aromacaque · 1 year
no why the fuck are all these foods labelled as "bland" no wonder i can't stand seasoning on shit jesus fucking christ
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my like. official autism screening or whatever said so many times “[redacted] is very willing to learn coping skills” which. i said i was. i was not. lowkey am still not. of the full belief i will figure it out on my own being told how to do things actually just makes it all worse for me
but LMAO like i rlly successfully lied to a therapist
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eepystars · 3 months
Carmel Chocolates
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Summary: Reader experiences sensory issues which soon stumbles into an overload. The team does everything to help as the reader regresses further.
Fandom: Haikyuu
Characters: Karasuno team
Pronouns: You, ungendered terms but implied male reader
Age: 3-5
Nickname(s): Little One, Bubs/Bubas, Baby
Catagory: Angst to Fluff
Type: Small Fic
a/n: age regression is not a kink. it is a state when a person mentally reverts to a child. all of my fics will involve the au where age regression is known and accepted. I will also be using my own experience with sensory overload to write this fic, so if there are things that you do not relate to 100% im sorry :(
Also this is not proofread, so if you find mistakes please let me know :3
Everything was too loud. The sounds of volleyballs hitting the gym floor, the boys yelling and screaming, and the coach correcting everyone. It was too much. You tried to calm down, focusing on your breathing as you looked around. It was too bright. The white overheads and the sun glaring through the window was making your head hurt. Your breathing got a little faster as you tried to ground yourself. Your nails dig into your palms as you try not to look so frazzled. As you went into a deeper state of panic, the voices got louder and the lights brighter, only helping to worsen the situation. With your panicked state, you didn't realize the worried stare of Yachi. It was getting to be overwhelming.
Eventually you decided enough was enough and ran out of the gym as quickly as you can. The sun only made everything worse. Your footsteps were ponding against the pavement-- you didn't even know where you were going. The tears finally flowed from your eyes as you stumbled onto the ground. You couldn't catch your breath, harsh whimpers escaping as you tried. You were sobbing now, breaking down in who knows where. The tears escaping your eyes came out so fast you didn't even realize the shoes in front of you. The figure, blurry from your tears, crouched down to your spot on the floor. Cool hands brushed the tears away and covered your ears from the sounds around you.
You didn't know whose hands they were-- more focused on the cooling touch and the blockage of sounds. It was getting a little better, however the sun was still glaring into your eyes. You were still crying, but, slowly, you started to stop. Eventually, your vision cleared up enough to finally be able to see. It was Suga, which made a lot of sense. "'m sorry.." you mumbled to him. It was embarrassing to react like that in front of your team. He only gave you a gentle smile in return.
"It's ok, little one. No need to cry anymore," he hushed. His tone was gentle, no ounce of malice. "You're ok, little one."
You let out a couple of sniffles and nodded. "T'ank you," you mumbled, giving him a shy smile. You were feeling better knowing he didn't mind. "Let's get you back to the gym, alright? I'm sure the rest would love to know you're alright," he said with a smile while rubbing at your hair. He waited a little, watching your cautious expression as you thought of an answer. "Okay!" you told him cheerily. Maybe the others would be quieter after you're back! His smile brightened as he helped you up. You had some scraps from the fall, but you weren't bleeding. "Hold my hand, bubs, we wouldn't want you to fall again." He reached his hand out and waited for you to hold it. You nodded and held his hand, letting him lead the way back.
By this point, you were pretty deep into your regression, and Suga knew. His gentle coos, soft touches, and bright smiles told you everything. The fuzz was taking over as you watched your steps. You were too engrossed in watching your footprints behind you to realize you finally made it to the gym until Suga stopped walking. "We're here bubs. You ready to see them?" He turned towards you as he asked, looking for any sort of rejection. You give him a simple nod. "Ready!" you smiled. "Alright little one, let's go inside. He held your hand as you both went inside, helping you over the edge.
You blinked, letting your eyes adjust to the dimmed lights in the gym. You soon realized that there was little to no sound-- no squeaking of shoes, no balls smacking the floors, and even the lights were lowered. You looked around to find everyone staring at you. The stares made you feel a little flustered which made you want to hide behind Suga... so you did. You heard him laugh after you hid, making you flush a little. "It's ok, little one. They won't judge," he said. You just whined, not really wanting to face them.
Then, footsteps were heard, coming in your direction. You peak out, seeing a majority of the team coming your way, all with smiles on their faces. Daichi reached you first. "Hey there little one," he said just above a whisper, "Do you feel any better?" He was smiling so gently at you. It made you feel all warm and safe, so you responded. "Mhm... feel better but I fell." You showed him your scraps. "Oh bubs," another voice rang out, "we should get that cleaned up, hm?" You turned to face him, Yamaguchi, and shook your head. "It's gonna hurt! A lot!"
Yamaguchi let out a small laugh and walked a little closer. "Is it ok to see them a little closer, little one?" You thought about it for a moment. "Mmmk..." You hold your hands out, letting him see the brunt of the damage. "Awe, looks like they're just scraps! Let me see your knees now, ok?" he looked at you, speaking in a low tone. You nodded and left your place behind Suga. Yamaguchi inspects your bruised knees, noting the small bits of blood. "Does it hurt, bubs?" he asks. "A little- doesn't hurt anymore," you spoke.
"Well, little one, we do have to clean this up. Right Suga?" He gave a small glance to a nodding Sugawara. "But bubs, it's gonna hurt a little. Can you be brave and let us clean it up?" Yamaguchi asks; you assume he was going to clean up your wounds. You puff up your chest in confidence. "I am brave! So brave!" you say loudly. There were a few laughs that followed after and you let Yamaguchi lead you to Yachi. She was holding a first aid kit and you saw her opening it. "Look!" Yamaguchi pointed. "There's Spiderman bandaids!" You gasped, "Spiderman! I love Spiderman!" You giggled a little, happy that you got to wear Spiderman bandaids.
"Let's get you cleaned up now, hm?" Yachi said quietly. "We wouldn't want your owies to get worse." She started working on cleaning your wounds, starting with your hands. They didn't hurt, as they were not too deep. "All clean, see? Now we're gonna move to your knees. I need you to be the bravest you can, ok?" Yachi was comforting with her shy smile and gentle tone. "Mhm! The bravest!" You gave her a big smile-- one she returned. You started to play with Yamaguchi's hand to distract you as she cleaned. It hurt. Really bad. You let out a couple of whines and pulled your leg away a little. "You've gotta be brave, remember?" Yamaguchi hummed. "The bravest you've ever been!" You let out another whine, "I am the bravest!" You gave Yachi access to your knees once more and play with Yamaguchi's hands again.
She finished in record time, plastering the Spiderman Bandaids onto your knee. "You were so brave! Just like Spiderman!" Yachi says with a big smile. You smile back, happy for it to finally be over. "Any more owies?" Yachi asked, inspecting your form to see if they missed anything. "Nuh uh- no more," you responded. She nodded and packed up her supplies. While she was packing them up, Yamaguchi led you to the rest of the team, who was quietly observing while cleaning the gym up-- they had decided to end practice a little early, with approval from the coach.
"Are you doing ok, little one?" Asahi askes. You nodded, shy again once facing your team. You move so you were behind Yamaguchi and buried your head into his shirt. "Awe! So shy!" Nishinoya said. "Bro, the baby is cute!" You whined at this and flushed, not used to compliments. They cooed at this, finding your behavior adorable. Soon, more of your team members were complimenting you: Suga, Ennoshita, Tanaka, even Tsukishima! You just flushed a little more at the attention. Yamaguchi was chuckling at your reactions, leading you to his side so he could play with your hair.
Everything was ok now, you were getting attention from your team members, talking about everything, playing with them, and even jumpscaring them! You were feeling a lot better, the only thing on your mind being the love you were receiving from your team.
First actual post! I'm so sorry for not actually making a fic but I was doing really bad mentally and couldn't find the motivation! But now that schools over, i can write, as i feel so much better :3:3
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idontknowreallywhy · 6 months
Resurface 16 - Regard
What went before
Yes, this was just going to be a single explanatory paragraph, but I swear whenever I get within 3ft of the inside of Scott’s brain it all spirals… so… ah I dunno *flings words*.
Let’s just say that the fact the sequel with have the square of the number of chapters of the original fic is symbolic of how, when buried, issues like these can escalate into something much bigger and more uncontrollable over time? That sounds plausible. Definitely deliberate then. Yep.
A digital landslide of distracting paperwork loomed entirely unheeded as Scott sat perched on the edge of the desk with his back to it, sipped his coffee and focussed intently on the security feed John had routed to his tablet.
Virgil was sleeping again.
Gordon had unloaded the contents of a cabinet on to an empty bed and was methodically sorting through, discarding some items, probably expired, and placing the rest neatly back into place. On another occasion Scott would have commented on the contrast with the squid’s approach to just about every other space he inhabited, but recognised the action for what it was. He touched the screen as if to stroke tiny Gordon’s head than jumped a little as his fish brother looked up suddenly like he was aware of it. The door opened and Grandma popped her head through and Scott let out an embarrassed breath. Of course, how could Gordon have felt anything? Scott grudgingly acknowledged that it may have been possibly a little too long since he last slept but it was what it was. Sleep wasn’t an option yet.
He watched, as Grandma and Gordon conversed and, seemingly satisfied, she left again. Gordon dropped himself into the chair next to Virgil’s bed and rested his head back. Within a few minutes he appeared to have nodded off.
A cloud shifted and a ray of sunlight crept across the floor and nudged him. Scott stretched like a cat and basked in it for a moment, before carrying the tablet over to the window. He spared the ocean a glance - it continued to do its thing, oblivious of the turmoil on the island it held in its arms.
He returned his attention to the feed. Gordon definitely sparked out, slumped down in the chair until he was nearly horizontal. Virgil was… Scott squinted… ok he was still sleeping too. The lack of sound meant big brother was spared the overwhelming sensory experience of the wingmen snoring in concert.
Good. This was good. Both their minds needed the rest and time to heal. Scott could keep an eye on them from here.
Was this what it was like for John all the time? Observing from above but unable to reach out and touch? Scott didn’t rate it at all. His need for physical proximity to a brother in distress was like an itch. No… a bruise… a nasty deep bruise… or… or perhaps the feeling left behind when one lost a limb. He grudgingly admitted this was better than lurking outside the door, however.
When John had appeared through it moments after Gordon had left, Scott had rolled his eyes so hard it made the tense muscles behind his eyebrows throb. He knew when he was about to be Managed, but when John still looked so vulnerable Scott couldn’t upset him more. So he allowed it. And thus he was up here in the sunshine with access to coffee and what he suspected was the spoils of a Gordon-related raid on Kayo’s secret candy stash. The consequences of that could be dealt with later.
He felt a little… uncomfortable… watching this way but was it really any different to sitting by his brother’s bedside? Not really. Well. Maybe a little. There was the consent issue… what would Virgil say if he knew? Would he be angry?
But… he reminded himself yet again… it wasn’t actually that Virgil didn’t want his big brother around, it was just his brain was struggling to explain the presence of two of them at once. And while all the articles Scott had consumed in the last 29 hours confirmed one shouldn’t play along with the delusions, they were also clear that it wasn’t a good idea to challenge or to try to reason him out of them. And Scott’s physical existence was currently proving to be such a challenge. Grandma had spoken to the psychiatrist and established they just had to wait until the meds started to kick in and the hallucinations lessened enough for reality to take precedence and then Scott could take his rightful place by Virgil’s side again.
Which was fine. At least he could keep an eye on things from here. He was an adult and of course he could be patient and focus on how fortunate it was they had a solution they knew would work for Virgil.
The fact that Scott was constantly fantasising about drop kicking this “other” Scott into the ocean was one he needed to keep to himself. He put the tablet down, drained his coffee and went to make another, tearing himself away from the screen for long enough to give himself a brief reprieve from the eye-strain headache that was developing. He leant over the kitchen sink and splashed cold water over his stinging, reddened eyes.
It was going to be fine.
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cloverfaerykitty · 2 months
Healing isn't linear, nor does it have a timeline.
I am still healing 7 years later after 15 years of abuse and sexual trauma.
I am still healing my inner child and teen, and I dare say early adult, after the amount of bullying and masking I did to appear normal.
I am still reparenting myself as a neurodivergent parent to neurodivergent children.
The raw version of me 7 years ago, all unhealed, fresh from the battles within my own household, getting my children to safety, was a totally different person than I am today.
I listened to my inner child on who made me feel safe and still found the wonder and beauty in the world despite the turmoil and toxicity I was exposed to. She dipped back into what my father tried to show me when we went on hikes together and the family trips to the beach.
My inner teen came roaring in, wondering when I gave up my deep love for the paranormal and darker things. Why I strayed so far from my path of being a witch. Why I never held true to liking the things others considered weird. I really leaned into her and started doing and procuring the things that made her little dark heart happy. Rock/metal concerts and collecting Oddities are some of them. I embraced my darkness for her comfort.
I am still struggling with taking off my mask as an undiagnosed (late self diagnosed) autistic woman. I don't force my children to wear one, so they learn to love themselves without forced perception of a neurotypical society.
Thinking back, it was my ex that first started to construct the mask when he questioned and ridiculed my mannerisms and then questioned why I never acted myself in front of him. I have had to staple this mask to my face and bleed around the edges just to feel a fake love. Taking it off has been precarious and the scars are insanely visible but I'm sure it leaves a lot of questions in others minds when I catch myself mid stimming because they're looking. The true friends just laugh it off and say it's ok. I'm safe.
Even now, I'm realizing and processing that it wasn't until I met my ex-husband that I truly started to mask. I had several bullies, but I never wanted them to accept me. I had great friends who did, and that was enough. It wasn't until I had someone I wanted to love me that the mask came into being. His sharp criticisms cut the form, and hurtful words glued the pieces together. The echo of that treatment still haunts any attempt at a relationship I have today, and I fail to be my authentic self that I desperately want to be. If I tell you I want to sing in front of you, but have a hard time doing so, it is not your failings to be safe, it was in the past I was told I wasn't.
I have accepted that I have sensory issues, the biggest one being clothes in general. I have accepted that I don't have a problem with listening, I have an auditory processing disorder. I have accepted that I don't just have PTSD, I have cPTSD.
I am still catching up to who I should have been, so if you knew me 7 years ago, no, you didn't. I am closer to being the real me, the poetically dark me that should have been.
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butchyeons · 1 month
THE 3MIX FIC… ITS SOOO GOOD 😭😭😭 i really love the au and was wondering.. do you have any picture references on how they look / how you imagine them in the fic? or any hcs? i’m starving for more knowledge on them… 🤍🤍
omg tysm!!! i have sm to say abt this au ah. Ah!!!! i don’t have any picture references but as for hcs in general, here’s some
general stuff:
najeong are in their mid 30s (old to them) and jihyo just turned 30 (old to her)
jihyo is a traveling nurse (obv), jeongyeon is the head foreman of a construction company, and nayeon used to be an elementary teacher before her accident
najeong are high school sweethearts who got married pretty early (their early 20s) while nayeon was still in college. they both just kinda knew they were the one. and then when jihyo showed up, they knew she was also the one
they love each other so much it’s stupid
ok i’ll put the rest under a read more bc this post will probably be super long bc i rlly have. so much to say abt this au it’s crazy!!!! i rlly love the three of them so bad
as for appearances, i guess she’s like… imagine the futchest picture if jihyo ever but take away the boobs LMAO she hasn’t had surgery (she wants it, but it’s just a lot of recovery time) yet. she’s gotten some ffs, which was A Lot on her so she’s nervous abt doing anything else
she’s the shortest of the three- which pisses her off but najeong loves it abt her
she is on the autism spectrum just undiagnosed
she has a lot of sensory issues, esp when it comes to food or clothing
she has a weighted blanket that she uses a lot- she brings it with her when she has to go out on call. she doesn’t need it at home bc nayeon and jeongyeon always cuddle her while she sleeps so she’s good
her love language is touch! she’s almost always attached to najeong when she’s home. it’s shocking to her how much she loves physical contact with them, because she was mostly touch repulsed before they got together
her favorite food ever is kimchi stew (more specifically the one nayeon makes), so they eat it a lot while she’s home
she loves her job a lot even if it’s stressful sometimes. she had always wanted to be a nurse and to work with kids, so she loves getting to do it. she has a rlly strong desire to help people
she doesn’t talk to her family much anymore. sometimes her parents will message her to check in. they don’t even know about her relationship with najeong- and jihyo probably won’t ever tell them
she doesn’t experience a lot of dysphoria anymore. at first, she really did. but over the years it’s gone away- najeong take such good care of her and reassure her so much that it helped her a lot. she’s doing the best mentally that she has been in a really long time thanks to those two
she was much more femme when she first met najeong. but over time she became a futch- the clothes are just more comfortable. najeong don’t hold her to a single expectation when it comes to how she presents, so she doesn’t hold herself to one anymore either
she chose to take estrogen shots over pills because they were weekly. the pills were daily and she knew she might not always remember to take them. nayeon helps her with them now. jihyo isn’t scared of needles by any means, but she really appreciates having someone there with her. sometimes jeongyeon is there too, but her work schedule has her out of the house early so she’s not there all the time (as much as she wishes she could be)
she’s the tallest of the three. she has short hair- short on the sides but kinda long on the top (nayeon actually cuts it for her!). her skin is also pretty tan from working outside all the time. she’s also got a lot of scars from where she’s accidentally hurt herself at work LMAO she can be kinda clumsy. she’s got a stocky build, but it’s mostly muscle. she likes her tummy fat though. she calls herself a little bear
nahyo have to Fight her to put on sunscreen. she insists she doesn’t need it but they still force her to put it on every morning
she bathes like a man. uses bar soap on her damn face with no skincare routine. used to use two in one shampoo/conditioner before she met jihyo. but of course she’s the one with the best skin out of all of them
she likes to tease and play around a lot but it’s her way of showing she loves them
her love language is acts of service. she does most of the heavier tasks around the house. jihyo helps, too, but it’s mostly jeongyeon. she refuses to let nayeon lift a finger most days- and she was like that long before the accident. she can be that way with jihyo, too- but jihyo is so stubborn and will do shit even if jeongyeon insists she can do it
she runs hot. her body is so warm and she sweats so damn much that she has to take two showers a day (which is probably why, despite everything, her skin is so clear)
she secretly has been wondering about going on t. she’s always struggled with feeling a disconnect to her body (nahyo knows this), and she thinks being on testosterone would alleviate some of that. she’s perfectly okay with getting called masculine terms- in fact she kind of prefers them. her gender rlly is just butch, and she takes a lot of pride in it. but testosterone rlly appeals to her. this might get explored in a future fic!!
she’s never shaved a day in her life LMAO and that will probably never change. nahyo loves it about her. she has a natural happy trail
she can be bad about bottling her emotions up. usually she’s the “strongest” of the three- she rarely cries, and when she does it gets the other two worked up. her biggest flaw is that she struggles with communication sometimes. she doesn’t like being too vulnerable, but she’s working on it
she went to trade school right out of high school- she couldn’t afford college, plus she’s always liked working with her hands. she loves her job even if it’s hard. she has a lot of energy despite how much she uses every day
she wants to seem so tough and scary but rlly she’s a giant softie. only for her girls though. but she also isn’t afraid to get physical with anyone who threatens them. in high school she spent a lot of time in detention because she would get into fights over nayeon so often
i’d say she looks closest to how she did during more & more if you just added a few years of age on her, lmao. she keeps her hair at her shoulders. she looks good for her age though! a lot of people mistake her for being the youngest of the three
she’s partially disabled due to the accident. she’s actually on a form of disability because of it. she can’t stand for long periods of time without being in pain- her leg was broken so bad that they were even considering removing it if the surgeries didn’t go well. it basically had to be rebuilt. she still struggles a bit with mobility, especially standing up. sometimes she has to use a cane. her joints bother her when it rains, and she takes meds for it
she’s really scared of driving now. even though the accident wasn’t her fault and nothing could have been done to stop it, she’s still scared. so she stays home a lot. when she gets exceptionally stir crazy, the three of them will go out to the park that’s down the road from their house. since she’s still scared of cars, she only goes out if jeongyeon or jihyo is driving- after a lot of convincing
she’s been diagnosed with ptsd because of it, and she struggles with it sometimes. she has nightmares about it a lot
jeonghyo love to spoil her omfg. jihyo especially buys her a lot of gifts (jeongyeon lowkey hates gifts, but she shows her love in a lot of other ways). she is literally their princess- and she can be a spoiled brat but they adore that about her
she’s been considering doing online teaching again. since she recovered, she spends a lot of time at the house. she usually does the basic tasks- laundry, light cleaning, cooking. she’s the self proclaimed housewife and she really loves it! but she rlly misses teaching a lot
her love language is words of affirmation. she is very communicative, always telling jeonghyo just how much she loves and cares about them.
her meds make her a heavy sleeper. she nods off a lot without meaning to.
she was actually the one who noticed jihyo first. she had her eyes on her the entire night- kept talking about her to jeongyeon. they’d never done anything like it before, but when they saw jihyo, they knew they couldn’t let her leave without saying something. and we all know how that worked out
she loves singing. oftentimes she’s singing or humming to herself. she has a rlly pretty voice, and jeonghyo love to listen to her sing
she would actually love to have kids, but she never could. her and jeongyeon actually did try in vitro, but it ended as a miscarriage- which was how she found out she couldn’t have kids. it was hard for her. jeongyeon even offered to try and carry- but nayeon knew she didn’t want to, and didn’t want to put her through that. they’ve talked about adoption a few times. jihyo is up for it, but with her job it would be hard for her to always be present in their kids life. plus since nayeon’s accident, it would be even more difficult for her to raise a baby. now that they’re older, it’s more of a passing fun thought. for now, they’d love to get a dog or cat (which might also be a future fic)
ok phew i’ll cool it for now. i have nsfw hcs of them too LMAO so if you’re interested in that too just lmk and i’ll make another post. tysm for asking about this, i’m rlly attached to this au already and i’d love to talk about it more!! i’m sure i’ll write more for them in the future
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hanayori89 · 1 year
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Trauma in the Light
*Lake Hylia*
You didn't think it was possible for the sun to beam down any brighter than it did in Hyrule. You were mistaken. Your retinas were burning from the assaulting light of the sun. Aryn did nothing to accommodate your obvious discomfort. He claimed your beauty did not deserve to be hidden beneath the shade. You shielded your eyes with your hand, trying to admire the food he propped beautifully upon the blanket on which you both sat.
You had never heard of a 'picnic' before. The idea was to bring a basket filled with goodies and graze on a comfy blanket. You had to admit that Lake Hylia seemed an idyllic spot for this activity. The sound of the rippling water was concentrated by the winds that whipped between the surrounding valleys. A unique point of beauty was the bridge that was wedged in between two plateaus. From where you sat, the bridge looked like it was suspended between the clouds. Stone pillars that used to support the structure of the bridge hung down, serrated like stone saws. You were so mystified by everything, almost anxious. As if it was some type of sensory overload. You much preferred the peace of Ordon Spring.
You also much preferred Link's company.
Aryn and you conversed in snippets of dull-witted small talk. It was hard for you to really carry on a conversation. All you really knew was your Twili way of life. Aryn wouldn't understand that. He tried to prod you into divulging where you came from. You glossed over his badgering, but he kept looping back to the same question. You went with the Gerudo Desert, the last place where the Mirror of Twilight stood. He didn't need to know about the mirror. Or the fact that it doesn't exist anymore. Actually, he didn't need to know much about you at all. After this date, you wouldn't be seeing him again.
As predicted, his eyes found their way down to the lower-cut neckline you were sporting.
Link didn't look at me in such a disrespectful way. Your mind instantly remembered the tender way he zipped you in, as though your dress was consecrated armor from the goddesses. He always had a way of making you feel secure. Protected. Then there were his eyes. That regarded you with such ...such...adoration.
I think I miss Link.  You looked out at the water, desperation twisting inside of you. Something about the lapping of the lake made you homesick. You missed the Twilight. You missed everything that was familiar. Everything about the light was beginning to overwhelm you. From trying all these new foods to constantly speaking their language. From the biggest issue of it all, feelings. You remember Midna talking about their trials at the Lakebed Temple. How scary it must have been for Link to undergo his journey as a hero. Yet he managed to come out victorious.
I can walk away a hero too.
Aryn held a grape against your lips. "Say ahh!" The feeling of the cool grape against your mouth made you snap out of your longing. You didn't eat much to begin with. He had brought sandwiches with different fillings, fruits, and breads. He also kept trying to feed you. A gesture that was forcing you to become disgruntled.
You cocked your head away from the grape suspended close to your lips. "Aryn, thank you. I'm afraid I'm pretty full."
"You hardly ate." His voice was accusatory.
"I was nervous. Really. I would like to walk around and look at the lake, if possible?"
"Alright. That makes me sad. That means our date is coming to an end, isn't it? Well, I'll pack up." He began gathering some of the food and wrapping it up in its' appropriate cloth. You reached down to help, accidentally touching his hand.
It was funny, touching him didn't have the same effect as it did when it was Link. Aryn's eyes looked into yours, shimmering with lust. You looked away. Hoping that you hadn't somehow invited something unwelcome to occur.
"That's ok. I don't mind." You both managed to put away the rest of the food. Neither one of you said much as you began to walk. Until Aryn perked up beside you. "I know a really great view of the Lake. Follow me."
Something from within started to gnaw at you. You couldn't pinpoint what it was, but whatever it was, it didn't want you to follow Aryn. 
The further you followed him, the more adamant the masticating warning became.
He took you to a large, deserted tree. The hollowness of the tree was nothing compared to the hollow look Aryn had in his eyes.
"So, what do you think of the view?" His voice was a menacing whisper.
"Oh, well... it's not as bright, so that helps my eyes." You felt like a lamb about to be slaughtered by a wolf. Which was funny, thanks to Link, you had never feared wolves. 
But this one frightened you.
All the hairs on your body stood at attention. The flesh of your arm had raised bumps you'd never seen before.
"I can provide you some shade." Before you could process what he meant, you were pinned against the tree. Sharp, jagged pieces of bark were ripping into your back.
He's going to ruin the dress Link bought me. The only thing I'll ever have to remember him by.
"You're hurting me." You feebly spat at Aryn. An incineration began in your eyes, but this time it wasn't from the sun.
"And your rejection is hurting me. You don't think I knew you weren't thinking about me this whole date? You don't think I know you were thinking about, Mr.Link? " His foul breath escaped from his lips in huffs. "Well, I've got news for you. Mr.Link is engaged to be married to Ilia. You are not the one he loves. You will never be the one he loves."
Water began to pool in your eyes. Your lips quivered as he closed in on yours. The predator was closing in on his prey. He was going to take your first kiss from you. None of this would have happened if you hadn't been so vindictive.
You began to sob. Upset with yourself. Upset with Aryn. Upset with his words that were nothing but true. "Please." You whimpered. Kiss me if you must. But don't destroy my illusion of Link. My illusion of the light.
"Please." You attempted one final plea.
"Shhh," he warned, raising his finger to your lips. "Stop crying. It's not that bad. Mr.Link is probably with Ilia. Ilia would never believe you if you told her, you know?"
A tug on a tightly wound string interrupted Aryn's diatribe. It made you briefly stop crying and draw your eyes toward the figure behind Aryn.
"Ilia might not believe her. But I do." Link snarled. An arrow positioned at the back of Aryn's head.
Aryn slowly lifted his hands up, not bothering to utter a single word. You got out from under him, running towards Link. You jumped into his arms, making him drop his bow. Aryn ran away. Never looking back.
Link held you tightly. The familiar embrace of the hero's strong arms surrounding you. The weight of everything finally hit you. You began to cry uncontrollably. Your tears threatened to make Lake Hylia overflow.
Link just held you, rocking you gently in his arms.
You were safe once again.
Link tried to remain calm as he held Y/N in his arms. The anger he felt was not too far from boiling over.
That disgusting fiend.
What would have happened if he hadn't made it to Y/N in time? Link couldn't help but sway back and forth, rocking her like a baby. It wasn't just about his reprehensible physical behavior but also the destructive things he said. Who was he to determine who Link loved? Sure, he only knew Y/N for two days, but he could see himself...
Link looked down at Y/N, who kept her head buried in his chest. She kept blubbering apologies between sobs. "Link, I..." HICCUP! Link began gently patting her back. "If you hold your breath, the hiccups will go away."
"The wha-" HICCUP! She finally pulled her face out of Link's chest. Her eyes were swollen with tears. Her bottom lip continued a controlled wobble, a futile attempt to keep the crying at bay. Her image of the light has probably been destroyed thanks to Aryn's horny little stunt. Link felt his muscles tense with the fury he was holding within. Y/N was holding her breath, then ecxhaling. Until finally her hiccups subsided. A faint smile made its way to her lips. "How silly. It really worked. But Link, what is wrong with my eyes? All this water... am I crying?"
Link couldn't help himself. He took his hand and placed it gently on her cheek. His thumb found a stray tear that began to trickle. He caressed her cheek, smudging the tear from her sight. "They're tears." Y/N put her hand on top of Link's. He directed her thumb with his over another one. Together, they erased it from her cheek. "I'm crying?" She whispered in shock. Link gave her a compassionate look. "Yes. You're upset. Crying is a normal reaction when you are distraught." Link found one more tear. This one had managed to create a trail past the corner of Y/N's lips. Link stared at it momentarily, suspending his hand from wiping it away. Before he was aware of his actions, he took his thumb and stroked the corner of her mouth. He could feel his heart elevate as he grazed past her lips, transfixed.
Boundaries. Remember your boundaries. She doesn't need another inappropriate man to break her trust.
Link tried to think of a way to soothe Y/N. The first place to start was to get her out of their current area. She didn't need to stand in the spot she was almost taken advantage of.
"Y/N, can I reignite your interest in Lake Hylia by giving you a proper tour?" Link gave Y/N a moment to collect herself. She sniffled. "Do you need to go back to Ordon?"
As far as Link was concerned, the only place he needed to be at that particular moment was with Y/N. "No. I have no plans for today. Besides saving a helpless Twili who was under the threat of a horny idiot." He then stoically added, "I don't want this experience to make you view the light as a forsaken place. So, if I may... take you on a proper date?" Link began to feel jittery, as though he had consumed too much tea. He was just showing her Lake Hylia as a friend. There was no reason to be so ridiculously nervous.
Yet here he was. The wings of his heart were extending outward, preparing for takeoff. Link also couldn't help but notice that she was still seeking refuge within the comfort of his arms. She clung to his chest like a frightened animal.
Link was hit with an idea. Where do animals go to hibernate against the harsh frigidity? When their element has been turned into a wicked tundra and they need the comfort of warmth?
Caves. Or, in this case, a cavern.
Lake Hylia Cavern. Link was going to make this the best date Y/N has ever been on.
Link knew it would also be the best date he's ever been on.
A/N: Edited 11/27/22
Once a hero, always a hero. Link made it to you just in time before your date went horribly awry. With determination to rekindle your view of the light and your view of him, Link has offered to take you on your first proper date. What does he have in store for you?
Check out my other completed OOT Zelda work- No Woman Beyond
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dragbunart · 1 year
A jealous reserve course student spreads a rumour about Kaede cheating on Shuichi with a picture of Natsumi kissing her current romantic partner while wearing one of Kaede's dresses.
It got everyone gossiping except the Ultimate students because even the ones that don't know Kaede that well know that the pianist would never cheat on her boyfriend.
This leads to most of the ultimates debating whether the beloved blonde is being set up by an evil clone or she has a secret twin.
That is fucking hilarious, and TOTALLY how Kaede would be outed as a Kuzuryu
Also technically Kaede would have a secret twin. I bet Celeste put money on the secret twin option.
quick note: I headcanon Kaede is neurodivergent so that will play a part in the story. with sensory over load.
Kaede was passing by the reserve course to pick Chiaki and Mahiru up, and totally not check on her twin. While it was pretty well known that the pianist had better ears than most people, it seemed the reserve course hadn't received that news. As she could hear their whispers as she passed by.
"Is that her?" "I think so. I can't beleive someone so sweet looking would cheat."
"I mean have you seen her boyfriend? Can you blame her?" That comment earned a glare from Kaede, one signature to her family.
Who do they think they are!? Me? Cheat? On Shu? He may have self-esteem issues, but other than that he's the best boyfriend ever! Kaede's steps became very aggressive and stompy.
"Everything ok?" Chiaki asked looking up from her game. Hajime waved nervously to the main course student.
"People think I'm cheating on Shu!" Kaede stomped immaturely. Hajime blinked.
"What? But like, you two are one of the most sickeningly sweet, couples in either course?" Hajime interrupted.
"Honestly I have a good idea who it was. This guy confessed to me last week, claiming to have been a fan of mine for the longest time, but I turned him down since, you know, Shu."
"Maybe he mistook you for someone else," Mahiru said dragging Sato behind her.
"I hate to mention it, since Natsumi is literally the worse..." Sato suggested. "I'm pretty sure the rumor says Kaede's cheating with Natumi's most recent hookup."
"Oh! You two do look really similar from behind!" Mahiru agreed. "When we first met I totally thought you were Natsumi trying to mess with me! You two could pass for twins if you tried."
Kaede tried to shrug the comment off, but Hajime in particular didn't miss the slight flinch at the 'twin' comment.
"It's probably why Fuyuhiko is nicer to you than most people." Chiaki yawned.
"He's nice to Peko too!" Kaede defended. Chiaki and Mahiru both stared at Kaede with a 'We all know why he treats her nicely' look. "Yeah, if he were any more obvious there would be a neon sign."
"And Peko would probably still miss it." Mahiru joked.
"Why don't you talk to Natsumi? She can confirm if the girl kissing the guy was her or not?" Hajime suggested. Everyone else seemed in agreement except...
"There's no need! I'm sure things will work themselves out!" Kaede tried to stop. Mahiru's gaze softened.
"Kaede, I know the Kuzuryu family can be scary, but you'll have everyone in 77-A and B backing you up!" Mahiru grabbed her hands.
"I'll get Fuyuhiko to invite Natsumi to lunch tomorrow." CHiaki helped.
and thus Kaede's fate was sealed.
Somehow class 78 got roped into the 'Clear Kaede's name team'.
Shuichi squeezed Kaede's hand. He could tell she was nervous and knew that the whole 'cheating' rumor had bugged her, even if everyone knew it was just a rumor.
"I can't believe that degenerate spread a rumor because you said no! I'll kick his ass!" Tenko shouted.
"I can see how the rumor started though," Rantaro stated. "I mean, Kaede wears a dress just like that a lot so seeing another blond of similar height and build from behind in it? I would've had to do a double take."
Peko merely nodded, not saying anything, and rubbed Kaede's back. While she knew why inviting Natsumi was making Kaede nervous she couldn't do anything to stop it. She could just sit here and help try to calm her.
Fuyuhiko and Natsumi entered the room.
"What the fuck is everyone doing here?" He groaned. Kokichi immediately started causing trouble.
"WOW! If I didn't know any better I'd think you were Kayayde's twin! Do you want to be my evil queen too? You'd certainly fi-" "Move asshole." Natsumi pushed her way past Kokichi. "I can't believe you hang out with people like this." She said to Fuyuhiko. "It's bad enough you're in a class with that loser," SHe nodded toward Mahiru who glared. "But this is a new low."
"My, my, genetics are a very curious thing!" Kiyo circled Natsumi who seemed off put. "I can see why people confused you for my class rep."
"Mistaken fo-" finally Natsumi connected the dots. She had heard a rumor about one of the Detectives in the main course getting cheated on. And she had borrowed Kaede's dress the other day.
That's why Fuyuhiko's class rep insisted he invited her to lunch today. They were confronting her because they thought she was trying to ruin Kaede's life. She looked at Kaede who seemed to be a nervous wreck about everything; the rumor, being outed...
If these people weren't truly looking out for Kaede's best interest she was about to lose all her friends. And there was nothing Natsumi could do to protect her.
"Sorry about them all." A rather stylish boy approached Natsumi, gently pushing Kiyo and Kokichi to the side. "We do want to have lunch with you, we just need a small favor."
"I don't do favors." Natsumi looked passed him.
"YOu owe Kaede one! You nearly ruined her relationship!" Mahiru shouted. "And this isn't the first time someone mistook you for each other!"
"Green and purple are two different colors. It's not my fault people didn't do a double take." Natsumi's normal bite wasn't in her words.
"You're hiding something," Celeste stated. "Kokichi and I noticed the minute you walked in."
"I don't owe you punks anythi-" Soon she was bombarded with different people threatening or begging, all to try and get her to clear Kaede's name from the rumor. And finally, she broke as she watched sensory overload take over Kaede and the onset of a meltdown. "Oh shit!" She pushed past everyone and covered Kaede's ears. "Where are your headphones? In your bag? Where is it?" "I dunno," Kaede mumbled. "I feel itchy and I can't breath." "Ok.. Ok..." Natsumi looked around, locking eyes with Shuichi, who she only recognized through Kaede's description. "Where's her bag?"
"Over by the wall..." Shuichi nodded he didn't look like he wanted to leave Kaede in such a state.
"She'll be fine, but she needs her headphones so she can regulate the sound in the area," Natsumi explained. Shuichi blinked but nodded and ran over. Fuyuhiko ran over with a water bottle handing it to Kaede.
"It's ok, we got you." Fuyuhiko gently soothed. No one knew his voice could get that soft.
Oh. oh.
That little lightbulb in everyone's heads went off. And Mahiru realized why Kaede seemed nervous.
"Anyone else curious how the sperm and egg factory that spit out fuckin' Baby GodFather somehow also produced lil miss 'Perfect'?" Miu interrupted to mood.
Everyone let Kaede regulate herself before they asked too many questions.
"So... I guess introductions are in order," Kaede spoke as if she hadn't had a meltdown 15 minutes ago. "Everyone I'd like you to meet my Twin sister Natsumi... Who is no longer allowed to borrow my outfits."
"I'm going to kill the motherfucker that started that rumor!"
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sexualrevoluti0n · 2 years
So things ended with my partner and I. I thought I'd feel sad, and while yeah obviously there are things I miss, things I'm disappointed and annoyed about, there are so many good things that I had missed - I can eat the foods I love whenever I want! I spent so long only cooking and eating food my ex could manage with his sensory issues, and over the last few months I've decided to eat all of my favourite foods whenever I want to, and its been amazing! I can go abroad again, which I've desperately wanted to for soooo long - I have a family home in another country that I've wanted to go back to and to take my partner to to share parts of me with him, introduce him to people, explore places I knew he'd love, but he was always too scared of being somewhere he didn't speak the language, or of being around people in a busy place like airports, train stations etc, so I never went back. I'm booking to go out by myself in a month so I can do all the things I've been missing for the past 5 years.
I can start looking back into doing training in another country, which I gave up on because my ex couldn't deal with the idea of living more than 30 minutes away from his family, and also wasn't ok with the idea of me being abroad for months at a time since he wouldn't have been able to support himself independently. I remember telling him early on that my plan was to live in one part of the world for 6 months and swap to the other hemisphere for the other 6 to get the most sunlight and help my SAD. And I don't think he took it seriously until I brought it up once I was getting into the language learning and he told me he could never do that. And I just, deflated at realising he hadn't taken my plans seriously and that now I couldn't do them. I also found a masters I wanted to do in Denmark which I was planning for but after he said that I stopped looking, and now Brexit has happened and a lot of the learning abroad opportunities aren't affordable anymore. But I can see what things are still available and affordable now and start making plans again!
I can finally use the name I want to and don't feel held back in my transition and needing to hide myself. When I was changing my name he said he wouldn't call me by a new name so I chickened out and hyphenated things instead of outright changing them on my deed polls, and when I talked about dysphoria from my boobs he said he might not be attracted to me if I got top surgery so I just pushed all that shit waaaay down. And now, I don't have to anymore! I feel free and like I can try things out without worrying if it'll lose me my relationship, cause I only have to care about what's right for me now!
Of course there are a lot of things I miss, it was 5 years and we were planning on getting married, but I'm focusing on the things I can do now which I wasn't able to for so long, and there's so much relief!
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Ship: Severus Snape x Gabriel Vesper (oc)
Word Count: 677
Summary: This is essentially word/emotion vomit written and made specifically for me, idc if Severus is a little ooc this character is my fucking security blanket rn. Ok. If other people like it then that's cool too ZHGAHAGH cws for sensory meltdown and a little bit of unsanitary
It was not often that Severus Snape spent more time than needed in the shared staff rooms of Hogwarts, much preferring to take his breaks in his office and going so far as to keep his own coffee pot, kettle, and snacks there to put off visiting the staff rooms as much as possible. Still, when supplies dwindled, for example, tea bags, he would brave the possibility of lengthy conversations with his colleagues and stake out the nearest staff room.
He was doing one of these “errands” the day he found his assistant and partner huddled in the corner of the staff room he visited, sobbing into his sleeves and shaking violently. Abandoning the thoughts of replenishing his tea supply completely, he gently closed the door behind him and approached, his heels softly clicking against the stone floor.
“Gabriel,” he spoke in his usual low tone as he looked down at the man who had unexpectedly captured his heart. He crouched before him, even if his knees protested the position. “Gabriel, it’s me, Severus. Look up.”
Slowly, the head of short, dark hair lifted, revealing a red face streaked with tears and snot. Severus tch’d, producing a handkerchief from his pocket. “May I...?”
More tears squeezed from his reddened eyes as he shakily nodded. Severus reached forward and began wiping down Gabriel’s face, hushing him as he gasped and hiccuped at his touch. “What happened, who upset you?”
He did not respond, merely shaking his head from side to side. Severus put the handkerchief to his nose. “Blow.”
The honking noise of Gabriel blowing his nose filled the room. Coughing slightly, he finally, hoarsely whispered, “thank you.”
“Tell me what happened, where are your glasses?”
Gabriel’s lip trembled as he retrieved his wand. “Accio glasses.” They sped across the room and into his hand. “Too much...”
Sighing and groaning slightly as he shifted into a sitting position beside his partner, Severus held his free hand, speaking soft and full of concern. A side of him he would never let anyone else see. “Sensory issues?”
Gabriel nodded, squeezing tight.
“Do you want to come back to my office? Get you out of this harsh light?”
Gabriel nodded again and Severus hoisted himself to his feet, pulling him with him. He took his glasses and settled them onto his blotchy face before hesitating, his fingers briefly brushing against his hand... still, when Gabriel responded by gripping tightly, he knew there was no way around walking him to the dungeons without holding his hand the entire way.
“Alright. Come along.” He cleared his throat, leading him back through the halls. Thankfully, no one was out and about to expose his softness. Back in the safety of his office, he let Gabriel sit in his chair and wrapped his cloak around him, kissing his forehead. “Remember to breathe, Gabriel. That’s it.” He stroked his hair. “I’m sorry. I know, the world isn’t built for us, magical or muggle. Take as much time as you need.”
“I love you.”
He felt the colour in his own cheeks and echoed the words in a mutter, not quite used to expressing his feelings so bluntly. Acts of service came naturally, but to admit just how much he loved Gabriel seemed unfathomable. And to experience the genuine, unadulterated love Gabriel had for him was otherworldly. It was everything his heart had begged for from Lily, but now he could have it, all of this love was his, for him, as he was, without alteration or criticism.
He had tried to bar Gabriel’s initial advances, believing it to be another cruel joke the world had in store for him. He only finally gave him a chance because he never shied away from what Severus perceived as his ugliness, inside and out. Gabriel didn’t care what had happened in the past, nor did he care much for what was coming in the future. He loved and lived in the now. He called him a survivor. Now he had an even deeper reason to do so.
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writing-rat · 1 year
Robin's Mother
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SUMMARY: When Robin invites Nancy over, she doesn't expect her mother to come home early
Robin was different to other girls by far. Firstly, she was a lesbian. Secondly, she had a learning disability, not that it was known. But she definitely had a few quirks. She hyper-fixated on things and would keep talking about them, she didn't like much food, she didn't have a good sense of smell, she had to be told specific instructions, she rambled when nervous, she had sensory issues, she didn't get social cues, jokes or sarcasm (even if she was a master of it herself) and she also got overwhelmed if she had too many emotions going on and if it was too loud or too bright or too packed.
Robin had invited Nancy to her house. They were talking as they were in the living room, as Nancy had just arrived. It was October 27th, and it had been snowing so Robin had ushered her in quickly. Since she lived on the bottom floor, it was easy to walk to her room. It was through the living room where there was a door in the corner that led her to the bedroom. She casually got Nancy in, who was freezing due to not wearing enough layers.
Her room just screamed... Robin. There were movie posters all over the walls (which she clarified that she didn't steal because they were in the box of movie posters where they would be binned), there was Nancy's ballerina box that was given to Robin and also there was a lot of music tapes and VHS's in her bedside table. She had a few art projects going on as shoes were all over the floor, all almost drawn on but her normal red converse was right by her bed to put on if she was going out. "The room of Robin," she said nervously, hoping Nancy liked it. Her floor was a mess with dirty clothes in a corner. "I... I should probably have put them away before you came but I left it too late and I lost track of time as I kept drawing on shoes but-" she rambled but was interrupted by a kiss as Nancy chuckled.
"It's ok babe, don't worry. If it gives any consolation, I also have dirty clothes all over my floor right now," she said gently. Nancy dropped her bag down as she was sleeping over and had pyjamas in her bag as well as the necessary foods to make dinner as she knew Robin forgot to have breakfast and lunch, she always forgot when she was doing something and had no reminder. Robin was smiling as she chucked some clothes over to Nancy. The clothes she chucked over were going to be baggy but they were only what she could give. There was a band shirt for R.E.M. and also some black sweatpants to match it, as well as her favourite denim jacket with the patches. Robin did watch as Nancy stripped down to nothing but her underwear, then put Robin's clothes on, who sent a grateful smile at the taller girl.
Robin glanced her up and down and bit her lip as she was ignoring the feeling in the pit of her stomach, as she found her looking sexy wearing her clothes. "You look hot," Robin said then as she pretended to drool, causing Nancy to cover her mouth and giggle. "Thanks, now let's get some food in you, hm?" she asked as Robin widened her eyes, revealing how hungry she was. She nodded eagerly too, not able to wait for Nancy's cooking. Nancy grabbed her bag and got out some noodles and some chicken and peas. "Separate the chicken and noodles?" Nancy asked, knowing that Robin didn't mind noodles and peas being together. Robin nodded eagerly as she followed her to the kitchen and get out the necessary kitchen utensils when she heard the door open. Robin immediately got one of Steve's nail bats that she did confess to stealing but she was allowed to keep it. Nancy was looking as she held Robin, not wanting her to injure someone if it was someone she knew. That's when someone who looked like Robin came to the kitchen, hearing the commotion.
"Mom? I thought you were working," she responded as she was looking at her, but not making eye contact.
"I was but they let me go early. Who's that? And put that stupid bat down, you're bad enough with your issue of eye contact," her mom said and said the last bit in a tone that made Robin deflate a little but nod as she put the nail bat down. She was soon going back to watching Nancy cooking, forgetting her mom asked her a question. This time though, she was a distance away, knowing her mom wouldn't accept her.
"My name's Nancy, Nancy Wheeler," Nancy said politely and held her hand out. Robin's mom then smiled and shook it.
"My name is Alicia Buckley, and why don't you teach her to handshake while you're at it," Alicia said, Robin ignored the statement as she kept watching the cooking and Nancy got back to it. "Nice to meet you, ma'am," Nancy said politely but did seem confused at that but didn't say anything. "Want me to cook you anything?" she asked then.
Alicia was in deep thought, thinking about what she wanted then nodded. "Is it ok if you make me spaghetti?" she asked as Nancy nodded. Robin got all the stuff necessary and was handing it over quickly as Alicia went upstairs to change out.
After a bit, Nancy wrapped an arm around Robin and kissed her forehead. She was making sure to hear things as well from the distance so they wouldn't get caught. "As a warning, she's gonna be getting at me all night," she said then and was looking down. Nancy nodded and rubbed her side as if to say she was there for her. Robin smiled at the touch but once she heard the stairs she quickly pulled away.
"It'll still take a bit of time so give it a bit!" Nancy said smiling at Alicia as Robin sat on the counter and was nodding. Since she prepared Robin's food early, it was already done so Nancy put it somewhere to keep it heated while making Alicia's. She was making her own food, some burgers as she was kissing Robin while focusing still on food. After 10 minutes of whining by Robin saying she was hungry, all the food was done. She lit up once she was allowed to eat and rushed to the dinner table, sitting down. Alicia rolled her eyes at that as she was sitting down casually and Nancy sat next to Robin.
"So are you a journalist? Robin said you were," Alicia asked. Nancy and Alicia talked as Robin was eating quickly.
"God, stop eating like you haven't eaten at all," Alicia told off Robin, who nodded and slowed down even if she was starving. She was listening and was looking around. "And speak to me saying you won't. With eye contact too," she scolded.
Robin looked up immediately and was reluctantly giving eye contact. "Y-yes, I'm sorry for eating so fast, I'll slow down," she said as Nancy raised an eyebrow but didn't want to make a big deal of it. Gently, she squeezed Robin's thigh to reassure her. Robin was first to finish her meal then Nancy. Robin went to get up with Nancy but Alicia coughed. "It's rude to leave the table when someone else is here eating Robin," she said speaking slower that time. Robin reluctantly sat down and nodded but was doing as told.
After a few more jabs at Robin, she finished. Alicia said she would do the dishes at least. Meanwhile, both girls were going over to Robin's room in a rush. Once in the room, Robin was pinned down against the door, effectively closing it and being kissed deeply. Nancy was pissed at Robin's mom and was trying to prove to Robin she was better than what her mother said. Robin blushed as she was kissed back, not afraid to say that she was a bottom. "Your mother doesn't deserve you I swear to god," Nancy just said. Robin smiled and was holding onto the girl's shoulder and was hugging her suddenly. "Well, mom has ruined one plan but she can't ruin the movie night in my room," she said smiling and was starting to carry Nance to the bed.
"I wanted the first option but movies will do," Nancy said smiling at Robin with adoration.
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variantoutcast · 1 year
39 and 11 for the ask? Hope you have a good day!
39) talk about things you wish you'd known sooner.
I wish I knew how to communicate my needs and enforce my boundaries earlier. Now that I do know how I hope I continue to develop the courage to do so. I wish I knew that you must do whatever you want forever. Joy is so fleeting in this world and my kneejerk reaction is to dismiss it when it happens and avoid experiencing it. I'm still working on being better about that. I wish I learned how to do the dishes earlier. I only recently learned. I avoided it due to sensory issues.
11) talk about the best dream you ever had.
Have you ever read Slaughterhouse 5? When Billy Pilgrim is getting married, he looks around his rather mundane, somewhat dissatisfactory wedding, and is struck by the thought "everything was beautiful and nothing hurt" the narrator then says this would make a great epigrath for both Billy Pilgrim, and himself. Every so often, I will dream about a routine day in my life where nothing is out of the ordinary, but I'll be stunned by how everything is beautiful, and nothing hurts, and I will experience this profound relief that finally everything is ok. Then I wake up crying and the rest of the day I'm left slightly bereft. Anyways!
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robbinggoodfellows · 2 years
@thespacecatgirl more fluff bc i’m already sad and i don’t want to get more sad by writing angst
Russel needed an escape, a healthy one. He was sick of being trapped in his tiny dorm, tired of being kept awake by the kids in the rooms on either side of him blasting music. Russel had figured out by now how to sneak out of his dorm. He climbed down the little fire escape outside his window and jumped to the ground, leaving the bottom ladder down so he could get back in in the morning.
Russ had no idea where he was going, walking around in the crisp winter air in a t-shirt and pajama pants because he hadn’t realized how cold it was. Maybe he would see if Charlie was awake, offer him so explanation of why he was out so late because “I was just in the neighborhood” wasn’t the best excuse right now. He could go to Romans, though his friend had had a pretty bad day and Russ didn’t want to disturb him. He settled for walking to the park near St. Cassians and sitting on the swings listening to Phoebe Bridgers.
The good thing about Roman being so quiet was that he could easily sneak out of his house when needed. Tonight he was trapped in a particularly distressing family game night in which he felt that his family was neither having fun or actually playing any games, mostly just Lizzy talking about the recent drama at school and Edmund whining about how he was tired and didn’t understand the rules of Monopoly. Roman announced that he was going to bed, but instead he pushed open the window of his room and climbed out, walking down the street with no real purpose. Until he saw Russel. Or heard him perhaps. He definitely saw someone who looked a lot like Russ sitting on a swing set, though he’d never heard Russel sing before. But here he was, in the harsh yellow lighting of a street lamp, singing gently to ‘I Know The End’ by Phoebe Bridgers.
Roman leaned against the post of the swing set, not making a sound because he knew if Russ opened his eyes and saw Roman standing there he would stop singing. But Roman’s hand slipped and bumped the chain of one of the swings, causing it to sway and make noise. Russ opened his eyes and immediately saw Roman, reaching out his hand for Roman to take. “What are you doing here?” Russ asked, kissing Romans hand the way he knew Roman liked. “Needed to get out.” Roman signed. Russel laughed and nodded in agreement. “You have a beautiful voice.” Roman signed, smiling just a tiny bit when Russels face turned a bright red, “You should sing more often.” Roman added, though he certainly wasn’t one to comment on how often a person sings. “I was thinking of starting a band, actually.” Russ said studying Romans face for any hint of a reaction to that. “You should.” Roman signed, “I’ll put in earplugs so I don’t literally die from sensory issues and I’ll go to all your concerts.” He signed, making Russel blush even more. “I should go back to my dorm.” Russel said, standing up, “I’m freezing.” He laughed a bit and Roman stood up too, wrapping his jacket around Russels shoulders like boys did in the cheesy romcoms the two loved to watch and make fun of.
“Write me a song, ok?” Roman made Russel promise as they were walking back to the dorms together, to which Russ kissed him softly and smiled, replying “Anything for you.”
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#one person was just like ‘oh it’s just a tool that draws inspiration from things around it. that’s what artists do.’
My Top Posts in 2022:
One of Spock’s most autistic-coded-character moments in Strange New Worlds:
Pike: “Do you want some coffee?” Spock: “I do not drink coffee. I do drink tea.” Pike: “All right. Would you like some tea?” Spock: “No, thank you, captain.”
😂 just clarifying the fact for accuracy even though he doesn’t want any
66 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
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71 notes - Posted December 24, 2022
Uhura and Spock singing major chords in a cave on a comet in order to communicate with it is what Star Trek is all about, tbh.
113 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
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412 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok, so I just watched Stranger Things 4 again but only the Robin/Steve/Nancy/Dustin/Max/Eddie/Lucas scenes, and I think that the writers 100% purposely made Robin autistic. I don't think it was accidental. Back in the 70s and 80s autism wasn't really a thing that doctors knew much about, and for YEARS they also thought only boys could have autism. So it's not going to be an actual thing in the story where Robin is like diagnosed or even suspects it, but there were too many autistic traits for it to be an accident. And I really like the way the writers did it. She's not nerdy or super awkward and overly quirky all the time. She is those things, but they're not "weird", if you know what I mean. But I remember the first time I watched it, the biggest thing that stuck out to me was when she kept asking Nancy if she was mad at her because Nancy was basically not being very friendly and Robin said she can't always tell if she annoys people because she's bad at picking up on social cues, which her mom reminds her of daily. Then there was the thing where she had to wear Nancy's clothes and she complained about how uncomfortable they were. Like she was so distracted the whole time because they felt scratchy and that the bra was digging into her… then she had a sensory overload outburst (sensory issues common in people with autism- commonly with clothes). Then when the police were escorting them out, the cop touched her arm when she turned to look at something and she spazzed out and sharply said "don't touch me" (autistic people commonly don't want to be touched or only like being touched on our terms). When Nancy said they had to run to the car and Robin said something like she's a bad runner because she has horrible coordination and it took her 6 months longer to learn to walk than all the other babies. And then how she would sometimes just interject in conversations with something super random and they'd all be like, "...okay?" Oh then when they were in the Upside-Down and trying to communicate with the others at the Wheeler's house, so they put their hands up to the lights and there was that like sparkly energy field around it or something, and someone said "It tingles" and Robin said, "It feels good." That's totally related to the sensory thing. I'm the same way- some things are so uncomfortable for me, but I also can't help touching things- like I have to know what things feel like and then I'll just keep touching it if it feels really cool. Oh, and then when she said her biggest fear was rabies? so random. and she knew so much stuff about it and was kind of obsessed with it for like a whole scene. Just so many things like that, and the first time around I didn't pick up on all of them, so rewatching those scenes with that lens was really fun and helped me notice more autistic traits in her. But I loved that she did have friends- they were just cool and loved her quirks (or with Nancy, she just put up with them even though Robin annoyed her so much). And she wasn't overly "weird". And she's smart without being nerdy. I guess I just really appreciate that the writers didn't go for the stereotypes and kind of naturally let those traits be revealed throughout the season.
472 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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rosiesramblings · 2 years
Fandom: Stranger Things, reader fic
WC: 1.5k
A/N: This is one of those fics that I wrote cause I had to get some stuff off my chest and process through my feelings lol. Your girl got an official autism diagnosis in possibly the most reluctant way, so I wrote this to try and cope. Please enjoy!
TW: some slightly self-injurious stims, but not for long (just finger chewing)
You didn’t know what you were feeling.
Almost on autopilot, you slid your feet into some shoes and left your apartment, going through the motions of locking the door behind you and tucking your keys into your pocket before you set off on a walk.
“Given the combination of your scores on the cognitive tests and your self-described sensory issues and social deficits, I am comfortable diagnosing you with autism spectrum disorder,” the doctor’s voice echoed in your head as you tapped your thumb and pinky in a pattern against your sternum. Even with your issues interpreting tone, you could tell that he had not meant “self-described” in a good way. You were used to condescending doctors, but for some reason this one really got under your skin.
You brought one hand up to your mouth and began to chew on your fingers without thinking. The crunch of the fall leaves under your feet did little to bring you out of your head.
The next thing you knew, you were in front of Eddie Munson’s trailer. You blinked in surprise, then felt a rush of warmth as you realized your body took you to where you felt safe to process through things. The hand that wasn’t in your mouth reached up to tap on the door.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie greeted as he pulled open the door.
“I need a distraction,” you said, the words coming out half mumbled as you chewed on your fingers.
Eddie looked you over. “Sure thing,” he said, grabbing your elbow and pulling you inside. “Let me check your hands first, yeah?”
He dragged you toward the sink in the kitchen, and you saw Steve wave at you from where he was sitting on the couch, his hair a bit more tousled than usual. You froze, looking between Steve and Eddie with a furrowed brow.
“Am I…” you tried to think of a polite word for what you wanted to say. “Interrupting? Something?”
Steve’s face burned bright red as Eddie threw his head back and cackled. “Should have known - nothing slips by you, Y/N. But no, we were just about to watch a movie, you aren’t interrupting anything,” Eddie wiggled his eyebrows at Steve, “X-rated.”
“Are we that obvious?” Steve asked you from behind his hands, while Eddie pulled up your sleeves and examined your fingers.
“You are… not subtle,” you tried for a placating tone. “But if it makes you feel better, nobody else but Max knows.”
Eddie broke out into another round of laughter as he made sure you hadn’t broken the skin of your fingers, before squirting a dollop of soap into your hands and turning on the faucet. You dutifully scrubbed them clean, still feeling a little like you said the wrong thing. Drying your hands, you turned and followed Eddie toward the couch and sat down.
“Is it ok that Steve’s here, sweetheart? I can have him wait in my room or something,” Eddie offered.
You processed the question, before shaking your head. “He’s fine where he is.” Then you turned to address Steve directly, “But if you think it’s weird, keep it to yourself, please.”
Steve cocked his head at you, but you had already turned back to Eddie.
“You know what I have to ask, princess,” he said, throwing his leg over yours and straddling you. “Are you in any trouble?”
“Are you hurt?”
“Is the problem that I am distracting you from time-sensitive?”
“Are you lying?”
“No,” you fixed Eddie with a look. “You’d know if I was, anyway.”
Eddie smiled, “Yeah, you can’t lie for shit. You ready?”
You bit back an anticipatory grin, “Yes.”
“Arms up, then. What’s your record, now?”
“Seven minutes and thirty-two seconds,” you said as you slowly raised your arms and put them behind your head.
Eddie rested his fingers against your unprotected ribs, not moving yet. “Steve, baby, keep an eye on the clock for us please.”
“Okay?” Steve said, confusion evident in his tone, but before you had time to dwell on it, Eddie dug in.
“Okayokayokay okahahahahhay,” you echoed, falling into giggles almost immediately. Your arms jerked once before they seemed to remember that they were supposed to stay up, which made you laugh harder.
“Okay? Okay, what?” Eddie asked teasingly, moving his hands down to squeeze at your sides.
“Ihihihi dohohon’t knohohohow,” you said, fighting desperately against every instinct that screamed at you to push in away.
“Mmm, that’s fine. All you have to do right now, sweetheart, is laugh for me.”
“Wait,” Steve said, and Eddie eased up for a second, scratching at your tummy as he looked over at him. “This is so fucking cute?”
Your face burned as Eddie giggled. “Isn’t she?”
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup,” you grumbled through your laughter.
“No, this is too precious,” Steve said decidedly. “You walked all the way over here cause you wanted Eddie to tickle you?”
“Fuhuhuck off, Harringtohohohohon, I’m not prehehecious, I am terrifyIHIHIHIHING, EDDIE, GOD,” you screeched as Eddie brought his fingers up to dig into your underarms.
“Oh yeah, suuuper terrifying,” Eddie snorted, spidering his hands across the hollows.
You didn’t even realize you were gripping your hair before Eddie was stopping. “Nope, none of that,” he scolded lightly, “You need something to grab, use the back of the couch, not your gorgeous mane.” He untangled your fingers from your hair and placed your hands on the couch beside your head.
“Sohohorry,” you said.
“All good, princess, just gotta protect that big brain of yours,” Eddie said before his fingers found the backs of your ribs, and you could no longer comprehend the English language. You’re pretty surprised that you didn’t shatter any glass, honestly, with how loud you screamed. Eddie focused on your worst spot, finding the spaces between your ribs that got you absolutely howling.
You put up a good fight, but in the end your instincts won and your arms came crashing down tight to your sides. Eddie gently pulled his hands back and got off of you, leaving you free to curl up into a ball. 
“Ok to touch you?” You heard Eddie ask, and you nodded. His hand came to rest comfortingly on your shoulder.
A few minutes or hours later, you caught your breath and opened your eyes. You sat up and pushed the hair out of your eyes. "What was my time?"
"Five minutes and three seconds," Steve answered.
"Damn," you said, before looking at Eddie expectantly.
Knowing the drill by now, Eddie sat on the floor with his back turned to you. You sat down so that your back was pressed against his own, the resistance exactly the grounding pressure you needed.
“You ready to tell me what’s on your mind?” Eddie asked.
“If we’re getting technical, my skull cap is on my mind,” you quipped.
“I got diagnosed with autism.”
Eddie was quiet for a moment. “Okay. Is that all?”
“What else?”
“I’m not surprised - about the autism. I’ve always been different. But I thought it would feel… better? More validating? To have a professional confirm what I’ve always thought about myself.”
“But that’s not what happened?” Eddie asked.
You hummed, distressed. “No. The doctor, he… it felt like something that he just said so that I would leave him alone. Like… like he just gave me what I wanted, because I was bothering him.”
Eddie hummed back, and turned around to face you. You looked somewhere above his left eyebrow, the closest you ever got to making eye contact.
“He sounds like an asshole,” Steve said, and you jumped. You had forgotten he was there.
“Most doctors are,” Eddie said, nodding sagely. “But, Y/N, I don’t think that’s what happened. He’s probably busy, and tired, and arrogant, but an autism diagnosis isn’t something people just throw around. I’m guessing you did some testing?”
“Yeah,” you said, wrapping your arms around your knees.
“And what did the tests say?”
“They… confirmed it. He said that combined with my ‘self-described sensory issues and social deficits’ was why he was comfortable diagnosing me. But he said self-described like it was a bad thing. And I think social deficits is a really rude way to put it.”
“I would agree with you,” Eddie said. “I think if anyone told me I had ‘social deficits’ I’d pop them in the mouth.” You giggled at that, and Eddie smiled proudly. “But really, Y/N, if anything it sounds like he was reluctant to diagnose you. He needed proof of three separate areas of life that this affects you, and only then did he give you the diagnosis. I don’t think you have to worry about it being invalid because there wasn’t enough evidence or something.”
“And anyway, Y/N, ultimately, whatever that doctor might think of you as a person doesn’t matter, because you got what you needed. You have a medical diagnosis. So now that doesn’t have to be a barrier in getting you any help that you need,” Steve concluded.
You thought about what they were saying, and began to tap your fingers happily on your knees. “That makes me feel way better,” you said shyly.
“Awww,” Eddie said, throwing an arm around your shoulders. “C’mere, Stevie, join the Validation Cuddle Pile.”
Steve laughed at Eddie’s antics but sat down obediently on your other side, mirroring Eddie’s position. You shivered happily and flapped your hands softly, thankful that your friends had your back.
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book-place · 2 years
Blinding Lights
Happy Fathers Day to all the amazing dads out there!!
Warnings: sensory issues, cursing, bad teachers, crying, mentions of absent fathers, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Oliver Queen x sibling reader
Request: Oooo when you can, could you do dialogue #28 with teen!reader x arrow verse (reader is Oliver and Thea’s adopted younger sibling) where reader ended up having a mental break down at school and when Oliver came to pick them up he asks if he can hug them? Reader has sensory issues and isn’t very fond of touch, but they allow him because they have grown super close to him over time and they are ok with the feeling of his swester or something?
Request by: @mictodii
(Sorry this took so long and if this isn’t what you wanted, and if it’s not then just lmk and I’ll try to fix it!!)
*not my gif*
Summary: When you have a mental breakdown at school, there’s one person you can count on to make you feel better. The person that you’ve always been able to count on
A/N: This is really short; Also, I’ve never written a character with sensory issues before so I’m so sorry if I got this wrong!; and the bolded is the dialogue prompt
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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You were yet to fully calm down, your breathing coming out in quick and ragged breaths instead of the slow and steady deep ones like the teacher had told you to do.
It wasn't like you could help it though, the teachers hadn’t even tried to help you fully calm down before sitting you down in the small waiting room near the office. And staring at the beige walls with no decorations whatsoever was beginning to make you claustrophobic.
The lights were too bright- so bright- that you felt like your head was spinning.
You tried to drop it into your hands, but your forehead touched the scratchy material of your sweater, and you immediately snapped your head up immediately, unable to stand the feeling.
No matter what you did, nothing could calm you down. And nobody was left in the room after the teachers exited to talk to your brother, not even allowing you to go see him.
They had apparently called him when you had run out of a classroom in the middle of a lesson and broke down crying in the hallway.
None of the teachers had bothered to ask you why that happened, they just rolled their eyes and scoffed at you for interrupting and ruining their lessons.
The truth was, the stress of all the final exams coming up and all of the work that you had to do became far too much for you and you couldn’t stand it anymore.
You had tried very hard to suppress whatever it was that you were feeling, just at least until you got into the safety of your own home, but the more you tried to suppress it, the stronger the feeling became.
Finally, just as you thought you were about to start crying again, the door opened and Oliver came into view.
His eyes were soft upon seeing the state you were in, and he gently beckoned with a hand for you to get up, “Come on, Trouble.” He used his childhood nickname for you, “Let’s go home.”
As you walked in front of him, he was careful not to touch you, but made sure to be close enough that you knew he was there for you if you needed him.
He, just like the rest of your friends and family, knew about your sensory issue and they were always sure to respect it in anyway that they could.
When you got to the car, he opened the door for you before jogging to get to his side, closing the door but not yet pulling out, and turned his head to look at you.
All of a sudden it became too much once more, all of the feelings from earlier resurfaced and you found yourself crying your eyes out again.
He let you cry for a moment before hesitantly calling out to you, “N/n… can I hug you?” He asked, not wanting to do anything you were uncomfortable with.
Much to his surprise, you nodded your head.
But he didn’t waste a second on wrapping you into his strong arms and pulling you into the protective comfort of his chest.
He gently held you, stroking your hair softly as he prepared to be pushed away at any moment.
You continued to cry into his chest though, appreciating the comfort that the hug from your older brother brought.
When you finally calmed down enough just to be hiccuping and sniffling, you didn’t pull away right away as you actually leaned closer to Oliver, finding comfort in the feeling of his soft sweater. It calmed you down even more.
After giving yourself another minute, you slowly pulled away from him, looking up at his face to see him already looking right back at you.
You didn’t want to talk about what had happened. You didn’t want to relive that. You didn’t want him to ask about it.
“You don’t have to explain.” He said softly, as if reading your mind.
“Thank you.” You whispered back, feeling so grateful for your brother at that moment.
“There’s no need to thank me.” He paused for a moment, letting the two of you fall into a comfortable silence, “But… I will need to speak with those teachers of yours, they’re real assholes.”
A small smile made its way onto your face when he said that, knowing that he would in fact have a talk with those teachers- and probably be joined by Thea was well.
As you looked at him now, you finally realized just how much your brother did for you, because he cares about you.
How he would respect your need for space and literally leave work in the middle of the day because you were crying at school.
And while your father was never actually around for most of your life, Oliver he was. He was there for you through everything, like a real father should be.
As far as you were concerned, you had the greatest brother in the world, because he could fill that empty void your father had left behind.
Chaotic Hero’s 🤍- @lovanitu @mukbee
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