#spice doesn't really have a taste to me it just makes it burn more which is fine
aromacaque · 1 year
no why the fuck are all these foods labelled as "bland" no wonder i can't stand seasoning on shit jesus fucking christ
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kitorin · 1 year
1:34pm - isagi yoichi
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"yocchan?" you check up on your boyfriend, who was currently burning red.
currently you were out for lunch, at that beef noodle place you had gone to a lot as a kid, wanting to revisit the nostalgia with yoichi. the food tasted the same even years later, almost as if the chef was still working there and was still using the exact same recipes and ingredients.
it all went great, the food itself was amazing and the sweet memories made it taste even better. not until something seemed off about yoichi.
"yes love?" he didn't seem upset or mad.
"you alright? you're ate a lot slower than usual. this much food is nothing to you. do you have a stomach ache?" you felt a bit guilty about the fact that he could've been pretending to be fine before the date, just for your sake. "do you have a fever?" soon your hand made its way to his forehead, under his bangs. it was hot. really hot.
it didn't make sense, he wasn't this warm when he was lying on your shoulder on the bus. his hands are shaking, so are his lips. speaking of his lips, they were red as well, although they were always a pretty shade of pink they were never a prominent scarlet. you gradually piece together the situation.
"yoichi, can you not tolerate spice?"
the question catches him off guard, "of course i can!" but the awkward laughter and lack of eye contact gives him away.
"you're red, like, very red,"
"that's because i love you ! how does someone not get this flustered around someone as pretty as you?"
you can't help but grin at him. "awwww, since i love you back i want to make you try the chili sauce here !" jokingly, you bring it near his bowl, and watch his eyes widen.
"i'm sorry i'm sorry! i think i'll die if i have anything spicier," you giggle at his confession, satisfied that your suspicions were correct. although his reaction was adorable, you were still worried.
"why didn't you tell me then!" you deliver a flick to his forehead, making him yelp. "
"i'm sorryyyy, it's just embarrassing, how are you so unfazed?"
"it's not something you should hide. i don't care what if you eat more than you can handle? gosh you're redder than chigiri's hair."
yoichi whines, "but i can't even handle a bowl of noodles with a bit of chili, how am i supposed to enjoy anything your family makes. oh god what if your mum hates me because i can't handle her food," he says the last part as if it's the end of the world, which it probably is to him. "i can't enjoy your culture and i disappoint your family."
despite it being a silly conversation, you found it quite cute how he did his best to hide it. "first off, my mum already loves you and doesn't care about your spice tolerance. second, it's not that hard to get used to laksa or beef rendang." your hand returns to his cheek, still warm, how bad was he with spice? "i'm impressed you managed to finish it all... you shouldn't push yourself." the bowl was completely empty, every noodle eaten and every drop of soup drank.
"anything for you, you seemed so happy to come back here" yoichi grins, lips still red, "may i get a kiss for my hard work then?"
with a mumbled 'fine' you comply with his request, "you're still an idiot."
"yeah but i'm your idiot," you gently smack him on the shoulder, ready to leave, with the owner of the restaurant lovingly grinning at the same child from years ago coming back with their boyfriend.
© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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i-have-a-goal · 1 year
I had said a few days ago I would be posting my tips on how I lose weight the fastest & how i got it done being in sports that enabled this ♡ so here I go:
Btw- just need to say this quickly- I don't condone this and get help if you are able to ♡ much luv
Okay with that here it is teehee:
☆ Okay so When I was in wrestling, we had to make sure we made weight- no if . If you were 6 lbs over then you had to find a way to lose 6lbs by Saturday. When I was put in this situation, some of the girls would 🤮 of course, but I wasn't a fan of the taste so I def took alternative routes such as
1. Calorie Deficit= DUH. Obv. Duh. For safety reasons I'm going to say 1,400 max (which isn't much In real life lol) but I would eat around 800-1,200 max for this. I wouldn't really say I watch what I eat, but I'm also not just downing pure doritos and mountain due. I'll have chips but I'll also eat fruits.
2. Working out/ cardio= I know.. it's a bummer isn't it? But I'm being 1000% honest with you, calorie deficit combined with hot cardio is the key to losing weight quickly. This is what we all did to make sure we were at the correct weight within 7 days. And it's not walk around the block or sit on the floor and do donkey kicks either... it doesn't have to be extremely intense, but you do want to make sure you're sweating the whole time. ☆ bonus points for putting on 2-3 jackets and pajama pants or hot sweats when u workout!! It does a lot of the job for you. For me, my go to would be using the treadmill (I don't even run girl I have it on level 3 and do this for 30 mins while listening to music and day dreaming about my cute skinny future self- and I still sweat like crazy) I also do the same thing on a indoor bike. Like I said, it doesn't have to be sprints or anything crazy , just something that keeps you moving enough to be hot = sweat. Think of jumping Jacks, planks, butterfly kicks, ladder climbs, etc. Also if you have a jacket with a Hoodie, def tie the hoodie secured so u can sweat more! It works I promise.
3. if you have the time, try to workout whatever you just ate sooner than later. For example, ate an apple? That's 95 cals, nothing a 25 minute walk can't burn off 👍🏻
4. DRINK YOUR WATER. I know everyone says it BUT there's a reason they do okay. Water keeps your lips hydrated and soft. Water will keep your body hydrated, water will help keep you full (to an extent if im going to be honest) if you feel hungry after drinking water, try sucking or chewing on ice- water's cousin ♡ they go hand in hand. Also- I add chia seeds to my water for the fiber and mint leaves with lemon and Cucumber in another ( I have different cups) the mint drink helps with bad breath (from not eating) AND speeds your metabolism = lose weight faster. I also drink green tea for the same benefits + 0 calories so yay ♡
5. FOOD EXAMPLES. Chances are, If you're too focused on how hungry you are and how much it sucks that you can't have fatty foods- you'll break. You won't succeed. So let's make it as beautiful as we can. By that I mean the dishes you make. Some popular dishes we would do within the sport was 6-8 leafs of big crunchy Romaine lettuce with lemon and salt over them. That's around 10-15 calories. Another one was thin slices of tomatoes with salt. Get creative and add seasoning if needed ✨️ if you like spicy food then you're in luck cause adding spice to anything fills u up quicker:-) a good spicy choice I do is steamed garbanzo beans with tapatio. Another good (non spicy) option is steamed artichoke with light Mayo! Get fancy here guys yall can steam so many vegetables and have so many nice looking meals 😊
6. STAY CONSISTENT = I know it's easier said than done, but when you're about to grab that pizza, understand that you're conscious enough to make the decision to not eat it. If your body is fighting with your brain, then you have to trick one of them. Yes, be delulu. Tell yourself it isn't good. Tell yourself the pizza is just another thick slab of grease with artificial cheese over it. Think of how you'll feel once you eat it. Think of the grease lard and calories you're shoving down your throat. Convince yourself it's disgusting. Eventually, you will find it disgusting. And this can work the opposite way as well ✨️ glorify thin slices of fruit. The satisfying way it feels to eat low calorie naturally sweetened fruits from earth. Same with veggies and water and anything 0 calories.
If I have any other advice ( which I'm sure I do I can't just think at the moment!! Smh) then I'll be posting them on this account so follow me for more content but if there's 1 thing to take from all this, it's this:
Self-discipline & self-control
So many of us don't get to our goal weights because of these 2 right here. Find the self control to not eat the food your family brought home. Find the self discipline to carry on your good habits of eating minimal & healthy and gradually make your way to the end goal ✨️
I believe in you all! We got this, one day at a time 💕
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feyburner · 2 months
a while ago you shared your rice onions bell peppers chicken recipe as your go to meal and i made it last night and it was amazing!!! tysm for sharing it. do you have any other chicken recipes that can be made in a wok/kadhai? I don’t have an oven so I was pleasantly surprised to make sth that actually tasted good and not just sth i whip up for sustenance 😅
Yeah for sure. I rarely use the oven when I’m cooking dinner, I do pretty much everything on the stovetop in a wok or frying pan. It's faster and gives me more control.
I think the best thing you can do is learn basic techniques. Once you have the basics down, you don't need a recipe to whip up a quick weekday dinner. You can just cook whatever you feel like cooking, with whatever's in your kitchen: whatever cut of meat, whatever veggies, whatever spices in your pantry.
99% of what I do is just the same basic techniques with different seasoning profiles, veggie sides, and carbs (rice, flatbread, potatoes, noodles).
Here are 4 things to do with chicken in a wok.
Dry Rub + Saute
The easiest and fastest. Simply make a spice mix, massage it into every nook and cranny of the meat (whole or chopped, either way), let it sit for a bit while you get other stuff ready and heat the pan (ideally you'd let it rest in the fridge for a few hours, but it's not necessary), then saute in oil.
The spice mix can be whatever you want (or a premade one, who cares). It's honestly hard to find a combination of random herbs and spices that doesn't taste good. After all, the basis of all cuisine is "doing stuff with whatever we have around," and I've never met a cuisine I didn't like. My go-to spice mix is 1 spoonful brown sugar plus roughly equal parts (1-2 tsp each) paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, chili or cayenne powder, salt, black pepper, plus 1-2 dried herbs. (Basically Cajun spice mix.)
How to saute (it's one of those things that everyone just assumes you know how to do, but maybe you don't!): First, heat wok over high/medium-high heat. You know the wok is nice and hot when you flick a couple drops of water in there and they instantly evaporate. Then, drizzle in enough oil to give the bottom of the wok a solid unbroken sheen. Swirl the pan so the oil coats the whole bottom. Watch the oil. When the surface is shimmering/trembling (should be very quick if your pan is already hot), it's ready. Carefully add your chopped meat or veggies in a single layer--don't overcrowd the pan, the meat will steam instead of brown. Let the meat sizzle untouched for like 2-3 minutes, then flip to brown the other side. You don't need to constantly stir or toss--that just lengthens your cooking time because the meat isn't touching the pan long enough to brown. That's how you get tough chicken! For chopped chicken, 6-7 minutes of pan-touching is plenty of time to cook through.
Marinate + Saute
Same thing as a dry rub, just wet. There are lots of ways to marinate chicken. The thing to remember is marinade = acid. Acid breaks down proteins, which tenderizes the chicken/meat.
Typical marinade acids: lemon juice, vinegar, soy sauce, buttermilk, yogurt. Simply pick one and build the rest of the marinade around it. If you use something very acidic, like lemon juice or vinegar, you'll want to balance it with fat: roughly equal parts lemon juice and olive oil. For soy sauce, it's really salty, so you'll want to balance it with something sweet: honey, brown sugar (i.e. teriyaki). Buttermilk and yogurt are great bases for a spice mix--think US Southern buttermilk fried chicken, or Indian yogurt marinades.
Once you have a balanced base, you can add whatever herbs and spices you want. Then just make sure all the meat is coated in marinade, cover, and chill in the fridge for a few hours. Then saute as usual (though you might want to use a little bit more oil to avoid bits of marinade sticking and burning).
Very easy and delicious. There are 1 million kinds of curry. This is just me but I think of it as a spectrum from thin to thick. "Thin" would be like Japanese or Thai style, where the base is primarily broth or stock (sometimes with coconut milk/cream) thickened or flavored with roux or curry paste. "Thick" would be like certain types of Indian curry, like makhani style with the blended tomato-onion base, or yogurt base, or creamy cashew/peanut/etc. base.
The main building blocks are gonna be onion, garlic, ginger. Then spices and other seasonings, obviously depending on what kind of curry you're making: curry powder, garam masala, lemongrass paste, cumin, coriander, cardamom, chili, mustard, cinnamon, cloves, turmeric, etc.
If you are making "thin" style, you might want to make a roux. A roux is just equal parts fat and flour cooked in a pan.
How to make roux: 1/4 cup flour, 1/4 cup butter. Melt butter in pan, add flour, stir constantly over medium-low heat until desired color. Light roux = cook 5 min just until blond/golden, use for white sauces like bechamel. Brown roux = cook until caramel color, use for curries and soups. Dark roux = cook until deep chocolate brown, use for gumbo or jambalaya (mostly for flavor, not thickening).
To make roux for a curry, make a light or brown roux and add curry spices near the end. Let it fry for 1 minute or so to bloom the spices. Remove from pan and set aside to cool.
Another way of thickening curry is to cook chopped or diced onion until softened, then sprinkle on 2-3 Tbsp of flour + whatever spices you're using and stir for 1 minute or so to cook the flour and bloom the spices. Then add liquid.
3 basic curry methods:
Japanese style. Make curry roux. Heat oil in a wok. Add chopped onion and cook until softened. Stir in minced garlic and ginger (or ginger-garlic paste). Add chopped chicken and cook, stirring, until white on the outside. Add 4 cups chicken stock. Add chopped carrots and potatoes. Season with soy sauce, honey, etc. Simmer 15-20 minutes, uncovered, until chicken is cooked and veg is softened. Take 1 ladleful of cooking liquid and whisk into your roux until smooth. Stir that mixture back into your curry. Simmer, stirring, 5-10 minutes until thickened.
Thai style. Heat oil in a wok. Add curry paste or ginger/garlic/lemongrass paste + curry spice mix and fry 1 minute to bloom. Add 2-3 cups stock a little at a time, whisking, to avoid lumps. Add chopped chicken, onion, potato, whatever else you want, plus 1 can coconut milk/cream. Season with fish sauce, tamarind, sugar, etc. Simmer 15-20 minutes, uncovered, until chicken is cooked and veg is softened.
Indian tomato-base style. Marinate chopped chicken in yogurt marinade with curry spices for a few hours. Heat oil in a wok. Add minced garlic and ginger (or ginger-garlic paste) and curry spices. Fry 1 minute to bloom. Add chopped onion (and bell pepper if you want) and stir together. Add 1 x 28oz can tomato puree. Cook, stirring, 5 or so minutes until slightly darkened. Carefully transfer to a blender and blend until smooth. Transfer back to pan. Add 1 can coconut milk/cream or 1ish cups heavy cream. Simmer 30-40 minutes. Meanwhile, in a separate pan, sear chicken on both sides just until browned and caramelized. Add to curry and cook for 10 minutes until cooked through.
All of these are very hard to fuck up, since they're so similar to soup. Pick a style, pick some spices, go for it.
Stir Fry
Who doesn't love stir fry, the world's most versatile food. "Stir fry" as a technique is different from "saute" in that it uses a bit more oil and a slightly lower heat, so there's a slightly longer cook time. (And you're stirring more.) For stir fry, you'll want to velvet your chicken to make it super tender and juicy. Otherwise, all you're doing is making a stir fry sauce and then cooking chicken and veggies in stages.
To make a stir fry sauce: The equation is: Water + fat + balance of sweet, salt, spice, sour + thickener. My go-to is like 1/3ish cup water + 1-2 Tbsp sesame oil + brown sugar, soy sauce, hot sauce, lemon juice or rice vinegar + 1 Tbsp cornstarch mixed with 1 Tbsp water to create a cornstarch slurry. Just mix everything together and set aside. Then saute your chicken first, remove from pan. Add your veg to the pan in stages depending on how long they take to cook: first something like broccoli or carrot, cook for a few minutes, then onion and pepper, then minced garlic and ginger at the very end (garlic burns easily). Add your chicken back in, give a stir, pour your sauce in, give it a stir, done.
Good god this got long. Sorry. Work was slow today so what else am I gonna do.
Anyway, hope this helps! These 4 basic things, in combination with the wide world of seasonings, can create infinite easy meals. Let me know if you try anything. Good luck!
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invinciblerodent · 1 year
Baldur's Gate 3's Potato Chowder - RECIPE
So a few days ago, I found this recipe around the start of act 3, near the kitchen of the Temple of the Open Hand in Rivington:
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[Screenshot of recipe as it appears in-game. Exact steps will be transcribed below, within the recipe.]
It looked... honestly very simple and not dissimilar from a Hungarian potato főzelék/stew (which is a very cheap and homely peasant dish I love), so I just made it for lunch today, and guys....
this soup is uh. really fucking good. I tried following it as close to the letter as possible, but since it's quite vague, I did have to improvise a fair bit- but it's very cheap and easy to make, it's warm and comforting while still quite light (there are like. NO spices in there, it's a very European-feeling dish), and I'd say it's surprisingly filling, but it's. It's potatoes, so there's nothing exactly surprising about that.
I tried to write out the recipe in a very beginner-friendly way, so even if you're not super confident in the kitchen, it should be easy to follow! ❤️
Make yourself some video game soup, it's awesome.
(For about 6 servings)
A roughly egg-sized lump of lard (This can be subtituted with a different cooking fat if you'd like, but I recommend sticking with lard, as it adds a nice flavor, and it's kind of the staple fat for these peasant stews.)
Potatoes (I used just under two pounds)
Half of a medium leek
Small yellow onion (or half of a larger one)
2 cloves garlic
Roughly 1/2 to 1 cup white cooking wine (optional, substitute given in recipe)
Vegetable stock (or chicken- or beef stock, or water)
2-3 tbsp all purpose flour
Salt to taste
1/2 cup of sour cream/créme fraiche (optional)
Shredded cheese and/or croutons to serve (optional)
(Recipe with transcriptions and exact steps under the cut!)
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(This is basically all there is in this. Honestly.)
"1. Put your lard in a pot- a chunky one, mind. When it stops being lard and starts being hot lard, add any good-smelling veggies (leeks, garlics, onions) that you've chopped all thin. Please salt this so it doesn't taste of nothing."
This first step is pretty self-explanatory. I sliced the white part of he leek thinly, cubed my onion, and minced my two large cloves of garlic. In the lard melted in as chunky a pot as I've got (make sure it's not non-stick!!!), I sauteed first the leek and the onion with a big pinch of salt, and once the onion was translucent, the leek soft, and they've released some liquid (around 3-5 minutes on medium-low heat), I added the garlic, and cooked it until fragrant.
"2. When it's soft and good-smelling, chuck in any flour you've got and stir the mixture so it don't burn (note for me - it's very important not to burn it, emphasize)"
Now we make a roux by adding just enough flour to the mixture that it starts sticking together, and looks fairly dry, but no part of the flour remains powdery. (This was about 3 tbsp for me, but since this process goes quick, I did eyeball it).
It's important to keep stirring, as this can and does stick to the bottom of a pot, but it will determine the thickness of the final soup, deepen its flavor, and give it a nice, creamy consistency. I made mine fairly blonde (light tan in color, cooked just past long enough to dissipate any raw flour smell), but it can go to a fairly dark, caramel color before burning if you'd like the flavor to be a bit deeper. (This should only take a couple minutes.)
Please do be careful- it the roux burns, that flavor will be impossible to get rid of, so.... yeah, it would be rubbish.
"3. If you're fancy and have wine (or have a generously stocked temple wine cellar nearby) add a bit of it now and cook it off. When it's done, add some wedged potatoes and a lot more liquid (not wine this time or you'll have a headache in the morning)."
We now deglaze the bottom of the pot with the wine: after pouring it in, with the wooden spoon, we scrape up any stuck pieces of flour or aromatics that there might be on the bottom.
(Note: If you don't have wine, or would prefer not to use alcohol for any reason, a neat trick is to mix about 1 tbsp of white wine vinegar and 1 tsp of granulted sugar into a cup of water, and use this mixture as a substitute for 1 cup of white wine. In most recipes, the wine's main purpose is to add acidity as well as sweetness to the dish- this trick aims to replicate those qualities, and tastes very similar in the end result. I use it often in almost anything that calls for white wine if I happen to not have any at hand. But do make sure to taste beforehand, it's very easy to go too heavy on the vinegar! It should taste sour, but not so much that it's unpalatable.)
Then, I rinsed my cubed potatoes (though the text calls for wedges, those often don't cook quite evenly!) with water to get rid of the excess starch, added them to the pot, and then covered them in vegetable stock. You can use chicken- or beef stock (which would make the soup a bit richer, heavier) or water (if you want it lighter) as well- in this last case you might need to add more salt than you'd think. (Make sure to taste- it should be flavorful, but not salty! Bouillon cubes and premade stocks often have a very high salt content, so if using that, you might find you don't need to add any.)
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(It sohuld look something like this.)
"4. Cook for half an hour or so til the potatoes are nice and tender, and mash some of 'em up in the liquid. If you've got any cow products - cheese, milk and the like - add them now for extra delicious results."
From when the mixture starts to boil, it should take about 25-35 minutes of simmering on low heat, covered, for the potatoes to soften- you can test doneness by sticking a fork in one of the pieces, or gently pushing one against the edge of the pot with your wooden spoon. It should give easily at light pressure with both methods.
I then put the sour cream/créme fraiche in a heat-safe container (a mug will do perfectly), and ladled a bit of the hot cooking liquid on top of it, mixing it thoroughly- both to thin it out, and bring the temperatures closer to each other, which should help avoid any curdling. Stirring constantly, I then add the cream mixture to the soup in a thin, slow stream. (Any mildly acidic, creamy dairy product should work here- though I do think yogurt might be a bit too sour, if using that I would probably omit the wine.)
Then, as everything is done cooking and the cream is distributed evenly with no curds, I turn the heat off for safety, and using a very traditional, very fantasy, not at all anachronistic immersion blender, I blitz the entire thing for roughly 30 seconds. You can of course blend it less for more chunks (or remove some cooked potato bits before blending to add them back later), or even longer for a smoother consistency, but I did like that about that much blending left only a few, small chunks of nicely cooked potato in the otherwise smooth and creamy result.
I served with shredded Port Salut cheese and croutons on top- but this is of course optional, and I think just some nice, crusty bread would also work wonderfully!
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Go make yourself a video game soup!!!!!!! It's so easy and good!!!!!!!
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choster33 · 4 months
Bridgerton S3 episode 3 reaction
So this is my reaction to Episode 3 of Bridgerton Season 3. I am doing this slowly so I don't burn myself out and can digest each episode. So far I am loving the show and know it's just going to get more juicy, so here goes. Spoilers ahead but most of y'all have seen it already.
Wow, they're starting on a sexy dream and it's super hot! I knew Colin was hooked from last episode's kiss and he is! He is thinking about Penelope and the kiss, we're going to get a lot of lovesick Colin and I am here for it!
Ok, so now with the family we are getting awkward trying to deny it but failing miserably Colin which is hilarious! He's such a cinnamon roll he won't be able to hide this for too much longer. He may have slept with some ladies, but he is no true rake or hider of his feelings.
Awww, we're getting a bit Peneloise! Love them as besties, and so so hope this means there is going to be a thaw and a path back to friendship. I think I would be somewhat upset as Eloise due to Penelope's lies and continuing as Lady Whistledown even if it hurts people even herself. But I get Penelope too in that LW offers her money, power, and a voice. It has become a part of who she is and she enjoys it. Perhaps if LW were to be revealed or gotten rid of, the two will be friends again.
The ton is full of bitches, geez what was Pen's crime? Being a bit pathetic? She doesn't fit the mold due to size and being a wallflower and they are so mean to her about it. Granted LW just labeled her as pathetic as well and they take cues from LW, but this was happening even before LW said anything. I'm going to live for her becoming Mrs. Colin Bridgerton and having a rising star as an in your face to all the haters!
Ok, the willow scene is everything I wanted it to be! It's gorgeous and the awkward Pen and Colin! They are friends and want to make sure that the other is happy. Even in lust, Colin doesn't push his way into Penelope's life or arms again and listens to her. So cute!
Aw, I ship Colin and Penelope, but I really like Lord Debling. I think that to spice up the drama they couldn't have put someone uninteresting in that place, they had to make him a viable suitor for Penelope and it's working for me. He's adorable and charming, Not endgame obviously but good for you Penelope! Flirt away with handsome vegetarian man!
The pastry scene! I was spoiled by pictures of this and it lives up to the hype! The expression on his face! He is going to have so many nasty thoughts about this moment lol! Oho! I so get the he bought the pastry to see how Pen's mouth tasted at that moment memes started, yes yes!
Ooh man of action Colin! So hot! But then we have Lord Debling coming over and protecting her! Ooh, get it Penelope! What a day! To see Colin's rippling arms like that and then to be wrapped around Lord Debling's arms! And the care he's putting into making sure she's ok! He's definitely in the running now!
I like Lady Tilley Arnold. I think she's an interesting addition to the show, she seems like an intelligent, capable woman. She might not be Benedict's endgame, but I think she will offer a lot of interesting scenes and banter. I think she will play the perfect foil to Sophie if the writers stick to that storyline. I like Tilley and she's interesting, but a little too forward and sure of herself for Benedict. I think Benedict wants someone he can sweep off her feet and live a romance with.
Ok, I really like Lord Debling, so sue me. He is honest, charming and understanding. He doesn't want her to be someone just for him and seems to like Penelope for being herself. We're rooting for Polin, but I like the writers here for making Lord Debling attractive and a viable second choice.
Colin is so falling for Penelope and now Violet definitely knows that he feels something for Penelope. Mama ain't no fool! And Lady Whistledown here is doing amazing writing here. The whole episode was full of innovations, nature, and technology and now we get the whole thesis of the episode. In that all innovations are a distraction and our greatest battle is within ourselves.
Colin was on the precipice of something, but couldn't put it into words. Penelope felt something and even gave him a chance, but that time delay was starting to get awkward. She had to go with Lord Debling. I don't think she was being cruel here or making Colin suffer, there was no other option besides she likes Lord Debling too at this point. I also like "Happier than ever" playing, I like that song and it is Pen's f you people, I can get a man if I wanted to moment.
OK, so not as juicy an episode as ep 2 so far in that they are still in the will they won't they stage of things, but I think that's ok. For friends to lovers and these Bridgerton seasons, I think the slow burn is for the best before we get the sex all the time episodes. We got a lot of pining Colin in this episode and I loved it! He's so cute when he's all jealous and wondering what Penelope's doing.
Can't wait for the final episode, I know it's super juicy!
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runningupthatvecna · 1 year
night drive | part 1
joseph quinn x fem!reader
story summary: you're just out there working your job when you encounter a special (and very familiar) client that is going to change your life. for the better, obviously. but should you really entertain personal relations with a client of yours?
general tags/warnings: rpf (don't like, don't read), strangers to lovers, mutual pining, fluff and eventual spice, slow burn, this will be just a small fluffy happy story tbh :)
chapter summary: it's just another day at work. at least that's what you think to yourself when you leave your flat in berlin one morning, yet unknowing that this day – or more like the client you have to drive to his destination – is being surprisingly gentle and kind to you, his personal driver. and the best part about it? he doesn't seem too scared of you wanting to get your daily dose of adrenaline.
cw/tw: fluff! just the overwhelming smol bean sweetness that is joseph quinn really, mentions of driving at high speeds on a highway, very brief mention of throwing up and usage of drugs, y/n mentioned once (1) at the end
word count: 3,9k
a/n: this idea has been engraved in my brain for literal months and i'm being reminded of it every goddamn time i am at work. so i had to get it out, right? jesus, yeah this is gonna be incredibly self-indulgent since i am german (stereotypes apply), but i tried to keep this as non-german as possible so more of you can relate in some way. hope that's alright and not too underwhelming in general. also, please leave me feedback/reblogs if you've enjoyed this so far! thank you and i love you :)
Let's see who's gonna be flying in today, you thought to yourself as you shoved the last bite of your toasted bread slice into your mouth. Always have to have some form of breakfast at least.
Early signs of sunrise were making an entrance across the sky as you downed the last sips of your orange juice, leaving a tickling sour-sweet taste on your tongue.
Thankfully, your work uniform could easily be changed into something lighter and more casual during the summer months, which is why you only had to throw on a linen blouse and a pair of pants of the same fabric, supporting the flow of air around your skin to help keep your body at a reasonable temperature.
Berlin summers could be brutal, mainly regarding temperature, which is why the air conditioned environment you found yourself working in was the main reason for you to feel grateful these days.
Earning the bread while driving people around? And not in a oh god this guy is so drunk he's going to spill the insides of his stomach in my uber kind of way, but being the exclusive chauffeur for important people? Yeah, it could definitely be worse.
Especially in Berlin, where you can be anything you want.
Most people here get lost in the consumption of intoxicating substances while spending their entire weekends at Sisyphos; they have epiphanies about starting a career in dj-ing, before abandoning that idea again two weeks later just to start a food blog or become a yoga teacher. Long forgotten be the actual reason they once moved here in the first place. For studying or something.
There was a time when you used to think that this specific culture was cool, the same thought a lot of countryside kids think before they wave goodbye to their boring stuck-in-1982 German village life, trying to escape the impending doom of getting tied down to the soils of their direct ancestors, and decide to move here.
But the years of seeing what you had seen here had changed your mindset. A lot.
You loved the morning. The peaceful silence and quietness, empty streets when you could still hear the chirping of the birds, before the rush and heat of the hectic city would cast its overlay over East and West, before most people would start their day, trying to make it to everlasting work, meetings, important business corporate tralala on time.
It was something you had learned to appreciate early on after moving here.
Lighter shades of blue creeped upon the sky now, a sign for you to get ready to leave for your first client of the day.
Airport runs, all day long.
The morning shift, yeah.
You wondered how many people with sticks up their ass you would encounter today, since Germans were usually more of the awkward silence type. Some proved themselves to be quite bearable though, engaging in friendly small talk you would always try to initiate, just to break the tension in the air which sitting in close proximity to total strangers could evoke.
Plus, you never knew who else you would have to transfer. Could it be some important sheikh from Dubai today? A South African basketball player? Maybe the ambassador of Canada, though that would require a police escort.
Ever since you got your license, you had always enjoyed driving. You kinda have to get one if you grow up in small town Germany, where there is a bus service going, but only once per decade or so. Driving had to essentially be part of your DNA at this point.
Grabbing your keys and handbag filled with a water bottle, tissues, really good smelling deodorant, some chocolate you hoped wouldn't melt in the heat of late-ish May, and other small and useful things, you headed outside.
A shiny pearly white Audi A6 was sitting in your street elegantly, a bit further down from your building. Not your own, sadly. It was owned by the agency you worked for; however, with the frequency you found yourself driving it, it could be considered your property anyway.
You really couldn't complain. It was the latest model, seat and steering wheel heating, Apple carplay, a grade A sound system, cruise control, lane assist and all sorts of other nice features a modern car had these days.
From time to time the astonishment about being trusted enough to steer this four-wheeled beast in Berlin traffic was getting to your head.
The click of the lock was like music to your ears and you threw your bag on the passenger seat, since the clients you were supposed to transfer usually sat in the back.
Like a cab, but more personal and exclusive.
The warmth of the previous day had stayed inside the car overnight, which made you lightly turn up the A/C.
You had driven the route to the airport enough times to have figured out alternatives when the main roads would be too full with traffic during rush hours, so you were never really late for work. A true German virtue.
The first client of the day was some journalist working for the German broadcasting service ARD and it was your job to deliver them to the headquarters.
As per usual you asked them a few questions, from where they were flying in, how long they'd be staying, if they'd been to the city or even the country before, etc.
Right after drop off in the center, waving the journalist goodbye and wishing them a great time, your work phone received the message with further info for your next commission.
It was always like this. You'd receive a text message with pick up and drop off address, name of the client and their time of arrival at the airport. Sometimes additional instructions.
And yes, you needed to hurry.
You needed to hurry so much in fact, that your brain completely overlooked the name of the client next on your agenda. Your sole focus was on the time, and it became clear to you that you only had thirty minutes to make the distance.
The time aspect was always but thankfully the only stressful part of your job, still you loved it nonetheless.
You could be on the road twentyfour-seven, if one would let you.
Exceeding the speed limit on the A113 only slightly by 19km/h, you made your way back out to the airport before sliding out of the driver's seat. And yes, you had to get into the building with one of those cringy signs that spelled out the name of the person you'd be awaiting.
As you locked the car out front, parked between two cabs not too far away from the huge sliding doors of the immense window front underneath the massive concrete roof of terminal 1, your entire system flooded with the tingling sensation of nervousness.
You felt your heart make five million jumps, heat rising to your cheeks, and it wasn't because the early morning sun was already casting its heat down onto earth.
It was because of the name next to the arrival time info that you only now had to pay attention to.
It was half past seven, ten minutes after his estimated landing time, and you wondered how long it would take for him to make his way through the maze that BER could be and waltz through those sliding doors in the arrival hall.
The thoughts in your head went faster than what you'd just been going on the highway to get here.
You were about to pick up Joseph Quinn.
British actor, one of your absolute favourites. You knew about all the roles he had been working on, before his international breakthrough on Stranger Things' latest season, which is exactly why now, internally, you were screaming.
Your nervousness only got worse with every opening slide of the doors, built into the wall that kept the arrival hall and baggage claim separate, revealing behind it another random person that wasn't him.
The feeling of impatience grew with each passing second, mixing into the blood you felt getting pumped through you at increasing intensity, mingling with the rushes of euphoria and thrill caused by the thoughts of meeting someone you had so much admiration for.
And yet, a yawn escaped you just in the right moment, just when the doors opened for what felt like the millionth time within the fifteen minutes of you waiting behind the little gate.
He was wearing a dark blue cap, flattening down his light brown curls and making them stick to his (fore)head, brown sunglasses sitting on the brim, a white button down with chest pockets paired with light blue jeans and two rather thin silver chains around his neck. The sleeves of the button down folded right below the elbows. A black leather jacket hung over his forearm, his phone in the hand. A small dark blue suitcase on wheels was following behind him pulled by his free hand, alongside a middle-aged woman you guessed was his manager, because she stuck by his side, holding onto her own phone and own suitcase for dear life.
Didn't seem too fond of airports, you guessed.
With the way he was dressing it almost looked like he was here for much more casual reasons, but you were mostly to never driving people around just for leisure.
You could see him scanning the gathering of people awaiting someone, in search for a sign with an all too familiar name on it.
When his eyes fell on you, he smiled, warmly. Approached you, in fact, and with the way this man maintained eye contact, you felt your knees go weaker with each step he took in your direction.
You now understood what everyone that had met him was going on about.
Your breath hitched in your throat, forcing you to clear it to avoid your voice coming out as a squeak.
While dragging in one long inhale, you tried to gather every last ounce of your confidence, praying to whatever higher power there was that neither of them would catch a whiff of your tense nerves.
Okay, okay. Oh god. Okay, be professional.
He's just another client.
"Good morning, welcome to Berlin!" A smile appeared on your lips as you were met with Joe's warm reaction before you went on with your usual routine as your brain defaulted to that, telling them your name, mentioning that you'd be here to drive them to their destination.
"Hey darling, pleasure to meet you", he shot you another warm smile, lightly touching your upper arm right above your elbow to emphasize what he had just said. You just couldn't help but chuckle lightly at his Britishness and his subtle yet intentional touch made your arm almost twitch. And the skin underneath your linen blouse warm up.
You knew well enough that it was more of a casual thing for a British person to say and that there wasn't anything to read into, buuuuuut you just couldn't help the way you found yourself attracted to him. It was melting you. You felt warmth spread on your cheeks at his words.
All of a sudden, it became so much clearer as to why everyone's brain chemistry seemed to be altered in a good way after an encounter of this kind.
And to your surprise, your nervousness was slowly vanishing into thin air. His presence, the way he was looking at you all soft and gentle, his entire aura was calming you in a way you just didn't expect to happen at all while being around him for the first time.
The realisation that he was indeed real and just a human being was doing its part, you guessed.
As you lead them out of the building, straight to your car as discreetly as possible, trying not to evoke the attention of any potential fan, you felt his eyes on you.
Okay, let's stay professional.
Sure you had met all sorts of interesting people through your job, and yes, there also had been moments you had gotten a bit starstruck before. For example when you'd met Dave Grohl while driving him to an appointment at Universal the other day.
However, nothing you had experienced at your job had you feeling quite like Mr Joseph Quinn was making you feel.
You were internally dying to ask him a million questions. And you were going to be surprised at how many he was going to direct towards you.
"So, what brings you to Berlin?", you asked after the carry-on's got safely tucked away in the trunk and all of you had settled into your seats. His manager behind you, him behind the seat your handbag was still occupying.
From the address that was given to you, you could already tell what his answer was going to be, yet you wanted to hear it from him and avoid making assumptions.
You set the car into motion, leaving the parking bay to make your way towards the highway, and while you asked your question number one, you briefly stole a few glances at him through the rear view mirror, awaiting his response.
And yes, he noticed.
His smile appeared back on his face, before he started explaining how this trip was going to be the start of him being on the move back and forth between London and Berlin for the coming weeks since he got cast in something and was now set to film said something here.
"I am quite excited to be part of it, actually. It's gonna be directed by one of my favourite directors and I honestly have had my eyes on working with him ever since I went to drama school years ago", he explained further with a nod, another look at him through the rear revealing the small spark in his eye.
You were getting excited for him.
"You must be quite nervous then, meeting him and the cast and all for the first time?"
You were also almost stunned at yourself for how many words you were able to put into a cohesive sentence in his presence.
A light chuckle escaped his chest, "oh yeah definitely. It's always a bit nerve-wrecking meeting everyone. But the excitement about being somewhere new and being surrounded by new people and getting to experience new things kind of balances it out quite bearably."
His deep brown eyes found yours again through the mirror. The eye contact this man was able to hold, even without being face to face with his person opposite, was honestly impressive.
You wanted to tell him. About how you'd seen all of his previous work, how all of his performances always left you completely stunned out of your mind since you were unable to wrap your head around how anyone could be this good at acting and portraying characters the way he always managed to. About how proud you were of him, seeing him succeed and receive things he'd been dreaming of, getting the things in life he'd always seemed to want and work towards. About how you had nothing but utter admiration for him. But you couldn't, because that would mean overstepping your boundaries.
Maybe, just maybe you would say that at the end of the week, when you were scheduled to shuttle him back to the airport.
"That sounds .. bearable", you quipped before continuing on a more serious note, "is this your first time here then?"
"Yes and no, I think I was here one time with school, but that was ages ago. We went and saw a few places, as part of history class, but I didn't pay enough attention back then to remember details, if I'm honest."
He let out another one of his deep chuckles.
Delightful how he was elaborating on his answers instead of keeping them one or two-worded.
"Oh, that doesn't count then", you answered while putting the car in cruise control as you switched back onto the A113. Speed limit was at 120km/h and you intended to stay there this time.
"Yeah, I definitely need a refresher I think, maybe I'll have some time on my days off during the next weeks. What about you, are you from here?"
Why, need a tour guide, Mr Quinn?
Just now, the A/C brought a whiff of his scent around to you, which you hadn't really taken note of before when he had stood close enough while greeting you at the terminal. Sandalwood, bergamot, a slight note of lingering cigarette smoke.
Once again you shot him a little glance through the mirror, which is when you noticed that his manager had passed out with her head resting against the window.
Sleep deprived, aren't we all?
"Yes and no", you mirrored him, "I grew up the South, in an insignificantly small town somewhere between Stuttgart and Munich, if you happen to know where that is?"
Joseph nodded, still with a curious expression decorating his facial features.
A bit impressed at his geography knowledge, you continued.
"I was born in the West, my family's from there originally. But I've been living in Berlin for a solid five years now, so I do consider myself somewhat of a local."
"That sounds sweet. So you know all the good spots then, hm?"
"Oh, for sure", you replied quirking up an eyebrow and then paused when you took the exit onto the A10, just to ask him, "ever been on a German highway before?"
"Not that I can recall", his voice changed into one of a slightly worried tone and you had a feeling that he was raising an eyebrow at you, "um, why?"
"You're about to see, just let me know in case the speed is making you uncomfortable or anything, I can go slower."
You could tell from the expression on his face that he wasn't sure if he should laugh or be terrified about what you just said to him, but he ended up giving you the green light anyway.
You thanked him mentally for the trust he was instilling in you.
No speed limit for at least 12km, aka getting paid to play Formula 1 in real life. Unfortunately, morning traffic crossed your plans of mildly and humbly impressing him (and his still asleep manager), so the top speed for today stayed at a cozy 173km/h. And maybe it was a good thing, getting speedblocked by traffic and keeping you from exposing yourself as a douchey sucker for speeds above two hundred kilometers per hour.
"You must really enjoy driving", you heard him almost mumble, a smile playing on his plush pink lips, almost making the colour in them disappear as it grew wider. He looked as if something in his head just clicked into place and he had come to a realization.
"Oh, what gave me away?"
"I think it's the way you stay so calm and collected while switching lanes at light speed."
His conclusion made you snort a little, the way he said it with such British seriousness.
"It's actually my German genes, you know?", you quipped back at him, without taking your eyes off what was happening in front of you.
You figured Joe would be appreciative of that.
Throughout the whole rest of the thirty minute ride to Babelsberg, a part of the town of Potsdam, with Babelsberg itself being a prestigious area with all sorts of different film sets and a bunch of production companies located at, there was not a single second in which you felt uncomfortable. No awkward silence whatsoever. And you hadn't even have to be the one breaking the ice this time.
Because there wasn't any to break in the first place. It was almost like the two of you had met before.
However, you kept the topics of your conversation on a strict small talk level. Your own level of professionalism was nagging at your brain in the back of your head continuously. You shouldn't be engaging in sharing personal info. You weren't supposed to make and entertain any sort of deep(er) connection with clients.
They were just clients and you were just their designated driver.
So you kept the convo at a strictly friendly brief small talk level.
Eventually you reached the hotel your two passengers were going to be staying at for the time being, and after you had gotten their suitcases out of the trunk for them in the hotel entry way, you actually worked up the courage to ask Joseph for a picture.
You knew yourself well enough that if you didn't, you'd regret it for the rest of your time on earth. And surely this was a once in a time-on-earth encounter, right?
Another few airport calls were awaiting you silently through single respective vibrations of your work phone.
The outlook on the rest of the day was making a rather dull impression on you, not surprising after the morning you just had.
Pick up a medium known German actress and transfer her to the set of a talk show. Some athlete needing to get to the olympic stadium for some training camp. Another journalist scheduled to attend a convention. Another random rich person able to afford private shuttle service asking you to drive them to some hotel in the center.
Your thoughts kept drifting to your (by far) favourite encounter of the day. Over and over and over again.
During your lonely lunch break on the parking lot of the airport's closest gas station, you couldn't stop yourself from grinning at your private phone screen, the few selfies Joseph had taken of the both of you being reproduced on the display and being swiped back and forth by your thumb.
He had swung an arm around your half a head smaller figure, pulled you surprisingly tight into his white button up covering his side, cap still forcing this light brown curls to stick to his forehead, the arm not surrounding you stretched out, holding your phone into the warm early summer air, spinning the both of you around to find the best angle and background with one of his silly little giggles filling your ears.
In one of the photos, a toothy smile spread across both of your faces; another was slightly blurred because his focus was lying on taking you in instead of bothering to hold the phone steady.
Yeah, just a client.
The rest of the shift went the utmost ordinary and usual way. Time flew, which you were thankful for, since the only thing you wanted to do at this point was go home, refresh yourself through showering your warmed up skin in cool water, and keep staring at those photos juuust a little more.
For what would be the last time today your work phone vibrated once more, and the reason appeared entirely clueless to you as you were already on your way home.
A direct message from your boss.
Hey y/n, special commission for you this coming week. You're going to be assigned to Mr Quinn exclusively for the entirety of his stay. He will need transfer between hotel and film set twice daily until his ADT on May 27. I know I can count on you. Cheers and enjoy the rest of your evening.
– Laurenz
The letters of the words became a blur in your periphery.
Oh dear lord.
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veliseraptor · 9 months
I have two questions for your xxc loves super spicy food headcanon:
is xxc also having tears in his eyes when he's eating the spicy food (though not crying as much as a-qing and xy) or he's so used to that burning that he doesn't react strongly at all? or does he go by the rule "if the food doesn't make you cry even a little then it's not spicy enough"? I'm mostly asking because your headcanon gave me a morbidly hilarious image of xxc bleeding from his empty eye sockets every time they're eating dinner xD
2. personally I've always headcanoned xxc as having similar tastes like sl simply because at some point I assumed that the food in bssr's sect was very plain and bland. but that makes me curious: do you headcanon that the food they ate on bssr's mountain was absolutely batshit crazy? or did xxc only discover his love for spice after leaving the mountain?
(one thing is certain: xxc is a terrible cook which is so bad for him because he wants to take care of his friends and show his love by making them meals but the food he prepares is barely edible xD poor xingchen)
it is so rough for him! he just wants to express his love by providing for his favorite people! and yet nobody actually wants him to do that. :( one of the tragedies of xiao xingchen's life. if only that was the worst one.
in answer to your questions, though - as far as (1) goes I tend to think that it takes a lot more to make xiao xingchen tear up, and it's still satisfying if he doesn't, but it's fun when it happens! fun and exciting. (after giving away his eyes I think he seeks out very hot food a lot less, though, partly because of the whole "bleeding from the eyes when he cries" thing and partly because he's in a very wobbly "I don't get to have fun exciting things" emotional place.)
and then xue yang is just straight up like "we're not doing that" about the level of spice that would give him the opportunity again, when he's feeling a little happier again.
you know, in retrospect it doesn't make a lot of sense but I have headcanoned that it's a taste of home thing. but now I also really like the idea that xiao xingchen was used to fairly bland food and then discovered spices after coming down from the mountain and was absolutely thrilled by this novel development. xiao xingchen with tears streaming from his eyes and laughing because this is amazing, zichen, try some
(no thank you, says song lan gingerly. i'm good.)
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ekwallace · 7 months
I don't think I've ever posted this here. Have some lesbians in your Mononoke!
Title: Interlude Fandom: Mononoke Pairing: fem!Otherself/Kayo Word count: 1870 Rating: Explicit
If Kayo always feels off balance around him--and she does--it is worse with her, the woman who is dark and golden at once, who seems to see through her even more keenly than her other half does. Is that dizzying sense of being defenseless before her why Kayo is so irresistibly drawn to her?
Maybe it's much simpler than that.
"Are you hurt?"
Kayo shakes her head, steps closer. "Are you?" It's an excuse. When she puts her hand on the golden one's arm, she can feel the hard muscle under soft skin much warmer than her own. The urge to trace along the bright line that wraps her bicep is almost overwhelming. What would it taste like? she wonders, and feels herself flush. Oh. Is that what you want from them?
The painted smile curves into a real one, with a teasing edge to it. "What do you really want to ask me?"
"I-- I don't know." It is not a lie, not really, for she could not put this strange longing into words if she tried. Desire, yes, but also something more... to see and be seen, as she is when she is most truly herself, with none of the obscuring trappings of convention and stifling politeness. She could not hope to stay with them, she by her very nature ephemeral and he no less fleeting, never to stay in one place for longer than he must to find his answers. But she can have this much.
The golden woman leans closer, as if to tell a secret. "Do you not, Kayo-san?" Her voice is more musical than her counterpart's, but it sends the same shiver down Kayo's spine when she murmurs in her ear, and, like him, she pauses the slightest bit before saying her name, which makes it feel somehow far more intimate than it ought to.
Heart pounding so hard she feels it in her throat, Kayo meets those unsettling, beautiful eyes. "Can you stay with me? Just for a little while?"
"If you want."
"I do want." It comes out breathy and oddly heavy, weighted with more significance than she intended. She swallows and steps closer. "I do want," she says again, this time acknowledging its full meaning.
The golden woman gives a pleased hum and bends again. She brushes her lips over Kayo's hair, then her cheek, and Kayo turns her head to bring their mouths together.
She has never kissed anyone, and she did not expect it to be like this, overwhelming all her senses and stealing her breath completely. The golden one's mouth on hers, and her hand cupping her chin, are both warm to burning, but her hair, when Kayo (a distant part of her awed at her own daring) slips her hands into it, is cool, and softer than silk.
"I want to see all of you," she whispers when they break apart, and there is no mocking at all in the golden woman's answering smile.
"You know how."
But Kayo must first run her fingers over the markings on her chest, and after a moment can no longer resist kissing them. The golden woman makes a sound, low in her throat and not quite a growl, and grips Kayo's shoulders hard enough that she feels the prickle of sharp nails.
That makes Kayo feel bold enough to tug the bright robe open (she suspects a bit of subtle help in loosening the obijime and obi) and, with a slightly self-conscious smile at remembering her earlier thoughts, she sets her mouth to the spiral of gold about one breast.
The golden woman murmurs an Ah at the first touch of her tongue. Her skin tastes of musk and warm spices. Kayo has touched herself, of course, but how different it is to feel someone else's body respond to her. The golden one lets her explore, arching her back to press closer, until she finally gives what is definitely a growl and tugs Kayo up into a fierce kiss. Then she moves back, only a little, so Kayo still feels her breath across her lips. "I need you much closer than this."
"Oh... Yes." She doesn't know exactly the way of it with another woman, but every fiber of her being cries out to embrace the golden one.
Who steps away, and Kayo is about to say something indignant until she shrugs out of the robe, slips the hakama off, and stands naked before her. Kayo's mouth is suddenly too dry for her to say anything at all at first.
"You're... glorious." She doesn't blush to say that. It might sound absurd to describe anyone else thus, but not her.
The golden woman's mouth quirks as if in acknowledgment (very like her other's when he's amused). "Now, come here." She takes Kayo's hand and draws her to lie down beside her.
Kayo's barely aware of the surroundings, has had no attention to spare for anything but the golden woman since the hone-onna exploded in a shower of colors, and, barely thinking except to fear that she might never see her again, she clutched at the golden one's wrist before she could melt away, too.
They're in some strange in-between, the color of everything, save the two of them, washed-out and watery, but none of that matters, not with the golden one next to her, and Kayo, reaching for her, breathes out, More.
I'm no fine lady, but how pretty we are together, she thinks, admiring the contrast of her own small brown hand against dusk-and-gold skin as she cups again the soft heavy weight of the golden woman's breasts. But she cannot bear even this much distance between them for long, and squirms closer, tipping her chin up as the golden woman tilts hers down.
Her kisses are greedy in a way Kayo can't imagine him being. She doesn't know how it works, whatever the golden one and the medicine seller are together and apart, and she's not sure she wants to, because the thought of him seeing her like this makes her want to squirm in embarrassment.
It also makes the heat coiling low in her belly burn even hotter, and thinking he might know of it, or even feel it, as she slides her hands down, shaping the curve of the golden one's waist and tracing along the lines that mark the swell of her hips, unexpectedly lush, sends a strange, shivery thrill all through her.
"Ah, you tease too much, Kayo."
"You say that as if you don't!" She might move even more slowly in retaliation, making sure she touches each bright curl of gold. "Besides... I don't know what to do."
The golden woman meets her eyes in a look not quite a smile but full of promise, takes her hand again and guides her fingers. Kayo thought she was drowning in warmth before, but that's nothing to the heat at the golden one's core, and after a little while she grows bolder, learning how to draw gasps and little wanting noises, until the golden woman's hand is a burning vise about her wrist and she's shuddering against Kayo's fingers.
She pulls Kayo close then, tumbles them over so her lean length presses her down, one knee between her legs. Kayo rocks her hips up all but mindlessly, but the golden woman, breath still fast, gives her a quick kiss and a smile that bares sharp teeth.
"I've wanted this for a long time," she murmurs, and if Kayo didn't know better, she might think it was an unwilling confession. The golden woman huffs a little laugh at Kayo's expression, leans in to mouth at her ear. "Are you so surprised that I should want you?"
"Yes!" Kayo says, for surely it's obvious why she would feel that way.
"He does, too." It's a murmur against her jaw, and Kayo tries not to shiver, but cannot stop the tremor that runs through her.
"That really surprises me," she says, as much to cover her embarrassment as anything else, but it has quite the opposite effect when she cannot help but imagine pale skin flushed and blue eyes darkened by desire.
"Mm, you still blush so easily, Kayo." She looks down at her, as if to see the effect her words have, but she doesn't linger long; she is as made for graceful motion as her other half for patient stillness, and so deft and quick are her hands that Kayo doesn't realize her kimono is open until the golden woman runs her hand along the edge, nudging the fabric further aside and leaving a trail of heat where her fingers brush Kayo's skin. Her eyes have never looked so much like points of flame, and Kayo, transfixed by them, thinks, Burn me up.
She would almost think she spoke that wish aloud, for the way the golden one looks at her--seeing her, yes, as she really is, eager and wanting and unashamed--is as dizzying as her touch. She skims her hands over the silk where it molds to Kayo's peaked nipples, the slip and drag of the fabric maddeningly almost the touch she craves.
"I didn't--" She shifts restlessly beneath that teasing, and has to fight to catch her breath. "Didn't expect you to be so patient."
The golden one dips her head again and kisses the hollow at the base of her throat. "Am I too patient for you, now?"
"Yes," Kayo says, and arches her back to bare herself to that hot mouth and the silky slide of pale hair over her skin.
"Let me show you something good," the golden one whispers. She moves down, smiling that wicked smile, and Kayo sputters in confusion, and then in dawning comprehension.
"Wha-- What are you-- Oh."
She isn't sure what became of her undergarments, but that is definitely the golden woman's warm breath and warmer mouth on her sex, with no fabric in between to diminish the startling sensation. Kayo's eyes go wide and she grabs for anything to hold onto, for she feels she might fly apart. Her fingers end up tangled in silvery hair again, and she can feel the golden woman's little movements as she licks and teases, seeming to coax pleasure from her very center that spirals up and up. She feels how wet she is by how easily the golden woman's fingers slip between her folds, and she finally cries out, so far past embarrassment that she hopes they both can hear it.
She drifts for a time in a hazy sense of well-being, lying in the golden woman's arms, her whole body feeling pleasantly weak. She thought, before, that she would go back to ordinary life, and be able to look back on this when it all seemed too colorless, to draw strength from the memory...
But perhaps she has learned to be greedy, too. That no longer seems like enough. She opens her eyes and the golden one is watching her. "Will I see you again? Both of you?"
"Perhaps. If you want." Her smile is lazy and satisfied, putting Kayo in mind of a big cat. Kayo smiles back. "I do want."
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letters-to-rosie · 1 year
the glorified mac & cheese recipe
okay so I asked if anyone wanted the recipe for the pasta I had Powder making in chapter 25 and people said yes
this is also more of a process than a strict recipe (do I look like the kind of person who measures things while cooking. we all know the answer to this)
this recipe is also not at all halal, kosher, or friendly to plant-based diets, but you can easily swap the meats out for other things or use vegan cheese to suit your dietary needs. should still taste pretty good.
first things first, get a pot and a really big pan. or a wok if you have one. the point is that you want a regular pot to cook your pasta in, and you want a bigger one to cook the meat and vegetables in. you'll combine the pasta with the meat and veggies in the big pot with the cheese at the end. there are reasons for this. just trust me
go ahead and salt your water and get it to a boil so you can cook your pasta of choice. the kind doesn't really matter. follow your heart. I do recommend a smaller one though over something long like spaghetti
the next thing is to get the frozen shrimp out (I get deveined and peeled ones because who can be bothered, but once again I suggest you follow your heart). put these in the big pan with water, oil, garlic, onion, thyme, and anything you might want for kick. I cut my shrimp into thirds as they thaw, which makes for a better distribution of meat in the final dish. how much you wanna cook will depend on how many people you're cooking for and so on, but it's probably gonna be less than you expect because if you cut it up it'll go a long way.
now you wanna get the bacon and put it in the same pan and cut it up. if this is too much going on at once, it's okay to cook on low heat and add a little more water to the pan to slow down the cooking process. you don't wanna burn your spices. anyway, I usually get a couple strips and just cut them into little pieces
next you wanna add your vegetables. I like to put red onion in there, and also a ton of spinach. if you do fresh spinach, you can put it in later down the line, but if you do frozen this is the time. mix everything up and your house should be smelling good
if your pasta isn't done by this point, let it finish, and then dump it into the pan with the meat and veggies. now add cheese. measure with your heart. (edit: I use mozzarella but lots of cheeses would probably be good) here, you wanna add more seasonings. also throw on some cajun seasoning if you have some, or some red pepper flakes.
now you don't have regular mac & cheese; you have glorified mac & cheese
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 months
chipotle order? I don't eat Chipotle anymore, it's been like ten years since I've had it. I used to love their chicken burritos with the lime rice or whatever, beans, cheese, guac, sour cream, and the hot sauce. I don't remember if there were other toppings I added too, I don't remember what toppings they have. I can't eat spicy food anymore, though, and that's what I liked about it. thoughts on veganism? Great for those who do it. It's so extreme, though. I'd have nothing to eat lol I'm already too fucking picky. a specific color that gives you the ick? A color doesn't give me the ick. mythical creature you think/believe is real? None, they're MYTHical lol. favorite form of potato? Basically all ways. Although, not a super big fan of scalloped potatoes. do you use a watch? Nope, just my phone mainly. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium? None really in particular it's just all pretty cool. EXCEPT for killer whales. I'm fucking terrified of those. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home? I wear the same clothes at home and when I go somewhere. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)? I don't. Most I do is apply moisturizer sometimes. I need to work on that, my face gets so dry. I don't have an acne problem, though. One or two little ones pop up once in a great while. I had awful acne as a teen and young adult. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice? I haven't asked for either one, but if I did apple juice is the only correct choice. OJ is shit. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to? Lots of stuffed animals and a lot of my Barbies/accessories, and other mementos. I'm a nostalgic person and hold on to a lot of stuff. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%? I use this red shampoo cause I dye my hair red, I don't remember the brand, I use Caress bar soap, and only skincare I do is occasionally apply moisturizer, which currently I have an ELF one and Neutrogena one. first thing you’re doing in the purge? I'd die. do you think you’re dehydrated? I could always use more water I don't drink enough. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning Uh, they're all not exactly pleasant. thoughts on mint chocolate chip? Loveee it. an anxious compulsion you do everyday? I sway. your boba/tea order? Good ol' regular milk tea no boba. the veggie you dislike the most? Most of them. favorite disney princess movie? I include Alice in Wonderland as a princess and The Little Mermaid. a number that weirds you out? None. do you have an emotional support water bottle? No. do you wear jewelry? I have a few rings and a few bracelets. which do you find yourself using, american or british english? Well, American. Although, I do like the spelling as "grey" instead of "gray." would you say you have good taste in music? Well, I obviously think so cause I like it. how’s your spice tolerance? Oh, ZERO. I used to eat spicy everything, but I can't anymore. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit? What I always wear--leggings and an oversized tee. last meal on earth? Food would me the last of my concern. I couldn't eat if I knew I was being put to death. preferred pasta noodle? Ramen, spaghetti, angel hair, penne. Yes, the shape of the noodle makes a difference.
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msfbgraves · 2 years
So Terry definitely is the head of the family in Knights and Pawns, but is he oblivious to the fact that Daniel has him wrapped around his little finger? Just one look from those big dark eyes, just one soft little cuddle and Terry will literally burn the world down. Haha.
Anyway, since I gotta know: how does Daniel feel about being a married Omega? Does he like having an Alpha husband, or rather: how has Terry grown on him? Is married life what he expected or not? And lastly, is Daniel shy and sweet in the bedroom or just really confident and spoiled?
People say that to Terry, that his omega has him exactly where he wants him, to which Terry shrugs. What does that boy ever want but some fun and whatever that humongous heart of his can do to make everyone around him feel cared for? Daniel does not interfere with his business unless Terry makes him (sometimes he makes him, it can't be avoided), and to pay him back for what Terry is being given every day, why, how can he not want to make that boy happy? So what if Daniel only has to look at something longingly and Terry gets it for him? He doesn't ask much, Terry tested it. No little mind tricks, no tantrums - if he's been making eyes at something and Terry doesn't get it, no word of it is spoken. Which... makes Terry want to get it for him anyway, because what Daniel does do... those little cuddles always come at the right time, Terry's drinking less and sleeping better, those stretches of emptiness wiled away at the piano... now he's playing the latest hits, when he gets the time in, and especially the young'uns don't exactly mind.
What did Daniel expect of married life? It's an adventure for him, a lot of discovery. Daniel's not really a strategic thinker when young, the world is so colorful, there's so much going on! And much as he fills some deep need in Terry, having such a close relationship also feeds a deep need in him. So he's a little less jumpy. Terry gets really intense about everything, he likes bratting him out of it, and he can have some fire of his own. Especially when Daniel is going about town being friendly, which Terry insists is flirting, which Daniel thinks is bullshit, because if he were flirting, there would be a lot more touching going on. And sometimes in the pub he is flirting, what of it? Afraid someone is going to put another puppy next to the one already there? Well then stop standing around the other Alphas looking important and dance with me yourself! And this usually ends as it always does, in bed too: Daniel teasing at first and then Terry gets a little forceful, giving him the slightest taste of how strong he actually is and Daniel turns to putty.
The one thing he is dead serious about is his puppies and any risk to his family, and that can be a point of friction between them, but ultimately it spices life up for them both.
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Edils instant ramen adventure #2: Nongshim Gourmet spicy
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Because linking these together makes for better future reference.
So I've had this ramen before, and yeah, it is spicy. When I was previously desensitized to it I stopped crying every time I ate it but I can't say I expect that same mercy today. Out of the eight remaining flavors, I chose this one because @powerwordcum recommended a specific way to prepare it that I'd like to try and write about later but first I need to have a recent control taste (very official food blogged business, you understand).
Today I am deadass too lazy to fry any eggs.
Anyway, the preparation for this is simple, it just takes and extraordinary 7 minutes I'm the microwave (really nothing from someone who occasionally likes my maruchan cooked for 12. Usually I don't admit this without being waterboarded, because people react with horror. But for sciences sake)
Upon leaving the microwave, my ramen was dry as fuck because I am a filthy American who has no close what the 700 ml reccomend on the label estimates so and I want about to look it up. Science
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I put some more water in
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Stirred and ate!
I noticed that the noodles are semi translucent, making me think they've absorbed some of the soup broth, but I find myself underwhelmed by the flavor when I taste it. While not at all tasing bad, I wouldn't say this tasted strongly in its own right. The noodles are still nicely sheet, however, and pretty thick without being too much so.
I noticed many of the rehydrated flakes (which look to be seaweed and mushroom pieces) stick stubbornly to the edges of the bowl, and the more I eat, it seems, the less broth I have. While I am not eager to enter a chugging competition with some thirsty noodles, I will not back down from a challenge.
Spice level for the noodles is a solid medium-low burn around the tongue, my lips feel pretty normal despite my horse-like slurping. I did get a random throat punch of spice, but that doesn't seem consistent. It's also worth noting that the spice does build if as you continue to eat, and is exacerbated by the warmth of the noodles themselves. Not for the faint of tolerance.
Sipping the broth does not immediately warrant a cough, and it DOES make me want to go back for a second sip, even a third. It's got a richness to it that might be a meat/bone broth I'm the base that I appreciate, and I would go back to drink it.
While craveable for it's spice and broth, I find myself frustrated with the flakes, who's only purpose seem to be adding something to get dried on in the dishwasher if you aren't careful. I'd even go as far as saying the mushroom tastes actively bad. And I like mushroom!
The sodium level is high, but not as high as the Jongga kimchi. However, the Shin ramen doesn't have the variety of flavor offered by the acidic kimchi, that make the Jongga ramen superior for the sensory variety. Also, I feel decently full after eating these noodles! It's not a particularly large portion, but it wasn't meager either.
I would call the Shin and Jongga ramen equals, with strengths and weaknesses in different areas, placing the Shin ramen at a 7/10. I'm not really eating for cooking time, but its worth knowing that although the Jongga ramen has a deceptive 3 minute wait, one should factor in the time it takes to bring the water to a boil, so both ramens cook at approximately the same speed.
Now for that other people are saying:
We asked expert witness @powerwordcum for his opinion on these noodles. Here's what he had to say
Ive only had the spicy kind, but its p good, a little high on my spice tolerance but still tolerable. Noodles soft but not *crumbly* like maurachen. What I like to do is give it two fried eggs, stir some mayo into the water * PRE POWDER * and put some green onions
We'll follow up on his recipe, the next time we get green onions from the store (they spoil like a bitch, though!)
Amazon reviews show Shin ramen to be a very popular brand. Many recommenders offer only praises, especially highlighting the texture of the ramen. One recommends draining the broth to get a spicier noodle (heresy) and another recommend adding a bone broth to make up for the Gourmet Spicy's lack of flavor in comparison to some of Shin's other flavors, which does make me curious about comparing some of those. (Another uses half the spice packet and half chicken bullion for a less spicy, similar effect)
The abundance of complimentary recipes does give this ramen an advantage, and being able to find an abundance of ways to mix it up is something people on the fence might like to know. However, we don't give Popularity points in my house.
Notable reviews include those titled "might be poisonous"!
While no one seems willing to SELL a child for this ramen, it does seem incredibly popular among spicy tolerant kids and teens. The price fluctuates, though mine were roughly 2 bucks per bowl, which i'd day is reasonable.
Without much new information in the mix, I'd say this one continues to sit at a solid 7/10.
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unknown-ladies · 10 months
Burning Down The House, Psycho Killer, And She Was for Miyuki? and a question of my own: would you guys ever build a custom mailbox? how would you shape and decorate it?
Given these questions were listed as part of an F/O Takeover question list, I'm going to let Miyuki answer these properly herself, rather than simply be the subject of the answers! - Azalea
Burning Down The House - "Who is the better cook between you?"
I think that'd have to be Azalea!! She's had a lot more experience than me, and I can be a bit clumsy if I'm not careful which isn't great in the kitchen. Azalea can bake AND cook while I'm better at baking, really. Azalea has a REALLY nice okonomiyaki recipe and cookie recipe where the taste will make you Ultra Happy after a long day! It's like this twinkly warm Ultra Happy feeling in your heart when eating it, yknow? I'm not bad at cooking, I just know a bit less stuff, and that's okay! I'm only fourteen, so I still have time to learn!
Psycho Killer - "Who is more intimidating, you or S/I?"
Oh, um... this one's difficult! Not because we're both intimidating, but really because we both don't try to be... I guess Azalea can be a little intimidating when she's around 🔘, but she tries her best to be kind and approachable! And so do I! A Pretty Cure has to be, I think... I'd say neither of us are more intimidating unless we're around certain people... and in that case then Azalea definitely has more potential for it!
And She Was - "What makes S/I special?"
I think Azalea is special because she's so ambitious about her goals!! She wanted her entire wardrobe to be ONLY pink, and now it's the only color she owns! She wanted to befriend every pigeon in her town and now many will land on her arms even without food! And... when it comes to me and the others, she managed to win us over just because of her ambition to do so! I think that makes an Ultra Happy kind of energy for Azalea, yknow? Being able to achieve so may things she sets her mind to! She's... really really enthusiastic about her ambitions, too. I don't really get all of it, but she's so cool!
"would you guys ever build a custom mailbox? how would you shape and decorate it?"
Azalea doesn't live in a kind of place where a custom mailbox would be possible... so it's difficult to say if we'd build one. I think it depends on who decides to move where... if Azalea was gonna move in with me and my family, then I'd definitely wanna spice it up if mom and dad said it was fine!! We could shape it like the gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretel!!! I think that kind of picture book candy aesthetic would work SO well for the mailbox!!! An Ultra Happy kind of design for everyone who comes past, right!? Or for us, at least! Azalea likes cute things and I love picture books, so it's best for us!!
Thanks for asking, Anon!!!! Remember to Smile Smile! - Hoshizora Miyuki
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triviareads · 1 year
Hiiiii! This is a bit specific but do you know any romance novels (Modern or historical) with Brown leads that aren't about cultural trauma? 💀 I feel a bit tired everytime I pick up a book with a Brown (SWANA or South Asian) lead bc it's always about arranged marriage drama, generational clashes between disappointed old fashioned uber strict immigrant parents who wanted their kid to be doctor and their child, terrible aunties and racism and/or islamophobia related drama. I kind of feel bad for thinking like this bc all the romance books with SWANA or South Asian leads are always written by women who belong to the cultures in the books and I wanna support them whenever I can, but I'm also tired of getting slapped by trauma I personally know when all I want is fun, drama,good chemistry,cute tropes and good spice without pin straight honey blonde locks, ocean blue orbs and milky white skin,you know? 😥
I have literally dedicated my life to finding such books (I joke with a friend that every time she picks up a book with an Asian lead, there's inevitably generational trauma), and it's hard! I feel like only recently have I started to see South Asian authors write in a way that doesn't make me think they hate their own culture or are embarrassed by it. Unfortunately, I can't think of a historical romance that doesn't have some form of racial trauma (I wish more romances set in South Asia existed/were published abroad). But here are some contemporary recs:
Tastes like Shakkar by Nisha Sharma (out on 8/1): My full review isn't out yet, but I loved Bobbi and Benjamin's (dw despite the names, they're both Punjabi) relationship progression (it's sold as enemies to lovers but the enemies portion doesn't last super long tbh). It has solid sex scenes and Nisha even ventures into kink (a rarity for non-white characters). Plus, both Bobbi and Benjamin embrace their culture and you get the sense that they truly love it, and funnily enough, the aunty squad in this book is actually a force for good lol.
The Roommate Risk (previously Wanna Bet?) by Talia Hibbert: Friends-to-lovers but done RIGHT. Rahul Khan has been in love with Jasmine Allan since he gave his virginity to her (the flashback scenes in this one are great). Now, 7 years later, she's living with him because her apartment flooded, and cue all the angst and confused feelings!! Talia writes her sex scenes really well, this amazing combination of emotional intimacy and realness (and a little humor), not to mention they're uniformly hot.
Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert: So in hindsight, Talia Hibbert tends to make her South Asian heroes daddy types (stern brunch daddy types.... if you will) and Zafir Ansari fits within this pattern. Him and Dani decide to fake-date to help get publicity for his charity. The funny thing here is that Rahul is the romantic (he reads Harlequin romances!!!!!! And having sex without feelings is a STRUGGLE for this man) and Dani is relationship-avoidant, so that's fun for them. Also, Zafir is dealing with grief from losing his father and brother, but it's less "South Asian Family Trauma" and moreso just a genuine exploration of grief and coping with the help of his family.
Claiming His Bollywood Cinderella by Tara Pammi: I think Harlequins might be your best bet if you want to read about Indians in India (fun fact, Tara inspired me to try writing a Harlequin-style romance). This has kind of a Cinderella vibe; The hero Vikram is a Bollywood actor, and the heroine Naina is his grandma's assistant and they hook up at a masquerade party (which was.... very hot even if Vikram is prone to speeches while he's inside her lol), and it goes from there. It's a solid (technically slow-burn I think) romance.
The Secret She Kept in Bollywood by Tara Pammi: This is about Vikram's sister Anya and the adopted father of the child Anya gave away several years ago, Simon (he's brown too), who might also be the DILFiest DILF to ever DILF. Tell me what other man can help you through a panic attack without even knowing who you are, and then immediately proceed to give you the best sex of your life? I'll wait. No but real talk, this one hits a lot of really great emotional notes about family (not to mention a great romance) without being about, like, South Asian trauma.
Sink or Swim by Tessa Bailey: Ft. a Gujarati heroine, Jiya, and Andrew, her friend who's been in love with her since forever. What I love about this book is that the friends-to-lovers aspect isn't too cutesy; it's a bit angsty and the sexual obsession aspect is what really sold me (not to mention the fact that Andrew's a service top and that's shown in the BEST scene, therefore also subverting the "submissive Asian woman" stereotype). I also think I think the book has very reasonable portrayal of Desi parents; they want what they think is best for Jiya, and Jiya actually agrees to meet a guy in an an arranged-marriage set up, but ultimately they come around to Andrew once they understand that he loves her and will take care of her.
Serving Pleasure by Alisha Rai: Okay so maybe this has some intergenerational South Asian family drama (namely how Rana's mother views her sex life) but it's too good not to recommend! Like, sometimes you really want a crazy heroine who lowkey stalks the hero (but it's okay, Micah here gets off on it... literally), and Rana ends up being his muse (he's an artist) as they start an affair with a definite end date but obviously, Feelings get in the way.
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mylittlesyn · 1 year
Hi Syn, congrats on 1k that's awesome!!! Your event looks so cute I would love to join!
My pronouns are she/her and they/them. As for fandoms could I request jjk, csm and Uramichi Oniisan please? I'm fine with either gender.
My big three are Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon and Libra Rising.
I'm pretty quiet at first around new people but once I break out of my shell I'm more talkative and chaotic. In a big group of people, I observe and see where I fit/find my place if that makes sense. I love listening to all different kinds of music but have been listening to a lot of rock recently.
I'm very caring and analytical. I love telling my friends how much they mean to me and I love making playlists and pinterest boards for me and my friends. My motto in life is that there's so much anger and sadness so I like to be kind in spite of all of it.My favorite films are Braid (2018), The Boy The Mole The Fox and The Horse, and Treasure Planet.
I also get really shy/intimidated by really pretty people and end up getting flustered. There was one time when I had practiced saying I wanted a molten chocolate cake in my head, looked up at the waiter and completely forgot what I was going to say because he was so handsome. He noticed and smiled at me.
My favorite hobbies are listening to music, writing, and hanging out with my friends. My dream is to move to LA and become a screenwriter. I like listening to music and have so many Spotify playlists.
A wonderful day for me would consist of walking around, going to bookstores or aquariums as well as thrifting. I would just like to walk around, take pictures and learn more about each other as well as pick out a book or outfit from the thrift store and we have to wear them for the duration of the date.
My favorite relationship trope is slow burn as well as friends to lovers.
I'm a sub and my kinks are praise, marking/biting, spanking, bondage, corruption, overstimulation and orgasm delay/denial.
I don't have any potential triggers.
If this doesn't spark anything please feel free to ignore and congrats again!!!
Your matchup is:
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I'm thinking that your Kumotani's younger brother's BFF (i started reading the manga at one point and he comes to live in Tokyo with Kumotani).
You come to visit and spend time with him to see Tokyo! I think he'd be quiet at first, moreso just observing you to see how you interact and get to know you.
You'd probably get a little flustered when he's around which he finds cute, but also tries to give you some space so you're not overwhelmed by him.
I think it might take a few visits, but eventually you're around him enough that you can start to be yourself around him and that's when he gets smitten (ironically probably around the time you'd start to think he's just not that into you).
You two would probably watch a lot of movies together, and you might tease him about his taste in movies (THEYRE SO WEIRD BUT HE SWEARS THEYRE GOOD).
Kumotani would love to take you out on an Aquarium date! He loves fishing and I'd imagine watching the fish would be very relaxing for you both.
I think he'd go for your thriftstore date idea too, but you might need to help him pick out an outfit. Maybe you can convince him to have an outing where
Now for the spice!
He gives me quiet daddy dom vibes. Nothing too aggressive, but I think he'd be willing to do the special occasion of something a little more aggressive if that's what you'd like. I can see something light like spanking, especially if it's for punishment.
I can see him giving praise, but he's not extremely vocal. I can see short deep growling praises in your ear.
I can certainly see him enjoying corrupting you, I mean who better than to corrupt than his younger brother's best friend?
What a nice way to corrupt you, tying you up, overstimulating you until you're a crying babbling mess... He thinks you look pretty like that.
I also think he's a bit of an enigma... I believe he might not like too much PDA, but he'd be into public things. Let me explain, I don't think he'd enjoy kissing too much in public, not always wanting to hold hands... He's a pretty private person. Yet at the same time I think he'd reach his hand for you under the table if you catch my drift.
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