#spent all day doing it and destroyed my legs in the process
strawberrybabydog · 2 years
reminder that if u d0n4t3 to my k0-f1, you can get a “pay what you can, get whatever you want” small pixel art commission
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Can you do yandere canada and russia after they stop their darling from escape with a bit of violence like broken bone? Like how they treat y/n after that
Yandere Canada and Russia after breaking his darling's leg. (to stop them escaping)
would it be bad to say im excited to write this? idk. i got to thinking and decided i'll go with a broken leg if ya don't mind, sorry. also, sorry again for taking so long. and also like, sorry if this sucks ass??.. i didnt pass writing class if you can tell. but uhh.. ya, this is probably really bad so im sorry. :( another note: I JUST FUCKING REALIZED THAT THIS WAS PROBABLY A REQUEST FOR AFTERWARDS OH MY GOD IM STUPID I WAS GONNA WRITE THE WHOLE PROCESS AND SHIT😭 I NEVER READ SHIT ALL THE WAY ISTG
tw: violence, broken bones, abuse, force feeding, similar stuff
!! yandere content. if you can't handle any behavior possibly seen in a yandere please don't read this. !! (example; obsessive, stalkery, possessive, violent, or generally horrid behaviour.)
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Canada honestly hated having to do this, but he really felt like he had to. That and he was just really pissed. Like a lot. Like screaming, hitting, and punching type pissed. But, again, doesn't like seeing you hurt.
After he absolutely destroyed your lower calf and beat you for a while he spent a minute staring at you, a bit in a daze, until eventually suddenly snapping out it and quickly bringing you home to properly care for the damage he has afflicted upon you.
He was way gentle afterwards, bandaging and disinfecting the wounds with much care and as thuroughly as possible. Though, it was clear he wasn't just going to let this off the hook with the way he decided to directly tie you to a hook on the wall, with very little wiggle room and no way to move more than maybe a foot.
Your progress in all the freedom you acquired was not only reset, but even worse than where you first got here. It's uncomfortable, even with the pilow he provided you. You're no longer allowed to have your hands free in general, and he has to feed you instead of letting you do it yourself. When you need to use the restroom you have two minutes in there until he starts asking what you're doing in there.
It wasn't really all that painful though outside of the ache of the previous abuse he made you endure. That and the occasional ache from the limitted positions you have at your disposal, don't worry though. Every three days he'll switch your spot so you'll at the very least have a different view to look at. In general, he isn't the worst to have, but definitely not the quickest to forget. You'll be stuck doing this for another month or two before he even considers giving you the slightest of freedoms.
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Ivan is not nearly as lenient as Canada. Hell, after he beats the life out of you, probably breaking more than just your leg, he decides to lock you up in the basement—the cold, empty basement. He drags you to the stairs, shoves you down, and locks the door before ditching you for the next day or so.
Eventually, though, he returns, purely to ensure you don't die. You've been bad, but he'd never want you dead. It would be a lonely world without you by his side. His hands roughly push you around as he wraps you up in bandages and drenches your wounds, rubbing the stuff off with a washcloth afterward. He forces you to be tied up in a position where the majority of your bones will heal correctly, besides the leg. If the leg is messed up, that'll make any future attempts all the harder for you, which is what he wants.
Once he's done with that, it'll be another two days. No food, no water, no warmth, no him. Just sitting in the basement without pain medicine, starving, perhaps freezing, as he does nothing to help you with frostbite or hypothermia. Though, as expected, he returns yet again, and this time with food. The force-feeding will be rough, and you'll likely choke a couple of times, but honestly, it's better than you having been starving earlier.
This will be your life for two or so weeks, rotting in the basement, with your only human interaction being when you need to eat or maybe even for the restroom. The good news, though, is that Russia isn't a very patient man. Even if he's frustrated, he misses you a lot. So you'll be freed rather quickly compared to Canada, funny enough. Or at least, freed from the basement, that is.
Don't take this as him forgetting, though. Oh no, he remembers. You're only this lucky because he loves you, okay? You'll never know any of the freedoms you might've had in the past, and you're pretty much stuck with being tied or trapped for the rest of your miserable life. The only thing that'll really change is just the quality of how he'll treat you, the comfort in which you'll be provided, and your setting. So have fun, dear reader, and good luck. You'll need it.
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colderdrafts · 1 year
8: Preparations and anticipations
Underground visitor, gn reader x monster (male drider). Sfw. Previous Next
It's early in the morning back in the living room. You're seated once again on a sheepskin close to the fire, and Dren has spent most of the morning rummaging around his storage and seemingly sorting his items.
He’s been climbing all over the room left and right - a little slower than usual, after your stern reminder to be mindful of his injuries - and pulling out different knickknacks from holes in the ceiling and walls you hadn’t even noticed were there.
"Did you manage to find out what you're going to do with your off-world business?" Dren asks, perfectly content sideways and up high. He’s holding up some sort of tough straw, inspecting them carefully with a frown.
You swallow a mouthful of oats - desperately missing any taste at all - and reiterate to him what the barkeep told you. “Marketplace, early in the morning after half and full moons. Find a red tent, and talk to the harpy.”
Dren’s mandibles click as he exhales in annoyance, picking out several strands.
"I've heard of that harpy," he grimaces. "I was not aware she frequented here. She’s supposedly powerful, but she uses magic just for fun."
"Is that bad?"
"It is if you're too enthusiastic about it. One wrong move and she will destroy the entire marketplace."
You raise a slightly judgmental eyebrow at him, as he did that himself barely a day ago. He catches it and averts his gaze, a little sheepish.
"Granted, I had something more pressing than 'fun' on my mind," he mutters, and climbs down.
"After a half or full moon," you repeat, letting him off the hook. "Do you know when the next one is?"
"A week from now is a full moon," he offers. He folds his legs and sits down, laying out the strands in front of him, sorting them by length. He nods at your breakfast. "In any case, we will need to get more supplies to keep you better sustained if you are to stay here for the time being. You can't live on only that."
"Probably not," you sigh, moving the pitiful porridge around in the cup. "But we're going to run into the same issue as last time. I don't want you to leave the eggs at risk because of me."
He smiles. "I know. And thank you for your concern. This is why we're bringing them this time," he says, nodding at the tough straws he's now rapidly tying together with practiced ease.
You watch him weave for a minute, hands moving so quick you almost can't keep track of which thread is going where. Pretty quickly he's managed to create a starting point for what you assume will become some sort of basket.
"Bringing them? How is that in any way safer?" you argue.
“It's not, exactly," he agrees, "but it's the better option in this case. 'Safer' is where-ever the two of us are present.”
You scoot over to sit next to him, slightly mesmerized by the process of his work. “I guess so, but what if something happens out there again? It didn’t exactly go swimmingly yesterday.”
“Yesterday was ill planned. I left in a hurry and did what I could to ensure them here, because I did not know what to expect outside. We have time to rectify that now. If we run into trouble, I will now trust you to protect them while I take care of it,” he says, eyes still on his work.
While the fact he feels he can entrust them to you is moving, you’re still not sure it’s a good idea. "Seriously Dren, if it's only for a week I can-"
"No," he chuckles, gently cutting you off. "Even if you could, we're going to run out in any case. I will not have my guest starving, and I will not leave my young again. This way, I can keep my eyes on all of you at the same time."
He turns the humble beginnings of his work around to carefully inspect it for a moment. "Besides, since there will be two of us, I have an actual opportunity to stock up on some things. I've been having the oddest craving for dried fruits these past few days."
It is true, there's not really any good options here. You do unfortunately need to eat.
Dren probably isn't letting you go get supplies on your own in any case after what has just transpired, and you'd be lying if you said you're entirely comfortable doing it yourself anyway.
Even if it turns out Morgan really is dead.
Something prickles uncomfortably under your skin at the thought, and you forcefully will it away.
"Can we even go back to the marketplace after all of this?" you ask to distract yourself. "We didn't exactly leave it in a good state."
"Yes," Dren says, shrugging. His lower body absentmindedly taps its front legs, claws clicking on the floor. "Who would stop us?"
“Fair point.”
Still, it feels odd to just nonchalantly wander back into the place that was just destroyed because of you. And even odder to force Dren back there after he just got hurt.
You glance over at him, calmly weaving the thread in his hands, the bruises and scrapes littering his body still looking raw and very visible. He’s still partially covered in web for the particularly gnarly ones.
Dren catches you looking, and takes note of your apprehension.
"Ah, don't feel guilty. This isn't the first time a custodian skirmish has ended poorly for that place. There's procedures for that. By now everything will be back in a regular state anyway," he reassures you.
"That's some efficient carpentry," you joke. "The entire plaza was wrecked."
"Magic," he leaves it at, smiling at you.
“And what about you? You’re still injured.”
“I am, but a good nights’ rest always helps,” he says. “And I’ll have another before we go tomorrow morning. I’ll be fine. These little marks are nothing to worry about.”
You cog an eyebrow at him. “Dude, your leg was literally torn open and oozing.”
“That’s why I have eight of them. Come now, I didn’t even have to tear it off to regrow.”
“Tear it-!” you protest, incredulous.
Dren laughs. A leg curls around where you’re sitting, and the movement seemed so natural you’re not entirely sure he’s aware he did it. Regardless, it sort of makes you want to lean further into him.
“Now look who’s a – what was that word you used? A ‘worry-wart?’” he teases.
“Sure, sure, I’m a worrywart too,” you huff, glancing at the clawed, hairy appendage at your side. “Someone has to keep an eye on you.”
You feel the tough carapace of his leg brushing against your back and freeze. Dren eyes you with a very soft expression, but there’s certainly fondness in the look. He’s completely still for once, just keeping the silence for a bit.
“..you good?” you ask to break it, avoiding the fluster that’s creeping up on you.
Dren hums in thought, still just looking at you. “I’m quite alright.”
He returns his attention to the thread in front of him, resuming his weaving. “We’ll need something to trade when we get to the marketplace. Luckily I have a lot of spare items lying about. There's been an oddly large opportunity to collect the past year."
Collect, you inwardly cringe. That's one word for how he gets his stuff. It’s little whiplash reminders like this that brings you back into the reality that Dren is not only an anxious, protective and sweet arachnid who lives in a cave.
Better not think too hard on it, or you'll just make yourself nauseous.
Speaking of nausea -
"When I met Morgan, I saw them use some sort of blue crystal for payment," you share. "Let's just hope the common-folk don't have that as a preference, then."
"A blue crystal?" Dren asks, bewildered. "I did not realize they had started using those for trading. I may be behind on current trends."
Come to think of it, that crystal Morgan gave the barkeep does seem familiar. "Dren, don't you have an entire room in the cave basically full of those?"
He stares ahead a moment in realization. "Huh. I suppose I do. I just thought they were pleasing to look at when I dug them out."
You remember the inside of one of the cave openings he showed you during the storm, full of the sparkling blue sheen. "I think we're good, wares wise."
"And I think I know why there was a sudden influx of trespassers the past year," he muses.
You spend most of the day preparing for the trip back. Dren carefully weaves a basket large enough to comfortably house his eggs, and spends a lot of time fuzzing about it and webbing up its interior. He makes sure it's structurally sound and very soft internally, so nothing can happen to whatever is nestled inside of it.
He remains seated most of the time he works, most likely saving his strength and resting up from the vicious fight yesterday. He seems chipper, though, all things considered, throwing warm glances, small jokes and pleasantries your way whenever you pass him by as you do your end of the tasks.
Said tasks includes picking out items that you won’t have use for, and sorting them in different piles. You put things back in the places you can reach, and the ones you can't, you leave for Dren to put back later.
Once that's done, you venture to the cave full of blue crystals, using a small pickax you found among the assorted tools Dren has collected, to chip some out. It takes some time and effort, but you manage to collect a small bunch to keep in the satchel at your side.
You pause as you spot your home clothes still inside of it, faintly wondering if anyone back home have started looking for you.
They must have at this point. You wonder how they will feel when they realize you're nowhere to be found, as it would seem those superstitions you heard when you first moved there proved to be correct. And now, you're just fuel for that story to continue. What happens to that story when you get back and reiterate your experience?
If you get back, that is. You can only hope you’ll have a better shot at knowing for sure in a week.
You bring the clothes to your face and breathe in, the smell of your home engulfing your senses. It's odd that you've come to a point where you can actually identify it - usually your own scent isn't too noticeable to you.
But you wont be needing those at the moment. Sentimentality can wait until you’re certain anything is actually lost. You fold them, and leave the blue cave to store them safely in the back of your sleeping pod. Right now, they’ll just weigh you down.
Afterwards you return to the living room, but you don't see Dren anywhere, neither the basket. Perhaps he's gone to check on his eggs.
You pull out a cup to get a drink of water and sit down, muscles sore from today’s work and needing a rest. You lean back and admire the swirly patterns running across the ceiling, closing your eyes to the gentle sound of fire warming the room and filling it with a soft glow.
We’ll need to refuel the lanterns soon, you make a mental note to inform the guy who can walk on the ceiling. You’re lucky he even thought to keep any around, and that he keeps it up for your sake. As he does with a lot of other things.
You understand the motivation better now, though it’s odd to have Dren throw his need to care on you, a random passerby who just happened to stumble upon him. From what you've learned, supposedly you should count yourself lucky he got to you first.
But why does he care so much, if he knows you wont be here for long? He’s content to let you go on your merry way, despite how difficult it seemingly is for him to split from you. He cares so much because that’s what he has been naturally programmed to do. Are you taking advantage of that?
He said it himself. He only shelters you because of what you are.
But the way he engages, talks to and looks at you, god when you’re being stared at by four black eyes at a time in that odd way he does - it’s difficult to look away. Like he doesn’t let you, like he wants you to see just how much he likes to focus on you. How much he wants to connect.
No strings attached.
Then why all of this effort?
Or perhaps you are just overthinking things, and it really isn’t more complicated than he’s a little lonely down here, and likes having a guest to talk to. Who could blame him?
You sit for a while, alone with your thoughts. At one point you start dozing a bit, perhaps this day took more out of you than you realized. You've definitely spent a few hours on all of the preparations, but you're still not sure what time it is, the constant darkness not offering any clue. Perhaps you should get into the habit of checking outside, and let the sun guide you. If anything it will help distract you form your current thoughts.
You grab hold of the webs leading to the tunnel that brings you to the 'window', and start climbing to have a look.
It's already dark outside again, and you smell the cool evening air brushing against your face hidden behind the rocks. You breathe it in for a bit, ignoring the subtle claustrophobia. Staring out from beneath the rocks, it can sort of feel like being trapped underground.
Not trapped, you remind yourself. You can go outside whenever you darn please.
You’re about to turn back, when something out to corner of your eye catches your attention, instantly putting you on alert. Something is moving out there.
Hidden further away in the gloom, in between the rustling trees, something big with gangly limbs ventures quietly. It’s partially obscured by the dark, and you can’t make it out completely. And yet, your breath hitches in your throat.
The dull ache in your chest, that had until now gone unnoticed, suddenly increases tenfold. Your heart starts hammering, struggling as if being forcibly pulled at. The sudden pain makes you audibly gasp.
And the entity outside halts. Its face snaps in your direction, staring straight into you despite how well you’re hidden.
Its eyes are red, and the look sends terror down your spine.
You tumble backwards, almost rolling back down the tunnel before you get a grip on the soft webbing. You haul yourself down and away, feeling cold sweat break out. The further you run, the harder to pull in your heart, like a hook is tearing at it and you're the fish trying to escape.
You stumble out back into the living room, heaving for breath, the heat of the fire doing nothing to alleviate the freezing chill in your bones.
What the fuck was that? It’s couldn’t have been them, could it?
It takes a few minutes before the pull diminishes, and the ache settles. You lean back against the wall, feeling the soil warmed from the fire, running under your fingers over the gentle swirly patterns carved into the floor. Letting the feeling remind you you're still in your body, and your heart is right where it needs to be.
And then it's gone. Everything is quiet again.
Eventually, you gather yourself and stand up, shaking it off. You stoke the fireplace, put some logs on it and chug a cup of water to drown the feeling.
"You've been quiet this evening. Are you worried about tomorrow?" Dren asks.
You’re back at the sleeping pods, settling in to get some rest. Tonight Dren decides to call it quits early as well, given the trip tomorrow will have to be conducted well in advance of dawn.
You lie flat on your back staring up into the patterns running across the ceiling of your pod, illuminated by the faint glow of your lantern. What you should tell him?
You are alright at the moment, just a little tired and sore. While the experience was intimidating, you don't want to make Dren worry over nothing - he worries enough as it is.
On the other hand, if you did see what you’re afraid you saw, he should know about it. Keeping him out of the loop of potential danger seems counterproductive if he’s supposed to be helping keeping you alive. You brace yourself for the interrogation you're about to cause.
"I had a small scare earlier,” you reply. “Spotted something moving outside while I was checking the time.”
You can practically feel Dren snapping to attention in the pod above yours, and you're thankful he can't see your partially amused face at the instant reaction.
To his credit, he tries not to sound alarmed when he speaks in a very alarmed manner. “Oh?”
“At ease,” you chuckle at him. “Nothing happened. I just spotted someone moving about, and they kind of – I guess they reminded me of Morgan.”
“..I see.”
“But I’m not sure. I don’t really see what they would be doing out here.”
You can hear a quiet chitter escape him. "Many things live in these woods. It could have been all manner of beasts and animals. Common-folk venture here as well," he offers. "Was there anything in particular that intimidated you about the thing you saw?"
You sigh through your nose. “The eyes. They were red. And my chest – I don’t know, I think I started panicking a little. It went over pretty quick, though.”
He’s quiet for a beat, contemplating. “Why did you wait until now to tell me?”
“It seemed a little on the nose to bring more worries up than necessary. We’ve got enough to deal with right now. Especially since nothing really happened.”
There’s movement above you, unraveling of limbs and scraping across the surface of the walls. Suddenly Dren’s torso is visible, peeking out upside down and peering down at you through the opening of your pod.
“Whether something ‘happened’ or not is irrelevant. If you are uneasy, I would like you to inform me so I can help you,” he says gently. “This is important. If you are worried about something, I want to know about it.”
The completely honest altruistic way he talks is almost enough to throw you off loop. So worried about you, always on guard and in tune. If it was anyone else, you might have found it suffocating. But he’s so earnest about everything he does, it’s difficult not to lean into it and let him do it.
“I’m worried about a lot of things.”
He hums, pleased. “Enlighten me?”
It’s not exactly easy to bring your troubles to the surface and speak them on command like that. Worries of your home, of your stay here, your odd relationship with him that is so difficult to pinpoint. Worried for your life, your role in this world and this odd slight pressure in the middle of your chest that just. Won’t. Quit.
But Dren is, as always, eager to help your carry your burdens, as he calmly looks at you and waits for you to speak.
You sigh, deciding to take his encouragement for what it is; genuine concern for your well-being. “Are we sure they’re actually gone?” you ask.
“No,” he admits. He thinks for a moment, and then adds with a growl: “But if they come near again, I will not hesitate to ensure that they will be.”
The comment should put you at ease. It should be a reassurance; you know for a fact Dren intends to make good on that promise. But the fact that he's able to do so, and presumably with ease, brings the same subtle nausea back.
Something in the corner of your mind speaks, unbidden and unwelcome; He’s dangerous as well. Why are you putting your faith in a someone you barely know?
Because he’s putting his faith in me, you hiss back internally, strangling the thought.
"Thank you. I think I'll go to sleep now," you say, doing your best to send Dren a reassuring smile.
It doesn't make the worried furrow of his brow vanish, but he doesn't press you. He nods, and retreats back into his own sleeping space. "Get some sleep. We'll have to leave early tomorrow."
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kade-is-here · 2 months
Hail, True Body Robotic!AU!
AAAAALLLRIGHTY! So, to start, I’d just like to make one thing clear: the original version of this is Hail, True Body by mustangs-flames, which you can check out here. With that out of the way, heeeres the AU!
What is it?
Overall, it’s a pretty simple concept: humans are still humans, but the mimics are now robots. That’s the most basic summary of it.
What are the mimics like?
The mimics were made by Lucifer(the original post about the AU said Gabriel, but I’m changing it to fit better with HTB) to just… wipe out humanity. Yeah. Lucifer’s still a priest, but he’s also an engineer in his spare time. The basement of the church is his workshop, so don’t be nervous if there’s some mechanical noises down there. Nothing’s alive in it, after all. The mimics themselves look somewhat humanoid in that they have a (mostly) human silhouette. It can change depending on the mimic. For example, some can have wings, animal-like features, digitigrade legs, paws, claws, several arms, more than two eyes, more than(or less than) one mouth… the list goes on. They do have a few similarities: all of them have glowing eyes in their unmodified forms, all of them can shapeshift, and all of them range from dark gray to pitch black. They can change size, too, so it usually just depends on what’s most convenient/comfortable for the mimic. Mimics are solar, emotion, and soul powered, and they need at least a small amount of all three to properly function. A mimic is made out of thousands of tiny little pieces(which, in its unmodified form, just stick together to look like your standard humanoid android that doesn’t trigger the uncanny valley), so it has to rearrange those pieces and use camouflage technology to shapeshift. The only way you can tell if a human is actually a mimic in disguise is if you shine an ultraviolet light into their eyes. If their eyes become brighter, then that’s a mimic.
(To kill a mimic, you have to hit its central processing unit. Typically, that unit is spread out, so you’d have to essentially destroy the entire mimic to kill it. However, the more human a mimic feels, the more its unit condenses into two specific areas: the middle of the chest and the head.)
What about the main cast?
All the same, surprisingly. The only differences are as follows:
•Adam is EXTREMELY well-built. Liam spent the most time on him, so his camouflage and modifying systems work without Adam having to think about it at all.
•Mimic!Cesar’s true form is different. I’ll be taking suggestions in my ask box for his design, and eventually there will be a poll. :] •Mark starts studying the mimics more before he kills them, and eventually that leads to him becoming interested in engineering. •Mimics are hand-built, but sometimes Lucifer just… slams some details in there. For no reason. The mimic’s designs are so extra.
•Cian likes to bake in this AU. Just a little detail! :] (he likes lemons.)
•The human Cesar always was a bit interested in the mimics. He was in Applied Technology all throughout middle and high school, but unfortunately he never got to actually see a mimic. I mean, he did, but it saw him first.
So, uh, yeah! That’s about it! Lemme know if you have any questions, and please have a wonderful rest of your day/night! Remember to drink water!
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hidefdoritos · 4 months
At lunch with friends listening to all the slender college kids compare bodies and try to lose weight, watching the overweight fortysomethings and the two seventy-year-olds ignore all of it, being the only college kid who's visibly fat, listening to the others bicker right in front of me, realizing once again that looking like me is their worst nightmare, sorrowing all at once over how much every single person in this room hates their body but I love every one of them so much.
Knowing that my weight came when my family experienced trauma, left (slightly) with self-imposed hateful restrictions, which led to self-harm and to further trauma and weight gain in 8th grade, left again when I had one good year, then skyrocketed in 11th grade when I was assaulted, then went back down with a physical labor job, then came back with the pandemic and college, then went down with an active summer, then came back when I destroyed my ankle, then continued upward with college and pneumonia and the head injury and bronchitis and processing trauma, and went back down when I was too burned out to eat, then went back up with an awful job, then plateaued, then I spent a semester healing my soul and it came with 15 pounds that I swear were worth it, then went back down with physical labor and a vow to fix my relationship with food, then came back with college. And I was back on a downward trend until getting the flu a couple weeks ago and my weight didn't change because my period started and last night I was just exhausted and out of sorts and I binged for the first time in months. Consumed like 2,000 calories of garbage in an hour.
I know I need to take a day of rest. I feel guilty that all the other kids are doing schoolwork while I'm off taking a nap. Actually I'm up here crying, but they don't need to know that.
I know that even when my weight goes down, my shoulders don't get smaller. My hips will still be broad no matter what I do. I wear women's size 12 shoes. Even if I starve 60 pounds off my body and shave my mustache and my legs and start tucking my shirts in and dressing pretty and wearing makeup and wearing push-up bras and curling my hair, they won't accept me. I'll just be a success story to them.
And I'll be another success story for other fat people to beat themselves with.
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dantenyhpmir · 2 years
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Devil’s Dastards; 
Theo Cain; Blue Tiefling Rogue Swashbuckler  Daya Cain; Purple Tiefling Rogue (Sub Class unknown)  Thola Cain; Human, retired warrior  Reega; Captain of the guard. Not sure what class my DM went with Thola was known as a great warrior until she hurt her leg in battle. She spent the rest of her days caring for the horses alone. Eventually she started hearing voices, everyone believed her to be crazy but it was actually an evil god using her loneliness to trick her. Thola had always wanted children and he gave them to her but t hey were half demon half human. Thola scared of how the town would react to her children kept Theo and Daya in hiding their entire lives.  Theo and Daya grew up running around the city at night. They would go a little bit farther into the city each night, doing graffiti as they went to find their way back home. Theo would often feed the koi fish in the pond, wanting to connect to the city she had to hide from. Thola was a talented tattoo artist and covered Theo’s body in koi fish tattoos. Daya asked for the same but hers always remained unfinished.  A new group of soldiers entered their city of Murgyhur. Having people sign over the deeds to their homes under the feeling of threat. The homes around them started being bought up and eventually Thola did the same. The twins had different responses to this. Daya thinking it was time they left anyway, Theo not wanting to leave their home. Theo convinces Daya to help her go and destroy the deeds that had been bought up. Daya agrees. They manage to sneak in and burn them all but Theo is caught in the process. Daya sees this happen but turns to run away instead of helping her.  The town discovers Theo and she’s known as a hero for the entire city though spends 5 years in jail. There she meets the captain of the guard, Reega. The two develop feelings for each other though Theo’s is very overt, while Reega’s is not. Reega believes she use Theo as an example of reform. Theo is pretty unaware of this and eventually serves her time and gets off on good behavior. She’s a welcome presence in the prison, knitting with the elderly and comforting others. Theo has waited her whole life to finally meeting the people of Murgyur. 
The campaign begins with Theo being out of jail for a couple months and asking Reega to join her mission if protecting the town from the impending soldiers of Chondath. Who have grown in size since Theo’s time locked up. 
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shichey97 · 5 months
Long Live 5
It takes a few days for our son to want to finish the story. I understood completely. It’s not easy to learn how your dad died so I just let him process and take his time to get to where he was now. He asks for the next chapter at bed time that night and I nod, grabbing the book and sitting down to read it to him.
Chapter 5: Breaking the News
She took a deep breath and knocked on the door of Gareth’s house where she knew the rest of hellfire would be. She had broken the piece of her arm that formed her shoulder joint so she had surgery and a sling, but today was Gareth’s last day in town so she needed to tell them in person while they were all together.
Mr. Emerson opened the door and smiled, “He’s in his room with the others.” He said letting her in and going back to what he was doing.
She walked to Gareth’s room and knocked on the door before walking in, “Hey guys.” she said softly. “I need to talk to you. “Holy shit. You’re ok.” Gareth said, sounding relieved. “Where’s Eddie? Is he ok?” Gareth was worried especially after he gave up Dustin, but her standing in front of them had to mean that they’re all ok.
“So we all know that Eddie didn’t kill Chrissy.” She started slowly, explaining everything that happened over the last week. Starting at the beginning and going until Eddie played master of puppets, “We were supposed to leave that place once the bats started coming in, but Eddie cut the rope and ran out of the trailer. He…he was attacked and when I found him he was hurt so bad. He didn’t make it and I couldn’t bring him back.” She said as she wiped her eyes as her voice cracked. She was trying to stay strong for the guys. “I held him in my arms as he died. It was…quiet. He could barely speak when he asked me to say I loved him.”
Jeff just stared at her his eyes quickly losing focus; he didn’t respond or move. He couldn’t believe Eddie was dead; to him there was no way someone larger than life could die quietly. The world should’ve stopped or…or something. Anything. He flinched at Gareth’s tone when the other curly haired guy spoke.
Gareth stared at her as she talked before shaking his head, “No. he’s not dead. You’re mistaken.” his tone sharp, angry, and holding pure denial. “I don’t know why you’re lying, but it’s not funny.” when he used her whole name her body jerked like he had slapped her. “Eddie isn’t dead. He…He can’t be.” When she reached for the drummer he hit her hand away. “Eddie didn’t die. Not like that. Not at all.”
“I checked. I had Harrington check. Gare, I’m sorry.” She said quietly and the drummer sat down running a hand through his hair before he picked up the dragon statue on his bedside table and chucked it at the wall. “My best friend can’t be dead!” he yelled before he sank to the floor and pulled his legs up to his chest before hugging them. “Leave.” He says weakly, barely holding it together. She stood and walked out to her car before she climbed in and sobbed leaning against the wheel as she did. She didn’t know what she was going to do. It was so hard to breathe let alone exist right now. She had lost her soulmate and now she was losing herself. She wasn’t sure how long she sat there before driving back to the trailer where they had spent their last night together. Eddie’s room wasn’t destroyed by the gate so she went through the second door and began cleaning things out to take with her to Steve’s house. She couldn’t just leave his things there since it was all she had left now.
She heard Wayne’s truck and stepped out onto the porch just waiting for him to get out. What she didn’t expect is the gruff old man to hug her tightly as if he didn’t need any comfort and she needed it all. She hugged back as best she could with her shoulder messed up and buried her face in his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry, Wayne.” She sobbed holding onto him as she felt weak and like she would pass out any second. She wasn’t sure if the pain she was feeling was in her head or if her body was having a physical reaction to her heart being broken, but her whole body hurt.
“Why are you apologizing to me? You’re the one that lost your other half.” he said as he rubbed her back gently. He wasn’t sure how he was feeling. “Let’s get his things out of here.” He said once she had calmed down.
It was 3 weeks later, when things had finally started to calm down, that the government gave the official story that it was an earthquake. They were allowed to bury their lost loved ones of the bodies that could be found. They wouldn’t let Eddie be buried in the Munson family plot but the cemetery caretaker and grave digger felt bad for Wayne Munson so they placed a head stone at the base of a tree that simply said “Edward Wayne Munson Now At Peace. 1965~1986.”
She knew Eddie wasn’t there, but she called Gareth and them to let them know he had a headstone and then the day came for his funeral. She put on her black 50s inspired dress. It was pure cotton with a gathered flared skirt and wide lapel. She was wearing his necklace with his ring on it as she got in Steve’s car. She had made a call two days ago. Now it was time to see if it made a difference. She pulled at the dress around her stomach since she felt bloated and uncomfortable today. She stood with Wayne and the group. Jeff and Grant were there as well. Everyone was somber as they stared at the headstone.Then Dustin knelt and put a hand on the stone before closing his eyes. Steve knelt behind him and put a hand on his shoulder as he bowed his head. This led to a scene out of a fantasy as everyone else kneeled and she smiled with a wet laugh. 
She never laughed at inappropriate times, but here she was laughing and crying, “He’d say you’re being dorks.” She says sniffling. She shook her head before wiping her eyes. “I think you should say some words, Uncle Wayne.” She said looking up at him
He nodded and looked around as everyone stood, “I have no idea what to say. I was there when Eddie was born because my brother wouldn’t be. His mama, Liz, gave him my name as a middle name because she said I was the only man that he could count on. He was my boy instantly. He never stopped being mine. Just because he was my nephew doesn’t mean he wasn’t. I should’ve told him that. I hope wherever he is he’s with his mama. He moved in with me just 2 years ago and things were smooth. I know that everyone here meant something to him as his friends and for Eddie his friends were everything to him.’ Wayne nods, “Thank you for helping me honor my boy.” That’s how the funeral went: people talking about their memories with him and things like that. She just listened with a proud smile until Dustin looked at her and told her it was her turn.
“A month ago, the day before Chrissy died, Eddie and I got married. I didn’t think that was going to be our last day together. We all know he was larger than life. He always had something to say, some snide remark to get the last word.” She laughed softly. “I don’t know what to say. All I can think of is a line from a poem. It goes, ‘This is the way the world ends; not with a bang, but a whimper’ I never understood the line before, but I do now.” She looked at them, “I wish I had something uplifting to say; some words of wisdom to impart, but I don’t. All I know is Eddie loved all of us with his entire being. He was charismatic, talented, and beautiful and I’ll love him for the rest of my life.” She noticed Al Munsons standing a little bit away and gave the man a nod before looking down and returning to Wayne’s side.
Over the next seven weeks she was throwing up, feeling tired, had major heartburn, and was growing nauseous at random things that never affected her before. It was one of those cases where Robin was holding her hair back and rubbing her back when she paused, “dear. When was your last period?”
She groaned, rubbing her stomach, “I’ve always been irregular.” she said softly.
“That’s ok. I think you need to schedule an appointment.” Robin said softly and rubbed circles in her lower back. “You’ve been nauseous, having heartburn, and throwing up. Not to mention you complained that your shirt was hurting your chest earlier.”
She paused and looked at her, “I can’t be…”she said quietly. “We were careful when we had sex.” she ran through each time and then she froze. “Three months ago. We didn’t have a condom and he…” she groaned. “Shit. shit. Shit. I can’t have a baby without a father.They’ll call them a bastard.”
“Honey. You need to breathe and schedule an appointment. Perhaps in Indianapolis?” Robin said as she watched her face.
She nodded and squeezed her eyes shut as another wave of nausea rolled through her. “What do I do? Steve may not even want a baby in his house.” There was no giving the baby away or getting an abortion in her mind.
Robin nodded and rubbed her back, “Steve loves kids, but you need to confirm it and then talk to him…maybe take him with you.” she suggested and looked at her. “Is everything ok?” Steve asks, knocking on the door. “Do you need anything?” “A pregnancy test.” She said and stood to rinse out her mouth and then she opened the door. “Can you go to the pharmacy and get a couple? I’ll give you the money.”
“I got it.” Steve said with a nod before leaving for a pharmacy. “I’m keeping Munson if I am pregnant.” She said as she sat on the tub and lifted her shirt to look at her stomach. She poked her stomach with a slight frown. “Is there a little one here?” She says quietly. “Are you a gift from your daddy?” She asked and talked to her stomach and Robin while she waited for Steve.
“Ok I got you 3 different tests. The woman said one is a cassette test, one’s a strip test, and one’s a stick test.” He shrugs and holds up a plastic cup, “She said you’d need one of these.”
She stood and took the bag, “Thank you, Steve. I appreciate it.” She is speaking quietly because she's so nervous. No she's terrified, but she watches them leave and shuts the door before doing what she needs to.
It's an hour later when she comes out of the bathroom looking pale and shaky. She was on the verge of a panic attack because she didn’t know how she was going to be a mother. She sat down and put her head on the table causing Robin to start rubbing her back.
“Are you?” Steve asked, watching her with worry on his face as he looked between Robin and her. He didn’t know what to do with himself so he stayed seated and waited for her to gather herself.
“Yes. I’m pregnant and probably close to three months if I remember my sex ed right.” She said quietly as she lifted her head. “I want to keep it. I understand if you don’t want a baby here, I’ll see if Uncle Wayne would want us to live with him.” She said and watched Steve for his reaction.
“You and the baby are welcome here for as long as you want.” Steve said, shaking his head slightly; he wanted her to know she had a home there. He felt partly responsible for the fact that Eddie was gone so maybe he could make it easier on her.
“Thank you, Steve.” She said and sighed, grabbing the phone to make an appointment to confirm with the doctor. She’s on the phone for maybe 30 minutes and then she gets off. “I have an appointment at 8 in the morning.” She says softly.
“I’ll take you to the appointment if you want.” Steve suggests and she nods. “Ok.” He adds.
At 4 and a half months they confirmed that she was having a little boy. At 6 months Dustin left them in a tragic accident. At 7 months she decided on a name for him. At 8 months Steve agreed to be on the birth certificate so the baby would have two parents legally and if anything happened to her the baby would go to him. At 9 months the baby was born healthy and with a scream that would make Eddie proud.
“Welcome to the show, kid. You’re in for a treat.” She says as she holds him close to her chest.
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livingwithlosingyou · 2 years
Living with Losing You - 8/13/2022
Who am I?
I feel so lost in everything. Today has been the longest day. I started off my morning with tears again as I have been recently. I am really trying to just allow myself the time to grieve whenever I feel like I need to.
When I had woken up I looked down at my leg and saw a bruise. Picture at the bottom of my blog for reference, but James, you are constantly reassuring in ways that I cannot even begin to comprehend. I just miss you so damn much. 
Once I got out of bed, I took Sadie on a quick walk and then went to go to my coach’s meeting for cross country. I decided that since it had been two weeks since my COVID symptoms that I would try and run again prior to the meeting. That went about as expected. I ran extremely slow, and for only one mile. Just like with everything else in my life, I am trying tp pace myself. As much as I want to be at a different point, I am realizing that I really just need to give it to God and trust in this process. 
After that I decided to go to my little brother’s baseball game. Their team destroyed the other team. I get the no mercy rule as they get older, but it’s still hard for me to not feel a little bad that the score was 10+ to 1. It was nice to see my dad and talk with some of the other parents. I think it’s just nice to be out and about. Sometimes it is still hard to be in the apartment. 
By the time I was done with the game, I was ready to be home though. I had spent over half the day in the heat / or sun. I ended up sleeping for 2-4 hours on the couch in the A/C. My apartment really only circulates the A/C in the living room, so I tend to nap there. It’s been nice to be able to just sleep when I feel like I need to since my nighttime sleep schedule has been completely disrupted. Honestly, even when I do sleep, it’s not very consistent. 
I took Sadie to my parents house for the remainder of the afternoon until I was supposed to hang out with Chad and a few other friends at Altitude Sky Lounge. Sadie LOVES going to my parents house. Her, Ginger, and Duke are all best buddies, and it’s the sweetest thing ever. While I was there I received a phone call from a friend about getting together this evening. To keep confidential, I will refer to them and “they/them/their”. They have been greatly struggling with their mental health for a while now. James, when you took your life, you opened the eyes and hearts of those around you. You made everyone really look inward and try to gauge their wellbeing. So, this friend has been trying to seek help, but the system has continually failed them. Ultimately, this led to this friend showing up on my doorstep, drunk and in anguish. I let them in, talked them through it, and ultimately was able to take them in for treatment. I stayed with them through the initial intake, and supported as much as I could tonight. As anyone reading this can imagine, this was incredibly hard for me, all things considered. This friend was telling me that James was telling them to come to me. They fought it and fought it, but they felt like you were telling them to ask for help. Thank you for sending them to me, James. I only wish you had done the same for yourself. You had so many people that would have done anything to show you how much you mattered. You STILL matter. I could tell that they were not in their right state of mind, but they kept saying that they were here because of you. You are a beautiful soul James. Truly. 
It was so hard to see this friend go through this tonight. The things they were saying, the mannerisms, the look in their eyes. It all reminded me of you. You would say similar things. Things that were unfortunately lies that your mind was telling itself. You were NEVER a burden. You ALWAYS mattered. You were SO IMPORTANT. You were/are SO LOVED. If anything, I hope that with the peace you have found, you feel these things now. I may have already mentioned this, but it’s the saying that the Holy Spirit is a quiet and calming voice, and the devil is an obnoxious and loud yell. It’s so easy to pay attention to what is being yelled at you, but when you try to be intentional with how you listen, that’s when you can actually hear and process what the Lord is trying to tell you. I still struggle with this. Sometimes I wonder WHY isn’t God louder? But then I remember that he doesn’t have to be. It’s the intention, and what we are listening for. 
Today ended up being a very heavy day. On my drive home I talked to you, and God. It seems I have “a bone to pick” with you both (kidding, kind of). I cried as I asked simply, “Why?”. Why am I one of the few people who has the key to the door that leads to the bridge of understanding between addition and normalcy? I feel overwhelmed but also grateful that I have been equipped with what feels like a super power (and at times a curse, have to be honest here). 
But honestly. Who am I? What is my purpose? I feel like I am being called to do something bigger than I ever could have imagined for myself. I feel pulled to take a career risk and truly pursue what I believe I have been called to do. 
What is that exactly though? Well, I can tell you it’s helping those who struggle with addiction and mental health. I am really trying to open my heart to allow God to reveal it to me. Maybe it needs more time to be revealed. 
All I know is, I am strong. I am empathetic. I am understanding. I am a light. I get told this all the time. I am here for a reason. James, You believed in me SO much. Today was hard, but thank you for trusting me, and thank you for bringing my friend to me today in their crisis. 
I love you endlessly. 
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols
10/1/1993 -7/16/2022
I inverted / made this black and white to make it easier to see, but this was the bruise that I woke up to on my leg this morning. It’s positioned so when I look down at my thigh above my knee, the heart is facing me. Can’t make this stuff up. <3
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Ending It All Part 1 (C.E)
Part 2
Chris Evans Fan fiction (Fan fiction Masterlist)
Summary: Chris wants to end your marriage and you decide to go along with it. You have to be civil for the sake of the kids but you are hurt. This process is too much for the both of you and eventually, it all ends.
Warnings: Angst all the way. 
You had seen it coming from a mile. People say that a woman’s sixth sense is her greatest power. You always took pride in it but in this case, it was a curse. Chris and you have known each other for the past seven years and from those years, you were married for five. He was the love of your life. You thought it was forever but apparently you were wrong. You were wrong about so many things.
From the past six months, Chris has been home for a couple of days at most and then he was traveling. Traveling for work, for friends and whatnot. And for the days that he was here, he didn’t look at you like you were his wife, his soulmate. He looked at you like you were a stranger. Spending time with the kids was all he ever did and then came up with measly explanations to go off to bed early. There was no space left for you in his life. You thought that it was just a rough patch but that was not the case.
“(Y/N), we need to talk.” The determined look in his icy blue eyes said it all.
Taking a deep breath, you shakily replied, “Let me just put the kids to sleep.” Your energetic kids had tired out you for the whole day because you were off from work today. Chris had just come back from shooting and he didn’t give you a kiss like he usually did. In fact, he hadn’t kissed you like he meant it for several years now.
“I will be in the kitchen. You want wine?” He was walking away before you could even reply.
“Yeah, sure.” You mumbled out and you didn’t even know that he listened.
“Mommy, we are going to spend the whole day with you and daddy tomorrow?”  Mia and Jace have started to pick up on the fact that there was something going on between their parents. You wanted to keep all of this away from your four and two year old but it seems that you might have failed. You were failing at a lot of things right now.
“Yes, we will. Now, go to sleep.” It took you about half an hour to be put them to sleep and during that time, you were a wreck. There were a thousand possibilities running through your mind.
Coming back downstairs, Chris handed you the glass of wine, your favorite as always. He knew every little detail about you. “(Y/N), I don’t know how to say this but-”
“Before you finish that sentence, I just need to tell you that I promised the kids a day out tomorrow. Don’t ruin it.”
“I- I can’t say that.” Fiddling with his almost empty glass, he couldn’t bring it in himself to look at you. He was going to ruin this promise as well just like he was going to ruin everything.
“Just, go on.” You refilled the wine glass as you knew you needed the alcoholic haze to get through this conversation.
“I can’t do this anymore. This is just not what I want in my life anymore.” Your breath hitched and your heart broke into tiny little pieces.
Exact words were what you needed to hear right now. No vague statements. “What do you mean? What can’t you do?”
“This. This relationship. I think I am done. I am truly sorry, (Y/N).”
“Is- Is there someone else?” It was as if a ball was lodged in your throat and you couldn’t bring yourself to talk coherently. Fluently.
Chris looked at you, horrified. How could you even say that? He would never in a million years even think about cheating on you. Dignity was an important trait for Chris and if he ever cheated, he wouldn’t be able to look at himself. It hurt him that you would even consider this as a reason but he couldn’t blame you.
“No! This is not the reason. Not at all.” A defensive attitude was immediately taken up by your husband.
“Then is it me? Am I not enough for you?” Hot tears rolled down your cheeks but you didn’t have the energy to wipe them out.
“It is not you, darling. I just don’t think this is what I want with my life anymore. I want to solely focus on my career.”
“You are choosing your career over your family.” As the realization started to hit you, you couldn’t control the anger that took over you. “Over your family, Chris?”
“(Y/N) I am just done. I want an out and can we please try to be civil about this?” He pleaded.
“You want me to be civil about this? Fine.” You took a calming breath and closed your eyes for a second. “Just explain it to me. Maybe we can work something out.”
“I can’t- I don’t know how to explain it. Seven months ago I just woke up and I didn’t want to do this anymore. I want to start over.” A shocking chill passed through your body and you realized that it was hurt. You were betrayed.
“So you don’t want to do anything with me or the kids as well?”
“No. I want to be a part of their lives and-”
You looked him in the eyes and spoke in a broken voice, “It’s just me that you want out of your life.”
“Darling, no-” Chris tried to reach out for your hand but you placed them on your hands. He had lost the right to touch you from the moment he said that he didn’t want you. You were just a problem for him that needed to be solved.
There were years when he needed you every step of the way. Chris met you at a party that Scarlett threw. You were her best friend so you were invited to her New Year’s party. The moment he saw you, he was head over heels. He followed you around for two months to get you to go on a date with him. You used to tease him afterwards that he was a love sick puppy. But he was your love sick puppy.
That was not the case now and you didn’t know what you will do if he wasn’t in your life anymore. Your world revolved around your family but now it was all falling apart. You were falling apart.
“We can file for divorce tomorrow. Do you want to stay here tonight?” Wiping your tears, you got up from the stool and put the glasses in the sink.
“Uhh okay, okay. I can stay with Scott tonight.”
This was not what he expected. He expected you to cry, fight, scream. He thought there would be more discussion on this topic. Seven years were going to waste and you were treating this as a simple business transaction. Truth be told, you didn’t want him to see you fall apart. Chris had lost that right. If he didn’t want a life with you, then you were not going to beg him to stay. You were going to fulfill his wish and set him free.
“We have to take the kids out tomorrow. I was thinking the park.”
“What?” He was too distracted by everything to even realize what you were talking about.
“We will talk to them about the divorce tomorrow.”
“Isn’t this going a little too fast?”
“We should get this all over with as soon as possible. Goodbye, Chris.” Silently pecking him on his cheek, you went to your shared bedroom.
The moment your head touched the pillow, you were surrounded by his scent. The dam burst and you couldn’t stop the tears from running down your face and getting soaked up by the cushions. What were you going to do with your life now? You had to come up with a plan to manage the kids together with Chris. You had to think about getting a job that would accommodate your kids in to it now that you were going to be a single parent. You didn’t get a wink of sleep last night and you cried a lot.
On the other hand, Chris was not doing any better. Scott gave him the spare guest room to sleep in. He didn’t know what was going on between his brother and you but he knew it was serious. Chris couldn’t sleep last night either because he was not used to. This was the first time in seven years that you both were in the same city and you were not sleeping together. You wouldn’t be sleeping with him from now on. He has to get used to that idea. The idea of you not being there every step of the way because this was his own doing. He was dreading tomorrow as he was the one who was destroying his family.
“Hi. I was just here to pick you all up.” Guilt washed over him when he noticed your red puffy eyes and eye bags.
“You didn’t have to. We could have come there by ourselves.”
“We always go to the park together. It is our thing.”
“We can’t do all of these things now. Everything is going to change.”
“Right.” You moved towards the kitchen and he followed you like a lost puppy.
“Daddy!” Both kids ran up to him and clinged to his legs like two little monkeys.
“Hey babies.” He held on to them a little bit longer because he knew he was the one who was ruining their little lives.
“Where were you? Missed your pancakes. Mama doesn’t make good.” Mia hadn’t learned to make full sentences yet but Chris understood her perfectly.
“I was busy, baby. I- I-”
“Go get your shoes on. We are going to be late.” You saved him from the conversation because he looked like a deer caught in headlight. Chris couldn’t answer his daughter as this was how it was going to be. He wouldn’t be there for all of this. The important phases. Jace’s first soccer win, his first award, or Mia’s first school day, her first break up, her prom. He was going to miss most of them because you would be there with them while he will get them for weekends mostly.
“Let’s go.” Buckling his kids in, he sat in the driver’s seat. When he pulled out of the garage, his hand instinctively went for yours. It was out of pure instinct. You retracted your hand immediately and Chris just drew in a shaky breath, He was not allowed to touch you now.
“I am taking them to the swings. Do you want to come with?”
“No, I am just going to my usual spot to read my book.” There was a maple tree that had been your spot for the past five years. It was where you rested and caught up with your reading.
The next hour was spent with Chris going on to every swing with his kids. He didn’t want to miss anything. Plus, he didn’t know how he could sit with you under the tree that held so many memories. You told him that you will marry him under this tree and that you were pregnant with Jace. It was all too much. You couldn’t focus on your reading when this might be the last time you get to see him with your kids. The last time you were together as husband and wife. This might be the last time because Chris wanted you out of his life.
“Hey, kids. We have to talk to you.” You finally gathered up some courage when they all came to sit beside you. Chris couldn’t bring himself to start up this conversation so he was glad that you did.
“Yeah, Mommy?”
“So you know how your friend Oliver’s parents don’t live together but they still love him very much.”
“Yeah.” Jace’s whole concentration was on his ice cream but he still nodded his head to indicate that he was listening. Mia was too young to comprehend it all so you mainly focused on your son.
“Well, Daddy and I are going to be doing the same thing. We love you both very much and we will always there be with you.”
“But Ollie’s daddy doesn’t live with him.” His blue eyes focused on the two of you when he made the statement.
“Yeah, buddy. I will be staying at an apartment really near by. You both can come whenever you want to.”
“You won’t be there to read us night stories or make our favorite brekky?” His question threw Chris off guard and he froze in his place.
“He will be there to do everything for you guys. Mia and you can go to daddy’s place and he can do all this.” You jumped in when you noticed that Chris didn’t know how to respond to all this. “Right, Chris?”
“Yes, that’s right. Nothing is going to change, buddy.” Wiping away his tears, your husband placed him on his lap with Mia.
“Promise?” Mia spoke up this time because she understood that her daddy wouldn’t live with her like he always did.
“Promise. Let’s go back to the house. You both look tired.”
You placed Mia on her bed while Chris did the same for Jace. They both were out the moment they were buckled in their car seats. Coming downstairs, you prepared coffee for Chris and yourself. He always liked his coffee black so that’s what you made for him. The cup was placed in front of him and he sighed because no one made coffee like you.
“Our lawyer said that he will have the papers delivered to us by tomorrow.”
“Okay, I saw this new apartment building when I was coming here this morning. I might rent it out. The penthouse has three rooms. One for the kids and one is the guest bedroom. You can stay there when you bring the kids over.” He looked at you with a defensive position.
“I won’t be staying at your apartment so please don’t take me into consideration.” You didn’t understand why he thought you would ever stay over at his place. You would never subject yourself to that kind of pain.
“But there can be special circumstances and my home will always be open for you, (Y/N). We can still be friends.” He was hoping against all hope that you would agree. He still wanted you in his life.
“I don’t think I can do that. Be friends. There is too much history. Let’s just keep it to the kids right now.” You picked on your nails because you didn’t want to cry like a little girl in front of him. “And I am going to change houses as well so do you want to sell this one?”
“Why do you have to move?” Chris was shocked to hear those words come out of your mouth.
“I can’t live in a house that was meant to be our family house. I just can’t.”
He understood where you were coming from but this house held too many memories. He couldn’t think of another family living here. Some couple living in your master bedroom, some kids running around in your children’s playground, some other family’s picture instead of yours. It was just too much to think about.
“Let’s just keep the house. When the kids grow up, they can have it.”
“Okay. I am tired right now so I am going to bed. I will sign the papers tomorrow and send them over to Scott’s.” You placed the empty mug on the counter and stood in a straight posture. “You want the kids this weekend?”
“Yes, I would like that. Do you want to maybe come with us?” He didn’t know why he was not ready to let you go yet. This was all his doing but he just couldn’t accept it right now.
“Umm no. I think we should settle the kids into this new routine.”
“I guess you are right.”
“Goodbye, Chris. I love you and I will always love you.” You regretted the words that came out of your mouth the instant you said them. You were so stupid but you just couldn’t help yourself. This was probably the last time you ever got to say it.
“I- I love you too, (Y/N). I will always be there for you. Goodbye, darling.” The lump in his throat seemed to grow bigger by the second but he had to say this. Lightly pecking you on the lips, he knew this was the last time he ever got to do this. He left afterwards and you couldn’t help but tear up. The same thing happened with Chris. This was it. Your marriage was over but your love would always be there.
Hope you guys liked it!!
A/N: I literally cried while writing this fan fiction. This one is particularly close to my heart so please let me know what you think about it. If you want to be added to my tag list, message me. I am also open to requests for this series; requests, blurbs, anything.
P.S: There is a part 2 as well.
Tag list: @kalopsia-flaneur, @justile, @iguessweallcrazyithinktho, @jessyballet , @luckyladycreator2
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p-antomime · 3 years
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— minors don’t interact.
— wc: 666.
content + warnings: 18+, dom!hanma, mention of breeding kink, dub-con/non-con, worship, alcoholic beverage, virginity loss, dark content.
pairings: future & virgin killer!hanma shuuji x fem-virgin!reader.
⚠️. read with caution, this work can countain triggers for some people, so be careful reading.
my kinktober list!
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“I wanna be a champion, I wanna be a loser, I'll even bе a clown 'cause I just wanna amuse ya”
Hanma's clouded eyes sparkled in delight and happiness at finally getting what he had been trying to get for months. As soon as he made sure to watch you drink every last drop of the adulterated beverage, his hands immediately went around your waist to pull your body against his. It was clear that you would be drunk by the end of the party, as drunk as he was, the powder he put in the liquid only accelerated the whole process.
And even faster was the path Hanma took with you to get you into one of the rooms of the huge residence his fraternity had managed to rent for just that one-day Halloween party. On that October 31st, someone was obviously going to take advantage of your lack of decency for getting drunk at a party to steal your virginity; and who better than Hanma Shuuji to do that? He's a virgin killer, and he lost a good deal of his precious life chasing you around campus just to get his mouth and his fingers and his cock into your pussy... exactly the same way he started doing it exactly when he kicked the bedroom door shut as he pushed you into the place and laid your body on the bed.
There was zero resistance, you even returned the wet kisses he gave your swollen lips in the midst of the frenzy of removing your costume without worrying about tearing it in the process. And damn, as soon as his eyes met your virgin pussy finally exposed to him, his mouth salivated and Hanma thought: "Tonight, I'm a champion"; and you were the best possible trophy.
He had spent months being a clown for you, following you around campus, wanting to amuse in your shame and succeeding; and even after all this time you still wouldn't let him bury his mouth in your beautiful, delicate cunt just like Shuuji was doing just now, licking your folds like a starved man and rolling his eyes in pleasure at finally tasting you. You were ironically ecstatic with your hands tangling your fingers in his hair, though your mind couldn't decode where that new, unexplored pleasure was coming from.
— Damn, you are so beautiful, even drunk, even with smeared makeup. — Hanma whispered, admiring her wide-eyed face with a sly "Hmm~" escaping her lips. — I bet even drunk you can scream my name, can't you? — One of his hands latched onto your chin and squeezed it hard, forcing you to face him with open eyes this time. And you nodded, even though you didn't understand his exact words. — Good, good. — An amused smile appeared on his lips, and before he brought his hand back to your legs again, he forced your mouth open and let a trickle of saliva from the tip of his tongue fall onto the top of yours. — Swallow.
Shuuji then spread your legs a little wider and took a few, but long, minutes watching your leaking entrance. He wanted to destroy you, to break you, to swallow you whole, to fill you full of cum until your pussy couldn't hold half of his load inside your walls. He wanted to abuse your body as much as possible, he wanted to fuck you until you both passed out.
As soon as Hanma finally managed to bury his cock in you, a low, hoarse grunt escaped from deep in his throat. And then you began to have tears streaming from your eyes from the sudden pain as he slowly entered your interior, enjoying the feeling of your walls massively squeezing him. He couldn't help feeling even more aroused by your crying, giving a quick thrust only to see more tears wetting your cheeks and feeling the tip of his cock rubbing against your cervix.
— Scream for me, babe, scream loud enough for everyone to hear you.
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beesmygod · 3 years
very very specific call for information: anyone out there deal with out-toeing caused by external tibial rotation (duck feet from a fucked up tibia) AS AN ADULT?
im putting this out here because 1. theres like no fucking information on the entire internet about adults who never grew out of a common childhood problem (unlike children, who self-correct by strengthening muscles, my tibia is an inherited condition. mom has it but not nearly as bad) and 2. i just want to know more! especially what im looking at for recovery.
e: im me from the future. this post is so long and boring and navel gazey so i added images in the hopes it might trick you into wanting to share it.
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i only just started this process yesterday: after a series of free association google searches stemming from the fear that i had developed peripheral artery disease at age 31, i discovered symptoms i had been attributing to other random issues (pain radiating down leg? i must be bloated and pressing down on a nerve. pain in shins when i walk even for a short while or up a single flight of stairs? i must be out of shape and destroying my body. knees swollen with fluid in the 4th grade? bursitis, etc) could pretty much all be traced back to my fucked up leg.
my right leg (/my/ right) is visibly fucked from the outside and always has been since i was born. the left is as well, although to a much less (and likely ignorable) extent than the right. i’ve know about this forever; my parents at one point took me to a doctor who was like “yeah she’s shaped like a twizzler” but didnt actually recommend any action. therefore, it was assumed by all that there was nothing we could do and i just had to suffer my junji ito uzamaki curse forever.
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which would suck because it’s not great. my family was not receptive to any complaints i had about my body hurting growing up so i just gave up on giving a shit about it. i’m going to start from the top bottom on pain:
sometimes i walk with a limp because my hip and knee joint would work in tandem to get a sharp pain that makes putting weight on it hard.
during my period, i usually end up with at least a day or two where i get deep toothache like pain in my thigh. its always there, not throbbing, and it just. aches.
for some reason my body favors it so when im standing i find myself almost completely leaning on it (which just makes it hurt more later). i can feel myself fucking my knees up when i do this because of how it has to shift around the twisted bone.
my knees swell up every time i kneel and put weight on them (growing up catholic made this excruciating).
walking is a nightmare. i usually try my best to pretend like my shins (specifically) aren’t screaming from mild exertion. i bought a step machine thinking i was just out of shape and a big whiner but it didn’t ever get better no matter how much and how consistently i did it. i though i was just assigned a really dogshit corporeal form that wasn’t built for improvement.
dont even think about running, buddy. i flip flap around like im wearing clown shoes AND it hurts like a bitch.
speaking of which, i also trip and fall on my own feet a lot. the doctor asked me this like “you don’t find yourself falling a lot while walking, right?” and i had to laugh because i eat shit at least 2x a month. i have a huge scar on my foot from last year.
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now im about to upload some pictures of my legs. try not to scream. ignore the bruises, i spent all day yesterday/day before completely re-arranging my office so i beat the crap out of my legs lol.
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here they are together, standing comfortably. im using the edge of our ugly tile as a straight edge for reference.
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here’s the left one. i have no idea if this is normal. the doctor i saw yesterday said it was “less pronounced” on this side. i agree.
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i look like im uploading instructions on how to hokey-pokey. anyway: right leg in. notice how it is, indeed, fucked up when lined up against the edge.
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and here’s the knee straight. i really thought this was normal and i just had to deal with it for the rest of my life lol. i mean i still might uhhh let’s find out.
pretty much everything online is for kids with assurances that they’ll “grow out of it” and absolutely no info otherwise for the rest of us. now for my QUESTIONS:
-which surgery would be done to correct this?
-i am an american, any idea what surgery cost might look like? (lol ignoring insurance, i want to see if im even close to the ballpark of it being feasible)
-how long is the surgery recovery time?
-can physical therapy correct this? if so, how long would it take?
-can you direct me to more information on living with out-toeing/duck footing/external tibial rotation? how can i manage symptoms?
-does anyone want to study me, because apparently im a rare specimen. im minting myself as an nft or whatever. fuck
ok thank you. please share if you want to but remember to tag it “long post” for people who dont want to be attacked by this big wall of legs
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besotted-eros · 3 years
a little green
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Pairing: Eren x f!reader
Genre: Smut
Content: mentions of choking, breeding, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, jealousy, use of term "daddy".
Summary: Why would you ever mention another man to Eren? You knew what it would do to him.
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You winced as the tin cup hit the floor, the clattering making your body cringe away. After all that effort to carefully extract yourself from Eren's tight grip, creep out of your bedroom, and begin the preparations for breakfast as silently as you could, it was a simple cup that destroyed it.
"Stupid fucking thing." You swore as you knelt to grab it. But before your fingers met the metal, another hand wrapped around the handle.
He was behind you suddenly, making you pitch forward with a start and grab the counter for support. The hairs on the back of your neck rose as you felt him. He was heat, commanding your attention and filling your brain even though he was behind you.
"Eren, dear God. It woke you up that fast?" You exclaimed as your boyfriend chuckled. He placed the cup on the counter in front of you, wrapping his free arm around your waist.
"Been awake for a bit now." His raspy voice purred against the back of your head. "You think I stay asleep when you're not beside me?" The expanse of his chest was against you, the jut of his hips. Every angular line of his body, from bare chest to thighs, finding its place against your own. His hand traced lazy circles on your waist as you busied yourself with readying a pan with eggs and sliced meat.
"You don't get leave often, I just wanted you to sleep in once. Your friends are coming for lunch, and then you'll be off again tonight. You deserve some rest." You responded, raising your cheek when his hand closed around your chin. He pressed his lips to your skin, holding you for a moment before letting his fingers trail down your neck.
"Don't you know waking up beside you is my greatest pleasure? Nice to see something pretty in the morning, besides Armin's snoring face." He murmured, tracing along your collar bone. He leaned into you heavily, sleep still thick in his voice. You had to admit the tenor of it made you warm.
"If you let me live in the city with you, we'd be able to do it more often." You said, flipping the eggs expertly. You grabbed for spices, your movement hindered by the lanky form clinging to you.
"Told you, want you outta harms way. Danger finds that city. You're safe here. I like the thought of you here." His lips found your neck as he spot, peppering kisses along the exposed skin. He kissed along the marks he left last night, the tokens of his love.You felt your knees weaken at it, but tried to keep your composure. "Scouts stationed nearby, lots of space. Kind village. You can grow here, y/n."
"Grow away from you?" You asked, your tone light and teasing. Eren stiffened against you, and the arm around your waist tightened. His lips were stilled, resting above where your heartbeat pressed against your skin. "Maybe I'll put down roots with some nice village boy. The miller's son always slides me more grain than I come to him with."
You had moved the pan off of the heat, and for a moment the only sounds were of the crackling fat. "Really?" Eren asked, his fingers digging into your hip as he came alive behind you. He moved you, grip firm as he pulled you from the stove, pivoting on his heel so he could press you over the counter top. Another line grew against you, from where the curve of your ass met his hips.
"Does he get like this when he sees you?" Eren asked as he pressed his quickly hardening shaft to you. His voice was darker now, his hand moving from your collar bone to cup your breast through the thin linen of your blouse.
"Do you think he wants to grab these? Touch them the way I do?" His fingers massaged the soft flesh, making you bite your lower lip as you struggled to contain a cry of surprise and pleasure. Your gentle teasing had awoken something, something you knew lied in wait. But you didn't realise it would come this fast. You reached behind you, stroking your fingers through his hair. He had put it up in a bun.
"No." He growled, snatching your hand and pinning it to the counter. He straightened up as he pushed your torso down, keeping his hips in contact with your ass. "Don't get to touch me when you're looking at other men. Don't get to touch me, gotta teach you a lesson." He snarled. You hated how undone you were by his words, the warmth in your stomach now a raging bonfire as he furiously rubbed against you, letting you feel his desire. His hand curled on the back of your head, keeping your face pressed into the cool wood.
"E-eren..." You hissed through gritted teeth, your back arching in desperation to attain more touch, more of him.
"Now you wanna say my name, huh?" You could head the grin in his voice, the triumph of making you his. He grabbed the fabric of your skirt, quickly pushing it above your thighs. "You wanna act like a good girl now because you know you're in trouble." His palm found your ass, groping it lewdly before pulling back to give your left cheek a resounding spank. You jerked forward, yelping out in surprise Erens teeth grazed over his lower lip, the sound of you making his cock jump with want. He slapped the other cheek, eyes dancing at the sight of how your flesh trembled and shook at his behest.
"God, you're not even wearing anything under your skirt. That fucking desperate huh?" He asked, returning his hips to rub his bulge against your exposed lips, now separated by only the thin layer of the cotton trousers he slept in. "Is this how you go to see him, huh? Tell me." He growled, forcing your legs further apart as you scrabbled against the counter for purchase.
"N-no! Only for you, I only do that for you." You gasped, and Eren grinned. He pushed down the waistband of his pants, letting his throbbing cock free before pressing it against your pussy. He avoided the aching hole, instead dragging himself back and forth between your wet lips. The head bumped against your clit as he thrust, making you flinch with pleasure. One hand rested on your waist, holding you in place while the other curled around your throat.
"Why? Why do you do that for me?" He was purring now, and you could feel locks of hair coming lose from his bun.
"Because... Because I'm yours." You murmured, and his grip on your throat tightened. He would never hurt you, he was always so careful. But he loved seeing your face turn red, loved knowing that you trusted him with your life.
"Say it again. Prove it." He demanded, moving to grab his shaft and line the head with your pussy.
"I'm yours! Fuck, Eren fuck me please, I'm just yours okay? I'm only yours, I'm forever yours! There's no other man, there's no other anything!" You were begging now, twisting to look back at him. The sight was something to behold.
His jaw was slack, emerald eyes thick with lust as he gazed back at you. It was like he was ready to consume you, to eat your being whole and lick his fingers after. His chest stuttered with breath, firm abs flexing as he curled his hips up.
"That's right. Yeah baby, that's right." He cooed, reaching up to stroke a finger across your cheek. You turned your head, pressing your lip to his wrist as he groaned.
"Only mine." He whispered, and you felt him against your entrance, spreading it with his thick head.
"Forever mine." Your face was against the counter again, gasps escaping as he pressed forward, inch by cloying inch. You fit him like a glove, and he groaned in appreciation at your hot, wet walls closing around him.
He gave you a moment to adjust to his immense length, his hand now soft in your hair. He stroked through it once, from your scalp to the tip. Fingers twisting around your locks, eyes gentle as he felt their silk.
And then, he was fucking you. Mercilessly, his hips snapping on the return to drive deeper and deeper. His cock pounded into you, hard enough to make you feel it in your stomach. When Eren let go, when you made Eren let go, there was no end. He would use you, please himself with your cunt until you were a sopping mess under him.
All you could do was urge him forward.
"Eren, it's so good, so fucking good yeah, yeah please... Please give me more, p-please..." You managed to whine out, and he responded with a groan, leaning over you as he pulled your hips back, making you bounce against him.
"Like that? Fucking like that?" He hissed through gritted teeth. You nodded, letting out a cry of exasperation as he moved back, pulling out of you and leaving you hollow.
You didn't have time to complain, as he deftly moved you onto your back.
"There. Wanna see your face, see your pretty face while I..." He held your thighs, spreading them wide as he pushed back inside you with a grunt. It was a smooth motion, one that sent your eyes rolling back into your head. You grabbed at him, at his broad muscular shoulders, at his firm chest and torso.
"No one... Makes you feel like this... No one in the world. No one but me." He whispered, his eyes locked onto your face, your expression of pure bliss sending waves of pleasure through out him. He loved the feeling of you clinging onto him, your once independent and powerful body reduced to a little toy for him. Let other men stare, let them ply you with gifts. He lifted you up, becoming your only anchor to the world as his fingers dug into your ass, making you bounce on his shaft in a way that made his knees weak. At the end of the day, you were his. His only. His cocksleeve. His lover. No matter how little nights he spent in your bed, no matter how far away he was from you.
But how to make others see that?
Your face was pressed against his taunt neck, your moans filling the small house.
"Shall I fuck a baby into you, y/n?" Eren asked, his voice clear and ringing in your ears like a bell. It cut through the haze of your pleasure as you processed it, and then it came back tenfold. Eren grinned as he felt your reaction, the way your pussy tightened on him. The way your moans increased.
"Oh, you like that huh? Like the thought of me breeding you?" He purred, fingers gripping onto you harder. You were coming close to the edge, on that rocky cliff before cloud nine. And he was getting you there faster than you ever had.
"Y-yes, I d-do..." You squeaked out as he bit into your shoulder, trying to quell his own rising heat. He stilled you for a moment, letting you catch your breath and kissing away the noises while you whined. He walked forward, balancing you precariously on the head of his hard dick as he reached the front door. Eren put you down, turning you to face the doorway as his hand snaked around, unlocking it and pulling open. You looked upon your front yard, at the flowers you grew, the field of wheat across the narrow lane. It was quiet, it was peaceful.
"Eren?" You questioned, turning to look at him. Wordlessly he pushed you towards it, making you grasp the door frame as he moved your skirt up. He pulled your hips towards him, and you were bent over, legs being forced open.
"Someone will see Eren, sometimes p-people take this road." You whimpered, and your only response was a dark chuckle.
"Give them something to look at then." He growled as he pushed his way inside of you, dragging against your puffy wet walls. You moan in unison with him and he held onto you tightly as his hips began to move.
"Gonna fucking breed you, gonna fucking breed you." He chanted, panting with each thrust. His hair was wild now, eyes shining in the early morning sun. The cool midday air attempted to calm your bodies, to dull the passion. But nothing could.
"Y-your friends! They're gonna be here so-soon... Eren oh my god!" You were blubbering now, feeling your wetness course down your legs as your man ruthlessly pounded you from behind. He reached around, and there was a sound of tearing that joined the squelching of your sex. The breeze run across your breasts as he exposed them, pawing at them wontonly as he bent over you.
"These are gonna get so full, Y/n. You ready for that? Ready to make me a daddy? Want the world to see. Want the world to know what you let me do to you."
Your vision was blurry, pleasure and tears making your head feel as though it was full of burning cotton. All that existed right now was Eren. The way you touched you, the way he undid you, the way he took you and made you nothing but his.
"Yes." You repeated, clutching at the frame when his fingers found your clit. His chest was against your back, bending you over further as he rut you like a bitch.
"Say it. Say you want my load. Say you want my babies." He commanded, the pads of his fingers glancing over your throbbing button over and over.
"I want your cum Eren, I want your cum, breed me, please breed my pussy I'll make you a daddy let me make you a daddy, let me-" your voice spilled into the open air, a loud moan cutting your begging short as your pussy tightened around Eren's cock, pulsating as you creamed for him. The sensation was too much for him, and he reciprocated eagerly, shooting stream after stream of hot cum into you.
With a groan Eren let himself fall from you, pulling you up to straighten and closing the door.
"I'm sorry about your blouse." He murmured as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He walked backwards toward the couch, wrapping his arms around your waist and guiding you down with him. "Got ahead of myself." He whispered. You kissed, the panting of your breaths mingling as his sweet lips moved against yours. This was always when he was most gentle, most soft.
"'s okay, you just owe me a new one." You lay against him, enjoying the way his body thrummed underneath you. You'd miss this tonight. This warmth, his hands smoothing your hair back.
"I'll have some things sent down with the next supply for the scouts. There will be grain for you too in there,already milled." You raised your head, your brow furrowed.
"And what does that mean?" You snapped, but your anger quelled when he smiled. Smiles from Eren were so rare. It caught you off guard, stopped the scolding in your throat.
"Just teasing." He replied, pulling you up for another kiss.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
The Princess and The Pogue (pt. 5)
Pairing: JJ x Female!Reader / Topper x Female!Reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: swearing, violence, mild smut
Part Summary: You and Topper make amends. You two attend the end of the summer bonfire at the Boneyard. When JJ sees you guys together, things take a turn for the worst. 
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Somehow, after hours of crying, you finally fell asleep on your bed. You're not quite sure when it happened. Your covers tucked nicely under you, wet from your tears. When you first got home, you immediately snuck up to your room, far from your parents. You ripped off your Labor Day dress, having already hated it, but you also took your aggression out on it. You changed in one of Topper's T-shirts that you stole sometime last summer... when you were hooking up. You had never been so close. Morning, noon, and night you were together. You were practically dating but without the titles. Actually, it was far deeper than that. You spent almost every hour together, you co-existing. You were acting married even though you were only teenagers. You guys just loved each other that much. If someone had told you then that a year from now you two wouldn't be talking, you would've thought they were crazy. 
“Y/N!" You hear Topper in your dreams.  "Y/N!" He repeats, then you process it's real. 
"What the-" You rise from your laid position and spot the boy climbing in from your window in the dark. "Topper?" 
"Hey! Sorry to scare you," he apologizes as he rises to his feet from a crawling position on your floor. 
"Did you climb through the window?" You question, this wouldn't be the first time, but it nevertheless is mind-boggling to you how he can climb up the side of your house. 
"Yeah, can you tell your mom to not have the gardeners cut the vines so short?" He complains with a chuckle, brushing down his Patagonia shirt. 
"What are you doing here?" You yawn. Considering what he said to you just hours before, you can't help but wonder why the fuck he's here. 
"I... I need to apologize," he stammers, taking a seat on the edge of your bed just by your legs. "Y/N, I'm so sorry! I was such a jerk to you earlier. I shouldn't have-" 
Before he can even finish, you leap at him, pulling him into a pleading hug. "Jesus, I'm so happy you're here," you whisper against his shoulder. 
Topper instantly wraps his arms around you, engulfing you. He releases a deep breath, not having realized until this moment that he couldn't breathe the entire time you weren't talking. "I've missed you!" He pulls back and brushes his hand across your cheek, bringing your hair back. "I missed you the moment you left!" He wears a smile of relief as his eyes glisten with tears threatening to fall. 
"Never let me go again," you mutter, almost as a beg. 
"I could never. I didn't," Topper explains in a rushed whisper, gripping your waist. "As soon as you left I was a mess, ask the boys! They had to talk me off a cliff. I came by earlier but your parents said you were still at Kiara's... which I'm guessing you were with JJ and the other Pogues..." His face falters and he avoids your gaze at the mention of JJ. 
You bring your hand up and tuck your fingers under his chin, guiding him to look at you. His eyes meet you with defeat and it nearly breaks your heart. "JJ drove me back to John B's, but I had Sarah drive me home almost as soon as we got there." 
"So you and JJ..." He can't bring himself to ask. 
"We..." Your brows scrunch together as you realize you never really discussed it. "You know what, I didn't even know." Enough about JJ, you're just happy that Topper is here! You felt so empty all day, in a constant state of panic. Now, you can exist again. "I'm just relieved you're here, Top. I've felt sick to my stomach all day," you release a breathless laugh of relief. 
"No, yeah you're right, no one else matters," he shakes his head, reaching for your hand on his cheek and taking it in his hands. "As long as we're good then everything else will be okay." He lifts your hand to his lips and gives them a needy kiss. 
"Stay with me?" You ask softly as he does. 
You see him swallow hard, pausing with your hand his lips. His eyes flicker up to yours with a mixture of surprise and admiration. "I was hoping you'd ask." A faint grin appearing on the edge of his lips. 
You and Topper get ready for bed as you used to every night when he snuck into your room a lot more. You've shared a bed since breaking off your... arrangement. There was the ski trip and Bermuda, but on random nights when he couldn't sleep or missed you, Topper would find himself in your bed. You pull back your blankets, knowing to get on the side closest to the window, away from the door. Topper didn't need to think twice to move to the opposite side because ever in the case of an emergency, he's the closest to the door. He's always thinking of how to keep you safe and satisfied. As you climb in, Topper begins to remove his t-shirt and shorts. You can't help but watch as his clothes become a pile on his side. It's months since you two have done anything, but that doesn't mean you haven't thought about it. There have been opportunities, but you always try to be responsible and remember why you stopped. Topper doesn't notice your staring and wondering what it would feel like to run your fingers down his chest. He climbs in next to you and immediately guides you into his side. Instantly, you feel secure and wanted, which is all anyone ever needs. He brushes his fingertips up and down your spine gently while you rest your cheek against his bare chest. It's not a new feeling to you, but it certainly never gets old. 
"There's a bonfire tomorrow at the Boneyard, wanna go together?" The boy asks, glancing down at you. 
"As long as Rafe doesn't go wild as he did," you snicker, but you mean what you say. 
"Don't worry about him, we had a nice long chat once he sobered up this afternoon," he insinuates and you wish you would've seen Topper go off on him. Then, you comprehend that it might've only happened because Topper was mad at you and Rafe was getting the side effects. 
"He doesn't deserve you, Top." You mutter, lifting your head off his chest to place a quick kiss on his chest. 
"That's how I feel about myself with you," he confesses as he peers down at you. "You've always been there for me. When Sarah cheated, you were right there and pulled me through it. The way I spoke to you this morning. I-" 
"No, no, don't say that," you shake your hand repeatedly as you cup his cheek as you did before. He leans into your touch and you find yourself wishing to be closer to him, as though that's even possible. "I love you, Top. You're my best friend. I'll always be there for you. You've helped me in more ways than you could ever realize." 
"I love you too, Y/N," he smiles, leaning down and placing a kiss on your forehead. "So much..." he whispers against your skin. 
His eyes flicker down to your neck and you remember last night in the kitchen. You brush your hand across Topper's cheek, pulling his focus back to you. His eyes and features falter at the evidence of JJ on you. 
"I'm here with you! Okay? It's you and me," you try to emphasize. 
He nods slowly, still feeling an ache in his chest, but relieved to have you in his arms. You're it for Topper. He would do anything for you, drop anyone for you, nothing is too much. You alone are what drives him and are the reason he wakes up in the morning. He would never admit it aloud out of guilt, but when he was with Sarah, he always compared her to you. He doesn't fully know why he dated her, maybe because he felt you slipping away when you realized that you no longer wanted to hook up. He couldn't lose you so he tried to replace you, but he quickly realized that was impossible. No one could be you. 
Topper woke up before you and let you sleep, pondering having you in his arms. Your legs entangled in his, your arm across his chest along with your cheek. In the light, he finally notices you wearing his shirt. A faint smile forms on his lips at the sight. He has you here with him, not with JJ or Rafe or anyone else who's pining after you. You're his. 
You've spent the entire day together on Topper's boat. It couldn't have been more perfect. The hours slipped by without either of you two noticing. Topper has been energized and enthusiastic about everything, all because he has you back. Around ten, you and Topper arrive at the Boneyard for the final bonfire of the summer. You wear distressed white short shorts over a black tank bodysuit with a matching black Chanel belt. All finished with the pearl earrings Topper gave you for Christmas last year.  
Topper keeps you close, his arm around your waist as you walk toward the crowd of teenagers. "I'm so lucky." 
You peer up at the boy with a giggle. "Why?" 
"I have the most beautiful girl in the OBX at my side," he flirts. 
You turn your attention ahead, struggling to hide your blushing. "You sound like Rafe." 
Topper steps around to walk backward in front of you. He locks his fingers through the loops of your shorts and pulls you into his chest. "At least he and I agree on something." He grins, resting his hands on your hips. 
You playfully roll your eyes but find it hard to hide your amusement. "You're such a cheese ball." 
"I'm gonna go get us some drinks," he announces before planting a quick peck to your temple. 
You nod, stepping back toward the shore as Topper holds onto your hands until the last minute. "Okay, I'll find us a spot by the water." 
"Be right there," he winks, offering you a mischievous smirk. 
For a second, you watch Topper jog off to the stack of coolers by the cement wall. Is it possible to be too dependent on someone? You know that if you and Topper stopped talking completely that you wouldn't physically die, but emotionally it would destroy you. You smile, knowing that you two will grow closer because of your fight. It taught you a valuable lesson. It took losing Topper for you to fully comprehend how much you need him. Turning on your heels, you head toward a log facing the shore. It's far enough from the chaos to give you and Topper some privacy, but close enough to still be included in the festivities. You two are both social butterflies, but today has been about you two and you want to keep it that way. You sit down on the log, content watching the small waves crashing against the sand just a few feet away. The light of the moon shimmers on the water, making it looks like lines of crystal. 
"Want a drink, Princess?" A familiar voice asks over your shoulder 
You glance up to see a 
"Wow, you look extra Kooky tonight," he remarks under his breath as he brings his cup to his mouth. 
You glare at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" 
"Let's play a game!" He blurts out. "How many items that Y/N is wearing are designer?"
You roll your eyes, realizing how drunk he is because JJ isn't like this. "How much have you had to drink?" 
"Just the right amount!" He answers swiftly before moving on. "My guess is all of them, but I can't be too sure. You'll have to take off your clothes so I can check what's underneath." 
"You wanna sit for a second? Maybe cool down a bit?" You offer, gesturing to the space beside you. 
His expression shifts from carefree to hurt. "Why do you care?" 
"JJ..." You sigh, peering up at the boy with immense guilt. 
"What?!" He tosses his arms up at his sides, losing some of his drink in the process. "You come here with Prince Charming, acting all coupley!" 
 "It's not like that-" You try to explain calmly. 
"Not according to Sarah!" He counters in a shout. You nervously check over at the crowd, making sure no one heard him burst. "You two planning your next trip to Bermuda?!" 
"What!" You whip your head back around toward JJ. "What did Sarah tell you?!" You fly up to your feet, stepping toward him defensively. 
"Did you sleep with him?!" JJ yells again and you're sure others heard him this time. 
"Excuse me?" You gasp at his audacity. 
"After you left John B's, did you go and find him?!" He elaborates with a breathless laugh. He steps closer to you, getting in your face. He doesn't care if others listen or if he's making you uncomfortable. "After you kissed me and slept in my bed, did you go and sleep with Topper?!" 
Abruptly, you feel a hand pressed to your back and see JJ being shoved backyard. 
"Hey! Back off man!" Topper growls, suddenly at your side. 
JJ catches himself from falling after a second of stumbling. "Oh and here he is now!" He laughs, tossing his cup to the side. "Your knight in shining armor!" 
"I think you should go, man!" Topper warns between his teeth. 
Topper's arm slips around you and grips your waist protectively. You watch JJ as he glares at Topper's arm around you. 
"Don't "man" me, alright! Touch me again and you'll lose a hand!" JJ threatens. 
"JJ!" John B calls for his friend as he runs toward you from down the beach. Kiara, Pope, and Sarah are close behind him. When JJ doesn't react. John B shouts again. JJ! Come on, let's go back over to the fire." 
"No! Not until she answers me!" JJ screams, yanking his arm free. 
Pope, Kiara, and Sarah watch in distress as JJ and Topper go back and forth. None of you are sure what to do. 
"Answer what!" Topper barks, stepping toward JJ defensively. You grab his arm, keeping him back. 
"Oh, I'm sorry! Is your name Y/N?" JJ laughs mockingly. "That Kook Academy doesn't do you guys any favors for your intelligence does it?" 
Pope steps around to block off his friend. "Just cool down, buddy!" 
"I knew you were Kook, Y/N, but I would've never marked you as slut," JJ shouts at you over Pope's shoulder. 
Topper breaks free of your hold, charging at JJ. John B grabs Pope and yanks him out of Topper's way. Now block-less, JJ runs at Topper. His face is red with aggravation. You could've never imagined seeing JJ look so enraged. The person he was with you the other night was entirely different. He was kind, gentle, understanding. You don't recognize him. Topper shoves JJ hard enough to make the boy fall back onto the sand. 
Topper tackles JJ into the ankle-deep water, immediately punching him in the jaw. The two grunt, struggling to get the upper hand. John B attempts to pull Topper off. 
"Topper!" You yell desperately. 
"JJ!" Kiara yells from the sidelines. 
"Enough!" John B barks at the pair as Pope runs to assist. 
The crowd by the bonfire starts to figure out what's going on a few yards away and rush over to watch. Pogues and Kooks each cheer for their fighter. Kelce and Rafe show up, pushing through the crowd to help out their friend. 
"Topper! Get off of him!" You plead as your best friend continues to press JJ's head under the water. 
JJ manages to punch Topper in the cheek, making the boy lose his balance for a second. Despite hating each other, Kelce and Rafe try to help out John B and Pope. 
"Guys! Quit!" Kelce commands, pulling at Topper. 
"Top, you'll kill him!" Sarah screams from beside Kiara. 
You want to go stand with them, but at this moment you're not sure if they want anything to do with you. Sarah and Kiara are Pogues. You're not just Y/N right now, their friend. You're a Kook during this Kook vs. Pogue fight. 
The boys manage to yank Topper off of JJ. The blonde Pogue flies up from beneath the surface, gasping for air. Topper falls back onto the sand in a seated position. Topper continues to fist JJ's collar and as he's shoved off, ripping JJ's shirt down the front. You notice the large purple and blue bruise on JJ's chest and freshly heeling cut down his neck to his collar bone. JJ frantically reaches behind himself, searching for something. Then, things take a turn for the worst when he whips out a gun. The crowd that watched the fight with amusement now scatters in a panic. 
"Woah! Woah! Woah!" Topper's eyes grow wide as he starts to scoot back, holding up a hand pleadingly. 
Kelce and Rafe bolt away, John B and Pope rush out words, trying to calm JJ down. 
"JJ!" John B yells at his friend. "What the hell?!" 
"Oh my god!" Sarah's hands fly up to her mouth. 
"That's right! Bet you didn't think I had that did ya?" JJ grins wickedly at Topper. 
"Topper!" Kelce attempts to collect his friend but halts when JJ points the gun at him. 
"Everyone back off!" JJ orders, rising to his feet, returning the gun's point toward Topper. 
Without a second thought, you sprint across the sand. You slide in front of Topper, the waves splashing against you. 
"Y/N! No!" Topper screams as soon as you land in JJ's path. 
"Y/N!" Sarah and Kiara shout your name in unison. 
JJ hesitates when his eyes land on you. You see him lower the gun a little and Kelce takes the opportunity to pull Topper from the scene. 
"JJ please..." you beg of him. 
Your heart is racing, but you're certain JJ won't hurt you. Despite his evident pain and anger toward you, he won't do it. You remember the boy from the other night, the one who spoke to you with such admiration. That boy wouldn't harm you. You know he's in there beneath this tough facade. 
"Y/N! Come on!" Rafe wraps his fingers around your arm and drags you away. 
While he's distracted by you, John B swiftly steals the gun from JJ's hand and begins ushers him away to their circle of friends. The Pogues swarm JJ, all talking over each other. 
 Rafe frantically cups your face, checking on you. "Y/N! Y/N, are you okay?"
"I'm fine..." You mutter, glancing over your shoulder, watching John B talk to JJ down the beach. 
"No cuts? Scrapes?" Rafe panics. 
"No..." You shake your head absent-mindedly as you’re too distracted by observing JJ. 
"Are you okay?" Kiara checks on JJ worriedly as you watch from a distant. 
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine!" JJ rushes out, still agitated. "Fuck this man!" He swears, then his eyes land on yours with surprise. He hand’t expected you to be listening or even care. 
You two stare each other from across the beach. Guilt consumes his features and sympathy breaks you apart as your vision lands on the wounds covering JJ’s torso. Rafe brings you over to Kelce who has Topper catching his breath against a tree. 
"Dude's fucking nuts, man!" Kelce curses, all fidgety beside you. 
As soon Topper sees you coming, he pushes himself off the tree and rushes to you. His arms engulf you as he presses you to his chest. 
He squats down to be at your level, cupping your face in his hands. “You’re so stupid, Y/N! You just jumped in front of a gun! Why would you do that?!” 
“Because it was pointed at you!” You justify desperately. 
Topper's eyes soften. “You’d risk your life for me?! Are you crazy?!” A soft, breathless, laugh escapes him. 
“Of course I would you idiot!” You remark with frustration. How could he possibly think you wouldn't? You'd do anything for the boy. 
“God, I love you so much," he mutters, placing a hand on either side of your head and planting a kiss on your forehead. 
“Are you sure you’re not hurt anywhere?” You check his body in a panic. 
“Yes, yes I’m okay!” He assures you. “Let’s get out of here before things get crazy again." 
Your eyes grow wide. “Agreed!” 
He looks over at you and Topper doting on each other. It makes him even more pissed off. "Great! Go baby him! Tend to your Kook Prince, you Princess!" He yells across the beach. 
John B covers his friend's mouth. "Shut up, JJ!" 
"Jesus JJ!" Pope huffs under his breath. 
You and Topper snap your heads in JJ's direction. As a result, Topper pulls you into his side securely. 
“We'll text you guys later!” Kelce calls out to you both as he and Rafe start backing toward their cars. 
“Stay close to me,” Topper slips his into yours, giving it a tight squeeze. “I’m never letting that psycho Pogue anywhere near you again!” 
When you arrive at Topper's car, he opens your door for you. He keeps a sharp eye on the Pogues that remain on the beach. When John B or any of them glance our way, he glares daggers in their direction. Once you climb in, Topper reaches in and begins to buckle your seat belt as though you were a toddler in a car seat. 
“Topper I think I can put on my own seat belt,” you 
“I know, Sweetheart. I’m just..." he stops his action, kneeling beside you. "I guess I’m still a little scared. I was so afraid when that gun was pointed at you, I... I couldn’t breathe. I can never lose you, Y/N,” he rushes out, becoming emotional. 
Your emotions become bottled up as a lump in your throat. You rub your fingers through Topper's hair and plant a kiss on his forehead. His hands glide around your waist to your back, hugging you needly. His head rests against your chest as you cradle it. 
Abruptly, he breaks from you as a thought pops into his mind. “Promises me that if there’s any dangerous situation like that again, you run!" He instructs sternly. "You don’t do anything reckless for my sake!” 
You shake your head frantically, already rejecting his words. “You would’ve done the same thing for me! You basically did!” You justify. 
“I’m seriously Y/N!" Topper stands his ground. Eagerly, he takes removes your hands from his hair and squeezes them in his own. "I could never live with myself if something happened to you! Never again!” 
You want to argue with him on it, claim that if he's going to be protective of you that he must understand that you'll be the same. Yet, nothing escapes you. Instead, you simply nod, not wanting to fight at this moment. 
He nods, satisfied by your compliance. “I love you, you know that right?” 
You nod. “I love you too, Topper." 
JJ fell into a dark abyss of self-deprecation and destruction after the bonfire. The Pogues all drove back to John B's, but as soon as they got there JJ disappeared as he did the day before. All they can do is wonder where he goes. If they knew that he was at the bar searching for his dad half drunk, they would be stopping a second fight for the day. 
JJ can't help but feel responsible for it all. One minute he has you. You're right there. The next, you're gone, in the arms of Topper of all people. He wants to know if anything from the other night was real for you. Was he just a game to you? You're the Princess of the OBX, you can have anything you want, including JJ if you asked. Is that what happened? You wanted him for a night and then got bored and went back to your fellow Kook. He wishes he hadn't let you down. He wishes you were here. He wishes that he could hold you again and feel you in his arms. Waking up next to you was the best moment in his life and he fears he'll never feel that sort of peace again. 
You Topper spend the night at his house, too afraid to be apart. Late into the night, Topper struggles to fall asleep as he holds you. Your back is pressed to his chest as his hands rest against you underneath his shirt you're wearing. Every time he tries to close his eyes, he envisions what could've happened tonight. You could've been shot. Topper could never live with himself if anything happened to you. Moving slowly to not wake you, he rolls onto his back and reaches toward the nightstand for his phone. He begins to scroll through social media and text messages, responding in the group chat between you, Kelce, Rafe, and himself. You've all agreed to go to lunch tomorrow at the Club with some other Kooks from the bonfire. 
You stir next to Topper, making the boy pause for a second. When you roll over still asleep and curl into him, a wave of relief rushes over Topper. 
“Go back to sleep,” you yawn. 
Topper jumps at the sudden sound of your voice. “Shit... sorry Beautiful, I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“I’ve been awake. I could feel you overthinking," you whisper, scooting closer into his side. 
“You could feel me thinking?” He repeats with a hint of confusion.
You hum, as it makes perfect sense to you. You hear the sound of Topper pushing his phone back onto the side table. He rests his now free hand over your arm that lays across him. After a couple of minutes, you can still feel the tension radiating from him. 
“I’m okay, Topper,” you tell him to ease his nerves. 
“I know, I can’t just help but review the course of events in my head. What if he didn’t hesitate? What if his hand slipped? What if-“ 
“Enough!” You fly up to prop yourself up on your elbow. You stare down at the worried boy with sympathy. "You’re okay! I’m okay! What’s done is done and all we can do is be safe from now on. We’re safe!” You reach up and comb your fingers through the side of his hair. “Okay? It’s just you and me here.” 
Impulsively, Topper extends his neck and slams his lips to yours. You sit stunned as the kiss rides out its course. You and Topper go months without anything intimate and within two days, he's kissed you twice, breaking every ruled you two have made. When you don't react, Topper breaks from you with a startled expression, as if he wasn't comprehending his actions. 
“Y/N, I'm sorry! I-“ 
Before Topper can finish his sentence, you press your lips to his hungrily. You're not sure why, but you need him. Topper is your kryptonite, the bittersweet reality in your life. Forgetting his regret, Topper immediately sits up, resting against his headboard. You take the opportunity to straddle his torso and he keeps you steady with his hands on your hips. It's been ages since you've made out, but it's like riding a bike for you two. You know what each other likes and what gets the other going. 
"I've missed you so much," Topper whispers against your jawline as he moves down to leave marks on your neck. He aggressively attacks your sensitive skin where evidence of JJ remains. Deep down in the back of your mind, you know Topper is parking his territory for JJ to see later. Your skin has become a battleground for the two. "I've missed this." 
"Me too," you pant, silently wondering if you truly mean it in the same sense as him. 
Though you chose to kiss Topper back and want to, you can’t understand why JJ’s face enters your mind the moment you do. As you deepen the kiss with Topper, you chase the sensation he’s giving you. You're addicted to the way he makes you feel, it's familiar and reminds you of a time when you were carefree. Yet, your thoughts remain fixated on JJ. You want Topper, but all you can think about is JJ. 
Tags: @starkeythinker @bethii1 @thegunnerkelly@cc13723things @hockeybabe87 @jolomez
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demonprincezeldris · 3 years
Alternative S1 ending for an au where only the DK and those loyal to him got sealed
“Ah, Meliodas… you’ve arrived.”
“Stop this nonsense at once! You have no idea what your doing!”
“What I’m doing!? Why, I’m releasing the demon clan from their seal! It will be a glorious war that brings power to the kingdom!”
“Your releasing a 3000 year old seal keeping a tyrant and his followers locked away. Let Elizabeth go and stop this, now!”
“Come now, we’ve studied the clan extensively and there’s nothing-“
“You mean that weak ass red devil corpse!?”
“The phrase ‘demon’ is a blanket term for denizens of the Underworld. That demon you’ve got there, the red one? It’s a red devil, the weakest of the the underworld creatures! They’re little more than wild beasts. The creatures in that seal far outrank it.”
“W-well we weren’t just studying that one. We found a gray-“
“Still weak. Parasitic Grays are more powerful but still considered lower demons. I’ve only ever met one that reached a high ranked status. She was a special case.”
“I-I… well I’m sure your exaggerating. We’ve discovered you to be a member of the demon clan and you’re hardly a threat, Dragon Sin of Wrath.”
“That’s cuz I’ve been holding back this whole time, dumbass! I took on a human form when I left the clan and sealed my own power away!”
“Wait… what!?”
“N-no way…”
“If you want I can show you… can’t guarantee your survival, though.”
“Don’t make me laugh! You have the same power and strength… as… me… wh-what is… what is this feeling!?”
“My power. I told you didn’t I? I sealed myself within a human form so that I could live peacefully in the human realm. I’ve been holding myself back for centuries.”
“It… it suddenly got so dark! It was a bright sunny day!”
“Wh… what is this stuff rising from the ground!?”
“This is the power of the demon clan, Hendrickson. This is what I’ve spent 3000 years guarding the human realm against. Do you really think your little army of artificial demons can stand a chance against this!?”
“Th-th-this is impossible… n-no one should… I-I-I…”
“I haven’t even released my human form yet. Do you want to continue this?”
“N-no… no I… I can’t! I have to release the clan!”
“And why is that?”
“Someone is threatening you too, aren’t they? A demon.”
“Who are they holding hostage? Who is forcing you to do these things and destroy your own humanity. Tell me!”
“I… Dr-Dreyfus. They possessed Dreyfus and were gonna… if I didn’t…”
“I see.”
*darkness recedes, Meliodas had pulled his power back into the seal*
“Oh my gosh… I-I can’t believe the Captain was holding all the power back all this time. He really is a demon!”
“What does the demon look like, the one holding Dreyfus hostage?”
“L-l-large purple monster. He had spikes and a booth in his chest!”
*unintelligible curse in demon tongue*
“Fraudrin! Of course…”
“Y-you know him!?”
“Bastard killed my girlfriend.”
“Wait… what!?”
“He tried the exact same thing your doing now, and he failed. In the process my home was destroyed and my girlfriend was murdered right in front of me.”
“I suggest you tell me where he went. With your friend’s body.”
“I… He flew ahead. I was just to distract you and get the remaining blood.”
“So in other words, this whole mess is pointless. I know you know how to use Purge. Get rid of that demon blood right now.”
“I- wait where are you-!?”
“I’m gonna go after Fraudrin and get Dreyfus back.”
*Several hours later*
“So we’re supposed to just sit here and wait for Meliodas?”
“Shut up, Howzer!”
“Hey, you feel that!?”
*Dreyfus drops form the sky, looking up they see the furious form of Meliodas with black wings sprouting from his back. The remainder of his forearms and legs have disappeared to be replaced by a claws and his torso was covered by a black trench coat?? There was a crest in the shape of some sort of eye on his forehead.*
“Y-you damned demon! Knights! Help me to-“
“Oh shut up, Fraudrin. The jig is up!”
“Wh-what!? What are you talking about you-“
“Hendrickson told me everything. All about how your keeping Dreyfus hostage and forced the two of them to kill Grandmaster Zaratrus. You might as well stop pretending cuz nobody is gonna fall for it.”
“Mm-hmm might as well let the poor man go too.”
“Y-you damned-“
“Get out of him before I pull you out of there myself!”
“Alright! Alright!”
*a purple mist began pouring out of Dreyfus’ mouth, solidifying into the form of a large purple creature with a mouth on its chest, covered in sharp spikes*
“Meliodas you damned, traitorous bastard! I should’ve killed you ages ago.”
“Yeah, because I’m the one going behind my current ruler’s back to unleash the previous king of demons and restart a war nobody wanted just cuz I’m salty about the war ending 3000 years ago.”
“The only reason we lost the war all those years ago was because of you, you bastard!”
“Oh? It’s not because the leader of the clan at the time was a tyrant with no regard to his people’s lives and needs and was entirely focused in a pointless war based in some preconceived motion that war is the only way to keep some weird balance within the universe!? That our own king was driving us to extinction!? Get a fucking clue, Fraudrin. There’s a reason both myself and Zeldris made that pact to seal him away.”
“You speak as if neither of you had anything to gain from sealing your own sire away.”
“Did he just say-“
“…Oh. Oh-ho, so none of the precious little humans you’re so protective of know…”
“It… it doesn’t matter. I left that life 3000 years ago and the bastard is gone. Now I’d appreciate it if you’d stop butting into my family business and get to the meat of the matter. There is no way you just decided to do this alone, someone had to be working with you. So, who are the other conspirators?”
“Tch, what makes you think there are other conspirators!?”
“Because you went after Elizabeth. Somehow you knew who and what she was and you went after her to get the key to the seal. Only myself, Zeldris, and the goddess clan know the significance of Elizabeth’s heritage, and I know my brother wants to see the return of our father just as much as I do, which is to say not at all. So which one of those high and mighty goddesses decided to bring themselves low enough to make a deal with a demon to restart the war?”
“As if I’d tell you, you filthy, human-loving, weakling of a demon!”
“Well, that’s uncalled for.”
“Captain… what did you mean by Elizabeth’s heritage being the key?”
“Sir Meliodas?”
“Sir Meliodas… did you… know my birth parents?”
“No Elizabeth, I didn’t know them. Not the ones from this lifetime at least.”
“This… lifetime!?”
“Keeping the precious goddess bitch from her heritage, huh?”
“You shut up! I don’t want to hear another word out of you unless your telling us who the other conspirators are!”
“Meliodas, I understand your angry right now but perhaps we should… focus on securing him for now. I’m sure we can get the information from him later.”
“Hmph… fine.”
“S-sir Meliodas… what did he mean by that?”
“Mean by what, Elizabeth?”
“About my heritage and you knowing it.”
“ Elizabeth, trust me, you don’t want to know.”
“Yes I do! Sir Meliodas, I’ve been so confused about who I am, why I’m the only survivor of Danafor besides yourself. Now I hear you know that. Please tell me the truth!”
“I can’t.”
“Why!? Why can’t you-“
“If I tell you, YOU’LL DIE!!!”
“It… it’s a curse. If I tell you who you really are and you regain your memories you’ll die in three days. Please, don’t make me… don’t make me watch it happen again.”
“…I see. Alright then, I’ll trust you, Sir Meliodas. Just… promise to tell me at some point, okay?”
“I promise if it ever becomes safe to tell you, you’ll hear it from me. I… I want nothing more than to tell you, Elizabeth, but I can’t.”
“Of course, Sir Meliodas.”
*at the Boar Hat*
“So… Cap’n! You had a pretty big reveal out in that courtyard, yeah?”
“Ban… please. Not now… I just want to sleep, okay? We’ve had a long day, let’s just sleep.”
“Would love to do that, Cap’n… but I don’t think we can. If we let you go without giving us an explanation you’ll find some way to dodge it and we’ll never get to talk about it.”
Oh I love this idea!
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booksweet · 3 years
Could I request a Gojo fic/drabble/whatever based around Halsey’s song Colors?? I feel like it fits Gojo perfectly. Angsty. Fluffy. Whatever you’re feeling.
Hollow Purple
starring: sorcerer!Gojo x human!reader
synopsis: there was happiness when blue and red met, but they didn't know grey would claim their place in between them.
contents/warnings: ANGST, SFW, slightly mention of blood, trauma, violence (if I miss something, please warn me), both reader and Gojo are 18+
WC: + 2k
A/N: hello, anon! I swear to god I tried to make it a fluff, but I coulnd't, it screamed angst on my mind. This request reminded me I'm into writing pain stuff like my heart was broken a thousand times, and I wish I could say sorry for the pain, but I'm NOT hahaha no regrets. Enjoy!
tags @noritoshiikamo
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You were gone. You were gone and destroyed every piece of him, every inch of him were carved by you.
He knew by the first time he saw you that you'd have so much power over him, you could end him without even using words.
And that's what happened.
You with your beautiful eyes, and beautiful red dress. You broke him.
His blue eyes now devoid of bright, of color.
But he knew it was his fault.
His fault to insist bringing you to his world while you should've had stayed in yours, oblivion to everything related to jujutsu. Yet, he couldn't regret it. He would never regret meeting you, and being with you this whole time until you got apart.
There he was, above the skies, searching for cursed spirits who ran away from him, their fear reasoned since he was the strongest above all. He couldn't care less about their feelings. Within the curtain, without non-jujutsu sorceres, he just wanted to finish that spirits as fast as he could to call his day off and eat some sweets.
"Guess I'll have to go a little rough now, uh?" With a movement of his hands, he felt his cursed energy shaking inside him like an ocean of power, such powers had he overwhelmed by years until he could plenty control them.
But suddenly he felt another presence, aside cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcerers, he felt a human presence. With a frown of his browns, he took off his blindfolds, revealing beautiful blue eyes, in order to find out who or what was that feeling. His flowing energy all at once disrupted.
And then, he found you. He found you walking calmly through the lonely streets wearing a red dress he could never forget. "What an interesting..." He muttered checking out if you were truly human, six-eyes working hard to find it and, when he was certainly of it, his interest on you just grew even harder.
You were about to cross an alley between two buildings and he took the chance to teleport there by connecting his hands. You took a few steps and stopped to admire some store's window and he couldn't help but wonder how you were still there in that chaotic place so relaxed and withou fear.
"Who are you?" He came closer to you and you stepped back with surprise, staring at that tall white-haired man with suspicious eyes and a smirk on his lips.
"Who's wanna know?" Your hands ready to punch his face if he dared to try something on you. His growing interest reached alarming levels as his heart bumped hard on his chest.
"I'm Gojo Satoru," He said without approaching you, and with a bow, he added. "The strongest above all. At your service."
"The strongest?" You said while lifting your chin up to him in defiance. "Oddly of you to say that, isn't?"
And he at that right moment, he knew he was lost. He was lost to you.
- x -
He was supposed to protect you, he was supposed to take care of you ever since you met. Instead, he brought you danger, he brought you pain, he brought you despair.
What's the point of being blessed with six-eyes if he couldn't protect the only one he cared the most?
Not a bless, but a curse. A sin held upon his shoulders. A burden so heavy he couldn't breath.
A sin so harmful that had stained you. Your naive soul. Innocent. Heavenly.
And he missed you. He missed your red lips. You red clothes. He missed how your smile seemed to warm him just like the red sunset you two watched once. His blue eyes missed staring at your for hours, drowning in yours.
Blue and red.
Red and blue.
Two parts independent from each other, yet they floated against them, their souls wiling to be one.
Convergence and divergence.
Divergence and convergence.
And when both opposites reunite...
The second time you met, Gojo wasn't on a mission and you weren't in danger at all. You had an average day and stopped by a coffee shop to drink some hot coffee, eat your favorite sweet and maybe read your favorite book just to get away from craziness of your life, you wanted to relax. You were at your favorite table, alone, and the costumers were passing around you and you weren't giving them attention when the doorbell left out a "ring!".
He couldn't help but desire some sweets, it was his nature as sweet-eater. He knew he would bring attention to him, he was tall, handsome as hell and was wearing a blindfold, of course everyone would've looked at him.
But you hadn't looked at him. You didn't even take your eyes out of the pages to check what happend at the cafe. Nevertheless, once again you caught his attention and he recognized you from your first meeting. "What do we have here?" He muttered with a glimpse of a smile on the corner of his lips.
He ordered a chocolate cake and signed the waiter to take it to your table. Meanwhile, he moved his long legs on tour way, like you were a force bringing him closer and closer each step. He moved the chair loudly and had his seat in front of you. "Hello, Y/N! Long time no see, ugh?"
Surprised by his suddenly entrance, you put your book down and looked straight at him. That weird man you met months ago, still you felt different about him. "Long time no see, strongest above all" you replied playfully. "What bring your majesty up here?"
— x —
When you third met, it was your first date. That turned into a second, and then a third, a fourth... And suddenly you were about all his life, above your weird friendship. All at once you became the one he needed the most to feel himself.
Yet he chose not to tell you about jujutsu. He chose not to tell you about his powers. About why he couldn't stay a little longer with you at your place. About where he would've been travel out of city for weeks without giving any news if he was okay.
He dissapeared for weeks in a roll. And you worried about him. About his blue eyes. You worried about never going to see him again, even though you didn't figure out what you feared at all.
Once, he came back of one of those long trips, after several weeks of nothing about him, but what he gave you to remind of him — his shirt, a photograph of you two, one of his blindfolds.
And you couldn't help but cry while kissing him. You couldn't help but to say you loved him you never wanted for him to disappear. And he would retrieve, he would say he loved you so hard you had him in your hands. He was yours to be loved, to be destroyed.
The strongest on his knees at a human's mercy.
Had never his eyes sight such a colorful being, such a colorful existence. He was at your mercy, his existence, his entire being was yours to paint, to stain, to rip him apart if you wanted.
And then, when you two lay down together, messy sheets and pillows. Blue and red met once again, but not apart, they were together. That time blue and red turned into a beautiful tone of purple.
— x —
Someday you would find out, he knew it. Yet, he still longed for time to be with you, time to be himself without necessarily being the strongest, the head of his clan, the balance between cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcerers.
But he knew he had no time, you had no time with him. There wasn't enough time with jujutsu and curses. They would've come for you by anytime.
He masked his worries from you. He always seemed so happy in his nonchalant and playful way. Always trying to annoy you and make you laugh everytime you spent together.
You mocked the "strongest above all" out of him every opportunity you had. And this had him caring about you more and more.
But then it wasn't a joke anymore.
Jujutsu were real.
Cursed spirits were real.
And you were just a human.
Blood. Red. Everything is red. Everything is blood. Pain. You were in pain screaming. You couldn't see what hurt you, but that ominous feeling was still there in your place. "What happened? What happened? Who are you? Who are you?" You couldn't help keep muttering it like a prayer, thinking of Gojo who was to come by and see your hurt state.
But Gojo Satoru felt the overflowed cursed energy arisen from your place. His bare eyes naked with worry and, for the first time, fear. And then he broke. Every piece of him.
He found you on the floor, muttering non-sense words — including his name in your dizzy state — blood running over you limbs, torso and head. A cut on your beautiful face. And above you, at the ceiling, that goddamn cursed spirit laughing out loud mocking you. Mocking your pain. Your despair.
He ran out of control. He released this powers untamed, uncontrolled. In a blink of an eye he exorcised that cursed spirit from existence. He was furious, feral. He could bring fire to the world if it means to keep you safe, to keep you alive. "Y/N?" He came closer to you, checking out your pulse as his hand held your wrist. It was so weak his heart almost stopped. "Don't leave me, please. You don't deserve to die."
— x —
When everything fell apart, he took you to Shoko at Jujutsu High nursery. She healed your physical wounds in silence while he stayed by your side. You kept unconscious the process, sometimes mumbling while your expression turned into a painful one.
When you woke up at his place, you said nothing. Nothing came out from your mouth, even though he tried to make you speak. He kissed your forehead, your cheeks. You could hear him say "Love, love, love, please, talk to me" in a desperate broken tone.
Yet you couldn't say a thing.
When purple turned into grey, everything faded away. Everything blurred.
Happiness overpowered by despair and pain. You were broken such as the beautiful thing you two had.
"Y/N, please, please, I'm begging," Once more his voice muffled on your ears. Why they hold such pain? "I'm on my knees, Y/N, please, come back, come back to me."
He told you the truth about him so many times expecting some reaction, something from you. Yet he received anything at all. You were numb to reality, there was nothing he could do about that.
But one day, after weeks and weeks of him trying to call you back, you spoke for the first time. Pale eyes meeting him lifeless. And he felt his world falling apart again. "I want to go" You whispered and he widened his pretty eyes full of tears.
"What, Y/N?"
"I want to leave. I wanto to go away from here. Take me out, take me out, take me out..." You kept saying repeatdly, each time a knife stabbing his heart.
"Y/N, love..." He tried to touch your hair, but you moved away from him.
"No, no," You muttered afraid. "It's your fault. The monsters. The blood. The pain..." You shrunk yourself in your bed, crying. "The nightmares. It's your fault." Your crying getting louder and louder. "I wish I could forget you."
"Y/N, I-I," He struggled his words, afraid and crying. "You know I can protect you, you know I will."
Your voice cold in his ears aside your tears. "No, you can't."
— x —
Blue bright eyes once, but not anymore. Not when the reason they shone for now It's gone. When you've chosen to forget him since your accident.
That was what you asked, to forget. To forget the pain, the blood the nightmares, him...
It was quite easy to manipulate your memories, cursed energy manipulation and then it's done. Not that it means it did not hurt him, but it had to be done.
When light came back to your eyes, Gojo's bright faded away.
When you smiled red, blue was not his color anymore.
When your life was colorful, his was grey and devoid of any color.
Red and blue turned into purple. His heart was craved by yours, when you were together.
Purple danced in front of his eyes as his memories overflowed his mind. Blue eyes crying because of red.
Blue eyes seeing grey because now red is gone forever and blue is alone.
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Please Fix the Story pt 23 - Sci Fi
Here is the next part! There is at least one more part in this world. Getting really close to the end!
Masterpost Linked Here
Life moved on, and despite the growing anxiety I had after my encounter with Chris, things moved smoothly. Chris had disappeared after that night, leaving his resignation from the academy laying on his desk. Liam was busy with wedding plans, occasionally checking in to make sure I was happy with his choices.
He was honestly much more thoughtful about it than I would have been, and I was happy to have his help. My father arranged his leave and was on his way. We also heard from Liam’s parents that they were going to arrive soon as well.
When Liam received the news, he became perfectly still for a few moments. I watched him, concerned at the obvious change.
“Liam, are you okay?”
“I – I don’t know.” His eyes were unfocused, as if staring off into space. “Why… are they coming?”
“Because they’re your parents? I doubt they would miss the wedding of a royal family member, no matter how bad your relationship is.”
“Parents… it’s… all wrong.” Liam seemed to be struggling against some invisible bind. His dark blue eyes flickered, and seemed to almost glow in the shadow of the resting area we sat it.
WARNING. World destabilization detected. Attempting forced conformity… Failure… host and partner soul strength too high.
Unable to see the bright blue words hanging in the air, Liam continued speaking.
“This… isn’t right. I don’t have family." His face was becoming more certain. “It’s not my fate. All I have is…” He glanced at me, his eyes filled with pain. “Bel..?”
WARNING! Stabilize world story immediately or face destruction and mission failure.
I reached out quickly, holding Liam’s hands in my own. “Liam, take a deep breath. Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” He answered without hesitation.
“I know it seems wrong, but for now I need you to go with the idea of having parents and family.”
“Trust me. “
“Okay.” He leaned back, sighing. The glowing dark blue of his eyes faded, and he closed them for a brief moment, before seemingly returning back to normal. “I trust you.”
We don’t belong here.
The uncertainty in this world grew each day. Liam, whoever Chris had become… me… we weren’t from this world. But if we deviated to much, the world could destabilize, and I could fail the mission.
I just needed to keep my head down, blend in and complete the mission.
Try not to rebel too much against the role I’d been given in this world, except the ending.
Simple, right?
“We’ve talked the last few hours about our lists, now it’s your turn! What do you miss most about Chris, Alaira?”
Maybe world destabilization, mission failure and soul destruction aren’t that bad after all.
I stared at the group of young women in front me, wondering for the hundredth time in the past hour how I had been roped into this... harem support group?
Allie, Ilene and Wen stared back at me, waiting for me to answer.
“I… miss kicking his butt in mock Mech battles?” I winced as I spoke, realizing they would probably take offense at that, but to my surprise they all smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, you were a very important rival to Chris.” Ilene patted me on the back.
Allie spoke up, “He was always talking about how he wanted to beat you and have you accept him as a fellow Guardian. “
“Yeah… he… I…” Wen started to chime in, but then her face crumpled as she sobbed into her hands. “What are we supposed to do now that he’s gone?! What am I supposed to do without him?! What if he never comes back?!”
“I miss him!”
“Me too!”
Soon all three girls were crying, leaving me in uncomfortable silence in the corner.
Blend in, don’t make waves, don’t try to change things….
“I can’t live without him!” Ilene’s dramatic cry broke something within me.
“OKAY GUYS, SHUT UP!” I stood up, placing my hands on my hips as I stared at them. “You are a group of highly intelligent, talented women in the most competitive military academy in the known universe! And you’re nothing without some guy?”
“He’s not just some….” Wen started to interrupt, but was shushed by me.
“No. No matter how much you care for him. He is a guy, and you are all your own person. You have talents, dreams and stories beyond his existence.” I turned to petite girl beside me first. “You! Wen, you’re one of the top engineering students in the program! With your skills, it would be a cinch to improve upon the current Mech design!” After all, she had ramped up Chris’s Mech in the story, surely she could do the same without him!
“And you!” I pointed at Allie. “You’re a Guardian! You're a level B one at that! That's an even higher level than Chris!”
“But I don’t have his drive…”
“You can have his drive! You can have more than his drive! He spent half his time complaining about how people didn’t take him seriously or how people were trying to force him to be a Connector. You can be TEN TIMES the Guardian Chris was!”
I ignored her startled sputterings and turned towards the dark haired girl on the other side. “And you… Ilene.”
She stared at me warily. “What about me?”
“You’re a freaking Princess! And a super talented Connector! How can that become nothing if Chris isn’t around?”
“…I thought you didn’t like me?”
“I don’t.” I answered bluntly. “You treat your brother like trash, and that’s enough for me to want to kick your teeth in.” I sighed, leaning back in my chair. “That being said, just because I hate you doesn’t mean I don’t respect you as a talented Connector. You just have a crappy personality.”
“Um… Thanks?”
“Don’t mention it.” I opened my arms. “You three have top-notch talent all gathered here in one room. What do you need Chris for?! You could be a force to be reckoned with!”
Wen jumped to her feet. “You’re right! I should design a Mech, one stronger than anyone’s ever seen.!”
“Yes!” I pumped a hand in the air.
“And I’ll fly it! I’ll terrorize the Hive until they go running back to their home planet!” Allie stood up as well.
“You’ve got it!”
Ilene joined in. “If I remember, Allie, you and I have a decent resonance match. How about we partner up?”
“Let’s do it!”
The girls high-fived each other while I watched approvingly.
“Let’s destroy the hIve!
“We’ll save humanity!”
‘...And then we’ll find Chris!”
I groaned.
They were so close… but I guess this is better than nothing.
The girls plotted the formation of a new team, surprisingly accepting the team name “Harem” (my suggestion). As they filed out, chattering excitedly, I prepared to escape this mentally exhausting group.
“Alaira, wait.” Princess Ilene stopped me before I could walk out the door.
“What is it?” I kept a neutral expression. I hadn’t been joking when I said I didn’t like her.
She hesitated. “Are you really marrying my brother?”
“Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”
“…No… it’s just…” She rubbed her face. “He’s… different. And I feel like you should know. “
Sitting back down, I crossed my legs and prepared to listen.
“Since he met you… William is a different person. He’s kinder… gentler… even goes by a different name. He’s never gone by Liam.”
That caught my attention “What was he like before?”
“Angry. Vicious. Hurt people just to watch them suffer.” Her face was blank, as if remembering things she didn’t want to. “He was so mad at the world for not allowing him to match, he spent all his time plotting to take down talented people who could.”
A villain. Was that who he was before Liam stepped in? Like how Alaira was before I took over? Or Chris before… whoever it was… took his body?
“I’m not pretending that I’m perfect, either. You’re right, I treated my brother like garbage, instead of trying to help him. I thought he was a monster. Honestly, I thought his hanging around you was some new scheme…. I was kind of hoping he would take you out so your couldn’t bother Chris…”
“So nice of you.” My tone was sarcastic
“At least I’m honest. Anyways, this doesn’t appear to be some trick… I think he’s changed… he actually seems to care about you. But I thought you should know who he was before he met you.”
“Thanks.” My tone was slightly better than before. “Don’t worry, I know exactly who I’m marrying.”
Liam. Not your villain brother.
“Good Luck.” Ilene seemed relieved, as if a burden was off of her shoulders with the confession, and hurried out.
I stood in the room alone silently for a few moments, processing.
There’s too many questions, and no answers in sight.
I left to find Liam. I missed him.
I arrived just in time to see Liam and Alaira’s father facing off.
“She is my precious daughter.” The tall middle aged man with close cropped hair and a scowl made scarier by the scar running from his left eye to the corner of his mouth, towered over Liam. His disapproving air was evident.
“Yes.” Liam smiled and nodded, seemingly fearless.
“No man deserves to marry her.”
“So who do you think you are?” General Gladus poked Liam’s chest with a finger.
“The luckiest man alive to be able to stand in the same room as Alaira, much less stay by her side all my life.” He held out a plate in front of the angry man. “Cookies?”
“Well, you should know I don’t approve of this fast courtship…” He picked up one of the cookies and bit into it angrily. “You both are so young…” He took another bite. “And I don’t want you to hold her back…”
“I completely agree. I will do my best to support all her goals in life.” Liam handed the general another cookie as he finished the first.
“Good…” He chewed slower. “Is this chocolate? How did you get it so soft but chewy at the same time?”
“I developed the recipe. Would you like more?”
He picked up another one. “Just know this doesn’t mean I fully approve of you.”
“Of course not… Would you like some cake…”
“I also have homemade hot chocolate.”
“… As long as she likes you, I guess.” He finally muttered, his hands full of baked treats and dessert drinks.
Liam overwhelmed him with support spouse abilities. I laughed in the doorway, attracting the attention of both men.
“Anything for me?”
Liam nodded with a bright smile. “I saved you a plate.”
General Gladus cleared his throat as he saw the large platter filled with cookies.
“Don’t worry, Sir, I saved an extra plate for you.”
“… Don’t think you can bribe me.”
I raised an eyebrow. “So I can have your plate, then?”
“The hardened general clutched the plate of cookies to his chest. “Don’t you dare! The boy made them for me out of respect for his future father-in-law!”
“…” Liam and I smiled at each other.
“How is the front line… Dad?” The title felt a little rough as I spoke it. I was still acutely aware that he was Alaira’s father, not mine.
“Stable, for now.” He frowned. “Fortunately we have an elaborate defense system, to give plenty of warning. But they’ve been retreating more and more lately. The higher ups seem to think that they might be admitting defeat, but I just don’t think so. I think they’re preparing for something… big.”
He’s right.
I knew the ending of the original story. Around the time Alaira was supposed to graduate, they had attacked in the largest numbers ever seen, necessitating all senior students being recruited to help fight. Even Alaira, who was without a Connector and would have normally been left behind was brought in. They couldn’t afford to leave any powerful guardian out.
I still have a little more time, though. I can train with Liam, maybe get Wen to help upgrade our Mechs, train up some of the students… We can have a chance to really face off against the attack.
There’s still time…
“Don’t let down your guard. You’re the best general we’ve got.” I patted Alaira’s father on the shoulder.
He crushed me in a big hug. “Don’t worry, your dad will protect the galaxy! You just get married in peace.” He leaned in and whispered. “See if he can make a few more of those chocolate cookies, okay?”
“I will, Dad.” It came much more naturally this time.
I’ll protect you too. I added silently.
As the wedding drew closer, we were notified that the king and queen were on their way. Liam ignored the news, continuing to work on seating charts and music for the ceremony.
“We have to welcome them when they arrive. They are due any minute.” I finally spoke up, slightly exasperated with his head-in-the-sand act.
“…If we have to.” His voice was cold, his dark blue eyes flickering between fear and annoyance.
I held his hand. “Don’t worry. No matter who they think you are, or what they say about you, just know that you’re my future husband. Don’t worry about anything else.”
He reached out, pulling me tightly against him. “ Thank you.”
“Just play along with them. I held his face between my hands. “You’re Liam. Not Prince William. Not their son. Not Ilene’s brother. Liam.”
Liam tilted his head and studied me with a worried expression. “… Are you okay?”
“Just follow my lead. Please.” I looked away from the bright blue words in annoyance and moved.
We went to meet the Royal Family, each of us nervous for different reasons.
The King and Queen looked slightly like Liam and Ilene. The king had curly dark hair, severe features, made worse by the frown as he studied Liam. The Queen had the dark blue eyes that both siblings had, and a beautiful, delicate face… but the overall sense was ruined by the terrified light in her eyes as she almost hid behind her husband.
“So this is the girl you tricked into marrying you?” The king looked at me with morbid curiosity.
Liam took a deep breath. “This is Alaira, Grade S Guardian, my resonance partner and my future wife…”
“What game are you playing, William?” His father snapped, interrupting him. “If this is some ploy to ruin General Gladus, you should stop now.”
“This isn’t…”
“You should stop this now.” The Queen squeaked out nervously at me from behind the King. “He might be my son, but you can’t trust him…”
“This wedding is a farce.” The king snapped finally. “He’s a monster.”
“Why did you follow me?” the mournful voice called out as I entered the dark room.
“Do you want me to leave?” I looked up at the large dark blue eyes curiously, barely able to make out the large form in the darkness.
“I didn’t want you to see… didn’t want you to know…”
“Know what?”
“That I’m a monster.” The whisper was filled with so much pain it made me cry.
Before I fully came out of the memory, I had punched the King.
There was a moment of stunned silence from everyone present.
“You dare…!” The King finally spoke up, rubbing his red cheek with a furious expression. “I can have you executed!”
“Just try, Barry.” General Gladus walked in, his hand holding a drawn weapon. “I’ll shoot you in your precious Royal Ass, and then what are you going to lounge on while I fight your wars for you?”
The room processed his words in silence for a moment, before the king burst out angrily.
“Gladus, are you threatening me?!!”
“Oh shut up Barry. " He waved dismissively with his gun. "It wouldn’t even be the first time I’ve shot you. Probably won't be the last." You won’t arrest me, you need me to protect your country.”
“You are willing to let your precious daughter marry this… this… “ The king trailed off, glaring at Liam, who stared calmly back.
“Yes.” General Gladus shrugged “I heard the rumors. Even with the 100% match I wasn’t about to let him hurt my daughter.”
“Then why…?”
“I’ve sat down with your son, Barry. I shook his hand, looked him in the eye. I asked him the hard questions. I’ve observed him around Alaira.” The General stepped forward, placing a heavy hand on his shoulder. “I know a good man when I see one. And I see one. One who loves my daughter. Maybe you should try looking closer.”
“But he…”
“Plus he makes delicious cookies.” He muttered.
“…He what?”
I stepped forward, blocking Liam behind me. “He’s not a monster. He’s my future husband. I honestly do not care about your opinion. But if you want to try to hurt him, just know… you won’t have to wait for my father to shoot you. I’ll do it first.”
“… Control your child, Gladus.”
“She even threatens you just like me!” He reached out and placed an arm around my shoulders. “So proud.”
“…Fine. “ The King frowned “I won’t try to save you from yourself. Marry him, if you want.”
“I plan to.”
“Whatever you’re plotting, William, you better stop now.” He glared. “You might have fooled them, but you won’t fool me.”
“I don’t have to fool you.” Liam’s eyes were dark. “You mean nothing to me.”
“I’m your father.”
“I have no family. I… I can never have family.” Liam turned away.
“William…” The Queen called out softly.
“I AM NOT William.”
WARNING. World Destabilization detected!
“Come on, Liam. Let’s go.” I grabbed his hand and walked away, calling over my shoulder as we left. “You’re free to attend the wedding, but stay away from us otherwise.”
“You’ll regret this!”
I laughed at his bitter words. “Enjoy the disappointment.”
Liam and I left.
We sat in my room, and as soon as my hand left his, he curled up, holding his arms over his head.
“I don’t feel right.”
“Liam.” I reached out and touched his back, feeling him trembling beneath me.
“Who am I? I don’t think I’m William. The things they said… the things William has done… He’s not me.”
"He's not me... he can't be... He's not..."
WARNING! World destabilization... Bright blue words and a mechanical voice appeared again.
“SHUT UP!” I yelled, drowning out the voice. I pulled his arms down, looking straight into his dark blue eyes. “You are Liam. And you’re my partner. And tomorrow you’ll be my husband. Nothing else matters..”
“I can’t explain things right now. I don’t even know everything right now. But I know there’s a reason we’re here together. I’ve found you, and I won’t leave you.”
He held me close, both of us kneeling on the floor. He was clutching me as if I was the only thing anchoring him. I felt lost myself. I was frustrated at my lack of answers, angry at the pain Liam was experiencing, afraid for the future ahead of us.
“Alaira… no… Bel?” He whispered. “... I love you.”
I smiled at the unfamiliar but familiar name, pressing my face against his shoulder. “I love you too, Liam.”
“Marry me tomorrow.”
“Don’t leave me behind… please.”
“I won't... No matter what.”
A long silence fell between us. Finally Liam sat back, his face slightly red. “I wish we were getting married tonight. I can’t help but feel something terrible is going to happen to prevent our wedding.”
Ignoring the ominous word that appeared in my subconscious, I smiled reassuringly. “Nothing is going to happen…”
I sighed. “I take that back.”
We headed to the Command Level in the main Academy.
“Dad, what’s going on?” I called out as we passed the main doors.
“Alaira…” General Gladus’ face was uncharacteristically serious. “It’s not good.”
I stood beside him, looking up at the large holographic display at the center of the command room, feeling the blood drain from my face. “The Hive.”
“They’re past our defense systems.” He slammed his fist against the table. “This doesn’t make any sense! How did an army this huge get past us without starting any alarms!”
I stared at the countless red dots on the screen, feeling lost.
This isn’t right. In the story I should have had YEARS before the Hive attacked in such large numbers. Even then they were caught immediately in the defense systems and gave the military time to prepare. How could they get past us… unless…
He said he was going to end everything. Is this what he meant?
Alaira’s father was confused. “That male student who disappeared? How would he have access to defense system information?”
Chris wouldn’t… but whoever was controlling Chris might have more information.
I let it go for now. “What do we do?”
“There’s too many… and they’re headed for a defenseless planet in this system.” He hung his head. “I don’t have the manpower to defend it.”
I stepped forward, giving him a grim smile. “You’re not alone, Dad. I’ll help.”
“We! We’ll help.” Liam stood beside me. “We’re a powerful combo. You can’t afford to turn us down.”
General Gladus sighed. “Even if I recruit top senior students from the academy… the numbers we have… it’s a suicide mission.”
Warning! Mission Failure Imminent!
Your mission: Prevent destruction of the human race by the alien monster race known as The Hive.
The Hive are now attacking in large numbers. Your estimated chance of success against them in battle is 0%.
“If you’re not gonna say anything helpful, then shut up.” I growled quietly.
Liam turned towards me. “Are you okay?”
If you fail your mission, you will face soul destruction.
“It’s not like I’m swimming in options.”
You have one option.
“Who are you talking to?”
“What is it?” I whispered, holding Liam’s hand and squeezing it. I have to save him.
I stared at the blue words silently for a few minutes. “Liam, what if I said we have an 100% chance of dying if we went on this mission…”
“You don’t know that…”
“...and I had a fool proof way to protect you… But we would be separated forever?”
I didn’t know what my fate was. But I did know in the deepest part of my soul one thing:
Liam was not my fate.
“I don’t plan to survive this, Liam… but if I could save you…”
“I would rather die by your side.” He didn’t hesitate.
He grabbed my other hand, holding them both tightly. “We’ll face this together.”
“It’s hopeless.” I whispered, holding him tightly. “What if fate is stronger than us?”
“I don’t need hope, Bel.” He leaned closer, his breath warm against my neck. “If fate is going to separate us, then we’ll destroy it.”
I looked at the hologram, at the countless numbers of enemies that awaited us, and leaned against him with a sigh.
He smiled in return.
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