#spencer and poetry
emberfrostlovesloki · 7 months
Specer Reid + Poetry
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Content warnings for the poem below: Suicidal ideation and mention of a burn in childhood. (You can read the poem below the banner)
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"14 Lines for Love Letters or Suicide Notes" by Doc Luben
1. Don't freak out.
2. We both know this have been coming for a long time.
3. I've been staying awake at night wondering if i should tell you.
4. I bought the kind of crackers you can eat. They are in the hall cupboard.
5. Now that we have watched all the episodes of True Blood, I do not know what else to do next.
6. I always imagined this would happen without warning, like suddenly on an ocean cliff side but this is the kind of thing where waiting for the time to be right would just mean waiting forever.
7. I've just been too afraid for too long.
8. I came home on Tuesday and found all of the chairs that I own stacked in a tower in the center of my kitchen. I don't know how long they had been like that but it can only be me that did it. It's the kind of thing a ghost might do to prove to the living that he is still there. I am haunting my own apartment.
9. My grandmother was still alive when I was 5 years old and she asked me to check and see if the iron was hot enough yet so I pressed my hand against it and it was red and screaming for hours. 25 years later, she would still sometimes apologize in the middle of conversations, "I feel so bad about making you touch the iron" she'd say, as though it had just happened. I cannot imagine how we forgive ourselves for all the things we didn't say until it was too late. But how else do you tell if something is hot but to touch it?
10. I keep imagining my furniture in your apartment.
11. I wonder how many likes this will get on Facebook.
12. My dad always used to tell the same joke but I can't remember the punchline.
13. I was 8 years old and it took 3 weeks (3 8 yr old weeks, imagine) to gather everything that I would need to be Batman. Rope, boomerang, a Mardi Gras mask with the beads cut off. I couldn't find a cave near my house, so I buried them all in a bundle under the ivy. For years after, I tried to find that spot again. The ivy grew too fast. I searched in so many spots. It seemed impossible that I had missed one. But I never found it. How can something be there, and then not be there? How do we forgive ourselves for all the things we did not become?
14. I never had the courage to buy bright green sheets. I wanted them, but thought they were too brash, even with no one but me to see them. I bought a set yesterday and put them on the bed. I knew that you would like them.
I feel like Spencer must have felt so many of these things in his life. I know these are all kind of sad, but I think they fit with a character who has been othered almost his whole life. I hope Spencer where ever he is now is happy. I hope all are happy. We deserve to be happy. If you ever feel like some of these things hit a little too close, please reach out for help. You are valued and loved. My messages are always open. I love you and I hope you're having a good week so far! Love Levi - ❤️
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Text Break Banners are from @cafekitsune
Tag List: @tgskitten @geminitapestry
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Top: Left and Right (@nikswonderland) Center (@the-mourning-sun)
Middle: Right (@shakespearesdaughters) Center (@foxy-eva) Left (@knowtheplacemag)
Center: Left and Right (@thyme-in-a-bubble) Center (@meditando-en-paris)
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geryone · 4 months
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Poeta en Nueva York, Spencer Reece
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thoughtkick · 5 months
I lost my way, I lost myself, and I’m trying to find myself again, but it’s hard.
Spencer Hastings, Pretty Little Liars
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webs-of-words · 2 months
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oh god, another best friend breakup
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perfectfeelings · 1 year
I lost my way, I lost myself, and I’m trying to find myself again, but it’s hard.
Spencer Hastings, Pretty Little Liars
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derangedrhythms · 2 years
By my absence you’ll know me. 
Spencer Reece, from ‘San Sabastian’
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metamorphesque · 1 year
Your garden at dusk Is the soul of love Blurred in its beauty And softly caressing; I, gently daring This sweetest confessing, Say your garden at dusk Is your soul. My Love.
Anne Spencer, "He Said"
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hot girls write fanfic
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yourhoneymoongirl · 2 months
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- She’s desperately waiting for autumn to come.🍂☕️
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emberfrostlovesloki · 6 months
Gideon + Poetry
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"Romance #1" by Eunsong Kim
like some 14 year old girl waiting for her crush to glance back i
keep waiting for capitalism to end
but it won't end
my adult life lover states
on what will end:
Libraries Birds Retirement Recess Sprinting during recess Hispid Hares Starfish shaped like stars inconvenience Wrinkles Sunken cheeks Living Corals Protests Anti-Nuclear Proliferation Non-Aggression Pacts Dragonflies Mangosteen DMZs Trade Embargos Leopards, all kinds Sawfins Rewilding Infiltration Plot/Dreams Oak, Trees. Partulina Varisbilis Partulina Slendida (-------) Violence Prevention Programs News. News:
Might a few jellyfish survive—
counting till revelations becomes a part of—
I feel like Gideon isn't talked about very much, and I get it. He's in the show far less than Rossi, and his ending is unsatisfying. But in many ways, he built the team. He's Spencer's father figure and Aaron's friend. He sticks up for Elle, Emily, and Penelope and keeps Morgan in balance. I think he is sad for much of the show and is good at hiding it. I think this poem represents that dynamic well. He's waiting for the world to be good. He's waiting for something that will never come, and in the end, that's why he has to leave.
But I just want to remind you all there is good in the world. There is hope out there. You matter and if you feel sad or alone I am always here to talk. Please be kind to yourselves today. I hope the start to your weeks is amazing! Love Levi - ❤️
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Text Break Banner by @cafekitsune
Photo credits
Top: Left (@h-f-k) Center (@ellie-makes-mbs) Right (@peacefulandcozy)
Middle: Left (@himekokosu) Center (@criminalmindsverse) Right (@grapeperfume)
Bottom: Left (@triflingthing) Center (@arnab-comel) Right (@flowersforfrancis)
Tag list: @geminitapestry
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geryone · 4 months
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Acts, Spencer Reece
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thoughtkick · 28 days
I lost my way, I lost myself, and I’m trying to find myself again, but it’s hard.
Spencer Hastings, Pretty Little Liars
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thehopefulquotes · 1 year
I lost my way, I lost myself, and I’m trying to find myself again, but it’s hard.
Spencer Hastings, Pretty Little Liars
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spencereid-reads · 6 months
the language of you | s. reid
wc: 2.1k // warnings: english isn't my first language! an extreme amount of italics, meet-cute, love at first poem sight kinda thing. poems that i found on either google or pinterest. a few swear words, maybe? // a/n: my first time writing for reid and cm in general. i'm in the middle of season 9 and idk where this idea came from. also i don't know anything about poetry, the last quote is as far as my knowledge goes. if you think you know me from my other writing blog no you don't<3but ily also idk if i'll keep writing, i just wanted to post it bc of world poetry day, i think it's a nice coincidence.
i use she/her pronouns//fem!reader in almost all of my fics!
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the cold hallways of the university building aren't as big and intimidating as he remembered. and this time, they welcomed him with open arms. he was just a kid when he first set foot here, and now here he was, being invited by a member of his team to teach the young minds of college kids.
spencer reid had never been a great public speaker, sure, he had the qualities of one, but he was also known to ramble on and on about a specific subject if he was interested enough in it, most likely overwhelming and quite often scaring the class attendees.
he followed dr. blake through the crowded halls, she'd invited him along to one of her lectures, she needed someone with vast knowledge about, -well, everything-, and a quick mind, and he was the perfect addition to her classes.
it was weird, being on the other side of the lecture hall, with dozens of eyes set on him as he spoke, he wasn't nervous per se, more... aware of the situation. but luckily the students were focused, paid attention and asked good questions. he considered that a win in his book. without noticing, the 90 minute class was over, and he approached blake after gathering his things and crossing his signature leather bag over his shoulder.
"ready to head back?" he asked.
"not quite, there's a friend of mine giving a lecture next door, it's her first class, actually. thought we'd stop by for a bit, wish her good luck." she said, sliding her black blazer back on.
"sure, what's it about?"
"you'll see. i think you'll enjoy it." she gave him a sly smile, making her way up the steps, he stood there for a second, wondering what the subject might be. there were a lot of things that he enjoyed, physics, math, science.
spencer caught up to her just as she opened the door to the other lecture hall, sliding in behind alex as his eyes adjusted to the change of lighting. compared to the room they'd just left, this felt nothing like a classroom. it felt more like a theater.
the lights were off, the room being lit up by fake candles lining both sets of steps on each side of the room, and he noticed real candles on the front stage, the flames dancing with the subtle change of pressure as a girl, maybe as young as he was, walked on stage. a book in her hand, but she didn't need it, whatever she was saying was from memory, the worlds flowing effortlessly out her mouth.
he stood frozen in his spot, it took him two seconds to recognize and figure out what was going on.
"lines fall on the soul like dew on the grass. what does it matter that i couldn’t keep her. the night is fractured and she is not with me." she recited, eyes closed as she stopped walking, even from his spot at the top of the steps he could see her facial expression, a frown on her face as her eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed as if she was the one feeling the pain the author was describing.
neruda. poetry.
spencer had never been the biggest fan of poetry, but maybe he just hadn't found the right person to teach him about it.
what an incredulous thought, someone teaching a subject to genius spencer reid? but he couldn't help but be drawn to the soft voice that spoke with love, sorrow and rhythm.
"my voice tried to find the breeze to reach her. another’s kisses on her, like my kisses. her voice, her bright body, infinite eyes."
she was savoring each word in her tongue, and spencer's ears perked up at every sound that left her mouth.
"wonder boy, come on," alex's whisper brought him out of his thoughts, as he followed her down the candlelit steps to one of the first rows.
how he wished he could've stayed up there, hidden within the shadows, since he couldn't take two steps without his eyes having to find the young lecturer again, slowing down his legs.
but from down there he noticed the way the candles lit her face, casting a soft golden glow, and now he found himself thanking the small flames scattered around the stage.
she threw the two fbi agents a look, a knowing gleam in her eye as she recognized the female doctor. it was fleeting, she didn’t let the interaction distract her from the verses and the words slipping from her lips.
“loving is so short, forgetting is so long,” she breathed the words, barely audible as she felt every syllable in every bone of her body.
as she finished the poem, deafening silence fell upon the room, and spencer realized how quiet the room had been since he arrived, yet her soft voice seemed to fill it effortlessly.
“has anyone here ever felt emotions as strong as the ones depicted in the poem? joy, sadness, anger?” she asked, somehow leaving aside the ‘character’ she’d slipped into as she recited the words written by neruda. “love? has anyone ever experienced this… deep, unshakeable need to absolutely possess someone? to keep them all for your own, locked in a room to look, touch, admire as much as you wish?” she continued, eyes scanning the room, and spencer’s breathing hitched when she placed her eyes on him. “i know how it sounds like, but- poetry and language, is quite possibly the best way to express those intense feelings.”
“what about sex?” a voice from the crowd asked.
“that’s a great way too,” she nodded, laughing along with the class, “but have you ever stood in front of a girl, a boy, a person you truly feel like you’d die for, and told them exactly that? how just the touch of their hand holding someone else’s would rip your soul out of your body, or how you’d swim oceans just to get to hear their laugh one last time? i don’t know about you, but i feel like that’s a hundred times better than sex.” she continued, walking from one side of the stage to the other, using her hands and changing the tone in her voice to emphasize what she wanted to say. “i promise you that by the end of this semester you’ll be able to put all of that into your own words. read, everyone. please, read and do your research, and i promise you that you’ll get your chance to be neruda, dickinson. anybody can be a poet. poetry is about feelings, thoughts, the things that keep you up at night, and being able to put all of that into words. read, even if you don’t understand what they’re saying, but think about what they want to say. i know it’s our first class but i’ll leave you some work for friday. just pick a poem, learn it and present it here, i want to see what we’re working with. that’s it for today, thank you.” she vowed her head like an actor who’d just finished a play, walking around the stage as she blew the candles off.
“come on, let’s go say hi,” alex stood up, prompting spencer to do the same, and he had to swallow the feelings inside of him. his mind repeating every word the girl onstage had just said. he knew the importance of poetry, he had a few favorite poets, and he knew about all the hard technical work that was behind writing a good poem, but he’d never taken the time to think about the personal aspect of the work.
“dr. blake, great to see you here,” she greeted the older woman, who embraced her in a hug.
“you too. you were great there, no one would’ve thought it was your first time teaching,”
“well, what can i say, i learned everything from you.”
“please, our fields are as far apart as they could be. it’s all thanks to that big brain of yours. which, speaking of, meet dr. spencer reid, we work together.” alex stepped aside, revealing a tall man, hands fidgeting with his leather bag and long strands of hair covering his forehead. alex always had a soft spot for spencer, the young genius reminded her of herself, once upon a time.
“pleasure to meet you, dr. reid,” the young girl smiled at him, offering her hand.
“likewise,” he said, taking her hand in his. alex’s eyebrows raised, she’d been expecting a speech about germs and pathogens but got none.
“so, what’d you think? was it too much? think i scared the kids?”
“today’s youth doesn’t take things too seriously, they prefer one night stands and lack of commitment.” spencer explained.
“think i’m reaching for the stars for trying to get them to channel their emotions and actually feel them?” the young professor asked him, a smile on her face told him that she’d already thought about that.
“not necessarily, studies have proven that people who can feel and acknowledge their emotions are happier, live longer and have better relationships with themselves and others. also, they have more confidence in themselves and can make lasting relationships, but physical and emotional.” he continued, and this time dr. blake spoke.
“so if you do your job right you’ll get lots of people laid,”
“ah, if only i could make that work for me,” she replied, heat creeping onto her cheeks as she looked down. her words made spencer stop breathing.
“i’m sure someone with your wits and… well, you could get anyone you want,” the words slipped out before he could control them.
“sounds easier said than done, but i’ve decided to devote my life to my work and books, and there doesn’t seem to be anyone coming anytime soon to change that. i’m alright with that, life is more than that.” she shrugged her shoulder.
“not enjoyment, and not sorrow, is our destined end or way; but to act, that each tomorrow find us farther than today.” spencer recalled from memory.
“you speak my language, doctor,” the young professor breathed. and the older woman took the opportunity to interfere.
“like i said, genius. you two should talk, he’s got a very interesting brain that i’m sure you’d love to pick,” she reached toward her friend, wrapping her in a quick hug, “i’ll meet you out there, reid, i have a few things to do.” with that she walked out of the lecture hall, leaving the two young brilliant minds together.
“sorry about her, she’s been trying to set me up with someone since we met. i was her t.a back when i was a grad student.”
“you worked with her?” spencer asked, internally rolling his eyes at himself, she’d obviously just stated that.
“yup. i know, how could someone go from linguistics applied in criminology to poetry? it’s a big leap, but… she’s helped me more than anyone in my entire career.” she spoke with fondness in her voice. “anyway, she was right. i would love to pick that brain of yours.” she said, “sorry, that sounded weird, but-”
“no, no, it’s- fine. i- i’d like to talk to you, more, as well.”
“it’s a date, then.” she smiled, even wider when she noticed the slight blush creeping on his cheeks,
“if only i could recollect it, such a day of days. i let it come and go as traceless as a thaw of bygone snow; it seemed to mean so little, meant so much-” spencer started, the words taking over his mind and mouth before he could even think about it.
“if only now i could recall that touch, first touch of a hand in hand- did one but know,” she finished for him.
“i-i,” he started, surprising himself by the way he stuttered. “i don't speak your language, not like you do, not yet. i'm not a poet. but… i want to learn… i want to.”
she breathed out, all the air leaving her lungs, his wild eyes scanned all over her face, not profiling. but learning, taking in her cues, and a pressure left his shoulders when she saw her lips twitching, breaking for a smile.
“i may be the writer, but you'll always be the words.” she took a step toward him, his eyes settling for her own, it helped him calm down. “it's like i said, anybody can be a poet.”
“i-i’ll see you friday?” he said.
“friday?” she raised her eyebrows.
“yeah, you-you said you had to see what you're working with?”
“i do.” she nodded, a playful gleam in her eyes, “i guess i’ll see you friday. we can get coffee, before coming here.” she suggested.
“is that special treatment, professor?” one more time, he surprised himself by the way he spoke to her, like it was the most natural thing to do. we wished it never stopped, he wanted to hear her amused laugh again.
“maybe.” she bit her lip as she laughed.
“this could be the start of something new, and it feels so right to be here with you.”
-high school musical
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underpresence · 1 year
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evan peters smiling while covered in blood is just another type of hotness
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
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This might just be my new Leverage Screenshot Of All Time.
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