just killed by this guy and now he has the audacity to call me weak, and then he's upset because, to him, he IS being weak.
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He is THE ULTIMARE MERCENARY !!!! He did not expect the right to go the way it did, shadow literally teleported around him... with a title like that he had to be extremely skilled, and with the jumps he does in Episode Shadow right before the fight, I'm willing to believe that!
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Fear clearly isn't an emotion he's used to feeling, and with his family dead, and his pride crushed now, it stacked and led into his breakdown. The rest of Episode Shadow is literally him talking about how he 'threw away his old self', the one who couldn't hold his own, who couldn't save the people he cared about. And, with nothing left to care about; he continues on with the war plans.....
I started rambling I simply think it's unfair to say he 'ditched' his squad, and it's unfair to just call him weak for a haha funny because he literally. Isn't? And never was in any capacity. And when people reduce him down to just 'guy who hates being called weak' it really just ignores all the interesting tidbits he does have, and that forces DID get to show us... even with minimum digging he has a personality that reaches beyond how I see him often portrayed.... he is so cool and I love him so much thanks
(I don't feel like putting a DNI on this but be normal....... thanks....)
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tobiasdrake · 9 months
Overall, I like the mystery of 3-2. Too bad about that plot hole though.
The key evidence we use to clinch the killer's guilt are a piece of fabric and inner tube left in the pool. These were part of the rope mechanism connecting Ryoma's window to the pool window, which Kirumi used to move his body into the piranha tank.
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Obviously, the killer would never purposefully leave evidence behind. We got lucky; The inner tube and fabric piece landed in the pool, which Kirumi couldn't enter at night due to the lethally-enforced school regulations.
How the rope was tied is also cleverly explained; Kirumi went into the gym before it closed for nighttime and tied one rope to the window there. Then she used a cable to pull the other end of the rope up into Ryoma's lab and then tied the rope to the window, creating the ropeway.
So Kirumi created this ropeway and crossed from Ryoma's lab to the gym. She never physically entered the gym and thus never violated any rules, as she carefully moved Ryoma's corpse into the piranha tank just under the high window. She had the greenlight to do it this way, of course; per usual, she first clarified with Monokuma (or, specifically, Monosuke) to make sure her kinda-sorta bending-the-rules idea would actually work the way she intends it.
Because everyone does that. Peko.
But the problem is.
Okay. So. She's standing on the inner tube with one foot braced on the windowsill. She's like 20-30 feet up and has just dropped off Ryoma's corpse.
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How, Shuichi.
How did she remove the rope from the window frame? She's dangling from the ropeway.
The question here isn't necessarily, "How did she untie the rope without comically plummeting into the pool area and cracking her skull on the pavement?" That is a valid question, but it's Kirumi. We can probably assume she did some anime warrior shit here. Untied the rope and let it fall into the pool area, then parkoured into the pool area by awesomeness. Then she shimmied around through the building into Ryoma's lab and untied it from that side.
It's an important point of this case that Kirumi was alone in the building in the dead of night. She had complete freedom to set up the mechanism and clean up afterwards.
No, the question is, how did she untie it from both sides in such a way that the rope ended up falling into the gym?
Did she throw it through the open window and miraculously not land it in the piranha tank or the larger water tank beneath it? That's the only possible explanation, but why? Why would she do that? Why would she go out of her way to make a risky toss that would place the rope at the crime scene, instead of taking it with her and dumping it somewhere innocuous under cover of night?
The only thing that makes this rope suspicious is that it's found directly under the open window used to carry out the crime. So how did this rope end up where we found it? Why would it be there?
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