#hhh took some time getting this out
colderdrafts · 1 year
8: Preparations and anticipations
Underground visitor, gn reader x monster (male drider). Sfw. Previous Next
It's early in the morning back in the living room. You're seated once again on a sheepskin close to the fire, and Dren has spent most of the morning rummaging around his storage and seemingly sorting his items.
He’s been climbing all over the room left and right - a little slower than usual, after your stern reminder to be mindful of his injuries - and pulling out different knickknacks from holes in the ceiling and walls you hadn’t even noticed were there.
"Did you manage to find out what you're going to do with your off-world business?" Dren asks, perfectly content sideways and up high. He’s holding up some sort of tough straw, inspecting them carefully with a frown.
You swallow a mouthful of oats - desperately missing any taste at all - and reiterate to him what the barkeep told you. “Marketplace, early in the morning after half and full moons. Find a red tent, and talk to the harpy.”
Dren’s mandibles click as he exhales in annoyance, picking out several strands.
"I've heard of that harpy," he grimaces. "I was not aware she frequented here. She’s supposedly powerful, but she uses magic just for fun."
"Is that bad?"
"It is if you're too enthusiastic about it. One wrong move and she will destroy the entire marketplace."
You raise a slightly judgmental eyebrow at him, as he did that himself barely a day ago. He catches it and averts his gaze, a little sheepish.
"Granted, I had something more pressing than 'fun' on my mind," he mutters, and climbs down.
"After a half or full moon," you repeat, letting him off the hook. "Do you know when the next one is?"
"A week from now is a full moon," he offers. He folds his legs and sits down, laying out the strands in front of him, sorting them by length. He nods at your breakfast. "In any case, we will need to get more supplies to keep you better sustained if you are to stay here for the time being. You can't live on only that."
"Probably not," you sigh, moving the pitiful porridge around in the cup. "But we're going to run into the same issue as last time. I don't want you to leave the eggs at risk because of me."
He smiles. "I know. And thank you for your concern. This is why we're bringing them this time," he says, nodding at the tough straws he's now rapidly tying together with practiced ease.
You watch him weave for a minute, hands moving so quick you almost can't keep track of which thread is going where. Pretty quickly he's managed to create a starting point for what you assume will become some sort of basket.
"Bringing them? How is that in any way safer?" you argue.
“It's not, exactly," he agrees, "but it's the better option in this case. 'Safer' is where-ever the two of us are present.”
You scoot over to sit next to him, slightly mesmerized by the process of his work. “I guess so, but what if something happens out there again? It didn’t exactly go swimmingly yesterday.”
“Yesterday was ill planned. I left in a hurry and did what I could to ensure them here, because I did not know what to expect outside. We have time to rectify that now. If we run into trouble, I will now trust you to protect them while I take care of it,” he says, eyes still on his work.
While the fact he feels he can entrust them to you is moving, you’re still not sure it’s a good idea. "Seriously Dren, if it's only for a week I can-"
"No," he chuckles, gently cutting you off. "Even if you could, we're going to run out in any case. I will not have my guest starving, and I will not leave my young again. This way, I can keep my eyes on all of you at the same time."
He turns the humble beginnings of his work around to carefully inspect it for a moment. "Besides, since there will be two of us, I have an actual opportunity to stock up on some things. I've been having the oddest craving for dried fruits these past few days."
It is true, there's not really any good options here. You do unfortunately need to eat.
Dren probably isn't letting you go get supplies on your own in any case after what has just transpired, and you'd be lying if you said you're entirely comfortable doing it yourself anyway.
Even if it turns out Morgan really is dead.
Something prickles uncomfortably under your skin at the thought, and you forcefully will it away.
"Can we even go back to the marketplace after all of this?" you ask to distract yourself. "We didn't exactly leave it in a good state."
"Yes," Dren says, shrugging. His lower body absentmindedly taps its front legs, claws clicking on the floor. "Who would stop us?"
“Fair point.”
Still, it feels odd to just nonchalantly wander back into the place that was just destroyed because of you. And even odder to force Dren back there after he just got hurt.
You glance over at him, calmly weaving the thread in his hands, the bruises and scrapes littering his body still looking raw and very visible. He’s still partially covered in web for the particularly gnarly ones.
Dren catches you looking, and takes note of your apprehension.
"Ah, don't feel guilty. This isn't the first time a custodian skirmish has ended poorly for that place. There's procedures for that. By now everything will be back in a regular state anyway," he reassures you.
"That's some efficient carpentry," you joke. "The entire plaza was wrecked."
"Magic," he leaves it at, smiling at you.
“And what about you? You’re still injured.”
“I am, but a good nights’ rest always helps,” he says. “And I’ll have another before we go tomorrow morning. I’ll be fine. These little marks are nothing to worry about.”
You cog an eyebrow at him. “Dude, your leg was literally torn open and oozing.”
“That’s why I have eight of them. Come now, I didn’t even have to tear it off to regrow.”
“Tear it-!” you protest, incredulous.
Dren laughs. A leg curls around where you’re sitting, and the movement seemed so natural you’re not entirely sure he’s aware he did it. Regardless, it sort of makes you want to lean further into him.
“Now look who’s a – what was that word you used? A ‘worry-wart?’” he teases.
“Sure, sure, I’m a worrywart too,” you huff, glancing at the clawed, hairy appendage at your side. “Someone has to keep an eye on you.”
You feel the tough carapace of his leg brushing against your back and freeze. Dren eyes you with a very soft expression, but there’s certainly fondness in the look. He’s completely still for once, just keeping the silence for a bit.
“..you good?” you ask to break it, avoiding the fluster that’s creeping up on you.
Dren hums in thought, still just looking at you. “I’m quite alright.”
He returns his attention to the thread in front of him, resuming his weaving. “We’ll need something to trade when we get to the marketplace. Luckily I have a lot of spare items lying about. There's been an oddly large opportunity to collect the past year."
Collect, you inwardly cringe. That's one word for how he gets his stuff. It’s little whiplash reminders like this that brings you back into the reality that Dren is not only an anxious, protective and sweet arachnid who lives in a cave.
Better not think too hard on it, or you'll just make yourself nauseous.
Speaking of nausea -
"When I met Morgan, I saw them use some sort of blue crystal for payment," you share. "Let's just hope the common-folk don't have that as a preference, then."
"A blue crystal?" Dren asks, bewildered. "I did not realize they had started using those for trading. I may be behind on current trends."
Come to think of it, that crystal Morgan gave the barkeep does seem familiar. "Dren, don't you have an entire room in the cave basically full of those?"
He stares ahead a moment in realization. "Huh. I suppose I do. I just thought they were pleasing to look at when I dug them out."
You remember the inside of one of the cave openings he showed you during the storm, full of the sparkling blue sheen. "I think we're good, wares wise."
"And I think I know why there was a sudden influx of trespassers the past year," he muses.
You spend most of the day preparing for the trip back. Dren carefully weaves a basket large enough to comfortably house his eggs, and spends a lot of time fuzzing about it and webbing up its interior. He makes sure it's structurally sound and very soft internally, so nothing can happen to whatever is nestled inside of it.
He remains seated most of the time he works, most likely saving his strength and resting up from the vicious fight yesterday. He seems chipper, though, all things considered, throwing warm glances, small jokes and pleasantries your way whenever you pass him by as you do your end of the tasks.
Said tasks includes picking out items that you won’t have use for, and sorting them in different piles. You put things back in the places you can reach, and the ones you can't, you leave for Dren to put back later.
Once that's done, you venture to the cave full of blue crystals, using a small pickax you found among the assorted tools Dren has collected, to chip some out. It takes some time and effort, but you manage to collect a small bunch to keep in the satchel at your side.
You pause as you spot your home clothes still inside of it, faintly wondering if anyone back home have started looking for you.
They must have at this point. You wonder how they will feel when they realize you're nowhere to be found, as it would seem those superstitions you heard when you first moved there proved to be correct. And now, you're just fuel for that story to continue. What happens to that story when you get back and reiterate your experience?
If you get back, that is. You can only hope you’ll have a better shot at knowing for sure in a week.
You bring the clothes to your face and breathe in, the smell of your home engulfing your senses. It's odd that you've come to a point where you can actually identify it - usually your own scent isn't too noticeable to you.
But you wont be needing those at the moment. Sentimentality can wait until you’re certain anything is actually lost. You fold them, and leave the blue cave to store them safely in the back of your sleeping pod. Right now, they’ll just weigh you down.
Afterwards you return to the living room, but you don't see Dren anywhere, neither the basket. Perhaps he's gone to check on his eggs.
You pull out a cup to get a drink of water and sit down, muscles sore from today’s work and needing a rest. You lean back and admire the swirly patterns running across the ceiling, closing your eyes to the gentle sound of fire warming the room and filling it with a soft glow.
We’ll need to refuel the lanterns soon, you make a mental note to inform the guy who can walk on the ceiling. You’re lucky he even thought to keep any around, and that he keeps it up for your sake. As he does with a lot of other things.
You understand the motivation better now, though it’s odd to have Dren throw his need to care on you, a random passerby who just happened to stumble upon him. From what you've learned, supposedly you should count yourself lucky he got to you first.
But why does he care so much, if he knows you wont be here for long? He’s content to let you go on your merry way, despite how difficult it seemingly is for him to split from you. He cares so much because that’s what he has been naturally programmed to do. Are you taking advantage of that?
He said it himself. He only shelters you because of what you are.
But the way he engages, talks to and looks at you, god when you’re being stared at by four black eyes at a time in that odd way he does - it’s difficult to look away. Like he doesn’t let you, like he wants you to see just how much he likes to focus on you. How much he wants to connect.
No strings attached.
Then why all of this effort?
Or perhaps you are just overthinking things, and it really isn’t more complicated than he’s a little lonely down here, and likes having a guest to talk to. Who could blame him?
You sit for a while, alone with your thoughts. At one point you start dozing a bit, perhaps this day took more out of you than you realized. You've definitely spent a few hours on all of the preparations, but you're still not sure what time it is, the constant darkness not offering any clue. Perhaps you should get into the habit of checking outside, and let the sun guide you. If anything it will help distract you form your current thoughts.
You grab hold of the webs leading to the tunnel that brings you to the 'window', and start climbing to have a look.
It's already dark outside again, and you smell the cool evening air brushing against your face hidden behind the rocks. You breathe it in for a bit, ignoring the subtle claustrophobia. Staring out from beneath the rocks, it can sort of feel like being trapped underground.
Not trapped, you remind yourself. You can go outside whenever you darn please.
You’re about to turn back, when something out to corner of your eye catches your attention, instantly putting you on alert. Something is moving out there.
Hidden further away in the gloom, in between the rustling trees, something big with gangly limbs ventures quietly. It’s partially obscured by the dark, and you can’t make it out completely. And yet, your breath hitches in your throat.
The dull ache in your chest, that had until now gone unnoticed, suddenly increases tenfold. Your heart starts hammering, struggling as if being forcibly pulled at. The sudden pain makes you audibly gasp.
And the entity outside halts. Its face snaps in your direction, staring straight into you despite how well you’re hidden.
Its eyes are red, and the look sends terror down your spine.
You tumble backwards, almost rolling back down the tunnel before you get a grip on the soft webbing. You haul yourself down and away, feeling cold sweat break out. The further you run, the harder to pull in your heart, like a hook is tearing at it and you're the fish trying to escape.
You stumble out back into the living room, heaving for breath, the heat of the fire doing nothing to alleviate the freezing chill in your bones.
What the fuck was that? It’s couldn’t have been them, could it?
It takes a few minutes before the pull diminishes, and the ache settles. You lean back against the wall, feeling the soil warmed from the fire, running under your fingers over the gentle swirly patterns carved into the floor. Letting the feeling remind you you're still in your body, and your heart is right where it needs to be.
And then it's gone. Everything is quiet again.
Eventually, you gather yourself and stand up, shaking it off. You stoke the fireplace, put some logs on it and chug a cup of water to drown the feeling.
"You've been quiet this evening. Are you worried about tomorrow?" Dren asks.
You’re back at the sleeping pods, settling in to get some rest. Tonight Dren decides to call it quits early as well, given the trip tomorrow will have to be conducted well in advance of dawn.
You lie flat on your back staring up into the patterns running across the ceiling of your pod, illuminated by the faint glow of your lantern. What you should tell him?
You are alright at the moment, just a little tired and sore. While the experience was intimidating, you don't want to make Dren worry over nothing - he worries enough as it is.
On the other hand, if you did see what you’re afraid you saw, he should know about it. Keeping him out of the loop of potential danger seems counterproductive if he’s supposed to be helping keeping you alive. You brace yourself for the interrogation you're about to cause.
"I had a small scare earlier,” you reply. “Spotted something moving outside while I was checking the time.”
You can practically feel Dren snapping to attention in the pod above yours, and you're thankful he can't see your partially amused face at the instant reaction.
To his credit, he tries not to sound alarmed when he speaks in a very alarmed manner. “Oh?”
“At ease,” you chuckle at him. “Nothing happened. I just spotted someone moving about, and they kind of – I guess they reminded me of Morgan.”
“..I see.”
“But I’m not sure. I don’t really see what they would be doing out here.”
You can hear a quiet chitter escape him. "Many things live in these woods. It could have been all manner of beasts and animals. Common-folk venture here as well," he offers. "Was there anything in particular that intimidated you about the thing you saw?"
You sigh through your nose. “The eyes. They were red. And my chest – I don’t know, I think I started panicking a little. It went over pretty quick, though.”
He’s quiet for a beat, contemplating. “Why did you wait until now to tell me?”
“It seemed a little on the nose to bring more worries up than necessary. We’ve got enough to deal with right now. Especially since nothing really happened.”
There’s movement above you, unraveling of limbs and scraping across the surface of the walls. Suddenly Dren’s torso is visible, peeking out upside down and peering down at you through the opening of your pod.
“Whether something ‘happened’ or not is irrelevant. If you are uneasy, I would like you to inform me so I can help you,” he says gently. “This is important. If you are worried about something, I want to know about it.”
The completely honest altruistic way he talks is almost enough to throw you off loop. So worried about you, always on guard and in tune. If it was anyone else, you might have found it suffocating. But he’s so earnest about everything he does, it’s difficult not to lean into it and let him do it.
“I’m worried about a lot of things.”
He hums, pleased. “Enlighten me?”
It’s not exactly easy to bring your troubles to the surface and speak them on command like that. Worries of your home, of your stay here, your odd relationship with him that is so difficult to pinpoint. Worried for your life, your role in this world and this odd slight pressure in the middle of your chest that just. Won’t. Quit.
But Dren is, as always, eager to help your carry your burdens, as he calmly looks at you and waits for you to speak.
You sigh, deciding to take his encouragement for what it is; genuine concern for your well-being. “Are we sure they’re actually gone?” you ask.
“No,” he admits. He thinks for a moment, and then adds with a growl: “But if they come near again, I will not hesitate to ensure that they will be.”
The comment should put you at ease. It should be a reassurance; you know for a fact Dren intends to make good on that promise. But the fact that he's able to do so, and presumably with ease, brings the same subtle nausea back.
Something in the corner of your mind speaks, unbidden and unwelcome; He’s dangerous as well. Why are you putting your faith in a someone you barely know?
Because he’s putting his faith in me, you hiss back internally, strangling the thought.
"Thank you. I think I'll go to sleep now," you say, doing your best to send Dren a reassuring smile.
It doesn't make the worried furrow of his brow vanish, but he doesn't press you. He nods, and retreats back into his own sleeping space. "Get some sleep. We'll have to leave early tomorrow."
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euaphoric · 11 months
・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ・ ゜
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✩‧₊˚ pairing — jungkook x f!reader (established relationship) ✩‧₊˚ warnings — fluff, very suggestive but no actual sm*t in this, cute kissing & cuddling hhh, oc is called “little girl” like once
another 4 am post, im on a roll w these hehe >:3 but i just wanted something to post for my bday (even tho this nothing to do w birthdays?? LMAO) and i can’t get this damn live out of my head like he’s fckung inssne sffdsgsh n e ways this is lowk corny but enjoy lol.
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the faint sounds of birds chirping awoke you from your nightly slumber, eyes fluttering open to your wide awake boyfriend scrolling on his phone. he seemed to be very focused on whatever he was watching, wondering how long he’s been awake for. you prop yourself up slowly on your elbows, barely able to move a muscle from feeling sore by last night’s events. you two can go at it for hours at a time - you forgot how much of a real workout it is being on top. it’s impossible so hard to resist him though, you love that jungkook has just as much of an insanely high libido as you, literal match made in heaven.
waking up to him everyday already felt like a blessing in itself honestly. he was the epitome of perfection; in only a pair of boxers, staring at his chiseled figure, toned biceps, those muscles?? yeah you were beyond down bad for him. but he was just as down bad (debatably more) for you too. your raging hormones were really getting the best of you. your first thoughts were to violently make out with him but instead you settle for some sweet cuddles right now, coming closer to nuzzle in his bare chest. “g’mornin’ sleepyhead.” jungkook mumbles, averting his attention to you instead of the screen. “took you long enough to wake up!” his arms went to cage around your form. “what time is it babe?” you ask, a slight yawn slips out, still feeling groggy.
“7 am.” “wait- really?!” you were so confused, you weren’t expecting it to be this early since usually you don’t wake up until around 10 or 11. “yeah, i didn’t get much sleep though.” his soothing touch runs down your back, pressing delicate kisses to your forehead. this was home to you; feeling his warmth against you, listening to his hums as he cradles you, never wanting to leave his embrace. you were living rent free in your boyfriend’s arms 24/7.“hmm, what should we do today?” you ask, peeking your head out a bit. “dunno… why don’t we just stay in and watch some anime?” his lips proceed to attack your face, pecking kisses all over until you’re physically sick of it. unable to utter a single word out from all the smothering, you just let him do as he pleases.
“but we do that everyday already koob.” you finally get to say once he comes up for air. “and? i see no objection here.” god he can be so stubborn at times… “c’monn, we should go do something today..” you pout, feeling bratty over his unwillingness to be social. you love staying in bed and binge watching shows with him but for some unknown reason you wanted to be adventurous today. “actually, i know what i wanna do today.” he smirks, biting his lip at you. of course, he only wants to stay inside because he’s horny-_-
you let out a tiny scoff, “ugh, perv!” nothing he says should ever surprise you anymore but it’s still fun to tease him. “only for you though.” he chuckled, pulling you back in but this time plants a wet kiss to your lips, “truthfully i just want you all for myself.” his hand brings your leg over to wrap around his waist. “such a selfish boy.” you tease some more, combing the disheveled strands of his silky hair. “mhm mhmm, that’s me.” he proudly admits, he acts very territorial over what’s his and would def gatekeep you from everyone if he could, no one deserves to see his precious bb but him:( “i’m still hella sore from yesterday, i don’t know if i feel like doing anything right now.” you timidly reply, butterflies forming in your tummy as he casually traces circles to your thigh. his eyebrows furrowed, “who said you had to do anything?”
he catches you off guard when suddenly his body shifts underneath, positioning you to be below him while hovering over you. when leaning in he stops midway to stare and admire your pretty lips, wanting so badly for them to be on his. he closes the distance to finally kiss you, giving you a million more butterflies as your body sinks into the mattress. you can sense all the passion and longing from just kissing him, it’s desperate yet filled with fervor, you feel his love immensely. when he gnaws your lower lip as entry, it becomes more heated - a full-on make out sesh occurs. fingers all tangled up in his locks while he caresses your upper body, lips moving perfectly in sync with one another. soon as you wrapped your legs around him a switch goes off in his brain, he needs you, like expeditiously. jungkook sneaks his hands up to your arms when he breaks away, pinning them above your head, you don’t know why but your first reaction was to giggle which puzzles him. “what’s so funny hm? keep thinking i’m playing little girl, i’ll have you begging we stay in.” he remarks, eyes shading darker as he doesn’t find any of this to be a laughing matter. “koo i-” he quickly cuts you off with another breathless kiss.
“shh, just lay back and relax pretty, let me do all the work for you.”
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bmbochangetales · 8 months
Melanie has been busy for the past few months doing everything except take care of herself. She finally decided to schedule a doctor appointment and to get a total check up. She was almost done when the nurse said she needed a breast exam as it had been years. She recommended a nearby clinic or she heard a local pharmacy had a special machine that offered privacy but a full exam via machine.
Melanie went a few days later to the pharmacy and the male pharmacist told her it was so new and they would get the results emailed to her a day later.
He showed her to a cushioned bench with a strange metal arm with two plastic cups to attach to the breasts. Once he left she could remove her shirt and attach the cups around her mammaries following the instructions on a video and they would examine them. He told her an attendant would be outside the door if she needed anything.
Melanie waited for the door to click and took a few deep breaths before taking her shirt off. Her a cups were nothing the attendant would care to oogle at. She followed the instructions on the video and the clear cups attached. They looked clearly made to hold much larger breasts but it securely attached and beeped as an all clear to begin.
She watched the screen as it explained that it was examining for any lumps or abnormalities and was enjoying the massaging feelings for a good 5 minutes. It told her the prognosis was looking all clear and they just needed to gather some data for research purposes, did she consent to help collect additional data. She tapped the screen which then seem to move back out of reach.
The machine began sucking even harder and she heard a lot of beeping as they analyzed whatever it was looking for. After a few moments the screen showed her breasts on the screen. A perfect replica.
“Wow that’s amazing technology” she said to the empty room.
The machine looked like it was running some data when a robotic voice announced its findings.
Breast size is below average. Taking brain matter for mammary enlargement.
“Hey. What the hell?” The machine made a loud suction noise to answer Melanie. Her tiny bumps were sucked and pulled on like a vacuum while her head felt a lot pressure followed by a light headed feeling.
Boob size increased
Melanie took a few seconds to snap out of the weird feeling. She looked down at new nearly c cups. The machine had grown her boobs. Something was wrong. She tried to take it off of her chest. This was not what she came here for. She tried to yank but in the struggle she accidentally hit the button to activate the machine again.
Boob size is too small. Taking brain matter for mammary enlargement.
The machine whistled again. The suction felt even better this time. It forced Melanie to stop her struggle and she let out a mix of a moan and whine as the sucking and pulling started again. The sharp pain in her head happened again followed but a feeling of lightness again. As the machine quieted down she heard the voice.
Boobie sized increased.
Melani never had such big boobies before! The machine was doing something totally weird. It had taken her tiny a cups and now she had full DD cups! They were so big and round now. She should really get this machine off. But like she could still think and stuff. So like maybe if she hit the button one more time it would let her go after it sucked on her new big boobies. They were big but not like huge or anything. She tapped the button on the machine.
Boobies are not big enough. Taking brain matter for mammary enlargement.
The machine became once again and Melani was actually starting to enjoy it a lot. The sharp pain hurt but the feeling of getting more empty headed was so good. The noisy loud machine was making her boobies super big and they bounced. The cups were almost full. Melani loved seeing the big fat boobies getting bigger. It quieted down too soon and the machine played out the message.
Tit sized increased.
Melani looked at her tits. She loved that word. She got big HHH cup tits now. This machine was super fun! but could it like keep going? Cause big tits are so hot but like bigger is better in cock, tits, and bank accounts. Melani giggled as she tapped the button again to make the super great machine start working again.
Tits are not big enough. Taking brain matter for Mammary enlargement.
There wasn't a lot left for the machine to take but it pulled out anything it could. Meloni probably couldn't pass high school, maybe even middle school if she tried. She no longer cared about the job that kept her so busy. She just loved her big fat tits and how sexy they made her look. Her empty head made her happy because it meant she had enormous bouncy tiddies.
Tiddie sized increased.
Meloni looked down. She wouldn't be able to see her feet or wear normal shirts and she didn't care. She had enormous fat tiddies and she was a sexy brainless bimbo. Maybe the machine could help her even more.
“Guh! Can like ya go even bigger funny machine?” JJJ cups should have been enough but Meloni wanted more. She tapped the button super fast many times.
Big fat tiddies requested. Bimbo brain exchange for ultimate mammary expansion now in progress. Prepare for Tiddyslutification.
The enlarged tits began flowing out of the cups that could hardly hold more than nipples. The The cups were much too small now as they sucked out any crumbs of intelligence and turned Melanie into tit obsessed idiot. If it wasn’t about boobs, she wouldn’t be interested. MMMM cup bug fat tiddies bounces down as the machine unlatched.
Hello Melons Tiddyslut! We are glad we could adjust your tiddies. Please enjoy your big fat tiddies and your stupid bimbo brain. You are a good Tiddyslut!
Stupid girlish giggles at the silly fun machines sillly words! Melon’s tiddies were obnoxious and huge, and jutting out bouncing all over the place. Two oversized watermelons on her chest. She was so happy everyone could see her fat sexy tiddies. She happily walked to the door and out with nothing on. Why hide them? In fact she needed to get a new camera to share them with everyone.
Her data uploaded to the research server while her video surveillance was uploaded to several porn and fetish sites. The machine sat waiting for its next victim. It wouldn’t be long before Melons Tiddyslut was a household name. The expansion community was going to keep on growing.
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mncxbe · 10 months
I'm not sure, but maybe Jouno (and other characters you want) when their s/o has period cramps or just their period? ≧◉◡◉≦
Yes hon^^ sorry it took so long to write hhh hope you like it♡♡
𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒐, 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒐, 𝑨𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡
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sweet baby angel protect him at all costs
brings you sweets because he read they can help relieve cramps
takes it as a perfect opportunity to cuddle you all day♡
calls you his little ketchup packet
"Aww how's my sweet babe feeling?" asked Ranpo as he entered your shared bedroom carrying a tray of sweets.
You grumpily rose your head from between the pillows, a look of pure irritation on your face. Your hair was disheveled, strands straying in all directions and there were dark, blue-ish circles under your eyes.
"Worse than I look. These cramps are ending me" you groaned, letting your head fall back on the sheets.
"Come on sugar. Lemme feed you some cake." he said sweetly as he set the tray on the mattress and climbed next to you.
You simply whined in response, causing your boyfriend to chuckle lightly. Sliding his lithe fingers under your chin he gently raised your head and made you look at him.
"You'll feel better after this babe. Trust me. Come on pleaaase" he cooed.
You scooted closer to him and opened your mouth, allowing him to feed you a piece of lemon tart. The rich, citrucy flavours melted on your tongue; it tasted heavenly.
"Looks like my darling likes it." smirked Ranpo, gently petting your head.
"I love it Ranpo. Thanks. Did you bake it?"
"Nah. I asked Poe to order it for me" he said casually, wrapping an arm around your frame as he nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck.
"You're something else, you know that?" you chuckled.
Your nimble fingers moved up the nape of his neck and entangled in his coffee coloured locks, the other snaking around his waist; Ranpo moved closer to you until your bodies were flush against one another.
"You're like my own personal hearter" you hummed in a cheerful tone and he snickered.
Your boyfriend's lips traced feathery kisses along the expanse of your neck. He could feel your body slowly relax, easing into his saccharine affections.
"See, I told you you'll feel better soon" he teased and you only groaned in response. "Try to get some sleep sugar. You need it"
Mumbling an almost unintelligible "Mhm sleep well love" you closed your eyes, trying to focus on the warmth and comfort provided by your partner. You were indeed exhausted; the painful cramps that kept you up all night had drained every bit of energy out of you. But now, sheltered by your boyfriend's soothing embrace you found yourself falling asleep in no time.
most likely he can smell you💀
tries to play it cool and teases you but he's actually worried about you when you have cramps. like he can sense the amount of pain you're in
forehead kisses and tells you that you'll be ok
brings you painkillers and sweet tea and overall he's more affectionate that usual
this smug bastard casually mentions that orgasming can relieve period cramps and offers to help you
"Sai. I need you to buy me a pack of cookies and painkillers." you said as you emerged from the bedroom.
Although it was Saturday your boyfriend was working on paperwork; probably compiling reports for the mission he had the previous day. With a smirk on his face, Jouno rose his head.
"And why would I do that, pretty?" he asked in his usual mocking voice.
You rolled your eyes upon hearing his words, a look of obvious annoyance forming on your face.
"Look Sai I'm in no mood for this. I just got my period and around 11 I'm gonna get the most gut-wrenching cramps in history. We're out of painkillers and I want sweets because those are the only things that actually help." you said in one breath, eyes scanning his features.
Your boyfriend set his pencil down and languidly closed the distance between you, a cunning smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"I may know another way sweetie" he teased as he leaned in to whisper in your ear, hot breath fanning over your skin. "I could make you cum"
Your face turned a deep shade of red upon hearing his words, causing him to giggle. "I can feel your temperature rising. Are you keen on this idea?"
"Not in the slightest. Stop teasing me please. You know how shitty this day is gonna be" you whined, letting your forehead rest against his chest.
Jouno's hand gently pat the crown of your head, fingers combing through your hair. "I know baby. And I'm here to help you make it better. I'll finish up the report and get us some sweets"
"Thanks Sai" you whispered as your arms loosely wrapped around his waist. "I dunno what I'd do without you."
"You'd probably be grumpy all day, laying helplessly in bed and-"
"Oh shush". You silenced him by pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "I love you Sai."
"Love you too princess. Now go back to bed and rest for a bit. I'll bring you the sweets soon, and some tea."
"Thank you babe" you giggled playfully, tip-toeing to your room but Jouno could still hear your heart flutter.
"By the way, princess, my offer still stands. I'll be glad to assist you in any way you need"
he's used to dealing with period cramps since he has a sister
probably pulls up those little cushioned bags where you put hot water and press it on your belly (y'all know what I'm talking about)
much like Jouno he's more gentle if you have cramps; depending on how close you are he may baby you
like full on tucking you in, cooking you dinner, getting groceries and all that
doesn't show it but he's concerned
When Akutagawa returned home from work that evening he didn't expect to find you on the tiled floor of your bathroom, bent over the toilet seat as you vomited the remains of your lunch.
"Y/N." he began in a stern voice, doing his best to hide his concern "Are you feeling alright?"
Your head shook lightly in response. "No..."
Without even taking his coat off he came into the bathroom and knelt by your side. "Cramps again?"
"Yea. How'd you know?" you asked in a shaky voice.
Your boyfriend wasn't going to admit that he secretely tracked your period, noting down the date when it began and ended every month without fail since the two of you got together. He knew how terrible your cramps were and always wanted to be prepared to help in any way.
He suddenly rose to his feet, holding a hand out for you. "Come on. Let's get you washed up first then I'll make you some tea, ok?"
"That'd be great, hon" you replied as you took his hand. Akutagawa saw your face for the first time that evening: strands of hair sticking to your damp forehead and eyes half lidded from the pain. Your skin was at least twp shades paler than usual too.
He sighed, motioning you towards the sink. "Brush your teeth and then go straight to bed"
While you got yourself ready for bed he boiled some water and prepared you a sweet tea.
"Here you go" he said as he placed the steaming cup on your night stand. "Be careful. It's still hot."
Before you got a chance to say a word he hastily left the room. You could hear him scatter around your shared apartment, returning several minutes later with a cat shaped fluffy bag.
"Put this on your stomach. It should help"
You hastly reached out for the strange object, your eyes narrowing. "Where on Earth did you get this from?" you asked, barely able yo supress a giggle.
"It was Gin's. I took it from her a while ago since her cramps have gotten better"
"Lucky girl" you chuckle lightly, gesturing him to join you in bed. "Come on Ryuu I wanna cuddle you."
And surprisingly enough he did. Akutagawa wasn't big on physical touch, that much you knew, but he just couldn't refuse you in moments like this. He laid on the other side of the bed and wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you closer.
A soft sigh rolled off your lips when you found yourself in his comforting embrace; your bodies fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle. The warm cushion bottle that you currently held to your belly managed to relieve some of the ache.
"Thank you babe." you purred happily.
Akutagawa cringed at the sound of the pet name but gave your waist a reassuring squeeze. "Any time love."
You breathed in deep and closed your eyes, relishing the serene moment. He was just too adorable, always putting up that cold, unbothered mask but you knew that deep down he was caring and gentle. At least with you.
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rayofmisfortune · 6 months
AHA uhhh I had these guys refs in works for over a month and never got around to actually finishing them- so UH
*throws random mer doodles at you instead*
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They help me get through art block lmfao
Sun isn't really based on any real kind of fish, I just went with what felt right. His frills behave and look like kelp. I wanted them to kind of flow in the water and for him to emote with them, cuz yes jdnfbc
Uhhh he has secondary eyelids cuz salt water and protection. Haven't really though too deeply abt it ehe
Moon however- oh boi I may have gone overboard with Moon. Took inspiration from leafy seadragons. The weird things on his head? Those are based on the leafy appendages leafy seadragons have around their body. Also wanted him to have a different way of emoting soo they behave like animal ears :> They're not real ears ofc, just for show.
They live close to a coral reef aaand both of them are omnivores. Moon can fall asleep literally anywhere and Sun has to frequently drag his tail back to their shipwreck den so he doesn't float too far away jdnfbf
Aha hhh I'd be here for hours if I were to type out all the info I have on them and I don't have the time for that haha so uhhh
To close it off- some silly old school doodles cuz why not (feat. fyhuif Sun n Moon)
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wandagcre · 6 months
christmas with the core four as sam's girlfriend 🎄
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Note: this had become a christmas special writing hhh i hope you like it nonetheless <3
whether you have a tradition or not during christmas time, you'll certainly have a lively extension of a family now that you're sam's girlfriend!
you ask sam what you should prepare and she simply says "your presence is much needed of course, then some clothes and finally, hope for the best for the sake of your sanity"
you chuckle at sam's words. it was between a lighthearted joke and reality. the 3/4 of the gang is full of expressive and loud personalities but you already met them and hung out, so you know you're in for a (good) ride 🫶🏼
but thankfully, you're already welcomed so you thought your previous worries were silly. chad goes for a special handshake, then mindy and tara for a warm hug and how are you's <3 it was genuine too
sam is already smiling at the sight of you as she puts your bags away, how you're getting along with them in christmas style. she has known the twins for so long and was ecstatic to finally continue celebrating it with her sister, and now with someone special — you.
after settling in, you're surprised that they actually cooked? not because of their skills but them combined is a hazard and their brain cells cancelling out each other. sam chimed in soon as she caught the conversation, "hey what does that say about me then! >:( i instructed them carefully when they started cooking,"
rest of the gang laughed, took no offense to your assumption. they said that you were absolutely right. in fact, tara reveals she almost did the classic switch up - salt over sugar - all because she got immersed at their in between conversations to which you join laughing at.
it's so diverse! full of everyone's favorite dishes at christmas time instead of the traditionally expected dishes. you told them that this was such a good idea and made things even more heartwarming to celebrate. they smile and chad rubs your back, "of course. we're our own little family. we do it according to our favorite picks and sharing it... in a way feels like you're sharing love, too. it makes it even more special." mindy butts in, "not bad, brother."
tara agrees and says chad definitely has his moments.
then! from your back, apparently sam sneaked in and smoothly glides another dish - your own favorite! she looks anywhere else except your eyes, "you didn't know the theme and you deserve a slot in this tradition," she murmured and tara adds, "so that's what you've been burning your hands for?" your eyes well up in affection. you press a chaste kiss to which the gang gagged at 😭
"no mistletoe for you two!" - they reprimanded you
trying eggnogs in discreet - perpetuated by the twins, specifically by chad (unknowingly made them after mindy said "go wild, surprise me") and immediately regretted her words. after things cooled down (re: woodsboro and new york mess) they decided to bring it up, the carpenter sisters weren't safe and so were you!
sam looking at the sidelines, suspiciously smiling and seemingly anticipating. you took more than a sip unknowingly, then soon as it hit your tastebuds, your face was contorted in disgust. the women started laughing. chad says "don't hate the brits!"
sam says in your defense, "you know they eat baked beans with dry sausages and bread right?" tara agrees with ease, saying that's a fair point and flips off the twins for the same surprise they did last year. adding to the chaos, you firmly say, "yeah! it offended my tastebuds. i thought this was a christmas tradition not a frat initiation!"
the core four loved your response 😭 sam included, was laughing hard and gasping for air. it was witty and the twins playfully retort that it was extreme of you to accuse!
sam couldn't stop smiling and laughing oh my god somebody help her facial muscles! it's permanently stitched to her at this point
mindy loves the banter. she nudges you and says that sam is partially getting her lick back. but mainly it was in your honor, to which she gags at because you guys are subtly so sweet already 🥹
they introduce you to some clichés, but with a twist! gingerbread house making but five of you will pick names, not revealing them and within an hour u should dedicate it to them. they're all wonky creations but decent. sam can't do much to control it anyway as they try to sabotage everyone, including yours 😭 the clean up will be tedious for sure!
you're surprised that tara decorated yours in your favorite color and how she noticed since it wasn't that obvious and yet she noticed a pattern apparently, it shows with your stuff and clothing! i think hers are perfected, standard-like creation and you see her stickman drawing attempt of two persons - apparently it's you and sam
sam points at it, "is that us? why am i smaller?" and tara grumbles. "this is for your girlfriend can you leave my masterpiece alone?"
you agree with tara who grinned widely at your approval, "be nice. i think it's an adorable touch to this homey gingerbread house!"
mindy adds knowingly, "also, sam, i hate to break it to you but you're an absolute puddle of baby around your girlfriend, that's why you're smaller - duh. your real height is not equivalent to your height there." and tara spreads her arms, exclaiming 'exactly!'
chad looks back and forth, trying to grasp the context. "oh! oh! i get it," he clasps his hands rather loudly. "you're so right for that. and you let her call you sammy?"
you giggle at sam's petulant pout at the teasing but she doesn't deny anything. "whatever," she grumbles and when you wanted to appease it with a kiss as you lean in to sam, the 3/4 are already making gagging and vomiting sounds 😭✋🏼
watching movies based on your favorite christmas themed movies! (insert an obscure movie u randomly hyperfixated or a popular one from your country) usually it was a matter of rock paper and scissors for fairness, but since you're new they gave you a special pass and played your choice of movie <3
your pick was new to them. therefore they were entranced at the plot and you enjoy the commentary and how they analyzed it, like little kids during the movie time in class. you look to your side and see that sam's eyebrows were bunched and she ate in sloth-like manner 😭
baby was so focused! it was funny how she looked like that while her arm is hooked around yours and leaned to you comfortably. sam says i can see why this is appealing to you... it's so you and unique and it matched your energy and she happily rambles - much to 3/4's surprise
not because sam is silently attentive but it's their first time to see her so open and carefree with her partner and so they have this faint, knowing smiles on their faces. they're happy that sam finally have found her person that she feels comfortable and honest with🥺
as you go to your respective rooms (obviously you're rooming with sam) mindy shouts from the hall, "please be respectful and let's keep the jolly, wholesome spirit alive! we do not need anymore virgo babies,"
tara visibly wanted to vomit and covered her ears. chad looks at his twin confused, "since when do you have beef with virgos?"
meanwhile you and sam were stuck in chuckling and was flustered. "i didn't even think of that!" you shout back to mindy who replies with sure, jan. as you and sam settle in her room, you take her hand and swung them gently, your gaze intent on sam's brown ones. "thank you for having me. i felt so loved." both of your hearts felt so full. your silly smile is unerasable and so is sam's, you find it endearing how the two of you probably look like fools together.
and sam pouts cutely at your words. "no, thank you baby for being here. it's only a first of many more to come." she retrieved something - a mistletoe - on her pocket. sam placed it above you two, and you smirk at her sly action. "let's seal it with a kiss then?" you say to which sam eagerly responds to and met your lips with no hesitation.
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sturniololoco · 5 months
Note: NO Y/N This is just a cute little fluff moment between the Sturniolo brothers and I am not sexualizing this in any way. they are freaking brothers enjoy!
Warnings: overstimulation, panic attack, etc.
Summary: Chris has ADHD and this goes downhill, but his brothers are there to help him.
Nick's POV
My brother Chris has always been very affectionate. He always loves to be around people and today was no different.
We woke up early, Chris slept in my bed last night, and went downstairs. We watched a show and he sat quietly holding my hand for about half the movie, and then he started to get fidgety. Chris started to play with my fingers and move his feet around, not even paying attention to the show.
"Chris, are you all done watching TV?" I asked him, grabbing his hands to get his attention focused on me. He looked at me, only just realizing that he had not been paying attention.
He looked down embarrassed.
"Hey, that's ok. Do you wanna go help me make some breakfast?" I asked him, rubbing my thumb over his hand, back and forth.
It took Chris around 30 minutes to complete his breakfast. Mainly because he would explain the different shapes of his toast after he took a single bite. Me and Matt, who woke up to the smell of breakfast, just laughed along with him, letting him take his time.
After breakfast, I did the dishes while Chris lay on the couch, snugged up close to Matt with a blanket, and scrolled on his phone.
So like I said before, my brother is very affectionate, loving, and calm even with his ADHD disorder.
only tonight was different. we went out to dinner and Chris did not like it at all.
Chris's POV
The restaurant was loud. too loud. Many adults were sipping at their drinks, yelling and cackling over each other. There were also children, screaming at their parents who were not paying attention.
Our waiter showed us to our table and brought us our menus. He also brought one of those kiddie menus that come with the three-pack of crayons. The menus with puzzles, coloring, and tic-tac-toe boards.
Trying to get my mind off the noise, I began to color the paper using the cheap crayons from the packaging.
Then all of a sudden, I felt it.
The crayon felt gross, almost sticky, and grainy in my hand. My clothes felt too close to my body, scratching me. suffocating me. And the noise. the horrible, torturing noise, that just kept getting louder and louder, surrounding me. drowning me.
My breathing became shallow, and I was suddenly drenched in a cold sweat. My mind started racing, not being able to process all of these new things at once.
Sensing my unease, Nick grabbed my clammy hand under the table, giving me a look of worry.
I instantly shoved his hand away, wiping my own on my pants, hating the feeling of the rough fabric of my jeans.
Get out. I have to get out.
"Hey Chris, what are you gonna get to eat bud?" Matt asked, not noticing my current state of hyperventilation.
"I u-um...u-hhh..." I studdered out, my brain not even working enough to form words.
Then I Bolted.
Matt's POV
I asked Chris what he wanted to eat, and he ran. Snatching up my keys from off the table on his way out.
"What the fuck-" I start to say, but Nick was quickly rising from the table to go find Chris, and I was right behind him.
We checked the bathrooms, and corner of the restaurant, just to make sure he actually went to the car, and he was nowhere to be seen. So we made our way to the parking lot, sprinting out of the place and down the road.
Chris's POV
I ran, ran, to the car, and somehow managed to get it unlocked. I tried to climb into the front seat, but the cold, sticky leathery seats were too much. I popped the trunk, climbed in, then closed me in. I was squatting so I didn't have to touch the car carpet floor.
my hands were clawing at my head, my eyes, my ears. Trying anything to get this horrible feeling to go away.
I ended up banging my head against the car walls.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Again! Again! Again!
Go. A. Way!
Then, all of a sudden, the trunk was being opened.
Nick's POV
Matt and I reached the car, making a horrible banging noise from the inside. We quickly ruled out that Chris was in the trunk, and opened the door.
Matt's immediate reaction is to hold his brother. soothe him. But Chris falls back onto his back and kicks at Matt, hands clawing at his face.
"NO!" He lets out in a sharp panicked breath. Tears were streaming down his face, and his eyes were red, puffy, and swollen.
Then I get an idea.
"Matt, go get the water bottle from the front seat and pour it on his hands while I grab his face," I order, beginning to panic myself. Matt is quick to complete his task.
The cold water on Chris's hands causes him to cringe and go still allowing me to hold both sides of his face and turn it to look at mine. He falters for a moment, his breathing uneven and harp.
"Shh, you alright. It's me, it's Nicky, okay? It's okay, your safe I promise." I whisper in his ear. With trembling hands, he reaches up and holds mine. Shaking.
"Chris, can I hold you?" I ask, not wanting to overstimulate even more after we just got him to calm down.
He looks into my eyes and studies me for a moment, then timidly nods his head. I slowly climb next to him in the back of the car, and he lays his head on my shoulder, hiding his red and tear-stained face in the crook of my neck. While he gets his breathing back to normal, I gently play with his hair, while Matt climbs in and rubs small circles around his back.
"You ready to go home?" I ask him once his breathing is somewhat back to normal.
Chris gives me a small nod, and Matt goes and starts the car. I help Chris in the backseat with me, where he almost immediately falls asleep from exhaustion.
when we get home, we don't even bother going up the stairs. We walk straight into Chris's room and lay him down. matt and I change quickly into a hoodie and lay on either side of our little brother, sleeping with him, in case he ever needs us.
We will always be there.
Note: I hope y'all liked it. I can do more of these stories w/o y/n if y'all like them, but I'm still down for whatever.
I also have the Sturniolo little sis fic coming tomorrow!
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1eoness · 1 year
i just know that Leon is the type that would fuck you against the mattress holding his shirt up between his teeth
HII mid-writing when i saw this n yeah :3 and tbh he also does it when he's frustratedd
do u want a snippet? ^^ (this is fem reader maybe i should write a m reader one)
[to clarify, i am a minor (17). anyone <17 and anyone >17 uncomfortable with interacting pls dni]
fuck. leon cursed in his head mid-thrust. he was blabbering and slurring his words behind you, and his mind geared with the venereal urge to just fuck you messy. leon's cheeks flushed warmly while you took his cock on all-fours, the man between your legs just inches away from just frantically rutting into your cunt. my, you deserved a reward for handling such a desperate boy ♡
you were plush against his mattress, fingers finding refuge in gripping the comforters so you can still feel yourself intact, at least.
it took one emphatic thrust to go through with his urges, just unable to resist your little hole as it milked him. "o-ohh, fuck-... mmm please..." he whimpered weakly, feeling himself shudder at the mere thought of going harder on you. call him greedy but his shirt becomes a hindrance into seeing more of you, as if you're not full on naked right now. but he's too into it to take the modest 4 seconds out of his time to take his shirt off.
outside of his own senses, he finds the black fabric of his shirt between his teeth before his hands traced to find hold on your waist, his right hand holding your hips still.
he arches you further downward into his bed. the flesh between the gaps of his fingers spill while his grip tightens. his hips snap harder, and his angle changes. it has you crying out. it has him blathering in muffled, frustrated whines because he hits it all good inside you, the spots that make your squelching cunny clench deliciously around him. leon is unable to talk, and lets the both of you feel good because he'll do anything for a sweet baby like you.
"hhh..ngghhh.." leon growls softly, cold breathes dissolving into the lust-laden air. he wants to call your name so bad, call you his good little thing and tell you how much he needs to cum inside you— but he's so annoyed with the fabric lodged between his teeth that he just has to fuck you harder.
it was going to be like this for a while :(
a/n : hi guys smut production is slow because OH MY GOD IM GETTING MY ASS BEAT BY SCHOOL WITH A WOODEN SPOON AND A LADLE but dont worry guys!! but i dont like getting hopes up either bc im super slow and im just too much of a chad to be horny 24/7 yk
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bewitchedfeathers · 2 months
Sneezy Sniper - Hell/uva Boss Snz Fic
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Absolutely! Thank you anon for this request!
And thank you to the people who commented/tagged my last Hell/uva fic! It motivated me to finish this one as quick as I did!
“Alright, Moxxie, target spotted and coming your way.” Blitzo said through his earpiece.
“Got it, sir. I'm in position.” Moxxie was laid on a plateau surrounded by tall grasses and wild flowers, sniper rifle at the ready to take out the target.
“And I've got your back, Mox,” Millie said from beside him, keeping an eye out for any danger from the woods behind him. And keeping him company, since danger wasn't super likely on this job.
“See you back at the office. And Moxxie?” Blitzo said casually.
“Yes, sir?”
“Don’t fuck it up.”
Moxxie glared even though his boss couldn’t see it and huffed with exasperation. Blitzo just chuckled as he disappeared through a portal back to their office and then his comm cut off. 
Moxxie lined up his shot and settled in to wait, even his tail settled low in the grass and slightly curled in antcipation. He sniffled and brushed a few pieces of grasses away from his face. He tried to clear his head but he was distracted by a tickling feeling in the back of his nose. He rubbed his face against his shoulder trying to reduce the itch while keeping his eye pressed to the scope. But the tickle wasn’t backing down at all.
Shit. He needed to sneeze but the target could appear any second.
“Mih-illie…I nee-hhh-need…hheh…”
“Moxxie?” Millie turned her attention to her husband and quickly realized that Moxxie was fighting a sneeze and losing without being able to use his hands to hold back. “Oh darlin’, I got ya.”
She laid down, pressed along his side and shfited her arm so she could press two fingers to his flaring nostrils. She rubbed her fingers firmly back and forth.
“Hh..huhhh…? Ohh, thanks Millie,” he sighed with relief as the urge to sneeze lessened. He was sure his cheeks were burning with embarrassment at having to get Millie’s help to hold back a sneeze, but it was better than missing he target. He sniffled weakly trying not to throw off the equillibrium they’d reached. 
Then his breath caught again, hitching despite his best efforts. It just tickled…so badly… “Huhhhh….hh-hih….” He rubbed his nose against Millie’s fingers trying desperately to hold off. His eyes were beginning to water and he hastily blinked away tears.
“Just hold on a little longer, Mox.” 
“I’m-hih…I’m trying…Hihh…” Millie pinched firmly at his nose, buying him a little more time. Then he held his breath as he saw the target through the scope and took the shot. 
“You got ‘im baby!” Millie confirmed and Moxxie clambered to his knees and hastily brought a hand to his face. “Issht-Tshxt-Ishxt..’ He stifled a triple and then lowered his hand.
“Gesundheit, Moxxie.’ Millie shifted to sitting next to him with a curious look when he heaved in an unexpected gasp. “Ishhxt-Tsshew-ISSHHIEW…Hhh..”
“Gesundheit. Baby, you gettin sick or somethin?”
“Ndo..hih-hh…I’mb finde-Huh’ISSHHEW…hh-Hihh’EISSHHuhh…”
“Mox?” Millie asked with some real concern as his eyes dripped with sneezy tears and his face grew flushed around his nose. 
“Sorry I cah-cand’t stop-EISSHHuh…hihh’’Huh’ISHHHEW hh….ISSHXT-shieww - EISSHHhhh…oh cru’bs..” He winced as he noticed the pollen floating in the air around them and assumedly the cause of his current condition.
“Oh Moxxie. You must be allergic to somethin out here,” She rubbed his back at he let out another triple. Then she reached into his inner jacket pocket for the handkerchief he carried, but rarely needed unless he was sick, and pressed it into his hands. “Blow your nose, baby. I’ll pack up your rifle.”
He nodded his thanks as he muffled more sneezes into the kerchief. He was so grateful Blitzo wasn’t here to see him becoming a complete wreck from some earth plant life. 
“Hh’Huh’MPHTSHOO…ESshmph…” He blew his nose and kept the kerchief pressed to his face in hopes it would help him stop sneezing for a minute.
“Alright, upsie daisy,” Millie said brightly as she scooped Moxxie into a bridal carry, sniper rifle slung across her back. She ran and jumped her way across the grass until they reached an empty strech of road with none of the wild flowers around. 
“Ugh. I’b so embarrassed.” He groaned pitifully into the damp handkerchief, still pressed to his face to hide the mess behind it.
‘Aww, don’t be Moxxie. I still think your cute all red and drippy.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek and he smiled bashful and pleased. 
“I love you, Millie.’
“I love you too, Moxxie.”
Millie laughed softly. “Gesundheit. Let's get you home and take a nice shower.”
Please let me know if you liked it!
Requests are still open if anyone has ideas for what they'd like me to write next!
[ Snz Fanfic Masterlist ]
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dmwrites · 2 years
“Cleo, what time is it?”
Cleo pulled out her pocket watch. “Why Joe, I believe it’s noon.”
“And it’s Monday! You know what that means!” Joe began to furiously type into his communicator.
“You know Joe, you could, like, pre-type this out so you don’t have to stress it every Monday at noon.”
“I hear you, but honestly, I’d probably end up hitting send by accident, and then who knows what might happen.” Joe said very seriously.
<joehills: Happy Monday hermits! HHH is starting now until 2. Does anyone need any help?>
“So I’m guessing no one has approached you with an HHH job?” Cleo asked.
“Nope.” Joe sighed. “Well, if no one needs anything, we can weed the community garden.” He said, indicating to the long-ignored garden at spawn. “You know what I was thinking about the other day?”
“What’s that, Joe?” Cleo sat down on the ground.
“You. More specifically, how you’re dead. Even more specifically, I was wondering if your zombie body could be used as fertilizer. Now hear me out-”
“Hello Cleo And Joe Hills!”
Joe was cut off by a loud voice, and he and Cleo turned around to find King Ren standing on top of the community tent, holding a megaphone to his mouth.
“Howdy King Ren!” Joe said, doing his best megaphone impression by cupping his hands around his mouth. “Do you need any help with anything today? Hermits Helping Hermits is happening and helping until two today!”
“Oh Joe Hills, You Read My Mind, Baby!” Ren dropped down in front of them and patted Joe on the back. He lowered his megaphone and leaned in conspiratorially. “So, when you say Hermits Helping Hermits, I was wondering, does that helpage have limits?”
Cleo stood up and crossed her arms. “Hypothetically no, but it’s at our discretion. Like, we won’t rub your feet.”
“Okay, what about murder?” Ren whispered, covering the mouth of his megaphone just in case.
Cleo and Joe looked at each other, Cleo raising an eyebrow and Joe shrugging.
“Yeah I guess, HHH can help with that until two. I’m always down for a bit of murder.” Cleo said. “Who’s the target?”
“This shouldn’t take long. The soup group dudes are the targets: Impulse, Gem, and Pearl. I have received wordage that they plan to remove me and my crown from power, and that just won’t do! I need them gone!”
“Sure thing, king guy.” Joe said. “Any particular way we should do the murdering?”
“No, I’ll leave that up to you.” Ren said. He lifted the megaphone back to his mouth. “King Out!” He flew away, the megaphone screeching and making the king whimper.
“Right, well, I guess the weeding can wait another week.” Joe said.
“Tragic.” Cleo said, although Joe wasn’t sure she was actually sad about not being able to weed the garden. “Shall we?”
“Now Cleo.” Joe said, stopping her from taking off into the sky. “This is not some simple matter. This is going to be a two against three fight if we aren’t prepared. Also, forgive me, but didn’t Pearl brutally kill you in double life?”
“Yeah, yeah, and Gem’s won an MCC.” Cleo sighed.
“What about Impulse?” Joe asked.
Cleo considered the question. “Impulse is a sweet guy.” She finally said.
“So we should go for him first?”
“Oh, definitely.” Cleo said, pulling out her knife. “Can we go now?”
“We need potions- invisibility, maybe strength…” Joe reminded her. “That’ll be easy, we can get them from Cub, then we can go.”
After stocking up on potions, food, and weapons, Cleo and Joe took off for the soup group’s area.
“Pearl’s landscape is gorgeous…” Cleo sighed.
“This whole area is super well-done, let’s not kid ourselves. We’re in the presence of masters of the craft.” Joe responded, and they landed in a tree to scope out the situation. “Where could they be?”
“Oh, look, nametags!” Cleo whispered, pointing to the huge blue-topped mushroom in the middle of Pearl’s landscape. And indeed, there were three nametags up in the bulb of the mushroom. “That must be them!”
“Okay, invisibility on!” Joe whispered. They both drank the potions. “I’ll hold my sword in my hand so you can see me, Cleo. We have to be super sneaky- I’m sure they’re expecting assassins.”
Cleo and Joe snuck their way across the alien landscape, tiptoeing around bushes and pausing as a cat seemed to take notice of them, but passed by after a while. They stopped to drink more invisibility potions when they needed to, and when they finally got to the mushroom base, they each drank a strength potion. They made their way up the stairs, and right at the door to the top, they could hear Impulse’s rumbling voice, Gem’s sweet tones, and Pearl’s Australian accent.
Joe looked to Cleo, as they were visible now, and nodded his head.
“SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKERS!” Cleo shouted, brandishing her sword.
“Howdy yall, Hermits Helping Hermits here helping as we always do in this mushroom!” Joe said at the same time.
Pearl, Impulse, and Gem were gathered around a round table, all stunned for a second.
“What’s going on?” Impulse asked.
“We’re going to kill you!” Joe cried.
“Joe! Subtly, remember?” Cleo called to him.
“Oh, right. Darn it. We’re not going to kill you!”
Pearl scratched her head. “What?”
Cleo leapt at her and pinned her to the ground, knife against her throat. Joe raced forward and just kind of barreled into Impulse and Gem- Gem got knocked over, but Joe just kind of bounced off Impulse’s chest. So, he pointed his sword at Impulse instead.
“We have been asked to kill you by the king for plotting against him.” Cleo said. “Which is a service that HHH apparently provides now.”
“Wait…” Joe said suddenly. “Hey Cleo, what time is it?”
Cleo held onto the knife with one hand and pulled out her pocket watch with the other. “Huh. Looks like it’s two o’clock, Joe.”
“Oh, wonderful!” Joe put his sword away. Well, Hermits Helping Hermits is now over, so I guess we’ll be going now.” He helped Gem to her feet. Cleo got off of Pearl and dusted off her dress. “Bye guys!” He waved, and he and Cleo walked out of the mushroom and flew off into the afternoon light.
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instexcamera · 4 months
Hi UM can I request some brat!Natsume x dom!reader punishing with one of those fuck machines and degrading him until he's mindbroken?
Have a great day
Ooo my first request, and of course!
Brat!Natsume x GN Dom!Reader
Warnings: Overstimulation, Sub character, Degradation
Note: I'm sorry it took a little while to make this, I'm sick currently but I tried my best to get it out fast. I also hope you enjoy it as I tried my best with it but brats are hard to write for me hhh. I also hope I did Natsume justice as I have never written him.
18+ Under the Cut
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Low whirring sounds flow from the machine as it fucks into Natsume at a slow pace. Even though it was set on the lowest setting you had to keep one hand on Natsume's knee, forcing him to keep his legs spread open. He gazes at you defiantly, a smug smirk on his lips. The urge to wipe that look off his face fills you, this was supposed to be a punishment for his jealously, he shouldn't still be acting so disobedient. The only cracks in his facade are the small shivers that run though his body every time the toy thrusts deep, or how he has to hold himself back from making noises.
"You're failING, what type of punishment is thiS? It's not working on meeah-" He cuts off with an unwanted moan as you had had enough of his teasing, choosing to turn the machine up to its highest level for a moment to shut him up. It works as Natsume's legs start to tremble more frequently and his eyes roll to the back of his head, his mouth opening slighty. You divulge in the sight for a moment before returning the machine back to its slow pace. Natsumes eyes going back to normal as his body relaxes, his expression now one of annoyance.
"I didn't actually enjoy thaT, I faked it for your own amuseMENT. " Staring at him for a second, noticing how he acts like this isn't affecting him. Yet those small signs are still noticeable no matter how much he tries to not let them show. You can feel his thighs still trembling ever so slightly underneath your fingertips, the way his face is starting to become a flushed red color. But you decide you'll play his little game, if he wants to act like a brat he can be treated like one.
Turning the machine off and removing your hand from him, he has nothing to gain any sort of friction now and annoyance shows on his face. Now that all stimulation was gone from him he was completely at your mercy, even more so than before. His cock, you realize dripping precum, the tip a deep red color. He wanted to cum you could tell but his pride of not wanting to be caught begging was winning, however you would change that before long. Leaning over him, and using your hand to grab his cheeks, forcing him to look you directly in the eyes.
"If you want more, beg. I already know you're just a pleasure loving slut who just can't take it when my attentions on another guy that isn't you. So come on, beg, don't be shy, you weren't earlier when you cussed out Tsumugi were you?"
Tsumugi was the reason he was like this in the first place, he couldn't handle seeing you give him a kiss on the cheek. You knew that Natsume's relationship with him wasn't the best, but he still somewhat liked Tsumugi, but that kiss seemed to have went too far for him. Natsume looks as if he regrets it now, deciding between if he wants to keep his pride up or be able to cum.
You pull your hand away from him and his face drops as he seemly stares down at his stomach, his shirt pushed up around his waist. It's not too long before you hear some mumbling coming from Natsume, his hands clenched tightly together. "I'm a jealous slut only for yoU, and I constantly want my hole to be filled with your cocK." Moving back down to be right next to him you whisper "Can you repeat that? I didn't hear you." He immediately turns to look at you as those words leave you, "I know you diD, your just enjoying thiS." His golden brown eyes continue to glare at you for a few more seconds until he finally gives up, realizing that he won't gain any touch unless he says it louder.
"I'm just a jealous dirty sluT, I can't handle not being filled and I need yoU-" Your finger presses down the button that makes the machine start up, at full force. Natsume, not thinking you'd start it while he was talking taken by surprise. His head bangs back onto the headboard and you feel bad about it only for a moment. His eyes start to unfocus and his body rocks back and forth from the force of the machine. His legs start to close and your quick to push them down, you can feel his muscles straining underneath your hands. The slapping sound from the machine meeting his ass isn't loud enough to block the high pitched whines leaving Natsume as the toy rams into his prostate over and over.
Natsume's precum is dripping down his cock in larger amounts, and the way his body strains against the machine and the increasing pitch of his moans signals he's close. Thinking of stopping the machine right before he orgasms takes form but is quickly pushed away when his moans reach a beautiful crescendo. You feel his thighs start to tremble more violently and a second later long white ropes of cum spurt out of his cock, landing on his chest, and dripping down to his stomach.
Letting go of his thighs and sliding your hand up his body, not bothering to slow the machine as it continues to thrust into him as forcefully as it can. Feeling his body twitch with the aftershocks of his orgasm, and the constant movement from the machine you gather some of his spend on your fingertips. You bring your fingers up to his lips and slip them past his open mouth. His eyes are glazed over likely from the after effects from his orgasm but you expect over stimulation to kick in soon. You watch as his mouth closes around your fingers, sucking his own cum off of them.
His eyes move to meet yours and you slide your fingers out of his mouth so he could speak. "Why aren't you stopping iT? It hurTS, it hurts so gooD." His voice comes out in different pitches, the machines thrusting starting to affect him more than you thought as overstimulation starts to kick in. You only smile at him as you let the machine keep up its pace, he deserved to be over stimulated. Broken moans fall from his lips as you look down towards the machine, realizing that Natsume's cock is still hard dispite cumming a minute ago.
"You're still hard? You must be more of a whore than I thought, but that's fine, I'll give you more pleasure than your body can handle." Natsume's response is pained whimpers, but you don't want him too fucked out of his mind just yet, he still had to answer some questions. Turning the machine down to a medium setting so pleasure is always present, you hear him let out a relieved moan, yet his body still twitches from deep thrusts onto his prostate.
Grabbing his cheeks once again, you force his head to turn to look at you. His eyes are starting glaze over and his mouth hangs over ever so slightly. However he quickly attempts to looks serious. "You want to apologize to me for interrupting my conversation with Tsumugi with your jealousy? I let you have an orgasm, not that you deserved it." He quickly sneers at you, however the effect doesn't work as well as he hopes with the position he's in. "I don't have to apologize for anythING. Tsumugi didn't care anywaYS, and I was not jealOUS." You sigh, of course he wouldn't admit it that easily, however you could get him too.
You wonder if causing him to orgasm over and over would make him admit it, he would enjoy it no matter how much he may deny it. He already looks on the verge of another, however the amount of stimulation he's getting not enough to push him over the edge just yet. Running your hand down his chest towards his cock, taking it in your hand, starting to jerk him off slowly. The feeling causes him to bite his lip as he glares at you, you'll try again to get to him to answer in a way you want. "I know you're just a jealous slut who only wants my attention you even admitted it, so why won't you say it again?" He stays quiet, you could see shame run through his eyes at your words, he knows you're right, he just wants to be difficult.
You could feel him twitch in your hand, your words turning him on more than he wanted to admit. "Oh, I feel your cock begging for release in my hand, even if you don't admit it yourself your body clearly knows how much of a jealous cock hungry bitch you are. " He still doesn't respond, choosing to continue biting his lip. You'd get him to admit it again. Turning the machine to high once again, not having any plan to turn it down this time until he's begging you, you'd break his stubborn behavior by having him too drunk on pleasure.
Natsume stops biting his lip immediately, the pleasure overtaking him, his head once again knocks back, his body starting to rock roughly again. You watch as his stomach visibly clenches and you feel his cock once again release. His whines filling the air, almost louder than the slapping sounds echoing throughout the room. There's not as much of the sticky white fluid this time as it mixes with his last spend with more soon to join it.
You smirk as you let go of his cock, still painfully hard as small amounts of cum dribble out of his angry red tip. You move towards his head, watching the flush on his face spread down to his chest as his body starts to tremble even more violently from the aftershocks. "Too mucH, too mucH." His eyes have tears in them as he stares at you, however they're becoming more unfocused by the second, you just smile down at him. His hands grip the bed sheets as his back arches, his eyes widening a little as another orgasm takes him by surprise. Laughing a little at his reaction you wonder if you've been successful in fucking his brattiness out of him.
"Are you sorry about interrupting me? Are you going to say you're a dumb attention whore? You must already know that I'm right, your little mind can't seem to comprehend anything but reaching your next orgasm right now." Natsume can't even turn to look at you as he nods, the overstimulation muddling his mind up. "I'm sorRY, I'm sorRY. I'm a dumb jealous slut who can't do anything but think about cummING." You laugh a little to yourself, he looks absolutely ruined now that he finally admitted it. He didn't even look like he comprehended what he said, his mind to hazed over by the continuous thrusting.
"You finally admitted it, and all it took was having a machine fuck you stupid. Doesn't this just prove what you said?" He nods along to what you're saying, and increasingly loud whines leave him as he cums again, less than last time, you wonder how many more he can take before nothing comes out anymore.
You make no move to slow down the machine, only running your hand across his forehead, wiping his bangs away that are stuck there. He doesn't seem to be able to form coherent sentences anymore, much less thoughts, only small I'm sorrys leaving him. His cock still hard, sways back and forth with his body from the machines continuous thrusting. You decide to see how much more he can take before either shooting blanks or passing out.
You wonder how he'll act when he comes back to his senses, how pissed he'll be. You know he won't be able to walk tomorrow from how hard you have this machine fucking into him. But for now you can only watch as the machine fucks into him.
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sleepy-gee · 3 months
Please write more snowjanus with possessive Sej!!! Like “but you belong to me” level of possessiveness!
possessive!sejanus is such an interesting idea, actually. he's a total fucking sweetheart and would get no where even near to being possessive in an actual relationship, maybe just being innocently clingy, so sitting down and thinking about what could push him to the point of behaving like that is just. HHH.
he'd be so insanely paranoid it wouldn't even be funny. maybe coriolanus has been busy with school lately or had some other things going on that required him to spend a lot of time away from sej.. who came to the immediate conclusion that coriolanus was cheating, because why else would he spend so much time away?
so maybe sejanus confronts him and they get into an argument, coriolanus hurt that sejanus would come to such a conclusion.
"you're hurt?! imagine how i've felt! i haven't had a boyfriend for the past month because you've been running off, and you refuse to tell me why. now tell me how that's not suspicious."
"sej, i see where you're coming from, but please, don't you think that's a little too far? don't you trust me at all?" coriolanus' voice softened. "i love you. i'd never–"
"i don't know, why should i?" sejanus cut him off. "you've never been very honest with me to begin with. you're made of mystery.. and i don't want to be with someone like that."
"..what are you saying?"
"i'm saying.." sejanus paused, thinking over his words carefully. "nevermind. it's not worth it."
"no, you don't get to do that. if it's causing you to get upset, then it must be worth it. talk to me, please."
"don't you tell me what's worth it, of all people."
"what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" coriolanus said, exasperated. he pinched the bridge of his nose. "i just.. i just want things to go back to the way they were before.. this.."
".. start off by telling me what you've been doing then. if it's so important that it's keeping you away from me, i think i deserve to know." sejanus took another few steps closer.
".. it's grandma'am, sej. she's sick and.. i've been doing odd jobs to help pay for her treatment." coriolanus' voice dropped, nearly breaking. "we didn't want word getting out."
that's all? his fucking grandmother was sick? "you had me worried over nothing." he scoffed. noticing the tears forming in his lovers blue eyes, he pulled him into a hug. crying? really? ".. just talk to me next time."
coriolanus nodded with a sniffle. ".. i'm sorry, sej. i'm sorry.."
"no need to be sorry. just don't let it happen again, okay?" sejanus pulled away from the embrace, a sweet yet off-putting smile on his face as he cupped coriolanus' pale cheek. "don't cry. i like it better when you smile."
(about to make an au out of this someone help 😭)
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fictionfixations · 25 days
Kalim in RSA (and I get off-topic)
Spoilers for Book 4 and 5 (im sorry jamil enjoyers. but im so biased towards kalim its not even funny)
(this spiraled into me talking all about kalim in the actual game so oops)
imagine how different the story would be if kalim was in RSA
and we just hear from jamil about these snippets about his 'master' (although itd be weird they'd be separated if jamil tended to him often to where he'd prob be like his personal servant? idk what situation would have jamil talk to us anyway but yknow maybe we get close, he's like the other friend who seems cool? he'll basically help us out with knowledge about things, fleshing out the world a bit more, as the only sophomore in the group cause he kind of feels responsible maybe? then BETRAYAL)
and then eventually partway through the school year KALIM IS THERE (we know why though) and he somehow ends up housewarden.
i have a dislike against RSA. its very petty and its kind of because they keep winning (and they dont even mean ill intent which is worse! …but its kind of like kalims kindness. and i like kalim but that might make me biased. SO. thus the existence of this.)
we probably wouldnt like him much right? (and i imagine he'd get his fair share of bullies. we find this out. he laughs it off like 'nah, im used to attempted assassinations and everything. this isnt nearly as bad.')
(id do the clapping between but ppl get annoyed, and i get annoyed) CUE KALIM BEING MORE THAN SMILES AND WE LEARN THAT ABOUT HIM !!
HES aware enough that he can cook food good using JUST magic (which takes precision to use it as good or even better than your hands right??. its in his labwear vignette. ruggies teaching him ofc so ruggie wants it to be good cause hes taking leftovers, BUT CMOONNN he can learn. ..and yeah it took a few years for jamil to teach kalim antidotes to common poisons so he could do it easy but kalims hardly a master at making potions so i call that good)
AND in book 5 he noticed vil had like the same look as jamil to where he knew something was going to go wrong (aka the poisoning)
maybe its to show how much kalim doesnt belong in NRC and thats why they dont pull the 'more than he looks at first glance' like cater with glimpses in vignettes and etc
but like COME ON.
the sultan might be dumb (i recently re-watched aladdin) but at least he knew enough that he didnt want jafar marrying his daughter cause hes OLD and also he doesnt want to force jasmine into anything (good intentions. im sure if they just waited and she didnt find a suitor in time he would've just CHANGED THE LAW like he did IN THE MOVIE because he wants her to be happy!)
ALSo he tried to look through the law jafar claimed to say that would make her have to be married to the vizier or whatever (aka jafar) but then jafar just pulled it away before he could (and then attempted to mind control him when he refused) mans was prepared to spend hours reading over it even if he didnt understand it but he wasnt given the chance
also kalim is worryingly nonchalant about stuff. i mean. you can get used to horrible things to where they just feel so normal and uninmportant i guess? but poor bby. hes been like 'i want to keep myself alive because if i die then someone else will get punished.' or like about poisoning, if someone has a change of mind and hes already dead, then he cant do something to help them, so he has to make sure he'll live.
..i really doubt that hes just. so oblivious. maybe in denial, but still.
anyway i got very off topic. my bad. and to be fair we do get to see more of him at some parts. but hhh
okay listen. denial. (i am also a believer that if when kalim confronted jamil, if he said he didnt do anything kalim wouldve believed him. bruh gave him excuses like '..i just got tired, right?')
"The real Jamil would never do such things! He's a good guy. He's always helping me, giving me a shoulder to lean on, and—" (Book 4 • Chapter 33)
we just. dont see him really crumble?? he just. keeps being optimistic
we convince him jamil is bad. he resolves to punch him for being a traitor and THATS IT?
he sobs at the end of jamils overblot but then he goes back to being optimistic like 'lets be equals!' (..it feels like he didnt really learn much though as he's still 'I didn't notice--' 'I--' and i wish he couldve gotten more awareness. cause he makes it about himself yknow and blaming himself but COME ON put some blame on jamil PLEASE? or like. ANYONE ELSE. you also cant notice shit if no one ever tells you about it that you dont even know to look for it! he doesnt want to be cautious about who he can trust so like, why would he think to doubt the person who hes known his entire life??? especially if its something that was just always there that it feels natural, how could he know better? hes sheltered! so someone shouldve explained it to him, made him realize things! aghhh)
heres the book 5 one btw
"I got a real bad feeling when I saw the look on your face after Neige's rehearsal. It was practically the same look I saw on Jamil's face when he lost control of himself over holiday break." (Book 5 • Chapter 62)
And I mean maybe he did learn in that he's more aware of this now than others because he knows what people could look like because of Jamil, but I feel like a lot of things were just so unsaid. That the first time blindsided him, but now he's kind of a little more worried about something happening while he's there that he didn't notice so now he's trying to notice things more??? Or like maybe having gut feelings that he'd ignored before because it was Jamil but now knowing better?
So he can be aware. but then the rest of the time he's just thought of as dumb or an idiot or forgetful and it just makes me sad. and i mean i get that he wants to see the best in people but we never really talk about how its more that its denial. a refusal to see it, and i want to understand why
or maybe its because he sees the good in people that he trusts they'll do the right thing. or he believes that the good outweigh the bad (although i dont know if it'd be the same case if it was someone he knew who got hurt)
like. okay back in book 5
"Besides, I would bet there isn't a single person in Scarabia who hasn't gotten help from Jamil at some point. Am I right?"
"See? There you go. He's been a model vice housewarden. In fact, he's put me to shame. He let dark thoughts get the better of him for a brief time. Other than that, he's a perfectly capable guy." (Book 5 • Chapter 10)
He justifies it with that Jamil isn't the only one to blame (he also blames himself), and that Jamil hadn't done anything wrong before then
which. AGAIn. means that in his eyes the good outweigh the bad. jamils better at his duties so jamil should stay as vice housewarden.
this was the first time jamil did anything bad so it'd be fine, it was just an error in judgment
nothing about the fact that his closest friend he views as a brother
"He's grown up with Jamil since a young age, and considers him a brother in all but blood." (from the In-game Album)
who would be the last person he'd expect to do such a thing BETRAYS HIM, planning to make everyone (or well just the people in scarabia) turn against him
like. that has to be a shock right??? AND THEN HE JUST. welcomes him back into his life like it was nothing im just. kALIM. SWEETIE.
and i mean i get its for the best since if anyone knew what actually happened anything could happen to jamil (and jamil has his own reasons i get that but this is about kalim)
but he still hangs around him. has him as his aide. so while something did change, it also feels like nothing changed at the same time.
"I'm always chosen. Always. That's such an obvious truth that I never even consciously processed it. But now I see that was only possible because of Jamil's constant sacrifices. He created that "truth" in my mind by always holding back. By always letting me win. ...It stings. "Galling" doesn't even begin to describe it." (Book 5 • Chapter 30)
also like one of the very few times he expresses how he feels about something (how it hurts not to be chosen for the first time, and/or that he was only chosen because of someone else so he wants to work hard)
and then grim shuts him down with "You wanna talk about galling? Imagine how I feel not even makin' the cut for the audition to start with."
like. COME ON.
Kalim responds with, "Ah, you're right. My bad! I didn't mean to rub it in. Goodness, there I go again! I'm super sorry, honest."
and yeah it can seem kind of spoiled but also. its probably because of that that he doesnt want to share his troubles because he's very privileged so it feels like he might not deserve to act like its anything when everyone else has to work so much harder, right?
AND ITS JUST. REAFFIRMING TO HIM THAT his troubles are nothing compared to anyone elses and im just aghhauihduadhw
he also cares a lot about other people (people like him as housewarden because he listens to their troubles and supports them) so i just. want him to be able to take a moment to care about himself and just admit these things that he usually doesnt get the chance to.
i got a lot more worked up than i meant to
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honakito · 3 months
hiiiii😁 idk of yours request is open but i wanted to ask for a mmj! reader x akito😞 hope youre okay with thisss, bye kisses and hugs 🫶😊
-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀MORE , MORE ⠀⠀⠀. . . ⠀⠀⠀more more JUMP !
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authors babbles . . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀i freaking LOVE THIS ! !
MORE! MORE! - prod. honakito
posted as : request
chars : s. akito
type : x g/n ! reader
scenario : akito with an idol (specifically more more jump) reader ( headcanons )
taglist : @finanah ( ask to be added )
affiliated with : @virtualbookstore
notes : OH MH GOD i am SO SORRY for dipping this whole month and not doing this request sooner you probably forgot about it hhh,,,… no joke i was procrastinating this whole month since i am signed up for the math olympics ( i got a 20/28 at the local phase and now im in for the city phase) then i also have national phase if i qualify so requests are gonna take much longer… but still THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTHING THIS AAA!! AND AGAIN IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG
notes 2 : so im actually working on a canon character only series. the only thing ill reveal about it is that it is a crossover with one of my current hyperfixations (they go brrr brrr brbrbr) so mist of my attention will be focused on it (requests will take longer in this case) and other shit BUT!!! ill alao try to finish the masterlists befpre my blog gets bigger so it is easier for me to arrange shit YKNOW ,,, and also the last time i posted here i barely got any REACH. like it was embarrassing omfg i dont want that to happen again so this is probably why i was hesitant on posting again but were cool gang ,, and i aslo have to revamp most of my posts kms
date : 26 / 02 / 24 - 10 / 03 / 24
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well , he doesnt really care.
wait , what?
dont get him wrong , tho! when he first found out you were also interested in the music field , he was ecstatic in his own way. so , he asked some questions.
to realize youre the fifth member of ‘ MORE MORE JUMP! ‘ tho? that was a shocker! he never really put the puzzle pieces together.
not because he isnt capable of doing so , he just doesnt really.. care, about idol groups. it was never akitos type of music genre.
sure , he saw a few posters here and there , but never observed them as a whole. the only one he recognized on those was airi , because of enas childhood friendship with her.
and when you first came to kamiyama , he never really eavesdropped on any conversations about you. wasnt that normal? for everyone to talk about the new student! why was he the only one that didnt know you were a known idol?
isnt that a good thing , tho?
because akito didnt know of your passion , you saw right through him that this is actually how he feels. figured out that he saw you as an average human being , and not someone you only see on the outside , on a screen.
you were more glad for his oblivion , rather than mad.
but back on topic.
for a little while , he didnt know. but after? he seemed more cautious for you.
he knows the things you have to go through in the idol industry — he isnt stupid.
so for your sake , hes more supportive.
youll never notice it , but he will watch each and every livestream your group will hold after finding out. ofcourse , on a whole different account , while hes alone — he does not need teasing from neither you , mizuki , ena or an. 
and the same goes for your social media posts , he always tries to be the first one to like.
also pay close attention to his playlist — suddenly , a few of ‘ MORE MORE JUMP! ‘ s songs are there! but not the whole discography , hes still getting accommodated with the genre. 
so after a while — he gets comfortable.
hell always show up to the shows you will host. at first , he will seat in the back , so you dont notice him. but with a little bit of time , you will always spot him easily in the front rows , but he has too much pride to admit it. half of it , he will say ena dragged him with her. but what about the times he shows up alone? when theres no big sister , or no extra ticket from kohane?
if you figure it out tho , hed gladly accept any ticket you give him. doesnt matter if general or backstage access — your performances are moments that he holds close to him , outside of RAD WEEKEND.
and even if it seems like he doesnt care — he will always cheer on you from the sidelines.
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begging the x reader gods to show this under the tag this time
div. arent mine ; please do not use my work for own uses , includes : reposting and claiming as their own , heavily inspiring off a long term fanfiction , etc , etc .
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indecisive-dizzy · 2 months
Hi I’m having so many Latter/Eddie ideas im in love with them they are beloveds
I can totally see Latter having a crush on Eddie from the get go. He took one look at that beautiful southern mailman and fell in love
The idea of Eddie dating Latter while being Howdy’s ex makes me laugh so hard, especially if howdy gets bitter about it
I could totally see Eddie being sweet to Latter and Howdy complaining to Seeya about it. He pulls out the “I was bisexual first!” argument /hj
Latter writes poems about Eddie but keeps them to himself. Hes too embarrassed to share them
Ironically they’re actually some of his better work
Latter/Eddie/Frank is now something I need more people to love too because I do
They do little smooches. Like, they’re both so nervous they can barely kiss without herring all flustered and shy
Hugs, they hug a lot :)
Latter wraps his wings around Eddie EHEN they hug, but he never mentions it
They write letters to each other all the time, they love writing about the other
They go on walks together, its calm and they don’t have to deal with neighbors/family members that treat them poorly
They move in together /hj
I need them to get married
sniff theyre soooo <333
Took one look and fell in love you say? Of course he did who wouldn't! fr tho Latter had One Positive Interaction with Eddie (Eddie waved at him) and he was head over heels.
Damn Eddie I thought you were afraid of bugs- sjfhjdsgbjsghjds. Howdy is SO bitter. Especially because Latter and Eddie have a better relationship than his and Eddie's. Also bc Latter does Not shut up about him. He's throwing Eddie themed poetry left right and center and Howdy is this close to putting up a "No Latter" sign at the shop.
Latter's better poetry being his love poems to Eddie is so sweet. His best work comes straight (Ha!) from the heart <3
Idk how Frank and Latter would get along,,, I think Frank would enjoy some poetry but he may only tolerate Latter's extensive poetics for Eddie,,,, Hmmm
Call those Butterfly Kisses. jsfjsf they're so cute hhh just little pecks here n there but its got them both all flustered.
You got a mailman who is on his way to a Best Hugger Award and a Giant Butterfly with Six Arms. Those are some damn good hugs! And I am a sucker for "wrapping wings around partner"
ah writing letters, Eddie's personal favorite love language that he introduced Latter to. Eddie gets normal letters that also have poems attached. Eddie send him paper crafts with his letters.
Going on walks is nice! What if they held hands !
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
Ok! I've got it! I've decided that I'd like to request Jamil for #5! 😤 I am looking forward to reading all of these!!!! -Jamil Lover anon
【 danse macabre (a dance with death) 】
prompt #5: It’s time to fight an overblotted person and if he don’t tell them something now, he might not live to tell them later
gender neutral! prefect, includes overblot spoilers for book 5, 600 followers event (closed)
author's note: HELLO JAMIL LOVER ANON !! so sorry that it took this long for me to put this out hhh i wanted to wait for book 5 to finish before finally publishing this,,,,truthfully it's been sitting half-finished for a long while before i finally finished it today ^^ i hope you enjoy it nonetheless ^^
[ or read it on ao3 (coming soon) ]
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Jamil knew the touch of blot more intimately than others. He had felt it upon his own skin, myriads of black ink webbing around his body; giving way for his anger and resentment to burst forth. He remembered the monster that loomed over him, one borne of greed that would take and take and take until he was left an empty shell with no magic left to give.
Now there was no denying that Jamil saw the signs. The furrow in Vil's brow that never seemed to go away. The tick of irritation in his jaw whenever the word "beautiful" was uttered towards his rival. The venom dripping from his mouth as he exchanged pleasantries with the RSA student— who really genuinely thought they were friends.
It was pitiful; almost akin to seeing a mirror of himself just months ago. Struggling to walk the line of right and wrong. Struggling to hold in all the deeply seeded emotions. Struggling to breathe correctly without feeling suffocated.
So when he saw Kalim running for the dressing rooms, he made his move and just prayed that nothing too bad would happen. Especially since the Prefect wouldn't be able to protect themself from any of Vil's curses.
Snake Whisper proved to be useful once again, and that Neige LeBlanche kid? Even if he was a pretty face, his magical abilities didn't hold a candle to anyone from NRC he met so far. It was too easy to manipulate him into gathering the crowd, easier still to shout of Neige performing outside and to convince the first years of the necessary actions to be taken.
Jamil got on top of the magic carpet, speeding into the hallway. An instinctive fear washed over him as he felt a strong pulse of magic close to where he knew everyone would be.
Purple fog slowly rolled out of the hallway, and Jamil could see four figures standing in front of dressing rooms, but he was already too late. Whatever Rook and Kalim had said, it only seemed to quicken the effects of blot that had already taken root somewhere deep inside of the third year.
Jamil watched as that inky blackness seemed to drip out of Vil, enveloping him like a cape, golden feather protruding from his head as he laughed; frantic and freed. This was worse that he could've ever expected.
"Hop on!" He yelled, grabbing Grim by the scruff as the others clambered onto the carpet. He went as fast as he could, away from the stinging dizziness of the fog and into the coliseum's vast center.
His three passengers were still coughing as they got off the magic carpet. Jamil rummaged through his pockets, taking out some simple all-cures he had made.
"Kalim!" He tossed two at his ward and Rook, before approaching the Prefect and Grim, who somehow looked worse than ever. "Drink these. They're all-cures and should get rid of the poison's effects temporarily."
The Prefect smiled; a shadow of their usual smile, but they thanked him nonetheless, "Thanks, Jamil. I knew Vil disliked Neige, but...it seemed that his dislike ran a lot deeper than I expected."
"Yes, well," Jamil pulled them up to their feet. "We never know what a person is going through after all." Good, the color was returning to their face. Even Grim looked more like himself when he complained about how bitter the potion was.
"We have to evacua— Eh? All the people are gone?" Kalim tilted his head and Jamil resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"Just how many years have I followed you around?" Jamil wrung out his hands, feeling a slight headache as he kept up his unique magic's effects. "I had everyone evacuated with the help of the first years."
As if on cue, the three first years made their way back, voicing their concerns of a purple fog around the coliseum. Jamil cursed under his breath. He knew that the stretch of power between him and a third-year student would've been different, but to think Vil was capable of trapping them so quickly—!
A loud boom sounded before chunks of rock came flying out from the hallway where Vil was left. It seemed that he wouldn't be going down without a fight.
"The hell's happenin'?" Epel shouted as the ground shook, stones cracking under the sheer pressure of Vil's magic.
"Save the explanations for later!"Jamil shouted, tightening his grip on the Prefect's wrist. "First, let's dodge his attacks!"
It was fitting that he said that, because right after, Vil launched a large orb of magic right at them. Jamil jumped to the right, dragging the Prefect with him. The resounding boom of the attack left a crater in the ground, scattering dust and rocks into the air as if it was nothing.
He scrambled to get behind a bigger chunk of debris, wincing at the scrapes he got as he sat up, "Hey, are you okay?"
"'M fine," They said, the dust already caking their clothes. "I should've said something earlier..."
"You couldn't have avoided this outcome," Jamil said cautiously, peeking over the rock to see the others frantically dodging Vil's attacks. "Now, please look at me."
The Prefect kept their eyes closed for a moment, "If I do look at you, please don't use your unique magic on me."
"I can't just...run away while you guys are forced to fight." Jamil felt a rise of searing anger at the base of his throat. How could they be so stupidly unaware? Even if they were there, there wasn't much they could do to help considering their severe lack of magic.
Then he remembered the stubborn set of their eyes as they fought against him, not once backing down from his spells nor the hypnotized students flocking around them. Even if the students from Octavinelle were dubious at best, they had stuck by them throughout the whole of the overblot. And he realized then and there that was nothing that could convince them to do otherwise for this overblot, especially not when their closest friends were involved.
"You..." Jamil pressed a hand to his brow. "I won't use my magic on you. Instead, you promise to stick close to me so I can at least protect y—"
There was a loud crash as magic collided with magic, and he could see Rook's light magic tangling with the darkness of Vil's tainted spells. Jamil dragged himself behind one of the stone pillars, breathing out harshly as he faced them.
They were looking at him now; properly meeting his eyes in a show of trust that somehow made Jamil's heart ache. And he faintly wondered if he would have another chance like this. What if this battle were to be his last? Could he really let them go without at least...saying something?
"...Prefect, I..." Jamil for once, was at a loss for words. What do you say to someone who mattered? Someone who mattered so much that it even hurt to think of being without them.
What would you say to someone who you might be seeing for the last time?
The words wouldn't come. He was stupid to think that they would come easily, especially after he spent so long denying it himself. He met their eyes once more, and he faintly wondered how he looked to them. Was it pathetic, to hide away like this when everyone else was out there fighting?
"Jamil," His eyes met theirs. "You're...shaking."
He...was? Him? He brought a hand to his face, and found that yes, he was shaking. The grip on his sleeve tightened just a little bit.
"Are you exerting yourself too much?" Their voice continued. "You're still using your magic on Neige. And..."
There was a hand covering his, and when he looked up there was this gut-wrenching smile on their face, "I know. You don't have to say it here."
Jamil frowned, "But—"
"We won't die," The way they said it was so firm. Like they had utmost confidence in their words and their words only. "You can tell me after, I'll...I'll pretend I didn't know."
His throat burned as he swallowed, "I just...don't think I can leave without saying it. I like you," Jamil shook his head, holding onto their hand lightly. "No, it's more than that, I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want to lose you."
"I won't get hurt," There it was. That conviction once again. "You promised that you'd protect me. So let's go." They were right. He knew they were and yet he couldn't help but want to hold on to this just a little longer. Just for a little while.
"Okay," He said, drawing in a deep breath. "Let's beat some sense back into Vil-senpai. And we'll talk again."
"Right," They nodded, taking his hand and pulling them both into the fray of battle. Jamil pulled out his magic pen, immediately putting up a barrier as Vil launched another attack.
"Oi! What took you!?" Ace asked as he dodged more rubble.
"It seems trying to convince this one to leave is an impossible task," Jamil said, hoping that he sounded more calm than he was.
"Of course! My henchman's not the type to leave people behind!" Grim said, clinging onto the Prefect like a leech.
"Let's get Vil-senpai back," They said with a squeeze to his hand. "And after we'll have a grand afterparty, and we'll make him treat us."
"I second that!" Kalim said, looking as bright as ever even with the current situation. "Let's host it at the practice room!" Jamil inwardly sighed, knowing that the responsibility for cleaning up would somewhat fall onto him.
He felt lighter, even as he let go of their hand to take a more offensive stance, "Remember your promise."
"Yessir, I'll stick to you like glue."
"This isn't the time for..." Jamil had to turn his head to hide his smile. "Nevermind. Let's just get this over with."
He set his sights towards the blot-riddled Vil.
Jamil knew the touch of blot more intimately than others. He would never let it happen again. He wouldn't let this overblot end everything. Not when he had something that he chose to protect. And especially not when he finally had feelings that were finally his own.
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thank you for reading this...kind of fluff, kind of angsty jamil fic !! i hope you enjoyed, and if you'd like to see more, go on to my masterlists :DD
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