#sphinx lusus
celebellysfantrolls · 2 years
*Takes a bit of that old muse and put it in the pot, takes a bit of that muse, adds some new ideas as this muse starts to talk to me*
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kabutoden · 20 hours
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another set of fantrolls! Themis, Leonol, and Chaoyi. DETAILED LORE below readmore!!!
Themis is the head of the jade caste at the school and she takes her roll very seriously, pressuring younger trolls in her caste not to use their recently-acquired rights to NOT work in the caverns, but instead live a life of their choosing. AKA, there is a lot of social pressure on jades to conform to their expected duties and Themis is a traditionalist who wants the jades at school to appear unified and strong. Thusly, Melosa's misbehavior and outright hatred for the jade caste drives her crazy, especially considering Melosa's rare and special morph. She doesn't want
She's named 'themis' for artemis, because it was artemis killed the shit out of babies. Themis believes strongly in culling/letting trolls experience harshness to grow up strongly. her godtier is Judge of Void.
Leonol is a male oliveblood with a lot of RAW CONFIDENCE for being like 4 sweeps old. i wanted to make a catboy bc i already had two oliveblooded catgirls. hes based on that chill and confident big tomcat with the big cheeks type vibe. based on sphinx moth+sabertooth tiger. prince of doom because he destroys doom itself. dont worry. leonol's got it handled. even though hes like, 8. Chaoyi is Melosa's sister, younger by only a couple sweeps. Melosa was left with a virgin spotted mothergrub lusus that didn't bond with her, and as a result spent her first few sweeps barely surviving as the VSM grew more and more incensed at the 'pest' in it's living space. their relationship frew more and more antagonistic and they badly injured each other, melosa fleeing and being presumed dead while the jades, finally visiting the hive after a few sweeps, were horrified to find a mothergrub so badly injured. the VSM was returned to the jade caverns to recover physically and mentally. during this time, it bonded with a second child still a grub, and the jades let the VSM keep it's new charge.
upon discovering the VSM had a different kid in the hive, melosa initially feared the VSM to be hunting the wriggler as she'd grown up, only to be more distraught to learn chaoyi was healthy, happy, and cared for. melosa almost started another fight with the VSM, which was defending chaoyi from her, and cut off half her own hair in an act of defiance. initially, chaoyi couldn't possibly believe melosa to be her sister, because she had such a good relationship with her lusus, but after she wasn't believed by the jade adults checking up on the VSM's health that melosa had survived, she realized melosa had to be right.
melosa kept stopping by home and visiting chaoyi because if the VSM started hurting another wriggler, melosa wasn't going to let them handle it alone like she had. she didnt care about chaoyi's opinion and was shocked when chaoyi apologized and believed melosa. the two have an extremely awkward relationship but they are also both very dear to each other, and consider the other important family.
(while the mothergrub did abuse and neglect melosa, it's not really either's fault. most lusus are ultimately animals, including the mothergrubs, and she never recognized melosa as her own child. its based on animals rejecting their own bbs, which i witnessed a couple years ago. lots is left out of this desc of chaoyi and melosa but this is the summary.)
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canisbeasts-ooc · 2 months
I need to post more about the critetrs
I think, on some level, Sphinx has always been a bit isolated. While Lykoii started a little isolated but quickly found community in the clurch, only to have it ripped from him when he fled, Sphinx, I think, has always been someone alone.
Yes, she has her peers and coworkers, a busy life filled with a job she enjoys, but she never truly gets more than surface deep with most anyone. She doesn’t realize how little she had until that little bit slowly fizzles out. Once in near complete isolation on her own planet, before she discovers the consorts or Lavendersprite comes back from exploring, she’s left to grapple with the fact that she’s alone. Her lusus is not there, not only just physically gone, but soon that looming pressure and expectation is dissolved. This does not help Sphinx’s loneliness.
She comes to the slow realization that she doesn’t have much to her, she is isolated and doesn’t know who she is, mostly in part due to trying to live up to her lusus’ expectations for so long. Something about inheriting that space and longing. Something about not realizing it until it’s already there and has to be dealt with.
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defaultartasset · 9 months
Guess what?! It's Trollsona Time!!
Maryll Korari!!
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Pronouns: She/Her
Name: Maryll Korari
Trollian Handle: taintlessCarcass [TC]
Blood Colour: Rust
Sign: Ariopeia (Sign of the Cavalier)
Strife Specibus: Spearkind
Lunar Sway: Derse
Classpect: Knight of Mind
Planet: Land of Labyrinths and Hail (LoLaH)
- "The ghosts get a bit quirrky at night!!" ]:>
- Has an eye or two for the arts.
- Spearheads accidental comedy (including shitty puns).
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As pictured above, her lusus is skua-like with some features of a peacock.
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Fetch Modus: Dark Menu
How it works:
When an item gets captchalogued, the fetch modus obscures the details of its card (except for the captcha code on its back). As a result, items can only be called in commands via their card or slot number. (i.e., something like "=> Maryll: Use Card 6" is a valid command while something like "=> Maryll: Use Totem" is not.)
To remove a card from the sylladex, Maryll has to navigate a menu with entries that represent each card using a device that suddenly appears out of thin air. It resembles a Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP (which, due to being a construct of the modus, doesn't look like typical troll technology). However, to twist it even further, the screen is pitch black, rendering it impossible for Maryll to directly see what she has in sylladex. This means that Maryll has to navigate her own sylladex using only sound cues and memory alone.
When navigating the menu, Maryll is presented with three options in a sub-menu when selecting an item: to take it out in either its original item form, to take it out as its card, or to throw it, which means that items are usually accessed by her in 2 button inputs at minimum.
When Maryll finishes using the sylladex or exits it, the device vanishes until she's ready to use it again.
Other features of the modus include the ability to exit it without taking anything by simply folding the device to close it and a not very helpful backlight for said device.
Typing Quirk Details:
- Types in Australian English. (That's like, the first step, especially for spelling.)
- Doubles her r's, as if to exaggerate them.
- Doesn't use periods. (Unless she's serious.)
- When exclamation or question marks are used, they're doubled; she only uses just one of either when serious.
- Puts quotation marks at the beginnings and ends of her phrases, like it's dialogue in a novel.
- Uses emoticons a lot; those are always placed outside of the quotation marks.
"Sphinx of black quarrtz, judge my vow!!"
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vampirephlebotomy · 5 months
For every !! I receive, I'll introduce you to one OC
Ilumin...my darling girl Ilumin...she's my jadeblood who's a wee bit obsessed with the purpleblood churches. She's a rare case of a troll having any semblance of a relationship with their Ancestor, even if it's only just because her ancestor left her a FORTUNE and she's been living on it ever since. Ilumin used to be a farmer, having left the caverns at a young age and helping out on a bronzeblood's ranch during the day due to her Jade resistance to the sun. Once she got her inheritance though, she ended up leaving and making a cozy home for herself in the city. She still likes to visit out there though, and doesn't mind getting dirty as long as she changes out of her nice clothes. And she's always willing to drop a few caegars for a friend when they're in a tight spot!
She's a rainbowdrinker, a fact that she's still trying to adjust to and handle now that it's apart of her life. She mingles in highblood circles, mostly due to her moirails being a violet and purple respectively, along with her matesprit being a purpleblood as well. One of her best friends is a former violet blood popstar even! Her money certainly helps too.
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NAME: Ilumin Desire
PRONOUNS: she/her [Transwoman]
BLOODCASTE: jade§emerald [#00C275]
TROLL TAG: tantiemeLeech
SIGN: Virga [Derse + Space]
ANCESTORS TITLE: The Illustrious Fanatic / The Lecherous
OCCUPATION: Doesn't actually work, just lives off her Ancestors fortune and scams folks
STRIFE SPECIBUS: None, why lift a finger when you have guards?
FETCH MODUS: Please read above
HIVE: Fancy little penthouse hivecell shared with Ogikli Eorety
LUSUS: Sphinx
Flush with Golyal Setras
Pale with Kisana Gidigi and Ogikli Eorety
INTERESTS: Fashion and jewelry, Religious study, Gossip, True crime and gruesome murders
QUIRK: S33ms to ha<3 a v3ry put tog3th3r way of typing, and us3s positi<3l3y perfect grammar and syntax.
* May occasionally attach add3ndums with an ast3risk.
(WOULD-BE) CLASSPECT: Prince of Space
• She doesn't think the Purples have the wrong idea
• You didn't hear anything from her
• Thinks she might as well be real royalty
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starfreak-art · 5 months
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Chryss "Ray" Raelux (gold?, he/him) and Havika Hekati (purple, she/her). New OCs I made specifically for a rp with a friend.
Ray is a synth musician and DJ by night. He is a Knight of Time and a Derse dreamer. His lusus is a sphinx (the mythical creature, not the cat).
Havika is a goth girlie and the last surviving member of a chaos cult. She's a Witch of Light and a Prospit dreamer. Her lusii are a swarm of bats.
I love them and u should too.
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eternityservedcold · 1 year
this is a masterpost of all my homestuck!tboi designs. this wont be a rehash of info from my sketch posts from my main blog theres actual new info i prommy. ill reblog this with new ones when-if i make them ok ?
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pronouns: any
name explanation: "azaela" is "azazel" with the letters lightly scrambled to homestuck-ify it. "lemato" is from "le mat", the french name of the fool tarot card
sign: pirius, sign of the storyteller
a pangram written in his quirk: ⛧ wiz⛧rds job is to vex chumps quickly in fog!
lusus: gl'bgolyb (<-- fuchsia moment)
trolltag: aspiringGreatness [AG]
strife specibus: 2x3dentkind (<-- fuchsia moment also)
very short classpect explanation: a mage knows their aspect or knows with their aspect. hope represents optimism, belief, truth, etc
shes honestly the tutorial level for the rest of this post
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pronouns: they/them
name explanation: "lossat" is a corruption of "lost". "lalune" is from "la lune", "the moon" in french
sign: liblo, sign of the inescapable
pangram: Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow .
lusus: hawk
trolltag: graciousApotropaic [GA]
strife specibus: polearmkind
classpect explanation: a sylph heals their aspect or heals through their aspect. heart represents feelings, the soul, personality, etc
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pronouns: he/him
name explanation: the "j" in "judas" was replaced with "y" to make it sound the way most languages pronounce judas' name, which also homestuck-ifies it a bit. i also added an e to make his name 6 letters. "akelda" is from "akeldama" which is where judas from the bible died, also a judas unlock
sign: aquaza, sign of the politic
pangram: W4ltz, b4d nymph, 4 quick jigs vex.
lusus: vampire squid
trolltag: annoyedCombatant [AC]
strife specibus: daggerkind
classpect explanation: an heir changes their aspect or through their aspect. mind represents choices, alternate realities, thought, etc
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pronouns: he/him but doesnt actually care
name explanation: "kaenic" comes from "k'aeni", georgian for "cain", and "szeren" comes from "szerencse", hungarian for "luck"
sign: lepia, sign of the synthesizer
pangram: pack my box with five dozen 7iquor jugs
lusus: raccoon
trolltag: convictedAirhead [CA]
strife specibus: 2xknifekind
classpect explanation: a rogue steals their aspect or steals with their aspect, and gives it to others. light represents luck, knowledge, perception, etc
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pronouns: he/they
name explanation: "samzun" is just homestuck-ified "samson". "agonis" is from "agonistes", which means "champion" or "combatant", and references samson agonistes. it also sounds like "adonis" which i think is fun
sign: sagicorn, sign of the wild
pangram: Tw⎋ dr↑ven j⎋cks help fax my b↑g qu↑z.
lusus: bear
trolltag: temperamentalGoverner [TG]
strife specibus: fistkind
classpect explanation: a knight exploits their aspect or exploits with their aspect. rage represents chaos, defiance, fear, etc
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pronouns: he/him
name explanation: "elazar" is from "el azar", the origin of the name name "lazarus". "fordan" is a corruption of "four days", referencing lazarus' epithet "the four-days dead"
sign: argo, sign of the zenith
pangram: By Jove, my quick ⚕tudy of lexicography won a prize!
lusus: possum
trolltag: gunshyTherapist [GT]
strife specibus: garrotekind
classpect explanation: a page invites exploitation of or invites exploitation through their aspect. space represents creation, manipulation, patience, etc
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pronouns: she/it
name explanation: "evevir" comes from "vivir", the spanish word for "to live", which hearkens to "hava", the hebrew name of eve, which means "living". "megali" means "great", a reference to babylon the great
sign: gemcen, sign of the entertainer
pangram: ☾ Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz ☆
lusus: coyote
trolltag: gothicCacodemon [GC]
strife specibus: clawkind
classpect explanation: a prince destroys their aspect or destroys with their aspect. blood represents relationships, stability, attachment, etc
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pronouns: she/her
name explanation: look me in the eye and tell me you dont know where "maggie moriah" comes from.
sign: virsci, sign of the alchemist
pangram: My girl wove six dozen plaid jacke†s before she qui†!
lusus: cow
trolltag: charitableGourmet [CG]
strife specibus: spoonkind
classpect explanation: a witch manipulates their aspect or manipulates through their aspect. life represents healing, positivity, growth, etc
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pronouns: he/she/it
name explanation: "bughaw" is from "bugháw", "blue" in tagalog. it also has "bug" in it. "chepri" is one of the transliterations of "khepri", the name of the egyptian scarab-faced god, who can represent rebirth/renewal
sign: scormini, sign of the martyr
alive!pangram: all questixns asked by five watched xperts amaze the judge
dead!pangram: while making deep xcavations we f0und s0me quaint br0nze jewelry
lusus: fly
trolltag: carrionsTransgression [CT]
strife specibus: hatchetkind
classpect explanation: a thief steals their aspect or steals with their aspect. doom represents death, negativity, rules, etc
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pronouns: she/they
name explanation: "isscah" is from "iscah", a person mentioned briefly in the bible. okay i chose this name because its a female name starting with "is". "jusawi" means "dice" in korean, and the "sawi" part sounds sort of like "sorry"
sign: taurist, sign of the prosperous
pangram: doi really hvae to do this i m ean i think eevryone knows what crytyping is,
lusus: cat
trolltag: antagonizedTenderfoot [AT]
strife specibus: dicekind
classpect explanation: a seer invites knowledge of their aspect or invites knowledge with their aspect. time represents destruction, artificiality, impulsivity, etc
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pronouns: any (with a slight preference for they/them)
name explanation: "edinnu" is the akkadian origin of the word "eden", meaning "plain" (as in a grassland). "bedelo" is from "beddelo", meaning "change"/"vary"/"modify" in somali
sign: capriun, sign of the cartographer
pangram: About sixty codfish eggs wi11 make a quarter pound of very fizzy je11y!
lusus: ferret
trolltag: tempestuousComedian [TC]
strife specibus: jokerkind
classpect explanation: a maid creates their aspect or creates with their aspect. breath represents freedom, independence, apathy, etc
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pronouns: he/him
sign: serpens cauda
pangram: A lArge fAwn jumped quickly over white zinc boxes.
screen name: tergiversantArchangel [TA]
strife specibus: pistolkind
classpect explanation: a prince destroys their aspect or destroys with their aspect. breath represents freedom, independence, apathy, etc
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pronouns: she/any
sign: serpens caput
screen name: unspokenUltimatum [UU]
strife specibus: chainkind
classpect explanation: a sylph heals their aspect or heals through their aspect. blood represents relationships, stability, attachment, etc
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pronouns: she/they
symbol: well it says it right there wish bone
typing style: all lowercase. usually no punctuation except for when there are two sentences in the same line or being particularly blunt
chumhandle: godforsakenGrave [GG]
strife specibus: clubkind
classpect explanation: a bard invites destruction of their aspect or invites destruction with their aspect. space represents creation, manipulation, patience, etc
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pronouns: she/they
classpect (if she played): maid of heart (a maid creates their aspect or creates with their aspect. heart represents feelings, the soul, personality, etc)
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pronouns: he/they/it
symbol: spider
chumhandle: cynicalCapitalist [CC]
strife specibus: bombkind
classpect explanation: a rogue steals their aspect or steals with their aspect, and gives it to others. time represents destruction, artificiality, impulsivity, etc
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pronouns: he/him, dabbles in others
classpect: sylph of mind (a sylph heals their aspect or heals through their aspect. mind represents choices, alternate realities, thought, etc)
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pronouns: she/any
symbol: star
typing style: Proper case and punctuation. Usually uses periods even if it's a question.
chumhandle: thoughtfulThaumaturge [TT]
strife specibus: bookkind
classpect explanation: a mage knows their aspect or knows with their aspect. light represents luck, knowledge, perception, etc
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pronouns: he/him
classpect: not this one. the other one is a knight of breath though (a knight exploits their aspect or exploits with their aspect. breath represents freedom, independence, apathy, etc)
this is just some guy like dont even worry about it alright.
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pronouns: they/it
symbol: black hole
typing style: just weird And does whatever. random caps and Punctuation and spacing.. . don't try to pin it down
chumhandle: apparentlyAnnihilative [AA]
strife specibus: scythekind
classpect explanation: an heir changes their aspect or through their aspect. void represents confusion, secrets, infinity, etc
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pronouns: "What? I'm going to kill you."
classpect: not this one either. the other one is a witch of rage (a witch manipulates their aspect or manipulates through their aspect. rage represents chaos, defiance, fear, etc)
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qaotic-fantrolls · 7 months
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Name: Ringmaster Age: 13 sweeps (28 years) Genid: No Preference (Unlabelled) Sign:
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Bloodcolour: Purple (#3B2249) Height: 258cm (8’5”) Lusus: Elephant Occupation: Leader of the Circus of the Damned Strife Specibus: Circus Baton Troll Tag: waywardShepard Quirk:
↓The↑quick↑brown↑fox↑jumped↑over↑Sam’s↑lazy↑dog.↓ ↓Sphinx↑of↑black↑quartz,↑judge↑my↑vow!↓
Partners: Classpect: Tiddle Siorra [Flushed, Ashen], Crank [Flushed, Ashen] Notable Abilities: Can induce severe psychotic symptoms and fight-or-flight responses in others.
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testifytime · 4 years
👀 Oh hey bro. I was wondering if you could possibly analyze me. Whatever section(s) you want!! You know me and can see what I told Tobes but I’ll say some fun facts?? I foster kittens in my free time, love staying up late, and have a thing where I start dancing with a blank face in the corner of my friends’ vision to make them laugh. I know sign language and (still) drink too much coffee.
(Only did the Pokemon and Homestuck ones, if that’s okay!)
- A Pokemon team/type theme (+ fun facts abt your team!)
You’d have a team full of psychic types - mostly the very brainy ones!
Your main Pokemon is Reuniclus, but your team also consists of Alakazam, Beldum, Bronzong, Beeheeyem, and Grumpig!
Fun facts!
Reuniclus loves to give hugs. It’s a hugging fiend, in all honesty! The only problem is sometimes it forgets its own strength, and you have to try and extract it from people before they get hurt. It doesn’t mean to, though!
Alakazam just kind of... showed up one day? You don’t know where it came from or why it stayed, but it listens to you when you ramble on about your theories and even helps you find ancient books that help confirm or deny them, so you really don’t mind. 
Beldum and Bronzong you got together! They’re kind of weird, admittedly, because despite being inanimate object-based Pokemon, they almost act like cats? You’ve gotten dead-leg from them both before when they’ve settled down on your thighs for pets. You never have the heart to make them move. 
Beeheeyem you got from a friend! Your theorist buddy caught one and gave it to you, saying it reminded them of you. You’re not sure if it’s an insult or not, but it’s friendly enough, and you’re even starting to decode what the flashing of its fingertips mean!
Grumpig likes to dance with you! You and it tend to dance together to make people laugh, though it sometimes gets annoyed if it doesn’t work. 
- Bloodcaste/lusus/chumhandle as if you were a Homestuck troll (+lore)
You’re an indigoblood with a sphinx cat lusus! Your chumhandle is classifiedCranium.
You live in a hivestem with a bunch of other highbloods, settled somewhere around the 5th floor. You don’t really like living there, all things considered, but after an unfortunate accident (read: you blew up your house), it was the best you could find. You don’t agree with a lot of what your caste says, so you tend to keep to yourself in your apartment - which is pretty sweet, actually, considering it’s just a huge space with a kitchen that opens out into a livingroom, with a bedroom off to one side and a bathroom joined onto it. You have an entire library lining one wall of the livingroom, along with a bunch of books, gamegrubs, and DVDs. On the other side, taking up most of the wall itself, is a giant TV that practically looms over the triple-sofa-setup you have going on. You have an even bigger library on the TV, which is even hooked up to act as a computer when you activate the holopad. 
Being highclass has its benefits. You just really wish it didn’t also come with the nosey neighbours constantly trying to exploit your weaknesses so they can kill you and take all your shit. Luckily, you’re pretty good at playing games. After the last attempt (read: explosions), nobody really tries to bother you anymore. 
You like to study medicine with the dream of one day becoming a doctor of some sort. Like, a real one, not the ones where they just kind of kill more people than they save. It’s something the other highbloods don’t really understand, but you don’t care, because you also like to study the brain and pick apart what makes people tick, and you know they’re narcassistic, potentially psychopathic assholes anyway. They’re good experiments for you, though you SWEAR you don’t mean that as badly as you say it! You just like testing out potentials with them, like if using one psychological argument appeals to them over another, or if one thing incites them while another calms them. You’ve gotten pretty good at winning arguments like that! You’ve also almost lost your head a few times. It’s... a work in progress.
On the side, you like to spend time actually helping lowbloods. You’re not great at it yet, but you know enough medicine to help them with cuts and bruises, and with the sicknesses that the usual doctors would just kill them for having. You’re pretty good at helping their lusii, too! They like to give you things as a result, little trinkets and oddities that you collect and put up on a shelf on your wall. It’s nice, to be appreciated, even if you don’t ask for it. 
You have a bunch of friends online who like to encourage your frantic analyses. You and another tend to go on wild rambles about all sorts of things, going back and forth for hours until someone manages to calm you both down or until you eventually drag everyone else into it. You’ve made entire UNIVERSES with your friends this way, and it’s been a blast from the start! You think you’ve come out from your shell a little since you got to know them - a lot bolder, a lot more firm in your own stances - and you’ve even started to draw more, too. It’s fun, creating with them. Sometimes you wait impatiently to see what they’ll be creating next. 
You have a slight caffeine addiction that keeps you up at night, but that’s okay, you figure. It means you get to catch up on all the things you were too busy during the day to do - such as reading, watching shows you’re behind on, and researching things one of your friends brought up. There’s a bunch of content that you’re lagging on, but you’ve got basically all night to get through it. It’s worth it, too; you end up with a thousand more ideas to share in the morning on a caffeine-induced high!
Your lusus is kind of a weird size, if you’re completely honest. They’re not the biggest you’ve ever seen a cat lusus be, but they’re probably up to your knees? They like to curl up on your lap - even though they’re a bit too big for it - and demand scratches, and don’t really do much else even though you’re PRETTY sure you have a lususflap in the back door. They’re a little lazy like that, but that’s okay. You adore them, and they love you enough to bring you back snacks the few times they do go out, so it works. 
- Symbol/guardian/chumhandle as if you were a Homestuck kid (+lore)
Your symbol is a fountain pen with an ink splot beneath it, and your guardian is your grandpa! Your chumhandle is cerebralCounterfeit.
You and your grandpa live in a pretty simple suburban house in what is otherwise seen as a ghosttown. There’s not actually that many people who live here, and those who do are pretty much too stubborn to leave even though there’s no viable jobs and no up-to-date laws. It even still has a sheriff. And a western-style jail. That said, what with your grandpa’s condition, you basically get free reign of the entire upstairs of the house (including the attic, which is filled with weird artefacts and books that you’re pretty sure have been banned in most countries), and can haul all of your weird interests up into your room without issue. 
You like to study medicine and the brain, to really pick it apart and understand it and figure out what makes people Like That. You’ve got books upon books about it, some of which you only kind of barely understand, a lot of which are really dry and boring, but you’ve figured out ways to keep it fun! And you’re learning more and more as the days go by, so you think you’re making progress. You’re really good at figuring out what makes people tick, anyway, and at settling arguments - and with all your studying on medicine, you’ve gotten good at helping out the local animals! Your guardian won’t let you actually help people, so you’ve settled for this instead - at least for now. 
As a result of this, your house kind of looks like a zoo. There are healing birds and a litter of bunnies with their mom in the living room, and a bunch of kittens that you’ve fostered (which you’ve given the run of your room, plus a cattio attached to your window - which they love!). You get visits every now and then from the fox you helped untangle from a plastic sack, and hedgehogs like to come to your back door for treats. You feel a little like Doctor Doolittle! 
You love spending time with your friends. Every moment that you can, you’re on your phone, or your laptop, frantically typing out responses to everything they’ve sent while you were asleep. Sometimes it’s fanciful - ideas of the lot of you spending time together, of being in cartoons and comics and books - and sometimes it’s more wordy - theories you share that go a little off the rails if you’re not careful - but it’s always, always fun. And, of course, sometimes you realise that you share more fandoms than you think - and that just starts a whole NEW ramble session that riles everyone up and sets the chat on fire for the next few hours.
The only downside, of course, is that they’re aware of your caffeine addiction, and how late you stay up at night. It’s become kind of a joke for you all, more than anything, and it’s nice in its own way. You know they do it because they care about you. So, you try to be there for them, too; a stable, grounding force capable of taking anything!
Sometimes, you go outside just before the sun starts to rise over the horizon. It’s usually only on days where you couldn’t sleep - either because you woke up and couldn’t drift off again, or because you drank too much coffee and just didn’t sleep at all - but you sit out on the steps of the sheriff’s office, a cup of coffee in your hand, and try to ignore the wails of ghosts that call to you from the jails behind as you watch the sunrise. 
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 years
Nepeta: :33 < are sphinxes reverse furries?
Equius: D --> E%plain
Nepeta: :33 < well a furry is a lusus face on trolloid body
Nepeta: :33 < and a sphinx is a troll face on purrbeast body!
Aradia: anubis!
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Circin Pakomi
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Art by @goddesstrolls
Name: Circin Pakomi
Age: 24 sweeps
Height: 5′8
Lusus: Giant jellyfish
Symbol: The Compass
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Bloodcaste: Violet, #8E3C97
Voice Claim:
Face Claim:
Ancestor: The Seafarer
Trolltag: medusoidNavigator
Strife specibus: tazer
Interests: Navigation, psychology, pastel goth fashion, karaoke, gardening
Likes: New experiences, traveling the oceans and the stars, learning about people
Dislikes: Clowns, being ignored, cloudy nights, trolls who get more attention from his friends than him
<3 (open)
<> Fergus Hallin (@mycrappyrpsideblog)
<3< Geiger (@faithverse​)
c3< (open)
Cerrec Restes (@trollplaying​) - work acquaintance
Starts sentences with ^o. Example:
^o Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Friendly and helpful outwardly. He seems like the type of troll who wouldn’t normally make it to adulthood. Kind of geeky.
Inwardly, afraid any friends or quads he has will leave him. Gets extremely possessive of certain trolls and particularly paranoid if he thinks they will leave. Tries to hide these tendencies for fear of being found out and everyone really hating him.
Body type
Pretty average maybe on the thin side if anything.
Random trivia
Studies alien psychologies to better inform the Fleet on how to take over planets.
More dangerous than he looks.
Takes on interests of trolls he befriends.
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Word of the Day
Word: Monster [mon-ster]
1. a legendary animal combining features of animal and human form or having the forms of various animals in combination, as a centaur, griffin, or sphinx.
2. any creature so ugly or monstrous as to frighten people.
3. any animal or human grotesquely deviating from the normal shape, behavior, or character.
4. a person who excites horror by wickedness, cruelty, etc.
5. any animal or thing huge in size.
6. an animal or plant of abnormal form or structure, as from marked malformation or the absence of certain parts or organs.
7. a grossly anomalous fetus or infant, especially one that is not viable.
8. anything unnatural or monstrous.
Origin: 1250–1300; Middle English monstre < Latin mōnstrum portent, unnatural event, monster, equivalent to mon(ēre) to warn + -strum noun suffix
Synonyms: beast, behemoth, demon, devil, dragon, freak, giant, horror, villain, whale, Frankenstein, abnormality, barbarian, brute, centaur, colossus, fiend, hellion, leviathan, mammoth, miscreation, monstrosity, mutant, ogre, phoenix, savage, titan, werewolf, lusus naturae
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canisbeasts-ooc · 4 days
whats lykoii and stryss' relationship like
In simplest terms, they’re best friends!
In more complex stuff: both Stryss and Lykoii are very isolated, both physically and somewhat mentally.
Stryss is left in the middle of the woods with only Sheepmom and a ghost for company after things go down with her, Lykoii is left on his own after him leaving his Lusus and the Clurch in one fell swoop.
They depend a bit on one another, both out of necessity, such as for certain items, and a bit for their small amounts of socialization. I think Stryss could probably do fine without Lykoii, but Lykoii would not have done fine without Styrss. He would’ve just gone back if they hadn’t met, for a plethora of reasons.
She’s the reason he has grumblr in the first place, and why he’s willing to branch out again. He’s why she’s willing to branch out too, to be honest. She’s pretty content with things as they are, but was willing to give talking to more people a try to show him it’s not the end of the world.
They fare a lot better than Sphinx and Respit did when they get to their planets, both used to not seeing eachother for fair periods of time. Though I do like to think they call and say how it’s going on their respective planets. Lykoii finally ends up at Styrss’ and is, justifiably, horrified after hearing how nice it’s been over there. (She is genuinely having a pretty grand time.)
They’re just great friends that enjoy each other’s company a lot!
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Name: Arcain Alivia.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Age: 16 sweeps (33).
Height: 6' ft.
Lusus: Sphinx.
Personality: Laid back and easygoing, a bit dramatic and loves to push his hatchmate's buttons. Lazy and usually looks for the easiest solution to problems.
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Trolltag: CharmingRetro [CR].
God Tier: Prince of Void.
Dream Moon: Prospit.
Quirk: t/T= +
❤��: No one.
♦️: No one.
��️: No one.
♣️: No one.
Extra info:
Loves to gossip and overall visit any place that may seem fun, very social and is surprisingly a good listener.
Works along side their hatchmate in a low profile business.
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Strange creatures from random Player and Doodler projects hangin’ out! (The drunk griffin from Quest for Glory II, the Sphinx from King’s Quest 2015 Chapter 4, and the deercat, aka Dammek’s lusus from Hiveswap.)
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alterniea · 7 years
potential upcoming trolls (after i finish some other stuff) :
goldblood with a winged sphinx lusus and metalbending psionics. can also manipulate magnetic fields. brash, naive, confident, reckless, enjoys learning new things, loyal.
blueblood soulbot. had a cat/monkey creature as a lusus before becoming a robot. curious, eccentric, fretful, easily excited, caring, nonviolent.
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